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File: 62371bc6f24b6db⋯.jpeg (115.81 KB,600x335,120:67,iwoqr11.jpeg)

e1c34b No.21660177 [Last50 Posts]

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e1c34b No.21660179

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#26525 >>21659010

>>21659018, >>21659095, >>21659108 Was Diddy's trove of baby oil actually liquid GHB (date rape drug)?

>>21659113 Diddy's lawyer says that Diddy's large supply of baby oil is because he lives near Costco

>>21659026 Scavino: THANK YOU!!!

>>21659032 Did Kourtney Kardashian have a kid with Bieber?

>>21659047 Alex Soros: Honored to meet @aniellefranco, a trailblazer in the fight for racial justice in Brazil

>>21659061 This is who becomes New York City Mayor if Eric Adams resigns: Jumaane Williams

>>21659088 Melania Trump calls husband’s survival of two assassination attempts ‘miracles,’ describes anger over FBI raid in rare TV interview

bread ghosted

>>21659163 Flashback 2016: Why are Colbert and Hillary joking about eating babies?

>>21659187 CNBC: China offers one-time cash allowance for those in extreme poverty

>>21659191 Wikileaks: email from Hillary to Huma Abedin talking about a dinner with diane feinstein, also a meeting with Carlos Slim and David Rockafeller

>>21659213 People: Joe Biden Shares the Simple Advice He Gave Kamala Harris on How to Defeat Donald Trump

>>21659316 Popcorn is the marker?

>>21659423 Former Biden adviser Susan Rice says Harris has been an 'integral architect' of the administration's agenda

>>21659474, >>21659485 Order Out Of Chaos (Parts 1&2)

>>21659483 NEW Election Fraud thread starting >>21653522 is in the Catalog

Ghost grab

>>21659572 AwakenedOutlaw w/CAP: Everything about his affair with Fani Willis was so above board that the US Marshals currently have a manhunt underway to locate Wade.

>>21659724 ANON NEWS FEED

>>21660163 #26525

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e1c34b No.21660181

#26524 >>21658069

>>21658165, >>21658178, >>21658747 NYC Mayor Eric Adams Is Indicted Following Federal Corruption Investigation

>>21658743 NYC mayor Eric Adams responds to indictment and imminent arrest

>>21658494, >>21658393, >>21658555, >>21658583 (Sept, 2023) NYC Mayor Eric Adams gifts Diddy the Key to the City

>>21658923 @RealSKeshel: NYC Mayor can go down a hero if he spills the beans on the Dem machine

>>21658571 Overview of 'Star Island', where Diddy and other celebrities lived

>>21658902 In Diddy and Britney Spears’ Legal Sagas, One Management Firm Appears

>>21658109 Trevor Moore telling us what you have to do to make it in Hollywood?

>>21658172 Project Agora

>>21658173 https://50voices.org: Ritual abuse and MKUltra survivor stories

>>21658180 Events tomorrow

>>21658211 Google is Celebrating Popcorn on its home page but National Popcorn Day is not until January 19 (119)

>>21658302, >>21658473 PF: B-52 of the 5th Bomb Wing, from Minot AFB, flying on the down low by not broadcasting aircraft type

>>21658403 A federal judge ruled that water fluoridation at current U.S. levels poses an “unreasonable risk” of reduced IQ in children

>>21658512 @ScottPresler: This team does not stop

>>21658671 Justin Bieber activated?

>>21658684, >>21658722 In 2007, Oprah's school in Africa suffered a major sexual abuse scandal

>>21658687 Election cookie poll

>>21658688 Speaker designated the period from Wednesday, September 25, 2024 through Monday, November 11, 2024 as a "district work period"

>>21658731 Chabad Rabbi calls for Israel to conquer Lebanon and settle it

>>21658835 Greg Kelly covers Senate report detailing security failures on J13

>>21658838 London Mayor Sadiq Khan has warned Americans against re-electing former President Trump

>>21658862 Minister @susanamuhamad met with @johnpodesta, the U.S. Presidential Envoy for Climate

>>21658863 DJT: I'm coming back to Butler!

>>21658875 @JG_CSTT: I just received this bizarre email about evidence related to the Trump Assassination

>>21658877 QClock September 25, 2024 - FBI & Trump Assassination

>>21658878, >>21658897 DJT: Day one for Kamala was 3.5 years ago

>>21658945 Kamala Harris was the prosecutor against Michael Jackson in California

>>21658986 Kamala's Project 2025

>>21658420, >>21658527, >>21658640, >>21658653, >>21658752, >>21658851 Memes

>>21658999 #26524

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e1c34b No.21660183

#26523 >>21657147

>>21657207 JD Vance delivered remarks at a campaign event in Traverse City, MI

>>21657206 News circulating that Israel is about to send land troops to invade Lebanon

>>21657222 (1990) Michael Jackson & Donald Trump Visit Ryan White's House

>>21657234 PF: 86-0112 "The Black Widow". DY B-1B 28th BS 'Mohawks' / 7th BW - Dyess AFB, TX

>>21657284 @OKeefeMedia: Vermont Border Patrol has issued a Cease and Desist letter to Zachary Apotheker

>>21657298, >>21657403, >>21657423 For those questioning Trump's tweet on Iran's threats, I'm going to go ahead and release this

>>21657309 Four Months After Assassination Attempt, Pro-Trump Slovak PM Robert Fico Receives Anonymous Envelope Containing a Bullet

>>21657334 Centcom announced that very suspicious movements are taking place in Yemen

>>21657368, >>21657354 Prince Andrew gave Ghislaine Maxwell and Bill Clinton a guided tour of Buckingham Palace in 2002

>>21657392, >>21657415 817 WikiLeaks documents referencing DynCorp

>>21657397, >>21657598 Father, son mauled to death by “rabid” bear that broke into their home after annihilating more than a dozen dogs

>>21657442 'Drunk' Secret Service agent groped Kamala campaign worker's chest and tried to assault second victim

>>21657443 (July 16, 2019) Huge Child Porn Sharing Discovered On Pentagon PCs - Hundreds of Employees Implicated

>>21657474, >>21657492 Gaunt Justin Bieber sparks concern for his health amid Diddy scandal in first sighting since shock indictment

>>21657501 (May 7, 2018) Rothschilds Implicated In Elite Pedophile Ring Investigation

>>21657526 Senate confirms new National Guard chief, other command leaders

>>21657545 (February 19, 2017) DHS Insider: CIA And Mossad Behind DC Pedo Ring

>>21657566 NJ Transit and Amtrak trains facing delays after derailment near NY Penn Station has blocked the tracks in and out of the city

>>21657570 (Aug 23, 2018) Detective Publishes Book Exposing High-Level Gov't Pedophile Ring, Shot in the Head Days Later

>>21657585 Poll: Kamala Harris Vastly Underperforming Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton with Young Men

>>21657594 Why did the father of the Butler assassin hire one of the most powerful attorneys in Pittsburgh? And how is he affording it?!

>>21657597 ‘Standing Up to Bullies:’ Rumble Lawsuit Against ‘Anti-Free Speech Zealots’ to Enter Discovery Phase

>>21657609 We tracked down some of the 320,000 illegal alien children lost by the Biden-Harris administration

>>21657611 Alabama mom confronts Fairhope City Council over resettlement of Haitians

>>21657633, >>21657739 Congress Passes Stopgap Funding Bill to Avert Pre-Election Shutdown

>>21657642, >>21657861 @henrymcmaster: I've declared a State of Emergency to prepare for Hurricane Helene's potential impacts

>>21657655 This was posted on Iran's Ayatollah website in 2022

>>21657678 Candace Owens: Received a tip via e-mail last night about Kamala’s genealogy that shocked me out of bed

>>21657701 @DanScavino: "I'M COMING BACK TO BUTLER!" @realDonaldTrump

>>21657717, >>21657731, >>21657889, >>21657963 Suge Knight: Secret Tapes Exist From Diddy

>>21657723 FCC Commissioner Carr says FCC going against procedure to expedite George Soros to buy 200 US radio stations across 40 markets

>>21657793 Babies aborted in the second trimester are injected with the same chemical combination as executed murderers

>>21657801 Avril Haines

>>21657825, >>21657843 The number of FBI informants participating in the January 6th 2021 protest will shock folks

>>21657840 Iran is ACTIVELY trying to kill Trump according to a high level intel briefing the former president received yesterday

>>21657893, >>21657927 Neon green water was spotted in the harbour at Kirribilli on Wednesday

>>21657895 FBI letter to DHS IG confirms Agency DELETED J6 Pipe Bomb Footage By Early March 2022

>>21657903 Seattle's Police will no longer respond to burglary alarms without first receiving concrete evidence of a crime

>>21657909, >>21657915 Why are Colbert and Hillary joking about eating babies?

>>21657912 Biden just went on the view and confirmed that Kamala has been working with him on all things "foreign policy" and "domestic policy"

>>21657914 Both @GinaRaimondo & her corrupt husband, @AndyMoffit, are in the Biden Laptop

>>21657933, >>21657929 Zuckerberg has hired a Republican strategist who will aim to heal his relationship with right-wing media

>>21657959 Alex Vindman’s brother Eugene Vindman doesn’t show up to his own debate for Virginia’s 7th Congressional District

>>21657979 Union Makes Shock Claim: Colorado Meat Factory Involved In "Mgmt-Led Human Trafficking" Of Haitians

>>21657982 James O’Keefe’s interview with a Border Patrol agent for his movie was so powerful that the agent decided to become a whistleblower

>>21658006 Fluoride Action Network just got a U.S. federal court to rule water fluoridation is an "unreasonable risk"

>>21658012, >>21658030 Project Sentinel

>>21658021 NYC’s Covid Orgy Kingpin Reveals He Was Hired by Pharmaceutical Company @SigaTech to Help Sell Monkeypox Drug ‘TPOXX’

>>21658025 Kristina Khorram

>>21658032, >>21658045, >>21658050 Mayor Adams has been indicted

>>21658033, >>21658036, >>21658039 Trevor Moore joking about Sandy Hook and Crisis actors on a comedy central show is wild to see

>>21657246, >>21657560, >>21657929 Memes

>>21658052 #26523

Previously Collected

>>21655600 #26520, >>21656366 #26521, >>21657417 #26522

>>21652857 #26517, >>21653960 #26518, >>21654597 #26519

>>21650338 #26514, >>21651125 #26515, >>21651877 #26516

>>21647544 #26511, >>21648193 #26512, >>21649463 #26513

>>21645419 #26508, >>21645915 #26509, >>21646714 #26510

Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/

Q Research Notables #24: Soldiers >>21225723

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e1c34b No.21660191

File: 4af8ef96bc83500⋯.png (501.05 KB,622x421,622:421,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8a060366e518f83⋯.png (428.34 KB,626x473,626:473,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8ee5e836f4493e3⋯.png (152.71 KB,508x727,508:727,ClipboardImage.png)



if anon don't give baker popcorn imma kick yer ass at the victory parade after party

morn'n baker requesting handoff

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634227 No.21660196

File: 72f698dcbfca65e⋯.png (397.68 KB,492x379,492:379,QQooqies.png)



firm it fam

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3bbefc No.21660198

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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b362f2 No.21660203

File: b5ce001dbf4d9cd⋯.png (147.92 KB,310x310,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


bread number wrong

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dc2957 No.21660206

File: a41631014f73eef⋯.png (1.16 MB,1024x1024,1:1,a41631014f73eef910789c98b1….png)

>>21660191 TYB!!!

Riding that Popcorn Wave

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776634 No.21660207

File: 20a645cd315608b⋯.png (182.16 KB,237x335,237:335,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2f038798980bb42⋯.png (329.23 KB,424x357,424:357,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c6dfb8d66e7c854⋯.png (149.15 KB,267x357,89:119,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3fac4c7869dae02⋯.png (322.86 KB,1600x1200,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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634227 No.21660208




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e46331 No.21660210

File: 8b62e39420d6d3d⋯.gif (2 MB,290x341,290:341,IMG_0543.gif)


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e46331 No.21660212

File: f781af5724cc2fb⋯.png (862.02 KB,720x1408,45:88,0222539B_BB48_4C1B_B1EC_41….png)

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a506ac No.21660213

File: 57d44a5f9a08c0d⋯.jpg (586.77 KB,1079x1657,1079:1657,Screenshot_20240926_045524….jpg)

A Senate subcommittee released a report that details Boeing's safety failures and the company's pressure on employees to prioritize speed over quality.


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e46331 No.21660214

File: 0d81a82c1a04488⋯.png (263.67 KB,640x340,32:17,054F6972_4D28_41C6_A736_09….png)

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54ef0b No.21660215

File: b4aa3d25ccfa8c4⋯.png (1.29 MB,702x707,702:707,b4aa3d25ccfa8c451d0af4d866….png)


thank you baker

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623280 No.21660219

File: 3d8bb882a161d0d⋯.webm (746.21 KB,658x1172,329:586,1658535123179347.webm)

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e46331 No.21660220

File: 613c3e951562072⋯.png (1.35 MB,1283x1074,1283:1074,IMG_0530.png)

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623280 No.21660221

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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a34d30 No.21660222

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>21660127 lb

>You’ll start to admit it when they force your vaccination.

What am I supposed to do with this erection?

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e46331 No.21660226

File: 3e930892efb44db⋯.gif (879.73 KB,220x215,44:43,IMG_0544.gif)

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00854b No.21660232

File: 9e50627b77222c4⋯.gif (1.23 MB,320x240,4:3,IMG_4042.gif)

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3bbefc No.21660233

File: d41cacb5bd5442c⋯.webm (651.66 KB,427x240,427:240,adato6.webm)

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e1c34b No.21660234

File: b56c270817c2946⋯.png (442.26 KB,606x608,303:304,wakesncakes.png)

File: 0d5aa63280ef41a⋯.jpg (160.3 KB,1600x1063,1600:1063,sharing_bread.jpg)

Firm'd Hurricane style

eezy breezy tropical squeezy

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e46331 No.21660237

File: f85146c48639cb9⋯.gif (156.35 KB,264x200,33:25,IMG_0545.gif)

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623280 No.21660239

File: 2d31ba57fe778a5⋯.jpg (63.85 KB,1024x818,512:409,1670863559351250.jpg)

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634227 No.21660240

File: 0d4a6d8d6502add⋯.png (279.35 KB,1000x1000,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)



habby smoooooovs

no leaks n sheitz

we hangin on here

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1af682 No.21660242

Hurricane Headed Directly Into Tallahasse FL

DeepState fucks sending DeSantis a great big bullseye

Will White Hats Defuse the Storm ?

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776634 No.21660246

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Gitmo Gavel Time

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90d63b No.21660249

Be a part of history! Cast your vote for the first woman President in our Country!

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e46331 No.21660250

File: d514fc2bc1e5bde⋯.mp4 (62.19 KB,166x230,83:115,Side_Eye_Dog.MP4)

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2544a6 No.21660254

File: 642f6c57fa28c3d⋯.png (275.52 KB,546x492,91:82,ClipboardImage.png)

Kash believes Biden is going to step down in return for family pardons.

The coup would not be complete at that point. The only reason to put Kamala in charge at this late stage would be to allow her toremainin office as President. If Biden stays until Jan 20th, she cannothold onto power. Her term ends at noon just as his. Whereas if she is currently President, it is harder to remove her.

If we see this happen then we know they are not allowing a peaceful transfer of power. The coup didn't end when Biden ended his run for 2nd term, it began then


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d3fad8 No.21660258


try to be less gay…..

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e46331 No.21660261

File: c74478ecdfd27c6⋯.gif (1.86 MB,400x400,1:1,IMG_0546.gif)

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f20217 No.21660265


We won't have a Country anymoar if that Bitch gets elected.

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3bbefc No.21660273

File: b921fd12ae6268a⋯.png (783.01 KB,828x851,36:37,ClipboardImage.png)

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a34d30 No.21660275


>We won't have a Country anymoar

We don't have a country right now

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71c4ce No.21660277

I love how everyone is being psyop'd and distracted again with all the P diddy stuff, everyone just forgot about Bill Clinton going to Epsteins Island more than once, and how he 'likes them young' and he is walking free.

The good guys in this world are not winning…

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b362f2 No.21660278

File: c53bf3e9e00f1e0⋯.png (1.08 MB,1080x1080,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Helene is now Category 2

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a46146 No.21660280


…and we don't need 4 moar years of this crap.

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14618a No.21660282

File: 0393c7b220cfa3c⋯.png (1.01 MB,955x725,191:145,wademuhwater.png)

File: d0cc53024e7b3d6⋯.jpeg (65.57 KB,427x459,427:459,natewadeever.jpeg)

File: 8678a5b83bad628⋯.png (263.96 KB,444x477,148:159,8678a5b83bad6287f8c56d000d….png)




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b2f168 No.21660285


anons been saying that for a long while now. Either Kash is repeating anon talking points, or he is in the know of what their next possible moves are. IDark Winter possibly.

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07a963 No.21660286


multitasking anon we didn't forget about anyone

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634227 No.21660288


nik'd it



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a34d30 No.21660289


No one forgot

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3eba2c No.21660290

File: 85d4932a93f1f00⋯.png (306.96 KB,735x439,735:439,ClipboardImage.png)

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3bbefc No.21660291

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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00854b No.21660293




Sometimes you’ve just gotta burninate it down.

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f20217 No.21660294


We are still hanging on by a thread.

If we weren't, the Enemy wouldn't be trying so hard, and 100 Million Conservative Patriots would already have been murdered by the Communists.

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71c4ce No.21660295



Not us, Anon meant the normies and the rest of the world. Still sleep walking…

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a46146 No.21660297

Appeals Court Hears Arguments Over Trump's $454M Civil Fraud Judgment


Donald Trump's lawyers on Thursday will seek to persuade a New York state appeals court to toss a nearly half-billion dollar judgment against the former U.S. president over real estate business practices a court has declared fraudulent.

Justice Arthur Engoron in February ordered Trump, the Republican nominee for the Nov. 5 election, to pay $454.2 million in penalties and interest for inflating his net worth to induce bankers into giving him better loan terms, in a civil case brought by New York state Attorney General Letitia James.

The judge's ruling poses a threat to the business empire Trump has built over decades, which includes hotels, office buildings and golf courses around the world. With interest continuing to accrue, Trump now owes $478.3 million.

The case is one of a number of legal entanglements Trump has faced since leaving the White House in 2021. He owes nearly $90 million in federal civil penalties for defaming a writer who accused him of sexual abuse, and was convicted in May on criminal charges stemming from hush money paid to a porn star.

Trump has denied all wrongdoing and argues the cases were brought to interfere with his campaign. A Reuters/Ipsos poll on Tuesday showed Vice President Kamala Harris, the Democratic nominee, leading Trump 47%-40% nationwide, though the state-by-state results of the Electoral College determine the winner.

In a brief submitted in July to the Appellate Division - the mid-level state appeals court - Trump's lawyers argued that the financial statements he submitted to banks actually understated his wealth, and there was no indication that any of the lenders suffered losses.

The lawyers also accused James, a Democrat, of targeting a political adversary.

"This politically motivated prosecution attempts to penalize purely proper and lawful conduct," Trump's lawyers wrote.

In a response in August, lawyers with James' office said that the statute under which they sued Trump does not require proof that the banks lost money or relied on Trump's misleading statements in deciding to lend to him.

The purpose of the law, the state lawyers argued, was to "protect the honesty and integrity of commercial marketplaces in New York" by stopping fraud before it causes losses.

The case stemmed from Trump's leadership of his family real estate company, the Trump Organization, before he became president in 2017.

In September 2023, before a three-month trial with no jury, Engoron found Trump liable for lying about his asset values and net worth for a decade. He took particular issue with Trump's claim that his Manhattan penthouse apartment was 30,000 square feet (2,787 square meters), nearly three times its real size.

The trial focused solely on penalties. In addition to the financial penalties, Engoron banned Trump from serving in a top role at any New York company, or seeking loans from banks registered in the state.

Trump in April averted possible asset seizures by posting a $175 million bond while he appeals.

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e46331 No.21660299

File: 99e89a406f8d4ec⋯.gif (1.59 MB,249x392,249:392,IMG_0547.gif)

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14618a No.21660300

File: 6b29e3480530e18⋯.png (27.96 KB,453x221,453:221,Screenshot_2024_09_26_at_0….png)

File: d656a5d4896c480⋯.png (274.73 KB,1341x493,1341:493,Screenshot_2024_09_26_at_0….png)

File: 7cd6233c8f2af1c⋯.png (1.29 MB,633x1592,633:1592,Screenshot_2024_09_26_at_0….png)

Fresh Truth


[Profile picture from source site (X Post/Truth Social)] Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump 09/26/2024 08:09:54

ID: Not Available

Truth Social: 113203779626592646

Very sad. dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1

EXCLUSIVEMother tells how she lost her house, job and nearly her kids when she was arrested in Kamala Harris' 'war on truancy' after disabled 11-year-old daughter missed school

By Ben Ashford For Dailymail.com

Published: 08:26 EDT, 25 September 2024 | Updated: 10:58 EDT, 25 September 2024


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a34d30 No.21660301



Conversation with my mom and I

>I keep reading about this Diddy stuff, I don't think you're wrong but I don't know if I agree with all the stuff you've said

Which thing specifically have I told you in the past do you currently not agree with…

>I don't know

Keep your head up anon, GamGam is waking up

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cb0670 No.21660302

8:30 AM EDT

Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC) Chair Sen. Gary Peters Update

National Press Club (NPC)



Campaign 2024: Sen. Gary Peters on 2024 U.S. Senate Races

Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee Chair Senator Gary Peters (D-MI) speaks at the National Press Club on key 2024 U.S. Senate races and the down-ballot impact of the Harris-Walz presidential ticket.


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e46331 No.21660305

File: 4f1ad4ad109be22⋯.jpeg (643.06 KB,958x1301,958:1301,IMG_0517.jpeg)

File: 43c6ac57fb21173⋯.jpeg (589.31 KB,971x706,971:706,IMG_0539.jpeg)

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cd0fbd No.21660308

Can Barry just tell Kamala, we didn't build that

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6206fd No.21660309


if she becomes president it merely means that the Deep State will rule.

the Presidency will be further deprecated as she's an obvious communist and cabal daughter of ancient slavers.

the most unfit person is put in a job only because the people putting that person there know that the office is of little or no importance.

the deprecation of connstitution will be further along if she 'wins' and the country will be further looted and fall farther into dysfunction.

it will fracture and Washington DC will be very much to blame.

if she wins it's a red pill that the cabal rules us and our elections are meaningless.

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7b52b6 No.21660311

Is there a reason why the board doesn't auto filter shills?

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3bbefc No.21660312

File: e3c7436dc8df254⋯.png (1.77 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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a46146 No.21660313


Then it's up to We the People to stand up and revoke their right to govern us.

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dc2957 No.21660314

File: 83b348523a0480e⋯.png (786.3 KB,1200x630,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)


Wisconsin Mayor Takes Matters Into His Own Hands: Says He Did Nothing Wrong After Using Dolly to Remove Ballot Drop Box Outside City Hall


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00854b No.21660316

File: a5caa6cc4dc1aae⋯.gif (1.29 MB,498x247,498:247,IMG_2911.gif)


I’m just glad that Biden has proven a potato can run the presidency.

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a34d30 No.21660319


You're probably the only human here

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3bbefc No.21660321

File: 4168f307db84e94⋯.gif (3.69 MB,200x250,4:5,whackamole.gif)


Ever play Whack-a-mole at the fair?

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6206fd No.21660322



>>21658945 (pb)

this false story again?

>>21658995 (pb)

Harris was NOT the prosecutor in the Michael Jackson trial. Please remove or modify the notable, it links to a misleading video and a fake headline.

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cd0fbd No.21660326

File: abb3c5ef04f7eb7⋯.gif (877.11 KB,720x336,15:7,JudgeDredd_Dredd3d_window_….gif)


Let's finish this…you ready?

You look ready

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00854b No.21660328

File: ff1c80d24004013⋯.gif (970.04 KB,500x382,250:191,IMG_4044.gif)


Angry cat rages at the dying of the light.

