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42fd45  No.15021853[Last 50 Posts]

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>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

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>>2322789 How To Quickly Spot A Clown


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42fd45  No.15021858

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42fd45  No.15021860



>>15017979 Schumer announces Senate vote to repeal Iraq war powers

>>15018044 Philippines welcomes visiting 5 Russian naval vessels

>>15018045 Satire: Australian TOTALITARIAN Tourism Commercial – 14 Reasons to Visit!

>>15018090 Longest lunar eclipse in centuries coming

>>15018111 Disturbing Video from Philadelphia hospital


>>15018181, >>15018196 Hand Sanitizer dangers

>>15018197 Video: Sad Little Man fauci

>>15018230 Oil Pipeline in Southern Iran Reportedly Hit by Explosion

>>15018304 Ping-pong balls could determine fate of Biden’s vaccine mandate

>>15018314 South Carolina AG Alan Wilson files suit to stop federal vaccine mandate for healthcare workers

>>15018319 Australian rugby legend Liam Jones decides to end his career to avoid getting the poisonous injection.

>>15018352 Rolls-Royce asks to submit mini nuclear technology to Britain's regulator

>>15018106 Trump Org May Have Broken Law By Putting Presidential Seal on Golf Course Markers

>>15018560 Mississippi capital under boil water notice after suspected bad batch of chemicals found at water treatment plant

>>15018570 Reminder: Chinese Organization With Communist Party Ties Funds Black Lives Matter Ventures (2020)

>>15018588 FBI investigating vials labeled 'smallpox' found in lab near Philadelphia

>>15018590 Satire: Ghostbusters Catch Ghosts That Ruin Progressive Narrative

>>15018680 Poland turns water cannons on thousands of migrants as tensions rise at Belarus border

>>15018693 Live: Boris Johnson faces MPs at PMQs ahead of vote on second jobs ban

>>15018782 #19000

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42fd45  No.15021861


>>15017536, >>15017657 [CGI?] Annnnnnnnd they blurred the presidential seal again, Image Fakery

>>15017349, >>15017387, >>15017472 Kenosha prosecutors WITHELD [HD] VIDEO EVIDENCE from Kyle Rittenhouse Defense Team

>>15017411, >>15017474, >>15017572, >>15017542, >>15017571 “Jumpkick Man” identified as Maurice James Freeland

>>15017572, >>15017596, >>15017705 [Maurice James Freeland] Also moved to a new address, just yesterday? + COINCIDENCES?[G.O.A.T.]

>>15017554, >>15017708 Anthony and Maurice need to be charged! Why were [they] so mad over a dumpster fire?

>>15017528, >>15017677, >>15017819 ONLY YOU CAN PREVENT DUMPSTER FIRES! WELL DONE ANONS.

>>15017246, >>15017332, >>15017498, >>15017560 ORANGE IS THE NEW BLACK: PATTERN FOUND

>>15017745, >>15017704 No orange. No shooting?

>>15017279, >>15017725 MISSION: find old archives and look for orange on protesters

>>15017710, >>15017731 POSO HAS SOME GOOD DIGS

>>15017180, >>15017195, >>15017204 The Daily Wire Appears To Be Lead Plaintiff In Fighting Biden Vaccine Mandate In Court

>>15017204, >>15017206 Sixth Circuit Wins Lottery to Weigh Biden Shot-or-Test Rule

>>15017330, >>15017403, >>15017767 Strange plane Callsign X66 at 400mph and 60,000 feet up out of Palmdale, US Air Force Plant 42

>>15017478, >>15017523, >>15017774 Einstein-Rosen Bridge? LOTS of Posts about Bridges

>>15017590, >>15017607 Uganda’s capital Kampala hit by twin suicide bombings

>>15017181 Wyoming coal plant chosen for Gates-backed advanced nuclear reactor project

>>15017183 Former Labor MP Craig Thomson charged over alleged migration fraud

>>15017190 Police Chase LA

>>15017230 Are the [D]’s planning a switch a witch for VP?

>>15017252 [They] don't even want your horse to use ivermectin: "How climate change may effect how you deworm your horse"

>>15017257 [Internal Diversity Training] Exposed: James O'Keefe dropping bombs on fake news

>>15017296 Maryland Mayor Arrested On 50 Counts Of Distributing Revenge Porn On Reddit

>>15017364 The best pepperoni pizza EVER!!! #FJBpizza LETS GO BRANDON!!

>>15017453 John Denver’s death: Another hoax

>>15017516 FBI, CDC Investigating “Questionable Vials” Labeled Smallpox Found at Merck Lab Near Philadelphia

>>15017519 Stowaway bird found in moving van after four-day journey from Las Vegas to Maine

>>15017563 “We’re Not Going to Have a Country in 3 Years. This Guy Did This in 9 Months. He Destroyed Our Country” – President Trump with Mike Lindell on RSBN

>>15017593 What are the odds? Wasnt Billy Gates talking about smallpox not to long ago?

>>15017738 Worldwide Search Trend For "Died Suddenly" Spikes To Record Highs

>>15017743 Astronomers Discover Evidence Our Solar System Is In A Magnetic Tunnel

>>15017726 TRUSTTHESCIENCE.png

>>15017880 #18999

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42fd45  No.15021862


>>15016370 Gen Flynn: Local Action = National Impact!

>>15016386, >>15016398, >>15016403, >>15016649, >>15017065 OH SHIT x4: THE COMMIES SHOWED UP

>>15016940 Prosecutors in Kenosha shooter trial WITHHELD high-definition video evidence from the defense and initially shared a lower quality version of drone footage!

>>15016948, >>15016983 Nobody can identify or locate crucial characters, like “Yellow Pants” and “Jump Kick Guy” (both terms from the trial)

>>15016388, >>15016406, >>15016417, >>15016461, >>15016555, >>15016931, >>15016944 clockfaggin + tribute to Doug Collins

>>15016562, >>15016691, >>15016265 Just How did that Planefag write "FJB" And Middle Finger Pattern Over Arizona Skies?

>>15016295, >>15016303 Mexican Cartel / MS 13 indictments

>>15016310 Ohio sues Facebook alleging it misled the public about effect on children

>>15016329, >>15016335 Britain - Sex with Minors

>>15016330 CBS Insider Brett Mauser EXPOSES Internal Training ‘Stop Thinking in Terms of Objective Journalism

>>15016335 SICK: Ex-UKIP payed £120 to have sex with 'vulnerable' 16-year-old girl [in front of her relative] KEEPS role as charity trustee

>>15016354 Still ZERO Deaths from Global Warming

>>15016359 MoveOn admits they're losing money, support!

>>15016387 [They] play by the numbers. Time for us to play for keeps.

>>15016428 Thousands of migrants camp outside Belarus-Poland checkpoint

>>15016457 [BILL GATES] $4 bln high-tech nuclear reactor set for Wyoming coal site

>>15016474 [They] are now TEACHING kids to hide information from their parents

>>15016475 National assembly of The @ChurchofEngland, on behalf of The Queen.

>>15016520 [P]Resident Byedone Delivers Remarks on the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law

>>15016550 Country that set off H-bomb in space calls Russian shootdown of own satellite ‘reckless’


>>15016670, >>15016836 DHS refusing to answer questions @ChuckGrassley

>>15016708, >>15016863, >>15016895, >>15016955 Long article RE: Rittenhouse from anonymous conservative + juicy comments

>>15016751 Pfizer CEO Called mRNA Technology “Gene Editing” and Wants to Use the Technology to “Cure” People “Born with a Mistake in Their DNA Code”

>>15016778 Biden Admin Looking to Dump Kamala Harris?

>>15016789 NYPD officer kills himself at Long Island marina

>>15016819, >>15016849 Did you know LBJ whipped his dick out to reporters?

>>15016900 CNN is doing more advertising for the POTUS/Lindell interview than anyone

>>15016907 Pfizer, BioNTech, Moderna Making Combined Profits of $93.5 Million a Day: Analysis

>>15017007 House GOP intel grills FBI director on Durham probe in hearing

>>15017011 RSBN Mike Lindell full interview with President Trump

>>15017016 Single Engine Plane Reportedly Crashes Near Kruger Rock Fire

>>15017097 Kyle Rittenhouse defense team seeks mistrial, claiming prosecutorial misconduct

>>15017106 #18998

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42fd45  No.15021865


>>15015518, >>15015600 Judge to poll jurors to determine if deliberations will continue tonight

>>15015555 There will be i told ya so's

>>15015562 DivideD we fall. We see you.

>>15015569 Rosenbaum shooting location

>>15015577 Huber/GG shooting location

>>15015620, >>15015725 Colorado Mandates COVID-19 Vaccine for Large Indoor Unseated Events

>>15015690 Wisconsin National Guard Stations Troops 60 Miles Away From Kenosha

>>15015722 Prosecution Of Project Veritas Sounds Warning About Two-Tier Justice & Big-State Corruption

>>15015726 Allyn Walker has been placed on administrative leave effective immediately

>>15015731 CodeMonkey: Two jurors holding decision up, outright citing backlash

>>15015739 Pfizer failed to report SIX DEATHS in its pivotal study: Links 2 for November 16, 2021

>>15015788 Scotland's vaccine passport scheme could be rolled out to hospitality venues from the 6th of December

>>15015777, >>15015821 Very small anti Kyle crowd.. did the $ run out?

>>15015798 Jury out for the night, will re-convene tomorrow morning at 0900 to continue decision process

>>15015890, >>15015969 Mike Lindel interviews with POTUS tonight

>>15015669 AMBER ALERT in Pa?

>>15015965 2nd Group of States Challenges Health Worker Vaccine Mandate

>>15015559 Faggot Shill Offers Handies for Posobiec Twat Nominations

>>15016014 Grand Jury Subpoenas Harris County Commissioners Court Over COVID-19 Vaccine Outreach Contract

>>15016028 Google cloud networking outage update, showing services down, "no workaround available,"

>>15016077 For those curious about the status of the OSHA Mandate

>>15016098 Old Crow Dig

>>15015647 Homeland Security IG Refuses to Probe Border Agents in Haitian Illegal Immigrant Confrontation

>>15016165 Lindel talks about cyber attacks and then suddenly pausing happens

>>15016215 #18997

Previously Collected Notables

>>15014697 #18995, >>15015487 #18996

>>15012359 #18992, >>15013164 #18993, >>15013978 #18994

>>15010973 #18989, >>15011042 #18990, >>15011577 #18991

>>15007704 #18986, >>15008490 #18987, >>15009201 #18988

>>15005223 #18983, >>15006072 #18984, >>15006978 #18985

>>15003143 #18980, >>15003932 #18981, >>15004675 #18982

>>15000848 #18977, >>15003005 #18978, >>15002599 #18979

>>14998839 #18974, >>14999288 #18975, >>15000050 #18976

>>14996184 #18971, >>14996991 #18972, >>14997585 #18973

>>14993873 #18968, >>14994646 #18969, >>14995406 #18970

>>14991823 #18965, >>14992354 #18966, >>14993713 #18967

>>14990029 #18962, >>14990044 #18963, >>14990829 #18964

>>14986769 #18959, >>14987751 #18960, >>14988489 #18961

>>14985746 #18956, >>14984719 #18957, >>14986621 #18959

>>14981594 #18953, >>14982321 #18954, >>14985151 #18955

>>14979307 #18950, >>14980076 #18951, >>14980853 #18952

>>14977046 #18947, >>14977806 #18948, >>14978503 #18949

>>14974758 #18944, >>14975528 #18945, >>14976327 #18946

>>14972449 #18941, >>14973222 #18942, >>14973979 #18943

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/

>>14588182 Q Research Notables #9

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42fd45  No.15021868



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4bc24c  No.15021871

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d49c2c  No.15021873



what a shit show.

the judge seems hesitant to make any decision.

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9302f8  No.15021875

File: 8fb5940c93a2383⋯.jpg (325.71 KB, IMG_2264.JPG)

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271dea  No.15021878

You know things are getting juicy when the boards get attacked.

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718a3e  No.15021879

File: 96281ef02e0219c⋯.png (19.93 KB, 97afffe51f2661884f18a23aec….png)



HUD chk

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7dd575  No.15021882

File: 7c6c96d070c534f⋯.jpg (19.22 KB, asdffdhffhgguhtjhtgfjng_my….jpg)


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00a48b  No.15021886

File: 500cb650e198548⋯.jpeg (90.61 KB, winning.jpeg)

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7f149a  No.15021889

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7573ef  No.15021892


rawr ;)

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b2c627  No.15021894

Anons notice the board fuckery always habbens when a major news event is occurring?:

•Trump impeachment trial (2nd)

•AZ audit results

•Chauvin Jury Deliberations

And now during the Rittenhouse jury deliberations..

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d7454d  No.15021897



no mistrial cos of technical issue statement from fatboy.

no deep state corruption of evidence























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277bc1  No.15021898


cdn service fail

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654461  No.15021899


Funny how FAUX news, who had previously been cutting into the Rittenhouse Trial each time it went live, is NOW showing the Ahmaud Arbery Trial.

This is WAY LESS exciting than the Rittenhouse. It's almost like they DON"T want the world to know that the Prosecution flubbed it's case.

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0671af  No.15021900

they made a super cool drone video that day,

but no one interfered

just film the burning house instead of putting out the fire

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9b6374  No.15021901

The Emergency Broadcast Test was at :55 for the Anon that asked last bread.



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453852  No.15021904

File: 0cf0148f82e7d34⋯.png (348.56 KB, TVirus.png)

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b2c627  No.15021906



Board always fucks up during major news discussions

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1f978e  No.15021908

File: 48f489a17a49b0e⋯.png (24.92 KB, 404_not_found.png)


TYB! Here are the best bewbs ever posted on 8kun.

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7f149a  No.15021909

new worm thread on 4chan killed about 20 to 30 posts inagain


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b2c627  No.15021910



Board always fucks up during major news discussions

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42fd45  No.15021911


>>15018790, >>15018808 HAPPY Q DAY

>>15018821 Prince Andrew should be investigated by Parliament over a $2 million loan his banker friend repaid days after it was taken out, a former U.K

>>15018823 At Least 9 Dead After Two Explosions Hit Kabul

>>15018826 "How Flu Shots Have Now Turned Partisan." (It's really about your Health?)

>>15018873, >>15018883 Useful Twitter Trends this Morning


>>15018907 Schedule of Events WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 17TH, 2021

>>15018938 Prayers for Kyle and Family

>>15018949 (You) President Trump interviews with MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell 11/16/21

>>15018959 (You) Right Side Broadcasting Network Rittenhouse, live feed

>>15018994 Death of Ahmaud Arbery Day 9

>>15018998 New: Rittenhouse defense asks for mistrial over "bad faith" #prosecutorialmisconduct.

>>15019003 Media Servers

>>15019062 (You) @RealGenFlynn This is why we’re fighting so hard for our children


>>15019092 LIVE: Day 12 of Kyle Rittenhouse Defense Trial in Kenosha, WI 11/17/21

>>15019104 (You) PILES of Mystery bricks are showing up around Kenosha (Free Bricks all you can take)

>>15019163 Remember, the day after a Steele Dossier meeting with Obama and Biden in OVAL OFFICE, FBI Director Comey used the fake Dossier as an excuse to SPY on Trump. Durham has much work to do!

>>15019168 OSHA Suspends Enforcement of Vaccine Mandate After Most Recent Court Ruling…

>>15019226 House Republicans have obtained whistleblower documents showing that the FBI is using "counterterrorism tools" to investigate and add "threat tags" to American parents.

