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86e96f  No.15031375[Last 50 Posts]

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>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

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86e96f  No.15031379

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86e96f  No.15031381



>>15030639, >>15030643 Reminder that if you are still unvaxxed you survived the biggest psyop in human history

>>15030642 Texas Democratic Rep. Henry Cuellar Wants Harris Replaced As ‘Border Czar’

>>15030648 Barnes handwriting analysis

>>15030673 All three men Rittenhouse shot are white

>>15030679 An Oklahoma state senator has introduced a bill that would hold employers financially liable for each injury caused by enforcing a vaccine mandate.

>>15030682 MNQ. As usual, the drug that will get rid of parasites, will also cure some kinds of cancer

>>15030684 MSNBC Reporter Seen Hanging 'The Jurors Are Here' Sign On Their Hotel

>>15030704 Former Apollo Global boss Leon Black US billionaire linked to Jeffrey Epstein buying £21m London home

>>15030723 Scalise: Spending Bill Raises Energy Costs So Dems Can ‘Give Tax Breaks to Millionaires’

>>15030739 Iranian Nationals Posing as Proud Boys Charged by FBI with Interfering in 2020 Election

>>15030745 US Army soldier found dead in Alaska

>>15030700, >>15030748, >>15030749, >>15030767 Has anyone else experienced any of the weird technological/psychic stuff going on?

>>15030798 Clockfag Dec 5 D5 Plenty of possibilities

>>15030845, >>15030866, >>15030979 Full Moon Eclipse 4 am EST…eyes on, anon. …the horror revealed?

>>15030868, >>15030918 Democrat Connecticut Governor Says Covid Boosters Needed For People to be Considered ‘Fully Vaccinated’

>>15030880 Grosskreutz asks him repeatedly for his address & suggests he will fly out to harm him at his home. #Rittenhouse #Kenosha https://t.co/gp0aCi0yw7

>>15030937 Australia Scott Morrison slams Daniel Andrews' claims he's 'stoking anti-vaxxers' as LIES and demands meddling premiers let Aussies get on with their lives - as NSW reveals when ALL Covid restrictions will be removed

>>15030959 Twitter apparently thinks of pedo grooming as a sexual orientation?

>>15030963 America is on the move again

>>15031062 “Freelancer” was following jurors on MSNBC’s orders… To influence their decision-making by letting it be known that the media was stalking them and ready to ruin their lives at a moment’s notice? These people are genuinely sick and evil

>>15031067 MSNBC gets BANNED from Kyle Rittenhouse TRIAL after this….

>>15031006 I still trust Q and The Plan

>>15031092, >>15031176, >>15031240, >>15031334 Robert F. Kennedy Jr live talking about 201 and LOCKSTEP 'Counter Measures' Pushing everyone to digital money, smallpox, monkeyox https://frankspeech.com/

>>15031135 Kenosha Police detaining man for open carrying a firearm, guys shouting in the background, "lets go Brandon"(Cap 2:20)

>>15031157, >>15031186, >>15031196, >>15031200 Pedo bun

>>15031252 Joe Biden Told Hunter He Had ‘No Hesitancy’ in Helping With Million Dollar Dispute With Former Business Partner

>>15031326, >>15031333, >>15031344 6-6 split Rittenhouse?

>>15031357 #19016

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86e96f  No.15031383


>>15029876, >>15029894, >>15029896, >>15029910, >>15030082, >>15030067, >>15030020, >>15029919, >>15030088, >>15030126 Judge just allowed a juror to take the Jury Instructions home with her - possibly the forman, the same woman that spoke up before. Also possibly she's the main holdout that wants KR charged guilty.

>>15029823, >>15030094 Whistleblower Releases Video of Delaware County Pennsylvania Election Officials Destroying Evidence and Ballots in Backroom (VIDEO)

>>15029833, >>15030151 Vice President Kamala Harris' communications director Ashley Etienne resigns

>>15029882, >>15029905, >>15029937, >>15029944 PF Reports 2-YOLO

>>15029935 PEDO BUN 18 November 21

>>15029945 Tallahassee Doctor Sentenced to Seven Years in Federal Prison for Performing Unnecessary Surgical Procedures on Patients and Defrauding Health Insurance Providers of $29 Million

>>15029977, >>15030187 Huma Abedin

>>15030050, >>15030080, >>15030096 Former Baltimore police officer, 2 children he allegedly abducted, and his companion, a current police officer, found dead after shooting with police

>>15030053 The worst possible juror for this case not only ended up on the jury, but is apparently the foreperson

>>15030065 The BBB Team (Cap 1:53) Pelosi saying Obama BBB(Cap 0:15)

>>15030079 Operation MK Naomi pdf

>>15030106 President Trump’s chief spokesperson, Liz Harrington, dropped a MOAB of a tweet yesterday that is causing liberal heads to explode

>>15030108 Bruce Edward Schroeder is a Democrat and went to school at 2 Jesuit universities

>>15030122 Representative Tim Ratham Puts Forth Resolution to Decertify the 2020 Election in Wisconsin

>>15030129 PA anons, spread this on soc media to all our normie pals

>>15030133 Oops! Democratic Campaign Committee Ad Uses Russian Plane When Touting Biden's Infrastructure Plan

>>15030139 Prospective Ghislaine Maxwell juror dismissed because he met Jeffrey Epstein https://trib.al/4dMRnjE

>>15030179 AT: Something very peculiar is happening with our Strategic Petroleum Reserve

>>15030148 U Texas Launching Plan to Train Teaching Of Critical Race Theory to Four-Year Olds

>>15030191 Sean Penn dons combat gear and helmet as he arrives in Ukraine to film documentary about Russian aggression in the region

>>15030217 Philippine mega-church founder with ties to Hawaii charged in massive sex trafficking case

>>15030228 Maricopa County Elections Officials Hold Unannounced Meeting At Election And Tabulation Center?

>>15030245 Bill Gates has given $319 million to bankroll select media outlets and change the public narrative — and the internet has receipts

>>15030250 Gov DeSantis visits Brandon Honda in Brandon, Florida to sign legislation that prohibits mandatory COVID-19 vaccination: 'We are respecting people's individual freedom in this state'

>>15030251 Shades of the Obama admin, it really does feel like O's 3rd term, especially where attacks on journalists, non-Democrats & being gigantic liars are concerned

>>15030259 Trump Endorses Paul Gosar After Republican Leadership Allows Democrats To Censure Him For Anime Meme

>>15030266 7 Companies Caught in China’s ‘Copycat’ Trap

>>15030276 Singapore’s Technocracy Dream Is Turning Into A Surveillance State Nightmare

>>15030278, >>15030272 Queen has 'entered a new phase' and we 'may not see her until February', say experts

>>15030300 NO Masks…..NO Social Distancing …NO Covid Go Figure NFL football attendance 2021

>>15030301 George Christensen makes third attempt to block release of AFP letter

>>15030304 How One Innocent Man Was Framed in the World’s Greatest Political Hoax Sergei Millian

>>15030309 Australia's Crown Resorts gets sweetened $6.2 bln offer from Blackstone

>>15030328 @KenoshaPolice Last night a person who is alleging to be affiliated with a national media outlet was briefly taken into custody and issued several traffic related citations. Police suspect this person was trying to photograph jurors

>>15030338 Fuck this is funny - it's to tiny women Terrifying moment anti-vax protestors cornered WA Premier Mark McGowan as he tried to flee in his car while they smashed on his window screaming 'f***ing coward'

>>15030402 TerraPower Founded by [Bill Gates] & he’s chairman of the board

>>15030411, >>15030436 Fox News Vaccine Mandate: Jab Passport Required For Entry To "Patriot Awards"

>>15030421, >>15030420 2 iranian hackers attacked 2020 election, FBI claims

>>15030477 CNN Business on Judge in Rittenhouse……….why CNN Business news?

>>15030534 #19015

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86e96f  No.15031384


>>15029073 Pence to go against Trump in 2024?

>>15029078 Psaki: Telling businesses to ignore the court decision against proposed OSHA rule

>>15029083 A contractor dies overnight at Watts Bar Nuclear Plant

>>15029090 Speeding stop leads to sex trafficking ring, rescue of three victims including 15-year-old girl

>>15029106 CNN: 100K Opiate Overdose Deaths this year. Increase of over 28% in overdose rate from last year.

>>15029140 Covid update from Ireland 45 deaths with Covid reported for the past week - all had at least one dose

>>15029132 It takes countermeasures missions and ships like the USS Gladiator and USS Sentry to protect the international waterways and provide #FreedomofNavigation and free flow of commerce in the US 5th fleet (11.3 comms?)

>>15029173 Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA) presses Biden’s pick for currency comptroller Saule Omarova: “you used to be a member of a group called The Young Communists.”

>>15029196 SALT tax deduction in the BBB bill/grift.

>>15029208 Nurses can lose their license now for "misinformation in regards to covid, masks and vaccines".

>>15029214 While Garland was lying to CONgress his agents were SWATting mommies.

>>15029226 SIDNEY POWELL WAS RIGHT The Voter Intimidation and Influence Campaign

>>15029251 Judge in Project Veritas/NYT case orders @nytimes to defend its online publication of the privileged legal memos of our client, which occurred AFTER the FBI seized James O’Keefe’s phones and which contain extensive privileged communications with dozens of attorneys

>>15029255 Greek F-16 warplane crashes during a training flight, pilot ejected

>>15029257 Senators 'are FURIOUS at Kristen Gillibrand for giving Meghan Markle their PRIVATE cellphone numbers so she could lobby them on paid leave'

>>15029269 'If Trump left the party we would lose': RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel says he is 'critical' to the 2022 midterms

>>15029271 @Jim_Jordan@RonJohnsonWI@JamesComer demand that Merrick Garland answer questions about why the DOJ is showing up at journalists homes with bartering rams over a diary published a year ago

>>15029275 Governor Commutes Julius Jones' Sentence To Life Without Parole

>>15029277 Federal agency started under Trump and headed by Jared Kushner's college roommate hasn't used any of the $100 million in funds given to fix the COVID supply chain crisis, government watchdog claims

>>15029273 Germany's incoming coalition government agreed to legalize cannabis

>>15029306 "Jump-kick man" in Rittenhouse trial was charged with battery domestic abuse, criminal damage to property domestic abuse, and disorderly conduct domestic abuse in the past.

>>15029349 U.N. nuclear watchdog chief to visit Tehran on Tuesday, IAEA confirms

>>15029370 Anti Kyle Rittenhouse protestor was once charged with making terrorist threats against his former high school

>>15029376 Pakistan parliament passes law that will see repeat rapists chemically castrated

>>15029408, >>15029500 I see reporters are trying to doxx jurors again (@JesseKelleyDC)/ looks like Jesse Kelly is correct.

>>15029439 Man spotted with AR-15 outside Kyle Rittenhouse trial confirms he is a fired Ferguson police officer

>>15029463 Man reportedly armed with knife arrested outside Rittenhouse trial

>>15029543 JUST IN Vice President Kamala Harris' communications director, Ashley Etienne, is suddenly leaving the administration after reports of tension between West Wing aides and the vice president's office. - CNN

>>15029573 11.3.1 End of Occupation. - In particular, as discussed below, the status of belligerent occupation ceases when the invader no longer factually governs the occupied territory

>>15029576 CNN IN-DEPTH "New Revelations Spark More Scrutiny Of Steele Dossier."

>>15029628 Sheriffs Association Representing 17 States Declare No Confidence in Biden’s Open Borders DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas

>>15029654 Senate Advances $740 Billion Pentagon Budget After Schumer Drops Merger With Anti-China Bill

>>15029668 Reminder Hillary Clinton is definitely a NWO globalist

>>15029677 Exclusive: DOJ gone rogue? Congressman introduces articles of impeachment against AG Garland following targeting of parents

>>15029678 "Infrastructure bill"? Law of War

>>15029713 Goldman: A Biden SPR Release Is Now Fully Priced In And Will Send Oil Price Even Higher In 2022

>>15029722 #19014

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86e96f  No.15031389


>>15028256 A Second Female Lawyer Who Worked at JPMorgan Chase Says Fraud Is Condoned at the Bank - wallstreetparade

>>15028261 FBI investigates 'smallpox' vials found in Pennsylvania lab - merck lab - youtube video

>>15028272 New files expose Australian govt’s betrayal of Julian Assange and detail his prison torment - thegrayzone

>>15028283 LAPD used secretive AI surveillance software to spy on general public's social media accounts

>>15028293 UK Govt Returns Just FIVE out of More than 23,000 Illegal Boat Migrants to EU

>>15028301 Philippines and japan tell china to back off the south china sea

>>15028304 BRIAN STELTER statement on journo in Kyle trial

>>15028312 RITTENHOUSE ATTORNEY (on Drone Video Footage Creator "Urban Air") Brandon Beamon

>>15028334 After sex abuse accusations, Haredi author Chaim Walder steps away from public life

>>15028338 Putin slams West’s actions in Black Sea as moves that ‘go beyond boundaries’

>>15028357 Judicial Watch Warns 14 Counties in Five States to Clean Voter Registration Lists or Face Federal Lawsuits

>>15028373 PROOF: MSNBC Producer Deletes Tweets and Twitter Account After Reportedly Instructing Journalist James Morrison to Follow Rittenhouse Jury bus -gwp

>>15028375 Biden Climate Push Prompts Concerns About Investments in China

>>15028390 Pelosi on $550 billion climate spending: 'For me, it's a religious thing' - just the new (anon comment, insider trading and pope connection)

>>15028413 COVID-19: Big Pharma’s ‘Obscene’ Profits

>>15028426 Taiwan: Post-Vaccination Deaths in 3 Days Exceed Covid Deaths Over 14 Months

>>15028452 Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigiano global collation against global leader

>>15028481 Bank of America Initiates a Pilot Program Separating Vaccinated From Unvaccinated Employees - epoch time

>>15028486 Bill Gates Predicts COVID Will Kill Fewer People Than The Flu In 2022 - ibtimes, but the fucking jab will kill way moar

>>15028502 Jury question from yesterday in Kyle Rittenhouse Trial - image caps twat

>>15028521 Eric Turner: 41-year-old bodybuilder hopes Ivermectin “weeds out idiots,” suffers coronary artery dissection six months after second mRNA injection

>>15028545 Global Europol taskforce identifies 18 child victims of sexual abuse

>>15028615, >>15028550, >>15028564, >>15028579, >>15028589, >>15028601, >>15028615, >>15028627, dead doctors after vaccines

>>15028597, >>15028610, >>15028550, small pox dig by anon

>>15028631, REPORT: 75 European Fully Vaccinated Athletes Have Died or Became Seriously Ill From “Sudden” Heart Attacks In the Past 5 Months

>>15028640 Pandemic Payoff: Bill Gates Injected $319 Million Into Mainstream Media - 21stcenturynews

>>15028658 California pro-lifers take to the streets to protest the buying, selling of aborted babies’ body parts - lifesitenews

>>15028664 Kenosha police twat on journo following jurors

>>15028705 Israel Arrests Owner of Jerusalem Soccer Club, Suspected of Cryptocurrency Fraud and Sex Offenses - haartz

>>15028732 vax Sheilding info and links from anon, multiple links for redpilling morans

>>15028735 Davos Billionaires Want to Save the Planet… Why Don’t Developing Countries Trust Them? global research

>>15028753 PROOF: MSNBC Producer Deletes Tweets and Twitter Account After Reportedly Instructing Journalist James Morrison to Follow Rittenhouse Jury Bus

>>15028764 Houston Health Dept Workers Caught on VIDEO Going Door-to-Door Asking Residents: “Have you been vaccinated?…Which one did you get?


