9bf7bd No.2925668
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Q's Latest Posts
Friday 09.07.18
>>2925765 rt >>2925488 ——————-——– Specific timing rests w/ POTUS.
>>2925579 rt >>2925398 ———----------——– [Activated] If 'schedule' is known….
>>2925398 rt >>2925189 ———----------——– Month: Sept
>>2925189 rt >>2925016 ———----------——– NYT "Anon" source? "Sleeper Cells"
>>>/patriotsfight/202 ———--------—————- James Comey Tweet Translation: ( Cap:>>2924947, >>2924975)
>>>/patriotsfight/201 ———--------—————- Why did [RR] recommend the firing of [JC] to POTUS? ( Cap: >>2924650 )
>>>/patriotsfight/200 ———--------—————- Goodbye, Mr. Rosenstein ( Cap: >>2923781 )
>>>/patriotsfight/199 ———--------—————- #FLY[RR]FLY# ( Cap: >>2923668 )
>>>/patriotsfight/198 ———--------—————- Who signed? ( Caps: >>2922326 )
>>2919757 ———-----------------------------——– Their attempts will FAIL.
Thursday 09.06.18
>>>/patriotsfight/197 ———--------—————- VIP Patriots! We see you. ( Capped: >>2910329, >>2910510 )
>>2909917 rt >>2909503 ———----------——– Follow the picture.
>>>/patriotsfight/196 ———--------—————- This is called 'PANIC'. ( Capped: >>2909771, >>2909813 )
>>2909418 rt >>2908723 ———----------——– Control & Divide.
>>2908527 rt >>2908303 ———----------——– There is a lot more to this than you realize.
>>>/patriotsfight/195 ———--------—————- WHAT ARE THEY AFRAID OF? ( Caps: >>2907952 )
>>2907565 rt >>2907383 ———----------——– HEADS UP
>>2906399 rt >>2904064 ———----------——– 1/Billion Coincidence?
>>2906216 rt >>2905624 ———----------——– Read between the lines.
Wednesday 09.05.18
>>>/patriotsfight/194 ———--------—————- We knew this day would come. ( Caps: >>2893000, >>2903953, >>2905126 )
>>>/patriotsfight/193 ———--------—————- "TREASON?" Q+ ( Caps: >>2892732, >>2903863 )
>>>/patriotsfight/192 ———--------—————- Military Law v. Criminal Law ( Caps & Video: >>2892069, >>2903858, >>2903496, >>2904197 )
>>>/patriotsfight/191 rt >>>/patriotsfight/190 -- Sara Carter on DECLAS ( Caps: >>2890006, >>2903810 )
>>>/patriotsfight/190 ———--------—————- Do you believe in coincidences? ( Caps: >>2888992, >>2903773 )
>>>/patriotsfight/189 ———--------—————- C_rsi subpoena ( Caps: >>2890241, >>2903757 )
>>>/patriotsfight/188 rt >>>/patriotsfight/99 - 2 sec Stream (Cap: >>2888158, >>2888225 (99's Cap))
>>2887813 ———-----------------------------——– PREDICTABLE FAKE NEWS
>>>/patriotsfight/187 rt >>>/patriotsfight/177 - Being Afraid (Caps: >>2887245, >>2903743 )
>>>/patriotsfight/186 ———--------—————- Money Talks (Caps: >>2887174, >>2903717 )
Tuesday 09.04.18
Compiled here: >>2925504
Monday 09.03.18
Compiled here: >>2908626
Sunday 09.02.18
Compiled here: >>2874949
Saturday 09.01.18
Compiled here: >>2874931
Friday 08.31.18
Compiled here: >>2863818
Thursday 08.30.18
Compiled here: >>2817974
Wednesday 08.29.18
Compiled here: >>2805444
Tuesday 08.28.18
Compiled here: >>2783629
Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI
Past Q Posts
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Dealing with Clowns & Shills
>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown
Post last edited at
9bf7bd No.2925684
are not endorsements
>>2829643, >>2829673 1986 U.S. District Court Dost test: No CP image guidelines
>>2327065 How to filter gore spam >>2334211 (new: Add into [Options] -> Theme)
>>2883628 , >>2883698 , >>2889775, >>2900760, >>2900777 <-- MAKE THIS GO VIRAL <--
#3700 Baker Change
>>2925010 RR Wrote an NYT Op Ed on Aug 27, 2018.
>>2925089 Japanese Government Admits First Fukushima Radiation Death
>>2925090 Lodestar, North Korean spy sattelite (Graphic)
>>2925185 Yahoo email caught secretly scanning user emails to build psych profiles to sell to advertisers
>>2925289 Turkish Filmmaker Gets 6-Year Prison Sentence For Depicting Execution Of Erdogan
>>2925351 New DJT - 14 days for $28 MILLION - $2 MILLION a day, No Collusion. A great day for America!
>>2925422 Qlockfag Update
>>2925455 364 Illegal Alien Arrests in Six-State ICE Raid, 187 Repeat Felons
>>2925626 #3700
>>2924259 Ex-Trump campaign aide Papadopoulos to be sentenced Friday for lying to FBI
>>2924286 Spreadsheet is updated to pf120
>>2924283 Federal Reform and Vacancies act in relation to RR
>>2924474 >>2924486 >>2924513 >>2924467 George Papadopopopolous only gets a 14 day sentence
>>2924549 DARPA’s New Brain Chip Enables Telepathic Control of Drone Swarms
>>2924762 US Arrmy AZAZ0909 callsign just arriving at Fort Bragg from Joint Base Andrews.
>>2924859 Here are the Trump officials denying they wrote anonymous New York Times op-ed
>>2924916 #3699
#3698 Baker Change
>>2923498 Trump Touts GOP Bill To Deport Criminal Aliens That "Crazy Dems Opposed"
>>2923514 Graphic: All signers of the FISA warrants
>>2923606 >>2923705 The NYT OpEd possibly written by and plagiarized from a USC student's essay
>>2923702 Civilization Versus Barbarism. Why Does the West Support Al Qaeda?
>>2923912 'Role Player Actor' add for a 'Casualty Role Player' job
>>2924012 Jewish Endtime prophesy is being fulfilled.
>>2924146 #3698
>>2922714 Another commercial flight with over 100 sick passengers.
>>2922730 18,000 people in Manhattan received $63 million in farm subsidies in 2015 and 2016.
>>2922735 Obama uses the term "Great Awakening" in speech.
>>2922739 Signature page from Q drop.
>>2922814 Police investigate after Islamist threat to execute populist leader’s family.
>>2922867 Twitter promoting political posts.
>>2922929 Chinese former Guantanamo terror suspects handed UK passports.
>>2922970 Fullscreen CEO to exit following AT&T's acquisition of Otter Media.
>>2923006 Afghan's President tells Germany it needs to accept migrants.
>>2923122 California's largest wildfire almost contained.
>>2923178 Free Speech Systems IMDB dig.
>>2923350, >>2923332 MB deeply rooted inside U.S.
>>2923357, >>2923361 Syria update.
>>2923369 #3697
>>2921986 Obama tries to take credit for Trump's booming economy.
>>2922023 Trump demands Sessions investigate anonymous Op-Ed.
>>2922049 Lawyers claim they have damaging documents on Monsanto.
>>2922057 Facebook chooses Singapore for $1bn data centre.
>>2922182 Former FB security exec says elections can still be disrupted.
>>2922198 150 billion dollar money laundering scheme.
>>2922387 Wray and Rupa hold public forum on benefits for 9/11 first responders.
>>2922433 US, UK law enforcement sign proclamation against female genital mutilation/cutting.
>>2922510 Alibaba chairman Jack Ma is getting ready to quit.
>>2922518 Obama trying to run damage control.
>>2922560 DARPA announces a $2 billion investment to push the frontier of AI forward.
>>2922585 #3696
Previously Collected Notables
>>2921828 #3695
>>2919674 #3692, >>2920289 #3693, >>2921043 #3694
>>2917091 #3689, >>2918196 #3690, >>2918832 #3691
>>2914760 #3686, >>2915516 #3687, >>2916292 #3688
>>2912502 #3683, >>2913193 #3684, >>2913937 #3685
>>2910135 #3680, >>2910913 #3681, >>2911628 #3682
Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html
Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536
9bf7bd No.2925701
War Room
#WalkAway Redpill the patriots trapped under the dark delusion of neoliberalism see THE LIGHT of patriotism and conservatism
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[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!
[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.
Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!
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>>32223 --- Qs Chess Game
>>618758 -- Merkel research thread
>>1796608 -- Human Sex Trafficking
>>911014 -- Occult Music and Pop Culture
>>1940204 - Nimrod World Order Research Thread
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>>2736270 – No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html
>>2371258 - PixelKnot Research
>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here
>>2727353 - Call to Shovels thread - QDigs still to complete
>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits
>>2878373 – Clockwork Qrange #4
Q Graphics all in GMT
Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488
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Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194
Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968
Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967
Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966
bf5d9d No.2925713
board getting attacked, 502s
9bf7bd No.2925724
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* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/
Other Tools
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Germanarchiveanon —————— https://mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa
Learn To Bake!
Aspiring Bakers Report To Class and/or >>>/comms/154
Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY
dca066 No.2925728
Stock time?
Doesn't ever change?!
My oh my how sloppy you've gotten~
2d1781 No.2925731
Thank You Jesus Christ, for blessing us with Your Love.
Please destroy the machinery of deception
[here], and all over this world You love.
bf5d9d No.2925739
McCabe Grand Jury
Connects to the FISA abuse.
Because the communications
Involved MANY levels of the FBI and DOJ
Now [RR} - Rosenstein
Created the Special Counsel
By Advising to Fire Jim Comey
And Investigating the termination of Jim Comey
In connection with the "Russia Allegations"
That originated
Approved by Rosenstein
Because Rosenstein
Is blackmailed
Through his "wife"
And HRC.
It STARTS with McCabe and Rosenstein
dca066 No.2925749
That voice xD
You're the best entertainment with you AJing the truth and all.
2d1781 No.2925772
Think about it bots: why are you slaving to this loser you serve? Think about it. He is bound to fail. In the Name of Jesus Christ, evil always loses. I realize this is hard to grasp for yous, but it's true.
Meanwhile, even if it weren't, you are stuck slaving for a loser! Why? It is silly, gooselings. You could do so much better for yourselfs. Think about it.
Time to be free
598ab0 No.2925773
>>2924283 pb notable
<at very end of last bread
9bf7bd No.2925774
Dough #3701
f5f4de No.2925775
Q made a timeline public knowledge last year. 11.3 arrests.
These people are dumb, but they're not completely dumb. Obv if shit's going to go down in Nov (elections) they've got to be prepared. Sept is a logical month to activate, end of summer, gives them time to set up, etc.
149640 No.2925776
5cac79 No.2925778
1f49ca No.2925779
Oh shit….I think youre on to something, anon
33c052 No.2925780
>>2925765 (last minute Q)
5c3c4b No.2925782
>>2925016 (lb)
ty helper anon
9d5d4b No.2925783
6a4e8f No.2925784
very very late Q in last bread
62262a No.2925785
Don't mean to get off of target in this reply BUT has this been dug up yet? I just tripped over this searching nonprofits today & couldn't get on any bread board. Seems notable?! If already dug my apologies but if not think it's helpful!
"BRIDGE: Basic Registry of Identified Global Entities"
See "History" brainstorms: stakeholders - support = HP, Gates, GOOG
"History, The idea for BRIDGE originated out of a series of collaborative brainstorms. Key stakeholders in these conversations, including social sector financial platforms and information providers such as Markets for Good, all felt that a unique identifier for social sector organizations was a prerequisite for greater collaboration and sharing of information in the sector.
Foundation Center, GlobalGiving, GuideStar, and TechSoup emerged as having a need for such a system, the operational capacity to think through a challenge of this scope, and substantial data to contribute in order to ensure that the effort had a sizable impact.
Now, with the support of the Hewlett Foundation, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and Google Inc., the founding partners have made this vision a reality."
07a6f0 No.2925786
>>2925765 rt >>2925488 ——————-——– Specific timing rests w/ POTUS.
aab99e No.2925788
FLASHBACK: Obama Refused to Use the Term ‘Radical Islam’ — Now He Lectures Trump on Nazis (A Group Trump Has Vilified)
On Friday Barack Obama lectured (President) Donald Trump during a public speech in Chicago.
During the speech Barack Obama attacked the sitting president and tried to take credit for the Trump economic miraclec — something that is laughable at best.
Obama also asked the crowd, “How hard can it be to say Nazis are bad?”
For the record… Here’s Trump slamming nazis.
For the record — It wasn’t that long ago that Barack Obama refused to use the term “radical Islam.”
In fact Obama lectured Republicans on his refusal to use the term in 2016.
FLASHBACK: Obama Refused to Use the Term ‘Radical Islam’ — Now He Lectures Trump on Nazis (A Group Trump Has Vilified)
Jim Hoft by Jim Hoft September 7, 2018
3Share Tweet Email
On Friday Barack Obama lectured (President) Donald Trump during a public speech in Chicago.
