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/qresearch/ - Q Research Board

Research and discussion about Q's crumbs
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File: 4e094838c2c77ba⋯.png (8.72 KB, 255x143, 255:143, qresearc.png)

4b1f14 No.1507052

Welcome To Q Research General

Vincit Omnia Veritas

"Start a storm." Sign the New IBOR Petition! Fight! Fight! Fight!

WWG1WGA! Do you trust POTUS? Do you trust the PLAN? "The choice is yours."

>>1427755 , >>1489251 https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/internet-bill-rights-18

Board Rules (Please read the rules)


Q's New Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/

Q's Tripcode Change

Q's Tripcode change yesterday: Side-by-Sides explain >>1479521 , >>1479533 , >>1479660 , >>1479972

Qs new Tripcode: Q !CbboFOtcZs

PAST Tripcodes: !4pRcUA0lBE, !xowAT4Z3VQ, !2jsTvXXmXs [ Blacklisted see, >>>/patriotsfight/71 ]

Q's Latest Posts

Tuesday 05.22.2018

>>1506866 rt >>1506817 ---- It’s happening.

>>1506815 rt >>1506500 ---- Avoid NSA data collection. It failed. (Re: Nellie Ohr)

>>>/patriotsfight/98 ------------ RAPID FIRE.

Monday 05.21.2018

>>1497716 ------------------------ Military OP. [Green]. General K [JFK]: RR<-WRAY->Rachel Brand(Panuccio/Pruitt)-Scheiderman. D5

Sunday 05.20.2018

>>>/patriotsfight/97 ------------ Q! Quotes Ephesians 6:10-18, – 1 Cor 13:4-13

>>>/patriotsfight/96 ------------ Those who are loudest…

>>1483388 ----------------------- We exposed the password [#91] on purpose [23]

>>1483187 ----------------------- The entire time See >>1483318

>>1483159 rt >>1483003 ---- ROT = Rotation

>>>/patriotsfight/95 ------------ US Flag

>>>/patriotsfight/94 ------------ WE ARE Q!

>>1482139 rt >>1482048 ---- TRUST the plan

>>>/patriotsfight/93 ------------ They are losing [all] control

>>>/patriotsfight/92 ------------ [6] surv [value targets]

Saturday 05.19.2018

>>>/patriotsfight/91 ------------ Now Comes The Pain

>>>/patriotsfight/90 ------------ https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/997951982467014656

>>1472746 rt >>1472647 ----- We control [utility]

>>1472647 rt >>1472580 ----- I'd watch the news that day.

>>1472525 rt >>1472472 ----- Mistake or on purpose?

>>>/patriotsfight/89 ------------ Updated. (deleted) see: >>1473424

>>>/patriotsfight/88 ------------ TRIP CHANGE (deleted) see: >>1473424

>>1472440 ------------------------ (Password expose)

Thursday 05.17.2018

>>1449911 ------------------------ Messages sent

>>1449784 ------------------------ Guardian of the Pope

>>1449636 ------------------------ Space Shuttle Pic

>>1449191 ------------------------ Vegas Pic

>>1448841 rt >>1448660 ----- Pallet Pics

>>1448660 rt >>1448537 ----- Pallet Pics

>>1448537 rt >>1448466 ----- We are everywhere Anon

>>1448221 rt >>1448152 ----- Note the jackets

>>1448152 rt >>1448140 ----- London Pics

>>1448140 ------------------------ London Pics

>>>/patriotsfight/87 ------------ (deleted) see: >>1447680 , >>1458342

>>1445345 rt >>1445248 ----- >>>/patriotsfight/64

>>1445147 rt >>1444934 ----- As We Prepare To Land

>>1444934 rt >>1444808 ----- God Bless the United States of America

>>1444808 rt >>1444682 ----- Stay vigilant

>>1444682 rt >>1444632 ----- There is no bigger threat to 'them' than the public being awake and thinking for themselves


>>>/patriotsfight/85 ------------ ]SESSIONS[ Reels In Huber

>>1440925 ----------------------- Trump admin to provide F&F records

Backup Q Posts


Previous Q Posts

Find Previous Q Posts at: qmap.pub/ qanonmap.bitbucket.io/ qanon.pub

If qanonmap ever goes down, the mirrors are: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io

Archives of Q's /patriotsfight/ threads >>1313128

* Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/edit?usp=sharing

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

Read: Social Media Protocols

1. DO NOT CONFRONT accounts that are being tracked. WATCH. ARCHIVE. REPORT.

2. If you find an important account, ARCHIVE OFFLINE BEFORE POSTING link to 8ch

We must avoid tipping off the black hats until archiving is complete.

>>1207179 For Instagram mirroring

>>1272084 For Twitter mirroring

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>1329265 How To Quickly Spot A Clown >>1489607 Useful filters

Q Clock Graphic


4b1f14 No.1507058


are not endorsements

Headline News: >>1504997 Second spy infiltrating Trump campaign; Former adviser: “This is just the beginning.”

Top News: >>1493349 Codemonkey update on network attack


>>1506349 On the MOAB in Utah: Mother Of All Bad-guy-prosecutions (commentary)

>>1506385 Manpower math behind the Huber workforce (commentary)

>>1506389 Highlights of /patriotsfight/98 article; TRUST THE PLAN (anon)

>>1506398 How Sessions is backup for Huber re: filing charges and special counsels

>>1506508 Follow the pen clock diagram

>>1506661 Letter re: False Dossier briefing to DJT

>>1506688 ; >>1506712 Planefag Updates

>>1506691 Active shooter in Panama City Beach, FL

>>1506774 MS-13 faggot named Animal locked away for 40 years (KEK)

>>1506921 Weiner laptop to haunt FBI brass in IG report


>>1505497 ; >>1505507 Collection of tweets re: election fraud investigations

>>1505528 No-name doubles down on False Dossier faggotry

>>1505533 NY AG Schneiderman replacement voted on today

>>1505545 MSM sowing doubt re: DJT typos in tweets

>>1505553 ; >>1505787 DHS Secretary has not seen assessment that Russia interfered in 2016 election

>>1505615 Amazon selling police departments facial recognition software

>>1505625 Election integrity graphics

>>1505649 RI pedo arrested

>>1505688 Halper wanted to create “audit trail” to justify FISA warrants

>>1505740 Formal call for second special counsel to “investigate the investigators”

>>1505761 On Broidy, Nader, NY AG, and the Saudis

>>1505764 EPA’s Pruitt block AP and CNN from summit on water contaminants

>>1505818 Barbara Underwood to fill out remainder of NY AG Schneiderman’s term

>>1505853 Howtel Anon Dig

>>1505897 Plane crash outside of Chesapeake National Airport

>>1505984 ; >>1506002 Iranian sanctions begin; Treasury Dept. targeting Iranians selling Yemenis missiles

>>1506000 Halper “vanished” in Sept. 2017

>>1506200 Possible raid of CNN, AP, MSNBC by FCC (MOAR SAUCE PLX)

>>1506224 /patriotsfight/98 article

>>1506231 FBI discussed False Dossier with CNN

>>1506260 How to get prosecution results F A S T E R than a 2nd special counsel

>>1506275 Paul Ryan on FISA abuse


>>1504712 Reports of another infiltrator into the Trump campaign

>>1504776 “Where in the world was Hussein?” graphics

>>1504801 Role of clowns in the Fall of Saigon

>>1504893 Hypothesis on the value of RR and Mueller in the plan (commentary)

>>1504961 Mueller’s appointment violates Appointments Clause of the Constitution

>>1504969 Sessions meets w/PM of Bulgaria

>>1504972 The importance of empathy in a red-pilling relationship (commentary)

>>1504984 BO lifts bans

>>1504995 Possible interpretation of Comey tweet (anon)

>>1504997 Second spy infiltrating Trump campaign; Former adviser: “This is just the beginning.”

>>1505015 Report on DJT’s two phones and “security concerns” (fake news; see >>1505265 )

>>1505082 Russian “unlimited range” missile crashes after 22 miles

>>1505172 Carter Page lets slip he’s an FBI informant

>>1505227 Flynn timeline graphic

>>1505245 Feds seize assets of Krassenstein faggots

>>1505256 ; >>1505287 ; >>1505288 ; >>1505289 ; >>1505289 EO: Efficient Federal Operations

>>1505265 WH pushes back on cell phones report; secure as can be

>>1505381 Eric Holder says it’s “dangerous” to demand DOJ probe into campaign spying issue

>>1505394 Suspected Gen. Kelly posts

>>1505415 Sheryl Attkisson “Flood is coming” tweet; context

>>1505429 Whitewash, FBI clownery

>>1505447 Prince William reads Q bible verse at memorial service for bombing victims

HRC Skeletons

>>1500540 Gareth Williams, Aug. 16, 2010 >>1500556, Charles Ruff, Nov. 20, 2000 >>1500581, Carlos Ghigliotti – April 28, 2000

>>1500380 Shawn Lucas – Aug. 2, 2016, >>1500610 Charles Wilbourne Miller – Nov. 17, 1999, >>1500404 Victor Thorn – Aug. 1, 2016

>>1500441 Joe Montano – July 25, 2016, >>1500461 Seth Rich – July 10, 2016, >>1500500 John Ashe – June 22, 2016

>>1500659 Daniel Dutko – July 27, 1999

Best Of Bread >>311157

Archive of Notables >>>/comms/225 (Batch 740~ present)

4b1f14 No.1507071

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Q's request: KEEP DEMANDING #ReleaseTheTexts until #Unredacted release

[3] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[4] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet FASSSSSSST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Threads & Research Section

>>1254488 – QBOARD QUESTIONS (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>1121104 – Q QUESTIONS THREAD (post your Questions to Q here!)

>>1119245 – TTDDTOT - Things That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread

>>143179 — META


>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>311157 — Notable Post Discussion

>>198093 — Q memed/Newsweak/GreatAwakening

>>870846 — The Letter Q

>>694579 — Hispanic Qresearch

>>674740 — Qanon auf Deutsch

>>1254488 – Newfag Q&A

>>93735 —– Side-by-Side Graphics

>>1115338 – Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

>>1147812 – Notable Resignations Thread 2/2


>>4356 —— Tools and Information

>>4852 —— Free Research Resources

>>4362 —— Planefag Tools and Planefagging 101 >>1311848

>>4369 —— Research Threads

>>32223 —- Qs chess game

>>256741 — Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc.

>>410413 — Q Communications re:deltas

>>1420554 — Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #2

>>618758 — Merkel research thread


>>810563 — NXIVM info collection

>>885933 — P=C

>>904395 — The Plan

>>911014 — Occult music and pop culture

>>957083 — No Name Research Thread

>>1013812 - Crazy Days and Nights Dig?

>>1049327 - 666 Fifth Avenue Research Thread III

>>1272206 - 43 Confirmed Connections workspace

>>1286065 - FIND THE KEY dig

>>1310117 - For anons who wish to learn about self-sufficiency and for those who have information to share

>>1427755 - Battle for Internet Bill of Rights

4b1f14 No.1507076

Graphics of All Q'S Posts

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486 , >>>/comms/487 , >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488 , >>>/comms/489 , >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491 , >>>/comms/545 , >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951 , >>>/comms/952 , >>>/comms/953 , >>>/comms/987 , >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#23 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>1498826

Q Graphics all in EST

>>1411389 Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82

>>1303748 Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures: >>1298492 , >>1302636

>>1148124 Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg —————— >>>/comms/968

>>1147122 Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg >>>/comms/967

>>1147113 Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —- >>>/comms/966

>>1335077 Previous EST Graphics

NEW: Q's Images Posted

Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QPosts Archives in All Formats

* Spreadsheet Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* NEW QPosts Archive and More at qmap.pub features All Q Posts/ Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts (top tags, players, posts per month)/ All Resignations: qmap.pub >>1334710

* Searchable, interactive archive with user-explanations: qanon.pub (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io)

* QMap PDF (Version > 9.2.0 [updated 5/13]) >>1403707

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Full JSON Q archive: qanon.news/Archives (~135MB/~817MB Unzipped) [Updated: 4/20/2018]

'* http://''qanon.news/posts.html for printing crumbs, sorted by timestamp

* https://commandandcontrol.center/ aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools

* Pavuk Systems Q Database: https://www.pavuk.com;user:pass = qanon:qanon

* Independent Q archive resource: irc.qclearancearchive.net > browsable versions of /thegreatawakening/ from before the purge http://irc.qclearancearchive.net/02.%20QMaps/Q%27s%20posts%20-%20CBTS%20-%208.14.0.pdf

>>1499677 Archive Update (not really sure where to put it)

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Merge QT - Awesome archive of Q Posts and POTUS Tweets in Chronological order: https://anonsw.github.io/qtmerge/

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Redpill Flag / Printable Q Cards with QR Link: >>851957

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

*Sealed Indictment Master: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

Backup Q Map/Graphic Set >>>/comms/283



18,000+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>1115338 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

22 >>1485456 21 >>1352458 20 >>1232995 Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/


MasterArchivist ———————– qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist — main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) — https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https://mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

Learn To Bake!

New Bakers Report To Class and/or >>>/comms/154

Read the Bakers Manual https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY9 (updated to include baking without images instructions)

In case of inability to post images, EMBED THE VIDEO FOUND HERE: >>1505954

4b1f14 No.1507089



d0bae2 No.1507104

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 5902e7 No.146328 📁

Dec 22 2017 01:18:03 (EST)


Do you believe in coincidences?

Keep list updated.

Flood unstoppable.


163ee7 No.1507105

File: 5115644981f2446⋯.jpg (359.66 KB, 600x600, 1:1, saint michael.jpg)

thanks baker!

love the Qool titles!

God bless anons, bakers, BVs, BO, Q, POTUS, and the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

I propose making St. Michael the Archangel the patron saint of /qresearch/ (kinda is already lol)

3ec132 No.1507106

File: 911b7f0e8eb660e⋯.gif (250.85 KB, 480x270, 16:9, Trump_ItsHappening.gif)

82c603 No.1507107

File: 33e4d4e39edfa26⋯.png (177.55 KB, 1114x624, 557:312, Screen Shot 2018-05-22 at ….png)

File: 8a8391c7fb93dfb⋯.jpeg (102.75 KB, 975x533, 75:41, DdxVIuNU8AALY5B.jpg-large.jpeg)


795678 No.1507108

File: c52730639c4fbee⋯.jpg (55.11 KB, 700x672, 25:24, f045217d378ce7bc.jpg)

< (You)

95194b No.1507109

File: f1acbbd345bb8c7⋯.png (387.08 KB, 477x447, 159:149, potus-hillbag-soon.png)

d0bae2 No.1507110


Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 7f44ec No.119877 📁

Jan 21 2018 21:12:19 (EST)


The flood is coming.

Emails, videos, audio, pics, etc.

FBI accidentally deletes texts?

No Such Agency accidentally releases IT ALL>

Shall we play a game?


f74e58 No.1507111

>>1507045 (last bread)

Magog 2.0?

61de98 No.1507112

I don't see anything happening.

Maybe Hale-Bopp is on the way again?

a23aea No.1507113

aeddf5 No.1507114


RAPID FIRE = a deluge of firings coming, Keep list updated.

54c3aa No.1507115


I agree with Turley's analysis in the article Q cited.

I also agree with much of Turley's opinion published in The Hill today: FBI source in Russia probe raises alarms over political surveillance thehill.com/opinion/judiciary/388785-FBI-source-in-Russia-probe-raises-alarms-over-political-surveillance

Turley, a frequent CNN analyst, can also be very wrong about Trump and his opponents. March 17, 2017

"However, there has been a truly shocking lack of discipline among high-ranking Trump staffers in their public comments, including comments that have undermined the immigration orders. A good example of that ongoing problem is the suggestion that British intelligence surveilled Trump for Obama. This allegation had no place in a White House briefing and led to a reported embarrassing apology from the Administration to the British and a promise not to repeat it. It appears that there was no James Bond contract to surveil and the Administration is again shaken not stirred scripted."


b93a72 No.1507116

Literally happening.

302ffc No.1507117

File: 906962bbaa7ace2⋯.png (182.46 KB, 500x522, 250:261, IMG_2844.PNG)

abcaee No.1507118

File: 04b3ca169f99da8⋯.jpg (67.31 KB, 600x317, 600:317, znsqmzmi16x6.jpg)


Man your timing is perfect Baker!

God Bless.

Here, have a pepe

d4f7fa No.1507119

Hey Q, could we maybe do something about the oil speculator racket that is driving up gas prices?

ab552e No.1507120

File: efdab4a86390676⋯.png (273.18 KB, 365x428, 365:428, Screen Shot 2018-05-20 at ….png)


TY, Baker!

69f8b2 No.1507121

>>1506983 (lb)

Thanks for watching CNN.

We, the people, want to say thank you for that!!!

783571 No.1507122


Ah. Dozens of bodies behind computers were flooded with dopamine for a few seconds. That was happening enough for them for the day.

12ffc8 No.1507123

Thanks baker.

Bit gutted lotto is just another scam.


If they make every third or fourth jab an infertility one, it would take too long to be shown as causal.

That is evil.

f183b6 No.1507124

I wish you Anons weren't such attention whores that you have to spam Q drops in a desperate attempt for attention. Fucking faggots.

fda327 No.1507125

File: 912669e84ff51a0⋯.png (307.38 KB, 627x585, 209:195, ClipboardImage.png)

ac5362 No.1507126

Every night our family prays together, out loud. Many times I have prayed for just a little, JUSTICE. God gives to those he loves. Praise God, and maybe even praise a little kek too.

66e8cd No.1507127


Nextel did it with it Motorola phones


4360ec No.1507128

File: 3640966529a4e64⋯.mp4 (400.51 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Win_Happening.mp4)

a7484c No.1507129

File: 9d50b1391c7b962⋯.jpg (161.27 KB, 1031x433, 1031:433, Screenshot_20180522-191119.jpg)


Prince William gives a reading at memorial service to victims of Manchester bombing and chooses to use the verse Q posted 2 days ago in post 1432. Pic related.


e4fffd No.1507130

File: 8edca4ff428c5fc⋯.png (448.77 KB, 663x674, 663:674, Ari re Federalist 5-22-18.PNG)

Such a close-hold that someone at a very high level in the Obama administration gave the information to CNN almost immediately.”

220451 No.1507131

File: 0d679ff5654a86d⋯.png (1.27 MB, 794x746, 397:373, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9e1f124f392d170⋯.png (922.3 KB, 594x744, 99:124, ClipboardImage.png)

>>1506522 (lb)

I see shit like this constantly (pics related)

a816fa No.1507132

[RR] problems


[1818] problems

[99] problems

0dbb86 No.1507133

File: d59af09739ee6a9⋯.jpg (555.28 KB, 1831x865, 1831:865, Iron Eagle 22 May 18 1920.jpg)

Anons, get this…


Also Osprey.

