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File: b3a95f0bc2c5737⋯.png (419.53 KB,600x336,25:14,000iii.png)

1b7cb8 No.21616215 [Last50 Posts]

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1b7cb8 No.21616217

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ANONS: Stay positive, eyes on the GOAL, not the OBSTACLES!


#26474 >>21615290

>>21615934, >>21615952 BOOMS: President Trump Holds a Rally in Uniondale, New York - 9/18/24 7:00 PM EDT

>>21615524, >>21615571,>>21615812, >>21615873, >>21615915, >>21615933 BOOMS: Cops 'find explosives' in car near Trump rally on Long Island /debunked as training???

>>21615511, >>21615636, >>21615913, >>21615923 BOOMS: Hezbollah hand-held radios detonate across Lebanon/solar energy systems?

>>21615709, >>21615583, >>21615670, >>21615698, >>21615709, >>21615749, >>21615903 [Oversight of Homeland Security Investigation hearing] Assass Attempt

- - - - - - - -

>>21615617 PF updates

>>21615341, >>21615393, >>21615406 NYT reported that the pagers, AR-924 model, were ordered from Taiwanese manufacturer Gold Apollo/Hungary

>>21615343 Melania breaks her silence on her nude modeling career as she prepares to bare all in bombshell memoir

>>21615347 New clown 4am talking point just dropped. "Voter ID is transphobic."

>>21615431 Tracking Elephants Across Namibia

>>21615445, >>21615452, >>21615455, >>21616157 P Diddy's Back Tattoo of the Black Madonna, Trump says he is going to visit Shrine of the Black Madonna

>>21615462 Attorney Ben Meiselas on Repping Colin Kaepernick, Interning for Diddy and Hillary Clinton

>>21615483 Foreign hackers could target election litigation, federal judge warns

>>21615505 Intuitive Machines Stock Soars on New NASA Contract.

>>21615509 @GovRonDeSantis Tonight I joined Jesse Watters to discuss Florida's investigation of the attempted assassination of Donald Trump.

>>21615510 A Mississippi Confederate monument covered for four years is moved

>>21615548 TODAY'S Q DELTAS

>>21615570 Moar Springfield Cat Killing

>>21615602 Happy Birthday, @CIA

>>21615608, >>21615650, >>21615703, >>21615827, >>21615830, >>21615650, >>21615889, >>21615964, >>21615965, >>21616048, >>21616175 NASA/Space/Science

>>21615660 Real Estate Loan Officer Pierce Burton Started Looking Into Gavin Newsom, This Is Going To Blow You Away

>>21615724, >>21615893, >>21615896, >>21615979, >>21616014, >>21616142 Swamp Habenins

>>21615859 "House Democrats are committed to putting politics over people" For the Keks!

>>21615895, >>21616042 The Charlie Kirk Show

>>21615972 Far LEFT Americans Convicted in Russian Influence Scheme

>>21616009 Tucker Carlson is Dumping Zyn Over Its Kamala Harris Donations, Will Launch Own Nicotine Brand ‘Alp.’

>>21616039 ICYMI: Trump speaks about latest assassination attempt | The NEWSMAX Daily (09/17/24)

>>21616076 SpaceX Galileo L13 Mission

>>21616081 Billionaire Investor Found Dead in Washington Lake. Daniel Reiner

>>21616084 Entire board of 23 and Me resigns

>>21616211 #26474

#26473 >>21613782

>>21615033, >>21615080 PF updates

>>21613881 RFK Jr. Links the Attempts on Trump’s Life to JFK’s Death

>>21614183 Johnathan Oddi (man who shot up Trump golf course in 2018) on video claiming he was P Diddy’s sex slave

>>21614338 Fed rate cut 2pm EST Market halted limit down 3:30PM

>>21614462 War Preparations Build After 9 Killed, 2700+ Wounded In Israel's Pager Attack On Hezbollah

>>21614490 Wireless technology causes infertility, cancer and DNA damage

>>21614769 Point72 veteran targets $50M for Ukraine defense tech VC fund

>>21614819 The mayor of Springfield, Ohio is making millionsby replacing a third of the population of his town with Haitian immigrants

>>21614846, >>21614861, >>21614870, >>21614912 AAA - TRUMP TOWN HALL IN FLINT, MICHIGAN 17TH SEPTERMBER 2024 !!!

>>21614902 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 09/18/2024

>>21614962 Massive “ERROR” in Arizona Validates Nearly 100,000 Voter Registrations Without Verifying Citizenship — Issue Has Existed for 20 YEARS

>>21615003 Wall Street Apes w/vid: “Horses missing after a barn break in — Animals found butchered about a mile away.” Butchered and eaten for food

>>21615051 Dr. Sabine Hazan discovered that Covid-19 mRNA gene therapy injections kill 90% of good gut flora called bifidobacteria, catapulting most major diseases and disorders.


>>21615127 South Africa native Jonathan Oddi got into a firefight and chase with police while ranting about Donald Trump, Barack Obama - and bizarrely, rap mogul P. Diddy

>>21615146, >>21615162 That time Bill and Hillary Clinton went to a voodoo ceremony in Haiti

>>21615164 War Room Morning Edition

>>21615165 Moar PDiddy

>>21615168, >>21615170, >>21615171, >>21615173, >>21615176, >>21615180, >>21615184, >>21615188 Swamp Habbenins

>>21615169 NASA

>>21615247 @JDVance Stage set. Foreign (hostile) agency(ies) control the US legacy media

>>21615270 #26473

#26472 >>21612996

>>21613030 DJT: THANK YOU, MICHIGAN! #MAGA2024

>>21613033 PF: We got a BOEING RC-135 doing some reconnaissance down and back the coast of Baja California

>>21613037 RFK Jr. reveals that Trump has kept every promise he made to him

>>21613050 Dan Goldman

>>21613054 (August 2023) Springfield, Ohio: Haitian illegal caused bus crash killing an 11 year old boy on first day of school

>>21613060, >>21613071 How Many Days Later Did All Those Pagers Explode?

>>21613070, >>21613125 Whoopi Goldberg Looks Straight Into The Camera And Says Dangerous Rhetoric Isn’t A ‘Both Sides’ Issue

>>21613076 Secret Service Incompetence and Bizarre Background of Second Would-Be Trump Assassin, w/ Erik Prince

>>21613087, >>21613101, >>21613134, >>21613152, >>21613219, >>21613231 Refresher: Lucian Grainge

>>21613102 They tried assassinating Trump a week after both presidential debates

>>21613117 (April 10, 2020) Diddy Hosts Town Hall on 'The State of Black America & Coronavirus'

>>21613133 The mayor of Springfield, Ohio is making millions by replacing a third of the population of his town with Haitian immigrants

>>21613143 Michaela DePrince, resilient Black ballerina who worked with Beyoncé and Madonna, dies at 29

>>21613162 Keefe D has confessed he was hired by P Diddy for $1 million to kill Tupac

>>21613170, >>21613296, >>21613309 The Gold Apollo AR-924 pager uses a Lithium battery

>>21613177 CNN admits Kamala and their people have been lying about Trump's use of the word bloodbath

>>21613210, >>21613448 Elon: @GavinNewsom just announced that he signed a LAW to make parody illegal, based on this video 🤣🤣

>>21613237, >>21613282 Connecting the dots: Ryan Routh

>>21613239 Google and Facebook have been painting and curating your newsfeed since at least 2011

>>21613240 Howard Lutnick: Donald Trump is here to protect the American Worker…

>>21613399 Satan and his Generals working against humanity

>>21613435, >>21613439 (2018) Sean Diddy Comb's ‘sex slave’ shot up the inside of Trump's National Doral Golf Club

>>21613437, >>21613442 Drone attack on military unit in Russia

>>21613447 Authorities intercept 'suspicious' package addressed to Colorado Secretary of State's Office

>>21613452 ‘The View’ hosts joke that owning lubricant ‘ain’t a crime’ after Diddy’s sex trafficking arrest

>>21613460 Greg Kelly: Another Secret Service failure, they won't get away with it

>>21613670 Hayes Brown, an MSNBC writer and editor, wrote a new column today, entitled “What to make of Kamala Harris’ move to the center.”

>>21613020, >>21613027, >>21613032, >>21613052, >>21613068, >>21613088, >>21613125, >>21613381, >>21613488, >>21613490 Memes

>>21615484 #26472 posted in 26474

Previously Collected

>>21611297 #26469, >>21612064 #26470, >>21612977 #26471

>>21609636 #26467, >>21610450 #26468-A, >>21610450 #26468-B

>>21606923 #26464, >>21607811 #26465, >>21608634 #26466

Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/

Q Research Notables #24: Soldiers >>21225723

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1b7cb8 No.21616221

File: 0676d4a04665c86⋯.png (378.46 KB,2560x2560,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1296e68b8f50294⋯.png (1014.38 KB,804x768,67:64,habby777s.png)

File: 77d178932dabf2c⋯.jpeg (566.68 KB,2048x2048,1:1,habby7777s.jpeg)

File: 3153a0f97cc0f1b⋯.png (161.81 KB,533x429,41:33,habby77s.png)

File: bc1b275d2f0a5c9⋯.jpeg (205.23 KB,1080x1080,1:1,habby77.jpeg)



Will note till can't, prefer off hand

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faf7cb No.21616233

File: 308ccc413a3a8eb⋯.png (390.18 KB,487x635,487:635,abc06f21d5df415d2ca79c7944….png)

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fb3b72 No.21616234

File: 00415a4104d8c65⋯.png (604.83 KB,900x897,300:299,00415a4104d8c657e1ef762282….png)

I may have to buy one of those phones that plug into my wall.

juat say'n

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3f254f No.21616235


a valuable option.

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d8e687 No.21616236

File: 5a52594ad0f6495⋯.png (245.86 KB,455x642,455:642,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3ce088c7efce700⋯.png (818.46 KB,598x988,23:38,ClipboardImage.png)


Kyiv investigates alleged Russian execution of Ukrainian soldier with sword inscribed ‘for Kursk’

As it turned out, the sword also belonged to Ukrainian Armed Forces soldiers.

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d8e687 No.21616237


All seven independent directors resigned

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3f254f No.21616240

File: c5d49ea25d1ba6f⋯.jpg (79.78 KB,500x624,125:156,comfy3.jpg)


TY, baker.

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d8e687 No.21616241

File: 1ea1a12843212c7⋯.png (17.39 KB,740x110,74:11,ClipboardImage.png)

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d8e687 No.21616243

File: 390a1ec571380cf⋯.png (185.74 KB,853x999,853:999,ClipboardImage.png)


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50dacc No.21616245

File: 0d9d897c277941b⋯.gif (3.79 MB,480x270,16:9,0d9d897c277941b96ce447fef4….gif)


Confirm the offhand baker

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d8e687 No.21616247

explosives found at the Trump rally were being used to help train a bomb sniffing dog and are not a threat

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5ccc32 No.21616248

File: 02d7bc566ecf2e5⋯.png (316.2 KB,1068x1097,1068:1097,Screenshot_20240918_085212….png)

Warning of mass casualty event being planned for Uniondale, NY rally posted on 8Kun yesterday


?Anonymous? 09/17/24 (Tue) 13:04:11 0b9926 (10)?No.21609572

There's going to be a LV copycat mass casualty event tomorrow at the Trump Rally in Uniondale, NY.

All the comms & happenings are setting the stage. Be aware of those in uniform, contractors, & "cleaners". Evil hides behind trusted disguises. Look at the current NYPD & FDNY declass news.


The eyes lie, so WATCH THE HANDS. Look at the shoes for "Tell Signs"

I believe the signals are "SILVER" or things related to "Silver Bullet" because of the full moon. Even a "Coors Light" shirt is a reference.

"Werewolves"/"lone Wolf" comms. A Wolf shirt or hat of a college mascot

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a3c02b No.21616249

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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1b7cb8 No.21616250

File: 403be88cc5b6bba⋯.jpg (100.53 KB,960x720,4:3,403be88cc5b6bba046a71f4166….jpg)


we firmed baker fam

tyvm for relief

ridin 6


haz sum qooqies

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246924 No.21616251

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Alot of butthurt screamers today.



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52b96b No.21616252


too bad payphones aren't still a thing

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21cb69 No.21616254

File: 9cd0a32aef0903d⋯.jpg (61.89 KB,728x546,4:3,7940de53de6c4176a444fd87ac….jpg)

Can someone pkease tell me what the heck I am looking at in this TMZ DiddyPuffy whomever image? Look at legs? I feel like it is a start of a RBG rolling coatrack meme.

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6af37d No.21616255

File: 2126a42cbef8583⋯.gif (116.07 KB,1027x731,1027:731,2126a42cbef85839a033d5319a….gif)

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871d28 No.21616256

File: a48f9773488c79f⋯.png (350.4 KB,970x630,97:63,ClipboardImage.png)

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d8e687 No.21616257

File: b05d6ad7ccf00f2⋯.mp4 (4 MB,480x852,40:71,ava.mp4)


Video of Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs with ‘adopted’ daughter Ava Baroni resurfaces after feds raid his homes

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a1f3f9 No.21616258

File: bdd1337ddbb2bc0⋯.jpg (45.32 KB,498x478,249:239,hyefjhfdd.jpg)

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246924 No.21616259

Keep it up, you guys might get another mini minute temporary victory to hang your hats on for the future.


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be4a78 No.21616260

File: 70c31fdc0328602⋯.mp4 (1.06 MB,448x448,1:1,lone_soldier.mp4)

File: 3cfc6fe75fbd0c0⋯.mp4 (2.34 MB,480x852,40:71,madcow_on_trump_backing_do….mp4)

File: c700ba3db84e3bd⋯.mp4 (10.37 MB,640x480,4:3,djt_press_and_law_and_orde….mp4)



hope anons now understand the veiled threats from the talking heads.

when the court cases fail they will resort to any method.

keep your eyes on swivel and pray for protection for trump and the usa,

This will also include the world in turn.


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d8e687 No.21616261

File: ab04ae92b2d691b⋯.mp4 (575.21 KB,1280x708,320:177,diddyoil.mp4)

The production of liquid cocaine involves dissolving cocaine in water, solvents or other products containing chemical compounds such as mannitol, glucose, cellulose or lactose. It is then placed inside products such as shampoo bottles or hidden among sugar cane molasses, making it easier for them to be trafficked in containers or carried by drug mules.

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f39366 No.21616262


Glowies trying to setup 8kun?

Claim the bomb maker was one of "those crazy QAnon conspiracy theory followers"?

Two birds with one stone?

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50dacc No.21616263

File: a77ec2866e4f513⋯.jpeg (1.05 MB,828x782,18:17,a77ec2866e4f51301c69c6a7d….jpeg)



ty for the qookies

thanks for your service baker

boom day!

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21cb69 No.21616264


Also, where is his left leg?

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246924 No.21616265

Your "Trump" character has 40+ felonies.

No escaping that.

Only one way out at this point.

Dread it.

Run from it.

It's right behind you.

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246924 No.21616267

Don't look back.

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e4428c No.21616270

With all these booms happening, I wonder what the MOAB will be?

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03bdc1 No.21616271

kum on tv

theY will bring news

beyond platitudes

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6af37d No.21616272

File: 155a3613c8fe4bd⋯.png (486.51 KB,828x643,828:643,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6ac0e9f120a52e9⋯.mp4 (399.48 KB,480x270,16:9,BOOOOOOOM_.mp4)



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8df9ce No.21616274

File: 26d768833c23ae5⋯.gif (3.94 MB,329x297,329:297,26d768833c23ae554dbbecc444….gif)

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311163 No.21616278

File: c3fa9367327538b⋯.png (519.08 KB,577x433,577:433,vati_shill2.png)

And here we go again.

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85aa6f No.21616281

File: 2bece0d371daac3⋯.png (1.73 MB,735x3527,735:3527,2024_09_18_09_40_09.png)

File: fe73ba15754e9e5⋯.png (1.78 MB,735x3065,147:613,2024_09_18_09_40_44.png)

File: 06ec509cbbe33e8⋯.png (1.57 MB,692x3262,346:1631,2024_09_18_09_41_21.png)

File: d6e420c4f49d9e8⋯.png (2.06 MB,762x3909,254:1303,2024_09_18_09_41_55.png)

File: e3213e04e12ac73⋯.png (1.02 MB,703x3194,703:3194,2024_09_18_09_42_32.png)


ARCHIVE of Routh's social media posts before they were deleted.

there's MORE INFO if you check you her thread, some of this she filmed.

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52b96b No.21616284

File: fdd98addeeae840⋯.png (261.8 KB,563x385,563:385,ClipboardImage.png)



how high are you exactly

he's leaning against the pole of the structure with his right leg crossed over his left and looking at his phone

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88b312 No.21616289


Trumpo is such a fucking shill. Everything is a Boooooooom to that cocksucking retard

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1b7cb8 No.21616290


notable AF

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21cb69 No.21616294



Nevermind. I figured it out. Legs crossed, probably leaning on portable seat, pole thing.

Watermark from TMZ threw me off akso.

Just a normal pic. I will get first cup of coffee now.

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08b2ef No.21616295

File: 7ae2e5f4f4f698d⋯.gif (860.53 KB,280x281,280:281,7ae2e5f4f4f698d858eb9c9950….gif)

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08b2ef No.21616299

File: bf6e521de3036a2⋯.png (441.66 KB,1862x795,1862:795,Disgusting_.png)

File: 5c8e67402f10aea⋯.jpeg (379.25 KB,1125x2380,225:476,HRN_stealing_other_people….jpeg)

File: 2120925f0c02453⋯.png (421.37 KB,607x411,607:411,2120925f0c0245384355f142e0….png)

File: 8159900cdf45f1d⋯.jpg (56.45 KB,500x500,1:1,HRN.jpg)

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e2488c No.21616301

File: 15271d707d67bfa⋯.png (31.96 KB,1115x671,1115:671,Screenshot_at_2024_09_18_1….png)

TY Baker.

RATS are running. Remote Access Trojans can be seen not only in Computer Science terms, but also in human terms. Infiltrators disguised as trusted members of the group/program.

A RAT ran this morning, didn't it? Isn't that a DIRECT CONFIRMATION?

Nassau County PD report on "Dog bomb trainer questioned" has been 404'd. That's a MIL Confirmation, isn't it? Yes.

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f39366 No.21616304


You seem upset.

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08b2ef No.21616308

File: 914a2bf98249dcb⋯.jpg (35.76 KB,474x668,237:334,914a2bf98249dcbc8b399ada88….jpg)

I think I'll drink some black coffee to help wash down my lunch.

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d8e687 No.21616310

File: 3a97208801a8d52⋯.gif (1.33 MB,640x512,5:4,free_man.gif)


>Glowies trying to setup 8kun?

they don't do that kind of thing

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8df9ce No.21616311

File: a3ec82a26f3077b⋯.png (147.75 KB,1129x822,1129:822,SALTcomms.png)

>>21609840 pb

repostin for here.

Rally Comms. Beware The Moon.

Automobile + PACKED + SALT

Will there be a car bomb attempt? Groups in cars/trucks/vans? "Flee back?" back-PACKED with bomb/gun?

SALT acronyms - Silent Assault with Lethal Tactics, Situation Awareness Logistics Tool, Strategic Arms Limitation Talks, Same As Last Time?

Take your pick, but be alert.

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88b312 No.21616313


Fuck off Trumpo. Posting all your trash here

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d47562 No.21616314

File: 10481e7b4488e17⋯.gif (981.16 KB,500x269,500:269,01k.gif)

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d8e687 No.21616315

File: 5fd6d9cb45b7fb1⋯.png (415.93 KB,666x667,666:667,sookim.png)

File: 51f429606bd0019⋯.png (18.3 KB,622x141,622:141,ClipboardImage.png)

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fb3b72 No.21616316

File: 02639cd0a55f80b⋯.png (149.87 KB,532x327,532:327,ClipboardImage.png)

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e73ab7 No.21616318


Anjel, all of that was targetted political interference.

you can hardly call them legitimate felonies.

are you in danger because you have to use a phone now?

are you afraid someone might send you a page?

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fa010f No.21616320

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

1:00 PM EDT

Press Briefing by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre

James S. Brady Press Briefing Room




White House Daily Briefing

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre briefs reporters and responds to questions on the Biden administration’s policy agenda.


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21cb69 No.21616323




So funny you just poasted this, i was reviewing and figured it out before reading your poast. Just woke up, first thing i saw today, retarded first look.





tarrddd. Me.

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35ef9d No.21616327

Hey some more Pagers & now Radios Going BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM

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8f4dae No.21616330

File: f680ca8b75c66b7⋯.jpg (171.85 KB,800x631,800:631,how_to_sit_on_a_shooting_s….jpg)


>leaning on portable seat, pole thing.

It is called a 'shooting stick'

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75ed9d No.21616331

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311163 No.21616336

File: c4a86491366e968⋯.jpg (16.06 KB,564x557,564:557,coffee_loading.jpg)


>I will get first cup of coffee now.

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51b901 No.21616339


as you wish

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35ef9d No.21616350

Hey some more Pagers & now Radios Going BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM

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d8e687 No.21616353

File: 4e78045eca47cb0⋯.png (761.69 KB,1000x562,500:281,ClipboardImage.png)


Meiselas Interning for Diddy and Hillary Clinton

While there are many notable attorneys in the world, it’s a safe bet that Ben Meiselas has had one of the most remarkable careers of any 33-year-old lawyer working today.

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610e1e No.21616355


I see we got the slow ones in back. Hey man, good for you, you found it.

Now STFU and learn.

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3f254f No.21616358

File: 3b0eac91ad251c5⋯.jpg (58.46 KB,500x624,125:156,goahead.jpg)

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35ef9d No.21616362


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fce588 No.21616365

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8df9ce No.21616367

File: c3fa9367327538b⋯.png (519.08 KB,577x433,577:433,c3fa9367327538bd1d2ab9010b….png)

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b640ac No.21616368


praying, anon, praying!

May God bless you.

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35ef9d No.21616369

Hey some more Pagers & now Radios Going BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM

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e2488c No.21616373

File: 15271d707d67bfa⋯.png (31.96 KB,1115x671,1115:671,Screenshot_at_2024_09_18_1….png)

File: 87312570dc66056⋯.png (53.08 KB,469x481,469:481,2024_09_18_Q.png)


Am I in MCP? hehe

So now the comms scrub happens. Total shift in narrative, AS PREDICTED.

Refer back to "CHATTER" drops. Refer back to "RATS" drops. heh… Cyberattack to change the narrative.

You are watching the WAR IN REAL TIME

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d8e687 No.21616376


>Nassau County PD report on "Dog bomb trainer questioned" has been 404'd.


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cec4e8 No.21616379

File: efda9288bee0897⋯.jpg (681.35 KB,2560x2560,1:1,Boom_Q.jpg)


Thank You Baker

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d8e687 No.21616381


False reports of explosives found in a car near a Trump rally spread online

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fa010f No.21616384

File: d482b0bf23a6a17⋯.jpg (465.7 KB,2048x1379,2048:1379,Fetterman_PA.jpg)


moved to 2:30

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40c6ec No.21616385

File: 2c6bc578175e6b3⋯.mp4 (426.51 KB,552x360,23:15,Aftershave.mp4)

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d8e687 No.21616387

Nassau County Police Commissioner Patrick Ryder said police questioned and detained a person who “may have been training a bomb detection dog,” near the site of the rally and “falsely reported explosives being found.”

Lt. Scott Skrynecki, a spokesperson for the county police, said in follow-up messages that the person, who police have not yet identified, was a civilian and not a member of a law enforcement agency.

He also said the person was not working at or affiliated with the event, which is expected to draw thousands of Trump supporters to the arena that was formerly the home of the NHL’s New York Islanders.

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08b2ef No.21616389

File: f6db28d4632129c⋯.png (604.86 KB,741x440,741:440,f6db28d4632129cd64f4f7062c….png)

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b640ac No.21616391

wouldn't it be nice to set up some traps for those wannabe Trump shooters and record everything in real time?

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311163 No.21616393

File: 9dca3744f792fcc⋯.png (245.89 KB,492x500,123:125,pepe_14.png)


In other words, they got caught before they could successfully detonate, and are scurrying to cover it up.

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a1f3f9 No.21616394

Harris [Congressional Hispanic Caucus]: And together, CHC, we must reform our broken immigration system. And protect our Dreamers.

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642ee0 No.21616397

File: 900acf627fd8c85⋯.png (3.25 MB,915x3617,915:3617,235253.png)

Second Wave Of Deadly Cyber Attacks In Lebanon! Phones, Radios, Solar Panels (Etc) ALL Exploding!

As of 10:56 AM EDT on 18 September, numerous reports are flooding-in, saying electronic devices are AGAIN exploding in Beirut, and throughout other areas of Lebanon. It appears this may be a "Round 2" Israeli attack.

Apparently, many of the devices exploding were left at home and in cars. Buildings and cars throughout Beirut are now erupting in fires after the devices explode.

WALKIE-TALKIES, CELL PHONES and HOUSEHOLD SOLAR PANELS are among the devices remotely detonated!

It is important to make clear the following:

The pagers that exploded in Lebanon were not solely used by Hezbollah resistance fighters; employees of Hezbollah's institutions, which include civilians, also used them.

It's important to note that Hezbollah is a political party (part of the Lebanese government) and it operates various civilian institutions, such as schools, hospitals, and media outlets.

Consequently, this attack did not target soldiers exclusively, but civilians as well.

So widespread and indiscriminate are these Israeli attacks, that even CELL PHONE STORES are seeing their phones blowing up, and setting the stores on fire! Israel's attack is so indiscriminate, it is also causing SOLAR ENERGY SYSTEMS in homes to detonate!

Update: Several buildings caught fire and are burning after their DIGITAL SECURITY SYSTEMS blew up!!!

The Lebanese Civil Defense Agency has stated that at over 60 Buildings as well as 15 Cars and Motorcycles caught Fire today (SO FAR) across the Country, as a result of the Explosion of Hundreds of Two-Way Walkie-Talkies and Fingerprint Devices used by Hezbollah.

Over a Dozen of the Wounded from today’s Pager Attack are reported to be Lawmakers in the Lebanese Parliament, specifically Members of the Hezbollah Party.



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1b7a4f No.21616398


Look at her folder. What a fucking stress mess

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7f8834 No.21616401

File: 6fae0466fad4083⋯.jpg (130.47 KB,1498x1051,1498:1051,719Ah0DevgL_AC_SL1500_2195….jpg)

File: d96bb9e277deac8⋯.jpg (247.35 KB,1200x900,4:3,photo_of_the_motorola_advi….jpg)

File: 6f7be654682b724⋯.jpg (20.89 KB,474x227,474:227,th_3770524004.jpg)

File: a8eeec849536737⋯.jpg (19.3 KB,474x266,237:133,th_187793528.jpg)

File: 7ee76a3d517d447⋯.jpg (30.38 KB,480x360,4:3,26413e619febc802a6c4efe2b6….jpg)

Are the exploding devices Motorola equipped? afaf

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871d28 No.21616402

File: 58c3596ac1d577f⋯.png (159.12 KB,650x366,325:183,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c29d3f1e0c00628⋯.png (695.75 KB,970x303,970:303,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1532e8f3daca658⋯.png (1.33 MB,970x641,970:641,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 610c5ae42aca27d⋯.png (960.35 KB,654x842,327:421,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 17e49035bd1e1ec⋯.png (1.31 MB,970x627,970:627,ClipboardImage.png)

Best-ever 'Cloud Atlas' of Mars showcases stunning cloud patterns

September 18, 2024

Scientists have unveiled the most extensive map of clouds on Mars ever created.

For the past 20 years, the European Space Agency's (ESA) Mars Express spacecraft has photographed Martian clouds and storms, documenting how they shape into striking patterns despite the planet's very thin atmosphere.

This summer, scientists at the German Aerospace Center pieced together thousands of images taken by a camera on board the spacecraft into a "Cloud Atlas" that takes you on an immersive virtual tour of Mars' clouds.

Understanding how and where on Mars these clouds form is crucial to deciphering their impact on the planet's climate. The new catalog documents a variety of cloud patterns, including some unlike anything seen on Earth.

"Clouds on Mars are just as diverse and fascinating as those we see in our skies on Earth," Daniela Tirsch, a planetary geologist at the German Aerospace Center, said in a statement. She presented the new atlas Sept. 10 at the Europlanet Science Congress in Berlin.

"We also see impressive dust clouds that can spread hundreds of kilometers," Tirsch said — a phenomenon we don't experience on Earth."

Unlike Earth's liquid-water clouds, Martian clouds are primarily carbon dioxide because moisture in the planet's air is so low, all of it would add up to a layer thinner than a strand of hair.

Sometimes, dust and water vapor also blend in, helping craft linear rows of clouds like those spotted hovering above a vast swath of lowlands near Mars' north pole known as Vastitas Borealis.

The Mars Express spacecraft imaged similarly extensive cloud streets elsewhere on Mars, including around Olympus Mons, Arsia Mons and several other volcanoes in the Tharsis region near the equator.

"While they resemble cumulus clouds on Earth, they are formed under different atmospheric conditions," Tirsch said in the statement.

A peculiarly long water-ice cloud has appeared so many times over Arsia Mons, the southernmost of three volcanoes near the Martian equator, that in 2020, scientists named it the Arsia Mons Elongated Cloud (AMEC).

The elongated wisp of water ice has formed every spring on southern Mars, and it becomes visible in the early morning and lasts until noon every day for at least 80 days.

Within hours, the cloud spreads at a mind-boggling speed of 370 mph (600 km/h).

At its largest, it spans more than 1,100 miles (1,800 kilometers) long and 90 miles (150 km) across, stretching from Arsia Mons all the way to the more famous Olympus Mons, the largest volcano in the solar system.

Although the AMEC repeatedly forms over a volcano, scientists have long ruled out that it's any sort of volcanic event, because spacecraft never detected spikes in methane, sulfur dioxide and other gases known to spew from volcanic eruptions.

Instead, the cloud results from the way local winds interact with the surface features. It forms when water-ferrying winds are nudged up the flanks of Arsia Mons to higher, much cooler altitudes, where some of the moisture in them condenses.

"Understanding this cloud gives us the exciting opportunity to try to replicate the cloud's formation with models — models that will improve our knowledge of climatic systems on both Mars and Earth," Agustin Sánchez-Lavega, a professor at the University of Basque Country in Spain who co-authored a 2020 study explaining the cloud's dynamics, said in a previous ESA statement.

The image above shows a striking cloud pattern sculpted by gravity waves, which are common ripples in both Mars' and Earth's atmospheres caused by air trying to restore itself to equilibrium.

On Mars, they are typically spotted at midlatitudes in the winter; NASA's Curiosity rover recorded the first ground-based views of such clouds back in 2017.

A special type of gravity cloud is a lee wave, a recurrent ridge-like cloud pattern that builds on the downwind side of mountains across Mars.

Depending on the shape of its obstacle, this type of cloud takes on slightly different geometries, scientists say.



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642ee0 No.21616404


You can't tell me ALL these electronics were rigged with explosives…… unless they were MASS PRODUCED that way….. in which case, gives us a whole new meaning to "internet kill switches" !!!!

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dce137 No.21616405

Letter from the 23 & me board

Dear Anne,

We, the independent directors of the 23andMe Board, hereby tender our resignations, effective immediately.

