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File: 1e9539dfa07b89f⋯.png (188.23 KB,1057x608,1057:608,1e9539dfa07b89fdc7a515c37d….png)

51ab73 No.21661361 [Last50 Posts]

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51ab73 No.21661363

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ANONS: Stay positive, eyes on the GOAL, not the OBSTACLES!


#26526 >>21660191

>>21660431 Boatfaggin

>>21660254 Kash believes Biden is going to step down in return for family pardons.

>>21660297 Appeals Court Hears Arguments Over Trump's $454M Civil Fraud Judgment

>>21660302, >>21660406, >>21660410, >>21660413, >>21660421, >>21660691, >>21660701, >>21661026, >>21661030 Swamp Habbenins

>>21660314 Wisconsin Mayor Takes Matters Into His Own Hands: Says He Did Nothing Wrong After Using Dolly to Remove Ballot Drop Box Outside City Hall

>>21660344 The conditions for Russia’s transition to the use of nuclear weapons are also clearly defined

>>21660389 ICYMI: China launches ICBM into Pacific

>>21660399, >>21660590 9:00 AM EDT Former first lady Melania Trump will sit down with Fox News host Ainsley Earhardt in a rare televised interview in advance of her book release.

>>21660424 9:30 AM EDT The Ongoing Investigation of the Butler, Pennsylvania Security Failure

>>21660589, >>21661194, >>21661211, >>21661275 Federal authorities raid Eric Adams’ mayoral residence. SEALED INDICTMENT to be unsealed

>>21660556 Melania Trump calls husband’s survival of two assassination attempts ‘miracles’

>>21660570, >>21660578 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 09/26/2024

>>21660672, >>21660683 LIVE | Gov. DeSantis provides update on Hurricane Helene

>>21660724, >>21660745 Supermodel Naomi Campbell's charity 'Fashion For Relief' is money stealing operation

>>21660792 Colorado governor hopes Trump "behaves" himself while visiting Aurora

>>21660818 As DA Kamala Harris Pushed for ALL Handguns to be Confiscated

>>21660868, >>21660860, >>21660903, >>21660950, >>21660975, >>21661164 LIVE: Task Force hearing on attempted assassination of President Trump

>>21660862 "Arm Yourself" - Persecuted Former FBI Specialist Urges Americans To Stock Up On Food And Prepare For Hardship

>>21660864 Dems don't even believe their own poll numbers are correct.

>>21660896, >>21660980, >>21661021, >>21661084, >>21661251, >>21661297 NASA Space Related

>>21660935, >>21660969 TPUSA voter registration drive today at ASU. There is hope for GenZ

>>21660990 Kamala's latest interview she rambled, never answered questions directly, said the American Dream is gone

>>21661042, >>21661239, >>21661288 body language - soros pointing to the NYC sky line tampons hands and almost bowing

>>21661048 TRUMP on X - 23 second campaign ad

>>21661090 The Trump campaign released a video highlighting “Grandpa Trump”

>>21661125, >>21661153 Clay Higgins under attack ack ack

>>21661131 The 10 Headlines the Media Didn’t Report Today

>>21661156 Former AG Barr 'dumbfounded' at DOJ’s decision to release letter of Trump would-be assassin

>>21661170 Sen. Warren Probes Defense Groups' Opposition to 'Right to Repair'

>>21661339 House GOP Says It Can't Find Nathan Wade Amid Fani Willis Probe

>>21661352 Chinese Financial Executives Resign in Droves Amid Heightened Scrutiny

>>21661357 #26526

#26525 >>21659010

>>21659018, >>21659095, >>21659108 Was Diddy's trove of baby oil actually liquid GHB (date rape drug)?

>>21659113 Diddy's lawyer says that Diddy's large supply of baby oil is because he lives near Costco

>>21659026 Scavino: THANK YOU!!!

>>21659032 Did Kourtney Kardashian have a kid with Bieber?

>>21659047 Alex Soros: Honored to meet @aniellefranco, a trailblazer in the fight for racial justice in Brazil

>>21659061 This is who becomes New York City Mayor if Eric Adams resigns: Jumaane Williams

>>21659088 Melania Trump calls husband’s survival of two assassination attempts ‘miracles,’ describes anger over FBI raid in rare TV interview

bread ghosted

>>21659163 Flashback 2016: Why are Colbert and Hillary joking about eating babies?

>>21659187 CNBC: China offers one-time cash allowance for those in extreme poverty

>>21659191 Wikileaks: email from Hillary to Huma Abedin talking about a dinner with diane feinstein, also a meeting with Carlos Slim and David Rockafeller

>>21659213 People: Joe Biden Shares the Simple Advice He Gave Kamala Harris on How to Defeat Donald Trump

>>21659316 Popcorn is the marker?

>>21659423 Former Biden adviser Susan Rice says Harris has been an 'integral architect' of the administration's agenda

>>21659474, >>21659485 Order Out Of Chaos (Parts 1&2)

>>21659483 NEW Election Fraud thread starting >>21653522 is in the Catalog

Ghost grab

>>21659572 AwakenedOutlaw w/CAP: Everything about his affair with Fani Willis was so above board that the US Marshals currently have a manhunt underway to locate Wade.

>>21659724 ANON NEWS FEED

>>21660163 #26525

#26524 >>21658069

>>21658165, >>21658178, >>21658747 NYC Mayor Eric Adams Is Indicted Following Federal Corruption Investigation

>>21658743 NYC mayor Eric Adams responds to indictment and imminent arrest

>>21658494, >>21658393, >>21658555, >>21658583 (Sept, 2023) NYC Mayor Eric Adams gifts Diddy the Key to the City

>>21658923 @RealSKeshel: NYC Mayor can go down a hero if he spills the beans on the Dem machine

>>21658571 Overview of 'Star Island', where Diddy and other celebrities lived

>>21658902 In Diddy and Britney Spears’ Legal Sagas, One Management Firm Appears

>>21658109 Trevor Moore telling us what you have to do to make it in Hollywood?

>>21658172 Project Agora

>>21658173 https://50voices.org: Ritual abuse and MKUltra survivor stories

>>21658180 Events tomorrow

>>21658211 Google is Celebrating Popcorn on its home page but National Popcorn Day is not until January 19 (119)

>>21658302, >>21658473 PF: B-52 of the 5th Bomb Wing, from Minot AFB, flying on the down low by not broadcasting aircraft type

>>21658403 A federal judge ruled that water fluoridation at current U.S. levels poses an “unreasonable risk” of reduced IQ in children

>>21658512 @ScottPresler: This team does not stop

>>21658671 Justin Bieber activated?

>>21658684, >>21658722 In 2007, Oprah's school in Africa suffered a major sexual abuse scandal

>>21658687 Election cookie poll

>>21658688 Speaker designated the period from Wednesday, September 25, 2024 through Monday, November 11, 2024 as a "district work period"

>>21658731 Chabad Rabbi calls for Israel to conquer Lebanon and settle it

>>21658835 Greg Kelly covers Senate report detailing security failures on J13

>>21658838 London Mayor Sadiq Khan has warned Americans against re-electing former President Trump

>>21658862 Minister @susanamuhamad met with @johnpodesta, the U.S. Presidential Envoy for Climate

>>21658863 DJT: I'm coming back to Butler!

>>21658875 @JG_CSTT: I just received this bizarre email about evidence related to the Trump Assassination

>>21658877 QClock September 25, 2024 - FBI & Trump Assassination

>>21658878, >>21658897 DJT: Day one for Kamala was 3.5 years ago

>>21658945 Kamala Harris was the prosecutor against Michael Jackson in California

>>21658986 Kamala's Project 2025

>>21658420, >>21658527, >>21658640, >>21658653, >>21658752, >>21658851 Memes

>>21658999 #26524

Previously Collected

>>21658052 #26523

>>21655600 #26520, >>21656366 #26521, >>21657417 #26522

>>21652857 #26517, >>21653960 #26518, >>21654597 #26519

>>21650338 #26514, >>21651125 #26515, >>21651877 #26516

>>21647544 #26511, >>21648193 #26512, >>21649463 #26513

Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/

Q Research Notables #24: Soldiers >>21225723

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51ab73 No.21661368

File: b5d0896fb3dc786⋯.png (1.25 MB,736x736,1:1,b5d0896fb3dc786ebc0f8a2f01….png)

File: 4319556ab87fb74⋯.png (1.01 MB,736x736,1:1,4319556ab87fb74dfdb2f0b39c….png)


fresh dough


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437af6 No.21661377


Godspeed, homeboyanon.

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437af6 No.21661380

File: 2dcb423356c1cd8⋯.png (467.97 KB,891x812,891:812,harris_walz_butcher_t.png)



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dd6a2c No.21661381

File: 21204a4b632d04b⋯.png (311.82 KB,480x480,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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238115 No.21661382

File: 6f9a422044c8c64⋯.jpg (803.13 KB,1920x1080,16:9,NYCmayor.jpg)

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0922b4 No.21661383

File: 9b1d34eff8bc547⋯.png (17 KB,331x160,331:160,f9de03fb0f91c98f.png)

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67a2e5 No.21661385

File: 9295aac809aa232⋯.png (533.85 KB,800x800,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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76abef No.21661386

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Live in 24 hours

September 27 at 9:00 AM

LIVE: President Trump Gives Remarks in Walker, Michigan - 9/27/24

Right Side Broadcasting Network

1.74M subscribers

Scheduled for Sep 27, 2024

President Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, will deliver remarks on Friday, September 27, 2024, at 2:00 p.m. EDT in Walker, Michigan.

Watch LIVE on RSBN starting at 12 p.m. ET.


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ebcda7 No.21661387

File: ca0aa1f95ba8a88⋯.png (470.3 KB,736x736,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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c73ab6 No.21661389

All the documentation for the immigration of Shyamala Gopalan Harris (Kamala's mother) from India to the US.

On page 22 Shyamala's mother writes that when Shyamala was born in India there was no birth certificate issued - only a horoscope for the newborn baby.


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201209 No.21661390

File: 83782b3fac60b0e⋯.png (206.35 KB,498x480,83:80,83782b3fac60b0e13795acda4d….png)

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afb069 No.21661393

File: abe460b4a98dce5⋯.jpg (33.62 KB,666x487,666:487,advxfcgny.jpg)

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45555e No.21661395

File: 971773a7a6cd07f⋯.png (154.96 KB,223x357,223:357,ClipboardImage.png)


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c6b7c4 No.21661396

File: eb6fc8715a2a773⋯.jpg (204.29 KB,574x401,574:401,Xnip2024_09_25_18_53_42.jpg)

File: ba1ac39ad8b94d7⋯.jpg (177.28 KB,571x380,571:380,Xnip2024_09_25_18_53_05.jpg)

File: 08343a9bd55a7fb⋯.jpg (197.64 KB,572x381,572:381,Xnip2024_09_25_18_53_21.jpg)

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6e2a14 No.21661399

Burgess Everett


Sen. Graham says he had a "private" discussion with Ukraine President Zelenskyy about his appearance in Pa. this week and his comments about VP nom Vance

“Whether it was intended or not it has a political perception. That was a mistake," Graham said. "I think he understood"

Graham also said "yes" it's still possible that Zelenskyy meets with former President Trump


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d91146 No.21661401

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afb069 No.21661402

Green [Task Force hearing on attempted assassination of President Trump]: The US Secret Service is about to put a security detail around a president at an event with a lot of people, and a lot of risk, with a heightened risk from an international threat, and they didn't even check in with you to make sure your guys were in place and ready to go?

Lenz: Correct. Not with me.

Green: And you're the leader of one of the tactical units covering this, and had responsibilities on this site?

Lenz: Yes.

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c9c585 No.21661404

File: 0ff735d0e6fecdc⋯.png (154.03 KB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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7ccb0f No.21661405

File: c20cc5d3e130672⋯.jpg (293.32 KB,960x1024,15:16,KH_LipsThatTouch.jpg)

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c6b7c4 No.21661406

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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6e2a14 No.21661407

Trump ex lawyer Giuliani disbarred in DC over 2020 election claims

Sep 26th, 10:26:16

By Jasper Ward

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani was disbarred in the U.S. capital on Thursday by a Washington, D.C., Court of Appeals, months after he lost his law license in New York over baseless claims he made alleging the 2020 presidential election was stolen.

Giuliani has been a member of the D.C. bar since 1976. His law license was suspended in 2021 and a District of Columbia attorney ethics committee recommended in July that his license be revoked. He also lost his New York law license in July.

Giuliani, who in the 1980s served as U.S. attorney in Manhattan, was one of the leading proponents of false claims that former President Donald Trump's defeat to Democrat Joe Biden in 2020 was the result of widespread voter fraud.


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437af6 No.21661408

File: 4b70926bef35f90⋯.png (57.83 KB,420x200,21:10,ClipboardImage.png)

no, just playing possum according to "completely disinterested" source

Are ESG and DEI dead?

In this case, perception may be different from reality. While the ESG and Impact investing spaces are fraught with controversy, our fifth annual Sustainable Investment Survey shows that practitioners are leaning into their investment approaches in new and innovative ways.

With over 1,000 global respondents—including asset owners, VC and PE GPs, and family offices—the survey uncovers a number of trends, including a desire to move away from the term “ESG” and a shift toward ESG implementation among both VC and non-VC fund managers.


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437af6 No.21661409


any further questions about who's in control?

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684ea3 No.21661411

File: c3fa9367327538b⋯.png (519.08 KB,577x433,577:433,vati_shill2.png)

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f77954 No.21661412


Rudy Giuliani disbarred in D.C., months after disbarment in New York

September 26, 2024 / 10:12 AM EDT / CBS News

Washington — Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, who represented former President Donald Trump in his efforts to overturn the 2020 election results, has been disbarred from practicing law in the District of Columbia, a local appeals court ruled Thursday.


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dc4f9d No.21661413


Good luck in November.

Vote harder.

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f77954 No.21661414


September 26, 2024

Southern District of New York Attorney News Conference on Mayor Adams Indictment

The Southern District of New York hold a news conference to detail the indictment of New York City Mayor Eric Adams on federal corruption and bribery charges.


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6e2a14 No.21661415


Of that plot of land, and THAT particular "Guild"? Never in doubt. Groucho's "Club".

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c6b7c4 No.21661416

File: eba2f621a3a0f2c⋯.jpg (630.31 KB,894x732,149:122,Xnip2024_09_26_11_39_20.jpg)

File: a05045348ab2d15⋯.jpg (636.39 KB,881x669,881:669,Xnip2024_09_26_11_39_51.jpg)

File: 526016db748b095⋯.jpg (522.73 KB,898x728,449:364,Xnip2024_09_26_11_40_09.jpg)



big storm

projected CAT 3+ at landfall

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5557ac No.21661419

File: 404432e06afe6e4⋯.png (1.13 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

>>21661368 TYB


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8079e0 No.21661420


why does Turkey give a fuck about a NYC mayor. Is this a back end attack on Turkey for calling out Israel?

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1b9928 No.21661423

File: b91d9f322d9cf80⋯.png (395.33 KB,947x439,947:439,jyryteyheytr.PNG)


Thanks Baker!

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684ea3 No.21661426

File: f7aeb9d4a7f130c⋯.jpg (146.73 KB,600x600,1:1,HRC_pizzed.jpg)


Anyone who evenDARESto point out claim that the election was stolen, will be criminally prosecuted.

HRC is advocating for criminally prosecuting those who spread fake news (expressing an opinion that is counter to their narrative).

Commies gonna commie.

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ebcda7 No.21661427

File: c23e56cb2ffb524⋯.png (999.45 KB,1191x672,397:224,ClipboardImage.png)

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8079e0 No.21661428


yeah this is gay trying to save face looking like the rule of law is not dead in NYC.

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0ba60c No.21661430

File: 34783a34ddf456f⋯.png (241.89 KB,1070x1050,107:105,ClipboardImage.png)

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94dcb5 No.21661434

File: e6d2e10b881ab3c⋯.png (444.88 KB,1080x995,216:199,Screenshot_20240926_184613.png)

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6e2a14 No.21661435

File: 3f2abb81575d38b⋯.png (119.67 KB,474x316,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)


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0ba60c No.21661436


You people just can’t grasp “ you are watching a movie “ smh

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437af6 No.21661438


its a ruse ffs

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94dcb5 No.21661439

File: 7d45f8c82a7a7eb⋯.png (561.85 KB,1080x1627,1080:1627,Screenshot_20240926_184349.png)

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8079e0 No.21661440


these gaslighting faggots.

they just said they are not focuses on right or left. Yup. they want to appear valid.

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76abef No.21661441


When they want their $100, they will destroy your country and burn your house down if they don't get it.

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437af6 No.21661442


kek said the blind anon

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6e2a14 No.21661443

File: 599645ca0ec2d28⋯.png (2.35 MB,1500x1123,1500:1123,ClipboardImage.png)


Better one.

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1dab61 No.21661445



If it's the SDNY Federal Prosecutor Damian Williams, he's been busting the evil ones all over the place. Does superb work. Check all his cases for past few years at justice.gov

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8079e0 No.21661446


I know,

But knowing why they are using this narrative is helpful. By exposing themselves like this it exposes something else that will unravel.

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94dcb5 No.21661448

File: 09c69c3cd0958da⋯.png (49.09 KB,1080x258,180:43,Screenshot_20240926_184859.png)

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c6b7c4 No.21661449


i'm betting the elections will be canceled.

if not, they will install kamala, lock down DC, and go full commy using the 3 letter agencies to enforce it. Blue state gov's will send the guard, but many soldiers will defy those orders.

the military will have to intercede to restore the republic

that will destroy the dem party and set the stage for military trials

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1915a4 No.21661450

File: 361b8cb54550b48⋯.png (1.04 MB,890x467,890:467,ClipboardImage.png)




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ebcda7 No.21661452

File: 2eb71c006c39c26⋯.png (301.84 KB,551x459,551:459,ClipboardImage.png)

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8079e0 No.21661453


nope. you are a faggot.

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3c536d No.21661454

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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201209 No.21661455

File: e1af625f332d2c0⋯.png (716.08 KB,898x697,898:697,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ec66997d3e12c54⋯.mp4 (9.53 MB,854x480,427:240,TRUMP_HAS_A_PLAN_FOR_THE_E….mp4)




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9effdb No.21661456

File: 8ad65ed2cc6a430⋯.jpg (537.8 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240926_085024….jpg)

File: d6cfa7ad637ec61⋯.jpg (74.32 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault_3718367160.jpg)

File: d13c382072a1609⋯.jpg (126.16 KB,922x606,461:303,upgrayedd_15232016.jpg)

File: ce0382b9e91780b⋯.jpeg (24.88 KB,500x500,1:1,t_shirt_upgrayedd_5_1024x….jpeg)

File: 8de475832b61610⋯.jpg (15.39 KB,852x480,71:40,7d428e48_7de4_4712_9052_03….jpg)

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94dcb5 No.21661457

File: 5f59cd5af84b500⋯.png (1.08 MB,1080x1811,1080:1811,Screenshot_20240926_185034.png)

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45555e No.21661458

File: 32fa6cc79b44b8d⋯.png (126.39 KB,928x767,928:767,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 73550694a509e75⋯.png (125.2 KB,911x756,911:756,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a2c3ece7b407286⋯.png (106.37 KB,911x645,911:645,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6e4586db6f050b1⋯.png (126.59 KB,911x740,911:740,ClipboardImage.png)



Here anon, just a sample

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238115 No.21661459

Gold Price Forecasts Skyrocket Following Moves by China and the Fed

BMO Capital Markets published updated commodity price forecasts with gold upgraded to $2,700 per ounce. Traditionally bearish on precious metals, BMO has been forced to acknowledge the resiliency of gold and silver recently. Their previous fourth quarter forecast had gold at $2,350, but that was before the Fed’s first rate cut in four years.

Moving the needle for the long-term in the eyes of many economists is China’s position, prompting forecasts of $3,000 ounces or higher. Their push for de-dollarization coupled with their own market woes have promoted gold in the eyes of many investors.

As gold and silver rise, Americans are increasingly moving their wealth or retirement into physical precious metals. But with the increased interest comes questions of long-term viability. If everyone is trading in the same gold and silver products, will average Americans be left out?

The massive shift of money being exchanged for physical precious metals started in 2022 with Central Banks across the globe breaking records. The frenzy caught on with large investment firms and financial institutions like BlackRock and JPMorgan in 2023.

more at:


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2c2931 No.21661460

File: bbe180ddb3e2b08⋯.png (55.45 KB,473x483,473:483,qaggdropimage438.png)


Caps = 438

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7ccb0f No.21661462

File: 54af9c514101ebd⋯.jpg (370.05 KB,1893x1893,1:1,Triggered_Hypocrite_45.jpg)

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437af6 No.21661463


something about his fdny resume and a skyscraper being fast-tracked for approval was the first version of the story.

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437af6 No.21661464


a Turkish skyscraper, whatever that is.

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628c82 No.21661465

File: 20b24ce36b77170⋯.png (80.52 KB,1080x537,360:179,Screenshot_20240926_185242.png)

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45555e No.21661467

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Spirit In The Sky - Norman Greenbaum (Official Lyric Video)

Craft Recordings

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6e2a14 No.21661468

File: 62f8675aa7f9968⋯.png (333.06 KB,474x585,158:195,ClipboardImage.png)


Yer blockin' the machine. MoveOn.

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437af6 No.21661469

File: 127fc68983d868e⋯.png (260.58 KB,702x542,351:271,mjs_blue.png)


>You people

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1dab61 No.21661473



Why am I a faggot? Because you are too retarded to actually read federal cases?

That kinda makes you the faggot.

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9effdb No.21661474

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Bath house Barry jailous.

You know, this IS from where the DLight in Turkish Delight derives.

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8079e0 No.21661477


because I said you are first of all. FAGGOT. Next because to think that any lawyer or prosecutor has any validity at all any more makes you a retard.

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628c82 No.21661479

File: bd89a3438244380⋯.png (1.11 MB,1080x1168,135:146,Screenshot_20240926_185501.png)

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60caf3 No.21661480

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Uncle pervy

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6624eb No.21661481

File: 1d18d940ad67d96⋯.jpeg (203.22 KB,1080x1068,90:89,IMG_2557.jpeg)


Licensing and credentialing bodies in USA Inc. need a burnination with subsequent remake. Individual merit deserves primacy.

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3b38fa No.21661482



I was led to believe the charges would be serious. This is nothing more than trading a piece of bubble gum so can sit in the front of the bus, a nice bus even.

Who gives a fuck?

I thought there were actual crimes.

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45555e No.21661483


Rapper Butt is what it's nickname has become

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8079e0 No.21661485


its all ghey, and it does seem they are attacking their own as a sacrifice because of the immigration shit. Not sure why turkey matters or is involved past what story that leads into but the act from the FBI and pious morality of protecting people from raisin heads getting trips over seas rather than asking why is a fucking Mayor going to all these places.

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798aef No.21661486

File: c2b0c2b559be685⋯.png (89.31 KB,500x715,100:143,ClipboardImage.png)

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628c82 No.21661487

File: d79a6b827c8a50d⋯.png (87.45 KB,1080x515,216:103,Screenshot_20240926_185829.png)

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15d693 No.21661488

File: 6eedeea90a1837c⋯.jpg (1.16 MB,1440x3120,6:13,Screenshot_20240926_064049….jpg)

File: e2883c694887e8f⋯.jpg (476 KB,1440x3120,6:13,Screenshot_20240926_073632….jpg)

File: e2d022743d9e6be⋯.jpg (898.94 KB,1440x3120,6:13,Screenshot_20240926_071543….jpg)

File: d3ac8ccae18def1⋯.jpg (929.11 KB,1440x3120,6:13,Screenshot_20240926_064836….jpg)

File: d246413586c10cb⋯.jpg (902.86 KB,1440x3120,6:13,Screenshot_20240926_070220….jpg)

>>21656842 pb

https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/21656372.html#q21656842 (pic related)

Here, [they] are showing PDJT a "picture of his house," so to speak.

This could be related to PDJT's frequent rally line about his exchange with Taliban leader Abdul (now w/his own Twitter hashtag) - repeated in his recent debate with Kamala:

"He is still the head of the Taliban and I told Abdul don't do it any more. You do it any more and you're going to have problems. And he said, 'Why do you send me a picture of my house?' And I said, 'You're going to have to figure that out.' And for 18 months, we had nobody killed," Trump said at the debate."

Times of India, 9/12/24 - Trump's Claim about Sending Taliban Leader Abdul his House Photo Fuels Social Media Frenzy


From that article:

One Twitter quote dated 9/11 asked, ""Can we go back to why Trump sent a guy named Abdul a picture of his house?"

That same Twitter dweeb (a Morning Joe guest) calling Trump a "Nazi" - and doubling down on it - after the attempts on Trump's life.

https://x.com/AnandWrites/status/1837112622732214614 (pic related)

Another quote from the Twitter article plays the "Abdul" clip from the debate and then a clip from a movie where an interrogator forces a detainee to watch his brother being blown up in real time from aerial footage (because he wouldn't talk).



see also:

The Independent: 9/23/22 Trump says he threatened Taliban leader with satellite image of his house. "He said, 'I understand, your Excellency’"


Newsx.com, 9/11/24 11:33 - Trump Claims He Sent Taliban Leader a Photo of His House, Sparking Meme Frenzy Online

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s claim that he sent a photo of his own house to a Taliban leader.

By Srishti Mukherjee


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8079e0 No.21661491


hey that is thousands of dollars of bubble gum respect the hard work of the cock sucking queers at the FBI look at their hard work, look at it kek.

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1dab61 No.21661492





Such virulent cynicism is what brought us to these bitter ends. You are the enemy. You are the evil. You will not prevail.

There is far more good in our nation than bad. You evil ones are just louder

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965f90 No.21661493

File: 9cf66c4f58c9e1a⋯.png (1.55 MB,1365x3951,455:1317,Q_Posts_Sep_26_04_posts.png)

Today in Q Post History we have 04 Deltas

September 26

There were04 Q Postson the date ofSeptember 26.

LINK - https://qalerts.app/?q=sep+26

ARCHIVE - https://archive.ph/wexG8

Keep up the lawful fight, fight, fight, and I will, too!


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9effdb No.21661494

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Like, another president, Stretch likes baths AND Plant Based Foods…

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238115 No.21661495

File: 2f1ddb442ec0c2f⋯.png (1.55 MB,1208x1244,302:311,54126abed1adfebc0978cbb199….png)

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman reportedly told Secretary of State Antony Blinken that he "personally" does not care about Israel's treatment of Palestinians.



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8079e0 No.21661497


cry harder reject.

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9effdb No.21661498



Trans Jordanians

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c38b8d No.21661499

File: 975d16d671a0641⋯.png (985.69 KB,1200x1704,50:71,snapshot_www_thegatewaypun….png)

Eric Adams Indictment Unsealed – Here are the Charges

Eric Adams has been indicted on charges including wire fraud, bribery and conspiracy out of the Southern District of New York, becoming the first sitting New York City mayor to face criminal prosecution.

Charges include conspiracy theory, wire fraud, bribery and solicitation of a contribution by a foreign national.

“For nearly a decade, Adams sought and accepted improper valuable benefits, such as luxury international travel, including from wealthy foreign businesspeople and at least one Turkish government official seeking to gain influence over him,” the indictment reads.

According to federal prosecutors Adams accepted illegal “straw” contributions to his campaigns going back nearly a decade.


Full indictment. 57 pages.


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67a2e5 No.21661500

File: 9938b0eba73af2c⋯.png (3.16 MB,2000x2000,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)



NASA Analysis Shows Irreversible Sea Level Rise for Pacific Islands

Sep 25, 2024

Climate change is rapidly reshaping a region of the world that’s home to millions of people.

In the next 30 years, Pacific Island nations such as Tuvalu, Kiribati, and Fiji will experience at least 8 inches (15 centimeters) of sea level rise, according to an analysis by NASA’s sea level change science team.

This amount of rise will occur regardless of whether greenhouse gas emissions change in the coming years.

The sea level change team undertook the analysis of this region at the request of several Pacific Island nations, including Tuvalu and Kiribati, and in close coordination with the U.S. Department of State.

In addition to the overall analysis, the agency’s sea level team produced high-resolution maps showing which areas of different Pacific Island nations will be vulnerable to high-tide flooding — otherwise known as nuisance flooding or sunny day flooding — by the 2050s.

Released on Sept. 23, the maps outline flooding potential in a range of emissions scenarios, from best-case to business-as-usual to worst-case.

“Sea level will continue to rise for centuries, causing more frequent flooding,” said Nadya Vinogradova Shiffer, who directs ocean physics programs for NASA’s Earth Science Division.

“NASA’s new flood tool tells you what the potential increase in flooding frequency and severity look like in the next decades for the coastal communities of the Pacific Island nations.”

Team members, led by researchers at the University of Hawaii and in collaboration with scientists at the University of Colorado and Virginia Tech, started with flood maps of Kiribati, Tuvalu, Fiji, Nauru, and Niue.

They plan to build high-resolution maps for other Pacific Island nations in the near future. The maps can assist Pacific Island nations in deciding where to focus mitigation efforts.

“Science and data can help the community of Tuvalu in relaying accurate sea level rise projections,” said Grace Malie, a youth leader from Tuvalu who is involved with the Rising Nations Initiative, a United Nations-supported program led by Pacific Island nations to help preserve their statehood and protect the rights and heritage of populations affected by climate change.

“This will also help with early warning systems, which is something that our country is focusing on at the moment.”

The analysis by the sea level change team also found that the number of high-tide flooding days in an average year will increase by an order of magnitude for nearly all Pacific Island nations by the 2050s.

Portions of the NASA team’s analysis were included in a sea level rise report published by the United Nations in August 2024.

Areas of Tuvalu that currently see less than five high-tide flood days a year could average 25 flood days annually by the 2050s.

Regions of Kiribati that see fewer than five flood days a year today will experience an average of 65 flood days annually by the 2050s.


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628c82 No.21661501

File: 124e496b2fec480⋯.png (567.27 KB,1044x1242,58:69,Screenshot_20240926_190214.png)

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67a2e5 No.21661502


“I am living the reality of climate change,” said Malie. “Everyone (in Tuvalu) lives by the coast or along the coastline, so everyone gets heavily affected by this.”

Flooding on island nations can come from the ocean inundating land during storms or during exceptionally high tides, called king tides.

But it can also result when saltwater intrudes into underground areas and pushes the water table to the surface.

“There are points on the island where we will see seawater bubbling from beneath the surface and heavily flooding the area,” Malie added.

Sea level rise doesn’t occur uniformly around the world. A combination of global and local conditions, such as the topography of a coastline and how glacial meltwater is distributed in the ocean, affects the amount of rise a particular region will experience.

“We’re always focused on the differences in sea level rise from one region to another, but in the Pacific, the numbers are surprisingly consistent,” said Ben Hamlington, a sea level researcher at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California and the agency’s sea level change science team lead.

The impacts of 8 inches (15 centimeters) of sea level rise will vary from country to country.

For instance, some nations could experience nuisance flooding several times a year at their airport, while others might face frequent neighborhood flooding equivalent to being inundated for nearly half the year.

Researchers would like to combine satellite data on ocean levels with ground-based measurements of sea levels at specific points, as well as with better land elevation information.

“But there’s a real lack of on-the-ground data in these countries,” said Hamlington.

