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1b7cb8 No.21616215 [View All]

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610e1e No.21617126


I am literally opening up my radios to test for explosives.

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b640ac No.21617127

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2ad56e No.21617128

even the sign language person can not translate this univision substitute.

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e73ab7 No.21617129


only battries that are also bombs would be banned in trade.

we'd still have them, but they'd be locally made and deemed locally safe.

no more MOSSAD being able to blow you up with compromised equipment.

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6f7400 No.21617130


They have already been here for a while now.

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2ad56e No.21617131

English only Fucking hell

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695e12 No.21617132

File: d3333943d3f2297⋯.mp4 (1.79 MB,480x852,40:71,ssstwitter_com_17266750364….mp4)


BREAKING: At least one person k*lled and 100 injured after another exploding wireless device attack was waged on Hezbollah.

Today, dozens of walkie-talkies exploded 24 hours after thousands of Hezbollah members were injured by exploding pagers.


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e73ab7 No.21617133


no, anon, mark-of-the-beast tech will not be allowed.

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b7c238 No.21617134


Are you, or any of your relatives, a member of Hamas, Hezb'Allah, or the IRGC? Have you, or any of your relatives, EVER been a member of Hamas, Hezb'Allah, or the IRGC?

Answering yes to any of these questions Might impact your battery life.

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278276 No.21617135

Parasite triggered. Why you no sign in?

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e73ab7 No.21617136


here's what could happen: every phone in Israel might burst into flames all at once. This is what MOSSAD and IDF are calling upon themselves.

and all Israeli citizens' devices world wide too.

so don't hang around in Congress near the dualies.

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14c675 No.21617137

Elections office reports discrepancies, high signature rejection rates in Utah County Bridger Beal-Cvetko, Sept. 17, 2024 at 7:05 p.m. 1/2

Voters in Lehi on June 25. A new report from the state elections office found several discrepancies with the number of votes cast and a high rate of rejected signatures on mail-in ballots in Utah County during the recent primary election.

SALT LAKE CITY — A new report from the stateelections office found several discrepancies with the number of votes cast and a high rate of rejected signatures on mail-in ballots in Utah County during the recent primary election.

The report stems from a review from the state elections office into the county's procedures following the June 25 statewide primary election, based on "concerns over reconciliation at Utah County polling locations and above average ballot signature rejection rates."Those discrepancies resulted in at least 19 more ballots being cast than voters who checked in at polling locations, according to the report.

The reportblamed those discrepancies on an in-person voting method unique to Utah Countyimplemented by County Clerk Aaron Davidson called "fast cast," which state officials say may have allowed some voters to turn in multiple ballots.

The fast-cast program Davidson implemented allowed voters to scan their completed mail-in ballot directly into a vote tabulator at an in-person polling place after showing identification. The report said Ryan Cowley, the state's director of elections, "expressed concern about the potential for individuals to scan more than one ballot without the poll workers' knowledge."

"In order for the 'fast cast' tabulators to read by-mail ballots, a key security feature must be disabled," the report states. "Disabling this would allow for any ballot to be read, creating the potential for multiple ballots to be scanned in by a single voter."

Davidson, according to the report, believed the difference in vote totals was the result of "confusion with poll worker training" and staff in his office believed "these voters were properly verified, but the check-in process was not fully completed by polling place staff, meaning those voters did not receive vote history."

State officials said there is no way to verify that, and said it is "conceivable" voters could have used the fast-cast system to cast more than one ballot or skipped checking in at their polling place, noting that "either would be a violation of Utah law."

"We don't know for a fact that those were fraudulent, but we can't prove that they weren't," Shelly Jackson, deputy elections director, told KSL. Jackson was part of the team that reviewed Utah County's election process and visited the clerk's office on July 2.


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ac126d No.21617138


Bombing the dollar into value for many years

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a1f3f9 No.21617139

Jean-Pierre: I am, joined today by my colleague, Luciana Perez-Hernandez…who will speak for a few minutes on Hispanic Heritage Month.

