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1049ea No.21609639 [Last50 Posts]

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1049ea No.21609643

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1049ea No.21609645


#26467 >>21608682



>>21608737 No way in hell that explosion is from a "hacked pager",

>>21608757 Appear to be mini shaped charges

>>21608796 Someone sold them pagers w/some type of detonator triggered by a specific page

>>21608916 That is clearly not overheating li-ion batteries.

>>21608919 That moment

>>21608923 Those are tiny batteries in tiny pagers

>>21608924 Maybe later?

>>21609028 Hip Exlosion NSFW

>>21609030 Moar Momments

>>21609048 Nova Cell the irony

>>21609103 Spoiler Images


>>21608751 Courtroom sketch of Routh, did they beat his a**?

>>21608777 PB NOTEABLE Trump shooter "wife" is a therapist at special school district of StL County

>>21608780 12:30 PM EDT LIVE: President Trump Hosts a Town Hall with Gov. Sarah Sanders in Flint, MI - 9/17/24

>>21608790 President Donald J. Trump CEASE & DESIST: I, … am watching the Sanctity of the 2024 Presidential Election ( >>21608990 c3 d4 )

>>21609536 Trump list of more than 50 quotes from Democrats, that led to the second assassination attempt on him.

>>21609549 Kremlin weighs in on Trump ‘shooter’ suspect’s Ukraine links

>>21609213 Live now 1:30 PM EDT NPl Nominee, Senator JD Vance to Deliver Remarks in Sparta, Michigan

>>21608693, >>21609183, >>21609430, >>21609435 BARRON TRUMP JOINS X


>>21608715 Whistleblower Report Exposes Major Security Failures In First Trump Assassination Attempt

>>21608750 Georgia Parliament approves bill to ban same-sex marriage

>>21608774 OTD September 17, 1787, the delegates to the Constitutional Convention met for the last time

>>21608817 HAPPY 17 Day. BQQM DAY

>>21608843 Sean "Diddy" Combs has officially been indicted on charges of s*x trafficking and racketeering.

>>21608957 On This Day in Space! Sept. 17, 1789: Saturn's 'Death Star' moon Mimas discovered

>>21609026 Don't miss the Harvest Moon Supermoon lunar eclipse tonight! Here's what to expect

>>21609067, >>21609464 Anon Bun

>>21609134 Earth from space: Ghostly figure emerges in Greenland ice after underground lake collapses

>>21609428 Space Force awards $45 million to universities for propulsion and power research

>>21609530 The Voodoo That Jews Do?

>>21609214, >>21609567 Tren de Aragua is a transnational criminal organization fromVenezuela

>>21609024, >>21609064, >>21609213, >>21609218, >>21609268, Swampenings

>>21609636 #26467

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1049ea No.21609647

#26466 >>21607827


>>21608061 SCENE OUT OF SCIENCE FICTION: An Israeli-attributed operation blows up hundreds of Hezbollah terrorists when their electronic pagers used to coordinate terror attacks suddenly exploded.

>>21607843, >>21607980 Dozens of Hezbollah members wounded in Lebanon when pagers exploded,

>>21607914 A Lebanese source reports that over 500 Hezbollah terrorists have been injured,

>>21608080 Scenes inside a Lebanese hospital with injured people.

>>21608140 Iran's ambassador to Lebanon among those injured following mass explosions of personal electronic devices across Beirut

>>21608427 Saudi al-hadt reports that the son of hezbollah MP Ali Ammar has been killed. sauce?

>>21608454 The pagers that detonated were the latest model brought in by Hezbollah in recent months, three security sources said.

>>21608504 @Snowden Hope it was a bomb, bc unbelievably foolish to break this taboo. Your smartphone battery is bigger.

>>21608508 We've got TEXT(sms) and carpet booms on a 6 year delta with pagers in the news QPROOF


>>21607830 RFK Jr. podcast with Bret Weinstein

>>21607844 Never thought I’d be appointed to an assassination attempt task force while in Congress,let alone have a 2nd task force.

>>21607878 A Michigan church leader has been arrested and fired after allegedly confessing to putting a hidden camera inside a church bathroom

>>21607887 2pm EST Former Google AI & OpenAI Employees Testify on AI Regulation

>>21607924 Biden Admin Defies Subpoenas Regarding Executive Order to ‘Promote Voter Registration’

>>21607964 Democrat Judge Blocks Texas AG’s Effort to Stop County from Mailing Registration Forms to 210,000 Unregistered Voters

>>21607978 X TRENDS

>>21607985 Anon News Bun

>>21607997 Happy Constitution Day September 17, 2024

>>21608011 Kek of the Thread

>>21608018 On the ground in Springfield, Ohio Is Under A Haitian Migration Invasion. Is Your Town Next?

>>21608019 Meme of the Thread

>>21608041 There’s a rumor that the Luzerne County Board of Elections has THOUSANDS of unprocessed voter registration & mail-ballot applications.


>>21608029 PedoDiddy Adopts a child VID

>>21608093 Diddy knew he was going to be arrested last night.


>>21608108 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

>>21608143 Anons Defund List

>>21608196 2024 Democrat Lies

>>21608245 Florida Governor DeSantis investigates Trump assassination attempt

>>21608251 Martin County Sheriff Asks Simple Questions: ‘How Did Ryan Routh Know Where to Be and Did He Act Alone?’

>>21608273 Diddy Indictment Unsealed

>>21608284 11:00 AM EDT NASA News Conference Previews Europa Clipper Launch to Jupiter Moon

>>21608286 Trump reveals that the only reason Ryan Routh was caught quickly was because a lady took a picture of his license and gave it to law enforcement

>>21608356 Baker Banners

>>21608391 55 Years Ago: Space Task Group Proposes Post-Apollo Plan to President Nixon

>>21608411 Happy Q day anons.

>>21608426 12 Influencers Who Called for Violence Against Trump, Called Him an ‘Existential Threat to Democracy’

>>21608436 NASA rover peers up at space, sees strange Mars moon and distant Earth

>>21608456 I’ve criticized @ChrisCuomo before but what he did here responding to another assassination attempt is what every member of the media and the Democratic Party should have done

>>21608489 12:00 PM EDT LIVE: President Trump Hosts a Town Hall with Gov. Sarah Sanders in Flint, MI - 9/17/24

>>21608489 7:00 PM EDT President Donald J. Trump to Host a Town Hall in Flint, Michigan

>>21608498 Trump's whereabouts is coming from Homeland Security and is leaking location details to FBI for running the assassins

>>21608599 Hannity, questionable, possible mole

>>21608564, >>21608583 Trump shooter "wife" is a therapist at special school district of StL County

>>21607871, >>21607965, >>21607967, >>21607970, >>21607972, >>21608301 >>21608594


>>21608634 #26466

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1049ea No.21609648

#26465 >>21606931

Ghost grab

>>21607008 Trump personally invited every officer from the Martin County Sheriffs Office who stopped the attempted assassin to Mar-A-Lago so he could personally thank them and treat them.

>>21607012 Jimmy Kimmel, Bono, Diddy, Bryan Cranston and others singing "We're Going to Hell"

>>21607021, >>21607055 The Moops! There is a movement of a million Black people in America that identify as Moors.

>>21607024 Trump After 2nd Assassination Attempt: 'There's Something Going on, Perhaps It's God'

>>21607034 Q Proof — 6 Year Delta — FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT

>>21607050 Bunch of Cabal books in the store window - should we take this as comms?

>>21607054 Trump to Host a Town Hall in Flint, Michigan. Tue, September 17, 2024, 07:00 pm

>>21607098 They gave her 3 in one go. This is what happened

>>21607171, >>21607172, >>21607174, >>21607176, >>21607177, >>21607178, >>21607179, >>21607181, >>21607182 jd vance truth social storm bun

>>21607220 Wall Street Apes w/CAP: They are literally telling us our future if Kamala Harris wins the election - Donald Trumps biggest mistake was not putting Hillary Clinton in jail while President

>>21607353 DIDDY Arrested by Feds in NYC After Grand Jury Indictment

>>21607449 lefts 'weird label' was sleeper activation? Routh’s neighbor says HE WAS WEIRD

>>21607455 Donald Trump suspected gunman 'lurked in golf club bushes from 2am' before ex-President's game

>>21607491 Tim Pool: NYT Says NO WINNER Will De Declared Election Night, Mail in Vote SHADOW CAMPAIGN, Fears ITS RIGGED

>>21607576 kek: Meta bans RT over ‘foreign interference activity

>>21607639, >>21607681 Nick Sortor Confronts MSNBC Reporter for Pushing Divisive Rhetoric Blaming Trump for His Own Assassination Attempt - Reporter Runs for Help and Calls Police

>>21607662 Habbenings for 9/17/2024

>>21607688 Here it comes: Over-priced Fed rate cuts make T-bills unattractive, Federated Hermes says

>>21607707, >>21607793 Hillary Clinton suggests jailing Americans for posting "misinformation" "There needs to be deterrence"

>>21607742 Meet Oregon State Rep Jules Walters (D). She repeatedly tells her fellow legislators to "shut up" and "f*** off" during a meeting…

>>21607750, >>21607755 On this day in 1944, the first of 41,000 Allied airborne troops land in the Netherlands as part of Operation Market Garden…

>>21607784 Judge rules for ARC Global in breach of contract claim against Trump Media - rejected ARC's breach of fiduciary claim

>>21607811 #26465

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1049ea No.21609651

Previously Collected

>>21606923 #26464

>>21606010 #26463-C, >>21605526 #26463-B, >>21605516 #26463-A

>>21603391 #26460, >>21604285 #26461, >>21605095 #26462

>>21601530 #26458, >>21602517 #26459, >>21603394 #26460

>>21599060 #26455, >>21599934 #26456, >>21600711 #26457

Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/

Q Research Notables #24: Soldiers >>21225723

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1049ea No.21609656

File: 245f1fe4d61ee85⋯.png (67.29 KB,598x478,299:239,245f1fe4d61ee85d39a1b777c8….png)


#26468 https://fullchan.net/?656072a620e2ec16#8ibJzncA9pazTR8BwMXNdiMnr2QfaYPuzLeDE8XhTPY6

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1049ea No.21609661



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237888 No.21609682

Cereal philes want to talk…

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c79d84 No.21609684

File: 5b9df55dbb18f0c⋯.png (357.59 KB,634x387,634:387,ClipboardImage.png)

48 days remaining until Harris is elected POTUS.

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1049ea No.21609691

File: 344b5b300559798⋯.jpg (11.39 KB,255x255,1:1,uss_constitution_lights.jpg)





enjoy the spaces :)


Note take standby.


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b2cd59 No.21609693

File: a82802e0aa51159⋯.jpg (272.44 KB,2048x1363,2048:1363,uss_constitution_storm.jpg)

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4ddd14 No.21609695


Announced as, not elected*

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b2cd59 No.21609702

September 17, 2024

2:15 PM EDT

The President meets with Ajay Banga, President of the World Bank, to discuss the Bank’s work to reduce global poverty and address global challenges including climate change under Banga’s tenure

Oval Office


September 17, 2024

2:30 PM EDT

Campaign 2024: VP Harris in Discussion with Black Journalists in Philadelphia

2024 Democratic presidential nominee and Vice President Kamala Harris is in conversation with members of the National Association of Black Journalists and hosted by Philadelphia NPR and PBS affiliate WHYY.


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bd101f No.21609703

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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474179 No.21609704

File: 754e933498e0496⋯.png (648.07 KB,1211x628,1211:628,ClipboardImage.png)

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b2cd59 No.21609705

September 17, 2024

2:30 PM EDT

Back to School: Shedding Light on Risks and Harm in the Private Student Lending and Servicing Market

Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee



Ms. Aissa Canchola Bañez

Policy Director

Student Borrower Protection Center


Dr. Beth Akers

Senior Fellow

American Enterprise Institute


Ms. Dalié Jiménez

Professor of Law and Director

Student Loan Law Initiative, University of California, Irvine School of Law




September 17, 2024

2:30 PM EDT

To Receive a Closed Briefing on Certain Intelligence Matters

Senate Intelligence (Select) Committee



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8bb05f No.21609706

File: 0dc28cd09f9d44d⋯.jpg (266.51 KB,1200x675,16:9,00nsf2.jpg)

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c2d100 No.21609707

File: 302291de252798b⋯.png (113.67 KB,700x973,100:139,a9yp751_700bwp.png)

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0b7886 No.21609708

>>21609688 LB

You assume a lot. Curious, who told you all who call themselves Christian do those things?

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77490c No.21609709

File: 793467cb1d01752⋯.jpg (211.49 KB,840x786,140:131,FORWARDS_MARCH.jpg)

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3ed79c No.21609710

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LET'S GO!!!🇺🇸🥳🥳🥳 Cliff Maloney reporting


The democrats are down 303,000 mail in ballots. We are only down 50,000. Excellent news


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1a3b03 No.21609711

File: 49f3c2a638d36ea⋯.png (583.95 KB,827x645,827:645,49f3c2a638d36ea939e95b91b0….png)

File: 2e158880eb7b78e⋯.mp4 (1.45 MB,480x270,16:9,2e158880eb7b78e38c9b49bbde….mp4)



Governor of Florida mentions Vegas shooting while discussing FED agency incompetence regarding Trump assassination attempts



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144a3e No.21609712

File: 9f8805e41985078⋯.jpg (41.12 KB,667x374,667:374,rrteasdfdghj.jpg)

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4f281f No.21609713

File: 4a246401e3b63e8⋯.png (1.17 MB,706x704,353:352,TGWR4.png)

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474179 No.21609714

File: fd7101ca61ce174⋯.png (90.9 KB,347x421,347:421,SHAME.png)


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a7e119 No.21609715

NATO Chief 'Welcomes' Allies Approving Attacks On Russia With Long-Range Missiles

Stoltenberg claims: "This is not correct when President Putin says that we will become party to the conflict."

"I welcome these developments and these decisions but its for individual allies to make the final decisions," Stoltenberg said. "Allies have different policies on this."

And yet strangely, he seemed to admit the potential for nuclear-armed confrontation. "So far, we haven't seen any changes in their nuclear posture that require any changes from our side," he said, while acknowledging that there won't be any winners in a nuclear war.

He was pressed over the question of Russia's reaction if the West goes ahead with this long-range escalation:

Asked about possible Russian retaliation, Stoltenberg said there were "no risk-free options in the war".

"But I continue to believe that the biggest risk for us, for United Kingdom, for NATO, will be if President Putin wins in Ukraine," he added.


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af7a89 No.21609716


they dont know shit.

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d5dde3 No.21609717

File: cdb7a147faf435f⋯.webp (56.45 KB,1009x692,1009:692,440mkqddq4od1.webp)

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72f3a3 No.21609718


NATO will not Survive this

For the path they walk will lead to their destruction

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144a3e No.21609719

Reporter: Donald Trump blamed [Biden] and [Harris] for the latest assassination attempt against him. He claimed, without evidence, that their rhetoric is causing him to be, "shot at". How is the White House responding to those comments?

Jean-Pierre: I love that you added, 'without evidence', because I want to be very clear here; [Biden] and [Harris] have always forcibly, forcibly condemned, violence in all forms, including political violence, and we certainly have never encouraged any violence in any way……[Biden] has been clear-eyed about the threat that the former president represents to our democracy…from his role on January 6th, where he refused to accept the outcomes of free and fair elections.

[Biden and Harris have made endless comments against President Trump with the intent to incite violence against him]

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e064b8 No.21609720

File: 77ac5d893d0641f⋯.png (43.15 KB,371x276,371:276,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4cb47d159ce723c⋯.png (39.28 KB,318x159,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Remember when we first started using # … when we used pagers …

- I can't find the "#" tweet or truth from POTUS right now, but it was recent

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f3ae12 No.21609721

File: 89d40c9cabd536f⋯.png (11.17 KB,478x134,239:67,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 764754ffc796db3⋯.png (18.05 KB,540x145,108:29,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1040fcd7e6c1f5c⋯.png (30.81 KB,531x229,531:229,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6ab497d74ac61fd⋯.png (18.83 KB,541x154,541:154,ClipboardImage.png)

PAfagsget out and vote

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3ed79c No.21609722

File: 27a0eb4ddbfdaea⋯.jpeg (85.9 KB,1143x631,1143:631,IMG_3402.jpeg)

16 Sep, 2024 17:56

Zelensky (Sicko) calls for destroying the ‘comfortable life’ of Russians

The Ukrainian leader wants to undermine the prosperity of ordinary citizens across the border

Attacking Russian society and destroying the “comfortable life” led by ordinary people is the only way to make Vladimir Putin negotiate, Ukraine's Vladimir Zelensky has claimed.

Zelensky made the remarks in an interview with CNN’s Fareed Zakaria which aired on Sunday. Putin does not want to negotiate peace to end the conflict between the two countries, he claimed, suggesting that only popular opinion at home could pressure him to do so.

“I am sure that he is afraid of only one thing. No leaders, no countries, no anything. He is afraid of his society, the Russian people,” Zelensky asserted.

If the Russian people are in danger, if they don’t have a comfortable life, if they live without energy, like our people, they will understand the price of war. They will be not happy with it and will begin to influence him, Putin. (Terrorist Zelensky)

Moscow has in fact repeatedly expressed a readiness to negotiate over the course of the conflict. Early into the hostilities, the two sides were actually close to reaching a peace deal in Istanbul, yet the talks ended up being broken off due to pressure exerted by Ukraine’s Western backers.

Since then, Kiev has taken multiple steps to prevent the potential talks from resuming, including Zelensky explicitly prohibiting negotiations with Moscow.

Russia’s stance on negotiations, however, has shiftedin the wake of the ongoing Ukrainian invasion of the Kursk Region, which was launched in early August. The attack prompted the Russian president to withdraw a ceasefire offer he had tabled earlier this year. Previously, Putin said he would support an immediate truce if Kiev agreed to certain military and political concessions.

The apparent change in Moscow’s position has been further elaborated on by other top Russian officials, including former Defense Minister and head of the Security Council, Sergey Shoigu. Last week, Shoigu accused Kiev of “top-level terrorism” over its attempts to target the Kursk Nuclear Power Plant.

We did not negotiate with terrorists, are not negotiating, and will not – and that is who they are,”he stated.

(I don't think Zelensky is aware 3/4s of the world that know about Ukraine, could give a shit, the whole war is a life sucking nuisance. While they gladly fight to the "last Ukrainian". Z is really unaware, "we are not that into him or his country")


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4f281f No.21609723

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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72f3a3 No.21609724


Because he and his troops are terrorists

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77490c No.21609725

File: 7e143ca321797ad⋯.jpg (212.49 KB,1134x930,189:155,being_a_dictator_isnt_chea….jpg)

File: f19bc7f00ae7423⋯.jpg (119.17 KB,1230x474,205:79,MEAT_GRINDER_FOR_MONEY.jpg)

File: 02eaaea886f0263⋯.jpg (136.43 KB,828x608,207:152,POUR_MONEY_TO_UNWINNABLE_W….jpg)

File: e7669c7f5f07be5⋯.jpg (173.35 KB,1130x791,10:7,WHEN_NEVER.jpg)

File: 0f0035eb3b894eb⋯.jpg (107.49 KB,1360x500,68:25,PEACE_IS_THE_PLAN.jpg)

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7c6ebd No.21609727

File: 85ff7372ac7a4e7⋯.png (308.66 KB,661x523,661:523,ClipboardImage.png)

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ba837c No.21609729

The Iranians are hysterical: the Fars agency writes that the hospitals in Lebanon are full of Mossad agents who are trying to locate senior Hezbollah officials and eliminate them.

(Carmel News)


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51d56f No.21609730

File: 5fd6d9cb45b7fb1⋯.png (415.93 KB,666x667,666:667,sookim.png)


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164554 No.21609731

Bread # 26467

 Anonymous  09/17/24 (Tue) 13:04:11 0b9926 (10) No.21609572

There's going to be a LV copycat mass casualty event tomorrow at the Trump Rally in Uniondale, NY.

All the comms & happenings are setting the stage. Be aware of those in uniform, contractors, & "cleaners". Evil hides behind trusted disguises. Look at the current NYPD & FDNY declass news.


The eyes lie, so WATCH THE HANDS. Look at the shoes for "Tell Signs"

I believe the signals are "SILVER" or things related to "Silver Bullet" because of the full moon. Even a "Coors Light" shirt is a reference.

"Werewolves"/"lone Wolf" comms. A Wolf shirt or hat of a college mascot.

Anonymous (You)  09/17/24 (Tue) 13:13:59130ce4 (1) No.21609624>>21609696



 Anonymous  09/17/24 (Tue) 13:20:51 0b9926 (11) No.21609696

>>21609624 (You)

This is NOT a joke.

The Uniondale area has a big mix of Central Americans but also Pak/Afghan community who can be used as patsies. Giant Israeli presence. Don't be fooled. Look for the signs, especially on trucks/outside "vendors"

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ba837c No.21609732

Lebanese sources: the number of wounded in Lebanon has exceeded 3,000. The death toll rose to 9.


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a7e119 No.21609733

File: 277a4d1e3b4fd15⋯.png (55.58 KB,891x509,891:509,ClipboardImage.png)

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144a3e No.21609734

Jean-Pierre: You think about January 6th, what happened to Paul Pelosi, what happened Butler, Pennsylvania, what happened over the weekend; yeah, we need to turn it down.

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e071a1 No.21609735

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


il Donaldo Trump== De Santis stands up!



(He still has a squeaky voice)

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af7a89 No.21609736

File: 008b5d724837176⋯.jpg (365.41 KB,800x459,800:459,rhet.jpg)

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4ddd14 No.21609737


>All the comms & happenings are setting the stage

Do you have proof of this?

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ebbe7d No.21609740


>who told you all who call themselves Christian do those things?

It is kind of prescribed in their "holy book" but to be fair anyone can claim to be anything.

>You assume a lot.

I think my assumption was fair based on what you wrote. I am open to having assumed wrong though.

Hail the giant spaghetti monster, may he touch you with his noodly appendage.

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af7a89 No.21609741

Paul Pelosi was not political violence.

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51d56f No.21609742

File: 552af357420e963⋯.mp4 (10 MB,640x360,16:9,PaulPelosi.mp4)

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1049ea No.21609743

File: f733ee43075279f⋯.png (206.17 KB,598x478,299:239,ClipboardImage.png)

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800c7e No.21609745

Only 2 non family people knew Trump would be golfing that day

Hannity was one

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ba837c No.21609746

File: b9c4a53de90d557⋯.jpg (23.34 KB,401x446,401:446,Screenshot_20240917_142428….jpg)

Iranian ambassador with his face blown off, his shirt soaked in blood.

Dramatic documentation : the moment the Iranian ambassador was evacuated to the hospital in Beirut after he was hit by his pager.


(There's always a trophy pic)

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f3ae12 No.21609747

File: 20bd52809215b92⋯.png (61.83 KB,836x695,836:695,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c3fb057c980578f⋯.png (85.08 KB,649x286,59:26,ClipboardImage.png)



should be YOUR

missing [R]

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000000 No.21609748

How the "Man on Mars" Story unfolds


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ba837c No.21609750


Paul Pelosi


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a7e119 No.21609751

File: b79f6fec4768b06⋯.png (269.11 KB,749x605,749:605,ClipboardImage.png)

Two Oversight Officials Fired Hours After Pointing Out Anti-Police Bias In Chicago's Office Of Police Accountability

Two members of the Chicago Civilian Office of Police Accountability were fired at the end of last month…immediately after they complained to the Inspector General about bias against police.

Matt Haynam, deputy chief administrator for the Civilian Office of Police Accountability (COPA), responsible for investigating Chicago Police misconduct, was abruptly dismissed during a virtual meeting with COPA Chief Andrea Kersten and general counsel Robin Murphy, according to a report from Law Enforcement Today, citing the Chicago Sun Times.

Earning $163,068 annually, Haynam said he was given no explanation for his immediate termination. Within 90 minutes of the meeting, COPA employees arrived at his home to collect his city-issued car, computer, and phone.

Haynam said he received a text from supervising investigator Garrett Schaaf, who had been similarly fired. Schaaf, who earns $117,792 annually, declined to comment.

"I recently made a complaint to the [inspector general] directly and was let go today effective immediately and given no justification," Haynam said.


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51d56f No.21609753


>This is not correct when President Putin says that we will become party to the conflict.

Stoltenberg the wacky waving inflatable arm flailing tubeman

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1e983a No.21609755

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


OMG supreme kek! Chupa Kabra



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ba837c No.21609757

File: 758ac2cf647637a⋯.jpg (45.56 KB,500x487,500:487,ers.jpg)

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b1a8a8 No.21609758

File: 42e08477b094ce9⋯.jpg (34.68 KB,762x400,381:200,jfkcia.jpg)



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f8f85e No.21609760

File: 01c94c6bd1151fa⋯.jpeg (1007.17 KB,1358x1411,1358:1411,D0E06345_B375_4DB6_90A1_4….jpeg)



loads of videos


Paging a terrorist…

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90053c No.21609762


Good and evil are two different and distinct apposing forces that can never come together.

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474179 No.21609763

File: f50cfc8f0d4d93d⋯.png (628.61 KB,1211x628,1211:628,DAWGSCATSMANAGER.png)


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a7e119 No.21609765

US threatening freedom of speech – ex-Greek envoy

Meta’s ban on RT may be just the beginning, former ambassador Leonidas Chrysanthopoulos believes

“We should not be surprised in Western Europe if we actually reach the stage of closing down independent media… as was happening during the Greek dictatorship or in the Nazi Germany,” added Chrysanthopoulos, who has also represented his nation at the UN General Assembly.


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77490c No.21609766

File: b6de3a58efa9bfc⋯.png (424.78 KB,891x1113,297:371,CIA_will_be_absorbed_into_….png)

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127422 No.21609767

File: 10b44407d78e4bc⋯.png (131.12 KB,598x478,299:239,ClipboardImage.png)

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b1a8a8 No.21609769

File: 7479712802c1620⋯.png (167.71 KB,334x234,167:117,ClipboardImage.png)

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ba837c No.21609771

So they handed out 3000 IEDs


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a0dd29 No.21609772

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Florida sheriff fed up with school shooting hoaxes posts boy’s mugshot to social media

A Florida sheriff fed up with a spate of false school shooting threats is taking a new tactic to try get through to students and their parents: he’s posting the mugshot of any offender on social media.


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8149aa No.21609773

File: 5a769ac7f98c7ca⋯.png (11.24 KB,275x183,275:183,ClipboardImage.png)

tao garrot skulls for mom <3

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1e983a No.21609774

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Who Was The Alleged Assassin Working With? (Ep. 2330)

09/17/2024. Bongino



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7c6ebd No.21609775

File: cb91eca1c089686⋯.png (332.13 KB,600x399,200:133,ClipboardImage.png)

DAF adapting, modernizing in today’s warfighting environment

Sept. 16, 2024

Department of the Air Force senior leaders highlighted modernization and integration challenges during the Air and Space Force Association’s Air, Space and Cyber Conference in National Harbor, Maryland, Sept. 16.

The panel included Andrew Hunter, assistant secretary of the Air Force for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics; Frank Calvelli, assistant secretary of the Air Force for Space Acquisition and Integration; Vice Chief of Space Operations Gen. Michael Guetlein; and Air Force Vice Chief of Staff Gen. Jim Slife.

During the panel, the DAF senior leaders focused on how the Air Force and Space Force must capitalize and leverage acceptable risk in future planning, adapt to the resourcing and risks present in today’s dynamic environment, and how today’s warfighting environment requires integration of the joint forces at all levels to be effective.

“It’s not just about how much resources we have,” Hunter said. He explained that regardless of limited resources, it’s important to recognize how the services structure and employ them as effectively as possible.

Hunter continued by highlighting how the department is tying programs and platforms that were previously undervalued in previous resource approaches and the way forward towards addressing today’s challenges.

Hunter also highlighted the recently activated provisional Integrated Capability Command that will help bring attention to the department’s resourcing approach and restructuring efforts.

With this restructuring impact at the head of the conversation, senior leaders discussed how the capabilities the Air Force and Space Force project will have to integrate alongside joint forces – from the start.

“It’ll never be the Space Force alone,” Guetlein said. “It will never be the Air Force alone … We are all going to have to fight in a very integrated fashion.

That is a completely different way of acquiring our systems, [and] we have to acquire our capabilities from the start – understanding that they are a part of a larger enterprise.”

