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b6b871 No.21604292 [Last50 Posts]

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b6b871 No.21604293

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b6b871 No.21604295


#26461 >>21603430

>>21603469 DeSantis Says Florida Will Conduct Own Probe Into 2nd Trump Assassination Attempt

>>21603474, >>21603548 Live: Secret Service, FBI hold press conference on Trump assassination attempt

>>21603497 The U.S. Secret Service and FBI has been notified of the threatening statement against the POTUS and VP by Elon Musk, according to a independent watchdog.

>>21603509 Votes for Cornel West and Claudia De la Cruz will count in Georgia for now

>>21603516 REP. PLASKETT: "[Trump] needs to be shot, stopped."

>>21603546 New York Times Reporter Revisits Earlier Interview With Suspect at Trump Golf Course

>>21603547, >>21603556 Trump campaign sends out a LONG LIST OF RECEIPTS of Democrats' rhetoric that "inspired another attempt on President Trump's life."

>>21603565 Nolte: Corporate Media Won’t Stop Until Trump Is Murdered

>>21603567 Trump Has Survived More Assassination Attempts Than Harris Has Campaign Interviews

>>21603576 Putin orders Russia to boost size of army by 180,000 troops to 1.5 million

>>21603615 Commie Oregon Secretary Of State Defends Law Automatically Registering Hundreds Of Noncitizens To Vote

>>21603633 California AG Wants to Make Even More Expensive to Exercise Your 2A Rights

>>21603634 ‘Just Stop’: Ex-CNN Analyst Unloads On People Downplaying Trump Assassination Attempts

>>21603681 Suspect at Trump International Golf Course Charged with Firearms Offenses

>>21603702 UN staffer shot dead by Israeli sniper in occupied West Bank

>>21603714 Businessman Howard Lutnick Says Economists Opposing Trump’s Economic Plan Is ‘Partisan Nonsense’

>>21603725 Six Members of a Former Cult Convicted of Forced Labor Conspiracy Charges in Years-Long Scheme that Included Multiple Minors

>>21603732 Would-be Trump assassin exploited security hole that Secret Service has known about for year

>>21603748 Democrats Call For Violence Against Donald Trump So Frequently It Was Played As Evidence At His Trial

>>21603792 Concerns Arise About FBI Lead Investigating Trump Assassination Attempt

>>21603800 Pa. court rejects Cornel West's bid to get on ballot, clears way for mail voting

>>21603848 Winner declared in Republican primary race for 117th District of PA after 5 month-long delay

>>21603892 Donald J. Trump - Join me live from Mar-A-Lago at 8:00PM Eastern, tonight on X Spaces.

>>21603905 Former FBI agent says would-be Trump assassin’s devices likely already compromised by intel agencies

>>21604092 DC_Draino: Federal legislation prohibiting the slaughter of dogs and cats to eat their meat? The media said this wasn’t happening

>>21604097, >>21604109,>>21604110 FUD of the day: CNN’s Harry Enten Warns Harris Currently In Polling ‘Danger Zone’ 911

>>21604176, >>21603930, >>21603924 THERE ARE RECEIPTS: Team Trump Drops List of EVERY Democrat and Enabler Which Led to 2nd Assassination Attempt, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Mad Maxine Waters, Rep. Dan Goldman, Nancy Pelosi, Liz Chney and the Lincoln Project’s Rick Wilson.

>>21604207 9 Years of Hate: Lincoln Project’s Rick Wilson Said Donor Class Must ‘Put a Bullet in Donald Trump’

>>21603942 CONFIRMED: Trump attempted-assassin Ryan Routh has been on the FBI's radar since 2019 Mp4 0:51

>>21603985, >>21604034, >>21604039, >>21604163 PAYMENTS FROM THE FIRST TRUMP SHOOTER TO THE SECOND TRUMP SHOOTER?

>>21604214 KISS MY ASS, JOE!!!😎😘😘😘

>>21604285 #26461

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b6b871 No.21604298

#26460 >>21602529 - A

>>21602546 Bizarre Questions About the Trump Assassination Attempt

>>21602549 Daily Press Briefing - U.S. Department of State

>>21602589, >>21602622 Who is Ryan Routh? Digging into Trump suspect's ties to Greensboro

>>21602613 Fact Sheet: The Difference between FEMA Tarps and USACE Blue Roofs

>>21602642 Suspect in Second Trump Assassination Attempt Hit with Two Charges In Federal Court, Neither for Trying to Kill Trump

>>21602650 Suspected Trump assassin Ryan Wesley Routh, "spent nearly 12 hours" near Trump's golf course before being confronted

>>21602655, >>21602755, >>21602755 TRUMP: “Because of Kamala’s Communist rhetoric, the bullets are flying, and it will only get worse.”

>>21602662 Elon Musk posts, deletes shocking reaction to Trump assassination bid

>>21602665 What do you notice about the front page of fake news "USA Today" one day after an attempted assassination of Trump?

>>21602683 Mass Mail-In Voting Is Democrats’ New ‘Blue Wall’ To Cheat Republicans

>>21602685 QClock September 15, 2024 -Assassination Attempt No. 2 Fight Fight Fight

>>21602689 Why were members of the Biden-Harris Administration, like Chef Jose Andres, posing for photos with the would be Trump assassin?

>>21602690, >>21602722 Ben & Jerry’s Founders Unveil ‘Kamala Coconut Jubilee’ Flavor on 20-City GOTV Tour

>>21602695 Body Language: Donald Trump and Kamala Harris, Presidential debate

>>21602703, >>21602723 Donald J. Trump - Illegal Migrants who are POURING INTO OUR COUNTRY, in record numbers, are taking the JOBS

>>21602727 The President delivers remarks at the 2024 National HBCU Week Conference

>>21602732 Trump’s European allies leap to his defense as FBI probes new ‘attempted assassination’

>>21602743 Prosecutors Ask for 6 Years in Prison for Italy’s Conservative Deputy PM Mateo Salvini for Prohibiting Illegal Migrant Boat From Disembarking on Italian Port

>>21602751, >>21602902 Arrest Body cam footage of Trump’s attempted assassin Ryan Routh released

>>21602768 Trump was golfing with Steve Witkoff today when he was shot at!!

>>21602777 Huge explosion rocks Texas as chemical plant blows up following gas pipeline breach

>>21602783 Steve Witkoff’s Nine Lives: Tough Guys Don’t Fold-They Crawl Back From the Abyss

>>21602787 President Trump Hosts a Town Hall with Gov. Sarah Sanders in Flint, MI - 9/17/24

>>21602789 Secret Service chatter about SECOND Trump assassination attempt sparks concern of another 'cover up'


>>21603391 #26460

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b6b871 No.21604299

#26460 >>21602529 -B

>>21602839, >>21602901 Commie Leftist Media Blames Trump For Second Failed Assassination Attempt

>>21602849 Trump’s would-be assassin has walked into the courtroom laughing while being “shackled by his hands and feet.”

>>21602854, >>21602949 Senator Josh Hawley Drops Whistleblower Report on Secret Service Failures in the First Trump Assassination Attempt

>>21602863 "Attention Seeking" EU Commissioner Thierry Breton Resigns After Musk-Trump Censorship Dust-Up

>>21602870 Putin Orders Russian Army to Increase Troop Size by 180K

>>21602873 Would-Be Trump Assassin Palled Around With Neo-Nazi Azov Brigade In Ukraine: What Did The Government Know?

>>21602878, >>21602888 Texas' Abbott Announces Major Border Security Change To Take On 'Deadly' Venezuelan Gang

>>21602954 Adam Kinzinger Admits Patriot Front Members are Feds

>>21602955 Commie Ohio Gov. DeWine Defends Biden's Illegal Migration into Springfield

>>21602956, >>21602962, >>21602970 Ryan Routh published book (last year) urging Iran to assassinate President Trump

>>21602963, >>21603023 Germany claims it is stopping illegal immigrants at the border now

>>21602966, >>21603137 FLASHBACK 2018: Kamala Harris found it hysterically funny after she cracked a joke about killing Donald Trump.

>>21602968 Rep. Casey Weinstein - Jd has reached the 'Find Out' stage.

>>21602973 Ukraine says would-be Trump 'assassin' had 'delusional ideas' about supporting country's fight against Russia

>>21602975 Social Media Abuzz After Time Magazine Features Trump Golf Photo with ‘In Trouble’ Caption Days Before Assassination Attempt

>>21602977 WI Attorney General's Fraudulent 'Fake Electors' Case Exposed

>>21603032 Criminal Negligence On A Mass Scale: Recounting Big Pharma's Big Rap Sheet.

>>21603043 Zelensky wants to destroy ‘comfortable life’ of Russians

>>21603049 Trump Assassination Suspect Is a Felon Barred from Gun Possession

>>21603070 ABC Whistleblower Says Kamala Demanded Questions Before Debate

>>21603086 Soldier Fact-Checks Kamala Harris's Claim No U.S. Troops Are in a Combat Zone

>>21603099 Ex-BBC Presenter Huw Edwards Spared Prison over Child Sex Images

>>21603100 Meloni Enforces Stricter Measures Against NGO-Led Illegal Immigration in Italy

>>21603112 Donald J. Trump - oin me live from Mar-A-Lago at 8:00PM Eastern, tonight on X Spaces.

>>21603120 Media Rush To Downplay Second Trump Assassination Effort

>>21603129, >>21603169 Israel Kills 88 Palestinians in Gaza Over Three Days

>>21603155 Settlers assault Palestinian villagers and Israeli activists in Jordan Valley

>>21603176 USS Liberty Vet TELLS ALL: “It Was A Cover-Up From Day 1”

>>21603195 Israeli military has been ordered to prepare for military campaign in Lebanon

>>21603321 37 People, Including 3 Americans, Sentenced To Death Over Coup Attempt In Congo

>>21603355 Banks Urged to Defund Farming Industry to Limit Meat & Dairy Consumption

>>21603394 #26460

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b6b871 No.21604301

#26459 >>21601547

>>21601835 PF updates

>>21601604, >>21601608, >>21601611, >>21601614, >>21601615, >>21601618, >>21601620, >>21601621 MEME WARRIOR UI 1.3 #240904

>>21601627 Trump’s promises to end Ukraine conflict ‘not real’ – Zelensky (the Arrogant Idiot Says)

>>21601628, >>21601786, >>21601988, >>21602062, >>21602094, >>21602179, >>21602208, >>21602391 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Mercury's Vivaldi Crater from BepiColombo/Space/Science

>>21601635 NYC: The city has outsourced many core functions to a little-known group of 14 human services contractors, each with a portfolio exceeding $1 billion.

>>21601666 How a Trump-Musk government efficiency commission might affect NASA

>>21601686 Ukraine’s British missiles rely on US data

>>21601691, >>21601703, >>21601710, >>21602215 Greensboro neighbor describes man accused of attempting Trump assassination, says ‘a lot of people were afraid of him’/Routh

>>21601692, >>21602213 crossposting notables to the world via #AnonNews chat room crossposting notables to the world via #AnonNews chat room

>>21601717, >>21602223 same guy???/Routh

>>21601720 20205 The World after 50 years of systemic discriminated against White Americans

>>21601745 World leaders call for increased UN powers, implementation of Agenda 2030

>>21601748, >>21602142, >>21602196, >>21602216 Swampenins

>>21601769, >>21601780, >>21602235 Latest assassination attempt on Donald Trump: What we know so far

>>21601801 Tito Jackson dead @70

>>21601802 China rams Philippine ship while 60 Minutes on board; South China Sea tensions could draw U.S. in

>>21601804 "It’s seemingly easier to threaten the life of the Republican nominee than it is to interview the Democratic one."

>>21601890 The man who tried to kill President Azali Assoumani has died in custody, according to officials in the Comoros

>>21601898 Wanna be Trump assassin' Ryan Routh's son, Oran, said in a statement to CNN

>>21601927 Ukraine hails call for EU to end refugee payments to Ukrainian men of military age who are living in the EU

>>21601955 Putin orders increase in size of Russian military

>>21602007, >>21602084 International Volunteer Center of Ukraine/Routh/Nance

>>21602012 US media merged with intelligence services long ago keks in C_A

>>21602083 vote Trump vid kekky

>>21602100, >>21602150, >>21602172 I’m releasing a comprehensive Whistleblower Report on the multiple failures of Secret Service & DHS - including new allegations & numerous unanswered questions due to USSS stonewalling

>>21602154, >>21602166 Bishes confused/Psaki/Crockett

>>21602189 Kodak told the crowd he is a Trump supporter and the stadium erupted with cheers and praise.

>>21602262 Trump TERMINATED TPS for Haiti and three other countries. Then, a single judge in California entered a preliminary injunction on specious grounds, preventing Trump from acting, foreign-style one party state

>>21602271, >>21602282 game of chess the moving of the king to G6 is usually fatal, shooter was discovered just outside of the 6th green (G6)

>>21602335 Trump assassins go 0-2! Erik Prince breaks it down | Will Cain Show

>>21602338, >>21602347 @realDonaldTrump The Rhetoric, Lies, as exemplified by the false statements made by Comrade Kamala Harris during the rigged and highly partisan ABC Debate…

>>21602405 ICYMI: Speaker Johnson meets with Trump after 2nd assassination attempt

>>21602400 Pipline fire in LaPort Texas

>>21602424 ECW: C_A

>>21602444, >>21602446 'I Want to Believe': Are UFOs in the South Sound Fact or Fiction?

>>21602477, >>21602463 What exactly is the Harvest Moon?

>>21602517 #26459

Previously Collected

>>21601530 #26458,

>>21599060 #26455, >>21599934 #26456, >>21600711 #26457

>>21596988 #26452, >>21597406 #26453, >>21598227 #26454

>>21594064 #26449, >>21595047 #26450, >>21595827 #26451

>>21591133 #26446, >>21591993 #26447, >>21593055 #26448

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Q Research Notables #24: Soldiers >>21225723

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b6b871 No.21604303

File: 64ad9910fdbde00⋯.png (507.64 KB,850x692,425:346,ClipboardImage.png)



Q Research General #26462: KISS MY ASS, JOE!!! Eye The Receipts: WE CAUGHT THEM ALL? Edition

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b8a855 No.21604308

File: 04fd8ea6275c414⋯.jpg (90.57 KB,1100x1280,55:64,04fd8ea6275c41461f11a03e64….jpg)

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e4ae29 No.21604313

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Trump trying to get to his next tee time!

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ae1f4c No.21604317

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Funky man

Bootsy and the funk bros

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b6b871 No.21604322

File: c1e1de6fbf80baf⋯.png (457.09 KB,1061x933,1061:933,ClipboardImage.png)

Debate Flashback:Trump Said Democrat Rhetoric Led Directly To Assassination Attempts Against Him


SEPTEMBER 16, 2024


Would-be assassin Ryan Routh falsely claimed former President Donald Trump would “make Americans slaves again” and that “DEMOCRACY is on the ballot” in an April post on X.

Sound familiar?

It’s the same type of incendiary, assassination-prep language that has been used by left-wing corporate media for years to vilify and dehumanize Trump — rhetoric that Trump rightly blamed for his first assassination attempt during the recent presidential debate.

“I probably took a bullet to the head because of the things that they say about me,” Trump said during the debate. “They talk about democracy — I’m a ‘threat to democracy.’ They’re the threat to democracy with the fake Russia-Russia-Russia investigation that went nowhere.”

Trump reiterated the message in a post on Monday on X.

“The Rhetoric, Lies, as exemplified by the false statements made by Comrade Kamala Harris during the rigged and highly partisan ABC Debate, and all of the ridiculous lawsuits specifically designed to inflict damage on Joe’s, then Kamala’s, Political Opponent, ME, has taken politics in our Country to a whole new level of Hatred, Abuse, and Distrust,” Trump said in his post. “Because of this Communist Left Rhetoric, the bullets are flying, and it will only get worse!”

It’s also the same message shared Sunday by former FBI Counterterrorism Agent Tim Clemente on CNN — who eerily predicted another assassination attempt if the current rhetoric about Trump continues.

“I would think we’re going to find that this guy is extremely politically motivated, Clemente said, “and that he probably was spurred on by much of the political diatribes that are going on these days, talking about Trump, equating him to Hitler, and things like that. So I don’t think this is the last we’ll see of crazies out there trying to do this right now.”

Such “diatribes” include that from The Washington Post’s Editor-at-Large Robert Kagan, who in a 2023 article said a “Trump dictatorship” is “increasingly inevitable” “unless something radical and unforeseen happens.” Kagan also alleged that the Trump administration would be akin to Hitler’s regime.

Politico published an article in December written by Holly Otterbein, Elena Schneider, and Jonathan Lemire that defended President Joe Biden’s comparison of Trump to Hitler, arguing “historians” also agree with such assertions.

Biden himself said, “It’s time to put Trump in the bullseye.”

The rhetoric continued even after Trump was injured during the July assassination attempt.

Democrat New Mexico Sen. Martin Heinrich called Trump “an existential danger to our democracy,” a claim often used by members of his party, its propaganda machine, and the would-be assassin to vilify Trump. It’s the type of propaganda designed to justify and incite the most egregious behavior and desensitize Americans, making future violence seem normal.

After the second assassination attempt, The Cincinnati Enquirer published a submission that justifies the attempt by saying that “there is no place in politics for violence,” but “Trump brings a lot of this stuff on himself.”

The Washington Post’s Philip Bump tried to allege that Democrats — who have spent months breathlessly calling Trump Hitler and a “threat” — are the real victims here, once again painting Trump as a threat and prepping justification for a potential third attempt. “Another chance for Trump to frame Democrats as dangerous has emerged,” Bump writes. “Trumpworld is eager to have Americans blame his opponents’ rhetoric for assassination attempts — both to nullify their arguments and to cast Trump as a victim.”

But only a corporate media complex complicit in inciting violence (as Trump pointed out) would shift the blame to the victim to dodge accountability.


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4915a0 No.21604324

File: 4313a75472807d3⋯.mp4 (11.06 MB,640x360,16:9,salaryfaggots.mp4)

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beef91 No.21604325

File: 5891c60bb7ad2f8⋯.jpeg (50.22 KB,395x524,395:524,F31C01B7_3C40_49BA_9223_2….jpeg)

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519f66 No.21604328

File: 60fb415ce5d8bfd⋯.png (569.21 KB,495x672,165:224,Screenshot_2024_09_13_1900….png)

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21a782 No.21604329

File: b1d1c14000cceba⋯.png (632.98 KB,1211x628,1211:628,DAWGSCATS.png)


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4db648 No.21604332

File: 3365f7620fe13ad⋯.jpg (128.57 KB,900x635,180:127,1000000148.jpg)

File: dd2206ee31b93b8⋯.jpg (291.28 KB,720x491,720:491,1000000462.jpg)


Thank you.

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21a782 No.21604333

File: ba51773d427f777⋯.png (329.01 KB,936x540,26:15,ClipboardImage.png)

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4915a0 No.21604336

File: b8b65173ad68843⋯.png (401.56 KB,373x481,373:481,azovst.png)

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4006fa No.21604337

File: fbd2d475d00f1d4⋯.jpg (27.58 KB,541x676,541:676,IMG_20240914_004147_966.jpg)



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4915a0 No.21604339

File: e9193918e46823a⋯.mp4 (688.37 KB,1280x720,16:9,AzovMay2022.mp4)

File: 91086f92c90a129⋯.mp4 (1.92 MB,884x494,34:19,Bodycam_Trump_assassin_get….mp4)

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f1ed00 No.21604342

File: 2a8a2df0802256a⋯.jpeg (77.86 KB,800x537,800:537,2a8a2df0802256ae377e8affa….jpeg)

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4915a0 No.21604343

File: fe407b7afcec07b⋯.mp4 (488.91 KB,886x492,443:246,hehastobeeliminated.mp4)

File: 8b268163f580cf5⋯.mp4 (2.08 MB,576x1024,9:16,slap_skin.mp4)

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4db648 No.21604344

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Alphabet Deepfuck Obliteration.

All must go.

At once.


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21a782 No.21604347

File: a78c849f5b9bf7e⋯.png (1.13 MB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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519f66 No.21604348

File: 23ce3e5943fa80f⋯.png (221.99 KB,797x625,797:625,Screenshot_2024_09_11_0439….png)


Waterboard the fucker!

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eb89f1 No.21604349

File: af9f13a31dca30b⋯.jpg (19.11 KB,255x255,1:1,612d5bbc45cea969007e09a4ec….jpg)

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4006fa No.21604350

File: 61d5bfbc52c07dd⋯.jpg (295.61 KB,1280x1080,32:27,Picsart_24_09_16_17_48_47_….jpg)

Article from Aug 30, 2024


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21a782 No.21604352

File: eba665eef757e56⋯.png (354.37 KB,484x597,484:597,ClipboardImage.png)

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8d555f No.21604358

File: 64e14a56fb50233⋯.gif (832.2 KB,500x446,250:223,1528589537845.gif)

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4915a0 No.21604359

File: f8024e9eee602a3⋯.mp4 (6.02 MB,1080x1920,9:16,currentoccupant.mp4)

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dd7403 No.21604362

File: abca90d61019716⋯.gif (4.94 MB,540x405,4:3,sherlock_gif.gif)

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4915a0 No.21604363

File: 7513cbcbd731774⋯.mp4 (3.48 MB,320x568,40:71,nance.mp4)

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519f66 No.21604365

File: ebae431b0021e9a⋯.png (270.33 KB,1440x1791,160:199,ClipboardImage.png)

I kinda like Jenna Ortega.

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fd5d9f No.21604366

File: e0a4f75e2b34f2c⋯.png (85.37 KB,727x673,727:673,ClipboardImage.png)

Donald J. Trump

The Rhetoric, Lies, as exemplified by the false statements made by Comrade Kamala Harris during the rigged and highly partisan ABC Debate, and all of the ridiculous lawsuits specifically designed to inflict damage on Joe’s, then Kamala’s, Political Opponent, ME, has taken politics in our Country to a whole new level of Hatred, Abuse, and Distrust. Because of this Communist Left Rhetoric, the bullets are flying, and it will only get worse! Allowing millions of people, from places unknown, to INVADE and take over our Country, is an unpardonable sin. OUR BORDERS MUST BE CLOSED, AND THE TERRORISTS, CRIMINALS, AND MENTALLY INSANE, IMMEDIATELY REMOVED FROM AMERICAN CITIES AND TOWNS, DEPORTED BACK TO THEIR COUNTIES OF ORIGIN. WE WANT PEOPLE TO COME INTO OUR COUNTRY, BUT THEY MUST LOVE OUR NATION, AND COME IN LEGALLY AND THROUGH A SYSTEM OF MERIT. THE WORLD IS LAUGHING AT US AS FOOLS, THEY ARE STEALING OUR JOBS AND OUR WEALTH. WE CANNOT LET THEM LAUGH ANY LONGER. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

12:30 PM · Sep 16, 2024·11.5M Views


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ba424e No.21604367

File: 64883e59a2e84fa⋯.mp4 (12.9 MB,464x640,29:40,IMG_9949.mp4)

Vegas Sphere fkry?

What happens if anons line up all the words in sequence with color grouping?

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4915a0 No.21604368

File: f5c26f322406a2d⋯.mp4 (5.83 MB,640x360,16:9,what_is_happening.mp4)

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f1ed00 No.21604370

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4db648 No.21604371

File: fb605f5cc3b4eb6⋯.jpg (262.27 KB,1086x697,1086:697,1000001305.jpg)

Spiritually disemboweling the Satanic Elite and churning the DeepFucks into fertilizer, every millisecond closer to absolute ruination of the globalist fantasy.

Gone forever, lost to history.

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02758b No.21604372

File: 67a2b2d7e6c396a⋯.jpg (10.78 KB,142x255,142:255,324fa63f5e57c8616fe3ad3aeb….jpg)

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61891d No.21604374

If this were a game of Clue I'd have to say : It was Zelenski, with a gun on the golfcourse…

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353321 No.21604375


the tight jeans make the look

nothing says applebees while you work travel harassing people like those tighties

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beef91 No.21604376

File: e00ed41ed02df53⋯.jpeg (241.16 KB,1280x720,16:9,31BEAB8C_A5B1_4176_BA99_F….jpeg)

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017592 No.21604377

File: 342fb610ec92839⋯.jpg (39.54 KB,750x484,375:242,ertygny6.jpg)

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353321 No.21604378

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4915a0 No.21604379

File: c8d5038d5289f34⋯.mp4 (1.15 MB,640x352,20:11,27flights.mp4)

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02758b No.21604380


well its a show soo….

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353321 No.21604382


lil fighter, rip

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eb89f1 No.21604383

File: 69e1f09f94e970a⋯.png (609.74 KB,2619x1307,2619:1307,69e1f09f94e970a821b522d85d….png)

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4915a0 No.21604384

File: 5e5b248a9f9fb9c⋯.gif (1.13 MB,498x206,249:103,are_you_not_entertained_16….gif)

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21a782 No.21604386

File: b516fb9ad01d0b1⋯.png (980.21 KB,710x710,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 05da88f4d0a7ec9⋯.png (493.97 KB,580x751,580:751,ClipboardImage.png)

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b8a855 No.21604387

File: 3f322493caf9c1e⋯.png (566.63 KB,858x639,286:213,ms.png)

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c48ffa No.21604388

File: 9132c99e3e66a88⋯.png (200.94 KB,568x685,568:685,ClipboardImage.png)



Yeah, it's a slide!

