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/qresearch/ - Q Research Board

Research and discussion about Q's crumbs
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Max image dimensions are 15000 x 15000.
You may upload 5 per post.

First time on 8chan? First time on /QResearch/? Click here before posting, newfag.

File: 2ca1bdf21b2af5b⋯.png (6.67 MB, 5760x3240, 16:9, QRESEARCH.png)

051015 No.1512468

Welcome To Q Research General

Vincit Omnia Veritas

"Start a storm." Sign the New IBOR Petition! Fight! Fight! Fight!

WWG1WGA! Do you trust POTUS? Do you trust the PLAN? "The choice is yours."

>>1427755 , >>1489251 https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/internet-bill-rights-18

Board Rules (Please read the rules)


Q's New Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/

Q's Tripcode Change

Q's Tripcode change yesterday: Side-by-Sides explain >>1479521 , >>1479533 , >>1479660 , >>1479972

Qs new Tripcode: Q !CbboFOtcZs

PAST Tripcodes: !4pRcUA0lBE, !xowAT4Z3VQ, !2jsTvXXmXs [ Blacklisted see, >>>/patriotsfight/71 ]

Q's Latest Posts

Tuesday 05.22.2018

>>1509322 ----------------------- Enjoy the show.

>>1508206 rt >>1508060 ---- Attacks will intensify [all sides].

>>>/patriotsfight/99 ------------ _AF1_5A_

>>1506866 rt >>1506817 ---- It’s happening.

>>1506815 rt >>1506500 ---- Avoid NSA data collection. It failed. (Re: Nellie Ohr)

>>>/patriotsfight/98 ------------ RAPID FIRE.

Monday 05.21.2018

>>1497716 ------------------------ Military OP. [Green]. General K [JFK]: RR<-WRAY->Rachel Brand(Panuccio/Pruitt)-Scheiderman. D5

Sunday 05.20.2018

>>>/patriotsfight/97 ------------ Q! Quotes Ephesians 6:10-18, – 1 Cor 13:4-13

>>>/patriotsfight/96 ------------ Those who are loudest…

>>1483388 ----------------------- We exposed the password [#91] on purpose [23]

>>1483187 ----------------------- The entire time See >>1483318

>>1483159 rt >>1483003 ---- ROT = Rotation

>>>/patriotsfight/95 ------------ US Flag

>>>/patriotsfight/94 ------------ WE ARE Q!

>>1482139 rt >>1482048 ---- TRUST the plan

>>>/patriotsfight/93 ------------ They are losing [all] control

>>>/patriotsfight/92 ------------ [6] surv [value targets]

Saturday 05.19.2018

>>>/patriotsfight/91 ------------ Now Comes The Pain

>>>/patriotsfight/90 ------------ https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/997951982467014656

>>1472746 rt >>1472647 ---- We control [utility]

>>1472647 rt >>1472580 ---- I'd watch the news that day.

>>1472525 rt >>1472472 ---- Mistake or on purpose?

>>>/patriotsfight/89 ------------ Updated. (deleted) see: >>1473424

>>>/patriotsfight/88 ------------ TRIP CHANGE (deleted) see: >>1473424

>>1472440 ----------------------- (Password expose)

Thursday 05.17.2018

>>1449911 ----------------------- Messages sent

>>1449784 ----------------------- Guardian of the Pope

>>1449636 ----------------------- Space Shuttle Pic

>>1449191 ----------------------- Vegas Pic

>>1448841 rt >>1448660 ---- Pallet Pics

>>1448660 rt >>1448537 ---- Pallet Pics

>>1448537 rt >>1448466 ---- We are everywhere Anon

>>1448221 rt >>1448152 ---- Note the jackets

>>1448152 rt >>1448140 ---- London Pics

>>1448140 ----------------------- London Pics

>>>/patriotsfight/87 ------------ (deleted) see: >>1447680 , >>1458342

>>1445345 rt >>1445248 ---- >>>/patriotsfight/64

>>1445147 rt >>1444934 ---- As We Prepare To Land

>>1444934 rt >>1444808 ---- God Bless the United States of America

>>1444808 rt >>1444682 ---- Stay vigilant

>>1444682 rt >>1444632 ---- There is no bigger threat to 'them' than the public being awake and thinking for themselves


>>>/patriotsfight/85 ------------ ]SESSIONS[ Reels In Huber

>>1440925 ----------------------- Trump admin to provide F&F records

Backup Q Posts


Previous Q Posts

Find Previous Q Posts at: qmap.pub/ qanonmap.bitbucket.io/ qanon.pub

If qanonmap ever goes down, the mirrors are: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io

Archives of Q's /patriotsfight/ threads >>1313128

* Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/edit?usp=sharing

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

Read: Social Media Protocols

1. DO NOT CONFRONT accounts that are being tracked. WATCH. ARCHIVE. REPORT.

2. If you find an important account, ARCHIVE OFFLINE BEFORE POSTING link to 8ch

We must avoid tipping off the black hats until archiving is complete.

>>1207179 For Instagram mirroring

>>1272084 For Twitter mirroring

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>1329265 How To Quickly Spot A Clown >>1489607 Useful filters

Q Clock Graphic


051015 No.1512485


are not endorsements

Headline News: >>1504997 Second spy infiltrating Trump campaign; Former adviser: “This is just the beginning.”


>>1511755 Families of Survivors of MK-Ultra preparing class-action lawsuit against Quebec and fed gov for damages

>>1511866 Does 5:5 mean Jeremiah 5:5

>>1512096 Story behind Alex Soros pic with girl in black

>>1512167 EPA blocks CNN and Associated Press journalists from attending Pruitt speech

>>1512262 Remember Hannity is /ourguy/

>>1512370 President of New York Stock Exchange is leaving.

>>1511836 Q Post connections


>>1510995 RR, Wray summoned to White House to receive order

>>1511377 Republicans pull ahead in new poll

>>1511313 Killbox update/theory

>>1511145 Megan Markle deep state plot Theory

>>1511600 POTOS quotes Jeremiah 1:5


>>1510194 Timothy Cunningham, CDC worker found drowned in Chatahoochie River, ruled a suicide.

>>1510206 Valerie Jarrett's daughter used to launder intel leaks into CNN?

>>1510233, >>1510476 Huma email horror returns to haunt FBI brass, in IG report on Clinton case

>>1510252, >>1510446 An actual sinkhole has opened on the White House lawn.

>>1510303 New World Order programming getting crammed into every nook and cranny of media

>>1510322, >>1510767, >>1510862 Planefag Update

>>1510622 The "Foreign Registered Agents" statute is discussed. [HRC/2015].

>>1510735 POTUS live at 7:30


>>1509479 Ed is still acting.

>>1509494, >>1509514 O'Calla(g)han - Oh' great

>>1509532, >>1509704, >>1509737 Missing "i" & "G"

>>1509545 IDEN_reconf Graphic

>>1509638 203 days

>>1509666 Chuck Schumer livid over move to exclude Democrats from document viewing

>>1509691 A few pages from Podesta's 2014 Form 990 [Center For American Progress].

>>1509729 Learn Russian, Not from Wikileaks

>>1509763 Is this the [Ed] Q was referring to?

>>1509933 CDAN Blind Items Revealed #5

>>1509937 Cerberus Capital Management

>>1509953 CNN C_A Relationship 1991

>>1510072 Rumor - CNN, AP, and MSNBC Raided by FCC

Planefag Update 1896

>>1509436, >>1509461, >>1509577, >>1509684, >>1509711, >>1509742, >>1509786, >>1509841


>>1508761, >>1508856 PLane that crashed in Thailand tentatively identified

>>1508781, >>1509005, >>1509143 Marco Rubio: Trump losing trade talks with China + Marco Dig

>>1508806 Emails: FBI Briefing Was ‘Trigger’ for CNN to Reveal ‘Pee’ Dossier

>>1508880 Mike Pompeo 'convinced' Iranian people will force leaders to change

>>1508947 White House 'looking into' EPA barring reporters from summit

>>1508857 Q confirmation same source

>>1508998, >>1509057 Planefags - Honduras crash plane identified as N813WM, linked to TVPX Aircraft Solutions.

>>1509022 Spreadsheet Archive Updated

>>1509027 Same place from Q's drop in November. China.

>>1509059 Jim Jordan quotes Q drop #64

>>1509180 SpaceX Falcon9 lift off

>>1509267 Planefag Update


>>1507936 Q/Potus confirmation

>>1508016 Meet the Acting Associate Attorney General (Q) Drop >>1508219

>>1508047, >>1508066 Plane identified? >>1506499 (#1892)

>>1508055 Flynn Jr. tweet re: withheld emails

>>1508072 This Qonfirms Q is same Q from Nov

>>1508113 German software from metadata in Q pic?

>>1508168, >>1508303 Island group close to Vietnam?

>>1508171 Joint Session to fill NYS Attorney General Vacancy May 22, 2018

>>1508197 Pics taken within a few minutes of each other

>>1508323, >>1508384 A pilot of the Thai Air Force died today when an aircraft crashed in Sam Ngao


>>1507130 “…someone at a very high level in the [Hussein] admin. gave the info to CNN almost immediately.”

>>1507134 Jeanne Lin research dig

>>1507257 Twitter down ~1430 Eastern time (multiple anons reporting)

>>1507424 Russian submarine fires 4 CIBMs across Eurasia

>>1507430 Trump aide says “other agencies” went after campaign

>>1507462 ; >>1507792 18 taken to hospitals after “escape of gas” at Chicago elementary school

>>1507475 Falcon 9 launch of Iridium-6/GRACE-FO

>>1507510 Possible interpretation of “D5”

>>1507583 Netanyahu orders all Israeli cabinet meetings to “doomsday bunker”

>>1507650 Avenatti firm hit with $10M judgment

>>1507720 BP ends projects in Iran after US threatens sanctions

>>1507755 Senate plans vote to hold lawmakers liable for sexual harassment

>>1507807 DJT slams past admins for “dereliction of duty” w/China trade deals

Best Of Bread >>311157

Archive of Notables >>>/comms/225 (Batch 740~ present)

051015 No.1512487

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Q's request: KEEP DEMANDING #ReleaseTheTexts until #Unredacted release

[3] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[4] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet FASSSSSSST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Threads & Research Section

>>1254488 – QBOARD QUESTIONS (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>1121104 – Q QUESTIONS THREAD (post your Questions to Q here!)

>>1119245 – TTDDTOT - Things That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread

>>143179 — META


>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>311157 — Notable Post Discussion

>>198093 — Q memed/Newsweak/GreatAwakening

>>870846 — The Letter Q

>>694579 — Hispanic Qresearch

>>674740 — Qanon auf Deutsch

>>1254488 – Newfag Q&A

>>93735 —– Side-by-Side Graphics

>>1115338 – Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

>>1147812 – Notable Resignations Thread 2/2


>>4356 —— Tools and Information

>>4852 —— Free Research Resources

>>4362 —— Planefag Tools and Planefagging 101 >>1311848

>>4369 —— Research Threads

>>32223 —- Qs chess game

>>256741 — Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc.

>>410413 — Q Communications re:deltas

>>1420554 — Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #2

>>618758 — Merkel research thread


>>810563 — NXIVM info collection

>>885933 — P=C

>>904395 — The Plan

>>911014 — Occult music and pop culture

>>957083 — No Name Research Thread

>>1013812 - Crazy Days and Nights Dig?

>>1049327 - 666 Fifth Avenue Research Thread III

>>1272206 - 43 Confirmed Connections workspace

>>1286065 - FIND THE KEY dig

>>1310117 - For anons who wish to learn about self-sufficiency and for those who have information to share

>>1427755 - Battle for Internet Bill of Rights

051015 No.1512492

Graphics of All Q'S Posts

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486 , >>>/comms/487 , >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488 , >>>/comms/489 , >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491 , >>>/comms/545 , >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951 , >>>/comms/952 , >>>/comms/953 , >>>/comms/987 , >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#23 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>1509230

Q Graphics all in EST

>>1411389 Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82

>>1303748 Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures: >>1298492 , >>1302636

>>1148124 Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg —————— >>>/comms/968

>>1147122 Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg >>>/comms/967

>>1147113 Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —- >>>/comms/966

>>1335077 Previous EST Graphics

NEW: Q's Images Posted

Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QPosts Archives in All Formats

* Spreadsheet Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* NEW QPosts Archive and More at qmap.pub features All Q Posts/ Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts (top tags, players, posts per month)/ All Resignations: qmap.pub >>1334710

* Searchable, interactive archive with user-explanations: qanon.pub (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io)

* QMap PDF (Version > 9.2.0 [updated 5/13]) >>1403707

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Full JSON Q archive: qanon.news/Archives (~135MB/~817MB Unzipped) [Updated: 4/20/2018]

'* http://''qanon.news/posts.html for printing crumbs, sorted by timestamp

* https://commandandcontrol.center/ aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools

* Pavuk Systems Q Database: https://www.pavuk.com;user:pass = qanon:qanon

* Independent Q archive resource: irc.qclearancearchive.net > browsable versions of /thegreatawakening/ from before the purge http://irc.qclearancearchive.net/02.%20QMaps/Q%27s%20posts%20-%20CBTS%20-%208.14.0.pdf

>>1499677 Archive Update (not really sure where to put it)

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Merge QT - Awesome archive of Q Posts and POTUS Tweets in Chronological order: https://anonsw.github.io/qtmerge/

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Redpill Flag / Printable Q Cards with QR Link: >>851957

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

*Sealed Indictment Master: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

Backup Q Map/Graphic Set >>>/comms/283



18,000+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>1115338 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

22 >>1485456 21 >>1352458 20 >>1232995 Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/


MasterArchivist ———————– qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist — main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) — https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https://mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

Learn To Bake!

New Bakers Report To Class and/or >>>/comms/154

Read the Bakers Manual https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY9 (updated to include baking without images instructions)

In case of inability to post images, EMBED THE VIDEO FOUND HERE: >>1505954

051015 No.1512511



051015 No.1512516


530059 No.1512528


I am here baker

80d940 No.1512529

File: fdee0160f650e33⋯.jpg (338.08 KB, 1080x1148, 270:287, 20180522_185736.jpg)


this is sauce : https://youtu.be/zlicJO3IKes


i can listen to a fukn picture.

im looking for something that says the flood is coming. its inferred in this vid.

96ab52 No.1512530


"Israel’s arrogance testifies against them;

the Israelites, even Ephraim, stumble in their sin;

Judah also stumbles with them." ~Hosea 5:5

d9fc90 No.1512531

File: 6b295c35fdd4e3f⋯.png (152.9 KB, 602x880, 301:440, Screenshot_45.png)

Last Bread


2df54c No.1512532

File: ca0f2925dea5985⋯.png (135.61 KB, 934x692, 467:346, Screen Shot 69.png)

File: 01b67db4c8b6327⋯.png (154.52 KB, 1068x584, 267:146, Screen Shot 70.png)

Ok. Hannity's over, so I'll repost from last bread. POTUS tweet and Q post from 88 days ago (2/23): follow the money. Also today and 88 days ago, Q posts about CNN.

051015 No.1512533



Thanks brother

80d940 No.1512534



* can't

6034d7 No.1512535

File: a5d61b907999af8⋯.png (351.52 KB, 405x720, 9:16, BAKERCARTER.png)



530059 No.1512536

I was watching the bread, and when it got to the end and came and got ready

ce2c4e No.1512537

File: 7248351edaefc43⋯.jpg (70.01 KB, 620x350, 62:35, 2atcmn.jpg)

File: 123baeab53b7885⋯.jpg (15.51 KB, 256x197, 256:197, images (2).jpg)

File: 5a51fda6f331019⋯.jpg (165.18 KB, 606x1091, 606:1091, Blank _0746a652b4701e5807a….jpg)

File: 29101917fd455e7⋯.png (268.86 KB, 615x465, 41:31, lead_large.png)

File: 932e5f1884dcb50⋯.png (97.31 KB, 566x690, 283:345, obama_pizza_hotdogs_stratf….png)

Guise, srsly. this is yuge. I got the leaked info on the new obama netflix series– a transexual love story about one man who wants to prove that the are no such things as chicks with dicks. . .only DOODS with BOOBS. the working title of the series is Ache, Gaymerica? Mate Again! or #AGMA. i even got a leaked script of the premier episode. it is called _The Love Affair_ and it's all about Obama's 'body man' and constant compainion Reggie Love. "Love was asked to resign — so close to the November elections — because “compromising” pictures from his college days had surfaced online — and the pics were zooming along the Internet highway at such a rapid pace that the White House could not contain them. . .the pictures purportedly showed a “heavily nebriated” Mr. Love performing a homosexual act on another male.

It was important for Reggie Love to tender his resignation if Mr. Obama had any hopes of being reelected. So, exit Mr. Love stage left." http://sandrarose.com/2013/02/obama-vacationed-alone-with-reggie-love-bans-media-from-taking-pictures/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brian_Mosteller

52ed4d No.1512538

File: 6968baeecc5787f⋯.png (109.77 KB, 862x511, 862:511, 12-07_-10days.png)


Tried what the anon did before, except I wondered what "Clock started. - 10 days" means, and put 00:00 10 days before 12/07.

If doing this (pic), then 5:5 corresponds to 11/12 and 11/11 is the last of 350 days (360 -10 days of darkness)

264ab0 No.1512539

File: 405693d136ae711⋯.gif (425.61 KB, 567x850, 567:850, woman.gif)

What's the real story with the sinkhole? I don't normally ask to be spoonfed, but I've been busy all day and didn't see much in the Notables about it.

39512a No.1512540

File: 883f608efb85b32⋯.png (33.72 KB, 533x306, 533:306, 28c467a69d5808691d99c543b9….png)

Declare this misuse of Intel agencies and Allies for political purposes a National Security Issue - signed by head of CIA, NSA, and ODNI (FBI?).

That would allow all - and I mean all documents to be accessible (BHO presidential sealed documents).!!!

530059 No.1512541

File: 869d96e18f325bb⋯.jpg (873.64 KB, 2048x1467, 2048:1467, pepeChurch.jpg)


Confirmed, Thanks Baker

f5c258 No.1512542

File: e8cca2c57eaad15⋯.jpg (87.6 KB, 687x438, 229:146, 319397523b69770a24dff11f96….jpg)

2dffdc No.1512543

File: 70f137a08bb9c34⋯.png (1.48 MB, 1564x796, 391:199, Screen Shot 2018-05-22 at ….png)

BREAKING: Sara Carter on Hannity broke that Comey, Lynch and WH officials met about Carter Page in March/April 2016

Starts at minute mark 16:44 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X6jmaK3N3nk

75da92 No.1512544

File: 239d358e4611c0a⋯.jpg (33.6 KB, 310x163, 310:163, mole infestation.jpg)

97df17 No.1512545

Avenatti running on empty?


Couldn't happen to a more deserving person.

169042 No.1512546

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Former Trump Campaign Aide Michael Caputo Expands: U.S. Government Agency Attempted To Give Him Hillary Clinton Emails…


502b9d No.1512547

So if nothing seriously noteworthy happens tomorrow, what do we do…

23rd has been built up, we got a 'watch the news' from Q. If nothing SERIOUS happens, what does that mean?

9fc70b No.1512548

>>1512448 (previous)

Branding iron sold separately

042e87 No.1512549

>>1512523 (last)

>>1512514 (last)

too spicy not to bring over...

>Lamentations 5:5

>Remember, Lord, what has happened to us;

> look, and see our disgrace.


>Our inheritance has been turned over to strangers,

> our homes to foreigners.


>We have become fatherless,

> our mothers are widows.


>We must buy the water we drink;

> our wood can be had only at a price.


>Those who pursue us are at our heels;

> we are weary and find no rest.


>We submitted to Egypt and Assyria

> to get enough bread.


>Our ancestors sinned and are no more,

> and we bear their punishment.