Echoing Guetlein’s answer, Slife said the Air Force is undergoing a warfighting cultural shift that is focused on growing beyond the employment of forces and acquisition tactics of years past to a more integrated form focused on the joint force.

“The necessity for us to operate as an integrated Joint Force is greater than it's ever been,” Slife said. “If we can get [mission over function employment] right, this will be an enduring source of competitive advantage for the United States military.”

Slife added how the Air Force is optimizing the way the service functions by diving into what balances acceptable risk compared to unacceptable risk and how these risks manifest for Airmen in the field.

Additionally, the Space Force’s modernization efforts to adapt to today’s environment, and if necessary, deter and win in a contested scenario, are closely tied with the integral relationship the service shares with industry partners.

Calvelli said there is a continued need to develop and reinforce the shared interests and capabilities between the service and industry.

Calvelli closed the panel by talking about what the Space Force needs from industry partners.

He explained that to better procure resources and assets, the service needs realistic and executable costs when contracts are bid on; and how the industry partner should have the skills necessary to meet the requirement.


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474179 No.21609777

File: 1bcfd9c055e83f6⋯.jpeg (854.19 KB,1800x1224,25:17,1bcfd9c055e83f65c8e1fe084….jpeg)

they're eating the dawgs

they're eating the cats

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8149aa No.21609779


maybe he doesn't know he is dead yet

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144a3e No.21609780

Reporter: Senator Vance appeared to call out specifically one of the phrases that you used earlier, "threat to democracy". He said, "You cannot tell the American people that one candidate is a fascist, and if elected, it's going to be the end of American democracy."…in light of what has happened, in light of the fact that there are going to be disturbed people who take words like threat of danger literally, is [Biden], and is [Harris] considering avoiding those specific terms?

Jean-Pierre: [Biden] has always been very clear-eyed about this, about the threat of the former president represents to our democracy. Just think about January 6th.January 6th. We have to be honest with the American people when we see those types of threats. When we see that type of rhetoric that led to two thousand people going to the Capital.

[she calls to tone down the rhetoric, then ridiculously describes President Trump as a threat to the country]

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000000 No.21609782

Epstein Island movie


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a7e119 No.21609783

File: 9e3455d0ab55981⋯.png (128.31 KB,540x304,135:76,ClipboardImage.png)

Olympic athlete suspended over Christian gesture

Serbian judoka Nemanja Majdov has been banned for five months for crossing himself before a bout at the Paris Games

“Nothing new for me personally, just a new page in my career and a new life experience. I’m sorry that such a beautiful and difficult sport like judo has fallen to such things,” the athlete wrote.

“Satanic trash. Their judging is poisoned… Disqualify me in two minutes and don’t give me a chance to show anything at all… These values of yours, sports and Olympics are just trash,” Majdov wrote in a since-deleted series of posts on Instagram. “Judo is a lost sport. 100% of the outcome of the fight is controlled by the referees. Those who bend over and bow to them get ahead. You will never get that from me. I don’t need such a medal.”


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93eafb No.21609785

File: 270162a44919ee1⋯.jpg (80.91 KB,600x601,600:601,08e7ff4a930bea78a56c6e7b40….jpg)

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c2c3a0 No.21609786

File: 1262cc737dea6a5⋯.png (375.58 KB,762x470,381:235,0000000a.png)


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474179 No.21609787

File: 496800b1783f3aa⋯.png (512.7 KB,710x712,355:356,ClipboardImage.png)

they're eating the dawgs

they're eating the cats

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ba837c No.21609788

File: d0de3d7199620e7⋯.jpeg (46.75 KB,500x496,125:124,download_73.jpeg)


Meow let's see what those apps can do.

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0b7886 No.21609789


No it's not. Those who lack understanding think it is.

Your assumptions are based on your lack of knowledge.

It would be like me saying because you're on QResearch you must believe JFK Jr is coming back to run with Trump because that's what the media told you the crazy "Qanon" people believe that.

You have an incorrect "image" in your mind of what others believe and project it.

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d549c5 No.21609790

File: b1ba058241a4a1c⋯.png (160.51 KB,412x606,206:303,Screenshot_20240916_130453….png)

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c2c3a0 No.21609791

File: 944bac495245c25⋯.png (1.86 MB,1896x1008,79:42,lnaz.png)


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77490c No.21609792

File: 854f165f4a88554⋯.jpg (167.52 KB,1356x640,339:160,you_stole_his_presidency_a….jpg)

File: f22d01877fb8618⋯.jpg (411.39 KB,1229x830,1229:830,the_left_are_poor_losers.jpg)

File: 2931a5fa678493c⋯.jpg (255.96 KB,1278x803,1278:803,DEFIANT.jpg)

File: ab3671e2b6b464d⋯.jpg (143.65 KB,918x540,17:10,Trump_gets_last_laugh.jpg)

File: 2fa2ed910abf0f6⋯.jpg (199.26 KB,810x810,1:1,the_people_have_chosen_not….jpg)

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fb6ab9 No.21609793

File: ebc4f95aead2b30⋯.png (200.7 KB,456x502,228:251,face_iran_ambassador.png)

Is "face blown off" more proof that a ringtone went out before the blast so that hezzbolah would be holding it in their hands up to their face to read the number? All the "hip-side" explosions were hezzbolah who were riding on motorcycles or in cars or in stores. Everyone else heard the ring and grabbed it and looked at it. WHAT RINGTONE SONG WAS CHOSEN TO BE PLAYED BEFORE THE BLAST??? Thoughts?


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c2c3a0 No.21609794

File: 7526f4f0ca170d7⋯.mp4 (795.43 KB,504x270,28:15,7526f4f0ca170d79dc21e49c90….mp4)

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d37eb9 No.21609795

so it proves that they have control over all the electronics, as we already know.

so stealing elections ain't no big deal to them, most likely.

do they understand that they've upped the bar and that now their devices will also be targetted in a similar way.

I guess it's a don't carry it with you kind of situation now.

or was it just faulty manufacturing.

the cell phone is also a bomb.

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474179 No.21609796

File: 01dd7b76fc022bf⋯.png (434.59 KB,710x694,355:347,babies.png)


they're eating the dawgs

they're eating the cats

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c2c3a0 No.21609797

File: c47184175f25410⋯.png (18 KB,780x620,39:31,a2d.png)

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e064b8 No.21609799

File: 3e9e3c9920d0f1b⋯.png (10.68 KB,255x207,85:69,ClipboardImage.png)

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51d56f No.21609800


>I don’t need such a medal.

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443b39 No.21609801

File: c0a5b8d573efd2b⋯.gif (5.18 MB,329x251,329:251,c0a5b8d573efd2b4bbcd68d027….gif)

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a7e119 No.21609802

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Clinton: I don’t understand why it’s so difficult for the press to have a consistent narrative about how dangerous Trump is. You know, the late, great journalist, Terry Evans, you know, one time, said that, you know, journalists should, you know, really try to achieve objectivity. And by that, he said, I mean, they should cover the object—well, the object in this case, is Donald Trump, his demagoguery, his danger to our country and the world—and stick with it.


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908bf7 No.21609803

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Like this

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474179 No.21609804

File: 5edddb999b44627⋯.png (324.62 KB,710x629,710:629,ClipboardImage.png)

eating the dawgs

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5c64ed No.21609805

You know that blah blah blah meme, you know the one. Is all I see when listening to kamala live right now.

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51d56f No.21609806

look at the panic

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474179 No.21609807

File: e69c3a415bcd319⋯.png (661.15 KB,710x887,710:887,ClipboardImage.png)

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a0dd29 No.21609808

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ohio sheriff urges residents to collect addresses of those with Harris yard signs

A local sheriff in Portage County, Ohio, is urging residents to take down the addresses of supporters of Vice President Kamala Harris, suggesting he would send undocumented residents to live with them if Harris wins the election.


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164554 No.21609810


I do not. I'm the anon who replied hmmmm to the OP. Just posting this for more eyes on. It came along near the end of last bread.

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d37eb9 No.21609811



so anyone who is even a soldier for that group was targetted, even though they weren't in a position to put anyone in harms way.

and the psychopaths that weaponized the comm equipment say 'oh they are terrorists'

no, psychopaths, you are war-criminals.

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b1a8a8 No.21609812

File: 7c5711d428941d6⋯.jpg (23.3 KB,550x550,1:1,soylent_green_is_people.jpg)

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a0dd29 No.21609813

File: 627f102472a0ab9⋯.png (609.15 KB,845x472,845:472,ClipboardImage.png)

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07fa8c No.21609814

File: 40189c67e011ba3⋯.png (350.71 KB,577x433,577:433,40189c67e011ba3cdfc651ba04….png)


Translation: You must shill harder, shills!

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474179 No.21609815

File: f66367c84ee88b0⋯.png (421.83 KB,710x691,710:691,ClipboardImage.png)

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7c6ebd No.21609816

File: 3e38eba8f6a70d1⋯.png (252.7 KB,906x649,906:649,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 585475b01f178da⋯.mp4 (731.94 KB,720x900,4:5,Snapinsta_app_video_An8jD9….mp4)

File: 3ce76a1634d0c14⋯.mp4 (528.7 KB,720x900,4:5,Snapinsta_app_video_An_nHc….mp4)

File: a638931f6da0b77⋯.mp4 (1.01 MB,720x900,4:5,Snapinsta_app_video_An_M24….mp4)

File: 7c5dca43faa50d1⋯.mp4 (994.67 KB,720x900,4:5,Snapinsta_app_video_An9Fyr….mp4)

Strange UFO Sighting Reported Over Downtown Tampa Last Night

September 17th 7:03 AM

It seems there might have been a UFO sighting last night! Thousands of people are talking about a strange triangle shaped figure that was flying around downtown Tampa last night.

Multiple videos show the odd looking unidentified shaping flying quickly left and right.

Many people thought it was strange and just starred at the figure moving around in the night sky.

Strange UFO Sighting Last Night:

Just over downtown Tampa a triangular flying object was seen floating over Bayshore, Davis Island and downtown Tampa last night.

You can see in the video posted below on Instagram by TampaLatest that multiple people witnessed the strange event.

Could it actually be a true UFO sighting in the Tampa Bay area or is there some other explanation for this happening?

Tampa isn’t new to UFO sightings! We’re one of the cities in Florida that has reported many unidentified flying objects.

Florida continues to be a main focus for most UFO enthusiasts with continuous reports of UFO sightings. When people report seeing an extra terrestrial or hover craft they often describe strange lights and unusual flight patterns.

Most of the occasions and encounters are mostly unexplained aerial phenomena. Many witnesses are from all over the state of Florida and share different stories but share similar experiences.

The main explanation for their accounts is the overall mystery surrounding UFOs. Check out the pictures and videos below of the newest sighting last night.



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d37eb9 No.21609818

File: 1c113de743df751⋯.jpg (77.75 KB,500x350,10:7,blah_blah_bullshit_bullshi….jpg)

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ba837c No.21609819


Jumping and assuming makes fools look panicked.

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90dff5 No.21609820

File: f27adce4f8cd91b⋯.png (1.88 MB,1280x1280,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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474179 No.21609821

File: e2aefc81c0cda3a⋯.png (869.04 KB,710x1577,710:1577,ClipboardImage.png)

"I hate Taylor Swift"

I member

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908bf7 No.21609822

File: 9b961fa7691d69f⋯.jpg (160.92 KB,1080x730,108:73,Screenshot_20240917_134413….jpg)

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ac76d0 No.21609823


>so anyone who is even a soldier for that group was targetted, even though they weren't in a position to put anyone in harms way

literal. retard.

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ebbe7d No.21609824


>false equivalency


It is fair to make general statements about people who come here while those general statements might not fit everyone that actually comes here.

Like it's fair to say that people who come here think "Qanon" is media fiction. Usually countered with the words "there is only Q and anons, no Qanon".

While everyone here might not agree to this, most do. Therefore the general statement is fine.

In the same way it's fair to make general statements about Christians (or people who claim to be), like that they believe in Jesus being "the savior" and that they believe in a creator God.

Me assuming you are like the general Christian when all you have provided is being Christian is fair until you've stated otherwise.

>You have an incorrect "image" in your mind of what others believe and project it.

I go by what I see. You've done nothing to prove me wrong.

I tried to end this last bread, but you insisted on bringing it into this bread.

Would you kindly fuck off? My OCD prevents me from not destroying your every claim.

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5c64ed No.21609825

All kids should have faces shown.

Parents also. All states. Bring back public shame.


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d37eb9 No.21609826


3000 people is affected would make the IDF who designed that war criminals.

assuming that the news is correct.

sorry, anon, it's indefensible to do that on a mass scale, without courts, outside of a battle field, against people 'deemed' as terrorists.

do you disagree.

I concede it might just be misinformation.

Maybe the event never even happened.

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f3ae12 No.21609827


they got a new model of the tr-3b


seen't one irl too

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144a3e No.21609829

Jean-Pierre: We got to condemn any type of hateful smears and conspiracy theories, and when you do things like that, it does make people feel less safe…it's hateful. You've heard from the mayor of Springfield, you've heard from the governor of Ohio, saying this is not true. And these are two republicans, who are saying this is not true. And we've seen, we've seen what this has done to the Haitian population, and it is not right. It is not okay…since day one, [Biden] has always wanted to make sure that communities across the country have the support they need, as we talk about migrants coming into their community…over the past two years, we have provided over a hundred and thirty million dollars to help communities across Ohio hosting recently arriving migrants.

[misappropriated funds to illegals, bribes to governors and mayors allowing the invasion]

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7d8272 No.21609830

File: 11b1f94e9dba872⋯.png (94.39 KB,719x493,719:493,Screenshot_2024_09_17_at_1….png)


>>21608790 President Donald J. Trump CEASE & DESIST: I, … am watching the Sanctity of the 2024 Presidential Election ( >>21608990 c3 d4 )

cease and desist order

Primary tabs

A cease and desist order is an order by an administrative agency that requires certain practices specified to stop. It is used in Labor and Employment Law, Security Law, Education Law, and a lot of other areas of law. Typically, an administrative judge has the discretion to decide over the issuance of the order. There are two different kinds of cease and desist orders:summary cease and desist orders and final cease and desist orders.A cease and desist order that is issued prior to a hearing or without judicial proceedings is called a summary cease and desist order. The violator must request a hearing within a certain amount of time, otherwise, the order becomes final.

Penalty and Enforcement:

● Under California Corporations Code, if a person does not comply with an order, the commissioner may petition the superior court or any court of competent jurisdiction to enforce the order. The court may not require the commissioner to post a bond in an action or proceeding under this section. If the court finds, after service and opportunity for hearing, that the person was not in compliance with the order, the court may adjudge the person in civil contempt of the order.

● Under Florida Security for Public Deposits Act, any qualified public depository or other bank, savings association, or financial institution or custodian that violates a cease and desist order or corrective order of the Chief Financial Officer is subject to an administrative penalty not exceeding $1,000 for each violation of the order. Furthermore, the violation of any order to cease and desist is a misdemeanor of the second degree, punishable as provided by statute.

[Last updated in May of 2020 by the Wex Definitions Team]

administrative agency

Primary tabs

An administrative agency is a government body authorized to implement legislative directives by developing more precise and technical rules than possible in a legislative setting. Many administrative agencies also have law enforcement responsibilities. The amount of deference afforded to administrative agencies has varied over time. See Chevron deference. In 2024, the Supreme Court greatly limited the independent authority of administrative agencies in Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo.

[Last updated in July of 2024 by the Wex Definitions Team]


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f34730 No.21609831

File: 5c12366f865c090⋯.jpg (135.62 KB,829x1280,829:1280,photo_2024_09_17_09_08_36.jpg)


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5c64ed No.21609832

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923708 No.21609833

File: 6b10674e367c6e5⋯.png (304.88 KB,510x506,255:253,Q_talk.png)



Baker Reporting for Duty o7

Ghost Protocol CANCELLED

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ba837c No.21609834


OSINT Arab sources report that yesterday an American Air Force aircraft of the type: was spotted off the coast of Lebanon.

EC-130H Compass Call

This aircraft is known to be used for electronic warfare.


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8912f5 No.21609835

File: 3479af020d984e2⋯.png (245.43 KB,1366x768,683:384,ClipboardImage.png)

Seal and Unsealed Indictments Database


imo this is not a current sealed/unsealed list, but one day soon it will show all were unseaed

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14ebab No.21609837




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90dff5 No.21609839

File: ce7d797f97157e2⋯.png (24.42 KB,502x435,502:435,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b6cd82148a06953⋯.png (19.77 KB,491x321,491:321,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 87face77a599fb3⋯.png (928.03 KB,768x432,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Canadian families sue government and hospitals for MK ULTRA Experiment

MK-ULTRA: Ottawa, health centre seek to dismiss Montreal brainwashing lawsuit

Family members of patients allegedly brainwashed decades ago at a Montreal psychiatric hospital are afraid they're running out of time to get compensation because the federal government and the McGill University Health Centre have filed motions to dismiss …


Jan 6 2019


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 82bacc No.4639875 📁

Jan 7 2019 00:24:44 (EST)


Program dev ongoing under offshore [not domestic] 'tangent' agency?

Covert funding?

Animals > Humans

Humans 1988

71% avg success rate.

Targeted (mental) 'criteria' designated as [ , ].

Mental institutions & therapists > 'program-specialists'…..

Cocktail regimen 4x daily brain intercept [administered by ]



WIA military personnel targets of the program?


Clandestine Black OPs > zero affiliation (non_stick)

Something out of a movie?


The hole is deep.


Feb 15 2018


Q !UW.yye1fxo No.96 📁

Feb 15 2018 15:02:33 (EST)


Read very carefully.

Unreleased [CLAS-HIGHEST]:

Ability to use frequencies [incoming sig]/modify/code/program over 'x' period [designate] mobile phone to 'control' target subject.

OP conducted/ORIG outside of US.

CAR control?


Statement by the driver?





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88ea33 No.21609840

File: f3109d52b26f188⋯.png (165.87 KB,936x764,234:191,Screenshot_2024_09_17_at_1….png)

Rally Comms. Beware The Moon.

Automobile + PACKED + SALT

Will there be a car bomb attempt? Groups in cars/trucks/vans? "Flee back?" back-PACKED with bomb/gun?

SALT acronyms - Silent Assault with Lethal Tactics, Situation Awareness Logistics Tool, Strategic Arms Limitation Talks, Same As Last Time?

Take your pick, but be alert.

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75a8e6 No.21609841

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


the real Event occurs tonight

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90dff5 No.21609842

File: 98b00e3942e42f3⋯.png (562.1 KB,768x402,128:67,ClipboardImage.png)

AZ Sec of State: Nearly 100,000 AZ voters incorrectly listed as providing proof of citizenship

The error has occurred for about 20 years and over four administrations, Arizona Secretary of State Adrian Fontes said.


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ba837c No.21609843


Much like the borg episode where they infect a borg and return him to the hive.

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51d56f No.21609844

File: 7acc61a0903210e⋯.png (420.4 KB,634x423,634:423,nye.png)

File: b8b65173ad68843⋯.png (401.56 KB,373x481,373:481,azovst.png)

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a4c41d No.21609845

File: 835ff1099f20d78⋯.mp4 (1.76 MB,640x360,16:9,835ff1099f20d788d26c6a68f9….mp4)

>>21608965 LB

just watched the vid on high/low explosives

what if all it took was the casing of the battery hard vs. soft to create the high explosion of the pager battery?

even Nickel-Metal Hydride (NiMH) would then become a high explosive battery

question now is, can it be triggered to go off?

pagers of today "supposedly" don't use Lithium-Ion (Li-ion) due to cost and extra electronics involved.

saw nuther vid that showed Lithium-Ion battery pack being stabbed with a knife before it caught fire.

what if the battery was encased in steel and a short circuit, leading to excessive heat and thermal runaway?

how about Nickel-Metal Hydride encased in steel and a purposeful short circuit?

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af7a89 No.21609846

doucey just laid an ouchie on the diversity hire.

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07fa8c No.21609847


>The error has occurred for about 20 years and over four administrations


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800c7e No.21609848


that’s insane


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bd101f No.21609849


looks like a projection

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5c64ed No.21609850

Using kamala to fill up news space, diddy arrest, all the panic connected to that arrest.

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a7e119 No.21609851

File: 9a8896cc1c953b5⋯.png (83.51 KB,248x311,248:311,ClipboardImage.png)

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90dff5 No.21609852

File: c993937c4746091⋯.mp4 (9.27 MB,1280x720,16:9,Alabama_loves_Trump.mp4)

File: 58698c62cb3863d⋯.png (701.16 KB,675x566,675:566,ClipboardImage.png)

Alabama loves Trump



1:58 PM • Sep 16, 2024


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af7a89 No.21609853

diversity hire triggered biggly.

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51d56f No.21609854

File: fbf677300cf3df2⋯.mp4 (1.55 MB,848x476,212:119,Democrats_have_controlled_….mp4)


>error has occurred for about 20 years and over four administrations

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d37eb9 No.21609855

File: 57b818c694d438e⋯.jpg (986.4 KB,2560x1810,256:181,EeqfxMQXgAAWmcf_scaled.jpg)


The Lebanese are used to having psychopathic activities perpetrated by the masters of war.

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90dff5 No.21609856

File: fbc8f01f2e1a1bc⋯.png (329.67 KB,1080x691,1080:691,ClipboardImage.png)

The country of Georgia is based

Leading Report


BREAKING: Georgia (country) officially bans same-sex marriage, gender reassignment surgery, pride events, and public displays of the LGBTQ rainbow flag.

10:44 AM · Sep 17, 2024


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800c7e No.21609857


It’s the bullies and teachers in schools who need their faces shown.

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9ac5b6 No.21609858


Canada #63 >>21608669

Hillary Clinton Says Americans Should Be Criminally Charged and Jailed for Spreading “Misinformation”

by Cristina Laila Sep. 16, 2024

Twice-failed presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton on Monday evening joined MSNBC’s chief conspiracy theorist and Russian propaganda host Rachel Maddow to discuss the 2024 election.

Hillary Clinton immediately launched an attack on President Trump and said he is a danger our country and world just one day after a second assassination attempt against him.

“The press needs to create a consistent narrative about how dangerous Trump is,” Hillary Clinton said.

“He is a danger to our country and world,” Clinton said.

Hillary Clinton tonight on MSNBC:

"The press needs to create a consistent narrative about how dangerous he is"

"He is a danger to our country & world" pic.twitter.com/7rBt7zcVGY

— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) September 17, 2024

Hillary Clinton then suggested jailing Americans for posting “misinformation.”

Clinton was whining about so-called Russian propaganda when she launched an attack on Americans and the First Amendment.

“There were Russians engaged in direct election interference and boosting Trump back in 2016, but I also thing there are Americans who are engaged in this kind of propaganda and whether they should be civilly or criminally charged would be something that would be a better deterrent,” Hillary said.


BREAKING: Hillary Clinton suggests jailing Americans for posting "misinformation"

"There needs to be deterrence" pic.twitter.com/soxI3wl7To

— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) September 17, 2024


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af7a89 No.21609859

j6 the darkest day ugggg.

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ba837c No.21609860


Looks like he got a little lucky and had his in a backpack and not his pocket

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a7e119 No.21609862


Latest sealed list



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51d56f No.21609863

File: 9ccb6146d92e08b⋯.mp4 (5.01 MB,640x360,16:9,gimmedecash.mp4)

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7d8272 No.21609864

File: b072be8e5344ea6⋯.png (56.4 KB,1119x222,373:74,Screenshot_2024_09_17_at_1….png)


>AZ Sec of State: Nearly 100,000 AZ voters incorrectly listed as providing proof of citizenship

Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump 09/17/2024 14:49:06

ID: Not Available

Truth Social: 113154388533321681

Trying to Rig the Election! DJT justthenews.com/politics-polic


>cease and desist order

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90dff5 No.21609865

File: 0bc2cab16769830⋯.png (580.57 KB,594x820,297:410,ClipboardImage.png)

The State of Florida is conducting its own investigation into the second attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump. It is not in the best interests of our state and nation to have the same federal agencies seeking to prosecute Trump leading this investigation.

Ron DeSantis


The State of Florida is conducting its own investigation into the second attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump. It is not in the best interests of our state and nation to have the same federal agencies seeking to prosecute Trump leading this investigation.

As I announced in Palm Beach County this morning, I am assigning this case to the Office of the Statewide Prosecutor. The suspect is believed to have violated state laws across multiple judicial circuits. The State of Florida has jurisdiction over the most serious, readily provable offense: attempted murder.

The public deserves answers on how something like this could happen. I have directed our state agencies to move expeditiously and to provide full transparency to the public.

There will be accountability in Florida. The people of our state, and the entire country, deserve no less.


7:33 AM · Sep 17, 2024


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51d56f No.21609866

File: 5cb472e02722434⋯.mp4 (1.26 MB,576x1024,9:16,region.mp4)

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d37eb9 No.21609867


what is?

explain what upsets you?

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5c64ed No.21609868

So voter fraud. Proven. In "swing" state AZ.



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a7e119 No.21609869

Biden-Harris DHS Refused to Investigate Failed Trump Shooter After He Was Flagged by Border Agents Last Year.

The Biden-Harris government’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) declined a request for further investigation of Ryan Routh—the second would-be assassin of former President Donald J. Trump—after he was flagged by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) when reentering the country from Ukraine in June 2023. Border agents interviewed Routh as a person of interest at the Honolulu airport last year, according to agency documents.

A memo filed by the CBP indicates border agents were aware that Routh had traveled to Poland in 2022 and to Turkey in 2023 and was suspected of having continued on to Ukraine. During his interview with CBP, the future would-be assassin claimed his travels were part of an effort to recruit over 100 foreign fighters from Afghanistan and other nations to fight against the Russian invasion.

“Subject is a USC who had traveled to Kiev, Ukraine for 3 months to help recruit Soldiers from Afghanistan, Moldova, and Taiwan to fight in the Ukrainian war against Russia,” the border patrol agents’ interview notes read. They add: “Subject stated that he does not get paid for his recruiting efforts and all his work for the Ukrainian government is strictly volunteer work. Subject provided his recruiting business card (cards have been uploaded into the event) which lists his recruiting partners that he speaks with to recruit soldiers from Afghanistan, Romanian, Pakistan, Syria, and Israel.”The CBP memo also states that Routh was subsequently referred to the Biden-Harris DHS’s Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) unit for further investigation. However, HSI declined the case.In 2019, Routh—a convicted felon—was flagged by federal law enforcement over suspicions he illegally possessed a firearm. Meanwhile, in June 2022, a nurse who had encountered Routh in Ukraine notified CBP agents that he was potentially dangerous and exhibited bizarre and predatory behavior.


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5bff40 No.21609870



Now comes the pain.

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474179 No.21609871

File: b3162123a72fbb9⋯.png (467.33 KB,710x708,355:354,ClipboardImage.png)

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e064b8 No.21609872

File: 6b69cd5fff79f4f⋯.png (98.26 KB,584x253,584:253,ClipboardImage.png)

Of course [GOOG] promotes voting for illegals

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144a3e No.21609873

Reporter: It's been only two days since somebody allegedly tried to kill Donald Trump again, and you're here at the podium in the White House Briefing Room calling him a threat. How many more assassination attempts on Donald Trump until [Biden], [Harris], and you pick a different work to describe Trump other than threat?

Jean-Pierre: I actually completely disagree with the premise of your question, the question that you're asking. It is also incredibly dangerous in the way that you're asking it, because the American people are watching…January 6th. January 6th. January 6th. How many times do I; January 6th, 2021. That is a fact what was reported, that happened on that day.

[it is now dangerous to ask about their inciteful rhetoric that leads to violence against President Trump; she is coming unglued]

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ba837c No.21609874

What's the opposite of a Jew call?

An Iranian page.

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51d56f No.21609875




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90dff5 No.21609876

File: b7e61583b077b3a⋯.png (221.88 KB,366x751,366:751,ClipboardImage.png)



‼️Important Pennsylvania News‼️

There’s a rumor that the Luzerne County Board of Elections has THOUSANDS of unprocessed voter registration & mail-ballot applications.

During a recent visit, a reliable source even heard a staffer say at the BOE, “I hope we can get them done in time.”

This is the same county that ➡️ran out of paper⬅️ on Election Day in 2022.

Why is this important?

October 21st is the LAST day to register to vote. October 29th is the LAST day to request a mail-in ballot.

If the Luzerne County BOE is backlogged by the thousands, this could disenfranchise voters.

Even worse, ballots are already being mailed.

