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File: 572c5594d4d5523⋯.png (98.21 KB,512x270,256:135,2024_09_26_1_36_35.png)

2f30e0 No.21653522 [Last50 Posts]

Let's find out the TRUTH!

This thread is for ELECTION RELATED issues:

- what we learned from 2020

- how we can do better in 2024

- Trump assassination plots & investigations

WE MUST WIN. Failure is not an option:

The Corrupt UN Passes Global Action to Rule the World

September 23, 2024

The corrupt UN passes global action to take over the world. Trump is our only hope.


Please stay on topic, general posts are for the General thread.

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2f30e0 No.21653551

File: 77bd9ce5ddba7df⋯.png (95.96 KB,548x353,548:353,2024_09_25_00_43_54.png)

File: 69636e8f1269dfd⋯.png (1.15 MB,1821x1530,607:510,2024_09_25_00_52_15.png)

File: 5c0ab8446475c2d⋯.png (498.91 KB,1689x1228,1689:1228,2024_09_25_00_50_34.png)

File: 8e8294bb68c8b6b⋯.png (283.92 KB,897x504,299:168,2024_09_25_00_59_36.png)


In November 2020, several of us started digging on the problems with the 2020 election, with a focus on election fraud, GEMS (the software developed to permit fractionalized voting), and election systems such as Dominion, ES&S, etc.

When IMAGES went down for a month on QR, we moved the thread to ENDCHAN in Oct 2021.

There are two threads there now, one that is more narrative and another with additional info on 2020 election fraud.


There is a LOT of info on 2020 election fraud in these threads.

VERY USEFUL for current digs, please take a look.

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2f30e0 No.21653553


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2f30e0 No.21653556


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2f30e0 No.21653586

File: 4b549b1abc7bc84⋯.png (107.5 KB,1071x254,1071:254,2024_09_25_01_15_11.png)

File: dbae0a8c02293b0⋯.png (150.43 KB,1835x641,1835:641,2024_09_25_01_17_27.png)

File: ee917bcb3ab6a0e⋯.png (266.55 KB,1386x448,99:32,2024_09_25_01_15_34.png)

Role of CISA in 2020 Election Fraud

CISA played a decisive role in the outcome of the 2020 election because it CERTIFIED that election as being valid right away. It was only later that it became clear that CISA is a throughly CORRUPT organization totally coopted by election systems like Dominion and various other shadowy entities.

It's likely that CISA will AGAIN play a decisive role in 2024. It's corruption needs to be EXPOSED in advance. We won't be fooled again.

For more on CISA, see:





Devolution Part 5

Devolution Recap Series - Part 5 - CISA & Our Elections


Election Infrastructure Subsector Coordinating Council Charter://www.cisa.gov › default › files › publications


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2f30e0 No.21653587


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2f30e0 No.21653589


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2f30e0 No.21653593

2024 ELECTION DIGS ARE BELOW vvvvvvvvvvvvvvv

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2f30e0 No.21653605

The easiest way to unlawfully defeat your opponent is simply to KILL him.

So far, the investigations into the first Trump assassination attempt have been TOTALLY INADEQUATE.

They don't care. They are losing their grip and are desperate to stay in control.


Dem Rep. Dan Goldman Declares Trump ‘Will Execute a Coup’ on January 6th, 2025

Democratic Congressman Dan Goldman has claimed that Donald Trump is planning to “execute a coup” on January 6th next year.

In a fundraising plea sent viaActBlue, Goldman suggested that Trump will task Speaker of the House Mike Johnson to “execute a coup” on his behalf:

Dan Goldman here with an important update on Donald Trump and New York. In just a few hours, Trump will hold a rally on Long Island in a critical battleground district. Trump knows his campaign can’t win New York. But he also knows that the path to the House majority runs straight through New York.

Why does he care? Because he wants Mike Johnson – the architect of the 2020 effort to overturn the election – to be Speaker of the House on January 6, 2025 in order to execute a coup when he loses.

We cannot let that happen. Will you rush a contribution to help make sure we flip the House so that Hakeem Jeffries will be the Speaker on January 6?

His comments come just days after the second assassination attempt against Trump by another left-wing lunatic,while Democrats continue to deny that their wild rhetoric about the presidential frontrunner is stoking violence against him…


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2f30e0 No.21653796


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2f30e0 No.21653820

Recent Assassination Digs:

>>21343702 Chinese National Arrested Repeatedly Trying Get Into Mar-a-Lago, Claims Possess Documents Linking Chinese Gov to 7/13 assassination Attempt

>>21343203, >>21343235, >>21343265, >>21343384, >>21343310, >>21343314, >>21343441, >>21343609, >>21343664, >>21343754, >>21343737, >>21343748, >>21343761, >>21343780, >>21343802, >>21343888, >>21343901 assassin Shooter DIGG

>>21344569 The true facts of the conspiracy to assassinate Trump are hidden in sealed motions filed in the U.S. Court - Minnesota

>>21443986, >>21444338 Random Video Surfaces of assassin Thomas Crooks at Butler Rally Before Shooting

>>21597437, >>21597516, >>21597708 Ryan Wesley Routh's ActBlue donations - all to deomcrats

>>21597452 How did the shooter know when Trump would be on the course? Inside info fed to him?

>>21597459, >>21597489, >>21597879, >>21597933 Ryan Routh is owner of CampBox

>>21597769 CampBox website is now down

>>21597793 Routh Roofing, Inc

>>21597470, >>21597514 Golf course logistics

>>21597476 Would-be assassin Ryan Routh is anti police pro BLM leftist

>>21597690, >>21597527, >>21597820, >>21597486, >>21597687, >>21597936 Was Ryan a CIA mercenary recruiter?

>>21597986 Palm Beach shooter Ryan Routh works with the "National Volunteer Center sending soldiers to Ukraine and Taiwan"

>>21597481 Erik Prince calls on Florida Governor Ron DeSantis to immediately assume control of the investigation

>>21597506, >>21597852 Ryan Routh's LinkedIn

>>21597511, >>21597525, >>21597529, >>21597536, >>21597540, >>21597541, >>21597761, >>21597762, >>21597765, >>21597979 Ryan's Social Media posts

>>21597532 Trump assassination Attempt: Here's what the sheriff's office said during press conference

>>21597550, >>21597571, >>21597610 Adam Schiff

>>21597564, >>21597918 Wife: Lora Routh

>>21597602 Chuckles makes a statement

>>21597633 FBI names Ryan Wesley Routh as 'apparent Trump assassination attempt' suspect

>>21597663 Ryan Routh was apparently already low-key media famous

>>21597647 In a 2022 interview with Newsweek Romania, Routh was candid about his pro-Ukraine views

>>21597567 Ryan Routh, with gun, barricades self inside business

>>21597636 Margo Martin: Fight Night from Trump Force One! ??

>>21597665, >>21597675 Fight, fight, fight Qpost also aligns with red carpet news from today

>>21597685, >>21597702 How Kamala Harris Knocked Donald Trump Off Course: Did TIME Magazine send a go-code?

>>21597718 Facebook deletes assassin's account

>>21597967, >>21597985 Shooter's FB page archived

>>21597743 Radical Leftists are once again calling for violence following another attempted assassination of Donald Trump

>>21597758, >>21597845 Look at the phone number

>>21597772 Scavino: ????