The combination of space-based and ground-based measurements can yield more precise sea level rise projections and improved understanding of the impacts to countries in the Pacific.

“The future of the young people of Tuvalu is already at stake,” said Malie. “Climate change is more than an environmental crisis. It is about justice, survival for nations like Tuvalu, and global responsibility.”


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70080c No.21661504


>Charges include conspiracy theory


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238115 No.21661506


>Trans Jordanians


Religion of peace?

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6e2a14 No.21661507

Chyna parks its newest attack sub next to Venezuela's…..(WSJ)

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628c82 No.21661508

File: a42deb1059fa64a⋯.png (575.99 KB,1080x1317,360:439,Screenshot_20240926_190026.png)

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628c82 No.21661509

File: 092b9bc6b947f5b⋯.png (517.26 KB,1080x1576,135:197,Screenshot_20240926_190503.png)

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3b38fa No.21661511


Yeah, this is just a distraction to show that they go after Democrats also.

If he was trading state secrets, things that compromised nat sec, that would be something.

When the FBI starts getting arrested by the military, that's when it is habbening.

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437af6 No.21661512


Jr. has edged his way onto anon's Top 6 Antichrist Candidates list.

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816d1e No.21661513

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE: Congressional hearing on Trump assassination attempts

Associated Press


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febd10 No.21661514

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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437af6 No.21661515


>How is it possible 9/11 hijackers Passports survived the crash?

countless documents did, that's how. odds very much in favor.

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2ec4c9 No.21661517

Melania Trump calls husband’s survival of two assassination attempts ‘miracles’

bitches be lying

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437af6 No.21661518


they needed to clear out City Hall for the next apparatchik to serve the DC apparatchiks.

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5c0e78 No.21661520


That old fuck would have died from a heart attack if the ass ass in nation was real.

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628c82 No.21661521

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Moon Gravity

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437af6 No.21661523


>I see you, but you can't see me

can't tell you how that breaks anon's heart.

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bcbe1e No.21661524


Still fat and ugly.

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437af6 No.21661526




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fea8c8 No.21661528


Define real man.

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238115 No.21661530

File: 053f8c987977e99⋯.png (53.21 KB,871x461,871:461,DARRELLissa.png)

Rep. Darrell Issa sold 10's of millions of dollars in USA Treasuries last year.


Just now disclosing it

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7ccb0f No.21661531

File: cd36f7b2e098424⋯.jpg (949.53 KB,2286x1072,1143:536,TradingPlaces2.jpg)

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afb069 No.21661532

Crane: We were able to confirm that former Secret Service Director Cheatle was lying to congress when she gave us the excuse that the roof was too slanted. Too dangerous for Secret Service snipers to take up countersniper positions. But as myself and others who went up on that roof, it was not steep at all. Ironically the positions that Secret Service countersnipers posted themselves on were actually far steeper than that roof at the AGR building.

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e3c64e No.21661533

Georgia’s ex-governor says Fani Willis tried to hire him for Nathan Wade gig

By Tom Howell Jr. - The Washington Times - Friday, February 16, 2024

Former Georgia Gov. Roy Barnes testified Friday thathe was District Attorney Fani Willis’ first choice to work on the investigation against former President Donald Trump, but he turned it down.

Mr. Barnes, a Democrat who served from 1999 to 2003, told Ms. Willis he wasn’t interested in the post that ultimately went to Nathan Wade, an attorney whose relationship with her is at the heart of a motion to get the DA disqualified from the case.

Mr. Barnes said he had “mouths to feed” at his law office and didn’t like the high-profile nature of prosecuting the former president.“I’d lived with bodyguards for four years and I didn’t like it,” Mr. Barnes said, referring to his term as governor. “I wasn’t going to live with bodyguards for the rest of my life.”

The state called Mr. Barnes to show that Mr. Wade was not Ms. Willis’ first choice. Her lawyers are trying to disprove the defense’s theory that Ms. Willis hired Mr. Wade so she could financially benefit from his taxpayer-funded job on the case through romantic trips and meals.

Mr. Barnes testified that Mr. Wade was well-organized and a solid pick for the role of special prosecutor.

Mr. Trump and 18 co-defendants were indicted under Georgia racketeering laws for their alleged roles in challenging the 2020 election that the former president says was rigged for Joe Biden.

One co-defendant, Michael Roman, cited Ms. Willis’ relationship with Mr. Wade in a motion that claims they developed a financial incentive in the prosecution and should be booted from the case — a development that would throw the prosecution into turmoil.

Ms. Willis defended her relationship in fiery testimony Thursday. She testified she repaid Mr. Wade in cash for her share of trips and meals and said their relationship was a private matter that ended in mid-2023.

Ms. Willis’ father, John Floyd, testified Friday. He said he didn’t meet Mr. Wade until 2023, backing up the state as it tries to prove the romantic relationship started after Ms. Willis hired him in November 2021.

A witness for the defense testified Thursday the relationship seemed to begin in late 2019. The state’s attorneys opted against cross-examining Ms. Willis, so she didn’t return to the stand Friday after Thursday’s back-and-forth with attorneys for Mr. Trump and his co-defendants. The decision was interpreted as a sign that Ms. Willis’ team figures she won’t be disqualified.

Judge Scott McAfee is expected to rule on disqualification at some point after the two-day evidentiary hearing. Mr. Trump says Ms. Willis is in more trouble than he is and should be ousted. “Does anybody really believe that Fani Willis paid cash to her ‘lover’ whenever they took expensive ‘trips’ together. Really? Where did she get the CASH?” ” Mr. Trump wrote Friday on Truth Social. “Pretty weak questioning yesterday!!! I guess they don’t want to insult her. No way she can explain any of this corruption away!!!”


Book: Fani Willis asked ex-Gov. Roy Barnes to help in Trump investigation

Willis, according to the book byMichael Isikoff and Daniel Klaidman, tried to hire Roy Barnes, who declined. Barnes succeeded the late Zell Miller as governor, but only served one term after losing a re-election bid to Sonny Perdue, who became the state’s first Republican governor in more than a century. Barnes was the last Democrat to serve as Georgia’s governor and is now a private attorney in Cobb County. Willis then turned to former federal prosecutor Gabe Banks, now a criminal defense attorney with Banks Weaver. He also declined. Willis then hired Nathan Wade, who has since been paid close to $1 million in taxpayer funds, as a special prosecutor.


(you've got to ask yourself why a prior Governor of GA is representing the skanky Willis, could it be that Kemp, Karr and Raffensberger asked him to?)

Book name, wait till you find out how many sales and how the cost dropped precipitously since Jan 2024

"Find Me the Votes: A Hard-Charging Georgia Prosecutor, a Rogue President, and the Plot to Steal an American Election"

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3e1854 No.21661535


>I thought there were actual crimes.

the actual crime was he attacked bidan/harris border policy and said NYC can't handle any more illegal foreign invaders

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25700d No.21661536

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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8079e0 No.21661537


well you mom is fat and ugly and she still gets plowed by the entire village.

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6c30da No.21661538


>Sea level rise doesn’t occur uniformly around the world.

Learn something new ever'day.

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ba17eb No.21661540

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Behind The Scenes With RFK Jr.



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25700d No.21661541


Rosanne is that you?

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201209 No.21661542

File: 00dc2e16d78be7f⋯.png (154.36 KB,785x945,157:189,ClipboardImage.png)

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"It's clear we have a depopulation agenda around the vaccines and the pandemic…they feel they don't need 90% of us on the planet any longer…"

Bridgen (


), speaking with Liz Gunn (


) of FreeNZ Media (


), says that "The World Economic Forum, the elites, through their agencies of…the United Nations…[have] got their plans for changing the way we conduct ourselves on the planet, our lives." The former MP adds, "Ultimately, I think the elites of the world have looked around, and they've decided that the way they'd like to structure our economy and society in the developed world, the Western world, is actually the Chinese model."

Bridgen notes that the elites "feel they don't need 90% of us on the planet any longer to fulfill their needs." He adds, "It's clear that we have a depopulation agenda around the vaccines and the pandemic."

"You only have to read Klaus Schwab's book, which was written some time ago now, [which says that] the population of the world will be reduced between now and 2050, by the vast majority, and it will be through repeated pandemics, wars, and famines," Bridgen adds.

Partial transcription of clip:

"The World Economic Forum, the elites, through their

agencies of, you know, the United Nations, they simply I'm not sure what the fixation is with 2030, the agenda 2030. They've got their plans for changing the way we conduct ourselves on the planet, our lives. Ultimately, I think the elites of the world have looked around, and they've decided that the way they'd like to structure our economy and society in the developed world, the western world, is actually this the Chinese model. But what they've never done is never ever dared put that to the people in any ballot or in any manifesto. But that's the direction, of travel.

"And it would appear to me, and it appeared some time ago, that the developments that are very close to fruition in artificial intelligence and robotics are so good that they feel they don't need 90% of us on the planet any longer to fulfill their needs. It's clear that we have a depopulation agenda around the vaccines and the pandemic. So you only have to read Klaus Schwab's book, which was written some time ago now, that the population of the world will be reduced between now and 2050, by the vast majority, and it will

be through repeated pandemics, wars, and famines.

"And everything that they're arranging in the world is to ensure that we have plenty of wars. And we've got a a major conflict in Russia, in Ukraine, which could go global at any moment. We've got constant fear of a major engagement with China, possibly over Taiwan, and the Middle East is on fire. So it would be a full fully

global global war, and, obviously, we'd be devastating,

for our our people. And on top of that, again, in lockstep, governments are making bizarre decisions and legislation, which is making it very, very difficult for our farmers to produce food.


Note that when Bridgen highlights K Schwab's book & his desire to eliminate the majority of the human pop. via pandemics/famines/war that ECHOES EXACTLY the Outline for the NWO written in 1944. Same goes for emulating Chinese society:

Full NWO plan: https://sensereceptornews.com/?p=13996


Andrew Bridgen - What Is Going On?


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febd10 No.21661543

CrystalFuckship Shit monkey Clown

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386830 No.21661544

>>21658033 pb


>Trevor Moore is based

kek. Anon always feels like Trevor in this one.

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590152 No.21661545

File: 8f20489395e7f1c⋯.png (155.52 KB,499x271,499:271,ned_groundhog_day_bing.png)

>>21654093 pb

>it's all going down


>thats why we git shilled into oblivion here


>DHS Agent Awaiting Trial in N. Dakota for Killing Air Force Sergeant, Possible Major Cover-Up Underway




>Former New York Judge Kills Himself As FBI Arrive to Arrest Him




>U.S. Capitol Hit by Large-Scale Dark Web Cyber Attack, Passwords Leaked Through Staffers Signing Up for “Adult Websites” and “Dating Apps”



who has that picture of Trump with those gunned-up 'police' dudes

that came out yesterday

Dan posted it I think

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9effdb No.21661548

File: 27a011e7e8bcdca⋯.png (91.25 KB,440x537,440:537,Sede_vacante_svg.png)

File: a5398fe0b4fc638⋯.jpg (28.43 KB,768x576,4:3,The_A_Team_Face_the_a_team….jpg)


>vacate the chair

Non Papist Americans don't knowSede vacante

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febd10 No.21661549

Satanic CEO ass monkey traveler, goat worshipping shit snacker cuckold cunt

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febd10 No.21661550

Fat, old and ugly ridiculous witch commie

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0b1dd2 No.21661551

what’s the point of faking Trump assassinations

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67a2e5 No.21661553

File: 4430743303c73cf⋯.png (3.18 MB,2000x1600,5:4,ClipboardImage.png)

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Crew Returns from Simulated Trip to Mars—Take a Peek Inside their Journey

Sep 25, 2024

An all-volunteer crew on a simulated trip to Mars “returned” to Earth on Sept. 23, 2024, after being isolated in a tiny habitat at Johnson Space Center in Houston.

Their work is contributing to the science that will propel humanity to the Moon and eventually Mars.

The HERA missions provide valuable scientific insights into how humans may respond to the confinement, demanding work-life conditions, and remote environments that astronauts may encounter on deep space missions.

These insights help NASA prepare for humanity’s next giant leap to the Moon and Mars.

Campaign 7 Mission 3 started when HERA operations lead Ted Babic rang the bell outside the habitat 10 times, a ceremonial send-off wishing the crew a safe and successful simulated mission to Mars.

Seven rings honored the campaign, and three more signaled the mission—continuing a long-standing tradition.

At ingress, Anderson, a structural engineer at NASA’s Langley Research Center in Virginia, told HERA’s mission control, “We’re going to take good care of this ship of yours on our journey.”

The HERA crew members participated in 18 human health and performance studies, seven of which were led by scientists from outside the United States.

These international studies are in collaboration with the United Arab Emirates’ Mohammed Bin Rashid Space Centre and the European Space Agency.

Throughout the simulation, the crew performed a variety of tasks. They harvested plants from a hydroponic garden, grew shrimp, deployed a small cube satellite to simulate data gathering, conducted a virtual reality “walk” on the surface of Mars, and flew simulated drones on the Martian terrain.

These activities are designed to immerse the crew in the task-focused mindset of astronauts. NASA scientists then monitor HERA crew to assess how routine tasks, along with isolation and confinement, impact behavior and performance.

As their mission progressed, the team experienced longer communication delays with mission control, eventually reaching five-minute lags.

This simulates the challenges astronauts might face on Mars, where delays could be up to 20 minutes.

Scientists studying HERA crew are interested to see how this particular group builds independent, autonomous workflows, despite this communication delay.

All crew members brought books to accompany them on their journey to the Red Planet, while Kent left behind letters for his two daughters to open each day.

McCandless also brought letters from loved ones, along with Legos, her favorite card game, and a vintage iPod.

Iakymov, an aerospace engineer with more than 15 years of experience in research and design, is carrying postcards and photos of family and friends.

Anderson, who describes herself as a massive space nerd, brought extra socks and “The Never Ending Story,” a book she has cherished throughout her life.

The crew all shared appreciation for being part of a mission that contributes to the aspirations of future human space exploration travel.

As the mission neared its end, McCandless and Anderson participated in a Groundlink—a live session connecting them with middle school students in a classroom in Coconut Grove, Florida, and in Olathe, Kansas.

Groundlinks provide a unique opportunity for students to engage directly with crew members and learn about the realities of long-duration missions.


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8079e0 No.21661554


no. You should kill yourself.

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67a2e5 No.21661555


The students asked the crew about life inside the habitat, the challenges of isolation, and what it might be like to live on Mars. They were also curious about the crew’s favorite foods and activities.

McCandless shared her love for cheddar crisps and freeze-dried Pad Thai and proudly showed off favorite sports teams from her home state of Kansas, much to the cheers of the crowd.

Anderson displayed the massive collection of comics and fantasy books that she read inside the habitat.

In the late afternoon of Sept. 23, 2024, the crew egressed from HERA, marking the end of their 45-day simulated mission to Mars.

After stepping out of the habitat, the crew expressed gratitude for the opportunity and reflected on the mission’s significance.

“Following our safe passage to Mars, and our safe return to Earth, as the crew of Campaign 7, Mission 3, we hereby officially transfer this exploration vessel to the flight analogs operations team,” said Kent.

“We hope this vessel continues to serve as a safe home for future HERA crews.”

Want to Participate in HERA?

NASA is actively seeking healthy, non-smoking volunteers, aged 30 to 55, for future HERA missions.

Volunteers, who will be compensated for their participation, must pass a physical and psychological assessment to qualify.


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f77954 No.21661558

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

12:30 PM EDT

Press Briefing by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre and Administrator of the U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency Deanne Criswell

James S. Brady Press Briefing Room




12:30 PM EDT

White House Briefs on Federal Response to Hurricane Helene

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre briefs reporters and responds to questions on the Biden administration’s policy agenda. She is joined by FEMA Administrator Deanne Criswell to discuss the federal response to Hurricane Helene.


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3e1854 No.21661559


ya know Roseanne Borisofsky IS russian, right? how did dems miss this chance to scream russia russia russia? 'cuz she also a jew?

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febd10 No.21661560

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The(y( lost it ALL

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590152 No.21661561

File: 6162757f0783d81⋯.png (201.27 KB,410x454,205:227,ClipboardImage.png)


>Roseanne screams election conspiracy

just like Alex Jones.

Make the truth seem insane

Watch out for these shills.

They'll tell you what you already know.

Like an insane person

They use the truth against us

Honestly the world would be better if Alex Jones got accidentallied.

Think about this shit

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201209 No.21661562

File: e0bb813eaeb01bf⋯.png (743.93 KB,788x562,394:281,ClipboardImage.png)




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afb069 No.21661564

Crane: To this point, we have been extremely lucky. Whether either of these individuals were working in coordination with other groups, organizations, or nation states who desire to kill the former president, none of these individuals attempting to kill the president have been professionals…What is going to happen when the president of Iran, China, Russia, or any other country or group who does not want to see President Trump come back into office, send professionals? What is going to happen next time if there's a ten man Hezbollah team, snipers, assaulters, and drone operators, launching coordinated, and overlapping assassination attempt on the president? I think we can all see by now, that their likelihood of success would be tremendous. My suggestion to the former president and to his campaign, is that he beef up his private security detail of individuals who are loyal to him, and not burdened by the bureaucracy and culture of an organization that many of us used to hold in very high esteem.

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238115 No.21661565

File: 804010c2f52b065⋯.png (145.78 KB,649x442,649:442,PUTINbricsSUMMIT.png)

De-dollarization to accelerate:

The BRICS member nations are jointly developing a payment and settlement framework to be used for trading within the bloc, Russian President Vladimir Putin has said.

During his speech at the Russian Energy Week forum in Moscow on Thursday, Putin stressed that supplies of Russian oil and gas to ‘friendly’ countries allow them to ensure economic stability and compete more successfully in the global market.

However, the president acknowledged that “certain difficulties” remain when it comes to foreign nations making payments for Russian energy. Russia had been switched off from the SWIFT international banking system as part of sweeping sanctions imposed on Moscow by the West over the Ukraine conflict.

”As part of cooperation with BRICS countries, we are working to create our own payment and settlement system,” he said.

According to the Russian leader, it will allow the member states to “create conditions for the effective and independent servicing of all foreign trade” amongst themselves.

Another African nation interested in joining BRICS Another African nation interested in joining BRICS

Read more

Another African nation interested in joining BRICS

Russia is already actively switching to the use of national currencies in trading with BRICS countries and “our partners are extremely interested in this,” he said.

The share of the ruble in the country’s foreign trade operations has increased almost threefold between 2021 and 2023, Putin stressed. In the first half of this year, it stood at 39.4%, he said.

As the current chairman of BRICS, Russia is hosting the bloc’s annual summit in Kazan from October 22 to 24. On January 1, 2024,Iran, Egypt, Ethiopia and the UAE officially became new BRICS members, joining Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa.

Earlier this month, theNew York-based Nasdaq stock exchange warned in an article on its website that BRICS nations are looking to establish a new reserve currency backed by a basket of their respective currencies.

more at:


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590152 No.21661566

File: 528946ada1aea21⋯.png (79.49 KB,176x202,88:101,ClipboardImage.png)


who the fuck is this yiddish person and what did she do with tulsi

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6c30da No.21661567


Who wasin charge of placing the podium behind the tree blocking the line of sight of the

SS sniper team(s)?

Nameable name.

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3e1854 No.21661568




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1915a4 No.21661569

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This is now


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590152 No.21661571

File: 1cef30696f2a670⋯.jpg (133.29 KB,1024x502,512:251,trump_with_gunning_armed_p….jpg)

File: 1442fe071a6294c⋯.png (89.6 KB,886x280,443:140,ClipboardImage.png)


>trump with gunning armed police dudes 9-25-24 seems like shit is going down


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7ccb0f No.21661572

I'm sure Eric Adams is guilty of every single charge against him.

He's probably guilty of more heinous crimes the public doesn't know about.

The fact that the feds are enforcing the law in this instance is evidence that he's on their shit list.

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7ce614 No.21661575

File: e44004cf05c6eeb⋯.jpeg (428.69 KB,1619x1272,1619:1272,IMG_3756.jpeg)

File: aa4bd23ef695f3e⋯.jpeg (442.12 KB,2339x1283,2339:1283,IMG_3718.jpeg)

File: d196d971751075b⋯.jpeg (431.12 KB,1676x1469,1676:1469,IMG_3755.jpeg)

The United States, NATO, and the EU are all preparing for a WW3 scenario and increasing the war effort between Ukraine and Russia by escalating and giving the green light for Ukraine to use long-range missiles to target deep within Russia.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has announced this will be seen as an act of world war and will respond accordingly. This clearly is the outcome NATO and the American warmongers have been itching to accomplish for decades now, and a nuclear war is at our doorstep.

President Biden made this clear as he spoke to the U.N. Assembly one final time, well sort of. He mumbled and slurred through his speech as always, but one thing was clear, he wants a major escalation in Europe between Ukraine and Russia immediately.

Will a nuclear WW3 begin before the 2024 U.S. Election? Will it serve as a world wide global lockdown that “postpones” the U.S. election?


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0d2f73 No.21661576

Southern District Court insider here. I have overheard on multiple occasions people indicating that former president Trump will be indicted tomorrow (9/27). Eric Adams is basically being thrown under the bus so that Trump can't call this lawfare. They are willing to indict their own, if that's what is needed for them to get Donald Trump.

I just wanted to give you all a heads up on this, because tomorrow they unseal indictments against Donald Trump.

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aaeeab No.21661577

File: 284c16369c05aeb⋯.png (140.22 KB,766x1558,383:779,1438_3_.png)

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3e1854 No.21661580


>Anyone who evenDARESto point out claim that the election was stolen, will be criminally prosecuted.

she gonna hafta arrest herself and the entire DOJ and congress then…. they claimed 2016 was stolen

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590152 No.21661581

File: d08128e36c306d1⋯.png (43.2 KB,931x524,931:524,bret_baier_fox_news_faggot.png)

File: 5213c1b55d567b1⋯.png (1.23 MB,1738x1614,869:807,NYC_mayor_adam_anti_immigr….png)

File: 05447d17834bb47⋯.png (1.74 MB,1362x1414,681:707,NYC_mayor_adam_anti_immigr….png)


>We were able to confirm that former Secret Service Director Cheatle was lying to congress when she gave us the excuse that the roof was too slanted.


bullshit. it's because he disagreed with all the fucking migrants 100%

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406cee No.21661583



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628c82 No.21661584

File: d0c3c8cf8a74028⋯.png (6.25 KB,406x103,406:103,Screenshot_20240926_192635.png)


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684ea3 No.21661585

File: 3ebf880fc3c49c3⋯.png (242.86 KB,676x676,1:1,pepe_tp_binoc2.png)


>tomorrow they unseal indictments against Donald Trump.

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590152 No.21661586

File: 0b7902f8ccdcc7e⋯.png (769.95 KB,886x725,886:725,Biden_s_Secretary_of_Comme….png)


>Andrew Bridgen

Reminds me a bit of andrew Wakefield

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e7a3db No.21661588

File: c6681a9e3f47e2c⋯.png (1.28 MB,750x1334,375:667,B44857FC_1B31_4E4B_97C3_6C….png)

File: 52cb857956dcfc8⋯.png (743.44 KB,690x1662,115:277,D2862F87_290D_470B_8692_3F….png)

File: ea3070790cc9046⋯.png (111.12 KB,690x938,345:469,A7C281C8_DCD4_41EA_8244_E4….png)

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8079e0 No.21661589


for what this time?

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67a2e5 No.21661590

File: 3b74620420e0bd1⋯.png (3.13 MB,1536x1152,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9ad8013c77b3f55⋯.png (5.26 MB,2000x1333,2000:1333,ClipboardImage.png)

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Robotic Moving ‘Crew’ Preps for Work on Moon

Sep 25, 2024

As NASA moves forward with efforts to establish a long-term presence on the Moon as part of the Artemis campaign, safely moving cargo from landers to the lunar surface is a crucial capability.

Whether the cargo, also known as payloads, are small scientific experiments or large technology to build infrastructure, there won’t be a crew on the Moon to do all the work, which is where robots and new software come in.

A team at NASA’s Langley Research Center in Hampton, Virginia, spent the last couple of years infusing existing robotic hardware with a software system that makes the robot operate autonomously.

Earlier this month, that team, led by researcher Dr. Julia Cline of NASA Langley’s Research Directorate, ran demonstrations of their system called LANDO (Lightweight Surface Manipulation System AutoNomy capabilities Development for surface Operations and construction).

The demos took place in an area set up to look like the Moon’s surface, complete with fake boulders and a model lunar lander.

During the first demo, the team placed the payload, a small metal box, on a black pedestal. The robotic arm stretched over the scene, with its dangling hook poised to grasp the box.

As the team huddled nearby around computers, sensors on the arm scanned the surrounding area, looking for the metal box, which was outfitted with encoded markers — similar to QR codes — that revealed critical information about its position and orientation relative to the arm.

Using a graphic user interface, team member Amelia Scott also chose a location for LANDO to place the payload.

After locating the metal box and computing a safe path to move it, the arm began a slow, deliberate movement toward its target, coming in at a precise angle that allowed the hook to select a capture point on the payload.

Once engaged, the arm slowly lifted the payload from the pedestal, moved right, and gently lowered the payload to the simulated lunar surface.

With the payload safely on the surface, the system carefully disengaged the hook from the capture point and returned to its home position.

The entire process took a few minutes. Shortly after the first demo was complete, the team did it again, but with a small model rover.

“What we demonstrated was the repeatability of the system,moving multiple payloads to show that we’re consistently and safely able to get them from point A to point B,” said Cline.

“We also demonstrated the Lightweight Surface Manipulation System hardware – the ability to control the system through space and plan a path around obstacles.”

The system’s successful performance during the September demonstration marks the end of this project, but the first step in developing a larger system to go to the Moon.

Now that the team has determined how the system should function, Cline believes the next natural step would be to develop and test an engineering design unit on one of the landers going to the Moon as part of NASA’s Commercial Lunar Payload Services (CLPS) initiative.

The team is actively looking for industry partners who want to commercialize the capability.

Through CLPS, NASA is working with commercial companies to deliver science and technology demonstrations to the Moon.

The work behind LANDO could be directly infused into much larger versions of a lightweight surface manipulation system.

“The overall control system we’ve developed would apply to larger versions of the technology,” said Cline.

“When you think about the payloads we’ll have to offload for on the Moon, like habitats and surface power systems, this is the kind of general-purpose tool that could be used for those tasks.”

The LANDO system was funded through the Early Career Initiative in NASA’s Space Technology Mission Directorate (STMD).

Through STMD, NASA supports and develops transformative space technologies to enable future missions.

As NASA embarks on its next era of exploration with the Artemis campaign, STMD is helping advance technologies, developing new systems, and testing capabilities at the Moon that will be critical for crewed missions to Mars.


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590152 No.21661591


>indicted tomorrow

Nice. That will give him 3 more points on the polls.

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3e1854 No.21661592


>Trump will be indicted tomorrow (9/27)

always a bad idea to put an expiration date on your bullshit

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62b812 No.21661593

File: b83fb4fea1ea74f⋯.jpg (480.69 KB,1067x1770,1067:1770,Screenshot_20240926_172607….jpg)

Naomi Campbell banned from being charity trustee

The model Naomi Campbell has been banned from being a charity trustee after a watchdog found charity funds were spent on luxury hotels and spa treatments.

A Charity Commission inquiry found Fashion for Relief was not passing on as much of the money raised as it was supposed to.

Instead it was being spent on cigarettes and security for Campbell and other unauthorised payments to one of her fellow charity trustees.

Campbell, 54, has been banned from charity involvement for five years with two other trustees, Bianka Hellmich and Veronica Chou, being banned for nine years and four years respectively.

Representatives for the British model have been contacted by the BBC.

Fundraising promises not upheld

The inquiry found that unauthorised payments totalling £290,000 for consultancy services had been made to Ms Hellmich, which was in breach of the charity’s constitution.

A sum of nearly £345,000 was recovered from the charity by investigators and protection for a further £98,000 of charity money has been established.

The funds have been used to make payments to two other charities - Save the Children Fund and the Mayor’s Fund for London - and to cover the cost of Fashion for Relief's liabilities.

The inquiry, which looked at Fashion for Relief's expenses between April 2016 and July 2022, found that just 8.5% of funds raised were spent on grants to charity.

Following the opening of the inquiry, both Save the Children Fund and the Mayor’s Fund for London made complaints to the commission regarding Fashion for Relief.

Fashion for Relief held fundraising events for the two charities, but the inquiry found that it failed to manage its partnership arrangements.

Tim Hopkins, who was part of the investigations team, said in a statement: “Trustees are legally required to make decisions that are in their charity’s best interests and to comply with their legal duties and responsibilities".

He added: "Our inquiry has found that the trustees of this charity failed to do so, which has resulted in our action to disqualify them".

Fashion for Relief was removed from the register of charities on 15 March 2024.


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590152 No.21661595

File: 6c01dfe996486ee⋯.png (68.3 KB,220x220,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


>Even if

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e7a3db No.21661596

File: ce5d76822886745⋯.png (1.21 MB,750x1334,375:667,9FA5C72B_454E_4C4B_ACB5_FE….png)

File: d2b94e5bf2e62a7⋯.png (229.85 KB,690x1240,69:124,4039FCA3_A43D_4540_A699_A9….png)

File: 1d151fb1bdf7112⋯.jpeg (49.64 KB,636x382,318:191,C9AF2509_3844_4C74_9CA9_D….jpeg)

odd choice of photo.

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62b812 No.21661597

File: e201001090e0153⋯.jpg (219.14 KB,1080x708,90:59,Screenshot_20240404_123845….jpg)

File: 44792e18f4703aa⋯.jpg (401.25 KB,1600x961,1600:961,Naomi_Campbell_Epstein_156….jpg)

File: ce68bccfa2abd88⋯.jpg (34.05 KB,474x248,237:124,th_1341957092.jpg)

File: b7880f762f5a888⋯.png (103.49 KB,680x785,136:157,b7880f762f5a8885d5de93693d….png)

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18e17c No.21661598


Un notable

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628c82 No.21661599

File: f593c11fa7b906b⋯.png (484.17 KB,1080x1224,15:17,Screenshot_20240926_192855.png)

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238115 No.21661600

File: ca86d557ca3100e⋯.png (127 KB,710x509,710:509,deDOLLARIZATION.png)

Dollar Dominance in the International Reserve System: An Update


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05f06a No.21661601


Look stupid, it's not THE Jews, it's the CRIMINALS, and yes SOME of them are Jews but some are catholic, protestant, Italian whatever. It's not about religion or ethnicity, it's about BEHAVIOR. if you do criminal things then you are a criminal regardless of anything else.

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1be4ce No.21661602

File: b3caab8b100b8d2⋯.jpg (823.69 KB,2560x2560,1:1,Birds_Singing_Q.jpg)


Thank You Baker o7

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e7a3db No.21661604

File: 415a1ed0c916b72⋯.png (1.01 MB,750x1334,375:667,A4642876_61D6_442D_AD87_3D….png)

File: b20172daf7738f5⋯.png (1.99 MB,750x1334,375:667,13DFBF53_80C2_4DAC_A0E8_19….png)

File: da26cb9eeaeafea⋯.png (35.91 KB,690x498,115:83,9271A682_0E7D_47A1_9ED2_56….png)

File: 50ceeb3eb2407f3⋯.jpeg (235.29 KB,900x1600,9:16,56682A29_E44C_48BC_B5B8_1….jpeg)

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f42dc3 No.21661605


You’re not funny Roseanne.