[spoke for three minutes entirely in Spanish; no idea what was just said at the White House Briefing Room podium]

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7f8834 No.21617140

File: 9c4e917ce6fa343⋯.jpg (819.65 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240917_155301….jpg)

File: 0a4fd2c13c2d9d2⋯.jpg (747.49 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240918_121659….jpg)

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File: 498ca21fe839029⋯.jpg (42.87 KB,474x451,474:451,th_347481700.jpg)

File: ef1e962b4b2e679⋯.jpg (198.1 KB,1440x1030,144:103,imrs_3384487497.jpg)


Who Dunn it?

So ambassarassing

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f13c52 No.21617141


Sounds good to me.

Modular design, choose your own technology adventure.

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b7c238 No.21617142


Bong hits-R-Us made him forget his hat for that.

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40c782 No.21617143


How about I did watch it…

And just posted the wrong link to the video.

If you noticed, I posted the correct video.

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e73ab7 No.21617144


it always should have been that, anon.

I knew that the devices were clown devices when every new handheld had two cameras in it.

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642ee0 No.21617145


Traditional Li-ion batteries have and still can, but they must overheat, they start to burn and then eventually they explode. The PETN explosives in the pagers would explain WHY they would suddenly explode…. what does not add up is all these OTHER electronics that exploded too. So, question, is this mass manufactured this way secretly so they can, inevitably, be targeted by gov/mil to take out high priority targets?

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2ad56e No.21617146

File: 4adacf2b353d00b⋯.png (86.12 KB,800x800,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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8bc8cc No.21617147

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Anything that transmits and receives electronic signals is a target vector.

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69853e No.21617148





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ac126d No.21617149

File: 4bc49d502b59567⋯.png (182.65 KB,576x1289,576:1289,Screenshot_20240917_094459.png)

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e73ab7 No.21617150


people who design such horror bring the horror into their own homes.

they need to confess and call back all the compromised devices and turn themselves in as war criminals, or participate in suicide weekend

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4eb108 No.21617151


>did you notice that practically everybody around the world was always wearing some kind of hat?

Yeah, I think because we emerged from caves after 'calamities' and our eyes hadn't yet adjusted.

Matrix touched on this, kek

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f13c52 No.21617152


I used to take the battery out of mine, back before they had internet and cameras, just phone and text.

I always knew they were listening.

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b640ac No.21617153


well, Musk would be the nr 1, wouldnt he?

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610e1e No.21617154


The only reason I would consider it to not be a nuke is the video exists.

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50dacc No.21617155



#26475 >>21616221

>>21616521 LIVE: President Trump Holds a Rally in Uniondale, New York - 9/18/24

>>21616260, >>21616503 Pray for protection for Trump and the USA. This will also include the world in turn.

>>21616281 ARCHIVE of Routh's social media posts before they were deleted.

>>21616311, >>21616373 Rally COMMS? You are watching the WAR IN REAL TIME

>>21616320, >>21617139 Press Briefing by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre

>>21616405, >>21616530 ENTIRE BOARD RESIGNS after "pioneering 'direct access' to genetic information"

>>21616429 PlaneFaggin'

>>21616431, >>21616463, >>21616809, >>21616819 Are Matthew Yearick, Thomas Crooks and Ryan Routh ALL DIRECTLY CONNECTED? DIGZ ANONS

>>21616492, >>21616497, >>21616500, >>21616509, >>21616798, >>21616803 Swamp Habbenings

>>21616499, >>21616506, >>21616673 A man named Ryan Routh is an international one man war machine

>>21616525, >>21616529, >>21616599, >>21616686, >>21616687, >>21616725, >>21616874, >>21616925 NASA & SPACE Stuff

>>21616543, >>21616827 Michigan’s Dirty Democrats Pass 4 NEW Election Bills

>>21616572, >>21616780 Hub Of An Alleged Migrant Trafficking Network In Springfield, Ohio

>>21616592 Biden-Harris Administration Has Reversed Saudi-Israeli Normalization

>>21616616 Tim Pool files defamation lawsuit against Kamala Harris campaign

>>21616625 Ghislaine Maxwell’s Conviction Is Upheld by 2nd US Circuit Court of Appeals

>>21616630 TIME Magazine gets publicly SHAMED for spreading lies about second Trump assassination attempt

>>21616639 Vivek Ramaswamy Lands His Own Fox Show “Truths with Vivek Ramaswamy.”

