4d540e No.2937185
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Q's Latest Posts
Saturday 09.08.18
>>>/patriotsfight/204 ———--------—————- FREEDOM.jpg ( Cap: >>2936226 )
>>>/patriotsfight/203 ———--------—————- There was a time when ( Cap: >>2936111 )
Friday 09.07.18
>>2926144 rt >>2926085 ———----------——– If [RR] is dirty, Mueller must also be dirty.
>>2925937 rt >>2925844 ———----------——– What FISA is about to be DECLAS?
>>2925825 rt >>2925758 ———----------——– FISA warrant issued / approved>Papadopoulos
>>2925765 rt >>2925488 ———----------——– Specific timing rests w/ POTUS.
>>2925579 rt >>2925398 ———----------——– [Activated] If 'schedule' is known….
>>2925398 rt >>2925189 ———----------——– Month: Sept
>>2925189 rt >>2925016 ———----------——– NYT "Anon" source? "Sleeper Cells"
>>>/patriotsfight/202 ———--------—————- James Comey Tweet Translation: ( Cap:>>2924947, >>2924975)
>>>/patriotsfight/201 ———--------—————- Why did [RR] recommend the firing of [JC] to POTUS? ( Cap: >>2924650 )
>>>/patriotsfight/200 ———--------—————- Goodbye, Mr. Rosenstein ( Cap: >>2923781 )
>>>/patriotsfight/199 ———--------—————- #FLY[RR]FLY# ( Cap: >>2923668 )
>>>/patriotsfight/198 ———--------—————- Who signed? ( Caps: >>2922326 )
>>2919757 ———-----------------------------——– Their attempts will FAIL.
Thursday 09.06.18
>>>/patriotsfight/197 ———--------—————- VIP Patriots! We see you. ( Capped: >>2910329, >>2910510 )
>>2909917 rt >>2909503 ———----------——– Follow the picture.
>>>/patriotsfight/196 ———--------—————- This is called 'PANIC'. ( Capped: >>2909771, >>2909813 )
>>2909418 rt >>2908723 ———----------——– Control & Divide.
>>2908527 rt >>2908303 ———----------——– There is a lot more to this than you realize.
>>>/patriotsfight/195 ———--------—————- WHAT ARE THEY AFRAID OF? ( Caps: >>2907952 )
>>2907565 rt >>2907383 ———----------——– HEADS UP
>>2906399 rt >>2904064 ———----------——– 1/Billion Coincidence?
>>2906216 rt >>2905624 ———----------——– Read between the lines.
Wednesday 09.05.18
>>>/patriotsfight/194 ———--------—————- We knew this day would come. ( Caps: >>2893000, >>2903953, >>2905126 )
>>>/patriotsfight/193 ———--------—————- "TREASON?" Q+ ( Caps: >>2892732, >>2903863 )
>>>/patriotsfight/192 ———--------—————- Military Law v. Criminal Law ( Caps & Video: >>2892069, >>2903858, >>2903496, >>2904197 )
>>>/patriotsfight/191 rt >>>/patriotsfight/190 -- Sara Carter on DECLAS ( Caps: >>2890006, >>2903810 )
>>>/patriotsfight/190 ———--------—————- Do you believe in coincidences? ( Caps: >>2888992, >>2903773 )
>>>/patriotsfight/189 ———--------—————- C_rsi subpoena ( Caps: >>2890241, >>2903757 )
>>>/patriotsfight/188 rt >>>/patriotsfight/99 - 2 sec Stream (Cap: >>2888158, >>2888225 (99's Cap))
>>2887813 ———-----------------------------——– PREDICTABLE FAKE NEWS
>>>/patriotsfight/187 rt >>>/patriotsfight/177 - Being Afraid (Caps: >>2887245, >>2903743 )
>>>/patriotsfight/186 ———--------—————- Money Talks (Caps: >>2887174, >>2903717 )
Tuesday 09.04.18
Compiled here: >>2925504
Monday 09.03.18
Compiled here: >>2908626
Sunday 09.02.18
Compiled here: >>2874949
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Dealing with Clowns & Shills
>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown
4d540e No.2937187
are not endorsements
>>2829643, >>2829673 1986 U.S. District Court Dost test: No CP image guidelines
>>2327065 How to filter gore spam >>2334211 (new: Add into [Options] -> Theme)
>>2936525 Moar on Joseph Mifsud – The Man Who Deep State Used to Set Up Papadopoulos – Is Missing and PRESUMED DEAD.
>>2936564 Terrorists & White Helmets met in Idlib to prep for final stage false flag chem attack – Russian MoD.
>>2936586 Atlas Air flight GTI8808 to Gitmo.
>>2936856 Captured ISIS Officer Says Turkey Is Sending Islamic State Suicide Bombers to Europe.
>>2936898 The untold truth about Obama's former CIA director, John Brennan.
>>2937029 Big Pharma gets a pass on vaccine dangers for pregnant females.
>>2937043 US recalls diplomats from Central American countries.
>>2937048 Google reverse photo matches U.S. Marines (not official) twitter pic.
>>2937140 Excerpt from Sen. Grassley's letter describing C. Steele, DOJ, HRC connections.
>>2937180 #3715
#3714 Baker Change
>>2935773 >>2935773 One new asteroid discovered will zoom past earth tonight, and another bigger one on Sunday night.
>>2935784 Claire’s McCaskill’s ex-husband, David Exposito, was killed in Kansas City in a mafia hit
>>2935792 Memo from RR to Sessions: RESTORING PUBLIC CONFIDENCE IN THE FBI
>>2935759 Anon's theory on if NOEL FRANCISCO will replace RR?
>>2935779 Rome: Where Hollywood REALLY comes from! (Video)
>>2935854 Anon's theory on #FLY#
>>2936042 Background on trade between Canada and USA
>>2936119 Interdasting "Politico 50” list
>>2936375 Planefag update: Extra airline seen flying to Gitmo - Atlas Air 'Giant'
>>2936437 #3714
>>2935628 Sen. Claire McCaskill's Ex-husband slain in KCK
>>2935251 Health Scares at US Airports Tied to Mecca Pilgrims
>>2935227 Blatant Corruption and Masonic Influence Within Arizona Law Enforcement
>>2935197, >>2935234 PlaneFag Reports
>>2935180, >>2935182, >>2935189, >>2935218, >>2935206, >>2935224, >>2935246, >>2935602 Rock & Roll and the C_A
>>2935176, >>2935184 Attorney for Tesla whistleblowers has interesting tweets about NY Times anon op ed
>>2935079 Young blood could be the solution to help the elderly live longer and healthier, says scientist - they're trying to make their shit "normal"
>>2935077 Was Pope Francis Betting On A Hillary Clinton Presidency?
>>2935721 #3713
Previously Collected Notables
>>2933370 #3710, >>2934135 #3711, >>2935046 #3712
>>2931046 #3707, >>2931808 #3708, >>2932567 #3709
>>2928751 #3704, >>2929529 #3705, >>2930284 #3706
>>2926344 #3701, >>2927228 #3702, >>2927885 #3703
>>2924146 #3698, >>2924916 #3699, >>2925626 #3700
>>2921828 #3695, >>2922585 #3696, >>2923369 #3697
>>2919674 #3692, >>2920289 #3693, >>2921043 #3694
>>2917091 #3689, >>2918196 #3690, >>2918832 #3691
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Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536
4d540e No.2937191
War Room
#WalkAway Redpill the patriots trapped under the dark delusion of neoliberalism see THE LIGHT of patriotism and conservatism
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[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.
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>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits
>>2878373 – Clockwork Qrange #4
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Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968
Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967
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4d540e No.2937192
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4d540e No.2937201
4d540e No.2937238
Updated Pastebin:
3d86b5 No.2937259
Woah! I'e never been this close to the top!
6ef55f No.2937274
60742f No.2937306
Someone didnt make the list. I wonder who…
65ce47 No.2937308
What a coincidence I just got my DJT flag pin yesterday, god bless America
015e3d No.2937309
4fd87c No.2937310
>>2937277 (lb)
no affordable housing in my CA area.
gov has all illegals living rent free paid by the state.
not an empty apt to be found.
houses way to expensive
8f26ff No.2937311
1fe0d2 No.2937312
>>2936908 lb
I didn't even know that bullshit but fuck yeah add that shit to the list. Sounds like deepstate faggotry to me.
796296 No.2937313
It's trump doing the art of war shit on America's enemy. LOL. Either that or NBC is totally making it up
9fbaa8 No.2937314
If you are bereaved for the loss of ebot
See last bread
974dac No.2937315
1986d7 No.2937316
>>2937253 lb
I dub thee Meme-Editor-in-Chief.
All memes shall now pass thru the office of Meme-Editor-in-Chief for approval.
6ea4ca No.2937317
Aaaand In Other News….
37b613 No.2937319
Archiving suggestion for anons–
Since we know that Kamala Harris and Cory Booker are both going to be making a move for the 2020 election
Need to start dirt archive collections on both of them for future use.
Because we're better than Media Matters.
8ed65b No.2937320
Here's something for you to get your head around…..
300 MILLION (excluding the sorry sob's called illegals)
70 THOUSAND for every man woman and child in the USA.
1fe0d2 No.2937324
If you had Alloidial title you could buy ANY piece of land and build on it ANY WAY YOU WANTED… Like you used to be able to do before the deepstate took over the US at the start of the 20th century.
9c1a6c No.2937325
That's what I fear...
No Coincidences, why else is that 'THE' picture from that day?
75478f No.2937327
>>2936666 (lb)
>>2936665 (lb)
Notice how these two posts were posted simultaneously… I hope somebotty isn't…STEALING FROM KEK…. i just think that would be a bad idea!
f665ae No.2937329
Here you go…
My pick for mouth
2c436a No.2937330
>>2937167 last bread
2a22b3 No.2937332
d22f42 No.2937334
Strange coincendence that 90% involved are Jewish. Am I a racist for pointing out the obvious?
8ed65b No.2937336
4fd87c No.2937337
got a massive situation here frens
got up this morn…lil mut dog used my thumb drive as a chew toy. (cat knocked it off the desk).
any way I can get all the Q posts in a downloadable pdf? Got to get working on this.
help would be app.
cbe22c No.2937339
Authorities find stolen archeological artifacts in abandoned terrorist hideout north of Homs
SANA’s correspondent said that during canvassing operations, the authorities found a collection of artifacts stolen from an archeological site in an abandoned terrorist hideout in al-Rastan farms 25 km north of Homs city.
Russian MoD reveals information on terrorists finishing preparations to stage chemical attack in Idleb
The Russian Defense Ministry revealed reliable information confirming that terrorist organizations in Idleb have completed all preparations to stage and film a new chemical incident in order to blame the Syrian Arab Army.
Igor Konashenkov said Saturday that the Ministry has information confirming that a meeting took place in Idleb city between leaders of terrorists of Jabhat al-Nusra and the “Turkistani Party” and representatives of the “White Helmets.”
Konashenkov said that during this meeting, they coordinated for the scenarios for the filming of staged incidents involving the alleged use of toxic substances against civilians in the areas of Jisr al-Shughour, Saraqeb, Taftanaz, and Sarmin.
He said that information shows that all participants involved in carrying out staged provocations will be ready to carry out this plan by the evening of September 8th, and that they are waiting a signal from a foreign side to begin carrying out this act Idleb.
Government Forces Captured More Positions From ISIS In Qa’a al-Banat Area In Al-Syrian Desert
On September 8, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) advanced 3km deep in Qa’a al-Banat in the northwestern part of the heavily fortified area of al-Safa, north of the governorate of al-Suwayda, according to the Hezbollah media wing in Syria.
Furthermore, Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) reported that the SAA artillery and rocket launchers shelled several positions and fortifications of the terrorist groups in al-Safa. Many ISIS members were killed in the shelling.