A Right-To-know request has been filed.

We will get to the bottom of this.

By the way, the office installed curtains up everywhere.

CC: Luzerne County, PA


6:57 AM · Sep 17, 2024


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af7a89 No.21609877


glad you got that shit. fucking hell that was disgusting.

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923708 No.21609878

Sauce pl/ty anon.

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5c64ed No.21609879

Eyes on


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51d56f No.21609880

A salted bomb should not be confused with a "dirty bomb", which is an ordinary explosive bomb containing radioactive material which is spread over the area when the bomb explodes. A salted bomb is capable of megatons of explosive force, which can contaminate a far larger area with far more radioactive material than even the largest practicable dirty bomb.

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d37eb9 No.21609881


sorry, all you apologists,

this method of killing people is psychopathic.

no one involved with turning pagers into bombs should be let free.

they all need to be arrested, all involved.

innocent people were standing right near by.

This, to me, is war criminality.

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d0b773 No.21609883

remember when POTUS announced

that he had to go away for a while

because some very wealthy people

were upset with him

for him to call them wealthy…

when did he anounce his return

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474179 No.21609884

File: 34fffa657d47df8⋯.png (348.22 KB,710x537,710:537,ClipboardImage.png)

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189aeb No.21609885

File: ff82cefea752454⋯.png (500.47 KB,1120x717,1120:717,Screenshot_2024_09_17_at_1….png)

Former President Donald Trump is set to visit the National Shrine of Our Lady of Czestochowa in New Britain Township on Sunday, September 22, according to local news. Polish President Andrzej Duda, a conservative leader, is also expected to visit the shrine that same day.

The visit follows heightened security concerns after an attempted assassination attempt the previous Sunday, where a man with a rifle was arrested by authorities. The FBI has accused the man of attempting to target Trump, who had previously survived an assassination attempt in July. Fortunately, no shots were fired.

President Duda is visiting the US next week for the United Nations General Assembly in New York City, where world leaders gather.

The shrine, located in Central Bucks County, was constructed in the early 1960s and honors Polish Catholic religious figures. It also holds the heart of Ignacy Jan Paderewski, Poland’s third prime minister. The site has historical significance, with Cardinal Karol Wojtyla, later Pope John Paul II, visiting twice. A statue of him stands on the grounds, overlooking Doylestown.

Security will be tight during Trump’s visit, with local law enforcement working alongside the US Secret Service.

In 2016, Polish leaders, including then-Prime Minister Beata Szydlo and President Andrzej Duda, made separate visits to the shrine.

If Trump visits, he would be the first presidential candidate to stop at the shrine in the 21st century.

Bucks County is an important swing area in Pennsylvania, a crucial state for anyone aiming for the presidency.


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90dff5 No.21609886

File: 3b5f0289609eba7⋯.png (24.68 KB,675x213,225:71,ClipboardImage.png)

Donald J. Trump


Your Automobile Insurance is up 73% — VOTE FOR TRUMP, I’LL CUT THAT NUMBER IN HALF!

10:50 AM • Sep 17, 2024


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a4c41d No.21609887


if a purposeful shaped charge, like others have mentioned, depends on what direction the pager was facing.

If clipped to belt, you know what direction the shaped charge would face.

Either backpack and other stuffs in pack protected and/or shaped charge was facing away from body.

if shaped that is.

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af7a89 No.21609888


glow post if ever.

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88ea33 No.21609889


They're trying to distract from the NYPD & Ryan Routh because it's all connected to THEM.

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75a8e6 No.21609891


He means you won't be driving anymoar.

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d37eb9 No.21609892


if you know of something that is planned you have a moral obligation to warn us about it instead of hinting about it.

so what is it? tell us or you, too, will be seen as a war criminal.

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7c6ebd No.21609893

File: 8e8ad2210e7b0fd⋯.png (1.98 MB,564x1954,282:977,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 375ed9886ec4716⋯.mp4 (8.28 MB,1280x676,320:169,Global_Disclosure_Day_Octo….mp4)

Global Disclosure Day

We are very excited to announce the first Global Disclosure Day on October 20, when our Citizens for Disclosure groups in 43 states and around the world will convene watch parties for a live two-hour live stream event.

This first-of-its-kind event will feature notable speakers in the Disclosure movement, testimonials from local activist groups, and special videos about the latest information on UAP.

We are witnessing a major sea change in the history of the UFO/UAP campaign. Up until very recently, the onus was on their movement to prove UFOs were real.

Now, so much information has come out at such high levels of the US Government that the burden is now on those who tried to keep UFOs a secret to prove that they are NOT real. We are in a new time.

Confirmed Speakers to Date:

Ross Coulthart, premier investigative reporter on UAP and author of In Plain Sight;

Lue Elizondo, former Director of the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program of the Pentagon and author of Imminent;

Birdie Jaworksi, founder ABQ UFOs in Albuquerque, NM;

Danny Sheehan, President and General Counsel, New Paradigm Institute;

Beatriz Villarroel, Researcher in astronomy at the Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics (Nordita) in Stockholm. Leads the VASCO project and the EXOPROBE project.

Rich Hoffman, Co-founder and Executive Board Member, Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies (SCU). Senior IT Systems Engineering Analyst with Army Materiel Command.

Steve Bassett, Founder of Paradigm Research Group and co-founder of Hollywood Disclosure Alliance;

Use the form on the right to register for this FREE event!

More details to come, including speakers, presenters, participating partners, and ways to set up your watch party.


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90dff5 No.21609894

File: 6a38600a1701918⋯.png (171.89 KB,1002x540,167:90,ClipboardImage.png)

Hillary belongs in prison—NOOSED.

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5330d1 No.21609895



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51d56f No.21609896

File: 31566b2e00d3cef⋯.png (51.58 KB,164x218,82:109,captain.png)

Hours after the collapse, President Joe Biden said that the federal government would pay for the entire cost of reconstructing the bridge. On May 2, 2024, Maryland Department of Transportation officials said they plan to replace the bridge by autumn 2028 at an estimated cost of $1.7 billion to $1.9 billion.

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0fdcdf No.21609897


>looks like a projection


Wonder what band or business is doing some advertising.

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d11782 No.21609898

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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e064b8 No.21609899

already notabled

>>21608041 There’s a rumor that the Luzerne County Board of Elections has THOUSANDS of unprocessed voter registration & mail-ballot applications.


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0b7886 No.21609900


No, general statements aren't fine and your assumptions aren't "fair" at all. They only show your ignorance of the topic. An "image" was projected and you apply that image to all. It's a common tactic.

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800c7e No.21609901


Saying words have meaning

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5c64ed No.21609902

Them also


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ebbe7d No.21609903


What part of "fuck off" didn't you understand?

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5c64ed No.21609904

Too bad not Georgia, state.


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510ea3 No.21609905

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d11782 No.21609906

File: 30bb61d5d331136⋯.png (263.06 KB,640x480,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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2c7ef5 No.21609907


Glenn a gud egg

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88ea33 No.21609908


You're trying to downplay and diminish what's going on. Keep projecting.

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00e9ab No.21609909

kamala is asking for a haitian to kill trump bc of the tropes

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474179 No.21609910

File: 2a665fb6469a28e⋯.png (92.91 KB,710x356,355:178,ClipboardImage.png)

In Springfeild, they're eating the dawgs.

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90dff5 No.21609911

File: 99db3035c772b9a⋯.png (954.67 KB,661x1088,661:1088,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3d34b1fe06891d5⋯.mp4 (10.36 MB,1080x1920,9:16,President_Trump_just_broug….mp4)

🚨 NOW: President Trump just brought the Martin County Sheriff’s Deputies who captured would-be ass*ssin Ryan Routh to Mar-a-Lago. This is awesome! These heroes absolutely deserve it 👏🏻

Nick Sortor


🚨 NOW: President Trump just brought the Martin County Sheriff’s Deputies who captured would-be ass*ssin Ryan Routh to Mar-a-Lago

This is awesome!

These heroes absolutely deserve it 👏🏻

10:14 AM • Sep 17, 2024


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800c7e No.21609912

Kamala Harris acting indignant about Trump’s words hurting Springfield , oh

These people are doubling down on Trump hate.

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90dff5 No.21609913

File: a4253c730e7934e⋯.png (470.71 KB,1343x1024,1343:1024,ClipboardImage.png)

A 12% drop in viewership is no small thing

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14ebab No.21609914


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fb1b35 No.21609915

>>21608874 p/b



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0b7886 No.21609916


You said you were ending it but kept replying. You can easily stop replying if your ego can stop projecting more nonsense.

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a7e119 No.21609917

File: ee57eea5a567c7b⋯.png (4.39 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 08376279e489feb⋯.png (367.63 KB,560x536,70:67,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1cb645233b06938⋯.png (88.38 KB,827x536,827:536,ClipboardImage.png)

Settler mob attacks West Bank elementary school under army protection

Students and staff members were assaulted by crowbar-wielding settlers at a school northwest of Jericho

Israeli settlers, under the protection of the army, launched a violent attack on a school near the occupied West Bank city of Jericho on 16 September.

Troops and settlers stormed the Arab al-Kaabneh Elementary School in the Arab al-Mleihat area northwest of Jericho.

“Armed Israelis attacked the [area], beat an elderly man, stormed the elementary school and assaulted students and teachers … there is a state of panic and fear among local residents, especially women and children,” WAFA news agency reported, citing local sources as saying that “the school is still under siege and the students are being abused inside.”

Israeli forces arrested teachers as more settlers arrived at the scene. Students and staff were assaulted with crowbars.

Video footage shows people being taken away in handcuffs as settlers sit nearby. Other footage showed the settlers entering the school with bats and crowbars, as people could be heard screaming in fear. A man filming the attack is seen being hit on his back by a settler with a crowbar.


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800c7e No.21609918

anyone listening to Kamala turning the page on Trump’s hate speech

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189aeb No.21609919

File: b8eea6d9fd57b60⋯.png (322.71 KB,598x658,299:329,Screenshot_2024_09_17_at_1….png)


BREAKING: NY Times refers to Trump assassin Ryan Routh as ‘crusader for causes large and small’

12:52 PM · Sep 17, 2024





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90dff5 No.21609920

File: 1aa776584e265c8⋯.png (2.93 MB,1280x904,160:113,ClipboardImage.png)

Happy Constitution Day!

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474179 No.21609921

File: a0d845d6117d3e2⋯.png (366.61 KB,710x759,710:759,ClipboardImage.png)


>In Springfeild, they're eating the dawgs.

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af7a89 No.21609922


No I am not and your absolute faggotry in response sounds glowy as well.

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a4c41d No.21609923

File: 667e04653311085⋯.jpg (133.85 KB,1001x1025,1001:1025,667e046533110855e7acbd5625….jpg)


>you apologists

tha fuck you calling an apologists?

i'm learning about explosives and how it could be carried out

find out how achived and learn who did this.

you sound like you already have an answer.

judge much do you?

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836e2e No.21609924

File: 45797a3d9b1cfc2⋯.png (498.79 KB,685x929,685:929,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0b2963c931f916e⋯.mp4 (3.99 MB,540x960,9:16,kamala_rally.mp4)

File: abdb1b5761765cd⋯.png (810 KB,2524x1198,1262:599,ClipboardImage.png)

The guy in this vid from the kamala rally looks like The shooter Routh

I Meme Therefore I Am 🇺🇸



The Democrat who posted a video of buses unloading people at Kamala’s rally has deleted the post.

But once it’s on the internet, it’s there forever


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fd494f No.21609925

can totally see sheer panic kuming out of kam's

did diiddy rat her out?

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ebbe7d No.21609926


>You can easily stop replying if your ego can stop projecting more nonsense.

Likewise ;)

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75a8e6 No.21609927


Hunga Tonga volcano missile

Cumbre Veija volcano torpedo

Mauna Loa volcano torpedo

already told in film

"Deluge" was released in US theaters 91 years, 1 month ago TODAY

with the opening line a quote from Genesis 9:11

today America will be destroyed by engineered flood

preceded by the Rapture of Believers

Q's "4-6% lost forever."

"Saving Israel for last" because Israel wrote the whole script.

The Synagogue of Satan knows the day because they have time travel.

Trump is the Antichrist.

8Kun is a Satanic larp narrative board.

enjoy the Great Tribulation


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144a3e No.21609928

Reporter: Does [Biden] and [Harris] support no taxes on overtime for workers?

Jean-Pierre: [Biden] and [Harris] have been pretty consistent on making sure that we continue to lower costs for Americans, but also at the same time, making sure that we're increasing wages. The question that you're asking me, supporting overtime pay, this is something, a proposal in the 2020 election, so I'm going to be really, really mindful.

Reporter: From January 2021 to now, overall prices are up twenty percent, food at home is up twenty-one percent, electricity is up twenty-eight percent, and the list goes on. Does [Biden] believe that Americans are better off now than they were four years ago?

Jean-Pierre: Yes, and I understand what you're asking me. I get it There's still a lot more work to be done.

[your 'work' destroying America is about to end]

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ba837c No.21609929

File: 65bf85ba696b1d4⋯.jpg (47.46 KB,557x370,557:370,356gi.jpg)

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51d56f No.21609930

File: a316e1147c46338⋯.mp4 (7.93 MB,640x368,40:23,While_he_needed_a_little_Q….mp4)


>NY Times refers to Trump assassin Ryan Routh as ‘crusader for causes large and small’

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474179 No.21609931

File: 4375b1cf9aa9ab3⋯.png (456.34 KB,500x667,500:667,ClipboardImage.png)

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90dff5 No.21609932

File: 7e83c49bd33fb6b⋯.png (483.13 KB,768x403,768:403,ClipboardImage.png)

Major companies abandon an LGBTQ+ rights report card after facing anti-diversity backlash

Ford, Harley-Davidson, and Lowe’s are among the companies that announced they would no longer participate in the index grading corporations on their workplace policies.


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800c7e No.21609933

kamala live on cnn…some town hall or something

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5c64ed No.21609934

Nope not that one >>21609818

Think curtains


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a7e119 No.21609935

Local institutions have moved $40 billion out of Israel since start of war – report

Institutional investors managing citizens’ savings divert capital to foreign assets amid prolonged war, falling confidence in state’s ability to lead effective recovery, enable growth

Institutional investors have moved a whopping NIS 151 billion ($40 billion) outside of Israel since the outbreak of war with the Hamas terror group on October 7, according to a report by Hebrew financial daily Calcalist.

The prolonged war with Hamas and fears over an escalation of the fighting against Hezbollah in the north, alongside a large deficit and slowing economic growth, have led to a diversion of capital to overseas assets by large insurance companies and investment funds, which are responsible for managing the long-term savings of Israelis, including pension and provident funds, Calcalist said in Tuesday’s report.

According to Calcalist, the average exposure to overseas assets — equities, bonds, and non-tradable assets — by local institutions managing provident funds increased from 51.7% at the beginning of October 2023 to 56.3% at the end of July. The average exposure to overseas assets by financial institutions managing pension funds rose from 47.6% at the beginning of October to 50% in July.

Faced with credit ratings downgrades and a widening deficit alongside ballooning military and civilian spending, and as the Hamas war approaches its one-year mark, the government has come under immense pressure to maintain fiscal responsibility and credibility while funding the rising costs of the fighting.

With the outbreak of war in October, local institutions initially increased their exposure to investments in the local market, but in April the trend reversed due to a loss of confidence in the government’s ability to return the economy to future growth, reduce the growing deficit, and bring down inflation, the report found.


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474179 No.21609936

File: 92c3047bf118b83⋯.png (587.26 KB,719x890,719:890,ClipboardImage.png)

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75a8e6 No.21609937


because continuing to promote election larps is what Faggot Ultra is paid to do

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ba837c No.21609938


Without his meds and msnbc he may sober up

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fd494f No.21609939

lawless authority on the border talking gun control

reasonable stupidity

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d37eb9 No.21609940


apologists for this abomination are also war-propagandists.

even though these people you see as enemies, this method of war fare is barbarism and it's in the worlds best interest to see it as war crimes.

look at you telling me I 'judge much' and having a meme that says 'retribution coming' Hypocrite much?

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0b7886 No.21609941


I haven't projected though, you're the one who claimed I take part in rituals and what you thought I believed. I don't fit your mold, the "image" you try to argue. Now I find it hilarious you can't stop replying.

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00e9ab No.21609942


i see a whole lotta white guilt in that line

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ebbe7d No.21609944

File: 27d2e78f9133e5d⋯.png (181.95 KB,360x360,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


>I haven't projected though

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474179 No.21609945

File: 4920ec352780c1d⋯.png (289.49 KB,756x507,252:169,ClipboardImage.png)

they're eating the dawgs

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75a8e6 No.21609946


Antichrist is coming.

His retribution will bring your death.

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90dff5 No.21609947

File: 5066835f472cec4⋯.png (1.41 MB,1200x846,200:141,ClipboardImage.png)

When you order your pagers off wish.com

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189aeb No.21609948

File: 8910b0b066fbd1a⋯.png (523.53 KB,699x780,233:260,Screenshot_2024_09_17_at_1….png)

File: d9a906a3c7a1611⋯.png (508.67 KB,770x622,385:311,Screenshot_2024_09_17_at_1….png)

File: 18c2f4e945b57d6⋯.png (732.6 KB,757x565,757:565,Screenshot_2024_09_17_at_1….png)

File: 88ef208ad92d821⋯.png (557.27 KB,523x681,523:681,Screenshot_2024_09_17_at_1….png)


Former first lady Melania Trump left her husband Donald’s namesake Midtown tower under heavy guard Tuesday, two days after a second assassination attempt against the former president in just over two months.

A convoy of eight vehicles — including an NYPD Emergency Service Unit van manned by a cop carrying an automatic weapon — awaited Melania, 54, as she left her family’s New York City residence, photos exclusively obtained by The Post show.

The intimidating fleet was double the usual detail of four vehicles that typically guard the former first lady.

The Slovenia-born model also left Trump Tower through its underground parking garage, rather than the side door she normally uses to come and go.

One woman — possibly an aide or assistant — was spotted getting into Melania’s SUV after it emerged from the garage.

Fifty-Sixth Street was completely closed as Melania’s entourage pulled away from the building — appearing to thwart the arrival of her stepson Eric Trump around the same time.

Because of the street closure, Eric, 40, was forced to get out of his car at 56th and 5th Avenue and walk approximately 40 feet to the side entrance.

The former first family has been on high alert since the attempt against the 45th president, 78, at his namesake golf club in West Palm Beach, Fla., Sunday afternoon.


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fd494f No.21609949

universal background checks

cept for illegal immigrants, democrat voters, and gang stalking looting shooting raping murderers

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0b7886 No.21609950


Truth is not projection. Reply again puppet. kek

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6eb64c No.21609951

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


> Thoughts?

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88ea33 No.21609952


DOWN SHE GOES. nice ID. winky wink.

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7c6ebd No.21609953

File: 6b7896a24b19d83⋯.png (277.98 KB,640x480,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

CMPD Chief Jennings weighs in on U.S. police chiefs UAP handbook

Updated: Sep 16, 2024 / 09:07 AM EDT

Do you believe in UFOs?

Unidentified Flying Objects have a new, more modern name: UAPs, or Unidentified Anomalous Phenomenon.

Have you seen one?

They’ve been in the news more and more lately. So much so that officials think they pose a high enough national security threat to create an instructional book on how to handle them. And it’s in use right here in Charlotte.

Is it the responsibility of police officers to know how to detect, track, and report UAPs?

A forum of Police Executives, known as The Major Cities Chief Association, thinks so, and has come up with a unified plan to handle encounters or sightings of UAPs.

Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Chief Johnny Jennings is among them.

“They’re happening. Whether you believe in what the origin of them is or not, they are happening and it’s important that we are able to report them, ” Chief Jennings told NewsNation.

So officials have come up with an 11-page guide to help law enforcement officers understand that unexplained occurrences do happen, and it’s important to know what to do about them.

The point of the handbook is to normalize the conversation around UAPs. The guide is the first of its kind for U.S. law departments.

Chief Jennings says he personally hasn’t seen a UAP, and his department hasn’t had a great deal of reporting them in Charlotte.

But they do happen in other parts of the country. All must be recorded properly and taken seriously.

According to CMPD, 12 UAPs have been reported here since 2005.

And according to the National UFO Reporting Center, 3700 plus have been noted nationwide since 1920.

“I don’t think any chiefs are running around saying we are being invaded by aliens but I think what they’re saying is these things are out there and happening, that they can be a threat especially if you have aircraft in your organization.

CMPD has aircraft that we have to ensure we are safe to fly…that we are safe in the skies as well.”


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a4c41d No.21609954


because we coming with the sauce.

sauce your shit since you seem to know who did this or stfu

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a7691f No.21609955

File: b0c6d90f43385bd⋯.mp4 (1.56 MB,480x852,40:71,VvC8RQJU5mQIytkh.mp4)

File: 81303a11407f957⋯.jpeg (218.91 KB,801x801,1:1,93AC86ED_7678_42F9_A005_4….jpeg)

File: b45e44833885cf2⋯.jpeg (317.82 KB,1366x768,683:384,5F5726AA_C761_4E0B_8A4D_1….jpeg)

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90dff5 No.21609956

File: 67c93aac2d029a8⋯.png (1.4 MB,768x960,4:5,ClipboardImage.png)

If Trump doesn't win back the Whitehouse in November then you will lose these forever!

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51d56f No.21609957

File: 6f2af2126b7ded1⋯.png (97.19 KB,300x197,300:197,ClipboardImage.png)


Loose electrical cable found on ship that caused Baltimore bridge collapse

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a7e119 No.21609958

Israel Kills 20 More Palestinians in the Gaza Strip

“Israeli forces killed 20 people and injured 76 others in three ‘massacres’ of families in the last 24 hours,” the ministry said, according to the Anadolu Agency. “Many people are still trapped under the rubble and on the roads as rescuers are unable to reach them.”


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d37eb9 No.21609960


apologists might be seen as war criminals too.

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9ac683 No.21609961


Funny how the media calls a semi-auto AR an automatic weapon…..not bias at all….not trying to paint a picture at all…hmmm next gun grab attempt in 3….2…..

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189aeb No.21609962



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7dea07 No.21609963

Good afternoon Q. Is this the part where it becomes Biblical?

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ba837c No.21609964

Targeting enemy combatants while they hide in 'civilian' populations with minimal collateral damage is epic.

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164554 No.21609965


Jenny, that you?

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d37eb9 No.21609966


epic criminality.

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90dff5 No.21609967

File: 273dbdbf80450cb⋯.png (174.43 KB,652x1101,652:1101,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a6c8afbf9f19961⋯.png (242.69 KB,1064x844,266:211,ClipboardImage.png)

BREAKING: Ohio Governor Mike DeWine is refusing to identify the foreign actors who called in the majority of hoax bomb threats in Springfield, Ohio. This is outrageous. The public has a right to know which foreign nations are meddling in our elections.

Just Loki


I don't know if people remember the Jewish community center bomb threats from early in the Trump admin, which were blamed on him without evidence — those were ultimately traced to Israel and then further interest evaporated for “inexplicable” reasons.

Christopher F. Rufo ⚔️


BREAKING: Ohio Governor Mike DeWine is refusing to identify the foreign actors who called in the majority of hoax bomb threats in Springfield, Ohio. This is outrageous. The public has a right to know which foreign nations are meddling in our elections.

9:37 AM • Sep 17, 2024

11:12 AM • Sep 17, 2024


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474179 No.21609969

File: b5667d6b745f177⋯.png (420.21 KB,710x497,10:7,ClipboardImage.png)

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923708 No.21609970


Sauce pl/ty anon.

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75a8e6 No.21609971


news recycling old stories predicting destruction of America

US Coast Guard is holding live hearings as we type on the "Ocean Gate Titan" submarine implosion

it occurred 1 year, 91 days ago today







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a7e119 No.21609972

File: 20f64271bb8fe86⋯.png (68.09 KB,772x463,772:463,ClipboardImage.png)

Israeli diplomats are lobbying (bribes/blackmail) U.S. politicians to pressure South Africa into dropping ICJ genocide case

The Israeli government is reportedly urging its diplomats in the United States to lobby federal and state politicians to help pressure South Africa to drop its legal proceedings in the United Nations' International Court of Justice (ICJ) over whether or not its actions in Gaza constitute acts of genocide.

A report from Axios indicated that on Monday, Sept. 9, Israel sent a classified diplomatic cable to the Israeli embassy in Washington, D.C. and all Israeli consulates in the U.S. regarding South Africa's ICJ case. The cable called on Israeli diplomats to lobby U.S. politicians to issue statements warning South Africa against continuing its genocide case against Israel before the ICJ.

"We are asking you to immediately work with lawmakers on the federal and state level, with governors and Jewish organizations to put pressure on South Africa to change its policy toward Israel and to make clear that continuing their current actions like supporting Hamas and pushing anti-Israeli moves in international courts will come with a heavy price," read the cable. This was reportedly sent by the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs to its embassy and all its nine consulates in the United States.

The Israeli diplomats were also instructed to reach out to diplomats working for the South African embassy in Washington, D.C. and its three consulates in the U.S., and to threaten them by claiming that their country will "pay a heavy price" if it does not change its policy toward Israel.


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474179 No.21609973

File: 1a1c90c938f3ee7⋯.png (386.87 KB,600x709,600:709,ClipboardImage.png)

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7dea07 No.21609974

I was just gonna buy a pager for my steam punk outfit.

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2c7ef5 No.21609975


Dat's nice.

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90dff5 No.21609977

File: 9ef1fb3b908aba3⋯.png (616.28 KB,626x768,313:384,ClipboardImage.png)

BASED: Ohio lawman suggests taking note of where the Harris yard signs are, so we know where to send the Haitians

Sheriff Bruce Zuchowski, from Portage County, Ohio, is one based lawman. (For reference, Portage County is just east of Akron.)According to a report from Fox News, Zuchowski offers a unique approach to anyone asking how to prepare if Kamala Harri…


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ebbe7d No.21609978


>Truth is not projection

I see, you are the bearer of Truth™? kek.

>Reply again puppet.

Your turn, puppet. ;)

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88ea33 No.21609979



So the Lithium Pager bomb Comms + the SALT Bomb could be weapons or nuke information about to be dropped. I'm not a fortune teller, so I don't ignore either possibilities.

It's relative.

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42df42 No.21609980

File: eafe22c7e403fb7⋯.jpg (852.13 KB,1080x2107,1080:2107,Screenshot_20240917_120941….jpg)


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fd494f No.21609981

you can hear a pin drop - and I don't think it's because the voters are mesmerized in enthrallment of the brilliance coming forth - cackle cackle

didn't they bus anyone, won't answer specific questions on murdering a living born helpless human being

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00e9ab No.21609983

she is a scum of the depth, she is a grotesque human being

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f93a77 No.21609984

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d516a0 No.21609985

File: a4e82e8965c2712⋯.jpg (186.59 KB,2032x1152,127:72,GXs0HvPakAApgPt.jpg)

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800c7e No.21609986


Arresting and posting pics of young kids who are already bullied by teachers and other students

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6eb64c No.21609987

File: 59346498e2d4645⋯.png (493.02 KB,724x461,724:461,ClipboardImage.png)

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90dff5 No.21609988

File: b06b920d5df9d52⋯.png (464.68 KB,739x465,739:465,ClipboardImage.png)

Erik Prince on Trump Assassins Appearing in BlackRock Commercials, “The Statistical Likelihood of that Being Random Is Impossible” – UPDATE: Routh Video NOT from BlackRock Ad


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55a4e1 No.21609989


A brass and salt bomb speeds the onset of gangrene. So which is it?

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a7691f No.21609990

File: 27f10c57bbe95aa⋯.png (728.96 KB,474x619,474:619,249230C4_7816_48B4_B9DB_5E….png)

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f93a77 No.21609991

File: 01b6ce746c1a4c0⋯.mp4 (8.34 MB,360x640,9:16,FDownloader_Net_460175809_….mp4)

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800c7e No.21609992

Kamala sounds just like Hillary

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0b7886 No.21609993


I told you the Truth. You projected nonsense.

I'm no puppet, I'm enjoying this. You're the one who tried to end this conversation not me, remember puppet? Always projecting yourself onto others kek

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d37eb9 No.21609994


total non sequotur and completely off topic distraction.

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1582b0 No.21609995


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51d56f No.21609996


The chief executive who was piloting the Titan submersible when it imploded underwater last year, killing him and his four passengers, once crashed another submersible into a shipwreck and then angrily threw the controls when a tearful passenger begged him to let another pilot take over, according to new testimony on Tuesday.

