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/erp/ - Erotic Roleplay

Where bisexual means you don't like men
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 No.281201 >>281203 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]

I'm not sure if he even goes here but it seems like his kinda place, used to go on 8chan and that's where we met before going on D'ord. After my account got disabled for just a bunch of absolute tarded fuckery I'm trying to at least get all my friends back so that I can reach them through people that I have on other platforms too.

I don't remember his name since it changed a lot and who remembers IDs? I figure I'll know it's him if I see em. And yes this IS desperate but I refuse to let some fucking pedo-supporting KIKES take my fucking friends away from me and force them to guess what happened.

Recognizable bits; MGS-themed stuff, might be all I gotta say it doesn't seem like that series gets a lot of horny roleplay-wise

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 No.281203 >>281206

>>281201 (OP)


But only my old one is on there now… I'll need theirs this time I guess.


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What? It's not, that button just allows you to archive your posts.

Do you use imageboards, OP? You seem kinda confused.

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 No.281207 >>281208


I was surprised because I thought the thread I linked was 404'd forever, not saved on a different site. or is this the same site under a new name?

Whatever same diff.

And yea I'm a little fucked up

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 No.281208>>281225 >>281226


Yeah this is still 8chan, the name's just been changed.

Who are you looking for, anon? Why not just make another Discord and find your friend again?

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Well sheeeeeeeeyit

I won't say I have or haven't winkwink but I don't know how I can find him. I HAVE found people despite having no feasible relation whether a server or mutual friends, but not every name showed up. Discord is so goddamn secretive about friends lists that I don't know how I can find em again without just having my account back.

Which I should, if even temporarily, because they're fucking holding onto MY personal information and aren't giving it back. I'm gonna call the cockhuffers swear to God.

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Well sheeeeeeeeyit

I won't say I have or haven't winkwink but I don't know how I can find him. I HAVE found people despite having no feasible relation whether a server or mutual friends, but not every name showed up. Discord is so goddamn secretive about friends lists that I don't know how I can find em again without just having my account back.

Which I should, if even temporarily, because they're fucking holding onto MY personal information and aren't giving it back. I'm gonna call the cockhuffers swear to God.

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accidental double post, which has never happened, maybe once, oh well w/e

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 No.281331 >>281532

OP here, still desperate especially after the account finally got deleted, dunno why today but it is now.

God I hate that fucking kike company.

In case anyone knows just mention StrangeSir, if anyone else actually RESPONDS to this I'll give the ID#

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I'm surprised a person like this has friends.

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You're on the same fuckin website retard LMAO find any of that sweet cyberloli pussy yet fucking wimp?

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Yes, thanks for asking

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