>Slaves rule over us,

> and there is no one to free us from their hands.


>We get our bread at the risk of our lives

> because of the sword in the desert.


>Our skin is hot as an oven,

> feverish from hunger.


>Women have been violated in Zion,

> and virgins in the towns of Judah.


>Princes have been hung up by their hands;

> elders are shown no respect.


>Young men toil at the millstones;

> boys stagger under loads of wood.


>The elders are gone from the city gate;

> the young men have stopped their music.


>Joy is gone from our hearts;

> our dancing has turned to mourning.


>The crown has fallen from our head.

> Woe to us, for we have sinned!


>Because of this our hearts are faint,

> because of these things our eyes grow dim


>for Mount Zion, which lies desolate,

> with jackals prowling over it.


>You, Lord, reign forever;

> your throne endures from generation to generation.


>Why do you always forget us?

> Why do you forsake us so long?


>Restore us to yourself, Lord, that we may return;

> renew our days as of old


>unless you have utterly rejected us

> and are angry with us beyond measure.

5f5d77 No.1512550


Fuck Off C A Et All

Will Potus Make the rounds with High energy rally's again for the Mid Terms? He almost won MN and that was magical with one stop… and on short term notice. Wi, MI and PA was amazing. 5-6 rallies in CA would seal the DEAL. Then again will POTUS have to considering all of your posts? Love DJT

82aa60 No.1512551

File: 47d96d109b23a13⋯.png (115.2 KB, 319x198, 29:18, pic00046.png)

Mark Zuckerberg's face as Nigel Farage praises the social network for enabling Brexit, Trump, and the Italian election results.

f56dc3 No.1512553

File: 255eb3e00e6e895⋯.png (458.32 KB, 667x695, 667:695, Scalise re Star Act 5-22-1….PNG)

18ea56 No.1512554


Kek. Moles. Occasionally my dog brings me one as a "gift".

75da92 No.1512555


Honestly, what can we do? If HRC had won we would all be fucked. Just carry on doing you, and be ready to act if necessary.

9fc70b No.1512556


They caught Scaramucci trying to tunnel his way back in.

6034d7 No.1512557



410604 No.1512558

File: d1663bb799b3a00⋯.png (3.99 MB, 4063x9063, 4063:9063, -23.png)




This is an update on an earlier graphic that was only half right.

This updated one takes into account Q's latest drop, which I think completes the sequence.

Anons, VERY STRONG Q/POTUS confirmations back and forth the past couple days on this graphic.

Share with shills or doubters.


Good timing

d9fc90 No.1512559

File: a734e3acf84f24a⋯.png (522.97 KB, 484x631, 484:631, Screenshot_47.png)

Bless the BAKER!

71baa3 No.1512560

File: 5362d489e3eb9df⋯.jpg (68.22 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, CFiWDv_UsAALqU6.jpg)

944d6e No.1512561

Board #1900 yeaaaaaaa

70555a No.1512562

>>1511145 (last bread)

Hmm. At least in the next decade there Two threats


Megan Markle

Americans. After of Trump search a good candidate.

6034d7 No.1512563

File: ee6187de7fbe69e⋯.png (255.19 KB, 424x326, 212:163, ClipboardImage.png)

944d6e No.1512564


That girl is a fucking goddess

e2e817 No.1512565


100 more to go before 2000!!

Well done anons!


b5a514 No.1512566


Huma is not Iranian, iirc.

71baa3 No.1512567


Why VJ living with Hussein ?

bd1184 No.1512568

>>1512500 (prev bread)

Motherfucker is using a cover of giving a speech at a crypto conference just so he could meet with someone who can help him stay under the NSA radar!!!

fa0cd5 No.1512569

File: 92baa998941b12b⋯.png (361.4 KB, 531x388, 531:388, 12f9e1f.png)

70555a No.1512570

File: dfcc0283bf5c8d5⋯.png (197.01 KB, 712x728, 89:91, NY.png)


5f158a No.1512571

File: 7f298a9ca0fc036⋯.png (114.61 KB, 624x281, 624:281, ClipboardImage.png)


Mueller has interviewed the cybersecurity expert who described being 'recruited to collude with the Russians'

http://www. businessinsider.com/mueller-trump-russia-matt-tait-michael-flynn-investigation-2017-10

https:// lawfareblog.com/time-i-got-recruited-collude-russians

944d6e No.1512572


She is a dune coon bro

81ef4b No.1512573

File: d58cfdba3af802f⋯.png (2.92 MB, 1900x615, 380:123, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a18694446172e82⋯.png (7.06 KB, 464x201, 464:201, ClipboardImage.png)

Business Is Booming for the U.K.’s Spy Tech Industry

Driving into Cheltenham from the west, it is hard to miss the offices of Government Communications Headquarters, or GCHQ, the United Kingdom’s surveillance agency. The large, doughnut-shaped building sits behind high-perimeter fencing with barbed wire and many levels of security. The facility – used to eavesdrop on global emails and phone calls – is located on the edge of the sleepy Gloucestershire town, which feels like an incongruous location for one of the world’s most aggressive spy agencies.

Cheltenham has a population of just 117,000 people, and GCHQ’s presence has turned the area into one of Europe’s central hubs for companies working in the fields of cybersecurity and surveillance. GCHQ says it employs almost 6,000 people in Cheltenham and at some smaller bases around the U.K., although the agency has in recent years secretly expanded its workforce, reportedly employing thousands more staff.

People in the area are now talking of a cyber “corridor” that stretches for 50 miles from Malvern, just north of Cheltenham, all the way to Bristol, where the Ministry of Defence has its equipment and support headquarters at Abbey Wood. Many quaint English towns, known for their farming and country pubs, have seen an influx of companies dealing in cybersecurity and electronic spying. Even office space on former farms is being used for this burgeoning industry.

Chris Dunning-Walton, the founder of a nonprofit called Cyber Cheltenham, or Cynam, organizes quarterly events in the town attended by politicians and entrepreneurs. “Historically, there has been a need for the companies that are working here to be very off the radar with their relationships with GCHQ and to some extent, that does exist,” says Dunning-Walton. But since Edward Snowden leaked information in 2013 about GCHQ’s sweeping surveillance activities, the agency has been forced to come out of the shadows and embrace greater transparency. One consequence of this, according to Dunning-Walton, is that GCHQ is now more open to partnering with private companies, which has helped fuel the cyber industry around the Cheltenham area.

Northrop Grumman, the world’s fifth-largest arms manufacturer, has located its European cyber and intelligence operations in Cheltenham, where it has two offices in the center of the town. In the nearby city of Gloucester, a 20-minute drive west of Cheltenham, Raytheon, the world’s third-largest arms company, in 2015 opened a Cyber Innovation Centre that it says is focused on “big data, analytics and network defense.” BAE Systems Applied Intelligence, the cyber arm of the world’s fourth-largest arms company, also has offices in Gloucester, where it says it “delivers information intelligence solutions to government and commercial customers.”

Post too long big story:

https:// theintercept.com/2018/05/11/gbhq-surveillance-spying-technology/

502b9d No.1512574


I get that, but you can't just shrug that off. That a clear BS meter going off if that happens.

8a3263 No.1512575


I'm glad the red heads are gone!

Nice one Anon!

b33d51 No.1512576

be scared.

97df17 No.1512577



They are being squelched merely because they share a common alphabet with Russian. (So do many other languages.)

944d6e No.1512578


I'm trying to killer

e2e817 No.1512579


replace Iranian with ISLAMIST

63c74f No.1512580

Nigel Farage dropping IBOR question at European Parliament.

https: //youtu.be/BDMefP5IxXU

6034d7 No.1512581

File: db204e29a3eadbf⋯.png (121.38 KB, 297x220, 27:20, ClipboardImage.png)

d9fc90 No.1512582


Yeah, I was getting sick of that ginger shit!

944d6e No.1512583



a64be8 No.1512584

What does this mean?

Back in 2015 NY DA Eric Schneiderman sued Michael Cohen’s partner, Gene Freidman. Schneiderman is gone


Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman today announced a lawsuit against Evgeny “Gene” Freidman, and four taxicab companies owned in part by Freidman, for allegedly violating taxi drivers’ rights and for breaching a settlement agreement that they entered into with the Attorney General in December 2013. That settlement required Freidman to pay $746,406 in restitution to drivers who were charged rates higher than the legally permissible amounts to lease cabs and medallions – including approximately $115,000 to reimburse drivers for unlawful healthcare fund deductions – as well as $500,000 in fines to the Taxi & Limousine Commission (TLC).

Breaking news today is that Freidman plea bargains with NY state and fed officials


b186cd No.1512585


I like your explanation

169042 No.1512586

File: 60b8d2e729c3f1a⋯.png (979.7 KB, 1209x774, 403:258, ClipboardImage.png)

TICK TOCK TEASER: GOP Lawmakers Vow to Drop Hammer in Next 24 Hours on FBI-DOJ Corruption in Public Smackdown



126588 No.1512587

>>1511673 (prior bread)

>>1511723 (prior bread)

No, UK Royals must stay out of politics period. Talking heads on British news kept saying over and over that after Meghan married Harry she could no longer be involved or comment publicly about U.S. politics or bash Trump. I didn't even know royals had rules until they mentioned it.

Meghan will turn into a controlled bot just like was done with Diana and Kate. She will not run for president in 2020 or ever. It's a huge step down going from a position where everyone happily fawns over her to one where half the country constantly hurls insults and death threats. In the latter job, her appearance will rapidly age due to the immense stress.

If Meghan keeps shoving all black stuff in white Brits' faces like was done with the wedding, we'll have to see whether or not they turn on her.

530059 No.1512588


Got it Anon

83da13 No.1512589


Ahh.. Spoke with someone running for office. One of his first questions after I asked what his opinion on Qanon was and if he knew anything. (I presented from a fools perspective) his very first question after that was what I thought of AJ. Perhaps a coincidence but seems to be a clear indicator that he knows more than he is letting on.

Bravo! My autist brain is very excited to know that people replacing the swamp creatures are able bodied and aware.

34705d No.1512590


Amazing analysis you have there.

e5c1d1 No.1512591

File: 1cf58440983e6a1⋯.jpeg (846.73 KB, 1242x2085, 414:695, 487CAF95-4CDC-4429-B366-3….jpeg)


Tried to get into last bread on time. An anon posted link to 300 page HPSCI report.

b33d51 No.1512592


2 shit pants??

e2e817 No.1512593



98689c No.1512594



I think it could be 23 days. Notice it has -23.

9fc70b No.1512595


Pakistani, raised a Saudi

Obama catered to both Sunni & Shia because he fantasized about uniting the factions of Islam and taking the throne in the Caliphate destroyed by Putin & Trump

75da92 No.1512596


This has benefit of my faith until at least June 1st. If Pope and Bad May don't happen then I will focus my energy elsewhere, while just keeping an eye on this.

527467 No.1512597

>>1512431 (last bread)

The one thing people tend to forget is that both her and her husband would have to renounce their titles for her to run for President. You really think they're going to jump off the royal family gravy train?

3fd194 No.1512598


You know what they don't put there? Someone gets on the helo before it flies to pick up Trump. Then after Trump gets off, and the press moves away, these people get off the helo. Other people come and get on and wait until POTUS comes back. They fly to his next destination and wait until the press moves on.

So you get the idea how POTUS can have lots of private meetings but to the press it seems like nothing is happening. Successful business people have meetings in their limos, in their helos and private jets.

96bb16 No.1512599

My theory for RR:

The IG report is under review at this time at the DOJ and FBI. Basically, so they can add comments if desired to specific claims. I think RR has recused himself after finding out what is in the report. He was cornered. We may not see or here from him again in his current capacity.

I think RR is out.

6b4a8e No.1512600


nothing. Lots of rain, sink hole…. that's it so far.

4159ea No.1512601


Where did Q say that tomorrow, May 23rd, would have something SERIOUS happen?

I know [23] and 'watch the news that day'…

But, what did Q actually say about tomorrow?

70555a No.1512602


Excuse. They use the cryill alphabet.

And Bulgaria is near of Turkey (must be turkish I guess)

c04651 No.1512603


VJ needs to be called out as BO's handler…

b33d51 No.1512604


53b1b0 No.1512605

File: 3e583d64595924f⋯.jpg (115.28 KB, 676x521, 676:521, flood.JPG)

cc2972 No.1512606


So pertinent.

e2e817 No.1512607


we have no confirmation the "23" of the password meant TOMORROW (5/23/18)

watch the news but there are other theories also

bfbdb3 No.1512608

File: 8dd327131c28748⋯.png (18.44 KB, 647x755, 647:755, ClipboardImage.png)

Jeremiah 29:11 MINUS Jeremiah 1:5 EQUALS Jeremiah 28:6

He said, “Amen! May the Lord do so! May the Lord fulfill the words you have prophesied by bringing the articles of the Lord’s house and all the exiles back to this place from Babylon.


8a3263 No.1512609

File: 72dc942656f04bb⋯.png (370.19 KB, 599x338, 599:338, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 81b584fdacf9eea⋯.png (311.77 KB, 503x462, 503:462, ClipboardImage.png)

Trump Goes Scorched Earth on FBI Spy Campaign: ‘Follow the Money, the Spy Was Only There to Help Crooked Hillary Win’

President Trump unleashed on the FBI’s infiltration of his campaign Tuesday evening in a pair of tweets.

The President said, “Follow the money!” the spy wasn’t there to find ‘Russian collusion,’ he was there to help Crooked Hillary win the election!

President Trump, please never stop tweeting!

President Trump lit up Twitter Tuesday evening after he tweeted what we are all thinking–the spies infiltrated his campaign for political purposes to help Hillary Clinton win the election.

Trump tweeted: If the person placed very early into my campaign wasn’t a SPY put there by the previous Administration for political purposes, how come such a seemingly massive amount of money was paid for services rendered – many times higher than normal…

Trump then slams Crooked Hillary: …Follow the money! The spy was there early in the campaign and yet never reported Collusion with Russia, because there was no Collusion. He was only there to spy for political reasons and to help Crooked Hillary win – just like they did to Bernie Sanders, who got duped!

The informant, Stefan Halper, was paid a total of $411,575 in 2016 and 2017 for work with the US government that included spying on the Trump campaign.

It was a lucrative business for Stefan Halper.

Now the Democrats are in spin mode.

They went from ‘there was no spy inside of Trump’s camp’ to ‘the informant was there to help protect Trump against the Russians.’

Former DNI Chief James Clapper is claiming embedding spies is “a standard investigative practice.”

Hillary Clinton wanted to spy on her political opponent and she accomplished her goal with help from Obama’s weaponized intel agencies.

President Trump is right; Spygate is worse than Watergate.

Earlier Tuesday, President Trump told reporters, “If they had spies in my campaign, that would be a disgrace to this country.”


7c2e6d No.1512610


The Queen will 187 her and Harry by the end of the year. Dead weight at this point.

cc2972 No.1512611



e2e817 No.1512612

File: 17dcce96a2adf57⋯.jpg (383.42 KB, 1335x934, 1335:934, D5sidebyside.jpg)

Can any chessfags check this?

3c84c6 No.1512613

File: d2e8565c2e325c5⋯.png (1.29 MB, 960x728, 120:91, Untitled-8.png)


Thank you baker ;)~ lol

ce2c4e No.1512614

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Joan Rivers died because she knew the truth about the new netflix series of transexual lovers Michelle and Barry. . .Ache gaymerica, mate again #agma leaked trailer below got Joan killed. . .cuz dats big $$$ for netflix and she leaked the script.

18ea56 No.1512615


Eh, one must remember disinfo is necessary. Plus Q said don't glorify. Trust the plan.

b33d51 No.1512616

DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

5f5d77 No.1512617


I Think you may be correct. Per Q

21bf8d No.1512618



Q hasn't said much about her. I wonder what her emails say…..

I hope Q has something really good in store for her.

264ab0 No.1512619

File: b3bceb759e48e49⋯.jpg (273.16 KB, 800x800, 1:1, Comfy Q.jpg)


I interpreted "NowC@mesTHEP@in—-23!!!" as "23 days from now". Since Q posted this on May 19, 23 days from that date would put us at June 11. Someone posted a Fox News article claiming there would be some big release on that date, plus it's the day before the North Korea summit.

112c80 No.1512620

Thanks for baking, Baker. You pitched a great loaf.


I call BULLSHIT. Stop forcing your fucking hypnosis shit onto us here, all wrapped up in words & phrases that you think will draw anons over to your fucking honeypot. Go fuck yourself, shill. The grownups are working here.

b46531 No.1512621


I think we will learn the name of the NSA contractor that offered up them 33k emails tomorrow

No sauce. Just a feeling

ab537b No.1512622

File: ade6c305fee6cd9⋯.jpg (59.4 KB, 761x884, 761:884, IMG_20180522_220552.jpg)

cc2972 No.1512623

0875ce No.1512624

File: b5d1768f0be60ae⋯.jpg (20.77 KB, 600x295, 120:59, lamentations.jpg)


qouting Lamentations from prev bread

>>1512523 (last)

>>1512514 (last)

Maybe it's just always been this way because

human life is short, those who oppose don't last

very long, and everyone else is easyily bribed/distract the masses into submission/apathy

That honestly could have been written last week

75da92 No.1512625


She is pretty

0699de No.1512626

File: 16a07b53d6590c0⋯.jpg (59.53 KB, 696x720, 29:30, alien-thisiswhy.jpg)



I had another pepe in mind, but after reviewing your posts I found this to be more appropriate.

Karma's a bitch.

3c84c6 No.1512627


I saw this last night and find it highly agreeable.

b33d51 No.1512628

DO IT NOW, YOU FK!!!!!!!!!

39512a No.1512629


It would be interesting if RR had been blackmailed and asked for protection and immunity to give up all the details that are not in the documents.

5421de No.1512630

File: aee9856d3f8f27c⋯.png (393.24 KB, 365x491, 365:491, LP.PNG)

God, Bless the daily Bread and all who partake in it,Amen

636fc4 No.1512631


fake and gay…errr, just fake

169042 No.1512632

File: 893efb5c030375b⋯.png (73.4 KB, 1020x755, 204:151, ClipboardImage.png)


527467 No.1512633


VJ WAS the President. She and Mooch ran the show while Hussein watched ESPN, smoked pot and tooted coke.

ed6058 No.1512634

File: 147cbca125f157a⋯.jpg (220.28 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, 147cbca125f157a0c96d0823df….jpg)


any other anons down for another party bread for #2000?? #1000 party bread was killer kek

ad0b3c No.1512635


MM will likely be a Brit citizen.

she wouldn't be eligible for POTUS.

a bit more info on the Brit side of the process:

(i'm betting she'll get an exemption from Mum…?)

https:// news.sky.com/story/becoming-a-brit-what-will-meghan-markle-have-to-do-to-get-uk-citizenship-11147904

3fd194 No.1512636


I'm with you

A little variety

Is a pleasure

To the eye

70555a No.1512637

Some news of false flag?

4a6833 No.1512638

File: 4f6dd1c10b2d33e⋯.png (508.32 KB, 764x669, 764:669, thechair.png)

Well excuse me but I think you've got my


Oh that one's not taken I don't mind if you sit there, I'll be glad to share…

d9fc90 No.1512639

File: 04c55a6c76ecf4d⋯.png (12.38 KB, 477x267, 159:89, Screenshot_48.png)





75da92 No.1512640


And the Republican only meeting that Schumer is whining about to reveal intel.

6b4a8e No.1512641


I like this.

530059 No.1512642


Sounds like a great idea!!

c81e64 No.1512643


Thank you anon, here's the link again


f5c258 No.1512644


The darker the berry, the sweeter the juice!

139412 No.1512645


No thanks.

6034d7 No.1512646

File: 950a1330d7b8c57⋯.png (413.21 KB, 959x799, 959:799, pointpotussss.png)

a91674 No.1512647


Very interesting.

