[–]▶ f8307e (6) No.2732413>>2769814 >>2862963 >>2863991 >>2946230 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]
Self-Service Image Library
to spread truth and calm the storm
Through tempest, storm,
And darkest night,
Anons don't rest
'Til things are right.
Read Introduction https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html first. No name/email/subject when you post.
Meme Ammo Stockpiles
27 >>2466904 , 26 >>2163922
Other meme ammo can be found in the archives and in the
25,000+ memes and infographs (File names contain searchable keywords.)
Templates >>113884
Meme Generators https://imgflip.com/memegenerator , https://kek.gg/draw/
Meme Makers: We prefer .jpeg images due to smaller file size. How? After creating an image, "Save as," select .jpeg filetype. To shrink the file even more, use 90% quality setting with no significant loss of fidelity. Your text should be readable; if you can't read it, neither can they! Please spell-check.
Beware Twitter image truncation! Images for Twitter should be 2:1 shape, e.g. 1024 wide x 512 high. Twitter shrinks larger images to 1024 x 512, and chops off bottoms of wrong-shaped images.
To Download These Images: Click the thumbnail to open fullsize image. Right click fullsize image and download to your device. Download fullsize images, not thumbnails.
-->Our collections are not vetted or approved. Some images might be inappropriate. Learn to select the best images. Know your audience.
-->Visit the current War Room >>2160302 for current campaigns, hashtags, tactics.
▶ f8307e (6) No.2732428
SalesTrainerandAuthorFag's method
Here’s the same Socratic method Q used on us for “Red Pilling” your family, friends, coworkers and neighbors without ruining your relationships or being labeled as a “conspiracy theorist”
First and foremost: Red pilling is a PROCESS, not an event! It requires patience and skill!
Find some common ground where they’ve already questioned the MSM narrative (JFK, RFK, Oswald, John John, Clintons, Clinton Foundation, Arkancides, BHO/birth certificate, 9/11, Building 7, no video of plane hitting Pentagon, missing 2.3 trillion dollars, Halliburton, rigged primary election, MSM biases, Russian collusion, Fox News, CNN, etc.).
Once common ground discovered, let them tell you everything they have learned about the topic. Even if you disagree, don’t say so.
Once the topic is fully explored, compliment them on their knowledge and then ask if they think if it also ties to [blank] (another topic/event/lie you want to make them curious about).
If they agree, do NOT “dump” on them with information you’ve already learned; ask them to dig into it and agree to speak about it in a week or so.
During the second conversation, let them be the expert and teach you (keep playing dumb). Be sure to praise them for their open-mindedness and encourage them to keep learning.
Ask them to learn about another topic that relates to this one and agree to speak again at a predetermined time. Then, let them teach you again, regardless about how much you already know about the topic.
Ask a LOT of questions; allow them to “sell themselves” on new ideas (people never argue with their own ideas, but they subconsciously “push back” against other people’s ideas).
Always play dumb; let THEM become the expert.
Ask for their help “solving a puzzle”; let them BE the expert.
Understand that the deeper someone is dug into the opposing viewpoint, the farther they will snap into the other direction once they wake up.
If someone shares an idea that you believe is wrong/ignorant, do NOT push back; ask, “help me see what you’re seeing”, or “help me understand that better”. The more someone tries to explain something that has no basis, the higher the likelihood they will eventually change their own mind (which YOU can NOT do for/to them).
Once someone shows a thirst for new knowledge, invite them to share their ideas with a third person while you are also present (the more they view themselves as a mentor/teacher, the more this reinforces their new beliefs).
When stuck, offer to “switch sides” and debate the topic from their point of view and have them argue from your point of view. This often helps them talk themselves out of their original viewpoint.
When you have to make a statement (instead of asking a question), open it with a “softening statement”: “Do you think it may be possible that …”, or, “I’m not sure this is right, but I just read that …” This provides possibilities for you and the other person.
As often as possible, only discuss events that have already happened. When forced to discuss what you think MIGHT happen in the future, use softening statements first (see paragraph immediately above this one).
Do NOT let the conversation turn into a Red vs. Blue argument. Keep repeating that there’s corruption on both sides of the aisle (point to the huge number of Republican resignations/not running for re-election for both senators and members of congress). Keep the discussion focused on GOOD vs. EVIL!
Final point: ALWAYS REMEMBER THAT IN EVERY SINGLE CONVERSATION, YOU ARE THE SECOND-BEST SALESPERSON! Get them talking, keep them talking and encourage their passion for digging!
SHOW the other person that you’ve embraced the teachings of Jesus through your kindness, patience and lack of judgment of their ideas. Happy pilling!
Plant a Seed and Watch it Grow
People don't need preaching to. That's the problem. Those who know a lot (have a lot of background info) tend to tell it all and overwhelm. Just plant a seed and back away (ask a question that gets them thinking)
Do other things, let them have a chance to process that and work it out in their mind.
Ask a different question about the topic (seed you planted), see how they answer.
You are watering that seed, and it grows both downward (into subconscious) and upwards (towards the conscious).
Go away and do other things.
Plant the seed, come back to it later, but lead them, coax them, gently gently, softly softly.
Some people take a long time to process things - I have family members who are just now "getting" something I said to them years ago, and they forgot I was the one who brought it up
>Hey did you know about X??