David Lochridge, who was in charge of marine operations at the underwater exploration company OceanGate until being fired in 2018, described the harrowing earlier trip to a U.S. Coast Guard panel that is investigating last year’s deadly implosion. He said that Stockton Rush, the chief executive and founder of OceanGate, had insisted on piloting that earlier vessel down to the Andrea Doria shipwreck in 2016, off the Massachusetts coast, over Mr. Lochridge’s strenuous objections.

Mr. Lochridge said he watched warily as Mr. Rush haphazardly deployed the submersible, a precursor to the Titan known as the Cyclops 1, and ignored Mr. Lochridge’s warnings to keep his distance from the deteriorating shipwreck about 250 feet under the Atlantic Ocean.

Mr. Rush “smashed straight down” when he landed the vessel, Mr. Lochridge said, and then turned it around and “basically drove it full speed” into the wreckage, jamming the submersible underneath. Then, in full view of the three additional passengers on board, Mr. Rush flew into a panic, Mr. Lochridge said, asking whether there was enough life support on board and asking how quickly a dive team could arrive.

Mr. Lochridge, an experienced submersible pilot from Scotland, said he tried to calm his boss down and asked him to hand over the PlayStation controller that was used to pilot the vessel. But Mr. Rush refused.

“Every time I went to take the controller from him, he pushed it farther and farther behind him,” Mr. Lochridge said, and described his nervousness at seeing debris from the shipwreck that was floating in the water nearby.

Finally, he said, one of the passengers who had paid for the ride shouted at Mr. Rush to give Mr. Lochridge the controller, using an expletive as tears filled her eyes. Mr. Rush obliged by throwing the controller at Mr. Lochridge, hitting him in what Mr. Lochridge described as the “starboard side” of his head.

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fd494f No.21609997

they kept pulling and pulling on that string on her back but that worn down politician has nothing to offer that biden didn't do better

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199f8f No.21609998

File: 10cee606c998f81⋯.jpg (74.29 KB,828x529,36:23,1693059229016476.jpg)


Problably a news item we'll not hear much about when they find out who sold these pagers to the gov of lebanon.

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a7691f No.21609999

File: 60b0882e6c80399⋯.png (3.44 MB,1344x1640,168:205,52C59524_A71D_4316_B014_7D….PNG)

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00e9ab No.21610000


fake, phony, cringey, icky, slimy

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f3ae12 No.21610001

File: 3206b41dcbae793⋯.png (262.83 KB,563x544,563:544,ClipboardImage.png)


thereby proving it was negligence meaning it should be on the shipping company to cover damages meaning WHY THE FUCK IS THE TAXPAYER BEING BURDENED WITH THE COST OF REBUILDING

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90dff5 No.21610002

File: 3b8e3cae2c20568⋯.png (1.24 MB,941x717,941:717,ClipboardImage.png)

How I imagined evil as a kid

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ac76d0 No.21610003


I wonder if the "bullies" thing has run it's course, yet? Bullies have always been a thing. Showing up with firearms with the intent to kill is pretty new, though.

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90dff5 No.21610004

File: c94de4167872766⋯.png (27.72 KB,140x105,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)


>Lithium-Ion (Li-ion)

Lithium Batteries Spit OUT Fountains of Fire


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a7e119 No.21610005

File: 2b4f817ccef309b⋯.png (131.88 KB,535x587,535:587,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 260ed2075634010⋯.png (138.14 KB,561x591,187:197,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5d928b1314c2504⋯.png (145.92 KB,564x654,94:109,ClipboardImage.png)

NVDA is the ticking time bomb. The numbers were a sham to begin with. They can’t sustain it. CEO sold $26M in stock.


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189aeb No.21610006

File: 9911940632876fa⋯.png (33.99 KB,719x183,719:183,Screenshot_2024_09_17_at_1….png)

File: 699c8e179c8784a⋯.png (149.13 KB,365x244,365:244,Screenshot_2024_09_17_at_1….png)


A radical censorship-obsessed group financed by leftist billionaire George Soros is doubling down on efforts to interfere in the 2024 election by turning the screws on Big Tech to censor speech and by manipulating journalists.

Free Press, fueled with at least $2 million by Soros between 2017 and 2021, announced that it was launching a new Orwellian scheme called “‘Democracy Is … .’” This so-called “new initiative” will deputize journalists through indoctrination by the Soros machine and engage the public on how to censor speech by supposedly “flagging disinformation” on social media platforms. In addition, Free Press pledged that the initiative would “provide other needed resources to influence media and technology platforms to better serve our communities and strengthen our democracy,” the press release boasted. [Emphasis added.]

The new “Democracy Is …” website sensationalized how “In an era of misinformation and manipulation, the role of media and tech matter more than ever,” offering chilling insights into where the Soros empire is zeroing its focus ahead of the November elections.

The coalition is a hodgepodge of leftist and Soros-backed groups. These groups include the “digital brownshirts” at the Center for Countering Digital Hate, whose entire modus operandi is pressuring Big Tech to censor views that don’t comport with leftist narratives on climate change, COVID-19 and other things.

Other coalition members include Soros-backed groups like People for the American Way, UnidosUS, Common Cause, UltraViolet and United We Dream, which received an additional $12,085,000 at least collectively between them and/or their affiliated groups from the billionaire’s empire. Another group, Accountable Tech, became notorious for pressuring advertisers to pull their ads from Twitter (now X) after owner Elon Musk completed his multibillion-dollar acquisition.

MRC Free Speech America Vice President Dan Schneider ripped the coalition in a statement. “Free Press’s view of saving Democracy is to take away the rights of half of Americans by silencing its political opponents who express different political points of view,” he rebuked. “Nothing can be more undemocratic than that.”


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a4c41d No.21610007


so you telling me I can't research to see how this was perpetrated?

what mental fucked drugs are you on?

how your feelz doing?

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fd494f No.21610008

the immigrants don't feel safe

$50K in ebt +++ cash

and that's the end of stupid

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90dff5 No.21610009

File: 7097c5fabe679b5⋯.png (369.14 KB,768x403,768:403,ClipboardImage.png)

FAA Proposes Six-Figure Fine Against Elon Musk-Owned Company, “More Lawfare”

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has proposed $633,009 in civil penalties against SpaceX.


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ebbe7d No.21610010

File: fa935e700dfae3f⋯.png (265.56 KB,360x360,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


>I'm no puppet

Reply to another meme post with righteous indignation puppet. kek

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90dff5 No.21610011


>NVDA is the ticking time bomb. The numbers were a sham to begin with. They can’t sustain it. CEO sold $26M in stock.


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474179 No.21610012

File: 5297ac5fd99735f⋯.png (383.39 KB,710x473,710:473,ClipboardImage.png)

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e064b8 No.21610013

File: 02af9b243f41bb2⋯.png (390.5 KB,590x524,295:262,ClipboardImage.png)


Elon Musk


The Dems explicitly called for Trump to be shot and now two people have answered that call

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55a4e1 No.21610014


The folly of CapEx weighted Indices strikes again!

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42df42 No.21610015

File: 93f71cafe89068e⋯.jpg (484.83 KB,1079x1634,1079:1634,Screenshot_20240917_121533….jpg)


Ryan Routh wasn’t in an ad for BlackRock, like suspected Trump rally shooter Thomas Crooks, as viral posts claim. Videos show Routh at a 2022 rally in Ukraine.


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7dea07 No.21610016

Q. Why does Israel want war so bad?

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a7691f No.21610017

File: f943cbf0c00736c⋯.jpeg (116.01 KB,808x1280,101:160,IMG_9587.jpeg)

File: 109641d6461d7c2⋯.gif (1.29 MB,260x258,130:129,IMG_9591.gif)

File: 5470defb9fe7e3e⋯.gif (2.14 MB,498x412,249:206,Ryan_Gosling_Laughing_.GIF)

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5dad6d No.21610018

File: 0e7fad081bc27a2⋯.mp4 (3.77 MB,1292x720,323:180,0e7fad081bc27a243ff69df853….mp4)

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55a4e1 No.21610019


Insiders been sellin' for months. Not new.

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c031ec No.21610020

File: d42bf7c2bad201d⋯.png (2.02 MB,2560x2560,1:1,Patriot_Q_Badge_Alpha.png)


Thank You Baker o7

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88ea33 No.21610022

File: 52adf8ed870944a⋯.png (83.95 KB,473x840,473:840,qaggdropimage365.png)


1/2 of 73%

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90dff5 No.21610023

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





Phone Battery Explosion

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ba837c No.21610024

Should Trump rule from the winter white house and avoid DC entirely at least until next summer when things are more settled?

Asking for Melania


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a7691f No.21610025

File: e33cd755edcd645⋯.png (815.69 KB,598x800,299:400,525D8DD4_BBB0_4277_918C_98….png)

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a4c41d No.21610026


nvm, saw your previous posts.

shillin fo clicks

buh bye

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474179 No.21610028

File: 83c78fb37c2ac6f⋯.png (855.28 KB,673x1024,673:1024,ClipboardImage.png)

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fd494f No.21610029

overheard around the tampon machine

"what did she say". – "anything new"

answer: sumting about scared panicked democrats over the riotous

THIS IS MAGA COUNTRY racists hating blah blah blah insurrection

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9ac683 No.21610030


Erik Prince is a POS who got rich off the blood of the dudes that thought they were gods overseas.

He should be brought up on crimes against humanity

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ba837c No.21610031


Pretty sure we just avoid ww3 for the 3rd time at least

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a7691f No.21610032

File: baef4f4e1dd8287⋯.jpg (494.91 KB,946x699,946:699,IMG_3393.jpg)

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34552c No.21610033

File: ea6a4b17a9f29c0⋯.jpeg (154.65 KB,959x720,959:720,IMG_7644.jpeg)

File: 130d15d6aa734d2⋯.jpeg (265.1 KB,959x1048,959:1048,IMG_7642.jpeg)

File: 741eb951aefff53⋯.jpeg (298.38 KB,959x720,959:720,IMG_7638.jpeg)

File: edf1a1ce9006273⋯.jpeg (130.16 KB,959x720,959:720,IMG_7637.jpeg)

File: 669c9addb25a470⋯.jpeg (175.15 KB,959x720,959:720,IMG_7636.jpeg)

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5df4eb No.21610034

File: 37b8009fafa5662⋯.jpg (391.99 KB,687x686,687:686,Image1.jpg)

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a7e119 No.21610035

File: 54efbf3e4eec19d⋯.png (61.08 KB,738x540,41:30,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8e32a879e75e0c5⋯.png (27.65 KB,750x242,375:121,ClipboardImage.png)

Soros-Funded Group Doubling Down on Censorship Efforts Ahead of 2024 Election

A radical censorship-obsessed group financed by leftist billionaire George Soros is doubling down on efforts to interfere in the 2024 election by turning the screws on Big Tech to censor speech and by manipulating journalists.

Free Press, fueled with at least $2 million by Soros between 2017 and 2021, announced that it was launching a new Orwellian scheme called “‘Democracy Is … .’” This so-called “new initiative” will deputize journalists through indoctrination by the Soros machine and engage the public on how to censor speech by supposedly “flagging disinformation” on social media platforms. In addition, Free Press pledged that the initiative would “provide other needed resources to influence media and technology platforms to better serve our communities and strengthen our democracy,” the press release boasted. [Emphasis added.]

The new “Democracy Is …” website sensationalized how “In an era of misinformation and manipulation, the role of media and tech matter more than ever,” offering chilling insights into where the Soros empire is zeroing its focus ahead of the November elections.

The coalition is a hodgepodge of leftist and Soros-backed groups. These groups include the “digital brownshirts” at the Center for Countering Digital Hate, whose entire modus operandi is pressuring Big Tech to censor views that don’t comport with leftist narratives on climate change, COVID-19 and other things.

Other coalition members include Soros-backed groups like People for the American Way, UnidosUS, Common Cause, UltraViolet and United We Dream, which received an additional $12,085,000 at least collectively between them and/or their affiliated groups from the billionaire’s empire. Another group, Accountable Tech, became notorious for pressuring advertisers to pull their ads from Twitter (now X) after owner Elon Musk completed his multibillion-dollar acquisition.

MRC Free Speech America Vice President Dan Schneider ripped the coalition in a statement. “Free Press’s view of saving Democracy is to take away the rights of half of Americans by silencing its political opponents who express different political points of view,” he rebuked. “Nothing can be more undemocratic than that.”

The new “Democracy Is …” website excoriated Big Tech platforms for scaling back their 1984-like Ministry of Truth apparatus that censored speech like it was going out of style in the 2020 election:

This retreat from content moderation, civil-society oversight and trust-and-safety measures means that tech companies are not prepared to protect users and democracy in 2024. In 2020, election disinformation disproportionately targeted people of color, women and non-English speakers — and this trend continues today.

“Democracy Is …” laid out a litany of “demands” to Big Tech platforms, which are nothing short of disturbing. One demand was for Big Tech platforms to “expand critical moderation and enforcement teams,” which is a euphemism for making sure social media giants like Facebook, TikTok and X act as speech control officers.


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4cbbd8 No.21610036

File: ddc3c7fb412c39f⋯.jpg (38.83 KB,820x591,820:591,20240917_131418.jpg)

File: e1599c89b363e11⋯.jpg (102.55 KB,728x450,364:225,20240917_131411.jpg)



At least 8 people were killed and over 2,700 injured when pagers containing PETN, one of the most powerful explosives, detonated across Lebanon.

PETN (Pentaerythritol tetranitrate) is highly sensitive and can cause devastating damage even in small amounts—just 20 grams can trigger lethal explosions.

The blasts, blamed on Israel by Hezbollah, occurred at 3:30 p.m. and also injured Iran's ambassador to Lebanon, Mojtaba Amani.

The IDF has not commented amid ongoing tensions.

Sources: Al Jazeera, Channel 13, US TODAY

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d37eb9 No.21610037


going to go on with your attack for my expressing my OPINION about what is war criminality?

trying to pretend to virtue when you defend illegal and psychopathic methods of targetting enemy combatents?

you support terrorism, anon, by thinking' it's OK to blow up a device in a public market.

you can deflect all you want by the ones who made those bombs lost a lot by using them: they made the world see them as psychopaths, and reminded everyone of how much evil they can do when they are cheerlead by other psychopaths.

your 'cause of the great people' BS is shown as clearly satanic.

you need to reform and face your own putrid self, and realize whatyou have let yourself become.

Instead youi try to pick on some random person who has a sense of that which you applaud as being criminal behavior.

you're a sad example of the brainwashing of an immoral gang.

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199f8f No.21610038

File: cf3e18731755705⋯.png (414.51 KB,585x369,65:41,cf3e187317557057533f73a9da….png)




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a7e119 No.21610039

File: d77dd706e7eb41d⋯.png (809.81 KB,734x592,367:296,ClipboardImage.png)

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0b7886 No.21610040

File: 834d8a1b5fb1db1⋯.gif (119.01 KB,220x376,55:94,Dance_Puppet_.gif)


I want to reply, you have to reply, that's the difference puppet.

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d11782 No.21610041

File: 81458309951a98f⋯.png (154.67 KB,348x375,116:125,ClipboardImage.png)


The Chosen Ones™. Stay classy, Israel. /s


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fd494f No.21610042


just a blip in the radar

she gained tons of immigrants

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90dff5 No.21610043

File: b9c22790f801b21⋯.png (801.55 KB,714x485,714:485,ClipboardImage.png)

Deep State Leak: Secret Service Can’t (decided not to) Guarantee it Can Prevent More Assassination Attempts Against Trump

The Deep State is preparing the public just to accept that there will be more assassination attempts against Trump.


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ac76d0 No.21610044



why are you spreading hysterical bullshit?

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474179 No.21610045

File: 50994f3790d2a55⋯.png (398.77 KB,710x584,355:292,ClipboardImage.png)

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34552c No.21610046

File: a6b9c3ce8f38a9e⋯.jpeg (206.71 KB,959x959,1:1,IMG_7654.jpeg)

File: 6ae35f53a4faeb3⋯.jpeg (111.31 KB,664x960,83:120,IMG_7651.jpeg)

File: 49645b9e9e99306⋯.jpeg (100.45 KB,716x1299,716:1299,IMG_7648.jpeg)

File: d85b062ff4b716e⋯.jpeg (125.58 KB,959x959,1:1,IMG_7652.jpeg)

File: ea1eb553677019b⋯.jpeg (151.82 KB,959x1065,959:1065,IMG_7657.jpeg)

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ebbe7d No.21610047

File: 320df04717a3211⋯.png (164.86 KB,498x496,249:248,ClipboardImage.png)


>I want to reply, you have to reply

Hahaha. Ok retard.

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5bff40 No.21610048


4/17/20 will never forget that day

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a4c41d No.21610049



>Lithium Batteries Spit OUT Fountains of Fire

NOT encased in steel such as a high elplosive bomb would be.

If a bomb was encased in paper, it would only burn.

did you knot read wat i sed?

reading comprehension is a virtue.

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2340eb No.21610050

Vance [campaign event]: I reject the idea that there is some sort of tension between securing your border and economic growth. If you look at the history of this country, we had a very, very strong border, and a rapidly growing economy It's only in the last twenty, thirty years, where America leaders decided we should open the floodgate, and what have we seen over the last twenty to thirty years? Declining standards of living. If the solution to our economic growth problems was to import millions and millions of illegal immigrants, than every country in Europe would be doing a lot better than they are now, and frankly, the United States would be doing better today than it was four years ago, we're doing worse than four years ago because we allowed this flood of migration.

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f3ae12 No.21610051

File: 4aace9530c8102f⋯.png (151.25 KB,642x584,321:292,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0c9a51b4fcc39ef⋯.png (465.54 KB,1489x765,1489:765,ClipboardImage.png)



>hmm intensifies

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a7691f No.21610052

File: b1a98d35c187773⋯.jpeg (510.79 KB,918x680,27:20,IMG_9584.jpeg)

File: 028fe9ce8f2bd7c⋯.mp4 (58.43 KB,498x372,83:62,GXcg8IbW8AAjh7N.mp4)


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474179 No.21610053

File: b63ae00bb67162d⋯.png (459.79 KB,710x556,355:278,ClipboardImage.png)

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af7a89 No.21610055


well at least now there is a report of an explosive material added to the phones as well as a receiver for the detonation. Hezobolah has to be really stupid to just take free beepers.

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923708 No.21610056


Sauce if you got it pl/ty.

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a7e119 No.21610057

Former Netanyahu aide hints Israel is behind Beirut attack

Ministers and Likud MKs have been directed not to talk about the cyberattack in Beirut.

Topaz Luk, a former top aide and spokesperson to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, hinted in a post on X that Israel was behind Tuesday's attack in Beirut.

Luk's post was a response to a former post by publicist Haim Levinson, in which Levinson argued that the prime minister would not order an attack prior to his visit to New York next week for the United National General Assembly. Luk responded, "[The argument] did not age well," indicating that the prime minister had ordered the attack.

The Prime Minister's Office said in response, "Topaz Luk has not been the prime minister's spokesperson for a number of months and is not part of the inner circle of consultations."


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d37eb9 No.21610058


the manufacturers need to be held as war criminals

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d516a0 No.21610059

File: 91b87dab57f4b19⋯.png (14.68 KB,540x198,30:11,image_2024_09_17_151806850.png)

From last drop to today is 660 days.

Monday the 23rd will be 666 days.

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9ac683 No.21610060

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34552c No.21610061

Your mom is so fat, when her pager goes off people think she’s backing up.

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90dff5 No.21610062

File: 81bf80a62c204b4⋯.png (644.87 KB,768x432,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Texas rocked by one of strongest earthquakes in state's history

US state rocked by 'rare' earthquake that was felt 300 miles away

A US state experienced one of its largest earthquakes on record Monday evening. The USGS reported the region was hit by a 5.1 magnitude quake that rattled homes for at least 10 seconds.


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d5dde3 No.21610064

File: 44cad5b6f5e6b93⋯.gif (945.32 KB,220x154,10:7,comfy_yawn.gif)

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d516a0 No.21610065



Some people did something…

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5df4eb No.21610066


fatties and cucks

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a7e119 No.21610067

File: 491d99594de0c75⋯.png (108.73 KB,204x192,17:16,ClipboardImage.png)


See theGLOWY MOSFAGattack the sauce but not the content!

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34552c No.21610068


Diff type of dead cat bounce

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ba837c No.21610069

The updated numbers:

4000 wounded of which 400 in critical conditions


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0b7886 No.21610070



Retarded like getting cannibalism from bread kmao. I thought you were ending this interaction? Why such a liar?

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5df4eb No.21610071


I think you mean Slava Ukraine

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164554 No.21610072


seriously? Is that why his shirt was up around his chest in most of the photos? I was wondering maybe he said be sure to show my 6 pack….

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d11782 No.21610073


They're trying too hard to push this obscure website. Now, it's more looking like a deflection. What don't they want us looking at?

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90dff5 No.21610074

File: d77e12b6ba8503a⋯.png (1.09 MB,643x680,643:680,ClipboardImage.png)

TDS. It's real.

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0dcce4 No.21610075

File: 5d899f4fe753137⋯.png (35.37 KB,150x116,75:58,peperock_r.png)

a bit of a Truth storm

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ba837c No.21610076

EXPLOSIVE DETAILS: According to Sky News Arabic, Mossad placed 20 grams of PETN explosives into each device. PETN is sensitive to heat and friction, and Israel detonated it by raising the temperature of the battery to explode it.

41.2Kviewsedited  14:39

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a4c41d No.21610077

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



>Phone Battery Explosion

yep. encased in soft wrapping

look at the PB video THAT YOU APPARENTLY did not watch.


be smarter

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75a8e6 No.21610078


21 months, 21 days


Q is a Freemason

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ba837c No.21610080

💥 BOOM 💥

It’s getting even more interesting!

Reports now that the pagers came from Iran and that the Mossad planted the explosives on Iranian territory before they left for Lebanon.


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90dff5 No.21610081

File: 97f9b5103f93eb0⋯.png (486.99 KB,768x432,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

("Fine Taylor … you win … I will give you a child and guard your cats with my life.”) "is another way of saying rape." Sounds like misinformation to me.

Hillary Clinton accuses of Musk of 'threatening to rape' Taylor Swift

Hillary Clinton criticized Elon Musk's tweet offering to 'give Taylor Swift a child' after she endorsed Kamala Harris for president. Clinton expressed disbelief at Musk's comment, calling it misogynistic.


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3b9a51 No.21610082

File: b388503fc9472cf⋯.png (372.29 KB,869x724,869:724,ClipboardImage.png)


in the movie John Cena character calls in a favor and i guess the agency sends out a signal and ignites all phone at the coordinates he gave them

forcing Noel to call in a favor with the Lewis Protection Agency. Before the mob can break in, the LPA short-circuits their phones and drives Katie and Noel to safety.

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90dff5 No.21610083

File: ea629851721b586⋯.png (395.32 KB,497x318,497:318,ClipboardImage.png)


>4000 wounded of which 400 in critical conditions

Who Had Hezbollah Balls blowing off?

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fb1b35 No.21610085


>Biden-Harris DHS Refused to Investigate…

Biden-Harris DHS were told not to Investigate…

Fixed it for [them]

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d516a0 No.21610086


Same stuff in blasting caps.

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88ea33 No.21610087


Not him. Routh has very big ears & different facial structure. Unless someone edited the video before it was posted.

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d11782 No.21610088

File: f77913f3e82605c⋯.png (2.53 MB,498x278,249:139,ClipboardImage.png)

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af7a89 No.21610090


so everyone was right a little bit they had a way to do both raise the temp and explosive.

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f3ae12 No.21610091

File: ee797f927624d94⋯.png (29.55 KB,659x282,659:282,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e74a73332a13441⋯.png (103.33 KB,1199x821,1199:821,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 012a6cf6791e551⋯.png (29.5 KB,1187x560,1187:560,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ba049044328819e⋯.png (176.96 KB,1893x844,1893:844,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 50e09299658ed53⋯.png (70.48 KB,524x681,524:681,ClipboardImage.png)



so usual glownigger shit

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d516a0 No.21610092


No not a Freemason.

But we have been using [their] #'s against them.

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90dff5 No.21610093

File: dbace74bcead769⋯.png (824.49 KB,720x889,720:889,ClipboardImage.png)

Great news — My new book, SAVE AMERICA, is a hot item!


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ac76d0 No.21610095


sorry, I thought it was implied that the content was trash. i'll be more clear next time.

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b1115e No.21610096

File: 1de9ac185c66b1d⋯.mp4 (1.41 MB,460x460,1:1,1de9ac185c66b1d35bd1ee3e88….mp4)

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34552c No.21610097


Insurance, no?

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d37eb9 No.21610098


so it's alledged that MOSSAD are the war criminals?

arrest them all if so!

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d11782 No.21610099


>Hillary Clinton accuses of Musk of 'threatening to rape' Taylor Swift

Kek. Did she call dibs or something? #Frazzledrip.

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90dff5 No.21610100

File: 152a815dc710569⋯.png (627.8 KB,768x432,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Swedish politician criminally prosecuted for posting cartoon questioning the benefits of mass muslim migration

Swedish MP Facing Criminal Charges for Reposting Satirical Cartoons on X

“The right to use political satire is also an important part of freedom of speech,” Richard Jomshof said.


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a7691f No.21610102

File: f35475c83a41e01⋯.gif (710.38 KB,360x268,90:67,IMG_9669.gif)

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90dff5 No.21610103

File: ed05d4091a213ad⋯.png (576.72 KB,720x820,36:41,ClipboardImage.png)

HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of smuggled children are now missing

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75a8e6 No.21610104


Freemasons are Faggots

interested in destroying humanity

their world is the transhumanist matrix


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a7e119 No.21610105

File: 2fc265568d858c7⋯.png (317.89 KB,639x389,639:389,ClipboardImage.png)

Operation Lockstep: Is Phase Three Being Put In Motion?

Phase One: The outbreak of a virus and the initial government responses, such as lockdowns, travel restrictions, and social distancing measures, often referred to as a “trial run” to test public compliance.

Phase Two: Escalation of fear through media coverage, leading to increased government control measures, such as extended lockdowns, mandatory vaccinations, and the restriction of civil liberties.

Phase Three: This phase would involve a more permanent state of control, where extreme government measures (such as police and military enforcement, forced vaccinations, and digital IDs) would become the norm. In this phase, there is a high level of poverty and a chance of economic collapse, food shortages, and further erosion of people’s freedoms, leading to a more authoritarian, surveillance-heavy world. The WEF has been very brazen about this phase, using the pandemic opportunity to supercharge their agenda, stating that the control of people’s liberties is a positive step for us all.

As we are all witness to in these current times, top-down authority is starting to tighten its grip on every aspect of our lives, from the food we should consume, to where and how we should travel, even to what we are allowed to say. Our finances are being closely monitored, and digital ID is just around the corner for many of us.

This socialist playbook has been in the making for decades, with the Rockefeller Foundation just being one of the players to show us all exactly what has been in store for our future. Therefore, there is an increasing need for us to learn and understand exactly what we are all facing. We are at a pivotal moment in man’s continuing struggle as free and autonomous beings, which we must hold on to at all cost.


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34552c No.21610106


>Inflation eating your hearts out

That’s pretty wild

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189aeb No.21610107

File: 5fd647a2fa72a70⋯.png (406.76 KB,508x493,508:493,Screenshot_2024_09_17_at_1….png)


OMG, that him at a knee pad's rally

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ba837c No.21610108

Today, Israel changed the game for electronic and cyber warfare. Probably the biggest move since the atomic bomb.


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90dff5 No.21610109

File: a8513c757c740c5⋯.png (335.23 KB,373x551,373:551,ClipboardImage.png)


>You know this is not Hillary, anons./

Hillary for Prison!

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1049ea No.21610110

File: 1ee66951352d91e⋯.jpg (75.39 KB,362x463,362:463,1ee66951352d91e463722b8a59….jpg)

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df8d26 No.21610111



No. Thats dumb. They would go off if left in a hot car. PETN is not -that- sensitive. Pagers recieve every page, and then only display that page if it is to the current device. These were no doubt wired to trigger on a page.

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90dff5 No.21610112

File: b5df2264057a588⋯.png (171.62 KB,1207x226,1207:226,ClipboardImage.png)

Google openly tells illegals to register to vote. Google says to register to vote in English and Spanish today do you think they mean Trump.