By the way, did anyanon figure out what the "Ryan [PR] interview" was? I didn't see anything in the notables. But a busy day here so could've missed it.

5e4d65 No.1512648


supposedly the north lawn is where Obama built an underground room for electronics. Anon linked to an article a few hours ago but I was at work didn't save

425384 No.1512649

File: 93f93ff9453c1a2⋯.png (1.43 MB, 1140x792, 95:66, Screen Shot 2018-05-22 at ….png)

File: 2ba83d2770c4182⋯.png (125.19 KB, 296x240, 37:30, Screen Shot 2018-05-22 at ….png)

What kind of pin is this?

7ecaa6 No.1512650




Valerie Jarrett was born as Valerie Bowman on November 14, 1956, to American parents in Shiraz, Iran. Following is some vital information about several key, extremely radical influences in Jarrett's life.

Parents are Af-Am.


401311 No.1512651


Personally I am so glad that Q told us directly that the pain is coming. He is the master planner and the exact date could be May 23 or perhaps 23 days after he revealed the PW.

In either case, pain is coming.

After listening to John Kiriakau interview with Tucker Carlson tonight, I am now more than ever convinced that JB and RM are not good and decent people. They would be very comfortable and at home in the former East Germany.

These people are shameless and corrupt. Q please deal justice to these two frauds and fakes.

0d4862 No.1512652

File: c9ecbb571199a73⋯.jpg (169.34 KB, 661x510, 661:510, wfaf.jpg)


Let your voices be heard!

Let's start a storm #InternetBillofRights

Spread the word about the Petition and remind the people that they do indeed have the POWER and VOICE to create CHANGE


>#1. We The People have the Right to complete free speech when on the Internet.

>#2. We have the right and shall be guaranteed absolute privacy when online. There shall be no unauthorized monitoring, recording, or storing of our data at any time.

>#3. We shall be given access to the most up to date and powerful technology available to us, with all provisions & efforts made by our elected officials to ensure that our Internet quality is always reflective of its importance to our Republic.

>#4. We have the Right to NOT have our Internet throttled, prioritized, or restricted in any way.

>#5. We have the Right to select and appoint a new special council to oversee these Rights, and a report on the State of The American Internet shall be submitted to POTUS by January 15th of each year.

bit. ly/QIBOR


If you have yet to sign and are on the fence about it, be BRAVE and remember that YOU HAVE ALWAYS HAD THE POWER!



89182e No.1512653

ad0b3c No.1512654


geez, i hope that snide bitch gets body-slammed in GITMO.

ab537b No.1512655

File: 70455bda36dd017⋯.jpg (62.32 KB, 842x756, 421:378, _20180522_011451.JPG)

15a11c No.1512656


Fuck. Them I'm a bitter dried up raisin.

139412 No.1512657


Diversity is not a strength.

8a3263 No.1512658

File: b1e0d794bc02be5⋯.png (220.76 KB, 662x341, 662:341, ClipboardImage.png)

President Trump Changing Rules for Firearms Exportation in Boost to American Gunmakers

President Trump is set to announce rule changes for the exportation of firearms for American manufacturers of guns, which is set to bolster and increase the business of homegrown companies overseas.

The changes will be published on Thursday, which will also shift the oversight of US commercial firearm exports from the Department of State to the Department of Commerce, in a highly anticipated move that was planned in early April to promote increased sales abroad for American companies.

As of the end of 2016, US Firearms sales accounted for nearly $51.3 billion in economic growth, making the industry a driving force for the American economy and a puts it in the position to employ 301,123 Americans with wages of over $15.2 billion dollars.

The 2018 Economic Impact of Firearms and Ammunition Industry can be seen below:

With this newest of measures in place from President Trump, the American firearms industry will prosper even higher than the already soaring numbers.

The importance of bearing arms is an issue that matters to all citizens of every nation, with countries who have had those freedoms removed from them entirely having historically watched their society crumble and an oppressive government come into the picture to further restrict their individual rights.

Acting Secretary for the Directorate of Defense Trade Controls, which is the State Department’s body which oversees the bulk of commercial firearms transfers and other foreign military sales, allowed for a public comment timeline, in which was provided during the Forum on the Arms Trade's annual conference at the Stimson Center.

Firearms sales domestically have decreased under the time period that Barack Obama was in office, where many Americans were stockpiling weapons with the fear that the Democratic Party’s leadership would attempt to enact a form of gun control.

Under President Trump, Americans have been assured that the Second Amendment is not up for debate, although the concern for sales to criminals or the unstable is still being discussed on an almost daily basis amongst lawmakers.

This move will be largely beneficial for American-built firearms, much as has all of President Trump's policies eventually became enormous wins for home-grown companies.

Additional Sources or Relevant Information:



75da92 No.1512659


And Q used what's called an em dash….3 spaces and sounds like M. May 23rd.

I've already adjusted my meetings and work schedule to be able to at least listen to the news.

dafd09 No.1512660

I remember reading somewhere that Washington was built on a swamp there for a sinkhole would not surprise me

944d6e No.1512661


really dude?


7c2e6d No.1512662


Don't forget the raping blonde girls part.

f701b7 No.1512663

>>1512558 not being concernfag but remain perplexed at the inordinate amount of effort invested in "confirmations Q/POTUS" like it is the main game here. respectfully submit proving Q linked to POTUS is strong work already been done, archived. Thinking there is other work more necessary but having difficulty focusing on exactly what, unusual the last few weeks, usually the topic stands out to me and digging flows fairly easily but not so much last few weeks. can i get a witness?


3e4b85 No.1512665

File: f910e60944c9a5d⋯.jpg (24.55 KB, 253x255, 253:255, c802ec49d92a2284999cbb6474….jpg)

File: 3c760069e1fc757⋯.jpg (202.87 KB, 886x953, 886:953, chesslogo.jpg)


ever bother to read the chess thread?

i created it, and maintain it for a reason

your graphic is a bit of a compilation of a few of mine

we are at move 35 atm..

and Capablanca was the reigning world champion at the time, so "capablanca would upset marshall" is incorrect

btw. you dont have to post this 20 times per day


fb2cfc No.1512666




b186cd No.1512667


Douche is going to vegas

5e4d65 No.1512668


Remember that part of Q's posts are disinfo out of necessity. Remember, we aren't the only ones watching and deciphering.

3c84c6 No.1512669


Im sure a deal was made of some kind. IMO its like putting a dirty cop in prison. When his use is all finished, turn his ass loose back on the streets and Ill bet ya money he gets get the special Seth Rich package by MS 13.

169042 No.1512670

Donald Trump Calls Xi a 'World Class Poker Player,' Suggesting He Changed North Korea's Mind about Meeting

resident Donald Trump called Chinese leader Xi Jinping a master poker player, suggesting that China may be playing North Korea and the United States off each other in a lead up to the historic summit scheduled to take place between the two countries on June 12.

Speaking to reporters during a joint press conference in the Oval Office with South Korean President Moon Jae-in, Trump said that North Korean leader Kim Jong Un had become less willing to negotiate after visiting China on a surprise trip in early May. The North Korean leader met with Xi twice during a 40 day period.

“I think there was a change in attitude from Kim Jong Un after his meeting with Xi. There was a difference after Kim Jong Un left China the second time. President Xi is a world class poker player. Maybe nothing happened, I'm not blaming anybody. But there was a different attitude from the North Korean folks after that second meeting,” Trump said during the press conference, after stressing that he has a good personal relationship with President Xi.


ab537b No.1512671

File: d414b2d43555870⋯.jpg (91.76 KB, 1019x1082, 1019:1082, _20180522_014619.JPG)

9fc70b No.1512672


That's why the IG report had to keep being delayed even beyond the 1 year timeline. New rats kept squealing and implicating more and more traitors.

fa0cd5 No.1512673

File: 08ffb0ed3ccb61e⋯.jpg (348.46 KB, 1170x880, 117:88, solomon-wisenberg-2[1].jpg)

This guy is kinda lizardy.

98689c No.1512674

File: 236e8bb9a286391⋯.jpg (48.78 KB, 750x383, 750:383, DP1PeCfU8AEPDmn[1].jpg)

934558 No.1512675

>>1512546 Campaign Aid Michael Caputo - Obama Intel Attempts to give him Hillary Emails.

Notable if not already

d9fc90 No.1512676


Yes, Q is using an EM Dash…not a minus sign that a lot of Anons think it means.

18ea56 No.1512677

File: be404875e22f70b⋯.jpg (24.75 KB, 612x408, 3:2, Cheers, Anons.jpg)

7ecaa6 No.1512678





My bad. was thinking ValJar, not Huma.

6034d7 No.1512679

File: 8e74ec4fcdc52b1⋯.png (843.62 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

96ab52 No.1512680



"Now the one who has fashioned us for this very purpose is God, who has given us the Spirit as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come." ~2 Corinthians 5:5

83e7d0 No.1512681


peepin' BC gifs are the best

bfbdb3 No.1512682

File: 89133de6c4a52b8⋯.png (3.21 KB, 437x153, 437:153, ClipboardImage.png)


Jeremiah 29:11 PLUS Jeremiah 1:5 EQUALS Jeremiah 30:16'''

“‘But all who devour you will be devoured;

all your enemies will go into exile.

Those who plunder you will be plundered;

all who make spoil of you I will despoil.

71baa3 No.1512683

File: 0fb7bc1facb5395⋯.jpg (57.41 KB, 468x468, 1:1, DZJrbTnU0AAFip7.jpg)

a64be8 No.1512684


he stole a Malaysia airplane too.

f9e43d No.1512685


>>1512390 (pb)

Sharyl Attkisson around the 20:00 minute mark

43a12e No.1512686

The doormat that says Laurel made me type Washington DC because it's a permanent doormat! I found a company called Laurel strategies. Their website says "strategic counselors to the world's greatest leaders" "when others play checkers we play chess" www.laurelstrategies.com what do you think anons?

785813 No.1512687


This kind of shit would be a non-starter if this proposed constitutional amendment (by the 11th Congress, 1809-1811) had been ratified.

If any citizen of the United States shall accept, claim, receive or retain any title of nobility or honour, or shall, without the consent of Congress, accept and retain any present, pension, office or emolument of any kind whatever, from any emperor, king, prince or foreign power, such person shall cease to be a citizen of the United States, and shall be incapable of holding any office of trust or profit under them, or either of them.

3b2801 No.1512688

File: f55b4a66855d5dd⋯.png (393.93 KB, 1079x406, 1079:406, ClipboardImage.png)

Mark Levin tonight on Fox…


34705d No.1512689


They're like cancer. NOTABLE.

561e7a No.1512690

File: f597ef8df5fa09e⋯.png (100.04 KB, 1039x668, 1039:668, Screenshot_20180520-101643….png)

410604 No.1512691


It took me minor effort to make a graphic explaining it.

It took Q/POTUS zero effort to structure their comms that way.

Over the last few days shills have been attacking Q's authenticity.

It's worth zero effort to give absolute proof.

ee1718 No.1512692

File: b80223c7e4165b1⋯.jpg (2.32 MB, 2079x7357, 297:1051, Qproof_Plane_Shot.jpg)



Can you add this as well?

Q chain of integrity proof

Nay'sayers be damned ; )


https:// i.imgur.com/ABZWbcV.jpg

c04651 No.1512693


caught that too Anon….

5a486c No.1512694

File: 4a3999978ff13d7⋯.jpeg (13.33 KB, 252x255, 84:85, 4c1ed340889c4e8a3e97cfa66….jpeg)

9931a6 No.1512695


I though this anon is exaggerating


139412 No.1512696


Wow you really cracked the code good job anon we can all retire.

264ab0 No.1512697

File: 8f4c8bc440aadac⋯.png (799.51 KB, 1273x1036, 1273:1036, sh.png)




Read the Notables, folks. A sinkhole opened up at Mar-a-Lago exactly one year ago (credit to this Anon >>1510446 for that discovery).

It's obviously a signal of some kind, possibly about moles. >>1512544

934558 No.1512698


And Michael Caputo said when he testified to Mueller investigation about it -

They ignored it and didn't even write it down!

This makes me feel Mueller's "Investigation" is crooked as hell.

86cdf0 No.1512699

File: a7b0c43cd92f360⋯.png (418.77 KB, 663x695, 663:695, Screen Shot 2018-05-22 at ….png)


The Draft Report review is the last review phase prior to the Final report being released. The Draft Report review allows the principals to provide input on the facts identified and outlined within the draft.

sauce -


169042 No.1512700

File: 3da54dcb6770fe3⋯.png (626.14 KB, 904x658, 452:329, ClipboardImage.png)

Now Q is in trouble.


294cea No.1512701

Anyone notice the clock behind Levin tonight when he was on Hannity? Last week, if I remember correctly, it was at 5:15, tonight it’s at 5:22 or 5:23.

747406 No.1512702


don't dox yer rectum

22c089 No.1512703


it means the 25th will be even funnier

a91674 No.1512704


Not necessarily.

The em dash is automatically created in 8ch when you type 3 regular dashes.

Type 4 regular dashes and you get an em dash plus a regular dash.


Could be intentional. [everything has meaning]

Could be 4 dashes when Q entered password on his end, but uncontrollable conversion to em dash when out in the open.

9931a6 No.1512705


Sorry forgot last bread

414c94 No.1512706


Who raped blonde girls? It sure wasn’t Obama.

feb346 No.1512707

File: 7f75af3f98789e9⋯.jpg (78.94 KB, 721x450, 721:450, PAIN TIME.jpg)



Noticed SPY and the 3 misplaced capital C's

SPY = we know

CCC = Catalyst Control Center? Maybe method for hacking Hillary's emails through comped AMD ATIs? More confirmation? Feel free to tell me I'm retarded if wrong, it just jumped out at me, I don't know much about hacking and all that shit.

b186cd No.1512708


Thx, I watch his clock all the time. It's always stopped at different times

ab1144 No.1512709

File: be2619105bd459e⋯.jpg (198 KB, 1440x724, 360:181, 710_12-5-17.jpg)

File: 355da5025a4d15a⋯.jpg (65 KB, 1440x410, 144:41, 710_1-4-18.jpg)

File: 1a94415cf490ab4⋯.jpg (190 KB, 1440x1082, 720:541, 710_1-13-18.jpg)

Q said "7/10 plane crashes are targeted kills."

List of passengers and crew from 5-18-18 crash of Cubana de Aviación Flight DMJ 0972:

1. Alexia Garcia Leyva

2. Kendry Morales Meneses

3. Gabriela Machado Morales

4. Diego Pérez Chacón

5. Alexa Rivas Figueredo

6. Marina García Vega

7. Maria Elena Aguilar Ramos

8. Mirta Leonarda Anaya Peña

9. Martha Cabrera Caballero

10. Julio Toribio Espinosa Licea

11. Israel Gálvez Martínez

12. Rodolfo Hernández González

13. Vivian Paula Martínez Fernández

14. Magalys Miranda Pérez

15. Maricela Peña Blanco

16. Yainelín Rodríguez Aguedo

17. Eddy Antonio Rodríguez Hernández

18. Ernesto Roberto Rodriguez Oliva

19. Nirza Rodriguez Rondón

20. Luis Manuel Rojas Pérez

21. María Salomé Sánchez Arévalo

22. Emiley Sánchez De La O (Sobreviviente)

23. Tania María Santiesteban Prado

24. Maricela Sánchez Peña

25. Carlos Antonio Santos González

26. Carmen Rosa Silva Zambrano

27. Norma Suárez Niles

28. Daniel Terrero Charchabal

29. Yanira Torres Cruz

30. Iliana Trinchet Mendoza

31. Inés Emilia Trinchet Mendoza

32. Caleb Valdés Gallego

33. Raúl Valdés López

34. Juana Amparo Valdes Peralta

35. Ania Varona Abrahan

36. Juan Luis Vega Velázazquez

37. Rafael Vega Velázquez

38. Margarita Elena Velázquez Espinosa

39. Ronni Alain Pupo Pupo

40. Mariela Cruz Torres

41. Nelson Osorio Pérez

42. María Virgen Filandez Rojas

43. Enrique Alfredo Martínez Nates

44. Ricardo De La Caridad Martínez Hernández

45. Anyelis Meneses Del Rio

46. Luz Marina Milanés Cartaya

47. Yurisel Milagros Miranda Mulet

48. Adonayda Morales Varona

49. Elva María Mosqueda Legrá

50. Yailenis Navarro Díaz

51. Juan Carlos Nogueras Leyva

52. Karina Beatríz Oliva Mir

53. Eloy Ortiz Abad

54. Jorgelino Ortiz Cruz

55. Yanet Rosa Paz Ramírez

56. Yunaisi Pelegrino Reyes

57. Gelover Martín Pérez Avalo

58. Pedro Oscar Pérez Batista

59. Pedro Pablo Trujillo Ravelo

60. Grettel Isel De La Cruz Cutiño

61. Yunisleidys Abreu Lara

62. Ana Aguedo Rodriguez

63. Manuel David Aguilar Saavedra

64. Alejandro José Alvarez Crespo

65. Lázaro Garcia Amador

66. Marla Elizabeth Bauta Rodriguez

67. Maida Francisca Abdala Almoza

68. Leticia De La Caridad Almenares Pantoja

69. Raimundo Guillermo Almenares Sánchez

70. Julio César Avilés Gómez

71. Iskander Antonio Báster Pérez

72. Lorenzo Boch Bring

73. Jorge Alberto Borrego Cabrera

74. Jorge Luis Buitrago Cabrera

75. Gisel Buitrago Santiesteban

76. Carlos Miguel De La Cruz Cutiño

77. Juan Alberto De La Torre Alcántara

78. Mailén Díaz Almaguer (Sobreviviente)

79. Adonis Díaz Oberto

80. Suyen Lizandra Figueredo Driggs

81. José Carlos Figueroa Campos

82. Grisell Filandes Clark

83. Migdalia De La Caridad Gallego Nuñez

84. Jesús Manuel García Oberto

85. Enrique González Arguelle

86. Yandro Enrique González Mendez

87. Jorge Luis Guerra Concepción

88. Nelson Ramón Hernandez Rodríguez

89. Yisell Herminia Infante Miranda

90. Grettel Landrove Font (Sobreviviente)

91. Mónica Leyva García

92. Jose Angel Leyva Chapman

93. Carlos Enrique Llauró Meneses

94. Jean Michel Lopez Salinas

95. Miguel López Marrero

96. Patricia Dayvin Crespo Llanes

97. Yoneisi Cordovez Rodriguez

98. Lirise Cruz Pérez

99. Noelbis Hernández Guerrero

100. Frank Torres González

101. Meinaldo Duverger Ramos

102. Yovanys Ricardo Mora

103. Mohamed Hach

104. Abderrahm Fadel Mustafa

105. Oscar Hugo Almara

106. Dora Beatriz Cifuentes De Almara

107. Isela Savala Franco

108. Miguel Arreola Ramírez

109. Jorge Nuñez Santos

110. Marco López Pérez

111. María Ríos Rodríguez

112. Abigail Hernández García

113. Guadalupe LimonGarcia

Who was the target?

Source: http://www.radioangulo.cu/en/cuba-2/22565-list-of-passengers-and-crew-aboard-flight-dmj-0972

3fd194 No.1512710


Bulgarian, Belorussian, Ukrainian, Serbian and Macedonian are Slavic languages that are written in Cyrillic. Mongolian also uses Cyrillic and there are several Turkic languages like Kazakh and Kyrgyz that use Cyrillic.

96ab52 No.1512711



"Who is it that overcomes the world? Only the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God."~ 1 John 5:5

5e4d65 No.1512713


IF they still hope to have a one world government, and take down the US to do it, then yes, that could still be in the works.

Have you seen them stop ANY of their NWO plans?

