Republic of Ireland Rules:Persian Mossad: Once you've been fasted, by the Persian Mossad, or the Turks or Germans, the Israelis, you no longer count as your citizenry of home country; you are an Irish Clan, or death, any refusing as Scottish, to be placed on debilitating circumstance, as a traitor.Belgian Waloons: Once the English in town, have gone over to small sayings, and diner cultures, you are no longer permitted, to be sober, and to be found as striking any homosexual, found to small hearths culture, or Arab culture, claiming Irish, instead the business and machine of independent broker. They are to be killed, and pancakes and waffles, are to be refused, in favor of French Toast, all those feeling mother's protectorship, to be rejected and slurred, with brutality stated of their improper childhoods as homosexuals owning pets.Polish Caucasians: If found in presence of a Pole, German Schulzstaffel rules are to be adopted, and if impossible, the Swastika tattoo is to be grasped; otherwise, those of Isaac's blood, the inverted purple triangle, to be placed with Jews, as slavery, not Jewesses, to be removed of clitoris or rights or husband, if having sided with Poland, and vice officers abiding, prostitution to be defended against the morals of Poland, the Down's Syndrome, placed falsely upon Germany, the righteous partner against the Rabbi.Danish Bounty: If the Danelander, demands a poverty education, of black child, the African, being inside family or otherwise, the Southern Confederate is to be rejected, and those emblems of claimed of racist, however in favor of black culture, are to be saluted, as failures, refused of Italian ilk and Danish alliance. Those claiming otherwise, are to be identified as removing the voice, the pedophile to children, as brokers to strip the independent, in favor of government's voice against the common homosexual, the simplified bully; the Viking, the pedophile, to be slain in orders higher per disabled fealty.Israeli German: Those Nazis of the war, to be rejected, in Noble's Trinity, the poor example refusing pedophile to follow act of career, the silent mission to refuse the artist and musician having demanded common act of copyright, and the unique solution hence politics refused for those trying to predict trend therefore backwards devolution in coded mathematics of predictable market to investment. Hence, the Jew, will be Palestine, not Israel, the German, the common Irania
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