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21a782 No.21604389

File: 9759e8d65aaf4b8⋯.png (448.51 KB,684x447,228:149,ClipboardImage.png)

it's a shame

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4915a0 No.21604390

File: 33e4e45ac13af75⋯.png (690.41 KB,650x433,650:433,127_Illuminated_Windows.png)



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4915a0 No.21604391

File: 9b054f588591a81⋯.jpg (64.67 KB,640x584,80:73,memepolice.jpg)

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f1ed00 No.21604393

File: 2ad17c114a98b87⋯.gif (45.17 KB,112x112,1:1,2ad17c114a98b87736b782ceb0….gif)

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21a782 No.21604394

File: c60b7815cb997fd⋯.png (994.24 KB,638x850,319:425,ClipboardImage.png)

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4915a0 No.21604397

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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5da4a3 No.21604398

File: f396c67349c2c66⋯.png (335.71 KB,1024x768,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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f1ed00 No.21604399

File: 916bfe12aca0464⋯.png (8.97 KB,255x147,85:49,916bfe12aca04643888a4c214b….png)


Holy shit kek

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21a782 No.21604400

File: 3ae5740e5953c36⋯.png (208.82 KB,348x285,116:95,ClipboardImage.png)

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994293 No.21604401

>>21603985, >>21604039, >>21604148 pb


Maxwell Yearick Has Gone Missing Since Trump Rally

Edward Heckman

Maxwell Yearick went missing on 14th July, Sunday. His parents has filed a missing person report with the FBI after his phone went off. Unknown people have deleted Facebook and Instagram accounts of Maxwell Yearick.

Maxwell Yearick & Thomas Crooks trained at Clairton Sportsmens Club where DHS & ICE also train. Yearick had the tattoo on his arm as did the body on the roof NOT Crooks.

Bank records of Thomas Crooks reveal a few unusual payments to two individuals, Ryan Routh and Peter Riddle. We attempted to contact Ryan Routh through his Facebook account, but the messages weren’t delivered, which is another unusual aspect of this case. The home of the other suspect, Peter Riddle, in Virginia, has been locked since July.

As an important CIA asset, Yearick and Routh facilitated millions of dollars in cash payments for recruiting informants. Both Maxwell Yearick and Ryan Routh had previously worked at Patterson Energy, a company owned by the Rothschild family.

I’m Edward Heckman, author of this article. My Twitter was today blocked by the CIA Shills. Pls DM and Follow me on my New Account.

Point Detail

Shooter Trump was shot by Yearick

Reports Discrepancy in shooter identity

Rally Butler, Pennsylvania incident

Missing Disappeared after rally

Reported Missing report filed in Arizona

10 Facts about Maxwell Yearick

Maxwell Yearick is identified as the shooter of Trump. Media and FBI reports differ on the identity of the shooter. Trump was shot at his rally in Butler, Pennsylvania. The incident happened on July 13, 2024.

Maxwell Yearick has been missing since the day of the rally.

His family reported him missing in Arizona on Sunday.

Maxwell Yearick’s social media accounts have been deleted.

His phone has been turned off.

Maxwell Yearick returned to the U.S. in April 2024 after fighting for the Ukrainian army, along with two other individuals Ryan Routh and Peter Riddle.

His facial features and ears match the shooter’s photos released by the FBI.

The FBI towed a GMC truck from the rally site.

The truck had Arizona license plates.

Maxwell Yearick’s family is from Arizona.

The supposed sniper, Thomas Crooks, has no connections to Arizona.

Maxwell Yearick previously worked at Patterson Energy.

Patterson Energy is owned by the Rothschild family.

Austin Private Wealth reportedly shorted Trump’s company stock before the shooting.

The Rothschilds are major investors in Austin Private Wealth.

Maxwell Yearick was involved in a violent Antifa protest in Seattle.

He reportedly organized 500 protesters for the Seattle event.

Maxwell Yearick History

Maxwell Yearick first gained attention fighting in Ukraine with the army against Russian-backed forces in 2023. After his success in Ukraine, the CIA recruited him for secret operations through one of their operative named Ryan Routh. Yearick’s first CIA mission was to help Kurdish forces in Syria against ISIS.

He trained Kurdish fighters, coordinated airstrikes, and survived an assassination attempt. His work earned him respect but also left him troubled by the moral complexities of war.Back in the U.S., Yearick struggled to adjust to normal life.

He became involved in political protests, often leading militant factions. His military background made him an effective leader in these riots, where he organized large groups and clashed with law enforcement.

It is interesting to note that Yearick and his family are involved in the manufacture of explosives and armaments. They have a history of selling these goods to guerrilla groups in Peru and Colombia, with facilitation by the CIA.

Maxwell Yearick latest photo

Yearick returned to the United States in April 2024, after fighting for the Ukrainian army. His facial features and ears are an exact match to the photos of the Shooter’s body released by the most honest and truthful ‘FBI’.

Yearick’s actions were controversial. Some saw him as a hero fighting for justice, while others viewed him as a dangerous agitator. His experiences with the CIA and in various conflicts shaped his complex persona, blending heroism with controversy.


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21a782 No.21604402

File: e4f7831a3c7dd06⋯.png (391.27 KB,650x545,130:109,ClipboardImage.png)

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421aa9 No.21604404

Alamo, Deepfucks surrounded and doomed.

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c66822 No.21604405

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4915a0 No.21604406

File: a4bec2aa71bc10d⋯.mp4 (10.91 MB,640x360,16:9,waterspectrum.mp4)

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fd5d9f No.21604408

File: 34d3fa87f635fb9⋯.png (1.71 MB,1622x4167,1622:4167,ClipboardImage.png)

September 16, 2024

Democrats’ Rhetoric Inspired Another Attempt On President Trump’s Life

Yesterday, President Donald J. Trump was the target of a second assassination attempt in as many months.

Thankfully, the would-be assassin was stopped by the heroic action of law enforcement — but make no mistake, this psycho was egged >>21603799 pb on by the rhetoric and lies that have flowed from Kamala Harris, Democrats, and their Fake News allies for years.

Democrats used increasingly incendiary rhetoric against President Trump in the days, weeks, and months leading up to the two assassination attempts:

Kamala Harris — repeatedly: >>21603836 pb "Trump is a threat to our democracy and fundamental freedoms."

Kamala Harris: >>21603849 pb "It's on us to recognize the threat [Trump] poses."

Kamala Harris: >>21603861 pb "Does one of us have to come out alive? Ha ha ha ha!"

Joe Biden: >>21603877 pb "It's time to put Trump in a bullseye."

Joe Biden: >>21603882 pb "I mean this from the bottom of my heart: Trump is a threat to this nation."

Joe Biden: >>21603901 pb "There is one existential threat: it's Donald Trump."

Joe Biden: >>21603918 pb "Trump is a genuine threat to this nation … He's literally a threat to everything America stands for."

Joe Biden: >>21603910 pb "Trump and MAGA Republicans are a threat to the very soul of this country."

Joe Biden: >>21603930 pb "Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic … and that is a threat to this country."

Tim Walz: >>21603939 pb "Are [Republicans] a threat to democracy? Yes. … Are they going to put peoples' lives in danger? Yes."

Gwen Walz: >>21603945 pb "Buh-bye, Donald Trump."

Rep. Nancy Pelosi: >>21603953 pb "[Trump] is a threat to our democracy of the kind that we have not seen."

Rep. Jasmine Crockett: >>21603960 pb "MAGA in general — they are threats to us domestically."

Rep. Dan Goldman: >>21603967 pb "He is destructive to our democracy and … he has to be eliminated."

Disgraced Harris staffer TJ Ducklo: >>21603978 pb "Trump is an existential, urgent threat to our democracy."

Top Harris surrogate Liz Cheney: >>21603986 pb "Trump presents a fundamental threat to the republic and we are seeing it on a daily basis."

Rep. Steve Cohen: >>21604002 pb "Trump is an enemy of the United States."

Rep. Maxine Waters: >>21604009 pb "Are [Trump supporters] preparing a civil war against us?"

Rep. Maxine Waters: >>21604014 pb "I want to know about all of those right-wing organizations that [Trump] is connected with who are training up in the hills somewhere."

Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz: >>21604017 pb Trump is an "existential threat to our democracy."

Rep. Adam Schiff: >>21604022 pb Trump is the "gravest threat to our democracy."

Rep. Gregory Meeks: >>21604030 pb "Trump cannot be president again. He's an existential threat to democracy."

Rep. Dan Goldman: >>21604037 pb "Trump remains the greatest threat to our democracy."

Rep. Jake Auchincloss: >>21604049 pb "What unifies us as a party is knowing that Donald Trump is an existential threat to Democracy."

Rep. Abigail Spanberger: >>21604078 pb "Trump is a threat to our democracy … the threats to our democratic republic are real."

Rep. Annie Kuster: >>21604089 pb "Trump and his extreme right-wing followers pose an existential threat to our democracy."

Rep. Becca Balint: >>21604101 pb "We cannot underestimate the threat [Trump] poses to American democracy."

Rep. Jason Crow: >>21604108 pb "Trump is an extreme danger to our democracy."

Rep. Raul Grijalva: >>21604122 pb "Trump is an existential threat to American democracy."

Sen. Michael Bennet: >>21604127 pb Trump is "a threat to our democracy."

Rep. Stacey Plaskett: >>21604137 pb Trump "needs to be shot."

Rep. Steven Horsford: >>21604146 pb "Trump Republicans are a dangerous threat to our state."

Rep. Gabe Vasquez: >>21604153 pb "Remove the national threat from office."

Rep. Mike Levin: >>21604160 pb "Donald Trump is a threat to our nation, our freedom, and our democracy."

Rep. Eric Sorensen: >>21604171 pb "He is the greatest threat to law and order we have in our country."

Rep. Greg Landsman: >>21604184 pb "The threat is not over."

Rep. Pat Ryan: >>21604192 pb "Trump is an existential threat to American democracy."

Rick Wilson, The Lincoln Project: >>21604207 pb "They're still going to have to go out and put a bullet in Donald Trump."

Former Harris-Biden staffer Kate Bedingfield: >>21604216 pb Democrats should "turn their fire on Donald Trump."

That doesn't even include the dangerous rhetoric against President Trump spewed by deranged Democrats during the 2016 and 2020 elections, the impeachment hoaxes, and the Summer of Love.

Meanwhile, the deplorable commentary from Democrats and the Fake News in the aftermath of the latest assassination attempt has been even worse:



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fd5d9f No.21604410



Rep. Hakeem Jeffries: >>21604227 pb "We must stop [Trump]."

Rachel Vindman, wife of disgraced impeachment hoax 'witness': >>21604234 pb "No ears were harmed. Carry on with your Sunday afternoon."

Rep. Mikie Sherrill: >>21604239 pb "This really seems to be the confluence of two very bad things going on in the Republican Party … the attempts to divide, to enrage the population."

State Rep. Steven Woodrow (D-CO): >>21604249 pb "The last thing America needed was sympathy for the devil but here we are."

Lester Holt, NBC Nightly News: >>21604254 pb "Today's apparent assassination attempt comes amid increasingly fierce rhetoric on the campaign trail. Mr. Trump, his running mate JD Vance, continue to make baseless claims…"

Alex Witt, MSNBC: >>21604266 pb "Do you expect there to be calls from within the Trump campaign to [tone it down]?"

Phil Bump, The Washington Post: >>21604279 pb "Another chance for Trump to frame Democrats as dangerous has emerged."

Bill Kristol, The Bulwark: >>21604288 pb "Vance … incite[s] potential violence with lies."

Ron Filipkowski, liberal commentator: >>21604294 pb "Was the golf course guy with the gun a migrant?"

David Frum, The Atlantic: >>21604304 pb "Trump and his running mate have spent the past week successfully inciting violence … today they want to present themselves as near-victims of violence."

Jonathan Chait, New York Magazine: >>21604315 pb "Trump is a threat to democracy, and saying so is not incitement."

The Cincinnati Enquirer: >>21604320 pb "The former president, Donald Trump, brings a lot of this stuff on himself."

USA TODAY: >>21604331 pb "Hope in America."

NBC News: >>21604340 pb "Golf course incident."

Bloomberg: >>21604351 pb Trump "seizing on assassination attempt."

Democrats and the Fake News must immediately cease their inflammatory, violent rhetoric against President Trump — which was mimicked by yesterday's would-be asssassin.

President Trump said it best: >>21604366 "Because of this Communist Left Rhetoric, the bullets are flying, and it will only get worse!"

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b8995b No.21604412

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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421aa9 No.21604413

Fight or flight?

Useless traitors will run

Beg for the relative safety of telling their stories, groveling….

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21a782 No.21604415

File: adba488b32df218⋯.png (59.33 KB,347x421,347:421,ClipboardImage.png)

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4461c4 No.21604417

File: 0237445bb894e0f⋯.jpg (161.54 KB,720x1071,80:119,Screenshot_20240916_175709….jpg)



Looks like obama's pretty head dress

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82052a No.21604418

File: ca3c4d898fbcc9d⋯.png (101.51 KB,1212x648,101:54,ClipboardImage.png)


TY, Baker.


after hours, baby.


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b14092 No.21604419

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

They should have titled that Act:

"They're eating the dogs and eating the cats. ACT"


il Donaldo Trumpo



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21a782 No.21604420

File: 2654f045fe44d8d⋯.png (437.49 KB,800x546,400:273,ClipboardImage.png)

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4461c4 No.21604421

File: 1f7a730466af87a⋯.jpg (37.61 KB,720x469,720:469,Screenshot_20240916_175726….jpg)

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ae1f4c No.21604422

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Poodle bites

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82052a No.21604424


anon likes dat one

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22d990 No.21604425

File: 1d4a9f1677de703⋯.jpg (513.77 KB,2600x2600,1:1,All_For_a_LARP_Q.jpg)


Thank You Baker

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fd5d9f No.21604426

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

~ "I have a GREAT Playlist!"

"Que Mala Kamala"

Donald J Trump

238,912 views Sep 15, 2024 0:314


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21a782 No.21604428

File: 8ca52b7632a9c40⋯.png (485.6 KB,652x490,326:245,ClipboardImage.png)

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21a782 No.21604430

File: 783a75f1fd3dac1⋯.png (1.26 MB,1079x1239,1079:1239,ClipboardImage.png)

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4915a0 No.21604431

File: d54d642069a8276⋯.png (189.93 KB,421x320,421:320,missedtwice.png)


>Looks like obama's pretty head dress

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b14092 No.21604432

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Scott Jennings at it again. BOOOOOOOM!!!🎯🎯🎯




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4461c4 No.21604433

File: 2c63a64233bef56⋯.jpg (42.99 KB,720x511,720:511,Screenshot_20240915_222017….jpg)

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21a782 No.21604434

File: 44c6d6f82d6bc9d⋯.png (363.77 KB,460x506,10:11,ClipboardImage.png)

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fd5d9f No.21604435

File: e719bc70940f748⋯.png (2.16 MB,1080x1080,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Only 50 days until we Save America.

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421aa9 No.21604436

Ground DeepFucks surveilled, followed, infiltrated.

Each one naked, exposed, laced with doubt, comms compromised, protocols predictable, trapped, circular though patterns lead the spiral.

The dark and dank reality of imprisonment.

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59e63a No.21604437

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994293 No.21604438

File: 9406c78f6d36b8b⋯.jpg (34.4 KB,426x376,213:188,Routh_Article_Edward_Heckm….JPG)

File: c1fa74f02d022d3⋯.jpg (29.04 KB,402x402,1:1,Routh_article_Heckman_2.JPG)

File: b920bc0acf546b3⋯.jpg (35.31 KB,420x340,21:17,Routh_article_Heckman_3.JPG)

>>21603985, >>21604039, >>21604148 pb



Ryan Routh and CIA (Rothschild Connection)

Edward Heckman

Ryan Routh CIA

Ryan Routh was a CIA operative who previously recruited Maxwell Yearick and Kennon Hooper for the Ukraine war. Maxwell Yearick is one of the suspect in Trump’s assassination attempt at Butler, Pennsylvania.

As an important CIA Asset, Routh facilitated million of cash payments for recruiting informants. Both Maxwell Yearick and Ryan Routh has previously worked at Patterson Energy, a company owned by the Rothschild Family.

Ryan Routh Rothschild

The latest Trump would be assassin Ryan Routh ALSO appeared in a Blackrock Commerical just like Thomas Crooks.That means BOTH featured in Global Wealth management firm’s Commercial.

In 1991, Ryan Routh heard a woman screaming for help, went to stop her rapist, and later identified him to the cops.

Ryan Routh, involved in an incident targeting former President Donald Trump, has a history that includes recruitment for military activities in Ukraine.

He appeared in a video for the Azov Battalion, a group known for its far-right and neo-Nazi ideologies, which has been supported by various international entities, including, as some claim, the CIA indirectly through U.S. foreign policy.

The claim that Routh might be a CIA asset largely stems from his activities in Ukraine, his recruitment efforts, and his sudden appearance in contexts that suggest involvement with or at least interest from intelligence communities.

CIA in Ukraine

Ryan Routh’s recruitment for and participation in Ukrainian military efforts, especially with groups like Azov, which have been points of interest for Western intelligence due to geopolitical strategies in Eastern Europe, fuels speculation.

The CIA’s known interest in Ukraine, especially in countering Russian influence, might suggest indirect or direct involvement with individuals like Routh. Despite the speculation, there’s no publicly available, concrete evidence directly linking Routh as an official CIA asset.

Much of what’s discussed is circumstantial or based on the activities one might expect from someone involved in covert operations or intelligence gathering, but this doesn’t confirm official status.


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4915a0 No.21604439

it's all panic, all the way down

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552bfb No.21604440


Yep, Mr. Tiktoker is not credible with jackshit.

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82052a No.21604441

File: 71908fc3f2a2226⋯.jpg (108.79 KB,725x431,725:431,goahead2.jpg)

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61891d No.21604442

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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13b8f0 No.21604444

File: 756f25be0e04fb5⋯.png (20.76 KB,643x190,643:190,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 34d4ce745696270⋯.png (23.29 KB,478x256,239:128,ClipboardImage.png)




Checkmate Ryan

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f9fb47 No.21604445

File: 57f7da087ebbd54⋯.jpeg (53.5 KB,182x277,182:277,IMG_6347.jpeg)

If you don’t awaken you won’t have any Character. You will have many characters when you stay in the lower mind. You will be a great citizen. So what. Who cares.

Only the Mediocre people care about the respect of Society.

An Awaken Man cares if he is living his life or not! It is my life. I responsible to myself. I lay down my life and I take it ip again.

The rod is thrown down and turns to a snake.

The snake is taken up and turned into a rod.

Over and over, on and on, round and round.

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421aa9 No.21604446

Devoid of any sense of honor or duty, a vacuous letch, ugly spilled and talentless, the DeepFuck swims in the fecal tea of purposely inept training, no help coming.

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f9fb47 No.21604447



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21a782 No.21604448

File: d57adbec363709b⋯.png (1.1 MB,1080x929,1080:929,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 51a4da613d6c924⋯.png (701.68 KB,900x936,25:26,ClipboardImage.png)

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17ed54 No.21604449

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

"They flood Springfield full of Haitians" - Ohio resident Speaks who lives outside of the city

September 15 2024 SPRINGFIELD, Ohio - "They flood Springfield full of Haitians, they say it's because of the jobs, ain't no jobs there in Springfield, they shut every damn thing down" - Brendan says who lives just outside of Springfield Ohio, while he grew up in the city, he says he no longer goes there "It's election year. 2020 - Covid, this year - Haitian pandemic".

"I don't have any problems with the Haitians", Brendan spoke on his experience, says he heard rumors, but hasn't personally witnessed it, "I stay out here".


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bea1b7 No.21604451

Why do marxists hate police? Why does the media only show negatives coverage of police?

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c48ffa No.21604452


I like this guy!

Shocked that CNN allows him on, but they have changed ownership so some very slight changes have been made.

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353321 No.21604453

File: 3f4b498cee1b332⋯.mp4 (1.29 MB,1920x1080,16:9,radar.mp4)


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13b8f0 No.21604454

File: de68e06f3d702e7⋯.png (58.84 KB,1031x559,1031:559,ClipboardImage.png)

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4461c4 No.21604455


He's a farm boy.

Hawaii must have a lot of farms.

Obama, Mark David Chapman, Ryan Routh…

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7f6a21 No.21604457

File: 6e12c978d21a436⋯.png (153.17 KB,759x825,23:25,Screen_Shot_2024_09_16_at_….png)


Three and a half two moar weeks.

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eb89f1 No.21604458

File: a16c5c1720692ab⋯.jpg (62.9 KB,626x417,626:417,661046dcfe6e4e9c86c915ce63….jpg)

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7f6a21 No.21604460

File: e9193918e46823a⋯.mp4 (688.37 KB,1280x720,16:9,azov_video.mp4)


Straight out of central casting

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278b3e No.21604461

File: bee61881637fbb3⋯.png (120.01 KB,1832x941,1832:941,Screenshot_2024_09_16_1717….png)

File: 7155ec1958a0db1⋯.png (154.16 KB,712x1202,356:601,4653.png)

Routh/Ukraine nazi connection?


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b6b871 No.21604462


color was spelt colour

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4461c4 No.21604464

File: 531259e2a6371b8⋯.jpg (61.47 KB,581x480,581:480,Hat.jpg)

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21a782 No.21604465

File: c178ca753feab8e⋯.png (312.67 KB,710x694,355:347,ClipboardImage.png)

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552bfb No.21604466

File: aca04cbdc39dc62⋯.webp (53.04 KB,591x593,591:593,pajeet.webp)


> ||lawyersclubindia.com||


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7f6a21 No.21604467

File: fb2e943f2ca6992⋯.png (630.94 KB,710x858,355:429,a115fdb556f0086643738721b8….png)

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5da4a3 No.21604468

you're great with that meme template, it never gets old >>21604402

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11b869 No.21604470

File: 15246f832860c6a⋯.jpg (154.83 KB,900x750,6:5,estee_lauder_5_4281393567.jpg)

File: 11db0def0bbed7a⋯.jpg (49.45 KB,900x750,6:5,estee_lauder_3.jpg)

File: 64ed6cc395dc87d⋯.jpg (512.27 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240916_084404….jpg)

File: f63c7ac201d1aea⋯.jpg (44.04 KB,897x563,897:563,Mike_Waltz_e1592329127347_….jpg)

File: 79d53feadf04c82⋯.jpg (628.79 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240907_184212….jpg)

The Lauder-est..

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4915a0 No.21604471


>Routh/Ukraine nazi connection?



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a180eb No.21604472

File: 7217bd5bb7f76f4⋯.png (423.16 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240916_182256.png)

File: 59d53c9368612d2⋯.png (33.98 KB,766x408,383:204,1802_9_.png)

File: 74ea57b5071ca7f⋯.png (57.33 KB,766x584,383:292,1943_3_.png)

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b8a855 No.21604473

File: ea6228ca144faa2⋯.png (861.53 KB,880x771,880:771,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 596b6555e5a7f3e⋯.jpg (760.69 KB,1600x1049,1600:1049,1.jpg)

STILL HERE!!!😎🇺🇸😘😘😘


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278b3e No.21604474


Do you have any sunflower seeds?

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a4ea9d No.21604475

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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bd4104 No.21604476

LB >>21604245

Bannon spoke to Epstein

15 hours of footage

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61891d No.21604477


Right now he is telling them Zelenski sent him, when that comes out maybe support for Ukraine will dry up.

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465cca No.21604479

File: 99c218ee812f853⋯.png (3.06 MB,2290x971,2290:971,ClipboardImage.png)

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a180eb No.21604480

File: abaec226ae8cb18⋯.png (178.19 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240916_182436.png)

File: f0b66494a81a680⋯.png (42.3 KB,766x496,383:248,104_12_.png)

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a54ea2 No.21604481


Loomer is hotter. IMO

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6957ca No.21604482

Am I missing something? Where does the word "dirty" come into play? >>21604396

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278b3e No.21604483


The boss is up there in age and he still has hotties leaning into him.


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57b0c3 No.21604484


his next move should have been calling his local sheriff to report armed thugs on the street

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93e17b No.21604485

File: f70704639ded81f⋯.jpg (47.25 KB,293x448,293:448,image.jpg)

Is his shirt up for a reason?