I just smile and nod.
It works.
▶ f8307e (6) No.2732438
Wrong Number idea
→1. Obtain burner phone. (For obvious reasons).
→2. Locate article, meme, video or recording that has serious red pilling potential.
→3. In local area (likely best result with local area code), send red pill material with leading script something similar to:
Hey, did you see this yet?; Can you believe this?, etc…
→4. Follow immediately with a quick apology about wrong# such as: Wrong #, Sorry!
Why might this be an effective addition to normal social media attack?
a. It has potential to reach people that aren't heavy users of social media. An untapped population.
b. It strokes curiosity, as most people are nosy by nature.
c. After wrong# text, the information is no longer directed to them, so defenses are naturally lowered. Similar to how Q side steps cognitive dissonance, but yet different.
Sequence: Normal, Thoughtful, Non-Offensive, Step-by-Step
Normies will be turned off by certain words and photos. Like "Zionism". Children being hurt. Funny scenes or fun being made of the images.
Truth in the Extreme will be rejected. Even with all the evidence over years about the Clintons; bad behavior, half the electorate was willing to make HER president. Incredible, but true.
The public can accept the possibility of monetary corruption, but not treason, much less child trafficking and murder.
Adrenochrome? You will lose the audience completey and it will be dismissed as conspericy theory nonsense.
Move step by step. First, introduce questions or concerns (like a shill!) about corruption in government.
Second, add republicans and democrats as possible thieves. Then name individuals and ask, don't make claims.
After all that, the next stage is introducing the idea of an interconnected web of corruption that became an international crime syndicate like the mafia, but run by politicians….
Make it understandible by referencing organized crime, not vampire elites bloodlines, aliens, fractional reserve banking or so on.
Keep it normal. Thoughtful. Non-offensive.
Step by step. And fast steps!
Ask, Don't Tell
When you tell something, you can get cognitive dissonance.
When you ask something, you can BYPASS cognitive dissonance.
Q gave us a method to BYPASS COGNITIVE DISSONANCE!!!
Coax, don't push
Open minds gradually without bludgeoning or traumatizing. Tactics differ depending on what they already know, and their openness to unsettling new info. Aim for slight to moderate cognitive dissonance. Remember that too much too fast can turn normies away. Hammer on current news topics.
More Tactics
Focus on things that won't scare off normies. Do NOT bring up:
Aliens, "energy" fields, Hollow earth, Metaphysics, Religions pantheons, Moloch / Satan / Saturn, Chemtrails, Crop circles, Detoxing / Cleansing Pineal Gland, Chakras, Reptiloids. Normies will take one look at any of those and dismiss you as a nutcase.
What to focus on? What is easy to swallow? You have to oil up that red pill! A small red pill that's actually swallowed is way better than a big one that's spat up. You follow yet?
You don't need a normie to see the entire pictures. They just need to trust and/or prefer our side. That's our mission, right? To help mitigate a world-shaking shadow war, by spoon-feeding info to normies in amounts they can handle?
Memes should focus on:
1) Elites are corrupt, and force newly elevated elites to do perverse things in order to show their loyalty. If they have dirt on their new cronies, they can use that dirt to keep them loyal. The dirt can be sex, fraud, corruption, or any kind of perversion or depravity.
2) Powerful elites have access to the best medical technology, and they think that harvesting blood and other things from children can help extend their lifespans, or improve their health.
3) Elites have everything, and where do people who have everything get their thrills? Some of them delve into taboo and perverse activity. What do they do when they know they have huge power and influence, and think nobody can stop them?
4) The CIA is corrupt and has seriously overstepped its power. The CIA funds itself using criminal activity, such as the drug trade, and sex trafficking -- yes, even of children!
So in these examples, you see we don't need to delve into Moloch worship or satanism, and I think the message has a higher chance of reaching more people without being dismissed outright.
We basically need sugar-coated pink pills suitable for mass production and distribution.
We can use persuasion --- Words like "Dark", "perverse", "sick", "depraved"; we don't have to say that Hillary eats children and worships a bull-shaped demon creature.
In fact, I would suggest that we can use confirmation bias combined with vague phrasing to good effect.
▶ f8307e (6) No.2732445
Podesta art shock method
The basic pattern I used to redpill my mom found here. Is very simple, and VERY effective.
Essentially, explain the basic Q shit and the existence of a child-sacrifice/abuse/trafficking network, HRC, Pedostas, etc. Then, right as the person starts to get incredulous with disbelief, tell them to google "tony podesta art".
They will literally be left with their jaw on the floor, sick to their stomach, and will believe EVERY WORD YOU TELL THEM from then on about The Storm.
Start small, plant seeds
You aren't redpillng the correct way. You plant seeds and watch them grow…not push them off a cliff.
Just a seed… Tell them still that is backed by evidence… Say like, isnt it weird that…blah and let them mull it over… If you lose influence over someone, you lose credibility.
Start small
He needs to only provide crumbs. We need to find the truth ourself, with as little help as possible. Otherwise too few people would believe. This is paramount. People have tried to tell the truth (think of famous celebrities), and guess what happens? We don't believe them, ridicule them, and they most likely get offed or worse.
It is so incredibly important to understand this. And it's important we meme it that way; don't lay it all out for the normal fags, but ask questions. Lead them to the answers, and make them think they came up with it themselves. That's how you redpill.