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a7e119 No.21610113

Ecuador to enforce 8-hour nightly blackouts amid severe drought, curfew due to security concerns.

Ecuador is facing severe drought conditions, the worst in 61 years, which have significantly impacted the country’s hydroelectric power plants. As a result, the government has announced nationwide nighttime blackouts starting Thursday. These power cuts will last for 8 hours nightly from Monday to Thursday to minimize the impact on productivity.

Additionally, teleworking will be implemented in the public sector on certain days to help manage the situation. A curfew will also be enforced due to ongoing security concerns.



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836e2e No.21610114

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Super skinny, pink shirt…

Looks like kamala Greensboro rally on Sept 12th a few days before shooter on Sept. 15

He could be in other vids from that day. Woth a dig.

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75a8e6 No.21610115

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


hacking Teslas

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d37eb9 No.21610116


and showed the psychopathic nature of their leaders?

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ba837c No.21610118

File: 250fff21c30758f⋯.jpeg (84.04 KB,640x454,320:227,download_69.jpeg)


Let's goooooo

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90dff5 No.21610119

File: 226e57fee5d8a42⋯.png (1.81 MB,2465x1495,493:299,ClipboardImage.png)

Trump tweet: "When you're "hot", the lowlifes really shoot at you!"

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d11782 No.21610120

File: 5f1bffeb1811e56⋯.mp4 (3.16 MB,720x720,1:1,bibi_netanyahu_it_s_antise….mp4)


>so it's alledged that MOSSAD are the war criminals?

Kek. It's anti-Semitisms™ to accuse the Jews of anything, Anon. Didn't you get the memo?

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474179 No.21610121

File: f72c7790524f3b6⋯.jpg (67.86 KB,846x538,423:269,f72c7790524f3b6335ed4d4587….jpg)

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d516a0 No.21610122

File: c39c10c439fd64f⋯.png (435.46 KB,526x526,1:1,GXs4IFFWMAAmK3C.png)

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a7e119 No.21610123

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Corrupt CPS agents are being paid by trafficking rings as an incentive to kidnap children.


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a7691f No.21610124

File: 0c09b7b8e9098ac⋯.png (2.07 MB,1366x942,683:471,104484C5_FE31_499A_AE34_F3….png)

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34552c No.21610125


Can’t wait til the aitodiasos

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90dff5 No.21610127

File: f598976c9db68c6⋯.png (295.68 KB,675x694,675:694,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 82742cec8b95705⋯.png (747.03 KB,1200x1200,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 91de0c679e06af5⋯.png (353.1 KB,720x960,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e5265fa388c6246⋯.png (384.83 KB,960x960,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e73c7400041d6f0⋯.png (960.86 KB,900x1200,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)


💭 uncle think tank


🍿 UFO photographed in China

We need to step up our game!! Get your fucking phones out

(#UFOTwitter #UFO #UFOs #UFOSightings #UAPTwitter)

9:07 AM • Sep 17, 2024


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af7a89 No.21610128


its the fucking desert would not be practical period based on that idea. If its that sensitive. So what its either explosive goo, or just the tech being hacked and going boom. Or the boom is bigger bceause of the tech over heat. It still is nefarious,

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a4c41d No.21610129

File: 900a537660ed2d4⋯.mp4 (2.67 MB,640x640,1:1,900a537660ed2d449515d323fe….mp4)


sauce it or you just vidrel

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a7e119 No.21610130


So Israel is not trying to bribe congress?

You fucking lying kike

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34552c No.21610131

File: 30b7d5c257f0007⋯.png (1.31 MB,750x1184,375:592,ClipboardImage.png)

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a7691f No.21610132

File: c0b9637291f59a9⋯.jpeg (90.87 KB,500x531,500:531,B1C02DB6_92B0_420B_99AF_8….jpeg)

File: 2548ced15acb237⋯.jpeg (902.69 KB,1601x2000,1601:2000,6B3235F3_84E1_4071_8F53_0….jpeg)

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ba837c No.21610133


Back to the future Trump says he's got this..

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34552c No.21610134


She looks like she’s starving for a nut

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95e9db No.21610135


Tone down the rhetoric

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90dff5 No.21610136

File: e9b1db86f2cd2d3⋯.mp4 (1.07 MB,1280x720,16:9,SERIOUSLY_Karine_Jean_Pier….mp4)

SERIOUSLY? Karine Jean Pierre just AGAIN said that President Trump is a “threat to democracy.” The Biden Harris White House is calling for a third attempt. They’re not even hiding it.

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86c254 No.21610137

Just got a YT ad to register me to vote.

High Schools trying to register underage kids.

Going to be ugly.

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d11782 No.21610138

File: feefbab5007499e⋯.png (45.34 KB,633x772,633:772,ClipboardImage.png)


>She looks like she’s starving for a nut


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d37eb9 No.21610139


whose accusing 'the jews', anon.

I'm saying that if it's true that Mossad and the Israeli leadership did this then they are war crimes.

do you believe in collective guilt?

do you think that a few oligarchs and sots represent a whole nation?

if they commited crimes one doesn't hold all Jews responsible, does one? I certainly don't.

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f3ae12 No.21610140

File: a3a0f60930b0ad8⋯.png (231.16 KB,564x448,141:112,ClipboardImage.png)


fuckin' a

bring on the finale!

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5df4eb No.21610141

File: 406c6c5ce48f8c6⋯.jpg (394.44 KB,687x686,687:686,Image2.jpg)

with added slava ukraine globohomo "new Israel" corruption central button

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90dff5 No.21610142

File: af26f67d6e13ba2⋯.png (24.36 KB,675x213,225:71,ClipboardImage.png)

Donald J. Trump


Early Voting in Pennsylvania. GO VOTE. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!! DJT

10:56 AM • Sep 17, 2024


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474179 No.21610143

File: db7cca4a9e9dba5⋯.jpg (73.52 KB,745x731,745:731,ufo4.JPG)

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90dff5 No.21610145

File: fb2009d377e2ea6⋯.png (1.07 MB,989x989,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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34552c No.21610146


He must have looted [them] of their gold n the shootin started

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80bf60 No.21610147

message to twitter X engagement farmers

You fucktards with your stupid fucking posts, engagement farming to make money, may think why not, I'm not hurting anything or anybody. And while you aren't hurting anybody, you are definitely a huge problem for information that actually helps to MAGA, that ACTUALLY helps to do SOMETHING to help win the war we are currently engaged in, your stupid fucking posts obfuscate important info with your incessant addiction to clicks and the money it brings. You go ahead and and put out your daily litany of retarded BS, but when this battle is over, you better not try and take an ounce of fucking credit for being a part of the fight. Your ghey ass fucking retard posts hinder our fight while doing absolutely fuck all to help our cause. You are ALL just as bad as the ones we are fighting, bunch of fucking low info retarded fucking PAYtriots. There is a war going on, and you want to know what a certain kitchen utensil is, or how I feel about such and such that has zero relevance to our fight. GOOGLE it dumbfucks, and stfu, and keep your foggy shit off the fucking timeline.

Baker would appreciate you noting this, in hopes these wannabe patriots, might happen to see it, and rethink their "contributions" to the fight. And hopefully some might focus all their faggotry on the battle at hand vs pursuing personal gain. And no I'm not saying anything about accounts that only put out actual facts and info that furthers our goals in MAGA, but the PAYtriots know exactly whom I'm referring to.

TY for letting me vent gise.

PS: when this is all said and done, these fuckwits will also not be able to walk down the streets, deservedly so,so I hope the clicks were worth being looked at in the same vein as all the pinko commies and DS fucks that are trying to kill us. for the rest of your lives, I'm sure your families are goi9ng to be stoked about that.

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2a20cb No.21610148

File: 5e56843bfac24d0⋯.png (3.5 MB,1500x999,500:333,ClipboardImage.png)


there is precedent

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a7691f No.21610149

File: 58411086b8f1e6f⋯.jpeg (67.38 KB,360x640,9:16,IMG_9671.jpeg)

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000000 No.21610150


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d516a0 No.21610151

File: b805fd657040010⋯.png (340.66 KB,532x536,133:134,Capture.PNG)

✈️⛽A U.S. Air Force B-2 Spirit and 4 Japan Air Self-Defense Force F-35A Lightnings approach a KC-135 over the Indo-Pacific. The KC-135’s refueling capability enhances joint operations, supporting seamless cooperation with our Allies.

#TogetherWeDeliver #TankerTuesday


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34552c No.21610152


Our gold they stole I meant

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9ac5b6 No.21610153


Might I inquire who is buying?

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521c6c No.21610154


I bet you get really excited about things.

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9ac5b6 No.21610155

Biden Won’t Block Potential Strike at U.S. Ports, Administration Says

By Lisa Baertlein and David Shepardson Reuters September 17, 2024

LOS ANGELES/WASHINGTON, Sept 17 (Reuters) – U.S. President Joe Biden does not intend to invoke a federal law to prevent a port strike on the East Coast and Gulf of Mexico if dockworkers fail to secure a new labor contract by an Oct. 1 deadline, an administration official said on Tuesday.

The International Longshoremen’s Association, negotiating on behalf of workers at three dozen U.S. ports from Maine to Texas that handle about half of the nation’s seaborne imports, has warned that its members are prepared to stop work if they do not have a contract by then.

Their current six-year agreement with the United States Maritime Alliance (USMX) expires on Sept. 30.

U.S. presidents can intervene in labor disputes that threaten national security or safety by imposing an 80-day cooling-off period under the federal Taft-Hartley Act, forcing workers back on the job while negotiations continue.

“We’ve never invoked Taft-Hartley to break a strike and are not considering doing so now,” the Biden administration official told Reuters.

Talks between the ILA and USMX have stalled over issues ranging from wages and benefits to terminal automation.

“We encourage all parties to remain at the bargaining table and negotiate in good faith,” the Biden official said.

The National Retail Federation on Tuesday led a group of 177 trade associations representing retailers like Walmart, manufacturers, farmers, auto makers and truckers in calling on Biden to help reach a resolution.

Last summer, Biden dispatched Acting Labor Secretary Julie Su to help negotiate a crucial contract deal between U.S. West Coast seaport employers and their union workers, following labor disruptions at some busy California port terminals.

Both sides had agreed to keep talking after their July 1, 2022, deadline because the COVID pandemic cargo boom was jamming up critical supply chains and stoking inflation.

Their June 2023 deal secured a 32% pay increase for workers and was expected to be a template for labor talks on the East and Gulf coasts.


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90dff5 No.21610156

File: a9cb7495ff16c95⋯.png (541.77 KB,577x433,577:433,ClipboardImage.png)

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d516a0 No.21610157

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.




A B1-B assigned to the 419th Flight Test Squadron conducts aerial refuelling with a KC-135 from the 370th FLTS in the skies above the Mojave Desert in California. Even through flight test, our pilots keep their war fighting skills sharp.




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d2925e No.21610158

File: 13abdc52be04607⋯.gif (59.67 KB,354x286,177:143,13abdc52be04607fabdf15483b….gif)

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3b9a51 No.21610160

File: bb572cda93cf5ce⋯.png (606 KB,1357x623,1357:623,ClipboardImage.png)

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189aeb No.21610161

File: 1da92ec139e8e8f⋯.png (1.17 MB,918x918,1:1,Screenshot_2024_09_17_at_1….png)

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a4c41d No.21610162



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88ea33 No.21610163

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8912f5 No.21610164


thanks, I am only seeing cases up to March 2024 on that one.

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00e9ab No.21610165


no one ever refers to her as nigga

b/c she ain't black

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a7691f No.21610166

File: 63cd1c6bad472a3⋯.mp4 (13.08 MB,704x1280,11:20,_2500786858514480608.mp4)

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9ac5b6 No.21610167


>then they are war crimes

No, brilliantly executed covert operation

Langley is jealous, or were in on it

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6bed84 No.21610168

File: e12fb598ee76865⋯.jpg (84.83 KB,800x600,4:3,e12fb598ee7686562d2de4edb2….jpg)

File: 3d9ae32988ed65f⋯.png (754.9 KB,1000x735,200:147,3d9ae32988ed65fdb1b221adad….png)

File: b8a63c1c439d869⋯.mp4 (3.16 MB,640x592,40:37,b8a63c1c439d86985e305108af….mp4)

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923708 No.21610169

File: d033759a5f2e094⋯.png (1014.72 KB,1020x1007,1020:1007,POTUS_T_Q_sent_me.png)


NOTE CK @430



>>21609702 President meets w/ Ajay Banga, President of the World Bank, to discuss Bank’s work to reduce global poverty, address global challenges

>>21609705 Swamp Events Today

>>21609710 The democrats are down 303,000 mail in ballots. We are only down 50,000. Excellent news

>>21609711, >>21609735, >>21609865 Gov of FL mentions Vegas shooting while discussing FED agency incompetence re Trump assassination attempts

>>21609715 NATO Chief 'Welcomes' Allies Approving Attacks On Russia With Long-Range Missiles

>>21609712, >>21609719, >>21609734, >>21609780, >>21609829, >>21609928, >>21610136 Buckwheat notes

>>21609722 Zelensky (Sicko) calls for destroying the ‘comfortable life’ of Russians

>>21609746, >>21609793, >>21609760 Iranian ambassador with his face blown off, his shirt soaked in blood

>>21609751 Two Oversight Officials Fired Hours After Pointing Out Anti-Police Bias In Chicago's Office Of Police Accountability

>>21609755, >>21609766, >>21609777, >>21609787, >>21609796, >>21609852, >>21609920 Memes

>>21609765 US threatening freedom of speech – ex-Greek envoy

>>21609772 Florida sheriff fed up with school shooting hoaxes posts boy’s mugshot to social media

>>21609774 Who Was The Alleged Assassin Working With? (Ep. 2330)

>>21609775 DAF adapting, modernizing in today’s warfighting environment

>>21609783 Olympic athlete suspended over Christian gesture

>>21609802 Hillary Clinton Clinton Calls Trump "a Danger to Our Country and World” After Assassination Attempt

>>21609808, >>21609977 Ohio sheriff urges residents to collect addresses of those with Harris yard signs

>>21609816, >>21609893, >>21609953, >>21610127 Strange UFO Sighting Reported Over Downtown Tampa Last Night

>>21609830 President Donald J. Trump CEASE & DESIST Order

>>21609835, >>21609862 Seal and Unsealed Indictments Database

>>21609840 Rally Comms. Beware The Moon. Automobile + PACKED + SALT

>>21609842 AZ Sec of State: Nearly 100,000 AZ voters incorrectly listed as providing proof of citizenship

>>21609856 Georgia (country) officially bans same-sex marriage, gender reassignment surgery, pride events, public displays of LGBTQ rainbow flag

>>21609858 Hillary Clinton Says Americans Should Be Criminally Charged and Jailed for Spreading “Misinformation”

>>21609869 Biden-Harris DHS Refused to Investigate Failed Trump Shooter After He Was Flagged by Border Agents Last Year

>>21609885 Former POTUS DJT set to visit National Shrine of Our Lady of Czestochowa in New Britain Township on Sun., 9/ 22

>>21609886 Your Automobile Insurance is up 73% — VOTE FOR TRUMP, I’LL CUT THAT NUMBER IN HALF!

>>21609911 President Trump just brought the Martin County Sheriff’s Deputies who captured would-be ass*ssin Ryan Routh to Mar-a-Lago.

>>21609917 Settler mob attacks West Bank elementary school under army protection

>>21609919 NY Times refers to Trump assassin Ryan Routh as ‘crusader for causes large and small’

>>21609924, >>21610087, >>21610107, >>21610114 The guy in this vid from the kamala rally looks like The shooter Routh?

>>21609932 Major companies abandon an LGBTQ+ rights report card after facing anti-diversity backlash

>>21609935 Local institutions have moved $40 billion out of Israel since start of war – report

>>21609948 Former first lady Melania Trump left her husband Donald’s namesake Midtown tower under heavy guard Tuesday

>>21609957 Loose electrical cable found on ship that caused Baltimore bridge collapse

>>21609958 Israel Kills 20 More Palestinians in the Gaza Strip

>>21609967 Ohio Gov Mike DeWine refusing to identify foreign actors who called in majority of hoax bomb threats in Springfield, Ohio

>>21609972 Israeli diplomats are lobbying (bribes/blackmail) U.S. politicians to pressure South Africa into dropping ICJ genocide case

>>21610081 Hillary Clinton accuses of Musk of 'threatening to rape' Taylor Swift

>>21610093 POTUS T Book:Great news — My new book, SAVE AMERICA, is a hot item!

>>21610100 Swedish politician criminally prosecuted for posting cartoon questioning the benefits of mass muslim migration

>>21610113 Ecuador to enforce 8-hour nightly blackouts amid severe drought, curfew due to security concerns

>>21610142 realDonaldTrump: Early Voting in Pennsylvania. GO VOTE. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!! DJT

>>21610151, >>21610157 Military Twats


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e2e1db No.21610170

File: bb2edc9cb737682⋯.jpg (274.08 KB,1200x1200,1:1,Pete_Antoinette.jpg)

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521c6c No.21610171


I hate people

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b30d2a No.21610172


thanks for the graphic.

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92976e No.21610173


drug addict

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6bed84 No.21610174

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

“Under SIEGE” Second Assassination Attempt Made On Donald Trump

Piers Morgan Uncensored

16 Sept 2024

After another attempt on former president Donald Trump’s life, the US is left asking many questions - are we in the midst of a security scandal and if so, do members of the Secret Service now need to be fired? Could it change the election? And is America on the brink of chaos?

Joining Piers Morgan to discuss all the above is former United States Secretary of Defense, Leon Panetta, former United States Ambassador to the United Nations, US Air Force veteran and YouTuber, Jake Broe, podcast and radio host Ben Ferguson, former Navy Seal and author Jonathan T Gilliam, former British Conservative MP Louise Mensch, former lawyer for Donald Trump, Jenna Ellis, comedian and commentator, Jimmy Dore and former candidate for President and host of 'Social Contract with Joe Walsh', Joe Walsh.

00:00 - Introduction

04:32 - Leon Panetta on second attempt on Trump’s life

15:49- Ben Ferguson says Secret Service should be fired

19:19 - Jake Broe says he wants to see Trump make it to election day and lose

23:00 - Who is to blame here? Jonathan Gilliam enters the discussion

29:50 - Calling Trump the second Hitler and ‘hating Taylor Swift’

35:06 - John Bolton on whether motive was political

36:19 - John Bolton: ‘The Iranians are trying to kill me’

42:26 - Ben Ferguson angrily reacts to Bolton’s views

52:50 - Louise Mensch: ’Secret Service got it together In ways they didn’t last time’’

57:30 - Jimmy Dore: ‘The establishment want to get rid of Donald Trump’

01:02:38 - Jenna Ellis enters the discussion

01:04:30 - ‘We shouldn’t have to quiet our voices because of physical threat to candidates’

01:05:52 - Joe Walsh: “I believe trump is a threat to democracy”



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0fdcdf No.21610175


Trump is a threat toOUR DEMOCRACY ™

They are skerrred.

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d516a0 No.21610176

File: 171a9113a058d26⋯.png (308.94 KB,530x549,530:549,Capture.PNG)

“Iron Dragons” attack!

Soldiers of the 1st Battalion, 501st Aviation Regiment, Combat Aviation Brigade, honed their skills as they conducted individual and squad qualification tables during battalion aerial gunnery.

#IIIArmoredCorps l #FORSCOM l #USArmy l #ArmyAviation


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189aeb No.21610178

File: de1791b3e97e944⋯.png (2.05 MB,996x918,166:153,Screenshot_2024_09_17_at_1….png)

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a4c41d No.21610179


last 5 gallons should be Rain X

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8b839e No.21610181

File: de0f6e6be267efd⋯.png (2.37 MB,1280x1107,1280:1107,IMG_2277.png)

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d5dde3 No.21610183

File: 819e25893ed3e90⋯.png (947.14 KB,600x800,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)

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474179 No.21610184

File: ded0ab37798a853⋯.png (226.94 KB,630x448,45:32,ClipboardImage.png)

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199f8f No.21610185

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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63599c No.21610187

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Jeremiah was a bullfrog

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d11782 No.21610188


>whose accusing 'the jews', anon.

You're projecting.

>I'm saying that if it's true that Mossad and the Israeli leadership did this then they are war crimes.

And the PM of Israel says it's anti-Semitisms™ to accuse them of anything, Reee-tard. I just poasted the sauce.

>do you believe in collective guilt?


>do you think that a few oligarchs and sots represent a whole nation?

Again, projection.

>if they commited crimes one doesn't hold all Jews responsible, does one? I certainly don't.

Lighten up, Rabbi. I was ridiculing hubris. Mossad™ willneverbe held accountable for anything they've done or do. 9-11 and the USS Liberty only proves that. They, as a people, are the Chosen Ones™ and it doesn't matter if you believe their religious ideology or not, they feel they are above the contestation of non-Chosen Ones, by divine right™. But don't you dare try to force them to acquiesce to your religious ideology. Now, kindly remove head from sphincter, use your fucking brian and learn to interpret sarcastic jokes on the interwebz.

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f3ae12 No.21610189

File: 944d47491e2c8ba⋯.png (226.84 KB,478x415,478:415,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 373b715f7779919⋯.mp4 (9.77 MB,640x360,16:9,NElHLno0PwQZqClq.mp4)

File: 968591447a2104e⋯.png (312.14 KB,447x436,447:436,ClipboardImage.png)

>the american media has been laundering foreign disinformation



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af7a89 No.21610191

File: e6473e773edee16⋯.png (34.29 KB,1190x595,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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b2cd59 No.21610192

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

September 17, 2024

4:00 PM EDT

House Committee Meeting

House Rules Committee


H.R. 3724 - Accreditation for College Excellence Act of 2023 [End Woke Higher Education Act]



H.R. 4790 - Guiding Uniform and Responsible Disclosure Requirements and Information Limits Act of 2023 [Prioritizing Economic Growth Over Woke Policies Act]



H.R. 5179 – Anti-BDS Labeling Act; H.R. 5339 - RETIRE Act [Protecting Americans’ Investments from Woke Policies Act]



H.R. 5717 - No Bailout for Sanctuary Cities Act; H.R. 7909 - Violence Against Women by Illegal Aliens Act



H.J. Res. 136 – Providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Environmental Protection Agency relating to "Multi-Pollutant Emissions Standards for Model Years 2027 and Later Light-Duty and Medium-Duty Vehicles".






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69fef3 No.21610194

File: 52d9f07a4204940⋯.jpeg (84.27 KB,750x500,3:2,IMG_3863.jpeg)

File: 13dd340af4f5e79⋯.jpeg (315.59 KB,750x1086,125:181,IMG_0609.jpeg)

>>21608599 (pb)

Hannity possible mole; possible first arrest?

Anon spitballin’

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00e9ab No.21610195


>Jeremiah was a bullfrog

well, now, huh, i reckon he was

now i know i'm in good company

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d5dde3 No.21610197

File: 26d83e4877fcbc8⋯.png (1.84 MB,1080x1080,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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11436a No.21610198

What are we at, Q? We’re not at 95% yet but would you say 60% of all people?

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95e9db No.21610199


Shit up and vote. Or meme. That’s the only way to win this

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c4557b No.21610200

File: c9d567107648053⋯.png (950.47 KB,1917x1013,1917:1013,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2e96e80da75d164⋯.png (587.44 KB,1362x1902,227:317,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f95b259c2604cbf⋯.png (2.81 MB,1487x2461,1487:2461,ClipboardImage.png)

File: efccc55923281d7⋯.png (536.45 KB,1168x1306,584:653,ClipboardImage.png)



April 2, 2024

Dominican Republic: Authorities must end de facto racist migration policies

In an open letter addressed to the president of the Dominican Republic and other state institutions, Amnesty International, together with local human rights organizations, has called for an end to human rights violations against Haitians, Dominicans of Haitian descent and Black people in the enforcement of de facto racist migration policies, which are being implemented on the basis of racial discrimination and have a discriminatory impact resulting in the racialized exclusion of Haitians and Dominicans.

“The Dominican government itself has informed of the deportation of more than 250,000 Haitians in 2023, including people in need of international protection. These collective expulsions are a clear violation of the Dominican Republic’s international obligations and put the lives and rights of these people at risk. Forced returns to Haiti must end,” said Ana Piquer, Americas director at Amnesty International.

“The government’s drastic decision of suspending all legal channels available to Haitian nationals for working, studying or residing in the country has had significant consequences on family separations, and has left many people in a situation of migratory uncertainty.”

In the letter, Amnesty International and other signatory organizations have stressed that the exclusion of Black people of Haitian and Dominican descent is the result of a set of discriminatory migration policies, in particular the collective detention and expulsion of Haitian nationals, including children and pregnant and postpartum women. These organizations call on the authorities to urgently ensure that Haitians have access to asylum procedures, without discrimination, and restore legal channels of entry and stay for workers, students, family members, asylum seekers and migrants seeking legal residence in the country.

At this crucial time, it is essential that the Dominican Republic commits to building an antiracist society.

Ana Piquer, Americas director at Amnesty International

Amnesty International also calls on the authorities to investigate allegations of racist violence and other human rights violations committed by migration officials, police and members of the armed forces; to refrain from detaining and deporting pregnant women, children and Dominicans of Haitian descent; and to guarantee the right to defend human rights.

“We have received reports of serious actions allegedly committed by Dominican state officials against the dignity and physical integrity of Haitians, Black Dominicans and Dominicans of Haitian descent who have been affected by racist practices. Instead of protecting these people from harassment, stigmatization and threats, the Dominican authorities have encouraged discriminatory discourse and policies against them,” said Ana Piquer.

“At this crucial time, it is essential that the Dominican Republic commits to building an antiracist society, where the human rights of all people are fully respected and protected, regardless of their nationality, ethnic heritage or migratory status.”


Alexandria Staging Facility

Capacity: 400

Client: U.S. Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE)

Accreditations: N/A

On August 29, 2013, the Immigration and Customs Enforcement modified the existing LaSalle Detention Facility contract between The LaSalle Economic Development District and The GEO Group, Inc. (GEO) to provide a detention and removal staging facility on the site of the Alexandria, Louisiana Airport. This 400-bed staging facility will serve as a 72-hour holding facility.

GEO provides the safekeeping, housing, and medical services to the population at the Staging Facility. The new state of the art transfer center provides efficiency of the ICE removal process and provides stability at the LaSalle facility, ensuring that the facility operates in support of ICE’s detention needs.

Office space for 30 offices, space for additional Air Operations Personnel, and space located adjacent to the tarmac to facilitate access to the aircrafts.


The facility is not accredited at this time.


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90dff5 No.21610201

File: e2fcdbca68fa02e⋯.png (840.33 KB,618x1020,103:170,ClipboardImage.png)

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6a5724 No.21610202




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34552c No.21610203


Sheit.. orange jumpsuit comms

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9010da No.21610204

File: 04cf9b19118e244⋯.png (1002.28 KB,1096x768,137:96,SHanityIntrpt.png)

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75a8e6 No.21610205


>Shit up and vote.

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923708 No.21610206

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34552c No.21610207

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a7e119 No.21610208

File: e6925c5a14a220c⋯.png (74.6 KB,744x506,372:253,ClipboardImage.png)

‘DebunkBot’: Using AI to Rejigger Conspiracy Theorists’ Minds

It’s only a matter of time until these get deployed in the “camps for adults” Hillary has promised.

In the Brave New World, John Q. Taxpayer will subsidize his own psychological abuse in the name of promoting Democracy™, and he can choke on the irony.

Via The Guardian (emphasis added):

“Whether it is the mistaken idea that the moon landings never happened or the false claim that Covid jabs contain microchips, conspiracy theories abound, sometimes with dangerous consequences.

Now researchers have found that such beliefs can be altered by a chat with artificial intelligence (AI).

“Conventional wisdom will tell you that people who believe in conspiracy theories rarely, if ever, change their mind, especially according to evidence,”* said Dr Thomas Costello, a co-author of the study from American University…

“Our findings fundamentally challenge the view that evidence and arguments are of little use once someone has ‘gone down the rabbit hole’ and come to believe a conspiracy theory,” the team wrote.”

*See: Russiagate, fully debunked by the Democrats’ own handpicked investigator, Robert Mueller, proven to have been concocted and funded by the Clinton campaign.


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6a5724 No.21610209



Fuckin fat goy

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d516a0 No.21610210

You know what other supply chain was infiltrated?

The pharmaceutical chain.

Trump saved millions from the clot shot.