During the speech Barack Obama attacked the sitting president and tried to take credit for the Trump economic miraclec — something that is laughable at best.
Obama also asked the crowd, “How hard can it be to say Nazis are bad?”
For the record… Here’s Trump slamming nazis.
For the record — It wasn’t that long ago that Barack Obama refused to use the term “radical Islam.”
In fact Obama lectured Republicans on his refusal to use the term in 2016.
Obama went off on Republican lawmakers in June 2016 for his refusal to use the term RADICAL ISLAM!
Obama went on and on and on lecturing America on using the term Radical Islam.
Obama said,
“There’s no magic to the phrase ‘radical Islam.’ It’s a political talking point. It’s not a strategy… Calling a threat by a different name does not make it go away. This is a political distraction. Not once has an adviser of mine said, ‘Man, if we use that phrase, we’re going to turn this whole thing around.’“
Obama even went back to lecture America on its abusive history.
6766ba No.2925789
e35285 No.2925790
wait for the dough pastebin by the baker before posting
6a4e8f No.2925791
Do yall know who wrote the NYT op-ed?
2d1781 No.2925792
Stop thanking the fucking "baker" and thank the actual people that are putting their lives on the line, you fucking fraud.
108686 No.2925794
was no name "put to death" like kasich said?
9bf7bd No.2925795
Q's Latest Posts
Friday 09.07.18
>>2925765 rt >>2925488 ——————-——– Specific timing rests w/ POTUS.
12ce75 No.2925796
Q at end of last bread.
The world is watching, means the cabal is also watching right?
59fd03 No.2925797
Cras Es Noster
means "Tomorrow YOU are ours"
Cras is only an adverb
Es means "you are" - nothing else.
If you see this on seals etc. it is intentionally mistranslated to hide its true meaning.
To say "The future is ours," or "tomorrow is ours," you can say "crastinum est noster." [est with a t]. It is more logical and grammatical to say "crastinum erit noster," 'the future [tomorrow] will be ours.'
598ab0 No.2925798
>Plants need water.
>Watch the water.
Q has been shoving it in our faces the whole time.
He was telling us to follow the info through the hierarchy.
Also, you have to grow the plants. It doesn't happen instantly.
Finally, what happens when the source of the "water" dries up?
[RR] out
0cbf28 No.2925799
d90112 No.2925800
>>2925765 lb
Pull the mag Q, how many left in there?
lots of brass already on the ground.
Conservation is good.
1 shot
1 kill
5cac79 No.2925801
994365 No.2925803
Q have you looked and see if they been using apps such as telegram or groupme? Groupme was owned by Microcrap I thought.
22fbb6 No.2925804
What happened in New Mexico a few weeks ago was an example of a sleeper cell that existed on our land.
Teaching children to shoot up schools…
There are more of these sleeper cells across America..
Some call them Muslim no go zones…
Don’t think NM was only place like that in US.
149640 No.2925805
f2bcf5 No.2925806
Anybody else here the commentator on fox just now say how "Obama has largely stayed out of the politic fray"? The words "fact check" under his face as he said it. Sheesh!!!
c87d41 No.2925810
POTUS waiting for RED WAVE. Then he unleashes hell. There won't be anything they can do.
7918a2 No.2925811
>>2925740 (lb)
yea but it explains the tripple skyking EAM's going out last week
a53d68 No.2925813
#1 shill tactic is to MAKE YOU FEEL LIKE YOU DO NOT BELONG
We out number them. Never forget that. They rely on bots, paid posters, corrupt mods, and shadow banning to compensate because they have to.
b38e55 No.2925814
9f3044 No.2925815
Well done baker, hot in the kitchen!
aab99e No.2925816
NORAD Confirms Another Dangerous US Intercept Of Russian Long-Range Bombers Near Alaska
Russia's defense ministry has confirmed another US intercept of its aircraft as two of its long-range bombers flew in international airspace over the Arctic Ocean and near Alaska.
Two American F-22 jets were reported as approaching and then shadowing a pair of Russian TU-95MS nuclear-capable bombers in an incident also confirmed by North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD).
A NORAD spokesman said the bombers were detected flying near the Aleutian Islands, describing to the Free Beacon on Friday that "Two Alaskan-based NORAD F-22 fighters intercepted and visually identified two Tu-95 ‘Bear' long-range bomber aircraft flying in the Alaskan Air Defense Identification Zone, south of the Aleutian Islands."
The NORAD spokesman would not disclose how far the Russian bombers were from the west coast of Alaska, citing security reasons, but confirmed the F-22's shadowed the bombers until they left NORAD’s identification zone. “At no time did the Russian bombers enter Canadian or United States sovereign airspace,” the official said.
The Russian Defense Ministry put out its own statement on Friday, which reads: “The Russian Air Force’s Tu-95MS strategic bomber aircraft have carried out scheduled flights over neutral waters in Arctic Ocean as well as the Bering and Okhotsk Seas.” And indicates that “The aircraft were escorted by two US Air Force F-22 fighter jets on certain legs of their route”.
Previously this year in May there was a similar incident where American fighter jets intercepted Russian TU-95's off the Alaskan coast at somewhat close range, but it was reported at the time that the American jets didn't come closer than 100 meters, and shadowed the bombers for up to 40 minutes.
According to the Russian Defense Ministry its long-range bombers frequently carry out what it describes as "routine patrols" over the Arctic and the Atlantic, and the Pacific Ocean, but that the Russian bombers operate “in strict compliance with international regulations without violating foreign borders.”
But its possible this week's incident wasn't merely routine patrolling as the Free Beacon notes that it "coincided with large-scale military exercises now underway in the Russian Far East called Vostok-18 and were likely part of the exercises that have been underway since late August."
As part of the exercises, on official speculated, the bombers could have been practicing cruise missile strikes on U.S. missile defenses in Alaska. They are capable of carrying nuclear warheads, specifically the nuclear-tipped KH-55 long-range cruise missile with a max range of up to 1,841 miles.
8b0d20 No.2925817
So basically Q is confirming a theory we've had for a while - that the constant "it's happening now" posts use up all of their FFs & other attacks since they think it's coming. They won't declas until they have none left.
12ce75 No.2925818
b04542 No.2925819
5cac79 No.2925820
We have eyes everywhere.
88bb43 No.2925821
Pro-tip: Psychology 505: [ 5:5 ]
Ever feel like all the Anons responding to (You) are divisive or otherwise attempt to criticize you? It's because (((they))) are implementing a form of
right here on this board.
(((They))) respond to you as authorities; oldfags, Bakers and 'highest-ranking'. Then (((they))) discredit or belittle (You). The tactic is to get Anon to acknowledge that there is a hierarchy and thru submission to it (the desire to get-along) or retreat from challenging it, it's further established that (((they))) are above (You). Fight or Flight These Bakers demand certain formats for Notables and nominations; you must do it right, by the rulz set-forth or (You) will be criticized and not able to see your research reach Notables and your work will be discarded. Reward or Punishment
When that is accomplished, the attic begins on content or truth or sauce or Anons lack of understanding the complex subject, again diminishing the person/poster not the content of what is offered. This tends to get an Anon to ponder the worth of what they've said and/or their expertise to speak on this or anything at all. Congratulations- you have been mind-controlled.
It's tiny steps, but day-by-day engagement in these behaviors becomes engrained, much like Pavlov's dog. (You) have been trained to act a certain way, speak in specific manners and to watch how you engage with the Superiors to avoid criticism.
DO NOT FORGET that this board, as most social media, employs Psychological triggers to frame conversations AND reality!
A form of MK-ULTRA
[Disclaimer: Is this MK-ULTRA? No, but it's definitely much like MK-ULTRA; MK-Lite]
e35383 No.2925822
Can you add sauce for the video in the graphic?
04cacb No.2925823
Planefags, any word on whether POTUS / AF1 have arrived back in DC?
78baf5 No.2925824
All in good time
bd905b No.2925825
FISA warrant issued / approved>Papadopoulos
e3978e No.2925828
Strong enough to weather their squals before unleashing the storm. (DC weather is shit right now)
994365 No.2925829
85a7b4 No.2925830
5 minute delta between Q and POTUS = Today.
470ded No.2925831
Wait so Q doesn't know when Trump's dropping the 20 pages?! Buuuubs pls we've been waiting
so basically he's sayin he cant say nothin, NS purposes, aight i suppose thats fine
608cbe No.2925832
did he really smoke, or just cigar-puff (mouth only/no inhale) that once?
b42bac No.2925834
Podesta's Tweet.
9d5d4b No.2925835
ALL q maps been shaky lately. Especially when Q is posting.
22fbb6 No.2925836
Q!! New Mexico was sleeper cell?
42744b No.2925837
Insurance/Firewall I gather?
Boente - Resigned -10/27/17
(Hired as FBI GC 1/23/18)
Yates Fired - 1/30/17
Comey Fired - 5/9/17
McCabe - Fired - 3/16/18
(Stepped Down 1/29/18)
3bf748 No.2925838
This is the link you have been looking for.
Find truth - and quite literally - eternal life?
2327ad No.2925839
Best timeline ever!
5cac79 No.2925842
Sometimes things do happen, but it will only be in retrospect we appreciate their significance.
b52eb8 No.2925843
Russian Fem Spy Spooked US, But It Wasn't Anna Chapman
If you look close at the Russian spy stories and the recent UK assassination stories. it is almost coordinated. make believe stories. to keep from what's really going on. to many of the same kind of stories to keep the Deep state active.
7918a2 No.2925844
why isn't Page being targeted/locked up though?
d84eeb No.2925845
I'll play!!
b4b193 No.2925846
Obama = sleeper cell. Always has been.
78baf5 No.2925847
I'm so impressed it's ridiculous at this point, Well done Q
6004c3 No.2925848
04cacb No.2925850
Is it reasonable to suggest Papadopoulos' sentencing reflects his cooperation w/prosecutors?
7c7dfc No.2925851
Think Logically.
(((sleeper cells)))
Trump controls IT ALL.
Including sleeper cells.
Including word "lodestar".
Including McCain "funeral".
Including MSM self-destruct.
Including NYT OpEd piece.
Including the entire Congress.
Including Comey, Mueller, RR.
Think Mirror. Mirror your thinking.
They are our hostages.
No deals. Hostages, yes.
They are doing exactly as instructed.
Exactly on the schedule we gave them.
After they were convicted in Tribunals.
After 12/21/17 Executive Order.
Justice will be served at the right time.
But the Republic must be awakened first.
Re-Read this graphic very carefully.
Especially the part about HOSTAGES.
add3b8 No.2925855
>>2925740 lb
I figured as much, thx 4 verifying. Time magazine is no better than the National Enquirer, these days.
47f679 No.2925856
No trip. Thats a shill.
5cac79 No.2925858
d14e55 No.2925859
See the groundwork?
This is why military tribunals are needed.
b3a0fe No.2925860
This could be a very long wait, Anons. The deep state is unloading & POTUS can’t release anything while they’re beng attention whores. Deep state is currently controlling the narritive. Settle in.
b38afc No.2925862
It very well could explain those EAMs, but have a funny feeling those were for (((domestic)))?
fb8f69 No.2925863
Is Lodestar the Sky event?
aab99e No.2925864
The treason is blatant AF
c2d48f No.2925865
Will we trump ever acknowledge the board ?
Even if it takes years ?
22e97c No.2925866
so no DECLAS today.
shoots my 111 day theory to hell
12ce75 No.2925867
They have all started speaking up again. Obama, Hiliary, Podesta.
They have all activated
4ad33d No.2925868
I've got something in my packet and it's not a Tootsie Roll.
6c4b91 No.2925871
He'd be a much better choice than Kavanaugh.
07a6f0 No.2925872
Papadopolous = [MOS] ??
9fd0df No.2925873
I smile everyday knowing I've got Q and Potus MAGA!
42744b No.2925874
Only RR left…
And whoever the unknown SSA and DOJ signatories were.
9929ab No.2925875
Where We Go One
"for the freedom of the children…"
ec2b7f No.2925876
I love this so much Q! Blessings from the other side of the world :)
May God be with you all.
f46807 No.2925877
3dfa3c No.2925879
873546 No.2925881
Is this why POTUS abandoned his golf game recently?
If 'schedule' is known….
Better prepared?
d84eeb No.2925882
Say it Q!!!
bf5d9d No.2925884
Joe DiGenova /ourguy/?
He said declas is in hands of white house counsel for sources and methods review pending release..
7918a2 No.2925885
wow incredible meme anon. stealing for sure….
9d5d4b No.2925886
dca066 No.2925887
Yes, yes I can.
Here you go sir.
608cbe No.2925888
kek. hell checkem.
2d1781 No.2925889
Thank the humans putting their lives on the line, not the "bakers". Give this fake and beaten-to-death shit a rest. Stop the fake masturbation, it's stupid.
d14e55 No.2925890
Who is the highest ranking Anon and what are chemtrails, when will they be stopped?
c22340 No.2925893
Keep kids home from school on the 11th or no?
35d789 No.2925895
Just throwing this out there.