Ask questions; lead them to discover answers themselves
How to go viral
If you want to meme/redpill successfully there are are a few ways you can go:
1. Humour
Comedy just sticks. Most anon came to the chans for the funny memes. They work best when you hijack something universally known (like bert and ernie) or highly actual/big events (like 911); and start combining shit.
2. Mystery
Question the viewer, sometimes literally, but visually is best. You need to make people think they found out something themselves in the big sea of the internet. It's the best way to plant an idea.
Obviously there are a lot more ways, but it basically comes to this. Subtlety is key. And when one combines all of the above in the correct way, it might go viral.
How she redpilled her sister
Yes! She was the hardest one too! I told her I was gonna red pill her. I told her to look up politicians wearing a med boot and when she figured it out for herself, call me back. She took about 10 mins and said "Ok, you piqued my interest, what else?" so I told her to look up politicians with black eyes and call me back. What I did doing that is REMOVE the built in hate of republicans vs. dems in her mind. Once she saw it is both, she was more open to listen to me. I then told her to look up who Sally Quinn is and her history with her book tour and call me back. I proved the Satanic control over MSM with their own confessions. Told her to look up the arrest results for the child sex (human trafficking) arrests for this year alone and call me back. I told her to find the stats for the last 10 years of child sex arrests and compare them to this 1 single year. Now she no longer makes me make her prove it with her own eyes and just wants me to tell her what all of you have come to a consensus of.
Recipe for redpilling, especially women
1 cup something easy to swallow. I suggest “did you know Hugh Hefner got his start with CIA money?” (Gentle blackmail, make it more movie plot like, and changing culture for the worse)
Or “how are you doing hearing about all of the Hollywood sleezes?”
Again, noting an intentional culture change. Why? Have they noticed? Who is behind it?
1 cup personal “have you had anything like that in your life?”
“Known anyone that had anything like that?”
1 cup proven history: “reminds me of the …” franklin scandel, British scandal, Belgium scandal: whatever you know better.
1 cup “makes sense it’s probably happening here right now:
Have you seen Podestas art?” Who is Podesta, what is spirit cooking, how did Wikileaks reveal it.
Leave them to think for awhile.
Finish the job with Q drop when they return to ask questions.
▶ f8307e (6) No.2732449
Read Q Spreadsheet
Spouse self red pilled by reading entire Q spreadsheet in 2 days, was able to return to work life with a "Let me know if it comes true."
Communication tactics
In every type of communication, about 90% is about personal feelings/emotions/information, and only 10% is about external knowledge. Keep that in mind when talking to people, and see if you can get into their bubble, or if they are "ignorant".
1. Shut up and let the others talk
--This way you will recongnize repeating patterns, highlighted views, personal opinions. what the Topic is about
--The less you talk the more you will learn to listen EXACTLY to what was said
2. Choose your way how to interact
2a - only listen (to get information)
2b - raise your voice (pass information)
3 Decide the strategy of HOW to communicate
3a - "know your enemy" / "know your opposition"
depending on who your up to, you need different ways of communication (endless)
- emotional
- controversial
- understanding
- helping
- distracting…
Choose your way and see if it resonates (if not, change your "style")
3b Catch people from where they are at
3b - it doesnt help anyone if tell someone who talked about their favourite TV-show that their Idol is an Illuminati slave, try taking it to a level that is understandable by the opposition. (the emotional approach maybe working here; try shifting the topic to general behaivor morals and point out wrongdoing that this individual would agree on)
4 - Now you can decide if you want to lead into another Information part (from personal to outside stuff)
You can do that by either using positive or negative responses (use what resonates), pushing with or against a certain topic.
(Learn to be patient!!! if you dont want to take sides, stay "neutral")
As always, use small steps to create less opposition or big once to create irritation.
Hope this helps someone. Why this is relevant? If you want to redpill someone, you need to understand how! to pass the information.
Breaking Down Hardcore Normies
i want to share an aggressive method i used in some rare cases:
- find out the core belief of your opponent
- find out the weakspot
- use your higher knowledge/wisdom to compromise the weakspot
- use irrefutabe facts
- stick their nose in it (like a cat)
- watch them get angry
- know the seed has been planted
(they will try to disprove you but wont be able to)
<this is the strategy for hardcoded normies. Also works if you wanna redpill fast and are willing to take casualties along the way
▶ f8307e (6) No.2732480
If you are having trouble with a twitter account (banned or blocked), visit the current War Room for the latest advice from other social media warriors. Or ask in the General bread.
Twitter Advice From War Room
1) pin great tweet with instructions to your profile
2) send a few GOOD tweets (have something to say, add hashtags, a meme, TY @potus and perhaps an URL to something)
3) search #ReleaseTheTexts
4) select RECENT
5) RT the first 10-15 you see.
Repeat every 30 minutes
War Room.
▶ 6e3597 (2) No.2742303
Ammo used against those who claim Q is fake and how the jews are responsible for all the bad stuff in this recockulous dreamworld.
▶ 0ce02e (25) No.2742370>>2746649 >>2754814
I hope I'm in the right place.
Use if you want.
▶ 256334 (65) No.2746649
Race: cabal. Love it.
▶ d16606 (3) No.2749991>>2750002
You're getting quite the arsenal, anon!
