49b530 No.2965529
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Q's Latest Posts
Monday 09.10.18
>>2965614 ———-----------------------------——– Nothing to See Here.
>>2964697 rt >>2964559, >>2964624 ---—— HOOAH! Oscar worthy?
>>2964511 rt >>2964423 ———----------——– updated to show the anon's post
>>2964443 rt >>2964345, >>2964367 ---—— Patriots WIN.
>>2964343 rt >>2964303 ———----------——– Make it and they will crumb.
>>2964247 rt >>2964144 ———----------——– ANONS CATCH IT ALL!
>>2964129 rt >>2964015 ———----------——– Graphics showing [2] time zones.
>>2963742 rt >>2963562 ———----------——– WRWY! WWG1WGA!
>>2963528 rt >>2963466 ———----------——– [0] marker graphic
>>>/patriotsfight/212 ———--------—————- [Sample] ( Cap: >>2963410, >>2963422 )
>>>/patriotsfight/211 ———--------—————- [Today] ( Cap: >>2963216 )
>>2962894 rt >>2962827 ———----------——– Buckle up, buttercups - it's about to get bumpy!
>>2962785 rt >>2962342 ———----------——– anon requested
>>>/patriotsfight/210 ———--------—————- https://saraacarter.com/new-texts-reveal-fbi-leaked-information-to-the-press-to-damage-trump/ ( Cap: >>2962409 )
>>>/patriotsfight/209 rt >>>/patriotsfight/208 -- https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1039235839333679105 [0:00] ( cap: >>2962063 )
>>>/patriotsfight/208 ———--------—————- https://twitter.com/mitchellvii/status/1039216694000906241 ( cap: >>2962063 )
>>>/patriotsfight/207 ———--------—————- DECLAS OF FISA WILL INITIATE ( cap: >>2960371 )
>>>/patriotsfight/206 ———--------—————- WHY NOW? ( cap: >>2960101 )
>>>/patriotsfight/205 ———--------—————- Your vote counts ( cap: >>2959562 )
Sunday 09.09.18
>>2950995 rt >>2950906 ———----------——– READY THE MEMES. [FISA CORRUPTION]
>>2950879 rt >>2950871 ———----------——– Confirm: Article date: 9/16, post date 9/14
>>2950846 rt >>2950820 ———----------——– Microfail ( Link Cap: >>2950966 )
>>2950820 rt >>2950600 ———----------——– Attempts to deceive AUTISTS/ANONS will FAIL ( Link caps: >>2950884 )
>>2947850 rt >>2947825 ———----------——– Knowledge is Power ( Cap: >>2947996 )
>>2947825 rt >>2947705 ———----------——– RT Anon Shills Shilling on Hannity ( Cap: >>2947943 )
Saturday 09.08.18
>>>/patriotsfight/204 ———--------—————- FREEDOM.jpg ( Cap: >>2936226 )
>>>/patriotsfight/203 ———--------—————- There was a time when ( Cap: >>2936111 )
Friday 09.07.18
>>2926144 rt >>2926085 ———----------——– If [RR] is dirty, Mueller must also be dirty.
>>2925937 rt >>2925844 ———----------——– What FISA is about to be DECLAS?
>>2925825 rt >>2925758 ———----------——– FISA warrant issued / approved>Papadopoulos
>>2925765 rt >>2925488 ———----------——– Specific timing rests w/ POTUS.
>>2925579 rt >>2925398 ———----------——– [Activated] If 'schedule' is known….
>>2925398 rt >>2925189 ———----------——– Month: Sept
>>2925189 rt >>2925016 ———----------——– NYT "Anon" source? "Sleeper Cells"
>>>/patriotsfight/202 ———--------—————- James Comey Tweet Translation: ( Caps: >>2924947, >>2924975 )
>>>/patriotsfight/201 ———--------—————- Why did [RR] recommend the firing of [JC] to POTUS? ( Cap: >>2937606 )
>>>/patriotsfight/200 ———--------—————- Goodbye, Mr. Rosenstein ( Cap: >>2923781 )
>>>/patriotsfight/199 ———--------—————- #FLY[RR]FLY# ( Cap: >>2937538 )
>>>/patriotsfight/198 ———--------—————- Who signed? ( Cap: >>2937412 )
>>2919757 ———-----------------------------——– Their attempts will FAIL.
Thursday 09.06.18
Compiled here: >>2963971
Wednesday 09.05.18
Compiled here: >>2948665
Tuesday 09.04.18
Compiled here: >>2925504
Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI
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Dealing with Clowns & Shills
>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown
Post last edited at
49b530 No.2965545
are not endorsements
>>2954845, >>2955152 #DeclassifyFISA ← MAKE THIS GO VIRAL ←
>>2956097 Thread Specifically For DECLAS Memes
>>2829643, >>2829673 1986 U.S. District Court Dost test: No CP image guidelines
>>2327065 How to filter gore spam >>2334211 (new: Add into [Options] -> Theme)
>>2964850, >>2964887, >>2964950 Planefag Report
>>2964902 CNN - Reporting News? Or trying to trigger Tesla’s privatization?
>>2964964 List of States with early voting
>>2965278 Just days after 'retiring' from Intel, VP Doug Fisher joins former colleague at Lenovo
>>2965334 Heart's Austin Bureau Reporter Resigns After Questions About Truth of His Stories
>>2965444 #3751
>>2964088 Former Bucks County official pleads guilty to money laundering and extortion charges
>>2964132 At least 3 people shot outside Chatham Academy High School on Chicago's South side
>>2964244 New 9/11 trial judge may preside less than a year
>>2964408 Census CISO to retire; DHS, State name new cyber leaders
>>2964423 Updated Zero marker Graphic
>>2964627 Trump Mississippi rally cancelled due to hurricane Florence
>>2964569 #3750
>>2963431, >>2963747, >>2963980 Planefag Report
>>2963389, >>2963636 Qlockfag Update - 9/11 mirrors 11/9 notable post.
>>2963582 Turkish Defense Minister Calls for Halt of Military Operations in Idlib
>>2963588 NG deployment
>>2963638 Spreadsheet Update
>>2963659 Vatican - Pope ready to respond?
>>2963685 New DJT
>>2963702 U.S. Army fudged its accounts by trillions of dollars, auditor finds
>>2963714 Ken Starr says he considered perjury charges against Hillary Clinton, in explosive new memoir
>>2963777 Staged Gas Attacks & US Shortcomings: US Senator Tells Sputnik About Syria Trip
>>2963899 #3749
>>2962554 Letter from Rep. Meadows to RR sent today - request for more texts between FBI/DOJ officials
>>2962592 John Bolton declares ICC is DEAD to America
>>2962606 Pompeo launches Instagram account!
>>2962649 POTUS Tweets exactly 10 sec. before Q
>>2962829 Last 3 lines of Trump's last 3 twats
>>2962884 Qlockfag Update - 9/11 mirror
>>2962925, >>2963162, >>2963230 Planefag Report
>>2963087 Updated Zero marker Graphic
>>2963273 #3748
>>2961886 SNOW WHITE [1, 2 and 5]
>>2961874 UK Seeks Interpol Arrest Warrant for Alleged Suspects in Skripal Case - Reports
>>2961894 Salvini Hails Sweden Populists: ‘Homeland of Multiculturalism Finally Decided to Change’
>>2961921, >>2961928, >>2961946 Epstein Island pics ~3 hours ago.
>>2961945 Verhofstadt: Brexit ‘Chaos’ Will Make People Like the EU Again
>>2961954, >>2962068 New DJT: The Storms..
>>2962002 More studies confirm the link between childhood vaccines and autism
>>2962149 Qlockfag Update - WRWY P_pers
>>2962168 White House Coordinating Second Trump-Kim Meeting After North Korean Leader Sends "Very Positive Letter"
>>2962342 anon requested [0] delta
>>2962525 #3747
>>2961080, >>2961196 Dutch Government invested 25 million Euros supporting Jihadist groups in Syria
>>2961126 White Helmets to use kidnapped families of reconciled Jihadists in coming Idlib battle in Chemical Weapons false flag
>>2961131, >>2961173 Planefag Report
>>2961221 Compilation of September 10, 2018 Press Briefing Figures
>>2961286 GOP's Ron DeSantis resigns from Congress to focus on Florida gubernatorial campaign
>>2961349 Are POTUS and Trump Jr. calling out /pol/ in their Tweets?
>>2961358 ‘Unjust court’: Bolton vows to use ‘any means’ to protect US ally Israel from ICC
>>2961407 US Renews National Emergency Declared in Response to 9/11 Attacks - Trump
>>2961441 Resignations so far today
>>2961446 Omarosa Releases New Tapes of Trump Talking About Hillary and 'Russia Story'
>>2961507 New Texts Reveal FBI Leaked Information to the Press to Damage Trump
>>2961706 #3746
Previously Collected Notables
>>2959373 #3743, >>2960178 #3744, >>2960945 #3745
>>2957021 #3740, >>2957847 #3741, >>2958545 #3742
>>2954447 #3737, >>2955295 #3738, >>2956137 #3739
>>2951914 #3734, >>2952769 #3735, >>2953597 #3736
>>2949529 #3731, >>2950330 #3732, >>2951092 #3733
>>2947277 #3728, >>2948036 #3729, >>2948780 #3730
Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html
Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536
49b530 No.2965547
War Room
#WalkAway Redpill the patriots trapped under the dark delusion of neoliberalism see THE LIGHT of patriotism and conservatism
Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!