18 Killed In Clashes Between Syrian Democratic Forces And Syrian Intelligence In Qamishli City (Videos)
Kurdish sources claimed that the Syrian Millitary Intelligence unit had entered the SDF-held part of the city without permission, which provoked the clashes. However, Syrian pro-government sources said that the attack on the unit was pre-planned and released a video showing personnel of the SDF’s security forces encircling the unit before the clashes.
Seven Kurdish fighters and eleven personnel of the Syrian Millitary Intelligence were killed in the clashes, according to an official statement of the SDF’s security forces. The US-backed force accused the Syrian intelligence of opening fire first.
Syrian Military Kicks Off Final Preparations Ahead Of Ground Operation In Idlib De-Escalation Zone (Videos)
A source in the SAA told the Syrian news outlet Muraselon that the long-awaited military operation of the SAA against the remaining militants in northwestern Syria has begun. According to the source, the SAA will advance simultaneously from several directions once the ground attack is launched.
Nine civilians were killed a day earlier, when the militants shelled the Christian town of Mahardah in the northern Hama countryside.
US Ambassador To UN Goes Wild, Claims Russia, Syria, Iran Seek To Kill Civilians, Destroy Schools And Hospitals In Idlib
Pentagon to present its own plan of ‘effective war on terror’ in Syria – without Russia
The US military strategists have found what they call a “better, more focused way” to do counterterrorism operations in Idlib, the US Department of Defense said in statement on Saturday. The US military revealed almost no details of its plan as the statement said only that it would involve “using the US capabilities to spot the terrorists – even in an urban environment – and take them out with a minimum of civilian casualties.”
2c436a No.2937340
But Shartacus is … you know
9fbaa8 No.2937341
Soundcloud embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>2937314
Ebot was a friend of electr klezmer from his dealings with putin .
732444 No.2937342
No coincidences.
cdfe58 No.2937343
It appears yes, since jews are a race
c0d8f9 No.2937344
2937251 (prev)
So you believe that because the US is in debt to the Federal Reserve, that constitutes a biblical Apocalypse?
Made up printed money to a privately owned bank?
Indeed the apocalypse is coming. But it's not what we have been told.
It's the end of life AS WE KNOW IT. The DAWN of a new AGE/ERA.
A closed chapter. We are in debt because we have been ROBBED. We haven't been overspending, we have been ROBBED by CRIMINALS. Apocalypse indeed.
The righteous and true shall triumph this final fight.
23ffab No.2937345
President Putin is smart and PROTECTS the Russian Children
~. It is illegal to influence anyone under 18 regarding homosexuality, transgenderism, etc.
He said once they are 18 they can do as they wish.
~. It is illegal for a gay couple to adopt a Russian child.
~. He wanted to make it illegal for transgenders to get a drivers license,
I don't know if that passed. "Distraction for other drivers".
6ea4ca No.2937346
3cb3ca No.2937347
>Need to start dirt archive collections on both of them for future use.
War room or a separate thread?
9c1a6c No.2937349
78dd49 No.2937350
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Today on TV there were two interesting movies
That seem to be warning us about an ARMY OF SLEEPERS
That is awakening…
'''Hellboy II: Golden Army"'
Mummy Returns: Tomb of the Golden Emperor
Are the Cabal expecting a bunch of military men to take arms against the government this weekend?
Has the Q group managed to flip these military men?
Or more accurately, to wake them up?
The embedded video talks about exactly that.
It is AJ talking to George Noory from about a year ago.
I may not like AJ that much and I never watch his shows,
But the timing of the YouTube ban of infowars
And the YouTube ban of Syria supporters
And the Comey 8 month order for sleepers to awake
And those two movies being broadcast THIS WEEKEND
And Q's confirmation that the sleepers awake this month,
And Q's last two patriotic drops
Made me listen carefully to what AJ is saying here.
TOO MANY coincidences!
BE PREPARED folks, because something big really is stirring right now.
0a7c94 No.2937351
8ed65b No.2937352
just kidding
c0d8f9 No.2937354
>>2937344 (me)
I fuct up.
Replying to:
2b1591 No.2937355
It’s called Almost shitting the bread in the oven…
I Accidentally did it once..
Me Bad
79664c No.2937356
Man Harassed and Fined for Planting Vegetables in His Own Yard
fck ipod already
a144a4 No.2937358
>>2937131 (PB)
Look for that # on twitter and insta.
Nickname for carisoprodol
Recreational users of carisoprodol usually seek its potentially heavy sedating, relaxant, and anxiolytic effects.[16] Also, because of its potentiating effects on narcotics, it is often abused in conjunction with many opioid drugs. Also it is not detected on standard drug testing screens. On 26 March 2010 the DEA issued a Notice of Hearing on proposed rule making in respect to the placement of carisoprodol in schedule IV of the Controlled Substances Act.[17] Carisoprodol is sometimes mixed with date rape drugs.[18]
cbe22c No.2937360
Army veteran’s company releases ‘Just Stand’ T-shirt in opposition to Nike’s Colin Kaepernick ads
Army veteran Tyler Merritt’s company, Nine Line Apparel, is releasing a t-shirt that reads “Just Stand,” in opposition to Nike’s new “Just Do It” campaign featuring Colin Kaepernick.
Kaepernick is the former NFL quarterback who started a trend of protesting police violence and racial inequality in America by kneeling during the national anthem at games. Although it spread throughout the league and other players participated, Kaepernick has faced backlash from critics who maintain the protest is disrespectful to the country. Among his critics are President Donald Trump.
Kaepernick is also involved in a lawsuit that alleges the NFL is colluding to keep him out of the league because of the protests.
Why did he do it?
“They decided to take a stance. This is our stand,” Merritt, a former Army captain and CEO of Nine Line, told Fox News on Saturday.
Nike’s agreement with Kaepernick includes his own apparel line, video ads, billboards with his image, and a contribution to the former San Francisco 49ers quarterback’s Know Your Rights charity, according to reports.
Nike faced backlash on social media after it released Kaepernick ads featuring the slogan: “Believe in something, even if it means sacrificing everything.”
Merritt said Saturday that it’s difficult to compare an athlete’s sacrifice to that of a soldier’s.
“The word ‘sacrifice’ in the military members — it’s something severe,” Merritt said.
Nike’s use of Kaepernick in its ad campaign flies in the face of those who might believe the former quarterback’s stance is offensive, Merritt said.
“I agree that police brutality is bad, but you know, wearing socks that say pigs…” he said. Merritt was referring to a time when Kaepernick wore socks that depicted police officers as pigs.
“Actions speak louder than words,” Merritt said. “If you want to say that you’re promoting social injustice, then actually do something.”
Have sales suffered?
Some critics called for boycott of Nike after the ad campaign was rolled out. Initially it was thought that it would hurt Nike sales. However, new information suggests that is not the case.
2a22b3 No.2937361
US Army to send 1500 more troops to Germany despite Trump’s calls for allies ‘to pay more’
799a98 No.2937363
The only one I don't see is Trump.
Doesn't make sense.
75478f No.2937364
Jesus Christ we give thanks
And we ask for guidance
We give praise
And we ask for Your help
We offer up our hearts and our resolve
To aid in this great fight
The hour draws near, when Your Will be done.
Thank You Lord Jesus Christ
Be with us now.
1b1d51 No.2937367
it's genetic marker, it's either present or it it's not
66c458 No.2937368
We need this law in the USA. So tired of the homoganda.
9fbaa8 No.2937369
If you are bereaved and would like to leave a memory to ebots botnetwebs
Feel free to visit its image board at
968f88 No.2937370
Racist as a derogatory term was popularized by a certain (((Trotsky))). Use of the term is meant to stifle development of racial science and wage racial warfare on your enemies by encouraging them to be heedless of their nation's racial stock and whether it has improved or worsened over time. A dumber population is easier to rule of course.
fcf88a No.2937372
Dubs confirm you are an amazing intellect.
Now go kys
2a3ccf No.2937373
That’s the good stuff right there. Nice anon.
c0d8f9 No.2937374
omg shes talking on the imaginary deepstate telephone line
ring ring.
answer the phone; freedom is calling
e7d33e No.2937376
Has anyone heard about Alice Day. Its some kind of pedo holiday. A day to celebrate their dysfunction.
57d63c No.2937377
NY Times Op-ed Author? Research by Chill
Lots of similar language used in her previous articles in the NYT op-ed. Connected to the swamp. Russian expert and Advisor to Potus. Did McMaster hire her?
Chill (@TheChillum) over on Twatter did some excellent research on the potential NY Times op-ed author.
Max Boot and Fiona Hill:
Both, members of the CFR.
Both, contributors to the New York Times Op-Ed section IRT Trump being “The Manchurian Candidate.”
Bill Kristol and MAX BOOT: “darlings of the “Never Trump” cadre, “quietly filling the vacuum left by Obama’s cadre of Liberal interventionists..now popping up at the elbows of top cabinet officials.”
Brookings Institute.
Places like Russia and Ukraine.
Fiona Hill.
Fiona Hill was on the Soros Payroll via Open Society Institute.
Who recently bought up a ton of stock in the New York Times? Soros.
In July, at a time when what the “intelligence community” believed to be “Russian-backed hacking”, Fiona Hill penned an op-ed . . . titled: '3 Reasons Russian President Vladimir Putin Might Want to Interfere in the US Elections.'
Fiona Hill knows the missing Professor, Joseph Mifsud.
More on Fiona Hill
2b1591 No.2937378
“We’re going to Prison”
“we’re going to be Rich”
e6bee8 No.2937379
3dd58d No.2937380
seen this on last bread these fuckers are trying to make a multinational tragedy! Any demoncrats on iss crew?
60742f No.2937381
So, yeah. Either John Miller, [RR]
3fde5d No.2937384
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. THE NARRATIVE
is about who controls it
in the reckoning day
Pay attention
You need to PREPARE
Q has warned us
Trump has warned us
This WILL NOT HOLD for longer
fcf88a No.2937386
0582f1 No.2937387
Good stuff, I'm buying..
23ffab No.2937388
Did not deny the NYT Op Ed. I noticed that yesterday.
be23af No.2937389
19845b No.2937391
Qmap.pdf should be at the top of the bread or go to IAMBECAUSEWEARE on twitter, he usually has the latest edition via several viewing/download method.
aef422 No.2937392
James fucking Woods /ourguy/
796296 No.2937393
Russian people are aware. not surprising after 50-100 million lost their lives to (((Bolshivism)))
154a42 No.2937394
e9c66c No.2937395
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. This dumb fuck exposes Cicada, Microchip, Defango and others as higly involved with deep state agents …in an attempt to defend Jack.@ 2:45
d30509 No.2937396
You fuckers are going to get tired of me saying…
Attached earlobes
1fe0d2 No.2937397
>>2937320 21 trillion huh? Think again… Whatever you do anon.. DON'T RESEARCH MARK SKIDMORE AND HUD…. muh 21 trillion. ha ha ha
fcf88a No.2937398
Dubs confirm Fiona is a man, baby
410b46 No.2937399
>every bread
Way to waste bread and contribute nothing, iKike.
43ff66 No.2937400
Taking a Knee is NOT a CHOICE!
-ALL Pic Related!-
[insert Lee Greenwood here]
7d52e5 No.2937401
75478f, 2937383
Not gonna lie, you're kinda growing on me.
pls no bully tho
cbe22c No.2937402
Covert US Plot For Venezuela Coup Detailed In Explosive NYT Report
“This is going to land like a bomb” in the region, a former Latin America diplomatic official told the New York Times in this morning's explosive lengthy report detailing how the Trump administration held covert meetings with Venezuelan military coup plotters targeting President Nicolás Maduro.
The "clandestine channel" involved contacts with what are described as "rebellious officers" bent on bringing about regime change with the help of Washington.