>>15028788 Daniel Andrews takes another swipe at protesters for 'ugly scenes' outside state parliament rallying over pandemic bill

>>15028850 Ukraine Enacts Sanctions Against Dozens of Russian Special Service Employees ntd

>>15028873 (.You.) joe reid goes lunatic on kyle

>>15028948 More info establishing Irene Byon as an actual NBC News person - judge bans msnbc and nbc

>>15028983 BBB also gives Mark Zuckerberg the keys to our immigration system, letting Big Tech print all the green cards they could ever desire - Stephen Miller twat

>>15028984 Over $53 Million In Meth, Coke, & Pot Seized By Border Patrol In Texas-zerohedge

>>15028994 Biden's Pick For Top Bank Regulator Has A Troubling Shoplifting

>>15029004 Dr David Martin shuts down Rand Paul and exposes him - bichute video, actually older, Rand Paul cannot do it by himself.

>>15029431 #19013

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86e96f  No.15031392

Previously Collected Notables

>>15026557 #19010, >>15027382 #19011, >>15028184 #19012

>>15024190 #19007, >>15025084 #19008, >>15025789 #19009

>>15022171 #19004, >>15022606 #19005, >>15023646 #19006

>>15019493 #19001, >>15020266 #19002, >>15021027 #19003

>>15017106 #18998, >>15017880 #18999, >>15018782 #19000

>>15014697 #18995, >>15015487 #18996, >>15016215 #18997

>>15012359 #18992, >>15013164 #18993, >>15013978 #18994

>>15010973 #18989, >>15011042 #18990, >>15011577 #18991

>>15007704 #18986, >>15008490 #18987, >>15009201 #18988

>>15005223 #18983, >>15006072 #18984, >>15006978 #18985

>>15003143 #18980, >>15003932 #18981, >>15004675 #18982

>>15000848 #18977, >>15003005 #18978, >>15002599 #18979

>>14998839 #18974, >>14999288 #18975, >>15000050 #18976

>>14996184 #18971, >>14996991 #18972, >>14997585 #18973

>>14993873 #18968, >>14994646 #18969, >>14995406 #18970

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/

>>15025958 Q Research Notables #10

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86e96f  No.15031395



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d621fc  No.15031409

File: 05f2d23c1e6b21c⋯.png (3.83 MB, 1170x2532, 195:422, E2F6A1C5_1F54_42C5_A91C_72….png)

File: c306d4a160c574a⋯.png (2.01 MB, 1170x2532, 195:422, 9174FF51_5E29_420F_8667_A5….png)

Big Alice of General Hospital dead at 62

…Except she died on July 20th.

So why they tweeting RIP at her now?



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88f3a9  No.15031411

File: b9aab1fa05d1b22⋯.png (93.56 KB, 1263x421, 3:1, 1cfc97c3f5b9285b68dff45ba3….png)

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b75154  No.15031412

Evenin’ Nightshift

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847b89  No.15031419

Ohio House Republicans passed a bill on Thursday that would largely invalidate vaccine mandates in schools and private businesses.

House Bill 218 would add a “personal conscience” exemption to all vaccine mandates in Ohio schools and workplaces. The exemption would require that a student or employee submit a single written statement and no more.

It would also bar public and private entities from requiring proof of COVID-19 vaccination for any reason.

The bill must pass the Senate before it can go before Gov. Mike DeWine.

Nov. 18, 2021


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df38a4  No.15031421

File: fc973b52d1c7cd5⋯.jpg (168.46 KB, 716x896, 179:224, 1636928930800.jpg)

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88f3a9  No.15031423

File: 62694fc137d6800⋯.jpg (24.55 KB, 728x410, 364:205, night_shift3.jpg)

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1820de  No.15031424

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Gaige Grosskreutz Initial Appearance for DWI#2


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669cc2  No.15031426

File: 616f23aa6701d2e⋯.jpg (19 KB, 255x252, 85:84, 3446374.jpg)


it's habbening….somewhere


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de4ffa  No.15031432

File: b3661d0e8a2e569⋯.png (211.34 KB, 714x756, 17:18, ClipboardImage.png)

File: de01a7a5d709932⋯.png (168.75 KB, 671x766, 671:766, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 118104cc8007503⋯.png (106.24 KB, 650x695, 130:139, ClipboardImage.png)

Jim Jordan Demands FBI Director Wray Disclose All ‘Counterterrorism’ Efforts Against Parents After Whistleblower Report

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) demanded on Thursday that the FBI submit to the House Judiciary Committee any records related to counterterrorism tools that the agency used against parents expressing outrage at school boards, Breitbart News has learned exclusively.

Jordan, who serves as ranking member on the Judiciary Committee, sent a letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray detailing the committee’s requests after Jordan published an email Tuesday from a whistleblower inside the FBI that revealed the agency’s counterterrorism and criminal divisions had created a “threat tag” for FBI officials to apply to investigations into threats made against school administrators.

“We are investigating the troubling attempts by the Department of Justice and the White House to use the heavy hand of federal law enforcement to target concerned parents at local school board meetings and chill their protected First Amendment activity,” the letter begins.



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de4ffa  No.15031439

Speier: ‘We’re Going to Pass Build Back Better Tonight’ — ‘You Can Take It To The Bank’

Representative Jackie Speier (D-CA) said Thursday on Fox News Channel’s “Your World” that the House will pass President Joe Biden’s Build Back Better legislation later that evening.

Speier said, “Let’s be clear, this is transformational for the average American family. For the families now that are not — the women that are not going back to work, 1.7 million of them that have decided that they can’t go back to work because they don’t have child care, the lowest participation of women in the workforce since 1988. The child care component makes sure that 20 million more kids will have child care. For those making under 250% of the median state income, they’re not going to pay more than 7% of their income for child care. For those making 75% of the median income aren’t going to be paying anything. they’re going to get free child care.”

Anchor Neil Cavuto said, “Some of your moderate colleagues will get taken aback if the CBO comes with a higher total figure on this. They have already telegraphed some assumptions and challenged the assumptions that the White House made on IRS enforcement, thinking that over ten years, it’s not $400 billion in revenues that come in. It is more like $120 billion. They could be wrong on that. But since they’re the scorekeeper on this, do you think others will follow and just say hold off, we don’t think this is the time, and we’re just going to go slow?

Speier said, “I actually think that we’re going to pass Build Back Better tonight.”

She added, “I think you can take it to the bank.”


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669cc2  No.15031440

File: fc071297e73e37d⋯.jpeg (11.58 KB, 255x199, 255:199, fc071297e73e37d6929202b71….jpeg)



good evening fellow masochists

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22791f  No.15031441

File: 5be0495929e5c15⋯.jpg (202.65 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, IMG_9883.JPG)

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de4ffa  No.15031442

File: 9854738f53afa45⋯.png (588.49 KB, 849x910, 849:910, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 08b0d004b7a0205⋯.png (49.3 KB, 862x728, 431:364, ClipboardImage.png)

Murdoch Accuses Facebook, Google Of Censoring Conservative Voices

Rupert Murdoch has accused tech giants Google and Facebook of silencing conservative voices on their platforms and has called for “significant reform” and transparency around digital advertising supply chains.

“What we have seen in the past few weeks about the practices at Facebook and Google surely reinforces the need for significant reform,” the News Corp executive chairman told an annual shareholder meeting on Nov. 17.

“There is no doubt that Facebook employees try to silence conservative voices and a quick Google News search on most contemporary topics often reveals a similar pattern of selectivity—or to be blunt, censorship.”

Facebook has previously denied it silences conservative voices, with Mark Zuckerberg in 2016 declaring in a post on his social media platform that he took the report it was censoring news on its trending topics very seriously.

“We take this report very seriously and are conducting a full investigation to ensure our teams upheld the integrity of this product,” he said. “We have found no evidence that this report is true. If we find anything against our principles, you have my commitment that we will take additional steps to address it.”

Google has also denied its silences conservative voices in 2018.


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a88400  No.15031443

File: aec127225131f1d⋯.jpg (60.2 KB, 640x400, 8:5, MV5BYjE0MDkzNDQtNjk2YS00MW….jpg)

File: 1ce5a796182faae⋯.jpg (65.34 KB, 575x431, 575:431, ZomboMeme_30092021100251.jpg)

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6415f2  No.15031444


I'm certain the FBI is scrambling to get right on that and when Jim gets the report shit will hit the fan.

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86e96f  No.15031445

File: 71b42a3ff617978⋯.png (1014.79 KB, 1243x805, 1243:805, ClipboardImage.png)

Fresh Bread


Q Research General #19017: Robert F. Kennedy Jr talking LOCKSTEP and 'Counter Measure' Edition

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818010  No.15031446

C’ville Part XVII: Plaintiffs and Defendants Make Final Argument; Cantwell Makes Epic Final Argument and Condemns Plaintiffs as Liars


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c1027c  No.15031447

File: 032eeec95ee1cd2⋯.jpg (28.2 KB, 460x436, 115:109, 032eeec95ee1cd2de8c0c00f6d….jpg)


Continion of habbenings

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38e943  No.15031448

File: 46fae6fc967cfdb⋯.png (685.11 KB, 699x960, 233:320, 1f5216a3b4dac08497e0c231b6….png)

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378295  No.15031449

File: a3df23c28a24a25⋯.jpeg (185.13 KB, 750x794, 375:397, AF75ECF9_32E1_4B4A_989C_9….jpeg)


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648c24  No.15031450

Who's Wiz?

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6aa72c  No.15031451

File: 0b37bac982a776d⋯.jpg (407.71 KB, 1120x1120, 1:1, BeaverFullMoonNS.jpg)

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923966  No.15031452

File: 067b6add2a0c74d⋯.png (609.11 KB, 719x406, 719:406, 4DEB196C_6C3B_4ABC_821F_1A….png)

File: 6a6935e8d95570f⋯.png (325.92 KB, 577x669, 577:669, ADAD30BC_9892_4A00_BC2E_B7….png)


> crossing state lines

>long criminal history

>BLM leader

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df9b9a  No.15031453

File: 080ddaad9356548⋯.png (941.54 KB, 904x566, 452:283, ClipboardImage.png)

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1a9ee3  No.15031454

File: 8bd974b103cd450⋯.jpg (72.87 KB, 519x528, 173:176, 20211118_195316.jpg)

File: a2fe72e715ba919⋯.jpg (45.39 KB, 598x361, 598:361, 20211118_195252.jpg)

File: 5154e476c3f6e10⋯.jpg (213.33 KB, 1037x1216, 1037:1216, Screenshot_20210802_132404….jpg)

File: 48ab5be12abcb5f⋯.png (38.41 KB, 746x242, 373:121, 4a2a6a6459aa473915a692ef8a….png)


>>15030665 lb

>>15030670 lb


Now the Rittenhouse trial is political.

Prosecuting Attorney in a GAY/live in relationship with a Kenosha Judge.

Apparently both are BLM

Also, Fatty Attorney resigned his position in the district Attorney office. My guess is

1. Butt hurt, he didn't get the promotion.

2. He was taking on Kyles case.

Both Prosecuting Attorneys made fools of themselves. Both will prolly never work again as an Attorney.DISBARSO MANY ILLIGAL THINGS THEY DID IN THE CASE.


Who is this "Head Juror" they are referring to that is also BLM?

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de4ffa  No.15031455


Poso has a cat turd on his dick

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2d396a  No.15031456

File: 624768c28ce4f4e⋯.jpg (83.45 KB, 1080x662, 540:331, Screenshot_20211118_205939….jpg)

File: 4c4d37f570c4f09⋯.jpg (89.48 KB, 1080x660, 18:11, Screenshot_20211118_210025….jpg)



Looks like Netherlands getting shut down. Saw on gab post, can't download vid. Well done boys, this is only way Anon sees us getting anybody to listen & even think but starting to fix shit. Shut It Down..Do Not Fuck With..Make Them Listen.

A group called DockersUnited blocked the main port of the Netherlands, located in Rotterdam.

The protest is started in response to the tyrannical COVID-19 restrictions that are going to be imposed in the Netherlands.

The police are involved in resolving the situation, but law enforcement officers are stuck in traffic jams due to the chaos that has arisen everywhere.

Text of the leaflet handed out by the protesters:

"We stand here today to express our anger and disappointment at the total chaos created by the Cabinet and its cronies. People are excluded from society on an unconstitutional basis, in direct violation of European treaties such as the EVRM and the Nuremberg Code. We have to do our civic duty, and we stand up. We call on all companies, clubs, unions and other groups to do the same. Enough is enough!"

It is worth noting that earlier DockersUnited warned the local government about their plans, but no one took them seriously.

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92042c  No.15031457

File: c9bed6ff403ebe4⋯.png (414.42 KB, 498x717, 166:239, ClipboardImage.png)

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fd48b1  No.15031458

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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38e943  No.15031459

File: 3fdfc7c37164c1f⋯.png (442.38 KB, 540x540, 1:1, 3fdfc7c37164c1f11c7b1e27a3….png)


We all are.

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22791f  No.15031460

File: 0458970547b2315⋯.mp4 (5.96 MB, 320x566, 160:283, this_is_reality.mp4)

Nurse describes post-vax hospitalizations

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34291e  No.15031461

File: c3a9787e6855638⋯.png (985.56 KB, 960x907, 960:907, Full_Moon_on_Water_NS_Heat.png)

File: 178acfd423bc728⋯.png (829.71 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, POW_MIA_Q_Alt.png)

File: 9aefa3a7996c8aa⋯.png (653.47 KB, 907x770, 907:770, Night_Shift_Intruder_2.png)

>>15031395 ThanQ Baker.

Evenin' Night Shifters !

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a1e4d8  No.15031462

File: 5f711be27d2d0ff⋯.jpg (31.77 KB, 612x401, 612:401, sdfghjccfc.jpg)

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e0ee04  No.15031463

Rittenhouse defense attorney's "rumor".

Could that be some kind of lawyer tactic?

And if so, what kind?

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c1027c  No.15031464

File: 0e63cafdc231140⋯.png (1.83 MB, 1519x824, 1519:824, 0e63cafdc231140d18507c48c1….png)


Let him make peace with us. Not the other way around after what he pulled of vs anons

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19b80f  No.15031465

File: 2a6c84fbaa0b8a9⋯.jpeg (55.91 KB, 276x408, 23:34, CA1381C8_F266_4CB7_9F66_C….jpeg)


Target: Fred Eychaner

Bio: Eychaner is the chairman of Newsweb Corporation.

He was included in Chicago magazine's 2014 list of the 100 most powerful Chicagoans.

In 2005, the Chicago Tribune estimated his wealth at $500 million.

In 2015, he was inducted into the Chicago LGBT Hall of Fame.

Eychaner is a major donor to Democratic campaigns, gay rights advocacy groups, and arts organizations.

Eychaner has given the Clinton Foundation more than $25 million.


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86e96f  No.15031466

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2d396a  No.15031467


Forgot link to vid.


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923966  No.15031468

File: 286d0f4230baa74⋯.jpeg (110.33 KB, 882x1024, 441:512, 755BE53C_AFB7_4A56_92D1_0….jpeg)



Full moon 🌕

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2a2bbc  No.15031469

File: 119f307c68b4185⋯.jpg (36.25 KB, 293x543, 293:543, Screenshot_20211109_224724….jpg)

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e0c049  No.15031470

File: 040bf0b5256526f⋯.png (114.42 KB, 516x363, 172:121, TRUMP_WON_2.PNG)

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df9b9a  No.15031471

File: bdb13d1bf67449d⋯.png (2.07 MB, 950x949, 950:949, ClipboardImage.png)

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2c5e23  No.15031472

File: cc2791e47fd4371⋯.jpg (34.55 KB, 762x529, 762:529, Save_15_trump.jpg)

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df38a4  No.15031473

File: 0efa6b162c0b4b4⋯.png (374.62 KB, 1080x540, 2:1, Memeto_1621381860999.png)

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bf0055  No.15031474

File: fed31c7e3cb5e84⋯.jpg (44.91 KB, 1121x652, 1121:652, back_the_blue.jpg)

File: 1f064e69d0f686a⋯.jpg (196.42 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Boot_Lickers_Matter.jpg)

All The Way To The Gulag

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86e96f  No.15031475


can you repost the 6 to 6 split, ty

sorry bake was too distracted

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2d396a  No.15031476




Or see here


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ad50a8  No.15031477

File: 634a13cd44d4b35⋯.png (123.56 KB, 1170x875, 234:175, Au7i5srn55.png)

>>15030963 (lb)

>>15031004 (lb)

Posted at 4 Forty Five = For Donald Trump America is on the move Again.