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a90dc2 No.21660332

File: 464acbdfb2bd35b⋯.png (1.42 MB,747x1121,747:1121,nygard_2_.png)

File: 71c0df925c39ac4⋯.jpg (9.39 KB,474x359,474:359,dracstar.jpg)


wrong..it's happening NOW.

the great awakening is NY.

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0582dc No.21660335


as the whiney criminal libs cry tears of panic screaming and gnashing of teeth over law enforced over their rule breaking mob control


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385b6c No.21660337

File: 9375c974c6b527e⋯.png (1015.62 KB,1280x720,16:9,hjgfffl2.png)

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b2f168 No.21660340


well he is not really running it a team of advisors and fuck maybe obama are running it. A potato can pretend to be president but it can not be it.

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00854b No.21660341

File: 735739284b23725⋯.gif (1.99 MB,300x263,300:263,IMG_3702.gif)


Why tf would he say that?

Someone accuse him of wrong?

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6206fd No.21660343


when the no longer govern we don't have to make a display of not paying attention to them. We don't have to make ourselves targets. We simply ignore what they tell us and go about our lives.

the whole 'stand up . . . ' blah blah blah is said to make those who oppose the tyranny targets.

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600798 No.21660344

File: d196d971751075b⋯.jpeg (431.12 KB,1676x1469,1676:1469,IMG_3755.jpeg)

File: aa4bd23ef695f3e⋯.jpeg (442.12 KB,2339x1283,2339:1283,IMG_3718.jpeg)

Vladimir Putin: “The updated version of the document proposes that aggression against Russia by any non-nuclear weapons state but with the participation or support of a nuclear weapon state should be regarded as a joint attack on the Russian federation.

The conditions for Russia’s transition to the use of nuclear weapons are also clearly defined. We will consider such a possibility as soon as we receive reliable information about a massive launch of aerospace attack NEDS and their crossing of our state border. Meaning strategic or tactical aircraft, cruise missiles, drones, hypersonic missiles and other aircraft…

And so this is not about allowing the Ukrainian regime to strike Russia with these weapons or not. It’s about deciding whether NATO countries are directly involved in the military conflict or not.

If this decision is made it will mean nothing other than the direct participation of NATO countries, the United States, European countries, in the war in Ukraine. This is their direct participation and this already significantly changes the very essence and the very nature of the conflict…

This would mean that NATO countires, the United States are at war with Russia.


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385b6c No.21660345

File: 5fabea3762e7f52⋯.png (1.03 MB,1300x869,1300:869,jergc545trhsed.png)



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dc2957 No.21660350


>Someone accuse him of wrong?

think so

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6206fd No.21660351


many will tell you that 'you are the shill' for suggesting censorship.

your bait is weak.

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11ffdd No.21660352

File: 5ed77a2bfd38d2a⋯.jpeg (206.6 KB,1125x559,1125:559,IMG_4350.jpeg)

File: a5b2aa9b822fbaa⋯.jpeg (898.34 KB,1125x1780,225:356,IMG_4351.jpeg)

File: 1c1b875ec797430⋯.jpeg (309.04 KB,624x764,156:191,IMG_4352.jpeg)


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e1c34b No.21660355


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e46331 No.21660358

File: 3f1799d268d4ddc⋯.png (325.2 KB,735x439,735:439,90D25276_FD91_4124_9430_62….png)

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00854b No.21660359

File: 8522f64683fd4ad⋯.jpeg (89.47 KB,880x586,440:293,IMG_4045.jpeg)


A potato shaped like a sexy ass could run this country just fine, and you know it.

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e1c34b No.21660360

File: 9b158cfaf2246a2⋯.gif (512.8 KB,220x176,5:4,0daaea0d1bcacab7c4971143.gif)


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e46331 No.21660361

File: 6d8c687f517cfc0⋯.png (575.33 KB,780x772,195:193,Robert_de_Mook_02_Height.PNG)

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8058ca No.21660362


(S)he be a he

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532f2e No.21660364

File: 2970defbfcb5ef3⋯.jpeg (655.29 KB,1125x1117,1125:1117,IMG_4353.jpeg)


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b2f168 No.21660367


I know you are stupid.

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532f2e No.21660372

File: d53d93e32e81d4d⋯.jpeg (532.57 KB,1125x1591,1125:1591,IMG_4354.jpeg)

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8058ca No.21660377


Diddy be the cornerstone - it’s all coming’ out

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620782 No.21660379


Likely not

But close

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af98ab No.21660380

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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6206fd No.21660382


other people 'witnessed'?

the story unravels.

most likely they are all ganging up on someone they want gone.

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24dc94 No.21660386


why are people who claim there is no such thing as gender so interested in a female president

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4d6e3b No.21660388


Oh like they did to the woman that was overseeing the Secret Service a month or so ago?

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441ad5 No.21660389

File: b309986aaf2f6b2⋯.png (471.57 KB,1038x757,1038:757,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ad82af87546144b⋯.png (516.67 KB,1490x593,1490:593,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fbc4d81f0aa0c78⋯.png (166.57 KB,602x555,602:555,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1a4b4acd823357d⋯.png (225.4 KB,955x611,955:611,ClipboardImage.png)


China launches ICBM into Pacific

Beijing has said the “routine” test, the first of its kind since 1980, was not directed against any country

The Chinese military has test-fired an intercontinental ballistic missile, calling it part of regular training, although the exercise appears to be the first of its kind over the Pacific Ocean in more than 40 years.

According to officials, the ICBM, equipped with a dummy warhead, was launched from an undisclosed location at 8:44am Beijing time on Wednesday, and splashed down in a designated area in international waters.

The test was part of a “routine arrangement in our annual training plan,” the Defense Ministry said.

Analysts have said the ICBM was likely a Dong Feng-41 with an operational range of 15,000 kilometers, or its predecessor, the Dong Feng-31.

China regularly tests short- and mid-range rockets within its territory and over the western Pacific as part of its ballistic missile program, but a test far into international waters is unusual. The last similar launch was believed to be in 1980 when China sent its first ICBM, the Dong Feng-5, into the Pacific Ocean.


Also some Q posts that mention missiles, Hawaii or DEFCON.

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6206fd No.21660395


who 'assaults' someone to rape them if there are other people in the room, anon.

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9b70f5 No.21660396


That's not important.

What's important is that you're a racist.

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cb0670 No.21660399

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

9:00 AM EDT

Former first lady Melania Trump will sit down with Fox News host Ainsley Earhardt in a rare televised interview in advance of her book release.

>>21652105 pb




Melania Trump sits down for exclusive interview: 'I want to put the record straight'

Fox News


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24dc94 No.21660402

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cb0670 No.21660406

9:00 AM EDT

(Day 3) General Debate - General Assembly, 79th session - The general debate of the seventy-ninth session of the General Assembly will be held from Tuesday, 24 September, to Saturday, 28 September, and on Monday, 30 September 2024. World leaders will discuss global issues.

United Nations



United Nations General Assembly, Day 3, Part 1

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas is among the world leaders addressing the 79th Session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York City.


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cb0670 No.21660410

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

September 26, 2024

9:00 AM EDT

Secretary Antony J. Blinken hosts a Ministerial on Addressing the Urgent Situation in Venezuela

New York City, New York



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6206fd No.21660412


for you what should be important is how you use the common methods of leftists to slander people, and put your soul in jeopardy.

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cb0670 No.21660413

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

9:00 AM EDT

Ensuring Timely Access: Challenges in VA Scheduling

House Veterans' Affairs Committee



Ms. Hillary Peabody

Acting Assistant Under Secretary for Health for Integrated Veteran Care, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, Veterans Health Administration


Mr. Mark Hausman, M.D.

Executive Director for Integrated Access, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, Veterans Health Administration


Ms. Cherri Waters

Executive Director, Health Portfolio, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, Office of Information and Technology





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321f35 No.21660414


A stupid drunk man, anon.

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cb0670 No.21660417

9:15 AM EDT

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen and Others at U.S. Treasury Market Conference

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen and others give remarks at the 2024 U.S. Treasury Market Conference, an annual conference to examine ongoing developments in the U.S. Treasury market.


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cb0670 No.21660421

9:30 AM EDT

Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III is traveling. His remarks at a joint press briefing at 9:45 a.m. EDT with UK Secretary of State for Defence John Healey and Australian Deputy Prime Minister and Defense Minister Richard Marles following the AUKUS Defense Ministerial Meeting in London will be livestreamed on Defense.gov and broadcast on Channel 2 in the Pentagon.

Department of Defense




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cb0670 No.21660424

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

9:30 AM EDT

The Ongoing Investigation of the Butler, Pennsylvania Security Failure: The Secret Service’s Reliance on State and Local Law Enforcement.

Task Force on the Attempted Assassination of Donald J. Trump



Mr. Edward Lenz

Commander, Butler County Emergency Services Unit, Pennsylvania


Mr. Drew Blasko

Patrolman, Butler Township Police Department, Pennsylvania


Mr. John Herold

Lieutenant, Pennsylvania State Police


Mr. Patrick Sullivan

Managing Partner, Finnerty Sullivan Group, LLC


Dr. Ariel Goldschmidt

Chief Medical Officer, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania







Task Force on Attempted Assassination of Trump Holds First Hearing

The House of Representatives' bipartisan task force investigating the attempted assassination of former President Trump holds its first hearing on Capitol Hill.


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6206fd No.21660425


The story doesn't hold water.

you insisting on it is further evidence that it's a scheme.

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07a963 No.21660426

File: e2bdccc7ea84570⋯.png (14.67 KB,255x255,1:1,d9098b2d9cbad13e14f0c164a0….png)


no one cares

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e46331 No.21660427

File: 35680c599c2dea2⋯.jpeg (346.41 KB,977x908,977:908,CE6C969E_63E9_4C47_9182_A….jpeg)

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7b52b6 No.21660428

if you could some how write a program to compare a new posts pictures or text with posts from say last 100 breads, and if its has repeated info maybe give it a rating between 0% and 100% chance of being a shill it would be interesting.

i can't imagine how someone could be motivated to post bullshit over and over again.

They must be paid?

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af98ab No.21660429

File: d2c41b4f8dcc557⋯.jpg (12.83 KB,255x143,255:143,75aad9b0cc1954151cf268d454….jpg)


Love her sweet voice, it just makes my day!

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dc2957 No.21660430

File: 0a096981b97fbad⋯.jpg (142.07 KB,720x884,180:221,0a096981b97fbad20cd52076a1….jpg)



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ac72b7 No.21660431

File: 2f3dbcdc2c89d1d⋯.png (321.36 KB,1920x919,1920:919,Screenshot_2024_09_26_at_0….png)

"US GOV"T VESSEL" looks like an LCS, possibly USS KANSAS CITY heading 258 at just over 9 knots. Broadcasted destination is "Q"

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6206fd No.21660434


people suggested this kind of thing three or four years ago.

clearly there is no incentive to use programs to filter out the garbage.

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9b70f5 No.21660437


Learn sarcasm, hypocritically self-righteous shill.

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121157 No.21660439


ty bake!

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dc2957 No.21660440

File: 1cf8cc592823554⋯.png (500.35 KB,806x453,806:453,ClipboardImage.png)


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6206fd No.21660441


time of day psyop.

while it used to be a cute way to share interesting memes, the personification of 'time of day' became a psyop. It is used to try and divide the board.

filter or ignore and move on.

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ac72b7 No.21660443


Why write code?

Same playbook with mostly the same scripts.

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7b52b6 No.21660444


i took a couple years off and the shills have changed flavor a bit.

is it still save to assume anyone posting 5 pictures or using purple text is a shill?

also i usually filter anything mentioning jews or catholic church stuff, and pages of q posts.

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45f5ef No.21660445


Okay we will see what the investigation finds.

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af98ab No.21660447

File: 3c2583b78cf344a⋯.png (175.61 KB,550x502,275:251,3c2583b78cf344a6283ac2bb3e….png)

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776634 No.21660448

after about 20 plus filters, this place is back to normal, ahhhh.

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38be18 No.21660455


>how someone could be motivated to post bullshit over and over again.

don't underestimate the induced schizophrenia of the Artificial Intelligence Community

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af98ab No.21660456

File: 1ef9d7cb24ba3c1⋯.jpeg (379.02 KB,750x1000,3:4,6e595970223d38ab086680bef….jpeg)


you tell em honey

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6206fd No.21660458


what is not safe? aren't you in a safe space on the internet?

all the tripe that gets spammed isn't 'unsafe', it's annoying, and it's a form of censorship through information spamming.


no, anon, the person will be transferred and the story will disappear.

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97f4cd No.21660460

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This video is from 6 days ago, around when I originally quoted this scripture, and also said pb lb about Job 38 verses 12 to 13. There are no coincidences. The topic is birthdates have meaning. The world will soon know how real God is. Take this as a reference that will be proven in the near future. A new generation is coming and many are tuning in, and others will try their hardest to tune out. NCSWIC, God Won.

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776634 No.21660468

File: 8bac38325be1a85⋯.png (397.68 KB,545x542,545:542,CryClosetCollegeCourse.png)


we need a karen bootcamp

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634227 No.21660470


#26526 >>21660191

>>21660431 Boatfaggin

>>21660254 Kash believes Biden is going to step down in return for family pardons.

>>21660297 Appeals Court Hears Arguments Over Trump's $454M Civil Fraud Judgment

>>21660302, >>21660406, >>21660410, >>21660413, >>21660421 Swamp Habbenins

>>21660314 Wisconsin Mayor Takes Matters Into His Own Hands: Says He Did Nothing Wrong After Using Dolly to Remove Ballot Drop Box Outside City Hall

>>21660344 The conditions for Russia’s transition to the use of nuclear weapons are also clearly defined

>>21660389 ICYMI: China launches ICBM into Pacific

>>21660399 9:00 AM EDT Former first lady Melania Trump will sit down with Fox News host Ainsley Earhardt in a rare televised interview in advance of her book release.

>>21660424 9:30 AM EDT The Ongoing Investigation of the Butler, Pennsylvania Security Failure

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8cfce5 No.21660471

File: 49d9ee32e777212⋯.gif (1.06 MB,680x849,680:849,a_non_stop_trump_train.gif)

File: e9b5f85365d2eaa⋯.gif (989.52 KB,400x389,400:389,a_wwg1_wga_lion.gif)

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7b52b6 No.21660474


good point, thanks for pointing that out.

not unsafe, just fracking annoying.

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dc2957 No.21660476


>time of day psyop.

>while it used to be a cute way to share interesting memes, the personification of 'time of day' became a psyop. It is used to try and divide the board.

>filter or ignore and move on.

This is what we call a low level anon.

One that does not know the meaning of teamwork and shift work

It is Dayshift. current time is 8:45AM

when the time becomes 5PM we are in nightshift

Hope this clarefies for all you new people.

Avoid people like this and just filter and move on

Thank you


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af98ab No.21660477



i watch the timing of it, and the density.

noticed the moar positive vibes in here, the more heavily negative it becomes.

it takes 17 seconds to vibe shift.

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dc2957 No.21660482


>after about 20 plus filters,

rookie numbers

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d55323 No.21660483

File: f7aa2f39c2e215d⋯.png (1.88 MB,1080x1080,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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af98ab No.21660484

File: 4fa7d5c756aa707⋯.jpeg (18.72 KB,255x255,1:1,8d19e546d17c81eddd7032aeb….jpeg)

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6206fd No.21660487


'birth dates have meaning' seems superstitious and shows a belief in astrology.

many Christians will tell you that it's superstitious.

birthdates have meaning in a non superstitious sense: if you birthday falls on a holiday, or on Leap Day, then there is a certain deal with that: for example if someone's birthday is near Christmas.

or June birthdays seem to get fussed over, but birthdays during other times of the year are often passed over and ignored.

the clear adult thing to do is to not worry about Birthdays. As one gets older the tendency is that no one remembers them, except for close relatives.

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ac72b7 No.21660490

File: 09aaec76ab48e62⋯.png (1.18 MB,900x900,1:1,09aaec76ab48e6222a31e4b1db….png)

File: 9ff29fa86c7bcae⋯.png (6.47 MB,2254x1825,2254:1825,53ec68655793da6becf632b958….png)

File: 07a212dc94bfea0⋯.jpg (271.15 KB,1280x720,16:9,graveyardshift.jpg)

File: 409b785bc775870⋯.png (15.96 KB,255x143,255:143,409b785bc7758709d6175f9411….png)


I see it as motivational and a nice way to remind anons that other anons carry on throughout all hours

Day Shift, Night Shift, Graveyard Shift, Omni Shift

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d55323 No.21660492

File: f7aa2f39c2e215d⋯.png (1.88 MB,1080x1080,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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28fcf3 No.21660495

File: 8d677d0be123336⋯.png (722.96 KB,879x1099,879:1099,ClipboardImage.png)

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776634 No.21660496

File: 4f674ef3bb42987⋯.png (64.3 KB,474x710,237:355,ClipboardImage.png)


everybody wants to talk about the bible, no one talks about the Holy Spirit, and how that works, hmmmm

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dc2957 No.21660497


You forgot STORM SHIFT

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00854b No.21660498

File: de6e792582416a1⋯.gif (1.92 MB,412x304,103:76,IMG_3026.gif)


So important.

Such nothing.

Delete deleted deleting, Delecto!

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937211 No.21660500

File: ee5b6395acddf19⋯.png (165.17 KB,592x410,296:205,ClipboardImage.png)

Google is celebrating popcorn today?

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e1c34b No.21660502


in it yo

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a46146 No.21660503


It's funny to read some of the things that people using a KJV bible post.

Makes you wonder if they realize that the KJV is based on King Henry the 8th's when he formed the church of england.

Which means, two completely re-written 'feel-good' books.

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b362f2 No.21660504

File: a253525f3f16939⋯.png (89.54 KB,210x240,7:8,ClipboardImage.png)

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83a845 No.21660505

File: e2cd10d23b41bb8⋯.jpeg (258.82 KB,1754x865,1754:865,e2cd10d23b41bb875c6fd87e1….jpeg)

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dc2957 No.21660506


see good try to meme on the left side,

but you got to provide source when you make a declaration of this nature.

go back to reddit and dont come back until you know how to properly meme

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1788d6 No.21660507

>>21659264 p/b

>anon uses dixie cups and string


Get better sound with tin (metal) cans.

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380d0a No.21660509

File: 969fb15193f7015⋯.png (336.07 KB,474x315,158:105,ClipboardImage.png)

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dc2957 No.21660510


Straight Into Archive


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776634 No.21660511


they were ALL translated from Hebrew, and purposely misled wording in some translations, com si com sa

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a34d30 No.21660512


> if you birthday falls on a holiday

I'm going to need a list or xcel spreadsheet detailing the deals going with each holiday.

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6206fd No.21660513


all the details of how to implement these ideas are missing from the graphic.

some of the solutions would be unconstitutional or illegal.

most of the problems are the result of the policy of looting that the Harris team partakes in: they caused these problems.

you drank the Harris cool-aide.

tax credits don't solve anything when the dollar isn't worth anything.

Inflation will go out of control if Harris is elected. you can't print enough money because the result is that prices go up in proportion to the new money printed (or more).

basic point: if Harris wins the dollar will collapse, the country will disintegrate, and Democrats will lose power due to there be no more resources available for them to loot.

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ac72b7 No.21660515

File: b8daf373b02373a⋯.png (1.04 MB,1920x919,1920:919,Screenshot_2024_09_26_at_0….png)



Like the hurricane said to the coconut tree:

"Hold on to your nuts, this aint no ordinary blow job"

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b2f168 No.21660516


why you tell anons what to do, or what is psyop or not psyop. I say you are psyop and they should just shit post at you till you cry.

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634227 No.21660517


it's here yo

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380d0a No.21660518

File: cf62d9dc9ad1ea9⋯.png (249.79 KB,765x604,765:604,Screenshot_2024_09_25_0841….png)



(tagged it yest. w/computer clock in bottom right)

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b90b8a No.21660520

File: 543a3b7c27a464b⋯.png (202.56 KB,1125x2001,375:667,ClipboardImage.png)


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a34d30 No.21660521

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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a46146 No.21660522


Yet Christ spoke Aramaic, and there are no written accounts of his life written in his natural tongue.

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669e07 No.21660524

File: 47ebd8fd9f40ca7⋯.png (1.25 MB,910x862,455:431,39_days_to_winning.png)


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634227 No.21660525


nik'd it

another clever


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dc2957 No.21660527


they run out of names?

or history is about to repeat iteself

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634227 No.21660528


mornin yo

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b2f168 No.21660529


of course they are getting tax cuts under Kamala. They will be unemployed and replaced by a cannibalistic haitians. Once unemployed they enter no taxes paid, instant cut thanks faggot.

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dc2957 No.21660530

You know GOD loves coffee

says so in the bible He Brew

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6206fd No.21660531


AND many of the Gospels were written in Greek.

Also Christ never wrote any Gospels, nor did he tell his apostles to write them.

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af98ab No.21660532


eye like the way it spins to the right….

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776634 No.21660533


Let's hope, this second coming, rectifies all that.

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a34d30 No.21660534

File: 2e31b4922267b8d⋯.jpg (188.8 KB,833x1200,833:1200,s_l1200.jpg)


Running out of tape

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e1c34b No.21660536


stolt dat

morn'n fam


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624db6 No.21660538

File: 76642f33d46dd41⋯.jpeg (814.16 KB,1125x1605,75:107,IMG_4355.jpeg)


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96dbfb No.21660539


I understand, but the thing here is that people are tuning in. She doesn't get the details correct but there is something telling her to signify job 38:12 but she leaves out 13 and birthdates not understanding the impulses she is getting, she is just on fire as they say. So are they reading this board or is a greater awakening coming? The world will soon know how real God is, and there will be greater understanding that will truly usher in a better understanding of God's Kingdom.

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b2f168 No.21660541


why hebrew and not greek? Greek is a more complicated language than Hebrew.

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a46146 No.21660542


The first gospel written was written approximately 70 years after his death.

So it make one wonder about the truth of them all together.

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e1c34b No.21660543

File: 1bbb5ebe8356669⋯.jpg (49.95 KB,800x800,1:1,8a5ca94e0b718355ec73eb2019….jpg)

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634227 No.21660546

Baker haz IRL needs handy

#26526 >>21660191

>>21660431 Boatfaggin

>>21660254 Kash believes Biden is going to step down in return for family pardons.

>>21660297 Appeals Court Hears Arguments Over Trump's $454M Civil Fraud Judgment

>>21660302, >>21660406, >>21660410, >>21660413, >>21660421 Swamp Habbenins

>>21660314 Wisconsin Mayor Takes Matters Into His Own Hands: Says He Did Nothing Wrong After Using Dolly to Remove Ballot Drop Box Outside City Hall

>>21660344 The conditions for Russia’s transition to the use of nuclear weapons are also clearly defined

>>21660389 ICYMI: China launches ICBM into Pacific

>>21660399 9:00 AM EDT Former first lady Melania Trump will sit down with Fox News host Ainsley Earhardt in a rare televised interview in advance of her book release.

>>21660424 9:30 AM EDT The Ongoing Investigation of the Butler, Pennsylvania Security Failure

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776634 No.21660547

File: 9eaf14daf3719e3⋯.png (93.35 KB,1763x569,1763:569,ClipboardImage.png)

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83a845 No.21660549

File: be85cc4a013d385⋯.jpg (117.45 KB,671x537,671:537,be85cc4a013d385665173cdc56….jpg)


Confirm baker

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a34d30 No.21660550

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f3d6b8 No.21660551

File: 92ba06db1c74e5a⋯.jpeg (472.68 KB,1125x1284,375:428,IMG_4356.jpeg)


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e1c34b No.21660552

File: 8a5ca94e0b71835⋯.jpg (174.47 KB,725x829,725:829,8a5ca94e0b718355ec73eb2019….jpg)


its been habbening!