Oh, and dubs checked
Keep em coming
▶ 256334 (65) No.2749996
Sorry, those were duplicates. Should have been these.
▶ 256334 (65) No.2750002
Thank you! Can't seem to stop ;)
▶ 256334 (65) No.2750780>>2754324
Just in case anyone else would like to bless the bread.
▶ 76392c (1) No.2751086
No Picture but hilarious youtube video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P5FVA4s8lXU&t=28s
▶ eadf34 (4) No.2754324
I would certainly like to bless the bread this way, than the way done by some others.
▶ 0ce02e (25) No.2754814>>2758280
Use if you want.
▶ 0ce02e (25) No.2758280>>2758902
MSM…all over Qresearch.
Don't talk to the media!
We are the Media now!
▶ c5368f (1) No.2765447
Why NOT Renegotiate NAFTA?
#WheresTheBEEF? #AmericaFirst
▶ c2f16c (1) No.2765683>>2770046
Stop reposting your shit memes faggot
▶ d47769 (1) No.2769154>>2769272
reposted now Q has drawn attention to it.
▶ 4c3ea5 (17) No.2769272
How about the 3rd kind: Welfare Socialism
▶ 256334 (65) No.2770046
I'm just getting started, sweetie.
▶ 0ce02e (25) No.2775151>>2775238
Anderson Cooper…what does he know?
▶ 4c3ea5 (17) No.2776746
How is he not going to implicate her?
▶ 70718e (34) No.2781510
▶ 70718e (34) No.2781543
Lisa Barsoomian wife of RR
▶ 70718e (34) No.2782191
Pope is Nazi World Order Puppet
▶ 6352ae (19) No.2787886
Positive News on POTUS Twitter
Post positive news as replies on POTUS twitter feed.
Whenever he tweets, overpower negative bots with good news.
Take control of the reaction to POTUS tweets.
Utilize the platform to spread the truth.
POTUS is greatly loved.
Major accomplishments are making America great again.
APART you are weak.
▶ 6352ae (19) No.2787929
Magasteel103 corrected a typo
▶ 600cb5 (8) No.2789084
Awesome Job!!!! I'll spread that one, too!!!
▶ 256334 (65) No.2792709
So many great memes today! Anons, you make me laugh so hard. And Maganomics you are rocking it! Way to go!
▶ f67834 (2) No.2794220>>2794664
Bit of proofs based around the 1984 drop.
▶ f67834 (2) No.2794664
Now with more Quotiness.
▶ 256334 (65) No.2811599
RIP Snow White. We won't miss you.
▶ 48d91d (2) No.2813353
▶ 48d91d (2) No.2813368
I hope someone can use this. Looks to be about 12 variations of suits and ties to me. If it’s important I can try to add all the dates of the meetings next time.
▶ 829d85 (12) No.2813542
▶ 410008 (2) No.2819271
▶ 410008 (2) No.2819345
▶ 829d85 (12) No.2820146
#FakeNews #SurveySaysImpeach
▶ 8b2c07 (18) No.2821643
Will you win the world, but lose your soul?
Kitty in the Window
Chick Tract gif
▶ 8b2c07 (18) No.2821764
This Was Your Life
Chick Tract mp4
▶ 8b2c07 (18) No.2821923
The Greatest Story Ever Told
Chick Tract mp4
▶ 8b2c07 (18) No.2821971
The Choice
Chick Tract mp4
▶ 8b2c07 (18) No.2822020
It's a Deal
Chick Tract mp4
▶ 8b2c07 (18) No.2822067
Creator or Liar?
Chick Tract mp4
▶ 8b2c07 (18) No.2822119
Kitty in the Window
Chick Tract mp4
▶ 5524df (1) No.2823051
CNN London - from here: video clip working 8.31
Maxine Waters - from here: video clip working 8.31
▶ a119aa (1) No.2823480>>2832834
Could someone preez dig up the in charge/not in charge vatican/45/muh nazi pic
▶ 256334 (65) No.2826398
Are you awake?
When you are awake you can see CLEARLY.
▶ 0ce02e (25) No.2830492
▶ 953254 (8) No.2832793>>2836134
What are you using to decorate the text?
I'm a power gimp user -- is it a gimp script-fu plugin?
▶ 953254 (8) No.2832834
I cannot locate anything like that in the archives. Sorry. Maybe somebody else has it.
▶ 953254 (8) No.2832930
Hi GermanAnons! I'm not archiving the GermanLanguage memes, OK? Just English. Someone can make an archive of German content if they wish.
▶ 256334 (65) No.2836134>>2836269 >>2847262
Love your memes! Sessions the elven executioner, he's my favorite player.
I use Photoshop, not familiar with power gimp.
I use a few different fx on the text, including soft light, color dodge, and color burn. Plus outer glow and drop shadow. I am a graduate of the world famous "random button clicking" school of graphic design. Have fun!
▶ c4f441 (9) No.2836269>>2836557
Looks like I'm going to need to graduate from MS Paint to PS one of these days for cool text fx.
Such are the struggles of a meme maker, le sigh!
Keep up the good work everybody, we are killin' it out there
▶ 256334 (65) No.2836557>>2836638 >>2847338
>Keep up the good work everybody, we are killin' it out there
Feels so good to be winning!