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000000 No.21610211


@haaretzcom 1h

Israeli Opposition Leader Yair Lapid meets Obama, top U.S. officials during D.C. trip


Suck a big mutilated dick

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95e9db No.21610212


Yawn. Vote harder

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199f8f No.21610213

File: f6074a2f0b1ad16⋯.gif (2.24 MB,540x498,90:83,f6074a2f0b1ad169108fce5a6e….gif)


seent it

He didn't insist and didn't call her out on the weak-ass lies she answered with

… but probably they wouldn't let him, and he tried at least ….

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55a4e1 No.21610214


TIMELY, even!

Behold the magnificentpower ofThe Coincidence!

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90dff5 No.21610215

File: 2df8e2931fd2801⋯.png (830.06 KB,768x403,768:403,ClipboardImage.png)

Texas civic group wants judge to block Ken Paxton’s investigation into voter registration efforts

Jolt, which advocates for more Latino voting participation, says the attorney general’s probe has spurred threatening comments online.


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9ac5b6 No.21610216

File: 30adbf215a1fe20⋯.png (878.7 KB,900x600,3:2,star_trek_steampunk_tricor….png)


Tricorder better

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474179 No.21610217

File: 4464330514f6c0d⋯.png (349.3 KB,710x532,355:266,ClipboardImage.png)

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5dad6d No.21610218

File: ce6e6024a9ff01e⋯.jpg (51.3 KB,716x399,716:399,AJ6.jpg)


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f3ae12 No.21610219

File: 1ca2b4725f25b04⋯.png (475.75 KB,563x451,563:451,ClipboardImage.png)


try harder retard

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a7e119 No.21610220

File: f08334adfdecce1⋯.png (131.9 KB,1014x567,338:189,ClipboardImage.png)

Former Tennessee State Public Official and a Corporate Executive Charged with Conspiracy to Obstruct Justice and Commit Perjury in Connection with a $123 Million State Contract


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6a5724 No.21610221


Shut up jews whore

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0fdcdf No.21610222

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Swords of a thousand Pepes

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5df4eb No.21610223


soon they will go full-blown insane and tell you the sky is not blue.

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474179 No.21610224

File: b1d1c14000cceba⋯.png (632.98 KB,1211x628,1211:628,DAWGSCATS.png)

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9ac5b6 No.21610225


Haaretz is the RRN of the Middle East

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75a8e6 No.21610226


>Trump saved millions from the clot shot.

utter falsehood

Trump is the self-proclaimed "Father of the Vaccine."

faggot moar

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55a4e1 No.21610227


Overton Window ain't passed me yet! But it's gainin' on me!

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a4c41d No.21610228


trip dub aught wit bullet dubs

you loaded to dah hilt

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75a8e6 No.21610229


Haaretz is the WaPo of the Middle East

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6b94e7 No.21610231

File: e66f07307d3f133⋯.png (543.99 KB,1024x768,4:3,KAMOOLA202.png)

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474179 No.21610232

File: 77d573461420c1d⋯.png (514.42 KB,710x795,142:159,ClipboardImage.png)

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000000 No.21610233


Your mom is the whore of babylon

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90dff5 No.21610234

File: 82f869876292bf5⋯.png (418.88 KB,640x359,640:359,ClipboardImage.png)


Mossad sends a message:

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474179 No.21610236

File: e998753f244ded5⋯.png (99.49 KB,470x275,94:55,ClipboardImage.png)

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90dff5 No.21610237

File: 7ad128d9b5a8739⋯.png (730.9 KB,768x384,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Black socialist activists convicted for conspiring to work as Russian agents

Omali Yeshitela, 82, Penny Hess, 78, Jesse Nevel, 34, and Augustus C. Romain Jr, 38, all face maximum sentences of five years in prison.


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7056cd No.21610238

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Colorado State Patrol officer shot near Aurora, CO


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34552c No.21610239


The migrants are going to those

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55a4e1 No.21610240


"Haaretz is the RRN of the Middle East."


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474179 No.21610241

File: 86ef2bdf5f1369a⋯.png (387.1 KB,710x371,710:371,ClipboardImage.png)

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6a5724 No.21610242

her name is Venus

i hit that bitch long time


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90e311 No.21610243


Go back to facebook,

you're too stupid to be here.

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80bf60 No.21610244


I'm going to compile a list over the next few days. I'm not saying that all these people even understand that what they are doing is detrimental to the movement, they might just be woefully ignorant and is why I was hoping to get this noted, so that the few that actually MIGHT come here will possibly see it and use their platform in a better more useful way.

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90dff5 No.21610245

File: a4bb4f6c8205d8f⋯.png (900.29 KB,768x512,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

CALL TO DIGG: Reston, Virginia-based CACI International, one of the largest government IT contractors in the D.C. region will acquire Fairfax-based Azure Summit Technology in an ALL-CASH DEAL worth $1.275 billion. Azure Summit develops hardware and software for the U.S. Department of Defense, including high-perfo

CACI buys Fairfax IT firm Azure Summit Technology for $1.3 billion

Reston, Virginia-based CACI International, one of the largest government IT contractors in the D.C. region will acquire Fairfax-based Azure Summit Technology in an all-cash deal worth $1.275 billion.


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199f8f No.21610246

File: b7e7cbc05ac8ea8⋯.webp (48.63 KB,813x533,813:533,giphy.webp)

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a7e119 No.21610248

File: 693d1c34b2e8b28⋯.png (143.09 KB,1007x600,1007:600,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6788a7e650e4312⋯.png (123.66 KB,998x532,499:266,ClipboardImage.png)

Sean Combs Charged In Manhattan Federal Court With Sex Trafficking And Other Federal Offenses


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d5dde3 No.21610249

File: a39e107f43c8120⋯.jpg (10.84 KB,229x220,229:220,smokingpepe2.jpg)

What a relaxing day today.

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474179 No.21610250

File: 7f0e107c7a14838⋯.png (517.56 KB,710x718,355:359,ClipboardImage.png)

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23cd4d No.21610251

listen, I'm going to Costco. make me feel proud again, like i did seven years ago.

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b9c9ba No.21610252

File: 5a6eca16bdba464⋯.png (1.75 MB,1323x882,3:2,1726439815809.png)

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90dff5 No.21610253

File: a77d2f7905e2998⋯.png (823.54 KB,768x403,768:403,ClipboardImage.png)

John Frankman: Helping Trump Correct DoD Vaccine Mandate

Guest post by John Frankman At a campaign rally last month, Donald Trump made a significant promise: if elected President, he would restore service members kicked out of the military by the COVID vaccine mandate with backpay and an apology.[1]


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d549c5 No.21610254

File: 0363208ea10a9d3⋯.png (587.13 KB,982x734,491:367,Screenshot_20240917_125432….png)


Read as: China successfully reverse engineers more stolen tech

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d37eb9 No.21610255


given how quick the enemies of Jews, who hate all Jews are so irrational, and blame all Jews for the behavior of some few, it's sad that someone would have escalated the tactics and seemingly 'normalized' remote control terrorism.

what the few did will be brought to the masses by the greater evil of the other side.

they made a serious error if they really did this.

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23cd4d No.21610256


Your the anon today. From now on, the media will start telling the truth.

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90dff5 No.21610257

File: b3fa6f2cac69e45⋯.png (1.04 MB,768x512,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

Over 100 suspected Tren de Aragua gangbangers were part of the massive migrant group that rushed the border

The wild border rush, captured exclusively by The Post, saw hundreds of illegal migrants break through razor wire to dash into the US — shoving Lone Star State troops in the process.


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ac76d0 No.21610258


WaPo is far more accurate.

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9a450d No.21610259

I will give $500 Million to the first person who replies with a video of Barron Trump speaking where we can hear his voice.

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6a5724 No.21610260

File: a7396affb73f010⋯.jpg (38.42 KB,360x360,1:1,20240906_150750.jpg)


it's woki toki

your mos are gheys

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69fef3 No.21610261


Agreed Anon. And that pos KidDiddler Combs is behind bars. Today is a good relaxing day.

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07a1ff No.21610263

File: 0a5019eea7cd503⋯.png (220.84 KB,614x517,614:517,Screenshot_2024_09_17_1554….png)

File: 28dc81d1592c233⋯.mp4 (2.05 MB,652x360,163:90,ssstwitter_com_17266028138….mp4)

All I can hear is Obama like Mumbo Jumbo, the fear she's talking about could be because one of them is getting actually shot at.



"I offer a new generation of leadership for our country." - Kamala Harris


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90dff5 No.21610264

File: 153a570281a27ea⋯.png (253.73 KB,1080x690,36:23,ClipboardImage.png)




Keep them in your prayers 😂

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8e45f4 No.21610265

File: 91d03c3cf1abe97⋯.png (607.11 KB,500x531,500:531,ClipboardImage.png)

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474179 No.21610266

File: 00e4cdaf8b667da⋯.jpg (48.96 KB,501x498,167:166,00e4cdaf8b667daccb2097ad0d….jpg)

File: cfdc1e55e437eef⋯.jpg (175.54 KB,979x653,979:653,0aa5e0311aa16c94.jpg)

File: 1d1b97386c7d337⋯.jpg (115.72 KB,728x879,728:879,0e9970a9598e5b66.jpg)

File: 5a7c92719725671⋯.jpeg (47.01 KB,710x697,710:697,0ee104967b70f797.jpeg)

File: 0efdf4d3d9949ce⋯.jpg (725.31 KB,2969x1600,2969:1600,0efdf4d3d9949ce4a115644ab3….jpg)

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d0b773 No.21610268

File: e4663d07299e205⋯.jpg (832.97 KB,2567x1440,2567:1440,Picsart_24_09_17_14_55_32_….jpg)

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0fdcdf No.21610270

File: 560dd711c9b6a4f⋯.gif (1.01 MB,498x312,83:52,dwayne_dibley_red_dwarf_fu….gif)



I think I know the third guy great in Red Dwarf.

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c7791a No.21610271

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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a0c5ab No.21610273


I’m German and Cherokee lmao

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90dff5 No.21610274

File: b18818af697dffc⋯.png (902.62 KB,768x537,256:179,ClipboardImage.png)

FBI Should Visit NYT About Instigating Anti-Trump Violence

If the price to pay as a Republican running for president is the media blaming you for being nearly assassinated, they are culpable.


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7d8272 No.21610275

File: c6e095ece5afb3e⋯.png (51.96 KB,581x404,581:404,Screenshot_2024_09_17_at_1….png)

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6a5724 No.21610276


i have to hit that one looks better than your whore Jews mom

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5c64ed No.21610277

Catalog needs cleaning asap

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a7e119 No.21610278


Jews can't meme

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c4557b No.21610279

File: a4b66c4b95c7f76⋯.png (2.22 MB,1125x750,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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908bf7 No.21610280

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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6a5724 No.21610281


you mean Savage

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6eb64c No.21610282


Count the # of red and orange dresses/outfits you see today.

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90e311 No.21610283


Is that a new hair style, covering her ears?

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000000 No.21610284


Ehud Barack didn´t kill himself?

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fd494f No.21610285


Gibberish in Chief

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6a5724 No.21610286


Fuck off filthy goy

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474179 No.21610287

File: 1bcfd9c055e83f6⋯.jpeg (854.19 KB,1800x1224,25:17,1bcfd9c055e83f65c8e1fe084….jpeg)

File: a6d4cd7f52ed58d⋯.png (383.77 KB,710x441,710:441,1c04177433d930f2.png)

File: a4efc06af9bed3e⋯.jpg (61.86 KB,710x671,710:671,1d2d3d0ba9d532ad.jpg)

File: dce5443e93d2a13⋯.png (241.46 KB,684x936,19:26,1d4317bbdef5e14f.png)

File: ac898bb80ad0955⋯.png (408.09 KB,680x493,40:29,1e5760f3479ed0cb.png)

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a4c41d No.21610288


>those that scream the loudest

direction matters

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a7e119 No.21610289

File: 55c948f3ae1976b⋯.png (485.54 KB,955x511,955:511,ClipboardImage.png)

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90dff5 No.21610290

File: 97d83d2d7d8d7d1⋯.png (196.59 KB,1024x683,1024:683,ClipboardImage.png)

Imagine my shock

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07a1ff No.21610291


He has been Clear Eyed for a Dead Guy

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90dff5 No.21610292

File: 4ddafe718cd6c60⋯.png (796.69 KB,769x499,769:499,ClipboardImage.png)

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eb0fc7 No.21610293

File: 0ab92a9678e297d⋯.png (121.32 KB,236x236,1:1,poke_it.png)

It would be cool if the ring tone on the pagers was

Nessun Dorma

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1049ea No.21610294


>Your Automobile Insurance is up 73%

73/2= 36.5 | 365

how many days in a year?

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6a5724 No.21610295


it looks the mossad Ezra Cohen

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90dff5 No.21610296

File: dad81e2cd8e1569⋯.png (825.72 KB,670x538,335:269,ClipboardImage.png)

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474179 No.21610297

File: c63b3b4219183b6⋯.png (279.94 KB,500x500,1:1,2a415b0c4ce07de0.png)

File: 2bba38a5dcc3317⋯.jpeg (64 KB,534x300,89:50,2bba38a5dcc3317d8fda35cbd….jpeg)

File: 04142723af653f4⋯.jpeg (96.65 KB,627x680,627:680,2c823cc338268485.jpeg)

File: 0d5f6fdb1cfec2f⋯.jpg (100.86 KB,558x482,279:241,2f6d6badb4d1fd9b.jpg)

File: ab194d96b710373⋯.jpg (58.75 KB,710x685,142:137,3e64bfd6d5d5d381.jpg)

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923708 No.21610298

File: 48a954d5fe03118⋯.mp4 (365.41 KB,480x270,16:9,q.mp4)

NOTE CK @560



>>21609702 President meets w/ Ajay Banga, President of the World Bank, to discuss Bank’s work to reduce global poverty, address global challenges

>>21609705, >>21610192 Swamp Events Today

>>21609710 The democrats are down 303,000 mail in ballots. We are only down 50,000. Excellent news

>>21609711, >>21609735, >>21609865 Gov of FL mentions Vegas shooting while discussing FED agency incompetence re Trump assassination attempts

>>21609715 NATO Chief 'Welcomes' Allies Approving Attacks On Russia With Long-Range Missiles

>>21609712, >>21609719, >>21609734, >>21609780, >>21609829, >>21609928, >>21610136 Buckwheat notes

>>21609722 Zelensky (Sicko) calls for destroying the ‘comfortable life’ of Russians

>>21609746, >>21609793, >>21609760 Iranian ambassador with his face blown off, his shirt soaked in blood

>>21609751 Two Oversight Officials Fired Hours After Pointing Out Anti-Police Bias In Chicago's Office Of Police Accountability

>>21609755, >>21609766, >>21609777, >>21609787, >>21609796, >>21609852, >>21609920 Memes

>>21609765 US threatening freedom of speech – ex-Greek envoy

>>21609772 Florida sheriff fed up with school shooting hoaxes posts boy’s mugshot to social media

>>21609774 Who Was The Alleged Assassin Working With? (Ep. 2330)

>>21609775 DAF adapting, modernizing in today’s warfighting environment

>>21609783 Olympic athlete suspended over Christian gesture

>>21609802 Hillary Clinton Clinton Calls Trump "a Danger to Our Country and World” After Assassination Attempt

>>21609808, >>21609977 Ohio sheriff urges residents to collect addresses of those with Harris yard signs

>>21609816, >>21609893, >>21609953, >>21610127 Strange UFO Sighting Reported Over Downtown Tampa Last Night

>>21609830 President Donald J. Trump CEASE & DESIST Order

>>21609835, >>21609862 Seal and Unsealed Indictments Database

>>21609840 Rally Comms. Beware The Moon. Automobile + PACKED + SALT

>>21609842 AZ Sec of State: Nearly 100,000 AZ voters incorrectly listed as providing proof of citizenship

>>21609856 Georgia (country) officially bans same-sex marriage, gender reassignment surgery, pride events, public displays of LGBTQ rainbow flag

>>21609858 Hillary Clinton Says Americans Should Be Criminally Charged and Jailed for Spreading “Misinformation”

>>21609869 Biden-Harris DHS Refused to Investigate Failed Trump Shooter After He Was Flagged by Border Agents Last Year

>>21609885 Former POTUS DJT set to visit National Shrine of Our Lady of Czestochowa in New Britain Township on Sun., 9/ 22

>>21609886 Your Automobile Insurance is up 73% — VOTE FOR TRUMP, I’LL CUT THAT NUMBER IN HALF!

>>21609911 President Trump just brought the Martin County Sheriff’s Deputies who captured would-be ass*ssin Ryan Routh to Mar-a-Lago.

>>21609917 Settler mob attacks West Bank elementary school under army protection

>>21609919 NY Times refers to Trump assassin Ryan Routh as ‘crusader for causes large and small’

>>21609924, >>21610087, >>21610107, >>21610114 The guy in this vid from the kamala rally looks like The shooter Routh?

>>21609932 Major companies abandon an LGBTQ+ rights report card after facing anti-diversity backlash

>>21609935 Local institutions have moved $40 billion out of Israel since start of war – report

>>21609948 Former first lady Melania Trump left her husband Donald’s namesake Midtown tower under heavy guard Tuesday

>>21609957 Loose electrical cable found on ship that caused Baltimore bridge collapse

>>21609958 Israel Kills 20 More Palestinians in the Gaza Strip

>>21609967 Ohio Gov Mike DeWine refusing to identify foreign actors who called in majority of hoax bomb threats in Springfield, Ohio

>>21609972 Israeli diplomats are lobbying (bribes/blackmail) U.S. politicians to pressure South Africa into dropping ICJ genocide case

>>21610081 Hillary Clinton accuses of Musk of 'threatening to rape' Taylor Swift

>>21610093 POTUS T Book:Great news — My new book, SAVE AMERICA, is a hot item!

>>21610100 Swedish politician criminally prosecuted for posting cartoon questioning the benefits of mass muslim migration

>>21610113 Ecuador to enforce 8-hour nightly blackouts amid severe drought, curfew due to security concerns

>>21610142 realDonaldTrump: Early Voting in Pennsylvania. GO VOTE. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!! DJT

>>21610151, >>21610157, >>21610176 Military Twats

>>21610174 “Under SIEGE” Second Assassination Attempt Made On Donald Trump Piers Morgan Uncensored

>>21610215 TX civic group wants judge to block Ken Paxton’s investigation into voter registration efforts

>>21610220 Former TN State Public Official, Corp Exec Charged w/Conspiracy to Obstruct Justice, Commit Perjury in Connection w/$123M State Contract

>>21610237 Black socialist activists convicted for conspiring to work as Russian agents

>>21610238 Colorado State Patrol officer shot near Aurora, CO

>>21610245 CALL TO DIGG:: CACI buys Fairfax IT firm Azure Summit Technology for $1.3 billion

>>21610248 Sean Combs Charged In Manhattan Federal Court With Sex Trafficking And Other Federal Offenses

>>21610253 John Frankman: Help ing Trump Correct DoD Vaccine Mandate

>>21610200 Planefag Reports

>>21609755, >>21609766, >>21609777, >>21609787, >>21609796, >>21609852, >>21609920 Memes


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dd3e06 No.21610299


I mean, that's about as tranny as it gets right there.

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a7e119 No.21610300

Russian corruption purge expands as two more defence officials arrested

Confessing to taking bribes, the duo are the latest to be arrested in a ‘purge’ by the Defence Ministry.

Ivan Populovsky, the head of a military representative’s office, and his subordinate, Grigory Zorin, are the latest officials to be arrested. Investigators alleged that the pair took bribes from two companies that supplied electrical goods and cables to the ministry.

In return, the men were expected to weaken oversight and give “other privileges and preferences” to the companies when carrying out state contracts.

“During the investigation, the defendants pleaded guilty,” investigators said, adding that their involvement in other similar crimes “is being looked into”.


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90dff5 No.21610301

File: b7a2759a8af4a43⋯.png (657 KB,768x432,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

PEDO ALERT: Disgraced Ex-BBC Anchor Huw Edwards Handed 6-Month Suspended Prison Sentence Over Child Sex Abuse Images

Edwards, once the highest-paid presenter at the BBC who led landmark coverage — including Queen Elizabeth II’s death and the London 2012 Olympics — was arrested in November.


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12681f No.21610302

File: f0c5c7481569d77⋯.jpg (126.77 KB,720x841,720:841,20240917_135848.jpg)

File: 31515b1aee7adc2⋯.mp4 (587.16 KB,1280x720,16:9,Shadow_of_Ezra_20240917_6_….mp4)

File: f891ca1bc31a9d2⋯.jpg (170.82 KB,1063x1652,1063:1652,20240917_135733.jpg)


Someone at a recent Kamala Harris rally looked strikingly similar to Ryan Routh, the man involved in the Trump assassination attempt.

He likes to wear that same damn shirt everywhere he goes

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474179 No.21610303

File: 89aff86850d7127⋯.jpg (58.39 KB,680x438,340:219,3fvdb0.jpg)

File: 624966f46087d62⋯.jpeg (39.43 KB,618x499,618:499,4c981b500a028989.jpeg)

File: 807869352f9bacb⋯.jpeg (54.29 KB,561x519,187:173,4e909f676ded8bf4.jpeg)

File: 4e731620abf2057⋯.jpg (34.85 KB,710x556,355:278,4ff43676caaf2087.jpg)

File: bbe6db87a9432b3⋯.png (490.8 KB,710x371,710:371,5e95fb196226f9fa.png)

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88ea33 No.21610304

DJT carpet bomb stringer

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90dff5 No.21610305

File: a2d1fafbf606260⋯.png (1.02 MB,744x583,744:583,ClipboardImage.png)

How California’s Bar Stole $95M From Client Trust Accounts to Fund Open Borders

Daniel Greenfield's original articles and reporting delve into terrorism, pandemics and politics.


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d37eb9 No.21610306


no you won't

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a7e119 No.21610307

Virginia Beach Honors U.S.-Israel Military Alliance

Americans have been pledged to die in defence of Israel and Ukraine.


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78c7a3 No.21610308

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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6eb64c No.21610309

File: 3cd02b21de11807⋯.png (408.33 KB,1455x481,1455:481,ClipboardImage.png)


Ask your heroes about this.

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90dff5 No.21610310

File: 7e5b3e51cb4e141⋯.png (445.25 KB,1242x483,18:7,ClipboardImage.png)


>DJT carpet bomb stringer

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88ea33 No.21610311


There has to be better video.

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d5dde3 No.21610312

File: d6abd619c7ca7ab⋯.png (818.36 KB,924x693,4:3,d6abd619c7ca7abe5ed5d3e794….png)

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474179 No.21610313

File: e434b490b7d2f53⋯.png (118.83 KB,387x418,387:418,6c66b2f6f4bdab10.png)

File: 7b99f4de6b569f1⋯.jpeg (68.88 KB,680x510,4:3,7b99f4de6b569f11490aaa1bd….jpeg)

File: 966634cf8ce42ec⋯.jpeg (138.54 KB,955x670,191:134,7eabd1d363f00eff.jpeg)

File: de1ee12c027fdab⋯.jpg (149.6 KB,658x973,94:139,7fc4cbdb445d2341.jpg)

File: 8a1073c1faac4d5⋯.jpg (654.47 KB,1615x1440,323:288,8a1073c1faac4d54d5d3dce02b….jpg)

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a4c41d No.21610314


they think the head of the red dog would do

rest would decend into mayhem n chaos

just how they like it

we taking down the whole damned blue dog

that why panic

their world is over

kaput finne done

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d0b773 No.21610315


you need to stop

being a faggot

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a8e0cd No.21610316

File: 2bc8eea4c50aac9⋯.png (1.51 MB,1030x984,515:492,48_days_to_winning.png)

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bd101f No.21610317


70% convinced thats him

the similar shirt fucks with the bias though

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55a4e1 No.21610318

Squeaky getting ignored puts catalog "up for sale". Same logic loop as always. Always seeking the spotlight, yet never quite reaching it, ceptin' the BV delete pad….

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90dff5 No.21610319

File: b09e7e7e6f44776⋯.png (426.16 KB,768x510,128:85,ClipboardImage.png)

The Biden/Harris Legacy

Weaponized government, hate, divisiveness, censorship, propaganda, Ukraine War, Afghanistan withdrawal, #PsyWar, Corruption, Stolen election, and Assassination attempts.'''


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b9c9ba No.21610320

File: e8c1c62ddb85c8c⋯.png (878.42 KB,1176x991,1176:991,1726568412223.png)

File: 5296b593c54401b⋯.png (635.56 KB,1305x894,435:298,1726479640572.png)

File: 6757db240e5b839⋯.png (1.26 MB,1085x1075,217:215,1726479370257.png)

File: dc88a5c7b2b7a0a⋯.png (1.88 MB,1080x1080,1:1,1726367942884.png)

File: 748bc26318b3ea5⋯.jpg (129.37 KB,768x1024,3:4,Nigger_Gonn_Nigg.jpg)

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fd494f No.21610321


Kamala supporter in pink tee talking to other Kamala supporter in blue shorts

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8e45f4 No.21610322

File: 1d325277a647067⋯.png (322.19 KB,583x499,583:499,ClipboardImage.png)


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b84ccb No.21610323


Do people really still use pagers?

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a7e119 No.21610324

File: 2cfee1c01b47136⋯.png (1.3 MB,2048x1678,1024:839,ClipboardImage.png)

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b1a8a8 No.21610325

File: fa4c3658fe024f3⋯.png (626.48 KB,1024x931,1024:931,ClipboardImage.png)

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90dff5 No.21610326

File: 33938b1d93f544e⋯.png (1.22 MB,1024x683,1024:683,ClipboardImage.png)

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7420f1 No.21610327

File: 1fca0d6546c9517⋯.png (297.4 KB,635x351,635:351,00000000000teehee1.png)

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a7e119 No.21610329

Can the white race win against this opposition?

1) A fast growing nonwhite population determining who gets elected, voting for diversity handouts and demonization of white identity.

2) A ruling business and cultural class that believes that diversity is the greatest strength of the West, and prohibits by law white identity politics.

3) Millions of Muslims living in Europe, building mosques everywhere, while Christian churches are turned into nightclubs.

4) A matriarchal order in which female psychology dominates academia, media, and political world, and men lust for these women to give them sex.

5) Blacks dominate American pop culture and the NFL is totally blackified in accordance with the American official view that integration is the greatest moral ideal.

6) A Jewish group with lots of financial and media power, loved by White elites, assiduously pushing woke politics and Neocon wars.

7) A fertility rate below replacement, with Greece, Italy, Spain, and much of Europe, in dire need of Africans and Moslems to keep the GDP growing.

8) An entire institutional network, from schools to universities, law courts, political parties, libraries, Google et al, dedicated to racial and cultural diversity. 9) A White psychology that is historically and psychological wired against in-group white politics, believing that we are all individuals with equal rights.


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b9c9ba No.21610330

File: 088fd6d3ec3bc49⋯.png (76.61 KB,1024x372,256:93,NCSWIC_9_12_2024_6_.png)

File: 981528540d86549⋯.png (152.92 KB,1024x932,256:233,NCSWIC_9_12_2024_4_.png)

File: 372a9c4e2ff5303⋯.png (201.78 KB,1024x334,512:167,NCSWIC_9_12_2024_2_.png)

File: a74e9fdd4c96405⋯.png (158.25 KB,1024x351,1024:351,NCSWIC_9_12_2024_1_.png)

File: f5b8e3557591710⋯.png (112.76 KB,1024x244,256:61,NCSWIC_9_12_2024.png)

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90dff5 No.21610331

File: 1ba8a15faa622dd⋯.png (663.07 KB,680x487,680:487,ClipboardImage.png)


Mossad just blew the balls off of thousands of Hezbollah faggots

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88ea33 No.21610332

File: 8bd1b5999e47ce3⋯.png (72.52 KB,473x665,473:665,577.png)


This is more important. Automobile comm

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f3ae12 No.21610333


low tech is one of the more common things to use in guerilla warfare

largely how they stay off the radar for the most part

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000000 No.21610334


Do it Q(om)!