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af98ab No.21660553

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

tape song…

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634227 No.21660555

File: d452e7214123d46⋯.png (117.78 KB,1080x1054,540:527,ClipboardImage.png)


we firmed, all yo's

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232305 No.21660556

File: 729a4722d7f17dc⋯.jpeg (225.84 KB,1284x921,428:307,IMG_3680.jpeg)

File: f8267e3169f94b8⋯.jpeg (343.36 KB,1284x1044,107:87,IMG_3679.jpeg)

Melania Trump calls husband’s survival of two assassination attempts ‘miracles,’ describes anger over FBI raid in rare TV interview

By Published Sep. 26, 2024, 12:11 a.m. ET

Melania Trump on Wednesday said she considers itmiraculous that her husband survived the two assassination attempts against himand revealed that she was fuming after the FBI rummaged through her Florida home.

In her first television interview in more than two years, the former first lady told “Fox & Friends” co-host Ainsley Earhardt thatshe struggled to comprehend what had happenedwhen she saw her husband, former President Donald Trump, “on the floor” at the July 13 Butler, Pa., rally after he was grazed by a would-be assassin’s bullet.

“I ran to the TV and I rewind[ed] it and I watched it,” Melania said of her immediate actions after being told by her chief of staff that her husband was OK but that there had been a shooting at the rally.

“When I saw it … nobody really knew yet [what had happened],”she continued. “When you see him on the floor and you don’t know, you don’t know what really happened.”

Melania, 54, said she was in New York City on Sept. 15, when her husband was targeted yet againby a sniper as he golfed near their Mar-a-Lago estate in Palm Beach, Fla.

“I saw it on the television,”the retired supermodel said of how she found out about the second assassination attempt. “And as soon as I saw it on television I called again, and he was OK, because Secret Service were great.”

“The guys that [the former president’s golf group] were between, they were fantastic.”

“And, I think both of the events, they were really miracles,”Melania said.

“If you really think about it, July 13th was a miracle. Like, that much and he could, you know, he could not be with us,” she added, noting with her fingers how close the Butler shooter’s bullet got to her husband’s head.

When asked about her reaction to the August 2022 FBI raid of Mar-a-Lago, conducted as part of the government’s investigation into her husband’s withholding of classified White House documents, Melania said the ordeal left her “angry.”

"Yeah, it made me angry,” she said, calling it an “invasion of privacy.” “The way it was done, was, I was really surprised.”

FBI agents scoured Melania’s wardrobe, combed through her husband’s office and even reportedly searched one of her son Barron’s rooms during the raid.

“I saw unpleasant stuff that nobody wants to see,” Melania said of her experience returning to her ransacked residence. “And you get angry because, you know, nobody should be putting up with that kind of stuff.”

“Some person – I don’t even know who or how many people – they, you know, they went through my stuff.”

Earhardt’s full interview with Melania will air Thursday morning on “Fox & Friends.”


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b2f168 No.21660557


which was mark I believe and I heard something about how there was an addition at the end about the resurrection, that did not exist in the earliest recorded mark only appears in later additions.

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38be18 No.21660558


one minute to go for lovely Melania interview

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e1c34b No.21660559



right as rain yo

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34a302 No.21660560


I think what is starting to happen is that people are starting to get legitimate urgings from God and cannot really decipher the true meaning entirely but are getting something that they never really got before as many are just channelers with a channel and they are sort like Whoppi in Ghost.

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83a845 No.21660562

File: 9e2ed346427a216⋯.png (63.66 KB,631x538,631:538,9e2ed346427a2164637823e914….png)



diggies yo

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8cfce5 No.21660563

File: b185d28ada531fd⋯.png (186.14 KB,500x515,100:103,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 219bf1d443dc36a⋯.png (566.61 KB,533x903,533:903,ClipboardImage.png)



the delta of djt with the flag.

the bait is difficult to ignore

this image i.d is definitely one which anon had not decoded before until this morning.

>>21659191 lb Wikileaks: email from Hillary to Huma Abedin talking about a dinner with diane feinstein, also a meeting with Carlos Slim and David Rockafeller

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9b70f5 No.21660566


>starting to get legitimate urgings from God

From their imaginary friend, riiight…

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a46146 No.21660568


Yep. It stopped when the women we to the tomb and saw he was not there.

They were so scared they told none about it.

Later on there were authors that added to that account because the church said people would not accept it.

So they gave it an ending that people would accept, thus making the bible nothing more than a 'people-control' device.

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df7c82 No.21660569


Nice work anon. I confirmed as well.

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8ab653 No.21660570

Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 09/26/2024



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1788d6 No.21660572

>>21659313 p/b

>it's hereditary

It is not. It is learned behavior.

Most often taught from adults to children

The children need protecting from pedo adults.

In the case of child incest, protection from pedo adult family members.

Shame usually hinders the exposure of the vile adults.

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7a9a7c No.21660575

File: a0d5eaaa06d8584⋯.jpg (130.52 KB,392x417,392:417,OILY.jpg)

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8ab653 No.21660578

Tora3 embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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c68e41 No.21660579

File: 270560aa34c8256⋯.jpeg (598.09 KB,1125x1280,225:256,IMG_4357.jpeg)


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b362f2 No.21660580

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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af98ab No.21660583

File: 1d423e07af8153d⋯.gif (1.84 MB,260x297,260:297,1d423e07af8153d7fa789ae96f….gif)


gonna be a great day

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cd011b No.21660584

File: c85524207c695a1⋯.jpeg (163.03 KB,1125x657,125:73,IMG_4043.jpeg)

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776634 No.21660585


I often will shop in bulk, so I lead with that, but, I'm sure, Costco's, removed it all from their shelves, and online sales.

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3eba2c No.21660587

File: b36971496c894fb⋯.png (273.76 KB,478x581,478:581,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c18d7b8ca883faa⋯.mp4 (8.48 MB,540x540,1:1,DIVpBnKpnmIUEXpk.mp4)


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a46146 No.21660589

Federal authorities raid Eric Adams’ mayoral residence


NEW YORK — In a stunning show of force, federal agents raided Gracie Mansion, the official mayoral residence, early Thursday morning.

They seized an electronic device from New York City Mayor Eric Adams as part of an investigation into foreign influence and the moderate Democrat’s 2021 campaign.

The early-morning visit came just hours after news that Adams had been indicted, and was confirmed by Alex Spiro, a private attorney who has been retained by Adams.

“Federal agents appeared this morning at Gracie Mansion in an effort to create a spectacle (again) and take [Adams’] phone (again),” he said in a statement. “He has not been arrested and looks forward to his day in court.”

Adams, in a video released late Wednesday night, suggested federal investigators are deliberately sensationalizing probes into New York City Hall to hobble his credibility. In that vein, Spiro noted Thursday morning the mayor would have voluntarily provided evidence.

“They send a dozen agents to pick up a phone when we would have happily turned it in,” he said in a statement.

The FBI typically conducts early-morning raids to obtain evidence that officials believe they could not get through the type of voluntarily surrender described by Spiro.

The investigation is being led by Damian Williams, the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District in New York and is focused at least in part on the mayor’s ties to Turkey.

In the wake of Wednesday’s news of an indictment, multiple officials including several mayoral rivals called for Adams to resign, something the mayor steadfastly refused to do.

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8cfce5 No.21660590

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


live now


Melania Trump sits down for exclusive interview: 'I want to put the record straight'



Premiere in progress. Started 6 minutes ago #FoxNews

Melania Trump sits down with 'Fox & Friends' co-host Ainsley Earhardt for her first interview in more than two years to discuss her new memoir, the raid on Mar-a-Lago and her reaction to the assassination attempt on her husband's life. #FoxNews

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7a8698 No.21660593


Extremely fishy considering the same war-mongering neo-con marxists who hate Iran also happen to hate Donald Trump. I would not trust these people. They have been proven liars and deceivers.

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b2f168 No.21660594


christians will latch on to the idea that it is true because first off there were two witnesses and that was some legal precedent back then and women needed at least two I think to confirm her story to one mans statement. Saying someone is a witness is not actually being a witness. This is further helped by the addition of Revelation at the end with the talk of witnesses. Part of the council of Nicea was to even determine in their new religion if Jesus was even divine, son of god or man, did Jesus shit? yes it was discussed. But if the message was so clear why were there councils formed to determine the meaning of it.

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0582dc No.21660599

what habbens when dems speak truth


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af98ab No.21660600


iranian plot

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b2f168 No.21660602


what is wrong with this picture?

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88f7b2 No.21660603




and south

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a34d30 No.21660609

File: d78009bd5719875⋯.png (870.19 KB,1167x1017,389:339,Takinghatianvillages.png)

File: 9a0b0d10923ac95⋯.png (354.6 KB,884x2258,442:1129,136.png)

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ffb6ad No.21660610

File: 743b1b1be238d0b⋯.jpeg (267.12 KB,1125x605,225:121,IMG_4358.jpeg)

File: 1c20f83ccb0eb73⋯.jpeg (510.85 KB,925x1195,185:239,IMG_4359.jpeg)


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b2f168 No.21660611


answer the question you waterbrain nigger.

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6206fd No.21660615


We are given the ability to understand, anon, by The Holy Spirit.

So those who 'wonder' if they are 'true' need to spend more time in meditation.

Catholics trust their forefathers and dont do the 'only scripture' thing.

so Catholics trust what the tradition tells us.

your date of 70 years seems incorrect to me.

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7a8698 No.21660618


Keep in mind that the legal targeting of Eric Adams just so happened the days after he started to criticize Joe Biden over his open border policy! Eric was actually a former cop many years ago! He realized Biden's regime was destabilizing NYC and spoke out..... THEN he was targeted by the FBI.

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88f7b2 No.21660621



what a moron

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776634 No.21660622


or, angels advocate, what if it WAS purchased there, pharmaceutical baby oil filled bottles…

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937211 No.21660623

File: 46204e0f270eeb0⋯.png (317.58 KB,607x411,607:411,dr_evil_right.png)

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669e07 No.21660624

File: 79dbdb48876756b⋯.png (428.69 KB,643x464,643:464,2024_09_26_09_07_33.png)


So, is the P Diddy 'baby oil' the date rape drug 'GHB' or the date rape drug 'bute'?

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6206fd No.21660625


So the whole narrative about Turkish donations is fake?

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7a9a7c No.21660627

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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9b70f5 No.21660629

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380d0a No.21660631

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>if someone's birthday is near Christmas.

>or June birthdays seem to get fussed over,

June B-Day means parents were making love during the fall harvest

Christmas B-Day means parents were enjoying the rites of spring

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634227 No.21660632


this post @250


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776634 No.21660633


In that world, assume all of the above, labels coded per drug…

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3965a2 No.21660635


Shut up Karon

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cb1359 No.21660639

File: 02613974257d9c0⋯.png (92.43 KB,500x715,100:143,ClipboardImage.png)

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7a8698 No.21660640


Not saying it is, necessarily, I'm saying the ONLY REASON the FBI is targeting him is because he publicly spoke out against the open border deliberate destabilization policy of the Regime. That is a FACT.

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6206fd No.21660641


June birthday means that the weather is nice to have a party, people are available, everyone loves cake so they show up.

December birthday: people are busy. They tell you that your present will also be your Christmas present. They are too busy to do more than just have a piece of cake. The weather is bad.

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7d708d No.21660643

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Anyone remember the Windows 95 boot up music?

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7a8698 No.21660644



If Eric Adams would have embraced the Open Border policy he would have 100% been left alone to do whatever crimes he wanted! FACT.

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c9cf51 No.21660645

File: 330636d5fe86473⋯.png (375.79 KB,677x665,677:665,330636d5fe86473d6f266eb372….png)

File: fdb45ad348f66f4⋯.jpeg (26.62 KB,500x282,250:141,Kanye_Maga_Hat.jpeg)

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b2f168 No.21660646


shut up

you are a fag

they trust consensus of dead people

tradition is a lie

your thoughts don't matter. Scholars place Mark around 70ad plus minus. It does not mean nothing existed but no proof has been discovered in that period of anything about this group and yet things were being written down.

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a34d30 No.21660650

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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380d0a No.21660651


>>21660631 (me)

co-existing truths

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a34d30 No.21660653

File: 8c3bdec89b48775⋯.png (28.04 KB,732x240,61:20,popefrancis.png)

File: 209f406cf66608c⋯.png (58.48 KB,884x542,442:271,3717.png)

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6206fd No.21660655


I understand your point, anon.

let's see what the indictment says.

Turkey, also, is saber rattling towards Israel now, too, so perhaps that is also part of it.

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6206fd No.21660659


no, anon, 'rites of Spring'?

you assume that parents are pagans.

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7a8698 No.21660660


It is 100% true, you know how the corruption rolls. Nearly every politician has tons of dirt on them, yet they never get arrested…..UNLESS they pose a threat to the Deep State regime…. absolutely fucking FACT.

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3eba2c No.21660664

File: c1c0a9709727710⋯.png (596.22 KB,680x458,340:229,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cda1cb8a57274e0⋯.png (88.83 KB,478x312,239:156,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0ead3db883154a2⋯.png (120.32 KB,478x401,478:401,ClipboardImage.png)

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6206fd No.21660665

posting porn and quoting scripture: does one bring a curse upon oneself for mocking?

think about it.

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a46146 No.21660666


>Catholics trust their forefathers and dont do the 'only scripture' thing.

>so Catholics trust what the tradition tells us.

So why would catholics prevent regular people from reading the books?

Why did they translate it into latin, which they know to be satan's language.

They were the ones that started using it as a control device.

That is part of the reason King Henry broke from the roman catholic church, and started raiding those churches in england, even though modern dogma says it was because he wanted a divorce that the pope would not give, then continued on to write his own version of the bible, which later on, King James decided he wanted his own version as well, which is now known as the KJV, which is now translated into many moar different versions today.

The moar translations, the moar corrupt.

Until they release the text of the Dead Sea Scrolls, nothing in those books can be verified.

That is part of the reason they refuse to release the text of the Dead Sea Scrolls, it contradicts with some of what we know to be, according to today's versions.

They will lose their control device.

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bd11d6 No.21660670

File: 6d2c7cc703817c1⋯.jpeg (145.47 KB,680x678,340:339,IMG_9850.jpeg)

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cb0670 No.21660672

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


LIVE | Gov. DeSantis provides update on Hurricane Helene

ABC Action News


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3965a2 No.21660673

Shut up Karen

its Art


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b2f168 No.21660674


nato nation issue as well as the israel thing you mentioned. My guess is they just need to look like they are a functional group of impartial law enforcement. So they pinch the one causing the most trouble for them.

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2276eb No.21660677

File: 23138f617493a7f⋯.png (211.43 KB,690x388,345:194,ClipboardImage.png)

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a28679 No.21660679

File: 9de45c7114e6911⋯.jpeg (1.03 MB,1125x1889,1125:1889,IMG_4362.jpeg)


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7a8698 No.21660680


Yes, very possibly. Any nation, group or individual who threatens the Deep State agenda have better be 100% clean and even then it won't stop them from trying to ramp up bullshit charges and weaponizing the legal system with Kangaroo courts. Show trials, Soviet-style.

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9b70f5 No.21660681

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cb0670 No.21660683

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Columbia County commissioners hold emergency meeting ahead of Hurricane Helene

First Coast News


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8cfce5 No.21660684

File: 724eebc60f763d4⋯.png (296.45 KB,546x457,546:457,ClipboardImage.png)

There is much panic in v.d today.

maybe they are whipping hard to spam harder.

see meme.

if you could just spam harder.

that would be great..


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d86ef4 No.21660686



>everybody wants to talk about the bible, no one talks about the Holy Spirit, and how that works, hmmmm

If you read Job 38:12-13, I assure you that we had a Job to do, and by the Grace of God, this transpired. The Holy Spirit flees deceit and that is how it works, so we had to shake out the evil intentionally, this is why the sun rose in a new place as a Testament of God's Promise. Now the Holy Spirit will thrive where evil once made it flee.

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38be18 No.21660687

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af98ab No.21660688

Truly Beautiful, inside and out!

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6206fd No.21660689


'satan's language?'


you're a waste of time and an obvious troll.

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cb0670 No.21660691

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

10:00 AM EDT

Oversight Hearing - United States Postal Service's Role in 2024 Election Mail Readiness

House Appropriations Committee



The Honorable Louis DeJoy

Postmaster General and Chief Executive Officer, United States Postal Service






Postmaster General on USPS Election Mail Readiness

Postmaster General Louis DeJoy testifies on the United States Postal Service’s (USPS) readiness ahead of the 2024 election.


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f0f41c No.21660692

File: 92207c44bcacdea⋯.png (44.9 KB,1246x415,1246:415,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 734b4eb524ff056⋯.png (592.65 KB,809x615,809:615,ClipboardImage.png)

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b2f168 No.21660693


trips of truth and illumination kek

I thought the dead sea scrolls were released and you could view the individual fragments virtually and there was some website also I thought that had the translations as well. The guy who translated the babylonian stuff in the 18th century was cancelled because he pointed out the similarity between that and the OT.

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776634 No.21660694


Like all good bookies, they do keep records, and all were located beneath the vatican, and seized. Can't rewrite history any longer.

And what always gets the bookie? Their books…and now it's recordings as well, paper trails, etc.

We Have It All, has true meaning.

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3eba2c No.21660695

File: 74f7875835cf110⋯.png (209.72 KB,478x337,478:337,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 54f7b357294fee8⋯.png (571.32 KB,736x524,184:131,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 85db1cfbb4e021e⋯.png (154.09 KB,478x410,239:205,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8558c462459f88a⋯.mp4 (3.05 MB,662x360,331:180,mq24f4U8C2HQGrwy.mp4)


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a46146 No.21660696


If you believe in one, you have to believe in the other.

They believed in one, thus believed in the other.

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b2f168 No.21660697


why is it satans language. Who is satan exactly.

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6206fd No.21660699


anon, when marxist consolidate power they go after the true believers in their own ranks, and the useful idiots.

it's dangerous for their rank-and-file.

Adams is a Democrat and that is telling.

Democrats take heed: vote for Trump to save your self from a coming purge!

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af98ab No.21660700

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cb0670 No.21660701

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

10:00 AM EDT

Examining Puerto Rico’s Electrical Grid and the Need for Reliable and Resilient Energy

House Natural Resources Committee





Local Officials and Energy Industry Executives Testify on Puerto Rico's Electric Grid

Government officials and energy industry executives from Puerto Rico testify on the U.S. territory’s electrical grid and energy challenges before the House Natural Resources Subcommittee on Indian and Insular Affairs.


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6206fd No.21660702


I don't take advice on what to believe, and don't follow rules of what to believe from a person who is an obvious satanic troll.

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7a8698 No.21660703


It would be very interesting what the Judge was being arrested for, and then, what the Judge was saying and/or doing before he had been indicted. I have to question everything today because the corruption today is SYSTEMIC.

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4048e4 No.21660705


Actually, she is being urged by the Spirit to tell you these things but what I am telling you, is that when this is revealed later in the future, you will understand better some of our digits. The morning sun brings heat will be Clear.

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1788d6 No.21660707

File: 2bc04b688de5d62⋯.png (287.64 KB,480x480,1:1,2bc04af454eb0b19bcede42e10….png)

>>21659546 p/b


Kek. Anon wonders who actually got the lion's share

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39acf9 No.21660708


Yes several anons need this boot camp, but a majority have been fantastic and don’t give me much shit.

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6206fd No.21660709


if the Holy Spirit is involved then why do you need to be so insistent? Wouldn't the Holy Spirit inspire us to believe what is said?

thus your narrative falls apart.

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07a963 No.21660710



interview today on the indictment

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b2f168 No.21660711


obvious christian troll.

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dc2957 No.21660713

File: 16211cd3e28f150⋯.png (173.92 KB,406x909,406:909,Screenshot_2024_09_19_at_1….png)


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fd3e2c No.21660714


I'll have to search that.

Will still have problems believing the accuracy seeing how it is 'glued' back together.

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dc2957 No.21660715

File: f35e7be810d72fb⋯.png (237.59 KB,406x1006,203:503,Screenshot_2024_09_19_at_1….png)


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f86168 No.21660717

File: 791c16379f1251c⋯.png (14.67 KB,255x255,1:1,e2bdccc7ea84570e83e89416f2….png)


no one care

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dc2957 No.21660718

File: 826c04e62ac8140⋯.png (184.66 KB,406x852,203:426,Screenshot_2024_09_19_at_1….png)

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fd3e2c No.21660719


>We Have It All, has true meaning.


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07a963 No.21660720


I think it was money related

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7a8698 No.21660721


Very true, once they are done with useful idiots, or the useful idiots grow a brain for once and realize this nightmare and speak out about it, the communists purge them as always in any tyrannical system.

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dc2957 No.21660722

File: 3bb7f1a125c5df8⋯.png (295.31 KB,406x877,406:877,Screenshot_2024_09_19_at_1….png)


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9b70f5 No.21660723


You cared enough to reply.

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6ed2e9 No.21660724

File: 0fd242d1d3a38db⋯.png (47.22 KB,646x276,323:138,Screenshot_2024_09_26_at_0….png)

File: 6edf9d8c3c77a45⋯.png (458.96 KB,435x660,29:44,Screenshot_2024_09_26_at_0….png)

Supermodel Naomi Campbell has been disqualified as a trustee after an investigation into her Fashion For Relief charity uncovered 'serious mismanagement'.

It follows revelations by the Mail On Sunday that official accounts showed that it spent more than £1.6million on a glittering gala in Cannes, but gave just £5,000 to good causes over a 15-month period.

The Charity Commission confirmed in April that it had removed the supermodel's charity from the UK charity register while it continued its investigation into allegations of misconduct.

And today the Commission published the report of its statutory inquiry into Fashion For Relief, concluding the charity was poorly governed and had inadequate financial management.

Campbell, 54, was disqualified from being a trustee for five years, former colleagues Bianka Hellmich for nine and Veronica Chou for four.


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dc2957 No.21660725

File: 394c24faed96a98⋯.png (332.13 KB,406x864,203:432,Screenshot_2024_09_19_at_1….png)


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f28013 No.21660726


There is a way things work and way that they don't. You heard me say this before:

What you feed will surely live, and what you starve is already dead.

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a34d30 No.21660727

File: 67eda676f3b9ff6⋯.jpg (74.48 KB,555x551,555:551,555x551xSEALs_afghanistan_….jpg)


Sealed indictment?

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776634 No.21660730


The Irony, is, they keep good records, not to be screwed over, when in the end, each time this happens to them, they wind up screwing themselves. Bookies, gonna book.

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fd3e2c No.21660731


Obviously you must be a member of the inquisition squad.

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f86168 No.21660732


it's number's

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634227 No.21660733

File: 75d45e102e81599⋯.jpg (89.51 KB,500x715,100:143,clowncheese.jpg)


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6206fd No.21660734


they often will have a period of 'free expression' where the relax the hold on media and let people express freely.

they compile a list of all those who say stuff they don't like, clamp down on free speech, and start arresting people.

show trials follow. Or, they just disappear people.

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38be18 No.21660735

File: 68a9e24e2f0af54⋯.webp (154.68 KB,1024x585,1024:585,DALL_E_2024_09_20_23_24_4….webp)

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dc2957 No.21660737


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6a137d No.21660740

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Please watch.

Please donate, Frens.

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07a963 No.21660742

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a34d30 No.21660744

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6ed2e9 No.21660745

File: 911fce3c60fd25d⋯.png (103.03 KB,270x180,3:2,Screenshot_2024_09_26_at_0….png)

File: 24940fb7e07f68f⋯.png (606.36 KB,719x468,719:468,Screenshot_2024_09_26_at_0….png)

File: f5f774ffb24ad34⋯.png (1.23 MB,1440x806,720:403,Screenshot_2024_09_26_at_0….png)

File: 55fc94e4bd89092⋯.png (161.09 KB,458x550,229:275,Screenshot_2024_03_10_at_1….png)

File: 6268a8df69bf296⋯.png (11.65 KB,133x56,19:8,Screenshot_2024_09_26_at_0….png)

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9b70f5 No.21660746


So if I filter you, you KYS.

Got it.

Ready? Set? GO!!

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7a8698 No.21660751


The reason never to give up the guns, or America is over as we knew it.

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363c8a No.21660753


>why do you need to be so insistent

I am not being insistent, I am just saying remember this because the future will prove the past. I am not telling you to believe, because as you deny now, you will have to deny even more in the future.

