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220881 No.21613777 [Last50 Posts]

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220881 No.21613778

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220881 No.21613779


#26472 >>21612996

>>21613030 DJT: THANK YOU, MICHIGAN! #MAGA2024

>>21613033 PF: We got a BOEING RC-135 doing some reconnaissance down and back the coast of Baja California

>>21613037 RFK Jr. reveals that Trump has kept every promise he made to him

>>21613050 Dan Goldman

>>21613054 (August 2023) Springfield, Ohio: Haitian illegal caused bus crash killing an 11 year old boy on first day of school

>>21613060, >>21613071 How Many Days Later Did All Those Pagers Explode?

>>21613070, >>21613125 Whoopi Goldberg Looks Straight Into The Camera And Says Dangerous Rhetoric Isn’t A ‘Both Sides’ Issue

>>21613076 Secret Service Incompetence and Bizarre Background of Second Would-Be Trump Assassin, w/ Erik Prince

>>21613087, >>21613101, >>21613134, >>21613152, >>21613219, >>21613231 Refresher: Lucian Grainge

>>21613102 They tried assassinating Trump a week after both presidential debates

>>21613117 (April 10, 2020) Diddy Hosts Town Hall on 'The State of Black America & Coronavirus'

>>21613133 The mayor of Springfield, Ohio is making millions by replacing a third of the population of his town with Haitian immigrants

>>21613143 Michaela DePrince, resilient Black ballerina who worked with Beyoncé and Madonna, dies at 29

>>21613162 Keefe D has confessed he was hired by P Diddy for $1 million to kill Tupac

>>21613170, >>21613296, >>21613309 The Gold Apollo AR-924 pager uses a Lithium battery

>>21613177 CNN admits Kamala and their people have been lying about Trump's use of the word bloodbath

>>21613210, >>21613448 Elon: @GavinNewsom just announced that he signed a LAW to make parody illegal, based on this video

>>21613237, >>21613282 Connecting the dots: Ryan Routh

>>21613239 Google and Facebook have been painting and curating your newsfeed since at least 2011

>>21613240 Howard Lutnick: Donald Trump is here to protect the American Worker…

>>21613399 Satan and his Generals working against humanity

>>21613435, >>21613439 (2018) Sean Diddy Comb's ‘sex slave’ shot up the inside of Trump's National Doral Golf Club

>>21613437, >>21613442 Drone attack on military unit in Russia

>>21613447 Authorities intercept 'suspicious' package addressed to Colorado Secretary of State's Office

>>21613452 ‘The View’ hosts joke that owning lubricant ‘ain’t a crime’ after Diddy’s sex trafficking arrest

>>21613460 Greg Kelly: Another Secret Service failure, they won't get away with it

>>21613020, >>21613027, >>21613032, >>21613052, >>21613068, >>21613088, >>21613125, >>21613381, >>21613488, >>21613490 Memes

>>21613500 #26472

#26471 >>21612088

>>21612141 Springfield City Manager acknowledging that they’ve heard of complaints of domestic animals being eaten back in March

>>21612188 Springfield, Ohio: Mass Immigration Drives Up Rents, Welfare Rolls, Car Crashes

>>21612851 Springfield City Council Member caught on hot mic saying “literally, I really don't give a shit about the businesses of the city”

>>21612162, >>21612833 NY Times refers to Trump assassin Ryan Routh as "crusader for causes large and small"

>>21612231 @USSF_SSC: Imagine electronic pulses in space that block signals and replace them with counterfeits

>>21612291 Scientific American makes presidential endorsement for only the second time in its 179-year history (for Kamala)

>>21612304, >>21612759, >>21612793, >>21612830 Motorola = Google

>>21612867 Turning the pagers

>>21612887, >>21612918, >>21612906, >>21612910 Why did Iran's ambassador have one of their pagers?

>>21612329 Did they arrest Diddy to seize all the blackmail he had on [them]?

>>21612353, >>21612274, >>21612938 Diddy’s Home Raids: What the Feds Founds in Sean Combs’ Homes (Is "Baby Oil" code for Adrenocrome?)

>>21612725, >>21612269 Kamala thanked Sean Combs for hosting town hall back in April 2020

>>21612907 In light of P Diddy getting arrested, it looks like Kim Kardashian may be in deep 💩 soon, too

>>21612431 Swath of East Coast beaches shut down after needles, pill bottles and tampons mysteriously washed up on shore

>>21612577 Nurse who met would-be Trump assassin Ryan Routh while in Ukraine says she realized he was a threat and reported him the Feds

>>21612661 Michigan voters erupt in cheers after Trump tells them that he will put a 200% tariff on cars made in Mexico

>>21612665 DJT: Finally everyone is agreeing that I won the Debate with Kamala

>>21612687 Jesse Watters: Biden has his fingerprints all over this (S15)

>>21612698 Adam Schiff & most members of the Congressional Black Caucus were all paid members of Epstein's "Congressional Advisory Group"

>>21612751 Elon Musk says there will be a Golden Age in America once D.O.G.E is implemented

>>21612761 Newscum goes full Gay British Meme Police Are Coming: bans memes in California

>>21612808 Ukrainian drones successfully struck a massive Russian ammunition dump

>>21612831 Seattle City Council approves SOAP, SODA zone proposals

>>21612922 Senators @ChuckGrassley and @RonJohnsonWI uncover more Biden-Kamala lawfare and election interference against Trump

>>21612929 Trump shooter used an SKS-type rifle?

>>21612113, >>21612147, >>21612261, >>21612756, >>21612938, >>21612956 Memes

>>21612977 #26471

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Post last edited at

220881 No.21613780

#26470 >>21611306

>>21611350, >>21611421 Live: President Trump Hosts a Town Hall with Gov. Sarah Sanders in Flint, MI - 9/17/24

>>21611917 Transcript: Trump Town Hall in Flint, Michigan - 9/17/24

>>21611374 Sarah takes the stage @ 6:56 / 17

>>21611458, >>21611472 Donald Trump takes the stage @ 7:04 / 47

>>21611546 Sarah Sanders and President Trump talk about about the 1st assassination attempt

>>21611570 Trump: I'm putting a 200% tariff on cars being made in Mexico which will make them unsellable in the United States

>>21611597 Connect the dots

>>21611893 Trump: It's my ambition to get your energy bill within 12 months down 50% and interest rates are going to follow

>>21611902 President Trump just casually slipped in that the Prime Minister of India is coming to meet with him next week

>>21611410 Trump campaign rally schedule for the week

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21611414 The official TikTok account for Romania posting harvest reaping vids

>>21611434, >>21611402, >>21611890, >>21611985 Pager bombs / lithium salts / Trump said salt today

>>21611446 The Feds can’t seal DeSantis off from this case no matter how hard they try

>>21611553, >>21611627, >>21611633, >>21611701 All of these people stepped down within 24 hrs of P. Diddy arrest

>>21611642 Alina: 9th inning, full count, game face on—let’s bring it home. VOTE TRUMP!

>>21611667 O'Keefe: Both Individuals Involved in Trump Assassination Attempts Identified as ActBlue Donors

>>21611673 A trio of Democrat Senators wrote Jerome Powell begging for a three-quarter point cut

>>21611683 Biden Regime Investigates Robert Kennedy Jr. for 20-Year-Old Whale Incident After He Endorses Donald Trump for President

>>21611708 Impeachment proceedings against France's Macron pass first hurdle

>>21611721 Dozens of paedophiles who hoarded 1m sick images given ZERO days in jail, Sun investigation finds

>>21611731 Refresher: Diddy and Hillary Clinton played a HUGE role together in the 2004 Democratic National Convention

>>21611771 @SpeakerJohnson should direct Sergeant at Arms to arrest FBI Director if he refuses to provide info on assassination attempts

>>21611798 Springfield police report on August 28 records resident reporting a neighbor's cat was stolen and cut up

>>21611813 Bronx Former Attorney Pleads Guilty To Large-Scale Immigration Fraud

>>21611819 South Dakota Surgical Hospital and United Surgical Partners International Will Pay $12.7M to Resolve False Claims Act Violations

>>21611828 President Of Hair Testing Company Sentenced To 41 Months In Prison For Defrauding Over 88,000 Customers In Allergy Testing Scam

>>21611871 Lufthansa Group, Air France cancel Israel flights amid escalating tensions

>>21611882 Bobby Kennedy on his personal relationship with @realDonaldTrump

>>21611926 Some Springfield, Ohio records acquired by Judicial Watch

>>21612029 Ryan Routh spotted at Kamala's Sept. 12 rally in North Carolina

>>21612031 Tampon is now claiming that Trump will "create a new government entity that will monitor all pregnancies"

>>21612050 Chris Cuomo apologizes to Donald Trump in telephone call

>>21611482, >>21611894, >>21611895 Memes

>>21612064 #26470

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220881 No.21613781

#26469 >>21610478

>>21610496 Ukraine planning ‘inhumane’ false flag attack – Russian intelligence

>>21610551 @realDonaldTrump meets with the Martin County Sheriff’s Office Deputies who arrested Routh

>>21610562 Ghislaine Maxwell's sex trafficking conviction is upheld by Manhattan court

>>21610605, >>21610804, >>21611030 Diddy begs for bail by offering $50M - as he heads to Epstein's suicide Jail

>>21610623, >>21610700 Diddy and team Groomed Children

>>21610641 Grassley and Johnson Uncover More Biden-Harris Lawfare Election Interference Against Trump

>>21610655 Ghislaine Maxwell wants to serve sex trafficking prison sentence in UK

>>21610664 "It's Hard To Have A Republic When One Side Wants To Kill Your Presidential Candidate"

>>21610673 Blumenthal threatens "subpoena power" on Biden-Harris DHS to cooperate with the Senate's investigation on first assassination attempt

>>21610684 RealClearPolitics Average Flips Pennsylvania in Favor of Donald Trump

>>21610689 US government is running the largest child trafficking ring in history

>>21610706 Trump vows to restore SALT deduction in major fiscal reversal

>>21610719 Natalie Winters: "They Know The Only Way Trump Can Lose Is By Killing Him"

>>21610765, >>21611053 JD Vance to Deliver Remarks in Eau Claire, Wisconsin

>>21610766, >>21611076, >>21611250 President Trump Hosts a Town Hall with Gov. Sarah Sanders in Flint, MI - 9/17/24

>>21610769, >>21611153 Groceries Still Too High: Kamala Harris Undermines Her Own Economic Record

>>21610771 Millersville city attorney answers questions after raid

>>21610775, >>21610796, >>21610800, >>21610818, >>21610829 CALL TO DIGG: Kamala Harris: Thank You Diddy for hosting this Townhall last night 4-10-20

>>21610799 Matt Boyle On 2nd Assassination Attempt

>>21610813 KJP is dismissive and continues to call Trump a Threat. Again again.

>>21610815, >>21610962 Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs Hit With Sex Trafficking, Racketeering Conspiracy In Major Indictment

>>21610816 Kamala Harris says she would ask Congress to 'study reparations' if elected President

>>21610821 Kamala Harris Quadruples Down on Current Administration’s Israel Policies

>>21610831 Nassim Taleb: People Aren't Seeing The Real De-Dollarization

>>21610837, >>21610896, >>21610978, >>21610986, >>21610997 Terrorists detonate hundreds of pagers simultaneously across Lebanon killing and injuring many

>>21610894 Mike Benz On The Assassin: "This Guy Is Like The Forrest Gump Of CIA Paramilitary Activity"

>>21610920 Employee of Chinese State-Owned Defense Contractor Charged with Hacking NASA, U.S. Military

>>21610966 Oracle's Larry Ellison Hopes for AI-Powered Surveillance Hellscape to Keep Americans on ‘Best Behavior

>>21610975 There is nothing more profitable in our society today than a sick child.

>>21610989, >>21611008, >>21611019 anon bun of PB notables after 2nd assassination attempt habbened

>>21611003 Mike Davis Hammers Importance Of Transparency By Election Officials

>>21611024, >>21611025 PF Gitmo Express

>>21611004, >>21611032 Paging Mr. DIGZ - Did Israel give away a Cabal secret weapon? DIG CALL

>>21611059 Tucker Carlson, RFK Jr, and Larry Elder React to Second Trump Shooting

>>21611063 Vivek hosting a town hall in Springfield, OH at 6:30pm on Thursday

>>21611104 Kamala Intoxicated? Sauced? Crying Shame? You decide.

>>21611184, >>21611222 TRUMP TRUTH BIG LEAD!

>>21611245 Age of Rage: 26 Million Americans Believe Political Violence is Justified

>>21611297 #26469

Previously Collected

>>21609636 #26467, >>21610450 #26468-A, >>21610450 #26468-B

>>21606923 #26464, >>21607811 #26465, >>21608634 #26466

>>21606010 #26463-C, >>21605526 #26463-B, >>21605516 #26463-A

>>21603391 #26460, >>21604285 #26461, >>21605095 #26462

>>21601530 #26458, >>21602517 #26459, >>21603394 #26460

>>21599060 #26455, >>21599934 #26456, >>21600711 #26457

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Q Research Notables #24: Soldiers >>21225723

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220881 No.21613782

File: b099410c25d0211⋯.png (149.59 KB,520x630,52:63,125.png)

Ghosted Dough


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ebcf76 No.21613783

>>21613765 lb

Will look into it.


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c6fcf9 No.21613784

File: 6dbbc04f48fc574⋯.png (1.49 MB,828x1216,207:304,ClipboardImage.png)

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ebcf76 No.21613785

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963605 No.21613788

Only 4 UIDs, the floor is yours.

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220881 No.21613789

Less than 10.