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[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!
[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.
Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!
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>>2371258 – PixelKnot Research
>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here
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>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits
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Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968
Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967
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49b530 No.2965552
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Germanarchiveanon —————— https://mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa
Learn To Bake!
Aspiring Bakers Report To Class and/or >>>/comms/154
Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY
49b530 No.2965558
Dough #3752
Baker Requesting Handoff
ad62de No.2965568
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. I went to watch the Sarah Sanders press briefing today and clicked the first live stream there was. It was TIME. I was a bit confused when Kevin was talking about numbers, it looked like there was a chart behind him but I couldn't see it.
So I looked for a different feed. The WH.Gov feed showed everything in glorious detail.
Not only that, TIME zoomed IN in order to hide the charts more!
Fake News Tricks!
9f4496 No.2965580
here, baker
i think BO said he'd be around to check
Handoff Confirmed?
835355 No.2965583
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. To all our wonderful military men and women, to Q team, and patriotic Anons.
9ac933 No.2965599
THEOLOGY dropping a shit ton of allstations!
34dc90 No.2965600
e7b192 No.2965601
Lesbian boyfriends waving a fringe flag
49b530 No.2965602
Yea BO should be around to check, fixed my bread title earlier aswell,
Confirming Handoff?
fcda41 No.2965603
>Anyone that complained about a 10 sec Delta would have complained about a 10 millisecond Delta.
>Obvious answer was lag.
As long as the Q post happened FIRST, that's all that matters. It shows Q was not merely reacting to a trump tweet.
I have seen one post where Trump's tweet was 3 seconds AFTER Q's… and another where Q's post was 10 seconds after Trump's tweet…
201721 No.2965604
The constitution defines the requirement that a President be NATURALLY BORN
And the Constitution also rules the laws in that any law which contradicts the Constitution is invalid. This would include laws signed by POTUS and Executive Orders.
But behind the scenes, the Trump team has been repairing much of this. Even some of Trump's EOs have secretly fixed it, by secretly confirming changes made during the Obama years and adding a few trivial changes. Then there was the demand that all US attorneys resign only to see most rehired.
It's OK. Not to worry. Sessions has our back.
f76b2a No.2965607
Shill is having a nervous breakdown, walls are closing in every day
5f56ff No.2965609
>>2965598 lb
It's beautiful… We WILL have justice!
e689bd No.2965610
46d4b3 No.2965613
can back you up a bit later, working on The Basics right now
thanks incoming baker and thanks outgoing baker!
nice speed BO
8b50ae No.2965614
Nothing to See Here.
4be852 No.2965615
>>2965498 (lb)
Can I be on the list?
Pretty please!!!
6b3cc3 No.2965616
8ch.net out briefly at 19:05.
(((((((they))))))) are trying their best, aren't (((((((they)))))))?
b6dc33 No.2965617
>>2963742 Those of us who have played organized football can see/feel the analogy here between football and the events of this moment. Lots of preparation on the game plan worked on diligently in the lead up to the game. But then there is that wait on game day, with the tension building and building.
Feels like we just ran onto the field as a team, which is a minor relief, a time marker. Now we are warming up while evaluating what we see on the other side of the field. Kickoff is imminent. We are ready & eager.
c1b107 No.2965619
Anon Scan posted then deleted these codes!
ad62de No.2965620
5cead4 No.2965623
fc40e5 No.2965624
Fat Blob Hoggs away kid's mic.
>>What did your handlers teach ya?
381e48 No.2965626
Q stole this from Dr. Corsi just so everyone knows. Corsi has been saying it forever. Q, you are a cunt fraud and quite Dusty.
19e00f No.2965628
>>2965420 (pb)
Get fucked asshole.
f14eb9 No.2965629
Florence 187 South Carolina
https:// www.postandcourier.com/news/evacuations-ordered-for-sc-coast-as-hurricane-florence-nears-effective/article_ecae59d2-b507-11e8-b430-c30c881683a8.html
934de0 No.2965631
Islamic New Year started at sundown on 9/10. It will end at sundown on 9/11. You know how the cabal loves their dates and anniversaries. Be doubly vigilant, anons!
24dff6 No.2965635
It's weird… if there's never anything to see there, then why/how are the NYT and Disney owned SkyNews still in business???
5f56ff No.2965637
These people are SICK!
db6757 No.2965638
>>2965558 Thank you for your service Baker.
>>2965580 Thank you for stepping up incoming Baker.
Bless thee Bakers and Bread.
e7a7f6 No.2965639
ad62de No.2965640
Q's giving us diet advice! /s
4e727e No.2965641
member anons, just a twatter, though
>>2965614 !
Godspeed, Qteam, thanks so much for all, again and again
c05e07 No.2965642
some faggot hit (26) posts last bread
what a loser, a fly on shit,
no other anons went past (15)
here is your brownie badge loser
f76b2a No.2965643
BO can you see if the muh Jew trolls are the same people as the microdick AJ fan club? Just a hunch.
6f4c06 No.2965645
Sorry I'm a bit late, was workfagging earlier…
Here is a proof graphic in the timeline format for today's [0] delta.
Should hopefully be good for explaining to normies.
e689bd No.2965646
Islam is a cabal creation, like catholic.
9e09b8 No.2965647
04e10e No.2965648
Ah more teasing? This time it's "hey look what us elites are doing to your children. ha ha ha. oh don't worry we'll bring justice… lol. trust us! hahahahaha"
bf4f97 No.2965649
No. FFS! Read the fucking Constitution. Once the EC picked footnote, he was ours to live with. The only thing that can change is the people and their willingness to undo his embarrassing mess.
3d1344 No.2965650
9f4496 No.2965651
Handoff Confirmed
thanks baker and BO!
26be16 No.2965652
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Wicked Game…just seemed appropriate ATM
7ac6cd No.2965654
Text of a Letter from the President to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President of the Senate
Issued on: September 10, 2018
Dear Mr. Speaker: (Dear Mr. President:)
Section 202(d) of the National Emergencies Act, 50 U.S.C. 1622(d), provides for the automatic termination of a national emergency unless, within 90 days before the anniversary date of its declaration, the President publishes in the Federal Register and transmits to the Congress a notice stating that the emergency is to continue in effect beyond the anniversary date. Consistent with this provision, I have sent to the Federal Register the enclosed notice, stating that the emergency declared in Proclamation 7463 of September 14, 2001, “National Emergency by Reason of Certain Terrorist Attacks,” is to continue in effect beyond September 14, 2018.
The threat of terrorism that resulted in the declaration of a national emergency on September 14, 2001, continues. The authorities that have been invoked under that declaration of a national emergency continue to be critical to the ability of the Armed Forces of the United States to perform essential missions in the United States and around the world to address the continuing threat of terrorism. For these reasons, I have determined that it is necessary to continue in effect the national emergency declared on September 14, 2001, in response to certain terrorist attacks.
0f1442 No.2965655
The Red Cross and their thousands of blood drives.. all the missing kids.. really makes you think.
cc5494 No.2965657
6c9da3 No.2965659
What a beautiful sight!! That is beautiful!
46d4b3 No.2965660
>>2965645 Timeline of the [0] delta
nice anon, I was inl8 too
9869c3 No.2965661
right SLAPNUTS the Cabal was around with Mohammed
564cda No.2965662
Please EXPOSE the 9/11 FALSE FLAG
The VICTIMS deserve real JUSTICE
c05e07 No.2965664
i second thee notion!
here here!!
o7s m8s
85bafd No.2965665
Just discovered this song and video from 2014. Seems rather prophetic! WW1WGA!
We've been advised
That you're not very nice, that you're
Telling the world you own us
We hear you're saying
That our season is through
'Cause you've got to pay the devil his due
Keep your nose up
Attitude's king
When you get hit
You won't feel a thing
You've been on a roll
Pushing us around
Here's your high five
Now you're going down
We're all aware
That you don't play fair, but we're
Done trying to appease you
You wanna run it
Like you already won it
I think you've got amnesia
It's on
It's set
We're comin' to get ya
Yeah, we're comin' to get ya
It ain't
A threat
We're comin' to get ya
Yeah, we're comin' to get ya
The bigger they come
The harder they fall
It ain't
A threat
We're comin' to get ya
Yeah, we're comin' to get ya
The bigger they come
The harder they fall
Yeah, we're comin' to get ya
bac351 No.2965666
These people are SICK!
511f20 No.2965667
Question for Q:
Does Q know how far the rabbit hole goes?
I.e. free energy, which can permanently push humanity into a new era and a whole new paradigm, almost by itself. QLove <3
b9c48e No.2965668
Waiting for the other shoe to drop.
c3c6b7 No.2965669
All of the Sky Kings' transmissions from a few minutes ago
f76184 No.2965670
They will advocate for real and artificial fetuses to be put to death to keep (((them))) alive.