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b90b8a No.21660754

File: 6d9d8e2c5205a3f⋯.png (176.17 KB,720x879,240:293,ClipboardImage.png)

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b2f168 No.21660755


the way they address accuracy is in terms of gluing it especially in the smaller fragments is trying to use measurements and spacing to see what is on the back and front and where it might be. By the time you even get excepted gospels by the so called holy church, it has already gone through multiple edits away from source document. Some call this Q at least for the new testament that there is some tie. This is also why so many anons latch on to the idea of Jesus vs the division of religion line. OMG THE MISSING GOSPEL IS CALLED Q, cum, cum cum. It seems like it may exist the problem is you have gnostic shit also at the same time intermixed and that is totally ignored. The pagan origins of christianity and the continuing paganism disguised as monotheism to direct them to a certain pantheon lets say is direct and obvious. Catholic church still revels in these transmogrified gods into angles and stuff like that.

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6206fd No.21660758


are you part of the troll team?

if you didn't find it odd what that other one said do I need to tell you that the deciever will speak in whatever language it thinks you want to hear it speak in.

No one way of talking is prefered by that one.

the slander wasn't even subtle, the trolling was obvious, and it was of an odious and hateful nature. So that's why I gave it that label.

and you're here to do an inquisition on me, projecting towards me your own plans.

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669e07 No.21660761

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


> Former New York Judge Kills Himself as FBI Arrive To Arrest Him

Warden Norton didn't go quietly either

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8642eb No.21660763

File: 4112a60ccf643c1⋯.jpeg (752.94 KB,1125x1603,1125:1603,IMG_4363.jpeg)


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7a8698 No.21660765


What an absolute disaster that would cause most people.

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fd3b5b No.21660766


Your (Gen 3:16) Anus (1Es 9:48) is (Gen 2:4) still (Gen 19:9) a man, having (Pro 18:1) sexual relations with a man (Lev 18:22)

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fd3e2c No.21660767


Main reason for the vatican vault being locked up tighter than a crab's ass.

They can't afford for those texts to get out to the public.

It would show how much control they had over kings and countries.

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6ed2e9 No.21660769

File: 86445cdc0a161ae⋯.png (578.7 KB,736x449,736:449,Screenshot_2024_09_26_at_0….png)

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164468 No.21660770


>com si com sa

Comme si, comme sa, Anon. o7 Sorry. I don't have a French Gramma Kitty for you.

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937211 No.21660771

File: 3b02cf3de5b5dad⋯.png (446.02 KB,1202x525,1202:525,pepe_filter_duplication_sh….png)

So much red text, so much gone…

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0127b5 No.21660772


Again. Works.

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6206fd No.21660774


you're being a manipulator, IP hopping, and insistent on nonsense, and now you are mocking Q.

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83a845 No.21660775

@330 or thereabouts

#26526 >>21660191

>>21660431 Boatfaggin

>>21660254 Kash believes Biden is going to step down in return for family pardons.

>>21660297 Appeals Court Hears Arguments Over Trump's $454M Civil Fraud Judgment

>>21660302, >>21660406, >>21660410, >>21660413, >>21660421, >>21660691, >>21660701 Swamp Habbenins

>>21660314 Wisconsin Mayor Takes Matters Into His Own Hands: Says He Did Nothing Wrong After Using Dolly to Remove Ballot Drop Box Outside City Hall

>>21660344 The conditions for Russia’s transition to the use of nuclear weapons are also clearly defined

>>21660389 ICYMI: China launches ICBM into Pacific

>>21660399, >>21660590 9:00 AM EDT Former first lady Melania Trump will sit down with Fox News host Ainsley Earhardt in a rare televised interview in advance of her book release.

>>21660424 9:30 AM EDT The Ongoing Investigation of the Butler, Pennsylvania Security Failure

>>21660544, >>21660589 Federal authorities raid Eric Adams’ mayoral residence

>>21660556 Melania Trump calls husband’s survival of two assassination attempts ‘miracles’

>>21660570, >>21660578 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 09/26/2024

>>21660634 Colorado governor hopes Trump "behaves" himself while visiting Aurora

>>21660672, >>21660683 LIVE | Gov. DeSantis provides update on Hurricane Helene

>>21660724, >>21660745 Supermodel Naomi Campbell's charity 'Fashion For Relief' is money stealing operation

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894c48 No.21660776

File: 52ec4e4816589b6⋯.png (371.23 KB,691x554,691:554,52ec4e4816589b6dee76a2937e….png)


It's Mother Jones!

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9b70f5 No.21660777


Hillary bought four kids and Tay didn't.

Is that your point?

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38be18 No.21660780

File: 16863ccb8e6e5d2⋯.webp (419.44 KB,918x725,918:725,68f2b7.webp)

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3bbefc No.21660782

File: 33b868d06c82f5b⋯.png (651.96 KB,800x454,400:227,almost_there.png)

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6206fd No.21660783


no one listens to those who start out with an insulting presentation.

you, too, are a mocker.

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07a963 No.21660784


looks like a high maintenance property

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937211 No.21660785

File: f02c816c84875a3⋯.png (578.91 KB,500x752,125:188,suicide_weekend.png)


The weekend starting early?

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fd3e2c No.21660786


I see truth is offensive to you're sensibilities.

Have a great day.

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7a8698 No.21660791





I get your point, BUT You could easily apply that for MOST politicians, RINOs and Demoncrats included but it seems that's not fitting your TDS narrative.

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634227 No.21660792

File: f6ed39a3d2db0a9⋯.png (225.49 KB,1287x638,117:58,ClipboardImage.png)


Local News

Colorado governor hopes Trump "behaves" himself while visiting Aurora

Gov. Jared Polis is reacting to the possibility that former President Trump will make a campaign stop in Aurora. In recent weeks, Trump has made comments about Aurora several times, including at the presidential debate between Trump and current vice president and Democratic nominee Kamala Harris.

He has falsely claimed the city has been taken over by a criminal gang from Venezuela.


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82341d No.21660795

>>21658835 Greg Kelly covers Senate report detailing security failures on J13PN

If there is not a secret law enforcement agency that works for the Congress that can go into agencies and raid them for all documents and evidence they refuse to release, there needs to be one because at this point the illegal withholding of documents have gone on far too long. The agencies have complete disrespect for congress and the laws. This has to be fixed right away. They are getting away with murder and plots and they need to be put back in place. In addition every agency has to have every top level compromised leaders and those who carry out their plans need to be purged for government once and for all.

What can Congress do to cleanse and correct the DS. Shut the whole fucking thing down until its restored to constitutional directives.

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bbdbec No.21660797


>and now you are mocking Q

The accuser, always at home.

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fd3e2c No.21660799


Edits and meaning of the words between then and now, makes for a totally different story.

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38be18 No.21660801

File: bba990d17bac0be⋯.jpg (52.98 KB,660x809,660:809,fdf9fdd71fa951daa36b672f51….jpg)

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00854b No.21660806

File: 2d710db14ad129d⋯.jpeg (508.64 KB,1080x1080,1:1,IMG_4034.jpeg)


ADL is paranoid retardation.

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7a8698 No.21660807


>He has falsely claimed the city has been taken over by a criminal gang from Venezuela.

But armed foreign gangs actually HAVE, they have been extorting residents by GUN POINT for their rent money!!

So that CBS report is a blatant LIE.

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bbdbec No.21660810


Silence is Golden


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99ab0d No.21660811



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937211 No.21660815

File: f102c8d2c4affcb⋯.png (240.32 KB,657x527,657:527,Pepe_Apu_03.png)


Sounds like a threat. More lawfare incoming?

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380d0a No.21660817

File: 85a1ef125b80cde⋯.png (1.06 MB,974x1351,974:1351,ClipboardImage.png)


One can perhaps quibble with a few of these points, but overall it is accurate
















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6ed2e9 No.21660818

File: 2f54f51762e8dd9⋯.png (486.92 KB,789x530,789:530,Screenshot_2024_09_26_at_0….png)

When it comes to Kamala Harris and her record on gun control, one can’t help but raise an eyebrow at her aggressive stance during her tenure as District Attorney of San Francisco. Her support for Proposition H, a city-level proposition aimed at banning the possession of handguns, is a glaring example of her willingness to infringe upon the rights of law-abiding citizens.

The Mercury News reported in 2005, “Although Mayor Gavin Newsom has not taken a position, several of the city’s most liberal leaders are supporting the far-reaching ban — including District Attorney Kamala Harris and four supervisors who are listed as sponsors.”

This statement underscores the political climate in San Francisco, where liberal leaders like Harris were eager to push their anti-gun agenda.

The ban, which required city residents to surrender all handguns within a mere four months, was a blatant overreach. The New York Post noted that the measure was “approved by San Francisco voters on Election Day 2005, but struck down by state courts before it could take effect.”

It’s telling that even the courts recognized the potential for this ban to violate fundamental rights.

But Harris didn’t stop there. On September 18, 2024, Breitbart News highlighted another alarming aspect of her approach to gun control. While serving as San Francisco DA, she supported firearm storage regulations that essentially allowed police to invade the privacy of citizens’ homes under the guise of compliance checks.

Kamala Harris said, “…just because you legally possess a gun in the sanctity of your locked home… doesn’t mean that we’re not going to walk into that home and check to see if you’re being responsible and safe in the way you conduct your affairs.”


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99ab0d No.21660821

File: 76429bc05310010⋯.jpeg (867.25 KB,1125x1943,1125:1943,IMG_4364.jpeg)

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c17277 No.21660823

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Those who went to work today to wage war on children, to facilitate abuse of innocent kids are not going to survive the coming storm.

These sick vermin are known, located and surveilled and face extraction, exposure, quick trial and execution/imprisonment.

Dots on a map.

Moving dots on a map

Realization, capitulation, and suicide.

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0582dc No.21660825

say his name: COMPATORE

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b2f168 No.21660826


some words are not even translatable, however the translators have inserted a interpretation in which is not what you are supposed to do. It is a word or it is not a word. Just look at the debate over the word Eloheim.

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7a8698 No.21660827


Garbage link anon.

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c17277 No.21660828



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00854b No.21660829

File: 98e810e17a44a41⋯.jpeg (161.26 KB,1280x720,16:9,IMG_4051.jpeg)


Strange creatures.

This is how they smile…

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6ed2e9 No.21660830

File: 8390c1629fe4d20⋯.png (715.95 KB,688x848,43:53,Screenshot_2024_08_09_at_2….png)


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894c48 No.21660831

File: 9a1d31c9ce30652⋯.jpeg (97.63 KB,1400x922,700:461,diddy_steve_harvey.jpeg)


Street word is Steve Harvey is missing..left the country.

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7a8698 No.21660833

What's all these links to leftist/ state-run media recently? Marxists shitting up the board with their propaganda?

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3bbefc No.21660835

File: 14810453d3f49a4⋯.png (224.03 KB,500x500,1:1,pepe_axiom.png)

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a07b85 No.21660838


You should hang for treason!

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fd3e2c No.21660839


Let's not open that can of worms…KEK

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5d4865 No.21660840

File: 5b27e6c5a150519⋯.png (430.52 KB,992x558,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

NC Goes from Trump lead, to tossup!

Trump was leading in North Carolina, but not it is a dead heat, as Kamala is gaining ground. Republicans assumed that NC was just theirs, but this is no longer the case. If Trump loses NC, he needs to pick up Pennsylvania or Wisconsin, or Kamala wins the election.


This is not winning!

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776634 No.21660842

File: 98a68b6f3d4d9c0⋯.mp4 (1.99 MB,1280x720,16:9,7d10f90bd23c70c1.mp4)


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4f35c4 No.21660843

File: e477c342892a5d1⋯.png (32.28 KB,515x201,515:201,Q1958.png)

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0582dc No.21660847


-Hon. Mr. Kelly

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8dd37a No.21660848


I'm on the split shift…0300-0700 and 1600-2000, I prefer the early shift.

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6cd253 No.21660850

File: 7dd446db47c2824⋯.jpg (164.4 KB,1920x1440,4:3,tlHLIFS.jpg)

File: 9adc33853b36371⋯.jpg (582.98 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240925_180812….jpg)

File: 92a930e36b6afdf⋯.jpg (831.54 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240925_214328….jpg)

File: b4ede4c370cecec⋯.jpg (24.36 KB,307x173,307:173,160314163445_julius_caesar….jpg)

File: 55eddf5558d7dc2⋯.png (242.31 KB,480x291,160:97,Griffin_968285803_1.png)

LEO has their story straight. Let us procede with the precedings process of the procedes, my brotha! NecXkst!

Radio check. Over.

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b2f168 No.21660851

File: 72f6d64677e86a9⋯.png (17.13 KB,260x200,13:10,ClipboardImage.png)

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6ed2e9 No.21660853

File: 0028e99c1d5aed7⋯.png (567.26 KB,780x438,130:73,Screenshot_2024_09_26_at_0….png)

File: 80319ad8228457e⋯.png (983.8 KB,776x918,388:459,Screenshot_2024_09_26_at_0….png)

File: 876f615ae6ffbba⋯.png (452.16 KB,634x424,317:212,Screenshot_2024_09_26_at_0….png)

File: 7ec43c210850711⋯.png (1.74 MB,1377x918,3:2,Screenshot_2024_09_26_at_0….png)

File: a4e9f870eba55d2⋯.png (336.51 KB,612x428,153:107,Screenshot_2024_09_26_at_0….png)

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38be18 No.21660854

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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937211 No.21660855

File: 9f74d4db6bc10c7⋯.png (189.57 KB,398x442,199:221,pepe_5.png)


[They] have to make it look as if she is gaining ground, in order for when they steal the election to be more believable.

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83a845 No.21660856

File: 804ba7f127cf4cc⋯.png (126.91 KB,640x788,160:197,shiftyshifts.png)

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326729 No.21660857

Fuckin Indians killer's

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0582dc No.21660858

supersecretservice needs moar $$$ to successfully complete its mission

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f20b3d No.21660860

Chairman Kelly: I want to personally commend the former president and his family for the incredible strength they have shown since July 13th. I can't imagine anybody looking at this, and looking at it; please, separate the politics from all of this. This is a United States citizen running for a political office. He has a wife, he has children, he has grandchildren; nowhere in our whole scope of government can we accept the fact that these people jeopardize, or put their life in danger, by running for a public office. Totally unacceptable.

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dc2957 No.21660861

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7a8698 No.21660862

"Arm Yourself" - Persecuted Former FBI Specialist Urges Americans To Stock Up On Food And Prepare For Hardship

A former FBI specialist who was persecuted for questioning January 6 said during a hearing with lawmakers on Capitol Hill that Americans should stock up on food and prepare for hardship.

Marcus Allen, a former FBI staff operations specialist, told the Judiciary Subcommittee on Weaponization of the Federal Government that he was deliberately targeted by higher ups for asking why there were so many federal informants in the crowd at the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol riot.

“The FBI questioned my allegiance to the United States, suspended my security clearance, suspended my pay and refused to allow me to obtain outside employment or even accept charity,” Allen testified

The feds came down hard on Allen after he sent an email on September 21st, 2021 which his supervisors claimed contained hyperlinks to “extremist propaganda” from “questionable sources”.

Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz, who testified alongside Allen, is investigating the FBI’s security clearance and adjudication process, including the targeting of “political conservatives who were seen as loyal to Trump or resistant to COVID-19 vaccine mandates.”

“There are no words strong enough to describe the impact the FBI’s lies about me have had on me and my family,” said Allen during an emotional statement.

“The stress has taken a toll on our health and our children have suffered, traumatized by the thought of our door getting kicked in or Dad not coming home.”

"This is a warning, to the American people I say.. I personally have no confidence the FBI will reign in its own conduct."

However, it was Allen’s final comments that raised many eyebrows.

The former FBI staffer urged Americans to use their right to vote despite any doubts they may have about election integrity.

“My other recommendations are in the natural order,” Allen continued, “Arm yourself and know how to defend yourself, make three to four friends in your neighborhood and promise to come to each other’s mutual aid in times of hardship.”

“And during the great depression, people stocked up their pantry, so I think that’s a good practice especially in our economic times, and make sure you have three to four months of food,” he added.

Allen also urged Americans to pray and read the bible regularly.


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634227 No.21660863


which swamp habbenin anon?

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fd3e2c No.21660864


Dems don't even believe their own poll numbers are correct.

Democrats Believe Trump’s Support Is Undercounted in Polling Data


Some Democratic senators have expressed concerns that support for former President Donald Trump is being underrepresented in polling data, as has been the case during the past two presidential election cycles.

After Trump outperformed polling projections in both 2016 and 2020, Democrats told The Hill that the 2024 election is expected to be close, regardless of current poll numbers. As of Monday afternoon, Trump trails Vice President Kamala Harris by 2.2 points nationally, according to the RealClearPolitics average. This margin is narrower than Biden’s lead over Trump at this point in 2020 (7 points) and Hillary Clinton’s lead over Trump in 2016 (3 points).

“That’s ominous,” said one anonymous Democratic senator while discussing how Trump appears to be performing better in the polls against Harris. “There’s no question that is concerning, but you’re working as hard as you can work, no matter what. My sense there’s not a lot more you can do than we’re already doing.”

The senator added that he believes undercounting support for Trump may be due to people feeling “embarrassed.”

“Most of what he preaches, most of us have taught our children to try to not be that way on the playground,” the senator said. “So there’s a certain amount of reluctance to admit I’m going to vote for somebody whose conduct I tell my children is wrong.”

That remark comes as most Democrats have been painting Trump as a “threat to democracy” after labeling him a “Nazi,” a “fascist,” a “racist,” and a “bigot” — among other names — for years. He and his supporters have blamed Democratic rhetoric for the two assassination attempts against him.

Sen. John Fetterman (D-PA), meanwhile, has warned against putting any stock in polls, arguing, “Polling has really been seriously damaged since 2016. And that’s one of the truths, is that Trump is going to be tough in Pennsylvania, and that’s absolutely the truth.”

Sen. Raphael Warnock (D-Ga.) said of his battleground state “the only poll that matters is Nov. 5.”

“We know this election is going to be close. It’s going to be close in the battleground states, including Georgia, which is why I’m doing everything I can to make sure we put Georgia in our column,” he said. “The only poll that matters is Nov. 5, right?” He added: “We talk about margin of error for a reason.”

Another Democratic senator who spoke to The Hill on the condition of anonymity said, “I don’t think any poll right now means much of anything.”

“Figuring out the turnout is the hardest thing out there. This cycle there may be a surprise Trump vote and a surprise Harris vote,” Democratic pollster Celinda Lake told The Hill. “I, too, share the concern that there are going to be some surprises. What accentuates my concern is when you poll people who have not voted in ’20 but are planning to vote today, they are disproportionately Trump voters.”

“If you look at first-time voters who didn’t vote in ’20, they are leaning toward Trump and they’re very low information and they like his kind of style,” Lake added. “And they like Elon Musk and they like a lot of things like that. I worry about that. I think it’s definitely a concern, and I think we just have to get enough margin to compensate for that.”

Pennsylvania is shaping up to be perhaps the most important swing state this election cycle, and both candidates have spent a lot of time campaigning there. Earlier this month, Trump told a Pennsylvania crowd that residents had “no choice” but to cast a ballot for him.

“You can sit there and say, ‘I can’t stand that guy, but there’s no way I’m gonna vote for her,’” Trump said.

Trump told the Fox News town hall that Kamala Harris would carry out her threat to impose a ban on fracking in the state.

“Pennsylvania can’t take the chance that that answer is true,” said Trump.

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0582dc No.21660865

dem policy

fortify all dei failed bunkers with moar dei fail bunkers

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f20b3d No.21660868

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


LIVE: Task Force hearing on attempted assassination of President Trump

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6ed2e9 No.21660869

File: df4ea8dc2e1f525⋯.png (161.61 KB,450x327,150:109,Screenshot_2024_09_26_at_0….png)

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dc2957 No.21660871


>>21660868 LIVE: Task Force hearing on attempted assassination of President Trump

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517d2e No.21660872


Any time I give proofs of God's hand in this battle, the board gets flooded because some are worried about the implications that it brings.

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a6cfd2 No.21660873


Civil twilight possibly

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6b371f No.21660874

File: 30a8f9809417377⋯.png (1.1 MB,1734x1536,289:256,ClipboardImage.png)

David Reaboi, Late Republic Nonsense


We’re dealing with a legit terrorist organization—recognized as such by all these countries—and their name is sandblasted from the statement. Hezbollah doesn’t exist, apparently.


Tony Badran




Predictably, the statement that Team Obama-Harris crafted is anti-Israel, pro-Hezbollah trash. Pure poison.


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7a8698 No.21660875


It is, most definitely. Do any research on the numbers of registered Republicans today vs. the number of registered Democrats….. it will blow your mind. We have up to 4X the amount of registered voters today compared to the marxist commie fascists!

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b90b8a No.21660876



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fd3e2c No.21660877


But when it comes down to the actual voting, will they be RINO's?

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38be18 No.21660880

File: b9b10d24c4c3d8b⋯.jpg (67.89 KB,600x570,20:19,Buggy_Eyes.jpg)

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6206fd No.21660883


the troll keeps up with it.

you don't know truth, anon, you know mocking and badgering.

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5d4865 No.21660887

File: 2129969353e6bb2⋯.png (25.81 KB,473x500,473:500,pepe_12.png)



They claim that Kamala is gaining ground out of one side of their mouth, while showing growing concern that the black male vote continues to drop lower than ever out of the other side of their mouth.

It seems like they are panicking, and putting up fake polls in an attempt to make the opposition panic. This is dumb, because it has the reverse effect in 2 different ways;

1. Lazy democrat voters will say to themselves "we've got this, no need for me to go to the trouble of voting", and they won't vote.

2. It will further motivate those who oppose Harris, to get out and vote.

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1788d6 No.21660888

File: 24ac6a769ccd5f3⋯.png (4.44 MB,2048x1152,16:9,24a38.png)

>>21659844 p/b

>The reflections don't look proper for the people in the crowd


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f1bb6e No.21660889

File: 0b9ccc8c9084960⋯.pdf (130.91 KB,4_23_24_Rep_Roy_Letter_FCC….pdf)

File: dcb100dec3a1179⋯.png (2.57 MB,1894x6993,1894:6993,Screenshot_2024_09_26_at_0….png)



this is why they are attacking C.Roy


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517d2e No.21660892


Do you understand why the Georgia Guidestones were destroyed by God's hand?

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7a8698 No.21660893


>But when it comes down to the actual voting, will they be RINO's?

Some definitely, both parties are infiltrated by scumbags, but much moreso the Dems today. This ain't exactly the Bush/Cheney party anymore though so it's far better today than it once was!

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d52bd3 No.21660896

File: d6cea06ee9ffd33⋯.png (1.29 MB,1024x686,512:343,ClipboardImage.png)

NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

September 26, 2024

The Great Globular Cluster in Hercules

In 1716, English astronomer Edmond Halley noted, "This is but a little Patch, but it shows itself to the naked Eye, when the Sky is serene and the Moon absent." Of course, M13 is now less modestly recognized as the Great Globular Cluster in Hercules, one of the brightest globular star clusters in the northern sky. Sharp telescopic views like this one reveal the spectacular cluster's hundreds of thousands of stars. At a distance of 25,000 light-years, the cluster stars crowd into a region 150 light-years in diameter. Approaching the cluster core, upwards of 100 stars could be contained in a cube just 3 light-years on a side. For comparison, the closest star to the Sun is over 4 light-years away. The deep, wide-field image also reveals distant background galaxies including NGC 6207 at the upper left, and faint, foreground Milky Way dust clouds known to some as integrated flux nebulae.


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186793 No.21660898


In January 2020, over 90,000 Jewish people gathered at MetLife Stadium in East Rutherford, New Jersey to celebrate the completion of studying the Talmud, an ancient Jewish text, at an event called Siyum HaShas.

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23eac4 No.21660899

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



For a daily increase of harvesters, Lord, send us Laborers.

Day 32

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cb2a0e No.21660901


I won't be buying any more emergency food supplies because I am sitting on a years worth now.

My vote will be cast early, my prayers are continuous, and my ammo supply is ample.