After months of work, we have yet to receive from you a fully financed, fully diligenced, actionable proposal that is in the best interests of the non-affiliated shareholders. We believe the Special Committee and the Board have provided ample time for you to submit such a proposal. That we have not seen any notable progress over the last 5 months leads us to believe no such proposal is forthcoming. The Special Committee is therefore unwilling to consider further extensions, and the Board agrees with the Special Committee’s determination.

While we continue to wholeheartedly support the Company’s mission and believe deeply in the value of the personalized health and wellness offering that you have articulated, it is also clear that we differ on the strategic direction for the Company going forward. Because of that difference and because of your concentrated voting power, we believe that it is in the best interests of the Company’s shareholders that we resign from the Board rather than have a protracted and distracting difference of view with you as to the direction of the Company.

We are proud of what 23andMe has achieved in pioneering direct access to genetic information, and we have been honored to have had the opportunity to be part of those efforts.



Roelof Botha, Patrick Chung, Sandra Hernández, M.D., Neal Mohan, Valerie Montgomery Rice M.D., Richard Scheller, Ph.D., Peter J. Taylor


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eba08f No.21616406

File: ee40443810809da⋯.jpeg (161.48 KB,497x467,497:467,IMG_6355.jpeg)

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75ed9d No.21616407

File: c9b8c89a510e5b3⋯.jpeg (56.57 KB,1080x580,54:29,GXwn_0fXUAEAWR_.jpeg)

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311163 No.21616408

File: 9f9aefe49e0d785⋯.png (727.13 KB,888x499,888:499,ClipboardImage.png)


The "official" story keeps changing… Interesting.

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e73ab7 No.21616409


'our dreamers'

that's code for 'expendible children for either sale, rent, or for . . . '

the mind set of Marxists is very sick.

they rely on imported children and treat native born children like they must be expelled (for export).

'our dreamers' is the kind of thing a slave master would say.

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88ea10 No.21616410

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d8e687 No.21616412


police questioned and detained a person who “may have been training a bomb detection dog,” near the site of the rally and “falsely reported explosives being found.”

the person was a civilian and not a member of a law enforcement agency.

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e13552 No.21616413

File: c9aecad601f9bcb⋯.png (1.34 MB,750x1334,375:667,C437C220_6F5A_4BDB_9765_4A….png)

File: 0bf0bdd21078ca4⋯.png (122.16 KB,690x1654,345:827,A3AAD22A_F4B2_4F42_BD21_09….png)

File: bcff7bf5da9e208⋯.png (113.11 KB,690x1158,115:193,298CD004_108A_43F9_8837_5F….png)

File: c173c21a63eea27⋯.png (65.91 KB,690x630,23:21,9AAD41B2_CBB5_4DE4_9923_69….png)

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a1f3f9 No.21616414

Harris: And now they have pledged to carry out the largest deportation, a mass-deportation, in American history. Imagine what that would look like and what that would be. How's that going to happen? Massive raids? Massive detention camps? What are they talking about?

[massive raids? massive detention camps? yes, that's what it is going to look like]

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1b7cb8 No.21616416


this post @100


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5adec3 No.21616418

File: 5b88d693f0bd463⋯.jpeg (34.13 KB,609x650,609:650,5b88d693f0bd463368d3405f2….jpeg)


Waiting for "Fettermann endorses Trump".

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faf7cb No.21616419

File: 6937d38d20ede00⋯.jpg (36.95 KB,630x630,1:1,6937d38d20ede002f7f9320664….jpg)

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f39366 No.21616420



Glowies getting triggered.

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e2488c No.21616421


Ha! So a random guy trains a bomb dog with explosive material then runs into the woods when the cops come?


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fce588 No.21616422


all i know is…it blew this guys mind.

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e2488c No.21616423


That's what's happeneing now.

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53f908 No.21616424

File: 978d192de857b53⋯.jpg (37.09 KB,581x196,83:28,Screenshot_20240918_181424….jpg)

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f5c297 No.21616426


gotta keep track of all the lies they been spewing

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53f908 No.21616427

File: 9b884a06cc843b5⋯.mp4 (8.67 MB,854x480,427:240,videoplayback_25.mp4)

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d8e687 No.21616428

File: a444040ac2b0b1e⋯.gif (3.71 MB,460x320,23:16,highest_anon.gif)


>clouds on Mars

shit they're on to us

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aadfce No.21616429

File: b99cd6c2a45b5a5⋯.png (794.07 KB,1559x698,1559:698,j5h535g2532.PNG)

File: a197a1d929801b1⋯.png (686.27 KB,1174x713,1174:713,4321f4214231.PNG)

File: db1f05dc6c910eb⋯.png (795.75 KB,1581x718,1581:718,jw54hq5q.PNG)




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f39366 No.21616430

File: 343b734bc175a17⋯.png (252.05 KB,559x480,559:480,pepe_bowl.png)


It's just the batteries exploding….

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85aa6f No.21616431

File: 7d42492eb54d447⋯.png (2 MB,1490x4135,298:827,2024_09_17_00_43_59.png)

File: 30ba81fb670dc0d⋯.png (281.2 KB,1541x1602,1541:1602,2024_09_17_00_45_18.png)

File: 5bb62ca31d35aa4⋯.png (367.19 KB,1510x2041,1510:2041,2024_09_17_00_44_37.png)


Remember Maxwell Yearick?

Here's the ARCHIVE of an article written about him on Aug 30, 2024


Maxwell Yearick Has Gone Missing Since Trump Rally

by Edward Heckman

Aug. 30, 2024


will not let me copypasta any part of the text.

Interesting how his history parallels that of Routh, isn't it?

'''So interesting, in fact, that __>>21616281

SOMEONE seems to be trying to push the narrative that Matthew Yearick, Thomas Crooks and Ryan Routh are ALL DIRECTLY CONNECTED__.'''


see next post >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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88ea10 No.21616432


go see the real video

she answers the question, he even asks a follow up

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e13552 No.21616433

File: 6edb4188f6efd9d⋯.png (1.34 MB,750x1334,375:667,464609B5_5D85_4207_8629_FC….png)

File: e3a24d74750281d⋯.png (122.35 KB,690x1654,345:827,24B7B4DC_AA46_4A33_B349_1F….png)

File: 1e0a2be85cb11bd⋯.png (113.47 KB,690x982,345:491,71CC96B2_DFAA_42AE_A7D2_3E….png)

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88ea10 No.21616435



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121bdf No.21616436

File: 87518ffe634a8cd⋯.png (1.51 MB,1080x1080,1:1,87518ffe634a8cd7a745f2f2f3….png)

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871d28 No.21616437

File: ce0ad0ff2f54257⋯.png (293.08 KB,500x354,250:177,ClipboardImage.png)

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77f5ea No.21616440



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121bdf No.21616441

File: 92574dd4300d606⋯.webp (35.06 KB,1024x1024,1:1,smokingclouds3.webp)

Oh look, another clown running through an imitation routine of who he hates.

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be4a78 No.21616442

File: 72d62e76f50ce21⋯.png (58.62 KB,482x390,241:195,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e9db63d8ed2440e⋯.png (1023.36 KB,710x710,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


lets get to the finish line

this fucking board is a mess and the clowns who keep pushing the mossad comms are also activating the clown assets and brainwashed sheep at the same time.

there is so much information online on how to do videos, security protocols, counter surveliencee that anon would post them here to show anons but do not want to give those sites to idiots here.

as a example,

try this your self.

type in Antifa.com on any search engine and tell anon what you see.


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d8e687 No.21616444


>SOMEONE seems to be trying to push the narrative

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e73ab7 No.21616445


you make jokes about someone being murdered.

ha ha ha.

you sold your soul for a punch line.

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3ffb95 No.21616446


>too bad payphones aren't still a thing

Was hard to track landlines. Mobile phones that ping GPS SATs every few minutes is by far more efficient to monitor the Plebs.

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fce588 No.21616447

File: b8b8ad6a170cb73⋯.jpg (214.89 KB,540x303,180:101,peter_tosh_2015_reggae_leg….jpg)


what's the deal o'neill? pass?

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53f908 No.21616448

File: 6d8585c71dd17d3⋯.mp4 (10.31 MB,1280x534,640:267,Kingsman_Exploding_firewor….mp4)

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428f92 No.21616449

File: 3cde59a528a9384⋯.png (64.3 KB,700x846,350:423,ajPEq2w_700bwp.png)

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03bdc1 No.21616450

fren econ1-01 interpertation: whacked hold on to you masticated balls - it's all over

no cut + massive cuts

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e13552 No.21616451

File: 17544d6b80ff2e8⋯.png (205.27 KB,750x1334,375:667,112E3C0E_17DE_4035_B826_30….png)

File: dc0e0b4a5ac50d0⋯.png (392.03 KB,690x4024,345:2012,038DB0D2_212F_48F3_A802_A1….png)

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fce588 No.21616452

File: 2e606e309c404fd⋯.jpg (42.88 KB,900x598,450:299,al_gore_internet.jpg)

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121bdf No.21616453

File: 8dbede847e368f0⋯.png (14.54 MB,4080x3072,85:64,ClipboardImage.png)

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7f8834 No.21616454

File: a91538377b9e341⋯.jpg (24.22 KB,474x266,237:133,th_1566295502.jpg)

File: 6fae0466fad4083⋯.jpg (130.47 KB,1498x1051,1498:1051,719Ah0DevgL_AC_SL1500_2195….jpg)

File: 88fe0dca131b76a⋯.jpg (641.43 KB,2340x1080,13:6,Screenshot_20240918_100646….jpg)


Apply force to power source for detonation. Chip for id seeking for electrical pulse, emp like, not disabling except by detonation.


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f39366 No.21616456

File: 385f5be76d60fc4⋯.png (545.64 KB,793x500,793:500,ClipboardImage.png)

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6af37d No.21616457

File: 54c3a320ea64dc1⋯.png (34.87 KB,827x223,827:223,ClipboardImage.png)



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d8e687 No.21616458



that's supposedly how they coordinated the para-gliders in gaza

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1b7cb8 No.21616459


top kek

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fa010f No.21616461

File: 8d9e0f922d15c6e⋯.png (667.14 KB,576x768,3:4,Pepe_Fun_Ride_2.png)

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46e716 No.21616462

File: 39fd6d113259af2⋯.png (16.47 KB,413x203,59:29,muskonatheism.png)


thank you, Baker

>>21616084 lb


I'm not up on all things CODE-qresearch;

Never drew the big map,

never connected all the dots.

But this is a marker ^

Anybody dust-off citations from ResignationAnon?

Also New Elon Musk"

"Atheism left an empty space

Secular religion took its place

But left the people in despair

Childless hedonism sans care

Maybe religion’s not so bad

To keep you from being sad"


Didn't someone post last night, on this board, on the subject of Elon Musk being an atheist. The post discussed his motives around Space Exploration in terms of potentially crafting a future society?

Coincidence or Synchronicity?



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85aa6f No.21616463

File: 02bc790a1550efc⋯.png (641.55 KB,791x1874,791:1874,2024_09_18_10_19_55.png)


>>21607206 pb (original post)




Strange things are happening…

This person, Edward Heckman, wrote an article dated August 30, 2024

He wrote that bank records revealed Thomas Crooks from the 1st assassination attempt, made unusual payments to two individuals… Including Ryan Routh, from the Second Assassination Attempt

—— he even connected Maxwell Yearick as a CIA Operative who trained Ryan Routh…

But here’s the weird part…

I used the way back machine and found the that this information WAS NOT part of the original article; meaning, this information was added recently.

Stinks of three letter agency involvement…

Article 🧢 @chiIIum

for article


Archived August 30


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121bdf No.21616464

> 4b1aae

KEK. Now VaticanClown is accusing people of being Jews. That ratfuck retard has always been one of the MuhJoo clowns.

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bf60d0 No.21616465

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428f92 No.21616466

File: 12d0cb88f00e138⋯.png (82.75 KB,602x1370,301:685,apR2ryM_700bwp.png)

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66122d No.21616467

File: a4ec78dc172c4f2⋯.webp (154.21 KB,1920x1080,16:9,BB179CF8_F28E_46CA_B0E9_3….webp)

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b640ac No.21616468


oh fuck!!!

everybody stay away from your computers!!!

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5bca2d No.21616469

Arizona is doing it again. I live in Congressional district #2 but the Cititzens clean voting commission is sending me the Voter education guide for district #1. It does not contain any information about the candidates in my district. This is the exact same thing they did when Ron Watkins was running in my district. They sent the people in my district information about candidates in another district, not ours. They want to make sure we are uninformed about the candidates.

The people causing this confusion through the US mail are the same people who tally the election results. There is nothing clean about it.


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fa010f No.21616470

File: 422bbdc3ffbb773⋯.jpg (40.63 KB,247x292,247:292,doggo.jpg)

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fce588 No.21616471

File: 947c1a867e76f49⋯.png (102.55 KB,244x250,122:125,ClipboardImage.png)

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1b7cb8 No.21616472


afternoon TDS docs


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bf60d0 No.21616473


US Military: Protect PDJT at all costs.

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e13552 No.21616474

File: d0d72eb01e3c831⋯.png (1.07 MB,750x1334,375:667,1707C3D2_2D2B_40D3_BD00_AC….png)

File: aba9b7676937871⋯.png (1.25 MB,750x1334,375:667,829A5C27_5657_4775_8EAB_08….png)

File: ca25c68f5201341⋯.png (1.22 MB,750x1334,375:667,7EEDCA50_BF28_4955_8A9E_D5….png)

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642ee0 No.21616476


I don't know what to think, I do know many batteries CAN and WILL explode if overheated…. I do know that electronics can also be rigged with high-yield explosives too…. but what if TONS of different electronics are blowing up all at once!? How can it only be one or the other? There must be some high tech EM cyber weapon that instantly causes targeted circuits to overheat remotely via a frequency or signal or code…. whether they are rigged one way or another…. and in that case…. MASS PRODUCED TO BE ABLE TO BE TARGETED IN THOSE WAYS…..

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e73ab7 No.21616477


what does that even mean?

who are they really?

you can't say that they are or are not but anon have a fairly good idea.

at least now there is more plausibility to the idea that the Paradise fires were started with compromised 'smart meters'.

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b640ac No.21616478


why do they always have to do this kind of shit in Lebanon of all places???

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d8e687 No.21616480

File: 2dd13b56c43f5cc⋯.png (107.37 KB,797x769,797:769,ClipboardImage.png)


>the person was not working at or affiliated with the event

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5b02f1 No.21616481

What happened to a general hope for peace and non-violence?

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507c04 No.21616482

File: 090d8c76d5645e0⋯.jpeg (80.83 KB,786x634,393:317,ncswic.jpeg)

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e2488c No.21616484


Nassau PD still didn't say if they released the suspicious person who does his own bomb dog training…

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7f8834 No.21616486

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




Lipo battery SLOMO explosion

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428f92 No.21616487

File: 0239321c1b1347b⋯.png (33.53 KB,640x640,1:1,66ea8cc91c34e.png)

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fce588 No.21616488

File: e4a444d17540649⋯.jpg (70.12 KB,736x1309,736:1309,punisher_skull.jpg)

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2ad56e No.21616489


so an amusement park is another target is that what TIme is saying? or near one?

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121bdf No.21616490


"Leaked" report. Right. I don't use a cellphone, or a walkie talkie, or a pager, or solar panels.

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d0806b No.21616491

File: 5ae96e0d066de84⋯.png (179.27 KB,1459x443,1459:443,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1fa3c29f8f51a20⋯.png (64.32 KB,1015x267,1015:267,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0e46e1338462688⋯.png (284.95 KB,1240x898,620:449,ClipboardImage.png)

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fa010f No.21616492

2:00 PM EDT

Keeping Kids Learning in the National School Lunch Program and School Breakfast Program

Senate Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry Committee



Ms. Crystal FitzSimons

Interim President

Food Research & Action Center

Washington, DC


The Honorable Russell Redding


Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture

Commonwealth of Pennsylvania

Harrisburg, PA

Testifying on behalf of the National Association of State Departments of Agriculture


Ms. E. Nichole Taylor

Director of Food and Nutrition

Chichester School District

Upper Chichester, PA


Mrs. Kay Swartz Rentzel

Executive Director

Southeastern Food Processors Association, National Peach Council, and U.S. Sweet Potato Council

Dillsburg, PA


Dr. Meg Bruening

Professor and Department Head

Department of Nutritional Sciences

The Pennsylvania State University

University Park, PA





Hearing on Universal School Meal Programs

State and school officials join food and nutrition policy advocates to testify on the importance of universal school meal programs at a Senate Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry subcommittee hearing.


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642ee0 No.21616493


I think Lebanon is a BETA TEST for this to be on roll-out…. worldwide!!! The REAL "internet kill switch" for WWIII !!!

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5097fb No.21616494

File: 15b1ebd23d8c83c⋯.png (230.27 KB,580x479,580:479,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e01624da73f9e4e⋯.png (411.52 KB,468x477,52:53,ClipboardImage.png)

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6af37d No.21616495

File: a6a1dc3cd944e6c⋯.png (476.21 KB,819x652,819:652,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4e089017479f222⋯.mp4 (652.35 KB,480x270,16:9,NOTHING_CAN_STOP_THE_BOSS_.mp4)



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e2488c No.21616496


Such a cute pup

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fa010f No.21616497

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

2:00 PM EDT

Investing in a Healthier America: Chronic Disease Prevention and Treatment

House Ways and Means Committee


The Honorable Bill Frist

Former U.S. Senate Majority Leader and Chairman of the Executives Council, Cressey & Company


Dr. Mark Hyman

Founder, Institute for Functional Health


Dr. Anne Peters

Senior Scholar, USC Schaeffer Institute


Dr. Francesca Rinaldo

Chief Clinical Innovation Officer, Senior Care Action Network (SCAN) Health Plan


Ashley Gearhardt

Professor of Psychology, Food and Addiction Science and Treatment, University of Michigan





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e13552 No.21616498

File: f595e12ec636e4b⋯.png (1.83 MB,750x1334,375:667,893231DE_A9A0_4072_B76E_AF….png)

File: 06021569636b2a3⋯.png (94.17 KB,690x1258,345:629,D719B154_AA9D_46A8_8F0B_F3….png)

File: cd6facdced6154a⋯.jpeg (415.27 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,D240AE5D_6B1E_4C57_8BDD_B….jpeg)

File: 1ef5671d587d7de⋯.png (90.22 KB,690x806,345:403,530511EA_BEE5_40E4_9481_86….png)

File: edaa284a2af97f8⋯.png (49.2 KB,690x498,115:83,3F2EF5C3_1CA7_48DB_BCD7_3A….png)

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d8e687 No.21616499

File: b8b65173ad68843⋯.png (401.56 KB,373x481,373:481,azovst.png)

Taiwan Foreign Legion



Why Taiwanese are among Ukraine's foreign fighters

Taiwan has mandatory military service, which makes those who complete it eligible to join Ukraine's foreign legion.

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fa010f No.21616500

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

2:00 PM EDT

Protecting Americans’ Savings: Examining the Economics of the Multi-Billion Dollar Romance Confidence Scam Industry

House Financial Services Committee



Ms. Dara Daniels

Associate Director, Research & Analysis Division, Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN),


Mr. Matthew Noyes

Cyber Policy & Strategy Director, United States Secret Service,


Mr. Scott Rembrandt

Deputy Assistant Secretary for Strategic Policy, Office of Terrorist Finance & Financial Crimes, Department of the Treasury,


Ms. Erin West

Deputy District Attorney, Santa Clara County District Attorney’s Office,






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bf60d0 No.21616503

File: 986e50e994d91ec⋯.jpg (5.92 KB,255x145,51:29,GodWins4.jpg)

God Bless all on the board that proactively work to protect President Trump.

You are the Savior of Humanity

Potus is the Savior of Humanity

US Military is the Savior of Humanity

Because our heads are in Christ. Amen.

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121bdf No.21616504

File: 5a7de5e2528daee⋯.jpg (73.02 KB,500x395,100:79,5a7de5e2528daee6238c3e087c….jpg)

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5097fb No.21616505

File: b43a7c1bf2b4d5b⋯.png (322.28 KB,438x473,438:473,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e960dd2683dbed8⋯.png (406.74 KB,846x474,141:79,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 77e0e14756a8f7f⋯.png (373.23 KB,847x477,847:477,ClipboardImage.png)

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d8e687 No.21616506



The suspect has also expressed support for Taiwan.

A website named Taiwan Foreign Legion, which lists a man named Ryan Routh as the international volunteer center coordinator and the only contact, calls for international volunteers to support Taiwan in the event of a future conflict with China. On the site, Routh claims to have spent two weeks in Taiwan “going to every single government office and speaking to everyone that I could possibly find to encourage more preparation for war.”

Taiwan’s economic and cultural office in Washington did not immediately respond to a request for comment on the suspect’s possible activities on the island.

Remus Cernea, a Romanian journalist who is listed on the Taiwan Foreign Legion website as a supporter of the effort, told The Washington Post that while he met Routh on several occasions in Ukraine and spoke with him about Taiwan, Cernea was never involved in any organization to defend Taiwan.

“I see him like a very idealistic person,” Cernea said. “He talked about values, about freedom and about democratic values. But what he did yesterday, what he did is against the foundation of democracy because we cannot accept violence in politics.”

In Routh’s self-published Ukraine book, he also expresses his views on Taiwan.

“Shall we let Taiwan fall?” he writes. “We should encircle Taiwan with military ships and support with military might. If we wait, such as we have done in Ukraine, it will be a 10 minute war and we will all be standing around like fools yet again.”

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3ffb95 No.21616507


>that's supposedly how they coordinated the para-gliders in gaza

You mean the ones that Israel knew about, in advance, but let happen, so they could justify™ the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians in Gaza? Those para-gliders? Kek.

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fa010f No.21616509

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

2:00 PM EDT

HEARING – Russia’s Imperial Identity

Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (U.S. Helsinki Commission)



Dr. Botakoz Kassymbekova, Assistant Professor in Modern History, University of Basel


Philip Obaji Jr., Correspondent, The Daily Beast


Timothy Snyder, Richard C. Levin Professor of History, Yale University


Dr. Maria Vyushkova, Buryat activist and scientist





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e73ab7 No.21616510


this mocker ignores the fact:


be gone sacrilegious mocker.

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5bca2d No.21616511

File: 3ed919f1208f13f⋯.png (1023.91 KB,1187x808,1187:808,ClipboardImage.png)

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e13552 No.21616512

File: 65d8bde6cb635fe⋯.png (31.84 KB,690x498,115:83,0E4B9B43_F09A_4010_945C_88….png)

File: 8504bfeb0d93f8a⋯.png (55.05 KB,690x630,23:21,042B46E5_B476_4767_8840_80….png)

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b640ac No.21616514


Greetings from Klaus Schwab?

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d8e687 No.21616516

File: fec820ee56837df⋯.mp4 (1.54 MB,320x560,4:7,FirstGazaParaglidingFlight….mp4)

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e73ab7 No.21616517


SAVIOR OF HUMANITY it should say.

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fa010f No.21616518


I wonder if the weimar republic was a beta test for nowadays

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46f26a No.21616519

File: 3d64e64d1002c47⋯.png (22.87 KB,865x267,865:267,ClipboardImage.png)


Quiet mocker.

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428f92 No.21616520

File: 4ff50350eb6fcc6⋯.webm (117.71 KB,460x314,230:157,aND1AmK_460svvp9.webm)

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5097fb No.21616521

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE: President Trump Holds a Rally in Uniondale, New York - 9/18/24

President Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, will deliver remarks at a rally in Uniondale, New York on Wednesday, September 18, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. EST.


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642ee0 No.21616522


So those who are just going to bunker and "sit it out" during the next world war, governments have other plans for you!! While you are laying back, comfy, watching a movie on some DVD player….trying your best to cope and avoid the dangers in the world…..BOOM!!!!! They simply kill you to further depopulate the planet!! HELL ON EARTH.

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311163 No.21616523

File: 6cbb048bf4904ff⋯.png (156 KB,400x400,1:1,pepe_kek1g.png)


The VAXX wasn't as effective as they'd hoped.

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e73ab7 No.21616524


you sold your sold to be a mocker on 8kun.


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871d28 No.21616525

File: 0e42397946a45b5⋯.png (446.95 KB,1200x866,600:433,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 75e4a5716d998c6⋯.png (31.8 KB,588x312,49:26,ClipboardImage.png)


FAA fines SpaceX for launch license violations

September 17, 2024

The Federal Aviation Administration announced its intent to fine SpaceX more than $633,000 for violating its launch licenses on two occasions in 2023, a decision SpaceX CEO Elon Musk said he will fight in court.

The FAA announced Sept. 17 that it notified SpaceX of $633,009 in proposed fines for violating terms of its launch licenses during the June 2023 Falcon 9 launch of the Satria-1, or PSN Satria, broadband satellite and the July 2023 Falcon Heavy launch of Jupiter-3, or EchoStar-24, broadband satellite.

Both launches were successful.

For the Satria-1 launch, the FAA said in its enforcement notice to the company that SpaceX had requested in May 2023 changes to its communications plan to allow the use of a new launch control center at the company’s “Hangar X” facility at the Kennedy Space Center and to skip a poll of launch controllers at two hours before liftoff.

The FAA notified SpaceX shortly before the scheduled launch that it would not be able to approve those changes and modify the license in time, although the enforcement notice did not state why.

SpaceX went ahead and used the Hangar X control center and skipped the “T-2 hours” poll for the launch.

The agency concluded that violated two conditions of its launch license, which allowed for civil penalties of up to $283,009 each. The FAA said it planned to fine SpaceX a combined $350,000 for that launch.

A month later, SpaceX conducted the Falcon Heavy launch of Jupiter-3, but nine days before the launch the company requested a modification to its launch license to allow it to use a new tank farm for RP-1 fuel at KSC’s Launch Complex 39A, according to a separate enforcement notice.

The FAA notified SpaceX two days before the scheduled launch that the agency would not be able to modify the license in time, but SpaceX nonetheless used the new tank farm for the launch.

The agency said it proposed to fine SpaceX the maximum $283,009 for that violation.

“Safety drives everything we do at the FAA, including a legal responsibility for the safety oversight of companies with commercial space transportation licenses,” Marc Nichols, chief counsel at the FAA, said in a statement.

“Failure of a company to comply with the safety requirements will result in consequences.”

For both incidents, SpaceX has 30 days to respond, with the option of participating in an “informal conference” with agency attorneys and submitting information to explain what happened.

Musk, though, suggested SpaceX would take the FAA to court rather than use those administrative procedures.

“SpaceX will be filing suit against the FAA for regulatory overreach,” he posted on X, the social media platform he also owns.

Musk claimed in other posts the fines were “lawfare” by the FAA against SpaceX.

“I am highly confident that discovery will show improper, politically-motivated behavior by the FAA,” he argued, but provided no evidence to support his claim.


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7d35ef No.21616527

File: ce6e6024a9ff01e⋯.jpg (51.3 KB,716x399,716:399,AJ6.jpg)

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46f26a No.21616528


You shouldn't mock what you don't know.

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871d28 No.21616529


In another post, Musk appeared confused by the FAA’s authority. “Amazingly, no Starliner fines for Boeing!” he wrote.

“The FAA space division is harassing SpaceX about nonsense that doesn’t affect safety while giving a free pass to Boeing even after NASA concluded that their spacecraft was not safe enough to bring back the astronauts.”

For commercial crew missions like Starliner’s Crew Flight Test mission, crew safety is the responsibility of NASA, not the FAA.

“The FAA partners with NASA during these missions and is responsible for public safety through its commercial space licensing process while NASA is responsible for crew safety,” the FAA notes.

A “learning period” also limits the FAA’s ability to enact safety regulations for spaceflight participants. That period, established in late 2004, has been extended several times and currently runs through the end of 2024.

The FAA does have limited authority to regulate crew safety to ensure they can operate the vehicle and not harm the public.

The latest proposed fines were not the first FAA has levied against SpaceX. In February 2023, the FAA issued a similar notice to SpaceX about violating the terms of its launch license for a Falcon 9 Starlink launch six months earlier.

In that case, SpaceX did not submit launch collision analysis trajectory data at least seven days before the launch as required by terms of the license. The FAA proposed a $175,000 fine.

SpaceX is also facing fines from another agency linked to Starship launch activities at its Starbase cite in Boca Chica, Texas.

The Environmental Protection Agency announced Sept. 10 a $148,378 fine against SpaceX for violating terms of the Clean Water Act.

The fine covers discharges of wastewater from a launch deluge system on the pad without the appropriate permit, as well as a separate, earlier incident where the company spilled liquid oxygen into protected wetlands at the site.

The EPA noted the proposed fine was the result of “settlement communications” with SpaceX. That settlement is open to public comment through Oct. 21.


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f071c3 No.21616530

File: 2528399af044dcf⋯.png (391.06 KB,1024x683,1024:683,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e75b2bf7e9ce426⋯.png (179.29 KB,850x730,85:73,Screen_Shot_2024_09_18_at_….png)

History repeats in September.

23andMe board resigns in feud over CEO Anne Wojcicki’s plan to take company private

(New York Post)

By Taylor Herzlich

Published Sep. 18, 2024, 12:54 p.m. ET


All seven members of 23andMe’s board resigned in a stinging rebuke to a proposal by CEO Anne Wojcicki’s plans to to take the company private.

Wojcicki, who has been trying to take the company private since April, proposed to acquire all outstanding shares of 23andMe not owned by her or her affiliates for $0.40 per share, in July.

“I am surprised and disappointed by the decision of the directors to resign,” Wojcicki said in a memo Tuesday to employees obtained by The Post.

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 2d695a No.2847730

Sep 2 2018 14:06:05 (EST)


"At least seven senior Facebook executives have announced their departures this year."

Nothing to See Here.




Sergey Brin - GOOG [Founder][BORN IN MOSCOW]

was married to…

Anne Wojcicki - 23andme [Founder]

was brother-in-law to…

Susan Wojcicki - CEO of YouTube



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311163 No.21616531

File: 1418279b961e221⋯.png (236.46 KB,654x382,327:191,shill_try_to_blend.png)


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5097fb No.21616533

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Hezbollah's exploding pagers: Gold Apollo's response to the accusations| Radio Free Asia (RFA)

A Taiwanese pager maker denied on Wednesday that it had produced the devices that wounded thousands of Hezbollah operatives in Lebanon when they exploded. The attack has heightened fears of a potential full-scale war between the Iran-backed group and Israel. Gold Apollo clarified that the devices were manufactured under license by a company called BAC, based in Budapest, Hungary.


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3ffb95 No.21616534


Not gonna lie, Anon, but I'm giddy about the come-uppance the Chosen Ones™ are about to get, especially Israel. When mainstream America becomes cognizant of whatreallyhappened on 9-11 andwhyit happened, well, I pity the Israelis. They've had 23 years to make it right, but all they care about is being their "right"™ to rape prisoners.

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50dacc No.21616536

early notes

#26475 >>21616221

>>21616521 LIVE: President Trump Holds a Rally in Uniondale, New York - 9/18/24

>>21616260, >>21616503 Pray for protection for Trump and the USA. This will also include the world in turn.

>>21616281 ARCHIVE of Routh's social media posts before they were deleted.