>>21597848, >>21597856, >>21597909, >>21597980 Greensboro, NC also documentation of a Ryan Routh

>>21597855 We still have work to do

>>21597890 Hakeem Jeffries: Extreme MAGA Republicans are the party of a national abortion ban and Trump's Project 2025 - we must stop them

>>21597927 Demands mount for Trump to get same protection as Biden after yet another assassination plot

>>21597960 DeSantis knew about the raid on Mar-A-Lago and didn't stop it?

>>21597981 Daniel Routh Obituary

>>21597993 Ryan's e-mail adresses

>>21597995 6.5 magnitude earthquake hits off coast of British Columbia

>>21598067 When asked about the threat level against Trump, Secret Service representative said: "We live in dangerous times"

>>21598277 Ryan was featured in a YouTube prankster video where he attempted to recruit "revolutionaries" on the Harvard campus

>>21598282, >>21598298, >>21598967 assassin was following his Ex-CIA handler, Soo Kim (who only has 3k followers)?

>>21598295 NBC endorses the assassination attempt on Trump

>>21598296 Apr 2023: US mercenary (Ryan Routh) plans to recruit Pakistani-based Afghan refugees as fighters for Ukraine

>>21598304, >>21598950 This is the FBI official who spoke at the assassination attempt press conference

>>21598306 @DonaldJTrumpJr: Sounds like this psychopath spends a lot of time watching leftwing propaganda

>>21598313, >>21598448 Social media companies like Meta/Facebook are working quickly to delete the pages of Trump assassin Ryan Routh

>>21598357 Alexander S. Vindman endorses the assassination attempt on Trump

>>21598423 Hakeem Jeffries endorses the assassination attempt on Trump

>>21598529 DeSantis: The State of Florida will be conducting its own investigation regarding the attempted assassination of Trump

>>21598554 CNN pretty much broke this story today about the 2nd assassination attempt

>>21598571 CBS endorses the assassination attempt on Trump

>>21598576 Ryan Routh was the registered agent for a few businesses, "United Roofing", "United Network", "United Finance and Leasing"

>>21598582, >>21598597, >>21598615, >>21598639, >>21598662 LIKE A BOSS!!!??????

>>21598587 In 2023, the [New York Times] profiled the Trump [shooter] and his efforts to recruit foreign fighters for Ukraine

>>21598625, >>21598690, >>21598810 Thomas Matthew Crooks was tied to BlackRock, and now Ryan Routh is tied to ClA

>>21598604 Is Trump's Would be assassin Ryan Routh an Associate of MSNBC Terrorism Analyst Malcolm Nance?

>>21598618, >>21598629 (2020) Kamala Harris jokes about killing President Trump and Mike Pence

>>21598619 The assassin tried making a mercenary group for Taiwan

>>21598632 Statement from Trump

>>21598635 Not sure if Ryan Routh is related to John B. Routh, but his name comes up in this declassified document from the ClA

>>21598644 Shooter, who spent months fighting in Ukraine, has zero links to anyone in US military or intelligence circles?

>>21598668 Statement from POTATO Resident Crooked Joe on Trump's Second assassination Attempt

>>21598691 How does an "average" home contractor from NC get to Ukraine, and get high level involvement to "recruit" soldiers?

>>21598714 C. Owens: Everything about this shooter's background reeks of a criminal-turned-Federal asset in prison

>>21598744 James Woods: The Secret Service employs 3,200 special agents, 1,300 Uniformed Division officers, and 2000 others …

>>21598745 Donald, you have protected my kind - I hereby name you honorary feline and grant you 9 lives

>>21598750 Lindsey Graham on FoxNews said he was supposed to be playing golf with Trump today "but he couldn't make it"

>>21598799 Archive: Here are all 509 posts and replies from Ryan Routh's socials

>>21598834 The go signal on 9/11 TIME magazine

>>21598843, >>21598909 The Trump shooter was caught in 2002 with a weapon of mass destruction, and only got probation?

>>21598908 Another Ryan Routh Interview

>>21598921 Mike Johnson: Kelly and I just spent a few hours with President Trump and are thanking God for protecting him today

>>21598949 Q4686: SEPT 14-18, 21-25 [track & follow events]

>>21599019 Attempted Trump assassin Ryan Routh appeared in a propaganda video for the AZOV BATTALLION in May 2022

>>21599023 Loomer: I have been receiving death threats all week - the media is trying to get President Trump and his supporters killed

>>21599133, >>21599228, >>21599383 Who leaked Trump's schedule? The two that were supposed to golf with him today "but couldn't make it"?

>>21599146, >>21599166 Possible Arnold Schwarzenegger comms: Freeze and Ivy, reunited - watch out, Batman

>>21599147, >>21599183, >>21599276 Trump FL shooter appeared in a AZOV Battalion propaganda video in May 2022

>>21599152 Regional Medical Director at Adfinitas Health in Wilkes-Barre, PA on today's events: "Deal with it"

>>21599168 "Trump is safe after mostly peaceful popping sounds 250 yards from his vicinity" -MSM

>>21599191 In 2002, Trump assassin was arrested for possessing a weapon of mass destruction, yet his punishment was probation

>>21599191 In 2002, Trump assassin was arrested for possessing a weapon of mass destruction, yet his punishment was probation

>>21599198 Trump Camp: NY Times Incites Violence Against Vance

>>21599203 Last month, Dan Bongino correctly predicted there would be another attempt on President Trump's life

>>21599222 New Background On Trump Shooter Confirms He Was Coordinating With Foreign Soldiers In Support Of Ukraine

>>21599271 Hours Before Trump assassination Attempt Democrat Calls MAGA A Domestic Threat

>>21599272 Trump shooter Ryan Routh was in YouTuber JiDion's video recruiting for Ukraine

>>21599278, >>21599286, >>21599327 If not for a private citizen who took a pic of the vehicle and tag, he would have been lost

>>21599322 MTG: They want video of Pres Trump being assassinated so bad that the would be assassin had a Go Pro to film it

>>21599331 Court records show more than 100 criminal counts have been filed against Ryan Routh in North Carolina

>>21599385, >>21599457 Call to dig: Florida DA Dave Aronberg

>>21599386, >>21599466 Both Trump shooters are involved with Media Mockingbird MegaCorp

>>21599436 Anon opines on Trump's assassination attempt

>>21599475 Summary of today's events so far

>>21599527, >>21599713 Gaslighting continues

>>21599531 Scavino to Kamala: You're so full of shit, you're not glad he is safe-It is your rhetoric that has caused this, AGAIN!!!!!

>>21599601 DNC targeted Trump golf clubs three days before an assassination attempt took place at his West Palm Beach golf club

>>21599606 Statement from Potato

>>21599631 His Greensboro address is tricky because, judging by the address of the Circle K at 1550, Lee St is called Gate City Blvd

>>21599702 Shooter moments after he was arrested

>>21599846 From Carolina Roofer To Ukraine Activist: Would-Be Trump assassin Ryan Routh Gave Many Interviews With MSM

>>21599854 DJT: I would like to thank everyone for your concern and well wishes - It was certainly an interesting day!