>>21616641, >>21616658 David Muir (his hair still not looking so gud) and ABC get a heaping dose of KARMA

>>21616701, >>21617025 Kamala - We will enter your house to determine if your firearm habits are acceptable

>>21616710, >>21616832, >>21616865, >>21616917, >>21616928, >>21616966 New Wave Of Terrorist Blasts Rock Lebanon, Germany

>>21616714 RFK Jr. Fundraising ad (needz spellcheck)

>>21616750 RT - Reported bomb scare at Trump rally site

>>21616773, >>21616797, >>21616804, >>21616811 BREAKING: The Federal Reserve has cut rates by 50bps

>>21616793 The U.S. State Dept says the U.S. was not involved in the pager explosions

>>21616796 Kamala debuts her fake Hispanic accent while speaking to the Congressional Hispanic Caucus

>>21616836 Body of billionaire investor recovered at Trout Lake "went swimming, never came back"

>>21616844 DIGG CALL - AI-Powered Surveillance Hellscape to Keep Americans on 'Best Behavior'

>>21616856 Michelle Moore Show - Tom Althouse ‘The Original Creator of The Matrix Movie’

>>21616877 Massive “ERROR” in Arizona Validates Nearly 100,000 Voter Registrations Without Verifying Citizenship

>>21616884, >>21616888 Deals on this "I can haz cheeseburger?" day

>>21616894 QClock September 17, 2024 -Blood Moon, Pagers, Hamas & Muslim Brotherhood

>>21616929 X Changes Its IP, Circumvents Blockade and Now Brazilian Users Are Having Access Again

>>21616939 kek - Kamala made a new campaign ad for MAGA

>>21616945, >>21616948 War on Gaza continues

>>21616959, >>21617008, >>21617109 THE TEAMSTERS SUPPORT TRUMP! But NOT In Writing or Officially Endorsing

>>21616963 MASSIVE turnout at the University of Pittsburgh today with @VivekGRamaswamy

>>21616993 Saudi Arabia will not establish diplomatic relations with Israel w/o an Independent Palestinian State

>>21617019, >>21617148 'New stage in war' Gallant compliments Mossad as devices explode across Lebanon

>>21617030 #Marines - Say hello to my little friend! 😈

>>21617071, >>21617085 Ukrainian drone attack triggers earthquake-sized blast at arsenal in Russia's Tver region

>>21617095 The 150+ Bilderbergers who controlled COVID-19 “Pandemic” Response

>>21617117 Anna Paulina Luna Florida Republican receives shooting threat at home

>>21617121 Furious FTX judge threatens sanctions on former exec Ryan Salame for lying in guilty plea

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46f26a No.21617158


They vent and burn hot, they do not "explode" like a bomb. They intercepted them somewhere in the supply chain and implanted explosives. That's not from the batteries.

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f13c52 No.21617159

File: eb90070d848c858⋯.jpg (366.69 KB,1280x800,8:5,Screenshot_20240918_131926.jpg)

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dba914 No.21617160


Did you also notice, no wires went to the street lights, or moving carts on the roller coaster, yea, they shoved in some horses and buggies, but you see cars behind them. The staging was for the future, lol. There are others, ones with people with cell phones, or whatever the true name would be.

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642ee0 No.21617162


Very plausible!

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a1f3f9 No.21617163

Jean-Pierre: Since taking office, [Biden] and [Harris] have…doubled the amount of SPA-baked loans for Latino entrepreneurs…expanded affordable and equality healthcare coverage to Latino families, including to DACA recipients from the Affordable Care Act…vigorously defended the DACA policy.

