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/erp/ - Erotic Roleplay

Where bisexual means you don't like men

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 No.164162 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

previous thread: >>70496

Have you ever done anything erp related that made you feel dirty and ashamed? This is a sanctuary for all to divulge the typefuck sins they have committed in the past

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Lesbians have put me off from ever wanting to make one of my women bi or gay.

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File: eb7f2feba2d3e46⋯.jpg (31.12 KB,550x550,1:1,flat_550x550_075_f.jpg)

I keep sussing out who's on the other side of everything and get weird about people cross playing since I'm picky about chatfucking cunnilingus when I can just go for their ass or suck a cock that they'd actually understand the feelings of.

So I push them to just play themselves.

And their name goes orange in a month.

Am I doing bad or good?

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I had a really traumatic experience a while back and ever since then I've really been really into sadism and have been roleplaying it often. I roleplay grooming, trafficking, snuffing, rape, torture and all this stuff I never used to be into. It's not even the sex part that's important and I can play it without anything specifically sexual, it's the misery I imagine the girl/woman going through. And the more realistic/believable I play it out, the more I enjoy it. I don't want to like it, but I do.

Sometimes I'll feel guilty about it, I'm not sure if the other people that I roleplay it with feel guilty about it or if it's different for them, being on the receiving end and all. Going by the write ups in "No" every third loli profile has about cringe people messaging them with IRL stuff like "haha, I like my neighbor's daughter", I'm guessing a lot of the dominant blues out there into this are bona fide sociopaths blurring OOC and IC. Which thankfully puts me at a level above them in terms of dealing with this drive.

I'm not sure if this sort of thing is going away, but it's been a while and it seems to be an irrevocable part of my sexuality now. I'm just thankful it's something easily controlled IRL and regulated to fantasy. I'm not really looking for advice about it, excuse me if this is the wrong thread for something like this, all the posts I've read here hitherto are lighthearted and fun. I just felt like posting it because it's not something that can be expressed often and I refuse to be one of those cringe fucks that brings it up with my roleplay partner.

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It's okay anon. Let it all out. Lots of sane people are into crazy stuff, but won't do them in real life.

Can't say I can relate though. Growing up, I was molested, but I have no intention of roleplaying stuff like that..

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A few girls have come to me with confessions that they were molested or ogled when they were young and were now acting on or reliving those experiences in our ERP scenes. Can't say the idea doesn't turn me on, but I've never asked for OOC/IRL information.

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 No.281363 [Open thread]

>know a few females IRL who ERP

>all of them are into super vore

why is this a common theme

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I know two female porn artists.

One is a super fucking weirdo into child snuff and rape.

The other is a ultra puritan who's all about romance and love and vehemently rejects furries and extreme fetishism.

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>porn artist


I really would like people to stop using this fucking word, especially in a derogatory meaning.

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So she supports a death penalty for masturbation? Quite a stance for a porn artist.

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Or, uh, less fucked up as it were.

And in many cases, less fat.

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 No.119250 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Reposting since the old thread got bombarded in spam

Feel free to post your """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""loyal""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" waifu and discuss what about NTR gets you off since I know NTR is a pretty complex fetish and we all go abou the fetish in different ways, it seems like.

Post your f-list

Post some doujin pages, post anything NTR related

We need to come together as a community!

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Any decent NTR discord servers?

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Me again, found one. Halfchan's /ntr/ is good.


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File: 30f19199fe068fa⋯.jpg (292.8 KB,840x1200,7:10,[F.O.F (Yukowa(kari)] Aka ….jpg)

I'm not opposed to NTR, but I've wanted consensual M/M + F cuckqueaning for awhile. It just seems interesting to have a scene where a slightly unhinged fujoshi manipulates her boyfriend into having sex with other men for her enjoyment. My dedicated characters usually go down the drain or end up being used for other stuff because yaoi that doesn't involve traps is way less lucrative than the "apex (fe)male" undertones of het.