>>21616311, >>21616373 Rally COMMS? You are watching the WAR IN REAL TIME

>>21616320 Press Briefing by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre

>>21616405 ENTIRE BOARD RESIGNS "23andMe has achieved in pioneering 'direct access' to genetic information"

>>21616429 PlaneFaggin'

>>21616431, >>21616463 Are Matthew Yearick, Thomas Crooks and Ryan Routh ALL DIRECTLY CONNECTED? DIGZ ANONS

>>21616492, >>21616497, >>21616500, >>21616509 Swamp Habbenings

>>21616499, >>21616506 A man named Ryan Routh is an international one man war machine

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b640ac No.21616537


wait til they play out the "alien invasion" card

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b640ac No.21616540



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d8e687 No.21616542

File: f03036d8c0ecb71⋯.png (2.62 MB,1437x958,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)


>We should encircle Taiwan with military ships and support with military might.

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5c78dc No.21616543

File: 926d3294e47edef⋯.png (647.31 KB,768x403,768:403,ClipboardImage.png)

Michigan’s Dirty Democrats Pass 4 NEW Election Bills Including Radical Lottery-Style RANKED CHOICE VOTING, Court Appointed Election Monitors and THEFT of Election Control From Local Clerks


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f39366 No.21616544


Kek, I'd like to see the Haitians try to get that one.

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e73ab7 No.21616546


all the illegal immigrants invading are actually Grays from deep space?

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35ef9d No.21616548

Hey some more Pagers & now Radios Going BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM

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121bdf No.21616551

File: c7928b2c6fc0433⋯.png (176.01 KB,400x311,400:311,c7928b2c6fc043304567f5433d….png)


The MuhJoos are using this as an excuse to post their bullshit. I'm impressed with the tactic. The Islamic terrorists got a dose of their own medicine, and now they get to feel fear and terror in the own homes and communities, not knowing if the next electronic device will blow up in their faces or blow a hole in their side. Kind of a genius and ruthless tactic, truth be told. But it is borderline the same game the Islamic terrorists play. Not sure how I feel about that part, but it's their war and I'm not going to second guess what they feel they need to do.

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5c78dc No.21616552

File: f40787015361726⋯.png (347.41 KB,650x394,325:197,ClipboardImage.png)

Trump Finally Given a Counter-Sniper Team. In what appeared to be an effort to save face, a spokesperson for Secret Service told reporters that Trump's detail is "larger than that of any other former president receives while in the five boroughs" of New York. Trump isn't just any former president.


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b640ac No.21616553


just remembered to filter you

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e73ab7 No.21616557


apologists for mass murder might be considered propagandists and war criminals.

careful what you cheer about.

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53f908 No.21616558

File: 93fd664afbbd94e⋯.jpg (111.64 KB,977x583,977:583,93fd664afbbd94e90966a5c1da….jpg)

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be4a78 No.21616560

File: 6073d187f4612ea⋯.png (1.12 MB,800x1024,25:32,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 69f1b6fd7fd6df1⋯.png (170.38 KB,867x890,867:890,ClipboardImage.png)


can wait..

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5c78dc No.21616564

File: 19bf712cd2b78f6⋯.png (604.36 KB,675x677,675:677,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 583e6d9a19912b7⋯.mp4 (3.09 MB,1280x720,16:9,MSNBC_guest_says_Putin_wil….mp4)




MSNBC guest says Putin will be deterred by Kamala Harris because she’s the product of a mixed marriage 🤡

MSNBC Host: “Wow.”


9:00 AM • Sep 18, 2024

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d8e687 No.21616565

File: 14a9f14b66df707⋯.mp4 (7.6 MB,480x852,40:71,IsraelPulllsGuninTXFAFO.mp4)

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5c78dc No.21616568

File: 4ea867b95c22847⋯.png (429.81 KB,768x432,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Skunk Works' Losing Loyal Wingman Drone Was Very Stealthy "Gold Plated" Design

Lockheed Martin is now exploring optionally expendable designs to propose in an attempt to win the second round of the CCA program.


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311163 No.21616569

File: 3ea0a9a328fe1ab⋯.jpg (39.03 KB,361x500,361:500,Putin_1.jpg)

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642ee0 No.21616571


Yah, that was no "camp fire" so I expect this will be the endgame. Oh well, life was fun while it lasted. I won't be giving up the booze, no need to after knowing what they have planned now. Saving a spare bullet when that time is needed anon. Sad endgame.

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5c78dc No.21616572

File: b87565a1c421479⋯.png (648.06 KB,700x394,350:197,ClipboardImage.png)

"Blow Your Mind": Ex-WSJ Journo Uncovers Hub Of An Alleged Migrant Trafficking Network In Springfield, Ohio


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2ad56e No.21616574


the gaslighting has hit a new level of retard

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507c04 No.21616575


>on some DVD player

yeah no

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642ee0 No.21616577


Yah, they are delusional liars.

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5c78dc No.21616578


>23andMe board resigns in feud over CEO Anne Wojcicki’s plan to take company private


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311163 No.21616579

File: ba59122dea215df⋯.png (146.73 KB,435x256,435:256,Swalwell_5.png)

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5c78dc No.21616581



>FAA fines SpaceX for launch license violations


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d8e687 No.21616582

File: afa097c056ccdab⋯.mp4 (1.38 MB,1216x720,76:45,swastika_on_the_hat.mp4)

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610e1e No.21616584


Musk gonna be the guy that fires them.

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121bdf No.21616585


I'm not cheering for anyone. There's no amount of gaslighting that can be done that'll make me feel sympathy for any Palestinian when Hamas is using them as human shields. "Genocide?" Boo-fucking-hoo. They're not the only Islamists and Christians in the middle-east, so hardly genocide.

>careful what you cheer about.

And you be careful what your bosses tell you to post, might be considered the same.

>apologists for mass murder might be considered propagandists and war criminals.

I might be considered a war criminal if I don't hate the Jews? Fuck off, pissflap.

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5c78dc No.21616587

File: e138f2c39275e20⋯.png (958.98 KB,768x512,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

Cops shoot down bogus report of explosives found near Trump’s Long Island rally site

Police said Wednesday there was “no validity” to reports that explosives had been found near the site of former President Donald Trump’s Long Island rally. A Nassau County Police …


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d8e687 No.21616588

File: f4b609e02f36195⋯.png (337.73 KB,330x462,5:7,ClipboardImage.png)


>Musk gonna be the guy that fires them.

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6beeab No.21616590

The next anon to speak poorly about the sitting Vice President of the United States is getting cock slapped in minecraft.

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5c78dc No.21616592

File: b86618aa59fe101⋯.png (851.19 KB,672x886,336:443,ClipboardImage.png)

It’s Official: Biden-Harris Administration Has Reversed Saudi-Israeli Normalization


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3ffb95 No.21616594


>why do they always have to do this kind of shit in Lebanon of all places???

Lebanon belongs to the Chosen Ones™, Anon. It's part of Greater Israel™. Doesn't matter what or how you feel about it, their religious ideology teaches them that they are yourbettersand you are nothing, but slaves. You don't get to argue it, either. Well, unless you want to be labeled anti-Semite™.

On the other side of the coin, Lebanon is a litmus test for what they plan to do to the rest of us. Remember their perception is that if they tell you what they plan to do to you and you do nothing, they consider it "consent." Doesn't matter if you could interpret their message or not. As far as they're concerned, since it's their game and their rules, it's not their fault that you didn't understand. You were told.

Michael Jackson wasn't kidding in his song "They Don't Really Care About Us."

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121bdf No.21616595

File: a6b7d2babeb9b05⋯.webm (265.5 KB,427x240,427:240,silence5.webm)


That's enough schizophrenic gaslighting from you, little shill. Into the filter. There you go, right where you belong.

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c0c151 No.21616596


>I might be considered a war criminal if I don't hate the Jews? Fuck off

if patriots have anything to say about it

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4397e7 No.21616598


search I did doesn't find any stories supporting this…

Sounds F&G

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871d28 No.21616599

File: 295ba31d2cd55ae⋯.png (567.88 KB,1024x576,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Space Perspective Successfully Completes Development Flight 2

September 17, 2024

Space Perspective, the world's first carbon-neutral spaceflight experience company, has successfully completed a full flight profile of its uncrewed Spaceship Neptune-Excelsior, the fully-operational test vehicle of the spaceship that will take Explorers to space.

The flight, which launched from Marine Spaceport (MS) Voyager off the coast of St. Petersburg, Florida on September 15, 2024, is a demonstration of the industry-defining spacecraft Space Perspective has designed and built, and marks the next important benchmark on the way to crewed test flights.

Space Perspective's Spaceship Neptune-Excelsior capsule is lifted by the SpaceBalloon™ from the deck of MS Voyager, embarking on a historic test flight.

Spaceship Neptune-Excelsior soars over the ocean, heralding a new era in sustainable space tourism.

Space Perspective conducted a crucial wet dress rehearsal, testing the spacecraft's readiness aboard MS Voyager for its upcoming spaceflight.

The intricate design and patented technology of Space Perspective's capsule, pictured on MS Voyager, set to revolutionize space travel.

The full flight profile demonstration began with a precise launch from MS Voyager, propelling Spaceship Neptune to an altitude of approximately 100,000 feet—above 99% of Earth's atmosphere.

Over the course of the six-hour journey, the spacecraft reached its peak altitude before performing a controlled descent and splashdown, showcasing its full flight profile and validating key technological advancements.

"Completing Development Flight 2 is a defining moment for Space Perspective," said Taber MacCallum, Founder and CTO of Space Perspective.

"I'm so proud of our devoted team who has worked relentlessly to execute this mission, drawing from their deep expertise and designing solutions for never-been-seen technologies.

This uncrewed flight not only proves our pioneering technology but also brings us a giant leap closer to making space accessible for everyone and reaffirms our belief in the transformative power of space travel."

With the successful completion of Development Flight 2, Space Perspective has made significant advancements in several crucial areas. Key highlights of the flight demonstration include:

Launch and Ascent: Utilizing Space Perspective's patented launch system aboard MS Voyager, the flight employed a novel four-roller mechanism to raise the balloon, which has never been done before.

This innovative approach establishes a new standard for marine spaceports, enabling year-round, global spaceflight operations.

Spaceship Neptune Capsule: The spacecraft-maintained cabin pressure and stability at peak altitude, confirming the safety, design and performance of the largest spaceflight capsule ever flown, with the largest windows ever flown.

This achievement represents a significant leap in spacecraft engineering.

Thermal Management: The flight highlighted the spacecraft's advanced thermal control system, effectively managing extreme temperature variations from the frigid upper atmosphere to intense solar heating, ensuring a comfortable environment inside the capsule for future Explorers.

SpaceBalloon™ Performance: The flight demonstrated the successful use of hydrogen lift gas with the SpaceBalloon™ manufactured in house by Space Perspective, allowing the spacecraft to ascend to edge of space altitudes and descend safely, proving the viability of renewable lift gases.

Mission Control and Retrieval: Managed from Mission Control, the flight validated proprietary software and communication systems. The retrieval process, involving a fast boat and crane, was executed seamlessly, facilitating a thorough post-flight inspection.

Jane Poynter, Founder of Space Perspective, added: "This flight successfully demonstrated the extraordinary accessibility of Spaceship Neptune's spaceflight experience with its gentle ascent, descent and splashdown, a critical step in opening space up to more people than ever before possible.

Our advances in marine spaceport technology, spacecraft design, and flight safety are setting truly new standards for the future of space exploration."


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642ee0 No.21616600


At this point all they need to do is directly target any electronic device ID in any targeted area and everything goes BOOM!! for miles around just like in Lebanon and Paradise CA.

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be4a78 No.21616601

File: 3660b341ff6ca03⋯.png (85.81 KB,402x383,402:383,ClipboardImage.png)


who is the vice president?

kamala or tampon tim?

joe is on the beach

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19dce3 No.21616602

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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507c04 No.21616604


you talk like a fag and your shit's all retarded

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8df9ce No.21616605

File: c1bade09e7b40dd⋯.png (24.62 KB,466x349,466:349,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fb393bbd686ad3a⋯.png (2.51 KB,510x36,85:6,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cf62c00181fcb5e⋯.png (396.95 KB,752x848,47:53,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9e575a144dd6b21⋯.png (177.71 KB,795x851,795:851,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3285ad3486de8b3⋯.png (207.28 KB,553x850,553:850,ClipboardImage.png)

hahaha holy shit on the clock today and the 2 attempts on trump plus the news coverage trying to slide it under the rug or imply other bullshit:

do you guys remember reading these??? implies that CIA. First Doc, then CIA director Turner 'assured' that no members of the CIA were working in churches or MSM companies or as journalists, these correspondences are 2 years after Churches committee and we all learned about the fuck shit the CIA was doing then, including OPERATION MOCKINGBIRD. second doc is a 1992 committee hearing in 1992 about how the CIA embedded journos in the media.

sorry if this shit is all over the place but SUPER RELEVANT to what is happening now. will poast more snaps of the documents that are relevant. including one that says a CIA undercover journo was embedded within the committee on the JFK killing, kinda implying the CIA was heavily interested in what the committee was finding no???? now relate it to the committees started now to investigate the trump attempts. are there CIA journos within those????



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e13552 No.21616606


pot kek

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d8e687 No.21616607

File: 7b236cecf3ef1c3⋯.png (752.21 KB,819x1024,819:1024,ClipboardImage.png)

“The individual with the bomb dog falsely reported explosives being found and that individual is currently being detained by police,” the statement said.

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6af37d No.21616609

File: d3e53b8ebf26c74⋯.jpg (24.04 KB,310x260,31:26,d3e53b8ebf26c74d1ddb4757e7….jpg)

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d8e687 No.21616610


>the statement said

anyone find it?

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0a4c30 No.21616612

Now the home solar units are exploding. Dayum

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be4a78 No.21616613

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121bdf No.21616614


>if patriots have anything to say about it

What patriots? The "patriots" laundering money in the Ukraine where Nazi symbolism is present in their military? The "patriots" currently in power trying to assassinate POTUS Trump? "Patriots" like that fat fuck Vindmann and his ugly fat cow of a wife? Those "patriots?" I don't subscribe to the delusions of a one post with a simple-minded, one-track narrative that everyone can see through now.

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5c78dc No.21616616

File: 502d2e61d3bae8f⋯.png (527.93 KB,768x429,256:143,ClipboardImage.png)

Tim Pool files defamation lawsuit against Kamala Harris campaign over misleading ‘Kamala HQ’ posts

“Mr. Pool cannot stand idly by while the Harris Campaign’s lie continues to fester, inflaming the public while harming his reputation and cutting him off from those he wants to reach and persuade.”


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7f8834 No.21616617

File: 9ba83c81c5cf387⋯.jpg (684.54 KB,2905x2226,415:318,8UjYTd7wSVMU9YbxfTCEYd_126….jpg)

File: 64f70b133179c0b⋯.jpg (80.8 KB,1100x619,1100:619,180316113930_01_john_bolto….jpg)

File: 42555b8a5ed37e5⋯.jpg (413.67 KB,2447x1835,2447:1835,stephen_king_01_990327651.jpg)

File: 4350adb9780b320⋯.jpg (15.69 KB,474x316,3:2,th_774332649.jpg)

File: 5f7ed0dc638f608⋯.jpg (16.19 KB,474x316,3:2,th_1454009622.jpg)

So sloppy, so ambare-assing

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3ffb95 No.21616619


>you talk like a fag and your shit's all retarded

Any electronic device that uses a cpu component has an ID, Anon. They're factory coded on each die during manufacturing.

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d8e687 No.21616621


>individual with the bomb dog falsely reported explosives being found

but he was a civilian and not involved with the security?

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19dce3 No.21616622


ex cia agent speaks of his encounters with malachi, and also says that the reason he was told they didnt release the third secret in 1960 like it was requested at Fatima, Portugal… was that the communist powers couldve destroyed the West at that time, and that does make sense … was Reagan tasked with weakening the communist state globally?

"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!"

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a3c02b No.21616623

File: 919d21869c8b779⋯.png (414.9 KB,1920x1220,96:61,ClipboardImage.png)


POTUS mentions "Connect the dots." at town hall

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b640ac No.21616624


ok ty, anon

so i have to build a huge faraday cage now, or what?

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5c78dc No.21616625

File: f3878605b7b343d⋯.png (562.93 KB,768x403,768:403,ClipboardImage.png)

JIZZMAX NEWS: Ghislaine Maxwell’s Conviction Is Upheld by 2nd US Circuit Court of Appeals. Maxwell says ‘The Truth’ Will Come out in Her Autobiography.

While the eyes of the world are fixated on Sean Diddy Combs’s arrest for sex trafficking and racketeering, another high- profile case has had a meaningful development, as Ghislaine Maxwell’s appeal against her 2021 conviction was denied by 2nd US Circuit Court of Appeals yesterday (17).

She was convicted for helping the late pedophile Jeffrey Epstein to sexually abuse teenage (sometimes underage) girls.

Daily Mail reported:

“Maxwell, 62, has been serving a 20-year prison sentence after being convicted on five charges for having recruited and groomed four underage girls for Epstein to abuse between 1994 and 2004. She was described as ‘dangerous’ during her trial as jurors were told details of how she helped entice vulnerable teenagers to Epstein’s various properties.

Judge Alison Nathan said at sentencing that Maxwell was ‘central’ to Epstein’s heinous crimes, not a ‘proxy.’ ‘Ms Maxwell worked with Epstein to select young victims who were vulnerable and played a pivotal role in facilitating sexual abuse,’ the judge said.”

Maxwell has been incarcerated since July 2020, despite her numerous attempts to be released on bail.

“Maxwell’s appeal focused on a 2007 non-prosecution agreement between Epstein and federal prosecutors in southern Florida, which she said barred her from being prosecuted in Manhattan 13 years later.”

Her defense argued that references in Epstein’s non-prosecution agreement to the ‘United States’ meant that the government was forbidden from prosecuting any ‘potential co-conspirators.’

But prosecutors convinced the court that any mention of the United States was a throwaway reference, and that Epstein’s agreement only applied to prosecutors in southern Florida.

“In addition, Maxwell argued in her appeal that prosecutors scapegoated her because Epstein was dead and the public demanded that someone else be held accountable. She also said her trial was tainted because one juror did not disclose that he had been sexually abused as a child.

In January, DailyMail.com revealed that Maxwell had been telling her fellow inmates in prison to ignore reports on the case and instead promised she would write memoir giving ‘the truth’. ‘She really thinks she hasn’t done anything wrong and that her charges will be dropped when people read it’.”

In a prison interview in 2023, she again denied any knowledge of the dead financier’s crimes,

The disgraced socialite insisted that she ‘regretted ever meeting him’ and that she had no idea he was ‘capable of evil.’

A treasure trove of documents made public in January related to a long-settled defamation case filed against Maxwell by Prince Andrew accuser Virginia Giuffre showed that her claims of innocence were false.

Maxwell is serving her sentence in a low-security prison in Tallahassee, Florida.

She will be eligible for release in July 2037.


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8df9ce No.21616626

File: cb32156bbca7208⋯.png (329.74 KB,714x893,714:893,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 30cef1d228d72eb⋯.png (137.39 KB,715x319,65:29,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ca0401d27a4ff1f⋯.png (125.55 KB,723x816,241:272,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 666f238034f9677⋯.png (256.05 KB,745x730,149:146,ClipboardImage.png)

>>21616605 me

recovering from a heart attack. damnnn anons reread those two docs if / when you have the time. relate it to the committees today!!

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40c782 No.21616627

I've been following the military summary for a long time.

He does good work and is usually accurate.

The giant strike on Russia today is the biggest of the war by far.

Looks like the attack might have come Baltic nations part of NATO.

If so, WW3 is really close now.


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311163 No.21616628

File: 63a5ac4dc6b27e2⋯.png (271.7 KB,550x550,1:1,pepe_dank_3.png)


>pot kek

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c0c151 No.21616629

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

54 yrs ago today, the world was robbed of the greatest musical genius since JSB

murdered by MI6

do your own due diligence

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14c675 No.21616630

File: affba18438c5adc⋯.png (637 KB,675x1004,675:1004,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b875f354dfb0cf6⋯.png (553.4 KB,675x725,27:29,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a2f78c535d3b534⋯.png (690.93 KB,1185x690,79:46,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 49dd1d614630518⋯.png (492.45 KB,631x615,631:615,ClipboardImage.png)

TIME Magazine gets publicly SHAMED for spreading lies about second Trump assassination attempt…September 17, 2024

Our media is a shameless, regime-run propaganda machine that is so untrustworthy, you’d be better off getting your news from a fortune cookie factory. Have they always been this way, or did the media morph into unhinged, North Korea-style propaganda artists when President Trump hit the scene? They’ve been this way for decades, but the truth is, when you shine a light on a cockroach, it panics and goes crazy. That’s exactly what happened when President Trump exposed the fake news media. From that moment on, it’s been a free-for-all. They’re not even trying to hide who they are anymore, and we’re no longer pretending they’re legitimate “news.” And thus, the information war was born.

TIME Magazine is failing for many reasons; the main one is that nobody takes them seriously anymore, and you can see why: they’re a complete and total regime-run joke. They recently got publicly shamed for spreading lies regarding the second assassination attempt on President Trump’s life. This clownish publication had the audacity to print a story about the assassination attempt while pretending they had no clue about the political ideology of the alleged shooter.

Meanwhile, Ryan Routh is a walking, talking commercial for radical left-wing lunacy—complete with an obsession with Ukraine, Stage 5 TDS, and social media overflowing with glowing praise for Joe and Kamala. It doesn’t take Scooby Doo to solve this mystery. It’s pretty obvious which side of the aisle Mr. Routh is firmly planted on. But truth and facts don’t stop our media from spinning a story to fit their agenda. So, TIME Magazine whipped up a fake news masterpiece, suggesting the assassination motive was one giant mystery. Needless to say, TIME was called out and shamed for this pathetic and desperate move.

Collin Rugg: NEW: TIME gets Community Noted after they claimed it was “unclear” what would-be Trump assass*n Ryan Routh’s “political ideology” was.

1. If TIME decided to do journalism, they would find that Routh called Trump a “r*tarded child” & called on Iran to assas*inate him.

2. “I must take part of the blame for the r*tarded child we elected for our next president that ended up being brainless, but I am man enough to say that I misjudged and made a terrible mistake and Iran I apologize,” Routh said in a book he published on Amazon.

3. “You are free to assass*nate Trump as well as me for that error in judgment and the dismantling of the deal.”

4. The e-book is for sale on Amazon for $2.99 as reported by the Daily Mail.

5. Routh’s own son said his father hated Trump like “any reasonable person” would.

6. He also donated to ActBlue in 2019 and 2020.

7. Here’s the “Community Note” that took TIME down:

And here’s a section of the book Mr. Routh wrote:

You would think that so-called “reporters” working at TIME Magazine would have the training to look this stuff up, right? But these aren’t “reporters,” they’re left-wing activists.

Yet, even though we all know that the mainstream media, including outlets like TIME Magazine, are part of the “regime media army,” it’s still shocking and disappointing to see such blatant North Korea-style propaganda right here in the United States. However, nothing about this second assassination attempt against President Trump is a mystery. If Democrats and the regime-run media want to understand why these left-wing nutjobs are exploding like grenades, maybe they should sit down and watch this clip—full of calls for violence against President Trump and his supporters from “loving” and “tolerant” Democrats.

There’s no mystery here, and there’s no confusion or second-guessing why these unhinged left-wingers are trying to murder President Trump.

A year ago, Tucker Carlson warned that we were spiraling toward assassination because the regime has decided that Trump poses such an incredible threat, they have no choice but to eliminate him. Unfortunately, that prediction was spot on. Thank God the assassins haven’t been successful.

But this sick and twisted violent messaging has been circulating for nearly a decade. The fact that President Trump has survived two assassination attempts is failure for the regime, and they’ll keep at it until they get their “mission accomplished” moment.

The only issue for the left is that President Trump is still alive. The media and the American people know exactly what’s happening here. Just like they always know the motive every time a Muslim slams an airplane into a building or shoots up a nightclub. We know why that happens, and we know why Trump is being shot at, as well.



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121bdf No.21616631

File: 2f66e689e60e758⋯.jpg (12.53 KB,255x203,255:203,dredd_pepe2.jpg)


That's too bad. Such a shame that evil lizard-brianed bitch has to stay in jail.

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40c782 No.21616632

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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642ee0 No.21616633


You talk like you have your head up your ass.

With only a couple pagers being remotely detonated with PETX, that is one thing, and extremely believable covert sabotage…. BUT with cell phones, digital security devices, radios/walkie talkies and even cars blowing up at the same time!?!? Give me a break anon, it is becoming very clear ALL these electronics are being MASS PRODUCED to become potential targets for covert warfare!!!!

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428f92 No.21616634

File: e92b312a105966c⋯.jpg (313.27 KB,757x933,757:933,Poseidon_sculpture_Copenha….jpg)


P = Poseidon

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40c782 No.21616635

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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46e716 No.21616636

File: 24a8ae55ee6d09c⋯.png (69.96 KB,705x827,705:827,spaceexploration.png)

File: cf53eb1313be290⋯.png (19.92 KB,368x311,368:311,muskonatheism5sixteenam.png)



#21612703 at 2024-09-18 02:20:31 (UTC+1)



5:16 AM · Sep 18, 2024

Tell me somthing.

anybody have a link to the evidence "Einstein" was a front man for the mathematical work

My friend who is gone now did research and swore to me he likely stole it whil working in a patent office. Was that in Switzerland?

anyway, I reading a bio and he, unlike mathematical genius / prodigies, did not excel at math at an early age. He was also similar to a GRETA in that he was pushing an Internationalist Agenda, allegedly for Peace.

NWO want to lock down the planet in the name of Peace, long term plan.

Anyone have data on Einstein and the Patent office he worked out of.

Also, Einstein was never able to repeat the caliber of work he allegedly did as a young man,

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5c78dc No.21616637


>TIME Magazine gets publicly SHAMED for spreading lies about second Trump assassination attempt



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7f8834 No.21616638

File: d156bf6cd6898cf⋯.jpg (20.69 KB,474x298,237:149,th_986104594.jpg)

File: 88fe0dca131b76a⋯.jpg (641.43 KB,2340x1080,13:6,Screenshot_20240918_100646….jpg)

File: 8b6c54743eb5bc0⋯.png (253.69 KB,400x400,1:1,hawley_mo_sen_1265439929.png)

File: 05957380b5285a0⋯.jpg (2.06 MB,1295x1912,1295:1912,Goebbels_portrait201308061….jpg)

File: f1326d4bbe55fc6⋯.jpg (486.55 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240908_101055….jpg)


Always cleaning

A clean house, and what not

The sen8 was the…

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5c78dc No.21616639

File: 067bc4d7c048968⋯.png (380.85 KB,624x351,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Vivek Ramaswamy Lands His Own Fox Show. Planned to premiere in a matter of days on Sept. 22, this new venture between Ramaswamy and Fox is called “Truths with Vivek Ramaswamy.” Mr. Ramaswamy lays out a positive alternative to the left’s vision for the future by presenting hard ‘truths’.


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40c782 No.21616640


Ignore this one. Was wrong

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14c675 No.21616641

File: e959d230ef4b0c5⋯.png (125.63 KB,465x435,31:29,ClipboardImage.png)

David Muir and ABC Nightly News get a heaping dose of KARMA after clown show ‘debate’…

September 18, 2024 (4 hours ago)1/2

It’s official—the American people are fed up with the regime-run propaganda media. After the recent partisan clown show of a debate, where President Trump was up against Kamala Harris and both ABC moderators, we the people have had enough. Now, we’re making our voices heard and hitting these media charlatans where it hurts most: their ratings.

David Muir, the nighttime face of ABC News, is getting walloped in the ratingsafter he went all out to protect Kamala Harris from the truth during the pathetically staged debate. One particularly shameful moment was when Muir supposedly “fact-checked” President Trump on crime statistics. Trump correctly stated that violent crime is soaring under Harris/Biden, but Muir rushed to defend Kamala, throwing up a so-called “fact-check” as fake as the day is long, using outdated data to make it look like the Harris/Biden regime had lowered crime. A total and complete bald-faced lie, and some might call it “election interference,” something the media is very skilled at—who can forget the Hunter Biden laptop from hell coverup?

Rooted Wings:

During the @ABC “debate,” activist-moderator @DavidMuir fact-checked @realDonaldTrump

live saying thatTrump’s claim that “crime is rampant like never before” was false. Muir was wrong. Or in other words, Trump was right.

The DOJ’s newest numbers from the Bureau of Justice statistics were just released showing that nationally since 2020:

Violent Crime is up 40%

Rape is up 42%

Car Theft is up 42%

Aggravated Assaults are up 55%

Violent Attacks on Strangers are up more than 61%

America is increasingly UNSAFE under a Harris administration.

Full New DOJ Report: https://bjs.ojp.gov/document/cv23.pdf

What a shameful moment for Muir and ABC News—and it didn’t go unnoticed. Since that joke of a debate, Muir’s ratings have taken a hit.

The Washington Examiner:

ABC News’sDavid Muir experienced a decline in ratings in his flagship showafter his controversial performance as one of the moderators of the presidential debate between former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris.

Muir was a debate moderator alongside Linsey Davis, frequently fact-checking Trump while failing to do so for Harris. Muir was criticized for disputing the former president’s claim that crime was going up by countering with incomplete data and questioning whether he was being sarcastic or not in a previous interview. The flak Muir took from the experience appears to have taken a toll on his ratings.


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19dce3 No.21616642

i think not only is satan enthroned in rome, he also reigns in DC .. behind the scenes as usual… one day if we do not confront and drain that swamp, satan will make himself visible in his hubris

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311163 No.21616643

File: f2c8a70267acd3e⋯.png (62.47 KB,236x207,236:207,pepe_keks.png)


Fake News gonna fake news, whilst accusing others of spreading misinformation.

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428f92 No.21616644

File: d1eb1ef8e5ac29b⋯.png (47.7 KB,668x607,668:607,66ea8d256e276.png)

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d8e687 No.21616645

Another explosion rocked Cologne this morning - in front of a clothing store.

This was reported by the Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger.

The circumstances are unknown, there are no casualties. The windows in the building are broken, there was a small fire.

Police say the incident is similar to the explosion outside the Vanity club on Monday night, where cameras captured a man in a hoodie planting an explosive device and setting it on fire. They are looking for him.

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c0c151 No.21616646


put the comic books down and step away from the keyboard, with your hands behind your head

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8df9ce No.21616648

File: 899aad162c39344⋯.png (252.49 KB,625x837,625:837,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c78837aa0633286⋯.png (202.65 KB,700x828,175:207,ClipboardImage.png)


'mad' language hahaha. i suggest you remove last 2 sentences in para 1 and all of para 2. signed joel.

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b640ac No.21616649


adrenochrome dealer?

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19dce3 No.21616651



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21cb69 No.21616653



Scare tactic to get people to fear electronics/ devices ahead of election, so no awareness current news goings on.

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d8e687 No.21616657


>Violent Crime is up 40%

>Rape is up 42%

>Car Theft is up 42%

>Aggravated Assaults are up 55%

>Violent Attacks on Strangers are up more than 61%

<David Muir is down by 12%

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14c675 No.21616658

File: 3ef816347e993b4⋯.png (190.98 KB,644x1016,161:254,ClipboardImage.png)



According to Fox News, Muir’s ABC World News Tonight ratings fell by 12% after the debate, with an average of 6.7 million viewers on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, compared to an average of 7.6 million before the debate. That was a substantially steeper decline than that suffered by CBS Evening News and NBC Nightly News.