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e0c049  No.15031478

File: 299c407b4deb864⋯.png (7.81 KB, 255x245, 51:49, c63447f1fda56326d5707e7418….png)

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923966  No.15031479

File: 06bf794f7bde4fe⋯.gif (1.99 MB, 211x211, 1:1, 194DF740_DC60_4AF6_9BB9_F2….gif)

Kyle ‘Captain America’ Rittenhouse

(Click gif)

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fcc3aa  No.15031480

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>15031289 ob

Odd. The ad posters are of 2021. The players depicted on the lockers in the stadium are current players, 2021.

TIME travel or altered dimensions… stunt?


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b162cb  No.15031481

File: 77f46ff654e2576⋯.png (613.89 KB, 594x760, 297:380, ClipboardImage.png)



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86e96f  No.15031482

File: 192969d62f60e46⋯.png (10.31 KB, 70x86, 35:43, 71st_Intelligence_Surveill….png)

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de4ffa  No.15031484

File: d824b15067ad22f⋯.png (232.69 KB, 606x781, 606:781, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d2a5af346620863⋯.png (300.67 KB, 603x761, 603:761, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9d876b0464da1f7⋯.png (295.83 KB, 572x736, 143:184, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8534625661f6363⋯.png (300.95 KB, 588x733, 588:733, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c5ea2fd069e97b9⋯.png (248.72 KB, 586x700, 293:350, ClipboardImage.png)

Representative Tim Ratham Puts Forth Resolution to Decertify the 2020 Election in Wisconsin

Wisconsin Representative Tim Ramthun pushes forward resolution to decertify the Wisconsin 2020 Election results.

Representative Tim Ramthun put forward a resolution in Wisconsin to have the 2020 Presidential Election in Wisconsin decertified.

President Trump congratulated Representative Ramthun on his resolution:

Congratulations to Tim Ramthun, State Representative of Wisconsin, for putting forward a powerful and very popular, because it’s true, resolution to decertify the 2020 Presidential Election in Wisconsin based on the recently found absolute proof of large scale voter fraud that took place.

Rep. Ramthun’s resolution details tremendous amounts of election fraud, including 44,272 voters who did not show proper voter identification (which alone is more than twice the margin necessary to win), thousands of emails that show election manipulation by Mark Zuckerberg’s funding, irregularities in the state’s voter registrations like 400 registered voters at a single address, the Wisconsin Election Commission committing felony crimes by knowingly ordering illegal voting at nursing homes, and so much more.

Only one state senator needs to cosponsor the resolution for it to be put to a vote in each chamber. Which American Patriot from the State Senate will step forward?

Great job, Rep. Ramthun! Even the Democrats and RINOs cannot object to all the evidence that has been exposed!


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316bcb  No.15031485

File: 217dd35fee956e4⋯.jpg (10.34 KB, 255x191, 255:191, 95285734_58475_99384750298….jpg)

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412c89  No.15031486

File: 07a98ec5040d8d3⋯.jpg (89.74 KB, 597x746, 597:746, 20211118_215603.jpg)


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df38a4  No.15031487

File: 4f7ed0bfaf65a25⋯.jpeg (65.36 KB, 1080x592, 135:74, 1554209959.jpeg)

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38e943  No.15031488

File: d99c8742de87abd⋯.jpg (538.64 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Kenosha_grosskretz_huber_r….jpg)


>they are referring to what is also BLM?

Seems they are. Kek!

I see all niggers in that (pic)!

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ba5196  No.15031489



All sorts of proud LGBT moments. Yeah and now Ronna Romney wants 'forced lgbt pride' in conservative circles.

No thanks.

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669cc2  No.15031490

File: c14e532282d55f4⋯.png (478.82 KB, 882x798, 21:19, 353536.png)

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2a2bbc  No.15031491

File: 8a7966529b7575c⋯.jpg (20.33 KB, 270x159, 90:53, Screenshot_20210814_082916….jpg)

File: df1178ac222476f⋯.jpg (11.69 KB, 200x266, 100:133, Screenshot_20210814_082921….jpg)

File: 836497eef7b52fd⋯.jpg (36.73 KB, 546x303, 182:101, Screenshot_20210823_115420….jpg)

File: add91d57f3fe06c⋯.jpg (40.23 KB, 719x452, 719:452, Screenshot_20211011_135550….jpg)

File: f9daaebf899dcc5⋯.jpg (22.69 KB, 300x196, 75:49, Screenshot_20211118_190317….jpg)

Define 'Lifelog' [DARPA].

"an ontology-based (sub)system that captures, stores, and makes accessible the flow of one person's experience in and interactions with the world in order to support a broad spectrum of associates/assistants and other system capabilities". The objective of the LifeLog concept was "to be able to trace the 'threads' of an individual's life in terms of events, states, and relationships", and it has the ability to "take in all of a subject's experience, from phone numbers dialed and e-mail messages viewed to every breath taken, step made and place gone".

Define 'FB'.

The Facebook service can be accessed from devices with Internet connectivity, such as personal computers, tablets and smartphones. After registering, users can create a customized profile revealing information about themselves. Users can post text, photos and multimedia of their own devising and share it with other users as "friends". Users can use various embedded apps, and receive notifications of their friends' activities. Users may join common-interest groups.

Compare & Contrast.

DARPA senior employees > FB?





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22791f  No.15031492

File: ee75c5f5c8b6140⋯.png (115.27 KB, 370x214, 185:107, 442b5dc2863a96fe26d9bb0328….png)

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81956b  No.15031493

File: b010ae174763b49⋯.png (1.38 MB, 974x802, 487:401, ClipboardImage.png)

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678964  No.15031494


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86e96f  No.15031495

File: d500d53eccbdca4⋯.png (214.91 KB, 960x638, 480:319, db9c98328fab796bd466819f25….png)


Baker requests Handoff

Kitchen is open

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9c1fc0  No.15031497

File: c7571bcfb62fc7a⋯.png (525.48 KB, 750x738, 125:123, eNSBTP.PNG)

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266192  No.15031498

File: 249165969a5a0bf⋯.jpg (70.28 KB, 597x431, 597:431, ChessFlip.jpg)

>>15031438 lb

That was a poignant and imaginative choice of meme for the end of the bread.


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2a2bbc  No.15031499

File: f07a7811bd742a9⋯.jpg (17.16 KB, 346x267, 346:267, Screenshot_20211115_234920….jpg)

File: 80bcb89eef72867⋯.jpg (28.89 KB, 307x325, 307:325, Screenshot_20211118_190318….jpg)

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678964  No.15031500



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669cc2  No.15031501

File: 715cbf52208167b⋯.png (507.27 KB, 800x711, 800:711, 1488.png)


1488 digits checked

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678964  No.15031502



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a88400  No.15031503

File: d6193940d04befe⋯.jpg (123.7 KB, 716x622, 358:311, ZomboMeme_08072021153448.jpg)

File: 0352b07a6c60020⋯.jpg (124.05 KB, 539x720, 539:720, ZomboMeme_18062021114820.jpg)

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678964  No.15031504



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388190  No.15031505

File: 3dfe864bbd84adf⋯.png (1.24 MB, 1080x1620, 2:3, Screenshot_20211118_210328.png)

Protesting at its finest!

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678964  No.15031506



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2a2bbc  No.15031507

File: 0ea18d6c0eca4d5⋯.jpg (34.15 KB, 666x391, 666:391, Screenshot_20211115_235743….jpg)

File: 2aad10f042ced40⋯.jpg (28.83 KB, 618x375, 206:125, Screenshot_20211116_205103….jpg)

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412c89  No.15031508


Moar like 75%

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86e96f  No.15031509

File: 190ebfce0b8ba92⋯.png (265.65 KB, 611x541, 611:541, fc9e90a8a513120d8153dc6ff8….png)

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47f671  No.15031510

File: 861a8612233029e⋯.jpg (113.95 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, FauciPSGeno.jpg)

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df9733  No.15031511

File: 53bc2cea6e021dc⋯.png (297.04 KB, 416x422, 208:211, hubpoint.png)

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c9148a  No.15031512

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

McCarthy has been speaking for almost 2 hours

WATCH LIVE: House debates Build Back Better bill before expected vote


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2a2bbc  No.15031513

File: e6c360488852cdf⋯.jpg (31.37 KB, 479x343, 479:343, Screenshot_20211115_235652….jpg)

File: 7bc7dee9b67a99c⋯.jpg (18.47 KB, 397x206, 397:206, Screenshot_20211115_235729….jpg)

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678964  No.15031514


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38e943  No.15031515

File: a444040ac2b0b1e⋯.gif (3.71 MB, 460x320, 23:16, a444040ac2b0b1ecc29af17b3a….gif)


yeah, sure it was (exclamation sign)

Why not post a chess riddle to go along with it?

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2c5e23  No.15031516

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Fake and gehy

Filmed during lockdown

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2a2bbc  No.15031517

File: 19354793194a799⋯.jpg (77.03 KB, 838x567, 838:567, Screenshot_20211116_204436….jpg)

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5b1479  No.15031518

File: 32b9384942bbe2f⋯.png (568.51 KB, 770x430, 77:43, ClipboardImage.png)

Police: Arrests made after complaints about Ankeny massage parlors

ANKENY, Iowa – Ankeny Police say three arrests have been made after its department received complaints about massage parlors.

Search warrants were executed Wednesday at multiple locations, resulting in the arrest of three women on prostitution-related charges, according to the Ankeny Police Department. The arrests were made at Healthy Spa Massage at 107 NE Delaware Ave. and Green Spa Massage at 925 E. 1st St.

Arrested during the investigation were 56-year-old Genzhen You, 53-year-old Jingmei Zou, and 57-year-old Giuzhong Jii. You is charged with conspiracy, while Zou and Jii are charged with prostitution.

The Mid Iowa Narcotics Enforcement task force, Des Moines Police Department, Department of Homeland Security, and the State of Iowa Intelligence Bureau assisted in the investigation.

Ankeny Police say other related investigations are still underway.


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86e96f  No.15031519


>Also, Fatty Attorney resigned his position in the district Attorney office. My guess is

Kraus resigned? when

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10d361  No.15031520


Murdoch has a lot of room to talk

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678964  No.15031521



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2464d8  No.15031522


Hospital protocols are killing people.

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412c89  No.15031523


looks like Columbus discovering America look over dar

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2a2bbc  No.15031524

File: d79725fb1de63f2⋯.jpg (39.78 KB, 487x635, 487:635, Screenshot_20211112_143240….jpg)

Autist's on fire…

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412c89  No.15031525


anitfa is the new black

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30a411  No.15031526

File: 131510d9d1aef26⋯.jpg (89.38 KB, 613x544, 613:544, gfy.jpg)


For the zoomers.


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a90a40  No.15031527

File: d4e74337ffcc24e⋯.jpeg (32.61 KB, 500x324, 125:81, 1jerh4.jpeg)

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86e96f  No.15031528

File: 0aa3732641c7e97⋯.jpg (63.17 KB, 788x960, 197:240, 0aa3732641c7e97d6cde6ffeb9….jpg)



Kitchen is open

New Baker self confirm

Ghost in 25 posts

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266192  No.15031530


>Who is this "Head Juror"


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412c89  No.15031531

File: 20fc089837f84e4⋯.jpg (84.99 KB, 668x711, 668:711, 20211118_092310.jpg)

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e6409b  No.15031532

File: 88eae19d1aac2c4⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1182x662, 591:331, ClipboardImage.png)

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669cc2  No.15031533

File: bf19d07f5a8718c⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 53636.png)


unleash the inner doge

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b90427  No.15031534

File: a30004d0f64f897⋯.jpg (12.81 KB, 255x245, 51:49, FaceGate.JPG)

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191c6d  No.15031535

File: fc704e5cff09fd5⋯.png (302.92 KB, 535x655, 107:131, Screenshot_2021_11_19_at_0….png)

File: 0b68f7a0fa9b19e⋯.jpg (35.82 KB, 680x444, 170:111, WAKzb3F5.jpg)




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86e96f  No.15031536


looks like a baby teething ring?


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2a2bbc  No.15031537

File: 6e39c6bb6a714c8⋯.jpg (67.47 KB, 651x326, 651:326, Screenshot_20210806_083906….jpg)

File: 6420d4c5b495773⋯.jpg (55.59 KB, 613x323, 613:323, Screenshot_20210806_083926….jpg)

File: 6e2e08ecc9e1b7f⋯.jpg (131.25 KB, 1200x1329, 400:443, Screenshot_20210806_083956….jpg)

File: bb5b3d29f70059d⋯.jpg (59.92 KB, 498x681, 166:227, Screenshot_20210806_084739….jpg)


is this relevant?

At In-Q-Tel, Painter’s work focused on identifying, researching and evaluating “new start-up technology firms that were believed to offer tremendous value to the CIA, the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, and the Defense Intelligence Agency.” Indeed, the NGA had confirmed that its intelligence obtained via Keyhole was used by the NSA to support US operations in Iraq from 2003 onwards.

A former US Army special operations intelligence officer, Painter’s new job at Google as of July 2005 was federal manager of what Keyhole was to become: Google Earth Enterprise. By 2007, Painter had become Google’s federal chief technologist.

‘TK’ refers to Talent/Keyhole, code names for imagery from reconnaissance aircraft and spy satellites,

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678964  No.15031538



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86e96f  No.15031539

File: 716d00aa0ba6adf⋯.jpg (19.87 KB, 498x498, 1:1, 716d00aa0ba6adfc99ba2333c8….jpg)

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678964  No.15031540



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412c89  No.15031541


WHO'S house were they after?

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30a411  No.15031542

File: ea499c23541e040⋯.jpg (41.81 KB, 640x480, 4:3, ea499c23541e04048b522eaeb1….jpg)

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86e96f  No.15031543

File: 7da07eafc9e1488⋯.jpg (248.7 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, i.jpg)

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266192  No.15031544

File: a2faccd5cf24fce⋯.png (364.3 KB, 790x782, 395:391, ewww.png)


>massage parlors

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669cc2  No.15031545

File: 47a0b6b4a528460⋯.png (2.16 MB, 1140x1710, 2:3, 53336.png)


Fauci has moved on from beagles

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678964  No.15031546




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191c6d  No.15031547

File: ae10c57246c1ba6⋯.jpg (36.67 KB, 720x650, 72:65, FEYk1NMVUAEwOy_.jpg)



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86e96f  No.15031548

File: 48c3e9b1aecde53⋯.jpeg (36.5 KB, 750x457, 750:457, 48c3e9b1aecde5309f6468347….jpeg)

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1a9ee3  No.15031549



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86e96f  No.15031550

File: 4fd180e12d63b0f⋯.jpg (63.09 KB, 502x492, 251:246, 4fd180e12d63b0f85c150ac42e….jpg)

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a88400  No.15031551

File: 9e1c25a53ae9448⋯.jpg (23.58 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 9e1c25a53ae9448d5891f7b578….jpg)


>about massage parlors.