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963605 No.21613790


Actually less than 6.

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44a1d8 No.21613792


2 breads

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dd61ca No.21613793

I think the title of the bread, Fight the Good Fight, scared many of them away.

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416b23 No.21613805

File: b5300fc47430b93⋯.png (713.78 KB,707x571,707:571,ClipboardImage.png)

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220881 No.21613807

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


updated dough


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416b23 No.21613809

File: 2a1b25300d55747⋯.png (134.67 KB,400x345,80:69,ClipboardImage.png)

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ebcf76 No.21613826



>Most everyone here never knew normal in their entire lives.

>What we thought was normal perhaps.

>What we thought was great perhaps.

Gen X perhaps comes closest.

Shit was fucked even back then, but we grew up seeing the rapid acceleration of political correctness without the financial benefits of boomers.

Anon's entire life has been kick after kick in balls, but have still persevered and done okay.

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f7c8eb No.21613840

I created this please lock it, but for FFS sake, can we please talk about this? CFP could easily be a pager.


Beep Beep.

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f7c8eb No.21613870

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Is anybody out there? Are we all bots?

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44a1d8 No.21613874

File: 44191e4f77588e1⋯.png (266.99 KB,613x611,613:611,ClipboardImage.png)


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220881 No.21613877

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Clock is ticking.

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44a1d8 No.21613879


I get the feeling MOS is behind this

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514719 No.21613881

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

RFK Jr. Links the Attempts on Trump’s Life to JFK’s Death


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44a1d8 No.21613884

File: 8f5706d7f157ad2⋯.png (370.17 KB,826x900,413:450,ClipboardImage.png)



BCCI is mentioned

Bank of Credit and Commerce International

Front C_A bank, new name to me


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f7c8eb No.21613886


Anyone other than the Vatican Shill. For FFS Vatican programmer. You really think your life is worth ruining it for this?

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a0e5cc No.21613887

File: 82a614792e06922⋯.jpg (97.89 KB,1077x383,1077:383,Screenshot_20240918_205030….jpg)


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416b23 No.21613889


Hang on.

It's all coming.

And more.

Gotta take out the trash first.

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220881 No.21613890

File: 55c245a794c67af⋯.png (195.82 KB,378x378,1:1,Red_Pill.png)


Mystery, Babylon the Great. Mother of Harlots and Abominations of the Earth.

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416b23 No.21613892


I'm a bot shilling as a pager.

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220881 No.21613894



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ad204a No.21613896

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44a1d8 No.21613898


just missing a retarded timestamp tied to a q post

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f7c8eb No.21613899

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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4591a5 No.21613903

I want to say how beautiful Brooke Singman is.

Think she lurks?

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ad204a No.21613905


I have more respect for the one on the Right.

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220881 No.21613907

File: f60cce4c4fc74a2⋯.png (345.39 KB,519x525,173:175,Screenshot_2024_07_08_0259….png)


Q is always here.

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37695a No.21613909

File: 6ac53ce4003327f⋯.png (7.18 MB,9000x2869,9000:2869,bnetfugg289762.png)

Blizzard's BattleNet goes down during both attempts on Trump.

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958be9 No.21613910


Why is Jesus's shepherd staff so like the Egyptian staff all the Pharaohs hold?

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693fda No.21613911


Define Normal.

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c4125c No.21613912

File: eeff996a7a2fec8⋯.png (1.69 MB,1191x834,397:278,s_mart.PNG)

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f7c8eb No.21613913


TY anon. I believe that. I know that. That was no helicopter.

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ad204a No.21613915


Shouldn't it be Springfield, Ohio?

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b63114 No.21613917


bot here

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416b23 No.21613918



I found it in the wild.

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44a1d8 No.21613919

File: 8bc4f6353cb791d⋯.png (75.2 KB,680x678,340:339,ClipboardImage.png)

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37695a No.21613922

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Rise of the Moors: ‘We Want Our Own Nation’

Alzo Slade meets with Moors in America to learn more about their origin story, heritage, and ultimately, why the current social and political landscape is making Moorish Nationalism more appealing.

This segment is from the show ‘VICE’ which originally aired in June 2022


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f7c8eb No.21613926


check the sidereal time

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220881 No.21613928

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Let's finish what we started. Test time, anons.

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89973a No.21613930

File: d3a8adfbbfc8329⋯.jpeg (127.7 KB,764x955,4:5,2A73F6C6_23D3_49AB_8A71_3….jpeg)

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89973a No.21613931

File: 6f78e403995c956⋯.jpeg (945.72 KB,949x1293,949:1293,IMG_9713.jpeg)

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89973a No.21613934

File: 908b73766827ed8⋯.jpg (236.83 KB,1252x965,1252:965,BBC_Pedophiles_Uncle_Ernie.jpg)

File: 24479eefd5e5e28⋯.jpg (616.04 KB,1145x643,1145:643,IMG_9719.jpg)

File: f33387ed8c53131⋯.jpg (1.01 MB,1342x1918,671:959,IMG_9720.jpg)

File: a91ed4ab39e3f43⋯.jpg (291.02 KB,1130x1721,1130:1721,IMG_9721.JPG)

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ad204a No.21613936

File: 106c8d223fc1383⋯.png (476.11 KB,511x362,511:362,ClipboardImage.png)

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416b23 No.21613937

File: b57248d50ebc1fa⋯.png (114.51 KB,511x500,511:500,ClipboardImage.png)

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ad204a No.21613940

File: a3ceb0f7de209b0⋯.png (845.72 KB,628x500,157:125,ClipboardImage.png)



Here, I fixed it

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416b23 No.21613942


>‘We Want Our Own Nation’

Go back to north Africa then.

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416b23 No.21613943


Just fixed it muhself.

Scroll up.

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a0e5cc No.21613944

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

worth a watch and Notable given where the world was a few years asg

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ad204a No.21613946



I like your fix better

I'm gonna use it

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ebcf76 No.21613947

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958be9 No.21613948


I just heard about this lately. Very interesting.

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ff16d0 No.21613951


Moors were known for piracy and slave trading.

Coming from North Africa area known as the Barbary Coast.

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ad204a No.21613952


I've seen this pic before.

Makes me sad.

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c45f5f No.21613953

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ebcf76 No.21613954


Your butthurt is amusing.

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ebcf76 No.21613956


Here's one a little less graphic.

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416b23 No.21613960

File: 639fda00f95e023⋯.png (1.1 MB,772x1024,193:256,ClipboardImage.png)

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ebcf76 No.21613961


>yes, i finally watched a video on it after my late husband told me about it, and the missing years of jesus,

Pics, ma'am.

Post them.

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ad204a No.21613963


DEI Bitch!

If she was disabled, she could check one more box.

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220881 No.21613974

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


"Operation Fantasia" SEC_TEST "The whole world is watching."

>Fantasia in the Magic Kingdom

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ebcf76 No.21613975


>I can't see the sperging any moar because it's perma filtered

Yet, you reply.

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250fcb No.21613981

File: 4ab2cedab6edad0⋯.png (360.83 KB,1080x1707,360:569,ClipboardImage.png)

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250fcb No.21613983

File: eec17a5ab4db61a⋯.png (28.25 KB,850x230,85:23,ClipboardImage.png)

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f7c8eb No.21613985

Any anon with Kayne's email?


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416b23 No.21613987


Write to him at his cell in NY. He'll be looking for something to do between ass-rapings.

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89973a No.21613997

File: 0c09b7b8e9098ac⋯.png (2.07 MB,1366x942,683:471,104484C5_FE31_499A_AE34_F3….PNG)

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220881 No.21614002


(CVN 71) replenishment-at-sea

>We really needed it

Sister checking the Bread bags.

8 Brothers in Green on the deck.

Q (white) resting on Alan, aboard.

Backed by /pol/ legs on the ground.

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44a1d8 No.21614003

File: f840be105f090e2⋯.mp4 (674.55 KB,886x490,443:245,diddy_bidey.mp4)


diddy and kanye are different niggers

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220881 No.21614005

If it keeps up, I could be forced to bake all day.

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0c2f81 No.21614009

File: 1296e68b8f50294⋯.png (1014.38 KB,804x768,67:64,47_days_to_winning.png)

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89973a No.21614010

File: b45e44833885cf2⋯.jpeg (317.82 KB,1366x768,683:384,5F5726AA_C761_4E0B_8A4D_1….JPEG)

File: 5b6af0d00eb8299⋯.jpeg (321.81 KB,1366x1025,1366:1025,Brigitte_Macron_Trans_01.JPEG)

File: 22a8de2da33ee44⋯.jpg (64.25 KB,475x475,1:1,Obama_s_05_Christmas.JPG)

File: b12f8924002bff2⋯.jpeg (193.34 KB,1280x836,320:209,Politician_s_Tranny_Wives….JPEG)

File: 036ce72e3542f9d⋯.mp4 (7.92 MB,720x848,45:53,Barbara_Bush_was_a_Dude_02.MP4)

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ad204a No.21614012


This right here is why women use pseudonyms.

You want to give strength to the feminists?

This is the way to do it.

Women are wily. Best mot to piss them off. They always seem to find a way to get even.

One of their favorite tactics is poison.

Do you really want them to make you a sandwich?

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44a1d8 No.21614015

File: 8ba249e13e6cf8e⋯.png (1.01 MB,795x981,265:327,ClipboardImage.png)

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424207 No.21614023

File: 7bfa6b7de502ad0⋯.png (12.68 KB,255x252,85:84,BOXER.png)


Holy Shill-factory, Batman.

Just woke up, loaded a new bread, and it's all shill shit. WTH?

Who set them off?

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ebcf76 No.21614024



>Do you really want them to make you a sandwich?

No mayo, please.

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b40c81 No.21614026

File: 6765d93703b71f2⋯.png (138.94 KB,503x600,503:600,Ghost_badge_of_honor.png)

File: 5da5b9f223aa89a⋯.mp4 (4.88 MB,1914x1080,319:180,Ghost_Please_stand_by.mp4)


TY Ghost Baker!

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699ac1 No.21614028


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220881 No.21614033


(Green Light) Deck! "Yes."

List Vatican Board Supervisory Clown Connection #Roth# - Goodbye, Mike [R].

>I realize this means at least a couple things but who right now doesn't also see the VS relevancy RN.

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ebcf76 No.21614035


>Holy Shill-factory, Batman.

>Just woke up, loaded a new bread, and it's all shill shit. WTH?

>Who set them off?

Who cares?

They're just panicking for panic's sake.

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ad204a No.21614037


You want your wife to stay out of your garage, you had better stay out of her kitchen.

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220881 No.21614038


It was me.

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1c503a No.21614042

>>21613704 (LB)


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ebcf76 No.21614043


>You want your wife to stay out of your garage, you had better stay out of her kitchen.

Okay, no mayo and your seatbelts may or may not work.

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3bce59 No.21614044

File: 47ca19fdf42a120⋯.png (3.61 KB,500x400,5:4,1602648139_1.png)


Old fag checking in.

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ad204a No.21614050

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ba5263 No.21614052


@475 lb

#26472 >>21612996

>>21613030 DJT: THANK YOU, MICHIGAN! #MAGA2024

>>21613033 PF: We got a BOEING RC-135 doing some reconnaissance down and back the coast of Baja California

>>21613037 RFK Jr. reveals that Trump has kept every promise he made to him

>>21613050 Dan Goldman

>>21613054 (August 2023) Springfield, Ohio: Haitian illegal caused bus crash killing an 11 year old boy on first day of school

>>21613060, >>21613071 How Many Days Later Did All Those Pagers Explode?

>>21613070, >>21613125 Whoopi Goldberg Looks Straight Into The Camera And Says Dangerous Rhetoric Isn’t A ‘Both Sides’ Issue

>>21613076 Secret Service Incompetence and Bizarre Background of Second Would-Be Trump Assassin, w/ Erik Prince

>>21613087, >>21613101, >>21613134, >>21613152, >>21613219, >>21613231 Refresher: Lucian Grainge

>>21613102 They tried assassinating Trump a week after both presidential debates

>>21613117 (April 10, 2020) Diddy Hosts Town Hall on 'The State of Black America & Coronavirus'

>>21613133 The mayor of Springfield, Ohio is making millions by replacing a third of the population of his town with Haitian immigrants

>>21613143 Michaela DePrince, resilient Black ballerina who worked with Beyoncé and Madonna, dies at 29

>>21613162 Keefe D has confessed he was hired by P Diddy for $1 million to kill Tupac

>>21613170, >>21613296, >>21613309 The Gold Apollo AR-924 pager uses a Lithium battery

>>21613177 CNN admits Kamala and their people have been lying about Trump's use of the word bloodbath

>>21613210, >>21613448 Elon: @GavinNewsom just announced that he signed a LAW to make parody illegal, based on this video 🤣🤣

>>21613237, >>21613282 Connecting the dots: Ryan Routh

>>21613239 Google and Facebook have been painting and curating your newsfeed since at least 2011

>>21613240 Howard Lutnick: Donald Trump is here to protect the American Worker…

>>21613399 Satan and his Generals working against humanity

>>21613435, >>21613439 (2018) Sean Diddy Comb's ‘sex slave’ shot up the inside of Trump's National Doral Golf Club

>>21613437, >>21613442 Drone attack on military unit in Russia

>>21613447 Authorities intercept 'suspicious' package addressed to Colorado Secretary of State's Office

>>21613452 ‘The View’ hosts joke that owning lubricant ‘ain’t a crime’ after Diddy’s sex trafficking arrest

>>21613460 Greg Kelly: Another Secret Service failure, they won't get away with it

>>21613020, >>21613027, >>21613032, >>21613052, >>21613068, >>21613088, >>21613125, >>21613381, >>21613488, >>21613490 Memes

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220881 No.21614054

File: f817379bd3bc870⋯.png (642.83 KB,900x900,1:1,Stage_Set.png)


Real Love for Poppa.