Muir and Davis have faced heavy criticism from Trump and Republicans for their performances as moderators.

“Every one of them should have been questioned by David Muir, who I’ve lost a lot of respect for,” Trump told Fox News last week. “Everyone’s lost respect for him.”

“It was so … one-sided,” he added. “It was one against three.”

Muir claimed in one of his fact checks of Trump that FBI crime statistics showed that violent crime was going down, but the data showing such a trend was “based on data received from 13,719 of 19,268 law enforcement agencies in the country,” excluding high-crime areas such as New York and Los Angeles.

Meanwhile,Kamala can’t even answer the “million dollar” question: Are you better off today than you were for years ago? She knows the answer. It’s a resounding “NO!”

Insurrection Barbie:

This is the fourth time Kamala Harris has been asked a question are you better off than you were four years ago and this is the fourth time she has answered with useless word salad.

It’s a yes or no question. Your refusal to answer means the American people should take that as a no.

Americans are fed up with the regime media running cover for Democrat DEI candidates who can’t stand on their own.

What David Muir and his ABC sidekick did for Kamala is the same exact thing Chris Wallace did for Joe Biden during the first debate. Wallace literally stepped in for Biden and debated President Trump himself. And as we all know, Wallace’s reputation and career took a huge hit.He went from being a respected journalist on Fox News to a nobody over at CNN, where no one even knows who he is anymore.

The same thing needs to happen to these ABC News propaganda artists, who’ve ditched their journalistic credibility to act like a SuperPAC for the Democrat Party. Honestly, if we were a serious country, so-called “news” organizations like ABC would come with a warning label letting everyone know they’re left-wing propaganda, not real news. Until then, just keep tuning these frauds out.Good riddance to bad TDS rubbish.




During the @ABC "debate," activist-moderator @DavidMuir fact-checked @realDonaldTrump live saying that Trump's claim that "crime is rampant like never before" was false. Muir was wrong. Or in other words, Trump was right. The DOJ’s newest numbers from the Bureau of Justice statistics were just released showing that nationally since 2020: Violent Crime is up 40% Rape is up 42% Car Theft is up 42% Aggravated Assaults are up 55% Violent Attacks on Strangers are up more than 61% America is increasingly UNSAFE under a Harris administration. Full New DOJ Report: https://bjs.ojp.gov/document/cv23.pdf

Sept. 14, 2024


Insurrection Barbie


This is the fourth time Kamala Harris has been asked a question are you better off than you were four years ago and this is the fourth time she has answered with useless word salad.

It’s a yes or no question.

Your refusal to answer means the American people should take that as a no.

3:15 PM · Sep 17, 2024


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b640ac No.21616659


strange how everything explodes


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21cb69 No.21616662

File: 0634a744d4e3195⋯.png (14.41 KB,255x208,255:208,f3109d52b26f1882ee59152560….png)

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7f8834 No.21616664

File: 629bf2bcd70d940⋯.jpg (82.42 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault_3111357444.jpg)

File: d3015a60650dd8e⋯.jpg (413.76 KB,2048x2794,1024:1397,sean_diddy_combs_family_bi….jpg)

File: a7070d8eaa1b3f5⋯.jpg (73.68 KB,1035x582,345:194,prince_harry_kanye_diddy_s….jpg)

File: e07ecdee0833c7e⋯.jpg (717.32 KB,2340x1080,13:6,Screenshot_20240918_092546….jpg)



Wheels on the bus…

Over his head, fucking with crown

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311163 No.21616666

File: 955898103df0464⋯.png (150.72 KB,400x400,1:1,pepe_kek1.png)


People didn't buy their lies. Karma is a bitch.

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6beeab No.21616669

It’s almost 2p and I haven’t even checked Trump’s truth social account.

He’s losing momentum in amounts that weren’t even thought possible just a few short months ago.

The Digital Dotards would have been better off with Nikki Haley or Ron Desantis, but nope cuz trust muh plan.

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19dce3 No.21616670

i think lucifer is a woman, lucy

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5c78dc No.21616671

File: 69b968d045db62a⋯.png (2.71 MB,1182x1192,591:596,ClipboardImage.png)


>strange how everything explodes

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c0c151 No.21616673


moar on baby routh bkgd

In August-1991 the Greensboro Police Department in North Carolina awarded second President Trump assassin Ryan Routh a “Law Enforcement Oscar” and called him the “citizen of the year”, which the Greensboro News & Record newspaper reported on in its article “Police Organization Honors “Super Citizen”” published on 27 August 1991.


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d8e687 No.21616675

File: c4286294b047989⋯.png (49.3 KB,549x308,549:308,ClipboardImage.png)


Routh ex worked for Victoria's Secret

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5c78dc No.21616676

File: e0b9ec796be3c2a⋯.png (1.04 MB,869x500,869:500,ClipboardImage.png)

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311163 No.21616677

File: f00a4ecfed7f14f⋯.png (35.79 KB,794x529,794:529,ClipboardImage.png)

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2251ae No.21616678


>Ignore this one. Was wrong

Here is an idea. Maybe actually watch the video and decide if it is worth posting before posting it? Radical, I know.

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5c78dc No.21616680

File: bc42657d413278c⋯.png (515.1 KB,926x817,926:817,ClipboardImage.png)

You're bothering [them], keep it up

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ac126d No.21616682

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Tear off your own head

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f5591e No.21616683

Mossad sends 1000s of burn notices to its Lebanese operatives via pager

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121bdf No.21616685

File: fdaa0cfba6f3f10⋯.png (314.23 KB,510x489,170:163,smokingunbroken1.png)

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871d28 No.21616686



Saltzman points to history to guide Space Force as it develops, grows, adapts

Sept. 17, 2024

Though the Space Force is not yet 5-years-old, Chief of Space Operations Gen. Chance Saltzman, told a large audience of Guardians and Airmen Sept. 17 that the nation’s youngest military service must continue evolving, adapting and innovating.

“What we were is not what we must become, and so our only choice is to transform ourselves to thrive in this new environment, optimized for Great Power Competition,” Saltzman said in a keynote address at the Air, Space and Cyber Conference.

“I know this change is hard, but it is vital because the domain is changing around us so quickly,” Saltzman said later in his remarks.

“Our choices are either to keep moving or to get left behind and I don’t imagine there’s anyone in this room who would volunteer for Option B.”

The stakes are unquestionably high, Saltzman said, emphasizing a truth that he has made repeatedly since becoming the service’s highest ranking uniformed officer on Nov. 2, 2022.

Every part of the military, the nation’s economy and today’s modern lifestyle is tightly connected to services delivered by space.

But space today is officially designated as a warfighting domain. It is more crowded, more dangerous and the United States no longer can automatically claim superiority in the domain.

On that question, Saltzman did not mince words. “I am fully committed to the Space Force’s transformation into a warfighting service, purpose-built for space superiority, assured access to space and a global reach in operations to meet the challenges of Great Power Competition,” he said.

In the next sentence he answered the important question, “why?”

“The peaceful use of space may no longer be assumed. Yet our nation depends on space everyday both for national security and for our prosperity,” he said. “… The Space Force secures our nation’s interests in, from, and too space.

That’s our mission. And now that mission must be accomplished in an era of Great Power Competition.”

Saltzman sketched out the path he sees the Space Force must follow to meet the new challenges and succeed.

“For a military service to execute its mission, it needs to do four things: force design, force development, force generation, and force employment,” he said.

“The Space Force is overhauling every one of these, aligning our form with our function to become what we need to be — a service purpose-built for Great Power Competition in the space domain.”

Saltzman also highlighted one of the service’s high-priority efforts to make sure it appropriately balances the critical needs of day-to-day space operations against the capacity to train and build high-end readiness.

That effort at perfecting force generation is dubbed SPAFORGEN within the service.

“The whole point of SPAFORGEN is to carve out dedicated periods for positional currency, advanced training, and —when ready — combatant command operations,” he said. “…

It was a huge lift and I know it put a tremendous strain on the crews in the field. You don’t have all the necessary resources, and it feels like a lot of churn just to do the same mission you were already doing without SPAFORGEN.”

He added: “Hopefully, we can deter war … but we don’t have the final say on that. And, when called upon, Guardians will be ready because you invested time and energy into your readiness.”

While the overarching ideas and concepts were not new, Saltzman added detail and status updates for some of the Space Force’s high-priority initiatives.

He noted that the service is working to establish Space Futures Command, a new field command announced in February “to stitch together pockets of excellence across the service into something new and better.”

The significance of this step, he said, must not be ignored or minimized. “What we’re talking about here is nothing less than re-baselining the way we identify, mature, and develop the concepts that will shape our service for years to come.

This is critical because there are so many things we need to get right.”


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871d28 No.21616687


He reviewed the decision to embed a senior officer into the headquarters Space Force staff from an allied partner nation to improve collaboration and seamless meshing of Space Force and allies.

British Air Marshal Paul Godfrey, the first foreign-exchange assistant CSO who has been working directly with the service since the summer, was introduced to the crowd.

The logic behind the move, Saltzman said, was clear.

“I want our force design process to account for everything our partners were bringing to the table,” he said. “I want to make certain we were taking full advantage of one of our greatest strengths by ensuring the Space Force is integrated by design with our allies, from the generation of concepts all the way through to their execution.”

He then explained that one critical element of force development is “ensuring that Guardians understand what exactly the service demands of them,” providing details on the steps the service was taking to deliberately deliver leaders and operators for modern warfare in space.

Saltzman also highlighted the way the Space Force and its Guardians will benefit from a new law known as the Space Force Personnel Management Act.

The biggest benefit, he said, “is that we’re not going to have ‘active duty’ and ‘reserve” components.

We’re going to have one component, composed of Guardians serving in full and part-time billets with the capacity to move between the two. … Strip away the bureaucracy, break down the barriers, and what you’re left with is this: career flexibility.”

“Once upon a time, you had to choose,” he said. “These were hard choices … and we lost a lot of talented people because they were forced to make a choice. Now we have a better option.”

At the same time, Saltzman acknowledged that change is hard, even unsettling. But the circumstances – and adversaries of the modern world – require it.

To succeed today requires “we face new requirements, new expectations, and new threats which demand that we field new organizations, new training, new equipment, and new operational concepts,” Saltzman said.

He concluded his remarks by recognizing the service’s progress so far has been the direct result of Guardians’ character, commitment, connection and courage, and emphasized the success of the ongoing transformation will be determined by them.

“The task is daunting. You know what? None of that worries me because we have the most dedicated, capable space professionals anywhere in the world,” he said, returning to the same thought near the end of his speech.

“If we’re going to see this transformation through, it will be because of you, because of the Guardian spirit we all share. I see it every day,” Saltzman said.

“The character to not just do things right but to do the right things. The commitment to overcome challenges and see our work through to its end.”


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19dce3 No.21616688



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7f8834 No.21616690

File: 8b75b48ec43374c⋯.jpg (70.61 KB,960x720,4:3,Kayleigh_McEnany_1_1625987….jpg)

File: f9b15398492509a⋯.jpg (1.23 MB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240915_174448….jpg)

File: e88ac8e7707fc7e⋯.jpg (124.76 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault_6.jpg)

File: 73fc58151d7dc83⋯.jpg (1.11 MB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240915_173815….jpg)

File: 64154658e49c35d⋯.jpg (538.3 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240911_180538….jpg)


If THEY kept Amala away from the blow, it might've worked…

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8a6231 No.21616691

File: 0652b74babbda06⋯.jpg (810.59 KB,1500x1500,1:1,4479396_001o.jpg)

Venus was on the first penny designed by Franklin of the Hellfire Club?

Now you do.

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428f92 No.21616692

File: 4bc8eeee044765e⋯.webm (109.58 KB,460x252,115:63,aVv3qOy_460svvp9.webm)

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ebbb03 No.21616694

File: e09136b1f5b3ef3⋯.png (761.27 KB,1200x620,60:31,Screen_Shot_2021_01_11_at_….png)


what about her gay kid diddler predecessor? you got a cock slap in your bag of bullshit if i talk about that piece of shit?

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642ee0 No.21616695


Well that is not my intention at all, I'm just stating the obvious after these two attacks. The pagers rigged with pentaerythritol nitrate makes sense, I get it, absolutely would cause the batteries to explode…. now, what happens when solar panels, vehicles, radios, walkie talkies, cell phones, digital security devices (ETC) all were also remotely detonated???? What do you conclude from that!?!? All I can say about it is perhaps ALL these electronics today are covertly manufactured with stuff like pentaerythritol nitrate or other high-yield explosives, or compromised batteries…. That is a logical conclusion and it would make sense knowing how criminal governments are today!

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d8e687 No.21616696

File: 52d657cf9d00016⋯.gif (4.43 MB,480x270,16:9,tickle.gif)

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53f908 No.21616697

File: 9bce04c95407ed4⋯.png (184.34 KB,574x363,574:363,9bce04c95407ed4b5aa43684e2….png)

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3ffb95 No.21616699

File: 1312d7ae1fc750c⋯.png (1.54 MB,1219x900,1219:900,ClipboardImage.png)

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19dce3 No.21616700


im not her, i dont think

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5c78dc No.21616701

File: ad659c3fce34743⋯.png (598.83 KB,675x789,225:263,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 354775552aed331⋯.mp4 (134.59 KB,320x240,4:3,FAFO_Kamala.mp4)

FAFO: [Kamala Harris]: “Just because you legally possess a gun in the sanctity of your locked home doesn't mean that we're not going to walk into that home and check to see if you're being responsible.”



Kamala Harris: “Just because you legally possess a gun in the sanctity of your locked home doesn't mean that we're not going to walk into that home and check to see if you're being responsible.”

Y’all know she coming for your guns right?👇🏻

8:41 AM • Sep 18, 2024


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e13552 No.21616704

File: 6107a115be120bf⋯.png (286.11 KB,750x1334,375:667,75CC2252_807E_4920_93CC_A7….png)


imagine having a 3,000lb battery bomb plugged in your garage.

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19dce3 No.21616707


what if diddy diddnt do it and its ddeep fakes and it will eventually set up POTUS for things he didnt do, and this is how the legion of demons will try to escape punishment for epsting island operation

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d8e687 No.21616709


In another X post, Routh declared his support for former Republican presidential candidates Vivek Ramaswamy and Nikki Haley.

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2747ad No.21616710

File: 6cf5a7cdef7bd4c⋯.png (315.76 KB,504x497,72:71,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 18b6073e28e01d6⋯.png (516.89 KB,497x607,497:607,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d0d79813001bd01⋯.png (48.87 KB,754x374,377:187,ClipboardImage.png)

More terrorism by the Rothschild state

New Wave Of Blasts Rock Beirut For 2nd Day: Hand-Held Radios Explode, Over 300 Wounded

Axios and regional media are reporting a new wave of blasts in the Lebanese capital of Beirut, including explosions in the south of the country.

Israel has reportedly detonated hand-held personal radios used by Hezbollah members, the emerging reports say. The prominent regional news source War Monitor writes "Communications devices that exploded across Lebanon moments ago are hand-held radios, different to pagers that exploded on Tuesday, Security sources informed me."

Hezbollah’s Al-Manar TV is also confirming wireless devices exploded in the hands of those carrying them in several Lebanese areas. There are reports of at least nine new fatalities and over 300 injured in this second day of explosions.

Several ambulances have been witnessed rushing to the scenes of multiple new blasts. It appears the Israeli covert operation to sow chaos within Hezbollah's ranks is not over.

This comes after the group said it would be checking and inspecting all externally shipped-in electronic devices, considering it's clear at this point the pagers were manipulated by Israeli intelligence.


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5c78dc No.21616712

File: 2b859151f4f2458⋯.png (684 KB,500x501,500:501,ClipboardImage.png)


>imagine having a 3,000lb battery bomb plugged in your garage.

Arabs protest at Columbia University today

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4397e7 No.21616714

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Fundraising ad


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19dce3 No.21616715


P is Paul, guarded Richard the Lionheart

his seal has owls on it, pauls

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3ffb95 No.21616716

File: e13d16f9b5057f3⋯.png (4.05 MB,3552x2168,444:271,ClipboardImage.png)

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5c78dc No.21616717

File: 4f2eda109499901⋯.png (664.88 KB,500x701,500:701,ClipboardImage.png)


>New Wave Of Blasts Rock Beirut For 2nd Day: Hand-Held Radios Explode, Over 300 Wounded

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21cb69 No.21616719

Not you, them.

All is designed to hit news and frighten populations.

You may be right, but overall they just need the evrnt, then media does the rest.


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be4a78 No.21616720

File: d127370dec92da4⋯.png (305.76 KB,781x648,781:648,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 757cfc336465176⋯.png (217.9 KB,565x648,565:648,ClipboardImage.png)

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5c78dc No.21616721

File: 94a13aaabddf841⋯.png (342.41 KB,554x286,277:143,ClipboardImage.png)

Then and Now

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f13c52 No.21616722

File: 602da31d8a037aa⋯.jpg (410.99 KB,800x1280,5:8,Screenshot_20240918_124739.jpg)

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19dce3 No.21616723


if i was a power or principality, which im not, thats how i would do it, i would take whut i did and pin it on the innocent

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871d28 No.21616725

File: 4d2e08ae90b305e⋯.png (143.11 KB,600x367,600:367,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 92de74247da838d⋯.png (1.39 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)



CMSSF unveils key initiatives to shape the Guardian Experience, make Guardians for Life

Sept. 17, 2024

Chief Master Sgt. of the Space Force John Bentivegna took to the stage to announce his three key initiatives and the new enlisted roadmap during the Air and Space Forces Association’s Air, Space & Cyber Conference, Sept. 17.

Almost exactly one year since becoming the highest-ranking enlisted Guardian Sept. 15, 2023, Bentivegna discussed his future vision for the “Guardian Experience,” which will include Elevate the Journey, Cultivate the Warfighter and Create the Future.

“These key initiatives are informed by my one year in the seat and the need for the service to optimize for Great Power Competition. They are inspired by you, the Guardians,” Bentivegna said.

To Elevate the Journey, Bentivegna described the Space Force’s duty to provide meaningful quality of life and service to Guardians and their families.

He also referred to the “Guardian Voice,” which incorporates a Guardian’s talent, knowledge, needs of the Guardian and their family, and what is in the best interest of the Space Force.

Bentivegna continued his speech, explaining his second key initiative: Cultivate the Warfighter.

He described the known, growing threats in the space domain and how the Space Force must focus on developing Guardians that can operate in the constantly evolving environment.

“We need warfighters who are going to educate, train, test and evaluate … leveraging their years of experience and subject matter expertise,” Bentivegna explained.

“It doesn’t make a difference whether or not your operations room is a desk, cubicle or an operations center buried deep in a basement somewhere in Schriever Space Force Base - every single Guardian has to have a warfighting mindset.”

The final key initiative of the Guardian Experience, Create the Future, aims to cultivate partnerships and invest in the long-term success of the Space Force; to include changing the way the Space Force recruits members.

Bentivegna discussed the service just selected the first commander to lead Space Force-specific recruiting efforts.

“Scouting talent and building the Space Force is a service responsibility, and we’re getting after it,” Bentivegna said.

“They're to go out to industry and academia, and they're going to learn what are the best practices to scout, attract, develop talent.”

He added, “This is an opportunity for us to embrace the fact that we're just about 10,000 active-duty strong at the end of the; we have the ability to focus in on the actual talent that we need for the service and do so in a very deliberate manner.”

Additionally, Bentivegna briefly explained the roadmap forward for enlisted Guardians titled “Guardian for Life.”

“To create an environment and experience where Guardians, regardless of when they take off the uniform and go to do other things, that they stay connected to the Space Force, is an environment I aspire to create,” Bentivegna said.

“I’m going to work with the senior leaders across the Department of the Air Force to make this vision a reality, to deliver for every single Guardian this experience that makes them become Guardians for Life.”

This roadmap includes fully qualified promotions that enable commands to promote Guardians in the grades of E-1 through E-4 based off their individual training and expertise.

“I'd like to modernize and expand the current E-1 through E-4 fully qualified promotion system that we have today, leveraging our scouting for specific talent to more closely align career advancement for Guardians to the skills and certifications they receive through individualized and purposeful development that is clear and transparent,” Bentivegna said.

He also delved into the future of the mid-tier enlisted corps consisting of E-5 to E-7.

“Warfighters, subject matter experts - we need staff sergeants, tech sergeants and master sergeants who are going to embrace those opportunities, those responsibilities,” said Bentivegna.

“They're going to lead those teams and make sure they're ready and prepared to execute command and control and embrace mission command.”

Bentivegna emphasized the importance of the enlisted force to the present and future of space operations.

“We’re going to put responsibility on your shoulders. We're not going to distance you from operations.

We're going to put you right in the middle of it and make you responsible for it, but we got to train you and develop you before we can put that burden on your shoulders,” he said.


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7f8834 No.21616726

File: d10eae12c2f91f7⋯.jpg (256.68 KB,786x1036,393:518,Karine_Jean_Pierre_Biograp….jpg)

File: 81fcd4551fd78c1⋯.png (43.01 KB,350x244,175:122,US_WhiteHouse_Logo_svg.png)

File: 06dd494a9fb8c5a⋯.jpg (22.11 KB,474x316,3:2,th_1511672162.jpg)

File: d4568248544461f⋯.jpg (96.02 KB,780x439,780:439,170119175801_sarah_mike_hu….jpg)

File: eb71ef7320b712a⋯.jpg (588.74 KB,2000x2400,5:6,Kayleigh_McEnany_lip_fille….jpg)


MC K-Lee

Is there a butler in the house?

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9d4b13 No.21616727

File: fc750d954edacb5⋯.jpg (23.04 KB,270x412,135:206,card_bug.jpg)

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43a436 No.21616728

File: 032ccfb98afcc4f⋯.png (280.2 KB,704x1038,352:519,tempra1.png)

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3ffb95 No.21616729


>i would take whut i did and pin it on the innocent

It's okay to say Jew here, Anon.

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19dce3 No.21616730


go ahead, im not scared of you, you shill falshoods and you dont believe or you wouldnt do that sort of thing, youd know the judge is coming an dnothing will stop it

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21cb69 No.21616731



The bew tesla model




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43a436 No.21616732

File: a4f3a207824ed2a⋯.png (10.41 KB,476x93,476:93,000000000000.png)

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5c78dc No.21616733


>CMSSF unveils key initiatives to shape the Guardian Experience, make Guardians for Life


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2747ad No.21616734

File: 617f38058ef77ea⋯.png (265.38 KB,553x648,553:648,ClipboardImage.png)

File: add41aa3212bb8f⋯.png (348.07 KB,546x557,546:557,ClipboardImage.png)

Home Solar Systems Explode in Beirut, Lebanon Following Walkie-Talkie and Pager Blasts, Officials Say

Lebanon officials are now reporting that multiple home solar energy systems have reportedly exploded in various neighborhoods across Beirut.

This attack follows closely on the heels of Tuesday’s pager blasts, which claimed the lives of 12 and left nearly 4,000 wounded in what is rapidly becoming an unparalleled security nightmare for the terrorist organization.

On Wednesday, walkie-talkies exploded simultaneously at various Hezbollah-controlled locations across the country.


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43a436 No.21616735

File: 66591922e89d21f⋯.png (3.61 MB,1537x1841,1537:1841,0COINCIDENCES1.png)




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19dce3 No.21616736


we are israel, america is israel

arch angel michael is the protector of israel, of america and your fight will be with him, hah, dont mess with him, perfect angel he is

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d8e687 No.21616737

File: 7637911af0903c1⋯.png (337.03 KB,790x533,790:533,ClipboardImage.png)

File: edb9bbccc314734⋯.png (213.91 KB,790x533,790:533,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 98d639e228eaacc⋯.png (207.1 KB,790x533,790:533,ClipboardImage.png)

In 1997, police arrested Routh for committing larceny after he unlawfully took property with the intent to keep it.

In 2002, Routh faced a felony conviction for possessing a weapon of mass destruction.

In 2010, Routh faced another felony conviction for possession of stolen goods.

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f39366 No.21616738

File: 12d8bc5282c92d8⋯.png (256.63 KB,474x298,237:149,ClipboardImage.png)


Mic drop meme

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3f254f No.21616739

File: 0aee139afcb15c9⋯.png (449.71 KB,595x576,595:576,ClipboardImage.png)


JUST IN - Trump favorability rises 5 points in past month: Gallup Survey

Follow @InsiderPaper for more news



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43a436 No.21616740

File: 50545020e417fa2⋯.png (2.49 MB,1537x2575,1537:2575,0COINCIDENCES2.png)

Night Shift just needs to burn a widdle hole in your dark soul

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d8e687 No.21616741


The stolen goods were reportedly sold to fund his crack cocaine addiction, according to a police affidavit used to obtain a search warrant.

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19dce3 No.21616742

hwo can anyone be scared of these foolish traitor angels when they are a disservice to the King of Kings who put the Sun in its place and the Earth in its orbit?


talk about hubris

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d0806b No.21616743

File: a32a7fb055de5a0⋯.png (1.16 MB,1080x1306,540:653,ClipboardImage.png)

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e2488c No.21616744


What happened to the Blue Barrel they confiscated with explosive material? This is a game being played to see if the public can wake the fuck up.

The cover up as the day goes by is being scripted by who? Who on the Nassau County PD Chiefs Dept has donated to Hillary Clinton in the past??

There's a rat or two to be found.

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642ee0 No.21616745



By the way I do remember the whole DHS "internet kill switch" debate back in 2007 and 2008, little did I think it would go covertly kinetic!!

Seems like they already beta tested this cyber weapon. Perhaps not just in Paradise CA but in Maui Hawaii where all those people were burned to death EXCEPT for the rich communities and all the trees!?

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3ffb95 No.21616746


>we are israel, america is israel

>arch angel michael is the protector of israel, of america and your fight will be with him, hah, dont mess with him, perfect angel he is

No, "we" are not, Anon. I don't believe in bullshit fairy tales.

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43a436 No.21616747

File: 915ba31ad14b011⋯.png (1.08 MB,1537x1534,1537:1534,0COINCIDENCES4.png)

just a widdle "mark"

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77f5ea No.21616748


Greta don’t like this

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be4a78 No.21616749

File: f1cbbc78ce4d95d⋯.png (270.38 KB,843x500,843:500,ClipboardImage.png)


>we are

no chucky

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2747ad No.21616750

Reported bomb scare at Trump rally site

A brief panic ensued over claims that an explosive device had been found in a car

“Sources in the Nassau County Police Department just told me that ‘the perimeter was breached and a blue barrel was removed’ from the area surrounding tonight’s Trump rally site,” One America News (OANN) journalist James Lalino said on X.

According to Lalino’s source, a police dog “found an explosive device in one of the vehicles and that the driver ended up running into the woods. No one saw if he had anything on him, they just saw him take off running.”

Nassau County Police later refuted Lalino’s report, however.

“Reports of explosives being found at the site are unfounded,” Nassau County Police Commissioner Patrick Ryder told reporters. “There is a person who is being questioned who may have been training a bomb detection dog near the site.”

“The individual with the bomb dog falsely reported explosives being found, and that individual is currently being detained by the police,” Ryder added.


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43a436 No.21616751

File: a86307482f0a84a⋯.png (1.53 MB,1537x1538,1537:1538,0COINCIDENCES3.png)


what an idiot!

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c0c151 No.21616752

File: 577fe788cd58ca9⋯.png (2.02 MB,1550x2160,155:216,Screen_Shot_2024_09_18_at_….png)


ryan routh & the cia


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43a436 No.21616753

File: b0b50b8e958f161⋯.png (2.35 MB,1537x1782,1537:1782,0COINCIDENCES10.png)

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19dce3 No.21616754


fair assessment, you ahve do to your own research to believe a statement like that, but george washington and the founding fathers did many things to ensure america was in the service of our Father

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5c78dc No.21616755

File: 8e8d77d7fb81e96⋯.png (2.37 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 27573ca4cf4609b⋯.png (72.59 KB,650x281,650:281,ClipboardImage.png)



>JUST IN - Trump favorability rises 5 points in past month: Gallup Survey


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e13552 No.21616756

File: f36b105f503947f⋯.png (720.47 KB,750x1334,375:667,81F6C31A_71A9_4F9C_B723_88….png)

File: 1d4a17b1f59edac⋯.png (745.18 KB,750x1334,375:667,1DC9636A_A0CF_4279_87DB_69….png)

File: 3eb6ceb43f37044⋯.png (337.25 KB,690x2566,345:1283,5355BF67_73EA_40AD_B94D_CD….png)

getting “blind” comms on AM radio parrots

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21cb69 No.21616757

Just be right with Jesus and stay comfy.


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fa010f No.21616758

File: 36ff364f490d69b⋯.jpg (224.06 KB,1034x1248,517:624,twas_the_fafo.jpg)

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3ffb95 No.21616759



Kek. Whindu Nuffins. He was a good cracker!

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b7c238 No.21616761

File: 2c98ce052aecba0⋯.png (193.56 KB,349x331,349:331,ClipboardImage.png)

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5c78dc No.21616763

File: ddccd4022058f18⋯.png (173.91 KB,1290x546,215:91,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fcd7a64e3e1f060⋯.png (293.39 KB,640x463,640:463,ClipboardImage.png)

BREAKING: The Federal Reserve has cut rates by 50bps.

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3ffb95 No.21616765


> our Father

Don't you mean "my father," or are you again trying to force your religious ideology upon me again, without consent? All you Abrahamic are all alike….. /eyeroll

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642ee0 No.21616766


What OTHER consumer products have compounds like pentaerythritol nitrate mass manufactured into them to become deadly remote weapons??? THAT is what I would like to know!!!

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121bdf No.21616767

Not my normal choice of time killer, but I think I'll revisit Soap and Price for a bit.

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d8e687 No.21616769

File: 35a738206204cc3⋯.png (35.23 KB,598x305,598:305,ClipboardImage.png)



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be4a78 No.21616771

File: d9f1a56c6dfcb3d⋯.mp4 (1.63 MB,540x960,9:16,christmas_2023_part_2.mp4)


club india kek

he is a clown asset but that source is a bit shit.


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8a6231 No.21616772

File: e3658fb8791708a⋯.jpg (55.1 KB,750x1123,750:1123,GatesAndGreta.jpg)


Look at her chat. Look at her.

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5c78dc No.21616773

File: 0b9e5b04f08a67c⋯.png (722.77 KB,768x432,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


>BREAKING: The Federal Reserve has cut rates by 50bps.

ELECTION INTERFERANCE: Fed slashes interest rates by a half point, an aggressive start to its first easing campaign in four years

The Federal Reserve on Wednesday released its decision regarding interest rates.


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b640ac No.21616775


i think you are right, anon!


