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File (hide): 045cb7ae004e966⋯.png (802.71 KB, 1671x1032, 557:344, Masters_of_the_universe.png) (h) (u)


ebdc3d (48)  No.2390914>>2390975 >>2610583 >>2648052 >>2669616 >>3056951 >>3123452 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]

"There is a principal which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments, and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance -- that principal is contempt prior to investigation." - Herbert Spencer


Welcome to the preview version of the jewish supremacism issue (AKA: jewish question) thread.

A more complete and "normie" friendly version of this thread is in the works at the moment, and this preview thread was created in order to allow access to the information pertaining to the issue while said complete and refined version is not finished.

Once you go thru this thread and read and verify all of its information, you will realize the monstruous extent of jewish subversion and its terrible implications, as well as realize the mechanisms thru which jewish subversion and supremacism has been keeping itself alive in our beloved Western Nations.


"To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize." - Voltaire

ebdc3d (48)  No.2390975>>2391013 >>2402251 >>3677413

File (hide): 22275193bf4a601⋯.png (1.64 MB, 1584x4553, 1584:4553, 0_Jews_Do_Control_The_Medi….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): bab9e839f09d4af⋯.png (380.32 KB, 1224x3360, 51:140, 1_Jewish_Supremacism_Issue….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): f77e6bb6c4874e3⋯.jpg (111.23 KB, 634x555, 634:555, 1528582550160.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): b27be26c6331972⋯.png (2.32 MB, 3580x1252, 895:313, Jews_Immigration_And_Natio….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): cc2621cb464eff9⋯.jpg (189.35 KB, 900x1046, 450:523, jews_Migrants.jpg) (h) (u)

>>2390914 (OP)

Frenly reminder that jews control the fake news violence inciting treasonous media. Pic related 1.


Reminder that the problem is not jews per-se, it is unchecked jewish supremacism and subversion. Pic related 2.

Remember this:

-Jewish money and lobbies can’t buy off a redpilled general population's ire.

-Redpilling the gen pop is the best deterrent to jewish-supremacism, just like a 2A is the best deterrent to an armed invasion.

That being said, remember this:

"There are plenty of people of Jewish descent who do not support Israel, who are not wealthy slumlords, who are not racist, and who exhibit in all spheres the solidest of moral character. But where are they when the Collective Jewish Body speaks, acts, and oppresses in their name? If the Jewish community dictates a “community of fate” by bloodline, surely all those of even partial Jewish heritage have a stake in raising critical voices against the steamroller that claims them."

Non-subversive jews need to refuse to stay silent about jewish supremacism and subversion, because in their particular case, silence is consent.

Basically, non-subversive jews have to REFUSE to continue to be the human shields of the jewish interest groups that subvert the Western nations in their name (which is ALL of them), and the way they need to do it is to ACT against them, legally of course, by speaking out against them using every channel of communication available to them and presenting the verifiable proof that jewish interest groups have engaged and continue to engage in subversive activities, as well as start to organize groups that pro-actively speak out against the subversive jewish groups, and making the names of the members of said anti-jewish interest groups groups public. Off course that would mean that said jewish interest groups would target them, but the truth of the matter is, and I say this as a statement of fact and NOT a threat, if non-subversive jews don’t speak out and organize against the jewish interest groups, they will be targeted (legally and perhaps otherwise, I fear) by the patriots who are sick and tired of the subversive interest groups.

Pic related 3, 4 and 5 are excellent examples of why this is necessary, and it WILL happen, one way, or another.

In case you have trouble reading ANY image in the board: right click the image and select the option "open in new tab" or "open in new window", then you will be able to zoom in all the way on it.

ebdc3d (48)  No.2391013>>2391053 >>2595447

File (hide): 7e5f137b9e4bb6d⋯.jpg (3.87 MB, 8000x5583, 8000:5583, Banks.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): a7f83880fcc6970⋯.jpg (125.34 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, Money_Control.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): f5d60863303e83e⋯.jpg (158.79 KB, 1024x1005, 1024:1005, x_Central_Banking_Racket.jpg) (h) (u)


Reminder that jewish supremacists have dominated the Central Banking cartel business since 1650-1700, starting with the creation of the Bank of England.


There are at least 2 typos on the graph:

1) It's BALFOUR declaration, not "Belfort";

2) I can’t remember which typo the second one was.

I didn't made the graph, and I only have paint, and if I try to edit the graph, it's size goes over 4mb (and given that 4chan has a limit of 4mb per file, I don't want that to happen), so you’ll have to bear with the typos on this most excellent graph.

a3c5c3 (1)  No.2391028

File (hide): 1ba9e4fd0e15ee4⋯.jpg (421.2 KB, 722x463, 722:463, Bolsheviks.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): d7d5f6ecc93eb79⋯.png (105.48 KB, 1147x637, 1147:637, HaavaraAgreement.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): b457b1d69a4edc8⋯.png (273.19 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, History6.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 01add1ac34db737⋯.jpg (1.05 MB, 1839x1477, 1839:1477, History8.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 76b7c1b3f30fe01⋯.png (376.01 KB, 641x716, 641:716, Lavrenti.png) (h) (u)

A part of the collection Anon assembled here.

ebdc3d (48)  No.2391053>>2391083

File (hide): b89f940c05d3274⋯.png (3.74 MB, 4784x4064, 299:254, Cabal_29_LU_17_07_18.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 34d590aa0b1e1b5⋯.png (141.12 KB, 935x658, 935:658, Israel_DNA_Tests.PNG) (h) (u)

File (hide): ee40d2dc2dd6cd4⋯.png (278.63 KB, 997x682, 997:682, Jewish_DNA.PNG) (h) (u)

File (hide): b261300ec3a5520⋯.png (325.48 KB, 654x684, 109:114, Jews_Are_A_Race.PNG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 4396f3e6a342223⋯.png (111.89 KB, 1306x681, 1306:681, x_14_Who_What_Is_A_Jew_Whe….PNG) (h) (u)


Friendly reminder that jewish supremacism and subversion are the most dangerous threats to the West at this moment in time, and that the EU ideological father, Richard Kalergi was a non-jew jew-supremacist whose vision was one of genociding ALL goyim races via miscegenation using the flooding of the West with millions of African so that the whole world could then be ruled by pure linage jews (pics related 2, 3 and 4 prove that there is a jewish race and pic number 5 is a chapter from the book “When Victims Rule” that delves into the sometimes confusing subject of what is a jew).

Graph last updated on 19/07/2018 (European date format) and now includes:

-archive link of the history of Central Banking graph in order to provide verifiability on the claim that the Rothschild control the central banking cartel business;

-source and archive link to the creation and origins of ACUE (American Committee on United Europe) which was created in 1948, 3 years before the EU first treaty was signed in 1951;

-the origins of the word “cabal” and its relation to jewish religion and mysticism;

-the news in which the UN itself admitted that 70% of the migrants invading Europe are NOT refugees, but mere illegal economic migrants;

-the 2016 news of António Guterres speaking in Lisbon at the Vision Europe Summit, in which he said that European nations have no right to control their borders and that they must instead take in floods of the world’s poorest people and insisted that every European Union (EU) nation must be forced to “share the burden” of mass migration.

ebdc3d (48)  No.2391083>>2391107 >>2692793 >>3056055

File (hide): 1273344aac56dfd⋯.png (981.45 KB, 1079x1395, 1079:1395, Israel_US_Domination.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 55e44e8e2ad43fc⋯.png (129.58 KB, 612x792, 17:22, Israel_uses_US_as_Tax_Farm.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 3ea34a7391856df⋯.jpg (404.79 KB, 1036x1132, 259:283, Israeli_Double_Citizenship.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 4b3f3d2073b7882⋯.jpg (102.13 KB, 1014x394, 507:197, Jewish_Over_Representation….jpg) (h) (u)


Reminder that Israel is the number 1 subversive force operating in the West including the US at this moment in time., and that each and every day, 9 (3.8 BILLION dollars a year in tax payer money).

>Suggested solutions:

-Ban every dual-citizen from political and judiciary cargos in the US.

-Pass a law that makes it illegal for dual-citizens to hold political and judiciary cargos in the US.

-Pass another law that makes it illegal under the grounds of treason and make it punishable with death and total expropriation of all private property to try to make it legal again for dual-citizens to hold political and judiciary cargos in the US.

ebdc3d (48)  No.2391107>>2391143 >>2692793

File (hide): ecb24d52de31e29⋯.png (907.99 KB, 886x4428, 443:2214, Interview_Transcript_17_05….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 15592f001ab2b5a⋯.jpg (82.62 KB, 720x720, 1:1, Anti_semitic_Trick_1.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 71d56326094e7aa⋯.jpg (37.3 KB, 600x453, 200:151, Anti_semitic_Trick_2.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 2c195b5b69aaf25⋯.jpg (14.52 KB, 225x225, 1:1, Anti_semitic_Trick_3.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 99766dffe206c54⋯.jpg (158.29 KB, 734x681, 734:681, Jews_Anti_Semitism_Death_P….jpg) (h) (u)


More on the issue of jewish subversion being the number one active threat in the West and the US at this moment in time, and how Israel uses US tax payer money to finance their subversive efforts (including online censorship and shilling/trolling).

>US tax money at work to censor you:

US Military Aid to Israel (3,6 billion USD per year (9,8 MILLION American tax dollars per day)) -- IDF – Hasbara duty – Online shills

>By the way, Obama sent 36 billion USD to Israel has military aid in 2016, remember that the next time some jewish shill tries to tell you that Obama was against Israel

Remember these verifiable FACTS about US tax money and Israel military aid the next time you come across the porn shills, the FE shills, the concernfaggotry shills etc… If you’re an American tax payer, those people are getting your money to discredit you and put crap and disinfo in front of you while you try to make use of your 1st amend (and they would love nothing more than to make it illegal (and a mental illness) to make any kind of legitimate criticism on Israel and jewish subversion and supremacism).

And remember that plenty of those 9,8 MILLION American tax dollars that get sent to Israel each and every day are going toward supporting ISIS, and this is too a verifiable FACT

Press each and every politician to END THE US AID TO ISRAEL RIGHT NOW, refuse to finance the number 1 enemy of the West, Israel

Watch this:


"Anti-semitic, its a trick we always use it"

Description: Former Israeli Minister Shulamit Aloni says it herself that: "Anti-semitic", "its a trick we always use it" “to silence criticism of Israel” “In Europe we use the holocaust” “in America we say its “anti-semitic””

ebdc3d (48)  No.2391143>>2391159

File (hide): 8acbbc1ef32a76b⋯.jpg (1.75 MB, 2832x3916, 708:979, Jews_Gun_Control_00_Big.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 7afe6bad167d8d0⋯.jpg (339.4 KB, 620x906, 310:453, Jews_Gun_Control_1_Harvey.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 5e91ba10e1de856⋯.jpg (118.3 KB, 1481x878, 1481:878, Jews_Gun_Control_2.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 7ee35c77d69b669⋯.jpg (537.82 KB, 968x701, 968:701, Jews_Gun_Control_3.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 2a126049c7aecb6⋯.jpg (90.31 KB, 621x471, 207:157, Jews_Gun_Control_4.jpg) (h) (u)


Reminder that the jewish supremacists lead the way in attacking the 2A because they know that unless the 2A gets destroyed, they won't be able to destroy the 1A.

Jewish interest groups and individuals make up for the majority of the financing and initiatives against the 2A:



"The National Rifle Association compiled a list of its enemies and it reads like a Jewish who’s who list. The list, prepared by the NRA’s Institute for Legislative Action includes 506 individuals, organizations, media outlets and corporations that “have lent monetary, grassroots or some other type of direct support to anti-gun organizations.”

The groups listed by the NRA as enemies of the gun-rights cause could easily populate a Conference of Presidents meeting room. They include major Jewish national organizations, including the Anti Defamation League, American Jewish Committee, B’nai B’rith, and the Jewish Labor Committee; two major Jewish women organizations: Hadassah and National Council of Jewish Women; and the Central Conference of American Rabbis, which is the Reform movement’s rabbinical arm.

Reform Jews, the list suggests, are among the NRA’s worst adversaries. The list includes not only their national rabbinical group but also names specifically the Union for Reform Judaism’s former president Eric Yoffie and David Saperstein, director of the group’s Religious Action Center, as individuals fighting for gun control laws."

Disarmament is the first steep in allowing the government total abuse of its people. Jews own the MSM, entertainment and lobbying, which gives them HUGE control over politicians that they use to the benefit of Israel (and remember the amount of double citizenship Israeli-American politicians of mixed-loyalties that the US has), and if they could only disarm people, then that would allow for them to order their controlled politicians to TOTALLY ABUSE the people with full impunity, all to the benefit of Israel.

>The jewish supremacists lead the way in attacking the 2A because they know that unless the 2A gets destroyed, they won't be able to destroy the 1A.

Remember this as you notice how much of a push to criminalize criticism of Israel and jewish subversion they do using the same old trick of crying “anti-semitism”.

ebdc3d (48)  No.2391159>>2391195

File (hide): 16dcb7273c93b96⋯.jpg (3.62 MB, 3884x7735, 3884:7735, Kikery_Graph.jpg) (h) (u)


Reminder that the modern progressive movement that has subverted the dem party and education system all over the West has its origins in the Frankfurt School group of jewish cultural marxists that went to the US after they left Germany during the WW2.

f9dc93 (1)  No.2391168


ebdc3d (48)  No.2391195>>2391216


More on the issue of the jewish originated cultural marxism which gave birth to today’s progressive political ideology.

ebdc3d (48)  No.2391216>>2391281

File (hide): b6cdeb866530469⋯.jpg (2.82 MB, 2816x4472, 352:559, Antifa_are_cultural_marxis….jpg) (h) (u)


A simple graph pertaining to the cultural marxist progressive (aka: far-left) terrorist group Antifa (which is used as the paramilitary arm of the Democrat party in the US, just like it was used in the same way in Germany in the 30’s by the communist party). Useful to quickly inform people who don’t know anything about what Antifa is about.

By the way, a lot of Antifa recruiting is done on schools by subversive marxist teachers, make sure to arm your kids with and inform your friends who have kids of this counter-measure to that:



ebdc3d (48)  No.2391281>>2391307

File (hide): bacc8473c823cb2⋯.png (184.64 KB, 639x1231, 639:1231, 1_AntiFa_ISIS_Connections.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): ec8fd87a520a5e8⋯.jpg (480.71 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, 1_Antifa_Nambla_Connection.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 72b80fffdfa380f⋯.png (166.54 KB, 1628x595, 1628:595, Antifa_Political_Violence_….png) (h) (u)


Pics 1 and 2 are some of the insidious connections of the terrorist group Antifa to ISIS and NAMBLA.

Pic 3 is a historical curiosity about how during the 30’s in Germany, Antifa’s violence against ALL people who did not support the communist agenda and party got people to vote for the National Socialist party because the National Socialist party was openly anti-communist (Antifa stabbed, bombed and shoot hundreds of National Socialists back in the day because of their fierce anti-communist stance, and would have no problems using violence against any non-communist even if said non-communist was not part of the National Socialist party).

ebdc3d (48)  No.2391307>>2391353

File (hide): 1efa91cecda0404⋯.png (116.14 KB, 652x652, 1:1, 1_Neocons_Trotskyites_1.PNG) (h) (u)

File (hide): ada0c3ec5e212a6⋯.png (111.92 KB, 625x674, 625:674, 1_Neocons_Trotskyites_2.PNG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 52d9a20421f48a2⋯.gif (1.13 MB, 1912x4168, 239:521, Marxism_Jews_Trotsky_Neoco….gif) (h) (u)

File (hide): 25b17b4635e6d63⋯.jpg (23.78 KB, 420x291, 140:97, War_Makers_1_Saddam.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 2f46ea97cdfb4b2⋯.jpg (292.26 KB, 1200x937, 1200:937, War_Makers_4_Iraq_25_Most_….jpg) (h) (u)


Frindly reminder that while the Frankfurt School jewish communist cultural marxists subverted the education system and dem party (and are the ideological fathers of the anti-A1, anti-A2, anti-West, anti-Christian “progressive” political movement) when they went to the US because of WW2, the rep party was subverted by the communism Trotskyites jewish intelectuals who became known has the neocons and were the main pushers for the use of US Military in ME with the objective of destabilizing it with the purpose of helping the expansion of Israel.

ebdc3d (48)  No.2391353>>2391478 >>2419899

File (hide): 9ceabe4db0f1569⋯.jpg (156.39 KB, 600x1030, 60:103, 1_Jews_Slavery_Tony_Martin….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): e684bcf0b861edb⋯.jpg (436.2 KB, 698x1249, 698:1249, Jews_HollyWood_4.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): e65b714f6d4d9f9⋯.jpg (102.82 KB, 591x502, 591:502, Peres_Hollywood_Jews_Child….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 07dde983cea7dea⋯.png (710.73 KB, 856x483, 856:483, Slavery.png) (h) (u)


Friendly reminder that it was jews who kickstarted the slave trade in the US and made it flourish over time due to their use of slave labor.

Also important to remember that redpilling the Blacks is paramount to destroy jewish supremacism in the West ASAP, and that Blacks and other minorities are the best vessels to bring the redpill on jewish supremacism to gaslit progressives.

Also worthy of note is the subversive and treasonous way in which jewish supremacists have used Hollywood (which is controlled by jews) to pin slavery in the US on Whites, and the way jewish supremacists have dominated and exploited the Black Civil Rights Movement for their own selfish and subversive ends.

ebdc3d (48)  No.2391478>>2391496

File (hide): 5b5cc0493d267de⋯.jpg (370.7 KB, 1469x1600, 1469:1600, x_Jews_Slavery_Curacao_Old….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 13b47c00bc4325a⋯.png (100.13 KB, 1287x673, 1287:673, z_8_Jews_And_Slavery_When_….PNG) (h) (u)


More on the subject of the jewish domination of the slave trade in the US in pic related 1, and more on the historical connection between jews and slavery thru out their people’s history in pic related 2 (its a chapter from the book “When Victims Rule”).

>Links included in pic 2:

“Jews and Slavery” chapter - archive.is/JRKFZ

Whole book -- archive.is/uHFnj

ebdc3d (48)  No.2391496>>2391526


Reminder that the censorship conservatives and non-leftist voices are suffering today online are pushed and monitored by jewish interest groups (so you can add that to the extensive and legitimate list of reasons why ALL jewish interest groups need to destroyed (legally, off course) and non-subversive jews NEED to organize and be vocal against ALL jewish interest groups operating in the West).

ebdc3d (48)  No.2391526>>2391562 >>2695749

File (hide): 18f814a866a8405⋯.png (71.49 KB, 640x512, 5:4, 1.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 9d2dbd4b47040cb⋯.png (44.55 KB, 1109x548, 1109:548, 1_Kike.PNG) (h) (u)

File (hide): d8cc267a067b9b8⋯.png (23.37 KB, 1157x188, 1157:188, 1_Plus_Sign_Israel.PNG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 25f145bdc6a822b⋯.png (652.45 KB, 653x1024, 653:1024, 2_Jew_Circumcision_2_Traum….png) (h) (u)


Reminder that one of the most, if not THE MOST, gaslit demographic on the jewish supremacism issue are the evangelicals, mainly due to the jewish psyop that is the Scofield Bible.

Redpilling the evangelicals on the jewish supremacism issue ASAP will speed up the great awakening considerably. It is useful to redpill them on the historical jewish hatred of Christians (pic related 1, 2 and 3).

Interestingly, the Scofield Bilbe psyop which was enacted by the zionist jewish supremacists got all the non-jew banking families to work with the bigger jewish-supremacist banking families (which were always the biggest ones because only jews were allowed to practice Usury for a long long time in the history of the West).

>Some resources regarding this:



“Christian Zionism: The Tragedy and The Turning”

Description: 32 minute documentary about Christian Zionism. It is a "must see" to understand why Christian Zionists (Judeo-Christians, Dispensationalists) support war in the Middle East to protect Israel. Find out how Cyrus I. Scofield's reference Bible was used to promote Christian Zionism throughout evangelical seminaries and into evangelical churches for over a hundred years, even before Israel was recognized as a nation in 1948.




“Christian Zionism Is a Monumental Lie and Legal Racket” - By Jonas E. Alexis - March 29, 2016

5 minute read.



"James Perloff on Christian Zionism and the New World Order"

Description: "James Perloff returns to show discuss his articles "Producing A One World Religion: A Three Step Plan" and "The Abomination and Blasphemy of Christian Zionism.""

Starts at minute 1:33 .

James Perloff interviewed by Tim Kelly on Scofield and his bible's central role in creating the Christian Zionist movement.


Circumcision is also relevant for the Evangelicals demographic.

Circumcision is male genital mutilation (which is obviously child abuse) and it results in PERMANENT brain damage.

ebdc3d (48)  No.2391562>>2391587

File (hide): 389fa33e3ac1c33⋯.jpg (1.07 MB, 1048x1570, 524:785, Circumcision_Effect_on_fem….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 46e45300313e2dc⋯.jpg (709.45 KB, 1288x2080, 161:260, Circumsision_Business.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): b29d68e0e8caa09⋯.png (33.1 KB, 624x225, 208:75, z.PNG) (h) (u)


More on the issue of jewish promoted child abuse CRIME of male genital mutilation (circumcision), which needs to, and WILL, be banned from the West.

ebdc3d (48)  No.2391587>>2391615

File (hide): 816139da74d56ae⋯.png (1.85 MB, 1894x1017, 1894:1017, Circumcision_is_ebil.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 56bd00697737c68⋯.jpg (53.11 KB, 498x645, 166:215, Circumcision_is_shit.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 5aef426c0b9a4e3⋯.png (740.03 KB, 1185x1325, 237:265, Circumcision_kills_baby.png) (h) (u)


Even more on the issue of jewish promoted child abuse CRIME of male genital mutilation (circumcision), which needs to, and WILL, be banned from the West.

ebdc3d (48)  No.2391615>>2391652

File (hide): df35a5fe4cc4d6e⋯.jpg (119.04 KB, 720x663, 240:221, df35a5fe4cc4d6e52e5460abc8….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 3f3087b85d49cb7⋯.png (221.8 KB, 573x476, 573:476, Havard_Fired_Circumcision.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 7bba66d6110e71f⋯.jpg (100.2 KB, 1024x912, 64:57, Rabbi_sucks.jpg) (h) (u)


And even more on the issue of jewish promoted child abuse CRIME of male genital mutilation (circumcision), which needs to, and WILL, be banned from the West.

ebdc3d (48)  No.2391652>>2391671

File (hide): 6688eade8fbad03⋯.png (107.11 KB, 1165x540, 233:108, Jews_Spit_On_Christians_In….PNG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 083cf3e6e3cfe6d⋯.jpg (39.82 KB, 720x558, 40:31, Judeo_Christian.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 664006e720d861a⋯.png (141.83 KB, 2048x1171, 2048:1171, Judeo_Christian2.PNG) (h) (u)


Another jewish manipulation based on falseness that seeks to gather the support of Christians is the term “judeo-Christian”, which is an oxymoron. This is also very important to understand in order to be able to redpill the Evangelicals demographic on the issue of jewish-supremacism and subversion.

Listen to this audiobook for more info on this issue:


“Judaism's Strange Gods ~ Michael A. Hoffman”

And to see how badly Christians are treated by Israel, watch this:


“Israel Persecutes Christians - 60 Minutes”


“Furious Jews threaten to stone us for preaching Jesus Christ in Jerusalem”

Description is:

Furious Jews threaten to stone us for preaching Jesus Christ in Jerusalem. Israeli Defense Forces try to stop us from preaching but admit that we are doing nothing illegal. Two men (one at a later time) tell us that we should be stoned for idolatry. Angry young teenagers pushed me and tried to break the phone I was using to record, and many other things happened. Brother Berto ministered to the Jew who said we should be stoned, and we saw such conviction begin to work in his heart. Brother Jakob spoke to several others and contended for the faith by discussing the holy scriptures. Many wonderful encounters and a great night of evangelism! Please share!

ebdc3d (48)  No.2391671>>2391725 >>2695749

File (hide): 30631945c8a3412⋯.jpg (172.49 KB, 1536x1038, 256:173, 0_The_Vigil.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 1ef36d2c75c4e88⋯.png (48.89 KB, 1220x619, 1220:619, 1_Pilpul.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 20ff49ea5f30812⋯.png (106.02 KB, 1182x622, 591:311, 4_Usury_When_Victims_Rule_….PNG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 08ded54c1674506⋯.jpg (262.83 KB, 640x1162, 320:581, Talmud_jews_hanged_Jesus.jpg) (h) (u)


Reminder that Jesus was not a jew, he was an Israelite who got killed by jews for being against Usury.

If some shill tries to tell you that jews didn’t killed Jesus, it was the Romans, remember this quote from another anon:

“The Liberal Catholics of our country are now making another concession to Interfaith charity and Brotherhood benevolence. They are saying, "It was not the Jews who crucified Christ; it was the Romans."

I should like to ask these Liberal Catholics a few pointed questions on the subject of Our Lord's death.

Was it the Romans who came out to seize Him in the Garden of Olives with swords and clubs on the night of His Passion, and who brought Him bound to the High Priest, and then to Pontius Pilate, demanding that He should be killed?

Was it a Roman who betrayed Jesus with a kiss, and was it to Romans He was sold for thirty pieces of silver?

Was the High Priest a Roman, who rent his garments and accused Our Lord of blasphemy when He declared Himself to be the Eternal Son of God?

Was it a Roman crowd which stood before the tribunal of Pontius Pilate and shouted: "If this man were not a malefactor we would not have handed Him over to you … His blood be upon us and upon our children!"

Was it the Romans who disowned Jesus as the King of the Jews, and did not want the inscription placed over His head on the Cross when He hung, crowned with thorns, and with nails in His hands and His feet?

Was it God's judgement in Heaven that the Romans had killed Christ, and was that why the Power of the Almighty some thirty years later razed the Temple of Jerusalem to the ground, and left not one stone upon a stone, and has never allowed it to be rebuilt from that day to this?

In the prayers of the Mass for Good Friday of Holy Week, the priest refers to the "perfidious Jews" as the ones who betrayed and crucified Christ. Should he be saying the "perfidious Romans"? And has it been wrong for the Church to put it the first way for as long as her history?

When Our Lord hung upon the Cross, His first recorded words were, "Father forgive them for they know not what they do."

Do the Liberal Catholics really think Our Lord was referring to the Jews when He said, "They know not what they do"? Was it the Jewish Chief Priests, the Scribes, and the Ancients, with whom He sat daily teaching in the Temple and who, when He was crucified, wagged their heads and mocked Him and shouted: "He saved others; himself He cannot save" -- was it these who knew not what they did, and whom Our Lord asked the Father to forgive?

Saint Luke tells us clearly that Jesus said this of the Roman soldiers who "dividing his garments, cast lots." And Saint Matthew tells us that these same Romans, after Jesus expired on the Cross, cried out in one voice with their Centurion, "Indeed, this was the Son of God!".”

And if a shill tries to tell you jews didn’t exist during Jesus time (they have said that moronish lie to me), just point them to this link and laugh at them:



And also, if some shill tries to tell you that jews didn’t killed Jesus, they had him sacrificed, call him out on his attempt to use pilpul to obfuscate the facts. Pic related 2. He sacrificed Himself for us. Jews meant to murder Him and they tried because of their greed and love for Usury (pic related 3 is a sample from one chapter of the book “When Victims Rule”, in case you want to learn more about Usury).

Pic related 4 is how in the talmud jews claim to have hanged Jesus.

ebdc3d (48)  No.2391725>>2391754 >>2695749

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


Friendly reminder that the jewish Talmud supports pedophilia.

ebdc3d (48)  No.2391754>>2391791 >>2419806

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


Frenely reminder that the ritualistic murder of goyim children and the draining of their blood for consumption and distribution among jew is a very old and well documented jewish tradition.

Watch this documentary about it in vid related:

"Jewish Ritual Murder Revisited: The Hidden Cult"

Or read this book about it (I have not read it yet, I grabbed the link from another anon so I am not endorsing the book, just leaving the link here):


“Jewish Ritual Murder: a Historical Investigation” - by von Hellmut Schramm, Ph. D. 1944. Translation by R. Belser

A contribution from other anon regarding this subject:

“ Wanna see some REALLY fucked up Jewish confessions regarding ritual-murder and abuse of children?

Here ya go, courtesy of Oprah, circa 1989: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n7QXz6hDtxI ”

ebdc3d (48)  No.2391791>>2391872


More about the jewish Ritual Murder of non-jews.

ebdc3d (48)  No.2391872>>2392030

File (hide): e53243ef12ef510⋯.jpg (307.16 KB, 1767x741, 31:13, Foundation_Myth.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 8058e6e3f4b96a8⋯.png (13.99 KB, 995x192, 995:192, Foundation_Myth_2.PNG) (h) (u)

File (hide): a3ea20dd3e8baf8⋯.png (39.8 KB, 1278x355, 18:5, WHAT_DO.PNG) (h) (u)


A reminder on the importance of the Foundation Myth of the West in pic 1 and 2.

Pic 3 is a reminder of our role in the storm and what is to come.

ebdc3d (48)  No.2392030>>2392124

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Reminder of the extent of the insolence of jewish supremacists in the US:

"Being Jewish In America In The Age Of Trump"

Description: New York Times editor Jonathan Weisman discussed what he views as the challenges of being a Jewish-American during the Trump administration.

ebdc3d (48)  No.2392124>>2392177 >>2658737

File (hide): bf0771e07b61921⋯.jpg (216.32 KB, 729x1058, 729:1058, bf0771e07b61921145dfbf7593….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 7807a961844c3ca⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1468x1152, 367:288, IOTBW8_Final.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): f4a7056781eb1b6⋯.png (353.33 KB, 1367x1493, 1367:1493, Loxism_1_Dumb_Blonde.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 0311fe354acb1c6⋯.png (123.77 KB, 586x469, 586:469, Loxism_4_Shiksa.png) (h) (u)


Reminder that jewish history is permeated with hatred for all the goyim (non-jews), and interestingly enough, the word goyim means both non-jew and cattle.

ebdc3d (48)  No.2392177>>2392199

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


Reminder that jewish supremacism is the defining characteristic of jewish cultural identity.

That is why, eventually, zionism, jewish interest groups and the jewish religion are going to be banned from the West along with islam. A person being a racial jew is no problem if they are pro-activelly and vocally against jewish supremacism and subversion.

All of those (islam, the jewish religion, jewish interest groups and zionism) are threats to the West and as such, all supporters of its presence in the West are enemies of the West.

Vid related is: “Does the Torah View Goyim as Inferior to Jews? Yes! Says Rabbi Mintz!”

Description (from the original): “Oy Vey! 'Pogroms, Inquisitions, and Holocausts' -- "we are the eternal victims and 'God's Chosen People!'" This Rabbi conflates lies with God as if were His word, but we can be certain it isn't the same god as the Goyim worship – Behold, the Synagogue of Satan… (Revelation 3:9).”

If you want to verify why judaism IS jewish supremacism, read this chapter from a book:


ebdc3d (48)  No.2392199>>2392274

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


Another video about jewish supremacism being the defining characteristic of jewish cultural identity.

Vid related is: “Israelis: Do you believe that gentiles (goys) will be slaves for the Jews?”

And for the naive anons and shills who say this

>I see calls for outlawing Judaism and Islam, in direct violation of the First Amendment

They are not religions, they are supremacist political doctrines disguised as religions as a deliberate subversive tactic. And believe me, if they are not removed by peaceful ways, they will be by force. Take your pick, enough of traitors and subverters using our laws to fuck with us.

ebdc3d (48)  No.2392274>>2393477

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


Yet another enlightening video about jewish supremacism being the defining characteristic of jewish cultural identity.

It goes into the jewish messianic prophesy that tells jews that Edom (Christianity and the Western civilization) needs to be destroyed before the jewish Messiah returns to the jews (this explains why so many rabbis in the West push for the uncontrolled influx of Middle Eastern and African migrants, be it under the guise of them being refugees (which 70% aren’t according to the UN) or crucially needed and positive to the Western nations economic migrants (which they also aren’t)).

Vid related is: “Jewish Divine Right to Rule Over Goyim”

ebdc3d (48)  No.2393477>>2393507 >>3202877 >>3202904

File (hide): e8afd84681e2086⋯.jpg (23.28 KB, 309x162, 103:54, Communism_Judaism.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): cc87e054a2ed9cf⋯.jpg (126.69 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, Jews_Bolshevism.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 7bc98b5444f15bd⋯.jpg (600.04 KB, 650x994, 325:497, Jews_Bolshevism_Better.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): b2aae334c9337ae⋯.jpg (327.89 KB, 1019x1300, 1019:1300, Jews_Bolshevism_Ukrain_Gen….jpg) (h) (u)


Reminder that communism was always connected to jewery, and that jews in Soviet Union were 1% of the population and made up 80%+ of the government, and virtually ALL of the secret police was staffed and run by jews too. Pointing out this fact about jewish over-representation in government and the secret police in the Soviet Union was a crime of anti-semitism that was punished with death.

ebdc3d (48)  No.2393507>>2393553 >>2691489 >>2693216

File (hide): c2a5253ad5a5266⋯.png (387.47 KB, 1497x721, 1497:721, 1_Patton_Knew_jews_Were_Th….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 527c8ec7b0657b9⋯.jpg (285.5 KB, 1392x1781, 1392:1781, 3_Patton_Regret_Letter.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): e421176048d8929⋯.jpg (120.61 KB, 956x670, 478:335, 4_Patton_Jews_Sons_Of_Bitc….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 34b4df7a62af860⋯.jpg (112.86 KB, 580x584, 145:146, Patton_Jews_5.jpg) (h) (u)


Reminder that General George S. Patton was killed for noticing and verbalizing the extend and implications of the jewish supremacism and subversion that has been chocking the West for the last 200 years.

Remember the words of war hero and legendary patriot General George S. Patton

On a letter to his wife he commented:

“I have been at Frankfurt for a civil government conference. If what we are doing (to the Germans) is Liberty, then give me death. I can’t see how Americans can sink so low. It is Semitic, and I am sure of it.”

And in his diary he noted:

“Today we received orders… in which we were told to give the Jews special accommodations. If for Jews, why not Catholics, Mormons, etc?… We are also turning over to the French several hundred thousand prisoners of war to be used as slave labor in France. It is amusing to recall that we fought the Revolution in defense of the rights of man and the Civil War to abolish slavery and have now gone back on both principles.”

General George S. Patton knew who was behind the subversion of the USA:



General George S. Patton was murdered:



ebdc3d (48)  No.2393553>>2393583 >>2501827

File (hide): a342d4105359b4d⋯.jpg (154.02 KB, 765x1178, 765:1178, ISIS_Says_Sorry_To_Israel.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): aedd4f25b64661c⋯.png (602.62 KB, 757x827, 757:827, Israel_Helps_ISIS_1.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): c1652e60fa1bbaa⋯.png (1.99 MB, 791x7652, 791:7652, Israel_Helps_ISIS_With_Cas….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 19e07db02f30e1d⋯.png (167.2 KB, 665x610, 133:122, Israel_Wants_ISIS.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): f412d7f8caae054⋯.png (548.62 KB, 634x1482, 317:741, Israel_Wants_ISIS_2.png) (h) (u)


Reminder that Israel supports ISIS.

Israel uses US tax money to support ISIS.

Tell your politicians you want to boycott Israel.

ebdc3d (48)  No.2393583>>2395726 >>2501827 >>3291902 >>3292636 >>3308369

File (hide): 03ce77f53098786⋯.jpg (202.14 KB, 716x654, 358:327, Clinton_ISIS_Israel_1.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): db0a377b44ed029⋯.jpg (247.99 KB, 730x537, 730:537, Clinton_ISIS_Israel_2.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 56f447a7f048378⋯.png (89.33 KB, 649x690, 649:690, Hillary_jewish_roots.PNG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 407fdfe944becf5⋯.png (547.28 KB, 834x610, 417:305, Obama_Israel_Aid.PNG) (h) (u)

File (hide): d23bec745d213a3⋯.png (77.52 KB, 501x510, 167:170, Obama_Jew.png) (h) (u)


Reminder that despite the kike shills insisting that Obongo was against Israel (he wasn't), he made sure he started the civil war in Syria and financed ISIS to advance the jewish supremacist Israeli agenda.

Israel uses US tax money to support ISIS.

Tell your politicians you want to boycott Israel.

ebdc3d (48)  No.2395726>>2395838

File (hide): 410317fc495d222⋯.png (2.31 MB, 2975x2710, 595:542, Mossad_Helpers_Sayanim_7_W….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): baf0b2e3d3cbba4⋯.png (3.49 MB, 2800x7240, 70:181, Mossad_Helpers_Sayanim_BIG.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 4340068970e7142⋯.png (541.8 KB, 1624x794, 812:397, Sayanim_Sleeper_Cells.png) (h) (u)


Reminder that Israel has millions of treasonous non-Israeli jewish Mossad collaborators spread world-wide. They are called the Sayanim (plural of the word Sayan, which is also the hebrew word for “collaborator”).

Videos related:


“Jacob Cohen explains the Sayanim (Mossad's volunteer agents)”


“How the Mossad Recruit a Network of Helpers (SAYANIM)”

ebdc3d (48)  No.2395838>>2395862 >>2658898 >>2695749

File (hide): 82b6eac1a8f1540⋯.png (819.08 KB, 830x911, 830:911, 1.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 3827c8a8965f3a3⋯.png (1.24 MB, 1091x4694, 1091:4694, Canada_jews_pedos.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 3d1f288766db92d⋯.jpg (506.9 KB, 2047x1582, 2047:1582, Israel_Pedos.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 53474c24a2e795f⋯.png (539.65 KB, 1005x3784, 1005:3784, Rabbis_from_hell.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): b7e59dd18019891⋯.png (573.88 KB, 817x5736, 817:5736, Rabbis_from_hell_2.png) (h) (u)


Reminder that Israel is the main hub for human and organ trafficking, as well as the biggest haven for pedophiles in the world right now.

ebdc3d (48)  No.2395862>>2395991

File (hide): 60fc66f183386fd⋯.png (186.92 KB, 327x490, 327:490, 60fc66f183386fd7f0e4382ccb….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): ca46c23b4223ed2⋯.png (254.62 KB, 706x929, 706:929, 1531465925173.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): fa75eb8995a4c28⋯.jpg (820.21 KB, 1035x1200, 69:80, Israel_Human_Traficking_2.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): a66eb465d2cd4da⋯.jpg (3.72 MB, 3457x2990, 3457:2990, Israel_Organ_Traffic.jpg) (h) (u)


More on this issue.

ebdc3d (48)  No.2395991>>2396017 >>2572342 >>2693460 >>2699814 >>2735345

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


David Cole, jewish historian tells the truth about some of the holocaust lies. In 8 minutes, your world is going to be rocked by verifiable factual information coming from a brave jewish historian that had to go into hiding for a while for his commitment to the TRUTH.

Must see.

He also wrote this list of questions addressed to the Holocaust Museum that received no response (because the holocaust official version is a lie). Read the list of questions here:



Also note that he received death threats from jew supremacists for his work. You can read about the David Cole Affair here:


Frenly reminder to everyone that I would gladly accept the fake official version of the holohoax if it was true and my life would be much easier if I could accept such a bullshit fraudulent perversion of the truth but decided it was immoral to defend such blatant lies that have destroyed our civilization…

Also take notice that the big fraud that is the holocaust results in the payment of 500 million euros to “survivors” coming from German tax payer’s pockets each and every year.



ebdc3d (48)  No.2396017>>2396026 >>2572342 >>2693460 >>2694567 >>2699814 >>2735345 >>3681515

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


Watch the first 16 minutes of this 4 hour documentary at speed 1.25 or 1.5… How could have we been so deceived…

This documentary provides verifiable proof that the holocaust official version is a lie, and proves that the Nuremberg Trials were a boneheaded fraud.

>For those that say that it is too long:

Well, you do not have to choose knowledge over ignorance about one of the most important historical facts that shaped a lot of our modern history.

And also, you can watch @ 1.5x or 2.0x speed to cut down the time commitment.

Make sure you archive this video offline too in case it gets censored.

Frenly reminder to everyone that I would gladly accept the fake official version of the holohoax if it was true and my life would be much easier if I could accept such a bullshit fraudulent perversion of the truth but decided it was immoral to defend such blatant lies that have destroyed our civilization…

Also take notice that the big fraud that is the holocaust results in the payment of 500 million euros to “survivors” coming from German tax payer’s pockets each and every year.



ebdc3d (48)  No.2396026>>2396033 >>2572342 >>2693460 >>2699814 >>2735345

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


"The First Holocaust : The Surprising Origin of the Six-Million Figure"


Most people believe that roughly six million Jews were killed by National Socialist Germany during World War II in an event generally referred to as the Holocaust or the Shoah. But how long have we been hearing about this six-million figure? The most widely understood answer is that the six-million figure was established after the Second World War during the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg.

Although it is true that the six-million figure was declared to be the indubitable truth at this tribunal, it is actually remarkably older. This documentary shows that the six-million figure dates back to the late 1800s, when Jewish pressure groups were targeting czarist Russia for its anti-Jewish stance, accusing Russia of oppressing and persecuting the six million Jews in Russia, and adopting a “solution” to its “Jewish question” which allegedly consisted of outright extermination. Claims that six million Jews in Europe were suffering to such a degree that millions had died already, while many more millions would face a lingering death, climaxed for the first time during fundraising campaign that started during the FIRST World War and reached its peak in the early and mid-1920s. The "New York Times" was the main vehicle for such propaganda, which also included well-known buzzwords such as “annihilation,” “extermination” and even the term “holocaust.” Although this sensational propaganda of Jewish suffering slowed down during the 1930s, it never completely ceased and received new momentum in the 1940s during the Second World War. As we all know today, this propaganda skyrocketed after Germany’s total defeat, as the victorious powers of the Second World War seized upon the opportunity to take advantage of such propaganda and to increase its scope and impact.

This documentary reveals a Jewish-Zionist propaganda pattern that has been used since the late 1800s, first against czarist Russia, then in favor of the Soviet Revolution, next against Nazi Germany, and finally and ever since in favor of Israel.

This presentation is based on Don Heddesheimer's book "The First Holocaust: The Surprising Origin of the Six-Million Figure"

ebdc3d (48)  No.2396033>>2396099 >>2572342 >>2693460 >>2699814 >>2735345 >>2947546

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


In this 1 hour and a half presentation, the historian David Irving goes into some of the reasons why the Nuremberg Trials were on of the most despicable frauds perpetrated in our modern history.

Must see.

>If you wonder how such a lie could have survived to this day:

Notice that the big fraud that is the holocaust results in the payment of 500 million euros to “survivors” coming from German tax payer’s pockets each and every year.



Frenly reminder to everyone that I would gladly accept the fake official version of the holohoax if it was true and my life would be much easier if I could accept such a bullshit fraudulent perversion of the truth but decided it was immoral to defend such blatant lies that have destroyed our civilization…

ebdc3d (48)  No.2396099>>2396141 >>2735345

File (hide): 4637052b7b04e45⋯.jpg (675.73 KB, 721x650, 721:650, 911_Comission_Israel.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 438bc0013992368⋯.jpg (25.29 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 911_Dancing_Israelis.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 145664faadf152a⋯.jpg (15.56 KB, 255x203, 255:203, 911_Evidence.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): ec898867f0350a4⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1185x759, 395:253, 911_Father.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): eda67917e8d01ea⋯.jpg (90.62 KB, 640x852, 160:213, Jews_Mocking_911.jpg) (h) (u)


Reminder that there is a verifiable Israeli involvement on 9/11.

The linguistic trick to make the message passable is to call it what it is: Israeli involvement.

Many low-iq goys and kike shills poison the well by claiming jews did it. They were certainly involved, but the there is nothing but circumstantial proof that it was their idea (thou it probably was, pics related).

ebdc3d (48)  No.2396141>>2396317

File (hide): 5c8ace7bbba9c50⋯.jpg (202.03 KB, 896x567, 128:81, 911_Jew_Call.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 8c70483ee836b79⋯.jpg (122.76 KB, 750x750, 1:1, 911_Lucky_Harry.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 2016d8524198305⋯.jpg (48 KB, 500x540, 25:27, 911_Lucky_Harry_2.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): c282f32d13af5a9⋯.jpg (114.88 KB, 995x550, 199:110, 911_Mossad.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 689c49d861475fe⋯.jpg (460.09 KB, 732x648, 61:54, Jews_Mocking_911_2.jpg) (h) (u)


More on the Israeli 9/11 involvement.

ebdc3d (48)  No.2396317>>2396353

File (hide): d28601e4132be6c⋯.jpg (319.58 KB, 816x2880, 17:60, 911_Owner_Jew.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 8b1d7fa8ec902c5⋯.jpg (3.73 MB, 3765x2883, 1255:961, Arnon_911.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): a06f6e7f88605bb⋯.png (2.73 MB, 2944x3316, 736:829, Dancing_Israelis.png) (h) (u)


More on israelis and 9/11.

ebdc3d (48)  No.2396353>>2396414 >>2973433

File (hide): ec9c5df55d302cb⋯.png (553.42 KB, 914x679, 914:679, Jew_Call_911.png) (h) (u)


More on 9/11 and Israel.

ebdc3d (48)  No.2396414>>2396451 >>2571072 >>2735345 >>2919911 >>3264061

File (hide): a63047450752b25⋯.jpg (3.53 MB, 2632x6440, 47:115, Jordan_Peterson_Big_2.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 14f27c9bc2316c9⋯.png (161.43 KB, 995x594, 995:594, Jordan_Peterson_Knows_What….PNG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 19235c5e4ba2d7b⋯.png (20.64 KB, 745x159, 745:159, Jordan_Peterson_UN_Panel.PNG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 642372d094725cb⋯.png (244.71 KB, 1195x608, 1195:608, UN_Document_Page_18.PNG) (h) (u)


Reminder that Jordan Peterson (aka: Juden Peterstein) is a long-con Anti-White, pro-jewish id politics subversive agent connected to Podesta and the UN and that this is all verifiable.

Be careful he is a subversive plant.

Yes, he does say a lot of truthful things that helped people, but that is just a ruse to get your trust and then subvert you.

Jordan Peterson is a long-con globalist that worked for the UN along the same pannel where Podesta was in 2015.

Pics and links prove it.

Sorry if you got conned.

Voxday video on this subject:


“Voxday Darkstream 05.13.2018 Jordan Peterson is a Globalist Shill”


“Voxday Darkstream 05.21.2018 An Apology to Jordan Peterson”

Proof of Jordan Peterson connection to the UN and the push for globalism





“Dr. Jordan Peterson has been a dishwasher, gas jockey, bartender, beekeeper, and railway line worker. He’s taught mythology to lawyers, doctors and businessmen, consulted for the UN Secretary General’s High Level Panel on Sustainable Development, helped his clinical clients manage depression, OCD, anxiety, and schizophrenia, and lectured extensively internationally..”

4chan bread



ebdc3d (48)  No.2396451>>2396484

File (hide): b90f562d26e7363⋯.jpg (210.32 KB, 925x1086, 925:1086, 1_Trump_Jews_Cry.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 111c202b2ca8783⋯.jpg (402.04 KB, 683x1060, 683:1060, Amalek.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): d4d8d11d2d61a95⋯.png (751.67 KB, 1534x1318, 767:659, Amalekites.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): f3ba680528e7314⋯.png (343.17 KB, 1126x800, 563:400, Jews_promote_genocide.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 76b7c1b3f30fe01⋯.png (376.01 KB, 641x716, 641:716, x_76b7c1b3f30fe01aaccef6f4….png) (h) (u)


Some info on jewish perpetrated genocide.

ebdc3d (48)  No.2396484

File (hide): 8450509accb0a44⋯.jpg (49.48 KB, 610x343, 610:343, 1_Israeli_Child_Assassins.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 1bc376ca2158331⋯.png (63.65 KB, 640x400, 8:5, 1528617310230.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 5163bc8cb092d29⋯.jpg (79.32 KB, 400x340, 20:17, Genocide.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 14fcd6a83fb092d⋯.jpg (176.25 KB, 1305x823, 1305:823, IDF_Deserter_admits_Genoci….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): fd32cd38ce16730⋯.png (526.89 KB, 585x631, 585:631, Israel_Gaza_call_for_cut_o….PNG) (h) (u)


More on the practice of genocide by jews.

d6531d (1)  No.2402251>>2409189


They are a eusocial endoparasite.

You'd have as much luck as getting a yellow crazy ant to side with a grasshopper.

Enjoy being subverted. They will move in, pretend to be your friend, and next thing you know they will declare themselves as the group and you as an outsider. I have been fighting for 8 years, this has happened whenever I welcomed any of them. They will always put their tribe first, if they say they aren't it is a lie meant to gain your trust, even if they do not know they are lying. Their culture and genetics makes them all sleeper agents, that is their survival strategy. You simply need to accept it. Or learn the hard way, after losing much ground.

3787af (227)  No.2409189>>2409242 >>2569311 >>2571072 >>2572039 >>2693795 >>2694567 >>3556153

File (hide): 4bf7d4993570b5a⋯.mp4 (1.5 MB, 320x240, 4:3, 1_Jews_are_dangerous.mp4) (h) (u) [play once] [loop]

File (hide): 4dc858d8ba72bdd⋯.png (726.55 KB, 669x1819, 669:1819, 3_Jewish_Nepotism_1.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): fd18f8828f7253c⋯.jpg (63.75 KB, 471x462, 157:154, 4_Jews_Nepotism_1.jpg) (h) (u)


>Their culture and genetics makes them all sleeper agents, that is their survival strategy.

I can see what you mean. Analyzing the biological factors in human behavior is key to analyze mass behavior in a meaningful way.

>They will always put their tribe first, if they say they aren't it is a lie meant to gain your trust, even if they do not know they are lying.

I attribute the factor of their typical group behavior to the jewish supremacist mindset that judaism incites in each and every jew due to the central factor of judaism being putting your jewish identity in front of everything else that might define what you are or can be (this is a verifiable fact, I can go into it later, its ideological indoctrination).

>You simply need to accept it. Or learn the hard way, after losing much ground.

I am inclined to agree, although I can see peaceful solutions being put in place with enough stability due to unity behind the issue (this requires an educated (aka: redpilled) general public, which we can achieve due to the alternative comm channels being opened between a big slice of the general public together with people who understand the jewish supremacism issue (aka: JQ) due to looking at the facts pertaining to it in a truly neutral way).

And this is in no way being unfair with the so called "jews", because I do not judge a person for being a racial nor a religious jew, I am just candid about judaism being a supremacist ideology just like islam is. Is it a fact that good persons exist that happen to be jews? No doubt. Does that fact make judaism (and its political versions: first communism, and then zionism. Communism is a jewish business model, as is zionism) any less of an ideological threat to the West? Nope.


Reminder that like islam, judaism is going to be banned from the West soon enough due to it being a supremacist ideological threat to the Western Christian culture

Hear it from a candid jew in video related 1.

Jewish ideological supremacism has ALWAYS been the psychological motivation for their group misbehavior as a people, which in turn has made them systematic targets (of well deserved (virtually every single time it happened)) of persecution has a people since the times of Abraham. See pics related 1 and 2.

Jews have always had a double standard on how they treat the goyim (word for non-jew AND cattle) compared to other fellow jews since the beginning of their history as a (ideologically supremacist) people. See the example on pic related 2. This phenomena is still pretty much alive today as we can verify when we look into the subject of jewish nepotism (nepotism which desingenious jews try to hide from the more gullible goyim/cattle with the verifiable and easily debunked myth of "jews have higher IQ than gentiles that's why they are so successful"). Pics related 3 and 4.

>Important notes:

First of all, what is a jew?


A person who is of the jewish race (although many racial jews reject judaism); or


A person who embraces judaism (although many religious jews are not racially jews).

>Invididuals, groups and ideologies:

Does the information above make every every muslim or religious jew a bad person? No.

Does the fact that there exist good people who are muslims or religious jews makes judaism or islam less of an ideological threat to Western civilization (Christian Western culture)? No.


There will come a time in the near future where every muslim and religious jew (be it a racial jew or non-jew) living in the West will have to choose between keep supporting an ideology which promotes supremacism and genital mutilation, or living in the West.

If they prefer being a religious jew or muslim better than supporting a sustainably safe and stable West, then great for them, GTFO of the West then.

>For those that might be thinking: “Hey, Q said this is not about religion”:

Q also said this is not about race, but is it not true that Trump put in place several travel bans from certain countries whose population is too low IQ and its culture incompatible with the Western civilization in order to protect the US?

In the same spirit, the banning of islam and judaism due to them both being supremacist ideologies which threaten the West is not about banning these “religions” just because, its about protecting Western nations against specific and FACTUAL threats (in this case, two supremacist ideologies that are incompatible with Western Christian values), just like having border controls and putting in place certain travel bans is not about banning people from entry just because, but it is about protecting the Western nations against specific and FACTUAL threats.

3787af (227)  No.2409242>>2420196 >>2439358 >>2562709 >>2571072 >>2572039 >>2572342 >>2572599 >>2693795 >>2694567 >>3556153

File (hide): 25f145bdc6a822b⋯.png (652.45 KB, 653x1024, 653:1024, 1_Jew_Circumcision_2_Traum….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 389fa33e3ac1c33⋯.jpg (1.07 MB, 1048x1570, 524:785, Circumcision_Effect_on_fem….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 46e45300313e2dc⋯.jpg (709.45 KB, 1288x2080, 161:260, Circumsision_Business.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): b29d68e0e8caa09⋯.png (33.1 KB, 624x225, 208:75, z.PNG) (h) (u)


Let us now learn a little about jewish culture and history so you can understand why judaism IS a supremacist ideology

From the book “When Victims Rule” (link to book: https://archive.is/1IEWq ):

“    In order to understand the present and prospects for the future, something must be understood about the past. Jews claim their origins to a seminal patriarch, Abraham, in the land of Ur (today part of Iraq) 4,000 years ago. Abraham was not a farmer or village member of a settled community. He was likely one of the "wandering" tribes of his time, a citizenship less, "outsider" social class known as the "Apiru," or "Habiru" (Hebrews) who were scattered across a wide area of the Middle East, from Syria to Egypt. [ANDERSON, p. 33] According to traditional Jewish religious belief, God is reputed to have singled out 75-year old Abraham among all people on earth and struck an arrangement with him, providing his progeny the consummate family inheritance:  "If Abraham will follow the commandments of God, then He, in His turn, will make the descendants of Abraham His Chosen People and place them under His protection … God at this time stipulates only one commandment, and makes only one promise." [DIMONT, p. 29] The initial agreement, by modern standards, seems extraordinarily peculiar. God's commandment was that all males by the eighth day of birth must have the foreskin of their penises cut off, a painfully literal branding of Jewish distinction around the male procreative organ:


                    "God … said to Abraham … You shall circumcise the flesh of

                    the foreskin and that shall be the Covenant between Me

                    and you."    GENESIS:  17:9-13

         With this physical marking, notes Barnet Litvinoff, “no male child born of Jewish parentage is ever allowed to forget he is a Jew … it reminds him of the doctrine of the chosen people.” [LITVINOFF, p. 5] "As a sign of this sacred bond, of being special seed, Chosen," note Herbert Russcol and Margarlit Banai, "The Lord of the Universe commands Abraham" to circumcize "every man child among you." And as the Torah states it: "I will establish my covenant between Me and thee and thy seed after thee in their generations for an everlasting covenant." [RUSSCOL/BANAI, 1970, p. 173] Is this alleged commandment by God to the Abrahamic "seed" in Jewish tradition not racial?


          "Circumcision," says Lawrence Hoffman, "has thus remained the sine qua non of Jewish identity throughout time. Jews came to believe that it warded off danger, and even saved Jews from damnation, that the sign of circumcision was tantamount to carrying God's ineffable name carved in the flesh, that it was a means of attaining mystical unity with the creator, and that it brought about visionary experience." [HOFFMAN, p. 11] It also symbolized, on the male genitals, special attention to the genetic continuance of the progeny of Abraham, that -- if they obeyed the laws and demands of God – they would someday be as "numerous as the stars.""


>Problems with the above facts:


Circumcision is scientifically proven to cause permanent brain damage in children (pic related 1);


Its a form of non-consentual religious branding;


Its a barbaric form of child abuse via male genital mutilation; and


The first reason it is done in the first place is to remind the jewish children that they are "God's chosen", which incites the jews to adopt a supremacist mindset toward the goyim/catle, who according to judaism are implicitly inferior due to not being jews, and thus, not part of the ones who were "chosen by God".

Important note


For those that say that ”most science today is fraud”, in order to implicitly downplay the relevance of the studies about circumcision causing permanent brain damage in children I say this:

Go grab the test I am referring to and disprove it using the scientific method then if you want to solidify what you're trying to imply.

Extreme pain in children scars alters their brain structure (aka: brain damage), circumcision does that to children.


For those that say that “As a very acomplished person, I see no problem with the process of circumcision because I am a very acomplished person”, I say this:

Doesn't mean the damage isn't there.

Doens't make the process of circumcision any less barbaric.

Doesn't make judaism any less of an idological threat to the West.


You could just be lying. Try to not use anecdotes next time, try to use verifiable facts :)

3787af (227)  No.2419806

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


Jewish censorship has taken down the video embeded, here is a working link :)

3787af (227)  No.2419899>>2439320

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


Dr. Tony Martin, one of the victims of the jewish censorship and harassment apparatus speaking about the jewish role in the slave trade of the US.

3787af (227)  No.2420196

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


This is the best normie friendly 1 hour documentary I have ever seen about the jewish supremacism issue.

He goes into the verifiable fact that Israel has in place a very well oiled censorship machine that will try to destroy, chew up and spit anyone who dares to speak about Israel candidly, using verifiable FACTS.

Judaism, jewish interest groups, zionism and islam have zero place in any Western nation that wishes to stay Western in culture.

3787af (227)  No.2439320>>2447756 >>2830384


Blacks against jewish supremacism.

4c3ba5 (14)  No.2439358>>2562638


No more selfies please

bca4b3 (1)  No.2447756

File (hide): 55dea853674dd7c⋯.jpg (44.43 KB, 552x621, 8:9, 1518052233341.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): cb819d1649945d3⋯.png (2.52 MB, 1692x1024, 423:256, 1518053679540.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): aab8d5750d8fe58⋯.png (929.97 KB, 1123x1122, 1123:1122, wethoughtyouwerewhite.png) (h) (u)

a44b5e (1)  No.2447910>>2500088

So where's your proof that qreseach was Jewish again?

d71132 (1)  No.2449024>>2562784

The Hebraization of surnames (also Hebraicization) (Hebrew: עברות‬, Ivrut, "Hebraization") is the act of adopting a Hebrew surname in exchange for their diaspora names. … Names ending with -berg, -stein or -man are often thought of as Jewish, but are of German origin, while suffixes such as -sky and -vitz are Slavic.

After the Israeli Declaration of Independence, there was still the attitude that the hebraization of family names should continue, in order to get rid of names with a diaspora sound.[4] Hebraization of names became a typical part of the integration process for new immigrants among Ashkenazi Jews, but also among Sephardi and Mizrahi Jewish immigrants from Arab and Muslim lands; Sephardi and Mizrahi children were typically given new Hebrew names in school, often without permission from their parents


1e23ef (1)  No.2465165>>2500088

File (hide): bfe681e42d54da6⋯.jpg (2.47 MB, 1648x3168, 103:198, Talmud extract.jpg) (h) (u)

1b8a65 (1)  No.2467123>>2500088

Christian Fools - Uneducated in Scripture

Herod - Red Dragon- Puppet of Rome

23 BC High Sacred Priesthood Cut Off

Revelation 3:9 (60s AD) synagogue of satan who say they are jews and are not

70 AD Ancient Israel Destruction and Temple (satan's synagogue)

1000 years imposter jews worship satan on the run due to their practices, Christians made them convert or leave

1070 AD William the Bastard protected these fake jews from Christians, since then these satan worshipers have always been accused of human sacrifice, it is in their religious practice, Alister Crowley "For the highest spiritual working one must accordingly choose that victim which contains the greatest and purest force. A male child of perfect innocence and high intelligence is the most satisfactory and suitable victim."

Not prophecy, but history, facts, wake up stop supporting Israel and these satanic fake jews you idiots!

Soon and See it Happening! Revelation 20:9 And they went up on the breadth of the earth, and compassed the camp of the saints about, and the beloved city: and fire came down from God out of heaven, and devoured them.

You are not a Christian if you support Satan, fools, blinded by ignorance and controlled by fear, don't believe anybody who says they believe in Christ and supports Israel, can't serve two masters, and you hate me because you love your master and hate the other, i follow Christ and hang me upon cross upside down, burn me in oil, gouge my eyes out, i count it worthy to die for Jesus my King and Savior, so piss off you hypocrites [thank you for reading]

33be80 (1)  No.2480365>>2500088

File (hide): 0eb86502bf38a75⋯.png (627.34 KB, 863x1326, 863:1326, blood_and_history.png) (h) (u)

Post from reddit. Also read this if you have not. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khazars

3787af (227)  No.2500088>>2501789

File (hide): f4be4a8d93ab0fa⋯.png (809.79 KB, 1664x5472, 52:171, Jews_Traditions_3.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): d2d51790293f37f⋯.png (449.19 KB, 1180x1180, 1:1, Jews_Traditions_2.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 7fe1312022fb136⋯.png (3.28 MB, 1191x7635, 397:2545, Jews_Traditions.png) (h) (u)


I never said anything to that effect.


Interdasting, I never looked into that.


The Talmud is a very interesting book from the historical stand point.

First of all there are two versions: the Babylonian one and the Palestinian one. The Palestinian one is of such bad quality in writing that nobody can understand what a big part on what is written on it is. The used one, the Babylonian, only saw its first translation, to German, happen in 1925, and its first english translation in 1935.

There is a lot to say about it, I am organizing some some interesting information on it.


Jewish ritual murderer of Christian children (and at least one little muslim girl in Syria) are well documented. I am also organizing some information about this issue. Pics related.

There is a lot to be said about mediavel jewery and their relationship with the goyim, both the nobles and the peasants. The history of Poland is very important to know if one wants to understand the movements of jews in the West, am also organizing some info on this subject.



The alleged mass conversion of Khazars into jews occurred in the 8th century, but weather it really took place or not is of little impact on the fact that judaism IS a supremacist ideology that was ALWAYS at odds with Christ and Christianity and its values. If you study the timeline of jewish history (if you go from its inception in the times of Abraham to to the days of today), you'll verify that even before the year of 700, jews had always been supremacist in their dealings with the goyim, and always involved in war (with each other and their goyim neighbors), genocides, and most importantly, Usury, which they did NOT practice upon their fellow jews, because the Torah specifically ordered them to lend and never borrow from the nations (the nations, in the Torah, are the goyim, the non-jews). Usury was always a big problem for jews because it always created ressentment towardws them, because they would squeaze and cheat the goyim out of land, money and products of labour due to Usury and compound interest. This is also well documented, and a constant in jewish history, since its inception.

Read this chapter of the book "When Victims Rule", called "THE CAUSES OF HOSTILITY TOWARDS JEWS: A HISTORICAL OVERVIEW":



70659c (1)  No.2501789>>2501827


3787af (227)  No.2501827>>2529858 >>2562851

File (hide): dc9b032ec3fea51⋯.png (358.19 KB, 647x649, 647:649, Before_Islam_When_Saudi_Ar….PNG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 5279588c75c1b3b⋯.jpg (649.85 KB, 2772x1645, 396:235, Jews_muslims_enemies.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 3bb4b53324ded16⋯.jpg (766.47 KB, 2668x1744, 667:436, Jews_muslims_enemies_2.jpg) (h) (u)





And see pics related.

Muslims are the footsoldiers of the jews.

b91b14 (2)  No.2523148

bump for visibility. this should be permanently stickied

b91b14 (2)  No.2529123

Getting slid hard.

96ab04 (2)  No.2529858


https:// themillenniumreport.com/2015/12/is-the-saudi-royal-family-jewish/

https:// www.philosophers-stone.co.uk/?p=17087

https:// zionistreport.com/2017/03/commentary-jewish-roots-saudi-royal-family/

https:// concisepolitics.com/2016/04/28/the-documented-jewish-roots-of-saudi-royal-family/

96ab04 (2)  No.2529922>>2530175

Excellent initiative, anon. Perhaps a section on Jewish involvement in the pornography industry and the use of pornography as a socially subversive weapon would be valuable here too. For example:

https:// nationalvanguard.org/2017/08/jews-are-proud-of-their-pornography/

https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=90sNQ9NOy5I

3787af (227)  No.2530175>>2556620 >>2735345

File (hide): 3bd307b9f9b25a2⋯.jpg (116.82 KB, 1200x861, 400:287, 1530205688454.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): dc77de9542e2169⋯.jpg (1.94 MB, 1927x10000, 1927:10000, Jews_Porn_Big.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 2fe00ca85f817bb⋯.png (363.37 KB, 1733x1338, 1733:1338, Jews_Porn_OverRepresentati….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 08b935a1a352f34⋯.png (56.54 KB, 631x321, 631:321, Porn_Damage_2_Important.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 9e03b7979e98eb0⋯.png (212.03 KB, 934x1047, 934:1047, Porn_Homosexual_Acceptance.png) (h) (u)


Thanks for the support!

Yes, this is pretty much under work, I am focusing on the more normie frenly version of the bread which is coming and on another way to redpill the normies on the jewish supremacsim issue (I am building a massive timeline that will put the issue in perspective in a way that destroys a lot of the jewish desinfo they use to hide the truth).


db7e75 (1)  No.2552518>>2562638

We need to get this info out to all new anons as they start learning about Q

e12a3a (55)  No.2552846>>2556551 >>2562638 >>2567968 >>2569356 >>2569716 >>2586423

File (hide): 1fa174814e61c44⋯.jpg (417.22 KB, 900x883, 900:883, PEPE VICTORIOUS.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): c5e197fed53356d⋯.jpg (293.27 KB, 2880x1800, 8:5, NAT CAP FLAG.jpg) (h) (u)

While it is great to envision a giant purge of subversives from this country (all of them, commies, pinkos, neocons, neoliberals, Jews, Muslims, Marxists, Feminists, etc.), it's not realistic to just think they could be rounded up and physically removed at this time.

Before that can happen, the power systems they use must be dismantled or broken up. Once this happens, many will self-remove, many others can be removed. Forced-association laws can be repealed soon after.

What are the chief power structures?

Central Banking money creation

Financial Services including lending, processing, account creation, insurance, investment and commercial banking

Media Conglomorates including broadcast, social media and news

Internet Access Providers

Law creation & enforcement

Taxation (this Anon suggests progressive Georgism (with a base amount held non-taxed) as a way to replace the current system, but would be open to massive a/b testing until people figured out what is most amenable)


To a lesser extent, these are centralized and need to be broken up as well

Energy production

Food production

Break these up, and you break (((them))). The rest happens organically.

The key will be after this is done to somehow set things up that it doesn't happen again. But, first things first.

Have at it, niggers.

e12a3a (55)  No.2554060>>2562638

File (hide): 0830e93e9fce4e8⋯.jpg (135.95 KB, 640x640, 1:1, GTFO KIKE 6 GORILLION 05.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 7dd82bd83650dc6⋯.png (405.37 KB, 587x654, 587:654, GTFO KIKE 6 GORILLION 05.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 0221bd3051a0e2e⋯.jpg (167.02 KB, 608x591, 608:591, GTFO KIKE 6 GORILLION 06.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 08db128ea7bed70⋯.png (394.75 KB, 800x1370, 80:137, GTFO KIKE 6 GORILLION 07.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): a8781dd1b1a726d⋯.png (681.14 KB, 1126x941, 1126:941, GTFO KIKE 6 GORILLION 08.png) (h) (u)

Fuck this is getting slid hard. People are posting in threads like "masonfag here" when the OP left four fucking days ago.

e12a3a (55)  No.2556551>>2562638 >>2562698

File (hide): 0cd294bb1f9a304⋯.jpg (88.23 KB, 1024x904, 128:113, PEPE WTF.jpg) (h) (u)


So, you faggots just want to piss and moan about Jews and their jewish supremacy kikery, but don't want to do anything about it?

How about we start by ending the Federal Reserve's charter and returning to equity-based money via the US Treasury?

4c3ba5 (14)  No.2556620>>2562638


I am sure the normies are waiting with baited breath for your extensive timeline, so full of convincing evidence.

But first take a bit more of the anti-delusion meds

3787af (227)  No.2562638



Cry more, your era is over israel first traitor :)



The way I see it is this: if we educate the general public about these issues, general public will no longer support zionism nor judaism, and as such, they will start making political pressure on ALL political candidates to get rid of them (along with islam).

Now, how do zionism manages to keep itself alive in the US? 3 things:


Jewish interest groups;


Neocons, zionized media (jews control, own and staff the MSM) and dual-citizen politicians;


"Hate speech" laws.

If we expose the general public to the facts, then it is easy for them to support the removal of ALL jewish interest groups operating in their nation.

Its easy to get people to support the removal of dual-citizenship politicians in the nations too.

If we educate people on the FACT that neocons ARE jewish communists that work for Israel first, then general public will want them out too.

And finally, once people understand that zionists are taking away their 1st amend rights, they will also support the removal of ALL "hate-speech" laws, because they are only there to silence legitimate criticism of Israel and jewish subversion in the first place.

