d8d02d No.2952791
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We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Q Research supports attacking terrible ideas with better ones. We believe the use of violence only proves a bad argument. We are researchers who deal in open-source information and informed opinion. We neither need nor condone the use of violence in our work here.
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Q's Latest Posts
Sunday 09.09.18
>>2950995 rt >>2950906 ———----------——– READY THE MEMES. [FISA CORRUPTION]
>>2950879 rt >>2950871 ———----------——– Confirm: Article date: 9/16, post date 9/14
>>2950846 rt >>2950820 ———----------——– Microfail ( Link Cap: >>2950966 )
>>2950820 rt >>2950600 ———----------——– Attempts to deceive AUTISTS/ANONS will FAIL ( Link caps: >>2950884 )
>>2947850 rt >>2947825 ———----------——– Knowledge is Power ( Cap: >>2947996 )
>>2947825 rt >>2947705 ———----------——– RT Anon Shills Shilling on Hannity ( Cap: >>2947943 )
Saturday 09.08.18
>>>/patriotsfight/204 ———--------—————- FREEDOM.jpg ( Cap: >>2936226 )
>>>/patriotsfight/203 ———--------—————- There was a time when ( Cap: >>2936111 )
Friday 09.07.18
>>2926144 rt >>2926085 ———----------——– If [RR] is dirty, Mueller must also be dirty.
>>2925937 rt >>2925844 ———----------——– What FISA is about to be DECLAS?
>>2925825 rt >>2925758 ———----------——– FISA warrant issued / approved>Papadopoulos
>>2925765 rt >>2925488 ———----------——– Specific timing rests w/ POTUS.
>>2925579 rt >>2925398 ———----------——– [Activated] If 'schedule' is known….
>>2925398 rt >>2925189 ———----------——– Month: Sept
>>2925189 rt >>2925016 ———----------——– NYT "Anon" source? "Sleeper Cells"
>>>/patriotsfight/202 ———--------—————- James Comey Tweet Translation: ( Caps: >>2924947, >>2924975 )
>>>/patriotsfight/201 ———--------—————- Why did [RR] recommend the firing of [JC] to POTUS? ( Cap: >>2937606 )
>>>/patriotsfight/200 ———--------—————- Goodbye, Mr. Rosenstein ( Cap: >>2923781 )
>>>/patriotsfight/199 ———--------—————- #FLY[RR]FLY# ( Cap: >>2937538 )
>>>/patriotsfight/198 ———--------—————- Who signed? ( Cap: >>2937412 )
>>2919757 ———-----------------------------——– Their attempts will FAIL.
Thursday 09.06.18
>>>/patriotsfight/197 ———--------—————- VIP Patriots! We see you. ( Capped: >>2910329, >>2910510 )
>>2909917 rt >>2909503 ———----------——– Follow the picture.
>>>/patriotsfight/196 ———--------—————- This is called 'PANIC'. ( Capped: >>2909771, >>2909813 )
>>2909418 rt >>2908723 ———----------——– Control & Divide.
>>2908527 rt >>2908303 ———----------——– There is a lot more to this than you realize.
>>>/patriotsfight/195 ———--------—————- WHAT ARE THEY AFRAID OF? ( Caps: >>2907952 )
>>2907565 rt >>2907383 ———----------——– HEADS UP
>>2906399 rt >>2904064 ———----------——– 1/Billion Coincidence?
>>2906216 rt >>2905624 ———----------——– Read between the lines.
Wednesday 09.05.18
Compiled here: >>2948665
Tuesday 09.04.18
Compiled here: >>2925504
Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI
Past Q Posts
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Dealing with Clowns & Shills
>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown
d8d02d No.2952800
are not endorsements
>>2829643, >>2829673 1986 U.S. District Court Dost test: No CP image guidelines
>>2327065 How to filter gore spam >>2334211 (new: Add into [Options] -> Theme)
>>2952046 Russia and Iran Versus Turkey: Strange Bedfellows on Syria
>>2952091 Jack's getting shredded
>>2952192 Reminder: Russia was warning about all of this (Chemical Weapon FFs) a few weeks ago
>>2952344 >>2952368 Planefag observations
>>2952416 History lesson about [P]asyeur
>>2952457 Trump expected to soon DECLASsify Carter Page, Bruce Ohr documents
>>2952614 US Says Assad Has Approved Gas Attack In Idlib, Setting Stage For Major Military Conflict (FFS)
>>2952769 #3735
>>2951821 111 days ago today also discusses declas when Rachel Brand replaced and [RR]
>>2951812 Posobiec, 14 & 88. WTF?
>>2951652 Graphic breaking down the OANN/Microchip Q post
>>2951545 Swedish Moderate opposition leader urges PM & his center-left government to resign
>>2951362 City of Kenner, LA Rec Dept Bans Nike Purchases (Donna Brazile sad)
>>2951365 9:41 Side by Side
>>2951248 , >>2951479, >>2951373 Timestamps: 0:21 on Posobiec's vid, 9:41 on OANN's one
>>2951242 Proof the chat logs were edited
>>2951240 111 Days ago D5 and tomorrow, Corsi attacks
>>2951232 Remember the hashtag: #ReleaseTheFISADOCS
>>2951210 QPosts which mention 'Long Beach'
>>2951914 #3734
>>2950654 , >>2950715, >>2951072 Moar on Peter Stzok Sr
>>2950670 North & South Carolina Declare State of Emergency
>>2950649 , >>2950690 Possible Election Fraud in Sweden & Election Update
>>2950636 Di into the [Iota_Phi_Theta] Oranization, often referred to as The Devine Nine
>>2951092 #3733
>>2950116 Corsi MIA: Last seen on Aug 31
>>2949708 Tucker explains the folly of the 'diversity is our strength' argument
>>2950043 Confirmation Posobiec is involved with JTF MAGA, the group behind reportforthepresident.org
>>2949817 Sealed Indictments Update: 5900 added since July, total 51,701
>>2949779 Stzok's father was Director of Catholic Relief Services in Haiti
>>2949671 Clockfag update: Re-read Crumbs
>>2950330 #3732
Previously Collected Notables
>>2949529 #3731
>>2947277 #3728, >>2948036 #3729, >>2948780 #3730
>>2945268 #3725, >>2945726 #3726, >>2946481 #3727
>>2942617 #3722, >>2943416 #3723, >>2944105 #3724
>>2940302 #3719, >>2941076 #3720, >>2941842 #3721
>>2937929 #3716, >>2938679 #3717, >>2939529 #3718
Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html
Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536
d8d02d No.2952801
War Room
#WalkAway Redpill the patriots trapped under the dark delusion of neoliberalism see THE LIGHT of patriotism and conservatism
Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!
[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'
[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!
[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.
Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!
Be your own tweet storm army.
Useful twat hints on war room info graphs
Best Times to TWEET:
Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC
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Sealed Indictments
Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677
Resignations Thread —————- >>2714136
All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info
Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php
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Other Dedicated Research Threads
>>2934062 – 2018 Midterms HQ
>>2767719 – Predictive Analytics Dig
>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II
>>1420554 – Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #2
>>32223 –— Qs Chess Game
>>618758 –– Merkel research thread
>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking
>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture
>>1940204 – Nimrod World Order Research Thread
>>2518070 – Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #2
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>>2736270 – No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html
>>2371258 – PixelKnot Research
>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here
>>2727353 - Call to Shovels thread - QDigs still to complete
>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits
>>2878373 - Clockwork Qrange #4
Q Graphics all in GMT
Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488
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Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210
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Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189
Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194
Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968
Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967
Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966
d8d02d No.2952805
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* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/
Q Research Graphics Library
22,500+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic
Advanced Graphics
>>1842783 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes
>>870846 The Letter Q
Meme Ammo Stockpiles
28 >>2732413 ; 27 >>2466904 ; Templates >>113884
Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/
Side by Side Archive
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Board Archive - The main /qresearch/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html
PAVUK ———- Keyword searchable archive of all /qresearch/ general breads & graphics: www.pavuk.com
Bread Archives (downloads)
MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/
Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/
Germanarchiveanon —————— https://mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa
Learn To Bake!
Aspiring Bakers Report To Class and/or >>>/comms/154
Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY
d8d02d No.2952808
[post link] [description of notable]
post your memes and side by sides in the threads the compile them
Its so anons and lurkers can get them if they missed this blessed bread
Memes28: >>2732413
Side by Sides: >>93735
74d82d No.2952821
Worldwide University Greek System: assistance in organizing/posting these or any memes requested; this is a permanent request going forward in best timeline. Thanks.
Real News Back to School Edition Q-Week 47 Page 2 is below.
Good: They study your meme. Better: They take a picture of your meme. Best: They share the photo and it becomes a viral text.
Prints to 8.5X11 inches
Added: September Update of Arrest Warrants and Both Videos on all memes. Memes revised also.
1. OPERATION POST ON BACK OF ELEVATOR DOORS: An analysis of the plans provided by Princess Leia has demonstrated a weakness in the battle-station: Can’t shadow ban the Elevator.
2. OPERATION BLUEPILLERS GOTTA POTTY: An analysis of the plans provided by Princess Leia has demonstrated a weakness in the battle-station: Over 5 minutes of undivided attention.
For Restroom and Elevator Posting only: keep it clean – G rated. Children in the audience; we fight for them. Example: “slave Cult”, not the fuller truth “sex slave Cult.”
Recommend against printing or posting at work – too risky. World Patriots need an income. As long as they are asleep, the bosses are part of the Empire. Brainwashed their entire life, they think this is a “conspiracy theory” for now. FAKE NEWS traitors told them so as Q predicted.
Stay safe – avoid sketchy or isolated areas; the gangs are not eradicated yet.
Restroom Posting ideas:
Airplanes (no cell reception!), Bakeries – Thank You Baker, Airports, Train Stations, Hotel Lobbies, Convention Centers, Schools, Colleges, Universities, Your Church, Your Synagogue, Your Temple, Your Mosque, Parties, near or far Restaurants, Stores, Malls, Movies, Health Clubs, Coffee Shops, Sporting Events, Car and Horse Races, Concerts, Libraries, Bookstores, City State Federal Parks, Beaches, City State Federal Buildings, Porta-Potties, Festivals, Street Fairs, Art Fairs, Renaissance Fairs, Air Shows, Fundraisers, ComicCons, Casinos, Grocery Stores, Vacation, Rest Areas, Gas Stations, Truck Stops, Ferries, Museums, Tourist Attractions, Campgrounds, Cruise Ships, Golf Courses, Country Clubs, Playhouses, Opera-houses, Orchestras, etc.
3. OPERATION TEXT Q PROOFS: An analysis of the plans provided by Princess Leia has demonstrated a weakness in the battle-station: Texts cannot be shadow banned.
Then man your ships and may the Force be with you.
359383 No.2952835
Jesus Christ, we pray for You to show us the way
To exit the shadow of deception and step into Your Light
In our own land we are oppressed, but the master's whip is hidden
Show us the way free us from the domination of fakery
This we pray Lord Jesus Christ.