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File: 70fcc0cca1844ab⋯.jpg (122.55 KB,1100x1100,1:1,1557443805581.jpg)


Need new invite please.

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I need one too!

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 No.281617 [Open thread]

I haven't seen any for a good while, and all of the old ones are dead. Should I make a new 8ch ERP discord, or is it a moot idea?

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File: fb75cd59fb8dbcc⋯.jpg (1.46 MB,1500x2000,3:4,17966970.jpg)

All of the previous discord servers were some varying amount of terrible, so I don't think it's that good of an idea.

We should be getting people to use the board, not stowing them away in discords.

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This, there's no sense taking what precious little activity we have and pushing it somewhere else, let alone somewhere with identities that risk reviving the cult of personality bullshit that made this place so egregious in 8ch's final hours even if it's not necessarily the same people.

From what I remember of the original(? the one that traded hands from someone with a 2B cosplay icon to Sable) board-wide Discord as it was the only one I remember, there was nothing OOC going on there that's not just as easily done here. IC is a little messier and more subjective but I'm sure it applies there too 2k character limit notwithstanding, unless you have something going on that requires a server's organization.

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 No.138172 [Open thread]

I hate having this fetish. There are a lot of shitters who are into feet that just spam you cringe messages, but there are some decent players out there too.

So what do you think about feet?

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This thread also deserves to be revived. I think my fetish for feet are a little different. For me, I like touching/massaging, using the feet for teasing, and "acknowledging" of the feet- in the sense of "x's feet dug into the warm sand." However, I don't really care for smelling them.

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cute human girl feet are nice and all but what about smelly troll girl feet?

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>don't really like feet in and of themselves

>like the femdom aspect of a women getting me off with her feet


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Congratulations. You are part of the 90% of submissive males that ever existed.

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 No.67979 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Post your ERP success stories

>used to scene all the time

>havent really done much for a while out of general disinterest and no real partners I connect with

>find someone with the right kinks and character

>start doing stuff to him

>his poses are kinda short, keep giving him my longer poses in hopes that it encourages him to do better (I seriously cant do short poses anymore really, theres too much I want to do and describe)

>it works, his poses gradually get longer

>have scene after scene with making him by fuckpet

>scene for hours every day

>cock sore and I feel physically exhausted from the sheer amount of fapping

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Not on f-list.

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>Play as a big, strong man with a short, qt male

>Flirting with him turns him into a blushing, flustered mess

>Treat him like a good boqy until he creams himself

Life is good.

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>find profile that seems interesting

>OC with very nice art, the person seems to be a somewhat well-known artist who's fucking excellent at anatomy and facial structure

>really extreme kinks like regen, torture, snuff, monsters

>does commissions and sometimes does f-list commissions with like, profile layout?

>decide to approach since they've been on my bookmark list a long time and it's the first time I've seen them on F-list

>not only are they already aware of my profile, they've been obsessed with one of my characters for the longest time

>click amazingly OOC and IC

>have an extremely long RP

>they start drawing art referencing our RP and inspired by our RP

>now only RP with me and aren't interested in other people

>always very eager to RP but smart enough and nice enough to not become a clingy whiny shit

>willing to let me do my craziest fucked up shit to them and love it

It's been one of the best experiences in my time on F-list.

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>now only RP with me and aren't interested in other people

p a n i c

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No, it's been a month or two now and they're still not clingy/still cool OOC

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 No.280658 [Open thread]

Hello, all. Since apparently no one else wanted it, and Ashura hasn't been seen in forever, I am the new board owner.

First thing's first, I've gone through the report queue already - there was a whopping 9 reports since the board came back online, though I get the feeling some might've been dropping by the system here and there and others have been taken care of by global staff already. I'm going to be deleting all the obvious spam, select other threads that have only had 1 or 2 replies since being opened, and then everything past the fourth page with the exception of the logs thread. This is mostly to refresh the board, as it were, so anyone interested can open topics anew.