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c0c151 No.21616777

File: dd437045d12615a⋯.png (1.67 MB,1554x1994,777:997,Screen_Shot_2024_09_18_at_….png)


MOAR routh yearick conxions


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2251ae No.21616778

File: 0296e6cc5dca082⋯.png (31.56 KB,1042x782,521:391,ClipboardImage.png)


>several cans short of a six pack

high praise coming the plastic rings

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2747ad No.21616780

File: 2a7911b74b5dada⋯.png (120.46 KB,501x510,167:170,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4777410265ec71a⋯.png (293.37 KB,510x517,510:517,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f6457988781eb3c⋯.png (428.08 KB,760x498,380:249,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 157abfa573d7d88⋯.png (76.93 KB,790x494,395:247,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d462237b6f2a5bd⋯.png (205.12 KB,755x633,755:633,ClipboardImage.png)

"Blow Your Mind": Ex-WSJ Journo Uncovers Hub Of An Alleged Migrant Trafficking Network In Springfield, Ohio

Wall Street Journal reporter Asra Nomani has published a shocking report that could soon change the national discussion from Haitians and other migrants eating cats or dogs in Springfield, Ohio, to one that is more sinister: The hub of a complex "hidden human trafficking network" in the tiny rust belt town.

"The story in this town is not about cats or dogs. It's about mules. It's a twin tragedy of migrant workers from Haiti exploited and locals from Springfield marginalized," Nomani wrote in the Jewish Journal.

She said, "Just about every week since 2019, First Diversity Staffing Group Inc. has shuttled vulnerable Haitian migrants in unmarked white Ford and Chevy vans from Florida to Ohio, where they are allegedly exploited for cheap labor by companies like Dole Food Company Inc.," adding, "It is a secretive and sinister operation that has gone unchecked for more than five years."

NEW: Federal and State agents are reportedly investigating Springfield, Ohio for a potential human trafficking operation responsible for the importing and exploiting of Haitians run by a local business owner referred to as "King George."

What is going on in Springfield?! pic.twitter.com/dce4yYYH8C

— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) September 18, 2024

Nomani revealed FBI anti-trafficking agents and Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost are now investigating allegations of human trafficking in Springfield.

What began as my efforts to track down a rumor about animal cruelty has turned into an investigation that reveals a malignant system of labor exploitation involving a local businessman, George Ten, whom Haitians and local residents call "King George," the chief executive at First Diversity Staffing Group Inc., a Springfield company that has been the tip of the spear in the alleged trafficking operation of Haitians to the town.


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5ccc32 No.21616781

File: b4bd5ce76ac3abc⋯.jpg (11.93 KB,412x278,206:139,255204d1203093919_is_my_de….jpg)

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5c78dc No.21616782

File: a89ffcb333dff92⋯.png (740.17 KB,750x1127,750:1127,ClipboardImage.png)



‘Middle class’ Kamala Harris and her economy Bankrupts Tupperware


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e2488c No.21616783

Huh. Is John Brennan going to be found ded today? Just spitballin.

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3ffb95 No.21616784


Kek. Not surprising. Hakeem Olajeffries already blamed MAGA™ for the assassination attempt. I would really like to see what the DNC internal polling looks like for all their candidates and then get to see what the RNC has.

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dc2209 No.21616785

File: f5634156d2f2f61⋯.png (16.42 KB,840x790,84:79,Q_3565_POPE_BIBLICAL.png)


i will be at the tribunals and i am narc'n [everyone] out!


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fa010f No.21616786

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

2:30 PM EDT

Press Briefing by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre

James S. Brady Press Briefing Room




White House Daily Briefing

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre briefs reporters and responds to questions on the Biden administration’s policy agenda.


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d8e687 No.21616787


>Hub Of Migrant Trafficking Network In Springfield, Ohio

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b7c238 No.21616788


"Live Boy" Scenario. Duke & Duke stakes.

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8a6231 No.21616789

File: 85dab8122fd1abb⋯.jpg (84.95 KB,1280x720,16:9,FORC_FDEV_V_FEDERAL_CORVET….jpg)


"Get me Solar Warden"

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e2488c No.21616790



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dc2209 No.21616791

File: 9058c215a05e325⋯.png (713.54 KB,784x742,56:53,CIA_BRENNAN_CATH.png)

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2ad56e No.21616792


fuck off.

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2747ad No.21616793

File: 2f45b04201c8d06⋯.png (203.68 KB,502x529,502:529,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e82b02868e1f9ef⋯.png (562.8 KB,744x1147,24:37,ClipboardImage.png)

🇱🇧 The U.S. State Dept says the U.S. was not involved in the pager explosions in Lebanon and was not aware of the incident beforehand.

In unrelated news, the American University of Beirut Medical Center replaced the pagers of their doctors and staff 2 weeks ago.


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21cb69 No.21616794


Kamalas mouth


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ceb125 No.21616795

File: 484959d637d0b14⋯.gif (2.29 MB,570x300,19:10,no1.gif)

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5c78dc No.21616796

File: 1a1018e5878b19d⋯.png (411.13 KB,675x598,675:598,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 96aef190a6b6850⋯.mp4 (387.65 KB,1280x720,16:9,Kamala_debuts_her_fake_His….mp4)

Trump War Room


Kamala debuts her fake Hispanic accent while speaking to the Congressional Hispanic Caucus.

10:00 AM • Sep 18, 2024


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fa010f No.21616797

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

2:30 PM EDT

Chair Powell hosts live #FOMC press conference





Federal Reserve Chair Holds News Conference

Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell holds a news conference to discuss interest rates and monetary policy actions.


2:30 PM EDT

Deputy Secretary for Management and Resources Richard R. Verma attends the quarterly meeting of the Millenium Challenge Corporation Board of Directors

Washington, D.C.


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fa010f No.21616798

2:30 PM EDT

Foreign Threats to Elections in 2024 – Roles and Responsibilities of U.S. Tech Providers

Senate Intelligence (Select) Committee



President Kent Walker

Global Affairs and Chief Legal Officer



President Nick Clegg

Global Affairs



Vice Chair and President Brad Smith






Tech Execs. Testify on Foreign Threats To 2024 Elections

Tech executives testify on how their companies may prevent the spread of foreign disinformation on social media platforms amid the upcoming 2024 elections.


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d8e687 No.21616799


>American University of Beirut Medical Center replaced the pagers of their doctors and staff 2 weeks ago.

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e2488c No.21616800


It's COMMS for "Chatter Is EXPLODING". Learn

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8a6231 No.21616801

File: 0a69b60f0dbea06⋯.png (967.96 KB,1062x860,531:430,Screenshot_2024_06_27_1506….png)


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3ffb95 No.21616802


Still not having the effect you're wanting, huh? It's been a few days now, (((Anon))). It's not going to gain anymore traction. That slide was a dud.

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fa010f No.21616803

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

2:45 PM EDT

Dial 988 +1: Examining the Operations of the Veterans Crisis Line

Senate Veterans' Affairs Committee



Dr. Matthew Miller

Executive Director, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, on behalf of Veterans Health Administration


Dr. Christopher Watson

Executive Director, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, on behalf of Veterans Health Administration


Mr. Brad Mills

Deputy Director, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, on behalf of Office of Information & Technology


Dr. Julie Kroviak, MD

Principal Deputy Assistant Inspector General for Healthcare Inspections, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, on behalf of Office of the Inspector General





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b7c238 No.21616804


Factbox-What has the Fed done in election years? Rate changes happen more often than not

Sep 18th, 13:06:31

(Reuters) - The Federal Reserve's decision to cut interest rates by half a percentage point on Wednesday marked the closest the central bank has come in launching an easing cycle on the cusp of a U.S. presidential election in nearly half a century.

While interest rate policy is rarely static during election years, kicking off a brand new rate-cutting phase with fewer than 10 weeks to Election Day has happened only twice before now - in 1976 and in 1984.

The U.S. central bank is an independent federal agency, and Fed Chair Jerome Powell and other policymakers consistently say political considerations - including approaching elections - do not factor at all in their decisions on interest rates.

"This is my fourth presidential election at the Fed," Powell said in a press conference following the Fed's policy meeting in late July. "(A)nything that we do before, during, or after the election will be based on the data, the outlook, and the balance of risks and not on anything else."

Not everyone is convinced.

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump said earlier this year he thought the Fed might lower rates to help Democrats in the Nov. 5 election. Trump said last month that presidents ought to have a say over Fed decisions.

Vice President Kamala Harris, the Democratic presidential nominee, said only that she would respect the Fed's independence. "As president, I would never interfere in the decisions that the Fed makes," she said last month.



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5c78dc No.21616805

File: 1e08282f4ce9d09⋯.png (1.45 MB,1046x1012,523:506,ClipboardImage.png)


>Solar Warden Ship #17

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d8e687 No.21616806

File: ad9bccbe7effdff⋯.png (682.82 KB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


I'm not sure what to do with my hands.

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b640ac No.21616807




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ceb125 No.21616808

File: 875f7a4df8dd521⋯.gif (1.85 MB,400x342,200:171,source.gif)

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c0c151 No.21616809

File: 75b164e8d51e7b8⋯.png (279.45 KB,1206x1368,67:76,Screen_Shot_2024_09_18_at_….png)



clown fuckery?

“Strange things are happening…This person, Edward Heckman, wrote an article dated August 30, 2024…He wrote that bank records revealed Thomas Crooks from the 1st assassination attempt, made unusual payments to two individuals… Including Ryan Routh, from the Second Assassination Attempt—— he even connected Maxwell Yearick as a CIA Operative who trained Ryan Routh…But here’s the weird part…I used the way back machine and found that this information WAS NOT part of the original article; meaning, this information was added recently….Stinks of three letter agency involvement”.


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2747ad No.21616810

File: 8518160e587944e⋯.png (28.97 KB,496x205,496:205,ClipboardImage.png)

What exactly did this absurd pager attack achieve? It’s sort of a Rube Goldberg scheme to blow off testicles of low rank foot soldiers and/or civilians going about their daily lives. How is this a military achievement?


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b7c238 No.21616811


The Fed has changed interest rates in all but two presidential election years dating back to 1972, and its actions have been closely divided between increases and reductions.

The policy rate has risen in five election years and fallen in six. In most cases those changes were part of cycles that had been set in motion a year or more before an election year.

The incumbent president or party controlling the White House won reelection in four of the five years rates rose in the run-up to Election Day.

The exception occurred in 2000, when Vice President Al Gore failed to keep the White House for the Democrats, and George W. Bush retook it for Republicans. Rates under then-Fed Chair Alan Greenspan had risen that year by 1 percentage point between January and the end of October, although the last increase had been in June, roughly five months prior to the election.

Meanwhile, the challenger to an incumbent president or party controlling the presidency won five of the six elections held in years when rates were falling.

The exception was in 1996 when incumbent Democrat Bill Clinton won a second term. Rates - again under Greenspan - were lowered by a quarter of a percentage point between January and Election Day, although the last cut had occurred at the start of the year.

The most rates have risen in an election year prior to the day ballots were cast is 2.56 percentage points. That happened in 1984 when the Fed under Paul Volcker's leadership was still grinding out the remnants of high inflation. Republican Ronald Reagan won reelection in a landslide.

The most they have fallen in an election year up to Election Day was 2.75 percentage points in 2008, when then-Fed Chair Ben Bernanke was slashing rates to cushion the blow of the global financial crisis. Barack Obama retook the White House for the Democrats.

The only two presidential election years since 1972 to see no rate changes were in 2012 and 2016. Obama won re-election in the first and Trump won in the second to retake the White House for Republicans.


As common as rate changes are in election years, brand new rate-reduction cycles - a series of cuts that follow either one or more recent rate increases or a pause of rate changes of at least five months - are less frequently begun on the doorstep of an election.

Before the Fed's announcement on Wednesday, there had been four since the 1970s, and in three of those the challenger won.

The most recent instance was the last presidential election in 2020. At the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Fed under Powell's direction cut rates twice that March by 1.50 percentage points, bringing the policy rate to the near-zero level. Democrat Joe Biden narrowly defeated Trump in that election.

The closest to an election an easing cycle has begun was in 1976 when the Fed under Arthur Burns lowered rates beginning just four weeks before Election Day. How much of a factor that proved to be in Democrat Jimmy Carter's defeat of incumbent Republican Gerald Ford is unclear since rate decisions at that time were not publicly announced. Formal policy decision announcements only began in 1994.



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3ffb95 No.21616812


Kek. It's like watching a changeling with a CHA score of 0 trying to shapeshift into a local community.

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4eb108 No.21616813

File: 089df9f82df5c74⋯.png (103 KB,1066x452,533:226,Screenshot_from_2024_09_18….png)


chkt and chkt!

Yeah, Einstein's stolen valor rings a bell.

Even says he developed the idea while working in the patent office, hint, hint.

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ceb125 No.21616814

File: 1f7955177867425⋯.jpg (238.87 KB,1280x1024,5:4,MatrixSystemAnomalybyEnCry….jpg)

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ceb125 No.21616815

File: 5de58207d31603b⋯.gif (1.62 MB,500x500,1:1,hearthatpig.gif)

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5c78dc No.21616816


>The U.S. State Dept says the U.S. was not involved in the pager explosions in Lebanon and was not aware of the incident beforehand.


>In unrelated news, the American University of Beirut Medical Center replaced the pagers of their doctors and staff 2 weeks ago.



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e2488c No.21616817

File: b04b157ce09bbbb⋯.jpg (307.63 KB,2000x1367,2000:1367,SilverColiseum.jpg)


BTW, I just figured out the "Silver" comms also refers to Las Vegas & The Nassau Coliseum with it's SILVER ROOF

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871d28 No.21616818

File: 89710cbc2062d90⋯.png (721.53 KB,818x460,409:230,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4d681392d3c4076⋯.png (2.62 MB,1800x900,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6eee8bead6cd908⋯.png (1.48 MB,1200x630,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c12592fc173323e⋯.png (748.35 KB,818x460,409:230,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a45cd2cf92af5df⋯.png (800.85 KB,818x460,409:230,ClipboardImage.png)

Functional UFO jet boat zooms through water as a motorized flying saucer for lakes or rivers

September 17, 2024

If anyone has ever asked if it was possible to create a UFO-looking jet boat, craftsman Tran Long Ho has proven it to be more than possible when he produced his very own motorized flying saucer.

Built from scratch, and with his own team as seen in the video, the UFO jet boat captures the design of the mysterious flying object—only now it’s right before the viewers’ eyes, so it may no longer be a mystery (except for what’s hidden in the cabin).

Mr. Tran Long Ho starts building his UFO jet boat using an earthy, sand-textured material and pours cement to harden it.

In the video documenting his design process, he and the team mold it to follow the flying saucer’s shape before coating it with purple paint.

The steel frame comes next, put together to hold the watercraft’s body in place.

Next, the craftsman produces hexagon cutouts from thin slabs of wood and plasters them on the frame as a form of insulation in the cabin.

The first layer of coating comes next, and they all wait for it to dry before applying the motors that get the jet boat going.

When the base is all covered, Mr. Tran Long Ho cuts hexagon shapes around the surface of the UFO jet boat’s top covering.

As he shows in the video that documents the making of his motorized flying saucer, a series of solar-panel-like plates mask these holes, staying true to typical UFO depictions.

The engine sits in the heart of the watercraft, hidden just below the driver’s seat.

This is why the Vietnamese craftsman built the lower body of the jet boat with a hollow, oval shape. First, it’s how a UFO might look, and second, it functions as the housing for the motors.

These motors may not work without switches, which come next in the making of the jet boat. For the wiring, Mr. Tran Long Ho hides them behind the fuzzy material that tops the angles and corners of the hexagon cutouts.

It’s a smart move to make the interior as wire-free as possible. When it comes to cruising inside the jet boat, the pilot might need to recline as much as they can because of the limited overhead space.

That means they have to stretch their arms and reach for the steering wheel, just like the craftsman testing his watercraft on a river.

That may not be an inconvenience at all, not when once they’ve revved up the engine, they can zoom through the water, speeding away as fast as a jet ski with occasional hops for a thrilling ride.

Mr. Tran Long Ho documents his process on his Youtube channel



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85aa6f No.21616819

File: 169a7ba06abda2f⋯.mp4 (2.36 MB,480x270,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17266830687….mp4)




Webb weighs in on july 30 article insertion - beware of hoaxsters


Webb is following the assassination attempts, good to ck in with his work.

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642ee0 No.21616820


Mmmmm hmmmmm. Always deflation and lies when guilty of something. That's how you know US intel agencies WERE, in fact, behind it. They really should learn to just say "no comment" and leave it at that.

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d8e687 No.21616821


>Fed slashes interest rates by a half point

Let us control the money of a nation, and we care not who makes its laws.

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311163 No.21616822

File: dc5552f64f4a0d2⋯.png (460.1 KB,750x500,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)


>‘Middle class’ Kamala Harris and her economy Bankrupts Tupperware

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642ee0 No.21616823




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3ffb95 No.21616824

File: b033357f5108f45⋯.png (304.84 KB,1000x625,8:5,ClipboardImage.png)


>I'm not sure what to do with my hands.

She knows, Anon. Just out of her normal element.

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e13552 No.21616825

File: e3a0b5453a3e8a2⋯.png (1.57 MB,750x1334,375:667,1D144B3A_297F_4FAA_ADBD_6C….png)

File: 9333976e15220aa⋯.png (65.45 KB,690x938,345:469,BC81D29C_3233_4ABF_911B_00….png)

File: ee949ce601321dc⋯.jpeg (347.86 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,D56E3E44_8D72_4EC9_B541_B….jpeg)

File: d340247603c67a0⋯.jpeg (412.39 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,A624BB97_3A35_439D_BEAB_B….jpeg)

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d8e687 No.21616826


well there's your confirmation

queer ass name fag stops in to tell us it's important

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2747ad No.21616827

File: fdc51f0cef701e3⋯.png (117.18 KB,794x632,397:316,ClipboardImage.png)

Michigan’s Dirty Democrats Pass 4 NEW Election Bills Including Radical Lottery-Style RANKED CHOICE VOTING, Court Appointed Election Monitors and THEFT of Election Control From Local Clerks


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21cb69 No.21616828

Please, lets do it


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be4a78 No.21616829


notable - and here comes the media mouthpieces of what a great economy under joe and hoe kamala

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ad2ec1 No.21616830

Humor me.

I get my jeans from San Francisco. I like the way they are cut.

My boots are from Colorado. The northwest corner.

My hat is made in New Orleans.

My shirt from Indiana.

My car is from Michigan.

My house, the lumber from Tennessee. Most of the appliances are made in Kansas.

Matter of fact the only thing I don’t have made in America are a few gadgets that are broken.

What’s the matter. Hate the way that sounds?

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d8e687 No.21616831

File: a55d659da270ba8⋯.png (46.32 KB,98x337,98:337,Proudtowearmyuniform.png)


she jewish?

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5c78dc No.21616832

File: 608a684b891af50⋯.png (812.39 KB,632x868,158:217,ClipboardImage.png)

📟 Taiwanese Company Tied to Exploding Hezbollah Pagers Plans to Sue European Licensee 💥


Why, they work fine!

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507c04 No.21616833

File: 999d427942f8d7a⋯.png (272.98 KB,640x632,80:79,ClipboardImage.png)

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9d4b13 No.21616834



checks out


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c0c151 No.21616835



>Even says he developed the idea while working in the patent office, hint, hint.

LOL… thinks state-of-art physics can be found in patent applications

yes, einstein was a fraud and second-rate mathematician,SRT and GRT are total bullshit,

and the photoelectric effect paper for which he got the nobel prize was plagiarized from the work and ideas of max planck

but NOT from swiss patent applications

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2747ad No.21616836

Body of billionaire investor recovered at Trout Lake

Divers recovered the body of wealthy investor and businessman Daniel Reiner in Trout Lake Saturday, after his family reported him missing the day before.

Trout Lake is on private property near Fertile Valley Road, Pend Oreille County Sheriff Glenn Blakeslee said. Blakeslee said the death was not suspicious.

“(Reiner) went swimming and just didn’t come back,” Blakeslee said.

The body was recovered by divers about 3 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 31, Blakeslee said. Prosecutor Dolly Hunt, who is also the elected coroner, said an autopsy has been scheduled.

“We assume all deaths are suspicious unless evidence shows otherwise,” Blakeslee said. After speaking with the family on the scene, deputies decided the death was not suspicious, he said.

The case came in as a missing person case at first Friday, about 8 p.m., Blakeslee said. Deputies came and spoke to the family at the scene but it became too dark and the search was continued the next day.

Saturday morning, deputies took the Sheriff’s Office boat to the lake and searched about 8 a.m. Cadaver dogs from Spokane were brought up to search for a body later Saturday morning, Blakeslee said. They gave a general indication of a location and Spokane County divers were able to locate Reiner’s body, which was recovered about 3 p.m.

Reiner, who is described as a billionaire in some media reports, started Stemcentrx, a bio firm he sold in 2016. Stemcentrix worked on a set of experimental drugs that targeted cancer stem cells. It was sold to AbbVie for $5.8 billion in cash and stock, plus another $4 billion in prospective milestone payments, AbbVie reported in a 2016 news release.

“AbbVie will acquire Stemcentrx for approximately $5.8 billion in cash and stock. AbbVie will pay approximately $2.0 billion of the transaction value in cash and fund the remaining portion with stock. In addition, Stemcentrx investors are eligible to receive up to $4 billion in cash for additional, success-based milestone payments for the achievement of certain regulatory and clinical developments,” according to the AbbVie news release.

According to Pitchbook. com, a website that tracks global capital markets, Reiner is an angel investor, an investor who provides seed-money for early-stage startups, usually in exchange for ownership equity if the idea takes off.

“Mr. Daniel Reiner is an Angel Investor,” Patchbook reported. “He served as Board Member at Vodori. He served as Chairman at Stemcentrx. He is a Co-Founder of the company. He is also an Angel Investor. He has founded, been a significant investor in, and/or served as a director of more than a dozen companies in the public and private sectors, spanning multiple markets including biotechnology, telecommunications, optics, computer peripherals, manufacturing, timber, and real estate. He was formerly Chairman and CEO of the telecommunications equipment company World Wide Packets. He was an investor, executive, and board member for VaxGen, a spin-out from Genentech, which was executed on a Phase III clinical trial of an AIDS vaccine. He holds an MBA from Pepperdine University and has undertaken graduate studies in genetics and biochemistry at Wayne State University and the University of California, San Diego.”


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871d28 No.21616837

File: 0cd8774683755cd⋯.gif (419.48 KB,450x300,3:2,Bat_Phone.gif)

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278276 No.21616838

File: 5bcc461d99f7688⋯.jpg (119.61 KB,657x787,657:787,8hyr3.jpg)

Don't be somebody's trophy pic

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3ffb95 No.21616839

File: 372eef4c915878d⋯.png (2.95 MB,640x370,64:37,ClipboardImage.png)


Apparently Hawk Tuah girl is. As for Harris, well we all know she's all about that Kosher dill.

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77f5ea No.21616840


There were Taiwanese looking people in the background of Q post pic of boxes on pallets too

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311163 No.21616841

File: 8fdfcc21c122383⋯.png (160.31 KB,499x499,1:1,pepe_1c.png)


> U.S. State Dept says the U.S. was not involved in the pager explosions

Whenever they have to deny it like that, it makes them look guilty as hell.

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7f8834 No.21616842

File: 27626c134ff78f9⋯.jpg (10.39 KB,474x186,79:31,th_3269109932.jpg)

File: d3c3fc653dc4e75⋯.jpg (85.84 KB,960x720,4:3,maxresdefault_3847210863.jpg)

File: 13f8437e453c1c1⋯.jpg (70.86 KB,474x632,3:4,th_3512498500.jpg)

File: aa5748335cb739c⋯.gif (816.98 KB,498x219,166:73,billy_madison_adam_sandler….gif)

File: d7445feb9c198ad⋯.jpg (34.17 KB,336x438,56:73,th_3818169250.jpg)

Cops, mil. Ring knockers of all types, pay attention.

Squaring the circle.

Now go repent, dummy!

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5c78dc No.21616844

File: 8ae79216559ce48⋯.png (238.65 KB,640x335,128:67,ClipboardImage.png)


Oracle Co-Founder Larry Ellison Hopes for AI-Powered Surveillance Hellscape to Keep Americans on 'Best Behavior'

Larry Ellison, the billionaire co-founder of Oracle, believes that artificial intelligence will enable a vast surveillance system capable of monitoring citizens and ensuring they remain on their "best behavior."


"Oracle’s business model has long roots in the surveillance of ordinary citizens. Oracle takes its name from a CIA project codename. In 1977, Oracle’s founder, Larry Ellison, was hired by the CIA to build a database; the CIA was Oracle’s first customer…Surveillance is central to Oracle’s history"


The Oracle Has Been Selling Off Hundreds Of Millions Of Shares In 2024. Warren Buffett’s moves were timely: We just witnessed the worst week for the S&P 500 in 18 months.

Preparing For A Crash? Warren Buffett Has Been Selling Off Hundreds Of Millions Of Shares In 2024

Buffett’s moves look quite savvy based on what has been happening so far this month.


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07ec80 No.21616845

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



it's a missile

it's a torpedo

and it's a drone

the Russian nuclear Trident

coincidentally, today the moon occludes Neptune


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64e9c7 No.21616846


My take as well…the cadence of the wordage is Q-WannbeFag

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695e12 No.21616847

The Oath of Enlistment (for enlisted):

"I, _, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."

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b640ac No.21616848


>Taiwanese looking people


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d8e687 No.21616849


97.7% Ashkenazi


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9d4b13 No.21616850


article changed on the 16th


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5c78dc No.21616851

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

New Trump Song Called “Fighter”

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be4a78 No.21616852


notable and fuckery afoot

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311163 No.21616853

File: 99425529f732dff⋯.png (26.32 KB,639x639,1:1,Pepe_Apu_smelly_turd.png)

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428f92 No.21616854

File: 70a6e8c8e6963e5⋯.png (73.7 KB,700x849,700:849,an7MbNB_700bwp.png)

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07ec80 No.21616855

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


"Poop Ship Destroyer"


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2747ad No.21616856

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Tom Althouse ‘The Original Creator of The Matrix Movie’

Says Musk took the role offered to him to be the hero but he's a Satanic plant

Says Trump's advisors are misleading him

Talks a lot about child abuse and those in power

Names names


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64e9c7 No.21616857

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642ee0 No.21616858

The Israeli Security Cabinet has given Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant the green light to act against Hezbollah, even if it leads to an all-out war.

2:11 PM EDT 18 Sept 2024

Still developing . . .


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a2b18e No.21616859

File: d919163026919d7⋯.png (171.39 KB,961x763,961:763,IMG_0048.png)


It’s over.

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14c675 No.21616860


that's the best part. I think there will be so many more votes for Trump, and her turnout is going to be minimun. the polymarkets are predicting Trump at 69% and her at 31%. But no talking Red Wave as Bongino says.

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f13c52 No.21616861

File: e6a503c937d0727⋯.jpg (358.77 KB,1280x800,8:5,Screenshot_20240918_132022.jpg)

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a7b6d7 No.21616862

File: 2652d36b38c746e⋯.png (287.34 KB,2048x1536,4:3,8D363526_0566_46D5_A676_A6….png)

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b640ac No.21616863


the thing is…an all out war has a totally different meaning and outcome (if there is any) nowadays

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85aa6f No.21616864



can you add >>21616819 to Routh dig?

>>21616431, >>21616463, >>21616819

Are Matthew Yearick, Thomas Crooks and Ryan Routh ALL DIRECTLY CONNECTED? DIGZ ANONS

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2747ad No.21616865

File: d573d85fa86480d⋯.png (1.38 MB,1347x758,1347:758,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 90c57dd919bf3b5⋯.png (353.7 KB,558x545,558:545,ClipboardImage.png)

Germany: Another explosion rocks Cologne’s city center, bombs and hostage-taking plague NRW

Germany is now experiencing a disturbing wave of bombings

On Wednesday morning, another explosion rocked the city center of Cologne, this time destroying a clothing store and slightly injuring one person. This follows a similar explosive attack on a dance club on Monday, just a few hundred meters away, according to Mandiner.

The attack is just one of a wave of bombings in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW), where Cologne is located, in recent months. Police are investigating a link with the notorious Mocro Mafia, which is based out of the Netherlands.

In the latest case, the clothing store “LFDY” was mostly destroyed in the bombing attack, which was carried out by unknown perpetrators. According to the Kölner Stadtanzeiger, the clothing store’s entrance was “massively damaged.”


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14c675 No.21616866


I have a right to steal the meme, I posted the article…KEK

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21cb69 No.21616867

File: 20f945a45e1c0a6⋯.jpeg (9.36 KB,221x228,221:228,images_2024_09_18T112351_….jpeg)

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fdc25e No.21616868

File: cef194d88f12255⋯.png (1.36 MB,794x4100,397:2050,ClipboardImage.png)




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7f8834 No.21616869

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Kamala sings

Wheels on the bus

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d8e687 No.21616870

File: 686ccd7150a00df⋯.jpg (38.44 KB,960x539,960:539,Whidbey_Missle.jpg)

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6f3158 No.21616871



Printing dollars without real job growth for native citizens, all jobs to illegals and H1B1's

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5c78dc No.21616872


>Tom Althouse ‘The Original Creator of The Matrix Movie’


>Says Musk took the role offered to him to be the hero but he's a Satanic plant


>Says Trump's advisors are misleading him


>Talks a lot about child abuse and those in power


>Names names


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9d4b13 No.21616873


> SOMEONE seems to be trying to push the narrative that Matthew Yearick, Thomas Crooks and Ryan Routh are ALL DIRECTLY CONNECTED__.'''

Either that or a tip-off

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871d28 No.21616874

File: 56b42a1b23bffde⋯.png (479.41 KB,830x613,830:613,ClipboardImage.png)

UFOs must be investigated, says former astronaut Sen. Mark Kelly

September 18, 2024

Is there life on Mars? When David Bowie asked that question half a century ago, he was speaking for more of us than just Ziggy Stardust.

Today, the prospect of intelligent alien life in our universe continues to tantalize stargazers and lawmakers alike.

In a wide-ranging interview on the future of the US Space program, Arizona Senator and former NASA astronaut Mark Kelly does not impatiently snicker at the mention of extraterrestrial life.

Far from it. In fact, he says, we owe it to the brave military personnel who have seen inexplicable occurrences to investigate them as intensely as possible.

"I've seen some compelling testimony from navy fighter pilots who, in one case, in a position of leadership in a squadron have seen something very compelling.

It's our obligation on the Armed Services Committee, to investigate it and put more resources behind studying this kind of phenomena."

Kelly, whose Senate office boasts a green inflatable alien mascot, is skeptical that intelligent life has visited us so far. But he also is smart enough to never say never.

"I get these questions all the time. People think as I've been to space, maybe I have this special insight, or maybe I've seen something.

While I've spent time orbiting the earth, I haven't."


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f13c52 No.21616875

File: a3db9e70d29aee1⋯.jpg (74.22 KB,800x600,4:3,httpssubstack_post_media_s….jpg)

Good Wolf

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40c6ec No.21616876

File: 4f52ff02c1265b5⋯.png (306.18 KB,532x469,76:67,ClipboardImage.png)

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2747ad No.21616877

File: e9c1c7b53582d1e⋯.png (41.77 KB,568x279,568:279,ClipboardImage.png)

Massive “ERROR” in Arizona Validates Nearly 100,000 Voter Registrations Without Verifying Citizenship — Issue Has Existed for 20 YEARS

A so-called error in the Arizona Motor Vehicle Department’s (MVD) system, which provides driver’s license information to the state’s voter registration system for citizenship verification, has caused 97,000 voter registrations to be approved without verifying citizenship.