But after almost 5 years of warnings like this, even I am having a hard time believing anyone who espouses them.

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f20b3d No.21660903

Lenz [Butler County Emergency Services Unit]: At no point during the planning process was Butler County ESU asked to secure the AGR complex, nor the perimeter surrounding that area. At no point during the planning process was Butler ESU asked to deploy a sniper team to the roof of the AGR complex, and at no point in our operations plan did we ever say that we would deploy a sniper team to the roof of the AGR complex. From their positions inside the AGR building, snipers were not able to see the roof where the shooter was located, and again, that was not within their area of responsibility.

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937211 No.21660907

File: 20253d508dd015d⋯.png (391.71 KB,610x800,61:80,pepe_boomerang.png)


>it has the reverse effect in 2 different ways;


>1. Lazy democrat voters will say to themselves "we've got this, no need for me to go to the trouble of voting", and they won't vote.


>2. It will further motivate those who oppose Harris, to get out and vote.

That's what you call aboomerangand the left gets hit with them all the time, yet never seems to learn. They are blinded by their own greed for power, and fail to notice their own hypocrisy.

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6206fd No.21660909


Many Democrats will vote for Trump because they realize that a vote for Harris is a vote for a communist.

And for their own good, they will vote for Trump because they see what happens to those who go against the Democrat machine, even in a small way.

Most Democrats are not Communists or Marxists. They understand that they will be in the sights of the corrupt FBI and Justice Department if they allow the installing of a figure head 'first minority of a particular class' as the puppet in chief.

Democrats who love America will vote for Trump, holding their noses, and understanding that sometimes they have to have what they don't prefer because that is the only solution available.

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186793 No.21660910


Do you understand what the Parakletos is?

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a6cfd2 No.21660912

File: 1b1ee71fd1b6010⋯.png (1.14 MB,576x1289,576:1289,Screenshot_20240926_095653.png)

My fave …..spam and toast

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1788d6 No.21660914

File: 0e0dadc62753283⋯.png (1.63 MB,1144x1280,143:160,0e062e67a67215.png)

>>21659930 p/b

>weaponized FBI / DOJ

Will he be supporting DJT now?

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385b6c No.21660916

File: 5603a10ef955c0b⋯.png (181.87 KB,1285x710,257:142,pop_.png)



Popcorn is a poppin'

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447aae No.21660917

https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/21656372.html#21656600 [PB]

Just before the 3-minute mark in this video of Senator John Kennedy questioning a witness about forum shopping, he says, "Can you imagine a scenario, with respect to President Biden - now, former President Biden - can you imagine a scenario[…]"

"Now" FORMER President Biden??

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937211 No.21660918

File: c3fa9367327538b⋯.png (519.08 KB,577x433,577:433,vati_shill2.png)

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517d2e No.21660921


>Do you understand what the Parakletos is?

You asked a question, I gave you an answer. They were warned and that is your proof.

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00854b No.21660922


Sage educator.

Like distinguished professor but not ghay.

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6206fd No.21660924


check the freshness date on your supply, anon.

you should always try to eat the freshest you have available.

maybe donate some of your older supplies to food banks?

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634227 No.21660925


this post @400


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6ed2e9 No.21660927

File: 7ae50408552ba1f⋯.png (574.18 KB,576x768,3:4,Screenshot_2024_08_17_at_1….png)

File: 7ae50408552ba1f⋯.png (574.18 KB,576x768,3:4,Screenshot_2024_08_17_at_1….png)

File: 7ae50408552ba1f⋯.png (574.18 KB,576x768,3:4,Screenshot_2024_08_17_at_1….png)

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a6cfd2 No.21660929

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Walk away

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7a8698 No.21660930


Pretty much the same for me anon, I more focus on the basic essentials like getting enough extra vitamins & supplements, having the tools I need to get stuff done during emergencies, backup generators and propane fuel, solar generators/batteries & inverters for grid down, winter survival supplies (got a wood burning stove too), etc.

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164468 No.21660933

File: d8a8f89e2ee46e1⋯.png (1.3 MB,448x252,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


>Street word is Steve Harvey is missing..left the country.

Kek. So who is going to host Family Feud?

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532e60 No.21660935

File: cda9e8e4d626f50⋯.mp4 (3.04 MB,480x852,40:71,ssstwitter_com_17273116874….mp4)

End Wokeness


TPUSA voter registration drive today at ASU. Maybe there's hope for Gen Z

Sept. 24, 2024


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894c48 No.21660937


got water filter?

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6cd253 No.21660940

File: 68e6faff47ef63a⋯.jpg (406.05 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240926_070114….jpg)

File: 7b857180644f4ac⋯.jpg (588.87 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240926_065957….jpg)


https://www.nytimes.com › 2024 › 09 › 20 › us › kentucky-judge-sheriff-shooting.html

Kentucky Town Is Shaken After Local Sheriff Is Charged With Killing Judge

6 days agoThe two men were seen getting ready to go to lunch on the day of the shooting. Hours later, Judge Kevin Mullins was dead from multiple gunshot wounds. By Emily Cochrane and Ginny Whitehouse Emily …

https://www.yahoo.com › news › kentucky-sheriff-charged-judges-shooting-113019539.html

Kentucky sheriff charged in judge's shooting death: What we know

6 days ago- A judge in a rural Kentucky county was shot and killed in his courthouse chambers on

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186793 No.21660941

File: 7c8b24da20b962a⋯.png (165.85 KB,365x349,365:349,ClipboardImage.png)

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326729 No.21660944

Your ancestors criminals rotten in hell

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186793 No.21660946


Creepy clown on IP hop not effective. Sorry.

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937211 No.21660948

File: 8767931991ef71e⋯.png (430.93 KB,500x500,1:1,Kamala_joy_02.png)


Also a lot of them can't stand Kamala Harris. They didn't even get to vote for her, she was simply installed by the powers that be. I'm sure that this alone, has pissed off many democrat voters.

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186793 No.21660949


Judgement day hasn't happened yet.

If no one has been to heaven, no one has been to hell either.

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f20b3d No.21660950

Herold [Pennsylvania State Police]: The Pennsylvania State Police provided all resources requested by the Secret Service. The Secret Service did not ask me, as the officer in charge of PSP assets, to post a car, a trooper, at the AGR International property. Nor am I aware that Secret Service making that request to any other PSP official…PSP was not responsible for securing the building or property at AGR International.

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cb2a0e No.21660951


Thanks anon.

Most of my supply is dehydrated and has 20 years left. Daily canned goods (about a 90 day supply) are rotated whenever I restock.

I keep a good supply of bottled spring water on hand and have the ability to purify tap water, or even water straight from a river, if needed.

But keeping a fresh supply of emergency provisions is not a new thing for me. I grew up in earthquake country and having a 30 day supply of provisions was drilled into us.

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e46331 No.21660953

File: 84360a034122f06⋯.jpeg (26.54 KB,443x422,443:422,IMG_0573.jpeg)

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7a8698 No.21660954


Plenty of them!

Also keep in mind extra sanitation supplies is essential too (not just extra TP lol). Soap, OTC medical aid supplies, fist aid anti-septics, etc.

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cb2a0e No.21660956


Yep. On the same page as you.

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186793 No.21660959


Arrogant Dem down the street had big Biden Harris sign out. I got a good laugh while it took him a couple of weeks to get a new sign. He still has the sign up calling Republicans Nazis, because that's all they have, is name calling.

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140858 No.21660960

Joe you got anything to say about the storm coming?

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e46331 No.21660962

File: 900ccf65af2af81⋯.jpg (131.72 KB,784x656,49:41,D34D2A24_1569_405C_82DF_F2….jpg)

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6206fd No.21660963


my hope is that you never need to playout the worst case scenario.

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164468 No.21660964

File: a3085ef4348aa85⋯.png (83.54 KB,480x360,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)


Kek. You think Tay Tay sucked the fish dick?

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7a8698 No.21660966


I date everything I buy and rotate them by the date, newest stuff in back, oldest in front and rotate the oldest foods out. Also have sealed totes for stuff like pasta and rice and spices, to keep rodents and bugs out.

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a1518d No.21660969

File: cb52c392fca1343⋯.jpeg (213.94 KB,1156x1503,1156:1503,IMG_3682.jpeg)

File: 90773b0a8029782⋯.jpeg (170.43 KB,1191x1469,1191:1469,IMG_3683.jpeg)

File: 4a76b444f221146⋯.jpeg (324.08 KB,1284x1585,1284:1585,IMG_3684.jpeg)

Charlie Kirk


This is too good not to share. Campus leftists at ASU were very confused when they saw the sea of students that came out to our voter registration event today wearing MAGA hats:

• “I was very disturbed seeing all the MAGA hats everywhere today…confused why there were so many…”

• “Made my stomach turn a lil tbh”

• “I’m scared”

We’re barnstorming the country visiting 22 campuses this fall, registering hundreds of Gen Z voters at every stop.I’d be scared if I was them too.

And we’re only getting stronger.

Charlie Kirk



Today we hosted a Voter Registration event at ASU with another MASSIVE turnout.

Thousands of students showed up and HUNDREDS of new Gen Z voters got registered.

Sept 26, 2024


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937211 No.21660970

File: a56645d6ef3a6cc⋯.jpg (36.65 KB,555x555,1:1,1335150460356.jpg)

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e46331 No.21660971

File: 0c09b7b8e9098ac⋯.png (2.07 MB,1366x942,683:471,Epstein_Air_Freshener.PNG)


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b4c59e No.21660972

File: e6056198e75d26e⋯.jpeg (662.32 KB,1125x1640,225:328,IMG_4365.jpeg)


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6b371f No.21660973

File: dfa7411a7ad154f⋯.gif (918.1 KB,456x364,114:91,kllenex_offered.gif)


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f20b3d No.21660975

Sullivan: Currently, there is no statutory requirement mandating federal, state, and local agencies, must report to the Secret Service information concerning threats against the president, or other protectees.

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186793 No.21660976


They've pumped up the hurricane with silver iodide and heated the water in front of it with Jewish Space Lasers because they desperately need a news cycle change. Nobody is buying Israels bullshit, and Kaballah is failing miserably, so some misery of the poor people is needed.

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164468 No.21660978


>Arrogant Dem down the street had big Biden Harris sign out.

Kek. There'sonehouse in my hood that had a Biden Harris sign. When he dropped out, less than a week later, there was a Harris sign. There's over 30 American flags waving in my neighborhood, including my own house.

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d52bd3 No.21660980

File: 3e58d6f4898d0a2⋯.png (1.7 MB,2000x1333,2000:1333,ClipboardImage.png)

NASA Invites Public to Join as Virtual Guests for SpaceX Crew-9 Launch

Sep 26, 2024

NASA invites the public to participate as virtual guests in the launch of the agency’s SpaceX Crew-9 mission.

NASA astronaut Nick Hague, commander, and Roscosmos cosmonaut Aleksandr Gorbunov, mission specialist, will embark on a flight aboard a SpaceX Dragon spacecraft, launching no earlier than 1:17 p.m. EDT on Saturday, Sept. 28, from Space Launch Complex-40 at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station in Florida.

Members of the public can register to attend the launch virtually.

Virtual guests for this mission will receive curated resources, interactive opportunities, updates with the latest news, and a mission-specific collectible stamp for their virtual guest passport after liftoff. Don’t have a passport yet? Print yours here and get ready to add a stamp!

Live coverage and countdown commentary will begin at 9:10 a.m. EDT Saturday, Sept. 28, streaming on NASA+ agency’s website.


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3eba2c No.21660981

File: 89ea8c37dc01358⋯.png (490.88 KB,564x564,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

you are fucking gay

yes you

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186793 No.21660982

>>21660973 ← uses a Jew, go figure

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6cd253 No.21660983

File: beebf34495fc48e⋯.jpg (17.5 KB,474x245,474:245,th_2351376228.jpg)

File: db2035297807748⋯.jpg (54.81 KB,860x573,860:573,newsom_and_harris_860x573_….jpg)

File: 55eddf5558d7dc2⋯.png (242.31 KB,480x291,160:97,Griffin_968285803_1.png)

File: 7c403a0f811c0f5⋯.jpg (80.68 KB,750x1000,3:4,4895a21421261e7b1702c417c0….jpg)

File: b446eaee8a6c6ff⋯.jpg (1.35 MB,1548x1024,387:256,alec_baldwin_trump_snl_201….jpg)

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7a8698 No.21660984


Don't be so sure, if this country goes full-blown communist people are going to be impoverished, under a never level of tyranny we have never witnessed before, you might have to hunker down, lay low and defend yourself if need be, it might come down to that. The country will be very unstable and highly balkanized.

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7a8698 No.21660986


Ha! Just like Obamacare did, right!?!?

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dc2957 No.21660987

File: a07578dae1cf31b⋯.png (221.05 KB,406x993,406:993,Screenshot_2024_09_19_at_1….png)

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164468 No.21660988


> Jewish Space Lasers


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a1518d No.21660990

File: 8e9a7eab8b2549e⋯.mp4 (11.3 MB,480x270,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17273299279….mp4)

Jesse Watters


NEW @KamalaHarris interview just dropped: she rambled, never answered questions directly, said the American Dream is gone, and sank her campaign.

(She killed it, nobody's buying her bullshit)

Sept. 25, 2024


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62c522 No.21660991


It will find what is meant to be found

No more

No less

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e46331 No.21660993

File: 0e4a0ac12446d29⋯.gif (2.98 MB,281x370,281:370,IMG_0574.gif)

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942c8f No.21660996

File: 362b3bd69de4a0c⋯.jpg (89.03 KB,656x469,656:469,36mun9.jpg)


>Jewish Space Lasers

Probably clipped like their micro dicks.

Avi yemini probably struggles to piss standing up

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894c48 No.21661001

File: d5d5fdb9199ed47⋯.jpg (150.81 KB,1170x878,585:439,Soros3_1170x878.jpg)

Did anons break this picrel down? Timmie looks like a puppet here with his hand position.

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186793 No.21661002


'Can see strings': Vivek Ramaswamy takes 'puppet' jibe as Alex Soros hosts Tim Walz at his place


Future news proves past posts.

Hard to swallow.

Important to progress.


House of Saud (6+++) - $4 Trillion+

Rothschild (6++) - $2 Trillion+

Soros (6+) - $1 Trillion+

Focus on above (3).

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7a8698 No.21661005


The American Dream is gone because of corrupt scumbags like her running the country!!

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5921b7 No.21661007

File: 0c042e4f42509eb⋯.jpg (80.62 KB,680x680,1:1,0c042e4f42509ebce081174aa6….jpg)

File: b200cce0f8e9933⋯.png (1.26 MB,1440x1097,1440:1097,0c5a27df4b36db78c6796292e2….png)

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1788d6 No.21661008


>if she becomes president

>if she wins

How retarded are you?

It's a "movie".

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5921b7 No.21661010

File: 3cb1b8156bf1ab8⋯.jpg (137.17 KB,814x489,814:489,3cb1b8156bf1ab85ed4a66d19f….jpg)

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326729 No.21661011


their ancestors thief's killer's was big evils

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186793 No.21661012

File: 5b3548b317d1389⋯.png (168.8 KB,364x277,364:277,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d0930d681513439⋯.png (158.24 KB,1011x527,1011:527,ClipboardImage.png)

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164468 No.21661013


>Avi yemini

Why are these faggots always tied to "Far Right?" This nigger is a Zionist and served in the IDF, rather than his home nation. I'm so fucking sick of these people.

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5921b7 No.21661014

File: 378f84e4929b90d⋯.png (829.18 KB,982x984,491:492,NSPR2_2_.png)

File: 405038fd44c7e5f⋯.png (327.06 KB,362x547,362:547,r2.png)

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6b371f No.21661015

File: bbc9b68700376e5⋯.jpg (8.54 KB,474x266,237:133,Delta_Delta.jpg)




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894c48 No.21661016

File: f95e449c00e4b4e⋯.jpg (17.83 KB,255x234,85:78,b21e573301b15dde29e3d59eb0….jpg)

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5921b7 No.21661017

File: ae64d4e52a980b4⋯.png (437.8 KB,1600x784,100:49,0000000b9.png)

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186793 No.21661018


Energy is never lost, Souls are energy, Everything is recycled.

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164468 No.21661019


>Rothschild (6++) - $2 Trillion+

Kek. There's no fucking way the Rothschilds are worth only 2 trillion. It's gotta be 100 times that, at least.

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894c48 No.21661020

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d52bd3 No.21661021

File: c514bb8b3331165⋯.png (131.45 KB,640x480,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

NASA, Boeing, and US Coast Guard testify in investigation of Titan submersible implosion

September 26, 2024

The vessel, en route to the Titanic wreck site, imploded during its descent, killing all five aboard, including OceanGate co-founder Stockton Rush.

The submersible's unconventional design and lack of independent review have come under intense scrutiny following the disaster.

Testimonies from key figures, including Justin Jackson of NASA, Mark Negley of Boeing, and Lieutenant Commander Jonathan Duffett of the Coast Guard, are expected to provide insight into the technical and regulatory aspects of the Titan.

Earlier testimonies have criticized the company for prioritizing profit over safety and scientific research, as claimed by former OceanGate operations director David Lochridge.

The U.S. Coast Guard’s public hearing is part of a broader investigation, which aims to determine the causes of the implosion.

Lochridge and other witnesses detailed clashes with Rush, painting a picture of a company eager to push its submersible into operation despite concerns.

OceanGate, headquartered in Washington state, suspended its operations following the disaster and currently has no full-time employees.

The Titan had been conducting dives to the Titanic wreckage site since 2021.

However, Coast Guard officials noted that the submersible had not undergone a standard independent review, adding to concerns about its safety.

Businessman Guillermo Sohnlein, a co-founder of OceanGate who left the company prior to the disaster, expressed hope that the incident would not end deep-sea exploration efforts.

The hearing is set to conclude Friday, with more witnesses scheduled to testify on the incident that has sparked a global debate on the future of private undersea exploration.


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b362f2 No.21661022

File: e25b2da70b3d376⋯.png (115.54 KB,260x274,130:137,ClipboardImage.png)

if your popcorn was 4 months expired

would you eat it

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164468 No.21661023


>Timmie looks like a puppet here

Timmah is a puppet, Anon. They all are.

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07a963 No.21661024


judgement day has already come and gone look into the old world it has clearly been destroyed by a higher power

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186793 No.21661025

File: bb3def065439c8a⋯.png (328.81 KB,491x361,491:361,ClipboardImage.png)


Aren't you tired of feeding everyone little white lies?

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cb0670 No.21661026

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

10:30 AM EDT

September 2024 Open Commission Meeting

Federal Communications Commission (FCC)





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e46331 No.21661027

File: 3de3c8dad346c6d⋯.gif (1.96 MB,270x434,135:217,IMG_0578.gif)

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f70ad2 No.21661028


>If no one has been to heaven

I went one extra step…setup a reloading station for ammo as well.

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7a8698 No.21661029


With the amount of new Republican voters being registered compared to the Democrats who are losing numbers in most States, the commies will have to go into vote-rigging ballot stuffing overdrive and the rigging by then will be so blatantly obvious to everyone. Question is how hard will those commies try to pull such blatant crimes and treason off??

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cb0670 No.21661030

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

10:45 AM EDT

A Conversation With President Rashad Al-Alimi of Yemen

Council on Foreign Relations



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e46331 No.21661031

File: 04289ea21066835⋯.gif (3.03 MB,395x498,395:498,IMG_0577.gif)

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5921b7 No.21661032

File: d421c4594b871ae⋯.jpg (135.25 KB,1200x863,1200:863,00001j.jpg)

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14618a No.21661033

File: a11cf85fd925def⋯.png (726.38 KB,500x843,500:843,goyaSalt.png)

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6b371f No.21661034

File: 1009a5e4f219773⋯.png (229.75 KB,474x474,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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7a8698 No.21661035


Good, the more the better. Americans need to be prepared for hard times no matter who wins the election at this point. Country is a house of cards right now, with very bad actors trying desperately to take us all down into the third world.

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6cd253 No.21661036

File: df9d264f7d8a338⋯.jpg (19.87 KB,202x270,101:135,86513b59.jpg)

File: 52eafd1c39972ee⋯.jpg (605.37 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240925_040659….jpg)

File: 9254daec5c48e1b⋯.jpg (77.23 KB,664x443,664:443,1a37c8d_259427_3309475_183….jpg)

File: f098bc4b7409e75⋯.jpg (34.37 KB,474x316,3:2,th_1145139364.jpg)

File: 4141ad9d38c1545⋯.jpg (17.42 KB,474x318,79:53,th_3293905334.jpg)


Dead man's switch

A dead man's switch is a switch that is designed to be activated or deactivated if the human operator becomes incapacitated, such as through death, loss of consciousness, or being bodily removed from control. Wikipedia

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186793 No.21661037


>Kek. There's no fucking way the Rothschilds are worth only 2 trillion. It's gotta be 100 times that, at least.

I agree

There are many, many descendants of the Rothschild family. Some are involved in banking, some have nothing to do with banking. There's one who is an environmentalist and adventurer currently dating Angelina Jolie. There's another one who was mixed up with Paul Manafort and Oleg Deripaska. One thing that they really have in common though is they have a real aversion to the media. Occasionally one will be interviewed about banking or art or wine or some new philanthropic venture they're interested in, but they are very, very publicity shy, which is a big change from many of the other wealthy families we've seen dominating the landscape over the last few decades.


blaming anything on the Rothschilds or Soros is deemed antisemitic, therefore it's only logical to come to the conclusion that it's the Jews.

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6b371f No.21661040

File: aebdec7fc7d49da⋯.gif (1.47 MB,480x270,16:9,Squeaky_Talkin_To_Hisself.gif)



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5921b7 No.21661041

File: db78ac0bf404414⋯.png (759.62 KB,2605x10457,2605:10457,001feed.png)

it was a 7 trillion dollar slush fund used to control the world

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fcb483 No.21661042

File: 7f24e9f043dfb9e⋯.png (2.02 MB,900x1200,3:4,7f24e9f043dfb9e590c9224073….png)


was this a threat? pointing to the NYC sky line tampons hands and almost bowing

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186793 No.21661044

File: 50b57b159fdfd93⋯.png (53.11 KB,500x543,500:543,Truth.png)


All I see when I look in the mirror

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af98ab No.21661046


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6b371f No.21661047

File: a1577098d1dece7⋯.gif (116.51 KB,220x238,110:119,Yawning_Bored_Baby.gif)

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367cee No.21661048

File: 196684b348643eb⋯.mp4 (204.03 KB,480x270,16:9,x_com_realDonaldTrump_stat….mp4)

File: b81045eb27a14e9⋯.png (512.44 KB,790x621,790:621,ClipboardImage.png)




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942c8f No.21661049

File: 2796eaa74c56efa⋯.jpg (11.04 KB,224x225,224:225,images.jpg)


His mate Tommy Robinson (MI5 asset, real name Steven Yaxley Lennon) is holding another 'far right' rally in London on Oct 26th.

The narrative is that he's persecuted by the UK government, yet he somehow gets permission to hold huge events outside of parliment. Many who follow Avi and Robinson are fucking retarded and still haven't worked out that Israel is an enemy rather than their 'greatest ally'

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6206fd No.21661050


most people are not so craven.

Communism appeals to the worst instincts of fearful people.

Not buying into the idea that Americans will lose their spirit of charity and community.

Communism is a cult of corridors and hallways of public buildings and corrupted non-profts and institutions.

on the street people are a lot less craven.

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164468 No.21661051

File: 295e4a665aa1f18⋯.png (137.92 KB,266x200,133:100,ClipboardImage.png)


>blaming anything on the Rothschilds or Soros is deemed antisemitic, therefore it's only logical to come to the conclusion that it's the Jews.

Shit…. At this point even saying the word "Jew," if your not Jewish is anti-Semitisms™.

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776634 No.21661052

File: fb5ab3cefa137bb⋯.jpg (10 KB,234x255,78:85,c2fd4a7a1e562da80dca616331….jpg)

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326729 No.21661053

That's why British are very suck people

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164468 No.21661056

>>21661051 (me)


You're. Sorry. On my first cup of covfefe.