294cea No.1512714


Kek, others noticed as well

82aa60 No.1512715

File: 284e37030ef5791⋯.png (669.96 KB, 1168x630, 584:315, pic00047.png)

John Kelly approves of firing mid and low level aides in Communications Dept. https: //www.politico.com/story/2018/05/22/trump-communications-team-changes-603417

f701b7 No.1512716


concur, not aimed at thou good anon, just having difficulty with increased load of nonsense on top of good stuff, since cannot ignore anything, have to invest time in every legit post and always nagging feeling missing something should be seeing

8e7ae3 No.1512717

That last QHHT video someone posted was incredible.

Does anyone here know more about the techniques they are using?

0875ce No.1512718

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


Semper Fi



Smedley @ 2:04

3b2801 No.1512719

fa0cd5 No.1512720

File: 4faf8b43bb50bc1⋯.jpg (244.01 KB, 773x400, 773:400, wut.jpg)

75da92 No.1512721


Will it copy/pasta as a solid dash into something like Word?

945db0 No.1512722

File: 10b1c7ed1e62a25⋯.png (405.21 KB, 2550x3301, 2550:3301, CIA-In-Q-Tel-Predictive-Be….png)

File: 5bd0c3de525c557⋯.png (473 KB, 2550x3301, 2550:3301, CIA-In-Q-Tel-Predictive-Be….png)

File: dfafa0e3dc54b84⋯.png (468.69 KB, 2550x3301, 2550:3301, CIA-In-Q-Tel-Predictive-Be….png)

Can you hear the storm yet?

83e7d0 No.1512723



264ab0 No.1512724


Interesting theory, Anon.

e2e817 No.1512725

File: 4d34127fef32c87⋯.png (30.43 KB, 770x123, 770:123, ClipboardImage.png)


gotcha thanks chessfag

I know we are moves ahead but I wanted to make one from scratch on the D5 specifically because anons keep asking

but I read (not this sauce) that he was world champion a few years later AFTER this game

ca0354 No.1512726


Does it matter? The news rhythm has been taken over. Panic mode has set in and It will keep building more and more. TRUST THE PLAN. The last ditch effort was Stormy who??

53fc85 No.1512727

Vets getting the shaft again. Oregon Dept of Vet affairs told me I couldn't use VocRehab or my GI Bill despite being eligible because 'we ran out of money'

Now I get this notice from the VA when trying to get heathcare that they refuse to provide in house by applying to veterans choice:


Exhaustion of Choice Funds Notice — The Veterans Choice Program (VCP) will have exhausted all of its funding as early as May 31, 2018, and possibly as late as June 15, 2018, due to the unique nature of health care and the variability in health care costs. Once the funds are exhausted, VA will no longer be able to provide services under VCP. VA is publishing this notice of the exhaustion of funds as required by the Veterans Access, Choice, and Accountability Act of 2014, P.L. 113-146. VA has also published a notice in the Federal Register regarding the exhaustion of the VCP’s funds. Please refer to Federal Register Notice Doc. 2018-10058.

(Posted May 11, 2018)

Couldn't use anything right after I got out because my claim was still pending, after the claim was finally finished I can't use anything because either 'you waited to long' or 'we ran out of money.'

Do these fuckers not understand it costs them more money in the long run if they don't let me fix myself and retrain to get back into the workforce and take care of myself?

They want us broken and dependent but only to give the absolute minimum they can get away with. I'm getting so tired of this life on this screwed up planet. I want this life to be over so I can go back home to my star family so bad :(

I came to help with the awakening but I had no idea it would be so hard down here. I have so many talents but nothing I can do is given value by your society. If I can't do heavy manual labor in the sun, do lots of math in high stress environments, or do customer service I feel like I am just worthless junk who should be rotting in the gutter by how most employeers and nonprofits treat me.

ab537b No.1512728

File: 5e7b4a2d12e0003⋯.jpg (56.46 KB, 766x696, 383:348, _20180521_203314.JPG)

fd9977 No.1512729


sell it in another thread

425384 No.1512730

File: c3f3326054c1fa0⋯.png (91.11 KB, 258x266, 129:133, Screen Shot 2018-05-22 at ….png)


I guess it's this. Could be worth digging on pins.

f701b7 No.1512731

>>1512697 White House sinkhole tree roots rotting. FL sinkholes happen all the time in karst terrain (underlying limestone caverns all over)

294cea No.1512732


Just saw these after posting. Seat backs and tray tables…


bfbdb3 No.1512733

File: be679cdcbbc1a68⋯.png (652.35 KB, 500x500, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

3b2801 No.1512734


Levin clock 5:23…I like what the screen says…


71baa3 No.1512735


Red Red 9/11 ? Rothschilds 911?

e2e817 No.1512736



oh and I actually haven't been posting it too much I saw it posted twice today by other anons

0699de No.1512737


Offering my services.

Butt I only work from home.


785813 No.1512738


Or it could just be Florida, the sinkhole capitol of the US.

feb346 No.1512739


Like I said man, just jumped out at me. Could be?

96ab52 No.1512740


apply for a student loan, enroll in a Vo-Tech school on your own and get a programming certificate or dipoloma. Degree even better but takes longer.

One of the few things you can get student loans for that you're all but guaranteed to be able to afford to pay back.

83ebfa No.1512741

File: de1ecfe32c595e5⋯.png (494.52 KB, 719x840, 719:840, Capture _2018-05-22-22-20-….png)

Dear Hilary,

9aff26 No.1512742


what do you expect when DC is built on a swamp, and Trump pulled the plug

0f1033 No.1512743

File: b82750ba5932f5d⋯.png (233.12 KB, 934x288, 467:144, ClipboardImage.png)

>>1512455 (Last Bread - See pic)

>But the best part-

^ Stayed for this.

Wasn't disappointed.

Fucking degenerates.

7c2e6d No.1512744

File: fb7a7372d698ce7⋯.png (141.96 KB, 600x842, 300:421, 1516790180133.png)


Read the crumbs newfag.


169042 No.1512745

File: 0568e2e5ef9530a⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1200x408, 50:17, ClipboardImage.png)

Someone did a good job on this.

7ecaa6 No.1512746


That's the one that killed 20 evangelical pastors.



“On that plane were 10 couples of pastors. 20 people. All of the Nazarene Church in the eastern region,” confirmed Maite Quesada, a member the Cuban Council of Churches.

e77550 No.1512747

File: adf1fed780c4b70⋯.png (207.54 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_20180522-191404.png)


I think I found a Q post in the notable resignations!

3b2801 No.1512748


>Seat backs and tray tables…


87c755 No.1512749


Shut up. The video is all about what's happening now, literally. It's as if Q watched the video before he started posting moron.

40778b No.1512750

File: b09de9b456de17c⋯.jpg (13.94 KB, 241x300, 241:300, AS.jpg)

414c94 No.1512751


No shit.

And why the fuck can you be a US citizen and vote as a citizen somewhere else?

Pick one.

That creepy little squealer, Jorge Ramos was bragging about voting inMexico’s election.

39512a No.1512752



We eat unfertilized avian ova.

e959a2 No.1512753

File: 614759c5b3deac5⋯.png (1.04 MB, 640x900, 32:45, ClipboardImage.png)

5f158a No.1512754

File: 357917788e9f8c1⋯.png (130.22 KB, 580x213, 580:213, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4440df0e1014373⋯.png (171.88 KB, 999x380, 999:380, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c91b37535dfc830⋯.png (25.45 KB, 1005x322, 1005:322, ClipboardImage.png)


More Moles?

Two officials who had been handling national security for the transition, former Representative Mike Rogers of Michigan and Matthew Freedman, a lobbyist who consults with corporations and foreign governments, were fired.

what about Manafort former business partner that was part of campaign

https://www. dailykos.com/stories/2005/5/27/117377/-

http:// washingtonnote.com/the_blogosphere/

9fc70b No.1512755


When they roll out 5G, the people wearing the tinfoil hats may be the smart ones?

0875ce No.1512756

File: bd5edf9fbf6bd8c⋯.jpg (43.66 KB, 395x395, 1:1, congress pin.jpg)

13 stars

13 tail feathers

13 leaves on olive branch

7 arrows

what are you digging on?

5e4d65 No.1512757

File: 7ac9c7f638ad21f⋯.png (722.47 KB, 1000x1141, 1000:1141, spiritual-armor-real-pepe.png)

3c84c6 No.1512758


I agree with confirmation and hop he keeps at it. It is necessary. Plus I like to watch the opposition run around conjuring new ways to prove hes comped. Its really quite fun to watch.

0098f7 No.1512759

Thanks, Adm R


b33d51 No.1512760


ab537b No.1512761

File: dd5142eaebb3594⋯.jpg (45.79 KB, 564x866, 282:433, _20180522_010915.JPG)

87c755 No.1512762

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


This was that video and it's a NOTABLE. 100 percent NOTABLE. Don't judge before you've watched the entire thing.

f701b7 No.1512763

>>1512747 TFW u realize Q poster is some junior watch officer been on duty 11 hours just FUing up like any other jarhead. No worries thankQ!

32a0b8 No.1512764

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

042e87 No.1512765


>human life is short, those who oppose don't last very long

What should one expect in a battle between principalities.? kek

33dcc9 No.1512766


You actually can't tell what he used.

Board software converts a series of n-dashes into m-dashes. Did the experiment yesterday, I'll repeat it for you.

I will post 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 n-dashes and you can see what they are converted into.

1 -

2 –

3 —

4 —-

5 —–

6 ——

7 ——-

8 ——–

→ it also converts two n-dashes + > into an arrow, try it you'll see.

03f5da No.1512767



hannity is setting the stage

ed6058 No.1512768


im with the other anon, its you and another anon just back and forth wasting bread. it will sell itself if worthy, no need for you to preach it.

23b514 No.1512769

File: 9d14687ba7d8fd9⋯.png (82.79 KB, 633x622, 633:622, Screenshot 2018-05-22 at 9….png)

Thomas Wictor is /ourguy/


264ab0 No.1512770

File: 8f23bacfd4a1184⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 2.15 MB, 1970x1430, 197:143, dilation red pill 2.jpg)

File: 8af96340592d870⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 2.18 MB, 1415x5896, 1415:5896, dilation red pill with pic….png)



Time for a dilation red pill!

The left wants you to think this is normal and healthy medical treatment!

feb346 No.1512771


Chessfag, C3 relevance second tweet? >>1512531

414c94 No.1512772


No, it’s definitely true.

And this is the kinda shit they “demand” should be allowed in military.

530059 No.1512773

Baker Here

The link to the video, if you will scan recent notables to make sure it is not already in there,I will add,let me know

35bb7f No.1512774

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Skip to 13:50 if super impatient!!

fa0cd5 No.1512775

File: d1df04a15d668ee⋯.jpg (133.39 KB, 500x650, 10:13, low2.jpg)

9a2e21 No.1512776


LIED AGAIN! Electrocution, no hanging.

945db0 No.1512777

How many eyes need to be on this before someone questions whether or not we should be abandoning the survivors?

How many suicides are we up to?

5e4d65 No.1512778

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



You like that one? You'll love this one from 2007 then.

b46531 No.1512779


Not doubting your theory, anon

But do you know how hard it is to look up Hispanic names?

Spouse is Cuban. They all have the same names

f5f64d No.1512781


Word on the street is that's where all the lizards hide

18ea56 No.1512782


But the funniest thing was when we would type little it would come up liddle. KEK!

9c92d3 No.1512783


No juan I know.

81ef4b No.1512784

File: 905f6d6935515cb⋯.png (2.41 MB, 1902x559, 1902:559, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 385e7e0a1671464⋯.png (6.87 KB, 452x197, 452:197, ClipboardImage.png)

NSA’s Quiet Presence at a Base in England’s Countryside Revealed in Snowden Documents

Civil war was raging in Libya, and Col. Moammar Gadhafi was in hiding. Two thousand miles away, on the outskirts of a small village in the English countryside, British and American spies were monitoring the chaos, listening in on the Gadhafi regime’s phone calls.

The spies were part of a group known as Joint Service Signal Unit Digby, operating from within a nearly 100-year-old military base near the village of Ashby de la Launde in Lincolnshire, a county in England’s east midlands. About a three-hour drive north of London, it is a scantly populated area encompassing flat fields that stretch across the landscape. The British government says publicly that the Digby facility conducts “research into new communications systems.” A more truthful account is that it is an important part of the sprawling covert surveillance network maintained by British and American spy agencies, GCHQ and the National Security Agency.

Digby has attracted little media scrutiny in the United Kingdom, perhaps because it is smaller in size and not as visually striking as other surveillance bases in the country. It consists of a nondescript, single-story building and a series of attached offices, all in the southwest corner of a larger military compound. There is an adjacent field equipped with about two dozen antennas, according to maps of the area, but these cannot be seen from a distance. Unlike better-known NSA and GCHQ bases in England, such as the facilities in Bude, Cornwall, and Menwith Hill, Yorkshire, there are no massive, golf ball-like domes visible from miles away; instead, Digby blends in with the landscape.

The NSA’s presence at Digby has never been reported before. And secret documents published Wednesday by The Intercept show that the agency has prized its low profile at the obscure site. The base “does not attract the kind of press attention lavished on RAF Menwith Hill to the north — and long may that continue,” one NSA employee wrote in a March 2005 article for SIDtoday, an internal NSA newsletter. “The American presence here is a quiet one,” the employee added, “but [it] has a profound impact as soldiers, sailors and airmen work together with their British counterparts to produce critical intelligence on an amazing variety of targets.”

More here big story:


35bb7f No.1512785




785813 No.1512786


Actually…fuck it. No one who holds dual citizenship should be allowed to hold public office. Period. Fuck a title of nobility, simple dual citizenship should DQ.

401311 No.1512787

File: 450cde4c1180973⋯.png (204.79 KB, 1172x444, 293:111, ClipboardImage.png)

James Woods poses a great question: " Obama’s blatant support of a terrorist State was so blithely ignored by Democrats and their lackeys in the mainstream press?"

The answer is probably follow the money (5 plane loads)

71baa3 No.1512788


Semper Fi

500k people needed for the plan then.

HRC 16 yr plan recruit 500k MS13?

87c755 No.1512789


Then you must be a shill. This is not wasting bread moron. Watch the fucking video en then judge. It predicted everything that has happened. It's a notable. If you don't like it, gtfo or don't pay attention.

530059 No.1512790


Baker wants to watch but had to do while baking

b33d51 No.1512791

lI love Yoou, eM!!!!!

9fc70b No.1512792


Dan Scavino should have done that long ago.

5a486c No.1512793



934558 No.1512794


Great video.

7096d1 No.1512795

File: c28b3cd240e8816⋯.png (562.86 KB, 573x535, 573:535, Screen Shot 2018-05-22 at ….png)

Think mirror.

96bb16 No.1512796


Hang em' High. Just saw this movie the other night. It's a good one.

414c94 No.1512797


Not new but still pretty sure Obama is an actual fag.

Not saying something didn’t happen to Wendy, but it wasn’t typical lust.

In any case, you are a rudefuck.

33dcc9 No.1512799


Go slide it somewhere else.

Even if it were real, it's not Q research.

723d3d No.1512800


Found and shared it man.. Just trying to be funny

377cb3 No.1512801

File: 1609daa0529aa5c⋯.jpg (60.82 KB, 1024x904, 128:113, PepeEh.jpg)

b33d51 No.1512802

i TERUST YOU!!!!!!!!!!!

a9259e No.1512803


20 priests

264ab0 No.1512804





If you think that two sinkholes happening close to Trump exactly one year to the date is pure coincidence, then you need to go re-read the Q crumbs. Nothing is a coincidence.

4159ea No.1512805


Not even on his best day….he is not and will not be /ourguy/.

He thinks Q is fake and Anons are garbage. His words.

He also thinks Gen Flynn is working undercover with Susan Rice.

No. He is not /ourguy/. He is a d'bag.

0f1033 No.1512806


>I think RR is out.

It'd be nice if he fixed himself a 9mm sammich.

27c500 No.1512807

File: 928c5029e4ebba7⋯.jpg (1.07 MB, 1512x3549, 72:169, IMG_20180523_075605_01.jpg)

J Carter : Give this man a Nobel.

45: Peace is the Prize.

934558 No.1512808


Just filter - you are actually more annoying.


39512a No.1512809


and bacon :)

456b78 No.1512810

File: 69f2a7b4d1f5a0b⋯.jpg (466.81 KB, 1052x1530, 526:765, Screenshot_20180522-212716.jpg)

Important factoid to remember. These will most likely be in the ig report or a summary of those unlawful 702s. They really do have everything

ed6058 No.1512811


its already been posted for 2 breads in a row, just let it be. let it speak for itsself. the only one shilling right now is you for that video, moran

0f1033 No.1512812


>VJ needs to be called out as BO's handler…

… and then hung from a tree for treason.

139412 No.1512813

Time for a refresher.

ALL of the problems Q/Trump are trying to fix right now are enabled by dark money.

Untraceable money.

YOUR money.

Your money that gets stolen, and laundered to pay for things against your, and the country's interest.

How does that make you feel?

There is only one way to solve it.

We have to create our own currency. A traceable currency. A currency where each dollar can be traced, by you, so you know if it is being used for good or bad. A currency that accrues "karma" by how it is spent, so it loses value if it gets used in a way we don't like.

Here's what I mean: If you knew where a dollar had been/what it had been used for, imagine how the value of each dollar might begin to reflect your benefit. Dollars with a good reputation are worth more than dollars with a bad reputation, because you won't accept dollars used poorly, and you won't give your valuable dollars to organizations/governments who abuse it, and you can prove who those are by tracking your dollars.

No more dark money.

Think about the possibilities. It's coming. Crypto is halfway there.

f56dc3 No.1512814

File: 642a5669293e2e0⋯.png (368.92 KB, 667x599, 667:599, Drudge re Rollcall Pelosi ….PNG)

File: 419f938c7f5cf07⋯.png (102.26 KB, 583x523, 583:523, Rollcall 1 re Pelosi 5-22-….PNG)

File: d29cfb157fd3ead⋯.png (103.02 KB, 588x555, 196:185, Rollcall 2 re Pelosi 5-22-….PNG)

3 Ways Nancy Pelosi Won’t Be Speaker Next Year


[4. She'll be in jail]

042e87 No.1512815

File: 640e61d70259bad⋯.jpg (11.91 KB, 255x255, 1:1, ewww.jpg)

f5c258 No.1512816


This is OK. But seeing a nipple gets deleted. Buncha prudes around here.

934558 No.1512817


Give the link to make it Notable.

966c75 No.1512818


Please say a video exists.

0875ce No.1512819


I don't even think they need that may now a days

with Technology being as advanced as it is.

Don't matter to me, I have plenty of lead for all

of them.

Frosty as fuq

b186cd No.1512820

File: 94325cf7448330f⋯.png (402.5 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-05-22-21-2….png)

File: 1e970f215995c09⋯.png (411.91 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-05-22-21-2….png)

File: 3cc00221c7023ce⋯.png (343.04 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-05-22-21-2….png)


35bb7f No.1512821


That's allright, the video will be available. I saved it offline.

Spirituality is so important.

Spirit cooking is for dark lords. Spirituality with Love is for anons.

8946c9 No.1512822

Sure was my dude, epic, wasn’t it? Preparing the party meh mehs already.

7096d1 No.1512823

File: 8e2eb81dc76f45e⋯.png (89.8 KB, 214x240, 107:120, al che shirt.png)


Weird Al is a prophet.

c9f084 No.1512824


Should definitely have its own thread on the board. Not in general as it is unrelated to our work here.

fa0cd5 No.1512825

File: a7e3c7b9934de10⋯.png (87.24 KB, 388x400, 97:100, ewww.png)


I agree but not quite strong enough.