This has apparently been happening for 20 years and was somehow not discovered until now.

This comes just days before military and overseas ballots are set to be mailed out on Thursday. Early ballots will be sent to voters across the state on October 9.

Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer announced on Tuesday that his office is suing the Secretary of State’s office after discovering a loophole in the state’s voter registration system that, Richer says, for 20 years has allowed individuals who received a driver’s license before 1996 to vote without citizenship verification.

The issue has existed since 2004, when Arizona began requiring documentary proof of citizenship to vote. Licenses issued before Arizona required proof of citizenship to drive in 1996, regardless of citizenship status, showed as proof of citizenship on file with the MVD.

“If a driver received a license prior to 1996, he did not have a documented proof of citizenship on file. But then, if he got a duplicate license (e.g. in the case of losing a license), the issuance date would be updated in the statewide voter registration’s interface with MVD,” Richer said.

“The number is about 97,000 registrants across the state.” According to the lawsuit, “there are 53,445 Affected Voters in Maricopa County.”


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fa010f No.21616878

Catturd ™@catturd2

Good morning X.

Today is my 60th birthday.

All boomer jokes welcome.

5:57 AM · Sep 18, 2024


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b640ac No.21616879

File: 08b0f926d11090d⋯.jpeg (53.13 KB,800x450,16:9,ellerstrasse_dd_img_9781_….jpeg)


well, they put up the street names in Arab scripture long time ago

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e6b455 No.21616880


I watched it. He asked and she tried to shut him down. Then got bitchy with the next guy and slammed shut that atrocious excuse for a folder and left the podium in a snit.


Can't expect much from a rotten jack-o-lantern.

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f39366 No.21616881

File: 1814557c185086c⋯.png (308.93 KB,570x570,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


It seems that a wall phone would be better suited for "belt mounting".

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642ee0 No.21616882


There are still brutal wars going on, they just luckily do not impact us the way they used to thanks largely for more and more Americans refusing to be duped and dragged into these wars. Let us hope it stays that way!

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e6b455 No.21616883


Clown comms are down, FYI.

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14c675 No.21616884

File: ec6063166fa6b53⋯.png (362.37 KB,750x375,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)

30 bunderful deals for National Cheeseburger Day 1/2

Sink your teeth into these juicy freebies and discounts.

Sept. 18, 2024, 9:56 AM EDT / Source: TODAY By Chrissy Callahan

When it comes to burgers, the topping options are endless. But, somehow, classic cheeseburgers are still holding strong against the competition.

On Sept. 18, burger lovers will celebrate National Cheeseburger Day, and many restaurants are firing up the grill and giving customers some juicy deals to bite into. Ready to join in on the celebration? Here are a plethora of discounts and freebies to choose from.


On Sept. 18, &pizza is selling its Sun’s Out Buns Out pizza for $5 (regularly $13.99) all day. The pizza features the chain’s parm-romano sauce, mozzarella, chunks of hamburger, onions, grape tomatoes, lettuce, dill pickles and a burger sauce.


Applebee’s customers can get one of the three following burgers with fries for just $8.99 at participating locations on Sept. 18: classic bacon cheeseburger, classic cheeseburger and classic Burger. The offer is valid on dine-in and to-go orders.

Bad Daddy’s

Bad Daddy’s customers can order the chain’s All-American Burger with cheese for just $8 on Sept. 18.

Bar Louie

From 11 a.m. — 3 p.m. on National Cheeseburger Day, Bar Louie customers can order the Louie’s Choice Cheeseburger, served with fries or tots, for just $9.95. Pricing and participation can vary across locations.

Buffalo Wild Wings

When Buffalo Wild Wings Blazin’ Rewards members buy one burger on Sept. 18, they’ll get another free. The offer is valid on dine-in, takeout and Buffalo Wild Wings GO orders.

Burger King

Burger King Royal Perks members can score a free cheeseburger with a purchase of $1 or more on Sept. 18.

Carl’s Jr.

Carl’s Jr. rewards members will be treated to half-priced double cheeseburgers on Sept. 18 for in-app, online and in-restaurant orders. The offer is valid on up to four double cheeseburgers per order at participating restaurants. It’s not valid with other discounts and is limited to one offer per registered user.

Dairy Queen

Between Sept. 16 — 22, Dairy Queen customers can get a free double original cheeseburger Signature Stackburger with any app or online order of $1 or more at participating DQ Grill & Chill locations nationwide. The offer is limited to one per customer.


Denny’s rewards members can get 20% off any burger on Sept. 18, including the limited-edition Beetlejuicy Burger. The offer is valid at participating locations for dine-in or online orders and there’s an $8 minimum purchase. The offer can’t be combined with other discounts.

Dog Haus

Dog Haus will run a buy one, get one free cheeseburger offer for rewards members on Sept. 18. The offer is available in the chain’s app.

Eddie Merlot’s

On Sept. 18, Eddie Merlot’s customers can order Eddie’s Prime Cheeseburger for $15 between 4 — 6:30 p.m. Pricing and participation can vary based on location.

Farm Burger

Grass-fed burger chain Farm Burger is running a build-your-own cheeseburger deal starting at $5 on National Cheeseburger Day.

Farmer Boys

Farmer Boys customers can order the chain’s Big Cheese cheeseburger for just $4 on National Cheeseburger Day between 2 p.m. and close at participating locations while supplies last. The offer can’t be combined with other deals, is limited to two burgers per customer and is available in restaurant or in the drive-thru.

Very Important Farmer (VIF) loyalty members can also get an extra surprise when they scan their receipt.


Friendly’s Fan Club members can save $2 on cheeseburgers between Sept. 18 — 20.

Hat Creek

Hat Creek customers who order the Little Hat Burger in the chain’s app will score the menu item for just $2 on Sept. 18.


Instacart customers can get $10 off their $20 purchase from the National Cheeseburger Day product collection, which features meat, cheese, buns, condiments and more. The offer is valid at select retailers via Instacart.


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5adec3 No.21616885

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5c78dc No.21616886


>UFOs must be investigated, says former astronaut Sen. Mark Kelly


PROJECT BLUE BEAM back on the menu

Police across US given UFO handbook: 'Craft pose safety risks'

The Major Cities Chiefs Association, a national organization of police executives, has published for the first time a guide to UFOs.


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d8e687 No.21616887

File: 323a94491cbd8be⋯.png (209.21 KB,852x1001,852:1001,ClipboardImage.png)


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14c675 No.21616888

File: ec6063166fa6b53⋯.png (362.37 KB,750x375,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)




Krystal is currently running a limited-time offer for12 cheese Krystals for just $15The chain also has an online-only offer that entitles customers to a free cheese Krystal with any digital purchase. Use the code CHZKRYSTAL at checkout on Sept. 18 to score the deal.


McDonald’s customers who order in the chain’s app can enjoy a 50-cent double cheeseburger on Sept. 18.

99 Restaurant & Pub

99 Restaurant & Pub dine-in customers can order the restaurant’s cheeseburger and fries for $6.99 all day on National Cheeseburger Day.


O’Charley’s customers can get a cheeseburger and fries for $6, while dining in and ordering online on Sept. 18.

Omaha Steaks

Omaha Steaks is offering the following deals in honor of National Cheeseburger Day:

• Perfect Burger Pack for $99.99

• Custom Burger Experience With Free Brioche Buns for $129.99

• Deluxe Burger Experience for $131.46

• Butcher’s Burger Assortment for $188.46

Red Robin

Between Sept. 17 — 19, Red Robin customers can get a Gourmet Cheeseburger, bottomless side and drink for just $10 (regularly $14.99 or more) while dining in at participating restaurants.


For a limited time, Sonic customers can order a quarter pound double cheeseburger for just $1.99.


Smashburger customers can score $5 Classic Singles on National Cheeseburger Day in store, online and in the restaurant’s app using the code CLASSIC24. The offer includes Classic Singles, Classic Single Turkey Burgers and Classic Single Black Bean Burgers.

Sullivan’s Steakhouse

Between 3 — 6 p.m. on Sept. 18, Sullivan’s Steakhouse customers can order the restaurant’s signature beef burger sliders for just $10. Pricing and participation can vary by location.


Wahlburgers adult burgers will be 50% off on Sept. 18 at participating locations. The offer is valid in-store and online, and excludes doubles, triples, sandwiches and Smahlburgers. It’s limited to one per customer and can’t be combined with other offers.

Wayback Burgers

Wayback Burgers is running a buy one, get one free deal on its classic burgers on Sept. 18.


Between Sept. 18 — 22, Wendy’s customers can get a Jr. Bacon Cheeseburger for $0.1 with any purchase while placing an app order at participating restaurants.


On National Cheeseburger Day, Whataburger rewards members who place an app or online order for a patty melt, Sweet & Spicy Bacon Burger or a Whataburger with cheese will be entered for the chance to win free Whataburger for a year. Winners will receive their prize in the form of 52 coupons, which can be redeemed at participating locations.

White Castle

White Castle is running a buy one cheese slider, get one free deal on National Cheeseburger Day. To score the deal, simply use the code SAYCHEESE in the restaurant’s app.

In addition, customers can buy a sack of 10 cheese sliders for $7.99 ($8.99 in New York, New Jersey, Florida and Arizona) through November 10.


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156b8f No.21616890

File: f605e62f206b8da⋯.jpeg (1.42 MB,2021x1170,2021:1170,IMG_5670.jpeg)

File: e9aadd397179628⋯.jpeg (1.24 MB,2070x895,414:179,IMG_5667.jpeg)

When you love that sound of freedom

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6f3158 No.21616891


God knows whom is who. How many have been freed ? How many will think they can hide ?

The reckoning is coming, Red October

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2747ad No.21616892

File: 61539b54259312e⋯.png (310.42 KB,639x512,639:512,ClipboardImage.png)

Ryan Routh Appeared in CIA-backed Azov Video in Ukraine

The man arrested in the latest assassination attempt on 45th President Trump has deep ties to Ukraine, including the CIA-backed Azov neo-Nazi Brigade.


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278276 No.21616893

File: c195ba681491fb1⋯.png (153.43 KB,436x509,436:509,Screenshot_20240409_101415….png)

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573d83 No.21616894

File: f474e23e918d76f⋯.png (9.27 MB,4096x4096,1:1,QClock_September_17_2024_B….png)

QClock September 17, 2024 -Blood Moon, Pagers, Hamas & Muslim Brotherhood

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311163 No.21616895

File: 2d5b65a2a5d5838⋯.png (162.14 KB,500x499,500:499,pepe_smart.png)


Agree. If they believed that they had it in the bag, they wouldn't be constantly trying to assassinate him.

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d8e687 No.21616896

Hsu said an enigmatic Taiwanese woman known only as “Teresa” approached him three years ago with a deal to let BAC import pagers from Taiwan, and later to manufacture pagers under Gold Apollo’s trademark. He said they originally wanted to slap the Gold Apollo label on their own designs, but he convinced them to use his own popular pager models.

Hsu said he was under the impression that BAC would make pagers for European customers, and perhaps East Africa, but they never said anything about doing business in Lebanon. He said BAC paid his company from a “Middle Eastern bank account” that once encountered some “inconvenient” difficulties with transmitting funds to Gold Apollo’s Taiwanese bank.

“There was nothing in those devices that we had manufactured or exported to them,” he said of the pagers that exploded on Tuesday. He claimed there were some structural differences between BAC’s products and the pagers directly manufactured by Gold Apollo, including a chip incorporated in the BAC design that is not used by Hsu’s company.

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be4a78 No.21616897

just watching farage on gbnews.

talking about pensions.

leftie ginger bloke: those who paid national insurance does not mean that you have paid into your pension.

That money is used to pay the state pensions from the tax payer now. it is a benefit and there is not guarantee that you will receive the pension.

==absolutely disgusting, and toldyao, they want to kill off the elderly,

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e2488c No.21616898

55 Gallon Drums Of Toxic & Flammable Material Were Found On L.I in April. What Happened To The "Blue Barrel" NCPD Found On The Suspect This Morning?

"Six large drums filled with toxic chemicals encased in concrete were discovered buried under a Long Island park in a community long plagued by cancer concerns, officials revealed this week."

The 55-gallon steel drums were found last Wednesday by contractors


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88ea10 No.21616899


post a q post for the timestamp and become a timestamp shill

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9d4b13 No.21616900

File: 73c97ef34c0b488⋯.jpg (92.59 KB,1024x553,1024:553,alien.jpg)


or we on now?

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d8e687 No.21616901


>BAC paid his company from a “Middle Eastern bank account” that once encountered some “inconvenient” difficulties with transmitting funds to Gold Apollo’s Taiwanese bank.

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000000 No.21616902


>Reported bomb scare at Trump rally site

Oy vey

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e73ab7 No.21616904


this happened in Lebanon, anon, not Palestine.

there isn't even a Palestine, so how could it be there?

no, you've lost your humanity.

you use a term for soldiers of another army and use that as an excuse to pass over the basics of Morality: do not murder.

and you cheer lead it like this escalation of tactics is a good thing.

PS: the pejorative you use at the end of your hate-scree shows you to NOT be an American, but a pretender.

get help.

go to a religious leader and ask him to give you an exorcism and blessing.

you've sold your soul and you need to get it back.

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c0c151 No.21616905

File: 992423a39433000⋯.png (117.46 KB,1198x578,599:289,Screen_Shot_2024_09_18_at_….png)


>>21616752 (me)

>>21616777 (me)

>>21616809 (me)

Yesterday Blackwater private military company founder Eric Prince gave an interview wherein he voiced grave concerns over the bizarre background of second President Trump assassin Routh—retired top CIA official Michael Scheuer declared yesterday: “Ryan Wesley Routh is a patsy groomed by the deep state to carry out a hit on Donald Trump”—on 9 September, six days prior to Routh attempting to assassinate President Trump, the article “Edward Heckman Reported Maxwell Yearick Missing Since July 14, Attempted Murder” revealed: “Thomas Crooks’ bank records show a few odd payments made to Peter Riddle and Ryan Routh…An additional peculiarity of this case is that we tried to get in touch with Ryan Routh via his Facebook account, but the messages weren’t sent…Since July, the residence of Peter Riddle, the other suspect, in Virginia, has been secured”—early this morning, the X social media account of Edward Heckman showed the message “This account doesn’t exist”, and whose very last message (archived below) warned:

“Donald Trump will face a third assassination attempt this October…The perpetrator is expected to be Peter Riddle…Riddle, along with Ryan Routh and Maxwell Yearick, have worked together in Ukraine for the CIA”.




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e6b455 No.21616906



Wake up!





Maybe one day but it cannot go slow. The initial wave will be fast and meaningful. It will send a signal to others immediately and you’ll see the tide turn (not even the MSM can hide and rest assured some will be jailed as deep cover agents).

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e13552 No.21616907


Le b anon

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278276 No.21616908


Not just drunk

But also=bi polar.

Take it to the bank

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642ee0 No.21616909


They must be really desperate.

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5c78dc No.21616910

File: 374fabdf558e2f0⋯.png (2.8 MB,1284x1435,1284:1435,ClipboardImage.png)


Oppose DEMS, get SHOT.

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be4a78 No.21616911


so why top up you pension for state pension and work for 34 years solid paying into a system that will not give you what you are entitled to at the end.

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d8e687 No.21616912

File: 5511749cf8d7553⋯.png (612.42 KB,770x434,55:31,ClipboardImage.png)


>Six large drums filled with toxic chemicals encased in concrete were discovered buried under a Long Island park


After drums unearthed on ex-Grumman site at Bethpage park, another call from town for full soil excavation

Workers clad in hazmat suits gathered Wednesday by a pit at Bethpage Community Park where six chemical drums were unearthed last week as Oyster Bay's supervisor echoed his call from a day earlier for a full soil excavation on the property where Grumman Aerospace dumped toxins decades ago.

A sign by the 10-foot by 25-foot pit read “Caution: Exclusion Zone” as the heavily-protected workers appeared to be handling samples and an excavator sat idle nearby — just feet from the recreation spot's shuttered skate park.

Last year the town sued Northrup Grumman, Grumman Aerospace's successor, criticizing the pace and thoroughness of a cleanup on the grounds stemming from the company's 2013 agreement with the state Department of Environment Conservation.

Contractors with Northrop Grumman found the 55-gallon drums about 7 feet underground while drilling a well Thursday to check an existing soil treatment system at the park, Supervisor Joseph Saladino told Newsday on Tuesday.

He said some of the drums had flammable chemicals and were unearthed between the 18-acre town park's shuttered ballfield and its fenced-off skate park. Much of the park, including a playground and indoor skating rink, remains open. Town officials said they closed the skate park in January as a precaution after Northrup Grumman's remediation work expanded in the area.

During a visit to the pit Wednesday, Saladino called on the DEC to mandate a full cleanup at the park by removing all soil and trucking it off Long Island. The supervisor also said a layer of clay had been found under the concrete-encased drums, characterizing the action as "another level of precaution" taken when the drums were buried.

Brian Nevin, an Oyster Bay spokesman, added that a plan to safely remove the drums from the pit is being developed.

The DEC said Tuesday it would do testing to determine the contents of the six chemical drums. The agency also said it would use “ground-penetrating radar, as well as subsurface drilling and sampling to determine the full nature and extent of contamination” and further investigate whether any more drums are buried on the site.

The DEC also said preliminary testing of the drums' content turned up “chlorinated solvents and waste oil/petroleum” — compounds the agency said were “consistent with known historic operations” of Grumman and the U.S. Navy at the location that are the focus of the ongoing remedial effort on the property.

Northrop Grumman officials said Tuesday they are working with the DEC to address the situation.

Between the 1940s and 1960s, Grumman used the land for disposal of wastewater sludges and solvent-soaked rages. Grumman donated land for the park to the town in 1962 and the park was a centerpiece of the Bethpage community for decades.

Then in 2002, contamination from polychlorinated biphenyls, or PCBs, was found in ballfield soil and the DEC — which regulates the site — discovered just how extensively it had been used as a chemical dumping ground. It was found to be a major contributor to the groundwater plume of carcinogenic chemicals that spread from former Grumman grounds and now is more than 4 miles long, 2 miles wide and 900 feet deep.

Separate from the 2013 agreement the DEC made with Northrup Grumman to address the ballfield contamination, the agency later made a half-billion dollar deal with Grumman and the U.S. Navy to contain and clean the plume.

But the DEC never confirmed a whistle-blower's 2016 claim that in the 1990s, chemical drums had been discovered and reburied at the Bethpage park.

Saladino told Newsday on Tuesday the discovery of the drums last week shows that account was true.

On Wednesday, Adrienne Esposito, executive director of Citizens Campaign for the Environment, said the discovery of the drums is “alarming.” She said the drums pose a threat to drinking water, regardless of what chemicals are inside them.

“A full examination” of the site is needed to uncover “more hidden dangers that threaten public health,” Esposito added.

Bethpage resident Khairun Rizvi, who lives just a few hundred feet from where the drums were found, said Wednesday she wasn’t aware of the discovery and expressed concern that neighbors weren’t notified.

“They should’ve sent us a letter,” said Rizvi, 31, noting that Northrop Grumman previously communicated with the neighbors about remediation work.

She said she noticed the skate park was closed during a visit to the park with her two children — ages 2 and 3 — but wasn’t sure of the extent of work being done nearby.

“I’m very shocked because it’s near where kids play,” Rizvi said.

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764b9a No.21616913

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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503326 No.21616914

File: 6cb662bf1c1c095⋯.png (814.63 KB,959x522,959:522,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7c0b83049d27c5d⋯.png (93.41 KB,246x191,246:191,ClipboardImage.png)

Happening Now: Senate Intel panel to grill tech execs on election interference


Where the guy is supposedly kneeling, is way off as to the height of the woman and the fellow that is sitting down. It looks off. CGI?

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311163 No.21616915

File: c614b3a62cb4ba7⋯.png (523.64 KB,797x499,797:499,stacey_abrams_sammiches.png)

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5c78dc No.21616916

File: bfa1e10f7a25c2b⋯.png (748.98 KB,762x568,381:284,ClipboardImage.png)


>They must be really desperate.

Win some, Newsome

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53f908 No.21616917

File: 68a2049ac981299⋯.jpg (464.47 KB,1080x1753,1080:1753,Screenshot_20240918_192959….jpg)

File: 4e5cce21fd61287⋯.jpg (23.04 KB,804x433,804:433,AR924_pic2_16001395.jpg)

File: 8e8a8ff5b23d03c⋯.jpg (199.07 KB,1079x987,1079:987,Screenshot_20240918_192637….jpg)






Gold Apollo Co., Ltd. has established a long-term partnership with BAC CONSULTING KFT. (SZONYI UT 33/A., 1142 BUDAPEST, HU, hereinafter referred to as "BAC"). According to the cooperation agreement, we authorize BAC to use our brand trademark for product sales in designated regions, but the design and

manufacturing of the products are solely the responsibility of BAC.

Regarding the AR-924 pager model mentioned in the recent media reports, we clarify that this model is produced and sold by BAC. Our company only provides the brand trademark authorization and is not involved in the design or manufacturing of this product. Gold Apollo Co., Ltd. always complies with relevant regulations and maintains transparent and compliant partnerships with our collaborators.


September 18, 2024

13:40 Taiwan time


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8bc8cc No.21616918


Matthew 26:52

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e13552 No.21616919

File: 4d5695ade11356c⋯.png (250.04 KB,750x1334,375:667,F1ED926A_DE17_471A_A6BA_65….png)

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7f8834 No.21616920

File: 2b5fa3693042a42⋯.jpg (58.54 KB,474x711,2:3,th_3696421954.jpg)

File: aaddabadf4cbef1⋯.jpg (58.5 KB,474x710,237:355,th_914178938.jpg)

File: cca3f966bbf0adc⋯.jpg (74.83 KB,474x631,474:631,th_1830938260.jpg)

File: e759cf4d03cc7bf⋯.jpg (282.72 KB,1600x1068,400:267,World_Trade_Center_New_Yor….jpg)

File: 64f61c2a1242ea4⋯.jpg (263.46 KB,1920x1080,16:9,057_Coming_Out_as_Trans.jpg)

Sea to shining…

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642ee0 No.21616921


Jim should not be held liable if some idiot posts a death threat or illegal content. If anything it is to protect free speech by legally preventing the site from being shut down by the government over bad actors and we all know there are plenty of bad actors out there.

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278276 No.21616922


Loomer was given so much dirty on him. Now his scream ufo.


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428f92 No.21616923

File: 40ca3904f710f9b⋯.png (34.43 KB,700x420,5:3,aQz398z_700bw.png)

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2747ad No.21616924

File: e4be3bb0cf90ff0⋯.png (472.62 KB,747x490,747:490,ClipboardImage.png)

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871d28 No.21616925

File: 2434cca63b4032f⋯.png (64.45 KB,634x518,317:259,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f63fb61d1acfae4⋯.png (85.4 KB,634x590,317:295,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1532c72b0a0cdd6⋯.mp4 (5.37 MB,576x1024,9:16,1024x576_MP4_8677372408261….mp4)

'Oval-shaped' UFO spotted hovering over Mexico: 'Spectacular video'

16:33 EDT, 17 September 2024

Several residents of Mexico shared shocking video footage of a UFO seemingly hovering to the ground, drawing a mixed response.

Videos on social media captured what appeared to be an oval-sized object hovering over the western city of Zitácuaro on September 8.

The footage shows the UFO-like figure hovering near a tree while a second recording captured it slowly moving in front of the overcast skies.

The alleged flying saucer sightings were reported in the neighborhoods of El Naranjo and Manzanillos.

Following the videos, some users took to X, formerly Twitter, to share their belief that aliens had made their way to Mexico.

'That's that eye diamond UFO shape,' one person commented. '(Must) be some kind of organic ship.'

'Spectacular video, contact between humans and alien races is getting closer and closer,' another X user chimed in.

'Anyone who continues to believe that it is a balloon, a drone, a hologram or something else is either blind or does not want to see reality.'

However, others were quick to dispel the claims, pointing out that it was most likely just one of the many sky lanterns that float across the Mexican skies during the Globos de Cantoya festival.

'It may have been a test of a hot air balloon, as these balloons are very common in central Mexico and from a distance they can be confused with other objects,' another user explained.

One X user questioned the quality of the video but conceded that life probably exists outside our solar system.

'So much technology, cell phones with too many mega pixels and images like that,' they said. 'I do believe that there is life on other planets, but some tests like this don't help much.'

Some found humor in the alleged UFO sighting.

'They went searching for atoles,' another X user said, referring to the traditional Mexican beverage that is made with water, masa (corn flour), piloncillo, (unrefined cane sugar), cinnamon and vanilla.

'We will see more and more UFOs. And the government will make contact with them,' another person joked.

'We will obey in fear as always. But we will never see them.'


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c0c151 No.21616926


>PROJECT BLUE BEAM back on the menu

i love the smell of panic in the morning

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f13c52 No.21616927

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

It's been a lot like this.

Black operations.

Science fiction?

Science fact.

Doctor Who - Complete Bad Wolf Speech


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573d83 No.21616928

File: 6234e5d11d949ac⋯.png (514.2 KB,976x833,976:833,ClipboardImage.png)


BREAKING: Several home solar energy systems exploded in areas of Beirut, Lebanon - reports

11:48 AM · Sep 18, 2024


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5c78dc No.21616929

File: f91f4bcbd4ddafc⋯.png (561.23 KB,768x403,768:403,ClipboardImage.png)

DEVELOPING: Social Media Platform X Changes Its IP, Circumvents Blockade and Now Brazilian Users Are Having Access Again – Authorities Are Scrambling To React

In a unexpected turn of events, it seems that the social media platform X did not take its blocking by Brazilian authorities lying down, and made changes that led to users in the country having access to it once again.


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503326 No.21616930

File: 8c3ab315430f744⋯.png (623.46 KB,937x423,937:423,ClipboardImage.png)

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a3c02b No.21616931

File: e403bd937462ace⋯.png (142.08 KB,436x509,436:509,ClipboardImage.png)

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cee4ef No.21616932


I think its a great way to get rid of the phones.

They have to stop trying to count the herd and control Gods people.

The people world wide need to be free from the tech and their slavery systems

They can blow up everybody's phone.

Let that sink in.

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642ee0 No.21616933



they'd do nothing about anything as usual

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c0c151 No.21616934


that might "backfire"

(pun intended)

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b640ac No.21616935


notableif true

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b7c238 No.21616936

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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e2488c No.21616937

File: 1a6b2024b01b4c0⋯.png (26.9 KB,456x245,456:245,666Rizvi.png)


Khairun Rizvi



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c0c151 No.21616938


next will be the electric "smart meters"

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5c78dc No.21616939

File: 34767522ed078df⋯.png (378.46 KB,675x566,675:566,ClipboardImage.png)

File: be9237389efe398⋯.mp4 (879 KB,1280x720,16:9,Trump_s_newest_ad_is_absol….mp4)

Charlie Kirk


Trump’s newest ad is absolute 🔥🔥

11:21 AM • Sep 18, 2024


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a2b18e No.21616940


>Q Clock

filtered lol

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e6b455 No.21616941


Why do you post all this in the bunker then re-post it here?

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503326 No.21616942

File: 53f50dd21eaedaa⋯.png (271.46 KB,462x423,154:141,ClipboardImage.png)

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50dacc No.21616943


#26475 >>21616221

>>21616521 LIVE: President Trump Holds a Rally in Uniondale, New York - 9/18/24

>>21616260, >>21616503 Pray for protection for Trump and the USA. This will also include the world in turn.

>>21616281 ARCHIVE of Routh's social media posts before they were deleted.

>>21616311, >>21616373 Rally COMMS? You are watching the WAR IN REAL TIME

>>21616320 Press Briefing by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre

>>21616405, >>21616530 ENTIRE BOARD RESIGNS after "pioneering 'direct access' to genetic information"

>>21616429 PlaneFaggin'

>>21616431, >>21616463, >>21616809, >>21616819 Are Matthew Yearick, Thomas Crooks and Ryan Routh ALL DIRECTLY CONNECTED? DIGZ ANONS

>>21616492, >>21616497, >>21616500, >>21616509, >>21616798, >>21616803 Swamp Habbenings

>>21616499, >>21616506, >>21616673 A man named Ryan Routh is an international one man war machine

>>21616525, >>21616529, >>21616599, >>21616686, >>21616687, >>21616725, >>21616874, >>21616925 NASA & SPACE Stuff

>>21616543, >>21616827 Michigan’s Dirty Democrats Pass 4 NEW Election Bills

>>21616572, >>21616780 Hub Of An Alleged Migrant Trafficking Network In Springfield, Ohio

>>21616592 Biden-Harris Administration Has Reversed Saudi-Israeli Normalization

>>21616616 Tim Pool files defamation lawsuit against Kamala Harris campaign

>>21616625 Ghislaine Maxwell’s Conviction Is Upheld by 2nd US Circuit Court of Appeals

>>21616630 TIME Magazine gets publicly SHAMED for spreading lies about second Trump assassination attempt

>>21616639 Vivek Ramaswamy Lands His Own Fox Show “Truths with Vivek Ramaswamy.”

>>21616641, >>21616658 David Muir (his hair still not looking so gud) and ABC get a heaping dose of KARMA

>>21616701 Kamala - We will enter your house to determine if your firearm habits are acceptable

>>21616710, >>21616832, >>21616865, >>21616917, >>21616928 New Wave Of Terrorist Blasts Rock Lebanon, Germany

>>21616714 RFK Jr. Fundraising ad (needz spellcheck)

>>21616750 RT - Reported bomb scare at Trump rally site

>>21616773, >>21616797, >>21616804, >>21616811 BREAKING: The Federal Reserve has cut rates by 50bps.

>>21616782 ‘Middle class’ Kamala Harris and her economy Bankrupts Tupperware

>>21616793 The U.S. State Dept says the U.S. was not involved in the pager explosions

>>21616796 Kamala debuts her fake Hispanic accent while speaking to the Congressional Hispanic Caucus

>>21616836 Body of billionaire investor recovered at Trout Lake "went swimming, never came back"

>>21616844 DIGG CALL - AI-Powered Surveillance Hellscape to Keep Americans on 'Best Behavior'

>>21616856 Michelle Moore Show - Tom Althouse ‘The Original Creator of The Matrix Movie’

>>21616877 Massive “ERROR” in Arizona Validates Nearly 100,000 Voter Registrations Without Verifying Citizenship

>>21616884, >>21616888 Deals on this "I can haz cheeseburger?" day

>>21616894 QClock September 17, 2024 -Blood Moon, Pagers, Hamas & Muslim Brotherhood

>>21616929 X Changes Its IP, Circumvents Blockade and Now Brazilian Users Are Having Access Again

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6af37d No.21616944

File: 45f1e2f603806f6⋯.jpg (115.76 KB,1024x553,1024:553,hi.jpg)

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2747ad No.21616945

Israel Kills 26 More Palestinians in Gaza

Israel carried out a massive attack on the Bureij refugee camp in central Gaza

“The Israeli occupation committed three massacres against families in the Gaza Strip, resulting in 26 martyrs and 84 injuries arriving at hospitals during the past 24 hours,” the ministry wrote on Telegram.