844970 No.2952863
6e5d8e No.2952866
Not to be a style Nazi or anything, but you're totally misusing colons.
76a864 No.2952867
>>2952847 FREE THE BEWBS!
d8d02d No.2952869
>>2952856 (BO, lb)
ffs, I watch that anon go after others while baking all the time, never gotten it while baking from him
but I'll take that as being chekked inadvertently
4d469d No.2952873
video he posted now to explain why the glitch in the dates on the "chat logs"
d66993 No.2952874
>>2952850 lb
Can't you see that Thing is WHITE and has a fucking JOB, ANON!
888810 No.2952879
Alex, if you are lurking.
Escape is not a solution,
What about your kids???
Come clean
You can do it
We all remember your crying apology about pizzagate
961e75 No.2952880
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Some epic Celtic background jams for this bread. Safe for work/kids. NO EVIL. njoy
Up and coming young composer…good chops.
eb3bfd No.2952881
Plant to later be used to link Q movement to hate, thus getting it banned from all platforms/ hate speech.
Nice try CLOWNS
7b22cc No.2952882
not technically correct, it was actually ONI “handlers” who told someone else who told someone.
What is the largest, by budget, Intel agency in the world?
pro tip: it’s not Catholics In Action
76a864 No.2952883
>>2952871 There is a cream for that!
55784d No.2952884
It's hard to argue with your own source material ; )
Every frame between :20 and :22 prove your own edits!
0e7944 No.2952885
>>2952849 (lb)
THIS says CIA did 911.
It's pulled from a photo Q posted. A zip file embedded. Found by accident.
Sure wish we knew how to get there on purpose.
57e6be No.2952886
Q, So while you are talking about memes and fisa stuff, how about addressing WHY THE FUCK WE ARE ESCALATING IN SYRIA?
8f1379 No.2952887
Get your memes ammo on FISA CORRUPTION in Memes29 >>2946736
We're not done loading the bunker yet, but we realize twatters need time to select and download your ammo of choice, so have at it.
So far we've loaded over 600 memes on the following topics that surround the central topic of FISA CORRUPTION:
FISA, corrupt, treason, traitor, sedition, spygate, dossier, collusion(not the Russian kind), conspiracy, criminal referrals, unfolding, 16-year plan to destroy America, Obama's travels
I expect the entire Memes29 >>2946736 bread is going to be devoted to this topic. We still have a lot more memes to load into the bunker.
God bless, Patriots.
>>2952854 Memes ammo on FISA CORRUPTION in Memes29 >>2946736
I hope you don't mind me suggesting this post for notable. We are following Q's direction. Sorry I hit the tail end of last bread so this is a repost.
c432e3 No.2952890
You have two options.
1. Alex vanishes and we never hear from him again, knowing full well he was comped to shit.
2. Alex comes clean and tells the truth, then joins us against the enemy.
Which is the smarter option?
0011a3 No.2952892
Thank You Baker
Have A cookie!!
22305a No.2952893
eb3bfd No.2952895
So the 'white one' is the dumb slave in this comparison then. KEK!
f36ff4 No.2952896
3eeaaf No.2952897
For those who are all concerned and upset about Syria, just keep in mind that we don't have a clue what's actually happening. The last 2 times we conducted strikes, we were probably hitting the terrorists. Nothing is fucked here…
a04127 No.2952898
baker notable
it is getting loud
twitter sent me an email
they must have sent this to loads of folks
i dont even twit
it was pimping jack posobiec
pic related
guess it is habbening now
45488c No.2952899
i made 30k last year, and i get the talking points to retard.
f2eae1 No.2952902
sauce; steps to recreate?
f2a4dd No.2952903
POTUS has our backs, thankfully. Imagine if he didn't.
0e7944 No.2952904
You sure? Guess it's easy enough to pull down from his twitter if anyone cares.
Sorry for being so gullible if you are absolute.
858058 No.2952906
right back atcha
ba3df4 No.2952907
Prepare for an influx of "I'm done with Trump" shills regardless.
41a573 No.2952910
For the newfloks
These are fake and meant to make us look dumb. Nobody draws hearts on their Q Proofs. Silly bots.
The first image the arrows don't even mean anything. So much compute for so much nothing.
76a864 No.2952913
>>2952892 How about some milk(BEWBS) with them!
6e5d8e No.2952914
Some of us remember his retard act on Piers Morgan when he tried real hard to discredit all gun owners.
42e002 No.2952916
that depends on if he can be comped or bought off yet again, doesn't it?
what's to guarantee that, realistically?
2e64c4 No.2952917
But who really knows what the truth is anymore. It's tiring.
d8d02d No.2952918
will add, but why is there a meme29 already when meme28 has ~600 posts in it?
were some deleted, haven't chekked yet
828d69 No.2952919
>Alex, if you are lurking.
>Escape is not a solution,
>What about your kids???
fool ffs he'll take the kids with him, they have dual citizenship too! you really don't know what an incredible creep you're deaing with her. y'all and God can forgive him. he's hurt some real close to me badly, and patriots in general horribly. he just needs to put the bull horn down and gtfo
e6e701 No.2952920
gunna need a lil more info is this is legit
e57a0b No.2952921
>>2952849 (LB)
All know you are a payed shill or useful idiot, to help the deepstate write this kind of Qanon articles.
Blaming all jewish people, and in the process never mentioning (specify) the deep state or MOS is disinfo by default
f36ff4 No.2952922
888810 No.2952923
71c037 No.2952925
Look out, Q, Microdick is coming for you!
Check out @Microchip's Gab: https://gab.ai/Microchip/posts/34661193
c432e3 No.2952926
Wont matter. He will be irrelevant after he outs himself. But when doing so, he can dump everything he has on his handlers.
c0567a No.2952927
Did WE see this article? I looked through the search and didn't see it posted. Some good info, throughout the whole article.
Ronan Farrow Article in the New Yorker 8/23/18
The Conspiracy Memo About Obama Aides That Circulated in the Trump White House
The 2017 document, titled the “Echo Chamber,” accused former Obama officials of undermining the incoming Administration.Illustration by Matt Chase
In early 2017, some of Donald Trump’s advisers concluded that they faced a sophisticated threat responsible for “coordinated attacks” on the new Administration. They circulated a memo, titled “The Echo Chamber,” which read like a U.S. military-intelligence officer’s analysis of a foreign-insurgent network. Instead of being about enemies in a distant war zone, however, the network described in the memo consisted of former aides to President Barack Obama.
The memo claimed that the “communications infrastructure” that the Obama White House used to “sell Obamacare and the Iran Deal to the public” had been moved to the private sector, now that the former aides were out of government. It called the network the Echo Chamber and accused its members of mounting a coördinated effort “to undermine President Trump’s foreign policy” through organized attacks in the press against Trump and his advisers. “These are the Obama loyalists who are probably among those coordinating the daily/weekly battle rhythm,” the memo said, adding that they likely operated a “virtual war room.” The memo lists Ben Rhodes, a former deputy national-security adviser to President Obama, as “likely the brain behind this operation” and Colin Kahl, Vice-President Joe Biden’s former national-security adviser, as its “likely ops chief.” Rhodes and Kahl both said in interviews that the allegations are false and no such organization exists.
The memo is unsigned and undated, and Trump Administration officials familiar with it offered conflicting accounts of who authored it and whether it originated inside or outside the White House. The officials said that it was circulated within the National Security Council and other parts of the Trump White House in early 2017. They said the memo may have had additional pages. A National Security Council spokesperson declined to comment.
Some of the same conspiracy theories expressed in the memo appear in internal documents from an Israeli private-intelligence firm that mounted a covert effort to collect damaging information about aides to President Obama who had advocated for the Iran deal. In May, 2017, that firm, Black Cube, provided its operatives with instructions and other briefing materials that included the same ideas and names discussed in the memo. The Black Cube documents obtained by The New Yorker referred to Rhodes and Kahl, arguing that they were using allies in the media to undermine the Trump Administration. The Black Cube documents use the term “echo chamber” five times, including in a document describing the operatives’ directive as “Investigating the Rhodes’ / Kahl ‘Eco-chamber.’ ” The same document states that “Rhodes and Kahl are suspected to make use of privileged access and information leveraging it against the incumbent administration.”
af446a No.2952929
he a multi-millionaire
he will go where the money leads him
35ee26 No.2952930
>>2952697 (lb)
that doesn't finish well…
c9bd7c No.2952932
Truth is Treason in the empire of Lies.
7b22cc No.2952936
Ask maddog who threw a hatchet through their window
77fc6a No.2952937
Sean hannity is somehow not a patriot. K.
Tick Tock.
95c2fc No.2952938
Are you really that stupid?
What is the history of the CIA? Do you know? IT was the OSS. Did the jews create it? Yes.
Do the jews control our government through control over the money system? Yes.
Who profited from 911? National debt skyrocketed so the answer is Jews.
Israel benefited so the answer is jews.
Get a grip. It was the jews, mossad, MI6, and the CIA. All controlled by who?
The jews.
961e75 No.2952940
Have a cake, baker!
68d3ee No.2952941
He's trapped. He knowingly walked into the trap and let the spooks take control of his organization and platform.
Can't undo that shit with apologies, he's fucked and enslaved.
We was/is a good dude. But he was seduced by the power and ate the poison apple.
I am elated he rejected my application when I wanted to work for him way back. It took him like 4-6 months to figure out they were injecting bad code into his site slowing it down (Along with Breitbart). I wanted to help him with that, soooo glad God kept me out of that Clown Station.
45488c No.2952943
his best option is to just be a hero anon. there is no redemption for his crimes against america. 0, none, nada, not gonna happen. he chose sides. doesnt matter why. just like pamphlet anon.
67d112 No.2952944
>>2952758 (Last bread)
^ This.
Thank you anon.
8f1379 No.2952945
Hi. I'm the memebaker and baked Memes29 early this morning in anticipation of Memes28 becoming full.
When Q crumbed asking us to prepare meme ammo on FISA CORRUPTION, I replied in that bread and made a general announcement that we'd devote the entire Memes29 to JUST THIS TOPIC, to make it easier for memedroppers to find their ammo.
Trust the plan.
0e7944 No.2952946
It came in several weeks ago. I'll drop a few more files that I saved. Unfortunately, it was a clown baker or BV and many were deleted.
Big picture - search hiding a zip file in an image.
Here's my favorite - and I've come close to recreating many of them - video on the subject. It's long, so hang on.
d37ad0 No.2952948
Steve Pieczinik names who are involved in the coup attempt. I know AJ is shill BUT this is still a possibility. Let's not throw out the baby with the bath water anons.