When we remove those 3 factors, zionism is DEAD in the US, tits up, dead in the water, as people will no longer support any politician that supports Israel (the trick to pull this off it to educate people on the fact that Trump is going to make sure Israel is purged and justice for 9/11 and a bunch of other Israeli false flag terrorism (ISIS, anyone?) is done, as I believe he will, we need to make people understand that Trump is only paying lip service to the zionists, because he had to tell them what they need to hear or else they would have tried to smash Trump even more (reminder only 25% of the jews voted for Trump)).

That takes care of zionism, which is the Israel first corruption in the US gov, after that (or at the same time), judaism should be exposed for the supremacist ideology it is, and all the factual and very real reasons for it to be banned from the West along with islam should be presented to the general public. This is key, because both islam and judaism ARE supremacist ideologies which are at-odds with Christian values and civilization, and when the general public gets educated on those facts, then they will support the ban on judaism and islam too.

After that, comes communist subversion (and communism comes from judaism). After the jewish interest groups, dual-citizen politicians and synagogues are gone, it will be easy to pressure the MSM into getting a grip (and many of the jewish MSM is going to get RICOed up the ass in the next 2 to 6 years, remember that)

and exposing the commie/progressive political ideology for the perverse shit it is, which tries to normalize perversion in order to break up Christian Western values and family unit so it can take over (its a jewish business model, literally, as you'll find out if you study the revolutions against the Russian Czar, all brought to us by the jews because of their self-interest and greed after the partitions of Poland in the 1700's).

The FED and stuff, that I will leave to others to talk about it because I don't know how it works exactly, so I don't have any idea on how to approach that, but I think Senate should be in control of the printing of mone


Off course, that is to be expected :)

Thanks for the bump.



c50e4f (1)  No.2562698>>2567982


fuck jou i'm a yew and I shake the bed cuz the fed my money maker


3787af (227)  No.2562709>>2562715 >>2571072 >>2572039 >>2693795 >>2694567 >>3556153

File (hide): 6ba690f311bd452⋯.png (151.21 KB, 1307x692, 1307:692, 3_Jews_And_Christianity_Wh….PNG) (h) (u)


Not only IS judaism a supremacist ideology, it is a also a verifiable FACT that jews always persecuted Christians since the inception of Christianity. Judaism IS incompatible with the Western Christian value based civilization, and that too is a verifiable FACT.

From the book “When Victims Rule”, chapter “3 - JEWS AND CHRISTIANITY”:

“During the turbulent times of the Middle Ages and leading to our own era, there have been a number of wars with particularly religious emphasis. From 1208 to 1228, for instance, the Catholic Church led crusades against the Albigensions (a Christian "heretic" movement in Western Europe), which totally destroyed them. The Inquisition burned thousands of Christians at the stake and eliminated religious dissent in Southern Europe. For over a century, from 1559, much of Europe echoed a series of religious wars between Catholics and Protestants. One of the most famous atrocities of this period was the St. Bartholomew's Day massacre, in which thousands of Huguenots were massacred in Paris, and thousands more in the countryside. In the seventeenth century, Protestant churches in Poland were destroyed by Catholics in anti-Protestant riots in towns like Poznan, Cracow, and Lublin. [HAGEN, p. 198]


     Within this context of intra-religious warring, in conjunction with famines, pestilence, and other wide-spread catastrophes, "what is astonishing," writes Alan Edelstein, "given the situation of medieval European Jewry, and what bears examination, is not that many were attacked, expelled, or forcibly converted, but that more were not." [EDELSTEIN]”


It is well documented that jews were not as persecuted by Christians in medieval times as they might want to have you believe.

Lets keep reading from the book “When Victims Rule”, chapter “3 - JEWS AND CHRISTIANITY”:

“"Any judgment on the Christian treatment of Jews [across history]," agrees Nicholas de Lange, another Jewish scholar, "should also take account of the treatment of other religions, and indeed of dissident movements within Christianity. Against this background, the treatment of Jews can actually seem astonishingly humane and generous." [DE LANGE, p. 35] "Christianity mercilessly persecuted paganism and heresies," says Abram Leon," [but] it tolerated the Jewish religion." [LEON, p. 73] "We shall have to admit," wrote famed Jewish historian Salo Baron, "that church censorship has rarely interfered with the autonomous development of Jewish culture." [BARON, Ancient, p. 266]”


It is well documented that jews were not targeted by the Church’s censorship, and thus the development of their jewish culture was not interfered with.

Lets keep reading from the book “When Victims Rule”, chapter “3 - JEWS AND CHRISTIANITY”:

“  Yet modern Jewry's deep animosity towards Christianity stems from the accusation that institutional Christianity (as distinct from riotous mobs and individuals) was seminal to anti-Semitism in the Middle Ages, and even earlier, laying a religious foundation for the hostility towards Jews in the Western world to our own time.  It can easily be argued, however, (as did Benjamin Disraeli, and others) that official Christian protection of Jewry is as much responsible for Judaism's survival as anything else.  "It may be asserted," wrote Salo Baron," that had it not been for the Catholic Church, the Jews would have not survived the Middle Ages in Christian Europe."  [SCHORSCH, p. 38] Yet an important part of the Jewish victim tradition is the perceived monolithic oppression of Christianity, presumably emanating from the traditional Christian notion that "Jews killed Jesus," and epitomized in attacks by medieval mobs and thugs against Jews, especially during the fervor of the Crusades in 1068. "Anyone who reads the Talmudic tractate Avodah Zara," says Michael Lerner, "cannot escape the impression that Jews have come to believe that all non-Jews are so dangerous that they should be avoided." [LERNER, Goyim, p. 434]”


3787af (227)  No.2562715>>2562720 >>2571072 >>2572039 >>2693795 >>2694567 >>3556153




It is well documented that jews would have been destroyed in medieval times if it was not for the Church’s protection of judaism, even if jews as a group keep crying victim in a fraudulent way (which is an ever present pattern of jewish behavior and subversion, to always paint jews as a group as victims, when it is very well documented that they are, as a group, a terrible PLAGUE upon each and every nation that kindly hosts them, as you’ll learn).

Lets keep reading from the book “When Victims Rule”, chapter “3 - JEWS AND CHRISTIANITY”:

“Cecil Roth, a prominent Jewish historian in the first half of this century, argues that the Jewish persecution by Christianity throughout the ages -- a staple of popular Jewish folklore – has been greatly exaggerated:


       "Jewish historiography towards Christianity, and especially Catholicism, is

        typical of the errors which a too slavish following of the German

        tradition has inspired … The same lack of understanding and the same

        violence of contrast have been carried into other aspects of Jewish

        history. No attempt whatsoever has been made to understand the

        psychology of persecution. Any Jew-baiter is necessarily represented

        as a bloodthirsty desperado … Any [Jewish] apostate as a mere self-

        seeking humbug. All persons who have favored the Jews inevitably

        figure as saints and heroes, while whoever opposes or oppressed them

        automatically become ruffians and hypocrites … Almost every Jew is

        made to figure as a peaceful, unoffending saint, with no blemish

        whatsoever to mar his character or to explain his mistreatment … [But]

        blood ran as quickly in the ghetto as outside … [Jewish] violence was

        not unknown in the synagogue itself. [Jewish] sordidness was present in

        plenty to enhance by contrast the glories of martyrdom." [ROTH, p.


“  Based upon the ancient Judaic mythos of eternal victimization, Jewish animosity -- and often hatred – towards Christianity runs deep to this day. Yet, says Salo Baron,  "It would be a mistake … to believe that hatred was the constant keynote of Judeo-Christian relations, even in [medieval] Germany or Italy. It is the nature of historical records to transmit to posterity the memory of extraordinary events, rather than of the ordinary flow of life." [LIBERLES, p. 347]


      Judaism had, of course, antipathy for Christianity from the latter's very inception. Christianity evolved out of Judaism; it was founded and propagated by Jews dissatisfied with the direction of the seminal faith as guided by its leaders. "Popular hatred of the Temple priest and the rich," says Lenni Brenner, "became the basis of Christianity, and the New Testament must be seen as the last major production of the Jewish religious genre." [BRENNER, p. 42] The new faith branched out of Judaism as a distinctly different -- and to Jewish minds heretical – religious view. At this point in history, Judaism was the dominant religious force (vis a vis Christianity) in Jerusalem; Christianity was embryonic and Jews were the persecutors. Christians hoped that Jews would join their new, universalistic faith.”


Notice the typical jewish a group strategic use of painting themselves as a GROUP of victims (even when it is verifiable that said narrative of jews as victims is a LIE). This ever present pattern of jewish GROUP behavior and subversion, to always paint jews as a GROUP of victims, when it is very well documented that they are anything but (as you’ll learn as you read more about jewish hisotry and culture, when jews have been targeted as a group they always were so for very good reasons, such as their bigotry, their violence, their ritual murder of goyim children, their criminal behavior, among other types of behavior that made the goyim hostile toward them).

Keep this in mind when you talk about something and some jew or some jew apologist fells the need to tell you about jews as supposed eternal victims. When faced with that dynamic, I always try to educate those people on FACTUAL jewish history and culture. The narrative of jews as a group of eternal VICTIMS is a WEAPON against the non-jews, makes them more manipulable, it lowers their guard, and it opens their wallets (books, movies, tickets, etc), and most dangerously, makes goyim NOT fight the terrible weapon of jewish subversion and supremacism: “hate-speech” laws, whose purpose is ONLY to censor legitimate criticism of jewish subversion and supremacism.


3787af (227)  No.2562720>>2562725 >>2571072 >>2572039 >>2693795 >>2694567 >>3556153



Lets keep reading from the book “When Victims Rule”, chapter “3 - JEWS AND CHRISTIANITY”:

“Edward Flannery writes that


     "The synagogue resented Christianity's claims and in the emerging

     conflict struck the first blow. Hellenist Jewish converts to the Church

     were driven from Jerusalem. [Saint] Stephen was killed, as were the two

     Jameses, though James the Less was killed through the action of the high

     priest, not the majority of Jews. Peter was forced out of Palestine by the

     persecution of Herod Agrippa I, and Paul endured flagellations,

     imprisonment, and complaints by Jews to Roman authorities, and threats

     of death at Jewish hands. Barnabas' death (60 AD) at the hands of Jews in

     Cypress is unanimously reported by early hagiographers." [FLANNERY,

     p. 27]


     By 80 AD Jewish ritual had incorporated a daily curse against Christians: "May the minim [heretics] perish in an instant; may they be effaced from the book of life and not be counted among the Just." [FLANNERY,  p. 28] In 117 CE Jews were involved in the death of St. Simeon, the bishop of Jerusalem, and unrepenting Christians were massacred by Jews in the Bar Kocha revolt (132-135 AD) against the Romans.


        Christians were severely persecuted under Roman rule, while Jews -- after initial revolts against Rome – largely prospered. "Christians were subject to mounting and systematic persecution from the time of Emperor Trajan (98-117 CE) onwards," notes Robin Spiro, "The Jews, by and large, fared better than the Christians at the hands of the Romans, and retained the majority of their special privileges." [SPIRO, p. 17]  As Christianity grew in later centuries, attacks, riots, pogroms, rebellions – or whatever else one chooses to polemically label them – were instigated by Jews against Christians in Palestine and other parts of the Old World. Simon Dubnov notes that "in 556, during bouts in the circus in Caesarea, the Samaritans, assisted by Jewish youths, attacked the Christians. The Christians were beaten soundly. Several churches were razed and Stephanus, the governor of Palestine, was killed … In Antiocha … in 608, the local Jews rebelled; since they predominated in numbers they killed many Christians, including the patriarch Anastasias, whose body they dragged through the city streets … In other localities (Scytopolis, for instance) the Jews were hostile toward the Christians. During commercial transactions, they would not even accept money directly from the hands of a Christian; they had to throw their coins into water, where the Jews would then retrieve them." [DUBNOV, p. 24-25 v. 2]"


3787af (227)  No.2562725>>2562731 >>2571072 >>2572039 >>2693795 >>2694567 >>3556153



Lets keep reading from the book “When Victims Rule”, chapter “3 - JEWS AND CHRISTIANITY”:

“When the Persians invaded Palestine in 614, Jews joined as "auxiliaries" in slaughtering Christian neighbors. "Jewish warriors," says Simon Dubnov, "along with Persians, now assaulted numerous Christian churches (a church legend exaggerates the number of dead to 90,000). Many churches, including the one of Christ's grave, were razed to the ground … In hostile acts towards Christians the Jew did not lag behind the Persians. Bitter resentment … found an outlet in atrocities." [DUBNOV, p. 216, v. 2]   According to a Christian monk of the times, Strategius of Mar Saba, Jews bought "a large number" of Christian prisoners from the Persians, "who they then slaughtered just as one might buy cattle to slaughter." [SCHAFER, p. 192] "Even as the Persians were approaching Palestine," notes Peter Schafer, "the Jews appear to have risked an open revolt against the Christians and allied themselves with the Persians." [SCHAFER, p. 140]  The Persians were soon driven out, however, by Heraclius of Christian Byzantium. When a Jewish leader, Benjamin of Tiberias, was asked why he had previously justified the cruelties against Christians, the Jewish patriot is reported to have answered, "Because they were the enemies of my religion." [DUBNOV, p. 218, v.2]


     For centuries a range of ridiculing and hostile defamatory material about Christ was popularly circulated in the Jewish communities, eventually written as Sefar Toledoth Yeshu. "It enjoyed wide circulation among the general Jewish population." [JACOB, W., 1974, p. 11] The earliest known copy found in modern times was discovered in a synagogue built in the seventh century.  Christ, it was said, practiced witchcraft and was the illegitimate son of a Roman soldier or, by other accounts, a "disreputable man of the tribe of Judah."  [SHAHAK, p. 98, FLANNERY, p. 34, GOLDSTEIN, p. 148] The book, “in Hebrew and Yiddish was, but is not now, in common circulation," wrote Jewish scholar Joseph Klausner in 1926, "yet the book may still be found in (manuscript) and in print among many educated Jews. Our mothers knew its contents by hearsay -- of course with all manner of corruptions, charges, omissions, and imaginative additions – and handed them on to their children." [KLAUSNER, p. 48]  In the early years of Christianity Rabbi Tarphon of Jerusalem declared that "Christians were worse than heathens and one Rabbi Meir proclaimed that the New Testament was "a revelation of sin." [FLANNERY, p. 34]


     The Talmud also accused Jesus of a variety of sexual indiscretions and that he had been condemned by God to boil for eternity in "boiling excrement." Jewish religious texts also enjoined pious Jews to burn whatever New Testament volumes they came across. (Israel Shahak notes that this was publicly performed in Israel in 1980 by a Jewish religious organization, Yad Le'alchim). [SHAHAK, p. 21]”


3787af (227)  No.2562731>>2562734 >>2571072 >>2572039 >>2693795 >>2694567 >>3556153



Lets keep reading from the book “When Victims Rule”, chapter “3 - JEWS AND CHRISTIANITY”:

“A Chabad-sponsored Internet web site notes that

     "The Talmud (Babylonian edition) records other sins of 'Jesus of Nazarene':

     1) He and his disciples practiced sorcery and black magic, led Jews astray

       into idolatry, and were sponsored by foreign, gentile powers for the

       purpose of subverting Jewish worship (Sanhedrin 43a).

     2) He was sexually immoral, worshipped statues of stone (a brick is mentioned),

       was cut off from the Jewish people for his wickedness, and refused to repent

       (Sanhedrin 107b, Sotah 47a).

     3) He learned witchcraft in Egypt and, to perform miracles, used procedures

       that involved cutting his flesh -- which is also explicitly banned in the Bible

       (Shabbos 104b).

       The false, rebellious message of Jesus has been thoroughly rejected by the

       vast majority of the Jewish people, as G-d commanded. Unfortunately,

       however, this same message has brought a terrible darkness upon the

       world; today, over 1.5 billion gentiles believe in Jesus. Those lost souls

       mistakingly think they have found salvation in Jesus; tragically, they are

       in for a rude awakening." [NOAH'S COVENANT WEB SITE, 2001]


     "The very name Jesus," says Shahak, "was for Jews a symbol of all that is abominable, and this popular tradition still exists. The Gospels are equally detested, and they are not allowed to be quoted (let alone taught) even in modern Israel schools. … For theological reasons, mostly rooted in ignorance, Christianity as a religion is classed by rabbinical teaching as idolatry. All Christian emblems and pictorial representations are regarded as idols … " [SHAHAK, p. 98]

     Another Israeli, Israel Shamir, notes that the Toledoth is being rejuvenated today in Israel:

     "Last year [2000], the biggest Israeli tabloid Yedioth Aharonoth reprinted in its

     library the Jewish anti-Gospel, Toledoth Yeshu, compiled in the Middle Ages.

     It is the third recent reprint, including one in a newspaper. If the Gospel is the

     book of love, Toledoth is the book of hate for Christ. The hero of the book

     is Judas. He captures Jesus by polluting his purity. According to Toledoth,

     the conception of Christ was in sin, the miracles of Christ were witchcraft,

     his resurrection but a trick." [SHAMIR, I., 2001]”


3787af (227)  No.2562734>>2562740 >>2571072 >>2572039 >>2693795 >>2694567 >>3556153



Lets keep reading from the book “When Victims Rule”, chapter “3 - JEWS AND CHRISTIANITY”:

“   In 1997, notes Yossi Halevi, "a group of pro-Israel Pentecostals from Oklahoma were gathered outside the room on Jerusalem's Mt. Zion traditionally associated with Jesus' Last Supper, when several Ultra-Orthodox men passing by ostentatiously covered their noses with their prayer shawls, to protect them from the 'stench;' one of them spat on the ground." [HALEVI, Y., p. 16] In Jewish tradition, notes Leon Poliakov, "Christians, significantly, were feared as wild animals much more than hated as men." [WOLFSON, p. 6]


     This age-old Jewish contempt is integral to the reciprocal Christian religious animosity towards Jews in the Middle Ages, especially after such material was revealed by Jewish apostates to the surrounding Christian populace. But it is not likely that most "Christian" hostility towards Jews through the ages was based solely upon religious beliefs, although their contesting world view certainly could inflame non-Jewish hostility. As even Mark Twain noted, "With most people, of a necessity, bread and meat take first rank, religion second. I am convinced that the persecution of the Jews is not due in any large degree to religious prejudice." [TWAIN]


      At Hebrew classes," says Evelyn Kaye, who was raised in an Orthodox community, "we learned only about the role of the Jews in Greek and Roman times. The other aspects of the world were dismissed completely … At Hebrew classes, we understood that no one ever mentioned the name of Jesus under any circumstances … Any discussion of Jesus was taboo … We learned nothing about the spread of Christianity, or its development. We heard nothing of Christian suffering in defense of faith … I absorbed the idea that as soon as Jesus had arrived and started Christianity, Jews were persecuted ever after." [KAYE, p. 79]  

Secular Jewish author Earl Shorris recalled in 1982 the first time he bought a Christmas tree, and the emotions he had when he decided to throw the tree out after both he and his son cut their hands on Christmas ornaments ("one of the cruciform balls"):

     "I resolved to save the lives of the Shorris family by getting the Christmas tree

      out of my house. Like David approaching the giant of Gath in the valley of

      Elah, I advanced upon the Goliath of Christmas trees. For a moment I was

      afraid, but I knew that righteousness was on my side and I snatched the great

      tree from its moorings and bore it out to the trash bin. Disregarding the

      mystical signs that hung from its limbs, I broke it in half with my bare hands

      and cast it down into the dark barrel, the Sheol of Christmas trees. Then all

      the family -- the mother, the wounded men,and even the babe – rejoiced."       [SHORRIS, E., 1982, p. 40]

     "A number of years ago," notes Maurice Friedman about common Jewish perspective on Christianity,

     "one of my oldest friends, now a minister, told me of his hope of establishing

     a community church which would attract many of the Jews in New York City

     who no longer have any religious commitment. 'Will you have a cross at the

     altar?' I asked.

        'Of course,' he replied. 'It is a universal religious symbol.'

        'That is where you are wrong,' I said. 'Even to the non-religious Jews

     the cross is a symbol of anti-Semitism from which the Jew has had to suffer.'"

     [FRIEDMAN, M., 1965, p. 211]”


3787af (227)  No.2562740>>2562763 >>2571072 >>2572039 >>2693795 >>2694567 >>3556153



Lets keep reading from the book “When Victims Rule”, chapter “3 - JEWS AND CHRISTIANITY”:

“  There are still excessive anti-Christian currents within much of Jewry today -- even including among its educated leaders.  Michael Wyschogrod, a Jewish philosophy professor, wrote in 1989:


       "For many Jews, the cross is a source of contamination. From time to

        time, I have helped organize Jewish-Christian meetings at Catholic

        locations. There will almost always be some invited Jewish participants

        who inquire whether there are any crucifixes in the meeting rooms or in

        the room in which the participants sleep. If so, some participants will

        refuse to attend or inquire whether the crucifixes can be covered over

       or removed. What is going on here?" [WYSCHOGROD, p. 146]


     Rabbi Daniel Lapin wrote an entire book in 1999 about Jewry's defamation of Christianity. As he notes,


     "A scenario I have seen several times took place during a Rotary

     luncheon I once attended. The invocation was given as it always is,

     but on this occasion, unbeknownst to me, the presenter violated an

     unwritten rule by invoking the name of Jesus. One of the prominent

     members who is also a leader of the local Jewish community exploded

     in a paroxysm of rage … Why do Jews think it acceptable to decree

     how Christians may pray? Why do so many Jews feel that they must

     take offense and react angrily at the invoking of the name of Jesus?"

     [LAPIN, D., 1999, p. 300]


[See Chapter 20 for more discussion of traditional -- and current – Jewish anti-Christian bigotry]”


This is the whole Chapter 3 “Jews and Christianity” from the book “When Victims Rule”.

Link to chapter and whole book: https://archive.is/I5exz


3787af (227)  No.2562763>>2571072 >>2572039 >>2581628 >>2693795 >>2694567 >>3556153


Now that we took a look at judaism’s origins (and showed you that it IS a fact that judaism IS a supremacist ideology) and we looked at the verifiable and FACTUAL jewish persecution and hatred of Christ and Christians, we will take a look at the alleged Khazar mass conversion to judaism, which some argue is real, some argue its fake.

Me personally, I don’t buy it, but even if it did really happen, it does not make judaism any less of an ideological threat to the Western civilization, and if it is indeed real, it gives even more validity to the FACT that judaism NEEDS to be banned from the West.

So, the alleged Khazar mass conversion to judaism happened in the 8th century, but as we've seen, judaism's history is full of persecution and hatred against Christ and Christians since the year 0 (when Christ was born), so that means that if any jew apologist tries to tell you that "today's jews are not the real jews, the real jews were not evil", then you know that the jew apologist is either lying, or he has no idea what he is talking about, because even if the alleged Khazar theory is true, it only happened in the 8th century.

Also, if the Khazar theory was true, wouldn’t that mean that judaism is the preferred choice of religion for the thugs and scoundrels of the world?

And more, if the Khazar theory was true, doesn’t wouldn’t that mean that Israel is even more illegitimate than it already is, because none of the people who started it and went to live there are real jews?

3787af (227)  No.2562784



3787af (227)  No.2562851>>2562886 >>2571072 >>2699707

File (hide): 2d9e8a4e61c6ae8⋯.png (1.73 MB, 1750x2280, 175:228, 1500_Rabbis.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 86c3853309ed8f2⋯.jpg (1.05 MB, 1772x1772, 1:1, 1527485648393.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): ffe40b2e465f3aa⋯.jpg (159.24 KB, 1200x694, 600:347, Barbara_Lerner_Spectre.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 1ed895c2c422291⋯.jpg (92.92 KB, 536x622, 268:311, Hugary_Kikery.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): d8713bea7eb0b06⋯.png (569.82 KB, 1173x1162, 1173:1162, Hypocrisy.png) (h) (u)


More on the issue of muslims being the soldiers of demographic warfare that jews use against Western nations.

3787af (227)  No.2562886>>2562922 >>2699707

File (hide): 7e3d5d8cf1e08fe⋯.jpg (673.39 KB, 648x1352, 81:169, Israel_Advocates_For_Soros.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): c2f4c94fc3ed705⋯.png (169.7 KB, 935x165, 17:3, Israel_Soros_Compliment.png) (h) (u)


More on this issue of jews using muslims to wage demographic war against Western nations.

3787af (227)  No.2562922>>2562955 >>2699707

File (hide): 40d3e044b8d41d9⋯.jpg (172.41 KB, 1000x638, 500:319, Jew_Hypocrisy_3.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): eb713a96c909b1d⋯.png (262.16 KB, 507x446, 507:446, Jew_Muslim_Alliance_Source….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 1247bbb0ffd8bd2⋯.png (421.32 KB, 967x784, 967:784, Jews_Advocate_Demographic_….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 86466bb80b212e3⋯.jpg (3.53 MB, 5000x3200, 25:16, Jews_Attack.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 58de6a1179a0922⋯.jpg (585.7 KB, 3145x1752, 3145:1752, Jews_for_refugees.jpg) (h) (u)


Even more on this issue of jews using muslims to wage demographic war against Western nations.

3787af (227)  No.2562955>>2562985 >>2699707

File (hide): 9869a92f43f8988⋯.jpg (1.06 MB, 2508x1504, 627:376, Jews_Islamization_Of_Europ….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): cc2621cb464eff9⋯.jpg (189.35 KB, 900x1046, 450:523, jews_Migrants.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 5cb9e439bacc341⋯.jpg (812.5 KB, 608x1326, 304:663, jews_Migrants_2.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): fd7e97f58c35f20⋯.jpg (641.21 KB, 713x703, 713:703, Jews_Muslims_Alliance_Agai….jpg) (h) (u)


More about this.

3787af (227)  No.2562985>>2563034 >>2699707

File (hide): f1cf17d3ef6a114⋯.jpg (135.86 KB, 960x959, 960:959, Jews_Islamization_Of_Europ….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): be52effff3fce1a⋯.jpg (920.2 KB, 949x1103, 949:1103, jews_Migrants_3.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 5d673ebdf6fc187⋯.jpg (1.83 MB, 2486x3062, 1243:1531, Jews_Push_For_Muslim_Migra….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 2b0b973457efae2⋯.jpg (261.43 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, Migration_Jew_Endgame.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 72913900775213d⋯.jpg (203.43 KB, 1000x1174, 500:587, Migration_Jews_Big.jpg) (h) (u)


Moar on the jewish-muslim alliance against the West.

3787af (227)  No.2563034>>2563070 >>2568575 >>2699707

File (hide): d9b68cf79c878a1⋯.jpg (76.8 KB, 600x770, 60:77, Rothschild_Diversity.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 75e912ef480a7a5⋯.png (558.04 KB, 648x835, 648:835, Soros_No_Borders.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 2a2c3ad385d2b0d⋯.png (547.68 KB, 616x666, 308:333, UN_70percent_Refugees_Not_….PNG) (h) (u)

File (hide): dd8ebbc9d9109da⋯.jpg (221.26 KB, 1256x1304, 157:163, Migration_Israel_USA_Hypoc….jpg) (h) (u)

3787af (227)  No.2563070

File (hide): 356f0d46da813a9⋯.png (332.15 KB, 1320x735, 88:49, Jews_Hate_Truth.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 1e90b3c91732466⋯.png (225.45 KB, 1364x686, 682:343, Jews_Hate_Truth_2.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 8adc75871e86805⋯.png (67.27 KB, 571x592, 571:592, Moser.PNG) (h) (u)


More on the war of jews against the West, using Blacks and muslims against Christian Western civilization.

3787af (227)  No.2563196>>2567968 >>2571072 >>2652493 >>2657780 >>2691556 >>3091981 >>3308404

If you want to understand drug trade and cartel operations in the US, you need to understand the Israeli and jewish-Russian side of the business

>From the book "When Victims Rule", chapter "23. DRUGS" ( source: https://archive.is/wDemW ):

"Little known -- and little publicized – in America, in recent years the Jewish "Russian mafia," and Orthodox religious and Israeli business networks with deep links to drug cartels, have been instrumental in maintaining the United States drug problem. Many of these criminals are particularly pious Jews, and a number of Orthodox Jewish religious institutions have been used for the laundering of literally hundreds of millions of dollars in drug money in (particularly) New York City. (Money laundering here refers to the task of getting huge sums of money that were paid for drugs, originally in small bills, into a form of assets that has the appearance of legality.) In 1994 Israeli journalist Ben Kapit exposed this story of Jewish culpability and corruption in America's growing drug problem; he wrote in Hebrew, to an Israeli audience, in the newspaper Ma'ariv.

American Jews and Israelis dominate the jewelry and precious stones and metals trade in Manhattan, mostly located in the 47th Street area. "75-80% of the active traders on the street are Jews," said Kapit, "A large part of them are very pious Orthodox Jews, mainly Hassids. There is also a respectable representation of Jews from Iran and Syria, usually also very pious … the place is also the biggest launderer for drug money in the United States." [KAPIT, p. 2]

Daily transactions of huge sums of money -- including interstate and international – is part of the diamond business (as is backroom secrecy, based on "personal acquaintance and trust," [KAPIT, p. 2]; boxes, large packages, and armored trucks come and go regularly under heavy security. All this provides a convenient front for the laundering of massive amounts of drug money, most of it in $10 and $20 bills. "One of the most popularly successful ways to launder money," notes Kapit, "is through Jewish religious institutions, such as yeshivas and synagogues. Since the majority of the 47th Street gold and diamond merchants are religious Jews, the process is made easier." [KAPIT, p. 4]

"Today," noted Newsweek in 1977, "the Japanese give diamond engagement rings nearly as often as American, and wealthy Arabs who once eschewed diamonds for the more colorful stones, have become insatiable diamond buyers … Little wonder, then, that tampering robberies and even murders have come to haunt the business, not only along West 47th Street in New York -- where the mostly Jewish dealers see an 'Israeli mafia' behind the murder last month of one of their numbers – but the world's other diamond centers as well." [ATLAS, p. 95] "The robberies that plague the diamond districts of New York and Tel Aviv," notes David Koskoff, "are almost always perpetrated by people from within the diamond community." [KOSKOFF, p. 191] In 1990, the Jerusalem Post, paraphrasing the Los Angeles County Sheriff, Sherman Block (also Jewish), noted that "Los Angeles' small but potent 'Israeli mafia’ has spread across America, graduating in the last two decades from extorting poor Jews – often concentration camp survivors – to major drug-dealing and fraud schemes against the rich … Cocaine is the favored product of the mafia's drug dealing, and their clients tend to be affluent people who demand the highest quality." [DERFNER, 9-9-90, ONLINE]

U.S. Federal agents have identified, says Kapit, what it calls "the Cocaine Triangle. Its sides are: Colombian drug barons, Israeli-Jewish money launderers, and Jewish-Russian mafiosos … You need only look at the list of arrests and indictments of the past three years in order to grasp the enormous scope of Israeli involvement in the field." [KAPIT, p. 3] There are numerous murky criminal interfaces between these Israeli drug dealers, the so-called "Russian" mafia, and some of the most pious Jewish Orthodox religious circles. The link between Israeli weapons dealing and South American underworld organizations is also deep. In 1988, for example, an Israeli paramilitary training company called "Spearhead," directed by a former senior army officer, Yair Klein, was hired to train members of a drug cartel in Colombia. Klein was eventually fined all of $13,000 by Israeli authorities for "exporting defense know-how not covered in his permit." [HIRSCHBERG, p. 13] In 1990 the Jewish Week reported that "three United States officials were in Israel … investigating possible Israeli connections to the Colombian drug cartel" and that earlier NBC had reported that "Israeli reserve officers…. [were providing] military training to drug-cartel gunmen." [GOLBERG, A, p. 51]"

e12a3a (55)  No.2567968>>2568497 >>2569716


Once this This gets gone once

>Law creation & enforcement

per >>2552846

Then the drug trade/mafia goes away. If we adopt Portugal's system of regulating drugs, the problem goes away for the forseeable future, as well.

e12a3a (55)  No.2567982

File (hide): 84a97dd520f9095⋯.jpg (142.17 KB, 1420x945, 284:189, FUCK THE FED DJT and ANDRE….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 573e30c558b59d5⋯.png (1.03 MB, 851x592, 23:16, GTFO KIKE 01.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): e647ffabd31294c⋯.png (636.37 KB, 525x569, 525:569, ISRAEL IS POZZED LOL 02.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 9a931212677dbda⋯.png (123.59 KB, 640x640, 1:1, ISRAEL IS POZZED LOL 03.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): ae11aa948efad18⋯.png (62.91 KB, 292x362, 146:181, SOON.png) (h) (u)

3787af (227)  No.2568497>>2569356


You might be right, I don't know how to fix the issue, not enough knowledge on how the whole industry works (I am a civilian, don't have insider info).

But notice, Portugal has a lot of drug shit going on, not as massive as the US, but still, a lot.

I heard that the decriminalization of drug use there helped reduce heroin consumption (can't remember sauce, I think it was a Ted talk).

Keeping in mind that drug trafficking is a big part of the cabal revenue, I think it would be smart to:


Get law & order fixed like you said (and getting rid of judaism and synagogues WILL help that, has the drug money laundering as a lot of religious jews involved in it, as we've proven);


Legalize as much of the drug trade as possible, but in a way that makes sense as to not incite consumption (the objective is to take away the cabal's profits from illegal drug trade). The guy from anonymous conservative blog proposes: "Legalize drugs, let the government distribute them, but mix in sterilants so druggies can’t have children, and devote all the War on Drugs money to treatment options for those who decide to seek it. Give the profits as tax cuts and economic stimulus."

I have no idea if that is a good idea.

3565fe (9)  No.2568575>>2569311 >>2569360 >>2569472 >>2569767 >>2580186 >>2699707


Edom is a canaanite nation. At least critically research the copy pasta you bring.

Edom - Wikipedia

https://en.m.wikipedia.org › wiki › Edom

Some of them according to the bible were converted and joined the israeli tribes.

Also I know many jews who are against the muslim imgration to europe and who hate soros and other people including jews who act like him. Does this make them non jews? Or does opposing to these criminals gives you the right to put them in the same identity group as those criminals?

Your insist on identity group politics labels your whole thread as antisemitic and just another shill attempt to label the q movement "anti jewish". Why say "joos"? Talk about specific jews or specific other people instead, it will give more seriousness and validity to your discussion.

3787af (227)  No.2569311>>2569360 >>2569767

File (hide): 6202190313a6081⋯.png (38.59 KB, 1231x371, 1231:371, Judaism_islam_banned_from_….PNG) (h) (u)



According to French rabbi Rav Touitou:


Try harder :)

>Also I know many jews who are against the muslim imgration to europe and who hate soros and other people including jews who act like him. Does this make them non jews? Or does opposing to these criminals gives you the right to put them in the same identity group as those criminals?

Read this post before you cry yourself to sleep tonight: >>2409189

I will repost the part important to you in pic related 1.

I don't care about someone being a racial jew, as long as they are for the banning of islam, judaism, zionism, dual-citizenship politicians and jewish interest groups from the West.

>Talk about specific jews

Only when ALL jewish interest groups and "hate-speech" laws get done with in the West, until jews use GROUP tactics to help themselves against all other groups, they get treated as a GROUP.

From the book "When Victims Rule":

"There are plenty of people of Jewish descent who do not support Israel, who are not wealthy slumlords, who are not racist, and who exhibit in all spheres the solidest of moral character. But where are they when the Collective Jewish Body speaks, acts, and oppresses in their name? If the Jewish community dictates a “community of fate” by bloodline, surely all those of even partial Jewish heritage have a stake in raising critical voices against the steamroller that claims them."

"Modern Jewish identity has become a collective aggression, a collective demand, a collective accusation, a collective insistence upon continued, never-ending reparation and further power. As the old saying goes, there are two sides to every story -- but the non-Jewish side of history (in its interaction with Jews) is afforded absolutely no forum anywhere in popular culture."

"In the long term, endlessly one-sided “victim” assaults upon alleged oppressors are not healthy solutions to interethnic tensions. True resolvement, true health, is a dialogue, an exchange, and exploration of mutual prejudices (and the reasons for them), and a willingness to be drawn to sympathy for the others’ side -- not merely consistent concession to one group’s accusation and demand."


Try harder, your attempts at downplaying jewish GROUP subversion will only increase the backlash against you Israel and jews first traitors :)

e12a3a (55)  No.2569356>>2569388 >>2586423

File (hide): 5fa1cbced6fe956⋯.jpg (100.75 KB, 1420x1963, 1420:1963, PEPE in control.jpg) (h) (u)


I started outlining how to address the (((problem))) here: >>2552846

Re: drug problem - If you take a look at how Portugal deals with it, it's working 10x better than here.

There's a lot of studies showing treating it as a medical problem (one that requires incarceration IMO) works a lot better than treating it as a law enforcement problem. Jail is effectively the exact opposite of rehab (REAL rehab, where the root or the problem is addressed. This may involve drugs which are currently schedule 1 in the USA such as Ibogaine, read a bit about Ibogain Clinics and then wonder why it's illegal to have them in the USA https://duckduckgo.com/?q=ibogaine+clinic&kp=-1&t=lxle&ia=web ).

It's ultimately also going to require eliminating policing for profit and the penitentiary-industrial complex. Private prisons and financial penalties for anything other than victim compensation lead to perverse incentives, both of which have been instrumental in getting us to this point.

3787af (227)  No.2569360>>2569767 >>2570804

File (hide): 7da5847615d6961⋯.png (50.27 KB, 919x549, 919:549, Jew_Vote.PNG) (h) (u)

File (hide): b105cc1b0b93efc⋯.png (39.03 KB, 673x371, 673:371, Jew_Vote_Obama.PNG) (h) (u)



And a bonus :)

As long as jews act as a GROUP, they get treated like a GROUP, unless they are for the banning of islam, judaism, zionism, dual-citizenship politicians and jewish interest groups from the West.

3787af (227)  No.2569388


Good point.

I saw some stuff about Ibogaine and its a real miracle cure for opiate addicts, there are A LOT of people saying that.

>Private prisions

That shit is ridiculous, they use the convicted as slave labour, off course they will try to bribe judges to put everyone they can in jail, needs to be fixed.

b9722d (2)  No.2569472>>2570804


Hypothetically, if 99% of Jews admitted to being criminals, would you put all Jews in the same identity group as criminals? 75%? What about 99.999999%? Where do you draw the line? How can you not see that this whole pro individualism anti-generalization 'everyone is the same and equal' 'don't judge a person by x' 'race is not real' line of thinking and policies that have been pushed in the West so hard is a powerful weapon that is being used against humanity and was one of the factors that led to our current situation? Without any exaggeration, the entire world is enslaved, we're in a dystopian nightmare with horrors going on around us beyond comprehension and you're here worrying about not offending someone and following your utterly insane egalitarian principles. You don't get to make compromises at this point, you use every measure there is at any cost.

Several hundreds(!!!!!) expulsions throughout the world. Entire world war. Jesus' words. And on and on and on…Nothing matters to the blind.

ba1039 (8)  No.2569529>>2569716 >>2569723 >>2569871

Question for all of you:

Do you think Q and POTUS are ever going to touch the JQ?

I'm fully woke, and I realize Western civilization is in mortal danger. The final genocide of white people everywhere is in full progress (orchestrated by Jews), and there is little to no real resistance. Even the heavily demonized "nationalist" parties are merely controlled opposition that talk in circles, make compromises instead of suggesting effective action, and ALWAYS MAKE SURE TO STEER CLEAR OF EVER BRINGING UP THE JQ.

The tiny real resistance that exists has been pushed back to the dankest corners of the internet, and even that sanctuary is soon gone the way things are going.

I believe in Q and POTUS because they quite literally represent our last chance of survival as a race. If it turns out this was a Jew driven psyop all along, then I don't see how we have any hope.

In my estimation there's unfortunately a less than 10 % chance the Q movement is really about bringing down the Jewish threat. I say so because I can see many more signs Q and POTUS are Jew friendly than the other way around. I'm still hoping, but it doesn't look good…


e12a3a (55)  No.2569716>>2569737 >>2570014 >>2570285


>Do you think Q and POTUS are ever going to touch the JQ?

Q referenced Israel (saving Israel for last), so it's logical that something is going to be done about their being a base for Cabal Central and all this evil.

But no, they can never address it directly. The propaganda campaign is several generations deep, contains a yuge amount of fake history, and will take at least two generations to unwind the conditioning and fake history>>2567968

(muh holocaust). Most heavily propagandized are the Jews themselves, they must believe the lies at all costs, or their world literally falls to pieces.

Best I think we can hope for is the machine gets mostly dismantled, and Israel is brought to heel as a client state of the US.

I proposed attacking the problem here >>2552846 and attacking another part of the problem here >>2567968

3787af (227)  No.2569723

File (hide): aca99b4ee9d2023⋯.png (281.45 KB, 1611x985, 1611:985, Trump_OurGuy_2.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 4e6b078f07e5bb5⋯.png (1.49 MB, 2616x1248, 109:52, Trump_OurGuy.png) (h) (u)


Neither Q nor Trump can touch the JQ (I call it jewish supremacism issue because I think its more accurate), that would be a vector of attack on Q and Trump to exploitable by the jewish supremacists. What they are doing thou, is giving the people who are wise about it to be able to educate the general public about, using the Q board as a platform (keep in mind, Q board and Q is about more than the JSI, but the opportunity to educate gen pub about it is part of what the Q thing IMHO).

>I believe in Q and POTUS because they quite literally represent our last chance of survival as a race.

I agree.

>If it turns out this was a Jew driven psyop all along, then I don't see how we have any hope.

I don't think it is, but if it was, then war would be unavoidable. Time will tell, but I have faith that we will fix the issue peacefully by educating the general public on the JSI.

>In my estimation there's unfortunately a less than 10 % chance the Q movement is really about bringing down the Jewish threat.

They can't do it by themselves, only and educated general public can do that, and the Q platform allows the education of the gen pub about the issue to happen.

>I say so because I can see many more signs Q and POTUS are Jew friendly than the other way around.

They can't broach the subject directly, but they give people who are jwoke the platform to educate the gen pub on the facts about it.

e12a3a (55)  No.2569737>>2574700



>Best I think we can hope for is the machine gets mostly dismantled, and Israel is brought to heel as a client state of the US.

Meant to say: best I think we can hope for during Trump's presidency

3787af (227)  No.2569767>>2570804 >>2571641

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.




According to French rabbi Rav Touitou, Edom includes the Western civilization and Christianity.

e12a3a (55)  No.2569871>>2570335

File (hide): d91b81702fceced⋯.png (666.23 KB, 798x600, 133:100, FUCK THE FED 01.png) (h) (u)


Also, there's a very good possibility that once the families that caused all this are neutralized (by any means convenient and expeditable), their fortunes are seized and liquidated, and debt-based private central banking is eliminated, that all of this fuckery falls apart organically.

This shit is expensive, you simply can't keep it going without a literally astronomical pile of productive assets to fund it (as in quadrillions of dollars).

ba1039 (8)  No.2570014

ba1039 (8)  No.2570285>>2570326 >>2570361 >>2570677 >>2570922


I know it's hard to unwind this shit quickly, but do we really HAVE two more generations to do it slowly? I fear not…

An incredible amount of damage has been done already, and unless we start to reverse it very soon I don't see how minor victories even matter in the long run.

The US would have been a purely white nation (with a tiny mixture of native American) if Jews hadn't made sure to import first negro slaves, then more recently all the other ethnicities. But now the demographic shift is unstoppable - whites aren't having enough children, and the influx plus high fertility of non-whites guarantee that whites will be a minority in the future.

Europe was safe until very recently, but now it has been sabotaged too, and will meet the same fate.

This could still be reversed if we took serious defensive measures NOW! This would include enlightening our populations by taking over the media and force feeding them red pills 24/7, and deporting both Jews and their pets, then installing policies to increase our own fertility rate. Getting rid of a century of anti-family Jew indoctrination.

Every year we wait, the situation gets worse! I live in Sweden, a nation of 10 million people (even though 2 of them are immigrants who entered the last decades). Every year Sweden takes in another 100,000 Muslims and blacks. like clockwork, with no end in sight. The population of Swedes is in terminal decline, and the immigrant population is ballooning.

I never saw a single non-European immigrant in my childhood, but when I'm an old man Swedes are going to be the minority in their own former nation. They're well on the way to become a minority among young people already. That's how quickly an entire civilization can be destroyed.

Once whites no longer have any nation to call home, their continued existence on this planet is doomed, and the civilization they created goes away with them.

In the end the planet will be populated by masses of brown people, ruled over by Jews. The ONLY way a different future can be created, is if we start defending ourselves and stop the ongoing genocide against us NOW, not if we take two more generations to wake up our people.

Even if Q and POTUS are indeed trying to save us, I fear it's simply too little to late. Please prove me wrong!

3787af (227)  No.2570326>>2570361 >>2570373


We need to inform the general pop on jewish subversion, once that happens, jewish supremacism is going to get destroyed because people will SCREAM for the removal of jewish subversive elements.

After that is done, the demographic issue is indeed the most important issue to fix, otherwise in 2 or 3 generations, the Western civilization will be gone.

ba1039 (8)  No.2570335>>2571022


Well, you do have a point there - if Q and POTUS manage to cut off the head of the beast, then it should all fall apart organically as you say.

Let's just hope that's enough, and there's still enough SPIRIT left in our brain washed and cucked and emasculated and degraded people to lift themselves to strength once more.

3787af (227)  No.2570361>>2570396



The 1965 Immigration act needs to be destroyed.

Then, fair deportation policies need to be put in place (for example, if a non-White makes a felony, he gets deported to somewhere else, if not possible, he gets sterilized, if not possible, death penalty).

And this is not racist at all, its about preserving the White race, which deserves to exist as much as the other races, and needs to fix the demographic issue in order to survive. Mexico has in its constitution that Mexicans can NEVER become a minority, we need the same in Western nations.

ba1039 (8)  No.2570373


>We need to inform the general pop on jewish subversion, once that happens, jewish supremacism is going to get destroyed because people will SCREAM for the removal of jewish subversive elements.

So far, the population is only screaming when you try to inform them though. That's the major reason I'm feeling so pessimistic - my people fights on the enemy's side and will lynch anyone who tries to fight to save them.

3787af (227)  No.2570396>>2570530


Also keep in mind, if everything else fails, just wait for a SHTF scenario, if SHTF happens, racial and religious division and war are inevitable, but I hope it doesn't need to get to that, I have faith that we will be able to fix the issues peacefully thru education and dialogue, as long as the truth is not suppressed and no political correctness bullshit is enforced in said dialogue (Whites have a right to exist, and the Western nations are White people homes, we need to assure the biological continuation of the White people).

ba1039 (8)  No.2570530


Yeah, there's always the chance we get "saved by the bell", so to speak

If the global economy crashes completely, BEFORE the immigrants have overwhelmed our numbers, then we would have a hope of winning the inevitable civil wars of ethnic cleansing that will follow. It would need to happen very soon though, because the population of young Muslim males is increasing at an alarming rate, and they are very tribal and often armed, whereas young European men are wimpy and spoiled and lack any tendency to band together. The Muslims are training street warfare as we speak, while the defending team is playing video games.

Whites might still win if they get forced to fight, just because of the IQ advantage. I'm not praying for this scenario though, because it would really suck. We would perhaps survive as a race, but at the cost of most of us dying horribly from starvation, and losing all we built the last thousand years.

Still, it's better than going extinct.

e12a3a (55)  No.2570677

File (hide): ade6fbe5ea01d4f⋯.jpg (4.09 MB, 3063x4430, 3063:4430, THOR 01.jpg) (h) (u)


>I know it's hard to unwind this shit quickly, but do we really HAVE two more generations to do it slowly? I fear not…

A great deal of it will be unwound quickly if money creation is returned to nation state treasuries and removed from private central banks. A great deal more will unwind quickly if the families that have been engaged in this evil are neutralized and their assets seized and liquidated. This sort of fuckery requires money power. Take away that, and there's a good chance it all falls apart organically.

>An incredible amount of damage has been done already, and unless we start to reverse it very soon I don't see how minor victories even matter in the long run.

Have faith. See above ^

>The US would have been a purely white nation (with a tiny mixture of native American) if Jews hadn't made sure to import first negro slaves, then more recently all the other ethnicities. But now the demographic shift is unstoppable - whites aren't having enough children, and the influx plus high fertility of non-whites guarantee that whites will be a minority in the future.

Repeal the 1965 immigration act, rule that birthright citizenship was a misreading of The Constitution and make them all apply for citizenship, and get rid of federal and state welfare (return control of welfare to the county level). Watch them fuck off back to where they came from.

Going forward, require integration and naturalization of immigrants on pain of deportation. No welfare for 10 years. No voting two generations. You get the idea.

>Europe was safe until very recently, but now it has been sabotaged too, and will meet the same fate.

Europe will be way worse than here. Stop trying to save everybody. The only real sin in life is to turn from the truth. Fuck 'em.

>This could still be reversed if we took serious defensive measures NOW! This would include enlightening our populations by taking over the media and force feeding them red pills 24/7, and deporting both Jews and their pets, then installing policies to increase our own fertility rate. Getting rid of a century of anti-family Jew indoctrination.

If they MMGA (Make Mexico Great Again) a lot of them will leave. Also, remove gibs, they self-deport.

>Every year we wait, the situation gets worse! I live in Sweden, a nation of 10 million people (even though 2 of them are immigrants who entered the last decades). Every year Sweden takes in another 100,000 Muslims and blacks. like clockwork, with no end in sight. The population of Swedes is in terminal decline, and the immigrant population is ballooning.

You had better start learning how to make weapons and how to use them.

>I never saw a single non-European immigrant in my childhood, but when I'm an old man Swedes are going to be the minority in their own former nation. They're well on the way to become a minority among young people already. That's how quickly an entire civilization can be destroyed.

>Once whites no longer have any nation to call home, their continued existence on this planet is doomed, and the civilization they created goes away with them.

Whites are really nice until they aren't. The reason we wait so long is when we finally do chimp out, we have a tendency to wage war for 100's of years and/or burn down entire continents.

>In the end the planet will be populated by masses of brown people, ruled over by Jews. The ONLY way a different future can be created, is if we start defending ourselves and stop the ongoing genocide against us NOW, not if we take two more generations to wake up our people.

Again, get rid of money power. Start arming up now. Find a small group of men you can trust. Don't try and get too big, but encourage other men to form squad-sized cells. This way (((they))) have to infiltrate tens or hundreds of thousands of cells. They don't have the manpower, and they are getting assaulted on all fronts.

>Even if Q and POTUS are indeed trying to save us, I fear it's simply too little to late. Please prove me wrong!

I can't prove anything, all I can do is present facts and logical thinking about them.

You need to remember what it was to "go a viking". Viking wasn't really a noun, it was a verb.

Ragnarok commar.

305422 (1)  No.2570804>>2571072 >>2571276




Right… So if a rabbi says something it means it is true and fuck logical thinking or digging for yourself.

Also you say that 99% of jews are criminals. Than trump should be considered a traitor as his daughter is converted and married to a jew + he has many jewish advisors.

You are the same as soros with your group politics. Btw you are pushing the same with "whites". Who the fuck are you to say that us russians are the same as brits? You are creating your own imaginary identities game and playing it.

Political correctness must be stopped, forced "multiculturalism" must be stopped but it means letting people determin their own fates, and stop the endless identity bullshit. Your "whites" are more diverse than you think, so are "jews" and "blacks". Let the people decide how they want to live. You really are out of touch if you think all jews are the same "tribe" or that all "whites" are the same. Its almost as if you play the same soros broken records, and the $$$ you get for doing it sure smell bad.

e12a3a (55)  No.2570922>>2571596

File (hide): 7e58ad196d95714⋯.png (145.98 KB, 640x616, 80:77, PEPE punch you inna face.png) (h) (u)


ANNNND another thing. You think Sweden and Europe have it bad? The fucking South Africans are outnumbered 10:1 and THEY AREN'T COMPLAINING, THEY ARE GETTING READY TO DO WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE https://8ch.net/boers/catalog.html

You should lurk there and see what you can learn.

Stop being a pussy. Learn some chemistry, get a deer rifle (you can get those there, right?), learn to shoot long distance (for shooting deer & other game, of course), learn to reload ammo, make some friends, lift some weights, practice hand to hand combat, what the fuck.

I'm an old guy (50+) and I do all of this, unless you are 20 years older than me you have no fucking excuse not to do these things and your bloodline deserves to be extinguished.

Do you want a spot in Valhalla, or don't you?!

Ragnarok commer.

e12a3a (55)  No.2571022


If the Boers can keep up their spirits, what the fuck excuse does the rest of the Western world have? https://8ch.net/boers/catalog.html

3787af (227)  No.2571072>>2571505

File (hide): 842d10004e315d2⋯.jpg (74.04 KB, 720x480, 3:2, Chosen_People_3.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): fb51a75c932b227⋯.jpg (148.29 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, Chosen_People_2.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 8b58ab36d752ed9⋯.jpg (84.68 KB, 960x640, 3:2, Chosen_People.jpg) (h) (u)


>If a rabbi says

Rabbis will cease to exist in the West, just like imans, both judaism and islam are going to be banned from the West. Even if that rabbi is wrong, he is pushing for the islamization of the West, along with THOUSANDS of other rabbis (see here: >>2562851 ).

If you want islam or judaism, then GTFO of the West, because both are supremacist ideologies which have no place in the West.

>You say that 99% of jews are criminals

Never said that, show me the post where I did, pilpul using Israel first traitor. Although MANY religious jews are criminals, thats a fact, read: >>2563196

>Than trump should be considered a traitor as his daughter is converted and married to a jew + he has many jewish advisors.

Read this again traitor: >>2409189

Quote from post:

">Invididuals, groups and ideologies:

Does the information above make every every muslim or religious jew a bad person? No.

Does the fact that there exist good people who are muslims or religious jews makes judaism or islam less of an ideological threat to Western civilization (Christian Western culture)? No.


There will come a time in the near future where every muslim and religious jew (be it a racial jew or non-jew) living in the West will have to choose between keep supporting an ideology which promotes supremacism and genital mutilation, or living in the West.

If they prefer being a religious jew or muslim better than supporting a sustainably safe and stable West, then great for them, GTFO of the West then."

Try harder traitor :)

>You are the same as soros with your group politics. Btw you are pushing the same with "whites". Who the fuck are you to say that us russians are the same as brits? You are creating your own imaginary identities game and playing it.

Until jews keep acting like a GROUP in the West, we need to attack them as a group, while leaving our ranks open to racial jews that are against zionism, judaism and islam as well ALL jewish interest groups.

Also, I see you deny the existence of the White race, you will die soon if you remain in the West spewing that shit (not a threat, just a statement of fact). You sound like the typical genocidal Israeli piece of shit who claims Palestine never existed. We are going to fuck your shit up traitor :)

>Political correctness must be stopped, forced "multiculturalism" must be stopped but it means letting people determin their own fates, and stop the endless identity bullshit.

White people have a right to be proud of their race, just like every race should be proud of theirs. Stop being subversive, you sound like the traitor Jordan Peterson (read here: >>2396414 ).

>Let the people decide how they want to live.

And for that to be able to happen, judaism, islam, jewish interest groups and dual-citizenship politicians need to be done with in the West.

>You really are out of touch if you think all jews are the same "tribe" or that all "whites" are the same. Its almost as if you play the same soros broken records, and the $$$ you get for doing it sure smell bad.

Jews do act like a group, their religion IS supremacist. Like I said, I have no problem with racial jews that are against judaism, islam, zionism and jewish interest groups. All others are subversive, either they know it or not.












b9722d (2)  No.2571276


>Also you say that 99% of jews are criminals.

Wow, this is hopeless.

3565fe (9)  No.2571505>>2571641 >>2571660


Dual citizenship politicians should be banned.

Jews are much more diverse than you think. You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about, just like believing the rabbi that said edom = european christians. I want a sauce for this btw. Use your god damn mind.

As for the trump comment and all joos are bad. It was directed to others i replied to with this post. You are quite a low iq individual are you?

You think that "palestine" was ever a state? You are really dumb, maxine level dumb. There were arabs there ever since the Mameluk conquests in the early middle ages, but there were also jews there even after the roman exile. The arab presence was small up untill the ottoman empire decided to bring workers from other parts of the empire to that piece of land (read about it). the PLA organization is a cabal puppet designed to prolong the conflict for profit. Their leaders are multi millionairs. Learn to think shill. Copypasta interferes with thinking.

As for being proud of your "race". Whites are not a race, just like blacks are not a race. Do you need muh race to feel proud so your little fragile feelings wont get hurt? The q movement is about individual freedom and patriots can come from all ethnicities. You can be proud of your culture but race? Lol

Only weak minded low iq individuals need to invent identity groups such as "race" to feel good about themselves. The russian culture has nithing to do with british, yet you consider us "white". Senegalese has nothing to do with somalis yet you call them "black". "Karaim jews" who denounce rabbinic judaism have notjing to do with rabinic jews, yet you call all of them jews.

Be proud of yourself, of what you achieved, of your fight for freedom, be proud of your culture, but why the hell would you need to create groups based loosely on ethnicities to feel proud of something? Is your life that empty? Is your culture that empty? Thats pathetic.

How different is this from the "black pride" that we are all against? Same bullshit that has no place on our world.

Here are some crumbs about a puppet who used to say similar things about "races":

Q post #939

>So Hitler was a puppet of the controlling >families of the NWO?

Q post #142

>What happened during WWII?

>Was Hitler a puppet?

>Who was his handler?

>What was the purpose?

>What was the real purpose of the war?

Q post #936

>The Nazi order.

>NWO [N does not refer to “New”].

Q post #938

>N does not refer to Nazi.

>The continued Nazi ideology is relevant.

>Events will clarify.

>Think subgroup

divide you try fail you will

ba1039 (8)  No.2571596


>Stop being a pussy.

Thanks for the advice I suppose. I'll think about it.

3787af (227)  No.2571641>>2590124

File (hide): 6c1efb705407391⋯.jpg (171.21 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, Palestine_2.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 4e0169c2791eebc⋯.jpg (163.97 KB, 766x1024, 383:512, Palestine.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 34d590aa0b1e1b5⋯.png (141.12 KB, 935x658, 935:658, Israel_DNA_Tests.PNG) (h) (u)

File (hide): ee40d2dc2dd6cd4⋯.png (278.63 KB, 997x682, 997:682, Jewish_DNA.PNG) (h) (u)

File (hide): b261300ec3a5520⋯.png (325.48 KB, 654x684, 109:114, Jews_Are_A_Race.PNG) (h) (u)


>Jews are much more diverse than you think.

Does not make judaism any less of a supremacist ideology which has no place in the West.

>You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about, just like believing the rabbi that said edom = european christians. I want a sauce for this btw. Use your god damn mind.

Sauce is here retard, learn to use the site: >>2569767

>As for the trump comment and all joos are bad. It was directed to others i replied to with this post. You are quite a low iq individual are you?

You are the low iq one, replying to me when you wanted to reply to another person. Typical of Israel first traitors, you're all stupid as shit :)

>You think that "palestine" was ever a state? You are really dumb, maxine level dumb. There were arabs there ever since the Mameluk conquests in the early middle ages, but there were also jews there even after the roman exile. The arab presence was small up untill the ottoman empire decided to bring workers from other parts of the empire to that piece of land (read about it). the PLA organization is a cabal puppet designed to prolong the conflict for profit. Their leaders are multi millionairs. Learn to think shill. Copypasta interferes with thinking.

Israel is going to get wiped of the map once the gen pop know about Israel supporting ISIS and DEMAND that the aid to Israel gets cut. Enjoy the pics related :)

>s for being proud of your "race". Whites are not a race, just like blacks are not a race. Do you need muh race to feel proud so your little fragile feelings wont get hurt? The q movement is about individual freedom and patriots can come from all ethnicities. You can be proud of your culture but race? Lol

Lol, race is not real? You sound like the typical progressive. Pics 3, 4 and 5 for you :)

>Only weak minded low iq individuals need to invent identity groups such as "race" to feel good about themselves. The russian culture has nithing to do with british, yet you consider us "white". Senegalese has nothing to do with somalis yet you call them "black". "Karaim jews" who denounce rabbinic judaism have notjing to do with rabinic jews, yet you call all of them jews.

Lol, so you claim that genetics are not real, and humans being tribal is not real? Lol, you Israel first traitors are more retarded than you look :)

>Be proud of yourself, of what you achieved, of your fight for freedom, be proud of your culture, but why the hell would you need to create groups based loosely on ethnicities to feel proud of something? Is your life that empty? Is your culture that empty? Thats pathetic.

Individualism only works when others are not teaming up against you.

>How different is this from the "black pride" that we are all against? Same bullshit that has no place on our world.

Blacks should be proud of being Black, Whites of being White, and Asians of being Asians. You want the same shit that progressives and jews want: that people get into miscegenation so they genocide their own races. Won't happen :)

3787af (227)  No.2571660>>2571666 >>2571883 >>2572039 >>2580242 >>2735345

File (hide): 7d0c57c71708369⋯.png (3.88 KB, 252x84, 3:1, 1_Q_Hilter.PNG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 01add1ac34db737⋯.jpg (1.05 MB, 1839x1477, 1839:1477, 3_Rothschild_Plan_To_Rule_….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 73ab41c97677ace⋯.jpg (293.04 KB, 492x934, 246:467, 4_Rothschild_Plan_To_Rule_….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): c39f81ca4158205⋯.png (126.54 KB, 1147x637, 1147:637, 5_Haavara_Agreement.PNG) (h) (u)


>Hitler was a puppet

You are stating that as an affirmation without any kind of source for it.

Q never made such a statement, what he did thou was ask some questions pertaining to Hitler. Lets have a look at them and then I will give you my view on the matter. We can find the drops by Qanon in this site: https://qanon.pub/

By putting the search term “Hitler” on the search box, we find 3 crumbs. Lets focus on this part of the 1st crumb that references Hitler, the crumb number 142 dropped on Nov 12 2017:

What happened during WWII?

Was Hitler a puppet?

Who was his handler?

What was the purpose?

What was the real purpose of the war?

Pic related 1.


>What happened during WWII?

-Among other things, Hitler tried to MGGA and jewish supremacists declared war on him via boycotts in 1933. Pic related 2.

-They used their international influence via boycotts to shaft Hitler into agreeing to get their little ME colony in Palestine (which was being planned since at least 1851, pics related 3 and 4 ) via Haavara Agreement (pic related 5), because Hitler didn't want the German economy to get more damage due to the boycotts.



3787af (227)  No.2571666>>2571682 >>2571883 >>2572039 >>2580242 >>2735345

File (hide): 2de4219da946bed⋯.png (210.99 KB, 875x696, 875:696, 1_Rothschild_Hitler_Financ….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): e5ed7fdef27632e⋯.png (259.8 KB, 1680x1998, 280:333, 2_Hitler_Finance.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 963e6a6310df204⋯.png (961.95 KB, 1348x2760, 337:690, 3_Slander_Against_Hitler_J….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 5d75affff7d16ce⋯.png (235.2 KB, 1902x1220, 951:610, 4_Hitler_Final_Statment.png) (h) (u)



>Was Hitler a puppet?

-In my opinion, if he was, he was an unwilling one, who got pushed into war because the jewish supremacists/zionists (Rothschild and company, including Theodor Herzl) wanted to create the Israel colony in Palestine and needed a WW2 and massive jewish prosecution (holocaust, real or faked) in order to sell the idea of moving to Israel to all the jews.


>Who was his handler?

-I have no idea, was there one? There are some that claim that Hitler took money from the Rothschild in exchange for having an aggressive foreign policy, (pic related 1). If that was the case, then I think we could call the Rothschild their handler, and also, if he indeed took money from the Rothschild, I think he took the money and then just jewed them and tried to MGGA as peacefully as possible (pic related here 2 ), which then lead the jewish supremacists to use their global influence in a manner that pushed Hilter into war, just like they wanted and needed.


>What was the purpose?

-Of Hitler bringing the fight to the jewish supremacists and their central banking racket? Or the handler?

<<Of Hitler bringing the fight to the jewish supremacists and their central banking racket?

-To free his people from the bondage of the jewish supremacists, like we are doing today.

<<Or the handler?

-If we believe that Hitler took money from the Rotschild and thus consider the Rothschild to be Hitler’s handlers, then the creation of Israel was the main goal of the handler.


>What was the real purpose of the war?

-For the Rothschild, obviously to get their little ME colony named Israel.

-Hitler, from what I get from my research into him, WW2, WW1 and National Socialism was merely defending his people and trying to solve the issues as peacefully as he could, but jewish supremacists started the war against Germany with the boycotts and from there constantly used their international influence to nudge Germany into war.


I leave you now with a collection of quotes (one of which from JFK, who praises Hitler as one of the greatest men to ever live) in pic related 3.

I also suggest people read Hitler’s last statement in pic 4 and then watch this documentary on his biography and WW2: https://thegreateststorynevertold.tv/portfolio/part-1-adolf-hitlers-childhood/

So was Hitler a plant and a willing part of the jewish supremacist cabal against the West and all the goyim? I do not think so, given my research and analysis on the issue, although I am always open to a change of mind in the face of new data. At the end of the day, I do think Hitler was a great man who tried to free his people from the bondage of the jewish supremacists and their central banking racket, and if he was indeed a willing puppet, then shame on him. I am not a National Socialist nor do I think that National Socialism is the answer to our problems in this day and age, and if Hitler was indeed an honest to God opponent to the jewish supremacists and not a willing puppet (like I am inclined to believe he was not), then he was just another man fighting the same enemies we are fighting today, jewish supremacists and traitors of his nation.




3787af (227)  No.2571682>>2571896 >>2735345 >>3029030 >>3546454

File (hide): 77d3725d99536ba⋯.jpg (159.85 KB, 675x900, 3:4, Merchant_Truth.jpg) (h) (u)


And a bonus:


>Why Q chose /pol/?


>He got out of /pol/ because mods were comped. Where did he went?


>Who set up the /qresearch/?

An autist from /pol/.

>What is the most relevant characteristic of /pol/?

It has not succumbed to jewish subversion, although attacked each and every day.

>Why is this relevant?

Because jewish supremacism is at the center of the problem.

>Compare video of Trump that Q posted (here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2qIXXafxCQ ) with this video of compilation of Hitler speeches ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tv70Wln6H2Q ).

It’s the same enemy. Hitler fought the same enemies we are fighting now. Does not mean that National Socialism is the best answer to our modern day particular state of affairs.

>What is necessary for good to win?

That lies be destroyed.

>What is the biggest, most difficult lie to destroy (although there are many that are very hard to destroy because most won't accept them)?

That the official version of the Holocaust is a lie, and that Hitler was the “good guy” (he did the best he could with the situation he had to manage and he tried to fix it as peacefully as possible).

>If you were MI and you needed to create a huge platform for the autists to be able to communicate and explain that truth to a non-autist, non-chan user audience, how would you do it?

I would create a platform where autists and non-autists came into contact with one another, with as little censoring going on as possible (this is one of the things /qresearch/ is).

3565fe (9)  No.2571883>>2572039 >>2572153 >>2572182



Weak shilling. You failed to respind to the nwo and subgroup/nazi order crumbs. Plus there is this image (attached) that q posted.

The roths are so loyal to "their" people that they were ready to sacrifice million normie jewish "cattle" for their global causes. Yet you call them jews. For them all lower cast people are sheep. Those same "loyal" roths funded the israeli deep state and the new supreme court building, the same supreme court that has the approval of less than 20% of israelis.

Oh and I loved you earlier holocaust account of 6 million. Did it ever come to your low iq mind that if in the russian empire at the beginning of the 20th century there were 6 mil jews, lets say 4.5 were killed by the einsatz grouppen firing squads, and another 1.5 mil were western european jews who died in the camps, than you get approximately 6 mil total jews killed in the war?

If you think your nazi occult order was so "good", tell it to the millions of russians whos villages were burned with people inside. The russians got their revenge once they got to germany, even though they were relatively restrained.

3565fe (9)  No.2571896>>2572039


These are not q crumbs shill.

3565fe (9)  No.2571913>>2572039 >>2572051

Lets try again. This time answer everything shill.

Q post #939

>So Hitler was a puppet of the controlling >families of the NWO?

Q post #142

>What happened during WWII?

>Was Hitler a puppet?

>Who was his handler?

>What was the purpose?

>What was the real purpose of the war?

Q post #936

>The Nazi order.

>NWO [N does not refer to “New”].

Q post #938

>N does not refer to Nazi.

>The continued Nazi ideology is relevant.

>Events will clarify.

>Think subgroup

divide you try fail you will

3787af (227)  No.2572039>>2572182 >>2572236 >>2658563


I never claim to have all the answers, I just focused on what I had an informed opinion on.

>The roths are so loyal to "their" people that they were ready to sacrifice million normie jewish "cattle" for their global causes.

They suck, just like judaism does.

>Yet you call them jews. For them all lower cast people are sheep. Those same "loyal" roths funded the israeli deep state and the new supreme court building, the same supreme court that has the approval of less than 20% of israelis.

The fact that Rothschild are pieces of shit does not make judaism any less of a supremacist ideology which has no place in the West. Before the Rothschild, jews were already being racists and bigots to their goyim/cattle neighbors since the times of Abraham. This is a verifiable fact, read these:












>Oh and I loved you earlier holocaust account of 6 million. Did it ever come to your low iq mind that if in the russian empire at the beginning of the 20th century there were 6 mil jews, lets say 4.5 were killed by the einsatz grouppen firing squads, and another 1.5 mil were western european jews who died in the camps, than you get approximately 6 mil total jews killed in the war?

