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Where bisexual means you don't like men

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File: 4501ba55e248ca3⋯.jpg (185.61 KB,1024x1024,1:1,enid.jpg)

 No.189239 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Because anime just doesn't do it for some of us that much anymore. Thanks to a few artists, this has become a pretty entertaining and growing demographic too (Bigdad's Pacifica Northwest comes to mind).

Western means anything that isn't from the Orient, obviously, so American/European/Russian/etc. all are fair game as long as they don't attempt to emulate the Eastern style to a T (Wakfu is a good example of a French show that dabbles in it but still retains it's own style). Video games also count.

Discuss good players/profiles, which specific characters are craved, what canons, in general, should receive more attention. Whatever, let's just fuck cartoons.

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File: 3db5329afa30f6d⋯.png (853.31 KB,740x843,740:843,unknown.png)

>tfw this


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mommy doesn't rhyme with dommy for nothin'

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i need IT.

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why don’t you become the mommy then?

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the same reason why there's five or six doms but they're all shitters

something something putting the effort into momdom could be a riot

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 No.211575 [Open thread]

Test test. Please delete this thread if it passes.

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Hell yeah I would.

I even would a non-drider, like these lovely gals.

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File: 9f6109c9a056ab2⋯.jpg (441.35 KB,600x834,100:139,4944618.jpg)

All of this makes me want to work on my Mothgirl profile.

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You won't do it, anon. Fuck off.

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File: 48c24c510ae3fd9⋯.jpg (374.07 KB,1000x700,10:7,1511982145305.jpg)



Sorry dude I like masculine manly driders.

I want a male drider rebelling against society to keep my young female drow character in his dark cave, tie her up with his own silk, and lay eggs in her. I want him to keep her around as entertainment or maybe as a pet, breeding plenty of smallish monstrous spiders to go out and live in the vast underdark.

I'd settle for "regular" sex without oviposition though too. I like the idea of drider maledom in general, especially if the girl is used to living in a matriarchal society. So getting overpowered, humiliated, and controlled by a male for the first time in her life is a fun dynamic.

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>How many of you degenerates would a spider/giant bug

Eh, I'm not "against" it per se, but my standards for non-mammals is super fucking high. I wouldn't fuck any in the thread so far.These two are maybes however.

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 No.150648 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Since the last thread was mysteriously vanished by some operative or corp, let's have a new try.

Cyberpunk thread!

What cyberpunk characters and scenarios would you like in your ERP?

>Cybernatic Queen - Iron Savior


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There is no problem with that in particular. I actually encourage this, and if we get more people interested in the system, that's great, because it makes it easier for me to find players.

I'm just incredibly fatalistic, and I left some things out. Like how most of the character pitches I saw used screenshots from said trailer for their "character art." I'm not worried about people coming to the system so much as I'm worried about a tidal wave of blandness inundating a game and genre that is at its core (to me at least), intensely individualistic.

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Of course they're going to be raw and clueless. Most of them are probably nervous as hell to even dive into a game. If you're playing gatekeeper, then you should go out of your way to guide them into a better place worthy of the community. Don't just point and tell them they're shit. The people who don't plan to stick around will drop out soon enough.

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That's a good point. I probably should chill out.

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Punk is dead as fuck but the trailer feels way more cyberpunk/dystopian then Deus Ex ever did. Everything looks rundown and shitty, a lot like how I pictured Neuromancer. Well, it's less chinese but otherwise yeah, pretty much how I pictured it.

It's even got some touches of Dredd which is nice.

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Good shit anon

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 No.203809 [Open thread]

How exactly does one go about roleplaying dates and stuff? I mean the cutesy, fluffy ones rather than the hardcore shindol drug-rapes.

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So going out and having sex is harder than writing about it? So is going out and going on dates. Besides, as I've said, it's not about realism. Real romance is shit compared to an idealized fantasy form of romance because it's exactly that, idealized. Am I saying that you should never go out on dates or anything because it's flawed? No, but what I'm saying is that romantic roleplay does have a place, it's not useless because it falls under the same justifications as every other roleplay.

