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File: 806ecaeaaf7d3a2⋯.jpg (137.19 KB,600x335,120:67,000jjj.jpg)

3ac74b No.21615280 [Last50 Posts]

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3ac74b No.21615284

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ANONS: Stay positive, eyes on the GOAL, not the OBSTACLES!


#26473 >>21613782

>>21615033, >>21615080 PF updates

>>21613881 RFK Jr. Links the Attempts on Trump’s Life to JFK’s Death

>>21614183 Johnathan Oddi (man who shot up Trump golf course in 2018) on video claiming he was P Diddy’s sex slave

>>21614338 Fed rate cut 2pm EST Market halted limit down 3:30PM

>>21614462 War Preparations Build After 9 Killed, 2700+ Wounded In Israel's Pager Attack On Hezbollah

>>21614490 Wireless technology causes infertility, cancer and DNA damage

>>21614769 Point72 veteran targets $50M for Ukraine defense tech VC fund

>>21614819 The mayor of Springfield, Ohio is making millionsby replacing a third of the population of his town with Haitian immigrants

>>21614846, >>21614861, >>21614870, >>21614912 AAA - TRUMP TOWN HALL IN FLINT, MICHIGAN 17TH SEPTERMBER 2024 !!!

>>21614902 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 09/18/2024

>>21614962 Massive “ERROR” in Arizona Validates Nearly 100,000 Voter Registrations Without Verifying Citizenship — Issue Has Existed for 20 YEARS

>>21615003 Wall Street Apes w/vid: “Horses missing after a barn break in — Animals found butchered about a mile away.” Butchered and eaten for food

>>21615051 Dr. Sabine Hazan discovered that Covid-19 mRNA gene therapy injections kill 90% of good gut flora called bifidobacteria, catapulting most major diseases and disorders.


>>21615127 South Africa native Jonathan Oddi got into a firefight and chase with police while ranting about Donald Trump, Barack Obama - and bizarrely, rap mogul P. Diddy

>>21615146, >>21615162 That time Bill and Hillary Clinton went to a voodoo ceremony in Haiti

>>21615164 War Room Morning Edition

>>21615165 Moar PDiddy

>>21615168, >>21615170, >>21615171, >>21615173, >>21615176, >>21615180, >>21615184, >>21615188 Swamp Habbenins

>>21615169 NASA

>>21615247 @JDVance Stage set. Foreign (hostile) agency(ies) control the US legacy media

>>21615270 #26473

#26472 TBC

#26471 >>21612088

>>21612141 Springfield City Manager acknowledging that they’ve heard of complaints of domestic animals being eaten back in March

>>21612188 Springfield, Ohio: Mass Immigration Drives Up Rents, Welfare Rolls, Car Crashes

>>21612851 Springfield City Council Member caught on hot mic saying “literally, I really don't give a shit about the businesses of the city”

>>21612162, >>21612833 NY Times refers to Trump assassin Ryan Routh as "crusader for causes large and small"

>>21612231 @USSF_SSC: Imagine electronic pulses in space that block signals and replace them with counterfeits

>>21612291 Scientific American makes presidential endorsement for only the second time in its 179-year history (for Kamala)

>>21612304, >>21612759, >>21612793, >>21612830 Motorola = Google

>>21612867 Turning the pagers

>>21612887, >>21612918, >>21612906, >>21612910 Why did Iran's ambassador have one of their pagers?

>>21612329 Did they arrest Diddy to seize all the blackmail he had on [them]?

>>21612353, >>21612274, >>21612938 Diddy’s Home Raids: What the Feds Founds in Sean Combs’ Homes (Is "Baby Oil" code for Adrenocrome?)

>>21612725, >>21612269 Kamala thanked Sean Combs for hosting town hall back in April 2020

>>21612907 In light of P Diddy getting arrested, it looks like Kim Kardashian may be in deep 💩 soon, too

>>21612431 Swath of East Coast beaches shut down after needles, pill bottles and tampons mysteriously washed up on shore

>>21612577 Nurse who met would-be Trump assassin Ryan Routh while in Ukraine says she realized he was a threat and reported him the Feds

>>21612661 Michigan voters erupt in cheers after Trump tells them that he will put a 200% tariff on cars made in Mexico

>>21612665 DJT: Finally everyone is agreeing that I won the Debate with Kamala

>>21612687 Jesse Watters: Biden has his fingerprints all over this (S15)

>>21612698 Adam Schiff & most members of the Congressional Black Caucus were all paid members of Epstein's "Congressional Advisory Group"

>>21612751 Elon Musk says there will be a Golden Age in America once D.O.G.E is implemented

>>21612761 Newscum goes full Gay British Meme Police Are Coming: bans memes in California

>>21612808 Ukrainian drones successfully struck a massive Russian ammunition dump

>>21612831 Seattle City Council approves SOAP, SODA zone proposals

>>21612922 Senators @ChuckGrassley and @RonJohnsonWI uncover more Biden-Kamala lawfare and election interference against Trump

>>21612929 Trump shooter used an SKS-type rifle?

>>21612113, >>21612147, >>21612261, >>21612756, >>21612938, >>21612956 Memes

>>21612977 #26471

#26470 >>21611306

>>21611350, >>21611421 Live: President Trump Hosts a Town Hall with Gov. Sarah Sanders in Flint, MI - 9/17/24

>>21611917 Transcript: Trump Town Hall in Flint, Michigan - 9/17/24

>>21611374 Sarah takes the stage @ 6:56 / 17

>>21611458, >>21611472 Donald Trump takes the stage @ 7:04 / 47

>>21611546 Sarah Sanders and President Trump talk about about the 1st assassination attempt

>>21611570 Trump: I'm putting a 200% tariff on cars being made in Mexico which will make them unsellable in the United States

>>21611597 Connect the dots

>>21611893 Trump: It's my ambition to get your energy bill within 12 months down 50% and interest rates are going to follow

>>21611902 President Trump just casually slipped in that the Prime Minister of India is coming to meet with him next week

>>21611410 Trump campaign rally schedule for the week

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21611414 The official TikTok account for Romania posting harvest reaping vids

>>21611434, >>21611402, >>21611890, >>21611985 Pager bombs / lithium salts / Trump said salt today

>>21611446 The Feds can’t seal DeSantis off from this case no matter how hard they try

>>21611553, >>21611627, >>21611633, >>21611701 All of these people stepped down within 24 hrs of P. Diddy arrest

>>21611642 Alina: 9th inning, full count, game face on—let’s bring it home. VOTE TRUMP!

>>21611667 O'Keefe: Both Individuals Involved in Trump Assassination Attempts Identified as ActBlue Donors

>>21611673 A trio of Democrat Senators wrote Jerome Powell begging for a three-quarter point cut

>>21611683 Biden Regime Investigates Robert Kennedy Jr. for 20-Year-Old Whale Incident After He Endorses Donald Trump for President

>>21611708 Impeachment proceedings against France's Macron pass first hurdle

>>21611721 Dozens of paedophiles who hoarded 1m sick images given ZERO days in jail, Sun investigation finds

>>21611731 Refresher: Diddy and Hillary Clinton played a HUGE role together in the 2004 Democratic National Convention

>>21611771 @SpeakerJohnson should direct Sergeant at Arms to arrest FBI Director if he refuses to provide info on assassination attempts

>>21611798 Springfield police report on August 28 records resident reporting a neighbor's cat was stolen and cut up

>>21611813 Bronx Former Attorney Pleads Guilty To Large-Scale Immigration Fraud

>>21611819 South Dakota Surgical Hospital and United Surgical Partners International Will Pay $12.7M to Resolve False Claims Act Violations

>>21611828 President Of Hair Testing Company Sentenced To 41 Months In Prison For Defrauding Over 88,000 Customers In Allergy Testing Scam

>>21611871 Lufthansa Group, Air France cancel Israel flights amid escalating tensions

>>21611882 Bobby Kennedy on his personal relationship with @realDonaldTrump

>>21611926 Some Springfield, Ohio records acquired by Judicial Watch

>>21612029 Ryan Routh spotted at Kamala's Sept. 12 rally in North Carolina

>>21612031 Tampon is now claiming that Trump will "create a new government entity that will monitor all pregnancies"

>>21612050 Chris Cuomo apologizes to Donald Trump in telephone call

>>21611482, >>21611894, >>21611895 Memes

>>21612064 #26470

Previously Collected

>>21611297 #26469

>>21609636 #26467, >>21610450 #26468-A, >>21610450 #26468-B

>>21606923 #26464, >>21607811 #26465, >>21608634 #26466

>>21606010 #26463-C, >>21605526 #26463-B, >>21605516 #26463-A

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Q Research Notables #24: Soldiers >>21225723

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3ac74b No.21615290

File: e8f41b12fe5e631⋯.png (206.1 KB,974x1016,487:508,boomsincoming.png)

File: f5e94ff5ee7554c⋯.png (305.74 KB,608x393,608:393,Boomsincoming2.png)

File: 1f4036da8070e55⋯.jpeg (379.97 KB,1912x2765,1912:2765,boomsincoming3.jpeg)



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47d81d No.21615302

File: a726b29b14186af⋯.png (547.18 KB,723x480,241:160,6a85de77feaedefee048d5a7b3….png)

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a88188 No.21615305

Is your phone a BOMB?

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d7eef9 No.21615309

File: 304de0efee80404⋯.png (210.77 KB,612x378,34:21,tyb_cat.png)

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8ce49e No.21615310

File: d7c93b01614aa83⋯.jpeg (129.91 KB,641x801,641:801,A2BF3CD9_BA97_4413_ACCB_F….jpeg)

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1c494f No.21615312

File: 602158e401b4fac⋯.png (484.56 KB,650x686,325:343,Screenshot_2024_09_16_2233….png)



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8ce49e No.21615313

File: 5382bf9b5066e65⋯.png (456.2 KB,720x508,180:127,3393266E_8189_4143_8645_12….png)

File: c0075f1b9c39581⋯.jpeg (106.63 KB,604x508,151:127,FF9E6563_1F34_4678_BBF3_E….jpeg)

File: f680b7d117b5021⋯.jpeg (106.33 KB,607x508,607:508,1E6DD5EA_B001_45B9_9C81_D….jpeg)

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fad142 No.21615314

File: 97374c995fc460b⋯.png (621.33 KB,655x450,131:90,ClipboardImage.png)

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489537 No.21615315

File: 1ffeb95bdb148b8⋯.jpg (232.9 KB,751x669,751:669,1ffeb95bdb148b877fc673fbe8….jpg)


Good Morning Baker

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d7eef9 No.21615316

File: ca8c7cf797d285e⋯.png (415.49 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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aef04f No.21615318

File: 577790948385204⋯.jpeg (10.79 KB,312x162,52:27,IMG_0139.jpeg)


Karma obligates an equal number of Mossad operatives be killed and maimed. War is hell.

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1c494f No.21615319

File: 73012aee8549487⋯.png (189.32 KB,613x562,613:562,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5ef7daa3c7a4d67⋯.mp4 (3.9 MB,1280x720,16:9,Zc6ZHWsifV9IiA2l.mp4)


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5749d3 No.21615320

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


P. Diddy ARREST - Connect the DOTS, One arrest leads to another, Exposure is here, Clintons/Zelensky, PRAY!


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e5fa12 No.21615322

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cc6ca3 No.21615323

File: d3779e62600a3dc⋯.mp4 (11.11 MB,1280x720,16:9,hammer_2.mp4)

File: 01286e9f442a35b⋯.mp4 (2.93 MB,560x240,7:3,dayshift_crows.mp4)



is there going to be a spate of bombings again to cause panic.

somehow all this pager bomb comms is very reminiscent of activating agents.

social media is awash with these memes.

if this shit habbens anon will know that this has been triggered from social media.

no one uses pagers now..

it is very inorganic from this anons point of view.

This will be bought up again if the public bombing starts.

eyes on swivel anons


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caad2e No.21615324


Let me know when they explode a phone.

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1c494f No.21615325


Made in China

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13f9ae No.21615326

File: 937328b66a6388e⋯.gif (2.76 MB,472x198,236:99,static_electricity.gif)

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52606f No.21615327

File: 143725c1b1f4747⋯.png (2.84 MB,1908x1146,318:191,ClipboardImage.png)



For those not paying attention:

Diddy is in jail right now for human and sex trafficking. He will be in jail until his trial.

Diddy has ties to Epstein. Diddy had his hands in Haiti and even has a Haitian Voodoo Goddess tattooed on his back. Diddy has ties to the Clinton Foundation. Diddy was best buds with Obama. Diddy was a “handler” in the hip hop industry.

I wouldn’t be shocked if his handler was Epstein.

It is a RICO case that will undoubtedly ensnare many more - including some very “big” names. (Protip: I’d go ahead and cut loose any emotional ties you may possess to any celebrities/musicians).

But people like us were crazy for suggesting that a Satanic pedophile ring was running the world, right?





R. Kelly




Maxwell may not have been a big enough “name” to trigger a mass population awakening. Diddy, however? Diddy is a big enough “name”.

Picture getting clearer yet?

We’ll try to keep the “I told you so’s” to a minimum. I promise. 😁

Good chat. 👍🏻


- Conspiracy Theorists the world over.

4:19 AM · Sep 18, 2024


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13f9ae No.21615329

File: a18cad6a1e470fe⋯.png (757.87 KB,1648x1492,412:373,smokingpepe21.png)

That little mimic pissflap is delusional.

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92757c No.21615332

East coast and Gulf dockworkers could be on strike in a few weeks.

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fad142 No.21615333

File: 32b605fe640328c⋯.png (1.34 MB,1000x667,1000:667,ClipboardImage.png)

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a97c60 No.21615334

File: 2f75ed3799d8368⋯.png (426.21 KB,720x508,180:127,TYB_pager.png)

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13f9ae No.21615336

File: 70acc2ff41e2378⋯.png (374.36 KB,835x500,167:100,you_shall_not_pass6.png)

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bfc54a No.21615337

File: 2f0e90430fbb6f7⋯.jpg (51.41 KB,500x500,1:1,eg8he.jpg)


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1c494f No.21615338

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


There is Hollywood precedent

The "Phone Strike" scene from Jackpot (2024), featuring Awkwafina and John Cena

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fc6fdc No.21615339

File: c693b8bfcb955df⋯.png (1.17 MB,710x1628,355:814,1bc87df054165846.png)

File: 013b3368984b84b⋯.jpg (169.63 KB,590x1280,59:128,387622a99bb92289.jpg)

File: 71b8af3848994a3⋯.png (648.48 KB,710x1222,355:611,16c3618abddfe381.png)

File: 41e86ef0a921808⋯.jpg (41.27 KB,710x620,71:62,e04b1688e18c5c46.jpg)

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6974b8 No.21615341

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Far-left New York Times reported that the pagers, AR-924 model, were ordered from Taiwanese manufacturer Gold Apollo and had been tampered with before reaching Hezbollah’s hands.

Explosive material was implanted next to the battery of each pager, enabling remote detonation. At precisely 3:30 p.m., the devices received a message that appeared to be from Hezbollah’s leadership. Instead, the message triggered an explosion.


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04afdb No.21615342



Dec 11, 2017 1:44:10 PM EST

Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: 4a55e6 No. 74037

We have a special place picked out for GS.

Really special.


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52606f No.21615343

File: b4f174e34a11456⋯.png (877.7 KB,993x662,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

Melania breaks her silence on her nude modeling career as she prepares to bare all in bombshell memoir


- Melania Trump defends her nude modeling as a 'celebration of the human form' and compares the work to Michelangelo.

Melania Trump defended her nude modeling pictures in her latest promotional video for her forth coming memoir, comparing them to the work of 'master artists.'

'Why do I stand proudly behind my nude modeling work?,' she says in the 45 second video posted to her social media accounts on Wednesday morning.

'The more pressing question is, why has the media chosen to scrutinize my celebration of the human forum in a fashion photo shoot? Are we no longer able to appreciate the beauty of the human body?'

The video is just a voice-over of the former first lady. And while she doesn't show any nude photos of herself, she does use photos of famous pieces of art, such as Michelangelo's statue of David, in the video.

'Throughout history, master artists have revered the human shape, evoking profound emotions and admiration. We should honor our bodies and embrace the timeless tradition of using art as a powerful means of self expression,' she says.

It marks the fourth video Melania Trump has posted to her social media accounts ahead of her memoir's launch on October 1. It's been an unusual marketing strategy to get people to pre-order her book.

It comes four days after a second assassination attempt on her husband Donald Trump.

Melania Trump has yet to comment on Sunday's incident, when a suspect was found hidden just outside of Trump's West Palm Beach, Fla., golf club as he played a round.

In a previous video, Melania Trump demanded answers to the first attempt on her husband's life. Her book, simply titled 'Melania,' will be released on October 1st. It is available for pre-order on Amazon for $30.

She is selling two editions: a $150 collector's edition featuring 256 pages in full color throughout, with each copy signed by the author. The memoir edition will be 304 pages and available for $40 with signed copies available for $75.

It is unclear if she will go on a book tour or give interviews.

Thus far she has mainly been promoting her book through her personal social media accounts, posting videos about her life.

Do YOU agree with Melania's views on her nude modeling?



The first video focused on Melania herself, where she teased it is time to give her perspective: 'the truth.' The second focused on her husband Donald Trump, where she questioned law enforcement's role in the assassination attempt on her husband. The third video focused on her son Barron, where she talked about the challenges and rewards of motherhood.

The former first lady has been the subject of many biographies and books but this is the first time she is telling her story.

It is unclear if she worked with a co-author.

Photos of Melania from her modeling career - when she was known as Melania Knauss - surfaced in the 2016 election, the first time Donald Trump ran for president.

In 2000, British GQ published photos of Melania in various forms of undress. None of the published photos showed full frontal nudity. The pictures were taken on board Donald Trump's private plane.

She was not married to Trump at the time. The two were dating and he allowed her to use his plane for the shoot to help further her modeling career.

She is the only first lady known to have posed naked for publication.

Antoine Verglas, the French photographer who did the shoot, told ABC News during the 2016 presidential campaign that he turned down 'tens of thousands of dollars' to license the Melania photos to other magazines.

He said Melania insisted there be no 'full nudity' in the pictures used by the magazine.

'Melania was a very reserved person. She was definitely not someone who you would see in nightclubs or going out a lot,' he said. 'Pretty down to earth, very nice, very warm.' She also posed nude in a photo spread for a French adult magazine in 1995, a decade before she married Donald Trump.

The New York Post published the photos during the 2016 presidential campaign.

The images were originally published in the January 1996 issue of Max, a now-defunct men's magazine. They did not surface online until the 2016 election.

At the time, Donald Trump and his campaign defended her.

'Melania was one of the most successful models and she did many photo shoots, including for covers and major magazines. This was a picture taken for a European magazine prior to my knowing Melania. In Europe, pictures like this are very fashionable and common,' Donald Trump said.

And top campaign adviser Jason Miller told CNN: 'They're a celebration of the human body as art. There's nothing to be embarrassed about. She's a beautiful woman.'

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d7eef9 No.21615344

File: 7377414246084a0⋯.png (357.63 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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89a03a No.21615347

File: f7c18d2b9ca16ef⋯.png (282.78 KB,680x561,40:33,ClipboardImage.png)

New clown 4am talking point just dropped.

"Voter ID is transphobic."

This is a psyop to manipulate trans people and 'allies' to attack voter ID so as to help Democrats cheat elections.


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8ce49e No.21615348

File: 6f78e403995c956⋯.jpeg (945.72 KB,949x1293,949:1293,IMG_9713.jpeg)

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d7eef9 No.21615351

File: f4706a3e2a4227d⋯.png (306.03 KB,700x740,35:37,pepe_maga_02.png)

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51d3fa No.21615354

File: 4b1abad30bbaf0c⋯.jpg (310.7 KB,1200x1200,1:1,aluminumhatapu.jpg)

For those anons who only stop in once in a while, or those who are thinking some other anon will magically do it for them. Jim needs your help to keep the site running. He has already sold his car to help pay for this. You should help too. A very small number of anons are helping compared to how many people actually come here.

Please make sure to download and preserve offline any information of vital importance in case off unexpected downtime.

honey is out of stock, more is on the way.

Donations can be made from any of the below methods, and also through

anonymous money order. Proto subscriptions are available in $5/$10/$50/$100/$200 increments and can be purchased more than once.

Sending money by fedex is being interdicted and should be avoided.

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ANONS: Stay positive, eyes on the GOAL, not the OBSTACLES!

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a85f76 No.21615355

File: 5ab60c93e4eb64a⋯.png (265.34 KB,494x577,494:577,ClipboardImage.png)


Less than a year ago, South Africa native Jonathan Oddi proudly posed behind a backdrop of an American flag, touting his new citizenship. "God bless the USA finally an American!" he wrote on Instagram.

On Friday morning, he unfurled the American flag inside the South Florida hotel owned by the nation's president, then got into a firefight and chase with police while ranting about Donald Trump, Barack Obama - and bizarrely, rap mogul P. Diddy, according to law enforcement.

Investigators late Friday were still trying to unravel the motivations of Oddi, a 42-year-old fitness junkie and businessman who appeared to become unhinged while attacking the Trump National Doral Miami resort.

Oddi suffered police gunshots to the legs, and faces charges of attempted murder. Agents raided his nearby apartment to recover phones, electronics and other evidence that might reveal what led to the bizarre incident.

On social media, Oddi lists himself as a fitness instructor, real-estate investor and manager at Pegasus, a business dealing in minerals and gemstones. He also had a very Miami side job - about five years ago, he was a regular stripper for Dancing Bear, a South Florida website that produced videos of raucous staged parties involving women performing sex acts on male dancers.

"He was pretty laid back," said one former dancer who performed alongside him. "He was a pretty decent guy. No real signs of anger management."

Oddi lived a few miles away at a rental complex, 8100 NW 53rd St. He was born in South Africa and is of Italian heritage.

Oddi used to be married to a South Florida lawyer, but the couple divorced amicably in 2014. He had a girlfriend who was out of the country during the attack, sources told the Miami Herald.

His numerous online public postings provide few clues to his motive and offer mixed political leanings.

On Instagram, he posted a meme from Turning Point USA, a right-wing conservative group. The meme contrasts a U.S. soldier with NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick, who knelt during the national anthem to protest police brutality.

"colín worries he doesn't have a nfl career and kneels for popularity," Oddi wrote in his Oct. 26 Instagram post.

A look at his private Instagram account reveals scores of posts, most of them screenshots of news stories. Among them, accounts of singer Chris Brown being accused of rape, federal authorities pushing the death penalty for opioid dealers, and the downfall of movie mogul Harvey Weinstein.

His other posts tout cashews as a natural anti-depressant, seek justice for abused puppies, and quote from figures such as rapper Notorious B.I.G. and Confucius.

He fawns over first lady Melania Trump: "#flotus rocks! She sets the example of mannerism. She counters Trumps aggressiveness," he wrote in one post showing Melania Trump smiling in the White House.

Another post shows a Time magazine cover depicting Trump for a story about his troubles with porn star Stormy Daniels. "Reality is harsh," Oddi wrote.

And in another post, Oddi blasts the United States for "giving $10.4 million every day" to Israel. "They have free healthcare and college. but we don't because we can't afford it!"

Oddi's record show no arrests in Miami-Dade County.

Longtime friend Luis David Gonzalez was on his way to Oddi's home with eggs and coffee when he learned of the shooting. He and Oddi worked out together every day at the LA Fitness in Doral. Gonzalez said Oddi is a dancer who has a small dog named Popo.

"I just wanted to see if he was doing fine," Gonzalez said. "I'm surprised and confused … I knew him 10 years. He's a good person. I'm very surprised he did this."

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a88188 No.21615357



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bfc54a No.21615359

File: bf811bb6c1d42b6⋯.jpeg (9.83 KB,188x268,47:67,wnload_88.jpeg)


That's the black madonna with extra black liberties taken.

That's the shrine Trump is visiting this weekend. ??

"I hate Taylor swift"

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a85f76 No.21615360

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>rap mogul P. Diddy

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a23929 No.21615363


movies no one cares about, an industry that only exists to bleed through the rest of their assets till there is nothing left,

media that no one ever saw.


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8ce49e No.21615364

File: eaff8959c2eb82d⋯.mp4 (645.83 KB,480x360,4:3,MFhzJdXz3jfpwba1.mp4)

File: d4ef27b3b659915⋯.jpg (461.85 KB,976x706,488:353,IMG_7771.jpg)

File: 1fc20c278eca7a5⋯.png (656.29 KB,800x612,200:153,B7402242_6036_4085_80D2_5E….PNG)

File: f35475c83a41e01⋯.gif (710.38 KB,360x268,90:67,IMG_9669.GIF)

File: abcaa7d13b6ffb6⋯.mp4 (1.62 MB,480x360,4:3,UV6sUkvMocs34FzH.mp4)

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13f9ae No.21615366

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

KEK. They're not trying very hard today.

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a85f76 No.21615367



Due to its appearance, the icon has been syncretized by some Vodou practitioners to the deity Ezilí Dantor, the main loa of the Petro family in Haitian Vodou. It is hypothesized that the image was introduced into Haiti by the reproductions of the Black Madonna brought by Polish soldiers who sided with the rebels during the Haitian Revolution.

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83addd No.21615370

File: 93b3c4f9b7f2465⋯.mp4 (2.51 MB,640x480,4:3,Law_Abiding_Citizen_Cell_P….mp4)


Law Abiding Citizen seems a stronger hit…

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5e393c No.21615375

File: 58ae4f779c98712⋯.png (391.28 KB,615x745,123:149,Screen_Shot_2024_09_18_at_….png)

Two recent Assassination attempts on DJT.

DJT has now made Two: CEASE & DESIST posts.

→ Threatening:

"Please beware that this legal exposure extends to Lawyers, Political Operatives, Donors, Illegal Voters, & Corrupt Election Officials. Those involved in unscrupulous behavior will be sought out, caught, and prosecuted at levels, unfortunately, never seen before in our Country."

Replying to anon's "WARRIOR" post:

"Declass is coming!"

Q post 3328

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: ffa98c No.6335075

Apr 27 2019 13:29:33 (EST)

C comes before D


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8ce49e No.21615376

File: 8218931a98e296b⋯.png (2.2 MB,1378x1030,689:515,6E17EB6F_036C_43CC_B5F5_EA….PNG)

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77364a No.21615377

Squeaky havin' a very unplus good day? Most tantrummy. I wonder wuts in the pipe….

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13f9ae No.21615379

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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bdcfbb No.21615380

File: 06d509c4f0ac5b3⋯.jpg (31.05 KB,405x608,405:608,Merkel_image.jpg)

hey anons…need a little help…

Back around 2018 PDJT had a Secret Service driver that was found with a gun…Q (I think) implied that SS driver was Deep State and and the gun was planted…

I tried to do a search to see if there was a news article on it…and no joy.

I remember (think?) there were many news articles on this at the time.

Any other anons remember this and can help on key words to do a search to find articles?

Thanks in advance…and here's some old bewbs for your time…

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7c3f6e No.21615383


Censorship before DECLAS.

Mission 9 is Censorship.