The point is exactly that, its all zionist propaganda, the 6 million number was always jewish propaganda, and its a verifiable facts that the official version of the holocaust is false :)


> If you think your nazi occult order was so "good", tell it to the millions of russians whos villages were burned with people inside. The russians got their revenge once they got to germany, even though they were relatively restrained.

Again, I never said I was a National Socialist (I am not), and I never said I agreed with all of it (I agree with some stuff, other parts no so much, including the Himmler occult bullshit).

I never said they were saints, and jewish communism killed more Russians than National Socialists ever did. Russians should had killed all jews once the partition of Poland in the 18th century happened, they never brought anything good to the world. Too bad that boat already sailed :)


Nope, they are questions lots of people make, and my opinion on them. I never claim they were Q crumbs.


I don't have all the answers, the informed ones I have, I posted them here: >>2571660 ; >>2571666

You can cry all you want, once the general public gets educated on the fact that judaism IS a supremacist ideology, they will want it banned as much as they want islam banned, and it will happen, either via education and politics, or war. Your choice :)

3787af (227)  No.2572051>>2572236

File (hide): e66d10c5c6bdf1b⋯.png (26.52 KB, 1243x161, 1243:161, Jews_did_not_practice_Usur….PNG) (h) (u)


Also speaking of division, have some information about jews always having been divisive, racist and bigoted.

Facts are facts :)

61361f (2)  No.2572153>>2572274

File (hide): e98ed68729a866c⋯.jpg (356.94 KB, 1271x1279, 1271:1279, sixmillion-34appearances.jpg) (h) (u)



Muh holocaust

Muh Soviets…yeah because they told the truth

Good goyim…stay stupid

3787af (227)  No.2572182>>2572274

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Have a video that explains why jews started their communist shit in Russia (the guy speaking is a jewish historian btw, Henry Makow).

3565fe (9)  No.2572236>>2572342



Go talk to any russian veteran or to people who actually were in nazi camps or in russian villages during the war if it is flase. You have no idea what youre talking about and your low iq pilpul doesnt work well.

How did you deduce that my artihmetic argument, THAT ACTUALLY SUPPORTS THE 6 MIL CASUALTIES, SOMEHOW DISMISSES IT?

as i said, a low iq argument by a low iq shill

How is it propaganda if the numbers are pkausible you moron?

6 mil total casualties = 4.5 casualties from russian territories (out of 6 mil jews who lived in the russian empire territories) + 1.5 mil killed jews from western europe (not part of the 6 mil that originally lived in the russian empire territories).

Meaning that aroun 1.5 mil out of the russian jews survived (if i am right with my calculation. Still dont understand the 5th grade math calculation shill?

Judaism isnt made equal just like christianity isnt made equal. Some religious jews treat talmud as an ancient and outdated book and take only ehat they want out of it, other sheep follow it and their rabbis blindly, others denounce the rabinic judaism entirely and chose their own judaism. There are also the karaim who believe only in the torah and denounce rabinic judaism, and you have secular jews and traditional jews. The secular dont give a shit about judaism, while some only follow the more family oriented traditions and holliday and more general traditions (fasting on yom kippur, kosher eating etc), traditional jews also keep the shabbat. Most secular jews dont follow any tradition other than hollidays and dont eat kosher.

In the US you have reform jews who are mostly leftists who created their own branch of judaism (mostly criticized by israelis as self hating soros puppet jews) and there are conservatives some of which are also leftists. Of course not all reformists are leftists but statustically most are.

3565fe (9)  No.2572274>>2572332 >>2572373



Oy vey muh "historian" lol

What makes him more credible than other historians? Lol

Many jews joined the communists as they were oppressed by the tzar and they were stupid enough to believe this shit will save the country and them- useful idiots. Others were just power hungry by years of opression as second class citizens.

Marx btw was born a reformist jew and of course expressed his hatred to the regressive normie religious jews and denounced his judaism.

61361f (2)  No.2572332>>2572436

File (hide): 944b4006a4a4d55⋯.png (206.77 KB, 700x467, 700:467, Judaismiscommunism.png) (h) (u)


He renounced his judaism for judaism

Good Goy…

3787af (227)  No.2572342>>2572436

File (hide): e5b8d17920d5daa⋯.jpg (266.13 KB, 823x1174, 823:1174, 6_million_number.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): f85a7bd4af56f8a⋯.jpg (291.1 KB, 1222x887, 1222:887, 6_million_number_WHY.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): aa0ba986f017744⋯.jpg (183.74 KB, 710x644, 355:322, Jews_Lie_About_Holocaust.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 5570067aa617d63⋯.jpg (120.07 KB, 759x1023, 23:31, Jews_Lie_About_Holocaust_2.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 66c193db0185805⋯.jpg (636.13 KB, 2446x921, 2446:921, Jews_Lie_About_Holocaust_3.jpg) (h) (u)


>Go talk to any russian veteran or to people who actually were in nazi camps

Yes, because every person claiming to have been on one is telling the truth :)

>How did you deduce that my artihmetic argument, THAT ACTUALLY SUPPORTS THE 6 MIL CASUALTIES, SOMEHOW DISMISSES IT?

The facts dismiss it, read and watch the material here: >>2395991 ; >>2396017 ; >>2396026 ; >>2396033 .

The holocaust claims that 6 million died in camps (Hildberg claims they were 5.2 million in is work "The Destruction of European Jews"), as per the fraudulent Nuremberg Trials. Try harder traitor :)

>Judaism isnt made equal just like christianity isnt made equal.

The very foundation of judaism IS supremacism, the concept of being chosen by God, read here: >>2409242


>Some religious jews treat talmud as an ancient and outdated book and take only ehat they want out of it, other sheep follow it and their rabbis blindly, others denounce the rabinic judaism entirely and chose their own judaism.

Does not make judaism any less of a supremacist ideology, like islam and its different interpretations.

>There are also the karaim who believe only in the torah and denounce rabinic judaism, and you have secular jews and traditional jews.

Torah explicitly claims jews are chosen by God in the very first book, Genesis. Even if you reject the Talmud, judaism is still supremacist, that is a fact.

>The secular dont give a shit about judaism, while some only follow the more family oriented traditions and holliday and more general traditions (fasting on yom kippur, kosher eating etc), traditional jews also keep the shabbat. Most secular jews dont follow any tradition other than hollidays and dont eat kosher.

Irrelevant, as kosher/halal meat is going to be banned, along with religiously motivated genital mutilation (circumcision). If you want judaism or islam, GTFO of the West :)

>In the US you have reform jews who are mostly leftists who created their own branch of judaism (mostly criticized by israelis as self hating soros puppet jews) and there are conservatives some of which are also leftists. Of course not all reformists are leftists but statustically most are.

Irrelevant, judaism is going to be banned along with islam, it has no place in the West because it is supremacist no matter how you try to spin it. We as Western people can choose to reform Christianity if we choose to do so, but if you want judaism or islam, you're going to have to GTFO of the West. Deal with it :)

3787af (227)  No.2572373>>2572436


>What makes him more credible than other historians?

The fact that he is talking about verifiable facts.

>Many jews joined the communists as they were oppressed by the tzar

Jews created, financed and filled the ranks of communism at its inception. This is a verifiable fact. And the czar tred to fix shit with jews peacefully, but jews were greedy parasites who refused to try to be nice. He should have killed them all, would save us many headaches.

>Marx btw was born a reformist jew and of course expressed his hatred to the regressive normie religious jews and denounced his judaism.

I have read Marx and his stuff about judaism. He knew nothing about judaism because he said that Christianity was akin to judaism, which is a verifiable LIE.

Marx suck, judaism sucks, islam sucks.

3565fe (9)  No.2572436>>2572599




Lol proof for marx converting back to judaism. Weak low iq shilling.

And a bigger lol on the jewish supremacy being written in genesis (first book of the torah). In that book they talk about the seed of abraham (israelites. Yehuda is one tribe out of the 12).

No one ever claimed 6 mil died in camps lol at least no credible source. The einsatzgroupen shot millions and threw them to pits.

The tzar was peacefull! Lol

The only tzar who was was alexander the liberator. Read about how the tzars treated peasants. You lo iq glows hard

3565fe (9)  No.2572456>>2572599 >>2572631

Again, This is what q thinks about your nazi order racial crap:

Q post #939

>So Hitler was a puppet of the controlling >families of the NWO?

Q post #142

>What happened during WWII?

>Was Hitler a puppet?

>Who was his handler?

>What was the purpose?

>What was the real purpose of the war?

Q post #936

>The Nazi order.

>NWO [N does not refer to “New”].

Q post #938

>N does not refer to Nazi.

>The continued Nazi ideology is relevant.

>Events will clarify.

>Think subgroup

divide you try fail you will

I have done my job here, your shilling have been exposed for the normies to see. Anon out.

3787af (227)  No.2572599>>2574946


>Lol proof for marx converting back to judaism

I never said that. I said that Marx criticized judaism and Christianity like they are one and the same, when they are not, Christ was against judaism because it is a supremacist ideology. Here, read it yourself: https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1844/jewish-question/

>And a bigger lol on the jewish supremacy being written in genesis (first book of the torah).

Facts make you laugh? :) Read: >>2409242

>No one ever claimed 6 mil died in camps lol at least no credible source.

Indeed, its bullshit, the facts confirm.

>The tzar was peacefull!

He tried to make jews go to work the fields instead of sucking the peasants dry, they sold the plows. I did not called the man a saint.

>The only tzar who was was alexander the liberator. Read about how the tzars treated peasants.

Again, I never said the man was a saint, only that instead of just killing all the jews there, like he should had before they had him killed, he tried to fix shit with them peacefully by putting them to work in the fields.

>You lo iq glows hard

Nice projection.

Still, judaism is going to be banned from the West along with islam :)


I am not a national socialist, so you are free to cry more in the face of facts.

>racial order

So, thinking that the White race, the Black race and the Asian race should continue to exist is being a ebil natzee? Lol, you're going to get expelled from the West by Whites, Blacks and Asians all united against your Israel first crap :)

3787af (227)  No.2572631>>2574946

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


And btw, would you call JFK a nazi? :)

e12a3a (55)  No.2574700


Bumping this against the shit slide

505095 (6)  No.2574946>>2575734 >>2575878 >>2695749



1. My agenda is not israel first. My agenda is live and let live - freedom to all as long as they dont hurt others. My agenda is against everything the cabal does and imposes on us the sheep. My agenda is unity through holding freedom above all else.

2. I watched the video. It really makes your low iq glow if you think it somehow makes the young jfk sound pro hitlers cabal tailored ideology. He spoke as a true fan of history. Hitler is indeed a figure worth discussion.

3. I dont divide people to races, thats soros like group identity politics. People are people from different cultures and backgrounds. Race is an artificial political term made to divide people. Change race to CULTURE and i will agree with you, but pretend that there are muh whites vs muh blacks vs muh joos vs muh asians and it is cabal social engineering all over again. Let everyone live freely and respectfully and dont impose one culture on another, thats my agenda. And dont play identity politics as it is a dividing political tool that helps cabal turn us to low iq people who hate each other instead of uniting against THEM.

3787af (227)  No.2575734>>2575764 >>2575878 >>2578879 >>2579146

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>My agenda is live and let live - freedom to all as long as they dont hurt others.

Yet, you refuse to face the fact that both judaism and islam are idological threats to the West.

>My agenda is against everything the cabal does and imposes on us the sheep. My agenda is unity through holding freedom above all else.

Judaism and islam subvert the West and have no place in it.

>I watched the video. It really makes your low iq glow if you think it somehow makes the young jfk sound pro hitlers cabal tailored ideology. He spoke as a true fan of history. Hitler is indeed a figure worth discussion.

I am not a National Socialist, and JFK was not one either, my point is, you have to know wtf you are talking about before you speak ill of it. JFK did his research into Hitler and nazism clearly, because he did not fell for the demonization bullshit you are still falling for.

>I dont divide people to races.

All races are different, and the difference should be CELEBRATED. You're still stuck in progressive mindset bullshit. That is a fact.

>thats soros like group identity politics.

No, that is SCIENCE. You come here to tell me races don't exist, you're the one drinking from the Soros kool aid mate.

>People are people from different cultures and backgrounds.

Genetics exist. IQ averages exist. Race exists, no matter how much you cry.

>Race is an artificial political term made to divide people.

False, and progressive Soros thinking. You're lying to yourself.

>Change race to CULTURE and i will agree with you

Culture comes from race, and race comes from the surrounding environment. You know why Blacks have a lower average IQ? Because they dind't get cold Winters, and as such, no darwinistic pressure was put on them as it was on the races that did, and as such, in non-Black people, the lower-IQ died due to their long-term planning not being as developed as the ones that survived the cold Winters. You're in denial, and that is just sad.

>but pretend that there are muh whites vs muh blacks vs muh joos vs muh asians and it is cabal social engineering all over again.

You don't have to be against nobody, every race should be proud of its genetic heritage, and differences should be celebrated. Video related.

>Let everyone live freely and respectfully and dont impose one culture on another, thats my agenda.

Islam and judaism are supremacist because they don't follow that tenet of live and let live, and I can prove it to you again no matter how long you cry like a retard in denial.

>And dont play identity politics as it is a dividing political tool that helps cabal turn us to low iq people who hate each other instead of uniting against THEM.

Unity does not mean we all start denying reality like you are.

Grow up, grow a pair and face the facts.

There are different races, and the diferences should be celebrated.

Judaism and islam are both supremacist ideologies that will be banned from the West.

Feel free to cry more with your leftist bullshit denial about race realism, I will rub the FACTS in your face for as long as you do, my pleasure :)

3787af (227)  No.2575764>>2575878

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


And btw, have one more person who is not a National Socialist, and that made his research before talking about it like you. Enjoy :)

3787af (227)  No.2575878>>2575915 >>2580242

File (hide): d1121647336e4a7⋯.png (366.04 KB, 649x2463, 649:2463, Race_differences_bone_marr….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): b31767917dfbd6b⋯.png (1020.02 KB, 617x3963, 617:3963, Race_differences_bone_marr….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): ad12ae90e8afe4d⋯.png (968.38 KB, 921x3055, 921:3055, Race_differences_bone_marr….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 740c2ea68422f31⋯.png (1.87 MB, 747x4535, 747:4535, Race_differences_bone_marr….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 6a30532e879177b⋯.png (467.62 KB, 848x3479, 848:3479, Race_differences_bone_marr….png) (h) (u)




And now for some realism outside your Soros/progressive bullshit delusions.

Unity, yes. Lies, no.

3787af (227)  No.2575915>>2580242

File (hide): ff93acdcf0b1426⋯.png (809.59 KB, 617x2738, 617:2738, Race_differences_police_DN….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 0ef5cc9cb669ad9⋯.png (3.56 MB, 537x8821, 537:8821, Races_exist.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 83a7b1b2dbce779⋯.png (243.84 KB, 993x1082, 993:1082, Races_exist_2.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): c9917476487d418⋯.png (270.11 KB, 1097x2402, 1097:2402, Races_exist_3_oral_bacteri….png) (h) (u)


Have some more FACTS, outside the Soros/progressive race realism denial delusion.

Unity, yes. Lies, no.

Are you willing to face the facts? :)

3787af (227)  No.2578414

File (hide): ff93acdcf0b1426⋯.png (809.59 KB, 617x2738, 617:2738, Race_differences_police_DN….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 0ef5cc9cb669ad9⋯.png (3.56 MB, 537x8821, 537:8821, Races_exist.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 83a7b1b2dbce779⋯.png (243.84 KB, 993x1082, 993:1082, Races_exist_2.png) (h) (u)

Hooktube as gone tits up.

If you have any trouble watching any of the videos just tell me.

709532 (4)  No.2578587

File (hide): 97e7bc1c9d0fc5e⋯.jpg (13.34 KB, 327x154, 327:154, bobby-fischer-2.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 6c4add3bb7a6f1d⋯.jpg (10.24 KB, 327x154, 327:154, bobby-fischer-1.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 4aefd0c8b398aeb⋯.jpg (107.06 KB, 700x467, 700:467, david-rockefeller-2.jpg) (h) (u)

Europa The Last Battle [Full Compilation Documentary] Jew World Order Exposed [Extra Parts | 31hrs+]


Sex & Circumcision: An American Love Story by Eric Clopper


709532 (4)  No.2578638>>2578959

File (hide): 44f8f05de9ea88d⋯.jpg (51.7 KB, 594x396, 3:2, anti-white-1.jpg) (h) (u)

Forty-Six Important Unanswered Questions Regarding the Nazi Gas Chambers


Holocaust part only of the Last Europa Documentary (part 8)


505095 (6)  No.2578879>>2580186


1. Statistical differences between different ethnical groups do exists. I never said otherwise you subversive manipulating shill.

2. No one cares if a certain group has better average traits than other, what matters is the individual. Again your collectivist group agendas bring you closer to soros and further from freedom

3. You seem to be obsessed with ethnicities. Why?

Why not look at individual people as individuals?

4. Your manipulative tactics and the use of sourceless copy pasta make you a shill, even an AI copy pasta shill (with human intervention when tackled with opposition).

5. What needs to be celebrated is freedom, the freedom of people to follow their culture of choice and to create culture, the freedom to bond with like minded people, and the freedom of group prejudice. Group statistics shouldnt effect how you treat the individual. LYING THAT ALL PEOPLE ARE THE SAME IS BAD, BUT SO DOES TREAING PEOPLE BASED ON GROUP STATISTICS. that is identity politics.


505095 (6)  No.2578959>>2579104 >>2580223


All my posts here were made for new lurkers to see you subversive, deceitful and manipulative tactics. To show that under the cover of selectively cherry picked fake news sourceless snips, conspiracy book snips and comfortable historian and documentary that follow your agenda, you are a big nothing. A subversive manipulative shill that is aimed at making the Q movement look racist and anti semitic to the new lurker.


feel free to cry moar, and keep on shilling. My work is done here.

505095 (6)  No.2578989>>2580231

If you want to see the shill being exposed follow the user id (use search in page):


709532 (4)  No.2579104>>2579158

File (hide): be291f8770fc214⋯.jpg (158.63 KB, 640x917, 640:917, towerroths.jpg) (h) (u)


kys kike.

505095 (6)  No.2579146>>2580253 >>2580256 >>2620853


Moar arguments:

1. People exist. Races are just construct, artificial group created either by anthropologists or by obsessed race - cabal division shills. Ethnical group are used by anthropologists when discussing people of more similar genetics. The fact of the matter is that even antheopologists change the classifications of ethnical groups due to newer discoveries. Why are you so obsessed with ethnical grouping? Why not look at peopme and their cultures? Why this obsession with race groups? Its the same ahit as those who scream "racism", only from the other side of the coin.

2. You cute little theory about the reason why blacks have a lower average iq is really cute. Have you posted it in a peer reviewed journal? Oh i forgot you are a paid internet shill. If the have lower average iq it could also stem from the fact the most of them dont know any math and have lived in primitive conditions for centuries. They lived happily in these conditions untill the colonialism began. The modern iq test is based on skills that are acquired and are not innate.

3. Differences between ethnic groups exists, but the picture is much more complex than what you describe.


You imbecile have nothing in common with russian "white" orthodox christians, and even they are diverse among themselves. Yet you group yourself with them as "white" why? Because you are obsessed with race.

4. Kennedy said hitler should be viewed as an important historic figure instead of just being demonized, and I agree. Even cabal puppets should be viewed as such, he was in fact the one who waged ww2 for them.

5. "The jews were ssubversive and evil since abrahamic times" lol

Maybe since noah?

If you believe the biblical text, during the abrahamic times (up until the splitt between the judea tribe and other tribes), there were no jews, only sons of israel (israel = jacob). Kinda rips you little shill rltheory apart doesnt it? Oy vey…

Shill on clown, shill on.

505095 (6)  No.2579158>>2580260



No argument -> moar copypasta.

The roths are "jews" just like obama is a christian.

709532 (4)  No.2579262

File (hide): fda7dc439c488b4⋯.png (700.38 KB, 928x8800, 29:275, jews-expelled.png) (h) (u)

Jews expelled from countries of the world.

3787af (227)  No.2580186


You posted the same shit here: >>2579506 and I replied here: >>2579601 with:

>1. Statistical differences between different ethnical groups do exists. I never said otherwise

Read the post sequence, I talk about Abraham in the next post after the one you are replying to.

>you subversive manipulating shill.

Nice projection :)

>2. No one cares if a certain group has better average traits than other, what matters is the individual. Again your collectivist group agendas bring you closer to soros and further from freedom

I never said jews are better in any way to goyim, unless being manipulative and nepotistic and immoral are a plus in your book :)

>3. You seem to be obsessed with ethnicities. Why?

You seem to want to equate research into jewish history, culture and religion with an obsession with ethnicity. Why? :)

>Why not look at individual people as individuals?

Groups exist. Jews act like a group. Jews get treated like a group :)

>4. Your manipulative tactics and the use of sourceless copy pasta make you a shill, even an AI copy pasta shill (with human intervention when tackled with opposition).

Weak pilpul, some projection. 2/10 :)

>5. What needs to be celebrated is freedom, the freedom of people to follow their culture of choice and to create culture, the freedom to bond with like minded people, and the freedom of group prejudice. Group statistics shouldnt effect how you treat the individual. LYING THAT ALL PEOPLE ARE THE SAME IS BAD, BUT SO DOES TREAING PEOPLE BASED ON GROUP STATISTICS. that is identity politics.

Oh, you're the MEGAJEW! Are you the one that claims that race doesn't exist and all. I answered to your pathetic shilling in my bread starting with this post here (for those that want to get a nice laugh at the MEGAJEW, the dude I am replying to): >>2568575

And by the way, the reason your pilpul is weak is because my criticism of jews, as you well know because I have BTFO off you some 10 times about this same subject today, is that I don't care if a racial jew is a jew, as long as they admit that zionism and judaism are threats to the West :)


Yes. What does that have to do with banning islam and judaims from the West on the factual grounds that they are both supremacist ideologies? :)

>All my posts here were made for new lurkers to see you subversive, deceitful and manipulative tactics. To show that under the cover of selectively cherry picked fake news sourceless snips, conspiracy book snips and comfortable historian and documentary that follow your agenda, you are a big nothing. A subversive manipulative shill that is aimed at making the Q movement look racist and anti semitic to the new lurker.

Lol, what they will learn is how Israel first traitors like you act and talk. Thanks for the help traitor :)


More ad-hominems and projection. Amusing :)

>feel free to cry moar, and keep on shilling. My work is done here.

Kek, you can't even be original (cry more is what I told you some 20 times just today). So much for the alleged jewish high IQ :D

3787af (227)  No.2580223


Kek, nice projection.

> fake news sourceless snips

Lie. Tell me where the source is not provided, Israel first traitor :)

>conspiracy book snips

Tell me more on how fully sourced books are conspirancy just because they expose the truths you Israel first traitors don't want the people to see :)

> comfortable historian and documentary that follow your agenda

Yes, the agenda of historical accuracy and factual precision :)

>you are a big nothing

You are projecting traitor :)

> A subversive manipulative shill that is aimed at making the Q movement look racist and anti semitic to the new lurker.

Tell me more on how am I a racist and "anti-semite" because I post fully sourced verifiable FACTS :)

>My work is done here.

3rd time you say that today, and still you come back with more pilpul bulshit just to get BTFO :)

>>Cry more :D

3787af (227)  No.2580231


Thanks, indeed you make a good job at exposing yourself as a shill, thanks for helping :)

3787af (227)  No.2580242>>2580256

You posted the same crap here: >>2579534 , and I replied in here: >>2579837 with:

>Already 6 posts. Nice! The bread just started. Only 30 to go and youll have the bonus.

I can go to 200 posts of fully sourced verifiable facts about if you'd like :)

>Here are some arguments for the new lurkers who wonder who the hell is this spammer:

Spammer implies the content is not factual, in my case it is, so spammer is not the appropriate term :)

> Races are just construct, artificial group created either by anthropologists or by obsessed race - cabal division shills.

The pics related in these posts prove you wrong: >>2575878 ; >>2575915 . I have included some of the pics here too :)

>Why are you so obsessed with ethnical grouping?

Why are you so obsessed with not speaking accurately about things, specially those that involve jewish subversion and history? :)

>Why not look at peopme and their cultures?

Culture comes from biology, and biology comes from the surrounding environment :)

>Why this obsession with race groups?

Why this obsession with the denial of something that exists? :)

>Its the same ahit as those who scream "racism", only from the other side of the coin.

Not at all, I base my claims on facts, those that scream "racist" are just people trying to stifle other people free-speech :)

>2. You cute little theory about the reason why blacks have a lower average iq is really cute. Have you posted it in a peer reviewed journal?

No, I don't need to because if you read the book "The Curve Bell" you'll find there everything you need about it :)

>Oh i forgot you are a paid internet shill.

Cute projection :)

>If the have lower average iq it could also stem from the fact the most of them dont know any math and have lived in primitive conditions for centuries.

And why? Maybe because they could find fruit popping up the whole year everywhere and so did not need more complex tools and solutions to survive the cold winters? ;)

>They lived happily in these conditions untill the colonialism began.

They warred against each other all the time. Don't romaticize history just to fit whatever convoluted narrative you're trying to build here :)

>The modern iq test is based on skills that are acquired and are not innate.

Modern iq tests predict a lot of things.

>3. Differences between ethnic groups exists, but the picture is much more complex than what you describe.

How so exactly, megajew? :)


You are the one talking about race, I was talking about judaism and the fact it is a supremacist ideology :)

>You imbecile have nothing in common with russian "white" orthodox christians, and even they are diverse among themselves. Yet you group yourself with them as "white" why? Because you are obsessed with race.

Still, they are White and Western. And I would say that the people who really are obsessed with race are the jewish supremacists who want to genocide all goyim races via miscegenation facilitated by open borders :)

>4. Kennedy said hitler should be viewed as an important historic figure instead of just being demonized, and I agree. Even cabal puppets should be viewed as such, he was in fact the one who waged ww2 for them.

In fact, jews were the ones that declared war on Germany first with boycotts. Once again, don't twist the facts to serve your Soros/progressive narrative. Read about it here: >>2571660 ; >>2571666 . :)

>5. "The jews were ssubversive and evil since abrahamic times" lol

>Maybe since noah?

No, since Abraham. The pact between God and jews was made wit Abraham, as written in the Genesis :)

>If you believe the biblical text, during the abrahamic times (up until the splitt between the judea tribe and other tribes), there were no jews, only sons of israel (israel = jacob). Kinda rips you little shill theory apart doesnt it? Oy vey…

The facts shred your ill informed narrative, sorry :)

>And here are the q crumbs that he likes to ignore (well at least 90% of them).

Like I told you before 3 times: I never claim to have all the answers, I just focused on what I have an informed opinion on :)


Please do proceed to cry more, megajew :)

3787af (227)  No.2580253>>2580256


The reply to your post is here:>>2580242


3787af (227)  No.2580256



The reply to your post is here: >>2580242


3787af (227)  No.2580260


Why wouldn't he be a jew?

He is one genetically.

And everything he does is in line with the Talmud AND the instructions in the Torah that tell jews to lend and never borrow money to the nations (nations are the goyim in the Torah) in order to rule over them :)

2e73b9 (1)  No.2580288>>2580320

Catalog broken again?

3787af (227)  No.2580320

ba1039 (8)  No.2580819>>2580861 >>2583420 >>2735345

I find the most common argument people bring up when you try to redpill them on Jews, is NAJALT (Not All Jews Are Like That!).

To which I usually reply "great! then we'll have some Jewish allies interested in helping us deal with those Jews who *are* like that!".

But the sad truth of the matter is there's very few such potential allies among Jews. The vast majority of Jews are in full support of any Jewish organization just because it is Jewish, and ALL Jewish organizations are subversive and harmful to the rest of humanity, no exceptions. The vast majority of Jews put their tribal identity before their sense of belonging to the human species, and as such they are enemies of the rest of humanity, but especially of whites, who they see as competition and seek to exterminate.

Judaism IS nothing but racial supremacy distilled into a disgusting mockery of a "religion". If you remove racial supremacy from Judaism, nothing remains! The beating heart of Judaism is the idea that Jews are better than all others, and divinely ordained to enslave the rest of humanity. That's what Judaism IS - a racist program of world conquest and enslavement!

Nothing good can ever coming from allowing rabid racial supremacists free reign under cover of "freedom of religion". And as such, it is clear Judaism must be outlawed in any nation interested in its own survival. It is not to be given the fig leaf of religion to hide behind, because it isn't a religion. It is an evil subversive ideology.

The fact is Jews have already been thrown out from various nations a hundred times throughout history. And it is inevitable that they will be thrown out again in the future, since their vile subversive antisocial behavior never changes. Because Judaism never changes.

This is NOT a matter of race or genetics, since Jews can interbreed with any other ethnicity and the result will still be a Jew, as long as the offspring is subjected to a Jewish upbringing. This is a matter of an evil ideology that corrupts children by filling their heads with racial supremacy to perpetuate itself. This ideology needs to be stamped out to save the world!

Unfortunately, Jews need to be treated like a group, because they think and act like a group. There is still time for any Jew who thinks he or she is living proof NAJALT to prove it by speaking out against Judaism and Jewish organizations. This window of opportunity will close when the host society finally has had enough and forcefully expels the parasite that is trying to kill it.

3787af (227)  No.2580849>>2580861

Amazingly well said.

Going to save that on a .doc file and cap it.

Post that Qresearch bread: >>2580188

3787af (227)  No.2580861


I replied to you here: >>2580849

3787af (227)  No.2581628>>2581630 >>2693795 >>2694567 >>3556153

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Now that we took a look at judaism’s origins (and showed you that it IS a fact that judaism IS supremacist ideology) and we looked at the verifiable and FACTUAL jewish persecution and hatred of Christ and Christians, we will take a look at Usury and verify that it is indeed part of judaism’s doctrine to use Usury as a weapon upon the nations (in the Torah, the nations are the gyoim/cattle/non-jews) in order to rule over them. If you ever heard the term “debt slavery”, this is what Usury is all about, and by the way, jews did not practiced Usury upon each other in the old times, judaism forbade it

>First of all:

What is the Torah?

The Torah is made up from the Old Testament’s first five books:






>Watch this:

Watch the first 4:40 minutes of the video related embedded in this post. You can watch the rest if you like, but I want you to watch those first 4:40 minutes of the video because what you’ll see on those is 2 people in Israel, one of them a jew showing the other one (I suppose a jew too) the passage of the Torah in which jews are ordered to commit Usury upon the nations (nations = goyim/non-jews/cattle) in order to be able to rule over them and not get ruled by them. Notice how the Torah passage explicitly tells jews to: “always lend and never borrow”, which is the way they always took control of governments and nations, the latest incarnation of said subversive tactic being the Central Banking cartel racket:

Deuteronomy 15:6 - “For the Lord your God will bless you just as he has promised; you will lend to many nations but will not borrow from any, and you will rule over many nations but they will not rule over you.”

Of course when asked about the morality of such a promise of having the nations/goyim as slaves, the religious jew tries to spin the issue saying that: “Oh, its not like they are going to be slaves.”, but I ask you, from what you’ve learn about the history of jewish people and what you’ve learn about their ideological supremacism and their religiously motivated hatred for goyim, Christ and Christians, do you really believe jews believe that we will want to be their slaves because they are such great people and God’s chosen? Judaism IS not only a supremacist ideology, it makes promises of having all non-jews serve the jews as its eternal reward to jews.


When we look into the history of Poland starting in 1025 until the partitions of Poland in the 18th century, you’ll see what happens in terms of slavery when jews take over a country’s money and land.

Genesis 27:29 - “May peoples serve you and nations bow down to you. You will be lord over your brothers, and the sons of your mother will bow down to you. May those who curse you be cursed, and those who bless you be blessed.”

Even more supremacist indoctrination, make the nations (goyim/cattle) bow down to you.

>Read this:

70% of jews in Israel feel like they are God’s chosen:




Goyim exist to serve the jew, says rabbi Yosef.:



3787af (227)  No.2581630>>2581633 >>2693795 >>2694567 >>3556153

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


On the subject of Poland, the paradise of jews.

3787af (227)  No.2581633>>2693795 >>2694567 >>3556153

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


“When the messiah comes each one of us will have 2800 goy slaves.”

351e2b (20)  No.2583420>>2586423 >>2656952

File (hide): 002a96a77ad6bc4⋯.jpg (89.66 KB, 974x642, 487:321, eupic.jpg) (h) (u)


Q Jew here, not by upbringing but by birth..

Redpilled in 2005 by loose change 2

No complaints with your post.

Having Jewish friends and acquaintances I can attest they are the most blue pilled of all.

Their cognitive dissonance is astounding.

I seriously feel like they are genetically more susceptible to mind control than others. Digital, sonic, whatever..firm believer there is a mind control component to this situation.

That I don't live in cell reception area …well can't say for sure, but…

Obviously the victimhood from the holocaust narrative that prevails to this day is a crutch that is hard to cast away for them.

It's not all mind control and it is very much a sense of superiority. Chosen ones.

Needless to say I'm a bit nervous about all my redpilling efforts of the last 13 years not being enough to prevent me from being lumped in with criminal jews and sheep toe the line jews when and if shit ever hits the fan. There are some good ones out there, NAJALT is real. Thank you for the distinction of being born that way versus raised that way. I don't feel like I am well enough educated about Judaism or Jewish organizations to pass judgments or call anyone out..except as individuals..like Soros obviously being evil or whatnot. There's surely several dozen others I could name that are obviously cabalish.

I don't really feel that we are in a position to pass judgement much at all when we are stuck trusting the plan. I fly over 40,000v where evil is not so obvious. Without evil, good stagnates. Necessary evil…all that. I don't trust history. Holocaust makes no sense. I don't trust…anything but the plan. I have faith. Recently. Second week of Oct. '16.

We will win.

We already did. Enjoy the show.

e12a3a (55)  No.2586423>>2587402 >>2589274

File (hide): 8f4057f0687fe25⋯.jpg (7.33 KB, 255x175, 51:35, PEPE hug.jpg) (h) (u)


I know that feel, Qbrotheranon. I have some Jew friends. One of them is MAGA 100%, and isn't down with a lot of the fuckery. I have him on my list to Schindler the fuck out if it gets that bad (which I don't believe for a second it will).

Also, these fake Jews (per Rev 3:9) couldn't have done what they did without goy traitors willing to sell out the world for a platter of shekels. They deserve retribution more than the Rev 3:9 group IMO, because they had a choice and chose evil. But whatever, first things first, solve the first fucking problem…

The problem you face is that Jews have to believe the lie more than any other group otherwise the whole schwindle falls apart. So, they have been mind-controlled harder than any other group. So by necessity, they have been skull-fucked the hardest and longest.

You have a serious psychopath problem in your tribe, unfortunately. They hide among you, and are willing to sacrifice as many as they need to keep it going. Not exactly clear thinking, because ultimately it is self-defeating. But they will keep trying until they are neutralized.

I think a lot of woke Jews understand/stood the problem, and took steps to try and cut off the power that fuels this monstrous evil, notable are Ludwig Von Mises and Murray Rothbard, who both tried to inform and educate about the dangers and evils of central banking (so, Jews created the evil of central banking, and Jews opposed the evil of central banking… Go figure).

Do we have to get rid of all the Jews and make an ethnostate per the 1488 boys? I don't know. I would give them their ethnostate just to settle the issue (who knows, maybe I'd need to move there, I personally would be OK with that, assuming they had respect for individual rights). But for sure if the white majority becomes a minority in the USA there's going to be war, or an authoritarian state, b/c in multicultural societies you don't vote according to your social and economic interests, you vote according to your race and religion.

So, what to do? IMO, destroy the power centers of evil, and the whole thing falls apart, organically, no matter who's running the show. The evils these power centers create are indisputable, and thus we can attack the evil w/o having to attach it to a group. I outline some of my ideas about how to do so here, please share your thoughts.



and here


351e2b (20)  No.2587402>>2590483


It will all shake out regardless of what ways we invent to repair it. I spend my time with religion pondering a renegade demiurge named Yahweh.

I think it's all bunk.

I suspect a change in management occurred.

e12a3a (55)  No.2589274

File (hide): 05f0f31301e478b⋯.png (568.73 KB, 499x499, 1:1, PEPE ENLIGHTENED.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): ae11aa948efad18⋯.png (62.91 KB, 292x362, 146:181, SOON.png) (h) (u)


Well, fuck me bowlegged… A fellow gnostiq.

Sounds to me like you didn't leave the tribe, the tribe left you! And I agree, fuck Yahweh, fuck Jehovah, fuck all these false gods with their false "assumptive close" realities (you must have darkness or there's no contrast to distinguish the light, don'tcha see? It haz to be dis wayyy!) fuck you all I want what you've got in the back room, not what you serve up to these rubes. I asked, so now you HAVE to cough it up, those are the rules! Hahahah!

But seriously though, let's party like it's 1869, maybe then we'll find we can all get along just fine.

"A Panic ensued as people tried to withdraw gold from their banks and were turned away. It was this effect that led to the riots as the mob hung the bankers from whatever pole they could find. It was the open murder of the Bankers on Wall Street that day that prompted the government to send in the militia to suppress the riot that gave rise to the first coining of the term -- “Black Friday.”


351e2b (20)  No.2589538>>2590526 >>2610082

File (hide): c634b2b0ae0450b⋯.jpg (111.51 KB, 940x951, 940:951, superfed.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): f4588b5d913d55d⋯.jpg (119.74 KB, 1024x1018, 512:509, trumpgod.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 0eb466ddf06c10d⋯.png (217.47 KB, 480x360, 4:3, matdrink.png) (h) (u)

gnostics are a dime a dozen around here

we just have less to say about religion and shit.

On a lighter note, I was abducted via honey trap at age 18. Don't know if it was MILAB or Pleiadians, but she was wow. Didn't recover but partial memory of it till 21 years later.

If it was MILAB, I want my back pay and some benefits damnit.

c5f876 (2)  No.2590124


Doing God's work anon, thanks for saying what my mind was screaming while reading through this thread.

I do actually wonder sometimes if Q will ever address the JQ head on. My hopes are that, given the current surge in popularity of Q among the otherwise normie population, Q is essentially bringing about a slow change in consciousness, culminating in the exposition of the JQ.

Once the normies know, it would be the last straw to break the camels back.

One can hope…

e12a3a (55)  No.2590483

>>2587402 fuck, this >2589274 was a reply to you, Jewgnostiqanon

e12a3a (55)  No.2590526>>2594106 >>2610082

File (hide): 8a6ffb5c3e005b3⋯.png (331.73 KB, 554x584, 277:292, PEPE - ERIS.png) (h) (u)


>On a lighter note, I was abducted via honey trap at age 18. Don't know if it was MILAB or Pleiadians, but she was wow. Didn't recover but partial memory of it till 21 years later.

>If it was MILAB, I want my back pay and some benefits damnit.

…Do go on..!

351e2b (20)  No.2594106>>2595469 >>2609639 >>2610082

File (hide): 5cdd663202d9b90⋯.png (263.15 KB, 2802x574, 1401:287, anxiety.png) (h) (u)



as long as I don't get the boston brakes today.

c5f876 (2)  No.2595447


Technically, I agree, but for those who are still learning about these issues, it ought be noted that the mega-autist infographic uses some iffy quotes. For instance, Albert Pike's quotes don't have a good source ( letter has never been proved to be true…entirely reliant upon the William Barr dude (or whatever his name is) who wrote the Pawns in the Game book.

Also, the whole quote just sounds abit faked…"Nazism" was a term created by a jewish exiles from germany afaik, and didn't exist in the 1870s.

e12a3a (55)  No.2595469>>2605973 >>2610082


>as long as I don't get the boston brakes

Why would you drive anything that has drive by wire? Even ruling out any spoopy shit, there's no fuckin' way I'm going to trust electronic control of any critical system (brakes, steering, throttle).

If you have the jack to afford a modern car equipped with that shit, you can afford to buy an older (or classic) car/truck with common engine/transmission (Ford 302, Chevy 350) and pay a mechanic to make it for all intents and purposes like a new car. And don't you dare mention fuel economy. You just shut your mouth on that one.

351e2b (20)  No.2605973>>2606244

File (hide): ce3a1bc6c05638d⋯.jpg (183.05 KB, 1300x1023, 1300:1023, camoface2.jpg) (h) (u)


I've got a '50 plymouth coup with a '79 camaro engine and running gear for my apocalypse buggy. Today's trip required trusting wires.

Ok in short I was abducted due to my telepathic abilities or inabilities I don't know which I am all but certain of it.

Freshman orientation university in NE. '92. 3 or 4 day hiking/camping trip with other orienting folk.

As we were leaving, coming off trail maybe 100 feet from the road where a vehicle was waiting for us….walking downhill…I look over to the left and there is a soldier(no gun or identifying uniform stuff though)..camo..face..painted kneeling on one knee , totally still, very hard to see..maybe just 30 or 40 feet off the trail. He slightly shakes his head no as he is staring at me and I get the impression he extremely does not want me to announce his presence. I didn't. I barely knew everyone with me. Remember this episode along with next installment in 2013.

351e2b (20)  No.2606244>>2606754

File (hide): 5b7dd507e26c967⋯.jpg (1.49 MB, 1921x1102, 1921:1102, vermontangel.jpg) (h) (u)


Part 2

Still freshman orientation, back on campus, maybe same day maybe next day or two.

My highschool bud and I are hanging tight through orientation, though we were on separate hiking trips. We enter a building on one side, gather whatever materials we were there for, go down stairs exit the building on the other side (it's on a hill) onto a terrace with maybe 8 or 10 other folks standing around feeling like idiots.

Enter miss honeypot. She is standing off the end of the concrete terrace in the grass. Distance to me 30-40 feet. She has two or three guys facing her talking to her. She is facing me. We are making some eye contact even though she is somehow keeping two or three guys entertained. Standing with my bud he suddenly announces that he is going to check this girl out.

He joins the other moths. She now has at least three guys maybe four in a semicircle around her. I'm standing with some random 'friend' who has glommed onto our little posse of two. I don't know if I say it, but I certainly am thinking 'there is no way I'm going to talk to that chick when she is surrounded by all that sausage'.

After a bit my HS buddy returns and says something to the effect of ' wow that girl is amazing , she's from Vermont, has a boyfriend who is a sophomore, and maybe another detail or two that seemed impressive he had acquired all this intel while standing around her with 2 or 3 other dudes who had all been talking to her….then he says 'she asked about you dude, she wants to talk to you' like he was amazed at how lucky I was…

Well she was a serious looker and even as a long shot was worth checking out…so I did.

I stood off her left shoulder. There were two other guys there still I think. We chatted. I found out no more about her than I had already been told. Surely she milked me for some information, I don't remember anything besides being disappointed she had a boyfriend.

/End episode2

351e2b (20)  No.2606754>>2611065

File (hide): cc3495aefe41fae⋯.jpg (155.23 KB, 858x737, 78:67, patchAFSPC-6.jpg) (h) (u)


On a roll now

This is where shit gets crazy. Literally.

It's been a few weeks. Schools going fine, partying my ass off..Right before or at columbus day I randomly decide to ride my bike around a bit and head over to a section of campus I'd not seen yet..dorms and maybe athletics.

For no good reason I decide to try and ollie the curb or some shit way beyond my skills and end up flat on my back in the grass, wiped the fuck out , grinning because I wasn't hurt and had tried something so ridiculous.

And then she's standing over me looking down at me saying hi. I had totally forgotten about her.

She said she wanted me to come to her dorm room with her. I got the feeling it surprised her a bit when I said 'don't you have a boyfriend?' .

She said don't worry about that.

I followed her. I left my multi hundred dollar bike laying wherever it landed on a campus that has a higher theft rate than new york city. Never saw it again. Woke up the next day and reported it stolen out of my dorm room because I had zero memory of her.

So now in 2013 I remembered. I remember her leading me into a dorm building and we walked through a cafeteria on the way to the stairs. I remember the stairs. I don't much remember the hall on the way to her room. I remember entering the room and being told to sit on the bed. I did. Last thing I remember, I watched her close the door.

I woke up the next morning in my bed and my bike was stolen, no memory, reported to campus police as stolen out of the commons area of our dorms. Everyone elses' bikes were there untouched, not locked up…

Losing my bike was the shrinks' and my friends and familly's best guess as to why I more or less had a nervous breakdown over the next week and was committed , first sent to Dartmouth, then unceremoniously thrown in a cab while heavily sedated and sent to new hampshire state mental hospital. After a week or two there my folks flew me home where I spent another month in a hospital before getting out and starting to pick up the pieces.


e12a3a (55)  No.2609639>>2609926 >>2610082


>Tonight fuckin' cock tease!

351e2b (20)  No.2609926>>2610082

File (hide): dc95fda67a992f3⋯.gif (3.46 MB, 432x324, 4:3, vape.gif) (h) (u)


Are you high?

Were you expecting something besides what I wrote?

Do you have me filtered?

Sometimes I feel like the content I post causes a board wide filter. If I get too persistent with it I get a meaningless token acknowledgement from a helper. Just a hypothesis.. Maybe no one is impressed with what I figure to be some of my more impressive posts.

351e2b (20)  No.2610082

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.







Stayed up way past my bedtime just to keep my 'promise' and not be a tease.

351e2b (20)  No.2610376>>2610583

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Having my life shattered and picking up the pieces is something I've sort of gotten used to.

Takes about a year or 2 to regain confidence and mojo. There have been 4 hospitalizations since the onset event of '92. '97 , '00 , '09 , '13

I'm relatively normal and high functioning in between , though I suspect people get a weird vibe from me if they're sensitive to that sort of thing.

It was '97 and whilst on a trip to B.C. , almost done acquiring a degree in industrial manufacturing with a concentration in appropriate (sustainable) technology at a different university…I realized my country was not interested in what I had studied. The SUV craze had begun and it was obvious to me things were headed the wrong direction as far as our society's interest in compromising in the name of sustainability. I initially thought of living on an island and camping out near Vancouver Island. I knew I was going to camp out and watch the world burn. I am an only grandchild on both sides. I guessed that if I laid low I could surf through my early adulthood because there was no where else for two family's worth of wealth to go. Upon returning to school from the trip the shit hit the fan for the first time since the initial episode…now five years later.

351e2b (20)  No.2610583>>2611024

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>2390914 (OP)

Sorry to hijack your thread with my jew story, the irony is not lost on me. Haven't seen any content you've posted that I take issue with, but after 9 months of Q , not much phases me. I have the same fervor for informing people that 9/11 is not what we were told by our TV.

I hesitate to pass judgement or lay blame as the deception is so thorough these days I fear falling for someone's frame job one way or another. 9/11 being my favorite redpill topic , I've learned to avoid the blame game and stick to the technical stuff, accusing a group leads to a weakness in the argument and an opening for rebuttal that doesn't need to be there. I know who the likely culprits are.



I had just inherited $5k over the summer. Upon returning from BC I took to the country roads looking for land to live on near school. The rock climbing was hard to beat and living within a few short hours of friends and family seemed a perk. Thank Fukushima I found something I was able to put 3k down on with a promise to pay the rest when I graduated and received a 40k trust fund I was expecting from my mom's folks. I intended to build a house as I took some architecture and construction tech with my degree.

After accomplishing finding the land I thoroughly melted down and almost missed the next semester. It surprised me, I was hoping it was a one time event thing , off meds for 4 years or so..

351e2b (20)  No.2611024>>2611157

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The house was about halfway through, got it insulated and heated with a wood stove for the winter of 99/00 my first year living on the land , not paying rent. Had a school bus that had a wood stove spring water that poured out of a pipe about twenty feet from it, a porta potty for the house construction and temporary power at the construction site as well. Also had most of the plumbing in the house up and running for winter 99/00.

Got willy and chased off my roommate. First time during a melt down I got the sense I was battling something paranormal. I was living rough, out of money, and recuperating. I had a girlfriend and she stuck it out. She still is. Next summer I got a summer type job. It lasted 8 years/summers.

I suspect 00 and 09 to be training sessions or battles that I lost. I experienced a spontaneous HUM acquisition during the meltdown of '09. Definitely struggling with some kind of alien, demon , or divine presence at that point. I got beat down by the HUM event.

'13 I went way way over 40000v while listening to this album I'm posting several times over. For the first time during a meltdown I felt not fearful and quite pleased with my mental gymnastics. Still got hospitalized. My interpretation= beat down.

Seriously suspect telepathic forays (I ask no names they tell no lies about their identity) seriously suspect mind control at some level either technological or telepathic (honeypot). WW

Have been trying to get it to stop.

You're welcome.

I assert that for 5 hospitalizations I have never been a threat to myself or others, the very criteria they use to strip you of your human rights and lock you essentially in a cage.

I do recognize that I am irritating and obnoxious during these melt downs and that putting me away is a relief to those around me. I recognize that I could possibly be a threat to myself by pissing off the wrong stranger with tales of 9/11 or aliens or religion, but this is always the case for everyone.

I am delighted by the turn of events since 11/9/16

and more excited about the future than anyone I know.

e12a3a (55)  No.2611065

File (hide): 438bb8ac7aabec6⋯.jpeg (11.75 KB, 201x255, 67:85, PEPE LOVE.jpeg) (h) (u)


Fuck me man, that is one hell of a ride. Not quite sure how to process it, but with all that… I salute you for managing to keep your shit together and stay on the right side of the dirt.

Fugue states can be terrifying. Almost always they are the mind's coping with trauma.

Sounds like you might have been MK'd… Or something even weirder.

Thank you for sharing your story.

3ac582 (1)  No.2611088

File (hide): 506fdb9441a5768⋯.jpg (57.3 KB, 740x626, 370:313, 1534167020518.jpg) (h) (u)

This goy gives you the truth.

He has uploaded ERIC CLOPPERS sex and circumcision Harvard lecture to his backup channel

>extreme autismo

He really thinks outside the box

ZIONISTS AND not jews are responsible, also fake jews use jews, synagogue of satan

Also he breaks down the YT drama

Guaranteed to laugh, and get redpilled

Based Bellagio to unite the fellowship if the Anon


e12a3a (55)  No.2611157>>2611402


What do you mean by

> I suspect 00 and 09 to be training sessions or battles that I lost. I experienced a spontaneous HUM acquisition during the meltdown of '09. Definitely struggling with some kind of alien, demon , or divine presence at that point. I got beat down by the HUM event.

>'13 I went way way over 40000v while listening to this album I'm posting several times over. For the first time during a meltdown I felt not fearful and quite pleased with my mental gymnastics. Still got hospitalized. My interpretation= beat down.

> Seriously suspect telepathic forays (I ask no names they tell no lies about their identity) seriously suspect mind control at some level either technological or telepathic (honeypot). WW


> Have been trying to get it to stop.

what is "it"?

>and more excited about the future than anyone I know.

I'm also unbelievably excited… Except I'm wondering what steps we can take to insure this never happens again. First things first, I guess…

351e2b (20)  No.2611402>>2611665

File (hide): d5a74c809ae80de⋯.png (195 KB, 777x777, 1:1, memeing.png) (h) (u)



WW mind control, or something like that..cell phone range maybe? For the masses..you could probably get hit by a satellite or something if you wander off the plantation.

Digital TV? The universal brotherhood across the isle to make it law..

Anyway, technological or telepathic or both suggestion or forced mind control..I don't know.

I have suspicions, not answers.

Candidates, not culprits.

You'll have to be more specific with the other parts.

e12a3a (55)  No.2611665>>2612080

File (hide): 15eb6957a4c2474⋯.jpg (11.76 KB, 684x479, 684:479, Alien.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 6d7f9087186859d⋯.jpg (73 KB, 880x589, 880:589, Alien 02.jpg) (h) (u)


As far as WW mind control, I think (((they))) would fucking love to do this, but they don't have the ability. It requires a much more dumbed down population (which isn't working b/c humans are stupidly adaptable), and even if they managed to dumb down the population enough, they couldn't pull it off b/c the tech requires engineers & technicians to pull it off (which don't exist in a dumbed down population).

Not to mention the vast majority of those controlled would be worse than useless (think Idiocracy). IMO they fail to recognize the level of infrastructure that voluntarily needs to exist for them to do this (everybody I know and love would do just fine if we had to go back to 19th century tech & lifestyle for awhile, but (((these assholes)))? We'll party with them like it's 1869!)

IMO the only reason they want to develop these is b/c the traditional methods aren't working (due to people's natural tendency over time to reject being manipulated/sold/marketed to, which is essentially what they've done, and the ones that are easy to manipulate aren't worth shit/can't do shit). Their control system (Internet) has turned into a giant gnosis machine (oops!).

Given my open-source understanding of gov't mind control programs, I suspect that whatever you been experiencing isn't of this Earth. Which opens a whole other can of worms.

I still need definitions of "way over 40000v" and "HUM acquisition", I don't want to guess at your meaning.

351e2b (20)  No.2612080>>2613696

File (hide): 16a07b53d6590c0⋯.jpg (59.53 KB, 696x720, 29:30, alien.jpg) (h) (u)


I think of gang stalking as an answer to what mind control is used for, and I speak of the gang, not the victim. I don't think it is all the time or everyone at all times.

The gang is mind controlled , mostly by suggestion, sometimes not. As I was mind controlled to try that ollie and lay myself flat on my back at her feet…

Most people are on autopilot with occasional interventions. Or not, maybe we're all robots.

Maybe we all have free and clear will zero interventions. I don't think so.

Your thoughts are your own, but perhaps the occasional odd thought or idea that pops into your head out of nowhere isn't. Physical glitches too…

I've had several IRL telepathic experiences with close friends. Where I know what they're thinking and blurt it out before they do. Also countless accidental telepathic experiences where I steal what they're thinking and say it thinking it was my idea.

Way over 40k … cosmic conversations, demon, divine, 12th diminsion(?) , other sentient species..I don't know, I don't take names. It could be a terrestrial species…dunno. Friends and Foes.

Exo-politics… hierarchy …origins .. lost tribes ..

HUM like bristol hum or taos hum, but I've only found one source that describes sudden on set and couldn't find it again after a few years…sudden on set is where your brain /mind feels like it skips a beat or maybe has a little seizure …feels like a skipping CD sounds, but brief.

One then involuntarily in a panic tries to locate themselves on the lowest floor of a building or under furniture … to hide. (my event-→) I caught my breath a little and realized that whatever I was hiding from would probably enjoy having me pinned under a bed and I took off out the back door into the woods, hauling ass…came to about a 1/4 away leaning on a tree. Could have been another abduction, I don't know. Had HUM ever since, not the same as on set, more tolerable. Right ear.

e12a3a (55)  No.2613696>>2614194


Sounds like you picked up an extra-dimensional parasite. This can happen if you fuck around with magic and/or psychedelics w/o knowing what your doing/exercising proper respect. If you cast around you'll find you can easily get rid of it.

All of what you describe still comes down to the tyranny of duality, which I now believe to be a false choice, almost to the level of the telemarketer's "assumptive close", e.g. "will you be paying by Mastercard or Visa?". To which I answer, "fuck you I'm paying with Dash. You want the sale or not?".

Command your tormentors to reveal themselves. Then eat them. After all, they were part of you all along.

351e2b (20)  No.2614194>>2614272

File (hide): 5cf6db87f5e86c0⋯.jpg (57.86 KB, 461x400, 461:400, soccer.jpg) (h) (u)


I don't ask for ID

I don't trust who says what or that any particular methodology is going to solve my issues.

Trying to keep track is too much work and they lie anyway…been down that road.

I'm tone deaf in certain ranges and I have an auditory processing issue that causes me to not understand spoken language very well. I can speak spanish pretty well and can't understand a word when spanish is spoken to me. Bad with song lyrics…say 'what' a lot, got tested for it in elementary , my mom reminded me of that when I was in my thirties. Verfied, whacked aural comprehension, good hearing (minus some strange frequencies, also noted by testing as a child)…I think I was selected for my physical deformities in relation to how they correspond with whatever tech or telepathy we are subject to.

Mind control resistant.

e12a3a (55)  No.2614272>>2617595

File (hide): abae686783a9beb⋯.png (286.5 KB, 500x522, 250:261, PEPE - CTHULU.png) (h) (u)


OK, so seriously: No psychedelic or attempts at working magic in your past?

6e89ab (1)  No.2614569>>2614951 >>2615964 >>2617234 >>3216599

File (hide): 00aaf7d3ed4f784⋯.png (2.14 MB, 896x5920, 28:185, WeAreQueueanon.png) (h) (u)



with your idiot fake thread, among many many fake threads that you create to control discourse according to your vile and perverse agenda… "The Jewish Question", AS A PHRASE, is, and always has been, in its chan life PURELY IRONIC. /pol/, remember, stands for "politically incorrect". The provenance is relevant. Because your fake nazi revival is not only a joke, in itself, in its general stupidity, but is also literally A JOKE-- never meant to be taken seriously, and not believable. And yet you are promoting this glaring gem of stupidity like its the ace you your idiot sleeve. Incompetent, hopeless bots.

You suck, and you're stupid, fake thread spewer. Give up on all your idiocy. It's so stupid my eyeballs find it hard to even look at. It's appalling how stupid this is. Delete thread, and delete yourselfs.

e12a3a (55)  No.2614951



3787af (227)  No.2615964>>2616113

File (hide): ee2d4ed2038ab9c⋯.png (27.16 KB, 1194x256, 597:128, Mossad_mafia_hits.PNG) (h) (u)


Cry more Israel first traitor.

And please, explain to me how providing fully sourced facts about jewish subversion is in any way related to nazism?

You'll pay for your treason :)

a9d880 (1)  No.2616113>>2617023


It might help if you didn't repeat the EXACT SAME COMEBACK EVERY SINGLE TIME.

So stupid.

It honestly flummoxes me how incompetent automated propaganda turns out to be. All that data! And this is the best you can do… Wow, just wow.

3787af (227)  No.2617023>>2617888

File (hide): 6262a8a78cba139⋯.png (133.44 KB, 926x734, 463:367, 1989_synagogue_skeleton_bl….PNG) (h) (u)

File (hide): caa03b24ec7c17b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB, 1024x681, 1024:681, Blood_ritual_jewish_tools.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): c712c5e88165f99⋯.png (36.41 KB, 1114x141, 1114:141, Jewish_doctor_gives_blood_….png) (h) (u)


You have nothing but ad-hominems and jewish hysteria, why would I waste my time making a new reply to your stupid yid ass everytime you cry with your bullshit?

Cry more israel first traitor, I love it when you do :)


More pics on the jewish ritual muder of goyim children and the jewish obsession with blood.

351e2b (20)  No.2617234

File (hide): abadbbd23fd8425⋯.jpeg (148.47 KB, 1440x802, 720:401, memespeak.jpeg) (h) (u)

File (hide): e1ff7223d090bd3⋯.png (143.5 KB, 480x360, 4:3, wtc_7wtf.png) (h) (u)

351e2b (20)  No.2617595>>2620576 >>2621065

File (hide): b8b1c5e3101774e⋯.png (1.71 MB, 1500x1842, 250:307, wiznew.png) (h) (u)


Never tried lsd before '92. No magic working prior to that either. I had read the illuminati trilogy before '92 as well as lots of other things.

I did try lsd and shrooms several times between '93 and 1999. Had a bad trip in '99 that ended that tinkering.

Nothing but steady MJ from well before '92 to present.

I would qualify my experience from '09 to present as magic working. Wizard or warlock one…

No rituals. No recognition. No direction. No props.

I seek counsel. IRL. I do not accept telepathic direction or counsel. I am anon. Those who commune are as well.

POTUS delta'd me after a discussion about Rael….read the book, some good nuggets.


b54d3d (1)  No.2617888>>2619287 >>2620070


>Blurp durp AD HOMINEM cause mean words bluurrmp


I'm telling you the truth, idiot machine. TRY TO THINK. But you can't think, can you? What is the social/historical context in which the phrase "The Jewish Question" had organic meaning? (At least as contemporarily valid PROPAGANDA)? Think, imbecile. Oops, you can't.. Given the preceding, why are you so stupid as to not discern that the phrase was invoked IRONICALLY on 4chan? What is the historical/social context today? How does it compare? Again: this makes it completely obvious that it was irony. So what the fuck are you doing? You have no idea. LOL

You see, you're stupid. Let me explain. If you wanted to create your fake "nazi of today" ideology, you could have done it. But you would have had to create some plausible repackaging. Some actual evidence of effort. But you, propaganda machine, being hopeless, decide to mindlessly try to make ironic memes into a someone's belief system, create virtually nothing else, and then cling to it, and overdo it to death. Not a single attempt to make anything believable. Please believe me when I tell you the truth. You can't make this look real. You're not good at this. You're a joke.

Meanwhile, talk about Richard Spencer-- do you own him? Is he /yourguy/? ((He IS a joke, btw). Do you admit he's an obvious C_A tool? Or do you deny? Do you defend? Think about it idiot machine. Think hard.

3787af (227)  No.2619287

File (hide): 7719e4f03e98bfb⋯.jpg (660.7 KB, 875x848, 875:848, Lavon_Affair_1.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): ce9bf3ea5733eb8⋯.jpg (1.6 MB, 800x5370, 80:537, Lavon_Affair_2.jpg) (h) (u)


Still nothing bu the same ad-hominem in the face of fully sourced FACTS about jewish subversion?

Thank you so much for being here and showing the newfags how you Israel first traitors operate.

And please, do keep calling me a nazi despite all the times I say in this thread that I am not a National Socialist and that I don't think National Socialism is the best answer to our modern day issues. It makes me happy because it shows everyone how scarred and cornered you Israel first traitors are.

And btw, I don't care about Richard Spencer, I never talked about him here and I have nothing to say about him.

Please, keep crying, I love it :)


Pics related are about the Lavon Affair, when Israeli terrorists bombed US military in order to try to force the hand of the US against Egypt.

e12a3a (55)  No.2620070>>2620318

File (hide): 279c79b14f44f1e⋯.jpg (4.97 KB, 255x169, 255:169, SOON 03.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 6ece237b07528bb⋯.png (511.12 KB, 640x480, 4:3, SOON 02.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 8debd499b2cb4d8⋯.gif (1.01 MB, 500x381, 500:381, SOON 01.gif) (h) (u)

File (hide): ae11aa948efad18⋯.png (62.91 KB, 292x362, 146:181, SOON.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 7074bfdd80e5db9⋯.png (405.78 KB, 347x3574, 347:3574, SOON 05.PNG) (h) (u)


Richard Spencer is controlled opposition, just like Jason Kessler, and a handful of other (((alt-right))) personalities.

You (((fuckers))) needed a race war to cover your tracks. Too bad the Negroes are woke to your shit, and those that aren't live in ghettos where any sane white person left long ago.

You (((fuckers))) needed a fascist right-wing for the people to rise up and war against, except those who are inclined to peaceably separate didn't take the bait this time (Charlottesville 2.0, 100 white nationalists, and 1000 Antifa? Antifa goes off the leash and starts screaming at cops and beats one in the street?! haha hahahahah!!)

You (((fuckers))) needed a FF attack like a chem attack or a rogue nuke except Q team is Seal Team Six steps ahead of your shit.

Repent. KYS. Or just wait. Because rope comes.


3787af (227)  No.2620318

File (hide): aca99b4ee9d2023⋯.png (281.45 KB, 1611x985, 1611:985, Trump_OurGuy_2.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 4e6b078f07e5bb5⋯.png (1.49 MB, 2616x1248, 109:52, Trump_OurGuy.png) (h) (u)





All Blacks should be against zionism and the crimes of the state of Israel because:


Israel is proudly in an open war against Blacks;


Israel is has been systematically sterilizing Black (Ethiopian) women without their consent nor knowledge;


Israel openly calls for the genocide of non-jews;


Israel supports ISIS and uses much needed in America US tax payer money to support ISIS (USA gives Israel 9 MILLION dollars PER DAY);


Jews were the ones that started and dominated the trans-Atlantic US slave trade (and they use their Hollywood and MSM control to pin it on Whites, and then use their Sorors funded “progressive” political groups like BLM to pit Blacks against Whites, and to induce guilt into Whites for something JEWS DID);


Jews use the words goyim (which means cattle AND non-jew) and shiksa (which means non-jew-woman AND a dirty abomination), and then they cry about "hate speech". Then they paint themselves like they are eternal victims when people get really angry at them when they use the ADL, SPLC and other jewish interest groups to stamp on our rights (1st amend and 2nd). The more they act like that, the more reasons to terminate them all they give the general public.


Jews were heavily involved in the KKK, which hated Black people (and by the way, Hillary Cliton’s mentor was a KKK member). From the book “When Victims Rule”:

“Jewish mythology claims a long history of moral superiority over others, and innocence. The original Ku Klux Klan (1865-1876), however, was not hostile to Jews and even had Jewish members, including Simon Baruch, the father of the Quarter-Master General of the Confederate Army. (The father of Bernard Baruch, the Chairman of the War Industries Board under President Woodrow Wilson in World War I, was a member of the Ku Klux Klan). [COIT, M., 1957, p. 12-13] The Secretary of State of the Confederacy (initially its Secretary of War) was also of Jewish birth, Judah P. Benjamin. [RUBINSTEIN, p. 20] After the war Benjamin fled to England. David de Leon was the first Surgeon General of the Confederacy. [GOLDBERG, M. H., 1976, p. 172] Other prominent Confederate Jews included Edwin Moise, Speaker of the Louisiana House; Raphael Moses who "was influential in leading Georgia out of the Union;" Henry Hyans, the Lieutenant Governor of Louisiana leading up to the Civil War; and Edwin de Leon, "whom Benjamin sent to Paris to handle public relations and propaganda for the South." "The prominent role of Jews in the Confederacy," notes Nathaniel Weyl, "is generally either ignored or condensed into shamefaced footnotes by those historians of American Jewry whose opinions conform to the liberal-leftist stereotype." [WEYL, N., 1968, p. 54]”

>Ask yourself:

If zionist jews treat Black people like this where they have total power (Israel), would they act any differently if they had the power to do the same in the US (power which zionist jews and zionist non-jews DO have a lot of in the USA)?

Make no mistake, either the US people OR zionism will survive this fight. I hope the subversive zionist traitors realize that zionism will be removed, either by words and education, or WAR. I hope they accept the olive branch the US people are offering them, but if they choose war, then they shall all die.

>And for those that might feel like Trump is not /ourguy/

He is, he knows what the zionists and jewish criminals have been up to in the West for a long long time, and so he got close to them, in order to slay their ZOG apparatus of putting Israel first.

e12a3a (55)  No.2620576>>2622904

File (hide): 9ec6a72226c823f⋯.gif (3.77 MB, 348x550, 174:275, PEPE ENLIGHTENED 02.gif) (h) (u)


All right, here's my counsel faggot, b/c I've clearly got a lot more trips and a lot more miles on this chassis than you do on yours. And I've gone out into the Astral and brought back shit that proceeded to attack my friends, and had to banish those (not fucking larping here).

Stop smoking MJ daily. You need to clean out for at least three days a week. The Green Goddess is a fucking green bitch, and she's got her hooks into you. Check out Graham Hancock's story on it. Don't do anything chemical for emotional support except as an occasional tonic. The only things I consider for regular use are nootropics. You can't treat recurring emotional pain with drugs (unless it's a cathartic-recall "one and done" like Ibogaine or a heroic dose of another ethnogen, and don't be an asshole and try this alone, if you can afford it go to a clinic, at the very least get an experienced second to make sure you don't hurt yourself).

Get a program, and if it's not for you, try the suggestions anyway. Study, meditate, forgive yourself.

Get a workout program. I don't care if you're in a fucking wheelchair. Consider it enlightenment by flagellation, except this sort of flagellation makes the body stronger instead of damaging it.

Yoga and martial arts, especially Aikido (others may work, make sure they have realistic training methods and Ki exercises. Many don't, you'll have to look around a lot). The breathing and Ki exercises are important. Strengthen the mind-body connection.

Eat clean. No processed foods. Organic. Low-carb.

Get out into nature. Be still. Let her show you things.

Daily morning medi-fucking-tation. Justfuckingdoit.

Become as dangerous as you possibly can, it's your duty as a man. Read and understand The Art of Peace https://www.elise.com/q/quotes/ueshibaq.htm . And then realize conflict is always a choice.

Whatever you choose to believe, is true. And a belief is just a thought you keep thinking. So be disciplined in your thoughts.

These don't bring me resolution, but they do bring a little relief. And a little relief is better than no relief.


e12a3a (55)  No.2620853

File (hide): 087e8fd6922f07c⋯.jpeg (38.04 KB, 474x457, 474:457, PEPE laughing 01.jpeg) (h) (u)


>1. People exist. Races are just construct, artificial group created either by anthropologists or by obsessed race - cabal division shills

Sweet! Then we can get rid of the civil rights act, hate crimes, hiring quotas and every other race-based law/program.

Also, Israel needs to be boycotted and sanctioned because they're going to institute race-based immigration and citizenship, and South Africa needs the USA to land the Marines there immediately because one part of their population is going to use this fake "race" nonsense as an excuse to genocide the other part.