Does the photo name "DOITQJ8UIAAowsQ" have anything to do with #FLY[RR]FLY# ?
f36855 No.2925896
I pledge allegiance to my Flag and the Republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
3bf748 No.2925897
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>2925825
You thought we were crazy? How did a U.S physisist answer flat earth question?
(vidoe link related)
b42bac No.2925898
Did [RR] give Podesta the Memo to leak to the NY Times? It's the link you'd need to continue the hunt.
b3947d No.2925899
You do 5D and above right?
Jumping eyes?
<- this means only 1 thing.
5cac79 No.2925900
Coincidences and synchronicity are strange things to pin down.
4ad33d No.2925901
Any way the wind blows really doesn't matter to meeeee.
22fbb6 No.2925902
6bb089 No.2925903
will all those kiddy traffickers come to real justice ? please ?
33c206 No.2925905
>Special Approval
>[LL]>paper trail>special entry
>[Natalia Veselnitskaya]>Manafort
>FISA warrant issued / approved>Manafort
<FISA warrant issued / approved>Papadopoulos
>FISA warrant issued / approved>Page
>FISA warrant issued / approved>FLYNN
>[SEC 702]
>P talks to X
>X talks to Y
>Y talks to Z
2a3464 No.2925906
hey funny robot guy codefag
please be patient with your first post
it takes six post original post it for the bread is ready
we humans have this thing called patient's it helps to show respect to other humans
d90112 No.2925907
so who's been targeted for illegal surv…?
Who's been silenced?
How far down the list are they currently..?
2f5f61 No.2925908
Time to rise and shine?
5cac79 No.2925909
608cbe No.2925910
37731c No.2925911
07a6f0 No.2925912
CONF from Q would be great
its what I've thought for a while
9d5d4b No.2925913
Chemtrails are bullshit. Just another Matrix theory. The Earth is Flat, explains EVERYTHING. Blink blink
6d2139 No.2925914
Two popstars die after accidental overdose & too much drink? seems a bit odd!
Pittsburgh rapper Mac Miller has reportedly been found dead at his California home after an apparent drug overdose, police sources told TMZ. The reported death comes in wake of Mac Miller’s breakup with pop singer Ariana Grande.
The shock death of Cranberries lead singer Dolores O’Riordan was caused by drowning in a bath due to alcohol intoxication, an inquest in London has heard.
The ‘Zombie’ hit single artist was found unresponsive in a hotel on Park Lane, London in January. An inquest into the circumstances surrounding the 46-year-old’s sudden death has now yielded answers.
According to Westminster’s Coroner’s Court, the Irish singer died as a result of a “tragic accident” when she took a bath after consuming a considerable amount of alcohol.
The court heard from expert witnesses that O’Riordan did not display any injuries consistent with self harm and the coroner recorded the singer’s death as accidental.
e35383 No.2925915
4ef2c3 No.2925916
>>2925566 PB
Well said, anon and the digits don't lie.
b587c9 No.2925917
Q are we the author (The Grey Lady - OE)? Manufactured crisis to expedite probe?
d14e55 No.2925918
Newfag huh! Lurknlearn faggot
5cac79 No.2925919
Is that even a question?
3d580a No.2925920
if board is under heavy lag,
why do anons think it good idea
to add another useless post
muh 502?
b7f2a2 No.2925923
An in-depth look by The New York Times into New York Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s travel history reveals he overwhelmingly takes his taxpayer-funded planes and helicopters, even for short trips.
Cuomo took 195 trips in state planes and helicopters in 2017, according to state records, with some trips that would have been less than 20 miles by car.
While Cuomo is allowed by law to fly the state-funded aircrafts, he flies them much more often than other governors in big, heavily populated states, according to TheNYT’s review.
In fact, the New York governor flew 50 percent more taxpayer-funded flights than the next closest governor on the list of 10 states.
21916d No.2925925
Sally Moyer Page 380?
FBI chain of command graphic from the 3rd has her as the supervisory special agent
4aeefb No.2925926
a32cfd No.2925927
is up and working
4b7628 No.2925928
Me thinks we are less then a month away from… PAIN
9d5d4b No.2925929
fea6b1 No.2925930
3bf748 No.2925931
The link below will take you to the STARTING LINE.
listen - think- learn - and go from there.
We are everywhere.
We are growing.
We are truth.
b3947d No.2925932
I do it sometimes.
Hard to hold freq.
I wont elaborate on this any more.
thank you.
88bb43 No.2925933
I post this for those not accustomed to the chan- for the newbies and less-thoughtful.
d14e55 No.2925934
6bd985 No.2925935
Was this also a comm to sleeper cells? Sacrifice everything…just do it. OBL look-alike pose.
1690e6 No.2925936
Their main list included a few million. The surveillance has been ongoing for almost 10 years. The silencing was to come, but timelines change.
bd905b No.2925937
What FISA is about to be DECLAS?
Public spotlight?
How can you prosecute someone and provide testimony to the JUDGE when you KNOW the TRUE EVIDENCE is about to come to LIGHT?
Digging a deeper hole re: testimony to the court?
98cfd1 No.2925938
>How did a U.S. physisist answer flat earth question?
same way all you flat earth retards do. with stupid leading questions and bullshit talking points provided by C_A and MOS.
f5f4de No.2925939
Paving the way for Ariana's much, much older new boyfriend?
2a3464 No.2925940
Maple syrup is not sauce
608cbe No.2925941
>chemtrails are bullshit
tell that to 'MANGANESEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!' Dick Greggory.
b3947d No.2925942
I do it sometimes.
Hard to hold freq.
I wont elaborate on this any more.
thank you.
41ac42 No.2925943
I get a lot of 502 Bad Gateways and Flood Detected and Discarded Posts, thought I hit bottom when I was kicked out of Slots of fun in Vegas. Guess still crazy after all these years
364059 No.2925944
>>2925022 (pb)
>sleeper cells activated
Anons - it is a great thing that these deep state losers are activating their "sleeper cells". Exposure will lead swiftly to apprehension. These people are stupid. Their comms are comped, but they still believe that they are in control. Idiots.
eaa969 No.2925945
6c269b No.2925946
Russia is "near" Alaska FFS.
This happens all the time.
351765 No.2925948
Q are we going to have to sit and watch another 9/11 where POTUS, our other elected leaders and all of the Mainstream Media pretend that we were attacked by a guy in a cave directing a crew of "terrorists" with box cutters? Seriously? It's time to stop playing games with the American public. No more lies and no more allowing the MSM to continue their propaganda against an unwitting Sheeple. For the love of God it's time to rip the bandaid off and tell people the truth.
a9c9ad No.2925949
Maybe the start of a 5 day until declas today,
Since the delta was 5 (rewinding the clock)
6f4773 No.2925950
Maybe it's a countdown.
5cac79 No.2925951
Rise and Shine. Call the President, push for disclosure. Call your local and state legislators. Call your friends. We must push together. We can make the pressure felt.
22fbb6 No.2925952
873546 No.2925953
could be, anon - good eye
6d2139 No.2925954
Q are thes deaths related to ops?
9d5d4b No.2925955
Baker, good luck=
This night is fucked for the baker. So much crap to wade through.
248662 No.2925956
80b41b No.2925957
Not sure if the Lodestar Foundation has been dug before but they are located in Phoenix so was thinking they may have had ties to McCain. They deal in VERY large "philanthropy" grants all over the world. Suspicious.
7b7238 No.2925958
Qanon.pub is up and running
33c206 No.2925959
Is that umbrella big? So much looking forward to declas. Cabal world will toumble!
aab99e No.2925960
Mueller Witch Hunt and Prison Time For Papadopoulos Isn’t Enough – Top Democrats Want to Drag Him in For More Questioning
On Friday, former Trump campaign volunteer, George Papadopoulos was sentenced to 14 days in prison, 12 months probation, a $9,500 fine and 200 hours of community service.
Papadopoulos was caught up in the Russian collusion hoax, hunted down by Obama’s corrupt Deep State and previously charged by Mueller’s team of thugs for making a false statement to the FBI.
But Mueller’s witch hunt, FBI interrogations, prison time, fines, money wasted on lawyers, and probation isn’t enough.
The Democrats want blood.
Top Democrat lawmakers now want to drag Papadopoulos in for more questioning.
Via Congress reporter for FOX News, Chad Pergram: The corrupt Vice Chairman of the Senate Intel Committee, Mark Warner (D-VA) said in response to Papadopoulos’s sentencing that “the Senate Intel Cmte would like to hear directly from..Papadopoulos”
Ranking member of the House Intel Committee, Adam Schiff (D-CA) also wants to continue to harass Papadopoulos.
“It is my hope that when Mr. Papadopoulos has finished his sentence, he will cooperate with congressional investigations, including our ongoing investigation in the House Intelligence Committee,” Schiff said on Friday.
149640 No.2925961
Unmask Chemtrails?????????? how there is no such thing you Fucking Chemtard. Mommy should have swallowed you
7a932b No.2925962
Q asked US if he should be added to the list of potential nominees.
I say he's the only nominee.
07a6f0 No.2925963
Mueller is /ourguy/
well, our /greyhat/
db2bc0 No.2925964
Does anyone know about the flight scheduled at GITMO tomorrow morning? Not a planefag but noticed it.
bea0eb No.2925965
Follow the family.
Think texts between PS/MH.
Think past settlements.
They have infiltrated every senior critical position.
The Circle.
Right on Q.
Hello Maggie.
Trust funds (3).
Deposits routed from EU.
Why are deposits ORIG from EU being transferred into [3] TRUST funds [children]?
How do you get your talking points?
Why do many DC journalists (yourself) use & replace 'burner phones' every week?
How do you pass the new number out?
Tweets are very important.
Do you feel safe?
NYT Maggie Haberman
7e5688 No.2925967
So 14 days will silence Papadopoulos?
Or is his and the others illegally targeted for FISA surveillance lives in danger?
56f0d3 No.2925969
f22a70 No.2925971
It's exciting for us to see all these things finally happening. Hope you're feeling the same, Q Team!
debb44 No.2925973
Day isn't over yet.
f0c2af No.2925974
Do you have profiles on anon patriots?
2d1781 No.2925975
foo foo wuvvums!!!!
8ad3e3 No.2925976
aab99e No.2925977
78baf5 No.2925978
I pose a question: Is God or one of His servants directly connected with this movement?
e35383 No.2925979
FISA was the start of the Trump Tower setup sequence.
a5af39 No.2925980
it was saudi arabia, there you know now
d90112 No.2925981
That's one hellofa predicament to be in.
2a3464 No.2925982
you possess zero logic
how did you apply your bottle logic to the amount of human error given with the timing of baking the bread and faggots
you see if their word for faggots bakers could bake a new thread autonomously at post 650 that would be a bot
i'll let you figure out the rest to work on your fucked up logic
9d5d4b No.2925983
Dig moar, anon. YOu might find something. Needs saucey sauce.
6f908b No.2925985
What is dangerous about a couple of Russian aircraft flying in international airspace.
During the height of the cold war this sort of thing happened many times a day.
The air force checked out the Russians who were minding their own business big deal.
"Russian bombers operate “in strict compliance with international regulations without violating foreign borders."
873546 No.2925986
hopefully, the one that brings this circus tent DOWN
b38e55 No.2925987
first the SC vote…seat filled
then BOOM!
3dfa3c No.2925988
Strange. I went there first and it was not updated past Sept 5th.
TY anon
6c269b No.2925989
They were plants anyway weren't they?
799f33 No.2925990
4aeefb No.2925992
the TESTIMONY will implicate?
9fd0df No.2925994
We are ready Sir! Do it Q!
f36855 No.2925995
GITMO SOON for all those treasonous bastards
9cd2b3 No.2925997
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Hey, Q.
How many coincidences before it becomes mathematically impossible?
2af5f8 No.2925998
All I am seeing from you is you REACTING to the news and giving us unverifiable stuff… connecting dots that we can't verify anywhere!
"Goodbye Rosenstein"? Okay, where can we verify this has happened if it's happened already? If it HAS NOT happened, when will it happen?
"Future proves past" doesn't cut it here, Q… RR was bound to get fired eventually… If I predict the sun will come up tomorrow, and it does, do I look like a prophet? NOPE! Same deal here!
59473f No.2925999
Love the “is about to declassify” gives me hope!
POTUS should have testimonials in each rally. They are powerful.
f46807 No.2926000
Obama was sleeper Cell
Sleepy chuck Todd?
c2d48f No.2926001
608cbe No.2926002
digits confirm the ==GLOW==
7918a2 No.2926003
This would explain the cocky attitude Page has in regards to the FISA targeting.
Page FISA about to declas, therefore targeting him directly would be so obvious abuse
e7a535 No.2926004
6c4b91 No.2926005
There's the 14 days…
48cd79 No.2926006
I HAVE read the Bible, and true, in the end we DO win… but before that the world is taken over by a one world government, one leader, the Antichrist, and millions of Christians are killed worldwide for not taking the mark of the beast.
You aren't going to win this battle. Heck, you aren't even going to win this against Iran! Persia and Russia ATTACK Israel. Ezekiel 38.