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4e6e2a  No.15031552

File: 5e1cf1c113dd94c⋯.png (566.26 KB, 720x1240, 18:31, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1e35dbe13a0aa26⋯.png (692.52 KB, 720x1238, 360:619, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6268256fcd1645f⋯.png (304.89 KB, 720x735, 48:49, ClipboardImage.png)


Ngo exclusive: A Portland, Ore. resident who knew Gaige Grosskreutz in real life but hadn't seen him in a while sent me this correspondence. Grosskreutz asks him repeatedly for his address & suggests he will fly out to harm him at his home. #Rittenhouse #Kenosha

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88f3a9  No.15031553

File: f9d6e991efd3512⋯.jpg (32.11 KB, 480x451, 480:451, ANTIFA_cock.jpg)

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463bb4  No.15031554

File: da478029ccab094⋯.png (40.37 KB, 776x311, 776:311, gabby_nothing_is_real.png)

File: 651f42af4045d63⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1357x650, 1357:650, gabby_rbg_parks.png)

File: 1415a440a0dcdd1⋯.png (558.9 KB, 1068x448, 267:112, gabby_lynn.png)

File: 2e2cd18261fc800⋯.png (865.64 KB, 985x594, 985:594, brian_laundry_doppel.png)

File: 4281c3864b6d8af⋯.png (474.2 KB, 982x556, 491:278, laura_ngraham_chrissie_pre….png)

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86e96f  No.15031555



1 second delta


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c1027c  No.15031556

File: 0b8e0333ad7bd7d⋯.png (565.42 KB, 800x450, 16:9, 0b8e0333ad7bd7d7c2d2c7d2c3….png)

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678964  No.15031557



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c238e6  No.15031558

File: bac4e38d7063e8b⋯.jpg (2.02 MB, 3373x4112, 3373:4112, 1637284528397.jpg)

File: 3c053e278c698e2⋯.png (731.26 KB, 1664x5472, 52:171, 1637286881645.png)

File: cf93c24355feaa5⋯.png (1.22 MB, 928x8840, 116:1105, 1637286918383.png)

File: c84a0b74a750550⋯.jpg (3.34 MB, 4500x4602, 750:767, 1637286975756.jpg)


Ty baker

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a88400  No.15031559


White rabbit?

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2a2bbc  No.15031560


You know who,who, who's….

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1ad49f  No.15031561

File: a816e18856e505b⋯.jpg (155.03 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, VAX37.jpg)

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6a2725  No.15031562

Picture of ccp operative enjoying ice cream.

CCP does not like the idea of American self defense.

Rittenhouse Judge just banned MSNBC from courtroom…


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669cc2  No.15031563

File: 070ae8b61ac520e⋯.png (684.38 KB, 960x498, 160:83, 32555255.png)


That was just a normal forest fire

move along now…..

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df38a4  No.15031564

File: 197f830e90a3221⋯.jpg (629.42 KB, 1017x1763, 1017:1763, 20200410_084349.jpg)

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678964  No.15031565



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4e6e2a  No.15031566

File: 39cbc1d75b34e0a⋯.mp4 (1.41 MB, 1280x592, 80:37, At_a_virtual_Rittenhouse_p….mp4)



At a virtual #Rittenhouse pre-trial court hearing in December 2020, Gaige Grosskreutz, who was shot in the arm by the teen while moving toward him with a pistol, fell off his chair. He remains on the ground for a while and it is unclear if he was hurt.

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b162cb  No.15031567

File: 3c60e7e413b6f6e⋯.png (320.03 KB, 665x677, 665:677, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 60047399e86588a⋯.png (17.38 KB, 641x206, 641:206, ClipboardImage.png)


>Fred Eychaner

Wealthy donors are putting millions of dollars behind Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump in the race for the White House. Bloomberg's Zachary Mider and Bill Allison detail who their biggest donors so far…


Fred Eychaner: $5 million

Fred Eychaner has made his fortune with his company Newsweb, which publishes alternative and ethnic newspapers and owns television and radio stations in Illinois and Indiana. Newsweb has never registered to lobby in Washington, but Eychaner has given $42.8 million since 2003 to party committees, candidates and outside spending groups. Eychaner is a major supporter of marriage equality, LGBT rights and AIDS prevention and awareness, and supports them through hisAlphawood Foundation.The Clinton Foundation is among the charitable organizations he supports. He's given it more than $25 million.

Source: Bloomberg


Alphawood Foundation is a Chicago-based, grant-making private foundation working for an equitable, just, and humane society. Each year we award grants to organizations, primarily in the areas of advocacy, architecture and preservation, the arts and arts education, promotion and protection of the rights of LGBTQ persons and people living withHIV/AIDS,and other human and civil rights.


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847b89  No.15031568

Washington Post / Fake News Media: Black vs White, Divide and Conquer

Is it still working?

Incoming NAACP Legal Defense Fund president: Janai Nelson, who will replace Sherrilyn Ifill this spring, says the group is “fighting against a revitalized mission to advance White supremacy”


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412c89  No.15031569

File: b3370f5dc7915bf⋯.jpg (107.22 KB, 686x573, 686:573, 20211030_203854.jpg)

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6a2725  No.15031570

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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c238e6  No.15031571


ccp is a jewish vassal state, wake up

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b90427  No.15031572


A warrior uses whatever weapons are available to him. There is no shame in this!

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30a411  No.15031573

File: f7886d66d0fca1c⋯.jpg (71.55 KB, 392x361, 392:361, 1.jpg)

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678964  No.15031574




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2464d8  No.15031575


I wonder who took the pic of the gay lovers on the pontoon boat.

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30a411  No.15031576

File: ac95d085245b748⋯.png (1.12 MB, 894x865, 894:865, 6976cb4952ce666e36206608ba….png)

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678964  No.15031577

File: 344e03fc52ae7b6⋯.jpg (138.99 KB, 640x640, 1:1, CMQU8420.jpg)


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38e943  No.15031578

File: 616efcf270f952e⋯.png (25.92 KB, 713x611, 713:611, 616efcf270f952e212ba69cf84….png)

File: 355b2b2ff4429f3⋯.png (53.4 KB, 1210x280, 121:28, ClipboardImage.png)


>Jerusalem Post

>Ephrussis' palace looted

>poor rabbit austrians


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2d396a  No.15031579

File: 00a45d289cc9ac2⋯.gif (741.41 KB, 752x969, 752:969, file_store_13.gif)

So when does the second AGAIN start?

Asking for

80+ million Americans

159 million Worldwide

Thank you

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678964  No.15031580

File: 73314d8b4228ea8⋯.jpeg (142.86 KB, 1000x800, 5:4, JCTQ7411.jpeg)

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678964  No.15031581



duke harry gasket has a mimi

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b90427  No.15031582

File: dd49a102217e21b⋯.png (339.52 KB, 367x680, 367:680, FauciChinaAsset.PNG)

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412c89  No.15031583

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a97e88  No.15031584


Imagine all three of these hotties loving you long time….

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1a9ee3  No.15031585


Didn't you read the letter of resignation?

Its dated.

Some researcher you are.

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191c6d  No.15031586

File: 72dd64ab6fb1620⋯.png (332.41 KB, 535x680, 107:136, Screenshot_2021_11_19_at_0….png)

The Jerusalem Post


A journalist working for one of #Brazil’s largest broadcasters apologized for saying on TV on Wednesday that the only way his country could match Germany’s wealth is by killing its #Jews.



It´s not happening…

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00bca7  No.15031587


How in the fuck does somebody talk for 2 hours? He must be a woman.

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b90427  No.15031588

File: d832fc13dcf5f5e⋯.jpg (755.07 KB, 2048x1372, 512:343, AntifaBootCamp.jpg)

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678964  No.15031589

File: bfa82df780bb072⋯.jpg (32.51 KB, 450x450, 1:1, YCRX9278.jpg)


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266192  No.15031590


This administration is a circus.

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669cc2  No.15031591

File: 7bffdae7b60ae5f⋯.jpg (527.13 KB, 1080x1540, 54:77, 7bffdae7b60ae5ff63fc54fe3d….jpg)


has the baker outed himself as the pig ?

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ad50a8  No.15031592

File: f273c354dce1f75⋯.png (2.01 MB, 2543x1124, 2543:1124, Liars.PNG)

File: 94d59c293a7d9ad⋯.png (1.64 MB, 1791x1064, 1791:1064, liars2.PNG)


Slow down vid at 11:10 you can see something appearing from behind the rock.


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30a411  No.15031593

File: af7b3b02febda73⋯.gif (1.66 MB, 320x178, 160:89, 1605418146210.gif)

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c1027c  No.15031594

File: b7c985f98ee6d27⋯.jpg (267.08 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, FEPyIsUXsAkhtdS.jpg)


Klaus Schwab quote to President of China

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22791f  No.15031595

File: 62955997422a0e6⋯.jpg (82.04 KB, 300x300, 1:1, 49_Fred_Eychaner.jpg)



Eychaner born in Methodist class in DeKalb, Illinois , the son of Mildred (Lovett) and Used Howard the Franklin Eychaner [1] [8] [9] [10] His father owned a business, transport and storage of goods , [11] he has. Three brothers including an Iowa businessman, Rich Eychaner, [1] [12] attended the Medill School of Journalism .

In the late 1970s, Eychaner founded the Metrowest Corporation, which would eventually become Newsweb, which publishes a variety of newspapers . In 1982, through Metrowest, he launched Chicago's WPWR-TV Channel 50 in Chicago. It was in 1982 that alongside Chicago team owners Jerry Reinsdorf and Eddie Einhorn, he was involved in the launch of sports subscription television service Sportsvision. This service was sold to Cablevision Systems Corporation in 1984, which Switched to basic cable service. In 2002, WPWR was sold to Fox Television Stations for $425 million. Then in 2005, through Newsweb, he launched Chicago radio station WCPT (820 AM), which was named Chicago's Progressive Talk

He is the chairman of the Alphawood Foundation, which has been College of Oriental and African Studies , University of London £20m in 2013 [13] Eychaner has given the Clinton Foundation more than $25 million [14]. He is also credited with obtaining the long-delayed FDR Four Freedom Gardens. on New York's Svelt Island was eventually built .


Overview:Fred Eychanerhas been one of the Democratic party’s leading donors for several election cycles. He has made significant contributions to the campaigns of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, and has been a reliable booster of the party’s key PACs and funds. Location: Chicago, IL. Total Donated (2016-2020): $55,162,600.

sauce: https://www-thwiki-press.translate.goog/wiki/Fred_Eychaner?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en-US&_x_tr_pto=nui



Fred Eychaneris one of the most powerful political players and tycoons you’ve never heard of.

Hillary Clinton, the leading Democratic presidential candidate, collected $250,000 when she visited the Chicago mansion ofFred Eychanerin May for a fundraising event. The occasion prompted a rare bit of media coverage of the multimillionaire mogul usually described as “reclusive” or “secretive” in media accounts because he avoids interviews and cameras.

“Everybody working together needs to make Hillary the next president,” the 70-year-oldEychanertold the gathering of rich Democrats.

Most Americans haven’t heard ofEychaner(pronounced Eye-can-er). Those versed in media giants are certainly familiar with Rupert Murdoch or Arthur “Pinch” Sulzberger. Those who know the political donor class know about George Soros, the Koch brothers and Tom Steyer. Eychaner is a media mogul political donor who manages to operate under the radar.

You Need to See These 5 Shocking Facts About Money in the 2012 Elections


Not since the years before the Watergate scandal has a small cadre of mega-donors influenced our elections as much as wealthy givers such as casino tycoon Sheldon Adelson, DreamWorks Animation CEO Jeffrey Katzenberg, Texas homebuilder Bob Perry, and Chicago media mogul Fred Eychaner did in 2012. These men and a few dozen others pumped hundreds of millions of dollars into super-PACs and shadowy nonprofits and raised tens of millions more for presidential and Congressional campaigns.


Contributors to the Clinton Foundation — the list below indicates cumulative lifetime giving through June 2016:

Donation Amount Greater than $25,000,000

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Clinton Giustra Enterprise Partnership (Canada)

Fred Eychaner and Alphawood Foundation

Frank Giustra, The Radcliffe Foundation

Nationale Postcode Loterij

The Children's Investment Fund Foundation






Alphawood Foundation chairman Fred Eychaner charges developers at the FDR Four Freedoms Park reneged on their promise of a prominent public display acknowledging his generosity.

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6d176f  No.15031596


Beyond a reasonable doubt burden is on the prosecutor. Innocent until proven guilty. Why is a non-unanimous jury considered a hung jury? If the jury is does not have a unanimously guilty verdict, then isn't that a not guilty verdict?

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2a2bbc  No.15031597

File: 763da3dd66ec722⋯.jpg (29.15 KB, 277x375, 277:375, Screenshot_20210808_155210….jpg)

File: 464e92b893e79d6⋯.jpg (19.29 KB, 280x266, 20:19, Screenshot_20210814_082919….jpg)

File: add91d57f3fe06c⋯.jpg (40.23 KB, 719x452, 719:452, Screenshot_20211011_135550….jpg)


Wasn't that (you) that works w/ p g ne and Tatiran?

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86e96f  No.15031598

File: a3ece6a72a5193e⋯.jpg (12.67 KB, 438x438, 1:1, a3ece6a72a5193efd7872078b7….jpg)

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b90427  No.15031599

File: 8142b7db2ca2da1⋯.jpg (386.25 KB, 1800x1080, 5:3, ChopChop.JPG)

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78c433  No.15031600


removing people/animals/birds from a filmed environment is relatively easy edit, and its clear by the way he's filming that he makes it easier on himself with slow stable movements of the camera.. pretty fuckin dumb.. dumb followers too.. they should tell him to go break a bunch of high end vehicle windows.. something a little more challenging.. kek

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1ad49f  No.15031601

File: fa4937691e5c9ce⋯.png (145.16 KB, 1202x485, 1202:485, ClipboardImage.png)


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2464d8  No.15031602


LGBTQ need to fuck themselves.

Save everyone a lot of headaches.

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5b1479  No.15031603

File: 2697a85d0d4df1e⋯.png (89.54 KB, 733x340, 733:340, jim_removebg_preview_remov….png)

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313f99  No.15031604

File: 1c0b209ffa78f59⋯.gif (780.77 KB, 400x252, 100:63, speedbag_b.gif)

File: 852a122190564cc⋯.gif (1.25 MB, 300x398, 150:199, speedbag_c.gif)



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669cc2  No.15031605

File: 2fbf7c44979b434⋯.jpg (263.22 KB, 800x800, 1:1, 1637029435972.jpg)

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4e6e2a  No.15031606

File: 5a52df2a17f78e2⋯.mp4 (4.99 MB, 720x720, 1:1, BREAKING_Further_evidence_….mp4)



BREAKING: Further evidence of the #KyleRittenhouseTrial DA suborning perjury, adding to a plethora of prosecutorial misconduct.

The Khindri brothers, BOTH Sal & Sam, were present at car source earlier in the day, with Kyle, Dominick, and Nick.

The DA knew this footage existed.

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2d396a  No.15031607

File: 5603e1f65d50397⋯.gif (8.61 MB, 269x480, 269:480, giphy_11.gif)


Say again.

You came in broken & retarded.


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2a2bbc  No.15031608

File: 85408712d905bbf⋯.jpg (68.93 KB, 703x476, 703:476, Screenshot_20211116_205350….jpg)

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b162cb  No.15031609

File: d67d565ee545e0b⋯.png (712.28 KB, 664x826, 332:413, ClipboardImage.png)


>Fred Eychaner

Who Is Fred Eychaner, the Left’s Most Reclusive Mega-Donor?