As far as rules go, I want to keep it as limited as possible. Global rules apply, naturally. I won't be banning the bitching threads, but they should be kept to one thread at a time for all general venting - the bitching thread and the cringe thread can be merged, for example. We don't want to create another circlejerk, so names should be used for roleplaying and participation in/running of games only.

Though the board is called /erp/, it doesn't necessarily have to be just that. I think most people understand that already, but once things have settled I'll be making a stickied welcome post outlining the face that we welcome writing in general, as well as games played and shared with other board users. The welcome post will also note the guidelines and rules listed above. Once that sticky goes live, I'll be deleting the other two meta stickies and unpinning the general tips thread.

I'm going to leave this thread up with everything else for a few days before I start tidying things up. Please feel free to leave any questions, comments, feeback, etc here. None of what I've said so far is set in stone. I may not respond to things immediately - it's a slow-moving board, so I'll just be checking in every now and then over the next few days.

To be clear, I'm not here to implement sweeping changes, nor am I expecting a huge resurgence in activity. I am here for housekeeping, first and foremost. If you want to see new life in the board, that's on you. Play on the bPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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You know, I don't normally like playing as canon characters, but Erika is one I would actually consider playing as.


What >>280671 said, basically. If anything changes and it suddenly does get busy enough to justify needing an extra pair of hands then I'll ask for volunteers, but I'm not holding my breath on that front. I appreciate the offer though.

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I don't know who or what this character is, but I want to take care of her and whisper sweet nothings into ears.

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Erika from Umineko no Naku Koro ni/When They Cry, an 80 hour wild ride VN about murder mysteries and witches.

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File: 0d9c2774fe32124⋯.jpg (120.4 KB,850x1110,85:111,sample_8d05386116b76cea2dd….jpg)

Hey, BO. Have you thought about getting a board setup on 8Chan moe? Several fetish boards like cuteboys and gts have already moved over and are getting more traffic than their 8kun equivalents.

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 No.279460 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Hi anon-kun, you wanted to see me?

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Of course.

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File: 4b1187090fe4879⋯.png (158.94 KB,303x310,303:310,you're a big guy.PNG)


You're a big guy.

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File: f7610b83795fd16⋯.webm (6.79 MB,450x360,5:4,big guys.webm)


Just for you, bby.

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I have fond memories of this thread… ahhh what a shame the flow got disrupted when octochan got shutdown. I really miss the anon that created this thread.

I was the third addition… nostalgia… <3 I hope you're doing well anon.

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I am a naked man chasing after you

you notice that my room is filled with tools for dentistry and operations

you hope i don't strap you down to the dentist chair, force your jaw open while squatting over your face to shit in your mouth

I do just that

you leave disgusted and with a terrible taste of shit in your mouth that will take maybe a week to wash out, but a lifetime to forget

I smirk in knowing that there will always be some residue of my filthy shit inside your body that you'll never be able to cleanse. thus you are dirty forever

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 No.281447 [Open thread]

Anyone here up for it? Add BossBoomie if you’re interested.

ERPing in VR can be quite exciting from what I’ve experienced.

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How do you even erp in vrchat? Do you speak to each other and shit?

I don't mind the thought of a dude being on the other side of the screen when typefucking, but hearing some faggot's nasal voice can be a real cringe.

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I just RP with femboys so it doesn’t bug me.

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Has science gone too far?

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File: bc2a4683b85a635⋯.jpg (192.24 KB,1000x995,200:199,shia.jpg)

 No.90528 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Post your """"""pure"""""" waifu and watch other anons take turns using her.

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The only fix is to do it so much that it burns out and loses the spark that made it exciting

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>tfw jealous of the guys that get to watch you steal the one they wanted

My existence is worthless for getting off on this kind of thing

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Maybe but right now I just have this unrelenting urge to fuck some peoples waifus.