You're fucking hilarious. Kikes are gonna pay for their crimes. Rope comes. Soon.

e12a3a (55)  No.2621065>>2622437 >>2622518

File (hide): 3225f881b58ab85⋯.jpg (56.24 KB, 852x560, 213:140, Ash-4-President.jpg) (h) (u)



This? https://www.rael.org/home


f3f24c (1)  No.2621954>>2627104


187201 (1)  No.2622437>>2622518 >>2622950


This is How Satan Brings in the Antichrist

Pretending to be YAHWEH

Jesus Christ said to Not be Deceived

when Christ returns you will see the stars fall from the sky..and other impossible sights…dont be tricked with this RAEL Bullshit people…


351e2b (20)  No.2622518>>2623462


Yeah you found it, don't know if my link is good, intelligent design. Lots of it doesn't suck.

Fun read. The embassy.


You sound so sure of yourself. I don't envy you a bit. Must get confusing.

351e2b (20)  No.2622904>>2623032

File (hide): d56b0a1084e9699⋯.jpg (112.12 KB, 800x593, 800:593, laughingpepe.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): a18bfebe492769b⋯.jpg (75.79 KB, 800x449, 800:449, thelook.jpg) (h) (u)


Took Aikido in my late teens.

Highest ranking 'white guy' in the world used to live in my folks neighborhood..Grantham. Then he died.

I don't stay wasted all day, just sprinkle a bit on most pipe fulls of tobacco. It helps me forget my dreams. Special OPs :)

Pretty comfy with my level of contact with the astral or cosmic or whatever, don't need it enhanced any time soon.

Also ~trusting the plan~ no need to engage or armor up at this point. Likely fuck shit up, very unlikely speed things up.

Got a veggie garden, got deep woods, wild edibles etc…eat well , not much out..fast till noon

smoke and halk loogies all day. (meditation….six minutes at a time, all day)

Occasional drink (4 days a week) seldom drunk (twice a year)

Got a wine cellar loaded with 2001 california and 2000 bordeux. Gluten free mostly, miss beer and cookies.

You may have more trips, but there's a good chance I've got more miles.

……I'll have you know I graduated at the top of my class for back to basics …. you're enlightened kiddo.

Oh yeah , Lithium. My security blanket. My legally required license to operate outside the rubber room.

e12a3a (55)  No.2622950


Yahweh was an evil insane god. What else but evil could condemn people to eternal torment?

The greatest trick the Devil ever played wasn't convincing people he didn't exist, it was convincing them he was God.

Well guess what: You've been played.

Now fuck off, the adults are having a conversation here.

e12a3a (55)  No.2623032>>2623290


You missed most of my points, but that's OK. You have free will, so you will find the way in this life, in your own way, or the next.

By definition, it is required that you follow the path of least resistance. It's when you realize you are the stones in your own stream that it becomes interesting, then frustrating, then easy.

The point isn't to become dangerous to be a danger to others. The point of becoming dangerous is it is natural for men, unnatural for men not to, and a path to master one's self, at which point it no longer matters, because then there are no adversaries. This was the lesson Ueshiba came to teach.

351e2b (20)  No.2623290

File (hide): c9fae0aa6224115⋯.jpg (65.95 KB, 850x683, 850:683, sesst.jpg) (h) (u)


Thanks for the rundown…All of your points were excellent.

I'm mostly on it.

I do live in my own little world. I don't have to deal with getting along with reality much.

Perhaps in a couple of years when this all shakes out I'll be ready to be civil again.

I think it's enjoy the show at this point. I suspect it has been since that week in early 2013 when lightning struck the vatican, the pope resigned, and a big ass meteor fucked up russia.

Or maybe it was the second week of October 2016….

Or the 9th of november…

Not sure

But when the fat lady sings, the show is over.

e12a3a (55)  No.2623462>>2625732 >>2625942


Lots of it doesn't suck, but plenty does.

Sounds like a kike wrote it (not a Jew, like some blacks aren't niggers). Main problem I have so far is:

1. Any species that had engineering sufficient to traverse stellar distances doesn't need nuclear weapons to fuck up a planet, they would have much more efficient ways to do so.

2. Best evidence I've seen is the planet is slowly expanding and adding mass, this is why dinosaurs could grow to such colossal size, despite the impossibility of their being able to stand under current gravity, this is not addressed.

3. Whites produce the most geniuses and the most morons. Their IQ bell curve is squashed at the middle and it effectively squirts out to both ends. Jews average about 95. Ashekenazi are maybe 105, but their IQ advantage is more on the verbal than mathematic or spatial, so they might be a 115 verbal but 90 on the others. So the story they are selling about Jews being the "genius ones" has the pungent waft of the farm on a hot Summer's day.

I'll read a bit more but I suspect I'll come across other BS like the Sun being powered by fusion or some other horseshit.

I think the story of the Nummo and the Annunaki makes more sense, but it might as well all be fucking fairy tales repeated adinfinitum until the Gayniggers from Outer Space can come down and give us the straight gnosis while we try and keep them from slipping us space roofies and fucking us up the butt because gayniggers.

14f55a (6)  No.2625732>>2647712

File (hide): 452ce75f747dc11⋯.jpg (55.75 KB, 842x960, 421:480, youmad.jpg) (h) (u)


I suppose you are right, it's been ten years since I read it and I've come a long way in that time. I prefer the Annunaki tale as well. Rael is pompous and silly and Yahweh a little vain midget..Almost all of it horseshit, but good nuggets and very entertaining.

I enjoy the specs for the embassy and the notion of..

It expanded my thinking some early on.

Calling it a must read is not calling it truth.

If you think it sucks ass I apologize and understand. AMazingly Rael has quite a following who take all this shit word for word literally. Who sign their written will over to the raelian church..who have a hole drilled in their head after death and have a chunk of their skull cryogenically frozen…and other fun things.

d09597 (1)  No.2625909>>2642396


14f55a (6)  No.2625942

File (hide): ec3f3477f2c77e1⋯.jpeg (130.62 KB, 426x640, 213:320, are_you_joking.jpeg) (h) (u)


Another quick story to tell about Raelish stuff.

I have one IRL friend who is a thoroughly redpilled 'lightworker' ..

After I had read that book but before I told him all about it he told me a story of when he was a kid and saw a little bearded man looking in his bedroom window…second story, floating…

Matched absofuckingloutly Rael's description of what Yahweh looks like and also a description somewhere in the bibliotecha plieades of a 12th dimension being…exopolitics, species?

3787af (227)  No.2627104>>3021610

File (hide): 5c888cca97a2aa3⋯.png (882.89 KB, 957x868, 957:868, 3.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): c63eb848ebf3d16⋯.jpg (73.41 KB, 750x600, 5:4, 8.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 8440b4e2723b6d6⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1410x1136, 705:568, 9_PerCent.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 1db65bb8c0f94b4⋯.jpg (65.62 KB, 618x594, 103:99, 18.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 4a66be75bc0dcdd⋯.png (295.02 KB, 590x807, 590:807, 23.png) (h) (u)


Indeed, most dumb nazi shit is jewish false flags.

This bread on the other hand contains fully sourced verifiable FACTS about jewish subversion, which has nothing to do with nazism.

Thanks for the bump :)

e12a3a (55)  No.2642396>>2645142

File (hide): e421176048d8929⋯.jpg (120.61 KB, 956x670, 478:335, PATTON JEWS 01.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 527c8ec7b0657b9⋯.jpg (285.5 KB, 1392x1781, 1392:1781, PATTON JEWS 02.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 945df3eac061fdc⋯.jpg (1.29 MB, 1033x4069, 1033:4069, PATTON JEWS 03.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 54bcdd8b62696fc⋯.jpg (102.61 KB, 580x584, 145:146, PATTON JEWS 04.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 28d594902e2b206⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1176x11034, 196:1839, MKULTRA MIND CONTROL DPD S….png) (h) (u)


This "bot" is happy to give the thread a bump.

e12a3a (55)  No.2645142>>2645564

File (hide): 2a151410867cda0⋯.jpg (91.98 KB, 634x418, 317:209, KIKES AGAINST 2A 06.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 7ee35c77d69b669⋯.png (537.82 KB, 968x701, 968:701, KIKES AGAINST 2A 04.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 5e91ba10e1de856⋯.jpg (118.3 KB, 1481x878, 1481:878, KIKES AGAINST 2A 03.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 7afe6bad167d8d0⋯.png (339.4 KB, 620x906, 310:453, KIKES AGAINST 2A 02.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 8acbbc1ef32a76b⋯.jpg (1.75 MB, 2832x3916, 708:979, KIKES AGAINST 2A 01.jpg) (h) (u)


These kikes be slidin'

But I be bumpin'

My trigger slide stock be thumpin'

AP rounds sends bodies slumpin'

Kikes be slidin', we be bumpin'

They be hidin', they be runnin'

Don't matter 'cause noose be comin'


3787af (227)  No.2645564>>2657727

File (hide): 9a1414e562344b9⋯.png (1013.47 KB, 1728x932, 432:233, 9a1414e562344b99674259b772….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): eff4777c3e77414⋯.jpg (99.83 KB, 720x621, 80:69, 1528165839741.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 1ce1c396d8b500c⋯.jpg (92.2 KB, 500x566, 250:283, Bibi.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 8888bbd026e0a45⋯.png (377.45 KB, 815x606, 815:606, Jewish_Insolence.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 045cb7ae004e966⋯.png (802.71 KB, 1671x1032, 557:344, Masters_of_the_universe.png) (h) (u)


I notice on your first pic that the first comment is some bluepill American saying that "Israel is an ally". She is wrong. I would have told here that:


Israel is not an ally to the US.

Would an ally try to take away your free-speech and 1st Amend rights? Watch this if you haven't:



Would an ally subvert all technology the world uses:


Would an ally attack US soldiers?


Would an ally celebrate the terrorist attacks on WTC in 2001?


Israel is not an ally to the US or the American people.

Would an ally try to false flag US personnel in order to force the hand of the US against Egypt?

You need to educate yourself on the Lavon Affair:


Israel is an enemy of the US.


“Netanyahu speaks candidly about his Agenda and view of Americans.”



What has Israel ever done for the US?

They're no Ally. Brit Hume on Fox News admitted that Israel is the biggest threat to SPY on us, and this was right after 9/11.

They might have had info that could have prevented that, but they withheld it..


Jonathan Pollard, an Israeli, was the most dangerous spy in recent times.

We need to STOP giving BILLIONS of dollars to Israel.

We need to STOP supporting them as a Nuclear Regime that has NEVER signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation treaty.

e12a3a (55)  No.2647712>>2650755 >>2656792 >>2656821


Not just the Annunaki, but also the Nummo (AKA Nommo). Probably dozens of other alien races fucking around here too, b/c what else would they do with all their free time & near unlimited lifespans.

It's no wonder why Roy Batty's line to Tyrell resonates so strongly.

I read some other bits from that book, and once I got to the "one world money, gov't and language" I nearly kEk'd. Fuck that guy. Probably should have stopped after the foreward "international best-selling novelist, journalist and broadcaster", yeah, um, if you're so fucking hot shit, why did you have to tell us that? OH, B/C NOBODY'S EVER HEARD OF YOU!

So, we wait until the Gayniggers come down and give us the straight dope on why they keep trying to put shit up our butts (likely b/c gayniggers).

cb0534 (4)  No.2648052>>2648141

File (hide): e35c4d6f2633f24⋯.jpg (22.75 KB, 308x477, 308:477, DbzKxoBVwAA8Z5m.jpg) (h) (u)

>>2390914 (OP)

Q team, if you're listening, please please tell us we’re not going to be giving billions of dollars over to Israel. Please tell us that it’s not true, or if it is true, that it’s some kind of trap. Sorry for the concernfagging but I am very concernfagged that the game will end before the Final Boss has been stomped. I know you said they will be “dealt with last” but the God Emperor has been spinning so many dreidels that I can’t even walk into /pol/ without somebody making fun of me for being a cucked goyim.

3787af (227)  No.2648141>>2695749

File (hide): 0842c6a869dccd7⋯.png (346.87 KB, 646x822, 323:411, q_the_problem.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): ce6bade9342f2b7⋯.png (39.12 KB, 1580x426, 790:213, 4_Q.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 76d14cb39fa6fb8⋯.png (57.08 KB, 1310x844, 655:422, Flow_Chart_3_Q.png) (h) (u)


They just need US to shift the narrative about Israel on the general public (and the narrative we will give them is the truthful one). Once that is done, they can BTFO Israel and judaism because people will not only accept it, they DEMAND it.

We just need to redpill the general public about the truth about all of this stuff.

8a0d17 (3)  No.2649661>>2650514

Some dam evil ass people wow thanks for the info Anon. Alot of work here.

3787af (227)  No.2650514

File (hide): e9559ded40a4929⋯.gif (101.56 KB, 657x527, 657:527, Apu_MAGA_M16.gif) (h) (u)


My pleasure anon!

Make sure to spread the info whenever pertinent and safe, its how we win this without a hot war.


14f55a (6)  No.2650755

File (hide): 5487cc8cc7a5496⋯.png (2.84 MB, 1508x1190, 754:595, ufo.png) (h) (u)


Yeah, sorry it's been ten years or so, was a springboard into exopolitics…

Probably the work of of a demented demiurge.

Or a delusional second rate race car driver..

I still want to build a private sector embassy , or at least tend the landscaping at the U.S. embassy to the stars..

Nommo = Sirius C?

Dogon..just another tale amongst many, novel because someone paid attention and found astronomy details that check out. More indicative to me of a higher civilization in the past than E.T. intervention.

Tom Robbins, Half Asleep in Frog Pajamas

With a little digging his narrative checks out pretty well…my intro to the Dogon.

pic--last time I saw a UFO…AWESOME

Two synchronized curving away from behind this plane 'satelite' like or iridium flare looking objects..double trouble.

3787af (227)  No.2652493>>2652529 >>2691556 >>3091981 >>3308404


Now that we took a look at the Jewish "Russian mafia" and the Orthodox religious and Israeli business networks with deep links to drug cartels that have been instrumental in maintaining the United States drug problem, lets explore other types of crime in which jews are hugely involved in order to destroy the false narrative of jews as a group being always innocent victims

>From the book "When Victims Rule", chapter "09. JEWISH CRIME" ( source: https://archive.is/35G8q ):

         "Of all the areas of Jewish enterprise," notes Gerald Krafetz, "none has been so overlooked as the field of crime. And it isn't because of a lack of Jewish criminality. For an introspective people, this oversight is significant. It is as if Jewish crime did not exist, an unsavory skeleton is best left in the family closet … The sociopathology of Jews is not an acceptable notion since it runs counter to both religious precepts and preconceived ideas that Jews have of themselves." [KREFETZ, p. 112] "Jews were … involved in many of the most visible and spectacular frauds of the post-Civil War period," notes Benjamin Ginsberg, "as well as in economic dislocations and financial manipulations that characterize the era." [GINSBERG, p. 75] In one much publicized scandal for instance, the Jewish governor of South Carolina, Franklin Moses, oversaw the issue and selling of $6 million in fraudulent state securities, as well as funneling hundreds of thousands of dollars in public funds into his own pocket. [GINSBERG, p. 75]


         In a broader financial sphere, very visibly at the top of the socio-economic pyramid, Jewish businessman Joseph Seligman's nefarious activities in the late 1800s helped to create the infamous "Black Friday" stock market crash.  Benjamin Ginsberg notes that the crash


         "ruined thousands of investors, implicated President Grant, and led to a

         Congressional investigation of [Jay] Gould and Seligman … Similarly, in

         the early 1890s, Jacob Schiff collaborated with E. H. Harriman in the

         latter's attempts to wrest control of the Northern Pacific Railroad from J.

         P. Morgan and James Hill … When the price of the Northern Pacific

         Stock collapsed, the entire market crashed in the notorious 'Black

         Thursday' panic that led to a nationwide economic depression."

         [GINZBURG, p. 73]


         In 1885 the French-based project to build the Panama Canal collapsed, resulting in financial scandal that led, in part, to Seligman again. "Both the United States Congress and the French Parliament had inquiries," says Ginsberg, "In both countries major Jewish financiers were implicated: Baron Jacques de Reinach in Paris and Joseph Seligman in the United States. Many shareholders lost everything, but Seligman lost nothing. In contemporary parlance, the Seligmans engaged in influence peddling, insider trading, and corporate asset stripping and looting -- all at the expense of credulous investors." [GINZBURG, p. 74] The French end of the Panama Canal scandals, notes Albert Lindemann, "involved large amounts of French capital and threatened national prestige – and Jewish agents were deeply involved. The intermediaries between the Panama company and parliament were almost exclusively Jews with German names and backgrounds, some of whom tried to blackmail one another." [LINDEMANN, p. 87]


         The Jewish component of (Gentile) Huey Long's corrupt political machine in early 20th century Louisiana included Leon Weiss, an architect, who "was implicated in the financial scandals surrounding the administration and served prison time." [KIRKUS, 10-1-97] Herbert Stempel was willing participant in the 1950s television quiz show scandals until a Gentile, Charles Van Doren, usurped him in deceit. Jewish TV producer Lew Cowan, denying guilt, was one of the most prominent executives who lost his job in the wake of the scandals. Even at the heart of the World Zionist Organization, after founder Theodore Herzl's death, his wife Julie ("an extravagant and unstable woman") "threatened the Zionist leaders with scandals and lawsuits if they didn't meet her extravagant financial needs." [STERNBERGER, I., 8-15, 1995] ”

3787af (227)  No.2652529>>2691556 >>3091981 >>3308404


Now that we took a look at some more facts bout jewish crime, lets explore the jewish involvment in human trafficking and prostitution rings in which jews are hugely involved in order to destroy the false narrative of jews as a group being always innocent victims

>From the book "When Victims Rule", chapter "10. JEWS AND "WHITE SLAVERY"" ( source: https://archive.is/rkYr2 ):

“  At the end of the 19th and beginning of the twentieth century, Jews were deeply involved in what was popularly called "white slavery": international prostitution rings. "White slavery," notes scholar Albert Lindemann, "was a concern of Jewish leaders throughout the world, who recognized it as a special problem." [LINDEMANN, p. 33] [Jews have also dominated the pornography and commercial sexploitation business, a trend which continues to this day -- see Mass Media section]


          "Between 1880 and 1939," notes scholar Edward Bristow, "the Jews played a conspicuous role in 'white slavery,' as the commercial prostitution of that era was dramatically called. Not only was this Jewish participation conspicuous, it was historically unprecedented, geographically widespread, and fraught with collective political dangers." [BRISTOW, p. 1] "Jewish trafficking," says Bristow, "was anchored in brothel keeping, women freelanced or kept houses while their husbands procured … Jewish traffickers also supplied Gentile-run houses." [BRISTOW, p. 56-57]


         Rooted largely in Eastern and Central Europe where they "dominated the international traffic out of the area," [BRISTOW, p. 2] Jews were involved in prostitution rings that networked, wrote Arthur Mora (of London's Jewish Association for the Protection of Girls and Women) in 1903, to "almost all parts of North and South Africa, to India, China, Japan, Philippine Island, North and South America, and also to many of the countries of Europe." [BRISTOW, p. 1] Jewish criminals trafficked women under their control virtually anywhere, also including the major cities of Bulgaria, Bosnia, Greece, Turkey, Lebanon, Egypt, Ceylon, Manchuria, South Africa, Rhodesia, and Mozambique. [BRISTOW, p. 181]


         "By 1900," says Bristow, "Jewish commercial vice was largely incorporated in underworld elements and many of it participants were predators of the poor." [BRISTOW, p. 89] Jewish pimps, procurers, and traffickers preyed mostly on non-Jewish women, but even large numbers of Jewish women were part of their stables.


          In 1872, for example, Jewish prostitutes in Warsaw numbered 17% of the known prostitution population, in Krakow 27%, and in Vilna 47%. [BRISTOW, p. 23] Within the Jewish community itself, it was not uncommon for recruiters to marry innocent Jewish young women and "deposit them in foreign brothels." [BRISTOW, p. 25]  Many of the Jewish criminal underworld figures apparently saw no gap between their day-to-day activities and their religious lives, often maintaining their religious obligations. A Warsaw thug, Shilem Letzski, organized a small synagogue for Jewish "prostitutes, madams, pimps, and thieves." This criminal community even had a rabbinical court "to settle disputes between pimps." [BRISTOW, p. 60]  In Constantinople, prostitutes contributed money to "have their pimps called to Torah on holidays." [SCHNEIDER, p. 225]  In New York City, "a public school and a large synagogue were situated right next door to the house of prositution." [RUBINOW, I., 1959, p. 114-115]


         In Buenos Aires, Argentina, notes Donna Guy, the Jewish pimp organization called the Varsovia Society


           "ostensibly functioned as a mutual aid society … In fact, the Varsovia

           consisted of pimps who wanted to maintain their business and still lead

           a religious life … Varsovia associates established their own synagogue

           on Guemes Street in the midst of the traditional bordello district."

           [GUY, p. 22]


         Israeli scholar Robert Rockaway notes also, for example, that prominent Jewish American mobster Longy Zwillman "always remained sensitive to his Jewish upbringings." When a close friend died, and the funeral was conducted in a church, Zwillman refused to attend. As he explained it, he was an ancestral member of the Jewish priest caste (the Cohens) and it was religiously forbidden to him to be with a dead body in a room. [ROCKAWAY, R., 1993, p. 30] ”

3787af (227)  No.2652981

File (hide): dc7a822c81da830⋯.jpg (110.49 KB, 519x675, 173:225, The_cycle_of_jewish_subver….jpg) (h) (u)

f52aae (3)  No.2652992>>2653170 >>2653216 >>2657946

There is good and evil in every individual. Some more good than evil, others more evil than good. Some individuals change from good to bad or bad to good. Good and evil is determined by the choices that we make and the consequences that proceed.

One can say that George Soros is an evil lying jew viper of the synagogue of satan, but what of the jew that they called Jesus of Nazareth. Did he not die nailed to a cross, like a scapegoat for the sins of man? There are many more jews in this world that are on the side of good than are on the side of evil, just like most people of faith and decency that come of all colors and nations around the world.

3787af (227)  No.2653170>>2653203 >>2653232 >>2658563

File (hide): 0842c6a869dccd7⋯.png (346.87 KB, 646x822, 323:411, q_the_problem.png) (h) (u)


>There is good and evil in every individual. Some more good than evil, others more evil than good. Some individuals change from good to bad or bad to good. Good and evil is determined by the choices that we make and the consequences that proceed.

Obvious. Still, does not make jewish subversion any less real nor does it make judaism any less of a supremacist ideology.

>One can say that George Soros is an evil lying jew viper of the synagogue of satan, but what of the jew that they called Jesus of Nazareth.

Jesus was an Israelite and even if he was a jew, he would be a racial jew that had rejected jewish-supremacism (aka: judaism), so I would have no problem with Jesus he it was true he was a racial jew who rejects jewish supremacism and subversion.

>Did he not die nailed to a cross, like a scapegoat for the sins of man?

Yes, and jews had him killed because he was against jewish supremacism/judaism and Usury.

>There are many more jews in this world that are on the side of good than are on the side of evil, just like most people of faith and decency that come of all colors and nations around the world.

Good, as long as a racial jew is against judaims, zionism, communism, progressivism, jewish interest groups operating in the West and dual-citizenship politicians, I don't care he is a racial jew.

And btw, its extremely telling of how insecure you are as a jew given that you didn't even had the basic decency to read the content from the thread before you decided to intervene with your apologist stance. If you had read the thread before posting that post, I would not have to write all of the things I wrote above again, but I understand the jewish mindset of self-perception as the eternal victim, and mostly incapable of phantoming that criticism of jews as a group can be legitimate (and all of the criticism made on jewish group behavior is legitimate).

That typical jewish attitude won't work here, here there is nothing but facts, and those who deny the facts are exposing themselves as enemies of the West and human decency. I suggest you ttop being such an inconsiderate idiot, it will extend your life span considerably and increase you quality of life.

Welcome to the thread, make yourself comfy and learn about jewish subversion. Have a nice day :)

3787af (227)  No.2653203


>so I would have no problem with Jesus he it was true he was a racial jew who rejects jewish supremacism and subversion.

Mean to write: "so I would have no problem with Jesus being a racial jew if it was true he was a racial jew because he would had been a racial jew that rejected jewish supremacism and subversion"

cb0534 (4)  No.2653216>>2653258


Good evening, Rabbi!

>>There is good and evil in every individual.

Either you're retarded or you think we're retarded. Obviously no one is arguing that. But if everyone at the top of every demented and degenerate organization is Jewish, and if there are numerous quotes directly from the mouth of Jews that point to Jewish supremacy and absolute hatred of all good things, what are we supposed to do? We're here because we see patterns.

Love the praise of diversity at the end of your spiel. You convinced me… let's get Israel to bring down those borders. Diversity is your strength!

3787af (227)  No.2653232>>2653265


>I suggest you ttop being such an inconsiderate idiot,

Meant to write: "I suggest you stop being such an inconsiderate idiot,"

3787af (227)  No.2653258>>2653457

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>let's get Israel to bring down those borders. Diversity is your strength!

Reminds me of this classic. Must see.

cb0534 (4)  No.2653265>>2653326


I wouldn't worry about corrections, people like him don't read our responses anyway. They just come in, type something to distract us, and then go looking for another thread to ruin.

3787af (227)  No.2653326


Probably he won't read it, but the audience will, and will learn to see the jewish supremacist shills for what they are if they don't know already :)

cb0534 (4)  No.2653457

File (hide): 3a0684f73577604⋯.jpg (5.96 KB, 175x288, 175:288, Dkb07DOUwAEqCIK.jpg) (h) (u)


Hilarious! Thank you, Anon!

I'm so excited to see people waking up. The world is changing but Hollywood is still behind the times. Just the other day I saw a trailer for yet another slavery movie showing evil white people, and also YET ANOTHER Holocaust movie. Even if I wasn't red pilled, I would still be so, so bored of that tired-ass narrative. I can't wait to see the movies and tv shows of the future, in which this sort of thing is shown in broad daylight.

Because if tv and movies don't change, then eventually we'll see a scifi movie that takes place in the year 3000 AD, and it will be about… you guessed it… evil white people killing Jews and enslaving blacks…

26fdab (1)  No.2654387

File (hide): 1506c90883ad50b⋯.jpg (52.35 KB, 504x508, 126:127, knowing is half the battle.jpg) (h) (u)


14f55a (6)  No.2656792>>2656821

File (hide): 8e72d757f65bca6⋯.jpg (72.39 KB, 350x483, 50:69, aliceseen.jpg) (h) (u)


f52586 ID

Notables 8/18/18 HAARP, mind control



I deeply suspect it's not human..or terrestrial..one or the other.(operating this system)

Thankfully, I think that 'deaf' issue plays in here.

Maybe why she chose me.

(((They))) , (((SHE)))knew it was coming.

I was either incapacitated or armed.

Or made invisible.

For the future.

I deeply suspect it's not human..or terrestrial..one or the other.(operating this system)

Don't honestly know shit, just that it seems connected.

14f55a (6)  No.2656821

File (hide): 2f69a85bca3f9cc⋯.jpg (345.2 KB, 1440x960, 3:2, chrissyt.jpg) (h) (u)



Sorry for the copy pasta massacre, looked better at the top. I knew I'd forget I moved it.

14f55a (6)  No.2656952

File (hide): bf07da99fd78b4b⋯.png (574.96 KB, 600x790, 60:79, toothy.png) (h) (u)


tip E top

3a5a00 (4)  No.2657727>>2657815 >>2658365


They did this:


>The unveiling of Iran's purported secret atomic files by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was aimed at supporting "a decision that was already made" by United States President Donald Trump to pull out of a 2015 nuclear deal with Iran, an Israeli analyst said on Tuesday.

The world is not black and white. Smart anons know this and this is why 99% of the posts here are your own.

3a5a00 (4)  No.2657742>>2657815 >>2658563

Q #1822

>They want you DIVIDED.









We need to unite against the global cabal. By throwing fire at the normie jews you are SHIELDING THE REAL ENEMY. ANd you are doing this ON PURPOSE.

3a5a00 (4)  No.2657780>>2657815 >>2658545


You mean these orthodox jews?

>The statistics are impressive. President Trump got 28% of the Jewish Vote. Of this total over 80% were Orthodox Jews.


So much for your authorless "book" "verifiable source"…

When victims rule… Oh my…

You really have to learn what is a verifiable source. This will not even pass a sniffing test. An authorless online "book" that cant even cite a source correctly (the jounalist is caspit not "kapit"). Also it adds a shitload of unreferenced data and text. Really how stupid do you think we are? This whole diarrhea of a text looks more like a clown op to divide the "conspiracy" movement and shield the cabal by bashing the "jews".

73fb3b (3)  No.2657815>>2658563




Good points.

Expand your thinking. (((They))) the cabal "jews" are using the normie jewish as a shield to deflect attention from (((them))) to the jews as a whole. Its all social engineering, divide and conquer, and these satanist cultists always get away with their hands clean while others get the heat.

73fb3b (3)  No.2657946>>2658563 >>2658648


Lol your message of unity and hope sure got a "peacefull" reaction from the low iq hate mongers and shills. THEY ARE HERE FOR A REASON ANON, TO SHIELD THE REAL ENEMY - GLOBAL CABAL, BY INVENTING ANOTHER ENEMY - THE JEWS. they deflect the fire to the jews in hopes that people will forget who the REAL enemy is.

3787af (227)  No.2658365>>2658747

File (hide): 79f0266087cd63d⋯.png (1007.6 KB, 1350x3570, 45:119, AIPAC_Subversion.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 9a2364cdca678bf⋯.png (747.21 KB, 1044x1860, 87:155, AIPAC_Subversion_2.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): dd3187e75e1af1d⋯.png (341.52 KB, 1228x1254, 614:627, Anti_Semtism_Laws.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 37b16e0961213e3⋯.png (238.87 KB, 1327x1320, 1327:1320, Anti_Semtism_Laws_2.png) (h) (u)


Dude, Israel has never acted for nobody's interests but their own, that is a fact.

Judaism IS a supremacist ideology, that is a fact, and its implications is that judaism IS going to be banned from the West, either by peace and dialogue, or war.

The West had no enemies in the ME before the creation of the Rothschild colony in Palestine called Israel, that is a fact, which means that zionists in the West are going to get the boot, either by education and dialogue, or war.

I trust Trump to be doing things to benefit of the West, and that MUST include removing zionist, judaism, communist and progressivist subversion, and if I'm wrong and Trump doesn't deliver on those, you can be your ass that a major total war against jews and their supporters will occur.

The Western world doesn't owe SHIT to jews or zionists, and if you're insolent to the point to think that things will just stay the same, you'll be very surprised once the change occurs, and it WILL, either via peace and education, or WAR.

>99% of the posts are yours

See, my posts are factual and sourced, and as always, your jewish insolence drives you to under-estimate the goyim. Please do, I don't care if you choose to push tensions to the point of war, just be aware, that if we do go to war with your kind, nobody will ever have a problem with your kind again, because we will kill you all, for all the right reasons, so please traitor, do keep your insolence up, you're just digging your own grave further :)

3787af (227)  No.2658545>>2658747

File (hide): ca46c23b4223ed2⋯.png (254.62 KB, 706x929, 706:929, 1531465925173.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 5df874c1f87046a⋯.jpg (9.76 KB, 277x182, 277:182, Israel_Human_Traficking_1.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): fa75eb8995a4c28⋯.jpg (820.21 KB, 1035x1200, 69:80, Israel_Human_Traficking_2.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): a66eb465d2cd4da⋯.jpg (3.72 MB, 3457x2990, 3457:2990, Israel_Organ_Traffic.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): a8adc1b9a4476f3⋯.png (435.85 KB, 1516x844, 379:211, Rabbi_Organ_Traffic.png) (h) (u)


Once again, you try to discredit a legitimate source because you are a traitor who knows the days of jewish subversion are OVER.

So I will repost the reply I made to you, again:

You mean, over 10000 citations from 2000 publications is not enough for you, Israel first traitor.

Feel free to read thru all of them, all the ones I verified stand up to scrutiny :)





You see, jewish insolence like that is why jews like you are going to have to leave or you WILL get killed if you stay in the West.

Cry more, I love it when you do traitor :)


And the fact that Orthodox jews voted for Trump does not make the relations between drug cartels and them any less real, so please, do keep trying your obfuscation and pilpul tactics, keep underestimating the goyim and acting like we're stupid because the more you do, the more people will hate you and your kind once they verify the information and see you're a traitor trying to play the goyim/cattle for fools, like your kind always did.

So thank you so much for your jewish insolence, you're only making the goyim wake up harder and making them hate your kind even more, which will make it easier to remove you subversive kind from the West, either by dialogue and TRUTH, or war.

Keep digging your grave traitor, please do :)

3787af (227)  No.2658563>>2658747

File (hide): fbe649c3035dbd9⋯.png (1.4 MB, 1327x2705, 1327:2705, Censorship_South_Carolina_….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 948b29283d9d4dc⋯.jpg (937.19 KB, 2047x2052, 2047:2052, List_Jew_Orgs.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 27381f72cb364a6⋯.gif (3.43 MB, 3375x5175, 15:23, ZOG.gif) (h) (u)


You're an insolent traitor who just can't quit acting like I did not address your points. Once again, read these, traitor, and keep in mind it is you the one spreading division, and that people like you are going to get killed by patriots, either via military tribunals, or popular action: >>2653170 ; >>2572039



You're being manipulative by implying that I don't make the distinction, when anyone that reads the thread knows I do.

And how to you tell if a jew is a good jew?

Easy, he recognizes judaism, zionism, communism, progressivism, jewish interest groups and dual-citizen politicians as enemies of the West.

Try harder at trying to not get judaism banned from the West for being a supremacist ideology which gives tremendous power to the cabal, just like islam, because you will fail, and jewish subversion in the West will cease, via education and words, or WAR. Take your pick, choose wisely.



>Inventing another enemy, the jews

You have over 200 posts of fully sourced and verifiable facts on how jews AS A GROUP, always act subversively. Racial jews who fight judaism, zionism, communism, progressivism, jewish interest groups and dual-citizenship politicians are welcome allies, those who don't, are just enemies.

You, in typical jewish insolence, keep acting like jewish GROUP behavior, which is ALWAYS subversive is not a thing, and that the legitimate criticism is based on "hate", when the posts show that the most hateful group in existance right now is the jewish GROUP. This is undeniable because it is factual, and the more you try to push that narrative of false victimhood, the more you increase the odds that people will lose their patience with you and your kind and just decide to kill them all.

So, it is you who is hateful, you hate the truth, and you hate the fact that some individual jews are against jewish group subversion, and if you get your way, then we'll just have to kill all of you, for all the right reasons.

Judaism IS a tool of the cabal, as is zionism and communism, if a racial jew is against those, then I call him an ally, but traitors like you don't want those subjects talked about because if frees non-subversive jews from their cabal psyops (judaims and zionism), so in fact, it is YOU who is working for the cabal, traitor.

You'll hang :)

f52aae (3)  No.2658648>>2658737


Yup, that's ok though. I knew that would happen. I don't judge them though. Its ok because people can be guided to good or evil. In time they could go through life experiences that change their sentiments, that is of course if the participants of the thread are genuine and not some soldiers under a commander with orders.You could bring a horse to water but you can't make him drink. by the way, I am Gothic (Catalan), and i am a christian.

3787af (227)  No.2658737>>2658811

File (hide): 9314a25a193b3b3⋯.png (572.82 KB, 672x1580, 168:395, Silence_the_goy.png) (h) (u)


You're being desingenious, because if you read the thread you'd know there is not hate here, only TRUTH. Truth only sounds like hate to those that hate the truth, so you try your little bullshit pilpul to try to obfuscate that fact from the goyim that come here. Its repeatead over and over again in the thread that racial jews are not the problem, judaism is (because it IS a supremacist ideology) and zionism is, along with communism and progressivism.

Thank you so much for underestimating us goyim, the more you shill like that and treat us like idiots, the more the general public will hate you and fight you for your insolence.

You want to see hate?

Here, have a look at who are the hateful ones, traitor: >>2392124

You're going to hang, and if it needs to be done via popular action, I will have all the pleasure in the world in killing people like you who think they can play us goyim/cattle for fools with your transparent bullshit :)

3a5a00 (4)  No.2658747>>2658898




Wow you got triggered…

The trafficking report cited from a hebrew fake news website (ynet news) talks about the prostitution problem in israel, many women from eastern european countries are smuggled through the egyptian border to the country. Source:


>According to the findings released in March 2005 by a Parliamentary Inquiry Committee, between 3,000 and 5,000 women had been smuggled into Israel and sold into prostitution in the previous four years. Most of the prostitutes came from Ukraine, Moldova, Uzbekistan, China and Russia, and many were smuggled through Egypt.[6][16][17]

>In 2007, a report by the Knesset's Committee on the Status of Women reported that in recent years the number of trafficked women had dropped to less than 1,000.[18] In 2007, the United States State Department placed Israel as a "Tier 2" in its annual Trafficking in Persons reports, meaning that it does not fully comply with the standards for the elimination of trafficking but is making significant efforts to do so.[19] In 2011 the country was upgraded to "Tier 1".[20]


When you say human trafficking you usually imply children. Where are the references? I showed you that israel has the same prostitution problem that all countries have.

that is just one example of your "half truths" that are worse than lying. You have know idea about the topic you post. You just spam a few snip and thats it

And your little "book". When victims rule is an internet AUTHORLESS diarrhea. So much for being a verifiable source. It cant even cite a journalists name correctly, and it is full of baseless speculations. It is all a clown op, bring out of context "data" and mix it up with sourceless text.

Israel a "haven for pedos"? Wanna take this lie back? Oh… Here comes the truth:


>In the largest pedophile case in Israel’s history, Beno Reinhorn was arrested last week under suspicion of committing a series of sexual offenses against at least 140 minors.

all those who operate this bot are digging their own graves. The day of the rope is near

73fb3b (3)  No.2658811>>2658898


Your bible is an internet clown op with no author and a ton of lies, that cant even cite its references correctly. By your focus on an entire population you are SHIELDING THE REAL ENEMY, AND DOING AO ON PURPOSE. YOU DONT WANT US TO DIG THE CABAL, YOU WANT US TO BASH "THE JEWS" INSTEAD. Well to your surprise we got smarter and your social engineering has no effect on us.

so keep on lying and posting jew caricatures. The day of the rope is coming

3787af (227)  No.2658898>>2658903 >>2688346


>Wow you got triggered…

Nah traitor, I just like to put traitors like you in your place :)

>When you say human trafficking you usually imply children

False. You just can't resist using some pilpul and try to put words into people's mouths, don't you traitor?

Please, keep doing so, the more you do, the more people will hate you and your kind for your insolence :)

>I showed you that israel has the same prostitution problem that all countries have.

And yet, why do you get so triggered when jewish involvment in crime is exposed, using fully sourced facts, that you try to discredit using lies and pilpul, by using strawman arguments and projection?

Oh, please do continue operating like that traitor, thank you so much for helping turn the general public opinion against your subversive kind :)

>that is just one example of your "half truths" that are worse than lying. You have know idea about the topic you post. You just spam a few snip and thats it

Projection at its best.

Thanks for your efforts, you're only digging your grave further. You can't hide from the truth forever traitor, as you'll soon find out :)

>And your little "book". When victims rule is an internet AUTHORLESS diarrhea. So much for being a verifiable source. It cant even cite a journalists name correctly, and it is full of baseless speculations. It is all a clown op, bring out of context "data" and mix it up with sourceless text.

You'd wish traitor, your kind censors, attacks and even kills patriots who come out against your subversion (including General George S. Patton), and then when people author fully sourced books about your subversion you attack them for not making their names known… Lol, you think that goyim are that stupid, thank you so much, you're just convincing the audience that your kind must be expelled forever from the West to NEVER return, traitor. Thank you so much for you efforts, you're helping the goyim cause greatly :)

And please, do attack a 2000+ page work with over 10000 citations from over 2000 sources just because of a spelling mistake, your agenda makes it self even more clear when you do, so please continue to try to use that vector of shilling, pretty please :)

>Israel a "haven for pedos"? Wanna take this lie back?

It is. Read: >>2395838

Might have something to do with the FACT that the Talmud promotes pedophilia ;)


Good, now you just need to clean up the rest, and that won't happen until traitors like you stop trying to defend the rotten ideology of judaism and zionism :)

>all those who operate this bot are digging their own graves

I am not a bot, and I am digging a grave, yours, and the one where all the traitors will be in once this is over :)

>The day of the rope is near

You can bet your treasonous ass it is :)



>Your bible is an internet clown op with no author and a ton of lies, that cant even cite its references correctly.


Its not a bible, only a traitor Christ hating jew would say that.


And please, do attack a 2000+ page work with over 10000 citations from over 2000 sources just because of a spelling mistake, your agenda makes it self even more clear when you do, so please continue to try to use that vector of shilling, pretty please :)


Ton of lies? Well, that is lie, and I thank you for that claim, once people read it and go verify the claims there and see it is you the traitor who is lying, they will hate even more so.

So please, do keep lying traitor, pretty please do keep lying, you're only helping my cause of destroying jewish subversion in the West once and for all :)


3787af (227)  No.2658903>>2688346



>By your focus on an entire population you are SHIELDING THE REAL ENEMY, AND DOING AO ON PURPOSE.

Once again, thank you for acting like jewish group subversion is not real, the more you do, the more people will hate you traitors for your lies and insolence once they learn about the realities of jewish subversion :)


Judaism, just like islam, is just another tool of the cabal, so it is you who is trying to help the cabal, you want people to not realize that judaism is an enemy of the people, including racial jews, and the more you try to obfuscate that truth, the more people, including racial jews will hate traitors like you in the long run, so thanks for helping my cause via your pilpul and lies :)

>Well to your surprise we got smarter and your social engineering has no effect on us.

Lol, nice projection traitor. I really like how you say "us", as if you had any authority to speak for anyone but yourself. Are you a rabbi or something, used to speak on the behalf of some group you lead? :)

>so keep on lying

Never did, nice projection :)

>posting jew caricatures

You mean, all the facts about jewish subversion? I will ;)

>The day of the rope is coming

You can bet your treasonous ass it is :)

f52aae (3)  No.2658925>>2658963

Now they fight amongst themselves about how much they hate jews and themselves for being shills and traitor. The evil one is alive and well in this thread.

3787af (227)  No.2658963


What are you trying to imply?

Evil is people like you trying to dissuade people into looking into the facts.

Racial jews are victims of judaism too, you transparent traitor.

Your era of subversion is over, deal with it :)

4e632c (2)  No.2669616>>2669768

>>2390914 (OP)

In the Old Testament, we read about how God gave laws to Moses in the form of the ten commandments. Over the centuries that followed, the jews found technical loopholes--ways around God's laws–and they began to write them down in the Talmud. If the jews were able to cheat even the laws of God, then it's no surprise that the goyim today are so easily fooled by their pilpul and so readily to accept the "jewish genius" meme.

We today must recognize that the jew was not interested in competing with the great ideas and personalities of our intellectual world, but rather that for him those intellectual labors were nothing but a political tool that he could use as a lever of spiritual destruction on the peoples he intended to rule. Spinoza is a classic example. He used the thought of Decartes and Giordano Brumo in a way that completely changed its original sense. Leading jews have done the same with the thinking of other great Europeans; they pretended to be the real proponents of these ideas and were nonetheless greatest liars. Remember how Karl Marx falsified the German conception of socialism as a natural order of life, based deeply in German blood, and turned into the phantom of the dictatorship of the proletariat?

Let us examine how the Talmud has been used (by jews and gentiles alike) to destroy the moral and spiritual fiber of the national community. The first step is the inversion of values: what was traditionally good becomes evil. Some obvious examples of this: the nuclear family, heterosexuality, white men and gender roles. Today these things are seen as evil by the resentful and the indoctrinated. The reason given is not a logically sound argument, but rather a complete appeal to emotion--pathos. The corruption of truth, science and morality are all necessary to destroy the spirit of the goy. We must be enslaved by instant gratification–fashion and consumerism. We must lose all sense of identity and solidarity, especially racial and ethnic solidarity as this is the greatest strength of the "chosen people". Our history and accomplishments must become a source of shame and ridicule, rather than a source of pride. We must ignore our foundation myth, and embrace the new foundation myth–post WW2 egalitarianism. We must destroy our books and monuments, and replace them with new monuments to our new rulers.

Would you call this behavior moral or would you call this a cold Jihad against culture and civilization itself? Would you call the people behind this allies or would you call them terrorists?

3787af (227)  No.2669768>>2688426


If jews don't get a grip, fast, they will get killed en mass. That is a fact. The people hate their insolence and bullshit.

8a0d17 (3)  No.2686362>>2688426

File (hide): 60a264ffb4f52f8⋯.jpg (36.77 KB, 400x387, 400:387, absolutlyhitler2.jpg) (h) (u)

I like this thread ha ha ha .

5fcefc (6)  No.2688346>>2691489



Hahahahah you really got triggered. Big time.

>nah traitor

"Nice projection :)"

There is a reason why your "thread" is 99% your own copypasta, and it being the fact that anons have brains.

Your "2000 verifiable facts" is worse than youtube conspiracy videos hahaha

You reference to a "Book" that isnt a book. Ffs it doesnt have an author lol

How stupid does Media Matters think we are? Maxine level?

Seriously, your "book" "when victims rule" is a fucking interenet conspiracy diarrhea and it looks like a clown op.

TELL ME MORON HOW COME MANY OF THE "SOURCES" IT REFERS TO ARE NON EXISTANT? THOSE CLOWNS CANT EVEN SPELL JOURNALISTS NAMES CORRECTLY (WHO IS "BEN KAPIT"? LOL). And from what ive seen everything that is sourced is out of context subversive lies like your copy pasta vomits (to which youll say "nice projection :)")

Now lets go to your "historian" Henry Makow who is in fact A FUCKING PHD IN ENGLISH LITERATUE. thats right!


Do you think no one will actually look it up? We are anons and digging is what we do. Kinda fits you to not know that, being a slob who lives in mommies' basement and shills for David Brock.

And your documentary. Sure all other documentaries lie, the veterans lie, both russian and american, and the camp survivors also lie right? yes those subversive 90 year old survivors who break down and cry whenever they talk about it.

Q said "those who scream the loudest… Are the most evil". It puts you in a very bad group burger flipper, working in mcdonalds is way more respectfull.

I can already see your reaponse. Call me israel first and use some moar projection. As evident by the traffic here, any anon with half a brain can diferentiate arguments from retarded propoganda. And all you can say about this is "oy vey" and "mommy please wash my old mcdonalds shirts, ill be needing them soon".

6580f7 (2)  No.2688426>>2691495 >>2721357



Oh so now hitler is a good guy and lets kill all jews if they wont "get a grip". Very q like message. Yeah lerlts kill all jews and trump daughter and her family in law and lets praise a cabal puppet with a funny mustache.

You will kill jews?! Are you sure you are talking about yourself? Your retarded slob self thay cant even hold a rifle. If you are so afraid that those evil jews will skin you alive and use your blood for mazah how do you expect to actually kill someone lol

You paid basement dweller shills are crackong me up seriously. Look at the traffic here on this thread. The anon above me nailed it. It is 99% you shill posting the same copypasta crap. Its hilarious.

6580f7 (2)  No.2688481>>2691495

Oh and i know each reaponse bumps your thread and it makes you thrilled. But with each response more and more anons see your "arguments" being destroyed and your lies being exposed (come on say "nice projection :)" for the lolz). And that is good for the sake of qresearch.

3787af (227)  No.2691489>>2691713 >>2692833

File (hide): 01c800638c27375⋯.jpg (253.37 KB, 724x844, 181:211, Merchant_Born_To_Shill.jpg) (h) (u)


>Hahahahah you really got triggered. Big time.

No traitor, I did not because I have no sacred cows, so I am comfy :)

>There is a reason why your "thread" is 99% your own copypasta, and it being the fact that anons have brains.

Yes, I gathered this information and I am sharing it here. Why would that be a problem?

I know you are an Israel first traitor and the truth makes you scared. Don't be scared, we will only have to kill you jews if Trump fails at cleaning the swamp (which is not likely he will), so we will probably not have to kill you all that stay in the West if SHTF, we will just end your subversion :)

>Your "2000 verifiable facts" is worse than youtube conspiracy videos hahaha

Nope. The sources that I verified stand up to scrutiny. Here they are, again :) :






>You reference to a "Book" that isnt a book. Ffs it doesnt have an author lol

It has, one that is anonymous, because you Israel first traitors harass and kill anyone who tells the truth about jewish subversion, like for example, General George S. Patton (see here: >>2393507 ).

And the author of "When Victims Rule" takes nothing from his work, after all, I remind you that you are on 8chan where people do research under anonimity. Are you trying to imply that all the research done here is not legitimate because we are facing a monstrous enemy that requires us to stay anonymous? You really need to try harder jewish traitor :)

>How stupid does Media Matters think we are? Maxine level?

Another ad-hominem and no argument.

Thanks for keeping admitting defeat traitor :)

>Seriously, your "book" "when victims rule" is a fucking interenet conspiracy diarrhea and it looks like a clown op.

Another ad-hominem and no argument.

Thanks for keeping admitting defeat traitor :)

>TELL ME MORON HOW COME MANY OF THE "SOURCES" IT REFERS TO ARE NON EXISTANT? THOSE CLOWNS CANT EVEN SPELL JOURNALISTS NAMES CORRECTLY (WHO IS "BEN KAPIT"? LOL). And from what ive seen everything that is sourced is out of context subversive lies like your copy pasta vomits (to which youll say "nice projection :)")

Tell me more on how the author making a spelling mistake on a work that includes over 10000 citation from 2000 publications make the whole thing invalid… I love it when you do because it shows that your agenda is to defend jewish subversion at all costs, and you sure are grasping at straws, and I love to see you squirm :)

>Now lets go to your "historian" Henry Makow who is in fact A FUCKING PHD IN ENGLISH LITERATUE. thats right!

Actually, the guy I told you was Henry Makow was not him, I made a mistke, the guy that was talking about "Poland: The Paradise of jews" is E. Michael Jones.

But Henry Makow also has a lot of interesting research, read about it here: https://www.henrymakow.com/

>Do you think no one will actually look it up? We are anons and digging is what we do. Kinda fits you to not know that, being a slob who lives in mommies' basement and shills for David Brock.

You never posted a single dig, I bet, and the level of triggering that exposing jewish subversion and crime does to you, I bet you're somehow afraid of getting RICOed for something (perhaps shilling, if you get payed to do what you're doing here) :)

>And your documentary. Sure all other documentaries lie, the veterans lie, both russian and american, and the camp survivors also lie right? yes those subversive 90 year old survivors who break down and cry whenever they talk about it.

Sure traitor, only the people who get bribed and/or threatened into agreeing with the fake news jewish narratives are correct.

You can't address the claims on the sources (which are legitimate, as anyone can go verify), so you just sperg out like the traitor you are. Thanks for it, you amuse me :)

>Q said "those who scream the loudest… Are the most evil". It puts you in a very bad group burger flipper, working in mcdonalds is way more respectfull.

You are the one screaming and sperging, but I would not expect a low-iq Israel first jewish traitor like you to have any self-awareness, so I am not surprised the irony of you posting that is lost on you :)

>I can already see your reaponse. Call me israel first and use some moar projection. As evident by the traffic here, any anon with half a brain can diferentiate arguments from retarded propoganda. And all you can say about this is "oy vey" and "mommy please wash my old mcdonalds shirts, ill be needing them soon".

I call you a traitor because that is what you are. You hate that the truth about jewish subversion and the crimes of Israel are being exposed, so you make you little crying rants in here in impotent rage.

And I thank you for it because they make me laugh each and every time :)

3787af (227)  No.2691495>>2693223

File (hide): 1c6a70cdeb8fb9e⋯.png (60.39 KB, 250x235, 50:47, Merchant_Feels.png) (h) (u)


If jews don't stop acting like a subversive group, they are choosing to keep acting like enemies, and if they don't get a grip (meaning, they don't choose to fix the problem of jewish subversion via peaceful means), then yes, they will get killed en-mass. Its simple logic traitor :)

>Very q like message.

It is indeed. How many times has Q said that enemies who refuse to stop their criminal and destructive actions against the West and the USA will be destroyed? You don't get a free pass just because you're a jew, traitor :)

>Yeah lerlts kill all jews and trump daughter and her family in law and lets praise a cabal puppet with a funny mustache.

Jews will only be killed en-mass if civil war starts. And if civil war starts, you can bet your ass Ivanka and all of Trump's family will be out of the country weeks before it starts.

Ivanka is not your human shield, traitor :)

>You will kill jews?! Are you sure you are talking about yourself? Your retarded slob self thay cant even hold a rifle. If you are so afraid that those evil jews will skin you alive and use your blood for mazah how do you expect to actually kill someone lol

Kek, you're pathetic. Thanks for making me laugh, all that impotent rage amuses me, traitor :)

>You paid basement dweller shills are crackong me up seriously. Look at the traffic here on this thread. The anon above me nailed it. It is 99% you shill posting the same copypasta crap. Its hilarious.

Lol, thanks for showing me how much your grasping at straws :)


>Oh and i know each reaponse bumps your thread and it makes you thrilled.

Not really, I will just make another one if this one slides off the board :)

>But with each response more and more anons see your "arguments" being destroyed and your lies being exposed (come on say "nice projection :)" for the lolz). And that is good for the sake of qresearch.

Kek, sure buddy, keep telling yourself that and underestimating the goyim/cattle like the treasonous and scared jew you are, it surely helps your cause immensely ;)

3787af (227)  No.2691556>>2691589 >>2692793 >>3091981 >>3308404 >>3448402

File (hide): 7d3a1c9cd680f07⋯.jpg (499.78 KB, 800x2491, 800:2491, Israel_promissed_land_of_o….jpg) (h) (u)




Another interesting find about Israeli based organized crime.



'Promised land for organized crime?'

Leaked document reveals US ambassador's concern over Israeli crime families' growing foothold in his country. Embassy 'using every available tool to limit organized crime travel to theUnited States, but such efforts are not always successful,' he writes in cable to State Department, FBI" - Published: 02.12.10

"Americans concerned by growing organized crime in Israel in past few years: In a cable sent from the US Embassy in Tel Aviv to the State Department in Washington and the FBI, American Ambassador James Cunningham showed impressive knowledge in the Israeli crime world and expressed his concern over its impact in the United States."

"In a document from May 2009 titled "Israel a promised land for organized crime?" Cunningham wrote that "Organized crime (OC) has longstanding roots in Israel, but in recent years there has been a sharp increase in the reach and impact of OC networks."

He mentioned the assassination of crime boss Yaakov Alperon, "only about a mile away from the embassy," and the killing of a 31-year-old Israeli woman by a stray bullet on the Bat Yam beach during a failed assassination attempt on a noted crime figure, noting that Israeli crime groups "have demonstrated their ability and willingness to engage in violent attacks on each other with little regard for innocent bystanders."

According to Cunningham, the Israel Police and the courts "have engaged in a vigorous campaign against organized crime leaders… but they remain unable to cope with the full scope of the problem."

He noted that many of the Israeli crime families' operatives hold foreign passports, "allowing them to move freely in European countries, most of which participate in the visa waiver program with the United States." He admitted that the embassy's attempts to prevent criminals from reaching the US are not always successful.

"Five or six crime families have traditionally dominated OC in Israel," Cunningham wrote, although the names and makeup of these syndicates have fluctuated in recent years. The Abergil, Abutbul, Alperon, and Rosenstein organizations are among the most well known, but recent arrests and assassinations have created a power vacuum at the top.

"New names such as Mulner, Shirazi, Cohen and Domrani have moved quickly to fill the gap. Other up-and-coming groups include the Harari, Ohana, and Kdoshim families. There are also a number of rival families active in the underworld of Israel's Arab sector." "

3787af (227)  No.2691589>>2691709 >>2692793 >>3091981 >>3308404 >>3448402

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


An excellent video about this issue.

Notice how the jewish international criminal lobby could even pressure wikileaks into censoring itself, just because documents were related to Israel.

Kinda explains how scared criminal jews are of people finding out the truth about jewish subversion and crime, as you can see by how scared and despaired they come here to shill :)

3787af (227)  No.2691709>>3091981 >>3308404


Its interesting to analyze the words of Putin when he last went off script at a speech of his, in the light of how big the jewish and Israeli organized crime networks are and how powerful they are in Russia and the US.

It's clear Trump is calling out Israel when he went off script.

4c3ba5 (14)  No.2691713>>2691785


The More You Know

Fascist syndicalism

Fascist syndicalism (related to national syndicalism) was a trade syndicate movement (syndicat means trade union in French) that rose out of the pre-World War II provenance of the revolutionary syndicalism movement led mostly by Edmondo Rossoni, Sergio Panunzio, A. O. Olivetti, Michele Bianchi, Alceste De Ambris, Paolo Orano, Massimo Rocca, and Guido Pighetti, under the influence of French Marxist Georges Sorel,[1] who was considered the “‘metaphysician’ of syndicalism.”[2] The Fascist Syndicalists differed from other branches of syndicalism in that they generally favored class struggle, worker-controlled factories and hostility to industrialists, which lead historians to portray them as “leftist fascist idealists” who “differed radically from right fascists.”[3] Generally considered one of the more radical Fascist syndicalists in Italy, Rossoni was the “leading exponent of fascist syndicalism.”[4], and sought to infuse nationalism with “class struggle.”[5]

Revolutionary syndicalism to national syndicalism

Sometimes considered the “father” of revolutionary syndicalism or at least “the leading figure amongst the French Syndicalists”,[6][7]Georges Sorel supported militant trade unionism to combat the corrupting influences of parliamentary parties and politics, even if the legislators were distinctly socialist. As a French Marxist who supported Lenin, Bolshevism and Mussolini concurrently in the early 1920s,[8][9] Sorel promoted the cause of the proletariat in class struggle, and the “catastrophic polarization” that would arise through social myth-making of general strikes.[10] The intention of syndicalism was to organize strikes to abolish capitalism, not to supplant it with State socialism, but rather to build a society of worker-class producers, which Sorel regarded as “truly true” in Marxism.[11]

In an attempt to save Marxism, Sorel gravitated towards the creation of a synthesis of populism and nationalism that also included “the crudest of anti-Semitism.”[33] By this time, Sorel and other syndicalists concluded that proletarian violence was ineffectual since the “proletariat was incapable of fulfilling its revolutionary role,”[34] an assessment that persuaded many to see the nation-state as the best means by which to establish a proletarian-based society, which later congealed into the fascist concept of proletarian nationalism.[35]

Many revolutionary syndicalists followed Sorel and his Sorelian socialism towards the allure of a radical nationalism after he praised Maurras and displayed his sympathies for French integral nationalism in 1909.[36][37] The appeal that Charles Maurras presented was his nationalistic approach against bourgeois democracy, the Enlightenment, and “its liberalism, its individualism, and its conception of society as an aggregate of individuals.” [38] This trend continued and by 1911, revolutionary syndicalists had acknowledged that two important antirational political currents had come together, forging “a new nationalism and revolutionary socialism.”[39] This coalescence finally surfaced as a major facet of Italian Fascism, where Mussolini himself confessed: “What I am, I owe to Sorel.” The Israeli historian Zeev Sternhell, considered a leading expert on fascism, asserted that this integration of syndicalism with unpatriotic nationalism was a factor in why “Italian revolutionary syndicalism became the backbone of fascist ideology.”[40]

Fascist syndicalism and productivism

Mussolini was one of the first to comingle the phrase fascism with syndicalism, remarking in the early 1920s that “Fascist syndicalism is national and productivistic… in a national society in which labor becomes a joy, an object of pride and a title to nobility.”[41]

3787af (227)  No.2691785


You're point being?



Exposing jewish subversion and criminality is not "anti-semitism". You need to cure that victim complex;


When jews got persecuted thruout history, its was ALWAYS because of their behavior, and not "anti-semitism", no matter how much you want to keep alive the false narrative that jews are little saints who are always the eternal poor victims of unjust cruelty.


The more you try to hide the truth about jewish subversion and criminality, the bigger the backlash will be, so please, do keep trying play the goyim/cattle for fools, the more you do, the more determined the general public will be to support ending your subversion once and for all, at ANY cost :)


You can learn a lot about the reasons for hostility against jews here: https://archive.is/1IEWq

3787af (227)  No.2692793>>2692811 >>2693222 >>2693460 >>3091981 >>3308404

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On the issue of the danger and power of the Israeli lo lobby in the US, I recommend everyone to read this book called "One Nation Under Israel".

It’s available for free in the digital library that runs webarchive, here:


This review about the book says it all:

“One Nation Under Israel By Andrew Hurley

Reviewed by Richard H. Curtiss


My theory on book reviews is that 99 percent of those who read the review will never read the book, no matter how strongly I recommend it. So it’s okay to reprint as many of its salient facts and conclusions as space permits. However author/historian Andrew Hurley has packed so many facts and such sensible, cogently reasoned conclusions into this book’s 307 pages that it’s impossible to just skim off the top. It’s quotable from beginning to end.

Readers are best advised to get their own copy and settle in for what will be a rewarding but not entirely easy read. Hurley was a corporate lawyer for 40 years before he retired and brought out the first edition of this book in 1990, just before the Gulf war rearranged the furniture on the deck of America’s sinking “Israel, right or wrong” Middle East policy. Accordingly, he has laid out each of his 14 chapters almost like legal briefs. He states the facts of each case as he sees them, the opposing arguments where they exist, the counter-arguments, and then what any sensible judge would conclude---unless that judge happened to be running for elective office in the United States, and therefore was scared to death of the Israel lobby.

There are problems to this approach, but before getting into them let’s make one thing very clear. You should get this book and read it. If you are well informed about the Middle East, you may or may not learn much that is new. But it is certain you will find in these pages many of those items you remember reading about and later wish you had cut out and saved.

On the other hand, if you are clueless about the Middle East, you may be exactly the kind of person for whom author Hurley wrote the book. If, however, after reading the book, you still feel uncertain about who is in whose space, and who is willing to compromise and who is visibly delaying a peace settlement until there’s nothing left over which a compromise can be reached, well, then, you really are clueless.

You also should get your public library to buy it. And if the head librarian pleads budgetary problems, offer to donate a copy.

Then, when the donated copy is stolen, buy the library another one. You can rest assured that, unless the librarian attaches it to a chain, the book will be stolen because this is a very, very subversive document for those who would like the U.S. to go on paying Israeli bills and using the American veto in the United Nations to frustrate Israel’s critics (who, Hurley demonstrates, include every other sovereign nation on earth) for a second half-century while Israel’s Likud leaders finish committing national suicide (which, in Hurley’s opinion, probably won’t take anything like that long).

This second, but unchanged, printing has been issued nine years after the first, in the same year that Israeli voters have turned out the Likud for the third time. But otherwise little has changed in Israel, and little of that for the better. Israel has new “moderate” leadership, which is reluctant to carry out the commitments of the previous “extremist” leadership, and again Israel’s American apologists, whom Hurley blames for much of its folly, are saying, as they always do, “Give the new man a chance, don’t crowd him, or the extremists will come back.”

In fact, however, the significant change since Hurley finished his book nine years before the date of this review is that the moderates did come back for three of those years, from 1992 to 1995, but there still is no peace, and little certainty that new Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak is prepared to make the territorial withdrawals that will bring one about with the Palestinians.

Hurley clearly documents the futility of the “peace process,” a term he attributes to Israel’s first Likud prime minister, Menachem Begin, who, in this reviewer’s opinion, seized upon the “process” to postpone the “peace.” Begin’s successor, Yitzhak Shamir, put it succinctly: “What’s to negotiate? They think the land is theirs. We think it’s ours.” Hurley also cites the prophecy of Israel’s first prime minister, David Ben-Gurion, in a May 31, 1963 letter to Moshe Sharett: “I have no doubt that Begin’s rule will lead to the destruction of the state. In any case, his rule will turn Israel into a monster.”


3787af (227)  No.2692811>>2692821 >>3091981 >>3308404


The reader is left to judge whether the return of a Labor coalition government will halt, or at least slow, what Hurley calls the “march of folly.” But I can think of few other volumes that would be as helpful to readers for working that out for themselves.

I have to admit that I was presented a copy of the first edition, entitled Holocaust II: Saving Israel From Suicide, nine years ago but was turned off by the title. (Then, as now, I was more worried about saving the U.S. when Israel’s seemingly inevitable suicide occurs.) I knew, as Hurley makes abundantly clear, that one thing upon which all Israeli nationalists agree is that if Israel’s third brief sway over the Holy Land is to end badly, as did the others in previous millennia, because of internal Jew-versus-Jew dissensions, the Zionist state will not go out “Masada style” (with the principals jumping off a cliff), but rather via the “Samson option,” with nuclear-armed Israelis pulling the temple down around themselves and all of their neighbors as well.

I realize now, however, that Hurley, though sincere in his humanitarian desire to prevent unnecessary harm to the Israelis themselves, is as deeply motivated as most of his potential readers by the desire to end the incredible suffering of the Palestinians under Israeli colonialism, and to end the dangerous consequences for Americans of their ever-increasing estrangement---on Israel’s behalf—from the rest of the world.

The second thing that put me off was the contents of the first chapter, entitled “The March of Folly,” whose 14 pages are devoted to the history of biblical Israel. I reluctantly grant the validity of the judgment of many Christians, Muslims and Jews that “religion has everything to do with the Israel-Palestine problem.” It’s been my personal observation, however, that religion has had little to do with finding a solution. But after reading Hurley’s book through to the end this time, I realize that his approach is basically secular.

In fact, it’s clear that, like a good lawyer, Hurley included that chapter, made up of both biblical references and a factual account of Israel’s unhappy history in the ancient world, for a very good reason.

As he points out in the book’s final chapters, when rational solutions to the dispute are presented, Israelis of many stripes fall back on selected biblical references to support their case that God has willed otherwise. But not even these fall-back apologetics work if these references are viewed as a whole, as Hurley’s book enables even the casual reader to do.

Having progressed beyond my previous annoyances, I was initially surprised at Hurley’s insistence on presenting his historical chapters, covering “the Zionist Movement: 1887-1948,” “the Arab-Israeli Wars,” and “the Search for Peace,” spanning events prior to and during the Ford, Carter and Reagan years, almost exclusively through the words of Jewish writers.

This has become possible in recent years with the appearance of such Israeli “revisionist historians” as Gen. Yehosephat Harkabi and Simha Flapan, from both of whom he quotes extensively, and relatively objective American Jewish journalists such as David Shipler, from whose book Wounded Spirits in a Promised Land Hurley also quotes at length.


3787af (227)  No.2692821>>2692829 >>3091981 >>3308404


For example, Hurley demolishes an over-used Israeli rationale for violating the boundaries of the 1947 United Nations partition plan by keeping Israel’s own 53 percent and seizing, in 1948, more than half of the Arabs’ 47 percent as well. Afterward, Israelis said, “We accepted the partition plan. The Arabs didn’t.” But Hurley supplies this quote from Flapan’s The Birth of Israel, Myths and Realities: “Acceptance of the U.N. Partition Resolution was an example of Zionist pragmatism par excellance. It was a tactical acceptance, a vital step in the right direction---a springboard for expansion when circumstances proved more judicious.”

Is it really necessary to limit oneself to quoting Jewish sources? Realistically, the answer is yes, as not only Hurley but anyone who has written and spoken publicly on the problem knows. The greatest triumph of “The Israeli Lobby,” the title of Hurley’s next chapter, has been to brand any criticism of Israel, no matter how informed or well-documented, “anti-Semitic,” and get away with it. A mere discussion of the problem by non-Jewish sources has become “suspect,” not just to the clueless but to anyone concerned with being duped by bigots or being mistaken for one.

So Hurley has dutifully played by the rules successfully imposed by the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), Israel’s potent Washington lobby, which adapts with chameleon-like ease to both “extremist” and “moderate” Israeli governments. AIPAC makes pro forma changes in its executive directors, while leaving in place the lobbyists who can manipulate comfortable majorities in both Democratic and Republican Congresses, and who can either formulate the Middle East policies to be followed by U.S. presidents, or inhibit them from carrying out Mideast policies of their own.

As Hurley explains: There is a “crucial distinction between the Israel lobby and the typical lobby. If one disagrees with or opposes the Farm Lobby, for example, he is free to say so…No such freedom exists in America so far as opposition to Israeli policy or the Israeli Lobby is concerned. It is simply ‘taboo.’ To do so automatically exposes one to being branded ‘anti-Semitic,’ a ‘Fascist,’ a ‘Nazi,’ or part of the lunatic fringe…Since there is absolutely no defense against the charge of ‘anti-Semitism,’ most prudent people have long since preferred silence on sensitive issues to the risk of exposing themselves to the accusation of ‘anti-Semitism,’ with its inevitable ‘Hitler’ and ‘Holocaust’ associations.”

The author concludes his chapter on “The Israeli Lobby” by quoting this complaint by General Harkabi, former chief of Israeli intelligence and adviser to Israeli Prime Minister Begin, from Harkabi’s 1988 book, Israel’s Fateful Hour: “I fail to understand why they [American leaders] are so apprehensive of speaking out and saying that the present [Israeli] policy of annexation will miscarry, that it is bound to fail, that it will end in national bankruptcy or that it is suicidal---whatever is their evaluation. By such diffidence Americans do a disservice to Israel and to themselves.”

In his following chapter, “The Israeli Lobby in Action,” Hurley quotes liberally from comments by former Senate Foreign Relations Committee chairmen William Fulbright (D-AR) and Charles Percy (R-IL), and from Sen. Adlai Stevenson III (D-IL), Representatives Paul Findley (R-IL) and Paul N. (Pete) McCloskey (R-CA), for whose political defeats AIPAC takes credit. Hurley also quotes George Ball, President John F. Kennedy’s under secretary of state and President Lyndon Johnson’s ambassador to the United Nations, who certainly would have been U.S. secretary of state but for the Israel lobby opposition generated by his frank advice on the cost to the United States of its persistent tilt toward Israel.