While Democrats attack the rich across the country to gin up votes as part of their 2014 election strategy, one self-described “progressive” Democrat donor is so secretive with his wealth that Forbes magazine isn’t sure if he is even a billionaire.

Meet Fred Eychaner (pronounced Eye-can-er), a gay-rights activist and possible billionaire from Chicago who has given $4 million to Harry Reid’s Super PAC attacking shadowy billionaires. Eychaner gave so much money directly to federal candidates thathe violated the legal maximum for 2012,according to Public Integrity. He donated $14.1 million in total to super PACs last cycle and has given a total of $5.8 million so far this cycle — more than any donor who supports Republicans.

Eychaner routinely ranks as one of the top three largest donors in America, after only fellow liberals Michael Bloomberg and Tom Steyer. But while Steyer and Bloomberg are if not household names then well-known in the political class, Eychaner has eluded scrutiny. National Journal tracked Eychaner down in May, but he has remained out of the spotlight for nine years.

Just how much money does Eychaner have? Even Forbes Magazine isn’t quite sure.

Pete Newcomb, senior editor for Forbes, was asked, “do you have some individuals that you suspect should be on the [Forbes billionaire] list but who won’t confirm it?”

Newcomb’s reply:

Yes, we profiled someone in the current issue named Fred Eychaner, a media mogul from Chicago. My hunch is that he’s got a lot more than $500 million we attributed to him. He has a lot of investments in various media properties. He’s given away well over $100 million (over the past couple years). People who give away that kind of money tend to have a lot more.

Eychaner has been involved in progressive causes for much of the last twenty years. In addition to the Reid SuperPAC money, Eychaner also gave the leftist House Majority PAC $1 million in early May. He hasvisited the Obama White House at least seven times,and he gave at least $500,000 to a SuperPAC supporting Obama’s reelection. Obama keynoted a $35,800-per-couple dinner at Eychaner’s Lakeview home.

In 2000 Bill Clinton thanked Eychaner and his live-in partner Ken Lee “for opening their beautiful home”; Eychaner gave $25 million to the Clinton Foundation and $100,000 to Clinton buddyTerry McAuliffein his bid for Virginia governorship.

The largest donor to the AIDS Foundation of Chicago, Eychaner, who founded Newsweb Corp. in the 1970s, got his start publishing alternative media, likethe Chicago Reader newspaper that launched President Barack Obama’s political career with a 4,400 word feature in 1995.[4,400??]

The lion’s share of the fortune of the man who refuses to be called the “progressive Koch brother” comes from Rupert Murdoch, who bought Newsweb’s WPWR-TV station in 2003. Eychaner was listed as the “reclusive” owner of Air America’s Chicago outlet and routinely comes up among the top 20 Democratic donors. He is listed on the boards of the Joffrey Ballet and the Art Institute of Chicago.

Eychaner has also been strategic about who he has hired for his Alphawood Foundation. In 2012, he hired Sun-Times Media general counselJames McDonoughin a move to avoid media scrutiny. When the Chicago media writes about him at all, it’s usually praise for some gift he has given or for his support of same-sex marriage in Illinois.

Eychaner gave an $11 million gift to honor Franklin Delano Roosevelt in Manhattan — and then sued to make sure a plaque with his own name would be on the monument. He reportedly gave money to ACORN, according to former employee Anita MonCrief.

In 2005, the Chicago Tribune reported that “Eychanerranks fifth nationally as a lifetime donor to the Democratic National Committee and related committeesbetween 1978 and January 2004.” But the Tribune noted that Eychaner “refused repeated requests to allow a reporter inside his home or office.

Eychaner alsorefuses to be photographed.

Who is the left’s shadowy mega-donor, and what does he want?

Maybe if the media weren’t so obsessed with the Kochs, we would know the answer.


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04cc47  No.15031610

File: 14d8d07ae0baff3⋯.jpg (31.17 KB, 491x406, 491:406, 1_s2_0_S0168170220311096_g….jpg)

File: dfb3ec7889eadca⋯.png (61.69 KB, 281x200, 281:200, 0486df9ffdcf4fbce4f1279bf8….png)

The CURE to any virus infection not just COVID

DELongnecker researches Nitric oxide


That's the stock code for Claritas Pharmaceuticals

They makeR-107

Do your research.

Nitric oxide is adisinfectantused internally.

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30a411  No.15031611


A three ring circus of Satanic Cenobite assholes right out of the movie Hellraiser.

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2a2bbc  No.15031612

File: 4100b7c410c48ec⋯.jpg (36.33 KB, 380x220, 19:11, Screenshot_20211117_213724….jpg)

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412c89  No.15031613


They use them up since the time they were kids

And when they're no longer useful they go rot jail and the next gen are moved in.

Round and round we're played like fools

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513d59  No.15031614


These are the insurgents. Are you scared yet?

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2712f8  No.15031615

File: 40ce8cf307f9136⋯.jpg (353.96 KB, 1100x888, 275:222, Mike.jpg)

File: 7ff671d2e14890c⋯.jpg (65 KB, 500x550, 10:11, Polish_20211118_083457549.jpg)

File: 40600ab396909a9⋯.jpg (187.64 KB, 923x657, 923:657, Ken_NOOOO_Sha.jpg)

File: 88b6115b6ccf8a5⋯.png (824.49 KB, 790x774, 395:387, Polish_20211118_112445440.png)

File: 59c9685f7d1cd00⋯.jpg (1.14 MB, 1184x1772, 296:443, BeaverBush.jpg)

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2a2bbc  No.15031616

File: 52faec26af876a2⋯.jpg (39.77 KB, 346x365, 346:365, Screenshot_20211115_235313….jpg)

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5b1479  No.15031617

Is being racist such a bad thing?

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316bcb  No.15031618


>McCarthy has been speaking for almost 2 hours

he's shaming them like a boss right now

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669cc2  No.15031619


>all three of these hotties

no happy endings in sight……

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266192  No.15031620


> “fighting against a revitalized mission to advance White supremacy”

What low self-esteems.

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1576ae  No.15031621

File: bbf76e6f2a639aa⋯.png (138.44 KB, 1912x845, 1912:845, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6920e3fc186b2aa⋯.png (141.33 KB, 1912x845, 1912:845, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 452312322597719⋯.png (125.82 KB, 1912x845, 1912:845, ClipboardImage.png)

>>15031432 USAspending.gov database on a SWAG. Advanced search using "domestic terror" as search term, specifying DoJ as the agency. Grant description (let in January 2021 - caps from the site, not mine):


Grant is for a cool ~$1 Million dollars to DSG. Board of Directors for DSG at link:


Would love to know the five far right terrorist groups…..


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6c43ea  No.15031622

New version of Alleycat Player is now available

- Support for over 50 video sources including YouTube, BitChute, Rumble, Vimeo, Brighteon, Twitter, Facebook, etc.

- Download or play videos or copy the video link for playback on an external player such as VLC or SMPlayer.

- Sources for free movies and TV shows. Many of these sources are unsafe but not with Alleycat Player.

- Over 250 Internet TV channels and Internet Radio. Quick and easy push-button access for channel surfing.

- Advanced video player controller with seek presets, brightness adjustment and more.

Also get the latest version of the 8kun Bread Launcher

- auto-updating, posting and new thread creation

- ability to display a post and its replies in a new tab

- threads cached for quick access; no more pb/lb frustration

- posts are colour-coded to mark those you've already seen

- the Post Office feature allows you to edit 6 posts at once

- robust and error-free; no more double-posting or stalling

- just added: hints for bakers

Go to my GitHub Pages website: https://8chananon.github.io

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149670  No.15031623

File: db7840d624384bf⋯.png (310.56 KB, 846x616, 423:308, ClipboardImage.png)

>>15030421 PB

>>15030420 PB

Past bread, but did they forget Trump dropped a Predator missile on Qasem Soleimani's forehead? lmao

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2a2bbc  No.15031624

File: 9bfae36ea300bb1⋯.jpg (56.51 KB, 569x390, 569:390, Screenshot_20211113_104045….jpg)


The CIA has 7 supercomputers, and they are all named after the 7 dwarfs from Snow White (Doc, Dopey, Bashful, Grumpy, Sneezy, Sleepy and Happy) https://



Spy Vs. Spy CIA Directorate of Operations code-named Snow White.

http://articles.chicagotribune.com/2000-01-13/features/0001130129_1_central-intelligence-agency-headquarters-cia-super-secret https://archive.fo/yCwf9

Go deeper.

• NSA infiltrated

• Shadow brokers leaking data

• Q group investigating

Reference Titanic after pausing to say hello to CIA monitoring the thread = they're going down. (the unsinkable CIA ship will sink)

Signatures are IMPORTANT.


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b90427  No.15031625

File: dd1da4c5e66562f⋯.jpg (890.1 KB, 2500x1767, 2500:1767, AntifaTokenBLM.JPG)

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86e96f  No.15031626

File: 78ab618477bb477⋯.jpg (466.09 KB, 1075x979, 1075:979, 78ab618477bb4778dfdba0eb2c….jpg)


ching chog spy

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a88400  No.15031627

File: fe7ff247ed71234⋯.jpg (33.42 KB, 384x609, 128:203, ZomboMeme_04012021195730.jpg)

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669cc2  No.15031628

File: 968954e2e3aab2f⋯.png (311.02 KB, 755x470, 151:94, 42225.png)


stop being raciz, nigger !

btw, you are probably a chinky or a spic

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6cbf69  No.15031629

File: 64db64a8e52f4a0⋯.png (15.97 KB, 376x364, 94:91, ClipboardImage.png)


no fucking shit

exactly what one would expect when you're a mos faggot being fed intel by glowniggers

nearly every person Q linked to on twatter got shoah'd and yet the verified check mark faggot has been left alone

gee golly batman that is a hard thunk

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2a2bbc  No.15031630

File: 4a2dd14be1fbad2⋯.jpg (34.47 KB, 379x372, 379:372, Screenshot_20211111_115944….jpg)

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88f3a9  No.15031631

File: fdeb3085aa77573⋯.jpg (196.16 KB, 2021x1021, 2021:1021, fdeb3085aa775739c1c21de2d6….jpg)

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669cc2  No.15031632

File: 39a1e16ed3047a8⋯.png (159.25 KB, 291x353, 291:353, 3535356.png)


>The CIA has 7 supercomputers,

this was notable….about 4 years ago

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c07e63  No.15031633

File: f4af205303e2b87⋯.jpg (259 KB, 1200x1179, 400:393, ratham1.jpg)

File: ed3a9b0d91eaef5⋯.jpg (150.51 KB, 937x1200, 937:1200, gosar1.jpg)

File: 4f2633d74983f53⋯.jpg (259.17 KB, 1200x1179, 400:393, rantham2.jpg)

File: c29c27f16b9ff48⋯.jpg (151 KB, 937x1200, 937:1200, gosar2.jpg)

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86e96f  No.15031634


>- the Post Office feature allows you to edit 6 posts at once

that sound interdasin

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c238e6  No.15031635


jewish naacp

jewish wapo


>jewish bloomberg

>cryptojew eychaner

<(((Alphawood))) foundation

when swindling the goyim, jews like to name their companies after trees and such to sound trustworthy and dependable to the goyim



haha! look his picture

>(((college of african and oriental studies)))

>paid into the CF

>jewish mother jones

>jewish sheldon adelson

>jewish jeffry katzenberg

>jewish bill gates

what will it take for /qr/ to understand the (((root))) of every problem you care about is the same.

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df9733  No.15031636

File: f4650e94500cf66⋯.png (331 KB, 396x604, 99:151, kekface.png)


saw that yesterday and does not lose its hilarity.

Kyle's reaction is gold.

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946bc9  No.15031637

File: b03ee365b031a9d⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1106x1112, 553:556, Screen_Shot_2021_11_18_at_….png)

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191c6d  No.15031638

File: 77225510d1f50d0⋯.png (123.47 KB, 535x389, 535:389, Screenshot_2021_11_19_at_0….png)

The Hill


WATCH: Lights suddenly go out on Rep. Matt Gaetz during a House Judiciary hearing Wednesday while speaking about the politicization of the Justice Department.


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f97c0b  No.15031639


Cut the vocal cords right here…

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467ba3  No.15031640

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Kim Mitchell - Go For Soda

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38e943  No.15031641

File: 01a419804832302⋯.jpg (23.21 KB, 641x530, 641:530, 01a419804832302c5fb2380af8….jpg)


>It´s not happening

I don't understand what you're saying.

All I tried to say was that Austrians are lying, compliant, weak, ass-kissing motherfuckers who adore/require leadership of any kind since their "kaiser" left them.

It's not happening, no. You're right.

But it has been happening for the last 100 yrs or more. And the same mentality today, as we speak, allows for a lockdown on solely the un-vaccinated.

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b90427  No.15031642

File: 7a420212d6d81e5⋯.jpg (332.71 KB, 1247x828, 1247:828, CallGoodEvil.jpg)

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669cc2  No.15031643

File: dc3c8e1e6299db6⋯.png (1.88 MB, 889x1024, 889:1024, 5363633.png)

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678964  No.15031644



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f97c0b  No.15031645


I saw him too, right where that women was!

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2c5e23  No.15031646

File: 09c5560d758af0f⋯.jpg (61.09 KB, 500x333, 500:333, wong_on_so_many_levels.jpg)

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2a2bbc  No.15031647

File: 3fee78bfb4eb217⋯.jpg (36.71 KB, 372x368, 93:92, Screenshot_20210814_222157….jpg)

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678964  No.15031648


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313f99  No.15031649

File: adbe89f1a24e8a3⋯.mp4 (458.8 KB, 240x480, 1:2, joker_cake_smush.mp4)

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9422d1  No.15031650


KEK Oh crap…this made me laugh

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678964  No.15031651


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2a2bbc  No.15031652

File: b93e47bf58c11fb⋯.jpg (101.56 KB, 756x568, 189:142, Screenshot_20211116_212338….jpg)

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678964  No.15031653

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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6a2725  No.15031654

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

UPDATE: Delaware County Pennsylvania Lawsuit Is Going to Blow the Roof Off of the Democrat Voter Fraud in the State


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b90427  No.15031655

File: 7085c5165705557⋯.jpg (130.63 KB, 1008x988, 252:247, BurnYourMask.jpg)

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86e96f  No.15031656



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4b4c68  No.15031657


would not be surprised if this got posted on one of babyfist's scam sites as top secret information….

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c238e6  No.15031658

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678964  No.15031659

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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8983dd  No.15031660

File: a4ac22b7e985582⋯.png (467.38 KB, 1024x578, 512:289, 02B118C2_4A68_4777_9D56_0B….png)

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86e96f  No.15031661

File: 46f25cfe8bfecc2⋯.jpeg (19.39 KB, 255x246, 85:82, 46f25cfe8bfecc235bfdb48e9….jpeg)

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678964  No.15031662


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b90427  No.15031663

File: 4ae09a9d93e76f8⋯.jpg (419.32 KB, 2278x1080, 1139:540, RiceErroni.JPG)

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669cc2  No.15031664

File: 3bdcda532e2cd80⋯.jpg (98.97 KB, 1080x910, 108:91, 46.jpg)


Trust Fauci

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30a411  No.15031665

File: e0c694ea4b7174b⋯.jpg (118.75 KB, 480x389, 480:389, 1540706734562.jpg)


Not listening to voter fraud anymore. Not one meaningful arrest and Arizona was a lie. Nothing that can be done. Running out of choices.

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678964  No.15031666

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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6c43ea  No.15031667


What is your issue?

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c238e6  No.15031668



>jews making these idiotic posts every day in every thread

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88f3a9  No.15031669

File: c554101ea7e50bc⋯.jpg (64.21 KB, 612x408, 3:2, Pudding_Thursdays.jpg)

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1a9ee3  No.15031670






They are killing people!