2c5202 No.1507134

File: 767ef199e953fcb⋯.jpg (126.93 KB, 813x705, 271:235, 2018-05-22_12:18:07.jpg)

File: 5e182ca113a0866⋯.jpg (114.52 KB, 799x715, 799:715, 2018-05-22_12:19:50.jpg)

File: a42a8854a79e479⋯.jpg (83.29 KB, 806x439, 806:439, 2018-05-22_12:20:09.jpg)

File: 4a79e425267f44e⋯.jpg (66.21 KB, 810x752, 405:376, 2018-05-22_12:20:30.jpg)

File: b2519743b695059⋯.jpg (154.76 KB, 878x706, 439:353, Selection_342.jpg)



Nellie Ohr's buddy, Jeanne Lin.


Part 2 of ???

The address is that of Lin's consultancy.

to be continued…

f183b6 No.1507135



One of the most quoted verses, especially at weddings.

f74e58 No.1507136


Think mirror.


163ee7 No.1507137

File: f4b591f704442ad⋯.png (211.01 KB, 739x467, 739:467, TrustTheFuckingPlan.png)

friendly reminder:

If you don't know the plan, reread crumbs please

65168b No.1507138

File: 93f6274b7f0b826⋯.png (116.79 KB, 351x336, 117:112, PepeQ .png)

d5f693 No.1507139

Maybe a lot of these KEYWORDS Q has been using are the SUBJECT OF secret FBI EMAILS?

Fri 22 Dec 2017 01:18:03 5902e7 No.146328


Do you believe in coincidences?

Keep list updated.

Flood unstoppable.


0fe4cf No.1507140


Michael the archangel is the Prince of Warriors.

e57ea2 No.1507141


The reporter should be arrested for trying to undermine the country.

783571 No.1507142


But the bitch ain't one.

(Sorry. Not sorry. Slow day.)

d0bae2 No.1507143


Note that there's no news articles talking about "The Flood is Coming" before Q posted this.

Proof positive.


8de745 No.1507144

File: b2d03fbb7cc5d66⋯.jpg (450.17 KB, 1080x1297, 1080:1297, Screenshot_20180522-132220….jpg)

It's time! Peace!!

aeddf5 No.1507145


I found them. Model i355. There's a whole bunch on eGay for cheap. Just wondering if they are, indeed, secure.

48f9d0 No.1507146


NSA listening to PW, so he must be a target.

7a68aa No.1507147

File: 1d32f5560793159⋯.jpg (632.16 KB, 1500x1138, 750:569, HAPPENING.jpg)

369ff6 No.1507148

File: 90ba9872231a032⋯.png (109.96 KB, 970x1280, 97:128, previous_itshappening_Q.png)


Q's previous posts containing "It's Happening"

b8aad3 No.1507149


I'm feeling anxious these days.

Like something huge is going to happen.


But I'm not panicking.

Just a weird, anxious feeling.

Also, why did she think she was going to get out of the NSA's radar when you have to register for Ham Radios, therefore being put on record somewhere.

How do these people not know how their own game is played?

4360ec No.1507150


…and a Witch ain't one

a7e3d0 No.1507151

File: 73020641fd842ba⋯.jpg (32.15 KB, 302x300, 151:150, 2anti0.jpg)

Pamphlet, you need to make a stand alone video explaining what you just went over.

3108c7 No.1507152

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Interview with General Flynn from Aug. 2016 talking about Crooked Hillary, etc.

12ffc8 No.1507153

c9fd49 No.1507154





During Hussein's reign, ham radio was joked about in DC circles as being the latest new hobby.

Remember this?


White House Names Ham as New Cybersecurity Coordinator


On Tuesday, December 22, President Barack Obama named Howard A. Schmidt, W7HAS, as the new White House Cybersecurity Coordinator. According to the White House, Schmidt – an ARRL member – is one of the world's leading authorities on computer security, with some 40 years of experience in government, business and law enforcement and "will have regular access to the President and serve as a key member of his National Security Staff. He will also work closely with his economic team to ensure that our cybersecurity efforts keep the Nation secure and prosperous."

Schmidt told the ARRL that he credits Amateur Radio with getting him involved with technology: "In high school, one of my friends was a ham and he got me interested in shortwave radio, which in turn got me into building shortwave radios and equipment, many from Heathkit. As I got older, I took courses from NRI and Bell and Howell in electronics and built a number of projects, preparing me for my first ham radio ticket. I love technology, and it was Amateur Radio that caused me to build my first computer – a Sinclair ZX-80 to use for EME calculations. I studied all about the OSCAR systems and would build equipment to monitor when they would pass within range of Arizona. Building these computers to support my ham radio hobby gave me the technical skills that I need to not only start doing computer crime investigations and work on the early stages of computer forensics, in turn enabling me to start working on cybersecurity issues."

Schmidt is no stranger to the White House – he served as a cyber-adviser in President George W. Bush's White House. After the 9/11 attacks, President Bush appointed Schmidt as the Vice Chairman of the President's Critical Infrastructure Protection Board and as the Special Adviser for Cyberspace Security for the White House. While at the White House, he assisted in the creation of the US National Strategy to Secure Cyberspace, becoming Chairman in January 2003. In May 2003, Schmidt retired from the White House after 31 years of public service in local and federal government.

Schmidt has been an Amateur Radio operator for more than 30 years. "I was first licensed in the late 1970s as a Technician class licensee with the call sign WB7NUV," he told the ARRL. "I did a lot on 2 meters, 70 cm and on Packet. The TAPR group out of Tucson was real inspiration to me as I found the work they were doing absolutely wonderful. I started as a part of the Arizona Repeater Association (ARA) and lived for our annual hamfest at Ft Tuthill in Flagstaff."

57b8ed No.1507155

File: 9b9f4522930b199⋯.png (368.97 KB, 1184x1324, 296:331, READ THE MAP vs BUILD THE ….png)


Is this how to READ THE MAP?


2c5202 No.1507156

File: 28af6ad577c4781⋯.jpg (208.65 KB, 907x848, 907:848, Selection_343.jpg)

File: a01e957adad5312⋯.jpg (259.74 KB, 1367x992, 1367:992, Selection_344.jpg)

File: 82ae0cc1c8ac488⋯.jpg (170.74 KB, 1658x687, 1658:687, Selection_345.jpg)

File: c84a8cd3ec81179⋯.jpg (101.58 KB, 1032x905, 1032:905, Selection_346.jpg)

File: b741bda673f696a⋯.jpg (341.87 KB, 812x849, 812:849, Selection_347.jpg)




Dig on Nellie Ohr's buddy, Jeanne Lin, continued.

Part 3 of ???

163ee7 No.1507157


can you stop with this shit?

f80801 No.1507158

Would it be wrong to make a suggestion that Clapper deserves death?

09f6a2 No.1507159

File: bcffea0e8d3e635⋯.png (124.52 KB, 500x372, 125:93, ClipboardImage.png)

83403a No.1507160

File: 098abfecde00676⋯.jpg (45.3 KB, 719x402, 719:402, IMG_20180522_235353.jpg)


9f6e80 No.1507161

File: c2aea5563c6f4db⋯.png (70.98 KB, 602x600, 301:300, Venus_geocentric_orbit_cur….png)


We've been waiting for this moment….

Good guys (MIL) knew it would come.

We (/pol/) had only hoped for it.

Evil actors never worried about it.

The world will be better for it.

It's happening.

d12388 No.1507162

The last Q drop really redefines a


ab552e No.1507163

File: f4e09d87d27f2c9⋯.webm (2.9 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Trump for Xmas.webm)

a7e3d0 No.1507164


>can you stop with this shit?

No, but you can go fuck yourself.

fda327 No.1507165

File: 6e1f179fc85d6a6⋯.jpg (863.98 KB, 1328x1692, 332:423, 5-22-18 CNN killbox.jpg)


6b0c04 No.1507166

File: 4d0a0b33295d482⋯.png (747.68 KB, 1219x803, 1219:803, cnn big lie.png)

File: 29e8ae4ae5bed80⋯.png (242.1 KB, 742x610, 371:305, buzzfeed.png)


Evan Perez, Jim Sciutto, Jake Tapper and Carl Bernstein CNN

Ken Bensinger Miriam Elder and Mark Schoofs


aeddf5 No.1507167


Are Muslims and Jews allowed to touch HAM radios?

e8e15f No.1507168

File: 6cfa74138b8115a⋯.jpg (317.06 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 1353814681381.jpg)


ce5c14 No.1507170


Are (we) going to start to see results now ?

Has the groundwork been done ?

Hope we see arrests soon .


b93a72 No.1507171


Big pet peeve of mine.

Imagine a CO gave an order to the platoon and then you heard 20 shouts at the CO of…

"Good plan!"


"Do it CO!"

"CO looked at me!"

"CO…Should I tell my folks back home what we are doing?"

cbd712 No.1507172


Thomas Paine post spotted. 95% chance of complete bullshit. Followed by Anons claiming it to be truth with no sauce.

61de98 No.1507173

File: 42571ab35eb40da⋯.jpg (198.65 KB, 1280x905, 256:181, nothing-happens[1].jpg)

a5f35d No.1507174

File: e5894b64a843610⋯.jpg (63.21 KB, 780x438, 130:73, 180522085845-01-trump-kim-….jpg)


These people are stupid.

Trump telegraphed the meeting is occurring with the coin drop.

While the MSM is going crazy saying its not going to happen.


0dbb86 No.1507175


No. They shouldn't be allowed to PORK kids either.

d86c53 No.1507176


i lol'ed

f80801 No.1507177


That guy recreated himself many times…

Bryan, Brian, B, 0…and a few others…as well as several accounts that pretended to be his "team."

960746 No.1507178

File: 7fd019ba3398f55⋯.jpg (22.74 KB, 403x405, 403:405, active.jpg)

Active shooter…

another False Flag????

163ee7 No.1507179

File: aedcf3cc5775886⋯.png (657.16 KB, 1227x884, 1227:884, ClipboardImage.png)


from last night anons, good side by side on the flood

3f1728 No.1507180

File: 8bbe9c6045f892c⋯.jpg (62.81 KB, 600x1000, 3:5, gac.jpg)


2b068c No.1507181


I have been a ham for over 40 years. Sometimes there are people like truckers that get the entry license just to avoid getting in trouble with the FCC for having an amplifier in their truck or an ham radio with them. Just having an license doesn't mean that these people are going to transmit in their legal restricted areas. Ham radios can be modified easily to transmit anywhere from CB frequencies to police, military or commercial frequencies.

If you are concerned about monitoring someone you just use a wide band frequency analyzer which if close enough if pick up your signal no matter where you transmit even if you don't know where they will transmit.

The tech entry level license can just be a cover to protect them if somebody questions why they have a ham radio. Also you don't need an outdoor antenna, some people do fairly well with an indoor antenna in their attic for example.

875938 No.1507182


A cookie for you, a cookie for you, a cookie for you……

797771 No.1507183


>>can you stop with this shit?


GOOD, the first step is admitting you have a problem.

You're on your way to a better life

cbd712 No.1507184


Someone with better skills than I should put up one of those Q side by side proofs with this.

ce5c14 No.1507185


Fuck you dumb cunt , people ask Qs

f74e58 No.1507186

Other shoother.

Shadow War

http:// www.kmov.com/story/38248594/fatal-shooting-reported-near-polling-location-in-northwest-atlanta

42b0bd No.1507187

File: 6448da6fc33242d⋯.png (571.87 KB, 1080x1144, 135:143, Screenshot_20180522-132540….png)

File: 4e30df66849586f⋯.png (462.38 KB, 1080x1437, 360:479, Screenshot_20180522-132600….png)

So close and yet….not good enough. Can't believe after 6 months it's finally all happening!

abcaee No.1507188

File: 8c527c8c6f2a6d5⋯.jpg (53.89 KB, 255x205, 51:41, 3e48eb940e501b24d22730bbc1….jpg)


Good to see you! TY!

fe288d No.1507189


Okay, but for a memorial service to victims of a bombing?

889d86 No.1507190


Are you going to sit there all day and round up headlines the way TP does? If so get to it or STFU

0da357 No.1507191

gonna be some interesting audio from those NSA intercepts of the ham radio conversations.

bb5317 No.1507192

File: d24a04d98ed5d2f⋯.jpg (120.81 KB, 1370x526, 685:263, collect-citizen-data.jpg)


You can add radio transmissions to this list.

a7e3d0 No.1507193

File: 10e89cc9b72f1a2⋯.jpeg (12.68 KB, 244x255, 244:255, gudjerb.jpeg)


>GOOD, the first step is admitting you have a problem.

>You're on your way to a better life

3108c7 No.1507194

File: 7c801d313268c10⋯.jpg (307.3 KB, 2560x1440, 16:9, Qproofs-PixTeller-245675.jpg)

26733d No.1507196

File: a16d753ac7a7427⋯.png (345.24 KB, 1880x1302, 940:651, Justice.png)

Can't wait to see [CNN] go down.

25bfdd No.1507197

File: 9fb4ad3565d2e60⋯.jpeg (192.83 KB, 750x424, 375:212, IMG_5A07C75198E6-1.jpeg)


nah, i'm sure it's fine

ab552e No.1507198

File: 36f7b0b1e6d1ac9⋯.png (310.13 KB, 1075x535, 215:107, Screen Shot 2018-05-22 at ….png)

001af1 No.1507199

08345b No.1507200

CNN and AP press not allowed in EPA event …. both were blocked from entering event

3108c7 No.1507201

File: bb3dbf0571c167a⋯.jpg (392.61 KB, 2560x1440, 16:9, #QproofsEmails.jpg)

163ee7 No.1507202


fucking annoying muh random twatter/YT people shitposting

d12388 No.1507203





83403a No.1507204

File: 6847b85765dc2c4⋯.jpg (324.17 KB, 1505x1139, 1505:1139, IMG_20180522_235729.jpg)

2c7bdd No.1507205

File: 30c5dc3d356c813⋯.png (321.36 KB, 924x391, 924:391, ClipboardImage.png)

Instead of a flood they got a STORM!

f183b6 No.1507206


A quote about love at a memorial to victims of hate?

3108c7 No.1507207

File: 727058f04868aca⋯.jpg (136.61 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, RRInformedPatriot.jpg)

6ef8b6 No.1507208


5G? or the new Facebook/Qualcomm wifi deal?


59c813 No.1507209


noooh, that's just a totally unrelated happening that just happens to like the FF's the last few days…

Do you believe in coincidences?

Ofc it's a FF.

And just as Q was posting too. About it "Happening".

I can kinda already feel who (((they))) are going to blame.

61de98 No.1507210

File: 4cf1a6db75e1357⋯.jpg (17.69 KB, 350x253, 350:253, bn265107[1].jpg)

9f6e80 No.1507211

File: cfac08ef7573487⋯.png (695.19 KB, 681x3461, 681:3461, breitbart-turley-sessions-….png)

Here's a screenshot of the Breitbart article linked by Q in /PF/ #98. Archive offline.

09f6a2 No.1507212


He glows. Seems like some kind of infowars rat.

b6dae8 No.1507213


What do people think those P3 and P8 are doing, I think they hear all

960746 No.1507214


Oh yeah for sure don't show us what's really going on…. Let's wait until the deep state comes up with the narrative.

25bfdd No.1507215

File: c0ec908e5872f8f⋯.jpeg (141.71 KB, 750x299, 750:299, IMG_02894F77F989-1.jpeg)

f183b6 No.1507216


"Hi Q"

"Do it Q"

"Hey Q…."


55904f No.1507217


Bring the Storm!!

Make it Rain!!



God bless our Operators,

God bless Q and Team,

God bless the USA!

3f1728 No.1507218


Think logically, storms cause floods

95194b No.1507219

File: 3d1d882c9d4d89a⋯.png (425.64 KB, 720x447, 240:149, trust-sessions-huber.png)

c92d59 No.1507220


I agree seems coincidental, like Q knew he would read it ahead of time..

aeddf5 No.1507221


Well shit….but I guess it's better than nothing of the networks go down.

625024 No.1507222

File: ecc456a8c999028⋯.jpeg (15.34 KB, 195x255, 13:17, Think.jpeg)

>>1506522 (lb)

>before we called him Q. Before he called himself Q.

I'm convinced Q or members of the team have been actively steering the boards since PP/PedoGate/SR/Antifa/LV etc.

The campaign since October feels like part of a continuum that has been coalescing/grooming for a long time.

Attacks have been received, analyzed, exposed and countered.

Shill tactics the same.

It's like it was a plan for a long time to find the right place to build this consensus. Hmmm.

302ffc No.1507223

File: c995ddb1eb04503⋯.jpg (577.58 KB, 2732x2048, 683:512, IMG_2860.JPG)

Fucking Rhu-Rho…

2c5202 No.1507224


Not only do you have to register,

the Technician license class restricts you to transmitting on a limited number of bands and frequencies, with low power.

Not only that, but the ham bands are actively monitored by volunteer hams who are looking for frequency infractions, wide-spectrum receivers that record transmissions and publish them, short-wave listeners, and (VHF/UHF) scanner enthusiasts.

There is absolutely no secrecy on the ham bands. It is wide open, anybody-can-listen, communication.

There are some digital modes that are not obvious to decode without the proper equipment … but many hams have the proper equipment and know how to use it.

Transmitting secret messages is a violation of the FCC regulations. You can transmit using a well-known, published, approved scheme, but to deliberately obscure the content for purpose of secret messaging is forbidden and can cause license revocation.

Are these people STUPID?

163ee7 No.1507225

File: 7ecb2e4b5bfdbf2⋯.png (474.29 KB, 650x366, 325:183, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3ecfc84cbb65a9f⋯.png (329.25 KB, 315x450, 7:10, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0360d4d51e1d750⋯.png (929.74 KB, 806x539, 806:539, ClipboardImage.png)

8bd9df No.1507226

If you are on a mobile device touch-and-hold the link to see it in a pop-up


It really was a dumb idea. Spies have been using ham radio to communicate for over 60 years. I'm sure one of the early tests of NSA data collection was ham radio, especially in the NYC and DC metro areas where you have so many foreigners with the concentration of UN delegations or embassies.

65168b No.1507227


remote viewing?

302ffc No.1507228




3e08c3 No.1507229


Yeah, huge attention whores post on anonymous message boards as anon… You're super smart man. …

Let the guys gets excited when Q drops some words. And many ask questions or link info.

797771 No.1507230



"Where we go one, we go all", yeah, ok… but vikings didn't take along their toddlers on raids.

They stayed home.

Or the soldiers in D-Day boats.

They had other things to deal with than the feelz of a 4 year old who's sad because he just thought of a cloud.

027e23 No.1507231

File: 41df040b8bda63c⋯.png (175.35 KB, 486x549, 54:61, Screenshot at May 22 11-28….png)

File: 0da29bf001e8157⋯.png (185.98 KB, 537x450, 179:150, Screenshot at May 22 11-29….png)

DJT tweet 17 (Q) mins after Q drops

097fc2 No.1507232


End of Last Bread (#1893) had another great dig on Jeanne Lin. Got lost in the stampede to here….