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21a782 No.21604486

File: e7b464d68bf08df⋯.png (280.74 KB,710x694,355:347,ClipboardImage.png)

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a180eb No.21604487

File: 2ece2aa91641202⋯.png (151.92 KB,766x1646,383:823,621_2_.png)

File: 04e813aa8cfa524⋯.png (63.05 KB,766x584,383:292,1821_1_.png)

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e810f8 No.21604488

File: e9a5614e65363e6⋯.jpeg (304.94 KB,1667x1507,1667:1507,IMG_3724.jpeg)

File: f3417eadd92b924⋯.jpeg (47.08 KB,410x392,205:196,IMG_3725.jpeg)

The Federal Bureau of Investigation has admitted that alleged Trump assassin Ryan Routh was on the FBI’s radar in 2019.

In a press conference, Jeffrey Veltri, the FBI Special Agent in charge of the Miami field office that is investigating the attempted assassination against Trump, admitted the FBI received a “tip” on Routh in 2019.

Veltri stated, “I can also share with you that Routh was a subject of a previous closed 2019 tip to the FBI where it was alleged he was a felon in possession of a firearm.”

“The alleged complainant was interviewed and did not verify providing the initial information. The FBI passed that information on to local law enforcement in Honolulu,” added Veltri.


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6957ca No.21604489

Pedesrast comes from Greek for boy lover >>21604485

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61891d No.21604490

Demand an open and transparent audit of the election no matter who wins. Do it now.

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610351 No.21604491

CNN is currently still saying Springfield bomb threats are because Trump claims dogs and cats being eaten. Ignoring Dewine presser stating it was a hoax

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b14092 No.21604492

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


This is his plan to clean out the DS, very good. 4 hours ago



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4915a0 No.21604493


Steve Bannon filmed Jeffrey Epstein for 15 hours.

His 'documentary' has never surfaced.

Bannon, who was the chairman of Trump's 2016 presidential campaign, believed Epstein knew "dangerous secrets about Trump," Wolff wrote.

"You were the only person I was afraid of during the campaign," Bannon told Epstein, according to Wolff's book.

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6957ca No.21604494


in French, insults are given as "sale XXXX" ("dirty YYYY") or if really irate "espèce de sale XXXX". It's the approximate equivalent of "you ZZZZZ".

On a side note, the slur used is PD which is modern spelling for pédé, short for pédéraste, which the dictionary defines as man who has homosexual relations with a man.

Contrary to English that uses 4 maybe 5 swear words, the French has a complete panoply, a very wide fan of insults from the most cinglant that would cause a violent reaction to an amusing cute insult. "PD" is among the mildest ones I could think of.

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eb89f1 No.21604495

File: 22614df452e20d9⋯.png (229.66 KB,651x519,217:173,SP_pepe_sip2.png)

I don't see condolences in Zelenskyy's tweet. I see something completely different. Why would he send his "best wishes," at face value, virtue signaled in a tweet? It's nagging at me how he wrote it.

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ae1f4c No.21604496

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Dynamo hum

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477fc9 No.21604497

File: 3b9b2cfcd66d8f9⋯.png (298.96 KB,618x714,103:119,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8a00bb7dd2ab1a5⋯.mp4 (4.8 MB,1280x720,16:9,bomb_hoaxes.mp4)

33 bomb hoaxes in Springfield from overseas

Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine says there were 33 bomb threats against Springfield schools that all turned out to be hoaxes and originated from "overseas."

Where do President Trump and JD Vance go to get their apology from the media who claimed they incited them?


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2e48fa No.21604498

File: 5b409a0cc40a715⋯.png (262.81 KB,294x483,14:23,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5dc04822880a641⋯.png (564.82 KB,507x763,507:763,ClipboardImage.png)


Expert lever shit poster

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6957ca No.21604499

Can you give some examples of other French insults and where they fit on the spectrum? I just love learning about the stuff they never taught us in High School French! >>21604469

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4915a0 No.21604500


Say the line!

>Ryan Routh was on the FBI’s radar in 2019

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6957ca No.21604501

The worst misleading title ever.

The court didn't rule that the slur wasn't homophobic. They ruled that the firing of the employee couldn't be invalidated based on the slur.


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b52db0 No.21604502

File: 7ae50408552ba1f⋯.png (574.18 KB,576x768,3:4,Screenshot_2024_08_17_at_1….png)

File: 7ae50408552ba1f⋯.png (574.18 KB,576x768,3:4,Screenshot_2024_08_17_at_1….png)

File: 7ae50408552ba1f⋯.png (574.18 KB,576x768,3:4,Screenshot_2024_08_17_at_1….png)

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f824cb No.21604503


Things have reached the Discern Harder stage for sure.

Everything is F&G until proven innocent.

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21a782 No.21604504

File: 37bd954138bcf21⋯.png (296.59 KB,559x447,559:447,ClipboardImage.png)

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278b3e No.21604505


Yes, but is there something deeper we are missing?

Or is this normie proofs for later?

diggers always have that aching feeling they haven't dug deep enough. Just looking for something possibly new maybe that was missed.


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6957ca No.21604506

The translation of "PD" is "homo" which in French is most often use as a slur but can in certain case be "appropriate". But the issue in this case is the fact that the employer used the sexual orientation of the employee to judge his effectiveness on the job.>>21604502

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2e48fa No.21604507

File: b473dff66ae6418⋯.png (421.78 KB,430x804,215:402,ClipboardImage.png)

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7f6a21 No.21604508

File: b94e09477d9e333⋯.png (303.27 KB,491x491,1:1,b94e09477d9e333536f190e1b2….png)

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21a782 No.21604509

File: 01e81f68ae05675⋯.png (889.07 KB,1155x694,1155:694,ClipboardImage.png)

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7f6a21 No.21604510

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61891d No.21604511


Oh Fuck…its nuclear war then. Potassium Iodide (KI), get sum…

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a180eb No.21604512

File: c7dd5283c572a0f⋯.png (436.33 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240916_182743.png)

File: 2ece2aa91641202⋯.png (151.92 KB,766x1646,383:823,621_2_.png)

File: 8e9f55dd52225bd⋯.png (30.45 KB,766x408,383:204,543.png)

File: 38712f50cb9be0f⋯.jpeg (73.6 KB,1250x671,1250:671,GXoPNHRXsAAYoOg.jpeg)

File: 00c83312a16b470⋯.png (73.85 KB,766x672,383:336,1958_1_.png)

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f824cb No.21604513

File: 6e3ca0f05539e8c⋯.jpg (63.31 KB,484x612,121:153,Loomer_BTFO.jpg)


She's PDJT's fav now.

Pozo hardest hit.

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6957ca No.21604514

Remember kids, its ok to discriminate or hate, just as long as there is a decent shot your guessing their sexuality/religion/ethnicity right. Then you're just speaking the truth I guess, according to this court.

Does that mean the only time its homophobic is when its most likely they're not gay?

Edit: did i say the court should have ruled differently, or anything about actual actions? No, just a sarcastic comment, feel free to fondle your wadded up panties and stop telling me about them, i dont care. >>21604507

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3e6910 No.21604515

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90b091 No.21604516


Where is the Pepe pinch?

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a180eb No.21604517

File: 38712f50cb9be0f⋯.jpeg (73.6 KB,1250x671,1250:671,GXoPNHRXsAAYoOg.jpeg)

File: 27a51c7bab4a3a7⋯.png (740.59 KB,766x1118,383:559,574_2_.png)

File: 12be822f398904a⋯.jpg (186.75 KB,1080x1198,540:599,12be822f398904a6981d207b31….jpg)

fucked that up. correction

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10877e No.21604518

6:45 PM EDT

Campaign 2024: Senator JD Vance Remarks At Faith and Freedom Dinner

2024 Republican vice presidential nominee Senator JD Vance (OH) delivers remarks at the annual Georgia Victory Dinner of the Faith & Freedom Coalition in Atlanta.



6:00 PM EDT

The 2024 Georgia Faith & Freedom Coalition Victory Dinner

Georgia Faith & Freedom Coalition



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994c64 No.21604519

Avez-vous un probleme, scheisskopf?

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6957ca No.21604520

This case is so weird. It seems like the guy sued because he thought he got fired for being gay. Then the court said that it's okay because there are gay people working as hairdressers. It seems like a non-sequitur. >>21604513

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b14092 No.21604521


What's cool he worked for George Bush and is not a Bushy, he said everything that needed to be said and they tried to fight back with excuses. But he didn't let them.

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72c19e No.21604522


Post 2212.

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21a782 No.21604523

File: aec5577dd6e9cdb⋯.png (517.75 KB,895x847,895:847,ClipboardImage.png)

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7f6a21 No.21604524

File: 9ff24b2af5fadf0⋯.png (223.93 KB,473x313,473:313,9ff24b2af5fadf0fced5296057….png)

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465cca No.21604525

File: 326b95c0a668e68⋯.png (235.5 KB,478x472,239:236,pepe277.PNG)

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dd7403 No.21604526

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Note: great catch up, seems he was also in a stolen car with fake number plates on.

live now, watching.


Trump Assassin CHARGED and HELD; Secret Service WHISTLEBLOWER Report


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21a782 No.21604527

File: ffd37beb10970a1⋯.png (368.09 KB,619x588,619:588,ClipboardImage.png)

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f824cb No.21604528

File: 807941c45bce444⋯.png (39.88 KB,770x762,385:381,Q3387.png)


>diggers always have that aching feeling they haven't dug deep enough


Anyway, put that digg in the inbox (use the ladder) waiting for (6) to get here.

Someone will do the MAGA on it then.

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4915a0 No.21604529

File: c975e2b4ac96402⋯.png (1.26 MB,708x884,177:221,ClipboardImage.png)


>there were 33 bomb threats

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7f6a21 No.21604530

File: 6f98727e7d8843a⋯.jpg (465.19 KB,2000x1333,2000:1333,GettyImages_1320053834.jpg)

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bb9de5 No.21604531


Your job is to save lives, and you cannot leave until you save the world. Never rest.

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994293 No.21604532

>>21604438, >>21604466


>no one is feeding us the truth on a silver spoon

>vet it

Lawyers' Web Scraping of Sites

Based on the provided search results, it appears that lawyers can create web scrapers for caclubindia.com, a website providing information on Indian companies and their directors. However, it is essential to ensure compliance with legal regulations and ethical standards.

Key Considerations:

Legal Framework: Web scraping is legal if done in accordance with the terms of service (ToS) and robots.txt files of the target website. Caclubindia.com’s ToS and robots.txt file should be reviewed to determine the allowed usage and scraping limitations.

Ethical Scraping: Lawyers should prioritize ethical scraping practices, avoiding excessive requests, and respecting website bandwidth and server resources.

Data Usage: Any scraped data should be used for legitimate purposes, such as research or business intelligence, and not for malicious activities like data theft or spamming.

Disclosure: If the scraped data is used for commercial purposes, it may be necessary to disclose the source and method of data collection.

Entities Involved:

Lawyersdatalab: A company offering lawyers data scraping services, including extraction from caclubindia.com and other sources.

Apify Academy: A platform providing web scraping courses and tools, including a web scraping for beginners course.


Review caclubindia.com’s ToS and robots.txt file to ensure compliance with their scraping policies.

Implement ethical scraping practices to avoid overwhelming the website’s servers and respecting bandwidth.

Use scraped data for legitimate purposes and disclose the source and method of data collection if necessary.

Consider consulting a technology lawyer familiar with web scraping regulations and ethics in Singapore, as caclubindia.com is a Singapore-based website.

By following these guidelines, lawyers can create web scrapers for caclubindia.com while maintaining legal and ethical standards.

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6957ca No.21604533


The reasoning of the court, as described by the article, seems super specious to me.

Essentially "most hairdressers are okay with gays. Defendant owns a salon, therefore he must be okay with gays."

It's still conceivable, surely, that he fired the guy for his repeated absences, and thus is not in violation of the law, but "most hairdressers are not homophobes" is not a good reason to think an individual hairdresser isn't one.

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60347b No.21604534

Engrish mother fucker! Do you speak it?

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bbd6e5 No.21604535

File: 9512bb35102f085⋯.png (685.24 KB,984x602,492:301,Screenshot_20240916_153518….png)

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ba424e No.21604536


chiefly British variant of COLOR

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278b3e No.21604537

File: 4623b4f1d45a168⋯.png (31.39 KB,157x165,157:165,Screenshot_2024_09_16_1734….png)


Frogs of war living inside them…rent free.

Color me green!


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21a782 No.21604538

File: f94990e0e993530⋯.png (310.78 KB,546x846,91:141,ClipboardImage.png)

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61891d No.21604539


Thats the first time I have genuinely laughed today anon, thanks for the keks.

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f824cb No.21604540

File: 9c00d1f4e4f4ff1⋯.png (340.99 KB,486x502,243:251,maxdefault.png)



I dunno, e.

This halfway normal sounding convo style seems kinda creepy considering the source.

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6957ca No.21604541

The guy in question was takin bullshit sick days. Im glad he got fired and Im glad he didn't get away with pulling the gay card.>>21604535

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eaf1eb No.21604542

File: fffbf15274097df⋯.png (271.13 KB,358x426,179:213,ClipboardImage.png)

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5da4a3 No.21604543

File: 042143d8b72792a⋯.png (558.18 KB,680x664,85:83,ClipboardImage.png)


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21a782 No.21604544

File: db7e3ae19304968⋯.png (254.65 KB,463x622,463:622,ClipboardImage.png)

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278b3e No.21604545


They most likely told him to pull his shirt up for weapons during the arrest.

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3e6910 No.21604546


this is why they will do a simulated FF around harris, walz, or bidan.

narrative has to be shifted.

october surprise incoming

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514f73 No.21604547


Those guys are fags

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21a782 No.21604548

File: 7dbdcafd8c48dd5⋯.png (488.49 KB,476x836,119:209,ClipboardImage.png)

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6957ca No.21604549


A jerk is someone who works the soda fountain at a movie theater, it's like alling someone a mcdonalds cashier or something, but back before there was mcdonalds.

Not sure what you thought it means, but it has nothing to do with gay discrimination.

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514f73 No.21604550

File: 72538647b1dd6fa⋯.jpg (61.17 KB,680x640,17:16,Trumpnuts.jpg)

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4006fa No.21604551

File: 892ba68ab137663⋯.jpg (465.74 KB,1421x1080,1421:1080,Picsart_24_09_16_18_37_10_….jpg)

File: f8b861ce29ef554⋯.jpg (579.19 KB,1621x1080,1621:1080,Picsart_24_09_16_15_47_40_….jpg)

File: 2d75f830b952276⋯.jpg (66.87 KB,1024x1024,1:1,1648629501208.jpg)


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9d3104 No.21604552

The absolute state of government.

How long until the complete implosion?

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f824cb No.21604553




Every morning now is all like it this the day the Big Fuckery is habbening?

Because the Big Fuckery is coming at some point between now & November.

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6957ca No.21604554

Britain was at war with France (one of many) for 116 years in a row and not one year was over hairdressing. >>21604543

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21a782 No.21604555

File: 54019bfdb13fdaf⋯.png (307.96 KB,519x426,173:142,ClipboardImage.png)

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11b869 No.21604556

File: f63c7ac201d1aea⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,44.04 KB,897x563,897:563,Mike_Waltz_e1592329127347_….jpg)

File: b3ff4824b6ee235⋯.jpg (66.43 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault_3035474323.jpg)

File: 66a485167dec4b4⋯.jpg (674.56 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240827_234501….jpg)

File: 64ed6cc395dc87d⋯.jpg (512.27 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240916_084404….jpg)

File: 15246f832860c6a⋯.jpg (154.83 KB,900x750,6:5,estee_lauder_5_4281393567.jpg)

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eb89f1 No.21604557

File: 31f18185672b15b⋯.mp4 (3.8 MB,480x854,240:427,kek58.mp4)

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6957ca No.21604558

pretty sure gay frenchmen say that phrase more than anyone

its like the "N" word for them >>21604551

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17ed54 No.21604559

File: dcd0accb7f573b2⋯.png (341.01 KB,809x602,809:602,ClipboardImage.png)




U2 - The Fly (U2:UV Achtung Baby, Live At Sphere


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21a782 No.21604560

File: b459fda78e49b09⋯.png (689.29 KB,853x732,853:732,ClipboardImage.png)

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b7aa1f No.21604561


He is probably a bustard Rothschild.

Ryan Routh…

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5d6e89 No.21604562

File: 246b2c56c7cee8b⋯.png (2.65 MB,1290x2796,215:466,IMG_6430.png)

GINORMOUSSharks teeth found in Destin Fl


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514f73 No.21604563

File: 9a9706408592f0d⋯.jpg (173.66 KB,564x830,282:415,HB_Matthew2818.jpg)

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6957ca No.21604564

What's weird about the whole thing is that "PD", pronouned "Pay-Day" (yes, i'm not joking) is short for "Pédéraste", which as late as the 1950s was simply another word for Homosexuality. Nowadays, "Pederast" denotes a combination of homosexuality and pedophilia, but that's not where the abbreviated term comes from. >>21604559

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21a782 No.21604565

File: 37d444e93937959⋯.png (528.15 KB,1211x628,1211:628,ClipboardImage.png)

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a180eb No.21604566

File: b7550daa1cc41eb⋯.png (539.77 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240916_183734.png)

File: be9a91771e87f2d⋯.png (50.64 KB,766x584,383:292,416_2_.png)

File: ff0829db6653146⋯.jpeg (296.7 KB,2048x1440,64:45,GXn7Vp_WsAAB2l4.jpeg)

File: 9594b60dbe16dc9⋯.jpeg (300.46 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,GXn7WJFWsAA1c_7.jpeg)

File: 0fc7d8016335ab2⋯.png (60.79 KB,766x672,383:336,105_12_.png)

Day of days.



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4006fa No.21604567

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17ed54 No.21604568

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



U2 - The Fly (U2:UV Achtung Baby, Live At Sphere / U2.com Edit)


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6957ca No.21604569

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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a180eb No.21604570

File: aadbb42c5ef8fb1⋯.jpeg (986.7 KB,1793x1080,1793:1080,GXn7VZgWYAAs_ny.jpeg)

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bf58f0 No.21604571

In other words, black rock must b about to go down.

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e8408a No.21604572

File: 5d899f4fe753137⋯.png (35.37 KB,150x116,75:58,peperock_r.png)


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6957ca No.21604573

But calling it email is an insult to the French language? >>21604567

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278b3e No.21604574

File: 867e67296ca6b2a⋯.webp (175.45 KB,1280x960,4:3,annual_traditional_voodoo….webp)

And people are suddenly worried about Haitians in America.

Annual Traditional Voodoo Ceremony on Bayou St. John's Magnolia Bridge featuring a High Priestess and her followers. It's good to see these deep rooted African/Haitian traditions kept so alive and well in New Orleans. :/


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6957ca No.21604575

shouldn't this be in r/Nottheonion? >>21604563

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60347b No.21604576

You are stupid leaders and need replaced. ASAP. Completely fucking worthless!

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4461c4 No.21604577


Migrant gets run over repeated after stealing a parcel out of a car.

Woman backs over him repeated then retrieves her property and drives off.

Graphic video

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72c19e No.21604578

File: 6f6908971d2ee66⋯.jpeg (190.5 KB,799x500,799:500,IMG_6348.jpeg)

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dd7403 No.21604579

File: 552ba3129dbfb13⋯.png (427.92 KB,500x502,250:251,ClipboardImage.png)


brian bouth

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a180eb No.21604580

File: fb10bc4c3d29892⋯.png (454.08 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240916_184251.png)

File: a51b3bc03e7e68c⋯.png (25.25 KB,766x408,383:204,401_8_.png)

File: 6a4675fa7cf4124⋯.jpeg (167.27 KB,2048x1363,2048:1363,GXn4HE7XwAEhXum.jpeg)

File: 7597815fb2fe645⋯.png (84.28 KB,766x760,383:380,1601_5_.png)

File: f63d271e66ef064⋯.jpeg (367.88 KB,2048x1638,1024:819,GXn4HIsWQAA2rYW.jpeg)

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21a782 No.21604581

File: 5f311cf57155389⋯.png (170.63 KB,491x272,491:272,ClipboardImage.png)

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6957ca No.21604582

The meaning of 'fruit': how the Daily Mirror libelled Liberace

This article is more than 15 years old

Roy Greenslade

Tue 26 May 2009 03.41 EDT


Fifty years ago one of the most extraordinary libel trials of all time took place in Britain. The flamboyant American entertainer Liberace had sued the Daily Mirror columnist William Connor (who wrote under the byline Cassandra) for implying that he was homosexual.

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6957ca No.21604583

Connor wrote that Liberace was "…the summit of sex - the pinnacle of masculine, feminine, and neuter. Everything that he, she, and it can ever want… a deadly, winking, sniggering, snuggling, chromium-plated, scent-impregnated, luminous, quivering, giggling, fruit-flavoured, mincing, ice-covered heap of mother love."

(Two important contextual facts: male homosexuality was then illegal; the word "gay" had not become an antonym for homosexual). >>21604578

After a six-day hearing, during which Liberace denied being homosexual or ever having taken part in homosexual acts, the jury found for him. He was awarded a then-record £8,000 in damages (about £500,000 in today's money).

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7f6a21 No.21604584

File: a44cb2a3e0dbdf4⋯.png (404.31 KB,710x889,710:889,a44cb2a3e0dbdf418c824d45fd….png)

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519f66 No.21604585

File: e4ff2d4ba5d8d31⋯.png (657.41 KB,480x855,32:57,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b0dedaf9370d74e⋯.png (679.72 KB,577x866,577:866,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8b3a225a35aaad5⋯.mp4 (9.35 MB,288x512,9:16,vaxxgirl.mp4)



Girl is given 3 vaccines at once

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1b9323 No.21604586

File: 08ac36edb14d2a6⋯.png (412.02 KB,657x711,73:79,ClipboardImage.png)

Correction from last bread, vid was taken down.


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6957ca No.21604587

As Liz Hodgkinson pointed out in yesterday's Media Guardian, the decision centred largely on whether Connor knowingly used the term "fruit", which was American slang for a "homosexualist" (to use the description favoured throughout the case). >>21604577

The whole trial has been resurrected by the former Daily Mirror journalist, Revel Barker, who now runs the gentlemenranters.com website, in a new book, Crying all the way to the bank (to be published 8 June, by Revel Barker Publishing). >>21604579

He and Vera Baird QC have done a fine job in selecting key passages of evidence, and it is eye-opening stuff in many respects. The most obvious factor is the Mirror's arrogance, as shown during the cross-examinations of Connor and the Mirror's editorial chief, Hugh Cudlipp. >>21604580

Baird observes that the Mirror "didn't seem to have a plan for the trial." Cudlipp and Connor were going up against a man who was phenomenally popular with the public at the time. Their chances of victory were slim to start with and grew thinner with each passing day. >>21604581

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21a782 No.21604588

File: 5ffc993b303ae2c⋯.png (269.81 KB,710x527,710:527,ClipboardImage.png)

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2ce7ae No.21604589


this buildup is truly epic

in it to witness it

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496669 No.21604590

File: 2e5c00d8f4cffb6⋯.jpg (216.67 KB,794x975,794:975,2e5c00d8f4cffb611b59a6f70d….jpg)

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efc096 No.21604591

File: e5d4448eae18e97⋯.jpg (79.26 KB,1024x727,1024:727,img_0145_1024x727.jpg)

File: 6b712819e66c9b9⋯.webp (40.23 KB,1200x630,40:21,stormy_daniels_1200x630.webp)

The New Stormy Look.

Porn Star Stormy Daniels Says There is a ‘Strong Possibility’ Trump Will Try Her For Treason


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bf58f0 No.21604592

File: 6f880976c1ce25e⋯.jpeg (655.75 KB,750x1035,50:69,IMG_5683.jpeg)

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6957ca No.21604593

The case should have been settled, in Liberace's favour, well before it ever reached court. But Cudlipp was convinced, not least by the Mirror's rising popularity, that he could win a case largely based on hypocrisy (that Connor did not mean what it is obvious he did mean). >>21604586

Liberace was also hypocritical because he was gay, though he always denied it. He died, aged 67 in 1987, of an Aids-related illness. >>21604585

Barker's book has fascinating moments for journalists, not least the lengthy questioning of Cudlipp by Liberace's counsel, Gilbert Beyfus QC, in which he attempts to trap the Mirror supremo into admitting that his sensational, risk-taking paper was reckless. >>21604574

The questions, including those from the judge, Mr Justice Salmon, reek with middle class distaste for popular journalism. There is more than an echo of the attitude displayed in a previous libel case involving the Daily Mirror, in 1947. >>21604571

This action was foolishly brought by a Mirror photographer (at the suggestion of his employers) against an obscure legal magazine. It rebounded badly on the paper, which lost the action. The details can be found in Privacy and the press by H. Montgomery Hyde. >>21604569

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a180eb No.21604594

File: cd537791ea0e1ef⋯.png (377.53 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240916_184541.png)

File: 368beb18d681fb2⋯.png (1.07 MB,766x4950,383:2475,4799.png)

File: 8b1c290383deefe⋯.png (199.43 KB,766x1600,383:800,724_3_.png)

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21a782 No.21604595

File: a73f0b54c54365d⋯.png (576.78 KB,797x803,797:803,ClipboardImage.png)

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8d555f No.21604596

File: d7eb0ff665c9922⋯.png (629.15 KB,689x933,689:933,d7eb0ff665c9922da10600559a….png)

File: 90b3120b82af9a9⋯.jpg (458.7 KB,1657x2441,1657:2441,1688784623564391.jpg)

File: 5dffc64ed9e6704⋯.png (471.2 KB,490x842,245:421,58064786245ff0897cda02e929….png)

Prayer Time Soon

Get ready, it's going to be Biblical

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6957ca No.21604597

What both cases illustrate is that as long ago as the 1940s and 50s, newspapers were losing out in libel actions, partly due to prejudice from the judiciary and definitely due to hostility from the public.>>21604594

I hope you appreciated this article. Before you move on, I wanted to ask if you would consider supporting the Guardian’s journalism during one of the most consequential news cycles of our lifetimes. >>21604592

We have never been more passionate about exposing the multiplying threats to our democracy and holding power to account in America. In the heat of a tumultuous presidential race, with the threat of a more extreme second Trump presidency looming, there is an urgent need for free, trustworthy journalism that foregrounds the stakes of November’s election for our country and planet. >>21604591

Yet, from Elon Musk to the Murdochs, a small number of billionaire owners have a powerful hold on so much of the information that reaches the public about what’s happening in the world. The Guardian is different. We have no billionaire owner or shareholders to consider. Our journalism is produced to serve the public interest – not profit motives. >>21604590

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825738 No.21604598

When did Q Research become irrelevant?