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This is true. Even the bad parts of a relationship can be idealized when you're writing about it. There's no sudden jarring blow to your heart if you get dumped or cheated on like in real life. With writing you know it's coming and might even be excited to play through the turmoil to come out stronger in the end.

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This guy's got jokes

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>With writing you know it's coming and might even be excited to play through the turmoil to come out stronger in the end.

My best RP was an NTR that turned into a revenge game, ending with heavy ENF and mild ryona.

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Like how they do it in your japanese animes? I mean, is it really hard to come up with a non sexual scenario and play it out with your partner?

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 No.202470 [Open thread]

I'm gonna level with you guys, I'm dumb as all fuck, I lack creativity, and English isn't my mother tongue. I can't for the life of me come up with lewd words to use in a play with my partners and after a couple or so plays I start to fear they'll lose interest due to a lack of a vast, or at least competent, lexicon. Please halp me out.

>inb4 read a book!

yeah no books aren't raunchy enough in their wording for me to take notes…

I'd appreciate some alternatives that you guys may or may not use to expand my own grammar as well as any other person who's struggling. More specifically I need synonyms for cock, pussy, cum, the verb fucking, tits, etc. Any help would be appreciated.

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Did she femdom out of pity afterwards? Also, wouldn't that only be good for learning how to write vanilla stuff? I assume most of those books don't have too much kinky stuff in them.

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Dude asked for a thesaurus, not a style guide. If they just want words then there's lots of purple prose to harvest.

>Did she femdom out of pity afterwards?

No, don't be weird. She just sat there looking excruciatingly embarassed while I lectured her about information security and showed her how to cover her tracks. I'm just glad she's not reading the kind of stuff I was when I was her age.

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Turd cutter

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This. Compiling a list of obscene meat or pole-related words will only win you points with the obscene meatpole crowd. Reading good books and specifically *quality* erotica will take you much further and allow you to actually improve as a writer, not just as a dirty word dispenser.

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 No.173000 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

"The latest on the invasion of magic users, it seems our station is being targeted by a branch of the invasion. We've been barring doors and and moving sets to keep you up to date as we attempt to hold them off. As you can see here. . Uh, don't we still have the outdoor camera?"

The reporter stops to look around as people moving equipment surround her and move between her and the camera.

"Hey what's going on? they're held back enough for me to cover this update aren't we? Hey! Just a few minYEEE!"

The sound of the broadcast cuts out a moment after the microphone cable is yanked up between her legs, baring a bit of her backside as she tries to appeal to the crew. She's seen fighting to keep her microphone a few moments before the broadcast is replaced by a test pattern.


This is the latest thread of a lewd RPG about magical girls trying to stop a seductive magic user from taking control of Connection City.

Rules Document: (Still under construction as of this post)


Extended roleplay space/archive:


Characters list: (Player characters as of this post. NPCs may be added later.)


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Dice rollRolled 4 (1d6)

Enter the room, trailing some cord behind for an escape if needed: IPWS




Her cat-eared companion vanishes before a farewell can leave her mouth. And a glance at the com shows that she's already reached the others! Well they should be in good hands now. She hopes.

The door opens to a veritable five-and-a-half minute hallway, walls not even waiting for her to look away before shifting about. Holding on to the door she takes an experimental step, one foot in, one foot out. If only those ropes stayed with her, she could tie it to something to pull herself out of the twisting chamber.

The oar picks that exact moment to remind her of its presence, a spectral coil squeezing a gasp out of her "I thought I dropped you." Apparently that old thing didn't want to release her yet. "Well, just hold on a little longer, okay?" Stepping fully in she leaves the borrowed artifact on the other side, gently closing the door , a shimmering line just barely visible. Could this thing even understand her? The once ever-present ghosts were being awful shy for some reason.

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Dice rollRolled 6, 4, 5 = 15 (3d6)



With a strike, Nia seemingly cleaves the creature into two. Without is tentacles, she's sure it should be a quick fight. "Sorry, I heard something over the communicator and figured I could step in." She watches for a moment as Sylvie struggles with the coat, visibly shaking, though she's sure she has a good grip on it. Readying her poleaxe, she strikes, aiming to shatter the wood.