“There are still a number of victims under the rubble and on the streets, and ambulance and civil defense crews cannot reach them,” the ministry added. The numbers do not account for the Palestinians who are missing and presumed dead under the rubble, which was previously estimated to be around 10,000.


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c0c151 No.21616946


>They can blow up everybody's phone.

got a "smart meter" on you home's electrical service entrance?

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8bc8cc No.21616947

File: 28acabcce4f6804⋯.jpg (87.27 KB,597x600,199:200,107668504_726515501500397_….jpg)

File: ef4284b28259d42⋯.jpg (97.83 KB,750x1000,3:4,mwo_x1000_ipad_2_snap_pad_….jpg)

(pb) >>21615445, >>21615452, >>21615455, >>21616157 P Diddy's Back Tattoo of the Black Madonna, Trump says he is going to visit Shrine of the Black Madonna

Or or Ezili Dantor

Èzili Dantò, also known as Erzulie Dantor, is a senior spirit in Haitian Vodou and the Queen of the Petro nation. She is the manifestation of Erzulie, the divinity of love, and is known for being a fierce protector of women, children, and the neglected

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2747ad No.21616948

Israeli forces have killed 1,151 Palestinians working in Gaza’s health sector during its onslaught on the enclave, the Palestinian health ministry said on Tuesday.

A total of 986 were named in a new report published by the ministry, while personal data for the remaining 165 was still being verified.

The delay in the verification process was due to Israeli authorities withholding the victims' bodies or their remains being buried under rubble.

At least 165 of those killed were doctors, 260 nurses, 300 management and support personnel, 184 health associate professionals, 76 pharmacists and 12 other health workers.


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3fbe02 No.21616949


No i DO not

i made them take it off

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278276 No.21616950

Globe Eye News



BREAKING: Causes of explosions in Lebanon today include pagers, walkie-talkie radios, fingerprint machines, and solar energy systems.

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642ee0 No.21616951


Well, the problem is all the vicious maiming and killing of innocents doing such a thing. They could always just shut those comms down remotely without physically harming anyone.

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52b96b No.21616952

File: acfc02e500bc6dc⋯.png (296.3 KB,450x337,450:337,ClipboardImage.png)

some shit appears to be happening

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c0c151 No.21616954


>i made them take it off


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b640ac No.21616955


how did you do that?

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ac126d No.21616956

File: 4bc49d502b59567⋯.png (182.65 KB,576x1289,576:1289,Screenshot_20240917_094459.png)

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8bc8cc No.21616957

File: b3f434df4f559ef⋯.mp4 (1016.43 KB,640x360,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17265963059….mp4)

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e6b455 No.21616958


Will they blame the massive overnight solar storm, or is it all fake to detract from the real explosives found at the rally venue?

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a2b18e No.21616959

File: 054bf1d2fb96e52⋯.jpeg (872.75 KB,1179x1270,1179:1270,IMG_0049.jpeg)



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610e1e No.21616961


Christians dont base their beliefs on a location.

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e6b455 No.21616962


Or did they do a hit and create a fake flurry to hide it.

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5c78dc No.21616963

File: 869ec0524375e6f⋯.mp4 (2.42 MB,720x1280,9:16,MASSIVE_turnout_at_the_Uni….mp4)

File: d62cb90a6a493df⋯.mp4 (1.79 MB,720x1280,9:16,MASSIVE_turnout_at_the_Uni….mp4)

File: 7cd6db1c1efe0d1⋯.png (2.15 MB,666x1902,111:317,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ddcbef2d49381f3⋯.png (2.66 MB,900x1200,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)

MASSIVE turnout at the University of Pittsburgh today with @VivekGRamaswamy 🔥 250 new voters in the state of Pennsylvania so far. This is how we win.

Charlie Kirk


MASSIVE turnout at the University of Pittsburgh today with @VivekGRamaswamy 🔥

250 new voters in the state of Pennsylvania so far. This is how we win.

The kids are alright! 🇺🇸


9:50 AM • Sep 18, 2024


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6135b2 No.21616964

File: 3bd8168a99eb22a⋯.png (445.57 KB,682x751,682:751,3bd8168a99eb22ae56a9fbc0a3….png)

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e73ab7 No.21616965


what can they do to your house with a 'smart meter'?

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53f908 No.21616966

File: cf85060e9b87b7e⋯.jpg (221.46 KB,1079x877,1079:877,Screenshot_20240918_193954….jpg)

File: b978bbb306b0407⋯.jpg (191.78 KB,1080x1035,24:23,Screenshot_20240918_193931….jpg)


BAC Consulting


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db9599 No.21616967

File: 125459b361cca8a⋯.mp4 (370.94 KB,1280x720,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17266804992….mp4)

Komrade Kamala AGAIN fakes an accent, this time Latino! Why does she keep doing this? CRINGE!


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b640ac No.21616968


fingerprint machines??????

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642ee0 No.21616969


Does Jim even bother lurking here deleting random comments? Why waste that time? He has the global reporter to alert him when someone reports illegal content or direct death threats. What exactly is he censoring otherwise? Most of 8kun is already dead from what I can tell.

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8bc8cc No.21616970

File: 74aa1c50f751326⋯.mp4 (5.02 MB,1262x720,631:360,tucker_instincts_on_waltz.mp4)

Tucker has a vibe on Waltz. 😎

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c0c151 No.21616971


>Israelis are the true antisemites


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5c78dc No.21616972

File: f73b944d58fbe21⋯.png (638.78 KB,760x380,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)


>P Diddy's Back Tattoo of the Black Madonna, Trump says he is going to visit Shrine of the Black Madonna


Tattoo ink sold on Amazon has high levels of weird and rare bacteria

The recall announcement noted that the germs "present a health concern."


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b640ac No.21616974


isn't your post an autostereotype?


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e6b455 No.21616975



"Create Conceive & Cooperate"

C3 = Masonic

No read their slogan in reverse order.

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3ffb95 No.21616977



>Oracle Co-Founder Larry Ellison Hopes for AI-Powered Surveillance Hellscape to Keep Americans on 'Best Behavior'

Now, I don't want to be one of those Coincidence™ Theorists, but that's an odd thing for an American™ of his type to say, especially with all the bullshit that's been going on over the last year due in no small part, to our Greatest Ally™.

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ec7680 No.21616978

File: fdf8a57b5424d15⋯.jpeg (58.88 KB,626x418,313:209,F04D5EB6_19ED_4BEF_B71A_2….jpeg)

File: a9fb2b0e0c56d70⋯.jpeg (100.11 KB,800x450,16:9,39C45F91_8FDD_45B9_9DCA_4….jpeg)

File: e57890a8a191da7⋯.gif (1.74 MB,500x257,500:257,IMG_9758.gif)

File: d63829e3d8cd447⋯.gif (1.99 MB,320x180,16:9,IMG_9759.gif)

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7f8834 No.21616979

File: 447cf2d649bfabc⋯.jpg (28.1 KB,474x374,237:187,th_3235463592.jpg)

File: fa0063dc1568064⋯.jpg (60.88 KB,474x681,158:227,th_1984510068.jpg)

File: f93b5d3207a12e4⋯.jpg (82.79 KB,859x515,859:515,87c9c7e8f59e_gallery53_a.jpg)

File: 5e277f1d0ff6e55⋯.jpg (590.45 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240918_114230….jpg)

File: 77c40f3eb995a29⋯.jpg (251.44 KB,1000x1426,500:713,9K5NzHvqeBiejw3RcGfUhWPHM3….jpg)

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1c0438 No.21616981


practicing to talk to world leaders


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871d28 No.21616982

File: 5e11a7d3ece7600⋯.png (362.32 KB,838x918,419:459,ClipboardImage.png)

Alex Jones warns of an “alien invasion” by “satanic interdimensional forces”

09/18/24 2:01 PM EDT

ALEX JONES (HOST): The devil's gonna operate through all the possessed people he's got. It's a program.

If you're exposing these satanic interdimensional forces, the special operations of this interdimensional alien invasion, that's how they come through.

Just think of them as aliens, and then, then you can sell all these people, because that's what they are from their perspective, but they're demons, they're interdimensional creatures.

People are going to laugh at that till one attacks them.

See, and I know the Bible that as you approach Revelations, the gates of hell are gonna be opened, the interdimensional gate, and only a small number of Satan's operatives were here before.

The gates will be thrown open and we're going to have these things literally running around the streets.

Now, you ask, why would these creatures attack people that were doing God's work but didn't have God's protection?

You'd think that would make them wake up and accept Jesus. They can't help it. If you're not protected, they want to destroy you.

They — it's like a zombie wants brains. It's got to go after you. It's its mission.

You're like, well, that's fantastical. Have you looked at the stars at night?

If you look at the sun, have you looked at the birds, have you looked at the wind?

Have you not felt the energy, the good and the bad?


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ec7680 No.21616984

File: c0075f1b9c39581⋯.jpeg (106.63 KB,604x508,151:127,FF9E6563_1F34_4678_BBF3_E….jpeg)

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90fcba No.21616985


I made a huge stink about it.

They fought me tooth and nail.

They were treating me like a child and not listening to my request.

They were trying to gaslight me and persuade me otherwise.

I had them remove it because my daughter got headaches from it.

(Her bed was right next to the meter on the other side.

I removed it and her headaches went away.

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642ee0 No.21616986


I was ringing the alarm bells before….. ALL digital electronics can be impacted and the second wave of attacks proved it without a doubt. ALL OF THEM. Take a moment to think of the implications and it should terrify you knowing these kinds of cyber weapons are now out there waiting to be abused.

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5c78dc No.21616987

File: dc8a00ed71672f9⋯.png (170.17 KB,768x512,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

US Cuts Military Aid to Ukraine – Without the US Supplying Weapons, it's Over

The US is reducing the volume of military aid to Ukraine due to the reduction of its own reserves according to sources in the Pentagon and in the Biden regime.

There are problems related to the spending of six billion dollars allocated by the White House, because after two years of war, manufacturers fail to replenish Ukrainian stocks, according to the sources.

Apparently the manufacturing capability just doesn't exist anymore, and the manufacturers cannot ship replacements because they can't make them - or make them fast enough.

Hal Turner Analysis

Mark this date on your calendar. This is the date Ukraine lost the conflict with Russia.

If the US cannot provide more military arms, Ukraine is done.

Unless . . .

Unless the US, EU and NATO manufacture a REASON for NATO to enter the conflict directly.

This is now the most dangerous time . . . . for all of us. Reduction in weapons supplies to Ukraine means certain defeat - very swiftly. So if the US, EU and NATO are going to manufacture a reason to enter the conflict, they have to do it VERY VERY soon.


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f13c52 No.21616988


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278276 No.21616989

File: db57c32a3967f34⋯.jpg (157.59 KB,720x1042,360:521,Screenshot_20240908_193902….jpg)

File: bf811bb6c1d42b6⋯.jpeg (9.83 KB,188x268,47:67,wnload_88.jpeg)

File: ac79268efc9b5f7⋯.png (16.12 KB,255x252,85:84,43dfc0d6283c2f80959a203a74….png)



Where Trump will be on Sunday

Trump is on a journey

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e6b455 No.21616990


Harry's Birthday = 2nd POTUS attempt Day.

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b7c238 No.21616991


And 372,635 orphans in the Hamas Healthcare Cancer ward….

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978acf No.21616992

File: a0a0c783d7a80e2⋯.png (335.71 KB,1024x768,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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000000 No.21616993


@BRICSinfo 1h

JUST IN: 🇸🇦 Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman declares that Saudi Arabia will not establish diplomatic relations with Israel unless an independent Palestinian state is recognized, with East Jerusalem as its capital.

Sep 18, 2024 · 5:42 PM UTC




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8bc8cc No.21616994


>Petro nation

The Petwo (Haitian Creole: Petwo), also spelled Petro[a] and alternatively known as dompete, are a family of lwa (loa) spirits in the religion of Haitian Vodou. They are regarded as being volatile and "hot", in this contrasting with the Rada lwa, which are regarded as sweet-tempered and "cool."

The Petwo spirits are considered to be volatile and hot-tempered,[2] exhibiting bitter, aggressive, and forceful characteristics.[4] In this they contrast with the Rada lwa, who are deemed sweet-natured and dependable.[8] The Petwo lwa are kept separate from the Rada lwa, both spatially, by placing their altars in different parts of the ounfo (temple), and temporally, by invoking them at different stages in a ritual.[3] The anthropologist Karen McCarthy Brown suggested that the contrast between the Rada and the Petwo reflected that between "two archetypal social groups", namely family members and foreigners or insiders and outsiders.[2]


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ec7680 No.21616995

File: f680b7d117b5021⋯.jpeg (106.33 KB,607x508,607:508,1E6DD5EA_B001_45B9_9C81_D….jpeg)

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7f8834 No.21616996

File: c385f832ae95fec⋯.png (431.25 KB,720x508,180:127,c385f832ae95fecaf63f9ca5ec….png)

File: 6fae0466fad4083⋯.jpg (130.47 KB,1498x1051,1498:1051,719Ah0DevgL_AC_SL1500_2195….jpg)

File: 3bf0a9ea6965521⋯.jpg (350.93 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240918_105705….jpg)

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Where is the '+' on a mobile phone when dialing?

Trolling the FAKE NEWS media is FUN!

At some point, the Q will be asked.


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503326 No.21616997

File: c3da34d2c923bc8⋯.png (47.11 KB,445x112,445:112,ClipboardImage.png)


How come they never mention India interfering in the elections?

Because they are, bigly.

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03bdc1 No.21616998

wasn't Tupac from Oakland ?

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dba914 No.21616999

File: 6503e0493df3d76⋯.png (114.04 KB,1446x691,1446:691,ClipboardImage.png)


sauce https://investors.23andme.com/news-releases/news-release-details/independent-directors-23andme-resign-board/

Diddy resigns and the place goes haywire, makes ya think, is there a strong connection???

Independent Directors of 23andMe Resign from Board

September 17, 2024

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1c0438 No.21617000


>Alex Jones warns of an “alien invasion” by “satanic interdimensional forces”

sound exciting kek

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642ee0 No.21617001


I reported that yesterday, but as an update, Russia is still being hit by Ukrainian drones, and it seems like they still have a way to go before Ukraine is fully defeated. This war may last another year or two.

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5c78dc No.21617002

File: 4f7f2c7d94e91b1⋯.png (14.2 MB,4096x4096,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)



Leadership will, of course, endorse Harris. But good to know where rank and file stand.

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46f26a No.21617003

File: a23ddd3e59ce40b⋯.png (9.79 KB,879x154,879:154,ClipboardImage.png)

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7f8834 No.21617004

File: 8bc838e0a7aad2e⋯.jpg (159.67 KB,1300x956,325:239,palestinian_leader_yassar_….jpg)

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978acf No.21617005

nobly notable >>21616993

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c0c151 No.21617006



that imples israelis are semites


even jew geneticists admit that

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000000 No.21617007


@BRICSinfo 54m

JUST IN: 🇷🇺🇮🇷 Russian President Putin orders to sign new comprehensive strategic partnership agreement between Russia and Iran.

Sep 18, 2024 · 5:54 PM UTC


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5c78dc No.21617008

File: 6cd93ebdee401fa⋯.png (725.19 KB,768x768,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)




In the poll ending Sept. 15, Teamsters selected Trump by 58 percent for endorsement over 31 percent for Harris. FUCKING WOW

Teamsters Release Presidential Endorsement Polling Data

(WASHINGTON) — The International Brotherhood of Teamsters today publicly released six months of membership polling data on the union’s possible endorsement



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d0806b No.21617009


wait until people figure out this can be done to any lithium ion battery using the correct frequencies, no code, just a frequency generator.

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5c78dc No.21617010


>JUST IN: 🇷🇺🇮🇷 Russian President Putin orders to sign new comprehensive strategic partnership agreement between Russia and Iran.


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642ee0 No.21617011


There are more of us than them, and that is our advantage. Our vulnerability is we play too fair and by the rules, while Democrats do not and are willing to lie, cheat and steal, even kill.

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e6b455 No.21617012


With he, himself, depicted as the "chosen one" (child/messiah).

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3ffb95 No.21617015


>Diddy resigns and the place goes haywire, makes ya think, is there a strong connection???

There isa lotof people who have been compromised by the Diddler. Liddle Ashie Kutcher will be one to fall along with Liddle Leo DiCaprio.

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3ffb95 No.21617016


>There is

*There are

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dce137 No.21617017


I think it has more to do with why she wants to go private, she wants to sell the data. They have already done stuff like allowing LE to use it to find family members of criminals/criminals themselves. It's likely coming that some medical AI systems want the data, then your gonna have insurance comapanies wanting to use it to rate etc etc.

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278276 No.21617018

the problem with shooters and shills is they can't reconcile beng wrong.

Prolly a programming issue

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2747ad No.21617019

File: 2f93ad977448127⋯.png (713.27 KB,822x537,274:179,ClipboardImage.png)

Gallant compliments Mossad as devices explode across Lebanon

Gallant did not take explicit credit, and Israel has been careful not to take public credit for the exploding beepers on Tuesday or the exploding devices on Wednesday.

Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, in a speech about the situation in the North, explicitly complimented the Mossad, along with the entire defense establishment, for "great achievements" just as the region continued to convulse with news of devices exploding across Lebanon.

Gallant did not take explicit credit, and Israel has been careful not to take public credit for the exploding beepers on Tuesday or the exploding devices on Wednesday, but the timing and juxtaposition of his rare mention of the Mossad along with the new round of explosions was striking.

'New stage in war'

He also stated Israel was beginning a new stage in war.

"The center of gravity is shifting northward, meaning that we are increasingly diverting forces, resources, and energy towards the North," he said.

Gallant added, "This operation is being carried out by all the bodies, and the mission is clear and simple – to return the residents of the northern communities to their homes safely."


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dba914 No.21617020

File: 24fea00cbf13412⋯.png (319.5 KB,450x342,25:19,ClipboardImage.png)

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5c78dc No.21617021

File: 2bec5240a86ca3d⋯.png (2.34 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


>Russian President Putin orders dunking Kamala into a trash can.

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573d83 No.21617022

File: da1aff59e7e2545⋯.png (15 MB,3281x2461,3281:2461,ClipboardImage.png)

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ec7680 No.21617023

File: d7c93b01614aa83⋯.jpeg (129.91 KB,641x801,641:801,A2BF3CD9_BA97_4413_ACCB_F….jpeg)

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642ee0 No.21617024


THAT was my first conclusion, YESTERDAY anon. The PETN as an explosive made perfect sense, for a couple hundred pagers….. but after all those other various electronics exploded the same way….?? There must be something bigger to this!

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5c78dc No.21617025

File: a855df9ebb68242⋯.png (653.25 KB,623x424,623:424,ClipboardImage.png)

=“We’re Going to Walk Into That Home” – BREAKING: Kamala Harris Once Vowed to FORCIBLY Enter Homes to Check How Legal Gun Owners Store Firearms

Kamala Harris is a dangerous far-left radical gun grabber.


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8c7d73 No.21617027

File: a4fa1fc2c7fa040⋯.png (126.48 KB,676x444,169:111,Screen_Shot_2024_09_18_at_….png)

Ever since Trump won in 2016, we can't know who wins on election night.


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7f8834 No.21617028

File: 70125d161df487c⋯.jpg (649.53 KB,2560x1707,2560:1707,Patriot_Front_AP2202172083….jpg)

File: d251296de537c18⋯.jpg (27.95 KB,474x304,237:152,th_3325122526.jpg)

File: ad060cb13c337fa⋯.jpg (52.77 KB,634x449,634:449,20375922_7630477_image_a_1….jpg)

File: b1b4b97742598a7⋯.jpg (27.57 KB,474x312,79:52,th_177449484.jpg)

File: 86166354268c171⋯.jpg (81.03 KB,1280x720,16:9,violent_tren_de_aragua_pri….jpg)


https://medium.com › i-math › the-drunkards-walk-explained-48a0205d304

The Drunkard's Walk Explained - Medium

A Random Walk describes a path derived from a series of random steps on some mathematical space, … Aug 30. 11. Gregory Roitman. The flight to Mars is canceled — human kidneys can't handle it.

The Drunkard's Walk: A Classic Problem in Probability - Medium

https://medium.com › swlh › the-mathematics-behind-a-drunkards-walk-bf41001795f2

The mathematics behind a drunkard's walk - Medium

In mathematical terms, we can easily model that by changing p to — say — 0.3, i.e. only 30% of the times will the drunkard start going towards their

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65f5ca No.21617029


Anons are supposed to embrace the truth, not try to suppress it. Geez work on pushing. People back the narrative harder shill

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573d83 No.21617030

File: 14ce43b7530efca⋯.png (882.2 KB,1024x1035,1024:1035,ClipboardImage.png)


Say hello to my little friend! 😈

#Marines with MWSS-171 fire a M249 light machine gun during Exercise Outlaw Wrath 24 at Combined Arms Training Center Camp Fuji, Japan, Sept. 11, 2024.

U.S. Marines Corps photo by Cpl. Peter Rawlins 📸

7:00 AM · Sep 18, 2024


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2747ad No.21617031

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Fox Business Cuts Mic on Former FBI Agent Jonathan Gilliam Because of "Conspiracy Theories"


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ec7680 No.21617032

File: 786e13947a08375⋯.mp4 (740.11 KB,480x640,3:4,Police_Arrest_Wheelie_Bin.mp4)

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503326 No.21617033

File: f7c597d04fa862d⋯.png (367 KB,760x638,380:319,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fa7b3b79fa8a99f⋯.png (308.02 KB,445x313,445:313,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ef843587737c036⋯.png (381.23 KB,1000x625,8:5,ClipboardImage.png)

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8bc8cc No.21617034


>Russian President Putin orders to sign new comprehensive strategic partnership agreement between Russia and Iran.

Officially joining at the hip.

Russian President Vladimir Putin greenlighted on Wednesday the Foreign Ministry's proposal for a Comprehensive Strategic Partnership Agreement with Iran.

"I consider it expedient to sign the agreement envisaged by this order at the highest level," it was written in the document the Russian head of state signed.

The two countries have recently come under fire for alleged weapon exchanges, which Iran later denied.


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1c0438 No.21617035


>Jim should not be held liable if some idiot posts a death threat or illegal content

no but then neither should the J6 defendants

neither should Donald Trump or any of those indicted in GA as part of the Trump indictment

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3ffb95 No.21617036


>Gallant compliments Mossad as devices explode across Lebanon

Wow. Talk about a coincidence™. Crazy that they always seem to happen with people who like Gallant, are Jewish.

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573d83 No.21617038

File: bfa855604f28f44⋯.png (1.08 MB,900x900,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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278276 No.21617039

File: 94a49ce4819ebc6⋯.jpg (174.42 KB,691x1228,691:1228,Cuc3wx.jpg)


they knocked out their elite units and all soldiers.

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46f26a No.21617040



Lithium batteries do not "explode" like that. They intercepted them along the supply chain, just like we talked about early on when Q posted some pics of some apple stuff.

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ec7680 No.21617041

File: 4d1abcfa51a60bb⋯.jpg (391.36 KB,1378x1011,1378:1011,Say_Hello_to_My_Little_Fri….jpg)

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edf9cc No.21617042



Esa perra es rara

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871d28 No.21617043

File: df246108ad0657d⋯.png (1.05 MB,942x623,942:623,ClipboardImage.png)


I know, right

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d0806b No.21617044

>Make America Pejeet

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c0c151 No.21617045


>but after all those other various electronics exploded the same way….?? There must be something bigger to this!

not sure that is possible

catch fire, ABSOLUTELY

high velocity explosion, doubtful

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6beeab No.21617046



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7f44f0 No.21617047

File: d1237f5f0ca184f⋯.jpg (97.74 KB,720x837,80:93,20240918_125344.jpg)

File: 1a3b901edf29e3e⋯.mp4 (2.68 MB,1280x720,16:9,Buzz_Patterson_20240918_2_….mp4)


Hope it’s not nuclear. Looks nuclear IMHO. And I know.

Oh SHIT!!!!

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642ee0 No.21617048


This will absolutely be a line in the sand issue, and would definitely cause violent confrontation, not to mention TONS of lawsuits and Constitutional challenges!! They will NOT be allowed in my home, no fucking way!!

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2747ad No.21617049

File: 3e2cf8c83cee05b⋯.png (799.67 KB,840x559,840:559,ClipboardImage.png)

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7f8834 No.21617050

File: 5f7ed0dc638f608⋯.jpg (16.19 KB,474x316,3:2,th_1454009622.jpg)

File: 4350adb9780b320⋯.jpg (15.69 KB,474x316,3:2,th_774332649.jpg)

File: 88fe0dca131b76a⋯.jpg (641.43 KB,2340x1080,13:6,Screenshot_20240918_100646….jpg)

File: 637b9c51a6a2072⋯.webp (189.39 KB,1500x1103,1500:1103,Patriot_Front_Flag_188481….webp)

File: 39ccd121fc7ab99⋯.jpg (65.41 KB,600x483,200:161,patch5_2560881561.jpg)


99% for Hussein means rigged.

50:50 should be ASTRONOMICALLy numerical, but is 350 million, LARGE NUMBERS? afaf

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1c0438 No.21617051



some polls are biased, some are not

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e6b455 No.21617052


171 Outlaw Wrath.. Japan 9-11.

Twin Towers holding up the Big Top will Implode.

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978acf No.21617053

notable BOOM >>21617047

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c0c151 No.21617054

File: 09765bcbddc7dc7⋯.jpg (58.26 KB,507x492,169:164,93wy8w.jpg)

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9d4b13 No.21617055


ready for a Great Reset?

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e6b455 No.21617056


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7e0eb8 No.21617057

Who gives a fuck anyway

Any type of energy, water, electricity, or gas, phones, internet.

They should be free services for ALL private Americans.

There should be a national security act to have free energy, there's enough of it.

That way these energy sectors cant make huge profits, and will keep costs at a minium

Only corporations should have to pay bills for energy.

Big corps work deals so they don't have to pay water and electricity.

The energy sector has made hundreds of trillions off the people.

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642ee0 No.21617058


Well, then to my SECOND conclusion earlier today (check my former posts!), all these electronics must be mass produced with the high-yield explosives ready to be remotely targeted as a "kill switch" by governments, all being done very secretly.

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6beeab No.21617059


>only the polls where trump is winning are accurate, okay!??

lol omg

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000000 No.21617060



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e6b455 No.21617061

Q+ TRUTH'd at 2:36 and the Q comms are bad news for bad people. Real bad. Good for us tho, anons.

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be4a78 No.21617062

File: e64867d32e320a8⋯.png (665.1 KB,634x706,317:353,ClipboardImage.png)

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e73ab7 No.21617063


kind of knew this when the Paradise fires happened, anon.

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428f92 No.21617064

File: 92fa1a533110222⋯.jpg (104.98 KB,752x524,188:131,sfsfsf.jpg)


Railway is being build from Russia, through Iran.

What makes Suez canal travel to go to India and beyond obsolete

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642ee0 No.21617065


Ready for massive die off combined with total anarchy and a suicide epidemic!? Because that is EXACTLY what will happen.

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dba914 No.21617066

understand they are staged, but look at the free energy being used…

Colourised】The 1890's ~ Amazing Rare Footage of Cities Around the World 【AI Restoration】

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e6b455 No.21617067


This is why they will be perfected to become semi-organic implantable mechanisms. Augmented reality included at no extra charge.

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503326 No.21617068

File: 5a35b45ce461040⋯.png (333.04 KB,387x763,387:763,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 21d90651d1e5aa1⋯.png (827 KB,898x764,449:382,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7a3890da5db4caa⋯.png (306.71 KB,976x526,488:263,ClipboardImage.png)

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14c675 No.21617069

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





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e6b455 No.21617070

You set up your devices to scan your fingerprint and retina but that's not good enough because now they can explode. Only option - "safe" implants.

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5097fb No.21617071

File: 52ef649afdeacea⋯.png (635.12 KB,891x705,297:235,ClipboardImage.png)


Ukrainian drone attack triggers earthquake-sized blast at arsenal in Russia's Tver region


Ukrainian drone attack hits major Russian arsenal

Massive blasts detected by earthquake monitors

NASA picks up multiple heat sources from space

Some anger expressed in Russia over the attack

LONDON, Sept 18 (Reuters) - A large-scale Ukrainian drone attack on Russia triggered an earthquake-sized blast at a major arsenal in the Tver region on Wednesday, forcing the evacuation of a nearby town, war bloggers and some media reported.

Unverified video and images on social media showed a huge ball of flame blasting into the night sky and multiple detonations thundering across a lake about 380 km (240 miles) west of Moscow.


Ukrainian drone attack hits major Russian arsenal

Massive blasts detected by earthquake monitors

NASA picks up multiple heat sources from space

Some anger expressed in Russia over the attack

LONDON, Sept 18 (Reuters) - A large-scale Ukrainian drone attack on Russia triggered an earthquake-sized blast at a major arsenal in the Tver region on Wednesday, forcing the evacuation of a nearby town, war bloggers and some media reported.

Unverified video and images on social media showed a huge ball of flame blasting into the night sky and multiple detonations thundering across a lake about 380 km (240 miles) west of Moscow.

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NASA satellites picked up intense heat sources emanating from an area of about 14 square kilometres (5 square miles) at the site in the early hours and earthquake monitoring stations noted what sensors thought was a small earthquake

, opens new tab in the area.

"The enemy hit an ammunition depot in the area of Toropets," said Yuri Podolyaka, a Ukrainian-born, pro-Russian military blogger. "Everything that can burn is already burning there (and exploding)."


Ukrainian drone attack hits major Russian arsenal

Massive blasts detected by earthquake monitors

NASA picks up multiple heat sources from space

Some anger expressed in Russia over the attack

LONDON, Sept 18 (Reuters) - A large-scale Ukrainian drone attack on Russia triggered an earthquake-sized blast at a major arsenal in the Tver region on Wednesday, forcing the evacuation of a nearby town, war bloggers and some media reported.

Unverified video and images on social media showed a huge ball of flame blasting into the night sky and multiple detonations thundering across a lake about 380 km (240 miles) west of Moscow.

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NASA satellites picked up intense heat sources emanating from an area of about 14 square kilometres (5 square miles) at the site in the early hours and earthquake monitoring stations noted what sensors thought was a small earthquake

, opens new tab in the area.

"The enemy hit an ammunition depot in the area of Toropets," said Yuri Podolyaka, a Ukrainian-born, pro-Russian military blogger. "Everything that can burn is already burning there (and exploding)."

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Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy, speaking in his nightly video address, hailed the outcome of the attack without referring specifically to the target.

"A very important result was achieved last night on Russian territory and such actions weaken the enemy," Zelenskiy said. "I thank everyone involved. Such precision is truly inspiring."

He thanked the SBU security service, the HUR intelligence service and the Special Operations Forces.


Ukrainian drone attack hits major Russian arsenal

Massive blasts detected by earthquake monitors

NASA picks up multiple heat sources from space

Some anger expressed in Russia over the attack

LONDON, Sept 18 (Reuters) - A large-scale Ukrainian drone attack on Russia triggered an earthquake-sized blast at a major arsenal in the Tver region on Wednesday, forcing the evacuation of a nearby town, war bloggers and some media reported.

Unverified video and images on social media showed a huge ball of flame blasting into the night sky and multiple detonations thundering across a lake about 380 km (240 miles) west of Moscow.