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bfc54a No.21615384


The black madonna was painted by Luke as in the gospel of Luke. Poland has the original.

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a85f76 No.21615386


>she prepares to bare all


'Dancing Bear Dances No More': Friend Says Accused Trump National Shooter Used To Be Stripper, Porn Star

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77364a No.21615389


Apollo has denied the order for the pagers was received by them, or any affiliate.

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b47b5a No.21615391

File: e10a81e100445f0⋯.jpeg (32.49 KB,424x237,424:237,aj2.jpeg)

UH OH!!!


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1c494f No.21615392

File: 339116b6694e3d5⋯.png (816.1 KB,812x541,812:541,ClipboardImage.png)


So You Dont Know About the Cabal and Hollywood Connection

Dont Know About Predictive Programing

The Simpsons


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84f1a9 No.21615393

File: 9c180e11b757acb⋯.png (1.21 MB,1185x765,79:51,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 219f40620e9e8a9⋯.png (1.47 MB,1129x715,1129:715,ClipboardImage.png)

Hezbollah exploding pager trail runs from Taiwan to Hungary


A Taiwanese pager maker denied on Wednesday that it had produced devices that wounded thousands of Hezbollah operatives in Lebanon when they exploded, an audacious attack that raised the prospect of a full-scale war between the Iran-backed group and arch-foe Israel.Gold Apollo said the devices were made by under licence by a company called BAC, based in Hungary’s capital Budapest.

Israel’s spy agency Mossad, which has a long history of pulling off sophisticated attacks on foreign soil, planted explosives inside pagers imported by Hezbollah months before Tuesday’s detonations, a senior Lebanese security source and another source told Reuters.

The death toll rose to 12, including two children, Lebanese Health Minister Firass Abiad said on Wednesday. The attack wounded nearly 3,000 people, including many of the group’s fighters and Iran’s envoy to Beirut.

Iran-backed Hezbollah has vowed to retaliate against Israel, whose military declined to comment on the blasts. The two sides have been engaged in cross-border warfare since the Gaza conflict erupted last October, fuelling fears of a wider Middle East conflict that could drag in the United States and Iran.

Jordan’s Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi accused Israel of pushing the Middle East to the brink of a regional war by orchestrating a dangerous escalation on many fronts.

“Hezbollah wants to avoid an all-out war. It still wants to avoid one. But given the scale, the impact on families, on civilians, there will be pressure for a stronger response,” said Mohanad Hage Ali of the Carnegie Middle East Center.

Hezbollah, Iran’s most powerful proxy in the Middle East, said in a statement it would continue to support Hamas in Gaza and Israel should await a response to the pager “massacre” which left fighters and others bloodied, hospitalized or dead.

One Hezbollah official said the detonation was the group’s “biggest security breach” in its history.

Footage from hospitals reviewed by Reuters showed men with various injuries, some to the face, some with missing fingers and gaping wounds at the hip where the pagers were likely worn.

The plot appears to have been many months in the making, several sources told Reuters. It followed a series of assassinations of Hezbollah and Hamas commanders and leaders blamed on Israel since the start of the Gaza war.

Trail leads to Budapest

The senior Lebanese security source said the group had ordered 5,000 pagers from Gold Apollo, which several sources say were brought into the country earlier this year. Gold Apollo founder Hsu Ching-Kuangsaid the pagers used in the explosion were made by a company in Europe that Gold Apollo named in a statement as BAC.(Are they trying to blame Hungary, to give Orban a hard time?)

“The product was not ours. It was only that it had our brand on it,”Hsu told reporters at the company’s offices in the northern Taiwanese city of New Taipei on Wednesday.

The stated address for BAC Consulting in Hungary’s capital Budapest was a peach building on a mostly residential street in an outer suburb. The company name was posted on the glass door on an A4 sheet.

A person at the building who asked not to be named said BAC Consulting was registered there but did not have a physical presence. The CEO of BAC Consulting, Cristiana Barsony-Arcidiacono says on her LinkedIn profile that she has worked as an adviser for various organizations including UNESCO. She did not respond to emails from Reuters.

BAC’s registered activities are wide ranging, from computer game publishing to IT consulting to crude oil extraction.


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bfc54a No.21615396


Hungary is the EU country involvec

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e5fa12 No.21615397

Police "find explosives" in a car near Trump's rally site on Long Island ahead of his speech this evening — DailyMail

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8ce49e No.21615398

iOS 18 is out today and yes they’ve shifted the settings all around again.

Apple Hide & Seek


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a85f76 No.21615401

File: b05d6ad7ccf00f2⋯.mp4 (4 MB,480x852,40:71,ava.mp4)


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77364a No.21615402


How Orban of you to notice….

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11d180 No.21615403

File: a6b0cc723dcd6c7⋯.jpeg (190.75 KB,2160x383,2160:383,IMG_1544.jpeg)


Try changing the date search, using a custom range in the tool drop down

I found this from WaPo, but behind pay wall


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84f1a9 No.21615406

File: 50896ff884750e8⋯.png (1.41 MB,1185x776,1185:776,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 219f40620e9e8a9⋯.png (1.47 MB,1129x715,1129:715,ClipboardImage.png)



The senior Lebanese security source identified a photograph of the model of the pager, an AR-924. Hezbollah fighters have been using pagers as a low-tech means of communication in an attempt to evade Israeli location-tracking.

The senior Lebanese source said the devices had been modified by Israel’s spy service “at the production level.” Israeli officials did not immediately respond to Reuters requests for comment.

“The Mossad injected a board inside of the device that has explosive material that receives a code. It’s very hard to detect it through any means,” the source said.

The source said about 3,000 of the pagers exploded when a coded message was sent to them, simultaneously activating the explosives.

Another security source told Reuters that up tothree grams of explosives were hidden in the new pagers and had gone “undetected” by Hezbollah for months.

In a televised speech on Feb. 13, the group’s Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah sternly warned supporters that their phones were more dangerous than Israeli spies, saying they should break, bury or lock them in an iron box.

Instead, Hezbollah opted to distribute pagers to its members across the group’s various branches - from fighters to medics working in its relief services.

Israel’s Mossad has gained notoriety for its complex operations stretching back to the daring 1960 abduction of high-ranking Nazi Adolf Eichmann. More recently, the spy agency has been blamed for cyber attacks and the assassination of a top Iranian scientist in 2020 with a remote-controlled machine gun.


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29d705 No.21615407

File: 2607ca24f2d544e⋯.png (75.91 KB,670x586,335:293,ClipboardImage.png)



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50e298 No.21615408

File: ebc533b0952d341⋯.jpg (75.2 KB,1000x500,2:1,ujdhuayuucdkjhfv.jpg)

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823982 No.21615409


I remember it.

Story is probably long buried.

I hope you find it.

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a85f76 No.21615412

File: c37b9ed5b0bf24d⋯.mp4 (4.51 MB,640x360,16:9,routhukr.mp4)

Routh claimed in online posts to be involved in the “Taiwan Foreign Legion,” a group allegedly recruiting foreign military personnel to fight for Taiwan in the event of a war with China.

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84f1a9 No.21615413


This is why no one wants to get on Israel's naughty list

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11d180 No.21615414

File: 46f5829facac21d⋯.png (771.4 KB,2160x1620,4:3,IMG_1545.png)



Here is another one


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823982 No.21615415


Melania is awesome.

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13f9ae No.21615417

File: bcee742475002a5⋯.jpg (165.6 KB,1102x1374,551:687,bcee742475002a5fe137ad6ec1….jpg)

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7fd0a1 No.21615418

File: 0c4b1eb03089d4c⋯.png (1.62 MB,1813x728,259:104,ClipboardImage.png)



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a85f76 No.21615420

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Dancing Bear Dances No More

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547328 No.21615421

The U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York unsealed the federal indictment against disgraced music mogul Sean “Diddy” Combs

https ://www.breitbart.com/entertainment/2024/09/18/all-the-allegations-against-sean-diddy-combs-decade-of-rape-days-long-freak-offs-prostitution-kidnapping-arson-bribery/

will he have an epstein cell like his friend jeffry. Tied to many politicians and hollywood.

Will he be epestein. Is it brought to nyc to hide the evidence and clients like epstein ?

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20daeb No.21615424


Play terrorist games win terrorist prizes.

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84f1a9 No.21615425


Is Trump telling them to cease and desist in trying to assassinate me? Sounds possible

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e5fa12 No.21615426

File: add3d5e20df985f⋯.png (2.04 MB,1138x1132,569:566,boom.png)

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a23929 No.21615427


you show a manipulative picture of a young child with a sour look.

do you not know to exploit children by using them as props in your posts?

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11d180 No.21615428


Obviously, voting is not that important to them

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6e5b04 No.21615429

File: ea0860c4816aa37⋯.png (17.02 KB,543x176,543:176,ClipboardImage.png)

explosives in car near NY rally found


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fad142 No.21615431

File: aa56d5ebf56555e⋯.png (731.24 KB,720x545,144:109,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6a36e1d0fb97288⋯.png (924.63 KB,720x545,144:109,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7f43ef978501c3e⋯.png (858.65 KB,720x480,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

Tracking Elephants Across Namibia

September 17, 2024

The wide open, arid lands of northwestern Namibia are home to the world’s largest living land animal: the African elephant (Loxodonta africana).

Like many large mammals, these iconic elephants are endangered, threatened by expanding agriculture, urbanization, human-elephant conflict, and poaching.

As their populations continue to decline, researchers have turned to conservation corridors—links between habitats—as a key strategy to strengthen the population’s chance of survival.

In a new study, researchers used a combination of GPS tracking data and satellite imagery to map elephant movement throughout the landscape in northwestern Namibia.

They found that elephants moved freely within the region’s protected areas, including Etosha National Park and community-managed lands in the neighboring Kunene region, but that there was little movement between each protected area.

The study, led by Aung Chan of Colorado State University, was published in Landscape Ecology.

Landscape connectivity matters from both an ecological and genetic perspective. Spanning more than 22,000 square kilometers (8,500 square miles), Etosha National Park is almost as big as New Hampshire.

But a single park could never sustain a whole species. Small populations of mammals within an isolated landscape face higher risks of inbreeding or being wiped out by a single catastrophic environmental event.

Chan and colleagues used eight years of GPS tracking data to create a “movescape” that depicted not just where elephants were, but how long they stayed and how fast they moved on the landscape.

The data revealed only three connective routes between Etosha National Park and protected lands in the Kunene region.

Next, the researchers used satellite imagery and other local data to assess how landscape features influenced elephant movement.

The presence of water was the most important factor determining how elephants moved. In the dry landscapes of Namibia, elephants ambled along rivers and gathered around watering holes.

The image above (left), acquired on March 7, 2024, with the OLI-2 (Operational Land Imager-2) on Landsat 9, shows several such watering holes and rivers within Etosha National Park and areas north.

It includes several pans—depressions in the ground with deposits of salt—including a section of the Etosha Pan, the largest salt pan in Africa.

Beyond watering holes, elephants tend to stay in flatter areas, away from towns, and in areas with more available food.

The researchers used NDVI (Landsat-derived Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) as a proxy for how much food was available, as NDVI measures the health and density of vegetation—the main diet for these large herbivores.

The false-color image above (right) shows the area’s NDVI on March 7, 2024, during a time of year when vegetation is especially abundant.

Importantly, not all elephants in the study moved the same. Some behavior was split across gendered lines; for example, NDVI influenced female elephant movement far more than it did male elephant movement.

According to Chan, this makes ecological sense. Female elephants tend to stay with their family group, which includes calves and juveniles, and they need more resources to keep everyone fed.

“Male elephants, in general, tend to disperse and take a lot more risk to achieve their reproductive and fitness goals than the family group,” Chan said.

There was also plenty of variation between individual African elephants. Chan said that being able to see the range of behaviors is important because it can help land managers triage their efforts to suit common behaviors (in this case, focusing on conserving areas with watering holes) while also accounting for rarer behaviors that may be critical for population health (in this case, marking the places where elephants moved between regions).

According to Chan: “We wouldn’t have found those connective corridors between the two regions if our approach didn’t account for individual variations.”



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13f9ae No.21615435

File: 8ed26cfa3fb2c95⋯.jpg (22.38 KB,641x605,641:605,sun.jpg)

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11d180 No.21615436


> explosives in car near NY rally found

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a23929 No.21615437


to NOT exploit children is what I want to suggest.

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bfc54a No.21615438

There are videos of Hezbollah leaders lecturing the terrorists to stop with the phones and switch to the pagers.

Very covid like.

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79a179 No.21615440

Diddy can get any woman he wants to voluntarily do whatever he wants.

White women in particular worship him.

Why did he need to do anything illegally?

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5e393c No.21615441


Sounds moar like him sayin,

'Come at me bro'


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a23929 No.21615444


no he can't.

most women would stay away from him.

are you that jaded that you think that the prostitution of those seeking fame in the music industry is common in the real world?

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6f0d81 No.21615445

File: f588be631e993a4⋯.png (95.59 KB,211x239,211:239,f588be631e993a48939f5e87df….png)

File: 87aca6dd549f4de⋯.jpg (879.12 KB,688x1050,344:525,Czestochowska.jpg)

File: 7793c1afb7b936d⋯.png (231.94 KB,1021x667,1021:667,Screenshot_2024_09_18_0903….png)

P Diddy's Back Tattoo of the Black Madonna, Trump says he is going to visit Shrine of the Black Madonna




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79a179 No.21615448


>Hezbollah leaders (Mossad assets)

ISis is to the CIA as Hezbollah is to Mossad

They create the boogie man

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547328 No.21615450


When will the P diddy client list come out ?

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bfc54a No.21615451


Trying to dissuade attendance.

SO whatever turns out magnify it.

Prolly totally fake. Js

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6f0d81 No.21615452



Also, I wonder if maybe P Diddy flipped on the Catholic Church human traffickers and is now singing like a bird.

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51f61b No.21615454

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

/Magic has entered the chat

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823982 No.21615455


Trump placing all the demons in check.

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3b1383 No.21615456

File: ce6f77b484e870f⋯.png (29 KB,2448x1676,612:419,Q_851_VATICAN_NAZI.png)

File: 758187cc466850d⋯.png (588.99 KB,1404x926,702:463,Q_851av.png)

File: 81069698ff85b04⋯.png (585.32 KB,1402x928,701:464,Q_851bv.png)

File: f5ac103f876f3a3⋯.png (641.07 KB,1420x932,355:233,Q_851cv.png)

File: 8c4663d12a07866⋯.png (619.36 KB,1409x929,1409:929,Q_851dv.png)

maybe next revolution

huh, scro?

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6e5b04 No.21615457

File: 268df79b032813f⋯.png (102.25 KB,543x467,543:467,ClipboardImage.png)

more booms


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6f0d81 No.21615459


Yes. Also good digits.

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79a179 No.21615460


White women literally line up for hours just to get in his parties

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a23929 No.21615461


you mean the marxists who infiltrated the church some generations back and make up a very very small percentage of practicing Catholics?

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a85f76 No.21615462

File: 4e78045eca47cb0⋯.png (761.69 KB,1000x562,500:281,ClipboardImage.png)


Attorney Ben Meiselas on Repping Colin Kaepernick, Interning for Diddy and Hillary Clinton

While there are many notable attorneys in the world, it’s a safe bet that Ben Meiselas has had one of the most remarkable careers of any 33-year-old lawyer working today. As partner and head of the civil litigation department of Geragos & Geragos

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d7eef9 No.21615463

File: 3d722baf9daa9bf⋯.png (589.51 KB,680x640,17:16,pepe_sly_laugh.png)

Kek, the dumb fucks can't even blend in…

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13f9ae No.21615464


Your stupidity makes me filter your smooth brian.

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29d705 No.21615465


do they have a jewish bomb store

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6f0d81 No.21615466



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79a179 No.21615468


P= Diddy?

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13f9ae No.21615470

File: 47f8e0a392f2d3c⋯.png (538.62 KB,500x562,250:281,tardjail2.png)

Green text in the reply…

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20daeb No.21615471

File: abf8cc6d480663f⋯.png (11.71 KB,439x194,439:194,Screenshot_2024_09_18_0937….png)


Do "they" get three strikes before being out? A game is being played.

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92757c No.21615472

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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6f0d81 No.21615473


Yes, exactly, but they also form the entirety of the Catholic leadership.

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bb3084 No.21615474

File: b030da9720d2f22⋯.png (529.51 KB,526x761,526:761,ClipboardImage.png)


> evoking profound emotions and admiration

>We should honor our bodies and embrace the timeless tradition of using art as a powerful means of self expression,' she says

>And top campaign adviser Jason Miller told CNN: 'They're a celebration of the human body as art.

Who are they really?


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a23929 No.21615475


anecdotal stories about pepole in whore-monger locations seeking fame and money

is only anecdotal and in no way represents the predominant mind set of all women.

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f66ea4 No.21615477

File: 349cc8494a16360⋯.jpg (35.98 KB,360x360,1:1,catn.jpg)


you big trouble now

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a85f76 No.21615479


>Ben Meiselas - Diddy and Clinton


MeidasTouch was used for a liberal American political action committee with the purpose of stopping the reelection of Donald Trump in the 2020 United States presidential election.

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84f1a9 No.21615483

(here we go again) POLITICO

Foreign hackers could target election litigation, federal judge warns

Josh Gerstein Tue, September 17, 2024 at 4:48 PM EDT

Federal judges were warned Tuesday to be extra-vigilant in their cybersecurity practices because foreign actors may try to interfere in election-related cases in the coming months.

“Now is a time when everyone in the judiciary needs to stay extra alert and be extra smart and vigilant in all aspects of our use and monitoring of our IT systems,” 7th Circuit Judge Michael Scudder told reporters following a semi-annual meeting of the Judicial Conference, a policymaking body for the federal judiciary.

Scudder said he knew of no specific threat to judiciary systems related to the upcoming election nor of any specific intelligence indicating that judges or courts were likely to be targeted, but he saidthe likelihood of a series of election-related court cases meant judges should be on alert.

“The reporting out of the intelligence community has emphasized just the risk to the nation as a whole. And it takes really no imagination in our view, to see election-related litigation potentially hit the courts again this upcoming cycle,” the judge said during a videoconference with journalists. “We're well into this election season. We thought … that it would be a very opportune time just to underscore the importance of being extra careful.”

Scudder, who heads a committee that oversees information technology for the federal courts, said he reported Tuesday on the election-related cybersecurity dangers to a meeting of the roughly two-dozen members of the Judicial Conference. The closed-door session was held at the Supreme Court.

“We know from public reporting out of the intelligence community that foreign adversaries see this election season as an opportunity to spread misinformation and to sow doubt about the workings and stability of our national government. So, my report emphasized that we must presume the judiciary faces this same risk,” Scudder said.

Scudder said judiciary leaders plan to relay a similar warning by email to all federal judges. (What really is he doing? Is he setting up Judges to decline the election cases because of foreign interference. It doesn’t sound like he’s condoning court cases, something fishy about this.)

In 2020, the federal courts’ electronic docketing system suffered a major security breach, which U.S. lawmakers attributed to “hostile foreign actors” who have not been publicly identified. Unauthorized individuals appeared to have gained access to sealed documents in the courts’ database through an undisclosed vulnerability. Shortly after the alleged breach was discovered, the courts announced new procedures aimed at securing “highly-sensitive documents.”

Scudder said the new warning was unrelated to that episode. He made no specific mention of the possibility that U.S. citizens might try to interfere with election-related litigation, although there have been numerous threats by Americans in recent months against judges handling politically-sensitive cases.

The chair of the Judicial Conference's executive committee, 6thCircuit Judge Jeffrey Sutton, said judges were warned Tuesday to pay close attention to their personal security. He said the budget for security measures remains thin and he seemed to allude to the apparent assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump on Sunday at a golf course near his Florida home.

“That's become very expensive, making sure that we have the resources in this remarkable world we're in,” Sutton said. “But you really have to worry about security in a way you didn't have to 20 years ago, right?”


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3ac74b No.21615484

#26472 >>21612996

>>21613030 DJT: THANK YOU, MICHIGAN! #MAGA2024

>>21613033 PF: We got a BOEING RC-135 doing some reconnaissance down and back the coast of Baja California

>>21613037 RFK Jr. reveals that Trump has kept every promise he made to him

>>21613050 Dan Goldman

>>21613054 (August 2023) Springfield, Ohio: Haitian illegal caused bus crash killing an 11 year old boy on first day of school

>>21613060, >>21613071 How Many Days Later Did All Those Pagers Explode?

>>21613070, >>21613125 Whoopi Goldberg Looks Straight Into The Camera And Says Dangerous Rhetoric Isn’t A ‘Both Sides’ Issue

>>21613076 Secret Service Incompetence and Bizarre Background of Second Would-Be Trump Assassin, w/ Erik Prince

>>21613087, >>21613101, >>21613134, >>21613152, >>21613219, >>21613231 Refresher: Lucian Grainge

>>21613102 They tried assassinating Trump a week after both presidential debates

>>21613117 (April 10, 2020) Diddy Hosts Town Hall on 'The State of Black America & Coronavirus'

>>21613133 The mayor of Springfield, Ohio is making millions by replacing a third of the population of his town with Haitian immigrants

>>21613143 Michaela DePrince, resilient Black ballerina who worked with Beyoncé and Madonna, dies at 29

>>21613162 Keefe D has confessed he was hired by P Diddy for $1 million to kill Tupac

>>21613170, >>21613296, >>21613309 The Gold Apollo AR-924 pager uses a Lithium battery

>>21613177 CNN admits Kamala and their people have been lying about Trump's use of the word bloodbath

>>21613210, >>21613448 Elon: @GavinNewsom just announced that he signed a LAW to make parody illegal, based on this video 🤣🤣

>>21613237, >>21613282 Connecting the dots: Ryan Routh

>>21613239 Google and Facebook have been painting and curating your newsfeed since at least 2011

>>21613240 Howard Lutnick: Donald Trump is here to protect the American Worker…

>>21613399 Satan and his Generals working against humanity

>>21613435, >>21613439 (2018) Sean Diddy Comb's ‘sex slave’ shot up the inside of Trump's National Doral Golf Club

>>21613437, >>21613442 Drone attack on military unit in Russia

>>21613447 Authorities intercept 'suspicious' package addressed to Colorado Secretary of State's Office

>>21613452 ‘The View’ hosts joke that owning lubricant ‘ain’t a crime’ after Diddy’s sex trafficking arrest

>>21613460 Greg Kelly: Another Secret Service failure, they won't get away with it

>>21613670 Hayes Brown, an MSNBC writer and editor, wrote a new column today, entitled “What to make of Kamala Harris’ move to the center.”

>>21613020, >>21613027, >>21613032, >>21613052, >>21613068, >>21613088, >>21613125, >>21613381, >>21613488, >>21613490 Memes


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1c494f No.21615485

File: 17ceb349765c0b5⋯.png (326.14 KB,618x915,206:305,ClipboardImage.png)


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392247 No.21615488

File: 333079c1acfb481⋯.jpeg (353.19 KB,1179x939,393:313,IMG_0043.jpeg)



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52606f No.21615491

File: 210053f8c23f15a⋯.png (267.66 KB,1024x768,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

Trump 2.0


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77364a No.21615492

File: ec37466afffd6c6⋯.gif (796.19 KB,380x362,190:181,Squeakys_Hats.gif)

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13f9ae No.21615494

File: 089fd8d0c4358c4⋯.png (57.07 KB,362x294,181:147,pepe_cookie.png)


The mapping of the Hezbollah network that's being displayed with their pain. Color me impressed. Not sure how I feel about the end result of the tactics, but the OP itself is fuckin' genius.

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11d180 No.21615495


> no he can't

What world do you live in, anon?

Many Women will whore themselves out for a free drink

You think they would not do it for time with a celebrity

Have you seen the women out there today?

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77364a No.21615496

File: aebdec7fc7d49da⋯.gif (1.47 MB,480x270,16:9,Squeaky_Talkin_To_Hisself.gif)

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79a179 No.21615498


Daily assassination attempts

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bfc54a No.21615499

Blind the enemy

Destroy satan's grip.


500 terrorists have their fingers blown off and blinded simultaneously

Prayer works?

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52606f No.21615501

where is the master list of Trump assassination attempts?


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d7eef9 No.21615504

File: c3018a49e94ee09⋯.png (232.07 KB,612x459,4:3,Pepe_precipice.png)


Time to send in the military is getting closer and closer.

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fad142 No.21615505

File: b411905e426e22c⋯.png (194.49 KB,1385x863,1385:863,ClipboardImage.png)

Intuitive Machines Stock Soars on New NASA Contract. This Is Big.

Updated Sept 18, 2024, 7:25 am EDT

Shares of space technology provider Intuitive Machines

LUNR 62.96% soared in early trading Wednesday after the company announced another contract with NASA.

The stock is up 51.3% in premarket trading at $8.17 a share while S&P 500 SPX -0.07% and Dow Jones Industrial Average DJIA -0.29% futures were both up about 0.1%.

The rise comes after shares dropped 5.6% on Tuesday.

The dip looks large, but shares have been volatile since the start of September, gaining almost 16% through Tuesday.

In late August, Intuitive Machines said it had been awarded a $117 million contract to deliver six science and technology payloads to the Moon’s South Pole.

The numbers for the latest contract could dwarf that amount, potentially reaching some $4.8 billion over 10 years.

Intuitive will provide “communication and navigation services for missions in the near space region, which extends from Earth’s surface to beyond the Moon”

The contract is huge for the company. Wall Street projects 2024 and 2025 sales of $223 million and $371 million, respectively.

“This contract marks an inflection point in Intuitive Machines’ leadership in space communications and navigation,” said CEO Steve Altemus.

“We’re pleased to partner with NASA, as one team, to support the Artemis campaign and endeavors to expand the lunar economy.”

Intuitive burst onto investors’ screens after launching its Odysseus lander in February.

That became the first soft landing on the moon for a U.S. entity in some 50 years. Odysseus landed on the moon autonomously—the first-ever such landing for an American company.

Odysseus’ success is one reason Intuitive shares were up more than 110% year to date through Tuesday trading.

Intuitive “established itself as the leading commercial delivery entity with the first U.S. landing on the Moon since the 1970s earlier this year,” wrote Benchmark analyst Josh Sullivan in a Wednesday report.

“Now with the [contract] win, Intuitive Machines has established itself as the backbone of lunar data transmission.”


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47d81d No.21615506

File: d7e58eda067e0d4⋯.png (560.58 KB,1520x1814,760:907,d7e58eda067e0d4b2234d8d4e9….png)


here's the old one; needs an update

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11d180 No.21615507



Anon, proof that you are wrong is right in front of your eyes, as to what women will do, white or black.

Just take a look at kamala

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84f1a9 No.21615509

File: d14d809c34bbd45⋯.mp4 (5.74 MB,640x360,16:9,DESANTIS_JESSE.mp4)

Ron DeSantis


Tonight I joined Jesse Watters to discuss Florida's investigation of the attempted assassination of Donald Trump.