(I know the answer I just want to see if you do too.)

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496669 No.21604599

File: 9ddbc835a30e104⋯.jpg (829.15 KB,3024x4032,3:4,9ddbc835a30e104e8c0dfd51f2….jpg)


how doin be?

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6957ca No.21604600

And we avoid the trap that befalls much US media: the tendency, born of a desire to please all sides, to engage in false equivalence in the name of neutrality. We always strive to be fair. But sometimes that means calling out the lies of powerful people and institutions – and making clear how misinformation and demagoguery can damage democracy.>>21604598

From threats to election integrity, to the spiraling climate crisis, to complex foreign conflicts, our journalists contextualize, investigate and illuminate the critical stories of our time. As a global news organization with a robust US reporting staff, we’re able to provide a fresh, outsider perspective – one so often missing in the American media bubble.>>21604599

Around the world, readers can access the Guardian’s paywall-free journalism because of our unique reader-supported model. That’s because of people like you. Our readers keep us independent, beholden to no outside influence and accessible to everyone – whether they can afford to pay for news, or not. >>21604599

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21a782 No.21604601

File: b4b431159dc0c98⋯.png (374.27 KB,710x681,710:681,ClipboardImage.png)

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a4ea9d No.21604602

Trump knew about routh

Who didn't?

He blasted his number out like a ho

White cats catfish him 4 dem attack job

He could only fail because WHats in charge

His baggage in tow. Ukraine.

And he alive

How to

Put it out there

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1b9323 No.21604603


sorry sauce added:


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26bfd4 No.21604604


Two weeks!

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825738 No.21604605



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4461c4 No.21604606


God bless the future

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3bb6c2 No.21604607

File: e22798fc55d32d0⋯.jpg (1.1 MB,3264x2448,4:3,image.jpg)

File: a9a0e4ce6541343⋯.png (259.74 KB,2160x1620,4:3,IMG_1538.png)

need digs

Susan Rice is on with Blitzer on CNN saying that exactly 2 years ago, the Biden/Harris adm held a summit on domestic violence and blah blah blah….trump should tone down rhetoric and quit stoking fear, hatred and division.

Here is what I found on the summit….was that when it was planned?


She is blaming Stephen Miller.

Wolf introduced her as the appointed domestic policy advisor as well as national security advisor.

You just know she is knee deep in this.

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61891d No.21604608

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Tomorrow is the full moon…Im anticipating some wild clips.


Savoy Brown, Voodoo Moon Live

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278b3e No.21604609

File: ebc79a03f03036f⋯.png (541.23 KB,839x510,839:510,Screenshot_2024_09_16_1749….png)


fer sure

serious scrappin time

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31000c No.21604610

I do not know "JOE".

Damn you all to hell.



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bf58f0 No.21604611

File: 4f2a2b0c3288dde⋯.png (487.25 KB,838x472,419:236,IMG_2826.png)


It’s their born again look

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4006fa No.21604612

File: dd727dc5fdcc932⋯.jpg (617.75 KB,1097x1080,1097:1080,o6843278gu400.jpg)


>pretty sure gay frenchmen say that phrase more than anyone.

>its like the "N" word for them. >>21604551

Maybe I have the "N" word pass namefag.


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514f73 No.21604613

File: d166fcdae57be40⋯.mp4 (4.95 MB,640x360,16:9,biblicalstorm.mp4)

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efc096 No.21604614

File: 7361bcb5d3ff648⋯.jpg (64.27 KB,900x500,9:5,GXd31N6W4AI9Sdf.jpg)

4 days until FED cuts the interest rate.

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461ba9 No.21604615

File: 00b48619dab6766⋯.png (195.34 KB,293x448,293:448,f70704639ded81f5d91a6586aa….png)

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4461c4 No.21604616


Why? bc she lying through her teeth? on the stand? Under oath? Right to his face?

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4915a0 No.21604617



Sallie Ann Glassman is an American practitioner of Vodou, a writer, and an artist. She was born in Kennebunkport, Maine and is a self-described "Ukrainian Jew from Maine"

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a180eb No.21604618

File: 12f35c7ed5ac019⋯.png (529.97 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240916_185051.png)

File: 1d153fcd885fd71⋯.png (64.14 KB,766x628,383:314,458_5_.png)

File: 00877ad818b864b⋯.png (662.83 KB,766x1496,383:748,1658_2_.png)

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efc096 No.21604619

File: a55418747161dbe⋯.jpg (100.11 KB,900x751,900:751,GXnLc34XEAAzizu.jpg)

Trump survives another assassination attempt.

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fcc658 No.21604620

File: 769b8f4dc796d00⋯.jpeg (76.95 KB,500x607,500:607,IMG_3801.jpeg)

When Trump was POTUS didn’t he get his own security team?

Or am I high af and retarded?

Some of you may ask, “Why not both?” But I swear I remember some security issues during his first year.

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8c717b No.21604621

File: e12fb598ee76865⋯.png (84.83 KB,800x600,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

2 possibilities:

1) Lindsey Graham and Hannity set Trump up because they were supposed to be playing golf with him but didn't show up so they knew Trump's schedule.

2) Russia set Trump up and blamed t all on 'Ukraine, Ukraine, Ukraine' narrative and Graham and Hannity knew better than to trust a Russian gangster.

I think it might be #2 as the info starts to sink in.

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3bb6c2 No.21604622


I noticed women are going with darker hair.

Kat timgpf looks a lot better

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eb89f1 No.21604623

File: e520aa25abe7c74⋯.png (275.93 KB,1080x822,180:137,ClipboardImage.png)

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d7aa84 No.21604624

File: 449284ceaff10e5⋯.jpg (159.32 KB,1098x1134,61:63,Haitian_cats.jpg)

Haitians have an unfair advantage when it comes to verifying on Adobe Stock.

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4915a0 No.21604625


The Voodoo That Jews Do

It’s not every day that a Voodoo priestess kicks you out of her temple for asking about the lost books of Moses.

But as we stood in Miriam Chamani’s Voodoo Spiritual Temple in New Orleans, asking about the connection between Voodoo and Judaism, she grew more and more agitated.

“Would you go up to the Pope and ask him to explain to you?” she asked. “And yet you come here and ask me to explain!”

Chamani had a lot on her mind that day. She seemed particularly concerned about the plane that had recently been shot down over Ukraine, and the festering Israel-Hamas war.

Finally, irritated with the perceived triviality of our questions, she just told us to go.

We left, chastened but determined to come back. We had this theory that Judaism and Voodoo are not mutually exclusive — and may even share historical roots.

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496669 No.21604626

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17ed54 No.21604627

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bf58f0 No.21604628



Where’sOh Shit!Anon?

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1b9323 No.21604629


disinformation necessary

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61891d No.21604630


Look, I think he likes it.

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a180eb No.21604631

File: 5c7aa9634a42018⋯.png (520.22 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240916_185245.png)

File: 266cd3c75604548⋯.png (127.2 KB,766x1112,383:556,453_3_.png)

File: e0b7f25b7a9efc6⋯.png (532.91 KB,766x1692,383:846,1653_1_.png)

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514f73 No.21604632

File: e4c711edff7c3c0⋯.jpg (11.11 KB,255x152,255:152,Potusthor.jpg)

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8c717b No.21604633


Keep in mind Russia has a lot to lose by Trump winning the election. Trump said he'd end Putin's onslaught on Ukraine.

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3bb6c2 No.21604634

Fake news tells trump to quit stoking fear, yet all day and weekend long, they have stoke blame on trump for eating cats

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efc096 No.21604635

File: df9887f623c143d⋯.jpg (197.71 KB,865x1200,173:240,GWqgPWUa8AM6SRx.jpg)

It’s not the Crown

It’s not the Payseurs

It’s not the Orsini Grey/Black Pope Jesuits

It’s not the Wallenberg ‘Swedish Annunaki’

It’s the Rothschilds J mafia and it always has been.


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bf58f0 No.21604636


Oh she gon hang

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6957ca No.21604637

Le jugement scandalise les internautes, la ministre du Travail et le défenseur des droits. Le conseil des prud'hommes de Paris a débouté en décembre dernier un coiffeur, traité de «PD» par sa patronne, considérant que le terme n'est pas homophobe car «il est reconnu que les salons de coiffure emploient régulièrement des personnes homosexuelles».

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1b9323 No.21604638

File: fe1f7ce18e6107c⋯.jpg (29.74 KB,931x524,931:524,fe1f7ce18e6107c701195ef7bd….jpg)

File: f85ab3051edf605⋯.jpg (27.47 KB,474x355,474:355,f85ab3051edf60522d124a3910….jpg)

File: d5f53f9ae581e59⋯.png (210.17 KB,331x342,331:342,ClipboardImage.png)


Hmmm, let me think,,,,

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2a53b6 No.21604639

Greetings Planefags!

Looks like the Cali Coastline is going to have some more interesting air traffic soon

Japan’s Largest Aircraft Carrier Sails To California For Flight Trials

John Konrad September 15, 2024

Japan’s military is making moves that will put it in the big leagues of naval aviation. Later this year, the Izumo-class carrier Kaga will head to the waters off California for F-35B Lightning II tests, a crucial step in Japan’s plan to fully integrate these advanced fighters into its fleet. The trials, set for October through November, mark a milestone for the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force (JMSDF) as it increases spending and transforms two former helicopter destroyers —Kaga and its sister ship Izumo—into F-35B-capable carriers.

The conversion is part of a broader modernization strategy, reflecting Japan’s growing emphasis on defense capabilities. The JMSDF has been busy reworking the ships’ flight decks, and now Kaga is set for its big test. The trials are expected to inform the final tweaks needed to complete the ships’ transformation by 2026.

JMSDF has also been working with other carrier nations, including Italy and the United Kingdom, to learn best practices for operating the F-35 at sea.

Meanwhile, geopolitics remain tense in the Pacific. According to USNI news , U.S. Indo-Pacific Commander Adm. Samuel Paparo had a video call with China’s PLA Southern Theater Commander Gen. Wu Yanan. It’s the first contact between the two since China froze military communications in 2022. This conversation, part of a diplomatic thaw after talks between President Biden and President Xi, signals an attempt to lower the temperature in a region where missteps could lead to conflict. Additionally, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin held a conference call with Chinese Defense Minister Dong Jun in April, which was followed by an in-person meeting at the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS).


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4915a0 No.21604640

File: 4a89922cd5f617e⋯.mp4 (3.66 MB,600x336,25:14,Joan_Rivers_Calls_Presiden….mp4)


Other Jews have availed themselves of her services. About two decades ago, acting as the late Joan Rivers’s personal exorcist, Glassman used Enochian magic to expel poltergeists from the comedian’s New York apartment.

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bf58f0 No.21604641


It’s time to stop posting.

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0fa454 No.21604642


just give her to some haitians.

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3871c2 No.21604643

File: 0ec9a04b9fc58a8⋯.png (295.26 KB,375x667,375:667,ClipboardImage.png)

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3bb6c2 No.21604644

Susan rice on CNN GIVING comms for next assassination attempt

Truly she is

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72c19e No.21604645

File: 24b5bf49236aa0e⋯.png (1.45 MB,720x960,3:4,IMG_6279.png)


The Ego is the Celestial Demon or the Devil. The higher mind is the God.

The devil always asks if you are going to listen to the High Mind or the Ego.

Christians do not enter within. They are children of the old serpent.

Luke 11:52.

You don’t know anything because you don’t enter within.

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8c717b No.21604646


Gud1, u stinkin' bitch faggot.

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d7aa84 No.21604647

File: a035912ec149cf5⋯.jpg (299.02 KB,1330x1312,665:656,HRC_Chicago.jpg)

File: 38de4fcb3bd0163⋯.png (414.6 KB,2166x1792,1083:896,Screenshot_2024_09_16_at_5….png)

LOTS of seats still available for HRC's talk in Chicago next month.

LOTS of seats.

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7f6a21 No.21604648

File: cacd90f167ceadc⋯.png (880.25 KB,853x875,853:875,cacd90f167ceadcab9968581b1….png)


>Porn Star Stormy Daniels Says There is a ‘Strong Possibility’ Trump Will Try Her For Treason

Who do we talk with to arrange a bungee bra for the hanging?

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17ed54 No.21604649

File: c57967023572455⋯.jpg (54.88 KB,797x596,797:596,horseface.JPG)

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4915a0 No.21604650


Finally, Chamani let us venture alone to the library located in the back of her temple. After passing live chickens clucking in a corner, statues of Jesus and Mary, a Russell Stover heart-shaped Elvis chocolate box, hundreds of dollars in small bills, and a Kool-Aid offering, we huddled in front of her bookshelf. It was an occultist’s dream: Aleister Crowley, Lewis de Claremont — the pages of their books were dotted with Hebrew letters, which were in vogue among the occultists of the earlier 20th century.

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2ce7ae No.21604651


nice taxpayer car fucking lying traitorous thieves tresspassing no warrant intimidation

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0fa454 No.21604652


they should meditate and learn dark sayings.

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9d3104 No.21604653


Memba how much donations went to Haiti earthquake? Mericans sent billions. The Clintons kept most of it. The accounting company hired by the Clintons was there for years. Mostly jeets.

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b6b871 No.21604654


yes, you are the problem

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b6b871 No.21604655


#26462 >>21604303

>>21604435, >>21604457 Only 50 days until we Save America.

>>21604322, >>21604408, >>21604410 Trump Said Democrat Rhetoric Led Directly To Assassination Attempts Against Him


>>21604418 17.17

>>21604432 Scott Jennings at it again. BOOOOOOOM!!! Excellent.

>>21604438, >>21604444 Ryan Routh and CIA (Rothschild Connection)

>>21604461 Routh/Ukraine nazi connection?

>>21604492 President Donald J.Trump: This is his plan to clean out the DS, very good mp4 3:36

>>21604497 33 bomb hoaxes in Springfield from overseas

>>21604518 Campaign 2024: Senator JD Vance Remarks At Faith and Freedom Dinner

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610351 No.21604656


Treason is a strange claim considering her actions. Wonder what she is hearing in her circles? Is she part of a larger conspiracy to commit treason? Was her small role an act in furtherance of it? I'm going to take her at her word. There must be some reason treason charge is her fear instead of extortion, fraud, slander, defamation

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21a782 No.21604657

File: c3c9a1e0f075699⋯.png (329.17 KB,710x537,710:537,ClipboardImage.png)

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3bb6c2 No.21604658



Is there a mole in CIA, or is Lindsay Graham and/or Sean Hannity the traitor?

All of the above

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efc096 No.21604659

File: 9695f2ef200748e⋯.jpg (106.39 KB,866x900,433:450,GI71LEraAAAA8f9.jpg)

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07aca4 No.21604660

File: 461f4301f246841⋯.png (105.15 KB,619x585,619:585,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0a2cd5b14a03cff⋯.png (90.98 KB,626x581,626:581,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8d2eadc6eafc3c5⋯.png (97.17 KB,629x529,629:529,ClipboardImage.png)

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a180eb No.21604661

File: 682014668f22293⋯.png (325.86 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240916_185458.png)

File: cc4372dcf671eec⋯.png (59.56 KB,766x808,383:404,347_3_.png)

File: 263897f24f23571⋯.png (247.94 KB,766x2302,383:1151,1547_1_.png)

bunch of fucking chinks sure do ignore Q posts, evening hooked nosed shekel hoarders.

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1b9323 No.21604662

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61891d No.21604663


Or the most obvious…Ukraine did it, Zelenski probably saw this idiot coming from a mile away, he was mighty useful.

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4006fa No.21604664

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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eb89f1 No.21604665

File: 8dc4f1eec06d48e⋯.jpg (138.97 KB,1000x1280,25:32,8dc4f1eec06d48e6761c9397cf….jpg)


>Treason is a strange claim considering her actions.

Sedition is a better fit.

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efc096 No.21604666


It’s ‘Pope’ -NOT Payseur.

P is ‘Pope.’

C is ‘Chair.’

Q already told us,

(look what they were replying to)

the “Chair” serves the Master

Master = Roths

Rothschilds (cult leaders) (church)(P)

Banks / Financial Institutions

WW Gov Control

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72c19e No.21604667


As should you. But, you don’t so you can’t.

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21a782 No.21604668

File: b2845285470cd6a⋯.png (362.43 KB,710x402,355:201,ClipboardImage.png)

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f11a15 No.21604669

File: bffaa799d3dba22⋯.mp4 (2.74 MB,640x360,16:9,threatsagainsttrumpmp4.mp4)

>>21603497 lb

Could only work when they are dedicated to lawfare as a weapon

The anger has made them lose their minds.

Trump commercial on threats by Dems.

Obviously none of these people are being charged.



>>21604226 lb

Governor has more power than WRAY

'Lucky' Trump's in Florida.

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3bb6c2 No.21604670



It is time to stop

You are not a very good shill

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b8a855 No.21604671

File: 5602f3a8d18553f⋯.png (38.23 KB,362x344,181:172,5602f3a8d18553f2bf1051bc67….png)

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9d3104 No.21604672


I haven’t seen the whacu talkin bout Willis? Kid for years.

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519f66 No.21604673

File: 9492becb23daf2d⋯.png (332.48 KB,382x470,191:235,LindseyGrahamFloosy.png)



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a180eb No.21604674

File: 11e74287ed097e1⋯.png (510.01 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240916_185908.png)

File: cafee124e509adc⋯.png (561.67 KB,766x1694,383:847,334_2_.png)

File: 839aef45a9e3462⋯.png (159.3 KB,766x1646,383:823,1534_1_.png)

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21a782 No.21604675

File: af692e8b887ae1f⋯.png (428.01 KB,500x658,250:329,ClipboardImage.png)

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3871c2 No.21604676

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Is There A Mole Inside The Secret Service? Another Trump Assassination Attempt (Ep. 2329)-09/16/2024

The Dan Bongino Show


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d7aa84 No.21604677

File: 455a79d0eb4bdde⋯.jpg (362.78 KB,3000x2000,3:2,LindsayMcCain.jpg)

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a180eb No.21604678

File: bd2549001428e6d⋯.jpeg (56.03 KB,680x562,340:281,GXnx2VcbkAAldwd.jpeg)

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21a782 No.21604679

File: a050408423bf297⋯.png (785.09 KB,800x518,400:259,ClipboardImage.png)

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1b9323 No.21604680

File: fe1f7ce18e6107c⋯.jpg (29.74 KB,931x524,931:524,fe1f7ce18e6107c701195ef7bd….jpg)

File: f85ab3051edf605⋯.jpg (27.47 KB,474x355,474:355,f85ab3051edf60522d124a3910….jpg)

File: 331927a7db98032⋯.png (210.87 KB,331x342,331:342,Screenshot_2024_09_16_at_1….png)


Yes, I'm sure of it…

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efc096 No.21604681

File: e48baf5d033e500⋯.jpg (106.16 KB,900x900,1:1,GXh7IAAW8AAjA5f.jpg)

BOOK CLUB: Melania Trump issues a warning about the FBI to all Americans in her new self-titled book MELANIA saying,

"I never imagined my privacy would be invaded by the government here in America," the former first lady states. "The FBI raided my home in Florida and searched through my personal belongings. This is not just my story, it serves as a warning to all Americans, a reminder that our freedom and rights must be respected."


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bf58f0 No.21604682


Never. That’s why u are here.

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8c717b No.21604683


If this Ukraine, Ukraine, Ukraine Routh guy did it then why didn't they scrub his socials beforehand?

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3bb6c2 No.21604684

CNN is having one guest after another blaming Trump’s tone for the assassination attempts.

They are mad as hell, that they have not stopped him or they things he says

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5d6e89 No.21604685


Truth telling, in plain sight.

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610351 No.21604686

File: 375f659627dfc92⋯.png (1.17 MB,1106x608,553:304,ClipboardImage.png)

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8242ea No.21604687



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21a782 No.21604688

File: 02355ae5da20d83⋯.png (493.26 KB,681x939,227:313,ClipboardImage.png)

>>21604678 top kek

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381ff5 No.21604689

File: 9673b54e086d98a⋯.png (36.87 KB,733x179,733:179,ClipboardImage.png)

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f11a15 No.21604690

File: e418f8fc8d32a14⋯.png (295.15 KB,603x626,603:626,threatsagainsttrump.png)




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2e48fa No.21604691

File: e6608b056c9755b⋯.png (8.88 KB,238x133,34:19,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 68b3510916d5e9d⋯.png (8.36 KB,211x128,211:128,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1885b0edb34e2ef⋯.png (6.07 KB,207x127,207:127,ClipboardImage.png)

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21a782 No.21604692

File: bbee85ac6ab8654⋯.png (947.27 KB,818x782,409:391,ClipboardImage.png)

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8c717b No.21604693


How about you prove me wrong. Your other posts this bread clearly indicate you are mentally deficient.

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21a782 No.21604694

File: fb4e181ca67f07b⋯.png (384.39 KB,710x644,355:322,ClipboardImage.png)

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efc096 No.21604695


You tell me Faggot.

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3bb6c2 No.21604696


Q posts prove you wrong, idiot.

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21a782 No.21604697

File: e1905a33f78dfda⋯.png (232.53 KB,758x486,379:243,ClipboardImage.png)

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bf2bc2 No.21604698


did he really say that?

That's not how I heard it.

Z is a dictator.

Ukraine is a dictatorship.

if you support democracy in Ukraine you don't support Z.

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8c717b No.21604699


Which one?

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3bb6c2 No.21604700


So, who is Russia working with in the SS and DHS DEPARTMENTS

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9fd9eb No.21604701

File: e34df105193147c⋯.jpg (79.59 KB,600x335,120:67,GiantVoice.jpg)

File: 17ee654f958cebb⋯.jpg (41.6 KB,335x436,335:436,GodBlessQ_.jpg)


Thank you, Baker!

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21a782 No.21604702

File: f93871af391b66b⋯.png (532.33 KB,1211x628,1211:628,ClipboardImage.png)

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9d3104 No.21604703

I gotta know how the DS knows exactly who what why when how and why they are always ahead of the game? There is just no one way they can keep going without a time machine and incredible resources that never talk about the evil deeds and repression of truth. How can it be done? It’s totally amazing.

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7cbf38 No.21604704

File: bd12b317b1e0b37⋯.jpeg (246.94 KB,1170x879,390:293,IMG_5441.jpeg)

File: 5d44a3d54bdf17c⋯.jpeg (338.52 KB,1170x1411,1170:1411,IMG_5442.jpeg)

making namefagging cool since 2017

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c6d975 No.21604705


We need to review the whole dirty bunch who visited Zeienski to kiss his ring and deposit shit tons of money there.

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5da4a3 No.21604706


Trump has had his own security team since the 80s anyway. Not sure how that team was folded into official USSS team when he became President.

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f11a15 No.21604707

File: c820b91bf9f2f00⋯.jpg (39.64 KB,236x429,236:429,guardianofthepope.jpg)



when there is wide suspicion floating around it can destroy a company or group

This is why

What's the most obvious.


surveillance. BUGS in mar a lago

Not Maga friends-ish

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6248cb No.21604708

File: 70c0fac0f41fa1e⋯.png (147.24 KB,1189x551,41:19,Screenshot_from_2024_09_16….png)

latest 4am talking point is it's an"apparent"assassination attempt.

not an "actual" assassination attempt

can't wait for the traitorous fake news to get rounded up for treason

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3bb6c2 No.21604709


The one about Putin no longer under the control of cabal.

And the ones showing Putin and Trump passing the ball between them.