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186793 No.21661058

File: 23315dc04f9c08a⋯.png (67.35 KB,534x499,534:499,Alex.png)

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5921b7 No.21661059

File: c381f470a9fa082⋯.gif (135.06 KB,200x150,4:3,000p.gif)



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e46331 No.21661060

File: 2413f9b1c6c2e87⋯.jpeg (209.6 KB,1131x771,377:257,IMG_0581.jpeg)

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164468 No.21661061


>Many who follow Avi and Robinson are fucking retarded and still haven't worked out that Israel is an enemy rather than their 'greatest ally'

Kek. The majority of the population are fucking retarded and still haven't worked out that Israel is an enemy rather than muh Greatest Ally™.

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7a8698 No.21661062


I hear a lot of the youth are waking up, they are witnessing the price inflation, they fear being drafted into a coming world war they don't want to fight in, they see the media blatantly lying to them and covering-up harsh realities, they see the assassination attempts against opposition leaders, etc.

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e46331 No.21661063

File: 10f3e849d455369⋯.gif (3.96 MB,640x556,160:139,IMG_0579.gif)

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f70ad2 No.21661064

New York City Democrat Mayor Eric Adams' federal indictment will be unsealed 11:30 a.m. ET on Thursday.

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fcb483 No.21661066

File: 4e1d765378d417f⋯.jpg (91.96 KB,551x428,551:428,soreass_tampontim_club_k_i….jpg)

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3eba2c No.21661067

File: bef86f032054c9a⋯.png (358.93 KB,563x557,563:557,ClipboardImage.png)


depends if it was popped first or not

if not then yes

if yes then no

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b90b8a No.21661068

File: ccd16cfe008e88f⋯.png (112.04 KB,1192x988,298:247,ClipboardImage.png)

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6206fd No.21661070


for those who buy into the 'anyone who disagrees with me is worst than the worst hater' any discussion of their ethnicity is considered anti-something, and it's been like that for a long long time.

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776634 No.21661072

File: 5e7ca89fa932cb0⋯.png (253.75 KB,385x411,385:411,Screenshot_2024_01_14_at_1….png)

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7a8698 No.21661073


Not true anon, the laughable half-empty DNC convention had MORE pro-Gaza protesters than they had voters attending their commie convention! People are waking up, everyone is.

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af98ab No.21661075






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a1518d No.21661077

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE: Trump assassination task force holds first hearing on Pa. shooting

The bipartisan House task force investigating the attempted assassinations of former President Trump holds a hearing on security failures leading to the Butler, Pa. shooting. #FoxNews


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164468 No.21661079

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>for those who buy into the 'anyone who disagrees with me is worst than the worst hater' any discussion of their ethnicity is considered anti-something, and it's been like that for a long long time.

My Fellow White People™. (vidrel)

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186793 No.21661082


Russians search for Jewish roots to flee Putin’s army draft for Israel

Genealogists trace Jewish ancestry for Russians seeking move to Israel and private agencies pop up to facilitate emigration as tens of thousands run from Ukraine mobilization


Why are (((they))) never loyal to their host country. Fucking parasites.

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af98ab No.21661083



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d52bd3 No.21661084

File: 833bb4d68d2ddee⋯.png (450.13 KB,948x621,316:207,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fe44d9eeebae652⋯.png (952.7 KB,1901x855,1901:855,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d11c5765eb952dd⋯.mp4 (403.14 KB,640x306,320:153,AMS_event_5464_2024_caught….mp4)

NASA confirms meteor sighting above Mexico

September 25, 2024 2:32 PM

NASA confirmed that a fireball seen by residents throughout the Rio Grande Valley Tuesday night was a meteor.

According to a Wednesday statement from NASA, the meteor was first spotted 54 miles above Tres de Abril in northeast Mexico, traveling at 55,000 miles per hour.

The meteor appears to have disintegrated 35 miles above the small Mexican city of Linares after travelling 59 miles through the upper atmosphere.

The meteor sighting was detected in Houston.

According to the American Meteor Society, over a dozen reports were made about the sighting Tuesday from across the Valley, and all the way to Sugarland.



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7a8698 No.21661085



And…..? What exactly is your point…..?

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6206fd No.21661086

File: 1adc6793943258c⋯.jpg (31.16 KB,706x821,706:821,Rose_Rocks_.jpg)

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83a845 No.21661087

@515 ish

#26526 >>21660191

>>21660431 Boatfaggin

>>21660254 Kash believes Biden is going to step down in return for family pardons.

>>21660297 Appeals Court Hears Arguments Over Trump's $454M Civil Fraud Judgment

>>21660302, >>21660406, >>21660410, >>21660413, >>21660421, >>21660691, >>21660701, >>21661026, >>21661030 Swamp Habbenins

>>21660314 Wisconsin Mayor Takes Matters Into His Own Hands: Says He Did Nothing Wrong After Using Dolly to Remove Ballot Drop Box Outside City Hall

>>21660344 The conditions for Russia’s transition to the use of nuclear weapons are also clearly defined

>>21660389 ICYMI: China launches ICBM into Pacific

>>21660399, >>21660590 9:00 AM EDT Former first lady Melania Trump will sit down with Fox News host Ainsley Earhardt in a rare televised interview in advance of her book release.

>>21660424 9:30 AM EDT The Ongoing Investigation of the Butler, Pennsylvania Security Failure

>>21660544, >>21660589 Federal authorities raid Eric Adams’ mayoral residence

>>21660556 Melania Trump calls husband’s survival of two assassination attempts ‘miracles’

>>21660570, >>21660578 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 09/26/2024

>>21660672, >>21660683 LIVE | Gov. DeSantis provides update on Hurricane Helene

>>21660724, >>21660745 Supermodel Naomi Campbell's charity 'Fashion For Relief' is money stealing operation

>>21660792 Colorado governor hopes Trump "behaves" himself while visiting Aurora

>>21660818 As DA Kamala Harris Pushed for ALL Handguns to be Confiscated

>>21660868, >>21660860, >>21660903, >>21660950, >>21660975 LIVE: Task Force hearing on attempted assassination of President Trump

>>21660862 "Arm Yourself" - Persecuted Former FBI Specialist Urges Americans To Stock Up On Food And Prepare For Hardship

>>21660864 Dems don't even believe their own poll numbers are correct.

>>21660896, >>21660980, >>21661021 NASA Space Related

>>21660935, >>21660969 TPUSA voter registration drive today at ASU. There is hope for GenZ

>>21660990 Kamala's latest interview she rambled, never answered questions directly, said the American Dream is gone

>>21661048 TRUMP on X - 23 second campaign ad

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164468 No.21661089

File: f8cc2283aff9142⋯.mp4 (7.44 MB,854x480,427:240,This_was_the_celebration_p….mp4)


>Not true anon, the laughable half-empty DNC convention had MORE pro-Gaza protesters than they had voters attending their commie convention! People are waking up, everyone is

Kek. Now do an RNC convention.

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a1518d No.21661090

File: 090501a5351b992⋯.mp4 (3.06 MB,480x852,40:71,ssstwitter_com_17273187150….mp4)

johnny maga


The Trump campaign released a video highlighting “Grandpa Trump”

This is so wholesome ❤️


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186793 No.21661091



the only true sin is suicide. Can't confess that sin.

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367cee No.21661092

File: f3030793a20af9c⋯.png (626.04 KB,794x645,794:645,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 07b7fa33adae405⋯.png (169.52 KB,995x865,199:173,ClipboardImage.png)




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894c48 No.21661093

File: 1aa0abc49e03a4f⋯.jpg (104.56 KB,664x881,664:881,1aa0abc49e03a4f316d529b2ae….jpg)

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4af62f No.21661095

File: 6ae7f558aa2cc6c⋯.png (296.09 KB,1024x768,4:3,KAMOOLA207.png)

File: 0c79b8ac5ddd5b0⋯.png (339.46 KB,1024x768,4:3,KAMOOLA206.png)

File: 6c58bf8018530ca⋯.png (863.56 KB,1024x768,4:3,KAMOOLA205.png)

File: 4da81c0cb0f7527⋯.png (861.54 KB,1024x768,4:3,KAMOOLA204.png)

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e46331 No.21661097





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4af62f No.21661098

File: dda61129f78ff72⋯.png (671.43 KB,1024x768,4:3,VOTE3.png)

File: cb037d074db7ae3⋯.png (802.14 KB,1024x768,4:3,KAMOOLA203.png)

File: 7544a9e28b6bf26⋯.png (894.18 KB,1024x768,4:3,BIDEN617.png)

File: f74067b7ef82e80⋯.png (1.15 MB,1024x768,4:3,VOTE2.png)

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7a8698 No.21661099


OMG fucking cringe lol.

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164468 No.21661100


Kek. Harmful Narratives™. Always with the gaslighting.

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c814f9 No.21661101

File: 488086a4605e1a1⋯.jpg (73.44 KB,500x500,1:1,946op3.jpg)

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6206fd No.21661103


this one , because it's trained to just throw eggs (make insults) forgets that the word 'if' is used for the conditional tense of language.

and then it goes into mocking of Q by saying 'it's a "movie"'

not impressed with your presentation.

I am unable to see into the future.

nor can you.

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3eba2c No.21661104

File: 61a111d137de238⋯.png (142.37 KB,794x473,794:473,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 27d813d924c90cf⋯.png (44.25 KB,794x514,397:257,ClipboardImage.png)

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e41865 No.21661106

Censorship is like lubrication.

Their machine cannot function without it.

Truth is a fire and will not be extinguished.

Fire, though knowable is unpredictable.

Their world is about to burn down.

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7a8698 No.21661107


Yah it gets extremely annoying. Probably a bot.

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5cc2f7 No.21661108


Funny how sorts hides behind that pillar like he's paranoid some sniper from another building will pop a cap in his ass

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0a74de No.21661109

File: 4e8c755e9fab61d⋯.png (485.2 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240926_103544.png)

File: 815543aa19dbb3f⋯.png (974.41 KB,766x1796,383:898,901_11_.png)

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164468 No.21661112

File: 37096a7ff65cd9a⋯.png (3.65 MB,360x360,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


>OMG fucking cringe lol.

Kek. But people are waking up, Anon. Sure. They're waking up to all the pedo shit, our leaders like to do, but they willingly put on the blinders, when it comes to who started that shit.

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6206fd No.21661113


what if they painted their roofs blue? will their worlds still burn down?

Fire is like this: it doesn't burn what it doesn't touch.

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e9d750 No.21661114

File: a740f4c4f9e1f4f⋯.png (925.76 KB,923x910,71:70,ClipboardImage.png)

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9999cf No.21661115

File: 9a92917fefb40a1⋯.png (442.76 KB,897x736,39:32,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 07df3264f42285c⋯.png (175.01 KB,897x736,39:32,ClipboardImage.png)

Hurricane Helene Becomes 'Nightmare' Storm With 'Unsurvivable' Storm Surge Ahead Of Florida Landfall

Tyler Durden's Photo

by Tyler Durden

Thursday, Sep 26, 2024 -

The National Hurricane Center has upgraded fast-moving Hurricane Helene to a Category 2 storm, with forecasts expecting further intensification to Category 3 or higher before it makes landfall on Florida's northwestern coast this evening.

"Helene will make landfall along the Florida Big Bend coast this evening as a Major Hurricane. While exact impacts will be heavily dependent on the track, expect catastrophic wind damage across the Big Bend and into southern Georgia," NHC wrote in an overnight forecast.


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894c48 No.21661116

File: 298b34a22d34a97⋯.png (103.02 KB,500x500,1:1,298b34a22d34a9725027eb3fe4….png)


I'm not crying!

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186793 No.21661117

File: bdf88d72f8fb3ba⋯.png (106.48 KB,274x204,137:102,ClipboardImage.png)



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0a74de No.21661119

File: dc8dd2434ada898⋯.png (193.36 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240926_103712.png)

File: 1239384bf8e0b42⋯.png (295.06 KB,766x1272,383:636,849_1_.png)

File: 222ea0812f85667⋯.png (428.26 KB,1024x512,2:1,222ea0812f856672e15e2898a3….png)

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7a8698 No.21661121


Damn it I knew I should have jumped on that when it went down, but just lazy. I'm not into the stock market anyway but interesting and predictable none-the-less.

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ba804a No.21661124

File: 6a667d63b8c99b5⋯.png (386.48 KB,1139x518,1139:518,ClipboardImage.png)


did they do that interview in the janitors closet? Why is there a ladder in the background?

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dc2957 No.21661125

File: 887944953bb5733⋯.png (570.58 KB,680x680,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5a44dc1379d66e8⋯.mp4 (4.14 MB,888x628,222:157,5a44dc1379d66e84d74d88a154….mp4)

CALL FOR SUPPORT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



















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186793 No.21661126

File: 3f48c63db5f8cdc⋯.png (386.89 KB,715x412,715:412,ClipboardImage.png)

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164468 No.21661127

File: 55cc0156f637150⋯.png (531.71 KB,682x713,22:23,ClipboardImage.png)


>like lubrication.

Somebody call? I got the connections at Costco, if you need bulk.

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311300 No.21661129

Meme Makers - requesting memes about Trump having worked for free during his first term. He donated it all back. Thank you! Hold the line!


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a1518d No.21661131

The Vigilant Fox 🦊


Sep 25 • 15 tweets • 7 min read • Read on X

10 Headlines the Media Didn’t Report Today

#1 - Diddy predicts his own demise in newly-resurfaced video.

“They probably gonna be arresting me.”

“Your parties are the hottest ticket around,” an Entertainment Tonight reporter told Diddy in a 1999 interview.

He replied, “They won’t even give me a permit for the parties, man. They don’t want me to throw the parties no more.”

“You gonna hear about my parties, they gonna be shutting them down, they gonna probably be arresting me, doing all types of crazy things, just because we wanna have a good time.”

(Keep scrolling for more stories)

#2 - Alex Clark lights up the childhood vaccine schedule during chronic disease roundtable.

"Today, a child following the recommended vaccine schedule will receive up to 70 shots by the time they turn 18…Are all these shots producing healthier kids? According to the data, no. Are we allowed to even ask? Also, no."

Credit: @TheChiefNerd

#3 - Popular YouTube influencer astonished at number of fellow YouTubers dropping dead.

READ MORE: vigilantnews.com/post/popular-y…

While you're here, don't forget to follow this page for more daily news roundups every weeknight.

#4 - Trump urged use of troops to protect Capitol on Jan. 6 but was rebuffed

#5 - Former AG Barr 'dumbfounded' at DOJ’s decision to release letter of Trump would-be assassin.

#6 - FCC fast-tracks George Soros' purchase of 220+ radio stations before November's election.

The stations reach 165M Americans. This has never been done before.

Credit: @EndWokeness

#7 - Cardinal Dolan mocks Kamala Harris for refusing invitation to the Catholic Al Smith dinner.

“We’re not used to this. We don’t know how to handle it. This hasn’t happened in 40 years since Walter Mondale turned down the invitation. And remember, he lost 49 out of 50 states…Senator Schumer said to me, ‘I don’t think she made the decision. I think her schedulers are saying she can’t make it.’ So we’re not giving up. We hope she’s here.”

@EndWokeness #8 - U.S. lawmakers prepare for “Mass Casualty Event.”

@EndWokeness #9 - Censorship regime scores victories on Telegram and X.

Telegram will share user data with governments following CEO arrest.

And X will comply with Brazilian government censorship demands.



@EndWokeness #10 - Idaho man charged after allegedly making nine or more phone calls threatening to “personally” kill Donald Trump.

“I want Trump in a body bag.”

Credit: @CollinRugg


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cfc2f1 No.21661133

File: 5355e9fa50d31a1⋯.jpg (1.83 MB,3832x5056,479:632,01.jpg)




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164468 No.21661134


It's fucking cringe. Their hubris is absolutely disgusting.

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e46331 No.21661135

File: 4e7364f5e6560cf⋯.jpg (25.92 KB,243x255,81:85,Chin_Balls_Laugh_01.JPG)



Jimmy Chinballs

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c17277 No.21661136

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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dc2957 No.21661137

File: 2b026dfa7d31592⋯.png (154.51 KB,598x539,598:539,ClipboardImage.png)




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186793 No.21661138

File: 2696a1e00a5243e⋯.png (60.64 KB,715x412,715:412,AmericaFirst.png)

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894c48 No.21661140

File: fe9a640f3c70487⋯.gif (2.1 MB,593x600,593:600,fe9a640f3c704871d1c99be7d7….gif)


[Their] wheels are coming off

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7a8698 No.21661141

File: f1b7784516d7381⋯.png (340.5 KB,565x555,113:111,WAR_IS_A_RACKET.png)


I know they have too much influence and control over our foreign policy, I think everyone knows that today even most average conservatives like myself know that is the case. Good news is most of us see through it all, we ain't fighting for ZOG no more, just look at the record low military recruitment numbers today and the fact most voters want out of these endless wars.

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0a74de No.21661142

File: 539241e6fc07fc3⋯.png (625.58 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240926_061422.png)

File: 2159f3e0cdf823b⋯.png (768.75 KB,793x695,793:695,2159f3e0cdf823b17e0267cf28….png)

File: 307035846504241⋯.jpeg (534.25 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,GYYQdy2WQAAff6y_1_.jpeg)

File: b46ad73500a0e2e⋯.png (42.32 KB,766x540,383:270,502_4_.png)

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af98ab No.21661144

File: 04b22134ebff902⋯.jpeg (11.45 KB,255x255,1:1,db951d7a4c0e9bb9a83ff1bfd….jpeg)



the pets will thrive!

>sunshine patriots

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387286 No.21661145



Boring fear promoting op is boring

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3eba2c No.21661146


it's still in the dip to go long imo

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942c8f No.21661147



Yep, football = 22 overpaid faggots, kicking an inflated cows cunt around a grass rectangle. I'd rather cheesegrater my dick for 90 mins on a saturday afternoon.

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af98ab No.21661149

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164468 No.21661150

File: b6fc6f00cb36f9e⋯.mp4 (710.66 KB,1280x720,16:9,dan_goldman_trump_has_to_b….mp4)


Now do Goldman, Thelma.

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c17277 No.21661151


Gloves are off, wheels are fuckin gone

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186793 No.21661152

File: 4f5aab3c7c0e0ef⋯.png (42.48 KB,500x547,500:547,Soros.png)

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dc2957 No.21661153

File: b87ba5c90647261⋯.png (146.19 KB,598x426,299:213,ClipboardImage.png)




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894c48 No.21661154

File: 035361c1613349a⋯.jpg (30.7 KB,251x255,251:255,035361c1613349a52bf354b495….jpg)

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1c8267 No.21661156

Former AG Barr 'dumbfounded' at DOJ’s decision to release letter of Trump would-be assassin

Bill Barr: 'It served no purpose other than to risk inciting further violence'

By Brianna Herlihy , Anders Hagstrom Fox News

Published September 23, 2024 4:35pm EDT

EXCLUSIVE - Former Attorney General William Barr says he is "dumbfounded" that the Justice Department released a chilling letter penned by would-be assassin Ryan Wesley Routh on Monday, calling the decision "rash" and serving no purpose "other than to risk inciting further violence."

Routh is the suspect in former President Donald Trump's second foiled assassination attempt. The DOJ obtained the letter from a witness who says they received it inside a box delivered to them by Routh several months prior to the assassination attempt.

The box contained several handwritten letters as well as ammunition, among other things. One of the letters, addressed "Dear World," admitted to an assassination attempt on Trump. He also offered money to anyone willing to finish the job.

"I was dumbfounded that the DOJ made public this morning the contents of the letter that, Ryan Routh, left with an acquaintance prior to the attempted assassination of former President Trump," Barr said in a statement to Fox News Digital.

"The letter calls on people to ‘finish the job’ of killing President Trump, attempts to rouse people in incendiary termsto do so, and offers $150,000 to anyone who succeeds. There was no apparent justification for releasing this information at this stage," he continued.

Barr, who served during both the Trump and George H. W. Bush administrations, says that "DOJ had more than enough evidence to have Routh detained pending trial, without publicizing these details."

"Even if DOJ thought it important to provide the letter to the court, it could have redacted inflammatory materialor arranged to have the letter submitted under seal. It was rash to put out this letter in the midst of an election during which two attempts on the life of President Trump had been made," Barr said.

"It served no purpose other than to risk inciting further violence," he added.

The department's detention memo revealed that Routh traveled from Greensboro, North Carolina, to West Palm Beach, Florida, on Aug. 14, a month before the Sept. 15 golf course incident. One of Routh's cell phones pinged cell towers near Trump's golf course and his Mar-a-Lago residence "on multiple days and times" from Aug. 18 to Sept. 15, the detention memo alleged.

Investigators say they also found a book Routh had authored in 2023, titled "Ukraine’s Unwinnable War: The Fatal Flaw of Democracy, World Abandonment and the Global Citizen-Taiwan, Afghanistan, North Korea, WWIII and the End of Humanity."

The detention memo also provided a fresh detail on the witness who saw Routh flee the sniper's nest. The witness made eye contact with the suspect before Routh jumped into a Nissan Xterra and sped away. The witness is credited with photographing the vehicle and reporting it to law enforcement.

The Justice Department did not immediately respond to Fox News Digital's request for comment.

Routh will likely face additional charges in the coming days, which could include aggravated assault for allegedly pointing the rifle at a Secret Service agent and making threats against a former president, State Attorney Dave Aronberg previously told Fox News Digital.


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a6cfd2 No.21661157

File: ddb9c1202922e93⋯.png (655.97 KB,576x1289,576:1289,Screenshot_20240926_104403.png)

File: 5f230d8a7e9760e⋯.png (203.59 KB,576x1289,576:1289,Screenshot_20240926_095043.png)

File: 5a50d3ceff46efe⋯.png (306.05 KB,576x1289,576:1289,Screenshot_20240926_102022.png)

Ok we have microwave emitting plane

An Uber from the thing

And man that's a big storm

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186793 No.21661158

File: a4141a4b681fcc9⋯.png (188.32 KB,398x354,199:177,ClipboardImage.png)


Shit, I thought my post count was getting a bit high, but then I refreshed and it's like I have a whole new slate..

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e41865 No.21661159



Just gonna circle back on this elimination thingy..

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64037f No.21661160

File: 951f5a2cafa8e21⋯.png (411.54 KB,816x456,34:19,951f5a2cafa8e2169f78325f73….png)


How do you know for sure?

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b2f168 No.21661161


Vudu lol.

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64037f No.21661163

File: 33400e93bfa2f94⋯.png (274.71 KB,633x489,211:163,33400e93bfa2f9436646b72b53….png)


That's exactly what Anon does to the famefag board personalities


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f20b3d No.21661164

Waltz: Was it ever discussed with you that an Iranian operative has transited Venezuela, and was in the United States, according to FBI public notice made in March, recruiting hitmen to kill President Trump?

Lenz: It was not.

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af98ab No.21661167


Iranian operatives.

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70ebe3 No.21661168

File: c4411ff67640294⋯.png (28.43 KB,682x382,341:191,Screenshot_2024_09_26_at_1….png)

Sean Combs' lawyer is Marc Agnifilo. Many high profile cases.

What I find odd about him is when you seach Find a Grave for the name Agnifilo nothing is found. Is it a stage name? What gives?



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f70ad2 No.21661170

Sen. Warren Probes Defense Groups' Opposition to 'Right to Repair'


Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., has askeddefense industry groupshow much their members make from contracts that withhold replacement parts and tools, pushing back on their opposition to a bill that would give the U.S. military a "right to repair" its own equipment.

Warren asked theNational Defense Industrial Association (NDIA)and three other industry groups in a letter on Wednesday how much they have spent lobbying against the provision included in the Senate's 2025 proposed defense spending bill.

Top defense contractors, including Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Raytheon and General Dynamics, are among the groups' members.

The provision would require contractors to provide the Department of Defense with "fair and reasonable access" to parts, tools and instructions, in an attempt to avoid costly and time consuming efforts to seek repairs from proprietary service providers that Warren said decrease military readiness.

"Right-to-repair restrictions waste taxpayer dollars and place service members at risk," Warren wrote, adding that members of the military stationed across the world, including in active combat, "should not have to rely on a company thousands of miles away" to fix broken equipment.

