Two ways of looking at it as i see it
1. When it's [the current year], and you live in a 'post'-Soviet world (i.e. the world created by the victors of WW2), the names of new technology are just as affected by Freudo-Marxist/'SJW' language policing and terminology as everything else. And just as with the Communist terms of old like 'struggle session' or 'social fascism', the main purpose is always *obscurantism*; concealing the true nature, downplaying, putting rainbow colours and ukulele music on it etc. Think 'fake news', 'deep fakes', 'post-truth', 'hate speech' etc.
It's almost like a metaphor for the (new) technology itself. I know there's a specific term for this that's slipped my mind right now, but think about how technology, as it's sold and spread to more and more normies, becomes increasingly less modifiable - everything gets better and 'smarter', yet it feels less and less like you have a say over the details and actions of the tech. The bureaucracy of googling, scrolling through endless tech help forum posts, calling the help lines - the inherent backdoors and keyloggers are obscured, and the 'Intel inside' is irremovable (without voiding warranty).
2. It's just another product of a long line of, what a mate of mine used to call, 'Engineered Autism'. Infantalization. Returning to the 'innocent' Id - uneating the forbidden fruit. Like Sammy touches on in vid related, Android shit being named after children's sweets. Adult colouring books, 'oddly satisfying' videos, fidget spinners etc. GUIs with big 'old people' buttons like the hospital scene from Idiocracy.
It's also an aspect of the postmodernism and sexualization of society (bear with me here). If you've read any Bataille or other French philosophers this might make more sense to you.
As everyone knows, nature and our 'natural' connection to it, isn't inherently 'good' in the modern sense - beautiful plants can be deadly and open flowers are like yonic symbols for bees, the lovely forest animal calls we hear are from animals in fright or looking for pussy, the oil we use is the remains of mass dead animal and plant life. Nature is both a chaos and a magic, and erotism is a part of this 'chaos magic' that 'can't' be integrated into society. Think of the arthoPost too long. Click here to view the full text.