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18e17c No.21661606


But allowed to adopt a child

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238115 No.21661607

File: 71da8dd0f46f9e2⋯.jpg (32.62 KB,768x431,768:431,CHINAnuclearSUBsinks.jpg)

China’s Newest Nuclear Submarine Sank, Setting Back Its Military Modernization


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afb069 No.21661608

Mills: Let's note one thing that we haven't mentioned here, which is the sophisticated explosive devices that was also found…even some of the EOD teams talked about the sophistication of this device, which makes me also look further into the fact that Thomas Crooks was not acting alone. A multi-channel detonator, or transmitter, is a pretty sophisticated thing that you don't just go ahead and find online.

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437af6 No.21661609

Forbes Daily: Uncovering A Homebuilder Billionaire Boom

With the nation short millions of housing units, a homebuilding boom has led to a billionaire boom, which isn’t likely to slow down anytime soon. Forbes found at least 12 new billionaires or billionaire families in the homebuilding industry, like Tom Bradbury of Smith Douglas Homes, three members of Lennar Corp.’s Miller family and GL Homes’ Itzhak Ezratti.


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628c82 No.21661610

File: ed6520d872b802f⋯.png (855.87 KB,1080x1751,1080:1751,Screenshot_20240926_193345.png)

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18e17c No.21661611


Known fact.

Also shared by 95% of the Arab world

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093287 No.21661612


Definitely has similar tooth:gum ratio

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aaeeab No.21661614

File: d8535dd795b425a⋯.png (645.83 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240926_123219.png)

File: 4b031f9fe3c262a⋯.png (1.11 MB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240926_123225.png)

File: 87336cd34ed545f⋯.png (110.62 KB,766x804,383:402,11_10_.png)

File: 695f44ce6b59be9⋯.jpeg (356.39 KB,1200x1600,3:4,GYL7QVAXEAAhMSr.jpeg)

File: e0f86bb6c95b257⋯.png (57.1 KB,766x496,383:248,12_20_.png)

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aaa1fa No.21661615

File: 8809c75e5dedbd0⋯.jpg (40.98 KB,850x400,17:8,loot_the_treasury.jpg)


>De-dollarization to accelerate:

Another 8 Billion to Ukraine. Approaching 40 Trillion worthless dollars in fiat debt. Debt exceeds GDP. Hell, I want to join BRICS.

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b9fcce No.21661616

I see lizard people.

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62b812 No.21661617

File: 8a66995d3c51ee6⋯.jpg (87.41 KB,712x480,89:60,Screenshot_20240926_173505….jpg)

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628c82 No.21661618

File: a484bcde0c20b7b⋯.png (221.93 KB,1080x911,1080:911,Screenshot_20240926_193530.png)

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05f06a No.21661620


Also, let's not forget the Iranians. They are still pissed off about Soleimani and are being shit heads. Who keeps trying to assassinate Trump again? Does the Iranian regime like Israel, or the USA for that matter?

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1915a4 No.21661621


The conspirators don't tell you they are in on it, they show you.

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628c82 No.21661622

File: 7dd544b268db7d2⋯.png (371.04 KB,1080x843,360:281,Screenshot_20240926_193716.png)

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45555e No.21661623



C h

I n



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62b812 No.21661624

File: 1d777dcea5d0d82⋯.jpg (70.78 KB,370x464,185:232,Screenshot_20240926_173637….jpg)

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4b61b5 No.21661625

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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201209 No.21661627

File: 5d4666d374831af⋯.png (387.29 KB,786x625,786:625,ClipboardImage.png)

File: aea58a94926e6c4⋯.mp4 (1.42 MB,514x270,257:135,President_Trump_will_deliv….mp4)

President Trump will deliver remarks to the press today in New York City—at 4:30PM EDT.


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e3c64e No.21661628

File: 509369356771628⋯.png (69.09 KB,802x493,802:493,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3187e60f5684a64⋯.png (618.77 KB,1185x684,395:228,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f6b3f91d6d81e7c⋯.png (137.06 KB,945x529,945:529,ClipboardImage.png)


Fani Willis’s book is a loser, this is you know that Amazon intentionally manipulates the books sold and the comments on the book:

‘Find Me the Votes: A Hard-Charging Georgia Prosecutor, a Rogue President, and the Plot to Steal An American Election’comes out Jan. 30, 2024

This is how popular the book was using the calculator belowBy the stats below, the book sold 34 per month, today, who to heck knows.

=Now look at the cost from the beginning to now.==

Original sales price: $30.00 now the sales prices is supposedly down to $17.39 but can be bought new for $4.75

Product details for Fani Willis's book

• Publisher ‏ : ‎ Twelve (January 30, 2024)

• Language ‏ : ‎ English

• Hardcover ‏ : ‎ 352 pages

• ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1538739992

• ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1538739990

• Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 1.25 pounds

• Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 6.4 x 1.19 x 9.35 inches

Best Sellers Rank: #103,143 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

o #129 in Elections

o #211 in United States Executive Government

o #914 in U.S. State & Local History

Website that helps determine the sales

"Amazon Book Sales Calculator"

Underneath Product Details, look for the section that says “Amazon Best Sellers Rank.” In the screenshot above, you can see it says “#139 Paid in Kindle Store.”

Now, there are a few things you should know about this Amazon Best Sellers Rank.

First, notice it says “Paid.” If it said “#139 Free in Kindle Store,” that would mean the Kindle version of the book was currently free (like during a KDP Select 5-Day Free Promotion Campaign).

It also says “in Kindle Store.” If you’re looking at a print edition of a book on Amazon, it will say “in Books.”

Now that you have the Amazon Bestseller Rank for the book, all you have to do is type it into the Amazon Kindle Sales Calculator above.

If you want to find out how many print copies the book is selling, just click the Paperback or Hardcover edition of the book on Amazon, scroll down to Product Details on that page, and find the Amazon Best Sellers Rank for the print edition. Then just copy and paste that number into the Amazon Book Sales Calculator above, make sure to select “Book” instead of “eBook” for the book type, and click “Calculate Sales.”


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1915a4 No.21661629


ADL = Bronfman mafia PR shakedown racket and jews know it.

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67a2e5 No.21661631

File: ea307301fa992fa⋯.png (123.9 KB,300x195,20:13,ClipboardImage.png)


Manchester to host 2025 UK Space Conference

26 September 2024

Sponsored by the UK Space Agency, the biennial event brings together organisations with an interest in space to meet, network, discover business opportunities and help shape the future of the space sector.

The event will be held at Manchester Central on 16 to 17 July 2025.

Dr Paul Bate, Chief Executive of the UK Space Agency, said:

Following successful conferences in Newport and Belfast, and after opening new satellite offices across the UK this year, we are excited to host the UK Space Conference in Manchester, the world’s first industrial city.

We look forward to welcoming attendees from across the UK, forging new collaborations and championing the benefits of the space industry as a key provider of jobs, prosperity and innovation.

The UK space sector generates £18.9 billion and employs 52,000 people - and supports critical national Infrastructure, including energy grids and healthcare services.

Colin Baldwin, Executive Director of UKspace, official trade association of the UK space industry, said:

UKspace is delighted to be supporting the 2025 UK Space Conference.

This biennial event, organised by and for the sector through our strong and connected ecosystem, brings us together to discuss key issues and opportunities including addressing skills challenges, supporting fit-for-purpose regulation, spreading sustainability standards and promoting private investment – all of which underpins the long-term health of the sector.

This first UK Space Conference under the new government will enable the sector to showcase how it plays a significant role in the delivery of the Government’s five missions – high growth, safer streets, clean energy, opportunity for all and a society that is fit for the future.

In the early 19th century, the rapid growth of Manchester’s cotton industry drove the town’s expansion, putting it at the heart of new, global networks of manufacturing and trade.

The city is now the heart of the wider region’s thriving space sector, which comprises over 180 organisations and over 2,300 space professionals – collectively termed the North West Space Cluster.

Companies based in Manchester include graphene specialists Smart IR, who are using breakthrough technology to control infrared thermal radiation and Graphene Innovations Manchester, who have ambitions to develop human rated graphene space structures.

MDA Space UK is expanding their workforce and operations in all their UK locations, including their site near Manchester Airport, where their growing team designs and delivers digital systems and payloads for telecoms satellites.

The North West sector has been supported by investment from the UK Space Agency’s Local Growth initiative and STFC’s (Science and Technology Facilities Council) industrial cluster development, which is helping to drive its expansion, accelerate innovation and seize commercial opportunities.

STFC’s Alan Cross, Development Manager, North West Space Cluster, said:

From Jodrell Bank’s early breakthroughs to launch vehicle testing at Spadeadam in Cumbria, the North West has a proud legacy of driving space exploration and innovation.

Today, as the UK reaches for new frontiers, the North West’s space sector is thriving.

Manchester’s satellite manufacturing and the University of Liverpool’s missions to the International Space Station are just two standout examples of this, and the UK Space Conference 2025 in Manchester will showcase this vibrancy and progress.


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963305 No.21661632


This would not be surprising. It is all they have to work with. Prison and death. Same thing they want for every patriotic American. Prison and death.

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67a2e5 No.21661633


Dr Phil Carvil, Head of STFC’s North West Cluster Programmes said:

As we leverage space to tackle 21st-century challenges and prepare for humanity’s return to the Moon, the North West Space Cluster is excited to welcome the UK Space Conference 2025 to Manchester.

Our businesses and institutions across the region are leading the way in space innovation and collaboration, inspiring our next generations that they too can take part in shaping the future of space and benefiting society as a whole.

Renowned for being the birthplace of scientists James Joule and John Dalton, and sparking their discoveries in thermodynamics, meteorology and atomic theory, the region now boasts world class expertise in materials science and has unique capabilities in nuclear materials for deep space applications.

A University of Manchester lab holds a world-leading range of equipment for simulation of and experimentation into material behaviours in the extreme conditions of space exploration.

The largest scientific instrument in Human history, the Square Kilometre Array Observatory, is headquartered in Cheshire alongside the University of Manchester’s prestigious Jodrell Bank Observatory.

With investment from both the UK and European space agencies, the National Nuclear Laboratory is also developing the next generation of deep space power systems in Cumbria.

Kevin Craven, CEO of ADS Group said:

The UK space sector is growing, unlocking significant opportunities for economic growth throughout the UK whilst delivering innovative solutions to domestic and global challenges.

I’m delighted to see the UK Space Agency take its biannual conference to Manchester and we look forward to the event as an integral part of the space sector calendar.

In 2023 the UK Space Conference was hosted at the ICC in Belfast and brought over 1,700 leaders together from national and international industry, government and academia to Northern Ireland for three days and generated a direct economic impact of £1.7 million through visitor spend alone.

Local stakeholders in Northern Ireland reported that bringing the conference to Belfast provided Northern Ireland with a unique opportunity to promote its capabilities to an influential global space audience as well as to exchange ideas, plans and encourage development and success in the emerging space age.


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e7a3db No.21661634

File: f8bc85d4dabd9b0⋯.png (1.92 MB,750x1334,375:667,5A030325_3C8E_4BED_B938_49….png)

File: dc61a0c82622129⋯.png (191.42 KB,690x2182,345:1091,041C919E_A50F_4E45_B57B_38….png)

File: dd3f9d5a693a9d6⋯.png (102.99 KB,690x850,69:85,704DA173_6640_4BDA_A0E8_1C….png)

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3e1854 No.21661635

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


New York Nuclear PSA tells citizens what to do in case of an attack



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628c82 No.21661636

File: c832e93092d830e⋯.png (541.85 KB,1080x843,360:281,Screenshot_20240926_193914.png)

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62b812 No.21661637

File: 8482dd3be9b6c7b⋯.jpg (87.06 KB,723x237,241:79,Screenshot_20240926_173854….jpg)

File: 40d7a026d58c35f⋯.png (492.73 KB,639x891,71:99,ed3fa83e3fa3c04c05b09cc3e4….png)

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5557ac No.21661639

File: 28abf3d82c072ee⋯.png (776.99 KB,905x875,181:175,ClipboardImage.png)

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e7a3db No.21661640

File: 0fb1bcfcda45973⋯.png (289.97 KB,690x3768,115:628,3FB6620F_BC79_4252_A468_E5….png)

File: ee420ef23c7973d⋯.png (44.32 KB,690x586,345:293,6C5240D6_2A97_4F04_BACC_F3….png)

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1723f5 No.21661641

File: eb4e52d8a1d1a47⋯.png (917.96 KB,737x734,737:734,ClipboardImage.png)

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8d0705 No.21661642


Mayor Adams did nuffin’ wrong.

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8d6a95 No.21661644


Hopefully he also tells them about the water that the Mayor had poisoned and tried to sell as healthy.

watch the water…

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628c82 No.21661645

File: eb6a16ac9ab48ef⋯.png (528.01 KB,1080x1518,180:253,Screenshot_20240926_194201.png)

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85ba59 No.21661647


>President Trump will deliver remarks to the press today in New York City—at 4:30PM EDT.


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c9c585 No.21661648

was this already planned…? >>21661627

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80dbc3 No.21661649


The idea that the 4th amendment doesn't apply to your 2nd amendment has always amused me as pretty ignorant.

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f77954 No.21661650

File: 46dba467dc8a44e⋯.png (586.17 KB,571x622,571:622,scavino_storm.png)

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18e17c No.21661651

File: 064d5c5db2a2d7e⋯.mp4 (282.03 KB,1280x720,16:9,a1Rnd19XCDSa8duA.mp4)

Why evacuation orders work.

Secondary explosives.

Missiles flying out of a building after it is targeted by IDF.

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05f06a No.21661652


During WWII some mufti's were totally on Hitler's side when it came to Jews. Natural allies. Do you think that has changed? Nope. Q brought up the nazi's, why? Do adherents still exist in the world today? Who are they and where are they?

The EU is seeking global economic power, how can they achieve that? Rebuild the old Roman empire along economic lines instead of using armies and total conquest?

Bible prophecy is being played out right in front of our own eyes.

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62b812 No.21661653

File: ec433a59bc7af6f⋯.jpg (518.93 KB,1077x1917,359:639,Screenshot_20240926_174404….jpg)

File: adab6e8c81ffbed⋯.jpg (217.33 KB,1080x736,135:92,Screenshot_20240926_174353….jpg)



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783711 No.21661655

File: 8f0ee21b302ee99⋯.png (25.38 KB,876x234,146:39,ClipboardImage.png)

Left my browser open last bread because IRL was calling and came back to picrel.



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437af6 No.21661656


because it's not about them.

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27ba6d No.21661658

File: 50117f5cfde8013⋯.jpg (138.56 KB,711x488,711:488,plotinuswisdom_2_.jpg)

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628c82 No.21661659

File: 6ac168cde2dcb98⋯.png (764.15 KB,1080x1076,270:269,Screenshot_20240926_194624.png)

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cf8cec No.21661660


Detail is much larger..

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e7a3db No.21661661

File: 21612610882b31a⋯.jpeg (103.42 KB,698x900,349:450,3EC7F5B7_9064_4840_A0B0_2….jpeg)

File: 2890c66459a3ae6⋯.jpeg (111.58 KB,454x579,454:579,2C4A040B_093B_4ACD_939B_0….jpeg)


riddles never endearing riddles

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f8a3ac No.21661662


But if her narrative is false

Then she goes to the big house too

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437af6 No.21661663

File: 26c3a9113259930⋯.png (41.64 KB,783x142,783:142,not_the_jews_after_all.png)

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1915a4 No.21661664


The catholic, protestant, Italian whatever aren't running cover for the criminals.

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5cf86e No.21661665


Space Marines surround POTUS

the one branch allegiant to the Executive Branch

the Marines

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85ba59 No.21661666

File: 1a97cffc9cbca5f⋯.jpg (247.89 KB,1536x768,2:1,1a97cffc9cbca5f8454077559f….jpg)

File: 9f4208dfa2e44ad⋯.jpg (272.85 KB,1536x768,2:1,9f4208dfa2e44ada7bc33d882f….jpg)

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628c82 No.21661667

File: 4b82f5dc44b2a6b⋯.png (89.75 KB,1080x499,1080:499,Screenshot_20240926_194803.png)

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437af6 No.21661668


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437af6 No.21661669


upstairs neighbor of The Beast?

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f8a3ac No.21661670


We are already in a prison

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27ba6d No.21661671


attached to nothing, connected to everything.

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3e1854 No.21661673


we gonna need moar roap

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1915a4 No.21661674


Saudi Crown Prince (((Mohammed Bin Salman)))

Secretary of State (((Anthony Blinken)))

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cf8cec No.21661675

File: b19cce486f9da27⋯.jpg (6.34 KB,250x250,1:1,b19cce486f9da27e5f49894d90….jpg)


I guess he thought taking the key to the city from him would make a difference.

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3e1854 No.21661676


>Sadly, I think she'll off herself

she already ded

they gonna hafta kill the body double in the latex mask

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e7a3db No.21661677

File: ff9c7e71d6320f5⋯.png (209.27 KB,750x1334,375:667,A5C9D014_4371_4DFF_9971_62….png)

File: 7a3305941f00b06⋯.png (59.44 KB,690x900,23:30,3BEB3603_8926_4019_9C31_C8….png)


you ain’t bleck

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289dc5 No.21661678


they'll hang her


poison him

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05f06a No.21661679


Based on BEHAVIOR they are Jews or not Jews. Abraham was accepted because he obeyed God instead of his own wishes. It's not an ethnic thing, it's a behavior thing, and each individual makes his own choices.

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628c82 No.21661680

File: 1bc4bf318f38c5b⋯.png (580.58 KB,1080x893,1080:893,Screenshot_20240926_195043.png)

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484ec5 No.21661681

File: 73e2cfd72529e2d⋯.png (734.21 KB,745x694,745:694,ClipboardImage.png)

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05f06a No.21661682


Really? What's the papacy up to? They ARE one of the criminals.

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3e1854 No.21661683

File: 840fed86639eb07⋯.png (1.03 MB,1098x1598,549:799,the_deleter.png)

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2079ae No.21661684

LB/PB >>21659637

The devil has been making these false messiahs for some time, Sumerians have them, Egypt has them, the Greeks have them, Babylon has them.

God said he would send his son and end it all.

No more cycles, no more false messiahs.

Jesus Christ is King

He will reign and rule again on earth and bring his kingdom coming in the clouds, you cant miss that even with your own eyes.

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1915a4 No.21661685

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Mark Creepan wants to be the biggest POS he can


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746339 No.21661686

File: 6f5b419b44b7d85⋯.png (1.62 MB,882x2968,63:212,688.png)

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628c82 No.21661687

File: ef7e21e090ab185⋯.png (613.21 KB,1072x1039,1072:1039,Screenshot_20240926_195236.png)

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e7a3db No.21661688

File: 0409b3d0b2ce049⋯.png (2.48 MB,750x1334,375:667,5901C379_4320_4941_8E67_D8….png)

File: 19db6bdd23c5ac9⋯.jpeg (428.16 KB,1080x1350,4:5,187EEABE_7B46_4FEE_A771_3….jpeg)

File: 436c95928cb5b45⋯.png (1.16 MB,750x1334,375:667,AC543834_CFCA_4019_AF07_06….png)

File: c4bf370d6f847ee⋯.png (804.96 KB,690x2672,345:1336,5D686617_1658_4CB7_B75D_C5….png)

File: 76a1a42070d5116⋯.jpeg (202.64 KB,1200x864,25:18,4A7B5060_4F62_4BE9_B2FC_B….jpeg)

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27ba6d No.21661689

File: 8ab1c7d462e5ff7⋯.png (49.19 KB,183x179,183:179,mjalwaleed_2_.png)


all "jews".. who knows what they really are?

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484ec5 No.21661690

File: a39e107f43c8120⋯.jpg (10.84 KB,229x220,229:220,smokingpepe2.jpg)

KEK. They're whining again that they're not getting the perpetual forced visibility they feel they're entitled to. Poor bastards.

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783711 No.21661691


<SOME of them are Jews

>MOST of them are Jews


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908f69 No.21661693

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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289dc5 No.21661694


>catholic, protestant, italian, whatever


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fd6110 No.21661695


Where did she go in the black van?


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1915a4 No.21661696


Give me the child I'll give you the manchurian candidate

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454805 No.21661697


"they are not Jews, they are of the synagogue of Satan"

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e7a3db No.21661698

File: 19db6bdd23c5ac9⋯.jpeg (428.16 KB,1080x1350,4:5,B731021A_004E_4645_BD78_9….jpeg)

File: c1601779037220c⋯.png (301.05 KB,690x1634,345:817,BB414BC6_65D3_4C5C_ACB3_61….png)

File: 67396f524ee0452⋯.png (327.91 KB,690x1648,345:824,30568D3E_35C1_4894_856F_F0….png)

File: 38673f64748ded9⋯.png (690.1 KB,690x3642,115:607,7B3AC1D0_DB27_4A0A_80C6_EA….png)

File: 1c7611d79780842⋯.png (1.03 MB,690x2096,345:1048,A181A8F8_39CD_4690_BB3D_0B….png)

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dc4f9d No.21661699


Pattern recognition

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437af6 No.21661700


>We are already in a prison

and while we're on the subject, there is already a fully functioning world government. they just don't bother with us too often, like the did during COVID, the last election, and what they're about to do with this one.

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6e2a14 No.21661701


They are called tides. Secret chatter has them linked to this cult called "Moon".

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27ba6d No.21661702

File: 4699f8ead8d6578⋯.jpg (57.74 KB,512x512,1:1,baitman.jpg)

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437af6 No.21661703

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289dc5 No.21661704


nearest AF base



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3e1854 No.21661705


>He will reign and rule again on earth and bring his kingdom coming in the clouds, you cant miss that even with your own eyes.

sounds remarkably exactly like kneepad's promise to fix things on day one

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783711 No.21661707

File: ac993b873416b3e⋯.png (791.81 KB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


Right, like I said. Jews.

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aaa1fa No.21661709

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67a2e5 No.21661710

File: 053657c6e8cb2f3⋯.png (834.6 KB,1924x1080,481:270,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6242acefa62f698⋯.png (862.45 KB,960x514,480:257,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ed287cab0e26850⋯.png (348.62 KB,960x540,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cb4dbed6da3e39b⋯.png (672.45 KB,960x480,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 86b4fd619c549ec⋯.png (900.1 KB,960x960,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Juice spacecraft forming wake in solar wind


Juice was launched on 14 April 2023, and has spent the last year making one full orbit around the Sun. During this time it has been immersed in an ever-changing environment of particles, photons and magnetic fields, spewed from our Sun.

“This environment is interacting with the spacecraft and charging up the surface of the spacecraft, altering Juice’s local environment, which is potentially a big problem for the instruments focused on measuring the spacecraft's natural surroundings,” explains study author Mika Holmberg of the School of Cosmic Physics at Dunsink Observatory in Ireland, part of the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies.

“The main science objectives of Juice is to study Jupiter and its space environment, with a special focus on the habitability of Jupiter’s moons Europa, Ganymede and Callisto, which are all believed to have vast saltwater oceans under their thick ice surfaces.

But in order to study the habitability of these moons we need accurate and detailed measurements. Accordingly, any perturbations need to be fully characterised and corrected for.”

The lorry-sized Juice bristles with a total of ten cameras, probes and antennas.

Its two most sensitive instruments to surface charging are its Radio and Plasma Wave Investigation, RPWI, package and its Particle Environment Package, PEP, which will sample the plasma environment surrounding Jupiter, whose powerful magnetic field is surpassed in size only by that of the Sun’s own equivalent field.

Guided by initial solar wind measurements acquired by Juice three months after launch, the study team employed ESA-funded software called the Spacecraft Plasma Interaction Software, SPIS, to model the consequences for Juice.

Mika – who was previously an ESA Research Fellow at the Agency’s Space Environment and Effects section – explains:

“SPIS is typically used during the design phase of ESA missions, to simulate the risk of damaging electrostatic buildup – just like terrestrial static buildups on metal surfaces during very dry conditions – which can result in damaging discharges.

But the software can also be employed to study the impact on spacecraft measurements of the interaction between a spacecraft and its environment.’

The study found that the main spacecraft body and solar panels experiences charging up to around six volts, with its High Gain Antenna (which is covered in a different surface material and is acting as a Sun shield while JUICE is in the inner Solar System) could reach a potential of eight volts, while Juice’s always-in-shadow radiators, employed to dump waste heat, can reach up to negative 36 volts.

This surface charging distorts incoming particle trajectories and alters the energy of surrounding particles, especially in the case of low-energy particles.

The particle environment around the spacecraft is altered, and an ion wake is formed behind Juice, reaching more than 65 m behind it.

The characteristics of this wake need to be detailed so it will not be mistaken for a natural plasma structure when the particle instruments are performing their measurements within it.

The asymmetric shape of the spacecraft, which also incorporates materials with differing material properties, plus the ion wake, will also give rise to an asymmetric surrounding environment, which will need to be taken account of when it comes to electrical field measurements, which generally assume symmetry in these effects.

Finally, this interaction is causing the spacecraft itself to emit particles. For Juice, this is creating a dense cloud of electrons around the spacecraft, with a density of more than 130 times that of the local solar wind.

These electrons originating from the spacecraft will also be detected by the electron analysers aboard Juice and will need to be separated from solar wind particle observations.

Mika adds: “The results from this study will help the Juice particle and field observation teams to interpret their measurements and start developing correction techniques for the perturbations caused by the spacecraft-environment interaction.

This will be essential when it comes to maximising the scientific outcome of the mission, assessing the habitability of Jupiter’s moons.”


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437af6 No.21661711



you win the inbred moran prize

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e7a3db No.21661712

File: 0409b3d0b2ce049⋯.png (2.48 MB,750x1334,375:667,164ACE3B_779D_4927_BE5D_D5….png)

File: 19db6bdd23c5ac9⋯.jpeg (428.16 KB,1080x1350,4:5,6B416678_38D1_4207_8FB8_D….jpeg)

File: 76a1a42070d5116⋯.jpeg (202.64 KB,1200x864,25:18,82420260_4857_48EE_9CAB_5….jpeg)

File: becb9dead4379a1⋯.png (406.68 KB,690x3314,345:1657,A31D32A1_0BB7_4B6A_B694_9A….png)


3rd part is a stringer.

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454805 No.21661713


can't argue with logic, but why not both?

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3c536d No.21661714


Floating the ocult island [2] to the public?

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85ba59 No.21661715

File: 4b30868e6c60360⋯.jpeg (9.71 KB,255x194,255:194,4b30868e6c60360dd9bf03e5d….jpeg)

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628c82 No.21661716

File: 539c45216d6439e⋯.png (509.11 KB,1080x1136,135:142,Screenshot_20240926_195957.png)

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c38b8d No.21661717

File: 6622798832ef499⋯.png (1.17 MB,1200x1704,50:71,snapshot_gatewayhispanic_c….png)

Italian PM Giorgia Meloni Calls for Global Action Against Child Slavery and Human Trafficking at UN Assembly

In a world that often prides itself on human rights advancements, it is shocking that child slavery and human trafficking continue to thrive at alarming levels. Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, in her recent speech at the United Nations General Assembly, issued a strong appeal for the international community to intensify efforts to combat these heinous crimes.

This issue isn’t confined to developing nations; it is entrenched in global criminal networks, fueled by illegal immigration and the demand in black markets. Meloni emphasized the urgent need for united action to dismantle these networks, which treat human beings, especially children, as mere commodities.


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3e1854 No.21661719


>Sea level rise doesn’t occur uniformly around the world

of course it does, idjit, it HAS TO

instead of "local" sea level rise, dija ever consider "local" land sinking?

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484ec5 No.21661720

File: 3320d8eda684522⋯.png (1.19 MB,1170x760,117:76,ClipboardImage.png)

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f77954 No.21661721

File: 77764107564e61e⋯.jpg (18.48 KB,253x233,253:233,Stormy_Out.jpg)

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783711 No.21661722

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437af6 No.21661723


yes global action now!

because everyone they want to silence is a child molester and….qanon fell for it hook, line and sinker.

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27ba6d No.21661724

File: 842d2435e7c3fb7⋯.jpg (32.12 KB,231x384,77:128,forrestaldidnotkillhimself.jpg)

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05f06a No.21661725


You obviously have never read the bible. Most of the bible CONDEMNS the Jews for disobeying. In fact, from the time of the Babylonian captivity, they have been being punished for being WORSE than Sodom and Gomorrah. God is just, so He HAD to punish Israel for all her screw ups and in fact she actually got double the dose and will have to drink the cup to the dregs. Afterward however, she will realize her position and start dong the right things and become what she was meant to be, until then however, she will still play the whore. She is now back in the land so her redemption can't be too far off the horizon now. If you read the bible, there is a good chance that many Jews will die, just like when Moses led them out of Egypt and rebelled against Moses and God. They will be "refined." In other words, the dross will be beaten out of the ore until it produces pure gold.

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3c536d No.21661726

File: f801af4d3577c65⋯.jpg (289.62 KB,1080x1698,180:283,Screenshot_20220213_205838….jpg)

File: f3864d74a175fbf⋯.jpg (825.83 KB,1080x2020,54:101,Screenshot_20220213_205902….jpg)

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f77954 No.21661728

File: 4dd3707083135b1⋯.jpg (168.85 KB,1000x800,5:4,james_forestal_jfk.jpg)

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27ba6d No.21661729

File: 1d5bf7e186ea6bb⋯.jpg (350.52 KB,1996x1499,1996:1499,gwyneth_paltrow_because_sh….jpg)

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8079e0 No.21661730


yeah that god got really mad when the jews did not kill everybody, like got jealous also and petty when it did not get its tribute.

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f77954 No.21661731

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

1:00 PM EDT

Reconsidering Ike's Farewell Address [“military-industrial complex”]- September 2024 Lunch & Learn

Eisenhower Presidential Library




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628c82 No.21661732

File: c88374f6caee6f2⋯.png (638.85 KB,1080x1043,1080:1043,Screenshot_20240926_200442.png)

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f77954 No.21661733

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

1:00 PM EDT

Digital GI Bill in Disarray: Holding the Biden-Harris Administration Accountable for VA's Costly Mismanagement.

House Veterans' Affairs Committee



Mr. Ronald Burke

Under Secretary for Policy and Oversight, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, Veterans Benefits Administration


Mr. Robert Orifici

Executive Director, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, Veterans Benefits Administration


Mr. Joseph Garcia

Executive Director, Education Services, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, Veterans Benefits Administration


Mr. Nicholas Dahl

Deputy Assistant Inspector General, Management and Administration, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, Office of the Inspector General





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289dc5 No.21661734





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684ea3 No.21661735

File: 5526789b1702846⋯.png (176.99 KB,331x400,331:400,pepe_towel4.png)

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dc4f9d No.21661736


When did Coconut Mommy sprout a schnozzola?