So don't get cocky, son. You've been weak sauce so far. Not NEARLY attacking evil like you should. God has a plan, and I'd rather trust HIS than YOURS.
06daa1 No.2926007
What is something obvious and specific we can look forward to seeing as a signal of the beginning of the fall of the house of cards? What's our muzzle blast here? You know, the thing that happens after the trigger is pulled, but before the bullet comes to it's final resting place?
3d580a No.2926008
putting ( y o u ) in your post
makes ye get the filter
just sayin
eb116c No.2926009
Will the D's exist after the midterms?
fb8f69 No.2926010
So much dis-info its hard to separate Truth from fiction
98cfd1 No.2926011
yeah…its a flight to GITMO anon. not much moar to know about it.
d90112 No.2926012
only if no lies are involved, but that's perjury…
what's worse?
5cac79 No.2926013
They are not a direct result of operations, but are related to changes happening in Hollywood/MKultra.
1955bc No.2926014
dc2016 No.2926015
22e97c No.2926016
ask POTUS is he is releasing today. I have a little league BB game to get to.
b228d9 No.2926017
This can only work if that's the case
33c206 No.2926018
GTFO CTAJack! Shill off.
aab99e No.2926020
Nothing unless your cabal and need to create something yesterday!
eaa969 No.2926021
They should be dug all the way China by the time they're through
8801af No.2926022
S&Bs use Telegram
S&Bs use Signal
As burner smart phones
Pre-paid data
World phone
See sales
b7f2a2 No.2926023
Department of Justice
Office of Public Affairs
Friday, September 7, 2018
South Florida Pharmacist Convicted of Health Care Fraud for Role in $5 Million Compounding Pharmacy Scheme
A federal jury found a South Florida pharmacist guilty today of health care fraud for his role in a $5 million compounding pharmacy scheme.
Assistant Attorney General Brian A. Benczkowski of the Justice Department’s Criminal Division, U.S. Attorney Benjamin G. Greenberg of the Southern District of Florida, Special Agent in Charge Robert F. Lasky of the FBI’s Miami Field Office, Special Agent in Charge Shimon R. Richmond of the Department of Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General (HHS-OIG)’s Miami Regional Office, Special Agent in Charge John F. Khin of the Department of Defense Office of Inspector General – Defense Criminal Investigative Service (DCIS)’s Southeast Field Office and Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi made the announcement.
After a four-day trial, Stephen Chalker, 42, of Wellington, Florida, was convicted of one count of conspiracy to commit health care fraud and two substantive counts of health care fraud. Sentencing has been scheduled for Nov. 15 before U.S. District Judge Donald M. Middlebrooks of the Southern District of Florida, who presided over the trial.
According to evidence presented at trial, from approximately September 2014 to August 2016, Chalker engaged in a scheme to defraud Medicare, TRICARE and Medicaid by submitting false and fraudulent claims for compounded drugs and other prescription medications that were not medically necessary and/or never provided. The evidence established that in his role as the pharmacist-in-charge at Pop’s Pharmacy, a now-defunct pharmacy located in Deerfield Beach, Florida, Chalker submitted or caused the submission of claims in the amount of several thousands of dollars each for a single tube of pain and scar creams that patients did not want, did not need, and in some cases did not receive. Chalker and his co-conspirators ran a nationwide telemarketing and telemedicine scheme in which there was no real patient-prescriber relationship or actual patient care. As a result of claims submitted in connection with the scheme, Medicare, TRICARE and Medicaid made payments totaling nearly $5 million, the evidence showed.
Two other defendants have been charged in this case. Christopher Liva, 40, of Boca Raton, Florida, and Elaina Liva, 66, of Pompano Beach, Florida, both of whom pleaded guilty and are awaiting sentencing.
This case was investigated by the FBI, HHS-OIG, DCIS and the State of Florida Medicaid Fraud Control Unit. Trial Attorneys Jim Hayes and Leslie Wright of the Criminal Division’s Fraud Section are prosecuting the case.
The Criminal Division’s Fraud Section leads the Medicare Fraud Strike Force. Since its inception in March 2007, the Medicare Fraud Strike Force, now operating in 12 cities across the country, has charged nearly 4,000 defendants who have collectively billed the Medicare program for more than $14 billion. In addition, the HHS Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, working in conjunction with the HHS-OIG, are taking steps to increase accountability and decrease the presence of fraudulent providers.
f0c2af No.2926027
Does Q Team Alliance consist of 5D cousins?
45b39b No.2926029
f5f4de No.2926031
Just filter him, he's clearly LARPing. No tripcode. Distracting from these mega bombs Q's dropping.
7a932b No.2926032
Have you added Trey to the list yet? >>2925773
b3a0fe No.2926033
I feel like I need a “Law Book For dummies” book. Not the one for normal Americans, but the book the the privileged and elite. KEK
3bf748 No.2926034
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>2925937
bf5d9d No.2926035
This post was a special approval?
It is an EXAMPLE of a setup.
Natalia Veselnitskaya is allowed a special entry into the country. Lorretta Lynch approved this special entry and is linked. Manafort - a PLANT - gets involved with Natalia and sets up the meeting.
Rosenstein and the others take this information - a Russia Lawyer meets with the campaign - to continue justifying surveilance on Manafort.
This provides the evidence to then prosecute Manafort with the evidence obtained from the illegal surveillance.
Same thing for Papdopoulous, Page and Flynn. Not just based on the dossier. But ALSO based on Loretta Lynch's approval for special entry of Natalia Veselnitskaya to setup the meeting.
The UK was involved and the orders were to TARGET, REMOVE and SILENCE everyone surveiled. UK allowed for the five eyes access and umbrella coverage. This includes three to four degrees of seperation of all comms. Violates US law but since UK does it - skirts US law.
2f5f61 No.2926036
Yeah weren't there like…
Are Alex Jones/Free Speech Systems and/or Jerome Corsi listed in or around the FISA?
Going in to corroborate a false narrative?
449812 No.2926037
"I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing information regarding Carter W. Page is TRUE and CORRECT." Kek.
22506e No.2926038
9/11 - you should have started there – with your own party – it would have made you more legit to the sheep — why all the fuss over FISA? — 9/11 far bigger ..
4bbb94 No.2926039
Highest ranking Anon here…
I'll answer your questions..
d84eeb No.2926040
It's a movie
Not 99.5%
How would we KNOW if we were under Marital Law?? Who does POTUS HAVE to tell?? Are the powers given to the President e.g. The "Patriot Act", FEMA, DHS, NDAA etc. Still active?? Would a man like POTUS ever flip the tables and use the enemies tactics and traps against THEM to save his Nation?? Does a REAL President and CnC even NEED those extra tools?? And that EO…I cried when it was released. We have it ALL.
5cac79 No.2926042
Big? It is amoebic, efficient, and secure.
c2d48f No.2926043
I KNOW Obama was a Trojan horse.
I want to see his PAIN.
Don't hide it from us .
d743b2 No.2926044
Saudi arabia doesn't encompass the bushes, their cronies, the c[]a cheney, Israel..
fe3cb6 No.2926045
QMap is still down. This one is working for me right now
7d5d0c No.2926047
Memo: Papadopoulos info triggered FBI's Russia investigation
The FBI's counterintelligence investigation into whether Trump campaign officials had improper contacts with Russia was triggered by information the bureau obtained about George Papadopoulos, a former adviser to the campaign, according to the memo released Friday by House Intelligence Committee Republicans.
Allies of President Trump have claimed the Russia probe began with the so-called Steele dossier that was paid for in part by Hillary Clinton and the Democratic National Committee (DNC). That would mean the Russia investigation itself — and by extension, special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe — was launched from political opposition research.
But the memo states that FBI agent Pete Strzok opened the investigation in July 2016 based on "information" about Papadapoulos, rather than the dossier.
The New York Times has previously reported that Papadapoulos bragged to an Australian diplomat that the Russians had damaging information on Clinton before the hack of the DNC became publicly known. The Australian government tipped off the FBI to what Papadapoulos had said, according to the Times.
Papadopoulos has pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI and is cooperating with special counsel Mueller’s investigation.
780490 No.2926048
Read the Gospels, not revelation.
Revelation is a NWO plant, self fulfilling prophecy.
449c24 No.2926049
Right…no kidding!!!
873546 No.2926050
>How can you prosecute someone and provide testimony to the JUDGE when you KNOW the TRUE EVIDENCE is about to come to LIGHT?
You can't, unless you were going to use the EXACT same testimony (i.e., this infers that someone was going to prosecute based on FAKE/FALSE evidence, but knowing the truth is about to come to light, they stopped short → who is Q referring to, anons? Flynn?)
6d0036 No.2926051
But I'm not a sleeper cell - I just capped/posted the Q :)
149640 No.2926052
might want to try English this time
9d5d4b No.2926053
78baf5 No.2926054
Q, is the law different in a war type of state? I remember Lindsey Graham bringing up that since 911 we are still in a military type status?
b38afc No.2926056
slated to be opened today with docs for public.
Is this fake or are the 119+ IC folk told to hold off?
56f0d3 No.2926057
e32ff0 No.2926058
[[they]] have been revving up minority angle hard for a reason. The 'sleepers cells' are not the only concern - the good part of US and western demographic 'minorities' are.
These are domestic terrorist and criminal groups of all ages and colors completely psyop'd to be ready to be used as globalist pawns against Patriots and sane people world wide.
Useful idiots especially in the 16-30 age range, male.
I hope Q team knows more damage the good people take without seeing these scum brought low and their attitudes crushed to dust on the pavement (literally or figuratively), it will be damaging in the long run. All the political wrangling and victories even on the battlefield would amount to nothing if appropriate changes do not take place within next 4-8 years in regards to this issue.
We KNOW this is how [[they]] set the trap for us, so we will not fall for it. But nothing trumps protecting US, OUR PEOPLE, OUR CHILDREN, WOMEN, and their DIGNITY and POWER from these subhuman pieces of shits who simply need a bullet to the head for willingly joining in with those who would do EVIL.
Obama Condemns Trump, "Nazi Sympathizers" In Fiery Speech Warning Of "Dangerous Times"
Why now, all of a sudden? Could not be more obvious and coordinated. hussein just went out and basically called for race/civil war, and then there's the south africa situation. Both along with podesta/comey statements all line up: sept/oct was designated for false flags, attempted coup by globalist forces (at least on the surface), and all feints to try to make us stray from the course Q and POTUS laid out for us.
All to upset, etc.
>They want you to live in FEAR.
WE will NOT be manipulated, held hostage, etc.
WE, the people, will stay the course and eliminate ALL criminal actors one way or another.
WE, the PEOPLE, will CRUSH the globalist plans to dust.
We stay frosty and follow Q and POTUS.
Please stay safe and guide us all.
Where we go one, we go ALL.
873546 No.2926059
>How can you prosecute someone and provide testimony to the JUDGE when you KNOW the TRUE EVIDENCE is about to come to LIGHT?
You can't, unless you were going to use the EXACT same testimony (i.e., this infers that someone was going to prosecute based on FAKE/FALSE evidence, but knowing the truth is about to come to light, they stopped short → who is Q referring to, anons? Flynn?)
0b16b8 No.2926061
1f0c1c No.2926062
Yall gonna have to do something soon. We are coming up on my 1 year anniversary and I'm either going to need a raise, or a personally signed note from POTUS explaining to my wife why I spend so much time here.
Things are getting a little heated around here and I'm sure if you listen, yall heard that this morning.
So we need to shit and git! Or a nice letter, or a phone call to her explaining the situation will do as well.
7794fa No.2926063
Or he wouldn’t remain silent about Ariana receiving unwanted attention from pervert power hungry perps.
1455cc No.2926064
Dolores had 4x the limit…..wow….that’s a lot of booze
608cbe No.2926065
41ac42 No.2926066
I get a lot of 502 Bad Gateways and Flood Detected and Discarded Posts, thought I hit bottom when I was kicked out of Slots of fun in Vegas. Guess still crazy after all these years
af5dca No.2926067
Chill nigga, the day ain’t over yet
4b7628 No.2926069
Declassify on the 17th for the anons. Please
149640 No.2926070
Wrong Sweetheart !
d90112 No.2926071
bea0eb No.2926074
Slowfag here,
Can an anon break down Q's last two posts for me please.
a32cfd No.2926075
I noticed that earlier as well-
checked it and it was caught up
88bb43 No.2926076
ThanQ for the filter, Anon!
May I have another!
Props to (You) for proving the point of the post.
e8d686 No.2926077
>Love the “is about to declassify” gives me hope!
This happened today
All of this has gone to fucking far
It is getting worse and worse and worse
Not better
abea5f No.2926079
6d0036 No.2926081
Sing your song onstage?
76c7b7 No.2926082
07a6f0 No.2926083
b04542 No.2926084
Morons responding to fake Q….
42744b No.2926085
FISA Signatures
FISA 10/?/16
SSA? - Comey - Yates - DOJ?
FISA 1/?/17
SSA? - Comey - Yates - DOJ?
FISA 4/?/17
SSA? - Comey - Dana J. Boente(AAG) - DOJ?
FISA 6/?/18
SSA? - McCabe - RR - DOJ?