8:26 PM · Sep 16, 2024



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28f187 No.21615510

File: 63fe43c3d228c32⋯.jpg (120.94 KB,1066x1599,2:3,8GwutVM4osGWMWiq61En3Ke9Mk….jpg)

File: 204b30d97c76960⋯.jpg (1.25 MB,1592x2396,398:599,9781609801328_826279421.jpg)

https://www.federalregister.gov › documents › 2020 › 07 › 02 › 2020-14509 › protecting-american-monuments-memorials-and-statues-and-combating-recent-criminal-violence

Federal Register :: Protecting American Monuments, Memorials, and …

Executive Order 13933 of June 26, 2020 Protecting American Monuments, Memorials, and Statues and Combating Recent Criminal Violence. By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, it is hereby ordered as follows: Section 1. Purpose.

https://trumpwhitehouse.archives.gov › presidential-actions › executive-order-protecting-american-monuments-memorials-statues-combating-recent-criminal-violence

Executive Order on Protecting American Monuments, Memorials, and …

Executive Orders Executive Order on Protecting American Monuments, Memorials, and Statues and Combating Recent Criminal Violence. Law & Justice Issued on: June 26, 2020. Share: All News By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, it is

A Mississippi Confederate monument covered for four years is moved

By Emily Wagster Pettus

Associated Press

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

GRENADA, Miss. (AP) — A Mississippi town has taken down a Confederate monument that stood on the courthouse square since 1910 — a figure that was tightly wrapped in tarps the past four years, symbolizing the community’s enduring division over how to commemorate the past.

Grenada’s first Black mayor in two decades seems determined to follow through on the city’s plans to relocate the monument to other public land. A concrete slab has already been poured behind a fire station about 3.5 miles (5.6 kilometers) from the square.

But a new fight might be developing. A Republican lawmaker from another part of Mississippi wrote to Grenada officials saying she believes the city is violating a state law that restricts the relocation of war memorials or monuments.


Local Mayor defies State, Federal Laws with Historical Revisionism

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6e5b04 No.21615511

File: 54b400c64072f93⋯.png (475.44 KB,978x655,978:655,ClipboardImage.png)

Hezbollah hand-held radios detonate across Lebanon,


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844471 No.21615513

16 year plan.

Notice since covid, all creativity is missing?

Video games, books, movies, music, shows. Everything is missing 'something'. Covid created an excuse for delays and things to stop because the original plan called for the world to be in a different state by 2020.

Those in the know didn't bother making new movies, new games, new books, new music, the entertainment industry was shutdown, because insiders knew it wasn't going to have anyone to cater to.

Covid covered this up.

Looks at forms of entertainment in 2019 and then after 2020.

Anyone suggesting this isn't a spiritual battle at this point does not see the forest for the trees. Politics is such low hanging fruit.

How does Trump avoid assassination attempts?

Do you feel a darkness over the world since 2020? Dybbuk.

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718660 No.21615514


probably a pager

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d81cd5 No.21615515

File: d8ec8a1a9449050⋯.mp4 (5.59 MB,848x448,53:28,caveisel_the_weasel_IMG_21….mp4)

File: 254739a5f503e70⋯.png (574.94 KB,612x400,153:100,CAZA.png)


omfg you care so much!

gonna go watch a movie!

gonna pay that shit forward!

big momma bears!

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52606f No.21615517


I'm on my way out, but maybe I can or somebody else can offer to update this list


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823982 No.21615519

File: edb36af71cf4d0e⋯.png (16.49 KB,373x226,373:226,image_2024_09_18_104105218.png)

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11d180 No.21615522


I don’t trust RDS

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75c047 No.21615524

File: 958479c47b23345⋯.jpeg (838.97 KB,1179x1612,1179:1612,IMG_0044.jpeg)



BREAKING NEWSCops 'find explosives' in car near Trump rally on Long Island after second assassination attempt

Police reportedly found 'explosives' in car near former President Donald Trump's rally site on Long Island ahead of his speech Wednesday evening.

If it is confirmed, it would be the latest shocking security breach and comes just three days after a would-be assassin was arrested at his Palm Beach golf club.

Sources in the Nassau County Police Department allegedly told One America News Network journalist James Lalino that the rally site 'perimeter was breached and a blue barrel was removed.'

In addition, during the K9 sweep they apparently 'found an explosive device in one of the vehicles.'

The sources allegedly said the driver ended up running into the woods.

'No one saw if he had anything on him, they just saw him take off running. A lot of cars are now parking, they’re lining up on Hempstead Turnpike, just parking on the grass. Even over at Eisenhower Park, they’re just parking over there,' the source went on to tell Lalino according to a post on X.

Thousands of MAGA fans are expected to descend upon Long Island this afternoon ahead of the 7 p.m. ET rally at the Nassau Coliseum.

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6974b8 No.21615525

File: b0faed1fe0c2b69⋯.jpeg (265.65 KB,1607x1233,1607:1233,IMG_3733.jpeg)

File: e645c1cb284dde6⋯.jpeg (43.4 KB,634x296,317:148,IMG_3734.jpeg)

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bdcfbb No.21615526




Thanks anons…I owe you all a beer at the parade…

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52606f No.21615529

FOX NEWS reporting:new pager explosions in Lebanon

State news agency in Southern Lebanon reporting 3 more people killed

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7fd0a1 No.21615531

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823982 No.21615532


Now look for the shooter.

Gotta be somewhere close.

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850db9 No.21615535

File: c1303afab52ea29⋯.jpg (55.09 KB,229x750,229:750,ZomboMeme_18092024104555.jpg)

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bfc54a No.21615536


Report of many casualties in explosions on Hizbullah's radios in Beirut and southern Lebanon


Not as much bragging today

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82b256 No.21615537

File: 8d91dac40e3cc88⋯.png (376.75 KB,1249x569,1249:569,ClipboardImage.png)

Famous Catholic Mystic

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a97c60 No.21615538


Company called BAC - British American Clowns ?

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1c494f No.21615539

File: ac2bb6ed059dca2⋯.png (327.24 KB,617x613,617:613,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 942ef4d999005b8⋯.mp4 (12.31 MB,1280x720,16:9,tPjNbZRp6fWlMNO4.mp4)


Holy Shit indeed

HOLY SH*T 🚨 Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Exposes the Deep State in under 2 minutes. LET’S GO 🔥 👏

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1ff663 No.21615540

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a438c9 No.21615541


Only about a year and a half to go until 2026, which is when the mass die offs have been predicted to begin.

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f63a52 No.21615543


Dems are losing it

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84f1a9 No.21615544


There's no news stories yet, we need to verify it

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82b256 No.21615545

File: 510b70b80c5cd94⋯.png (1.63 MB,1250x600,25:12,ClipboardImage.png)


Threat to Democracy means threat to SATAN

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52606f No.21615548

File: 66379bcfd1cbdef⋯.png (268.86 KB,1249x674,1249:674,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 67793a62e1cb825⋯.png (264.18 KB,473x1055,473:1055,ClipboardImage.png)



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1ff663 No.21615549



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6e5b04 No.21615550

>>21615494 I knew a guy once who talked about reversing the polarity on these devises and it microwaves organs.

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82b256 No.21615552




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7c3f6e No.21615553


C17. A-10

See Q. 1-10.


Private: Clowns Clowns Clowns


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75c047 No.21615554

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d7eef9 No.21615555

File: 3daaa33f8d0a220⋯.png (526.18 KB,672x500,168:125,ClipboardImage.png)


[They] will blame Trump in 3…2…

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1ff663 No.21615557


well… that guy was illiterate, so.

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a85f76 No.21615558


The image was introduced into Haiti by the reproductions of the Black Madonna brought by Polish soldiers who sided with the rebels during the Haitian Revolution.

"We have given these true cannibals war for war, crime for crime, outrage for outrage. Yes, I have saved my country, I have avenged America."


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bb3084 No.21615559

File: c5fd5d2ffd754a8⋯.png (208.59 KB,887x708,887:708,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1f604aebc838d1b⋯.png (118.51 KB,956x654,478:327,ClipboardImage.png)

File: db96620bed42bc8⋯.png (273.58 KB,426x318,71:53,ClipboardImage.png)

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83addd No.21615560


Yeah that one had 25, total.

The ear bullet was #26; a full 'alphabet' of assassination attacks!

So this is at least 28 - and, the list was from June 2021 so there's also a three-year gap during which anon remembers a few security incidents.

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bfc54a No.21615561


The explosions took place in houses and vehicles, there are reports of casualties.


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b2a5fa No.21615563

Dark to LIGHT

Stay Safe out there

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28f187 No.21615564

File: 498ca21fe839029⋯.jpg (42.87 KB,474x451,474:451,th_347481700.jpg)

File: ce462e1e2e65695⋯.jpg (78.3 KB,500x500,1:1,61_gBbQMzIL_1707748712.jpg)

File: 82d3ef195879607⋯.jpg (21.73 KB,474x266,237:133,th_4252851592.jpg)

File: b8a68fae1fc0d33⋯.jpg (16.96 KB,280x187,280:187,image_3664924614.jpg)

File: 50c25eabf3b23db⋯.jpg (587.14 KB,1200x707,1200:707,santa_muerta_human_sacrifi….jpg)

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f63a52 No.21615565


That’s one hell of a campaign promise

We’ll archive it and see where we are at a year from now.

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7c3f6e No.21615566


Just before this broke, anons were asked on the board to pray for POTUS.

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a85f76 No.21615567

What was with the explosives in Crooks' car? Did we get an explanation?

How long was the delay between his rifle being disabled and the head shot that killed him?

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1ff663 No.21615569

the best part?

humanity is encompassed by powerful

spiritual entities whose only job is to

fuck h.sapiens…

and they are still atheists.


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84f1a9 No.21615570

File: 84cf901063853c7⋯.png (557.57 KB,1230x967,1230:967,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 84b143fd703dcfe⋯.png (376.78 KB,1020x1083,340:361,ClipboardImage.png)


See new posts


Dustin Grage


🚨 JUST IN: Heritage’s Project Oversight just obtained this call detail report of a Springfield, Ohio resident saying their neighbors cat was stolen and chopped up.



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75c047 No.21615571

File: 87cf9e54b644d70⋯.jpeg (342.03 KB,1179x750,393:250,IMG_0045.jpeg)



Sources from Nassau County Police Department allegedly describe removing a blue barrel of explosives after a security breach ahead of Trump’s NYC rally, the driver of the vehicle ran into the woods


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590806 No.21615572

File: 7947f1c2829be80⋯.png (396.36 KB,750x1334,375:667,4F029FE6_20EC_43D0_95D7_8B….png)

File: 79b282bb6e1df09⋯.png (164.47 KB,690x1454,345:727,A2F178ED_90FF_4D01_B3BD_34….png)

File: bd9f1a31ece4003⋯.png (295.65 KB,750x1334,375:667,31227548_A429_4B6E_81AC_F0….png)

File: 99af389274c1971⋯.jpeg (103.62 KB,683x1027,683:1027,508B124A_BE4B_4804_B423_7….jpeg)

File: 99dceec0b8fc09c⋯.webp (52.96 KB,1496x1227,1496:1227,D5A05524_9A08_41BE_81F7_4….webp)

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13f9ae No.21615573


Reversing the polarity of what in the devices? And what would generate the microwaves if polarity is reversed. No offense, but what you wrote sounds like an excerpt from a Star Trek episode.

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d7eef9 No.21615575

File: dfca6d116c2f798⋯.png (1.43 MB,1080x1079,1080:1079,memes_outlawed.png)

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d3a354 No.21615576

File: 4535d955fc08990⋯.png (746.25 KB,1208x1362,604:681,Hillary_Clinton_suggests_j….png)

Hillary Clinton suggests jailing Americans for posting "misinformation"

"There needs to be deterrence"


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28f187 No.21615577

File: c6af4cd69a6b188⋯.gif (1.19 MB,412x232,103:58,tenor_3002345796.gif)



Christian, like you!

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3ac74b No.21615578


#26474 >>21615290

>>21615524 BOOMS: Cops 'find explosives' in car near Trump rally on Long Island after second assassination attempt

>>21615511 BOOMS: Hezbollah hand-held radios detonate across Lebanon

- - - - - - - -

>>21615341, >>21615393, >>21615406 NYT reported that the pagers, AR-924 model, were ordered from Taiwanese manufacturer Gold Apollo/Hungary

>>21615343 Melania breaks her silence on her nude modeling career as she prepares to bare all in bombshell memoir

>>21615347 New clown 4am talking point just dropped. "Voter ID is transphobic."

>>21615431 Tracking Elephants Across Namibia

>>21615445, >>21615452, >>21615455 P Diddy's Back Tattoo of the Black Madonna, Trump says he is going to visit Shrine of the Black Madonna

>>21615462 Attorney Ben Meiselas on Repping Colin Kaepernick, Interning for Diddy and Hillary Clinton

>>21615483 Foreign hackers could target election litigation, federal judge warns

>>21615505 Intuitive Machines Stock Soars on New NASA Contract.

>>21615509 @GovRonDeSantis Tonight I joined Jesse Watters to discuss Florida's investigation of the attempted assassination of Donald Trump.

>>21615510 A Mississippi Confederate monument covered for four years is moved

>>21615548 TODAY'S Q DELTAS

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1c494f No.21615579

File: 6b53829bc38e667⋯.png (1.1 MB,660x660,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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ce30e8 No.21615580

File: fb3533a1d481fe9⋯.png (385.71 KB,750x674,375:337,ClipboardImage.png)

BREAKING: Explosive Device Discovered Near Trump Rally in Uniondale, New York After Second Trump Assassination Attempt


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bfc54a No.21615581


Tackle things head on.

Dont understand it but Trump makes it work. Let's see what happens

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84f1a9 No.21615582


No one with a brain does, squeaky whiny voice bothers me a lot.

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50e298 No.21615583

Jordan [Oversight of Homeland Security Investigation hearing]: So you had agents at both of he assassination attempts on the former president, and the individuals at the FBI conducting the investigations have not talked to you, in one case, that's been over two months ago?

Berger [Executive Associate Director, Homeland Security Investigations]: Correct.

Jordan: I find that troubling…I find it kind of astonishing that the people doing the investigation haven't talked to the individual who is in charge of so many of these agents who've been supplementing President Trump's security detail.

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28f187 No.21615585

File: ea33cc1f4c2de3c⋯.jpg (384.46 KB,912x1200,19:25,kali_face_MI86_l_142883681.jpg)

File: ee6871c52b7674d⋯.jpg (270.32 KB,850x500,17:10,dasa_mahavidya_2182694187.jpg)

File: a674117c300ac36⋯.jpg (58.01 KB,1280x720,16:9,eb98be0c85215ac3ff139b5596….jpg)

File: 8477ce963b07108⋯.jpg (28.7 KB,407x475,407:475,e866b16b2e678c676e1dfc08b2….jpg)

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f63a52 No.21615586

File: aa29f81623bf22a⋯.png (4.97 MB,1808x1300,452:325,IMG_6586.png)

Da “smartphone” ain’t so smart

It’s a weapon

Can we bring back Ma Bell?

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55143c No.21615587

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84f1a9 No.21615588


There will be more and more copycats, is FBI on weird websites instigating something?

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47d81d No.21615589

File: dd6aebe7c50ea60⋯.png (1.46 MB,832x994,416:497,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a812f7716ab6cd2⋯.png (466.26 KB,830x920,83:92,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2fc3b47367e4048⋯.mp4 (2.48 MB,480x270,16:9,NATO_military_intelligence….mp4)


Memes are the bane of the censors.


it is cosmically insane how single-mindedly obsessed NATO is with stopping the rise of memes


NATO military intelligence became obsessed with stopping funny online memes that seeded support for populist right-wing political parties in Europe.

The Integrity Initiative leaks had required reading material for new NATO cluster cell recruits to defeat funny online memes


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6e5b04 No.21615590

>>21615573 it was many years ago but as I recall, it had to do with the incoming comms and reversing the signal. it was sent on microwave frequency. the bursts become the weapon

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d3a354 No.21615591

File: 6469c2bc02612e0⋯.png (1.14 MB,892x1564,223:391,HRC_Easter_worshippers_.png)


>Hillary Clinton suggests jailing Americans for posting "misinformation"

>"There needs to be deterrence"


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2158f4 No.21615592


BREAKING: Top Intelligence Offcials quickly and easily deduced that the Car is registered to A. Finklestein who recruits people for the war in Ukraine and voted for Biden in 2020.

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2158f4 No.21615594

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d7eef9 No.21615595

File: c10314cc3bb085e⋯.png (383.11 KB,500x667,500:667,ClipboardImage.png)

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1ff663 No.21615596

File: 6aeff4f10ba82f0⋯.jpg (180.8 KB,682x1026,341:513,20240918_085630.jpg)


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590806 No.21615597

File: ba4070e96a857e9⋯.png (1.44 MB,750x1334,375:667,37651DFB_38E6_40FC_B515_E5….png)

File: d74e1517653bf28⋯.png (165.84 KB,690x1862,345:931,BB71A1A0_5610_4E10_B07F_D1….png)

File: 01227bde8dbba26⋯.jpeg (415.39 KB,2048x1024,2:1,2A7151D6_76A1_47ED_8051_3….jpeg)

File: 72363e7c71503ca⋯.jpeg (616.78 KB,2048x1152,16:9,DBAA05BB_DDB8_4404_965F_E….jpeg)

File: d41845c41fd7ea7⋯.jpeg (418.28 KB,2048x1152,16:9,5CF15835_9DCF_45F6_B219_D….jpeg)

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13f9ae No.21615598

File: 57317a1072df494⋯.png (201.46 KB,500x281,500:281,ClipboardImage.png)


>will he have an epstein cell like his friend jeffry

Just give him the same cellmate.

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1c494f No.21615599


Because there is nothing wrong with nudity…something on this planet hates the human form …especially the womans beauty…the man with a womb…womb-man

its been inherited…why we have this nudity shame…'less your a Jarhead…they gots no shame.

But they do like the ladies and the Indy 500

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f63a52 No.21615600


Isn’t that why we had that template for pics to avoid censorship?

I can’t find it in my pics

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a23929 No.21615601


the baiters are in the bread!

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823982 No.21615602

File: 3153a0f97cc0f1b⋯.png (161.81 KB,533x429,41:33,Capture.PNG)

Happy Birthday,


! 🎉


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a85f76 No.21615603

As the French trumpets sounded the alarm, Clervaux, a Haitian rebel, fired the first shot. Capois, mounted on a great horse, led his Haitian demi-brigade forward despite storms of bullets from the forts on his left. The approach to Charrier ran up a long ravine under the guns of Vertières. French fire killed a number of soldiers in the Haitian columns, but the soldiers closed ranks and clambered past their dead, singing. Capois' horse was shot, faltered and fell, tossing Capois off his saddle. Capois picked himself up, drew his sword; brandished it over his head and ran onwards shouting: "Forward! Forward!" (En avant! En avant!).

Rochambeau was watching from the rampart of Vertières. As Capois charged forth, the French drums rolled a sudden cease-fire. Suddenly, the battle stopped. A French staff officer mounted his horse and rode toward the intrepid Capois-la-Mort (Capois-the-Death). With a loud voice, he shouted: "General Rochambeau sends compliments to the general who has just covered himself with such glory!" Then he saluted the Haitian warriors, returned to his position, and the fighting resumed.

General Dessalines sent his reserves under Gabart, the youngest of the generals, while Jean-Philippe Daut, Rochambeau’s guard of grenadiers, formed for a final charge. But Gabart, Capois, and Clervaux, the last fighting with a French musket in hand and with one epaulette shot away, repulsed the desperate counterattack.

A sudden downpour with thunder and lightning drenched the battlefield. Under cover of the storm, Rochambeau pulled back from Vertières, knowing he was defeated and that Saint-Domingue was lost from France.

The next morning, general Rochambeau sent Duveyrier to negotiate with Dessalines. By the end of the day, the terms of the French surrender were settled. Rochambeau got ten days to embark the remainder of his army and leave Saint-Domingue. The wounded French soldiers were left behind under lock and key with the expectation that they would be returned to France, but they were drowned a few days later.

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718660 No.21615605

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1c494f No.21615606


Memes as Ammunition

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1ff663 No.21615607





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fad142 No.21615608

File: 4686bbbec07a1da⋯.png (6.72 MB,1920x1920,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Measuring Moon Dust to Fight Air Pollution

Sep 17, 2024

Moon dust, or regolith, isn’t like the particles on Earth that collect on bookshelves or tabletops – it’s abrasive and it clings to everything.

Throughout NASA’s Apollo missions to the Moon, regolith posed a challenge to astronauts and valuable space hardware.

During the Apollo 17 mission, astronaut Harrison Schmitt described his reaction to breathing in the dust as “lunar hay fever,” experiencing sneezing, watery eyes, and a sore throat.

The symptoms went away, but concern for human health is a driving force behind NASA’s extensive research into all forms of lunar soil.

The need to manage the dust to protect astronaut health and critical technology is already beneficial on Earth in the fight against air pollution.

Working as a contributor on a habitat for NASA’s Next Space Technologies for Exploration Partnerships (NextSTEP) program, Lunar Outpost Inc. developed an air-quality sensor system to detect and measure the amount of lunar soil in the air that also detects pollutants on Earth.

Originally based in Denver, the Golden, Colorado-based company developed an air-quality sensor called the Space Canary and offered the sensor to Lockheed Martin Space for its NextSTEP lunar orbit habitat prototype.

After the device was integrated into the habitat’s environmental control system, it provided distinct advantages over traditional equipment.

Rebranded as Canary-S (Solar), the sensor is now meeting a need for low-cost, wireless air-quality and meteorological monitoring on Earth.

The self-contained unit, powered by solar energy and a battery, transmits data using cellular technology.

It can measure a variety of pollutants, including particulate matter, carbon monoxide, methane, sulfur dioxide, and volatile organic compounds, among others.

The device sends a message up to a secure cloud every minute, where it’s routed to either Lunar Outpost’s web-based dashboard or a customer’s database for viewing and analysis.

The oil and gas industry uses the Canary-S sensors to provide continuous, real-time monitoring of fugitive gas emissions, and the U.S. Forest Service uses them to monitor forest-fire emissions.

“Firefighters have been exhibiting symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning for decades.

They thought it was just part of the job,” explained Julian Cyrus, chief operating officer of Lunar Outpost.

“But the sensors revealed where and when carbon monoxide levels were sky high, making it possible to issue warnings for firefighters to take precautions.”

The Canary-S sensors exemplify the life-saving technologies that can come from the collaboration of NASA and industry innovations.


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6abcac No.21615609

File: 2c0ca39e4b3f397⋯.mp4 (1.99 MB,720x1280,9:16,bjbros.mp4)


this is the clockfags blowjob brother

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32ea9b No.21615610

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

A Storm Is Coming!

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1ff663 No.21615612


believes nasa.

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32ea9b No.21615613



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a23929 No.21615615



who exactly do you mean by 'white women'?

are there no others in your classification of people that might go to his parties?

are you suggesting that he's a racist and excludes others?

and who are those?

what do you mean by 'White women'.

I only ask this because I know that this persona who posted is a baiter and wants to create discord.

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a97c60 No.21615616

File: 52d4d784f8c109f⋯.jpg (62.37 KB,720x540,4:3,Clown_Car_Clarabelle.jpg)




Image of car released.

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55143c No.21615617

File: 45edee950a56628⋯.png (454.13 KB,1600x729,1600:729,ClipboardImage.png)

Gitmo express on route…


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1ff663 No.21615618


not enough.


they are rejected jordanian import


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5ba873 No.21615619

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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590806 No.21615620

File: b117a5d91bc3356⋯.png (1.36 MB,750x1334,375:667,2F1A260A_2583_4A2F_A9FF_B9….png)

File: ac7f25cdc085a82⋯.jpeg (649.43 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,6FB20C24_8DF7_4C8C_8F41_1….jpeg)

File: 64adc5cc0920f8d⋯.png (124.33 KB,690x1070,69:107,6CB62CA4_339B_4D99_9969_E5….png)

File: 9a88a6ded63554c⋯.png (180.57 KB,690x1554,115:259,AAD06F92_A714_4792_92F7_A6….png)

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1c494f No.21615621

File: c225d96d56151be⋯.png (322.27 KB,430x322,215:161,ClipboardImage.png)

File: bdc918ba0ea317b⋯.png (188.33 KB,474x311,474:311,ClipboardImage.png)

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5749d3 No.21615623

File: 55ee583ed60c40f⋯.png (68.21 KB,653x566,653:566,aMVjwX6_700bwp.png)

Oh shit

Muh walkie talkies

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b4200b No.21615624

File: 27cf036764aea26⋯.png (617.58 KB,736x736,1:1,tempest.png)


operators completed.. #TempestWind24 "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH"

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28f187 No.21615625

File: 64154658e49c35d⋯.jpg (538.3 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240911_180538….jpg)

File: 81aca7bf591babf⋯.jpg (53.3 KB,700x470,70:47,George_HW_Bush_CIA_1088x72….jpg)

File: fe812ee0181f0aa⋯.jpg (56.02 KB,639x573,213:191,sTwR6Yd60BBRNOg7n4ffDjEaa_….jpg)

File: 23b981ffcea9376⋯.jpg (429.48 KB,1588x2180,397:545,il_1588xN_2053551128_qgtw_….jpg)

File: 50b9b5ca588cdcf⋯.jpg (23.6 KB,474x316,3:2,th_768723610.jpg)


Example of WHO took out 2 sitting U.S. Presidents..

Trying for the trifecta?

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5f6e18 No.21615626

File: dfd0558a29e73f2⋯.png (2.6 MB,1170x2532,195:422,IMG_5109.png)

Holy shit an anon called it with the truth social comms. The SALT bomb thing. Phone fagging so might be hard to link but it’s in notables. They tried to do a catch all type of assassination attempt cause clearly gunmen don’t work. These sick fucks.

Police reportedly found 'explosives' in car near former President Donald Trump's rally site on Long Island ahead of his speech Wednesday evening.

Sources in the Nassau County Police Department allegedly told journalist James Lalino that the rally site 'perimeter was breached and a blue barrel was removed.'

In addition, during the K9 sweep they apparently 'found an explosive device in one of the vehicles.'

The sources allegedly said the driver ended up running into the woods.

'No one saw if he had anything on him, they just saw him take off running. A lot of cars are now parking, they’re lining up on Hempstead Turnpike, just parking on the grass. Even over at Eisenhower Park, they’re just parking over there,' the source went on to tell Lalino according to a post on X.

Thousands of MAGA fans are expected to descend upon Long Island this afternoon ahead of the 7 p.m. ET rally at the Nassau Coliseum.


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fad142 No.21615627

File: 46b1ca491ed5eae⋯.png (514.52 KB,578x431,578:431,ClipboardImage.png)


>celebration of the human form

it is a divine creation

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29d705 No.21615628


damn you fisher price.

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590806 No.21615629

File: 9f8730a49b36dbb⋯.png (988.94 KB,750x1334,375:667,4902E86F_A8C6_49F0_ABFB_F0….png)

File: d6beb66116925f3⋯.png (1.36 MB,750x1334,375:667,907D7975_73E1_484B_8FD0_79….png)

File: ff30eccf4270db5⋯.png (148.11 KB,690x1786,345:893,C1425376_9C58_4F3E_8951_35….png)

File: bc1b275d2f0a5c9⋯.jpeg (205.23 KB,1080x1080,1:1,46452855_A35F_435E_B6BA_D….jpeg)

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bb3084 No.21615631

File: 3bcebe0eb3c394f⋯.png (567.44 KB,737x493,737:493,ClipboardImage.png)

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b2a5fa No.21615633


Yes. It's a communication bomb that has global reach. Maybe the message is a cyberattack on telecom servers &/or devices used by clowns have been rigged to burn?