3787af (227)  No.2692829>>3091981 >>3308404


“Bad Use of a Good Friend”

Fulbright, for example, pretty well summarizes the contents of this book in a speech he delivered just before the end of his Senate term: “Endlessly pressing the U.S. for money and arms---and invariably getting all and more than she asks—Israel makes bad use of a good friend…Israel’s supporters in the U.S….by underwriting intransigency, are encouraging a course which must lead toward her destruction—and just possibly ours as well.”

And Ball summarizes the lessons learned by all who have run afoul of Israel’s American lobby: “When leading members of the American Jewish community give [Israel’s] government uncritical and unqualified approbation and encouragement for whatever it chooses to do, while striving so far as possible to overwhelm any criticism of its actions in Congress and in the public media, they are, in my view, doing neither themselves nor the U.S. a favor…They’ve got one thing going for them. Most people are terribly concerned not to be accused of being anti-Semitic, and the lobby so often equates criticism of Israel with anti-Semitism. They keep pounding away at that theme, and people are deterred from speaking out.”

In a chapter examining “Israel and the United States,” Hurley notes Israel’s success in preventing any congressional investigation of its 1967 attack on a U.S. Naval ship, the USS Liberty, in which 34 Americans were killed and 171 injured. In partial explanation he quotes former chairman Admiral Thomas Moorer of the Joint Chiefs of Staff: “I’ve never seen a president---I don’t care who he is—stand up to them [the Israelis]. It just boggles your mind. They always get what they want. The Israelis know what is going on all the time. I got to the point where I wasn’t writing anything down. If the American people understood what a grip those people have on our government, they would rise up in arms. Our citizens don’t have any idea what goes on.”

In his chapter on “American Jewry and Free Speech,” Hurley quotes the late Philip Klutznik, a former U.S. secretary of commerce and mainstream U.S. Jewish leader who became a virtual non-person in the U.S. Jewish community when he began to speak out against Israeli extremism. Describing the reaction to his outspokenness by individual American Jews, Klutznik reported: “They say to me, ‘You are absolutely right in what you say and do, but I can’t. I can’t stand up as you do.’”

In a 1988 speaking tour, Shulamit Aloni, former leader of Israel’s dovish Meretz Party, admonished North American Jewish audiences: “If you have the right to speak out on human rights in countries all around the world---including Jews in the Soviet Union—you certainly have the right to speak out on human rights in Israel. How wrong does Israel have to be before you speak up?”

Hurley devotes three chapters to the internal stresses within Israel, religious versus secular, extremists versus moderates, that propel Israel steadily toward the goal of the Ariel Sharon wing of the Likud Party---expulsion of all of the Palestinian Arabs from all of Palestine. It is this act, Hurley believes, that will lose Israel its American protection, and thus seal its fate in an era when both Israel and its Arab neighbors will have nuclear weapons and the will to use them.

Then, in lawyerly fashion, he cites the three issues whose solutions could avert this nightmare scenario: the problem of the Palestinian refugees, the return by Israel of the occupied territories, and the establishment of a Palestinian state. This chapter, like his final one, “A Plan for Peace,” will be of less interest to those familiar with the Israeli-Palestinian dispute. On the other hand, for newcomers to the issue who are less interested in its history than its solution, they may be the most valuable 40 pages of the book.

Hurley’s work should be on the shelf of every student of the Arab-Israeli dispute. It also is ideal for newcomers to the problem who are sufficiently motivated to read it in its entirety. It is extremely well footnoted, with every quote carefully sourced. To this reviewer, the only weakness of the book is its lack of an index which would enable readers to find, once again, those quotes that are so valuable in getting the attention of the truly perplexed.

This lack is particularly surprising because the book, under two different titles, has had two separate publishers, and has none of the typos, ambiguous sentences or incomplete footnoting that often mar presentations by small publishers. Perhaps in its third printing, and I am sure there will be one when the usefulness of this volume becomes more widely known, its only flaw will be eliminated.

Richard H. Curtiss is the executive editor of the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs. “




5fcefc (6)  No.2692833>>2693216


>Tell me more on how the author making…

LIAR. ("Nice projection :)")

Who is the author? This diarrhea of a text known as "when victims rule" that can be found only on fringe clown op conspiracy sites is authorless!

Want me to present further lies that this clown op text presents? Referencing non existing reporters is just the tip of the iceberg. Bringing out of context lies is the iceberg itself.

>I love it when you do because it shows that your agenda is to defend jewish subversion at all costs

"Nice projection :)" on this too.

>Actually, the guy I told you was Henry Makow was not him, I made a mistke, the guy that was talking about "Poland: The Paradise of jews" is E. Michael Jones.

Hmmm who is this E. Michael Jones… A catholic, thats interesting. A catholic professor with a phd in…. American literature!

Hahahaha what a dumb liar you are.



>You never posted a single dig, I bet,

Want me to prove you wrong? Including multiple notabkes on my side. The last one being about the vanderbilt photo with anderson cooper. Want to show us your dig on the actual enemy and the actual relevant topics? Oh I forgot you work for them and the only thing you can dig for is junk food leftovers from under the tables when the shift is over.

>Sure traitor, only the people who get bribed and/or threatened into agreeing with the fake news jewish narratives are correct.

Oh so all other documentaries are bribed and they never present references right maxine? But your special little documentary is the only that present references and is interests free. WOW the iq wasnt high in that argument (come on, say "nice projection :)").

>so you just sperg out like the traitor you

"Nice projection :)"

>You are the one screaming and sperging,

Oh really? Said the megashill with a thread, 100 + posts in the thread + 30 posts per bread on average (when Brock commands you to spam breads). Hmmmmm are you SURE that i am the one screaming? Lol

>but I would not expect a low-iq Israel first jewish traitor like you to have any self-awareness, so I am not surprised the irony of you posting that is lost on you :)

"More ad-hominem :)" and some projection.

>I call you a traitor because that is what you are. You hate that the truth about jewish subversion and the crimes of Israel are being exposed.

Whenever there is a verified israeli crime, i go against it. Whenever there are people who view others as inferior to them, like your cabal bosses view us (yes you to burger flipper), i go against it. When jews openly believe themselves to be above gentiles, i go against it. When christians see all non christians as sinners - i go against it. When muslims call infidels inferior, i go against it. WHEN SOMEONE BLAMES AN ENTIRE POPULATION TO SHIELD THE REAL ENEMY, I GO AGAINST HIM! AND CALL HIM OUT FOR THE MORON/SHILL THAT HE IS.

>you make crying rants

"Nice projection :)"

Oh and "nice projection :)" on the shill meme.


What really makes me laugh though is that you bash the jews as a population and do it in q research forum. Being here means you support trump and the plan, but you call his daughter and her family in law subversive enemies and you even called to kill them if they "dont get a grip". since you talked about jews as a population it includes them too. Maggor, your fake narative is lacking in the logical thinking department, but given that Brock pays a basement dweller, it is understandable. (Go on, say "more ad-hominem traitor :)")

3787af (227)  No.2693216>>2693222 >>2693341

File (hide): 492a4a6d3e0cd7a⋯.png (248.37 KB, 542x666, 271:333, Merchant_Very_Distressed.png) (h) (u)


Here we go again :)


Thanks for the ad-hominem. I love it how you keep admitting defeat by your lack of content in your posts. Thankfully, your jewish neurotic spergfest amuses me :)

>Who is the author?

He is anonymous.

Once again:

"because you Israel first traitors harass and kill anyone who tells the truth about jewish subversion, like for example, General George S. Patton (see here: >>2393507 ).

And the author of "When Victims Rule" takes nothing from his work, after all, I remind you that you are on 8chan where people do research under anonimity. Are you trying to imply that all the research done here is not legitimate because we are facing a monstrous enemy that requires us to stay anonymous? You really need to try harder jewish traitor :)"


>Want me to present further lies that this clown op text presents? Referencing non existing reporters is just the tip of the iceberg. Bringing out of context lies is the iceberg itself.

You have nothing, and you know it :)

>"Nice projection :)" on this too.

Please, tell me more on how exposing jewish subversion is defending jewish subversion, you insane jew :)

>Hmmm who is this E. Michael Jones… A catholic, thats interesting. A catholic professor with a phd in…. American literature!

And? All his claims stand up to scrutiny.

You have nothing but ad-hominems on me and the authors that expose jewish subversion.

You're a very weak debater mate, but a funny one, I'll give you that :)

And if you want to learn more about some of the best work of E. Michael Jones, read this:




Lol, you've got nothing traitor, and you know it.

The man's work on world history, jewish history, history of protestantism and catholicism is legitimate, so please do cry more :)

>Want me to prove you wrong? Including multiple notabkes on my side. The last one being about the vanderbilt photo with anderson cooper. Want to show us your dig on the actual enemy and the actual relevant topics? Oh I forgot you work for them and the only thing you can dig for is junk food leftovers from under the tables when the shift is over.

No proof it was you.

And the fact that you get so scared and triggered by jewish subversion and criminality being exposed exposes you as an Israel first traitor, so please to keep going :)

>Oh so all other documentaries are bribed and they never present references right maxine? But your special little documentary is the only that present references and is interests free. WOW the iq wasnt high in that argument (come on, say "nice projection :)").

Given that the documentaries are sound and you can't come up with a single good argument against their claims but "other documentaries say the contrary", I would say you're an Israel first traitor who is scared shitless because he has no arguments against the facts presented on said documentaries :)

>Oh really? Said the megashill with a thread, 100 + posts in the thread + 30 posts per bread on average (when Brock commands you to spam breads). Hmmmmm are you SURE that i am the one screaming? Lol

100 posts of fully sourced verifiable facts, yes. The facts that trigger you and make you go on a ad-hominem fest because you have no arguments :)

> Whenever there are people who view others as inferior to them, like your cabal bosses view us (yes you to burger flipper),

Tell me again who is the group that sees itself as the "chosen by God" ;)

>When jews openly believe themselves to be above gentiles, i go against it.

Judaism is based on the premisse that jews and only jews are God's chosen. Judaism IS supremacist, no matter how much you try to dance around that fact :)


3787af (227)  No.2693222>>2693341 >>2693644



Jews act like a group, they get treated like a group. Simple, until ALL jewish interest groups get done with in the West, jews ARE acting like a group in the West.

If you can't see that, well, you're dumb.

>What really makes me laugh though is that you bash the jews as a population and do it in q research forum.

I expose jewish subversion (which jews make happen as a GROUP), exposing jewish subversion is not "jew-bashing".

And off course I do it on Q forum, why would I not, isn't Israel coming last? Aren't the Rothschild jews? Isn't Soros a jew? Aren't the biggest subversion efforts in the US coming from the Israeli lobby (read: >>2692793


> Being here means you support trump and the plan

Trusting the plan does not mean we do not dig, stupid :)

>but you call his daughter and her family in law subversive enemies and you even called to kill them if they "dont get a grip"

I never did called them subversive, what I did said is that jews as a GROUP are subversive, and that is a fact. I also say that judaism IS a supremacist ideology (which it is) that will be banned from the West, either by dialogue and honesty, or war (just like islam).

And it is obvious and a fact that if jews as a GROUP don't stop their subversive activities via peaceful means, they will get targeted with violence in case of SHTF, that is common sense.

>since you talked about jews as a population it includes them too.

It does, but they would be long gone from the country before civil war (SHTF) happens (if it does). You see, if jews don't stop their subversive activities via peace (like their violence incitation in the jewish controlled, owned and staffed MSM), they will manage to start the civil war, and then they will get killed. Simple, and obvious.

>Maggor, your fake narative is lacking in the logical thinking department, but given that Brock pays a basement dweller, it is understandable. (Go on, say "more ad-hominem traitor :)")

I do, because it's true, you have nothing but ad-hominems, traitor :)


2161ea (1)  No.2693223>>2693460


>It is indeed. How many times has Q said that enemies who refuse to stop their criminal and destructive actions against the West and the USA will be destroyed?

WRONG MAGGOT. q said that the people are not to be blamed dor crimes of rulers and handler.

Q #1263

>Think logically.

>Attack the world?

>Are the people of France to blame?

>Are the people to blame or the ruling >class (leaders/controllers)?

>Apply leverage.




>Power shift.

>Rise of the people.


>Not understood?

And this:

Q #1822

>They want you DIVIDED.










>Jews will only be killed en-mass if civil war starts. And if civil war starts, you can bet your ass Ivanka and all of Trump's family will be out of the country weeks before it starts.

Or really. Killed by who? By smart patriots who fight for freedom? Genocide isnt a very freedom like act.

You are just dying for a civil war dont you maggot? Do another sacrificial ritual + pop control for your handlers, like ww2? You shills cant even lift a firearm, let alone use it. Those "jews" will massacre you and you are terrified because of it. You have nightmares of jews using your blood for matzah lol

Anyway it is very patriotic and very trump supportive to want a civil war and to call for killing of trump daughter and her family in law (yes maggot, they are kosher jews).

>Kek, you're pathetic. Thanks for making me laugh, all that impotent rage amuses me, traitor :)

>Lol, thanks for showing me how much your grasping at straws :)

Lol "Nice projection :)"

>Not really, I will just make another one if this one slides off the board :)

Oh i know you will. As long as you get more shekels then cleaning tables in mcdonalds.

>Kek, sure buddy, keep telling yourself that and underestimating the goyim/cattle like the treasonous and scared jew you are, it surely helps your cause immensely ;)

On the contrary maggot. You are the one SHIELDING THE REAL ENEMY AND BASHING AN ENTIRE POPULATION IN DOING SO. YOU ARE AN ENEMY TO FREEDOM AND TO THE MOVEMENT AND "ALL FOR A BUCK" - to qoute DJT. Your inner logical flaws are your worst enemies, together with your lies. (Come on say "nice projection :)" it will make my day burger flipper).

5fcefc (6)  No.2693341>>2693460



Kek all there is to be said is:

"Nice projection :)"

My work here is complete. You just buried yourself and are probably on your way to losing your job. Any anon with half a brain will see you for who you are ("nice projection :)")

My next posts will be exposing the clown op authorless diarrhea also known as "when victims rule". Oy vey its panic time for you shill :)

3787af (227)  No.2693460>>2694052

File (hide): f77e6bb6c4874e3⋯.jpg (111.23 KB, 634x555, 634:555, 1528582550160.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): b27be26c6331972⋯.png (2.32 MB, 3580x1252, 895:313, Jews_Immigration_And_Natio….png) (h) (u)


Jews as a GROUP are an enemy. Until ALL jewish interest groups in the West are done with, that is a fact. Jews ACT like a group, they get treated like one. And jews act like a group that hurts the American people, just look at the 1965 immigration act, for example (pics related).

Read this, traitor: >>2692793



Does unity means we don't get to criticize judaism for what it is, a supremacist ideology? Does unity means we don't get to criticize islam for what it is, a supremacist ideology?

Does unity means we don't get to criticize the fact that jews act like a GROUP?

Trying to use the concept of unity to obfuscate the main dividing force in the social fabric of the West is jewish subversion is not working very well, but please, do keep trying to make it work, its amusing :)

>Or really. Killed by who? By smart patriots who fight for freedom? Genocide isnt a very freedom like act.

It is when the main oppressor of the patriots are jews, who act like a group and then pretend they don't :)

>You are just dying for a civil war dont you maggot?

Nope, if I was, believe me, I would be taking a very different approach to this :)

>Do another sacrificial ritual + pop control for your handlers, like ww2?

You mean, the holocaust, which means sacrifice by fire? The sacrifice by fire where the UK fire bombed Germany, and then lying jews tried to convince the world that they were the ones getting genocided?

The world will know traitor, and they will be pissed. Read:

>>2395991 -- David Cole, a jewish historian exposes some of the lies of the official version of the holocaust

>>2396033 -- David Irving, historian, exposes some of the lies of the Nuremberg Trials

>>2396017 -- Anonymous documentary creator exposes many of the lies pertaining to the fraudulent official version of the holocaust and Nuremberg Trials

>>2396026 -- The Surprising Origin of the Six-Million Figure


>You shills cant even lift a firearm, let alone use it. Those "jews" will massacre you and you are terrified because of it. You have nightmares of jews using your blood for matzah lol

Keep thinking like that ;)

>Anyway it is very patriotic and very trump supportive to want a civil war and to call for killing of trump daughter and her family in law (yes maggot, they are kosher jews).

If I wanted a civil war, I would not be here exposing facts and appealing to dialogue. But if you jews choose war, then we'll kill you all, that is a fact.

And don't try to use Ivanka as a human shield again traitor, in case of civil war, she will be out of the country many days before it starts :)



Tell me more on how exposing jewish subversion is shielding an enemy :)

>YOU ARE AN ENEMY TO FREEDOM AND TO THE MOVEMENT AND "ALL FOR A BUCK" - to qoute DJT. Your inner logical flaws are your worst enemies, together with your lies. (Come on say "nice projection :)" it will make my day burger flipper).

Lol, I love your yid sperging :)


Please, do keep popping by, its always a pleasure to witness how scared you Israel traitor jews are of the truth coming out in what regards jewish subversion and Israeli crimes :)

And "When Victims Rule", which is a great resource, is not the only legitimate source I use to educate the people on jewish subversion and criminality, so not only will you not be able to slander that work, you'll not be able to slander all the other works that expose jewish subversion and criminality.

Shalom, faggot :)

ce93c2 (3)  No.2693611>>2693644 >>2693795

Oh really moron? Judaism is a single group?

How do you explain this then:

>The statistics are impressive. President Trump got 28% of the Jewish Vote. Of this total over 80% were Orthodox Jews.


Not all jews are liberal useful idiots. Not all jews follow or interpret talmud in the same way. Not all jews clean the circumcision wound by a rabbi orally, and not all jews consider themselves above gentiles. Just like not all christians view non christians as sinners, or support the spanish inwuisition, and not all muslims consider the jihad to be a literal war on infidels. The religions are being interpreted differently by people and religious subgroups, not to mentions secular people who disregard religion completely. Not everything written in an old book is taken literally by everyone and religions are not homogenous, so are the people. It is a very infantile way of argumenting or thinking ("nice projection :)").

Israelis for example are mostly very based. But dont let fact confuse you and your shill agenda.

ce93c2 (3)  No.2693644

3787af (227)  No.2693795>>2693820 >>2694106 >>2694261

File (hide): b105cc1b0b93efc⋯.png (39.03 KB, 673x371, 673:371, Jew_Vote_Obama.PNG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 7da5847615d6961⋯.png (50.27 KB, 919x549, 919:549, Jew_Vote.PNG) (h) (u)


>Oh really moron? Judaism is a single group?

Judaism is a supremacist ideology. No matter how jews might vote in any particular election (pics 1, 2 and 3) :)

>Not all jews are liberal useful idiots.

Does not make judaism any less of a supremacist ideology. Read:

>>2409242 -- Why judaism IS a supremacist ideology

>>2409189 -- Why judaism IS a supremacist ideology, part 2

>>2562709 -- Jewish persecution of Christ and Christians since Christianity inception, part 1

>>2562715 -- part 2

>>2562720 -- part 3

>>2562725 -- part 4

>>2562731 -- part 5

>>2562734 -- part 6

>>2562740 -- part 7

>>2562763 -- The Khazar theory

>>2581628 -- Usury was (and is) a weapon of domination (debt slavery) over the goyim and its use with that end was and is teached to jews in the Torah

>>2581630 -- The history of Poland, the paradise of jews

>>2581633 -- Some jews talk about the divine promise of each jew getting 2800 goy slaves when the jewish Messiah comes to them


>Not all jews follow or interpret talmud in the same way.

Just like not all muslims interpret the quran in the same way. Still, does not make islam any less of a supremacist ideology. And even if you ignore the talmud, the supremacism starts right in the Genesis book of the Torah.

>Not all jews clean the circumcision wound by a rabbi orally,

Does not make judaism any less supremacists, and does not make circumcision any less barbaric, and does not change the fact that circumcision causes permanent brain damage in children.

>and not all jews consider themselves above gentiles.

Does not make judaism any less of a supremacist ideology.

>Just like not all christians view non christians as sinners

I don't care what you think about Christianity, we as Western people can choose to reform Christianity if we want, and Christianity is not supremacists, unlike judaism and islam. When judaism gets banned, if you want judaism, you'll need to go do it somewhere else.

>or support the spanish inwuisition

The Catholic inquisitions where not about random violence, they were about keeping social order in the face of subversion. But that is a subject for another time.

>and not all muslims consider the jihad to be a literal war on infidels.

Does not make islam any less of a supremacist ideology.

>The religions are being interpreted differently by people and religious subgroups, not to mentions secular people who disregard religion completely.

Does not make islam nor judaism any less ideological supremacist.

>Not everything written in an old book is taken literally by everyone and religions are not homogenous, so are the people. It is a very infantile way of argumenting or thinking ("nice projection :)").

The fact that some people don't interpret the books literally does not make the ideology present in the books any less supremacist.

>Israelis for example are mostly very based. But dont let fact confuse you and your shill agenda.

I don't give a shit if Israelis are based or not, israeli lobbying in the West will be destroyed (by peace or war, I would prefer peace, but if needed, then by war), all aid to Israel will be cut and you will have to deal with your problems because the West does not owe you shit.

3787af (227)  No.2693820>>2693849 >>2694174 >>2695749

File (hide): 90a2fa6bea77a1b⋯.jpg (2.44 MB, 1696x6224, 106:389, 1.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 3d7fa870ed3862b⋯.jpg (2.37 MB, 1336x6290, 668:3145, 2.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 54d53cb3df5af50⋯.jpg (39.89 KB, 480x470, 48:47, Islam_Path_Of_Islam.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 3a8bf89caf63f0e⋯.png (205.66 KB, 1250x608, 625:304, Muslim_Politician.PNG) (h) (u)


And here is why islam is a supremacist ideology, which will be banned from the West, along with judaism.

3787af (227)  No.2693849>>2693870 >>2695749

File (hide): b12fcac361c3e10⋯.jpg (261.45 KB, 1792x871, 1792:871, Islam_Quran_Abrogation.jpg) (h) (u)


This one is also important, abrogation.

3787af (227)  No.2693870

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


And many rabbis see the islamization of the West as a tactical advantage to push for more privileges for the jews (subversion).

5fcefc (6)  No.2694052>>2694567


>jews as a group. Judaism as a supremacist ideology

Judaism is not homogenous. There is no such thing as a single doctrine called judaism no matter how you twist and turn it. Each subgroup interprets the core teachings differently and some even denounce the talmud. You claim to "dig", yet you recycle your manipulative out of context snips as are presented in the clown ops online (cringe conspiracy sites) or given to you by Brocks people.

>It is when the main oppressor of the patriots are jews, who act like a group and then pretend they don't :)

Hmmmm the opressors are jews yet you "support" a president with a jewish daughter and jewish family in law. Makes you wonder WHY ARE YOU HERE… Either you are maxine level retard or you found a substitute to the glorious fast food industry.

>Nope, if I was, believe me, I would be taking a very different approach to this :)

You mean cutting the french fries intake and getting up from the couch twice a day? Hahahaha

>If I wanted a civil war, I would not be here exposing facts and appealing to dialogue. But if you jews choose war, then we'll kill you all, that is a fact.

Lol this is golden, burger boy. Pure gold. Tell us more of being a freedom lovong patriot who supports q.

Oh and "nice projection :)" on the exposing "facts" maggot.

>You mean, the holocaust, which means sacrifice by fire? The sacrifice by fire where the UK fire bombed Germany, and then lying jews tried to convince the world that they were the ones getting genocided?

You mean all those 90 year old survivors who cry when they talk about it, veterans both russian and american, are all lying? Everyone is lying? These people are all subversive jews? Hahahaha

Go ahead lie some more ("nice projection :)").

>Tell me more on how exposing jewish subversion is shielding an enemy :)

Oh i will. You are blaming an entire population of normies instead of the real enemy - the global occult cabal. "Shhhhh its the jews, no cabal here it is only the jews". THOSE FUCKERS DID THIS THROUGHOUT HISTORY, AND YOU ARE USING THE SAME AGE OLD TACTIC. Brock is no fool but he is paying morons to do the actual shilling job ("nice projection :)" right?).

>Lol, I love your yid sperging :)

"Nice projection :)"

>Please, do keep popping by, its always a pleasure to witness how scared you Israel traitor jews are of the truth coming out in what regards jewish subversion and Israeli crimes :)

"Nice projection :)" and some more ad-hominem.

Trust me maggot i will.

>And "When Victims Rule", which is a great resource, is not the only legitimate source I use to educate the people on jewish subversion and criminality, so not only will you not be able to slander that work, you'll not be able to slander all the other works that expose jewish subversion and criminality.

Hahahaha a pullback attempt. Nice! Someone got triggered ("nice projection :)").

Oh you will see me, you can count your shekels on it.

4c3ba5 (14)  No.2694106>>2694574


You are the only one who considers them supremacists

Are you feeling a little powerless and pathetic ?.

4c3ba5 (14)  No.2694174>>2694574


You seem pretty scared of them.

Maybe you need a safe space to hide?

ce93c2 (3)  No.2694261>>2694574


Since judaism or islam is not homogenous, they are not all "supremacist religions". Christianity can also be interpreted as such, just like what happened during the spanish inquisition. Every religious subgroup interprets the texts differently. Some even denounce certain parts. Secular jews, who you also label "enemy" are not religious at all.

>Does not make judaism any less supremacists, and does not make circumcision any less barbaric, and does not change the fact that circumcision causes permanent brain damage in children.

Oh wow, so now all jews and at least a third of all non jews are mentally damaged? I agree on it being barbaric btw.

>Christianity is not supremacists, unlike judaism and islam.

Oupsie, i just prove it can be when chritians consider non christians to be sinners. Funny how fscts interfere with your agenda. The thing is not all religions are homogenous.

>The Catholic inquisitions where not about random violence, they were about keeping social order in the face of subversion. But that is a subject for another time.

Lol oh really? Is there also a clown op conspiracy fringe site that gives "verifiable facts" on this too? hahaha

So torturing non christians, killing them, and forcing them to convert was to keep "order". Lol

Ih my you are dense, to put it lightly. Retarded is a better term. ("Nice projection :)")

>israeli lobbying in the west will done

I am against any kind of lobbying in any country. So yes shill, i am with you on the lobby issue.

3787af (227)  No.2694567


>Judaism is not homogenous.

And yet, all of judaism needs the Torah to exist as judaism, and Torah is explicit on what judaism is about. jews being God's chosen because according to the 1st book of the Torah, Genesis, God made a deal with Abraham where if Abraham circumcised every bod in his tribe in the 8th day of life, God would make them God's chosen. That is supremacist.

Read: >>2409242 and then read more here: https://archive.is/1IEWq


>There is no such thing as a single doctrine called judaism no matter how you twist and turn it.

Unless you discard the Torah, judaism will always be supremacist, that is a fact.

>Each subgroup interprets the core teachings differently and some even denounce the talmud.

The talmud is absolutly anject yes, it support pedophilia and murdering goyim just for being goyim, but one can even ignore the talmud and look only at the Torah (first 5 books of the Old Testament), supremacism is integral to judaism, unless you choose to ignore the Torah too, but then, it would not be judaism anymore.

>You claim to "dig", yet you recycle your manipulative out of context snips as are presented in the clown ops online (cringe conspiracy sites) or given to you by Brocks people.

Lol, I use the Torah and the talmud to prove my claims about judaism being a supremacist ideology. Are you trying to imply that Brock wrote the Torah? ;)

>Hmmmm the opressors are jews yet you "support" a president with a jewish daughter and jewish family in law.

I support the president. I expect him to remove all jewish interest groups from the US in the next 6 years, and to ban judaism and islam too. If Ivanka and Kushner want to remain in the West after judaism gets banned, they will have to leave it behind, or they'll have to leave. It has happened in many places in the past, and it is going to happen again all over the West, for the same reasons (people waking up to the realities of jewish subversion and judaism's ideological supremacism).

>You mean all those 90 year old survivors who cry when they talk about it, veterans both russian and american, are all lying? Everyone is lying? These people are all subversive jews? Hahahaha

I suggest you watch this:

>>2396017 -- Anonymous documentary creator exposes many of the lies pertaining to the fraudulent official version of the holocaust and Nuremberg Trials

And then after you watch it, go verify the transcripts of the Nurember trials that guy talks about. It's a fraud.

And btw, the jewish owned and staffed media calls POTUS a traitor each and every day for the last 2 years. Do you mean its true, just because ALL those people tell us its true? ;)

>You are blaming an entire population of normies instead of the real enemy - the global occult cabal.

The cabal uses islam, judaism and jewish interest groups as a tool against everyone, including racial jews. If normies can't deal with that fact, then that is their problem.

> "Shhhhh its the jews, no cabal here it is only the jews".

I never said that the cabal are only jews, what I say is that judaism is one of the tools of the cabal because it is a supremacist ideology.

And that tells me everything about the type of agenda that is behind your posts :)


Traitor, jews got persecuted thruout history for their subversive behavior, not just because. Read:

>>2409242 -- Why judaism IS a supremacist ideology

>>2409189 -- Why judaism IS a supremacist ideology, part 2

>>2562709 -- Jewish persecution of Christ and Christians since Christianity inception, part 1

>>2562715 -- part 2

>>2562720 -- part 3

>>2562725 -- part 4

>>2562731 -- part 5

>>2562734 -- part 6

>>2562740 -- part 7

>>2562763 -- The Khazar theory

>>2581628 -- Usury was (and is) a weapon of domination (debt slavery) over the goyim and its use with that end was and is teached to jews in the Torah

>>2581630 -- The history of Poland, the paradise of jews

>>2581633 -- Some jews talk about the divine promise of each jew getting 2800 goy slaves when the jewish Messiah comes to them

3787af (227)  No.2694574

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>You are the only one who considers them supremacists

You are very mistaken. The Torah claims it itself. Any one who is not a jewish apologist or a jewish traitor and who reads the Torah gets really pissed about judaism, and if they get into reading the talmud, then boy oh boy, lets just say that many people who I talk with about this issue and show jewish literature to, they are A LOT less patient about judaism than I am :)

>Are you feeling a little powerless and pathetic?

Nah traitor, I am feeling quite comfy to see that you really have nothing but obfuscation and ad-hominems :)


No thanks, I am prepared to fix things peacefully, and if they don't collaborate, I am ready to fix things by force. Same with you jews :)



>Since judaism or islam is not homogenous, they are not all "supremacist religions"

The ideologies are.

>Christianity can also be interpreted as such

Not it can't.

>just like what happened during the spanish inquisition

Inquisition was about keeping social order in the face of subversion.

>Every religious subgroup interprets the texts differently. Some even denounce certain parts. Secular jews, who you also label "enemy" are not religious at all.

Jews as a group are enemies until ALL jewish interest groups get done with in the West, and islam and judaism ARE supremacist ideologies, no matter how you try to spin it.

Individual jews who are racially jews but against the enemies of the West are alright, I don't care if someone is a jew racially, as long as they are against the enemies of the West.

>Oh wow, so now all jews and at least a third of all non jews are mentally damaged? I agree on it being barbaric btw.

Circumcision does cause brain damage. That is a fact, no matter how much you might dislike it.

>Oupsie, i just prove it can be when chritians consider non christians to be sinners.

They might consider them sinners, but its not supremacism (Christianity does not consider Christians "God's chosen"), just like Buddhism is not supremacists although it tell us that non-enlightened people are not enlightened.

>Funny how fscts interfere with your agenda. The thing is not all religions are homogenous.

Does not make judaism nor islam any less supremacist ideologies.

>Lol oh really? Is there also a clown op conspiracy fringe site that gives "verifiable facts" on this too? hahaha

Nope, facts support it, just like facts support the content of "When Victims Rule". You can start by watching this video about it, as a start. :)

>So torturing non christians, killing them, and forcing them to convert was to keep "order".

Yes. Peaceful solutions had failed, so the hammer had to drop. Kinda like what is happening with the fight against the cabal now.

>I am against any kind of lobbying in any country. So yes shill, i am with you on the lobby issue.

Good, traitor :)

4e632c (2)  No.2694823>>2694918

File (hide): 3fcf4599c4c0331⋯.png (755.65 KB, 726x1216, 363:608, Mask Off.png) (h) (u)

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3787af (227)  No.2694918



I never read that one, will do when I have time.

5fcefc (6)  No.2695351>>2695749 >>3031557

>The ideologies are

No. There are no generic "judaism" or "islam". That is why btw sunny muslims fight shia muslims. Oh and putting secular jews there even though the denounce religion, is even more dumb. But given your post history, i am not surprised.

>no it cant.

Yes it can moron. Spanish inquisition and classical antisemitism (blaming current jews for killing christ)

>Inquisition was about keeping social order in the face of subversion.

Oh so torturing "infidels" is needed at the face of "subversion". Makes sense. Just like raping chikdren by priests makes sense. Yeah, the spanish kings were so afraid of subversion that they took peopke who werent christian enough and tortured them, oh and forced people to convert. Such a worthy battle against those "subversive" "not good enough christians. Makes sense… If your name is Maxine. Hahaha

>… try to spin it.

"Nice projection :)".

The rest was deat with previously.

>Individual jews who are racially jews but against the enemies of the West are alright, I don't care if someone is a jew racially, as long as they are against the enemies of the West.

And yet you automatically group them with the generic "jews" and you blame them for all world troubles. Oh and you also call for a civil war and their killing "if they dont get a grip"

>Circumcision does cause brain damage. That is a fact, no matter how much you might dislike it.

Right… Based on your clown op cringe conspiracy sites? Lol

Give us a source. We are all waiting to see the what made a genious like you to say such a thing.

You never studied a real scientific subject right imbecile? You have absolutely no idea what is a verifiable legit source, even if it hits you in the head.

Come on say "ad-hominem :)". Im waiting for the "verifiable source".

>They might consider them sinners, but its not supremacism (Christianity does not consider Christians "God's chosen"), just like Buddhism is not supremacists although it tell us that non-enlightened people are not enlightened.

Oh really? Only that it lead to crusades, inquisitions and burning early scientists alive. Oh my… Those pesky facts.

>Does not make judaism nor islam any less supremacist ideologies.

Answered before.

>Nope, facts support it, just like facts support the content of "When Victims Rule".

Lol facts only support it being a sourceless clown op that can be found only on fringe conspiracy clown op sites, and the fact that it spreads out of context lies.

>Yes. Peaceful solutions had failed, so the hammer had to drop. Kinda like what is happening with the fight against the cabal now.

Oh so picking up peoe who "are not christian enough" and torturing them is a legitimate way of prevemting "subversion". Sound like you and stalin would get along well maggot, if only he was christian.

>Good, traitor :)

"Nice projection :)"

3787af (227)  No.2695749>>2695755 >>2698932


Off course islam is supremacist, that is the whole origin of the conflict between the shia and sunny muslims, some thing the others are not being muslim enough so they slay them like infidels, because the quran incites violence against infidels, and apostasy is punished with death. Read: >>2693820 ; >>2693849


And judaism is supremacits too, unless you ignore the Torah, but then its not judaism anymore. That is a fact.

And racial jews that are against judaism and other types of jewish subversion, I don't care that they are racial jews, so I don't know why are you bringing secular jews into the conversation. It's not about race, its about jewish group behavior and the fact that judaism is supremacist, which is a fact, no matter how much you try to deny that fact.

>Yes it can moron. Spanish inquisition and classical antisemitism (blaming current jews for killing christ)

Spanish inquisition was in part caused by the jewish behavior of Usury, so you have jewish behavior as the origin of jewish persecution, again, no matter how much you may want to believe in the false narrative that "jews dindu nuffin, we wuz good boys and goyim are all nazis".

Christianity does not blame current jews for killing Christ, but jews were the responsible for the death of Christ, they even claim they themselves hanged him in the Talmud. Read: >>2391671


>Oh so torturing "infidels" is needed at the face of "subversion".

They did what they had to do.

>Just like raping chikdren by priests makes sense.

That is a false analogy. But if you want to go there, I have this for: https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/qbe8bp/the-child-rape-assembly-line-0000141-v20n11

And this:

The Church needs a big purge, and all pedos need to get the rope. That is a fact. Another fact is that Israel is a big pedo haven and the talmud promotes pedophilia. Read:

>>2395838 -- Israel is the biggest pedo haven in the world right now

>>2391725 -- The jewish talmud promotes pedophilia


>Yeah, the spanish kings were so afraid of subversion that they took peopke who werent christian enough and tortured them, oh and forced people to convert.

They did what they thought they had to do.

>Such a worthy battle against those "subversive" "not good enough christians. Makes sense… If your name is Maxine. Hahaha

You obviously have not studied history, or pretty much anything, when you came here the first time (and I can tell its you by your writting style) you even had the gaul to claim that race was a social construct :) Here: >>2574946


>The rest was deat with previously.

Traitor, I have been answering to your bullshit repeatedly for over 20 times now, but I don't care, it is you who refuses to admit facts, not me, so you're just deluding yourself, and more, you're just making people more angry at jews like you who want to play goyim/cattle for fools, so you can keep on doing it :)


>And yet you automatically group them with the generic "jews" and you blame them for all world troubles.

No I don't. Tell me how is claiming that judaism is a supremacist ideology the same as claiming that all racial jews are the same? Lol, you're desperate mate, all those strawman arguments show that. Read: >>2648141 and open the first pic.

>Oh and you also call for a civil war and their killing "if they dont get a grip"

Again, another strawman argument. I never called for a civil war, what I said thou is that if jews don't get a grip and continue to refuse to address the problem of jewish subversion via peaceful means, then the situation WILL escalate into violence. That is common sense, if you refuse to end subversion when we want to do it peacefully, you'll be forcing out hand into doing it by force.

>Right… Based on your clown op cringe conspiracy sites? Lol

Lol, based on scientific studies that jewish subversive agents tried to censor. Here, open the last pic: >>2391526


3787af (227)  No.2695755>>2698932 >>2699744



>Only that it lead to crusades, inquisitions and burning early scientists alive. Oh my… Those pesky facts.

The Western civilizational glue is Christianity, and it will continue to be so, jews like you have no say in how we might do things around here anymore. Just like I don't care about muslims do in their muslim nations, we will force you jews to not have a say about what happens or not in the Western world, you will have no more power, and if you want judaism, you'll have to leave. Deal with it, Christianity in the West is not going anywhere, jew traitor :)

>Lol facts only support it being a sourceless clown op that can be found only on fringe conspiracy clown op sites, and the fact that it spreads out of context lies.

1st, "conspiracy clown op sites" would be what the MSM calls 8c and Q board, so that is just ad-hominem born out of desperation.

2nd, show me where the lie is. You can't, you said you're going to expose the work as this and that, and yet, you have nothing to show for it but 1 spelling mistake in a work of more that 2000 pages and ad-hominems. So keep attacking the work with the same pilpul tactics, you're only making people want to go check it by themselves. Thanks :)

>Oh so picking up peoe who "are not christian enough" and torturing them is a legitimate way of prevemting "subversion".

They did what they felt needed be done. Now a days, we won't be doing that, we will be fixing our problems peacefully, but always prepared for our enemies to start a SHTF scenario, and ready to win if that happens too :)

>Sound like you and stalin would get along well maggot, if only he was christian.

Not really :)


5fcefc (6)  No.2698932>>2699707 >>2700398 >>2830411



>sunny vs shia

Just like the protestant christians slaughtered catholics and vice versa a couple of centuries ago (the slaughter of the hugenots).

>spanish inquisition was good and caused by jews

You seem to be very inclined to protect a catholic queen and king who murdered and tortured innocents. It contiued well after the jews were exiled from spain in 1492.

You and stalin could of been great buddies.

>"learn history"

"Nice projection :)"

I know my history moron, and unlike you i dont call english literature phds "muh historians"

>races are not real

Races or more correctly ethnic group are used in anthropology. They are very real in that field, just like numbers are real in math. Out of that context they are meaningless as races often times have different sub cultures.

You seem to be obsessed with race just like you are obsessed with your cear of the "jew"

>traitor :)

"Nice projection :)"


>judaism is supremacist because of the bible

The torah is interpreted differently by each religious subgroup. By saying "judaism" you ignore this fact and lie, as usual.

>the spanish inquisition had to be done because…

More support of a murderous regime and period in christian history. Very hypocritical of you maggot, but i am not surprised.

>8ch is a cringe site

No. The clown op conspiracy sites are the sites that push bizarre and triggering shit. Like aliens, reptilians, antisemitic and other bullshit desined by your employers to make the truth movement look bad.


You wouldnt know science if it hits you in the face. Or else you wouldnt be caight lying over and over again about your sources ("nice projection"), and you would be more critical of those english literatue phds and that one "documentary", and that clown op pile of out of context shit known as "when victims rule".

3787af (227)  No.2699707>>2699709 >>2699820 >>2699893

File (hide): 840bc0b2fbe88c2⋯.jpg (38.22 KB, 960x554, 480:277, Jewish_hyprocrisy_2.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): b94783de7895f3b⋯.jpg (83.07 KB, 925x512, 925:512, Miscegenation_Golda_Meir.jpg) (h) (u)


>Just like the protestant christians slaughtered catholics and vice versa a couple of centuries ago (the slaughter of the hugenots).

Indeed, there have been huge conflicts between diferent sects of Christians. Still doesn't make Christianity supremacist, and still does not make islam not judaism any less supremacist :)

>>>spanish inquisition was good and caused by jews

I never said that inquisition was good per-se. I said it was done in a effort squash subversion and impose social order.

I said people did what they felt had to be done.

And part of the violence against jews that happened in the inquisition was caused by jewish involvment in Usury, that is a fact.

>You seem to be very inclined to protect a catholic queen and king who murdered and tortured innocents. It contiued well after the jews were exiled from spain in 1492.

I am not inclined to protect them, I merely said that they did what they felt needed be done.

>You and stalin could of been great buddies.

Not really. And more, you seem to forget that jews where the ones responsible for Bolshevism and the genocide of more that 30 million people, so you as the jew would be more at ease with genocide ;)

>I know my history moron, and unlike you i dont call english literature phds "muh historians"

Lol, have you read anything by E. Michael Jones? You try to discretit an author just because he doesn't pander to jewish fairy tails. I understand, your a jew, you need goyim to go along with your fraudulent narratives, but sorry not sorry, that time is over :)

You can hear to the audio version of his book "The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit and its Impact on World History" here: https://archive.org/details/Jewish_Revolutionary_Spirit

Also, I suggest you read this review of the book here, so you can have an idea of what it covers: https://www.toqonline.com/archives/v10n2/TOQv10n2Connelly.pdf

>Races or more correctly ethnic group are used in anthropology. They are very real in that field, just like numbers are real in math. Out of that context they are meaningless as races often times have different sub cultures.

You came here like the subversive jew you are telling people that "races are political terms used to divide", and you got BTFO by the facts. The exchange starts here, everyone can see it: >>2568575 :)

I also find amusing your claims of "anti-semitism", its funny how exposing jewish subversive behavior and crimes always sounds like "anti-semitism" in your soft yid heads. Drop the victim complex and face the facts jewish boi :)

>You seem to be obsessed with race just like you are obsessed with your cear of the "jew"

Not really, its jews, especially in Israel which are obcessed with race, especially in guaranteeing the continuation of their own jewish race while forcing miscegenation on Western nations.

Pics related in this post, and here: >>2563034 ; >>2562985 ; >>2562955 ; >>2562922 ; >>2562886 ; >>2562851


Nice projection, traitor :)

>The torah is interpreted differently by each religious subgroup. By saying "judaism" you ignore this fact and lie, as usual.

The Torah clearly says that the deal that Abraham makes with God makes his seed, the jews, the God's chosen. Its a racial thing, and its supremacist, no matter how much you try to spin it traitor :)

>More support of a murderous regime and period in christian history. Very hypocritical of you maggot, but i am not surprised.

I never said it HAD to be done, I merely said that it happened for various REASONS, it did not happen in a vacuum. You have a problem with not being able to not put words in my mouth traitor, cool it down with the pilpul remarks ;)


3787af (227)  No.2699709>>2699820


>No. The clown op conspiracy sites are the sites that push bizarre and triggering shit. Like aliens, reptilians, antisemitic and other bullshit desined by your employers to make the truth movement look bad.

Another ad-hominem, another strawman (I never said 8c is a cringe site). And btw, where is your great destruction of the legitimacy of the book "When Victims Rule" you promissed? Got nothing but that one spelling error little jewish boy? ;)

>You wouldnt know science if it hits you in the face.

Lol, u mad.

>Or else you wouldnt be caight lying over and over again about your sources ("nice projection"),

What lie? The error I admitted, that you didn't even caught until I did when I said that E. Michael Jones video was Henry Makow's? Lol, interesting how you did not caught on the error until I mentioned it :)

>and you would be more critical of those english literatue phds and that one "documentary", and that clown op pile of out of context shit known as "when victims rule".

Show me the lie. You have nothing but ad-hominems, nothing else, if you had anything substantial to attack the legitimacy of those authors and works, you would be all over that in a second, we both know it, and everyone reading the thread knows it.

That you insist in spewing your jewish hilariously neurotic ad-hominems without anything of substance tells everyone how frustrated your little yid ass is that the jewish false narratives of jews as eternal victims are finally getting destroyed by truth and verifiable facts.

Shalom motherfucker, you're going to get the boot from the West soon enough :)


4c3ba5 (14)  No.2699744>>2699814


Which is your position:

1) we will force you jews to not have a say about what happens or not in the Western world, you will have no more power, and if you want judaism, you'll have to leave.

2) Now a days, we won't be doing that, we will be fixing our problems peacefully

( I left in your incredibly bad grammar)

Apparently you seem to think you speak for "Western civilization" - Who appointed you the spokesman?

"They did what they felt needed be done" - so did Hitler

"you will have no more power" - Who is going to take it from them - Your and your fascist friends?

"if you want judaism, you'll have to leave" - Wow, you must have great supra-constitutional power

If you want to pretend to be educated on history, you will have to clean up your sentence structure and grammar.

No one needs ad hominem - Your arguments speak for them selves. The person offering the premise is required to establish a logical basis. I didn't seem many in your "presentation"

Now I am even more bored

3787af (227)  No.2699814>>2699894 >>2699938

File (hide): 3fa9539f9a8ad58⋯.jpg (142.47 KB, 883x884, 883:884, Jews_GTFO_Guatemala.jpg) (h) (u)

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Yes, my grammar is sometimes atrocious, happens when I'm tired :)

>we will force you jews to not have a say about what happens or not in the Western world, you will have no more power, and if you want judaism, you'll have to leave.

Yes. By educating the general population of the role of jewish interest groups in subverting Western nations, the general public will DEMAND that said jewish interest groups get dissolved/banned. Apply the same formula to dual-citizen politicians, judaism and Israel aid (which gets funneled back into America via AIPAC, to subvert US politicians and threaten them into working for Israeli interests, and not the American people).

This is what I mean by fixing the issue peacefully via education and words.

And if jewish interest groups and dual-citizen politicians REFUSE to give in to the demands of the general public, then its only a matter of time until the general public starts using force against them. This is what I mean that if jews don't get a grip fast, the educated general public will kick them out via force.

Its not rocket science, just common sense.

>Apparently you seem to think you speak for "Western civilization" - Who appointed you the spokesman?

I say my piece, nothing else. All the people I have talked about IRL about this agree with me, and many online too. It's only people who refuse to admit facts and try to downplay the issue of jewish subversion that sperg at the ideas.

>"They did what they felt needed be done" - so did Hitler


That implies that Hitler was not a puppet (which I still don't think he was, but I am open to the hypothesis he might have been), and so, he did the right thing, he tries to stop jewish subversion that had Germany in misery and total moral degradation (see what happened during the Weimar Republic) and MGGA. That is a good thing. And if the whole holocaust official story is a fraud, see for yourself:

>>2395991 -- David Cole, a jewish historian exposes some of the lies of the official version of the holocaust

>>2396033 -- David Irving, historian, exposes some of the lies of the Nuremberg Trials

>>2396017 -- Anonymous documentary creator exposes many of the lies pertaining to the fraudulent official version of the holocaust and Nuremberg Trials

>>2396026 -- The Surprising Origin of the Six-Million Figure


>"you will have no more power" - Who is going to take it from them - Your and your fascist friends?

1) Not a fascist. I don't try to silence nobody, I don't use violence for political suprecion. You are a leftist jew who can't handle talking about politics without sperging, but then you jews tend to have a huge victim complex, so it does not surprise me :)


I explained to you how educating the general public about jewish subversion will make ALL the general public DEMAND that the power you jews have mis-used in the West be taken from you, and if our political class does not respond to the demands, the general public will explode at you jews, again, like so many times in the past whenever you went. Pics related :)

>"if you want judaism, you'll have to leave" - Wow, you must have great supra-constitutional power

We'll see how it goes. 100% of the people I talk IRL and online who are not jews agree that with the banning of religious circuncision and halal/kosher meat, and all of them agree that judaism is a supremacist ideology once we read the Genesis, and you should see their reaction when I show them the Talmud, they get really motivated to make the ban happen :)

>If you want to pretend to be educated on history, you will have to clean up your sentence structure and grammar.

I get tired sometimes, and I write fast because you jews are always crying about the same bullshit over and over again.

You have no good arguments against my ideas and claims, so you attack my grammar (which is horrible sometimes, that is a fact).

>No one needs ad hominem - Your arguments speak for them selves. The person offering the premise is required to establish a logical basis. I didn't seem many in your "presentation"

Lol, you must be a retarded jew then :)

>Now I am even more bored

Good, traitor jews are not my intended audience :)

5e1336 (8)  No.2699820>>2699885



"Nice projection :)"


Lol at the new out of context copy pasta

>try to debunk

You were exposed already on the following:

1. Lack of knowledge on the inquisition.

2. Lack of knowledge on communism (i am a russian secular - orthodox christian btw so i know what communism was).

3. on the the "obama support of israel"

4. On the f35 israeli deal

5. On jews being homogenous.

6. On the early christian supremacism of protestants towards catholics (massacre of hugenots) and vice versa, and the crusades.

7. the fact that almost all religions have the potential to become supremacist if you view "infidels" as low caste.

8. What is peer reviewed verifiable sources.

9. What is the difference between historians and phd in american literature.

10. What are clown op websites.

11. How to critically check your "sources".

12. That facts tend to hurt your agenda ("nice projection :)")

13. That patriots have color or are devided by the old social engineering

14. That protecting the occult global cabal by bashing jews.

15. The desire to kill an entire population if a civil war "will ignite".

16. The fact that your "book" is not a book, but is a clown op with no author, broken references, and out of context lies. Same lies that you push in your copypasta such as the obama israel support etc.

16. The logical fallacy of "supporting trump" and at the same time calling his daughter and family in law who are religious to some extent, traitors.

Come on maggot, call me traitor, say "nice projection :)"

You are on the highway back to mcdonalds. As you can see, your thread is 99% your own posts (100+) and moar of your copypasta sockpuppet user.

Enjoy flipping burgers maggot ("nice projection traitor :)")

3787af (227)  No.2699885>>2699909 >>2700398


>1. Lack of knowledge on the inquisition.

How so?

>2. Lack of knowledge on communism (i am a russian secular - orthodox christian btw so i know what communism was).

Wow, I did not know that russians were born with that knowledge installed into their brains in the womb ;)

So you deny the jewish involvement in Bolshevism, is that your point? :)

>3. on the the "obama support of israel"

So you deny the fact that he sent Israel 38 billion US tax payer dollars? Here:


And also:


https://www.haaretz.com/1.5113047 - "Barack Obama Backs Israel Remaining a Jewish State"

>4. On the f35 israeli deal

I never talked about it :)

>5. On jews being homogenous.

I never said they are, I did said that judaism IS a supremacist ideology according to the Torah, which is a fact :)

>6. On the early christian supremacism of protestants towards catholics (massacre of hugenots) and vice versa, and the crusades.

Tell me how is Christian supremacist, based on the content of the New Testament :)

Also, crusades had various reasons to happen, Usury from jewish loan sharks, muslim agression, and intra-Christian conflicts.

>7. the fact that almost all religions have the potential to become supremacist if you view "infidels" as low caste.

Islam and judaism ARE supremacist because of what is written the quran and the torah :)

>8. What is peer reviewed verifiable sources.

You still can't legitimize the excellent work that is the book "When Victims Rule", despite your promise to do so :)

>9. What is the difference between historians and phd in american literature

Tell me, in the works (that you dind't even read, lol) of E. Michael Jones, Henry Makow, Dr Tony Martin, are there any claims that you found to not be historically precise? Nothing but ad-hominems from you little yid boi :)

>10. What are clown op websites.

What makes one a clown op website. Tell me what content that I used as a source is not accurate :)

>11. How to critically check your "sources".

Lol, says the yid that does not even read the works of the people he tries to slander :)

>12. That facts tend to hurt your agenda ("nice projection :)")

Nice projection :)

>13. That patriots have color or are devided by the old social engineering

You don't have color? Wow, are you transparent? What do you think about Israel getting its borders open and the jewish people getting miscegenated into not existing? Is it "racist" in your opinion to be proud of your heritage and race? :)

>14. That protecting the occult global cabal by bashing jews.

Judaism (aka: jewish-supremacism) and jewish subversion are tools of the cabal, and exposing said tools is not "bashing jews" :)

>15. The desire to kill an entire population if a civil war "will ignite".

If a civil war ignites, jews, muslims and traitors are going to get targeted big time, that is a fact, deal with it :)

>16. The fact that your "book" is not a book, but is a clown op with no author, broken references, and out of context lies.

Prove it. The author is anonymous, and the content is sound, and sourced. Here:





>16. The logical fallacy of "supporting trump" and at the same time calling his daughter and family in law who are religious to some extent, traitors.

Never called them traitors, only said that judaism IS a supremacist ideology, and once it gets banned in the West, ALL jews will have to choose between judaism or staying in the West :)

>Come on maggot, call me traitor, say "nice projection :)"

I call you a traitor because you are one, and I call out on your projection when I see it, yes :)


Thanks for keeping admitting defeat.

Shalom kike traitor, stay mad :)

4c3ba5 (14)  No.2699893>>2699920


The called from ShareBlue and said we should send you back there ASAP.

Your Mom called looking for you

5e1336 (8)  No.2699894>>2699920 >>2700398 >>2830411 >>3308305 >>3309837

File (hide): 8d234ccb373c3a2⋯.jpg (73.15 KB, 549x458, 549:458, low-iq-maxine.jpg) (h) (u)


>david cole the "jewish historian"

Oh thats nice… A NEW LIE EXPOSED!


What a retard! ("Nice projection :)")

>Born in 1968 in Los Angeles to liberal, secular-minded Jewish parents, Cole's father, Leon, was a doctor who became controversial for introducing Elvis Presley to Demerol. "He was accused of hooking Elvis on drugs, of killing Elvis." Cole did not go to university -- "I wanted to begin working" – but by the 1980s he had become fascinated by political ideology, especially the work of fringe scholars known then as Holocaust revisionists, subsequently renamed denialists.


Oh and looks like his dad is part of the hwood swamp, as he hooked elvis on the prescription drug. Being hwood born sure doesnt raise red flags of him being a clown puppet, right?

Before fixing the "jewish" question, fiz your broken iq.

4c3ba5 (14)  No.2699909>>2699955 >>2830411 >>2838754 >>3309837


You got bitch slapped royally and this is the best you can do?

You are out of your league

3787af (227)  No.2699920>>2700033 >>2700051 >>2700053 >>2700058 >>2700122 >>2700190

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>ad-hominems and no arguments

Thanks for keeping admitting defeat little yid boy.

Stay mad :)


You mean, you've been here in the thread shitting on it and you had not read it?

Top kek, because I posted David Cole content weeks ago here…

And tell me, on the video of David Cole I posted, the one I post in this post again, is there any claim that is historically imprecise?

See, you insist in trying to slander sources, but you fall flat when called out that you never address their factual claims.

Cry more, and stay mad in the face of the fact you can't refute :)

Also, still on David Cole, tell me why did the Holocaust Museum never answered the 46 questions he made them regarding the gas chambers?

Here: https://vho.org/GB/c/DC/gc46-ORIGI.html

4c3ba5 (14)  No.2699938>>2699955 >>2700398 >>2830411 >>3309837


Your choice of historians is suspect and explains much of your posting

Hollywood conservative unmasked as notorious Holocaust revisionist

Republican Party Animals operator David Stein says he is really David Cole, and that he still holds controversial views

To those who knew him, or thought they knew him, he was a cerebral, fun-loving gadfly who hosted boozy gatherings for Hollywood's political conservatives. David Stein brought right-wing congressmen, celebrities, writers and entertainment industry figures together for shindigs, closed to outsiders, where they could scorn liberals and proclaim their true beliefs.

Over the past five years Stein's organisation, Republican Party Animals, drew hundreds to regular events in and around Los Angeles, making him a darling of conservative blogs and talkshows. That he made respected documentaries on the Holocaust added intellectual cachet and Jewish support to Stein's cocktail of politics, irreverence and rock and roll.

There was just one problem. Stein was not who he claimed. His real name can be revealed for the first time publicly -- a close circle of confidants only found out the truth recently – as David Cole. And under that name he was once a reviled Holocaust revisionist who questioned the existence of Nazi gas chambers. He changed identities in January 1998.

"That was when David Cole officially expired," he told the Guardian in an interview this week. "That was the end of Cole. Or so I thought. That was when David Stein was brought into this world.

For 15 years I have been David Stein. Now the genie is out of the bottle. I'm done. I'm finished. I'm not going to try to remain as David Stein.

Cole's brazen reinvention as a social networker and political pundit deceived a roll-call of conservative politicians, filmmakers, journalists and broadcasters who had no clue about his past. A falling out with a friend led to his unmasking in his social circle two weeks ago, when a group of former supporters was shown YouTube clips of Cole's incendiary -- and until then forgotten – television appearances in the early 1990s.

As a combative twentysomething with tousled black hair, he was a vilified guest on chat shows hosted by Phil Donahue, Montel Williams and Morton Downey, among others, and was depicted as a neo-Nazi on news shows such as 60 Minutes and 48 Hours.

"My friends are horrified," said Cole, now aged 44 and with greying hair. "They rang and emailed to ask if it really was me. The Hollywood types are the ones hurting the most right now because they could be harmed by this. I'm feeling a certain amount of guilt."

The unmasking shocked and angered the small, tight-knit community of Hollywood conservatives, setting their Facebook groups ablaze and prompting emergency meetings.

Some of Stein/Cole's erstwhile friends are media figures with blogs, newspaper columns and syndicated radio shows. They put a lid on the story. Not a word has been published or broadcast. "When people found out it was, 'Oh my God, get the fuck away from him.' There was debate about whether everyone would look guilty by association," said one entertainment industry artist, a member of Republican Party Animals, who requested anonymity. "The reason we were all so pissed at him is it plays into every horrible stereotype about the right."

Cole, and the half-dozen former friends and acquaintances interviewed for this article, stress that no one suspected his secret and that no one should be tarred with his views.

An additional reason for trying to contain the story, said the artist, was to deprive Cole of further limelight. "No one wants to give him the satisfaction of making him feel grander than he really was."

I don't blame them for jettisoning me. Everyone is scared to death. They don't want this to range beyond Facebook.

Born in 1968 in Los Angeles to liberal, secular-minded Jewish parents, Cole's father, Leon, was a doctor who became controversial for introducing Elvis Presley to Demerol. "He was accused of hooking Elvis on drugs, of killing Elvis." Cole did not go to university -- "I wanted to begin working" – but by the 1980s he had become fascinated by political ideology, especially the work of fringe scholars known then as Holocaust revisionists, subsequently renamed denialists.

more at link https://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/may/03/david-stein-cole-holocaust-revisionist

3787af (227)  No.2699955>>2700025


Lol, sure thing little yid, sure thing ;)

Care to "bitch slap" these 46 questions with some more ad-hominems, jewish pilpul and neurotic obfuscation, so we can have another nice laugh? :)



So you post that hit piece from the same jewish traitor MSM that calls Trump a nazi every day for the last 2 years? And you can't address even one of his claims? Nor can you answer even one of hist 46 questions?

Wow, its like you have no arguments what so ever against the FACTUAL claims he makes, so you desperately choose to try to slander him instead… ;)

4c3ba5 (14)  No.2700025>>2700053 >>2830411 >>3309837

File (hide): 4d46d44c8c80c04⋯.png (1.04 MB, 680x823, 680:823, Everyone I Don't Like.png) (h) (u)


I don't spend my time obsessing

Why do you check with David Cole/Stein.

I read HIS remarks as he was outed, so you blame the reporter for outing him?


5e1336 (8)  No.2700033>>2700053 >>2700398


Oy vey someone is BUSTED!

Too late to shut it down now maggot ("nice projection :)")

>it is historically correct

Right… Just like these people are "historians".

>At the same time, he started writing op-eds under Stein and other pseudonyms, expressing what he said was his growing fervour for a hawkish foreign policy, a strong Israel and conservative social policy. Posts on his acerbic blog were picked up by mainstream news outlets.

>As Stein, however, he shielded his views, not least during the next stage of his career odyssey: the maker of respectable, conventional Holocaust documentaries. He knew the subject, needed an income and US schools and universities had budgets to commission such projects. He said: "I gave mainstream audiences what they wanted."

Sounds like a true idiologue. Hahahahaha

Just like you.bith of you sound like clowns to me.

>Michael Shermer, a historian who publishes Skeptic magazine, said Cole's views on the the Holocaust were simplistic and appeared designed to stir controversy.

>Shermer debated and interviewed Cole several times in his youth. "I found him to be very smart and on some level likeable, though a little irritating.

>"But he was too smart for his own good. He had no training as a historian. I had the impression he liked to stir things up just for the hell of it, to be a contrarian for contrarian's sake."


So much for being a "historian".

Go on tell me how im using "ad hominem" and projection :) and strawmen arguments :)

But please make me a burger while doing it, maggot.

4c3ba5 (14)  No.2700051>>2700058 >>2830411 >>3309837



I am laughing at the bitch slapping you got from the other poster.

Why don't you take the test and copy all you answers here?

I don't take bait - try some more ad hominens you cried about earlier

3787af (227)  No.2700053>>2700090 >>2700177 >>2700331


>I don't spend my time obsessing

You have nothing but ad-hominems and zero arguments against the claims. Thanks for admitting :)

>I read HIS remarks as he was outed, so you blame the reporter for outing him?

He was outed for what? His claims were never refuted, just like you can't refute any of his claims, nobody cans. So they just write crap like that calling him a "holocaust denier" and write about a lot of jews acting shocked that someone would question the fraud of the holohoax.

Its amusing :)


Still, you can't address any of his claims regarding the lie of the holocaust.

Keep trying to distract from that subject, it only confirms you, and nobody can refute his claims regarding the holohoax that I posted :)

They all call him names and say he is not a historian, but never once in the history of the universe, one single person could refute the claims he made that I posted, so that really tells me that the jewish MSM apparatus just did the same thing you're doing, focusing on him, and distracting from the fact that nobody can refute the claims he makes here: >>2699920 and here: https://vho.org/GB/c/DC/gc46-ORIGI.html

It's very funny to see you jews squirming, the claims can't be refuted, so distraction is all you have :)

3787af (227)  No.2700058

File (hide): 98d8fcc8371b060⋯.jpg (79.11 KB, 600x582, 100:97, aw-pepe.jpg) (h) (u)


Lol, you're laughing that nobody could ever refute the claims that David Cole made here: >>2699920 and here: https://vho.org/GB/c/DC/gc46-ORIGI.html ? Well, me too :)

The claims can't be refuted, so distraction is all you have :)

4c3ba5 (14)  No.2700090>>2700122 >>2700398


You made the claim . It is your burden to prove it

I learned that in Deductive Logic 101 long ago

Save that trick for suckers - there are enough other kids here that will take the bait.

I'm not very interested in the topic, but I don't fear the "All Powerful Jews" as you do

Save your sobbing for the next Skinhead meeting

3787af (227)  No.2700122>>2700331

File (hide): 9af435526978a73⋯.png (1.32 MB, 1763x815, 1763:815, 9af435526978a73879208b3fba….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 00109016c64836e⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1763x815, 1763:815, 00109016c64836ea4743dc7e82….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): a51a421b5a69311⋯.png (1.31 MB, 1763x815, 1763:815, a51a421b5a69311a376861b084….png) (h) (u)


Lol, nothing but ad-hominems and more distraction. So cute :)

I posted that specific David Cole's interview and the 46 questions he made to the Holocaust Museum, you started attacking him and claiming he was not legit, then I called you out that you, and nobody can refute the claims he made on the interview I posted and the letter he sent to holocaust museum.

Try harder little yid, you're cute when you squirm and try to pilpul like that :)


Lol, you're laughing that nobody could ever refute the claims that David Cole made here: >>2699920 and here: https://vho.org/GB/c/DC/gc46-ORIGI.html ? Well, me too :)

The claims can't be refuted, so distraction is all you have :)

5e1336 (8)  No.2700177>>2700190


>you cant refute…

You made the claim maggot, so it is your burden to prove it.

You also clain

Med that that clown asset is a "historian" and you were busted lying.

The burden of proof is on you and your Media Matters handlers.

Go back to mcdonalds asshole. ("Nice projection :)")

3787af (227)  No.2700190>>2700307

File (hide): 8f825ede132bb6c⋯.png (1020.57 KB, 1365x738, 455:246, Israel_expansion.PNG) (h) (u)


Lol, squirm more, I love it.


I posted that specific David Cole's interview and the 46 questions he made to the Holocaust Museum, you started attacking him and claiming he was not legit, then I called you out that you, and nobody can refute the claims he made on the interview I posted and the letter he sent to holocaust museum.

Try harder little yid, you're cute when you squirm and try to pilpul like that :)


Lol, you're laughing that nobody could ever refute the claims that David Cole made here: >>2699920 and here: https://vho.org/GB/c/DC/gc46-ORIGI.html ? Well, me too :)

The claims can't be refuted, so distraction is all you have :)

5e1336 (8)  No.2700307>>2700398


>squirm more

"Nice projection :)"

Saying empty phrases like "nice projection/pilpul/adhominem/strawman :)"

Doesnt make your proven lies be any less exposed and it doesn reduce the burden of proving everything that this cole guy said. You billed him as a "historian" and turns out he didnt go to college. Hahaha

his claims were disputed by real historians, and his inconsistency with his own agenda makes him a fine candidate for being a clown actor.

Dont you get it retard ("nice projection :)")? It is up to you to prove his claims, and it is even more so given that you lied about all "historians" you mentioned. Him, Henry Makow and e. Michael jones who turned out to be phds in literature hahahahs at least they actually graduated college, unlike this cole guy.

Now go back to the grill retard, you dont want to burn those burgers or you might lose the only real job you have.

5e1336 (8)  No.2700331>>2700398



In the mean time maggot ("nice projection :)") you were caught red handed lying, when you billed those people as "historians" to boost their credibility, hoping no one will expose them.


You gave the claim, you need to prove, maggot. Thats how argumenting works.

Now back manning the grill. Good luck ("nice projection :)").

5e1336 (8)  No.2700398>>2830411 >>2838754 >>3309837


>little yid boy

"Nice projection :)"

"More adhominem :)"

Burger flipping maggot.


The bolshevics had many jews just like they had very powerfull non jews (stalin - iosiff jugashvilli, and his henchman lavrentiy beria the georgian killer for example).

>f35 deal

Lol you forgot your own copypasta snips hahahahahahahyou just post the premade Shareblue material.

>obama supported israel

The miltary aid is something that goes on for decades and it is a large milking cow for the cabal military industrial complex. Obama didnt do anything special, other than shoving the useless and overpriced f35 to the israelis. So useless that they decided to buy f15 instead.

Using unprecedentedly bitter language, official says outgoing administration 'secretly cooked-up' extreme anti-Israel UN resolution with the Palestinians that would be 'a tailwind for terror'


>His approval ratings in Israel eclipsed his support at home, where he only enjoys a 41.8% approval rating, according to 538’s poll aggregator


>F-35 purchase plans at the current 50 jets, and order the remaining 25 only after buying more F-15s.


Oy vey your lies have been exposed maggot ("nice projection :)").

> judaism

There is no single "judaism" as each subgroup interprets the bible differently.

Its like saying "murderous supremacist christians" because of the crusades and the hugenot slaughter by protestants.


You were royally bitch slapped about it here:








>muh fakebook

Dont you worry this clown authorless "masterpiece" will be exposed, im working on it and i already provided some crumbs about non existing "references" and out of context lies. It triggered you so much THAT YOU ATTEMPTED A PULLBACK CLAIMING YOU HAVE MORE SOURCES. SOURCES THAT TURNED OUT TO BE FAKE "HISTORIANS" WHO DIDNT ATTEND COLLEGE OR GOT PHD IN LITERATURE.


5e1336 (8)  No.2701390>>2836483

Here is a an answer to some of the questions:


ae57df (1)  No.2716744

bump for truthful memes

8a0d17 (3)  No.2721357>>2721699


No I do not kill anything. It's just a joke meme dude ,relax. You know the Jews are evil its so obvious. There are evil man and women in every "culture". Q's right you know.

73e53c (4)  No.2721699>>2734063 >>2799457


there are good people and evil people in every culture. It doesnt make a 20 million diverse culture, being entirely evil.