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69fef3 No.21610336

File: 0ecd21e9c8f1cbd⋯.jpeg (438.65 KB,750x1086,125:181,IMG_0611.jpeg)

File: 0c7def9580f5a85⋯.jpeg (391.14 KB,750x1219,750:1219,IMG_0612.jpeg)

File: 33ab479698ae6de⋯.jpeg (235.46 KB,750x973,750:973,IMG_0613.jpeg)

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a7e119 No.21610337

BlackRock & The Jewish Federations of North America

Two attempted Trump assassinations: A kid with multiple offshore accounts and a broke unemployed man who traveled to Ukraine to support the war effort against Russia. Both featured in ads with links to BlackRock. Two wars: Israel and Ukraine – both funded by BlackRock, co-founded by Larry Fink and Robert Kapito. Both Jewish aligned with The Jewish Federations of North America which operates as an umbrella for 146 secular Jewish Federations. The Federation is NOT registered as a foreign agent as required by law.

AIPAC is the political PAC arm of the Jewish Federations of North America – which includes Canada. A subsidiary of the Federations is the United Israel Appeal, Inc. Money raised by US Jewish Federation campaigns is siphoned and sent to Israel. Formed in 1925, The Israel Appeal was formerly named the Palestinian Appeal whose purpose was to infiltrate and colonize Palestine with Jewish settlers.

Corporate Coups: Fink uses his power and money to fire and replace directors of corporations he deems lacking in following the WEF stipulations and protocols. Companies not conforming will be blacklisted. Politicians not conforming will lose their election and or become the newest headline detailing their fraud and scandalous relations. Kapito keeps a low profile and is likely in charge of the ‘details’.

The notable Directors of BlackRock include:

***Fabrizio Freda, CEO of Estee Lauder whose real name was Josephine Esther Mentzer. Her second son, Ronald is president of the World Jewish Congress, whose governing board includes David Rothschild. Their mission is to centralize all Jewish organizations and Jews from around the world under the umbrella of their global Order – Israel. To date they have infiltrated over 100 countries.

Ronald Lauder has been instrumental in demanding reparations from European states, forcing punishment for antisemitism, forcing social media companies to ban antisemitic language, and maintaining the victimhood of The Holocaust as a Zionist depiction only. He works closely with Pope Francis, King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, King Hamad of Bahrain. Lauder orchestrated the demonization of Iran and blocking any access to their economy. Which led to Iran being labeled a state sponsor of terrorism.

Pope Francis visited Israel just before the Yom Kippur War October 6 1973 while he served as provincial for Argentina. He co-wrote a book with Rabbi Abraham Skorka. His appointment as Pope was met with heavy concern given the history of Jesuits as usury landowners and soldiers. Upon Bergoglio’s consecration as Pope, his first message was to chief rabbi, Riccardo Di Segni, who had disliked Pope Benedict XVI. The papacy is considered – a coup.

***Cheryl Mills, the Clinton connection. She served as Deputy General Counsel of the Clinton/Gore Transition Planning Foundation after Clinton’s 1992 election, she served as Associate Counsel to the President in the White House, chief of staff during Hillary’s tenure in the State Department, was the Clinton Foundation counselor, was part of the Haiti Recovery Commission, and Brennan’s Center for American Progress.

This is how the Jewish world of colonization is intertwined with the Pope, the Deep State Clinton regime, and Saudi Arabia.

In 2020, 30 members of various Jewish organizations spent four days in Saudi Arabia. The topics were never released. The outcome is unknown. The delegation was led by Malcolm Hoenlein who serves on the board of the Lauder Foundation. Hoenlein was disposed as Bushes handler – accompanying him to Jerusalem. He met with Assad just before the Syrian coup was initiated.

August 1 Ukraine defaulted on its $23 billion outstanding bonds. The bonds had a 12.31% yield. Holders of those bonds include BlackRock. A restructuring of the bonds was completed end of August – the new yield is 37.85%. Five days ago, Jewish Blinken traveled to Ukraine with $717 million in US Taxpayer funds. Translation: US taxpayers are giving money to Ukraine to pay the interest or fee installment on bonds held by BlackRock, Pimco and others which now accrue interest at usury rates!

The same Usury charged by the Jews against the Knights Templar and The Inquisitions. Ukraine has no source of revenue. A default of the bonds would mean these bond holders would own the $11 trillion in rare earth minerals beneath Ukraine’s soil.

The Jewish Kingdom would take the bounty.


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e064b8 No.21610338

File: 23d10fed7095a7e⋯.png (398.92 KB,888x499,888:499,ClipboardImage.png)

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34552c No.21610339


Yet here you are.

Your life sounds painful, kmfao.

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7420f1 No.21610341

File: 5b8e1c8a3ff1e76⋯.gif (192.1 KB,255x255,1:1,trig2.gif)

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a4c41d No.21610342



brits of today need to watch n learn

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7420f1 No.21610343

File: 03b274ea90bf9a2⋯.gif (835.33 KB,200x131,200:131,1A24.gif)


yeah… "mossad"

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7da91f No.21610344

Dear Americans …

Ex British Arm paz49

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7da91f No.21610345

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Dear Americans …

>Ex British Arm paz49

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b1a8a8 No.21610346



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17a29f No.21610347

File: 9fc45e90efa9f35⋯.png (258.8 KB,617x648,617:648,ClipboardImage.png)

First time I noticed her Snek on the table.

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bd101f No.21610348


pagers arent low tech, maybe old but an entire network needs to exist to support their use

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90dff5 No.21610349

File: f888555c8319b3c⋯.mp4 (468.89 KB,1896x1080,79:45,Hezbollah_pagers_be_like_.mp4)

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ba837c No.21610350

Israel will be mapping out injuries, hospital admissions, social media posts, electronic communications, news footage, and medical records, linking them all to people who had these pagers today. Forget the injuries and deaths; Israel just created a massive and growing trove of information about both known and previously unknown Hezbollah militants, as well as their supporters, partners, friends, family members, colleagues, workplaces, vehicles, and homes.

They just created an incredibly dense and *up-to-date* social graph of an entire terrorist network, across Lebanon as well as neighboring countries. It is incredible what they just did.


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a0dd29 No.21610351

File: ab5ecfaa45acac1⋯.png (9.27 KB,235x215,47:43,ClipboardImage.png)

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88ea33 No.21610352

File: 2922288c6c165b1⋯.png (835.83 KB,813x674,813:674,Screenshot_2024_09_17_at_1….png)


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7420f1 No.21610353

File: 018877e70520ddb⋯.gif (1.42 MB,200x153,200:153,200OOOII.gif)

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55a4e1 No.21610354

File: 21a51987ddde5f5⋯.gif (863.63 KB,355x200,71:40,hat_changing.gif)





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90dff5 No.21610355

File: e194ad59a28ad18⋯.png (619.86 KB,768x403,768:403,ClipboardImage.png)

This is the way—The Castle Rock Town Council has voted unanimously to explore suing the city of Denver over its migrant policies, and other municipalities may join them.

Castle Rock explores lawsuit against Denver over migrant policies

The Castle Rock Town Council has voted unanimously to explore suing the city of Denver over its migrant policies, and other municipalities may join them.


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474179 No.21610356

File: 8afa8793d5011d4⋯.jpg (109.11 KB,656x728,82:91,8afa8793d5011d45a1de4986ef….jpg)

File: 7249a9aa0697a27⋯.png (674.15 KB,710x871,710:871,9cf94557f7bda218.png)

File: b1fcae307709688⋯.png (509.99 KB,710x402,355:201,9fc108f5c6c43b84.png)

File: 527e7cd89e7dee0⋯.jpg (96.93 KB,710x861,710:861,11a22806d444db41.jpg)

File: 016a422e257c819⋯.png (745.53 KB,688x509,688:509,016a422e257c81995c9c6339ca….png)

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d5dde3 No.21610357

File: 0880756716c5532⋯.jpg (32.19 KB,360x360,1:1,filtered.jpg)


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bd101f No.21610358


what I find peculiar is this was an offensive act, planned and decided on a go time

one day after a 2nd assn attempt

> don't know about you but this seems like its designed to change the story-line from the ukie wierdo

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b1a8a8 No.21610359


“This law is the most terrible thing to happen to the LGBTQ community in Georgia,” Jakeli, 28, told Reuters. “We will most likely have to shut down. There is no way for us to continue functioning.”

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8e45f4 No.21610360

File: 1e590def8ef18a6⋯.gif (1.73 MB,360x205,72:41,93t9ic.gif)


>Hezbollah pagers be like:

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474179 No.21610361

File: 17fcc73df233520⋯.jpeg (1.18 MB,1370x1811,1370:1811,17fcc73df2335209018df6ece….jpeg)

File: 974d7d093f47410⋯.jpeg (69.57 KB,472x595,472:595,23f7a543e11cc966.jpeg)

File: cddf06969060a03⋯.jpg (137.97 KB,1081x592,1081:592,024e80fd8b97fae5.jpg)

File: 027fb521db0d645⋯.jpg (94.52 KB,846x960,141:160,027fb521db0d6458fc44169345….jpg)

File: 29a2fc4c5d9540b⋯.png (51.09 KB,548x456,137:114,29a2fc4c5d9540b2104a41ed83….png)

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34552c No.21610362


Martial law 4 years under Trump as king.

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a7691f No.21610363

File: c88e6839d0628f2⋯.mp4 (6.57 MB,My_Movie_2.mp4)

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17a29f No.21610364


6 mos.

nuff said

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37e85a No.21610365

File: e63204bac4975f9⋯.png (12.19 KB,348x179,348:179,ClipboardImage.png)

When they tell you what they do without telling you what they do…

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923708 No.21610366

File: b764243fd6db0e6⋯.png (208.19 KB,730x452,365:226,Q_Bond.png)

NOTE CK @620



#26468-B >>21609656

>>21610248 Sean Combs Charged In Manhattan Federal Court With Sex Trafficking And Other Federal Offenses

>>21610253 John Frankman: Help ing Trump Correct DoD Vaccine Mandate

>>21610200 Planefag Reports

>>21610300 Russian corruption purge expands as two more defense officials arrested

>>21610301 Disgraced Ex-BBC Anchor Huw Edwards Handed 6-Month Suspended Prison Sentence Over Child Sex Abuse Images

>>21610305 How California’s Bar Stole $95M From Client Trust Accounts to Fund Open Borders

>>21609755, >>21609766, >>21609777, >>21609787, >>21609796, >>21609852, >>21609920, >>21610038, >>21610316 Memes


#26468-A >>21609656

>>21609702 President meets w/ Ajay Banga, President of the World Bank, to discuss Bank’s work to reduce global poverty, address global challenges

>>21609705, >>21610192 Swamp Events Today

>>21609710 The democrats are down 303,000 mail in ballots. We are only down 50,000. Excellent news

>>21609711, >>21609735, >>21609865 Gov of FL mentions Vegas shooting while discussing FED agency incompetence re Trump assassination attempts

>>21609715 NATO Chief 'Welcomes' Allies Approving Attacks On Russia With Long-Range Missiles

>>21609712, >>21609719, >>21609734, >>21609780, >>21609829, >>21609928, >>21610136 Buckwheat notes

>>21609722 Zelensky (Sicko) calls for destroying the ‘comfortable life’ of Russians

>>21609746, >>21609793, >>21609760 Iranian ambassador with his face blown off, his shirt soaked in blood

>>21609751 Two Oversight Officials Fired Hours After Pointing Out Anti-Police Bias In Chicago's Office Of Police Accountability

>>21609755, >>21609766, >>21609777, >>21609787, >>21609796, >>21609852, >>21609920 Memes

>>21609765 US threatening freedom of speech – ex-Greek envoy

>>21609772 Florida sheriff fed up with school shooting hoaxes posts boy’s mugshot to social media

>>21609774 Who Was The Alleged Assassin Working With? (Ep. 2330)

>>21609775 DAF adapting, modernizing in today’s warfighting environment

>>21609783 Olympic athlete suspended over Christian gesture

>>21609802 Hillary Clinton Clinton Calls Trump "a Danger to Our Country and World” After Assassination Attempt

>>21609808, >>21609977 Ohio sheriff urges residents to collect addresses of those with Harris yard signs

>>21609816, >>21609893, >>21609953, >>21610127 Strange UFO Sighting Reported Over Downtown Tampa Last Night

>>21609830 President Donald J. Trump CEASE & DESIST Order

>>21609835, >>21609862 Seal and Unsealed Indictments Database

>>21609840 Rally Comms. Beware The Moon. Automobile + PACKED + SALT

>>21609842 AZ Sec of State: Nearly 100,000 AZ voters incorrectly listed as providing proof of citizenship

>>21609856 Georgia (country) officially bans same-sex marriage, gender reassignment surgery, pride events, public displays of LGBTQ rainbow flag

>>21609858 Hillary Clinton Says Americans Should Be Criminally Charged and Jailed for Spreading “Misinformation”

>>21609869 Biden-Harris DHS Refused to Investigate Failed Trump Shooter After He Was Flagged by Border Agents Last Year

>>21609885 Former POTUS DJT set to visit National Shrine of Our Lady of Czestochowa in New Britain Township on Sun., 9/ 22

>>21609886 Your Automobile Insurance is up 73% — VOTE FOR TRUMP, I’LL CUT THAT NUMBER IN HALF!

>>21609911 President Trump just brought the Martin County Sheriff’s Deputies who captured would-be ass*ssin Ryan Routh to Mar-a-Lago.

>>21609917 Settler mob attacks West Bank elementary school under army protection

>>21609919 NY Times refers to Trump assassin Ryan Routh as ‘crusader for causes large and small’

>>21609924, >>21610087, >>21610107, >>21610114, >>21610302 The guy in this vid from the kamala rally looks like The shooter Routh?

>>21609932 Major companies abandon an LGBTQ+ rights report card after facing anti-diversity backlash

>>21609935 Local institutions have moved $40 billion out of Israel since start of war – report

>>21609948 Former first lady Melania Trump left her husband Donald’s namesake Midtown tower under heavy guard Tuesday

>>21609957 Loose electrical cable found on ship that caused Baltimore bridge collapse

>>21609958 Israel Kills 20 More Palestinians in the Gaza Strip

>>21609967 Ohio Gov Mike DeWine refusing to identify foreign actors who called in majority of hoax bomb threats in Springfield, Ohio

>>21609972 Israeli diplomats are lobbying (bribes/blackmail) U.S. politicians to pressure South Africa into dropping ICJ genocide case

>>21609988, >>21610015 Erik Prince on Trump Assassins Appearing in BlackRock Commercials, “The Statistical Likelihood of that Being Random Is Impossible”

>>21610081 Hillary Clinton accuses of Musk of 'threatening to rape' Taylor Swift

>>21610093 POTUS T Book:Great news — My new book, SAVE AMERICA, is a hot item!

>>21610100 Swedish politician criminally prosecuted for posting cartoon questioning the benefits of mass muslim migration

>>21610113 Ecuador to enforce 8-hour nightly blackouts amid severe drought, curfew due to security concerns

>>21610142 realDonaldTrump: Early Voting in Pennsylvania. GO VOTE. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!! DJT

>>21610151, >>21610157, >>21610176 Military Twats

>>21610174 “Under SIEGE” Second Assassination Attempt Made On Donald Trump Piers Morgan Uncensored

>>21610215 TX civic group wants judge to block Ken Paxton’s investigation into voter registration efforts

>>21610220 Former TN State Public Official, Corp Exec Charged w/Conspiracy to Obstruct Justice, Commit Perjury in Connection w/$123M State Contract

>>21610237 Black socialist activists convicted for conspiring to work as Russian agents

>>21610238 Colorado State Patrol officer shot near Aurora, CO

>>21610245 CALL TO DIGG:: CACI buys Fairfax IT firm Azure Summit Technology for $1.3 billion


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90dff5 No.21610367

File: 5de79aa247fb1e4⋯.png (203.32 KB,720x688,45:43,ClipboardImage.png)

TRUMP: My attempted assassin flagged by U.S. during return from Ukraine, but Homeland refused probe


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f3ae12 No.21610368


old-style 1 way pagers can't be tracked as there's no gps and when they're being couriers and shit running errands for terror orgs then they obviously don't want to be tracked

use a little common sense on what applies and what doesn't

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a7e119 No.21610369

File: 20f57072b3a91ac⋯.png (91.46 KB,825x608,825:608,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1d6d5657b7f934c⋯.png (103.42 KB,839x634,839:634,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7a3b1f44bd3da2a⋯.png (81.1 KB,855x597,285:199,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b7aaddcb3cea465⋯.png (94.89 KB,819x635,819:635,ClipboardImage.png)

Pray for peace, as the madmen of the West are about to plunge the world into a mass-death scenario that will catch Americans completely by surprise

Western media stays mum on the biggest story of the century and Americans remain fixated and distracted by petty politics and whether Haitians are eating cats in Ohio. It’s just a matter of time — days or perhaps hours — before the Biden administration approves Ukraine’s use of U.S. missiles to strike daggers deep into the heart of Russia: Putin has removed all confusion, saying such action amounts to a de facto declaration of war against the nuclear-armed 1,100-year-old sovereign state of Russia. He will respond in kind.

It appears to be a matter of when, not if, the Biden administration grants approval for Ukraine to use U.S.-supplied long-range ATACMS missiles against Russia.

These missiles were sent by the U.S. to Ukraine about a year ago but with restrictions that they could not be launched into Russia proper. The British sent their Storm Shadow missiles with similar restrictions. But now the rules of the game are about to change and I see no sense of urgency by the Western media to explain the potential consequences to everyday Americans, Canadians and Europeans. They’d rather report on cat-eating Haitians and the latest political salvo between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris.

The heads of state in the United Kingdom and Canada, perhaps the U.S.’s closest NATO allies, are pushing hard for Biden to approve long-range hits on Russian cities and infrastructure, almost guaranteeing the start of World War III. The regime of Russian President Vladimir Putin has made it clear that nothing less than a direct retaliation against the U.S. and U.K. will result from such a fateful decision by the lame duck president, Joe Biden, or whoever is running Joe Biden.

Over the weekend another powerful voice came out in favor of Ukraine launching missiles at Russian cities.


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ac1e2f No.21610370

File: 2f28fd09f415367⋯.png (657.51 KB,617x784,617:784,ClipboardImage.png)

4 years ago

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7420f1 No.21610371

File: 7e263ab9bdc3cab⋯.jpg (106.12 KB,750x499,750:499,000ohiddefinately.jpg)




que que que que!

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7420f1 No.21610372

File: ac8565495291f05⋯.jpg (12.15 KB,236x323,236:323,3z7.jpg)

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a7691f No.21610373

File: ab0ff7b7211025a⋯.jpeg (773.45 KB,1701x1292,1701:1292,IMG_9678.jpeg)

File: c88e6839d0628f2⋯.mp4 (6.57 MB,My_Movie_2.mp4)

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c4557b No.21610374

File: 8cc3cccb36db4bb⋯.png (28.25 KB,606x324,101:54,ClipboardImage.png)






She entered the entertainment industry as a child. And it has stunted her growth. Entertainers should entertain. Being an entertainer does not. by default, make you a good leader. Having good leadership qualities does.

Taylor Swift


After stoking the fires of white supremacy and racism your entire presidency, you have the nerve to feign moral superiority before threatening violence? ‘When the looting starts the shooting starts’??? We will vote you out in November.


10:33 AM · May 29, 2020

388.2K Reposts 64.6K Quotes 1.9M Likes 10.8K Bookmarks


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9010da No.21610375

File: 01efece4daa823b⋯.jpg (62.51 KB,1283x720,1283:720,e4663d07299e205955957eae46….jpg)

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135e11 No.21610376


I'm gonna say 85% - in my deep deep blue hood populated with actual retards who post signs to virtue signal at the slightest opportunity, there is ONLY ONE Kamala sign. It's a fuggin miracle. I guess supporting Kamala is no longer perceived as a virtue. Kinda worried tho about how we get the last ~10% onboard…are we really gonna have the hoe for a spell?

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90dff5 No.21610377

File: 3aba17f3a32b847⋯.png (2.35 MB,1070x900,107:90,ClipboardImage.png)


>4 years ago

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f7fc97 No.21610378

File: 9b43b36bb011b5e⋯.png (493.93 KB,680x493,40:29,8684B8D0_5923_422F_AB53_0E….png)

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474179 No.21610379

File: 38e4c16eb0369be⋯.png (560.86 KB,710x473,710:473,39da4bc560545824.png)

File: 512c0c232130ad4⋯.png (750.43 KB,710x522,355:261,45f0f4f0ae2f9f8f.png)

File: 47bdd9a821267de⋯.png (1.34 MB,1208x1120,151:140,47bdd9a821267de551f9dda423….png)

File: 50ab7ee105b1c42⋯.png (222.95 KB,415x554,415:554,50ab7ee105b1c42f843daea3d3….png)

File: 59dadb0409f0f28⋯.png (449.26 KB,500x500,1:1,59dadb0409f0f28d43e9ce7085….png)

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34552c No.21610380

He’s such a threat that they have to shot him bc military won’t arrest him n Biden is in charge of the law

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a7691f No.21610381

File: 987bcd9bf1d4cd9⋯.jpeg (45.21 KB,210x255,14:17,IMG_9679.jpeg)

File: b1a277420ff45c5⋯.jpeg (865.24 KB,962x1342,481:671,IMG_9540.jpeg)

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90dff5 No.21610382

File: d2aa5a26d11d240⋯.png (588.76 KB,640x335,128:67,ClipboardImage.png)

Dem Rep. Himes: GOP Blaming Dems for Trump Assassination Attempt, Saying They Don't Trust Feds Is 'Dangerous'

On Monday's broadcast of CNN's "The Source," Rep. Jim Himes (D-CT) said that it's "dangerous" for the Trump campaign to blame Democratic rhetoric


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a4c41d No.21610383


ambushed, hit, and still takes the fucker down

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474179 No.21610384

File: 10597f04632a0ab⋯.jpg (90.19 KB,710x691,710:691,72a275c84063e787.jpg)

File: 05a0ffb3930aa5f⋯.jpeg (62.09 KB,680x438,340:219,77e94482dd1da044.jpeg)

File: fd41f5435c21405⋯.jpg (37.2 KB,517x453,517:453,082ce8c8a784e13e.jpg)

File: 83c4f78771c98cf⋯.png (1.65 MB,1268x641,1268:641,83c4f78771c98cfb467d97c89f….png)

File: 3be966cc059837b⋯.png (183.53 KB,568x381,568:381,85d16e0727006972.png)

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7d8272 No.21610385

File: 9fffcebb419e8d0⋯.mp4 (6.65 MB,426x240,71:40,U_S_Authorities_Were_Warne….mp4)


>TRUMP: My attempted assassin flagged by U.S. during return from Ukraine, but Homeland refused probe

U.S. Authorities Were Warned About Suspected Trump Gunman

Ryan Routh criticized Trump and threatened to kill Vladimir Putin, setting off alarm bells among those involved in Ukraine assistance efforts

By Jane Lytvynenko in Kyiv, Ukraine, Deborah Acosta

in West Palm Beach, Fla., and Vera Bergengruen

in Washington

Sept. 16, 2024 9:21 pm ET

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8149aa No.21610386


deep an dumb in hobamamoo closlut

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90dff5 No.21610387

File: 07118e7e3b0ff15⋯.png (675.67 KB,700x394,350:197,ClipboardImage.png)

PANIC: CNN Worries That Trump Assassination Attempts Are Helping Him Politically. “…a way to rile up his base.”


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d37eb9 No.21610388


They created a cause for their own down fall.

they created a list of war criminals within their government.

they make obvious the psychopaths amoung social media users: those who applaud this despicable escalation of methods of mass murder.

They lost a lot of supporters.

they created a lot of hatred against them.


but go ahead, do your 'paid seal claps and claps' bit.

it makes you glow.

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99d808 No.21610389


Who could hate Christians so much they would ban an athlete for making the sign before a match?

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7420f1 No.21610390

File: 6d46084e5ac6cbe⋯.gif (1.39 MB,498x210,83:35,1a22.gif)

Q said "you don't fight the retards and the retards." & "you get the retards to fight the retards and destroy their retarded selves"

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a7691f No.21610391

File: 4f7fdd32cba5896⋯.png (655.77 KB,514x680,257:340,B9B6E51D_4CE7_4A1D_922A_82….png)

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4f9315 No.21610392

They are snatching the children and raping the women who live there.

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a7e119 No.21610393

File: 0924d92b320f39a⋯.png (35.45 KB,558x319,558:319,ClipboardImage.png)

Dem Senator Chris Murphy Says Trump Inspires ‘Political Violence’ Following Second Assassination


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474179 No.21610394

File: 88ea273d46cdd44⋯.png (699.78 KB,710x710,1:1,89a2dccf90ed067f.png)

File: 90a3d8028105dda⋯.png (3.32 MB,1952x1574,976:787,90a3d8028105dda5682d7327f8….png)

File: cfea447bd89dacc⋯.png (425.66 KB,710x436,355:218,92dc289fdde39ebd.png)

File: 96b9d8d5711639e⋯.png (750.95 KB,852x639,4:3,96b9d8d5711639ecdd4fb966b9….png)

File: aa82f7ed9c2e354⋯.jpg (34.74 KB,440x337,440:337,98c17de98737dbcc.jpg)

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34552c No.21610395





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17a29f No.21610396


well, if they succeed, there will be moar than riled up Maga's coming. They better worry

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659370 No.21610397

File: 8a77376691a6e99⋯.png (287.23 KB,792x622,396:311,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 353286ec3626a18⋯.gif (3.17 MB,498x366,83:61,kitt.gif)



>Automobile comm

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000000 No.21610398

Edward Snowden

@Snowden 4h

What Israel has just done is, via *any* method, reckless. They blew up countless numbers of people who were driving (meaning cars out of control), shopping (your children are in the stroller standing behind him in the checkout line), et cetera. Indistinguishable from terrorism.


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a7691f No.21610399

File: 4dead962886e7d8⋯.gif (4.89 MB,579x434,579:434,IMG_8583.GIF)

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99d808 No.21610400


CNN wasn't smart enough to anticipate such an outcome. Maybe they should tone down the rhetoric.

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90dff5 No.21610401

File: 75ee53896addd7d⋯.mp4 (9.15 MB,480x270,16:9,WEF_Insider_Warns_Elite_Pl….mp4)

File: 2f37f376fa14efa⋯.png (132.74 KB,372x656,93:164,ClipboardImage.png)

🚨 WEF Insider Warns Elite Planning 'Dirty Bomb' Terror Attack at Trump Rally

We warned the world the globalist elite placed President Donald J. Trump at the top of a hit list to be assassinated before November if he continues proving impossible to control.

Following the Butler, Pennsylvania assassination attempt, a visibly angry Klaus Schwab told WEF members that they must keep trying to assassinate Trump and if they miss, “shoot shoot shoot until the job is done.”

We then revealed the existence of a WEF memo circulated among members revealed a three-point plant to take out the 45th President of the United States before the November election – and the plot against America is playing out exactly as we warned.

Now insiders are warning the elite are planning a terrorist-style dirty bomb attack at a Trump rally to provide the shock and awe necessary to terrorize the population into a state of confusion and allow them to implement their agenda.

The mainstream media are desperately trying to suppress this information, just as they did after the first assassination attempt, because it implicates those at the very top of the globalist hierarchy.

1:25 PM · Sep 16, 2024


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4f9315 No.21610402

Have they already planned the Next trump assassination?

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7420f1 No.21610403



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55a4e1 No.21610404

File: ec37466afffd6c6⋯.gif (796.19 KB,380x362,190:181,Squeakys_Hats.gif)





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a7691f No.21610405

File: 5b823831fc75e8f⋯.gif (4.58 MB,480x270,16:9,Trump_Vs_Pope_Francis.gif)

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7420f1 No.21610406



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a7e119 No.21610407

File: e8aea247ca1c3e6⋯.png (311.53 KB,523x251,523:251,ClipboardImage.png)

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c9bc16 No.21610408

Q Team:

People are talking about comms regarding an mass casualty event at the Coliseum, silver signals, and a possible car bomb. Not sure if this will help, but as I read Comey's post, and he mention FDR, I got the impression about maybe a possible "drive by" in those messages. It maybe nothing but another thing to consider. Make sure POTUS is not exposed to a drive by.

That being said, we have noticed the same Covid playbook maybe starting again. Yesterday, the town that my wife's church is in, she did a little shopping. She reported by the train station that they had closed down a homeless or migrant shelter around the train station but what was a red flag is that the whole area smelled like Swavatel fabric softeners. Today, as I walked to shop, I noticed that around the food store and stationary there was a strong septic smell just like during Covid. They do this to mask the odor of the toxins. On the way back in front of the Dominos Pizza store, remember the one that poisoned me?, someone had put fecal matter all along the side walk. And as I was walking home, one of the vehicles that passed by was venting septic odors. They are trying to get people sick for to cause a pandemic panic so they kill people in the hospitals once again. Have all domestic US Mil be on the look out for these signs and capture these facts and then monitor those people. Failure to address this will result in a repeat of the 2020 fake pandemic.