163ee7 No.1507233

e4fffd No.1507234

File: 13b81298970908e⋯.png (473 KB, 623x684, 623:684, Fox 1 re Huma Emails 5-22-….PNG)

File: d2c0a5f8832cc90⋯.png (429.81 KB, 512x890, 256:445, Fox 2 re Huma Emails 5-22-….PNG)

File: c2612ed0ca37cf0⋯.png (256.33 KB, 504x854, 36:61, Fox 3 re Huma Emails 5-22-….PNG)

Huma email horror returns to haunt FBI brass, in IG report on Clinton case


1. But now that laptop and those emails are back in the spotlight, this time causing problems

for FBI leaders as part of a forthcoming inspector general report. The probe is expected to

fault bureau officials for sitting on those emails in the first place.

2. The IG report is likely to once again draw scrutiny to the bureau and the handling of the emails.

3. Horowitz announced last week that the draft report was finished in a letter to members of Congress.

He did not say when the results of the review will be officially released to the FBI, DOJ and

congressional committees.

639ecf No.1507235

File: b8a96bb7f55bed6⋯.png (26.04 KB, 1284x185, 1284:185, ZZDR.PNG)

fuck off faggots , i'm digging

f183b6 No.1507236


It's self gratification, you douche.

2c7bdd No.1507237

Some of you are just shillin'

b3a812 No.1507238

File: a0998266174d048⋯.png (92.87 KB, 467x595, 467:595, 2.PNG)

File: 5a61c9f4799b661⋯.jpg (7.14 KB, 162x163, 162:163, 2epic.jpg)

We've been doing "Old School" collection forever.

Like these guys do.

369ff6 No.1507239

File: 7882206b4c32489⋯.jpg (225.78 KB, 1256x1122, 628:561, potus_and_pres_moon.jpg)

1f7ef6 No.1507240

Boy oh boy seeing Q post [CNN] on GA today has really broadened my smile :-))

21534a No.1507241


Yeah….cause Q is just doing his/her job…just earning a check.

Q doesn't have time to know that folks are genuinely excited to see when he/she posts.

Fuck all that showing of emotion.

Just the facts, right.

Oh yeah…and no normies, huh..

Keep all the info on 8ch and keep normies out.

Cause, Q only posts here. For us.

Nah….Hey Q!!! Thanks for being here!!

a23aea No.1507242


f80801 No.1507243


He was a needy fellow. He sought and needed attention and recognition. Saw it approximately 20 hours after reading his tweets.

Funny, though….he didn't comprehend that he presented the same pattern.

He was kicked off 4 chan for posting kiddy porn…though he thought he was trying "to help" expose pizza gate….but wasnt sharp enough to realize he was transmitting same.

Typical liberal…"cares and wants to help" but doesn't comprehend it is doing what it rejects.

163ee7 No.1507244

fda327 No.1507245

File: 5f5e22a18707b51⋯.png (268.83 KB, 465x806, 15:26, ClipboardImage.png)



If I fucking feel like it, that's EXACTLY WTF I'll do, mfer!

f74e58 No.1507246

File: d59774a1f308b59⋯.png (255.96 KB, 1360x672, 85:42, YEMEN.png)

f183b6 No.1507248

4ae0dd No.1507249

ce9cfa No.1507250


I don't watch CNN or any television, faggot.

Drudge tweets headlines from a ton of different media outlets.

Observing the enemy's tactics does not mean I support them, it means I have a brain, which you obviously do not.

Filthy little scat farmer.

c92d59 No.1507251


either that or ham radio

302ffc No.1507252


a5b2ec No.1507253


same for me. was just on it then poof.

61de98 No.1507254

File: 62940db7e1b6ee7⋯.png (13.02 KB, 600x700, 6:7, its-not-going-to-happen[1].png)

3e08c3 No.1507255


You said attention whores. Don't be wrong and an asshole. Those don't mix.

26733d No.1507256

File: c355358de460adc⋯.jpg (26.28 KB, 600x396, 50:33, obamas-legacy-shit.jpg)



001af1 No.1507257

File: 663e3bdb88bdc22⋯.png (245.37 KB, 1967x1150, 1967:1150, ClipboardImage.png)

4ae0dd No.1507258

File: 7f136c6ffb0a0ff⋯.png (135.15 KB, 1200x723, 400:241, ClipboardImage.png)



c26dde No.1507259

Yep it’s down >>1507242

d2d4c9 No.1507260

File: 5407094a4435850⋯.png (453.9 KB, 720x434, 360:217, 20180522_133201.png)

69f8b2 No.1507261

New clown tactic detected.

Q,Q,Q -no one is arrested, bla bla, bla-.

Disruption, create confusion, generate anger.

All that criminals created in years, can't be destroyed over night.


Do you fall for their divide and conquer tactics?

9a5473 No.1507262

File: 7386ea6132d2109⋯.jpg (284.38 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, Piper-PA28-crashcallsign.jpg)

File: 57de691b18c027e⋯.jpg (307.68 KB, 1228x756, 307:189, va-plane-crash.jpg)

File: f811d13d1c55981⋯.jpg (240.09 KB, 1476x740, 369:185, n6177-flight-hist.jpg)

File: 9cc0965c2b13944⋯.jpg (190.86 KB, 1424x760, 178:95, n6177-flight-reg.jpg)

a few breads ago, we talked about the plane crash in chesapeake.

this article says that the owner/pilot is presumed to be Jeffery Comeau.


took off headed for farmingdale, ny.

n6177 (which i think really is the tail number whited-out in this picture has one flight in flight aware, from farmingdale, ny to farmingdale, ny - last october.

the picture of n6177 in flightaware PLUS the plane time registered with the FAA do not match the picture supplied by the VA state police - and that tail marking sure looks like N6177.

plane is registered as owned by Crenshaw Quality Consulting, out of Florida. Jeffery is not the owner there.

Mystery worth more digging? Planefags - doublecheck my findings?

60b9df No.1507263

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

>>1506866 Q

>>1506817 (lb)

>RAPID FIRE = a movie by that name involving a corrupt FBI

( (1992) - Trailer

RIP Brandon Lee

a23aea No.1507264

File: 518a6de80f9ff06⋯.png (98.91 KB, 1076x266, 538:133, ClipboardImage.png)

bcaca6 No.1507265


Its down for me as well

7a68aa No.1507266


My acct just got locked out 5 mins ago.

25bfdd No.1507267

File: b9d545ef3ef1ba7⋯.jpeg (187.54 KB, 750x600, 5:4, IMG_BE864C151C62-1.jpeg)


can confirm

55904f No.1507268

File: 6d4417fb42fe2f9⋯.png (58.93 KB, 793x799, 793:799, ClipboardImage.png)

890d28 No.1507269


buckin fusted

9ce709 No.1507270


I love how Q still drops massive proofs, but I've learned to trust the plan lonnnng ago..

Makes the shills mad tho. Kek

889d86 No.1507271


Thomas Paine is a headline wrangler who pulls from various news outlets. Stop drinking so much fluoride and get with the program we need all hands on deck!

59c813 No.1507272


At least it's a polished turd

25e855 No.1507273

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


She probably was doing this…

83403a No.1507274

File: 00477af17d21144⋯.jpg (167.9 KB, 1008x922, 504:461, IMG_20180523_000329.jpg)

cf0dc9 No.1507275


hrmmm still up for me

f183b6 No.1507276


Yeah, you're looking for attention from Q, any kind of nod, you're embarrassing.

61de98 No.1507277

File: f6cb0d0e8f2c272⋯.jpg (81.66 KB, 400x302, 200:151, f6c[1].jpg)

Twat down

ac5362 No.1507279

Any anons know about using ham to relay data? Alternate computer comms?

2b068c No.1507280


I have been a ham for over 40 years. Sometimes there are people like truckers that get the entry license just to avoid getting in trouble with the FCC for having an amplifier in their truck or an ham radio with them. Just having an license doesn't mean that these people are going to transmit in their legal restricted areas. Ham radios can be modified easily to transmit anywhere from CB frequencies to police, military or commercial frequencies.

If you are concerned about monitoring someone you just use a wide band frequency analyzer which if close enough if pick up your signal no matter where you transmit even if you don't know where they will transmit.

The tech entry level license can just be a cover to protect them if somebody questions why they have a ham radio. Also you don't need an outdoor antenna, some people do fairly well with an indoor antenna in their attic for example.

60b9df No.1507281

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


Actually that one no good.

>( (1992) - Trailer


cbd712 No.1507282


I see Rosalyn Sphinx has decided to take a gravy pool.

380aea No.1507283

File: aa01c53fee6d2a6⋯.jpg (96.51 KB, 500x544, 125:136, hill gallows.jpg)

File: 709a78e94e3f413⋯.jpg (113.96 KB, 500x708, 125:177, floatus.jpg)

File: 709a78e94e3f413⋯.jpg (113.96 KB, 500x708, 125:177, floatus.jpg)

369ff6 No.1507284

Is it just twatter? Are IG and Facebook down too?

9f5224 No.1507285


still up for me

f80801 No.1507286

Question for anons…

Is coulter on Trump team or against Trump?

ce9cfa No.1507287


e58a95 No.1507288

File: deb533dfb4486b2⋯.png (61.32 KB, 1342x603, 1342:603, 1.PNG)



55904f No.1507289

File: 88a6d420f02d7e4⋯.png (1.62 MB, 1100x619, 1100:619, ClipboardImage.png)

Twatter down…

fda327 No.1507290


So is fucking Drudge and you sad mfers pull from his ass ALL day long, so go take a flying fuck and go back to sucking sick!

fa4b8e No.1507291


We heard you the first time.

4360ec No.1507292


"Email Horror"

"haunting officials who examined it"

311465 No.1507293

File: 1ce34307defa6d7⋯.png (196.64 KB, 1610x982, 805:491, captcha.png)

b8aad3 No.1507294

File: aee57c95a775760⋯.jpg (66.48 KB, 902x702, 451:351, test.JPG)


It's working for me

09f6a2 No.1507295

File: 79dd474e01d2ca3⋯.jpg (43.94 KB, 412x416, 103:104, liberals.jpg)

d86c53 No.1507296


should be possible yes

f183b6 No.1507297


Everything is down, EBS being activated!

a115b2 No.1507298


404 Legacy Not Found

61de98 No.1507299

Twitter is not down for shills

7a68aa No.1507300


FB still good

109eab No.1507301

21534a No.1507302

So…..the latest shill push seems to be 'Don't say hi to Q when he/she posts'.

f74e58 No.1507303


Injection good.

cbd712 No.1507304


You wanna spread FUD, go for it.

49737a No.1507305


confirmed. cannot retrieve twats

0dbb86 No.1507306

File: 4882c11e8b84006⋯.jpg (50.8 KB, 889x500, 889:500, TwitMayDay2.jpg)

5d350c No.1507307

File: f5b6ed699e15d81⋯.png (824.27 KB, 932x490, 466:245, We sell AR-15's because we….PNG)

94f1d9 No.1507308

File: 615b7641649cffc⋯.jpg (76.59 KB, 750x401, 750:401, 615b7641649cffc7a8c132eedb….jpg)


i cant believe my post mocking nellie and bruce ohr for her use of a ham radio stirred up a reply from Q, i almost felll of my chair before.

We must be close to a major FLOOD

bf3c51 No.1507309

File: 103431e55f04cb9⋯.png (347.32 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, ItsHappeningAmericanAlpha.png)

What a great way to log on when not feeling well to see….

299054 No.1507310

File: 209128dde406b29⋯.png (1.31 MB, 1024x768, 4:3, road-runner-2.png)

3ec132 No.1507311

Twitter & Facebook are up and running for me in the Pacific Northwest

e4fffd No.1507312

File: 4a31c5348cf47b2⋯.png (28.57 KB, 662x303, 662:303, Dr G re Strassel 5-22-18.PNG)

File: f389c426ddcb6f8⋯.png (35.58 KB, 647x405, 647:405, Strassel to Sexton 5-21-18.PNG)

Keep your eye on the ball patriots.

889d86 No.1507313


You are a divisive shill GFY –– filtered, bye bye

61de98 No.1507314

Ham radio is down now

0da357 No.1507315


with a tech level license and "laptops" they might have been using echolink or some other ham_>ip gateway. could have been talking to anyone in the world, even as far away as, say, cambridge.

6b0c04 No.1507316

File: 1c7faeee7105bc1⋯.png (920.96 KB, 512x1024, 1:2, flood tide.png)

caption me

9f5224 No.1507318

The Daily Signal

Verified account


10m10 minutes ago


How Google Put Pro-Lifers at Disadvantage in Ireland’s Upcoming Referendum https://dailysign.al/2KM1ud2

59c813 No.1507319


Or europeans…

It's not down here either.

f80801 No.1507321


just ran test seconds ago…worked

4360ec No.1507322


"Down she goes"


09f6a2 No.1507323


she's on team faux snooze paytriots, cash4bantz division

2b068c No.1507324


I have been a ham for over 40 years. Sometimes there are people like truckers that get the entry license just to avoid getting in trouble with the FCC for having an amplifier in their truck or an ham radio with them. Just having an license doesn't mean that these people are going to transmit in their legal restricted areas. Ham radios can be modified easily to transmit anywhere from CB frequencies to police, military or commercial frequencies.

If you are concerned about monitoring someone you just use a wide band frequency analyzer which if close enough if pick up your signal no matter where you transmit even if you don't know where they will transmit.

The tech entry level license can just be a cover to protect them if somebody questions why they have a ham radio. Also you don't need an outdoor antenna, some people do fairly well with an indoor antenna in their attic for example.

2d95aa No.1507325

File: 90049cac2787e6c⋯.png (46.8 KB, 1255x424, 1255:424, ClipboardImage.png)

twitter down for me

83403a No.1507326

File: 7d8a53844ff0c00⋯.jpg (29.46 KB, 543x540, 181:180, IMG_20180523_000649.jpg)

b8d755 No.1507327



FB good

IG good.

cbd712 No.1507329


So follow the same ignorant path and post your own shillery?

cb56f4 No.1507330

File: 912ecfaeb08f84c⋯.jpg (40.17 KB, 774x439, 774:439, erhy4w3t4.JPG)


confirm confirmed

a5b2ec No.1507332


try refreshing to see if it stays up

b8aad3 No.1507333


Kind of hard to be a shill when my account is legit an RP account for a game.

7d7a96 No.1507335

File: 4095607badad95b⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1200x963, 400:321, ClipboardImage.png)

95194b No.1507336

File: 82943da8bc31022⋯.png (104.54 KB, 687x542, 687:542, twatter-down.png)

2c5202 No.1507337


Longtime HamAnon here also.

Your comments are accurate.


dfd86a No.1507338

What are the chances that Kim Jong Un shows up in DC tomorrow?

b3a812 No.1507339


Scramblers don't work either.

4360ec No.1507340


Twitter HQ raided?

fa4b8e No.1507341


Yes, we know.

P.S. You sound like a real LID.

6ef8b6 No.1507342

33% of these breads are bickering. everybody relax!

f74e58 No.1507343



2b068c No.1507344


I have been a ham for over 40 years. Sometimes there are people like truckers that get the entry license just to avoid getting in trouble with the FCC for having an amplifier in their truck or an ham radio with them. Just having an license doesn't mean that these people are going to transmit in their legal restricted areas. Ham radios can be modified easily to transmit anywhere from CB frequencies to police, military or commercial frequencies.

If you are concerned about monitoring someone you just use a wide band frequency analyzer which if close enough if pick up your signal no matter where you transmit even if you don't know where they will transmit.

The tech entry level license can just be a cover to protect them if somebody questions why they have a ham radio. Also you don't need an outdoor antenna, some people do fairly well with an indoor antenna in their attic for example.

f80801 No.1507345



They don't see the patterns they create, replicate, reproduce, continue….and complain about!


163ee7 No.1507346


Tina Toon has been killing it lately

a23aea No.1507347

Twatter back up in Texas

0dbb86 No.1507348

File: 7c3bd713a5307da⋯.jpg (29.26 KB, 450x271, 450:271, ShillsJim.jpg)

f183b6 No.1507349

Twitter doing updates, jeez anons…

639ecf No.1507350

File: 502073c289851f3⋯.png (11.58 KB, 255x251, 255:251, f9597f6ef1b23dac3c0a92017b….png)


in all positions none the less .

2e747d No.1507351

>>1507020 (previous)

Shooting in Chicago!

j/k Nobody cares about those

4b1f14 No.1507352

File: 36c23d382f1be12⋯.png (237.72 KB, 595x564, 595:564, Screen Shot 2018-05-22 at ….png)

Twat up.

4e6d3e No.1507353

Twatter is down for me too

eee522 No.1507354



This is good research, anon. You should store it in a separate thread so it does not get lost. If there is not already one for the Ohrs or FBI Fuckery you could create one. Thanks for this.

cbd712 No.1507355


It was probably one server that handles certain traffic. People get too worked up and excited here at the drop of a hat.

69f8b2 No.1507356


When it will come nack, hit 'em w/ force!!!

e444cc No.1507357


take one down, pass it around…..

369ff6 No.1507358

Twat is back up

e4fffd No.1507359


Or your connection is

Twitter is working just fine for me

889d86 No.1507360

File: e144794bc99db74⋯.png (331.65 KB, 816x854, 408:427, ClipboardImage.png)


Working fine over here….

001af1 No.1507361

File: b2adcb822bef01f⋯.png (113.72 KB, 1107x548, 1107:548, ClipboardImage.png)

dd5e28 No.1507362


Please control your autism

9ae4bc No.1507363

File: 10c0e2ed5ac3b7e⋯.jpg (180.51 KB, 800x600, 4:3, itshabinin.jpg)

25e855 No.1507364

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I agree Anon, shit going down…

f80801 No.1507365


ty for reply

hardly any reply to my posts. ha…which suggests a pattern…that this anon's posts are irrelevant, insignificant and unnecessary. Yet…I persist. : )

ecfcf6 No.1507366

Twat was down for Scotanon - up again now

b939e7 No.1507367

File: 18f02fd716250d8⋯.jpg (88.83 KB, 1158x543, 386:181, DAYUM.jpg)

dfd86a No.1507368


Yes, both Tina and Ben Garrison our definitely /ourguy/.

8a98b1 No.1507369


Yes Please!

49737a No.1507370

twatter is back. down for a few minutes.

roseanne barr is pissed at vanity fair.


3ca8ad No.1507371


My twitter is still up

cb56f4 No.1507372

Works fine on phone. Still down on PC

8bd9df No.1507373


Nextel phones go through Nextel cell towers to relay their push-to-talk comms. The NSA monitors these just like anything else.

If you are stupid, there is no way to secure communications. None!

And if you were smart and had intensely studied telecomms technology and security of communications and crypto, then you would just go and do it and would not be asking us here on this board or any other board.