>>21599912 All of Routh's x.com posts in two videos

>>21600161 Melania: Our freedom and rights must be respected

>>21600234 Rudy G: How did the attempted assassin anticipate Trump being at the 4th and 5th holes at 1:30PM?

>>21600239 David Frum of The Atlantic endorses the attempted assassination of Trump

>>21600400 Ryan Routh wrote a book where in it he tells Iran to assassinate Trump

>>21600694, >>21600708 Shooter had two backpacks with ceramic tiles??

>>21601898 Wanna be Trump assassin' Ryan Routh's son, Oran, said in a statement to CNN

>>21612172 The Failed Trump Assassin Appeared in a Ukrainian 'Azov' Video – Now They're Trying to Distance Themselve

>>21624265 Gaetz: Senior Homeland Security official says they are aware of at least 5 teams that are geared toward assassinating Trump

>>21623954, >>21623996 CALL TO DIGG: Wife of Routh (Trump Assassin Wannabe) Worked for Lex Wexner's Company for Over Three Decades

>>21632922, >>21632927, >>21632929, >>21632966, >>21633002 Possible connections between the two assassination attempts on President Trump?? DIG CALL

>>21644181, >>21644183 George Webb Slaughter Pen Substack, This series relates current Trump assassination attempts to Jan 6 2021 AND Jan 6 2025

>>21644352, >>21644515, >>21644518 DOJ PUTTING A BOUNTY ON TRUMP'S HEAD

>>21644673, >>21644691, >>21644693 SECOND HALF George Webb American Slaughter Pen DIGS

>>21648087, >>21648128 Lawmakers want to make a constitutional amendment that would allow them to replace members of congress under the guise of a “mass casualty event”?

>>21649528, >>21649702, >>21649712, >>21649801, >>21650185 Oran Alexander Routh son of would - be assassin #2 Ryan Routh arrested on child porn charges

>>21650633, >>21650678 Oran Routh, son of Ukrainian hero and Would-Be assassin Ryan Routh, worked on the crew for Taylor Swift's tour

>>21650724, >>21650732, >>21650744 POTUS buys using CASH - BOUNTY Quicker Picker Upper

>>21650869, >>21650897, >>21650919, >>21650940 DOJ Releases Routh $150K Trump Bounty Letter To Divert From $1M Iranian Bounty Before Butler (Slaughter Pen DIGG)

>>21651147, >>21651156 Ryan Routh formally charged with attempting to assassinate Trump

>>21651267 John Solomon talking to Matt Gaetz about the 5 team trying to assassinate Trump

>>21651362 Judge Eileen Cannon will be presiding over the case again would-be Trump assassin Ryan Routh

>>21651808 DOJ Says Letter by Ryan Routh Apologizing for Not Killing Trump and Offering Reward was Written Months Before Attempt

>>21651961 Failed Trump assassin Had A List Of Everywhere Trump Would Be August To October - https://www.zerohedge.com/political/failed-trump-assassin-had-list-everywhere-trump-would-be-august-october

>>21652000 Ryan Routh's wife worked for Victoria's Secret (Les Wexner)

>>21652071 Congress just ran a drill to test run replacing lawmakers after a "mass casualty" assassination event

>>21653078, >>21653181 DJT: Big threats on my life by Iran - the entire U.S. Military is watching and waiting

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20b3b5 No.21655352


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20b3b5 No.21655354


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20b3b5 No.21655356


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20b3b5 No.21655378


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20b3b5 No.21655379


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20b3b5 No.21655556

File: e714c0baf39639e⋯.png (352.21 KB,395x638,395:638,2024_09_25_10_16_18.png)

File: dbdf0cdcd2ea6ed⋯.mp4 (6.18 MB,392x666,196:333,2024_09_25_10_15_37.mp4)

Random Video Surfaces of Assassin Thomas Crooks at Butler Rally Before Shooting

August 19, 2024Sundance

The video comes to my attention via the Twitter Account of Tony Seruga. The video appears to capture Thomas Crooks walking through the vendor section of the Butler rally at approximately 4:26pm, about one and a half hours before he began shooting.

If the 4:26pm time is accurate, this is interesting because President Trump was initially scheduled to begin speaking at 5:00pm.

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20b3b5 No.21655649

File: daeb28a15ef6d73⋯.png (2.05 MB,1761x3630,587:1210,2024_09_25_10_57_03.png)




(Here's the video again)

Random Video Surfaces of Assassin Thomas Crooks at Butler Rally Before Shooting

August 19, 2024 | Sundance

The video comes to my attention via the Twitter Account of Tony Seruga. The video appears to capture Thomas Crooks walking through the vendor section of the Butler rally at approximately 4:26pm, about one and a half hours before he began shooting.

If the 4:26pm time is accurate, this is interesting because President Trump was initially scheduled to begin speaking at 5:00pm.

Comments from Sundance’s thread.

• August 20, 2024 8:11 am:His shirt says Demolitia, so he was pretty much wearing a sign saying who he was going to be that day. As someone who posted earlier,the guy walking in front of him is who my eyes go to first.I still think he had help from someone.

• August 20, 2024 8:24 am Patsy. Not the real shooter.

• August 20, 2024 8:29 am:The blue shirt guy would possibly be Crooks’ onsite handler.They may have never met, but the guy stands out so the Crooks dufus would know him, and not get lost as he followed.

o Blue shirt guy would likely be in listening contact w Trump’s SS detail, who’d give timing updates for Trump’s ascension to the stage. All prearranged, so the radio traffic would appear innocuous.

o At the appropriate time, blue shirt guy gives the patsy Crooks the signal to climb the building into position. The spook shooter would observe Crooks and rifle in position directly in front of him, and then fire 3 measured shots at Trump. Crooks sees the confusion and fires a rapid 5 shot volley, then dies as planned.

o The spook makes his egress. He may be carrying his rifle openly, or broken down. SS facilitated his and Crooks’ access to their positions, so egress would be simple, for anybody besides Crooks, who was marked for death all along.

o The conspiracy might look something like this.

• August 20, 2024 8:39 am:Blue Shirt guy is a cutout, barely knowing more than Crooks. If Crooks gives him up somehow, he can’t implicate SS in any way. He just hacked their comms. Both would likely die accidentally in jail, as well. Spook shooter, who neither would even know about, would quietly vacate the area, with or without any shooting. SS/FBI would make it all go away, with Uniparty help.

• August 20, 2024 12:22 pm: So Blue Shirt Guy is Jack Ruby?

• August 20, 2024 8:31 am: What evidence do “WE” have, that Thomas Crooks was even the shooter? None.

• August 20, 2024 9:47 am: he had 2 phones with encrypted messaging apps and 2 or 3 overseas accounts and no friends… and went to the local fblie shooting range… the blue shirt dude sure did look like he was up to no good… if you heard 30 seconds of the dnc last night you might have thought, wow these are a nice bunch of people who are calling us dictators….

• August 20, 2024 9:00 am:Blue shirt guy is the only crowd-goer I’ve seen wearing a long-sleeve shirt and pants.


the blue shirt guy has something like a square or gun, or etc in left pocket, shirt sticking out, can't cover it all.