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6e2a14 No.21661737

File: dbfa236cd188187⋯.png (1.43 MB,1080x1040,27:26,ClipboardImage.png)

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e7a3db No.21661738

File: 7e31aafb55edb3d⋯.png (1.92 MB,750x1334,375:667,297A022F_B858_4AAF_8061_64….png)

File: 2a77a6def54e083⋯.png (103.26 KB,690x982,345:491,7D085080_C31E_4C04_A41D_85….png)

File: 2ab46a349bb368d⋯.jpeg (625.98 KB,2048x1363,2048:1363,AD420299_6332_4A85_A0F1_7….jpeg)

File: 1c1a1f9304002b7⋯.gif (268.6 KB,220x167,220:167,2504DF43_25B5_4B08_9887_08….gif)

File: f8bc85d4dabd9b0⋯.png (1.92 MB,750x1334,375:667,0D5E078D_D36F_4300_92F6_E2….png)


say stormy 1 moar time

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628c82 No.21661741

File: f7d37c5702268a3⋯.png (372.6 KB,1079x1856,1079:1856,Screenshot_20240926_200702.png)

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684ea3 No.21661742

File: 11ccc35bf022180⋯.png (438.35 KB,1911x2396,1911:2396,pepe_truth_storm.png)


Truth Storm incoming…

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afb069 No.21661743

Jean-Pierre: Homicides rates are down seventeen percent, compared to the same time last year and the number of mass shootings this year is twenty percent lower, but more must be done. So [Biden] is going to sign an executive order to accelerate progress on two key priorities, combating emerging firearms threats, and improving school-based active shooter drills.

[more false stats to cover up the Biden/Harris crime wave]

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4b61b5 No.21661744

File: 9fbff08a9be8f74⋯.jpg (320.03 KB,1353x760,1353:760,smell.jpg)

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71818e No.21661745

>>21660254 PB

I don't think that's going to do what people think it will. If you've been pardoned, you can no longer take the 5th amendment and refuse to testify in congress or anywhere else. If you refuse to after a pardon, that obstruction of justice is a new, unpardoned crime. Anyone pardoned would have a giant target on their back from all their coconspirators.

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27ba6d No.21661746

File: 8aa99bbc1487bec⋯.jpg (56.77 KB,295x402,295:402,andrew_weissmann_lisa_page….jpg)


this anon knows what he's talking about.

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05f06a No.21661750


Do you leave cancer in a body? What do you do? Cut it out? That's what God was doing when they first entered the land. Cutting out the cancer, but they left some in place. By tribute, I presume you mean the offerings at the temple. If so, God doesn't really care about THOSE kinds of offerings, what He does care about is what those offerings and rituals represent, how you treat other people. None of us is innocent and we ALL need the medicine that will cure us, which is Jesus Christ. He died so that we don't have to, but the choice is ours, believe or don't, the consequences of your choice will be on your own head.

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c6b7c4 No.21661751

File: 2864be7530d1f82⋯.jpg (68.16 KB,1400x700,2:1,eyes_wide_shut.jpg)

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8079e0 No.21661752


you and your stupid god can fuck off. You are brainwashed. You serve an evil god and that makes you either retarded or complicit.

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05f06a No.21661753


Jews is a religion, Israelites or Hebrews are an ethnic group but are all often used interchangeably.

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f77954 No.21661755

File: 25caaef6831482b⋯.png (507.11 KB,546x678,91:113,Biden_ATM_Z.png)

1:45 PM EDT

The President holds a bilateral meeting with President Volodymyr Zelenskyy of Ukraine

Oval Office


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3c536d No.21661756

File: a808f4094407772⋯.jpg (548.52 KB,1080x1920,9:16,Screenshot_20240926_121142….jpg)




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1915a4 No.21661757

File: 11068e8edc12c3a⋯.png (551.01 KB,666x500,333:250,ClipboardImage.png)


It's not functioning at all. If it was functioning, we'd be good with it.

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45555e No.21661758

File: d1b1092226ab93f⋯.png (95.11 KB,192x312,8:13,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ab9f7ef37723adb⋯.png (163.08 KB,310x289,310:289,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a96a44bc1819327⋯.png (206.46 KB,360x357,120:119,ClipboardImage.png)


looks like he could be related to Jeff Sessions

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289dc5 No.21661759


stop it


stop right now

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27ba6d No.21661760

File: 17fe3abae38c2a1⋯.jpg (60.46 KB,960x680,24:17,luckylarry.jpg)


how do you know what God wants? you must be

a spiritual VIP.

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628c82 No.21661761

File: 673bef7c7488997⋯.png (107.91 KB,1080x610,108:61,Screenshot_20240926_201305.png)

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3b6804 No.21661762


Its either wait for Christ or use force against every DC bureaucrat employee, federal and state, past and present.

I'll wait for Christ to return instead, been waiting this long.

There's a way better chance of him showing up before the military does.

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0bfbf2 No.21661763

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

After today, life will never be the same.



released 31 years, 13 days ago 'today'



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628c82 No.21661766

File: 74ea60c92e5c909⋯.png (610.08 KB,1080x1794,180:299,Screenshot_20240926_201436.png)

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3d6282 No.21661767

File: bc16a4d9c44f979⋯.png (381.65 KB,2000x1331,2000:1331,ClipboardImage.png)


Um, not really. Different windows that building is only 5-6 floors vs the Q photo, differences in the concrete between the windows as well.

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ac0fd2 No.21661768

File: 0186f4a5aff5dca⋯.png (4.64 MB,1170x2532,195:422,IMG_5188.png)

File: 9d02ae3f41d72d3⋯.png (4.84 MB,1170x2532,195:422,IMG_5189.png)

Do y’all see these hand ‘gestures’? I don’t know what else to really call them. Reminds me of the GHWB, Clinton, obummer and lady Gaga picture. Look at the feet as well. There’s so many like that on soros twitter. Gotta post in parts, pictures are to big and I’m phonefaggin


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ac0fd2 No.21661769

File: 52d10d15262f3e2⋯.png (6.81 MB,1170x2532,195:422,IMG_5190.png)

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3e1854 No.21661770

File: 02b32d370d97c14⋯.jpg (50.63 KB,360x409,360:409,Ralph_ballet_tapped_out_co….jpg)


>some are catholic, protestant, Italian whatever.

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0bfbf2 No.21661771


>Jesus Christ is King


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4b61b5 No.21661772

File: 7cc711a355067fe⋯.jpg (167.11 KB,900x333,100:37,ONLY_WAY.jpg)

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febd10 No.21661774

Centuries of Generational Wealth list by shit eating boomers

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783711 No.21661775


Masonic gang signs.

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ac0fd2 No.21661776

File: 7692558d9508dea⋯.png (4.08 MB,1170x2532,195:422,IMG_5192.png)

File: 4d58e8f0a280a50⋯.png (4.81 MB,1170x2532,195:422,IMG_5193.png)

File: aeab5ca34ca4970⋯.png (6.29 MB,1170x2532,195:422,IMG_5194.png)

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0bfbf2 No.21661777


>I'll wait for Christ to return instead, been waiting this long.

look up

our redemption draws nigh

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746339 No.21661778


that's why anon stated "SEEMS". all opinions are welcome, thank you for yours.

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67a2e5 No.21661779

File: 5c3985f1e7dae1e⋯.png (1.01 MB,960x640,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e6702cc0cadd228⋯.png (643.67 KB,959x639,959:639,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d6566b129974114⋯.png (1.39 MB,958x621,958:621,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 032a3ae25bd9845⋯.png (836.45 KB,959x601,959:601,ClipboardImage.png)

File: acc2c51c0a3bef4⋯.png (1.15 MB,958x639,958:639,ClipboardImage.png)


Russia Threatens Space Strikes On Western Satellites At UN Peace Forum

Updated Sep 25, 2024, 03:12pm EDT

Just months after the White House charged the Kremlin is secretly developing nuclear-armed spacecraft to confront rings of Western satellites aiding besieged Ukraine, Moscow is stepping up its threats of launching a space blitz on these allied spacecraft.

Russian foreign ministry apparatchik Sergey Belousko issued a veiled warning to commercial space outfits that he accused of interfering in the Kremlin’s “internal affairs” - a coded reference to its invasion of Ukraine - and added retaliation could be in the works.

Belousko lashed out at these so-called supporters of Ukraine’s resistance during the Outer Space Security Conference hosted by the United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research in Geneva.

Belousko’s message underscored Russia’s potential wartime use of counterspace weaponry to target Western space ventures that have mostly provided humanitarian aid to democratic Ukraine after Russian tanks, missile brigades and jet fighters began blitzing the former Soviet republic.

When Moscow launched bombing campaigns aimed at obliterating Ukraine’s internet infrastructure, Elon Musk began rushing tens of thousands of SpaceX Starlink transceivers into the country - to hospitals, campuses and bomb shelters - while activating his mega-constellation of broadband-beaming satellites overhead.

Foiling Moscow’s attempts to barricade Ukraine inside a bullet-backed Iron Curtain infuriated the Kremlin leadership, and President Vladimir V. Putin began dispatching his lieutenants to warn of potential counterstrikes against these Western space auxiliaries.

Konstantin Vorontsov, a deputy director at the Russian foreign ministry, warned that even these civilian spacecraft could be targeted by Russian defense forces in a series of fiery speeches at UN gatherings in Geneva and New York.

Around the same time, Elon Musk told his handpicked biographer that Russia’s ambassador to the U.S. had personally told him the use of Starlink technology by Ukraine’s resistance fighters could impel Moscow to respond with tactical nuclear weapons.

While SpaceX’s founder engaged in frenetic behind-the-scenes diplomacy to prevent any nuclear clash, his satellites were still marked with Russian bullseyes, and the head of the Russian space agency Roscosmos even threatened Musk himself for aiding Ukraine’s “fascist forces”.

Then American intelligence agencies discovered the Kremlin’s clandestine project to loft spacecraft tipped with nuclear warheads into orbit, to perpetually stalk allied satellites and capsules.

The new round of threats issued by Sergey Belousko at the UN’s Palais des Nations, near the Swiss border with France, “had the same undertone of warning/veiled threat that other Russian officials have used in regards to Starlink and Western commercial space systems being used in and around Ukraine,” Victoria Samson, Chief Director, Space Security and Stability at the Washington-based think tank Secure World Foundation, told me in an interview.

The Foundation, which co-sponsored the global space convention, has a core mission of teaming up with government leaders, international organizations, academics and think tanks around the world to promote

“peaceful uses of outer space benefiting Earth and all its peoples,” and Samson, one of the top space security scholars in the U.S., acted as a moderator at the UN gathering - aimed at preventing an arms race in space.

Ironically, Belousko and his backers in the Kremlin fired off the latest challenge to the Western space powers and players at a conclave aimed at preventing “the threat or use of force in outer space” and “the placement of weapons in outer space.”

The Russian delegate’s threats “appear to be echoing early comments by Russian government officials,” Darren McKnight, Senior Technical Fellow at the world-leading spacecraft tracking firm LeoLabs, told me in an interview.

McKnight played a central role at the Geneva space assembly, outlining the technological leaps that have honed spacecraft monitoring and their potential role in future arms control and disarmament measures.

Silicon Valley-based LeoLabs is the leading-edge operator of a global web of phased array radars that continuously scan low Earth orbit while tracking more than 20,000 objects in flight - from spent upper stages of rockets to the shrapnel created by anti-satellite missiles crashing into their targets - and warns spacecraft operators of potential collisions on the horizon.


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febd10 No.21661780

No offense to boomers, pertains to shit eaters regardless of generation

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67a2e5 No.21661781


This “living map of orbital activity,” combining radar imagery with AI tools to predict impending dangers around the clock, has likely already prevented countless orbital smash-ups, and LeoLabs has also helped map a safe trajectory for the International Space Station as it speeds through the orbital minefields created by past missile strikes, including Russia’s destruction of a Soviet satellite on the eve of its invasion of Ukraine.

In the hours and days following Moscow’s missile attack on the communist-era Cosmos 1408 satellite, McKnight told me, “LeoLabs mapped out the potentially intersecting orbits of the cloud of shrapnel produced by the Russian ASAT strike and the manned spaceflight corridor.”

An aerospace engineer and co-author of the book Artificial Space Debris (Orbit, a Foundation Series), McKnight headed LeoLabs’ race to map the explosion and its spread of deadly missile shards - traveling at seven times the speed of a bullet - orbiting the planet and threatening anything in its flightpath.

Russia’s robotic assassination of the Cosmos spacecraft, he said, endangered “all spacefaring nations.”

“There will be some potential collision risk to most satellites in LEO from the fragmentation of Cosmos 1408 over the next few years to decades,” McKnight predicted in a report published just days following the strike.

“While any ASAT test is a terrible idea, this one occurred in one of the worst possible orbits.”

Russia’s blasting its own satellite was carried out “less than 100km above the International Space Station,” he said, “and less than 100km below multiple commercial constellations including SpaceX’s Starlink fleet.”

Immediately after the strike, NASA ordered all the astronauts aboard the International Space Station to take shelter inside their docked capsules, ready to blast off if shrapnel ripped through the Station.

Any new Kremlin ASAT assault on a Western constellation could likewise trigger the ISS spacefarers to prepare for a rapid-fire evacuation, even as McKnight and his team at LeoLabs rush to chart the new dangers and risks of collisions in orbit.

NASA scientists have created intricate guidelines for action if the International Space Station faces a comparatively high chance of colliding with a shard of space debris, according to NASA expert James Cooney, an insider who led a study focusing on the ISS and its collision avoidance options.

Being hit by shrapnel “could be catastrophic” or “mission-ending” for the Station, he says, and could imperil the lives of its entire crew.

Officers at the Vandenberg Space Force Base in California monitor the government’s own radar tracking system - operated by U.S. Space Command - and constantly compare the ISS trajectory against all other traced objects in low Earth orbit.

They raise an alarm “if anything is predicted to pass within a ±2 km (local vertical) x 25 km x 25 km (local horizontal) volume within the next 72 hours,” says Cooney, who is based at NASA’s Flight Operations Directorate and helps calculate the Station’s risk of collision with any approaching shrapnel.

A high chance of collision triggers flight controllers to order a “Debris Avoidance Maneuver” - using the Station’s boosters to alter its trajectory just enough to avert any contact with the incoming space object.

During “high-risk conjunctions,” Cooney says, all astronauts are ordered to seek refuge inside their space lifeboats, or capsules - the emergency protocol that was invoked in the aftermath of the last Russian ASAT mission.

Because the ISS boosters are provided by a docked Russian Progress ship, any collision avoidance order has to be carried out jointly by flight controllers in Houston and Moscow, Cooney explains, which points to a potentially catastrophic flaw in the system.

The onetime head of the Russian space agency who personally threatened Elon Musk with retribution for providing Ukraine with Starlink stations also at one point - furious over Western sanctions on Russia - warned that he could abruptly recall the Progress spacecraft docked at the Station.

Without the Progress to periodically boost the ISS into a stable orbit, he threatened, the Station could come crashing down over the U.S. or Europe.

That raises the question of whether, if Russia’s commander-in-chief were to order an ASAT attack on SpaceX satellites that simultaneously endangered the International Space Station, Mission Controllers in Moscow would heed pleas from their American counterparts to carry out collision avoidance maneuvers to save the Station, or whether the Roscosmos team would even have that freedom under Putin’s wartime rule.


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e3c64e No.21661782

File: f7334d4b4bfacaf⋯.png (1.48 MB,948x766,474:383,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 62e0659c81034ff⋯.png (1.74 MB,964x904,241:226,ClipboardImage.png)

Inside Thailand's $2 Billion Scam Industry Now Targeting Americans

Updated Sep 17, 2024 at 11:01 AM EDT By Sonal Nain1/3

"The Chinese gangs taught me how to make my profile look credible, gain followers and post regularly. After finishing my training, I started identifying my victims through social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram and Line," said Narin, a 20-year-old from northern Thailand.

This wasn't just an isolated incident but part of a troubling trend. Thailand leads Asia in scam calls and text messaging, with a staggering 78.8 million incidents reported since last year, according to the country's Office of the National Economic and Social Development Council, and $2 billion lost to such crimes in recent years.

Now, the gangs, often led by Chinese masterminds, are expanding into the U.S. and appear to be ensnaring more Americans. In 2023, U.S. authorities issued a stark warning about the growing danger of Americans being trafficked into scam syndicates in Southeast Asia. The seriousness of the situation became evident in December 2023,when the Department of Justice announced the indictment of four individuals based in the United States. These individuals were accused of laundering over $80 million in profits from scam operations.

To warn others, Narin, an ex-scammer, told Newsweek about his journey into the dark underbelly of cybercrime. In Thailand, he traveled from Chiang Mai to Chiang Rai before crossing the border into Tachileik, Myanmar. From there, he was transported to Laukkai, a Myanmar border city notorious for call center scams.

Recruited by friends of friends, he trusted them out of desperation for money. But once in Myanmar, he quickly realized the true nature of the operation. Fearful for his safety, Narin felt trapped and couldn't leave.

Romance ScamsHis role in the scam was to identify victims online and incite them to transfer money, which would then be funneled through the operation's network. Often, Narin pretended to be an officer from Shopee or Lazada, Southeast Asia's e-commerce giants, to deceive his targets.

This tactic is part of what Thai police officials describe as "romance scams," in which criminals use fake online identities to gain a victim's affection before exploiting the person financially.

Thatchai Pitaneelaboot, assistant commissioner general of the Royal Thai Police, told Newsweek, "They try to make you feel like you're falling in love with them. They use attractive pictures and say things to build your trust. Eventually, they invite you to invest in something."

These investment scams aim to convince people to invest in various schemes. Narin said that the main victims of such scams are people over 30. Other scams often target women, particularly those who frequently shop online, and young adults between 20 and 25."While younger victims might recover financially, elderly victims often face devastating losses that can jeopardize their entire security and well-being," Jessada Burinsuchat, a cybersecurity expert, told Newsweek. "These cases, though less common, garner significant media attention due to their severe impact."

One such victim, Buggan, a 60-year-old woman, fell prey to a meticulously orchestrated scam that went on for over a year and a half, one of the longest romance scams. (The full names of the victim and perpetrator have been withheld for safety reasons).

After meeting the scammer on Facebook in 2018, she was drawn into a fabricated story about a lucrative oil pipeline project in Malaysia. The scammer promised her a $1 million payout if she covered a 5.5 million baht ($163,642) cross-border transfer tax.An accomplice, posing as a Thai World Bank representative, further deepened the deception.

Trusting the elaborate scheme, Buggan transferred the money in December 2019. The scammer kept in touch for another month before disappearing, and it wasn't until January 2020 that she realized the truth and reported the crime.

Statistics from the Cyber Crime Investigation Bureau, under the Royal Thai Police, show atotal loss of $2 billion from frauds and cybercrime between March 2022 and August 2024. This amount continues to grow each day.


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8079e0 No.21661783

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febd10 No.21661784

Tedious and Tiring Fruitless Intel Endeavor

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e7a3db No.21661786

File: b0b4cbdfae2615b⋯.png (1.24 MB,750x1334,375:667,A2DA7D63_3CF8_49B3_BEF5_ED….png)

File: f9582ee5723d9cf⋯.png (451.61 KB,690x2134,345:1067,4F916E0F_C109_4437_8905_9E….png)


kinetic energy


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6c30da No.21661787

File: 9e2665aa3a3cddb⋯.png (21.57 KB,933x396,311:132,ClipboardImage.png)



Additionally 2618 = 17

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afb069 No.21661788

Jean-Pierre: Let's not forget [Biden] was able to make NATO stronger, so that we can be able to continue to do the work that NATO is supposed to do, and an example is what is happening in Ukraine.

[NATO has been using Ukraine for at least a decade with the goal of overthrowing Russia]

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0bfbf2 No.21661789




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201209 No.21661790

File: 517dca943d5dfcd⋯.png (20.11 KB,245x255,49:51,777.png)

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05f06a No.21661791


He is talking about the people who pretend to be Jews or obey the law when in fact they just give it lip service. The Sanhedrin and rulers were generally hypocrites. Posers

What it is saying is, REAL Jews (and it isn't an ethnic thing, it's a behavior thing) are those who acknowledge God and their own faults. How can you be forgiven if you never acknowledge you did anything wrong in the first place?

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3c536d No.21661792

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>masonic gang signs

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27ba6d No.21661793

File: 685ebfc919d9ba0⋯.jpg (118.51 KB,1024x768,4:3,jesus_smiling.jpg)


yum.. wine and garlic cheese bread.

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6e2a14 No.21661795

Just put the Commie Scientists in charge, already!

Scientists want every flight to take up to an hour longer — they say slower speeds are better for the planet


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e3c64e No.21661796

File: c44a321f9144b95⋯.png (1.6 MB,908x734,454:367,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1e3bbcde8dc14c2⋯.png (527.8 KB,600x448,75:56,ClipboardImage.png)



Chinese MastermindsIn response to the growing problem, Thai and Cambodian authorities have intensified their efforts to clamp down on call center fraud syndicates. Last week, Pitaneelaboot, who is deputy director of Thailand's Police Cyber Task Force, participated in a joint operation with Cambodian officials. Pitaneelaboot, who has spent three years combating cybercrime, oversees cyber-related operations across Thailand. He told Newsweek, "The number of cybercrimes is rising because it's easier and safer than street crime to get money from other people.The spread of social networks is another factor that has made it easier for people to scam others."

These criminal operations, often led by Chinese masterminds in collaboration with Thai accomplices, have increasingly moved to neighboring countries like Cambodia to evade Thai law enforcement. "There is a loophole in law enforcement since the scammers stay in another country along the border. It's not easy to bring them back to Thailand for punishment," Pitaneelaboot said.

Thai authorities are targeting the phone signals that these gangs use to contact victims in Thailand, focusing on disrupting the connections provided by telecom and mobile network operators, as well as private companies in Thailand that offer internet services.They are also scrutinizing social media like Facebook and Google, particularly if these platforms are earning money through ads from criminal enterprises. "We may enforce the law on them as well," Pitaneelaboot said, referring to plans to arrest operators and investigate banks that facilitate fraudulent transactions.

As of now, Thai authorities have issued 165 arrest warrants for gang members in Cambodia, with Cambodian police working to obtain approval from the country's courts. "We are currently waiting for the court's decision and hope that the Cambodian court will issue the warrants soon," Pitaneelaboot said.

After being rescued and returned to Thailand, Narin went through the country's National Referral Mechanism for victim identification. However, he was not classified as a victim of human trafficking, suggesting that authorities saw him as willingly involved in the fraud from the start.

Taiyawat Vivatkiat, an inquiry official at the Immigration Bureau, told Newsweek, "Scammers are well versed in legal nuances and often exploit human trafficking laws to evade fraud charges. Therefore, the victim identification process must be conducted meticulously to protect the real victims and filter out the scammers who try to exploit the laws."

Social Media Giants Under FirePitaneelaboot pointed out atroubling aspect of these scams—the complicity, or at least negligence, of social media like Facebook and Google. Criminals use fake profiles and impersonation pages to deceive victims, and despite repeated notifications, the platforms' responses have been inadequate. Platforms like Line, a popular messaging app, are also used by criminals for transactions, yet they fail to provide useful information or take action against the fraudsters.

"We've sent documents to Facebook and Google, but their responses have been inadequate," Pitaneelaboot said. "Hope they will revise their policies. If necessary, we might issue arrest warrants for executives from companies like Line."

Meta, Facebook's parent company, told Newsweek it collaborates closely with Thai police and law enforcement to tackle fraud and scams.

The company said it removed 1.2 billion fake Facebook accounts and 322 million pieces of spam between April and July 2024. It offers help on avoiding scams via its digital literacy program We Think Digital Thailand and campaigns #StayingSafeOnline and Decode Scam, it added. Newsweek contacted Google for comment via email on Wednesday.

Pitaneelaboot advised the public to stay vigilant,especially when dealing with sponsored ads, which are often used by scammers while legitimate pages typically don't.


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17f05d No.21661797


Stole an Election

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8079e0 No.21661798

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e7a3db No.21661799

File: fccd084cbad0fff⋯.png (1.51 MB,750x1334,375:667,DBA5AC2C_E46A_4146_8BD3_1D….png)

File: 54e2b62c28b0438⋯.png (53.64 KB,690x674,345:337,4BDCB913_DF29_4EEF_A592_9E….png)

File: 8bb43380bdf1985⋯.jpeg (71.9 KB,680x454,340:227,F8F4E37A_B112_4F1A_8058_1….jpeg)

File: 685d907fd6ad3e0⋯.png (42.33 KB,690x498,115:83,9FE1AB3A_D5CA_44B1_BD23_D3….png)

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a82228 No.21661800

File: dad0606ef919910⋯.jpg (36.35 KB,730x800,73:80,dad0606ef919910f26abf49d54….jpg)

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05f06a No.21661801


Go back to sucking your own dick.

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85ba59 No.21661802

File: 6fd53577d671364⋯.jpeg (64 KB,768x510,128:85,maherSanctm.jpeg)

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febd10 No.21661803

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Terminate the Deep State

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783711 No.21661804


>I'll wait for Christ to return instead, been waiting this long.

And this is why shit keeps getting worse.

People like you waiting for an imaginary friend to save them while doing fuckall to save themselves.

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5cf86e No.21661805

Predicted in May of 1913 by our lady to the three children at Fatima, predicted at midday

October 13, 1917

at midday precisely…witnessed by over 75,000 people of all faiths waiting to see if the miracle would occur, the Sun seemed to stop, pulsating like a heart, danced, every color of the rainbow from red to violet rained out of it … then appeared to come down towards the people, the heat became intense, but stopped

it had been raining prior to the miracles of the Sun, and everyone was drenched, but after it stopped everyone was dry and their clothes smelled of flowers

Third Secret of Fatima

@13:00 min into video …


also, at 15 minutes in father malachi speaks of pope john paul 2nd attempted assassintion and how he had bent down to pick up a little child had a picture of our lady of fatima in her hand, and that was how the assassins bullets missed him… sounds so much like what happened to POTUS

definately this is all biblical… we are in good hands

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05f06a No.21661806


Why should I Adolph?

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8079e0 No.21661807


If I could do that I would not need your mom.

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e3c64e No.21661808

File: 820ee904919bcb3⋯.png (932.21 KB,814x579,814:579,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 62e0659c81034ff⋯.png (1.74 MB,964x904,241:226,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c44a321f9144b95⋯.png (1.6 MB,908x734,454:367,ClipboardImage.png)



"I believe the expansion of these gangs will be around the world. These gangs can generate significant amounts of money. In fact, thefinancial gains from these criminal operations might even surpass those from the drug trade," he said.

'We Need Stronger Cooperation With U.S.'Burinsuchat, superintendent of the Royal Thai Police's cybersecurity investigation unit, has seen an increase in reported cases, many involving personal data leaks. He said even unintentional protection by American and European companies can enable criminal networks.

"Privacy laws, human rights safeguards and technology like Cloudflare often shield these operations from scrutiny,"Burinsuchat said.

Despite efforts to combat these networks, cracking down on them remains a formidable task. The operations are intricate, with layers of management, scam centers and money laundering systems.

Even when authorities manage to arrest key figures, replacements quickly fill the void. The masterminds often operate from neighboring countries, making it difficult for Thai authorities to reach them. This limits many investigations to smaller players, such as asset converters and account holders.

A rare success story came with the arrest of a Chinese syndicate leader, with strong private sector cooperation. Authorities traced the network back to this figure, recovering assets worth about a billion baht.

Burinsuchat stresses the need for Big Tech companies to step up to protect vulnerable people in countries in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations.

"We need stronger international cooperation with agencies in the USA, China and tech companies to identify and dismantle these scam centers," he said.


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bcf0dc No.21661809

File: d9698b2c5eb9fb4⋯.jpeg (1.81 MB,3088x2316,4:3,IMG_2305.jpeg)

So neway.

Time has come

Indigo kid.

Gate kid

I feel the energy,

Fear from them.

Been here a long time bredren.

I need to get prepared ( not worried in the slightest).

My only prob is when I get picked up (prob space force related, mil chopper for sure. I at least need to let my beard take its course.

Do your worst….

Pic rel.

U know what I don’t care.

Pic rel, fuck the evil I’m awaiting.

Laterz Ann’s.

God bless.


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70d429 No.21661810

File: 8f82aec0ebc55a9⋯.png (308.69 KB,611x522,611:522,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b293447cd13d7e5⋯.png (9.74 KB,460x222,230:111,ClipboardImage.png)





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05f06a No.21661812


How do I know? I know what God has told us in the bible.

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febd10 No.21661813

File: 3529fcbea1bdc66⋯.jpg (122.7 KB,666x709,666:709,1000001687.jpg)

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1915a4 No.21661814

File: 9e866e55e338e53⋯.png (82.08 KB,270x256,135:128,ClipboardImage.png)

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8079e0 No.21661815

KJP is saying that diplomacy is needed in Israel but no int Ukraine.

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289dc5 No.21661816


2nd proof

that you should stop

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5cf86e No.21661818



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3c536d No.21661819

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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783711 No.21661820

File: c572bdf63f6626d⋯.png (552.33 KB,782x440,391:220,greatestally.png)

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e7a3db No.21661821

File: 3ef4340ebd84bf5⋯.png (2.52 MB,750x1334,375:667,87489AFD_A35D_44B2_89B1_4C….png)

File: 5a339eef9b92ac4⋯.png (2.51 MB,750x1334,375:667,F61A67D4_44E6_41D9_ADD7_DB….png)


blurry as fuck decodeable

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71818e No.21661822

If you truly believe that NCSWIC, there's nothing to do but sit and enjoy the movie. I'm going to vote, but it's like yelling at the screen. What's gonna happen is gonna happen either way. I just wanna be able to say i voted for the same president 3x.

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684ea3 No.21661823

File: c791b43de955ea2⋯.png (607.49 KB,793x500,793:500,KJP_kekkage.png)


>KJP is saying

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27ba6d No.21661824

File: 9e27c6582fac3ec⋯.jpg (94.09 KB,960x720,4:3,strong.jpg)


good luck…all is well.

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484ec5 No.21661825

File: b24e05385f94621⋯.jpg (337.79 KB,605x900,121:180,b24e05385f94621282fd4bc1cf….jpg)

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afb069 No.21661826

Jean-Pierre: When it comes to [Harris] and owning a gun, she can speak for herself. The campaign can speak for that, her office can speak to that. There is no conflict here when we're saying that we want to see responsible gun ownership. That's what we want to see. Responsible gun ownership. I think that is what's important here…we have seen violent crimes go down because of the work that [Biden] and [Harris] has done…we're asking for responsible gun ownership. That's what we want to see. That's what's important here…we want to see responsible gun ownership, That's what we want to see.

Reporter: The question is not about responsible gun ownership, it's about her past position saying that, supporting a measure that would have required than non law enforcement or military residents of the city turn in their handguns. So no gun ownership, or face possible mandatory jail time, versus what she's saying now. And not answering the question of her gun ownership.

Jean-Pierre: That's something that she's gonna have to speak to.

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05f06a No.21661827


What's wrong, did your dad finally get tired of your lip service?

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827897 No.21661829

File: e275362931da820⋯.jpeg (674.45 KB,1125x1245,75:83,IMG_4370.jpeg)


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bcf0dc No.21661830

File: 92bd2be3cd626ab⋯.jpeg (749.99 KB,1640x1643,1640:1643,IMG_2300.jpeg)


My apologise. This shit auto corrected anons to Ann’s. Ffs.

Will kill myself now.

Why are the {{{. }}}} so bad.

Suppose they are getting desperate.

Pic rel, is this truish

Anon menitioned it sounds like fanfair.

Allready discussed the say phone shortage..