God is life
17c316 No.2965671
f97ccc No.2965674
Awesome how many anons are redpilling off those headlines. Too bad Twatter kicked me off permanently. KEK
bd72bc No.2965675
351f80 No.2965676
Why did Maggie H. kill her Twitter acct, Sir?
a51cc1 No.2965677
Godspeed Q team. Prayers.
bd5a21 No.2965678
Does Cabal Have a HAARP?
Cause the Storms are way too coincidental to be coincidental
5f6a14 No.2965679
i dont know if anyone has noticed
but Q has pretty much answered many of the questions that were constantly asked on here
the shills must be crying
less topics to slide with
6fa4c3 No.2965681
DECLASS after Hurricane passes/recovery?
ef68d2 No.2965682
Yes Q, the second I saw that I thought this was a form of disclosure and prepping the Normies to what these sick, evil people are doing via adrenochrome and Spirit cooking rituals. God Bless you and POTUS and all the patriots for fighting to end this and these evil people.
588263 No.2965683
Minor solar storm
97b550 No.2965685
Cover to limit the backlash of impending news?
4e727e No.2965686
<Nothing to See Here.
it really is that bad…
a90997 No.2965687
Hellraiser had its first public showing at the Prince Charles Cinema on 10 September 1987.
c688b7 No.2965688
POTUS is in full control. THEY would NEVER just start admitting this crap unless they had to. The #FakeNews runs a different angle than Hollyweird.
e5c745 No.2965689
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>2965614
Invading the twatter beaches of NYPost and SKYNews
f84c39 No.2965691
Will the child sacrificing be disclosed to the public, Q? Or will the choice be ours to know?
f03462 No.2965692
692bca No.2965693
God protect humanity from these parasitic vampires.
c05e07 No.2965694
c57ce6 No.2965696
GOD has been saying it forever so Corsi stole it from GOD.
Its like the muffin top idea from Seinfeld.
ef730b No.2965697
Sounds pretty cool.
575744 No.2965698
Trying to "normalize"….NEVER.GONNA.HAPPEN.
9e09b8 No.2965700
Hey guys, [MOS] is back and angry.
022061 No.2965701
Never Forget. That is to say, remember. Because remembering is such a more mentally active exercise.
Remember what they took from you. Remember what they had planned.
8d5957 No.2965702
58bfff No.2965703
I’m so sorry, to all our children, brothers & sisters who suffered at the hands of these evil monsters.
e7b192 No.2965704
Just keep making the right choice
Go to your meetings
Your paper is almost over
9b3cf8 No.2965705
It starts with a movie here and there…then a TV show or three…now a mainstream news report touting "research" that shows benefits.
Sick fucks.
016208 No.2965706
HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play. >>2965675
Radiohead – "We Suck Young Blood"
d14975 No.2965707
502's here too. Just refresh the page or click on the "Retry live page" button on upper left of 502 page.
d8a63a No.2965709
OH SNAP did Q just bring up VAMPIRES???
49b530 No.2965712
Ty BO.
Handoff Confirmed
Here's new Q for you if you missed it, kek:
>>2965614 ————————————–——– Nothing to See Here.
>Enjoy baking, baker
ef077a No.2965713
So who wants to take this proof & turn it into a Q for Dummies Meme starring Muh Chatlogs?
Also with a more detailed walkthrough for easier digestion.
e9a5f0 No.2965714
I am fucking sick of this crap…. What the FUCK?????????? This is why I can not sleep at night anymore. Fix this
4496d6 No.2965715
Anons prefer a DJT.
>>2964697 lb
c688b7 No.2965716
EXCELLENT Anon!! It's an honor!!
df39a0 No.2965718
Those sick entities. Can't be called persons.
They don't say transfusing young blood. They say drinking. Throwing it out deliberately so that unawakened people grab the idea and subconsciously accept it.
061b6a No.2965719
WTF? Is this not a Baphomet?
b1c57d No.2965720
YourVoice™ Steel Truth (9/10) "NSA's Bill Binney On DeepState!" 8PM EST
4e42b2 No.2965721
So I've been lying to my kids when I told them all these years there are no vampires. Well fuck me.
5f56ff No.2965723
Even if it's not under precise direction from Q team, the owner is still a fan. Too many coincidences.
6ca2cc No.2965724
>>2964863 (lb)
Edgar Bronfman, Sr sister married to guy that starred in Vampyre
616f47 No.2965725
We're talking Rockefeller/soros/cabal Vampire shit now?
5f6a14 No.2965726
you dont drink kids blood fellow workslave ?
all the celebrities are doing it
if you were famous and had all that money you would to do it too
theyre gonna try this defense
good luck with that one
a51cc1 No.2965728
957c1f No.2965729
Christ said to drink his blood and eat his flesh but anon still think it's unrelated.
016208 No.2965730
Sorry Anon, we must be on a similar wavelength.
e6113f No.2965731
Message sent and received
db6757 No.2965732
Read some of the comments on both. Yikes.
201721 No.2965733
Several Supreme Court cases have established precedent in regard to laws which go against the Constitution. You might want to check with a lawyer before making an argument that hinges on an interpretation that ONE PART of the Constitution takes precedent over another part of the Constitution.
c05e07 No.2965734
Sangs Toofy
the posts are 1:10 apart
1 hour and 10 minutes apart
aa8e3d No.2965735
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>2965614
Christopher Bollyn on WHY the US is in Syria.
b111f2 No.2965737
These people are SICK
4e727e No.2965738
>starts with a movie here and there…then a TV show or three…now a mainstream news report touting "research" that shows benefits.
>Sick fucks.
And now we know for sure why, like clockwork, waves of "vampire cool" were fabricated, decades apart - centuries apart…
e689bd No.2965739
Wine and bread to symbolise it..
6c9da3 No.2965741
Let them burn in hell!!! please
4bd9d4 No.2965742
That's Peter Thiel territory… I've been calling him a vampire for years. Creepy AF.
38fa6d No.2965743
Jews did 911.
Never Forget!
811808 No.2965744
Was President Trump waiting for Jugears to publicly speak before dropping the declas bombshell?
26be16 No.2965745
YW Anon…I'm here to help the patriots Expand their Listening… Jam for the bread. Bless You!
95c1b1 No.2965746
>Nothing to See Here.
494bf3 No.2965747
I'm shocked but not shocked at the same time.
I'm shocked because they are being so… Blatant.
I'm not shocked because anons have already dug on this extensively and we have known [they] do this for a fact since the beginning.
3863ae No.2965748
that's awesome… just need them to drink some HIV, etc. related blood and end this nonsense.
bfebe5 No.2965749
You have the GO Code!
Destroy Them!
bd72bc No.2965750
>>2965716 take it, alter if/as needed, & FIRE AWAY anon!
fc40e5 No.2965751
The man and his tran are back!
>>"I'm sorry, I watched but I fell asleep," Trump teased, speaking at a political rally minutes later for GOP Senate candidate Kevin Cramer in Fargo, North Dakota. "I found he's very good for sleeping."
b49ae1 No.2965752
Missing the point of this, Anon. People are called to God as He sees. Those people are being abused by the Cabal, just as we are. Pray for you, Brother.
fb45a8 No.2965755
Q: a supporter of the q movement's life and the lives of his family was just threatened last bread. Im sure you're aware.
Hope its taken care of.
a236e0 No.2965756
Careful, Q - an anon says he is coming to expose you as a LARP. He will be there in 5 hours.
082007 No.2965758
mighty meme anons are you willing to do some twatter graphics with inspiring text regarding the next vote, need to get the message out
6b6f93 No.2965759
I wonder if the NSA captured secret coms that day.
564cda No.2965760
Fuck the answer.
b299c1 No.2965761
Who is Elizabeth Bathory?
957c1f No.2965762
b9c48e No.2965763
Or induce them, as HRC found .
bf4f97 No.2965764
You might want to read the Constitution moron. There is no declaring Obama anything.
GKYS for being this stupid.
3932e2 No.2965765
4bd9d4 No.2965766
Yeah… I've been dealing with those for a couple of hours. Panic!
eab144 No.2965767
Elizabeth Bathory diet.
Very popular with the elite
7d65cd No.2965768
Why doesn’t that surprise me? I bet they get a kick outta having him at creepy, evil shit parties…
814774 No.2965769
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. This Fire and Grace Podcast I have been listening to for a while had an interesting sermon yesterday. The title is Trump, Q, and Pence the traitor. I tried to embed, but I'm a bit newfag so I dunno how exactly. Hope it worked, will repost if not.
4be852 No.2965770
Could execution by wooden stake be made a thing?
3f12f3 No.2965771
Does it prevent kuru?
62c141 No.2965773
>well never go public but please vote for my boss and forgot why I got you all involved in this
f76b2a No.2965774
Yea he said I was on his list too
5bc935 No.2965775
too late
e7b192 No.2965776
249553 No.2965777
Take down every single player!
f2bc50 No.2965779
>>2965614Did you know there is more than one way to withdraw blood from the blood bank?
c05e07 No.2965780
>>2965675 - first!!
excellent side by sides anons
5f6a14 No.2965781
i would imagine the children who die might be more worried about it than you
every blood bank should be investigated
how do they deliver the blood ?
e689bd No.2965783
Well we kinda tried to burn the witches and stuff years ago, but the cabal turned that one against us.