Some comments from Sundance's thread:

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20b3b5 No.21655690

File: 73dd8ecec4f0ddf⋯.png (391.59 KB,759x625,759:625,2024_09_25_10_48_19.png)

File: 06c7d98480667ae⋯.mp4 (3.87 MB,480x270,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17272858170….mp4)

File: d4bcec30f4220dd⋯.png (274.59 KB,918x578,27:17,2024_09_25_10_44_28.png)

RyanMatta 🇺🇸 🦅


BREAKING Tony Seruga @TonySeruga

just confirmed there was a 2nd shooter and his cell phone belongs to the @FBI




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20b3b5 No.21655698


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20b3b5 No.21655701


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20b3b5 No.21655702


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20b3b5 No.21655739

Was Thomas Crooks really the shooter?



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20b3b5 No.21655760

What are the connections between these three?




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20b3b5 No.21656602

File: 21254f40c26e9b5⋯.png (1.63 MB,764x3592,191:898,2024_09_25_13_51_46.png)

File: 4edb12d2270ef06⋯.png (1.17 MB,741x2404,741:2404,2024_09_25_13_53_21.png)

File: dd075b1a1275cd3⋯.png (1.63 MB,799x3047,799:3047,2024_09_25_13_54_01.png)

File: 103051d7f34fe37⋯.png (2.06 MB,704x4461,704:4461,2024_09_25_13_54_43.png)

File: 05399559e68f451⋯.png (1.53 MB,721x3588,721:3588,2024_09_25_13_55_20.png)

Lauren SomeBitchIKnow grabbed a bunch of Routh's emails before they were scrubbed:


Talked about it on Quite Frankly:


OH OH - scrubbed

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20b3b5 No.21656653

File: 6760021687315bd⋯.png (2.39 MB,1665x3145,9:17,2024_09_25_14_04_57.png)


Remember Maxwell Yearick?

Here's the ARCHIVE of an article written about him on Aug 30, 2024


Maxwell Yearick Has Gone Missing Since Trump Rally

by Edward Heckman

Aug. 30, 2024


Interesting how his history parallels that of Routh, isn't it?

'''So interesting, in fact, that __>>21616281

SOMEONE seems to be trying to push the narrative that Matthew Yearick, Thomas Crooks and Ryan Routh are ALL DIRECTLY CONNECTED__.'''



see next post >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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20b3b5 No.21656667

File: 69453baebd09fb7⋯.png (1.43 MB,1184x2808,148:351,2024_09_25_14_08_25.png)


>>21607206 pb (original post)



Strange things are happening…

This person, Edward Heckman, wrote an article dated August 30, 2024

He wrote that bank records revealed Thomas Crooks from the 1st assassination attempt, made unusual payments to two individuals… Including Ryan Routh, from the Second Assassination Attempt

—— he even connected Maxwell Yearick as a CIA Operative who trained Ryan Routh…

But here’s the weird part…

I used the way back machine and found the that this information WAS NOT part of the original article; meaning, this information was added recently.

Stinks of three letter agency involvement…

Article 🧢 @chiIIum

for article


Archived August 30


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20b3b5 No.21656677

File: 3c89863bd8ae6b5⋯.png (294.43 KB,768x1102,384:551,2024_09_25_14_13_34.png)



Pwns On X


I shared an article yesterday from another account that was written by Edward Heckman which was dated, Aug. 30, 2024 that seemingly linked Crooks, Yearick, and Routh.

That article is fake. It was brought to my attention that it was deceptively edited to include Routh after the fact, verified on Wayback.

The 1st screen recording is the original article, the 2nd is the edited, fake version. I’m adding screen shots of the main paragraph that was edited.

When things seem too good to be true, usually they’re not. I want to only post factual/verified info. I hope this clears up any confusion:

see cap

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20b3b5 No.21656678

File: 52893fab202d863⋯.png (1.45 MB,763x3716,763:3716,2024_09_25_14_41_12.png)

File: bd5c6d14681151e⋯.png (360.99 KB,1185x998,1185:998,2024_09_25_14_41_12_b.png)



he wrote the Aug 30 article that somehow got changed….

Here's a later post:


Ryan Routh and CIA (Rothschild Connection)

Edward Heckman

Ryan Routh CIA

Ryan Routh was a CIA operative who previously recruited Maxwell Yearick and Kennon Hooper for the Ukraine war.Maxwell Yearickis one of the suspect in Trump’s assassination attempt at Butler, Pennsylvania.

As an important CIA Asset, Routh facilitated million of cash payments for recruiting informants. Both Maxwell Yearick and Ryan Routh has previously worked at Patterson Energy, a company owned by the Rothschild Family.

Ryan Routh Rothschild

The latest Trump would be assassin Ryan Routh ALSO appeared in a Blackrock Commerical just like Thomas Crooks.That means BOTH featured in Global Wealth management firm’s Commercial.

In 1991, Ryan Routh heard a woman screaming for help, went to stop her rapist, and later identified him to the cops.

Ryan Routh, involved in an incident targeting former President Donald Trump, has a history that includes recruitment for military activities in Ukraine.

He appeared in a video for the Azov Battalion, a group known for its far-right and neo-Nazi ideologies, which has been supported by various international entities, including, as some claim, the CIA indirectly through U.S. foreign policy.

The claim that Routh might be a CIA asset largely stems from his activities in Ukraine, his recruitment efforts, and his sudden appearance in contexts that suggest involvement with or at least interest from intelligence communities.

CIA in Ukraine

Ryan Routh’s recruitment for and participation in Ukrainian military efforts, especially with groups like Azov, which have been points of interest for Western intelligence due to geopolitical strategies in Eastern Europe, fuels speculation.

The CIA’s known interest in Ukraine, especially in countering Russian influence, might suggest indirect or direct involvement with individuals like Routh. Despite the speculation, there’s no publicly available, concrete evidence directly linking Routh as an official CIA asset.

Much of what’s discussed is circumstantial or based on the activities one might expect from someone involved in covert operations or intelligence gathering, but this doesn’t confirm official status.


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20b3b5 No.21656680

File: b62032ca143e41d⋯.png (1.23 MB,750x4014,125:669,2024_09_25_15_04_57.png)

File: 690fd38beec144c⋯.png (252.92 KB,351x828,39:92,2024_09_25_15_08_09.png)

File: 1c9a6a01f41fa58⋯.png (74.9 KB,709x217,709:217,2024_09_25_15_09_42.png)


Edward Heckman


Donald Trump will face a third assassination attempt this October. The perpetrator is expected to bePeter Riddle.

There's some ADDITIONAL INFO on Heckman here, including his ONE follow: Elon Musk.

(note - this is a new acct, looks like old one got wiped).

Riddle, along with Ryan Routh and Maxwell Yearick, have worked together in Ukraine for the CIA.

2:32 PM · Sep 16, 2024




the comments are 'dastig, because everyone is asking how he knows what he claims to know AND whether he changed his article (and why)

no answer so far

September 16, 2024


Ryan Routh and CIA (Rothschild Connection)

Edward Heckman

Ryan Routh CIA

Ryan Routh was a CIA operative who previously recruited Maxwell Yearick and Kennon Hooper for the Ukraine war. Maxwell Yearick is one of the suspect in Trump’s assassination attempt at Butler, Pennsylvania.