I swear in the last 5 years I've woken up in hell…


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313f99  No.15031671


he is a soros mule.

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75bbaa  No.15031672


Trust Dog

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2464d8  No.15031673


The people who are doing this to kids need to have their eyeballs plucked out and jammed up their nostrils until they suffocate.

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678964  No.15031674




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669cc2  No.15031675

File: 94009c4dd27cfb7⋯.png (272.42 KB, 916x857, 916:857, 53663.png)

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a1e4d8  No.15031676

File: 19191bed8b2adac⋯.jpg (53.64 KB, 592x482, 296:241, joearson.jpg)

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467ba3  No.15031677

File: f19169cd8e57aae⋯.png (780.48 KB, 1199x797, 1199:797, NSC5Moon.png)

Anon counted a minimum of seven key strokes to poast clean.

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b90427  No.15031678

File: a48d996d5eab6a2⋯.jpg (214.27 KB, 1280x854, 640:427, CovidBlindfold.JPG)

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a0d080  No.15031679

File: 3fb5d5836516171⋯.jpg (28.06 KB, 371x196, 53:28, Screenshot_20210819_170909….jpg)

File: 637de39f16f4706⋯.jpg (82.11 KB, 566x622, 283:311, Screenshot_20210819_170926….jpg)

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191c6d  No.15031680

File: 66045cbdc0e2390⋯.jpg (683.02 KB, 3617x2584, 3617:2584, FEQf1oNUYAA3efL.jpg)


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389e6b  No.15031681

With all this talk about smallpox, "dark winter," and all that, I think we need to be proactive and stock up on stuff to protect ourselves and our families in case they pull this shit.

Knock out their manufactured epidemic before it can get started.


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37d093  No.15031682

File: fc2dfd61d36e214⋯.jpg (85.78 KB, 500x715, 100:143, 5s31bu.jpg)

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c0929d  No.15031683

File: 4b406685f80a8fa⋯.jpg (45.75 KB, 750x421, 750:421, ladies.jpg)

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6a2725  No.15031684


completely understandable considering those who claimed to have it all allowed it to occur and the compatriots in uniform salute the bag of shit they helped to install…maybe they will shoot those who were caught on camera or those who try to prosecute them for their crimes

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47f671  No.15031685

File: e5a8f071c17ebfb⋯.jpg (66.49 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, JoeBPuddin.jpg)

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541a6b  No.15031686



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678964  No.15031687



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678964  No.15031688



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d59ab6  No.15031689

File: d1115625cffbf5e⋯.jpg (126.18 KB, 894x655, 894:655, asfdsa.JPG)

File: 21cadf386392930⋯.jpg (112.71 KB, 853x655, 853:655, 12.JPG)


The Ephrussi family (French pronunciation: ​[ɛfʁysi]) is a Russian Jewish banking and oil dynasty. The family's bank and properties were seized by the Nazi authorities after the 1938 "Anschluss", the annexation of Austria by Nazi Germany.

The progenitor, Charles Joachim Ephrussi (1792–1864), from Berdichev, made a fortune controlling grain distribution beginning in the free port of Odessa (then Russian Empire, now Ukraine)[1] and later controlled large-scale oil resources across Crimea and the Caucasus. By 1860, the family was the world’s largest exporter of wheat.[1]

Charles Joachim's eldest son, Leonid (d. 1877), founded a bank in Odessa, while his brother Ignaz (1829–1899) moved to the Austrian capital, Vienna, where he established the Ephrussi & Co. banking house in 1856. In 1872, he was elevated to the noble rank of Ritter by Habsburg emperor Franz Joseph I. In 1871, Leonid, together with his younger half-brothers Michel (1845–1914) and Maurice Ephrussi (1849–1916), founded a branch in Paris, followed by subsidiaries in London and Athens.

During the 19th century, the family possessed vast wealth and owned many castles, palaces, and estates in Europe. The family members were known for their connoisseurship, intellectual interests, and their huge collections of art.[2] Leonid's son Charles Ephrussi (1849–1905), a well-known art historian, collector and editor, became a model for the character of Charles Swann in Marcel Proust's novel In Search of Lost Time.

The family name is considered to be a variation of Ephrati, as a reference to "Ephraim" in 1 Samuel 1:1, a Hebrew family name attested in the 14th century in the Iberian Peninsula (modern Spain and Portugal) as Efrati and later in central Europe and Russia as Ephrati or Ephrussi.


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c238e6  No.15031690


jews turning off the lights on Matt Gaetz after trying to shake him down for $25 Million and set him up with underage prostitute in Joel "Jew" Greenberg's blackmail operation.

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669cc2  No.15031691

File: ffeac78e4d3e07f⋯.jpg (88.28 KB, 1232x887, 1232:887, 3535636.jpg)


correct answer !

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678964  No.15031692




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934ef4  No.15031693

File: bbd45b7ff6816db⋯.jpg (32.24 KB, 502x500, 251:250, 5qlctv.jpg)

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313f99  No.15031695



Kyle 2

Arm 0

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266192  No.15031696

File: d2d290c998d7315⋯.png (531.64 KB, 520x364, 10:7, Quotes_kamala_harris_nancy….png)

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a0d080  No.15031697

File: e9a4583f049631c⋯.jpg (22.79 KB, 376x207, 376:207, Screenshot_20211111_115809….jpg)

Operation Mockingbird was a CIA infiltration of news and entertainment media. Hillary may or may not have been detained (but not arrested yet). Sometimes strategic or military deception is necessary. Huma Abedin attended an event in NYC on Oct. 25, walked with her family in NYC on Oct 27, attended HRC's 70th birthday part and seen with her son on Nov. 6 and 7th. This may have something to do with Russia as events progress, due to North Korea and Iran. POTUS surrounds himself with generals to ensure the safety of the executive and prevent any attempts at a coup because the generals he picked are loyal and experts at strategy. Marines in particular are deployable at POTUS' discretion without Congressional approval. Military Intelligence (MI) is a discipline that uses information collection and analysis approaches to provide guidance and direction to commanders in support of their decisions. The reason to do around the 3-letter agencies (CIA, FBI et al) is that they have been infiltrated by bad actors who aren't acting in the best interests of the US. Those agencies also have civilian staff, more secrecy and politically-motivated missions, which lead to too much leaking and input from politicians. POTUS has the ultimate authority over our branches of military without approval conditions unless over 90 days in wartime conditions, due to the War Powers Act. The military code is a system of conventional symbols for the covert transmission of secret military information through communications equipment. Anthony Weiner, husband of Huma Abedin is in Federal Medical Center, Devens, a federal prison in Massachusetts., minimum security for male sex offenders. POTUS will go on tv to address the nation to discuss ongoing investigations into corruption and other crimes in Washington D.C.. Doing so would invite criticism and a media storm upon which there would be focus, capitalized on and distorted, which would be inappropriate and damaging to the POTUS and the office. POTUS knew the first step was to remove rogue criminal elements let Lady Justice prove nobody is above the law. POTUS exercised his authority granted to him through irresponsible allocations of power to the Executive Office. Everything POTUS is doing is legal because the swamp made it legal for it's own nefarious purposes. Besides the NSA, Attorney General Jeff Sessions is the only person who knows everything. If Sessions is the prosecutor then he knows everything because he's the one building the case. He has access to evidence collected by parties like Admiral Rogers and General Kelly and probably more. General Kelly probably isn't aware of the intelligence Admiral Rogers has dropped on Sessions in it's entirety, just as Admiral Rogers isn't privy to all the information General Kelly has offered. For a case like this, everything is compartmentalized. Even the President probably only knows exactly what he needs to know to run his office effectively. The man at the top would be the only person who knew the entire lay of the land, that man is Jeff Sessions. It is a fantasy to believe that HRC, Soros, Obama et al have more power than POTUS. Whoever controls the office of the Presidecy controls this great land. They never thought they would lose the Executive Office, and when they did it was an immediate declaration of war between the Patriotic Factions of the US Government and the Swamp. This is not a Republican versus Democrat battle. The partisan bickering you see publicly is a dog and pony show and dramatics for public consumption. George Soros donated $18 billion to the Open Society because extra slush funds were needed to accomplish the agenda. His Open Society Foundation disseminates the slush fund to other parties for operations. Less investigations happen into (registered) charities because all monies are donated and go towards “good causes” so long as the charity isn’t being used to make a profit. Open Society Foundation offers grants to individuals and organisations

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2464d8  No.15031698


Evil pretends that he likes dogs.

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2c5e23  No.15031699

File: d8b42dbbe9718f3⋯.jpg (194.9 KB, 800x820, 40:41, pepe_meme_u_long_time.jpg)

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467ba3  No.15031700

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Triumph - Lay It On The Line (Official Video)

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88f3a9  No.15031701

File: 55b449a415c3709⋯.jpg (82.53 KB, 500x889, 500:889, Big_deal_arond_here.jpg)

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149670  No.15031702


Pharma and the insurance companies have already taken away physician's right to treat patients appropriately.

Medical doctors are, for the most part, are useful idiots.

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389e6b  No.15031703


Being queer ain't nothing to be proud of.

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356e86  No.15031704

File: 1257d16d366a911⋯.png (3.09 MB, 2628x1756, 657:439, ClipboardImage.png)

QClock November 17, 2021

People are waking up

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b162cb  No.15031705

File: e8e51b3f2403a3b⋯.png (118.74 KB, 502x746, 251:373, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d62754e044ad69f⋯.png (120.75 KB, 428x726, 214:363, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bab8334be699a47⋯.png (87.36 KB, 450x739, 450:739, ClipboardImage.png)


THOMAS, J., dissenting





No. 20–1214. Decided July 2, 2021

The petition for a writ of certiorari is denied. JUSTICE KAVANAUGH would grant the petition for a writ of certiorari.

JUSTICE THOMAS, with whom JUSTICE GORSUCH joins, dissenting from denial of certiorari.

Fred Eychaner owned a tract of land in Chicago’s River West neighborhood. Two blocks south stood a factory, owned and operated by the Blommer Chocolate Company. The company wanted Eychaner’s land to create a buffer with nearby residential areas, so it offered to purchase the property for $824,980. Eychaner declined.

Eychaner’s refusal to sell, however, did not end the matter. Two months later, the city of Chicago notified Eychaner that it was considering whether to take his property.

As formalized later, the city planned to invoke its eminent domain power to transfer Eychaner’s property to the company.

moar at


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86e96f  No.15031706

File: 422e72975e123ba⋯.jpg (150.73 KB, 1400x933, 1400:933, 422e72975e123bab8895a53135….jpg)


it's friday…

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678964  No.15031707


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9acb93  No.15031708

File: c29402b37f20433⋯.jpg (36.45 KB, 600x335, 120:67, FireFauci.jpg)

File: a92456e2031b73e⋯.jpg (50.28 KB, 600x335, 120:67, LGF.jpg)

File: cb2356c147cac78⋯.jpg (67.52 KB, 600x335, 120:67, LyingPuppyTorturer2.jpg)


Thank you, Baker.

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c238e6  No.15031709


and getting caught red-handed on both counts, with no bad publicity and no consequences

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a0d080  No.15031710

File: 57a3e43780ffe4c⋯.jpg (19.62 KB, 322x236, 161:118, Screenshot_20211113_091224….jpg)

File: a673d61260cdb74⋯.jpg (63.27 KB, 516x386, 258:193, Screenshot_20211113_091301….jpg)

File: 079cafad5ba5b50⋯.jpg (70.85 KB, 513x361, 27:19, Screenshot_20211113_091307….jpg)

Signs and Symptoms of Helicobacter Pylori:

Part 1

Alot of ppl have this and don't realize  it. H-pylori can team up w/ other bacterial Infections and kill a person.

H-pylori and Candida, at the same time can be very deadly.

H- pylori can even corrupt a system so bad and it can start growing up ones throat in mouth cavity.

All can be treated w/ bisodium carbonate (baking soda) and having an ideal Ph range.

I found letting the infection get really bad can also immunize ones self, making cells more resistant.

It ultimately must be treated.

Replace tooth plaste w/ baking soda and say alcohol mouth wash such as listerene, can work great.

Part 2

"Most people with H. pylori don’t feel sick, but when symptoms do occur, they include the following:

NauseaStomachache or burning in the stomachAbdominal pain that’s worse when your stomach is emptyBurpingLoss of appetiteBloatingWeight loss

Causes and Risk Factors of H. Pylori

Doctors aren’t exactly sure how H. pylori infection is passed from person to person. Research shows that you can become infected with the bacteria by consuming contaminated food or water. H. pylori may also spread through contact with an infected person’s saliva, vomit, or fecal matter.

Most people who develop an H. pylori infection do so during childhood.

Some factors may increase your risk of developing an H. pylori infection:

Sharing a crowded living spaceLiving in a developing country Not having access to clean water Living with someone who has H. pylori"

Second part of artical taken from:


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467ba3  No.15031711

File: bf25df6fb7d4c37⋯.jpg (196.82 KB, 820x546, 410:273, 88e9b8be215d7c87f6b65ce290….jpg)

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678964  No.15031712

File: 13ee8f5d571d91f⋯.png (48.62 KB, 590x262, 295:131, ClipboardImage.png)

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38e943  No.15031713


>The family name is considered to be a variation of Ephrati, as a reference to "Ephraim"

That's correct. In german/austrian the palace is called "Ephraim palais"

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d59ab6  No.15031714

File: 22d90a52707bc42⋯.jpg (23.68 KB, 333x499, 333:499, roths.JPG)




June 23rd, 2016

Wedding VillaEphrussi de Rothschild, Saint-Jean-Cap-Ferrat, French Riviera

More information on the villa: http://www.villa-ephrussi.com/en/home

"We are reminiscing with great pleasure this June Rothschild wedding thanks to our photographer who beautifully captured all the details and magic of this Persian romance.

Our sweet couple S&A decided to get married in our stunning French Riviera and invited their 250 guests for a Villa Rothschild wedding, for an experience they will cherish forever.

Our creative team at the Wedding Planners – Monaco designed this dreamy Villa Ephrussi de Rothschild wedding and brought it all to life thanks to incredible suppliers.

The scenery of the Villa Rothschild was beautiful in itself but the soft-hued rivers of flowers aimed for gorgeousness. The white foil stamped silver menu accompanied by a blush rose for each guest evoked pure elegance and modernity. The satin ribbon came from the last French satin producer.

The icing on the cake was the heliosphere balloon and the graceful acrobat who brought the knife for the bride and groom to cut their wedding cake."

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6a2725  No.15031715

Searcy and Burgard told an incredible story of twin 75-year-old grandmothers who walked up the open doors of the Capitol on January 6 and asked if they could go inside? The Capitol Police told them, “Yes,” that they could go inside. According to our guests, the elderly women walked inside the Capitol and walked back outside. After they returned home, their neighbors called the FBI on them. They were arrested by the FBI and charged with “criminal trespassing” and were told they would be put on a domestic terrorist list.

CAPITOL PUNISHMENT Producer and Conservative Actor Nick Searcy Reveals Stunning Inside Story About What REALLY Happened On Jan 6th: “It was amazing how much of it was an operation” [VIDEO]


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1ad49f  No.15031716

File: 422743cb2fab1f8⋯.png (380.26 KB, 939x844, 939:844, ClipboardImage.png)


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669cc2  No.15031717

File: f680291e64515f6⋯.png (723.67 KB, 767x791, 767:791, 52525525.png)

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a1e4d8  No.15031718

McCarthy: The last time president Biden was vice president, they cut R&D for hypersonics for America.