And thank you for archiving! Not glamorous but so important. History thanks you, meme archivist Anon.
▶ c4f441 (9) No.2836638>>2847338
Im not the archiver, just a humble memesmith here, but you're welcome all the same :D
▶ dbae1e (26) No.2837046
FOR THE LOVE OF GOD…can someone please edit the sound and make a bunch of different videos of Antifa Nazis chanting stuff like, "We were wrong! Trump is right." or "Democrats use vulnerable people as Antifa grunts." A million other chants. I would do this, but I don't know how, yet. It would be so awesome.
▶ 8b2c07 (18) No.2837059
One "Aww shit!" wipes out all those "Atta boys!"
▶ e6a963 (1) No.2837064
#Hollywood #FirstMan #OriginOfFeces
▶ 58021a (7) No.2837266
Dumping some memes today…
▶ 58021a (7) No.2837330>>2839840
I am wither… Took me ages to see that… :(
▶ 58021a (7) No.2837379
Hope the light over Pepe makes him look admirational, rather than perving…
▶ 58021a (7) No.2837403
Feeling lonely? the Fabians gotcha covered…
▶ 58021a (7) No.2837572
I wondered where they came from, just got into repurposing them straight away… :(
▶ 58021a (7) No.2837739
I feel for Pooper, sometimes…
▶ 8b2c07 (18) No.2837801
Go Ask Alice, If you think she'll know!
▶ 8b2c07 (18) No.2837946
Off with his head!
Animated Trudeau gif
▶ 829d85 (12) No.2837989
#Hollywood #OriginOfFeces #UNamerican #MoonLanding
#Evolution #OneGiantLeap #AmericaFirst #RacistMonkey
▶ 70718e (34) No.2838179>>2843017
How Social Media has been Manipulated by the 7 Dwarfs
▶ 8b2c07 (18) No.2838797>>2839055 >>2839821
What's wrong with this picture?
Other than the stares!
▶ 8b2c07 (18) No.2839055
Why add Sessions?
▶ 22771c (1) No.2839821
what's wrong is…you posting this isht..
▶ 949ccc (2) No.2839840>>2847602
Nice wordplay. Always effective.
▶ 829d85 (12) No.2841218
Did you really think Flynn was Finished?
▶ e3b1f9 (1) No.2843017
Just read through all that and some other stuff.
It's kinda mind blowing to think about. I wondered where all the Nazi/racsist crap was coming from.
Now we know
▶ 02741d (9) No.2847262
>I am a graduate of the world famous "random button clicking" school of graphic design.
Kek, me too!!!
gimp is acronym for Gnu Image Manipulation Program
It is open-source and was originally written for Gnu (one of the graphical user interfaces common on Linux), and has been ported to Windows. I use the Linux version.
It does have soft light, dodge, burn, glow, shadow but the results would not be identical to photoshop. I'll play around. Usually I just try to make my text very very readable with heavy fonts and color contrast and shadow or outline.
Lately I tried some drawing using an old android phone as a standalone graphics tablet. It's been so many decades since I tried sketching, have nearly lost the skill. Probably won't do much sketching. But it's good to add tools to one's graphics arsenal.
▶ 02741d (9) No.2847338
MemeTeam = DreamTeam.
All skills and contributions are highly valued and highly appreciated.
▶ 02741d (9) No.2847602
Nice image and meme. May I critique/advise?
Recommended to resize image before posting. 5 MB is very large for some mobile devices and costs people money for their bandwidth.
We recommend no dimension larger than 1024 pixels.
If it's posted to Twitter, Twitter will resize to 1024x512 and simply truncate the bottom half.
▶ 256334 (65) No.2849346
Love you, meme Anons. RedPill the world!
▶ 829d85 (12) No.2856028
#SongbirdMcBrain - Do you believe in #SecretMilitaryTribunals?
#DeathPenalty 4 #Treason?
▶ ccc838 (1) No.2860422
▶ dbae1e (26) No.2860484
This is a list of the HUNDREDS of Federal Regulatory Agencies that our tax dollars support. I have to assume that all have been corrupted. The Q Team isn't just cleaning out the FBI, DOJ, C_A, NSA. They have to clean out ALL of these agencies! What the hell good would it do to leave rats in the nest? And these are only the Federal Agencies. The cabal is embedded in tech, pharma, education, religions, law enforcement, military, fake news, entertainment and all kind of foundations. Add in that this isn't local, it's global. I try to think of this, when things aren't going at the pace I would like.
https:// www.einvestigator.com/list-of-u-s-government-agencies/
▶ 8b2c07 (18) No.2862680
This Ain't No Party - MAGA
Ain't No Fooling Around
▶ 8b2c07 (18) No.2863251
Rod Rosenstein & his CIA Wife Lisa Barsoomian
In their favorite Fantasy, "Life on Mars!"
▶ 8b2c07 (18) No.2863763
Very Special Agent PETER STRZOK
▶ 8b2c07 (18) No.2864526
It's All Over Now
We've Already Had The Funeral
It's Time To Sing the DeepState Baby Blues
Legacies Aborted!!!
▶ 23df59 (1) No.2869240
▶ 0daa95 (17) No.2869353>>2870272
▶ 0daa95 (17) No.2869358>>2870272
▶ 0daa95 (17) No.2869366>>2870272
▶ 0daa95 (17) No.2869623>>2869626
Michael Brown just didn't.