35ee26 No.2952950
c0567a No.2952951
The British newspaper the Observer revealed the existence of the operation in May, and The New Yorker identified the firm as Black Cube, an organization that Harvey Weinstein had hired to collect information on women accusing him of sexual abuse and journalists trying to expose the allegations. Black Cube has declined to answer questions about who hired it to collect damaging information on Rhodes and Kahl, citing client confidentiality. In a statement, the firm said that “Black Cube does not get involved in politics, and has no relation whatsoever to the Trump administration, to Trump aides, to anyone close to the administration, or to the Iran Nuclear deal. Black Cube is not aware of the documents mentioned in this article, neither their contents.” A source familiar with the operation has maintained that the investigation of Rhodes and Kahl was part of Black Cube’s work for a private-sector client in the shipping industry, pursuing commercial interests. But the memo, circulated at senior levels in the White House, shows just how deeply the Echo Chamber conspiracy theory had penetrated business and politics, and suggests a commonality of interests between Black Cube’s unidentified client and parts of the Trump Administration.
Whether those behind the memo had any connection to Black Cube’s work remains unclear. The allegations against Rhodes and Kahl appeared in articles published by Breitbart and other conservative Web sites in 2016 and 2017, fuelled by a May, 2016, Times Magazine profile in which Rhodes was quoted using the phrase “echo chamber” to describe his and other officials’ advocacy for the Iran nuclear deal. A profile of Rhodes compiled by Black Cube quotes the Times Magazine story. (In a recent memoir, Rhodes said, “all I was describing was the most routine aspect of communications work. Briefing people. Disseminating fact sheets.”)
Conspiracy theories of this kind appear to have thrived in the Trump White House, which was divided into factions that often used media leaks to undermine their rivals and compete for influence with the President. Those in the White House and on the National Security Council staff who aligned themselves with Steve Bannon, who left Breitbart to serve as Trump’s chief strategist, perceived former Obama Administration officials and so-called holdovers (career professionals who remained in the White House after Trump’s Inauguration) as obstacles to advancing their agenda and potential sources of leaks aimed at undermining them. In private meetings, Bannon’s allies in the power struggle, some of whom had military backgrounds, said they were eager to fight back.
95c2fc No.2952954
I read the most damning parts of your TALMUD.
We know the history of the jews.
Go cry to your rabbi.
3eeaaf No.2952955
I let myself get pissed the first time, because we all know these chemical attacks are staged. The second time, I knew better. If we're operating in Syria now, we're going after terrorists and rogue intelligence agencies, not the Syrian government.
e57a0b No.2952957
According to a recent video trying to support microfag, his name is "James Brower"
75da93 No.2952958
at least the nazis had discipline
and hitler loved germany (or something)
7b22cc No.2952959
d8d02d No.2952960
got it, good call
02a292 No.2952961
for him to fuck off. he's done enough damage.
74d82d No.2952962
Good: They study your meme. Better: They take a picture of your meme. Best: They share the photo and it becomes a viral text.
Prints to 8.5X11 inches
Added: September Update of Arrest Warrants and Both Videos on all memes. Memes revised also.
1. OPERATION POST ON BACK OF ELEVATOR DOORS: An analysis of the plans provided by Princess Leia has demonstrated a weakness in the battle-station: Can’t shadow ban the Elevator.
2. OPERATION BLUEPILLERS GOTTA POTTY: An analysis of the plans provided by Princess Leia has demonstrated a weakness in the battle-station: Over 5 minutes of undivided attention.
For Restroom and Elevator Posting only: keep it clean – G rated. Children in the audience; we fight for them. Example: “slave Cult”, not the fuller truth “sex slave Cult.”
Recommend against printing or posting at work – too risky. World Patriots need an income. As long as they are asleep, the bosses are part of the Empire. Brainwashed their entire life, they think this is a “conspiracy theory” for now. FAKE NEWS traitors told them so as Q predicted.
Stay safe – avoid sketchy or isolated areas; the gangs are not eradicated yet.
Restroom Posting ideas:
Airplanes (no cell reception!), Bakeries – Thank You Baker, Airports, Train Stations, Hotel Lobbies, Convention Centers, Schools, Colleges, Universities, Your Church, Your Synagogue, Your Temple, Your Mosque, Parties, near or far Restaurants, Stores, Malls, Movies, Health Clubs, Coffee Shops, Sporting Events, Car and Horse Races, Concerts, Libraries, Bookstores, City State Federal Parks, Beaches, City State Federal Buildings, Porta-Potties, Festivals, Street Fairs, Art Fairs, Renaissance Fairs, Air Shows, Fundraisers, ComicCons, Casinos, Grocery Stores, Vacation, Rest Areas, Gas Stations, Truck Stops, Ferries, Museums, Tourist Attractions, Campgrounds, Cruise Ships, Golf Courses, Country Clubs, Playhouses, Opera-houses, Orchestras, etc.
3. OPERATION TEXT Q PROOFS: An analysis of the plans provided by Princess Leia has demonstrated a weakness in the battle-station: Texts cannot be shadow banned.
Then man your ships and may the Force be with you.
c432e3 No.2952965
You can say that, but he has more to offer in this fight. He has two choices. Either keep his mouth shut and be a traitor, or come clean and loose everything.
42e002 No.2952966
sorry, but this bloviating is hysterical af.
making 0hour look genius…
0e7944 No.2952967
00f4cf No.2952968
A Louisiana mayor banned city booster clubs from buying Nike products
Meghan DeMaria 6 hours ago
a04127 No.2952969
thanks for the cake!
i didnt bake tho
more of a memefag who digs and prays alot
90b5ed No.2952970
This is pure garbage. Yes, embedded .zip files are in some images. It's called compression.
Fail: IHDR is the standard start to the binary format of some image types.
d4dbad No.2952971
WE are escalating? What do (you) mean?
961e75 No.2952972
So much for that TS/SCI SCIF briefing… thanks, JK! Glorious dipshit…sometimes they're our frens..
428c7f No.2952973
Sources say…
e57a0b No.2952974
Can larp all day, no one believes you tho.
We fight deep state here, nothing more, nothing less
3eeaaf No.2952975
He can do some serious damage to the cabal by coming clean.
6e5d8e No.2952976
AJ can never be trusted again.
99013c No.2952977
By now you should realize that Q is tone deaf to the concerns of anons
There is a plan. And Q will not deviate from it. No flexibility, no changes
Apparently this is the part in the plan where we get excited about FISA declas, again
Nevermind WW3 brewing in Syria anon. Its FISA time
9f8039 No.2952978
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>2952931
The owners of this country…have got you by the balls
fe4c1a No.2952979
bread 3727 zero hannity mentions
bread 3728 2 hannity mentions, negative, regarding post 9/11 warmonger (typical neocon)
bread 3729 boom the bread get s hit HARD 22 posts hating hannity BEFORE anon posts new SHILL tactic, that's what Q' post replies to, Q's General marching orders for the day (thwarting divisionfagging/display unified front)
on that note, no reply to this thread, no restart of any slides that may have died down, just note a trend SHILLS SMELL BLOOD and fake post when they do - most commonly seen when bakers show even a glimpse of reaction to anons -
o7s m8s
af446a No.2952980
trust President Trump and General Mattis
79762b No.2952983
That there's a butthurt faggot
d66993 No.2952985
I guess so, Anon!
95c2fc No.2952987
Go lick your wounds over -→ there.
02a292 No.2952988
>2. Alex comes clean and tells the truth, then joins us against the enemy.
And, the actual patriots already have it all. AJ has nothing to offer.
So he can fuck off twice.
c432e3 No.2952989
I'm not gonna judge. If he were to fuck off and vanish, i wouldn't complain - but he would be doing so under the label of traitor.
165a36 No.2952990
This is not this dude's normal tone. He's usually a snarky, hate-everyone troll. This is who he really is now…probably a social media spook plant from day one.
c0567a No.2952991
The Black Cube documents show a similar focus on the lines of communication between Obama-era officials and the press. The firm compiled a list of nine reporters and commentators it claimed were part of the Echo Chamber, including The Atlantic’s Jeffrey Goldberg, the New York Times’ Max Fisher, and NBC News’s Andrea Mitchell. Fisher is described as having “heavily advocated” for the Iran deal and “placed himself at the service of Rhodes’ ‘Eco-chamber,’ ” while Mitchell is at one point identified as being a “vessel for Rhodes’ ‘eco-chamber.’ ” The reporters disputed that characterization. “It’s my first time hearing of this, and it’s obviously ridiculous,” Mitchell said. Fisher, who described the effort as “weird and misguided,” said, “I don't really understand what they were hoping to accomplish.” In an e-mail, Goldberg added, “This is one of the stupider conspiracy theories circulating through a city currently drowning in stupid conspiracy theories.”
Black Cube also assembled a list of six additional journalists and commentators it described as being “close to Rhodes vessels of his message.” Operatives approached targeted individuals to elicit potentially damaging statements about Rhodes and Kahl. At least one of those conversations, with a commentator on the list, Trita Parsi, was secretly recorded. Operatives also used false identities and front companies to try to dupe targets, including Rhodes’s and Kahl’s wives, into unwittingly sharing information.
Both the memo and Black Cube documents reference attacks in the press on Sebastian Gorka, a former deputy assistant to President Trump. In a section titled “Gorka Allegations,” the Black Cube documents reference allegations that he was anti-Semitic and affiliated with Nazi groups, which Rhodes mentioned in a tweet on one occasion. (Gorka has disputed the allegations.) The memo identifies the former Obama Administration officials purported to be in the Echo Chamber as “the people who would be behind coordinated attacks such as the one against Seb Gorka.” Later, it cites an article Kahl wrote in Foreign Policy, which questioned whether Gorka had a top-secret security clearance.
0f469a No.2952993
Both sides are playing a fake game as a real game… Like this… Publicly the US is attacking Syria/Russia… and the terrorists are moderate freedom fighters. In reality the Deepstate forces and terrorists are atacking Assad/legit Syria under the guise of the US and Moderate freedom fighters. Trump is going in as the OTHER part of the US and attacking "SYRIA" but he is in fact attacking CIA/deepstate/moderate terrorist forces and is WORKING WITH ASSAD AND PUTIN in that process… …. I think..
7dd5ce No.2952994
Who says we are escalating in Syria?
The same people who said we were escalating in North Korea?
What you see on TV may not REFLECT what is really happening
961e75 No.2952996
Thank you, baker thanker! Nice…
595e18 No.2952997
We need to change the name of the site from great awakening to the Jews did it.
Every Bread.
Yep they did and a whole bunch other people too.
Can we concentrate on the people who did it not an entire race of people?
c432e3 No.2952998
We don't have to trust him. We just need him to stop.
da5dbc No.2952999
828d69 No.2953000
>We was/is a good dude. But he was seduced by the power and ate the poison apple.
that's you just trying to justify your thinking he was a good guy. He's NEVER been a good guy. Read "Shortwave Wars" go back. I can guarantee you the John Gray family doesn't think he's such a "good guy'
A Christian Family Betrayed - "The John Gray Letter" - http://www.alexjonesmachine.com/cmrhack.htm Is Truth Louder Than Alex Jones - http://seektress.com/louder.html
10f2a8 No.2953001
>>2950820 Q
Thanks for taking care of this. Think the worst part was them bringing everyone else down to their level. Felt like frickin high school.