As an important CIA Asset, Routh facilitated million of cash payments for recruiting informants. Both Maxwell Yearick and Ryan Routh has previously worked at Patterson Energy, a company owned by the Rothschild Family.

Ryan Routh Rothschild

The latest Trump would be assassin Ryan Routh ALSO appeared in a Blackrock Commerical just like Thomas Crooks.That means BOTH featured in Global Wealth management firm’s Commercial.

In 1991, Ryan Routh heard a woman screaming for help, went to stop her rapist, and later identified him to the cops.

Ryan Routh, involved in an incident targeting former President Donald Trump, has a history that includes recruitment for military activities in Ukraine.

He appeared in a video for the Azov Battalion, a group known for its far-right and neo-Nazi ideologies, which has been supported by various international entities, including, as some claim, the CIA indirectly through U.S. foreign policy.

The claim that Routh might be a CIA asset largely stems from his activities in Ukraine, his recruitment efforts, and his sudden appearance in contexts that suggest involvement with or at least interest from intelligence communities.

CIA in Ukraine

Ryan Routh’s recruitment for and participation in Ukrainian military efforts, especially with groups like Azov, which have been points of interest for Western intelligence due to geopolitical strategies in Eastern Europe, fuels speculation.

The CIA’s known interest in Ukraine, especially in countering Russian influence, might suggest indirect or direct involvement with individuals like Routh. Despite the speculation, there’s no publicly available, concrete evidence directly linking Routh as an official CIA asset.

Much of what’s discussed is circumstantial or based on the activities one might expect from someone involved in covert operations or intelligence gathering, but this doesn’t confirm official status.


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20b3b5 No.21656682

File: 169a7ba06abda2f⋯.mp4 (2.36 MB,ssstwitter_com_17266830687….mp4)





Webb weighs in on july 30 article insertion - beware of hoaxsters


George Webb - Investigative Journalist


Need to be careful of hoaxsters with Routh and Crooks information. All the receipts at http://georgwebb.substack.com.

Webb is following the assassination attempts, good to ck in with his work.

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20b3b5 No.21656768

File: a3b280e3612cfe4⋯.png (1.73 MB,1040x3280,13:41,2024_09_25_14_24_53.png)

File: 83a8f0520425962⋯.png (1.38 MB,1040x2800,13:35,2024_09_25_14_25_12.png)

File: 6db1f74773d6eec⋯.png (1.41 MB,1040x2960,13:37,2024_09_25_14_25_15.png)

File: fb1ab66bf38c0e5⋯.png (1.48 MB,1040x3370,104:337,2024_09_25_14_25_19.png)

File: d8d8b063c1cede5⋯.png (1.31 MB,1040x2721,1040:2721,2024_09_25_14_25_29.png)

WEBB Assassination Archive SO FAR


The Story Of Citizen J - Part One

How Citizen Journalism Saved America

6 hrs ago • George Webb

American Slaughter Pen - Part Twelve

Mad About News, Madly In Love With News

Sep 24 • George Webb

American Slaughter Pen - Part Eleven

DOJ Releases Routh $150K Trump Bounty Letter To Divert From $1M Iranian Bounty Before Butler

Sep 23 • George Webb

American Slaughter Pen - Part Ten

AG Garland Drops The Dime On Trump

Sep 22 • George Webb

American Slaughter Pen - Part Nine

Murder By Top Cop? Well, As Close As You Can Get.

Sep 21 • George Webb

The Secret Life Of Thomas Crooks - Part Ten

Don't Throw Stones From Glass Houses - Who Knows What Evil Lurks Under Foot

Sep 20 • George Webb

American Slaughter Pen - Part Eight

The "Emergency Services" Ruse - DHS Sniper Teams In Every County

Sep 18 • George Webb

American Slaughter Pen - Part Seven

They Are Calling In The Pros For Trump Assassination

Sep 17 • George Webb

American Slaughter Pen - Part Six

Comparing Routh And Crooks

Sep 16 • George Webb

American Slaughter Pen - Part Five

Biden Gives Green Light To Snipers At J6, 2025

Sep 15 • George Webb

American Slaughter Pen - Part Four

Strzok And Vindman Greenlight Sniper Slaughter For J6 In 2025

Sep 14 • George Webb

The Secret Life Of Thomas Crooks - Part Nine

Our Message About Subpoenas Is Finally Getting Through

Sep 12 • George Webb

American Slaughter Pen - Part Three

Sniper 9/11

Sep 11 • George Webb



American Slaughter Pen - Part Two

Melania Writes Book To Highlight Assassination - Out October 1st

Sep 10 • George Webb

American Slaughter Pen - Part One

Trump Assassination Opened Floodgates For Snipers Unleashed On Crowds

Sep 8 • George Webb

The Secret Life Of Thomas Crooks - Part Eight

Situation Murcko, Worse Than Murky, Worse Thank Mucky, It's Murcko

Sep 7 • George Webb

The Secret Life Of Thomas Crooks - Part Seven

American Antifa Had Plenty Of Help From Pakistan And Iran

Sep 6 • George Webb

We Missed In Butler, Let's Do Russia, Russia

Seems Like Atlantic Council Is Picking On Three Different Guys Who Don't Know Who Kolomoisky Is, But Still Comment On Ukraine

Sep 5 • George Webb

The Secret Life Of Thomas Crooks - Part Six

Crooks Forgot All About DNC Bombing For One Day In January 2021

Sep 4 • George Webb

The Secret Life Of Thomas Crooks - Part Five - The American Antifa

What Did Seven Hundred NATO Messages In Five Years With Three Operatives Look Like?

Sep 2 • George Webb

Snipers Of America - The Ukrainian Connection To Crooks - Part Four Of American Antifa

Matt Dimmick’s Spirit Of American Trains Snips For Ukraine, And Then They Come Home

Sep 1 • George Webb

August 2024

Thomas Crooks - American Antifa - Part Three

The Grooming Of Crooks - A Family Affair? An International Affair?

Aug 31 • George Webb

Thomas Crooks - American Antifa - Part Two

State Sponsorship, Willful Negligence, And Excuses Your Five Year Old Wouldn't Use

Aug 30 • George Webb

Thomas Crooks - The American Antifa - Part One

An American Tragedy Of Antifa Grooming

Aug 29 • George Webb

FBI Issues "Let Us Tell You What To Think" Report

Not My First Rodeo With FBI Evidence Suppression - Mohamed Mohamed 2011 All Over Again

Aug 28 • George Webb

If Two Separate Shots Hit Copenhaver And Dutch, That Means Two Shooters.

Two Points Make A Line, And Therefore Describe The Line Of Fire

Aug 27 • George Webb

Finding The Cassius Of The Trump Assassination

The 9/11 Connections to Vice President Dick Cheney, the American Cassius, just don't stop.

Aug 26 • George Webb

RFK Jr.'s Time To Shine As Trump Assassination Investigation Chair?

RFK Jr. Can Impact The Future Of Democracy, Nullifying Assassination As A Political Tool

Aug 25 • George Webb

The David Lee Roth Of The Trump Assassination Has Emerged

Big Hair, 80's Rocker CEO Of American Glass Research Like To Talk On Police Radios After Assassinations

Aug 25 • George Webb

The NATO Motive - Through A Looking Glass Darkly - American Glass Research

Is the Treasure Trove Of Eighty Years Of DoD Research A Motive For The Trump Assassination

Aug 24 • George Webb

Can We Say Right Field Blew It If They Blew It?