>>15019227 Pfizer Hid from Public the Number of Deaths in COVID Clinical Trials

>>15019257 Rittenhouse defense team files motion that prosecutors in Kenosha withheld video evidence

>>15019179, >>15019298 FBI, CDC Investigating “Questionable Vials” Labeled Smallpox Found at Merck Lab Near Philadelphia

>>15019330 Maurice Freeland Suspected Of Being 'Jump Kick Man'

>>15019404 Press Briefing by White House COVID-19 Response Team and Public Health Officials

>>15019421 Overdose Deaths reached 100,000 annually for the first time ever.

>>15019441 Possible comms: After record low, monarch butterflies return to California

>>15019456 American Airlines #AA2813 from JFK to Austin is declaring an emergency and diverting to Pittsburgh

>>15019493 #19001

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91c557  No.15021912


All this board fuckery has stopped my 20 spam phone calls I get every time I’m on the kun

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42fd45  No.15021913



>>15019591 Photos: The catastrophic damage that severed B.C. from the rest of Canada

>>15019714 Code fix some images, but not all, of the image issues.

>>15019722 Press Briefing by White House COVID-19 Response Team and Public Health Officials

>>15019724 My Fellow Americcans (Biden Vid)

>>15019608 Night shift with some interesting posts about Rittenhouse…..familiar energy signature…(pb)

>>15019773 Anons PB Notables Bun

>>15019803 Support for Black Lives Matter declining across US, poll shows

>>15019903 UK F-35 fighter jet from Queen Elizabeth carrier falls into Mediterranean

>>15019813 11/17 Qfag Postings

>>15019991 WATCH: Binger and Lunchbox ADMITTED in court they had a different version of the drone video

>>15019996 FBI Raids Home of County Clerk and Whistleblower Tina Peters

>>15020021 Florida woman dies after unsuccessful suit to get ivermectin

>>15020047 OSHA announces it will comply with the 5th Circuit's court order. The agency says it has suspended implementation and enforcement of its vaccine mandate.

>>15020065 Kenosha County Wisconsin Live Audio Feeds

>>15020266 #19002

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42fd45  No.15021914


>>15020292 Day 12 of Kyle Rittenhouse Defense Trial in Kenosha II Edition

>>15020309 Rep. Jim Jordan to Newsmax: 'As We Speak, The FBI Is Spying on Parents'

>>15020339 Prosecution Drone footage…. epic fail (GIF)

>>15020344 Queen Elizabeth Absent From Remembrance Sunday Ceremony Due to Back Injury

>>15020351 NEW! President Donald J. Trump: “When the Broken Old Crow, Mitch McConnell, agreed to a two-month extension, he allowed the Democrats to get their act together and pass the $1.2 Trillion “Non-Infrastructure” Green New Deal Bill…

>>15020369 PB 'QAnon Shaman' sentenced to more than 3 years in prison

>>15020416 Senators' personal office staffers to get top security clearance:

>>15020426 FBI Raids Home of County Clerk and Whistleblower Tina Peters — The State Official Who Refused to Wipe Election Data from Computers Without Making a Copy

>>15020480 Texas doctor resigns after suspension for promoting ivermectin as COVID-19 treatment

>>15020549 Worldwide Search Trend For "Died Suddenly" Spikes To Record Highs

>>15020585 How to contact the J6 defendants still in jail

>>15020624 US Army tweet: FIRST TO FIRE

>>15020694 Kenosha officer checked a local alley way and verified there are "bricks everywhere." (FREE BRICKS COME AND GET EM)

>>15020758 Pfizer CFO D'Amelio to retire after 15 years at company

>>15020795 Poll: Majority of Voters Believe Joe Biden Is Untrustworthy, Dishonest, Incapable

>>15020812 Jury request Videos for review

>>15020861 Steve Bannon has filed a motion with the court waiving his right to tomorrow’s scheduled arraignment + entering a plea of NOT GUILTY to charges criminal contempt of Congress

>>15020874 God helps those that help themselves. -God Pretty sure

>>15020945 Rittenhouse Case: Mysterious 'Jump Kick Man' ID'ed As 'Career Criminal' And Domestic Abuser

>>15020958 @USArmy First to Fire! [Comm Check]

>>15020979 St. Petersburg Man Sentenced To Fifteen Years For Attempting To Entice And Meet A 5-Year-Old Child For Sex

>>15020992 Nov 17, 2021 America First Policy Institute

>>15021027 #19003

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d65336  No.15021915

File: 408901fee670882⋯.png (2.44 MB, ClipboardImage.png)


November 17, 2021 3:02pm EST

'Rust' script boss claims scene did not call for a shooting, Baldwin 'intentionally' fired: lawsuit

Mamie Mitchell, the script supervisor is suing the actor, the movie production company and others for assault and intentional infliction of emotional distress."

"Alec Baldwin ‘intentionally’ fired deadly shot on ‘Rust’ film set, script supervisor claims in suit"

"Alec Baldwin “intentionally” fired a gun toward cinematographer Halyna Hutchins on the “Rust” movie set, disregarding set protocol in the deadly shooting, according to a 30-page lawsuit filed on Wednesday by the film’s script supervisor.

Mamie Mitchell, the script supervisor on set when Baldwin shot and killed Hutchins and injured director Joel Souza on Oct. 21, is suing the actor, the movie production company and others for assault, intentional infliction of emotional distress and deliberate infliction of harm. Mitchell and her attorney, Gloria Allred, are set to announce the suit during a press conference.

“Alec Baldwin intentionally, without just cause or excuse, cocked and fired and loaded gun even though the upcoming scene to be filmed did not call for the cocking and firing of a firearm,” Mitchell claimed in the lawsuit.

She also said every safety protocol designed to ensure safety with a firearm on set was ignored, such as the presence of live ammunition on set, and that “actions that were taken” that day “were against all industry norms.”

Hanna Gutierrez-Reed, who was the Armorer on the “Rust” set, is also named as a defendant in the suit."

Sauce: https://nypost.com/2021/11/17/alec-baldwin-intentionally-fired-deadly-shot-on-rust-film-set-suit/

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8e3d69  No.15021916

FWIW, any mistrial is bad for the prosecution now that jump-kick man has been positively identified… remember that.

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fe4d37  No.15021917


Fake Tits!

I can see several incision marks.

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72d760  No.15021918


i'm jelly mine are still coming through

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d2d4dd  No.15021919

File: a561550eecca123⋯.png (79.41 KB, 3B508DD7_E1F8_47CD_8F20_36….png)

Seems like the current threats to burn down the city qualifies




The use of violence or the threat of violence, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political goals.

Resort to terrorizing methods as a means of coercion, or the state of fear and submission produced by the prevalence of such methods.

The act of terrorizing, or state of being terrorized; a mode of government by terror or intimidation.

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69e33f  No.15021920

2 Men Convicted of Killing Malcolm X Will Be Exonerated After 55 Years

the FBI and the New York City Police Department — had withheld key evidence that, had it been turned over, would likely have led to the men’s acquittal.


FBI withholding evidence?

Truly hard to believe.

Timing of the article?

Could it be coincidence?

After the prosecutor in the Rittenhouse case called on an FBI technician to testify about the surveillance video on Tuesday, Rittenhouse’s defense attorney suggested the FBI might be withholding additional aerial footage or may have destroyed it.


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7f149a  No.15021921


the board has been fucking up for a while though, this whole thing with images has been building up for some time. At first images died after about a week, then 3 days, and now immediately.

Maybe someone hit the gas pedal on an exploit.

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b2c627  No.15021922

File: f71d88f067a172a⋯.jpeg (645.15 KB, FBD8959C_5721_46E8_A3A3_5….jpeg)



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0386ed  No.15021923


anon never says tyb


sure hope yer not a fucking larp

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4bc24c  No.15021924

Smyrna unit prepares for deployment

Nov. 17, 2021

SMYRNA, Tenn. – The 208th Area Support Medical Company has responded to natural disasters, played a major role in the state’s COVID-19 response efforts, and are now preparing for a year-long overseas deployment.

Next month, more than 50 Soldiers assigned to the 208th will deploy to five different countries within the U.S. Central Command area of operations. Their mission is to provide treatment to patients with disease or minor injuries, initial resuscitation and stabilization, and advanced trauma life support.

Comprised of medics, dentists, healthcare providers, and behavioral health specialists, the 208th is equipped to provide medical support while deployed anywhere worldwide.

“Throughout the past year, we have streamlined all our medical readiness training in preparation for this deployment,” said 208th’s Company Commander Maj. Heather Real. “We’ve completed Advanced Cardiac Life Support, Pediatric Advanced Life Support, Advanced Trauma Life Support, and Tactical Combat Casualty Care. Additionally, we have been working through completing all of our Basic Army Warrior Tasks that are prerequisites for all Soldiers deploying overseas.”

Prior to any deployment, Soldiers must undergo a series of qualifications to certify individual and unit readiness. Recently, the 208th completed movement drills, a hand grenade qualification, and react-to-contact exercises.

“We have an excellent group of medics here in the 208th,” said Real. “We’ve also been blessed with an incredible team of leaders. I’m really proud of all they have accomplished to this point and I’m confident in their abilities as we head overseas.”

– 30 –


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660e67  No.15021925

Sounds like judge is going to wait until jury gives verdict before he acts this is great for Kyle if he is found not guilty it’s over if it hung jury then the defense can just add the video problem to their previous motion to dismiss with prejudice if he is found guilty they have the motion to dismiss already there if that is denied they have grounds for appeal they just expanded there ways to victory

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d7454d  No.15021926



will collect notables 19004 and bring forward.

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b2c627  No.15021927

File: f71d88f067a172a⋯.jpeg (645.15 KB, FBD8959C_5721_46E8_A3A3_5….jpeg)



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718a3e  No.15021928

CNN Live

Boebert fired UP


Talking about Swalwell banging FANG FANG, a Chinese SPY.


that jus' happened



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42fd45  No.15021929

File: ae94f9d4b62c96d⋯.jpeg (9.48 KB, ae94f9d4b62c96db0a38edba7….jpeg)


Same, newfag

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853c23  No.15021930


The judge is feeding the prosecutors rope. He's letting them walk in their own trap

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fe4d37  No.15021931


It's called at least someone baked a new one.

A subset of the beggars can't be choosers rule.

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1f978e  No.15021932

File: 48f489a17a49b0e⋯.png (24.92 KB, 404_not_found.png)

>>15021917 So sorry! I meant to post this bewbs pic instead.

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4bc24c  No.15021933



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42fd45  No.15021934

File: 3ddf6416bdaa960⋯.png (327.53 KB, 3ac256212955402e46b9ad7fbc….png)


Thank you Anon


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b2c627  No.15021935



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fc38aa  No.15021937

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



November nights

"Wine says to bread:

“Why don't you listen to me? (x 2)

We’ll set such table together,

That nobody will find fault with it! " (x 2)"

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8df094  No.15021938

File: cb3557625503d01⋯.jpg (41.53 KB, t45ertrdgheds.jpg)

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4bc24c  No.15021939

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Watch Live: WI v. Kyle Rittenhouse Trial Day 11 - Defense Motion For Mistrial


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7f149a  No.15021940


checked, if you are out in kenosha be sure to help yourself to a load of free bricks and point them out to others who want to do some home upgrades

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853c23  No.15021941

Just remember this. Lunchbox is low iq checkers player. Judge has seen these types before. He's encouraging them to do stupid things.

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c8eaa5  No.15021942


not to mention the dropped charges for GG (I think that was the guy)

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7dd575  No.15021943



from NYP at that!

starkillers activate, AB knows too much

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d2d4dd  No.15021944

File: a561550eecca123⋯.png (79.41 KB, 3B508DD7_E1F8_47CD_8F20_36….png)


Make no mistake they are terrorists by every definition.

The government ignores and supports them

The government supports terrorists

You fund the very government that protects and encourages terrorists

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b2c627  No.15021945


>FWIW, any mistrial is bad for the prosecution now that jump-kick man has been positively identified… remember that.


>not to mention the dropped charges for GG (I think that was the guy)


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048d23  No.15021946

File: 4ee5eec610ba854⋯.jpg (52.5 KB, 1637180887502.jpg)

File: df3cdbc04f29b49⋯.jpg (297.5 KB, Xnip2021_11_17_15_45_02.jpg)

Prosecution had Handbrake on his trial computer.

Handbrake is a video imaging format software. Allows a change in format to video file.

from half chan

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85b142  No.15021947

The defence sucks. Use some fuckin analogies or something the difference in the video quality was like watching fantasia in SD or 4K they are not even trying. A guys life depends on it. Those motherfuckers want to get paid again on re trial. Dirty fucks.

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f187ad  No.15021948



There's enough bricks to build a house! That picture shows TONS of bricks.

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5239f2  No.15021949


coincidence that the "glitch" happened to be in favor of the the prosecution and not the other way around.

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b2c627  No.15021950

File: f71d88f067a172a⋯.jpeg (645.15 KB, F80400CC_CE95_414B_A739_6….jpeg)


>There's enough bricks to build a house! That picture shows TONS of bricks.

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0386ed  No.15021951


anon will shit right in the goddam mouth of any anime pedo larp anytime, anywhere, beggar or no

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048d23  No.15021952



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f8feb0  No.15021953

File: 1ca2a018214fc7a⋯.jpeg (134.97 KB, FDC1E435_1D50_4147_B19C_A….jpeg)

File: fa4c53fc7add85f⋯.jpeg (309.7 KB, E302D3C0_FC1B_4D95_8A7D_4….jpeg)

UK Queen Update - Queen's purple hand reappears - concerns raised over new images

A PURPLE discolouration on the Queen's hand has reappeared in pictures released by Buckingham Palace.


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e9c581  No.15021954

File: 9d1d861b6da447d⋯.png (56.1 KB, 19f70241e957129457cfdb4371….png)


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a5659e  No.15021955

File: b2e2123f0500ad0⋯.png (746.39 KB, Screenshot_2021_11_17_at_1….png)

She is calm. Probably made copies. I would have.

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d69686  No.15021956


anons should be checking their own city for random brick piles

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c8eaa5  No.15021957


like social media is always an "error" when they shut down a conservative.

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e45043  No.15021958

File: 0b3e1394c26e0d7⋯.jpeg (1.18 MB, 4B53292F_0EF9_473B_8C87_3….jpeg)


Fuck you 34567 red Co, Judas.

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0386ed  No.15021959

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b2c627  No.15021960




>Board always fucks up during major news discussions

They always seem to pull the plug on images at just the right time..


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4c9c92  No.15021961


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fe4d37  No.15021962



It's you.


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36463a  No.15021963


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36f914  No.15021964

File: 656a10a13e4fdfe⋯.png (645.11 KB, Screenshot_20211117_123909.png)

File: caf6486432aba9e⋯.png (788.52 KB, Screenshot_20211117_124636.png)

BREAKING: Defense official reportedly says, if the Oklahoma National Guard doesn't comply with COVID vaccine requirements, they will no longer be "maintaining national recognition," thus, state will no longer have a Nat Guard, but rather a militia - VOA's Pentagon correspondent



🛑Until a Guardsman is activated under Title 10, they follow the lawful commands of the Governor of the State of Oklahoma, who has not mandated the COVID-19 vaccine for Oklahoma Guard Members. Once activated to title 10 status, Guardsmen are subject to all Title 10 laws and mandates until returning to Title 32 status.

“If you [Oklahoma Guard Members] are not mobilized on Title 10 orders, the only entity that can give you a “lawful” order - that is an order backed by the authority of law - is the Governor and his designated State chain of command. That “law” is Title 32 U.S. code,” Mancino said. “This is easily seen by the fact that the UCMJ does not apply to you in Title 32 status. Instead, you are governed by the Oklahoma Code of Military Justice (OCMJ).”



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f1495a  No.15021965

Tora3 embed. Click thumbnail to play.


FBI are crooks

What a surprise.

lets' see


Congress, excepting a few



==all crooks all cover for each other=

what a surprise.