How many drops have you NOT READ

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a180eb No.21604710

File: af80136348e896b⋯.jpeg (154.42 KB,1500x500,3:1,1500x500_4_.jpeg)

File: 9edb98c21475f63⋯.png (698.27 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240916_190249.png)

File: cff73bbeead27e3⋯.png (443.14 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240916_190302.png)

File: df7f86a262a2871⋯.png (80.32 KB,766x1026,383:513,503_1_.png)

File: 512d67873c67101⋯.png (42.72 KB,766x496,383:248,1703.png)






remedial fucking course. the fucking timestamp fucktards. tyb.

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111789 No.21604711


So clowns r us do engage in fuckery of magnitudes the likes of which even god hasn't seen

until now

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7cbf38 No.21604712


all of them

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bf58f0 No.21604713


It’s not Russia you dumb faggot. Ss was out there originally to protect the dollar from being counterfeited.

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8c717b No.21604714


Trump was golfing with the Russian Wotzicki or some shit that day read notables.

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07aca4 No.21604715


KEKS in genuine Anon posts are all over the internet socials in minutes of being posted on QR!

Irrelevant indeed

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381ff5 No.21604716


well given Q fucked off. I would say is now just research

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3bb6c2 No.21604717


How about just opening your eyes and ears and listen to what the fakenews, who are our enemy says.

Fakenews says Russia is our enemy,,

You believe them?

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bf58f0 No.21604718



Trump is destroying what ss was put there to protect. Do you even Lincoln, bro?

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4915a0 No.21604719


Crash of IDF military helicopter in Rafah a few days ago

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b52db0 No.21604720

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Critics resurrect TV clip to accuse Kamala Harris of joking about killing Trump: ‘Orders received’

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63bc8d No.21604721


Kentucky gang sons of sins

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519f66 No.21604722

File: 74ffe41cb40ead1⋯.mp4 (379.85 KB,320x382,160:191,michaelstruevoice.mp4)


Michael's true voice revealed

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1b9323 No.21604723

If Hannity is CIA, and knew of Trump playing golf, it offers a new question to ponder, who really was set up?

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3bb6c2 No.21604724


You, idiot,

I am answering the idiot shill who is blaming Russia for the assassination attempts

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353321 No.21604725

File: 93f919aa53eadf5⋯.png (847.68 KB,1269x1286,1269:1286,ClipboardImage.png)

ai for the win


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3e6910 No.21604726

I heard Levin and Bongino today talking about the SS and DOJ failures.

Bongino was clued in to what I believe is a concerted effort inside our gov't to k1ll POTUS, but Levin hasn't gotten there yet. He talked about how Reagan and Meese would expect solutions to be made to address the security failures.

Levin doesn't understand…the failures are designed. That is what they want to happen. They will withstand the scrutiny from congress after being successful and the machine will keep right on going.

It's really evil what we are witnessing.

If Q's BOOMs are indicative of the attempts…we have 2 more to go. I hope I'm wrong.

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463ed2 No.21604727

File: d218e0704c113a9⋯.png (20.22 KB,442x40,221:20,ClipboardImage.png)

File: bd2661ceb9ef480⋯.png (45.48 KB,888x633,296:211,ClipboardImage.png)

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3bb6c2 No.21604728


You make no sense and now you change the subject

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b6b871 No.21604729

File: e413af9faa45fc0⋯.png (65.94 KB,267x381,89:127,punching_people_is_frowned….png)

>>21604599 i noe not of what you speak of..


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5da4a3 No.21604730

File: 2636569c50e5a8c⋯.png (463.68 KB,676x593,676:593,ClipboardImage.png)



NEW - Acting U.S. Secret Service Director: "There could be another geopolitical event that could put the United States into a kinetic conflict or some other- uh- some other issue, that may result in additional responsibilities and protectees of the Secret Service."


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21a782 No.21604731

File: 1fddd01a24ba03a⋯.png (499.77 KB,558x1147,18:37,ClipboardImage.png)

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2e48fa No.21604732


>he fucking timestamp fucktards

Fucktard → >>21604661

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8c717b No.21604733


>You believe them?

The FBI is the one that gave both shooter's names. Expand your thinking, Moran. If Soo Kim was his handler then it's North Korea, which is China, which is Russia.

Of course Russia and China will blame Ukraine on everything.

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eb89f1 No.21604734


Yep. Just postin' what I'm findin'.

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063bbf No.21604735

File: 3f28bd384292880⋯.png (11.96 KB,255x192,85:64,3f565b007753faa4d9f02fadb9….png)


Any anons here worried about getting charged with treason? What an odd thing to claim from anyone that hasn't committed treason.

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efc096 No.21604736

File: 343de0ea714b5ff⋯.mp4 (6.71 MB,1280x720,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17265149111….mp4)



One day they'll wish they all kept their mouths shut.

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21a782 No.21604737

File: ff0d7283c3813d7⋯.png (391.03 KB,846x538,423:269,ClipboardImage.png)

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3bb6c2 No.21604738


> If Q's BOOMs are indicative of the attempts…we have 2 more to go. I hope I'm wrong.

Interesting thought, anon.

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f11a15 No.21604739

File: 4152c2ea02ab624⋯.jpg (212.51 KB,1080x1350,4:5,antwonder.jpg)





remember this guy, they paid to do arson. 2020 summer.

They got a million patsy.

Blackwater gives them the assassin patsies.

Guess they didn't wipe the social media fast enough. Dude's a Trump Hater Dem.

The real deluded haters would be the easiest to recruit.

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d7aa84 No.21604740

File: 15e309a168aa0df⋯.jpg (160.18 KB,832x1357,832:1357,Garfield_Eaten.jpg)

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97f620 No.21604741

File: 2ba350ca31af947⋯.png (825.15 KB,697x600,697:600,D5_John_durham_avalanche.png)

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4915a0 No.21604742


Shooting down of an MQ9 American aircraft in Dhamar Governorate.

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3bb6c2 No.21604743


You got a link to story?

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bf2bc2 No.21604744


protecting the princes of the cabal?

the Ukrainigarchs gonna get SS protection?

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111789 No.21604745


where's the "ope' for Pope in the (P)

no esta alla

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278b3e No.21604746


Attempt to stay relevant for the next despicable action why don't ya!

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b6b871 No.21604747



stormy never had a gap in her front teeth, this is a double, low end bottom of the barrel double

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8c717b No.21604748


Post screencap of the Qproof.

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4915a0 No.21604749

Yemeni missile reached central Israel


The ballistic missile traveled 2,000 kilometers from Yemen in 15 minutes, and the army is investigating why it was not intercepted.

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8d678e No.21604750

File: 92d2a1d144e7e8d⋯.jpeg (151.38 KB,630x800,63:80,IMG_7663.jpeg)


> IN BIBLICAL PROPHECY, the number 44 signifies the Beast of Lies. He is Satan!…

It was in front of us the whole time

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3bb6c2 No.21604751


You truly are not a deep thnker

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efc096 No.21604752



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61891d No.21604753


Beforehand, he did; after the fact, socials gonna social to the tune of the Biden Administration.

Zelenski has a hit list…and he is drunk on power.

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21a782 No.21604754

File: fb6e359268c00bb⋯.png (307.03 KB,611x448,611:448,ClipboardImage.png)

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4c8070 No.21604755


He went to Ukraine, he ate their food, burned their fuel and gave their position away.

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3bb6c2 No.21604756


You go find it yourself

I got better things to do

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b14092 No.21604757

Link to downloads the docs: https://www.grassley.senate.gov/news/official-correspondence?pagenum_rs=1

(This is just first 3 pages, 68 in total,look at the data breaches)

• 09.13.2024

Grassley to DOD - USSS Protectee Support


• 09.12.2024

Durbin, Wicker, Grassley et al to Biden - Restrictions on Ukrainian Weapons


• 09.12.2024

Grassley, Schmitt to Conference - Senate Process


• 09.10.2024

Grassley, Kaine to ED - GE FVT Extension


• 09.09.2024

Grassley et al to GAO - CVF Study


• 09.09.2024

CFTC to Grassley - Staff Accountability


• 09.05.2024

State to Grassley - Maduro Amnesty


• 09.05.2024

Grassley to FBI - DOJ OIG Nassar Follow-up


• 09.04.2024

CEG to DHS - DHS OIG Report on UCs


• 09.03.2024

Grassley, Ernst to Salazar - Chris Leguisano


• 09.03.2024

Grassley to HHS - DHS OIG Report on UCs


• 09.03.2024

Safesport to Grassley - Protective Measures


• 09.02.2024

USA Gymnastics to Grassley - Protective Measures


• 08.28.2024

Grassley to IRS, National Taxpayer Advocate - Timely Communications with Taxpayers


• 08.26.2024

Grassley, Arrington to CBO - Part D Demo


• 08.23.2024

Grassley to CFTC - Staff Accountability


• 08.22.2024

Grassley to CMS - UIS Medicaid


• 08.22.2024

Grassley to California - UIS Medicaid


• 08.22.2024

Grassley to DoD - Financial Management Systems and Audits


• 08.21.2024

USPIS to Grassley - Chinese Switches

• 08.20.2024

Grassley, Loudermilk to DHS - DHS OIG Obstruction


• 08.20.2024

Grassley, Loudermilk to DHS OIG - Jan 6 Report, Access Issues


• 08.20.2024

Grassley to TSA - Quiet Skies


• 08.16.2024

Grassley to CISA - National Public Data Hack


• 08.16.2024

Grassley to Jerico-National Public Data - National Public Data Hack


• 08.15.2024

Grassley to DHS - DHS OIG Alert, Visa Waivers


• 08.15.2024

Grassley to State - DHS OIG Alert, Visa Waivers


• 08.14.2024

Grassley to HHS and CMS - Medicaid Unwinding Follow Up


• 08.13.2024

Grassley to Blinken - Maduro Amnesty


• 08.13.2024

Grassley to CMS - Charity Care Fraud


• 08.13.2024

Grassley to IRS - Charity Care Fraud


• 08.13.2024

Fetterman, Ernst, Grassley et al to USDA - AFIDA Reporting Errors


• 08.12.2024

Grassley to HHS - Marijuana Rescheduling


• 08.12.2024

Grassley to DOJ - Marijuana Rescheduling


• 08.09.2024

Grassley to DHS - Asif Merchant


• 08.09.2024

Grassley to USSS - AD Rowe Testimony


• 08.08.2024

Grassley to DOJ - Saab Follow Up


• 08.06.2024

DOJ to Grassley - Alex Saab


• 08.05.2024

Grassley to HUD - Contractor Whistleblower Protections


• 08.05.2024

Grassley, Wyden to OMB - CTO Conflicts

• 08.05.2024

Grassley, Wyden to UNOS - CTO Conflicts


• 08.05.2024

Grassley, Wyden to HRSA - CTO Conflicts


• 08.05.2024

Grassley to DOI - ATT Data Breach


• 08.05.2024

Grassley et al. to Commerce - 2,4-D Imports


• 08.02.2024

DHS OIG to Grassley - Trump Assassination Attempt


• 08.02.2024

Cotton, Grassley et al to Biden - Israel Partial Arms Embargo


• 08.02.2024

Grassley to VA - ATT Data Breach


• 08.02.2024

Grassley to USDA - ATT Data Breach


• 08.02.2024

Grassley to Treasury - ATT Data Breach


• 08.02.2024

Grassley to HUD - ATT Data Breach


• 08.02.2024

Grassley to State - ATT Data Breach


• 08.02.2024

Grassley to HHS - ATT Data Breach


• 08.02.2024

Grassley to EOP - ATT Data Breach


• 08.02.2024

Grassley to FBI - ATT Data Breach


• 08.02.2024

Grassley to DOT - ATT Data Breach


• 08.02.2024

Grassley to ED - ATT Data Breach


• 08.02.2024

Grassley to DOJ - ATT Data Breach


• 08.02.2024

Grassley to DOL - ATT Data Breach


• 08.02.2024

Grassley to DOE - ATT Data Breach


• 08.02.2024

Grassley to DOD - ATT Data Breach

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b6b871 No.21604758


she can lie through her teeth now, look at the new, massive gap in her top front teeth

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8c717b No.21604759


This is not an argument. Go home to Babushka.

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efc096 No.21604760



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bf2bc2 No.21604761


when Q was killed in Nashville on Christmas?

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4915a0 No.21604762



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9a3dd8 No.21604763

ATTENTION Acting Secret Service Director

You need money to hire staff? Get it from the Ukraine grab-bag, they seem to have plenty of money to waste. Also, kindly STFU and don't tell the US voters you need money. We don't want to hear it.

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21a782 No.21604764

File: 8c44254aecbaeb7⋯.png (193.68 KB,339x479,339:479,ClipboardImage.png)

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9fd9eb No.21604765

File: 975d496e5c90e58⋯.jpg (7.42 KB,255x166,255:166,975d496e5c90e58b8c2b49beec….jpg)

>>21604245 (pb)

>It's not that Jeffery Epstein is alive, I want to clarify that, at least to my knowledge…but you will be hearing from [him] sometime in the next 12 months. I know the person who is going to bring it to you, and I've heard "the thing" myself.


Is there a confessional video ready to play? Let's see it!

PLEASE don't let it be some computer hooked up to his brain ready to tell all.

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f11a15 No.21604766

File: e95589f5fcebcd5⋯.png (362.67 KB,827x1000,827:1000,pepepony.png)


Didnt .

Now just coming into its own.

this is what we were trained for.

When did your handlers write your script?

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8c717b No.21604767


You're not even a good shill. Fuck off.

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4915a0 No.21604768

The Romanian earthquake caught Moldovan President Maia Sandu live on television.

Google confirms earthquake with epicenter in Romania, which was also felt in Ukraine.

Magnitude - 5.3 points.


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a180eb No.21604769

File: 1455547ac23658d⋯.png (64.62 KB,766x584,383:292,1025.png)

File: 2cb15d0fddff13d⋯.jpg (20.75 KB,322x320,161:160,fb3dc30ece9c56bbea5d0cf374….jpg)

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4c8070 No.21604770


Ok, acting director Not Sure. Wasn't counting on you traitors for anything anyway.

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21a782 No.21604771

File: 2632c1f389c3d46⋯.png (397.42 KB,686x386,343:193,ClipboardImage.png)

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496669 No.21604772

File: 2de4d31418b5626⋯.png (66.95 KB,400x600,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)



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c6d975 No.21604773


DEI word salad.

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efc096 No.21604774



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3bb6c2 No.21604775


His word salads are worse than Kamala’s are.

And his haircut makes him look like a total idiot

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9d3104 No.21604776


So true.

He funded brainmap.

Paid for by you.

Goodbye free will.

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a180eb No.21604777

File: 2cb15d0fddff13d⋯.jpg (20.75 KB,322x320,161:160,fb3dc30ece9c56bbea5d0cf374….jpg)

the relevant Q post is

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bf2bc2 No.21604778


I don't know that Q was killed, but that might an answer as to when Q Research became irrelevant.

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efc096 No.21604779



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4915a0 No.21604780

File: cc32e0a7cc3bd0c⋯.png (562.55 KB,533x800,533:800,allies.png)


>There could be another geopolitical event that could put the United States into a kinetic conflict

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21a782 No.21604781

File: 5e929b2eba68ac4⋯.png (140.56 KB,299x364,23:28,ClipboardImage.png)

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3e6910 No.21604782


>There could be another geopolitical event that could put the United States into a kinetic conflict

dumbass has been read in on the ww3 plans

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8c717b No.21604783


Whatever narrative they use we can dismantle. I gave you the 2 possibilities. If you talking about 'most obvious', everyone wants Trump dead. Putin loses his war on Ukraine, China loses their scamming stonks and real estate, Deep State loses their trafficking and drugs.

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381ff5 No.21604784

File: d4dd3840b423854⋯.png (553.78 KB,931x697,931:697,ClipboardImage.png)



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0fa454 No.21604785


look when Rush died.

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21a782 No.21604786

File: 67cf92a8dddca37⋯.png (507.58 KB,497x821,497:821,ClipboardImage.png)

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07aca4 No.21604787

File: 211ceda6f64302f⋯.png (47.43 KB,757x384,757:384,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 13b31672916cb88⋯.png (295.13 KB,496x603,496:603,ClipboardImage.png)

Here we go again

US Accuses Russia Of Helping Iran Achieve A Nuke

Britain and the United States have been talking up a new 'axis of evil' - and they tend to identify it as consisting of 'pariah' states Russian, Iran and North Korea. All of them are under far-reaching US-led sanctions, but in the process these countries have increasingly cooperated to the extent they've been more and more isolated on a global stage.

Last week's major Washington accusation that Iran has transferred ballistic missiles to Russia gave way to new weekend allegations that Moscow is in return aiding in the Islamic Republic's nuclear program.

Bloomberg reported over the weekend just after UK Prime Minister Ken Starmer's visit to Washington, "The US and UK are increasingly concerned that Russia is sharing with Iran secret information and technology that could bring it closer to being able to build nuclear weapons, in exchange for Tehran providing Moscow with ballistic missiles for its war in Ukraine."


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c6d975 No.21604788

File: b19cce486f9da27⋯.jpg (6.34 KB,250x250,1:1,b19cce486f9da27e5f49894d90….jpg)

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496669 No.21604789

File: b2e1ee04111c721⋯.png (387.54 KB,640x640,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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f0784f No.21604790

File: f0c931d6ba93418⋯.png (148.39 KB,572x337,572:337,ClipboardImage.png)


Trips confirm.

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962327 No.21604791

File: 6c8f827579e34c9⋯.png (227.82 KB,372x445,372:445,luny40ab.png)

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063bbf No.21604792

File: 736d28c8b2eef3e⋯.png (44.29 KB,668x250,334:125,Screenshot_2024_09_16_1814….png)

It appears that the C_A doesn't have a great track record at assassomnations unless it was a Kennedy. I think most anons can confirm 4 or 5 attempts that we know of on Trump but he has a ways to go to catch Castro as the GOAT of survival.


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f11a15 No.21604793

File: be86c344bc7a6dd⋯.jpg (187.55 KB,1080x2220,18:37,epsteinfakedeath.jpg)

File: f7d280d9502def3⋯.jpg (225.19 KB,1080x2220,18:37,epsteinfakedeath2.jpg)

File: f319891dc6d2140⋯.jpg (26.07 KB,420x338,210:169,epsteinandersoncooper.jpg)

File: 55221effc7511aa⋯.jpg (104.97 KB,750x1334,375:667,likelyswitchedout.jpg)


It was a faked death.

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3bb6c2 No.21604795

We got some real idiots on the board tonight.

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bf2bc2 No.21604797


Z is a puppet.

someone higher up than Z has a hitlist if anyone does.

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b306cb No.21604798

File: ff04dce4d22a69b⋯.gif (2.91 MB,498x269,498:269,IMG_6337.gif)

So wait, if ISRAEL means wrestling with god

And, Jesus sees Nathan under the tree and calls him a True Israelite or a real wrestler of god,

What the fuck do you think he was going under that tree? Eating a Ruben Sandwich?

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efc096 No.21604799


They are getting better with their replacements but it's never good enough.

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21a782 No.21604800

File: adba488b32df218⋯.png (59.33 KB,347x421,347:421,ClipboardImage.png)


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b6b871 No.21604801


#26462 >>21604303

>>21604435, >>21604457 Only 50 days until we Save America.

>>21604322, >>21604408, >>21604410 Trump Said Democrat Rhetoric Led Directly To Assassination Attempts Against Him


>>21604418 17.17

>>21604432 Scott Jennings at it again. BOOOOOOOM!!! Excellent.

>>21604438, >>21604444, >>21604561, >>21604579 Ryan Routh and CIA (Rothschild Connection)

>>21604461 Routh/Ukraine nazi connection?

>>21604492 President Donald J.Trump: This is his plan to clean out the DS, very good mp4 3:36

>>21604497 33 bomb hoaxes in Springfield from overseas

>>21604518 Campaign 2024: Senator JD Vance Remarks At Faith and Freedom Dinner

>>21604526 R. Gouviea Going Through All The Weekend Events And The Court Transcript Of Ryan Routh Court Appearance

>>21604591 New Stormy Look. Porn Star Stormy Daniels Says There is a ‘Strong Possibility’ Trump Will Try Her For Treason

>>21604635, >>21604659, >>21604660, >>21604727, >>21604750 Rothschilds J mafia, it always has been

>>21604639 Japan’s Largest Aircraft Carrier Sails To California For Flight Trials

>>21604676, >>21604726 Bongino: Is There A Mole Inside The Secret Service? Another Trump Assassination Attempt (Ep. 2329)-09/16/2024

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07aca4 No.21604802

File: aa2b8024054a279⋯.png (182.6 KB,541x386,541:386,ClipboardImage.png)

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381ff5 No.21604803

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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7f6a21 No.21604804

File: 504ff805a49a266⋯.jpg (62.64 KB,351x228,117:76,shocked_nazi_grammar_cat.jpg)


>Finally, I will push a constitutional amendment to OPPOSE term limits on congress

WTF, boss?


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278b3e No.21604805


"cackling" means more than her laugh

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21a782 No.21604806

File: 48c5f6e161a8256⋯.png (431.68 KB,620x496,5:4,ClipboardImage.png)

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a180eb No.21604807

File: aeceb27fe6cf8f4⋯.png (527.1 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240916_191618.png)

File: 51fed653ea3bebb⋯.jpeg (57.6 KB,900x376,225:94,lVgZNAIi.jpeg)



unimaginative timestamp by the


friggin' Navy bunch of retards use some imagination. lightbulbs

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7f6a21 No.21604808

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efc096 No.21604809


>What an odd thing to claim from anyone that hasn't committed treason.

Look up sedition.

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21a782 No.21604810

File: 63b13f388f69cc4⋯.png (445.21 KB,710x691,710:691,ClipboardImage.png)

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4915a0 No.21604811



The broken noise of a goose or a hen.

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e810f8 No.21604812



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111789 No.21604813

File: 6b8ebc6ca32b633⋯.jpg (13.84 KB,350x196,25:14,liberty_mutual_caricature_….jpg)


a jelly donut?

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3871c2 No.21604814

File: 814e39b3e3d903f⋯.png (70.3 KB,444x765,148:255,ClipboardImage.png)

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d7aa84 No.21604815

File: 9db2e00a4e1bbc3⋯.jpg (161.91 KB,1100x814,50:37,Garfield_Eaten2.jpg)

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b6b871 No.21604816


#26462 >>21604303

>>21604435, >>21604457 Only 50 days until we Save America.

>>21604322, >>21604408, >>21604410 Trump Said Democrat Rhetoric Led Directly To Assassination Attempts Against Him


>>21604418 17.17

>>21604432 Scott Jennings at it again. BOOOOOOOM!!! Excellent.

>>21604438, >>21604444, >>21604561, >>21604579 Ryan Routh and CIA (Rothschild Connection)

>>21604461 Routh/Ukraine nazi connection?

>>21604492 President Donald J.Trump: This is his plan to clean out the DS, very good mp4 3:36

>>21604497 33 bomb hoaxes in Springfield from overseas

>>21604518 Campaign 2024: Senator JD Vance Remarks At Faith and Freedom Dinner

>>21604526 R. Gouviea Going Through All The Weekend Events And The Court Transcript Of Ryan Routh Court Appearance

>>21604591 New Stormy Look. Porn Star Stormy Daniels Says There is a ‘Strong Possibility’ Trump Will Try Her For Treason

>>21604635, >>21604659, >>21604660, >>21604727, >>21604750 Rothschilds J mafia, it always has been

>>21604639 Japan’s Largest Aircraft Carrier Sails To California For Flight Trials

>>21604676, >>21604726 Bongino: Is There A Mole Inside The Secret Service? Another Trump Assassination Attempt (Ep. 2329)-09/16/2024

>>21604730, >>21604782, >>21604744, >>21604746, >>21604770, >>21604773, >>21604775 Acting U.S. Secret Service Director: Mr Dumbass has been read in on the ww3 plans kinetic

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994293 No.21604817


Trump shooting plot suspect Routh was interviewed by NYT on Ukraine war efforts in 2023: 'Sounded ridiculous'

The man suspected of an assassination attempt on former President Trump’s life on Sunday went on the record with the New York Times last year to promote his efforts to recruit Afghan soldiers to fight the war in Ukraine.

More than a year ago, Ryan Routh spoke to the New York Times after spending "months" in Ukraine during its war against Russia. Routh, whom the New York Times described as a former North Carolina construction worker, told the outlet that as the number of foreign volunteers fighting on behalf of Ukraine in a military unit called the International Legion dwindled, he was working to recruit Afghan soldiers who fled the Taliban to join the front lines of the war in Ukraine.

"Mr. Routh, who spent several months in Ukraine last year, said he planned to move them, in some cases illegally, from Pakistan and Iran to Ukraine. He said dozens had expressed interest," the New York Times reported in an article published on March 25, 2023.

"We can probably purchase some passports through Pakistan, since it’s such a corrupt country," Routh told the outlet in an interview from Washington, D.C.

Routh was arrested Sunday afternoon after allegedly taking an AK-47-style rifle to the Trump International Golf Club, and pointing it through a chain-link fence toward where Trump was playing golf.

Routh fled the area in his car and was soon apprehended by authorities on I-95. Trump was not injured during the incident, and the campaign quickly issued a statement that he was safe on Sunday afternoon.