If The Right Fielder Drops An Easy Pop Fly To Lose The World Series, Should We Blame The Management?

Aug 23 • George Webb

Members Of Congress Now Say Crooks Didn't Act Alone

Representative Mike Waltz With Special Force Background Says Crooks Had Help

Aug 23 • George Webb

Putting The Crooks Puzzle Together

Because FBI Insists On Eye Droppering Factoids For Narrative Fulfillment

Aug 22 • George Webb

We Found Crooks Car, And His Walk Across AGR Grass To The Butler Farm Show Without A Backpack, Rifle, Or Rangefinder

Stunning New Evidence Shows Crooks Had Accomplice Or Stashed Weapon And Rangefinder Beforehand

Aug 19 • George Webb

Rep Kelly Defends Beaver County Deputies Leaving Their Posts In Mass Exodus

Mass Exodus Of Local Snipers Covering Roof Blamed On Secret Service Again

Aug 19 • George Webb

Forty Three Skidoo - After 43 Meetings, Greg Nicol Should Know Matthew Crooks

Trump's 9/11 Are All Most All The Same As The Original 9/11, With The Same Excuse, Continuity Of Government

Aug 18 • George Webb

Twenty Red Flags To Murder - An Assassins Digital Footprints To Killing Trump

The New Assassins' IP Pings In Manhattan Turn Trump Assassination On It Head

Aug 17 • George Webb

Response To Rep. Clay Higgins Trump Assassination Report Of August 16th, 2024

When You Miss A Little, You Miss A Lot

Aug 16 • George Webb

Beaver County SWAT In Full Denial

Denial Isn't Just A River In Egypt. Denial Is In Full Swing With The Beaver County Emergency Services Unit

Aug 15 • George Webb

Bomb Plot Kept From Trump Before He Took Stage In Butler, PA

Beaver County Emergency Services Unit Raises Fingerpointing To Olympic Sport

Aug 14 • George Webb

Second Shooter Bloody Bathroom Metadata Reveals All

Greg Nicol Casually Walks Away 110 Seconds After Assassination Attempt While Other Officer Rush To Bloody Bathroom

Aug 13 • George Webb

Assassination Sheriff Lashes Out At Citizen Journalist

Projection Of Blame Now A High Art Form In Presidential Assassination Circles In Butler, Pennsylvania

Aug 11 • George Webb

Bloody Handprint Reveals Second Member Of Crooks Sniper Team

Blood Handprint From Roof Descent Clearly Visible In Police Video

Aug 9 • George Webb

Pakistani Assassination Bagman Arrested Day Before Trump Assassination

Now, Open Rooftop Gunman Perch Seems Planned

Aug 8 • George Webb

Shocking Pak ISI Connection Emerges In Trump Assassination Plot

Our Pak ISI Predictions Of Seven Years Ago Chillingly Come To Pass

Aug 7 • George Webb

Shooters And Ladders

Three Weeks Later, And We Still Don’t Know How Crooks Got On The Roof

Aug 6 • George Webb

Rolling Up Gun Manufacturers - The Hidden Agenda

Liability For Parents And Gun Manufacturers Is Next

Aug 5 • George Webb

Crooks Evidence Flies In Face Of Narrative

Attention Seekers Never Say You Got The Wrong Guy

Aug 3 • George Webb

Walking The Green Mile With Crooks

Walking The Patsy To His Death - The Beaver County And Monaca Township Boys

Aug 1 • George Webb

July 2024

Trope A Dope - How To Fight FBI Lies

Match FBI Lies With True Memes To Pummel Their Lies Into A Corner

Jul 30 • George Webb

The Cheney Sanction - How Trump Was A Threat To Continuity Of Government

Is There Still A Sanction On The Head Of President Donald Trump?

Jul 30 • George Webb

Are The Suppressed Crooks Locations Gun Clubs?

Are The Redacted Locations Published By Senator Ron Johnson Gun Clubs?

Jul 29 • George Webb

The Antifa Blood Trail To Butler, PA

The Eight Year Blood Trail To A Rooftop In Butler From The Halls Of Congress

Jul 28 • George Webb

Was Thomas Crooks Was Wrongfully Murdered?

Was Crooks Just Doing His Job As A Plainclothes Spotter Volunteer For A Counter Sniper Team?

Jul 27 • George Webb



The ActBlue SuperMan Phone Booth - Part One

Transitioning From Nerd To Sex Symbol Just By Hating Your Parents And Acting Blue

Jul 24 • George Webb

Walking The Trump Gunman's Metadata

Everywhere You Go, It Looks Like The Sniper Had Help And Inside Knowledge From The Top

Jul 23 • George Webb

To Find Crooks' Accounts, Follow The DNC - Part Two

Going From Act Blue To Acting Blue

Jul 22 • George Webb

To Find Crooks' Accounts, Follow The DNC - Part One

From ActBlue to Acting Blue, It Is A Slippery Slope

Jul 22 • George Webb


FBI Busted - The Double Dutch Bust

Two Dutchmen Victims Bust The FBI Single Shooter Narrative

Jul 21 • George Webb

Teenage Ladder Sniper Is Unstoppable

No Security Screen Can Detect His Five Foot, Home Depot Ladder

Jul 20 • George Webb

New Evidence Points To Multiple Shooters In Trump Assassination

New Forensics Delineate Eleven Shots From Three Weapons

Jul 17 • George Webb

How Did He Miss? (With So Many Shots And So Many Guns).

How Did The Assassin Have So Long To Line Up His Shot?

Jul 15 • George Webb

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20b3b5 No.21656774

File: bcd55791e604637⋯.png (2.48 MB,1767x2304,589:768,2024_09_26_1_20_42.png)

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20b3b5 No.21656775


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20b3b5 No.21656777


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20b3b5 No.21656778


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20b3b5 No.21656780


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4a9554 No.21658983


[reminder] Nov 25, 2019 08:45 AM5 min.

3 arrested, 4 officers injured during clashes outside Pittsburgh Trump rally

Maxwell Yearick among those arrested

PITTSBURGH — At least three people were arrested after clashes with police Wednesday night outside a downtown Pittsburgh rally for Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump.

As Trump's supporters filed out of the David L. Lawrence Convention Center at the end of the rally, the two sides engaged in heated verbal confrontations, with supporters chanting "USA!" and "Build that wall!" and protesters shouting profanities. Police in riot gear separated the sides.

According to police, masked protesters, who were trying to reach Trump supporters, pepper-sprayed officers. During the scuffle, one officer suffered a hand injury. Police also said several protesters tried to hit them with sticks they had broken off from signs. Four officers were treated at the scene for minor injuries.

“I'm very proud of the effort the Pittsburgh Bureau of Police put forward,” Pittsburgh Mayor Bill Peduto said. “There was a good game plan going in, but just like any team sport, a good game plan is only carried out if you have the men and women who are professional and can also show the patience.”