Will do a better job to be more careful of loose associations until there's provable evidence. Always a danger of friendly fire. Apologies to OANN for any negative insinuations or smug criticisms. We all do the best with what we have for resources.
Godspeed to us all.
b40965 No.2953002
Delta Fire Update
UPDATE 5:17 p.m. Sunday, September 9, 2018 - When Interstate 5 is opened to traffic, it will only be for one lane of travel in each direction, says Caltrans officials.
Workers have been preparing for the opening quietly behind the scenes, but as of about 5:00 p.m. Action News Now was told it would not happen tonight. They have 45 miles of freeway to prepare for the eventual opening. Authorities are not predicting when the Interstate will be open again.
As of Sunday morning, the blaze had devoured 63.9 square miles (165 ½ square kilometers). Trucks and other traffic have been using smaller highways, adding more than 100 miles to their travels.
NOTE: The ONLY good thing about this is this is disrupting a major human trafficking artery.
8b74e6 No.2953003
Funny thing is that Episode is #1169
add them up = 17
02a292 No.2953005
He's already a traitor. Can't put that paste back in the tube.
57e6be No.2953006
I bet you don't even know what El Tanf is. Adults are talking.
96ef9e No.2953009
Notice the verbiage is very similar to that anon twatter account that popped up not that long ago. The one that stated they were going to call Q out. And aren’t the 72 hours, or whatever, up for this asshat as well? I thought he was dropping the goods already.
58bbc1 No.2953011
>>2952740 (lb)
Haven’t Levi’s in a long time, but I won’t donate or boycott all my vintage 501 cutoffs. They are perfect. I’ve had women offer to buy them right off of me. They are THAT perfect. Some things aren’t for sale or worth boycotting.
e57a0b No.2953012
Bla bla bla …muh opinionfag and by default not a team player
6e5d8e No.2953013
That's my read too - they get real nasty right before they bug out. Last ditch.
d66993 No.2953014
67d112 No.2953015
>>2952858 (Last bread)
>Fake MAGA being exposed
>>pic related
Shitty, suspicious timing.
Doesn't make sense … unless Q is not on the team he says he's on.
45488c No.2953016
thats not how warfare works anon. he can keep being a traitor and face the fireing squad when its his turn, or he can come clean and live out his life at GITMO. quit trying to weasle a way for anons to approve this fucking pile of garbage to go free. he wont. he dies, or he talks and lives in a cell. thats it.
c432e3 No.2953017
Well, I suppose you have a point there.
At least maybe we can get him to just leave.
71c037 No.2953018
Yeah. He is definitely causing a stir among the sheep!
55784d No.2953019
Ask him about the Nov 9th AF1 shots.
He loves talking about them ; )
b865a9 No.2953020
>>2951617 lb
>>2951559 lb
Has anon told this Schmidt jagoff that we're already in a state of emergency?
961e75 No.2953021
Thank you, baker thanker! Nice..
0e7944 No.2953022
The steganography discussions always get nasty. I will survive your comment, anon. Read the next post to see why this is corrupted.
First you have to find the next post.
42e002 No.2953024
79762b No.2953025
And 911 is when AJ smoked, mentioned Q, and went all alien info wars on us
57e6be No.2953026
c0567a No.2953027
The memo also claims that other former Obama Administration officials are part of the Echo Chamber. Jake Sullivan, a former adviser to Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden, is identified as one of the leaders of the Echo Chamber. The former Obama Administration officials Tommy Vietor, Ned Price, Jon Favreau, Jon Finer, and Dan Pfeiffer are all listed as “likely operations officers.” Many of those former officials have publicly criticized Trump’s foreign policies, but Rhodes and Kahl said there was no “Echo Chamber,” “network,” “ops chief,” or “virtual war room.” In a statement, Rhodes described the memo as “a bizarre effort to validate ‘deep state’ conspiracy theories” and said that, “given Trump’s many efforts to intimidate and malign his critics, it’s worth asking how his White House and outside enablers acted on this strange memo.” In an e-mail, Kahl added that “the NSC’s role is to staff the President and coordinate the interagency on foreign affairs. It is not the NSC’s role to conduct military-style network analysis of domestic opponents.”
The Echo Chamber
The communications infrastructure that the Obama admin used to sell Obamacare and the Iran Deal to the public (“Echo Chamber”) has been shifted from the White House into the private sector, and is now being used to undermine President Trump’s foreign policy. Some of the members of this network refer to themselves as “the resistance.”
They are the same Obama loyalists using the same media outlets and same allied journalists to promote their narrative of US foreign policy. Many of the figures in this network were focused on selling Obama's Iran Deal, so there is something of a Middle East/Iran slant to the network's membership.
Likely Leadership: Responsible for higher-level strategy and higher-level fundraising. Probably also responsible for senior-level political outreach with major Democrat donors (e.g., Tom Nides and Alan Solow) and members of Congress.
165a36 No.2953029
True poser persona coming out now. oops!
04fe07 No.2953032
I swear to god these fucking incompetent idiots are not even a 'threat', more like a really fucking sad joke at this point. Only problem with them being doing any kind of damage by messing with either bakes, or just badgering newfags.
Will see, BO. Some things are too coincidental.
strange that a 'baker' would think to attempt to 'designate' anons…hmmm
even if it was a miss, it's worth noting.
Not your typical baker behavior, no where near.
TIP, you fucking stupid jewish cunt.
WE, the PEOPLE, go after ALL, including YOU, the fucking scum who are bonafide ENEMY of the REPUBLIC and the WORLD.
YOU, a fucking subversive jewish cunt (muh divisionz while causing discord) is our ENEMY.
Your kind has done to illuminate the world and normal people about your intentions and goals while FUCKING OUTING EACH OTHER LIKE THIS POST.
Nice job, you dumb fucking cunts. Real professional work.
You fucked yourself.
c432e3 No.2953033
Try telling that to 90 percent of our congress - including the ones that have been freed.
71c037 No.2953034
57e6be No.2953037
Ugg. With this wishful thinking anons can invent any scenario they want to make excuses for Trump and Q!
6e5d8e No.2953039
>We just need him to stop.
And die, hopefully. My point was about the other option where he came clean and worked to expose the bad guys. He can't be trusted to do that. He needs to AT LEAST vanish, but preferrably, IMO, die in a vat of acid.
95c2fc No.2953041
The jews did do 911, USS Liberty and a shit ton more nasty shit.
Jewish law permits pedophilia.
Jews have a history of destroying nations.
Don't like that the jews are bring called out, that's just too bad.
42e002 No.2953042
how about we just ignore the fuck out of them far a few breads anon?
they can't handle that well at all.
seen it in too many meetings with money lenders….
595e18 No.2953043
I’m quite sure the Marines are shaking in their boots….
You are a Fool
02a292 No.2953044
He has nothing to offer.
Marines (read: real Patriots) already have all of the information.
4d54c0 No.2953045
This Black Cube?
c432e3 No.2953046
I suppose I can't argue with those results.
I'd still rather see him live, even it's in GITMO.
9ebc4e No.2953047
f9f560 No.2953052
jackoff pussybiec looks like he beats women and molests children. Dude has always given me a bad vibe. Every picture and video he is in. Never trusted that pos.
77fc6a No.2953054
Everyone is a paytriot except for Q. Q team has it all. They could expose these frauds. They won't.
57e6be No.2953055
This is the pretend-land so many anons live in. It makes me wonder if Q is a psyop.
9c4406 No.2953056
The same ones who run current day Is-Ra-El, are the same ones who run the world banking system. Jew pretenders, patriot pretenders, Christian pretenders….WOLVES IN SHEEP'S CLOTHING.
All factions of Freemasonry, All members of "The Families", all students of MYSTERY BABYLON.
All those who reach out & eat of the Tree Of Life, by feeding (literally) upon all of us "beasts of burden."
It's not Jews, it's not Christians, it's those who practice in lodges without windows. It's those who you pay taxes to.
e57a0b No.2953058
All millions did it?, or you forgot to specify things, and name others involved?
Fukken moron
5491c4 No.2953059
Realistically.. All it takes is one very specific sort of threat and almost anyone could be comped. For all my faults I consider myself an extremely honorable man with pretty strong integrity and even with that I can't say full well how I would respond to such a thing. After all, there are only two responses, that I can see, to such a situation… either begrudgingly comply or go full one man army and hope God hears your prayers to protect your family.
41a573 No.2953060
a09a1a No.2953061
The "whole bunch of other people" were being paid or controlled by jews.
72fcb6 No.2953062
calm down. its rosh hosannah or whatever. peace
3f6ae2 No.2953063
i clocked him on Gab.
d8d02d No.2953064
NoTable update
>>2952887 Memes ammo on FISA CORRUPTION in Memes29: >>2946736
>>2952898 Twatter sent an anon an email about Pussibiec's OANN hitpiece
>>2953002 Delta Fire Update
165a36 No.2953065
Why did he even offer 72 hours? Why not just 7 minutes? Must have taken some time to type-up the fake chat logs I guess.
04fe07 No.2953066
[WHO] this boy is being paid by is the real question.
[ ]?
Follow the money - might even wind up in the same ball park as [Free Speech Systems LLC]
76a864 No.2953067
f36ff4 No.2953068
So who do you Anons think is higher ranking in the Anon hierarchy. Q anon or NYT anon?
c432e3 No.2953069
What I should have said is provide everything he had on his handlers. I don't want that kind of person associated with us.
9874d4 No.2953072
I posted a thread on ALEX JONES a month or so back when it was NOT POPULAR.
It does not even exist in the archive… searched title by title…
any thoughts?
I am using the images now that I used for the thread.
just another coincidence…
7b22cc No.2953073
remarkable how they made the clouds form into the EXACT SAME CONFIGURATION ~1 year later…
31b5f7 No.2953075
Anons, please at least scan the article
There is good information, but look at the information with the benefit of what we now know
FBI document cache sheds light on inner workings of Russia’s U.S. news (and propaganda) network
Snip 11 of article - things start getting good about here
The packet of information Fionda provided to the Justice Department focused on two Sputnik employees: Cassandra Fairbanks and Lee Stranahan.
Fairbanks / Stranahan / Stone / Assange / Flynn Jr / Seth Rich / Hannity / NoName all referenced in article
"Stranahan came to Sputnik in April. He previously had worked at the conservative website Breitbart, under Trump’s former campaign guru and adviser Steve Bannon. The month before he joined Sputnik, Stranahan sent out a tweet boasting that he was the one who “introduced” former Trump campaign adviser Roger Stone to Guccifer 2.0, the hacker who obtained emails from the Democratic National Committee that were published by WikiLeaks."
Bread 3690
c0567a No.2953076
Ben Rhodes. Likely the brain behind this operation. -Former Deputy NSA for Strat Comms.-Wife Ann Norris is PDAS for legislative affairs in the State Dept.
Jake Sullivan. Former NSA to VP Biden; now on the faculty at Yale. -Was foreign policy chief to Hillary Clinton's campaign.-Was director of policy planning for Clinton at State Dept.-With Ben Rhodes, co-authored the Benghazi talking points.