Finish off Galatea: Normal, Soul Weaponry, Indecency

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Dice rollRolled 3, 2 = 5 (2d6)




With the assistance of the jelly, aiding in both the slippery defilement of her outfit and her escape from the doll's clutches, Emilia tumbles to the floor, rolls, and takes a knee in what is almost certainly a lucky break rather than a clutch acrobatic maneuver. She's… gooey. Dripping with it on exposed skin. It makes her cleavage and her thighs glisten particularly attractively.

She feels very warm all of a sudden. It's kind of a weird warmth. Her heart flutters, and her whole body feels gross, but in a way that reminds her of a good workout or something. She looks up at Nia gratefully, and then at Sylvie…

…and doesn't really look away quite as fast as she did before. She peeks out of the corner of her widened eyes. "I'll, um, one second!" Her discomfort at being self-slimed momentarily put aside, Emilia fishes out a clean quarter, tosses it into the air, and starts battering at the tentacle coat, the multiplied coinage attacking from angles picked to avoid hitting Sylvie. She's got a look of concentration on her face the whole time, staring right at her.

That's weirdly hot, she thinks momentarily. But now's really not the time –!

Help Attack the Coat! Normal, Specialty

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Dice rollRolled 6, 5, 4, 5 = 20 (4d6)

Reverse exposure snowwoman







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File: 2aeef27c19be514⋯.png (6.18 KB,840x840,1:1,Floor3.png)

Throwing in an update, but after this the game is officially on hold until my situation is resolved. I'm not going to be completely out, just not going to have the time for proper game updates a while. (Well, I haven't for a while now, but now I'm officially putting off any effort to keep up)



Sylvie Manages to slip her way out of the myriad limbs as Ticking Tycoon moves in to attack, however the creature slips swiftly across the floor, grabbing at her heels to tug her off-balance and then catching her as she topples over. The limbs waste no time examining her by touch and finding the openings in her damaged clothes.

Sylvie has escaped.

Ticking Tycoon has been sexgrappled, strength 5


Electric Idol wanders for what feels far too long as she explores the room. The trail she tried to leave just adds to the confusing mess as it seems to be tugged around and wrapped around some turning objects. At very least the start of the string shows where she started from.


With some cracking and splintering, the doll falls to the ground. An arm and a leg fall off before it lies motionless.

Player Indecency corruption, addiction

Demonslayer Isabel 3* 4*,1

Electric Idol 3* 4*,2

Entranced 6

Grand Mirror 2* 1,2

Entranced 1

Sylvie's mark

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 No.36538 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Hello friends! I just stumbled onto this fine board today and after browsing through the catalog I didn't find any thread talking about roleplaying systems built for lewds. So here I am to rectify this issue. I'm gonna try to get all the systems I know of out of the way, but bear with me on this. I'm not gonna bring up the obvious ones like Book of Erotic fantasy or FATAL (mostly because it's weapons grade crap), but instead I'll try to share some of the more obscure resources I've stumbled upon in my long standing quest to find more ways to jerk off to numbers.

First up is an entry level book known as BUCK (Book of Unlawful Carnal Knowledge). It's for D&D 3.5 and is generally held to be pretty okay. On the site you can also find Pathfinder Vices which is a Pathfinder update and collection of rules from other sources meant for the Pathfinder system. http://carnal.orfinlir.de/

Next I'll share the excellent work of Fetysh, a very productive ERP'er and content producer. He's got a whole load of custom rules and classes for Pathfinder based on a modified version of the Pathfinder Vices ruleset. Here's a link to the forum post where he shared links to most of his work. http://forum.fenoxo.com/thread-9860.html

Now, enough with the D&D/PF and on to the rest of it. This system is called Rapture Academy, and it's pretty rape-y. If that's not your cup of tea than this system doesn't have a lot to offer honestly. Still perhaps worth a read though since it has a pretty interesting take on a lust system. Since the thing exists in internet wayback-machine limbo I have a copy of it on my google drive too. http://web.archive.org/web/20080420173947/http://markovia.com/index.php?title=Rapture_Academy


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I would have thought the most rules-lite system available would be the best for ERP.