And no, I will not tell you how to do it. In fact, if I did tell you I would likely be arrested for releasing classified info even though I have never worked on classified things and have no security clearance at all anywhere. Remember that kid who built a nuclear reactor in his backyard? Same idea. The military/intelligence community wants some things to be kept secret even if you are smart enough to stumble on them yourself.

So I keep my mouth shut.

fe288d No.1507374


I'm questioning about whether that particular verse is commonly quoted at memorials like this. I don't know.

60dfa7 No.1507375

File: c625afb6e56ab58⋯.jpg (782.13 KB, 810x3138, 135:523, Screenshot_20180522-132144….jpg)

Really hope this is true and these fuck for raided [CNN]

9f5224 No.1507376


still up

as is FB

d7f3b7 No.1507377

West Coast fag here. VPN. Twatter working.

2d95aa No.1507378


twitter back up

a7ed31 No.1507379

>Ryan out Jordan in




830130 No.1507380

>>1506866 (earlier bread)

Thank Q!!!! Twitter just crapped out as I read this :) I may not be as much as an autist as some on here, but I am a very proud Patriot and very very proud of our President!!!

cbd712 No.1507381


That's a man getting his money's worth in my book. An estimated 130k or so. Kek.

94f1d9 No.1507382

File: 1cb6a7fd20efc20⋯.jpeg (609.57 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 1cb6a7fd20efc2013d808572d….jpeg)


they were trying to be sneaky

this is one of the reasons q keeps saying


a5b2ec No.1507383


twatter back now

9f6e80 No.1507384


It's just commonly quoted, period.

But this is notable in my opinion. I'd like to see the evidence Prince William said it.

c92d59 No.1507385

File: 5f083e89d8829da⋯.png (1.28 MB, 640x2495, 128:499, Social Media.png)


odd time, as it is one of the peak hours of usage (in the US)

163ee7 No.1507386

File: 58ec5f14a811e5e⋯.png (811.85 KB, 720x526, 360:263, ClipboardImage.png)


no doubt

f80801 No.1507387


WTF with that one? 4 of same post?

abcaee No.1507388

Twatter - Some pages are up and some are down for me.

5c074a No.1507389

File: ee2241690bfa5e7⋯.png (3.33 MB, 654x7983, 218:2661, ClipboardImage.png)

Get out! Judge sides with parents trying to evict their unemployed millennial 30-year-old son from their family home after he refused to pay rent or do chores


lol, shills

f7c5a6 No.1507390

How many days between the first takedown of Twatter and now? Can someone get that information?

cbd712 No.1507391


Chicago is fake news. Not as bad as the media pumps it.

ab68ba No.1507392

File: 2bc23a7ef0a3395⋯.jpg (344.67 KB, 1080x1667, 1080:1667, Screenshot_20180522-114326….jpg)

Califag here. Just got this text message. I'm wondering what qproofs I should reply with…

3c56e4 No.1507393


Horror and Haunting huh….and the IG report is going to involve the LAPTOP


ede8d9 No.1507394

Did Paddock in Vegas have a ZTE phone ?

26d9a9 No.1507395

Regarding SpiritualAnon posts and Boss…Anons may be interested in the daily journals of a Christian musician evangelist who has been writing about a Storm for years. You will invest hours and be amazed. Much prophecy in conservative Christian circles about a time of great evil impending and great changes in Institutional Church but victory of God through spiritual battle as Q as been dropping. Don’t buy the faith aspect? Sure but just go back 10 Year’s with this guy and see how Future proves Past.

https:// markmallett.com

f80801 No.1507396


How do you get to that conclusion?

She repeatedly bashes Trump…closed her forum when Q appeared…and then some..

25bfdd No.1507397


maybe don't doxx hann's phone number retard

48f9d0 No.1507398


40 days since April 12.

b6dae8 No.1507400

A little sauce on the SFO jumper, he lived with a Gary Lee Lingofelter, Lee A Lingofelter may be a relative (still digging) guy arrested many times as a ped, 5 counts of child molesting

http:// www.veromi.net/summary.asp?from=kwVX00000000&vw=people&fn=Robert&mn=D&ln=Finn

https:// arrestfacts.com/Lee-Lingofelter-2m1v7

69f8b2 No.1507401

File: 657b9ebd99558c4⋯.jpg (191.95 KB, 1053x860, 1053:860, scared of truth.JPG)


"It is OK to be scared.

We are scared too….

Of what we'll find you've done to us, over the years!!!"

09f6a2 No.1507402

File: 5407757052611b6⋯.png (316.7 KB, 640x480, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

b28686 No.1507403

Anon from 1892 re: cox


Tensions between Cox, widely seen as initially opposing Trump’s candidacy, and his aides and members of the pro-Trump New York delegation were playing out in other ways over the weekend. Several delegates complained that Cox failed to arrange New York-sponsored evening receptions — generally underwritten by major corporations — that would feature prominent guests and be attended by delegates from other states.“It’s traditional for state delegations to sponsor events after the convention sessions end, and they’re often used for reciprocated favors, as in one state invites another state’s delegates to their event in exchange for floor passes or the like,’’ a prominent New York Republican at the convention told The Post. “So how come New York, Trump’s home-state delegation, isn’t doing it?”

Just guessing but Cox is compd bigly. Am I the only one that thinks Catsimatidis is the female in the picture with a buck naked Slick rubbing his back…..wtf

d4f7fa No.1507404

I found a business idea for all you engineer fags out there, looks like there might be some growth opportunities in the near future.


a7ed31 No.1507405

>2nd Spy


f183b6 No.1507406

File: a50cb753c4613d9⋯.png (121.73 KB, 279x342, 31:38, mug_shot.png)

Chicago shooter identified.

d12388 No.1507407


Yes with both cameras taped over and a Samsung s6

c9fd49 No.1507408



approx 02:34

a7ed31 No.1507409


looks like an (((italian)))

25e855 No.1507410


Sometimes people look for ways to do illicit activites. Sending digital email by ham might be a way for someone of her nefariousness to avoid scrutiny. That's what I instantly noticed by her being involved in ham radio.

8d1df4 No.1507412

File: 99be1bb83660210⋯.png (435.66 KB, 1919x927, 1919:927, Screenshot-2018-5-22 ADS-B….png)

Spanish AF T.22-2

Climbing out of the DR after a few days stay; arrived 20May from Spain. A week ago it went to El Salvador out of the DR. May be headed back.

cbd712 No.1507413

File: 09d0a7ab7178190⋯.jpg (17.16 KB, 204x270, 34:45, fa599f49.jpg)


LMAO! This guy did much worse.

163ee7 No.1507414

File: c36595a8719f698⋯.png (1.68 MB, 1355x763, 1355:763, pepeMoarPopcorn.png)

61de98 No.1507415

If you think it's happening, please tell us what's happening today that wasn't happening last week?

7bc3f5 No.1507416


Anthony Cumia is from NY though.

ab68ba No.1507417


Hann is most likely a bot

65168b No.1507418

File: 1e0c6ad97d8d63a⋯.jpg (90.38 KB, 650x366, 325:183, PepePopcorn.jpg)

9ce709 No.1507419


It's a robot retard, not his phone number

ac5362 No.1507420


Packet radio is a particular digital mode of Amateur Radio ("Ham" Radio) communications which corresponds to computer telecommunications. The telephone modem is replaced by a "magic" box called a terminal node controller (TNC); the telephone is replaced by an amateur radio transceiver, and the phone system is replaced by the "free" amateur radio waves. Packet radio takes any data stream sent from a computer and sends that via radio to another amateur radio station similarly equipped. Packet radio is so named because it sends the data in small bursts, or packets.

302ffc No.1507421


Confirmed, fellow TexanAnon.

5c074a No.1507422


That's quite the 'fro.

60b9df No.1507423

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

>>1506866 Q


>'Flood is coming.'

Then there's this…


Is this what they were referring to, think?

302ffc No.1507424

File: 452f6d6e222ae92⋯.png (724.97 KB, 943x925, 943:925, IMG_2862.PNG)

Interdasting RT from halfchan


48f9d0 No.1507425

File: 191f07462c55f0f⋯.jpg (59.91 KB, 638x425, 638:425, D5.jpg)

95194b No.1507426

File: 339fff05c1a5d62⋯.png (743.66 KB, 874x436, 437:218, brennan-meltdown.png)

File: 14b177fd3b46a53⋯.png (272.94 KB, 649x395, 649:395, brennan-comey-clapper-hack….png)

File: b03097912fc5663⋯.png (279.7 KB, 688x448, 43:28, brennan-feel-lying.png)

File: 638e3383231b578⋯.png (152.49 KB, 554x381, 554:381, brennan-black-clown.png)

4360ec No.1507427

Board lagging for all anons?

22bafb No.1507428

Link for White House press briefing LIVE in 13 minutes


3f51db No.1507429


When the swamp is being drained, it cries Democracy!

e4fffd No.1507430

File: 2f098587a580f70⋯.png (452.72 KB, 651x563, 651:563, Hannity tweet re Other Age….PNG)

File: fc195b18e36bc9c⋯.png (27.77 KB, 459x449, 459:449, Hannity re Other Agencies ….PNG)

DEEP STATE DEPT: Trump Aide Says ‘OTHER AGENCIES’ Went After Campaign


1. Top staffer Michael Caputo was speaking with Fox News when he made the

stunning revelation,saying he “knows for a fact” that the alleged FBI

informant was not “the only person who came at the campaign.

2. And the FBI is not the only Obama agency who came at the campaign.

eee522 No.1507431


Team Coulter.

Maybe she plays some role in the big picture but she seems disturbingly reliant on mainstream reports of Trump Admin.

09f6a2 No.1507432


She is part of the fox "news", emotional manipulation and division strategy. She looks exactly like John Kerry and is very annoying.

9ce709 No.1507433

File: 08bc269f8f7fe4c⋯.jpg (41.55 KB, 540x720, 3:4, 5eece4dbe2ba07b0bbb7081268….jpg)

6cd0b5 No.1507434

File: 6cef53984965a49⋯.jpeg (620.67 KB, 1408x2347, 1408:2347, A033FFB8-1385-443F-B9BB-E….jpeg)

Last nights visitor lines up with the 111 Q marker

bcaca6 No.1507435


Tasty & Comfy <3

c92d59 No.1507436

File: 017779092be4ac6⋯.png (190.18 KB, 799x474, 799:474, Screen Shot 2018-05-22 at ….png)


40 days and 40 nights the temptation of Christ

https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Temptation_of_Christ

92287a No.1507437

File: a50cb753c4613d9⋯.png (121.73 KB, 279x342, 31:38, a50cb753c4613d9006c058260d….png)

File: 3cbb3e628957af3⋯.jpg (54.5 KB, 750x414, 125:69, icff8khz7rh01.jpg)

File: 7db06bf85c4494a⋯.jpg (115.42 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault (3).jpg)


Striking resemblance to Anthony Cumia

03d92a No.1507438

File: 63c842f460204ab⋯.png (459.9 KB, 1041x799, 1041:799, floodcoming.png)


Q post #98

37e540 No.1507439

Part of Rapid Fire?

FBI informant says U.S. had evidence to block billions in nuclear deals for Russia

By John Solomon and Alison Spann - 03/23/18

In a series of rapid-fire decisions, a young Obama administration cleared the way for Russia to buy a mining company with large U.S. uranium assets, to be freed from Cold War-era nuclear export restrictions and to secure billions of dollars in new American nuclear fuel contracts.


fda327 No.1507440

Where the fuck are the "muh TP" hall monitors? Why the fuck are you letting the 102 "twat is down" fags slide? You limp dick assholes! Get to fucking work, hall monitor fags! lmao

568801 No.1507441


Looks like Mr. Joe shit his pants on air.

2b190c No.1507442

File: e9b3410ade56744⋯.png (634.96 KB, 1086x1026, 181:171, Screen Shot 65.png)

Clowns are getting desperate.

dcbf5d No.1507443

Sinkhole develops on White House lawn. POTUS is literaly draining the swamp.

http ://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/388790-sinkhole-develops-on-white-house-lawn

163ee7 No.1507444


good work anon!

f3752b No.1507445

File: 7d8a53844ff0c00⋯.jpg (29.46 KB, 543x540, 181:180, Meme-Wars.101.jpg)





>When it will come [b]ack, hit 'em w/ force!!!

Better idea:

Any one that had a MEME to tweet and got a 'sown' response should post that meme here and another anon with service can send it out.

d4c524 No.1507446



Norsemap down https://map.norsecorp.com

9a5473 No.1507447


that technology, btw, is called IDEN, which Q has mentioned a few times.

dunno if Q means something else, but it always brings nextel phones to mind when it's said.

7d7a96 No.1507448


norse has been down for weeks here.

25e855 No.1507449


This is my question, who would be able to monitor the email you send digitally by Ham?

Was that her reason for the ham radio use?

43a396 No.1507450

File: 2c4b7cd0c98eadc⋯.png (433.46 KB, 777x511, 111:73, twcatnotwbatwdts.png)


55d9ad No.1507451

File: f7f58d17f548907⋯.png (919.17 KB, 576x582, 96:97, ham4.PNG)

f8acd7 No.1507452

File: 4ab3290b5c45381⋯.jpg (76.15 KB, 804x611, 804:611, Barry's Chile.JPG)

any Chile / S American fags recall this 2012 piece. . .

We just had 34 bishops dismissed.



001af1 No.1507453

File: 11fe6d1d16f511e⋯.png (427.14 KB, 1282x595, 1282:595, ClipboardImage.png)

42b0bd No.1507454

File: b82bdcc30c7037f⋯.png (138.42 KB, 1080x505, 216:101, Screenshot_20180522-135049….png)

Remember the connection between Schumer, his wife, and daughter. Oh looky…..

15bdfc No.1507455

File: 330728c7e3f3dbe⋯.png (161.42 KB, 542x532, 271:266, pepe badge.png)

File: 1a03297f3afc183⋯.jpg (179.13 KB, 333x400, 333:400, pepe boobs.jpg)

File: 9f038d69906a7b9⋯.png (946.28 KB, 800x820, 40:41, pepe me meme you.png)

File: a5f2ff7dd049a1b⋯.jpg (68.32 KB, 572x700, 143:175, pepe moab printed.jpg)

File: 3f3b0b78475eef2⋯.jpg (81.98 KB, 512x512, 1:1, pepe red sea wave.jpg)

e4fffd No.1507456

File: 51d4a8bfb9679a2⋯.png (123.66 KB, 658x585, 658:585, Cannon re Animal 5-22-18.PNG)

*Trump sips tea (pinky out)

“You were saying something, @CNN?”

3e711b No.1507457

File: 8170cb244405a13⋯.png (52.2 KB, 591x297, 197:99, Screen Shot 2018-05-22 at ….png)

cbd712 No.1507458


Can fit about 35 men?

c92d59 No.1507459

File: e98291ef2c0a270⋯.png (162.6 KB, 821x434, 821:434, Screen Shot 2018-05-22 at ….png)

639ecf No.1507460

File: e32661c444c55a9⋯.jpg (31.64 KB, 586x449, 586:449, e32.jpg)


kek , clowns gotta clown .

912cee No.1507461

File: ccaad2e31fec76d⋯.png (155.65 KB, 631x392, 631:392, PikeZionismvsIslam.png)


Im sure his "Judeo" Christian prophecy lines right up with the Cabals plans…they invented the "Judeo" narrative..

The twist comes at the end…Christ doesnt show up…"Judeo" Christians are disillusioned…

5d350c No.1507462

File: cbe982879c64193⋯.png (21.02 KB, 528x176, 3:1, 5-22-2018 Gas attack at el….PNG)

File: afbb74dbacb9ffd⋯.png (311.9 KB, 540x492, 45:41, 5-22-2018 Shots fried at s….PNG)

They really are attacking the kids again today.


3ec132 No.1507463

f3752b No.1507464

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


So I correct anons spelling and make a spelling error of my own.

Hmmm …

Guess this anon needs more covfefe!

f7c5a6 No.1507465

File: 047a7ba5c3849dd⋯.jpg (260.6 KB, 427x268, 427:268, aw_meme.jpg)

9f6e80 No.1507466


thank you

yes i'd say it's notable.

think timing…

8e0d86 No.1507467


When i see William, all i see is King Juan Carlos

Why didn't the monarchy want Charles to have any kids? Is he not really part of their bloodline?

f74e58 No.1507468


Shadow War Anon. Shadow War..

b3a812 No.1507469


It's like POTUS said a long time ago. If you want secure comms you have to send a courier.

d4c524 No.1507470


21 months without adrrenochrome.

8e4504 No.1507471



see Q's gonna lock your arse up.

65168b No.1507472

File: 26bd39c5ba443b4⋯.jpg (181.12 KB, 418x411, 418:411, PepeCoffee.jpg)

e45790 No.1507473

here come the FFs….

ac5362 No.1507474

File: a2f70b4c77ca0a6⋯.png (80.66 KB, 1440x900, 8:5, ClipboardImage.png)

302ffc No.1507475

2 min. Ago, from twatter:

T-60 minutes until Falcon 9 launch of Iridium-6/GRACE-FO. Launch webcast will go live about 15 minutes before liftoff → spacex.com/webcast

71cb76 No.1507476


Really reminds me when China had their string of weird ass violent incidents.


69f8b2 No.1507477


Trending this days?

f74e58 No.1507478


3 Confirmed.

311465 No.1507479

48f9d0 No.1507480

File: 2bc9b2a578c0f09⋯.jpg (78.6 KB, 666x499, 666:499, ymsf.jpg)


If POTUS says it, it must be true.

cbd712 No.1507481

f74e58 No.1507482


Q !UW.yye1fxo No.95 📁

Feb 15 2018 14:28:16 (EST)


Civilian Puppet.

Player in the game?

We play for KEEPS.

Need help sleeping?

How was your meeting w/ Pelosi?

Protection offered?

Life Lesson: Be smarter than those controlling you.

<T-minus [12:34]



92287a No.1507483


Fake news, real sauce here and an interesting story.

Anthony Cumia Of ‘Opie And Anthony’ Arrested In Long Island Domestic Abuse Case


db67f4 No.1507484

File: 38fcffd320be1e6⋯.png (179.98 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, Plane_Filters.png)


I applied some more filters

Looks like






001af1 No.1507485

File: dff19fecf3486e8⋯.png (1.21 MB, 1686x1042, 843:521, ClipboardImage.png)



15bdfc No.1507486

File: 3f7117b32364031⋯.png (79.91 KB, 400x200, 2:1, dorsey store porn.png)

File: 5e3528ecc82712a⋯.png (109.15 KB, 600x315, 40:21, Jack chose wrong.png)

41a186 No.1507487


you are what you eat

used to eat cute babies

now he eats nigger ass

5703bf No.1507488

New update Anons

There are allot of Good honest EX LEO, Military officers & Military personal that were purged out.