[all of those actions likely largely benefit illegal aliens]

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a3c02b No.21617164

File: 6c7c2fa2799a76b⋯.png (64.91 KB,852x655,852:655,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 75641e4a62589cc⋯.png (1.4 MB,1609x844,1609:844,ClipboardImage.png)




>BOOMS On The Sevens Edition


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50dacc No.21617165

File: 426b1f6b4f0d1a5⋯.jpg (95.5 KB,613x407,613:407,426b1f6b4f0d1a57d11e74ba04….jpg)

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ec7680 No.21617166

File: a2bacfdb6ed1e2a⋯.mp4 (262.87 KB,640x272,40:17,flint_phone.mp4)

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503326 No.21617167



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502cb0 No.21617168

File: 8b6d79678fb2bd5⋯.png (709.95 KB,980x521,980:521,ClipboardImage.png)


It's the cans!

stay away from the cans!

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14c675 No.21617169



The findings also state that theclerk's office did not reconcile the number of voters who checked in to vote with the number of ballotscast at each polling location, something poll workers should do regularly during the day at polling locations and during the canvass period following Election Day.

"Due to the inherent lack of controls in 'fast cast' voting and the subsequent noncompliance of Utah election law, the Utah County Clerk's Office must either abandon the 'fast cast' voting method or make significant modifications to bring it into compliance with state code," the report states.

Davidson — who has questioned the U.S. Postal Service's ability to deliver mail-in ballots and decided this year to have thecounty stop paying return postage on mail-in ballots to discourage the practice— defended his system as one that makes in-person voting quicker and easier.

"The fast cast method maintains the verification of showing up in person, showing your ID, signing the poll pad, but not having to wait in line for the next available voting booth," he said, adding thatin-person votes don't need to go through the signature verification process "which carries a risk of that ballot having to go through the cure process."

The report also found the rejection rate of signatures on mailed ballots in Utah County was "higher than the statewide average and more than five times higher than its 2023 primary election rejection rate."

Officials also looked into this during their July visit by examining a sample of signatures from poll workers, specifically those with high and low rejection rates. They determined that for one such employee with a high rejection rate, about 25% of the rejected signatures should have been accepted.

A lack of high-quality signatureson file could also be a contributing factor in the rejections, the report said, recommending that theclerk's office "make a concerted effort to obtain and save higher quality signature imagesas voters submit updated voter registration forms, affidavits, other forms, etc." The report said, "Some of the signature images on file in Utah County are grainy or unclear."

While verifying each voter's signature is important, the report concludessome poll workers were too strict in reviewing signatures, potentially making it harder for them to vote. (WTF?) "I definitely think there was an unnecessary barrier to voting," Jackson said.

The report also found the clerk's office "underutilized" audits during ballot processingand recommended that the clerk "review and implement the audit policy established by the lieutenant governor's office."'


I think every poll worker should take a lie detector test along with he clerks, before manning an election.

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e6b455 No.21617170


>>>21616884, >>21616888 Deals on this "I can haz cheeseburger?" day

National DBL Cheeseburger Day = 2nd Attempt on POTUS.

The fact that this trash is in notables says SO MUCH.

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50dacc No.21617171

File: 491c31c2f2b010d⋯.jpg (263.42 KB,1000x1000,1:1,fbb.jpg)

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ec7680 No.21617172

File: d93a16714db2fc5⋯.gif (2 MB,480x202,240:101,IMG_9763.gif)

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e6b455 No.21617173


Highly FQN doubt it.

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642ee0 No.21617175


I imagine the Kremlin is steaming over this. Watch this war escalate even faster and with much more intensity.

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50dacc No.21617177

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8d4ce1 No.21617178

File: be15da010993e16⋯.jpeg (49.68 KB,432x464,27:29,Booing.jpeg)

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8d4ce1 No.21617179


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8d4ce1 No.21617180


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