The astounding revelation — though perhaps familiar-sounding when considering the historical string of coups and CIA covert interventions across the 20th century from Cuba to Nicaragua to Chile — comes just over a month after a bizarre assassination attempt involving two C-4 explosive laden drones which detonated near Maduro as he gave a televised speech during a military parade in Caracas.
cfbfad No.2937403
Can you see that the tech is so advanced that with a simple hand gesture she can tune out the noise.
8ed65b No.2937406
this what you want me to read
23ffab No.2937407
Someone should make a meme showing these officials denying the Op Ed
and asking where RR denial is.
56a461 No.2937408
I can't wait for our (UK) freedom day. We are looking to you USA, show us how to party like it's 1776. I Love your potus
cdfe58 No.2937409
Rvery lefty i talked about it thinks homosexuality is illegal in Rusdia. I tried to explain the difference but nein
The major problem is that now they are trying to pass laws that parents have no say if their minor child wants to take hormone therapy or surgery. Psychologists can push it and parents have to shut up. According to traditional science some kids just overgrow those thoughts after puberty. Little kids always have identity questions and its normal part if development
32b9bb No.2937410
You will get little mileage out of such a forced meme. Fuck off back to half.
b29006 No.2937412
Re_review important.
Who signed?
Who signed pg 380?
Who signed pg 389?
Who signed pg 390?
Who signed pg 391?
Who signed pg 392?
Pg 389 - Andrew McCabe
Pg 391 - Rod Rosenstein
Pg 271 - Dana Boente
Pg 269 - James Comey
Pg [ ] - Sally Yates
'KNOWINGLY' used FALSE intelligence?
Think HRC [paid for] FAKE DOSSIER [bulk].
Think Steele > BO [post FBI firing] intel collection.
Think DOJ/FBI classified leaks to FAKE NEWS > insert into FISA app in effort to provide 'new sources'.
Think PDB placement by BRENNAN to AUTHENTICATE source as credible.
Think BO >>> WEISSMANN 'regular updates' re: Steele [Firewall][Mueller]
"I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing information regarding Carter W. Page is TRUE and CORRECT."
0e9c15 No.2937413
Florida set to rig the bench in November
Two Dems and a Bush era holdover Florida Supreme Court Justices are set to expire in 2019 but hidden in Amendment 6 is a plan to keep them for another 4 years
Barbara J Periente, R Fred Lewis and Peggy A Quince, chief Justices of the Florida Supreme Court are coming up to their expiration in 2019.
Amendment 6 which will be voted on November 6th under the guise of victims rights and touting bipartisanship has tethered to it lengthening the Judicial retirement age to 75 (currently 70, I've seen this tried in other states) as well as the prohibition of the state courts deference to administrative agencies interpretation of state statutes or rule in lawsuits (double edged sword- corps. can play stupid at the request of Congress in US supreme Court cases and pass down rulings to state court cases) too much legalese for me to properly interpret but feels bad man.
Marsy's law as it is called "will provide Florida crime victims with rights equal to those already provided to those who are accused or convicted of a crime – nothing more and nothing less" according to https://www.marsyslawforfl.com/what_is_marsy_s_law_for_florida
But in the Amendment Three bench seats are on the table as well as the Chevron Defense of 1984 (this needs split in three and voted separately
9c1a6c No.2937414
At least [C[IA]NN] is reporting on important "News" today…
e6743c No.2937415
Accounting Anons take note….
4. The categories cover the entire wealth of the private sector; private corporate, and private non-incorporated. It also shows the debt liability of the private sector.
Is the private sector in hock to the "globalist banking cartel"? No, they are in hock primarily to government. (75%). Per mortgages, the primary debt of the private sector, 90% is funded directly or indirectly by collective government investment capital.
Government "promotes" through their covert media sources the exact opposite of reality to the population. That being it is the big-bad international bankers and large corporations that is the cause of the peoples woes.
The reality of the situation is that government now controls by ownership; investment; and cash (debt provided) the above, and the beat goes on, and the public is played like a Stradivarius violin.
It is all about greed and opportunity running unrestrained.
When I first started with national disclosure, I use to give an example to impact parents the following analogy:
"Would you ever give your 14 or 15-year old son cart-blanch to right his own allowance check?
Every one instantly said in so many words: "Hell no!" Then I bring up the point: "That is exactly what we did with our own government" and I note: "A government primarily run by attorneys whereby the public gets screwed every time, with more and more wealth being taken from them and that wealth transferred to government and the government's inside players." The same applies to the takeover of the corporate private sector in all respects.
I have been actively looking for this "Collective" consolidated data for the last 20-years and found it two-weeks ago. Obscurely entitled the: Z.1. report.
The following document is put out by the Data division of the Federal Reserve.
The link is the category listings of wealth held for years 2011 through 2015. This covers total Federal Pension Funds; Local Government Pension Funds (L; 119. a, b, and c. L120 a, b, and c = 16-trillion+); Federal and Local total investment wealth held; the a showing for the private sector (L.118.a, b, and c); financial institutions; insurance Companies, Brokerage; Banks, etc.
Also included is Worldwide wealth held by all of the above. The categories also cover the "Total Debt" held by all of the above AND who is the investor holding that debt. After digesting the numbers you will see that the private sector; AND corporations; etc. are primarily in debt to government via government's (collective local and Federal) investment capital.
When you look at the data, I note two things:
1. The data is in billions of dollars. So when you see a figure such as 6457.23, that is six trillion, 457 billion dollars.
2. After you pull out your calculator and add up the category listings on a specific issue, (I suggest to do this with Federal and Local government pension accounts), the total there is in excess of 16-trillion dollars of wealth held. Now compare that figure with the same for the private sector.
Who do you think wins out on that comparison?
Then find and take a look at home and commercial mortgages by investor category. Who is funding the majority of that debt as the "investor"?
Between Government and all others, who do you think is the primary investor, (L.124 Government Sponsored Enterprises, 6.4 trillion dollars just there) So is it: Government or every one else that is the investor in that 24-trillion dollar private and commercial mortgage collective market place?
** On one last very important note that you could miss, if not told to you here:
When it lists "Private Sector" wealth in all respects, and in all categories, past and present government employees are part of the private sector in those totals shown. So, with the millions of government employees, what percentage of that wealth in fact was accomplished by government funds passed on to government employees compared to everyone else???
The data section starts off with L.100. Here it shows total wealth of "Non Financial" Domestic. For the end of the year of 2015, it shows total wealth at 98.7 trillion dollars and total liabilities at 61.14 trillion dollars.
Also when you see "Liabilities" especially for government Pension funds, keep in mind that is liability "projected out 35 to 45-years. The "Standing wealth" held today is the reality of the situation..
One last note: In most cases for government investments, the accounting used: The investment wealth held is offset for the same as a "liability". A 100% default or a 100% payout over the next 45-years is the only thing that would make it a 100% liability. Seems like a cute tactic to show a diminished "net" worth compared to actual wealth "standing" today…
be23af No.2937416
Really the pledge of allegiance
Fuck Q
8 Sep 2018 - 7:33:44 PM
There was a time when our children stood at attention, put their hand on their heart, and in one UNITED voice, recited the PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE.
There was a time when STRENGTH and HONOR meant something.
There was a time when standing for our FLAG meant something.
There was a time when our history (heritage) was taught with PRIDE and RESPECT.
There was a time when respect was given to those who serve(d), bled, and died to protect and defend our GOD GIVEN FREEDOM.
There was a time when we were GRATEFUL.
There was a time when, WE, THE PEOPLE, decided our future.
There was a time when, WE, THE PEOPLE, had a voice.
There was a time when, WE, THE PEOPLE, were UNITED and STRONG.
“I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
It is time, WE, THE PEOPLE, reclaim what is rightfully ours.
9fbaa8 No.2937417
They are asking that
Instead of flowers or bitcoins
To make a contribution to one
Of ebots charities it founded
Herpa herpa derps fund
Kittehs like teh PayPal too
Tacos money fund
leCaStelvania fund
198165 No.2937418
79664c No.2937419
Local Laws Ban Front Yard Food Gardens in Cities Across the US
Plants to open to build ipds. Yea tasty
66c458 No.2937420
Now they are going to reverse engineer an explanation. Either some fake physics, or fake drawings of a fake apparatus that has magically been there all along. Criminals.
027a16 No.2937421
Q flag post...
fe7706 No.2937422
- 6Y 6M 6W 6D
= 8/21/2017
c7347a No.2937423
We also have a former Navy Seal who has his own clothing line. I follow him and his girlfriend on Instagram, she's a Marine, and they are great people and of course Patriots.
We GOTTA stop giving our money to the slave masters. KEK!!
cbe22c No.2937424
Obama Claims He Promotes Politics of Hope, Trump Exploits Politics of Fear at Orange County Rally (VIDEO)
Barack Obama stepped out of shadows on Friday nd reminded Americans of many economic, domestic and foreign policy failures.
c82626 No.2937425
Our AJ was rather silent last bread!
Read it in his voice xD
8fb773 No.2937426
Obama was half white. Booker is like what… 1/16 white? Dems are trying to slowly phase in a real black president. Cant go full negro right off the bat!
f5e881 No.2937428
NYT op-ed was one of two things:
Trump admin purposely guiding a 'rat' to write an op-ed to prove to citizens that a) the media is against our democracy and willing to support a coup b) Trump and his voters were right about the deep state
NYT just made this shit up hoping it would influence the midterms. I doubt it, though. Could they really be that stupid/
86a820 No.2937429
The twitter audit files were dated circa April 15, 2018
3cb3ca No.2937430
>If you are bereaved and would like to leave a memory to ebots botnetwebs
>Feel free to visit its image board
Are you trannyshillin for pedoraptors or fAMOUS idiOts?
968f88 No.2937432
Jewtin is a kike trying hard to play unaware Americans and Europeans for suckers by casting Russia (ground zero of Jewish Bolshevik nation-wrecking) as a stronghold of Christianity. Why do you think we get so few RussiaAnons on here? This kike has banned 8chan so people who can't use a VPN (normies) are locked out of the Great Awakening.
799a98 No.2937433
thank you for your concern
198165 No.2937434
Well, he is a ner!
f06cc5 No.2937435
Or there's a cover mechanism over the camera lens when not in use.
cdfe58 No.2937436
I saw that earlier
They are rerunning old fake stories
3dd58d No.2937437
Why doesnt he mention his freind unirock?
fb63e4 No.2937438
FIRST TERM: Zbigniew Brzezinski (death in 2017)
SECOND TERM: Valerie Jarrett (see MSNBC's Mika Brzezinski)
78dd49 No.2937440
The most important two words there
Are the two at the beginning of the headline
Putin signs…
That means that the Russian parliament
Wrote two laws, discussed two laws,
And voted to pass two laws.
Protesters always target Putin,
But all he did was sign the bills
That the representatives of the Russian people
Wanted made into law.
This is an example of the people having the power
Not well-funded special interest groups.
6a33f5 No.2937441
No identifying markers on this picture from 22 years ago and it's not on the web so I guess it's okay. The boy on the left is my son. He's a Marine, now, on a carrier. This is my favorite picture of him as a kid.
This morning, I took our neighbor's 11 year old son to our hometown Rodeo/Fair Parade. I love a parade. Always have. Even before I enlisted in the Army, but even more so, now.
It was fun but I got ticked off at a *looked like a female*-student who was marching in the parade and had the American Flag draped over her like a potato sack. This was a genuine flag with freakin' grommets and everything! I know people do this but I've always disliked it. The boy I brought was busy diving for candy, so I went out to the street and marched along side of her for a few feet. I asked her why she was treating the flag this way. I said that it is disrespectful to be so causal about the flag and then I walked away, to their snickering.
When I got home, I was kinda bummed about it. I thought that I'm just becoming a crotchety old person.
But this post lifted me up so high! I KNOW I did the right thing. It's exactly what I feel, every day! I love America! I am in this all the way. Let's make it so that someday no one will ever snicker at American Patriotism again. God bless great country, God bless Q, POTUS and all you anons who are fighting this good fight. Thank you for making my day!