Officers arrested 31-year-old Kennon Hooper, of West Oakland, 27-year-old Lisa Cuyler of Polish Hill and 29-year-old Maxwell Yearick of Perry South. Police said Hooper kicked two officers after they had been pepper-sprayed by protesters. While he was being handcuffed, Cuyler allegedly jumped on an officer's back. In Yearick’s case, he tried to fight an officer who has just been pepper-sprayed, according to investigators. Hooper, Cuyler and Yearick face riot and aggravated assault charges. Hooper and Yearick are also charged with resisting arrest.

Hooper and Yearick remained in the Allegheny County jail Thursday, unable to post bail.



The Associated Press contributed to this story.

Cox Media Group

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4a9554 No.21659052

File: 4d9e8074a4b1776⋯.mp4 (14.13 MB,854x480,427:240,Lx9Ht_caa.mp4)

Jordan Sather


I called the Palm Beach shooter Ryan Routh's phone number a few times - the guy who just tried to assassinate Trump today. He has his phone number plastered all over his X account so I thought, why not?

Got a voicemail message you can listen to. He said he works with the "National Volunteer Center sending soldiers to Ukraine and Taiwan."

Also got a few rings and then someone ended the call.

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4a9554 No.21659106

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

"Ryan Wesley Routh is a patsy groomed by the CIA and trained at Fort Bragg" Ex-CIA Agent | Redacted

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4a9554 No.21659107

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Secret Service Incompetence and Bizarre Background of Second Would-Be Trump Assassin, w/ Erik Prince

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4a9554 No.21659116

File: 33046cbb42a45d3⋯.mp4 (9.83 MB,506x280,253:140,2024_09_22_Ritter_Azov_ass….mp4)

Analyst Scott Ritter received evidence Ukraine planned an assassination


Analyst Scott Ritter got evidence MONTHS AGO that Ukraine plans to assassinate #Trump with an American asset like Routh and the FBI refuses to investigate

2:10 PM · Sep 22, 2024



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4a9554 No.21659129

Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz: There Are 5 Assassination Teams On US Soil Targeting Trump

Story by Mike Jenkins

5 days ago


Florida Congressman Matt Gaetz has voiced serious concerns regarding the level of protection around former President Donald Trump, citing information from a senior official at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

According to Gaetz, the official revealed that there are five known assassination teams in the United States, three of which are believed to be inspired by foreign governments and two that are domestic.

All five teams are reportedly targeting Trump.

"A senior Homeland Security official I met with said that they were aware of at least FIVE teams in the country—three foreign in nature and two domestic—that are geared toward assassinating President Trump," said Gaetz.


Gaetz stated that prior to the second assassination attempt against Trump, DHS officials had already expressed concern over the insufficiency of force protection around the former president.

"The coordination at the dignitary protection level was at the bare minimum required to keep our presidents and presidential candidates safe while on the trail," said Gaetz.

He questioned why security teams were being reassigned from Trump’s detail to others, including President Joe Biden's.

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4a9554 No.21659156

Alexander S. Vindman 🇺🇸


My family has been the target of politically motivated harassment, intimidation, and retaliation. It ended my and @YVindman ‘s military careers. Trump should be disqualified from office just based on his harassment and incitement of violence.'


Fake News @CNN & MSDNC keep talking about “Lt. Col.” Vindman as though I should think only how wonderful he was. Actually, I don’t know him, never spoke to him, or met him (I don’t believe!) but, he was very insubordinate, reported contents of my “perfect” calls incorrectly, &…

6:41 AM • Feb 8, 2020

3:37 PM • Sep 15, 2024


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4a9554 No.21659157


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4a9554 No.21659220




According to George Webb, Alex. Vindman and Peter Strzok are behind the movie “War Game” - which is about SNIPERS opening up on American protesters.

"The press has already clamored around how this film predicts the reality of January 6th, 2025, so the New York, and Los Angeles press have been pre-primed with headlines like “Insurrections Murder Police” even though no Capitol Police died at January 6th, 2021….”War Game” is January 6th with Alexander Vindman’s Ukrainian snipers slaughtering Deplorables in a Washington DC slaughter pen near the Capitol "


American Slaughter Pen - Part Four

Strzok And Vindman Greenlight Sniper Slaughter For J6 In 2025

Sep 14 • George Webb


Webb believes that the "powers that be" are likely planning to actually CARRY OUT such an attach on J6 2025


American Slaughter Pen - Part One

Trump Assassination Opened Floodgates For Snipers Unleashed On Crowds

Sep 8 • George Webb


PAYWALL - use this instead:


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4a9554 No.21659229

National Special Security Event 2025

National Special Security Event for January 6, 2025: Electoral Vote Counting and Certification

The United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has designated January 6, 2025, as a National Special Security Event (NSSE) for the counting and certification of electoral votes in Washington D.C. This decision was made in response to a request from the District of Columbia Mayor and recommendations from the since-disbanded January 6 Committee and the Government Accountability Office.

Key Aspects:

The USSS (United States Secret Service) will assume the lead agency role in designing and implementing the operational security plan for the event.

The designation allows for significant resources from federal, state, and local partners to be utilized in a comprehensive security plan.

The event will be treated with the same level of security as major events such as presidential inaugurations, State of the Union speeches, and national conventions.

The U.S. Capitol Police will welcome the special security designation, acknowledging the importance of ensuring the safety and security of the electoral vote counting and certification process.


The January 6, 2021, riot at the U.S. Capitol, where supporters of then-President Donald Trump sought to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election, led to the designation of this event as a National Special Security Event. The USSS head, Kimberly Cheatle, resigned following a disastrous hearing on her leadership, and several USSS agents were placed on leave.


The National Special Security Event designation for January 6, 2025, aims to prevent a reprise of the 2021 riot and ensure the safety and security of the electoral vote counting and certification process. This move authorizes measures to prevent election protests and maintains the integrity of the democratic process.





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20b3b5 No.21659317

File: ffad21b6ee19152⋯.png (1.58 MB,1085x3058,1085:3058,2024_09_26_22_58_21.png)




Part 4 of Webb's Slaughter Pen series mentions the following two documents as SETTING THE STAGE for a J6 2025 SLAUGHTER PEN EVENTS in DC.

National Special Security Event 2025



Press Release: Notice on the Continuation of the National Emergency With Respect to Foreign Interference in or Undermining Public Confidence in United States Elections

Press Release: Notice on the Continuation of the National Emergency With Respect to Foreign Interference in or Undermining Public Confidence in United States Elections

Briefing Room

Presidential Actions

On September 12, 2018, by Executive Order 13848, the President declared a national emergency pursuant to the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.) to deal with the unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States constituted by the threat of foreign interference in or undermining public confidence in United States elections.

Although there has been no evidence of a foreign power altering the outcomes or vote tabulation in any United States election, foreign powers have historically sought to exploit America’s free and open political system. In recent years, the proliferation of digital devices and internet-based communications has created significant vulnerabilities and magnified the scope and intensity of the threat of foreign interference. The ability of persons located, in whole or in substantial part, outside the United States to interfere in or undermine public confidence in United States elections, including through the unauthorized accessing of election and campaign infrastructure or the covert distribution of propaganda and disinformation, continues to pose an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States. For this reason, the national emergency declared on September 12, 2018, must continue in effect beyond September 12, 2024. Therefore, in accordance with section 202(d) of the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1622(d)), I am continuing for 1 year the national emergency declared in Executive Order 13848 with respect to the threat of foreign interference in or undermining public confidence in United States elections.