And now they target people who call them out.

Psychos gonna Psycho.


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19b17e  No.15021967


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0386ed  No.15021968


anon filtering muhjooshill.mov

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49fec6  No.15021969


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b982f6  No.15021971

File: 609d9e2e2f18e9e⋯.gif (1.55 MB, GifMeme_15112021185823.gif)

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ca73a5  No.15021972


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42fd45  No.15021973

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

WATCH LIVE: Jury deliberations continue in trial of Kyle Rittenhouse for Kenosha shooting - Day 12


LIVE: Judge expected to address jury question in Kyle Rittenhouse: www.wisn.com/kyle-rittenhouse

WISN 12 News


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5c8730  No.15021974


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7f149a  No.15021975





here comes the ip hopping spam bot

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3a07e0  No.15021976


>rather a militia

Interdasting- original intent

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b2c627  No.15021977


>anon filtering muhjooshill.mov

Anon doesn’t want some soy boy reading his posts anyways

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653fa1  No.15021978







…Will you FULL STOP that IP hopping shit?

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e1505d  No.15021979


>kikes steadily proving why everyone hates them

>oy vey you said something that must be shoah'd!

>it's a 1984 jew world, goyim!

>you must not use or speak such things as wrong think or even mention the oh so precious chosen jew tribe!

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fc38aa  No.15021980

Huma Abedin


I told @People this is my “year of saying yes,” and that I’m open to all kinds of new ideas for the road ahead.

They followed up with; “Does that include @DancingABC?” Woman dancingThinking face


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42fd45  No.15021981

File: d3d73f32bd71398⋯.jpg (107.35 KB, d3d73f32bd7139844a2c5b687a….jpg)

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9c6032  No.15021982

Kyle is free to kill moar tards.

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0386ed  No.15021983

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1e54ea  No.15021984

File: 0f4255e01da738e⋯.png (772.76 KB, CHENEY1.png)

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5ad31c  No.15021985


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597cf2  No.15021986

‘Rust’ Movie Script Never Called For Gun To Be Fired -Hollywood Reporter

November 17, 2021

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) -A crew member working on the “Rust” movie last month said in a lawsuit that the script never called for a gun to be fired during a rehearsal scene with Alec Baldwin, according to the Hollywood Reporter.

Baldwin killed a cinematographer when the gun, loaded with a live round, went off on the set.

The lawsuit was filed in Los Angeles on Wednesday by Mamie Mitchell, who was the script supervisor on the low-budget Western being made in New Mexico. It names Baldwin and the movie producers.

Mitchell is claiming assault, intentional infliction of emotional distress, and deliberate infliction of harm, the Hollywood Reporter said on Wednesday, citing a copy of the court papers it obtained.

Mitchell and her attorney, Gloria Allred, were due to hold a news conference in Los Angeles later on Wednesday.

The lawsuit is the second to be filed over the shooting. Authorities in Santa Fe are still investigating and no criminal charges have been filed.

It said the script called for three tight camera shots for the scene – one of Baldwin’s eyes, another on a bloodstain, and a third on Baldwin’s torso “as he reached his hand down to the holster and removed the gun. There was nothing in the script about the gun being discharged by defendant Baldwin or by any other person,” the lawsuit says.

Baldwin and the producers of the movie could not immediately be reached for comment.


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72d760  No.15021987

The Washington Post


Australia’s ancient “assassin spiders” were feared extinct after fires. Then, scientists found two alive.


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b7afa6  No.15021988

Microsoft family of services experiencing widespread outages.


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7f149a  No.15021989


why do you insult retards?

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42fd45  No.15021990

File: 6703b968b57180c⋯.png (116.86 KB, ClipboardImage.png)

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920622  No.15021991


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e1505d  No.15021992



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0386ed  No.15021993


we're all ip hoppers now, anon

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e94ade  No.15021994


tards are at least human…commies are not.

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b7afa6  No.15021995



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e1ba66  No.15021996


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d2d4dd  No.15021997

If Kyle wins, who pays Kyle back for the ammo he spent defending himself , shits expensive

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fe4d37  No.15021998


> this is my “year of saying yes,”


Gonna shoot her a DM asking for the black boxes to be removed on that one pic.

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6aabc7  No.15021999


allowing Huma to roam this planet, laughing and having a grand old time, while knowing the depths of her depravity, even for OPTICS, this is beyond acceptable.

The children deserve better than that.

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9d8f91  No.15022000


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1f1e3d  No.15022001

File: 0701d5b6271cdf8⋯.jpg (75.67 KB, IMG_v7ewm6.jpg)

This dough is a mighty dough, that which comes from the line of Adam, it's bread will be supreme…one with kneading & has been in battle against other doughs. Who was rolled but not stopped no, rather it was a moist victorious dough that made the anons pleased. We as humbled servents of the mighty creator thanked the baker for his delicacy.

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0386ed  No.15022002



tesla too

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9c6032  No.15022003



moar evil fucks.

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7f149a  No.15022004


my ID doesn't change, but for some reason I noticed the post count disappeared

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39b352  No.15022005

Defense official says if the Oklahoma National

TX guard and FL guard need to follow OK's lead.

Guard doesn’t comply with COVID vaccine requirements, they will no longer be “maintaining national recognition,” thus, state will no longer have a National Guard, but rather a state militia – VOA Pentagon correspondent.


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5def95  No.15022006


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9c7016  No.15022007

File: 1516ebd7512b6fc⋯.png (939 B, ClipboardImage.png)

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2de4d7  No.15022008


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521db0  No.15022009


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f1495a  No.15022010



Forgot to mention the Mass Media


and cowards.

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718a3e  No.15022011



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97a2f7  No.15022012

Pallets of bricks….pallets of bricks everywhere

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d69686  No.15022013


>thus, state will no longer have a National Guard, but rather a state militia


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b3b87b  No.15022014


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0fc7d5  No.15022015

Sad for the state.




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0386ed  No.15022016


they know who you are, anon

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7dd575  No.15022017

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5239f2  No.15022018



that's funny because then PieceOfShit fake POTUS Biden can't call them up if they are Nat'l Guard.

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5cc584  No.15022019


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5239f2  No.15022021


*aren't Nat'l Guard

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c4beca  No.15022022


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af30ba  No.15022023

File: d9baf6ac865d1e2⋯.mp4 (11.53 MB, 640x360, 16:9, MikeLind_OAN_PS1_1_.mp4)


Mik Lindell says it best: He had said "fox should be a weather channel" but then had to subsequently rephrase because "they wouldn't report an oncoming storm!".

Vid (7:43) before faux wouldn't even air FrankTalk commercials, either.

Faux needs to be stomped into oblivion.

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f187ad  No.15022024


oprah_you get a brick.jpg

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374790  No.15022025

The fat persecutor pretty much said, "It's not our fault their expert didn't know we lied"

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f2875b  No.15022026

Bullets were a donation to those who needed some.

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af30ba  No.15022027

File: d9baf6ac865d1e2⋯.mp4 (11.53 MB, 640x360, 16:9, MikeLind_OAN_PS1_1_.mp4)


Mike Lindell says it best: He had said "fox should be a weather channel" but then had to subsequently rephrase because "they wouldn't report an oncoming storm!".

Vid (7:43) before faux wouldn't even air FrankTalk commercials, either.

Faux needs to be stomped into oblivion.

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d2a0aa  No.15022028


Their narrative cannot survive the meme warfare

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2ad69d  No.15022029


welcome to the 2bV& list anon

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9c6032  No.15022030

this little blue flat needs moar Kyle.

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5b5b03  No.15022031


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7f149a  No.15022032


just shut up already

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b2c627  No.15022033


>The fat persecutor pretty much said, "It's not our fault their expert didn't know we lied"

Twinkle toes tried to do the ole bait and switch trick

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a5bc7a  No.15022034


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97a2f7  No.15022035

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d69686  No.15022036



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b982f6  No.15022037

File: 609d9e2e2f18e9e⋯.gif (1.55 MB, GifMeme_15112021185823.gif)

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9302f8  No.15022038

File: 9056a4b396a7b4f⋯.png (4.68 MB, Screen_Shot_2021_11_17_at_….png)

File: 6d588985c360bc1⋯.png (507.03 KB, Screen_Shot_2021_11_17_at_….png)

File: 9058a9511109ab7⋯.png (4.83 MB, Screen_Shot_2021_11_17_at_….png)

planefaggin and found this


Coastal Defense Inc

We provide a completely integrated team for public and private agencies to use against threats through assessment, training, technology, and equipment; Coastal Defense Inc. is a Service Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business (SDVOSB) employing highly trained Special Operations veterans. We attribute our reputation to the lasting customer relationships we’ve developed throughout the years. We believe that all of our customers deserve the highest level of service, and we are committed to providing just that.

Explore the rest of our site to learn more about what we have to offer, and get in touch with any questions. Coastal Defense Inc is here for you.


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39b352  No.15022039


I could see a provision where POTUS could request the help of a State's militia but the state's gov would have veto power or something along those lines

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8df094  No.15022040

It's amazing how stupid these black lives matter terrorists are, not realizing that it is terrible idea to praise a convicted child rapist. One person outside the courthouse has a sign with the faces of Rosenbaum, Grosskreutz, and Huber shopped onto superman bodies, calling them 'selfless heroes'.

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653fa1  No.15022041


…If you're not on a shit list of some sort, you're doing it wrong.

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899c13  No.15022042


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7f149a  No.15022044


to be vanned? kek

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328856  No.15022045


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0386ed  No.15022046

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fe4d37  No.15022047


If Fungus were still BV he/she/it would banhammer that whole VPN series out of existence.

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06f31a  No.15022048

File: c0a933e3297d30e⋯.png (78.28 KB, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 298af06be125849⋯.png (95.37 KB, ClipboardImage.png)

The prosecutors (Kraus and Binger) blatantly lied! He said he knows nothing about tech… but oddly he has video transcoder software (Handbrake) on his laptop. They purposefully downgraded the video, entered it into evidence, and then made the claim it shows Kyle pointing his rifle!

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374790  No.15022049


Someone should ask that "protester" to explain in detail exactly how those people were "heroes"

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2cee28  No.15022050


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b2c627  No.15022051



You work for Facebook?

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a81238  No.15022052



MIL is not military, it is Militia ?

State Militias cannot be dispatched to other states by Governor or Federal Gov. Militia can call a vote of officers regarding accepting a request for deployment outside of State.

This is a precipice that breaks down the current command structure.

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3e6ebd  No.15022053


old footage clickb8 faggot

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52d8bc  No.15022054

The prosecutors (Kraus and Binger) blatantly lied! He said he knows nothing about tech… but oddly he has video transcoder software (Handbrake) on his laptop. They purposefully downgraded the video, entered it into evidence, and then made the claim it shows Kyle pointing his rifle!

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f3254b  No.15022055


Tidy up the ship

Bread #s are important

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66beab  No.15022056


This anon would not actually label the dark side scum as prosecutors. Thinking of Apocalypse Now, when Brando tells Sheen, "You're a clerk, sent to collect a bill." Shitty, low IQ clerks. We don't forget, ever.

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f7dc57  No.15022057


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eff7d8  No.15022058

>>15021626 lb

Fuckin' glowies

Prolly overseas acting like they contracting

Doing nothing but shillin' fo ducats

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fe4d37  No.15022059


I heard they had good bennies.

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5239f2  No.15022060


Giving the power back to the States.

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4da358  No.15022061



Fungus is in jail.

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be3631  No.15022062


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2ad69d  No.15022063


dubs confirm

see ya in V& camp anon

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7f149a  No.15022064


yup, permanent range ban ever idiot… they want to spam and act like fools, make it expensive

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7a2b8c  No.15022066

The prophets of God make trips into the future through their faith in God. When they come back they report what they have seen. The only problem with this process is the prophet has no idea what part of the future they saw! A month ahead? A year? A 100 years? However far into the future they go, when they come back it seems like whatever they saw is immediate. An experienced prophet knows this, but newbies may "jump the gun."

Having said this, a prophet saw Bill Gates in handcuffs doing a perp walk. Now that he is messing with and threatening small pox, when they grab him the police will have to hold back the people. In fact, when the arrests come en mass, the evil scumbags will have to be guarded, probably like Nuremberg 1.0.

A different prophet said 5 key people will go down. Dunno if he meant dead or to jail.

Anons, we are going through a birthing of sorts. Right before a baby is born the contractions are strong and close together. ALL the prophets agree that the glory of God is coming, but it is coming as in a birthing. It will be painful but once the glory comes upon us all, it will be happiness and joy, as with a newborn baby.

Stay in the fight. Complaining sets up a spirit of failure and prolongs the process. Pray for the glory of God to come. The glory brings justice, healing, and the presence of God. It is said, the glory cannot be separated from God.

Peace to you all! o7

6 capchas. Seriously.

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9b6374  No.15022067

Fox News is now showing the Jogger murder trial testimony despite not having covered much of the trial.

It is obvious that the media is stirring the racism plot again with their narratives.

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d2d4dd  No.15022068


I wonder if I made the list yet.

I work hard, would be sad and disappointed if I did.not make it by now.

Just the Gina shit alone should have earned a few ranks

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c526c7  No.15022069

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8ec8bc  No.15022070





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5239f2  No.15022071


These are the same people who call Jacob Blake and George Floyd heroes. So there's that. Can't fix stupid.

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fe4d37  No.15022072


kek even Bannon dresses better than QR tidies up.

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1e54ea  No.15022073

File: abe36481d533fba⋯.gif (214.01 KB, LETSGOBRANDON.gif)

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9c6032  No.15022074


How the fuck, this guy will ever sleep?

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1e54ea  No.15022075

File: abe36481d533fba⋯.gif (214.01 KB, LETSGOBRANDON.gif)

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718a3e  No.15022076


this is 'dasting

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a81238  No.15022077


Let's get a meme with a faceless underage victim for each of Rosenbaum's victims.

5 Children raped, how is that heroic ? It's not but the narrative is not challenged outside this board.

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eb2b02  No.15022078


Spider comms?

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e94ade  No.15022079


That trial is looking bad for the prosecution also. RIots from either case will happen. Hell Both.


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42fd45  No.15022080

LIVE: Judge expected to address jury question in Kyle Rittenhouse:


WISN 12 News


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fe4d37  No.15022081


>hasn't been on the board in a while so…

You're not wrong.

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b2c627  No.15022082


>I heard they had good bennies.

Remember when they reduced the salaries of the people who moved to a lower housing cost area and were working remotely during the pandemic?

Can’t let the goys have any savings. Only allowed to have just enough to get by.

Can you just feel the love?

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374790  No.15022083


>small pox

Which the majority of people with European decent are immune.

Interesting choice.

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06f31a  No.15022084

File: c0a933e3297d30e⋯.png (78.28 KB, ClipboardImage.png)

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72d760  No.15022085


& it took them 20 hrs to show him pointing it lefthanded. Wonder if the pixels were added automatically or manually?

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85ad82  No.15022086


Stop monkeying around the BLM Clown Show has imploded they are all talk now.

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b2c627  No.15022087


>RIots from either case will happen

Didn’t BLM and Antifa riot anyways after Chauvin was found guilty?

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b982f6  No.15022088

File: 609d9e2e2f18e9e⋯.gif (1.55 MB, GifMeme_15112021185823.gif)

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f3254b  No.15022089


I think something is habbening withAssangetoday too.

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0386ed  No.15022090


been showing a test pattern for hours

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97a2f7  No.15022091


>V& camp

"This one time at V& camp…"

└██████████████████████▓▓▓▓▓█▓▒▒▒╠║ ╙╨

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06f31a  No.15022092


The image was just a blur.. left open to interpretation. The human mind will see what you tell it to see in the absence of enough information. pareidolia:

The tendency to interpret a vague stimulus as something known to the observer, such as interpreting marks on Mars as canals, seeing shapes in clouds, or hearing hidden messages in music.