2c29eb No.2937442
Not deeply enough, Anon. The message is never the topic. CAPS are A-T-C ZERO MUSCSE MAGA
1 Possible: AT China ZERO…Make US instead of China start now E-MAGA
2. ATC ZERO SCUM = No Fly [RR]?
3. Something's going on with this one…we'll probably find out in the headlines. Those planes with sick people weren't accidents. Shit's getting real Anons…appreciate all insights. Wideview.
1f7b9c No.2937443
9fbaa8 No.2937444
There will be a private wake held in the future . And thank you
d4c1a0 No.2937445
Oldfag tired of posting here.
But lurking every 4 hours or so.
Still praying, still with the President and the Patriots, Q.
d22f42 No.2937447
HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play. Corey (Spartacus) Booker now has a theme song and video….
38a09a No.2937448
Behold the power of God in the Psalms!
The future proves the past.
Psalm 33:
The Greatness and Goodness of God
33 Rejoice in the Lord, O you righteous!
Praise befits the upright.
2 Praise the Lord with the lyre,
make melody to him with the harp of ten strings!
3 Sing to him a new song,
play skilfully on the strings, with loud shouts.
4 For the word of the Lord is upright;
and all his work is done in faithfulness.
5 He loves righteousness and justice;
the earth is full of the mercy of the Lord.
6 By the word of the Lord the heavens were made,
and all their host by the breath of his mouth.
7 He gathered the waters of the sea as in a bottle;
he put the deeps in storehouses.
8 Let all the earth fear the Lord,
let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of him!
9 For he spoke, and it came to be;
he commanded, and it stood forth.
10 The Lord brings the counsel of the nations to nought;
he frustrates the plans of the peoples.
11 The counsel of the Lord stands for ever,
the thoughts of his heart to all generations.
12 Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord,
the people whom he has chosen as his heritage!
13 The Lord looks down from heaven,
he sees all the sons of men;
14 from where he sits enthroned he looks forth
on all the inhabitants of the earth,
15 he who fashions the hearts of them all,
and observes all their deeds.
16 A king is not saved by his great army;
a warrior is not delivered by his great strength.
17 The war horse is a vain hope for victory,
and by its great might it cannot save.
18 Behold, the eye of the Lord is on those who fear him,
on those who hope in his steadfast love,
19 that he may deliver their soul from death,
and keep them alive in famine.
20 Our soul waits for the Lord;
he is our help and shield.
21 Yea, our heart is glad in him,
because we trust in his holy name.
22 Let your mercy, O Lord, be upon us,
even as we hope in you.
0e65b6 No.2937449
Reminder - On 9-11 there was a Hurricane out at sea that had been tracking to East Coast , but unlike all other storms it got zero press coverage before 9-11. – Part of Dr. Judy Woods observations of weirdness that day.
be23af No.2937450
bellamy salute. Know your history faggots
The Bellamy salute is a palm-out salute described by Francis Bellamy, the author of the American Pledge of Allegiance, as the gesture which was to accompany the pledge. During the period when it was used with the Pledge of Allegiance, it was sometimes known as the "flag salute". Both the Pledge and its salute originated in 1892. Later, during the 1920s and 1930s, Italian fascists and Nazis adopted a salute which was very similar, and which was derived from the Roman salute, a gesture that was popularly (albeit erroneously) believed to have been used in ancient Rome.[1] This resulted in controversy over the use of the Bellamy salute in the United States. It was officially replaced by the hand-over-heart salute when Congress amended the Flag Code on December 22, 1942.
c9980b No.2937451
>>2937283 lb
Dat nose tho...
c7347a No.2937452
Right there with you Anon.
fb63e4 No.2937453
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>2937438
Go ahead and slide it
3fde5d No.2937454
I insist
Wake UP
Be Prepared
Q & Trump are giving us all the tips they can without destroying our moral.
66c458 No.2937455
Yeah, because covering it up once in a while would keep it spotless on another fucking planet with no people there and unimaginable conditions for many years. Kek at the absurdity of it all. Next you are gonna tell us the earth is a ball flying through a vaccum at millions of miles an hour.
b29006 No.2937456
ahoy baker
Here's a cap to replace the one up top. If Q deletes the post we need text caps too or we lose the links.
>>>/patriotsfight/198 —————–—————- Who signed? ( Cap: >>2937412 )
Thank you baker. I'll do the others which have links.
a5b701 No.2937457
Heroes and Icons channel just started playing reruns of some obscure show: 'Martial Law'.
c9aa52 No.2937458
>>2936762 (lb)
Pretty sure Hussein has been a "sleeper cell" since before he was even born.
532ef1 No.2937460
We need some desert anon to set up a cheap web cam for six months or so out in the desert and see how well the lens holds up.
43ff66 No.2937461
Why have there been numerous calls for this Qpost to be put in to Notables and yet, it hasn't yet? My apologies if I'm wrong.
Doesn't get any more obvious than this.
8b4d10 No.2937462
If you think speaking the truth is racist, then yes.
799a98 No.2937463
can we get more shots of his wife?
176627 No.2937464
We could have a long wait as its really bad over here. Saying that, we've no idea whats happening behind the scenes.
be23af No.2937465
inventor of the Bellamy salute was James B. Upham, junior partner and editor of The Youth's Companion.[2] Bellamy recalled that Upham, upon reading the pledge, came into the posture of the salute, snapped his heels together, and said "Now up there is the flag; I come to salute; as I say 'I pledge allegiance to my flag,' I stretch out my right hand and keep it raised while I say the stirring words that follow."[2]
The Bellamy salute was first demonstrated on October 12, 1892 according to Bellamy's published instructions for the "National School Celebration of Columbus Day":
At a signal from the Principal the pupils, in ordered ranks, hands to the side, face the Flag. Another signal is given; every pupil gives the flag the military salute – right hand lifted, palm downward, to align with the forehead and close to it. Standing thus, all repeat together, slowly, “I pledge allegiance to my Flag and the Republic for which it stands; one Nation indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all.” At the words, “to my Flag,” the right hand is extended gracefully, palm upward, toward the Flag, and remains in this gesture till the end of the affirmation; whereupon all hands immediately drop to the side.
— From The Youth’s Companion, 65 (1892): 446–447.
The initial civilian salute was replaced with a hand-on-heart gesture, followed by the extension of the arm as described by Bellamy. Though the instruction called for the palm to be up, many found this awkward, and performed it with the palm down (see pictures above).
By the 1920s, Italian fascists adopted what has been called the Roman salute to symbolize their claim to have revitalized Italy on the model of ancient Rome. A similar ritual was adopted by the German Nazis, creating the Nazi salute. The similarity to the Bellamy salute led to confusion, especially during World War II. From 1939 until the attack on Pearl Harbor, detractors of Americans who argued against intervention in World War II produced propaganda using the salute to lessen those Americans' reputations. Among the anti-interventionist Americans was aviation pioneer Charles Lindbergh. Supporters of Lindbergh's views would claim that Lindbergh did not support Adolf Hitler, and that pictures of him appearing to do the Nazi salute were actually pictures of him using the Bellamy salute. In his Pulitzer Prize winning biography Lindbergh (1998), author A. Scott Berg explains that interventionist propagandists would photograph Lindbergh and other isolationists using this salute from an angle that left out the American flag, so it would be indistinguishable from the Hitler salute to observers.[3]
23ffab No.2937466
9c1a6c No.2937467
BIG Habbenings coming, starting tomorrow?
9fbaa8 No.2937468
Young ebot when he was serving for the purple doorknobs
1b1d51 No.2937470
A lot of Obama's cabinet & other officials were mulattos - look what a mess they left
6823c9 No.2937471
64c1a7 No.2937472
FEMA and FCC to take over all US cell phones and airwaves Sept. 20
799a98 No.2937473
I believe we are looking at the 23rd, perhaps.
fcf88a No.2937474
Not Notable
Eeee taaaah dddeehhhhddd
532ef1 No.2937475
One of the replies
c7347a No.2937476
Just girlfriend.
49dfa8 No.2937477
Next will come the "it was done prior to launch" arguments.
be23af No.2937478
The Bellamy salute the pledge of allegiance to the flag https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bellamy_salute
833588 No.2937480
has anyone ever done the math, taking leap years into account, for when exactly would be the time the planes hit the tower 17 years later?
43ff66 No.2937482
Re: T - ZERO
Today's date = 9/8/2018 or
9 + 8= 17
2018= 11
17 and 11
799a98 No.2937484
you will rue the day you made fun of ebots
52adbf No.2937485
told them 5 times too. Note the "-" between 'China' and 'but'
Missing D in Geotus twat
be23af No.2937487
Try hard read for yourself faggot https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bellamy_salute
88f638 No.2937488
any ideas to improve this
c0d8f9 No.2937490
I'd say John Miller
198165 No.2937491
Any Gematriafag…17?
f665ae No.2937493
cdfe58 No.2937494
21dbe4 No.2937495
Kek, i've got image hover on mouseover enabled, and the transparent erased bit was right in line for ebot's wake message.
9c1a6c No.2937496
Especially THIS guy.
That Pakistani Guy?
HUSSEIN's BF in the WH!
2c29eb No.2937497
709a2e No.2937498
it sounds so dumb when you say it out loud
6720fe No.2937499
North Korea to hold military parade as regime celebrates 70th anniversary
North Korea is expected to hold a huge military parade on Sunday - the first since negotiations with the US over denuclearisation began - as the country celebrates the 70th anniversary of its founding.
…The events generally follow themes of history and revolution. This year's performance is called "glorious country".
53800d No.2937501
Interesting. Look at these lyrics. Anon noted “There was a time” 11 times in Q’s last post. Looked up phrase and this was the first result.
“There Was A Time"
Broken glass and cigarettes
Writin' on the wall
It was a bargain for the summer
And I thought I had it all
I was the one who gave you everything
The one who took the fall
You were the one who would do anything
The one who can't recall
Where she was while she was sleepin'
In another women's bed
Or the doctor's or the lawyer's
Or the stranger that she met
If there's nothin' that I can gain from this
Or anything at all
It'd be the knowledge that you gave me
When I thought I'd heard it all
It was a long time for you
(It was a long time)
It was a long time for me
(It was a long time)
It'd be a long time for anyone but
(It was a long time)
Looks like it's meant to be
Social class and registers
Cocaine in the hall
All the way from California
On the way to your next call
To those non-negotiations
To stimulate a cause
For the betterment of evils
And your ways around the laws
That keep you up and sitting pretty
On a pedestal or bed
And now you're sleeping like an angel
Never mind who gave you head
If there's somethin' I can make of this
Or anything at all
It'd be the devil hates a loser
And you thought you had it all
It was the wrong time for you
(It was a long time)
It was the wrong time for me
(It was a long time)
It was the wrong time for anyone but
(It was a long time)
Looks like I'm 'bout to see for myself
If I could go back in time
To the place in my soul
There all alone
Lonely teardrops ooh
Are callin' you
But I don't want to know it now
Cause knowin' you
It won't change a damn thing
But there was a time
Yeah there was a time
Didn't want ta know it all...
Didn't wanna know it all...
N' I don't wanna know it now
Yeah there was a time
Didn't want ta know it all...
Didn't wanna know it all...
N' I don't wanna know it now
Oh I would do anything for you
There was a time
I would do anything for you
I would do anything for you
There was a time
There was a time
I would do anything for you
Yeah, there was a time
Didn't want ta know it all...
Didn't wanna know it all...
N' I don't wanna know it now
I would do...
Didn't want to know at all...
Anything for you
Didn't wanna know at all...
N' I don't wanna know it now
There was a time...