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Me and a friend of mine are looking to play a naughty tabletop game online, and we need a GM. How central to the game naughtiness is, is still in the air, though we do definitely want actual game mechanics for battles and spells and stuff.

We're looking for traditional fantasy. Pathfinder would be optimal for us, but we're willing to deal with D&D or some sort of improvised, simpler game system.

We came up with some really fun characters for a campaign we applied for but were turned down. Basically, we wanna play a travelling cleric with a vow of nonviolence but who's totally ruthless and without qualms, and their somewhat naive bodyguard who has a big crush on their boss. We envisioned both characters as women (elf and human, respectively), but see below.

In terms of kink content, we're both big into all kinds corruptive and mind controlly stuff. Especially religious or culty in theme. Lovecraftian is an option. This means that actual sex in-session isn't necessary, as much as facilitating our fetishes in the themes of the game is. However, we obviously acknowledge that you guys have your own desires, so please come forward with your own ideas if you want more than just to facilitate our desires. Once we find someone who seems to be a promising candidate, we the three of us will brainstorm the details together to make sure everyone's on the same wavelength. You can see more of my type of stuff on my F-list: https://www.f-list.net/c/lurien/

Play would happen by text, probably on Discord. Roll20 is an option, if you wanna go through the trouble, or we can just slap something together for maps and die rolls and such. My friend is in an American timezone and I'm in a European one, so we'll have to figure something out in terms of that. Both our schedules are somewhat loose, thankfully. Adding more players than just us two is possible, if everyone agrees to it, but preferably no more than four players, total.

If anyone's interested, either send me a note on F-list or an e-mail to lurien at outlook dot com

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>and we need a GM

So does everyone else.

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Funny thing is, I could GM, and maybe I'll eventually end up doing it, but I wanna be a player for once. We liked our character ideas so much that we're set on looking if we can find someone else to do it.

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 No.181834 [Open thread]

So I have cuckolding set as a Favorite on my kink list, but I've only recently come to the conclusion that my degeneracy involving it has become too autistic.

I play a decent variety of pinks, and have that custom visible on nearly all of them. However, I don't RP too often and when I do I'm generally seeking something else out. The bigger issue is that it seems as though all of my cuckolding RPs from the past have subconsciously manifested into capitalizing on the more meta aspects of it rather than a preset scenario.

I noticed that now-a-days whenever I seek out an RP, it goes as usual where I look for some generalized rutting. I have a fixation more-so for Chad and DILF types, but as one might expect I get messages from people outside of those types.

Sometimes I'll get approached by males that aren't necessarily feminine, but don't have a particularly manly appearance for their character; average guys. That's where I noticed that my meta-cuckolding manifests. I show some slight interest under the idea that I might actually be interested in them if I'm in the right mood, and sometimes I am.

If those characters show signs of submission though, I tend to push it, and if my initial push works, then I go further. It eventually reaches a point where they love being teased, and after the first little session of idle non-penetrative rutting to orgasm, I end the initial interaction there.

Day two comes along though, and almost like clockwork they seem to message me back, where I'm never really in the mood to play the same thing out with someone for another day in a row, as I generally have trouble getting in the mood to begin with.

I make a little compromise though. A dice game, or any kind of gamble really. Either 50-50 odds, or if I seem to be able to get them to submit, then I have the odds more in my favor; or if they happen to be uneducated on how the F-List dice systems work, I might cheat them out of ever winning.

What's the gamble for? If they win, I'll fuck them. If they lose, I'm going to fuck someone else.Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

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Sent ya' a note!