Brute force will be necessary.

T-2 warning.

>(another) fox


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b40c81 No.21614056

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Malachi Martin did (IIRC) three interviews with Buckley (who was a brutal interviewer, you could not side step that man).

All were good. Began praying Auxilium Christianorum after watching those.

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ba5263 No.21614058

File: 948b6e6a784e2b4⋯.gif (1.79 MB,631x270,631:270,Bonk.gif)


And then, I shit you not, Hudson bangs his head on the lift door

come on man

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ad204a No.21614059


When he says Niggers, someone in the background says, "hey," until they realize it's a Black guy saying it.

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220881 No.21614060

File: f8ef4c036f85edb⋯.png (1.36 MB,1024x1024,1:1,2024.png)


Thank you…!

"Peace through strength."

'we're definitely being attacked'

"412,000 now."

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220881 No.21614063


Already in updated dough… >>21613807

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1c503a No.21614066


You're welcome.

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b40c81 No.21614073

File: 348db4fd0e9d7b1⋯.jpg (343.97 KB,1080x697,1080:697,Oldfag_jpeg.jpg)

File: 419053b51a533d0⋯.jpg (96.74 KB,945x650,189:130,Newfag_Oldfag.jpg)

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ebcf76 No.21614074


The best troll is to grind just enough off the outside for the seatbelts to be safe, but they don't connect with the sensors so the car screams the entire commute to work.

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220881 No.21614077


>If it keeps up, I could be forced to bake all day.

3 minutes later… >>21614052

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44a1d8 No.21614082


>Malachi Martin

another fag

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220881 No.21614084

Fear doesn't Think, it just Reacts.

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b40c81 No.21614092


Exorcist group. They feel the world is being put upon, heavily, by demons.


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220881 No.21614097

File: 82153c3b7c5f409⋯.png (437.79 KB,612x612,1:1,patriot.png)

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1c503a No.21614098

File: aa6f21bd6aaa450⋯.png (7.16 MB,2184x3000,91:125,ClipboardImage.png)


In 1997, he opened his own restaurant, and had Donald Trump in attendance.

Getty Images

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4ddfe8 No.21614102

File: 352935df77a4a31⋯.png (3.03 MB,1653x2926,87:154,Screenshot_2024_09_18_at_0….png)




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220881 No.21614108


Count the green again. There are 2 in 2 lifts. 1 on the ground right of them, and 3 in front. That's 8.

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b40c81 No.21614114

File: 23bcffcc03bfa1e⋯.jpg (237.27 KB,1024x1024,1:1,GWWPf_yWgAAAtPm.jpg)



Fantastic link, ThanQ anon!

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44a1d8 No.21614115

File: 07a2cf22b59250c⋯.gif (89.34 KB,220x146,110:73,boring_boss_baby.gif)


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220881 No.21614117


Snowflake.. leave this House if you don't like our Military.

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1c503a No.21614118


Ya, Diddy looks desperate for attention.

He's one of those narcissistic users.

A sniveling needy one.

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493488 No.21614120

File: 65c2f21d15e5cde⋯.jpg (12.41 MB,7136x4392,892:549,SouthAfricaSatanists5.jpg)

Alan Levin (Mossad Agent)

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220881 No.21614128


DDG80 sustains the fleet.. fosters partnership

"We need to get organized."

Anons, that's us. Wishes being granted. Time is flying.

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1c503a No.21614130



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220881 No.21614131


Q is giving the board to someone else, someone we all (know).

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220881 No.21614134


Spanish like the MIL post ref. >>21614110

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4ddfe8 No.21614137

File: 6fcb4f991ad8028⋯.jpg (46.72 KB,452x679,452:679,6fcb4f991ad80284d7e45e11f6….jpg)


>ThanQ anon!


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6d858e No.21614138


Jesus is the reason we don't sacrifice chickens, cats, goats, rams, horses, cows, bulls, adults or children in our (for now) civilized Western world. Horus did not do that. Jesus fundamentally changed humanity's principles in Western societies and now separates us wholly from the world of humans who do not have Jesus. The Haitian story of sacrificing cats is a prime example of how far removed from this normalcy we are. We are the weird ones who DON'T sacrifice animals or neighbors on altars to the sun or to voodoo or to spirits.

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6d858e No.21614145


Not a Q proof. Unrelated.

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250fcb No.21614146

File: 1f01966a0c1d1da⋯.png (417.41 KB,680x680,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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220881 No.21614150



'we're DEF being attack'd'

What data just dropped?

Enjoy the crumbs.

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ba5263 No.21614152


all anon saw was ghosted dough

looked through lb to see if

NS partied all night with shill intent or

had a few notes

little did anon know that there was an updated dough posting as anon was about 3 minutes into this bread

not to mention that other bread with the grabber blue color

ay conyo

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220881 No.21614153

Clown Trash will be banned from the Kitchen soon.

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cc5c9d No.21614155

File: 0b0b79790c39841⋯.mp4 (1.36 MB,352x640,11:20,pB2phlySMhsfYBEM.mp4)

god's chosen people right here

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fd5a6b No.21614160

File: dbe2ba92d6108f4⋯.jpeg (394.48 KB,1662x1433,1662:1433,IMG_3731.jpeg)

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d66c27 No.21614163


You sound like a Liberal with that disregard for life, joking about human sacrifice being a good thing. Like how they celebrate the aborting of their unborn children on an altar to themselves and think its funny.

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965cbd No.21614171

File: bcba9ea5b3b62a6⋯.png (850.28 KB,720x904,90:113,1ab29b66a72d8bbdf8d1678b0d….png)

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82fa1d No.21614172

File: c8dda7d268abf5c⋯.png (1.99 MB,498x242,249:121,ClipboardImage.png)

Making memories this week.

Countdown to Q & a board run by (you).

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62ae06 No.21614183

File: a81bf230af92e5c⋯.png (1.28 MB,1179x2025,131:225,ClipboardImage.png)


Johnathan Oddi (man who shot up Trump golf course in 2018) on video claiming he was P Diddy’s sex slave

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bd69f1 No.21614184

Watching the weather Barbies

When a moderna ad comes on


Covid is always changing

Are the huddled masses

Really that fuckin stupid

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424207 No.21614196


PIC 3 looks like a man (black man) between Trump and Melania.

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ae79a3 No.21614202

File: da0462066319f77⋯.png (376.19 KB,474x428,237:214,th_2024_09_18T033756_970.png)

The filter is working overtime on this bread

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d94738 No.21614204


>Vatty haz Proto

>Proto Off now

Well, which is it?

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0f32ba No.21614205

File: 2febad851baee36⋯.jpg (119.32 KB,1125x1125,1:1,Happy_Wednesday_GM.jpg)

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965cbd No.21614208

File: 5c5aaa7e8be8fd1⋯.jpg (35.84 KB,1280x800,8:5,EVG_VUQU0AAe4PU4565875647p….jpg)

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ebcf76 No.21614211

File: f6b101cc3030868⋯.jpg (384.83 KB,1200x900,4:3,filter.JPG)



>The filter is working overtime on this bread

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965cbd No.21614214

anons refresh as needed

gonna be wanna those days


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cc5c9d No.21614216

File: eb856b93aeacd2b⋯.mp4 (6.18 MB,640x360,16:9,8ZGoTweZOkWSANaG.mp4)

File: 43e041d6a7ff228⋯.png (173.32 KB,478x417,478:417,ClipboardImage.png)


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13466f No.21614217

File: 1e98b20a3bc219d⋯.png (963.5 KB,1125x688,1125:688,1e98b20a3bc219da42f89651b7….png)

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d94738 No.21614221


>see Q, the Battleground drops

Q's only comments on the subject were that QR should be an organizing HQ for anon ops on SM.

Didn't quite work out that way, but Twatter Q is a yuge force to be reckoned with in its own right anyway so all good in the end.

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0f32ba No.21614224

File: a555855856105c2⋯.png (2.82 MB,1049x1280,1049:1280,ClipboardImage.png)

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cc5c9d No.21614233

File: c7f71d2056e3fbc⋯.png (337.15 KB,768x432,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)



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56f745 No.21614239



GM day of the week Anon


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230dea No.21614258

G'Mornin' Anons… Another Day at the Office.

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56f745 No.21614259

File: ce2671883750479⋯.jpg (154.41 KB,1125x1156,1125:1156,GQoHBW5bQAAbmNb.jpg)



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56f745 No.21614263

File: 9ab682332423ff0⋯.png (408.94 KB,800x609,800:609,845419.png)


GM to you too

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d94738 No.21614270




Muh DNA!

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230dea No.21614273


Mornin' Ralph... Please pass the Covfefe.

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de62e7 No.21614288


maybe they'll finally start producing real music again and stop with the hypno and brainwash sound tracks.

maybe people will get contracts again based upon musical talent instead of willingness to be a prostitute and drug slave.

The music industry has been corrupt for generations and a reformation of it is long over-due.

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f04f82 No.21614321

File: 2675387bfa43dce⋯.png (219.4 KB,300x320,15:16,scribe.png)

>copied in manuscript several times, before being first printed

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6f2e68 No.21614338

File: d0084a40827066d⋯.png (1.56 MB,2151x1720,2151:1720,ClipboardImage.png)

Today (Wednesday Sept 18, 2024)

Fed rate cut 2pm EST

Market halted limit down 3:30PM

Screen grab this

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9ccb12 No.21614342



And people mask in their vehicle by themselves

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cc5c9d No.21614349

File: 7e4fc6e17c6e015⋯.mp4 (1.65 MB,480x852,40:71,cRfBVY9ixo0ybCkg.mp4)


speaking of page

check out this crazy cunt

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9ccb12 No.21614354


Not so sure on that one

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8705fc No.21614358

File: 7479de16748fbe4⋯.png (228.6 KB,635x427,635:427,ClipboardImage.png)

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cc5c9d No.21614380


well when their fellow tribe members write the book then of course they're going to make themselves the heroes of said book while stating anyone doing bad shit in their name isn't really them but other people pretending to be them

could imagine the hand rubbing when that best seller took off back in the day

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e37ce0 No.21614389

File: d9a82b9b20a14c2⋯.png (560.4 KB,1067x512,1067:512,ClipboardImage.png)



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9ccb12 No.21614394


That's why walz likes horses

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6f2e68 No.21614406

File: c9c866b64199f07⋯.jpg (132.58 KB,1200x800,3:2,Newsom_Joker.jpg)

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cc5c9d No.21614425

File: 8738d399a1da60e⋯.png (211.52 KB,477x504,53:56,albino_walzpanzee.png)


it all makes sense now

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9a21e8 No.21614430

Am I here

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965cbd No.21614433


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0b9547 No.21614436


she has really bad TDS

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cc5c9d No.21614451


i nicknamed her albino walzpanzee

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9a21e8 No.21614454

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Gotta work up to this

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b05f9e No.21614459


She looks whore as babyfist

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81ed1b No.21614461

File: 003263a342b9d7e⋯.png (21.42 KB,661x143,661:143,ClipboardImage.png)

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5c7a3e No.21614462

File: 72886c159ece26c⋯.png (584.5 KB,576x421,576:421,ClipboardImage.png)

War Preparations Build After 9 Killed, 2700+ Wounded In Israel's Pager Attack On Hezbollah

Tyler Durden's Photo

by Tyler Durden

Wednesday, Sep 18, 2024

Update(1445ET): Official Lebanese Health Ministry figures are that nine people were killed in the simultaneous pager explosions, including a young girl, and some 2,750 wounded. The Lebanese government has identified "Israeli aggression" as being behind the attack, while Hezbollah also says it holds Israel "fully responsible". Israel has yet to issue official comment, but there are several reports from the region that war preparations are underway. There are reports of evening Israeli shelling of Hezbollah positions in south Lebanon.

Israel's Channel 14 is reporting that "senior Israeli military officials are preparing for a third Hezbollah war which is expected to begin almost immediately." The US State Department has said the US "was not aware of this operation and was not involved" in the attack. The Biden administration says it is "still gathering information".



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2bc9cb No.21614463

File: fb14e0bea475006⋯.jpg (503.48 KB,1080x1634,540:817,Screenshot_20240918_050821….jpg)

After self-proclaimed “Childless Cat Lady” Taylor Swift endorsed Kamala Harris, readers asked us about alleged backlash to her announcement. Here’s what we found.


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eb500c No.21614466

File: 791f2d8941acb0d⋯.png (235.39 KB,506x759,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)

>>21613018 (pb)

>The clock proofs always blow me away, and I'm someone who used to make Physics Formulae Sheets for my college classes and for sport.

That was nice work yourself!!

I should have majored in physics but was too stuck in a lane at the time to make a sound choice of majors. c'est la vie.

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2935ba No.21614468

File: 76aaa78b7612117⋯.jpg (76.56 KB,500x500,1:1,Activated.jpg)


TY, Baker.

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81ed1b No.21614472


so you only go for white painted vehicles? okay, whatever works…

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eb500c No.21614473

File: e449f77e2495cf3⋯.png (246.75 KB,804x1148,201:287,ClipboardImage.png)


Heavenly Trippp's

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f04f82 No.21614475

File: d62aee5409b156c⋯.png (216.88 KB,390x476,195:238,ClipboardImage.png)


"The remittance was very strange," he said, adding that payments had come through the Middle East. He did not elaborate further.