There was a time
be23af No.2937502
That's insulting. Read arsehole the pledge of allegiance
a18820 No.2937503
Oh look Brian (0Hour1) saying Microchip is trolling
OAN - see he is lying about Q
809259 No.2937504
What is interesting about their scam is that FRN are promissory notes. They are the only example I can think of, where the party issuing the note is not liable for the debt!!!!
Somebody please correct me or tell me how this is OK
9fbaa8 No.2937506
Ebot always wanted to be an artist, but hell the economy was straight false fexas oil pedogarchic snot candy hookers and no great ports.
799a98 No.2937509
nuthin habbening here
cdfe58 No.2937510
BHO may not even be partly black
How they phrased it not black enough
3fde5d No.2937511
3rd time calling you attention to this
It's important
Highlight it please
a0a0ab No.2937512
highest ranking anon for this bread
65ce47 No.2937513
Microdick is definitely one the Kessler types mad that Q and most anons are not embracing antisemetism
bb15e1 No.2937514
because T ZERO plants is jibberish anon kek.
fb63e4 No.2937515
Fast and Furious USA
78dd49 No.2937516
It is neither of those two.
A USC professor asked students to write an essay as if they were a WH insider leaking dirt on Trump. Then he took the best one and submitted it to the NYT. The lying NYT is so filled with hatred that they could not even see that this might not be a real Op-ed, and went ahead and published it.
In university, when student papers and essays are handed in, they all get uploaded to a website that can be used to catch plagiarists. Someone checked the NYT Op-ed and found a 100% match with a USC student essay.
53800d No.2937517
Sorry forgot to put (LB)
cdfe58 No.2937518
Ok ty for clarification
d937e9 No.2937519
No Eva Braun, Anti Semite
8b4d10 No.2937520
Hard to argue with dat claim.
9c1a6c No.2937521
c9980b No.2937522
Oh shit, didn't notice that. Now I'm really pissed I didn't get quads! XDD
Either that, or (((they're))) on to me.
This is a good point. This is why I think his actions are not truly his own. But still doesn't matter in the grand scheme. NO DEALS.
b1369c No.2937524
in glorious 4k
be23af No.2937525
Fuck you scumbag read for yourself cock knocker https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bellamy_salute
4cc787 No.2937527
That's not quite accurate ($45K-20K) - ~45K in '79 - the equivalent of ~$180- 200K now in salary. Regardless - we lowly peasants are getting screwed. They had actual pensions then too- you are lucky if you can get a matching funds 401K now. (Hidden fees not on your statements in 401Ks)
Plus now there is $4.4 Trillion on the feds balance sheets - how are they gonna make that up you think? What will happen to the value of money then?
Here's a red pill for ya. If inflation somehow manages to stay at the feds target rate of 2% - the value of money cuts in half every 22.5 years. (P=e^rt)
40 year old starts hammering his/her retirement. Saves a million dollars and retires at 62? Sorry fuckface - you really only saved $500K - thanks for playing…
Grrrr… DOITQ!!!
8ed65b No.2937528
>When I got home, I was kinda bummed about it. I thought that I'm just becoming a crotchety old person.
Absolutely not anon…. they need to be taught respect… they've never been shown…
2c29eb No.2937530
Anons…lot's a trollfags in the house. Don't bite on any Nazi faggetry…it's fake news shills phishing. Starve them bitches!
Pay attention to what their sights are on and you can spot their bs faster.
9fbaa8 No.2937532
Ebot was a mystery in a enigma of a bot
Some say he rolled with a gang
But he was always solo
4e8b1c No.2937533
How Much US STEEL is our new wall gonna take I hope its a few billion trillion…………..
601459 No.2937534
e9c66c No.2937535
Zero hour is at least smart enough this time to know when busted.
Back to the "it was all a joke mode"
8b4d10 No.2937536
As my grammie used to say, he's a Duke's mixture.
b29006 No.2937538
Desperate people do desperate things.
It is during this period of time that surveillance pays off.
When does a BIRD sing?
3cb3ca No.2937539
Anon's who just arrived straight to Qresearch owe it to themselves to spend some time in the old Seth Rich Threads for richer context of what we're really doing here.
So many names in the SR campaign were also in Pedo/pizzagate and many of those same names are players in all of this.
Get to know Medanon, FBIanon, and some notable namefags that are still with us, though now anonymous again.
dada48 No.2937540
>>2937290 (pb)
No "Must' came at the end.
Listen again.
2001 A PAN ODYSSEY - Human Sacrifice
kite hit steel plane must - "Yes, Must"
How was the word on the street passed that the Towers were going to explode and fall?
How did someone know that just by looking at the building?
Or were they plants?
And why did NIST fund Propaganda images? By the thousands, right away. How did they know to schedules their operatives to be there, that very morning?
Well thought out, was it?
b1369c No.2937541
2b1591 No.2937542
Activate sleeper cells James Woods must die
bb15e1 No.2937543
one says ireland, one says greenland. its probably actually in TX or AZ at a nasa rover testing facility with a red filter on it kek. not saying theres no such thing as space fuckery, but c'mon anons.
152bdc No.2937545
gonna need a bigger chart
the end of some of these spikes must've been around 70
65ce47 No.2937547
Ballamy salute shilling, dumbest thing to argue about, most people see it as a Nazi salute so no reason to do it or defend it, just salute normal or put your hand in your heart
9c1a6c No.2937548
6c25b3 No.2937549
Nope I have listen to them for a long time and it is always the end of the world with them, Every week!
Enough fear porn.
78dd49 No.2937550
We figured out one of the rules of evading divide and conquer
There is no such thing as an evil group.
There are only evil individuals
And they have to be identified based on evidence
That can be confirmed by two independent sources
That means that when you confirm the evidence
You have to dig into your confirming sources
To be sure they are independent
And not a circle jerk like the Steele memo.
be23af No.2937551
What do you have to say? The Bellamy salute is a palm-out salute described by Francis Bellamy, the author of the American Pledge of Allegiance, as the gesture which was to accompany the pledge. During the period when it was used with the Pledge of Allegiance, it was sometimes known as the "flag salute". Both the Pledge and its salute originated in 1892. Later, during the 1920s and 1930s, Italian fascists and Nazis adopted a salute which was very similar, and which was derived from the Roman salute, a gesture that was popularly (albeit erroneously) believed to have been used in ancient Rome.[1] This resulted in controversy over the use of the Bellamy salute in the United States. It was officially replaced by the hand-over-heart salute when Congress amended the Flag Code on December 22, 1942.
cbe22c No.2937552
Nolte: #Resistance Jumped Shark 9 Times This Week to Fabricate Trump Crisis
Cont. from images:
Meanwhile, in the real world, in the world outside of this manufactured bubble where Trump’s management style means he is not “fit to be president,” we are out here enjoying real wage growth, real job growth, real peace, and real prosperity.
And the only thing we find unsettling and worthy of the word “crisis” is this increasingly desperate and dishonest attempt to overturn a presidential election because a bunch of losers can’t deal with a duly elected president’s style.
All I know is that the results of Trump’s style are making America great again, are proving just how horribly this country has been managed by the failed Establishment for the last 30 years, and all y’all can kiss my ass.
50bc3c No.2937553
It's also where your hand naturally falls when you erase something - upper right.
It was unintentional.
2108ec No.2937554
Q is a LARP of course, but this Op-Ed thing is EASY.
23ffab No.2937555
Well gee whiz, I am totally convinced Q is fake now that Microchip said that!
That was very effective.
fed69f No.2937556
You STUPID GOY are dancing to tunes you DON'T UNDERSTAND.
796296 No.2937557
Devon Island, Canada
809259 No.2937560
Spotted in this 2015 article
b29006 No.2937562
Here's a replacement cap for 199 including text and link -
>>>/patriotsfight/199 —————–—————- #FLY[RR]FLY# ( Cap: >>2937538 )
1592a8 No.2937564
oh jesus, what if they faked the mars rover mission(s) and just funneled billions of dollars into their own pockets or covert programs. NIUSDBVIDSFVIDSBVNIUEVIDNVOXL4
d81702 No.2937565
Update on Atlas Air GTI8808 - it's about one hour out of Gitmo.
e5f8d1 No.2937566
True Anon rember a few weeks before Micro said he started Q Brian (0Hour1) said the exact same shit. I'm very aware of the little game they are planning
2108ec No.2937567
726b3a No.2937568
Emergency Alerts on cellphones are working…just got one.
(I'm SC Anon).
1b1d51 No.2937569
and other non-whites too, yes, what a clusterfuck
hmmm certain population group that historically delights in destruction, wonder what that would be?
thank you was looking for that - have one somewhere from inside the classroom, neat tidy, respectful & respectable - how far we have fallen since then sad!
622241 No.2937571
hey there Rebecca, Rachel, or Sarah
hows the weather in tel aviv today?
2c29eb No.2937572
Roger that, Anon… making them ninjas as fast as possible..kek
fbd802 No.2937573
Why do we have 200 troops is Syria that are trapped there??? Really hope our strings aren’t being pulled by Israel…
I love Israel but I don’t trust their leadership. Less not forget their leadership killed our king…
9fbaa8 No.2937574
I thought the Shriners logo was given to the knights of Malta freely and without exemption
9c1a6c No.2937575
(((They))) wouldn't spend more money than they need to, probably just (((their))) testing facility right here in the U.S.
fed69f No.2937576
What is they???
Of course they did.
JEWS have better things to do with our money than to EXPLORE SPACE.
6b227b No.2937578
c6b425 No.2937579
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. obama gives devil horns hand signal at the last event
bb15e1 No.2937580
south carolina hurricane? where the fuck did that come from or did i miss something kek
302f88 No.2937581
I know it took me a while to get this here, but better late than never. Right?
Just my take..
1b18d7 No.2937582
111 days tomorrow
2108ec No.2937583
In other breaking news, Water is Wet.
It's always the Jews, anon.
23ffab No.2937584
Obuma lustfully looking at Kal Penn's mouth/lips…… what man does that when talking to another man?
799a98 No.2937585
2a Patriots in the woodwork
when you notice them it's just beautiful
4f6695 No.2937588
New moon tonight. DARK to LIGHT?
1592a8 No.2937589
TY! eye yam planefagfaganon
2c29eb No.2937590
Who's onboard the GITMO Shuttle today?
75478f No.2937592
Do not respond to this bot.
Do not engage with it.
DO NOT click on anything it posts.
Or download it.
We don't know why it's here exactly, but it is clearly sinister.
Godspeed friends.
cdfe58 No.2937593
So where then plants misspeling came from?
Its just T minus zero
4c6bd9 No.2937594
BHO looks weird. It's normally because they've had some work done. In his case I'd say he's had either botox or a mini face lift. Not important at all. Just observing. Interesting how much (((they))) think we care of their appearance. Someone noted before that the more we know, the uglier (((they))) get. And I don't like to use that word. But in this instance…………
65ce47 No.2937595
Microdick is one of the muh jews shills we have been suffering since the beginning. Now angry and boiling over that his hate is not spreading to more anons, he has decided to try and sabotage Q and this effort, he will fail.
eb0d0d No.2937596
Why are we tracking this flight?
d81702 No.2937598
SIGINT plane Shady77 is returning to Savannah where it set off from earlier today.Previous screenshots included.
8b4d10 No.2937599
>what man does that when talking to another man?
A filthy worthless narcissistic traitor.
2c78d5 No.2937600
Wow, micropenis is salty!
21dbe4 No.2937601
Atlas is a cargo freighter. maybe a load of guillotines?
9c1a6c No.2937603
One needs to look NO further than SpaceX's last JOKE of a launch with the car.
As with EVERY launch of theirs, camera cuts out before the boosters land….
886330 No.2937605
b29006 No.2937606
Why did [RR] recommend the firing of [JC] to POTUS?
Did the firing of [JC] provide the 'necessary vehicle' to appoint Mueller?
Who appointed Mueller?
The plan [inter-organizational collaboration] [is] being carried out by highest level [former and current] positions [F + D].