6a7490 No.2965784
b58bec No.2965785
>MSM/Study:Drinking young blood good for health
These people are SO SICK!
And they want to make it part of human nature and society….step by step. Using MSM and organisations. Just like LGBT[P]! Sick!
These people need all to be stopped!
Thank you for saving us POTUS!!
9ac933 No.2965786
9e9882 No.2965787
Sure would be interesting if there was data that showed if there was a correlation between who gave blood and the rate of disappearances in geographic areas…
thought of that the other day.
34dc90 No.2965788
I'll edit that in to the current bread.
b6dc33 No.2965789
Somebody posted this a long time ago (pix related) and I have been saving it knowing that at some point this topic would come into play. Seriously grosses me out though.
575744 No.2965790
Ditto Anon….sick, evil.
de7f8a No.2965791
4be477 No.2965792
Then use the link below to download our work!
Understand this is NOT a chat room, lurk for a few weeks AT LEAST before posting and MAKE SURE YOU HAVE READ OUR WORK, watch how the board operates, learn our comms, use discernment to evaluate who is friend or foe and learn how shills operate!
P.S. Anyone who has an issue with boobs needs to go learn the history of qresearch and what the legends who work here have done for YOU!
a0bafe No.2965793
Nothing to see here either.
957c1f No.2965796
Drinking Christ's blood = eternal life.
Do you really want to know the truth even though it is going to hurt you?
Time to wake up, sleeper.
Time to wake up and smell the ashes.
66f828 No.2965797
c8dfd3 No.2965799
Gives new meaning to these lyrics…
All the vampires, walkin' through the valley
Move west down Ventura Boulevard
And all the bad boys are standing in the shadows
And the good girls are home with broken hearts
18dcbc No.2965800
Thats an ignorant thing to say. Some Anons have HIV well treated and not infectious at all. How about you just stfu? and LURQ MOAR faggot
201721 No.2965802
So here we have a high-schooler
Who thinks he is smarter than the best people
In Military Intelligence (INSCOM)
What are the odds that this high-schooler is right?
Seriously, calculate the probabilities.
bd72bc No.2965803
scrolled through a few and, WOW. I remember my mom once being upset because I ate veins from a chicken drumstick. No WAY I could stomach blood
04e10e No.2965804
>Don't divide yourselves goyim, we..I mean they want you divided. Just look how much stronger our militarized police are as a result. see? strength!
e034f0 No.2965806
Interdasting comment on Albany Times Union Story re NXIVM
6 years ago.
I never thought of this angle (pic related, highlighted portion)
cf809c No.2965808
Yes Looking across before the game was the critical time. They always looked big but we knew they were just fat and lazy. Gets the adrenaline going.
9b3cf8 No.2965809
>Sangs Toofy
Ackshually, it's "Twoofy'. kek
>And now we know for sure why, like clockwork, waves of "vampire cool" were fabricated, decades apart - centuries apart…
Wasn't exactly expecting to become a vampire hunter throughout all this, but it is what it is. kek
ef68d2 No.2965811
7:17 - Digits Blessed by KEK
97174c No.2965812
9e09b8 No.2965814
“My fellow Americans, the storm is upon us.”
8cea29 No.2965815
Holy shit. They have no shame, no morals, no soul. If they have done a study, then someone is drinking the blood of children. They need death.
"as if their conscious has been seared with a hot iron".
eab144 No.2965817
lawyers with red shoes call this life extension
26be16 No.2965818
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Eva Cassidy
"People Get Ready"
- Cuz we are WOKE
…and she's an angel and we like angels.
c05e07 No.2965819
OP sept 5 NATURE
30a0c0 No.2965820
aa8816 No.2965821
>Morning sun brings heat.
aefe70 No.2965822
>>2964863 LB
Looks like the crazies who've been posting on this angle for months weren't so crazy after all.
f2ee0d No.2965823
Trying to normalize it before the news of Killary and the gang comes out.
43e2a3 No.2965824
Their going to be shut down and are going to jail ! Sick fucking creeps !
95c1b1 No.2965826
Ambrosia currently offers teenage blood plasma to customers at a cost of $8,000 for 2½ liters.
4a18df No.2965827
Working hard to protect the elections. Thank you
f03462 No.2965828
9e9882 No.2965829
Don’t bother trying…. too far gone, either they start to see it, or they don’t.
d489b4 No.2965830
f97bc9 No.2965832
Dear Q/Q+
Please rotate these Satanic Stars back to normal.
There were rotated in 2000 when Aleistar Crowley spawn W Bush came to power.
Please Correct!
God Bless
6a7490 No.2965833
How many of the elite do this, Q?
In numbers…
6b3536 No.2965835
kek, it's almost like he is talking about two different storms.
798da2 No.2965836
Sarah Palin would be recognized as the President for that time period. ( for the history books )The Constitution is clear about that! All BHO signed agreements would be null and void. All presidential appointees would come under scrutiny of the SC in the form of a Constitutional crisis. Depending on the outcome, we would face a tremendous amount of crisis in our legal institutions. Most things would play out as the equivalent of a rescission of contract case because the passage of time would not permit a repair of contract ( situation) POTUS never lied about any of the accusations he made so brace yourself for this truth to come out. Proof it is coming lies within the amended EO's he signed. He reached backwards into the Bush era for most of them and ignore the newly place by BHO.
d8a63a No.2965837
A vampire who only bites dicks. Rare find. Good job, anon!
5d5b0a No.2965838
Hollywood has long shown us that evil loves to drink blood.
Pic Related: Search query for "drink blood" at search engine website dedicated to finding movie/script text shows over 1000 hits.
bd72bc No.2965840
fire away!!! I'll be sad if i don't see it float by on twitter
7d8c35 No.2965841
>>2965614 Thanks Q+ I appreciate all you do Team Q I can do this ALL DAY LONG!
246f67 No.2965842
0f1442 No.2965843
I wonder if the elites and the wealthy are given the fresh blood (from these blood drives), and hospitals and transfusion clinics are given OLD blood. According to the study, old blood made the mice ill. What if they are slowly helping to sicken those that are at the most vulnerable??
Or am I just going into fantasy land… ?
46d4b3 No.2965844
don't put your email
381e48 No.2965846
Watching me some Alex Jones, fuck you Qfraud. Not getting any Qmoney out of me.
7752bd No.2965847
>Christ said to drink his blood and eat his flesh but anon still think it's unrelated.
New religions always hijack a few elements of the older ones to smooth acceptance.
Like the Christians also rebranded all the pagan holidays.
eab144 No.2965848
before 911 there was the code red virus….
2dcc15 No.2965849
Another study has show that killing children is fucking illegal…
4e727e No.2965851
also, notice:
>Nothing to See Here.
Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 564897 No.1002693 📁
Apr 11 2018 18:11:13 (EST)
Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 564897 No.1002643 📁
Apr 11 2018 18:07:42 (EST)
“FBI burning the midnight oil”
What was just released to Nunes?
“A clean [H]ouse is very important.”
hm, can't find it but wasn't there another drop about H? / ah, found it:
Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 3474d4 No.885027 📁
Apr 3 2018 19:57:49 (EST)
Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 3474d4 No.885005 📁
Apr 3 2018 19:57:04 (EST)
Why is Epstein spending $29mm to bury the tunnels underneath is temple on Epstein Island?
Phones were allowed in.
These people are stupid.
a6e53f No.2965852
24dff6 No.2965853
I caught that earlier during the Daily Press Beating. Didn't say hoooooow he died though.
Line of Duty? An… "accident"? No one's said, that I've found.
c8dc35 No.2965854
we know they have the patents, treaties and tech to to it and in fact are.
b299c1 No.2965855
I say we string up anyone who has ever done this? What say you Anons?
b58bec No.2965860
The ones who divide are not with us.
>Melania and I wish all Jewish people Shana Tova and send our warmest greetings to those celebrating Rosh Hashanah and the start of the High Holy Days…
Simplifiying and dividing muhjew shilling is not working. Anons see it.
>Fellow Patriots:
>What you are about to learn should not only scare you, but intensify your resolve to take back control [Freedom]. The information that will become public will further demonstrate the criminal & corrupt [pure evil] abuse of power that the Hussein administration undertook in joint efforts w/ domestic and foreign dignitaries. The snowball has begun rolling - there is no stopping it now. D5.
>Stay the course and trust the plan.
>Protective measures are in place.
>Remain BRAVE.
>We knew this day would come.
<United We Stand (WW).
>Conspiracy no more.
40bc56 No.2965862
Clip is way too short, but easy to find the whole thing. Nerdy guy who loves numbers. The guy humorously poked fun at Hussein's comments in trying to hijack the success of President Trump.
e5bcc0 No.2965863
The company listed in the article that specializes in it is called Ambrosia. 'The food of the gods.'
c05e07 No.2965864
:17 stamp
checkem digits to you from Kek
3863ae No.2965865
it was a flippant comment regarding blood related diseases as a solution to killing vampires.
forgive me HIVanon.