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7420f1 No.21610409

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34552c No.21610410


There it is.. since Alex soros tweet saying he was glad Trump was ok n something about we must stop political violence I was wondering when they’d turn it on MAGA. Gawd I hate these people. They’re so fucking disgusting.

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90dff5 No.21610411

File: 76190c947a7702f⋯.png (565.67 KB,675x740,135:148,ClipboardImage.png)


>🚨 WEF Insider Warns Elite Planning 'Dirty Bomb' Terror Attack at Trump Rally

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fd494f No.21610412

democrats consider surviving assassination attempts witnessed live by the whole wide world - inflammatory

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474179 No.21610413

File: 111b91973c3dd7b⋯.jpg (242.83 KB,1600x900,16:9,111b91973c3dd7b6fa2d28aaf7….jpg)

File: 8127a2a6a2d6589⋯.png (507.92 KB,710x355,2:1,119a6af3155a65fb.png)

File: 130d15d6aa734d2⋯.jpeg (265.1 KB,959x1048,959:1048,130d15d6aa734d221aacc1c75….jpeg)

File: 1048dd566a1db59⋯.png (776.07 KB,710x831,710:831,239ee13bfd1b9ba8.png)

File: 240bdb6d8a20225⋯.png (344.77 KB,720x406,360:203,240bdb6d8a2022515befaedc5f….png)

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7d8272 No.21610414

File: 6d8079ae55a54b6⋯.png (83.83 KB,750x354,125:59,Screenshot_2024_09_17_at_1….png)


>refused probe


follow the wives

Subject stated that he does not get paid for his recruiting efforts and all his work for the Ukrainian government is strictly volunteer work Subject provided his recruiting business card (cards have been uploaded into the event) which list his recruiting partners that he speaks with to recruit soldiers from Afghanistan, Romanian, Pakistan, Syria, and Israel,” the note added."Subject stated that he obtains money from his wife to help fund his trips to Ukraine."

The memo stated that the Ukraine advocate was referred to Homeland Security Investigations (HSI), the lead investigative organ of the Homeland Security Department, but the division declined to pursue the matter.

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908bf7 No.21610415

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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a7e119 No.21610416

Israel's conduct in the war will consume us all

Netanyahu used a sledgehammer when a scalpel was the right tool — now everyone is paying the price

The Israeli government was fully within its rights to bring the terrorists to justice.

But nearing the one-year mark of Israel’s resultant war against Hamas, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu may now be an impediment to peace rather than providing a path to it.

No one can question Israel’s right to seek justice for Hamas’s bloody massacre on 10/7 and few challenge Washington for providing military support to Israel as it seeks to punish Hamas. Yet it is entirely reasonable to question how Israel is conducting its operations, especially if it becomes apparent the Israeli government pursues a course of action that is ineffective — or worse — is making Israel less secure.


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ba837c No.21610417

File: d59c0b296231d4e⋯.jpg (70.71 KB,479x605,479:605,bhgrefj.jpg)

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c2d100 No.21610418

File: 7b7ac6fa7ed7d87⋯.png (28.18 KB,460x484,115:121,66e9889861c49.png)

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5df4eb No.21610419


it's amazing how many people especially "Christians" believe they can.

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4ae6c4 No.21610420

Why is Trump introducing a crypto stablecoin?

These are often frauds, pump and dump schemes. Why is he saying things like, “We’re going to make our country greater than ever before, and you’re going to be happy, and you’re going to love your crypto.”

Can anons explain?


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4f9315 No.21610421

They can probably blow up our cell phones any time they want

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17a29f No.21610422


give Chris some MAGA love Anons.

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90dff5 No.21610423

File: b140589c21813f6⋯.png (487.75 KB,662x1294,331:647,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 66d3fecca068144⋯.png (171.82 KB,603x720,67:80,ClipboardImage.png)

HUD Quite literally brags and sells cities on the fact these migrants come with a lot of federal money. It's not at odds at all and the Feds brag about it. This is from HUD.GOV.



HUD Quite literally brags and sells cities on the fact these people come with a lot of federal money. It's not at odds at all and the Feds brag about it.

This is from https://t.co/6ftLr93vWl.

Kevin Erdmann


@GrassTouchr8 @dwarfmorgante The Haitians on Medicaid chart is so at odds with other stats that it requires some sort of explanation.

2:22 AM • Sep 17, 2024

10:58 AM • Sep 17, 2024


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fd494f No.21610424

800K job over 4 years

they running on this shit?

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a7691f No.21610425

File: f905149ffc2ce1e⋯.jpeg (197.59 KB,1366x683,2:1,CFFB7B4C_8E6C_4129_92BF_1….jpeg)

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7d8272 No.21610426

File: 808bc9984efe4f1⋯.png (93.62 KB,748x768,187:192,Screenshot_2024_09_17_at_1….png)


>follow the wives

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8149aa No.21610427



git yur multipl personalitys to colslut hobamamoo

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55a4e1 No.21610428

Any of your recently margined trades need pumping, Uncle Larry?

Microsoft and BlackRock plan $30 billion fund to invest in AI infrastructure, FT reports

Sep 17th, 15:21:31

(Reuters) - BlackRock is preparing to launch a more than $30 billion artificial intelligence investment fund with Microsoft to build data centers and energy projects to meet growing demands stemming from AI, the Financial Times reported on Tuesday, citing people briefed about the matter.


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474179 No.21610429

File: 622750c1e182423⋯.png (630.6 KB,710x736,355:368,258aa077c001b9f3.png)

File: f108581718bbf48⋯.jpg (48.34 KB,894x596,3:2,517v_FnIK_L_AC_UF894_1000_….jpg)

File: 1bd3ad1add15e92⋯.jpeg (133.9 KB,903x709,903:709,527fcd882dbbc96f.jpeg)

File: 0578d2879684efc⋯.png (398.48 KB,1024x1024,1:1,0578d2879684efc9e516509965….png)

File: 01392ca2be9d61e⋯.jpg (46.53 KB,600x450,4:3,645ded4ca75f2166.jpg)

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ebdddb No.21610430

File: 86d5c6ba80b42bd⋯.png (786.77 KB,810x816,135:136,000001aa.png)

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90dff5 No.21610431

File: 472815bc61f0676⋯.png (1.22 MB,1404x1655,1404:1655,ClipboardImage.png)

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00e9ab No.21610432


she's f'ing illuminati. she signed her life away for fame, $, power, and ability to sing and entertain for a living.

she's a puppet and idiot, plain and simple.

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bd101f No.21610433


overload the battery, maybe

blow up requires explosives

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90dff5 No.21610434

File: fd0459bb69a8909⋯.png (581.8 KB,1052x842,526:421,ClipboardImage.png)

Citing KKK Act, Communist Sues Trump, Trump Campaign, And RNC Claiming Recounts Intimidate "Voters Of Color"

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1169af No.21610435

File: c8186f475be3163⋯.png (20.49 KB,506x176,23:8,Q501.png)



Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: f946c4 No.20857📁

Jan 7 2018 22:27:43 (EST)

P_pers: [1] Confirmed.





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199f8f No.21610436

File: dd5eb1b3679fa5a⋯.jpg (236.91 KB,1200x1200,1:1,dd5eb1b3679fa5a5a6b2ac95b3….jpg)


>The Israeli government was fully within its rights to bring the terrorists to justice.

4000 injured from pagers?

you dumb or what?

I'll buy popcorn and watch what'll happen, 'cause it will.

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9010da No.21610437

File: 387d88b36e9a1e9⋯.jpg (66.87 KB,1283x720,1283:720,e4663d07299e205955957eae46….jpg)

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a7e119 No.21610438

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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474179 No.21610439

File: 57b2b514eaccc01⋯.jpeg (20.1 KB,710x410,71:41,661d42bc0ed9e356.jpeg)

File: 669c9addb25a470⋯.jpeg (175.15 KB,959x720,959:720,669c9addb25a4703ca93a3d70….jpeg)

File: 741eb951aefff53⋯.jpeg (298.38 KB,959x720,959:720,741eb951aefff53f222c7eaac….jpeg)

File: 872efcd1b4d7e8e⋯.png (1.36 MB,692x837,692:837,872efcd1b4d7e8ecb36ac2bebf….png)

File: 5d4ad05e2f13ffb⋯.jpg (41.87 KB,454x484,227:242,968add980a59de3c.jpg)

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d0b773 No.21610440


if your phone accepts an s card

and does not rely on cloud




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90dff5 No.21610441

File: 76edb11cf231e73⋯.png (471.91 KB,768x512,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

NH Governor Signs No-Excuse Voter ID And Citizenship Law

The law will require New Hampshire voters to bring an ID to cast a ballot, as well as provide proof of citizenship in order to register.


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55a4e1 No.21610442

Why? He in jail?

Steve Cohen stops trading for hedge fund Point72, Bloomberg News reports

Sep 17th, 15:24:31

(Reuters) - Steve Cohen, billionaire and founder of hedge fund Point72 Asset Management, has stepped away from the trading floor and will focus on driving the firm's growth, Bloomberg News reported on Tuesday.

Cohen, who remains as the hedge fund's co-chief investment officer along with Harry Schwefel, will invest his time in mentoring and developing talent, the report added, citing an emailed statement.

Point72 did not immediately respond to a Reuters request for comment.

Point72 Asset Management has over 35.2 billion in assets under management as per their website.


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88ea33 No.21610443



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af7a89 No.21610444




check court cases it looked like she defrauded a bank possibly maybe this is how he funded the trips.

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5df4eb No.21610445


they are the one's who carved the deep dividing line. now the project this onto their enemies. it's not going to work.

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ebdddb No.21610446

File: 2312f66eb62208b⋯.gif (80.44 KB,592x415,592:415,4fb.gif)

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474179 No.21610447

File: 94f843df82b8ce9⋯.jpg (32.26 KB,710x530,71:53,1792cc00a3f2ca02.jpg)

File: 691fe17702053e0⋯.jpg (134.29 KB,924x693,4:3,2421da64b1fb9f0c.jpg)

File: fff2a16ea03ca12⋯.jpg (83.56 KB,700x467,700:467,2450d60093f62d5b.jpg)

File: 440a0049674fc20⋯.jpg (40.43 KB,710x644,355:322,2924c5061abe4a76.jpg)

File: 4614b9d3bea0931⋯.jpg (36.74 KB,500x394,250:197,3033e8e214f7c14b561af0751e….jpg)

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55a4e1 No.21610448


He's lookin' fer a court slapp back, so he don't have to….

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a7691f No.21610449

File: ab0ff7b7211025a⋯.jpeg (773.45 KB,1701x1292,1701:1292,IMG_9678.jpeg)

File: 63298dc0f3df43b⋯.jpeg (629.74 KB,1970x1970,1:1,Harry_PDiddy_and_Kanye_01.JPEG)

File: c0896e32981ce8c⋯.jpg (137.4 KB,1088x669,1088:669,Harry_PDiddy_and_Kanye_03.JPG)

File: 06385253c84d22e⋯.webp (136.82 KB,2048x1644,512:411,Harry_PDiddy_and_Kanye_02.WEBP)

I would be silent to when you know at these parties P. Diddy was bringing in adolescent children to be sexually abused at 3am on a regular basis where his neighbors even recognized how frequent it was. Can you imagine what is on those tapes? This is why his imminent arrest is taking so long because they expanded the investigation.

People think P. Diddy is the target of the investigation.

No, he is the subject of it. Which means there is a larger net of players they are after. This is why Hollywood is silent because they know P. Diddy is radioactive right now. And celebrities ever since the raid of his homes happened they have wiped their social media clean and removed all photos and videos of them being at those parties.

The PR disaster that is coming for many of them will be unforgiving. Especially once they learn of what went on and who was present during the time the illegal activities took place with those children.

P.Diddy’s List


Oprah Winfrey



Will Smith

Alicia Keys

Justin Bieber

Kevin Hart

Mark Walburg


DJ Khaled

Swizz Beats

Kelly Rowland

Chris Brown




Janelle Monae


Meg The Stallion


Naomi Campbell


Rita Wilson




Demi Lovato


Ellis Ross

Lil Uzi Vert

Rick Ross

Julianne Hough




Burna Boy

Nicole Scherzinger

Paris Goebel

Cara Delevingne

Winnie Harlow

French Montana

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923708 No.21610450

File: 92c6e7337e6828f⋯.mp4 (3.09 MB,1280x720,16:9,Q_Research.mp4)

FINAL @720


#26468-B >>21609656

>>21609932 Major companies abandon an LGBTQ+ rights report card after facing anti-diversity backlash

>>21609935 Local institutions have moved $40 billion out of Israel since start of war – report

>>21609948 Former first lady Melania Trump left her husband Donald’s namesake Midtown tower under heavy guard Tuesday

>>21609957 Loose electrical cable found on ship that caused Baltimore bridge collapse

>>21609958 Israel Kills 20 More Palestinians in the Gaza Strip

>>21609967 Ohio Gov Mike DeWine refusing to identify foreign actors who called in majority of hoax bomb threats in Springfield, Ohio

>>21609972 Israeli diplomats are lobbying (bribes/blackmail) U.S. politicians to pressure South Africa into dropping ICJ genocide case

>>21609988, >>21610015 Erik Prince on Trump Assassins Appearing in BlackRock Commercials, “The Statistical Likelihood of that Being Random Is Impossible”

>>21610081 Hillary Clinton accuses of Musk of 'threatening to rape' Taylor Swift

>>21610093 POTUS T Book:Great news — My new book, SAVE AMERICA, is a hot item!

>>21610100 Swedish politician criminally prosecuted for posting cartoon questioning the benefits of mass muslim migration

>>21610113 Ecuador to enforce 8-hour nightly blackouts amid severe drought, curfew due to security concerns

>>21610142 realDonaldTrump: Early Voting in Pennsylvania. GO VOTE. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!! DJT

>>21610151, >>21610157, >>21610176 Military Twats

>>21610174 “Under SIEGE” Second Assassination Attempt Made On Donald Trump Piers Morgan Uncensored

>>21610215 TX civic group wants judge to block Ken Paxton’s investigation into voter registration efforts

>>21610220 Former TN State Public Official, Corp Exec Charged w/Conspiracy to Obstruct Justice, Commit Perjury in Connection w/$123M State Contract

>>21610237 Black socialist activists convicted for conspiring to work as Russian agents

>>21610238 Colorado State Patrol officer shot near Aurora, CO

>>21610245 CALL TO DIGG:: CACI buys Fairfax IT firm Azure Summit Technology for $1.3 billion

>>21610248 Sean Combs Charged In Manhattan Federal Court With Sex Trafficking And Other Federal Offenses

>>21610253 John Frankman: Help ing Trump Correct DoD Vaccine Mandate

>>21610200 Planefag Reports

>>21610300 Russian corruption purge expands as two more defense officials arrested

>>21610301 Disgraced Ex-BBC Anchor Huw Edwards Handed 6-Month Suspended Prison Sentence Over Child Sex Abuse Images

>>21610305 How California’s Bar Stole $95M From Client Trust Accounts to Fund Open Borders

>>21610367, >>21610385, >>21610414 TRUMP: My attempted assassin flagged by U.S. during return from Ukraine, but Homeland refused probe

>>21610387, >>21610393, >>21610382 PANIC: CNN Worries That Trump Assassination Attempts Are Helping Him Politically. “…a way to rile up his base”

>>21610401, >>21610411 WEF Insider Warns Elite Planning 'Dirty Bomb' Terror Attack at Trump Rally

>>21610428 Microsoft and BlackRock plan $30 billion fund to invest in AI infrastructure, FT reports

>>21610441 NH Governor Signs No-Excuse Voter ID And Citizenship Law

>>21610442 Steve Cohen stops trading for hedge fund Point72, Bloomberg News reports

>>21609755, >>21609766, >>21609777, >>21609787, >>21609796, >>21609852, >>21609920, >>21610038, >>21610316 Memes


#26468-A >>21609656

>>21609702 President meets w/ Ajay Banga, President of the World Bank, to discuss Bank’s work to reduce global poverty, address global challenges

>>21609705, >>21610192 Swamp Events Today

>>21609710 The democrats are down 303,000 mail in ballots. We are only down 50,000. Excellent news

>>21609711, >>21609735, >>21609865 Gov of FL mentions Vegas shooting while discussing FED agency incompetence re Trump assassination attempts

>>21609715 NATO Chief 'Welcomes' Allies Approving Attacks On Russia With Long-Range Missiles

>>21609712, >>21609719, >>21609734, >>21609780, >>21609829, >>21609928, >>21610136 Buckwheat notes

>>21609722 Zelensky (Sicko) calls for destroying the ‘comfortable life’ of Russians

>>21609746, >>21609793, >>21609760 Iranian ambassador with his face blown off, his shirt soaked in blood

>>21609751 Two Oversight Officials Fired Hours After Pointing Out Anti-Police Bias In Chicago's Office Of Police Accountability

>>21609755, >>21609766, >>21609777, >>21609787, >>21609796, >>21609852, >>21609920 Memes

>>21609765 US threatening freedom of speech – ex-Greek envoy

>>21609772 Florida sheriff fed up with school shooting hoaxes posts boy’s mugshot to social media

>>21609774 Who Was The Alleged Assassin Working With? (Ep. 2330)

>>21609775 DAF adapting, modernizing in today’s warfighting environment

>>21609783 Olympic athlete suspended over Christian gesture

>>21609802 Hillary Clinton Clinton Calls Trump "a Danger to Our Country and World” After Assassination Attempt

>>21609808, >>21609977 Ohio sheriff urges residents to collect addresses of those with Harris yard signs

>>21609816, >>21609893, >>21609953, >>21610127 Strange UFO Sighting Reported Over Downtown Tampa Last Night

>>21609830 President Donald J. Trump CEASE & DESIST Order

>>21609835, >>21609862 Seal and Unsealed Indictments Database

>>21609840 Rally Comms. Beware The Moon. Automobile + PACKED + SALT

>>21609842 AZ Sec of State: Nearly 100,000 AZ voters incorrectly listed as providing proof of citizenship

>>21609856 Georgia (country) officially bans same-sex marriage, gender reassignment surgery, pride events, public displays of LGBTQ rainbow flag

>>21609858 Hillary Clinton Says Americans Should Be Criminally Charged and Jailed for Spreading “Misinformation”

>>21609869 Biden-Harris DHS Refused to Investigate Failed Trump Shooter After He Was Flagged by Border Agents Last Year

>>21609885 Former POTUS DJT set to visit National Shrine of Our Lady of Czestochowa in New Britain Township on Sun., 9/ 22

>>21609886 Your Automobile Insurance is up 73% — VOTE FOR TRUMP, I’LL CUT THAT NUMBER IN HALF!

>>21609911 President Trump just brought the Martin County Sheriff’s Deputies who captured would-be ass*ssin Ryan Routh to Mar-a-Lago.

>>21609917 Settler mob attacks West Bank elementary school under army protection

>>21609919 NY Times refers to Trump assassin Ryan Routh as ‘crusader for causes large and small’

>>21609924, >>21610087, >>21610107, >>21610114, >>21610302 The guy in this vid from the kamala rally looks like The shooter Routh?


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474179 No.21610451

File: 16b5cf807138099⋯.png (371.15 KB,697x917,697:917,ClipboardImage.png)

the greatest crying of our time

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c78ef4 No.21610453


> Look at the current NYPD & FDNY declass news.

Where is the source for this?

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38d853 No.21610454

CNN: By Trump trying to make an issue of this apparent latest assassination attempt, he is creating an environment of violence that is putting people at risk.

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e86f7d No.21610455

File: 00fbdaf24855f50⋯.png (566.28 KB,415x496,415:496,_1.png)

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99d808 No.21610456


This is how it should be. Show a birth certificate or passport to get registered to vote. Ditch the Clintoon, Cloward-Piven motor voter bullshit.

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a4c41d No.21610457

File: 9fd8ba1c8e10b32⋯.jpg (118.29 KB,420x294,10:7,9fd8ba1c8e10b32f00e46d7ade….jpg)


A jew that don't like jew criminals.

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8149aa No.21610458

sinnur^2 thetan + cosinnur^2 thetan)/faggotangent^2 thetanfaggot = cofaggotangent^2

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474179 No.21610459

File: f906f07c65f1911⋯.jpg (109.92 KB,797x803,797:803,3833f9c1613b37c5.jpg)

File: 44bb60813b42280⋯.jpeg (36.64 KB,981x652,981:652,4904fa0ca6fb2610.jpeg)

File: 5844a5c37624e41⋯.jpg (102.66 KB,447x596,3:4,5844a5c37624e4186a41cf04c3….jpg)

File: 8081a2bf9c76d64⋯.jpg (146.31 KB,743x861,743:861,9503d1db71264984.jpg)

File: 24008e8dcbe7257⋯.webp (48.73 KB,700x885,140:177,24008e8dcbe725717365f6a6c….webp)

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e86f7d No.21610461

File: 46ae5b0bea13fdb⋯.png (483.82 KB,740x738,370:369,_11.png)

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d0b773 No.21610462


haitian fams

can go back to


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fd494f No.21610463

biden Harris doing a bang up job working tirelessly in the Middle East

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e86f7d No.21610464

File: 16ce0524bee41c4⋯.png (494.79 KB,695x888,695:888,_11111111.png)

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e86f7d No.21610465

File: 0b1f14436a40dd8⋯.gif (46.52 KB,798x804,133:134,0b1f14436a40dd863fd2c03e9b….gif)

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34552c No.21610466

File: 8fa55f29a1f7cd4⋯.mp4 (361.02 KB,290x180,29:18,Pallets_.mp4)

File: 70be4e896544ccc⋯.mp4 (1016.1 KB,268x180,67:45,Elon_xrp_.mp4)

File: 84cff82707ea1be⋯.mp4 (1.66 MB,322x180,161:90,Money_printing_macheens_.mp4)

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c78ef4 No.21610467


Do not know why that link didn't come out by the poster but here it is, let's see what is says.

pb >>21609572

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a7691f No.21610468

File: 8cd4f12df75c5fa⋯.jpeg (260.34 KB,1255x1255,1:1,IMG_9670.jpeg)

Alien boy with nice tits

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e86f7d No.21610469

File: 0e0eb7dba711af3⋯.jpg (66.86 KB,480x425,96:85,0e0.jpg)

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38d853 No.21610470

File: 24648c9bbc65856⋯.jpg (32.97 KB,500x500,1:1,wtf_u_shittin_me.jpg)

So apparently talking about the assassination attempt is promoting violence according to the left.

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d37eb9 No.21610471


the fools at responsiblestatecraft.org

seem to be psychopaths.

'fully within it's rights'


they dig the hole deeper by trying to justify their barbarism.


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bd101f No.21610472

File: a7a7455558ac1ec⋯.png (12.34 KB,142x47,142:47,ClipboardImage.png)


>Naomi Campbell

she just waved the checkered flag at the Azerbijan GP

Remember the Red Bull incident at the GP a few years back? Fire at the trump building…


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e86f7d No.21610473

File: f655e36cf6800ba⋯.jpg (99.17 KB,745x500,149:100,2l2mlc.jpg)

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d0b773 No.21610474


that what REAL ID's are about

theyre not easy to get

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8149aa No.21610475

File: 180ea339fdba1d2⋯.png (6.98 KB,331x152,331:152,ClipboardImage.png)


> thetanfaggot = cofaggotangent^2

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e86f7d No.21610476

File: 17fdf4627e30e43⋯.jpg (104.57 KB,760x427,760:427,3a3d7eb0be68cc51d769086348….jpg)

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474179 No.21610477

File: 6c540edbf825615⋯.png (417.35 KB,543x1177,543:1177,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3a20586f37902a0⋯.png (1.06 MB,638x771,638:771,PULLIT2.png)

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e86f7d No.21610479

File: 3fb955f654df4cd⋯.png (1.2 MB,1063x696,1063:696,3fb955f654df4cda4c8e195491….png)

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e86f7d No.21610480

File: 3b3f87c09a10e30⋯.jpg (18 KB,333x279,37:31,4bcc79c200ff1865b84be0b3e8….jpg)

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e86f7d No.21610481

File: b753fa435f50193⋯.png (1011.22 KB,1800x2500,18:25,4dcfb2ef42bd288b673eb18b2b….png)

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474179 No.21610482

File: 89b0b188a019e1c⋯.png (420.3 KB,692x925,692:925,ClipboardImage.png)

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e86f7d No.21610483

File: 6e3c781c3a7ae4e⋯.png (229.82 KB,467x307,467:307,6e3c781c3a7ae4ef61bf8c71e8….png)

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34552c No.21610484


Will cnn be there?

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8149aa No.21610485


>apparently talking about assass


>apparently talking about assass


>apparently talking about assass

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923708 No.21610488

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





>>21610452 Q Research General #26469: Happy Constitution Day! Edition

>>21610478 DOUGH





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b132bd No.21610489



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e86f7d No.21610490

File: 9d345426b31d46c⋯.png (535.11 KB,1194x408,199:68,7e0852d6f6e6fadd152074dad3….png)

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e86f7d No.21610492

File: 3945eec9ecf8e98⋯.png (762.8 KB,750x1334,375:667,08b665cc71b7289e97841904fb….png)

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38d853 No.21610493

File: 9fceec39508fcd4⋯.jpg (32.58 KB,500x281,500:281,screamer.jpg)


The left will lose their shit in 3…2…

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07a1ff No.21610494

File: 818414623863f03⋯.png (137.29 KB,560x911,560:911,Screenshot_2024_09_17_1633….png)

File: 9303d937444d5dd⋯.mp4 (3.58 MB,576x1024,9:16,ssstwitter_com_17265216494….mp4)

Wall Street Apes




OHH WOW 🚨 They aren’t even hiding it anymore

The Las Vegas Sphere displayed a whole bunch of words extremely fast, almost as if a subliminal message was being shown. Someone was able to capture the footage and slow it down. (Holy sh*t)


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908bf7 No.21610495

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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474179 No.21610497

File: c4c7dc3bc825794⋯.jpg (96.05 KB,902x709,902:709,36941a836406655f.jpg)

File: 49645b9e9e99306⋯.jpeg (100.45 KB,716x1299,716:1299,49645b9e9e993064a5db90098….jpeg)

File: 21ff976f7b075af⋯.png (480.83 KB,568x640,71:80,55063b9242f27133.png)

File: 05520b4a5c02578⋯.jpeg (49.02 KB,600x500,6:5,70482b0740af6378.jpeg)

File: 73735de7f67090f⋯.jpg (75.54 KB,1079x694,1079:694,73735de7f67090fc51d9f2bddb….jpg)

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8149aa No.21610499

File: 15aa6d2808e925e⋯.png (9.1 KB,303x166,303:166,ClipboardImage.png)



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e86f7d No.21610500

File: 6360b087bed2f2b⋯.jpg (711.98 KB,1436x986,718:493,11_11_2018_At_the_Bar.jpg)

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c4557b No.21610501



Daresay that Israel just showed them that they are better at the game than they are.

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e86f7d No.21610502

File: a3ab964fbc6c6a0⋯.jpg (106.56 KB,762x394,381:197,12fa920b60f44a76bd9dee486f….jpg)

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a8e0cd No.21610503

File: 439e2c28291e2e8⋯.png (257.36 KB,309x468,103:156,2024_09_17_16_34_39.png)


Damn, that was Ruff!

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e86f7d No.21610504

File: 28b0e3e655d5092⋯.jpg (111.9 KB,658x500,329:250,27uiua.jpg)

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e86f7d No.21610506

File: e53390a4cab1ca5⋯.jpg (41.8 KB,665x900,133:180,82b1fac792f7d4a3aebd9e6c48….jpg)

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a4c41d No.21610508


what percentage of lawyers will be hanged or imprisoned?

we could go down a list for that matter

government employees




et al

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38d853 No.21610509

File: 96b9d8d5711639e⋯.png (750.95 KB,852x639,4:3,Haitians_watched_by_sky_ca….png)

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e86f7d No.21610510

File: 27d09774954c5d1⋯.jpg (107.56 KB,666x499,666:499,257ixt.jpg)

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17a29f No.21610511

Any reports of exploding beepers in Congress today?

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d37eb9 No.21610512



murder is a game?

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