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0c2f81 No.21614478

File: 0a4327f5a0a510f⋯.png (386.77 KB,469x706,469:706,walz.png)


>check out this crazy cunt

Would explain Tim's obsession with horses.

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f04f82 No.21614480

File: b8b65173ad68843⋯.png (401.56 KB,373x481,373:481,azovst.png)

all for a larp

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81ed1b No.21614481


voices talking loud again?

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708448 No.21614482


Book deals

A novel idea

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5c7a3e No.21614490

File: 00abea3cdd0ff6a⋯.png (607.08 KB,768x432,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Wireless technology causes infertility, cancer and DNA damage

By Rhoda Wilson on September 18, 2024

All wireless technology, including 5G, gives off radiofrequency (“RF”) radiation which is absorbed into and accumulates in the human body. Hundreds of studies show proof of biological harm from wireless devices including infertility, cancer and DNA damage.

We are already significantly exposed to RF radiation but it is set to dramatically increase. By 2030, it is projected there will be over 500 billion wirelessly connected devices globally, averaging almost 60 devices per person.



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f04f82 No.21614495


that is a humble man

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c19191 No.21614496

File: e701346ab64e958⋯.jpeg (595.04 KB,1179x758,1179:758,IMG_0041.jpeg)


My aunt (wicked libtard) just sent me this meme and said, “Heh, tough luck kid. See you at the house for grandpa’s birthday sunday lol”

How do I respond to her without sounding mad?

Please, I need your help.

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44a1d8 No.21614499


The timestamp shill is posting chicks now

Must be the ass-clock theory

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24d336 No.21614505

File: ef1e962b4b2e679⋯.jpg (198.1 KB,1440x1030,144:103,imrs_3384487497.jpg)

File: 96903423b30f042⋯.jpg (192.46 KB,1200x671,1200:671,illegals_crime_guns_287303….jpg)

File: ee4fb414eb5f0c2⋯.jpg (32.4 KB,700x350,2:1,Venezuelan_gang_3753657540.jpg)

File: 2ce3c7d7d31bd73⋯.jpg (17.48 KB,474x248,237:124,th_3563542674.jpg)

File: 7bfc5c7e7bfbd97⋯.jpg (18 KB,474x266,237:133,th_2948734936.jpg)

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81ed1b No.21614508


Aye, she's yar

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f5e0f6 No.21614511

File: 09c75dd3f10ffd4⋯.png (1.01 MB,1920x1012,480:253,ClipboardImage.png)

The Russians spent about 5 hours on the ground in Tehran.


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f636bc No.21614514


Another "Prime" example of how

The Left Can't MEME

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539d9e No.21614519

File: e05197dfab80c72⋯.png (1.07 MB,1080x809,1080:809,69213721.png)

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f04f82 No.21614521

File: b05d6ad7ccf00f2⋯.mp4 (4 MB,480x852,40:71,ava.mp4)

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331e51 No.21614522



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de62e7 No.21614525


print it out, put it in a frame, and then present it, with great fanfare, to her so all the guests can see her handiwork.

and be a terse as possible, being loving to everyone.

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f79d7f No.21614528

File: f7a025d9d49d347⋯.jpeg (765.36 KB,1125x1745,225:349,IMG_4114.jpeg)

WOW! I encourage you all to watch this 5 min and 33 sec of Kamala. She will be our next President.


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0c2f81 No.21614534

File: ecb375bbb8d7d5a⋯.png (1.62 MB,832x1024,13:16,happy_wednesday.png)

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f04f82 No.21614537

File: 4dd42e7e114d356⋯.mp4 (4.32 MB,720x1280,9:16,Tren_de_Aragua.mp4)

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f04f82 No.21614543

File: c8d6b7d25a46eda⋯.png (311.59 KB,598x320,299:160,ClipboardImage.png)


Reuters contacted a Ukraine aid group with the same name, and its founder, Ian Netupsky, said Routh did not have any connection with his NGO.

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f04f82 No.21614547

File: ab04ae92b2d691b⋯.mp4 (575.21 KB,1280x708,320:177,diddyoil.mp4)

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de62e7 No.21614551


this is a troll

you used the wrong tense in your sentence.

plus you neglected other details:

"she might become the next controlled puppet clown figurehead in the office of the presidency" would be more accurate and better tensing.

go troll somewhere else.

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75bedc No.21614554

Q Team:

About 3 minutes ago, as I walked to the front door, I heard a chirping insect like signal and when I went outside there was a wide white box truck two houses down across the street. He moved up 2 houses and the neighbor across the street directly across from where he was pulled out and as soon as he passed him, the box truck followed, then another car came from the eastern street and pulled into the neighbors driveway. The same type of car that the neighbor to the east's tenant drives but in blue. They seemed to have been triangulating with a high frequency weapon of some sort because as soon as I went back in the noise stopped. Check out the blue car two neighbors to the east and that white box truck, it has a lot of tail lights, an unusual amount and something big on the back, like an electric machine resembling a ebike or wheel chair. It is probably a mask. The neighbor with the white jeep was the one that pulled out. These people are up to something. ThankQ

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f04f82 No.21614556


>5 min and 33 sec of Kamala

that's a big ask

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24d336 No.21614557

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



You know, the D party are gun owners. No one wants to take your guns. Kamala AND Walz are " gun" owners… whatever.

They don't want your guns, just your "weapons of war," like Walz carried in war!

Biden: Buy a shotgun, not an AR-15

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9a21e8 No.21614559


Was that in 2010

Or in 2014

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cfafc5 No.21614561


get new material faggot


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75bedc No.21614567


> two neighbors to the east


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de62e7 No.21614568


Ah, the carpet installers are at your neighbors condo!

or they are getting new kitchen cabinets?

and you have a cricket in your house?

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39bca1 No.21614570

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d94738 No.21614573


Yes, there is an element of volunteering to be waterboarded going on with that.

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079932 No.21614578

[they] are scuuuured!

its p.diddy!

one leads to many more!



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75bedc No.21614581



>Ah, the carpet installers are at your neighbors condo!

Guess what, I was the one who told you all that they are using energy weapons on the populace and seeing what they did in Israel yesterday, they obviously have them. Do not fall for the bomb in the pager bit, that is disinformation, they have many types of frequency weapons. I am always right about these tyes of things, years to decades before you people wake up, fact.

>or they are getting new kitchen cabinets?

>and you have a cricket in your house?

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d94738 No.21614582

Is Babyfist in the news again or is it just rando bashing for the fuck of it?

Not that there's anything wrong with that.

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a066f7 No.21614583

File: 990144267076dde⋯.png (326.49 KB,568x402,284:201,ClipboardImage.png)

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d20fbd No.21614584

File: 35fdab70ef27825⋯.png (51.36 KB,1080x1075,216:215,66ea3234aaebc.png)

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45f4d2 No.21614586


I know anon but you can do it!

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81ed1b No.21614588


Take your meds, the white vans turn into, 'who gives a shit'.

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2b1ce2 No.21614589


tarp boi

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8b11a7 No.21614590


I tread wherever I want.

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190015 No.21614591

File: d4c93bfa8e897b2⋯.png (1.19 MB,750x1334,375:667,DFA81991_B45F_4DBC_862F_8C….png)

File: 880e17f680e0fb9⋯.jpeg (393.76 KB,1365x1597,1365:1597,0E69FCD5_A106_4B8F_961B_1….jpeg)

File: 6eb29cb61de663a⋯.png (139.43 KB,690x1290,23:43,45E03A18_9CDE_40A4_A397_EA….png)

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def91e No.21614593

File: 92a4d6f4602b96a⋯.jpg (57.04 KB,720x508,180:127,460213165_1058673319599932….jpg)

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3feff3 No.21614594


>5 min and 33

time is precious

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def91e No.21614595

File: 2993ed75c1139a0⋯.jpg (57.98 KB,501x680,501:680,GXnpubYXEAAWz7u.jpg)

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de62e7 No.21614598


this one does not deny that it's a troll.

what you did is called 'baring false witness' and 'propaganda' it's not 'treading'.

go troll somewhere else

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0c2f81 No.21614600

File: 61d802f3d70ad36⋯.png (86.56 KB,300x300,1:1,wtf.png)


Diddy Baby Oil slopfest?

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d20fbd No.21614601

File: 6cb9769e4e6ee39⋯.png (84.88 KB,688x1161,16:27,a2vod4Y_700bwp.png)

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d20fbd No.21614603

File: 17ba2e00ed77bf5⋯.png (69.79 KB,700x824,175:206,ayNXLDr_700bwp.png)

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6e4c7a No.21614608

File: de8e4f9aa6f4bec⋯.png (357.53 KB,634x402,317:201,ClipboardImage.png)

How Israeli spies 'stashed explosives in 5,000 European-made pagers at production level months ago before detonating Hezbollah devices' - as 'coded text message that triggered blasts' is revealed


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d20fbd No.21614610

File: 4a242b4c9bfd044⋯.png (70.77 KB,700x1168,175:292,aAyxwwg_700bwp.png)

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a066f7 No.21614611

File: f4d21a5294df12c⋯.png (297.66 KB,568x373,568:373,ClipboardImage.png)

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24d336 No.21614614

File: 59f6c735491d136⋯.jpg (151.11 KB,1280x960,4:3,9693052_1955_nash_rambler_….jpg)

The Kenosha Cadillac

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75bedc No.21614618


Read this stupid, I already answered numb skulls like you. Israel just proved yesterday these weapons. If you believe they got pagers into 1,200 hands with explosives in it, you are pretty naive and stupid. I have experienced these energy weapons burning people, and moving objects about 4 inches, weighing 50 lbs, from a quarter mile away. Just because you can't comprehend doesn't mean something doesn't exist.

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22f8f9 No.21614622


seems fishy them bragging about all this how they did it. Would not think they want to divulge company secrets. Unless of course this is the prestige

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a066f7 No.21614625

File: e6b7cc4e78cad67⋯.png (495.63 KB,568x568,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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a066f7 No.21614631

File: 6414e4494682308⋯.png (260.7 KB,568x579,568:579,ClipboardImage.png)

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6e4c7a No.21614633

File: c385f832ae95fec⋯.png (431.25 KB,720x508,180:127,ClipboardImage.png)

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8871a6 No.21614634


Oh yeah, your faggot coworkers posting (85) times per bread and not getting banned

Such strict censorship here faggot

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a066f7 No.21614636

File: fba9645033cdb7d⋯.png (225.62 KB,568x419,568:419,ClipboardImage.png)

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89973a No.21614638

File: a91ed4ab39e3f43⋯.jpg (291.02 KB,1130x1721,1130:1721,IMG_9721.JPG)

File: f33387ed8c53131⋯.jpg (1.01 MB,1342x1918,671:959,IMG_9720.jpg)

File: 24479eefd5e5e28⋯.jpg (616.04 KB,1145x643,1145:643,IMG_9719.jpg)

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a066f7 No.21614643

File: d82303dc7f4556e⋯.png (577.46 KB,568x570,284:285,ClipboardImage.png)

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c45867 No.21614649

Morning anons…

Have we confirmed EXPLOSIVES vs BATTERIES that exploded?

Lithium does go boom and can make a nasty fire.

Cell phones have bigger lithium batteries than pagers, just sayin'

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4128a0 No.21614650

File: 29055972fd48f23⋯.png (636.43 KB,593x680,593:680,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e91e060baf0b93c⋯.png (70.03 KB,550x473,50:43,ClipboardImage.png)

This is a microcosm of the entire globalist satanic pedophile cult.

They accuse the world of doing what they themselves are introducing from within themselves.

The "logic" of this extends from Hegelianism/Marxism. It is a knowing, open, revolt against EVERYTHING, including the very same consciousnesses utilizing this logic and making the case for it. This is why we see, over and over and over, adherents speaking "X is wrong" and in praxis prosecuting/attacking those who allegedly perform X, THEMSELVES DOING X. They have a cognitive flaw in celebrating internal inconsistency, for internal inconsistency is the WEAPON that they believe is necessary to "make the world philosophical" so as to abolish philosophy, it's why they are making the world more dangerous while simultaneously accusing the world of becoming more dangerous to them. It's a sociopathology masquerading as authority because it sounds and looks authoritarian. But it is its own source of its own negations. That's their trick.

So we see Hillary Clinton announcing, after she herself FOR YEARS spread disinformation on the Russia Hoax, her campaign funding the phony "Dossier" that was used to weaponize the FISA court in order to legalize an illegal spying on Trump, this is why we see Clinton this week announcing she is an authority calling to imprison those who….spread disinformation. She knows the people know she lied and spread disinformation not just from her personal social media account, but from within LAW ENFORCEMENT of the federal government, the most dangerous level of power for disinformation to occur, but it doesn't matter in her mind that she herself did what she is calling to prosecute. What matters is for that pattern of weaponized information in the first place, that divisive corrosive INCONSISTENT structural pattern of information, gets out into the world where the goal is to brainwash as many trusting minds as possible, to "make the world" in their own image, as if they are Gods, and Gods they really believe themselves to be in their state of extreme self-alienation. That internal division is what's projected outward into the world, "to change it".

If these people are not all voted out and exposed, they will happily destroy themselves and "the world" that repeatedly insults them for imposing a natural order that denies them their "unlimited spirit" want to become Gods. They'll kill everyone and destroy everything if they control nation states.