Many are requesting to return back in to active duty to help POTUS, LEO & Military

e6831b No.1507489

File: 6b2005e6ccc0a26⋯.gif (22.72 KB, 310x760, 31:76, defcon-happening[1].gif)



>Active shooter in Panama



LIVE FEEDS(1st just ended…)



>AP & CNN barred from PFAS summit and possible raid by FCC



>Possible arrest of Julian Assange


>Twitter down? Was it regional? Was it just bad connection?A glitch?



>Netanyahu has ordered that until July all cabinet meetings will be held in the "doomsday bunker"




f80801 No.1507490

>>1500160 (PB significant question…)







op was not mistaken…

many have experienced same or similar…

question is…was it the bad guys or the good guys?

83403a No.1507491

File: f95227eca74c9ff⋯.jpg (76.49 KB, 800x500, 8:5, IMG_20180523_002556.jpg)

d4f7fa No.1507492


All USA registered aircraft begin with N….

Just an FYI

cda5c1 No.1507493

File: b68219ea94df7d4⋯.png (686.03 KB, 988x557, 988:557, freehan.png)


The "pope's" Bad May continues. One America News is reporting:

>MELBOURNE (Reuters) – An Australian archbishop was found guilty on Tuesday of concealing child sex abuse by a priest, which Australian media said made him the most senior Catholic in the world to be convicted on such a charge.

>Philip Wilson, the archbishop of Adelaide and a former president of the Catholic Church’s top body in Australia, is expected to be sentenced by the court in June.

He should share a cell with George Pell.

8bd9df No.1507494


The NSA.

They monitor ALL communications.

66cf13 No.1507495


What do they have to hide…

69f8b2 No.1507497


Let 'em call us a larp….

61de98 No.1507498

Signs you are in a cult:

1. Leader tells you something's happening, and it's not.

71cb76 No.1507499


Wait, AP and CNN are possibly raided??? Fuck that would be awsome

abcaee No.1507500


Dat you NR?


69f8b2 No.1507501


They want a LARP, let's give 'em a LARP!!!!

1175c9 No.1507502

File: 92f40918d5dccb1⋯.png (580.85 KB, 708x572, 177:143, cominatya.png)

783571 No.1507504


Had my location described pretty clearly once.

Felt that might have been a bad hat.

Other times non-threaded comments come back to me after a couple of boards.

Generally set to create new discussion on a favorite topic.

Felt that work is white hat.

f8acd7 No.1507505


It's almost like you're joking as if Q comes on these boards as one of us anons….

Get out of here.

70177f No.1507506


good spot

e4fffd No.1507507

File: 17916a8c31b6611⋯.png (186.57 KB, 515x885, 103:177, Federalist GOP Poll 5-22-1….PNG)

File: ab2fd6fc55ac5f3⋯.png (49.1 KB, 651x358, 651:358, SAdams re GOP Poll.PNG)

New Poll Shows GOP Now Leads In 2018 Generic Ballot


7c6040 No.1507508


Break twatter into a thousand pieces, and scatter them into the wind.

57b8ed No.1507509

File: 9b9f4522930b199⋯.png (368.97 KB, 1184x1324, 296:331, READ THE MAP vs BUILD THE ….png)

File: 1a8b7f1f7f210f1⋯.png (105.69 KB, 740x828, 185:207, read the map.png)

One last try on 'READ'

83403a No.1507510

File: 1036b45eda88f7f⋯.jpg (91.41 KB, 686x680, 343:340, IMG_20180523_002840.jpg)

c9fd49 No.1507511


wut? William is Charles' son. (Harry, not so much.)

bf3c51 No.1507512

File: ca89ba994e9c5d3⋯.png (2.48 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Popcorn Q Alpha.png)

0dbb86 No.1507513


Are you a Democrat, rooting for Hillary as President of Earth 2?


1cefcb No.1507514


Why is he being attacked by sperm?

82c603 No.1507515

File: 26ed190ed402fd2⋯.jpg (41.8 KB, 523x521, 523:521, Dd0SPjTVQAEo5IA.jpg)

bf3c51 No.1507516


Time to get new glasses ShillyMcNobody

3c56e4 No.1507517

File: e0a0a46a1b52ee9⋯.jpg (88.02 KB, 877x841, 877:841, 409d6963-664a-448c-bd20-2f….jpg)

Wow! EPA Hearing with Scott Pruitt barred AP and CNN from entering

"EPA spokesman Jahan Wilcox told the barred organizations they were not invited and there was no space for them, but gave no indication of why they specifically were barred."


2a4baf No.1507518

CNN kill box, long time coming, relief!

Follow the pen

Federal penitentiary, please!

cbd712 No.1507519


I don't see shit about a shooter on the tribune site


25e855 No.1507520

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I assume that was their intention, so they were not that smart if they tried this and the NSA was listening lol

Some prong for the Q masses..

369ff6 No.1507521


It's here if you want to check it out: https://twitter.com/HNIJohnMiller/status/998968203681427458

He only has one source, so take it with a grain of salt for now

7a68aa No.1507522

File: 6788519e7292b6c⋯.jpg (96.6 KB, 800x430, 80:43, happening1.jpg)

cbd712 No.1507523

Chicago Gas leak, no gun fire


71cb76 No.1507524

a3ac0c No.1507525

Press briefing with Sarah Sanders any moment. Live stream here:


163ee7 No.1507526

File: 17dcce96a2adf57⋯.jpg (383.42 KB, 1335x934, 1335:934, D5sidebyside.jpg)

0e1f27 No.1507527

>>1506441 (prev)

¿por qué finges ser un adulto que trabaja?

163ee7 No.1507528

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


gotcha anon

9e6b2c No.1507529

>>1506522 (previous)

You mean signs like a giant white fucking owl appearing out of no where on a street light in front of my house at 1:30am two days ago while my close friend and I just happened to be outside talking since he has been having a rough go lately. Then the same owl flying over us, landing on my roof then flying over us again before disappearing in the night sky? Here is a hint: they are not recorded as existing where I live. Oh, and lets not forget all the recent /x tier shit in the sky that literally started going next level right when all of this began. If that is what you mean by signs, then yes anon, I have been having them too. :)

82c603 No.1507530

File: 0901fb1747fd6d4⋯.png (134.25 KB, 779x457, 779:457, Screen Shot 2018-05-22 at ….png)

3e711b No.1507531

Did China try to stop the upcoming summit with NK?

9ce709 No.1507532

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

JA safe?

Coming home?

dca557 No.1507533

SO every once in a while I pop over to twatter to read comments on POTUS tweets.

Such poison

No reason

No logic

100% emotion - literally if these folks had guns and an opportunity they would take a shot.

The evil needs to be exposed….





These fools need to be awoken to the truth, before it's too late - FOR THEM

439e86 No.1507534

File: 6cdfadc86a42ecc⋯.png (822.84 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Q_Crumb_2018_April_21_Moab….png)

File: ab08de5323cba5c⋯.png (413.79 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Q_Crumb_2018_April_21_Moab….png)

File: c6d193b55d62489⋯.png (427.99 KB, 903x594, 301:198, Moab_owl.png)


Moab, Utah

a3ac0c No.1507535


Thanks Anon, phonefagging

0fc007 No.1507536


damn straight

bc0c7e No.1507537

Q is psychoactive guy. I thought I was just being paranoid. I'd say more but I'll just that say for now.

Some of these links are in Portuguese, but I'll explain it simply.


Chariman: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lucasperronefox

Studied A.I at MINERVA Schools KGI…

basically, a startup with a few different partnerships based in Sao Paulo among a few others which accepts donations for a chance to win some kind of raffle/prize/lottery, e.g. lunch with famefags. A small portion of the pot goes to the house while most goes to "good" causes…like:


The SOS Children's Village…in Brazil

Oh, who's the founder: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hermann_Gmeiner

That deserves it's own dig. You'll see.

But, wait! There's moar…

The pyramid scheme relationship with Dadivar is through http://recode.org.br/


Founder: Rodrigo Baggio

Also co-founder of http://www.tendrel.org/ weird name, huh…

Moar social changemaker BS.

There is a lot on Baggio, but here's a sample from the CDI wiki:

"After a pilot program in two favelas, Ashoka: Innovators for the Public provided initial funding for three years starting in 1996.[3][4]

The AVINA Foundation, the Inter-American Development Bank, Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship, Skoll Foundation, Tech Museum, Unicef and Unesco also provided support. CDI founder Rodrigo Baggio was named by the World Economic Forum as one of “100 Global Leaders for Tomorrow”, by Time magazine as one of the 50 leaders in Latin America that will make a difference in the third millennium,[1] by CNN, Time and Fortune as one of the world’s ten “Principal Voices in Economic Development”.[5] In 2009 he was invited to join the Strategy Council of the UN’s new Global Alliance for Information and Communication Technologies and Development and the Clinton Global Initiative.[6]"

Lots there, but let's just look at Ashoka. Nice. http://powerbase.info/index.php/Ashoka

And who do we find highlighted? Baggio is their cover girl…all funded by Soros, Rockefeller, McKinsey…etc. That Hill & Nolton (H&K), now WPP, might be another interesting fork to take, but I'll leave that to you guys.

GG, if you're out there and still doing real investigative journalism for good, get your people on this, asap.

I was talking and showing the MS-13 photos, etc. to an older teenage kid that I know from Rio…didn't even flinch. responded that it's like a light version of what the narco gangs in the Rio favelas have been doing for years…

This is what globalization looks like, people. The 3rd world doesn't look like the 1st. The 1st looks like the 3rd…or worse, hell on earth.

Last, but not least, to try to bring it back full circle to Dadivar, maybe there is more there, but one name jumped out: intern Ana Thereza Bragança. https://www.dadivar.com.br/quem-somos

As in, Ana Thereza Orleans-Bragança of the the Brazilian Imperial family: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/House_of_Orl%C3%A9ans-Braganza


Some low level, side branch member maybe…who knows? Honestly, considering the class divisions in Brazil, it might not be of import, BUT…

What's curious is that now that ex-president Lula is in prison, the far right Bolsonaro is a/the leading candidate for 2018. A leftist judge was going to run, but recently fell out of the race…likely threats of exposing corruption.

Who is aligning with Bolsonaro for this fall's presidential elections? Dom Bertrand de Orléans e Bragança. BOOM. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prince_Bertrand_of_Orl%C3%A9ans-Braganza

I know everyone thinks that Bolsonaro is the Brazilian Trump. I don't have a call on it, but I'm skeptical about this underground movement to reestablish the imperial family. Certainly, Brazil has been pretty retarded with it's democracy, but I don't know if that can all be blamed on them. No middle class, poor education, and legally obligated voting doesn't lead to choosing the best candidates. There are good people in Brazil. Anyway, I think we should all be asking if this divine right by blood rule, aka hidden pagan matriarchy b.s., is the way to move forward…Obviously, I strongly disagree, but I'm just an expatanon.

Remember: SOS Children's Villages exist…and they're down the street!!!

21534a No.1507538


He hates the thought of Q…

And Q posted [CNN] first…

So, it'll be funny if a Q haters helps with the Q legitimacy question…

9a3ca4 No.1507539


shills aren't what they used to be, fire shill trainer

1175c9 No.1507540


did you read the caption?

e6831b No.1507541


The media bar is confirmed


Raid is unconfirmed

163ee7 No.1507542

69f8b2 No.1507543


Absemce of wall.

3e711b No.1507544


Press Briefing

a5f35d No.1507545

File: 0483e947902a3e6⋯.png (76.99 KB, 818x525, 818:525, puna.png)


Posted on last bread.

Concerns that this all might have been started by fracking at this geothermal plant.


See how close it is to Leilani Estates where the first fissure opened up?

568801 No.1507546


More Fake news from the CUNT network.

Can't wait for the evening block buster Trump summons little men from Mars……

d7fee8 No.1507547


>Does anyone remember seeing the post from the Anon at newsroom saying the sh*t was hitting the fan? Said all remote employees were being told to come into office?….seeking

001af1 No.1507548


same here…like loose puzzle pieces coming together into clusters that themselves are coming together. make sense?

af1878 No.1507549

Anons, this new talk now about the NK summit maybe not working on June 12th, and maybe happening later…. where do you think this is going? Its optics, but I dont know the angle

7a68aa No.1507550


Not that I wouldn't but Democrats would eat it up, only when democracy completely fails should we entertain that idea.

2b190c No.1507551


Good work!

109eab No.1507552


Saw a twat that AP was thrown out of EPA briefing.

cd95bf No.1507553

File: 8ba99ddc4941c8d⋯.jpg (12.38 KB, 612x298, 306:149, 173637317.jpg)

71cb76 No.1507554


Thats right! Wasnt he from WaPo?

bf3c51 No.1507555

File: d548befd89f3067⋯.jpg (464.77 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, ItsHappeningSmoke.jpg)

fe288d No.1507556



>you are what you eat

Agree. One of my friends did two years in prison. He came out looking like a wreck. Black cons often look better because they use the time to build muscles.

7c3558 No.1507557

here's what you all are facing, this is what q and co. are still condoning by their inaction:

https:// www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/inside-shooting-lockdown-drills-how-this-school-district-prepares-for-the-worst_us_5b0320fce4b0a046186eca87

little children have to go through this due the never-ending "school shootings" narrative in the seditious fake news. (probably not the elite children of q team, but our grubby regular children would.)

eee789 No.1507558

File: efae2b3bfada628⋯.png (55.85 KB, 647x360, 647:360, impeach.PNG)

Huber was brought in for impeachment experience

3ec132 No.1507559

File: 36e46acad64eb0a⋯.gif (997.49 KB, 425x259, 425:259, JulianAssange_Smile.gif)


I pray for Julian. I hope that Q team and POTUS have devised a way to keep him safe. He is a HERO and he deserves his freedom to be recognized as the hero that he is!

d7fee8 No.1507560


Yep - that was the one

4df13b No.1507561



42b0bd No.1507562


Note! I hope they were!

b3a812 No.1507563


They didn't get an invite. When they tried to crash they got turned away.

d4c524 No.1507564

41a186 No.1507565

File: f082c07a20a1b1c⋯.jpg (171.14 KB, 902x902, 1:1, IMG_1229.JPG)

4df13b No.1507566

File: 11da0e88ec6c6de⋯.png (557.22 KB, 1080x996, 90:83, Screenshot_20180523-003551….png)

7d7a96 No.1507567

File: c4a181b5b17f3b6⋯.png (354.44 KB, 699x518, 699:518, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 35cb7294bd33aab⋯.png (1.42 MB, 1205x5616, 1205:5616, ClipboardImage.png)


42b0bd No.1507568


Reread the crumbssssssss

109eab No.1507569


Gotcha, thank you.

bb5317 No.1507570

File: 5c93ae24cfa05fd⋯.gif (8.72 MB, 300x400, 3:4, Darwin.gif)

'Flood is coming'

27b722 No.1507571

File: 311d8ba47ea5748⋯.jpg (128.1 KB, 693x520, 693:520, dream_d0skisnv7sz.jpg)

File: 2d88f5a6c42ac42⋯.jpg (171.86 KB, 693x520, 693:520, dream_f1qzzfhqgsg.jpg)

File: 3e87e6679f81a66⋯.jpg (133.81 KB, 693x520, 693:520, dream_8ysaqf1czum.jpg)

File: bbce56423ded0ff⋯.jpg (148.75 KB, 693x520, 693:520, dream_qoyul7gxbjc.jpg)



Still waiting for "My fellow Americans, a storm is upon us."

But a confirmation of Teh Habbening level is most appreciate!

fee929 No.1507572


i pray for that to happen to fb

maybe people will start talking again

57b8ed No.1507573


Harry may have red hair, but he looks like a red-hair version of Charles to me, William looks just like his mother.

cbd712 No.1507574

File: dcf2d1e0160cc48⋯.jpg (101.91 KB, 700x463, 700:463, web18-surveillancecameras-….jpg)

Come the fuck on with this shit already.

Police Deploy Amazon Rekognition Facial Recognition Tech Sparking Privacy Rights Outrage


63043c No.1507575


A lot of them are bots. A huge portion of the rest are low information (msm-addicted) folks on the dole from Media Matters, Share Blue, and their ilk. I believe they form a large part of the 4% - 6% that Q says are beyond saving. They're like rabid dogs (with no disrespect to dogs intended).

369ff6 No.1507576


KEK! That will make for a funny graphic if it turns out to be true.

9a3ca4 No.1507577


bit more clever shilling, but does not work and maybe you should volunteer to stand guard at one of your local schools, shill

c9bc87 No.1507578




No I remember it and it was HuffPo

e4fffd No.1507579

File: a2f39244933aa65⋯.png (278.4 KB, 661x812, 661:812, NShort re Mueller Cover Up….PNG)

File: e4fb95ddde71ddc⋯.png (109.46 KB, 492x911, 492:911, Tablet 1 re Mueller 5-22-1….PNG)

File: 464195bb2ce8afc⋯.png (106.23 KB, 498x906, 83:151, Tablet 2 re Mueller 5-22-1….PNG)

File: 416da6e1d547e8c⋯.png (110.48 KB, 492x908, 123:227, Tablet 3 re Mueller 5-22-1….PNG)

File: 223ef0aa4fd075f⋯.png (66.48 KB, 489x557, 489:557, Tablet 4 re Mueller 5-22-1….PNG)

Robert Mueller’s Beltway Cover-Up

By using the justice system as a political weapon, Mueller and his supporters in both parties

are confirming what many Americans already believe: We are not all equal under one law.


[long read/but worth at least scanning]

7c2b9c No.1507580


It's because most of Potus supporters have been banned from twatter. Not many sane voices left on that platform.

It's sad that those people are in such a deep sleep. Under a powerful spell.

Q keeps saying to watch the show. Potus is in complete control… we just need to watch it all unfold, for the sake of the normies. Trust the plan!

5c4d75 No.1507581

File: add0cd55d69f311⋯.jpg (369.33 KB, 1080x1251, 120:139, Screenshot_20180522-120740….jpg)


f80801 No.1507582


The OP was not mistaken. Many posts have suggested knowledge of id to several.

It is what it is.

It's either the bad guys or the good guys…but it IS happening to several…in several posts. OP not mistaken, not confused…not conspiracy…

God? Q and team? Bad guys? Alphabets being arrogant pricks?


731dfa No.1507583



>Netanyahu has ordered that until July all cabinet meetings will be held in the "doomsday bunker", both regularly scheduled ones and emergency ones. All ministers will be required to arrive alone without any aids or guests, and no one from the media or public will be allowed to attend.

>The "doomsday bunker" is the Israeli media's slang term for a bunker in the mountains near Jerusalem (the exact location is a closely guarded secret), designed to be Israel's equivalent to America's Raven Rock, capable of withstanding any imaginable NBC or conventional attacks, that will serve as the command center in "doomsday scenarios" of warfare. The government has only met there 3 times since its construction, all times being isolated instances when the IDF was on its highest level of alert of impending war. This is the first instance in history of all cabinet meetings being ordered into the bunker for a defined period of time.