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fe4d37  No.15022093


Yeah, that whole techies have to live in vans thingy because the rent is too damn high is fucked up.

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e94ade  No.15022094


yup, they just need the justification for optics to burn down some dollar trees.

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9b0926  No.15022095


>anons should be checking their own city for random brick piles

Diligence that is appreciated

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39b352  No.15022096


indeed a check against tyranny from DC

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42fd45  No.15022097


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b2c627  No.15022099



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f1495a  No.15022100


They are heroes because they are trying to tear down society.

And the people who admire them hate America

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0386ed  No.15022101


gonny watch some tv, they. are

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f1495a  No.15022102

over the defendants objection.

"ready to go"

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fe4d37  No.15022103


Damn, they take moar breaks than that old co-worker with the urinary tract infection ever did.

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7a2b8c  No.15022104


Look who seems in charge: Klaus Schwab. Raised by Hitler's Nazi youth members, raised up a good little racist to match their and Hitler's hate. Gates was raised as a racist, as was HRC. They call the right racists but that is just projection, as Q said.

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0386ed  No.15022105

holy er cow

who is that land-whale in the tuxedo?

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8df094  No.15022106

Judge: If you leave anything electronic in here, say goodbye, because you'll never see it again.

[judge clearing courtroom except for jury]

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f1495a  No.15022107


yep. I think they are paid.

Why over the objection of the defendant

Doesn't that mean grounds for appeal?

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9b0926  No.15022108



imputed pareidolia. Prosecution suggested what to see.

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5e62f7  No.15022109


Since CodeMonkey bailed Q Research has been a joke.

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d65336  No.15022110

File: dc0b92da8c53228⋯.jpg (170.94 KB, Widower_works_at_Waltham_a….jpg)

File: 32d76c43be1b533⋯.png (1.55 MB, 2017_Wrongfully_killing.png)


>from NYP at that!

Exactly. And the daily dose of his wife's daily musings with photos isn't there. I think Alec figured he'd already paid for all the publicity stunts necessary to cover this. Now they start all over again. Hillary from Boston…can't wait for the upcoming sequel(s). Every penny is another penny she isn't exiting this marriage with. He moved to Vermont, cost cutting? His nest egg is shrinking, his ego should take notice. Yesterday in the same rag Clooney had words about it, called him reckless (and had a big article about Clooney and Amal's new NY apartment)

Looks like Alec is getting cut loose. The years of Assholery are finally catching up. It only took a cold blooded murder after his 2017 speculation on Twitter wondering how it would feel to wrongfully kill someone. Now he knows.

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97a2f7  No.15022111


___, ∞▀▓▓▒▀█▓▓████▓▒▒▒╠Ñ╙╙⌡╙╙▀▀⌡┤┤┤╙╙╙╙╙╚╚╠╠╠╠Ñ╠╠║▒▒██▒▒▒▒▓▓M
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b2c627  No.15022112

Fucking fags why are they bringing them to the courtroom?

Those fags probably got a mic in there I bet or will “accidentally” leave camera on

Why is this necessary???

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9b6374  No.15022113


Fox still showing Jogger murder testimony. Maybe they will cut to the KR trial judge when he starts. Haven't seen much coverage on Fox of the Jogger trial and now they are showing testimony live? WTF

How is Gislaine Maxwell trial testimony I wonder. Would prefer to watch that.

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8ae8cd  No.15022114

so now the jury will watch the video on a 4k tv that also adds pixels.

just great.

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654461  No.15022115



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2ad69d  No.15022116



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f1495a  No.15022117


schwab is a Nazi

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310d08  No.15022118

Fukin' New Faaag wants to tell his tadpole he shit posted during the war a couple years from now.. This fAgGoTry uH fOoT points his straight talk phone at laptop and "Clicks" a foto n sayzz I'ma LAAAAARRRP sun.. But at least I was there. Well FUK me

Now how I steer this thing???

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d65336  No.15022119

File: dc0b92da8c53228⋯.jpg (170.94 KB, Widower_works_at_Waltham_a….jpg)

File: 32d76c43be1b533⋯.png (1.55 MB, 2017_Wrongfully_killing.png)


>from NYP at that!

Exactly. And the daily dose of his wife's daily musings with photos isn't there. I think Alec figured he'd already paid for all the publicity stunts necessary to cover this. Now they start all over again. Hillary from Boston…can't wait for the upcoming sequel(s). Every penny is another penny she isn't exiting this marriage with. He moved to Vermont, cost cutting? His nest egg is shrinking, his ego should take notice. Yesterday in the same rag Clooney had words about it, called him reckless (and had a big article about Clooney and Amal's new NY apartment)

Looks like Alec is getting cut loose. The years of Assholery are finally catching up. It only took a cold blooded murder after his 2017 speculation on Twitter wondering how it would feel to wrongfully kill someone. Now he knows.

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5e62f7  No.15022120


After I Get my McRib sandwich I'll think about it.

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f1495a  No.15022121

What are they showing them

The doctored film?

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7f149a  No.15022122


if there was more money flowing from this board it would work, but no one is buy coffee or honey pots

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9c7016  No.15022123


Pay attention, faggot.

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b2c627  No.15022124




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e94ade  No.15022125


some wisconsin law bs and a deal reached between the prosecution an the defense. Trial is a joke at this point. Mistrial with prejudice is needed

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3a07e0  No.15022126

Someone’s going to have electronics in there- hidden camera maybe? Just to screw up anyone else from ever serving on a controversial jury

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0386ed  No.15022127



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8ae8cd  No.15022128

there's more cops inside the courtroom than on the streets during the riots.

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85b142  No.15022129

just busted Fatty from the prosecutor's office someone sent them a screenshot from the trial showing a program called "handbreak"

The open source video transcoder is on his PC.

he said he did not know how to convert a video he was not technical. Bullshit he's busted.


Rekieta Law's has the video capture sent to them from the trial on their feed


Screenshot uploaded because of img issues here.


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f1495a  No.15022130


He's obviously paid or blackmailed for it.

please judge, don't sing.

Wht a goofball

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d65336  No.15022131


The Dollar Tree. Losses in the dollars. The comments were epic that night.

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5e62f7  No.15022132


Jim Watkins is a real beauty.

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9c7016  No.15022133



Best thing for to happen isACQUITTAL

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3a07e0  No.15022134

Pray for this young man and our Country!

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e94ade  No.15022135


the Defense in that trial starts today . And it has nto gone well for the prosecution, turns out the LE told the neighbor hood to go around with their guns and patrol and stop the guy if they caught him and to hold him till the cops got there. Guy resisted and was violent …gets blasted. They need to be let go also

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42fd45  No.15022136




>>15021901 WINNIPEG - the national public alerting system, has scheduled the test message for Nov. 17 at 1:55 p.m. CST

>>15021915 'Rust' script boss claims scene did not call for a shooting, Baldwin 'intentionally' fired: lawsuit

>>15021920 2 Men Convicted of Killing Malcolm X Will Be Exonerated After 55 Years

>>15021986, >>15021922 Leftists at Work: Police Officer Finds Suspicious Pile of Bricks in Kenosha Back Alley (AUDIO)

>>15021939 Watch Live: WI v. Kyle Rittenhouse Trial Day 11 - Defense Motion For Mistrial

>>15021964, >>15022005 Oklahoma to lose National Guard status… Will be called State Militia instead…

>>15021973 Judge expected to address jury question in Kyle Rittenhouse: link

>>15021980 Huma Abedin

>>15021987 Australia’s ancient “assassin spiders” were feared extinct after fires comms?

>>15021988 Microsoft family of services experiencing widespread outages


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fe4d37  No.15022137


As many Anime Pussies From Japan I bought from them it seemed like Jim would be set for years.

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774154  No.15022138

Texas Woman Pleads Guilty to Schemes to Procure Adoptions from Uganda and Poland through Bribery and Fraud



Home » Office of Public Affairs » News


Justice News

Department of Justice

Office of Public Affairs


Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Texas Woman Pleads Guilty to Schemes to Procure Adoptions from Uganda and Poland through Bribery and Fraud

A Texas woman who was a program manager at an Ohio-based international adoption agency pleaded guilty today in the Northern District of Ohio to schemes to procure adoptions of Ugandan and Polish children by bribing Ugandan officials and defrauding U.S. authorities.

According to court documents, Debra Parris, 69, of Lake Dallas, engaged in a scheme with others to bribe Ugandan officials to procure adoptions of Ugandan children by families in the United States. These bribes included payments to (a) probation officers intended to ensure favorable probation reports recommending that a particular child be placed into an orphanage; (b) court registrars to influence the assignment of particular cases to “adoption-friendly” judges; and (c) High Court judges to issue favorable guardianship orders for the adoption agency’s clients. In her plea agreement, Parris also admitted that she continued to direct the adoption agency’s clients to work with her alleged co-conspirator Dorah Mirembe, after knowing that Mirembe caused clients of the adoption agency to provide false information to the U.S. State Department for the purpose of misleading it in its adjudication of visa applications.

According to court documents, in a second scheme, after alleged co-conspirator Margaret Cole, the adoption agency’s Executive Director, learned that clients of the adoption agency determined they could not care for one of the two Polish children they were set to adopt, Parris and her co-conspirator took steps to transfer the Polish child to Parris’s relatives, who were not eligible for intercountry adoption. In her plea agreement, Parris also admitted that after the child was injured and hospitalized, Parris agreed with her co-conspirator to conceal their improper conduct from the U.S. State Department in an attempt to continue profiting from these adoptions.

Parris pleaded guilty to conspiracy to violate the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) and commit visa fraud in connection with the Uganda scheme, and conspiracy to defraud the United States in connection with the Poland scheme. She is scheduled to be sentenced on March 9, 2022. A federal district court judge will determine any sentence after considering the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines and other statutory factors.

Trial against Cole is scheduled to commence on Feb. 7, 2022. Mirembe remains at large.

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f1495a  No.15022139


yeah, why do it in the courtroom

sounds like a set up

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97a2f7  No.15022140


Me thinks that the deck is stacked, and an acquittal won't come.

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9b0926  No.15022141

At this point it would not surprise anon one bit if Binger and Lunchbox was hoping they get doxxed (with their blessing) That is how corrupt these two likely are.

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f1495a  No.15022142

i find the judge's voice annoying.

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06f31a  No.15022143




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3a07e0  No.15022144


I’ve heard about these.

Can you fuck them?

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271dea  No.15022145


Nothing gets by anons.

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f1495a  No.15022146


really. you don't say

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2ad69d  No.15022147


>if there was more money flowing from this board it would work

dub dubs confirm

not enough $ flow without anime pussies from japan ad stream

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e94ade  No.15022148


agree acquittal won't happen ,that law channel is speculating that the mistrial request is perhaps by Kyle because the case it not coming back quickly. He should be free on all counts. But we know the judicial system is biased and fag.

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8ec8bc  No.15022149


yes you can

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7f149a  No.15022150


kek, I will say this though. With the board fucked up the bots and newfags aren't posting which is kinda nice. So it's not all bad

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5d2753  No.15022151

one juror is a white woman going by her voice when she asked the judge how he would know if they sat in his chair.

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39b352  No.15022152


militia is the only way ?


it would follow the same logic as space force

a new entity outside of the current corruption

that sets the example of how things should be done the right way which could possibly help the corruption see the error of their ways…a win win

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6fa1b2  No.15022153


In Jesus' Name


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5239f2  No.15022154

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I like him. He reminds me of Henry Blake on MASH

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271dea  No.15022155

Ok so… the jury is gonna see the footage which should have been shown during the trial, and handed over to the defense team…

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fe4d37  No.15022156


Yes, but not as hard as the new politician ads will fuck you.

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0386ed  No.15022157

fucking anime pedo muhjooshill larps own this place

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e94ade  No.15022158


how would you know. HAHAHHA, cunt.

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5e62f7  No.15022159



Democrat jurors will convict Kyle even if they know he is innocent.

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39b352  No.15022160

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f2875b  No.15022161


lotta boobs in that time stamp of yours

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06f31a  No.15022162


Blake was an incompetent clown… Radar ran that shop.

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374790  No.15022163


Cannot be good for the Prosecutions case or they would've used it right away.

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42fd45  No.15022164

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ccf0b3  No.15022165

File: 415d17c8537ff2c⋯.jpg (294.38 KB, 415d17c8537ff2cacf0096aaed….jpg)

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6ee2b0  No.15022166

The DA lied his ass off to the judge

Jacek Posobiec Flag of United StatesFlag of Poland


Handbrake is now trending in the United States after being spotted on Lunchbox's (Kraus) computer


From their website:


The open source video transcoder

News Features Downloads Forum Community Docs GitHub

HandBrake is a tool for converting video from nearly any format to a selection of modern, widely supported codecs.

Reasons you’ll love HandBrake:

Convert video from nearly any format

Free and Open Source

Multi-Platform (Windows, Mac and Linux)


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e1505d  No.15022167


>normalfag thought it could bring its msm and facebook propaganda to the chans

>still stays after repeatedly being btfo


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fe4d37  No.15022168


Yeah, I hear ya.

Those ascii takes 2 page downs to get to the bottom of them posts tho…

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5d2753  No.15022169


cause i knows black when i hears it.

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8f8b54  No.15022170

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Kyle Rittenhouse Trial LIVE - Jury Deliberations DAY 2


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d7454d  No.15022171




Q Research General #19004: Day 12 of Kyle Rittenhouse Defense Trial in Kenosha III

>>15021070 Israeli, Chinese Presidents Call for Increased Cooperation Despite U.S. Warnings - haaretz

>>15021077 451 Israeli Settler Attacks Against Palestinians Since Early 2020, Says New B’Tselem Report - globalresearch

>>15021090 Oklahoma bill would hold employers liable for vaccine injuries caused by their mandates - lifetimenews

>>15021105 DHS inspector general refuses to investigate Border Patrol agents whom media accused of whipping migrants - the blaze

>>15021116 The bricks are back -starfirecode

>>15021167 TLDR- 16 million of your tax dollars goes to JFS to support illegals. Sick yet? justthenews

>>15021255 Court hears offending of Bret Anthony Chesworth, caught in Operation Arkstone sting, 'particularly depraved'- abc news

>>15021270Texas Doctor Resigns After Hospital Suspends, Investigates Her For Warning About Covid Shots, Promoting Ivermectin - gwp

>>15021281 Democrats' SALT Proposals Would Give Tax Windfall To Rich Americans On Both Coasts - zerohedge

>>15021286 Trump gives McConnell insult-filled ultimatum on Biden agenda

>>15021293 Blood Red Shoes / Nothing to See Here - anon dig

>>15021347 Australian archbishop orders priests to take abortion-tainted COVID shots or get suspended - lifestylenews

>>15021367 Navy starts kicking out unvaccinated; sailors denied exemptions have 5 days to start shots , americanmilitary news

>>15021377 Canadian province demands churches enforce COVID passport system or limit attendance-livesitenews

>>15021414, >>15021417 Activision Blizzard workers walk out, call for CEO Bobby Kotick’s resignation - polygon

>>15020344 (lb) Queen Elizabeth Absent From Remembrance Sunday Ceremony Due to Back Injury

>>15019903 (pb) UK F-35 fighter jet from Queen Elizabeth carrier falls into Mediterranean

>>15019813 (pb) 11/17 Qfag Postings

>>15021436 Rittenhouse Jury Asks About Videos; Judge: ‘My Nightmare Has Come True’ breitbart

>>15021460 cabbage head princeCharles Jokes About the Queen's Age…youtube


>>15021517 DOD Sec Miller on IG's Jan. 6 report: 'Horrifying' for media to 'beat up' military - justhenew

>>15021523 Top military leader says China's hypersonic missile test 'went around the world'


>>15021594 GOP-majority court chosen to consider Biden vaccine mandate - apnews

>>15021610 A second American has come down with smallpox, a rare virus that causes pus-filled boils, yahoo

>>15021619 More than 45,000 of America's bridges are in 'poor' condition. Should you be worried? msm

>>15021642 Just as a observation, when have we had a russian speaking bot on here?

ever since we identified theORANGE CONNECTION See notables 19000 and 19001

>>15021749, >>15021744, defense is asking for a mistrial without prejudice - many anons stated this, picked this one as bang on point

>>15021769 Emergency alert system tests happening across Canada today

>>15021779, >>15021679, Color Revolution - orange is the new black usa version

>>15021801 A Falcon 9 rocket launches from Space Launch Complex 40 at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station, Fla. dod twat

>>15021830 LIVE: Kyle Rittenhouse Trial Day 12 Live Updates with RSBN

>Just as a observation, when have we had a russian speaking bot on here?