3e4b85 No.1512826


wasnt really bitching

actually glad to see someone else diagnosing

possible chess moves too

was pretty much flying solo since Jan 12

when Assange posted the map

22c089 No.1512827


that is a road to hell anon

23d49a No.1512828

File: 1128b69a300adf0⋯.jpg (86.49 KB, 650x374, 325:187, the-big-lebowski-jesus-650….jpg)

75da92 No.1512829


I typed an em dash plus another dash after it and it looks exactly like Q's password (slight space between the 3 dashes and the 4th.) It makes sense that whatever command he used, he wound up with a 3 space dash plus a separate dash

8946c9 No.1512830

401311 No.1512831

Buh Bye Rodney the rotten deep stater.

35bb7f No.1512832




feb346 No.1512833

File: e5d373436c03097⋯.jpg (54.52 KB, 777x580, 777:580, Unchained.jpg)


>Roast of Pelosi

98689c No.1512834

File: c7f6846aaf4af9b⋯.png (12.46 KB, 330x129, 110:43, Capture.PNG)

cc2972 No.1512835


Cancel Netflix

3c84c6 No.1512836


I think thats a good strategy. He still has lots of opposition from the left, but as someone who didnt actually like Hannity until you actually listen to him, you can feel his sense of passion for this country. Hannity has really grown on me recently. I just wish that when he has that on liberal guest on his show that he wouldn't cut her off so much. Just like Tucker Carlsons interview yesterday with wuts his dick from california. The more you cut these people off, the more you like like you have an agenda. Just shut your mouth ans let these fuktards bury themselves with their own statements.

53fc85 No.1512837


Private jets and limos I could see, but how many meetings have you seen conducted in whirlybirds? those things are LOUD. though I suppose they could just give them all headphone/mike's and have them yell over the noise like they do in the movies.

530059 No.1512838


I love the Pepe Church Meme, I think it is my favorite one ever

747406 No.1512839


does CNN know about this?

b46531 No.1512840


We will know the name of the NSA contractor tomorrow or so…that’s the pattern

Either the contractor is a big name or he was given permission by someone big

50a0b4 No.1512841

Anyone got a link to a decent comfy pepe in something like a beach chair with a transparent background? Been looking but can't find one.

b33d51 No.1512842



d9fc90 No.1512843


Anon, you still with me?

Okay, do you have the actual password that Q was using that day.

I copied the one that Anon posted that we can copy off of qanon pub.

I copied it and pasted in letter count. It comes up as a 2 count.

So it's a EM Dash and a EN Dash.

put together it's


So it's —–23


EM dash is called that because it is the same width as the letter M.

Same goes for an EN dash…the letter N.



Does this make any sense at all. Am I going anywhere with this?

Any help with this crazy?

f9e43d No.1512844

Did you know that in 2015 BHO took away the power of the OIG?

POTUS Trump had to give it back!


"“I strongly disagree with the OLC opinion,” Michael Horowitz, the Justice Department’s inspector general, said in a statement. “Congress meant what it said when it authorized Inspectors General to independently access ‘all’ documents necessary to conduct effective oversight. Without such access, our Office’s ability to conduct its work will be significantly impaired, and it will be more difficult for us to detect and deter waste, fraud, and abuse, and to protect taxpayer dollars.”

Mr. Horowitz has had to seek former Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr.’s permission, and now Loretta E. Lynch’s, to gain access to such material. The approval process in obtaining the materials delayed review of Operation Fast and Furious — the failed Mexican drug cartel sting that lost track of more than 1,000 government-issued guns, one of which later was used to kill a U.S. Border Patrol agent — and has delayed other reports the inspector general is set to publish."

07abf7 No.1512845

File: 68d84e0534d10c7⋯.jpg (109.2 KB, 681x570, 227:190, POTUStweets5.20ExtraSExtra….JPG)

Prev posts/notables:


>Who is Ed O’Callahan?



>POTUS tweet signalling Ed?

>>1509494, >>1509514 O'Calla(g)han - Oh' great


>Nellie Ohr Ham Radio

POTUS signalling Q’s password 23 signal? Nellie Ohr FCC/SteeleDossier connection? Ed O’Callahan?

139412 No.1512846


The only flaw of the omnipotent power of the free market is the fact that dollars can be laundered. Traceable currency fixes that. It decentralized the power, so not just the people who have money have power, but we ALL do. We choose what is ok for our dollars to pay for.

That is REAL free market capitalism.

b03760 No.1512847


fuck your crypto

042e87 No.1512848

File: 3323dc765f0c668⋯.jpg (476.09 KB, 1476x724, 369:181, 170243abe1d5c380bac15386c9….jpg)



b186cd No.1512849

File: 5ed640383140cda⋯.png (691.84 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-05-22-21-3….png)

File: e84c28754da6756⋯.png (201.75 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-05-22-21-3….png)

File: 68726f9e57a6bd4⋯.png (311.83 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-05-22-21-3….png)


c9f084 No.1512850


Nothing to do with our work. Make a thread elsewhere.

e602e0 No.1512851

File: 8900c9dfca8e0be⋯.png (54.25 KB, 501x829, 501:829, Butler.png)

File: e796c84d61941d3⋯.png (43.85 KB, 503x640, 503:640, Butler1.png)

File: b243cbd6d511fac⋯.png (66.76 KB, 541x839, 541:839, Butler2.png)

File: fc2dcb2d1cffc85⋯.png (36.78 KB, 565x526, 565:526, Butler3.png)

File: 2e1bb1fd423aec2⋯.png (71.71 KB, 546x848, 273:424, Butler4.png)

Eat shit patriotard disinfo faggot fucks.

You can get away with it in some other places.

Not here.

Try harder.

3e4b85 No.1512852


looking for a B6-B7

possibly a H7-H6 still, although i am confident it was the texas shooter.. but not positive

E3 rook move.. naked attack on the white queen

or F7 which of course is check and resignation in the game

pretty much every thing else is useless at this point

unless i have made a real horrible miscalculation.. which i dont think is possible

6034d7 No.1512854


erik prince


934558 No.1512855

>>1512774 Communicating with Soul reveals same Topics as Q



139412 No.1512856



The road to hell is also the road back.

Crypto is only HALFWAY there.

414c94 No.1512857


What kind of SJW horseshit is this.

Karma credits? Have you lost your fucking mind?

This is the worst money system proposal I have ever seen.

945db0 No.1512858

File: 189fe72661b5963⋯.png (3.27 MB, 4675x3430, 935:686, Psyops-Psywar-1.png)

169042 No.1512859


Let's pray something will happen soon.

8a3263 No.1512860

File: 9f55a37ff5d1215⋯.png (422.09 KB, 988x914, 494:457, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4a676d05f6f27bc⋯.png (152.2 KB, 997x875, 997:875, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 430d766fe424c3b⋯.png (152.3 KB, 971x802, 971:802, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4e43e255163d481⋯.png (149.36 KB, 992x906, 496:453, ClipboardImage.png)

785813 No.1512862


I want a head shrinker to sit there, look me square in the eye, and tell me THIS is perfectly normal but my ownership of guns is NOT normal.

3c84c6 No.1512863


No shit, better get Cooper Anderson on it. Im sure she would love to do an interview on that.

7fa4bd No.1512864

What if suicide weekend means "suicide" weekend - as in they're gonna kill people to tie off loose ends?

8946c9 No.1512865


Top KEK.


7998b0 No.1512866

Vimeo embed. Click thumbnail to play.

https:// vimeo.com/watermillcenter

Channel of Watermill Center. Where Soros and Markle where photographed. Lots of disturbing "art" and videos.

c1aaaf No.1512867


my geuss is hell no…unless they wanna get invaded

6034d7 No.1512868

File: fabb8cf107123f2⋯.png (392 KB, 500x625, 4:5, brenannnnnno.png)

File: fa8106085c7f768⋯.png (2.8 MB, 2367x1884, 789:628, BRENNANNSHITTTTTT.png)

7c2e6d No.1512869


but muh pleadians decide who has good karma and who doesnt

93bbed No.1512870



34705d No.1512871


I cracked up anon, the state of the world. Bullet meet head…..

d69e2d No.1512872


Wow. How about this Tait guy almost beiNg

halfway betweeN a dick aNd aN asshole?

68321a No.1512873

Mmmm….I love being a Spaniard.

Why do these people like to eat babies and baby parts? I don't get it, baby stuff is bad for you. It's like cannibalism.

f5c258 No.1512874


What that have to do with my comment?

b33d51 No.1512875


fa0cd5 No.1512876

File: cf32db80a7d4329⋯.jpg (780.26 KB, 742x1697, 742:1697, Frauds.jpg)

683bb4 No.1512877

File: 6c34335e24450da⋯.png (172.73 KB, 580x605, 116:121, AQ34.PNG)

File: 63184fe2d07ab84⋯.png (177.18 KB, 254x316, 127:158, AQ51.PNG)

File: 81cbb71aa6a28d9⋯.png (142.86 KB, 250x288, 125:144, AQ52.PNG)

Lads, something I've been chewing on.

Senators John Kennedy (R) and Joe Manchin (D) have introduced the "Justice Against Corruption on K Street Act"

It's supposed to require lobbyists to publicly disclose any arrests, convictions felonies, etc.

I think we can expand this further. NGO's, Foundations and Charities should be added to that. What say you?

9547bb No.1512878

>>1512574 Something big happening on May 23 was only one of several possible meanings ascribed by anons to Q's crumbs. If nothing big happens tomorrow, then clearly, that was not the correct interpretation of the crumb.

169042 No.1512879


I don't know why anyone wants to pay for video service anymore.

9fc70b No.1512880

File: 540ba91699bf36f⋯.jpg (59.58 KB, 800x436, 200:109, sessionso.jpg)

636fc4 No.1512881


It wasn't Potus. Was Congress.

401311 No.1512882


After what he and RM did to John Kiriakou he should be very, very nervous. Orange is good color for you JB.

e665cf No.1512883

File: 3ed571b4e636380⋯.jpg (716.71 KB, 1440x720, 2:1, trump-steaks7.jpg)

File: 3851216486011e0⋯.jpg (83.61 KB, 634x400, 317:200, trump-steaks5.jpg)


Could someone put the deep state in the gallows in these pictures? Right next to the Trump Steaks, water, and champagne.

75da92 No.1512884


When pasted into word, and backspaced over it deletes as one backspace…so a single symbol.

3c84c6 No.1512885


and said shrinker needs to keep a straight face while doing so.

cc2972 No.1512886


The Official Russian Collusion Club pin.

feb346 No.1512887


I'm following along with you guys, checking my own findings too. Thanks for checking.

0875ce No.1512888


how is this a notable?

Stop linking Jewtube. Use fucking hooktube, its really

easy just copy your stupid youtube link and paste

it in the search feild in hooktube.

Why am i being such a p3nar about this?

because youtube monetizes itself and users by

views, moar views, moar (((Scheckles))) for them.

You wanna keep handing the child-fuckers/satanists

more power, Keep linking.

I don't believe this is notable, some dude saying

someones "gonna clean house" isn't fucking notable.

Suzanne spooner, Keep hoping IP's With your spam shit.

New Age BS IMO make up your own minds.

00d3f2 No.1512889

THIS is how we WATCH the WATER


Verified account


Following Following @NASA


#ICYMI, our twin @NASAEarth #GRACEFO satellites launched into space at 3:47pm ET from @30thSpaceWing in CA. This dynamic duo will track the continuous movement of water & other changes in Earth’s mass on & beneath the planet’s surface. Discover more: https://go.nasa.gov/2IFJvnV

c1aaaf No.1512890

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

785813 No.1512891


Horowitz is probably pretty salty about Obama neutering him and Holder fucking with him. Payback is a bitch.

530059 No.1512892


Crypto was a plan to control us more IMHO

22c089 No.1512893


"the country of kenya is bigger than one person"

b46531 No.1512894


That seems to be the consensus

Very well could be

But he was a CIA contractor, off the books, no?

Could be Snowden at this point….shit has gotten that crazy

fd9977 No.1512895

File: 1461a3ba4a64663⋯.png (9.24 KB, 267x67, 267:67, ClipboardImage.png)

456b78 No.1512896

File: 8ea0678c3a987fa⋯.jpg (446.12 KB, 1074x1531, 1074:1531, Screenshot_20180522-213446.jpg)

File: 9509bacc7b89719⋯.jpg (522.11 KB, 1063x1501, 1063:1501, Screenshot_20180522-213515.jpg)

File: a4c85fe3aad4230⋯.jpg (65.34 KB, 600x555, 40:37, Dd11HNZVMAA__V7.jpg)



"NSA Contractors"

b182b5 No.1512898

File: 23ba631605aec4a⋯.jpg (17.47 KB, 255x229, 255:229, obamashathimself.jpg)

35bb7f No.1512899

File: bc6097660552e82⋯.jpg (400.14 KB, 1600x1231, 1600:1231, 146f9521fb6a5eb516f76887f2….jpg)

Roseanne talking about Love and aliens, Kanye talking about love, Q talking about Love and indirectly pointing at aliens…

you know where we are headed :)


Your own energy decides that. Pleiadians don't decide anything; they just want to help everyone get out of negativity and into the Light.


Thank you!

70555a No.1512900



4159ea No.1512901


Twatterverse has gone nuts with popcorn for tomorrow.

Q never said anything about tomorrow.

96ab52 No.1512902


>>1512523 (last)

>>1512514 (You) (last)

I do think this is the most fitting...

May not be 'the' 5:5 reference - but it's certainly appropriate.

cc2972 No.1512903


Yeah,dont talk to me about Marine Bob. Freakin crook.

53cad6 No.1512904

File: f29293b8d394026⋯.jpg (78 KB, 749x439, 749:439, Hybrid.jpg)

At The Door Step

8a3263 No.1512905

File: 1582657f752fda5⋯.png (1014.53 KB, 998x547, 998:547, ClipboardImage.png)

North Korean authorities have approved the list of South Korean reporters hoping to cover the dismantlement of the Punggye-ri nuclear test site after refusing the go-ahead several times, local media reported on Wednesday.

The list including four people was handed through a special communication channel set up in the demilitarized zone between the two countries, Yonhap news agency reported, citing South Korea's Unification Ministry.

A number of foreign journalists, including Russian reporters, have already been transported from Beijing to the North Korean city of Wonsan.

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un announced the shutdown of the Punggye-ri site during his summit with South Korean President Moon Jae-in in late April.

However, the relations between the South and the North, that improved dramatically since the beginning of the year, entered a new period of uncertainty as the United States and South Korea resumed military drills. Pyongyang has objected to the military exercises, which it sees as a threat.


8312b6 No.1512906


Kirakau's story is sadly not uncommon! It enrages me to think how many good people have been taken out by these demons. After all, the process is the punishment. They bankrupt you so that you have no choice but to make a deal! So it's not just about going after you to put you in prison, they have LITERALLY been destroying families, stealing livelihoods. REMEMBER, they did this to Erik Prince long before they targeted Gen Flynn. Lucky for Prince he had the money to fight them, but his reputation has forever been stained in the public consciousness.

Those are two very dangerous men to have against you. :)

13f21a No.1512907


"Hypnosis session"

Why is this good?

139412 No.1512908


Karma credits, hahaha no.

Real currency, created by whoever you prefer. Open source, or however you prefer. The only stipulation I am saying it needs is traceability. You have to be able to trace your money.

Until we do that, dark money - and therefore evil paid for by you - will continue to exist. Let's hope that's not for long.

93bbed No.1512909





2,844 Separate Data Breaches

In February 2018, a massive collection of almost 3,000 alleged data breaches was found online. Whilst some of the data had previously been seen in Have I Been Pwned, 2,844 of the files consisting of more than 80 million unique email addresses had not previously been seen. Each file contained both an email address and plain text password and were consequently loaded as a single "unverified" data breach.

Breach date: 19 February 2018

Date added to HIBP: 26 February 2018

Compromised accounts: 80,115,532

Compromised data: Email addresses, Passwords

ed6058 No.1512910

File: 788e566e76dab29⋯.jpg (16.84 KB, 300x221, 300:221, chekem.jpg)


its two anons backpacking off each other shilling for it, new slide tactic. sadly they got the baker on board

bd2616 No.1512912


So now Q tells anons FU?

169042 No.1512913


We love good shows. hehe.

a64be8 No.1512914


who is VJ's handler?

22c089 No.1512915


i think white hats are intentionally putting out disinfo in order to get us to actually think for ourselves instead of just blindly going "muh q or roseanne said it" truth is somewhere in the middle

7ecaa6 No.1512916


fake Q

8a3263 No.1512917

File: 922d09e13c12de6⋯.png (516.81 KB, 632x842, 316:421, ClipboardImage.png)

139412 No.1512918


Crypto is only HALFWAY there. Decentralizing is the first step.

93bbed No.1512919


Yep, replies after replies

39512a No.1512920

File: 47ac7ba45b2e1ca⋯.png (536.01 KB, 1280x841, 1280:841, ec8.png)

E 8C Joint Stars Command Center up North of Vegas.

73bd26 No.1512921





4159ea No.1512922


And he's probably had access to Gen Flynn…who also holds a grudge against obammy and crew…

68321a No.1512923



Seriosly? Cocaine and some steroids not enough.

These people are sick and dumb, once you cross over into usnig other people or even worse, using, eating or abusing their body parts you are selling your soul, piece by piece to the devil and cutting yourself off from Gods reach.

15a11c No.1512924

The top US diplomat in Caracas, Venezuela and his deputy have been ordered to leave the country after allegedly conspiring against the government, President Nicolas Maduro announced.

"I have declared him persona non grata and I announce the exit of the US chargé d'affaires in 48 hours," Maduro said on Tuesday, referring to Todd Robinson. His deputy, Brian Naranjo, was also expelled.

The expulsion comes after Washington denounced Maduro’s victory in Venezuela’s elections on Sunday as a “sham.” Maduro won 4 million votes more than the second-placed opposition candidate Henri Falcon, but the turnout was just over 46 percent.

Washington insists that Maduro is running a socialist dictatorship, with US Vice President Mike Pence calling the election “neither free nor fair” and saying the “fake process” was a blow to the “proud democratic tradition” of Venezuela.

The Trump administration sanctioned all purchases of Venezuelan debt on Monday, but stopped short of blocking oil sales.

Maduro slammed the sanctions as “arbitrary and unilateral measures” that constitute a “crime against humanity.”

The Venezuelan Foreign Ministry also criticized the “systematic campaign of aggression and hostility” from the United States, which it said was aimed at punishing the Venezuelan people “for exercising their right to vote.”

The EU has followed Washington’s lead in condemning the Venezuelan elections, saying that the presidential and regional polls "went ahead without a national agreement on an electoral calendar and without complying with the minimum international standards for a credible process.”

The US has been piling on punitive measures against the Venezuelan government while claiming to be looking out for the people of that Latin American country. On Friday, the US Treasury blacklisted influential Maduro supporter Diosdado Cabello, his wife Marleny and his brother Jose, alleging they were running a “corruption network” based on illegal drug trade. Cabello, the vice president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), has rejected the accusations as false.

Venezuela has not had a proper US ambassador since July 2010, after the authorities in Caracas withdrew the agreement for the appointment of Larry L. Palmer, nominated by then-President Barack Obama. His predecessor, Patrick Duddy, was expelled by President Hugo Chavez in 2008, but was able to return and serve out the rest of his term the following year, after the Obama administration restored diplomatic relations with Caracas.

Robinson, a career diplomat, took over the embassy in Caracas in September 2017. Prior to that, he was US ambassador to Guatemala.