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You might like this NTR discord https://discord.com/invite/CnJ5bCM

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 No.280951 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

It's real faggot hours gentlemen.

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You really shouldn't be surprised that shotaplay is full of pedos. I know anons love to bang on about how "it's just a cartoon!" but that's not true for a lot of people.

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File: 01b12dc0159b7fe⋯.png (564.15 KB,758x677,758:677,ED_209.png)

Opinions on super unconventional boys?

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Sorry, second Anon here, I don't think I articulated myself very well - I'm not surprised by the presence of IRL pedos. I'm annoyed by shotas (seemingly) being the archetype to take the apex dominant torch from BBCs, which results in people calling their partners(' characters) pedos/advertising for "pedos"/building their whole character identity around being "pedobait" because without a snowbunny equivalent they're nothing.

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What have you anons into males been up to? What are you currently looking for?

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Femboys are bootleg males.

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 No.278547 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Which canon characters are you looking for when it comes to ERP?

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What are you gunning for?

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something fire emblem

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More Haruhi is always welcome

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Inori Yuzuriha from Guilty Crown

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File: 013fedb866df879⋯.png (48.98 KB,600x426,100:71,three-protagonists.png)

 No.280525 [Open thread]

Post characters you want to fuck.


I'm a sucker for shamelessly slutty profiles like this.

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>that no list


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t. seething vorefag

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t.desperate and pining for the approval of sharks

you might even be one and if so kill yourself

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File: 6576fb8c317ce91⋯.jpg (268.44 KB,579x579,1:1,0d32e452c12ebe76623ddab14d….jpg)

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File: 346eeb8bddb153d⋯.png (467.4 KB,420x420,1:1,9e7d685469ec76c06b02d939c0….png)

File: fcaed405730286f⋯.jpg (104.96 KB,1280x660,64:33,k8twmjm.jpg)

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 No.150981 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

ITT: Overused images that are always used by shitty players

121 posts and 72 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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I will never understand the hyper masculine shemale thing. I just don't understand the appeal in having women just be men with tits.

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I genuinely believe it's due to bi guys and bi artists who unironically think they're straight.

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As if it's something bad

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Fetishes are fetishes, man. They don't have to work in any particular sensible way, they are just what they are.

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File: 779a30c71d9e992⋯.png (646.18 KB,848x1200,53:75,1a226a8f1391efbcbc26b9ae22….png)

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Possibly the shittiest art I've seen in awhile

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File: 7cb06916657803c⋯.png (290.27 KB,651x600,217:200,fedoras_and_fedora_accesso….png)

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 No.279623 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Let's have a thread where we can have random roleplays. "Rules" and stuff:

>Request the kind of RP you want to do.

>Another anon will agree to it.

>Do any required kink discussion, if you have to.

>Actually do the rp in this thread.

>If you don't want to continue the rp session you had set up with another, but would still like to see it continued, "release" your spot so that another person could take your place.

>Please don't take another participants place unless that participant has given up their spot.

>Maybe spoiler extreme stuff like gore, vore, and toilet stuff.

>Have fun, I guess.

143 posts and 41 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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>The girl covered her ears as the gun fired, ringing out loudly and making her grit her teeth. Despite actually having asked for this, that didn't mean she was about to just do as she was told without at least some sass.

Hmph. Yes, "ma'am"…

>Her twin-tailed hair and well-kept school uniform gave the illusion of class and sophistication, but that was quickly smashed by the appearance of lady underwear hiding beneath her skirt as she lowered herself down to her knees and leaned forwards, bending over onto all fours. She was undoubtedly a pervert, despite any protestations she might give.

…Don't you dare be rough. You can't be rough with a lady.

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Fuck, pretend those spoilers are bold

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File: d7c45b4df15c10f⋯.png (2.21 MB,1023x1080,341:360,88f3dc2a878ab574e81d642098….png)


Ladies don't get shot at.