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8079e0 No.21661831


what does that even mean? why would he get tired of the way I serviced your mom's pussy.

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e66d70 No.21661832

File: 973f86d64ee4b1b⋯.png (256.18 KB,628x534,314:267,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fd2c405d2e0b512⋯.png (103.3 KB,809x650,809:650,media_GYLXFfuWUAEJPwN.png)

Carol Rosenberg

@carolrosenberg 1h

Good morning from Camp Justice at Guantanamo Bay.

The 9/11 case hearings are in recess until Oct. 7, with the exception of a possible one-day hearing Oct. 3 in the separated case of Ramzi bin al-Shibh, the defendant who has been ruled not competent to stand trial.

Sep 26, 2024 · 3:57 PM UTC




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6e2a14 No.21661833

File: 02f1d329dbdae64⋯.png (530.31 KB,1218x1136,609:568,ClipboardImage.png)

Sean Davis@seanmdav

After allowing Trump to be shot in the head, the Biden-Harris Secret Service is now directly interfering in the election by dictating his rally and campaign schedule.

Josh Hawley @HawleyMO


NBC News confirming my whistleblower report of earlier this week:Secret Service told Trump NO on Wisconsin outdoor rally


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8079e0 No.21661835


what does that even mean? why would he get tired of the way I serviced your mom's pussy.

repeating comment I know but wrong tag and all.

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8079e0 No.21661836


the comment meant for your retarded ass was just going to be laughing hysterically at your comment. The bible. Kek.

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6e2a14 No.21661838

File: 64e616b8bd360fa⋯.png (123.6 KB,1024x611,1024:611,Hormel.png)


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e7a3db No.21661839

File: 9a1f0fd9cd13da8⋯.png (1.21 MB,750x1334,375:667,7F2870D6_67C6_4C8A_A7FD_11….png)

File: 0329c2ccbe4b2fa⋯.png (136.13 KB,690x1698,115:283,EE66FE10_868F_4303_BE37_D4….png)

File: c3fda7d36241d9a⋯.jpeg (22.75 KB,253x233,253:233,3CF9B5E5_432C_44DF_A49B_0….jpeg)

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090a47 No.21661840

File: 0dd7693edb6e9c0⋯.jpg (44.61 KB,500x484,125:121,0dd7693edb6e9c0e10777d4245….jpg)


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590152 No.21661841

File: dd37d225e6414f0⋯.jpg (57.41 KB,1024x243,1024:243,yougay_rulers_uk.jpg)


your fucker got $millions from chyna and you don't even give a fuck.

Trump sells things instead. That's a good thing.

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1915a4 No.21661842


Eric Prince can do better

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a99747 No.21661843

File: d99e5eec773e213⋯.mp4 (1.84 MB,1280x720,16:9,PSharp_.mp4)

File: 4f6b889569867e7⋯.mp4 (4.95 MB,852x480,71:40,PSharp1_1.mp4)

File: d2dbf6cfd74cc13⋯.mp4 (5.27 MB,1280x720,16:9,PSharp2_2.mp4)

File: 7956d9bcacae872⋯.png (539.41 KB,973x988,973:988,Pear92624.png)

File: 43fb9055e7dc5eb⋯.png (737.38 KB,1044x966,174:161,justtheTrash823.png)

Our President

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e7a3db No.21661844

File: bfe74d65f98bff1⋯.png (103.26 KB,690x1026,115:171,034EC815_864B_474A_88D2_21….png)

File: c3fda7d36241d9a⋯.jpeg (22.75 KB,253x233,253:233,76317C43_7513_4064_9BF4_3….jpeg)

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05f06a No.21661845

Well the muh Jews seem to be angry today.

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454805 No.21661846


Not really. Trump is a believer in the end times and would not back down from full participation in armageddon. He would do his best to delay it tho.

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bcf0dc No.21661847


Sweet my fren Ty.

Prepared as fug, part of my vessel needs replacing, that’s years of abuse.

That’s why I’m here and now.

Night shift day shift.

What is time?

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79485e No.21661850

Hollywood is ded

Nobody watching that shit anymore.

No moar money pouring in to pay for their corruption.

No moar money to "protect" them from their evil deeds.

Do you see it habbening?

One by One, White Hats are dismanteling the deep state.

It just takes time.

Have faith Anons.

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afb069 No.21661851

Jean-Pierre: What we are seeing right now, what we have heard from national leaders about what is going on in Springfield Ohio, the baseless, baseless lies and conspiracy theories; it's dangerous. And it is false. And to go after immigrants in that way who are there legally, helping a community economically, who are welcome in that community, and saying these baseless lies, is dangerous…conspiracy theories like this are harmful…how dangerous this is. How dangerous this is to go after, in this particular instance, Haitian migrants, who are welcomed in that community.

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c4f9a3 No.21661852

Q said trust Wray. Give me reasons not to

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e7a3db No.21661853


Blood on the risers(gory gory what hulluva way to die)

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3b38fa No.21661854


Oh yeah.

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0bfbf2 No.21661855


>The bible. Kek.

the following is about (You):

With all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.

And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:

That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

2 Thessalonians 2:10-12

(You) have exactly zero chance of survival.

Enjoy what is coming.

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628c82 No.21661856

File: 64661101b980beb⋯.png (1.29 MB,1030x1379,1030:1379,Screenshot_20240926_203739.png)

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590152 No.21661857



30 years have passed ffs!

i guess it's as much a "model" now as it was then. it was always lipservice to an ugly-inside ugly-outside piece of shit

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e3c64e No.21661858

File: dd7c5f7e2089c6f⋯.png (1.63 MB,1185x828,395:276,ClipboardImage.png)

Chinese Financial Executives Resign in Droves Amid Heightened Scrutiny

The resignation list includes senior executives such as chairmen and presidents ofbanks, insurance companies, and securities dealers.

By Lynn Xu and Shawn Lin 9/26/2024Updated:9/26/2024

China faces a wave of resignations by chiefs and executives of listed companies and banks as Beijing ramps up a crackdown on the nation’s financial industry. In a little more than a month, more than a thousand senior leaders of China’s A-share listed companies, banks, and financial institutions resignedfor personal reasons, according to Chinese state media reports.

Following Liu Jin’s sudden resignation as vice chairman and president of the Bank of China at the end of August, the long resignation list includes chairmen, presidents, vice presidents, and other senior executives from various levels of banks, insurance companies, securities dealers,and state-owned enterprises.

This wave of departures coincides with Beijing’s intensified purge in the financial sector.By Sept. 18, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection had listed at least 67 senior finance officialsbeing investigated, disciplined, or expelled from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) this year.

Du Wen, a former Inner Mongolia Legislative Affairs Office official, and economist Li Hengqing, both U.S.-based, told The Epoch Times that thesehigh-level finance officials are insiders of the CCP system and that their resignations indicate their waning confidence in the economy and anticipation of heightened political risks.

Du said an insider told him that thecentral authorities did not approve most resignations“over financial stability concerns.” According to him, those bankers and company chiefs would have to remain in their positions, bearing the risks of being interrogated to assist any financial investigations by the disciplinary authorities and even being politically purged.

Li said investment bankers are familiar with all kinds of bad debts and falsified account and audit reports in the financial system and that the CCP won’t want to see them fleeing with this secret.

Some brokerage firms haverequired investment bankers to hand in their passports and impose conditional restrictions on outbound travel, while others suspended reviews of resignations, according to China’s state media. One report also quoted a financial chief who said he felt that the sector has become an “unfriendly environment” that is going through “one of the worst cycles” and causing “uncertainty about the future.”

Amid the nationwide sweeping purge, financial executives and bosses of state-owned enterprises have been caught in a difficult situation, being unable to leave China or their jobs, according to David Huang, an economist familiar with the situation in China. Their difficult situation, he said, was caused by the current management system of the CCP, whichrequires them to submit their passports to the relevant authorities and withholds them unless they resign.

The CCP has stepped up its “anti-corruption” efforts in the financial sector. So far, one of themost severely punished in financial crime is Tian Huiyu, former president of China Merchants Bank Co., who, in February, received a suspended death sentence over bribes and insider trading. Tian was also expelled from the CCP and had all personal property confiscated.

In July, a former deputy general manager of Haitong Securities fled the country. Just a month later, he was caught and deported to China. Chinese media reportedhis case as part of the “Skynet” operation under Beijing’s Ministry of Public Securityto apprehend corrupt CCP officials who flee to foreign countries.

The financial system, a central pillar of the Chinese economy, has long been plagued by astronomical local debt, property bubbles, shadow banking, and repayment crises.

“Those high-income earners with high-ranking positions are more exposed to the danger of a volcano that could erupt at any time, so they are eager to absolve themselves of responsibility and avoid becoming scapegoats before the financial market collapses,” Du said.

China’s stock market has been trending downward in recent years. The CSI 300 Index—a free-float weighted index that reflects the overall performance of theShanghai and Shenzhen stock markets—hit a record low of 3,159.92 on Sept. 13, a stark contrast to 5,807.72 in February 2021, the highest point since the COVID-19 pandemic broke out and strict quarantine measures were imposed in the country.


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8079e0 No.21661860


gaslighting from the brainwashed who trust what they are told.

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9b489c No.21661861

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



In case someone does not know that, 43 hours could help with that.


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67a2e5 No.21661862

File: e2014d4d7122916⋯.png (356.72 KB,600x600,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 76e6476ac880756⋯.gif (9.53 MB,600x600,1:1,WxXTxbsFshEprmd6oKikAC_970….gif)

Satellites images show Hurricane Helene gaining strength before Florida landfall

September 26, 2024

As Hurricane Helene continues making its way toward Florida — now at Category 2 status — satellites in Earth orbit have been watching from above.

The GOES-16 spacecraft in particular, operated by NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), has delivered quite a bit of Helene footage, showing the storm gaining power while heading away from the Gulf of Mexico region and toward the southeastern U.S.

"Sunrise on intense convection within an intensifying Hurricane Helene this morning," the Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere (CIRA) wrote in an X post (formerly Twitter) on Thursday morning (Sept. 26).

The storm, which NOAA calls potentially "life-threatening" due to wind speeds and projected levels of flooding, is expected to make landfall in Florida on Thursday evening. By that point, it is also estimated to significantly intensify beyond its current state.

As of about 11:00 a.m. EDT (1500 GMT) on Thursday, the storm was approximately 255 miles (410 kilometers) southwest of Tampa, Florida, and tracking north-northeast at 14 mph (23 kph). Maximum sustained winds measured in at 105 mph (169 kph).

Previous GOES-16 satellite footage, collected when the storm was still mostly focused over the Gulf of Mexico, also offer clear indications of Helene's progressively increasing power.

On NOAA's Helene-tracking page, composite imagery from the GOES-East satellite mirrors those results, showing the storm following its anticipated trajectory while growing stronger.

Some previous GOES-16 imagery shows lightning spiraling in the storm's arms as well. Meanwhile, a sunrise-to-sunset time-lapse of the hurricane from Wednesday night (Sept. 25) shows it "bubbling, swirling, and slowly strengthening," CIRA wrote in a separate X post.

Another one of CIRA's X posts also highlights the way warm waters nurtured Hurricane Helene in the Gulf of Mexico: Heat maps reveal the sea surface temperatures of that body of water right around when Helene was about to approach.

This is of note because, as experts have said time and again, climate change — primarily driven by human activities like burning coal for cheap power — fosters the right conditions for hurricanes to occur more often and with greater might.

For example, hurricanes grow in power as their arms hang on to moist air and shuffle that moist air inward. Industrial emissions pave the way for global warming, which means warmer air, and warmer air means that hurricanes can hold on to more water vapor.

And Helene passed over warm Gulf of Mexico waters, shown in the GOES-16 satellite's heat maps, on its way toward Florida.

This is in part why it was able to gain so much power; experts are thus urging residents of the southeastern U.S. to brace for impact, following relevant instructions in their communities and evacuating if necessary.

Very warm waters await Hurricane Helene in the Gulf of Mexico as seen in this satellite imagery showing the sea surface temperatures of the body of water.

An advisory put out by NOAA on Wednesday warns of serious flash floods in certain zones, depicted in the image below, as well as tornadoes and wind speeds greater than 80 mph (130 kph).

"The mountainous terrain of the southern Appalachians will likely inundate communities in its path with flash floods, landslides, and cause extensive river and stream flooding," the organization said in an emailed statement to reporters on Wednesday (Sept. 25).

A Storm Surge Warning applies to areas in the U.S. as far inland as Indiana, but adjacent zones should also remain vigilant because hurricanes have the ability to spray out impacts far beyond their cores.

Power outages have already begun to occur in affected areas, including Georgia, Florida and even across the Carolinas.

Though scientists believe Helene will weaken after landfall in the U.S. occurs, they stress that strong and damaging winds will continue to penetrate through well after.

"NOAA's National Weather Service is alerting communities that Helene's flooding rainfall and high winds won't be limited to the Gulf Coast and are expected to travel hundreds of miles inland," the organization said in the emailed statement.

"Helene is an unusually large storm, whose windfield extends as far as 275 miles [440 km] from its center … The major flood risk includes the urban areas around Tallahassee, metro Atlanta and western North Carolina, including Asheville."

"Gusty winds, combined with saturated ground, will also raise the risk of falling trees that can cause loss of life, property damage, blocked roads, and lead to power outages," the statement reads.


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0bfbf2 No.21661863


screenshot it, sad sack

for posterity

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590152 No.21661864


they're the same thing tho

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05f06a No.21661865

File: e370b3c366d8283⋯.jpg (106.94 KB,888x500,222:125,crooks.jpg)



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454805 No.21661866


hey, maybe Haitians aren't so bad, at least their womernz aren't lard asses like so many blacks

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740070 No.21661867

File: f256c78d7581e70⋯.jpg (42.97 KB,572x490,286:245,Wife_social_media_post.jpg)

Russia FOUND F-16's In Ukraine, Up To FIVE Now Destroyed, At Least One American Killed

It appears that Russia found the west-supplied F-16 fighter jets. FIVE are now reported destroyed.

At least 4 Russian Kinzhal hypersonic missiles have been launched over the past couple of hours. All of them struck the Ukrainian city of Starokostyantyniv in Khmelnytskyi Oblast.

It is now apparent those missiles hit the airfield there.

In one case, the sirens sounded after explosions were reported, indicating a degradation in the Ukrainian radar system, which could not provide early warning.

According to a social media post from the wife of a Western-supplied Military "Advisor" who was apparently KILLED in the missile strikes, there were F-16 fighter jets at the airfield that was hit, and they are all destroyed.

There are conflicting reports about the number of F-16's destroyed. Some sources are saying four, other sources claiming only two. Who really knows?


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8079e0 No.21661868


screenshot photos of your mom while I fuck her.

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c9c585 No.21661869

File: 237b7c84ef2644f⋯.png (895.47 KB,634x1107,634:1107,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 172637eae988be3⋯.png (818.17 KB,634x1127,634:1127,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b2db6cc3a2ff493⋯.png (925.05 KB,634x951,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 39d8439f51a3cec⋯.png (996.06 KB,634x1127,634:1127,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fe08dfbbd35a00d⋯.png (501.04 KB,634x518,317:259,ClipboardImage.png)

>Nohomo, guys please pray for Justin Bieber, tyvm. Also pray for Hailey and their baby.

Shirtless Justin Bieber pictured in bizarre outfit for church - as fans fear for his health amid Diddy scandal


Justin Bieber's latest appearance will do little to quash fears over his health as the gaunt star arrived at church with his wife Hailey on Wednesday.

The singer, 30, who was spotted sipping from a 'papa bear' mug, has recently sparked concern after troubling videos of Justin and P Diddy resurfaced following the hip hop mogul's indictment indicted on sex trafficking charges last week.

Justin - whose formerly close bond with disgraced Diddy has fallen under intense speculation - could be seen age 15 partying and spending '48 hours with Diddy.'

In a bizarre display, Justin arrived wearing an unzipped red hoodie with tracksuit bottoms and fluffy Louis Vuitton slippers. Justin walked along drinking from his mug, which had a drawing of a bear on the front along with the 'papa bear' phrase, after becoming a first time dad this year.

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740070 No.21661870


Let them fight their own wars FROM NOW ON.

That's my policy. It should become every other American's and European's personal policy too, if we want to end this bullshit.

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48b426 No.21661871


Dis movie getting climacticky.

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386830 No.21661872

IDK who needs to see this, but – reminder:

Pritzker passed gun ban in order to have his "sister" establish Mission94 "firearms education center" across the border in Kenosha.

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3f9a4b No.21661873

what's the post number with the guy walking across the street in china? i may have found something, but I want to double check.

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17f05d No.21661874

Bounty on American Soldiers - Wall to wall Coverage for months

Bounty on Trump - Crickets & Tumbleweeds

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8079e0 No.21661875


its that HIllsong cult of celebrities.

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70d429 No.21661876

File: 8bd95a59e44c04f⋯.png (360.03 KB,605x552,605:552,ClipboardImage.png)


@RT_com 23m

The German weekly claims it knows the identities of Ukrainian divers which it says blew up Nord Stream pipelines

More: on.rt.com/cyl9

Sep 26, 2024 · 5:20 PM UTC


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e7a3db No.21661877

File: 8bb43380bdf1985⋯.jpeg (71.9 KB,680x454,340:227,0A8BF1DB_4B5C_4133_AD9D_1….jpeg)

File: 181a78d108b833c⋯.jpeg (338.42 KB,1340x1764,335:441,FDE1D616_0875_4995_8711_D….jpeg)

File: 741e363d7f622a3⋯.jpeg (103.21 KB,670x1000,67:100,18ED5E9D_47F3_424E_AC86_D….jpeg)

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783711 No.21661879


Shh, no one is supposed to know.

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201209 No.21661881

File: 76662be9374ab39⋯.png (833.46 KB,734x885,734:885,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 73b8183c80dc395⋯.mp4 (2.52 MB,320x320,1:1,MICHIGAN_GET_READY_TO_ROCK….mp4)



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740070 No.21661882


Justin Bieber gonna end up like Andy Dick…. remember Andy Dick? Pretty sad….

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e7a3db No.21661883

File: 7ce18744a30f883⋯.jpeg (289.57 KB,1263x1694,1263:1694,CC995D96_AA1E_47D8_B135_B….jpeg)

File: e06d74c3d3cfb67⋯.jpeg (22 KB,225x224,225:224,14792F54_00D1_4195_BEFB_5….jpeg)

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386830 No.21661884

>>21661872 (me)

*for his "sister" to profit off the gun ban

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628c82 No.21661885

File: 3fb37e1743685de⋯.png (1000.86 KB,1080x1264,135:158,Screenshot_20240926_204721.png)

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e7a3db No.21661886


fucking peasant

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000000 No.21661887

Sep 26, 2024, 6:34 PM (GMT+3)

Israel said on Thursday it had secured an $8.7 billion aid package from the United States to support its ongoing military efforts .https://www.israelnationalnews.com/en/news/396791


September 26, 2024 1:59 pm CET

Netanyahu trashes US and French plan for Israel-Hezbollah cease-firehttps://www.politico.eu/article/benjamin-netanyahu-us-france-plan-for-israel-hezbollah-cease-fire/


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57002b No.21661888

File: 2af15cb6e0e0538⋯.jpg (25.48 KB,640x356,160:89,2af15cb6e0e0538845a5828456….jpg)

LB notes

>>21660589, >>21661194, >>21661211, >>21661275 Federal authorities raid Eric Adams’ mayoral residence. SEALED INDICTMENT to be unsealed

LB notes

I'm going to open this UNSEALED jar of mayo and make me a ham sam'ich.

430k+ ham sam'iches to go round.

Who's hungry?

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9e462c No.21661889


Waiting for Christ is the best way.

Vote for Trump! Its all we have at this point.

Other than that Wait for Jesus.

Believing in him has been better for me than having hope in mankind or the US government.

They have their democracy now.

They have the courts, DC, everything.

Death is the only cure for people who are employed in DC and around the country.

They are the ones that make America this way, they created all the tyranny that we have to endure.

We have to be nice, and use plastic pitch forks, and take toys to do battle with an enemy that wants to do us harm.

So wait for Christ while they do these things to the American people.

Be at peace in Him.

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783711 No.21661890

File: d618b2191411efb⋯.png (543.66 KB,941x552,941:552,yourshecklesatwork.png)

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740070 No.21661891


At least AOC has something of value there.

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e303ee No.21661892

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386830 No.21661893

File: 07a5e15102849e3⋯.png (126.92 KB,445x416,445:416,07a5e15102849e39ca9481cb14….png)

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783711 No.21661894

File: 25ddfc539eab0c7⋯.jpg (131.33 KB,375x493,375:493,jesusiscoming.jpg)


Fuck off.

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628c82 No.21661895

File: 5cbe640214babfa⋯.png (162.58 KB,1080x928,135:116,Screenshot_20240926_205116.png)

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201209 No.21661896

File: bd33a2c85386a40⋯.png (1.01 MB,901x1479,53:87,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 699bd1695b489e9⋯.mp4 (1.34 MB,480x270,16:9,So_we_have_to_fight_for_th….mp4)

Del Bigtree: "That we stand up and that we recognize each one of us right now, man, woman, grandparents, children, we are the heroes of this time. This is our time. We must not let our voices be taken away. We must not allow them to poison us and get away with it. We must not allow them to weaken our immune system so that we're vulnerable to everyone else in the world. It stops here. It stops now. And we have a record.

We have a history that has happened time and time again. The Goliath stories have always been there. And guess what? Throughout history, God wins. We win the moment we recognize our power, the moment we push back the tyranny and say, we outnumber you.

Enough of us care. Enough of us are thinking right now. Enough of us are aware to do something about it in this country. And when we do it here, we will do it for the world. Be present. Do not be afraid. This is serious. Everyone we're interviewing, everyone you know, every podcast you're watching is saying, I actually think it is this important right now.

I think this is that moment. And I feel for all the people that don't understand where we're at, some of them are in my own family and friends, you have them too. I love them. And I'm going to be fighting for them too. They don't recognize they're about to lose their freedom. They don't recognize that they are being poisoned. So we have to fight for them. For everybody. Those of us that know have got to stand up and do something about it."


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386830 No.21661897

File: ed250ffa162c6f7⋯.png (62.22 KB,165x417,55:139,Chekked_Scavino.png)


also Trips of Truth

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dc4f9d No.21661898


This is relevant to my interest.

Perchance to post more?

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05f06a No.21661899

File: ce921bb7b31346e⋯.jpg (76.94 KB,755x500,151:100,pointers.jpg)


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e7a3db No.21661900

File: 4c9886a708ccc02⋯.gif (3.82 MB,235x200,47:40,6E9851DD_D1A6_45CE_AE8E_19….gif)

File: aabffd250041c2d⋯.png (1.67 MB,1080x1134,20:21,9337FFB5_C1BE_476A_A032_BD….png)

File: 35a4ccac06d599b⋯.jpeg (64.53 KB,600x719,600:719,9DACA64C_C13A_4A68_A0E9_C….jpeg)

File: 107aa749560ab08⋯.jpeg (379.73 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,181E1D4B_AF42_45B7_8457_A….jpeg)

File: abfc15d244c2d89⋯.jpeg (158.38 KB,720x887,720:887,BBCEFBD3_2AD8_40D6_9225_3….jpeg)

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1915a4 No.21661901


Fermented now

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740070 No.21661902



Jesus never told anyone they have to become a pacifist bitch though. That was due to decades of corruption and subversion of the mega-churches which cucked out and no longer preach the true gospel.

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628c82 No.21661903

File: e5ed9ccf02c5042⋯.png (243.08 KB,1080x1020,18:17,Screenshot_20240926_205447.png)

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6c911f No.21661904

File: a26dc651a125de8⋯.mp4 (4.64 MB,640x360,16:9,Iranian_Trump_assassinatio….mp4)


Original vid from 2022

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aaeeab No.21661905

File: 9387d82f8014028⋯.mp4 (7.69 MB,576x1024,9:16,9387d82f8014028e98090a65ad….mp4)

File: a363d85de5176f3⋯.mp4 (4.65 MB,482x360,241:180,a363d85de5176f37ded61cd6be….mp4)


huge file. testes.

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4a1ead No.21661906

Q is gone.

QR isn’t needed anymore.

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04482f No.21661907

File: 8594226473346fe⋯.jpg (97 KB,400x400,1:1,1727275222159.jpg)

I have a Truth account and regularly get followed by bots after liking a post from DJT. most of the time the bots have profile pics of attractive women, so almost certainly done by AI. Others are pics of real people on a fake account. Usually I just skip by, but this one (picrel) made me pause.

Look at the tattoo on her arm.

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8079e0 No.21661908


that of killing anyone your god does not like and taking their shit and then crying when people point it out.

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740070 No.21661909




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67a2e5 No.21661911

File: 6eb1bc05fe41e44⋯.png (500.87 KB,650x366,325:183,ClipboardImage.png)

New type of Kevlar heading to ISS in October for space debris protection tests

September 26, 2024

A next-generation space debris protection material is readying for a test trip to the International Space Station.

The material, a sibling of the space-blanket polymer Kevlar, has been developed by chemical giant DuPont and tested by NASA at its White Sands Test Facility (WTSF) in New Mexico.

The tests showed that the new Kevlar "EXO" material provides better protection against space debris impacts while being significantly lighter than conventional Kevlar.

"We were able to reduce the weight by as much as 40% and still have it pass the tests for orbital debris needs," Jill Clements, DuPont's global business development manager, told Space.com.

During the tests at WTSF, NASA researchers shot aluminum bullets 0.4 inches (1 centimeter) wide from special cannons at the speed of 4 miles (6.5 kilometers) per second at square targets 12 by 12 inches (30 by 30 cm) in size.

The simulated debris fragments couldn't pierce through the test shields even when a lower amount of the protective material was used compared to currently available space debris guards.

DuPont is now preparing samples of Kevlar EXO for a mission to the International Space Station (ISS) to verify how the material withstands the space environment.

"We will be doing atomic oxygen and UV [ultraviolet radiation] exposure testing," Clements said. "We don't at this point plan to use it for debris protection, because all the testing has been done on the ground."

Several patches 2 by 2 inches (5 by 5 cm) in size will be shipped to the ISS aboard a SpaceX Dragon cargo capsule in October and attached to the orbiting lab's exterior, where they will remain for several months.

DuPont introduced Kevlar EXO in April 2023, describing the new material as "the most significant aramid fiber innovation in over 50 years."

Aramids are a class of sturdy, heat-resistant synthetic fibers, a family that includes the iconic Kevlar.

Developed in 1965, Kevlar has been used in a variety of applications, including bullet-proof vests, combat helmets and protective clothing.

In space, Kevlar has served as a thermal insulator for satellites and, since the 1990s, as a key component in space debris protection systems.

Clements said Kevlar EXO is "a different type of material" than standard Kevlar, a sort of a "cousin of the traditional aramids."

The superior strength of the new material, which enables the overall mass reduction in space debris shields, will be a huge boon for the space sector, Clements thinks.

"We're hearing from the industry that it really is game-changing in the amount of weight it's allowing companies to take out from their orbital debris systems," said Clements.

"First, getting things off the ground is expensive, and second, companies don't want to waste their mass budget on space debris protection. They want to use it for their payload."

She said the new material will not only help satellite manufacturers and builders of crew and cargo-carrying spaceships; it could also protect future inflatable space stations in low Earth orbit, as well as habitats on the moon and Mars.

Clements foresees that Kevlar EXO will be indispensable for future moon and Mars exploration.

"As we look to get back to the moon and eventually to Mars, you just can't take enough weight out to get people to the moon plus supplies in any kind of large quantity," Clements said.

"You have to compensate somewhere, but at the same time, you need to get them there safely. We hope to be a valued part of that industry."


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3b38fa No.21661912


Hold the mayo, if that's what all the sealed indictments are, they aren't worth knowing about.

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e66d70 No.21661913

File: 9ef0c23124f05b9⋯.png (18.38 KB,515x468,515:468,message.png)

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2c2931 No.21661915

File: 49067058b6ed5b0⋯.png (538.99 KB,530x684,265:342,Capture.PNG)

The U.S. Marshals Service: A Legacy Since 1789



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05f06a No.21661916


Yes, I will defend them, NOT necessarily some of their actions, but because I know how the story ends.

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628c82 No.21661917

File: 77e32ab0276441d⋯.png (559.98 KB,1066x1221,1066:1221,Screenshot_20240926_205854.png)

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628c82 No.21661918

File: 77e32ab0276441d⋯.png (559.98 KB,1066x1221,1066:1221,Screenshot_20240926_205854.png)

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57002b No.21661920


trophy charm

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1915a4 No.21661921

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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aaeeab No.21661923

File: c335a9cd5218260⋯.mp4 (807.74 KB,320x568,40:71,c335a9cd521826082afd2597e8….mp4)

File: 763be43b0a53103⋯.mp4 (9.81 MB,1280x720,16:9,763be43b0a5310395b3669a435….mp4)


Norwegian hookers on a ship

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090a47 No.21661924

File: 4354c6d0a01c463⋯.png (447.99 KB,1920x919,1920:919,Screenshot_2024_08_17_at_1….png)

File: b1ebb36c039a461⋯.png (670.92 KB,1920x919,1920:919,Screenshot_2024_08_17_at_1….png)

File: 7b8fb3d841215e2⋯.png (356.1 KB,1920x919,1920:919,Screenshot_2024_08_17_at_1….png)


The religious "arguments" used to be reserved for Graveyard Shift. They didn't put on their "operator" hats until Sunday nights. They showed last night. They got all their crap zapped. It's all fraud designed to waste bread and bury previous bread's good stuff.

One of them screwed up and forgot to twirl the vpn.

I have to wonder if something is going down that they need hidden or having been called out late at night so many times they try their scripts now hoping to not be noticed.

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908f69 No.21661925

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


It's the same with all religions. They are false. Jesus christos is an oil.

Not an actual person.

Most of these faggots in masonary don't actually do any damage thereself unless there on drugs. They hire other fools on drugs to do there work

Like gangstalking , etc.

Its all a product of hedgemony.

Fiat enables criminality.

It must go.

There is no mulock or Satan.

They are foolish.

When you reach accencion the most telling sign will be number patterns.

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201209 No.21661928

File: 4adcb23c50e4a97⋯.png (743.12 KB,881x693,881:693,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 52428c46a038a25⋯.mp4 (373.42 KB,480x270,16:9,LOVE_THE_SMELL_OF_PANIC_IN….mp4)



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bcf0dc No.21661930

Common, think about it…

A new moon asteroid somtin will orbit the moon while the election is on, here now I think. Then stay for about 2 months the. Fk off around the sun which is a portal if u catch it right. 33FT asteroid, masons ish.

Now, not all masons are bad.

Funny the lies they tell ya.

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2c2931 No.21661931

File: 7b92f6610bd357b⋯.mp4 (131.54 KB,496x360,62:45,ssstwitter_com_17032717930….mp4)

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740070 No.21661932


Put it this way…. it is NOT a sin to defend yourself or family. It is NOT a sin to stand up to bullies or tyrants. It is NOT a sin to stand up for what is right, and against what is wrong. The churches over the decades have been infiltrated, subverted and corrupted and are telling everyone they have "turn the other cheek" no matter what, give into the evil, bend over and accept the new norms….. all which is basically defying true Christian morals and ethics, trying to pussify our culture. Sadly it has worked and people need to snap the heck out of it.