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Webcam scenes are something that I'm very attracted to and even prefer more than normal scenes. I find the interaction of characters over a computer screen to be hotter than the alternative and it's the only kind of scene I really want to go out of my way to do. It's also even better with shitters that get suspiciously personal and into it

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Reminds me of this one weirdo who wanted to do a scene where we were just typing like we were texting back and forth. That was it. I think they were just incredibly lonely and wanted a girlfriend simulator.

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Has anyone actually ever RPed with Young Thug?

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Hmmm I guess the two most degenerate things I’ve ever done have been. 1.

My profile around CBT the idea of it sounds just horrible but it’s so unbelvsibly satisfying to tease people and have them tell me how I made tremendous make a mess irl. I normally only play on my CBT charcter every few months and new people always come to me so I don’t really have to bother looking for people to get off before indefinstly blue balling them. The other thing I like to do is beg people who are always subbmsive to ruin me on my switch charterers. Not sure what it is but subbing for a sub is more fun and degrading then it is for most done. Sadly most subs tend to be to week and unassertive to play such a thing out with me for reasoned that should be obvious . The few who I mange to get though has been some of the most fun I’ve ever had rping with even if I almost never see them after that or they get so clinging I need fk tell them to stop: block them

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 No.200000 [Open thread]

*teleports behind you*

*cuts your GET into a million pieces*

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File: 39da95c7e6510f2⋯.png (709.9 KB,1319x629,1319:629,Dark_Valkyrie.png)

File: dff3897b59231c1⋯.png (680.12 KB,1331x629,1331:629,Hakutaku.png)

File: 288793b7eb3691c⋯.png (784.3 KB,1331x629,1331:629,Liliraune.png)

File: 73d9f31b080cc05⋯.png (621.06 KB,1332x629,36:17,Mad_Hatter.png)

File: 39b551f9e81bb44⋯.png (739.25 KB,1327x629,1327:629,Shoggoth.png)

I'll be honest, I have a hard time finding things in the MGE I wouldn't love to fuck forever. These are some of the best though.

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I tried to play a pony-sized adolescent centaur but it seems like everyone wants to get fucked by centaurs rather than fuck them. SO GOES. I just thought it would be cute to play a filly captured by humans, put in a stall, brushed, shod, etc, eventually befriending some human man in the stables

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File: 34683bf4e139c9d⋯.png (312.65 KB,599x488,599:488,horse. pussy..png)


Jesus *FUCK* I love centaurs, but 9/10 of them on F-list are shemale. I just want some god damned horse pussy.

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File: 2319744dadb00ad⋯.jpg (188.3 KB,598x745,598:745,1458720566193893031.jpg)


This just makes me wanna make my stuttery, super shy, but ungodly nymphomaniac moth.

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I feel your pain, anon.

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File: eccae025e3b4cf6⋯.jpg (111.99 KB,780x585,4:3,HOLY SHIT I FUCKING LOVE W….jpg)

 No.139389 [Open thread]

Because why the hell not, right?

/storytiem/ is dead, other 'chans are shit and sometimes you don't get much play. Smut is just singleplayer ERP, after all. The log thread without the stigma of angering your partner. A more authoritarian orgy thread.

Post what you've written, post what you've enjoyed,

request scenes, post ideas, share thoughts and fuck hoes.

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Well, art can be helpful when you're doing something more abstract or escaping from the kinds of tropey stuff you can easily visualize. Doing a fantasy quest with Goblins or Dragons can be easier to lean heavily on words, but if everything looks like a HR Giger wet dream, you might need some pictures to help paint the picture.

Mind you moving too far into weirdo creativity will limit your audience when you're writing Quests.

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I have a couple of stories here: http://www.hentai-foundry.com/stories/user/Frocto

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dude if you can't describe it yourself you shouldn't be running a game

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They may not require art, and I'll agree that quests are not traditionally a visual medium, but there's a reason that artists are hired onto production teams. Both words and pictures are used to express concepts (obviously), but brevity is the soul of wit. A single, well-rendered image can expound upon thousands of intricate details and alien forms. Imagine only reading about Giger's titular 'Alien' without his incredible industrial design work being showcased. It'd be completely inadequate. Hell, take Lovecraft's description of Cthulhu:

>"A monster of vaguely anthropoid outline, but with an octopus-like head whose face was a mass of feelers, a scaly, rubbery-looking body, prodigious claws on hind and fore feet, and long, narrow wings behind."