9869c3 No.2965867
There is NO Weather Warfare you douche canoe
6b3062 No.2965870
I was raised Catholic, the whole "Communion" thing never sat well with me. Now, I really wonder. The answer is "Everlasting Life".
494bf3 No.2965871
Just as a reminder; These psychopaths we are fighting will think nothing of turning us into belts and shoes.
Just saying.
Pic related is a site that was brought to light here in January some time.
The site has been changed so it 404's now, and wayback has been scrubbed.
5f56ff No.2965872
Still waiting for those exact words…would be the most fitting time to use it.
617936 No.2965873
Just my initial read: EC SAFE
Pic related…
95c1b1 No.2965874
Separate trials by Ambrosia involved 70 participants, all 35 or older.
After being given plasma — the main component of blood — from volunteers ages 16 to 25, researchers noted improvements in biomarkers for various diseases.
Ambrosia currently offers teenage blood plasma to customers at a cost of $8,000 for 2½ liters.
ed816d No.2965875
Of course. This storm (weather) is not a coincidence.
c8dc35 No.2965877
shut up idiot shill
6784d8 No.2965878
fc40e5 No.2965881
>>Economy is a continuation of the demoncrazy legacy
7d65cd No.2965883
King James wrote a book about witchcraft & demons…..that stuff was / is no joke to these pedovore elite twats.
de7f8a No.2965884
04e10e No.2965886
100% this!
Why would we want to be divided from all of this?
Just think of all the tacos and kebab you'll miss out on!
eab144 No.2965888
epstein island…. news letting stuff out slowly
HRC drinking traumatized children blood ?
9869c3 No.2965889
Yeah I am a shill because you are RETARDED
51bf4f No.2965891
Revelation 17
6 And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration.
30a0c0 No.2965892
3d1344 No.2965894
So we have 2 national emergencies declared (1 continued) by POTUS DJT
-corruption & human rights abuse
any others?
8b50ae No.2965895
bd72bc No.2965897
and this is how they entertain us…
>Sometimes the TRUTH is right in front of you.
8bae3d No.2965898
Delta Zero = Goodbye SanFran
9869c3 No.2965899
>>2965885 Good Answer RETARD
016208 No.2965900
Vlad and Mehmed were raised and trained together as youths.
df39a0 No.2965901
Q, tell us something.
Public military trials?
Justice done and complete (gallows) before 2020?
082007 No.2965902
meme creators
in need of twatter graphics that is inspiring the people to go vote, please share what you've got or can do
4e727e No.2965903
ha! commercial on fox starts with "it's happening"…
damn you marketers, for the cheap earbait, but thanks for showing how mainstream Q crumbs can get
455a0d No.2965904
b58bec No.2965905
Oh yes, that STORM WILL BE HUGE.
2dcc15 No.2965907
The Day The World Changed!
cf8c2c No.2965908
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. FULL HITLER SPEECH TRANSCRIPT IN ENGLISH
"Yes, Germany was back then a democracy, before us and we’ve been plundered and squeezed dry. No.. What does Democracy or authoritarian state mean for those international hyenas? They don’t care at all! They are only interested in one thing. Are you willing to be plundered? Yes or No?. Are you stupid enough to keep quiet in the process? Yes or No ? And when democracy is stupid enough Not to stand up, Then it’s good! But when authoritarian state declares “ You do not plunder our people any longer”. Neither from the inside or outside that is bad… In reality money rules in this countries.. They talk about press freedom when in fact all this newspapers have one owner and the owner in any case, the sponsor.. This press then shapes public opinion. These political parties don’t have any differences at all like before with us. You already know the old political parties. They were all the same. Then people must think that especially in this countries of freedom and wealth.. There should exist a very comfortable life for it’s people but the opposite is the case. In these countries in the so-called “democracies” The people is by no means the main focus of attention. What really matters is the existence of this group of “democracy makers”. That is the few existence of a few hundred of giant capitalists who own all the factories and shares and who, ultimately, lead the people. They are not interested at all at the great mass of people… Jews! they are the only ones! who can be addressed as international elements because they conduct their business everywhere! It is a small, rootless, International clique that is turning the people against each other, that does want them to have peace. They can suppress us!, They can kill us, if you like! But we will not capitulate!"
"These jews laugh about it. They thought it was a joke. They are not laughing anymore. Today they realize the gravity of the situation. It was a struggle especially against the people who seemed to have omnipotent power in our nation. The struggle against the jews. A satanic power had taken over our whole country. Who had been able to grip key positions of our intellectual and spiritual life but also the political and economical life. And from these key positions they were able to control and monitor the whole nation. This power had, at the same time the influence to persecute even with the law. Those who fought against this power and who were willing to provide resistance in opposition to the advance of it."
"The almighty jewry declared, thus , war on us. and what we have achieved in these years! Until 1939. Their envy grew in the same way. The same men who back then got Germany into WWI. The “Mr Churchill” Started immediately to agitate. The “Mr.Eden” and then of course the jews, with hore belisha at the forefront. The smear campaign began year after year. They said: “Yes, He is arming himself” Yes I’ve always done that. They also asked me before, Why do you have then the sa if you want peace ? Why do you create the SS?.. When however, the only one thing you want is fraternity? Because there are people who don’t want it! and I wanted to show them that I was prepared for the other case. We want nothing but peace! We want nothing but to be left alone! We want nothing but to be able to concentrate on our own duties and responsibilities. What we want is to be judged equally, and we won’t let anyone take our honour from us!."
"The most beautiful possession you have in the world… is your own people. And for this people, and for the sake of this people, we will struggle and we will fight! And never slack! And never tire! And never lose courage! And never despair!"
5f56ff No.2965909
Oh hell nah, I don't want C_A niggers listening to my every word…
e996db No.2965910
a90997 No.2965911
Catch Up
4aae49 No.2965912
Prepping us for full disclosure.
452c23 No.2965915
Holy shit tits!
fb2f13 No.2965916
Ingestion is inefficient. Transfusion.
ff6e8a No.2965917
I'm still going with Thursday.
Gotta wait for our Carolina friends to escape Florence and get situated in front of their motel TV's.
13dddc No.2965918
Stay safe for the gathering storm US anons.. prayers and god bless from the other side of the pond
f03462 No.2965919
Lou upset! Calling out Ryan and McConnell.
a90997 No.2965920
edaec6 No.2965921
Weather warfare is the use of weather modification techniques such as cloud seeding for military purposes.
Prior to the Environmental Modification Convention signed in Geneva in 1977, the United States used weather warfare in the Vietnam War. Under the auspices of the Air Weather Service, the United States' Operation Popeye used cloud seeding over the Ho Chi Minh trail, increasing rainfall by an estimated thirty percent during 1967 and 1968. It was hoped that the increased rainfall would reduce the rate of infiltration down the trail.
6f4c06 No.2965922
You heard the Qaptain, fire up the meme cannons
d489b4 No.2965923
We are ready.
We know all about the modern day vampires.
Please let us fight, we've waited too long.
c3b83b No.2965924
Pancreatic cancer “within months”
fca7ed No.2965925
b58bec No.2965928
04e10e No.2965929
Prepare our memes for when, 2021?
Based on how fast you're moving, I'd say we have plenty of time.
f597a0 No.2965930
a nearly perfect example of projection from a low intellect shill…
974c8c No.2965932
Never thought this would turn out to be an allegorical textbook. Good thing I have been stocking up on +2 weapons…
38fa6d No.2965934
Jews did 911.
It's a fact.
4e727e No.2965936
14b601 No.2965937
Desperation leads to interesting headlines Q.
It will get worse
62c141 No.2965938
Hey dickhead where’s the kids?
c688b7 No.2965939
We'll be getting rid of that. Dust bin of history. We won't need it in The New America.
826fce No.2965940
46d4b3 No.2965943
post your memes and side by sides in the threads that compile them
for FISA memes, put them into the dedicated thread, then I’d suggest putting them into Memes29 to have a backup/archive of them also
Thread Specifically For DECLAS Memes >>2956097
Memes29: >>2946736
Side by Sides: >>93735
bf4f97 No.2965944
You people cant be this stupid, can you? Have you ever actually read the Constitution?
Either products of government indoctrination, or shills. Tough call, both equally imbecilic.
ec55fa No.2965945
6c75d6 No.2965946
a51cc1 No.2965947
SAtans counterfeiting is expressed in giving away something (soul) not within his power and promising something in return (eternal life) that is not within his power.
69238e No.2965950
2dcc15 No.2965951
shit so NSA can?
494bf3 No.2965952
8b50ae No.2965953
e689bd No.2965954
Buckle up Anons!!
201721 No.2965956
The vampire elites do not stomach it, for the most part. They transfuse it into their veins.
Now it is true that many royal families have porphyria in their bloodlines and these people really do consume blood. This is likely what led them to try transfusion and discover that it extended their lives into the 90s.
In other words, it's not a miracle, it just gives you a few years extra, and perhaps combats some degenerative conditions like Alzheimers. However, we now know better ways to cure Alzheimers.