The advent of 3D printers has made it possible for the military to fabricate and fix many of its own parts in the field. But in many cases the original equipment manufacturers are entitled to remove field repaired parts to charge for the replacement — or mandate that original parts be installed while the equipment goes unused.

The NDIA, National Association of Manufacturers, Aerospace Industries Association, Professional Services Council and others wrote the U.S. Senate and House Armed Services Committees in July, saying the "right to repair" provision is unnecessary and would discourage their members from selling to the DOD.

Warren pushed back on that assertion in her letter to the three groups, citing public examples of expenses and delays resulting from contracts that required members of the military to wait for authorized repair services, and in one case, ship engines from Japan back to the U.S. rather than repair them on site.

She also wrote to the DOD, asking for more examples and how they affected its missions and budget, and asked whether the agency will seek to use a law that allows for the transfer of intellectual property developed using federal research funds.

Warren asked the groups and the agency to respond by Oct. 11.

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9999cf No.21661173

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The Democratic Party Left Me



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4af62f No.21661176

File: 48faf17a7484fa3⋯.png (169.16 KB,1024x768,4:3,POLLS8.png)

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312f00 No.21661177


go git sum greek ol fehgel

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7a8698 No.21661178


The DOJ probably agreed with the assassin's memo.

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326729 No.21661181

File: 1f2821be2a5d0b4⋯.jpg (218.99 KB,1159x2040,1159:2040,20240926_175219.jpg)

look how british are suck

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669e07 No.21661183

File: 800052b5babff04⋯.png (445.24 KB,722x744,361:372,2023_07_11_10_31_38.png)


Amusing when the Demoncrats try acting morally and stuff.

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312f00 No.21661184


ernesto poorass died

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40456c No.21661185

File: 812b3118cb90dd5⋯.jpeg (1.37 MB,3977x2476,3977:2476,NightShiftInSession.jpeg)

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ada5eb No.21661187

File: 0b58a018dbbe14f⋯.jpeg (955.91 KB,1125x1471,1125:1471,IMG_4366.jpeg)

Every day it’s a new grift…

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312f00 No.21661188



haz leeky butthol portfolio

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13ccd3 No.21661191

I love the smell of shill panic in the morning

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312f00 No.21661193


oliver died too

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ada5eb No.21661194

File: 6ed2149d138ffa6⋯.jpeg (483.13 KB,1125x1117,1125:1117,IMG_4367.jpeg)


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7a8698 No.21661195


The US military doesn't have the right to repair it's own equipment????? Really!? More proof the USSA is a house of cards today.

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c17277 No.21661197

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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312f00 No.21661198

File: ba48e92a4951ba5⋯.png (1.05 MB,889x1016,7:8,BDKY7373.png)

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b2f168 No.21661199


see its fair.

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ba1be8 No.21661201


I Forgive You Son

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70ebe3 No.21661202


Fox Snooze is pushing the Iran Dunit bullshit. Now the doofus who gave you Warp Speed is fooly onboard.

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3eba2c No.21661203

File: 12062c0137fa581⋯.png (802.1 KB,1146x643,1146:643,ClipboardImage.png)

they were told about the agr building as a risk 2 days ahead

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312f00 No.21661204



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f70ad2 No.21661205


New York City Democrat Mayor Eric Adams' federal indictment will be unsealed 11:30 a.m. ET on Thursday.

Still have about 30 minutes to go.

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cb2a0e No.21661206


Mine too.

But, being prepared has been a way of life for me since Boy Scouts.

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4af62f No.21661207

File: c6f4c5b73fc5e59⋯.png (772.68 KB,1024x768,4:3,POLLS2.png)

File: 888e6509e4af4ff⋯.png (1.75 MB,1280x853,1280:853,POLLS4.png)

File: 2a041bb0bddf457⋯.png (71.64 KB,1024x768,4:3,POLLS7.png)

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441ad5 No.21661208

File: 796882ce505e5dd⋯.png (224.19 KB,443x361,443:361,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8cdecf574f76ce4⋯.png (1.51 MB,1888x890,944:445,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 470beac4229f727⋯.png (825.76 KB,1010x871,1010:871,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 99f48c1484d1c7a⋯.png (890.29 KB,703x792,703:792,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8d07a5ea0988875⋯.png (1.09 MB,1213x780,1213:780,ClipboardImage.png)




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7a8698 No.21661209


It's the radical leftist deep state in the US trying to kill Trump, not Iran or anyone else. I see right through their war mongering lies, I just hope Trump can too.

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70ebe3 No.21661210


It's obvious the Iranians have infiltrated the Secret Service.

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cb0670 No.21661211


C-SPAN Simulcast of NY1 Coverage of NYC Mayor

C-SPAN simulcasts Spectrum News NY1 coverage of expected federal corruption charges against New York City Mayor Eric Adams (D).


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24dc94 No.21661212

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8dfaae No.21661213

Democrats do not get a political opinion.

Their voice was stolen, and allowed it to happen.

They will not be allowed to participate in our democratic process.

Kamala is not a recognized legal candidate.

Vote all you want - "vote harder" - it will not matter, it will not be counted.

When the left get angry, they get dangerous/violent.

Get ready, we might actually get to play.

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15e704 No.21661214

You'd think the son would know when he needs to go on stage right?

Nope. Broadcasting and baking. That's all I can do. Wake and Bake, on KPOT.

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cb0670 No.21661215

11:35 AM EDT

KC-10 Farewell Ceremony

Department of Defense


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41c72d No.21661216






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367cee No.21661217

File: 5523abb3ce16042⋯.jpeg (65.26 KB,474x631,474:631,5523abb3ce16042204a4cc903….jpeg)

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41c72d No.21661218

File: c42e75ef2540dcb⋯.png (310.15 KB,800x896,25:28,10b.png)

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41c72d No.21661219

File: 56930570fe8d321⋯.png (80.59 KB,798x378,19:9,10d.png)

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cb0670 No.21661220

File: 92d578a4641afe6⋯.png (417.5 KB,510x680,3:4,expiration_date_guidelines.png)

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186793 No.21661221

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41c72d No.21661222

File: d0594a9ddc8a5fa⋯.png (2.84 MB,4992x4248,208:177,8.png)


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1788d6 No.21661223


>tax credits don't solve anything when the dollar isn't worth anything.

>Inflation will go out of control if Harris is elected. you can't print enough money because the result is that prices go up in proportion to the new money printed (or more).

>basic point: if Harris wins the dollar will collapse, the country will disintegrate, and Democrats will lose power due to there be no more resources available for them to loot.

This message needs to be spread far & wide.

Anon personally know people who don't understand this.

All they see are the gibme dollars.

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8dfaae No.21661224

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7a8698 No.21661225


They are trying to fake a consensus for a "win" when they are forced to double down on the vote rig. It is entirely predictable.

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41c72d No.21661226

File: db78ac0bf404414⋯.png (759.62 KB,2605x10457,2605:10457,001feed.png)



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d52bd3 No.21661227

File: 874bb48a5a3c4d5⋯.mp4 (11.77 MB,640x360,16:9,1X_Technologies_NEO_Beta.mp4)

File: 43f7b856b80584b⋯.png (344.78 KB,1200x675,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 097095dee35aa8b⋯.png (959.72 KB,1200x706,600:353,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a5dce19ae6b94de⋯.png (829.75 KB,1200x750,8:5,ClipboardImage.png)

Humanoid Robots Head to Homes: Meet the NEO Beta

Sept. 11, 2024 5:00 a.m. PT

Humanoid robots are heading for the home.

OpenAI-backed robotics company 1X just dropped a short and sweet teaser video for their new humanoid robot, Neo Beta.

In the video, the robot hands a person a bag and poses with them for a picture.

While this is the first video 1X has shared of Neo, a hologram of the robot could be seen behind Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang as he announced Project GR00T, Nvidia's platform for the development of humanoid robots.

1X's decision to show Neo with its arm around a person indicates how 1X may be hoping to differentiate itself from the competition.

Most other robotics companies tend to show interaction with humans primarily to test robustness or to show how humans and robots can work together.

1X seems to be selling a kind of close and casual encounter that we haven't seen a lot in the humanoid robotics space.

This is likely due to the fact that 1X says it hopes Neo can be put to use inside people's homes, helping with various tasks and perhaps assisting people with limited mobility.

Neo is about 5 feet 5 inches tall and weighs 66 pounds, making it one of the lightest humanoids we've covered on what the future.

1X says Neo can be quickly taken over remotely if the robot starts having trouble.

It's also covered in clothing, which makes it stand out in a crowded field of humanoid robots.

This may be to cover up what 1X says is a "muscle-like anatomy," perhaps protecting some proprietary technology, for aesthetic reasons or some combination of the two.

1X's CEO Bernt Børnich says the company will be deploying some of its Neo Beta robots into homes for research and development purposes.

To see the Neo Beta in action, check out the video embedded in this article.



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312f00 No.21661228


oh no


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41c72d No.21661229

File: d0594a9ddc8a5fa⋯.png (2.84 MB,4992x4248,208:177,8.png)



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3eba2c No.21661230

File: 1f85e53f03e3945⋯.png (402.93 KB,735x637,15:13,ClipboardImage.png)


i thought it was the chiree

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776634 No.21661232

File: 13b6357b432e524⋯.png (845.71 KB,1161x654,387:218,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6f46a408e97a384⋯.png (818.61 KB,1161x654,387:218,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 59302b76241645f⋯.png (812.95 KB,1161x654,387:218,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a232c89854abf59⋯.png (833.25 KB,1161x654,387:218,ClipboardImage.png)

Not playing with secret service, go Fallon

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669e07 No.21661234

File: a0f9d0d133297a4⋯.png (1.05 MB,820x778,410:389,39_days_to_winning.png)

>>21661077 LB

>LIVE: Trump assassination task force holds first hearing on Pa. shooting

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186793 No.21661236

File: 804e5db130b44ae⋯.png (202.57 KB,371x304,371:304,ClipboardImage.png)


If Trump wins, the Federal Reserve stays.

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7a8698 No.21661237


Depending *WHO* counts the votes, as always. Hope we have some security and transparency on our side this time around….

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3663c9 No.21661239

File: 9246681a85a5784⋯.png (1.5 MB,1366x768,683:384,Screenshot_from_2024_09_26….png)

File: 4270f8e1dc821c7⋯.png (1.21 MB,1366x768,683:384,Screenshot_from_2024_09_26….png)

File: e36272f1a38230e⋯.png (1.5 MB,1366x768,683:384,Screenshot_from_2024_09_26….png)

File: 2084cc5f00741b8⋯.png (2.36 MB,1366x768,683:384,Screenshot_from_2024_09_26….png)

File: 5f5130e893066fc⋯.png (137.36 KB,562x468,281:234,Screenshot_from_2024_09_26….png)


>was this a threat? pointing to the NYC sky line tampons hands and almost bowing


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186793 No.21661241


>Who represents God on Earth

Not you.

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70ebe3 No.21661243


They print the expiration date on the package in odd locations and extremely small type with sparse ink in a color that matches the package.


Because "your" government allows them to.

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0a74de No.21661245


Joe Biden is President until January 20th 2025

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5dd8bc No.21661250

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Listening to the Rosanne / Tucker interview. She legit says they eat babies, they eat people, they drink blood, they are vampires, and they are in cults.

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d52bd3 No.21661251

File: 5697aabd1d72b3e⋯.png (2.46 MB,1353x996,451:332,ClipboardImage.png)

Getting SSPICY: NASA Funds Orbital Debris Inspection Mission

Sep 25, 2024

NASA is advancing an innovative approach to enabling commercial inspection of defunct, or inoperable, satellites in low Earth orbit, a precursor to capturing and repairing or removing the satellites.

The agency has awarded Starfish Space of Seattle, Washington, a Phase III Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) contract to complete the Small Spacecraft Propulsion and Inspection Capability (SSPICY) mission.

The award follows a Phase III study, which funded four U.S. small businesses including Starfish to develop mission concepts. Starfish Space will receive $15 million over three years to execute the mission.

The ability to inspect defunct spacecraft and identify opportunities for repair or deorbiting is critical to maintaining a safe orbital environment for spacecraft and humans.

Orbital debris mitigation is a key component of NASA’s Space Sustainability Strategy.

“The SSPICY mission is designed to mature technologies needed for U.S. commercial capabilities for satellite servicing and logistics or disposal,” said Bo Naasz, senior technical lead for in-space servicing, manufacturing, and assembly in NASA’s Space Technology Mission Directorate.

“In-space inspection helps us characterize the physical state of a satellite, gather data on what may leave spacecraft stranded, and improve our understanding of fragmentations and collisions, a difficult but critical factor in a sustainable space operating environment.”

The Starfish-led mission uses the company’s Otter spacecraft, a small satellite about the size of an oven, which is designed to inspect, dock with, and service or deorbit other satellites.

Otter’s electric propulsion system will not only help it efficiently travel to multiple satellites, but the SSPICY demonstration also will mature the spacecraft’s ability to perform inspections using electric propulsion, an important enabling technology not typically used for rendezvous and proximity operations.

During the SSPICY mission, Otter will visit and inspect multiple U.S. owned defunct satellites that have agreed to be visited and inspected – a delicate and challenging task, as satellites move quickly and are kept far apart from each other for safety.

Otter will approach within hundreds of meters of each satellite to conduct inspections during mission operations.

During the inspection, Otter will gather key information about each of the debris objects including their spin rate, spin axes, and current conditions of the objects’ surface materials.

The SSPICY mission is the first commercial space debris inspection funded by NASA and supports the agency’s efforts to extend the life of satellites while reducing space debris.

Satellites that are no longer in use can break apart or collide with one another, creating debris clouds that pose risk to human spaceflight, science and robotic missions in Earth’s orbit, and missions to other planets in the solar system.

Data from inspections like those planned during the SSPICY demonstration will play a critical role in understanding the nature of defunct satellites and advancing solutions for reuse or disposal.

“We are excited to expand our partnership with NASA, building on our shared commitment to advancing in-space manufacturing and assembly capabilities,” said Trevor Bennett, co-founder of Starfish Space.

“It’s an honor for Starfish to lead the first commercial debris inspection mission funded by NASA.

We look forward to collaborating on this and future satellite servicing missions to enable a new paradigm for humanity in space.”

The Otter spacecraft is expected to launch in late 2026 and will begin performing inspections in 2027.


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3eba2c No.21661252

File: fafae49725ddfbf⋯.png (670.45 KB,580x937,580:937,ClipboardImage.png)

maybe they can get about 5 strongly worded letters out of this hearing

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937211 No.21661255




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1b5733 No.21661257

File: 78c691eda4479ad⋯.jpeg (2.23 MB,4032x3024,4:3,IMG_2304.jpeg)

They’re somtin fucky goin on.


DNS address could not be found.

I don’t usually browse that site, being from UK

At work professional building, ie fat inert pipes.houses a few thousand.

We got the usual PSN and the pen testers are doing there thing.

They couldn’t remote onto machine as it was locked down.

They asked if we could goto a few websites.

Pornhub - filter blocked

Google translate prornhub

Then army.mil

Ffs dns errors.

Checked on my phone of SIM card 4g diff network nowt to do with work same error.


Fug knows if this is localised, up coming election n all

See somthing say somthing.

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7a8698 No.21661258


Yep. Total blame game diversion tactic. The same ones who hate Iran also hate Russia and China and India and anyone else they don't control, like they hate Trump, like they hate RFK Jr, like they now hate Musk and Tucker and anyone else not controlled by the zionist/globalist cabal!

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776634 No.21661260


Can't spell

C h I n A without CIA

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cb2a0e No.21661261


The real question that needs to be answered is, when did we get a "Haitian Community"?

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186793 No.21661263

File: 39ac752be2e9337⋯.png (22.63 KB,589x141,589:141,ClipboardImage.png)

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4aeb2a No.21661264

File: b0537f2b5462dbe⋯.jpeg (248.33 KB,1125x788,1125:788,IMG_4368.jpeg)

File: 32f13dc2b0e6336⋯.jpeg (1.35 MB,1125x1456,1125:1456,IMG_4369.jpeg)


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40456c No.21661265


Nice dig anon.

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186793 No.21661267


Can't spell Satan without Israel.

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186793 No.21661268

File: 0f3e21b1d6a81f0⋯.png (69.59 KB,549x499,549:499,Watkunt.png)


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937211 No.21661269

File: 63a5ac4dc6b27e2⋯.png (271.7 KB,550x550,1:1,pepe_dank_3.png)


Mentioning clowns in America seems to have triggered vati. Gee…. I wonder why.

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669e07 No.21661270

File: ab4ebec2b603670⋯.png (105.94 KB,318x310,159:155,when_will_they.png)



At what point do theY switch Kamala for Big Mike?

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776634 No.21661272


ah, but he's filtered, narcissists hate not being responded to, as well, sucks being him.

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186793 No.21661273

File: f51b4f24924c840⋯.png (38.8 KB,555x450,37:30,Dumbass.png)

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380ca5 No.21661274


They do

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dc2957 No.21661275













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e46331 No.21661276

File: 8648f36bfe229f3⋯.jpeg (31.79 KB,322x248,161:124,FF1FE609_9A0E_4215_A346_A….jpeg)

File: b57d6148458b9ec⋯.png (642.3 KB,570x600,19:20,5E137A23_126E_4CEF_977E_15….png)

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cb0670 No.21661277

File: fab060ae13baa93⋯.png (238.27 KB,602x641,602:641,tesla_energy_frequeny_vibr….png)

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029ced No.21661278

File: 9971a7ccc84bc8d⋯.png (375.39 KB,660x767,660:767,a4_wa.png)





Donald J. Trump A.K.A "POTE"


Big threats on my life byIran. The entire U.S. Military is watching and waiting. Moves were already made by Iran that didn’t work out, but they will try again. Not a good situation for anyone. I am surrounded by more men, guns, and weapons than I have ever seen before. Thank you to Congress for unanimously approving far more money to Secret Service - Zero “NO” Votes, strictly bipartisan. Nice to see Republicans and Democrats get together on something. An attack on a former President is a Death Wish for the attacker!

Sep 25, 2024, 12:34 AM E.S.T


Feb 06, 2020 11:16:52 PM EST3836

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 256bf1 No. 8056704

Think HRC Russia reset statement [Russia].

Think Hussein 'I'll have more flexibility after the election' hot mic statement to Russian depo re: Q to Hussein re: Putin.

Think Hussein WH refusal to send weapons to Ukraine [R Congress push to assist] but instead sent only blankets.

Think [D]s attack(s) re: POTUS for failure to 'protect' Ukraine against Russian aggression? [Impeachment]

What advanced weapons did POTUS send to Ukraine?

2 + 2 = 6?

Define projection.

Think $1,800,000,000 Hussein WH > Ukraine [which bank?].

Think US AID > Ukraine

Think WW AID > Ukraine

Think U1 [sale of US uranium to Russia]

Sold out US to benefit Russia for personal financial gain?

Risked US National Security for personal financial gain?

How was payment made to US person(s)?

Think Ukraine.

Think IRAN.

Russia & IRAN allies?

Russia, IRAN, & China allies?

US pol corruption China

US pol corruption Ukraine [US leverage on behalf of…]

US pol corruption Russia

US pol corruption IRAN

Common denominator: China, Russia, and IRAN: Closed financial systems?

Logical thinking.


Apr 24, 2018 11:27:03 AM EDT1254

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: bc4b43 No. 1169101

IRANis next.



POTUS today.

“Mark it down.”

“Bigger problems than ever before.”


CLAS - Sec 11A P 2.2 [important]

Refers to more than continued payments of $250B.


Sweet Dreams.


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Enjoy the [Show]!

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83a845 No.21661279

last call


#26526 >>21660191

>>21660431 Boatfaggin

>>21660254 Kash believes Biden is going to step down in return for family pardons.

>>21660297 Appeals Court Hears Arguments Over Trump's $454M Civil Fraud Judgment

>>21660302, >>21660406, >>21660410, >>21660413, >>21660421, >>21660691, >>21660701, >>21661026, >>21661030 Swamp Habbenins

>>21660314 Wisconsin Mayor Takes Matters Into His Own Hands: Says He Did Nothing Wrong After Using Dolly to Remove Ballot Drop Box Outside City Hall

>>21660344 The conditions for Russia’s transition to the use of nuclear weapons are also clearly defined

>>21660389 ICYMI: China launches ICBM into Pacific

>>21660399, >>21660590 9:00 AM EDT Former first lady Melania Trump will sit down with Fox News host Ainsley Earhardt in a rare televised interview in advance of her book release.

>>21660424 9:30 AM EDT The Ongoing Investigation of the Butler, Pennsylvania Security Failure

>>21660589, >>21661194, >>21661211 Federal authorities raid Eric Adams’ mayoral residence. SEALED INDICTMENT to be unsealed

>>21660556 Melania Trump calls husband’s survival of two assassination attempts ‘miracles’

>>21660570, >>21660578 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 09/26/2024

>>21660672, >>21660683 LIVE | Gov. DeSantis provides update on Hurricane Helene

>>21660724, >>21660745 Supermodel Naomi Campbell's charity 'Fashion For Relief' is money stealing operation

>>21660792 Colorado governor hopes Trump "behaves" himself while visiting Aurora

>>21660818 As DA Kamala Harris Pushed for ALL Handguns to be Confiscated

>>21660868, >>21660860, >>21660903, >>21660950, >>21660975, >>21661164 LIVE: Task Force hearing on attempted assassination of President Trump

>>21660862 "Arm Yourself" - Persecuted Former FBI Specialist Urges Americans To Stock Up On Food And Prepare For Hardship

>>21660864 Dems don't even believe their own poll numbers are correct.

>>21660896, >>21660980, >>21661021, >>21661084, >>21661251 NASA Space Related

>>21660935, >>21660969 TPUSA voter registration drive today at ASU. There is hope for GenZ

>>21660990 Kamala's latest interview she rambled, never answered questions directly, said the American Dream is gone

>>21661042, >>21661239 body language - soros pointing to the NYC sky line tampons hands and almost bowing

>>21661048 TRUMP on X - 23 second campaign ad

>>21661090 The Trump campaign released a video highlighting “Grandpa Trump”

>>21661125, >>21661153 Clay Higgins under attack ack ack

>>21661131 The 10 Headlines the Media Didn’t Report Today

>>21661156 Former AG Barr 'dumbfounded' at DOJ’s decision to release letter of Trump would-be assassin

>>21661170 Sen. Warren Probes Defense Groups' Opposition to 'Right to Repair'

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dc2957 No.21661280


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dc2957 No.21661281

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312f00 No.21661282


>oh no



>oh no



>oh no



>oh no



>oh no


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367cee No.21661283

File: 84335cda90464c1⋯.jpeg (221.73 KB,1130x1544,565:772,84335cda90464c1d155f4af2f….jpeg)

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029ced No.21661284

File: 4c5feaad2f50764⋯.jpg (244.48 KB,612x612,1:1,4c5feaad2f5076465d7160c369….jpg)


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634227 No.21661285


this post @656


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937211 No.21661286

File: e3e566bc772b1e1⋯.png (469.98 KB,500x500,1:1,kek_kamala_cackle.png)


Short of an accident, they're basically stuck with Kamala.

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0a74de No.21661287

File: 8f424fd51895eff⋯.png (1018.69 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240926_111155.png)

File: 78bde07bf8973fd⋯.png (357.05 KB,766x1678,383:839,1057_3_.png)


timestamp fucktard

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3663c9 No.21661288

File: d706bcb66614728⋯.jpg (269.69 KB,800x906,400:453,LD4_ATT_32AA_jeh.JPG)

File: e09710960a6b91f⋯.png (771.67 KB,859x1532,859:1532,Screenshot_2024_09_26_at_1….png)

File: 954699a1b67f853⋯.jpg (105.28 KB,678x381,226:127,ATT15_storyBuildingExplosi….jpg)

File: e211deee6af26ee⋯.png (425.11 KB,955x635,191:127,Screenshot_2024_09_26_at_1….png)

File: 3d68ea4ba4526ee⋯.png (52.87 KB,867x219,289:73,Screenshot_2024_09_26_at_1….png)




>s switch


>s switch



>Nice dig anon.