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a23929 No.21615635


they found a pager in one of the vehicles?

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5ba873 No.21615636

File: 8530017839f2403⋯.jpg (48.66 KB,650x400,13:8,gobv8mb8_walkie_talkie_spl….jpg)

Footage appears to show Hezbollah walkie-talkie exploding

Footage circulating on social media purports to show the moment a Hezbollah walkie-talkie exploded a short while ago, during a funeral in the Dahiyeh suburb of Beirut.



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83addd No.21615637



>Holy shit an anon called it with the truth social comms. The SALT bomb thing.

Yeah anon heard "dirty bomb" as well.

WTF is a clean one

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d3a354 No.21615638

File: 5619142fc901f5d⋯.png (1.71 MB,1166x1504,583:752,HRC_CARP.png)

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29d705 No.21615639

File: 66944bf04a953e2⋯.png (51.5 KB,736x552,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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f63a52 No.21615640

File: bf965574b8b284a⋯.jpeg (282.21 KB,1450x1080,145:108,IMG_2994.jpeg)


Sounds like D.E.W. Weapons are attracted to electrical signals

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d7eef9 No.21615641

File: 0652d3dc3fca3b2⋯.png (172.82 KB,393x400,393:400,pepe_oooh.png)


I guess that they want them to be scared to communicate.

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590806 No.21615642

File: a49b79bc9dfcd09⋯.png (1.49 MB,750x1334,375:667,CEAC39D8_496C_4DCE_8989_BF….png)

File: 440da4dd59f899d⋯.png (2.36 MB,750x1334,375:667,CFC0FD01_7CA3_43DB_BFB4_B5….png)

File: 718bea7d31f70f7⋯.png (198.98 KB,690x2718,115:453,685F950B_91E4_42F7_9254_F7….png)

File: 77d178932dabf2c⋯.jpeg (566.68 KB,2048x2048,1:1,B1437C74_8B91_4AFE_A57A_9….jpeg)

File: fe6dec264a412f0⋯.png (125.09 KB,690x1610,3:7,2C857D7E_4BA2_4623_9BFF_74….png)


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bb3084 No.21615643

File: bcb27de231710b3⋯.png (324.3 KB,577x326,577:326,ClipboardImage.png)


WTF is this, again?

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25756b No.21615644

File: 87c989433339452⋯.jpeg (36.91 KB,255x255,1:1,IMG_7530.jpeg)


> Oh shit

> Muh walkie talkies

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29d705 No.21615645


and the walkies were laced also with bombs because reasons.

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d7eef9 No.21615646

File: c75dd514385551e⋯.jpg (91.85 KB,524x476,131:119,Schiff_oh_schiff_.jpg)



Kek, this is the first one that comes to mind.

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b4200b No.21615647


During the past week.. Combat Team @FightingFirst prepared to face off…

"…how to insulate against exposure?" "POTUS will be well insulated"

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5ba873 No.21615648

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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75c047 No.21615649

File: 25b7ba911d4af31⋯.jpeg (359.56 KB,1179x789,393:263,IMG_0046.jpeg)



UPDATE - "We did respond to a suspicious occurrence in the vicinity of the Nassau Coliseum. However, there was no validity of an explosive device being found," a public information officer told Newsweek, contradicting Daily Mail's initial report.


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fad142 No.21615650

File: 69a6f3be25435a2⋯.png (614.67 KB,960x640,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

NASA astronaut can see Houston pipeline fire from space

Sep 17, 2024

Houston, we have a problem. A fire that ignited on Monday at a pipeline east of downtown Houston is big enough for astronauts to view from space.

As the fire near Deer Park and La Porte continued to burn Tuesday morning, NASA astronaut Don Pettit was able to capture a photo of the flames from a vantage point 250 miles above Earth from aboard the International Space Station (ISS).

The space agency shared the image of the bright orange glow from the towering flames.

Such imagery and data from the ISS can help monitor disasters, such as fires, on Earth in real time, NASA said.

"Pipeline fire in Deer Park, TX. ~ 10 miles north of Johnson Space Center, and even closer to my Earth home," Pettit wrote on X Tuesday.

As of Tuesday afternoon, the fire at the Energy Transfer Pipeline continues to burn off remnant product.

The fire is believed to have been caused by an explosion sparked by a driver who ran through a fence at a nearby Wal-Mart parking lot and crashed into an above-ground pipeline valve.

Witnesses told ABC 13 that the vehicle flew up into the air after hitting the pipeline valve, which was followed by the explosion after it hit the ground.

Energy Transfer said it shut down gas to the pipeline and is allowing the remnants to burn off.

On Tuesday morning, the Deer Park Office of Emergency Management (OEM) said the blaze will continue burning into the day.

"The fire continues to burn itself out this morning, which is the safest way to manage the incident," Deer Park OEM wrote in a statement, adding the fire has shrunk significantly.

An investigation into the cause of the fire will be conducted once the fire diminishes.


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3c4ceb No.21615651


>A. Finklestein

A well-respected /qresearch dietician and nutrition advisor who shared his deep knowledge of the Jewish faith with Anons for many years.

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6a3aee No.21615652

File: 4256d7138c2d338⋯.jpg (31.73 KB,408x632,51:79,4256d7138c2d3381fd8869043a….jpg)

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590806 No.21615653

File: b1243f2aea5ff27⋯.jpeg (324.69 KB,1515x1080,101:72,A9B1AD46_5161_4B05_B7D6_9….jpeg)

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b4200b No.21615654

File: 410e4bbf0e1c812⋯.png (337.41 KB,863x628,863:628,s_boom.png)

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28f187 No.21615655

File: c7f35c2cb4ecb45⋯.jpg (57.31 KB,600x894,100:149,28undercoverweb6_articleLa….jpg)

File: 23b981ffcea9376⋯.jpg (429.48 KB,1588x2180,397:545,il_1588xN_2053551128_qgtw_….jpg)

File: 19c70d087afffa0⋯.jpg (15.13 KB,474x206,237:103,th_1426343528.jpg)

File: 1c37d81a63c0609⋯.jpg (75.18 KB,500x672,125:168,1c37d81a63c060996ce716af03….jpg)

File: 7ae50408552ba1f⋯.png (574.18 KB,576x768,3:4,7ae50408552ba1f0a51aaddc80….png)


https://www.baltimoresun.com › 1992 › 10 › 09 › clintons-trip-2

CLINTON'S TRIP - Baltimore Sun

Bill Clinton's past statements about his anti-war activities and trip to Moscow:Dec. 3, 1969 While a student

https://www.nytimes.com › 2024 › 09 › 15 › us › politics › trump-shooting-suspect-routh.html

Suspected Gunman Said He Was Willing to Fight and Die in Ukraine

3 days agoRyan Wesley Routh, the 58-year-old man who was arrested on Sunday in connection with what

https://www.theatlantic.com › international › archive › 2013 › 11 › why-lee-harvey-oswald-fled-to-the-soviet-union › 281662

Why Lee Harvey Oswald Fled to the Soviet Union

You write that Lee Harvey Oswald's decision to defect to the USSR was part of an unhappy pattern that

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5e393c No.21615656



>I guess that they want them to be scared to communicate.

What if that started habbening to all the human trafficking cartel members and [DS] pedovores too?

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7227a1 No.21615658


um, looks quite vaginal to me,,,,

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d7eef9 No.21615659

File: c83f81a6cb7ff5c⋯.png (79.61 KB,1280x954,640:477,ClipboardImage.png)

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47d81d No.21615660

File: fb72db01ff22261⋯.png (485.86 KB,779x1701,779:1701,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e5f34e16836146d⋯.mp4 (2.39 MB,480x852,40:71,Real_Estate_Loan_Officer_P….mp4)


Real Estate Loan Officer Pierce Burton Started Looking Into Gavin Newsom, This Is Going To Blow You Away

Gavin Newsom Owns:

- 12,000 square foot home purchased for $3,700,000 back in 2018 in Fair Oaks, California

- 19 additional properties

- He owns a massive amount of land with 3 properties that are 5 MILLION square feet EACH. For your reference, 5 million square feet is equivalent to about a 100 acres

“Gavin Newsom has made a lot of rules and regulations in regard to real estate in California. So it made me curious what real estate does Gavin Newsom own. So I did some recon, and I found out he purchased this 12,000 square foot home for $3,700,000 back in 2018 in Fair Oaks, California.

Then I popped on PropStream and looked that home up, and sure enough, it says Gavin Newsom owns this home. And then I looked at linked properties, and he owns 19 other properties besides this one.

He owns a massive amount of land with 3 properties that are 5,000,000 square feet each. For your reference, 5,000,000 square feet is equivalent to about a 100 acres.”


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13f9ae No.21615661

File: 5a7de5e2528daee⋯.jpg (73.02 KB,500x395,100:79,5a7de5e2528daee6238c3e087c….jpg)

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e92e30 No.21615662

File: 08b17857f0c2a02⋯.jpg (63.67 KB,512x487,512:487,93v7tc.jpg)

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d3a354 No.21615663

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

News: Hillary Clinton ‘Covered Up’ Pedophile Ring At State Department





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850db9 No.21615664

File: b93765bd3699a45⋯.jpg (48.03 KB,388x600,97:150,ZomboMeme_18092024110922.jpg)

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48e867 No.21615665

File: 5d2c9622aecfc52⋯.png (67.93 KB,1193x335,1193:335,ClipboardImage.png)

‘’’Banks don’t blow up randomly’’’


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590806 No.21615668

File: 43c6d0ab65d3ccc⋯.png (1 MB,750x1334,375:667,53EBF1DB_2FC6_464A_BA5A_5D….png)

File: f69191136d388f3⋯.png (1.33 MB,750x1334,375:667,080FBAF6_CA35_4D4D_BE31_38….png)

File: a5d5aa5c3a74a45⋯.png (254.38 KB,690x1710,23:57,6BCD2B3F_C057_495D_9BFE_86….png)

File: d2727da0951c175⋯.jpeg (426.18 KB,2047x1075,2047:1075,A075BAC9_792F_4F41_8616_2….jpeg)

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13f9ae No.21615669

File: 04210aa073c981d⋯.gif (90.52 KB,220x168,55:42,SP_popcorn2.gif)

They're so fuckin' stupid.

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50e298 No.21615670

Gaetz: You can confirm just the news reporting, that the suspected Trump attempted assassin was flagged by CBP, and was referred to HSI?

Berger: Yes.

Gaetz: Is it legal or someone to go recruit for a foreign military? Does that break any laws?

Berger: I don't know, sir. I would have to look into that a little bit further.

Gaetz: [reading from CBP memo] "Suspect is a US citizen who traveled to Kiev, Ukraine, for three months to help recruit soldiers from Afghanistan, Moldova, and Taiwan, to fight in the Ukrainian war against Russia. Subject stated that he does not get paid for his recruiting efforts, and all his work for the Ukrainian government is strictly volunteer work. The subject stated that he obtains money from his wife to help fund his trips to Ukraine." So when this guys shows up with a business card, and this story about how he's recruiting fighters in Ukraine and his wife is paying for it, CBP says this is a little odd and they send it to HIS, HSI declines to further investigate, and what you're saying is based on the facts you are aware of now, that was the right decision by DHS?

Berger: No, the statements that day would not rise to the level to take him into immediate custody.

Gaetz: When CBP refers this to HSI; what I believe happened is HSI declined, not only to incarcerate this person, but to further investigate this person. Are you saying that they declined to investigate, or that that investigation went forward, and the attempted assassination occurred during the pendency of that investigation?

Berger: I would have to look into that a little bit further.

Gaetz; I think that's going to be a really important second thing to get back to us on, is whether or not HSI made an active decision in real time to decline further investigation of that person.

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84f1a9 No.21615671



It's only astonishing because "they are not investigating", they know who were involved, and they have no intention of revealing it.

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84f1a9 No.21615672


can you put the sauce here, baker will ask for it if notable

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1c494f No.21615673

File: 0e3de4317330ba4⋯.png (126.57 KB,198x297,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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25756b No.21615674


> Footage appears to show Hezbollah walkie-talkie exploding

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a85f76 No.21615676

File: 4e78045eca47cb0⋯.png (761.69 KB,1000x562,500:281,ClipboardImage.png)


Ben Meiselas Interning for Diddy and Hillary Clinton

While there are many notable attorneys in the world, it’s a safe bet that Ben Meiselas has had one of the most remarkable careers of any 33-year-old lawyer working today. As partner and head of the civil litigation department of Geragos & Geragos

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823982 No.21615677

File: a34ce923c915e66⋯.png (16.11 KB,530x186,265:93,Capture.PNG)

🚀 Ready, set, test!

Sailors aboard the USS George Washington (CVN 73) took part in essential chemical, biological, and radiological equipment fit tests to ensure we’re always mission-ready in the Indo-Pacific! 🌊💪 #USNAVY


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f63a52 No.21615678


Kek….Newsome is propping up expensive real estate in Cali

If we ended the Fed, real estate would deflate by 50%……boomers wouldn’t like that

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6ec5e4 No.21615679


So did Israel detonate pagers injuring their own assets or….

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ce30e8 No.21615680


Kamala Harris enthusiasm driving a surge in young Latino registration: Voto Latino https://t.co/gI2gwCft8j — The Hill (@thehill) September 18, 2024

Title: Elon Musk Being Investigated After Post About Biden, Harris and the Second Trump Assassination Attempt | Source: Gateway Pundit | Link: https://is.gd/wgjADO

Title: BREAKING: Explosive Device Discovered Near Trump Rally in Uniondale, New York After Second Trump Assassination Attempt | Source: Gateway Pundit | Link: https://is.gd/XOCuEN

Title: JD Souther, Eagles and Linda Ronstadt Singer-Songwriter, Dies at 78 | Source: The Daily Beast | Link: https://is.gd/UoVpyx

Title: Artist uses 15,000 teddy bears in memorial to Gaza’s children | Source: Al Jazeera | Link: https://is.gd/KHKspy

Title: How did Hezbollah get the pagers that exploded in Lebanon? | Source: Al Jazeera | Link: https://is.gd/nxWhhD

Title: MARK YOUR CALENDAR… Trailer for Latest Dinesh D’Souza Film Released – “Vindicating Trump” in Theaters Nationwide on September 27th! | Source: Gateway Pundit | Link: https://is.gd/tfBzUb

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b2a5fa No.21615681

File: 7772da355d5bc6a⋯.gif (47.17 KB,220x165,4:3,FAAFOSnarf.gif)


Hey, I guess these Q Drop decodes really do work when you apply yourself.

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1ff663 No.21615682



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28f187 No.21615685

File: ad060cb13c337fa⋯.jpg (52.77 KB,634x449,634:449,20375922_7630477_image_a_1….jpg)

File: 472b15231b70b48⋯.jpg (812.06 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240911_091031….jpg)

File: 0b1237e4bfa9540⋯.jpg (861.74 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240916_022427….jpg)

File: 42ab18ff8b1876c⋯.jpg (68.19 KB,1200x630,40:21,5435083_1002990984.jpg)

File: fc20a7815bf4651⋯.jpg (18.6 KB,474x266,237:133,th_1333506004.jpg)



Nothing to see here

Move along

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e92e30 No.21615686

File: 8a776aad747f315⋯.jpg (53.88 KB,552x499,552:499,93v7ks.jpg)


Wow look at that math in my time stamp. I am really something special.

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e04f81 No.21615687

File: f0312de9a8a5410⋯.png (368.44 KB,520x448,65:56,ClipboardImage.png)

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590806 No.21615688

File: fb6bcf2b4dc4696⋯.png (169.37 KB,690x1510,69:151,34FA0BB4_415F_4050_B1F3_0D….png)

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6abcac No.21615689

File: 89958d849a61ffd⋯.png (871.28 KB,600x929,600:929,walkie_rab.png)

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a85f76 No.21615690

File: 5fd6d9cb45b7fb1⋯.png (415.93 KB,666x667,666:667,sookim.png)


>The subject stated that he obtains money from his wife to help fund his trips to Ukraine.

suspected therapist

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84f1a9 No.21615693



I'm praying for Bobby to get his voice back.

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1ff663 No.21615694

this gnü.



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823982 No.21615695

File: 536963c226c0415⋯.mp4 (5.56 MB,640x360,16:9,miP0ZyryN0W4EryG.mp4)

Now need update

0 - 3

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13f9ae No.21615696

Wow, he had to IP hop to feel relevant and uses the exact same filenaming pattern as that MuhGuhGaytriot clown. Poor little pissflap. The weakling gets the filter, again.

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fc6fdc No.21615697

Car hits the LNG pipeline

Only on KHOU 11: Video shows moment SUV crashed through fence, hitting valve and sparking Deer Park pipeline fire

A transportation company's work vehicle inadvertently caught the crash and explosion from across the street.


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50e298 No.21615698

Nehls: The UN General Assembly; did you say you're sending twelve hundred of your agents up there?

Berger [[HSI]: That's correct.

Nehls: So you're going to send twelve hundred, twenty-five percent of your workforce is going to visit New York for a couple weeks, is that the assignment, to augment the Secret Service?

Berger: That's correct.

Nehls: Do you ever just raise your hand, or just stop and say, 'I can't send you twelve hundred agents. The hell am am I going to do that for?' We've got a border; we're losing a hundred thousand people to drug trafficking, the sex trafficking, everything taking place, and you're up there at the UN with twenty-five percent of your workforce.

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b2a5fa No.21615701


It's a direct "STAND DOWN" Order to Mossad.

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bfc54a No.21615702

File: d16b038af6ceb92⋯.jpg (71.09 KB,500x552,125:138,ue_ejx.jpg)

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fad142 No.21615703

File: 98ed015da5c4c34⋯.png (796.7 KB,1200x675,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3e2c8f6fffebfa3⋯.png (1.54 MB,1736x900,434:225,ClipboardImage.png)

Spell Your Name With USGS And NASA's Glorious Satellite Imagery

September 17, 2024

Here at IFLScience we enjoy a little interactive internet quiz or poll just as much as the next person, from finding out if we see the same color blue as each other to testing the Earworm Eraser after one too many TikToks.

Now, the Landsat series of satellites is getting in on the action with an online interactive that lets you spell your name in features of Earth’s surface.

Made using images from the NASA Earth Observatory, NASA Worldview, United States Geological Survey (USGS) EarthExplorer, and European Space Agency Sentinel Hub, users can find topological features to spell out the letters of their name or any word they choose.

Since the land on Earth covers around 150 million square kilometers (58 million square miles) there’s a lot of scope to choose from.

The Landsat Program began on July 23, 1972 to help document changes to Earth’s surface from things like commercial development, as well as climate change and natural disasters.

It is the “world’s longest continuously acquired collection of space-based moderate-resolution land remote sensing data,” explains the USGS.

The project is a joint operation between the USGS and NASA with many iterations of satellites contributing to the data pool.

Its main objective is to collect many images of the same places, allowing the changes over time in certain areas to be monitored.

“If you really want a long history of understanding any process on Earth, Landsat is where you should go,” said Tasso Azevedo of the MapBiomas Initiative.

Landsat 9 was launched in September 2021 and continues to contribute to more than 50 years of Landsat satellite data, including on pressing issues like sea ice decline and glacier retreats.

The IFLScience name features an “i” from Etosha National Park, Namibia, a “c” from Black Rock Desert in Nevada, and an “e” from the firn-filled fjords of Tibet.

So go on, see what features spell your name here.



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4cd4fc No.21615704

You seems mad

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ecb8f2 No.21615705

File: db74af53057b86e⋯.png (192.41 KB,387x622,387:622,Q1310_1.png)

File: 310bd6927527aa8⋯.png (153.57 KB,359x637,359:637,Q1310_2.png)

File: a4b76e3c5a2e4b5⋯.png (305.87 KB,344x645,8:15,Q2335_2.png)

File: 2f7a8115479b73a⋯.png (48.38 KB,386x633,386:633,Q2335_3.png)

File: 3871b4cf6eb4a23⋯.png (61.39 KB,1240x302,620:151,AnonPost1280616.png)

Q PROOF, possibly

This post of Q's in 2018 may or may not be an allusion to the burner phones tampered with in the ME. The ones that were used by Mossad.

Just to consider.

These are Q posts 1310 and 2335.

Also, an anon post on this here.

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13f9ae No.21615706

File: a39e107f43c8120⋯.jpg (10.84 KB,229x220,229:220,smokingpepe2.jpg)

The fucktard is delusional if he thinks he destroyed either Pig or I, but if it helps him make it through another shift for just one day without killing himself then that's a bonus.

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a97c60 No.21615707

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a97c60 No.21615708

File: 83344d525c22c3b⋯.png (1.02 MB,1200x1704,50:71,snapshot_8kun_top_17266726….png)

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50e298 No.21615709

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


LIVE: Oversight of Homeland Security Investigations

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4cd4fc No.21615712


I like possibly

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03a950 No.21615713

File: 74c304258c292a7⋯.png (117.56 KB,388x280,97:70,lkfl.PNG)

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13f9ae No.21615714

File: 69f1c317ec76383⋯.webm (165.14 KB,418x240,209:120,that_same_shill_smell.webm)

KEK. They try so hard and fell right into it.

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a5b081 No.21615715


i know this is probably just "going thru the motions" kind of stuff, but I hope they realize what happened is exactly what they wanted to happen.

Their only disappointment is they had to try it a second time.

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3ac74b No.21615716

@300prolly close

#26474 >>21615290

>>21615524, >>21615571 BOOMS: Cops 'find explosives' in car near Trump rally on Long Island after second assassination attempt

>>21615511, >>21615636 BOOMS: Hezbollah hand-held radios detonate across Lebanon

- - - - - - - -

>>21615617 PF updates

>>21615341, >>21615393, >>21615406 NYT reported that the pagers, AR-924 model, were ordered from Taiwanese manufacturer Gold Apollo/Hungary

>>21615343 Melania breaks her silence on her nude modeling career as she prepares to bare all in bombshell memoir

>>21615347 New clown 4am talking point just dropped. "Voter ID is transphobic."

>>21615431 Tracking Elephants Across Namibia

>>21615445, >>21615452, >>21615455 P Diddy's Back Tattoo of the Black Madonna, Trump says he is going to visit Shrine of the Black Madonna

>>21615462 Attorney Ben Meiselas on Repping Colin Kaepernick, Interning for Diddy and Hillary Clinton

>>21615483 Foreign hackers could target election litigation, federal judge warns

>>21615505 Intuitive Machines Stock Soars on New NASA Contract.

>>21615509 @GovRonDeSantis Tonight I joined Jesse Watters to discuss Florida's investigation of the attempted assassination of Donald Trump.

>>21615510 A Mississippi Confederate monument covered for four years is moved

>>21615548 TODAY'S Q DELTAS

>>21615570 Moar Springfield Cat Killing

>>21615583, >>21615670, >>21615698, >>21615709 [Oversight of Homeland Security Investigation hearing]

>>21615602 Happy Birthday, @CIA

>>21615608, >>21615650, >>21615703 NASA

>>21615660 Real Estate Loan Officer Pierce Burton Started Looking Into Gavin Newsom, This Is Going To Blow You Away

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590806 No.21615718

File: d6beb66116925f3⋯.png (1.36 MB,750x1334,375:667,362E23BA_2B75_4DBD_9EC7_12….png)


fucked up timestamp

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d7eef9 No.21615719

File: 50d378318294c9a⋯.png (487.5 KB,500x522,250:261,dafuqisdis.png)

The left are retarded enough to actually believe that if they somehow succeed at taking out Trump, that suddenly everyone will flock to their candidate.

What would actually happen, they wouldn't like at all.


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a85f76 No.21615720



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28f187 No.21615722

File: 5eca4501b8a7609⋯.png (142.67 KB,471x530,471:530,5eca4501b8a76094f319e2bc6b….png)

File: fb57195ac1d1158⋯.jpg (13.02 KB,474x266,237:133,th_713927216.jpg)

File: 20c95aca253316e⋯.jpg (90.73 KB,624x360,26:15,milking_cow_iStock_Thinkst….jpg)

File: 1db77b331219c54⋯.jpg (29.91 KB,474x266,237:133,th_2031344130.jpg)

File: d42e23161ea2dea⋯.jpg (23.33 KB,350x218,175:109,get_hard_480x299_153097468….jpg)

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f619c5 No.21615724

September 19, 2024 - September 20, 2024

Public Workshop – Food and Drug Administration/National Institutes of Health Joint Workshop: Developing Implanted Brain-Computer Interface Clinical Outcome Assessments to Demonstrate Benefit

Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services


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4cd4fc No.21615725


Blame niggers and redneck's

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823982 No.21615727

File: 184e4b2d735ce67⋯.png (574.58 KB,469x738,469:738,Capture.PNG)

Thank you Newark—and my dear


!—for the wonderful event last night. Pure joy.

Find an event near you: http://hillaryclintonlive.com


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13f9ae No.21615728


Yeah, but those were iPhone shipments bound for the US. Not a proof, just another attempt to throw as much shit at the wall and see what sticks. Filtered.

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00746d No.21615729

File: 9b884a06cc843b5⋯.mp4 (8.67 MB,854x480,427:240,videoplayback_25.mp4)


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00746d No.21615732

File: 6d49404594d0f51⋯.png (1.3 MB,591x1280,591:1280,d9e01ab24aa27cf8557d38e5fd….png)

File: 98d5515ef9d894b⋯.png (2.17 MB,591x1280,591:1280,52311fb3a08958841a8d7521f0….png)

File: 4988e4cadd34d85⋯.png (1.25 MB,591x1280,591:1280,5cc96c66575fe5ca933a1499fe….png)

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bfc54a No.21615733


Hundreds injured in second wave of explosions in Lebanon. This time it's not pagers but cell phones/walkie-talkies that blew up cars and houses.

A number of senior officials were killed in the explosions.

Israeli planes in the sky of Lebanon. Lebanon is in a panic.


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4cd4fc No.21615735


Will said or whatever

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a85f76 No.21615738

File: a8503d4046b4d01⋯.png (1.63 MB,1125x842,1125:842,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 26092af103bfff4⋯.png (1.47 MB,1125x842,1125:842,ClipboardImage.png)



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ecb8f2 No.21615739


What matters most is that things predicted by Q long ago are still relevant.

As others have stated, nobody's devices, of any kind, will be trusted if they were manufactured in Israel. Maybe elsewhere, too.

These things can readily be sabotaged. And just think about all they want to implant in people's brains.

The image of a light going on in someone's head may be more than just them having a great idea.