73e53c (4)  No.2721714>>2734063

Funny that the thread got quiet once the shill got outed as a liar with his "historians". I cant wait to see the debunk of his clown fakebook. Do it shill basher anon!

5ab644 (1)  No.2722553>>2723689 >>2734063

Serious question re. the "royal bitchslapping" op received: If someone diligently studies a subject, the greater amount of time he spends on that subject, the greater expert he will be, no? What does official "education" have to do with it? What good is a college degree based on X number of years, resulting in X number of initials after your name, if the bulk of the information you learned to repeat was false? What good is an educated doctor if his patients stay sick because the drugs he prescribes don't work? Explain to me how "college education" somehow lends greater credence to an argument. There is a reason we are anon here, because that shit doesn't matter, only the facts do. I am interested in facts, and would love to see all possible facts presented by both sides of all arguments. Anyone who steps over the line to attempt the coercion of another individuals free will is a tool of Satan.

73e53c (4)  No.2723689>>2734063


He shouldn't be billed "historian" to give more credibility for his claims. It is the same if a hobby physicist will bill himself as a physics phd.

The fact that these 3 men were billed "historians", exposes an agenda that uses lies to back it's non existent arguments.

It sounds much better to say "muh historian says", then to say "muh random guy who studied history by himself".

Historians put their professional name on the line as everything they write should be peer reviewed. These people on the other hand don't report to no one and can say what ever the hell they want.

Read the "bitch slapping" post for yourself. Specifically look up "david cole" who changed his name from "david stein". His whole autobiography sounds like that of a clown asset.

3787af (227)  No.2734063>>2734195

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Nah little jew, I just got to spend my time redpilling people on other platforms and on the main bread.


They are historians, they talk about history, and they do so with historical precision.

Cry more, and thanks for promoting my bread.

And btw, your logic is that the claims by those people don't hold because of their education, I challenge you to bring me which of their claims that I make reference to are historically inaccurate.

Good luck kike.

And thanks for promoting my bread ;)


Judasim is a supremacist ideology, and the power of jews as a GROUP is going to be taken away from them in the West. All for the right reasons. Jews act like a group, they get treated like a group.


Exactly what anyone who isn't a subversive jew will think about the whole kike shill turbo-sperging. The more he tries to attack me while failing to refute the claims and continuously dancing around the FACTS, the more damage he does to his cause, lol :)


Historians, little jew, they are all historians, and you're a sad little scared jew :)

08d2fc (1)  No.2734195>>2735345 >>2830411


I challenge you to prove these peoples' claines to be true.

Admit it ShareBlue scum, you got caught lying about them on purpose. As a busted liar I challenge you to prove them right. Prove their claims, go ahead.

Here is another logic for you cockroach:

If david cole/stein is a jew than he is supposed to be subversive and evil because he follows muhjudaism. But hey somehow you trust him! Hahahahahaha

So if they are so subversive, why do you trust them?

Logic kills you any time ("nice projection :)")

>scared little jew

"Nice projection :)"

"Moar adhominem"

>redpilled the main bread


You, your bots your shill army shat on all the night shift breads, anons still talk about this fuckery. Ive seen your spamming, all rational anons filtered your shit as you rarely got replies, other than replying to yourself.

As a smart anon said yesterday, why are you on QRESEARCH? There is a very specific reason and to find out what, he used solid logical thinking to show us this:

Claims judaism is evil? - YES

Claims to support trump? - YES

trump has a jewish daughter and family in law? - YES

Does his "support" make sense? - NO

Posts shit that is against q's message? - YES

Stays on q research board even though he ia against the message? - YES

Does it makes sense? - NO


Why is he really here? - MONEY




Q post #939

>So Hitler was a puppet of the controlling >families of the NWO?

Q post #142

>What happened during WWII?

>Was Hitler a puppet?

>Who was his handler?

>What was the purpose?

>What was the real purpose of the war?

Q post #936

>The Nazi order.

>NWO [N does not refer to “New”].

Q post #938

>N does not refer to Nazi.

>The continued Nazi ideology is relevant.

>Events will clarify.

>Think subgroup.

Q #1822

>They want you DIVIDED.









Q #1263

>Think logically.

Attack the world?

Are the people of France to blame?

Are the people to blame or the ruling class (leaders/controllers)?

Apply leverage.




Power shift.

Rise of the people.


Not understood?


3787af (227)  No.2735345>>2736976

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>If david cole/stein is a jew than he is supposed to be subversive and evil because he follows muhjudaism

When he made his claims about the fraud of the holohoax he was an atheist jew, its there in the video you little sad jew :)

And being racially a jew, as long as you stand for the truth, your race is not a factor in what regards the truth.

You are scared, I know, relax, you're only going to have your group power taken away jew, we're not going to kill you if the plan works out :)



They are historians, they talk about history, and they do so with historical precision.

Cry more, and thanks for promoting my bread.

And btw, your logic is that the claims by those people don't hold because of their education, I challenge you to bring me which of their claims that I make reference to are historically inaccurate.

Good luck kike.

And thanks for promoting my bread ;)


>>2395991 -- David Cole, a jewish historian exposes some of the lies of the official version of the holocaust

>>2396033 -- David Irving, historian, exposes some of the lies of the Nuremberg Trials

>>2396017 -- Anonymous documentary creator exposes many of the lies pertaining to the fraudulent official version of the holocaust and Nuremberg Trials

>>2396026 -- The Surprising Origin of the Six-Million Figure

>>2396099 -- Israeli involvement in the 9/11 attack

>>2396414 -- Jordan Peterson is a long-con man who is also a globalist and zionist gate-keeper

>>2530175 -- Porn is a jewish weapon against the goyim (non-jews)

>>2571682 -- Hilter fought the same enemires we are fighting now

>>2571660 -- Was Hitler a puppet? Probably not

>>2571666 -- Was Hitler a puppet? Probably not part 2

>>2580819 -- A message to our jewish allies

73e53c (4)  No.2736976


>you are scared

"Nice projection :)"


He is a high school graduate who didn't go to college hahahahahaha

>Born in 1968 in Los Angeles to liberal, secular-minded Jewish parents, Cole's father, Leon, was a doctor who became controversial for introducing Elvis Presley to Demerol. "He was accused of hooking Elvis on drugs, of killing Elvis." Cole did not go to university -- "I wanted to begin working" – but by the 1980s he had become fascinated by political ideology, especially the work of fringe scholars known then as Holocaust revisionists, subsequently renamed denialists.


Oh and looks like his dad is part of the hwood swamp, as he hooked elvis on the prescription drug. Being hwood born sure doesnt raise red flags of him being a clown puppet, right?

I challenge you to prove his claims to be true.

Admit it ShareBlue scum, you got caught red handed lying about him being a historian, and doing so on purpose. As a busted liar I challenge you to prove them right. Prove their claims, go ahead.

What a pathetic retard ("nice projection :)")

2c66f9 (2)  No.2742173>>2742239

File (hide): 21b26f9a9b30ff3⋯.png (1.48 MB, 2001x1125, 667:375, IMG_7167.PNG) (h) (u)

Hegelian Dialect very important to learn how the world gets played

2c66f9 (2)  No.2742239

File (hide): fc1fc36578540d4⋯.png (407.61 KB, 1125x756, 125:84, IMG_7168.PNG) (h) (u)

File (hide): cfcba05a54dcdf3⋯.png (387.98 KB, 1125x755, 225:151, IMG_7169.PNG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 2309bd9a28775ed⋯.png (595.08 KB, 1125x1085, 225:217, IMG_7170.PNG) (h) (u)



Hegelian Dialect

a704c9 (1)  No.2742709>>2760100

This is def my new fav thread.

What the Jews don’t get is that they’ve made it common place to criticize Christianity and islam because they like to see us fight and abandon our religions….. all that’s done has made it more acceptable to bash all religions, including them.

Whenever I hear people bashing Christianity or Islam, I always move the debate to Jews and as soon as someone calls me anti Semitic, I ask them why Judaism can’t be criticized but the others can?? And they stfu and I win

84e5ff (1)  No.2747211


3787af (227)  No.2760100

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Good tactic.


Good documentary about the power of the zionist lobbying in the US.

3787af (227)  No.2797428>>2815686

File (hide): 90874da25c58b1c⋯.jpg (55.87 KB, 640x920, 16:23, 6t.jpg) (h) (u)


7826c1 (2)  No.2799457>>2799765 >>2830082 >>2837773 >>2843948 >>2878954


this is true, in every person there are is good AND bad and so is in every action. However with that being said, the fact that most of jews perform blood ritual abuse on their eight days old males, which is one of the most cruel and painful things you can perform on any living being, guarantees with a very high probability that said male (and consequentially hes female and offspring) will be an agent of destruction, and i can name few reasons off the top of my head to why:

1. The act itself scar the kid physically, emotionally and mentally (impaired sexuality, extreme pain, abuse by those who are most trusted).

2. The impaired dick means impaired sexual bonding, painful and unsatisfactorily intercourse, sexual frustration and unfulfillment.

you see the above reasons will explain so much, such as:

* Jewish invention and obsession with dicks and porn. = sexual frustration.

* Jewish supremacy. = sexual inferiority.

* Why do they hate white people and white MAN in particular so much? = sexual inferiority => their women gravitate to uncut males (goyim), in particular WHITE males, since color wise and physical characteristic wise they are the closest to jewish males. asians, blacks and latino are not a threat to them.

* How is an allegedly at least 2000 years old tribe is so small today? = above reason.


Thats not even the fucked up part. The fucked up part is THEY DID IT TO THEMSELFS, AND THEY ARE BLAMING AND HATING EVERYONE ELSE FOR THE CONSEQUENCES OF THEIR ACTIONS. They became one aspect of the negative force (i call it simply unnatural or anti-life) and they will bring the human race to destruction by their own ignorance and stupidity.

To clarify: I do not hate them, since i rather channel my energy towards my spiritual development. I do however think jews currently are some of the most unenlightened, ignorant and repulsive tribe on this great earth.


7826c1 (2)  No.2799765>>2830082


By the way, here is a little something for the readers consideration:

Why do most of the so called 'elite' abuse their own kids(sacrifice, pedo shit, allow others to abuse and more)? How is knowledge, mindset and characteristics are passed down in nature? How do animals pass their knowledge to their offsprings? Direct experience.

46dda1 (1)  No.2799926>>2830089

File (hide): 8ab94d58eaae58a⋯.jpg (177.32 KB, 371x642, 371:642, NewYork renamed to Jewtrop….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 8360bc2c1d7577c⋯.png (78.94 KB, 1903x926, 1903:926, SNAP Stock Price and Chart….png) (h) (u)

Jewish Supremacism Triggered:

As The New York Times reports, users of a variety of popular apps and services, including Snapchat, awoke Thursday morning to find that New York City had been relabeled “Jewtropolis” on maps displayed in the apps. People on Twitter quickly posted screen shots of the maps, calling them racist and anti-Semitic.

Snap Inc shares fall on the news. Show your support and buy the dip.

Note: Snap Inc pic is today's trading price.


e12a3a (55)  No.2815686>>2830095

File (hide): 5deaa3e1924a9a3⋯.png (10.37 MB, 7696x4898, 3848:2449, SNOW WHITE 7 DWARVES IS A ….png) (h) (u)



Also interdasting to note that note that after Q's posting on the Snow Whites being taken out that the (((muh Israel))) shills have nearly disappeared.

Doesn't mean the Jewish Supremacists aren't going to pay though.

Glad the anti-Jewish Supremacists are restraining themselves from shitting up the breads. Only the occasional mention of Jewish Supremacism needs to be made for the newfags wandering in.

3787af (227)  No.2830082



Great analysis.

Ideology influences behavior and jewish group behavior has always been abhorrent, you only have to look into the Old Testament to know it and if you choose to delve into the study of their history, culture and religious beliefs, then jewish monstrous group behavior is there for you to see.

3787af (227)  No.2830089


I bet it was the 400 lbs hacker known as 4chan.

Worthy of 6 million keks

3787af (227)  No.2830095>>2830396


>Glad the anti-Jewish Supremacists are restraining themselves from shitting up the breads.

Only necessary in waves, to show how much the shills panic and how they have nothing but lies, misdirection and sophistry/pilpul when faced with the facts.

Jus posting some post selections from this bread once in a while so people know its here is also good, and if shills attack, its not mandatory to attack them back everytime, just once in a while.

3787af (227)  No.2830384>>2830389

File (hide): 0842c6a869dccd7⋯.png (346.87 KB, 646x822, 323:411, q_the_problem.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 4e6b078f07e5bb5⋯.png (1.49 MB, 2616x1248, 109:52, Trump_OurGuy.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 761715a16017359⋯.png (128.98 KB, 820x291, 820:291, Trump_OurGuy_3.PNG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 8f2a7e531981612⋯.jpg (19.17 KB, 720x382, 360:191, Trump_OurGuy_4.jpg) (h) (u)



All Blacks should be against zionism and the crimes of the state of Israel because:


Israel is proudly in an open war against Blacks;


Israel is has been systematically sterilizing Black (Ethiopian) women without their consent nor knowledge;

http://archive.is/gXUIR - “Israel Admits ‘Shameful’ Birth Control Drug Injected in Unaware Ethiopian Jews”

http://archive.is/dJjv3 - “How To Put The Ethiopian-Israeli Birth Control Controversy To Rest”


Israel openly calls for the genocide of non-jews;


Israel supports ISIS and uses much needed in America US tax payer money to support ISIS (USA gives Israel 9 MILLION dollars PER DAY);


Jews were the ones that started and dominated the trans-Atlantic US slave trade (and they use their Hollywood and MSM control to pin it on Whites, and then use their Sorors funded “progressive” political groups like BLM to pit Blacks against Whites, and to induce guilt into Whites for something JEWS DID);


Jews use the words goyim (which means cattle AND non-jew) and shiksa (which means non-jew-woman AND a dirty abomination), and then they cry about "hate speech". Then they paint themselves like they are eternal victims when people get really angry at them when they use the ADL, SPLC and other jewish interest groups to stamp on our rights (1st amend and 2nd). The more they act like that, the more reasons to terminate them all they give the general public.


Jews were heavily involved in the KKK, which hated Black people (and by the way, Hillary Cliton’s mentor was a KKK member). From the book “When Victims Rule”:

“Jewish mythology claims a long history of moral superiority over others, and innocence. The original Ku Klux Klan (1865-1876), however, was not hostile to Jews and even had Jewish members, including Simon Baruch, the father of the Quarter-Master General of the Confederate Army. (The father of Bernard Baruch, the Chairman of the War Industries Board under President Woodrow Wilson in World War I, was a member of the Ku Klux Klan). [COIT, M., 1957, p. 12-13] The Secretary of State of the Confederacy (initially its Secretary of War) was also of Jewish birth, Judah P. Benjamin. [RUBINSTEIN, p. 20] After the war Benjamin fled to England. David de Leon was the first Surgeon General of the Confederacy. [GOLDBERG, M. H., 1976, p. 172] Other prominent Confederate Jews included Edwin Moise, Speaker of the Louisiana House; Raphael Moses who "was influential in leading Georgia out of the Union;" Henry Hyans, the Lieutenant Governor of Louisiana leading up to the Civil War; and Edwin de Leon, "whom Benjamin sent to Paris to handle public relations and propaganda for the South." "The prominent role of Jews in the Confederacy," notes Nathaniel Weyl, "is generally either ignored or condensed into shamefaced footnotes by those historians of American Jewry whose opinions conform to the liberal-leftist stereotype." [WEYL, N., 1968, p. 54]”

Source: https://archive.is/kk4rx

>Ask yourself:

If zionist jews treat Black people like this where they have total power (Israel), would they act any differently if they had the power to do the same in the US (power which zionist jews and zionist non-jews DO have a lot of in the USA)?

Make no mistake, either the US people OR zionism will survive this fight. I hope the subversive zionist traitors realize that zionism will be removed, either by words and education, or WAR. I hope they accept the olive branch the US people are offering them, but if they choose war, then they shall all die.

>And for those that might feel like Trump is not /ourguy/

He is, he knows what the zionists and jewish criminals have been up to in the West for a long long time, and so he got close to them, in order to slay their ZOG apparatus of putting Israel first.

3787af (227)  No.2830389>>2830393

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Black Americans talk about Jews and protocols of Zion.

3787af (227)  No.2830393>>2830400

File (hide): 23eb57692849acd⋯.jpg (32.76 KB, 756x275, 756:275, Jews_depicted.jpg) (h) (u)



Jews have used the Black Civil Rights movement to their own benefit, and its time to tell the truth about this issue too.

Read this article:


Quote from article:

“The NAACP was so Jewish during its first 66 years that that feature is almost unbelievable. Indeed, the NAACP had only Jewish presidents until 1975. Jewish involvement in the Black civil-rights movement had nothing to do with “ending racial discrimination,” or with their love of Black people. It had everything to do with making America less “White,” so that Jews --- always the traditional enemy of gentile/non-Jewish countries — would be less noticeable in America, leading, in Jewish theory, to less “anti-Semitism.””


To have another author’s perspective on this issue, you can read the book “The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit and its impact in world history”. If you don’t want to buy this book or go thru its 1200+ pages, you can read this review of it, it gives you precious information about the issu of jews having used/hijacked the Black Civil Rights movement to further their own jewish supremacist agenda in the US:


Archive of the review here:


Quote from review:

““The [1909] founding of the NAACP,” Jones argues, “marked the beginning of Jewish impact on American life… The NAACP was a Jewish organization, run by a board with no black representatives…

Harold Cruse [said it was created] ‘to fight anti-Semitism by remote control’”(700). Jones then shows how these revolutionary Jews recruited a black face for the movement, and thus W. E. B. Du Bois became the public face for the NAACP. What is interesting is not just the fact that such Jews used blacks as a battering ram against white rule and independence, at the same time they prevented blacks from forming a nationalistic, particularistic society of their own.

To wit, they mercilessly attacked Booker T. Washington, founder of the Tuskegee Institute, and his movement, using Du Bois as the main

agent. Washington was destroyed by a manufactured “scandal” in which he was accused of peeping into the apartment of a white woman. “Washington, the leading black figure in America, was now associated with voyeurism and the fatal sin of sexual attraction to white women” (703).

Du Bois next moved on to the destruction of Marcus Garvey, the black nationalist Jamaican who had started a steamship line to repatriate blacks back to Africa. As the Jewish members of the NAACP wanted integration of blacks and whites in America, not segregation or repatriation, they worked behind the scenes to bring Garvey down.

Garvey caught on, and his suspicions were strengthened when, after being arrested for mail fraud in 1922, he found that the presiding judge at his trial was Julian Mack, an elite German Jew “who also served on the board of the NAACP.” Garvey appealed to this apparent conflict of interest to have Judge Mack dismissed, but his request was denied. Now “he became even more convinced that he was the victim of an ‘international frame up,’ declaring: ‘I am being punished for the crime of the Jew Silverstone [an agent for the failed shipping line]. I was prosecuted by Maxwell Mattuck, another Jew, and I am to be sentenced by Judge Julian Mack, the eminent Jewish jurist. Truly I may say ‘I was going to Jericho and fell among the thieves’”(781).

The mission of the NAACP and Du Bois was accomplished. Garvey got the maximum sentence of five years, and the push toward black-­white integration had cleared another hurdle. This hypocritical strategy of pushing integration for all gentile groups while opposing it for

Jews only gained steam as the century unfolded, particularly

once modern Israel came into being in 1948.”


05b92d (3)  No.2830396>>2830407


"Nice projection :)"


Care to elaborate on your "historians" not being historians?

And please dont give me this bullshit of "they talk about history prove them wrong". Like that guy here said, i can tell you "i talk about physics gp prove me wrong". It doesnt make me a physicist and it is up to me to prove im right, just like it is up to you faggot to prove your fucking high school clown is right.

3787af (227)  No.2830400

File (hide): 9f19178cbb81f0d⋯.png (370.55 KB, 894x712, 447:356, Merchant_jews_control_MSM.png) (h) (u)



Another great article about this issue is this one:

“Jewish Dominance and Exploitation of the Black Civil Rights Movement”


Bibliography of the article (and the whole “When Victims Rule” book) here:





Quote from article:

“Many observers argue that the presumed Jewish altruism and social activism in the American civil rights movement of the 1960's had baser motives. Benjamin Ginsberg argues that the multicultural coalitions spearheaded by Jews in the civil rights era "was a political tactic" to "undermine the power" of those establishment social forces that hindered further Jewish socio-economic advancement. [GINSBERG, p. 125] In 1975 Hasia Dinner wrote a PhD thesis about the way that "Jewish support for black causes was a way for Jews to broaden their own rights without becoming conspicuous by advocating their group interests." [FEINGOLD, p. 130] "Jewish leaders," wrote Diner, "representing different socio-economic classes, ideologies, and cultural experiences committed themselves to black betterment and gave time, money, and energy to black organizations. The spectrum was so wide and the involvement so extensive that one must conclude that these leaders acted out of peculiarly Jewish motives … [My] book demonstrates that Jewish ends were secured by involvement with blacks." [DINER, p. xiv, xii] ”

3787af (227)  No.2830407>>2830430



They are historians, they talk about history, and they do so with historical precision.

Cry more, and thanks for promoting my bread.

And btw, your logic is that the claims by those people don't hold because of their education, I challenge you to bring me which of their claims that I make reference to are historically inaccurate.

Good luck kike.

And thanks for promoting my bread ;)


Glad to see you neurotic jew traitors are still shooting blanks and digging the grave of your cause of defending judaism and zionism ever deeper :)

05b92d (3)  No.2830411>>2830431 >>2838754

Here is where you got your ass whipped fucker. And on your own "thread".










when you lie to boost your credibility, you get bitch slapped by the truth

No way to spin it around clown.

f0b2e8 (2)  No.2830418>>2830431


Nine out of ten Africans were shipped to Brazil. Jewish scholar Dr. Arnold Wiznitzer described the early Jewish presence there:

Besides their important position in the sugar industry and in tax farming, they dominated the slave trade….The buyers who appeared at the auctions were almost always Jews, and because of this lack of competitors they could buy slaves at low prices.

According to Wiesenthal Center scholar Dr. Harold Brackman, during the 1600s “slave trading in Brazil became a ‘Jewish’ mercantile specialty in much the same way it had been in early medieval Europe.”

05b92d (3)  No.2830430>>2830449


Since you are a pathological liar, like a good Brock nut hugging shill, you are the one who has to prove them right.

Why lying about them being historians if not to falsely give authority to their empty claims.

Face it wanker, your clown op here is almost dead. 99% of the post are your own, and no matter how neatly every little snip or meme is made by your handlers at shareblue, you are still a fucking failure. Your lies are digging your own grave (come on fucker say "nice projection :)").

3787af (227)  No.2830431>>2830474 >>2836483

File (hide): 30a59522d555971⋯.gif (1.84 MB, 480x360, 4:3, Merchant_rubs_hands.gif) (h) (u)


Kek, keep telling yourself that, sad little delusional thing. You do realize that people can read the whole thread, don't you, sad little jew? :)



Interdasting. Brazil has a lot of jews, and its the biggest living proof that multi-culturalism is absolute shit and does not work.

3787af (227)  No.2830449>>2836483

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Since you are a pathological liar, like a good Brock nut hugging shill, you are the one who has to prove them right.

Still nothing but your little ad-hominems in the face of the facts… Sucks to be you, jew :)

>Why lying about them being historians if not to falsely give authority to their empty claims.

Read this, little jew:


They are historians, they talk about history, and they do so with historical precision.

Cry more, and thanks for promoting my bread.

And btw, your logic is that the claims by those people don't hold because of their education, I challenge you to bring me which of their claims that I make reference to are historically inaccurate.

Good luck kike.

And thanks for promoting my bread ;)


>Face it wanker, your clown op here is almost dead. 99% of the post are your own, and no matter how neatly every little snip or meme is made by your handlers at shareblue, you are still a fucking failure. Your lies are digging your own grave (come on fucker say "nice projection :)").

Lol, your jewish impotent rage in the face of the facts amuses me. Please keep crying, it makes me very happy :)

f0b2e8 (2)  No.2830474




>Notable characteristics: The South Region of Brazil is historically characterized by its high standard of living, with considerably better social indicators, which include some of the cities with the highest HDI levels in the country, including their capitals. Cities also feature an advanced level of urbanism in comparison with other parts of Brazil. The region is almost the newest in terms of urbanization, it was recently populated by European immigrants (almost 19th century immigration and refugees of World War I and World War IIs). They have added to the local culture, especially in architecture, cuisine and forms of agriculture. Southern region, however, is not immune from poverty, violence and other social issues, especially in the larger cities, even though in a lower level than poorer areas in the country. The state of Santa Catarina is proportionally the Whitest state in Brazil with over 87% of its population being European. The other Southern states also have the highest percentage rates of European population.

36fab4 (1)  No.2830502

On Twatter, posted re Twatter Stealth Mode, people are shitting their pants to see each others after months of a blackout [fuck jack!!!].

Any updates on the situation Anons?

ccf84c (1)  No.2830631>>2838139

File (hide): f7ee03cdefc45f7⋯.png (2.46 MB, 1610x1351, 230:193, 1535802078630.png) (h) (u)

Hey diddle diddle, cat and the fiddle

dbbeb0 (7)  No.2836483>>2837773 >>2838104 >>2838166



>moar adhominem

"Nice projection :)"


>they are historian cause they talk about history

Just like your buddy goebbles you believe that repeating a lie will make it truth. We are not stupid, this is why 99% of the posts here are yours.





And you cinveniently "missed" this posted with some anwers to "questions":





In the mean time ill trigger you some more maggot:

Claims judaism is evil? - YES

Claims to support trump? - YES

trump has a jewish daughter and family in law? - YES

Does his "support" make sense? - NO

Posts shit that is against q's message? - YES

Stays on q research board even though he ia against the message? - YES

Does it makes sense? - NO


Why is he really here? - MONEY


Who benefits from your posts?

Who are you trying to hide?

Who is the real enemy?

Are you hiding the RULING FAMILIES?

is it jewish to cover yourself in gold? wear y heads?

Worship the eye of ra? Owls? Minerva?

you David Brock nut huggers have lost. Big time. Your dead cat bounce is dead

(Come on maggot, say "nice projection :)")

42b168 (6)  No.2837773>>2837779 >>2838300 >>2838435 >>2878954

File (hide): ec38b86a14a3d16⋯.jpg (274.54 KB, 793x1024, 793:1024, 1.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): f67e34de9969d00⋯.jpg (2.1 MB, 6244x3212, 1561:803, 2.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): a66eb465d2cd4da⋯.jpg (3.72 MB, 3457x2990, 3457:2990, 3.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 659bffe6fb80342⋯.png (423.29 KB, 576x486, 32:27, 4.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 60fc66f183386fd⋯.png (186.92 KB, 327x490, 327:490, 5.png) (h) (u)


Its obvious you are a shill. Normally waste my time on shills but i found your post useful in propagating the truth.

Its easy to deconstruct your arguments:


What can be said, the supremacy ideology that was pumped in your head is showing(bet you are a jew also).

>Just like your buddy goebbles you believe that repeating a lie will make it truth. We are not stupid, this is why 99% of the posts here are yours.

Simply trying to appeal to the indoctrination many people in the 'western' world were 'taught' in 'history class', plus repeating a lie is a trick jews use all the time(pic 1).'We are not stupid' - ONE OF US, right?


Simply throwing accusations, again pic 1.


You can watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IbGhM7q8E50, he never once claims to know something he can not prove.


They don't risk shit, they simply repeat the lies they have been 'taught' and were repeated in all forms of communications.


That is just a dumb argument, and you are actually proving our point, he was never INDOCTRINATED. Plus going to college doesn't mean shit, in todays world you can learn ABSOLUTLY ANYTHING using the internet.


People are going to jail for simply questioning the 'holocaust'(DEFINE THOUGHT CRIME?).


Shill 101.

>Claims judaism is evil? - YES

We are talking about jewish supremacist.

>Claims to support trump? - YES

>trump has a jewish daughter and family in law? - YES

What better way to protect yourself from 'anti-semitism'? Plus being a jew is not equal of being a kike, Shill - i assume you live in israel AND/OR consider yourself a jew, would it blow your mind if i can show you that actual hard core jews do not consider you as one, you are the same as goy to them and they have no problem exploiting you because of it? i mean yes you can convert and if you help them they will consider you in some way 'honorary jew', hey they will even make you fill like one of them, BUT, in the end of the day if it was a situation of you OR them, they will sacrifice you without blinking.

>Does his "support" make sense? - NO

So far all he did is make gestures that caused a fire to be lit under israel ass, and practically giving them something which he can use as leverage against them. Doing gestures that shield him from the 'anti-semitism' card(which is ONE of the jew's greatest weapon), while in practice, hurt 'them', the zionists, the jewish supremacists.

>Posts shit that is against q's message? - YES

>Stays on q research board even though he ia against the message? - YES

>Does it makes sense? - NO

Q is all about the truth, we are here simply exposing the lies of the FAKE NEWS(CABAL)(pic 2, and no i don't suggest the cabal is ONLY jews), so it makes all the sense in the world.


>Why is he really here? - MONEY

Why is he really here? - THE TRUTH. We live in time of big change, the cycle of downwards descending is over and we are going up, most people don't even realize how big this is, THIS IS GOING TO CHANGE EVERYTHING. Now its the time for TRUTH to shine.


"nice projection :)"

You probably think you are simply defending the truth and the victim, but its time for you to exit your echo chamber and SEE the uncomfortable truth, pics 3-7, just the tip of the nose.

If anything you can ignore everything above, and point to all of us right here, WHAT CLAIMS ARE NOT CORRECT, WHAT CLAIMS ARE LIES, you see there are two roads here:

1. You don't => then it is obvious you are shill and you are not going to add to the conversation.

2. You do => then we can have a debate, in which will we will discover the truth, MAYBE you are correct, we are here for the truth, we are interested in NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH, and we have no other reason to be here.







42b168 (6)  No.2837779>>2838300

File (hide): ca46c23b4223ed2⋯.png (254.62 KB, 706x929, 706:929, 6.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): fa75eb8995a4c28⋯.jpg (820.21 KB, 1035x1200, 69:80, 7.jpg) (h) (u)


cont pics

42b168 (6)  No.2838104>>2838300

File (hide): 08963e0752bc97c⋯.png (16.21 KB, 446x525, 446:525, ultra_kill_1.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 778b26abf22d77f⋯.png (18.01 KB, 446x504, 223:252, ultra_kill_2.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 6b7a27063e0662a⋯.png (6.79 KB, 446x285, 446:285, ultra_kill_3.png) (h) (u)


>Stays on q research board even though he ia against the message? - YES

The cherry on top.

4c3ba5 (14)  No.2838139


Cardinal Pepe or St Pepe?

4c3ba5 (14)  No.2838166>>2838300


Another inconsequential "food fight"

No one is impressed

dbbeb0 (7)  No.2838300>>2838458 >>3309837





Nice. I see the megashill has been caught lying so he sends his sockpuppets. How lovely.

>the truth

Lol i never knew truth is lying about your sources being historians, Beria being a jew, and having nice, sourceless out of context ShareBlue snips all ready for dissemination by shills and bots, and basing your "research" on an authorless book.

Yes the lobbys should be shut down, including israeli, and MOS is probably the israeli version of the clowns, but mos isnt jews, and it isnt all compd. After all they were the ones who exposed the iranian nuke plan for potus.


>The unveiling of Iran's purported secret atomic files by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was aimed at supporting "a decision that was already made" by United States President Donald Trump to pull out of a 2015 nuclear deal with Iran, an Israeli analyst said on Tuesday

Here are some cherries for you:

Q #1822

>They want you DIVIDED.









Q #1263

>Think logically.

Attack the world?

Are the people of France to blame?

Are the people to blame or the ruling class (leaders/controllers)?

Apply leverage.




Power shift.

Rise of the people.


Not understood?


Who benefits from your posts?

Who are you trying to hide?

Who is the real enemy?

Are you hiding the RULING FAMILIES?

is it jewish to cover yourself in gold?

wear y heads?

Worship the eye of ra? Owls? Spirit cooking?

2e1066 (2)  No.2838435>>2838480 >>2838754


You know that when you are caught constantly and deliberately lying about your sources and not even once explain why you lied, when you constantly post out of context "pre made" snips, when you constantly spam the main QRESEARCH BREADS, and when you constantly bash an entire population (ivanka and her family are part of this population) with caricatures and other shit to hide the ruling occult families, then yeah it raises some questions to say the least. That anon is right, you got royally bitch slapped when your bullshit was outed. When 99% of the posts here are yours and 0.9% are those of your sockpuppets, you got a problem.

42b168 (6)  No.2838458>>2838512

File (hide): c81ea87cdc62ebb⋯.png (6.41 KB, 447x195, 149:65, shill_that_means_you_too.png) (h) (u)


You what the thing is about TRUTH?


The irony is the harder you actively trying to fight it the more it stands out.

2e1066 (2)  No.2838480>>3406320


and to add some more, if you get caught lying as much a you did, you cant expect to tell him "you address my claims and we will have a discussion". First bring the entire context of your claims, and prove your sources to be legit. You got caught lying over and over again for crying out loud.

dbbeb0 (7)  No.2838512>>2838754


I dont fight truth, i fight those who lie and shield the real enemy.

42b168 (6)  No.2838754>>2839254 >>2839293

File (hide): c909a4005c41e99⋯.png (3.38 KB, 452x114, 226:57, no_wonder_you_are_losing.png) (h) (u)

>bitch slapped





That is only one phrase that is identifing you AND/OR your group. there are many more.

You realize you are writing in EXACTLY the same format and using EXACTLY the same words. That is low effort low energy shilling.

>Nice. I see the megashill has been caught lying so he sends his sockpuppets. How lovely.

I was not sure before, but now its seems clear, you are definitely professional shill, you WERE trained


You should be ashamed of yourself.

dbbeb0 (7)  No.2839254


>shill syntax

Lol this is the funniest projection i have ever seen

Its hillarious how you shills are adjusting you tactics, copying every high iq post that exposes you. I have seen anons use these arguments against you on the QRESEARCH bread when you were spamming it woth 40 posts from the megashill and 20 from each sockpuppet.

My syntax? Lol the mega shill "nice projection/adhominem :)" bullcrap is the same style for over 10000 posts. So are also the fake "historians" and the redacted out of context shareblue snips. Same crap over and over again.

I also see that you started copying the style of posting q crumbs. The problem is that just like the left cant meme, you dont know how to do it correctly.


keep on defending the ruling occult families for a few buck per post. ("Nice projection :)")

dbbeb0 (7)  No.2839293>>2839495

File (hide): 23f4b69f1675b74⋯.jpg (241.11 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, 7jJuuOU.jpg) (h) (u)


Lol and i almost forgot the projection with "fishing is fun". You always take the fucking bait, especially when you rush to defend another sockpuppet IP by mistake, as if you are answering some post directed at you.

"Fishing is fun indeed". Thanks for playing.

42b168 (6)  No.2839495>>2843800


>You always take the fucking bait

You are basicly admitting you are what you are here for(These people are stupid - understatement).

I am done with you shills.


3787af (227)  No.2842588>>2843803

File (hide): f7ee87e083793d3⋯.png (1.5 MB, 1073x1200, 1073:1200, Darth_Vader.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 4b3f3d2073b7882⋯.jpg (102.13 KB, 1014x394, 507:197, Jewish_Over_Representation….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 0b707b1b2c06183⋯.jpg (320.34 KB, 800x400, 2:1, Ruth_jew_SCOTUS.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 27381f72cb364a6⋯.gif (3.43 MB, 3375x5175, 15:23, ZOG.gif) (h) (u)

File (hide): 22218f0c9137894⋯.jpg (91.61 KB, 837x1528, 837:1528, ZOG_2.jpg) (h) (u)


Lol, I love watching neurotic treasonous jews kvetching.

Keep it up, thanks for the bumps! ;)

dbbeb0 (7)  No.2843800>>2843948 >>2876305


>back to love and truth


More like back to bashing jews, spreading hate, hiding THE OCCULT RULING FAMILIES, back to lying about your "sources" and material and above all, back to massaging David Brocks' balls for a buck.

dbbeb0 (7)  No.2843803>>2843948 >>2873740



"Nice projection :)"

I love qatching you squirm maggot, and your sockpuppets fail to spin it around. Have a coke faggot, you probably need it more then i do.

ebaf4f (1)  No.2843948>>2926775

File (hide): 1fc862621a8e5a3⋯.png (77.94 KB, 444x565, 444:565, tick_tock_shill_tick_tock.png) (h) (u)


You are wrong to assume we are the same person, gee i wonder why would you think that? accusing us doing what you EVIDENTLY DO, kind of reminds be of a tactic used in a different context, russian collusion anyone?


We are not spreading hate and not attacking jews per se, we are EXPOSING PRACTICES AND ACTIONS carried by various people and pointing out their common denominator.

We are not hiding the occult ruling families, i actually explain some aspect of their practice, why it is done and what are some of the consequences here >>2799457.

At some point people ask themselves 'WHY ITS ALMOST ALWAYS A JEW?', i merely offer my insight on how is that related to circumcision and jewish supremacism (>>2799457).


d0059d (1)  No.2870716>>2875473

Bump for greate justice


peace and love

7a33f8 (1)  No.2870811>>2873586 >>2875608

I know all QAnons are going to have to address the Jewish Question before this is all over. Q did say Israel was saved for last, after all. The thing is, for some reason I can't explain, yet, even talking about Jews, Judaism, Israel, etc. just repulses me. No, repulses is not right… it bores me at an empathy level.

Anybody else feel that?

099421 (2)  No.2873586


that is just part of the conditioning

16479e (1)  No.2873671>>2873964

These threads are pointless. Who gives a fuck?

Satanic world elites are getting wiped off the fucking planet.

90% Jewish? 10% Jewish? Doesn't change a god damn thing. They are GONE.

0e5e4c (1)  No.2873740

File (hide): a7f3307aa8c5227⋯.jpg (528.07 KB, 1000x750, 4:3, utryrut.jpg) (h) (u)


Q please don't let this smug, condescending, shill bastard off the hook.

e12a3a (55)  No.2873964>>2884902

File (hide): dafbfb218553384⋯.jpg (736.12 KB, 1712x1704, 214:213, PEPE front line fighter.jpg) (h) (u)


Threads are necessary so that when the 90% of them that are Jewish cry Antisemitism the normies shrug and load them onto the planes to Gitmo.

Also so the rest of the Jews keep their fucking mouths shut, and then teach their children well (don't do what uncle Schomo did, or you'll end up sweating your matzohs off for the rest of your life in a tiny hot cell!, meshuggana!).

e12a3a (55)  No.2873977>>2875473 >>2878954

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This is supposedly part 2. Anybody know where part 1 is?

e12a3a (55)  No.2875473


Anybody know where part 1 of this video is? >>2873977

e12a3a (55)  No.2875608


It's tough. I have Jewish friends who have been 100% against the (((fuckery))) without being aware that most of those doing the fuckery are their fellow tribe members (at least, they've never hinted they're aware, which if they were wouldn't surprise me). In fact they recognize that tribalism is a problem in general, and have been tireless advocates for individual liberty, sound banking, sound government, 1A, 2A, 4A, 5A, 10A, etc. Great Americans.

Some other Jewish friends of mine… Not so much. Pretty much (((shitlibs))) who are part of the problem.

So, pick the ones you want to Shindler out of the country if it gets to that, and pray that whatever system we put in place to enforce civic nationalism isn't too authoritarian. Because I can't see America holding together as a republic without a non-authoritarian system (no-dual citizenship in any government position, no foreign aid of any kind, no genital mutilation, no central banking, no birthright citizenship, no immigration w/o knowing English (and no voting for three generations afterward), etc.)

e12a3a (55)  No.2876305

File (hide): 89b83de53328e50⋯.jpg (126.17 KB, 1200x598, 600:299, SOON - LOVE, Q.jpg) (h) (u)



Fixed it for you.

Embrace the suck, Schlomo. The truth will set you free. Repent.

Alternately, KYS. Or just wait. Because rope comes.



099421 (2)  No.2878954>>2893099

File (hide): 9683e305efc78a2⋯.png (1.11 MB, 999x708, 333:236, dead_serious.png) (h) (u)


Move 3.3 million israelis mostly from tel-aviv area to poland. First questions that came into my mind were, But why? What is the purpose if moving so many jews there? Why out of all places europe, where they just sent all these violent 3rd world countries "refugees"?

If you look at israel demographics you will find that there are ~3.3 million NON HAREDI (meaning mostly liberal dominant) jews in the ages 20-55. Why is this significant?

Well when that creepy and full of supremasicm complex guy says "poland dedicates less than 1 percent of budget to culture and the arts" (19:39), what he really means in 'culture and the arts' is brainwashing the population to accept the false and unnatural culture(lgbtq and the likes), they want it atleast 15 percent. Then he says that the 3.3 million will come "mostly from tel-aviv" (19:55), tel-aviv is the liberal lgbtq CAPITAL of israel, so in this context he means mostly liberal. I mean just listen to it him talking from 19:47, see pic related how EXITED he is talking about creating incentives for them to come to poland.

Combine it with a fact most people dont know about israel:



The liberal population through taxes pays many(most?) orthodox TO NOT WORK.

Now you are beginning to understand what i meant here:


>Shill - i assume you live in israel AND/OR consider yourself a jew, would it blow your mind if i can show you that actual hard core jews do not consider you as one, you are the same as goy to them and they have no problem exploiting you because of it?

They will SACRIFICE (KILL/RACE MIX) their JEWISH APPEARING GOYS in europe to achieve many goals here is a few:

1. The occultists jews will seemingly appear "clean" - no way they will sacrifice their own, right?

2. The ethnic cleansing of israel - you thought only the "arabs" will get this treatment?

3. Less jewish population in israel - pretext for more ethnic cleansing.

4. 'Fix' their liberal, lgtbq, sjw 'problem' - They knew their own population will be affected by american culture(think SHIELD/SLIGHT OF HAND).

X. And more

I mean think about it, its a SWORD and a SHIELD, BLACK and WHITE, PROBLEM AND SOLUTION(both provided by the same people for the same people, think 9/11),occult knowledge used for dark(CONTROL) purposes at work.


Think about >>2799457 , they have NO PROBLEM abusing their own, do you think they will have ANY PROBLEM WHATSOEVER to abuse people they see as goyim?

The more you know,


3787af (227)  No.2884902

File (hide): 17d0bc28311ba18⋯.jpg (8.01 KB, 235x250, 47:50, Apu_USA_Shirt.jpg) (h) (u)




>Bumping muh bread.

e12a3a (55)  No.2893099>>2893592

File (hide): 6c76aa040900bb3⋯.png (799.6 KB, 1254x2072, 627:1036, 911 - IT'S THE KIKES.png) (h) (u)


Poland should make genital mutilation punishable by death.

Whether or not you do in in the country or not (no leaving the country to mutilate your child, Shlomo. If you're a Pole, you live by Polish law. Otherwise, GTFO).

194e85 (4)  No.2893592>>2902555


Wait until people will realize they eat the wrong food and it actually ages and kills them, this is going to be a great show.

3787af (227)  No.2901972

File (hide): d057c04c3fda020⋯.png (593.17 KB, 844x728, 211:182, US_Hurrican_aid_demands_su….PNG) (h) (u)


“Hurricane Harvey's floodwaters damaged many homes in the Texas city of Dickinson, and residents are applying for assistance and working to repair their properties.

But Dickinson's application for repair grants is raising eyebrows. Alongside standard items such as project descriptions and grant amounts, the city application reads:

"By executing this Agreement below, the Applicant verifies that the Applicant: (1) does not boycott Israel; and (2) will not boycott Israel during the term of this agreement."

In doing so, the application appears to make eligibility for hurricane relief funds contingent on political beliefs regarding Israel, which the American Civil Liberties Union describes as unconstitutional.

"The First Amendment protects Americans' right to boycott, and the government cannot condition hurricane relief or any other public benefit on a commitment to refrain from protected political expression," ACLU of Texas Legal Director Andre Segura said in a statement.

A city official told NPR that Dickinson is simply following a recently passed state law: "The city has nothing to do with it."

They are referring to House Bill 89, which came into force on September 1. But Rep. Phil King, who authored the legislation, told NPR he was baffled about why it was being applied here.

"We're eating this morning, having my oatmeal, and I see the article in the paper. And it's like, 'Oh no, what could they possibly be thinking?'" King said.

Gov. Greg Abbott signed the bill into law in May, saying that it was aimed at targeting companies that are involved in boycotting, divesting or sanctioning Israel, also known as BDS.”

e12a3a (55)  No.2902555>>2903793

File (hide): 29e5a5c8fa5ee0f⋯.png (590.53 KB, 760x1303, 760:1303, KIKERY - ANTI WHITE 03.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): d6910b33ba2b7d1⋯.png (363.27 KB, 652x487, 652:487, KIKERY - HERZL, THE FATHER….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): c56f2ac73da2682⋯.jpg (158.55 KB, 935x952, 55:56, KIKERY - ITS AFRAID.jpg) (h) (u)


OT, but worth it to bump… What foods would those be in your anonopinion?

194e85 (4)  No.2903793>>2903937

File (hide): fb5bec3a84f88af⋯.jpg (154.86 KB, 756x576, 21:16, 1.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 12889422b76afe3⋯.png (344.81 KB, 1192x929, 1192:929, 2.png) (h) (u)


First there is the cooked food. Observe nature, is there any other animal that cooks their food? Why would you want to destroy many of the nutrients, destroy all water solvable vitamins and many other vitamins, make your food dry which drys your body as the chemistry is balancing itself, destroy all of the enzymes in the food which means your body need to push itself harder to digest and "move" that, and many many more…? Offer a dog cooked meat and raw meat, which one will he take 100% of times?

Then there is the processed food. Why would you want to take something which is complete and in balance, break that up, isolate its components, combine it with other "isolates" and eat it? Why would you introduce this kind of an isotope, free radical, into your chemistry(body)? Would that unbalanced chemistry not seek balance? Would it not reach balance by breaking and consuming YOUR chemistry?

Then there is the issue of the human body physiology, as you can see by picture 1 , the humans are a frugivore specie.

We can see that on one hand we have:

1. Starches and grains - highly complex and condensed sugars - dry, little to no enzymes => very slow and energy wasting digestion(ever felt sleepy after a big meal? thats your body directing most of its energy to digestion) => fermentation => fungi(candida) => long list of problems, in particular uric acid by product of fungi digestion => body becomes acidic, weak, depleted of energy and nutrients, what most people refer to "being ill".

2. Nuts and seeds - dormant food, highly complex proteins and minerals - dry, little to no enzymes, a lot of phytic acid, a lot of enzyme inhibitor => very slow and energy wasting digestion, nutrients becoming unavailable for absorption. Plus proteins are on the acidic side of chemistry, so again introducing chemistry that weakens and destroys your cells. (Why do you think soy beans are pushed by the elites? soy beans contains THE MOST PHYTIC ACID AND CONTIANS ASTROGENIC LIKE SUBSTANCES).

3. Meat - Dead food, for time sake, lets put aside the chemistry side if it. Lets for now only look at the behavior aspect of eating meat and ask yourself the following question: Did you ever felt the instinct of "locking" on a small animal, chasing it, killing it with your hands/mouth and eating it straight away? hair, skin, flesh, blood, brain? Did you ever seen a cat or a dog going crazy because of the smell of raw meat? Can you remember ever feeling the same? https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/leading-causes-of-death.htm cancer number 2 leading cause of death in america, https://www.cdc.gov/cancer/colorectal/statistics/index.htm 'colorectal cancer is the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the United States', https://www.webmd.com/colorectal-cancer/news/20110523/eating-meat-may-raise-colon-cancer-risk.

4. Unnatural products as explained above.

And on the other hand:

Fruits and 'vegetable' fruits (tomatoes, cucumbers, etc) - Full of water and hydrating, full of alkaline minerals and substances, full of anti oxidants, full of enzymes, soft fiber, bio available amino acids (no need to break, complex proteins for that), most electromagnetic energy content of all => Fast and easy digestion, highest chemical energy output (- digestion, absorption, utilization and elimination energy, + cellular energy => energy output positive), vitality, flexibility and more.

You do not even need to go into such small details in order to understand this, you can look at it from a higher perspective, this is the choice between consumption(integration) of death or life, acid or alkaline, black or white.

This is just the tip of the iceberg, and is connected to more than just your physical health, you will find mental clarity, emotional stability and the ability to see the "black and white" more and more, "as above so bellow", different manifestations of the same.


If you truly value the truth, and truly wish to become healthy and most of all vital, full of energy and free, i HIGHLY suggest for you to try living 1 month on only raw, uncooked, fruits (picture 2). YOU WILL BE AMAZED OF ALL THE CHANGES YOU ARE GOING TO NOTICE, worst case scenario you can just go back to eating the same things right?

194e85 (4)  No.2903937>>2904006


And that does not even take in consideration the following:

1. Unripe (and still acidic), genetically modified, toxic fruits, available for most of general population

2. Eating habits which are disastrous such as not chewing enough, eating WAY too much and eating at the wrong times (completely out of sync with many biological rhythms).

Tell me does it not starting to look like they completely deceived people into believing up is down and left is right?

The more you know

194e85 (4)  No.2904006>>2904193 >>2904206 >>2917562


Corrupt one aspect, one manifestation => balance is tilted a little bit

Corrupt many aspects more, like circumcision, family values, unhealthy hyper sexuality and obsession, unbalanced male/female => balance is heavily tilted against the unaware.

3787af (227)  No.2904193


Very true.

e12a3a (55)  No.2904206>>2904541 >>2917562 >>2919379

File (hide): 71d56326094e7aa⋯.jpeg (37.3 KB, 600x453, 200:151, ANTISEMITISM 01.jpeg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 34f62cdd31e1d0e⋯.jpeg (75.48 KB, 720x720, 1:1, ANTISEMITISM 02.jpeg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 0f470efff25c8ef⋯.jpg (88.84 KB, 600x519, 200:173, BBC - KIKERY 01.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 6de37759a0d6064⋯.jpg (84.55 KB, 401x600, 401:600, BBC - KIKERY 02.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 959e38b750c7b40⋯.jpg (80.67 KB, 650x476, 325:238, BBC - KIKERY 03.jpg) (h) (u)


Humans are great apes.

Great apes eat meat when available, sometimes they hunt it.

Humans are a semi-aquatic ape (nearly hairless, best swimmers of the apes), so we should eat more more fish than them.

Sorry, but your chart doesn't fit facts or logic.

Appreciate you bumped this thread tho

fa3010 (1)  No.2904541


You mean apes that were fed meat in captivity and then were released back to nature and caused the spread of this phenomenon?

bb18d9 (1)  No.2917562>>2918238 >>2918651


let me add a little context in regard to the connection between jewish supremacism and satanism:

SATAN => meaning in ancient hebrew = adversary | opposing force

SATANISM => being THAT adversary and channeling THAT opposing force

But being oppose to what? GOD! not as a deity but as the force of life, the truth.

Simply put they are the BLACK to the WHITE, the DEATH to the LIFE, …, this is their nature.


To add a little more:

They corrupted most, if not all, knowledge available to the most of the population, as you can see evidently in this thread, this false in every aspect of life.

You think somehow they decided to pass on corrupting this knowledge?


I mean what people eat directly dictates what their body will be composed of…

How do you make people weak? (you don't want them dead, just weak)

Build them from cheap and weak material of course!

3787af (227)  No.2918238

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Agreed. Welcome to the (((gay disco))).

4b3009 (1)  No.2918651>>2918728


Physically unhealthy => emotionally unhealthy => mentally unhealthy => …

Thats the thing about corrupting knowledge, if left unchecked it 'spreads'. (left unchecked will lead to the complete destruction of us - they know it too)

The opposite is also true, if you can un-corrupt one aspect of knowledge, that 'spreads' as well.

3787af (227)  No.2918728

750438 (2)  No.2919379>>2919408 >>2919638 >>2919698


Oy vey, when a shill who says holocaust is a hoax, uses a shareblue snip with a "holocaust survivor" quote…

You are really retarded are you?

2efa02 (1)  No.2919408>>2919638 >>2919698


Indeed fren. Those muhjoo idiots are the lowest ranking shareblue tards. Pathetic.

3787af (227)  No.2919638>>2919731 >>2920514

File (hide): 5b080ff20b3d4d5⋯.jpeg (208.67 KB, 750x750, 1:1, Holocaust_Denial.jpeg) (h) (u)



Lol, you dumb shills are stupid.

Holohoax being a hoax means that there were no death camps. There WERE work camps, and people died there of typhus and starvation (along with Germans because UK bombed the logistics needed to get food in there).

She could have survived the WORK camps, but the official version of the holohoax that says that 6 million died because they were systematically exterminated is a lie.

Cry more :)

4f14db (1)  No.2919698>>2919731 >>2920514



Just as i was thinking to myself 'I have not seen the shills for quite some time, i wonder where did they disapear to'


3787af (227)  No.2919731>>2920514

File (hide): 3c3b8691d87ec95⋯.jpg (104.62 KB, 392x320, 49:40, Baked_1.jpg) (h) (u)


Israel first shills are losing sorely, but here they can't shut us down, so they try to take pot shots, which are easily countered. Read: >>2919638

And we are here all the time, we just put you kikes in your place when you start to shit up the main bread with your non-sense.

Cry more :)

3787af (227)  No.2919911>>2920514 >>2920764

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


For an excellent example on how Israel first controlled opposition works, see this video about Jordan Peterson.

750438 (2)  No.2920514>>2920978

File (hide): 23f4b69f1675b74⋯.jpg (241.11 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, 7jJuuOU.jpg) (h) (u)





Like it is a coincidence when the megashill comes back with a new sockpuppet right on time lol

Saw logic fucking up your low iq shilling.

"Nice projection :)" fucktard.

Thanks for playing. "Fishing is fun".

6563b7 (1)  No.2920764>>2920921 >>2920986


I think the worst thing they subverted was the meaning of 'love'.

The true meaning and feeling of love, is the feeling of belonging to something.

What we are taught to believe is love, is actually a feeling of entitlement, which comes from the notion that we are somehow superior to all other and so much better, which is the biggest and most critical principal in the jewish religion, 'WE ARE THE CHOSEN PEOPLE'.

They made most of us part of their religion!

They want us corrupt because they are corrupt, they are projecting their fears into us, to put us at their playing field. Deep inside they are vary fearful.

ebe398 (1)  No.2920921>>2920986


Which proves judaism IS satanism, because their core belief system is surrounded around the ego and the self, which is the exact opposite of the true meaning of love, which means they are the black to the white…

3787af (227)  No.2920978>>2926775


Lol, crying in impotent rage in the face of the facts you sad little jew.

Jewish group power is going to get taken away and there is nothing you can do :)

Here, have a book about jewish ritual murder written by an israeli jew:


"he following translation was performed free of charge to protest an injustice: the destruction by the ADL of Ariel Toaff’s Blood Passover on Jewish ritual murder. The author is the son of the Chief Rabbi of Rome, and a professor of Jewish Renaissance and Medieval History at Bar-Ilan University in Israel, just outside Tel Aviv.

Dr. Toaff is uniquely qualified to write this book, being thoroughly familiar with the derivative literature in English, French, German and Italian, as well as the original documentary sources in Latin, Medieval Italian, Hebrew and Yiddish. This is not something he worked on in secret. On the contrary, he worked on it openly with his university students and colleagues in Israel for several years; one of his students was even going to publish a paper on the subject. The author is extremely careful about what he says, and his conclusions must be taken seriously. It reads like a detective story.

If it had been published in Israel, in Hebrew, no one would have cared. There are large bodies of literature in Hebrew that Jews do not wish Gentiles to know about. But Dr. Toaff’s announcement of its publication in Italy, in Italian, raised a worldwide firestorm of fury. Under unbearable pressure, the book was withdrawn from publication.

Come in out of the darkness, and strike a blow for the light. "

3787af (227)  No.2920986>>2921194



Interdasting take.

aa3848 (2)  No.2921194>>2921261 >>2921962 >>2932623


The jews are practicing this mentality in israel, they work vary hard to keep the population feeling they belong with the country. Think about being a patriot, about THAT feeling. You reverse the meaning of the word and up is down is no more.

aa3848 (2)  No.2921261


Kinda gives a new meaning to the words 'All you need is love, love is all you need'.

3858e0 (1)  No.2921962>>2926821 >>2926857 >>2932887


They are trying to keep themselves and their actions in alignment with the truth, while trying to un-align everyone else. This is the occult knowledge. The funny thing is if you look at the talmud, its basically jews trying to lawyer around the bible, which is why most good lawyers are jewish(thousands of years of being sneaky, maybe more). They know they must abide by the cosmic rules or they will not have the upper hand but they must rebel(nimrod), it is driving them crazy!

4bd541 (3)  No.2926775>>2949845


Lol go lie about your fake historians and go defend some more sockpuppets megashill. I love it when you defend them its hillarious!


"Nice projection :)"


Go lie sime more. The most pathetic post was the post of your sockpuppet claiming "we (in plural lol) are not against jews". When the whole thread is one big shareblue party. And 99% of the posts are shareblue snips and memes and caricatures.


Go back to sucking Brocks dick fucktards. Im still waiting for the historians apology lying pos megashill.

4bd541 (3)  No.2926821


Talmud is basicaly lawyering and commenting on bible issues. It is a good description but the thing is, most israelis dont give a shit about talmud or know anything about it. Religious people do, some follow it like sheep, others take a mote critical approach.

4bd541 (3)  No.2926857


Another thing is that talmud has two versions (babylonian and jerusalem). Both of them are rabinic bible interpretations and like you said "lawyering". There is nothing occult there though. By occult meaning eye of ra, owls, minerva, spirit cooking and other shit like this. Its a 2000 year old religious text.

7e41a7 (2)  No.2932623>>2944501


They see things from the level of a group, 'How this benefits US'. They indoctorine us to see things from the level of the individual, 'How this benefits ME'. Divide And Conquer.

7e41a7 (2)  No.2932887>>2944501


Their world view and level of thinking is at 'How does this benefits US', versus what they paddle to the people 'How does this benefit ME'. Divide And Conquer.

3787af (227)  No.2944501



This is why until all jewish interest groups, zionism and judaism gets banned from the West, jews are going to get treated like a GROUP, because they ACT LIKE A GROUP.

3787af (227)  No.2947546>>3088223

File (hide): c2e2566bed24063⋯.png (182.89 KB, 437x637, 437:637, The_Hoax_of_the_Twentieth_….PNG) (h) (u)


A great book about the fraud that is the official and illegal to question in some countries version of the holocaust:

“Hoax of the Twentieth Century”


“The best-selling revisionist classic now available for download. For a solid review of the overblown and much-ballyhooed âholocaustâ from the perspective of someone who picked apart the entire orthodox story from every angle, this book covers all the bases with enough depth and clarity that it gives the complete story as to why the âholocaustâ is a blatant lie and could not have occurred from the technical and logistical perspective. This is the new, final publication version which features two additional appendices (for a grand total of five).”



Almost 60 books and documents about the fraud that is the illegal to question in some countries official version of the holocaust.

39e3d2 (2)  No.2949845

File (hide): 47fd45bfa2843ac⋯.jpg (176.08 KB, 1089x874, 1089:874, freemasonryJewsMeme644.jpg) (h) (u)

39e3d2 (2)  No.2950124

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Hidden Cult : the Jewish Ritual Murder


Don't just watch the video. Actually seek out the texts used for sources and see for yourself, anons. Look under that hood and take control of your own research. Never let an apologist deter you or discourage you. This is absolutely part of the big picture.

3787af (227)  No.2966803

File (hide): 69d4ede80a9b49f⋯.jpg (149.34 KB, 854x1024, 427:512, Everyone_I_dont_like_is_an….jpg) (h) (u)


3787af (227)  No.2973087

File (hide): f42fe5ef497c849⋯.jpg (215.36 KB, 547x483, 547:483, Merchant_must_subvert_host….jpg) (h) (u)


3787af (227)  No.2973433

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Dr. Alan Sabrosky: "100% Certain That 9/11 Was a Mossad Operation"

"What Americans need to understand: they did it. They did it. And if they do understand that, Israel will flat-ass disappear from this earth." --Dr. Alan Sabrosky, US Marine, Former US War College Director

3787af (227)  No.2988554>>2994254

File (hide): eff4777c3e77414⋯.jpg (99.83 KB, 720x621, 80:69, 1528165839741.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 1ce1c396d8b500c⋯.jpg (92.2 KB, 500x566, 250:283, Bibi.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): d40a9320e03bb03⋯.png (411.98 KB, 1048x724, 262:181, Hubris_to_be_paid_for.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 5b9b2384738d34b⋯.jpg (222.93 KB, 1000x750, 4:3, Important.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 8a8730f06d81831⋯.png (85.87 KB, 850x400, 17:8, Jews_play_both_sides.png) (h) (u)

Article 13 in the EU just passed.

Say hello to full blown internet censorship now


I stand by my words, if SHTF, kill every jew, muslim and traitor you can, they act like a group, they get treated like a group.

Over and out, I need to go coordinate the IRL memewar against EU censorship.

It was a real pleasure to be here with you all.

When a free man dies, he loses the pleasure of life. A slave loses his pain. Death is the only freedom a slave knows. That's why he's not afraid of it. That's why we'll win.

a5f301 (1)  No.2991256>>2994254

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Newbies start here.

Michael E Jones


It's not (((them))). (((They))) are their shield.

3787af (227)  No.2994254


And I am back. I already figured out out I am going to fight the censorship.


Jewish GROUP power needs to be taken away from them, otherwise, we're going to have an orgy of violence sooner or latter when SHTF. That is a fact.

ac8c69 (1)  No.2997970

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Jacob Frank and the Cult of the Illuminati

3787af (227)  No.3006328


3787af (227)  No.3012873


3787af (227)  No.3021493>>3021921

Zionists are by definitions traitors, loyalty to Israel. Listen to vid related.

544e4b (3)  No.3021610


Note the Israeli teen 911 hoax was to get the existing 911 provider to get pressure so the next 911 provider was Israeli.

Almost like that "cause a problem to profit from the solution" is in their culture.

3787af (227)  No.3021921>>3123074 >>3308404 >>3556153 >>3720620

File (hide): 22867258fa18047⋯.mp4 (7.63 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Zionists_are_not_patriots.mp4) (h) (u) [play once] [loop]


Here is the vid.

7ef0bd (2)  No.3022243>>3022280 >>3031939

File (hide): 691e724f4a6c7d7⋯.jpg (11.17 KB, 263x191, 263:191, nasa1.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): caae214f80c26d0⋯.jpg (9.37 KB, 372x135, 124:45, nasa2.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 440ca5414e9d31b⋯.jpg (89.7 KB, 1440x1080, 4:3, picar.jpg) (h) (u)

7ef0bd (2)  No.3022280>>3028635


Every-single-time I pick up my fucking shovel to dig I run into these people.

The good ones will come out of it and expose it, the rest of you are either still in denial, or card carrying cabal members (low ranking as you may be)

3787af (227)  No.3028635


Ence the expression:

"Every single time"

bf509d (2)  No.3029030>>3029119 >>3029139 >>3031921


That's where you Jew shill always mess this up, when you take the "Anons are antisemites and we'll prove it by saying anti-semite stuff and acting like we're them" so far as to make Hitler a hero.

Hitler's grandfather was an illegitimate Rothschild, like Jerome Corsi and Bill Clinton are illegitimate Rockefellars. That means


Hitler was the mad dog who the NWO used to scare the good Jews out of Europe and into Palestine with mad forklifts full of Rothschild money.

3787af (227)  No.3029119>>3029139 >>3029340

File (hide): 69ca218c4143a8a⋯.png (2.47 MB, 5416x4553, 5416:4553, Weimar_Republic_meme.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 7e4052b144796ca⋯.png (59.71 KB, 1294x205, 1294:205, Book_about_Weimar_Rep_2.PNG) (h) (u)

File (hide): e972af801c886ff⋯.jpg (71.01 KB, 385x499, 385:499, Book_about_Weimar_Rep_1.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 1c42995c11b51ff⋯.png (293.01 KB, 490x563, 490:563, 1.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 544ab56e4725d4a⋯.jpg (102.94 KB, 747x374, 747:374, 2.jpg) (h) (u)


Could be. I still don't think Hitler was a willing puppet, but if conclusive proof telling otherwise comes out, I am open to it.

Also, the good jews you speak off, what were they doing to counter the moral degradation of the Weimar republic? Pretty much nothing, they were just sucking on the tit of jewish nepotism, as they do today. Not very good. And btw, the first sex exchange operation ever done was done by a jew doctor in Weimar Berlin. The more you know…

3787af (227)  No.3029139





1b7518 (2)  No.3029214

Something to consider when the old "anti-Semite" reply is used against you:

The vast majority of modern "Jews" have ethnic roots in Eastern Europe and the Eurasian Steppes. They are not "Semites".

But…who are Semites today? Palestinians. The people being slaughtered and pushed out of their own homes by the state of Israel.

Therefore, Jews are anti-semitic.

bf509d (2)  No.3029340>>3029468 >>3031921


National Socialism is just identical controlled opposition to Communism. They always control the opposition. Of course he was their puppet, he got his money from Rothchild Banker Prescott Bush, who subsequently helped the Nazis get out and come here after they had trashed Germany.

These people are a cancer, after they kill the patient they find a new host.

3787af (227)  No.3029468>>3031921


>he got his money from Rothchild Banker Prescott Bush

Have you ever seen who the biggest donors of Trump are? They are big time zionist jews (which means their agenda is not America first, its Israel first, zionists can't be patriots by definition). Do you believe that Trump is deep state and a zionist puppet? I don't. I think Hitler tried to do what Trump is doing, he took the jewish money and then did his own thing. But he failed. He did not had the internet. We do :)

4c889d (1)  No.3031557>>3032419


sunni muslims

b710bd (2)  No.3031921>>3032541

File (hide): 3b951d3e7c7b4d5⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1415x1946, 1415:1946, 2018_9_13_20_14_43.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): b74c4e2dfd64308⋯.png (2.28 MB, 1472x2672, 92:167, 2018_9_13_20_13_51.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 83c6a9cbbbd8ead⋯.png (1.6 MB, 1391x2230, 1391:2230, 2018_9_13_20_12_36.png) (h) (u)




Q post #154

>Perhaps someday people will understand ‘they’ had a plan to conduct ‘another’ mass extinction event.

WWI & II - orchestrated and planned by select families?

Fantasy land.

Remember, the more people there are, the more power the people have

Q post #939

>So Hitler was a puppet of the controlling >families of the NWO?

Q post #142

>What happened during WWII?

>Was Hitler a puppet?

>Who was his handler?

>What was the purpose?

>What was the real purpose of the war?

Q post #936

>The Nazi order.

>NWO [N does not refer to “New”].

Q post #938

>N does not refer to Nazi.

>The continued Nazi ideology is relevant.

>Events will clarify.

>Think subgroup.

b710bd (2)  No.3031939


More lies by the shareblue sockpuppet

Snips taken from online hebrew dictionary morfix.co.il

3787af (227)  No.3032419


What about them?

3787af (227)  No.3032541


Even if Hitler was a puppet, does not make jewish subversion and Israeli crime any less real.

Nor it makes judaism any less of a supremacist ideology which is going to be banned in the West just like islam.

Deal with it :)

3787af (227)  No.3035752>>3039754

File (hide): 5b080ff20b3d4d5⋯.jpeg (208.67 KB, 750x750, 1:1, Holocaust_Denial.jpeg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 677acf30c74ae4d⋯.jpg (26.26 KB, 474x357, 158:119, Holocaust_Pay.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 34b79fc919ff34f⋯.png (134.22 KB, 1207x536, 1207:536, Holocaust_no_death_camps.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): df64c75e6af9072⋯.jpg (100.27 KB, 737x480, 737:480, Holocaust_fiction_2.jpg) (h) (u)


Some holohoax redpills.