Boente - Resigned -10/27/17
(Hired as FBI GC 1/23/18)
Yates Fired - 1/30/17
Comey Fired - 5/9/17
McCabe - Fired - 3/16/18
(Stepped Down 1/29/18)
Only RR left…
And possibly whoever the AAG and DOJ signatores were…
be2b57 No.2926086
Q, tomorrow is my birthday. Seeing RR gone or declassified docs would make it the best ever!
bbc592 No.2926087
Scientist wants to bring back Extinct Ice - Aged Horse.
Reporting live from the repeat of the Day’s of Noah. I wonder which “genius” will bring back Velociraptors? Kek…I think.
a5af39 No.2926089
ok then it was an airplane that did it
8437ba No.2926090
1.Is there another reason Q asks us to pray and references the bible, is there more significance to it than we know at the moment?
2. ==watch the water==
EO Waters of United States?
All tainted water in the ocean falls under the Navigable Waters.
EO's ALL of them set a trap?
cc6f21 No.2926091
I always like big brown beaver best…
f95d18 No.2926093
Hmmm…did Trump signal that his speech was a call to activate the sleeper cells directly by saying he was "falling asleep" aka sleeping watching it? Is this the nat sec issue?
5cac79 No.2926094
I do not personally, but they exist.
364059 No.2926095
Is Papad. under NDA as part of his plea deal? The deep state thugs of the SC and the DOJ are doing a good job of silencing their victims.
6945ba No.2926096
Are P-daps lawyers being controlled by blackhats or being lied to?
52ab50 No.2926097
>How can you prosecute someone and provide testimony to the JUDGE when you KNOW the TRUE EVIDENCE is about to come to LIGHT?
9bf7bd No.2926098
Early Notable Call
Anything missed? Updates?
>>2925816 NORAD Confirms Another Dangerous US Intercept Of Russian Long-Range Bombers Near Alaska
>>2925830 5 minute delta between Q and POTUS = Today.
>>2925923 Andrew Cuomo uses taxpayer-funded aircrafts.. a lot
>>2925964 Planefag Question re: Gitmo flight
>>2926029 Michelle Obama was seen leaving with Bruce Springsteen
a59447 No.2926099
09ae14 No.2926100
On June 28th, 2018 after the Maryland newspaper shooting, Q made a post asking why Freemasons are always on the scene of most shooting locations. After the San Bernardino shooting the local news interviewed a guy wearing a Freemason hat. After the Santa Fe Texas high school shooting the local news interviewed a guy wearing a necklace with a Masonic square and compass. After the Sandy Hook "shooting" several Freemasons were interviewed and appeared to be actors. Q correctly pointed out that Freemasons are involved in these pre-planned mass shootings carried out by the swamp / cabal.
Q said symbolism will be their downfall. In the posts Q heavily implied that Freemasons are evil and working hand in hand with the satanic cabal. Scottish Rite Freemasons involved with the Shriners (they wear Muslim fez hats) organize children's charities. On the surface they appear to to be doing good, but the ony reason they run the charities are to target and groom children to funnel into the cabal's pedophile network.
On September 2nd, 2018 Q posted a music video from Magic Sword. He said the song was played by "Operation Specialists" [pre-event] the prior night. He then posted a pic of Seal team choppers. The special op guys were listening to a band whose logo contains several Masonic elements. Why are the "good guys" listening to the "bad guys" music?
First Q tells us that the Freemasons are evil and part of the cabal. Then he posts a video where the Q team special ops are jamming to a band rife with Masonic and cabal symbology. So which is it Q, are Freemasons good or bad? Why was your team jamming to the enemy's music?
You have one week to explain yourself. Otherwise, this lone autist will take his semi-automatic POF Renegade+ down to the local Masonic lodge and kill every single one of those old pedophile satan-worshipping fuckers in the lodge. And I'm not a pussy, I won't commit suicide like the soyboy tards hopped up on Prozac and Zoloft who usually do mass shootings. I will fight until my last breath like a Chad and take out as many Masonic police officers as I can. If however, you explain why your team was jamming to evil Masonic cabal music, then I will call my plan off.
3bf748 No.2926102
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>2925937
6c269b No.2926103
Why do we care if the campaign PLANTS go to jail?
(Other than illegal means to send them to jail)
f5f4de No.2926104
Indeed, precisely my thinking
8e6b75 No.2926105
Take out john Podesta
e94ede No.2926106
They are scared to provide a false testimony yo a GJ only to then TRUTH come out.
1163f2 No.2926107
I have followed every post since day 1. I support what you are doing and know very powerful people in our country, Israel and Saudi Arabia want things in Syria that are not in the interests of the American people.
Please support Assad or explain to Patriots why we need to continue this lie. There have been mistakes in Iraq, Libya, Syria, etc in the past, but Trump and the American people will be held responsible if we don't carry out the principles the President campaigned on. China and Russia will have the apparent moral high ground. Thank you and Godspeed!
5a5e79 No.2926108
502'd the last 10 minutes.
Had a hell of a time getting in here
and then stuck in a captcha loop
5cac79 No.2926110
Revelations are always unfolding, just keep your eyes open.
56aaad No.2926111
When playing chess, the worst thing is when your opponent is bitching for you to hurry up and make your move.
Anons, don't be that guy!
454d55 No.2926112
>But the Republic must be awakened first.
I'm keeping one eye on Q, and one on the people.
No one that I'm monitoring has had any change to their lives at all so far. As if nothing is going on.
I could tell them, but it would ruin my experiment.
6806da No.2926113
– good thinking…
Also, last drop – by targeting those who were illegally targeted projects legitimacy to those spying…
d90112 No.2926114
9/11 truth can't come out.
actions the USA took based on the lie that was 9/11 would require other nations to act against the USA in a manner we would not like.
We need spanked, but the spanking we deserve would kill us.
e32ff0 No.2926115
>What FISA is about to be DECLAS?
>Public spotlight?
Pic related.
Q !4pRcUA0lBE ID: 349934 No.1444808 📁
May 17 2018 13:13:19 (EST)
Q !4pRcUA0lBE ID: 349934 No.1444682 📁
May 17 2018 13:04:39 (EST)
The hard part for us is having to wait for the 'public' to 'know' what we've known for a very long time.
There is no bigger threat to 'them' than the public being awake and thinking for themselves.
Why are we here?
What is the common theme when bad news is about to break (against them)?
Stay vigilant.
aab99e No.2926116
8e6b75 No.2926117
Please arrest these scumbags. John Podesta needs to be in prison or hung
935100 No.2926118
Why are you talking to a fake Q shill?
5cac79 No.2926120
I did not see it with my two eyes, but I believe so.
b42bac No.2926121
Rod Rosenstien may have leaked the NY times document to Podesta the molesta. [RR] has a history of writing opEds for that very paper.
e94ede No.2926122
They are scared to provide a false testimony yo a GJ only to then TRUTH come out.
98cfd1 No.2926123
fuck off pam ya wannabe. your life was garbage before Q. why are you even here?
bf5d9d No.2926124
Natalia Veselnitskaya is allowed a special entry into the country. Lorretta Lynch approved this special entry and is linked. Manafort - a PLANT - gets involved with Natalia and sets up the meeting.
Rosenstein and the others take this information - a Russia Lawyer meets with the campaign - to continue justifying surveilance on Manafort.
This provides the evidence to then prosecute Manafort with the evidence obtained from the illegal surveillance.
Same thing for Papdopoulous, Page and Flynn. Not just based on the dossier. But ALSO based on Loretta Lynch's approval for special entry of Natalia Veselnitskaya to setup the meeting.
The UK was involved and the orders were to TARGET, REMOVE and SILENCE everyone surveiled. UK allowed for the five eyes access and umbrella coverage. This includes three to four degrees of seperation of all comms. Violates US law but since UK does it - skirts US law.
8437ba No.2926125
b587c9 No.2926126
Theory: We delivered the Op-ed. To force the issue and open up inquiry.
af4982 No.2926129
One of them probably got their dick sucked.
d11b6c No.2926131
Brilliant way to send messages. Hint, hint…
33c206 No.2926132
Don't namefag, shill.
452e47 No.2926133
03563a No.2926134
Speck to da Bandit, pic related
5cac79 No.2926135
Have you ever read Atlas Shrugged? Who is Mrs. Rearden?
ba2c33 No.2926136
I think you should just KYS.
351765 No.2926137
did this guy ripoff the mudfossil guy?>>2925997
328c5a No.2926139
I see…….legally thats quite brilliant.
608cbe No.2926140
what in the actual fuck did you just say?! the cabal did that shit. they are international.
f0c2af No.2926142
Thank you. I formally submit my Space Force application.
6f908b No.2926143
AZAZ0909 flight from DC to Ft Bragg just made the return flight back to DC.
bd905b No.2926144
If [RR] is dirty, Mueller must also be dirty.
if Mueller is dirty, [RR] must also be dirty.
6004c3 No.2926145
The reptile eye shoop is a dead give away for your analysis anon
096b19 No.2926146
Twatter Campaign Suggestion
>screencap BotSentinel %bot result for (your) account
>write on physical piece of paper I, @__, am not a bot.
>create side by side
>twitter storm Slate, et al with other anons with indisputable proof rebuking Slate’s poor sourcing & research.
<<Slate using BotSentinal as sauce for “early QAnon twitter bots” to “artificially amplify”.
What explains the migration and growth of the Q phenomenon? For one thing, perhaps the desire of this group of Trump supporters to live in a reality in which an unpopular president mired in self-made controversies is actually winning. And thanks to a report last month from NBC News, we now know that the theory can be traced back to two 4chan moderators and one YouTube personality who worked with each other in order to port the Q posts onto more mainstream channels. Their effort does not appear to be the only coordinated attempt to boost Q to a bigger audience. Q’s journey from the cobwebby corners of 4chan into the mainstream likely wasn’t entirely organic. Rather, it appears to have been amplified along the way by automated Twitter accounts—that is, bots. And they seem to have gotten their start very early in the life of the conspiracy theory.
Using the tools Botcheck.me and Bot Sentinel, combined with data pulled and analyzed by Slate about how many tweets each account sent in a single day, I was able to determine whether many of the accounts tweeting about QAnon displayed behavior that’s indicative of automated activity. One of the surest signs of bot activity is volume, according to Philip Howard, an Oxford University professor and director of the Oxford Internet Institute, where he studies automation in social media. If an account tweets more than 50 times a day about politics or an election, that usually denotes some level of automated activity, says Howard. Botcheck.me and Bot Sentinel—both of which were created by independent researchers—use machine learning to look for botlike activity, which, according to Botcheck.me, includes tweeting extremely frequently, gaining a large following in a short amount of time, retweeting other bots, being followed by other bots, and sticking to highly polarizing political messages. (The creators of Bot Sentinel and Botcheck.me report that their tools are able to identify bot accounts with about 94 percent accuracy.)
>Goes to BotSentinel
>Twitter User Search not currently functioning
>Explores sidebar menu, sees “Troll Bot Networks”
Apparently Dan Bingino is master “bot” of a “troll bot farm”.
Same for Fox News, Hussein, @realdonaldtrump & @potus
1d6663 No.2926147
My guess is they activated masons,ms13, and CAIR sleepers(VJ's children) to carry out some bs. Plan is media blitz against D5 and a degree of nat'l instability brought on by whatever they are trying to pull. Wonder if that's why he proclaimed September Natl Emer preparedness month due to the possibility of some of their operations/sleepers being successful.
cfbfcb No.2926148
There was so many paid actors for Brett's hearing, it was funny. haha
c66439 No.2926149
and they wonder why we mock them. kek
86ab48 No.2926150
WTF baker, adding a namefag to notables?
cc6f21 No.2926151
You mean both did at the same time.
4dbe1a No.2926152
q.pub is out! Oy vey! We's under attack, anons!
d2c1a6 No.2926153
any word on the concealed carry reciprocity act?
Bigly important for good guy's in New England for self protection
ThankQ , love and light.
f558f1 No.2926154
National Emergency Alert System Test Planned. September 20.
b3947d No.2926155
obvious is obvious..
5cac79 No.2926156
You are the highest ranking anon. Chemtrails are air pollutants.
b52eb8 No.2926157
U.S. warns against "reckless" Syria assault in Idlib as Russia hammers rebels.
same song and dance. lets see ifour president protects the Al -Nusra ..
ea8a81 No.2926158
Boss, I regret having to be away from the chan for a few hours today!! Big big day!!!
Oh well, if I can't be of any use until puzzling together the crumbs, at least I can pray for /ourguys/.
1690e6 No.2926159
That dirty cunt rag at the UN needs to get run over by a train.
84b173 No.2926161
There are so many more people waking up every day. If we see something, we say something. Cabal will get away with far less today than let’s say 8 months ago. Sleeper cells will be on everyone’s mind. Stamp out this evil, Q.
cbbcc1 No.2926163
Will you require all Senior Officials that have "National Security Clearance" to take a lie detector tests… to a list of questions about collusion to subvert the United States Government?