8ed65b No.2937607
Has anyone ever done any calculations to figure out what people would be making today if we didn't put profits before people?
I.E. CEO's of companies make ~2-5x what the lowest paid employee makes and other reasonable shit like that?
23ffab No.2937608
Unless someone entered that 'essay' AFTER it was printed in NYT.
I need to see time frame before judging.
4e8b1c No.2937610
AJ Associate……Shill Or Not……..I'm thinking from first glances…..uh.. no !!
2c29eb No.2937611
Always hide it in plain sight..>>2937601
68e9bd No.2937612
48d6dd No.2937614
Stumbled across this The Comprehensive LexiQon of Q Acronyms, Cited Organizations, Persons, and Terminology
9c1a6c No.2937616
Nice catch, Anon!
9fbaa8 No.2937617
None of the other bots would let ebot play poker cause they thought it counted cards
ccce42 No.2937618
Q+ and Q are posting older crumbs and moral boosters for new eyes coming on and long timers while the enemy uses up their ammo.
Trust the Plan
Justice is Coming
c9980b No.2937619
Day Mueller was appointed as SC. Coincidence?
56cd9a No.2937621
>She packed my bags last night pre-flight
<Zero hour nine AM
>And I'm gonna be high as a kite by then
>I miss the earth so much I miss my wife
>It's lonely out in space
>On such a timeless flight
be23af No.2937622
Cat got you tongue faggot?? Try harder!!? Really? Pledge of allegiance. Is a joke.
677d01 No.2937623
For Anons who like to explore the 40,000 ft view…….or 100,000 ft view.
581d19 No.2937624
8b4d10 No.2937626
Sounds rather socialist.
3dd58d No.2937627
iv'e known cancer patients all my life they dont die that quik its slow and miserable
b29006 No.2937628
Here's a replacement cap for 201
>>>/patriotsfight/201 —————–—————- Why did [RR] recommend the firing of [JC] to POTUS? ( Cap: >>2937606 )
9a66ae No.2937629
Valid point, anon. Ty.
532ef1 No.2937630
Looks like Ireland is the winner.
Karstic landscape in the Burren
This part not in the link
[The Burren is a region of County Clare in the southwest of Ireland. It’s a karst landscape of bedrock incorporating a vast cracked pavement of glacial-era limestone, with cliffs and caves, fossils, rock formations and archaeological sites. On the Atlantic coast, the precipitous Cliffs of Moher are home to thousands of seabirds, including puffins. Nearby Doolin village is a renowned centre for traditional Irish music.]
0734c6 No.2937631
43ff66 No.2937632
FUK the plant.
Just grabbed the screen cap of the twat and an Anon had noted the [plant].
DOES NOT diminish the IMPORTANT comm of T - ZERO
e58b18 No.2937633
Microchip bis ass hurt cause Q is more popular
Micro was a light weight Twitter eceleb back in 2016 now noone cares about him - meanwhile Q was on times list of the 25 most influential ppl on the internet.
601459 No.2937634
you think kims letter says
rock her rup Ronald rump
ec3d7a No.2937635
thank you baker senpai
d81702 No.2937636
Atlas Air seems to be mostly cargo. It left Norfolk NAS so I assume it's military equipment bound for Gitmo.
The Boeing 763 (767-300) is a Combi plane and can be configured to carry cargo and passengers.
528f18 No.2937637
I know we’ve all seen this pic, but can any photoshopfags confirm if it’s real or not ?
379b26 No.2937638
Go play on a chalkboard.
622241 No.2937639
embed and summarize nigga
9c1a6c No.2937640
6c25b3 No.2937641
Sorry but they are indeed trapped. And yes as I see it the US is still Israel military dog. Until US policy change.
Is the Trump administration really in control?
d81702 No.2937642
First time I've seen Atlas Air fly to Gitmo - is that notable enough?
7f0f22 No.2937643
hanges can be very painful.
d937e9 No.2937645
Joy Reid: Nobody Elected NYT Op-Ed Writer to Run Things
8 Sep 2018
On Saturday’s “AM Joy,” host Joy Reid discussed the anonymous New York Times op-ed and said, “far be it from me to agree with Sarah Huckabee Sanders on something, but nobody elected whoever this is to run the country.”
Reid began by stating, “Of course, steering the administration in the right direction didn’t involve stopping the separation and caging of immigrant children or using the constitutional option of removing Trump by the 25th Amendment. No, the right direction is apparently the one where the ‘resistor’ gets to preserve the things they like.”
Reid also cited a New Yorker piece by Masha Gessen as a good summary of her concerns with the op-ed.
She then stated, “I mean, you know, far be it from me to agree with Sarah Huckabee Sanders on something, but nobody elected whoever this is to run the country. And now, they don’t even want us to know who they are. They just say, Trust us. Don’t worry. We’ve got this, We’re running the country.”
When you have lost Joy Reid
9be35f No.2937646
No, he's posting old crumbs hoping that we thick anons will finally figure it out. Q told us on 12/15/18 "you have it all" yet we have not built the map.
66c458 No.2937647
Be me
Respond to shills
ec3d7a No.2937648
highly speculative
new vocabulary
no qpost so no side by side
plus why cry
c9aa52 No.2937649
Nice story, thanks for sharing.
eb6cdd No.2937650
UKAnon here too, WWG1WGA, Evening Britfags.
4d540e No.2937651
Why are you replacing the caps?
be23af No.2937652
I hope you are aware that people were doing the Nazi salute to the fucking flag. And the pledge of allegiance to the flag is a form of nationaistic mind control.
8ed65b No.2937653
Not really. People can't even make a living wage right now. Work at Amazon- why the hell is Bezos worth some god-awful amount when his employees are on food stamps?
2cda5d No.2937654
What is the missing D ??
732444 No.2937657
Yes it's a shop newfag.
bb15e1 No.2937658
are you stupid or something?
>dont be a divisionfag anon
you asked why it wasnt in notables, i told you cause the graphic was wrong. wrong graphic isnt gonna be in notables stupid. dont worry im sure baker got it now some anons corrected it.
78dd49 No.2937660
Adolf Hitler usually gave the Nazi salute
Using a palm up gesture
In everyday situations
He only used the full arm extension
On ceremonial occasions.
Watch the Leni Riefenstahl film
Triumph des Willens
To see the various ways he saluted.
8ed65b No.2937661
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. situation in syria right now
3fde5d No.2937662
Your choice
Ignore the facts
Do you really listen to your POTUS?
Do you really read the Q drops?
Do you understand the Bubble
Do you understand Finance?
Do you understand Human Behavior?
It's not DOOM?S DAY Paranoia
It's plain common sense based on FACTS
It started
Just take
it in consideration please
for yours if not for you.
Godspeed Anon/Patriot
e7d0e4 No.2937663
welp guys, this guy says it's over. so it must be over. i can't believe we didn't listen to him the first time. i feel like such a nigger even though i'm jewish.
886330 No.2937664
He must be paid. Nobody is this stupid.
9c1a6c No.2937665
2f722c No.2937666
From now on just call me Sparky…
What a dofuss!
b9fcbc No.2937667
Sauce on the artist responsible, fren?
ec3d7a No.2937668
sorry about last part
>why cry
i am looking into your initial post
102268 No.2937669
Shit. Wait until you see how many Pokémon it has caught….
9fbaa8 No.2937670
We found out late too late that ebot never got over kato being involved with r2
beb4b5 No.2937673
Path of Hurricane Florence released this morning.
Wake up Anon. It's coming!!
216f1a No.2937674
I think DT makes such a perfect Willy Wonka!
eb6cdd No.2937675
8b4d10 No.2937676
But we "Gold Star Researchers" have done a damn good job of connecting most of the dots such that we know where the script is headed.
c9aa52 No.2937678
>why I think his actions are not truly his own. But still doesn't matter in the grand scheme.
Completely agree.
0f6a83 No.2937680
It more funnier if read in a Stevie voice.
0eb591 No.2937681
This pains me to no end.
I was too close that day.
I think I've suppressed too much, anons.
cdfe58 No.2937682
Who are these dead people?
2c29eb No.2937683
Looks more like operational up tempo drumrolling ahead of the fog of cannonfire… Normies will their redpills at once en masse. This is for the troops.
9be35f No.2937684
I prefer wood chippers with dull blades and a slow feed rate.
799a98 No.2937685
poor imitation of Q-style
crossed with a
Transvestite Yoda?
Do you Understand?
c6b425 No.2937686
hey fag… take walmart… if you divided the CEO's compensation equally among all employees they would all get what amounts to a 10 cent raise
0f6a83 No.2937687
886330 No.2937688
A real storm warning is the perfect cover for ops.
b29006 No.2937689
Well, if Q deletes the posts we only have a graphical cap and lose the links as we don't have the raw text.
These new caps have both caps and text, so we can still access the links easily.
fcf88a No.2937690
No wonder Q went and took a nap after the earlier posts.
Fucking retard crew showed up today.
528f18 No.2937691
Ok then please be where is the original pic then retard, I just did a reverse image search and none of them have original Trump Administration identification or trumps family posting it .
532ef1 No.2937692
That's not an actual Nasa title thing. Seems there is a video running around the internet that was calling out NASA and the landscapes
726b3a No.2937693
Anon we are literally in The Calm Before The Storm!
8ed65b No.2937694
b1369c No.2937695
What is with Mark Cuban's voting app (same pic as Q post?)
Billionaire investor Mark Cuban says he's voting for Hillary Clinton and thinks you should too.
be23af No.2937696
1928 big deal dick wad the salute was changed in 1942 to hand over the heart. Read your history dickhead. It used to be
8b4d10 No.2937697
Using Amazon as your sole example is pathetic.
e5862f No.2937698
i'm still on the hunt for another [RR] signature with the 'hitch' found in the fisa documents.
no luck yet. all official sigs and initials have a smooth line after the R. fisa has a wiggle.
88f638 No.2937699
Tom Fitton
Verified account @TomFitton
2m2 minutes ago
OUTRAGEOUS: DOJ wants up to six months to turn over 1600 pages of Ohr-Fusion GPS docs to @JudicialWatch! @RealDonaldTrump should demand immediate transparency!
8ed65b No.2937700
it's not just the CEO. It's company wide excessive pay plus company profits that are obscene.
b888fd No.2937701
9fbaa8 No.2937702
A lot of bots turned their back after that
eb6cdd No.2937703
5:5 o7 _/|\_ Godspeed Anon.
0e65b6 No.2937704
When does a bird sing ?
When its McCabe with a Grand Jury hanging over his head.
78dd49 No.2937705
Read the thread. It was submitted to the plagiarism site from USC as a student paper on September 5th.
68e9bd No.2937706
Space Program at Risk
Concerning the hole in the Russian craft.
I believe bad actors are attempting to sabotage Russia spacecraft.
It appears obvious if the space program is what we've been told (although I have my suspicions otherwise) then the real reason we are seeing a wedge be driven against Russia is to keep us from space. Our only ride there.
Since that has not worked, they have now tried to sabotage the whole crew and craft in an attempt to leave us defenseless against EMP and similar tech.
I assume ISS or US space program has classified tech as per Q Drops. We must read between the lines.
>Soyuz spacecraft — which have been astronauts' only ride to and from the ISS since NASA's space shuttle program retired in 2011
> http://www.space.com/41738-soyuz-spacecraft-air-leak-hole-origin-report.html
Sky event?
bb15e1 No.2937707
goddam, not my region but stay safe anons.
809259 No.2937709
Hurricane equals DS Human Trafficking opportunities.
Stay alert!!!!
Get em, Q!
b29006 No.2937710
799a98 No.2937711
personally, if I had to choose between a 10 cent raise and the CEO's million dollar package,
I'd take the raise.