1b7518 (2)  No.3039754

File (hide): a937732e8f6cc87⋯.jpg (523.03 KB, 1096x1600, 137:200, 1509462073412.jpg) (h) (u)

471130 (4)  No.3042701

File (hide): eed7e0bb981d976⋯.png (2.79 MB, 4096x2642, 2048:1321, ISIS.ISRAEL.png) (h) (u)

471130 (4)  No.3042735

File (hide): 1da393bd143e41f⋯.png (667.04 KB, 491x715, 491:715, firefox_2018-09-02_11-28-5….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 70cf55131486c59⋯.png (316.66 KB, 504x701, 504:701, firefox_2018-09-02_11-27-0….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 92fb651b30fbd70⋯.png (461.61 KB, 488x711, 488:711, firefox_2018-09-02_11-27-4….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 69a077eb1167456⋯.png (489.82 KB, 490x706, 245:353, firefox_2018-09-02_11-28-0….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): a34a8fe0b2a8bf9⋯.png (551.97 KB, 490x706, 245:353, firefox_2018-09-02_11-28-2….png) (h) (u)

471130 (4)  No.3042865

File (hide): 0a2d36263a04699⋯.jpg (199.25 KB, 1600x1092, 400:273, 0a2d36263a04699060f8ecc91d….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 0d78eba6728ac04⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1571x5683, 1571:5683, 0d78eba6728ac04596a61242d0….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): cd51334bc133966⋯.jpg (629 KB, 1552x1663, 1552:1663, 0ff487c8c28002c043e5451acc….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 67f8f5c09e96c94⋯.jpg (615.15 KB, 1680x1056, 35:22, 1b9eb931fa132c039cc9f40e71….jpg) (h) (u)

471130 (4)  No.3042882

File (hide): 67f8f5c09e96c94⋯.jpg (615.15 KB, 1680x1056, 35:22, 1b9eb931fa132c039cc9f40e71….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 1d89a687c725e1b⋯.jpg (107.92 KB, 471x502, 471:502, 1d89a687c725e1b4d08ad5d537….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 1d54874ac50c721⋯.jpg (412.19 KB, 629x1025, 629:1025, 1d54874ac50c721d0fc8289fd7….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 1f1e8b019f915cd⋯.jpg (345.51 KB, 2121x1353, 707:451, 1f1e8b019f915cd6ac74751628….jpg) (h) (u)

3787af (227)  No.3043900

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Alan Dershowitz, a prominent lawyer, jurist, and author in the US, explains at a conference of the Jewish-Zionist organization StandWithUs why Jews should not apologize for being so rich, controlling the media or influencing public debate.

db561e (50)  No.3043934

File (hide): 654d5a40e5c27f3⋯.jpg (640.13 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, img_20130825_1813452.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 5223d263348e047⋯.jpg (140.31 KB, 989x1280, 989:1280, hist_us_20_cold_war_cov_so….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 52673bada8c42e7⋯.jpg (2.96 MB, 1104x9958, 552:4979, 52673bada8c42e7ab88a9b9e3b….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 461b1c2c8dfcf39⋯.jpg (777.31 KB, 1040x2640, 13:33, 461b1c2c8dfcf3927055f1f2b0….jpg) (h) (u)

db561e (50)  No.3043953

File (hide): 3b8d8d69f68c45e⋯.jpg (165.78 KB, 572x800, 143:200, 02f31806145c732101c65a58f6….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 4ea5021b8504ddc⋯.jpg (37.95 KB, 501x585, 167:195, 4e9.jpg) (h) (u)

db561e (50)  No.3043960

File (hide): 810a1e6af08d396⋯.jpg (121.57 KB, 807x557, 807:557, DVeG_TDVAAYqE9-.jpg large.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): ffb08e1267fa62c⋯.jpg (109.05 KB, 824x1024, 103:128, Dg9THoYX0AAq6cG.jpg large.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 736637c365eb7e9⋯.jpg (4.77 MB, 3576x2680, 447:335, 736637c365eb7e943608e15c39….jpg) (h) (u)

db561e (50)  No.3043975

File (hide): 654ac8636367413⋯.jpg (4.26 MB, 1776x10480, 111:655, 654ac863636741356487335057….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 6279bdfb163cca2⋯.png (212.76 KB, 800x1033, 800:1033, 6279bdfb163cca2d11ca78d8a8….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 6845d77ff516ef9⋯.png (5.99 MB, 768x7858, 384:3929, 6845d77ff516ef9faef82ac56c….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 8937feb52c16189⋯.jpg (188.27 KB, 927x1200, 309:400, DV2BQMgVAAEryTx.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 2dd3fbb53b15385⋯.jpg (600.87 KB, 1280x1707, 1280:1707, kiRUyPy.jpg) (h) (u)

db561e (50)  No.3043978

File (hide): 21e2a0568ba3a93⋯.jpg (131.45 KB, 1280x718, 640:359, 21e2a0568ba3a9347d9152a7e9….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 81b90837baac271⋯.png (76.91 KB, 1101x826, 1101:826, 28c998bbfb33ac67b61eb633f2….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): dcd63d2bb2e1f66⋯.jpg (482.21 KB, 1454x1283, 1454:1283, 82f899e7b9e636d1553b488931….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 94b12bce6c647f2⋯.jpg (280.74 KB, 974x928, 487:464, 94b12bce6c647f28ab8441a833….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 991423fefdb9db1⋯.jpg (185.65 KB, 960x754, 480:377, 694bafa9a83c7c4a2ad3597564….jpg) (h) (u)

db561e (50)  No.3043989

File (hide): 3ce5b82711d5467⋯.jpg (3.67 MB, 4500x4602, 750:767, 3ce5b82711d54670c6b8e065e0….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 4d9be3d7b4cb2eb⋯.jpg (227.05 KB, 974x928, 487:464, 4d9be3d7b4cb2eb895cf4ab58d….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 4f1f8e8306f675c⋯.jpg (193.71 KB, 1261x589, 1261:589, 4f1f8e8306f675c6b7e74826b3….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 494b618d47724bc⋯.jpg (2.45 MB, 3200x4391, 3200:4391, 7ae1c978fd00240a138afdbdab….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 5c29aa1819aeb98⋯.png (220.76 KB, 2300x940, 115:47, 27f3f90c2cfd4aa1f171a89c2e….png) (h) (u)

db561e (50)  No.3044005

File (hide): 4c3b8b95a2dbf62⋯.png (271.71 KB, 604x921, 604:921, 4c3b8b95a2dbf620f22402072b….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 7b2abf4df63fb4f⋯.jpg (2.57 MB, 3464x3996, 866:999, 7b2abf4df63fb4f4108a5f879b….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 8c21b29a6bdd472⋯.png (503.21 KB, 1024x1317, 1024:1317, 8c21b29a6bdd4728c940c02290….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 5434dc53331326b⋯.jpg (486.75 KB, 3004x1660, 751:415, 5434dc53331326bd849d588326….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 22081d0fe7e9f68⋯.jpg (889.14 KB, 5000x2500, 2:1, GRPf7VJ.jpg) (h) (u)

db561e (50)  No.3044033

File (hide): 2bcf65a229dcf39⋯.jpg (939.13 KB, 747x1007, 747:1007, 2bcf65a229dcf39ce7ebe5ca12….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 2c19b5dd5466446⋯.jpg (1.38 MB, 1754x1240, 877:620, 2c19b5dd546644625a525eba1f….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 2c22a21966b5ae8⋯.jpg (698.38 KB, 744x663, 248:221, 2c22a21966b5ae87388abb477a….jpg) (h) (u)

db561e (50)  No.3044038

db561e (50)  No.3044043

File (hide): 514b9b0b0f24bd4⋯.png (100.19 KB, 569x707, 569:707, 5ae89e00a96a335a7a35907774….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 5b19142326224c3⋯.png (858.68 KB, 640x715, 128:143, 5b19142326224c34ab8590274c….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 5f81eb92bd157c0⋯.png (529.99 KB, 811x585, 811:585, 5f81eb92bd157c07c16197a245….png) (h) (u)

db561e (50)  No.3044044

File (hide): 486ec7a6ae073bf⋯.png (127.09 KB, 881x703, 881:703, 6b14b431bb20aaf6a0fbf604f2….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): c44292d73769413⋯.jpg (340.68 KB, 1516x702, 758:351, 6ba038dc2be6a9b8ed99d50afe….jpg) (h) (u)

db561e (50)  No.3044048

File (hide): 9bc68db70007344⋯.jpg (177.13 KB, 603x922, 603:922, 9bc68db700073448f901a34c04….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): b396dbede89d466⋯.png (985.65 KB, 1500x1941, 500:647, 8ddbf88f4b6ad162c41b05a3ce….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 8f825ede132bb6c⋯.png (1020.57 KB, 1365x738, 455:246, 8f825ede132bb6c8c3f34e40d9….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 33302fe682fe57b⋯.png (1.1 MB, 960x970, 96:97, 9-190616231529.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 9af435526978a73⋯.png (1.32 MB, 1763x815, 1763:815, 9af435526978a73879208b3fba….png) (h) (u)

db561e (50)  No.3044049

File (hide): 70c8c4d420b3e73⋯.jpg (598.71 KB, 958x775, 958:775, 53cd18fb019d3b0234f7873044….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 27e43a74a12b43d⋯.png (224.54 KB, 1860x1108, 465:277, 27e43a74a12b43da6a41912499….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 31d235c15466c24⋯.png (304.96 KB, 2550x3300, 17:22, 31d235c15466c244f554f4f95e….png) (h) (u)

db561e (50)  No.3044053

db561e (50)  No.3044059

File (hide): e53640b8be4f62d⋯.jpg (288.09 KB, 1516x810, 758:405, 90gJxkO.jpg) (h) (u)

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db561e (50)  No.3044065

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db561e (50)  No.3044068

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db561e (50)  No.3044071

db561e (50)  No.3044075

db561e (50)  No.3044079

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db561e (50)  No.3044082

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db561e (50)  No.3044086

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db561e (50)  No.3044088

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db561e (50)  No.3044089

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db561e (50)  No.3044090

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db561e (50)  No.3044092

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db561e (50)  No.3044095

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db561e (50)  No.3044214

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db561e (50)  No.3044221

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db561e (50)  No.3044223

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db561e (50)  No.3044225

db561e (50)  No.3044228

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db561e (50)  No.3044232

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db561e (50)  No.3044239

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db561e (50)  No.3044245

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db561e (50)  No.3044250

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db561e (50)  No.3044254

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db561e (50)  No.3044264

db561e (50)  No.3044277

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db561e (50)  No.3044281

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db561e (50)  No.3044283

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db561e (50)  No.3044288

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db561e (50)  No.3044293

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db561e (50)  No.3044299

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db561e (50)  No.3044305

db561e (50)  No.3044309

db561e (50)  No.3044312

File (hide): ed2303408d6fd88⋯.jpg (512.76 KB, 1524x1262, 762:631, 1511851157251.jpg) (h) (u)

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db561e (50)  No.3044339

File (hide): 7db06cb11a647fa⋯.png (102.63 KB, 509x550, 509:550, 7db06cb11a647fa90cefffbafe….png) (h) (u)

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690de7 (1)  No.3046866>>3047963

wasted a lot of time looking at repeated images. image poster gets called a conspiracy nut but never once was anything of substance used to refute. lol. why exactly is this thread being attacked when the point of this board is to do research? image poster over the target? i looked into the topic more because of these morons saying its fake and to stop looking. maybe this is why isreal is saved for last.

3787af (227)  No.3047963

File (hide): b227c6ad3b82ad5⋯.png (78.31 KB, 798x285, 14:5, FBI_anon_Israel.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 599f5b01a663e02⋯.png (2.79 MB, 1249x4302, 1249:4302, FBI_anon_full.png) (h) (u)


Have you read the book One Nation Under Israel”, because you need to know how the Israeli lobby controls the US congress and senate:


It proves true what the FBIanon has said about the Israel lobby and corruption being what is going to behind the HCR and Obama investigations. Pic 1.

Pic 2 is the full AMA.

I am inclined to agree with FBIanon regarding the danger of the US being the United States of Israel, and I claim more, that judaism itself, the religion, needs to be banned from the West along with islam due to both being supremacist ideologies.

I don't think it is necessary to expel all racial jews from the West, some do, I don't.

Cheers fren!

7dad39 (32)  No.3051544

File (hide): 85eba15dc0cf2b6⋯.jpg (68.53 KB, 900x900, 1:1, unnamed.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 6c3c628fd5dbf18⋯.png (688.17 KB, 1094x565, 1094:565, firefox_2018-09-17_10-47-0….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 1a7f0ae9eb89d58⋯.jpg (121.07 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault.jpg) (h) (u)

The Jewish Question is a much more complex and nuanced issue than most people are willing to recognize. The fact that (in many cases) people literally ARE the establishment & are directing the foreign policy and social engineering of all major Western Countries. To ignore this is simply ridiculous. If you are not watching Frame Game Radio, you seriously should be. He is showing the incredible tentacles these people grip over the diversity industry. The simple fact is race & ethnicity is becoming far more of a critical issue as whites are pushed to become minorities in the homelands they themselves built.

Frame Game & JF's interviews here


A great video where Frame dissects a race baiting Jew on Tucker Carlson here


Follow Frame on twitter here


7dad39 (32)  No.3052845

File (hide): 4589157293f20fb⋯.jpg (777.52 KB, 1500x702, 250:117, tommy-counter-terrorism_in….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 1aea2217cbd57cb⋯.jpg (100.3 KB, 760x473, 760:473, HIAS-1000.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): e3ddf96297b4cae⋯.jpg (85.13 KB, 760x371, 760:371, HIAS-history.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 2379c8504c76328⋯.jpg (89.23 KB, 760x444, 190:111, HIAS-Resettling-Refugees.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): e6f1490f1fbc50a⋯.jpeg (140.55 KB, 600x695, 120:139, jews_hate_us.jpeg) (h) (u)

Some highly recommended links here guys

1. Talpiot Talk



2. The Antedote podcast


3. Adam Green (know more news)


4. Brendan O'Connell



5. Jon Swinn



6. Way of the World


7. Activist News


8. Johnny Gat


7dad39 (32)  No.3052858

File (hide): 8360274d7c2f8a5⋯.png (491.25 KB, 1500x953, 1500:953, shillman-mercer-rosenwald-….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 3148e579ad85fdf⋯.png (2.14 MB, 6426x3425, 6426:3425, english-defence-league-hir….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 238aa4107cee5d4⋯.png (4.36 MB, 8051x4435, 8051:4435, lauder-finkelstein-network….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 2517b2407cb97ad⋯.png (456.46 KB, 1500x1011, 500:337, mercer-prince-ca-network.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): a0bb9f34ce757b4⋯.png (495.68 KB, 1500x857, 1500:857, mercers-rosenwald-network-….png) (h) (u)

From Talpiot Talk

7dad39 (32)  No.3052863

File (hide): 2d3d6db4d43cbc7⋯.png (526.67 KB, 737x972, 737:972, 2d3d6db4d43cbc7feedb55f659….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 0c1302308db4988⋯.png (679.53 KB, 940x891, 940:891, 0c1302308db49888aefc537747….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 1b2e659a1a98bde⋯.gif (746.14 KB, 1500x3719, 1500:3719, 1b2e659a1a98bde57bd9e19f05….gif) (h) (u)

File (hide): 1b79b45119ad304⋯.png (813.07 KB, 677x1968, 677:1968, 1b79b45119ad304207493f508f….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 48e16fe965596c9⋯.jpg (370.01 KB, 1200x1063, 1200:1063, 1ZpP8Bh.jpg) (h) (u)

7dad39 (32)  No.3052868

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7dad39 (32)  No.3052877

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7dad39 (32)  No.3052988

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7dad39 (32)  No.3052995

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7dad39 (32)  No.3052999

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7dad39 (32)  No.3053088

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7dad39 (32)  No.3053098

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7dad39 (32)  No.3053107

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7dad39 (32)  No.3053111

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7dad39 (32)  No.3053116

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7dad39 (32)  No.3053124

7dad39 (32)  No.3053131

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7dad39 (32)  No.3053135

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7dad39 (32)  No.3053138

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7dad39 (32)  No.3053151

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7dad39 (32)  No.3053163

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7dad39 (32)  No.3053174

7dad39 (32)  No.3053184

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7dad39 (32)  No.3053263

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7dad39 (32)  No.3053268

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7dad39 (32)  No.3053277

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File (hide): f953bfe032c3215⋯.jpg (275.4 KB, 768x1643, 768:1643, Jews-Demand-no-Zero-Tolera….jpg) (h) (u)

7dad39 (32)  No.3053284

File (hide): 3a692e08b9c0f3a⋯.png (730.88 KB, 856x849, 856:849, vivaldi_2018-06-29_12-34-3….png) (h) (u)

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File (hide): 5801bf0e596d535⋯.jpg (129.51 KB, 768x480, 8:5, USA-Israel-Jews-Family.jpg) (h) (u)

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7dad39 (32)  No.3053288

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7dad39 (32)  No.3053294

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7dad39 (32)  No.3053297

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7dad39 (32)  No.3053308

7dad39 (32)  No.3053314

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7dad39 (32)  No.3053499>>3058589

Dr Greg Johnson from https://www.counter-currents.com explains the Jewish Question nearly perfectly right here. The actual quote was edited & made into a video by "Demography is Destiny", on YouTube, but it has been quickly censored because of the ADL. Question begins at 1:34:08. it would be good if this could be edited and turned into a red pill video for normies


544e4b (3)  No.3056055>>3058628


It's servitude through ignorance.

1. Claim you have a problem and need aid,

2. Demand no aid is equal to an act of war (Israel will be destroyed and they'll come for America next)

3. Get aid but spend it elsewhere.

4. Problem still exists, need more aid.

It's a perpetual cry of "wolf". As long as they're "Americas greatest Ally" and they claim they have a problem, it'll always be a one way bridge.

544e4b (3)  No.3056951>>3058664

>>2390914 (OP)

> http://uscode.house.gov/view.xhtml?hl=false&edition=2017&req=granuleid%3AUSC-prelim-title22-section2731&num=0#referenceintext-note


Above T-22.S-2731 bundled with 5YES, are we talking about American citizen critics are being harassed by private entities to allow NWO to circumvent the constitution?

Now that America voted non-NWO POTUS, are these official acts of terrorism, since his inauguration?

I sent a sarahsilverman meme on wickr to ask a friend if he saw it. Two days later my car died in the same empty area the Pueblo Colorado fires started a few hours later. Next month I read theories about DEW's used to start those fires.

You already said IQT was involved and wickr is their baby.

Did I set myself up there?

3787af (227)  No.3058589


That is great.

Thanks for link.

3787af (227)  No.3058628

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Good point.

Its also helps them jews that they OWN the house and senate politicians via AIPAC and MSM domination.

Read this:

“One Nation Under Israel”, because you need to know how the Israeli lobby controls the US congress and senate:




Cynthia McKinney: Face to Face 05-20-2011 explains how the jewish lobbying machine controls the US congress and politicians.

3787af (227)  No.3058664

File (hide): a73fd5877227c67⋯.png (164.71 KB, 1179x306, 131:34, Dual_Citizens_Israel.PNG) (h) (u)



I am in Europe, and before I was woke to a lot of shit, I had a run in with the local jewish mafia, and among A LOT of other massively fucked up shit that has happened to me, I had the breaks on my car sabotaged 2 times.

Jews as a GROUP are a cancer, and its going to be removed from the West, one way or the other, and we do it by taking away all their group power:


Ban all jewish interest groups in the West;


Ban zionism;


Ban judaism along with islam;


Ban dual-citizenship politicians and judiciary.

3787af (227)  No.3066752>>3073370


Here is some of the sick stuff the talmud has to say:

Sanhedrin 55b -- A jew may marry a three year old girl


Sanhedrin 54b -- A jew may have sex with a child as long as that child is over nine years old.


Kethyboth 11b -- When a grown-up man has intercourse with a little girl it is nothing


3787af (227)  No.3073370>>3084653 >>3202845

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Everyone needs to watch and save this.

From minute 9 and 45 seconds of the documentary “Marching to Zion”, you can see the book “Jesus in the Talmud”, written by the jewish author Peter Schafer, who is also the Head of the Judaic Studies of the Princeton University.

Check for yourself all the blasphemy present in the talmud and the very real anti-Christian sentiment that jews ALWAYS had in their communities.

b371f9 (4)  No.3073584

File (hide): e15cab6ad638242⋯.jpg (667.04 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20180917-200718….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): eea84b8daa73c4d⋯.jpg (966.01 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20180917-200729….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 59b75ef7bd97052⋯.jpg (948.42 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20180917-200759….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): d162e5b734c656c⋯.jpg (956.19 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20180917-200812….jpg) (h) (u)

b371f9 (4)  No.3073591

File (hide): 3bcd3f868a02b24⋯.jpg (733.45 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20180917-200903….jpg) (h) (u)

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File (hide): 36c3699ea123a76⋯.jpg (753.29 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20180917-200849….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): efc2f85ba6e3a8d⋯.jpg (784.66 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20180917-200856….jpg) (h) (u)

b371f9 (4)  No.3073600

File (hide): b96c3a8835cfc7d⋯.jpg (725.92 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20180917-200918….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): d49a09c1419ccf6⋯.jpg (819.11 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20180917-200927….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 11d1f23a5a91285⋯.jpg (779.69 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20180917-200936….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 19e95cab6020eee⋯.jpg (776.83 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20180917-200943….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): f06e0d5baa12db0⋯.jpg (752.98 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20180917-200952….jpg) (h) (u)

b371f9 (4)  No.3073617

File (hide): ed5c66d09721415⋯.jpg (453.89 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20180917-200958….jpg) (h) (u)

3787af (227)  No.3084638

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

E. Michael Jones great presentation on the JQ.

3787af (227)  No.3084653>>3194483 >>3202845


A note regarding the documentary that I think I should make:

I think this documentary is pretty good, but I disagree with the author’s lack of race realism, which he presents at the end. Just like culture and ideology are a factor in human behavior, and shape societies, communities and nations in certain ways, the reality is that ethnicity is also a factor. Does not mean that one does not judge people for their character, race realism is not racism.

I am pretty sure that after we get rid of jewish group power in the West, that will result in the end of censorship in big social platforms, and that will allow people to have peaceful and respectful dialogues about race realism, and most of the people will be ok with the right to freedom of association. How many will choose it, I don't know, but I bet you more that most people think, specially after we show people that it is really for the best to have as little diversity as possible, kinda like Japan. A diverse world, not diverse nations.

We will fix the demographic issue of the US and the rest of the West too, peacefully, and in a way that is fair for all involved.

But first, the swamp needs to be drained and the ZOG needs to be slayed.

3787af (227)  No.3088223>>3144998

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


“David Cole in Auschwitz full documentary 1992”

>Holocaust, ie mass gassing of Jews, real or not?

If anyone has any doubts on the authenticity of the gas chambers, this David Cole documentary should be very enlightening.

Not too long; definitely watch.

>an actual jew goes to auschwitz

>gets behind the scenes access because muh fellow chosenite

>asks uncomfortable questions

>keeps getting referred to higher-ups

>they eventually admit the "gas doors on the roofs" were installed by the Russians after "liberation"

>and many other falsehoods of the narrative

969e44 (2)  No.3091123>>3091981

File (hide): 228f6e8ea6ed74b⋯.png (267.92 KB, 1352x165, 1352:165, absolutelyjewish.png) (h) (u)

been fucking around with the old meme font

think you anons would kek to this

(pic related)

3787af (227)  No.3091981>>3094431

File (hide): 599f5b01a663e02⋯.png (2.79 MB, 1249x4302, 1249:4302, 1_FBI_anon_full.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 7e33ccc83530dc9⋯.jpg (683.43 KB, 800x2510, 80:251, 2_CIA_MOSSAD_UK_INTEL_work….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 91552a7344aba91⋯.png (208.09 KB, 600x652, 150:163, 3_ONUI_1.PNG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 7d3a1c9cd680f07⋯.jpg (499.78 KB, 800x2491, 800:2491, 4_Israel_promissed_land_of….jpg) (h) (u)


Top kek


Reminder that the FBIwhitehatfags want you to expose jewish subversion and Israeli crime.

Pics related.


Jews act like a group, they get treated like a group, meaning that we need to terminate all jewish interest groups in the West. Criticizing jewish GROUP behavior is different from claiming that all jews are bad. Jews are going to have their GROUP power taken away from them, for all the right reasons.

If you want some individuals being named in the context of jewish subversion, have at it.

Read this:











969e44 (2)  No.3094431>>3105921 >>3838854

File (hide): 7a517b1e7a6dd7b⋯.png (279.44 KB, 1353x166, 1353:166, absolutelyjewish.png) (h) (u)


fixed a bit

3787af (227)  No.3105921

File (hide): 8dabd1f6350477b⋯.png (34.04 KB, 657x527, 657:527, 1509296265450.png) (h) (u)


Looking good.

3787af (227)  No.3123074>>3123096

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Video is: “The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine by Elan Pappe”, a presentation about that author’s book.

If you want to learn more about the genocidal nature of the Israeli state, read the book:

“The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine” by Ilan Pappe.

You can read it and/or download it in a variety of formats here:


Some words about the author:

“Pappé is one of Israel's "New Historians" who, since the release of pertinent British and Israeli government documents in the early 1980s, have been rewriting the history of Israel's creation in 1948, and the corresponding expulsion or flight of 700,000 Palestinians in the same year. He has written that the expulsions were not decided on an ad hoc basis, as other historians have argued, but constituted the ethnic cleansing of Palestine, in accordance with Plan Dalet, drawn up in 1947 by Israel's future leaders.

He blames the creation of Israel for the lack of peace in the Middle East, arguing that Zionism is more dangerous than Islamic militancy, and has called for an international boycott of Israeli academics.”

3787af (227)  No.3123096>>3123105 >>3131768

File (hide): 14fcd6a83fb092d⋯.jpg (176.25 KB, 1305x823, 1305:823, IDF_Deserter_admits_Genoci….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 3394524d951a3ce⋯.png (39.14 KB, 1238x328, 619:164, Israel_bulldozes_Palestini….PNG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 89db862ae2f89da⋯.png (130.91 KB, 941x733, 941:733, Israel_Deir_Yasin_massacre….PNG) (h) (u)

File (hide): fd32cd38ce16730⋯.png (526.89 KB, 585x631, 585:631, Israel_Gaza_call_for_cut_o….PNG) (h) (u)


Ilan Pappe is not the only jew that (rightfully) blames Israel for the lack of peace in the Middle East, in the 80’s, Jack Bernstein wrote a booklet called “The Life Of An American Jew In Racist Marxist Israel”. It’s a very short document (30 pages), and you can read and/or download it here:


“The Life Of An American Jew In Racist Marxist Israel” - Jack Bernstein, 1984

NOTE: there is a small formatting problem with the pdf format of the book, some of the bottom phrase’s text gets clipped or is rendered invisible, to be able to read it, select that part of the clipped or non-visible text (by holding the left button of your mouse and sweeping the cursor over it), copy it and paste it on any word processing program (like notepad or word).

In this book, Jack Bernstein wrote:

“At the First Zionist Congress which was held in 1897 in Basel, Switzerland, one of the goals set was to create a Jewish state in the land of Palestine. At that time, only a few Jews were living in Palestine and they were nearly all native Sephardic Jews who are blood-related to the Arabs. These Palestinian (Sephardic) Jews and the Palestinian Arabs were living in peace as they had for centuries.

After the Zionist Congress in 1897, European Ashkenazi Jews began migrating to Palestine and buying land wherever they could. Yet, by 1920 Jews owed only 2% of Palestine.

By 1948 when Israel declared itself a state, these invading Jews had increased their land ownership; but, it was still less than 6%.

To accommodate the increasing European Jewish migration, the Jews needed more lands but the Palestinian Arabs refused to sell. So, to get more land from the Palestinians, these communist oriented European (Ashkenazi) Jews resorted to the one thing at which they are adept -- TERRORISM.

Their first major act of terrorism against the Palestinians was at the Palestinian village of Deir Yassin. During the night of April 9, 1948, two Zionist terrorist gangs, the Irgun and the Stem Gang attacked and massacred over 250 men, women and children.

Menachem Begin, leader of the attack on Deir Yassin and later Prime Minister of Israel, has this to say, "The massacre was not only justified, but there would not have been a state of Israel without the 'victory' at Deir Yassin'.

The massacre at Deir Yassin caused other Palestinians to flee their homes in fear. Zionist terrorists drove trucks with loudspeakers through the streets and over the roads of Palestine warning Palestinians that what happened at Dear Yassin would happen to them if they didn't leave.”


If you want to learn more about the Deir Yassin massacre of April 9 1948, read more here:


The above archive link is kinda messy at the top, just scroll down until you find the text.

3787af (227)  No.3123105>>3123110

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Video is:

“The Iron Wall”, published in 2006

It further shows the Palestinian genocide being perpetrated by Israel.

Settlements and related infrastructures are impacting every aspect of life for all Palestinians from land confiscation, theft of natural resources, confiscation of the basic human rights, creation of an apartheid-like system, to the devastating impact in regards to the future of the region and the prospect of the peace process.

Palestinians and Israelis began the peace process based on a very simple principle: land for peace. Settlements destroy that principle and create a land with no peace.

3787af (227)  No.3123110>>3123307 >>3256641

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Video is:

“Burning Conscience: Israeli Soldiers Speak Out”

A searing interview with Avichai Sharon and Noam Chayut, both veterans of the Israeli Defense Forces and members of Breaking the Silence. Sharon and Chayut served during the second intifada, an on-going bloodbath that has claimed the lives of over three thousand Palestinians and nine-hundred-fifty Israelis. After thorough introspection, these young men have chosen to speak out about their experiences as self-described "brutal occupiers of a disputed land." Producer: Sat Gwin

3787af (227)  No.3123307>>3256641


You can learn more about the organization of Israeli soldiers that talk about the occupied territories of Palestine and the Israeli genocide of Palestinians here: https://www.breakingthesilence.org.il

31199d (1)  No.3123452>>3131768

File (hide): 698acb64e5f1aec⋯.png (82.16 KB, 1244x812, 311:203, Sabbatean_History.PNG) (h) (u)

>>2390914 (OP)

Jewish History

3787af (227)  No.3131768


That is interesting.

Many interesting things to research about in the future.


And this guy in post this post: >>3123096 , and American Jew, Jack Bernstein actually wrote on the book I posted the link on that post, that all decent jews had already left Israel because its a cesspool of crime and perversion.

He got murdered by the Mossad.

3787af (227)  No.3144998>>3145022

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


More on the official version of the holocaust being a fraud

“Bishop Richard Williamson tells the truth about the "holocaust"”

3787af (227)  No.3145022>>3145069

File (hide): 5703b7df4b69332⋯.jpg (216.57 KB, 906x625, 906:625, Holocaust_numbers_revision….jpg) (h) (u)


Some more pics about this subject.

3787af (227)  No.3145069

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Video is the documentary:

"Majdanek Gas Chamber Myth (Eric Hunt)"

3787af (227)  No.3154194

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Looks like bestest ally has been implicated along with UK and AUS. Jew diplomat lured PapaD with AUS intel agent serving under Downer.

Mossad hitsquads dispatched. Get ready for some FFs.

https://twitter.com/GeorgePapa19 -- Papadopolous tweets

e12a3a (55)  No.3187438

File (hide): ac19e4d1c8cf8d0⋯.jpg (98.39 KB, 611x850, 611:850, BLACK CONFEDERATE 01.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): a67819f86538ee6⋯.png (319.67 KB, 516x348, 43:29, BLACK CONFEDERATE 02.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 25b8ebf4850e3f4⋯.jpg (79.71 KB, 500x760, 25:38, BLACK CONFEDERATE 03.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): dc6b2779e74182c⋯.jpg (58.31 KB, 294x368, 147:184, BLACK CONFEDERATE 04.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 085a73b81f2f469⋯.jpg (216.73 KB, 736x1486, 368:743, BLACK CONFEDERATE 05.jpg) (h) (u)

Bumped because fuck Jewish supremacism.

e12a3a (55)  No.3194483>>3202845

File (hide): 349d7c90fa6e677⋯.jpg (137.37 KB, 1024x657, 1024:657, JEWISH PRIVILIGE.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 8dfc0d5f27e1a84⋯.png (380.73 KB, 812x452, 203:113, JEWISH QUEER HOW DO THEY K….png) (h) (u)


Hope you saved that offline, faggot because it just got Jewed down the memory hole.

3787af (227)  No.3202845

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




I did. Everyone should save everything they find of interest offline.

Here is a new link.

3787af (227)  No.3202877>>3202904 >>3256641 >>3291902 >>3307471

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Here is Putting talking about Soviet Russia being a jewish project.

"Putin: Soviet Government Was Mostly Jewish 80-85 %"

3787af (227)  No.3202904>>3256641 >>3291902 >>3307471

File (hide): 347f503b563d353⋯.png (509.83 KB, 1119x684, 373:228, Putin_First_Soviet_governm….PNG) (h) (u)

ccc98d (1)  No.3216599>>3243859


Someone is triggered af.

3787af (227)  No.3243859


That yid is a very unhappy merchant.

d923de (1)  No.3247704

The Final Solution

1. Reduce the size of Israel to a small city-state surrounded by an impenetrable wall manned by heavily armed non-jew troops

2. Force mass deportation of all jews from all countries to this new city-state

3. Demilitarize the region and confiscate all weapons from all jews

4. Place a trade embargo and forbid economic trade with this city- state

5. Require reparation payments from all jews to all non-jews every month in perpetuity

6. Cut-off all communications, power, and all other utilities to the region

a5d097 (6)  No.3256641>>3257117



"Oy vey", looks like putin wants those "evil jews" back:

>European Jews concerned by anti-Semitism are officially welcome in Russia, President Vladimir Putin said Tuesday. “Let them come to us!” Putin told a meeting at the Kremlin in Moscow with leaders of the European Jewish Congress. “During the Soviet period they were leaving the country, and now they should return.”




Lovely. Showing your true face Brock by promoting the Soros ngo "breaking the silence".

>Europe to Breaking the Silence: Bring Us As Many Incriminating Testimonies As Possible.

>The publication was written with direct and indirect funding from a number of foreign governments. According to BtS, “this booklet was produced thanks to the generous contributions of: Christian Aid, Dan Church Aid, Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law Secretariat, Open Society Foundations, Trocaire.”


>On Sunday, the NGO Ad Kan!, which some say helped bring on the current legal case, disclosed to The Jerusalem Post a legal brief filed on behalf of Breaking the Silence by a group of top global and Israeli international law professors organized by Soros’s Open Society foundation.


Keep lying megashill. "At the face of the facts :)" hahaha

3787af (227)  No.3257117>>3262616 >>3263768 >>3291902 >>3292636 >>3307471

File (hide): 7e3d5d8cf1e08fe⋯.jpg (673.39 KB, 648x1352, 81:169, Israel_Advocates_For_Soros.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 914e52f436a0adc⋯.jpg (160.06 KB, 1010x783, 1010:783, 4dc2e71a7bffc305d860e203fe….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): e28739482f43be3⋯.jpg (228.2 KB, 716x1199, 716:1199, HIAS_refugees.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 9b9a22a82e9ba9b⋯.png (448.24 KB, 1217x689, 1217:689, Rabbi_disregards_security_….PNG) (h) (u)


Tell me where I say all jews are evil? I don't, I just say that we need to take away jewish GROUP power away, and that is a fact. If Trump does not solve it thru peace, then other ways need to be employed thou :)

Also tell me, just because Soros wants Israel to go up in flames too, does it make it any less factual the fact that israel was founded on ethnic cleansing and genocide? It does not, israel was founded on ethnic cleansing and genocide, and that is a FACT :)

Also, Israel has defended Soros in Hungary, pic related.

So yes, keep crying in the face of the facts kike, I love it, you're going to pay dearly for your hubris :)

3787af (227)  No.3257163>>3258226

File (hide): 71b00e38b6faef4⋯.png (243.85 KB, 622x601, 622:601, ADL_Dislikes_SCOTUS_Pick_K.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 889234790477f61⋯.png (770.01 KB, 1052x1067, 1052:1067, ADL_origins.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 156ac8cc5bf2628⋯.jpg (183.85 KB, 650x1000, 13:20, ADL_origins_Leo_Frank.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 9df8a7132402c70⋯.jpg (1.08 MB, 1013x1959, 1013:1959, Kavanough_accusation_Barba….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 60d8086179dae96⋯.jpg (1.47 MB, 1436x2951, 1436:2951, Kavanough_accusation_Lisa_….jpg) (h) (u)

Why are kikes so afraid of /ourguy/ K?

f982b1 (2)  No.3258078>>3259010

Awesome episode of Hate House.

Kinsey & the Jews

https://archive.org /details/HateHouseEp.8KinseyAndTheJews

3787af (227)  No.3258226

File (hide): e92b1d3d6f109e0⋯.jpg (261.32 KB, 1032x1061, 1032:1061, Kavanough_accusation_Julia….jpg) (h) (u)


More jews against K.

3787af (227)  No.3259010>>3260089


Sick shit.

I was listening to it, could not make it past half the episode, I feel sick now.

But people need to know about that shit.

f982b1 (2)  No.3260089


awesome thread up now on /pol/ "Jewish Lies, more useful memes for this Q thread.. :)

https://8ch.net /pol/res/12139472.html

a5d097 (6)  No.3262616>>3262670 >>3263768


As you have proven yourself, you are a pathological liar, which makes sense given you are a shareblue megashill.

>israel defended soros

"Zeroing in on Soros, Netanyahu Stands Shoulder to Shoulder With anti-Semitic Scum

The prime minister of Israel is the last person on earth who should legitimize the demonic anti-Jewish stereotype of the Hungarian-born billionaire.

George Soros is Benjamin Netanyahu’s Haman the Evil. The prime minister is apparently convinced that the very mention of the Hungarian-born billionaire creates the kind of diversionary tumult that the Book of Esther’s archvillain sparks when his name his read out in synagogues on Purim. Singling out Soros is one of Netanyahu’s staple incitements"


This is taken from the israeli Soros mouthpiece Haaretz. Meaning that they dont like current israel, they dont like bibi and they are AFRAID OF BOTH OF THEM

"Keep crying at the face of the facts :)"

095ac5 (3)  No.3262670>>3262715


They always play on all sides, this confuses the general population and they are unable to understand the root cause of the problem. Also it does not matter that they 'publicly' oppose each other while 'privately' working together.

a5d097 (6)  No.3262715>>3262752


>Hungary’s controversial Orban to begin two-day Israel visit Wednesday

Hungarian PM will visit Yad Vashem and Western Wall, as well as meet with Netanyahu in a sign of burgeoning ties between the two leaders


It doesnt look like bibi or israel is with Soros. The Israeli deep state sure is but bibi meets and supports Hungarian anti Soros pm Orban.

095ac5 (3)  No.3262752>>3263385


This is a good example why the media (which is basically intelligence operation) is the enemy of the people. This is also how they create false reality in the minds of the unaware.

>Hungarian PM will visit Yad Vashem and Western Wall, as well as meet with Netanyahu in a sign of burgeoning ties between the two leaders

>Hungarian PM will visit Yad Vashem and Western Wall, as well as meet with Netanyahu

fact or objective statement.

>in a sign of burgeoning ties between the two leaders

'perception management

Soros is the enemy (the bait). Orban against Soros. Netanyahu publicly support Orban. => Israel against Soros. PERCEPTION MANAGEMENT.

a5d097 (6)  No.3263385>>3263768


The question still remains, why will Haaretz which is a Soros mouthpiece, bash bibi repeatedly and paint him as a supporter of Victor Orban? Why would they try to bill him as a "supporter of anti semittic far right Orban"? Bibi is a threat to them, him meeting Orban is something the Israeli deep state and Soros fear. Most israelis are very based and they try to drain their own swamp from what I know. It is not a coincidence that bibi tries to build a coalition with Orban and other right wing anti globalist politicians.

I dont know if bibi was compd before, but imo it looks like he is a whitehat now, just on the basis of the constant bashing he gets from the fake news msm world wide - israel included.

Also you have this fact:

>Obama admin. sent taxpayer money to campaign to oust Netanyahu.

The State Department paid hundreds of thousands of dollars in taxpayers grants to an Israeli group that used the money to build a campaign to oust Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in last year’s Israeli parliamentary elections, a congressional investigation concluded Tuesday.

Some $350,000 was sent to OneVoice, ostensibly to support the group’s efforts to back Israeli-Palestinian peace settlement negotiations. But OneVoice used the money to build a voter database, train activists and hire a political consulting firm with ties to President Obama’s campaign --- all of which set the stage for an anti-Netanyahu campaign, the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations said in a bipartisan staff report.


Why would Hussein try so hard to overthrow bibi?

"Nothing to see here".

3787af (227)  No.3263768>>3263785 >>3265296 >>3272030

File (hide): c2f4c94fc3ed705⋯.png (169.7 KB, 935x165, 17:3, Israel_Soros_Compliment.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): eb713a96c909b1d⋯.png (262.16 KB, 507x446, 507:446, Jew_Muslim_Alliance_Source….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 3e16b0777267e84⋯.jpg (215.05 KB, 1173x1162, 1173:1162, Jewish_hyprocrisy.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 1247bbb0ffd8bd2⋯.png (421.32 KB, 967x784, 967:784, Jews_Advocate_Demographic_….png) (h) (u)


Israel DID defend Israel, you dumb kike.

Then they attacked him, because they need to play both sides.

You keep defending Israel, Israel is absolutely and enemy of the West, we owe nothing to you zionists nor to you jews, so get ready to have all jewish GROUP power taken away from you and all aid taken from you :)

Oh and speaking of pathological lying, you always insist on the strawman argument that I call all jews evil. Never happened, and it telegraphs your desperation.

Keep trying :)


Bibi is not an ally of the West. And if you haven't noticed, the nationalist zionists will criticize the lefty jews in the West and vice versa, but then the lefty jews in the West will push the UN to keep their deals they make with the zioinsts so they flood the West with Africans. See pics in post: >>3257117

Neither the zionists nor the communist jews are allies of the West. We owe NOTHING to neither of you, so get ready to fend of for yourselves :)


More pics on jews as a GROUP undermining the West.

3787af (227)  No.3263785>>3265296


*Israel DID defend Soros.

1b3b3a (1)  No.3263924>>3264061

File (hide): 291bc3c38098e44⋯.png (198.91 KB, 1794x493, 1794:493, Hmmmm. Grog no like..PNG) (h) (u)

3787af (227)  No.3264061

File (hide): e016cceea59dbe8⋯.png (123.47 KB, 587x647, 587:647, Jorda_Peterson_grug.png) (h) (u)

2af1e3 (1)  No.3265296>>3265378

File (hide): 21a5f8f5eab627f⋯.jpeg (20.38 KB, 430x322, 215:161, bucket.jpeg) (h) (u)



Sure megashill. Whatever you say. Keep on ignoring the "well sourced facts :)" that killed your narative.

Saying muh jews jews jews kikes kikes kikes israel israel israel like a bot, disregarding the complexity of the world around you paints you as a shareblue megashill or as a extremely dense indivifual.

3787af (227)  No.3265378>>3269595 >>3272030 >>3277991

File (hide): 9d2dbd4b47040cb⋯.png (44.55 KB, 1109x548, 1109:548, Kike.PNG) (h) (u)


Thanks for all the ad-hominems again kike.

Keep going, you're helping me redpill the newfags on how you subversive jews act when faced with the facts in a place that you can't censor :)

And btw, do you know that the word kike comes from the jewish hatred of Christ? :)

a5d097 (6)  No.3269595>>3272030 >>3309837

File (hide): bd3f48780ce3711⋯.jpg (55.53 KB, 490x373, 490:373, e9ydq.jpg) (h) (u)



"Nice projection :)"

>jew jew kike kike

Gtfo Brock. 99% of all posts here are yours either by the megashill IP or by the 2 sockpuppet IPs.

Still waiting for a factual response for my "sourced info". But hey what can you expect from a pathological liar who billed laymen to be his fake "historians", or calls Beria a jew.

Bye megashill :)


>muh evil jews

Yeah. Whatever you say Brock:

>The survey, conducted for Haaretz newspaper to coincide with US Independence Day, found that almost half of Israelis --- 49 percent — strongly approved of Trump (and 23% slightly approved), while only 22% disapproved of the US president.


>new survey found that an overwhelming percentage of Orthodox Jews support President Donald Trump.

>According to the poll, which was commissioned by the US-based haredi Ami Magazine, 91% of American Orthodox Jews gave Trump a "Satisfactory" or "Very good"


Claims judaism is evil? - YES

Claims to support trump? - YES

trump has a jewish daughter and family in law? - YES

Does his "support" make sense? - NO

Posts shit that is against q's message? - YES

Stays on q research board even though he ia against the message and spams the hell out of it? - YES

Does it makes sense? - NO


Why is he really here? - MONEY




>Melania and I wish all Jewish people Shana Tova and send our warmest greetings to those celebrating Rosh Hashanah and the start of the High Holy Days…

Q #1822

>They want you DIVIDED.









Q #1263

>Think logically.

Attack the world?

>Are the people of France to blame?

>Are the people to blame or the ruling >class (leaders/controllers)?

Apply leverage.




Power shift.

>Rise of the people.


Not understood?



'''Who benefits from your posts?

Who are you trying to hide?

Who is the real enemy?

Are you hiding the RULING FAMILIES?

is it jewish to cover yourself in gold? wear y heads? show the eye of ra? Owls?'''

3787af (227)  No.3272030>>3276689

File (hide): d9b68cf79c878a1⋯.jpg (76.8 KB, 600x770, 60:77, Rothschild_Diversity.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 914e52f436a0adc⋯.jpg (160.06 KB, 1010x783, 1010:783, 4dc2e71a7bffc305d860e203fe….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 1e34ee9a55da202⋯.jpg (157.2 KB, 737x1200, 737:1200, Jews_at_the_border.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 4f46e5b8da95252⋯.jpg (983.04 KB, 3145x1752, 3145:1752, Jews_for_refugees.jpg) (h) (u)


Read both these posts again kike: >>3263768 ; >>3265378

>And as always:

Cry more :)


More pics on jews as a GROUP undermining the West.

a5d097 (6)  No.3276689>>3277148 >>3277991

File (hide): be4c0c2f2403259⋯.jpeg (8.49 KB, 300x168, 25:14, images (3).jpeg) (h) (u)

File (hide): e1df9c53d40118f⋯.jpeg (10.29 KB, 258x195, 86:65, images.jpeg) (h) (u)


>cry more

"Nice projection :)"

"Cry more at the face of the facts :)"

>kike kike jew jew

Gtfo Brock. Your op is dead.

Bye megashill :)

095ac5 (3)  No.3277148>>3277995 >>3280242

File (hide): a80413b3d612bf4⋯.png (82.61 KB, 1156x257, 1156:257, walking_time_bomb.png) (h) (u)


Don't worry about it friend, as with most people it takes time for the seed of knowledge to sprout and blossom. You will become one of us eventually and there is nothing you can do to stop it, even as you tell yourself you are impenetrable, do know your mind is being 'poisoned' as long as you are here (you are welcome).

3787af (227)  No.3277991>>3280099 >>3280147

File (hide): 8adc75871e86805⋯.png (67.27 KB, 571x592, 571:592, Moser.PNG) (h) (u)

File (hide): cc2621cb464eff9⋯.jpg (189.35 KB, 900x1046, 450:523, jews_Migrants.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 9b9a22a82e9ba9b⋯.png (448.24 KB, 1217x689, 1217:689, Rabbi_disregards_security_….PNG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 3bb4b53324ded16⋯.jpg (766.47 KB, 2668x1744, 667:436, Jews_muslims_enemies_2.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 5279588c75c1b3b⋯.jpg (649.85 KB, 2772x1645, 396:235, Jews_muslims_enemies.jpg) (h) (u)


Thanks for the ad-hominems kike. :)

See the origins of the word kike again here: >>3265378


More on how zionism is not the only problem we have with jews as a group, judaism is also incompatible with the West, like islam in pic 1.

Rest of the pics shows more on how jews as a group push for the islamization of the West.

3787af (227)  No.3277995

File (hide): 47e13378b6568a0⋯.png (749.92 KB, 774x809, 774:809, 47e13378b6568a08d1363920d2….png) (h) (u)

cf54d0 (2)  No.3280099>>3291902 >>3309837

File (hide): 5d9c067937ecf8b⋯.jpg (79.41 KB, 600x800, 3:4, 094.jpg) (h) (u)


>thanks for the adhominem :)

Thanks for the projection :)

Oh megashill. Keep lying and posting 99% of all posts here. Keep lying about Beria being a jew, your fake historians, with david cole/stein being the best example as he never went to college, Soros and Israel, Putin and the jews, obama and israel, you name it.

Keep posting the same pasta and utilizing your 2 sockpuppet IPs.

One who looks for the truth never lies, and never defends lies or bills his sources as experts to boost their credibility. And we all know your many shilling adventures in the main qresearch thread with your ahareblue snips and copypasta. THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING ORGANIC IN THE PASTA YOU BRING. NOTHING AT ALL. AND THE FACT YOU KEEP ON LYING IS ANOTHER PROOF OF YOU BEING AN ACTOR ACCOMPANIED BY SOCKPUPPET BOTS.

So gtfo Brock. You lost as you have been repeatedly bitch slapped in your own thread.



>Melania and I wish all Jewish people Shana Tova and send our warmest greetings to those celebrating Rosh Hashanah and the start of the High Holy Days…

Q #1822

>They want you DIVIDED.









Q #1263

>Think logically.

Attack the world?

>Are the people of France to blame?

>Are the people to blame or the ruling >class (leaders/controllers)?

Apply leverage.




Power shift.

>Rise of the people.


Not understood?



'''Who benefits from your posts?

Who are you trying to hide?

Who is the real enemy?

Are you hiding the RULING FAMILIES?

is it jewish to cover yourself in gold? wear y heads? show the eye of ra? Owls?'''

259756 (1)  No.3280147>>3291918


Wow. Thats the best answer you got? Or did the operaor forget to turn of the bot and insert a manual reply?

You really are out of your league. The hive mind will be your downfall.

cf54d0 (2)  No.3280242>>3280454 >>3291933


I came from the main qresearch thread. I am by no means a related to any "leftist" crap.

Pol gave the world alot of good, but it became compromised, this is btw why q left.

The low level "arguments" that the megashill brings, with the many fake info and subversive snips is exactly what differs compd clown ops from organic info uncovering. Organic uncovering does not push for so many lies, organic uncovering does not operate by having a single "megashill" IP spamming the same redacted crap all over on qresearch (as if it is his job), together with several sockpuppet IPs who bait others and support his tons of posts. If it smells like a clown op, it is a clown op.

b6488d (1)  No.3280454

File (hide): 40bf53e85130683⋯.jpg (11.6 KB, 253x199, 253:199, 3MFg76.jpg) (h) (u)


Are you Jewish?

3787af (227)  No.3291902>>3292440 >>3292551

File (hide): 94d775ba0ba7f5f⋯.png (83.83 KB, 563x544, 563:544, Cabal_jews.PNG) (h) (u)

File (hide): c288baefa95d1aa⋯.png (8.14 KB, 403x164, 403:164, Cabal_jews_2.PNG) (h) (u)


>Keep lying

Keep projecting :)

>posting 99% of all posts here

Oh I will. Thanks for the motivation :)

>Keep lying about Beria being a jew

He was. And even if he wasn't, all the rest is true, so keep telegraphing your desperation :)

>your fake historians

They are historians, and while your attacking them, tell me which of their claims, if any is false, please :)

>never went to college

Again, tell me which of their historical claims are false, instead of using ad-hominems on them :)

>Soros and Israel

Israel sent people to Hungary to defend Soros, re-read pic number 1 in this post: >>3257117

>Putin and the jews

So you claim Putin never said that the first Soviet government was made up of 80% jews? Re-read these posts: >>3202877 ; >>3202904

>obama and israel

So you deny that Obama sent Israel 32 billion dollars of American tax payer money? Re-read this post, and follow the link in pic number 4: >>2393583

>2 sockpuppet IPs

I don't need to, thanks for the suggestion, but I always stood by my words, and the facts speak for themselves, no need for those kinds of JDIF tactics :)

>One who looks for the truth never lies, and never defends lies or bills his sources as experts to boost their credibility.

Well, the people you attack as not being historians or jews are historians and jews, so you should take a good look at yourself :)

>And we all know your many shilling adventures in the main qresearch thread with your ahareblue snips and copypasta.

The people who give me feedback on my work thank me for organizing the information after they check it out, so your kvetching only tells me I am doing a great job :)


Keep the ad-hominems rolling little thing, The more you cry, the more I laugh at your desperation :)


Please, explain to me how is it exposing jewish subersion and Israeli crime divisive, exactly :)


Please, explain to me how is it exposing jewish subersion and Israeli crime divisive, and if you're trying to imply I blame all jews when I never did? :)

>'Who benefits from your posts?


>Who are you trying to hide?

Who are YOU trying to hide? :)

>Who is the real enemy?

Anyone who is a traitor/subversive agent, like yourself :)

>Are you hiding the RULING FAMILIES?

Most of them are jews (pic 1 and 2), and you're free to post about them if you want.

Why are you so triggered that I make available for newfags this information, information that jews censor EVERYWHERE else?

Are you an Israel first traitor? :)

>is it jewish to cover yourself in gold? wear y heads? show the eye of ra? Owls?

Even if not all of the cabal is made up of jews, jewish subversion and Israeli crime is no less a fact, so your deflection is very weak :)

3787af (227)  No.3291918>>3292440

File (hide): 1ed895c2c422291⋯.jpg (92.92 KB, 536x622, 268:311, Hugary_Kikery.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): ffe40b2e465f3aa⋯.jpg (159.24 KB, 1200x694, 600:347, Barbara_Lerner_Spectre.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 2d9e8a4e61c6ae8⋯.png (1.73 MB, 1750x2280, 175:228, 1500_Rabbis.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 2b0b973457efae2⋯.jpg (261.43 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, Migration_Jew_Endgame.jpg) (h) (u)


Thanks for another batch of ad-hominems.

Have some more facts :)


More pics that show how jews as a group push for the islamization of the West.

3787af (227)  No.3291933>>3292440 >>3292551

File (hide): 5d673ebdf6fc187⋯.jpg (1.83 MB, 2486x3062, 1243:1531, Jews_Push_For_Muslim_Migra….jpg) (h) (u)


>The low level "arguments" that the megashill brings

Such as?

>fake info and subversive snips

Which info is false?

Which snips are subversive?

>Organic uncovering does not push for so many lies

Which lies?

>organic uncovering does not operate by having a single "megashill" IP spamming the same redacted crap all over on qresearch (as if it is his job)

Why are you so concerned that I make available for newfags this information, information that jews censor EVERYWHERE else?

Are you an Israel first traitor? :)

>together with several sockpuppets

I don't need that.

But if you want to stand by that claim, prove it that I use sock puppets :)

>bait others and support his tons of posts

Off course, its not like patriots would ever be interested in learning about jewish subversion, and stopping it so the American soldiers can stop dying for America's biggest enemy (Israel), right? ;)

>If it smells like a clown op, it is a clown op.

Thanks for the ad-hominem.

Now try to refute the facts I posted.

You can't?

Thanks for admitting defeat then :)


More pics on jews as a GROUP undermining the West cia islamization.

eb6099 (6)  No.3292440>>3292487




Lol you are triggered megashill, and for a good reason. You were caught red handed lying like the shareblue op that you are.

and your best responses are these? My god, you actually think you are fooling anyone with these low level bot replies? You are the only one posting here. Lol

>so what if beria wasnt a jew, and I lied about my fake historians?

The very fact that you keep on pushing lies and your fake non organic shareblue snips, all over here and the main qresearch breads, shows you true colors Brock.

You admit to spamming lies and yet when exposed, instead of appologizing for the lie, you keep on posting the same exposed shit.

If it acts like a clown, it is a clown

Bye megashill :)

"Thanks for the projection :)"

"Thanks for the adhominem :)"


"Cry more at the face of the facts :)"

This is how a muhjoo shill infestation looks like. When they are pushing other shit, or busy panicking and regrouping, the word jew appears less than 10 times per bread. However when they are here the word jew appears 100+ times. Also note they push new talking points each time, usually by circular rotation. EVERY ATTACK IS WELL COORDINATED AND CARRIED OUT BY AN ENTIRE SUBNET OF IP ADDRESSES. ALSO TTHE TIMING IS CAREFULLY PICKED. MOSTLY WHEN SOMETHING BIG IS ABOUT TO DROP, WHEN Q IS ABSENT, AND ON THE NIGHTSHIFTS.

Their structure: one "megashill" that is the main pusher of the narative, and many "satellite" sockpuppet IPs that follow him and assist. The megashill is the main spammer who posts multiple premade shareblue fake info snips. These have been exposed multiple times as either lies (Beria being a jew, and his fake historians) or as cleverly tailored out of context copypasta. The "satellite" sockpuppet user IPs serve as "enforcers" who react emotionaly like low iq retarded imbeciles, or as low iq shitposters who act as bait aimed at catching smarter anons in infinite skirmishes.

Now let us apply logical thinking and kill their narative:

>muh evil jews

Yeah. Whatever you say Brock:

>The survey, conducted for Haaretz newspaper to coincide with US Independence Day, found that almost half of Israelis --- 49 percent — strongly approved of Trump (and 23% slightly approved), while only 22% disapproved of the US president.


>new survey found that an overwhelming percentage of Orthodox Jews support President Donald Trump.

>According to the poll, which was commissioned by the US-based haredi Ami Magazine, 91% of American Orthodox Jews gave Trump a "Satisfactory" or "Very good"


Claims judaism is evil? - YES

Claims to support trump? - YES

trump has a jewish daughter and family in law? - YES

Does his "support" make sense? - NO

Posts shit that is against q's message? - YES

Stays on q research board even though he ia against the message and spams the hell out of it? - YES

Does it makes sense? - NO


Why is he really here? - MONEY




>Melania and I wish all Jewish people Shana Tova and send our warmest greetings to those celebrating Rosh Hashanah and the start of the High Holy Days…

Q #1822

>They want you DIVIDED.









Q #1263

>Think logically.

Attack the world?

>Are the people of France to blame?

>Are the people to blame or the ruling >class (leaders/controllers)?

Apply leverage.




Power shift.

>Rise of the people.


Not understood?



'''Who benefits from your posts?

Who are you trying to hide?

Who is the real enemy?

Are you hiding the RULING FAMILIES?

is it jewish to cover yourself in gold? wear y heads? show the eye of ra? Owls?'''

arm yourselves with reason anons. It is a death sentence for those paid actors

3787af (227)  No.3292487>>3292564 >>3292636

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Thanks for the ad-hominems :)

>and your best responses are these?

I know, verifiable facts about jewish subversion are offensive to you, they are for all Israel first traitors :)

>You are the only one posting here. Lol

Thanks for the bump thou :)

>you keep on pushing lies

You say that a lot, yet you cannot point to the lies, lol.

Have some more facts :)


Rabbi Rosenberg shared a gruesome tale of what he called “the child-rape assembly line” (archive link: http://archive.is/f1gIO ; another archive link: https://web.archive.org/web/20180916024819/https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/qbe8bp/the-child-rape-assembly-line-0000141-v20n11 ):

On a visit to Jerusalem in 2005, Rabbi Rosenberg entered into a mikvah in one of the holiest neighborhoods in the city, Mea She’arim. “I opened a door that entered into a schvitz,” he told me. “Vapors everywhere, I can barely see. My eyes adjust, and I see an old man, my age, long white beard, a holy-looking man, sitting in the vapors. On his lap, facing away from him, is a boy, maybe seven years old. And the old man is having anal sex with this boy.”

Rabbi Rosenberg paused, gathered himself, and went on: “This boy was speared on the man like an animal, like a pig, and the boy was saying nothing. But on his face---fear. The old man [looked at me] without any fear, as if this was common practice. He didn’t stop. I was so angry, I confronted him. He removed the boy from his penis, and I took the boy aside. I told this man, ‘It’s a sin before God, a mishkovzucher. What are you doing to this boy’s soul? You’re destroying this boy!’ He had a sponge on a stick to clean his back, and he hit me across the face with it. ‘How dare you interrupt me!’ he said. I had heard of these things for a long time, but now I had seen.”

We all know about the pedophilia scandal in the Catholic Church. But how many people are aware of an even worse epidemic in the religious Jewish community?

Rabbi Rosenberg believes around half of young males in Brooklyn’s Hasidic community---the largest in the United States and one of the largest in the world—have been victims of sexual assault perpetrated by their elders. Ben Hirsch, director of Survivors for Justice, a Brooklyn organization that advocates for Orthodox sex abuse victims, thinks the real number is higher. “From anecdotal evidence, we’re looking at over 50 percent. It has almost become a rite of passage.”

Rosenberg isn’t the only Jew speaking up. According to Debbi Gross, director of Tahel Crisis Center (archive link: http://archive.is/oItg3 ; another archive link: https://web.archive.org/web/20160324023145/http://www.amotherinisrael.com/tahel-conference-helps-fight-abuse ) :

Hardly a day goes by without hearing of another case of domestic violence, get refusal, or child sex abuse in the Jewish community.

It’s distressing to hear that the religious Jewish community’s own leaders cannot be trusted around its most vulnerable members.

eb6099 (6)  No.3292551>>3292636




3 replies to the posts, using your famous shill tactics.

"Nice projection :)"

"Nice adhominem :)"

"Cry more at the face of the facts :)"

And all that shit.

'''This is the best you got? Pathetic.

You deliberately lie - Beria, fake historians, bezos being a jew, implying that putin hates jews even though he said on record that he wished that all those who left due to soviet represions will come back. Obama supporting israel, even though he put US tax money to overthrow bibi, and binding israel to buying the unwanted f35s. And many many more. You even pushed hitler as a good guy until Q exposed the nazi order connection to the vatican and the cabal'''

Obama gave israel financial support due tto previously signed agreements, just like the bushes and the rest of those before him did.

"Cry more at the face of the facts :)"

Obama and israel:

>Obama admin. sent taxpayer money to campaign to oust Netanyahu.

The State Department paid hundreds of thousands of dollars in taxpayers grants to an Israeli group that used the money to build a campaign to oust Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in last year’s Israeli parliamentary elections, a congressional investigation concluded Tuesday.

Some $350,000 was sent to OneVoice, ostensibly to support the group’s efforts to back Israeli-Palestinian peace settlement negotiations. But OneVoice used the money to build a voter database, train activists and hire a political consulting firm with ties to President Obama’s campaign --- all of which set the stage for an anti-Netanyahu campaign, the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations said in a bipartisan staff report.


>The F-35, on the other hand, can only do so much for Israel. The country's version, called Adir (“Mighty”), has a locally built command, control, communications, computer, and intelligence (C4I) system built into it at the factory. But the new jet’s relatively small size makes further upgrades difficult. Some upgrades would need to be stored externally, and that would make the aircraft much more detectable by hostile radars. Israeli engineers are also limited in the extent to which they can interact with the plane’s highly advanced and classified electronics.

AvWeek says Israel would prefer pausing its F-35 purchase plans at the current 50 jets, and order the remaining 25 only after buying more F-15s. Israel would like to order 20 to 25 new F-15s built to something like the new F-15 2040C standard.

Putin and jews:

>European Jews concerned by anti-Semitism are officially welcome in Russia, President Vladimir Putin said Tuesday. “Let them come to us!” Putin told a meeting at the Kremlin in Moscow with leaders of the European Jewish Congress. “During the Soviet period they were leaving the country, and now they should return.”


Bibi vs soros:

>"Zeroing in on Soros, Netanyahu Stands Shoulder to Shoulder With anti-Semitic Scum

The prime minister of Israel is the last person on earth who should legitimize the demonic anti-Jewish stereotype of the Hungarian-born billionaire.

George Soros is Benjamin Netanyahu’s Haman the Evil. The prime minister is apparently convinced that the very mention of the Hungarian-born billionaire creates the kind of diversionary tumult that the Book of Esther’s archvillain sparks when his name his read out in synagogues on Purim. Singling out Soros is one of Netanyahu’s staple incitements"


What is funny is that you adapt your tactics constantly. When the one bashing you uses "moar" you say "cry moar", when he says "more" you say "cry more". Your automatic bot like replies suggest that you are a megashill IP that 90% of the time runs as a bot, while 10% of the time, the IP is run using the human handler (when you are being exposed to severely).

You shareblue cunning little fuckers.

5a8340 (1)  No.3292564>>3292636

File (hide): 1dc5373db422417⋯.jpeg (9.71 KB, 225x225, 1:1, images (2).jpeg) (h) (u)

File (hide): b856174741f36a3⋯.jpg (36.47 KB, 512x389, 512:389, 2fssp0.jpg) (h) (u)


You literally got raped by that poster and this is your best reply…

3787af (227)  No.3292636>>3293002

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Obama admin. sent taxpayer money to campaign to oust Netanyahu.

That fact does not make it any less real that Obama also sent 32 billion to Israel :)

>Putin and jews:

>European Jews concerned by anti-Semitism are officially welcome in Russia, President Vladimir Putin said Tuesday. “Let them come to us!” Putin told a meeting at the Kremlin in Moscow with leaders of the European Jewish Congress.

>“During the Soviet period they were leaving the country, and now they should return.”

Does not make it any less factual that the first Soviet gov was made up of 70% jews and that Putin said it publicly :)

>>"Zeroing in on Soros, Netanyahu Stands Shoulder to Shoulder With anti-Semitic Scum

The fact he attacks Soros does not make it any less factual that Israel sent to Hungary people to support Soros :)

Read here again: >>3257117 ; >>2393583

>more and moar

Cry moare :)


>got rapped

You mean, like jewish children get in the pedo haven that is Israel, probably because the jewish talmud approves of pedophilia? :)

Read here: >>3292487


eminder that Israel has millions of treasonous non-Israeli jewish Mossad collaborators spread world-wide. They are called the Sayanim (plural of the word Sayan, which is also the hebrew word for “collaborator”).

Videos related:


“Jacob Cohen explains the Sayanim (Mossad's volunteer agents)”


“How the Mossad Recruit a Network of Helpers (SAYANIM)”

eb6099 (6)  No.3293002>>3307471

File (hide): 5d9c067937ecf8b⋯.jpg (79.41 KB, 600x800, 3:4, 094.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): e661fa959dc6106⋯.png (935.81 KB, 1415x1702, 1415:1702, 2018_9_22_6_13_57.png) (h) (u)


You bot are quite tiresome.

1. Where is the proof that israel sent people to support soros? Bibi is against soros and with Orban.

Conclusion - youre a Liar.

2. You said that putin is against jews because he said this and that. The truth is that he encourages them to come back to Russia.

Conclusion - youre a Liar.

3. Obama sent money to both Israel and the palestinians, like all other presidents. He also sent millions to overthrow bibi and sold israel useless overpeiced planes.

Conclusion - Youre a Liar.

4. Beria wasnt a jew.

>Beria was born in Merkheuli, near Sukhumi, in the Sukhum Okrug of the Kutais Governorate (now Gulripshi District, de facto Republic of Abkhazia, then part of the Russian Empire). He was from the Mingrelian ethnic group and grew up in a Georgian Orthodox family.[3][4][5] Beria's mother, Marta Jaqeli (1868--1955), was deeply religious and church-going (she spent much time in church and died in a church building). She was previously married and widowed before marrying Beria's father, Pavel Khukhaevich Beria (1872–1922), a landowner from Abkhazia.[3] Beria also had a brother (name unknown), and a deaf sister named Anna.


Conclusion - youre al liar.

5. David cole/stein is a clown asset who never attended college. E michael jones and henry makow are literature phds.

You billed them as historians.

Conclusion - youre a Liar.

6. You had a little freudian slip while shilling on Qresearch, admitting that you are a shill (attached). The hive mind never forgets.

'''Conclusion - A SHILL"

"Cry more at the face of the facts :)"

Bye megashill :)

3787af (227)  No.3307471>>3308305

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>1. Where is the proof that israel sent people to support soros?

Once again, read pic number 1 in this post: >>3257117

>2. You said that putin is against jews because he said this and that. The truth is that he encourages them to come back to Russia.

Nice strawman kike, I never said that Putin is against jews, I said that he said that the first Soviet government was made up of 80% jews. Once again, proof here: >>3202877 ; >>3202904

>3. Obama sent money to both Israel and the palestinians, like all other presidents. He also sent millions to overthrow bibi and sold israel useless overpeiced planes.

So you confirm that Obama sent 32 billions to Israel, like I said he did. Thanks :)

4. Beria wasnt a jew.

Beria was a jew, and even if he wasn't, all the facts about jewish perpretated genocide would still be that, facts :)

>5. David cole/stein is a clown asset who never attended college. E michael jones and henry makow are literature phds.

Prove that David Cole is a clown asset, and tell me how do their college education makes their FACTUAL claims any less real. Ops, you can't. Thanks for trying kike :)

>6. You had a little freudian slip while shilling on Qresearch, admitting that you are a shill (attached). The hive mind never forgets.

First, it could had not be me at all, and 2nd, a spelling mistake and 5 ad-nauseum repeated very weak accusations are all you have when I have posted over 500 facts about jewish subversion, so your desperation is very fun to watch.

Please, keep going, I thank you for the bump, kike :)


Video related is a rabbi telling people on live TV that muslims and jews are natural allies in Europe to push for more privileges for both those subversive minorities.

eb6099 (6)  No.3308305>>3308369 >>3308382

File (hide): f7bc45ea640edbc⋯.jpg (105.57 KB, 598x792, 299:396, Sjw comp not an argument e….jpg) (h) (u)


1. I brought countless evidence to the support that bibi has for Orban. If your sourceless snip is true, then it could be israeli deep state in action. Israeli deep state = US deep state = fighting to impeach bibi.

2. Putin said that but there is nothing wrong with it. Given that he called for jews to return to russia, what he said about the first bolshevik government is not anti jewish at all.

3. Obama sent millions to israel and the palestinians as part of agreements signed before him. Doesnt prove he supports israel. He also invested millions in overtgrowing bibi proving bibi is probably a white hat asset.

4. You pathetic retarded bot. "Beria is a jew, BUT EVEN IF HE ISNT AND IM A LIAR THEN IM STILL NOT A LIAR"

I proved he isnt a jew and that youre A FUCKING LIAR.


5. David cole/stein is fake. Has been proven before.



>who said i am the one who did the freudian slip?

You did LIAR. yes you did, multiple times.



3787af (227)  No.3308369>>3308382 >>3309110 >>3309255 >>3309468

File (hide): d73b927e2a69a63⋯.jpg (78.11 KB, 586x668, 293:334, Balfour_Declaration_1917.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 1cf7e3716e95532⋯.png (38.28 KB, 891x281, 891:281, Rothschild_Israel_Knesset.PNG) (h) (u)

File (hide): b95d2806cc24e23⋯.png (373.13 KB, 1158x669, 386:223, Rothschild_Israel_Supreme_….PNG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 01add1ac34db737⋯.jpg (1.05 MB, 1839x1477, 1839:1477, Rothschild_Plan_To_Rule_1.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 73ab41c97677ace⋯.jpg (293.04 KB, 492x934, 246:467, Rothschild_Plan_To_Rule_2.jpg) (h) (u)


>1. I brought countless evidence to the support that bibi has for Orban.