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89973a No.21614653

File: d3a8adfbbfc8329⋯.jpeg (127.7 KB,764x955,4:5,2A73F6C6_23D3_49AB_8A71_3….jpeg)

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a066f7 No.21614654

File: e3d435f05686529⋯.png (172.28 KB,568x275,568:275,ClipboardImage.png)

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9a21e8 No.21614655

File: 825a580c96f552d⋯.png (695.33 KB,576x1289,576:1289,Screenshot_20240918_083307.png)

File: f14abc6a836dbb9⋯.png (417.21 KB,576x1289,576:1289,Screenshot_20240918_083414.png)

Just looking around at what's flying

Found …barrons

Ain't it dark on west coast still ?

Pretty red baroons

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af8cad No.21614656


now do Trump won

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190015 No.21614657

File: d30e3ab1836800c⋯.png (1.65 MB,750x1334,375:667,2FDFD25F_3EE1_4CA0_8C9F_3F….png)

File: 4b10c97afc83e2c⋯.jpeg (107.18 KB,749x500,749:500,A0C10DFD_835D_46AD_B464_0….jpeg)

File: 572d211c65e1b54⋯.jpeg (626.38 KB,2048x1608,256:201,84566D89_C9BA_4BA3_9CB9_C….jpeg)

File: 474caccb6cb110e⋯.jpeg (133.96 KB,749x500,749:500,BE8AA3BF_20DA_489A_8709_0….jpeg)


fuck around, find out. God bless the Marines.


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a066f7 No.21614660

File: c7143c9831ae268⋯.png (129.96 KB,568x296,71:37,ClipboardImage.png)

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3bbf79 No.21614662


Fuck off

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f04f82 No.21614663

File: c37b9ed5b0bf24d⋯.mp4 (4.51 MB,640x360,16:9,routhukr.mp4)

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a066f7 No.21614665

File: 0d576b8417e187d⋯.png (88.93 KB,568x329,568:329,ClipboardImage.png)

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d20fbd No.21614666

File: 8d58017059c46da⋯.webm (2.36 MB,460x258,230:129,aGyj0Z6_460svvp9.webm)


Is anyone surprised ? These people are sick.

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6e4c7a No.21614667

File: 9207d34f3bdfe23⋯.png (430.15 KB,720x508,180:127,ClipboardImage.png)

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89973a No.21614670

File: 81303a11407f957⋯.jpg (218.91 KB,801x801,1:1,93AC86ED_7678_42F9_A005_48….jpg)

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6e4c7a No.21614671

File: 6198d5246255801⋯.png (430.34 KB,720x508,180:127,ClipboardImage.png)


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a17e56 No.21614672

Anon will never pay for proto.

Anons need to understand Money laundering and Financial Crime laws. Things change when moneys involved.

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c45867 No.21614674

Looks to be a filter morning…

When will they learn…

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af8cad No.21614675


I'm sure, this was the message!


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a066f7 No.21614676

File: 8d75df6c4596ab6⋯.png (135.51 KB,568x570,284:285,ClipboardImage.png)

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2b1ce2 No.21614678

Secret Lackadaisical Service

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a066f7 No.21614681

File: fca93247e8fe203⋯.png (450.37 KB,568x572,142:143,ClipboardImage.png)

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81ed1b No.21614682


They don't have sole custody of their assets, lol, once something like this happens, it gets sucked back in, diddy is on his own now.

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6e4c7a No.21614686

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def91e No.21614688

https://x.com/i/status/1836178999178866766 Now we have the Springfield City Manager acknowledging on video that they’ve heard of complaints of domestic animals being eaten back in March.

We also have a call report showing this.

Why would they lie about there not being complaints?


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d21751 No.21614690


Ask her why she love black cock

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0193d1 No.21614695

File: bdfb8fc7958c704⋯.png (442.95 KB,596x680,149:170,Screenshot_2024_09_18_at_7….png)

File: 8480417051c4c97⋯.png (475.75 KB,570x694,285:347,Screenshot_2024_09_18_at_7….png)

File: 1f2b27ccf034424⋯.png (253.46 KB,434x472,217:236,Screenshot_2024_09_18_at_7….png)


Pause clip anywhere…the result is always the same.

Demonic possession.

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75bedc No.21614696


IF anyone thinks a small device like this could contain explosives to do the damage that has been reported has never opened up a pager and take it apart; there is not sufficient room in them as al devices are purposely made as small as possible. Remember, Israel and the cabal controls the entire Internet whether you believe it or not, and that started when they took over UUNet when the Internet first started. Any device that can receive a message regardless of protocol, IP or other, can also send a message. In every IP rec their is an IP ack for acknowledgement. That ack can give out location even without GPS because cell towers can triangulate on that device. From there real high power energy weapons from planes, drones, and others can respond with force. Wake up and think for yourselves.

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190015 No.21614698

File: fb7e901e676d6ff⋯.jpeg (464.65 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,A192FECF_9B12_4A3F_AA74_0….jpeg)


best fucking day ever, one to remember.

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6757f5 No.21614703


this post @262


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965cbd No.21614704

notables bun @270

or close enuff

czech em

#26473 >>21613782

>>21613881 RFK Jr. Links the Attempts on Trump’s Life to JFK’s Death

>>21614183 Johnathan Oddi (man who shot up Trump golf course in 2018) on video claiming he was P Diddy’s sex slave

>>21614338 Fed rate cut 2pm EST Market halted limit down 3:30PM

>>21614462 War Preparations Build After 9 Killed, 2700+ Wounded In Israel's Pager Attack On Hezbollah

>>21614490 Wireless technology causes infertility, cancer and DNA damage

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6207ea No.21614706

File: c7e7e7c3da02b81⋯.jpg (593.05 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240918_062855….jpg)

File: 13919acb1d712a7⋯.jpg (785.44 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240918_063045….jpg)

File: 6448f29b48351c2⋯.jpg (417.25 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240918_063121….jpg)

File: bf2d9ad7b361060⋯.jpg (416.82 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240918_063132….jpg)

File: 6821426161db651⋯.jpg (511.8 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240918_063158….jpg)

wow this is crazy stuff! youtube and Wikipedia full commie propaganda

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d20fbd No.21614707

File: cbb77f26d2b5f4c⋯.png (52.37 KB,700x885,140:177,aKGj2V3_700bwp.png)

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a066f7 No.21614709

File: 329f6b59efcccc4⋯.png (179.97 KB,568x517,568:517,ClipboardImage.png)

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3feff3 No.21614710

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81ed1b No.21614712


right, cause it can't be ai generated, nah, those apps are made up on tiktok and the like.

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24d336 No.21614714

File: 8e1267459e53bb8⋯.jpg (614.8 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240917_160907….jpg)

File: 9cb0e9add541267⋯.jpg (24.66 KB,474x266,237:133,th_2245130014.jpg)

File: 865c4b5cabaf275⋯.jpg (34.67 KB,474x266,237:133,th_2718515550.jpg)

File: 7d1f145d5539cfc⋯.jpg (213.12 KB,1920x1080,16:9,f8cf11d9_d5d2_42b8_b3f5_c8….jpg)

File: 0d726a9dca25a8c⋯.jpg (885.4 KB,1140x760,3:2,ear_bandage_large_15242655….jpg)

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190015 No.21614716

File: d30e3ab1836800c⋯.png (1.65 MB,750x1334,375:667,ACBFDF67_8F8C_4A49_BB86_1C….png)

File: 462e61cad33d77b⋯.png (573.59 KB,690x2690,69:269,EE1ECAE7_5D7F_4E47_8A7B_89….png)

File: 3478bd5bcca36df⋯.jpeg (17.22 KB,339x149,339:149,2F1DB392_2AB7_4109_A670_3….jpeg)

File: 3478bd5bcca36df⋯.jpeg (17.22 KB,339x149,339:149,D503D524_36B1_4CFF_9E8E_2….jpeg)


tard jail. 14th

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0193d1 No.21614721

File: 607d731cb9e0491⋯.png (435.67 KB,464x554,232:277,Screenshot_2024_09_18_at_8….png)


the eyes reveal everything

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def91e No.21614723

>>21614696 Right Sizzlechest

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a066f7 No.21614724

File: d5865860ac651f1⋯.png (614.73 KB,568x687,568:687,ClipboardImage.png)

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a066f7 No.21614726

File: 5c97c0905f1aa70⋯.png (461.27 KB,500x625,4:5,ClipboardImage.png)

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f04f82 No.21614728

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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a87ebc No.21614729

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89973a No.21614730

File: 5382bf9b5066e65⋯.png (456.2 KB,720x508,180:127,3393266E_8189_4143_8645_12….png)

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5fb9e0 No.21614734


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de62e7 No.21614735


since no one cares about the deleted posts for the most part, and that it's odious spam, and nothing of consequnece, so deleteing it isn't censorship, they go back to the 'how holy free speech and it's unholy to delete spam.'

all they want is discord. deleting their tripe is like bouncing a troublemaker out of a drinking establishment.

it's a tired script they use over and over: flood the board with hateful nonsense, or useless mocking.

get the quick-on-the trigger BV to delete it.

then call anyone who says 'bravo' a censor.

or anyone who describes the method.

flooding a board with nonsense spam IS a well known form of censorship: it prevents anyone from finding useful material to read or review.

there is a certain irony in those who do that claiming to be 'holy' and protecting the 'rights' and against 'censorship', when their own behavior is disruptive and censorious.

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9b9eea No.21614737

File: f76045ec4fb20c8⋯.png (44.53 KB,996x742,498:371,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d04e66d6d4f8ee7⋯.png (69.35 KB,547x874,547:874,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a6337e4a8afcbf7⋯.png (324.42 KB,1197x815,1197:815,ClipboardImage.png)

Did J D Vance change his name so people wouldn't access his previous Journalism articles. Here he is writing for the Frumforum. David Frum was George Bush's speech writer.

David Frum is credited for inventing the term "Axis of Evil". Interesting that there is a Q post with that phrase in it.



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a066f7 No.21614738

File: 69bf4ec2d355cfe⋯.png (357.95 KB,568x566,284:283,ClipboardImage.png)

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a87ebc No.21614739


Under your mom's bed

Go catch him

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f04f82 No.21614740

File: e9193918e46823a⋯.mp4 (688.37 KB,1280x720,16:9,AzovMay2022.mp4)


anyone got the link to the source video?

original is 2:20 long from Azov media page, twitter I think

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81ed1b No.21614742


fail, please try your request again later

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f04f82 No.21614743

File: 67304222bf7d5d7⋯.mp4 (10.2 MB,1280x720,16:9,turninthepage.mp4)


generic hillary

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a066f7 No.21614744

File: 71491f7bcce02cc⋯.png (101.26 KB,568x167,568:167,ClipboardImage.png)

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a6157f No.21614745

18 Sep, 2024 04:08

Ukrainian drone attack prompts partial evacuation in Russian town

Falling fragments caused a fire in Toropets, officials have said

A partial evacuation has been ordered in Toropets, a town of 11,000 to the northwest of Moscow, where “fragments” of a downed Ukrainian drone started a fire, Tver Region Governor Igor Rudenya said in the early hours of Wednesday.

Local air defenses were activated to intercept an enemy UAV, Rudenya said, adding that emergency services are responding to the blaze caused by “falling drone fragments.”

The governor has ordered “partial evacuation of residents from the territory where the air defenses are active and responders are working to contain the fire,” according to a statement from his office. There are no reports of casualties.

A total of 54 Ukrainian drones were destroyed overnight in five Russian regions, the Defense Ministry said, as quoted by the TASS news agency.

A kamikaze drone hit a bus in the border city of Shebekino, injuring four civilians, Belgorod Region Governor Vyacheslav Gladkov said. The city, with a pre-conflict population of 40,000, has been frequently shelled and attacked by drones since 2022.

Ukraine has stepped up its drone raids deep inside Russia in recent months, mainly targeting energy infrastructure, but also hitting residential areas. Earlier this month, UAVs struck three tall apartment blocks in the city of Ramenskoye outside Moscow, killing one person and injuring three others.


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75bedc No.21614748


Ah, a Jew that hates their tactics revealed.

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22f8f9 No.21614749


if by confirmed do you mean be able to prove past what the media is telling people what happened no. Just speculation on the back end with no verifiable proof except the entire story about boxes of pagers being intercepted in Iran and magically all rigged with explosives and then flown to another country that then had to be smuggled or brought in and they were so dumb they had no security at any of the steps along the way and all these pagers were delivered to the intended targets specifically because they care so much about collateral harm and just did not end up sitting in the back of a electronics shop. No nothing past that amazing cover story.

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a066f7 No.21614751

File: 5c5eb2641856794⋯.png (279.94 KB,568x677,568:677,ClipboardImage.png)

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8705fc No.21614752

File: 9f1bec0623ee52c⋯.png (318.3 KB,608x423,608:423,ClipboardImage.png)

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50ed0a No.21614753

File: 62b5a64484edfe1⋯.png (331.92 KB,750x531,250:177,again.png)

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a6157f No.21614755

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I asked Orthodox Jews Who They're Voting For…. (Trump)


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cc5c9d No.21614757

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


go watch her speech you dick licker

pick any video you want of it

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30b546 No.21614762

File: f944665d42f10de⋯.png (384.81 KB,599x404,599:404,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0ecb066b3d84aff⋯.png (679.32 KB,646x500,323:250,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c7cf1721f6702f5⋯.png (151.44 KB,930x888,155:148,ClipboardImage.png)



djt SALT for:

State And Local Tax: A deduction in federal taxes that allows taxpayers who itemize to deduct certain taxes paid to state and local governments, capped at $10,000 per year.


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a066f7 No.21614765

File: 3290a809000be42⋯.png (118.96 KB,568x465,568:465,ClipboardImage.png)

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a68059 No.21614769

File: 79a6f16fb2f5b28⋯.png (108.19 KB,420x272,105:68,ClipboardImage.png)

Point72 veteran targets $50M for Ukraine defense tech VC fund

A former executive with Steve Cohen’s Point72 hedge fund is betting big on Ukraine’s brewing private defense sector.