>The fox nears. Her presence is… impressive; even when they stood head to head, the fox was at least half a head taller. Such are the perks of canines, even petite foxes. The girl feels the cold barrel pressing against the nape of her neck. The fox's got a pretty shaky grip.


>The barrel digs in painfully as she guides the girl on down to the ground. There's some shuffling from behind as the fox's jeans fold away and she presses her weight against the school girl's behind. She's obviously packing, as her mostly exposed rear is met with a quite hot and throbbing bulge, heavy and grinding.

I said down!

>It's not even a few seconds before the schoolgirl feels soft paw-hands pressing her head down, sharp claws digging into her scalp as the fox drives her cheek against the ground. Even as she pulls her hand away to slip aside both their underwear, her gun digs harshly against the girl's head, keeping her down.

You humans should learn how to sit.

>She says sharply over another snarl. The fox steps just a little closer, close enough for her paws – wearing nothing but toe-less socks, as would be usual for canines – to press against the girl's knees. At first, the girl feels a… stickiness against her now exposed pussy. Hot and throbbing, it feels a lot more thick and bulbous than expected as it presses down against her. It's shivering, too.

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File: d9e1abb928dc46d⋯.jpg (210.38 KB,600x700,6:7,e6ca4092c2c1d2f162529463dd….jpg)


Well, I'm not actually being shot at, am I?

>Ever the smartass. She just couldn't help herself. And she couldn't help feeling aroused as the fox pushed her down, first with the barrel of the gun, then with her heavy hand.

Alright, alright! I'm down! Nnnghh…

>She shuddered with her cheek pressed down against the pavement, her panties dampening slightly against the hot package that teased her through their clothes. Fuck… It felt big. She wanted to see it.

Tch. You're starting to piss me off. Can't you just accept that us humans are better than you, in every way? Resorting to rape because you can't seduce a human woman any other way… pathetic!

>She gasped as her underwear was pulled to the side and she felt the fox's throbbing, sticky tip pressing up against her cunt. Oooooh, fuck… Yeah, this was going to be big. Was she going to be able to take it all? She hoped not… She wanted it to hurt!

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File: c81d0c405d85c57⋯.jpg (80.55 KB,905x1280,181:256,7d7c31ad068f4fb62a8f375adc….jpg)


Nobody likes a whiner.

>With only half a snarl, she smacks the human over the back of the head, though it's a fairly soft one as the fox's far more busy pulling away to align herself.

Mm. Sure.

>What follows is a hot, leaking tip pressed into the girl's lips as the fox's paw takes grip of her ass. It feels… underwhelming. Then, the fox thrusts. Plaster scatters as her paws brace against the ground and she lifts the human just through the force of her insertion, forcing her to arch her back further as she bottoms out in one fell swoop.

>At first, she doesn't feel all too big. In fact, she's quite scrawny as her pointed tip smoothly pulls apart the girl's lips as if they were satin curtains, lubricated under her own pre. But what might be dismayed surprise soon turns to pain as her cock spreads her apart, her sharp tip turning out to be a severe taper. Within a moment's notice, her lips ache under the girth and the fox's tickling against her cervix – but she hasn't finished yet.


>The fox leans forward, slowly winding one of the girl's curly twintails between her softly thick fingers. The human can take in just the sheer size of the fox as she pulls the other around another finger, testing both with light tugs. She pulls back out, pulls on the girl's twintails and then braces one more time–

>Pop. The poor girl can feel it shake her entire body as the fox plunges her thick knot inside her, cradled by her overstretched lips. Her tip has parked itself painfully through the cervix, and with every throb she brings a great jolt of pain as she forcibly expands that tight ring. Her fuzzy balls rest against the girl's inner thighs, idly pulling as she grinds her hips into the human, enjoying the feeling of such a tight fit. And, by the feeling of it, it'll feel even tighter once the fox finishes.

Tell that to my girlfriend. She can take my knot without crying.

>She fiddles with her gun. Click. She passes the twintails to her handhoPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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