Fox News Digital pored over Routh’s apparent social media accounts on Sunday and found he prolifically posted about world events, Trump, the 2020 election, and the previous attempt on Trump’s life in July. "I am flying to Ukraine to fight. We need to launch a media campaign to encourage every human around the globe to meet in Ukraine and join in the fight. We need hundreds of thousands of civilians to make the cost of war high for putin and a flood of fighters," he posted on Feb. 17, 2022. Following repeated messages declaring his intention to fight on behalf of Ukraine, he posted in April that he was in Kyiv. "I am here in kyiv and want to use Independence Park to create a tent city of all the foreigners here in support to get thousands more foreign civilians to come and support Ukraine," the account posted. In another post, he declared in all caps that he was willing to "FIGHT AND DIE" in Ukraine. "I AM WILLING TO FLY TO KRAKOW AND GO TO THE BORDER OF UKRAINE TO VOLUNTEER AND FIGHT AND DIE," he posted in 2022 after Russia invaded Ukraine.

His X account was suspended following police confirming his name on Sunday.

The New York Times reporter who interviewed Routh last year about his efforts in Ukraine published an essay Sunday regarding the interview and article. The reporter, Thomas Gibbons-Neff, explained that he was put in touch with Routh by a former colleague from Kabul, and noted that Routh was one of the first interviews he conducted for the March 2023 piece.

"Mr. Routh, who had spent some time in Ukraine trying to raise support for the war, was seeking recruits from among Afghan soldiers who fled the Taliban. And so the former Afghan soldier reckoned Mr. Routh could get him to the Ukrainian front. (Anything, even war, was better than the conditions in Iran for Afghans after the Taliban retook Kabul in August of 2021.)," the essay explained.

Routh told the reporter that while he was eager to rally support and volunteers to fight on behalf of Ukraine, he did not fight in Ukraine citing his age and his lack of military experience. Routh is 58 years old as of 2024.

"In my opinion everyone should be there supporting the Ukrainians," he told the reporter.

Routh told the New York Times last March that he had built a list hundreds of names long of Afghans living in the Middle East whom he planned to recruit and help transport to Ukraine.

The interview was "brief" and conducted ahead of Routh saying he had lined up a two-hour meeting with members of Congress regarding Ukraine. The reporter noted in his essay it’s unclear if Routh ever had the meeting, and that the discussion left him thinking Routh "was in way over his head." "He talked of buying off corrupt officials, forging passports and doing whatever it took to get his Afghan cadre to Ukraine, but he had no real way to accomplish his goals. At one point he mentioned arranging a U.S. military transport flight from Iraq to Poland with Afghan refugees willing to fight," Gibbons-Neff wrote. "I shook my head. It sounded ridiculous, but the tone in Mr. Routh’s voice said otherwise. He was going to back Ukraine’s war effort, no matter what." The reporter said that Routh "fell off the map" following the publication last year, "until Sunday."

Routh headed to federal court Monday morning, where he was seen smiling and laughing before his first court appearance.

He faces charges of possession of a firearm by a convicted felon and possession of a firearm with an obliterated serial number. Authorities said he could be hit with additional charges.

Trump has since blamed Democratic rhetoric promoted by President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris for the attempt on his life. Trump survived another assassination attempt in July, when a gunman opened fire on a campaign rally in Pennsylvania and hit Trump in the ear.


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7f6a21 No.21604818

File: 068b3bd1c9ef232⋯.jpg (47.88 KB,600x620,30:31,068b3bd1c9ef232fab63f1265b….jpg)


Only seven moar weeks.


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10877e No.21604819

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

8:00 PM EDT

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

Join me live from Mar-A-Lago at 8:00PM Eastern, tonight on X Spaces. Set a reminder and be sure to tune in!




Real America's Voice



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027194 No.21604820




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21a782 No.21604821

File: 5da0ed0cd68799f⋯.png (497.13 KB,710x795,142:159,ClipboardImage.png)

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efc096 No.21604822


The book.


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2ce7ae No.21604823


anyone have the drop on the kid walking in front of that NK building?

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bf2bc2 No.21604824


100 days till Christmas

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efc096 No.21604825



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6cbfde No.21604826

File: 2f033a5ab9349c7⋯.png (555.45 KB,710x1200,71:120,ClipboardImage.png)

Anons, you seeing this? The pedo cult is running scared! They're trying to escape justice by referencing 'Qanon' "cOnSPiRaCy tHeOrY", Qanon a fake news media creation designed to attach their own false narratives to an anonymous poster 'Q'

Scripps Media propaganda hack covering for organized crime and the Pedophilia culture in and around Nashville. Crooked judge, crooked, DA, and crooked reporter and a silent media outlet, a match made by Satan. But it will all come out Phil Williams. #POS @boonecutler @laralogan @TheRedactedInc @UncoverDC







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6f6f18 No.21604827

File: 97f5bbb9cf9c3f4⋯.webm (382.76 KB,460x276,5:3,agmXv1v_460svvp9.webm)


Fukken saved

Here is a The Matrix: Trump Edition as exchange

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21a782 No.21604828

File: e544088a890b414⋯.png (347.5 KB,500x609,500:609,ClipboardImage.png)

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381ff5 No.21604829

File: 26aa7bc8949c880⋯.png (472.47 KB,887x547,887:547,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 796324b15b35d11⋯.png (492.37 KB,882x500,441:250,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1ffda1fdc1bc3cb⋯.png (1.22 MB,1125x641,1125:641,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ed3355d40ad4de6⋯.png (612.42 KB,838x575,838:575,ClipboardImage.png)


ufo coming anons!!!!!!


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07aca4 No.21604830

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Tucker Carlson said the quiet part out loud in a brief comment last last week. Uncomfortable truths about the "party of democracy"…

“If they think that there’s a chance that Trump could win decisively enough in November that they can’t steal it, then I think their only option there is to in some way throw the society into chaos as they did during COVID which was the pretext for changing the way we vote and letting people vote anonymously without IDs and drop boxes and a month before the election."

We all know what happened then (and we, the people, acquiesced so quickly):

"They completely changed everything allowing Mark Zuckerberg to spend $400 million to control the mechanics of the election. That would not have been allowed except under a state of national emergency provided them by the virus they created in a lab in Wuhan, COVID."

So, given what they have shown themselves capable of, who can really argue they would not do it (or worse) again:

"It’s pretty simple. If they feel like they’re gonna lose we will have some kind of crisis. I think it’s most likely to be a war with Iran which they want anyway, but who knows.”

Watch the full comment by Tucker Carlson below:


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5d6e89 No.21604831


DJTJR ditched the USSS and hired his own team after he was sent pics of his kids bedroom via their "BABY monitor" along with a threat. (If I recall that correctly)

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192143 No.21604832

File: f869ab69929fcb0⋯.png (96.12 KB,500x715,100:143,ClipboardImage.png)

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4c8070 No.21604833

File: fe089c34ca3f4be⋯.png (183.02 KB,346x357,346:357,ClipboardImage.png)


I haven't provided aid and comfort to the enemies of the United States, been involved with any conspiracies to overthrow the government, or any other, to rig any federal elections, or cover up any felonies and treason.

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21a782 No.21604834

File: 624551370371128⋯.png (389.75 KB,710x569,710:569,ClipboardImage.png)

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8c717b No.21604835


Notice how it says the country of Russia and China, and not Putin and Xi by name. But Q references POTUS / Q+ / Trump by name?


Oct 31, 2017 11:00:47 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: grTMpzrL No. 147434025

There are more good people than bad. The wizards and warlocks (inside term) will not allow another Satanic Evil POS control our country. Realize Soros, Clintons, Obama, PUTIN, etc. are all controlled by 3 families (the 4th was removed post Trump's victory).

11.3 - Podesta indicted

11.6 - Huma indicted

Manafort was placed into Trump's camp (as well as others). The corruption that will come out is so serious that deals must be cut for people to walk away otherwise 70% of elected politicians would be in jail (you are seeing it already begin). A deep cleaning is occurring and the prevention and defense of pure evil is occurring on a daily basis. They never thought they were going to lose control of the Presidency (not just D's) and thought they had control since making past mistakes (JFK, Reagan).

Good speed, Patriots.

PS, Soros is targeted.

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9fd9eb No.21604836

File: 9fd6d292ca48366⋯.jpg (56.82 KB,339x335,339:335,NoMoreSheep.jpg)

File: 8ab819c18e03ffa⋯.jpg (54.01 KB,339x335,339:335,NoMoreSheep2.jpg)


Thanks, I had not seen all of those. White hats have him I hope. I really do hope the whole world will be the truth shoved down its throat.

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519f66 No.21604837

File: b6c40d1c437dd5a⋯.mp4 (240.79 KB,310x204,155:102,dickchopper.mp4)


You ain't cool unless you're QAnonin'!

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3bb6c2 No.21604838



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4915a0 No.21604839

File: 4bd5c055d29760f⋯.png (832.56 KB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


When QAnon Comes to Main Street: Investigating the Millersville Police Department and its ‘conspiracy cop’

Four months into our NewsChannel 5 investigation of the Millersville Police Department, there is now a TBI investigation - and QAnon-aligned elements of the far right are outraged.

Still, those developments have only intensified the concerns of democracy advocates as Millersville police — and Shawn Taylor in particular — have achieved near-martyrdom status among QAnon-aligned voices of the far right. QAnon represents a conspiracy-driven movement — originally based on the online postings of an anonymous figure identified only as "Q" — that believes Donald Trump was waging a war against a cabal of elitist, Satan-worshiping pedophiles.

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278b3e No.21604840



Executive Action: 638 Ways to Kill Fidel Castro


638 Ways to Kill Castro


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21a782 No.21604841

File: 0640bf50b3cd92c⋯.jpg (244.84 KB,1004x1167,1004:1167,laptops2.jpg)

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4c8070 No.21604842


He would charge her. Maybe this one is worthy of the SC trying her, though all the spooks in congress would like a shot.

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6b4395 No.21604843

File: cd755c9cbd5182e⋯.png (67.67 KB,526x526,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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21a782 No.21604844

File: b6c34294b2a46bd⋯.png (213.82 KB,526x518,263:259,ClipboardImage.png)

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a180eb No.21604845

File: e30581e7fd4fba3⋯.png (519.25 KB,810x1080,3:4,JellyRoll_Congress.png)


shit how bout 17 dozen


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3bb6c2 No.21604846



> this is why they will do a simulated FF around harris, walz, or bidan.

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9fd9eb No.21604847

Does anyone have the "No, No, Mr. Q not home" meme?

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b52db0 No.21604848

File: 47917fc54c214ef⋯.png (788.89 KB,1035x773,1035:773,Screenshot_2024_09_16_at_1….png)



The Secret Service failed to protect former President Donald Trump and the embattled agency will be taxed to the limit by the peak of presidential-campaign season.

But it will be well-represented at an LGBTQ summit at Disney World.

Reporter Susan Crabtree of RealClear Politics posted Wednesday on social media an agency-wide email from the Service’s DEI office that solicited people to attend the “Out and Equal” Workplace Summit at the Orlando, Florida, theme park.

The email asked every assistant director’s office to send by Sept. 13 to the Director of Alternative Employment nominees for the all-expense-paid conference that runs Oct. 7-10.

“Any questions regarding this announcement should be directed to chief, Alternative Employment, DEIA, and Data Analytics” or to the “administrative manager,” the email states.

“Do you believe that?” an incredulous Rep. Pat Fallon, Texas Republican, said Wednesday evening on Fox News.

He wasn’t the only person who found the report hard to swallow.


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994293 No.21604849

Boeing's CFO says business 'in difficult position': Read memo to employees

Published September 16, 2024 1:55pm EDT

Boeing shares have lost over 40% this year

Boeing shares slipped on Monday as the planemaker grapples with an ongoing strike and a ballooning threat to its bottom line. Chief Financial Officer Brain West, in a letter to employees, outlined the risks facing the company while also announcing a hiring freeze as well as a delay in pay hikes for salaried workers.

Read his memo to Boeing's rank and file below.

Memo to Boeing Employees


As you know, our IAM 751 and W24 represented employees in the Pacific Northwest are on strike. We are working in good faith to reach a new contract agreement that reflects their feedback and enables operations to resume.

However, our business is in a difficult period. This strike jeopardizes our recovery in a significant way and we must take necessary actions to preserve cash and safeguard our shared future. Importantly, we will protect all funding for safety, quality and direct customer support work.

Actions include:

Instituting a hiring freeze across Boeing for all levels, and pausing on any pay increases associated with internal executive and management promotions

Stopping any travel that is not for critical customer, program, regulatory or supply chain activity

Eliminating all first and business class air travel, including for the Executive Council

Suspending non-essential capital expenditures and facilities spending

Suspending outside consultant spend and temporarily releasing non-essential contractors

Pausing charitable and other contributions, and advertising and marketing expenditures

Reducing company participation in airshows, tradeshows and special events

Pausing employee recognition and team event spending

Stopping catered meal and food services at Boeing facilities unless customer related

Cancelling any team off-site meetings. On-site meetings that require travel should be made virtual.

In parallel to the steps above, we are planning to make significant reductions in supplier expenditures and will stop issuing the majority of supplier purchase orders on the 737, 767 and 777 programs. We are also considering the difficult step of temporary furloughs for many employees, managers and executives in the coming weeks.

I know that these actions will create some uncertainty and concern, as well as many questions. We’ll be sharing additional information in the coming days as we have detailed guidance on implementation of these measures.



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496669 No.21604850


like the 19 should anything habben to Q+


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21a782 No.21604851

File: 12937a73d182f91⋯.png (490.84 KB,710x532,355:266,ClipboardImage.png)

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4915a0 No.21604852

File: c30e2a6d89d286a⋯.png (462.41 KB,779x899,779:899,Hunter.png)


>Any anons here worried about getting charged with treason?

maybe some 'anons'

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bf2bc2 No.21604853

File: d3f8ca63cd6ebde⋯.jpg (90.92 KB,602x720,301:360,Mr_Posobiec_AMERICA_WINNIN….jpg)


you might as well say 'P' is for Mr. Pig

or for Posobiec

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fc3aed No.21604854

File: 49f6f40e75986c0⋯.mp4 (1.2 MB,640x1112,80:139,1726528720252734.mp4)



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4aafa3 No.21604855


Jack Posobiec sucks Alex jones cock

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461ba9 No.21604856

File: d99f367338910eb⋯.jpg (70.52 KB,800x800,1:1,9552cc7276785715dfb89bf469….jpg)


this one?

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eb89f1 No.21604857

File: 6a38aaca8bf842a⋯.png (188.53 KB,474x316,3:2,6a38aaca8bf842ac4a40c6f200….png)

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5d6e89 No.21604858


Guessing she is now unburdened by what has been.

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efc096 No.21604859


Gained more money and power by submission to the PTB and promoting the status quo than he could ever accomplish by any other means. GFL.

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b6b871 No.21604860

File: ddaebeacc62e89f⋯.png (72.88 KB,634x440,317:220,ClipboardImage.png)



3 out of 4 are solid

Sarcasm is an inverted evil which has no Cartesian value of Ascension

so they say…?

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6cbfde No.21604861

File: fc0a4fc8d85183f⋯.png (975.31 KB,936x1200,39:50,ClipboardImage.png)

Here's Rick Wilson all chummy with the head of LGBT Dems of Maryland who was just busted attempting to solicit a 14 year old boy.

It's be a shame if this went viral.


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461ba9 No.21604862


need eyebleach cannot be unseen

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bf2bc2 No.21604863

File: 7792ab38ad893da⋯.jpg (553.74 KB,1920x1200,8:5,Mr_Ttrololo_004.jpg)

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a180eb No.21604864

File: 51fed653ea3bebb⋯.jpeg (57.6 KB,900x376,225:94,lVgZNAIi.jpeg)


some of them are hilarious. KEK


a few classics

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bf2bc2 No.21604865

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Mario Merola. Spusalizio 'e marenare

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4915a0 No.21604866

File: 1e5814e449a3258⋯.png (290.74 KB,456x337,456:337,ClipboardImage.png)


half chan

den of feds

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21a782 No.21604867

File: f7681c6a7b4fba2⋯.png (387.35 KB,710x710,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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111789 No.21604868


Nothing like an unlocked footlocker

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519f66 No.21604869

File: 025dcbe121e6c04⋯.jpg (50.28 KB,680x640,17:16,bdnsnfflvn.jpg)


I betchya that feels good.

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0fa454 No.21604870


why you click?

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21a782 No.21604871

File: 8f79c48ba8e0b6d⋯.png (441.63 KB,710x473,710:473,ClipboardImage.png)

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461ba9 No.21604872


anon *has* to click

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d5ae03 No.21604873

File: 1fd7cc832750a1a⋯.png (50.37 KB,912x500,228:125,ClipboardImage.png)

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111789 No.21604874


anons are known for just that thing

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efc096 No.21604875


Child molester poster boys.

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353321 No.21604876


not enough hook on the nose

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16f4a3 No.21604877


She’s pretty

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bd119d No.21604878

File: 44c53f606859abb⋯.png (115.57 KB,338x338,1:1,nsalie1.png)

The Greatest Story Never Told… Until Now

Q !UW.yye1fxo 12/19/2017 17:39:15 ID: 03c2f4 376

8chan/cbts: 126948

Anonymous 12/19/2017 17:37:38 ID:fad025

8chan/cbts: 126928


Are UFOs a distraction?


How far away is the closest star?

What do you think?


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 09/19/2018 20:25:34 ID: 98088e 2222

8chan/qresearch: 3094236

Anonymous 09/19/2018 20:10:44 ID:5948d8

8chan/qresearch: 3093831


Are we alone ?

Roswell ?



Highest classification.

Consider the vastness of space.


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 09/19/2018 20:58:13 ID: 922952 2225

8chan/qresearch: 3095105

Anonymous 09/19/2018 20:45:34 ID:a16b71

8chan/qresearch: 3094804


Did NASA fake the moon landings? Have we been to the moon since then? Are there secret space programs? Is this why the Space Force was created?


False, moon landings are real.

Programs exist that are outside of public domain.


Nov 27, 2022 8:06:20 PM EST

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 000000 No. 17830326 4966

What is coded in your DNA?

Who put it there?


Mankind is repressed.

We will be repressed no more.

Information is knowledge.

Knowledge is power.

Information is power.

How do you protect your DNA?

There is a war for your DNA.

Protect your DNA.



Annunaki: The Movie | Episode 1 | Lost Book Of Enki - Tablet 1-5



00:00 Attestation Of Endubsar -Prologue

10:19 Tablet 1

29:00 Tablet 2

37:30 The Myth Of Tiamat

45:48 Tablet 3

59:23 Tablet 4

1:19:30 Tablet 5

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1b9323 No.21604880


satisfaction brought the cat back, I'm satisfied that was grotesque.

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bd119d No.21604881

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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eb89f1 No.21604882

File: a1017d480bac1bf⋯.png (310.27 KB,707x353,707:353,ClipboardImage.png)

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bd119d No.21604883

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Annunaki: The Movie | Episode 1 | Lost Book Of Enki - Tablet 1-5



00:00 Attestation Of Endubsar -Prologue

10:19 Tablet 1

29:00 Tablet 2

37:30 The Myth Of Tiamat

45:48 Tablet 3

59:23 Tablet 4

1:19:30 Tablet 5

Annunaki: The Movie | Episode 2 | Lost Book Of Enki - Tablet 6-9



00:00 To Create A Primitive Worker

15:38 Birth Of Adam

23:07 Birth of Eve

29:57 Thoth Adds Procreation to Man

34:00 The Lost Story of Adam & Eve

39:45 The New Annunaki of Earth

47:20 Enki & Marduk Mission On Moon

57:09 Anu Visits Earth

1:02:05 Enki Becomes Human

1:04:44 Birth Of Adapa & Titi

1:11:45 Adapa Visits Nibiru

1:25:41 The Lost Story of Cain & Abel

1:36:15 Enki-Me(Enoch) Departs To Heaven

1:45:00 Marduk Marries An Earthling

1:55:40 Birth of Noah

Annunaki: The Movie | Episode 3 | Lost Book Of Enki - Tablet 10-14



00:00 Introduction

01:20 Enki Has A Dream

03:38 Enki Speaks To Zisudra

07:55 The Great Flood

14:20 The Annunaki Return After Flood

20:05 Annunaki Turn Mud Into A Kingdom

26:02 Thoth Builds The Pyramids In Ancient Kemet

34:22 The Old Kingdom of Kemet - Demi-gods of Egypt

36:00 Osiris & Seth (Sons of Amun Ra)

40:00 Horus Vs Set

44:40 The Lost Story of Ianna & Dumuzi

50:51 Death of Great Dumuzi Son of Enki

53:20 Ianna's Death & Resurrection

55:00 Wars of Gods/Extraterrestrials

1:02:25 Thoth Rescues Marduk (Amun Ra)

1:06:23 Ninurta Becomes God Of Israel (Son of Enlil)

1:11:32 Anu & Antu Visit Earth

1:21:00 Anu Forgives Marduk (Amun Ra)

1:25:00 Sumerian Civilization Begins

1:29:00 Ianna Steals The Human Template Codes

1:32:00 Marduk Becomes God Of Babylon

1:36:18 Amun Ra (Marduk) Vs Ningishzidda (Thoth)

1:41:00 God Territory's & Genetic Markers Begin

1:45:00 The Epic Of Gilgamesh

1:50:00 Enlil Has A Dream

1:53:00 Amun Ra Becomes God Of Egypt

1:59:00 Enki Creates The Tablets of Enki

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4c8070 No.21604884

File: 5a713ced3f3959b⋯.png (779.61 KB,666x500,333:250,ClipboardImage.png)

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b52db0 No.21604885


i stand by every post i've posted here since late 2017/early 2018

that said, i would feel like a failure if they didn't have a file on me by now

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bd119d No.21604886

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Annunaki: The Movie | Episode 1 | Lost Book Of Enki - Tablet 1-5



00:00 Attestation Of Endubsar -Prologue

10:19 Tablet 1

29:00 Tablet 2

37:30 The Myth Of Tiamat

45:48 Tablet 3

59:23 Tablet 4

1:19:30 Tablet 5

Annunaki: The Movie | Episode 2 | Lost Book Of Enki - Tablet 6-9



00:00 To Create A Primitive Worker

15:38 Birth Of Adam

23:07 Birth of Eve

29:57 Thoth Adds Procreation to Man

34:00 The Lost Story of Adam & Eve

39:45 The New Annunaki of Earth

47:20 Enki & Marduk Mission On Moon

57:09 Anu Visits Earth

1:02:05 Enki Becomes Human

1:04:44 Birth Of Adapa & Titi

1:11:45 Adapa Visits Nibiru

1:25:41 The Lost Story of Cain & Abel

1:36:15 Enki-Me(Enoch) Departs To Heaven

1:45:00 Marduk Marries An Earthling

1:55:40 Birth of Noah

Annunaki: The Movie | Episode 3 | Lost Book Of Enki - Tablet 10-14



00:00 Introduction

01:20 Enki Has A Dream

03:38 Enki Speaks To Zisudra

07:55 The Great Flood

14:20 The Annunaki Return After Flood

20:05 Annunaki Turn Mud Into A Kingdom

26:02 Thoth Builds The Pyramids In Ancient Kemet

34:22 The Old Kingdom of Kemet - Demi-gods of Egypt

36:00 Osiris & Seth (Sons of Amun Ra)

40:00 Horus Vs Set

44:40 The Lost Story of Ianna & Dumuzi

50:51 Death of Great Dumuzi Son of Enki

53:20 Ianna's Death & Resurrection

55:00 Wars of Gods/Extraterrestrials

1:02:25 Thoth Rescues Marduk (Amun Ra)

1:06:23 Ninurta Becomes God Of Israel (Son of Enlil)

1:11:32 Anu & Antu Visit Earth

1:21:00 Anu Forgives Marduk (Amun Ra)

1:25:00 Sumerian Civilization Begins

1:29:00 Ianna Steals The Human Template Codes

1:32:00 Marduk Becomes God Of Babylon

1:36:18 Amun Ra (Marduk) Vs Ningishzidda (Thoth)

1:41:00 God Territory's & Genetic Markers Begin

1:45:00 The Epic Of Gilgamesh

1:50:00 Enlil Has A Dream

1:53:00 Amun Ra Becomes God Of Egypt

1:59:00 Enki Creates The Tablets of Enki

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3bb6c2 No.21604887


Does not look like Garland.