976775 No.1507585

File: 8c74423d7287cf9⋯.png (87.17 KB, 404x278, 202:139, Fake news says aides make ….png)

File: 4ac467d5e23b4b2⋯.png (88.67 KB, 410x294, 205:147, Fake news fears over Trump….png)

File: d9aaedea3297084⋯.png (89.23 KB, 773x858, 773:858, Fake news has phone advice….png)

File: 9decb978610ca26⋯.png (97.19 KB, 822x773, 822:773, Fake news phone advice for….png)

These stories are funny,, sounds like they are trying to explain away the existance of Q, kek( Trumps mispellings are on purpose by his staff, to make it seem more like a real Trump tweet,, LMAO GIVE ME A BREAK,

And Then saying Trump uses an unsecure phone, LMAO

(after 7 assasination attempts, in the middle of the storm, when cabal is most desperate, and we know Apple gave the Cabal new phones)

I'm sure Trump is using an unsecured apple phone, LMAO

Some of Trump's Twitter typos are inserted on purpose by aides who want to mimic president's loose style when they draft tweets for him

President Donald Trump has been known to lace his tweets with random capitalization, occasional spelling errors, and exclamation points

He doesn't personally write all his tweets – some crafted by staff or with the help of staff

Some aides have learned to insert misspellings as a way to mimic Trump's style and produce missives that read in an authentic-sounding voice

Trump misspelled Melania Trump's name when she got out of the hospital – an error that was likely unintentional

http:// www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5757891/Some-Trumps-Twitter-typos-inserted-purpose-aides-mimicking-president.html

Security fears over Trump's iPhones as devices revealed to go unchecked for months AND have camera and microphones that could be hijacked

Trump uses two iPhones - one for Twitter and one for phone calls

He claims it's 'too inconvenient' to hand them over for regular security checks

Having the phones checked and swapped out would slow his ability to tweet

One of Trump's phones has a mic and camera, sparking fears those features could be used by hackers to track his movements

Trump, who doesn't use email, criticized Hillary Clinton's private email server during the presidential campaign, claiming it could be hacked

Trump not first president to want a phone, Obama waged a vicious war with aides to keep his blackberry by his side

http:// www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5758441/Security-fears-Trumps-cell-phone-devices-revealed-unchecked-months.html

ba71b9 No.1507586

do we have any more info on the EO yesterday on Venezuela and a link to the plan here?

I feel every EO has a bigger plan. Whose money is tied in VZ?

cbd712 No.1507587


Fight through a rough patch of reactionary cunts, or let them continue their reign of satan coocksucking? I know my pick.

d7fee8 No.1507588


It was one of the "Po's". Looking for it now. Late last week.

71cb76 No.1507589

File: 3ec796b6931dbfc⋯.jpg (90.85 KB, 500x635, 100:127, 2asiap.jpg)

File: bd70bf533ff6268⋯.jpg (93.14 KB, 500x636, 125:159, 2asiig.jpg)

cd95bf No.1507590

File: c06f6ec398d6511⋯.jpg (72.65 KB, 883x499, 883:499, 2asijy.jpg)

bf3c51 No.1507591

File: eea9979768ea4a0⋯.png (2.91 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Cookie Monster Q Alpha.png)


Have a cookie Anon. 3 even, kek

163ee7 No.1507592

File: 5b27a93bc3f6f71⋯.png (1.68 MB, 1355x764, 1355:764, crying.png)


e6831b No.1507593


CNN and AP



Wew, twitter outage confirmed

f3752b No.1507594


The liberal education system teaches us that we're just animals that evolved from apes.

The liberal political system condemns us when we call criminals animals.

Conclusion: Liberals are Schizophrenic. (duplicitous)

4df13b No.1507595

File: f15118aa1fa0ec8⋯.jpg (1.34 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, IMG_20180523_003915.jpg)

af1878 No.1507596


>Anons, this new talk now about the NK summit maybe not working on June 12th, and maybe happening later…. where do you think this is going? Its optics, but I dont know the angle


9a5473 No.1507597

File: 57de691b18c027e⋯.jpg (307.68 KB, 1228x756, 307:189, va-plane-crash.jpg)

File: f811d13d1c55981⋯.jpg (240.09 KB, 1476x740, 369:185, n6177-flight-hist.jpg)

File: 9cc0965c2b13944⋯.jpg (190.86 KB, 1424x760, 178:95, n6177-flight-reg.jpg)


yes - i'm positive that it's N6177.

but the flightaware picture of n6177 doesn't match the description in the article.

also, the company it's registered to doesn't match the pilot - but the destination and (admittedly old) flight logs reported in the article DO match, and there's nothing close to it coming out of that airport this morning.

7c3558 No.1507599



look soytard, it's time to demand more of q team when it comes to these festering problems

they are not beyond reproach, there is a tendency to cater to corrupt big business that is very troubling.

where are the statements about our food, water, and air quality?

you need to try harder yourself.

4df13b No.1507600

File: 4cdb537aee67124⋯.jpg (62.95 KB, 612x667, 612:667, IMG_20180523_004053.jpg)

21534a No.1507601



0e1f27 No.1507602


>Huber was brought in for impeachment experience

That is NOT what that says !

Are you glowing, or completely lacking in reading comprehension ?

ede8d9 No.1507603

Is there another spaceX launch today ?

2d0528 No.1507604

File: 553b90d4e5b2d25⋯.jpg (14.4 KB, 321x321, 1:1, IMG_6868.jpg)

34c80e No.1507605


Fake News, its habbening, This is just to screw with the media. These guys have been talking the entire time.

d12388 No.1507606


We going to see a round up like in SA?

69f8b2 No.1507607






f80801 No.1507608


Not sure…

Some of her actions were eerily timed…and significant. She is not who she presents herself to be….but underlying intents are unknown.

She made major decisions at critical times….?????

9a3ca4 No.1507609


you sound very dnc

e6831b No.1507610


Active 4chins tread on this


dfd86a No.1507611


We will suffer the brief shitstorm that the Cabal rains down on us, in exchange for a vast, lengthy period of peace, harmony and prosperity. Once the Cabal is wrecked (like your wife by 6 pm on Thursdays), there will be no one to create these false Flags

797771 No.1507612

Once upon a time,

the autist outcasts

were called upon

by a very special anon…

Now months have gone by,

autists are still there,

still working, still trying,

but normies have flooded in,

as they always do, everywhere.

Expecting others to be like them,

utterly unable to even imagine

there could ever be something unlike them.

And at a time when they should celebrate,

they get scorn and disregard,

sharing among themselves

the normies' gift to autists:

they're now outcasts again,

in their own special place.

''TL;DR: normies get out reeee and/or fuck all of you who haven't even tried to adapt to this board, so, so, so much.

Know that you are hated in life, and hated here.

Traitors to your fellow soldiers and combattants you can't understand, but insist on joining.

Fuck you so much.

Thanks to those who at least tried, though.''

f183b6 No.1507613


Who the fuck is this nigger kidding?

5703bf No.1507614


Yes Falcon 9 , as soon as they can

d78884 No.1507615


thank you

87d6ad No.1507616

001af1 No.1507617


34 minutes http://www.spacex.com/webcast

dcbf5d No.1507618

File: 3a43bbd7060ebf8⋯.jpg (93.09 KB, 800x430, 80:43, white-house-sink-hole-800x….jpg)


Must be where the Clintons hid all the bodies

4b1f14 No.1507619

Baker requesting handoff

Anons, please volunteer.

59c813 No.1507620


Are you okay there buddy?

cbd712 No.1507621


Libs love the "soyboy" term as much as they love Hillary. Easy way to spot a blue cunt. Terminology.

42b0bd No.1507622


Sounds like they realized the typos are on purpose but they can't figure out what they mean, lol!!!!!

a03a7e No.1507623

File: ee243dc09f68e97⋯.jpg (42.36 KB, 640x344, 80:43, deniseandsister2640.jpg)


Lying. Mirroring Hillary's actual behavior.

As If.

Same stupid moves, Over and over and over.


Security fears over Trump's iPhones as devices revealed to go unchecked for months AND have camera and microphones that could be hijacked

Trump uses two iPhones - one for Twitter and one for phone calls

He claims it's 'too inconvenient' to hand them over for regular security checks

>Trump uses two iPhones - one for Twitter and one for phone calls


>He claims it's 'too inconvenient' to hand them over for regular security checks

f71563 No.1507624


The solution to that is to smash their fucking cameras. Did they get our consent to track us?

Enough of the games. If we realize that the power resides with the people, we will no longer fear, THEM.

cbd712 No.1507625


cfcf31 No.1507626

Bad news means Shootings

e444cc No.1507627

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Rapid Fire

976775 No.1507628

File: 2f85a388dad7542⋯.png (37.65 KB, 749x244, 749:244, Q post May 19.7.png)


We should tweet that professor, who gave the password advice, and ask him if he thinks the now comes the pain password is a good one,,KEK

639ecf No.1507629

File: 8c136062587018d⋯.jpg (20.89 KB, 246x255, 82:85, 4c26c5486507bdf079798b8129….jpg)


kek , salty tears for the popcorn .

2fc12b No.1507630


Would be a good indication that Huma's flipped & delivered the goods.

57b8ed No.1507631


Really, "mimic president's loose style…"

They are trying to make POTUS appear sloppy & Q disappear.

a00195 No.1507632

From the CTH site:

SJM says:

May 22, 2018 at 2:04 pm

From Open Thread Comments Section(LINK BELOW)

jeff says:

May 22, 2018 at 5:58 am


AG Jeff Sessions was not hired to prosecute the CABAL . THAT ROLE will become that of the Military JAG corp .

Sessions was picked to unravel everything Obama ever did as a president not eligible .

ANYTHING he signed either EO or laws he signed are NOT CONSTITUTIONAL as he was never president .

Sessions must navigate the Trump administrations insurgency asymmetrical war against the SHADOW GOVERNMENT and DEEP STATE through the many usurpation of the Obama CABAL .

Sessions and Trumps perceived distance is so that HISTORY will show they both acted by the letter of the law .

FACT …anyone who Obama appointed and the UNIPARTY confirmed is a rogue element of the enemy domestic .

Including the entire breadth of the Judicial Branch and SCOTUS !!

The people trust the Military . Q tells us to look at the TIMING !!

When the kids are out for Summer Recess and out of concentrated reach of the SATANIC CULT in the communist schools the STORM BEGINS !!

Consider the coming GITMO Military full tribunals and stateside Military Courts Martial run justice system as a modern NUREMBERG trials of a modern NAZI REGIME that had taken over America from within .

During the Nuremberg trials many in the NAZI party claimed as their defense they were simply following orders during war time .

THIS TIME the DEEP STATE agents would claim they are not guilty because Obama was NEVER a REAL PRESIDENT and any law he had a hand in or his agents was invalid .


The enemy domestic our constitution was designed to prevent and bring justice to .

Following the precedence of president Lincoln during the insurrection against the constitution and federal authority for REBELLION .

Article 1 section 9 allows for suspension of Habeas Corpus during Martial Law for REBELLION against the constitution .

Lincoln asserted that congress did NOT need to declare WAR on the Southern secessionist and that it was a REBELLION .

OPERATION CROSSFIRE HURRICANE will be presented as a SEDITION REBELLION of a duly elected President . President Trump will follow the precedence set by President Lincoln including the declaration of Martial law and suspension of Habaes Corpus for those enemy domestic captured by our US Military in OPERATION AMERICAN FREEDOM .

Coming soon as the pretext will be presented in the un-REDACTED Nunez memo . What EO has president Trump signed but as yet unreleased in “follow the pen ” ?

The Presidents proclamation from May 1 2018 clearly defines those who have failed their oath of office in the Judicial and Legislative branches of the SHADOW GOVERNMENT .

Sessions job is to unravel and navigate so that during these trials the enemy domestic cannot offer as defense that Obama was NEVER a real president and therefore they broke no laws .

HAD the Trump administration attempted to use laws that OBAMA and the UNIPARTY CABAL had changed the claim would be VALID .

You can’t be tried twice for the same crime !!


trust SESSIONS but learn his true role in this .

72f2ad No.1507633



bb5317 No.1507634


I dunno. Soytard is a new one on me and not something a Liberal wimp would say. I like it and am going to use it. TIA Anon dude.

cbd712 No.1507635


Bad shootings make news.

9e6b2c No.1507636


Absolutely, except I believe each anon is a puzzle piece coming together to form the complete picture even though we do not know what the completed picture is.

db67f4 No.1507637


It's an inevitability, thanks to the amount of self-serving psychopaths and their dogs embedded within our society. The same with the NSA catch-all data programs.

How else to "have it ALL"? The only reason these anti-humans have gotten away with this shit for so long is because the net wasn't fine nor pervasive enough.

7c3558 No.1507639


don't understand the obtuse comment…

this is the reality your kids live when they go to "school".

i wonder how many anons even know what happens to their kids at school?

i hope they are not part of the pgate system.

even this sort of commonplace drill is beyond troubling when you see it in action.

completely unacceptable that this is continuing.

cfcf31 No.1507640

File: ec4a7fdb5aced82⋯.jpeg (354.54 KB, 799x947, 799:947, Screenshot_2018-05-22-15-….jpeg)

Rapid Fire

302ffc No.1507641

File: 2220efb8be04a35⋯.gif (2.59 MB, 200x150, 4:3, IMG_2863.GIF)

File: d7520c29cf937d7⋯.jpg (521.82 KB, 2732x2048, 683:512, IMG_2866.JPG)

f80801 No.1507642


Not sure either way…HIGHLY….STRONGLY recommend that she be considered and analyzed…


Q says no coincidences….

No details should be overlooked, missed or not analyzed and determined

f20e4f No.1507643

>>1506688 (lb)

The flight from Oxford to Guernsey is 2_BLUE, Sable Aviation out of Nova Scotia. It's a charter service designed to fly to Sable Island, 191 miles from Nova Scotia. It's way out of its wheehouse.

36c01b No.1507644




This. Truckers do this all the time. It's what I meant earlier about "Being a mobile operator. Fuck getting registered/licensed. Just go to a truck stop, get a good cobra, some amps, and there you are".

6e11f3 No.1507645


Bæker here just got off work, do u have time to post next bread and I can take over after that?

af1878 No.1507646


I love it. Media takes bait on any instance to expose Trump as weak or a failure. They love the opportunity to paint the summit as a failure. Good call Anon

5c4d75 No.1507647

Flood is coming FBI, McCabe gave the go head to have cnn release a story…

Q's post 2 hrs ago.. "its happening" ..

so, is Fox news going to talk about that tonight?

d12388 No.1507649

Q Mr. President, do you have confidence in Rod Rosenstein?

PRESIDENT TRUMP: What’s your next question, please?


e4fffd No.1507650

File: 276b0a5c1d3f3b1⋯.png (95.33 KB, 650x381, 650:381, Finnegan re Avenatti 5-22-….PNG)

File: 4f4f15b36aab0a6⋯.png (36.13 KB, 506x461, 506:461, LATimes 1 re Avenatti 5-22….PNG)

File: f69866e9f9cf0e2⋯.png (142.54 KB, 505x511, 505:511, LATimes 2 re Avenatti 5-22….PNG)

Law firm of Stormy Daniels' attorney hit with $10-million judgment


The law firm of Stormy Daniels' attorney Michael Avenatti was hit with a $10-million

judgment Tuesday in U.S. Bankruptcy Court after he broke his promise to pay $2 million

to a former colleague.

e8e15f No.1507652


Get some Qabal Free Clothing!

302ffc No.1507653


3rd rail

4b1f14 No.1507654


Given the current rate of posting, sure.

I'll make the call in the next bread, just answer.

Thank you.

cbd712 No.1507655


Kids dying and school shootings are horrific. But there isn't much happiness in war. This is a war. We push through, or the deaths were for nothing.

cfcf31 No.1507656


Not when the news is first

42b0bd No.1507657


They ask those questions at such stupid times and then complain he won't asnwer questions. ASK SOMETHING RELEVANT!!

6cd0b5 No.1507658

File: d85edc2751379e5⋯.jpeg (707.47 KB, 1500x2500, 3:5, BA49B079-40E5-4E6E-8E4B-B….jpeg)

0e1eb5 No.1507659

File: ce8de3381f5242e⋯.png (345.04 KB, 1060x598, 530:299, fight-fight-fight.png)

Fight! Fight! Fight!

e5cc95 No.1507660

File: d231c13bf72058e⋯.png (277.56 KB, 588x352, 147:88, ClipboardImage.png)

Is this true? can anyone confirm?

f80801 No.1507661


Certainly the timing of her decisions should be questioned and analyzed…even dug into…EVEN DUG INTO….

42b0bd No.1507662


No sauce.

0e1f27 No.1507663


Why bring your blue cunt here, anyway?

Did they kick you out of ShariaBlue for being stupid?

If not, read much more and post much less.

e8e15f No.1507664

File: 3959dd0ad3134d8⋯.jpg (598.58 KB, 900x1062, 50:59, 10049417.jpg)



backup baker here if needs be~

7c3558 No.1507665


no, i think the DP should be on the table (haha) for all cabal shills down to the local news anchor/doctor/lawyer/etc level. anyone who knowingly warped human perceptions of truth and justice on a large scale needs to at minimum be locked up forever.

5c4d75 No.1507666

File: 7fe8fc4aa88c7cc⋯.jpg (673.73 KB, 1036x1880, 259:470, Screenshot_20180522-121728….jpg)

82c603 No.1507667

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


6e11f3 No.1507668


Great, I got time to make some food quickly then, I'll give u a shout in next bread.

ThanQ you for baking.

875938 No.1507669


NOT CONFIRMED. Seems like the same old story line to distract.

f74e58 No.1507670


Lula did the big mistake to entry in the swamp.

He had fine Brazil and only for to entry in the corruption.

Ruined Brazil. Dilma was fixing up the disaster. But the cabal didn't want it and for that The impeachment.

Temer also is swamp. For Now. Who knows. The Brazilian support to that subject, but the Vote Fraud is a ghost that destroy worlds.

21534a No.1507671


confirm he is a d'bag? Yes…yes he is.

aaccc2 No.1507672

File: e33606155fb33f0⋯.png (244.86 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Nellie_Ohr_Ham_Radio_Fail.png)

cbd712 No.1507673

3c56e4 No.1507674


no confirmation yet so we have to wait and watch

25e855 No.1507675

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



016828 No.1507676

File: 46531d30be07c9f⋯.jpeg (309.87 KB, 1600x1000, 8:5, 8DEA2A6C-C0BC-49D1-9378-B….jpeg)

9def90 No.1507677

File: b93a400d8384841⋯.jpg (43.12 KB, 610x407, 610:407, cool_frog_photography_crue….jpg)

Shadily !

0dbb86 No.1507678


But Sable Air ApS is registered in Denmark - you see what's going on here?