It sounds almost utterly mundane. Almost like a fuckin' OC donut steel ripoff of Davy Jones from Pirates of the Carribean with wings. We know there's a gargantuan difference between them because of the common artistic representation. Lovecraft's verbiage may have helped to distinguish it from anything vaguely humanoid, but representational art gives a shared idea of the subject. Different minds may have different interpretations of concepts, but art helps to give a shared idea of the subject and situation.

I shouldn't have to tell you how potentially useful that is in a given Quest that might be focused around things that might be bizarre and alien to the audience's minds.

As for >>198616 up there, git gud and keep drawing faggots.

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the example you gave there was just really shitty

if your monster sounds absurd when described, then it is either absurd or you are describing it poorly and you need to rethink your writing and your scene.

if you have a monster with a lot of confusing traits, reveal it slowly so you don't have to dump all the info on people at once.

if it's critical for everyone to be on the same page with the design you have in mind, then simplify your designs.

work with what you have. if you don't have art, work around that.

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File: 2224bffe770e4c9⋯.png (13.87 KB,673x94,673:94,BBC BTFO.png)

 No.196001 [Open thread]


>Going forward from here on out users will no longer be allowed to have racial slurs in their profile names.

Ayyy lmao, BBC BTFO

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File: 1799be93764a2ec⋯.jpg (62.6 KB,588x559,588:559,Kaz 'The Number One Author….jpg)


>/ignore every nigger

Why stop there?

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ERP has some use after all.

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As the player of Fucked to Death, I feel targeted.

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I thought they had been deleted for a long time now.

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But I like being called knife ear.

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File: d341ef2aa6c53cd⋯.jpg (79 KB,1280x720,16:9,itazura-na-kiss-24-large-e….jpg)

 No.168399 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

I've found that, maybe moreso than any other niche, a proper multi-session RP that focuses on playing out the development of romantic affections between characters is really hard to find. I lost my interest in pure typefucking years ago and now the only lewd stuff I really enjoy is something with a lot of rich emotional stuff going on with it, so that's basically all I shoot for on any of my characters.

Anyone else feel this way? What sort of partners do you go for? Do you just go for the initial courtship, or do you also try to play out them starting a family together? What's your favorite part of these RPs? Had much success with finding partners? What do you think is your motive for really wanting to RP this?

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File: a21d266499fbedc⋯.png (552.03 KB,847x1598,847:1598,b167b34e221cde9b90ab7995e5….png)


Wow, I never thought that in the ocean of shitposts I produce here that someone would have found something useful in it. Now my day is slightly better.

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>Tfw no hazmat gf to trap inside a tentacle ball and break the glass visor with my tongue just so I can kiss her

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>Tfw no gf to scare by bursting out of a dead soldier body with a explosion of viscera.

>Tfw no gf to drag into the air vents and cover her with warm slime

>Tfw no gf to drag the corners of my mouth and reveal the rows of sharp teeth

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these are the only posts in this thread that made me go "aww"

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>Tfw no gf to enrage me with a dot laser till I carve a hole in a wall with an acid spit

>Tfw no gf to bring me to a cosplay con and have everyone take a photo with me

>Tfw no gf to pull my long tongue

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File: 782ce1bdbd07f11⋯.jpg (44.97 KB,578x600,289:300,05b987ac885ad655c2f91f1f0b….jpg)

 No.146946 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Not a bitching thread, just shit that kills the mood for you personally

>partner mentions scenes they've had with other people ICly

I don't get why this is such a common occurrence. Do people actually think you wanna hear "Hey, I've had other dicks in me!" while you're trying to get off? Or am I the asshole here? I mean I've never actually ended a scene because this happen but it really takes some of the wind out of my sails.

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Who's this character.

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Looks like the scout boy from Stand Still Stay Silent.