>ever since we identified theORANGE CONNECTION
























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39b352  No.15022172

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a963b0  No.15022173


I think they are trying to give them access to one of their fancy, large screens and the video(s) on a laptop. It sounds like they just have a small shitty TV in the jurors room to look at the low definition static.

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271dea  No.15022174


Lie, cheat, steal, murder, rape - the only thing Dems know how to do well.

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7f149a  No.15022175


yeah, there should be a bottom link at the top… just as there is a top link at the bottom

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b76008  No.15022176

Did the board get a shot + booster? This site is fuc’d up like a normy coming down with Bell’s palsy from a vax and low on oxygen from wearing a sock on the mouth. This place needs a proverbial smack in the mouth. OH YEAH and FUCK OFF WITH THIS STUPID FUCKING TRIAL.

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6ee2b0  No.15022177


Jacek Posobiec Flag of United StatesFlag of Poland




Oh indeed

Chandler Crump: DARK WINTER.

@realCCrump· 8m

Replying to @JackPosobiec


Uh oh…


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9b0926  No.15022178


>Ok so… the jury is gonna see the footage which should have been shown during the trial, and handed over to the defense team…

But without statements, cross examination, rebuttal.

They are on their own.

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0386ed  No.15022179

>>15022129 dast'g Godspeed

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fe4d37  No.15022181



You busted out of jail.

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bc1759  No.15022182

I could have sworn that lunchbox got wind of how his 'excuse' for why the .mov files differed was criticized on this site and other sites and had to make a mention of pesky anons posting information on the internet.

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b2c627  No.15022184


Handbrake screencap


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8ec8bc  No.15022185


Bribery, Blackmail

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5d2753  No.15022186


i saw this on half earlier. hope it gets spread far and wide.

lyin lunchbox

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7f149a  No.15022188


yup, every board on this site is fucked up now

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bc1759  No.15022189

File: eaa51eb72a4c51f⋯.png (823.32 KB, ShitOnGibberish.png)

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9b6374  No.15022190


If the prosecution had original HD footage and only supplied the defense with a condensed copy that alone should get the trial tossed.

That they used "enhanced" footage to try to make a point in the trial (that was quickly debunked by Anons) made them look like fools.

The first example here makes them look like criminals.

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42fd45  No.15022191

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bc1759  No.15022193

File: eaa51eb72a4c51f⋯.png (823.32 KB, ShitOnGibberish.png)

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271dea  No.15022194


Any sane person could see right through this blatant deception.

Guess we'll see if Kenosha is even worth saving.

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8f8b54  No.15022195



and it is french. kek

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271dea  No.15022197


etc… etc… etc…

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ccf0b3  No.15022198


>>15022165 (me)

larping as ~

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5239f2  No.15022199


But Henry could see thru the BS and put things into perspective.

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7f149a  No.15022202

File: 2337f2809da7b68⋯.jpg (90.87 KB, kylewins.jpg)


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e94ade  No.15022203

File: da5e0032e38523e⋯.png (280.73 KB, fatlock.png)

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8df094  No.15022204

File: caf750023e60fb3⋯.jpg (183.57 KB, Graveley_2.jpg)

Binger and Kraus are both assistant district attorneys. The District Attorney, presumably the one giving them orders, is Michael T. Graveley.


October, 2020: "The public now has access to newly released records that show Kenosha District Attorney, Michael Graveley texting with Whitney Cabal, AKA Billy Violent, a violence-inciting Black Lives Matter activist. In the weird exchange, both text back and forth over the span of nearly 6 weeks, sometimes after 10:00pm. In the many messages, it seems like Graveley is giving Cabal updates on the WI DOJ investigation into the Kenosha Police shooting of Jacob Blake and taking advice on how to handle the Kenosha riots. In one message, Cabal warns Graveley that “KPD is gonna burn out.” In another message, the two seem to make breakfast plans. It should be noted that Graveley is married."


[pdf of texts is at link]

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bc1759  No.15022206

File: eaa51eb72a4c51f⋯.png (823.32 KB, ShitOnGibberish.png)

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0fc7d5  No.15022207


The Maxwell trial doesn't even start until NOVEMBER 29TH

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66beab  No.15022208

Shills screeching their asses off, which proves the board still matters.

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9c7016  No.15022210

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842836  No.15022211

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This video never gets taken down…

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6426a2  No.15022212


Prosecutor needs to have his laptop seized immediately.

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6631a4  No.15022213

Rekieta Law is roasting the defense.

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fe4d37  No.15022214


kek well played

I kinda thought so, but had to get that one in anyways.

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6ee2b0  No.15022215


I hope POSO or someone texts the attys right now and tells them, because this was just found out a little while ago

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8f8b54  No.15022216



lie deny counter-accuse

way of the clowns

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0386ed  No.15022217


anon forgot "pfiltered."


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7f149a  No.15022218

File: cece86b37a41f3a⋯.png (699.48 KB, fattypig.png)


jpg fucks up but png works

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b2c627  No.15022220

File: 9e429389a8150ca⋯.jpeg (125.98 KB, 49349B61_8A35_4EEA_9795_B….jpeg)


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ccf0b3  No.15022221


Fungus would post 5

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7f149a  No.15022222

File: cece86b37a41f3a⋯.png (699.48 KB, fattypig.png)


jpg fucks up but png works

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42fd45  No.15022224


Please repost with broken links fixed, ty

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7f149a  No.15022225

File: cece86b37a41f3a⋯.png (699.48 KB, fattypig.png)


jpg fucks up but png works

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7f149a  No.15022226

File: cece86b37a41f3a⋯.png (699.48 KB, fattypig.png)


jpg fucks up but png works

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97a2f7  No.15022227


Quints confirm, glowies everywhere!

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b76008  No.15022228


I didn’t catch that? You want to shit on a guy with a hidden hand that uses it to jack off?

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1e54ea  No.15022230

File: abe36481d533fba⋯.gif (214.01 KB, LETSGOBRANDON.gif)

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b2c627  No.15022231

File: 9e429389a8150ca⋯.jpeg (125.98 KB, 8C2C0DA6_4B3A_4093_AA83_0….jpeg)

File: eb6b001d03fc12b⋯.jpeg (365.36 KB, 701842AF_759F_4CD8_8A76_2….jpeg)


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42fd45  No.15022232



Hate that transvettie, blocked

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e03bc4  No.15022233

Maybe your just a cry baby?

"Muh muh muh memes. Muh muh muh picture jokes… muh muh passive aggressiveness is under attack. Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!"


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fe4d37  No.15022235

File: 8869004fbb734c9⋯.png (2.67 KB, chk.png)


KEK quints in w/ a frenly tech tip

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ccf0b3  No.15022236

File: eb7c0da202a4711⋯.jpg (84.13 KB, Screen_Shot_2021_02_19_at_….jpg)

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6ee2b0  No.15022237


BTW Kraus said Ms. Wisco's phone which is Android compressed the file is a lie. I sent videos to a friend with Android, there is no compression,you just have to shorten the video because Android doesn't take unlimited sized videos.

Phones to my knowledge don't automatically compress a file sent to it, am I wrong???

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d7454d  No.15022238


Q Research General #19004: Day 12 of Kyle Rittenhouse Defense Trial in Kenosha III

>>15021070 Israeli, Chinese Presidents Call for Increased Cooperation Despite U.S. Warnings - haaretz

>>15021077 451 Israeli Settler Attacks Against Palestinians Since Early 2020, Says New B’Tselem Report - globalresearch

>>15021090 Oklahoma bill would hold employers liable for vaccine injuries caused by their mandates - lifetimenews

>>15021105 DHS inspector general refuses to investigate Border Patrol agents whom media accused of whipping migrants - the blaze

>>15021116 The bricks are back -starfirecode

>>15021167 TLDR- 16 million of your tax dollars goes to JFS to support illegals. Sick yet? justthenews

>>15021255 Court hears offending of Bret Anthony Chesworth, caught in Operation Arkstone sting, 'particularly depraved'- abc news

>>15021270Texas Doctor Resigns After Hospital Suspends, Investigates Her For Warning About Covid Shots, Promoting Ivermectin - gwp

>>15021281 Democrats' SALT Proposals Would Give Tax Windfall To Rich Americans On Both Coasts - zerohedge

>>15021286 Trump gives McConnell insult-filled ultimatum on Biden agenda

>>15021293 Blood Red Shoes / Nothing to See Here - anon dig

>>15021347 Australian archbishop orders priests to take abortion-tainted COVID shots or get suspended - lifestylenews

>>15021367 Navy starts kicking out unvaccinated; sailors denied exemptions have 5 days to start shots , americanmilitary news

>>15021377 Canadian province demands churches enforce COVID passport system or limit attendance-livesitenews

>>15021414, >>15021417 Activision Blizzard workers walk out, call for CEO Bobby Kotick’s resignation - polygon

>>15020344 (lb) Queen Elizabeth Absent From Remembrance Sunday Ceremony Due to Back Injury

>>15019903 (pb) UK F-35 fighter jet from Queen Elizabeth carrier falls into Mediterranean

>>15019813 (pb) 11/17 Qfag Postings

>>15021436 Rittenhouse Jury Asks About Videos; Judge: ‘My Nightmare Has Come True’ breitbart

>>15021460 cabbage head princeCharles Jokes About the Queen's Age…youtube


>>15021517 DOD Sec Miller on IG's Jan. 6 report: 'Horrifying' for media to 'beat up' military - justhenew

>>15021523 Top military leader says China's hypersonic missile test 'went around the world'


>>15021594 GOP-majority court chosen to consider Biden vaccine mandate - apnews

>>15021610 A second American has come down with smallpox, a rare virus that causes pus-filled boils, yahoo

>>15021619 More than 45,000 of America's bridges are in 'poor' condition. Should you be worried? msm

>>15021642 Just as a observation, when have we had a russian speaking bot on here?

ever since we identified theORANGE CONNECTION See notables 19000 and 19001

>>15021749, >>15021744, defense is asking for a mistrial without prejudice - many anons stated this, picked this one as bang on point

>>15021769 Emergency alert system tests happening across Canada today

>>15021779, >>15021679, Color Revolution - orange is the new black usa version

>>15021801 A Falcon 9 rocket launches from Space Launch Complex 40 at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station, Fla. dod twat

>>15021830 LIVE: Kyle Rittenhouse Trial Day 12 Live Updates with RSBN

>>Just as a observation, when have we had a russian speaking bot on here?

ever since we identified theORANGE CONNECTION



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2ad69d  No.15022239


dubs chek'd

>i didn't swallow tho'



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b2c627  No.15022240

File: 9e429389a8150ca⋯.jpeg (125.98 KB, 8C2C0DA6_4B3A_4093_AA83_0….jpeg)


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7f149a  No.15022241




shit, sorry bout that… board kept saying my post wasn't going through. Oddly enough we can now make the same post with the same images over and over. I think 8kun is about go tits up until the server is reset.

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1e54ea  No.15022242

File: f8b2b9dee2aa328⋯.gif (1.4 MB, CHENEY1.gif)

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42fd45  No.15022243




>>15021901 WINNIPEG - the national public alerting system, has scheduled the test message for Nov. 17 at 1:55 p.m. CST

>>15021915 'Rust' script boss claims scene did not call for a shooting, Baldwin 'intentionally' fired: lawsuit

>>15021920 2 Men Convicted of Killing Malcolm X Will Be Exonerated After 55 Years

>>15021986, >>15021922 Leftists at Work: Police Officer Finds Suspicious Pile of Bricks in Kenosha Back Alley (AUDIO)

>>15021939 Watch Live: WI v. Kyle Rittenhouse Trial Day 11 - Defense Motion For Mistrial

>>15021964, >>15022005 Oklahoma to lose National Guard status… Will be called State Militia instead…

>>15021973 Judge expected to address jury question in Kyle Rittenhouse: link

>>15021980 Huma Abedin

>>15021987 Australia’s ancient “assassin spiders” were feared extinct after fires comms?

>>15021988 Microsoft family of services experiencing widespread outages

>>15022106 Judge: If you leave anything electronic in here, say goodbye, because you'll never see it again. [judge clearing courtroom except for jury]

>>15022080 LIVE: Judge expected to address jury question in Kyle Rittenhouse: Link

>>15022138 Texas Woman Pleads Guilty to Schemes to Procure Adoptions from Uganda and Poland through Bribery and Fraud

>>15022129, >>15022143 Busted Fatty from the prosecutor's office someone sent them a screenshot from the trial showing a program called "handbreak" open source video transcoder is on his PC

>>15022166, >>15022177, >>15022184 Handbrake is now trending in the United States after being spotted on Lunchbox's (Kraus) computer

>>15022204 Binger and Kraus are both assistant district attorneys, the one giving them orders, is Michael T. Graveley?


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e1505d  No.15022245


of course you didn't

you're just a lying ass shill from one of the countless thousands of organizations that heebs have at their disposal for the purposes of blackmail, subversion, and world wide extortion over a lie that never habbened during ww2, attempting yet another consensus building exercise in yet another "dark corner of the internet" because nobody likes your shitty tribe

rootless clique faggot

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8f8b54  No.15022246

File: b4661d67752cd9e⋯.png (50.41 KB, 3255_3_.png)

File: 4ab31f130e67f4f⋯.png (37.7 KB, 3435_5_.png)


Judge rules Jussie Smollett trial is on for Nov. 29

Megan Crepeau, Chicago Tribune 10/15/2021


After more than two and a half years of dramatic developments in the Jussie Smollett case, the former “Empire” actor is officially slated to go to trial in late November.



Jul 14, 2019 10:07:09 PM EDT


[SMOLLETT] Federal charges coming?

Watch the news.

These people are stupid.


2y, 4m, 2d, 19h, 17m ago

8chan qresearch


Mar 28, 2019 2:22:39 PM EDT



"FBI & DOJ to review the outrageous Jussie SMOLLETT case in Chicago. It is an embarrassment to our Nation!"

>It shall be done.


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97a2f7  No.15022247

File: 7d564b1dddf6a42⋯.png (1.02 MB, fuck_biden.png)

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718a3e  No.15022248


Search for National Guard:

LOW Manual



Members of the armed forces of a State, including members of all groups that are part of the armed forces of a State, but excluding certain medical and religious personnel, receive combatant status (i.e., its rights, duties, and liabilities) by virtue of that

membership. This section addresses various classes of persons within the armed forces of a State.

4.5.1 Components of Armed Forces.

The armed forces of a State may include a variety of components, such as militia or volunteer corps that form part of those armed forces.

The U.S. armed forces include members of the active duty military, the reserve forces,

and the National Guard. U.S. armed forces also include the Coast Guard, which normally

operates under the Department of Homeland Security.