Advertisement · Scroll to continue

NASA satellites picked up intense heat sources emanating from an area of about 14 square kilometres (5 square miles) at the site in the early hours and earthquake monitoring stations noted what sensors thought was a small earthquake

, opens new tab in the area.

"The enemy hit an ammunition depot in the area of Toropets," said Yuri Podolyaka, a Ukrainian-born, pro-Russian military blogger. "Everything that can burn is already burning there (and exploding)."



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e6b455 No.21617072

You're being herded like cattle. Read between their lines.

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b7c238 No.21617073


Sorta like a Personal Claymore, yes?

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00c90e No.21617074


I read that if lost in woods,

Never to see directly into wolves eyes?

Open English? La Boca en la mesa?

Say You Aren't here, so if you can't help ok. Feel grounded, and traped, insedie waslls.

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14c675 No.21617075

File: 388644c8c485418⋯.png (261.25 KB,752x597,752:597,ClipboardImage.png)


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573d83 No.21617076



>171 Outlaw Wrath.. Japan 9-11.

"Exercise Outlaw Wrath"

backwards (like Hebrew: WOE…like whoa?

Photo by Peter Rawlins …. PR, like Public Relations?

jussum thoughts.

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50dacc No.21617077

Last Call Anons

#26475 >>21616221

>>21616521 LIVE: President Trump Holds a Rally in Uniondale, New York - 9/18/24

>>21616260, >>21616503 Pray for protection for Trump and the USA. This will also include the world in turn.

>>21616281 ARCHIVE of Routh's social media posts before they were deleted.

>>21616311, >>21616373 Rally COMMS? You are watching the WAR IN REAL TIME

>>21616320 Press Briefing by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre

>>21616405, >>21616530 ENTIRE BOARD RESIGNS after "pioneering 'direct access' to genetic information"

>>21616429 PlaneFaggin'

>>21616431, >>21616463, >>21616809, >>21616819 Are Matthew Yearick, Thomas Crooks and Ryan Routh ALL DIRECTLY CONNECTED? DIGZ ANONS

>>21616492, >>21616497, >>21616500, >>21616509, >>21616798, >>21616803 Swamp Habbenings

>>21616499, >>21616506, >>21616673 A man named Ryan Routh is an international one man war machine

>>21616525, >>21616529, >>21616599, >>21616686, >>21616687, >>21616725, >>21616874, >>21616925 NASA & SPACE Stuff

>>21616543, >>21616827 Michigan’s Dirty Democrats Pass 4 NEW Election Bills

>>21616572, >>21616780 Hub Of An Alleged Migrant Trafficking Network In Springfield, Ohio

>>21616592 Biden-Harris Administration Has Reversed Saudi-Israeli Normalization

>>21616616 Tim Pool files defamation lawsuit against Kamala Harris campaign

>>21616625 Ghislaine Maxwell’s Conviction Is Upheld by 2nd US Circuit Court of Appeals

>>21616630 TIME Magazine gets publicly SHAMED for spreading lies about second Trump assassination attempt

>>21616639 Vivek Ramaswamy Lands His Own Fox Show “Truths with Vivek Ramaswamy.”

>>21616641, >>21616658 David Muir (his hair still not looking so gud) and ABC get a heaping dose of KARMA

>>21616701, >>21617025 Kamala - We will enter your house to determine if your firearm habits are acceptable

>>21616710, >>21616832, >>21616865, >>21616917, >>21616928, >>21616966 New Wave Of Terrorist Blasts Rock Lebanon, Germany

>>21616714 RFK Jr. Fundraising ad (needz spellcheck)

>>21616750 RT - Reported bomb scare at Trump rally site

>>21616773, >>21616797, >>21616804, >>21616811 BREAKING: The Federal Reserve has cut rates by 50bps.

>>21616793 The U.S. State Dept says the U.S. was not involved in the pager explosions

>>21616796 Kamala debuts her fake Hispanic accent while speaking to the Congressional Hispanic Caucus

>>21616836 Body of billionaire investor recovered at Trout Lake "went swimming, never came back"

>>21616844 DIGG CALL - AI-Powered Surveillance Hellscape to Keep Americans on 'Best Behavior'

>>21616856 Michelle Moore Show - Tom Althouse ‘The Original Creator of The Matrix Movie’

>>21616877 Massive “ERROR” in Arizona Validates Nearly 100,000 Voter Registrations Without Verifying Citizenship

>>21616884, >>21616888 Deals on this "I can haz cheeseburger?" day

>>21616894 QClock September 17, 2024 -Blood Moon, Pagers, Hamas & Muslim Brotherhood

>>21616929 X Changes Its IP, Circumvents Blockade and Now Brazilian Users Are Having Access Again

>>21616939 kek - Kamala made a new campaign ad for MAGA

>>21616945, >>21616948 War on Gaza continues

>>21616959, >>21617008 THE TEAMSTERS SUPPORT TRUMP!

>>21616963 MASSIVE turnout at the University of Pittsburgh today with @VivekGRamaswamy

>>21616993 Saudi Arabia will not establish diplomatic relations with Israel w/o an Independent Palestinian State

>>21617019 'New stage in war' Gallant compliments Mossad as devices explode across Lebanon

>>21617030 #Marines - Say hello to my little friend! 😈

>>21617071 Ukrainian drone attack triggers earthquake-sized blast at arsenal in Russia's Tver region

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6beeab No.21617078


>omfg this is so awesome trump is def winning!


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f13c52 No.21617079

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

A lot like this, too.

Breaking The Wall | Heaven Sent | Doctor Who


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b7c238 No.21617080


Not free. How many train cars equals ONE ship?

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4407b9 No.21617081


They estimate that 60-100K people will show up.

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dba914 No.21617082

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


video did not go thru, try again…

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5ccc32 No.21617083



Those still require "readers"

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e6b455 No.21617084


This one, below.


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ec7680 No.21617085

File: a2984282c4dac35⋯.jpeg (360.08 KB,1256x1079,1256:1079,IMG_9762.jpeg)


Weapons Store.


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642ee0 No.21617086


I never did any of that. Still have a laptop running a debloated Windows 7 with everything I need, all backed up on physical copies too.

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e73ab7 No.21617087


only option: end the cabal

put psychopathic clowns into prison.

make devices that don't explode.

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5097fb No.21617088


Forgive the repetition, forgot Reuters has copy/paste fuggery….

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8bc8cc No.21617089

File: 43b688e986dd929⋯.jpg (6.3 KB,275x183,275:183,download.jpg)

File: 1717e7b467787f5⋯.webp (44.29 KB,1200x630,40:21,221d958335e2f9fd068c976db….webp)


>The gates will be thrown open and we're going to have these things literally running around the streets.

There must be a vitamin pack I can take?

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69853e No.21617090


which part looks nuclear about this?

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7f8834 No.21617091

File: 447cf2d649bfabc⋯.jpg (28.1 KB,474x374,237:187,th_3235463592.jpg)

File: ea8c98129ec41e3⋯.jpg (256 KB,1574x994,787:497,BB1kzWVi_3993007394.jpg)

File: 629bf2bcd70d940⋯.jpg (82.42 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault_3111357444.jpg)

File: 7ff88c0342ed893⋯.jpg (139.6 KB,599x864,599:864,A_110844_1512244365_8842_j….jpg)

File: c816af67dd70f8b⋯.jpg (116.3 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault_7.jpg)

Is Harry, without title, relegated to household "halper"?

Title: Before / After

When life throws you lemons while you're in a jam…

Like, "see spot run."

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e6b455 No.21617092


Yes. Q+ will do it by for and of WTP. That's why God sent him.

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000000 No.21617093


@haaretzcom 19h

Man suffers severe burns after self-immolation protest outside Israeli consulate in Boston

Sep 17, 2024 · 11:45 PM UTC



Neuralink next

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6af37d No.21617094

File: a2a75e161ac286c⋯.png (518.07 KB,822x744,137:124,ClipboardImage.png)



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2747ad No.21617095

File: 93bb57433c40101⋯.png (180.19 KB,670x435,134:87,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d8b656d7686b5aa⋯.png (184.94 KB,682x516,341:258,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fdad8bc9eadb68d⋯.png (308.82 KB,694x542,347:271,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0bc643cb0f175cb⋯.png (178.27 KB,683x422,683:422,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9035cbca345dcc9⋯.png (246.39 KB,680x584,85:73,ClipboardImage.png)

The Faces & Names of 150+ Bilderbergers who controlled COVID-19 “Pandemic” Response



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e6b455 No.21617096


I imagine the same is true for most of us anons here.

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642ee0 No.21617097


AND they would require cooperation of a consumer base but good luck finding enough idiots to go along with it.

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e73ab7 No.21617098


did this happen again or is this the one from last week?

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573d83 No.21617099

File: 819bee583c0890a⋯.png (1.19 MB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


>>21617047, >>21617071 Ukrainian drone attack triggers earthquake-sized blast at arsenal in Russia's Tver region

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278276 No.21617100

File: d0de3d7199620e7⋯.jpeg (46.75 KB,500x496,125:124,download_73.jpeg)

Would it be interesting if muslim Brotherhood phones around the world began blowing up?

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a7070a No.21617101

A Gabazillon dollars in circulation and I need a loan to buy a home to get out of the rain.

God my ass.

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573d83 No.21617102


>Man suffers severe burns after self-immolation protest outside Israeli consulate in Boston

Man proves he's a jack ass outside Israeli consulate in Boston

Fixed it,

Yer welcome.


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5097fb No.21617103

File: 10a8c96ed0b6219⋯.png (6 KB,286x176,13:8,ClipboardImage.png)

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ec7680 No.21617104

File: 31536ccc301a474⋯.mp4 (191.83 KB,606x360,101:60,0PH_7yh2NhqdfDls.mp4)

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f13c52 No.21617105





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8bc8cc No.21617106


How long before the ground invasion into Lebanon starts.

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7f8834 No.21617107

File: 4144962bce4d43f⋯.jpg (962.63 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240917_083117….jpg)

File: 1f378d8b8fc3b6e⋯.png (262.75 KB,679x443,679:443,322c74c21415ba9c.png)

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ec7680 No.21617108

File: 7f6d8efb69eb74f⋯.jpg (198.38 KB,1047x1448,1047:1448,Big_Mike_Door_Knocker.JPG)

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b7c238 No.21617109

Management puts its thumb on the scale.

Teamsters will not endorse any US presidential candidate in 2024

Sep 18th, 14:08:16

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Teamsters union's executive board said Wednesday the union will not endorse any presidential candidate despite polling that showed a majority of members backed Republican Donald Trump over Democrat Kamala Harris.

The union said the polling did not show universal support among the membership for the former president.

"Neither major candidate was able to make serious commitments to our union to ensure the interests of working people are always put before Big Business," Teamsters President Sean O'Brien said in explaining the union's decision.


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000000 No.21617110

According to two close friends of his, Matt Nelson succumbed to his injuries Sunday afternoon at Mass General. Several of his organs were donated to families on transplant waitlists.

Sep 16, 2024 · 6:44 PM UTC




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2747ad No.21617111

File: 04c3ff3c1e451cb⋯.png (402.5 KB,768x346,384:173,ClipboardImage.png)

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ec7680 No.21617112


About 4 foot 4”

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2ad56e No.21617113


kjp delayed by this and the other explosions they need a cover story quick blame a bomb sniffing dog.

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8bc8cc No.21617114

File: 555e9d8a480fdd2⋯.mp4 (4.4 MB,720x1280,9:16,weak_and_gay.mp4)


Don't be weak and gay.

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c2cd69 No.21617115


did you notice that practically everybody around the world was always wearing some kind of hat?

kek kek

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e6b455 No.21617116

File: 0e4acba1a329477⋯.png (170.86 KB,911x598,911:598,ClipboardImage.png)


n.e.u.r.a.l.i.n.k. dot com

"Redefining the boundaries of human capabilities requires pioneers."

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5097fb No.21617117

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

'VERY SERIOUS': Florida Republican receives shooting threat at home

Rep. Anna Paulina Luna, R-Fla., says she was the subject of a shooting threat from a 'very far-left activist' after the second Trump assassination attempt on 'Cavuto: Coast to Coast.'


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b7fb29 No.21617118



>only option: end the cabal


>put psychopathic clowns into prison.


>make devices that don't explode.

Stop asking a government for rights and freedoms.

IF they are fed employees they get a rope, its that easy

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e73ab7 No.21617119


how about all phones owned by your tribal members, anon?

the idea of the 'integrated device' is now dead.

people should have been able to make devices piecemeal, but the cabal demanded sealed boxes and 'black box' design.

now it will become necessary to BAN the trade in batteries and all all devices will be powered with LOCAL power that is safe and deemed so by LOCAL fire authorities.

No more lithium iom batteries on planes. No more shipping bombs (batteries) devices that are easy to disconnect and swap out. No more 'brick' that one throws away, with all of it's valuable parts. It will be a piece meal system. If you need to connect to a monitor, you can.

If yo uwant to leave the screen off the device you can. If you don't want cameras or microphones, you never connect them.

No more cabal owns your device you only use it to be triggered and controlled.

no more bricks.

simple: mandate a component system for handhelds and embedded devices. If the power supply runs out, you snap it out and snap in another one.

monolithic systems are NOW opsolete.

The Israeli pscyhopaths have shot their cash cow in the head: they will no longer control all devices.

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ec7680 No.21617120



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14c675 No.21617121

File: b436ea507d36132⋯.png (1.4 MB,1050x590,105:59,ClipboardImage.png)

Furious FTX judge threatens sanctions on former exec Ryan Salame for lying in guilty plea

THU, SEP 12 202412:31 PM EDT MacKenzie Sigalos@KENZIESIGALOS Dawn Giel@DAWNGIEL Dan Mangan@_DANMANGAN


• A federal judge threatened to slap unspecified sanctions on former FTX executive Ryan Salame for lying to the judge last year when he pleaded guilty to campaign finance and money transmitting crimes.

• Salame at a hearing in U.S. District Court in Manhattan admitted lying to Judge Lewis Kaplan by saying during his plea hearing that federal prosecutors had not made any promises to him to induce his guilty plea.

• Salame is due to begin serving a prison sentence of more than seven years in October.

A furious federal judge on Thursday threatened to slap unspecified sanctions on former FTX executive Ryan Salame for lying to him last year when he pleaded guilty to campaign finance and money transmitting crimes.

Salame at a hearing Thursday in U.S. District Court in Manhattanadmitted lyingto Judge Lewis Kaplan by saying during his plea hearing thatfederal prosecutors had not made promises to him to induce his guilty plea.

Salame now claims prosecutors promised him through his then-attorneys that they would drop a criminal probe of his romantic partner Michelle Bond if he pleaded guilty in his case.

“You are asking me to let stand a conviction and sentence that I now know is based on false testimony before me in the plea allocution,” Kaplan told Salame on Thursday.

“And that might be a big problem,” the judge told Salame,whom he previously sentenced to 7½ years in prison, several months more than the top end of what prosecutors had requested. (That's it, only 7-1/2 years, they stop billions of dollars, people lost everything?)

Kaplan repeatedly said during the hearing thatSalame “induced” him to accept his guilty plea and was visibly annoyed at the defendant.

Salame and other federal criminal defendants are required to testify truthfully during plea hearings and reveal if anyone has made promises or offers in exchange for their admission of guilt.

Kaplan told Salame, his lawyers and prosecutors that he will take some time to consider what should be done.

He said sanctions are possible against Salame, who had been a leader at FTX, the now-failed cryptocurrency exchange founded by convicted fraudster Sam Bankman-Fried.

Salame’s lawyer declined to comment to CNBC after the hearing. The judge also said Thursday that Salame must now surrender to prison by Oct. 11 after officials realized that the prior surrender date of Oct. 13 would fall on a Sunday.


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ac126d No.21617122


We bombed them in the 80s

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8bc8cc No.21617123


And it would take you 6 promotions to get to funny.

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642ee0 No.21617124


Sounds a lot like bolshevik communism.

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8bc8cc No.21617125


We've bombed a lot haven't we.

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610e1e No.21617126


I am literally opening up my radios to test for explosives.

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b640ac No.21617127

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2ad56e No.21617128

even the sign language person can not translate this univision substitute.

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e73ab7 No.21617129


only battries that are also bombs would be banned in trade.

we'd still have them, but they'd be locally made and deemed locally safe.

no more MOSSAD being able to blow you up with compromised equipment.

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6f7400 No.21617130


They have already been here for a while now.

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2ad56e No.21617131

English only Fucking hell

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695e12 No.21617132

File: d3333943d3f2297⋯.mp4 (1.79 MB,480x852,40:71,ssstwitter_com_17266750364….mp4)


BREAKING: At least one person k*lled and 100 injured after another exploding wireless device attack was waged on Hezbollah.

Today, dozens of walkie-talkies exploded 24 hours after thousands of Hezbollah members were injured by exploding pagers.


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e73ab7 No.21617133


no, anon, mark-of-the-beast tech will not be allowed.

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b7c238 No.21617134


Are you, or any of your relatives, a member of Hamas, Hezb'Allah, or the IRGC? Have you, or any of your relatives, EVER been a member of Hamas, Hezb'Allah, or the IRGC?

Answering yes to any of these questions Might impact your battery life.

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278276 No.21617135

Parasite triggered. Why you no sign in?

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e73ab7 No.21617136


here's what could happen: every phone in Israel might burst into flames all at once. This is what MOSSAD and IDF are calling upon themselves.

and all Israeli citizens' devices world wide too.

so don't hang around in Congress near the dualies.

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14c675 No.21617137

Elections office reports discrepancies, high signature rejection rates in Utah County Bridger Beal-Cvetko, Sept. 17, 2024 at 7:05 p.m. 1/2

Voters in Lehi on June 25. A new report from the state elections office found several discrepancies with the number of votes cast and a high rate of rejected signatures on mail-in ballots in Utah County during the recent primary election.

SALT LAKE CITY — A new report from the stateelections office found several discrepancies with the number of votes cast and a high rate of rejected signatures on mail-in ballots in Utah County during the recent primary election.

The report stems from a review from the state elections office into the county's procedures following the June 25 statewide primary election, based on "concerns over reconciliation at Utah County polling locations and above average ballot signature rejection rates."Those discrepancies resulted in at least 19 more ballots being cast than voters who checked in at polling locations, according to the report.

The reportblamed those discrepancies on an in-person voting method unique to Utah Countyimplemented by County Clerk Aaron Davidson called "fast cast," which state officials say may have allowed some voters to turn in multiple ballots.

The fast-cast program Davidson implemented allowed voters to scan their completed mail-in ballot directly into a vote tabulator at an in-person polling place after showing identification. The report said Ryan Cowley, the state's director of elections, "expressed concern about the potential for individuals to scan more than one ballot without the poll workers' knowledge."

"In order for the 'fast cast' tabulators to read by-mail ballots, a key security feature must be disabled," the report states. "Disabling this would allow for any ballot to be read, creating the potential for multiple ballots to be scanned in by a single voter."

Davidson, according to the report, believed the difference in vote totals was the result of "confusion with poll worker training" and staff in his office believed "these voters were properly verified, but the check-in process was not fully completed by polling place staff, meaning those voters did not receive vote history."

State officials said there is no way to verify that, and said it is "conceivable" voters could have used the fast-cast system to cast more than one ballot or skipped checking in at their polling place, noting that "either would be a violation of Utah law."

"We don't know for a fact that those were fraudulent, but we can't prove that they weren't," Shelly Jackson, deputy elections director, told KSL. Jackson was part of the team that reviewed Utah County's election process and visited the clerk's office on July 2.


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ac126d No.21617138


Bombing the dollar into value for many years

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a1f3f9 No.21617139

Jean-Pierre: I am, joined today by my colleague, Luciana Perez-Hernandez…who will speak for a few minutes on Hispanic Heritage Month.

[spoke for three minutes entirely in Spanish; no idea what was just said at the White House Briefing Room podium]

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7f8834 No.21617140

File: 9c4e917ce6fa343⋯.jpg (819.65 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240917_155301….jpg)

File: 0a4fd2c13c2d9d2⋯.jpg (747.49 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240918_121659….jpg)

File: 80c94f1af43813d⋯.jpg (269.77 KB,2050x2560,205:256,famous_cuban_americans_sam….jpg)

File: 498ca21fe839029⋯.jpg (42.87 KB,474x451,474:451,th_347481700.jpg)

File: ef1e962b4b2e679⋯.jpg (198.1 KB,1440x1030,144:103,imrs_3384487497.jpg)


Who Dunn it?

So ambassarassing

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f13c52 No.21617141


Sounds good to me.

Modular design, choose your own technology adventure.

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b7c238 No.21617142


Bong hits-R-Us made him forget his hat for that.

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40c782 No.21617143


How about I did watch it…

And just posted the wrong link to the video.

If you noticed, I posted the correct video.

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e73ab7 No.21617144


it always should have been that, anon.

I knew that the devices were clown devices when every new handheld had two cameras in it.

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642ee0 No.21617145


Traditional Li-ion batteries have and still can, but they must overheat, they start to burn and then eventually they explode. The PETN explosives in the pagers would explain WHY they would suddenly explode…. what does not add up is all these OTHER electronics that exploded too. So, question, is this mass manufactured this way secretly so they can, inevitably, be targeted by gov/mil to take out high priority targets?

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2ad56e No.21617146

File: 4adacf2b353d00b⋯.png (86.12 KB,800x800,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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8bc8cc No.21617147

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Anything that transmits and receives electronic signals is a target vector.

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69853e No.21617148





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ac126d No.21617149

File: 4bc49d502b59567⋯.png (182.65 KB,576x1289,576:1289,Screenshot_20240917_094459.png)

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e73ab7 No.21617150


people who design such horror bring the horror into their own homes.

they need to confess and call back all the compromised devices and turn themselves in as war criminals, or participate in suicide weekend

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4eb108 No.21617151


>did you notice that practically everybody around the world was always wearing some kind of hat?

Yeah, I think because we emerged from caves after 'calamities' and our eyes hadn't yet adjusted.

Matrix touched on this, kek

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f13c52 No.21617152


I used to take the battery out of mine, back before they had internet and cameras, just phone and text.

I always knew they were listening.

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b640ac No.21617153


well, Musk would be the nr 1, wouldnt he?

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610e1e No.21617154


The only reason I would consider it to not be a nuke is the video exists.

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50dacc No.21617155



#26475 >>21616221

>>21616521 LIVE: President Trump Holds a Rally in Uniondale, New York - 9/18/24

>>21616260, >>21616503 Pray for protection for Trump and the USA. This will also include the world in turn.

>>21616281 ARCHIVE of Routh's social media posts before they were deleted.

>>21616311, >>21616373 Rally COMMS? You are watching the WAR IN REAL TIME

>>21616320, >>21617139 Press Briefing by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre

>>21616405, >>21616530 ENTIRE BOARD RESIGNS after "pioneering 'direct access' to genetic information"

>>21616429 PlaneFaggin'

>>21616431, >>21616463, >>21616809, >>21616819 Are Matthew Yearick, Thomas Crooks and Ryan Routh ALL DIRECTLY CONNECTED? DIGZ ANONS

>>21616492, >>21616497, >>21616500, >>21616509, >>21616798, >>21616803 Swamp Habbenings

>>21616499, >>21616506, >>21616673 A man named Ryan Routh is an international one man war machine

>>21616525, >>21616529, >>21616599, >>21616686, >>21616687, >>21616725, >>21616874, >>21616925 NASA & SPACE Stuff

>>21616543, >>21616827 Michigan’s Dirty Democrats Pass 4 NEW Election Bills

>>21616572, >>21616780 Hub Of An Alleged Migrant Trafficking Network In Springfield, Ohio

>>21616592 Biden-Harris Administration Has Reversed Saudi-Israeli Normalization

>>21616616 Tim Pool files defamation lawsuit against Kamala Harris campaign

>>21616625 Ghislaine Maxwell’s Conviction Is Upheld by 2nd US Circuit Court of Appeals

>>21616630 TIME Magazine gets publicly SHAMED for spreading lies about second Trump assassination attempt

>>21616639 Vivek Ramaswamy Lands His Own Fox Show “Truths with Vivek Ramaswamy.”

>>21616641, >>21616658 David Muir (his hair still not looking so gud) and ABC get a heaping dose of KARMA

>>21616701, >>21617025 Kamala - We will enter your house to determine if your firearm habits are acceptable

>>21616710, >>21616832, >>21616865, >>21616917, >>21616928, >>21616966 New Wave Of Terrorist Blasts Rock Lebanon, Germany

>>21616714 RFK Jr. Fundraising ad (needz spellcheck)

>>21616750 RT - Reported bomb scare at Trump rally site

>>21616773, >>21616797, >>21616804, >>21616811 BREAKING: The Federal Reserve has cut rates by 50bps

>>21616793 The U.S. State Dept says the U.S. was not involved in the pager explosions

>>21616796 Kamala debuts her fake Hispanic accent while speaking to the Congressional Hispanic Caucus

>>21616836 Body of billionaire investor recovered at Trout Lake "went swimming, never came back"

>>21616844 DIGG CALL - AI-Powered Surveillance Hellscape to Keep Americans on 'Best Behavior'

>>21616856 Michelle Moore Show - Tom Althouse ‘The Original Creator of The Matrix Movie’

>>21616877 Massive “ERROR” in Arizona Validates Nearly 100,000 Voter Registrations Without Verifying Citizenship

>>21616884, >>21616888 Deals on this "I can haz cheeseburger?" day

>>21616894 QClock September 17, 2024 -Blood Moon, Pagers, Hamas & Muslim Brotherhood

>>21616929 X Changes Its IP, Circumvents Blockade and Now Brazilian Users Are Having Access Again

>>21616939 kek - Kamala made a new campaign ad for MAGA

>>21616945, >>21616948 War on Gaza continues

>>21616959, >>21617008, >>21617109 THE TEAMSTERS SUPPORT TRUMP! But NOT In Writing or Officially Endorsing

>>21616963 MASSIVE turnout at the University of Pittsburgh today with @VivekGRamaswamy

>>21616993 Saudi Arabia will not establish diplomatic relations with Israel w/o an Independent Palestinian State

>>21617019, >>21617148 'New stage in war' Gallant compliments Mossad as devices explode across Lebanon

>>21617030 #Marines - Say hello to my little friend! 😈

>>21617071, >>21617085 Ukrainian drone attack triggers earthquake-sized blast at arsenal in Russia's Tver region

>>21617095 The 150+ Bilderbergers who controlled COVID-19 “Pandemic” Response

>>21617117 Anna Paulina Luna Florida Republican receives shooting threat at home

>>21617121 Furious FTX judge threatens sanctions on former exec Ryan Salame for lying in guilty plea

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46f26a No.21617158


They vent and burn hot, they do not "explode" like a bomb. They intercepted them somewhere in the supply chain and implanted explosives. That's not from the batteries.

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f13c52 No.21617159

File: eb90070d848c858⋯.jpg (366.69 KB,1280x800,8:5,Screenshot_20240918_131926.jpg)

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dba914 No.21617160


Did you also notice, no wires went to the street lights, or moving carts on the roller coaster, yea, they shoved in some horses and buggies, but you see cars behind them. The staging was for the future, lol. There are others, ones with people with cell phones, or whatever the true name would be.

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642ee0 No.21617162


Very plausible!

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a1f3f9 No.21617163

Jean-Pierre: Since taking office, [Biden] and [Harris] have…doubled the amount of SPA-baked loans for Latino entrepreneurs…expanded affordable and equality healthcare coverage to Latino families, including to DACA recipients from the Affordable Care Act…vigorously defended the DACA policy.

[all of those actions likely largely benefit illegal aliens]

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a3c02b No.21617164

File: 6c7c2fa2799a76b⋯.png (64.91 KB,852x655,852:655,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 75641e4a62589cc⋯.png (1.4 MB,1609x844,1609:844,ClipboardImage.png)




>BOOMS On The Sevens Edition


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50dacc No.21617165

File: 426b1f6b4f0d1a5⋯.jpg (95.5 KB,613x407,613:407,426b1f6b4f0d1a57d11e74ba04….jpg)

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ec7680 No.21617166

File: a2bacfdb6ed1e2a⋯.mp4 (262.87 KB,640x272,40:17,flint_phone.mp4)

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503326 No.21617167



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502cb0 No.21617168

File: 8b6d79678fb2bd5⋯.png (709.95 KB,980x521,980:521,ClipboardImage.png)


It's the cans!

stay away from the cans!

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14c675 No.21617169



The findings also state that theclerk's office did not reconcile the number of voters who checked in to vote with the number of ballotscast at each polling location, something poll workers should do regularly during the day at polling locations and during the canvass period following Election Day.

"Due to the inherent lack of controls in 'fast cast' voting and the subsequent noncompliance of Utah election law, the Utah County Clerk's Office must either abandon the 'fast cast' voting method or make significant modifications to bring it into compliance with state code," the report states.

Davidson — who has questioned the U.S. Postal Service's ability to deliver mail-in ballots and decided this year to have thecounty stop paying return postage on mail-in ballots to discourage the practice— defended his system as one that makes in-person voting quicker and easier.

"The fast cast method maintains the verification of showing up in person, showing your ID, signing the poll pad, but not having to wait in line for the next available voting booth," he said, adding thatin-person votes don't need to go through the signature verification process "which carries a risk of that ballot having to go through the cure process."

The report also found the rejection rate of signatures on mailed ballots in Utah County was "higher than the statewide average and more than five times higher than its 2023 primary election rejection rate."

Officials also looked into this during their July visit by examining a sample of signatures from poll workers, specifically those with high and low rejection rates. They determined that for one such employee with a high rejection rate, about 25% of the rejected signatures should have been accepted.

A lack of high-quality signatureson file could also be a contributing factor in the rejections, the report said, recommending that theclerk's office "make a concerted effort to obtain and save higher quality signature imagesas voters submit updated voter registration forms, affidavits, other forms, etc." The report said, "Some of the signature images on file in Utah County are grainy or unclear."

While verifying each voter's signature is important, the report concludessome poll workers were too strict in reviewing signatures, potentially making it harder for them to vote. (WTF?) "I definitely think there was an unnecessary barrier to voting," Jackson said.

The report also found the clerk's office "underutilized" audits during ballot processingand recommended that the clerk "review and implement the audit policy established by the lieutenant governor's office."'


I think every poll worker should take a lie detector test along with he clerks, before manning an election.

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e6b455 No.21617170


>>>21616884, >>21616888 Deals on this "I can haz cheeseburger?" day

National DBL Cheeseburger Day = 2nd Attempt on POTUS.

The fact that this trash is in notables says SO MUCH.

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50dacc No.21617171

File: 491c31c2f2b010d⋯.jpg (263.42 KB,1000x1000,1:1,fbb.jpg)

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ec7680 No.21617172

File: d93a16714db2fc5⋯.gif (2 MB,480x202,240:101,IMG_9763.gif)

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e6b455 No.21617173


Highly FQN doubt it.

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642ee0 No.21617175


I imagine the Kremlin is steaming over this. Watch this war escalate even faster and with much more intensity.

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50dacc No.21617177

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8d4ce1 No.21617178

File: be15da010993e16⋯.jpeg (49.68 KB,432x464,27:29,Booing.jpeg)

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8d4ce1 No.21617179


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8d4ce1 No.21617180


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