What freaks

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4915a0 No.21604888

File: c9e8977ad62ecdd⋯.mp4 (538.28 KB,360x640,9:16,skacat.mp4)

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bd119d No.21604889

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Annunaki: The Movie | Episode 1 | Lost Book Of Enki - Tablet 1-5



00:00 Attestation Of Endubsar -Prologue

10:19 Tablet 1

29:00 Tablet 2

37:30 The Myth Of Tiamat

45:48 Tablet 3

59:23 Tablet 4

1:19:30 Tablet 5

Annunaki: The Movie | Episode 2 | Lost Book Of Enki - Tablet 6-9



00:00 To Create A Primitive Worker

15:38 Birth Of Adam

23:07 Birth of Eve

29:57 Thoth Adds Procreation to Man

34:00 The Lost Story of Adam & Eve

39:45 The New Annunaki of Earth

47:20 Enki & Marduk Mission On Moon

57:09 Anu Visits Earth

1:02:05 Enki Becomes Human

1:04:44 Birth Of Adapa & Titi

1:11:45 Adapa Visits Nibiru

1:25:41 The Lost Story of Cain & Abel

1:36:15 Enki-Me(Enoch) Departs To Heaven

1:45:00 Marduk Marries An Earthling

1:55:40 Birth of Noah

Annunaki: The Movie | Episode 3 | Lost Book Of Enki - Tablet 10-14



00:00 Introduction

01:20 Enki Has A Dream

03:38 Enki Speaks To Zisudra

07:55 The Great Flood

14:20 The Annunaki Return After Flood

20:05 Annunaki Turn Mud Into A Kingdom

26:02 Thoth Builds The Pyramids In Ancient Kemet

34:22 The Old Kingdom of Kemet - Demi-gods of Egypt

36:00 Osiris & Seth (Sons of Amun Ra)

40:00 Horus Vs Set

44:40 The Lost Story of Ianna & Dumuzi

50:51 Death of Great Dumuzi Son of Enki

53:20 Ianna's Death & Resurrection

55:00 Wars of Gods/Extraterrestrials

1:02:25 Thoth Rescues Marduk (Amun Ra)

1:06:23 Ninurta Becomes God Of Israel (Son of Enlil)

1:11:32 Anu & Antu Visit Earth

1:21:00 Anu Forgives Marduk (Amun Ra)

1:25:00 Sumerian Civilization Begins

1:29:00 Ianna Steals The Human Template Codes

1:32:00 Marduk Becomes God Of Babylon

1:36:18 Amun Ra (Marduk) Vs Ningishzidda (Thoth)

1:41:00 God Territory's & Genetic Markers Begin

1:45:00 The Epic Of Gilgamesh

1:50:00 Enlil Has A Dream

1:53:00 Amun Ra Becomes God Of Egypt

1:59:00 Enki Creates The Tablets of Enki

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61891d No.21604890


Deep state plan is Zelenski bombs Russia, Russia bombs US…no elections, no Trump 2024, Biden resigns, Kamala takes over, Trump gets sentenced to prison…thats the plan

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7e732d No.21604891

File: ebd8b781175de39⋯.jpg (258.32 KB,1024x1024,1:1,11f67cad_5e1a_4a47_923c_5c….jpg)




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c6d975 No.21604892

File: 9b97926cdc46aa6⋯.png (140.5 KB,500x276,125:69,9b97926cdc46aa688a5cc278c2….png)


Doesn't look like Merrick Garland but I don't want to replay it. The fat dude looks like he's not feelin it tho. Man with glasses got a wedding ring on.

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4915a0 No.21604893


>i would feel like a failure if they didn't have a file on me by now

hear hear

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f11a15 No.21604894

File: c93113be98fb008⋯.mp4 (8.64 MB,720x720,1:1,bidenese.mp4)


George quoted Kamala wrong.


"Does one of us have to come out alive."

not "one of them"

very different

For your pleasure, another language lesson


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cc328b No.21604895

File: 61d5f40205aa195⋯.jpg (57.53 KB,769x620,769:620,NH_INTIMIDATION_TACTICS.jpg)

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fd7a45 No.21604896

File: b0f07357a973339⋯.png (85.79 KB,555x510,37:34,Screen_Shot_2024_09_16_at_….png)

>>21603942 n CONFIRMED: Trump attempted-assassin Ryan Routh has been on the FBI's radar since 2019 Mp4 0:51


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b6b871 No.21604897


kek, it takes one to know one

must have been a congressmon

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7e732d No.21604898

File: a66c3aa2698916a⋯.jpg (323.35 KB,1024x1024,1:1,ed2f6fc6_409f_4ab4_abeb_75….jpg)




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21a782 No.21604899

File: db075f453779761⋯.png (593.92 KB,710x710,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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bf2bc2 No.21604900

File: bdda854c0adacf4⋯.jpg (140.91 KB,822x891,274:297,The_Candidate_with_the_Pea….jpg)



The candidate with the

pearl earing that

might also be an earphone

the candidate with the pearl earphone

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eb89f1 No.21604901


Silence, MAGA Fake-triot, LameEye Warfare generic idjit. Into the filter.

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fd7a45 No.21604902

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b52db0 No.21604903

File: d08ba890d5c9861⋯.png (393.94 KB,509x566,509:566,Screenshot_2024_08_16_at_1….png)

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9d3104 No.21604904


There are just too many of them. No way to keep track. It was a lot easier when MSM didn’t push all of them 24/7. Most people are good, but MSM brainwashes everyone. 99 channels and nothing on.

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b6b871 No.21604905



have you got the one about being on 8 and know one telling you any thing

5 2

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c94623 No.21604906

that is really weird to see this


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4006fa No.21604907

File: 08c03719540e9bf⋯.jpg (69.27 KB,1091x1125,1091:1125,IMG_20240912_131942_312.jpg)




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b6b871 No.21604908


rogerS = 19


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21a782 No.21604909

File: 27e499a6e2bde2a⋯.png (358.85 KB,710x710,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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a180eb No.21604910

File: a3eaa5fe198d5d0⋯.png (36.7 KB,766x496,383:248,711_2_.png)

File: b300270adcad147⋯.jpg (25.3 KB,604x372,151:93,asian_guy_squinting.jpg)

File: b26589bb272bfef⋯.png (27.41 KB,220x220,1:1,sorpresa.png)

File: 91e2fe056f00f04⋯.jpg (62.15 KB,800x533,800:533,2024_03_11t222651z_1044797….jpg)

File: 1bcfd9c055e83f6⋯.jpeg (854.19 KB,1800x1224,25:17,GXh_ClhacAAzPKI.jpeg)

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eb89f1 No.21604911

File: 9b4191303476eaa⋯.jpg (58.94 KB,500x550,10:11,continue_in_color.jpg)


>Excuse me, I'm speaking

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4c8070 No.21604912

File: c3341245026012c⋯.png (363.04 KB,422x411,422:411,ClipboardImage.png)


What is the symbol on the flag pin?

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07aca4 No.21604913

It's all theatre

Why wouldn't they get a Jason Bourne type to do it?

They do not miss!

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7e732d No.21604914

File: 2af4fd60e1aaed8⋯.jpg (235.83 KB,1024x1024,1:1,10e9d903_f474_45e3_a281_5a….jpg)





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bf2bc2 No.21604915

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

just what were the British music producers thing in the early 1960s?

'lock me away?'


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3bb6c2 No.21604916


This is funny

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f0784f No.21604917


Q must be getting ready to post.

Dropping all these clues.

Or Q+

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bf2bc2 No.21604918


PS it's:

Peter and Gordon - A World Without Love (HD) 1964

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bd119d No.21604919

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

trying to lurk yet you fuckers are boring NIGHT SHIFT to death!

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278b3e No.21604920

The Talmud Unmasked



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b52db0 No.21604921

File: eb99a178675685c⋯.png (574.67 KB,500x586,250:293,Screenshot_2024_09_16_at_1….png)

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21a782 No.21604922

File: 9ffd855e7bd3a06⋯.png (435.69 KB,615x680,123:136,ClipboardImage.png)

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cc328b No.21604923

File: 9bc0d4c8254a83b⋯.jpg (142.91 KB,850x478,425:239,GOOD_PLAN.jpg)

File: 471b26d19b0399f⋯.jpg (128.2 KB,530x553,530:553,PIG_WINS_AGAIN.jpg)




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bd119d No.21604924

Baby Jesus on fire!

Who trained you idiots?

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bd119d No.21604925

File: 6edc1b6e03616a7⋯.png (78.79 KB,586x614,293:307,4CHOOSEPAIN.png)

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461ba9 No.21604926

File: 3053001d6de3102⋯.jpg (974.05 KB,2000x2000,1:1,3053001d6de31021583afe9b4e….jpg)


my sides are in orbit!

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7e732d No.21604927

File: f45b59c5ba4ab6d⋯.jpg (195.83 KB,1024x1024,1:1,08c8420b_b187_4bdf_a6bd_04….jpg)





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5da4a3 No.21604928

File: f2c8a70267acd3e⋯.png (62.47 KB,236x207,236:207,ClipboardImage.png)

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bd119d No.21604929

File: ad2977655df4022⋯.png (2.23 MB,1420x776,355:194,00dsds.png)

you will fakek at anything though there is that!

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bf2bc2 No.21604930


OMG: that song with ridiculous lyrics was written by Paul McCarthy!

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9d3104 No.21604931


CIA is based overseas asshole!

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bd119d No.21604932

File: 6ebbad42d970fd9⋯.png (560.14 KB,575x454,575:454,000qqq.png)

and who would click that shit anyways!?!?

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4915a0 No.21604933

File: 46633b0227e7adc⋯.png (1.24 MB,1119x839,1119:839,ClipboardImage.png)

Obama's been quiet

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21a782 No.21604934

File: c2905bdc7469b38⋯.png (468.28 KB,710x763,710:763,ClipboardImage.png)

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bd119d No.21604935

File: 7d57b046f39ad0c⋯.gif (188.43 KB,158x156,79:78,00000HERRR.gif)

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b52db0 No.21604936

File: 09acff8202062f3⋯.png (640.84 KB,685x596,685:596,Screenshot_2024_09_08_at_1….png)


that's more like it, bitch

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3bb6c2 No.21604937


where is MYORKAS?

He is in charge if USSS?

Is Mayorkas dead?

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7e732d No.21604938

File: ebd8b781175de39⋯.jpg (258.32 KB,1024x1024,1:1,11f67cad_5e1a_4a47_923c_5c….jpg)




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5da4a3 No.21604939

File: 42c329940eeb231⋯.png (7.07 KB,259x194,259:194,ClipboardImage.png)

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bd119d No.21604940

File: bdf9d61df608ce2⋯.gif (2.63 MB,900x524,225:131,01b.gif)

what's wrong with [you]!?

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3871c2 No.21604941


Only one kid? Only a photo? No text?

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46a962 No.21604942

File: 35efeaa781ecfe9⋯.png (121.75 KB,1221x784,1221:784,Screenshot_2024_09_16_at_4….png)


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278b3e No.21604943

Holocaust or Hoax


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6cbfde No.21604944


That isnt Garland

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519f66 No.21604945


I'm thankful Kamala's got a pussy and not a dingaling.

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bd119d No.21604946

File: 32b4e42c5e8098d⋯.jpg (51.49 KB,521x521,1:1,3z5.jpg)

are you dead inside?

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c94623 No.21604947

i caught that also penis

>>21604643 but i think it meant P N H

what kind of P N H I have


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21a782 No.21604948

File: 944cf89af3a5210⋯.png (551.74 KB,655x853,655:853,ClipboardImage.png)

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4915a0 No.21604949

The name Barack tied him more firmly to his black African father, who had left him and his white mother at a young age and later returned home to Kenya.

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bd119d No.21604950

File: b5a5b096108a613⋯.gif (5.43 MB,480x270,16:9,DJT_FAN.gif)

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7e732d No.21604951

File: 2325cf6eb2788d3⋯.jpg (320.54 KB,1024x1024,1:1,f2149cd6_b1a5_4959_be60_c3….jpg)




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e13db6 No.21604952


“Satan has left the White House


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bd119d No.21604953

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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4c8070 No.21604954


She's cheaper dead. She needs to get out of there are get her blood cleaned.

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c6d975 No.21604955


Did she just say they want to know what kind of penis I have?

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fcc658 No.21604956

File: 3bb6b424563a365⋯.jpeg (26.15 KB,568x451,568:451,IMG_3828.jpeg)

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bd119d No.21604957

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

It's been 1y, 9m, 2w, 4d, 22h, 38m since Q has posted.

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4915a0 No.21604958

File: eb626280cf95655⋯.png (231.53 KB,494x247,2:1,GhislaineAmanpour.png)

File: 306641ae9fb5dcb⋯.png (61.96 KB,294x107,294:107,bushray.png)


>weird to see

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6cbfde No.21604959

File: e474f8aa2028f6e⋯.png (522.72 KB,900x768,75:64,ClipboardImage.png)

"Bank records of Thomas Crooks reveal a few unusual payments to two indivisuals, Ryan Routh and Peter Riddle"

What the shit?


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b52db0 No.21604960

File: 3097a2467227a19⋯.png (439 KB,600x600,1:1,Screenshot_2024_09_16_at_1….png)

File: 55fc94e4bd89092⋯.png (161.09 KB,458x550,229:275,Screenshot_2024_03_10_at_1….png)

File: eac1463b16ac630⋯.png (13.67 KB,131x61,131:61,Screenshot_2024_09_16_at_1….png)

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bd119d No.21604961

File: 2312f66eb62208b⋯.gif (80.44 KB,592x415,592:415,4fb.gif)

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2ce7ae No.21604962


Q drop, some N Koreans in the photo, cars. Big pyramid building. Dude walking in the front by the grass, kinda reddish hair

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496669 No.21604963


guess imma one toe on the the ground huh


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a180eb No.21604964

File: 94e4f91023e337e⋯.mp4 (1.75 MB,854x480,427:240,94e4f91023e337ed8a7d5083b4….mp4)

File: c18be2a5fe91962⋯.mp4 (9.16 MB,1024x1024,1:1,c18be2a5fe9196252e211f3589….mp4)

File: 49bc9a263980e0f⋯.mp4 (183.46 KB,500x280,25:14,49bc9a263980e0ff807bab6881….mp4)

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461ba9 No.21604965


This. Why do the normals not see these stories? Anon got called a conspiracy theorist last time.

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bd119d No.21604966

File: 9c6318439d4bde4⋯.png (198.33 KB,770x752,385:376,1.png)

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0fa454 No.21604967


she was not sexy she just got told to she her flapjacks all the time because she called herself a meme queen. there are no women on the internet.

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21a782 No.21604968

File: 3cb929aefc699e8⋯.png (508.86 KB,710x679,710:679,ClipboardImage.png)

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bd119d No.21604969

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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519f66 No.21604970

File: 4cc06a4aaa472b4⋯.png (27.41 KB,638x150,319:75,ClipboardImage.png)


Yeah. It's closed captioning not understanding exactly what was said.

Closed Captioning off of YT is shit. But it makes me laugh!

She has PNH.

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086a3a No.21604971

Australia - What? Breaking MD/patient priviledge and convicting a woman of murder for reportedly transmitting Covid to a cancer patient neighbor, who died with covid-caused pneumonia, supposedly.

"The victim, who was also a cancer patient, died of pneumonia that was caused by the coronavirus, according to Austrian news agency APA. Avirological report showed that the virus DNA matched both the deceased and the 54-year-old woman, proving that the defendant “almost 100 percent” transmitted it, an expert told the court.

“I feel sorry for you personally – I think that something like this has probably happened hundreds of times," the judge said Thursday. "But you are unlucky thatan expert has determined with almost absolute certainty that it was an infection that came from you.”

"This week, the judge heard statements from the deceased's family, who said there had been contact in a stairwell between the neighbors on Dec. 21, 2001 — when the defendant would already have known she had COVID-19. But she denied the meeting, saying she was too sick to get out of bed that day. She also said she believed she had bronchitis, which she typically gets every year.

But thewoman's doctortold police that the defendant had tested positive with a rapid test andtold him that she “certainly won’t let herself be locked up" after the result.


Enter Australia at your own risk! They could find that you, too, areguilty of MURDERbecauseyour DNA and the dead person's are both a match to THE VIRUS DNA?

WT actual F?

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463ed2 No.21604972

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6cbfde No.21604973

Layers of the Haiti Exposure

Stormy Patriot Joe

Sep 16, 2024


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bd119d No.21604974

File: 0db64178b67f9d8⋯.gif (379.84 KB,240x136,30:17,3z13.gif)

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8c8dd3 No.21604975

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Beer drinkers and hell raisers

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c94623 No.21604977

File: f3fee0e0542d17b⋯.jpg (11.97 KB,300x168,25:14,download.jpg)

File: 557be47fcd204dc⋯.jpg (12.46 KB,255x156,85:52,9512bb35102f08512b97446cb5….jpg)

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6f6f18 No.21604979

File: d01bf28be267ca6⋯.mp4 (2.28 MB,460x258,230:129,aE0x1Ve_460sv.mp4)

Acting U.S. Secret Service Director: "There could be another geopolitical event that could put the United States into a kinetic conflict or some other- uh- some other issue, that may result in additional responsibilities and protectees of the Secret Service."

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4915a0 No.21604980

File: 9130ff3daf8ae7e⋯.png (903.65 KB,638x1280,319:640,ClipboardImage.png)


>Satan has left the White House

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bd119d No.21604981

File: 52404640306a201⋯.jpeg (35.13 KB,474x384,79:64,4choosepain2.jpeg)

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21a782 No.21604982

File: 1cfadfbad109d48⋯.png (161.27 KB,710x471,710:471,ClipboardImage.png)

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cc328b No.21604983

File: e02c001bb5c199c⋯.jpg (124.57 KB,497x659,497:659,MIRRORS_N_MIMICS.jpg)



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c6d975 No.21604984

File: c51a09da7357469⋯.jpg (23.52 KB,480x356,120:89,e6bb94861a99ec9b4702dea123….jpg)

File: ba103c0097261ec⋯.jpeg (22.42 KB,474x258,79:43,th_2130587912.jpeg)

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31a7c8 No.21604985

File: 8fdb2aece041bc2⋯.png (3.91 MB,2048x1330,1024:665,FightFightFight2.png)

Does one need an x account to to listen to DJT's XSpaces this fine eve?

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b52db0 No.21604986

File: 2cf67f23f6d442e⋯.png (672.82 KB,615x683,615:683,Screenshot_2024_09_16_at_1….png)


hold up, bitch

how dare you assume that she has a pussy and not a dingaling

you must address her by her preferred pronouns

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bd119d No.21604987

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

It's been 1y, 9m, 2w, 4d, 22h, 40m since Q has posted.

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5da4a3 No.21604988

iany way you can give a QRD of these? tyia


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086a3a No.21604989




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e4b9b2 No.21604990

File: 734e2090a76ef90⋯.png (1.39 MB,1436x966,718:483,levinZel_.png)

File: 25325259b09340a⋯.mp4 (11.74 MB,640x360,16:9,pearsBioLabs.mp4)

File: de6a5bf6da3c9c9⋯.mp4 (2.57 MB,640x360,16:9,shittUkr.mp4)

So that sicko yesterday was a "Ukraine" freak.


These VIDS, legitimate NEWS Reports, are YEARS old, but who the fuck has SEEN them in this Communist-controlled Country. Meanwhile mawkie has been on radio, TV, and where ever else (his website… still on Blaze?) spewing his Zelinsky lovefest. (Is he still shilling for Ukraine as hard these days?)

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9d3104 No.21604991

Paying taxes should not be garnished weekly.

You should have to write a check once a year.

Taxes should be paid once a year while you cast your vote.

All voting and all taxes paid on the same form. Same day.

Sign at the bottom with check enclosed.

Wonder why they take weekly?

Wonder why they make tax payments and voting exactly 6 months apart?

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21a782 No.21604992

File: 9711c793bf0e33a⋯.png (486.48 KB,605x808,605:808,ClipboardImage.png)

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111789 No.21604993

File: 9e145ca255b9ced⋯.png (381.05 KB,500x317,500:317,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a4767a5007798bc⋯.png (216.08 KB,500x309,500:309,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6f85cca89cb13c3⋯.png (610.07 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0708304b0ad29c7⋯.png (265.52 KB,500x611,500:611,ClipboardImage.png)

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1b9323 No.21604994

File: 7f911037c8fc805⋯.png (139.04 KB,751x767,751:767,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b20b8a87a4a75cb⋯.png (48.57 KB,864x453,288:151,ClipboardImage.png)


Below the shield on a gold color scroll the inscription "United States of America" in red letters and encircling the shield and crest at the top the inscription "Central Intelligence Agency" in white letters.

All on a circular blue background with a narrow gold edge.

Damn good question: image 2

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cc328b No.21604995

File: e5fe75096fb8460⋯.jpg (164.35 KB,677x592,677:592,MASSA_PIG.jpg)

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bd119d No.21604996

File: 1262cc737dea6a5⋯.png (375.58 KB,762x470,381:235,0000000a.png)


what's a QRD?

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6cbfde No.21604997

File: 6d0ad904a83f981⋯.png (1.02 MB,1280x718,640:359,ClipboardImage.png)

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bd119d No.21604998



1 2345 6789 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

Donald J. Trump



Sep 15, 2024,10:44AM


Apr 06, 2018 3:22:28 PM EDT

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 03213a No. 922237

Apr 06, 2018 3:17:40 PM EDT

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 03213a No. 922142


Pics will surface of Hussein holding AK47 in tribal attire.

One of many.

Net shut down.



Fake pic push by MSM.

Videos / backup.

Google kill.

YouTube kill.

FB kill.

Twitter kill.

Yahoo kill.

Bing kill.

Instagram kill.

Net will be paused.


On the clock.





Donald J. Trump



Sep 15, 2024, 10:44 AM


Mar 10, 2018 1:00:21 PM EST

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 88957f No. 613164

Mar 10, 2018 12:59:21 PM EST

Anonymous ID: 10998f No. 613143


In 2013, documents leaked by the former NSA contractor Edward Snowden revealed the existence of numerous surveillance programs jointly operated by the Five Eyes. The following list includes several notable examples reported in the media:

PRISM – Operated by the NSA together with the GCHQ and the ASD[53][54]

XKeyscore – Operated by the NSA with contributions from the ASD and the GCSB[55]

Tempora – Operated by the GCHQ with contributions from the NSA[56][57]

MUSCULAR – Operated by the GCHQ and the NSA[58]

STATEROOM – Operated by the ASD, CIA, CSE, GCHQ, and NSA[59]

https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Five_Eyes


Interesting, isn’t it?


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519f66 No.21604999

File: e12bc2ec60fa3c9⋯.png (576.79 KB,1093x780,1093:780,ClipboardImage.png)

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278b3e No.21605000


…and Blackrock is (just) a major financing institution.

What/Who else is in those commercials?

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8c8dd3 No.21605001

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Stop your sobbin

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bd119d No.21605002

File: f82547aa5f53144⋯.webp (1.19 MB,320x181,320:181,3z13a.webp)

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b6b871 No.21605003


im buried knee deep… and sinking fast

what to do?



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3871c2 No.21605004

File: 901deb22bb1cd48⋯.png (243.74 KB,444x440,111:110,ClipboardImage.png)

File: faaadc1b956301e⋯.png (4.64 MB,2080x1544,260:193,ClipboardImage.png)

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efc096 No.21605005


One key point it was written before the fall of the Soviet Union. Russia saved itself. IMHO.

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6cbfde No.21605006

File: dc7475c97b143a5⋯.png (1012.57 KB,1280x718,640:359,ClipboardImage.png)

They must feel like the walls are closing in on them.

Bullets flying = PANIC

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b6b871 No.21605007


#26462 >>21604303

>>21604435, >>21604457 Only 50 days until we Save America.

>>21604322, >>21604408, >>21604410, >>21604819 Trump Said Democrat Rhetoric Led Directly To Assassination Attempts Against Him


>>21604418 17.17

>>21604432 Scott Jennings at it again. BOOOOOOOM!!! Excellent.

>>21604438, >>21604444, >>21604561, >>21604579 Ryan Routh and CIA (Rothschild Connection)

>>21604461 Routh/Ukraine nazi connection?

>>21604492, >>21604804, >>21604808 President Donald J.Trump: This is his plan to clean out the DS, very good mp4 3:36

>>21604497 33 bomb hoaxes in Springfield from overseas

>>21604518 Campaign 2024: Senator JD Vance Remarks At Faith and Freedom Dinner

>>21604526 R. Gouviea Going Through All The Weekend Events And The Court Transcript Of Ryan Routh Court Appearance

>>21604591 New Stormy Look. Porn Star Stormy Daniels Says There is a ‘Strong Possibility’ Trump Will Try Her For Treason

>>21604635, >>21604659, >>21604660, >>21604727, >>21604750 Rothschilds J mafia, it always has been

>>21604639 Japan’s Largest Aircraft Carrier Sails To California For Flight Trials

>>21604676, >>21604726 Bongino: Is There A Mole Inside The Secret Service? Another Trump Assassination Attempt (Ep. 2329)-09/16/2024

>>21604730, >>21604782, >>21604744, >>21604746, >>21604770, >>21604773, >>21604775 Acting U.S. Secret Service Director: Mr Dumbass has been read in on the ww3 plans kinetic

>>21604787 Here we go again: US Accuses Russia Of Helping Iran Achieve A Nuke

>>21604777 the relevant Q post is

>>21604817 Trump shooting plot suspect Routh was interviewed by NYT on Ukraine war efforts in 2023: 'Sounded ridiculous'

>>21604826, >>21604839 Anons, you seeing this? The pedo cult is running scared! They're trying to escape justice by referencing 'Qanon' "cOnSPiRaCy tHeOrY", Qanon a fake news media creation designed to attach their own false narratives to an anonymous poster 'Q'

>>21604861 Rick Wilson all chummy with the head of LGBT Dems of Maryland who was just busted attempting to solicit a 14 year old boy

>>21604942 Donald J. Trump: @realDonaldTrump Join me live from Mar-A-Lago at 8:00PM Eastern, tonight on X Spaces. Set a reminder and be sure to tune in!

