Does anyone here know if normalizing audio has any subversive mental effects on the listener?
German state run Television movies and a good number of german dubs of hollykike shit seem to have greatly castrated the audible range of frequencies in their audio tracks.
I'm not sure if it's the same kind of faggotry used by the (((Music Industry))) but all the voices, music and sound effects in prerecorded media shown on channels like ARD and ZDF feel unnaturally loud and carry this weird white(?) noise.
It leads to weird shit where other sounds/sound effects like a door closing, footsteps, chair noises, and worst of all, eating noises*god do I wanna gas the kikes who produce this shit with taxpayer money have the same or greater volume as the characters talking onscreen, the music does it too.
Throughout these movies every sound no matter how insignificant blares in and out at full blast, it pains the brain and makes one wonder wether or not the entire thing is a shitty dub when it in all likelihood is not.
Oddly enough low-budget documentaries and news reports do not do this, they sound fairly natural all things considered.