Blood is a soup of miscellaneous biochemicals. If we knew which molecules had positive effects, then we could manufacture them and sell them to you. In fact, this is widespread already and the biochemicals are called vitamins and supplements. No need to steal the blood of young people. The real reason they use the blood is because of their pagan religious beliefs in occult powers and magic. You see, the wealthy elite royal families are inbred and rather stupid so they really do not get modern science and technology.
b6dc33 No.2965957
Please be very explicit on this, sir.
Are you implying that our memes should be .GIF file format?
Currently our memes are predominantly JPEG and a smaller number of PNG. A very small fraction are still GIF and a few are animated GIF and MPEG MP4.
1d206f No.2965959
This is better than the one posted in Q drops.
a90997 No.2965960
How to you expect CONSUMABLES to be 'returned'. They have been EATEN.
7cfb58 No.2965961
bd72bc No.2965962
24dff6 No.2965965
9869c3 No.2965966
so a Hiurrcane that expends the energy of hundreds of Hiroishima A Bombs a minute will be killed by that Right Clown Dick
061b6a No.2965968
[forgive my cheap-ass puter, have no way to outline]
This letterhead on the bottom of the page.
LOOK at the W in Washington.
It's actually 3 Hebrew 'nuns'.
9f4496 No.2965970
Notables so far
anything missed?
>>2965654 POTUS extending September 14, 2001 national emergency declaration
>>2965645 Timeline of the [0] delta Graphic
>>2965798, >>2965880 New POTUS tweets [:17]
Q's Latest Posts
Monday 09.10.18
>>2965895 ——————————————— PREPARE YOUR MEMES.
>>2965614 ————————————–——– Nothing to See Here.
455a0d No.2965971
fb2f13 No.2965972
Blood test for everyone! If you show abnormal GDF11 after age 25, you have been "juicing".
a51cc1 No.2965973
e7a7f6 No.2965977
Is this really about to happen? I'm READY!!! Thanks Q
38fa6d No.2965979
17 years and not one ounce of justice.
Only billions of dollars in aid to the country that perpetrated it.
452c23 No.2965980
3d1344 No.2965981
You know, there are public mil documents about this. You have some homework to do before spouting off.
897d2b No.2965982
So we had one death of an USSS officer in Scotland from a 'stroke'.
Trump has to have a taster, right?
798da2 No.2965983
state your problem or eat a Snickers. Prove me wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll wait for your crickets!
9869c3 No.2965984
Yep he meant for the Cabal to be prepared you Moron
efccb7 No.2965987
I hope hurricane Florence will not harm the US in any way.
ea299c No.2965988
Super Hero Police Officer In Seattle
Officers Use Heavy Machinery to Rescue Man on West Seattle Bridge
There Are Only So Many Jobs That Let You Commandeer a Jet Ski to Save Lives
[will link videos]
ba3dfd No.2965989
Current address
507 Thomas S Boyland ST Brooklyn, NY 11212
Current Phone Number?
(718) 240-XXXX
Worked At
Code and Theory
MCM Entertainment Group Ltd
Pretzel Logic
Personal Blog [INSECURE WORDPRESS] 2002-2010
Twitter 2008-2014:
Associate Tech Director / Head of Mobile @ MRY
Location: NYC
[Cover up - Profile picture false lead - "Moved to canada"]
(Check out those scripted posts!)
Twitter 2016-2017
https://twitter.com/miltonagraham01 (Not the habit of 01'ing his shells)
A marketing specialist with over 5 years experience of working with Apple stores and representatives. I also own a company that offers marketing services.
Location: Calgary, Alberta
[Real work continues in NYC]
Graham Milton
Director of Tech & Full Stack Developer with 16+ years experience. Currently building a tech team and AWS/Node/Mongo MVP at a medical-tech start-up.
Full Stack Developer
New York City
https://www.facebook.com/milts (Matches old personal twitter handle)
Successfully grew and lead a team of developers at MRY for 4 years, transitioning them all from AS3 to native mobile and web technologies, launching countless international brand sites and apps.
Interviewed by Entrepreneur magazine with Matt Briton on behalf of MRY
Single-handedly built a NodeJS/Mongo based MVP in under six months, integrating a dynamically rendered 'shared experience' Event pages for the consumer with a payment gateway with complex multi-user payment logic, including multiple user digital signature workflow, calendar-scheduled events triggering server logic and user notifications through dynamic email generation, dynamic AWS S3 image upload (with auto-resize), user authentication and user role management with an administrators console.
Still sells TShirts (PROJECTION MUCH)
Proficient with bots (Check out those reviews)
62c141 No.2965990
eab144 No.2965991
Battle stations Anons this is not a drill
Attention on deck
f76b2a No.2965992
46c662 No.2965994
Loving the weather, Q.
Bring it!!
9e9882 No.2965995
My body is ready
bd5a21 No.2965997
798da2 No.2965999
>state your problem or eat a Snickers. Prove me wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll wait for your crickets!
46d4b3 No.2966000
go here: Thread Specifically For DECLAS Memes >>2956097
or read the notable post
398431 No.2966001
Thank you FLOTUS, and the entire Trump family, for sharing your life with us. Thank you POTUS for fighting for our country. Thank you Q for your unwavering devotion. Thank you to all members of the Administration. And lastly, thanks to every true anon that has sacrificed their time and energy to this board. I am humbled and honored to call myself anon. I have no idea where the months since October 2017 have gone, but here we are, and it is glorious!
3e804a No.2966003
Today?! Now?!?! I thought you would have saved it for 9/11 but alright WWG1WGA
692bca No.2966008
Ready Captain, oh my Captain!
249553 No.2966009
6c9da3 No.2966010
Ready and waiting Sir o7
a51cc1 No.2966011
Actually enjoyed it. Watch every so often.
9869c3 No.2966012
I am HUGE Weather Geek, I know more about weather than you will ever hope to Learn Dildo
8aceec No.2966013
Swing [Barry] Swing!
31b87e No.2966015
381e48 No.2966016
Seriously, are Q people this stupid?
b111f2 No.2966018
Wait wut?
Did someone put the brakes on BIG tech?
69238e No.2966020
Sotomayor and Kagan need to be relieved of their fraudulent seats on the SCOTUS.
bd72bc No.2966022
Learning something new every day…
Much appreciated anon
826fce No.2966023
564cda No.2966024
I have my 9/11 memes ready.
When will there be JUSTICE?
4aae49 No.2966025
Phonefagging twatfag ready with 1500 impressions!
4759f7 No.2966026
>Adm. Michael Rogers is Captain America.
db6757 No.2966027
4be852 No.2966029
Sarah's voice cracked a little when she reported at today's press brief.
ed816d No.2966030
Red Leader standing by
2dcc15 No.2966031
b41d09 No.2966033
It's 17 years since 9/11 officially where I'm from Q.
b337ca No.2966034
if you think this is bad…..only tip of the sword
082007 No.2966036
this with TRUMP face and Q related text
5f56ff No.2966037
The forges are LIT! Full Blast.
c3b83b No.2966039
Good point. C_A could implanted senators, CEOs etc with a filling
ec5b97 No.2966041
I was going to try to put some d/w up tonight.. (cracks knuckles) but duty calls..
138f0d No.2966042
What if the HURRICANE MAKING MACHINE is more real than we could imagine ??????
7d65cd No.2966043
For newfaggots (newer faggots).
Not to insinuate lack of ancientanon knowledge.kek. Play nice.
b6dc33 No.2966044
Sir are you asking me to do a batch conversion of all the memes into GIFs? That is possible, but it will take a LONG TIME to do and upload and archive.
de7f8a No.2966045
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>2965953
Some music for the occasion
04e10e No.2966048
Here you go, memes are ready.
No meme is as accurate as this one right now.
e689bd No.2966049
What if they knock out the internet/blackout so we can't communicate and send memes?
df39a0 No.2966051
MEMES, the bite that has no cure.
Bring the PAIN!
018518 No.2966052
0ff736 No.2966053
Get ready to spread the word
cf809c No.2966054
Underneath all this is anecdotal evidence of some life science mysteries. If a bright anon could unlock those secrets, life could be made better for everyone.
46d4b3 No.2966055
it just lays out the time difference
you shill cunt
19e00f No.2966058
I'll inspect the bunks for comfy. Anons need sleep occasionally.
3d9d52 No.2966061
Clouding the evilness of the issue … flooding "news" … making it seem "normal" or desirable … sick … bring the Pain Q … bring the pain …
ea299c No.2966062
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Officers Commandeer Backhoe To Bring Man to Safety
6362ba No.2966063
This place is stupid-glitchy! WTF never been this bad for so long. Clowns must really be pissed now!
798da2 No.2966064
POTUS said on the campaign trail that 4 or 5 seats will be filled
dacf57 No.2966065
'The Presidents Own'
12b5a8 No.2966066
POTUS about to declas the fuck out of those 20 pages?
9e9882 No.2966067
e5bcc0 No.2966068
Red Sonya standing by.
ec5b97 No.2966069
04e10e No.2966070
Yep, and thinking ZOG lackey Jew-Anon is going to give you any justice is naive as fuck.
f48f4d No.2966071
Band of Anons!!🌟
We are taking back America!