Spoopy shit surrounds these planes, it's all sketchy AF.

af1878 No.1507679

[CNN] in the kill box

dfd86a No.1507680


Yea, I'm hoping Kim shows up in DC tomorrow. That would be a MOAB in itself.

cbd712 No.1507681


Can also confirm, complete douche nozzle, cunt cleaner.

2d0528 No.1507682

File: ffa5c3f8b03b040⋯.gif (1.27 MB, 446x640, 223:320, 1mb90m_nik4if2aWB1smapx8o1….gif)


Flood is coming

80946a No.1507683


Huber has full authority to empanel a grand jury anywhere. Looks like that is the cork for the drain.

001af1 No.1507684

File: 298f29e71e23e8a⋯.png (516.84 KB, 924x513, 308:171, ClipboardImage.png)



95194b No.1507685

Some subverted youtubefags have some explaining to do KEK

Their daily message was to not trust sessions, and they wanted potus to take steps that might got him impeached.

f80801 No.1507686


Good to learn im not the only one believing he does not deserve to live.

God forgive me for judging one who has cause such great damages.

9a3ca4 No.1507687


yea, i have learned so much these past several months on this board, thanks for confirmation

318ad9 No.1507688

File: 01ee3873cbedf5a⋯.png (263.09 KB, 1145x4250, 229:850, Screenshot_084.png)

File: 71171b9f39976f8⋯.png (1.49 MB, 1145x3002, 1145:3002, Screenshot_085.png)


Pretty sure Utah still offers those firing squads.

http:// www.foxnews.com/politics/2015/03/11/utah-lawmakers-vote-to-become-only-state-to-allow-firing-squad.html

http:// archive.li/Q99EO

https:// www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation-now/2015/03/24/official-firing-squads-utah-allowed/70366174/

http:// archive.li/alvgb

d0bae2 No.1507689


Don't dox yourself

bc0c7e No.1507690


agreed. and soros machines are all over the place apparently.

bcaca6 No.1507691


Jack n the PepeStalk

3ca8ad No.1507692

a5f35d No.1507693


Cell phone devices go unchecked and have camera and microphones that could be hijacked.

Option 1 - trolling cabal that they have everything from their special ZTE phones

Option 2 - Trump knows they've been spying on him and purposefully dropping misdirection on a compromised device.

f3752b No.1507694

File: 0c51cbf0b76df25⋯.png (12.14 KB, 464x233, 464:233, Q - 63.png)


>where are the statements about our food, water, and air quality?

You can't make 'statements' about these and any other topic unless you have enough control to back those words up with actions.

Successful actions.

That's commonly known as 'Draining The Swamp".

Now, you can complain or you can contribute.

Which one will it be?

The choice has always been up to you.

f74e58 No.1507695

File: 7a0a9a62b662849⋯.png (342.05 KB, 799x439, 799:439, 7a0a9a62b66284968a9eddf0ce….png)

bb5317 No.1507696


I would be more than happy to donate a few cans of .556

27b722 No.1507697

File: cbca546c1d843bc⋯.jpg (167.43 KB, 600x600, 1:1, dream_8vu6s0wxvsy.jpg)

File: fa41cacb0b60154⋯.jpg (191.69 KB, 600x600, 1:1, dream_p3jj4k5q7cm.jpg)

File: dc5575c163f44d8⋯.jpg (211.59 KB, 600x600, 1:1, dream_o1busvbifzv.jpg)

016828 No.1507698




32d89c No.1507699


Ban the evil Gas

bc0c7e No.1507700


Do it, Q. Send a message for posterity's sake.

7c3558 No.1507701


lol, thanks for this

first good laugh of the day

1f7ef6 No.1507702


Yeah. Or like a video rewind of a of a breaking mirror that reflects a dramatic scene.

cdeb3a No.1507703

File: c9ed4835a8c4528⋯.png (126.35 KB, 300x331, 300:331, moab.PNG)

In Heroes graphic novels, there apparently is a federal penitentiary used as a holding area called the 'Moab Federal Penitentiary'. It's fictional but I guess relates with Q's movie references and stuff.

928a43 No.1507704

File: a98201159f6a029⋯.jpg (113.52 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, TwatterAccountPage.jpg)


I can access my twatter account but it looks like nothing I've ever seen. Really horrible. And on a laptop too (goes to mobile twatter). There's not even any logout button so I have to close the tab and empty cache.

37e540 No.1507705

Mike Tyson: “Hillary Clinton is America’s Most Prolific Serial Killer”

December 13, 2017

Mike Tyson is currently testing out his one man live show in Las Vegas called Undisputed Truth 2 to small crowds, since Las Vegas is apparently pretty quiet right now. It doesn’t have anything to do with Tyson, but it may have something to do with that horrendous mass shooting at the Mandalay Bay earlier this year, which has seemingly gone through a massive media cover up, with no CCTV footage being released, along with the other major inconsistencies in the story. As a result, people just aren’t going to Las Vegas so much anymore. Anyway, moving back onto the story at hand.

During Mike Tyson’s stand up performance, he said something which many people believe to be alarmingly true: “Hillary is America’s most prolific serial killer – bar none.”

Tyson continued: “Manson family ain’t nothing compared to the Clinton family. Ted Bundy? John Wayne Gacy? Please… that’s kiddie stuff.” pointing out that the Manson family had killed five people, and that Ted Bundy and John Wayne Gacy had killed 35 and 33 people respectively in their sickening killing sprees. Apparently this is a number that pales in comparison to the body count created by Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation.

“She murdered her very good friend Mr. Vince Foster. She deliberately on purpose let Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans die in Benghazi. Do you know how many of her personal bodyguards have died deaths of a premature nature?”

“Twelve. Twelve young men in close proximity to the Clinton’s have died premature. This information is all out there. You can look this up yourself. All of these bodyguards are indeed dead and it might all just be a tragic coincidence. Now I don’t know about you but I wouldn’t want to be on their list of associates.”

Mike Tyson encouraged members of the audience to Google the Clinton body count, with the term “strange deaths surrounding the Clinton’s” and see what they could find. Tyson elaborated further in his set, “People in a hundred years from now going to look back at us and scratch their heads saying ‘Uhh really guys? Really? You couldn’t see what was right before your eyes?'”

Indeed, Mike Tyson is pointing out the obvious right now (which really needs to be heard), and with any luck, perhaps this Clinton bit is going to be part of his Undisputed Truth 2 tour, which will continue in Honolulu on January 20th, 2018.

“How many more witnesses do we need to commit suicide by two bullets to the back of the head just before they about to testify against the Clinton’s before we start to say ‘Hey, something here sure smells fishy?'”

Mike Tyson lamented that for power and for hushing up anyone in her way, Hillary Clinton has been able to carry on her killing spree unchallenged, which by his account, that definitely makes her America’s most prolific serial killer. One day, hopefully there will be crime investigation documentaries and National Geographic films about the many mysterious deaths engulfing the Clinton family, because it’s clear that she’s getting away with murder.

Tyson finalised on this point: “Sad but true thing is we will never get justice for her. We the people will never see justice served. She’s above the law of the land.”

This is why people love Mike Tyson, aside from him being the most prolific knock out artist that the world has even seen in the sport of boxing. In case it wasn’t clear enough, he also supports Donald Trump, which is a greatly logical thing to do in these seriously crazy times. In saying that, Mike Tyson did leave a lot of names out of the Clinton serial killing spree, but with a bit of research, we are sure you’ll find some further suspicious links yourself. As we all know, DNC staffer Seth Rich was shot in the back outside a bar, and John F. Kennedy Jr’s suspicious plane crash death could possibly also be added to that list.

That brings us to this most recent and mysterious suicide case. It’s claimed that a prominent surgeon from New York, Dr. Dean Lorich, killed himself by stabbing himself in the chest, although missing his own heart in the process. That alone would make some people suspicious. What’s more revealing is that Dr. Dean Lorich had an association with the Clinton Foundation down in Haiti.

Don’t believe us? Just look into this new story a bit further, then tell us how this isn’t another suspicious suicide from someone associated with the Clinton’s. Read the recent Dr. Dean Lorich story here for more information about his link to the Clinton Foundation down in Haiti. Maybe the Clinton’s just have that lethal depressive effect on people?


af1878 No.1507706

What's the story behind the ZTE phones and the China deal?

7c6040 No.1507707


Ban Taco Bell.

42b0bd No.1507708

Classified doc pow wow on THURSDAY!!

e4fffd No.1507709

File: 535bb7d8586f12f⋯.png (816.96 KB, 663x740, 663:740, KPence with Mrs Moon 5-22-….PNG)

Is Melania still recovering?

ede8d9 No.1507710

File: 0e710557155ed85⋯.jpeg (23.03 KB, 300x300, 1:1, e621dfe6d90d45a54dcbda2bb….jpeg)


A ham from the Black Forrest.

Christmas gift from the rothchilds ?

7c3558 No.1507711


anon, i'm not sure how your brain works but the style in the middle makes my almonds sizzle


eaef3d No.1507712

File: 168b16dba63db4f⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

Guys I'm super cereal! Q is comped! Pamphletanon, Baruch, and Farmerfunk told me so! REEEE

aaccc2 No.1507713


there's only so many shootings that you can stage in one month…. cabal gonna cabal

82c603 No.1507714



eee522 No.1507715

f4e6d1 No.1507716

File: 1159f5bcc997fdc⋯.jpg (52.94 KB, 600x314, 300:157, 600px-Hell_Comes_to_Frogto….jpg)

9a5473 No.1507717


the owner of the company which owns this plane worked for NASA.


6885dd No.1507719


Microchip feeds back to China Intelligence.

26e506 No.1507720

File: 9d71fcabb187cdc⋯.png (469.81 KB, 770x444, 385:222, ClipboardImage.png)

BP ends projects in Iran after US threatens sanctions

BP decided to end its involvement with projects in Iran Tuesday after the U.S. threatened to sanction companies that choose to operate within the country.

“JUST IN: British Petroleum is Ending projects in #Iran following threat of US Sanctions. Follows Total, Siemens, Maersk, Allianz, others…,” a reporter for the National, a news source in the United Arab Emirates, tweeted Tuesday morning.

JUST IN: British Petroleum is Ending projects in #Iran following threat of US Sanctions. Follows Total, Siemens, Maersk, Allianz, others… https://t.co/1MCyK1jmmp

— Joyce Karam (@Joyce_Karam) May 22, 2018

: ‌ # ‌.

— (@FarsNews_Agency) May 22, 2018

BP is the latest Europe-based company to pull out investment and commitments from Iran following the Trump administration's threats of sanctions and backlash for involvement with Iran.

Oil giant Total SA, energy firm Wintershall AG, shipping behemoths Maersk Tankers AS and Torm AS, and multiple insurance companies have all pulled out their interests from Iran, the Wall Street Journal reports.

https:// www.washingtonexaminer.com/policy/foreign/bp-ends-projects-in-iran-after-us-threatens-sanctions

8bd9df No.1507721

File: d50a7c9fff4a8ac⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 722.4 KB, 498x750, 83:125, ClipboardImage.png)


That's nothing

This marble cake

Is a May gift

From an Anon


Who we love

Looking at you ;)

001af1 No.1507722

File: f777e6dc5107f7d⋯.png (332.69 KB, 1813x626, 1813:626, ClipboardImage.png)


I remember this. His last words were "let's do it".

f7768f No.1507723

Isaac Green of Anti School has just posted a video exposing this Q rubbish, wake up anons you're being laughed at by the board owners.

41a186 No.1507724

File: 4f7b58e8e0edf81⋯.jpeg (507.64 KB, 1795x1178, 1795:1178, B189ECB1-E1E3-46C4-B4DF-8….jpeg)

d12388 No.1507725


I have a theory that the ROGUE part of the three letter agencies had access to ZTE phones.

My guess is that Paddock had a ZTE phone so they could listen in for a completed signal.

ede8d9 No.1507726

File: 0e710557155ed85⋯.jpeg (23.03 KB, 300x300, 1:1, e621dfe6d90d45a54dcbda2bb….jpeg)


A ham from the Black Forrest.

e1d330 No.1507727


It’d just be changing an analog signal to digital- it’s called FSK (Frequency Shift Keying)

aaccc2 No.1507728

File: 5361742d8e16012⋯.png (459.03 KB, 853x480, 853:480, Clinton_Tyson_Clinton_1.png)

File: 510c35b016c855c⋯.png (260.66 KB, 556x366, 278:183, Clinton_Tyson_Clinton_2.png)

File: a624f8cc6032f75⋯.png (508.52 KB, 852x476, 213:119, Clinton_Tyson_Clinton_3.png)

File: 514f32779d9bfa8⋯.png (482.1 KB, 853x472, 853:472, Clinton_Tyson_Clinton_4.png)

8211d0 No.1507729


d4c524 No.1507730


>[ / / /

Isn't this the Utah Moab - massive data centre


The Utah Data Center, also known as the Intelligence Community Comprehensive National Cybersecurity Initiative Data Center,[1] is a data storage facility for the United States Intelligence Community that is designed to store data estimated to be on the order of exabytes or larger.[2] Its purpose is to support the Comprehensive National Cybersecurity Initiative (CNCI), though its precise mission is classified.[3] The National Security Agency (NSA) leads operations at the facility as the executive agent for the Director of National Intelligence.[4] It is located at Camp Williams near Bluffdale, Utah, between Utah Lake and Great Salt Lake and was completed in May 2014 at a cost of $1.5 billion.[5]

302ffc No.1507731



57e98a No.1507732

Just read in the LA Times that Stormy's slimey lawyer has been hit with another $10 mil judgement. Failed to pay as promised to a former collegue in his firm.

Stormy and this asshat deserve one another.

c709dc No.1507733

You are right….HuffPo


1175c9 No.1507734


I'm convinced this guy is a Pakistani Intelligence operative.

82c603 No.1507735

Reporter: "Why are no democrats invited to that meeting Thursday?"

Sarah: "Why would they be? They never requested to see these documents"

94f1d9 No.1507736

File: 615b7641649cffc⋯.jpg (76.59 KB, 750x401, 750:401, 615b7641649cffc7a8c132eedb….jpg)

7019ef No.1507737


Not sure AP and CNN are actually news organizations.

8211d0 No.1507738



cbd712 No.1507739


Um…this isn't a school shooting? WTF

f4e6d1 No.1507740

File: 203432714575be2⋯.jpg (126.24 KB, 1599x900, 533:300, the-prisoner-videoSixteenB….jpg)

6bdfc0 No.1507741

File: cad36f1aa4a9abe⋯.png (134.57 KB, 2258x376, 1129:188, epa.png)

"Watch the Water."


7c3558 No.1507742


is twatter starting their planned demolition a la youtube and other stunting web giants? it's so trippy when you see how the cabal will sacrifice a huge cash cow when it will serve their goals. it usually starts with obvious negative changes made to the UI which actually hinder organic user dialogue. i watched facebook do it as far back as 5 years ago when the monsanto/pharma complex was being exposed 24/7.

21534a No.1507743


Dems never wanted to see the Nunes unmasking docs last April either…

cbd712 No.1507744

File: 67c16b219a3e6cc⋯.jpg (46.89 KB, 652x367, 652:367, sawyer school.jpg)


Why are Anons claiming a shooter in Chicago?


016828 No.1507745

I’m not seeing the usual clowns 🤡 in the WH press conference!

c9bc87 No.1507746


Found it:


c709dc No.1507747

He is still trying to get confirmation…but kinda kicking himself for blurting it out too soon too

So still waiting….


f74e58 No.1507748


UK doesn't want to finish sinking

Counter moves..

aaccc2 No.1507749


about 3 1/2 hrs away

690a5d No.1507750

>>1506522 (last bread)

>Like you've lived a thousand lifetimes and it's all been leading up to this

Incarnated Extraterrestrials?

5c074a No.1507751

e4eb9e No.1507752


There's been a lot of drug shortages lately which means firing squad. Yesssssssssssss!!!!

28c2ef No.1507753


"Chuck Schumer is the last person we'd call for advice on how to make a deal." KEK!

Love you Sarah!! Keeping it real

b4ca9a No.1507754

File: 5fb038310a51ddb⋯.jpg (840.7 KB, 1901x1316, 1901:1316, qgraphicorigins.jpg)

File: a1345aad23122fd⋯.jpg (974.59 KB, 1500x1650, 10:11, Qpentimes.jpg)

reuploading this graphics from the middle of the night for those that missed them

Q clock timetable verification

and Pen verification

the pen pics confirm the Q clock but i think they also point to an addition date when rotated properly

one Q pen pic the EO is face down so you could flip it… and it will point to another time/date

another Q pen pic the EO is sideways so if you rotate it to be vertical the pen would point to a different time/date

i just haven't had time to do this yet

26e506 No.1507755

File: 667a05aaab88982⋯.png (846.58 KB, 770x444, 385:222, ClipboardImage.png)

Senate plans vote to hold lawmakers liable for sexual harassment settlements

Senate lawmakers on Tuesday were set to unveil a bipartisan bill that would overhaul decades-old rules for reporting and punishing sexual harassment, and are looking to pass the measure as soon as this week, Republicans said.

Among other things, the bill would hold lawmakers responsible for harassment payouts.

“I think it’s safe to say we are very close,” Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said after briefing GOP lawmakers on the bill in a closed-door session Tuesday.

Lawmakers plan to update the 1995 Congressional Accountability Act, which governs how Capitol Hill responds to workplace complaints ranging from racial discrimination to sexual harassment. Sen. Roy Blunt, R-Mo. is co-authoring the update with Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-Mo., who briefed Democrats Tuesday.

Blunt said the bill would eliminate the lengthy waiting period, which can last as long as 90 days, that now prevents a victim of harassment from quickly taking someone to court.

“We will be eliminating those things,” Blunt said.

The bill would ensure that lawmakers “have personal liability” for harassment settlements, although he did not specify the details. Under current law, taxpayers often foot the bill when lawmakers are found liable for harassment and a payout is provided to a victim.

The House and Senate combined have paid millions to victims of sexual harassment and other workplace complaints. The House passed legislation in February holding lawmakers liable for sexual harassment settlements.

https:// www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/congress/senate-plans-vote-to-hold-lawmakers-liable-for-sexual-harassment-settlements

71cb76 No.1507756

File: c05bb36f0751dd7⋯.jpg (17.97 KB, 350x401, 350:401, mer mmm cake.jpg)


Mmmm marble cake

696d06 No.1507757


They aren't going to even try the Texas shooter. Our justice system is corrupt as fuck. POTUS needs to go full Martial Law, NOW.

9a3ca4 No.1507758


dems to push for gas control now?

9ce709 No.1507759

File: 19f5306a73c4b46⋯.jpg (71.55 KB, 600x450, 4:3, ig .jpg)

d86c53 No.1507760


faithful servants of rothschild

845dac No.1507761


hahahahahahahahaha lmao, what a woman

f4e6d1 No.1507762

File: 61acf1b7274cb77⋯.jpg (10.41 KB, 259x194, 259:194, Exidor_004.jpg)

c709dc No.1507763

Had to step out for a bit…looked thru the last bread but couldnt find any discussion or consensus on the letter that an anon posted…..the 50 page thing

What is the story….is it real or nah? Cause I read it all and it is bothering me…

b3a812 No.1507765


<iframe width="900" height="506" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/I_0GgKfwCSk" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>

d4c524 No.1507766


/shutout down

Imagine all the incriminating data stored there.