Likely Operations Officers: These are the ones who are probably among those coordinating the daily/weekly battle rhythm—i.e., the “War Room.” These are the ones who are likely reaching out to reporters to plant stories and then using a comms infrastructure to amplify those stories on listservs and in social media. These are the people who would be behind coordinated attacks such as the one against Seb Gorka. These people have also had very close working and personal relationships going back to the Obama campaign of 2007-2008. Tommy Vietor and Jon Favreau were roommates in DC during the Obama admin, for example.
Colin Kahl (likely ops chief). Former NSA to VP Biden. Now on the faculty at Georgetown.
-Very active on Twitter and on TV.-Kahl is the likely coordinator of this group and of the virtual “war room.” We can surmise this because he is the author of last resort: i.e., when an attack is not gaining traction via articles or social media posts written by others, Colin weighs in directly himself, as in the article he wrote that demanded to know whether Seb Gorka had a security clearance or not.
Tommy Vietor, former deputy to Ben Rhodes.
Ned Price, former deputy to Ben Rhodes. -Wrote article in February saying he was resigning from the CIA because of his disgust with President Trump’s policies—a preplanned article.
Jon Favreau, former Obama speechwriter.
Jon Finer, former senior advisor to Sec Kerry and former Director of Policy Planning at State Dept. Also former journalist.
Dan Pfeiffer, former communications advisor to Obama.
02a292 No.2953078
He's not in congress. No need to cut any deals with him as a private citizen.
d4dbad No.2953079
10f2a8 No.2953083
Was explaining this farce to someone the other night and talked myself into the same explanation. That entire persona always had a spoopy feel to it. Now we know why.
eb3bfd No.2953086
Regularly cross-promoted by Jordan Sather and all of the rest, lest we forget.
6e5d8e No.2953087
By lumping in all Jews, you are being a divisionfag. I doubt you can even do division. Probably just addition. Sorry to wax all arithmetic, but you're just being dumb.
da5dbc No.2953088
<I cannot be the only one who remembers AntiFungulLeaf
f9f560 No.2953090
its okay, honestly people need to learn to live without the technology that has chained them, but at the same time we're using it to free them; so its a hard call.
c0567a No.2953091
yes that black cube
566b29 No.2953093
22ce1f No.2953094
Very hard to believe anything said on tv.
04fe07 No.2953095
the end is on 9/11 of 2018. FF and symbolism many times go hand in hand for these scum.
c432e3 No.2953096
Don't care. Everyone deserves the right to come clean. Even if he has to spend the rest of his life behind bars, he should still have that chance.
68d3ee No.2953097
Well OK I must have been ignorant along with TRUMP appearing on his show.
Im a big fan from way back of the work he did with Freeway Rick Ross and Gary Web.
That was some priceless journalism if you ask me.
But alas tripps confirm.
95c2fc No.2953098
You keep telling yourself that when the pogroms start. If you think that people are going to be trying to sort the "good" jew from the "bad" jew, all I can say is, good luck with that.
All jews are seen as a threat, and that is the fault of the jews, and no one else.
Don't like it, change your behaviors.
Go fuck off.
a4dba6 No.2953099
595e18 No.2953100
Yep the Talmud Is it bad shit, and so is the Koran and The book of Mormon and Scientology and Satan worship and witchcraft and pedophiles and pysco fuckheads
Getting the point?
9874d4 No.2953104
stop feeding the MUH JOO TROLSS
d8a8e5 No.2953105
Friendly Reminder.
Mueller is Dirty.
4b37cc No.2953106
176071 No.2953107
Whoa that's some wicked entropy bro
035a9f No.2953108
(Bread #3735)
Yeah, Africa is s-o-o-o far away from Europe. And having a huge percentage of a group living with another group isn't going to result in some "mutualism."
d8d02d No.2953109
b865a9 No.2953110
>Marines (read: real Patriots) already have all of the information.
Not exactly a position of strength for Mr. Jonestein. kek
6e5d8e No.2953113
Best Christmas EVER.
02a292 No.2953114
That would be nice, but I doubt he's going to go quietly; None of the shills that have beenouted have to date, and he's a big fish so he will go down fighting, unfortuately.
b8bdcf No.2953115
A statement made by Jack & Alex. This is what they have been trying to say all along! >pic related
76a864 No.2953117
>>2953087 Explain it to him in crayon-make sure to use less than two colors!
a09a1a No.2953118
All millions would've if they could've. It didn't take all of them but all of them would. It's in their blood.
24ef8d No.2953120
3. Alex comes clean and tells the truth, then joins the others in GITMO/Leavenworth.
ec09cc No.2953122
Only took him a year to come up with this fail.
The failboat.. soon we'll be making another meme… The failboat promising faggotry for everyone! Set your ass for is faggot, our quads and our trips for checks….
and keks.
42e002 No.2953124
i already lost everything after 911 anon.
once you realize you cannot take any of this with you, your perspective changes.
at least mine has.
71c037 No.2953125
Don't worry, he already debunked the 'fake' logs.
95c2fc No.2953126
Guess what, jackass?
Mormons, Muslims, Scientologists, do not own and control the Federal Reserve, etc.
Your argumentation is childish.
9874d4 No.2953127
he will be allowed to resign, keep his ill gotten gains if he turns on his masters = eradication FFS!
e57a0b No.2953129
If you realy think that you wouldnt,t say that.
It is simple as that
You are a payed shill and decfided to play the game.
Welcome to the NSA/MI honeypot stupid fuck
7dd5ce No.2953130
I have ignored AJ for a while now
Because I get my info elsewhere.
And I would rather have them watch AJ
Than Anderson Cooper.
Q's Link to Utah NSA Data Center Parody Website Still Informative 2027
31 Aug 2018 - 8:45:40 AM
Information comes in many forms.
6e5d8e No.2953131
Clearly we agree.
19311c No.2953133
I thought he was a slimebag the first time I heard him. I got the same feeling about Cernobitch. Is he next?
c432e3 No.2953134
I doubt it too, but that doesn't mean he shouldn't get the chance.
04fe07 No.2953136
jones is a textbook useful idiot who actually believes what he says.
he can either come clean behind the curtains and start working for us, or stand a chance of being buried in disgrace.
his choice.
bbbb9a No.2953137
"It" is up to (you) to be (you)
Only (you) can stop the t[ ]rrany on the inside that is effecting those around (you)
Stop blamefagging and take responsibility for what happened
(You) rubbed the lotion on your homotus and liked it
Now go back to your meetings
Or I will call your sponsor
And (you) are not off paper yet either
Crack head
0258af No.2953139
Muh-Jews posters
Alex Jones
Fighting on this Board
Stifler's Mom
Feel free to add to the list for Anons
16d437 No.2953140
AJ likes little kids
That's how he got got
Just like the rest of them
Same trap different person
Trust someone who hurts a kid?
Hope he and his handlers rot in a cell
95c2fc No.2953141
Go back to sleep.
a09a1a No.2953142
>If you realy think that you wouldnt,t say that.
>It is simple as that
That makes no sense at all.
I say what I really think all of the time.
Your pilpul is defective.
6e5d8e No.2953143
>Go fuck off.
3eeaaf No.2953144
If they are all satan worshiping organizations, they all work together.
c432e3 No.2953145
As long as truth is part of it, I can't complain.
67d112 No.2953147
Q doesn't know anything about Syria, because Q isn't close to Trump in any way.
Syria is Mattis' shit. Mattis and Trump (and likely Pompeo and Kelly) know about Syria.
Nobody else.
Q knows what he reads on the internet. That's it.
How many extremely important real happenings have occurred (foreign and domestic) without one single peep from muh Q, before or after the happening?
Why do you think that is? Because Q is as far from Trump as you and I, that's why.
Think logically, indeed.
02a292 No.2953149
He can say whatever the fuck he wants; He should not get any tax dollars to do it, and he should be punished to the fullest extent of the law for his crimes.
We're in a National Emergency from trafficking, and Jones is neck deep in spreading disinfo about trafficking.
He can get the fucking needle.
7dd5ce No.2953150
No, definitely not
Q said that Iran is next
Maybe you should re-read all the drops…
77fc6a No.2953152
What happened with Seth Rich in June?
What happened to the servers?
Obviously something big went down
Because Q said it would and he is
my new jesus.
9dfa7b No.2953153
Ok Anons, where are the pedo's hiding in Antarctica? Where are the tunnels? The pyramids? The nazi bases?
Also, for fucks sakes, the blur out the most controversial part! The actual SOUTH POLE.
0a9751 No.2953154
jidf are by far the worst
as many newfags are unable to see their subversion
d444b6 No.2953157
6e5d8e No.2953158
Agree, although there is a base level of education necessary. Hard call. I agree, though.
57e6be No.2953159
420478 No.2953160
I tend to agree with this. if the clowns are exposed. there friends in the UK and any other 3 letter alphabet allies will do something.
a53548 No.2953161
Like clockwork….Q said it….being attaced from all angles
872744 No.2953162
>> 2953106
FLATTARDERY, the shit tier CIA psyop that attempts to derail newb truthers into an absolute shithole theory, continues to fail hard
8878ec No.2953163
They are definitely an iconic garment. I used to prefer Wranglers myself, and caught hell for it at work. But I’d give anything to have an old pair of 501s, just for a keepsake.
557735 No.2953164
Awesome work Autists! Thank you for all your tireless research. Thank U Qteam for all you have sacrificed, your loyalty to the Constitution, your love for humanity and this great, great country! #PatriotsFight #VictoryToPatriots #FeedTheGitmo
95c2fc No.2953165
When you can demonstrate that they all share the Talmud, are part of FED REV, control the media, education, etc., get back to me on that.
9874d4 No.2953167
Please consider the following "clues" or "tells":
CLUE #1 Any person steeped in conspiracy knows that you cannot leave out the VATICAN, JESUITS or the POPE so let us take a look at how well ALEX has done in informing people about this:
Here is the rare video where Alex actually says the words "Vatican" and "Jesuit" yet pay close attention to how he quickly switches to promoting a "good guy" Jesuit named Lord Monckton:
Beyond this rare video… will you look at how many other people have figured out exactly what I am saying? there must be 200 videos that say something like "alex vatican jesuit" etc etc!
Okay here is Lord Monckton who ALEX was trying to praise as a "GOOD GUY IN THE EVIL CABAL"!
CLUE #2 "an Officer of the Order of St John of Jerusalem, a Knight of Honour and Devotion of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, and a member of the Roman Catholic Mass Media Commission"
CLUE #3 "By January 2013 he had become UKIP's president in Scotland[43] but was sacked by UKIP leader Nigel Farage in November 2013 following factional infighting"
CLUE #4 "In a 1987 article for The American Spectator, "AIDS: A British View", Monckton argued "there is only one way to stop AIDS. That is to screen the entire population regularly and to quarantine all carriers of the disease for life. Every member of the population should be blood-tested every month … all those found to be infected with the virus, even if only as carriers, should be isolated compulsorily, immediately, and permanently." This would involve isolating between 1.5 and 3 million people in the United States ("not altogether impossible") and another 30,000 people in the UK ("not insuperably difficult"
CLUE #1 = Alex has failed miserably for 16 years or more to ever really address the Vatican Jesuit elephant in the room.