Hands up, don't shoot was the biggest lie the media ever told.
▶ 0daa95 (17) No.2869626
Well, after 9-11…
▶ 0daa95 (17) No.2869866
"Believe in something. Even if it means sacrificing everything." #METOO #JUSTDOIT #NIKETakesAKnee #WEINSTEIN #QANON #MAGA #GREATAWAKENING
▶ 0daa95 (17) No.2869969
When you want publicity for your #METOO movement and wanted to be an outspoken voice against the President at the Women's march because you were once a victim, but then you victimized someone else, #JUSTMETOOIT! #NIKETakesAKnee #ASIAARGENTO #JIMMYBENNETT
Swoosh Logo & updated slogan included in Transparent PNG so you can use on your own memes…
▶ 0daa95 (17) No.2870044>>2870192
"Believe in something. Even if it means sacrificing everything." #METOO #JUSTDOIT #NIKETakesAKnee #BUSH #NINEELEVEN #QANON #MAGA #GREATAWAKENING
▶ 0daa95 (17) No.2870119
Even if you're a hedonistic asshole who says "Just Screw It."
It will never be time for Communism…
▶ 0daa95 (17) No.2870179
"Believe in something. Even if it means sacrificing everything." #JUSTDOIT #NIKETakesAKnee #NONAME #SEDITION #TREASON #AFFORDABLECAREACT #QANON #MAGA #GREATAWAKENING
▶ 0daa95 (17) No.2870192
Flipped the colors on the logo and slogan…and moved the swoosh to the right so it's legible.
▶ 6051ab (2) No.2870272
Symbolism will be their downfall
▶ 0daa95 (17) No.2870278>>2870444
HRC & MadMaxine…
This meme works for anyone you want to show that doesn't care about anyone but themselves…
▶ 0daa95 (17) No.2870311>>2870444
BHO's version of the Nike Ad…
▶ 9e0543 (40) No.2870352
liberal self destruct bomb vest
▶ 9e0543 (40) No.2870356
Wheaties Jenner/Catylin
cereal of champions
▶ 0daa95 (17) No.2870560
Couldn't have done it better myself…
▶ aa5243 (2) No.2871301
Over 30,000 people were tweeting with the hashtag #NikeBoycott on Tuesday morning U.S. eastern time, making it among the top trending topics on Twitter. Some posted images of themselves burning and ripping their Nike shoes and apparel.
“First the @NFL forces me to choose between my favorite sport and my country. I chose country,” Twitter user @sclancy79 said in a post retweeted 16,000 times. “Then @Nike forces me to choose between my favorite shoes and my country. Since when did the American Flag and the National Anthem become offensive?”
▶ 8b2c07 (18) No.2874686
Just DOLT!
for Kaepernick Boycotts
Nike, Amazon, and other retailers
▶ 829d85 (12) No.2875301
▶ 829d85 (12) No.2875330
▶ 829d85 (12) No.2875341
#TheObamaLegacy #ShovelReady
▶ 256334 (65) No.2875535
Random assortment of Q quotes.
▶ 256334 (65) No.2878111>>2881604
FLOTUS Angel png's for your memes.
Love you, Meme Team! This Hivemind thing is the best <3
▶ f99bed (15) No.2881470>>2881722
Anon, I'll bet you didn't know that microwave ovens are outlawed in Russia and have never been lawful there. They KNOW they are harmful for human health and took a reasonable approach by banning them. So pic 3 doesn't work.
BTW this anon does not use a microwave either.
▶ f99bed (15) No.2881604
Sorry I goofed! The artist's PNGs were not meant to be converted to JPG and the JPGs should not be used because invisible background elements mistakenly became visible.
Use the artist's own PNG versions of these FLOTUS angel images found here →
I feel bad -- i'm sorry :-(
▶ 8e73cf (6) No.2881722
>I'll bet you didn't know
I did not. I don't normally have conversations in the meme thread either.
The Russian microwave meme was a rip on the fake news reporting trying to tie "Muh Putin" to the sonic attacks on US ambassadors claiming that Russia did it, with microwaves. Your claim makes my meme work even better.
▶ f13dea (1) No.2884444
Podesta the Molesta and his creepy vampire fangs as requested by someone on Twitter…
▶ 6f6686 (19) No.2885128
Posted the wrong version
▶ 42d153 (11) No.2887576
load her up with memes anons
▶ 42d153 (11) No.2887644
declaration of independence
▶ 829d85 (12) No.2890958
#Comet21P #FISAFireworks! #DaysOfAWE #EnjoyTheShow…
▶ 256334 (65) No.2892772
Thanks so much to whoever made this Q!
▶ 256334 (65) No.2894088
My first try at making templates for [twitter] etc. Meme frenz, please let me know if I got the formatting wrong. Moving forward I'll (mostly) endeavor to make things social media friendly (*shudder*).
Also, let me know if templates only go in the templates thread and not here as well. Love you frenz!
▶ dbae1e (26) No.2895135>>2897355
Great group of memes, anon, every dang one uhvum. Totally harvesting these!