Perry Boyle, who was head of equities and capital development for Point72, is nearing a first close on a flagship venture capital vehicle for MITS Capital, Boyle told PitchBook exclusively. MITS will invest primarily in seed and Series A rounds for Ukrainian defense startups.

Later this month, the firm plans to hold a first close on its flagship VC vehicle, MITS Lightning Fund, which aims to raise about $50 million.

The launch comes as a US presidential election nears and peace prospects for the war remain up in the air. Prominent US VCs, including Andreessen Horowitz and Cerberus Capital Management, have launched defense-focused strategies.

New York-based Boyle joined with Ukraine-based fellow founding partner Anton Melnyk to get MITS Capital off the ground. Denys Gurak, a former venture partner at FF Venture Capital, is the third founding member.


They're getting so much of our money that they have to create ever-new laundering pipelines.

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d20fbd No.21614770

File: 386e9d14cc073d7⋯.png (31.67 KB,700x379,700:379,a0eKdLZ_700bwp.png)

We know you are the old BO babyfist vati spammer

Calling out babyfist yourself doesn't give you plausible deniability

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8705fc No.21614771

File: 1a6882ac98b524c⋯.png (320.65 KB,607x425,607:425,ClipboardImage.png)

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ff7597 No.21614772

File: 1058f4c2990e2ed⋯.mp4 (9.17 MB,640x360,16:9,kamalaohio.mp4)


Here's video

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89973a No.21614773

File: 80ff731de928d9b⋯.png (456.71 KB,720x508,180:127,FF9E6563_1F34_4678_BBF3_E3….png)

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3feff3 No.21614774


probably just vaxxed

5G trigger

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de62e7 No.21614778


troll elsewhere

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a066f7 No.21614779

File: e684952343dcae8⋯.png (310.11 KB,568x668,142:167,ClipboardImage.png)

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f04f82 No.21614781

File: 4313a75472807d3⋯.mp4 (11.06 MB,640x360,16:9,salaryfaggots.mp4)

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a066f7 No.21614783

File: 8f5914d8882d0c0⋯.png (421.34 KB,568x540,142:135,ClipboardImage.png)

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61c43e No.21614785


He said send in US troops to GAZA and I stopped watching…

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20b523 No.21614787

File: 24648c9bbc65856⋯.jpg (32.97 KB,500x500,1:1,wtf_u_shittin_me.jpg)

According to Democrats, talking about the latest assassination attempt is in itself "dangerous rhetoric" putting people at risk, and needs to stop.

[They] don't want Trump or republicans talking about what happened.

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f04f82 No.21614788

File: b47327494e2a274⋯.png (388.71 KB,620x384,155:96,ClipboardImage.png)


Trailblazing ballerina Michaela Mabinty DePrince dies at 29

Sierra Leone-born DePrince, who moved to US as a child, danced with Boston Ballet and performed with Beyoncé

Audiences who are unfamiliar with ballet might recognize DePrince from Beyonce’s Lemonade


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a066f7 No.21614789

File: d125381c2906753⋯.png (376.92 KB,518x500,259:250,ClipboardImage.png)

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b0aba9 No.21614790

File: bf991c417d4c51f⋯.jpeg (412.03 KB,1440x1599,480:533,IMG_6584.jpeg)


Kikes let the world know your phone can kill you

Israel is a terrorist state

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f16859 No.21614792

File: daeb725ce9fa6f4⋯.mp4 (782 KB,480x360,4:3,Darkness_AUSM_Gu_iuM.mp4)


she ain't black

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f04f82 No.21614793


DePrince was also a dedicated humanitarian, advocating for children affected by conflict and violence. She served as an Ambassador for War Child Holland and hosted her gala, Dare to Dream, dedicated to promoting the well-being and mental health of children living in war zones.

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9a21e8 No.21614795


About a 100 more and it will be alright

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a066f7 No.21614796

File: b228ffcb7ef6d51⋯.png (315.49 KB,568x528,71:66,ClipboardImage.png)

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a68059 No.21614798

File: 2dcb423356c1cd8⋯.png (467.97 KB,891x812,891:812,harris_walz_butcher_t.png)



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a066f7 No.21614799

File: c6a83121d377de4⋯.png (180.28 KB,568x375,568:375,ClipboardImage.png)

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190015 No.21614802

File: 3a2eb899c54aa60⋯.jpeg (35.47 KB,620x472,155:118,9A94F400_546C_4693_9F2E_0….jpeg)

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22f8f9 No.21614804

File: 14fd4377b7459d9⋯.jpg (189.35 KB,720x397,720:397,py.jpg)

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a68059 No.21614806


>Audiences who are unfamiliar with ballet might recognize DePrince from Beyonce’s Lemonade

kek, yeah, dey mights

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a066f7 No.21614807

File: 034567a2128ca0d⋯.png (272.19 KB,568x482,284:241,ClipboardImage.png)

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cc5c9d No.21614808

File: 1ac166424d099fc⋯.png (241.01 KB,563x548,563:548,ClipboardImage.png)


they don't want people rightfully laying blame on them and democrats for being responsible for it which is why people, especially all the big namefags ( I KNOW YOU FAGS ARE WATCHING) need to keep hammering it home

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75bedc No.21614809

Q Team;

It is triangulation not explosives, this is how they are frying computer boards and causing civilian and military crashes in planes, ships, and cars.

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cc5c9d No.21614813


>and the media

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a066f7 No.21614814

File: 2e5e6d7c2fe6246⋯.png (526.78 KB,568x665,568:665,ClipboardImage.png)

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f5938d No.21614819

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>21613133 The mayor of Springfield, Ohio is making millionsPN

Full thread and video (Lots of proof, can't post all). 1/2

The mayor of Springfield, Ohio is making millionsby replacing a third of the population of his town with Haitian immigrants

Let's take a look at such an impressive abuse of power and bag chasing:

Rob Rue owns Littleton & Rue INC. Littleton & Rue INC owns Littleton Properties of Springfield LLC which owns many rental properties in Springfield, Ohio

He rents out his properties to Haitians migrants that now make up a third of Springfield using Housing Vouchers which are paid for by the United States Federal Government

He then raises the rent to 3, 4 or 5 thousand a month and the gibs go straight to his bank account

Rob Rue then takes the properties which he purchased for hundreds of thousands of dollars and then has them appraised for significantly lower than he purchased them for to avoid having to pay property taxes

Rob Rue also petitioned the federal government for more federal aid due to a "housing crisis" what he didn't say was that he was going to benefit to the tune of millions of dollars in the

What a weird thing to petition the federal government when you have rental properties in the same place you're asking for help

But no one man is an island. Consider Marvena Twigg, a fat aging pig who just like Robert Rue has directly profited from creating a housing crisis in Ohio communities

Marvena Twigg is President and CEO of the NYAP which is directly responsible for the importation of tens if not hundreds of thousands of Haitians into places like Ohio.

The organization has received nearly $300 million of YOUR taxes and MINE

Marvena makes $1.2 million a year at her work which is focused on destroying communities and laughing all the way to the bank

NYAP removed their employee list on their website because they don't want anyone asking questions or connecting dots

Marvena Twigg just like Robert Rue has directly profited from creating a housing crisis in Ohio communities

Let's take a closer look, here's an example:

Top 25 Residential Real Estate Transactions in Central Ohio for October

Browse the most expensive home sales for the month, including a nearly $3 million home on the Scioto River

Oh okay, let's keep going

15. $1,200,000; 1 Miranova 825 Place, Columbus; Marvena Twigg from Malinda L. Susalla and Laurian M. Dean

That fucking pig

A handful of people are making a lot of money while everyone else in the community suffers

I'd like to remind anyone reading that there is plenty of room for digging. Pick up a shovel and see what can be found


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50ed0a No.21614820

File: 33b868d06c82f5b⋯.png (651.96 KB,800x454,400:227,almost_there.png)

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20b523 No.21614821

File: 5073cfc63adc195⋯.png (231.78 KB,531x300,177:100,pepe_hes_right.png)


>and the media


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89973a No.21614824

File: 7296821bb57bb7d⋯.png (453.87 KB,720x508,180:127,17CB29E7_0245_4791_A390_FB….png)

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9a21e8 No.21614826

In place of the word Bullshit

Anon shall use the words

Horse paste….

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a066f7 No.21614827

File: 45b981b964b07ce⋯.png (91.61 KB,568x352,71:44,ClipboardImage.png)

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fa3cb4 No.21614828

File: 5d3dd4e31f1b8c3⋯.jpeg (239.41 KB,1125x672,375:224,IMG_4115.jpeg)

File: 98e69d0a229d1af⋯.jpeg (647.99 KB,1125x1481,1125:1481,IMG_4116.jpeg)


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06c16e No.21614829

File: 58382542ba5527b⋯.jpeg (73.83 KB,702x957,234:319,IMG_3428.jpeg)

File: ec00077e91b180b⋯.jpeg (85.04 KB,727x492,727:492,IMG_3431.jpeg)

File: 5a4a55d50019b97⋯.jpeg (512.71 KB,1189x1906,1189:1906,IMG_3421.jpeg)

File: b74a3143bf530aa⋯.jpeg (520.27 KB,1284x1173,428:391,IMG_3412.jpeg)

File: 5cc7b3ddd6e9a52⋯.jpeg (214.35 KB,1284x916,321:229,IMG_3413.jpeg)



I do know Catholic Charities just built a new facility in Springfield, and they're not the only group there. Some NGOs working with them, too

Haitians were given legal status by the Federal Government under Joe Biden, the worst president in U.S. history. Thanks @POTUS

@POTUS "Temporary Protected Status" means the United States Federal Government rolls out the red carpet for Haitians

If someone at the local level - like THE MAYOR OF SPRINGFIELD, OHIO - wasn't Saturday morning cartoon levels of evil, this wouldn't be happening

Keep an eye out for what is happening in Springfield, Ohio to happen in other communities with migrants from other "qualified countries"


That's like 1/3rd of Jackson Heights here in Queens and it happened overnight

Mayor claims immigration flood the work of several business interests

Task Force™ is investigating

Mostly crying about needing English and driving classes for migrants

The banality of evil is a harsh reality. There is no phantom nebulous "regime" pulling the strings here

Immigrants living 20+ to a house

Government wants more money to house them or give to landlords to fix up homes


It is important to archive everything because while the NYPA removed it's listing of employees, archive(.)is is a boon when looking into most things online

Especially if it involves any facet of government and machinations on the local level with profound effects

The Republican governor has an extensive connection to Haiti. In 1998, DeWine and his wife, Fran, began their support of the Becky DeWine School, named after the DeWines’ daughter who was killed in a 1993 car accident at 22 years old

The school was situated in a slum known as Cite Soleil in Haiti capitol Port Au Prince and run by a charity that had long been supported by the DeWines. Mike and Fran DeWine in 2013 traveled to Haiti to commemorate the school’s first graduating class.

Before I forget, source for Robert Rue ownership of Littleton Properties of Springfield LLC:

Kind of impressed and amazed RW Twitter is more focused on cat memes or "the regime" or whatever reductive gay nerd depersonalized boogeyman with no agreed upon definition they play Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon with

Says more about them than a luchador in sweatpants from Queens

Haha, man

You can get more from people who have a good track record of getting to say "I told you so" forever and always than you ever will from culture war on either side and you can quote me on that

https://youtu.be/L8C6Q6ai6f0Rob Rue - City Commissioner of Springfield, Ohio writes letter to senate on Housing Crisis in July

Sep 15


Rob Rue the City Commissioner of Springfield, Ohio writes a letter to JD Vance and the senate and asks for federal aid due to a massive influx if Haitian migrants to the city in a short period of time which has caused a Housing Crisis.


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a066f7 No.21614830

File: 5f5844d13459f73⋯.png (403.06 KB,568x420,142:105,ClipboardImage.png)

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20b523 No.21614832

File: a3482af3374bb7f⋯.jpg (18.6 KB,409x393,409:393,i_cant_belive_this.jpg)


Kek, this is the best that they can come up with?

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8fd7f9 No.21614833

File: 100b60aa5dcb7b8⋯.mp4 (1.67 MB,640x360,16:9,Hillary_Clinton_Hot_Sauce_….mp4)


did you bring any sauce?

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9b9eea No.21614835


The article about the corn subsidies in interesting, J.D. Vance thinks farm subsidies are corporate welfare.

Here he is complaining about the carbon emissions.

Norquist Loses in Ethanol Subsidy Fight

Written by J.D. Hamel on Friday June 17, 2011

These subsidies, in their superficial aim, inevitably work. Corn farmers receive billions of dollars a year to produce ethanol. This reduces the money they spend on producing ethanol, and thus directly increases their profits and encourages them to increase output.

The problem is that like every other tax expenditure, ethanol subsidies are a direct wealth transfer.

As Grover Norquist is undoubtedly aware, taxpayer dollars don’t grow on trees. The money that pays for ethanol subsidies is confiscated from the American public at large. So while the farm lobby benefits from the expenditures, the rest of us lose in the form of higher taxes or increased deficit spending.

To be fair, ethanol proponents argue that the subsidies serve a valuable function reducing our dependence on foreign energy sources, or decreasing carbon emissions. I find the first of these arguments unpersuasive, while the second is laughably unsupported it takes lots of carbon emissions to grow corn, and more to turn it into a workable fuel – but I’ll leave the wisdom of ethanol to the side.