"Ave of the Americas"

This building has a sort of look to it.

This article is about the tower in Lower Manhattan. For the tower in Midtown Manhattan also called the AT&T Building, see 550 Madison Avenue. For the tower in Lower Manhattan previously called the AT&T Long Lines Building, see 33 Thomas Street.

32 Avenue of the Americas (also known asthe AT&T Long Lines Building, AT&T Building, or 32 Sixth Avenue)is a 27-story, 549-foot-tall (167 m) telecommunications building in the Tribeca neighborhood of Manhattan in New York City. Completed in 1932, it was one of several Art Deco-style telecommunications buildings designed by Ralph Thomas Walker of Voorhees, Gmelin and Walker in the early 20th century. 32 Avenue of the Americas spans the entire block bounded by Walker Street, Lispenard Street, Church Street, and Avenue of the Americas (also known as Sixth Avenue).

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3eba2c No.21661289

File: 8936b6a81b563a3⋯.png (202.99 KB,736x575,32:25,ClipboardImage.png)


touchgoal nice

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029ced No.21661290

File: 4c5feaad2f50764⋯.jpg (244.48 KB,612x612,1:1,4c5feaad2f5076465d7160c369….jpg)


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186793 No.21661291

File: 355c0838bca9870⋯.png (151.94 KB,400x347,400:347,ClipboardImage.png)


Is Judaism a Cult?


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312f00 No.21661292


>>oh no



>>oh no



>>oh no



>>oh no


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a90dc2 No.21661293

File: 269d91adc1b6d0a⋯.png (168.25 KB,308x234,154:117,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8319d314085bd7f⋯.png (238.26 KB,366x234,61:39,ClipboardImage.png)




we will not be free until this stops.

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bb8fd6 No.21661294

File: 28de66209008c66⋯.jpg (55.3 KB,1043x1037,1043:1037,28de66209008c66735b1f674bb….jpg)


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7a8698 No.21661295


Commies taking down one of their own useful idiots after useful idiot publicly cries over his own community being deliberately destabilized by useful idiot illegal aliens.

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312f00 No.21661296


>>oh no


judasism is greed swimmin in false histrionics

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d52bd3 No.21661297

File: 0a0173b6b65ba3a⋯.png (3.29 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 89115519da2ce9f⋯.png (2.66 MB,2000x1125,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6a892e05b4430c4⋯.png (1.44 MB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 00fbcba18f6a4ce⋯.png (884 KB,1041x812,1041:812,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2b74cdda348379f⋯.png (3.23 MB,1963x1313,151:101,ClipboardImage.png)

NASA’s Record-Breaking Laser Demo Completes Mission

Sep 25, 2024

NASA’s TBIRD (TeraByte InfraRed Delivery) demonstration and its host spacecraft — the PTD-3 (Pathfinder Technology Demonstrator-3) — have completed their technology demonstration.

The TBIRD payload spent the past two years breaking world records for the fastest satellite downlink from space using laser communications.

NASA’s PTD series leverages a common commercial spacecraft to provide a robust platform for effective testing of technologies with minimal redesign in between launches.

After launch in May 2022 on the SpaceX Transporter 5 mission, the PTD-3 spacecraft entered low-Earth orbit and shortly after TBIRD began sending laser communications signals to an optical ground station in Table Mountain, California.

TBIRD’s two-year demonstration showcased the viability of laser communications.

Most NASA missions rely on radio frequency communication systems, however, laser communications use infrared light and can pack significantly more data in a single communications link.

This technology is ideal for science and exploration missions that need large data transmissions.

In 2023, TBIRD continuously broke its own records, reaching its peak in June when it transmitted 4.8 terabytes of error-free data — equivalent to about 2,400 hours of high-definition video — in five minutes at 200 gigabits per second in a single pass.

The TBIRD payload was one of many laser communications demonstrations.

NASA’s SCaN (Space Communications and Navigation) program is maturing this technology to demonstrate the impact laser communications can have for bringing more science and exploration data home.

The next demonstration will be on the Artemis II mission.

In addition to breaking a world record, this mission demonstrated cost-effective design and extremely low size, weight, and power requirements — both on the PTD-3 spacecraft and within the TBIRD payload.

The tissue-box-sized payload contained two commercial telecommunication modems that the TBIRD team modified for the extreme environment of space.

The PTD-3/TBIRD system also overcame one of the major challenges associated with laser communications: making the narrow beam laser link connection while moving at orbital speeds while being buffeted by atmospheric drag.

The PTD-3 spacecraft’s precision “body pointing” and stability enabled the TBIRD payload to make its record-breaking achievement while moving as fast as 17,000 mph through space.

The spacecraft set a record for the highest accuracy pointing ever achieved by a NASA CubeSat without any moving mechanisms or propulsion systems.

The end of PTD-3 and TBIRD’s mission was expected. The system did not contain a propulsion system, meaning once it was deployed into its low Earth orbit, the mission could only last until its orbit naturally decayed.

While only planned to operate for six months, TBIRD carried out its demonstration for well over two years, enabling NASA to learn more about laser communications operations in low Earth orbit.

The lessons learned during TBIRD will be applied to future implementations of laser communications and minimize downlink constraints for mission designs enabling future exploration and discoveries.


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a195b5 No.21661298

File: 02ed86380933ffe⋯.png (1.01 MB,1100x661,1100:661,thanks_bakes.png)

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937211 No.21661299

File: ec0dd277257ff40⋯.jpg (40.51 KB,270x391,270:391,Obama_I_Spy2.jpg)

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e46331 No.21661300

File: 4f1ad4ad109be22⋯.jpeg (643.06 KB,958x1301,958:1301,IMG_0517.jpeg)

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bb8fd6 No.21661301

File: 91317e4ccb39290⋯.png (14.61 KB,255x253,255:253,0_POINT.png)

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5dd8bc No.21661302


There is a HUGE difference. People eat cows in America. If you don't like that, stay in India.

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4f35c4 No.21661303


Pretty sure he didn't want to take money from a foreign govt during his presidency. (Like all the others did.)

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bb8fd6 No.21661304

File: 2ce6157c8376628⋯.png (21.99 KB,300x250,6:5,CdbdKrROyq_12.png)

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0582dc No.21661305

foreign money


sounds like the music stopped and the chairs are getting taken

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186793 No.21661306

File: ee55568ae89ca67⋯.png (1.87 MB,1422x631,1422:631,ClipboardImage.png)

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776634 No.21661307


Anon was making an analogy, of, they see us as cattle.

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bb8fd6 No.21661308



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312f00 No.21661309

File: 440c8ac03cdb0f7⋯.png (385.42 KB,1280x1083,1280:1083,IMG_2104.PNG)


>>>oh no



>>>oh no


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3eba2c No.21661310

File: 4319556ab87fb74⋯.png (1.01 MB,736x736,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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a90dc2 No.21661311

File: b145465824dc532⋯.gif (2.24 MB,480x452,120:113,penceno.gif)

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bb8fd6 No.21661312

@300 BAKER

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0582dc No.21661313

indictment makes strong argument this is a democratic strategy…

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cb0670 No.21661314



early voting has already begun

Minnesota 9/20/2024

South Dakota 9/20/2024

Virginia 9/20/2024

Vermont 9/21/2024

Illinois 9/26/2024


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bb8fd6 No.21661316

File: 27dee3c82e33b69⋯.png (83.24 KB,900x666,50:37,0000002b.png)

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7a8698 No.21661317


Correct, but they also eat beef in India, and China and everywhere else. People who have a problem with that have a problem with the way the whole world works, in other words civilization itself.

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bb8fd6 No.21661318

File: 7028a66a3572a9e⋯.png (642.64 KB,784x914,392:457,01g.png)

File: 283c2d58fe67927⋯.png (322.01 KB,688x704,43:44,01b.png)

File: a1577098d1dece7⋯.gif (116.51 KB,220x238,110:119,3a1AA.gif)

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a90dc2 No.21661319

File: 49983995bf68b7b⋯.jpg (27.94 KB,300x360,5:6,bobbyfischer.jpg)


taking the life force of other living beings to sustain your own is vampirism, is it not?

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3663c9 No.21661320

File: 653f8be1e02db70⋯.png (214.53 KB,572x460,143:115,Screenshot_from_2024_09_26….png)

File: af1e48cb8f7289e⋯.png (157.28 KB,737x646,737:646,Screenshot_from_2024_09_26….png)

File: 3e9849f3b1323f8⋯.png (18.36 KB,381x127,3:1,Screenshot_from_2024_09_26….png)

File: fe477aa76747fd4⋯.png (450.74 KB,1205x574,1205:574,Screenshot_2024_09_26_at_1….png)

File: a473199f25aec34⋯.png (415.76 KB,725x455,145:91,cornwell.png)



>Nice dig anon.


>Nice dig anon.


Ruscha Art

Art Deco

> Completed in 1932, it was one of severalArt Deco-style telecommunications buildings designed by Ralph Thomas Walker of Voorhees, Gmelin and Walker in the early 20th century. 32 Avenue of the Americas spans the entire block bounded by Walker Street, Lispenard Street, Church Street, and Avenue of the Americas (also known as Sixth Avenue).

"Pop Art"



Edward Joseph Ruscha IV is an American artistassociated with the pop art movement.He has worked in the media of painting, printmaking, drawing, photography, and film. He is also noted for creating several artist's books. Ruscha lives and works in Culver City, California. Wikipedia

Born: 1937 (age 86 years), Omaha, NE

Spouse: Danna Knego (m. 1987), Danna Knego (m. 1967–1972)

Known for: Painting, photography, printmaking, film, book art

Award: Guggenheim Fellowship (1971)

Parents: Edward Ruscha, Sr., Dorothy Ruscha

Education: Chouinard Art Institute

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bb8fd6 No.21661321

File: 13c69f8e56a3132⋯.png (1.05 MB,1662x886,831:443,01a.png)

File: d914d01834e25d4⋯.jpg (71.47 KB,736x981,736:981,3z2.jpg)

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3eba2c No.21661322

File: b5d0896fb3dc786⋯.png (1.25 MB,736x736,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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bb8fd6 No.21661323



1 2345 6789 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

Donald J. Trump



Sep 15, 2024,10:44AM


Apr 06, 2018 3:22:28 PM EDT

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 03213a No. 922237

Apr 06, 2018 3:17:40 PM EDT

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 03213a No. 922142


Pics will surface of Hussein holding AK47 in tribal attire.

One of many.

Net shut down.



Fake pic push by MSM.

Videos / backup.

Google kill.

YouTube kill.

FB kill.

Twitter kill.

Yahoo kill.

Bing kill.

Instagram kill.

Net will be paused.


On the clock.





Donald J. Trump



Sep 15, 2024, 10:44 AM


Mar 10, 2018 1:00:21 PM EST

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 88957f No. 613164

Mar 10, 2018 12:59:21 PM EST

Anonymous ID: 10998f No. 613143


In 2013, documents leaked by the former NSA contractor Edward Snowden revealed the existence of numerous surveillance programs jointly operated by the Five Eyes. The following list includes several notable examples reported in the media:

PRISM – Operated by the NSA together with the GCHQ and the ASD[53][54]

XKeyscore – Operated by the NSA with contributions from the ASD and the GCSB[55]

Tempora – Operated by the GCHQ with contributions from the NSA[56][57]

MUSCULAR – Operated by the GCHQ and the NSA[58]

STATEROOM – Operated by the ASD, CIA, CSE, GCHQ, and NSA[59]

https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Five_Eyes


Interesting, isn’t it?


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6b48ce No.21661324


Marine with a massive set of balls.

That works for me.

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0a74de No.21661325

File: 94b2c4040f4e605⋯.png (642.98 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240926_112036.png)

File: 39708ea734fecff⋯.png (121.86 KB,766x1470,383:735,1046_4_.png)

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bb8fd6 No.21661326

File: 7b5ce5d9fa1ad9f⋯.png (422.65 KB,1357x2459,1357:2459,00nsf4a.png)

File: 44b60bb5d688ed6⋯.png (1.09 MB,687x1392,229:464,00nsf4aa.png)

File: f03915456796fd5⋯.png (386 KB,398x806,199:403,00nsf4ab.png)

File: e7f1ffaf8607d6c⋯.png (1.01 MB,1323x1101,441:367,00nsf4ac.png)

File: 38140b4765e44a9⋯.png (452.37 KB,805x828,35:36,0_Q_3914.png)





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3663c9 No.21661327



>the AT&T Long Lines Building, AT&T Building, or 32 Sixth Avenue)

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186793 No.21661328

File: 2696a1e00a5243e⋯.png (60.64 KB,715x412,715:412,AmericaFirst.png)

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74b3f4 No.21661329


I see clearly that I included the timestamp asshole

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894c48 No.21661330


Anon is not raycist but…there's a schitt ton of black folks going down in media and government. A schitt ton!

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312f00 No.21661331


>>>>oh no



>>>>oh no



>>>>oh no



>>>>oh no



>>>>oh no


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bb8fd6 No.21661332

File: 7d57b046f39ad0c⋯.gif (188.43 KB,158x156,79:78,00000HERRR.gif)




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3eba2c No.21661333

File: a974c0b0701d311⋯.png (553.45 KB,736x857,736:857,ClipboardImage.png)

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7a8698 No.21661334


Animals do the same though anon. Raccoons out here will bite the head off your chickens and suck their blood dry. Just like the coyotes will then eat those raccoons.

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bb8fd6 No.21661335

File: 486e9c3310df986⋯.png (1.45 MB,1413x763,1413:763,0000crya.png)

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776634 No.21661336


there were many in the public eye, that were meant to corral the masses, so, there's that.

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380ca5 No.21661337

File: b1bf47b5e9ecb57⋯.jpg (74.94 KB,1290x1096,645:548,20240926_182355.jpg)


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5dd8bc No.21661338




I will eat beef. You guys can eat bugs and plants.

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25f14d No.21661339

File: 15fdcd0e6a85189⋯.png (425.88 KB,762x682,381:341,ClipboardImage.png)

House GOP Says It Can't Find Nathan Wade Amid Fani Willis Probe

Updated Sep 26, 2024 at 10:59 AM EDT

The House Judiciary Committee has been unable to locate former Fulton County special prosecutor Nathan Wade since issuing a subpoena on Friday, committee spokesperson Russell Dye told Newsweek on Wednesday evening.

The committee is trying to subpoena Wade to testify, which will likely include questions about his previous personal relationship with Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis. Willis charged former President Donald Trump with allegedly seeking to interfere with the 2020 election results in Georgia, a swing state that narrowly backed President Joe Biden.

The lead prosecutor in the case, which is investigating Trump's call to Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger to "find" enough votes to tip the election in his favor and an alleged plot to submit a false slate of electors to the Electoral College, was Wade, who has since left the role. Trump has pleaded not guilty to all charges and claims it is a political witch hunt.

"The committee issued the subpoena on Friday, attempted to serve the subpoena to Nathan Wade's lawyer, who declined, and subsequently the committee tried to serve the subpoena via email through Nathan Wade himself, never heard back. As a result the committee had to use the assistance of the U.S. Marshals, who have also not been able to find Nathan Wade," Dye told Newsweek via phone Wednesday evening.

The committee spokesperson also told The Atlanta Journal-Constitution that the Republican-led committee has "served over 100 subpoenas this Congress. We have done so, for the most part, without controversy or the need to use the U.S. Marshals."He added that "Nathan Wade's evasion of service is extremely unusual and will require the Committee to spend U.S. tax dollars to locate him."

Newsweek reached out to the Fulton County District Attorney's Office for comment via email on Wednesday afternoon.

Andrew Evans, Wade's attorney, and Dye have differing views on what transpired over the past few months as the committee has tried to get Wade to testify. Evans told Newsweek in a phone interview on Wednesday that his client previously "voluntarily agreed to go up to Washington, D.C., and the Republicans canceled it."

Evans said the agreed upon date was July 11, the same day Trump was originally set to be sentenced in New York on 34 felony counts of falsifying business records. He suggested the date was moved for political reasons to be closer to the election. Dye told Newsweek on Wednesday evening that the committee "offered July 11, and the Wade camp did not accept that date," adding that anything suggesting that the committee "canceled anything in July is false." Dye said their communications were facilitated via email.

House Judiciary Chair Representative Jim Jordan's letter accompanying the subpoena said that Evans postponed and then canceled Wade's voluntary transcribed interview scheduled for September 18. Evans confirmed to Newsweekit was because of concerns expressed by former Governor Roy Barnes, who is representing Willis. Evans also told Newsweek that the committee previously sent Wade "a written request, not a compelled request, to produce six categories of documents."

"We produced everything that we have," Evans said, such as invoices, which fell into two categories, and "objected to the other ones." He noted that the committee "did not say anything about the objected ones [categories], which shows how hollow this whole thing is."

When asked if the committee didn't object to the missing categories and why, Dye said, "This is exactly why we need Nathan Wade to testify under oath before the committee.It's one thing to say that, but another thing to say that under oath and under penalty of perjury. We would love to have him come in and tell us that." The attorney reiterated that "Wade is not part of the District Attorney's office, he doesn't have access to the office and information anymore." He questioned what the committee could be trying to get out of Wade, saying, "It's unclear what else [Wade] could add."

On Thursday, the committee is likely unable to conduct a hearing without Wade, with Evans saying, "There's zero precedent for having an empty-chair hearing for someone that has no notice of the deposition at all," adding that "this is political theater that is improv—playing with the rules."

The House Judiciary GOP posted on X, formerly Twitter, on Wednesday afternoon: "Where's Nathan Wade?" and Jordan posted the Atlanta Journal-Constitution article on X with the same caption. Georgia Republican Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene has called for Willis to be arrested following her failure to adhere to a subpoena in Georgia's State Senate.


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bb8fd6 No.21661340

File: 41dc5ce6fff3d29⋯.png (2.14 MB,2826x1526,1413:763,0000cryb.png)



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776634 No.21661342

File: b4c3ed80a11253a⋯.png (216.25 KB,357x357,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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5dd8bc No.21661343


You only eat rocks?

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6f74eb No.21661345


Hey Jd…no

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380ca5 No.21661346


Are you a vegetarian.

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186793 No.21661347

File: f32d0272a4302fb⋯.png (53.99 KB,505x494,505:494,Look.png)

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7a8698 No.21661349


>8kun server in muh Russia!


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894c48 No.21661350


Indeed..I heard a black woman say their people in powerful positions are keeping the rest of them 'picking cotton'. Cut to the quick!

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776634 No.21661351


Hmmm, thoughts of being taken in, for protection, in order to blow a whistle come to mind.

I'm sure he understands, if not, it won't be long before capture, and probably not pretty

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37ad2a No.21661352

File: ceef49398ced273⋯.png (924.8 KB,1080x720,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

Chinese Financial Executives Resign in Droves Amid Heightened Scrutiny

The resignation list includes senior executives such as chairmen and presidents of banks, insurance companies, and securities dealers.


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380ca5 No.21661353

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a90dc2 No.21661356

File: 071a157a8ea2a42⋯.png (212.58 KB,326x236,163:118,ClipboardImage.png)


that's true…they don't know of a better way.

you do know.

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83a845 No.21661357


Baker Ghosting at top

Next Baker Step Up


#26526 >>21660191

>>21660431 Boatfaggin

>>21660254 Kash believes Biden is going to step down in return for family pardons.

>>21660297 Appeals Court Hears Arguments Over Trump's $454M Civil Fraud Judgment

>>21660302, >>21660406, >>21660410, >>21660413, >>21660421, >>21660691, >>21660701, >>21661026, >>21661030 Swamp Habbenins

>>21660314 Wisconsin Mayor Takes Matters Into His Own Hands: Says He Did Nothing Wrong After Using Dolly to Remove Ballot Drop Box Outside City Hall

>>21660344 The conditions for Russia’s transition to the use of nuclear weapons are also clearly defined

>>21660389 ICYMI: China launches ICBM into Pacific

>>21660399, >>21660590 9:00 AM EDT Former first lady Melania Trump will sit down with Fox News host Ainsley Earhardt in a rare televised interview in advance of her book release.

>>21660424 9:30 AM EDT The Ongoing Investigation of the Butler, Pennsylvania Security Failure

>>21660589, >>21661194, >>21661211, >>21661275 Federal authorities raid Eric Adams’ mayoral residence. SEALED INDICTMENT to be unsealed

>>21660556 Melania Trump calls husband’s survival of two assassination attempts ‘miracles’

>>21660570, >>21660578 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 09/26/2024

>>21660672, >>21660683 LIVE | Gov. DeSantis provides update on Hurricane Helene

>>21660724, >>21660745 Supermodel Naomi Campbell's charity 'Fashion For Relief' is money stealing operation

>>21660792 Colorado governor hopes Trump "behaves" himself while visiting Aurora

>>21660818 As DA Kamala Harris Pushed for ALL Handguns to be Confiscated

>>21660868, >>21660860, >>21660903, >>21660950, >>21660975, >>21661164 LIVE: Task Force hearing on attempted assassination of President Trump

>>21660862 "Arm Yourself" - Persecuted Former FBI Specialist Urges Americans To Stock Up On Food And Prepare For Hardship

>>21660864 Dems don't even believe their own poll numbers are correct.

>>21660896, >>21660980, >>21661021, >>21661084, >>21661251, >>21661297 NASA Space Related

>>21660935, >>21660969 TPUSA voter registration drive today at ASU. There is hope for GenZ

>>21660990 Kamala's latest interview she rambled, never answered questions directly, said the American Dream is gone

>>21661042, >>21661239, >>21661288 body language - soros pointing to the NYC sky line tampons hands and almost bowing

>>21661048 TRUMP on X - 23 second campaign ad

>>21661090 The Trump campaign released a video highlighting “Grandpa Trump”

>>21661125, >>21661153 Clay Higgins under attack ack ack

>>21661131 The 10 Headlines the Media Didn’t Report Today

>>21661156 Former AG Barr 'dumbfounded' at DOJ’s decision to release letter of Trump would-be assassin

>>21661170 Sen. Warren Probes Defense Groups' Opposition to 'Right to Repair'

>>21661339 House GOP Says It Can't Find Nathan Wade Amid Fani Willis Probe

>>21661352 Chinese Financial Executives Resign in Droves Amid Heightened Scrutiny

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7a8698 No.21661359


Vegetarians don't yet realize that many animals also eat other animals to survive. It is nature.

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37ad2a No.21661362


arise, kill and eat, moran

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a90dc2 No.21661364

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312f00 No.21661366

File: ac76c3ebadff73c⋯.jpg (108.11 KB,957x1238,957:1238,IMG_2112.JPG)







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37ad2a No.21661367


tyb - a sniping mensch, this baker.

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83a845 No.21661369

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380ca5 No.21661370


i like seafood is delicious

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3eba2c No.21661374

File: 3a28885fa811ff9⋯.png (615.99 KB,736x736,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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83a845 No.21661375

File: 63e402016cddb81⋯.png (25.87 KB,1366x768,683:384,63e402016cddb810df48080fa0….png)

File: 703abdd3fbdee18⋯.png (574.04 KB,709x772,709:772,703abdd3fbdee1815f5ed3767a….png)

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7a8698 No.21661379


I prefer a balanced diet myself. I like my veggies, fruit, grains and nuts just like I like my milk, eggs, meat and cheese. Balanced diets are the healthiest.

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894c48 No.21661384


luv the stach

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83a845 No.21661388

File: e75fd0c813f9697⋯.jpeg (202.44 KB,1440x1150,144:115,e75fd0c813f96976a90fcd2c7….jpeg)

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bbdcd9 No.21661391


dis nigga be crazy

did they check fani's condo?

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634227 No.21661394

File: 21204a4b632d04b⋯.png (311.82 KB,480x480,1:1,cogwarefare.png)

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634227 No.21661398

File: ba2cb51d848f756⋯.png (2.51 MB,1024x1280,4:5,ClipboardImage.png)

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634227 No.21661400

File: afc367668a69f6a⋯.png (225.59 KB,499x666,499:666,ClipboardImage.png)

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