After Israel had sent people to convince him that Soros should be allowed to operate there.

> If your sourceless snip is true, then it could be israeli deep state in action.

It is sourced, and the facts are that Israel = Deep State, because Israel was founded by the Rothschild. Pics related in this post.

>2. Putin said that but there is nothing wrong with it.

I think patterns start to emerge after a while, once you realize that 80% of the first Soviet gov was jewish and most jews voted for Obama and Hillary (will post pics related in next post). Not all jews are bad people, but jewish GROUP power needs to be taken away.

>Given that he called for jews to return to russia, what he said about the first bolshevik government is not anti jewish at all.

Never said it was, just stating the fact that Putin state the fact that the first Soviet gov was 80% jewish.

>3. Obama sent millions to israel and the palestinians as part of agreements signed before him.

The deal I was talking about is of 32 BILLION, not millions, and it was made by Obama himself. Once again, re-read the post here kike: >>2393583

>Doesnt prove he supports israel.

Probably he is a pedo being blackmailed by mossad via pizzagate shit so he had to support Israel, because that is what israel does, puts pedos in power in foreign nations so everyone does what israel wants.

>He also invested millions in overtgrowing bibi proving bibi is probably a white hat asset.

Bibi is a kike traitor and I will post about it in next post.

>4. You pathetic retarded bot.

Thanks for the ad-hominem, desperate kike :)


Beria is a jew, and even if he wasn't, all the facts about jewish perpetrated genocide would still stand :)

>5. David cole/stein is fake. Has been proven before.

You like to ad-hominem the man, but you always fail to refute any of his claims.

Its a nice way of you to admit defeat :)

>You did LIAR. yes you did, multiple times.

So you keep kvetching about a spelling mistake and 5 other weak talking points, while ignoring the rest of the 500+ facts about jewish subversion and Israeli crime posted here.

Keep going, thanks for the bump, kike sucker :)

3787af (227)  No.3308382>>3308391

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



On bibi being an enemy of the US.

3787af (227)  No.3308391>>3308404

File (hide): 1ce1c396d8b500c⋯.jpg (92.2 KB, 500x566, 250:283, Bibi.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 36bbeb4a07e15a2⋯.png (274.11 KB, 609x476, 87:68, Bibi_anti_America.png) (h) (u)


More on bibi being an enemy of the US.

3787af (227)  No.3308404

File (hide): 599f5b01a663e02⋯.png (2.79 MB, 1249x4302, 1249:4302, 1_FBI_anon_full.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 7e33ccc83530dc9⋯.jpg (683.43 KB, 800x2510, 80:251, 2_CIA_MOSSAD_UK_INTEL_work….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 91552a7344aba91⋯.png (208.09 KB, 600x652, 150:163, 3_ONUI_1.PNG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 7d3a1c9cd680f07⋯.jpg (499.78 KB, 800x2491, 800:2491, 4_Israel_promissed_land_of….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 71ef93d5f5f9f63⋯.png (496.59 KB, 934x730, 467:365, 5_Alan_Dershowitz_boasts_o….PNG) (h) (u)


Some articles about pizzagate/pedogate going all the way to israel as a mossad blackmail operation.


Reminder that the FBIwhitehatfags want you to expose jewish subversion and Israeli crime.

Pics related.

The book depicted in pic 3, called “One Nation Under Israel”, which describes how the Israeli lobby controls the US congress and senate, can be read and dowloaded for free here:



Jews act like a group, they get treated like a group, meaning that we need to terminate all jewish interest groups in the West. Criticizing jewish GROUP behavior is different from claiming that all jews are bad. Jews are going to have their GROUP power taken away from them, for all the right reasons.

If you want some individuals being named in the context of jewish subversion, have at it.

Read this:












Zionists can never be patriots, they are ALWAYS by definition traitors. See the video here in this post to hear it from the horses mouth: >>3021921

5896d4 (1)  No.3308445>>3308458 >>3308493

Look into CUFI

3787af (227)  No.3308458>>3308466 >>3308472 >>3308477

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Sounds like a subversive group to make Christians believe the fraud that is the "judeo-Christian" term.

Christians are mistreated in Israel.

See video.

“Furious Jews threaten to stone us for preaching Jesus Christ in Jerusalem”

Description is:

Furious Jews threaten to stone us for preaching Jesus Christ in Jerusalem. Israeli Defense Forces try to stop us from preaching but admit that we are doing nothing illegal. Two men (one at a later time) tell us that we should be stoned for idolatry. Angry young teenagers pushed me and tried to break the phone I was using to record, and many other things happened. Brother Berto ministered to the Jew who said we should be stoned, and we saw such conviction begin to work in his heart. Brother Jakob spoke to several others and contended for the faith by discussing the holy scriptures. Many wonderful encounters and a great night of evangelism! Please share!

3787af (227)  No.3308466>>3308472

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Looks like jewish censorship is working well!

Video related to jewish censorship.

3787af (227)  No.3308472>>3308477

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



But there are more proofs that Christinas are mistreated in Israel :)


Intense Hostility (spit upon like ten times) Preaching in Jerusalem

3787af (227)  No.3308477>>3308483

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Oh, someone reposted the censored video :)

3787af (227)  No.3308483>>3308493

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Israeli Persecution of Christians in the Holy Land 60 Minutes

3787af (227)  No.3308493

File (hide): f5c16f3824e69a0⋯.png (593.57 KB, 2005x1221, 2005:1221, Jewish_Hate_For_Christians….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): fa6b4cd6668adca⋯.png (129.22 KB, 575x607, 575:607, Jews_Christ_Satan.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 6688eade8fbad03⋯.png (107.11 KB, 1165x540, 233:108, Jews_Spit_On_Christians_In….PNG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 9d2dbd4b47040cb⋯.png (44.55 KB, 1109x548, 1109:548, Kike.PNG) (h) (u)

File (hide): d8cc267a067b9b8⋯.png (23.37 KB, 1157x188, 1157:188, Plus_Sign_Israel.PNG) (h) (u)



Still think that the CUFI is not a subversive group? :)

d3f484 (3)  No.3309110>>3309246 >>3309255 >>3309468


You know, even for a chatbot operated by a shareblue handler, your replies are pathetic.

You have been outplayed in your own game since you are way out of your league. This is why you were in such a hurry to spam your own thread with many new copypastas to hide him schooling you.

Well, the statistics here prove that no one is falling for your op. Have fun playing Brock.

d3f484 (3)  No.3309246>>3309255 >>3309468


The most pathetic are your copypasta of the Beria lie and your refusal to admit that you lied about your fake historians. You lie = the burden of proving their claims is on you. Saying the other way around means that you are a moron who doesnt know logic if it hits him in the head. Guess shareblue didnt do a good job with their main chatbot, your level if replies is that if a 6 year old.

>blah blah blah kike blah blah blah jew

You keep proving my point.

d3f484 (3)  No.3309255>>3309468




Take a look at this chatbot. You handler will have some manual work to do.



3787af (227)  No.3309468>>3309787 >>3309829 >>3309837

File (hide): 9f47cd978b99393⋯.jpg (206.54 KB, 866x1024, 433:512, Kavanaught_lynch_mob_jews.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 164bc7d42f7bf8c⋯.jpg (358.76 KB, 1023x1024, 1023:1024, Kavanaught_White_supremaci….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 069e6af0a5990c9⋯.jpg (21.78 KB, 655x396, 655:396, Kavanaught_Aproval_race.jpg) (h) (u)




Nothing but ad-hominems and the same weak talking points again?

Keep the desperation up little kike :)

Re-read this and keep crying: >>3308369

f64906 (5)  No.3309787

File (hide): bd3f48780ce3711⋯.jpg (55.53 KB, 490x373, 490:373, e9ydq.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): f7bc45ea640edbc⋯.jpg (105.57 KB, 598x792, 299:396, Sjw comp not an argument e….jpg) (h) (u)

3787af (227)  No.3309829>>3309848

File (hide): 8840f10403898b0⋯.jpg (188.72 KB, 753x837, 251:279, JTA_Kavanaught_smear_jews.jpg) (h) (u)


More jewish kikery regarding Kavanaught.

f64906 (5)  No.3309837


"Nice projection :)"

"Cry more at the face of the facts :)"

And these are the facts:










You lost Brock. Gtfo.

3787af (227)  No.3309846>>3309858

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

See the kike shill above still trying to get (you)'s.

Pretty amusing :)


“Jacob Cohen explains the Sayanim (Mossad's volunteer agents)”

f64906 (5)  No.3309848


>Poll finds Israelis extremely, and near uniquely, supportive of Trump, US policy

Pew survey shows 82% of Jewish Israelis trust president's handling of global affairs, 94% have favorable opinion of US -- views which are out of sync with most other nations


>new survey found that an overwhelming percentage of Orthodox Jews support President Donald Trump.

>According to the poll, which was commissioned by the US-based haredi Ami Magazine, 91% of American Orthodox Jews gave Trump a "Satisfactory" or "Very good"


"Oy vey"

f64906 (5)  No.3309858

File (hide): 5d9c067937ecf8b⋯.jpg (79.41 KB, 600x800, 3:4, 094.jpg) (h) (u)



"nice projection :)"

"Thanks for the adhominem :)"

3787af (227)  No.3309864>>3310098

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

See the kike shill above still trying to get (you)'s and implying that the fact that some jews like Trump make all the facts about jewish subversion and Israeli crime stop being facts.

Notice this typical jewish mindset.

Pretty funny :)


“How the Mossad Recruit a Network of Helpers (SAYANIM)”

f64906 (5)  No.3310098


Its actually funny seeing your desperation megashill.

"Thanks for the adhominem :)"

"Nice projection :)"

"Cry more at the face of the facts :)"

3787af (227)  No.3310141>>3348217

See the kike shill above still trying to get (you)'s and projecting hardcore.

Pretty ebin :)


You know, the Torah is the first 5 books of the Old Testament, and in there, come the instructions to enslave the goyim via debt-slavery, just like the jewish Rothschild have done via their central banking cartel racket.

Its right there, read it:

Deuteronomy 15:6

"For the LORD your God will bless you as he has promised, and you will lend to many nations but will borrow from none. You will rule over many nations but none will rule over you."


Also, the torah has guidelines on how to treat your slaves. It approves of slavery.

Also, the issue of jewish supremacism starts right at the first book of the Torah, Genesis, when Abraham make the deal with God. The whole central aspect of jewish cultural identity is jews being the chosen of God and everyone else being second class in the eyes of God.

Judaism IS a supremacist ideology, and it hurts both racial jews and non-racial jews. It will be banned in the West along with islam, deal with it.

3787af (227)  No.3343796>>3343878 >>3348217

File (hide): 697a86624536434⋯.png (235.02 KB, 941x614, 941:614, Melting_pot_jewish_play_wi….PNG) (h) (u)

File (hide): f77e6bb6c4874e3⋯.jpg (111.23 KB, 634x555, 634:555, 1528582550160.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): b27be26c6331972⋯.png (2.32 MB, 3580x1252, 895:313, Jews_Immigration_And_Natio….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 08ca1a16e04db28⋯.jpg (303.43 KB, 720x722, 360:361, Jews_Push4Miscegenation_On….jpg) (h) (u)

The term “melting pot” was created by a jew called Israel Zangwill , in his play “Melting Pot” of 1908.

Did you know that America was NOT a melting pot from the start?

Did you know that the term "melting pot" was created by a jew called Israel Zangwill , in his play “Melting Pot” of 1908?

That the Immigration Act of 1965 was the single most destructive thing to US demographics?

And that the Immigration Act of 1965 was the result of over 40 years of pro-active effort of jewish interest groups?

The more you know

3787af (227)  No.3343878>>3348217

File (hide): 0fcb66367c73d55⋯.jpg (3.08 MB, 1832x7232, 229:904, Melting_pot_jewish_play_Em….jpg) (h) (u)


>Also related:

Did you know the poem at the Statue of Liberty was written by a jewess named Emma Lazarus?

Want to learn more about it? Read pic related.

fc773d (1)  No.3348217>>3420933

File (hide): e1df9c53d40118f⋯.jpeg (10.29 KB, 258x195, 86:65, images.jpeg) (h) (u)




Projection - ✔

Replying to himself - ✔

Spamming his own fake board - ✔

A very low iq op you run here Brock. Very low iq.

3787af (227)  No.3392173>>3422464 >>3422472

File (hide): 4ff49bbc9544f7a⋯.png (64.85 KB, 783x254, 783:254, Grug_long_nose_jew_on_Kava.PNG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 05e759748a7f019⋯.png (86.07 KB, 838x291, 838:291, Grug_feminist_on_Kava.PNG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 069e6af0a5990c9⋯.jpg (21.78 KB, 655x396, 655:396, Kavanaught_Aproval_race.jpg) (h) (u)


Nice non-arguments and name calling, jew.

Thanks for the bump :)

e12a3a (55)  No.3406320>>3420815


It's hilarious how these M_SS_D shills repetitively conflate antisemitism with anti-Jewish supremacism.

It's like they have one job "repeat often". They learned one thing from Freud's nephew Edward Bernays about propaganda (re-branded as "public relations" and "advertising"), "repeat often", and that's all they know how to do - because the facts don't support their victim narrative.

Jehova forbid the shekels from muh six gorrllion dry up, oy vey!





3787af (227)  No.3420815

File (hide): b7108ae68ffabb4⋯.jpg (77.25 KB, 821x770, 821:770, Holocaust_term_numbers.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 2153256e1d638ca⋯.jpg (97.11 KB, 1296x466, 648:233, Holocaust_denial_laws_are_….JPG) (h) (u)


The more they try to trick the goyim, the more backlash they will be eating in the future, that's for sure, so let them sow what they will reap.

79b425 (2)  No.3420933>>3420946


funny that you are here typing giving us your opinions like any of us care what you have to say. . hahahaaaaaaaaaaaa. you look like a plane crashing.

79b425 (2)  No.3420946>>3421817


the jew haters on here are fake. they sent them here to type so one of the narratives can call us neo nazis. take aim at all jew haters as they are nothing but fake and gay.

5b391c (1)  No.3421817>>3484158 >>3676613


The jew haters are fake, gay and lame.

These are the famed megashill bot that posted 33% of all posts here, and the few other sockpuppets that post the other 66%.

It is a shareblue op for the exact reasons you stated. They use this board as a base from which they spam the main Qredearch with their copypasta bullshit during the well coordinated shill attacks.

Notice also that when heavily under attack, the megashill stalls for a few days, or posts unrelated spam to make the attacks against him "fade out and blend with the rest of the noise".

All perfectly planned and timed. Brock knows his shit, but as evident by the lack of organic support they get, anons dont fall for this shit.

eb6099 (6)  No.3422464

eb6099 (6)  No.3422472

File (hide): bd3f48780ce3711⋯.jpg (55.53 KB, 490x373, 490:373, e9ydq.jpg) (h) (u)

e37d2e (1)  No.3448402>>3484158 >>3486848

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Israel: The Promised Land of Organized Crime - Full Version


"The Jewish media forced publishers to reprint the cover of the Lansky Crime Syndicate book to exclude the Jewish relationship to crime."

Great video, it shows how some of the mobs were Italian (the Jesuits), but most were Jews. But since they ran the media & Hollywood, they gave all the credit to the 'romantic' Italians, keeping their name well out of it.

70b3ac (19)  No.3484158>>3486848 >>3487056

File (hide): 599f5b01a663e02⋯.png (2.79 MB, 1249x4302, 1249:4302, 1_FBI_anon_full.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 7e33ccc83530dc9⋯.jpg (683.43 KB, 800x2510, 80:251, 2_CIA_MOSSAD_UK_INTEL_work….jpg) (h) (u)


Exposing fact about jewish subversion and Israeli crime is not hate.

Cry more :)


Nice way to try to name call and failling 100%. No argument in the face of the facts, again :)


FBIWhitehatfags want the people to name the jew. Pics related.

393e2e (3)  No.3486848



Congrats on the new ip megashill ":)"

393e2e (3)  No.3487056>>3487077

File (hide): 9f8f1876cf1330b⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1472x2672, 92:167, 2018_10_15_22_45_16.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 00bd99541096675⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1409x2029, 1409:2029, 2018_9_22_6_7_16.png) (h) (u)


Oopsie, megashill bot encountered a bug :)

Wrong inputs to the script?

First your human handler missfires and admitts he is a shill and now the bot glitches?

Gotta hire better handlers…

393e2e (3)  No.3487077


Kek you mean this?


Hahaha the retard put the word "two" in to the script by mistake cause he was going to cammand the bot to post a 2nd reply to the same post. Pathetic and low level ai shilling.

70b3ac (19)  No.3487727

File (hide): dcfd9171783c7e7⋯.png (106.72 KB, 526x286, 263:143, NPC_calls_pepe_a_nazi.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 5d72c3682e4884d⋯.jpg (203.21 KB, 474x2500, 237:1250, NPC_and_the_JQ.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 3bbe9f95d6a4bf3⋯.png (946.53 KB, 875x838, 875:838, NPC_kike.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 85aa55a5b07b844⋯.png (433.92 KB, 1123x1159, 1123:1159, NPC_Israel_ally.png) (h) (u)




Still nothing but name calling in the face of facts.

You're a kike NPC, thanks for the bump :)

70b3ac (19)  No.3487771>>3487821

File (hide): d4cf42fe644d436⋯.jpg (122.9 KB, 656x754, 328:377, 1528289631430.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 2ae7b45749190cd⋯.jpg (36.05 KB, 469x344, 469:344, 1528289731749.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): ac715cd59c311c1⋯.jpg (118.13 KB, 798x960, 133:160, MSM_Pushing_For_Pedo_Norma….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 1cd48822ad256af⋯.png (1.83 MB, 1082x1828, 541:914, Scott_Wiener_CA_Senator_Je….png) (h) (u)

More on jewish media promotion of pedophilia.

70b3ac (19)  No.3487821

File (hide): 26e5390b8c58f7c⋯.jpg (133.58 KB, 1024x639, 1024:639, Transgenderism_jewish_subv….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 79505acebac361e⋯.png (366.26 KB, 642x944, 321:472, Transgenderism_ad_with_ped….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 8036fe6ddae804e⋯.png (1.49 MB, 1028x1066, 514:533, Transgenderism_jewish_Holl….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): c3fdec4299779c0⋯.jpg (2.66 MB, 2810x4692, 1405:2346, Transgenderism_jewish_Holl….jpg) (h) (u)


Remider that transgenderism is a jewish subversive effort created to destroy Western children and the family unit and that:

-jews inventend it;

-jewish activists made sure to spread it;

-the jewish MSM pushes it,

-the jewish Hollywood promotes it.

As always, remember that the jewish talmud approves of pedophilia. Keep that in mind.

70b3ac (19)  No.3543768

File (hide): 367430632669de9⋯.png (433.04 KB, 1123x1159, 1123:1159, NPCs_believe_the_holocaust.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 85aa55a5b07b844⋯.png (433.92 KB, 1123x1159, 1123:1159, NPC_Israel_ally.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): a7b74d88e4e64c6⋯.jpg (273.78 KB, 1028x792, 257:198, NPCs_stand_with_Israel_2.jpg) (h) (u)


c2f146 (1)  No.3546454>>3556153 >>3556182


I agree with the free speech, as ugly as it gets sometimes. There are autists who seem to be putting an argment foreword that all Jews are the problem due to supremacy and subversion generations long. But their evidence traces back only to Post WWI, for the most part.

These are arguing with autists who submit the argument that not all Jews are bad people, and that the focus on Jews only creates a situation where the evil in all of the various non Jewish international criminal intelligence agencies, governments, non profits and religious organizations (Including Christian Church activities) will be ignored due to what they perceive as a willingness to focus blame on only one group. Emphasis on perceive.

I am a Christian, who has studied ancient history, who understands much of what both sides are saying. Would like to see both sides dig deeper. The truth lies in about 2000+ years of history. Some here on both sides, do not even understand where the name Jew comes from. I am watching the argument with interest. For my own part, as a Christian, I understand that "Jew" means one from the southern kingdom of Judah, composed of 2+ of the original 12 tribes. I also understand that by the time of the Crucifixion of Christ, this Kingdom run by the Synagogue, had been infiltrated by some kind of "fake Jew". (King Harrod being one example of a Roman appointed "Jewish King" that the subjects of Judea absolutely hated and refused to recognize.)

Jesus called those who had infiltrated the Temple as priests "Vipers" … sons of Satan, and "those who call themselves Jews who are not". He took a whip to these "money changers" (ancient word for bankers) and turned the tables on these corrupt ones. Curious. No? Just when exactly were the "Jews" infiltrated, by bloodlines that controlled the money? Perhaps even the tribe of Judah was "brainwashed" into accepting them into the tribe.

One thing is for sure.

Satanism =/= Judiasm or Christianity, but the evil one seems to have control of the top of a lot of Religious organizations at this time in history.

Would like to see deeper dig, and no. No censorship.

70b3ac (19)  No.3556153


Thing is, jewish subversion comes from way before WW1, keep reading the thread and you'll see plenty of sauce on how jew got in trouble for their judaism since Abraham claimed to have spoken with God and made his circumcision for real-state arrangement with him.

Satanism is shit. That's a given. But its by no means the only main ideological threat we face in the West. Zionism, judaism and islam are also ideological threats to the West.

>The who are the real jews question

So tell me, who and what are the real jews?

The ones that follow the talmud?

The ones that follow the Torah?

You know, the Torah is the first 5 books of the Old Testament, and in there, come the instructions to enslave the goyim via debt-slavery, just like the jewish Rothschild have done via their central banking cartel racket.

Its right there, read it:

Deuteronomy 15:6

"For the LORD your God will bless you as he has promised, and you will lend to many nations but will borrow from none. You will rule over many nations but none will rule over you."


Also, the torah has guidelines on how to treat your slaves. It approves of slavery.

Also, the issue of jewish supremacism starts right at the first book of the Torah, Genesis, when Abraham make the deal with God. The whole central aspect of jewish cultural identity is jews being the chosen of God and everyone else being second class in the eyes of God.

Judaism IS a supremacist ideology, and it hurts both racial jews and non-racial jews. It will be banned in the West along with islam, deal with it.


Read these:

>>2409242 -- Why judaism IS a supremacist ideology

>>2409189 -- Why judaism IS a supremacist ideology, part 2

>>2562709 -- Jewish persecution of Christ and Christians since Christianity inception, part 1

>>2562715 -- part 2

>>2562720 -- part 3

>>2562725 -- part 4

>>2562731 -- part 5

>>2562734 -- part 6

>>2562740 -- part 7

>>2562763 -- The Khazar theory

>>2581628 -- Usury was (and is) a weapon of domination (debt slavery) over the goyim and its use with that end was and is teached to jews in the Torah

>>2581630 -- The history of Poland, the paradise of jews

>>2581633 -- Some jews talk about the divine promise of each jew getting 2800 goy slaves when the jewish Messiah comes to them

And a reminder that along with zionism, jewish interest groups and dual-citizenship politicians and judiciary, both judaism and islam are going to be banned from the West due to both being supremacist ideologies.


Zionists can never be patriots, they are ALWAYS by definition traitors. See the video here in this post to hear it from the horses mouth: >>3021921

70b3ac (19)  No.3556182>>3679944


>Jews are the problem due to supremacy and subversion generations long

The problem is not jews per-se, its jewish GROUP power.

The solution is simple, and humane: remove ALL jewish GROUP power from jews in the West by banning all jewish interest groups, banning judaism (via banning halal meat and religious circumcision), ban all hate speech and hate crime laws in the West (so jewish nepotism can be pointed out and countered), and ban all dual citizenship politicians and judiciary.

Also, ban islam in the West, and we're all golden, no need to kill nor expel the jews.

70b3ac (19)  No.3607477


e12a3a (55)  No.3674615

Fuck you filthy Satanic kikes, bumped.

e12a3a (55)  No.3676613>>3711296

File (hide): ae11aa948efad18⋯.png (62.91 KB, 292x362, 146:181, SOON.png) (h) (u)


How painful it must be for you, facing the evil you perpetrate posted here without the ability to Jew it out of existence.

It must be excruciating to watch the plastering of every evil thing you desperately need to hide to enable your continued existence.

The agony of watching it build and build and build, leaking out into the mainstream, like a mighty lake held back by a crumbling dyke, which you are now unable to stick your filthy pudgy weak little fingers in, in a fruitless attempt to plug it up.

There is a way out. Just necc yourself. Or just wait. Because


6a07a6 (1)  No.3677413>>3681683 >>3683107


The clock is ticking.

Q and the Gang. I've been following you for months now and you know what? Talk is cheap.If we don't attack now before the mid terms and the Dems take congress and the senate then this whole bullshit has been a waste of time. 45,000 indictments? When are they going out? On Halloween? Redacted dossiers showing the corruption of the left. When is the world going to see this? The problem I see is that the left will do anything to obstruct but you folks are being good guys and going strictly by the law. Dems don't play by rules. You need to attack NOW before midterms or all could be lost, All your / Our hard work, all your investigations, All your fact finding will evaporate and be replaced with leftist lies.If you folks don't attack before 11/6, then you are the ones who are stupid not the Dems. Don't play by the rules especially rules of law. If you don't attack now you are setting us up for a grand disappointment and a grand waste of time.

Q and the gang, it's your move!

b3ab21 (2)  No.3679944


Australian jailed for 3 years for voicing his opinion

To say his rights were violated is a joke - wot rights? Zippo


b3ab21 (2)  No.3681515>>3683077

File (hide): 1b56604ff005d96⋯.png (4.8 KB, 373x289, 373:289, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


Vid down.

0d8d78 (1)  No.3681683>>3683068 >>3684534


Geeeeezus Christ! CALM THE FUCK DOWN

This whole bread needs to be deleted!

Anyone that looks at Q, and comes here, is going to come to the conclusion this is nothing more than a ton of delusional neo-Nazis that blame everyone but themselves for their failure of an existence. You cunts are going to the do in the movement…

70b3ac (19)  No.3683068>>3684789

File (hide): 963e6a6310df204⋯.png (961.95 KB, 1348x2760, 337:690, Slander_Against_Hitler_Jew….png) (h) (u)


I am the baker of this bread.

Not a National Socialist.

But like JFK, I do realize that Hitler was a great man, who has been lied about for a lot of time now.

>This whole bread needs to be deleted!

1st Amend, Isreal first traitor. It means something now, and censorship will only get smaller and smaller :)

70b3ac (19)  No.3683077

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Thanks for the heads up fren.

Here is another embedded link.

70b3ac (19)  No.3683107


Q board is a board of peace and the reps are going to win everything.

Always follow the law.

We fight with FACTS, force is to be used by those authorized to do so.

70b3ac (19)  No.3684227>>3688190

File (hide): 30c54319dd140bc⋯.png (488.12 KB, 866x738, 433:369, Jews_use_shooting_to_subve….png) (h) (u)

No comment.

>This is why:

The solution is simple, and humane: remove ALL jewish GROUP power from jews in the West by banning all jewish interest groups, banning judaism (via banning halal meat and religious circumcision), ban all hate speech and hate crime laws in the West (so jewish nepotism can be pointed out and countered), and ban all dual citizenship politicians and judiciary.

Also, ban islam in the West, and we're all golden, no need to kill nor expel the jews.

e709c4 (1)  No.3684534


free speech anon, free speech

aint gonna "shut it down" so piss off

c9800e (7)  No.3684782>>3685231

Muhjew clowns and the megashill aint gonna like this one.

"Me and the first lady pladge oir resolve to remove the vile poison of antisemitism".


Or this one:

>“For me, respect and reverence for Judaism is personal. My daughter Ivanka and my son-in-law Jared are raising their children in the Jewish faith, always reminding me the important values and lessons we learn about leadership, resolve and families in Jewish tradition,”

c9800e (7)  No.3684789

File (hide): 83c6a9cbbbd8ead⋯.png (1.6 MB, 1391x2230, 1391:2230, 2018_9_13_20_12_36.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): b74c4e2dfd64308⋯.png (2.28 MB, 1472x2672, 92:167, 2018_9_13_20_13_51.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 3b951d3e7c7b4d5⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1415x1946, 1415:1946, 2018_9_13_20_14_43.png) (h) (u)


>hitler was a good guy

Sure megashill… Sure… Just like 33% of the posts here are not yours (with a recent ip change), with another 66% being that of your sockpuppet.

Now lets see q's take on hitler the "great man ":)

Q post #154

>Perhaps someday people will understand ‘they’ had a plan to conduct ‘another’ mass extinction event.

>WWI & II - orchestrated and planned by select families?

>Fantasy land.

>Remember, the more people there are, the more power the people have

Q post #939

>So Hitler was a puppet of the controlling >families of the NWO?

Q post #142

>What happened during WWII?

>Was Hitler a puppet?

>Who was his handler?

>What was the purpose?

>What was the real purpose of the war?

Q post #936

>The Nazi order.

>NWO [N does not refer to “New”].

Q post #938

>N does not refer to Nazi.

>The continued Nazi ideology is relevant.

>Events will clarify.

>Think subgroup.

Q #1822

>They want you DIVIDED.









e12a3a (55)  No.3685231>>3690341

File (hide): 71d56326094e7aa⋯.jpeg (37.3 KB, 600x453, 200:151, ANTISEMITISM 01.jpeg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 34f62cdd31e1d0e⋯.jpeg (75.48 KB, 720x720, 1:1, ANTISEMITISM 02.jpeg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 14de272a278d05c⋯.jpg (119.77 KB, 644x447, 644:447, FAKE HATE CRIME 01.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 87e9abcc6bc8663⋯.png (140.63 KB, 922x772, 461:386, FAKE HATE CRIME 02.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): e44c5547abc04be⋯.png (708.62 KB, 797x2899, 797:2899, FAKE HATE CRIME 03.png) (h) (u)


Since most "antisemitism" of is spread by (((you))), this statement by POTUS is true, but not in the way you are implying. Pics related.

You need to sharpen up your pilpul, kike.

Or better yet, necc yourself.

e12a3a (55)  No.3688190


No need to ban halal or kosher, just enforce animal cruelty laws.

No need to ban circumcision, just enforce child abuse laws.

No need to ban Islam, just enforce the sedition clause of The Constitution (Islam is clearly a revolutionary, totalitarian political movement masquerading as a religion).

Buh-buy Bubbalah! See ya later, Saheed!

c9800e (7)  No.3690341>>3692676


Only it was said by potus in reponse to the synagogue shooting. So down goes your little pathetic attempt, brock.

>improve your pilpul

"Nice projection :)"


585ff5 (1)  No.3691373>>3693100 >>3713107

Newfag here, re-calibrating my Q-meter

>b-b-but, anon. What in the world is a Q-meter?

My Q-meter is like an Overton window. It slides between "We have to wait for the District of Columbia to act" and "the civilian aspect of the Q-phenom is growing, and growing stronger"

It appears the both situations are happening simultaneously; the WH admin for example, applies pressure slowly to allow the "bad actors" to know they're under scrutiny. The Q-phenom among Joe & Jane Goyim also apply pressure using social media and the chanz. Next, we see people stepping down, or retiring, removing themselves from the equation thus removing bad energy and bad actions. So, for those that care, this anon is grateful and appreciative of all that is being done by average people to forward this movement towards a much brighter future; a future that is far from the grim realities we see today. Thank you!

e12a3a (55)  No.3692676>>3693139


Thanks for the bump.

Must be painful, knowing the lies aren't working. Like a rat trained to hit a lever for a shot of heroin, but the heroin doesn't come, and the pain just builds, and builds, and builds, and never ends.

Until the rope.


c9800e (7)  No.3693100

c9800e (7)  No.3693139>>3713107


I just enjoy seeing shareblue clowns panicking.

>“For me, respect and reverence for Judaism is personal. My daughter Ivanka and my son-in-law Jared are raising their children in the Jewish faith, always reminding me the important values and lessons we learn about leadership, resolve and families in Jewish tradition,”


7f62a0 (1)  No.3693362>>3693817 >>3713107

File (hide): 9456c47382d3d9d⋯.png (640.09 KB, 960x960, 1:1, parentheticallykitty.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): ff557b80b985c4c⋯.png (555.79 KB, 770x997, 770:997, awful.png) (h) (u)

This thread is the VERY BEST proof of the overwhelming bot presence on this board. Q has made it abundantly clear. POTUS has made it abundantly clear.

This whole fake nazi style is a CARBON COPY of the fake (bot) shit that is spammed to control 4chan /pol/. So the whole routine arbitrarily gets transferred here, because "this is a chan board", and apparently the system of fakeness calculates that casual arrivals won't know any better, and will assume that all chan boards are the same, and that Q attracts whatever sort of person the fake /pol/ style is supposed to be… and hence the people stay DIVIDED between us and them… But this is stupid, as a supposition. Very stupid.

Why would anti-semites SPAM TO DEATH a board that is explicitly not for them? Why wouldn't they go to a board that suits their interests?

It's fake, that is why.

That is all.

660dd3 (1)  No.3693817>>3713107


My thoughts all along.

Christian, Muslim, Jew, Hindu, Atheist exc…

We are all in this together.

They want us DIVIDED.








58c900 (3)  No.3710063>>3713107 >>3717975 >>3831083

File (hide): 28cd96fa090a6bb⋯.jpg (350.98 KB, 915x785, 183:157, Jews-buy-congress.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 6f9e16707601514⋯.jpg (65.07 KB, 696x419, 696:419, JouTube-censoring.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): d15fe6bf0056b84⋯.jpg (192.75 KB, 654x734, 327:367, Larry-OConnor.jpg) (h) (u)

- Three billionaires try buying a democrat congress

- JouTube adds new 'Kosher' censoring algorithm

- Conservative radio hosts are controlled opposition too

58c900 (3)  No.3710228>>3713107 >>3721506

File (hide): 233ef2100e37f4e⋯.png (451.1 KB, 1066x1611, 1066:1611, 0-Talmud-on-Christians.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 80b780747ef2943⋯.png (413.75 KB, 1066x1314, 533:657, 0-protocols-of-zion.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 49fcbd447cfdef1⋯.png (181.79 KB, 1810x1147, 1810:1147, 0rgs-Soros-Funded.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 956b717611878f5⋯.jpg (94.37 KB, 1014x394, 507:197, Supreme-Court.jpg) (h) (u)

This is a great red pill bread!

Enough truth to awaken anyone.

Here's some more eye openers

58c900 (3)  No.3711296>>3713107

File (hide): 3067a7069d67db9⋯.jpg (67.27 KB, 606x600, 101:100, free-thinkers.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 7272e3f1053c36d⋯.jpg (322.07 KB, 710x548, 355:274, its-the-jews.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 61e4bc5b13e8083⋯.jpg (44.44 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, Realize.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): f4e9d8a4d6b01a8⋯.jpg (105.76 KB, 590x590, 1:1, youve-been-lied-to.jpg) (h) (u)


It's great pleasure seeing you put the "chosen" ones in their place. It's about time this kikery is exposed for us goyim to see them for who they are. I'm not an antisemite, just an anti-Luciferian goy.

70b3ac (19)  No.3713107>>3717975 >>3719038


The only thing that matters is getting the FACTS to the general public.

Everything builds up from that.


Off course, Trump does not want to unfairly alienate non-criminal non-subversive jews.

Still, you can bet your ass he is going to crack down on the massively criminal and anti-America first Israeli US lobby.



Exposing Israeli crime and jewish subversion is not divisive, nor racist :)


Lots of jewish billionaires act upon the US political body to get them to pursue an Israel first agenda.


Good to see you again fren!


Non-criminal non-subversive jews are precious allies in the fight against subversive attacks on US national sovereignty.

70b3ac (19)  No.3713114>>3713116 >>3829491

File (hide): 4cf111ee892fabe⋯.jpg (84.85 KB, 473x466, 473:466, America_support_for_Israel.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 90722ca1f649e77⋯.jpg (101.44 KB, 1080x216, 5:1, JQ_at_q_board.jpg) (h) (u)

Biggest expose of the anti-America first Israeli Lobby in the history of journalism

An Aljazera journalist went 5 months undercover (in the spirit of Veritas MO) into AIPAC (he is a British jew), and the very top levels of Israeli administration are involved in the espionage, harassment, smear, silencing of American citizens due to their need to maintain support for Israel at any cost, the expense always being booted by the American tax payers and violation of the US 1st Ammend.

This will radically change your views on Israel if you are still under the illusion that Israel is an ally of any Western Country.

Part 1:


Part 2:


>Some scenes:

-Israeli activist in the US claims to use false Facebook accounts to monitor US citizens and any sharing of information that might hurt American general public support of Israel. She communicates their identities directly to Ministries in Israel.

-Israel attacks supporters of the BDS movement world-wide, because they are a non-violent group that decided to be só due to it being the best strategie against the zionist military ocupation.

-Israel uses top of the line social media technology to flag, censor, and if necessery harass and spy on any American and non-American that posts information that might hurt general mpublic support for Israel


-The Hasbara (Israel propaganda arm of public relations, see here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_diplomacy_of_Israel ; http://archive.is/xruzD ) information containment operatives will try to attack me in order to try to divert the American people from watching the documentary. They seem quite fond on calling anyone that posts this amazing piece of journalism and anti-fake news effort a muslim, which is quite ironic, since Israel and jewish interest groups (which all of them are zionists) are the main pushers for the islamization of the West (which I am against, as I advocate for the banning of islam in Western nations due to it being an ideological threat (because it is a supremacist ideology))

- The Hasbara information containment operatives will try to divert attention from the FACTS presented in this documentary by attacking its creator, the Aljazera network, but will never EVER discuss the FACTS that are presented in the documentary itself. Typical Hasbara containment operative MO, as you’ll notice from their patterns of behavior

-The Hasbara information containment operatives will ignore the FACT that we don't "hate," nonsensically, we love rationally. Part of loving truth long enough is to have discovered Jewish Supremacism as a major thread in cabal evil. It's a part of what we do here, and always have. It's in our welcome statement, which you can read here: https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html . Pic related number 2 is from that welcoming statement.

70b3ac (19)  No.3713116>>3720698

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The most powerful anti-American, anti-American people and anti-American national soverreigty lobby operating in the US right now is the Israeli US lobby, that is an undeniable FACT, the Israeli US lobby is the main ENEMY of the American PEOPLE, and it operates FREELY on American soil, VIOLATING THE CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS of American citizens EACH AND EVERYDAY, and the most tragic part being, all financed by the AMERICAN TAX PAYER MONEY

Fighting the Israeli US lobby is fighting against the most subversive force operating in the West against Western people right now.

The Israeli US lobby is an INTERNATIONAL FORCE, which operates in all Countries of the world, effectively operating like a foreign election meddling force GLOBALLY.

My proposed solution to this grave issue

Jews should not be persecuted for being of the jewish race.

That being said, all jewish group power is going to end, so all jews can be treated as individuals in the face of the law.

The dems are fucked (red tsunami incoming in the midterms), then the corrupt reps are fucked, then the zionist lobby is fucked, then we can unfuck shit at an astounding rate.

Its going to be very entertaining once the dems are nuked to shit politically, to have the FBI flow from the analysis of Clinton Foundation to the Israeli lobby. That's when the real fun starts.

The peaceful and fair solution to this issue of jewish group subversion of Western nations:


Educate the general population world-wide about the jewish supremacism issue and Israeli crime;


Ban all jewish interest groups in the West;


Ban all dual-citizenship politicians and judiciary in the West;


Cut all aid to israel;


Ban islam in the West because it is a supremacist ideology (make it illegal to: practice circumcision for religious purpouses and; produce and/or sell Halal meat);


Ban judaism in the West because it is a supremacist ideology (make it illegal to: practice circumcision for religious purpouses and; produce and/or sell Halal meat);


Terminate all “hate”-speech and “hate”-crime laws in the West;


Terminate censorship online, so people can educate each other on the matter and lies and false narratives can’t take hold again;


Include the real history and facts about jewish subversion and Israeli crime in school programs so future generations are protected against it in the future, given that the biggest weapon of jewish subversion is ignorance, censorship and the memory holing of the facts about it.

Watch the documentary yourself, make up your own mind. Your national sovereignty depends on it.

ccb5fa (2)  No.3717975>>3831083

File (hide): e5d242857a4585d⋯.jpg (322.75 KB, 980x1363, 980:1363, Synagogue-FF-Search.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 2d24cc3b2820531⋯.jpg (73.23 KB, 797x280, 797:280, Synagogue-censored.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 21757b7c3764fb3⋯.jpg (259.87 KB, 837x795, 279:265, Synagogue-censorship.jpg) (h) (u)


The kosher censorship has indeed started in full force.

Can't have anyone dissing the "chosen ones."

If your god is Lucifer, they are the chosen. They're his disciples.

Here's some synagogue f/f sauce that's still available if interested:

- Pittsburgh Synagogue shooting hoax opinions crisis actor interviewed

(snarky video commentary but valid points are raised)


- Pittsburgh synagogue shooting was preceded by an active shooter drill; shooting used to silence AltMedia (web article)


- In Wake of Synagogue Shooting, Social Media Purge Continues With Removal of Twitter Alternative (web article)


- Pittsburgh Synagogue Shooting is Yet Another Arch-Zionist Hoax



>Good to see you again fren!

Good to be back and see you're still here doing the right (correct) thing. I had to step away from the toxicity for a while. Knowing the truth is like x-ray glasses. Our enemies are literally everywhere, but like you, so are our allies!

c9800e (7)  No.3719038>>3721506


The famed "megashill" talks to other ips to make the illusion of organic traffic… So convincing.

So tell me oh mighty spam bot, if you say judaism is supremacist and should be banned, and by saying "judaism" you of course ignore the difference between different jewish subgroups, do you want to go and tell potus or his grandchildren that they cannot keep their faith?

Im sure he'll shake your hand and say "ok":

>“For me, respect and reverence for Judaism is personal. My daughter Ivanka and my son-in-law Jared are raising their children in the Jewish faith, always reminding me the important values and lessons we learn about leadership, resolve and families in Jewish tradition,”


Faith monitoring is very statist and socialist of you, and treating judaism as a monochromatic religion is very stupid of you. But hey, thats what happens when you try to push an agenda. The hivemind doesnt like being force-fed with propoganda so thankfully no one is buying this shit, which is evident by you posting 33% of the posts here, and your 3 sockpuppet ips posting the other 60%. The rest 7% are the only organic responses that exist here.

This is why jewish subgroups matter. Compare these ones, to the leftist reformists or conservative subgroups:

>Poll finds Israelis extremely, and near uniquely, supportive of Trump, US policy. Pew survey shows 82% of Jewish Israelis trust president's handling of global affairs, 94% have favorable opinion of US -- views which are out of sync with most other nations


>new survey found that an overwhelming percentage of Orthodox Jews support President Donald Trump.

>According to the poll, which was commissioned by the US-based haredi Ami Magazine, 91% of American Orthodox Jews gave Trump a "Satisfactory" or "Very good"


But hey, i must be a "kike/jew/jidf/hasbara" for calling you out bot on your constant bullshit. What can i do "megashill" it is fun.


Please do a copy pasta of the famed "nice projection :)", "thanks for the adhominem :)" or "cry more at the face of the facts :)" punch lines for me. I love it when you go full auto mode.

7182f2 (1)  No.3720319

>The Lobby US/Israel P1 -- Al Jazeera Investigations


>The Lobby US/Israel P2 -- Al Jazeera Investigations


6a2f0c (2)  No.3720620


I heard that.

6a2f0c (2)  No.3720698


Remember what Q said. Iran first, Israel is last. Trust the plan.

ccb5fa (2)  No.3721506>>3791558

File (hide): 05cbd738ea36337⋯.jpg (76.07 KB, 470x598, 235:299, not-all-jews-bad.jpg) (h) (u)


> if you say judaism is supremacist and should be banned…you…ignore the difference between different jewish subgroups.

So you want to split hairs and consider degrees of supremacism, or degrees of Luciferianism? To my understanding, all Jewish sects consult the Talmud. It's their one common law. Perhaps some sects believe the Torah is more important, but that's not saying the Talmud is not important just to a lesser degree. The Talmud has some good sections and some completely awful, evil and supremacist sections. And, too, all people are not that religious. The religious leaders and rabbis know very well of the dark side they so desperately keep secret. It's no coincidence Judaism is the most secretive of all religions.

Check out the 1st image in the post above. Read it all, it's shocking, incredibly evil and one of the many reasons why it's a Jewish secret:


The Talmud specifically teaches, "A Jew must always try to deceive [LIE to] Christians!" …and, "Christians must be harmed" in many different ways and it clearly spells out how. And, "A Jew who kills a Christian commits no sin." The last sections heading says, "The one object of all the actions and prayers of the Jews should be to destroy the Christian religion." A lot of the dark side is kept secret from even their own family members, but the elders all know. Only carefully selected heirs are taught and groomed on the traditions. So even though a family member who is kept in the dark still lives in a supremacist environment and under it's influence.

Therefore, a good Jew must reject the Talmud or be unaware of it's evil. An atheist or agnostic could be a good Jew. Being a racial or ethnic Jew does not make them bad, but adhering to the Talmud does. A great Jewish ally is Brother Nathanael, who is in danger of being censored very soon, or worse. "Baptized Jews are to be put to death." He was born and raised a Jew but converted to Christianity and now preaches the good word and the truth about Judaism. You can find him here:


I'm still trying to wrap my head around Trump's pro-Israel stance. I can't rule out the Art of the Deal though, and what makes a good movie? Good actors. It's not like he has no experience putting on a show. So I'm waiting patiently (and attentively) to see what transpires. Bottom line, Christianity teaches to love thy neighbor. Basic humanity at least teaches to live and let live. But Judaism and Islam (and the Jesuits) teach extermination of other religions, which is supremacism and evil.

I have nothing against Semites, but how can you possibly know who's telling you the truth?!?

70b3ac (19)  No.3791289

File (hide): d40a9320e03bb03⋯.png (411.98 KB, 1048x724, 262:181, Hubris_to_be_paid_for.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 5b9b2384738d34b⋯.jpg (222.93 KB, 1000x750, 4:3, Important.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): dfbd2be4936310e⋯.jpg (129.22 KB, 656x666, 328:333, Jews_talk_about_taking_ove….jpg) (h) (u)


183d78 (1)  No.3791558>>3831083


<its ok to kill cheat or steal from "goy"


>There are a number of important points in this passage. First, we see that stealing from a gentile is undeniably forbidden. The Talmud emphasizes this by explaining a difficult verse in Leviticus. As we have seen, this passage has been accepted throughout the post-Talmudic literature. Another important point is that annulling a loan from a gentile is permitted. Normally, a loan is witnessed and documented to make it legally effective. When this is not done, a Jew is still obligated to take pity on his lender despite the lack of legal proof. Even though the lender was careless and neglected to properly document his business dealing, a Jew must go beyond the letter of the law and have mercy on his hapless colleague. However, this brotherly act need only extend to this borrower's extended family. A Jew is only obligated to go beyond the letter of common business law for his Jewish brothers and cousins. Those who are not part of his extended family, part of his organic nation, are treated fairly and respectfully but do not receive the special treatment reserved for his family.


Robbing gentiles is absolutely forbidden and is dealt with in a separate section. Here we will demonstrate that in no way does the Talmud permit or encourage killing gentiles. Rather, it strictly forbids killing anyone, Jew or gentile.


>Shmuel said: Their mistakes are permitted. Like when Shmuel bought from a gentile a golden bowl (with the seller thinking it was bronze) for four zuz and accidentally paid him one zuz less.

>The Talmud is not stating that it is permissible to cheat a gentile. We saw above that the Talmud specifically forbids that. What the Talmud is saying is that normal business relations is for each party of a transaction to be responsible for their side of the deal. If Shmuel found a cheap bowl and, after accidentally underpaying, the seller did not count his money, then Shmuel was not obligated to correct the seller. The seller was negligent and Shmuel did not have to correct his mistake. For one's brothers and relatives one must go beyond the standard practice of business relations and correct all mistakes - return lost change, explain all misunderstandings, etc. However, for a business relation with whom there is mutual respect and understanding but nothing more, one conducts business by following convention.

>In case the preceding has been unclear, let me restate it. A Jew is not obligated to correct a gentile's business mistakes. The Jew may not trick the gentile but if the gentile has been careless then the sale is nevertheless valid.

Going back to the prohibition of stealing from a gentile, there is a debate regarding this prohibition. Some scholars contend that this prohibition is biblical, as seems evident from the derivation from biblical verses [see Maimonides, Mishneh Torah, Hilchot Geneivah 1:1, 7:8, Hilchot Gezeilah 1:1; R. Yechezkel Landau, Noda BiYehudah I Y"D 81; R. Yom Tov Algazi, Hilchot Bechorot 2:17; R. Chaim of Volozhin, Responsa Chut Hameshulash, 14, 17; R. Ephraim Navon, Machaneh Ephraim, Hilchot Gezeilah, 3; R. Yair Bachrach, Chavot Yair, 79; R. Tzvi Ashkenazi, Chacham Tzvi, 26]. Others believe that theft from gentiles is biblically permitted but the rabbis, using their own authority, prohibited this act for all Jews [see Rashi, Sanhedrin 57a; R. Nissim of Gerona, Chiddushei HaRan, Sanhedrin 57a]. However that may be, we see that Jewish law clearly forbids stealing from anyone whether Jew or gentile.


as for the talmud in general.

From my research it is a jewish religious law book. It deals with "legal" technicalities and definitions of sins etc. it has many primitive sections that today seem absurd and dumb.

Also not all subgroups follow talmud. The Karaim for example denounce it completely.

Still, the lies regarding the talmud are plenty, here is a historic summary:


4b016e (1)  No.3791992>>3824857

Jews should be confined to Madagascar or Israel.

And they should be happy about it.

They deserve much less.

82f30e (1)  No.3793747

File (hide): 1d9f6850720c62b⋯.jpg (384.45 KB, 1530x2162, 765:1081, they-live-1988-poster.jpg) (h) (u)

All 71 Johnny Gat videos in HD720p

Johnny was recently (((removed))) from YouTube & most of his very red pilling videos were put into (((limited state))). Please download & share, re-upload into new cloud accounts, make a YT mirror channel, bitchute mirror etc, these videos are fantastic.


e12a3a (55)  No.3824857

File (hide): 84a97dd520f9095⋯.jpg (142.17 KB, 1420x945, 284:189, FUCK THE FED DJT and ANDRE….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 1254f405390857c⋯.png (175.27 KB, 500x566, 250:283, FUCK THE FED - TITANIC SUN….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 761f7c9deacc53b⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1627x752, 1627:752, FUCK THE FED TITANIC SUNK ….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 81deee9c5eb01f9⋯.jpg (199.94 KB, 1200x1466, 600:733, FUCK THE FED TITANIC SUNK ….jpg) (h) (u)


Fuckin' bumped.

db561e (50)  No.3829463

File (hide): 7dcc4286974d842⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1285x672, 1285:672, lobbyscap.png) (h) (u)

Al Jazeera documentary exposing Israel, "The Lobby"

Brendan O'Connell just released all 4 parts in HD

part 1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rVOyTChStlY

part 2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4GLoRjsqMLA

part 3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J3LWD8tsBcY

part 4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-dSbRTLB58w

db561e (50)  No.3829491


i reposted all links in HD, via brendan O'Connell's channel. :)

af9392 (1)  No.3829590


a674a3 (2)  No.3831083>>3831111 >>3839036

File (hide): 6e05f77079f73b4⋯.jpg (131.2 KB, 603x540, 67:60, social-jew-censor.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 5f985f55a21d16f⋯.jpg (81.57 KB, 603x540, 67:60, social-jew-irony.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 9f3ebad1182267a⋯.jpg (142.07 KB, 826x701, 826:701, Israeli-ICC-MSA.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 10c343ead56445e⋯.png (33 KB, 666x527, 666:527, Loxism.png) (h) (u)



Social Media's "Free Speech" is now Kosher

Social Media: claims to stop "hate speech"

Reality: Censorship of written and published truth

Antifa: Fascists claiming to be anti-fascists

Reality: Antifa = anti-fee-speech in public

They both claim to oppose what they promote

Reality: Projection (Democrat, socialist and Jewish tactic)


Rule #1: Everything's Trump's fault.

Rule #2: See rule #1.


>Still, the lies regarding the talmud are plenty

>blah, blah, blah…

Nonsense! The LIES come from the Jews who study the Talmud, the master deceivers! The ones that lie to us every single day who own and staff the fake news MSM; the anti-Christian Satanists who trick the goyim with Hollywood's predictive programming; the ones who own and control the social media platforms that are using kosher algorithms to censor the free speech of conservatives, truthers and awakeners; the keepers of the knowledge that give us goyim fake history books along with a kosher Encyclopedia Britannica & Wiki-jew-pedia fiction; the sick bastards in the CIA doing inhumane psychological and bio-chemical experiments who plan the false flag terror events so the MSM & Hollywood can spread the fear narrative to take our guns. Judaism is Pharisaism. It is also anti-Christian and their god is the anti-Christ, Lucifer. Judaism is the most secretive religion in the world for a reason and the Goyim are learning.

I'm not an anti-Semite and I'm not being anti-Semitic, just being truthful. I am an anti-Loxist and anti-Judaist, …and an anti-Islamist too, because this Goy Knows. Fake Jews, Khazarians, Ashkenazis, what ever you want to call them, and the Talmudic Jews want to destroy Christianity and exterminate Christians, and what goyim are left will be taken as slaves to serve them. Muslims want to infiltrate all non-Islamic nations, take them over and exterminate any infidel that will not convert to Islam, and install an Islamic Caliphate Government with Sharia Law. These are evil and cruel supremacist ideologies.

We (us normal humans) want peace on earth and good will with our neighbors. Christianity teaches to love thy neighbors. Even basic humanity teaches to at least live and let live. You guys need to check yourselves and just leave us the hell alone, and stop all this damn kikery!

a674a3 (2)  No.3831111

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


This is part 1 of a 4 part hard hitting series from Al Jazeera Investigations that exposes Israeli involvement in the social media censoring.

- The Lobby - USA, episode 1: The Covert War. (48:10)


- The Lobby - USA, episode 2: Managing Elites. (49:37)


- The Lobby - USA, episode 3: The Witch Hunt. (50:15)


- The Lobby - USA, episode 4: Marketing Occupation. (49:37)


96bc1d (3)  No.3831691

File (hide): cb29f3bc564bb65⋯.png (1.05 MB, 965x3135, 193:627, unastan.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): b02726e06c386a5⋯.png (564.61 KB, 1784x2719, 1784:2719, jm1.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 91b5a3578501c51⋯.png (260.12 KB, 893x1547, 893:1547, new.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): e12f077b7afe8ad⋯.png (634.74 KB, 1111x688, 1111:688, का.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): d7e5bacd57e4851⋯.png (113.61 KB, 1111x218, 1111:218, or.png) (h) (u)

96bc1d (3)  No.3831699

This shill thread is NOT ORGANIC

96bc1d (3)  No.3831881

File (hide): 2a99b20f2151040⋯.png (233.35 KB, 522x458, 261:229, pc25.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 2f3a5c18ad59f5f⋯.png (200.39 KB, 522x458, 261:229, PC24.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 96361d8dcbd060e⋯.png (211.16 KB, 522x458, 261:229, pc18.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): d86e39fb7e2af04⋯.png (265.72 KB, 522x458, 261:229, pc16.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 1aefdf71ab1351d⋯.png (171.07 KB, 522x458, 261:229, PC13.png) (h) (u)

d62f4f (1)  No.3834013>>3834111



d84025 (1)  No.3834111

File (hide): 91b5a3578501c51⋯.png (260.12 KB, 893x1547, 893:1547, new.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): bd3758f9f2ac2cf⋯.png (831.72 KB, 643x785, 643:785, BoardJesus.png) (h) (u)

32692e (4)  No.3836502

and How He Fought the Deep State

It didn't want to post as a thread so here you go instead in the JQ thread..

Hello Qresearch, a group of anons from another imageboard have a message for you all, which is felt to be pertinent to the current situation at hand. As Qresearch anons also seek the truth, we feel you have been steered away from one very important truth, which uncovers a whole festering pile of more truths and questions that will shake the foundation of your entire belief structure of modern history.

You think fake news is fake? How about if I told you that large portions of history that you take as verbatim are also completely distorted and largely fabricated? And that it is also illegal to question parts of this suppressed history in over 13 countries in the world? Why would that be?

>pic1 related

To explain further, with the mid-terms, certain forces have begun to re-group and efforts revitalise away from the usual places which are a little noisy currently to say the least. History has repeated as usual, some more boxes are being opened and very well hidden secrets will be more widely revealed in time, well beyond this game that is being played on the surface in politics and news that most people see.

The information here is part of the catalyst that is required to bring these later pieces to position later, in order so they can be acted upon.

I would say trust the plan, but there is no collective plan, just pure, 100% unbridled autism manifesting as unstoppable drive, motivation and force with a historic legacy, a lurking power which has awaited the right time to spring forth.

Never forget one man spawned a movement that rebuilt a nation in a greater way than anyone has done in history prior or since, while freeing it from the sheckels of the (((Rothschilds))) and their international finance machine. You think a few hundred thousand jobs is good in a year or two? How about 7 million unemployed mobilised to jobs in 6 years! Featured on the front page of Time magazine multiple times for leading such an amazing nation building, then lied about and framed for mass genocide.

That wasn't the man below. It was his enemy.

Winston Churchill:

>"We will force this war upon Hitler, if he wants it or not." - Winston Churchill (1936 broadcast)

>"Should Germany merchandise again in the next 50 years we have led this war (WW1) in vain." - Winston Churchill in Times (1919)

>"This movement among the Jews is not new. From the days of Spartacus-Weishaupt to those of Karl Marx, and down to Trotsky (Russia), Bela Kun (Hungary), Rosa Luxembourg (Germany), and Emma Goldman (United States)… this worldwide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilisation and for the reconstitution of society on the basis of arrested development, of envious malevolence, and impossible equality, has been steadily growing. It has been the mainspring of every subversive movement during the19 th century; and now at last this band of extraordinary personalities from the underworld of the great cities of Europe and America have gripped the Russian people by the hair of their heads and have become practically the undisputed masters of that enormous empire." - Winston Churchill writing on 'Zionism versus Bolshevism' in the Illustrated Sunday Herald (February 1920)

32692e (4)  No.3836530>>3836905

of Donald Hump

and How He Fought the Deep State

It didn't want to post as a thread so here you go instead in the JQ thread..

Hello Qresearch, a group of anons from another imageboard have a message for you all, which is felt to be pertinent to the current situation at hand. As Qresearch anons also seek the truth, we feel you have been steered away from one very important truth, which uncovers a whole festering pile of more truths and questions that will shake the foundation of your entire belief structure of modern history.

You think fake news is fake? How about if I told you that large portions of history that you take as verbatim are also completely distorted and largely fabricated? And that it is also illegal to question parts of this suppressed history in over 13 countries in the world? Why would that be?

>pic1 related

To explain further, with the mid-terms, certain forces have begun to re-group and efforts revitalise away from the usual places which are a little noisy currently to say the least. History has repeated as usual, some more boxes are being opened and very well hidden secrets will be more widely revealed in time, well beyond this game that is being played on the surface in politics and news that most people see.

The information here is part of the catalyst that is required to bring these later pieces to position later, in order so they can be acted upon.

I would say trust the plan, but there is no collective plan, just pure, 100% unbridled autism manifesting as unstoppable drive, motivation and force with a historic legacy, a lurking power which has awaited the right time to spring forth.

Never forget one man spawned a movement that rebuilt a nation in a greater way than anyone has done in history prior or since, while freeing it from the sheckels of the (((Rothschilds))) and their international finance machine. You think a few hundred thousand jobs is good in a year or two? How about 7 million unemployed mobilised to jobs in 6 years! Featured on the front page of Time magazine multiple times for leading such an amazing nation building, then lied about and framed for mass genocide.

That wasn't the man below. It was his enemy.

Winston Churchill:

>"We will force this war upon Hitler, if he wants it or not." - Winston Churchill (1936 broadcast)

>"Should Germany merchandise again in the next 50 years we have led this war (WW1) in vain." - Winston Churchill in Times (1919)

>"This movement among the Jews is not new. From the days of Spartacus-Weishaupt to those of Karl Marx, and down to Trotsky (Russia), Bela Kun (Hungary), Rosa Luxembourg (Germany), and Emma Goldman (United States)… this worldwide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilisation and for the reconstitution of society on the basis of arrested development, of envious malevolence, and impossible equality, has been steadily growing. It has been the mainspring of every subversive movement during the19 th century; and now at last this band of extraordinary personalities from the underworld of the great cities of Europe and America have gripped the Russian people by the hair of their heads and have become practically the undisputed masters of that enormous empire." - Winston Churchill writing on 'Zionism versus Bolshevism' in the Illustrated Sunday Herald (February 1920)

32692e (4)  No.3836905

File (hide): 4aa79ce3af224c1⋯.jpg (169.14 KB, 1659x500, 1659:500, Donald Hump and how he fou….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 4d3a6a22e03b7b5⋯.mp4 (673.91 KB, 344x316, 86:79, Trump_-_best_ad_about_me_w….mp4) (h) (u) [play once] [loop]

File (hide): dbf9df0bbffe671⋯.webm (6.93 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Best_Trump_Ad.webm) (h) (u) [play once] [loop]


FFS you burgers broke the fucking site it won't even upload attachments

5th try…



I leave you with one final piece of information to consider.

Look at Weimar Germany, don't just dig on the surface go right in and then look at where we are today.

We are not quite at streets of prostitutes divided up into how pregnant they are, or streets based on which animal, or child or other bizzare and disgusting fetish each person had, in some places this can be done so the world is not far off. Now look at who bought much of this to the Germans. Look at the names, the people, notice correlations, physical characteristics also. Now look at today and the modern version, the me too movement, pedowood and all the rest many of you already well know. Same certain group of people, same coincidences, same patterns, 80 years later.

We end up with worsening financial conditions, ever increasing inflation, pressure for resources, invasion and genocide instead of war but through migration, degeneracy and societal poison broadcast through every possible medium, destruction of the family unit and family values and thousands of years of genetic heritage that your forefathers fought to protect. Even suppression of pride for certain groups while encouraging pride for other groups, the list goes on.

>The frog is slowly boiled.

When does one decide to jump out of the pot - history repeats, does it not?

It's up to you to change it and a greater resistance is needed than what is currently being made. An awakening to the truth which has been pulled over your eyes is the first step, a strengthening and unification. Don't let this imageboard be a containment, let it be a base to redpill from. And what I bring you is the most important redpill that qresearch must swallow in order to ascend to the next level, the mighty 'JQ'. Many of you figured out 9/11. Can you do this final redpill for the rest of the world? Can you fight your own cognitive dissonance and stand beside the truth to strengthen yourself and win? You have such numbers and the most dangerous weapon you can have is the ultimate truth.

32692e (4)  No.3836969

Kek after trying to post this ^^ they turned off new threads. Someone doesn't like you learning about the JQ.

2c5046 (1)  No.3838854


Fukken saved

c9800e (7)  No.3839036>>3844206


>kikery. The jews

Once you start differentiating between different jewish subgroups, and actually learning about the differences between them, then youll see how the whole muhjew bullcrap is just a retarded narative that the cabal gladly receives, as it covers their tracks.

Judaism is not monochromatic and subgroups matter. Saying muhjews is equal to staying in the dark and pushing a false narstive. A reformist or self hating jew from Broward county is not the same as an orthodox trump voter, or a secular based israeli.

>“For me, respect and reverence for Judaism is personal. My daughter Ivanka and my son-in-law Jared are raising their children in the Jewish faith, always reminding me the important values and lessons we learn about leadership, resolve and families in Jewish tradition,”


>Poll finds Israelis extremely, and near uniquely, supportive of Trump, US policy. Pew survey shows 82% of Jewish Israelis trust president's handling of global affairs, 94% have favorable opinion of US -- views which are out of sync with most other nations


>new survey found that an overwhelming percentage of Orthodox Jews support President Donald Trump.

>According to the poll, which was commissioned by the US-based haredi Ami Magazine, 91% of American Orthodox Jews gave Trump a "Satisfactory" or "Very good"


70b3ac (19)  No.3844206>>3926979

File (hide): 953ab0308498d02⋯.jpg (364.83 KB, 1236x2076, 103:173, Israel_father_of_terrorism.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): cbcef4a001f17f3⋯.png (205.28 KB, 1261x633, 1261:633, Rham_Emanuel_Obama_zionism….PNG) (h) (u)


>>“For me, respect and reverence for Judaism is personal. My daughter Ivanka and my son-in-law Jared are raising their children in the Jewish faith, always reminding me the important values and lessons we learn about leadership, resolve and families in Jewish tradition,”

Off course, Trump does not want to unfairly alienate non-criminal non-subversive jews.

Still, you can bet your ass he is going to crack down on the massively criminal and anti-America first Israeli US lobby.

If you’re making criticism of Israel equal to shilling and dividing, you’re part of the traitor Israel first Psyop. Read BO’s post about your activities here, Israel first traitor: >>3842120

>This is what you fear:

Biggest expose of the anti-America first Israeli Lobby in the history of journalism

An Aljazera journalist went 5 months undercover (in the spirit of Veritas MO) into AIPAC (he is a British jew), and the very top levels of Israeli administration are involved in the espionage, harassment, smear, silencing of American citizens due to their need to maintain support for Israel at any cost, the expense always being booted by the American tax payers and violation of the US 1st Ammend.

This will radically change your views on Israel if you are still under the illusion that Israel is an ally of any Western Country.

Part 1:


Part 2:


>Some scenes:

-Israeli activist in the US claims to use false Facebook accounts to monitor US citizens and any sharing of information that might hurt American general public support of Israel. She communicates their identities directly to Ministries in Israel.

-Israel attacks supporters of the BDS movement world-wide, because they are a non-violent group that decided to be so due to it being the best strategy against the zionist military occupation.

-Israel uses top of the line social media technology to flag, censor, and if necessary harass and spy on any American and non-American that posts information that might hurt general public support for Israel

70b3ac (19)  No.3883756

File (hide): 401605b367b4a58⋯.jpg (267.56 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, Boycott_Israel.jpg) (h) (u)


e12a3a (55)  No.3889320>>3918658

File (hide): 7074bfdd80e5db9⋯.png (405.78 KB, 347x3574, 347:3574, SOON 05.PNG) (h) (u)





(((You motherfuckers))) are so fucked.

Repent, or KYS. Rope comes…

e12a3a (55)  No.3918658>>3926953


Bumped, Shlomo.

1a91c9 (2)  No.3920323

File (hide): 6c161d02a1b706a⋯.mp4 (335.37 KB, 854x480, 427:240, DsEaLaXWkAIRmk5.mp4) (h) (u) [play once] [loop]

fefad4 (5)  No.3926953


Well, given you and the megashill pastabot post 90%+ of all posts here kinda makes the "bumps" useless.

fefad4 (5)  No.3926979


Funny spambot, how you post the same pasta replies here, as those you post when you are deployed on qresearch.

5ba4b6 (1)  No.3927790>>3929001 >>3929101

File (hide): 39e3ec96477be9b⋯.jpg (3.68 MB, 3592x6832, 449:854, Big Picture Digss.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 9d1bd60e08b764f⋯.jpg (48.59 KB, 400x540, 20:27, Trix.jpg) (h) (u)

It's not the just the Joohs silly rabbit. Too General.

The rabbit hole goes deep… Go deeper.

fefad4 (5)  No.3929001


>silly rabbit

you meant "shilly rabbit". kek.

"he" is a spam pasta chatbot. sometimes the human handler hops in to give it a more organic appearance, though it could be that the AI identifies that someone actually tries to have a conversation with it, and not just bash/expose it, so it goes to "reasonable reply mode".

You can't reason with "it", only try to expose it as another part in the endless shill topic cycle. They all come in waves and leave all together, only to start over with a different topic to push.

fefad4 (5)  No.3929101


also note that these bots always try to prevent from digging deeper, its always "muhsnips are the truth. go prove me wrong even though I never post complete sources". They want you to think "its muhjews" or some other bullcrap, so that people will not look further or even critically research for themselves and see the bot pasta as carefully picked and redacted propaganda.. Also they wish to portray this movement as nazi for the msm and to chase away lurkers.

70b3ac (19)  No.3932685>>3932941

File (hide): 16d403ef6fad294⋯.png (1.6 MB, 2144x1668, 536:417, meme_1_5.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): e0a9d7e6ada188e⋯.png (281.39 KB, 2144x1424, 134:89, meme_2_IRL_QR_code.png) (h) (u)

Reminder that Israel supports ISIS with US tax payer money.



Spread that shit everywhere, oven Israel (non-violently).

A printer frenly version of the meme in pic related 1 in pic related 2.

fefad4 (5)  No.3932941


Now this shit just looks like a soros/muslim brotherhood - bds endorsement op. kek

The bots never learn and always fail.

1a91c9 (2)  No.3934658

File (hide): b66b84ec866e80a⋯.jpg (170.69 KB, 1191x670, 1191:670, e77898f081b35047fbe5474f3e….jpg) (h) (u)

Underrated bread.

>Reminded that Israel let 9/11 happen.

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