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f11a15 No.21605008

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



"To cry out as a hen does when she has laid"

Dutch, KACKELEN (sp)

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278b3e No.21605009



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bd119d No.21605010

File: 8cbff3275d137ac⋯.jpg (29.17 KB,500x625,4:5,baby2.jpg)

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efc096 No.21605011


In other words. A member of the Club (Cult).

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46a962 No.21605012


waiting patiently

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21a782 No.21605013

File: 5adc378841c8c61⋯.png (392.91 KB,710x580,71:58,ClipboardImage.png)

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6248cb No.21605014



>It's been 1y, 9m, 2w, 4d, 22h, 40m since Q has posted.


Apr 06, 2018 2:20:00 AM EDT

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 311352 No. 916268

Apr 06, 2018 2:16:37 AM EDT

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 311352 No. 916218

BOOMs en route.






Device hold.

Comms transfer castle.




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2ce7ae No.21605015

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efc096 No.21605016



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bd119d No.21605017

File: f8bd6084c1e8d85⋯.png (133.51 KB,367x414,367:414,QSATAN1.png)

you fags ruined it with all yer religious mambo jambo!

Q's never comin' back!

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c6d975 No.21605018

File: 35ac85a101f332e⋯.png (680.66 KB,1045x1117,1045:1117,35ac85a101f332e9df969df84e….png)


I'm devastated! I've had this meme for years Komrade can't have it.

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bd119d No.21605019

Q said "Relax and be Comfy as you are surrounded by Patriots" and "Patriots everywhere!"

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fb1323 No.21605020


They always look so stupid when hung up with strings are struggling to stay stable…

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b6b871 No.21605021


#26462 >>21604303

>>21604435, >>21604457 Only 50 days until we Save America.

>>21604322, >>21604408, >>21604410, >>21604819 Trump Said Democrat Rhetoric Led Directly To Assassination Attempts Against Him


>>21604418 17.17

>>21604432 Scott Jennings at it again. BOOOOOOOM!!! Excellent.

>>21604438, >>21604444, >>21604561, >>21604579 Ryan Routh and CIA (Rothschild Connection)

>>21604461 Routh/Ukraine nazi connection?

>>21604492, >>21604804, >>21604808 President Donald J.Trump: This is his plan to clean out the DS, very good mp4 3:36

>>21604497 33 bomb hoaxes in Springfield from overseas

>>21604518 Campaign 2024: Senator JD Vance Remarks At Faith and Freedom Dinner

>>21604526 R. Gouviea Going Through All The Weekend Events And The Court Transcript Of Ryan Routh Court Appearance

>>21604591 New Stormy Look. Porn Star Stormy Daniels Says There is a ‘Strong Possibility’ Trump Will Try Her For Treason

>>21604635, >>21604659, >>21604660, >>21604727, >>21604750 Rothschilds J mafia, it always has been

>>21604639 Japan’s Largest Aircraft Carrier Sails To California For Flight Trials

>>21604676, >>21604726 Bongino: Is There A Mole Inside The Secret Service? Another Trump Assassination Attempt (Ep. 2329)-09/16/2024

>>21604730, >>21604782, >>21604744, >>21604746, >>21604770, >>21604773, >>21604775 Acting U.S. Secret Service Director: Mr Dumbass has been read in on the ww3 plans kinetic

>>21604787 Here we go again: US Accuses Russia Of Helping Iran Achieve A Nuke

>>21604777 the relevant Q post is

>>21604817 Trump shooting plot suspect Routh was interviewed by NYT on Ukraine war efforts in 2023: 'Sounded ridiculous'

>>21604826, >>21604839 Anons, you seeing this? The pedo cult is running scared! They're trying to escape justice by referencing 'Qanon' "cOnSPiRaCy tHeOrY", Qanon a fake news media creation designed to attach their own false narratives to an anonymous poster 'Q'

>>21604861 Rick Wilson all chummy with the head of LGBT Dems of Maryland who was just busted attempting to solicit a 14 year old boy

>>21604942 Donald J. Trump: @realDonaldTrump Join me live from Mar-A-Lago at 8:00PM Eastern, tonight on X Spaces. Set a reminder and be sure to tune in!

>>21604971 Enter Australia at your own risk! They could find that you, too, areguilty of MURDER becauseyour DNA and the dead person's are both a match to THE VIRUS DNA?

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a155bf No.21605022


i feel a strange sense of calm

something or someway that i haven't felt in a long time

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bd119d No.21605023



Q said "It's going to be like something out of the Bible"

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6f6f18 No.21605024

File: b25c88de8d97b84⋯.png (48.18 KB,1080x1114,540:557,66e86924e7a0b.png)

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278b3e No.21605025


search: witches cackle explained

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461ba9 No.21605026


Q never left.

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bd119d No.21605027


Q said "Only true Patriots can stop what is coming"

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21a782 No.21605028

File: 639a5fcb4374f34⋯.png (660.44 KB,710x563,710:563,ClipboardImage.png)

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bd119d No.21605029


Q said "Trust Flynn and Japan Anons from Flynn Army"

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bd119d No.21605030


Q said "P does not = Pope, silly! Filtered!"

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f11a15 No.21605031

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Old Hen Cackle

by the "Poor Boys"


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bd119d No.21605032

File: 72463c978039b0a⋯.png (314.51 KB,468x503,468:503,NSSP.png)

Q said "Only a Few of Us are going where no anon has gone before!"

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a180eb No.21605033

File: c9a16df1fa7ca31⋯.jpg (45.21 KB,450x260,45:26,09_10_2013_shackleton_e137….jpg)

File: f44d6a4c09e591e⋯.mp4 (2.72 MB,854x480,427:240,f44d6a4c09e591ea7a4b7ba56a….mp4)

File: f4d12de48e28008⋯.jpg (261.15 KB,823x1155,823:1155,Pony_ExpressAdvert.jpg)




2 moar weeks is a concept of a plan fuckers.

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c6d975 No.21605034

File: c2893efd89920c5⋯.jpg (78.05 KB,451x405,451:405,c2893efd89920c54a98a724249….jpg)

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21a782 No.21605035

File: b1d1c14000cceba⋯.png (632.98 KB,1211x628,1211:628,DAWGSCATS.png)


all the narrative are belong to us

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fc2578 No.21605036

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111789 No.21605037



Like that congress lady from houston?

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8f27d2 No.21605038

File: 43a01f2611938aa⋯.jpg (45.59 KB,774x487,774:487,houstonfire.JPG)

I wonder what this site looked like before this fire broke out,

what is the car in the scene, did someone plow into the pipe to bust it off and start this off?

qquestions I have

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604b0d No.21605039

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Q said "Less than 10 because nobody is Perfect"

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1b9323 No.21605040


Sorry 2-D Sean, no interruptions on this board, from YOU! Kek!

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604b0d No.21605041

File: 5e6f631763af673⋯.png (526.58 KB,644x806,322:403,GATESP3b.png)

Q said "Do not follow the Wives because Imagine the smell!"

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c92df3 No.21605042


allegedly someone crashed into the site.

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4915a0 No.21605043


>what is the car in the scene, did someone plow into the pipe to bust it off and start this off?

yes last bread or two, there was a car that hit the valve

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604b0d No.21605044

File: fd93d1b725f4683⋯.png (380.35 KB,502x472,251:236,0000000000.png)

Q said "Personally I prefer NIGHT SHIFT"

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65abf7 No.21605045

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461ba9 No.21605046

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8c8dd3 No.21605047


Concept to conception is a ways to go

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cc328b No.21605048

File: e5ebf54726da13f⋯.jpg (144.07 KB,731x513,731:513,100_PERCENT_DECISIVE_AMERI….jpg)



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6f6f18 No.21605049

File: 2b1eb0bf70ba5da⋯.png (44.61 KB,895x961,895:961,66e8684329959.png)

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461ba9 No.21605050


dats a man baby

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21a782 No.21605051

File: fadf4f846a0612a⋯.png (74.85 KB,710x278,355:139,ClipboardImage.png)

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07aca4 No.21605052


the hunter laptop I swear I recall seeing Peter Riddle in an email

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b7aa1f No.21605053

File: 6bc215fa5d7e503⋯.png (367.15 KB,798x1314,133:219,1709.png)



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1b9323 No.21605054


I'm still thinking, it was Sean that was set up, at Trump's golf day…

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b6b871 No.21605055



post sauce


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111789 No.21605056



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604b0d No.21605057

File: 5f789bd145070dc⋯.png (1.45 MB,836x1412,209:353,1xx.png)


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389e27 No.21605058




TYB!Palindrome bread is the best bread, beginning tastes the same as the end!

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fcc658 No.21605059

File: 4ead97da0d1ec48⋯.jpeg (116.18 KB,830x568,415:284,IMG_3734.jpeg)

I wonder if Haitians blame America for what Clinton’s & other elites done to them?

Have they cast their devil magic witch wizardry spells upon this land? Are these curses why Kamala will rule over us for a time?

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278b3e No.21605060

File: 13fb1dc4d734a99⋯.png (347.16 KB,661x955,661:955,Screenshot_2024_09_16_1857….png)


wait until they hear about haiti

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21a782 No.21605061

File: f3f8a8e1ae6a935⋯.png (374.52 KB,710x836,355:418,ClipboardImage.png)

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604b0d No.21605062

File: e017441d59f12d4⋯.jpg (9.28 KB,255x253,255:253,a2e.jpg)


lost drops

they were lost and are now gone foreber!

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1b9323 No.21605063


No, there are videos out there, of them hating on HRC and the like, they fully know.

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461ba9 No.21605064

X time!

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f11a15 No.21605065

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




"Coven of Cackling Hens"



The vooddo people sacrifice hens?

and then channel their cries?

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a180eb No.21605066

File: c140cd63248a21c⋯.mp4 (3.93 MB,480x270,16:9,c140cd63248a21c2c27ce6483b….mp4)

File: 0b7909c6bf86c5e⋯.mp4 (591.05 KB,1280x720,16:9,0b7909c6bf86c5eae18c3a24d7….mp4)


chop chop 1,000 fucking pieces in front of the whole world. fuch_yes

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7e732d No.21605067

File: bf5e4ac37c14623⋯.jpg (286.07 KB,1024x1024,1:1,cbe06d1b_1936_445d_a7bb_da….jpg)



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461ba9 No.21605068

tonight we break XSpaces

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b6b871 No.21605069


huh didnot notice


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6f6f18 No.21605070

File: 55a435f7c6c8a86⋯.mp4 (654.4 KB,640x640,1:1,66e86ac5906a8.mp4)

Intention 100 / damage 0

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21a782 No.21605071

File: e91813b64340cd0⋯.png (200.58 KB,710x509,710:509,ClipboardImage.png)

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65abf7 No.21605072


Her name is Nasim.

…and yes, she is pretty


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604b0d No.21605073

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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82bba3 No.21605074

Is there any other way to watch the spaces discussion without X?

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604b0d No.21605075

File: 35972aa76829549⋯.gif (627.48 KB,220x361,220:361,djt7_dance.gif)

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c6d975 No.21605076


Hannity set up? POTUS was set up!

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604b0d No.21605077

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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65abf7 No.21605078


what is this?

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604b0d No.21605079

File: 9b00c3cd09faa34⋯.gif (1.21 MB,294x350,21:25,djt7adance.gif)

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3cee7d No.21605080

File: 96302f4df0cdeb5⋯.png (6.22 MB,4000x3300,40:33,zzz1qclock_vanilla_1_3x3JU….png)

Today is :15


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7e732d No.21605081

File: 11aadc62f446466⋯.jpg (243.98 KB,1024x1024,1:1,eacac13e_9004_459a_87cc_0a….jpg)




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78855a No.21605082

File: c121e09e8326068⋯.png (69.86 KB,962x1016,481:508,ClipboardImage.png)

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6cbfde No.21605083


Q never said that.

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1b9323 No.21605084


That's a given, time will tell of my theory or not.

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c6d975 No.21605085


That's a ded dude you goof!

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461ba9 No.21605086


sorry anon, don't think so.

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604b0d No.21605087

File: afafe869a07d8b6⋯.gif (1.76 MB,600x600,1:1,djt7bdance.gif)

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4915a0 No.21605088

File: c2b09121f4bd167⋯.mp4 (4.03 MB,480x360,4:3,9convert_com_Children_reci….mp4)

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2ce7ae No.21605089


is that Routh?

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eaf1eb No.21605090

File: 3713e84f3026f06⋯.png (635.77 KB,887x836,887:836,ClipboardImage.png)


>X time!

GETTR WARROOM LIVE: President Trump from Mar-A-Lago on X Spaces


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46a962 No.21605091

File: 493f794a42036f9⋯.png (185.67 KB,807x656,807:656,Screenshot_2024_09_16_at_5….png)


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461ba9 No.21605092


PDJT is on XSpaces right now

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5da4a3 No.21605093

QRD = quick run down

I'm aware of Sitchin and his ideas, but are they proven and can they be understood through the Bible and apocrypha and/or extra-biblical books?

So many hours I don't want to spend watching those, no offense….just wanting a synopsis - maybe a website for a quick summary…?


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21a782 No.21605094

File: 70960873d178d23⋯.png (611.65 KB,710x1325,142:265,ClipboardImage.png)

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b6b871 No.21605095



#26462 >>21604303

>>21604435, >>21604457 Only 50 days until we Save America.

>>21604322, >>21604408, >>21604410, >>21604819 Trump Said Democrat Rhetoric Led Directly To Assassination Attempts Against Him


>>21604418 17.17

>>21604432 Scott Jennings at it again. BOOOOOOOM!!! Excellent.

>>21604438, >>21604444, >>21604561, >>21604579 Ryan Routh and CIA (Rothschild Connection)

>>21604461 Routh/Ukraine nazi connection?

>>21604492, >>21604804, >>21604808 President Donald J.Trump: This is his plan to clean out the DS, very good mp4 3:36

>>21604497 33 bomb hoaxes in Springfield from overseas

>>21604518 Campaign 2024: Senator JD Vance Remarks At Faith and Freedom Dinner

>>21604526 R. Gouviea Going Through All The Weekend Events And The Court Transcript Of Ryan Routh Court Appearance

>>21604591 New Stormy Look. Porn Star Stormy Daniels Says There is a ‘Strong Possibility’ Trump Will Try Her For Treason

>>21604635, >>21604659, >>21604660, >>21604727, >>21604750 Rothschilds J mafia, it always has been

>>21604639 Japan’s Largest Aircraft Carrier Sails To California For Flight Trials

>>21604676, >>21604726 Bongino: Is There A Mole Inside The Secret Service? Another Trump Assassination Attempt (Ep. 2329)-09/16/2024

>>21604730, >>21604782, >>21604744, >>21604746, >>21604770, >>21604773, >>21604775 Acting U.S. Secret Service Director: Mr Dumbass has been read in on the ww3 plans kinetic

>>21604787 Here we go again: US Accuses Russia Of Helping Iran Achieve A Nuke

>>21604777 the relevant Q post is

>>21604817 Trump shooting plot suspect Routh was interviewed by NYT on Ukraine war efforts in 2023: 'Sounded ridiculous'

>>21604826, >>21604839 Anons, you seeing this? The pedo cult is running scared! They're trying to escape justice by referencing 'Qanon' "cOnSPiRaCy tHeOrY", Qanon a fake news media creation designed to attach their own false narratives to an anonymous poster 'Q'

>>21604861 Rick Wilson all chummy with the head of LGBT Dems of Maryland who was just busted attempting to solicit a 14 year old boy

>>21604942 Donald J. Trump: @realDonaldTrump Join me live from Mar-A-Lago at 8:00PM Eastern, tonight on X Spaces. Set a reminder and be sure to tune in!

>>21604971 Enter Australia at your own risk! They could find that you, too, areguilty of MURDER becauseyour DNA and the dead person's are both a match to THE VIRUS DNA?

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604b0d No.21605096

File: 0102ee4a70bea1f⋯.png (155.38 KB,313x293,313:293,0000000000nsboa.png)

Enjoy the Show!

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bb48e0 No.21605097

File: 0102ee4a70bea1f⋯.png (155.38 KB,313x293,313:293,0000000000nsboa.png)

Enjoy the Show!

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c6d975 No.21605098

File: 6f2e272d84d6230⋯.png (321.87 KB,906x552,151:92,6f2e272d84d6230e45e61d6aca….png)

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07aca4 No.21605099


I am Peter Riddle and Riddle Investigations is a licensed …

I am Peter Riddle and Riddle Investigations is a licensed private investigation service in Ohio.


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4915a0 No.21605100

File: 51e847ec38fac37⋯.png (118.26 KB,350x220,35:22,ClipboardImage.png)

Not much reconstruction in Haiti was done. Where did all the money go?

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bb48e0 No.21605101

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: b189f8 No. 130638 Jan 22, 2018 9:47:32 PM EST 586

What would happen if texts originating from a FBI agent to several [internals] discussed the assassination (possibility) of the POTUS or member of his family?

What if the texts suggest foreign allies were involved?

Forget the Russia set up [1 of 22].

This is only the beginning.

Be careful what you wish for.


Could messages such as those be publicly disclosed?

What happens to the FBI?

What happens to the DOJ?

What happens to special counsel?

What happens in general?

Every FBI/DOJ prev case could be challenged.


Think logically.

We haven’t started the drops re: human trafficking / sacrifices [yet][worst].

Those [good] who know cannot sleep.

Those [good] who know cannot find peace.

Those [good] who know will not rest until those responsible are held accountable.

Nobody can possibly imagine the pure evil and corruption out there.

Those you trust are the most guilty of sin.

Who are we taught to trust?

If you arereligious, PRAY.

60% must remain private [at least] - for humanity.

These people should be hanging.


Aug 28, 2018 7:14:35 PM EDT Q Drop #1966

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: f71ada No. 2773258

Aug 28, 2018 7:12:21 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: d8fac5 No. 2773199


Will be glorious?

In my humble opinion sir, it ALREADY is.


In our opinion, until those responsible are dead and/or suffering, it shall remain 'will be'.


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fb1323 No.21605104

File: 63220fe784c2292⋯.png (453.91 KB,640x480,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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fc2578 No.21605106

File: 5ec6c93a52ac2fb⋯.jpeg (67.08 KB,931x450,931:450,IMG_7909.jpeg)

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bb48e0 No.21605108

File: d27bf8d857a7b91⋯.png (545.41 KB,3836x1486,1918:743,SOROS_IN_Three.png)

File: afe8359adc17bf2⋯.png (412.52 KB,2424x1776,101:74,SOROS_IN_TWO.png)

File: 099749fefa4cf96⋯.png (1.99 MB,3816x3008,477:376,sorosmain2.png)

File: 08096c4f9e8a6ef⋯.png (775.08 KB,2856x1508,714:377,b2.png)

File: fc37083d1f16318⋯.png (488.3 KB,648x360,9:5,sorostearsa.png)

Q drop derangement syndrome is Curable….

When you think you are an anon but when you are held up to the light you look just like an [anon]! > Q drop derangement syndrome



Q DROP #416 "Soros takes orders from P."

Q DROP #1413 Q names the file image of an Owl "Guardian_P" in a drop about the "Guardian of the Pope".


In essence… long ago Q told anons that the Vatican controlled George Soros and George Soros controls the Democrat Party.

The Vatican controls the Democrats.

Holy See Corrupt Universal Government of the Catholic Church

Q Drop #1950

Aug 28, 2018 4:12:23 PM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 20cc45 No. 2769606



"The Holy See is the universal government of the Catholic Church and operates from Vatican City State, a sovereign, independent territory. The Pope is the ruler of both Vatican City State and the Holy See. The Holy See, as the supreme body of government of the Catholic Church, is a sovereign juridical entity under international law."




Sanctuary against criminal prosecution?

Recipe for …….


Godfather III Sig Confirmed: Fight Against Corrupt Elements of the Vatican

Q Drop #1951

Aug 28, 2018 4:27:56 PM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 469a08 No. 2769865

Aug 28, 2018 4:23:20 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: b80eec No. 2769783





We, the PEOPLE.

-The People (Q)

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bb48e0 No.21605111

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.















By drop #95 you knew…

By drop #133 you knew…

By drops #154, 306, 307 & 308 you knew…

By drops #997, 998 & 999 you knew…

By drop #1413 you knew…

By drop #1941 you knew…

By drops #1763 & 1879 you knew…

By drops #1950 & 1951 you knew…

By drop #3565 you knew…

By drop #4799 you knew…

DEFINE: Knowingly

Top 10 List"Decodes and Drops"

1: The "Eye of Providence" decode. Q drop #133.

2: The "Satan does not exist" drop. Q drop #133.

3: The "Alien" drops. Q drop #376, 2222, 2225 and 4966.

4: The "OWL/Y Head" decode. Q drop #192, 135, 136, 137 and 138.

5: The "Purge" drops. Godfather III Sig. Q drop #87 , 88, 95 and 3565.

6: The "Our Father, Who financed 9-11?" decode. Q drop #154, 306, 307 and 308.

7: The "Saviors" drop list from the "Nothing" drops. Q drop #111, 114 and 2442.

8: The "Nothing is going to stop what is coming" drops. Q drop #111, 114, 2442, 4845, 4874, 4944 and 4950.

9: The "Nazi > C_A > Vatican" Crazy Coincidences Collection. Q drop #851, 936, 938, 944, 1941, 1954 and 4654.

10: The "Free Thought = The Great Awakening" drops. Q drop #1926, 2171, 3038, 3613, 3721, 3858, 3905, 3906, 4491, 4535, 4553, 4602 and the "Precipice" at 4408.

Top 10 Listof shit you should know yet Clowns have been here the whole time making sure that you never learn much of anything

1: General Flynn and [associates] most certainly appear to be behind Jan 06. Dig until it hurts. Steve Bannon, Ivan Raiklin, Alex Jones, Proud Boys, Caroline Wren, Gen Piatt, Gen Milley, Gen Flynn Brother Gen Flynn +++

2: General Flynn and Ivan Raiklin Investigated ITALYGATE and found nothing. Go look for yourself. Italygate and Flynn' and Raiklin's involvement in the [INVESTIGATION] is easy to source.

3: Catholic Charities > The Vatican… is the #1 NGO facilitating Illegal Immigration in the U.S. as well as Europe. Again, this is very easy to source and prove beyond a shadow of a doubt.

4: [GS] and "Soros" = George Soros and "GS controls the dem party". "Soros works for P". "Guardian_P = Guardian of the Pope". The Vatican controls the Democrats. Again, simply search the drops for these keywords. Easy to find.

5: Alex Jones and [associates]… Jerome Corsi and Jack Posobiec were all outted by Q early on yet as time went on FAKETRIOTS became friends with Alex Jones and Associates and yet few anons noticed.

6: Alex Jones wrote a book "THE GREAT AWAKENING" Foreword by Stephen K. Bannon.

7: Alex Jones with Ivan Raiklin "If they assassinate Trump… it would be the best for Patriots… on a sick level…'''

8: Alex Jones with General Flynn "I could be the worst nightmare to a guy like trump…"

9: Archbishop Vagina and Taylor Marshall. "The Bible says that anyone who condones the gay lifestyle is worthy of Death" right after Trump's Mar a Lago Gay Republican gala.

10: Drop #4799 occurred when NIGHT SHIFT was fighting a BV and Baker named OSS. OSS is a neo nazi and baked here for 3 years. Jim and Ron loved OSS. Shortly after drop #4799 [they] all ran to their MNR bunker.

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463ed2 No.21605112


that's ghey seeing as most of us have been banned

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21a782 No.21605113

File: 5cbc01a3348f688⋯.png (247.42 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 755ff0b3166863b⋯.jpg (140.59 KB,755x1105,151:221,355cb116a1996bf6.jpg)

File: 270742f715b863b⋯.jpeg (224.74 KB,1130x1088,565:544,270742f715b863b8ff97d2964….jpeg)

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f11a15 No.21605114

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I doubt she has an high enough status to be worthy of a treason charge.

She overstates herself.

Maybe she did real Treason and that's why she says that?

colluding to lie to make money off Trump, we already know that.

That's extortion.

What else? What else is possible?

Stormy weather

Willy Hutch


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d5ae03 No.21605115

File: e007073a4630d67⋯.png (63.11 KB,1128x532,282:133,ClipboardImage.png)

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3871c2 No.21605116

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Donald Trump LIVE On X Spaces!

The Quartering


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111789 No.21605117


Q went on an LDR wine bender?

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461ba9 No.21605118



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