#WeThePeople — hacked the 2016 election
#WeThePeople — showed up at stadiums that were filled to capacity and stood outside just to be part of a Trump rally
#WeThePeople — wanted true hope and change from a govt that divided us and sold our country out
#WeThePeople — remember the lies told to us from the Clinton/Bush/Obama regimes and their endless wars and bailouts that we financed while they moved all of our manufacturing, jobs and wealth out of America
#WeThePeople — voted for real change and JUSTICE to end a corrupt system that worked only for the “JUST-US” cabal.
#WeThePeople — HACKED THE 2016 ELECTION!
The Deep State controlled MSM is the propaganda arm of the cabal — the MSM is the cabal’s own marketing firm.
The public has been played, used and manipulated for the benefit of the cabal. #WeThePeople woke up to the illusions and lies perpetrated by the cabal.
Have faith and #TrustThePlan.
Thank you President Trump, the Military White Hats, and all the World Patriots for fighting the evil to change our world.
World Peace is the objective.
Unite humanity.
7d8c35 No.2966072
Footprints we leave behind…
6784d8 No.2966074
21a56f No.2966076
Did this make
Notables in last bread? I'm lagging.
9ba80e No.2966077
Q please pass this to our great leader if you could, kind sir
bdcebd No.2966078
Aye aye skipper!
9869c3 No.2966079
what if you had a room Temperature IQ ? do you know how "Perfect" Conditions have to be to start a Tropical Depression let alone a Cat 4 Hurricane
31b87e No.2966080
aefe70 No.2966081
HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play. >>2964896 LB
They even set the whole thing up with a nice little bit of predictive programming in late June.
Condor is a TV reboot of Three Days of the Condor, and centres around a CIA officer who goes on the run after he is framed for killing 11 of his colleagues. In this episode I examine whether Condor was CIA-sponsored, why the Agency might support a series that shows them planning massive crimes, and whether the show is intimidation propaganda.
I use the word ‘plot’ deliberately because it has the beautiful double meaning of both a storyline and a criminal scheme. In Condor the rogue faction within the CIA are planning a massive false flag attack on the Hajj, the pilgrimage to Mecca. It emerges that they have weaponised a plague virus so it only kills Arabs, and they use a white covert operative to act as the delivery mechanism. Yes, we’re talking about race-specific bio-weapons, as described in the notorious PNAC document.
This is a false flag attack – the plot is to make it look like an Islamic terrorist attack gone wrong, an accident by the evil muslims.
c15696 No.2966082
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. TRANSCRIPT FOR MOTIVATION
Our movement is about replacing a failed and corrupt political establishment with a new government controlled by you, the American People.
The Washington Establishment and the financial and media corporations that fund it exist for only one reason: to protect and enrich itself.
The establishment has trillions of dollars at stake in this election. For those who control the levers of power in Washington, and for the global special interest, they partner with these people that don't have your good in mind.
Our campaign represents a true existential threat, like they haven't seen before. This is not simply another four year election. This is a crossroads in the history of our civilization that will determine whether or not we the people reclaim control over our government.
The political establishment that is trying to stop us is the same group responsible for our disastrous trade deals, massive illegal immigration, and economic and foreign policies that has bled our country dry.
The political establishment has brought about the destruction of our factories and our jobs as they flee to Mexico, China, and other countries all around the world. It's a global power structure that is responsible for the economic decisions that have robbed our working class, stripped our country of its wealth, and put that money in the pockets of a handful of large corporations and political entities.
This is a struggle for the survival of our nation. And, this will be our last chance to save it. This election will determine whether we are a free nation, or whether we have only the illusion of democracy. But, are in fact controlled by a small handful of global special interests rigging the system. And our system is rigged. This is reality. You know it. They know it. I know it. And, pretty much the whole world knows it.
The Clinton machine is at the center of this power structure. We've seen this first hand in the WikiLeaks documents in which Hillary Clinton meets in secret with international banks to plot the destruction of U.S. sovereignty in order to enrich these global financial powers, her special interest friends and her donors. Honestly, she should be locked up.
The most powerful weapon deployed by the Clintons is the corporate media: the press. Let's be clear on one thing, the corporate media in our country is no longer involved in journalism. They are a political special interest, no different than any lobbyist or other financial entity, with a total political agenda. And, the agenda is not for you, it's for themselves.
Anyone who challenges their control is deemed a sexist, a racist, a xenophobe. They will lie, lie, lie, and then again they will do worse than that. They will do whatever is necessary.
The Clinton's are criminals. Remember that. This is well documented. And the establishment that protects them has engaged in a massive coverup of widespread criminal activity at the state department, and the Clinton Foundation, in order to keep the Clinton's in power.
They knew they would they would throw every lie they could at me. And my family. And my loved ones. They knew they would stop at nothing to try to stop me. Nevertheless, I take all of these sling and arrows gladly for you. I take them for our movement so that we can have our country back.
I knew this day would arrive. It's only a question of when. And I knew the American people would rise above it and vote for the future they deserve. The only thing that can stop this corrupt machine is you. The only force strong enough to save our country is us. The only people brave enough to vote out this corrupt establishment is you, the American people.
Our great civilization has come upon a moment of reckoning. I didn't need to do this folks, believe me. I built a great company, and I had a wonderful life. I could have enjoyed the fruits and benefit of years of successful business deals and businesses for myself and my family, instead of going through this absolute horror show of lies, deceptions, malicious attacks. Who would have thought.
I am doing it because this country has given me so much, and I feel so strongly that it's my turn to give back to the country that I love. I am doing this for the people and the movement and we will take back this country for you. And we will make America great again.
c8dc35 No.2966083
curu and no supply>>2966052
efa4b4 No.2966086
She got greedy and started eating brains, too?
34abaa No.2966087
Q, is the last phrase of POTUS' recent tweet have another meaning?
"Federal Government stands by, ready to assist 24/7"
especially after the threats to the lives of PamphletAnon/PatriotsSoapbox24/7…
4f27ce No.2966088
8b50ae No.2966091
aacf12 No.2966092
311991 No.2966093
My theory.
Uranium 1 was an attempt at a massive natural resources heist. Set Russia up. Then initiate a thermonuclear war with all the conspirators escaping in bunkers or to New Zealand until the fallout clears. Then after the dust settles they take ownership of our USA oil, minerals and coal for themselves, also usurping title to the lands. Why buy hydrocarbon or mineral rights when you can just kill the owners and steal them? These people descend from and follow the ways of Attila the Hun and since when did he ever pay for anything he wanted? So they planned to nuke us all, then mine the USA for all it is worth, using foreign troops to mop up both here and in Russia (where they also wanted to steal everything of value for themselves). So their plan was a heist of the USA's and Russia's natural resources.
Man, these people are stupid.
f76b2a No.2966094
Meme shock and awe attack
717743 No.2966095
How exactly does one conduct a study like this??
I would assume that young blood would be needed..
This is messed up, IMHO…
6c75d6 No.2966100
Q, I am not getting the 10 second lag u did. Would be incredible if we could get a POTUS tweet just after even by seconds…of a Q posting today! Q first, then POTUS? Any chances?
1d206f No.2966101
Good….. cuz Q is FREE.
e80d4e No.2966102
Because it is a lie. Try harder.
5d5b0a No.2966103
I'll add this here baker unless it's already in notables.
Attorney General Sessions Delivers Remarks to the Largest Class of Immigration Judges in History for the Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR)
Falls Church, VA
Monday, September 10, 2018
"After great study, I have taken a number of actions to make the system work as it was intended—and better."
Sessions delivers remarks welcoming 44 new immigration judges
e689bd No.2966106
bfebe5 No.2966108
Doing it Wrong!
b04691 No.2966109
From Coach x Selena Gomez
e57cab No.2966110
aa3563 No.2966111
Julian Assange? >>2965873
c8dc35 No.2966113
always is when Q is here
6fa4c3 No.2966114
Is Papa drunk? Letting loose:
ee06ec No.2966116
Genesis 9:3 Every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you; even as the green herb have I given you all things.
4 But flesh with the life thereof, which is the blood thereof, shall ye not eat.
5 And surely your blood of your lives will I require; at the hand of every beast will I require it, and at the hand of man; at the hand of every man's brother will I require the life of man.
6 Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made he man.
95c1b1 No.2966118
can't sleep clowns will eat me
5f6a14 No.2966121
this image might be useful for memes
please out do my shit ones
246f67 No.2966123
bf4f97 No.2966124
Why don't you show me the provision in the Constitution that tells us what happens AFTER someone is chosen by the EC? How about SC rulings that say what happens? That's how it works.
GKYS for this level of stupid.
f2d214 No.2966125
its days like today i wish i had social media. God Speed anons, god speed.
0ff7e5 No.2966126
692bca No.2966127
c3c6b7 No.2966128
Damn, does anyone have one of these with Infantry crossed rifles? That would give this gruntanon a chubb
f597a0 No.2966129
now you're talking!
ef730b No.2966130
46d4b3 No.2966131
9ba80e No.2966132
dbc260 No.2966135
The Hurricane (Storm) just got here in Georgia.