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70d429 No.21661933

File: f23655ca7503aca⋯.jpg (74.73 KB,500x673,500:673,6s0y1l.jpg)

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1915a4 No.21661934


300B doesn't even cover the last 2 years.

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57002b No.21661938


It's not what non-Jews believe, it's what they believe.

It's not what non-Muslims believe, it's what they believe.

It's not what non-Christians believe, it's what they believe.

One believes they are the chosen and all others are below them.

Another believes in Jihad.

The last believes in in love and welcomes all.

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684ea3 No.21661939


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aaeeab No.21661940

File: 2af17d7756dc400⋯.mp4 (1.13 MB,1276x720,319:180,2af17d7756dc4000090b18b0ae….mp4)

File: ffcdc57c98bc39d⋯.png (350.84 KB,766x2564,383:1282,158_3_.png)

File: cccc10ffabfaa8a⋯.png (152.05 KB,766x1332,383:666,1358_3_.png)

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484ec5 No.21661941

File: 029cac540719d32⋯.jpg (100.14 KB,570x985,114:197,comfefe2.jpg)

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b3011a No.21661943

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Simple breakdown

BlackRock: The Conspiracies You Don’t Know


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3f9a4b No.21661946

File: 5caf62dc8f2abb3⋯.png (956.5 KB,889x500,889:500,ClipboardImage.png)

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04482f No.21661947


It's pizza slices on a chain holding an anchor.

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df1608 No.21661949

File: 02a8d8a0330dea6⋯.png (382.85 KB,1014x737,1014:737,LAWFULPERMRESpaperworkofMO….png)

File: 8fd118df4917e6a⋯.png (203.91 KB,667x847,667:847,CREATIONOFRECORDLAWFULPERM….png)

File: 0ed1c32b5e0f666⋯.png (254.46 KB,662x847,662:847,APPpermresHUSBANDCHILDRENN….png)

File: 0a0dcff75d67602⋯.png (297.2 KB,1006x831,1006:831,MARRIAGECERTgroomredacted.png)

File: 2ae06587c8d3b29⋯.png (231.75 KB,991x858,991:858,MOMarrivedinUSSEPT1963.png)


This info appears to confirm that Kamala is an Anchor Baby. Her mother was here on a visa when Kamala was born. Meaning MOM had allegiance to another country at the time leading up to/time of Kamala's birth.

Marriage certificate has the grooms name redacted. I find this odd.

Also, the names and ages of the children appear as redacted.

Mom arrived in USA in Sept 1963,

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05f06a No.21661950


Look stupid, they are like anyone else on this planet, they have clowns JUST LIKE YOU in their country as well, so does every country. Did someone turn the chans into a whine festival today? Need some goat cheese to go with your hate?

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60caf3 No.21661951

File: e28bdc6356969cd⋯.png (727.1 KB,576x1289,576:1289,Screenshot_20240926_140709.png)

File: de6a10a359ec06a⋯.png (625.67 KB,576x1289,576:1289,Screenshot_20240926_140823.png)

Didn't they do this shit in hawaii

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c73ab6 No.21661952

Can't wait for my ex wife or my ex best friend to take advantage of a Red Flag for revenge. They want to divide us and cause pain again.

Biden and Harris to Offer $153 Million in ‘Awards’ for States That Adopt Pre-Crime Gun Confiscation Laws

President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris will announce executive gun control on Thursday and it will include $153 million in funding for states to adopt and implement red flag laws.

Red flag laws open the door for law enforcement to take away an individual’s firearms in a pre-crime confiscation scenario, based on the testimony of family members, neighbors, co-workers, spouses and/or former spouses.


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8079e0 No.21661953


the churches were infiltrated from the start that is the problem, all religion corrupted each with enough truth for its practitioners to claim it total and not research outside what they perceive. People need to snap out of the conditioning of religion and wake up to not just the corruption from within but the very tampering and manipulation to create a sense of control in the wrong thing. The manipulation of faith is real just like the manipulation of science.

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e3c64e No.21661954

File: f864110e9af4d9b⋯.png (1.57 MB,1004x740,251:185,ClipboardImage.png)

China’s Steel Industry Faces Harsh Reality as Overcapacity Compounds Other Issues

Steel bases near megacities Beijing and Shanghai could become China’s rust belt. By Lynn Xu and Bin Zhao Updated:9/10/20241/2

China’s steel industry is facing a reckoning amid overcapacity, reduced domestic demand, and global resistance to Chinese dumping.Insiders say the sector needs to remove 20 to 30 percentof its current capacity.

Powered by the property market, which accounts forabout 30 percent of domestic steel consumption, 28 out of 34 provincesand equivalent administrative divisions currently produce steel. But the industry is being dragged along as the property sector deals with its own issues of excess.

China’snew home construction starts dropped by 23.7 percentfor the first half of this year compared with the same period in 2023, data from China’s National Bureau of Statistics show. The China Iron and Steel Association shows a 70 percent decline in profits from 2021 to 2022 for major industry players. China’s steel problem affects more than just the industry, and top steel bases nearmegacities such as Beijing, Shanghai, and Chongqing are on track to become China’s rust belt.

Local governments inChina are heavily indebted and facing reduced revenue because land sales have declined. At the same time, Beijing is demanding that local leaders achieve competing priorities simultaneously: reduce capacity, meet local gross domestic product growth targets, and maintain stability.That’s a daunting task. In Hebei, which surrounds Beijing, the steel industry makes up about a quarter of the provincial GDP.

Closing mills there could cost millions of people their jobs, slash revenue, and bring about social unrest.

The drivers for local resistance that former Chinese premier Wen Jiabao encountered in his capacity reduction effort two decades ago are still in play, according to Mike Sun, a U.S.-based businessman with decades of experience advising foreign investors and traders doing business in China. Sun said thesteel problem reflects the structural issue of how politics controls the economy in China—eventually, local governments will try to extract money from their people through measures such as increasing utility prices.

Decades-Long Problem: After its initial failure to address overcapacity in the 2000s, the Chinese regime tried to cut steel supplies in 2016 and 2017 by offering subsidies to manufacturers to compensate for the revenue loss and raising electricity prices for those who kept producing at capacity. When that didn’t produce the intended results, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) introduced a nationwide capacity swap program in 2018.The purpose was to replace existing production with higher efficiency and more environmentally friendly capacity while removing excess.

On Aug. 20, theCCP suspended the swap program, saying it would evaluate the results and revise the policy accordingly.

According to S&P Global, a leading market research firm, China’s steel swap program resulted in a net capacityincrease. During the three-plus years between 2021 and August 2024, the total newly commissioned versus retired crude iron and steel capacity was 33 million metric tons.

The research firm expects China’s steel demand to decrease to about 750 million to 800 million metric tons a yearin the next five to 10 years, a decline of about 20 to 25 percent from the 1 billion metric tons in 2020 and a 15 percent drop from the 2023 level.

China’s political and industry insiders have a similar outlook: Earlier this year, Hu Wangming, CCP secretary and chairman of Shanghai-based China Baowu Steel Group Corporation, the world’s largest steelmaker, saidChina’s steel industry is going through a “harsh winter.”Meng Fanying, Party secretary and chairman of Inner Mongolia-based Baogang Group, told Chinese media that thesteel industry has entered an “ice age”and is facing a grim situation in an era of fierce competition. Both companies are state-owned. Chen Leiming, executive president of China National Association of Metal Material Trade, told Chinese media thatmore than 30 percent of Chinese steel companies would have to shut down.


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a59b4b No.21661955

File: 0dbcea189954ba7⋯.png (356.59 KB,538x518,269:259,potus_rallies.png)



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8079e0 No.21661957


as long as you believe everything a certain way and if you dont you have to go to another church that offers an interpretation that you like because it makes you feel snuggly.

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7b66cf No.21661958


going down on their own

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07927b No.21661960


nothing cant stop these people.

they just keep taking one piece at a time.

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cb70e0 No.21661961


Let's see your "value."

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684ea3 No.21661962

File: f102c8d2c4affcb⋯.png (240.32 KB,657x527,657:527,Pepe_Apu_03.png)


>former spouses

That should work out well. For a vindictive cunt wanting to get back at her ex who happens to be a gun collector, this would be a golden ticket.

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67a2e5 No.21661963

File: c81900005c58789⋯.png (435.04 KB,650x366,325:183,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6a761e3e22a8fd2⋯.png (1.59 MB,970x647,970:647,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 35837496a94599d⋯.png (1.15 MB,970x546,485:273,ClipboardImage.png)

NASA restarts art program with New York murals aimed at Artemis Generation

September 24, 2024

As NASA works to return astronauts to the moon, the space agency is resurrecting an Apollo-era program aimed at communicating the cultural significance of its missions.

A new era for the NASA Artist's Cooperation Program, or NASA Arts Program as it came to be known, has begun with two space-themed murals now on public view in New York's Hudson Square neighborhood in Manhattan.

Created in cooperation with the Hudson Square Business Improvement District, the two colorful side-by-side murals titled "To the Moon, and Back," were painted by the New York-based team of Geraluz and WERC.

"I am thrilled that NASA's Art Program is returning with such an impactful project that will inspire the next generation — the Artemis Generation — to be curious, dream big and hopefully join us in our work at NASA someday," said Pam Melroy, NASA's deputy administrator and a former astronaut, in a statement.

"To continue pushing the boundaries of discovery and exploration, we'll need future generations to think critically and use creativity and ingenuity to solve some of our biggest challenges, and art is essential in preparing young minds for this task," she said on Tuesday (Sept. 24).

"To the Moon, and Back" illustrates "a cosmic future with a universe of possibilities expressed through the dreams and aspirations of children," according to NASA's description of the work.

The use of geometrical patterns "invites deeper reflection on the exploration, creativity and our connection with the cosmos."

Gera "Geraluz" Lozano and Jari "WERC" Alvarez of Brooklyn were selected for the project through an open call for New York-based artists.

Their past work includes murals for the National Audubon Society, the New York City Department of Transportation and Sony Pictures.

Part of the couple's inspiration for the NASA murals was their five-year-old son.

"Amaru says he wants to be an astronaut; it was the perfect moment to ask him to dress up and help us conceptualize our design," wrote Lozano on Instagram.

"We had a vision when we saw the RFQ [request for questions]." The artists received a small award to cover their design fees, materials, labor and equipment.

The funds were provided by NASA and then matched by Hudson Square Business Improvement District (BID), a nonprofit that has worked for five years to transform Manhattan's former Printing District into a "thriving creative hub."

"We are thrilled to partner with NASA on this visionary project, bringing together the exciting world of space exploration and the vibrant, creative energy of Hudson Square," said Samara Karasyk, president of Hudson Square BID.

"This installation is not just a celebration of NASA's incredible mission, but a continuation of our commitment to transforming the public realm through groundbreaking public art."

"It will inspire the next generation, ignite curiosity about space exploration and strengthen our neighborhood's identity as a limitless hub for creativity, mirroring the infinite possibilities of outer space.

We can't wait to see how this installation captivates both locals and visitors alike," said Karasyk.

The NASA Art Program was founded in 1962 and included works created by the likes of Paul Calle, Robert McCall, Norman Rockwell, Andy Warhol, Robert Rauschenberg and Annie Leibovitz.

NASA donated about 2,000 of the program's Apollo-era pieces to the Smithsonian's National Air and Space Museum in the 1970s.

Most of the space shuttle-period works are still held at Kennedy Space Center in Florida today.

Under the Artemis program, NASA is aiming to land the first woman, first person of color and next American on the moon.

Together with its international partners, NASA intends to explore the lunar south pole while gaining the skills needed to send humans to Mars.

The two "To the Moon, and Back" murals are located at 350 Hudson Street in New York City, on the outside of a nine-floor office building built in 1927.



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60caf3 No.21661966

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Will it go round in circles

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6c30da No.21661967


Ukranian divers with oddly British sounding names and military ranks.

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628c82 No.21661968

File: bfa1657fca9d49c⋯.png (431.09 KB,1080x1382,540:691,Screenshot_20240926_211259.png)

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a59b4b No.21661972

File: eee59836d35c3e6⋯.png (301.36 KB,502x509,502:509,cnn_sucks.png)



Will lie until their dying breath

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3b38fa No.21661973


>Trump more popular than he has ever been.

Even after the first lines of shit, that clears it up.

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fb162e No.21661974

File: da6b79861b326b9⋯.png (697.34 KB,1024x683,1024:683,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0076456a6de5f41⋯.png (2.09 MB,1920x1280,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

Minnesota’s flag and seal redesign to cost state $2.1 million

The actual cost of replacing flags, uniforms, and signs now falls on state agencies and municipal governments, creating significant expenses across the state.

Dumbass DFL in Minnesota changes shit just because they have the trifecta of power. Even more ridiculous, most of the state has been brainwashed by the Liberal media and are too naive to know any better.

Moar: https://alphanews.org/minnesotas-flag-and-seal-redesign-to-cost-one-state-agency-2-1-million/

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57002b No.21661975


Does it end in death or harm to the one kicked out?

Are you talking about an organized relegion like the Catholic church , LDS, or Christians in general?

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740070 No.21661976


I look at religion as having faith in something much bigger and better than what humans here on Earth could ever do or create, a faith in something more important than whatever society, institutions or governments could ever provide. That doesn't mean you have to be some slave to a religious belief, or close your mind to other opinions and view points. That's just my own view of it. A belief in God is just my belief there must be something much better and loving than anything we can find in this clown world.

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01bb72 No.21661980

File: 0d9deb46368b267⋯.png (1.27 MB,1140x1886,570:943,4775.png)

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aaeeab No.21661982

File: 218e543e2e5088f⋯.jpeg (323.78 KB,2048x1377,2048:1377,GYE1veBXAAABQd_.jpeg)

File: 441c4b141a5ff78⋯.jpeg (79.49 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,GYE0vuTWkAA5p8C.jpeg)

File: 207c761322aa9e3⋯.jpeg (65.05 KB,683x455,683:455,GYB1JI4XsAAcmOY.jpeg)

File: 2690b338d994639⋯.jpeg (104.34 KB,683x455,683:455,GYB1JI4XkAAGTYA.jpeg)

File: cdd218a5d78d6e5⋯.jpeg (128.57 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,GYCsWunXkAADbVW_1_.jpeg)

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57002b No.21661983


bottom to top

hold on and enjoy the ride

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628c82 No.21661984

File: 63ffaca290b10e6⋯.png (725.32 KB,1080x1380,18:23,Screenshot_20240926_211745.png)

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289dc5 No.21661985

some of you fuckers

have no idea


youre talking about

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7316d2 No.21661986


Nobody wanted it. Nobody is buying it.

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cabc8a No.21661987

File: 586ede1e519f8ee⋯.png (706.09 KB,710x885,142:177,ClipboardImage.png)

umm Guise

havent we seen this room before but not in as good of shape?

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3c536d No.21661988

Flooding the global markets with cheap American petroleum.

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79485e No.21661989

File: c20b2e7d259b6bb⋯.png (309.83 KB,415x753,415:753,ClipboardImage.png)

File: be325451cb0584b⋯.png (260.93 KB,407x718,407:718,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 685b5fe4aff9c29⋯.png (173.28 KB,424x668,106:167,ClipboardImage.png)

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fb162e No.21661990

File: 5c728ab0ea35158⋯.png (786.06 KB,1024x683,1024:683,ClipboardImage.png)

Ballot error found in another Minnesota legislative race.

“We’re seeing yet another instance of an error on the ballot, just weeks after we learned that more than 1,000 voter registrations had to be deactivated and that ineligible voters may have been added to the voter roll,” Altendorf and Jacob said. “These errors are unacceptable and need to be quickly resolved by the Secretary of State and the County to ensure voters in Zumbro Falls aren’t disenfranchised.”

News of the misprinted ballots in Zumbro Falls comes on the heels of reports on Friday that Rep. Peggy Bennett, R-Albert Lea, had been listed as the Democratic-Farmer-Labor candidate on some ballots in Faribault County for her House District 23A race.

Moar: https://alphanews.org/ballot-error-found-in-another-minnesota-legislative-race/

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8079e0 No.21661991


I like your definition sadly that is not what a majority think. There is something larger but to pretend that people know anything is foolish when it can be shown the manipulation in history and the use of organized religion to harm people. Just like people had to learn that the science was faulty in terms of what they did and people are starting to show distrust in that institution the same needs to happen with organized faiths. There is too much not known and hidden intentionally to put trust into these people . God may be something unknowable. But when people fight in a gods name it gets deadly.

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aaeeab No.21661993

File: 202f62617d19086⋯.mp4 (4.17 MB,752x1360,47:85,202f62617d19086b43ec306262….mp4)

File: 340041fc3f7022d⋯.mp4 (2.26 MB,1024x1024,1:1,340041fc3f7022df2430dd7435….mp4)

File: 484d26d5f939f9c⋯.mp4 (2.59 MB,640x480,4:3,484d26d5f939f9c4d638542193….mp4)


wej issues

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908f69 No.21661994


Kek, graphic designer on high end makes about $90000.

At 100hrs of work which is more then enough time probrobly by 90 percent is $3000.


These people are stupid

And corrupt

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67a2e5 No.21661995

File: 08d9b931e2a8ad4⋯.png (581.13 KB,650x366,325:183,ClipboardImage.png)



The W boson caused a particle mystery — but scientists have cracked the case

September 26, 2024

The mass of the W boson particle has been found by the Large Hadron Collider to be exactly what the Standard Model of particle physics predicts it to be, contradicting earlier results from Fermilab that hinted at a different mass and, therefore, the potential for new physics.

While the discovery further cements the Standard Model as our best depiction of the particle world, scientists had been hoping that their model was actually wrong, and that the discrepancy in the mass of the W boson could point the way to new theories that might explain puzzles such as the identity of dark matter, which accounts for 85% of all the matter in the universe yet remains effectively invisible to us.

Bosons are fundamental particles that carry the forces of nature.

The strong force that binds quarks together inside protons and neutrons is carried by a boson called the gluon, the electromagnetic force's boson is the photon, and the weak force, which is responsible for radioactive decay, has three bosons: W+, W– and the Z boson.

Measuring the masses of these particles is tricky, because they have an incredibly fleeting existence before they decay into other particles.

So, with their best efforts, physicists first create the bosons by colliding beams of protons traveling at almost the speed of light inside a particle accelerator.

For example, at the LHC, the protons collide with a total energy of 13 trillion electronvolts (eV).

Upon collision, the protons are forced to smash apart into other particles, some of which are bosons (this is how the Higgs boson, which carries the Higgs field that pretty much gives everything its mass, was discovered at the Large Hadron Collider).

The bosons themselves then also decay, and the best way to measure their mass is to combine the masses of all the particles that the decaying bosons produce.

Bosons decay into particles called leptons (or antileptons), which are electrons, muons or tau particles (a lepton is defined by a half-integer spin, so 1/2 or 3/2).

The Z boson decays into two further particles called muons, which are relatively easy to measure.

This is, in fact, why the Z boson's mass is well-known, with a value of 91,187.6 MeV and an error margin of ± 2.1 MeV (million eV).

The W+ and W– bosons, however, decay into a lepton (or antilepton) plus a neutrino, and that’s where the problem lies.

Neutrinos are very slight, elusive particles that can zip through detectors like ghosts. Trillions of neutrinos are even running through your body right now, but you can't tell.

That's why it takes a cubic kilometer of ice laced with photomultiplier tubes at the IceCube Neutrino Observatory at the South Pole to detect them.

The Large Hadron Collider can detect neutrinos as well, but it has only acquired this capability recently via two detectors, FASER (the Forward Search Experiment) and SND (Scattering and Neutrino Detector).

The LHC announced its first neutrino detections in August 2023.

The Standard Model predicts that the mass of the W+ and W– bosons is 80,357 MeV, ± 6 MeV, based on a theory that combines the electromagnetic force with the weak force, called "electroweak theory."

However, in 2022, physicists who re-analyzed old data from 2011 (produced by Fermilab's Tevatron particle accelerator in Illinois, USA) determined a W boson mass of 80,433 MeV, ± 9 MeV.

This took the W boson mass out of the range of the Standard Model.

If it was correct, then it implied new physics such as "supersymmetry" (which posits that every particle in the Standard Model has an additional, much more massive counterpart) and Quantum Loop Gravity (which describes how the fabric of the universe might be made of tiny quantum loops).

As a result, the physics world became very excited by the possibilities.


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67a2e5 No.21661996


Alas, it was not to be.

In 2023, the LHC's ATLAS experiment measured the mass of the W boson as 80,360 MeV ± 16 MeV, which is indeed in line with the Standard Model — but given Fermilab's tantalizing findings, there was a concern that ATLAS had some unrecognized systematic error affecting its measurements.

However, new measurements of the W boson's mass have been made by the LHC's Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment, and are also consistent with the Standard Model, producing a mass of 80,360.2 ± 9.9 MeV.

This corresponds to just 1.42 x 10^–25 kilograms.

"Basically, we used a 14,000-ton scale to measure the weight of a particle that has a mass of 1 x 10^–25kg, or about 80 times the mass of a proton," physicist Michalis Bachtis of the University of California, Los Angeles, said in a statement.

Many physicists had of course been hoping there would prove to be a discrepancy in the mass of the W boson, as this would have opened the door for new physics that would be required to explain that discrepancy mass.

Taking supersymmetry as an example, this concept could point the way towards explaining dark matter.

A leading candidate for dark matter right now is a type of particle called a WIMP, which stands for Weakly Interacting Massive Particle — and a massive, weakly interacting particle would fit perfectly within the confines of supersymmetry.

Alas, currently no supersymmetric partners to particles in the Standard Model have yet been found, and the theory of supersymmetry is far from proven.

"Everybody was hoping we would measure it away from the theory, igniting hopes for new physics," said Bachtis.

"By confirming that the mass of the W boson is consistent with the theory, we have to search for new physics elsewhere, maybe by studying the Higgs boson with high precision as well."

Nevertheless, confirming the mass of the W boson does open the door to other things.

For example, it's possible to use this mass measurement to better judge the strength of the Higgs field, or to better understand electroweak theory.

These advancements are options because of the way the CMS measured the W boson mass: by calibrating the energy of the emitted muons with margin of error of just 0.01%, which is orders of magnitude more precise than what had once been thought possible.

"This new level of precision will allow us to tackle critical measurements, such as those involving the W, Z and Higgs boson, with enhanced accuracy," said Ph.D. student Elisabetta Manca, who has been working on this project with Bachtis for 8 years.

So, the Standard Model wins again — but with increasing cosmological mysteries such as dark matter, dark energy and even the Hubble tension, something in our understanding of physics is going to have to break at some point to light the way forward for the world of physics.


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f77954 No.21661998

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

2:30 PM EDT

Secretary Blinken meets with Kenyan President William Ruto - 2:30 PM

New York City, New York



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289dc5 No.21661999


moms should pick their kids up

while wearing bikinis


watch them muzzies


like niggers tryin to read

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e3c64e No.21662000

File: e6621eaa9dcab15⋯.png (312.54 KB,840x938,60:67,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f864110e9af4d9b⋯.png (1.57 MB,1004x740,251:185,ClipboardImage.png)



‘No Intention’ to Reduce Production: Although the message of a severe industry shake-up is written on the wall, steel mills have “no intentionto reduce steel production” because they still make a little profit and are hoping for more stimulus for the property and infrastructure sectors, according to the S&P Global report. Chiou Jiunn-Rong, a professor of economics at the National Central University in Taiwan, observes a similar “no intention” reaction from local governments. He saidreducing capacity is only a sloganbecause local governmentsview the steel industry as a golden gooseand won’t give it up easily.

Chiou said that if local governments follow the centralCCP’s callto

eliminate excess steel capacity,they will have to bear a revenue loss, assist the troubled steel mills inpaying off debt, and help laid-off employees find new jobs. Local officials will, therefore, “seek every opportunity not to comply with the directivesto remove excess capacity,” Chiou told The Epoch Times.

Local governments have also tried to implement other measures without authorization to attract the attention of central CCP leadership and show their lack of money, Sun said.

For example, many provinces, including coastal Guangdong and Jiangsu,have increased local residential utility prices, usually set by the Price Department at the National Development and Reform Commission at the central CCP level.

‘Highly Political’: Experts say that local governments resist capacity reduction partly because they want other locales to do it first so they don’t have to go through the pain themselves. William Lee, chief economist at the Milken Institute, an economic think tank based in California, said theovercapacity issue mirrors the political disputes within the CCP.

Local governments prefer to have excess capacity because they can exportthose products, “one of the few ways local governments can earn money,” Lee told The Epoch Times.

“Thecentral government redirects the national subsidies towards certain provinces, and it’s going to have to choose winners and losers, and that’s going to be highly political,” he said. Given the complexity and opacity of CCP politics, thisbenefits distribution depends largely on the political relationsbetween local officials and the faction controlling the central treasury. For example, the Shanghai Gang, a group of regime leaders that formed around CCP leader Jiang Zemin and long dominated the finance sector, is likely to fall out of favor, according to Lee. (Sort of how US Gov gives out contracts)

According to Sun, who has consulted for businesses in the steel industry for decades,CCP leader Xi Jinping wants to consolidate China’s steel industry into a few national champion state-owned enterprises to monopolize the sector globally. He predicted that China will continue to flood global markets despite that the United States, the European Union, and Canada have imposed tariffs to curb China’s dumping.

Chiou said much the same.“Due to China’s global dumping, the trade friction between China and the rest of the world, including the United States, is likely to remain the main theme of international trade,” he said.


(I’m sure Trump is completely aware of this situation, and has plans to solve America’s problem, ban all Chinese Steel. This doesn’t sound good for China they are having a banking crisis, credit crisis and now steel war and who could win in China. It sounds a lot worse economy and industry wide then anything we've heard. I don't get how China can go around the world and pay and buy countries property, ports and invade in their entire economy and be beholden to them if China's economy is just squeaking by,oh yeah, they print money)

Anons I'm only posting these China articles because they are from Epoch Times and it's really hard to find anything truthful in the western press. This info comes direct from Chinese citizens from china to EP.

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090a47 No.21662001

File: 7f5c64eb03de720⋯.png (880.72 KB,607x813,607:813,7f5c64eb03de72096f23706fd5….png)


The lady does not have the crazy commie eyes

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982e41 No.21662002


the moment they install kamala is when the mil steps in

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febd10 No.21662004

Stupid and horrible piece of shit commie hooker

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fb162e No.21662005

File: f2b08aeb9ed67a0⋯.png (951.53 KB,1024x683,1024:683,ClipboardImage.png)

State-funded Minneapolis food pantry sparks criticism for serving ‘Black and Indigenous Folx’ only.

At the heart of the backlash was a sign posted on the pantry that read: "The resources found in here are intended for Black and Indigenous Folx. Please refrain from taking anything if you're not."

Moar: https://alphanews.org/state-funded-minneapolis-food-pantry-sparks-criticism-for-serving-black-and-indigenous-folx-only/

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3682b5 No.21662006

File: af0cbff99877efe⋯.jpg (12.99 KB,480x360,4:3,96445b43039b7157a49c7b61d5….jpg)


ya, but

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3c536d No.21662007


On who's behalf?

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8d67db No.21662008

File: c36a7e7e764c4cf⋯.jpg (5.71 KB,233x216,233:216,download.jpg)

Is Steve Harvey really MIA?

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6e2a14 No.21662009

Squeaky, you are so predictable when you slip up, and where it's going to be…..kek.

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270861 No.21662010

File: ef603dcd278849e⋯.png (163.24 KB,588x456,49:38,ClipboardImage.png)

JFK Fans


Don't miss this one @therealroseanne

11:11 AM · Sep 26, 2024



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8079e0 No.21662011


I think it is when she does not step down. they still have to do the mirror of j6

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89b963 No.21662012

"Arm Yourself" - Persecuted Former FBI Specialist Urges Americans To Stock Up On Food And Prepare For Hardship

Marcus Allen was targeted by feds for questioning why federal informants were in January 6 crowd.

A former FBI specialist who was persecuted for questioning January 6 said during a hearing with lawmakers on Capitol Hill that Americans should stock up on food and prepare for hardship.

Marcus Allen, a former FBI staff operations specialist, told the Judiciary Subcommittee on Weaponization of the Federal Government that he was deliberately targeted by higher ups for asking why there were so many federal informants in the crowd at the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol riot.

“The FBI questioned my allegiance to the United States, suspended my security clearance, suspended my pay and refused to allow me to obtain outside employment or even accept charity,” Allen testified

The feds came down hard on Allen after he sent an email on September 21st, 2021 which his supervisors claimed contained hyperlinks to “extremist propaganda” from “questionable sources”.

Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz, who testified alongside Allen, is investigating the FBI’s security clearance and adjudication process, including the targeting of “political conservatives who were seen as loyal to Trump or resistant to COVID-19 vaccine mandates.”


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57002b No.21662013


been a while since I stepped foot in a church.

Though about 6 years ago I did go to see what services were like and it was something I never saw in all previous services when I was younger.

Had some kids brought up at the end and asking them questions. Favorite food was asked and answer was pizza. I took it as a sign. My church is in me. I don't need a building. But that's me.

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70d429 No.21662014

File: 7c8675cb4b277d8⋯.png (387.3 KB,623x411,623:411,ClipboardImage.png)



>We had those bear comms yesterday.


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7316d2 No.21662015


Fairbault = somali

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6e2a14 No.21662016


And therein lies the proof that steel tariffs are necessary for these mercantilist asshoes.

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60caf3 No.21662017

File: de6a10a359ec06a⋯.png (625.67 KB,576x1289,576:1289,Screenshot_20240926_140823.png)

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628c82 No.21662018

File: 5cf8508199e8a19⋯.png (319.89 KB,1064x765,1064:765,Screenshot_20240926_212635.png)

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89b963 No.21662019

File: b02feb446e78c59⋯.png (107.82 KB,753x600,251:200,ClipboardImage.png)

Two Russian Nationals Charged in Connection with Operating Billion Dollar Money Laundering Services


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1db951 No.21662020



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7b66cf No.21662021

kumcommie response to the Ukraine Russian situation

…well, you see if you were born in a middle class situation and you had your lawn key, and you had to strain you're voice in suffering I'm a tied up dog in the heat you gotta give charity…,

you see the picture

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febd10 No.21662022

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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740070 No.21662023


I think a lot of people take religion way too seriously, and have a cultist viewpoint, us vs them mentality. That is part of the problem. It can happen with any kind of ideology or belief system though, politics definitely included. Having faith in something bigger we cannot control should to make people feel better about themselves, and understand we all have our own faults and need to better ourselves before we meet our creator. In other words, religion should not be weaponized, just like politics or economics should not become weaponized.

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628c82 No.21662024

File: b53b56ea219cf08⋯.png (129.84 KB,1080x485,216:97,Screenshot_20240926_212856.png)

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289dc5 No.21662025





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60caf3 No.21662026



radar anomalies

Central US

Looks like Hawaii. And anomalies from fires

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090a47 No.21662027


I'm going to have a Moment of Silence now for the poor minions that get sent to the Infantry vet's house that was better off left alone. Vindictive biotch would try to brag about it (because, empowerment) on farcebook or something and then it's one of those do the cops hear Credence or Five Finger Death Punch last.