042e87 No.1512925

File: 33f39fbb7abf15c⋯.png (2.36 MB, 2346x1294, 1173:647, BRENNANENHANCE.png)

9fc70b No.1512926

File: f85085180f2c809⋯.jpg (53.76 KB, 433x560, 433:560, nukead1.jpg)

Can you imagine if Horiwitz released the entire, unredacted IG Report tomorrow?

f5c258 No.1512927

File: cfd089fb82ae401⋯.jpg (792.58 KB, 1024x1366, 512:683, Benjamin_Netanyahu_2012.jpg)

748c76 No.1512928

File: fdea9a1b6842cd9⋯.jpg (78.39 KB, 381x471, 127:157, 2aofj5.jpg)

b46531 No.1512930


Coming around full circle

f701b7 No.1512931

>>1512804 not fighting you on that, its just sinkholes per se don't seem to be massively symbolic or important. also if annual hydrant/main flushing is scheduled same date every year in irrigation or other water system, a natural cause is also possible. If everything is significant, nothing is significant. But I could be wrong, Q drops something about sinkholes then thou has my attention good anon.

0875ce No.1512932

File: 72594f8afa00475⋯.jpg (17.87 KB, 235x255, 47:51, De moley pepe point.jpg)


>backpacking off each other shilling.

d9fc90 No.1512933

File: 04c55a6c76ecf4d⋯.png (12.38 KB, 477x267, 159:89, Screenshot_48.png)


What do you mean "backspaced" over?

When I copy it from qanon pub, it comes up as two characters. Clearly an EM and an EN dash?

It's two characters, imo, not one. The length is longer than an actual EM dash.

c1aaaf No.1512934

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

i bet ya mt kilauea

blows her top soon…..its gonna worse than mt st helens

07abf7 No.1512935

File: 7f27f3b94360114⋯.jpg (82 KB, 1012x502, 506:251, ObamaValerieJarrettForMama.JPG)


Jarrett also Jewish, so has a list of divided loyalties. Likely Obama's handler, or one of them.

93bbed No.1512936

I think Troy Hunt is over the target

fa0cd5 No.1512937

File: 2fa246599343aae⋯.jpg (132.95 KB, 450x300, 3:2, seaman.jpg)


Crypto is fake bullshit for stupid fucks.

Pic VERY related.

414c94 No.1512938


I would rather pay my bills in chickens

Actual fucking chickens.

<don’t trust fiat currency because it’s just paper

<here, trust my currency based on electrical impulses and magnetic storage

456b78 No.1512939


Khomeinei. MB.

32a0b8 No.1512940

96bb16 No.1512941


Like it.

c81e64 No.1512942

File: 72bc79c6e1a478e⋯.jpg (842.76 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20180522-223224….jpg)

File: 9dd5595787ca681⋯.jpg (863.53 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20180522-223315….jpg)

File: 7318dcc7a3d34bd⋯.jpg (252.29 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20180522-223320….jpg)

More swalwell/ Podesta emails


Pics. Also related will be posting several

70555a No.1512943


Reptilian Souls.

They aren't humans.

35bb7f No.1512944


Have you watched the video? What does this prove? From who and when?

Ignore the shills whose demons have activated and are attacking a valid proof of higher truths.

Who would have the knowledge to say such things back then? Do you believe in coincidences?

4159ea No.1512945


I don't question the plan.

I question anons and others attributing things to Q that aren't there.

6034d7 No.1512946





3c84c6 No.1512947


Yea fuck crypto. Everyone wants to know why computer hacking and identity theft is on such a rise? Its because hackers can sell credit card numbers more easily without being traced. Not to mention the fucking child porn, snuff films, and murder for hire websites on the darkweb hole of hell.

15a11c No.1512948


Didn't block oil sales.

Sanctioned. Just like Iran

Regime change agenda. Just like Iran.

Same old play book.

Over and over and over and over.

e2e817 No.1512949

File: a5ccdf92c1ec825⋯.png (1.54 MB, 1447x1516, 1447:1516, draintheswamp1.png)

I think this is a good meme theme (thmeme)


^^ make your own

70555a No.1512950


A War soon…

Think about it.

139412 No.1512951


Agreed. But it is halfway there. So don't discount the technology. We just have to get it right. It's not there yet.

945db0 No.1512952

File: 33e7dc3e5552756⋯.png (794.07 KB, 2100x1122, 350:187, Screen Shot 2018-05-22 at ….png)

File: dc219ff6e1d8661⋯.png (234.74 KB, 1290x532, 645:266, Screen Shot 2018-05-22 at ….png)

c590bb No.1512953

Read that Meghan Merkle piece in the notables. Don't see that happening. That chick is a dolt. Not 'Maxine-level' stupid, but stupid nonetheless. She's also used to be a whore before she became a famous TV star. And she was a whore after she became a TV star too. There are naked pictures of her out there. I'd say she has her two little hands full for now—trying to fit herself into the world of the Windsors. Maybe she can suceed where Sarah Ferguson and Diana Spencer both failed miserably? I doubt it.

I agree that she will be back in the USA again in about 2 years but it will not be to run for president. Thats just about how long it will take for him to get tired of her and for them to run her off.

Even if it was possible, the D's would never select a person like her. She would be too easy to beat. Who with a title like 'Her Royal Highness, the Dutchess' can ever win any election in the USA?

169042 No.1512954


Nice… There is something really wrong about Montagraph.

0dec05 No.1512955

File: a2dca0017828fb6⋯.png (42.04 KB, 699x407, 699:407, BonginoNames.png)

Twat from 5 days ago, but might "age well"

53cad6 No.1512956

People can be hynotised and made to bark like

dogs on stage as entertainment.

They can be made to do all kinds of embarassing

things, as entertainment.

So, such a thing has power to alter our minds and

influence our behaviors.

Televisions (through flicker rate and sound) also

hypnotise us, yet we are unaware and are thus

having our minds altered while we are unaware.

One of the worlds leading satanists said that

the greatest tool they've ever had, is televison.

They are defeating our society by changing

the way we think one satanic show at a time.

5a486c No.1512957

File: a39243f914a34fc⋯.jpeg (174.2 KB, 1440x812, 360:203, 1527037746.jpeg)

c9f084 No.1512958

Beautiful work anon.


e57691 No.1512959


Roseanne got support here and Trump supporters in general. Then she goes on her pro-Israel and anti-child trafficking and mind control rants, exonerating Israel in some people's minds.

27c500 No.1512960

File: 7ad12cdd1855063⋯.jpg (47.67 KB, 500x699, 500:699, IMG_20180523_081207.jpg)

d9fc90 No.1512961



See? I copied this directly from qanon pub, the dash is longer than a single EM dash. It's a combination of "m" and "n" dashes.

93bbed No.1512962



70555a No.1512963


The shills are fast.

4a6833 No.1512964


They left off


Death by rope.

fd9977 No.1512965

File: b52e99b64cf5814⋯.png (82.71 KB, 249x500, 249:500, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bbbe97674191c3e⋯.png (39.11 KB, 500x500, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 65b03547dc72597⋯.png (176.67 KB, 500x500, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

6034d7 No.1512966



96ab52 No.1512967


I generally don't follow normie-Q users.

Too much bad info (sadly) and often, too much crazy. Prefer to get my info from here and directly from sources (politician twats, MSM celebs, notable HW celebs, foreign leaders and notables etc)

86cdf0 No.1512968

File: 5abe626957204e0⋯.jpeg (10.16 KB, 300x168, 25:14, download.jpeg)

Congress' request for a special counsel further sets the stage for the OIG report.

Once OIG report becomes public and Huber immediately unseals indictments and starts prosecuting Congress will chill on special prosecutor. No need.

Trust Sessions

Trust Huber

Trust Horowitz

…and [RR] is in the kill box which will open the way for Sessions to be further activated.

32a0b8 No.1512969


they sure die like humans

318b9b No.1512970

File: e4b3217295451b7⋯.jpg (110.91 KB, 1080x966, 180:161, e4b3217295451b7a2879e5b93d….jpg)

8946c9 No.1512971


You can get it here anon, i tested it and the last one itt. The dashes got me also.


256990 No.1512973


Aliens aren't god.

Humanity made that mistake the first time.

The Cabal has taken advantage of that mistake for hundreds of years.cc

22c089 No.1512974


helper anon said last night they have same anatomy as us but they are not people.

ca0354 No.1512975


Wictor is good and he is very smart. He is good to follow but do not engage. He does not like dissent. You question him and your blocked. For that he is still a liberal progressive. AS for the other reply to this post. It is fine he does not believe in Q. And as for his dislike of Anon's.. its a culture that he does not understand. However he should understand it because he has a following that hangs onto his every words. So is he very much like Q? I hear it now SHILL SHILL.. No I am just a oldfag that questions everything. I have been following this since 4chan. I followed many. FBI Anon and the dude that was talking about destructive technology.. He had some good points! I could care less if Q is real or a LARP because positive things are happening here. Things that this oldfag has been anonymously working on for years…. What is happening is real and when it is all said and done.. That is all that matters.

c81e64 No.1512976

File: b6131303c043794⋯.jpg (771.32 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20180522-223340….jpg)

File: 132e86fd4bd6729⋯.jpg (905.13 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20180522-223347….jpg)


Cont. Swalwell /podesta

35bb7f No.1512978


Truth is like a lion. I don't have to defend Pleiadians for one second. I only do this for you.

cf20af No.1512979


More powerful than money


401311 No.1512980


Downer is closely aligned with HRC. That should tell us all we need to know..

683bb4 No.1512981


I'll let my brain stew on it over night Make contact with them. If a regular person has a background check that shows compiled info and history, then why not agencies?

4159ea No.1512982





27c500 No.1512983

File: c712c74de5e4469⋯.jpg (154.66 KB, 886x909, 886:909, IMG_20180523_081256.jpg)

What is v. 11.9?

75da92 No.1512984


Think we might be talking about both symbols, when I was only talking about the em dash (3 spaces). Yes, the dash after it (slightly lower) is another dash, but I'm not sure how significant that is given Q's advice to watch the news that day. Only makes sense in the context of the Em dash (May) as in May-23

baae50 No.1512985



This smaller one is a hyphen, not an n dash.

4a6833 No.1512986

File: 4f6dd1c10b2d33e⋯.png (508.32 KB, 764x669, 764:669, thechair.png)

The Chair

0dec05 No.1512987

File: 74ce1d7f0ef990f⋯.png (38.5 KB, 640x393, 640:393, 74ce1d7f0ef990ffa39535cf38….png)

I don't see it reflected in the links below (yet), but Bailey Olsen claiming POTUS signed H.R. 3210: SECRET Act of 2018 into law.




fa0cd5 No.1512988

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Currency is slavery.

A resource based economy is the only logical way forward.

9931a6 No.1512989


Oh, my they are seriously thinking its Q in notable bread


70555a No.1512990


IOTA, Right?

c69f63 No.1512991




Not a corpse. Watch at 1:35 the vimeo video from the article and you can see the "corpse" breathing.


b8c020 No.1512992

All in.

My children have no choice but to listen to my podcasts/YT vids during car rides.

I don't bite my tongue when speaking to coworkers who are starting to come around now that future has proven so many pasts.

My baby mother thinks I have a mental illness because my life is consumed with surrounding myself with being addicted to the constant absorbtion of happenings.

That being said, I am at peace.

I know why I am here.

I don't care if my world comes crashing down and the carnage is too great to salvage any remnants of "normalcy".

We are MAGA.

God is in my corner, and although I am a battling the evil of norco's and am probably the furthest from God, I know I will get there.

I am fighting for the future, I will gladly sacrifice myself so that my son can live in a glorious World we are helping to usher back in.

I love you all like family, because I consider you family.

You are the only ones who will ever understand.

Thank you.

e394aa No.1512993

File: 78eaedd6ab7c32b⋯.jpg (1.15 MB, 2447x2172, 2447:2172, 78eaedd6ab7c32b7f91ecd86f8….jpg)

9c69b5 No.1512994

File: 501a943348128f3⋯.png (2.27 MB, 1920x1090, 192:109, WienersOut00050.png)


this is hella gay and stupid, but people know south park predicted an army of hackers saving the world, and everyone going apeshit because their online blackmail got exposed. here is a real-life pic of everyone on this board RN

d9fc90 No.1512995


I have to post this again for you, in case you missed it on the board. Forgot to include you in the reply.

But this:



See? I copied this directly from qanon pub, the dash is longer than a single EM dash. It's a combination of "m" and "n" dashes.

0d0ecb No.1512996


sounds like a man who knows how to deal with chinese egos

0dec05 No.1512997


Indeed they are Anon :)

27c500 No.1512998

File: 6514249d16185b8⋯.jpg (109.53 KB, 1047x805, 1047:805, IMG_20180523_081415.jpg)

e394aa No.1512999

File: 1af19ee5e23b14d⋯.jpg (160.7 KB, 600x1000, 3:5, QTonic.jpg)

Drink Up

10b8a0 No.1513000

File: 9f4f4a0ed3e4692⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1276x840, 319:210, 812838913289438758945.png)

4baa5e No.1513001

File: 13576e0a188a494⋯.png (700.46 KB, 1340x511, 1340:511, AP.PNG)

[CNN, MSNBC, AP] called out for publish sources and methods of political purposes so this banner is no surprise at this point in this second American Revolution

93bbed No.1513002

__o o__ o o o

/ \ / \ <|> <|> <|>

\o/ < > < > < >

| \o o o o o o | | o o \o o |

< > | |> /v v\ <|> <|> o/_ _\o <|> <|> | |> o__/_

| / \ < > /> <\ < > < > | | < > < > / \ / \ |

o \o/ \ / \o o/ <o> <o> | | \o/ \o/ |

<| | o o v\ /v | | o o | | o

/ \ / \ <\ /> <\/> / \ / \ <\ /> / \ / \ <\__




042e87 No.1513003


She is pretty.

c1aaaf No.1513004


supposedly its an acquired taste and highly addictive….and i would bet evil spirits enter there body too or demons….thats why bho hrc have terrible body odor…….

3c84c6 No.1513005


wasn't the prostitutes lawyer running around trying to say there were more women or some shit? Who knows what the next effort will be. Im sure its something in the works right now. Maybe more cartoons from Cocksucker colbert.

0dec05 No.1513006

File: 8fdd908811c8b50⋯.png (59.46 KB, 695x477, 695:477, Bongino1.png)

Bongino strikes again

e602e0 No.1513007

File: 678ba36878a6252⋯.png (36.96 KB, 600x582, 100:97, Nazi.png)

Are you gay enough to be offended by this?

If you are offended…

Why should anybody give a shit?

Its gay as fuck.

71baa3 No.1513008

File: db147ce2422fe57⋯.png (675.59 KB, 1280x1024, 5:4, RRwifeDefendsClintonInWhit….png)

f56dc3 No.1513009

File: 240768d4653a09c⋯.png (397.63 KB, 656x518, 328:259, DC Tweet re FBI Subpoena 5….PNG)

File: b97e02bda6ce12c⋯.png (78.37 KB, 515x914, 515:914, DC 1 re FBI Subpoena 5-22-….PNG)

File: 2bacf3790aeb8e1⋯.png (67.92 KB, 505x847, 505:847, DC 2 re FBI Subpoena 5-22-….PNG)

File: b83f7805b38ac20⋯.png (25.88 KB, 525x366, 175:122, DC 3 re FBI Subpoena 5-22-….PNG)

FBI Agents Want Congress To Issue Them Subpoenas So They Can Reveal The Bureau’s Dirt


1. Many agents in the FBI want Congress to subpoena them so they can reveal problems caused

by both former FBI Director James Comey and former Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe,

three people in direct contact with active field agents tell TheDC.

2. TheDC spoke with Digenova

3.TheDC independently confirmed the veracity of the consultant’s position and access,

and reviewed detailed transcripts of his Q&A with the special agent, who requested the

arrangement due to internal dragnets and fear of vicious retribution.

4. These agents prefer to be subpoenaed to becoming an official government whistleblower,

since they fear political and professional backlash, the former Trump administration

official explained to TheDC.

5. DiGenova — who along with his wife, Victoria Toensing, has represented government

whistleblowers in the past

6. In the meantime, DiGenova and the others who spoke to TheDC believe it is time for

Congress to issue subpoenas to FBI agents who are willing to talk.

5e4d65 No.1513010


I love you anon

no homo

b46531 No.1513011


I said Misfud is the important link earlier….he schmoozed up Papdapolodingdong, but not sure how the contractor part fits in

He, like Halper, hasn’t been seen in a long ass time. Longer than Halper. His fiancé said he disappeared

9fc70b No.1513012

File: 967ae18974820fc⋯.jpg (376.22 KB, 1570x1170, 157:117, graciemad1121.jpg)

8a3263 No.1513013

File: 54d406399b88c6e⋯.png (229.57 KB, 702x786, 117:131, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f88d97c5eda9ca1⋯.png (55.03 KB, 704x864, 22:27, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d3d34492fe5cbcd⋯.png (155.65 KB, 708x821, 708:821, ClipboardImage.png)

Report Exposes UK Role in Saudi Arabia’s War on Yemen


0875ce No.1513014

File: 5922199d05ed165⋯.png (787.58 KB, 1983x1020, 661:340, buttler 2 time.png)


I bet you wouldn't be dumb enough to put that

in my face if you were in front of me.

GO eat a bullet.

27c500 No.1513015

File: 6d43b10795805c1⋯.jpg (104.54 KB, 1000x802, 500:401, IMG_20180523_081510.jpg)

81ef4b No.1513016

File: c9516ad5781d04a⋯.png (132.13 KB, 1726x1345, 1726:1345, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5660e3f5ae13f0c⋯.png (427.71 KB, 827x562, 827:562, ClipboardImage.png)


Here is Ed O’Callahan

https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ed_O%27Callaghan



73bd26 No.1513017



70555a No.1513018

Shills in full force..

c1aaaf No.1513019


you always say that…..like a 100 times so far…not pretty…..wicked, twisted

042e87 No.1513020


Do i rilly hafta spell it out?

U said prude, I posted a cap to the contrary.

<try harder

a7d674 No.1513021


Nothing will happen tomorrow. NO one gives the enemy 4 days notice. No one.

169042 No.1513022



feb346 No.1513023



Q directly quoted an anon talking about 23, saying to watch the news that day.


Tomorrow ffs

f9e43d No.1513024


What really stands out to me is that this happened leading up to the presidential elections. I wonder if they always planned on spying. HRC get's elected and nobody knows!

d38cfa No.1513025



414c94 No.1513026


And on top of her trashy family, experience as a yacht girl, mediocre looks and intelligence…she’s too old to be a “diversity breeder”.

She’s 36 already.


86cdf0 No.1513027


Praying for you, but remember fear is the mind killer.

Statistically the chances are slim to none.

Think of the suffering of others.

Our suffering is minuscule when compared to the suffering of all beings.

Be grateful. have no fear.


8a3263 No.1513028



042e87 No.1513029


your just jelous.

10b8a0 No.1513030

File: a8d5e20026c7e8d⋯.png (683.66 KB, 1012x893, 1012:893, 1327091863289236.png)

fa0cd5 No.1513031

File: 50434229f0c536c⋯.png (159.54 KB, 400x315, 80:63, IDBY.png)


>Shills in full force..

5e4a8d No.1513032


Still… A wooden stake through the heart wouldn't hurt.

Safety First!

e2e817 No.1513033


I just filter at this point

EVERY TIME one Nasimfag post a pic, the OTHER Nasimfags say "She's Pretty"

636fc4 No.1513034


Mt Kilauea and Mt St. Helens are 2 totally different volcanoes. Water based vs land based.

68eba2 No.1513035

File: 88f43b212ef03b2⋯.jpg (38.64 KB, 552x551, 552:551, pleiadians_rock.JPG)


Pleiadians Rock!!!

b72dd0 No.1513036


How incredibly clever, anon.

*smh* at the crowd.

0f1033 No.1513037


I knew chopping your dick off was just batshit crazy.

But the up-keep afterward is truly nutz.

Serious mental disorder, this.