581d19 No.2937713
>>2937627 SUCH BASTARDS…
many cancers are a virus some an imbalance in our ph levels (not a medicalfag) some cancers can be cured drink baking soda changing ph. I would think then apple cider vinegar would work to balance levels the other way. Of course processed foods ensure these imbalances occur in the population
All kinds of simple cures they've kept from us for many illnesses
cdfe58 No.2937714
I understand, i just wanted to ask for context. Are they syrian army or so called rebels or whoever else is involved
601459 No.2937715
Cells Activated Nigger
5D Chess Member
c436a8 No.2937716
Agree. Obama style delay tactics.
88f638 No.2937717
I really hate AJ but he should have the same free speech rights as everyone else even if he is paid opposition etc
1355de No.2937720
Here : https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:US_Flag_Backlit.jpg
Wikimedia commons … not terribly interesting source
1b1d51 No.2937721
that's a bizarre theory, moiche
8ed65b No.2937722
syrian army from the looks of it.
2c436a No.2937723
suggest as no table
DOJ obstructing Ohr-Fusion GPS docs release - wants 6 months
Great optics Tom!
10b00d No.2937724
Thank you for your service, Anon.
c9aa52 No.2937725
Critically important to break the generational cycle of abuse & deception.
9fbaa8 No.2937726
And it turned out kato was having an emotional affair with one of ebots buddies on Snapchat the whole time .
815b77 No.2937727
Law of the Land = Constitution.
There are still many, many codes that step outside of that. We will use them against them regardless but much of that needs cleaning too.
Too many criminals imposing their "beliefs" and loop-holes into our legal system.
Shit's gonna stop now!
b9fcbc No.2937729
1b18d7 No.2937730
D5..… declas? Times up on 9/13?
2d9e9a No.2937731
Dig deeper, anon. You're pointing to symptoms rather than the root cause.
Hint: The root cause is debt-based money which allows/encourages financial fuckery and use of welfare to create artificial inflation.
b1369c No.2937732
No surprise, Mark Cuban has a big plan.
Essentially, he's going to fix America. In three steps. 1) Stop Trump. 2) Help Hillary, especially with social media. 3) Give you a voting app.
Let's go in order on that. The outspoken Dallas Mavericks owner / Shark Tank host / one-time third-party consideration spent most of this week disparaging Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, a candidate he once supported.
As he told Stephen Colbert on Wednesday, “At the beginning, he was a businessperson," Cuban explained, laughing off the talk show host’s “billionaire bros” comment. "I wanted to see a change from the traditional politician, but then he went and opened his mouth."
https:// www.star-telegram.com/sports/nba/dallas-mavericks/article128837869.html
b29006 No.2937733
Can you post a cap and a link anon?
726b3a No.2937734
601459 No.2937735
false flag weather alert is it getting shitty there?
23c7e6 No.2937736
Do the white hats not have access to geo engineering tools?
As a lay weatherfag, I'd suggest heating the water to the north of the eye, drawing the eye northwards.
4d540e No.2937737
I don't think it's necessary unless the picture's text is illegible.
2b1591 No.2937738
Why did the Steel beams Vaporize right in front of our eyes on National Television and the MSM didn’t notice?
799a98 No.2937739
you know you've been on the board too long when
that path
looks like something else
it is even anatomically correct
23ffab No.2937742
FFS Hurricanes happen every year.
ec3d7a No.2937744
IDK new term,
not a zero delta
:46 Q :45 potus
no seconds ← too hard to hit the seconds precise
no hour ← typically but if its hour there is PDT anon here has 10am potus and 11am Q
:46 is Q flag
Potus - based simply on your red T Zero Plants
i dont see any correlation
1 minute delta
flag potus timestamps
1:01 hour/minute delta actual POTUS first
so there is some numerology
9fbaa8 No.2937745
Here they are in the woods
Meditating like fucking hippies
2d9e9a No.2937746
The storm is upon us.
88f638 No.2937747
b1369c No.2937748
Simply entitled Register to Vote, the app allows any iOS user to do just that in about 30 seconds by just scanning and submitting their state ID.
https:// www.insidehook.com/nation/mark-cuban-is-here-to-save-democracy
21dbe4 No.2937749
Yeah, I stand corrected - >>2937601
Got a closer look at the aircraft reg, and
N645GT is one of their few 767's that are configured for passengers, usually flies military personnel charters to air force bases, such as in Hahn or Yakota.
9c1a6c No.2937750
That's a GO!
732444 No.2937751
You're outta line shill.
198165 No.2937752
? Multiple meanings
abbf7d No.2937753
Wow, very uncalled for
be23af No.2937755
Did you not read this faggot! It was created 40 years before Hitler made it fashionable. Look at all your congressman. They fucking changed it in 1942 to hand over heart before that it was seig Heil. Look for yourself. Google pledge of allegiance before 1942
c9aa52 No.2937756
They're racing for time by playing stall ball & then using politics as a shield.
2c436a No.2937757
TY, Anon - nice read.
8b4d10 No.2937758
Believing is seeing.
What did people believe?
2a3ccf No.2937759
I hate when these Mossad faggots larp and try to ruin the good reputation of us good biblefag antisemites.
2108ec No.2937760
It's great to be prepared in general, but this guy has been calling for a 'collapse' for many, many years. I'm sure his message in this interview is not very different.
Don't be so afraid that your thinking becomes clouded.
>Q has warned us
>Trump has warned us
Trump and 'Q' have also said that they will 'fix' everything. It would also be very dangerous to think this way.
d81702 No.2937761
Fruit. Oranges, lemons and limes contain citric acid, apples and rhubarb contain oxalic acid.
British sailors used to take limes for the Vitamin C to combat scurvy too, hence why Brits became known as 'Limeys'.
726b3a No.2937762
POTUS needs to say "Fuck You" to the Deep State & DEclassify them ALL! It is time the TRUTH belonged to WE THE PEOPLE!
No more lies, corruption & cover ups! NO MORE DEEP STATE!
83e063 No.2937763
>>2937395 the guy couldn't figure out why is car broke down ,then makes a YT video talking like a fool
799a98 No.2937764
i'm sold
burned my nike's this afternoon
8ed65b No.2937765
I guess it's hard for me to get my head around how the hell did people have jobs 40-60 years ago that paid so much compared to today? And how did that fit into the overall financial system?
I do think that a MAJOR part of the problem is the fact that the banks are loaning $200K for a house when it should only be $20-50K at most.
The easy money has caused a lot of issues.
43ff66 No.2937766
Pro-tip: Psychology 505: [ 5:5 ]
Ever feel like all the Anons responding to (You) are divisive or otherwise attempt to criticize you? It's because (((they))) are implementing a form of
right here on this board.
(((They))) respond to you as authorities; oldfags, Bakers and 'highest-ranking'. Then (((they))) discredit or belittle (You). The tactic is to get Anon to acknowledge that there is a hierarchy and thru submission to it (the desire to get-along) or retreat from challenging it, it's further established that (((they))) are above (You). Fight or Flight These Bakers demand certain formats for Notables and nominations; you must do it right, by the rulz set-forth or (You) will be criticized and not able to see your research reach Notables and your work will be discarded. Reward or Punishment
When that is accomplished, the attic begins on content or truth or sauce or Anons lack of understanding the complex subject, again diminishing the person/poster not the content of what is offered. This tends to get an Anon to ponder the worth of what they've said and/or their expertise to speak on this or anything at all. Congratulations- you have been mind-controlled.
It's tiny steps, but day-by-day engagement in these behaviors becomes engrained, much like Pavlov's dog. (You) have been trained to act a certain way, speak in specific manners and to watch how you engage with the Superiors to avoid criticism.
DO NOT FORGET that this board, as most social media, employs Psychological triggers to frame conversations AND reality!
A form of MK-ULTRA
[Disclaimer: Is this MK-ULTRA? No, but it's definitely much like MK-ULTRA; MK-Lite]
3fde5d No.2937767
I have no doubt about that
controlling the narrative of future events is THE PLAN
I understand, the moral….but…we should be aware so it wouldn't some as such a great shock.
Hard times await us all.
3dd58d No.2937768
my guess is they killed him off publicly and now hes spending his last days probley telling potus everything he needs to know so keep an eye on his family and youll know for shure
56a461 No.2937769
We do need to kick out the royal family. We don't want to be ruled. WWG1WGA
2d9e9a No.2937770
Take your feelings back to rebbit.
0007bf No.2937771
Q, Thank you!
I was young, but remember the malaise of the mid-to-late 70's. Vietnamese refugees with sponsors coming to the U.S. The Iranian hostage crisis.
I remember when the Nimitz was stationed in the middle-east for 9 months and the suicides they had to deal with.
The country and the military were downhearted and discouraged.
With the election of Reagan there was a breath of fresh air. The previously anemic airshows became blockbusters.
By 1982 there would be 80,000 screaming patriots along the flightline for the Dayton Airshow – 125,000 by 1984.
I remember 1985 and applying for the B-1B program in Columbus. In a few short years we went from a dejected country, typified by First Blood
to an entirely re-awakened patriotism. Remember H Norman Schwatzkoph? People looked up to him.
The Obama malaise wasn't the same, it didn't have the same causes. (I hope associates of the Q Team have some serious historians
working on the documentation of this historic enterprise.) I remember "There was a time…" BUT that time has arrived anew!
Every single one of us realizes the momentous workings taking place in our day and the depths of loss that very nearly drowned us.
You say, " It is time, WE THE PEOPLE, reclaim what is rightfully ours."
I say, "AMEN!!!"
We were patriots, we are patriots, we will be patriots. WWG1WGA
815b77 No.2937772
Next comes the DECLAS
Then comes the PAIN!
They won't stop trying to stall this until after mid-terms.
Think shit-stain Rosenstein.
Q told him good bye, let the firing commense!
9fbaa8 No.2937773
And this bot was half dressed when ebot got home once
307f36 No.2937774
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>2937623
Attack on Humanity Explained by Dr Edward Spencer
dada48 No.2937776
"Kite" is the name of a bird.
It's the bird which is the form ISIS, the goddess, takes when she hovers over her dismembered husband Osiris - to bring him back to life; So they say.
Put the pieces back together.
but he comes back a cuck since they can't find the last piece of him which was lost when he was dis-membered; that is, his phallus.
So "Isis" was invoked at the beginning of the little chant.
They use that name so much, to so many various purposes, I would venture to guess their cult worships some female deity of that name?
Eye-sis; and the men always get one shiner in one eye. Have you ever seen any of the women with the black eye?
ccce42 No.2937778
Agreed, I actually trust Anons news to any of the media channels including Fox. Plus Anons dig up the background and the people involved.
Gold Star Researchers…..the true journalists of our time.
e245fe No.2937779
b1369c No.2937780
c9980b No.2937781
Kek! Pic related.
This better not be some HAARP shit. Either way, the Fake News will harp (kek) on this hurricane for political purposes because they know the metaphorical storm is coming. Notice the relatively small amount of time/energy spent on Hawaii. Wasn't politically expedient at the time.
Isn't it illegal to wear the flag as clothing? Either way, Godspeed to you and your family, anon, WRWY and TY.
2108ec No.2937782
This guy is sharp.
cbf7b8 No.2937784
▶Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 09/07/18 (Fri) 11:02:29 d33f08 (1) No.2919757>>
These people are stupid.
Their attempts will FAIL.
581d19 No.2937785
a) to be the poster boy for 'Freedom of Speech Rights'
b) to give a plausible reasoning for those desparately fighting to keep their crimes hidden, to call us 'conspiracy theorists' we are saying all the things he talked about in his shows and look he's been outed as a Larp, a Mossad Shill so don't buy into the stories of child sexual abuse, trafficking, consuming… Don't believe these people who have followed him all these years bought into these wild stories they are now repeating,,,,,
Give Alex No Slack He Among All has had free speech, protected by cia, mossad
fed69f No.2937787
It's not because the jews are so smart.
It's because the Christians are so stupid!