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01bb72 No.21662029

File: 7364e1fc0161231⋯.png (176.71 KB,1199x695,1199:695,Capture_2024_09_26_14_25_4….png)

File: fa4d4c5db07135c⋯.png (259.5 KB,1199x916,1199:916,Capture_2024_09_26_14_25_5….png)

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740070 No.21662030


Lenny and Squiggy were hilarious, they really helped make the Lavern and Shirley show.

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57002b No.21662031



Plazma Universe ftw


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c1c80d No.21662032

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This RFKJ video is worth watching

Yellow Dye no 5

No coincidence that Q talked about them poisoning us and Trump selects RFKJ to join his team and MAHA.

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89b963 No.21662033

File: 86b521c95d13368⋯.png (127.45 KB,1003x543,1003:543,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3ac85db164311d0⋯.png (129.43 KB,985x541,985:541,ClipboardImage.png)

File: bef9c8fd05020b8⋯.png (150.21 KB,1005x591,335:197,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8c5fb2e25ad9fe8⋯.png (143.86 KB,998x599,998:599,ClipboardImage.png)

New York City Mayor Eric Adams Charged With Bribery And Campaign Finance Offenses


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febd10 No.21662034

File: b20c0a0d9403623⋯.jpg (129.04 KB,666x709,666:709,1000001699.jpg)

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e36ac1 No.21662035

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Joe Rogan Experience #2207 - Shawn Ryan

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9b489c No.21662037

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

U.S. Attorney holds news conference on indictment of NYC Mayor Eric Adams

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628c82 No.21662038

File: de0ff15af61130f⋯.png (445.8 KB,1080x917,1080:917,Screenshot_20240926_213114.png)

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f77954 No.21662039

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

3:00 PM EDT

United Nations General Assembly, Day 3, Part 2

Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia' Al Sudani and British Prime Minister Keir Starmer are among the world leaders addressing the 79th Session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York City.


3:05 PM EDT

Vice President Harris and President Volodymyr Zelenskyy of Ukraine Deliver Remarks to Press

The White House




Vice Pres. Harris & Ukrainian Pres. Zelensky Deliver Remarks at White House

Vice President Kamala Harris and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky deliver remarks at the White House amid the Russia-Ukraine war.


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6c911f No.21662041

File: 7747958370fd846⋯.png (72.47 KB,462x1351,66:193,ClipboardImage.png)



>tidy cats

<herding kittens

Q179 also mentions green bunker etc

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89b963 No.21662042

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Panama’s President Says Biden’s Open Border is Leaving Trail of ‘Decomposing Corpses’ in His Country

Today Panama faces a huge problem due to its strategic location: illegal immigration through the Darién jungle, which is being used as a key for hundreds of thousands of migrants who have been fleeing from serious economic, political and social problems in search of the so-called American dream.

I ask you to see the magnitude of what is happening, because we feel that we do not have all the international support we need to face a situation that is so distressing from a humanitarian point of view, so costly in financial terms, so risky for our security, and so alarming because of the environmental devastation that we are being left with.


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2cb7e4 No.21662043

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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e66d70 No.21662044

File: dd00408dd588a15⋯.png (300.04 KB,626x441,626:441,ClipboardImage.png)

Margo Martin

@margommartin 1h

President @realDonaldTrump arrives in New York 🇺🇸

Sep 26, 2024 · 4:55 PM UTC


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8079e0 No.21662045


again a fair point however it is weaponized with the shield of perceived truth and righteousness and causes because it makes them feel like they are getting a special toy at the bottom of the frosted flakes. So if it is a weapon how do you break its hold on the person wielding it over others. Even the best ideas of Christianity about forgiveness and stuff are quickly replaced by calls for war against a certain groups enemies or people who just want to go to church on a different day. Then when you add the superiority of it all. That is reinforced not only by the liturgy but by the self reinforcing affirmations by the believers that it is true. People still wear fucking masks.

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67a2e5 No.21662046

File: 5dd66d20952535f⋯.png (297.47 KB,650x366,325:183,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8d0561c4c9ddd1f⋯.png (675.22 KB,970x546,485:273,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ac596c3fd2a307a⋯.png (435.29 KB,970x546,485:273,ClipboardImage.png)

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SpaceX's Elon Musk calls on FAA chief to resign

September 25, 2024

SpaceX continues to engage the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) in a heated and very public debate over launch licensing and alleged violations.

Earlier this month, the FAA announced that it planned to fine SpaceX a total of $630,000 for violations stemming from two launches in 2023.

SpaceX fired back with a letter to the U.S. Congress contesting the fines, arguing that the two alleged infractions were frivolous and should not be viewed as violations at all.

In addition to the letter, SpaceX founder and CEO Elon Musk said in a post on X, the social media company he owns, that his company intendeds to sue the FAA for "regulatory overreach."

Now, following congressional testimony from FAA Administrator Michael Whitaker on Tuesday (Sept. 24) that touched upon the agency's fines and its delays in licensing the fifth test flight of SpaceX's giant new Starship rocket, Musk has ramped up the rhetoric against the FAA, posting to X that Whitaker "needs to resign."

Whitaker testified in front of the United States House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure Subcommittee on Aviation on Tuesday about the FAA's oversight of Boeing's manufacturing systems following multiple fatal airline disasters and doors flying off of airplanes mid-flight, amid other aviation incidents.

Following Whitaker's testimony, Rep. Kevin Kiley (R-CA) brought up the issues that plagued Boeing's new Starliner spacecraft during its first-ever crewed flight, which ended in the vehicle returning to Earth without its crew earlier this month.

A SpaceX Crew Dragon will now bring the two Starliner astronauts home in February, after their planned 10-day mission to the International Space Station turned into an eight-month odyssey.

Kiley told the FAA chief that Starliner's poor performance has "put in sharp relief an issue that many have raised regarding, perhaps, the undue scrutiny that [the] agency is giving to SpaceX" concerning the fines the agency proposed against the company.

"So I think safety is in the public interest, and that's our primary focus," Whitaker replied, adding that fines are "the only tool we have to get compliance on safety matters."

Kiley then asked about the delays in the FAA's licensing process for the fifth flight test of Starship, which SpaceX is developing to help get people to the moon and Mars.

SpaceX claims the vehicle has been ready to fly since early August, but the FAA says that its licensing reviews likely won't be done until late November.

"Are you saying that the delay of Starship is for safety reasons?" Kiley asked the FAA administrator.

"It is. I think launching these rockets is a safety issue under the NAS," Whitaker replied, referring to the National Airspace System, America's controlled and uncontrolled airspaces over both land and sea.

"And I think it's a situation that requires the same level of safety management and safety culture that we're working to implement at Boeing — [it] needs to also exist with commercial space," the FAA head added.


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740070 No.21662047


His REAL crime? He called out Biden on his disastrous open border policy. BAM! Weeks later FBI launches federal investigation against him. "Coincidence"

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30eef8 No.21662048


Hannity is a RINO and a weasel, Not a Patriot.

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67a2e5 No.21662049


Whitaker then stated that the delay in approving Starship's fifth launch stemmed from the company's failure to provide an updated sonic boom analysis within the designated timeframe, which added 30 more days to the FAA's process.

Additionally, Whitaker said SpaceX failed to comply with Texas law. SpaceX previously published a blog post about this specific delay, claiming that it was "driven by superfluous environmental analysis."

Following Whitaker's testimony on Tuesday, SpaceX published another letter, this time addressed directly to Rep. Kiley.

In the letter, the company argues that neither of the two items Whitaker referred to have anything to do with public safety, but instead are about "environmental considerations that had been previously evaluated as posing no risk to the environment."

The letter goes on to argue that Whitaker's statement that SpaceX violated Texas law "is simply wrong."

"SpaceX did not violate state law — SpaceX had a permit for deluge operations from Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ).

It is deeply concerning that the Administrator does not appear to have accurate information immediately available to him with respect to SpaceX licensing matters," the letter continues.

Starship consists of two vehicles, both of which are designed to be rapidly reusable: a 233-foot-tall (71 meters) booster called Super Heavy, and the 165-foot (50 m) upper stage, known as Starship or Ship for short.

The fully stacked Starship vehicle towers toward the sky at 400 feet (122 m). SpaceX aims to use Starship to help humankind reach the moon and Mars, in addition to helping loft the company's Starlink internet satellites and more.

Starship has flown on four test flights to date, the most recent of which was in June 2024. On that flight, the upper stage reached orbital velocity and survived a stunning reentry through Earth's atmosphere.


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27ba6d No.21662050

File: 8de5f74c35a5966⋯.jpeg (1.26 MB,2245x1975,449:395,IMG_1368.jpeg)


Time is a concept, not a Reality.

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57002b No.21662051


It's called state funded raceisms

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090eee No.21662052

File: 25c09303655edcb⋯.png (238.5 KB,597x351,199:117,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 31e4bc99a620d9a⋯.png (204.78 KB,608x346,304:173,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 585884f60cc99ce⋯.png (219.94 KB,594x326,297:163,ClipboardImage.png)

File: eabad4315f6cb4e⋯.png (242.51 KB,592x319,592:319,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b844976b42d1b8a⋯.png (41.75 KB,664x189,664:189,ClipboardImage.png)


>>>21658945 Kamala Harris was the prosecutor against Michael Jackson in California


Zero evidence given other than two spearate intervies cobbled together from two differnt networks. DJT was talking about the alleged victim's mother in his interview.

Kamala Harris was not involved in MJ's trial, she was merely speaking to a news outlet as a 'legal expert.' Kamala was San Francisco District Attorney at the time.

Thomas William Sneddon Jr. He is best known for leading two investigations of Michael Jackson on child sexual abuse allegations in 1993 and 2005. His most famous case was when he was prosecuting child molestation charges against Jackson in the trial People v. Jackson in 2005, at the end of which Jackson was acquitted.

In 2003, Jackson was charged by the state of California with molestation and other counts.

The final three files—62D-LA-236081, 252B-IR-6808, and 305B-LA-239205—detail the Bureau’s support to local law enforcement during the ensuing investigation. The first of these files describes an FBI response to a Los Angeles Police Department request to analyze computers and digital media obtained from Jackson’s home under court warrant. The second involves a request by the Santa Barbara County District Attorney for help and guidance from behavioral analysts in the FBI’s Critical Incident Response Group. In the last of the three files, an FBI agent from Los Angeles traveled to New York to interview a potential witness. The agent found this individual unwilling to cooperate and closed the matter. The case went to court in 2005, and Jackson was acquitted of all charges.


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2046b3 No.21662053

File: d13a31754327727⋯.png (231.09 KB,412x391,412:391,ClipboardImage.png)

FBI Whistleblower Marcus Allen advises American People

FBI cannot be moderated

Stock 3-4 months provisions

Arrange with 3/4 others to come to aid

Weapon for protection

Pray rosary (15+ scriptural events), first Friday devotions (praying and praising and loving Heart of Jesus, live and read Gospels


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6e2a14 No.21662055


You should see their "$12 pacemaker" segment in Used Cars. Best delivery ever. "Did it myself!"

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5e2d63 No.21662056


Oh yippee. My two favorite people.

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89b963 No.21662057

File: 23c814afd70f696⋯.png (469.68 KB,538x582,269:291,ClipboardImage.png)

Israel bombs Lebanon-Syria border

The IDF claimed that Hezbollah was using the Matraba crossing to smuggle weapons

“The Israeli enemy suddenly targeted arrivals from Lebanese territory on the crossing bridge between Syria and Lebanon, injuring eight individuals,” Syrian state news agency SANA quoted the border crossing director, Ayal Alloush, as saying on Thursday.

Alloush also said the bombing caused property damage to the crossing and the surrounding area. Matraba is located in the Homs governorate, which borders northern and central Lebanon.

The deadliest single strike so far reportedly claimed 23 lives in the town of Younine, near Baalbek. Israeli bombs struck a building where Syrian refugees lived, killing mainly women and children, Younine mayor Ali Qusas has said.


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2046b3 No.21662058

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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090eee No.21662059

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Although Kamala Harris held the position of Deputy City Attorney in San Francisco during this period, she was not directly engaged in prosecuting or overseeing the legal proceedings of Jackson's case. Harris's commentary on the case, offered in her capacity as a legal analyst, focused on the broader issue of child testimony's impact in such trials. Her expert insights, highlighted in a 2004 ABC News interview, shed light on the persuasive nature of child testimony in courtrooms. While her remarks were not specific to Michael Jackson's culpability, they provided valuable observations on the legal process.


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c1c80d No.21662060

Trump has shown that you can fight back in the same dirty way that Democrats fight and win.

You don’t have to sit and take their attacks and faked outrage. You can speak the truth and stick to it.

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fb162e No.21662061

File: 25fd142074ff365⋯.png (141.2 KB,187x300,187:300,ClipboardImage.png)

From General Flynn's Locals Account.

Here is what they have in store for us. Let me offer my TOP TEN:

1.The Democrats in the Senate will abolish the filibuster rule that requires most bills to have 60 votes to pass the Senate. If they abolish the filibuster, only 50 Democrats plus the Vice President can pass any law they want. Note that, Senator Manchin of West Virginia will not be there to refuse to go along.

2.They will grant statehood to the District of Columbia and probably Puerto Rico. That gives them four more automatic Democratic votes and makes taking back control of the Senate near impossible.

3.Don’t think the Supreme Court will protect us. They will pack the Supreme Court, by expanding its number. There is nothing in the Constitution that requires there be only nine members of that court. And if they have just the Senate, every judge and justice will be a committed Leftist. When Republicans appoint judges, many suddenly turn left – they often turn out like David Souter, or Sandra Day O’Connor, or worse. Democrat judges never “grow in office.” Leftist Judges stay Leftists.

4.If you think the Department of Justice has been weaponized under Obama and Biden, you ain’t seen nothing yet, when you see how they will come after persons they consider a threat. Instead of worrying about whether President Trump will be jailed, consider when you will be jailed.

5. Social media companies will be pressured to act “responsibly” by deplatforming dissent. Democrats love censorship. For years they ordered private companies to do it for them, but soon they will establish that Ministry of Truth which they called the Disinformation Governance Board — that they set up and then were forced to close down. If they win the Presidency and the Senate, it will be back ordering social media to take down our voices. The Left’s ultimate goal is described as “cross-platform deplatforming.” If you are taken off one, you are taken off all. Once they get that, there goes freedom of speech.

6. All of the special treatment that has been given to churches and religious institutions will go. Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act has an exception so that religious organizations can hire people who follow the faith of the organization — that will be gone.

7. Every government school will be required to have boys shower with the girls, to destroy girls’ sports, and teach kids that they may have been born in the wrong bodies. Parents who resist will have their kids taken from them, like Governor Newsom in California and Governor Walz in Minnesota.

8. The open border we now have will be made permanent. This is the dream of the United Nations — free migration across all borders. Then provide hotel rooms, cell phones and monthly credits for living expenses. Give them citizenship. Give them the right to vote. Treat them better than Americans, and make American citizens pay for it. Presto-Chango — the American people will be replaced with THE GREAT RELACEMENT (GREAT RESET) — which is something we are not allowed to even mention. And, as you know, whenever there is a subject we are not allowed to mention, it means we are over the target.

9. Public accommodation laws will be pushed so that every business and every professional will be challenged to serve their interests. A doctor who refuses to perform abortions or castrate young boys will lose his/her license. A lawyer who refuses to cater to the interests of the special interests will lose his/her license.

10. Kamala is already on record supporting a mandatory buy-back for “assault weapons.” That means – turn them in for $500 of taxpayer dollars, or you are a felon.

**A few more agenda items include Mandatory Vaccines against the next pandemic that Dr. Fauci has planned for us, and the government’s attempt to De-Bank citizens. You will be a non-person, you’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy. England has already tried to do this to Nigel Farage.

Now let’s posit that the Democrats do not take the Senate. What could Kamala do all on her own? What tools will she single-handedly have at her disposal?

Next week’s newsletter: THEIR PLANS FOR US, PART II:

Sauce: https://generalflynn.locals.com/upost/6155459/their-plans-for-us-part-1

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628c82 No.21662062

File: 24e3236bbb0c353⋯.png (1.04 MB,1030x1424,515:712,Screenshot_20240926_213654.png)

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7b66cf No.21662063

negative liddle Napoleon sized Z

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70d429 No.21662064

File: 03f458c8406334b⋯.png (299.97 KB,614x524,307:262,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c633db5fda1617e⋯.png (196.25 KB,627x459,209:153,ClipboardImage.png)


Do you follow the stars?



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67a2e5 No.21662065

File: 4576e7e757cb250⋯.png (479.16 KB,1577x912,83:48,ClipboardImage.png)

SpaceX Starlink Mission

On Tuesday, September 24 at 9:01 p.m. PT, Falcon 9 launched 20 Starlink satellites, including 13 with Direct to Cell capabilities, to low-Earth orbit from Space Launch Complex 4 East (SLC-4E) at Vandenberg Space Force Base in California.

This was the 10th flight for the first stage booster supporting this mission, which previously launched NASA Crew-7, CRS-29, NROL-186, EarthCARE, Transporter-10, PACE, and now four Starlink missions.


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7bf4cf No.21662066


Looks like the GOP will scoop up more of those independents and democrats to switch their vote for Trump.

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17de09 No.21662067

Baby oil comms.


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60caf3 No.21662068

File: 961ef0a608cf863⋯.png (505.12 KB,576x1289,576:1289,Screenshot_20240926_143317.png)

File: 791ea8c9acd5f8f⋯.png (256.69 KB,576x1289,576:1289,Screenshot_20240926_143443.png)

File: e7f6d38eba8287d⋯.png (597.94 KB,576x1289,576:1289,Screenshot_20240926_143759.png)

Red balloons for a U 2

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9b489c No.21662069


Listening to the crimes for the first time. Yeah, I think they sacrifice him! Eating each other stuff.

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89b963 No.21662070

File: 1a882f8824fc36c⋯.png (266.79 KB,518x459,518:459,ClipboardImage.png)

Biden Pledges $8BN More For Ukraine As Zelensky Pitches 'Victory Plan' At White House

To start the morning, and just ahead of Zelensky's White House visit, the Biden administration announced massive new defense aid to Ukraine, at an estimated $8 billion - much of that drawn from military stockpiles as part of an approved program the Pentagon said was at risk of expiring on Sept.30. This is expected to include transfer of an additional Patriot air defense battery to Ukraine.


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2cb7e4 No.21662071

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Pray rosary (15+ scriptural events)

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2046b3 No.21662072



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ae3e72 No.21662073


Go to sleep babyfist

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80dbc3 No.21662074


Are you asking if the picrel is possibly true? No, aside from the it being nonsense, the signature line contains deceased individuals and nonsensical mention of F117 which was a piece of shit. Where do people find this junk.

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238115 No.21662075

File: 1c80cf3f19710e6⋯.jpg (39.62 KB,680x662,340:331,USAdebtGROWSbankruptcyLOOM….jpg)

Today our dear government gave $16.7 billion dollars away to foreign entities for war killing people, when that same amount of money, if given to each American citizen, would have an extra $50 in their pocket.

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27ba6d No.21662076

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2046b3 No.21662077

Guest post by @ModernityNews

A former FBI specialist who was persecuted for questioning January 6 said during a hearing with lawmakers on Capitol Hill that Americans should stock up on food and prepare for hardship.


Marcus Allen, a former FBI staff operations specialist, told the Judiciary Subcommittee on Weaponization of the Federal Government that he was deliberately targeted by higher ups for asking why there were so many federal informants in the crowd at the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol riot.

“The FBI questioned my allegiance to the United States, suspended my security clearance, suspended my pay and refused to allow me to obtain outside employment or even accept charity,” Allen testified

The feds came down hard on Allen after he sent an email on September 21st, 2021 which his supervisors claimed contained hyperlinks to “extremist propaganda” from “questionable sources”.

Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz, who testified alongside Allen, is investigating the FBI’s security clearance and adjudication process, including the targeting of “political conservatives who were seen as loyal to Trump or resistant to COVID-19 vaccine mandates.”

“There are no words strong enough to describe the impact the FBI’s lies about me have had on me and my family,” said Allen during an emotional statement. “The stress has taken a toll on our health and our children have suffered, traumatized by the thought of our door getting kicked in or Dad not coming home.”

However, it was Allen’s final comments that raised many eyebrows.

The former FBI staffer urged Americans to use their right to vote despite any doubts they may have about election integrity.

“My other recommendations are in the natural order,” Allen continued, “Arm yourself and know how to defend yourself, make three to four friends in your neighborhood and promise to come to each other’s mutual aid in times of hardship.”

“And during the great depression, people stocked up their pantry, so I think that’s a good practice especially in our economic times, and make sure you have three to four months of food,” he added.

Allen also urged Americans to pray and read the bible regularly.

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27ba6d No.21662078



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8d6a95 No.21662079


Otis and John had that same "acceleration" which looks like they slow the eye down so it sucks up more water (power), then release their hold on it to make it hit landfall at cat 4 or 5.

fuckery afoot

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89b963 No.21662080

File: bce4b52460f995c⋯.png (235.87 KB,513x627,9:11,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d822e6e4cca390b⋯.png (193.65 KB,544x680,4:5,ClipboardImage.png)

Netanyahu Orders Military To Fight Hezbollah At 'Full Force', Rules Out Ceasefire

Israeli army says it has launched strikes on Beirut with sources saying a Hezbollah commander was the target.

The Israeli PM’s office has released a statement on Netanyahu’s X page saying the “news about a ceasefire is not true” and he vows to carry on attacks on Lebanon.

On Wednesday, 72 people were killed in the attack across Lebanon as the death toll from Israel’s bombings surpassed 620.

Israel has continued its assault across Gaza as well, killing at least 15 Palestinians today.

At least 41,495 people have been killed and 96,006 wounded in Israel’s war on Gaza. In Israel, the number killed in the Hamas-led attacks on October 7 is at least 1,139, while more than 200 people were taken captive.


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740070 No.21662081


Yah, I get what you are saying, it's kinda developed into some form of hive mind cult. More like mindless followers than actual believers. I'm not convinced religion itself is bad, just the way it has been subverted, corrupted and weaponized over the years. If there happens to be a lacks moral and ethics then one should question if it is a religious at all anymore, or just another crazy cult.

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fb162e No.21662082

FIVE ALARM FIRE: Kamala’s Softball Interview Scorched By The New York Times, Others.

September 26, 2024



When you've lost The New York Times…

Moar: https://www.donaldjtrump.com/news/c090a521-c31c-4c13-9ee4-40dd03280d24

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e66d70 No.21662083

File: d5e69e9cfb3463a⋯.png (144.07 KB,329x259,47:37,ClipboardImage.png)


Kneel before ZOG!

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07927b No.21662084

File: 45d711a3478673c⋯.mp4 (4.89 MB,1080x1920,9:16,7j365h46j5346534.mp4)




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2b2736 No.21662085


well done

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7be893 No.21662086


"Helmy, all in on wind, co-sponsors RISEE and NOW acts

Senator: Bills support offshore wind, invest in coastal resilience efforts while building state’s offshore wind industry"

Lobbyist HANDPICKED by NJ Governor Murphy to replace Menendez and this dude is rolling in the offshore wind industry which NJ residents have adamantly opposed. Senator was NOT elected by ANYONE

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bcf05d No.21662089


jfk berlinur tries to call up Xfayk twat jack froot


jfk berlinur is prol cravin gay niggas


jfk berlinur spam FiB bout FiB cause @$$hol lies to spaceship bout gay nigggas


jfk berlinur gits faggo unklfukka to frolic round pedovre criminal spree drumpf smear messs


queer hookur solicitations feels fillur


unlfuka hell sends fayk twat bout taintid luub relief an sandy thong cry


ancient pedophile ring wants to sell thing for yur kids mouth


whippin goy negro homo linked to jfk berlinur jealous


subversive forun scat flingur wants delicate toilet farts feelings


durty south wants to feel french too


panduring to zombies

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090eee No.21662090

File: f17b169f85dd393⋯.png (220.12 KB,488x467,488:467,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 26dfbbfea947ffa⋯.png (422.65 KB,513x474,171:158,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cfbdc8149d341b5⋯.png (386.2 KB,494x476,247:238,ClipboardImage.png)

File: defddc3b853491f⋯.png (311.6 KB,453x461,453:461,ClipboardImage.png)

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8d6a95 No.21662091



rirualistic killers. A truly benevolent god would not call for killing. full stop.

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7bd056 No.21662092

Hi Q

Work slave checking it.

Thank you

Me and my family has been safe since you posted that they would be.

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89b963 No.21662093

File: e4e4c9e47929ae2⋯.png (302.89 KB,556x518,278:259,ClipboardImage.png)

ELECTION INTERFERENCE: Leftist London Mayor Sadiq Khan Urges Americans Not to Reelect Donald Trump


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bcf05d No.21662094


alec baldwins butt baby mark might git clubbed lik a gahy seal

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740070 No.21662095


It won't make much of a difference. Ukraine is still losing badly and Israel has pissed off over half of the world already and far less of us would be willing to ever fight their wars anymore. Give 'em all you want, doesn't change the eventual outcome.

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e66d70 No.21662096

File: d535a19e3f0d250⋯.jpg (54.05 KB,400x268,100:67,they_live_obey.jpg)


>bcf05d (19) No.21662089

O Vey!

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a59b4b No.21662097

File: 6d7be57242ee803⋯.jpeg (35.64 KB,217x255,217:255,IMG_7838.jpeg)


> State-funded Minneapolis food pantry sparks criticism for serving ‘Black and Indigenous Folx’ only.

Leave it to the Demoncrats to make starvation racist.

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7316d2 No.21662098


Correct. First pic was Asia somewhere.

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8079e0 No.21662099


religion based on truth perhaps, but that does not exist. Belief in something more than your self is also important but when people are telling people lies and conjecture based on false ideas and then they take that to the point of superior behavior and war based upon what they think something means.

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f77954 No.21662100

File: 901233294cd3c55⋯.mp4 (10.78 MB,480x270,16:9,2024_09_26_Senator_Lindsey….mp4)

10:50 am

Senator Lindsey Graham Calls for Change in Military Strategy in Ukraine

Following a meeting with Ukrainian President Zelensky, Senator Lindsey Graham calls on President Biden to change the military strategy in Ukraine by lifting long-range weapons restrictions and allow Zelensky to implement his plan against Russia.


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1d2cf4 No.21662101

Can’t people get up in air and calm the hurricane down? Didn’t I read that somewhere.

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51f702 No.21662102

File: 12301b64ca7ef79⋯.png (1.65 MB,1247x935,1247:935,Top_Kek_Unicycle.png)

File: 0705c83ba8fc5a1⋯.jpg (303 KB,750x469,750:469,SR_72_DARKSTAR.jpg)

File: 10209ea35b51ff5⋯.jpg (196.55 KB,1176x880,147:110,Donald_Trump_Ham_Radio_Ope….jpg)

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fcf8a0 No.21662103

File: a9af3e9dbd7bcd6⋯.jpeg (910.46 KB,1715x806,1715:806,IMG_6836.jpeg)

File: 0b369c733547e5a⋯.jpeg (172.7 KB,900x1200,3:4,IMG_6835.jpeg)




Shanghai king tower


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bcf05d No.21662104

File: 541cefea2abbafe⋯.jpeg (55.55 KB,735x641,735:641,CZYK7120.jpeg)

mausoleum uslims

mouse lemmi winks

jfk tranny kathlleeen

do not tRUST Kmart salad bar

ickey ouse

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1d2cf4 No.21662105

The weather alerts all over the south are scaring me

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289dc5 No.21662106



was wondering about

the X

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bd34c2 No.21662108



Did they do a Barr on the way over?

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e55926 No.21662109


that's fine for them, most of it gets kicked back to the defense companies that pay dividends to the shareholders and clearly congress is well invested.

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3e1854 No.21662110


>The weather alerts all over the south are scaring me

turn off the TV

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a10b22 No.21662111


Help anon out with a post #? Just arrived in bread.

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1d2cf4 No.21662112


Amen! Praying!

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bcf05d No.21662113

File: 9b64731c411f840⋯.jpg (54.33 KB,439x376,439:376,IMG_2129.JPG)

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3682b5 No.21662115

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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60caf3 No.21662116


Power out


Warm…dark …and fed bullshit

I must be a fuckin mushroom

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090a47 No.21662118


Meh, NYT knows she's hated and wants to look like they have some impartiality.

Now the morans that still read the Times may start wondering about Cackles capability but only until Madonna farts at a concert or something.

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e36ac1 No.21662119

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

More Children have gone missing since Joe Biden and Kamala Harris became POTUS & VP.

So many…

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a10b22 No.21662120



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89b963 No.21662121

File: 4c61164b96888d5⋯.png (57.74 KB,604x609,604:609,ClipboardImage.png)

Executive Director of 9/11 Commission Endorses Kamala for President

111 deep state Republicans, including the man who directed the 9/11 cover up commission, want Kamala Harris to be your president…

Philip Zelikow, the man who directed the 9/11 Commission long accused of covering up the true story of the September 11th attacks, has endorsed Kamala Harris for President alongside more than 100 of his fellow deep state GOP’ers. In part, the group cited Harris’s support for the continued operation of America’s global war machine as a reason for their endorsement.

In 2002, Philip Zelikow, an academic and longtime associate of Bush Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice, was appointed Executive Director of the 9/11 Commission formed by Congress with the backing of the George W. Bush Administration to “investigate” the September 11th attacks. At the time of the Commission, Zelikow’s perceived conflicts of interest (due to his association with Rice) were staunchly criticized and fuel was added to this fire when he was appointed Counselor of the U.S. State Department in 2005, just months after the 9/11 Commission concluded.

Zelikow’s ties to the U.S. State Department and the GOP establishment date back decades, having worked under the Reagan Administration and the H.W. Bush Administration as well.

Between and after his stints in the federal government, Zelikow has worked at Harvard and the University of Virginia, among others.

He’s remained involved in politics, however, especially when it comes to taking on the Trump campaign and the MAGA movement.

In 2020, Zelikow was one of over 130 Republican deep staters who signed onto a letter calling Donald Trump “unfit” to serve as President while endorsing Joe Biden.

Now, in 2024, he’s back.

Zelikow was one of more than 100 former Republican staffers and bureaucrats from the Reagan and Bush Administrations and the failed presidential campaigns of John McCain and Mitt Romney, to endorse Kamala Harris in a letter released last Wednesday, September 18th.

Signees also included former Republican members of Congress, like Adam Kinzinger and it employed the same “unfit” terminology as the 2020 letter.

Among other things, the new letter praised Kamala Harris’s pro-war posturing and ardent support of the U.S.-funded NATO alliance and its activities in Ukraine.

Harris, the letter fawned, “Supported a strong NATO to stand up to Russia and protect European and American security and [has] been firm in her support of Ukraine.”


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6e2a14 No.21662122


Anchor tenant is?

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270861 No.21662123

File: 8d594e547519230⋯.png (311.9 KB,485x419,485:419,ClipboardImage.png)

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3e1854 No.21662124


>Its either wait for Christ or use force against every DC bureaucrat employee, federal and state, past and present.

succinct summation

get the rope

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8d6a95 No.21662125


puhleaze let it be sew!!!

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e9f26a No.21662126


Light-in-the-Loafers is shilling for nuclear war.

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5cf86e No.21662127


the link sends me to an end militarism website ..