CLUE #2 = The only time I can find that Alex ever even attempted to honestly address the Vatican Jesuit question was this video and all he does is tell us that this Catholic and Probably Jesuit MEMBER OF THE ROMAN CATHOLIC MASS MEDIA COMMISSION is our friend!
CLUE #3 = NIGEL FARAGE IS A BADASS,TRUMP LOVES HIM, WE LOVE HIM! If Nigel kicked this fucker out of UKIP I really do not need to hear anymore yet on we must….
CLUE #4 = Can you fucking believe this guy? Have you seen enough of the HERO that Alex wanted us to trust??? wow… the audacity…
CLUE #5 = 3 MONTHS AGO Alex claimed to have talked to Q and that Q has been hacked and taken over do not listen to Q anymore… Q ALWAYS says "NO OUTSIDE COMMS" meaning Q is never going to speak to anyone outside of the normal channels i.e. 8chan…
CLUE #6 = When Youtube removed Alex there was a url redirecting to his website… I did not confirm this myself yet they are pretty adamant about it in q research etc etc… a fucking redirect?
Increase Alex credibility and divert a lot of NEW EYES time and attention away from the cause and away from the Vatican Jesuit reality…
c432e3 No.2953168
Proofs or shut the fuck up.
eb3bfd No.2953172
People aint ready for that jelly.
But that shit is da troof
d37ad0 No.2953173
Well said anon.
0e7944 No.2953174
Meant to ask the team:
Was Jeffrey Dahmer a White Rabbit for John Podesta?
Is that what a white rabbit does?
3eeaaf No.2953176
e57a0b No.2953177
Blame all jewish is a deepstate subverted opposition defend trick,
All your data (including bank records) is right now in a certain MAP, ready for further investigations
19311c No.2953178
Mikey ith that thoo?
KYS, faggot
7dd5ce No.2953179
Then AJ is clearly in direct contact with the people
Who are taking down the traffickers
And is helping them
As for those who are attacking AJ
Like YOU
We now see that you are the evil child traffickers
And their minions.
6e5d8e No.2953180
Only reason I gave the division-troll a [you] was to educate third party readers. It is fun calling them stupid, though. Kinda like beating up a retard, though. Fun while you're doing it but then you realize it was a bad idea overall.
595e18 No.2953181
I’ll take that as a “no”
Jews did it will be the name of this site
c432e3 No.2953182
>He should not get any tax dollars to do it, and he should be punished to the fullest extent of the law for his crimes.
Agreed, but let him do it.
a4ed56 No.2953183
Let's get some shit straight here.
Your ass might be faggot if you listened to Alex Jones and his over the top bullshit did not make your spidey senses tingle. Starts with something close to the truth, and then right off the deep end. It's a bit.
Your Ass might be faggot if you don't get MOS has the network and SA has the money.
MOS+SA=911, just say it Q.
Your Ass might be faggot if your not ready to hit the fast forward on this movie and get on to the civil war, at this rate it may take to 2024 faggots.
Your Ass might be faggot if you enjoy really cryptic Q posts ( just spit it the hell out, they are advertising your impeachment in case the have not told POTUS).
a04127 No.2953184
a54b38 No.2953185
"Be better than you were the day before."
"Good thoughts are stronger than the boot."
888810 No.2953187
We need a good IT anon
Keep reposting, so someone with specific knowledge will bite
d241ff No.2953190
b865a9 No.2953191
>its okay, honestly people need to learn to live without the technology that has chained them, but at the same time we're using it to free them; so its a hard call.
the wifeanon summarizes it thusly: "I don't wanna live on Little House on the fucking Prairie."
And she's right…there's no need for that. Just gotta rid the world of bitches like Morgan and Westinghouse…my understanding is they suppressed Tesla's best work because they couldn't put a meter on it. kek
961e75 No.2953192
It was a series…some held back to use as proofs for just this occasion. Derp..
a09a1a No.2953193
Where's the lie tho?
828d69 No.2953194
>Well OK I must have been ignorant along with TRUMP appearing on his show.
don't feel bad, it was another credibility by osmosis moment. …that's how most decent guests wound up on there. Others, opportunists, like Corsi, go on to further their own stuff anyway, I'm just glad the lid is finally off, people deserve better
95c2fc No.2953195
Awesome. I hope that they are all hung.
19311c No.2953196
Owen, you should probably start looking for a job
f9f560 No.2953197
alex the best thing for you to do is just go play with your gay frogs and disappear.
b4607a No.2953198
Dont know if this has been posted yet but here it is
bbbb9a No.2953201
(You) liked the lotion on your homotus and we all know now .
Except aflb
His head is up someone's ass
57e6be No.2953202
There is another country that runs them both.
595e18 No.2953205
Yes and eyethespy
76a864 No.2953206
>>2953180 Humor and memes will do!
566b29 No.2953207
Watching board and seeing if anything bears out.
a53548 No.2953209
The LARPOP must be hurting some feelings
9874d4 No.2953211
Yes we all went through stages yet most of us never had any help… we waded through the swamp all alone so not hard to blame us for getting stuck… THESE PEOPLE seem incapable of learning anything from those who have gone on before them!
31b5f7 No.2953212
"bled out dry"
He speaks in violent terms often
Post after post on Gab has threats or insinuation of violence either towards Q or states that anons will be the violent ones
d66993 No.2953213
Russia had already warned us what was going on.
I remember clearly.
00f4cf No.2953214
Like the FISA one. Blank and white look good. Simple but effective.
24ef8d No.2953216
And SAME QAnon, here's a message to you buddy. I'm gonna make sure your movement is bled out dry, the SHILLING won't stop for months. This isn't even the half of it. You'll continue to fuck me up with posting valid criticism that we either never debunked or can't debunk. You're a professional, you have every idea what the fuck you're up against. You started this, and it's why we're steam-rolled at every turn. Good luck, the horde is about to join you.
-fake & gay Q
0e7944 No.2953217
I'm so close to doing it myself. Will try again this week.
af8112 No.2953219
WTF is the JewSaad doing here anyway? Can't they go bother China?
0320d6 No.2953220
Fellow anons, I’m a shit-poster high-impact meme creator, but the FISA abuse meme is giving me challenges, ideas?
bc740e No.2953221
I thought it was obvious how easy it is to fake chat logs. Very easy. I don't understand why anons keep following these twitter famefags.
This drama is nothing more than a distraction.
c432e3 No.2953222
>He speaks in violent terms often
So does half this board.
9df1a1 No.2953224
Sigil of Astaroth and I Pet Goat Coin
a4dba6 No.2953227
You’re shitting me, right?
c432e3 No.2953229
Play with this idea.
9874d4 No.2953230
d3da69 No.2953231
google news won't let me search for "qanon" sorted by date
a09a1a No.2953232
If jews had brains they'd have start apologizing long ago. Instead, they double down and attack everyone who points out their crimes against humanity.
0e7944 No.2953233
Can you imagine? Would let us live rural without transmission lines.
76a864 No.2953234
8bdd1b No.2953235
What a joke these two larpers are. What bill of goods did posoboi sell to OAN? Did they know? Is OAN going to sacrifice their credibility at the altar of lil Jack's fragile ego?
eb361c No.2953236
Look, if he prevents one frog from being gay…it’s worth it.
595e18 No.2953240
We know that I think that’s my point
0f469a No.2953242
I messed around with OUTGUESS steg tool… linux command line… I'm tellin ya that one would be the ticket to write a bruteforce script with… Im just to stupid to do it but some smart Anon… Easy money…
1d80cd No.2953243
Anybody else be reading a thread in your back yard and hear someone walkin up? Freaks me out every time.
651a9d No.2953245
how exactly did nike sales go up when the ratings of football are going down?
16d437 No.2953247
How's the weather in Tel-aviv?
961e75 No.2953248
White rabbit is the getter..
888810 No.2953249
Good luck anon
You can become a great decoder anon
It will be legendary
566b29 No.2953251
0250bd No.2953253
and their stock is tanking?
76a864 No.2953256
>>2953238 TiTTILLATING!!!!
0e7944 No.2953258
That's what I figured.
Damn those Dahmer files were nasty shit.
c432e3 No.2953259
It's probably fraud.
bbbb9a No.2953260
Any former presidents in the throws of deep despair with pretextual felatio mcguffins sweating ebots exhaust pipe for showboating purposes?
9ebc4e No.2953262
his one useful role is to combat his "silencing" publically.
a4ed56 No.2953265
but if the frog is indeed faggot, circle complete. Checkmate mr AJ.
7dd5ce No.2953267
Butt, but, there is more to life than tits, Anon
0e7944 No.2953268
Already a legend in my own mind. Does that count? ;)
1d80cd No.2953269
Anyone else got constant military flyover today. About every 10 mins.
b54b0e No.2953270
Oy vey you are one triggered shill. Its ok, Brocks ball wont hurt you, he just wants a massage.
828d69 No.2953271
>AJ likes little kids
>That's how he got got
In all the years I have been investigating him, and when in his presence, I have never seen anything to validate your statement. I hate him for other reasons, I do not believe your assertions are correct.
c432e3 No.2953272
Preferably with an explanation - but I'll take either or.
9fc18a No.2953275
6e5d8e No.2953276
To be clear, I could care less about educating the original poster. They're just making their $14.50/hr. I corrected him for the education of the HUGE number of 3rd party readers. There are a LOT of people reading this stream and there's a lot we can do to GENTLY educate them by smacking the trolls once in a while. Problem is, you have to do it sparingly or it floods the stream, which is one of their goals. So…moderation and err on the side of less-is-more.
31b5f7 No.2953277
>>He speaks in violent terms often
>So does half this board.
And the language is the same or similar
It it becoming easier by the day to recognized when Microdick and Posoyboi et al are posting here either as a slide or an attack
180f3d No.2953280
Tucker is funny.
Make the bowtie great again!
b3b174 No.2953281
I'm hearing chatter that the deep state will deploy the TNW's that went "missing" during the BHO administration to cause a EMP before the mid-terms.
Just as well it's preparedness month.
c88caa No.2953283
So I’m guessing he’s here and knows folks caught his lie?
fb03fb No.2953284
4 yous from Q!!!!!!!
Ok got that out of my system
We have it ALL.
af446a No.2953285
i also went to temple
they didn't teach me shit
c432e3 No.2953286
This is also true.
19ef53 No.2953287
Butt, Butt, like This one?
3eeaaf No.2953288
45488c No.2953289
i honestly dont see it anon.the long curve at the bottom of the coin doesnt really match anything heres an enlarged pic
eb3bfd No.2953292
6c4621 No.2953293
>Butt guy
>Posts negroids
Checks out.
ec09cc No.2953294
Ask Microdick about Trump's DOITQ image.