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c30588  No.15031719

File: c7b52b1a8405444⋯.png (144.44 KB, 683x384, 683:384, ClipboardImage.png)

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30ea0f  No.15031720

File: cca15c37f060e7b⋯.jpg (215.79 KB, 800x600, 4:3, gretch_bulbs.jpg)

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467ba3  No.15031721

File: fe5a6341f0adb55⋯.png (266.47 KB, 500x638, 250:319, DS.png)


Man if I was Hunter Biden.

Would collect all game balls. And sell them all on ebay.

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518bf2  No.15031722


Taking pauses like that I understand how he has gotten to two hours.

Again, I ask, when do these old turds’ go to bed? It is well past their sleepy time.

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678964  No.15031723


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c1027c  No.15031724

File: 52d926d14d24cc0⋯.png (363.9 KB, 830x758, 415:379, 4e29f251de16051a3b40b951ec….png)


Depends on your timeline, friday 22:48 here

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2464d8  No.15031725


Don't hold your breath.

Just stop voting in rigged elections.

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6a2725  No.15031726


I am open to a tell it all book by DJT covering his direct or indirect dealings w/ the alleged q group. I would easily side with what DJT had to say.

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e0ee04  No.15031727

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c30588  No.15031728

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c1027c  No.15031729


Oh wait, thursday

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b162cb  No.15031730

File: fdc7324a1a3980b⋯.png (50.25 KB, 726x375, 242:125, ClipboardImage.png)


Jewish donors prominent in presidential campaign contributions

20 October 2012,4:40 am

Sheldon Adelson is biggest giver of all; Obama’s top two donors also Jewish

Here are the top five Obama donors:

No. 3 (tie): Fred Eychaner, founder of Chicago-based alternative-newspaper publisher Newsweb Corp.

Total: $2.066 million

Eychaner has given $1.5 million to the Priorities USA Action super PAC. He’s also given more than $60,000 to the president’s re-election committees, and he’s listed as a major “bundler” for Obama, having raised at least $500,000 for the president. Eychaner, a gay-rights activist, also has donated millions to other nonprofit groups, including more than $1 million to the progressive EMILY’s List organization.


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678964  No.15031731


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38e943  No.15031732

File: 606041d5365f4bb⋯.jpg (18.77 KB, 378x357, 18:17, 606041d5365f4bb929f3044a61….jpg)




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822b70  No.15031733

Go get boosted.

-Dr. Anthony Fauci

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d59ab6  No.15031734

File: ed7fc67ecc4f586⋯.png (8.65 KB, 520x479, 520:479, 4b586c543a87b3fdc1996fd72a….png)


the parasite cleanse is without and within

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678964  No.15031735

File: 8a6f5110adbe36f⋯.png (179.37 KB, 500x647, 500:647, APBI9803.png)

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678964  No.15031736

File: 5c7885c2f059886⋯.png (6.57 KB, 450x450, 1:1, qrcode_s_faketrumptweet_co….png)

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8983dd  No.15031737

File: 61b01ffd4e2e4a7⋯.jpeg (1.13 MB, 1400x1621, 1400:1621, 058D5441_F846_4851_B07D_E….jpeg)

When it comes to climate change, we can’t afford to go backward—or even stay where we are.If we are going to act on the scale that’s required to combat this climate crisis, we all need to step up and meet this moment together.


Still assuming Climate Change = Old Guard Destruction

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6a2725  No.15031738


>Just stop voting in rigged elections.

poor logic….they can only cheat so much then their cheating sticks out like a sore thumb

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bcc9db  No.15031739

File: 0a3f498ce406993⋯.png (3.47 MB, 1500x1734, 250:289, ClipboardImage.png)

They’re so busy playing, they’ve taken their eyes off the board.

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59bc97  No.15031740

Some Full Moon, eh?

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678964  No.15031741

File: 81de54ba585108e⋯.jpg (360.47 KB, 1065x1600, 213:320, bourbonnais_cosplay.jpg)

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ba5196  No.15031742


McCarthy is helping the Dems by pushing the vote into the middle of the night.

McCarthy / Scalise not only got the Infrastructure Bill passed, they covered for the Squad by supplying enough votes so they could vote no.

McCarthy is a snake.

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678964  No.15031743

File: bbce997f74f5202⋯.png (1.01 MB, 631x948, 631:948, 5ccf84c0aa1a9e2ca6fad238eb….png)

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7cd9b5  No.15031744

File: 3e5d224ffa23c73⋯.png (15.7 KB, 392x178, 196:89, q156_911.png)

File: ed6bdcecde48a49⋯.png (340.93 KB, 379x1284, 379:1284, eyeontheballCall2.png)

File: d2c1453b9a82fc3⋯.png (221.11 KB, 790x1218, 395:609, Screenshot_2021_11_18_Q_Dr….png)

File: 646349e4513f745⋯.png (169.05 KB, 382x1303, 382:1303, eyeontheballPlus.png)

File: d81fef72acb00ad⋯.png (158.62 KB, 360x640, 9:16, Screenshot_2021_11_18_Q_Dr….png)














<Help me understand


>doesn't look like you're here to understand

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934ef4  No.15031745


There's some good news

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86e96f  No.15031746

File: ff84923c397b498⋯.png (6.83 KB, 158x67, 158:67, ClipboardImage.png)

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149670  No.15031747

File: ab5a9a28c47c711⋯.png (897.62 KB, 1200x799, 1200:799, ClipboardImage.png)

World Economic Forum and UAE to host "The Great Narrative" meeting in Dubai

Dates: 11-12 November 2021

The Great Narrative meeting is a linchpin of the Great Narrative initiative, a collaborative effort of the world’s leading thinkers to fashion longer-term perspectives and co-create a narrative that can help guide the creation of a more resilient, inclusive and sustainable vision for our collective future.

Top thinkers from a variety of geographies and disciplines – including futurists, scientists and philosophers – will contribute fresh ideas for the future. Their reflections will be shared in a forthcoming book, The Great Narrative, expected for publication in January 2022.


Anyone happen to catch this? I'm always skeptical of anything "Great" coming from these fucks…

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822b70  No.15031748


Full Moon Beaver!

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ffbc4c  No.15031749


South San Francisco, CA police officer nearly killed by skateboard attack.

"The skateboard had crushed his head."


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191c6d  No.15031750

File: 6ffa6c002e87ac5⋯.png (9.05 KB, 111x112, 111:112, Screenshot_2021_11_19_at_0….png)

File: cbdfb6ff23fa084⋯.png (71.42 KB, 360x406, 180:203, Screenshot_2021_11_19_at_0….png)



>In 1872, he was elevated to the noble rank of Ritter by Habsburg emperor Franz Joseph I.


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22791f  No.15031751

File: dc2127fd94a1228⋯.png (457.36 KB, 696x826, 348:413, Screen_Shot_2021_07_25_at_….png)


we are all jewish

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669cc2  No.15031752

File: ca4ea0c9c95872d⋯.gif (3.45 MB, 259x288, 259:288, 53335.gif)

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678964  No.15031753

File: d479a03cfe45d22⋯.png (1.36 MB, 978x1049, 978:1049, KSFN8191.png)


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2464d8  No.15031754


put a fly infested bag on Fauci's head

and cut his vocal cords, cause we don't want to hear him yelping

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88f3a9  No.15031755

File: 7789919cbbfd8bd⋯.gif (367.82 KB, 450x359, 450:359, 7789919cbbfd8bd1c9f85ef4b1….gif)

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356e86  No.15031756

File: 3b4524376bbb1b9⋯.png (349.44 KB, 1002x1004, 501:502, ClipboardImage.png)



Tenks Fren!

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6a2725  No.15031757


the great Equalizer has muffed up their evil plans so resources must be committed elsewhere

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678964  No.15031758



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313f99  No.15031759

File: c4d1dc0b7d7c2c1⋯.png (526.85 KB, 672x492, 56:41, ClipboardImage.png)



jews were behind obama's presidential run

and one from chicago

next you are gonna tell us BHO likes socks

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471a91  No.15031760

File: 38a4e5b3f48781b⋯.jpg (98.78 KB, 585x680, 117:136, FEhh36jXMAEM4tD.jpg)

The Kenosha DAMAGE to regular people,

most likely poor working class people,

THE TRUTH could not be told

on purpose:


Cernovich Retweeted

Mark Hemingway



Wow. This anecdote from


about how the NYT wouldn't publish her story on the damage done by the Kenosha riots until after the election is really damning.


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6a2725  No.15031761


the great fairy tale

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5b1479  No.15031762

File: e6085301ba29982⋯.jpg (100.31 KB, 500x644, 125:161, 5qy0ol.jpg)

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669cc2  No.15031763

File: 6d1234325359280⋯.jpg (92.03 KB, 824x720, 103:90, 8fdea2858ac6ef7da1cc7ce9d4….jpg)

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7cd9b5  No.15031764

File: bb1c08182ad306f⋯.png (75.35 KB, 757x332, 757:332, t_extraS_19_1.png)

File: 94faec2e647631e⋯.png (167.94 KB, 387x1025, 387:1025, Screenshot_2021_11_18_Q_Dr….png)



all pb

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b162cb  No.15031765

File: 19c5918801d5579⋯.png (488 KB, 666x781, 666:781, ClipboardImage.png)


New Jewish PAC Aims to Burnish Hillary’s pro-Israel Credentials

Indeed, Jews top the list of donors to the second largest pro-Clinton PAC, Priorities USA. It has raised over $100 million, and its list of donors includes Soros, who has donated $7 million of the overall $25 million he has committed to donating to Clinton.Soros’ son Alex,who started his own Jewish PAC focused on domestic issues, gave Priorities USA $1 million. Hollywood fixture and longtime Clinton supporters Haim Saban and his wife, Cheryl, have donated $10 million. Chicago media magnateFred Eychanercontributed $5 million. And SlimFast founder S. Daniel Abraham has kicked in $3 million.


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356e86  No.15031766



This is a pretty funny sequence.

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471a91  No.15031767


>Wow. This anecdote from


>about how the NYT wouldn't publish her story on the damage done by the Kenosha riots until after the election is really damning.

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30ea0f  No.15031768

File: 20147cba5355243⋯.png (507.26 KB, 768x387, 256:129, gretchen_whitmer.png)

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678964  No.15031769

File: 5f95caae05bb477⋯.jpg (200.3 KB, 800x1066, 400:533, IMG_7869.JPG)

File: cba1f3ebfad9df9⋯.jpg (67.79 KB, 720x640, 9:8, IMG_7885.JPG)

File: 9067d72c6d79909⋯.jpg (60.84 KB, 540x320, 27:16, IMG_7928.JPG)

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678964  No.15031770

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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d59ab6  No.15031771

File: c01f7fc2c22666c⋯.jpg (115.59 KB, 1007x673, 1007:673, dfs.JPG)

File: 522529b3368e921⋯.jpg (77.78 KB, 979x513, 979:513, wreewr.JPG)


Imène HANAFI - founder & director

17 years’ experience designing & planning weddings and events

Imène graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in applied foreign languages and a Master's degree in performing arts.

This creative foundation fed her imagination and taught her how best to get an air of refinement from the visual and musical arts. And this, in turn, has allowed her to design and produce prestigious event scenography (decoration, lightning, staging, entertainment…) all sharing a cohesive aesthetic where each detail resonates.

6 further years of experience working with the leading catering company in the South of France honed her high-end gastronomy knowledge and skills in catering logistics.

Imène is fluent in English, French, Italian and Arabic, and her understanding of the unique differences in the myriad social and cultural lives of her customers are the key components behind her empathy and ability to meet their expectations.

She is focused and never leaves anything to chance. Her upbeat and enthusiastic personality, along with her can-do attitude, are at the heart of her leadership style. She cherishes honesty and authenticity in her relationships with collaborators and clients.

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678964  No.15031772

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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8983dd  No.15031773


Can anon request we keep his vocal cords intact but give him the same shitty auto tune that Travis Scott uses? And put a little drumbeat behind it, maybe some laser lights.

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92042c  No.15031774


even the DLed version freezes most of the way thru 03/22.

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ea09d7  No.15031775


Make China start paying for it!

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669cc2  No.15031776

File: bb888cde3300062⋯.jpg (37.24 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 5336.jpg)


>Full Moon Beaver!

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471a91  No.15031777

File: 1a6c969b9ea7984⋯.jpg (51.09 KB, 539x596, 539:596, FEhwdWpXIAAdwea.jpg)

Can you say Tartaria

energy production



Cernovich Retweeted




Coincidences, or was Nikola Tesla on to the secrets of energy production in Ancient Egypt?

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313f99  No.15031778

File: dec02707de22673⋯.png (102.3 KB, 720x812, 180:203, ClipboardImage.png)


so disproportional.

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a90a40  No.15031779


GG was probably still drunk from his DWI arrest 2 months earlier.

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f97c0b  No.15031780


Simple test - go break something super valuable… haven't seen that video yet…

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934ef4  No.15031781


Freemason brotherhood

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8983dd  No.15031782


Frazetta ftw o7

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356e86  No.15031783


>you are gonna tell us BHO likes socks

Not sure where, or how, but it seems like Hunter in tighty whities would do well in this montage.

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471a91  No.15031784


Cernovich Retweeted

Lauren Southern




Met a guy last night who just yells “I’m Muslim” anytime people ask him to put a mask on - and apparently he hasn’t had to listen to a single mandate for two years Face with tears of joy

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0643ab  No.15031785

File: ed57784103adaa7⋯.png (153.65 KB, 877x826, 877:826, Screenshot_2021_11_18_2040….png)

Disney in the crosshairs.


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266192  No.15031786


>now Ronna Romney wants 'forced lgbt pride' in conservative circles.

She drank the koolaid. Forget it Ronna, you are no thought leader.

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2712f8  No.15031787

File: 1f22016e5b9ff2f⋯.png (499.46 KB, 672x492, 56:41, Meh.png)

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669cc2  No.15031788

File: a6006f0d9dd026e⋯.png (607.47 KB, 1017x488, 1017:488, 35536.png)


no jab, no acting job

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8983dd  No.15031789


Notable Disney pedo connection

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934ef4  No.15031790

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a1e4d8  No.15031791

McCarthy: We spent less defeating Hitler, Mussolini, and Japan, that you are spending here tonight.

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2464d8  No.15031792


It's always been the Liberal Jews.

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a0d080  No.15031793

File: d7627fddb716de9⋯.jpg (36 KB, 375x328, 375:328, Screenshot_20211111_115846….jpg)

File: 15ffc4f1dda8f71⋯.jpg (62.15 KB, 498x584, 249:292, Screenshot_20210801_165614….jpg)

File: d39bc131a603a2f⋯.jpg (75.48 KB, 790x601, 790:601, Screenshot_20210801_165726….jpg)


Think Wendy.

Coordinated - the "Awakening."

Every detail accounted for.

Every scenario planned for.

Enjoy the show.


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1ad49f  No.15031794

File: 1d9f216cf4845d0⋯.jpg (142.88 KB, 960x829, 960:829, tesla11.jpg)

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5b1479  No.15031795


yes sir.. o7

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38e943  No.15031796

File: c717c250ee0c7e7⋯.jpg (65.12 KB, 851x1280, 851:1280, hairy_mooning.jpg)


There's gonna be some mooning I would think.

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467ba3  No.15031797

File: 4f5cfe70dbb4d97⋯.png (497.2 KB, 1477x710, 1477:710, TarmacNS.png)


Food for thought.