27c500 No.1513038

File: 51392385daa0873⋯.jpg (135.57 KB, 1067x1223, 1067:1223, IMG_20180523_081638.jpg)

2nd informant from no such agency?

4a6833 No.1513039


Glenn Simpson

Fusion GPS

4e721e No.1513040



e602e0 No.1513041


Tough shit hoss.

(((Butler))) was no hero.

I just exposed him. He is dunzo.

A democrat tool for (((FDR))).

Sorry you are used to lesser adversaries.

You just lost big time. BIG TIME.

22c089 No.1513042


unless they got the enemy with their pants down cabal unloaded their last shots last week.

e57691 No.1513043


I expect they'll be a shooting anyway.

c5b8c6 No.1513044


In front of a gay bar, or a Muslim neighborhood?

80d940 No.1513045

File: 73dee8d47b5cde7⋯.jpg (535.82 KB, 1080x1916, 270:479, Screenshot_20180522-194743….jpg)

nipa in india ← fear porn going on

530059 No.1513046




96ab52 No.1513047


maybe. 23rd 'of' …??? Was not explicitly stated. That said, I certainly hope it's tomorrow or I'm gonna look like a jackass to more than a few people…

934558 No.1513048

File: 95b8da09317f1b7⋯.jpeg (9.85 KB, 172x255, 172:255, Board Stephen Miller, Com….jpeg)

Nice and comfy in here.

ee1718 No.1513049


Except they were expecting it on friday, and the chaos & false flag shooting was their defense.

They played their hand early, and they're still weakened by it.

2cdabf No.1513050


I'm down for beers in NYC

256990 No.1513051



Getting info from talking head commentators is a bad idea.

401311 No.1513052

Bongino has a very good RADAR for these deep state operatives. Anyone close to or picked by Hussain is immediately suspect. Anyone close to or supportive of the HRC crime family is somehow corrupted by contact. It is like a contagious disease with the HRC crime family

945db0 No.1513053

File: 107d85de26a9c22⋯.png (1011.8 KB, 2550x3301, 2550:3301, Italy-P2-Calvi-1.png)

File: b9fd3eb53e45b5d⋯.png (696.46 KB, 2550x3301, 2550:3301, Italy-P2-Calvi-2.png)

File: 7b4928a8e2c814e⋯.png (1.12 MB, 2550x3301, 2550:3301, Italy-P2-Calvi-3.png)

File: b2a9a50d2afb527⋯.png (676.41 KB, 2550x3301, 2550:3301, Italy-P2-Calvi-4.png)

File: e2c6e5e1c8a39eb⋯.png (667.61 KB, 2550x3301, 2550:3301, Italy-P2-Calvi-5.png)

f12afa No.1513054

So……RR is either about to be fired or recused. Is he dirty or is he done being useful to us? I'm fairly certain Mueller is at least under control if not on our side. How do the two Qrumbs reconcile? "If RR is dirty, Mueller is dirty. If RR is clean,Mueller is clean." & "RR problems" 'General Statement: After reviewing information and public views RR must recuse or be fired'?

baae50 No.1513055


I'm going to come to the conclusion it's the best LARP in history and most fun I've had reading since the old Choose Your Own Adventure books when I was a kid, then move the fuck on and stop wasting hours of my day with a bunch of tinfoil-clad schizophrenics.

c1aaaf No.1513056


ok so not gonna blow?

f5c258 No.1513057


You try harder. I pointed out that pic A was OK, but show nipple and the prudes delete it. You showed a little cleavage in a bra, no nipple, which is not contrary to my point. Had you shown nipple, you would have properly defended your statement.

d69e2d No.1513058


Question Everything

Even(especially) stories coming from a 'traditional' republican source.

Every story (both Pro and Opposing) Trump vis'a vie Brennan

should be held to a high degree of suspicion.

Brennan is setup as a Fall Guy. Will he go alone or willingly

take someone with him,?

c81e64 No.1513059


I have the pdf file of his testimony in a Congress hearing it's over 700 pages long. Some serious shit in there though

4159ea No.1513060


Also said 11/3 and 11/6

And 30 for Flynn

My point - Q didn't say shit about tomorrow.

70555a No.1513061



169042 No.1513062



b33d51 No.1513063



042e87 No.1513064

File: 3426ceb55e62381⋯.png (11.83 KB, 201x255, 67:85, pepehearthands.png)



>Shills in full force..

B-team, maybe.

53fc85 No.1513065


anons heads are going to explode down the road when they find out 'humans' are the real aliens on this planet, and we are all basically lyran-reptilian hybrids.

the whole point of (one of) the main earth experiments is to breed warring alien races together so their children can work out peace and show their parent races how to behave towards each other. Cabal tried to hijack that and turn us into a race of slaves/super soldier bio weapons.

Its like if the federation and the klingons made a ton of belona torez's threw them on a planet and watched them work out their problems instead of fighting out the federation-klingon war to the end. but then the sith got involved and started building the empire out of them so the jedi had to come and try to get people back on the right path.

truth is stranger than fiction they always say.

7fa4bd No.1513066

What was Q drop #64? How would I find it? I'm sort of confused.

d9fc90 No.1513068


You are correct, Anon. It is an EM/Hyphen combo.

M-23 if we equate the EM Dash with the letter M.

6a5997 No.1513069


8a3263 No.1513070

File: 6cbf75ecdaef77d⋯.png (458.15 KB, 751x633, 751:633, ClipboardImage.png)

Two of Harvey Weinstein's biggest pals, Oprah Winfrey and Meryl Streep, have joined other Hollywood celebrities in penning an open letter to world leaders about the importance of gender equality.

"Dear World leaders," the letter reads, according to The Hollywood Reporter, "We’re putting you on notice."

The letter goes on to point out some important, pressing issues facing women in the world today, such as child brides and lack of education (all of which plague the Islamic world), while segueing into partisan-driven talking points like equal pay.

"For 130 million girls without an education," the letter continues. "For one billion women without access to a bank account. For 39,000 girls who became child brides today. For women everywhere paid less than a man for the same work."

Then the letter makes the asinine claim that "there is nowhere on earth where women have the same opportunities as men," as if women all across the globe (including those in the West) live in some kind of gulag.

"The gender gap is wider for women living in poverty," it continues. "Poverty is sexist. And we won’t stand by while the poorest women are overlooked."

You have the power to deliver historic changes for women this year. From the G7 to the G20; from the African Union to your annual budgets; we will push you for commitments and hold you to account for them. And, if you deliver, we will be the first to champion your progress.

We won’t stop until there is justice for women and girls everywhere.

Because none of us are equal until all of us are equal.

The international charity ONE has sponsored this gender equality for four years now. Other signatories were Reese Witherspoon, Amy Schumer, Tina Fey, Amy Poehler, Blake Lively, Ryan Reynolds, Natalie Portman, Mariska Hargitay, Mindy Kaling, Neil Patrick Harris, and Yara Shahidi.

"The fight for gender equality does not stop in our own backyards," ONE said in their blog post, "and the conversation must include the girl denied an education in South Sudan, the farmer not allowed to own the land she works in Uganda, and the woman not allowed to bank the money she earns in Chad."

"We’re living through an incredible moment in history and surrounded by inspiring examples of what is possible when people come together and stand up for what they believe in."


feb346 No.1513071


I know what you mean, I hope so to, save your hype until after it drops, IF it drops.

377cb3 No.1513072

File: d6ce45be42573cf⋯.jpg (45.34 KB, 563x542, 563:542, PepeLove.jpg)

b33d51 No.1513073

where is lady Di???????

70555a No.1513074


Q never says date.

96bb16 No.1513075


It makes perfect sense.

b72dd0 No.1513076


I miss the old qresearch. A lot. So much I just can't catch a groove lately.

That's it. Censorship is causing a low in digging morale.

Fucking Facebook. And some BV has gone and made herself Mark Fuckerberg.

fa0cd5 No.1513077

File: 6272801cb992c52⋯.jpg (83.3 KB, 533x300, 533:300, mon2.jpg)


>Shills in full force..

83e7d0 No.1513078


my gong is all good, thanks

042e87 No.1513079


I guess you missed the whole

#Board Volunteer

thing, huh?

71baa3 No.1513080


RR wife Lisa defend Clinton in Whitewater ?

RR prosecuting white water ?

Lisa not using Rosenstein last name?

RR vs his wife in white water ?

Interesting !!!!

5e4a8d No.1513081


He's very big on Mueller is a white hat really investigating HRC. Seems quite the agenda for him. Thought might be a spook but he seems on our side. My mental jury still out on him.

a41aae No.1513082


Web searching is your friend. Search: "How quiet is Marine One"

A: "…Marine One is so quiet that the president can speak in a normal tone of voice. "

P.S. Captcha included a capital "Q", Kek.

93bbed No.1513083

Shadow Brokers

f56dc3 No.1513084


You know this story has Q all over it

Will likely happen


It is to light the proverbial fire to further expose more of the cabal

b46531 No.1513085


Miller is a straight up pimp

f5c258 No.1513086


I saw it. Dont care.

4e721e No.1513087


By Dem “impeach45” logic, if you get off a flight to Jamaica and a local offers you ((anything)) YOU go to jail. No purchase required.

>most obvious example of “thought police”

96ab52 No.1513088


>>>1512967 (You)


>Getting info from talking head commentators is a bad idea.

Never rely on a single source. A lesson [they] are learning very, very painfully…

Gather tons of info and aggregate, then reduce and filter. Then reconcile - and you're far closer to the truth than you'll EVER be from MSM or commentators alone.

22c089 No.1513089


t's happening.


13f21a No.1513090

File: c2041dc338b0e1c⋯.jpg (56.22 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, jFDbgSz_P5bexqWt.jpg)


"As long as we have faith in our citizens, confidence in our values, and trust in our God then we will never ever fail. Our nation will thrive, our people will prosper, and America will be greater than ever before and that is what is happening." - POTUS

0dec05 No.1513091

File: 8fdd908811c8b50⋯.png (59.46 KB, 695x477, 695:477, Bongino1.png)

File: a2dca0017828fb6⋯.png (42.04 KB, 699x407, 699:407, BonginoNames.png)

b33d51 No.1513092

Look how they fked my song!!!!!!!!!!!!!

169042 No.1513093


I missed it. Recap please

e2e817 No.1513094


muh bans

you mean BANNING is keeping shills away

f12afa No.1513095

0dec05 No.1513096

File: 566abbc74212c2f⋯.png (68.57 KB, 701x509, 701:509, BonginoTypo.png)

Do we know the significance of "S"?

945db0 No.1513097

File: 945da3610961cd5⋯.jpeg (84.42 KB, 705x631, 705:631, e-team.jpeg)

414c94 No.1513098


Good read on Wictor.

He is an autist in his own right but not for the chans. He’s antisocial and has PTSD.

He tweets to have some sort of outlet but does not engage well and he blocks at the first sign of dissent. Not because he wants sycophants, he just doesn’t do debate.

425384 No.1513099

File: a86bb0462048331⋯.png (501.06 KB, 604x504, 151:126, yhead.png)

Y heads?

68321a No.1513100


>Reptilian Souls.

>They aren't humans.

What…okay, so this clearly ties into the reincarnated extraterrestrials post that Q highlighted.

Okay then, what if you don like bad guys, think the devil is a giant faggot, can kick spirit ass and very spiritually force sensitive. What kinda soul is that? asking for a buddy here, thanks friend

71baa3 No.1513101


All these cases are Fixed for Clinton ?.

DOJ and FBI needs dismantled.

50a0b4 No.1513102


Gimp sucks.

f12afa No.1513103


The shadow brokers.

a7d674 No.1513104


Suicide weekend

50c096 No.1513105

If the Deep State is allowed to boldly lie about a blue wave in the media, if the Deep State is allowed to steal these midterms after all the time and warning we've been given about the electronic machines…

…there will be no forgiveness for anyone.

b20e98 No.1513107

Q posts about Ed O’Callahan (without G) misspelling MSM today posts Ed O’Callahan without G that spelling error propagates everywhere.

World is watching.

e0bdc9 No.1513108


Lisa Monaco https://archive.is/Ing3A https://archive.is/wuFU3

was working with Farah Pandith. http://archive.is/oxh4K

ef57de No.1513109


"Watch the news" doesn't necessarily mean a MOAB is going to fall on 5/23, or that perp walks occur. It means that something important will cross the news…and it might not seem important on the surface, but will be in retrospect. Maybe that's why Q is telling us to watch the news…because something important might go unnoticed otherwise.

b72dd0 No.1513110

File: 92ed5baf87ce474⋯.jpeg (100.35 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, download (1).jpeg)

7fa4bd No.1513111


I have to watch a fifty minute video to find out what part of that Q said?

93bbed No.1513112


9 months still living in homeland USA USA USA our country theshadowbrokers not run, theshadowbrokers stay and fight

735cad No.1513113


We repeat this every single day. Someone posts a picture of nasim, you respond by saying "she is pretty." Then, someone points out that she's actually a tranny. And as always, your response is, "your just jealous." So then, we have to correct you by saying, "you're." But then by that time, it's too late because someone else posts another picture of nasim, and then the entire process starts all over again. It's a never ending cycle.

8a3263 No.1513114


WTC boxes of Nanotermite

96ab52 No.1513115


If I were Brennan I'd be shittin Taco Bell diarrhea into an industrial fan pointed in their direction.

042e87 No.1513116


you have the post number…do your own fuckin reading. kek

75da92 No.1513117



fd9977 No.1513118


hook 'em horns!!

70555a No.1513119



It's a yuge proxy war.

Even for to avoid more problems in the milky way.

Only with to see the case of PG, Monarchy, The Anons will understand that They aren't humans.

Usurpers and killers

And Now with the Terminators as the worst problem..

3c84c6 No.1513120


I gave up tv years ago, but even then as I read and learn shit in here the idea of normalcy was tossed out the fukin window. I agree too. After the telecommunications bill flipping over to digital, Im certain tv projects a certain subliminal sound wave that creates some levels of narcissism.

27c095 No.1513121


Nah. You'll still be here.

71baa3 No.1513122


Need to reopen Whitewater

425384 No.1513123


just gotta catch the right hours …

4e721e No.1513124


Hey FBI friends watching the board!! Hot tip! In the OMNIBUS spending bill there was beaucoup dinero to pay whistleblowers allocated to the Inspector General. Please please please GOOOOOOO

>For God and Country!

139412 No.1513125


Technically that's the way backward.

f12afa No.1513126



Emphasizing plurality.

75da92 No.1513127


Disregard…not Republican.

b33d51 No.1513128

anons, npne og us will point the rotscjild?????

in face????????

e602e0 No.1513129


A very (((specific))) group of people that defend a very (((specific))) group of people seem to never get banned and have some sort of (((chosen))) status…

I could be wrong.

35bb7f No.1513130


Don't downplay it just to fit your narrative. Again, do you believe in coincidences?

530059 No.1513131

Baker Notables So Far

Any comments??

>>1512558 Decode Graphic Updated with Last Q Drop

>>1512784 Snowden Doc's Revealed NSA Presence at Base in England

>>1513009 Good FBI Agents WANT Congress to Issue Them Subpeonas

f9e43d No.1513132


Love Bongino - Big set of balls on him (no homo)

He tells it as he sees it. Consequences be damned.

34705d No.1513133


Crypto is precursor to Social Credit. See China. China is such a huge threat at this point it's terrifying.

6a5997 No.1513134


lmao water vs land based ahahahahahahahaha

Hawaii sits on a magma hotspot so things tend to spill out rather than explode upward.

b72dd0 No.1513135


Nah. It's fucking with the energy the board used to create.

Don't care what you do.

Just don't plan on me doing it, too.

042e87 No.1513136

File: acf072b5664d5b7⋯.jpg (23 KB, 341x268, 341:268, continue.jpg)

b3c6b0 No.1513137


Checked the ban list lately? :)

Last ban happened 19 hours ago, mate. A spammer gobbling bread.

169042 No.1513138


Don't be asshole about it,. Let me see if I can go find the fucking post number.

0dec05 No.1513139


Ah I miss the easy ones sometimes haha. Thanks anon

96ab52 No.1513140

File: 0f98d1889f304b7⋯.png (2.43 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7ca7a3855585315⋯.png (98.02 KB, 220x220, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

0875ce No.1513141

File: a0fb23b7fa1cb4a⋯.png (2.8 MB, 1942x1159, 1942:1159, Giullo Andreotti.png)



"Power wears out for those who don't have it"

fa0cd5 No.1513142


>Technically that's the way backward.

Only if you think currency isn't slavery.

And we all know who those are…

f12afa No.1513143

105129 No.1513144


this angle, personal vendetta stuff

plays into the globalists mind warp machine


e2e817 No.1513145



((( )))



((( )))

a7d674 No.1513146


Then why wait 4 more days?

785813 No.1513147


Bet your ass that's what they were thinking.

bd1184 No.1513148


I know the video says the guy is some Todd person but I can't help thinking the voice and the speech patterns are eerily similar to Bill Binney's

318b9b No.1513149



93bbed No.1513150


TheData = TheWho + TheWhat + TheWhen + TheWhere + TheWhy + TheHow. TheData = TheAnswers

ed6058 No.1513151




4159ea No.1513152


Never said it wasn't Anon…

I said too many are pinning everything on tomorrow.

Q didn't say anything about tomorrow.

ee1718 No.1513153

945db0 No.1513154

File: 1d6c276dceebb89⋯.png (383.38 KB, 1801x2700, 1801:2700, Scad-Abs-Patterns-Of-Gover….png)

File: 13e519f9a8a9886⋯.png (585.44 KB, 1801x2700, 1801:2700, Scad-Abs-Patterns-Of-Gover….png)

File: cf3615b41b3b4ed⋯.png (528.16 KB, 1801x2700, 1801:2700, Scad-Abs-Patterns-Of-Gover….png)

File: 437eef75a9e2322⋯.png (531.58 KB, 1801x2700, 1801:2700, Scad-Abs-Patterns-Of-Gover….png)

File: 81c92982a3cdc24⋯.png (582.34 KB, 1801x2700, 1801:2700, Scad-Abs-Patterns-Of-Gover….png)

f12afa No.1513155


What are you trying to find out?

8a3263 No.1513156


What do you wanna know about it?

They are looking out the window at a helicopter!

a9a060 No.1513157


How many are so unaware of this right here?

MANY but muh Israel and stuff and stuff.


b72dd0 No.1513158


Not complaining about the bans.

Lots of IPs released this morning.

Complaining about the censorship.

The acquiescence of the energy of the board

to someone who claims leadership importance.

Sucking the place dry.

689003 No.1513159



>Chessfag checks on D5 chess graphic

e602e0 No.1513160


We get it.

You are jew.

Got it.

fa0cd5 No.1513161


Just look how triggered (((they))) get…

33dcc9 No.1513162

File: 58b618faea950e3⋯.jpg (280.98 KB, 1536x768, 2:1, BarsoomianRosenstein10.jpg)

File: f9c175115e64e3c⋯.jpg (253.06 KB, 1536x768, 2:1, BarsoomianRosenstein1CORRE….jpg)

File: ef50c0c6d9e9706⋯.jpg (307.53 KB, 1536x768, 2:1, BarsoomianRosenstein2Corre….jpg)

File: f0dd22d04dcd201⋯.jpg (98 KB, 620x372, 5:3, QProofBarsoomian-Rosenstei….jpg)

70555a No.1513163


Even the physical money also.

73bd26 No.1513164

169042 No.1513165


Some stupid shit.

35bb7f No.1513166


Good old clueless "I don't even like the guy" when he was out of the "higher state".

401311 No.1513167


CS is as dirty as they come. I have never seen such sincere liars (he and AS) as these two frauds.

Whats the over/under on CS wanting to spend more time with his family in the near future?