381e48 No.2966139
Seriously, are Q people this stupid? d
Drrrrr. Q people are that fucking retarded. Going back to Alex Jones.
934de0 No.2966141
df39a0 No.2966142
771bfe No.2966143
“Saddle Up, Lock and Load”
Watch your six everyone.
26be16 No.2966144
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Warrior
Dedicated to the Anon who liked the female vocals earlier. Jam for the bread. Warriors saving the Republic. Love you guys! (no homo)
95c1b1 No.2966146
455a0d No.2966148
GET EM Q !!!!!!!!!!
b6dc33 No.2966149
They were going to deliver Uranium with an isotopic signature matching US mineral deposits to Syria, North Korea, etc. and have them launch something from a submarine that forensics would link to the USA. They were going to start WW3 and blame it on the USA.
c1b107 No.2966151
bac351 No.2966154
It is with me for the rest of my life Q.
94d982 No.2966156
Going to post again just cuz of recent events…
Don't get me wrong, I know its hurricane season.
Times are only on election years from July to November back to 2008. Coincidence, but still on topic
Stay Safe East Coast!!!
At end of description are damage in billions and people dead.
Hurricane Matthew†
October 2016
2016-10-08 2016-10-12 Hurricane Matthew paralleled the Southeast coast from Florida to North Carolina causing widespread damage from wind, storm surge and inland flooding. The most costly impacts were due to historic levels of river flooding in eastern North Carolina where 100,000 homes, businesses and other structures were damaged. This inland flooding was comparable to Hurricane Floyd (1999) that also impacted eastern North Carolina. Matthew narrowly missed landall on Florida's east coast as a powerful category 4 storm. $10.6
Louisiana Flooding†
August 2016
2016-08-12 2016-08-15 A historic flood devastated a large area of southern Louisiana resulting from 20 to 30 inches of rainfall over several days. Watson, Louisiana received an astounding 31.39 inches of rain from the storm. Two-day rainfall totals in the hardest hit areas have a 0.2% chance of occurring in any given year: a 1 in 500 year event. More than 30,000 people were rescued from the floodwaters that damaged or destroyed over 50,000 homes, 100,000 vehicles and 20,000 businesses. This is the most damaging U.S. flood event since Superstorm Sandy impacted the Northeast in 2012. $10.6
Michigan and Northeast Flooding†
August 2014
2014-08-11 2014-08-13 Heavy rainfall in excess of 5 inches caused significant flooding in cities across Michigan damaging thousands of cars, business, homes and other infrastructure. Flooding also occurred across Maryland and New York's Long Island, as the slow-moving storm system delivered 24-hour rainfall exceeding 6 and 12 inches, respectively, creating more flood damage. Islip, NY received 13.57 inches of rain over a 24-hour period on Aug 12-13 setting a new 24-hour precipitation record for New York. $1.1
Hurricane Sandy†
October 2012
2012-10-30 2012-10-31 Extensive damage across several northeastern states (MD, DE, NJ, NY, CT, MA, RI) due to high wind and coastal storm surge, particularly NY and NJ. Damage from wind, rain and heavy snow also extended more broadly to other states (NC, VA, WV, OH, PA, NH), as Sandy merged with a developing Nor'easter. Sandy's impact on major population centers caused widespread interruption to critical water / electrical services and also caused 159 deaths (72 direct, 87 indirect). Sandy also caused the New York Stock Exchange to close for two consecutive business days, which last happened in 1888 due to a major winter storm. $72.2
Hurricane Isaac†
August 2012
2012-08-26 2012-08-31 Category 1 hurricane made landfall over Louisiana. Isaac's slow motion and large size led to a large storm surge and flooding rains. This created damage across several southeastern states (LA, MS, AL, FL) including 9 deaths (5 direct, 4 indirect). $3.1
Arizona Severe Weather†
October 2010
2010-10-05 2010-10-06 An unusual series of severe thunderstorms across Arizona produced numerous tornadoes and widespread, severe hail damage. Over one-hundred buildings were damaged or destroyed by tornadoes while thousands of automobiles and buildings were damaged by large hail across Phoenix and surrounding cities. $4.4
Hurricane Ike†
September 2008
2008-09-12 2008-09-14 Category 2 hurricane makes landfall in Texas, as the largest (in size) Atlantic hurricane on record, causing considerable storm surge in coastal TX and significant wind and flooding damage in TX, LA, AR, TN, IL, IN, KY, MO, OH, MI and PA. Severe gasoline shortages occurred in the southeast U.S. due to damaged oil platforms, storage tanks, pipelines and off-line refineries. $35.7
Hurricane Gustav†
September 2008
2008-08-31 2008-09-03 Category 2 hurricane makes landfall in Louisiana causing significant wind, storm surge, and flooding damage in AL, AR, LA, and MS. $7.1
954929 No.2966157
I watch this crap bill maher and
jim carry and it literally makes my blood boil i am so sick of these people its not even funny anymore
609401 No.2966158
016208 No.2966159
Does the inclusion of the word "today" mean that "yesterday" they could filter memes or does it mean "tomorrow" they might be able to filter the meme cannon.
Curious Anon
f118b8 No.2966160
71ae1f No.2966162
>There is NO Weather Warfare you douche canoe
you never heard of own the weather, you need to catch up Weather As A Force Multiplier: Owning The Weather In 2025 - https://archive.org/details/WeatherAsAForceMultiplier
287bc3 No.2966163
Neither will I, Q. Like it was yesterday. We need Justice and tomorrow would be a great day for the truth to come out. thank you
cde422 No.2966164
85f0ab No.2966165
there are parallel storms happening aren't there Q?~
a9539f No.2966172
The STORM will veer north at the last minute and stall directly over the nation's capitol late Thursday. Severe conditions will prevent all travel while Guard units activate. Special MIL dual-track courts are already in-place. Seals removed in tranches starting 00:00 9/12. Q gets some things pretty right (and some not so much) but in this regard, very much so.
"Enjoy the show!"
Screen cap this. Those who know.
efa4b4 No.2966173
"Ready? Let's roll!"
04e10e No.2966174
Never been calmer.
Every time they say it's happening it doesn't happen so why would you believe it now?
423102 No.2966176
I’m thinking some ammo is out and guns being cleaned right now.
4e727e No.2966179
non mais on en a tu du fun, pareil?
ed1411 No.2966180
director of this movie
must be a Tropic Thunder fan
ed816d No.2966182
e7a7f6 No.2966183
2c2b1e No.2966184
80a949 No.2966185
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Censored: Israeli software spying on US - AmDocs Comverse Infosys Carl Cameron Dec 2001
6c75d6 No.2966186
Lag time test…4:34:00 send
eda51b No.2966187
Reporting for duty!
361701 No.2966189
Get every last one of them.
bfebe5 No.2966190
b5e20c No.2966191
46d4b3 No.2966192
go ahead, go watch your tranny loving, tranny bashing comped actor
79497a No.2966193
06150b No.2966195
Rather lenghty but vampire related
https: //youtu.be/qBdWRT-5H4Q
c274f0 No.2966197
My Prayers are focused to protect Trump and his family, greater than ever before.
35764f No.2966198
Why can't you give a heads up on a zero delta Q? Why do we have to see the connections only after they happened? Plausible deniability still exists if you were to accurately predict it just once.
To me this still seems like another "coincidence". Are we not past it yet? Midterms still too far away?
934de0 No.2966199
But will the people ever be told the truth? We need to know the whole truth.
788c1b No.2966200
WE are behind you Q Team 110% Sir!
246f67 No.2966202
shit is getting CRAZY!
Suicide week!!!
826fce No.2966204
Amen. Amen indeed.
62b2e6 No.2966205
You mean because Q posted after POTUS?
9869c3 No.2966206
d489b4 No.2966207
he's telling us straight up: use memes becuase we bypass sillicon valley censorship bots.
Simple as that. Memes were just a meme, but now they are real.
We use memes to bypass censorship technology - that's why meme magic is real, they really can't stop it.
4dae85 No.2966209
agreed. the lies about chemtrails and vaccines and pizzagate and firesign and bluebeam and white genocide and noname and 911 have got to stop!!!!
the cost in lives…and for what? what have we gained, net?
1d206f No.2966210
Q - don't worry about the memes……. JUST DECLASSIFY!!!!!
6784d8 No.2966211
9f4496 No.2966212
Notables Update
>>2965654 POTUS extending September 14, 2001 national emergency declaration
>>2965645 Timeline of the [0] delta Graphic
>>2965798, >>2965880 New POTUS tweets [:17]
>>2965460 (lb) Another case of flight resulting in flu-like symptoms (Aussie flight to NZ)
>>2966103 Sessions delivers remarks welcoming 44 new immigration judges
016208 No.2966214
We will never give up!
b58bec No.2966215
Big Tech can not filter memes?
Use only memes to answer on social media?
Meme storm upcoming?
71ae1f No.2966216
>There is NO Weather Warfare you douche canoeCan Russia control the weather? Climate researcher says CIA fears hostile nations are triggering floods and droughts - https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2954933/Can-Russia-control-weather-Climate-researcher-says-CIA-fears-hostile-nations-triggering-floods-droughts.html>>2965867