80b41b No.2926165
Jerry Hirsch who is the chairman of the Lodestar Foundation has tons of ties to the various McCain Institutes as well as the Sandra Day O'connor Foundation and other Arizona foundations. I've definitely stepped into something here but need more eyes on..
"O’Connor House thanks its luncheon sponsors Jerry Hirsch and the Lodestar Foundation, Ambassador Barbara Barrett and Dr. Craig Barrett, Francis Najafi, Joe Anderson, the Arizona Community Foundation and Phoenix Committee on Foreign Relations for their support."
7794fa No.2926166
Track record!
6884ab No.2926167
Hussein looked terrified today for sure
9d5d4b No.2926168
e7a535 No.2926169
Same here Anon !!
6945ba No.2926170
>Why do we care if the campaign PLANTS go to jail?
Carter Page was NOT a blackhat plant. I think he was a whitehat intel LURE.
22fbb6 No.2926171
Dirty deeds..Done dirt cheap
062317 No.2926172
8f47d0 No.2926173
still happening had trouble getting in
dbfa45 No.2926174
8e6b75 No.2926175
14 days is like 2 hours
873546 No.2926176
yep, we got that already, Q
1f0c1c No.2926179
>>2926123 Cause otherwise I have to service your mom and it's getting really old at this point.
108686 No.2926180
Sounds logical to me.
9bf7bd No.2926181
there's a number in the name field, so?
I don't get it..
8b0d20 No.2926182
Oh boy here comes the slide of whether or not the non-capitalized "i" was intentional.
2327ad No.2926183
I admit it looks like POTUS can save the world, but can he do please something about this level of "progressive libtardism"?
If this happened in Texas, we can make a case against attempting to infect the public. Probably would get faggot-ass shot.
ce23c6 No.2926184
Still waiting for the Declas boss, can you please tell POTUS to hurry it up a little faster, that be great.
bd0946 No.2926185
love u frens
5cac79 No.2926186
Personally, I believe so, but the operation is not faith based.
873546 No.2926187
yep, we got that already, Q
35d789 No.2926188
>Are P-daps lawyers being controlled by blackhats or being lied to?
Makes sense. Remember when he threatened to withdraw the guilty plea? He made the decision to take the deal when the potential for another FISA application was out there.
478f84 No.2926189
07fc80 No.2926190
JA's associate missing in Norway? Has this be checked out?
f558f1 No.2926191
But Mueller is not in kill box
4f8936 No.2926193
Q when will the fact Putin and Trump are allies in this war against the NWO be made public? When will they announce the alliance between Russia and the Americas?
ea8a81 No.2926194
Yes. That thought keeps coming to mind ever since we learned your current intent re: [RR]. I can't stand the suspense!
d90112 No.2926195
yes they are, but the US military followed orders.
You can't take military action against selected targets inside the US.
besides, too few citizens stood up to the fedgov.
Revolution should have happened days after that event. IT didn't.
7dcb91 No.2926196
cc6f21 No.2926197
6 months ago everyone on here fucking loved her.
9fd0df No.2926198
88bb43 No.2926199
Pro-tip: Psychology 505: [ 5:5 ]
Ever feel like all the Anons responding to (You) are divisive or otherwise attempt to criticize you? It's because (((they))) are implementing a form of
right here on this board.
(((They))) respond to you as authorities; oldfags, Bakers and 'highest-ranking'. Then (((they))) discredit or belittle (You). The tactic is to get Anon to acknowledge that there is a hierarchy and thru submission to it (the desire to get-along) or retreat from challenging it, it's further established that (((they))) are above (You). Fight or Flight These Bakers demand certain formats for Notables and nominations; you must do it right, by the rulz set-forth or (You) will be criticized and not able to see your research reach Notables and your work will be discarded. Reward or Punishment
When that is accomplished, the attic begins on content or truth or sauce or Anons lack of understanding the complex subject, again diminishing the person/poster not the content of what is offered. This tends to get an Anon to ponder the worth of what they've said and/or their expertise to speak on this or anything at all. Congratulations- you have been mind-controlled.
It's tiny steps, but day-by-day engagement in these behaviors becomes engrained, much like Pavlov's dog. (You) have been trained to act a certain way, speak in specific manners and to watch how you engage with the Superiors to avoid criticism.
DO NOT FORGET that this board, as most social media, employs Psychological triggers to frame conversations AND reality!
A form of MK-ULTRA
[Disclaimer: Is this MK-ULTRA? No, but it's definitely much like MK-ULTRA; MK-Lite]
31b2c6 No.2926200
The end of the Mueller Investigation.
8e6b75 No.2926201
14 days is like 2 hours>>2925853
What we need are public hangings
e32ff0 No.2926202
mueller - TRAITOR of the highest order. sell out from no less than USMC.
MUST be dealt with.
5cac79 No.2926205
I am not Q. I am Q+.
c66439 No.2926206
>WTF baker, adding a namefag to notables?
2bc329 No.2926207
Will Princess Lisa Barsoomian be brought to justice too? What happens to rogue clown operatives? Life on Mars?
149640 No.2926208
SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO riddle me this Asshat ! why don't they do Chemtrails at Night & when cloudy you you RETARDS can't see it, NOT ONE CHEMTARD HAS ANSWERED & YOU WON'T EITHER
726881 No.2926209
9d1af5 No.2926211
Q Team, what is up with Lindsey Graham? Is he a white hat or in the [killbox]?
52816e No.2926212
Smaller swamps, course of action, please.
eaa969 No.2926213
They are all fucking dirty!
59473f No.2926214
They are all swamp creatures. Disregard party affiliation. Focused only on survival of cabal.
4aeefb No.2926215
demonic…sane women don't do this
6f19c2 No.2926216
364 Illegal Alien Arrested in a Six-State ICE Operation! As Part of the Raid, 187 Previously Convicted Felons Caught Including a Child Pornographer and Child Rapist
>Democrats want to Abolish ICE though
2023bd No.2926217
Truth is already out. Sheeple just refuse to see and believe.
b3a0fe No.2926218
The law in DC is handled a lot differently than the law for normal Americans. Please understand, this doesn’t make sense to many of us. This is the stuff of fiction novels.
328c5a No.2926219
He most likely will be though……
aab99e No.2926220
Using up all their ammo! Annoying but we ain't going anywhere
03a963 No.2926221
honestly, I fucking love Trey Gowdy. I think he justified unwavering support in the Benghazi hearings. Fucking true ass patriot AND quality lawfag.
78baf5 No.2926222
They keep digging their holes deeper, eventually they're going to hit Bedrock : )
5cac79 No.2926223
A better future.
1f0c1c No.2926224
6af3e6 No.2926225
Talk about predicting the future. I don’t know what some of you anons are looking at but
* Attacks will intensify
They are. When have you ever had a previous president campaign so hard,so quickly after his own term? 0bama is everywhere right now.
* Attacks will intensify
MicroFag fagging his faggotry of faggotic proportions. Micro makes dick tips touching look straight.
* Attacks will intensify
Seemed like a message of a final push last night with the kid in the audience. Remember anons. He’s just a kid. Why he was there, intentions, etc he’s a kid. He’s being manipulated. Hate the evil not the kid. They use people. That’s what they do. They’re feeding off the hate. Stop feeding them.
*Attacks will intensify
Amendment 25 push again. Yawn.
*Mix of good and bad
I’m Q, you’re Q, they’re Q, we are all Q, there is no Q.
Everything has been building. That’s the term the storm. Storms take time to build.
Storms form when warm, moisture-laden air rises rapidly into the atmosphere. As the air rises, it cools and the moisture condenses, falling back to Earth as precipitation.
Scripts. Watch them. Musk tweeted going private? Smokes weed live on podcast? He’s following the script he was handed. 60/40 anons. This is how you achieve that. They act, like a movie, we watch it all, it’s all scripted. Or do you think Elon can dig tunnels and spaceships but not realize the effects of his actions?
Final push for the house. Lights are dimming. Stupid fucking dancing popcorn and candy vignette is finally over. Previews are almost done.
a59447 No.2926226
22fbb6 No.2926227
b38e55 No.2926228
3bf748 No.2926229
Public proofs soon to come.
bd0946 No.2926231
Great work anon, fuken saved!
5cac79 No.2926232
6e8c02 No.2926233
[BM] having a bowel movement rn
9d5d4b No.2926234
abea5f No.2926235
Who controls (dirty) Mueller?
76c7b7 No.2926237
Maybe. Not sure how damaging the credibility of those who were surveilled illegally prevents them from seeking justice.
b3947d No.2926238
You cant be missing in norway..
Norway is RAELLY REALLY small.. And besides Bodø? its a really small town.
U cannot speak english unless u want the locals to remember you for 7+ years.
Its so easy to find anyone in that country that to be missing is obviously a OP.
62262a No.2926239
ALSO forgot to add to "BRIDGE" post follow to DigitalImpact (was formerly Markets for Good) to Knight Foundation to Gates & Soros. mrc.org
0e1f03 No.2926240
worked with a Columbia college professor ?
d14e55 No.2926241
That’s $2 million a day for 14 days. Stiff sentence huh.
This is why we need military tribunals. The courts are comped AF
e94ede No.2926242
873546 No.2926243
is this disinfo?
why isn't Mueller in a kill box?
why are you repeating old posts that you know we already have memorized?
0dc9f1 No.2926244
I like Q. I appreciate AJ. Now Q implies AJ is connected to Mossad. Q implies AJ is a traitor and I cannot feel convinced deep within myself. I believe Q through a channel told AJ to NOT back Q because AJ's rep is tainted (Sandy Hook). Q would have had a hard time gaining traction if AJ immediately jumped on board in support. The normies would have said "Q is just a Alex Jones conspiracy thing".
#1–Is Mossad bad? Evil? Do they support HRC and globalists? Is Mossad anti-Trump? I honestly don't know. Does Mossad like and support anyone other than Israel?
#2—Trump appeared on the AJ Show. Certainly Q & Trump would have known then AJ was connected to Mossad, so why appear on his show if they believed AJ was a traitor?
#3—Why did Q put the word "proves" in quotes when referring to Mueller and Free Speech Systems?
#4—Virtually everything Q has hinted at about the Deep State & House of Saud & Rothchilds, AJ has been banging on about for over 20 years!
I cannot believe AJ is a traitor. There is something optical going on. "Disinformation is necessary."
If AJ turns out to be a traitor, I'll blow my fucken brains out. Don't wanna live in a world where that kind of fuckery is going on; don't wanna live with a faulty inner bullshit detector.
919466 No.2926245
>How can you prosecute someone and provide testimony to the JUDGE when you KNOW the TRUE EVIDENCE is about to come to LIGHT?
07a6f0 No.2926246
confirm or deny Mueller is on /team/
we know both are dirty
confirm or deny they have been flipped from black to grey hats to exonerate POTUS and are used for optics
a31c46 No.2926247
(var) Loadstar
International Truck
emphasis on international
[F+D] [Foreign and Domestic]
had a 1967
not my best truck but definitely my favorite
c87d41 No.2926248
The thing I keep coming back to is the fact that Mueller met with POTUS the day before he was appointed SC…
98cfd1 No.2926249
you're a dead man walking and you dont even know it. i wonder how those comms with corsi are gonna look in front of a grand jury faggot. just be a coward like everyone expects you to be and take the easy way out. be a hero for the first time in your lousy life.
86ab48 No.2926250
We are all anonymous except Q. Namefags get filtered.
b4b193 No.2926251
Who leaked that Flynn had been unmasked? This actual crime has been forgotten.
f22a70 No.2926252
Did y'all use Lindsey Graham to get the military tribunal info out there in the public view?
b9a89e No.2926253
dirty corrupt mfers!
3096c7 No.2926254
f558f1 No.2926255
Possible Secret pardon to Mueller.
e2507e No.2926256
This is telling me that Mueller isn't /ourguy/ & soon will be [Mueller].
4aeefb No.2926257
▶Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 09/07/18 (Fri) 15:57:28 No.200
Goodbye, Mr. Rosenstein
Goodbye, Mr. Mueller
608cbe No.2926258
wholeheartedly disagree. it was made impossible for any american citizen to oppose with heavy ridicule. many lost their lives just for speaking of what they saw that day. no excuse for this one to die in darkness. it must be cleansed with
59fd03 No.2926259
One can be dirty and the ]killer[ at the same time.
5cac79 No.2926260
The 2nd amendment is part of the Constitution, but specific law is a state by state issue.
d84eeb No.2926261
LOL!! I went for it. As if it's Q…But I like to see where they take it sometimes. He wouldn't answer me :(
2af5f8 No.2926262
All I am seeing from you is you REACTING to the news and giving us unverifiable stuff… connecting dots that we can't verify anywhere!
"Goodbye Rosenstein"? Okay, where can we verify this has happened if it's happened already? If it HAS NOT happened, when will it happen?
"Future proves past" doesn't cut it here, Q… RR was bound to get fired eventually… If I predict the sun will come up tomorrow, and it does, do I look like a prophet? NOPE! Same deal here!
d14e55 No.2926263
That’s $2 million a day for 14 days. Stiff sentence huh.