The U.S. armed forces may also include the Commissioned Corps of the U.S. Public

Health Service, which normally operates under the Department of Health and Human Services.

Similarly, members of the Commissioned Corps of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, which normally operates under the Department of Commerce, may also become part of the U.S. armed forces.

Members of these and other organizations assigned to, and serving with, the U.S. armed forces may be subject to the Uniform Code of Military Justice. Reserve Armed Forces.

Although domestic law sometimes differentiates between the reserve and active components of the armed forces for the purpose of entitlement to benefits and other matters, international law treats members of the reserve forces that are part of the armed forces of a State the same as other members of the armed forces.

In the United States, reserve armed forces include the reserve components of the Army,

Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard, as well as the Army National Guard of the United States and the Air National Guard of the United States.

forgive formatting


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85b142  No.15022249

File: 6e2533889ed1f8c⋯.jpeg (10.85 KB, pepe_thumbs_up.jpeg)

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b76008  No.15022250


Oh yeah and fuck Brandon. I don’t like that name. Change it too “let’s go Jared.”

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b70fd8  No.15022251

img check

Posting The biggest boobs on the net

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42fd45  No.15022252


A lot of green in those notables..?

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d7454d  No.15022253


>>15021270 Texas Doctor Resigns After Hospital Suspends, Investigates Her For Warning About Covid Shots, Promoting Ivermectin - gwp


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0386ed  No.15022255

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

'How Do You Explain These Tweets?': Ted Cruz Confronts 'Extremist' Biden Nominee During Hearing

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b2c627  No.15022256

Is there an 8kun alternative?

It seems like they always pull the rug on images right at the most critical time that benefits the commie narrative?

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b76008  No.15022257


You smell funny

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718a3e  No.15022258



they have us surrounded!

poor bastards..

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af30ba  No.15022260



McLean Stevenson, who played him, was a Conservative, so they killed off his character which highly upset him. They wanted no shot of him appearing on those "After M*A*S*H" shows, or commercials other M*A*S*H actors did for that computer Co.(IBM?).

He was exactly the same, affilable, down-to-Earth and very humorous guy IRL - minus the "dumb".

He, Larry Linville (Frank Burns), and Farr's Klinger (dresses) were the true treasures of that show. Rest was bleeding heart Commie propaganda.

Hawkeye & his Copmmie sidekick from CA,: "You can't hurt that North Korean who keeps trying to kill us!!"

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9c9a75  No.15022261

File: da2b8b2f8ead481⋯.png (8.12 MB, ClipboardImage.png)

Leftists at Work: Police Officer Finds Suspicious Pile of Bricks in Kenosha Back Alley – Report

It appears the leftists are getting ready to clock in for work in Kenosha. Reports of bricks being placed all around Kenosha in preparation for rioting.

Star Fire Codes reported there are already calls of suspicious activity coming through the police scanner. Kenosha officer checked a local alley way and verified there are “bricks everywhere” around 12 and 1 PM EST earlier today.

You can download the audio archive file at Kenosha County Public Safety. Here is the audio:


The Gateway Pundit previously reported that the groups behind the riots in the US include domestic terrorists, Black lives Matter, US Islamists, and others linked to the Democrat Party. These protests are organized – bricks are being delivered uninhibited to riot sites.


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42fd45  No.15022262

File: 4092463702c19e4⋯.png (374.52 KB, ba929f1b71d1d2b3efbd5d6d49….png)

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b76008  No.15022263

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e1505d  No.15022264


yea it's called 4chan

where this whole thing started

they always put stickies up for events like this which they have going right now

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b70fd8  No.15022265

















How the God given fuck did we just loose 5 Buns of Notables BAKER?!!!




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fe4d37  No.15022266


Yeah, and one of the greenies is a newfag post freaking out about ebot.

Using the all too familiar Muh Russians! refrain.


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1e54ea  No.15022267

File: 0f4255e01da738e⋯.png (772.76 KB, CHENEY1.png)

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9b6374  No.15022268


That pic is fake.

Malik Obama should know that.

Why are you posting it?

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6ee2b0  No.15022269

Illegal Immigrants trying to get into Poland. If they do that for Poland what do they do at our S. Border?

Paul Joseph Watson@PrisonPlanet·3h

Migrant men blow smoke in the eyes of children to make them cry for the cameras in order to elicit sympathy.

I'm sure you'll see this footage on mainstream news networks tonight.

Stanisław Żaryn


· Nov 16

Kolejne nagranie wyglądające jak "przygotowania" dzieci do działań propagandowych.

Obrazki z płaczącymi dziećmi są wykorzystywane do wywierania dodatkowej presji na Polskę.


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f1495a  No.15022270

Judge exhibits totally wrong demeanor

Bet he's not a conservative.

A judge is supposed to be grave and serous.

Someone's life is at stake

What a jerk.

He failed to grant the mis-trial; I get it.

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8f8b54  No.15022274



we were chosen for a reason

Q came to us

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aacbb1  No.15022275

File: 2417b6d23c18c1a⋯.jpg (135.23 KB, 4tQApv6.jpg)

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f1fc75  No.15022276


Mr Reid is a nasty mother effer…..lol

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aa109d  No.15022277

File: b12fd87f2ff130a⋯.png (1.27 MB, ClipboardImage.png)

Phalanx Super Brrrrtt Test

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42fd45  No.15022278


Ask the last baker, lb dough was corrupt

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0386ed  No.15022279

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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1e54ea  No.15022280

File: 0f4255e01da738e⋯.png (772.76 KB, CHENEY1.png)

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b70fd8  No.15022281










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0386ed  No.15022284


>Phalanx Super Brrrrtt Test


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2ccbd9  No.15022285

File: bb78be1dc185634⋯.jpg (50.65 KB, 1637183965371.jpg)

He that hasteth to be rich [hath] an evil eye, and considereth not that poverty shall come upon him.

Anons might not believe me, but God smote me

on my right eye. The wicked are his sword, and

I was being a sinner, he punished me.

I actually got rid of it, maybe six or seven

months later. Studying Proverbs, the Law is

Light. So I made the Light my Ivermectin.

When I had it, I actually came across someone

else who had one, and had received his in a

similar way to that which I received mine.

I don't think its literally just spiritual eyes, eyes to

see here. I think you can literally tell by minute

details, the difference between the two eyes, the

way light hits one and not the other, or it hits

the other wrong

This attorney has an evil eye. No surprise

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9c9a75  No.15022286

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Something Strange is Happening in China!

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374790  No.15022287

File: ac5632c5597cd72⋯.jpg (394.23 KB, ac5632.jpg)

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2ccbd9  No.15022288

File: bb78be1dc185634⋯.jpg (50.65 KB, 1637183965371.jpg)

He that hasteth to be rich [hath] an evil eye, and considereth not that poverty shall come upon him.

Anons might not believe me, but God smote me

on my right eye. The wicked are his sword, and

I was being a sinner, he punished me.

I actually got rid of it, maybe six or seven

months later. Studying Proverbs, the Law is

Light. So I made the Light my Ivermectin.

When I had it, I actually came across someone

else who had one, and had received his in a

similar way to that which I received mine.

I don't think its literally just spiritual eyes, eyes to

see here. I think you can literally tell by minute

details, the difference between the two eyes, the

way light hits one and not the other, or it hits

the other wrong

This attorney has an evil eye. No surprise

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b2c627  No.15022289

Here’s proof that lunchbox lied about not knowing how to compress videos:



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97a2f7  No.15022290


The left wants to send aloud and clearmessage to patriots. Cross us, or try to stop our foot soldiers (Antifa / BLM), and you will either get life in prison, or the death penalty!

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718a3e  No.15022291

anyone have the old image script fix?

ill run dat shit

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6ee2b0  No.15022292




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7f149a  No.15022293


chill, board is fucked





It likely will get fixed but until then this is the new norm

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5239f2  No.15022294


>Michael T. Graveley

Is he Jewish?

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1bf40d  No.15022295

File: 1f0ea3dc66bae34⋯.png (2.21 MB, First_Rule_Of_BLM_Riot_Clu….png)

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2512cb  No.15022296

File: 3c813f57ce6593d⋯.jpg (101.13 KB, StevePeters.jpg)

The[Y] only have so much juice.

Kenosha is JV.

The really big $ is in Hotlanta.

Master of Puppets?

How many times must the[Y] be shown?

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b2c627  No.15022297





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2512cb  No.15022299

File: 3c813f57ce6593d⋯.jpg (101.13 KB, StevePeters.jpg)

The[Y] only have so much juice.

Kenosha is JV.

The really big $ is in Hotlanta.

Master of Puppets?

How many times must the[Y] be shown?

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39b352  No.15022300

Leftists at Work: Police Officer Finds Suspicious Pile of Bricks in Kenosha Back Alley – Report (AUDIO)

The Gateway Pundit previously reported that the groups behind the riots in the US include domestic terrorists, Black lives Matter, US Islamists, and others linked to the Democrat Party. These protests are organized – bricks are being delivered uninhibited to riot sites.


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aacbb1  No.15022301

File: 2417b6d23c18c1a⋯.jpg (135.23 KB, 4tQApv6.jpg)

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c12cfd  No.15022303

File: 0ddef7b7b032b0c⋯.png (269.76 KB, 9997.png)

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0386ed  No.15022305


pfuck that pfiltered shill

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f1495a  No.15022307

File: eecdf68840f45d1⋯.png (454.77 KB, defendwhatyoulove79.png)


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97a2f7  No.15022308


That was before the images were moved to the new host, so I doubt that it will work.

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e8af13  No.15022309



Just copy-cats.

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718a3e  No.15022310

File: cf1521943df2bcc⋯.gif (905.54 KB, 427594261_LastStarfighter_….gif)



House Censures GOP Rep. Gosar Over Violent Video

Removed from the committee of Natural Resources and the committee of Oversight and Reform as per Pelosi



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f1495a  No.15022311

File: eecdf68840f45d1⋯.png (454.77 KB, defendwhatyoulove79.png)


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1a87b9  No.15022312


When the arrests happen, why SHOULD the cabal be guarded?

The angry masses can come up with punishments far more fitting of the cabal’s heinous crimes than any legal system ever could. Them being punished in an appropiate way is the important part. Mere firing squad won’t reflect their atrocities.

Example punishments fitting their atrocities: Watanagashi (guts opened up with razor sharp farm implements -> reach into the wound and slowly pull out the guts and throw them onto the ground), live dissection, dumped into a vat of molten gold, keel hauled, the Brazen Bull, etc.

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42fd45  No.15022313



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e94ade  No.15022314


you lost me the cunt was in reference to you not the original poster.

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f1495a  No.15022315

File: eecdf68840f45d1⋯.png (454.77 KB, defendwhatyoulove79.png)


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b5d6c4  No.15022316

File: 899300e70944248⋯.png (180.23 KB, 899300e709442488f97b23a1bb….png)

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5d2687  No.15022317

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Nigga dindu buffing.

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fe4d37  No.15022318



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e94ade  No.15022320



ugg fucked up again i mean the woman….lunch just arrived, distracted. apologies,

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718a3e  No.15022321



good point

not that i know what i'm doing, but ill test it



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b2c627  No.15022322

File: 9e429389a8150ca⋯.jpeg (125.98 KB, 42462D72_8291_40D0_B553_F….jpeg)



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0386ed  No.15022323


ff bitch


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1bf40d  No.15022324

File: 1f0ea3dc66bae34⋯.png (2.21 MB, First_Rule_Of_BLM_Riot_Clu….png)

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e8af13  No.15022325


That was funny how that transpired last time. Anons just do it!

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d65336  No.15022326


>paid or blackmailed

and the newest edition shows the aggrieved plaintiff is represented by….Gloria Allred. That's like Al Sharpton but for white women. Clown world. We live in a Clown world.

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6ee2b0  No.15022327


this should be notable as it showed up before the ones posted below baker


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bc1759  No.15022328

File: fa47e48c595760d⋯.jpg (11.51 KB, Happy_tears.jpg)

Krauss' excuse to the judge for why he submitted DOCTORED evidence into a court of law Nov 17, 2021:

Time 0 Krauss: "The copying of the file from one device to another caused a 'compression' of the file from 11MB to 4MB your honor, I cannot be held liable."

[insert kek responses from technologically savvy nerds, geeks, and software developers on the internet worldwide here]

Time 1 Krauss: "It WaS a TeChNiCaL GLiTcH!!!! DoN'T LiStEn tO wHaT YoU sAW oN tHe iNtErNeT!!!"


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fcf9c5  No.15022329

File: fa47e48c595760d⋯.jpg (11.51 KB, Happy_tears.jpg)

Krauss' excuse to the judge for why he submitted DOCTORED evidence into a court of law Nov 17, 2021:

Time 0 Krauss: "The copying of the file from one device to another caused a 'compression' of the file from 11MB to 4MB your honor, I cannot be held liable."

[insert kek responses from technologically savvy nerds, geeks, and software developers on the internet worldwide here]

Time 1 Krauss: "It WaS a TeChNiCaL GLiTcH!!!! DoN'T LiStEn tO wHaT YoU sAW oN tHe iNtErNeT!!!"


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374790  No.15022330

File: a8fc5b043204ee4⋯.mp4 (6.06 MB, 960x720, 4:3, a8fc5b043204ee4b397af1e3a7….mp4)

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9c9a75  No.15022332

Man Sentenced to 210 Years in Prison for Creating and Distributing Depictions of the Sadistic Sexual Abuse of Children

EVANSVILLE – A Spencer County, Indiana man was sentenced to 210 years in federal prison for sexually exploiting two young children and sharing the images and videos he created.

Trent Walker, 36, began sexually abusing one of the victims when she was a toddler. The abuse continued over a six-year period and was sadistic in nature. During the sentencing hearing, Judge Richard L. Young, who presided, noted that Walker’s abuse of the child could fairly be described as torture. Walker also abused a six-year-old child for a several-month period. Both victims were in Walker’s care when he abused them.

Walker created hundreds of images and videos of his sexual abuse of both victims, which he shared with an online group he ran. The group was dedicated to sadistically exploiting small children, some as young as infants. Walker served as the group’s moderator. He encouraged others to share sadistic abuse material, trained others how to conceal their identities online to avoid detection, and coached members of the group on how to abuse young children psychologically, physically, and sexually.

“The vile conduct that Walker inflicted on his victims is reprehensible and will impact these children for the rest of their lives,” said U.S. Attorney Zachary A. Myers. “This sentence ensures that Trent Walker will never have another opportunity to victimize another child and hopefully bring some peace to his victims.”

“The defendant’s repeated sadistic abuse clearly demonstrates he cannot be allowed to be free in the community,” said FBI Indianapolis Acting Special Agent in Charge Robert Middleton. “This investigation demonstrates the commitment of the FBI and our law enforcement partners to protect those who can’t protect themselves and ensure individuals who commit such heinous acts are held accountable to the fullest extent of the law.”

“Indiana State Police investigators work diligently every day, all across Indiana, and in close collaboration with its law enforcement partners, to help bring to justice those who seek to perpetuate the victimization of children,” said Indiana State Police Superintendent Douglas G. Carter.

“The cooperative team effort with our state and federal law enforcement partners, allowed for the successful prosecution of this dangerous predator. The damage that he inflicted in this world cannot be undone, but this sentence ensures that he will never burden a child with his evil ever again,” said Spencer County Sheriff Kelli Reinke.

This case was the result of an investigation by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Spencer County Sheriff’s Office, and the Indiana State Police.

According to Assistant United States Attorney Tiffany J. Preston, who prosecuted the case, said Walker will serve consecutive prison sentences totaling 210 years and was ordered to pay $10,000 in restitution to each victim.