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7e952b No.21614836

File: 636523aa9cdb228⋯.jpeg (507.87 KB,1125x1421,1125:1421,IMG_4117.jpeg)


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50ed0a No.21614837


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965cbd No.21614838


thank you BV's for taking out the trash

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a066f7 No.21614839

File: 74aadc354800126⋯.png (326.21 KB,568x568,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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44a1d8 No.21614840

File: 93c542c639f8896⋯.png (224.15 KB,1200x2000,3:5,ClipboardImage.png)

Routh girlfriend

Victoria's secret?


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a066f7 No.21614842

File: 22594cefc116242⋯.png (359.62 KB,568x535,568:535,ClipboardImage.png)

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50ed0a No.21614843

File: 1aed8f42be0b968⋯.png (1.69 MB,1857x1116,619:372,ClipboardImage.png)

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89973a No.21614845

File: 7cf5f7d4700e822⋯.jpeg (105.83 KB,624x508,156:127,2A141E59_40CC_4878_95DD_7….jpeg)

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30b546 No.21614846

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Note:dough below.



djt youtube channel.


LIVE: President Trump Hosts a Town Hall with Gov. Sarah Sanders in Flint, MI - 9/17/24






LIVE: President Donald Trump Town Hall in Flint, Michigan | NEWSMAX2



LIVE: President Trump in Flint, MI



Transcript: Trump Town Hall in Flint, Michigan - 9/17/24

>>21611412 Governor Sanders: The left has tried everything they can think of. They've tried to impeach this president. They've tried to throw him in jail. And not once, but twice, two would-be assassins have tried to take this president down. But we're here to let them in on a little secret. God is not done with President Trump. He's the toughest guy I know, and he's the fighter our country desperately needs right now.

>>21611506 President Trump: If I didn't do well in 2020, I wouldn't even think about doing this. But we did phenomenally well, and bad, bad things happened; we're not going to let it happen again.

>>21611521 DJT: You know, only consequential Presidents get shot at.

>>21611528 President Trump: They're owned and built by China, in Mexico [auto manufacturing plants]. A number of them going up right now, and they think they're gonna make their cars there, and they're gonna sell them across our line, and we're gonna take 'em, and we're not going to charge them tax. We're going to charge them, I'm telling you right now, I'm putting a two hundred percent tariff on, which means they are unsellable. Unsellable in the United States.

>>21611543 President Tru p: They're one of the largest sellers now [Afghanistan], today, of military equipment in the world. Seven hundred and seventy-seven thousand rifles and guns.

>>21611549 President Trump: If the election were a straight election, we won that election, we should have won that election, everybody knew we won the election, Putin never would have attacked.

>>21611580 President Trump: Between Bagram, between; you go to ANWR, you take a look at the kind of things that we've given up, We should have that airbase, we should have that oil. We would have had a whole different country. To give up ANWR, to give up the biggest airbase, military airbase, in the world, and they left it in the dark of night, with the lights on; and they did leave the dogs behind…they left the dogs behind.

>>21611644 POTUS: Putin .. you are watching the major chess players.

>>21611647 POTUS: Elon Musk… hes a really wonderful wonderful guy.

>>21611653 POTUS: We are going to have a Reciprocal Trade Act … if they charge us 100%, we charge them 100%.

>>21611661 Question: What do you see as the major threats to the future of Michigan manufacturing, autoworking jobs, and what will you do to eliminate those threats?

President Trump: The local problem is that you have countries stealing your business. Mexico is a very big one. Mexico, this year, we have a deficit with Mexico of two hundred and fifty billion dollars…we're losing our ass to Mexico. China, you don't even have to talk about. We have over a trillion dollars this year. I was charging them numbers that were unbelievable, and now he's totally given up the coast. And we're gonna lose a trillion dollars in deficits to China. That's not sustainable. We're gonna turn all around, and we're gonna do it through taxation and tariffs. It will be done in twenty-four hours, and it will change the whole planet…literally, in a period of twenty-four hours, we can change the whole trading of the whole world. They've taken advantage of our country for years.

>>21611664 POTUS: We are going to be having free trade again .

>>21611669 POTUS: You are going to have plants built at a level you haven't seen in 50 years.


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f04f82 No.21614847

File: bcd5d7236dc6bd0⋯.mp4 (1.56 MB,640x360,16:9,Living_in_Special_Times_th….mp4)


no time for sauce

we'll do it live

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a066f7 No.21614848

File: e56ef15668aaff5⋯.png (473.25 KB,519x499,519:499,ClipboardImage.png)

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22f8f9 No.21614849


look how much KJP freaked out over what Doucey said about her rhetoric of calling him a threat. They hate people noticing and when people try to meet them with equal force in rhetoric they cry bully and that they have no right to say that and their speech is dangerous. God damn right people are pissed off now. People are scared, people see the lies and can not rationalize what to do and they dare say tone it down. Fuck off.

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f5e0f6 No.21614850

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


"Que Mala Kamala"

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7e480f No.21614852

File: 55486e11445a13b⋯.jpeg (636.77 KB,1125x1833,375:611,IMG_4118.jpeg)


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b0aba9 No.21614854

File: ab11f1367d1663c⋯.png (5.05 MB,1808x1300,452:325,IMG_6585.png)

Only a dumbass carries a pager or phone

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de62e7 No.21614856


the communist attorney general claims a homeless shelter is exempted from review by a municipality because it's 'educational use'.

clearly a DEI appointment.

too bad Massachusetts state government is run by a marxist group thing of incompetents and gaslighting trolls.

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a066f7 No.21614857

File: 91b1b0e85bd6187⋯.png (427.49 KB,568x497,8:7,ClipboardImage.png)

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20b523 No.21614859

File: 022b51cec54b3a7⋯.png (257.49 KB,820x399,820:399,Pepe_Apu_chicken.png)


>look how much KJP freaked out over what Doucey said about her rhetoric of calling him a threat.

Give it time, they will call Doucey a racist.

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30b546 No.21614861

File: 9ea9f8e19a3b39e⋯.png (139.41 KB,944x707,944:707,ClipboardImage.png)


>>21611679 President Trump: Day One we're doing two things, closing the border, and drill, baby, drill.

[Standing Ovation!]

>>21611688POTUS: the average drug dealer kills 500 people in their lifetime.

>>21611700 POTUS: I wouldn't be here right now if I hadn't look over … my all time favorite chart, … its always on my left, its always at the end of the speech,.. for some reason it was at the beginning of the speech.. I bolted like a deer, hunters say a deer bolts right before a shot.

>>21611716 POTUS: While im on the subject, a few days ago we had an incident, I have to say the SS did a helluva job…. they saw the barrel of the gun… AK47.. this guy ran, … a woman, not a man, women are smarter than man, I hate to say it… our great First Lady is very happy now, … who would do this… so you now have a man running, he dropped the gun, running… a woman driving in a car, she saw a man running, she followed him, she felt like he was trouble, she started taking pictures of his license plate … think of it… who would do that?… not for good or bad, not from strength or heroism, she saw something in this guy that was bad …

>>21611718 POTUS: I hope im going to meet her, she takes a picture of a plate and she sends picture of the plate to the sheriffs office,… they got him, high speed chase….

>>21611729 Sarah: There's a couple take aways… the women in America LOVE Donald Trump .. we wanted to do our part… GOD is not finished with you and HE has big plans…

>>21611736 POTUS: They say (the new cars) are gonna be hydrogen…. they say they have a small problem, sometimes they blow up.

>>21611748 Sarah: We are going to take another question from the audience, maybe the hardest job is being a mom, because the gov making everything harder.

POTUS: Hello Barbara, hello back there.

Barbar: Thank you for taking our question, im a mom of three and grandmother of 7, three great grands, im a reg nurse, … I know the cost of running a household, how are you going to bring down the cost?

>>21611754 POTUS: It is my ambition to get your energy bills down 50 percent in the first year, interest rates are going to follow.

>>21611758 Question: How are you going to bring down the cost of food and groceries?

President Trump: It's my ambition to get your energy bill, within twelve months, down fifty percent. If I can do that, we've done a hell of a job. Five-0. Not fifteen. Fifty. Interest rates are going to follow.

>>21611764 POTUS: We gotta work with our farmers, they are being absolutely decimated… id not know if you remember, I love the farmers, … I have this gorgeous room with a gorgeous table that seats about 35 people…. we are going to get you a most beautiful subsidy, … they answered.. we don't want a subsidy, we just want a level playing field… he didn't want anything, he just wanted to compete fairly… sometimes the worst countries are so called allies.

>>21611776 POTUS: The only things that don't get obsolete are walls and wheels.

>>21611795 POTUS: You won't have a car industry left, we are going to have electric car, but 7 percent, … the battery charge isn't there yet… they don't go far away, they don't work in cold or heat… Elon is going to figure it out, … he gave us a great endorsement… he's solving the problem.. he's got to send up a rocket to bring back the two people in space.

>>21611802 President Trump: [Harris] wants to terminate the Trump Tax Cut. Just that, is going to lift up your taxes by forty-four percent.

>>21611810 Sarah: We have time for one more question …

Willie: Good evening President Trump, Im a local contractor, ive lived here my whole life, and ill tell you, … what are you going to do about taxes…


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a066f7 No.21614864

File: dde0942acf9d09a⋯.png (267.38 KB,568x386,284:193,ClipboardImage.png)

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a066f7 No.21614868

File: 105ccd3a4be9966⋯.png (538.55 KB,568x568,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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dc8faf No.21614869

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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30b546 No.21614870

File: 726a9a9ea6f3807⋯.png (1.81 MB,960x856,120:107,ClipboardImage.png)



POTUS: Kamala is going to cancel Trump tax cuts… there's no estate tax tax.. but she's got one thing that's incredible, an unrealized capital gains tax… it will drive everyone out of business… the only one making money is appraisers and accountants.

>>21611812 POTUS: You have to understand a lot of these people are international … they will leave our country, they will leave all those jobs that weve3 created, she's going to be raising your taxes 60, 70 percent.

>>21611816 POTUS: Mark my words… if a tragedy happens, and we don't win… we won't be making anything in our country anymore…

>>21611820 President Trump: If a tragedy happens, and we don't win, there will be zero car jobs, manufacturing jobs. It'll all be out of here. And that includes South Carolina, and that includes other places that are competitors of yours. You won't be making cars here anymore. You won't be making anything in our country anymore.

>>21611824 POTUS: But if I say, however if you build your plant in Michigan , we are going to have more fun in Michigan, they going from paying 100 percent tariff to nothing, … this will be like taking candy from a baby… im going to give you the credit.

>>21611830 Sarah: Its going to be even better the second time around… I know you are going to win Michigan… the future of my kids, our kids depends on whether Donald Trump goes back into the WH.

>>21611836 POTUS: Thank you Sarah, thank you very much… thank you everybody.

[YMCA plays]

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190015 No.21614871

File: 937202b30bc9d0c⋯.png (106.58 KB,690x1114,345:557,CA463A12_797E_4C3C_9E2C_FF….png)

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b0aba9 No.21614873


NC is under 18 inches of water right now…voting for a nigger is last thing they are worried about

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f04f82 No.21614874

File: d63b156c36a2936⋯.png (1.69 MB,1110x714,185:119,ClipboardImage.png)

According to a GoFundMe page posted by Routh’s fiancée, Kathleen Shaffer, he traveled to the country in April 2022. Photos geolocated by CNN show Routh posing with pro-Ukranian signs, as well as a large number of drones, at Kyiv’s Maidan Square. The GoFundMe page, which has since been taken down, raised $1,865 of its $2,500 goal, which Shaffer wrote would go toward tactical gear, lodging and supplies needed for volunteers. Shaffer wrote that Routh had already “arranged for delivery of 120 drones to the front lines,” though CNN could not verify those claims.

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d20fbd No.21614875

File: 96aeedf45931704⋯.png (92.27 KB,500x619,500:619,rvvrrvrvrvr.png)

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89973a No.21614877

File: f680b7d117b5021⋯.jpeg (106.33 KB,607x508,607:508,1E6DD5EA_B001_45B9_9C81_D….jpeg)

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f04f82 No.21614879


Michael Wasiura, a journalist who met and interviewed Routh in Ukraine in 2022, said that after Routh’s efforts to join the country’s International Legion were rejected, he set up a makeshift memorial in Kyiv for foreign soldiers who had died in the war.

“He was out there every single day,” Wasiura said. “Talking to him, it was clear that you were not talking to a normal person. He was, manic might be the right word. He was extremely devoted. He was doing all of this just on his own personal initiative because he cared about the cause and was so extremely devoted to that cause that he’s essentially camping out in a foreign country.”

Evelyn Aschenbrenner, an American citizen who served in Ukraine’s International Legion for two years, told CNN they warned Routh several times to go through official routes to recruit people to fight in Ukraine, but he just wouldn’t listen. Aschenbrenner showed CNN several messages they exchanged with Routh, in which Routh expressed anger with what he saw as Ukraine’s unwillingness to accept his help.

“He seemed to have this delusion of grandeur thing,” Aschenbrenner said. “I’m like, ‘all you’re doing is causing headaches for everybody… the legion already has a recruiting website, there’s no need for you to be doing this.’”

American Ryan O’Leary, an Army National Guard veteran who is fighting in Ukraine and encountered Routh in 2022, described him as being “off.”

“I found him harmless, but not a person who should be in a war zone, as he was all over the place mentally,” O’Leary said.