▶ a610b8 (2) No.2895263
Q; The last letter of 777 was K; It was not C
John 21:15-25
▶ dbae1e (26) No.2897202
▶ 6f6686 (19) No.2897355
▶ 98cf44 (1) No.2898723
Some powerfully truthful stuff. Check out the full post!
Mother of all conspiracy theories https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/9cpk1n/mother_of_all_conspiracy_theories/?st=JLQ324KI&sh=d66aebb1
▶ 4ca9e3 (1) No.2898917
Does anyone have the "Are you gettin what I'm Putin down?" meme? Please and thanks.
▶ d7b439 (1) No.2900687
fuck retard alert made me laugh, sorry LOL
▶ e48f5a (1) No.2901370
Resistance bumper sticker. ~Post widely!
▶ 0ce02e (25) No.2902298
found him/them!
"vinya krishnan" "The center for popular democracy"
Meme away!
▶ 256334 (65) No.2905993
Anons, can you help me find an image? There's an old painting (not sure of the era) of a woman holding up a baby to protect it from a snake, and stamping at the snake with her foot. Know the one I mean? The SEO terms I'm trying aren't working. Do you have the image, or know the title/artist? Thanks frenz!
▶ afd786 (13) No.2907434>>2907629
Good discovery, anon. Wow. What a creep. There's little doubt, from the artwork on the wall.
Here's your meme enhanced to make the text more readable.
Hint: Text should be readable as a thumbnail on a small device, since that's how the majority of twitter users will see it. They usually won't click and see it fullsize unless they can read the text as a thumbnail.
I usually aim for 7 words or less on a meme, and I select a really heavy font, and try to place the text in an area where it contrasts with an unbusy part of the background.
▶ afd786 (13) No.2907629>>2907704
Would you mind comparing the Mark Parker meme >>2891642 with the one anon posted here >>2907434
saying this guy is the CEO of Nike?
Is it Mike Parker, and is he related to Disney or to Nike?
I'm confused, & want to make sure we don't mis-identify somebody.
▶ 6f6686 (19) No.2907704
He is not only the CEO of Nike, but also on the Board of Directors of Disney since 2016, if I remember correctly
▶ 9e0543 (40) No.2909182
Eventually do come to the cross (lethal injection table)
▶ 9e0543 (40) No.2909252
No longer American
NIKE…Just Do It
America has spoken
▶ 9e0543 (40) No.2909262
RBG organ donation by Libs
▶ 70718e (34) No.2909519
define patriot, traitor & treason
▶ ddcfa6 (7) No.2916437>>2933164
Count Fuckula Pedophile / Child Rapist/ Head Cock Sucker of the DNC Clinton Crime Family
▶ ddcfa6 (7) No.2916490
▶ ddcfa6 (7) No.2916542
▶ b92eee (1) No.2921044
RR, "Let me tell you something. I knew Spartacus. He was a freind of mine, you're no Spartacus!"
▶ 88a115 (1) No.2921791>>2946440
Fort Boom Boom Pepe
Comfy Pepe
World Patriot
▶ 829d85 (12) No.2924460
#SecretMilitaryTribunals #Songbird #McBrainTumor #TREASON #PutToDeath?
▶ 294c2c (1) No.2930763
Just thought I'd add a little more to this kike loving, obvious discrediting (((shill))) and I also suspect Joe Biggs is on here as well. Yes, I do have some "proof."
▶ 0daa95 (17) No.2933187
For your Argento one, I give you this…
▶ fc744f (10) No.2938461
#CoreyBooker #PrematureEjaculaticus
▶ e3d2c5 (2) No.2938770
Not a meme, but in case you need to explain why the Electoral College works and why Hilldawg's popular vote doesn't mean squat.
▶ e3d2c5 (2) No.2938856
Sorry, forgot to adjust header.
▶ fc744f (10) No.2939385
▶ ca0577 (2) No.2941028>>2941105 >>2946235
As Trump renovates Gitmo Hillary Clinton and Valerie Jarrett search the interwebz for the elusive Get Out Of Jail Free card.
▶ dbae1e (26) No.2941253>>2946122
all of these are stellar, anon. Nice going.
▶ dbae1e (26) No.2945329
It was a caption challenge.
▶ e5700d (17) No.2946122>>2946578
Someone made them. I collected them.
▶ e5700d (17) No.2946189
This is all I can find in the archive. Filed in 1H2018/Infographs if you downloaded from our Mega archive.
My recollection is that the anon who made these said they were sick, then they disappeared off the chan for a while, and came back briefly.
Agree -- this is just an outstanding format for presenting information compactly but using more words than a typical meme.
▶ a9111c (7) No.2946230
>>2732413 (OP)
front holes…
front for china
front for nwo
truly chix with dix!
▶ e5700d (17) No.2946235
There are 3 problems here.
1) You doxxed your email. We have repeatedly instructed you not to do this.
2) Your anon logo is not us.
3) Q has now thoroughly discredited Infowars as a MOS psy-op. Controlled opposition. Promoting Infowars is not welcome here.
Good bye!
▶ e5700d (17) No.2946298>>2946491
Re: Pic 3.
Do you know the protocols for respecting the American flag?
Is wearing the flag or allowing it to touch the ground considered a respectful act, or disrespectful?
Love your pics 2 and 5!