This case was brought as part of Project Safe Childhood, a nationwide initiative launched in May 2006 by the Department of Justice to combat the growing epidemic of child sexual exploitation and abuse. Led by U.S. Attorneys’ Offices and the Child Exploitation and Obscenity Section, Project Safe Childhood marshals federal, state, and local resources to better locate, apprehend and prosecute individuals who exploit children via the internet, as well as to identify and rescue victims. For more information about Project Safe Childhood, please visit www.justice.gov/psc


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f1495a  No.15022334

File: e6ffa06f36a0f68⋯.png (860.66 KB, freepressdog.png)



Hopefully it's a stage LARP

Propaganda event


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0386ed  No.15022335


>.lunch just arrived, distracted. apologies,



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b2c627  No.15022336



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f8feb0  No.15022337

Lot’s happening today.

EBS activated in Canada and various US states. People reporting this on Telegram.

Also, Massive protest in Austria lots of video on Twitter and Telegram.

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7f149a  No.15022338


kek, when the punishments happen it will be interesting, because this time I think God's hand will be dealing them… so I have no concern about what is going to happen to them, God has it handled

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1a87b9  No.15022340


Already screen capped it. Gonna spread to gab.

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b2c627  No.15022341



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97a2f7  No.15022343


>but ill test it

Here's the scripts

first one


var links = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('a'))

var imageLinks = links.filter(l => /.*media\.8kun\.top.*/ig.test(l.href))

imageLinks.forEach(link => {

var n = Math.floor(Math.random() * 77777777777) + 1

var pieces = link.href.split('/')

var filename = pieces[pieces.length-1]

var [hash, extension] = filename.split('.')

var href = `${link.href.replace("media.","sys.")}/${hash}.jpg?n=${n}`

var imgs = link.querySelectorAll('img')

imgs.forEach(i => i.src = href)

link.href = href



second one


// media fixer version 9/5/2021

// for videos (and possibly others) you may have to scroll a tiny bit

var loadListener = function() {

var links = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('a'))

var imageLinks = links.filter(l => /.*media\.8kun\.top.*/ig.test(l.href))

imageLinks.forEach(link => {

var pieces = link.pathname.split('/')

var filename = pieces[pieces.length-1]

var [hash, extension] = filename.split('.')

switch (extension) {

case "mp3":

case "png":

case "gif":

var href = `${link.href.replace("media.","sys.")}/${hash}.jpg`


case 'php':

if (hash == 'player') {

// special handling for video thumbnail

var videoplayer = link.search.match(/media\.8kun\.top\/file_store\/(\w{64})\./i)

if (videoplayer) {

var href = "https://sys.8kun.top/file_store/thumb/"+videoplayer[1]+".jpg";

} else {

var href = link.url;





var href = `${link.href.replace("media.","sys.")}`



var imgs = link.querySelectorAll('img')

imgs.forEach(i => i.src = href)

link.href = href;


// fix videos

links = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('video'))

var videoLinks = links.filter(l => /.*media\.8kun\.top.*/ig.test(l.src))

videoLinks.forEach(link => {

var href = `${link.src.replace("media.","sys.")}`

link.src = href;


// images in catalog do not have a href

links = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('img'))

var imgLinks = links.filter(l => /.*media\.8kun\.top.*/ig.test(l.src))

imgLinks.forEach(link => {

var href = `${link.src.replace("media.","sys.")}`

link.src = href;



$(window).on('scroll', function (e, post) {




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f1495a  No.15022344

File: e6ffa06f36a0f68⋯.png (860.66 KB, freepressdog.png)



Hopefully it's a stage LARP

Propaganda event



"hard to say it's linked"


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42fd45  No.15022345

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fc38aa  No.15022346

File: d7d4264c5e6116e⋯.png (28 KB, 1571282663685.png)

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5d2687  No.15022347

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Joe Biden Literally Shits His Pants During A Livestream!

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ccf0b3  No.15022348

File: a6447bc451d3a05⋯.jpg (28.99 KB, a6447bc451d3a052800a00bdb8….jpg)

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911e02  No.15022349


>Whitney Cabal, AKA Billy Violent

The above is NOT photo-shopped, or otherwise altered. This…..is…..a….real….post. Meet Whitney Cabal. She also goes by “Billy Violet” and “Billy Violet II” on Facebook. This is actually against Facebook Terms of Service. Don’t waste your time reporting her. Hundreds have, but since she’s a loony leftist, Facebook leaves her alone.

Whitney is a common attendee of Kenosha County Board meetings, Kenosha Unified School Board meetings, and well… Riots.

It is unknown how long she has lived in the area, but here are some videos to watch. It is highly possible that she suffers from some type of ailment, medically or otherwise. Still yet, her friends parade her around at these meetings like a sideshow.

She advocated for violence, looting, rioting, and yeah, there’s drunk yoga.

Enjoy, or not, the below videos:


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b70fd8  No.15022350

File: 16dba200f8b7b00⋯.png (1.47 MB, Screenshot_2021_11_17_Q_Re….png)

File: 2eac8c390398e5a⋯.png (45.28 KB, Screenshot_2021_11_17_qres….png)




BakerG baked all those this morning.


#19004 https://controlc.com/ba2f4d12


















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9b0926  No.15022351


>[insert kek responses from technologically savvy nerds, geeks, and software developers on the internet worldwide here]

The kek chorus

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9b6374  No.15022352

BC Declares state of Emergency



The B.C. government has declared a state of emergency effective noon PT Wednesday.

184 people were rescued from the Sumas Prairie in Abbotsford overnight after the city issued urgent pleas to evacuate the area late Tuesday.

150 volunteers worked to build a dam around a failing pumping station in Abbotsford on Tuesday night, reducing the risk of further catastrophic flooding as 300 people remain trapped in Sumas Prairie.

A large fire has broken out at an RV dealership in the evacuation zone in Abbotsford.

Thousands remain evacuated from towns in southern B.C., including Merritt and Princeton.

An evacuation order remains in effect for the community of Yarrow and Majuba Hill in Chilliwack, where officials say 640 evacuees have already registered at an emergency reception centre.

FortisBC says a damaged natural gas line that provides heat for many Princeton residents will not be working again until at least the coming weekend.

Public Safety Minister Mike Farnworth is chairing a cabinet meeting to discuss invoking a state of emergency on Wednesday.

The federal government has approved deployment of air force personnel to help B.C. with flood aftermath.

For a list of up-to-date flood warnings, visit the River Forecast Centre.

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b2c627  No.15022353




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9c9a75  No.15022354

Former Medical Lab Sales Representative Admits Role in Genetic Testing Kickback and Bribery Scheme

A former medical laboratory sales representative today admitted participating in a scheme to offer and pay bribes and kickbacks in exchange for ordering genetic tests, Acting U.S. Rachael A. Honig announced today.

Terri Haines, 57, of Kennett Square, Pennsylvania, pleaded guilty by videoconference before U.S. District Judge Anne E. Thompson to an information charging her with conspiring to violate the anti-kickback statute.

Haines is the fifth defendant to plead guilty in bribery and kickback schemes involving doctors and medical employees in the Scranton, Pennsylvania, area.

According to documents filed in this case and statements made in court:

Haines was not a health care provider, but made a living soliciting and collecting DNA samples from Medicare patients at health fairs. In exchange for commissions, Haines sent the DNA samples to a lab in New Jersey for “CGx” cancer screen testing. Haines was not authorized to order those CGx tests without a doctor’s sign-off. As a result, Haines paid a kickback and bribe to Dr. Lee Besen, of Scranton, Pennsylvania, to use his name and medical credentials to order CGx tests for the Medicare patients she met at fairs, even though Besen never actually attended any of the health fairs and never met the patients for whom the genetic tests were ordered. Medicare paid over $340,000 for CGx genetic tests that resulted from this scheme.

Besen has previously pleaded guilty for his role in this scheme and a related scheme in which he accepted monthly cash kickbacks and bribes in exchange for collecting DNA samples from Medicare patients and sending them for genetic tests to clinical laboratories in New Jersey and Pennsylvania.

The count of conspiracy to violate the federal anti-kickback statute is punishable by a maximum of five years in prison and a fine of $250,000, or twice the gross gain or loss derived from the offense, whichever is greatest. Sentencing is scheduled for March 22, 2022.

Acting U.S. Attorney Honig credited special agents of the FBI, under the direction of Special Agent in Charge George M. Crouch Jr. in Newark; IRS-Criminal Investigation, under the direction of Special Agent in Charge Michael Montanez in Newark; and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Inspector General, Philadelphia Regional Office, under the direction of Special Agent in Charge Maureen R. Dixon, with the investigation leading to the charges. She also thanked the FBI Scranton Field Office, FBI Philadelphia Division, and the Pennsylvania Attorney General’s Office for their assistance.

The government is represented by Assistant U.S. Attorney Joshua L. Haber of the Health Care Fraud Unit and Acting Principal Assistant U.S. Attorney Rahul Agarwal.


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d65336  No.15022355


> but no one is buy coffee or honey pots

I have and do buy coffee EVERY SINGLE MONTH. Waiting on more honey as we speak. Honey pot- love that marketing. Anon has coffee, enough to supply the entire neighborhood but will I quit buying it? Never.

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b70fd8  No.15022356

File: 16dba200f8b7b00⋯.png (1.47 MB, Screenshot_2021_11_17_Q_Re….png)

File: 2eac8c390398e5a⋯.png (45.28 KB, Screenshot_2021_11_17_qres….png)




BakerG baked all those this morning.


#19004 https://controlc.com/ba2f4d12


















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fe4d37  No.15022357


Telecancer is reporting, huh?

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718a3e  No.15022358

File: 38ad048606c650e⋯.jpeg (13.87 KB, R_7_.jpeg)

File: 7c1f64f20b55421⋯.jpg (62.31 KB, thetwo44.jpg)


script test 1


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ca19bd  No.15022359


Hung Jury with DA refusing to retry is the only way…

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fcf9c5  No.15022360

File: feee7bd549c3030⋯.png (852.24 KB, ClipboardImage.png)



bahahahahahahahaha, he got caught that son of a bitch!

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fc38aa  No.15022361

Hillary Clinton


Voter fraud is such a myth that its most outspoken critics have to commit the fraud themselves to find an example of it.


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b70fd8  No.15022362

File: 16dba200f8b7b00⋯.png (1.47 MB, Screenshot_2021_11_17_Q_Re….png)

File: 2eac8c390398e5a⋯.png (45.28 KB, Screenshot_2021_11_17_qres….png)




BakerG baked all those this morning.


#19004 https://controlc.com/ba2f4d12


















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b70fd8  No.15022363

File: 16dba200f8b7b00⋯.png (1.47 MB, Screenshot_2021_11_17_Q_Re….png)

File: 2eac8c390398e5a⋯.png (45.28 KB, Screenshot_2021_11_17_qres….png)




BakerG baked all those this morning.


#19004 https://controlc.com/ba2f4d12


















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d7454d  No.15022364

Fuck my eyes have gone wonky,

you are welcome for the notables.































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7f149a  No.15022365


shut up already, you're acting like a newfag, posting loads of text is retarded right now… so chill until everything is fixed

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9c9a75  No.15022366



Is a clown

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6cd073  No.15022367


Militia it is, then.

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598b5c  No.15022370



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374790  No.15022371

wassa matter no one clicking your poisoned links?

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38ac7d  No.15022372


I pop into patriots.win to get a feel for what’s going on.. but like it better here (when stuffs working).

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9c9a75  No.15022373

Rep. Lauren Boebert EXPLODES on House floor during debate to censure Rep. Gosar:

"This is a dumb waste of the House’s time…My colleague and 3-month Presidential candidate from California who is on the Intelligence Committee slept with Fang Fang, a Chinese Spy!”


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e8af13  No.15022374



I know I’d buy honey flavored pots!

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e9c581  No.15022375

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

POTUS floors it while test-driving an electric Hummer at GM's Factory Zero in Detroit: "Anybody want to jump in the back? On the roof? This sucker's something else." https://t.co/5rKJHVyw7n

Who let this moron behind the wheel, most likely someone else is controlling the car

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f1495a  No.15022377

Tora3 embed. Click thumbnail to play.

they skeered

wait til next week



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718a3e  No.15022378

File: ebe3211477740cc⋯.png (14.96 KB, 3b93797ec12006aa6d760aec80….png)

File: f8b94f3531d3bc8⋯.jpg (7.59 KB, deep44.jpg)

File: 4d93bbc762f50b0⋯.jpg (6.17 KB, hellfire44.jpg)


script test 2


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69e33f  No.15022379

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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d7454d  No.15022380


fuck off leaf you fucking moran

go and suck and toilet duck !!


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718a3e  No.15022381

File: ebe3211477740cc⋯.png (14.96 KB, 3b93797ec12006aa6d760aec80….png)

File: f8b94f3531d3bc8⋯.jpg (7.59 KB, deep44.jpg)

File: 4d93bbc762f50b0⋯.jpg (6.17 KB, hellfire44.jpg)


script test 2


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d7454d  No.15022382

File: b0b3ced27a1dd02⋯.gif (2.54 MB, faggot_gif.gif)


fuck off leaf you fucking moran

go and suck and toilet duck !!


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718a3e  No.15022383

File: ebe3211477740cc⋯.png (14.96 KB, 3b93797ec12006aa6d760aec80….png)

File: 4d93bbc762f50b0⋯.jpg (6.17 KB, hellfire44.jpg)


script test 2


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e8af13  No.15022384


She has an excellent point!

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d7454d  No.15022385

File: b0b3ced27a1dd02⋯.gif (2.54 MB, faggot_gif.gif)


fuck off leaf you fucking moran

go and suck and toilet duck !!


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62aff0  No.15022386


You just know Hills is still stewing that the Dems didn't use any/enough voter fraud to get her elected

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0386ed  No.15022387

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42fd45  No.15022388

File: 75fb01719defb98⋯.png (245.7 KB, 86272fb249c4ad59a8cdf04093….png)


Filter them, I did

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598b5c  No.15022389



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9b6374  No.15022391

BC State of Emergency

Text of article:

British Columbia's government declared a province-wide state of emergency effective noon PT Wednesday, Premier John Horgan said at a news conference.

The announcement comes after record-breaking rainfall caused major flooding and several mudslides that left hundreds of people in the Lower Mainland stranded or cut off from essential services.

According to the premier, the declaration will give the government greater flexibility to help keep goods moving, as major road closures have hampered the supply chain.

Thousands of people have been displaced from their homes and one woman was confirmed dead on Tuesday after a mudslide swept across a portion of B.C.'s Highway 99.

"We expect to confirm even more fatalities in the coming days," said Horgan.

Fraser Valley situation

Abbotsford city officials said at a separate news conference Wednesday that 184 people were rescued from the Sumas Prairie area overnight with support from the local police, fire and search and rescue teams.

Officials said another 300 people remained stranded as of 7:30 a.m., with the water level in the area at that time at approximately 3.5 metres. Higher-than-normal tides are due with a full moon expected Wednesday night.

Officials urged residents of the low-lying Sumas Prairie area to evacuate on Tuesday night due to the threat of widespread flooding. As of 9 p.m. Tuesday, the city had shut off water in the area.

At a news conference Tuesday night, city officials said a pump station was in imminent danger of failing. The Barrowtown Pump Station was the only thing keeping excess water flow from the Fraser River from entering the flooded area and was also in danger of being inundated with floodwaters flowing north from the Nooksack River in Washington state.

Following that announcement, city staff and volunteers from Abbotsford and neighbouring Chilliwack worked overnight to build a 25-metre dam to hold back rising waters coming in from across the U.S. border.

Abbotsford Mayor Henry Braun said Wednesday morning the dam has bought the city some much-needed time and protection.

He also reported there have been no deaths in the city so far as a result of flooding.