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4cd4fc No.21615741


Except Q

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590806 No.21615744

File: 1a3051cd34e1e91⋯.png (39.03 KB,690x498,115:83,E04F8C25_FBD9_45E8_B0C7_CD….png)


why fuck around & use bullshit timestamps

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84f1a9 No.21615745


that's disgusting and she looks drugged

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4cd4fc No.21615747


Vaccination clown team

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a85f76 No.21615748

File: 38cd04dbf7dfbf7⋯.png (498.88 KB,1125x433,1125:433,ClipboardImage.png)

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50e298 No.21615749

Cohen: Does it make any sense whatsoever for Jimmy Carter to have the same number of Secret Service agents as Mr. Trump?

Berger: I'd have to defer that to Secret Service, sir. That's rally a question for them.

Cohen: No, it's a question for you. I'm asking you. A man who is a hundred years old, infirmed in a bed, can hardly get up; does he need Secret Service protection the same as Mr. Trump who plays golf and goes around and speaks, and President Biden goes around and speaks?

Berger: I wouldn't like to make judgements.

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d7eef9 No.21615750

File: 7c909c609dd9d2e⋯.png (234.92 KB,500x500,1:1,pepe_filter_did_you.png)

>Q said

Pepe said "you're filtered for being a faggot".

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e78a1f No.21615751


LOL :-))

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32ea9b No.21615752

File: b61dccc7112a54d⋯.png (736.47 KB,737x491,737:491,ClipboardImage.png)


Secret Service Detains Mar-a-Lago Driver for Firearm While Trump Prepared to Golf

Pic caption reads: U.S. President Donald Trump's motorcade departs Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach, Florida, April 15, 2017. On Monday, February 19, a driver was detained when a gun was found in his baggage. JIM WATSON/AFP/Getty Images

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4cd4fc No.21615753


Dat funny

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5f94b0 No.21615754




Q said "P does not = Pope, silly! Filtered!"

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bfc54a No.21615755


These V82 phones and PTT devices had much more explosive than the pagers!

25.5Kviewsedited  10:58

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fc6fdc No.21615756

Breaking news! Trump supporters who went to trump rally have eyes injuries and are going blind, investigation underway

It's a mystery at a Donald Trump rally that left multiple people with eye injuries and few answers.

The News 4 Tucson Investigators spoke exclusively with six people who were seated on stage behind the former president during his rally in Tucson last week. Three of them agreed to on camera interviews

“The emergency room staff, from the triage nurse to the PA [Physicians Assistant] asked are you sure you didn’t get sprayed with something your symptoms look like you got sprayed with something," she said.

The N4T Investigators spoke with her on Friday the morning after the event, she was nearly blind.

“I can’t see anything when I try to open my eyes. I see a bright light. It hurts, it hurts a lot to open my eyes. I have this cold cloth I put on and take off constantly. It's horrible," she explained.

She said the doctors were not able to pinpoint exactly what caused her injuries

The other supporters who did not agree to on camera interviews told us about very similar injuries. One woman who is a local realtor said she had to cancel all her showings over the weekend because she couldn't see well.

Rodriguez said she reported her experience to the Trump Campaign and was told it was investigating.


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a85f76 No.21615757

File: ab04ae92b2d691b⋯.mp4 (575.21 KB,1280x708,320:177,diddyoil.mp4)


>she looks drugged

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ecb8f2 No.21615758


Are you so sure this only applies to what seemed to apply then?

If Q is still active, I think they are, ALL devices need to be suspected for what might have been done to them. Not just back then, but especially now.

Do you now know our relations with China now?

You think they wouldn't do something like this to the US?

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13f9ae No.21615759

File: e46be0a557a870c⋯.webm (633.38 KB,569x240,569:240,_.webm)

I'm not buying it. iPhones and pagers are two different things. Smells like moar shill "create as many fake coincidences as possible" to muddy the waters in a place where there are supposed to be no coincidences. They've been doing it non-stop since they lost the banhammer in Jan 2022. Same old Absolute Retard tactic.

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4cd4fc No.21615760



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32ea9b No.21615761

Forgot the https://www.newsweek.com/secret-service-detains-mar-lago-driver-firearm-while-trump-prepared-golf-811987

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5e393c No.21615763


Looks like a suicide or droned car Terrorist Sabotage attack.

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4cd4fc No.21615764


i like Nokia

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28f187 No.21615765

File: ef1e962b4b2e679⋯.jpg (198.1 KB,1440x1030,144:103,imrs_3384487497.jpg)

File: b9ebe5ba93b1268⋯.jpeg (68.16 KB,960x708,80:59,p8Wos_So_56_4090935612.jpeg)

File: cd5994a719f6745⋯.jpg (32.49 KB,474x364,237:182,th_3144489432.jpg)

File: ee70f9e8d54985e⋯.jpg (29.18 KB,474x347,474:347,th_2003063510.jpg)

File: 374f5f792139d0a⋯.jpg (72.97 KB,768x538,384:269,84196972_56a9b7073df78cf77….jpg)


eX Marks..

The Passing of the TourCH

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718660 No.21615768



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4cd4fc No.21615769


Shut your mouth

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03a950 No.21615770

File: a03ba688e103f32⋯.png (147.66 KB,306x300,51:50,ecupr.PNG)

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dc6734 No.21615771

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Play along an read

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84f1a9 No.21615772


God Bless Melania, she will not be beat down. Nor should she.

All the other First Ladies couldn't come close to being that beautiful

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d7eef9 No.21615773

File: 3b02cf3de5b5dad⋯.png (446.02 KB,1202x525,1202:525,pepe_filter_duplication_sh….png)

Pepe said "you have lots of IPs, and I have lots of filters"

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4386cf No.21615774

File: ddb44931438c7f1⋯.png (126.58 KB,429x321,143:107,ClipboardImage.png)

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fc6fdc No.21615775


They dont know, I am looking for moar on this

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13f9ae No.21615776

File: 96fd1177e993601⋯.webp (19.51 KB,492x598,246:299,pepe_sip3.webp)


Why are you trying so hard to convince me? To get me to change my opinion? That's the big tell right now.

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4cd4fc No.21615777


Way to go moss clown way to go

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5749d3 No.21615778

File: 9bbd0a14e9131ed⋯.png (74.68 KB,700x603,700:603,ajPEqdq_700bwp.png)

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e04f81 No.21615780

File: e721c40ac9ce244⋯.png (237.31 KB,421x324,421:324,ClipboardImage.png)


Better to be a redneck nigger than an expendable totalitarian stormtrooper.

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457fde No.21615781

File: 45a2d095f16bef5⋯.png (90.79 KB,271x172,271:172,ClipboardImage.png)


Who is the guy shaking HW's hand?

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a85f76 No.21615782

File: 7ef86265d65edb6⋯.png (204.88 KB,1068x211,1068:211,ClipboardImage.png)



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bfc54a No.21615783

3 blind shills

see how they spam

Is it Monday yet?

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576ba7 No.21615784

Have the TrUmP gEtTiNg AsSaSiNaTeD iiS pArT oF tHe PlAn Qtards come out yet??

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d7eef9 No.21615785

File: 3ffe90f41c3bbb7⋯.jpg (32.7 KB,400x400,1:1,grammar.jpg)


All the mendments?

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4cd4fc No.21615786


hope Elon shit in your bed

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84f1a9 No.21615788


my concern is can they do this with iphones or Androids? Can you imagine everyone without a phone before the election?

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fc6fdc No.21615789

File: 6e5fe1f1908501f⋯.png (2.29 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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b2a5fa No.21615790


The TS is pure O.G Q


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bb3084 No.21615791

File: f83deed191429c1⋯.png (71.71 KB,229x191,229:191,ClipboardImage.png)


>Latest Dinesh D’Souza Film Released



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03a950 No.21615792


George Wallace, Ga gov.

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457fde No.21615793


Maybe it is items with a certain battery.

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8f999a No.21615795


I'll take, "Dirty Jewish Tricks" for $1000, Alex.

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5749d3 No.21615796

File: ca832ee7e5ab90a⋯.png (77.38 KB,648x859,648:859,aW418d6_700bwp.png)

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4cd4fc No.21615797


you are trump clown now

keep shit at beds

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57ec5b No.21615798

File: 8dd25306ee3a3f6⋯.jpg (691.33 KB,1200x1200,1:1,Haiti_Oil_Reserves.jpg)

File: cebc0a5cb854b3a⋯.jpg (807.69 KB,1200x1200,1:1,Haiti_Oil_Gold_Reserves.jpg)

File: da80f08116a6afc⋯.jpg (543.81 KB,1200x801,400:267,Haiti_Oil_GOLD_Reserves3.jpg)

File: 6551d29e64a2f9e⋯.jpeg (83.19 KB,638x825,58:75,haiti_minimum_wage.jpeg)

File: fe79b9a2e2806bf⋯.jpeg (15.82 KB,375x342,125:114,haiti_money.jpeg)

Hatians are a vile cannibalistic demonic tribe of people (and that is why the clintons loved them so much) NOT ALL Haitians are bad but lets get real, the ones they are sending on the border are. Just for your information, all year they let in THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS PER DAY in from Del Rio Texas. they came in and were distributed to a town near you. If you want to open your eyes, watch the haitian riots this summer during the coup/fall of gov. there. they were literally barbequeing people in the streets. It is time to get this shit under control or we will not exist anymore. i personally do not want to be someones BBQ. they have had thier land pillaged and raped by the elites for Millinea and if you want to dump them somewhere, dump them in the homes of the CIA, FBI, Democrats and the Catholic Charities and ALL THE OTHER stupid churches that have been going over there to harvest them for their sick twisted goals and rituals. in fact we need to deport ALL elites and their ilk to Haiti with the people they destroyed. but Haiti brought it on itself by practicing demonic voodoo rituals and bringing forth the demons on their island. In fact, the reason the Clintons were in awe of Haiti… is because it was a portal to Hell, lined with gold, oil and lithium, and probably uranium. Soul sucking intensifies…

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4386cf No.21615800

File: bff6f1d2bc291ab⋯.png (12.38 KB,478x94,239:47,ClipboardImage.png)

oh shit

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13f9ae No.21615801

File: 311886efe958a17⋯.jpg (21.1 KB,255x242,255:242,fear_no_evil4.jpg)

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590806 No.21615802


be bad guy sitting around a table with grandchildren. 4 maimed babies good. this was wrong on several levels.

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a85f76 No.21615803

baby oil or liquid cocaine?

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4cd4fc No.21615805



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bdcfbb No.21615806

File: 146bc03cd9ba2da⋯.png (368.64 KB,1350x580,135:58,phones.png)

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823982 No.21615807


A story to keep people from attending rallies?

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4cd4fc No.21615808

Let Paris help you boy

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6abcac No.21615809

strange time to be training a dog

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5749d3 No.21615810

File: 72de2c341697bdc⋯.png (41.84 KB,700x628,175:157,avyOrmM_700bwp.png)

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d7eef9 No.21615811

File: da94fe22965f484⋯.png (893.89 KB,786x958,393:479,Hunter_4.png)



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84f1a9 No.21615812




BREAKING: Trump Rally Car Explosives Story is ‘Fake News,’ Top Campaign Source Tells The National Pulse.

A story that claimed there were explosives found in a car near the site of a Wednesday afternoon Trump campaign rally in Nassau County, New York, is “fake news,” a senior Trump campaign source told The National Pulse after speaking with the United States Secret Service.The story, first published by the UK-based Daily Mail off the back of a tweet from a One America News (OAN) staffer, claimed cops had found explosives in a vehicle and that the vehicle owner had fled into the woods.

The story, however, was quickly debunked by local authorities and police, with a senior Trump campaign source confirming to The National Pulsethat there “is not” an explosive device near the venue, the historic Nassau Coliseum.

The Associated Press’s law enforcement reporter, Mikae Balsamo, tweeted: “Christopher Boyle, a spokesperson for Nassau County Executive Bruce Blakeman, and Lt. Scott Skrynecki, a spokesperson for the Nassau County Police Department, both say reports that explosives were found in a car near the site of Donald Trump’s rally on Long Island are false.

”Commissioner of Police Patrick Ryder said: “Reports of explosives being found at the site are unfounded. There is a person who is being questioned who may have been training a bomb detection dog near the site.“The individual with the bomb dog falsely reported explosives being found, and that individual is currently being detained by the police.”This story is developing.


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c74299 No.21615813

File: 2f0becf186a7202⋯.gif (985.04 KB,200x170,20:17,2f0becf186a7202b866ff1edda….gif)

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3ac74b No.21615814


a story the operative there

one story

one source


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13f9ae No.21615815

File: 52d2e26f85d351a⋯.jpg (426.87 KB,1920x1080,16:9,40k_raven_guard_primaris2.jpg)


Why are you trying to convince me otherwise? You see. I stated my opinion, whether true or false. And that's two different anons trying to create doubt of my opinion to get me to follow along with their interpretation. That's the very strange aspect of this. I never accepted your "proof," big fucking deal, so why have two anons try and browbeat a change of opinion over this? Smells like shill bullshit to me.

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c8f0de No.21615816

File: ad84dc8879b9c3c⋯.png (1.14 MB,1913x994,1913:994,Screenshot_2024_09_18_0931….png)


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457fde No.21615817


Maybe it is items with a certain battery.

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fc6fdc No.21615818

File: 95b3999a1cc2e5c⋯.png (123.65 KB,743x538,743:538,ClipboardImage.png)

An Ohio sheriff has announced that he is gathering the addresses of all homes in his county that have Kamala Harris campaign signs on display.

Those homes, according to Portage County Sheriff Bruce Zuchowski, will soon be welcoming some new house guests.

In a Facebook post on his personal campaign page, Sheriff Zuchowski called on residents to write down the addresses of Harris supporters.

Zuchowski revealed that he will be sending all illegal aliens that arrive in the county to the homes of Harris supporters.


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b2a5fa No.21615819


This lines up with Hillary/Podesta "Swift Boat" comms against Trump.

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57ec5b No.21615820

File: 1e76c9c36f3e7b6⋯.jpeg (105.99 KB,1170x746,585:373,photo_2022_10_11_13_33_32.jpeg)

File: 30d1a10fb38335f⋯.jpeg (67.47 KB,724x884,181:221,photo_2022_10_11_13_33_28.jpeg)

File: 580b50c9903480f⋯.png (92.29 KB,768x762,128:127,strings_cut_2.png)

File: e5e379ea430e215⋯.jpg (159.23 KB,576x1024,9:16,1662210408529865.jpg)

File: 99df37a7a0b4090⋯.png (3.68 MB,2335x2310,467:462,1662207125535942.png)


and more,

are they pushing the population of haiti onto the USA now because they intend to finalize the milking of what is left of that island? they have been focused on Haiti for a majority of my lifetime… both our gov. and our religious institutions. but always on the kids…

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bdcfbb No.21615822

File: 6c292fc6b522e56⋯.png (344.69 KB,797x415,797:415,phone2.png)


again but cropped….

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29d705 No.21615823


fake bomb threat figures but does not diminish the psychological ramifications of it.

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a85f76 No.21615825

File: 8b733d60180d68a⋯.png (204.48 KB,626x396,313:198,ClipboardImage.png)


>liquid cocaine


On November 16, 2023, she filed a lawsuit against Combs alleging that he subjected her to a decade-long "cycle of abuse, violence and sex trafficking."

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fad142 No.21615827

File: e85ff53f3a371ba⋯.png (1.79 MB,2000x1125,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)



8 Things to Know About NASA’s Mission to an Ocean Moon of Jupiter

Sep 17, 2024

NASA’s Europa Clipper spacecraft, the largest the agency has ever built for a planetary mission, will travel 1.8 billion miles (2.9 billion kilometers) from the agency’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida to Europa, an intriguing icy moon of Jupiter.

The spacecraft’s launch period opens Thursday, Oct. 10.

Data from previous NASA missions has provided scientists with strong evidence that an enormous salty ocean lies underneath the frozen surface of the moon.

Europa Clipper will orbit Jupiter and conduct 49 close flybys of the moon to gather data needed to determine whether there are places below its thick frozen crust that could support life.

Here are eight things to know about the mission:

1. Europa is one of the most promising places to look for currently habitable conditions beyond Earth.

There’s scientific evidence that the ingredients for life — water, the right chemistry, and energy — may exist at Europa right now.

This mission will gather the information scientists need to find out for sure.

The moon may hold an internal ocean with twice the water of Earth’s oceans combined, and it may also host organic compounds and energy sources under its surface.

If the mission determines that Europa is habitable, it would mean there may be more habitable worlds in our solar system and beyond than we have imagined.

2. The spacecraft will fly through one of the most punishing radiation environments in our solar system — second only to the Sun’s.

Jupiter is surrounded by a gigantic magnetic field 20,000 times stronger than Earth’s.

As the field spins, it captures and accelerates charged particles, creating radiation that can damage spacecraft.

Mission engineers designed a spacecraft vault to shield sensitive electronics from radiation, and they plotted orbits that will limit the time Europa Clipper spends in most radiation-heavy areas around Jupiter.

3. Europa Clipper will orbit Jupiter, studying Europa while flying by the moon dozens of times.

The spacecraft will make looping orbits around Jupiter that bring it close to Europa for 49 science-dedicated flybys.

On each orbit, the spacecraft will spend less than a day in Jupiter’s dangerous radiation zone near Europa before zipping back out.

Two to three weeks later, it will repeat the process, making another flyby.

4. Europa Clipper features NASA’s most sophisticated suite of science instruments yet.

To determine if Europa is habitable, Europa Clipper must assess the moon’s interior, composition, and geology.

The spacecraft carries nine science instruments and a gravity experiment that uses the telecommunications system.

In order to obtain the best science during each flyby, all the science instruments will operate simultaneously on every pass.

Scientists will then layer the data together to paint a full picture of the moon.


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c74299 No.21615828


Diddy likes men, he just marries and haz children to cover his ass…so to speak.

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fad142 No.21615830


5. With antennas and solar arrays fully deployed, Europa Clipper is the largest spacecraft NASA has ever developed for a planetary mission.

The spacecraft extends 100 feet (30.5 meters) from one end to the other and about 58 feet (17.6 meters) across.

That’s bigger than a basketball court, thanks in large part to the solar arrays, which need to be huge so they can collect enough sunlight while near Jupiter to power the instruments, electronics, and other subsystems.

6. It’s a long journey to Jupiter.

Jupiter is on average some 480 million miles (about 770 million kilometers) from Earth; both planets are in motion, and a spacecraft can carry only a limited amount of fuel.

Mission planners are sending Europa Clipper past Mars and then Earth, using the planets’ gravity as a slingshot to add speed to the spacecraft’s trek.

After journeying about 1.8 billion miles (2.9 billion kilometers) over 5½ years, the spacecraft will fire its engines to enter orbit around Jupiter in 2030.

7. Institutions across the U.S. and Europe have contributed to Europa Clipper.

Currently, about a thousand people work on the mission, including more than 220 scientists from both the U.S. and Europe.

Since the mission was officially approved in 2015, more than 4,000 people have contributed to Europa Clipper, including teams who work for contractors and subcontractors.

8. More than 2.6 million of us are riding along with the spacecraft, bringing greetings from one water world to another.

As part of a mission campaign called “Message in a Bottle,” the spacecraft is carrying a poem by U.S. Poet Laureate Ada Limón, cosigned by millions of people from nearly every country in the world.

Their names have been stenciled onto a microchip attached to a tantalum metal plate that seals the spacecraft’s electronics vault.

The plate also features waveforms of people saying the word “water” in over 100 spoken languages.


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4cd4fc No.21615832


They call me sheriffe after noon


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5c954e No.21615836


Pagers and walkie talkies. Did we loop back to the 80's?

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bfc54a No.21615837

File: 9947cf8ddbb5345⋯.jpeg (41.22 KB,502x377,502:377,downlo_88.jpeg)

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fc6fdc No.21615839


I agree anon

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457fde No.21615840


You read way too much into my comment.

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c74299 No.21615841


Who dat?

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03a950 No.21615845

File: a619f7129e60d68⋯.png (310.7 KB,509x514,509:514,aaajtr.PNG)

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6ec5e4 No.21615847


Q responds to Anon post “A theory? Those pallets were full of smart phones to be distributed members, i.e. Hillary, bill, brimmed,etc.. These were special phone which the cabal thought could not be tracked or monitored. The cabal needs a new way to communicate after Q exposed their Gmail draft and game forum methods.

And it goes on.

Pallets of… pagers perhaps?

We are everywhere Anon.


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be09bc No.21615848


It's punishment for losing control of the slave-state centuries ago. Most people don't realize that Haiti was one of the largest Jewish-controlled slave-states during the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade. The slaves rebelled.

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13f9ae No.21615849


No. I don't think I did. You're the one doubtfagging 3 out of 4 posts, so…

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576ba7 No.21615850


Soros already has a lawsuit and handpicked judge to keep this from happening

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718660 No.21615851


it's still 1984

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e78a1f No.21615852


might get epsteined…

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d3a354 No.21615853

File: c973ff30355ecb8⋯.png (1.69 MB,2880x1548,80:43,First_Q_Q_Proof_Praise_Jes….png)

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2096b6 No.21615854

MTG for House Speaker

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e04f81 No.21615855

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Globohomo geeks rationalize their criminal, totalitarian agenda

Gulag Selfish Ledger 2016


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a85f76 No.21615856

File: 151967b6f06b3cd⋯.png (203.46 KB,638x398,319:199,ClipboardImage.png)



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57ec5b No.21615858

File: 2229d9df49315b1⋯.png (793.47 KB,1856x2390,928:1195,Screenshot_2024_09_18_at_1….png)

File: fa23de1e96cb287⋯.png (1002.27 KB,1710x2394,5:7,Screenshot_2024_09_18_at_1….png)

File: 4c963b3f7718808⋯.png (499.41 KB,1754x1338,877:669,Screenshot_2024_09_18_at_1….png)


and then there was that ol Restavek problem…

so Obama was a continuation of the clintons and so is Kabaltoe. and they are just an extension of satan. but it is a reminder that all these folks are going to fight to the death to protect their child trafficking rat lines and mostly haiti and they just imported the voodoo ritual here. it is going to get ugly. i feel it. i hope it is stopped soon.

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89a03a No.21615859

File: dbf1baef6c9b21a⋯.mp4 (291.85 KB,1280x720,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17266739552….mp4)

Democrat Freudian slip:

"House Democrats are committed to putting politics over people"

Yes indeed they do!

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d3a354 No.21615860

File: c2919c356a77b7b⋯.png (1.3 MB,1662x1502,831:751,Protect_Never_Surrender_Sn….png)

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bfc54a No.21615861

The 2nd wave of cyber attacks , this time targeting communication devices that were brought back into use to replace the dangerous pagers.


Wow fast turn over

Turn the page turn turn the page

500 injured

10 dead


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5c954e No.21615862


The House is a corrupt, evil temple, she qualifies to lead it.

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b4200b No.21615863

File: ae8441523b8ea61⋯.png (1.01 MB,547x714,547:714,angel.png)


- oath -

"deletions a warning..?????"

[WW] Eyes on: 300-350mm

"Hostage no more."

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2096b6 No.21615864

MTG for House Speaker


She gonna fix it

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be09bc No.21615865

File: 53d99cb9e77ca29⋯.png (279.1 KB,638x640,319:320,ClipboardImage.png)

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af0f4d No.21615866

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I asked Orthodox Jews Who They're Voting For…

11 minutes


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ae3a18 No.21615867

have nothing to say, so i will just share a recipe

go to the forest an pick some porcini mushrooms.

then cook some fettuccine.

heat some olive oil in a pan and sauté some super thin slices of garlic and the chopped shrooms inside that oil.

add some pine kernels, freshly ground black pepper and some nutmeg.

roll the cooked fettuccine in the pan.

serve on plate, put some chili flakes on top and freshly grated Parmesan cheese and rucola.

best of the best ever!

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0b630d No.21615868

File: 7de0166e776c091⋯.png (3.87 KB,374x146,187:73,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e4f9b9b5ecff552⋯.jpg (7.81 KB,255x197,255:197,dp78cdd33f4d76af3890e13ecb….jpg)

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c74299 No.21615869


She does ook drugged..almost like when a kid goes to the dentist and gets whatever drug for procedure.They can walk and talk but they're off.

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8f999a No.21615870


>were brought back into use

But the network those old ass pagers run on was shut down years ago.

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5ba873 No.21615871


I would think with older tech, it limits the possibility of being tracked via GPS chips. Like smartphones, etc.

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ae3a18 No.21615872


and don't forget the salt, of course…

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a5b081 No.21615873

File: 59dd3db7c11de5b⋯.jpg (265.19 KB,584x968,73:121,Xnip2024_09_18_11_41_08.jpg)

File: 93474301672dfd8⋯.jpg (241.07 KB,766x972,383:486,Xnip2024_09_18_11_42_39.jpg)

Nassau County PD says the reports of an explosive device at Trump's Long Island rally was a FALSE ALARM. Here's there statement:


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e04f81 No.21615874

File: 0cdbb0905b48398⋯.png (565.42 KB,581x423,581:423,ClipboardImage.png)


We got one that can read!

Congratulations you're President. Now fix this shit, else Imma rehab yo ass.

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84f1a9 No.21615875


No it doesn't maybe that is the point, to make people afraid to go to his rallies. They really don't like the size of his rallies.

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57ec5b No.21615876

File: 7b82fb3929cb912⋯.png (1.7 MB,2158x1374,1079:687,Screen_Shot_2021_07_11_at_….png)

File: 6e6827f53107811⋯.png (214.47 KB,1594x890,797:445,Screen_Shot_2018_08_03_at_….png)

File: b989c9347f61b8a⋯.png (1.81 MB,1468x1298,734:649,Screen_Shot_2018_07_06_at_….png)

File: a4dba77999b1596⋯.jpg (767.95 KB,1200x1200,1:1,hillary_and_tony.jpg)


well i can see that is the case but the catholics and protestants are right there with them now.

but we really need to talk about Haiti…

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ce62e7 No.21615877


She is pretty

that jew nigger are ugly

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5ba873 No.21615878

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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5e393c No.21615879



Remember the USA Production/Export LNG ShutDown by [Biden/Harris]?

Remember the [CCP] Consulate shutdown in Houston by DJT?

[DS][Biden/Harris][CCP] sabotage?

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89a03a No.21615880

File: 38640753d46eedf⋯.png (333.34 KB,573x577,573:577,ClipboardImage.png)

Now Hezbollah's RADIOS are exploding


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823982 No.21615881

File: 7c0d094c9cabb78⋯.jpg (7.97 KB,275x183,275:183,images.jpg)


Where is Obama's clock kid?

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7882c1 No.21615882


Now if the Jews claim so much ownership over the land of Israel maybe they can blow up the mosque that sits in the place of their temple mocking them.

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b2a5fa No.21615883

File: 225245a13b5c032⋯.png (644.1 KB,685x710,137:142,Screenshot_2024_09_18_at_1….png)

Belgian A400 Atlas 666 incoming

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0b630d No.21615884

File: 38e1cd2fa1c5969⋯.png (3.75 KB,374x140,187:70,ClipboardImage.png)

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11d180 No.21615885



Where is the missile fired from island off Seattle and Russel took the plane and crashed it after watching whales?

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5ba873 No.21615887

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

We need new WTF BOOM memes with all these pagers, walkie talkies and radios exploding!!!