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1fa34c  No.15031798

File: bd474b8b2aad300⋯.png (669.12 KB, 600x450, 4:3, jnhyhvgtfc.png)

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1ad49f  No.15031799

File: d84e257d90a3d96⋯.jpg (119.58 KB, 640x845, 128:169, hollywood.jpg)

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a0d080  No.15031800

File: d591e342af0452f⋯.jpg (65.67 KB, 576x373, 576:373, Screenshot_20211116_114940….jpg)

File: 19354793194a799⋯.jpg (77.03 KB, 838x567, 838:567, Screenshot_20211116_204436….jpg)

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a0d080  No.15031801

File: 58362c4677af4e2⋯.jpg (18.92 KB, 379x239, 379:239, Screenshot_20211116_122626….jpg)

File: a60cef2a2949563⋯.jpg (47.39 KB, 537x860, 537:860, Screenshot_20211117_214443….jpg)

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1ad49f  No.15031802

File: cf852280d5302e4⋯.jpg (55.42 KB, 604x617, 604:617, q10.jpg)

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055ba2  No.15031803

File: 499dece754bd2d3⋯.png (99.36 KB, 694x688, 347:344, ClipboardImage.png)


Michelle Obama “had a staff of 23” while Melania Trump “has a staff of 4.”

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316bcb  No.15031804


how do you do that without

totally blowing the whole

point of the thing?


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2464d8  No.15031805


so it sticks out

so what?

What's anybody gonna do about it?


Stop playing their rigged game

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70f91f  No.15031806


Pretty sure that is not a word. Where is that cat?

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6cbf69  No.15031807

File: a1e812b4e68111b⋯.png (497.44 KB, 821x676, 821:676, a1e812b4e68111b2ea6ef25ea9….png)

File: 08aed28e7cdfcc3⋯.png (326.79 KB, 408x481, 408:481, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 537f5013635af2c⋯.png (555.73 KB, 732x488, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)


but it's only a problem when other foreign countries interfere with u.s. elections

the kike shills told me so



how hard is that to understand?

who controls the monetary system?

didn't Q make about 5 different posts of a shitload of banks all controlled by roths?

>inb4 roths are something, anything but jews, goyim!

who created usury?

the coin-clipping money changers of course.

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f97c0b  No.15031808


I would normally be against such behaviour but that security guy was wearing a mask and it was damn funny, so I'll let it go this time.

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a0d080  No.15031809

File: 85c95a265c95e52⋯.jpg (19.41 KB, 358x291, 358:291, Screenshot_20211107_033801….jpg)

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6c43ea  No.15031810


>Simple test - go break something super valuable… haven't seen that video yet…

Yeah, that's the deal breaker for me. He encountered a locked door and didn't kick it in, kek.

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a88400  No.15031811

File: 5979d3005d8e9b3⋯.jpg (35.78 KB, 384x609, 128:203, ZomboMeme_04012021195352.jpg)

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a0d080  No.15031812

File: f0a6dde6de9095c⋯.jpg (110.2 KB, 615x612, 205:204, Screenshot_20211112_143533….jpg)

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669cc2  No.15031813

File: fded96dc87f9995⋯.jpg (93.12 KB, 680x382, 340:191, 1637030098286.jpg)


>Top thinkers from a variety of geographies and disciplines

in other words, the "elites" who are trying to genocide us

I'm sure Klaus Schwab & Bill Gates want what is best for us

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c1027c  No.15031814

File: aee3cc6fbea3ecf⋯.jpg (209.58 KB, 1000x1500, 2:3, hjiijh.jpg)

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1f8a2e  No.15031815


Yo i literally manifested this. I was thinking about asking him to show up this afternoon and BOOM HES BACK

I did this. With mind bullets.

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467ba3  No.15031816

File: 4b92527ab6d7f62⋯.gif (6.61 MB, 636x303, 212:101, B2fuelingcomplete.gif)


Seven keystrokes to clear.

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a0d080  No.15031817

File: 85fc555e1176a46⋯.jpg (28.45 KB, 365x207, 365:207, Screenshot_20211112_181705….jpg)

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a1e4d8  No.15031818

McCarthy: I wonder, in moments in time, what if Abraham Lincoln was not assassinated?

[the Constitution would still be in place; we would not be under 'emergency rule']

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c30588  No.15031819

File: fd994a6edb1d42e⋯.png (10.76 KB, 768x102, 128:17, ClipboardImage.png)

File: edb9bc545d88002⋯.png (650.71 KB, 779x500, 779:500, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4aa0970eaf62fcb⋯.png (21.54 KB, 451x446, 451:446, ClipboardImage.png)


Declaring it is one thing. Enforcing it is another. So far the chickenheads aren't enforcing their tyrannical demands.

Plan ahead.

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a88400  No.15031820

File: 9e4e9f0d7bde662⋯.jpg (55 KB, 600x300, 2:1, ZomboMeme_18012021114024.jpg)


Two dollars and fifty eights cents?

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4b4c68  No.15031821

File: e56b6b83a138598⋯.png (3.22 MB, 1225x1600, 49:64, grammarcats.png)


It is indeed a word.

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2d396a  No.15031822

File: 8515c3f1ec91ccd⋯.jpg (121.63 KB, 902x1004, 451:502, system.jpg)

Um, kek?

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669cc2  No.15031824

File: 367d2f49c7d9691⋯.png (329.47 KB, 720x405, 16:9, 353536.png)

Killary gets frazzled, a lot

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c30588  No.15031825

File: 563f79e73f6d538⋯.png (542.37 KB, 620x414, 310:207, ClipboardImage.png)


We are all freer than any living Romneys have ever been.

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a0d080  No.15031826

File: 0991b25ed85c725⋯.jpg (19.58 KB, 467x258, 467:258, Screenshot_20211109_075708….jpg)

File: 8d08b9b6291e7cb⋯.jpg (13.3 KB, 315x143, 315:143, Screenshot_20211109_075842….jpg)

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ba5196  No.15031827

There is nothing else in the Build Back Better legislation than the cancellation of the Iraq War Resolution that all President Trump's secret Presidential Decisions are pinned to. The Infrastructure bill was for a quick cash influx. The BBB is to get back control of the government from Trump. We're getting to the end of the 3rd movie and it's a cliffhanger, but, you know, Trump already has the film in the can. Checkmate.

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266192  No.15031828


Pressurized them? Under what P.S.I. one wonders..

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2464d8  No.15031829

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Running out of choices.

All 3 branches of government are corrupt.

Tear it down to the studs and start over.

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055ba2  No.15031830



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df9733  No.15031831


the ear changed drastically too…similar to Brandon's ear

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4b4c68  No.15031832


He probably took thousands of them…..

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356e86  No.15031833

File: f31fe6652de3fda⋯.png (3.29 MB, 2829x1795, 2829:1795, ClipboardImage.png)

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356e86  No.15031834


I thought ears as well….

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2d396a  No.15031836

File: a238293a488cf24⋯.jpg (79.12 KB, 974x457, 974:457, Screenshot_20211118_221223….jpg)


Shit nose, lol, just looked at ears.

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1fa34c  No.15031837

File: 916f3a7e13e4cb3⋯.jpg (25.39 KB, 236x320, 59:80, weapon_words.jpg)


I'm sorry gonna have to report you for unregistered bullets..

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055ba2  No.15031838

Democrats on twitter are so mad the MCCarthy is talking.

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6cbf69  No.15031839

File: ce9ab05f579a248⋯.jpg (51.61 KB, 720x379, 720:379, 19800616_10213815186551800….jpg)

File: a65798e10080ac5⋯.png (986.59 KB, 1903x706, 1903:706, ClipboardImage.png)

>but goy, kang nigger obama gave iran $1.7 billion in cash

>don't mention that kang nigger obama also signed the THIRTY EIGHT BILLION DOLLARS OVER 10 YEARS TO ISRAEL THOUGH GOY!

>focus on those dirty unwashed goys that are in close proximity to the stole…chosen land!

>yes, goys, fight each other so you don't notice the smolhats pulling the strings

>goood guys

>now watch another jewish-produced tv show/movie where your huwite wahmenz falls in love with a poor oppressed dindu

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c30588  No.15031840


You don't know any crackheads.

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30ea0f  No.15031841

File: c7ee697c7187907⋯.jpg (77.04 KB, 288x487, 288:487, gretch_mound.jpg)

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a0d080  No.15031843

File: a691b8ac0464609⋯.jpg (22.54 KB, 272x184, 34:23, Screenshot_20211109_075610….jpg)

File: 5f2ae91260a3e4b⋯.jpg (21.8 KB, 286x188, 143:94, Screenshot_20211109_075630….jpg)

File: 5b3398534382288⋯.jpg (24.87 KB, 284x195, 284:195, Screenshot_20211109_075639….jpg)

File: 415fbd633b14007⋯.jpg (68.18 KB, 504x477, 56:53, Screenshot_20211109_075717….jpg)

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4b4c68  No.15031844



The hairline and jawline aren't even the same.

He's been replaced….

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2c5e23  No.15031845

File: 904572f20ef0666⋯.png (44.38 KB, 798x440, 399:220, ClipboardImage.png)


>mind bullets

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7cd9b5  No.15031846

File: c47604277fea9dd⋯.mp4 (5.38 MB, 640x360, 16:9, WpF2cozkIEOAUgJV.mp4)

File: d7e8c40f1dbd7ca⋯.png (142.7 KB, 332x587, 332:587, Screenshot_from_2021_11_18….png)

File: f0348df1a3e4d63⋯.png (543.18 KB, 1193x1736, 1193:1736, Screenshot_2021_11_18_Q_Dr….png)

File: c9fd64b2c897e18⋯.png (155.33 KB, 777x530, 777:530, Screenshot_from_2021_11_18….png)

File: 2b88dcb3b8b9716⋯.png (1.46 MB, 1183x3072, 1183:3072, Screenshot_2021_11_18_Q_Dr….png)




didnt notice that last bread




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75bbaa  No.15031847


nice pic

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5b1479  No.15031848

File: 99421fa285f6f26⋯.png (166.5 KB, 645x387, 5:3, jima_removebg_preview.png)

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df9733  No.15031849


>He's been replaced

My thoughts too

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2d396a  No.15031850



Sauce otherwise so do muh cock a doodle.

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055ba2  No.15031851

File: 3e248ae45ea4ecc⋯.png (1.21 MB, 843x988, 843:988, ClipboardImage.png)

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8093df  No.15031852

File: d45d2e063d134e7⋯.jpeg (44.14 KB, 910x682, 455:341, 4A77D2BE_8EE3_421A_9C55_3….jpeg)

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678964  No.15031853

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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1a9ee3  No.15031854

File: 4bc4b477e9e3a35⋯.jpg (237.14 KB, 1008x560, 9:5, Screenshot_20211025_000609….jpg)


Another doppelganger?

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ab3026  No.15031855

If the bad guy aren't taking the vaxx

And we aren't taking the vaxx

Then we'll be stuck with the assholes afterward

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669cc2  No.15031856

File: 9b6a05f95fc2b68⋯.png (614.06 KB, 858x536, 429:268, 36366.png)


>He's been replaced….

They did it with Hawking, why not Fauci ?

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5e0fe5  No.15031857

Trust the plan

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467ba3  No.15031858

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

My 3 year old must argue and debate everything!

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ab3026  No.15031859



Confirmed liar

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59be13  No.15031860


15 of them make up the manscaping team

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dcfca1  No.15031861

File: 0bd970e76aa1f65⋯.jpg (48.04 KB, 831x461, 831:461, Capture.JPG)

VIDEO of Gaige Grosskreutz’s 2nd DWI Arrest Uncovered from October 2020 – Two Months After Kenosha Riots and Shooting

A video of Gaige Grosskreutz’s second DWI (driving while intoxicated) arrest was uncovered. This was only two months after he attacked Kyle Rittenhouse and as a result, had his bicep blown off.

A video of Gaige Grosskreutz’s second DWI arrest which occurred in October 2020 was uncovered. This was his second arrest for a DWI and yet this case was dismissed only days before he testified in the Kyle Rittenhouse case.

Below is a video of Grosskreutz’s October 2020 arrest for a DWI. This was dismissed shortly before he testified in the Rittenhouse case even though it was his second DWI.

Grosskreutz has yet to be charged with attempted murder for pointing his gun at young Rittenhouse in August 2020.


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2d396a  No.15031862


Sorry meant for


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2c5e23  No.15031863

File: 35745e57ecaecc9⋯.png (5.23 MB, 2000x2000, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

Duty calls

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b13078  No.15031864

Terry Bradshaw looks like a old fart in his black turd hat.

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1c6141  No.15031865

File: 03b10b05ca67b23⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1120x630, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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4b4c68  No.15031866


I'm feeling that our guys did this one….

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4de7cf  No.15031867

>Reminder that if you are still unvaxxed you survived the biggest psyop in human history

Anon not vaxed. Those who didn't fall for the psyop, that mean we have no psyche? Kek.

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467ba3  No.15031868

File: c92bae78170657f⋯.png (1.06 MB, 882x881, 882:881, Tobias_Kleitman.PNG)


Actually. He would rather you spank Kevin.

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313f99  No.15031869

File: d072981f88ff2bb⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1348x912, 337:228, ClipboardImage.png)

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c30588  No.15031870

File: 963c8d876937a21⋯.png (190.78 KB, 300x300, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


What mental hospital were these zombies released from?

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c1027c  No.15031871

File: 2ec84a7786fe79e⋯.jpg (16.76 KB, 320x320, 1:1, 2ec84a7786fe79ef577f0c7f97….jpg)



Since meme, dig and pray is the plan

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266192  No.15031873

File: 1ab7bbb5a0f7520⋯.jpg (68.45 KB, 802x802, 1:1, Ayy_lmao_Pepe.jpg)


Who is replacing all these characters?

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6c43ea  No.15031874


It means that you are immune to bullshit. There are many forms of immunity.

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055ba2  No.15031875

File: 9148bdfe721d831⋯.png (306.24 KB, 1052x698, 526:349, ClipboardImage.png)


Does Your Nose Keep Growing As You Age? The Answer …


Jul 01, 2018 · If you’re one of those people (and we’re right there with you) with the sinking suspicion that your nose is getting larger, we have some unsettling news for you: Yes, your nose does keep growing as you get up there in years. We checked in with an expert — Gregory Levitin, MD, an otolaryngologist at New York Eye and Ear Infirmary of Mount Sinai — who explained that the nose doesn’t start or stop growing …

Estimated Reading Time: 4 mins


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149670  No.15031876

File: 857dedc57a5fc97⋯.png (457.74 KB, 757x786, 757:786, ClipboardImage.png)

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efedb3  No.15031877


Pence failed as VP when he didn't return the contested electors back to the state legislatures on Jan 6. He failed. He's done.

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c30588  No.15031878

File: 380a797e82d73f8⋯.png (600.46 KB, 1012x661, 1012:661, ClipboardImage.png)

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75bbaa  No.15031879


Do no harm?

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30ea0f  No.15031880

File: af83ae8ab6e8b8a⋯.jpg (156.67 KB, 1200x891, 400:297, gretchen_51.jpg)

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2464d8  No.15031881


The 3 year old is just parroting the parent.

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149670  No.15031882

File: 4c39d28683001ea⋯.png (156.6 KB, 474x266, 237:133, ClipboardImage.png)

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07cbbb  No.15031883

File: 9b0fe6fac504ea5⋯.png (761.85 KB, 1242x971, 1242:971, 3451cedc0973294c.png)


It would be asking a lot of an actor to defecate his pants on cue [Pope, Camilla, etc.]

It would be easier to achieve this effect with an engineered biorobotic clone.

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a1e4d8  No.15031884

File: ec4f764ece148ba⋯.jpg (34.09 KB, 862x492, 431:246, wwsqqsq.JPG)

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c9148a  No.15031885

File: 47a6f1d4faf4d95⋯.jpg (15.68 KB, 487x302, 487:302, 47a6f1d4faf4d9563715fd2f53….jpg)

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c30588  No.15031886

File: 3f5f76f4a76439f⋯.png (272.36 KB, 632x423, 632:423, ClipboardImage.png)

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