57e6be No.2953295
Trump put a CIA guy, Pompeo, in at State. but forget that stuff, trust the plan, everything is 19d chess and "keeping enemies closer"
888810 No.2953297
Smth with BHO portrait half covered with document where Signatures are blanks
6e5d8e No.2953298
fa3bcc No.2953299
in the years you've been investigating him, have you seen the names:
Michael Reinstein
Dionisio Lucchesi
William Koneval
or the companies:
Regent Equity Partners LLC
Current Media Group
i'll share my graphic again - just asking first.
ed353e No.2953302
I am still not convinced of who it was that departed him.
Cindy looked pretty happy in her pic today.
f2a4dd No.2953303
You get it, Anon.
8d76d0 No.2953307
omg your crypto post got a muhjew shill, fucking classic
but no i have no idea how to do this, paying attention though, been months since we had a crypto party
d8d02d No.2953308
Notable update, same as last update, let me know if anything was missed
>>2952887 Memes ammo on FISA CORRUPTION in Memes29: >>2946736
>>2952898 Twatter sent an anon an email about Pussibiec's OANN hitpiece
>>2953002 Delta Fire Update
a04127 No.2953311
that hurricane one is scary
might make a costco run
961e75 No.2953313
There's worse. I didn't think so..but Hell is deep.
fb03fb No.2953314
Pence denies claim that Cabinet members talked of invoking 25th Amendment to remove Trump
Vice President Mike Pence might have the most to gain from a premature end to Donald Trump’s presidency, but in an interview aired Sunday, he forcefully denied engaging in any discussion about invoking the 25th Amendment to eject Trump from office.
The vice president, who made appearances on two major Sunday news-talk shows, also delivered a sweeping condemnation of Watergate journalist Bob Woodward’s depiction of a capricious and incurious president, and again denied authorship of a stinging anonymous op-ed published last week in the New York Times that describes high-level officials discussing removing Trump.
Pence said he was willing to take a lie-detector test to back up his denial of personal authorship of the critique, but said he had not asked his staff whether any of them had penned the anonymous critique because he fully trusted none had done so.
6c4621 No.2953315
See the last two digits of the post in question
180f3d No.2953316
bbbb9a No.2953317
Maybe ebot is kaiser soze
420478 No.2953318
its all true. however to some research and we had some bad actors as well. No Names father stopped U.S. fighters from reaching The Liberty.
e3a577 No.2953319
CLUE #0000 Any person steeped in conspiracy knows that you cannot leave out the JEWS, first and foremost. Alex never implicated them for doing 9/11 or all their other heinous crimes against all of humanity.
It's the only RED FLAG you ever need.
31b5f7 No.2953320
>Ask Microdick about Trump's DOITQ image.
He was asked yesterday
He attacked the person questioning him and didn't answer
b54b0e No.2953322
Who benefits from your posts?
Who are you trying to hide?
Who is the real enemy?
Are you hiding the RULING FAMILIES?
is it jewish to cover yourself in gold? wear y heads? show the eye of ra? Owls?
055006 No.2953323
So many Americans affected on a personal level by 9/11 attacks, who will be remembering where they were in 2001.
I see an opportunity to get the PUBLIC's attention with some disclosure. 17 years later…
0e7944 No.2953324
How many months of Alex Jones did we live through? Four? Five?
It's always something.
42e002 No.2953326
that's quite a pink pony you found anon!
8b74e6 No.2953329
have some Freedom and work with your Bread Anon
888810 No.2953330
I was the one who brought BHO baphomet pic here
Every time i see it in meme, it feels awesome
d674ad No.2953331
Why would FakeNews CNN report this unless it was for propaganda purposes??? Think logically here, why would CNN actually post an article or video showcasing Pence defending himself? Why is he even taking questions about the Op Ed? Read between the lines! Pence is to Trump as LBJ was to JFK! He is just another establishment deep state lackey, have never trusted him… Why did No Name invite Pence to his funeral? Why does Q only mention Pence a couple times? Why hasn't Q said trust Pence Or Pence is a patriot anywhere? Why is Trump having Sessions investigate the Op Ed?
00f4cf No.2953333
They said it's "online" sales.
Talk of Nike Inc. sales taking a hit from the company’s decision to put ex–NFL player Colin Kaepernick at the center of its latest “Just Do It” campaign is looking overblown, based on data from a Silicon Valley digital commerce research company.
After an initial dip immediately after the news broke, Nike’s NKE, -0.12% online sales actually grew 31% from the Sunday of Labor Day weekend through Tuesday, as compared with a 17% gain recorded for the same period of 2017, according to San Francisco–based Edison Trends.
0a9751 No.2953334
Trump put Pompeo in at CIA to gut it
then when mission was completed
brought him in to replace globalist Tillerson
you fail once again with your illogic
651a9d No.2953335
post the photo you got it from…
bbbb9a No.2953336
Get the real sugar dr peppers while wal Mart has stock
9e03e6 No.2953338
There was a reason Discord gets shilled all over this site, easy to gain user information and ability to change the logs.
6e5d8e No.2953339
What's all that white and pink crap in the way?
57e6be No.2953341
Besides "Isr is last" hasn't Q done the same?
ec09cc No.2953345
Didn't answer means can't answer.
67d112 No.2953347
>It makes me wonder if Q is a psyop.
You're right to wonder.
That's your intuition telling you something important.
Listen to it and re-evaluate what Q posted to this board and the timing of his posts as regard to his hyped previous posts and actual, verifiable Trump-produced happenings.
I noticed significant inconsistencies back in March and began to re-evaluated these things. Have been watching with a discerning eye ever since, and Q's posts have only gotten more inconsistent with his stated purpose.
It's interesting and revealing … to say the least.
f2144e No.2953348
[Israel] Last…
Is Syria where we finally break with Israel, route ISIS completely, leaving an independent Syria…and find ourselves at odds publicly with Israel?
Next act then is a public accounting of their role in various newsworthy events….9/11, cough, cough.
828d69 No.2953349
>Michael Reinstein
>Dionisio Lucchesi
>William Koneval
nope something pegasus rings a bell but I think that's a media co? idn
57e6be No.2953352
Once again wishful thinking anon can make anything seem like 17d chess with magic logic!
42e002 No.2953353
23f0e1 No.2953354
Herrlich. Top kek
9874d4 No.2953355
I understand…
I worry more about whats going on on the inside to tell you the truth yet when we do we are being um divisive I think they call it… I do not do it much yet damn it man I sure could…
Alex jones info whores thread is gone gone not in archive very unpopular when i posted it.
I had to try for weeks to get my stuff up on nightshift… waited for a day shift and instant perm thread…
I just don't know man… been here too long… very very depressing… world wins i still feel the same rinse and repeat…
a09a1a No.2953356
People are still trying to tie (((MOS Alex Jones))) to this board in order to discredit it? Q did say these people were stupid but I thought jews were supposed to be high IQ?
f67470 No.2953357
Wtf, why all this focus in aj and those that work with him? How many really trusted what he said in the first place. I would rather listen to someone talk about blue chickens than listen to anything aj had to say.
dcf111 No.2953359
It is very clear to even normies who just started following Q…Q has always been about Patriotism, Loving our Country, Supporting our POTUS, fighting & exposing Corruption, supporting our Flag & Anthem & telling Anons of all races, creeds, religions, & political views, that we MUST UNITE bc this isn't about left vs right…this is about Good vs Evil!
Now, wh you would ANY POTUS supporter who claims to be a Patriot fight so damn hard against this movement! The Great Awakening movement which exposes corruption & frees our minds & souls from EVIL?!
They literally just keep exposing themselves…they just can't control the demons inside of them.
0e7944 No.2953360
Yuck. I am going to be one of the anons that steps back and protects my heart. Uncovering 9/11 is about as deep as I can go. The Pedo stuff - Hillary and shipping black children to harvest adrenochome - I'm going to conveniently forget that.
It's been a ride.
Anon needs a Pepe roller coaster meme. This one was a fine fulfillment a few weeks ago.
af446a No.2953361
holy shit
that for real?
19ef53 No.2953362
OK, Brown Eye Revealed Times 3
961e75 No.2953364
You got raped after gym and liked it, huh? That's why you became a shill?
3eeaaf No.2953366
These fucks will work together to prop each other up when they need to. Another corporation will place a large order with Nike to boost sales, or sign contracts, etc.
651a9d No.2953367
US SPACE force, maybe gonna take out the AdrenoChrome satellite?
f36ff4 No.2953368
Q also outed Mossad in his Media diagram.
67d112 No.2953369
← Highest wanking anon is right here.
f9f560 No.2953370
I understand, technology is a really nice crutch and I enjoy it myself. But if SHTF would you be ready? I am, from useful primitive tech to a small bit of useful blacksmithing; I am ready.
Besides, I said the technology that has CHAINED us, shit like cellphones are one of the worst things to have ever happened to mankind. So many people have such shit social skills its a damn shame, groups of people who at one point would be talking instead just sit and stare at their shiny light box and get dumber by the minute. Is this everyone? No, obviously not; however the amount of people i've seen who are entirely dependent on their phone is staggering. I know a few people who have absolute mental breakdowns if they can't locate their phone in a few moments. Technology has made too many weak people that need saving instead of being able to save themselves.
my 2 cents.
9e03e6 No.2953371
Try and find quotes from the past defending what will be soon indefensible.
00f4cf No.2953373
Can't last forever.
eb361c No.2953374
So…if POTUS catches Pence in a lie, does he have to resign like Flynn? That…would be sweet.
0320d6 No.2953375
Trying to imagine that, maybe something simpler.
Did BHO signed a FISA? Could he?
1d80cd No.2953376
Account terminated.
9874d4 No.2953377
what a first level says…?
bbbb9a No.2953378
Sort of
The cia was blasting demo fags with caps and charges pregame
The fexas fehgel tested a midland bank first
It was rigged by jackasses in cowboy to clean their banking books cause the wash was so incredible
The Jew renter got privy and secured proper insurance
Even argued a double claim
6e5d8e No.2953381
Chillax. Go kick over an ant pile.
19311c No.2953383
I remember a few articles that linked AJ to Q when we had that first huge attack
74b353 No.2953386
Pretty much. He can't back out though.
f36ff4 No.2953387
She should stop doing that next to an open window many stories up…
f27ce1 No.2953388
Did you check the drawer next to the kitchen sink honey?
a4ed56 No.2953389
you'd better click dat shit nigga.
888810 No.2953390
Unlikely but he was behind the whole thing
d9d2b2 No.2953392
still there just not verified, but a goodie
42e002 No.2953393
o7 anon.
that is true even if it hurts some folks felz.
0e7944 No.2953394
Is in this >>2952946
Best I can do.
6e5d8e No.2953395
Now THAT is a holey trinity!
19311c No.2953398
I would also like a clue about Pence…seems shady as fuck
35a0d3 No.2953400
You mean like 67d112 and 57e6be?
Yep. While all the Muh Joo Hate shit's going back and forth you get these quiet ones that drop shit. Although apparent it's a change up in tactics.