▶ e5700d (17) No.2946440>>2949273
There are a lot of comfy pepes. They are deliberately not merged into the broader memes collection. Here are a couple for you. You will find more with a search engine. Or come around in the evening when the night shift comes on the general breads, and you are likely to see some more comfy pepes.
▶ 6f6686 (19) No.2946491>>2946520 >>2946529
Been waiting for this kek
I am former military and so I do.
The picture was from a freedom fighter of America under siege, which is the reason he is wearing it like a cape. I had it sitting around and had been waiting for something to put it to, but could honestly not find a background I wanted to really match it with.
I spent like 4 hours yesterday messing with it and eventually settled on the Statue of Liberty like it is now.
My ideas are bigger than my meme skills and
▶ 6f6686 (19) No.2946520
Oops, just waking up and hit reply early
…and I kinda gave up on it and moved on.
It looked much cooler in my mind, unfortunately.
▶ e5700d (17) No.2946529>>2947623
ThankQ for your military service, anon.
And your knowledge of flag protocols.
God bless, Patriot.
▶ dbae1e (26) No.2946578
It's good. They belong here.
▶ 6f6686 (19) No.2947623
ThankQ and blessings back at ya
Love you guys
▶ 6a7bc0 (1) No.2949273
Many thanks, am now comfy!
Stay the course.
▶ 2436d1 (2) No.2949667
That feeling (Lindsay Graham).
▶ e26474 (12) No.2954255
spelling correction
▶ c0f3f9 (2) No.2957094
Trump meme is great. i saved all those articles would be great to post dates to show he did this way before his presidential run just like Trump insisted on including Jews and blacks at Palm Beach golf course in 1990s
▶ bb56a5 (6) No.2957161
Please Anons, save image so that they are large enough to read; great memes, but we can't use them.
I've enlarged some of them for you guys, but, sorry, I can't do all of them.
▶ c0f3f9 (2) No.2957179
love the meme but illegals can vote so voting would be the one thing i can think of.
▶ 08a11e (2) No.2957938
According to Nunes, the currently unredacted parts of the FISA report indicate that fraud was committed on the FISC. What is still redacted would reveal *exactly* who did it.
RealClearPolitics-dot-com /video/2018/07/24/nunes_i_dont_blame_fisa_judges_i_think_they_were_misled_by_the_fbi.html
▶ 668ee3 (1) No.2958056
Maybe someone can think of some clever ways to use this.
▶ 08a11e (2) No.2970248
Also posted this & earlier FISA memes I posted here over on the #DeclassifyFISA Meme Thread.
▶ 9e0543 (40) No.2970435
911…March Borders…Never forget
never forgive
"The Dust Lady"
▶ 9e0543 (40) No.2970457
We fight!
Help others when the time comes
▶ 9e0543 (40) No.2970472
Military company…9/11
N forget
N forgive
▶ 9e0543 (40) No.2970747
[correct image]
911…Marcy Borders…Never forget
never forgive
"The Dust Lady"
▶ f35e7f (1) No.2971139
Subtle Cognitive Dissonance Memes about uncomfortable facts that were memory holed.
▶ e2501f (1) No.2971525
working theory here boys
check pewds new thumbnail
check pewds new vids time length
hmmm guys I think pewds could be trying to build a bridge here
maybe start sending some digestible normie memes to his submissions sub on reddit.
▶ fc744f (10) No.2977986
The Marines are here to "Assist" you. #ClubGITMO 🌴
▶ 90a602 (1) No.2978285
Here's my contribution to the meme's
▶ fc744f (10) No.2987243
881818 What kind of World Order?
"Some Things Never Changed."
Rod Rosenstein: Hello Heinrich Himmler. Hiel! #NAZIWorldOrder
▶ fc744f (10) No.2990379
#HurricaneFlorence Someone Say Storm???
Holy Moses >>> #MAGA #RedTsunami!
▶ 9e2b20 (1) No.3020392
Hillary Clinton owns the encryption back door keys to the internet
▶ fc744f (10) No.3020810
#TrumpMagicWand also says:
#OrangeisthenewBlack #ResidentialPortrait
#ImWithHer #MadamResident #GITMO
▶ fc744f (10) No.3021975
Hurricane Florence #TheStorm
#StormiQ: #QAnon is #TheEyE
▶ ec9d1a (1) No.3026042
Fear is the mindkiller. And their minds have long been lost.
▶ 121fd8 (1) No.3026246>>3029621
I posted this today in general research but guess it got lost in the craziness over there
I have an idea for a meme can someone make one?
I can only go on 8ch with my phone
Not sure if it is good enough but here goes
Can you hear that?
It's the sound of us coming for you
We know what you did
There is nowhere to hide
We have already won
The Republic is ours
We are Q
▶ a9111c (7) No.3029621
that was barry and hillary's plan for everone else…
off with our heads
▶ fc744f (10) No.3031578
#LiberalLogic #RightToRemainUnborn?
#Impeachignorance #VoteThemOut !!!
▶ fc744f (10) No.3033072
#NFL Kaepernick #JockintheBOX
#AmericaFirst #LeaveinSomething
#Nike? #FLUSHIT #WalkAway #JustDoit!
▶ 8ca697 (5) No.3049569
▶ 8ca697 (5) No.3049580
▶ 8ca697 (5) No.3049590
▶ 8ca697 (5) No.3049596
▶ 8ca697 (5) No.3049607