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29d705 No.21615888


it would keep some people away for sure. then you have the "33" bomb threats originating from another country that has yet to be revealed.

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fad142 No.21615889

File: 7b3fbc75159ad8e⋯.png (4.63 MB,2029x1517,2029:1517,ClipboardImage.png)

NASA’s Hubble Finds More Black Holes than Expected in the Early Universe

Sep 17, 2024

With the help of NASA's Hubble Space Telescope, an international team of researchers led by scientists in the Department of Astronomy at Stockholm University has found more black holes in the early universe than has previously been reported.

The new result can help scientists understand how supermassive black holes were created.

Currently, scientists do not have a complete picture of how the first black holes formed not long after the big bang.

It is known that supermassive black holes, that can weigh more than a billion suns, exist at the center of several galaxies less than a billion years after the big bang.

"Many of these objects seem to be more massive than we originally thought they could be at such early times — either they formed very massive or they grew extremely quickly," said Alice Young, a PhD student from Stockholm University and co-author of the study published in The Astrophysical Journal Letters.

Black holes play an important role in the lifecycle of all galaxies, but there are major uncertainties in our understanding of how galaxies evolve.

In order to gain a complete picture of the link between galaxy and black hole evolution, the researchers used Hubble to survey how many black holes exist among a population of faint galaxies when the universe was just a few percent of its current age.

Initial observations of the survey region were re-photographed by Hubble after several years.

This allowed the team to measure variations in the brightness of galaxies. These variations are a telltale sign of black holes.

The team identified more black holes than previously found by other methods.

The new observational results suggest that some black holes likely formed by the collapse of massive, pristine stars during the first billion years of cosmic time.

These types of stars can only exist at very early times in the universe, because later-generation stars are polluted by the remnants of stars that have already lived and died.

Other alternatives for black hole formation include collapsing gas clouds, mergers of stars in massive clusters, and "primordial" black holes that formed (by physically speculative mechanisms) in the first few seconds after the big bang.

With this new information about black hole formation, more accurate models of galaxy formation can be constructed.

"The formation mechanism of early black holes is an important part of the puzzle of galaxy evolution," said Matthew Hayes from the Department of Astronomy at Stockholm University and lead author of the study.

"Together with models for how black holes grow, galaxy evolution calculations can now be placed on a more physically motivated footing, with an accurate scheme for how black holes came into existence from collapsing massive stars."

Astronomers are also making observations with NASA's James Webb Space Telescope to search for galactic black holes that formed soon after the big bang, to understand how massive they were and where they were located.


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f66ea4 No.21615890



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c74299 No.21615891

File: bf3a6ce9ea3a533⋯.jpeg (25.27 KB,203x249,203:249,bf3a6ce9ea3a533d2652f8a2b….jpeg)


>go to the forrest

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bdcfbb No.21615892

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Tensions are flaring in the South China Sea thanks to a new hotspot between China and the Philippines at the Sabina Shoal. And China almost killed Philippine sailors on the BRP Teresa Magbanua.


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f619c5 No.21615893

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

12:00 PM EDT

Vice President Harris Delivers Remarks at the CHCI 47th Annual Leadership Conference

The White House



Campaign 2024: VP Harris Remarks at Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute 2024 Leadership Conference

2024 Democratic presidential nominee and Vice President Kamala Harris delivers remarks at the 2024 leadership conference of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute in Washington, DC.


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57ec5b No.21615894

File: 46af6a42bb6f68f⋯.png (2.05 MB,1079x925,1079:925,Trump_and_pepes_movies.png)


trying to scare people away from his rallies now for their optics on the election… no one is showing up to trump's rallies… I think they do not understand his voters… we would probably show up knowing it is a risk, because right now… without him, we are gonners as a nation.

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f619c5 No.21615895

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

12:00 PM EDT

The Charlie Kirk Show

Real America's Voice


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f619c5 No.21615896

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

12:00 PM EDT

U.S. House of Representatives: House Session

The House will vote on a six-month continuing resolution, temporarily funding government past the September 30th deadline to March 28, 2025 to avert a shutdown. The bill was pulled from the House floor last week due to a lack of support.


12:00 PM EDT

Continuity of Congress: Preparing for the Future by Learning from the Past

Committee on House Administration


The Honorable Brad Wenstrup

Member of Congress, Washington D.C.

Mr. Eric Petersen

Specialist in American National Government, Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress


Ms. Rebecca Gambler

Director, Homeland Security and Justice, U.S. Government Accountability Office


Mr. Thomas Wickham

Private Citizen,





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965e1f No.21615897


So, a dog alerted and the person training the dog Where Rally Goers Would Be is being “questioned.” What?

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a5b081 No.21615898

File: cd0fff63eab9716⋯.jpg (304.65 KB,602x804,301:402,Xnip2024_09_18_11_47_34.jpg)

Unearthed footage of Kamala reveals the extent of her anti-gun radicalism:

“Just because you legally possess a gun in the sanctity of your locked home doesn't mean that we're not going to walk into that home and check to see if you're being responsible.”

If she is elected, RIP 2A.


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655e9b No.21615900




Yesterday (or day before?), an anon posted a warning here regarding indications of a mass casualty attack being planned for the NY event

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75e93d No.21615901

File: fc01d90eb752e26⋯.jpg (49.96 KB,731x747,731:747,48a1f6d89e3d36fd955e14af1f….jpg)

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13f9ae No.21615902

No one can tell when it's the low post count from 1 to 4 posts that are obsessing over the exploding devices. "Maybe it's the type of batteries, ah hyuk hyuk."

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84f1a9 No.21615903


So Pres. Carter has the same number of SS as Trump?It's pretty obvious this is intentional set up of Trump.

notable when you post the sauce

Please put the sauce in your posts, I appreciate them, the link to the video or congress interview.

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fc6fdc No.21615904


Thses people are very serious about burning it all down for sure.

I live near the Sylacaga al trouble and its a powder keg just waiting to go off. this anon is very concerened about those folks that live there

and can see this spreading out my way..

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c74299 No.21615905


I member this. Go Lord! Look at that date! I'll be honest with yall, I had no idea what and why and how far into the future so much of these drops were.

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17026b No.21615906

File: 47e3a497bbd7d21⋯.jpg (83.65 KB,1200x630,40:21,CHRIS_WALLik.jpg)

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b4200b No.21615907

File: 81df03cf0632854⋯.png (295.21 KB,621x328,621:328,angels.png)



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89a03a No.21615908


>low post count

Not a credible or accurate method at all.

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11d180 No.21615909



What are they?


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965e1f No.21615910


I missed that. Did you capture? What kind of evidence was presented?

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ae3a18 No.21615911


of course, it's autumn

autumn is shrooms time

do we have meme of Pepe picking wild shrooms?

try the dish, you will love it!


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457fde No.21615912


I'm glad I got under your nerves so bad.

yuk yuk

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8ce49e No.21615913

File: 77bd5dffabaaa65⋯.jpeg (1018.01 KB,1328x1507,1328:1507,IMG_9738.jpeg)

File: 735d90701fbe19c⋯.jpeg (892.92 KB,1358x1519,194:217,IMG_9739.jpeg)

File: 2d1eabd5c28d68a⋯.jpeg (31.75 KB,273x360,91:120,IMG_9740.jpeg)

File: d993b039d9f0e5a⋯.jpeg (20.75 KB,240x148,60:37,IMG_9741.jpeg)

Second Day of Device Explosion in Lebanon

Apparently it’s also affecting other electronic devices now such as walkie/talkies.


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5d2a12 No.21615914

File: 7bb1a454c8dbea7⋯.jpg (63.26 KB,640x480,4:3,sddefault.jpg)


Fighting 3rd world and Medieval tactics with their own tactics

Fight fire with fire

Using their playbook against them

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9a4f96 No.21615915

File: ec0f2324deaf9f3⋯.jpeg (400.15 KB,1170x1665,26:37,IMG_0688.jpeg)


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4e41f3 No.21615916

Israel created hezbola so they know where they all are.

Dont people know they can do this to all our iphones.

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29d705 No.21615917


there was yesterday.

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bdcfbb No.21615918


nice…did you create this?

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11d180 No.21615919




Are these ballots for MI?

Is this why they could not take RFKJ off ballots in MI and ??

They already printed up millions of them

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b4200b No.21615920


Search a keyword and find it. qresear.ch

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51d3fa No.21615921

File: 77eb3fd20a26499⋯.png (754.73 KB,1200x675,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


cracka please. We don't even know if crooks was there, the very first picture was shooped.

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29d705 No.21615922


which of course were all intercepted and sold from the beruit best buy.

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6e5b04 No.21615923

File: 82961ed93c6b49d⋯.png (16.63 KB,543x220,543:220,ClipboardImage.png)

moar booms


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8f999a No.21615925


>our iphones

Speak for yourself.

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28f187 No.21615926

File: 162049e5fae57d1⋯.jpg (298.45 KB,1920x1080,16:9,international_workers_may_….jpg)

Strike three. You're OUT!

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c74299 No.21615927


FUX News just showed a live vid of drone view of lines of the crowds lining up for POTUS's NYC rally! People are not scared.

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57ec5b No.21615928

File: 0948cab9ed2777c⋯.jpeg (211.91 KB,1024x714,512:357,jesus_the_end_is_nigh_177….jpeg)


le notabru notable. so cool.

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d7eef9 No.21615929

File: 24648c9bbc65856⋯.jpg (32.97 KB,500x500,1:1,wtf_u_shittin_me.jpg)

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655e9b No.21615930

File: 02d7bc566ecf2e5⋯.png (316.2 KB,1068x1097,1068:1097,Screenshot_20240918_085212….png)



?Anonymous? 09/17/24 (Tue) 13:04:11 0b9926 (10)?No.21609572

There's going to be a LV copycat mass casualty event tomorrow at the Trump Rally in Uniondale, NY.

All the comms & happenings are setting the stage. Be aware of those in uniform, contractors, & "cleaners". Evil hides behind trusted disguises. Look at the current NYPD & FDNY declass news.


The eyes lie, so WATCH THE HANDS. Look at the shoes for "Tell Signs"

I believe the signals are "SILVER" or things related to "Silver Bullet" because of the full moon. Even a "Coors Light" shirt is a reference.

"Werewolves"/"lone Wolf" comms. A Wolf shirt or hat of a college mascot

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03a950 No.21615931


Pallets of real US currency. Warehouses full waiting to flood the world making the dollar worthless.

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11d180 No.21615932


Is there a hearing now?

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a5b081 No.21615933

File: d5b5fe0554ac844⋯.jpg (412.53 KB,605x934,605:934,Xnip2024_09_18_11_52_03.jpg)


UPDATE: Apparently the explosives found at the Trump rally were being used to help

train a bomb sniffing dog and are not a threat

Nassau County Police Commissioner says:

“Reports of explosives being found at the site are unfounded. There is a person who is being questioned who may have been training a bomb detection dog near the site," said Commissioner of Police Patrick Ryder.

Why are they questioning someone who brought explosives to help train a bomb dog?

Wouldn’t they know who is doing bomb detection?

This is strange


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f619c5 No.21615934

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

12:00 PM EDT

LIVE: President Trump Holds a Rally in Uniondale, New York - 9/18/24

Right Side Broadcasting Network



6:00 PM EDT

President Trump's MAGA Rally in Uniondale NY

Real America's Voice



7:00 PM EDT

President Donald J. Trump to Hold a Rally in Uniondale, New York

Doors Open: 3:00 PM (US/Eastern)



7:00 PM EDT

Campaign 2024: Fmr. Pres. Trump Campaigns in Uniondale, New York

2024 Republican presidential nominee and former President Donald Trump speaks to supporters at a rally in Uniondale, New York, a New York City suburb on Long Island.


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13f9ae No.21615935


You didn't, AEI. Making fun of your retardation is hardly "under my nerves."

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965e1f No.21615936


Now “said” to be debunked. Several posts in bread from law enforcement. Skeptical of everything, right now.

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b2a5fa No.21615937

Dutch plane going head on with a Belgian Plane. WTF

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ecb8f2 No.21615938

File: 8c470cc72ba47c5⋯.png (411.66 KB,1194x635,1194:635,EarOfTrump.png)


Check out posts 1364, 1366 and 1367

The pics closeup of Trump's ear.

These are of his left ear though, not the one that was shot.

You just never know what oldies Q meant for today.

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489537 No.21615939


saw this post yesterday


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b4200b No.21615940


Remember what it said at the debate. "I want you to go to a Trump rally."

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40ff14 No.21615941


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8b0706 No.21615942


shipping manifest , bill of Ladin, freight on dock FOB

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d7eef9 No.21615943

File: 46204e0f270eeb0⋯.png (317.58 KB,607x411,607:411,dr_evil_right.png)


>the explosives found at the Trump rally were being used to help

>train a bomb sniffing dog

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e04f81 No.21615944

File: e66341f2cc87e04⋯.png (263.41 KB,700x478,350:239,ClipboardImage.png)


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ae3a18 No.21615945

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13f9ae No.21615946


When they're IP hopping to keep their post counts low while focusing on a single subject, relating to their favorite ethnicity they spammed for over half a decade, yeah, it's a good measurement.

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ae3a18 No.21615947

File: 1bdfc095e952306⋯.png (443.17 KB,720x508,180:127,ShroomTime.png)

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5c954e No.21615948


I call him Sauceless Chuck for obvious reasons.

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29d705 No.21615949


sounds like a cover up of a cover up. What do you mean there was a military exercise going on confusing radar operators that september morning.

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40ff14 No.21615950

The Media must be stopped.

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5e12e2 No.21615952

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE: President Trump Holds a Rally in Uniondale, New York - 9/18/24

President Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, will deliver remarks at a rally in Uniondale, New York on Wednesday, September 18, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. EST.

RSBN will be LIVE starting at 12 p.m. ET.


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965e1f No.21615953


It’s not strange. It’s a cover up for getting caught. My $.02.

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8f999a No.21615954



Choke on it.

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13f9ae No.21615955

File: 92ba2faa128b929⋯.png (728.62 KB,1659x1902,553:634,surfer_silver_pepe4.png)

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b2a5fa No.21615956


SEC_Test is what it is.

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5a3736 No.21615957

these guys think using frequencies to give me headaches is going to stop me. NCSWIC

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40ff14 No.21615958


Sorry. Fuck you blue hair people are angry little shits.

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b4200b No.21615959


With red stripes for the matching stripes of blood.

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655e9b No.21615960

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50e298 No.21615961


That hearing just ended, but there is one on Biden/Harris border policies happening now.

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75e93d No.21615963

File: 69fc8915597b42f⋯.png (192.84 KB,800x574,400:287,69f.png)

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fad142 No.21615964

File: f03f77ade5915f2⋯.png (2.7 MB,2048x1152,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4159954d548abdb⋯.png (760.33 KB,634x458,317:229,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c087520317b60b4⋯.png (1.19 MB,2047x846,2047:846,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 86bb26acb78cfeb⋯.png (826.8 KB,699x522,233:174,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 33f6c58e9defbf1⋯.png (347.81 KB,726x487,726:487,ClipboardImage.png)


Innovative Instrument Reveals Hidden Features Deep Inside the Van Allen Radiation Belts

Sep 17, 2024

A new instrument is using advanced detection techniques and leveraging an orbit with specific characteristics to increase our understanding of the Van Allen belts—regions surrounding Earth that contain energetic particles that can endanger both robotic and human space missions.

Recently, the instrument provided a unique view of changes to this region that were brought on by an intense magnetic storm in May 2024.

The discovery of the Van Allen radiation belts by the U.S. Explorer 1 mission in 1958 marked a prominent milestone in space physics and demonstrated that Earth’s magnetosphere efficiently accelerates and traps energetic particles.

The inner belt contains protons in the MeV (million electric volt) to GeV (109 electric volt) range, and even higher concentrations of energetic electrons of 100s of keV (1000 electric volt) to MeV are found in both the inner belt and the outer belt.

The energetic electrons in these belts—also referred to as “killer electrons”—can have detrimental effects on spacecraft subsystems and are harmful to astronauts performing extravehicular activities.

Understanding the source, loss, and varying concentrations of these electrons has been a longstanding research objective.

High-energy resolution and clean measurements of these energetic electrons in space are required to further our understanding of their properties and enable more reliable prediction of their intensity.

Overcoming the challenges of measuring relativistic electrons in the inner belt

Measuring energetic electrons cleanly and accurately has been a challenge, especially in the inner belt, where MeV to GeV energy protons also exist. NASA's Van Allen Probes, which operated from 2012 to 2019 in low inclination, geo-transfer-like orbits, showed that instruments traversing the heart of the inner radiation belt are subject to penetration by the highly energetic protons located in that region.

The Relativistic Electron Proton Telescope (REPT) and the Magnetic Electron and Ion Spectrometer (MagEIS) instruments onboard the Van Allen Probes were heavily shielded but were still subject to inner-belt proton contamination.

To attempt to minimize these negative effects, a University of Colorado Boulder team led by Dr. Xinlin Li, designed the Relativistic Electron Proton Telescope integrated little experiment (REPTile)—a simplified and miniaturized version of REPT—to fly onboard the Colorado Student Space Weather Experiment (CSSWE).

An effort supported by the National Science Foundation, the 3-Unit CSSWE CubeSat operated in a highly inclined low Earth orbit (LEO) from 2012 to 2014.

In this highly inclined orbit, the spacecraft and the instruments it carried were only exposed to the inner-belt protons in the South Atlantic Anomaly (SAA) region where the Earth’s magnetic field is weaker, which greatly reduced the time that protons impacted the measurement of electrons.

REPTile’s success motivated a team, also led by Dr. Xinlin Li, to design REPTile-2—an advanced version of REPTile—to be hosted on the Colorado Inner Radiation Belt Experiment (CIRBE) mission.

Like CSSWE, CIRBE operates in a highly inclined low-Earth orbit to ensure the exposure to damaging inner-belt protons is minimized.

The team based the REPTile-2 design on REPTile but incorporated two additional technologies—guard rings and Pulse Height Analysis—to enable clean, high-energy-resolution measurements of energetic electrons, especially in the inner belt.

As shown on the left in Figure 3, the field of view (FOV) of REPTile-2 is 51o. Electrons and protons enter the FOV and are measured when they reach a stack of silicon detectors where they deposit their energies.

However, very energetic protons (energy greater than 60 MeV) could penetrate through the instrument’s tungsten and aluminum shielding and masquerade as valid particles, thus contaminating the intended measurements.

To mitigate this contamination, the team designed guard rings that surround each detector. These guard rings are electronically separated from the inner active area of each detector and are connected by a separate electric channel.

When the guard rings are triggered (i.e., hit by particles coming outside of the FOV), the coincident measurements are considered invalid and are discarded. This anti-coincidence technique enables cleaner measurements of particles coming through the FOV.


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fad142 No.21615965


To achieve high energy resolution, the team also applied full Pulse Height Analysis (PHA) on REPTile-2. In PHA, the magnitude of measured charge in the detector is directly proportional to the energy deposited from the incident electrons.

Unlike REPTile, which employed a simpler energy threshold discrimination method yielding three channels for the electrons, REPTile-2 offers enhanced precision with 60 energy channels for electron energies ranging from 0.25 – 6 MeV.

The REPT instrument onboard the Van Allen Probes also employed PHA but while REPT worked very well in the outer belt, yielding fine energy resolution, it did not function as well in the inner belt since the instrument was fully exposed to penetrating energetic protons because it did not have the guard rings implemented.

CIRBE's launch, secured through the NASA CubeSat Launch Initiative (CSLI), took place aboard SpaceX's Falcon 9 rocket as part of the Transporter-7 mission on April 15, 2023.

REPTile-2, activated on April 19, 2023, has been performing well, delivering valuable data about Earth's radiation belt electrons.

Many features of the energetic electrons in the Van Allen belts have been revealed for the first time, thanks to the high-resolution energy and time measurements REPTile-2 has provided.

Figure 5 shows a sample of CIRBE/REPTile-2 measurements from April 2024, and illustrates the intricate drift echoes or “zebra stripes” of energetic electrons, swirling around Earth in distinct bunches.

These observations span a vast range across the inner and outer belts, encompassing a wide spectrum of energies and electron fluxes extending over six orders of magnitude.

By leveraging advanced guard rings, Pulse Height Analysis (PHA), and a highly inclined LEO orbit, REPTile-2 is delivering unprecedented observations of radiation belt electrons.

In fact, the team recently announced that measurements from CIRBE/REPTile-2 have revealed a new temporary third radiation belt composed of electrons and sandwiched between the two permanent belts.

This belt formed during the magnetic storm in May 2024, which was the largest in two decades. While such temporary belts have been seen after big storms previously, the data from CIRBE/REPTile-2 are providing a new viewpoint with higher energy resolution data than before.

Scientists are currently studying the data to better understand the belt and how long it might stick around — which could be many months.


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b4200b No.21615966


Clearly posted by the thing who left the explosives.

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b4200b No.21615967


Report to FBI.

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a85f76 No.21615968

File: e5aa2c2bd49743b⋯.mp4 (4.75 MB,1280x720,16:9,pipebomb.mp4)



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89a03a No.21615969


So it's not low post count then.

It's the same exact pattern occurring over multiple different IDs, suggesting IP hopping.

The low post count is a symptom, an outcome of this, not itself a signal of shilling.

That anon will agree with.

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6e5b04 No.21615970

File: 20c8a50f2b0e59a⋯.png (236.15 KB,550x408,275:204,ClipboardImage.png)

the 90's are calling and they want their technology back


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4386cf No.21615971

File: 98443538ffa3613⋯.png (280.65 KB,865x487,865:487,ClipboardImage.png)


just don't make 'em like they used to

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84f1a9 No.21615972

File: 6f71e58c12353e6⋯.png (847.15 KB,1015x505,203:101,ClipboardImage.png)


Far LEFT Americans Convicted in Russian Influence Scheme.

Americans associated with black power socialist political organizations have been convicted in a federal court of conspiring with Russia.Omali Yeshitela, Penny Hess, and Jesse Nevel, all associated with the African People’s Socialist Party (APSP), and Augustus C. Romain Jr., associated with Black Hammer, each face upwards of five years in prison for receiving money from a Russian organization with the intent to “sow discord and spread pro-Russian propaganda.”

The four were accused of conspiring to receive cash and support from Aleksandr Ionov, who heads the Anti-Globalization Movement of Russia, and engaging in various activities within the United States on the Russian government’s behalf.

Despite the conspiracy conviction, jurors did not convict them of a more severe charge of acting as foreign government agents.

A suspicious death investigation involving Romain Jr., better known as Gazi Kodzo, resulted in a 2022 FBI raid of the socialist, pan-African, andAPSP-controlled Uhuru Movement’s headquarters in St. Peterburg, Florida. During this raid, evidence of the foreign influence operation was uncovered.


According to the Department of Justice (DOJ), the suspects worked with the FSB, Russia’s security service, sowing “discord” and spreading pro-Russian propaganda. In addition, at the request of Ionov,Yeshitela, Hess, and Nevel drafted a letter to the United Nations (UN) accusing the U.S. government of committing genocide against black Americans.

Three Russian nationals were also indicted by the DOJ last year for interfering in Americanelections and secretly funding and directing the mayoral campaign of Jesse Nevel in St. Petersburg, Florida, in 2019. Ionov is said to have directed the African People’s Socialist Party (APSP), the Uhuru Movement, and the Black Hammer through the three indicted Russian nationals and the four American citizens.

The convictions come after several right-wing media figures were accused of being duped by Russians into receiving money to promote alleged pro-Russian content. However, unlike the four black socialists, the right-wing media commentators were reportedly unaware the money was tied to Russia in any way.


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4074af No.21615973


Feeds Up!

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11d180 No.21615974

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c74299 No.21615975


Just because it say September, doesn't mean it's autumn temps here and I can't like wild woods foods. I'll go get me a smoked turkey sandwich with Harvati and dab of cranberry sause, lettuce and tomato on cracked wheat bread..maybe get some boiled gulf shrimps now that I think about it.

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e04f81 No.21615976


Half a decade? At least a century. One of the first things to come out of the printing press.

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25756b No.21615977

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Hezbollah's handheld radios explode in second wave…

big bada boom

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655e9b No.21615978

File: 724d03c3ac284ed⋯.png (189.11 KB,400x215,80:43,th_2024_09_18T085952_718.png)

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50e298 No.21615979

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE: Homeland Security Committee hearing on Biden/Harris border policies

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89a03a No.21615980


Why are they questioning him then if they KNOW what they're claiming is the case that it was just "training a dog"?

And why would there even be live training during a rally? Wouldn't you do this "offline"?

It doesn't make sense…

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40ff14 No.21615981

Wasn’t there a video of P Diddy crying about Trump being elected?

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ae3a18 No.21615982


sounds awesome, anon!!!

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b4200b No.21615983


Explain why the alternative opposite is more logical.

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75e93d No.21615985

File: d9d86e340b7d123⋯.gif (700.2 KB,480x270,16:9,d9d86e340b7d1234e730ee385a….gif)


Hard to keep track. There are so many.

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655e9b No.21615986


>Report to FBI.

Hey glowfags, are you seeing this?

OK, done

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57ec5b No.21615987

File: b9ddc926660627e⋯.jpg (167.14 KB,566x558,283:279,taxation_no_representation….jpg)

File: 86b06e55eef32ca⋯.jpg (297.46 KB,530x455,106:91,Clown_Boat.jpg)


who trains a fucking bomb dog at a political rally? but we are talking about feds who apparently are goons who are out to kill Trump. both FBI, CIA, and SecServ… we see you…

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965e1f No.21615988


Thank you for that!

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a85f76 No.21615989

File: 78df7e522f9d378⋯.png (506.61 KB,500x666,250:333,ClipboardImage.png)

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b4200b No.21615990


Yes, report to FBI, One glowfag to another.

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4386cf No.21615991

File: 548da42870cf18e⋯.png (262.72 KB,585x349,585:349,ClipboardImage.png)

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e04f81 No.21615992


2017 faggot

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13f9ae No.21615993


Yeah, but I'm referring to here and the little piddly clowns here that post it, that are currently in the process of becoming moar deranged and desperate. Absolute Retards they liked to call themselves.

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c74299 No.21615994

File: b19cce486f9da27⋯.jpg (6.34 KB,250x250,1:1,b19cce486f9da27e5f49894d90….jpg)


you first

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81fe00 No.21615995

File: a4f3a207824ed2a⋯.png (10.41 KB,476x93,476:93,000000000000.png)

File: 1fca0d6546c9517⋯.png (297.4 KB,635x351,635:351,00000000000teehee1.png)

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c6ad86 No.21615996

So PDiddy had XXXTentacion killed for the drake photo.

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b4200b No.21615997

A glowfag posted it, report it to its superiors.

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965e1f No.21615998


Thank you for the repost.

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a85f76 No.21615999

File: 2af17d7756dc400⋯.mp4 (1.13 MB,1276x720,319:180,whisper_laugh.mp4)


good job

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40ff14 No.21616000

Fuck. I get high before work and each day I say, I’m not going o eat all my lunch at once.

Maybe next time.

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75e93d No.21616001

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b4200b No.21616002


Where's the link to the post.