57e98a No.1507767


I don't think you really want that, anon.

076c39 No.1507768

>>1506845 previous

>>1506809 previous

>>1506349 previous

Au contraire, Anon!

Don't confuse MILITARY with FEDERAL.

MILITARY = Lethal Injection.



The method of execution of federal prisoners for offenses under the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994 is that of the state in which the conviction took place. If the state has no death penalty, the judge must choose a state with the death penalty for carrying out the execution.

The federal government has a facility and regulations only for executions by lethal injection, but the United States Code allows U.S. Marshals to use state facilities and employees for federal executions.[21][22]

Federal executions by lethal injection occur at United States Penitentiary, Terre Haute.[23]

Sauce: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federal_death_penalty

e4fffd No.1507769

File: 753354dc3e90c98⋯.png (470.54 KB, 662x644, 331:322, Nolte re Tapper 5-22-18.PNG)

File: b004bbca3eaa5ce⋯.png (48.92 KB, 527x534, 527:534, BB 1 Nolte re Tapper 5-22-….PNG)

File: 5542491bed869a9⋯.png (57.82 KB, 525x570, 35:38, BB 2 Nolte re Tapper 5-22-….PNG)

Nolte: CNN’s Jake Tapper Has Lost Nearly 1/3rd of His Audience


Tapper’s demo viewers have sunk to an average of just 206,000, a -32 percent

decline. His total viewers collapsed to just 785,000, a -28 percent fall.

cbd712 No.1507770


They are full of shit. I imagine gas is mutually exclusive to such.

9a5473 No.1507771

File: 6fc270949683a63⋯.jpg (586 KB, 1872x1368, 26:19, crenshaw-nasa.jpg)

4b1f14 No.1507772


8b50b6 No.1507773

File: 80f5ecc8711fc81⋯.png (70.62 KB, 930x526, 465:263, Screenshot-2018-5-22 Googl….png)

File: 7e8f9c8e9b0837b⋯.png (902.82 KB, 865x650, 173:130, Screenshot-2018-5-22 Googl….png)

File: 272b14d2bd744b2⋯.png (977.36 KB, 826x664, 413:332, Screenshot-2018-5-22 Googl….png)

File: cf3458cbf4e835e⋯.png (100.58 KB, 866x632, 433:316, Screenshot-2018-5-22 Googl….png)

4bf63a No.1507774

File: 3c8ce8971c63bdb⋯.png (1.75 MB, 1020x1058, 510:529, flood-cnn.png)

25e855 No.1507775


Bullets are cheap!

af1878 No.1507776


Ah makes sense, thanks Anon

696d06 No.1507777


Actually I fucking do. Commiefornia DA bolstered my own evidence against me to throw the book at me. I KNOW how courrpt they fucking are. Everything needs to be reset. Enough is e-fucking-nough.

8e0d86 No.1507778


i don't buy it. he's the spittin' image of King Juan Carlos, he looks nothing like Charles

8bd9df No.1507779


Nothing is confirmed

It is FakeNews BULLSHIT

Nobody was barred from the EPA meeting.

The EPA and the government did not kick anybody out

The briefing was held in a room which allowed for 10 media reps

The media who were notified were warned

That capacity was limited

And it was first come first served.

After 10 entered the door was closed

Some media people ACTED LIKE ASSHOLES

Building security's job is to take care of people


So those media people got exactly what they asked for

Another promise kept.

Since when are media THE ELITE?

Since when are they ABOVE THE LAW?

Since NEVER!!!

1a8b94 No.1507780


Little slow on the humor uptake with all the exciting news.

That was fucking funny!

f74e58 No.1507781




1f7ef6 No.1507782

27b722 No.1507783

File: 7e50c78785e7240⋯.png (82.5 KB, 640x1305, 128:261, theraidening.png)

120abf No.1507784


It's not gonna happen.

I'm no shill. I'm behind Q 100%

But if you understood the comms you would know why it won't happen.

af1878 No.1507785


>My guess is that Paddock had a ZTE phone so they could listen in for a completed signal.

What do you mean by completed signal?

af1878 No.1507786

I was on vacay all of last week. Anyone know if Mueller hit the May 18th deadline to turn over the unredacted RR memo on the scope of the investigation for Judge Ellis in the Manafort case?

66cf13 No.1507787

File: f50df2a1fc541ac⋯.png (756.53 KB, 1649x1142, 1649:1142, freedom.png)




It's definately happening

111 day timetable.

aaccc2 No.1507788

did that really happen, or you just havin fun?

e57ea2 No.1507789


I didn't read the entire article but I hope the firing squads are allowed on those convicted of treason.

27b722 No.1507790


CNN was raided by the FCC?

Does the FCC even conduct raids?

a7e3d0 No.1507791

File: 3581ec90519aabe⋯.jpg (720.1 KB, 742x1500, 371:750, bunch.jpg)


Fuck off retard.

cbd712 No.1507792

File: 67c16b219a3e6cc⋯.jpg (46.89 KB, 652x367, 652:367, sawyer school.jpg)

Not an active shooter.


f80801 No.1507793

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Freddie is an example, message and lesson to all.

Obviously so much happened to him, yet he maintained an optimistic perspective…never felt sorry for himself and always encouraged others (according to reports from those who knew him.)

Read his lyrics…

He was a victim of the fuckers…

May God be with Freddie.

163ee7 No.1507794


only CHAIRmen and up will be in the meeting

Thanks Q!!

9ce709 No.1507795


Nothing is impossible…

I'm a dreamer too…

163ee7 No.1507796

File: a8608b64f762552⋯.png (35.17 KB, 374x285, 374:285, ClipboardImage.png)


shit pic related lol

32d89c No.1507797

File: 52dd43a84232714⋯.png (98.83 KB, 320x240, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

e6831b No.1507798

SpaceX now live T minus 15min


1b6074 No.1507799


Gorka… awesome

fee929 No.1507800

got 2 blackhawks up near chicago

82c603 No.1507801

File: 4f39be79fc118ff⋯.jpg (9.94 KB, 255x131, 255:131, 184109034ee5c00e3400277908….jpg)


We've got you're back.

8211d0 No.1507802

Media talking points have been received

Thusdays meeting is a red herring

aaccc2 No.1507803

94f1d9 No.1507804

File: 05d27b775f61e34⋯.jpg (101.92 KB, 1102x585, 1102:585, ''''''''''''''''''''''''''….JPG)

File: 7d1a7e8938ead43⋯.jpg (356.38 KB, 566x800, 283:400, QQQQQQSSQQSQQQSSSQS.jpg)

File: e5f732d30dc1628⋯.png (69.58 KB, 255x199, 255:199, ClipboardImage.png)





d01787 No.1507805

Sometimes Texas gets is to so wrong. Time to stop being a cabal victim. Report everything y'all!

BUSTED. Time to clean up corruption in Texas.


There is something to the stories of corrupt CPS. Criminal pedos purposefully making laws to take kids they want. Pray you have ugly kids.

f74e58 No.1507806


More KASUMI, right?

26e506 No.1507807

File: 6ba87e65079a899⋯.png (704.17 KB, 1056x528, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)

Trump blames predecessors for 'dereliction of duty' during past trade talks with China

President Trump on Tuesday accused his predecessors of a “dereliction of duty” during prior trade negotiations with China and other countries, but made it clear he is still not pleased with how his own administration’s trade talks with China last week went.

“I think they’re a start, but we need something. Look, China has been — I really call it a dereliction of duties, if you look at it. In the military they say it's a dereliction of duty. What happened to our country that our representatives allowed other countries — I'm not just talking about China, China is the big one — to take advantage of us on trade the way we’ve been taken advantage of,” the president told reporters during a meeting in the Oval Office with South Korean President Moon Jae-in.

The president said he and Chinese President Xi Jinping have a “great relationship,” but acknowledged his counterpart is a “world class poker player.”

As I said, we lost $500 billion a year for many years. And then it varied from $100 billion to $500 billion. When you are losing $500 billion a year, you can't lose in terms of a negotiation. It's really easy to win,” Trump said. “But I want this to be a great deal for the United States. I want it to be a good deal for China, too, if that is possible. It may not be possible.”

The president said China has made a “fortune” through trade and said he is “not satisfied” with the trade discussions as they have progressed thus far.


“We have a long way to go, but I want it to go fairly quickly. You talk about numbers like you are talking about billions of dollars a week,” Trump said.

Top officials in the Trump administration, including Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross, met last week with the trade delegation from China, led by the country’s top economic adviser Liu He.

The president met briefly with Liu He during the delegation’s visit to Washington.

https:// www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/trump-blames-predecessors-for-dereliction-of-duty-during-past-trade-talks-with-china

c92d59 No.1507808




Freedom Day!

f80801 No.1507809

"It's funny how one insect…can damage….so much grain."

57e98a No.1507810


Marshall Law won't change that. Your vote will. I have many, many friends and relatives who are working hard to get these traitors out of office.

Join a campaign and work.

8e0d86 No.1507811


They've planning this for years. Q put signs up all over the world way in advance ;)

fee929 No.1507813


i love watching her

she takes 0 shit

f7768f No.1507814

Isaac Green of Anti School has just posted a video exposing this Q rubbish, wake up anons you're being laughed at by the board owners.

30c85f No.1507816


Way to go… now people can steal it and claim it was theirs.. what are you going to show your grandchildren now?!

5703bf No.1507817

14 min Space X launch

696d06 No.1507818


Wake me up when the storm is actually here.

120abf No.1507819



<For clarification. As i realized how my post could easily be misunderstood.

I mean the Trump tweet about the storm is not gonna happen.

On all other fronts it is still happening


It's happening

32d89c No.1507821

File: 56d023c96eb9bc7⋯.png (408.33 KB, 700x284, 175:71, ClipboardImage.png)

b0a226 No.1507824


As Sean Davis points out, the statement confirms Mollie Hemingway's reporting that contrary to claims from the Washington Post and anonymous DOJ officials made last week, "the White House was never on board with Rosenstein's plan to obstruct a congressional subpoena."

As Davis also adds, "it's also noteworthy that the White House released a statement immediately following the meeting, before Rosenstein et. al. could start leaking inaccurate information about the White House's position, which is what happened after the last meeting on the matter."


26e506 No.1507825


Sounds like they are nervous about burning their last bridge.

6b0c04 No.1507826

File: c5f8ac0bbc37d01⋯.png (25.28 KB, 695x276, 695:276, gina cia.png)

File: a66291a3cb0f59a⋯.png (39.72 KB, 542x602, 271:301, THE wiki c2 com TheHumaneE….png)

CIA says [the]

[the] Transportable Helicopter Enclosure


[the] Teresina, Piaui, Brazil - Teresina (Airport Code)

[the] The Humane Environment





bcaca6 No.1507827


hahaha I see what you did there

94f1d9 No.1507828

File: f2a066e83aa2488⋯.jpg (138.96 KB, 1227x834, 409:278, f2a066e83aa2488b6976c10f8a….jpg)

f3752b No.1507829

File: b61edc0e4e0a5a2⋯.png (102.96 KB, 463x619, 463:619, Q - 1425 - Attack With Ass….png)


>Active shooter…


>another False Flag????

There is a distinct possibility. (pic related)

4bf63a No.1507831

File: 50f371a0f2f2d7f⋯.png (463.19 KB, 1005x635, 201:127, space-x-launch.png)



9ce709 No.1507832


== EAT SHIT == (((shill)))

4202d0 No.1507833

File: fa8106085c7f768⋯.png (2.8 MB, 2367x1884, 789:628, brennanSOILED.png)

File: 33f39fbb7abf15c⋯.png (2.36 MB, 2346x1294, 1173:647, BRENNANENHANCE.png)

66cf13 No.1507835



Bye Parasite

95194b No.1507836


All are confirmed and exposed wannabe clowns. These dumb fucks are stupid

696d06 No.1507838



8bd9df No.1507839


Here comes the PAIN

PA and IN are two states that have the death penalty. Could this be connected to the Terre Haute penitentiary?

639ecf No.1507840

File: 02573eb154707b4⋯.jpg (14.1 KB, 255x234, 85:78, 6220b45c7a3d561363d0da39da….jpg)


your sauce is anti tool ?

4bf63a No.1507841

File: 850d89fd38a07ec⋯.png (803.63 KB, 1007x541, 1007:541, flood-cnn.png)


yup. major fail

fee929 No.1507842


you mean the geek that wears hats that look like he found them in a garbage can?

d7f3b7 No.1507843

File: b70cb824479c0b7⋯.gif (1.23 MB, 360x202, 180:101, tenor.gif)


>Marshall Law

302ffc No.1507845

File: 6b59f85050d44fd⋯.jpg (116.44 KB, 703x739, 703:739, IMG_2868.JPG)

File: df7422e845b74eb⋯.jpg (123.97 KB, 704x742, 352:371, IMG_2869.JPG)

Fresh from twatter:

UPDATED: DOJ FBI Personnel Change Chart sharylattkisson.com/wp-admin/post.…

120abf No.1507846


We'll see.

But i wouldn't hold my breath.

001af1 No.1507847

File: f0a566d61b96fb4⋯.png (898.19 KB, 1834x1225, 262:175, ClipboardImage.png)

9a5473 No.1507848

File: 443af80abb8e72e⋯.jpg (1.43 MB, 1872x3600, 13:25, N6177.jpg)

eaef3d No.1507849


I was being funny :( I hate that kid

7c3558 No.1507850


when does RE get got? s/he has been awful absent from life lately…

f80801 No.1507851

File: cd41ac549c4f147⋯.gif (1005 B, 30x29, 30:29, sigh.gif)

*sigh* Oh God, I guess I don't understand. Knew I didn't…then thought I did….then thought I didn't…then thought I did….Now…just don't know…

I know…lurk moar…

13ed1f No.1507852


This has the feeling of a limited hangout effort. We know it is much, much, much worse than this - but this may well be the kind of narrative that the remaining ptb may want to dominate the mid-to-long term.

aaccc2 No.1507853

File: f929ce61cb0a4c7⋯.jpg (101.74 KB, 640x480, 4:3, IMG_1776.JPG)

NYS AG confirmation LIVE

http:// nyassembly.gov/av/live/

27b722 No.1507854

File: 173810e798de686⋯.jpg (22.75 KB, 180x270, 2:3, stripe-blazer-1-white-bd24….jpg)

I could see Melania in this…


29c3c9 No.1507857


Sarah is a badass for sure, the most amazing Press Secretary I have ever seen. Mike & his wife raised quite a daughter!!

7c3558 No.1507858


that fucker is quite funny sometimes, but i haven't seen enough to ascertain the shill factor

ede8d9 No.1507859

f74e58 No.1507860

File: cc3ba97a246c141⋯.jpg (28.42 KB, 500x375, 4:3, Screenshotsdbzmovie6_017.jpg)


Big gete star..

09f6a2 No.1507861


Haven't seen his name mentioned here. Pretty sure he'll be swallowed up in the U1 shit-show coming up.

797771 No.1507862


thank you for contributing fashion/people commentary to qresearch

now never post again please

fee929 No.1507863


whos her parents? never looked into it, i just like her.

aaccc2 No.1507864


that's what I'm saying… they couldn't do any more shootings this month so ummmm they did something else

d4c524 No.1507865

File: 312cec599fe039c⋯.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 175.44 KB, 737x594, 67:54, image.jpeg)

Another lady gags, notice the devil hands

f80801 No.1507866

e wasn't really that bad to tolerate in comparison to others….

ab552e No.1507868

File: 7a7616175858c1e⋯.png (80.71 KB, 252x380, 63:95, Screen Shot 2018-05-22 at ….png)


This is more her.

09f6a2 No.1507869


Will see what I can find.

ede8d9 No.1507870


Is this for FB ?

9a5473 No.1507871


Here's the thing.

It's CLEARLY a different plane.

The pilot is CLEARLY not Crenshaw.

but the tail, which is half-assedly blurred out by the state police picture is (to me) obviously _6177, has to be an N, and this plane matches AND has gone to Farmingdale NY exclusively.

what's the deal?

26e506 No.1507872


Why are you here if this is such rubbish? You being here make you look foolish.

4b1f14 No.1507873






696d06 No.1507874


Join a campaign so I can be targeted? No thanks, I'll just choke out Pelosi and Kamala. Fuck those cunts.

7c3558 No.1507875


i think raj "the iceman" shah is a great foil for the fake press. i'm hoping they keep him in the mix.

a14e9a No.1507876

http:// www.wfla.com/1192589215

Active Shooter Live??

Panama City???

6cf0e3 No.1507877


Wonder if she'll last the 8 yrs tho. Tough fukin job that she has. Burn out is easy.

681c34 No.1507878

File: c55b374a3b0d184⋯.png (181.67 KB, 928x526, 464:263, 46579476.png)

29c3c9 No.1507879


Mike Huckabee

797771 No.1507880

976775 No.1507881

File: 543c50266e2c999⋯.jpg (31.38 KB, 634x411, 634:411, 4C558B8800000578-5757965-i….jpg)

File: d48434d10fcf596⋯.jpg (60.37 KB, 665x564, 665:564, BFA_8915_1055814-4.jpg)

File: 0ba0975c5617b9d⋯.jpg (38.42 KB, 640x427, 640:427, Cx-fnsXVIAAiI-j.jpg)

Never knew DeNiro was a part owner of Nobu.

He's a real loud screamer, and hangs with that SICK BITCH Marina.

I think we should do some digging on loud screamer Deniro and Nobu. They have Nobu hotels ( wonder if they are like the Standard hotels)

Robert De Niro EXCLUSIVE: Hollywood legend, 74, on NEVER retiring, rowing with colleagues and BARRING Donald Trump from all his Nobu restaurants

While he is one of Hollywood's greatest actors, Robert De Niro also prides himself on being a co-founder of the Nobu restaurant and hotel chain.

The Taxi Driver legend, 74, spoke exclusively to MailOnline about life as a superstar, restaurateur and hotelier when he joined fellow founders Nobu Matsuhisa and Meir Teper in launching the new Nobu Marbella Resort last week.

During the insightful chat, Robert discussed his reluctance to retire, his marriage-like relationship with Chef Nobu and his strong feelings on President Donald Trump - who he revealed would be barred from every Nobu restaurant if he tried to enter.

http:// www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-5757965/Robert-Niro-EXCLUSIVE-Hollywood-legend-74-NEVER-retiring-BARRING-Donald-Trump-Nobu.html

c9f130 No.1525347


So this is how they've been doing it. When someone gets too close to uncovering what the political machine/Deep State has been doing, they dial up a character assassination.

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