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Taking 2 hours confirming you want to start the erp with a guy that went out of their way to add you.

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Oh man, clicking "add friend" was SUPER hard for you to do.

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I understand your point with that anon but anyone who takes forever to start/plan rp needs to die.

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File: a5f2fdb3886dc10⋯.jpg (74.86 KB,521x559,521:559,45b8a3a2209aa37a87e9fc5395….jpg)

 No.173565 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Old thread hit cap, let's start this over again.

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Thanks. I'm not sure if you're being sarcastic but I'll assume you're being nice.

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Voila, made the inline smaller, put the backstory into a collapse and marked which part is the summary. Thanks folks, you really helped.

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much better but the images themselves are still too fuck-off huge

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Weird considering they're 600 pixels wide. I could probably create a transparent border around them to make them smaller.

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Well I was gonna fuck your brains out, but I don't think there's anything left up there.

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File: 145a5534c18aaea⋯.png (1018.72 KB,1218x938,87:67,b816d0bc549408b6142187a424….png)

 No.138959 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

These threads used to be popular and a lot of fun. As someone who played in them myself many times, I am sad to see them dead. So, I propose a reboot, with combining it with a few other elements from other attempted threads and adding a few more suggestions too.

First up, don't be afraid to make an intro as any gender. An appealing male set-up could be just what someone's looking for.

Second, include a few OOC details in spoilers - what genders you'd be happy getting replies from, where you're hoping it might go, etc. Tags wouldn't be unwelcome either, and maybe even a contact address of some form if you're willing to play the scene out elsewhere.

Third, don't be afraid to old intros. It's entirely possible the original poster is still hanging around.

Finally, if you want to play, but don't like any of the intros and don't think you could do one yourself, then make a request for something. You never know which kind anons might help you out - I know there are people hanging around on this board who get off on knowing they're helping people out with specific kinks and such.

So basically, it's like the orgy threads, an idea thread and a request thread all rolled into one. Could end up as a total clusterfuck, but ah well, it's worth a try. Let the slutting and fucking commence.

tl;dr: Everybody fuck.

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File: dc3277f221ee782⋯.jpg (708.18 KB,847x1200,847:1200,6cd677505a4a5fbdee33490c6a….jpg)

"Mistress, I really don't think this is a good idea," Marie warned her young charge as they sat down at a table in the 'lounge'. "We're breaking the law with your age, for starters. And I'm not sure most of the men here are going to be all that… savoury."

"Nonsense," Kathryn said dismissively with a wave of her hand. "I'm at the age of consent, that's good enough. I'm confident I can handle anyone who comes our way. And if things get a little much, well, you'll be my knight in shining armour, won't you?"

"…Fiiiiiiiine." Marie pouted as she sat down, still not entirely comfortable with the situation.

Kathryn had always been a precocious young woman. Born into an immeasurably rich household and gifted academically, she always found herself seeking things that were perhaps a little more mature than her. Marie, the young lady's loyal retainer and personal handmaid, also happened to be a closet pervert. Despite an age difference of about 5 years, the two girls had become very close and brought out both the best and worst in each other. Marie's backside was still sore from two nights ago, when Kathryn had gotten excited about her plans to come here…

The two girls looked out across the room, both of them quietly observing and enjoying the sounds and sights of couples and groups sucking, fucking, grinding, licking and moaning. Kathryn sniffed the air, salivating at the smell of sex and sweat all around. Now they just had to wait for a man, or maybe even men, to approach.

"Ah… I can't wait to finally taste a dick~" Kathryn said to her maid.

Marie sighed. "Jeez… I've really been an awful influence, haven't I?"

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File: b1c8e39d9d0d14f⋯.png (221.52 KB,576x720,4:5,mentor_and_mentee.png)


"Right, here we are Mr. Smithson. Cuties as far as the eye can see" *An enthusiastic voice could be heard coming from outside and before long the source revealed itself to be that of a youngster who perhaps was around 20, give or take 2 years and behind him, a white collar worker who seemed to be twice his age if not older followed.*

"Mind you Harry, if this turns out to be like that time you dragged me into the Dragon Den, then I'll shove this umbrella so far up your arse, that you'll always be in cover."