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89a03a No.21616003

Now SOLAR ENERGY SYSTEMS are exploding in Lebanon!


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29d705 No.21616004


part of me says that is the perfect cover to do something elsewhere. You set up the threat under the guise of a training and investigation and time it so that you have plausible deniability for when the real thing happens when everyone is distracted by the fake threat. Making shit even more confused

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40ff14 No.21616006


Damn. Sorry Anons. Wasted Digits. If I knew they were coming I would have said LT with AWK is gay as fuck.

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965e1f No.21616007


It’s funny because it’s true. Kek.

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b4200b No.21616008


Premature detonation warning fail. Wonder how that happened.

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84f1a9 No.21616009


Tucker Carlson is Dumping Zyn Over Its Kamala Harris Donations, Will Launch Own Nicotine Brand ‘Alp.’

Tucker Carlson is dropping Zyn nicotine pouches and launching his own brand, citing its manufacturer’s financial ties to Democratic candidateKamala Harris. Staff at Zyn’s parent company, Philip Morris International, have donated at least $18,200 to Harris and $100,000to the Democratic Lieutenant Governor’s Association in 2024, alongside thousands of smaller donations to individual Democratic candidates.

“I’m going through a period of transition in my life with nicotine patches. I’ve used a certain brand; I’m embarrassed to say it, it’s made by a huge company, huge donors to Kamala Harris,” Carlson said, distancing himself from a brand he has passively promoted for years.

“I’m not going to use that brand anymore. I mean, I think it’s fine… for your girlfriend or whatever, but I don’t think men should use that brand. It starts with a ‘Z,'” he joked.

Harris’s running mate, Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, imposed a 95 percent tax on nicotine products, including Zyn, in May, making the support for the Democratic ticket at Philip Morris somewhat counterintuitive.

Carlson is launching his own brand of nicotine pouches, Alp. He says, “It’s a much better option, trust me.”

The former Fox News host is a strong nicotine advocate, insisting it is not a proven carcinogen and raises testosterone.kek


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3ac74b No.21616010

@550or close prolly

#26474 >>21615290

>>21615934, >>21615952 BOOMS: President Trump Holds a Rally in Uniondale, New York - 9/18/24 7:00 PM EDT

>>21615524, >>21615571,>>21615812, >>21615873, >>21615915, >>21615933 BOOMS: Cops 'find explosives' in car near Trump rally on Long Island /debunked as training???

>>21615511, >>21615636, >>21615913, >>21615923 BOOMS: Hezbollah hand-held radios detonate across Lebanon/solar energy systems?

>>21615709, >>21615583, >>21615670, >>21615698, >>21615709, >>21615749, >>21615903 [Oversight of Homeland Security Investigation hearing] Assass Attempt

- - - - - - - -

>>21615617 PF updates

>>21615341, >>21615393, >>21615406 NYT reported that the pagers, AR-924 model, were ordered from Taiwanese manufacturer Gold Apollo/Hungary

>>21615343 Melania breaks her silence on her nude modeling career as she prepares to bare all in bombshell memoir

>>21615347 New clown 4am talking point just dropped. "Voter ID is transphobic."

>>21615431 Tracking Elephants Across Namibia

>>21615445, >>21615452, >>21615455 P Diddy's Back Tattoo of the Black Madonna, Trump says he is going to visit Shrine of the Black Madonna

>>21615462 Attorney Ben Meiselas on Repping Colin Kaepernick, Interning for Diddy and Hillary Clinton

>>21615483 Foreign hackers could target election litigation, federal judge warns

>>21615505 Intuitive Machines Stock Soars on New NASA Contract.

>>21615509 @GovRonDeSantis Tonight I joined Jesse Watters to discuss Florida's investigation of the attempted assassination of Donald Trump.

>>21615510 A Mississippi Confederate monument covered for four years is moved

>>21615548 TODAY'S Q DELTAS

>>21615570 Moar Springfield Cat Killing

>>21615602 Happy Birthday, @CIA

>>21615608, >>21615650, >>21615703, >>21615827, >>21615830, >>21615650, >>21615889, >>21615964, >>21615965 NASA/Space/Science

>>21615660 Real Estate Loan Officer Pierce Burton Started Looking Into Gavin Newsom, This Is Going To Blow You Away

>>21615724, >>21615893, >>21615896, >>21615979 Swamp Habenins

>>21615859 "House Democrats are committed to putting politics over people" For the Keks!

>>21615895 The Charlie Kirk Show

>>21615972 Far LEFT Americans Convicted in Russian Influence Scheme

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655e9b No.21616011


>Explain why

I'm not your monkey.

However, maybe agencies were looking for help and spreading the word. KEK, it still doesn't negate your comment.

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c74299 No.21616012


Delish! Cold boiled gulf shrimp tossed in Old Bay seasoning not boiled in it. YUM!

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9a4f96 No.21616013



I don’t take news articles as being 100% true. Just look back a few days to the “two shooters” shooting at each other.. blah blah

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f619c5 No.21616014

1:00 PM EDT

Congressional Hackathon 6.0

Hosted by Speaker Mike Johnson, Leader Hakeem Jeffries, Chief Administrative Officer Catherine Szpindor, this event will bring together a bipartisan group of Members of Congress, Congressional staff, Legislative Branch agency staff, open government and transparency advocates, civic hackers, and developers from digital companies to explore the role of digital platforms in the legislative process.




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13f9ae No.21616015

File: 6df6dadbd1b9ba3⋯.png (846.44 KB,790x760,79:76,ClipboardImage.png)

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bfc54a No.21616016

Car bomb fake and gay

Called it

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0b630d No.21616017

File: 4dedcb042b82005⋯.png (13.12 KB,377x277,377:277,ClipboardImage.png)

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11d180 No.21616019


Go look it up by post number

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590806 No.21616020

File: 7db2b345c6db284⋯.png (1.67 MB,750x1334,375:667,E5446882_A531_4771_AC6D_37….png)

File: 0aa708117c57656⋯.png (632.21 KB,690x1730,69:173,1D330E97_BD30_4846_BBB5_C2….png)

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29d705 No.21616021

File: 9c1689dc15dfcef⋯.png (49.77 KB,605x328,605:328,ClipboardImage.png)

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b2a5fa No.21616022


Full of contradictions. Some random guy was training a bomb sniffing dog on the day of the rally that they don't know about? Individual with a "bomb dog" falsely reported explosives?

What if the trainer is someone in disguise? ATF/SS/DHS/LE?? Did they get caught? HoooAHHH!

Is that fkn "bomb dog" named "SILVER"?

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40ff14 No.21616023


Red text is FBI

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965e1f No.21616024


He’s correct. Good on him. Not a fan, but as with Elon, it’s nice to have a public win, on occasion.

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51d3fa No.21616025


You don't fucking train a bomb sniffing dog out in public with real explosives.

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89a03a No.21616026

File: e771b2f4de282dc⋯.png (417.08 KB,1036x806,518:403,ClipboardImage.png)

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8ce49e No.21616027

File: fdf8a57b5424d15⋯.jpeg (58.88 KB,626x418,313:209,F04D5EB6_19ED_4BEF_B71A_2….jpeg)

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b4200b No.21616028


"More than a Feeling" - Rally Soundtrack.

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0e86eb No.21616029


>As others have stated, nobody's devices, of any kind, will be trusted

How many parents have already taken their kids cellphones away? How long before the schools start banning them? When will the rumors start that all devices have the ability to be triggered remotely to catch fire or blow up?

Imagine every registered republican having their phone catch fire at the same instant across the entire country. There's some real potential here.

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72bcb3 No.21616031

File: 553f8e4e3dd2b83⋯.png (6.14 KB,255x67,255:67,5x5.png)

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650a6a No.21616032

I guess someone is running the Country.

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13f9ae No.21616035

File: 6a362738a068f12⋯.png (49.83 KB,468x186,78:31,ClipboardImage.png)

Discerning minds can see it.

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0b630d No.21616036




near a Trump rally. EVER!

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ce30e8 No.21616037


game theory

sharing info is a powerful during the age of swamp lies

your techniques are sweet

'news' would have ppl believe the race is close

'news' would have ppl believe Trump didn't have a good debate

'news' would have ppl believe..

what information causes Normies to vote for swamp?

how to disrupt that information to have Normies vote for Truth?

some arguments are near-pointless?

if it takes 1 second to prove = sure, why not

if it takes excess time = why bother

what arguments are worthy and which to ignore is a loop Normies will have to learn to avoid swamp distractions

the debate SHOW'd what?

did she lie? (list the lies)

did he expose swamp? (list the exposures)

projection is a powerful tool until ppl realize who is projecting, then ppl become careful and suspicious (which is how ppl should be re 'news')

if Normies understand this they may also understand the importance of Research

if they become Newbies to Research then they might become brilliant Anons

if there are enough Anons then swamp can't win

thank you Anons

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8f999a No.21616038

Nova Earrings

Nova Cell

Solar power systems exploding

Oh, My

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f619c5 No.21616039

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Trump speaks about latest assassination attempt | The NEWSMAX Daily (09/17/24)

Today’s 20-min top headline news brief



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4386cf No.21616040


>>21609572 (pb)


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c74299 No.21616041


Look at that crowd size in blue state NY!

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84f1a9 No.21616042

File: 5aacb27524051f6⋯.mp4 (166.67 KB,320x240,4:3,KAMAKAT_GUNS.mp4)

Charlie Kirk


Unearthed footage of Kamala reveals the extent of her anti-gun radicalism:

“Just because you legally possess a gun in the sanctity of your locked home doesn't mean that we're not going to walk into that home and check to see if you're being responsible.”

If she is elected, RIP 2A.

11:37 AM · Sep 18, 2024



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7b81a9 No.21616045

File: f1299114fabf19e⋯.jpg (258.98 KB,750x470,75:47,goodfellas_laughing.jpg)

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1f9e61 No.21616046


Just making sure to get their attention.

Carry on, Red October inbound

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650a6a No.21616047


Thanks captain obvi

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fad142 No.21616048

File: 51f061b019841fb⋯.png (856.42 KB,1024x683,1024:683,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 86ae70fcf8eef78⋯.png (1.16 MB,1024x683,1024:683,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 82a6e6be584e001⋯.png (817.94 KB,1024x683,1024:683,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4688a7afcf46fed⋯.png (1.2 MB,1024x573,1024:573,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3ed36dfbdfdff6e⋯.png (1.11 MB,1024x698,512:349,ClipboardImage.png)

Group seeks records on space chief Kamala Harris’ work on astronauts stuck in orbit

Sep. 17, 2024, 9:02 a.m. ET

A conservative advocacy group is suing NASA for documents to determine what role, if any, Vice President Kamala Harris played in addressing two astronauts stuck in space — claiming she may have put “politics over our astronauts.”

Harris leads the National Space Council but has said little publicly about the crisis caused by technical issues with Boeing’s Starliner spacecraft, which extended what was supposed to be a weeklong mission starting June 5 to an orbit lasting at least until February.

Butch Wilmore and Suni Williams, currently living aboard the International Space Station, are expected to be rescued by SpaceX early next year after Boeing was unable to provide for their safe return as planned.

Mike Howell, head of the Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project, told Fox News that the lawsuit will try to establish what exactly Harris, the Democratic presidential nominee, had to do with the issue.

“This looks like to me and other experts that Kamala Harris, the space czar, chose politics over our astronauts,” Howell said.

“It’s very bizarre that the mainstream media seems not to care about this massive scandal.

We’re going to continue to investigate this and get Americans the answers they deserve.”

The Heritage Foundation’s lawsuit seeks communications involving NASA chief of staff Bale Dalton III, associate administrator James Free and five other space-agency officials.

“Space is serious business. Kamala Harris obviously has no business running the National Space Council,” Howell told Fox.

“The fact is that Vice President Kamala Harris’ record as Border Czar is as awful as her record as Space Czar … Part of the reason they’re lost in space is that our NASA has been turned into another woke-DEI, dismal excuse for a government agency.”

The extended stay in space was caused by concerns that Boeing’s Starliner might explode and kill the astronauts upon return due to mechanical issues.

The craft, however, returned to Earth unmanned without combusting on Sept. 7.

Harris spokespeople did not immediately respond to The Post’s request for comment.


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b2a5fa No.21616049

File: 5c058dd09b6bb69⋯.png (36.4 KB,473x336,473:336,qaggdropimage626.png)

File: 7cf2f9f8068afee⋯.png (22.26 KB,473x189,473:189,qaggdropimage697.png)

File: 8df4376f636efa3⋯.png (28.89 KB,473x252,473:252,qaggdropimage785.png)

File: d6d3537193feb07⋯.png (53.84 KB,473x560,473:560,qaggdropimage1078.png)


Chatter is EXPLODING

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c74299 No.21616051

File: 9d84620a94ebc0e⋯.png (73.48 KB,296x286,148:143,9d84620a94ebc0e9969096d250….png)

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f619c5 No.21616054

File: 880f373ff5eadb8⋯.png (316.89 KB,593x399,593:399,bro_guns.png)

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d7eef9 No.21616055

File: 9b4a13d2b2c52a7⋯.jpg (84.21 KB,800x778,400:389,cat_no_um_no.jpg)

The training bomb sniffing dogs cover story is lame af. About as believable as "the dog ate my homework".

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c74299 No.21616056

File: 81638f4f9548960⋯.png (251.09 KB,500x500,1:1,81638f4f954896058c74ef4602….png)


Blanket statements don't fly here.

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28f187 No.21616057

File: e5514dee52ccc61⋯.jpg (236.82 KB,1500x2666,750:1333,meghan_markle_american_riv….jpg)

File: f1a45eb630865a9⋯.jpg (113.03 KB,1280x702,640:351,8060145_16095604_befunky_c….jpg)

File: b2dd53eecb7dcfb⋯.jpg (24.68 KB,474x432,79:72,th_1374472882.jpg)

File: bb48f8d3496e0ac⋯.jpg (21.27 KB,474x315,158:105,th_2141376012.jpg)

File: a81b318af0de963⋯.jpg (11.08 KB,474x266,237:133,th_3462194368.jpg)

Nobody move, nobody get hurt -yellow man

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590806 No.21616059

File: 733359a56d9a389⋯.png (1.7 MB,750x1334,375:667,C129ADB4_8C3A_4803_9069_2C….png)

File: ef55c952a1f4e6e⋯.png (239.68 KB,690x1140,23:38,1FE9F7B1_9DB6_468B_BEB9_04….png)

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823982 No.21616060

While Democrats are trying to kill President Trump… they lost NY.

NY will go red in November.

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13f9ae No.21616061

File: 4e701a7136f33c2⋯.png (227.92 KB,567x608,567:608,ClipboardImage.png)

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1f9e61 No.21616063


First a feint, then a riposte.

WTF are these faggots up to ?

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b4200b No.21616064


Are you someone else's monkey? Hope not…






"Sweet HOME Alabama" - Rally Soundtrack

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c74299 No.21616065

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89a03a No.21616066

File: 28502e4c426b440⋯.png (51.58 KB,277x360,277:360,ClipboardImage.png)

Instagram bans rapper after he supported Trump

Tell me the radical left globalist cult views themselves as owners of black people, without telling me the radical left globalist cult views themselves as owners of black people.


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ce30e8 No.21616068


projection is a powerful tool until ppl realize who is projecting, then ppl become careful and suspicious (which is how ppl should be re 'news')

if Normies understand this they may also understand the importance of Research

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8f999a No.21616069


You just made one.

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a85f76 No.21616070

File: 63bd4c0689319b0⋯.png (218.57 KB,853x1001,853:1001,ClipboardImage.png)


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ecb8f2 No.21616071

File: 38437613baf1a0f⋯.png (31.89 KB,457x318,457:318,Q1700.png)


Our boys are not finished yet.

Just these newbies here who weren't her from the beginning.

Can't believe I woke up this morning remembering those pics of the cartons of phones.

What next?

We still have this coming.

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b80462 No.21616072

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

It's been 1y, 9m, 2w, 6d, 15h, 6m since Q has posted.


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c74299 No.21616073

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40ff14 No.21616074

The questions that mainstream media doesn’t ever ask.

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dc6734 No.21616075

File: d09a8b939d89517⋯.png (767.5 KB,576x1289,576:1289,Screenshot_20240918_121327.png)

Sometimes you just gotta scratch where it iches

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fad142 No.21616076

SpaceX Galileo L13 Mission

On Tuesday, September 17 at 6:50 p.m. ET, Falcon 9 launched the European Commission’s Galileo L13 mission to orbit from to medium Earth orbit from Space Launch Complex 40 (SLC-40) at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station in Florida.

This was the 22nd flight of the first stage booster supporting this mission, which previously launched CRS-22, Crew-3, Turksat 5B, Crew-4, CRS-25, Eutelsat HOTBIRD 13G, O3B mPOWER, PSN SATRIA, Telkomsat Marah Putih 2, and 12 Starlink missions.


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650a6a No.21616077


She means house to house under martial law

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590806 No.21616078


fucking strange. canuckistan am radio parrots did a story on blind dining.

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fad142 No.21616079

File: 29a49e76abc4a53⋯.png (976.71 KB,1463x913,133:83,ClipboardImage.png)

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c4c16a No.21616081

File: ee0d06f90b0d531⋯.png (294.53 KB,571x689,571:689,Screen_Shot_2024_09_18_at_….png)

File: 7d65fab65633f3c⋯.png (830.52 KB,1200x630,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f5e75b94376eb3b⋯.png (313.08 KB,529x330,529:330,nothing_to_see_here.png)

Billionaire Investor Found Dead in Washington Lake



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1f9e61 No.21616083


The[Y] think enough illegals have been imported to NYC to swing the vote as usual.

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d35169 No.21616084

File: 438de17066697fe⋯.jpeg (438.25 KB,750x813,250:271,IMG_7132.jpeg)

Entire board of 23 and Me resigns

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d3a354 No.21616085

Thanks for posting, Patriot!



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ecd501 No.21616087

File: bce91979dc89068⋯.png (1.66 MB,708x4860,59:405,54d0ea93_6654_448c_b726_80….png)

File: c28ad6356e79e14⋯.jpg (277.05 KB,1080x1118,540:559,Screenshot_20240918_171500….jpg)

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3b24d5 No.21616088


That’s against numerous amendments not just the 2nd

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a5b081 No.21616090


if Trump supporters would boycott those platforms, they would come crawling back.

Imagine Meta losing 100,000,000 subs overnight.

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e04f81 No.21616091

File: bfca98fa07bd8c6⋯.png (422.66 KB,720x475,144:95,ClipboardImage.png)


MSM delivery

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28f187 No.21616093

File: d10eae12c2f91f7⋯.jpg (256.68 KB,786x1036,393:518,Karine_Jean_Pierre_Biograp….jpg)

File: 88eccafa28cd0bc⋯.jpg (161.96 KB,1000x1000,1:1,il_fullxfull_264440839_595….jpg)

File: 629bf2bcd70d940⋯.jpg (82.42 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault_3111357444.jpg)

File: ea8c98129ec41e3⋯.jpg (256 KB,1574x994,787:497,BB1kzWVi_3993007394.jpg)

File: d3015a60650dd8e⋯.jpg (413.76 KB,2048x2794,1024:1397,sean_diddy_combs_family_bi….jpg)


Left Eye Lunacy

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b4200b No.21616095

File: f9e119c5b58895f⋯.png (26.36 KB,444x282,74:47,10_Q_.png)






Coming soon to a theater near you..



Less than 10.

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650a6a No.21616097


Do their families think prayer worked?

(Idgaf about any of em but just asking) bc prolly just perspective.

I’ll go take a marijuana.

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bfc54a No.21616098

The attack in Lebanon: about 60 buildings, 15 cars, dozens of motorcycles and hundreds of mobile devices, according to the Lebanese.


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c74299 No.21616099

File: 2dbe23ffc70cd31⋯.png (1.31 MB,1013x1013,1:1,2dbe23ffc70cd31e134d443ebd….png)

Feeling kindee prec-i-pice-ey these days.

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8ce49e No.21616101

File: 38d47478754609d⋯.jpeg (631.92 KB,970x1107,970:1107,IMG_9747.jpeg)

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cc6ca3 No.21616102

File: 0176db50099d44c⋯.png (1.91 MB,944x755,944:755,ClipboardImage.png)


Well that did not take long..


notable and see above, called it


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8b0706 No.21616103

If I was the fed prez I'd cut it by 2%

oh yeah

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a85f76 No.21616104


>Entire board of 23 and Me resigns


Wojcicki ‘Committed’ to Taking 23andMe Private as Board Quits

All seven independent directors resigned faulting buyout offer

Taking DNA testing firm private best for long term: Wojcicki

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46eecd No.21616105

File: 13ffbf95cf3bcfb⋯.png (617.55 KB,588x597,196:199,dankisspopeass1.png)

File: 5403d5984bbb9ed⋯.png (340.48 KB,531x531,1:1,5403d5984bbb9edf3be0cef1ae….png)

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590806 No.21616106

File: 7ed47591a8b9215⋯.png (983.69 KB,750x1334,375:667,BAAD16F3_CA4C_4110_B504_A6….png)

File: d4f73a33293e2f6⋯.png (1.29 MB,750x1334,375:667,FBA2ABA6_120A_491B_91A6_39….png)

File: 7084806508e381f⋯.png (25.77 KB,690x410,69:41,5CA07032_EE14_4397_9385_4D….png)

File: d31b37521c8efd0⋯.png (75.87 KB,690x762,115:127,8B74084F_BF47_44FD_8B57_67….png)

File: f89c1404afb026e⋯.jpeg (118.57 KB,810x994,405:497,536F9E4B_DD37_43C1_AEF1_B….jpeg)



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4386cf No.21616107

File: 00c4ccf7664c100⋯.jpg (778.95 KB,1920x1280,3:2,ob9926.jpg)


all posts with that id

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823982 No.21616110

Hezzbola homing pigeons will be exploding next.

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d7eef9 No.21616111

File: c3fa9367327538b⋯.png (519.08 KB,577x433,577:433,ClipboardImage.png)

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b2a5fa No.21616112

Dem. setting up protests outside the Nassau Coliseum. Kim Keiserman (D) is such a fkn MOS Clown.


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a85f76 No.21616114

File: 6e85c6c74b2dd4f⋯.png (54.04 KB,232x238,116:119,ClipboardImage.png)



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dc6734 No.21616115


You are not ironic

More like moronic

Get some new material. Skippy

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be09bc No.21616116


>well i can see that is the case but the catholics and protestants are right there with them now.

So you admit that all the Abrahamic religions™ are evil?

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6fd9fa No.21616117

File: 0676d4a04665c86⋯.png (378.46 KB,2560x2560,1:1,Boom_Q_Alpha.png)


Thank You Baker

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75e93d No.21616118

File: 3053001d6de3102⋯.jpg (974.05 KB,2000x2000,1:1,3053001d6de31021583afe9b4e….jpg)

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5c954e No.21616119

File: 45845a8532c0040⋯.mp4 (4.33 MB,720x480,3:2,INSTANT_KARMA_bear_gets_hi….mp4)

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8ce49e No.21616121

File: 56af44913b48c9c⋯.jpeg (46.26 KB,298x459,298:459,IMG_9750.jpeg)

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bfc54a No.21616122


Idk what their family thinks. Nor care.

Just noticing a cowinkydinky

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e04f81 No.21616124

File: 398f1313433436a⋯.png (79.58 KB,498x349,498:349,ClipboardImage.png)


They didn't even try to blame Russians. Rush job. 5 Nov deadline? Early voting throwing them off?

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1f9e61 No.21616126



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bb966f No.21616127


Maybe that was "No step five" about?

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5ba873 No.21616129

File: e7e844b56e7ce46⋯.webp (15.67 KB,700x394,350:197,e7e844b56e7ce468eebdf008c….webp)

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b4200b No.21616131


It’s mainly gold that lies at the heart of the Lebanese trade of precious metals. In fact, gold represented 67% of precious metals exports in 2014 and 67% of imports. Diamonds are the second most important constituent of precious metals’ trade with a share of 17% and 23% in exports and imports, respectively.


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84f1a9 No.21616132


Ask yourself a question, has the Bidan Harris Admin cared about violating the constitution constantly. They don't care about it, plus we'll all be caught up, they will bring out the woke military to do it.

Every thing they do is against the constitution, that's their plan. Destroy our rights

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d35169 No.21616133

File: 4c3cdf8394e6e2e⋯.jpeg (185.77 KB,750x527,750:527,IMG_7133.jpeg)


Something something about targeting Chinese and Jews

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a85f76 No.21616134

File: 5a52594ad0f6495⋯.png (245.86 KB,455x642,455:642,ClipboardImage.png)


Kyiv investigates alleged Russian execution of Ukrainian soldier with sword inscribed ‘for Kursk’

As it turned out, the sword also belonged to Ukrainian Armed Forces soldiers.

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c74299 No.21616135

File: 049a6219c36f834⋯.jpg (36.38 KB,568x541,568:541,049a6219c36f834d2b946de260….jpg)

So much habbenings are habbening! Are we in the pipe?!

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3b24d5 No.21616136


I can only vote so hard tho

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a438c9 No.21616138

File: c1b2db68f190fb2⋯.png (276.58 KB,512x514,256:257,kekkinghard_pepe.png)


Top fucking kek, and checked!

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96849b No.21616140

File: 68279f8f96b2a64⋯.mp4 (3.45 MB,360x640,9:16,FDownloader_Net_459950006_….mp4)

File: f77e65f07b5c681⋯.png (83.56 KB,412x646,206:323,f77e65f07b5c681eeb9159faff….png)

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a85f76 No.21616141

File: 3ce088c7efce700⋯.png (818.46 KB,598x988,23:38,ClipboardImage.png)


>As it turned out, the sword also belonged to Ukrainian Armed Forces soldiers.


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f619c5 No.21616142

11:32 am

2025 Inaugural Platform First Nail Ceremony

Congressional leaders speak at the first nail ceremony marking the beginning of the construction of the platform for the 2025 presidential inauguration. It was on this day in 1793 that George Washington laid the cornerstone of the U.S. Capitol.


no vid there yet

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0b630d No.21616143

File: 4175e0fffa6a475⋯.png (421.59 KB,559x523,559:523,ClipboardImage.png)


This is a pallet of laptops.

Laptops are going to explode next?

Fuck, just think if they are scared everything they touch can blow up, they won't be able to effectively fight.

Brilliant psyop

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823982 No.21616144

I wonder if the shills/bots/trolls are scared of their devices exploding?

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6ec5e4 No.21616145








Missing I remind me of the FBI graphic from Q3480

All the ‘l’s were missing from the end of “special”

Except for the “i” in the legend in the word “Direction”

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d2dcfa No.21616146

File: 7764e56d9656c96⋯.png (180.44 KB,1129x822,1129:822,ClipboardImage.png)

i found the post from pb

>>21609840 Pb

Rally Comms. Beware The Moon.

Automobile + PACKED + SALT

Will there be a car bomb attempt? Groups in cars/trucks/vans? "Flee back?" back-PACKED with bomb/gun?

SALT acronyms - Silent Assault with Lethal Tactics, Situation Awareness Logistics Tool, Strategic Arms Limitation Talks, Same As Last Time?