075fe3 No.2953401
Sometimes ebot, you are the only one who makes sense around here.
af446a No.2953402
didn't pence set up Flynn in first place
remember POTUS wanting to renege on pence vp decision…
f2144e No.2953404
Probably not militarily….too easy for deep state actors to redirect cross-fire into potentially bad escalating situation with Russia/Iran.
Can't risk
d9d2b2 No.2953405
be careful what you wish for!!
57e6be No.2953406
Relevant but one mention hardly shows good intent. I bet we can find one mention from AJ as well.
fb03fb No.2953407
And the weakest shill is….. ID: 57e6be
All of that studying crumbs only to be shitty at using them against established LOGIC based on the same crumbs.
e2c440 No.2953409
How does one get a premium 8chan experience on a tight budget?
0e7944 No.2953410
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>2953242
Try this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KUZVIBXfoeA
0258af No.2953411
This Anon gets it
Question Everything, always
Make up your mind from what you believe through Reason; continually refresh
To stay sharp and smart, you need to constantly use your brain
bbbb9a No.2953413
Maybe you are announcing
You are a t[ ]rannyshill when
You come in the room
9c4da8 No.2953414
Bush Sr > Ronald Reagan
Pence? > Trump
a09a1a No.2953416
Imagine thinking these were the good guys
eb361c No.2953418
Hoosieranon here
He is sketchy as fuck.
Jesters….Pence and his jesters.
Everybody round here knows
b355f4 No.2953419
pence might be critical in going after the vatican angle.
57e6be No.2953420
Love it when anons call a USMC combat vet patriot constitutionalists a JIDF just because he calls the truth like he sees it.
c88caa No.2953422
b54b0e No.2953423
Remeber the deal of the century. The middle east will be unfucked with israeli deep state removed and normies jewish and others, freed.
Also q said:
Saving the best for last
Refering to payseur. Is he "the eye of peovidence"?
c432e3 No.2953424
Just enter your bank account and routing number in the spaces provided below.
31b5f7 No.2953427
>So I’m guessing he’s here and knows folks caught his lie?
They [Microdick / Posoyboi et al Mossad] post here
Either child porn /Gateway Pundit Articles/ Mis direction articles
If you look at Microdick's Gab account you will recognized items/comments he posted as being slides on this board
77fc6a No.2953428
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. A force
A wave
A field
A force
Black hole
Big bang
Are we ready to deal with rational physics?
Objects or concepts?
You decide!!!
bd8d91 No.2953429
whatever alex is paying you, it's way too much
e3a577 No.2953430
Yes. Red Flag also.
Outing Mossad is like saying that the CIA is bad and that MI6 stinks.
It goes a lot deeper than that with the JEWS.
888810 No.2953431
You can by synthetic in EU and Russia
651a9d No.2953432
that spaceforce adrenocrhome photo has A5752 on it… is that a code?
035a9f No.2953433
Cannibal AI or just cannibal?
eb361c No.2953436
He did. That’s why if this flips around on him, I’ll KEK for a month solid.
77fc6a No.2953437
Q won't post until after 9/11 because it'll be the same shit as every year. All that talk about pain etc the bushes and Clintons will be painted as heros. Kinda like what's his name. JOHN MCCAIN. He was one of the good ones…
9c4da8 No.2953438
c88caa No.2953439
Just snapped it for you
ec09cc No.2953440
Here try this.
That's about the long and veiny of it.
19311c No.2953441
Bush Sr, was a high ranking clown
Pence is just a little mole
e24659 No.2953442
Not as pretty as THAT!!
ab0b0e No.2953446
That was great, anon! WWG1WGA!
fa3bcc No.2953447
(get ready for shills)
9ebc4e No.2953448
just when i start to forget about that "nope" button… something sneaks through.
825c30 No.2953449
Yes Hearing Voices is Very Normal with Head up Ass Disease
d66993 No.2953450
Salivating to early.
841af5 No.2953451
this what you looking for?
d8e72b No.2953453
this microchip mother fucker is done before he even started and doesn't even have the sense to realise it.
a4ed56 No.2953456
This ain't premium?
b355f4 No.2953457
Here's something intereting.
Trump expected to declassify Carter Page, Bruce Ohr docs as early as this week: Report
"President Trump is expected to declassify documents related to his onetime campaign aide Carter Page and Justice Department official Bruce Ohr, according to a report Sunday. Allies close to the president told Axios the move could happen as early as this week. "
ec09cc No.2953458
Check yoself before you kek yoself faggers.
67d112 No.2953459
It's a spike in sales due to initial support from sjw idiots who buy Nike shit to show support.
However, libtards like Nike supporters are one-time buyers. So this spike in Nike sales will be temporary.
then the boycott effect kicks in and Nike sales tank.
this is how all these sjw events work.
Nike should know this. It's not exactly rocket surgery.
d5668e No.2953461
"I only realized I loved my face after it had been burned with acid. Before it was just my face. I only started loving it again when it had partially disappeared. Do you follow?"
595e18 No.2953462
Ok, Let’s end this the Jews did it once and for all. I’m not a Jew so stop that shit already.
Ok, If the Jews are behind everything and the only reason why any other race besides a Jew is helping them is because they’re being controlled by them.
So no matter what, The Jews are responsible for everything.
So if we know who is responsible for everything what are we doing here? We already know that Jews did it And no the races are to blame because they had to take the money or die.
So that leaves one question.
Is Q The only person on the planet not Compromised by the Jewish mafia?
cc81db No.2953463
F orget
I t
S py
A nyway
Too lazy to meme but go ahead and use it if it works
fde072 No.2953464
Unredacted FISA, coming to theatres this September.
57e6be No.2953465
But, but, Trump endorsed fox! It's all 322d chess.
a09a1a No.2953466
There were 8 genocides in the 20th century & Jews care that you are only educated about one of them. It happens to be the same "genocide" from which they draw restitution. So altruistic of them to support their own racial interests while calling you a racist or "division shill" for supporting yours.
eb3bfd No.2953467
Product code.
694b54 No.2953468
9c4da8 No.2953469
Bush Sr was Reagan's VP
VP Pence has rumors around him he knew about human trafficking in his state when he was Gov. So there is a connection.
So all were VP.
6c4621 No.2953472
The thing that bothers me most at this point is the amount of meta Q posts. Yeah, we know it's getting coverage from the MSM. Yeah, there are people attacking and making stupid claims. But why exactly should we give a fuck?
What purpose does talking about any of that serve? We're all here because we're persuaded there's something intersting going on here, so the endless "all for a LARP" navel-gazing doesn't exactly add anything.
446714 No.2953473
Shill Sunday.
Not enough filters to hold 'em back.
d9d2b2 No.2953474
no name put to death is a win win
if true, the deeps state know whats coming so shitting themselves
if not true, they have no name and singing like a bird.. same result
24ef8d No.2953477
Quite a common trait amongst sheep.
f44c13 No.2953478
d5b727 No.2953479
POS probably knows that but is obligated to continue either for a paycheck or his continued safety
bbbb9a No.2953481
THere arguments
Someone else's money
Someone else's underwear economics
Some body they knew gotta way with it
Fake fag
Yada yada
a4ed56 No.2953482
oh yes written 10 minutes after Q post.
9c4da8 No.2953485
It is said Bush Sr was behind the Reagan assassination attempt
e57a0b No.2953486
Microchip name is James Brower according to a recent youtube video, trying to protect him.
b4607a No.2953487
I believe that the op ed writer is nikki haley i also think they are trying to make it look like its pence to make trump think its pence
595e18 No.2953491
Because everybody had their EBT cards reloaded on the 5th of this month.
You Bought them
0108ae No.2953492
8Bit, I want to congratulate you on ridding the board of the bad BV. I left when I saw him banning anons as fast as he could could for generic reasons. Kinda surprised we have an ipv4 addresses left. I'm thinking that was in February, but that is recall. I've been lurking for about a month and if I recall correctly he outed himself to you in July or August. A late catch and I know you lost some true autists because of him. Surely they will be checking back in like I did. I have been watching the logs and it appears your board is no longer compromised. I do recognize some anons from way back. Anons, you held in there and so did Q. God bless you all. I will go back to lurking. This is the place to be. MAY GOD BLESS AMERICA AND ALL THOSE WHO DEFEND AND PROTECT HER AGAINST ALL ENEMIES, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC. WE STAND TOGETHER AS PATRIOTS. WHERE WE GO ONE, WE GO ALL. HOME OF THE BRAVE
180f3d No.2953494
Going on 2 years now and still…
d59f1e No.2953495
a09a1a No.2953497
The same people who made billions off the opioid crisis after agressively marketing OxyContin, have now patented a drug which treats the addiction of OxyContin.
Doesn't get any more Jewish than that.
ab0b0e No.2953498
"visible" but otherwise solid, anon.
a2ff3c No.2953499
Stop giving this fraud a platform please. Anyone who doubts Q’s legitamacy at this point should go to reddit.
67d112 No.2953501
>Butt, but, there is more to life than tits, Anon
Completely agree, anon.
But let's have an ass with a feminine shape, shall we?
b355f4 No.2953502
Just like we escalated in first and second missile waves? Does our military tell the hidden (unofficial) enemy that we are going to strike them ahead of time?
You sure you a USMC vet?
a4ed56 No.2953503
how many bots would a bot, bot if a bot could bot wood?
eb361c No.2953504
Worse than that.
He ran his own trafficking ring here for blackmail
I’m sure this has been dug, but…if it hasn’t…it’s all out there. Pence and his Jesters. Hoosiers…we all know. Racket was run out of casinos here. Blackmail.
24c367 No.2953505
Call and find out.
888810 No.2953506
Sounds sooo familiar
Anons, any association
I have heard it before, i swear
375028 No.2953508
Well to be honest you didnt come up with shit!
When presidential speechwriter Timothy Burnham progresses from president's favorite to intimate advisor with Q clearance, giving him access to atomic energy secrets, he becomes the target of Soviet spies
19311c No.2953510
Really??? Bush Sr. was Reagan's VP??
Pence is VP too????
Back to reddit you fucking retard
a09a1a No.2953511
Good excuse to get the military to start building the wall.
dcf111 No.2953512
Very real Anon…very real!
d5668e No.2953513
Is this fucking funny to you?
4b37cc No.2953514
7dd5ce No.2953515
The Tomb of King David was found
But kept very secret
Because his bones were there
They extracted DNA from the bones
And have tested some of the Payseur bloodline
And Marie Antoinette as well.
Jesus, the Messiah was of the line of David
All of his descendants
Should show a DNA trace from King David
None of the Payseur line shows this
Nor does Marie Antoinette
Nor do any of the early Merovingians.
In fact, the bloodline is most commonly found
In Muslim Palestinians living in Jordan.
The cult of con-artists does not just con the sheep
They con each other as well.
d66993 No.2953516
Make change..then good!
12b600 No.2953517
261035 No.2953518
welcome back anon , i remember you
6d3a98 No.2953519
Have an ugly tie that nobody would wear in public much less a National News interview
961e75 No.2953520
16 posts already…busy little whore.