The University of the Fraser Valley in Abbotsford has cancelled classes for the rest of the week, and schools in Chilliwack and Hope are closed Wednesday.

RV dealership fire

The Abbotsford Police Department is warning of a large structural fire at an RV dealership in the area of Sumas Mountain Road and North Parallel Road.

As of 7:45 a.m. PT, according to officials, around 100 RVs are on fire out of about 500 on the lot.

Residents who remain in the area are being asked to stay indoors as the dangerous situation is being assessed and the smoke could be toxic.

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f26d9e  No.15022392

And just like that Handbrake was no longer in trending.

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42fd45  No.15022393

File: 75fb01719defb98⋯.png (245.7 KB, 86272fb249c4ad59a8cdf04093….png)


Filter them, I did

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ca8c2a  No.15022394


kek nice

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38ac7d  No.15022395


>collecting DNA samples

..and where did those samples go, I wonder?

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2512cb  No.15022396

My ballsack keeps sticking to my left thigh.

I could deal with that.

The problem is that my flanksteak is swinging starboard.

My pronouns are: Fuck You, Hippie

What do?

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9c9a75  No.15022397

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598b5c  No.15022398



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7f149a  No.15022400


yeah I just did

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f8feb0  No.15022401

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Austria Protest YT


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8df094  No.15022402


>3-month Presidential candidate


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fc38aa  No.15022403





















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99ba71  No.15022404




Media Integration Layer

Machine Intelligence Laboratory

Mensa International Ltd.

Missionary Institute London

Machine Interface Layer

Marine Industries Ltd.

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0671af  No.15022405

File: 32cdf99fbaf448c⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1637181091381.png)

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fe4d37  No.15022406




>shitty duplicate Engrish shitposts on a borked af board

All you can do is kek your ass off about it.

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d65336  No.15022407

"Rep. Paul Gosar censured and removed from House committees over violent video"

Published: Nov. 17, 2021 at 4:38 p.m. ET

Rep. Paul Gosar censured and removed from House committees overPAARODYvideo

Published: Nov. 17, 2021 with Anon correction of misleading headline

"The vote to censure Gosar, and also strip him of his committee assignments, was approved by a vote of 223-207, almost entirely along party lines."

"Republican Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy called the vote an “abuse of power” by Democrats to distract from national problems. He said of the censure, a “new standard will continue to be applied in the future,” a signal of potential ramifications for Democratic members in future Congresses."

"The decision to censure Gosar, one of the strongest punishments the House can dole out, was just the fourth in nearly 40 years — and just the latest example of the raw tensions that have roiled Congress since the 2020 election and the violent Capitol insurrection that followed."

"The resolution will remove Gosar from two committees: Natural Resources and the Oversight and Reform panel, on which Ocasio-Cortez also serves, limiting his ability to shape legislation and deliver for constituents. It states that depictions of violence can foment actual violence and jeopardize the safety of elected officials, citing the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol as an example.

Gosar becomes the 24th House member to be censured. Though it carries no practical effect, except to provide a historic footnote that marks a lawmaker’s career, it is the strongest punishment the House can issue short of expulsion, which requires a two-thirds vote."

Sauce/full article: https://www.marketwatch.com/story/rep-paul-gosar-censured-and-removed-from-house-committees-over-violent-video-01637185123?mod=mw_latestnews

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718a3e  No.15022408

File: 5a48d83e0a39e38⋯.gif (1.99 MB, AGM114.gif)

File: cb5d72003361f74⋯.jpg (3.09 KB, sun44.jpg)


script 2 cleared, multiple post with delay

script 1

test 2 .gif

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0671af  No.15022409

File: 32cdf99fbaf448c⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1637181091381.png)

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374790  No.15022410


She doesn't mention ELECTION RIGGING/FRAUD now does she

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7f149a  No.15022411


sweet, I hope they do more than walk in the street though

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39b352  No.15022412

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0671af  No.15022413

File: 32cdf99fbaf448c⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1637181091381.png)

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1a87b9  No.15022414

File: 05e2a863a8d1bd4⋯.jpeg (145.22 KB, C2FF3BCE_BD84_4D2A_B3D6_E….jpeg)

The Blizzard scandal is more interesting.

Blizzard’s CEO is in Jeffery Epstein’s Black Book.

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9b6374  No.15022415

File: 7e79c1a1081eb9c⋯.jpg (105.08 KB, 4zdovq.jpg)

Any pics working?

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8df094  No.15022416

Someone just got slammed into the pavement at the top of the courthouse steps.

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48b2f0  No.15022417

File: 05e2a863a8d1bd4⋯.jpeg (145.22 KB, C2FF3BCE_BD84_4D2A_B3D6_E….jpeg)

The Blizzard scandal is more interesting.

Blizzard’s CEO is in Jeffery Epstein’s Black Book.

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9b6374  No.15022418

File: 7e79c1a1081eb9c⋯.jpg (105.08 KB, 4zdovq.jpg)

Any pics working?

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1a87b9  No.15022419

File: 05e2a863a8d1bd4⋯.jpeg (145.22 KB, C2FF3BCE_BD84_4D2A_B3D6_E….jpeg)

The Blizzard scandal is more interesting.

Blizzard’s CEO is in Jeffery Epstein’s Black Book.

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0671af  No.15022420

File: 32cdf99fbaf448c⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1637181091381.png)

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0671af  No.15022421

File: 32cdf99fbaf448c⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1637181091381.png)

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718a3e  No.15022423

File: 0da971eac64f426⋯.jpeg (24.49 KB, OIP_47_.jpeg)


looks like script 1


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ca19bd  No.15022424


First I would like to ask; What makes you think no one is buying coffee and honey pots?

Second I would like to say; That God-damned is the bane of my existence. Ever since it showed up the lag time is ridiculous, updates take so long, its faster to leave and come back in than it is to wait, I hate that fucking ad…the best part of image fuckery is no fucking ad…

Those are my thoughts on profiting off of 8kun…

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d7454d  No.15022425


yeah board is a mess, putor is borked and engrish is going wong.


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0671af  No.15022426



and i had a really good one

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9b6374  No.15022427

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38ac7d  No.15022429

I’m not seeing any


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d679e5  No.15022430

The CABAL does NOT follow the LAW or Constitution…but WE have do, could be why we already lost…that's what they mean by Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming…

The NWO is Coming…and no is even trying to STOP it…If anyone is "trying to stop it"…please inform us as to who and what are they doing to STOP it…because truthfully, I'm not seeing it…

The closest we had was TRUMP and he blew it…he blew it big time!!!

But go ahead and try to convince everybody, go ahead and prove the NWO is going to be stopped without a shred of evidence…

At this point, I've lived my life…and will watch with glee watching everything burn to the fucking ground and I'll go away knowing that nobody could/would even try to stop it…we lost…bow down and kiss China and the NWO right in the old brown eye…kek…this should be enjoyable to watch…good luck…but if you were going to do something, you should have started about 5 years ago…so, now you're about 5 years to late and boy have they got a big jump on you guys…I can't help and my days of even trying to help were long ago…it's up to our youth to step up and have you seen our youth lately…kekking hard…good luck…

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598b5c  No.15022431


Joos in the Kitchen

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9c9a75  No.15022432

Pentagon didn't delay sending Guardsmen to Capitol on Jan. 6, report conflicts with Pelosi narrative

Inspector general debunks the narrative that the Pentagon failed to act on the day of the breach.

The Pentagon responded appropriately and in a timely fashion to urgent requests for National Guard assistance on the day of the Jan. 6 Capitol breach, according to a Defense Department inspector general report released Wednesday.

"We also determined that DoD officials did not delay or obstruct the DoD's response," reads the report.

The report runs counter to the narrative that was spun, in large part, by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who repeatedly claimed that the Pentagon delayed the dispatch of National Guard troops.

Miller told the John Solomon Reports podcast in an exclusive interview, after the report was released, that it "broke my heart" to see the military, which "responded really with alacrity and professionalism" just "get thrown under the bus by the politicians."

"I was so naive. I couldn't believe it," he also said. "When it comes to national security, I thought we're on the same team. I was really horrified that it had become so partisan."

The report additionally found that former acting Defense Secretary Chris Miller and former Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy acted reasonably in deploying an additional round of soldiers more than three hours after numerous calls for assistance were fielded from D.C. and federal officials.

Former Department Secretary Miller reacts to IG report

In March, then-Commanding General of the D.C. National Guard Maj. Gen. William Walker testified before the Senate that the Pentagon unnecessarily delayed its response to the request for assistance from the overpowered Capitol Police. Walker asserted that the Pentagon kept help from arriving for hours, when it might have arrived in minutes.

Walker was subsequently interviewed by the inspector general, but the report found no evidence to support the claim.


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48b2f0  No.15022433



Supporting tweet.

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f7b8b6  No.15022434

File: 2fd070c8da68ef3⋯.jpg (176.23 KB, StateAttorneyDay.jpg)

File: 33ad45947ab7988⋯.png (313.04 KB, Never_interrupt.png)

File: 6a6fda5e5b0c537⋯.jpg (104.86 KB, Bingersclub.jpg)

File: b9eb61f5f8db7f5⋯.png (116.11 KB, KyleTrial2_removebg_previe….png)

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bd0468  No.15022435


Well, you're a shill, so ….

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6ee2b0  No.15022436

>>15021517 PB

Anon had posted the tweet to this article, I'm adding the article to his post

Former Defense Sec Miller on IG's Jan. 6 report: 'Horrifying' for media to 'beat up' military

The former acting Pentagon chief said he was "gratified" that the inspector general was independent.

After being vindicated Wednesday by the Defense Department inspector general for his response to the Capitol riot, former acting Defense Secretary Chris Miller said the news media and politicians had unfairly criticized the Pentagon for how it deployed the National Guard during the Jan. 6 incident.

Miller told the John Solomon Reports podcast in an exclusive interview that it "broke my heart" to see the military, which "responded really with alacrity and professionalism," just "get thrown under the bus by the politicians."

"I was so naive," he said. "I couldn't believe it. When it comes to national security, I thought we're on the same team. I was really horrified that it had become so partisan."

The new IG report shows Miller and other Defense Department officials acted correctly, despite being scapegoated by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the media for an allegedly slow deployment.

"We also determined that DoD officials did not delay or obstruct the DoD's response," the report reads.

"I'm just so gratified that the inspector general was independent," said Miller, who ran the Defense Department as acting secretary under President Trump during the transition interval following the Nov. 3 election.

The critics thought they could "beat up on the Armed Forces and the Pentagon, because they can't fight back," said Miller.

"After relying on news sources growing up," Miller sees "how biased and incorrect" they are now that he was part of the story, he said, "and just the way they slant their coverage was horrifying to me. ... I think it's really troubling for America."

While the Pentagon knew it would have to get involved on Jan. 6, Miller said, if he had sent troops to the Capitol without being invited, "I would have been accused of launching a coup."

Sending in the Guard "isn't a video game," and he had to ensure the troops "were properly equipped, to make sure that things were coordinated with law enforcement," he explained.

"When you're in a huge fight, you just don't roll in," he added. "That's a recipe for disaster."


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fc38aa  No.15022437

File: e197f31fc89dbd6⋯.png (341.79 KB, pepe14.png)

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735f17  No.15022438


please don't call him POTUS. President Trump is POTUS. biden is the scum.

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fe4d37  No.15022440


Call FEMA.

They're the only ones on the Board Log today.

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d7454d  No.15022441


and yet you are here!!

go and join pantifa and help them






























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0386ed  No.15022442

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72d760  No.15022443



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9b6374  No.15022444

ANother state of emergency in BC article


Travel restrictions on flooded areas.

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9c9a75  No.15022445


Ya Mom called, she wants some more lovin

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0386ed  No.15022446

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


whoopi on board

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42fd45  No.15022447


do a post with both together

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fe4d37  No.15022448


Trip warning trips checked.

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67f14c  No.15022450

Shills everywhere!

We getting the band back together?

Good things happen when shills hover

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5239f2  No.15022451



I liked the original older episodes better.

Maybe that's why.

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9473a8  No.15022452

File: 1439f2cf0aee1b9⋯.jpg (69.02 KB, not_a_circus.jpg)

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6ee2b0  No.15022453

These DAs are in deep shit, lying before the court when there are a million techies out there that can refute his stupid ass excuse in a 1/2 second, is just stupid. Plus you know the Defense is going to check out that bullshit

Snakebite Patriot


Theonly time a file name changes when saved from one device to another, or downloaded from one device to another is:

1. If a file of same name exists, the name is prepended with ' (×)' before the file extension; 'x' is the number of copies duplicates.

2. User modified.

SCUBA MIKEDiving mask


· 2h

Unmitigated disaster. Face with tears of joyFire

ADA Krausse tries to send him self email to see if file name changes before Judge steps in and asks for competent testimony! Face with tears of joyFace with tears of joy


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9473a8  No.15022454

File: 1439f2cf0aee1b9⋯.jpg (69.02 KB, not_a_circus.jpg)

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7f149a  No.15022455


people are buying it, but if enough people were buying this board would not be in the shape it's in

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9c9a75  No.15022456


The vaccines haven’t worked the way our leaders told us they would. Now, they need to force them into our children. It’s a religious imperative for the left, in their new coronavirus death cult. The CEO of Pfizer is going around saying that people who question the official story on the vaccines are “criminals.” Karen Kingston joins Stew to discuss who the real criminals are, especially those involved in disabling and killing kids through vaccine trials.


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72d760  No.15022457


Plus you know the Defense is going to check out that bullshit

i flippin hope so

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ca19bd  No.15022458

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Some say the end is near

Some say we'll see Armageddon soon

I certainly hope we will

I sure could use a vacation from this

Bullshit three-ring

Circus sideshow of


Here in this hopeless fucking hole we call L.A.

The only way to fix it is to flush it all away

Any fucking time, any fucking day

Learn to swim, I'll see you down in Arizona bay

Fret for your figure and

Fret for your latte and

Fret for your lawsuit and

Fret for your hairpiece and

Fret for your Prozac and

Fret for your pilot and

Fret for your contract and

Fret for your car

It's a

Bullshit three-ring

Circus sideshow of


Here in this hopeless fucking hole we call L.A.

The only way to fix it is to flush it all away

Any fucking time, any fucking day

Learn to swim, I'll see you down in Arizona bay

Some say a comet will fall from the sky

Followed by meteor showers and tidal waves

Followed by fault lines that cannot sit still

Followed by millions of dumbfounded dipshits

And some say the end is near

Some say we'll see Armageddon soon

I certainly hope we will

I sure could use a vacation from this

Stupid shit, silly shit, stupid shit

One great big festering neon distraction

I've a suggestion to keep you all occupied

Learn to swim, learn to swim, learn to swim

'Cause Mom's gonna fix it all soon

Mom's comin' 'round to put it back the way it ought to be

Learn to swim, learn to swim

Learn to swim, learn to swim

Learn to swim, learn to swim

Learn to swim, learn to swim

Fuck L. Ron Hubbard and

Fuck all his clones

Fuck all these gun-toting

Hip gangster wannabes

Learn to swim, learn to swim

Learn to swim, learn to swim

Learn to swim, learn to swim

Learn to swim, learn to swim

Fuck retro anything

Fuck your tattoos

Fuck all you junkies and

Fuck your short memories

Learn to swim, learn to swim

Learn to swim, learn to swim

Learn to swim, learn to swim

Learn to swim, learn to swim

Yeah, fuck smiley glad-hands

With hidden agendas

Fuck these dysfunctional

Insecure actresses

Learn to swim, learn to swim

Learn to swim, learn to swim

Learn to swim, learn to swim

Learn to swim, learn to swim

'Cause I'm praying for rain

I'm praying for tidal waves