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7be893 No.21662128


what is possibly left to throw at him? asking for a fren

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57002b No.21662129


>mindless followers than actual believers


last church service I attended seemed that way.

after years of non-attendance, it was the exact same format. scary

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bd34c2 No.21662130


Den of vipers?



In need of a table flipping

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8bfc1b No.21662131


the nicknames are so lame

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89b963 No.21662132

Another Noncitizen Charged with Illegally Voting in a U.S. Election.

Iowa Attorney General Brenna Bird (R) has filed voter fraud charges against Jorge Oscar Sanchez-Vasquez, a noncitizen residing legally in the United States. He faces two counts of election misconduct stemming from his alleged actions on July 16, 2024, during a special election for the Marshalltown City Council. According to Bird’s office, the charges include registering to vote and casting a ballot on the same day.

Concerns regarding the illegal participation of noncitizens in U.S. elections have been increasing over the past year as more incidents of criminal acts have been uncovered. The National Pulse reported in July that survey data shows a statistically significant number of noncitizens have illegally voted in American elections. Additionally, a recent investigation in the U.S. territory of Puerto Rico found approximately 900,000 ineligible voters were listed on its voter rolls—though in this instance, the individuals were predominantly deceased.


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c3f91f No.21662133


not dead simply re-couched different means, same end.

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67a2e5 No.21662134

File: e21a1c4887553dc⋯.png (1.16 MB,1200x580,60:29,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9b1a7d427229526⋯.png (1.27 MB,1560x877,1560:877,ClipboardImage.png)

Leidos replaces Lockheed Martin on Artemis rover team

Updated September 26, 2024

Lunar Outpost, one of three companies that won NASA contracts earlier this year to begin design work on Artemis lunar rovers, has added Leidos to its team after parting ways with Lockheed Martin.

Colorado-based Lunar Outpost announced Sept. 24 that Leidos had joined its Lunar Dawn team that is designing a rover for NASA’s Lunar Terrain Vehicle (LTV) Services program.

Lunar Outpost was one of three companies, alongside Astrolab and Intuitive Machines, selected for contracts by NASA in April for the first phase of the program.

Leidos will provide its expertise in human factors as well as areas like mission assurance and systems engineering.

“Astronaut safety is our number one priority when building our vehicle, and we are thrilled to have the industry leader in human-centered design on our team,” said Forrest Meyen, program manager for Lunar Dawn at Lunar Outpost, in a statement.

That statement listed the other members of the Lunar Dawn team: General Motors, Goodyear and MDA Space. Notably absent was Lockheed Martin, which Lunar Outpost had described as its “principal partner” on the rover when it won the NASA contract in April.

The website for Lunar Dawn also did not list Lockheed Martin as a partner.

In a Sept. 25 interview, Justin Cyrus, chief executive of Lunar Outpost, confirmed that Lockheed Martin was no longer involved in the rover project.

“We just weren’t able to reach an agreement as we were negotiating the terms and conditions of the statement of work for this contract,” he said.

He didn’t elaborate on the specific issues that led the companies to walk away. “We still think that Lockheed Martin is a great company,” he said. “However, it wasn’t a good fit for us or them to work together as a part of this contract.”

“We are no longer a part of the Lunar Dawn team as withdrawing made the most sense for our business and strategy,” Lockheed Martin said in a statement to SpaceNews Sept. 26.

“Over the last three years we have invested significant resources to develop lunar mobility technology.

This is in addition to evaluating our next steps for how this technology and our Lunar Mobility Vehicle can best be used on the Moon and toward building a future lunar economy.”

Cyrus said the companies decided to part ways about three months ago, although neither company publicly confirmed it before now.

After that decision, Lunar Outpost started discussions with Leidos about joining Lunar Dawn.

He said the companies held off announcing the teaming arrangement until the paperwork was complete.

Leidos is not a direct replacement for Lockheed Martin on the rover project.

“Leidos is bringing their own specific set of capabilities to the Lunar Dawn team,” he said, with the roles Lockheed would have handled reapportioned among the other companies involved.

Lockheed’s departure also means changes to the rover itself.

New illustrations of the rover released by Lunar Outpost reveal significant changes when compared to the illustration that Lunar Outpost released in April when it won the NASA contract.

The changes, Cyrus said, reflects removing Lockheed’s intellectual property, or IP, from the design,

“This rover doesn’t have any Lockheed Martin IP in it. This is only Lunar Outpost IP,” he said.

“We went through a pretty detailed effort to make sure that nothing was left over from working with Lockheed Martin.”

Lunar Outpost isn’t disclosing details about the revised design, although Cyrus said the company will share more details in the coming months.

He added that the design does meet or exceed NASA’s requirements for the LTV program, and that there “wasn’t too much rework” on the contract because of the change in companies involved.

Leidos had earlier been a bidder on the LTV program, offering a different design that was not selected by NASA.

The Lunar Dawn team is considering incorporating some unspecified elements of that design into the rover.

“There are a few things being evaluated from that previous Leidos design,” Cyrus said.

“It’s not out of the question that something might make its way in as we go throughout this process.”


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201209 No.21662135

File: 2fbf0e0470f5c20⋯.png (674.38 KB,642x779,642:779,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d6616af6564f839⋯.mp4 (1.27 MB,320x320,1:1,GOTTA_LOVE_FLORIDA.mp4)



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3682b5 No.21662136

File: 6306e0a01b7de57⋯.jpg (105.57 KB,453x258,151:86,zelikowwhat.jpg)

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c1c80d No.21662137

Who is going to pardon Hunter Biden?

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aaeeab No.21662138


God I believe it is real

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f12624 No.21662139

File: 58b8aa20f78e052⋯.png (1.77 MB,844x1170,422:585,58b8aa20f78e052532d7741925….png)


Baker ReeeeClaiming

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740070 No.21662140


I would cut that sign down and take some fucking food anyway.

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a59b4b No.21662141

File: e5c75361108a0c4⋯.jpeg (82.4 KB,640x373,640:373,IMG_7879.jpeg)




> Was wondering about the X

The liver part?

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6e2a14 No.21662142


Jamie's shop! Who knew? (From 2022) (Lotsa GlowBull Financials dere…)

Shanghai Tower rentals reflect confidence in country

""JP Morgan rented 8,000 sq m when it relocated to Shanghai Tower at the beginning of 2019, and its office space there has now increased to 26,000 sq m, as the company expands its business in China by acquiring business licenses for commercial banking, securities and futures in the country.""


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3e1854 No.21662143


>"they are not Jews, they are of the synagogue of Satan"

they don't call themselves the synagogue of satan

they call themselves jews

stop trying to obfuscate the simple truth by playing word games, ya filthy yid

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57002b No.21662144


faa: we're going to fine you, but can you rescue our astronauts?

need your help, but we hate you cause not a woke golbohomo like us.

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bcf05d No.21662145

File: c9dc1df87256eac⋯.jpg (150.56 KB,800x1133,800:1133,IMG_2046.JPG)

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89b963 No.21662147

Users of public access Wi-Fi at 19 major British railway stations were told “the Islamisation of Europe is already happening, and it’s getting worse each day” in what police have called an “Islamophobic” hack.

British Transport Police say they are investigating “Islamophobic messaging on some Network Rail Wi-Fi services” after the default landing page for public internet available at some of the country’s largest railway stations was changed on Wednesday.


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090a47 No.21662148

File: fc370c8073ca1f9⋯.png (527.6 KB,780x440,39:22,Prostitutor.png)


I still like the one Walz accidentally gave her

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fe3edd No.21662149


Ditto Anon.

Same happens on my Truth account too.

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8d6a95 No.21662150



Grammar kitten will eviscerate them for not ending the sentence correctly. Anon would fill in 'niggerfied' at the end.

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f12624 No.21662151

File: 0f4cca2dfc66857⋯.png (177.33 KB,294x417,98:139,0f4cca2dfc6685781c84ee8bdb….png)




any notes collected for this bread?

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7316d2 No.21662152



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3e1854 No.21662153


>they don't know they're dumb

that would be a concise definition of dumb

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aaeeab No.21662155

File: 216465970b31084⋯.png (1.3 MB,591x1280,591:1280,bca70b8c6244d6fe4a71638133….png)

File: 3107475f9c8e005⋯.png (1.33 MB,591x1280,591:1280,6be8a0b97570a6a353b0b634c4….png)

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740070 No.21662156


At that point there is no voting our way out of communism. We'll have to take that power back for ourselves and our own local communities.

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aaeeab No.21662157

File: 6392b5b33861715⋯.png (1.25 MB,766x3676,383:1838,1449_1_.png)

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60caf3 No.21662158

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

It's gonna be a damn gully washer ma

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89b963 No.21662159

File: f87b5ab01091f90⋯.png (361.27 KB,562x547,562:547,ClipboardImage.png)

New York City Schools Chancellor David Banks Announces Retirement After Feds Raid His Home

New York City Schools Chancellor David Banks announced Wednesday that he will be retiring Dec. 31.

Federal agents raided the home of the 62-year-old chancellor, who helms the largest school system in the country, on Sept. 4, CBS News reported. Authorities reportedly seized his phones. Officials claimed that Banks already decided to retire prior to the raid.


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270861 No.21662160



There aren't any blue state governors left

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5892bb No.21662161


Armageddon is upon us

We must fight or die, probably both

Islam/Judism is religion of fallen man

It’s your duty

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3e1854 No.21662164


>using the 3 letter agencies to enforce it

the fbi/cia versus 80 million deer hunters?


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a59b4b No.21662165

File: ee744e0c8478ea1⋯.jpeg (21.71 KB,255x204,5:4,IMG_7769.jpeg)


> Users of public access Wi-Fi at 19 major British railway stations were told “the Islamisation of Europe is already happening

Western culture destroyed from within

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e66d70 No.21662166

File: fcb75ece4dd9a67⋯.png (248.18 KB,611x376,13:8,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7cb6b5dc1de36e0⋯.png (303.97 KB,629x584,629:584,ClipboardImage.png)

Alex Soros

@AlexanderSoros 4h

Inspiring conversation with @Tsihanouskaya, who embodies resilience and determination, in her unwavering struggle fordemocracy in Belarus.

Sep 26, 2024 · 2:13 PM UTC




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8079e0 No.21662167


to do what? Christianity does not escape this.

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bfdc9a No.21662168

File: 8b83a3cbed2434b⋯.jpeg (29.58 KB,442x408,13:12,C53919C2_5E59_47C9_A0FC_4….jpeg)

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6c30da No.21662169


Got another format?

This mp4 type is not supported.

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67a2e5 No.21662170

File: 827aa3b3cc4b0b5⋯.png (304.89 KB,1200x800,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d4e6f07010e0a21⋯.png (276.44 KB,541x706,541:706,ClipboardImage.png)

Japan launches IGS Radar 8 reconnaissance satellite with penultimate H-2A rocket

September 26, 2024

Japan launched the classified IGS-Radar 8 satellite early Thursday with the second-to-last H-2A rocket.

A Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) H-2A rocket in a figuration with a pair of SRB-A3 solid boosters lifted off from Tanegashima Space Center in southwestern Japan at 1:24 a.m. Eastern (0524 UTC) Sept. 26. MHI confirmed separation of the IGS-Radar 8 reconnaissance satellite from the launch vehicle around two hours after launch.

Information Gathering Satellite (IGS) Radar 8 was launched into sun-synchronous orbit (SSO).

Japan’s Cabinet Satellite Information Center will operate the satellite. The IGS series includes both optical and radar satellites.

Radar 8 will gather data for intelligence purposes and environmental and natural disaster monitoring, as with earlier IGS satellites.

The H-2A debuted in 2001 and has flown 49 times with a single failure, suffered in 2003, resulting in the loss of the IGS-2 satellite.

The rocket’s 50th launch will be its last. The final H-2A core stage is now completed and is scheduled for shipment to the Tanegashima Space Center, MHI announced in a Sept. 25 statement.

That launch, expected in late 2024, will carry the Global Observing SATellite for Greenhouse gasses and Water cycle (GOSAT-GW) satellite.

The H3 will succeed the H-2A. The new generation H3 had a troubled start, with its first flight, in March 2023 suffering a second stage engine failure.

This resulted in the loss of the ALOS-3 payload. The failure led the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) postponing a mission to collect samples from the Martian moon Phobos from 2024 to 2026.

Since then, the rocket’s fortunes have improved. The H3 has since flown successfully twice, in February and July this year.

The fourth launch of the new rocket is currently scheduled for Oct. 20, according to JAXA, with a launch window running through Nov. 30.

The launch will carry the X-band defense communication satellite-3. Earlier this month, Eutelsat signed a multi-launch agreement for multiple H3 rockets from 2027.

JAXA is working on plans for a new, large and reusable launch vehicle for its future space transportation plans. The agency is considering liquid methane as the fuel for the rocket.

Thursday’s launch was Japan’s fifth in 2024. Prior launches were the H-2A launch of IGS-Optical 8, the H3 test flight number 2 and H3 flight three, carrying ALOS-4.

The privately developed Japanese Kairos rocket exploded seconds after liftoff in March.

Other Japanese spaceflight activities include the Active Debris Removal by Astroscale-Japan (ADRAS-J), launched on a Falcon 9 in February, and launch of the StriX radar satellites for Japanese company Synspective on Rocket Lab Electron rockets. A Falcon 9 also launched the joint ESA-JAXA EarthCARE mission.


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c3f91f No.21662171

File: cd30cecc064da8a⋯.png (99.35 KB,200x200,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ac2624f84dd4862⋯.png (110.66 KB,1280x853,1280:853,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 76d06f3b6a21598⋯.png (277.39 KB,1700x1080,85:54,ClipboardImage.png)


the eight-point star is an Muslim motif called Rub el Hizb

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33f5c8 No.21662172

File: 8561d70ed6fc6d2⋯.png (148.58 KB,473x1400,473:1400,6F83C057_7C74_47B7_BADC_32….png)


RFK Jr- enough is enough.

Q drop 1010- enough is enough.









Coincidence? I believe not.

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89b963 No.21662173

File: 4a9b742946998f2⋯.png (1.1 MB,1200x630,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)

City of Madison Clerk Admits to Sending Thousands of Duplicate Absentee Ballots Across 10 Wards Ahead of Presidential Election

Deputy Clerk of the City of Madison, Jim Verbick, has confirmed that 2,215 duplicate absentee ballots are being sent out across ten wards, just weeks ahead of the critical presidential election.

Verbick claims that the ballots were sent due to a data processing error, which was allegedly caused by a mistake when attempting to merge files containing absentee ballots for voters with identical ballot styles, WKOW reported.

“There was a human error that occurred. Despite duplicate ballots being sent out, we will only accept one ballot from every voter, and when we get them back we will make sure that we only have one ballot.”

According to the Madison Clerk’s Office:

The Madison Clerk’s Office is rectifying a data processing error that caused duplicate absentee ballots to be sent to around 2,000 voters. The error affected only an isolated number of voters and was quickly caught and corrected so that it will not affect any other ballots going forward.

The Clerk’s office has been contacting voters individually to inform them of the error, caution them to submit only one ballot, and to destroy the second one to avoid any confusion.

Because the duplicate ballot envelopes have identical barcodes, in the unlikely event that a voter submits two absentee ballots, only one can be counted.

Once that envelope barcode is scanned, the voting system does not allow a ballot with the same barcode to be submitted. The voter is also marked in the poll book as having submitted their absentee ballot as another safeguard against the voter submitting a second ballot.

The clerk’s office insists that the problem is being addressed, but with confidence in election processes already fragile, many are questioning if this is just the tip of the iceberg.

Representative Tom Tiffany (R-WI) swiftly responded, calling for an independent investigation into the matter. Tiffany, a staunch advocate for election integrity, is demanding transparency from the Madison Clerk’s Office, led by Maribeth Witzel-Behl.

In his letter to Witzel-Behl, Rep. Tiffany wrote:

Like many Wisconsinites, I was alarmed by recent reports that “around 2,000” duplicate ballots have been sent out by your office. The Clerk’s Office has since issued a six-sentence statement claiming, without providing any significant details, that this “error” affected “an isolated number of voters” in a single ward and “was quickly caught and corrected.”

I am seeking additional information about the scope and details of these reports.

How was this “error” discovered?

Has the Clerk’s Office contacted law enforcement to investigate whether this “error” was the result of simple incompetence or a deliberate nefarious act?

Has the Clerk’s Office identified what person or persons are responsible for this “error”?

Has the Clerk’s Office taken steps to preserve all emails, internal communications, handwritten notes, and other records related to this “error”?

What is the exact number of duplicate ballots that were sent out by the Clerk’s Office?

The Clerk’s Office claims that this “error” affected voters in only one ward. Which ward was it?
Has the Clerk’s Office received any reports of duplicate ballots in other wards, or conducted any due diligence to ensure that this “error” was limited to just a single ward?

Have any of these duplicate ballots been returned to the Clerk’s Office, and if so, have they been set aside pending an investigation?

The Clerk’s Office has claimed that the duplicate ballots have unique bar codes. Are these unique ballot bar codes linked to individual, identifiable voter profiles?

Yesterday, the City of Madison Clerk admitted to an “error” that resulted in thousands of duplicate absentee ballots being mailed.


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febd10 No.21662174

Town full of panicked ex alphabet Intel shit bags

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bfdc9a No.21662175

File: 3f1799d268d4ddc⋯.png (325.2 KB,735x439,735:439,90D25276_FD91_4124_9430_62….png)

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740070 No.21662176


Neo-cons for Harris. Want more wars and poverty here at home? Vote for her!

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89b963 No.21662177

File: c90c63d68853904⋯.png (34.5 KB,487x312,487:312,ClipboardImage.png)

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090eee No.21662178




Easy to check -

>>21656824 (pb)

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bfdc9a No.21662179

File: f781af5724cc2fb⋯.png (862.02 KB,720x1408,45:88,0222539B_BB48_4C1B_B1EC_41….png)

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090a47 No.21662180


Worst Kid Rock impersonation ever

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33806b No.21662181






Check your swing states.

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e7a3db No.21662182

File: 6825f822540bc15⋯.png (1.27 MB,750x1334,375:667,B31AEC00_D318_424E_A428_26….png)

File: 9a88a6ded63554c⋯.png (180.57 KB,690x1554,115:259,EC37CB12_3F6A_4F40_9655_D5….png)

File: 22b7ef75c639c96⋯.png (1.93 MB,750x1334,375:667,FD6C5445_BED5_4D7E_989C_AB….png)

File: c3fda7d36241d9a⋯.jpeg (22.75 KB,253x233,253:233,F13EC23B_90E5_49A9_828C_C….jpeg)

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fcf8a0 No.21662183


The anchor tenant for King Tower in Shanghai is Alibaba Group. The building serves as one of Alibaba's key offices, housing various departments of the company.

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e36ac1 No.21662184

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

First Lady Melania Trump''s Full Interview on Fox & Friends

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bfdc9a No.21662185

File: 81d4f74256c47e7⋯.jpeg (101.41 KB,570x541,570:541,5E137A23_126E_4CEF_977E_1….jpeg)

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681688 No.21662186


Go back to piano playing at the blue oyster

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febd10 No.21662188

The final moments of the Satanist and the retarded deepfuck are upon us

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7316d2 No.21662189

File: ac490fb4917afaf⋯.jpeg (1.14 MB,1125x1939,1125:1939,IMG_2188.jpeg)

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681688 No.21662190


Go back to piano playing at the blue oyster

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3e1854 No.21662191


>Minnesota’s flag and seal redesign to cost state $2.1 million

flags represent TRADITION

"redesigning" flags is tantamount to abandoning tradition

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c3f91f No.21662192


now do Clinton

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62b812 No.21662193

File: db93d2c8d2f14ce⋯.png (1.29 MB,708x3358,354:1679,850d35bb_922c_49bf_8ff7_c1….png)

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aaeeab No.21662194

File: 978c3e3a2eedf63⋯.mp4 (3.54 MB,368x480,23:30,978c3e3a2eedf63772858e1f1a….mp4)

File: f0b7e11b6d03032⋯.mp4 (4.54 MB,640x360,16:9,f0b7e11b6d030320bc989e440c….mp4)


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9a2eee No.21662195

File: b7a1cae3fb0a97b⋯.jpg (484.24 KB,1080x1643,1080:1643,Screenshot_20240926_120859….jpg)

Amid unfounded claims of widespread voter fraud, we VERIFY what systems states have in place to keep ineligible voters from casting ballots.


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89b963 No.21662196

File: 98d6f7ba615d076⋯.png (478.49 KB,750x375,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Mandatory Vaccination and Confinement Included in Draconian Health Bill for NI

The NI Government is currently running a public consultation on the Orwellian Public Health Bill. The new Bill is seeking to upgrade and strengthen the existing Public Health Act and bring it into alignment with the World Health Organisation’s notorious International Health Regulations. Human Rights Lawyer Michael Brentnall has analysed the 79-page policy document in detail and explains what he found in a highly informative video interview. He describes the proposed NI Public Health Bill as “spine-chilling” and “the most frightening piece of proposed piece of legislation I have ever read”. Mr. Brentnall says that this Bill has “the potential to take us to a dystopian future whereby we are under the jackboot of the state”.

The Bill would give the authorities unprecedented power in a health emergency, including the ability to mandate vaccines and preventative treatment for individuals, potentially opening the door to forced vaccinations. It also seeks to give authorities the power to:

detain and quarantine individuals for up to 28 days;

mandate the wearing of “medical clothing” e.g. face masks;

force medical examinations and health monitoring;

forcibly enter premises and confiscate belongings without a warrant;

require children to be kept off school;

close businesses and keep adults off work;

breach medical confidentiality and privacy by allowing wide data sharing of patient medical information with various state bodies;

require an individual to answer questions regarding their health status;

require a person to attend “training or advice sessions”;

legislate as to “where the person may go or with whom the person has contact”.

A court would simply have to ascertain that a person “may be infected” or “could present” a risk to human health and infection or contamination of others. This is far too weak a position to justify the draconian and extreme restrictions and requirements detailed in the document. Forced medical examination, forced vaccination, removal and detention of a person and the restriction of movement, on the basis of an unproven risk, are gross violations of medical ethics and fundamental human rights.

The provision to remove a person to a hospital or “other facility” and detain his against his will is sinister and a breach of fundamental individual freedoms and rights. This power was greatly abused in New Zealand and some Australian states during the Covid lockdowns and amounts to internment without trial, based on unproven and unreliable testing procedures such as PCR tests.

The proposed isolation of individuals was a measure used during Covid and had serious detrimental effects on the mental and physical health of many. The risks to the individual and society far outweigh any purported benefits. Human beings are sociable, needing human company to maintain overall physical and mental health. Isolation benefits no-one, particularly children.

The legislation extends to premises, people and things, and gives the authorities (in the form of the police and other unspecified enforcement agencies) powers which they have never previously had, including powers to seize people’s property, to enter premises to disinfect or decontaminate, and to “require a person to answer questions”. There is no doubt that these powers will be open to abuse by overzealous officials or poorly trained constables.


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57002b No.21662197


'yahu might know what's coming and wants full out ww iii to escape.

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b14f9f No.21662198


Madonna farts with each step

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bfdc9a No.21662199

File: 908b73766827ed8⋯.jpg (236.83 KB,1252x965,1252:965,BBC_Pedophiles_Uncle_Ernie.jpg)



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bcf05d No.21662200

File: 27ead751d59c80c⋯.jpeg (128.45 KB,1100x619,1100:619,CARW9185.jpeg)

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201209 No.21662201

File: e4b9cfa083bea37⋯.png (541.56 KB,880x677,880:677,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3f238830d53ea25⋯.mp4 (548.63 KB,480x270,16:9,NOW_THIS_IS_HOW_YOU_DEAL_W….mp4)




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090a47 No.21662203

File: ef075c42bea937b⋯.png (143.56 KB,1920x919,1920:919,Screenshot_2024_09_26_at_1….png)


Well how about that, McLean actually has traffic cam feeds. I hope an anon does not waste any fine beverages shooting them out the nostrils when spotting the ones that look kinda like they've just been probed by the dudes with the deely-bobs on their heads

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bcf05d No.21662204

File: 73c3bd56eda784e⋯.jpg (38.33 KB,347x424,347:424,IMG_2267.JPG)

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bfdc9a No.21662205

File: 5eeda9c1797e005⋯.mp4 (10.62 MB,mematicMeme.mp4)

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6c911f No.21662206

File: f4466b2e854cc57⋯.png (11.92 KB,457x224,457:224,ClipboardImage.png)


>kinetic energy

We are moving fast.

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89b963 No.21662207

1970 Hearing Reveals ADHD as Government-Funded Drug Experiment on Children

In 1970 a lawmaker wanted to know if the federal government had a hand in drugging school-age children that largely has today remained an unspoken, well-funded, uncontrolled clinical drug trial.

September 29, 1970, New Jersey Congressman Cornelis E. Gallagher held a hearing into the federal government’s role in promoting the use of amphetamines and Ritalin as behavior modification of grammar school children.


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df1608 No.21662208

File: 453dc3e3ba89999⋯.png (202.85 KB,681x842,681:842,MOMabandonedstatusaslawful….png)

File: 12a7d235d410f96⋯.pdf (281.27 KB,PDFabandonstatusaslawfulpe….pdf)

File: 595ae6d8db85ef7⋯.png (77.82 KB,952x321,952:321,picabaondonLPRstatus.png)

File: c9e776ba020b714⋯.png (216.36 KB,982x602,491:301,MOMpetitiontoclassifyfamil….png)

File: 378cea138b868ac⋯.png (469.08 KB,1119x842,1119:842,momCanadianImmigrationReco….png)



MOM abandoned her status as lawful permanent resident of the US.Feb 13th 1976

Pic from pdf of who/why one may abandon their status as Lawful Permanent Resident.


1. Did mom have custody of Kamala after the divorce (1972)?

2. Did mom take Kamala/Sister to Canada?

3. Did mom/Kamala/Sister reapply for Lawful Resident status upon return from Canada?

-Page 30 redacted, regarding petition to add a family member to Lawful Resident Status.

-Mom apparently took DAUGHTERS to Canada with her.

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1d7008 No.21662210


you want them getting raped?

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7316d2 No.21662211


Am thinking it’s a sign of the s population trying to sneakily gain a foothold.

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740070 No.21662212


Pretty horrible. This is what we get when we have very bad leadership. Want to test it out another 4 years?

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aaeeab No.21662213

File: 0b7909c6bf86c5e⋯.mp4 (591.05 KB,1280x720,16:9,0b7909c6bf86c5eae18c3a24d7….mp4)

File: ebaa493ba12998d⋯.png (127.75 KB,766x980,383:490,49_7_.png)

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3b38fa No.21662214


Would be better if he just handed him to Putin.

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6e2a14 No.21662215


It was a lot more than 2200 extri's sent, turns out.

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bcf05d No.21662216

File: f12fb6322b6542b⋯.jpg (109.72 KB,782x767,782:767,IMG_2529.JPG)

File: 8426db279e5fb61⋯.jpg (87.66 KB,1305x744,435:248,IMG_2546.JPG)

File: 6e38f15c79b99b5⋯.png (52.07 KB,590x262,295:131,IMG_2551.PNG)

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09365f No.21662217


Moar beans ms taggart?

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aaeeab No.21662219


water management systems taggart construction

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5cf86e No.21662220


MBS jpg

the Crown Prince part of the plan too … he thwarted the attack in Vegas on POTUS, sadly so many innocents martyred that day

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740070 No.21662222


This is why Americans have guns. Got to be able to defend yourselves if need be.

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62b812 No.21662224

File: a62a50516d969a6⋯.mp4 (6.32 MB,640x272,40:17,a62a50516d969a6ebc9fae03f6….mp4)

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639f04 No.21662225


Not the leafs

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b3048e No.21662226



>the Crown Prince part of the plan too … he thwarted the attack in Vegas on POTUS, sadly so many innocents martyred that day

hope we get full transparency on that event soon

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ce73fc No.21662227

File: 951f5a2cafa8e21⋯.png (411.54 KB,816x456,34:19,951f5a2cafa8e2169f78325f73….png)

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bcf05d No.21662230

File: 6c53c1733c83886⋯.png (25.28 KB,201x241,201:241,UBIY4885.png)

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c3f91f No.21662231


>There aren't any blue state governors left



















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a4cd1d No.21662232

File: e0bb813eaeb01bf⋯.png (743.93 KB,788x562,394:281,IMG_6391.png)

These are called Frogs.

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f12624 No.21662233

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a971f7 No.21662234


The funny about this is clean little Zelensky thought he could con Trump, it didn't work. With the phone call he tried again, "surely Trump owes me now", nope that didn't work.

So Zelensky is lobbying against him so he can steal from America and share it Kamala and all the other corruoptocrats including Lindsey.

Guaranteed that's not going to work, but he will get a straightening up when Trump is back

Zelensky is working on igniting a WW to keep everyone involved.

The only leader that wants none of it is Putin, Trump knows this. (I wish RRN was real at times.)

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090eee No.21662238

File: 99365db776187c0⋯.png (59.21 KB,376x277,376:277,ClipboardImage.png)



Address your lies



>>21656824 (pb)

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c3f91f No.21662239


of course the Saudi gov will soon finance a mosque-building initiative. Just as they do elsewhere in the world.

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6e2a14 No.21662240


Sorry, JB Pritzker's shadow was eclipsing your list….

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b3048e No.21662241

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


> he thwarted the attack in Vegas on POTUS, sadly so many innocents martyred that day

While we're on the topic of the LV attack on 2017

Refresher on Gio Rios, Las Vegas Survivor's account.


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090eee No.21662244




>Address your lies

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201209 No.21662246

File: 7ac85718796f28f⋯.jpg (54.44 KB,537x640,537:640,7ac85718796f28f590fbb27ed7….jpg)

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c3f91f No.21662247


2027 term limit

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1ffc48 No.21662249


All I’m saying is they are called Frogs. Those aren’t seals or rangers. They are known as frogs.

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27ba6d No.21662252

File: 5930392787d734c⋯.png (31.61 KB,462x472,231:236,pepeyes.png)

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090a47 No.21662253

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Metallica…on the bagpipes

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f4aabf No.21662258


Maybe you’ve heard,

Give me two frogs here or send three frogs then, another is, put a frog on the bank and wait for his call, or frog calls the ball.

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d64620 No.21662262


>Do you follow the stars?

Sorry, Anon. I've been persona non grata for a verylongtime when it comes to Twitter. Even if I wanted to, I'm prohibited from doing so, by the (((powers that be))).

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67a2e5 No.21662265

File: 0b68465add8032d⋯.png (432.07 KB,881x625,881:625,ClipboardImage.png)

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27ba6d No.21662268


potus frogs are tough.

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5f51d8 No.21662273


That’s a picture not for anons or Pepe memes. That’s a picture for the swamp.

Frogs a coming.

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090eee No.21662275



Address your lies

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6b7d13 No.21662283

File: a5789d0ad282b44⋯.png (71.7 KB,500x728,125:182,ClipboardImage.png)

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201209 No.21662284

File: 9f13e5ef7bbb039⋯.jpg (125.35 KB,1280x720,16:9,9f13e5ef7bbb039dd97c10d075….jpg)

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3b38fa No.21662285

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d4ec00 No.21662286

Burn it all down. That is my only wish.

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289dc5 No.21662287


>goat fucker identified

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090eee No.21662290


>I haven't lied.



>>21656824 (pb)

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5557ac No.21662323

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