Take your pick, but be alert.

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590806 No.21616148

File: 210b7da1802d80a⋯.png (1.65 MB,750x1334,375:667,ACA0EF7E_3408_4DF8_AF10_91….png)

File: 0ca67d0e989e57d⋯.png (3.54 MB,750x1334,375:667,1D03B1C0_FA45_414C_837C_57….png)

File: 525126bf8833e69⋯.png (592.07 KB,750x1334,375:667,D7FD0A33_93CC_4806_8D02_FC….png)

File: 085bf42c4301dfa⋯.png (724.15 KB,424x628,106:157,FE2F99EE_3E84_4C1F_B3C9_8D….png)

File: dc0e0b4a5ac50d0⋯.png (392.03 KB,690x4024,345:2012,5CCD7F21_C7B7_4C0F_8775_D2….png)

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655e9b No.21616149


>Are you

Leave my banana supplier out of this before I start throwing my shit around

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cc6ca3 No.21616150

File: fdafeebd01a41f4⋯.png (805.86 KB,749x499,749:499,ClipboardImage.png)


that is not a concern of anons.

what is that the Qdrops and comms are for the I.C agencies and for the deep state rather than for anons.

try to see all Qdrops as comms to both how it could benefit anons who were seeking truth and how they can be used to war the deep state and activate their assets.

fucks with anons head when looked at this way.

you are safe quote could mean that they the elites are safe and they will crush anyone who steps out of line.

use the u.k as a example, canada, australia, new zealand, europe, china, russia, iran, north korea.

What makes you think they have not put in place immigrants, forces and clowns everywhere to stop maga from reacting after they take out djt.

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e04f81 No.21616151


4 years of that voice will drive you mad

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e79d4d No.21616152

File: 275a211975d6682⋯.gif (1.02 MB,384x270,64:45,Towellie.gif)

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84f1a9 No.21616153


This is notable if he provides the sauce

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b4200b No.21616154


Q+ will rid us of the fake Constitution of the dead entity THE Corporation of the United States and institute the Original Constitution of the United States.

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489537 No.21616155

File: 2d737c9d86a7ebe⋯.jpg (349.99 KB,1080x811,1080:811,2d737c9d86a7ebea8fd6c7cc43….jpg)

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24dbc7 No.21616156


Wasn't SALT rotation something to do with the Q drops in 2022?

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f619c5 No.21616157

File: 032a35b4ac0f93a⋯.png (1.5 MB,688x1050,344:525,032a35b4ac0f93a487c27cf4ed….png)

Trump to visit National Shrine of Our Lady of Czestochowa in PA

September 17, 2024

CV NEWS FEED // Former President Donald Trump is going to visit the National Shrine of Our Lady of Czestochowa in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, this weekend, according to recent reports.

Trump’s visit to the Shrine is reportedly set for September 22, “according to sources familiar with the plans,” news outlet Levittown reported on September 16.


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8ce49e No.21616158

File: a9fb2b0e0c56d70⋯.jpeg (100.11 KB,800x450,16:9,39C45F91_8FDD_45B9_9DCA_4….jpeg)

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a85f76 No.21616159

File: 5cc3f18ee5bc90e⋯.png (706.44 KB,596x1613,596:1613,ClipboardImage.png)

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a85f76 No.21616161

If these were iPhones leaving the factory with explosives inside, the media would have realized much quicker what a horrific precedent was set today. Nothing can justify this. It is a crime.

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93f726 No.21616163




What else might (23) refer to?

DASH v Minus?

Dash = “T” in morse code

T = 19


SEPT 14-18, 21-25 [track & follow events]

Now comes the pain: 19th-23th

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29d705 No.21616164


wait what that is what you have been posting. Yeah no this is a bad idea. The diddy tat as well.

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3ac74b No.21616165

Last Call

#26474 >>21615290

>>21615934, >>21615952 BOOMS: President Trump Holds a Rally in Uniondale, New York - 9/18/24 7:00 PM EDT

>>21615524, >>21615571,>>21615812, >>21615873, >>21615915, >>21615933 BOOMS: Cops 'find explosives' in car near Trump rally on Long Island /debunked as training???

>>21615511, >>21615636, >>21615913, >>21615923 BOOMS: Hezbollah hand-held radios detonate across Lebanon/solar energy systems?

>>21615709, >>21615583, >>21615670, >>21615698, >>21615709, >>21615749, >>21615903 [Oversight of Homeland Security Investigation hearing] Assass Attempt

- - - - - - - -

>>21615617 PF updates

>>21615341, >>21615393, >>21615406 NYT reported that the pagers, AR-924 model, were ordered from Taiwanese manufacturer Gold Apollo/Hungary

>>21615343 Melania breaks her silence on her nude modeling career as she prepares to bare all in bombshell memoir

>>21615347 New clown 4am talking point just dropped. "Voter ID is transphobic."

>>21615431 Tracking Elephants Across Namibia

>>21615445, >>21615452, >>21615455 P Diddy's Back Tattoo of the Black Madonna, Trump says he is going to visit Shrine of the Black Madonna

>>21615462 Attorney Ben Meiselas on Repping Colin Kaepernick, Interning for Diddy and Hillary Clinton

>>21615483 Foreign hackers could target election litigation, federal judge warns

>>21615505 Intuitive Machines Stock Soars on New NASA Contract.

>>21615509 @GovRonDeSantis Tonight I joined Jesse Watters to discuss Florida's investigation of the attempted assassination of Donald Trump.

>>21615510 A Mississippi Confederate monument covered for four years is moved

>>21615548 TODAY'S Q DELTAS

>>21615570 Moar Springfield Cat Killing

>>21615602 Happy Birthday, @CIA

>>21615608, >>21615650, >>21615703, >>21615827, >>21615830, >>21615650, >>21615889, >>21615964, >>21615965, >>21616048 NASA/Space/Science

>>21615660 Real Estate Loan Officer Pierce Burton Started Looking Into Gavin Newsom, This Is Going To Blow You Away

>>21615724, >>21615893, >>21615896, >>21615979, >>21616014, >>21616142 Swamp Habenins

>>21615859 "House Democrats are committed to putting politics over people" For the Keks!

>>21615895, >>21616042 The Charlie Kirk Show

>>21615972 Far LEFT Americans Convicted in Russian Influence Scheme

>>21616009 Tucker Carlson is Dumping Zyn Over Its Kamala Harris Donations, Will Launch Own Nicotine Brand ‘Alp.’

>>21616039 ICYMI: Trump speaks about latest assassination attempt | The NEWSMAX Daily (09/17/24)

>>21616076 SpaceX Galileo L13 Mission

>>21616081 Billionaire Investor Found Dead in Washington Lake. Daniel Reiner

>>21616084 Entire board of 23 and Me resigns

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8443fc No.21616167

More than pagers exploding now in this second wave.

Batteries in mopeds, laptops and household appliances have started exploding in Beirut. Mass explosions are thundering in the streets, in apartments and restaurants. Hospitals are overflowing with victims. Fires have already engulfed the entire city.




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a85f76 No.21616168


claymore monitors

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5749d3 No.21616169

File: 3c8dadf4e5e2d2a⋯.png (34.62 KB,679x443,679:443,axy1gr1_700bwp.png)

6 point lead. 44 vs 52

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bcd256 No.21616172


>>media would have realized

Whomp whomp

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fad142 No.21616175

File: bcd4f05ed8dba24⋯.png (244.83 KB,650x366,325:183,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9ec7d83fb31ade5⋯.png (641 KB,970x970,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8fccf0800ae50b3⋯.png (1.13 MB,970x970,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3572e0847c9962c⋯.png (728.18 KB,952x952,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b000f96c691510c⋯.png (917.07 KB,970x546,485:273,ClipboardImage.png)

Harvest Moon Supermoon lunar eclipse delights skywatchers worldwide

September 18, 2024

Last night the Harvest Moon Supermoon lunar eclipse put on a spectacular show for people worldwide with at least some portion of the lunar eclipse visible to over 50% of the world's population.

The partial lunar eclipse reached its darkest phase, when the moon is most obscured by the Earth's darkest shadow — the umbra — at approximately 10:44 p.m. EDT on Sept. 17 (0244 GMT on Sept. 18.)

We'll have to wait until March 13-14, 2025 for the next lunar eclipse which will be a dramatic total lunar eclipse.

During a total lunar eclipse, the entire lunar disk will turn hazy red as it plunges into Earth's shadow.

This eerie color change is why a total lunar eclipse is also known as a Blood Moon.

The full phase of the lunar eclipse will be visible across the U.S., with at least some portion of the eclipse visible across Europe, Asia, Australia, South America and much of Africa, according to Timeanddate.

But until then, let's sit back, relax and enjoy the celestial show that our lunar neighbor put on for us last night.

Both the lunar eclipse and full moon resulted in some simply stunning photographs.



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7bc23b No.21616178

Cops are rally. Suspicious activity just happened

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8443fc No.21616179


The explosion of pagers in Lebanon is a terrorist attack and raises questions about the security of any mobile devices, said former Austrian Foreign Minister Karin Kneissl.

According to her, the explosions in Lebanon showed that Israel "has some control over the supply chain" because they were able to insert explosives into devices that were delivered from abroad.


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7bc23b No.21616180


Cops at Rally. Check it

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0bbe64 No.21616181

File: 83d74c7aaf29357⋯.png (1.56 MB,1200x962,600:481,000.png)

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bb966f No.21616182

File: 3157b55eba1e849⋯.jpg (458.23 KB,1024x1024,1:1,OnFire.jpg)



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cc6ca3 No.21616183



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47d81d No.21616184

File: 41c52eac7d33755⋯.png (641.46 KB,829x658,829:658,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 046518b3a8ec935⋯.mp4 (529.06 KB,480x270,16:9,LONG_ISLAND_IS_READY_TO_RO….mp4)



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823982 No.21616185

File: 14c004c459c317f⋯.png (130.92 KB,374x451,34:41,Capture.PNG)

On the clock today, and delta for tomorrow.

We must fight.

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bfc54a No.21616186

Globe Eye News


BREAKING: Causes of explosions in Lebanon today include pagers, walkie-talkie radios, fingerprint machines, and solar energy systems.

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655e9b No.21616187


This is mine, but thought it was notable


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a85f76 No.21616188


“Clickless” iOS exploits infect Kaspersky iPhones with never-before-seen malware

"Operation Triangulation" stole mic recordings, photos, geolocation, and more.

This clickless APT exploit will self destruct

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7bc23b No.21616189


Bomb found at rally.

Post LV post.

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823982 No.21616190

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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7bc23b No.21616191


Bomb found at Rally

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a5b081 No.21616192

File: 3104fcc8e2c8f8d⋯.jpg (298.57 KB,595x908,595:908,Xnip2024_09_18_12_31_50.jpg)

If you look into historically suspicious events, you'll see a pattern in which there is some kind of training exercise or drill whose subject matter almost exactly overlaps with the real life thing that allegedly happens

This allows for plausible deniability when feds are caught—it was just confusion from the exercise

I'm not saying that this is what's happened here, but its interesting to point out this pattern.


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b4200b No.21616193

File: 6e78c3a29f460ac⋯.png (1.48 MB,965x814,965:814,Loyalty.png)


Watchman on the Wall Boarder… "Bad guy intercepts message due to rogue operator embedded…" Mission failure. Encore: What has since occurred by Targets? (Rally Event)

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590806 No.21616194

File: 17544d6b80ff2e8⋯.png (205.27 KB,750x1334,375:667,351C3797_24B0_4D1E_ADD0_0E….png)

File: d0c8624524aee2a⋯.png (709.8 KB,690x3774,115:629,074B8F81_A7F7_4981_BD73_71….png)

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a85f76 No.21616195


>If these were iPhones leaving the factory with explosives inside, the media would have realized much quicker what a horrific precedent was set today. Nothing can justify this. It is a crime.

"What if iPhones came out of the factory with explosives inside?" Former NSA agent Snowden

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3ac74b No.21616196


repost nb see if gets traction


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29d705 No.21616197


no shit said it earlier. 911 was the same shit.

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823982 No.21616198


A faceful of glass is appropriate for all the distress they have generated.

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1f9e61 No.21616199



AIDS VAX , Global Networking

Someone is tying off loose ends for the Covid Plandemic and Big Steal in 2020

Mr. Daniel Reiner is an Angel Investor. He served as Board Member at Vodori. He served as Chairman at Stemcentrx. He is a Co-Founder of the company. He is also an Angel Investor. He has founded, been a significant investor in, and/or served as a director of more than a dozen companies in the public and private sectors, spanning multiple markets including biotechnology, telecommunications, optics, computer peripherals, manufacturing, timber, and real estate. He was formerly Chairman and CEO of the telecommunications equipment company World Wide Packets. He was an investor, executive, and board member for VaxGen, a spin-out from Genentech, which was executed on a Phase III clinical trial of an AIDS vaccine. He holds an MBA from Pepperdine University and has undertaken graduate studies in genetics and biochemistry at Wayne State University and the University of California, San Diego.


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b4200b No.21616200


Patriots are the Light of the World. The Salt of the Earth. Seen many times on this board in past few weeks.

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8ce49e No.21616201



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6e5b04 No.21616202

File: e4bc66db7eda178⋯.png (23.16 KB,518x210,37:15,ClipboardImage.png)

Smartphones, Intercoms, Crypto Devices, Tickers, Smart Watches, Solar Panels, and even some Household Appliances within the Homes of Hezbollah Members across the Country had Exploded.


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9155e4 No.21616203

Someone posted a 4chan post that said there would be an event at the Rally today.

Bomb squad and police have found a bomb.

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b2a5fa No.21616204


9/11 was a LIVE EXERCISE across all depts in the Military & Federal Govt. It was cover, plausible deniability, and strategic planning.

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cc6ca3 No.21616205

File: d8d8f0e2ed5c1cf⋯.png (911.44 KB,623x700,89:100,ClipboardImage.png)

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bc4b11 No.21616206

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>21613881 pb

People have forgotten just how screwed up the Kennedy's where and that they made enemies everywhere. Maybe Trump is the same, but don't know if the Kennedy's are great company.

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d7eef9 No.21616207

File: f69ae7bcb803bbe⋯.gif (530.88 KB,620x341,20:11,uhhh.gif)


>Bomb squad and police have found a bomb.

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47d81d No.21616209

File: 97797626052fccd⋯.jpg (12.5 KB,255x236,255:236,Shits_on_fire_yo.jpg)

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3ac74b No.21616211


#26474 >>21615290

>>21615934, >>21615952 BOOMS: President Trump Holds a Rally in Uniondale, New York - 9/18/24 7:00 PM EDT

>>21615524, >>21615571,>>21615812, >>21615873, >>21615915, >>21615933 BOOMS: Cops 'find explosives' in car near Trump rally on Long Island /debunked as training???

>>21615511, >>21615636, >>21615913, >>21615923 BOOMS: Hezbollah hand-held radios detonate across Lebanon/solar energy systems?

>>21615709, >>21615583, >>21615670, >>21615698, >>21615709, >>21615749, >>21615903 [Oversight of Homeland Security Investigation hearing] Assass Attempt

- - - - - - - -

>>21615617 PF updates

>>21615341, >>21615393, >>21615406 NYT reported that the pagers, AR-924 model, were ordered from Taiwanese manufacturer Gold Apollo/Hungary

>>21615343 Melania breaks her silence on her nude modeling career as she prepares to bare all in bombshell memoir

>>21615347 New clown 4am talking point just dropped. "Voter ID is transphobic."

>>21615431 Tracking Elephants Across Namibia

>>21615445, >>21615452, >>21615455, >>21616157 P Diddy's Back Tattoo of the Black Madonna, Trump says he is going to visit Shrine of the Black Madonna

>>21615462 Attorney Ben Meiselas on Repping Colin Kaepernick, Interning for Diddy and Hillary Clinton

>>21615483 Foreign hackers could target election litigation, federal judge warns

>>21615505 Intuitive Machines Stock Soars on New NASA Contract.

>>21615509 @GovRonDeSantis Tonight I joined Jesse Watters to discuss Florida's investigation of the attempted assassination of Donald Trump.

>>21615510 A Mississippi Confederate monument covered for four years is moved

>>21615548 TODAY'S Q DELTAS

>>21615570 Moar Springfield Cat Killing

>>21615602 Happy Birthday, @CIA

>>21615608, >>21615650, >>21615703, >>21615827, >>21615830, >>21615650, >>21615889, >>21615964, >>21615965, >>21616048, >>21616175 NASA/Space/Science

>>21615660 Real Estate Loan Officer Pierce Burton Started Looking Into Gavin Newsom, This Is Going To Blow You Away

>>21615724, >>21615893, >>21615896, >>21615979, >>21616014, >>21616142 Swamp Habenins

>>21615859 "House Democrats are committed to putting politics over people" For the Keks!

>>21615895, >>21616042 The Charlie Kirk Show

>>21615972 Far LEFT Americans Convicted in Russian Influence Scheme

>>21616009 Tucker Carlson is Dumping Zyn Over Its Kamala Harris Donations, Will Launch Own Nicotine Brand ‘Alp.’

>>21616039 ICYMI: Trump speaks about latest assassination attempt | The NEWSMAX Daily (09/17/24)

>>21616076 SpaceX Galileo L13 Mission

>>21616081 Billionaire Investor Found Dead in Washington Lake. Daniel Reiner

>>21616084 Entire board of 23 and Me resigns


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a23929 No.21616212


isn't that an old story?

guy works for the head-dicks and he

sends other guy off to die because he loves other-guys girl (or boy) friend.

Kind of an old story, gee, who was the first one that we read about who did that?

who later repented, so . . .

but that did seem curious to me: how would they know if someone had the device who was a mole in the organization, or spies for other nations?

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8ce49e No.21616214

File: d63829e3d8cd447⋯.gif (1.99 MB,320x180,16:9,IMG_9759.gif)

File: e57890a8a191da7⋯.gif (1.74 MB,500x257,500:257,IMG_9758.gif)


What next?

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bb966f No.21616216


Puff is a German word for Bordelle.

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a85f76 No.21616218

File: a0c2aa9b0e259f3⋯.mp4 (252.06 KB,480x270,16:9,joyfulwarrior.mp4)


>Pure joy.

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fad142 No.21616219

File: b231f3b8cf778cf⋯.png (2.43 MB,1200x948,100:79,ClipboardImage.png)

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70c38b No.21616220

File: dcbead7076d6a37⋯.png (74.39 KB,511x488,511:488,ClipboardImage.png)

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0b630d No.21616222

File: 32937faf9fbf592⋯.png (19.59 KB,374x518,187:259,ClipboardImage.png)



tomorrow delta

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a438c9 No.21616223



Posting endless vids with NO CONTEXT WHATSOEVER, looks like a bread-slide.

Post context, or be filtered.

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a23929 No.21616224


how does one get the job title 'billionaire investor'?

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b4200b No.21616225

If you ask Q to confirm Less than 10, he will. NOT AT THE RALLY!!!

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fefc10 No.21616226

>>21614981 pb

All religions stem from Christianity not the other way around. This was due to the greed of man. You have to discover the truth, because the Truth is looking for you.

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5b18dd No.21616227


Perimeter at rally check point found Blue Barrel by K9 with bomb.

Reports are out.

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3ac74b No.21616228

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a438c9 No.21616229


Good question, where to I sign up?

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be09bc No.21616231


>but the OP itself is fuckin' genius.

No, it's not. It's a terrorist attack by the sole Jewish state in the world - a state made up of individuals who claim ultimate victimhood™ status above all others due to muh Lolocaust™ and muh Terrorism attacks™ against Israel. Kek. We're about to see the definitive "The Jew cries in pain as he strikes you"™ in the immediate future. Israel gavezero fucksabout non-combatants on both these [OPORDS].

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7a3b30 No.21616232

Media claims hoax bomb threat at Trump Rally.

Hoax Bomb threats up 1,000%

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6ec5e4 No.21616239

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ae3a18 No.21616242



never had FB, Twitler, X, Insta, Tikotok, Telegram and the likes of it


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fad142 No.21616244

File: 1e2e9e92e7bf06e⋯.png (1.08 MB,1232x702,616:351,ClipboardImage.png)

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590806 No.21616246

File: eaee93feeba6853⋯.png (106.65 KB,690x982,345:491,AC349995_C875_40F2_BB7C_77….png)


Right on Q

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590806 No.21616253

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590806 No.21616269

File: b7260c6283bcce8⋯.png (1.31 MB,918x1238,459:619,0D609C95_9608_47DD_AC7B_EC….png)

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be09bc No.21616275


>All religions stem from Christianity not the other way around.

That's incorrect, Anon. Judaism was first, followed by Christianity and then Islam. Judaism was, itself, branched off Zoroastrianism, or so they claim. All three of the Abrahamic Religions™ were created to destroy one another, by what we now know as the Rothschild Cult. They're all inherently evil, due to the original source. Notallof the people who practice these 3 religious ideologies are evil. You can find good people in all three, but don't think for one second that either of these groups isn't working to become Top Dog™ by utterly destroying the others. It's literally written to do so in their scriptures.

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590806 No.21616276


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590806 No.21616279


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f619c5 No.21616280

File: e00ed41ed02df53⋯.jpeg (241.16 KB,1280x720,16:9,e00ed41ed02df533ffc89c9e6….jpeg)

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590806 No.21616285

clean fill

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f619c5 No.21616287

File: ddd59b058f469e5⋯.png (10.24 KB,132x255,44:85,ddd59b058f469e541a7e8ee379….png)

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590806 No.21616288

moar fill

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590806 No.21616291


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f619c5 No.21616293

File: 2bd83a18083440f⋯.gif (1.53 MB,1447x964,1447:964,2bd83a18083440f47195b8cbb9….gif)

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590806 No.21616297

almost filled

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f619c5 No.21616300

File: f953b22630a9e69⋯.png (9.08 MB,3376x4096,211:256,f953b22630a9e69bfdeb4c121a….png)

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ae3a18 No.21616306

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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f619c5 No.21616307

File: 0ec1ad76ec0a3b8⋯.mp4 (3.32 MB,480x270,16:9,hold_on_I_m_coming.mp4)

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fefc10 No.21616329


ThankQ to this board for being proactive, we are making them better at being proactive. It is better to have 100 false positives then 1 positive; logical thinking. Another thing that I stated, base on Comey's comms, is that FDR in NYC is a drive, so we should also be proactive in looking for drive by shootings today. Eyes On Patriots, Godspeed.

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fefc10 No.21616342


>Time to send in the military is getting closer and closer.

At least to protect Trump, he is being attacked by a small army.

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47d81d No.21616344

File: 3e2b045b2034019⋯.jpeg (48.99 KB,718x637,718:637,3e2b045b2034019d7b87916c5….jpeg)

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3ac74b No.21616346

File: 25eec316849579b⋯.png (298.11 KB,638x995,638:995,1cac788da7fc07ed703c1e5534….png)

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84f1a9 No.21617014

File: 9def8dfc91885fb⋯.png (583.98 KB,1245x1533,415:511,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 29ab48866e45926⋯.png (311.5 KB,1215x1231,1215:1231,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 213fb3db8339d6c⋯.png (571.44 KB,1050x1694,75:121,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d8593b187465e76⋯.png (113.93 KB,1200x686,600:343,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d067ada2d5ccecd⋯.png (5.13 MB,2875x1625,23:13,ClipboardImage.png)


Favorable Ratings of Harris, Trump Remain Under 50%


• Independents rate Trump better than Harris, 44% vs. 35%

• Walz, Vance each viewed favorably by about four in 10 U.S. adults

• Biden’s approval rating dips to 39% after last month’s 43% reading

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Nearly identical percentages of U.S. adults rate Donald Trump (46%) and Kamala Harris (44%) favorably in Gallup’s latest Sept. 3-15 poll, during which the candidates debated for the first time. Both candidates, however, have higher unfavorable than favorable ratings. Trump’s unfavorable rating is seven percentage points higher than his favorable score, and Harris’ is 10 points higher.

Harris’ bump in favorability after her unexpected nomination as the Democratic presidential nominee has moderated somewhat, while Trump’s favorability is up five points since last month, returning to the level he was at in June.

Despite the overall negative tilt in favorability, both candidates enjoy nearly unanimous positive ratings from their own party faithful and negligible positivity from the opposing party. While majorities of independents view Trump and Harris unfavorably, the former president holds a favorability edge over the current vice president with the group – 44% vs. 35%, respectively.

Presidential Candidates’ Favorability Below 50% for Third Consecutive Cycle

In the six consecutive presidential cycles starting in 1992, at least one of the candidates, and often both, received positive ratings from a majority of Americans in September of the election year and up until the election. However, since 2016 when Trump and Hillary Clinton were the least favorably viewed presidential candidates in the history of Gallup polling less than half of U.S. adults have rated the candidates positively in the summer and fall of the election year.

Trump is currently viewed better than he was at a similar point in the 2020 and 2016 campaigns, while Harris’ positive rating is on par with Biden’s in 2020 and well above Clinton’s in 2016. Beyond Trump, Clinton and Biden, only George H.W. Bush in 1992 and Mitt Romney in 2012 earned a favorable score of less than 50%.

Vice Presidential Candidates Still Unknown to About One in Five Americans

The vice presidential candidates’ favorable ratings are not yet as concrete as their running mates’ are. About one in five U.S. adults do not yet have an opinion of Democratic Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz (19%) or Republican Ohio U.S. Sen. JD Vance (17%). While Vance’s unfavorable rating (47%) outpaces his favorable rating (36%), Walz is viewed favorably (41%) and unfavorably (40%) by roughly equal shares of Americans.

Both vice presidential candidates receive largely favorable scores from their party base – 79% of Democrats rate Walz positively, and 74% of Republicans have a favorable view of Vance. Independents have a more favorable opinion of Walz (37%) than Vance (30%), and this group is the most likely to say they have not yet formed an opinion of the presidential candidates’ running mates.

The overall favorable ratings for Walz and Vance are in line with those of other vice presidential candidates at a similar point in the campaign since 2012. Prior to 2012, favorable ratings of the presidential running mates in August or early September were generally higher, with at least one of the candidates garnering majority-level favorability.

Job Approval Ratings of Harris and Biden Down Slightly

The vice president’s current job approval rating matches her favorable rating, with 44% of Americans saying they approve. Last month, her approval rating was 47%. Harris’ current approval rating is 95% among Democrats, 38% among independents and 2% among Republicans.

After giving up his bid for the presidency in July, President Joe Biden enjoyed a boost in his approval rating to 43% last month – which has slipped to 39%, not far from the 36% taken in the weeks leading up to his announcement that he would not seek reelection.

Democrats’ rating of Biden is 85%, independents’ is 31% and Republicans’ is 3%.

Bottom Line

Both presidential candidates continue to be viewed unfavorably by majorities of Americans. Should those evaluations hold through the end of the campaign, it would mark the third consecutive presidential campaign in which neither candidate garnered majority-level favorable ratings from the public. In most cases since 1992, when one of the presidential candidates was viewed significantly more favorably than the other, the higher-rated candidate won. The current similarity between Trump’s and Harris’ favorable ratings may be a sign of a tight race.


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154d6b No.21617185

such fun

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