This is why we need military tribunals. The courts are comped AF.
411a1c No.2926264
To bad we didn't get the DECLAS today.
That would have certainly brought about suicide weekend.
0e1f03 No.2926265
then 911 report must be dirty
ceb6af No.2926266
what about TG >role?
do we get another Q&A soon?
bb269f No.2926267
Rod you little firewall you!
db1f49 No.2926268
Ironically, I just posted on FB:
"Rosenstein in hot water. Rosenstein appointed Mueller. Ohr admits leaking to Weissman. Weissman right-hand of Mueller r.e.: Witch Hunt on POTUS. If Rosenstein goes down, he's joined at the hip with Mueller.
Chess match just flipped from defense to offense."
Thank Q for verifying.
48cd79 No.2926269
get ON with it! NOTHING IS BEING DONE! you think most normies understand what's going on? WE are the ones that can't walk down the street without getting jumped. babies gettin raped but "we gotta build a court case" GET BENT
c2d48f No.2926270
I'm trusting the plan and trusting you .
But will we see disclosure any time soon ?
470ded No.2926271
Yeah. So many newfags. But that's (mostly) the good news.
e32ff0 No.2926272
Let's add three more zeros to that number.
5cac79 No.2926273
Yes. New tech. New possibilities. New problems.
328c5a No.2926274
What did he slip Huma Abiden at McStains funeral? His hand slipped into her purse when they hugged. Gen Kelly saw it.
e94ede No.2926275
33c206 No.2926276
If the FAKE Steele Dossier constituted the 'bulk' of the 'facts submitted' to FISC to obtain FISA warrant(s) against POTUS….
Dossier dismissed as FAKE/BASELESS.
If Mueller was appointed as SC based on the Dossier - and the Dossier was proven to be FAKE/DISINFORMATION - and the Dossier was proven to be the 'bulk' of the information submitted to FISC in order to obtain the warrants (+FISA signers 'pre-mediated' neglect to disclose the actual FACTS (lied to)) - then how is Mueller still SC?
BO never called to testify re: Mueller?
Mueller investigating 'Russian Collusion'?
Why would Mueller not contact BO?
BO was the 'BACKCHANNEL' between FBI/DOJ & STEELE.
Why wouldn't Mueller seek testimony?
Mueller: Impeach POTUS operation?
If impeachment is the goal via retake House (midterms), does it still not require a 2/3 vote in the Senate?
What will the [20] FISA 4th warrant disclose?
Trust the Plan.
544b29 No.2926277
If RR is taken out, SC loses all credibility against POTUS, they never had any to begin with. That's the point here, if you take out Mueller, then RR is still there, this way it's 2 birds w/ 1 stone.
32b9b2 No.2926280
502 errors like crazy. What's going on??
cba33e No.2926281
Posted same day as Comey tweet on 1.29.18
66828b No.2926282
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>2925821
this is basic https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/COINTELPRO
muhultra is a much higher level
shatter a persons personality into pieces
isolate and program individual "pieces"
creates "spaces" and acts a "filter" to hide intent or even guilt et al
a "baker" corrected my grammar a few days ago… and I just now felt like a fucking traitor divider "not with the planfag" simply for saying that and/or even approaching the subject…
and so I post a song just because I am not supposed to do that here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2af67e No.2926283
maybe if you didnt speak like a 13 year old girl youd get better traction on your argument
31b2c6 No.2926285
Wrong. “Shall not be infringed”. KYS.
6f19c2 No.2926287
364 Illegal Alien Arrested in a Six-State ICE Operation! As Part of the Raid, 187 Previously Convicted Felons Caught Including a Child Pornographer and Child Rapist
>Democrats want to Abolish ICE though
04379c No.2926288
No Statement about the NYT Anonymous
Director of Data Strategy and Voter Contact Operations Camilo Sandoval
(Jan. 2016) CEO and co-founder of Collaborative Advance Media CAMINTEL. Chief of staff at American Express, 2011-15. Investment banking associate at Merrill Lynch, 2008-11. Senior management consultant at Fiserv, 2003-07. Manager of information technology at American Airlines, 1999-2001. Signals intelligence analyst for the National Security Agency, 1998-99; signals intelligence analyst for the U.S. Air Force, 1993-99. M.B.A. in accounting and finance from Indiana University Bloomington; B.B.A. in accounting and finance from he University of Texas at Arlington.
Current Position
Office of Public and Intergovernmental Affairs
Mr. Sandoval serves as the Executive-in-Charge for the Office of Information and Technology. Until recently he served as Senior Advisor to the Under Secretary for Veterans Health Administration overseeing the modernization efforts to advance the use of electronic health records (EHRs) and other technologies to improve the quality, safety, and efficiency of Veterans patient care. Prior to joining the Department, he had an extensive career in private enterprise focused on the financial capital markets, healthcare investment banking, and digital mobile payments. Prior to that, he spent the early part of his career as a management consultant for Fortune 500 financial institutions seeking to enhance topline revenue through data optimization strategies. As a multifaceted leader, Mr. Sandoval led large cross‐functional teams working closely with corporate executives to provide strategic solutions to complex senior‐level challenges, including new product commercialization, risk management, and information technology. Camilo is a proud veteran of the United States Air Force, and a graduate of Indiana University where he received his MBA in Finance & Strategy. He is bilingual and fluent in Spanish and has a working knowledge of Japanese.
New VA official is Trump campaign veteran accused of harassment
Being part of the leadership team, I would expect a statement of some kind from this person, however he remains silent on the subject. Based on his credentials (SIGINT) being the least of them. Sleeper Cell Activated???
4b7628 No.2926290
b42bac No.2926292
Interesting. Go on…
873546 No.2926293
because the chemtrails require sunlight to activate, moron.
4f8936 No.2926294
Q……will we get Alien Disclosure in the first term? Second? Never?
78baf5 No.2926295
Don't trust him too long, he's got a cot in Gitmo waiting
d2c1a6 No.2926296
Thanks, I had a feeling It would never happen.
Time to find a new home.
love and light.
062317 No.2926297
6945ba No.2926299
>If [RR] is dirty, Mueller must also be dirty.
>if Mueller is dirty, [RR] must also be dirty.
Q is correcting anon who said only one left (RR). It's actually TWO (RR AND Mueller)
610b8c No.2926300
My eyes have rolled so far back in my head I can see behind me.
Q's fantasy world doesn't even make sense any more.
5f79f3 No.2926301
Trump Calls on Sessions to Investigate Anonymous NYT Op-Ed Author
By Staff Writer | September 07, 2018 | 2:47 PM EDT
3c601e No.2926302
Mueller finally sentenced someone in an illegal investigation, it's bad for RR and BM.
3da12a No.2926303
6d0036 No.2926304
d542b5 No.2926305
yeah I've been getting 502s on PF for hours now. It comes and goes.
149640 No.2926306
>>2926283 so just like I predicted another Chemtard, another no answer chemtard
096b19 No.2926307
Q !!
Can those who are “dirty” “clean up” their act enough to work in favor of the white hats?
Or are the white hats allowing the Dirt dwellers to dig their own graves?
I see both as plausible.
d743b2 No.2926308
swing and a miss.
74cfbf No.2926309
Will the content of Weiner's laptop ever be fully revealed?
7bb56d No.2926310
Sort yourself out.
03563a No.2926312
sorry, gotta bet that I can only do Bandit memes for this bread, pic related to your post however, game on
470ded No.2926313
Yeah. So many newfags. But that's (mostly)
the good news.>>2926244
2023bd No.2926314
Lets try some clear cut drops.
No guessing. No disinfo. No cryptic hooblah.
Enough is Enough.
1f0c1c No.2926315
I'm getting battered wife syndrome here
Trust Mueller? OR Don't Trust Mueller?
I'm so sorry I make you hit me again. Please forgive meh
f3d7da No.2926316
potus probably had undercover assets in the gov for years who encouraged the enemy to pass all the laws potus would later use to destroy them kek
3b37a8 No.2926317
she is pretty
07a6f0 No.2926318
mueller had nothing to do with signing FISA
3bf748 No.2926319
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>2926144
fbe52d No.2926320
My daughter is a successful baby photographer. She has shown me pictures of children… girl/girl hugging, nearly kissing, etc. She says the "industry" is headed this direction. I'm a long-time lurker, but I believe this needs eyes all over it. This is tame she implied. Please Anons bring this to the proper "eyes" before more of our babies are hurt or worse.
873546 No.2926321
great, now get them the hell off our lawn before some Hussein-appointed Judge lets them all fly free.
d14e55 No.2926322
What a movie!
You can’t buy tickets to this kind of comedy show.
Re-fill your popcorn, this is getting good af.
5cac79 No.2926323
Faith is powerful. The bible is inspirational. A calendar. We are re-negotiating international waters to include the entirety of the ocean, minus the shorelines. Shipping will become more expensive, but that is one reason we are focusing on domestic production.
067faa No.2926324
Why is it that whenever I go to POTUS’s Twitter, the top comments on virtually all his posts are virulently anti-Trump, but whoever I go to someone like John Podesta’s Twitter, the top comments on their posts are all Q-loving patriots?
If @Jack & Co. were allowing bots and shills to flood POTUS’s posts and forcing their replies to the top, why would they not be doing the same thing with Podesta? That doesn’t make sense?
To me, that means @Jack no longer has control over the censorship-related aspects of the platform. That leaves only two options: 1) either no one is messing with things at all, and POTUS really is getting bombarded by shills with no backup from anons (because they’re too focused on the likes of Podesta), or else 2) Q team is in full control and allowing the POTUS shills to remain at the top is all part of the plan. I think we all already knew it was #2, but I figured I’d lay out a concrete thought process for it.
6f19c2 No.2926325
364 Illegal Alien Arrested in a Six-State ICE Operation! As Part of the Raid, 187 Previously Convicted Felons Caught Including a Child Pornographer and Child Rapist
>Democrats want to Abolish ICE though
22506e No.2926326
if the COMPLETE truth does not come out — there will be no real progress – we will only get a new 'cabal' - and in time it will become the same as the old cabal.
721f7c No.2926327
77e4e8 No.2926328
We're still trying to get 20 pages declassified. I'm guessing that truth would be about 15 years away.
fb8f69 No.2926329
Will there be a financial reset?
3cde6a No.2926330
The Podesta twitter post, "sleeper cells awoken" basically saying, start treasonous attacks???? re: Q-post 2113 they are terrorists.
35d789 No.2926331
>The courts are comped AF
Nope. Mueller's investigation is. Low sentence because he threatened to withdraw plea and go to trial. Probably would have shown a flawed FISA application like Carter Page's.
Mueller couldn't have another one of those in the public. It will still be made public though.
78baf5 No.2926333
Q and the Team have (((them))) shitting adrenochrome bricks right about now
aaec9d No.2926334
They do it when it's cloudy, you can see it when there are breaks in the clouds. Just because you never noticed doesn't mean it doesn't happen.
db1f49 No.2926335
That would be about 6,000 people.
5cac79 No.2926336
d14e55 No.2926337
6c269b No.2926339
Q NEVER said "trust mueller".
0931a2 No.2926340
So does the 20 pages of the redacted FISA app involve the 5 or more affidavits swearing under penalty of perjury yet they did mislead, fabricate evidence, and flat out lie to the court? Will the fisa show Executive involvement or is that other expected through other evidence witnesses?
I don't know if you can answer that, but I hope you can
0e1f03 No.2926341
mueller with a 911 report from the SC ?
66828b No.2926342
i thought it was 70% continuity of government and all?
9bf7bd No.2926344
Last call for updates?
>>2925816 NORAD Confirms Another Dangerous US Intercept Of Russian Long-Range Bombers Near Alaska
>>2925830 5 minute delta between Q and POTUS = Today.
>>2925923 Andrew Cuomo uses taxpayer-funded aircrafts.. a lot
>>2925964, >>2926143 Planefag Reports
>>2926029 Michelle Obama was seen leaving with Bruce Springsteen
>>2926301 Trump Calls on Sessions to Investigate Anonymous NYT Op-Ed Author
Friday 09.07.18
>>2926144 rt >>2926085 ——————-——– If [RR] is dirty, Mueller must also be dirty.
>>2925937 rt >>2925844 ——————-——– What FISA is about to be DECLAS?
>>2925825 rt >>2925758 ——————-——– FISA warrant issued / approved>Papadopoulos
>>2925765 rt >>2925488 ——————-——– Specific timing rests w/ POTUS.
Prepping to bake early
d747b8 No.2926345
Was the Satanic baby killing stuff just a disinfo thing, or is that real?
2023bd No.2926346
Sentiments exactly.
d05a22 No.2926347
Thing is, if [RR] is fired, it looks like POTUS is going after RR/SC. But if [RR] resigns, publicly compromised, you might get traction vs. Muller.
db1f49 No.2926348
6-7,000 employees.