This notice shall be published in the Federal Register and transmitted to the Congress.



September 9, 2024.

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20b3b5 No.21659319


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20b3b5 No.21659431


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035707 No.21661965

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Dan Bongino Testimony on First Assassination Attempt



streamed 2 days ago.

"At a House Republican forum on the assassination attempt on former President Trump, former Secret Service agent and pundit Dan Bangino shared his take on how to prevent something like this from happening again."

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035707 No.21662003

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

CHILD TRAFFICKING ON THE BORDER: why Dems don't want Trump back in office



Line in the Sand (2024) - Official Trailer | James O’Keefe, Debut Film OCT 10


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035707 No.21662087

From General Flynn's Locals Account.

Here is what they have in store for us. Let me offer my TOP TEN:

1.The Democrats in the Senate will abolish the filibuster rule that requires most bills to have 60 votes to pass the Senate. If they abolish the filibuster, only 50 Democrats plus the Vice President can pass any law they want. Note that, Senator Manchin of West Virginia will not be there to refuse to go along.

2.They will grant statehood to the District of Columbia and probably Puerto Rico. That gives them four more automatic Democratic votes and makes taking back control of the Senate near impossible.

3.Don’t think the Supreme Court will protect us. They will pack the Supreme Court, by expanding its number. There is nothing in the Constitution that requires there be only nine members of that court. And if they have just the Senate, every judge and justice will be a committed Leftist. When Republicans appoint judges, many suddenly turn left – they often turn out like David Souter, or Sandra Day O’Connor, or worse. Democrat judges never “grow in office.” Leftist Judges stay Leftists.

4.If you think the Department of Justice has been weaponized under Obama and Biden, you ain’t seen nothing yet, when you see how they will come after persons they consider a threat. Instead of worrying about whether President Trump will be jailed, consider when you will be jailed.

5. Social media companies will be pressured to act “responsibly” by deplatforming dissent. Democrats love censorship. For years they ordered private companies to do it for them, but soon they will establish that Ministry of Truth which they called the Disinformation Governance Board — that they set up and then were forced to close down. If they win the Presidency and the Senate, it will be back ordering social media to take down our voices. The Left’s ultimate goal is described as “cross-platform deplatforming.” If you are taken off one, you are taken off all. Once they get that, there goes freedom of speech.

6. All of the special treatment that has been given to churches and religious institutions will go. Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act has an exception so that religious organizations can hire people who follow the faith of the organization — that will be gone.

7. Every government school will be required to have boys shower with the girls, to destroy girls’ sports, and teach kids that they may have been born in the wrong bodies. Parents who resist will have their kids taken from them, like Governor Newsom in California and Governor Walz in Minnesota.

8. The open border we now have will be made permanent. This is the dream of the United Nations — free migration across all borders. Then provide hotel rooms, cell phones and monthly credits for living expenses. Give them citizenship. Give them the right to vote. Treat them better than Americans, and make American citizens pay for it. Presto-Chango — the American people will be replaced with THE GREAT REPLACEMENT (GREAT RESET) — which is something we are not allowed to even mention. And, as you know, whenever there is a subject we are not allowed to mention, it means we are over the target.

9. Public accommodation laws will be pushed so that every business and every professional will be challenged to serve their interests. A doctor who refuses to perform abortions or castrate young boys will lose his/her license. A lawyer who refuses to cater to the interests of the special interests will lose his/her license.

10. Kamala is already on record supporting a mandatory buy-back for “assault weapons.” That means – turn them in for $500 of taxpayer dollars, or you are a felon.

**A few more agenda items include Mandatory Vaccines against the next pandemic that Dr. Fauci has planned for us, and the government’s attempt to De-Bank citizens. You will be a non-person, you’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy. England has already tried to do this to Nigel Farage. [also to Jim W]

Now let’s posit that the Democrats do not take the Senate. What could Kamala do all on her own? What tools will she single-handedly have at her disposal?

Next week’s newsletter: THEIR PLANS FOR US, PART II:

Sauce: https://generalflynn.locals.com/upost/6155459/their-plans-for-us-part-1

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035707 No.21662162

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

September 26, 2024

Senate Task Force on Attempted Assassination of Trump Holds First Hearing



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035707 No.21662209

File: 0bc9f562a9688ce⋯.png (725.93 KB,974x793,974:793,2024_09_26_12_12_24.png)




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af4514 No.21662972

Good work OP especially the dig links. I've been posting videos on this pretty much every day since Butler


also compiled a library of 2020 steal docs


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af4514 No.21663016

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



working link (Fox):


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da21e1 No.21664914

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>I've been posting videos on this pretty much every day since Butler

great stuff.

Just ran across this on YT.

Remember this Woman?

Did This Woman KNOW? Military Body Language expert [Chase Hughes] Reacts to Suspicious Woman at Trump Rally


Did we ever find out anything more, whether she was an FBI official?

Almost 5 million views….

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3a47b6 No.21665367

File: c199b6dc8881b3d⋯.png (382.12 KB,598x631,598:631,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0ebde634c3306d5⋯.png (601.57 KB,679x482,679:482,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8457351f038bf85⋯.png (438.54 KB,680x467,680:467,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 49c714d7c11470d⋯.png (5.05 MB,1971x2342,1971:2342,ClipboardImage.png)


Someone's dead man switch just activated.'

RyanMatta 🇺🇸 🦅


BREAKING. I just received this bizarre email about evidence related to the Trump Assassination. EMAIL: " An email should have reached you 30 ago informing you of the situation, this is a scheduled failsafe send meaning that I should be presumed unable to login to the server, missing, or dead; here is all the intelligence the members of the group investigating the assassination attempts have been able to put together." @JG_CSTT was tagged as a evidence source



5:39 PM · Sep 25, 2024


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20b3b5 No.21665528

posted in QR General: >>21665525


Can also be viewed in Google docs:


Sources include George Webb, Laura Loomer, DecentBackup, lawyersclubofindia, Tony Seruga, JG_CSTT, John Cullen, intelligencer.today, grassley.senate.gov, gaetz.house.gove

what it does NOT include is any reference to PETER RIDDLE as Heckman's predicted future assassin

>>21656680 pb

Edward Heckman


Donald Trump will face a third assassination attempt this October. The perpetrator is expected to be Peter Riddle.

Riddle, along with Ryan Routh and Maxwell Yearick, have worked together in Ukraine for the CIA.

2:32 PM · Sep 16, 2024


who is Edward Heckman?

who is Peter Riddle?


Related digs from assassination thread:

>>21665096 pb

>>21653522 pb


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20b3b5 No.21665577

File: 89ec0c0936482ba⋯.png (193.44 KB,438x435,146:145,2024_09_27_0_02_08.png)

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aeed3d No.21665581

File: 294a65814fe8762⋯.png (150.46 KB,627x973,627:973,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0e0af3ee33a164a⋯.png (166.27 KB,577x455,577:455,ClipboardImage.png)

stumbled onto this

need to dig



does FULL Presidential Protection include fighter jets, too?

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20b3b5 No.21665601


>does FULL Presidential Protection include fighter jets, too?


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