139412 No.1513168

File: 1b366999ce7fa27⋯.jpg (9.23 KB, 236x135, 236:135, f5b6bc118325c339d83022cc01….jpg)

0875ce No.1513169




>Thermite spheres


042e87 No.1513170

File: bca7a25254bc580⋯.webm (2.56 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, nasimwink.webm)

14515f No.1513171

Just scrolled by on my local news: NFL considering 15-yd penalty for kneeling during the National Anthem.

22c089 No.1513172


things still needed to be moved into place ? tbh if i was q team i would do it this friday. tommorow is a school day lotta kids for cabal to target. hell maybe they should wait until summrer vacation

f99822 No.1513173

>>1511755 bread #1899

Anyone else notice the missing time during Titanic?

http:// www.titanicuniverse.com/james-cameron-conspiracy-theory/556

9cb636 No.1513174

Q has never given a date. We don't know if 23 meant hours, the date, weeks, etc. Stating or even expecting dates & times in re: to what Q drops is an exercise in futility & will no doubt make one look like a fool. The time line has to remain fluid because no crime or charge is being ignored. New ones are being found and the cases expand. The more they investigate, the more they find and THAT changes the timelines for things to happen sometimes.

7fa4bd No.1513175



Notables in post #1895

c1aaaf No.1513176

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

watch video and your eyes will be opened

as to who the real enemy is we fight

timothy alberino is no shit

33dcc9 No.1513177


You are strange, the Mr. Anon.

75da92 No.1513178


She is pretty.

71baa3 No.1513179


Rothschild contractor in Boston ?

683bb4 No.1513180


I'll let my brain stew on it over night then contact them, even if it doesn't get far at least we know of two Grey Hat Senators who are trying.

fe485a No.1513181


And the tsunami will be the blue wave and watch the water all in one!

0dec05 No.1513182

File: c950c7b39d11d5c⋯.png (65.04 KB, 691x541, 691:541, BonginoSpy.png)


Bongino on FIRE!!!!

7fa4bd No.1513183


So, now I've realized that I'm actually retarded.

bd1184 No.1513184


lol right??

f5c258 No.1513185



e394aa No.1513186

File: 69b337ca61b0ac2⋯.jpg (12.43 KB, 255x213, 85:71, 69b337ca61b0ac266c458187ea….jpg)

c510dd No.1513187


You guys need to read Q's posts in their proper context.

E.O. 13787 was signed by POTUS on 3/31/2017. It was the 23rd EO of his presidency. I repeat…it was Trump's 23rd E.O.

It has to do with succession of people within the Justice Department. This is what Q had been talking about!

It ain't rocket science guys…sheeeesh.


042e87 No.1513188




>>>1513136 (You)

>>Thermite spheres


Positive ID on the boxes?

401311 No.1513189


If Dan is a lurker - love your show brother. You are the real deal!

93bbed No.1513190

DeepState tip: make no bid contract for contractor buddies cost three times tax payer moneys, getting self overpaid position at contractor

e602e0 No.1513191


"washes off them like water…say they are a…how injured they become…I have been found out…"

530059 No.1513192


A link of the D5 chess graphic with this would be better

636fc4 No.1513193


Careful, your ignorance is showing. The earth that melts in HI (magma) is different than the earth of land based volcanoes. Which is the whole reason the lava is more fluid than land based.

27c500 No.1513194

File: 8421f8f70a4ca0b⋯.jpg (195.07 KB, 1689x1757, 1689:1757, IMG_20180523_082811.jpg)

042e87 No.1513195

File: 087e8fd6922f07c⋯.jpeg (38.04 KB, 474x457, 474:457, pepelaugh1.jpeg)

baae50 No.1513196


She is pretty.

bd1184 No.1513197


Also "you heard it here first folks" at the very end

03f5da No.1513198

File: 48d20235db3c729⋯.jpeg (123.07 KB, 640x354, 320:177, 8DE1D13D-7CB4-4785-BC6D-9….jpeg)

File: 49abad198d0bdd8⋯.jpeg (14.14 KB, 122x101, 122:101, 8A989FA2-D776-48D5-BDAE-7….jpeg)


and secret societies

4159ea No.1513199

File: 2eec4046035f728⋯.png (89.81 KB, 896x509, 896:509, Screenshot 2018-05-22 at 7….png)


Mueller's FBI said at least two of them were intel spies…


8a3263 No.1513200

f12afa No.1513201


Target analysis

93bbed No.1513202




4d5622 No.1513203

File: 80991f760f9ac44⋯.png (69.61 KB, 633x622, 633:622, 9d14687ba7d8fd9fa0534dec85….png)


Gotta agree. This is actually worth the time. Only 20". Y'all are going to like what you hear. Actually lines up with the Wictor post in a way. Skip to the 13" mark as someone suggested.

b72dd0 No.1513204


No better use of this one.

(Much adored, anon.)

0dec05 No.1513205


Haha not him, but I was going through his twats and just one bomb after another

00d3f2 No.1513206



the "Big Brother"

of the board

ironic isn't it?

anons that cannot let go of being sheep

and needing

a herder

I have been waiting for the shift

70555a No.1513207


The Humanity will break in Two soon..

96ab52 No.1513208



>>>1513047 (You)

>Q never says date.


And I knew it when I opened my mouth. And now it's not gonna happen tomorrow just to make me look stupid. Karma is such an abusive girlfriend… bitch…

20db9d No.1513209



kek…words are important here

351987 No.1513210

File: c6b92e563ab931b⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1533x863, 1533:863, AF1 Q Island Photos.PNG)

631b01 No.1513211


Joseph Mifsud (born 1960)[2] is a Maltese academic, with high level connections to the Russian state.[3]

He is a former employee of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Malta, a former principal in the London Centre of International Law Practice, a professorial teaching fellow at the University of Stirling[4] in Scotland, and director of the Diplomatic Academy of London,[5] where he held seminars on Brexit

Alexander John Gosse Downer AC (born 9 September 1951) is a former Australian politician and diplomat who was leader of the Liberal Party from 1994 to 1995, Minister for Foreign Affairs from 1996 to 2007, and High Commissioner to the United Kingdom from 2014 to 2018.

Downer was born in Adelaide, the son of Sir Alick Downer and the grandson of Sir John Downer. After periods working for the Bank of New South Wales and with the diplomatic service, he was appointed executive director of the Australian Chamber of Commerce in 1983. He also served as an advisor to Liberal leaders Malcolm Fraser and Andrew Peacock. Downer was elected to parliament at the 1984 federal election, winning the Division of Mayo in South Australia. He was added to the opposition frontbench in 1987.

c1aaaf No.1513212


wander what fat ass corsi said about q's post

75da92 No.1513213


Then why did he respond "I'd watch the news that day"?

4e12bb No.1513214

Soooooo, rumor on Twit, Clowns threatening anons.

Wonder who?

Kenya boy and his minions?

Ask his college peers & former colleagues while they called him BO - his odor was so bad, no one could stand to be around him.

Maybe Drunk Hillary & her crew; word is a few vodkas & she lets loose. Problem is the vodkas aren't 'a few' and it's all day long!

Could be cueballs: Brennan & Clapper and their minions. They look ill and drained - drained not used as a coincidence.

Podesta's firm shut down, pedophiles make for a very bad PR firm.

Maybe it's coke addict Dorsey or traitor Schmidt.

Don't let them intimidate you Anons. Our wonderful President & Military are in full control and they are going to pay!!

We also have a wonderful, beautiful, genuine First Lady - not a Dude - h/t Michael LOL!!

Pics coming. Look at Michael's scene for school food & vegetables again, along with many other random public pics. Not real attractive!!

LOVE THIS STORM!!!!!!!!! Just wait until tomorrow……..

"There will come a time when they will no longer be able to walk down the street" - from your mouth to God's ears, best part is God Heard!!

9de4fc No.1513215


Multiple (R) Senators implecated - NoName and Graham would be my first to likely candidates

13f21a No.1513216


"… that is what is happening." - POTUS


It's happening.


Consider for Notable

4159ea No.1513217


But….we run with May 23 and 'the happening day'…

b72dd0 No.1513218


The report before the report before the report.

Gives "manana" a whole new level of meaning.

8946c9 No.1513219

<BO revoked a TONNE of bans this morning in case you missed it. Check the webm.


bf7f45 No.1513220

Baker there is a filters thread for the threads section


042e87 No.1513221



86cdf0 No.1513222

>>1512006 (prev)

Don't forget Fox's anti-Trump stance during the election cycle.

They went through a long, slow pivot once Trump got elected

in order to contain polite discourse.

They're one side of the Overton Window or Frame.

CNN / MSNBC is the other.

Meanwhile here we are, way out side the box.

042cf8 No.1513223

File: 2e5d4dcd7664a8c⋯.png (140.87 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_6534.PNG)

File: 0dc356916cb2f66⋯.png (229.89 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_6535.PNG)

File: 35dc99bb6a5b4bc⋯.png (225.91 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_6536.PNG)

File: 09042a6754f9f34⋯.png (281.71 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_6537.PNG)

File: c2de96af90c667c⋯.png (292.01 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_6538.PNG)

Just want to share a response I made to an Anon on the META thread. I'm twat & spread memes for Q, Anons & the Great Awakening & ive had some major "attacks" from so called POTUS & Q supporters on my Q posts. I've attached my META post & just a couple of the attacks. Once one posts on a post of mine calling Q a LARP then MULTIPLE start following me & then post support for the person attacking my post. You can tell it is all coordinated. These chucks are scared & using every platform they can to try and discredit Q!

22c089 No.1513224


that is not a good sign looks like hawaii. i wonder what the significance of that volcano is ?

96bb16 No.1513225


Whitewater a sham too? Some people did go to prison over it. Bill and the Hill escaped freely.

Semi-related: I am starting to think it may be time to question again how the FBI files showed up in Bill and Hill's hands. See Filegate https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_House_FBI_files_controversy

e57691 No.1513226


That takes the Dan Brown fun out of all this

139412 No.1513227


Currency is literally the opposite of slavery. Slavery is working with no pay.

How ass-backwards can a person even argue? I'm curious, please continue.

96ab52 No.1513228

File: 4f09b97192a95ed⋯.jpg (26.01 KB, 220x220, 1:1, Funny-Blinking-Old-man-clo….jpg)


At this point, the 'muh banz' crowd has gone into the 'filtered on sight' bucket.


f9e43d No.1513229


I'm not tired of winning!

9de4fc No.1513230


Indeed! He is absolutely killing it each day. Some shows I have to listen to twice because he throws so much at you.

3e4b85 No.1513231

File: 8889b8ec35f2e7b⋯.png (395.3 KB, 770x2110, 77:211, mifsud.png)

File: 9e0d5f071c966bf⋯.png (53.49 KB, 695x649, 695:649, mifsud-missing.png)


second person on the list

Joseph Mifsud

is being put on a milk carton.

apparently he is missing

a79e40 No.1513232

HA isn't Iranian >>1512563

fa0cd5 No.1513233


>Currency is literally the opposite of slavery.

Does any other life for on this planet use it?


Take a hike retard.

8312b6 No.1513234


Mueller is NOT our guy. He's been another way to show why we need military tribunals. The swamp is predictably STUPID. And desperate.

15a11c No.1513235


That's the plan isn't it?

93bbed No.1513236

Mueller hunting TheShadowBrokers

One problem, they are /ourguys/

White hats

Not Ruskies


8fb48a No.1513237

File: dcd424a19dc32db⋯.png (478.1 KB, 680x426, 340:213, af1.png)

e602e0 No.1513238

How much do you want to bet that those that are demanding Q reveal that there are aliens and that the earth is flat….

Totally believe that the CGI images of "planes" disappearing into the the WTC and exploding inside of the buildings are totally legit….

Yeah. Lets listen to those fucking idiots.

81ef4b No.1513239

File: a6676d03a291376⋯.png (2.7 MB, 1339x2701, 1339:2701, ClipboardImage.png)


>Ed O’Callahan Corrected Sorry for confusion,

https:// www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/nunes-gowdy-meet-with-doj-officials-amid-russia-probe-standoff/ar-AAx55Bc

169042 No.1513240


Q said "Think logically about the timing of everything happening." I still don't know. I am waiting for a lot of things.

73bd26 No.1513241


Never TrumperS

f5c258 No.1513242

File: 47005d0c7cd5f09⋯.jpg (232.22 KB, 619x425, 619:425, filter2.JPG)

71baa3 No.1513244


KEK !!! thanks…vast data in pre flood times

The Flood will be D5.

fd9977 No.1513245


it's an hour away edt

4159ea No.1513246


That's all I was trying to say….

ef57de No.1513247


not true at all

754c21 No.1513248

File: 5da686b50ca3092⋯.jpg (445.05 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20180522-230113….jpg)

Oh shit!


Pic. Related

530059 No.1513249


2dffdc No.1513250


>Soooooo, rumor on Twit, Clowns threatening anons.

Link? Who's threatened? Twitter anons? Youtube anons? Chan anons? Low effort.

9547bb No.1513251

>>1512770 Ok, now I have to know…do they tell the guy beforehand that this is what he has to look forward to? I knew it was crazy, but had no idea it was THIS crazy.

e2e817 No.1513253


Shill: B-bu-but my shitposting and shilling gets censored!

683bb4 No.1513254


"Third Party Agencies".

I'll add in "Unaffiliated Agencies" to cover that, too.

0875ce No.1513255

File: 29ef897dea7e0e3⋯.png (847.15 KB, 584x710, 292:355, clean cuts.png)

File: 996408ab8c10df0⋯.jpeg (8.36 KB, 262x192, 131:96, WTC still here.jpeg)

File: fa690f618ccb294⋯.jpeg (7.67 KB, 259x194, 259:194, Jetfuel.jpeg)


I don't have a sauce sorry. Grew up in NY. Never forget is fucking right.

34705d No.1513256



96bb16 No.1513257


"Initial White House explanations for what had happened varied,[9] but generally characterized it as a series of mistakes made without bad intent and offered apologies to those affected"

>without bad intent

Where have we heard that before?

544d98 No.1513258


Give this cunt the rope treatment

70555a No.1513259


if Maduro isn't out soon. yep

Even, in Colombia, Panama there problems because China is winning more power.

f5c258 No.1513260


Have fun not having anything you cannot make or carry yourself.

139412 No.1513261


Omg you're arguing that because humans use it, it's bad?


Earth to anon. You are on the internet. No other life forms use it. Better run away!!

d9fc90 No.1513262



Look. Not a hyphen, the kerning doesn't line up.

Now, we use Q's password with the Em/En Dash and we will see if the kerning lines up:



It's a match! It's an Em Dash and an En Dash.

18ea56 No.1513263


Never let your schooling interfere with your education, Anon, and get your head out of your ass before you sit down and break your neck.

53cad6 No.1513264

e57691 No.1513265


There's only one type or magnitude of slavery? Take your million dollar lottery winnings in cash, put it in the safe for your grandkids. Maybe they'll be able to afford a big mac to celebrate on their graduation day.

71baa3 No.1513267


Is she part of the cult?

5e4a8d No.1513268


Yes, I think Mueller is a bad guy which is why I question if "Rex" is a spook. His "Mueller good guy" agenda seems too over the top and makes me suspicious of Rex.

e120c7 No.1513269


a quick painless death? That's what you want to give to these things?

544d98 No.1513270


Team (((BV)))) clowns at it again huh ? OF COURSE ! This is a game member?? Q is someone to fuck with hee hee ha ha

fa0cd5 No.1513271

File: ad9a138753fafab⋯.jpg (48.16 KB, 473x473, 1:1, shekel_4_ur_life.jpg)


>Have fun not having anything you cannot make or carry yourself.

Freedom is the right of all sentient beings.

Eat shit.

cc2972 No.1513272


Hannity is an awful interviewer.

b72dd0 No.1513273

File: 5a5b703f1a6ece4⋯.png (6.79 KB, 255x196, 255:196, friendly pepe.png)

Spent the hour with the images. Nada.

Was able to somewhat recreate the freedom flag lines and star clusters.

The rest of it, nyet.

Opened it in notepad.


Attempted to unzip it after renaming the file.


I'm all outta tricks anons.

Gonna leave myself comfortable with the idea

that those files are big, but not inconsistent with

an iPhone 6 Plus.

At least five of the ones that I'd picked off

have pixel dimensions consistent with that phone.

MEMEFAGS - found a need tonight for a defeated

and embarrassed Pepe.

Don't have one.

Fren Pepe will have to do.

c1aaaf No.1513274

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

red pilling the red pillers is difficult..WATCH THIS VIDEO

ITS WHO Q / WE ARE REALLY FIGHTING, divide and conquer is their mo….JUDGE FOR YOURSELF…..

b46531 No.1513275

So Henry says it isn’t an NSA contractor?

Trying to play it down just now?

11a1db No.1513276


It means your dopamine levels increase

139412 No.1513277



Your arguments are not even arguments.

86cdf0 No.1513278


Hannity is not /ourguy/.

Go back to the election period to hear what he used to say about Trump.

Fox aligned themselves with Cruz and others.

They were also scared shitless of Trump winning.

Fox's alignment with POTUS is one of the most disconcerting aspects of what is currently going on.

They are serving as a limited hangout and acting as one side of the Hegelian Dialectic while MSNBC / CNN serve as the other.

Thesis=> Antithesis=> Synthesis.

Don't be fooled, again.

Useful tool at best.

Tucker Carlson was more consistent, but also can not be trusted.

Judge Napolitano might be the only one I would trust.

e602e0 No.1513279


No planes or plane hugging.

That is the question.

I stopped hugging the planes.

22c089 No.1513280

File: 7892dbd74a9c7a6⋯.jpg (16.13 KB, 242x255, 242:255, 7892dbd74a9c7a617641508ed7….jpg)

lmao cabal is scared as fuck they got the high pay shills on here today . you scared spooks ?

f12afa No.1513281


Most def not NSA contractor

81ef4b No.1513282


This also goes with it Baker

>>1512573 Business Is Booming for the U.K.’s Spy Tech Industry

53cad6 No.1513283


Yes, until the two eyed people gain their sight


139412 No.1513286


This clown.

c590bb No.1513287


Antischool is a fraud. He lied and claimed that Q had emailed him. Just like the mofos at the old CBTS claimed to have backdoor comms with Q. Lies, lies, lies.

Anti-school claimed to be a staunch liberal turned Trump supporter. Isn't it interesting that Seaman's story is the same! They both claimed to be a part of the MAGA movement but they are both shills who tried to make money off patriots who follow Q and the storm. Both their Youtube channels got banned and deleted, then both of them suddenly reappeared on Youtube and began bashing Q. And what a BIG coincidence that both of them are in bed with AJ and InfoWars.

These two assholes just need to go away. They were both working for AJ all along…just like the greedy fat face motherfucker who's trying to sell his book. All of it is Clown ops. They should just fuck off and die already.

5a321b No.1513288


I'd like to know what ever happened with them?

Where are they now?

Were they ever questioned?

Did they know what they were really doing?

How can they be that evil? - never mind this one!

56095f No.1513289



Fusion GPS and CrowdStrike.

And what were they observing? RAW CLASSIFIED INFORMATION.

Skosh of a crime, there.

fa0cd5 No.1513290


Currency is slavery.

You are just blind.

c9f084 No.1513292


Beautifully done. God bless you anon.

75da92 No.1513293

File: 5d3683fa411383f⋯.png (4.68 KB, 553x134, 553:134, qpassword.png)


The Em dash takes up 3 character spaces. Look at the actual picture of the password reveal….a 3space dash, then a single dash that is offset underneath

506d1e No.1513294

File: e19cc6da16cc856⋯.png (10.58 KB, 255x255, 1:1, bf6397af537df6a5e3d12442cd….png)

File: 7d0306665b7e056⋯.png (13.12 KB, 185x255, 37:51, cf40f141e4f98bb64e57dca760….png)

Never listen to ((((BVFAGGOTS)))) Clown team beta traitor fucks


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