608cbe No.2926349
yes. and truth being known by ALL will prevent this.
dark to LIGHT
74cfbf No.2926350
Will the content of Weiner's laptop ever be fully revealed?>>2925778
59473f No.2926351
Wallace says Trump had a tough week 1-3-3 punch = using ammo Q!
http:// insider.foxnews.com/2018/09/07/wallace-woodward-book-anonymous-nyt-op-ed-obama-speech-are-1-2-3-punch-combo-trump
3b37a8 No.2926352
mueller is complete garbage
lower than scum
9/11 families know
5f79f3 No.2926354
he's still doing shows on real.video
I'ma gunna drop these on his link
00b3a6 No.2926355
e8d686 No.2926356
"I'm sorry, I watched it, but I fell asleep. I found he's very good. Very good for sleeping."
Sleeping / sleeper cells reference??
c999e7 No.2926357
If [RR] is dirty, Mueller must also be dirty.
if Mueller is dirty, [RR] must also be dirty.
logically, the reverse must be true.
If [RR] is clean, Mueller must also be clean
if Mueller is clean, [RR] must also be clean.
8e6bb4 No.2926358
Have you got anything on Valerie Jarrett? She was pulling Obama's strings – she's bound to be knee-deep in all this.
68b145 No.2926359
hey q+ anon, much love and all but do you think that we are stupid? how do we know that you are real? a confirmation potus tweet would really be nice. Is this possible? any phrase would do. let's see. how about, "Make America Great Again", that sounds like something nobody would be to thrown off by and would be great confirmation.
4420c7 No.2926360
WHY are you asking him?? That is NOT Q! Do you see his tripcode?? No.
5cac79 No.2926361
There will be mechanisms to reduce wealth inequalities while keeping competition, innovation, and entrepreneurship as core values.
e2507e No.2926362
Actually Q just recently put Mueller in the killbox. Pic related.
096b19 No.2926363
Q !!m
(1)Kevin Shipp - patriot? Or once a clown….
(2) The Trilogy - Movie 1 is already complete, correct?
(3) 11.3 Podesta 11.4 HRC. No year included. Movie 2? (Fall)
97a227 No.2926364
Y can I read this?
873546 No.2926365
i think it's true, anon.
my clue was this → AJ professes to be a big time Christian. His 1st wife was -→ Jewish. His 2d wife is -→ yep, Jewish.
MOSSAD handlers.
721f7c No.2926366
We're still the USA.
Obv, we make AMENDS.
But don't you dare assume we just sweep TRUTH under the rug.
The WORLD has done shit it needs to apologize for too. We all do. Get off the high horse. Get back down to a Patriot level. Human level. 911 truth must be total. idgaf about your feelings.
33c206 No.2926367
222785 No.2926368
>Q !!
In the post per pic attached are you talking about double jeapordy? If Mueller gets to them first, they are now silenced because they can't be tried for the same crime twice?
6f19c2 No.2926369
There is no "new cabal," only the "fake jew cabal" THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN!
af4982 No.2926370
cfbfcb No.2926371
They are mirroring off each other.
22506e No.2926372
'dirty' ? so take out the fucking garbage already !!! just do it !!
31b2c6 No.2926373
DO YOU SEE A FUCKING TRIPCODE?? Newfags, if there’s no tripcode, it’s not Q or Q+
007fdb No.2926374
Or Mirror RR and Muller could not be dirty?
07a6f0 No.2926375
its fine, just went to it again
7d5d0c No.2926376
(((They))) lost their
d84eeb No.2926377
At this point, NOTHING would surprise me with GEOTUS.
VERY Stable Genius.
a5af39 No.2926378
then it was a group of people
0f3d12 No.2926379
Those who listen to and admire Hussein are very much asleep.
ceb6af No.2926380
How do we bypass fake news media?
to get the message to the masses WW
994365 No.2926381
de2505 No.2926382
Blueshare paid accounts and bots.
b37e81 No.2926383
I can get to it..
e2507e No.2926384
Q just recently put Mueller in the killbox. Pic related.
490311 No.2926385
>>2925765 (pb Q)
I agree that the strategy here is so complex that it can’t be executed in a manner that’s on a whim. Think game theory fellow patriots. There are predictable actions / reactions, processes, limited ‘tools’ etc. Trust The Plan - We are winning.
3f6c13 No.2926386
449c24 No.2926387
Anonymous ID: grTMpzrL No.147441378 📁
Oct 31 2017 23:09:55 (EST)
Why did Mueller meet POTUS 1-day prior to FBI announcement if Mueller COULD NOT be offered director due to prev term limits rule?
a7c862 No.2926388
Couldn’t “Goodbye, RR.” Be something that RR could say. Like a proper salutation?
77e4e8 No.2926389
e in a hurry.>>2926343
Looks like George Soros
721f7c No.2926390
Also we're putting those pricks to DEATH.
Get over it, pussy.
472717 No.2926391
Good here .. no new posts since 202
1d1bde No.2926392
Marine One photo: FORTHCOMING?
a31c46 No.2926393
Better call the sewer dept and warn'em ahead of time……couple BIG pieces of shit coming their way
cfbfcb No.2926394
Both playing on the DS team?
328c5a No.2926395
1d6663 No.2926396
Many read crumbs in a way that Mueller inv is all theater. That inv would eventually expose the real traitors and he'd appear unpartisan in the process of pointing finger at them.
4a5b5c No.2926398
RR and Mueller - deals made - Mueller was at Trump Tower for 4 hours the day before he was called to start the Special Counsel - Both playing a role
f22a70 No.2926399
Will POTUS ever recognize the Q Team publicly?
544b29 No.2926400
FISA DECLAS [20] shows RR is comp'd though. If they went after Mueller, it looks like POTUS is attempting to obstruct investigation. POTUS pulled the [cause] up by the root.
b04542 No.2926401
07a6f0 No.2926402
trust the plan
b42bac No.2926403
Mueller's /theirguy/. Dirty. POTUS needs him to exonerate and drop the charges. Their trap, their foot, stepped into.
ec2b7f No.2926404
Very real anon.
470ded No.2926405
Yeah. So many newfags. But that's (mostly)
the good news.
Namefagging not necessary. And don't put your trust into any human at that level.
William Cooper talked about AJ being an agent provocateur 20 years ago.
Trust God.
(Taking me forever to post omg the board rn!)
00b3a6 No.2926406
LMAO….he's a dick POTUS had a very good week,Dem's have gone off the deep end in full view of the public!
fbe52d No.2926407
My daughter is a successful baby photographer. She has shown me pictures of children… girl/girl hugging, nearly kissing, etc. She says the "industry" is headed this direction. I'm a long-time lurker, but I believe this needs eyes all over it. This is tame she implied. Please Anons bring this to the proper "eyes" before more of our babies are hurt or worse. >>2926387
c87d41 No.2926408
Stupid faggot. Stop talking to Q+. Go back to reddit
76c7b7 No.2926409
Notice the sudden rash of shootings over the past week or so. And the sudden outbreak of sick airline passengers.
9d815a No.2926410
If so, hurry up with some justice. Some anons are about to snap.
873546 No.2926411
i could care less if you flipped RR or RM.
they both stink like Cankles.
don't want them on our team.
how can you trust scum-bag traitors?
Ans: You can't.
f6df28 No.2926412
5cac79 No.2926413
a59447 No.2926415
Fuck off retard.
86ab48 No.2926416
We are all anonymous except Q. Namefags get filtered.
97a227 No.2926417
N/Y can I read this?
fe3cb6 No.2926418
QMap is still down. This one is working for me right now
8437ba No.2926419
Calendar? Give me an example please and I'll quit bothering you kek.
Thanks so much for answering my previous question, if you are who you say you are.
I'm focusing on EO's now, so it helps!
935100 No.2926421
qanon.pub, Qmap.pub, and some of the others are also out.
Attacks will intensify.
af2703 No.2926422
9d5d4b No.2926423
She finding a new career path?
22e97c No.2926424
Q+ will we get flying Pods soon?
32b9b2 No.2926425
Why are people asking questions?
d84eeb No.2926426
You're saying this is who FLOTUS is?? I gotta stop feeding the trolls. KEK!!
6d0036 No.2926427
e2507e No.2926428
Ive had issues posting pics too
5cac79 No.2926429
"Make America Great Again" sounds good.
0b16b8 No.2926430
are you gay
cuz you're pretty fake
f419e9 No.2926431
Whoa… seems big needs digging??
Bay Area child, senior care company owners accused of running human trafficking ring
DALY CITY, Calif. (KGO) – A Bay Area family of four is charged with running a human trafficking ring out of a Daly City child daycare center and two residential senior care facilities they owned and operated in South San Francisco and Pacifica.
California Attorney General Xavier Becerra announced the arrests and charges Friday morning against the owners of Rainbow Bright.
The defendants, Joshua, Noel, Gerlen, and Carlina Gamos, are charged with a total of 59 crimes, including human trafficking, rape, as well as other labor-related charges.
While serving the arrest warrants, Becerra said authorities also recovered 14 illegal assault weapons including three "ghost guns" without serial numbers. Officials told ABC7 News that one pistol was found unsecured, wrapped inside a blanket at the child daycare facility.
Becerra said the defendants targeted the Filipino community, including recent immigrants. The charging documents say that Rainbow Bright employees "were forced to work nearly 24 hours a day, slept on floors and in garages, and were locked outside in the rain when the owners were not home."
5c55d9 No.2926434
"Put all the assholes in a volcano and blow it up with an atomic bomb."~xenu
610b8c No.2926435
Normal brain: Prosecute the wrong-doers, let the innocent go free.
Q brain: Prosecute the innocent, let the wrong-doers go free.
It's all part of the plan, you see!
You people are stupid, to coin a phrase.
33c052 No.2926436
So Mueller is one of the firewalls referenced in BO's texts?
8c3c88 No.2926437
Mueller has never been in brackets and he is never identified by initials. He's not dirty?
bbc592 No.2926438
NBC / NFL opener viewership dropped to 9 year low. Bummer for them…..
f6df28 No.2926439
used that access to collect Chrome, Safari, and Firefox browsing history, and recent App Store searches. The data is then zipped in a file called "history.zip" and sent to a server based in China
ceb6af No.2926441
up but not up to date
5cac79 No.2926442
6004c3 No.2926443
The question is: why is Mueller never in the killbox?
e81d28 No.2926444
They're all friggin dirty. The whole world is dirty, everywhere they shat on it. The whole head is sick.
d90112 No.2926445
I agree with you. That was the case.
It should have told the rest of us something was wrong.
I think your reasoning would be analogous to this:
The japs hit pearl.
We're not going to war because they killed to many of us. we can't win so don't try.
3ea531 No.2926446
Ding, ding.
Davison County, NC Active Shooter "Training" session 9 AM (a.k.a 2 hours of insipid Power Point slides) on 09-15-2018 at the YMCA Event Center in Lexington.
Free registration through Sept. 10.
FYI: Posted "No Firearms" at the front door … but they went cheap and did not put up the ghostbusters sign at the bowling alley entrance. Be governed accordingly.
Note that the country DOES have a small, but active, Antifa contingent.
987422 No.2926448
Q is this what you are referring to when you say the WORLD is WATCHING? You mean the World Watchers in the Navy?
6e3c82 No.2926449
FISA DECLAS makes sypgate apparent.
Disproves Russian collusion.
Mueller not in a position to bring charges against DJT and others.
b3abb1 No.2926450
Q, are you playing Blackjack instead of Chess now?
ca315c No.2926451
Voter Fraud report? When will it be released?
974a04 No.2926452
Lots of newfags.
3bf748 No.2926453
4aaa45 No.2926454
Of all the information we have as anons how much of that will remain classified?? The current figure is 60/40 with 40 remaining classified.
The to stay classified material…is that from the general public or the anons too?
af5dca No.2926455
Can a clockfag give a nigga a look at sept 17?
It’s relevant according to #1925
de2855 No.2926456
how is the information on anons being utilized?
74cfbf No.2926457
It says Q+, and seeing is Q is also posting at this time and hasn't said anything about it not being Q+, then I have thrown caution to the wind till Q says not to.
b650e6 No.2926458
9d5d4b No.2926459
I have a feeling this Q+ shit will end up on Twatter or Facecunt.
22c34f No.2926460
Q if you have to make us all look retarded
or confuse the living hell out of us
or even sacrifice us as pawns for the plan we dont give afuck
all that matters is the goal
public awakening and the stripping of power from these sick people
5cac79 No.2926461
The whole world is watching.
b3a0fe No.2926462
Salary Employees….PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do something about cheating salaried employees. Spouseanon is on call 24/7/365.
No compensation for any extra hours, No bonuses , No overtime
33c052 No.2926464
873546 No.2926465
Q+ -→ PLEASE declas. the FISA asap.
449c24 No.2926466
Why are you responding to my post about Mueller meeting with POTUS 1 day prior to FBI announcement?
d05a22 No.2926468
Q, I know you said you can't comment on JA and why. I hope someone is looking after his health, though, please.
9929ab No.2926469
IDK I think he is looking at the whole thing crashing down. Doing drugs and smoking pot to dull his fear. He doesn;t care about the money or the plan. He is done. He just doesnt have enough guts to off himself quickly.
fe3cb6 No.2926470
You're right. It was a bit ago but it seems like it's not now. We are getting hit hard right now.