"Kinky Mr. Smithson."

*The older man simple grumbled in reply, though there was a slight hint of an amused smile in his expression, revealing a longer story between the two, but for this moment then all that mattered was what the younger one had noticed, drawing attention to it by elbowing the older one in the side with his left arm, while his right hand pointed toward a pair of girls.*

"Now that's rare, an actual genuine apron-and-headress maid."

"And a girl young enough to be my daughter."

"The best ones to make you feel young again, aren't they?"

"I'm not that old!"

"Right, unlike that bitch taking half your pay and not letting you see your own kid. Fuck her. Actually, no don't fuck her. Fuck someone better. Show me how it's done sempai."

"Sempai? Is this one of your japanese cartoon term?"



*The pair had approached the noble daughter and the maid during the back and forth and with the older one leading the way, showing that even if he hadn't admitted it, then he did very much approve of what Harry had picked out for them and as they got closer, the older ones body language seemed to grow more confident, his chest pushed out, his back straightened up, his head held high, emphasizing his height. Whatever doubt he might have had either gone, or simple locked away with an experienced white collar workers stoicism, his thought instead replaced with consideration for how he should open the negotiation so to speakPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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Whoops, used the wrong coding for italicizing the relevant text. I'll in any case look forward to your reply anon.

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Kathryn and Marie watched the pair of men approach, the maid a little nervous and a little excited, whilst the younger girl was both a little more nervous and a little more excited. Kathryn grinned as the elder of the two men sat down opposite them. Marie kept a stoic and professional expression on her face, until Kathryn answered, "My maid wants to fuck too!"

Marie couldn't help stumbling as she heard such a bold proclamation on her behalf, her expression faltering as she turned back to glare at the young lady. "Mistress!" She cried out, before quietening herself. "Please, might we execute a little more class? I know you like to loosen your tongue when you're away from more conservative environments, but I'm sure these gentlemen would appreciate a more modest approach."

Kathryn shook her head and raised her hands in a shrug, a smile on her face as she did, turning to address the two men. "Please, don't mind my coy friend here, she's just doing her job. She seems to be under the impression that you handsome boys are here for something other than some fun crude fun. And I must say, I'm definitely looking forward to having lots of fun with you both." Her tone was playful, elbows on the table as she rested her chin on her hands, offering a teasing little giggle.

Marie sighed. Despite her young age, Kathryn had always been overbearingly confident, enough to get her into trouble at times. "Yes, well… Please take care of us then," she said, bowing her head towards the men. She wanted to be into the whole thing, but worrying about Kathryn was taking her out of it.

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Both men was stunned by surprise for a moment by the younger ones outburst, though they had recovered by the time Kathryn had started bowing, at which point the older one of the men bursted out in laughter. "You're right, it is like being young again." "Told ya this place is the best"

The two would had continued their banter, were it not for the older one focusing his attention on the noble daughter, his lower arm crossed on the table along with his elbow resting on the surface, so he could use his arms for support, as he leaned slightly forward, lowering his face closer to Kathryn's level.

"Smithson. My young friend here is Harry and I can assure both of you that we're not here for anything that you aren't" "Yeah. Mr. Smithson here is a real old school gentleman. Practically British!"

The older man's gesturing toward himself and his younger friend was almost followed by a sigh, only suppressed because he kept his eyes on the goal.

"Still, if your maid is so worried, then she can be your cup-bearer and crawl under the table to make sure there's nothing too dangerous for you down there, while you introduce yourself."

Visible bulges would be apparent under the table to anyone who crawled under there, aroused as they already where by the sight and sound of fucking already in progress. The younger ones larger than the older, though it was hard to tell if it's because he actually was larger or simple more easily excited.

"And don't worry, I won't forget about ya" The younger one reassured, pushing himself and his seat slightly back from the table, to indicate that he would make sure to watch what ever happened below deck and not make the maid feel overlooked

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