2c29eb No.2937788
Remember, they just lost access to a huge KeyHole satellite…Big Bird 9. Only so many people with access…maybe they figured that White Hats/Ruskie White Hats collabed to blind BB9 and this was payback. Who knows?
abbf7d No.2937789
Doesn't hurt to have positive attitudes. Being rude was cool in high school but not now. We must all stand together not tear each other down. Much Love
d81702 No.2937790
Ron and Beanz have never been seen in the same room…
8b4d10 No.2937791
Not at all.
Otherwise, why not replace Amazon with 7-Eleven, for instance.
Use the people that work there as your yardstick for income redistribution.
b29006 No.2937792
Okay, so say Q deletes this post, pic attached. How do we access the link easily? We have to hand type it, which makes it difficult to catch up, non?
If we include the text and cap, we just copy and paste the link as usual.
732444 No.2937793
Hold the line, anons.
121fba No.2937794
But but but … trust muh Sessions.
DOJ under Sessions is a fucking joke.
c7347a No.2937795
75478f No.2937796
Embarrassing, cheesy fakery. Just awful bot system. Why are you this incompetent? Serious question. Think about it.
4290c3 No.2937797
Is that the red heifer?
ec3d7a No.2937798
since Q PF 203 hit a cool timestamp
i will synch my clock
:03:00 on my local PC
622241 No.2937799
4c6bd9 No.2937800
I'd appreciate a low down on him he gives me the creeps.
9fbaa8 No.2937801
Then ebots Buddy herobrine starts fagging on qresearch trying to talk to god and shit
c82626 No.2937802
Where you aren't wrong, you're just an AJ
c7347a No.2937803
SHILL. You clearly know nothing of the man and you clearly don't trust Q, or POTUS.
b29006 No.2937804
Nice. Thanks anon
ec3d7a No.2937807
+5 sec diff
04:20 on 8ch is :04:25 on my side
abbf7d No.2937808
Yes, the example could have been better but the constant tearing down of others on here is exhausting.
be23af No.2937810
I'm not going to tolerate pledging allegiance to anything. Especially a flag when you look the fucking history you will realise it's made up. They changed the pledge in 1942m it was the Hitler salute before that. I'm so pissed of that you faggots can't see through the bullshit. Dig anons
c82626 No.2937811
You should date!
It'll be cute ; )
4d540e No.2937812
On point as usual quad master.
2d9e9a No.2937813
>I do think that a MAJOR part of the problem is the fact that the banks are loaning $200K for a house when it should only be $20-50K at most.
The problem isn't wages. It's inflation due to artificially easy credit, government backed loans, throwing money at the military industrial complex, pumping money into the economy via welfare and various subsidies, etc.
Take back our money, and 95% of the problems will solve themself.
581d19 No.2937814
they brainwashed christians not to say shit if their mouth is full of it…. turn the other cheek, feed the needy (cuts their budget) in fact it feels good in both cases to practice our christian values but it did make us really really dumb and trusting
d055fb No.2937816
As a 29 year old there are some in the younger generation who still respect and love this country and those who have and continue to serve it.
d81702 No.2937817
Atlas Air GTI8808 has made 'The Turn' and is now in the ADS-B black hole on approach to Gitmo.
4cc787 No.2937818
Respectfully anon - you know that whole "profits before people" is a marxist meme right?
Not counting the CEO's and executives of Dow 30 / S&P500 {with whom I totally agree on your premise} for most companies - and publicly traded companies even - their executives make a reasonable salary (not the insane Enron/ Goldman Sachs money like I know you were thinking of)
Most business owners (esp small business owners) - dont make shit. Often it happens owners and CEOs will pay their people and not pay themselves. It happens more often than you think.
5b997e No.2937819
Just wondering if this contains any new lines of thought.
9fbaa8 No.2937821
Turns out a couple of closet fehgel feltchers were stalking it during the whole charge and there were no good poets then the crotch cabbage lady kept demanding money for iTunes
8b4d10 No.2937822
Speaking the truth relentlessly and pointing out logical errors can be fatiguing.
6e4c02 No.2937823
If he is a paid agent of a foreign intel service engaged in acts of war against the United States, he should be arrested and tried for espionage.
4d540e No.2937824
abbf7d No.2937826
886330 No.2937827
Watch History Channel, Discovery, Nat. Geographic and go back to sleep, Sayanim clown.
2b1591 No.2937828
Micro was Good but I think Intelchip is really Q or some chick named Pam who still hasn’t showed her Tits.
3fb9a0 No.2937832
Northern Japan comes to a standstill: Over 5 million people without power, nuclear power plant offline
All fossil-fuel-fired power plants on the island of Hokkaido along with one geothermal and one nuclear power plant are all currently offline after a 6.6 magnitude earthquake struck on Thursday
By Intellihub.com -
September 8, 2018
Japan’s northernmost island of Hokkaido has come to a standstill following Thursday’s 6.6 magnitude earthquake which caused building collapses, landslides, and other devastation knocking out all power plants on the island killing at least 35 people.
All fossil-fuel-fired plants on the island were forced to be shut down, a geothermal plant has been rendered inoperable, and a nuclear power plant is currently offline due to the quake.
According to reports out of the region, the Tomari Nuclear Power Plant is currently operating on backup power in order to keep its nuclear fuel rods cool while the plant is in shutdown mode. The question is: How long will the backup power last?
All in all, a total of 5.3 million people are without power and 2.3 million households.
To boot, the island has been engulfed in chaos as pretty much everything in Japan is operated electronically.
Traffic signals, street signs, electric vehicles, transport rail, vending machines, and the door to supermarkets are all inoperational.
Officials and workers are diligently working to restore power.
1b1d51 No.2937834
Almost all Q's posts that have since been deleted are in the spreadsheet - and archived. There are a few that were missed because they were deleted really quickly (wasn't here & no one archived), but most are there.
I archive after every single one of his posts if I'm online - redundant records, snapshots in time, for this very reason: people can change graphics of supposed screencaps, people can change the text in sites like qmap.pub (same way you do for tweets) but archives are there for people to see for themselves (along with the screencaps - you can see they match).
c82626 No.2937836
Better yet, he'll be tied to MOS and tried as an enemy combatant ; )
43ff66 No.2937837
>2937790 [no shekel for you]
Ron has too much respect to be caught in a room with any beanz.
Says a lot, considetring the lack of respect Ron deserves.
And yet there you are using his name. YOU are part of the his club, not me.
Bet he appreciates the validation, moron.
3fde5d No.2937840
I do
You still don't?
Take another
"You still think this is a game"
Sad the day we must rely on nerdy dumbfags.
If you spot bad advice point it out
move along and go make some memes
6d9d25 No.2937841
Just getting caught up. Anyone take the Freedom crumb to mean that the military generals in Iran are now with the people and actively unseating Rouhani today?
121fba No.2937842
This Tuesday, 9/11/18, will be exactly 17 years since the goatfuckers murdered thousands of Americans.
On a Tuesday as well.
Pray for the extermination of that evil ideology.
0d0da3 No.2937843
9fbaa8 No.2937844
They think she even hung out with ebots buddy from the service and the cia got involved
86a820 No.2937845
Hiya SSAnon,
I make a graphic capture of all Q's posts and usually whatever image content he posts with it. If there's something you're missing, ask and I might have it.
d30509 No.2937846
Is Mrs. Kamala H. Emhoff a dual citizen? Sure looks like she is hiding something. Is her husband a dual citizen?
4cc787 No.2937847
Dig deeper .img - KEK!
8ed65b No.2937849
I'm pretty sure you can keep reading the story. Not sure where you're reading but I have read it before.
b0ed1f No.2937850
That included one particularly valuable source, who was considered so sensitive that Mr. Brennan had declined to refer to it in any way in the Presidential Daily Brief during the final months of the Obama administration, as the Russia investigation intensified.
Instead, to keep the information from being shared widely, Mr. Brennan sent reports from the source to Mr. Obama and a small group of top national security aides in a separate, white envelope to assure its security.
Mr. Trump and his aides were also given other reasons during the briefing to believe that Russia was behind the D.N.C. hacks.
Flashback to Helsinki and the dust up over POTUS Russia hacking statements.
A source so secretive, not mentioned in PDB, but he would pass info around in white envelopes…wtf.
Pretty sure covers for that level Intel were not in white envelopes….
2541a6 No.2937851
Kek rewards the faithful.
15db29 No.2937852
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Kasich: NoName Was "Put To Death" … youtu.be/PH-xq5xCCNM
23ffab No.2937853
Delivering supplies?
I thought United was the contractor for passengers.
2a3bb8 No.2937854
that one never gets old
b29006 No.2937856
Why should we have to visit another site to access deleted pf posts when we can simply include the text and links in the caps? We don't do half-assed work here, we do the best work we can, and, it's not a hard.
4fbf4d No.2937858
Hole consistent with variable drill bit
cdfe58 No.2937859
Sorry i may offend some but once we get our country back then only we can be proud and all the usual what comes with it
Its difficult to be a patriot and support Iraq war. Remember how they twisted it
If you do not support war you are against our troops.
c82626 No.2937860
You'll have to speak up I can't hear you over your own butthurt.
82708d No.2937862
"This is not normal. These are extraordinary times. And they’re dangerous times."
"We're not fighting for the planet in some abstract sense here. We're fighting for our continued ability to live on it. "
"Real Witch Hunt begins: ‘The sleeper cells have awoken"
They are very synchronized
d847d7 No.2937863
>Is the Trump administration really in control?
Negative, Pending.
3dd58d No.2937864
Q seems to post the repeats on patriots fight for new eyes that dont use the boards!
8ed65b No.2937865
>Often it happens owners and CEOs will pay their people and not pay themselves. It happens more often than you think.
take a look at this post- the root of the problem.
121fba No.2937866
522bfc No.2937867
The debt is fake….written with our backing to a couple of european Jewish familes…..it is not real. We are not paying it back. We will write it off. Weither they tell you about it for a while is anyones guess. But you dont let cheats and murderers keep the loot they stole. There is no such thing as "we stole it fair and square" sorry Kikes…..your free ride is over. Your going to have to sweat like the rest of us now. KEK.
b1369c No.2937868
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>2937780
1e3bea No.2937869
The failing NYT hard at work on Saturday.
1b1d51 No.2937870
Thank you I will definitely do that!
2f3ef9 No.2937873
Remember the context around the Magic Sword drop:
>▶Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 09/02/18 (Sun) 21:18:24
>Played by 'Operation Specialists' [pre-event] last night.
That was dropped on 2nd of September, meaning the operation would have been on 1st of September. Most of us though that the operation must have been connected to the Damascus Airport fire/raid.
I thought that too, but then I saw this article about a 'ufo' being shot down in Scotland:
>Shocked alien hunter claims ‘disoriented UFO’ was ‘shot down’ over tiny Scottish village
This video was taken on 1st September.
I'm a Scottish Anon and as a bit of context Kippen is less than 25 miles from the UKs most secure nuclear
base at Faslane. There are also a number of military sites and bases within a 150 mile radius.
We all know that there will be secret military weapons and vehicles that the public know nothing about.
Could this 'UFO' that was shot down be connected to Qs Magic Sword operation?
Remember 60/40 secret to public
b0ed1f No.2937874
Not to mention who had the custody chain for that white envelope work product of Brennan highly class source?
c9aa52 No.2937877
HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play. >>2937706
>, they have now tried to sabotage the whole crew and craft in an attempt to leave us defenseless against EMP and similar tech.
Based on the info available so far, agree. If the cabal's ISS strings have been cut, it is now more valuable for them as a dead asset (including the tragedy that it will create), especially if it's the only way the US & Russia are able to provide human intel up there.
>if the space program is what we've been told (although I have my suspicions otherwise)
Have you ever seen this? Maybe not what we've been told?
"Veneration of the Vector" - NWO Vector Symbolism and its connection to space programs worldwide