Last year, Routh appeared to have written a book about the war – “Ukraine’s Unwinnable War: The Fatal Flaw of Democracy, World Abandonment and the Global Citizen-Taiwan, Afghanistan, North Korea and the end of Humanity” – and was selling a digital version on Amazon for $2.99. In the book, he decried Trump as an “idiot,” a “buffoon” and a “fool,” and appeared to reference his previous support for Trump by writing, “I am man enough to say that I misjudged and made a terrible mistake.”

At the same time, Routh also showed support for Taiwan. Routh claimed in online posts to be involved in the “Taiwan Foreign Legion,” a group allegedly recruiting foreign military personnel to fight for Taiwan in the event of a war with China. But several people listed as supporters on the group’s website told CNN they had no knowledge of the legion or its activities, and some had never heard of Routh before.

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3feff3 No.21614880


Kamala, this tactic is brilliant

If you can convince anons here

that you are a better candidate than Trump

you will win legitimately.

Don't hold your breath.

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a066f7 No.21614881

File: 629262339afbe1b⋯.png (298.67 KB,568x388,142:97,ClipboardImage.png)

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50ed0a No.21614885

File: 92574dd4300d606⋯.webp (35.06 KB,1024x1024,1:1,smokingclouds3.webp)

Comfier and comfier…

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20b523 No.21614887

File: 1384257da3ce8e1⋯.png (118.35 KB,400x348,100:87,Pepe_Apu_mic_drop.png)


- Post same senseless copy-pasta every hour of every day.

- Cry "muh censorship" when said SPAM is removed.

- Rinse….Repeat.

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190015 No.21614888

File: 2322187ee8644d8⋯.png (1.91 MB,750x1334,375:667,FD027478_96CC_4FA2_9DAD_5B….png)

File: 4f322fe48c0c7cb⋯.png (123.38 KB,690x1566,115:261,3522FA4F_E25C_4906_918C_72….png)

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eedf42 No.21614891

File: 3adcdcc93c6e74f⋯.jpeg (234.39 KB,1125x563,1125:563,IMG_4119.jpeg)

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61c43e No.21614892


Why did you put Diddy's head on Montell Jordan's body? Can't we just focus the Kamala criticism to the kool aid man?

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e9d44c No.21614893

File: dbbc1e347f57837⋯.png (289.14 KB,760x618,380:309,00b1.png)




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7af3c4 No.21614894

File: 923aa7a6d61455b⋯.png (229.54 KB,510x430,51:43,Blowjob.png)

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190015 No.21614896

File: 0b3de1909e09310⋯.png (1.23 MB,750x1334,375:667,F3DA95B0_8A93_4981_B53A_40….png)

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30b546 No.21614897



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22f8f9 No.21614898


Yesterday was I think his best moment ever. That question alone about confronting their hostile tone all while crying at the same time. Showed the complete emotional fucking hypocrisy of their side all dressed in fucking orange. People have to point that shit out.

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f04f82 No.21614899

File: a940afa82178988⋯.gif (3.61 MB,286x296,143:148,pockets.gif)


>Routh claimed in online posts to be involved in the “Taiwan Foreign Legion,” a group allegedly recruiting foreign military personnel to fight for Taiwan in the event of a war with China.

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ff16d0 No.21614900

File: 7fa57a825f58dd0⋯.png (425.72 KB,720x508,180:127,Meme_stolen_pager.png)

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190015 No.21614901


shows the world this boards power.

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81cdf1 No.21614902

Tora3 embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 09/18/2024



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20b523 No.21614903

File: f2c8a70267acd3e⋯.png (62.47 KB,236x207,236:207,pepe_keks.png)



That would be a solution…

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50ed0a No.21614904

File: d4ec2c5e62e6884⋯.gif (2.2 MB,200x150,4:3,lawler_lol.gif)


Silence, clown.

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bb5a99 No.21614905

File: a37af2bdd6d6c94⋯.png (1.9 MB,1822x960,911:480,00.png)


Jun 21, 2018 1:35:10 AM EDT 1584

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 97de56 No. 1842740

Jun 21, 2018 1:28:40 AM EDT

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 97de56 No. 1842655

Jun 21, 2018 1:23:16 AM EDT

Anonymous ID: 2b6cd5 No. 1842592


for (you) VIPanon


Jan 20, 2017

June 20, 2018

Exactly 17 months.

Do you believe in coincidences?

God bless you all.



We told you proofs were going to be important very soon.


Be ready.


We thank you for your service.


May 16, 2018 2:49:07 PM EDT 1384

Q !4pRcUA0lBE ID: a8f52e No. 1432972

May 16, 2018 2:47:55 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: 47ba70 No. 1432956

May 16, 2018 2:45:50 PM EDT

Q !4pRcUA0lBE ID: a8f52e No. 1432932

Follow the pen.

Already written?

Letters left visible to match.






NEW EYES joining the fight Q!


Those with an agenda to silence will fail.

Pain coming.



Feb 14, 2019 11:31:08 PM EST 2722

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 4e1594 No. 5181988

No mercy.

No bargaining.

A TRAITOR’s justice.



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a066f7 No.21614906

A million dead and wounded in Ukraine war… will regime do anything, including assassination, to keep body count rising?


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a066f7 No.21614908

The judge ruled that Wisconsin statutes indicate that once a candidate files valid nomination papers, they must remain on the ballot unless they die.


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af15d6 No.21614909

File: 2fef2cf2c2c733b⋯.jpeg (802.99 KB,1125x1758,375:586,IMG_4120.jpeg)


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dc033a No.21614910

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


For Donald J Trump, victory and the complete kneecapping and blinding of his enemies, especially but not exclusively, the Luciferian Brotherhood System, it's chain of command, the Satanic Council, it's Command Chain and it's phoenix Barack Hussein Obama, with no ill effect on humanity for the glory of God Almighty and the hastening of the Triumph none can stop.

Day 24

Gm James

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f04f82 No.21614911


Last year I was working on an article about foreign fighters and volunteers in Ukraine. The piece focused on people who were not qualified to be allowed anywhere near the battlefield in a U.S.-led war and yet were fighting on the front against Russia, with access to weapons and military equipment.

Among the people I interviewed: Ryan Wesley Routh, the 58-year-old man whom the F.B.I. is investigating in what it is calling an assassination attempt against former President Donald J. Trump on Sunday.

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30b546 No.21614912

File: 735804caa861a25⋯.mp4 (4.25 MB,640x482,320:241,djt_tick_tock_3rd_sept_202….mp4)

>>21614846, >>21614861, >>21614870 TRUMP TOWN HALL WITH SARAH HUCK IN FLINT, MICHIGAN 17TH SEPTERMBER 2024 - djt statements, links, dough bun

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190015 No.21614913

File: 71bed56500fea47⋯.png (300.86 KB,1334x750,667:375,3E9978C6_F67D_44ED_B9BC_4B….png)


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7949b3 No.21614914


Yet another Lie, DJT has held the same position on exemptions related to incest and rape since 2015. His position that the States need to decide this issue is also consistent since 2015.

Kamel Toes will say anything to get elected and the blathering idiots on the left lap it up, meanwhile in the middle east all those LGBTQ for palestine idiots are being thrown off the roof of the nearest building by their tolerant islamic bretheren.

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371ec5 No.21614916

File: 73afe5818c09478⋯.png (201.52 KB,1069x915,1069:915,Screenshot_2024_09_18_0804….png)

File: 3623d11d5a3c6c8⋯.png (81.73 KB,851x522,851:522,Screenshot_2024_09_17_1040….png)

File: ce11025c711e3e2⋯.png (238.68 KB,885x932,885:932,Screenshot_2024_09_17_1039….png)

File: b9858af579f47e9⋯.png (1.65 MB,1692x953,1692:953,Screenshot_2024_09_17_1044….png)

Angel of Harmony at St. Louis Cathedral Destroyed with Construction Equipment

The Catholic Church is fundamentally PURE EVIL. Child molesters to the very heart and core.



ST. LOUIS — A man was taken into custody after police said he broke into construction equipment and damaged a statue Tuesday night outside the Cathedral Basilica.

According to a post from the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department, the Angel of Harmony statue was knocked off its base by a boom lift.


Oh also the shooter's "therapist" is in St. Louis and works for St. Louis Special School District as a therapist… is Catholic also…

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50ed0a No.21614917

File: 4b6679fc211eb4d⋯.webm (334.4 KB,480x480,1:1,checkmate.webm)

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cc5c9d No.21614918


and they don't even realize what vance and sarah are saying is they don't have kids so who in the hell would think it's okay for them to federally dictate law and policy over other people's kids

not to mention they wouldn't hesitate to send them off to war which they'll inevitably start since they don't have any to worry about

more women should have kids with the falling birth rates - all this boss bitch shit is a sickness stemmed directly from communist feminism

and this all boils down to getting the government the fuck out of everyone's lives as much as possible and stop being their replacement daddies

bringing back the american dream so people have shit to strive for

stagnation leads to mold leads to death

i digress, holy shit


exactly why i wouldn't let this issue slide

it would get reminded to people every single day

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8705fc No.21614919

File: 2840dcb7e673dbd⋯.png (312.94 KB,606x397,606:397,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f5e94ff5ee7554c⋯.png (305.74 KB,608x393,608:393,ClipboardImage.png)

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3feff3 No.21614920

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a68059 No.21614921

File: b7ad6626e57a0a9⋯.png (226.99 KB,309x481,309:481,Screen_Shot_2024_09_18_at_….png)

anons seent (picrel)?

can't sauce - banned from twit.

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7c4749 No.21614922

File: cc1aa0c0fc04cc7⋯.jpg (75.64 KB,804x1200,67:100,Dafuq.jpg)

ABC's "fact checkers" have concluded that Trump lied 94% of the time during the last debate, and Kamala didn't tell a single lie.

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a68059 No.21614923

File: 127fc68983d868e⋯.png (260.58 KB,702x542,351:271,mjs_blue.png)

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f04f82 No.21614924

File: 8771ded07c138c4⋯.mp4 (856.67 KB,480x270,16:9,literallyspringfield.mp4)


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a066f7 No.21614925

File: 2672897cbe7939b⋯.png (140.76 KB,474x268,237:134,ClipboardImage.png)

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22f8f9 No.21614926


does that mean joe biden has to remain on the ballot?

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8705fc No.21614927

File: 0fe3bdf2123bb5c⋯.png (306.34 KB,621x390,207:130,ClipboardImage.png)

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a066f7 No.21614928

File: 2672897cbe7939b⋯.png (140.76 KB,474x268,237:134,ClipboardImage.png)

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dc033a No.21614929

File: bf811bb6c1d42b6⋯.jpeg (9.83 KB,188x268,47:67,wnload_88.jpeg)

Instead of the links, Trump heading to church this Sunday



Presidential candidate Donald Trump will reportedly visit the National Shrine of Our Lady of Czestochowa in New Britain Township, in Pennsylvania, a swing state, on Sunday. Info: Levittown Now

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30b546 No.21614930

File: 699b68073e6c470⋯.png (646.2 KB,500x738,250:369,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 96b97c22d972aca⋯.png (688.04 KB,500x522,250:261,ClipboardImage.png)


you think anon has anything to do with the breads at the moment

especially with all you clowns there fucking each other and the notables and breads.

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20b523 No.21614932

File: 121301ba72a3d35⋯.png (449.66 KB,640x480,4:3,fact_checkers.png)

File: 2383ab476101d8c⋯.png (497.55 KB,500x500,1:1,gaslighting_intensifies.png)


>"fact checkers"


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371ec5 No.21614933



Seems to me the comms are that the deep state/catholic church just lost some ability to control, lost a piece on the board. "God shall pasture," so the sheep are out of the pen and we are thinking for ourselves…

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f04f82 No.21614934

By the time I got off the phone with Mr. Routh some minutes later, it was clear he was in way over his head.

He talked of buying off corrupt officials, forging passports and doing whatever it took to get his Afghan cadre to Ukraine, but he had no real way to accomplish his goals. At one point he mentioned arranging a U.S. military transport flight from Iraq to Poland with Afghan refugees willing to fight.

I shook my head. It sounded ridiculous, but the tone in Mr. Routh’s voice said otherwise. He was going to back Ukraine’s war effort, no matter what.

Like many of the volunteers I interviewed, he fell off the map again. Until Sunday.

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9a21e8 No.21614935

Normies won't wake up until

It costs money

When they get hit in pocket book

And only when hit in pocket book

Will they start figuring it out

Thought 08 was bad just wait

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20b523 No.21614936


>they don't even realize what vance and sarah are saying

I think that they DO KNOW, but are deliberately lying.

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07ea4e No.21614937

File: a6717dd92b98f75⋯.jpg (98.71 KB,539x483,77:69,93vo42.jpg)

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4128a0 No.21614938

File: 7d6d21a5fd2103d⋯.png (790.79 KB,680x510,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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9e4a5d No.21614939


Fake you changed pic from Montel to Diddy

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190015 No.21614940

File: 71bed56500fea47⋯.png (300.86 KB,1334x750,667:375,716FFA14_EC4C_4C90_A7F1_2C….png)

File: 2322187ee8644d8⋯.png (1.91 MB,750x1334,375:667,8B5428AB_3C21_48B2_A1D1_B5….png)

File: 4f322fe48c0c7cb⋯.png (123.38 KB,690x1566,115:261,F4BB5C56_D976_4DF6_BDB5_A0….png)

File: 71bed56500fea47⋯.png (300.86 KB,1334x750,667:375,EAB82C26_DB9D_45FD_9FD3_78….png)


trying to figure out what the first option is. the second one is clear.

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b6f829 No.21614941


a government infiltrated and overflowing with ineptitude, arrogance and ignorance.

'ya see my badge, isn't that enough for you to drop to your knees and suck my dick?'

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965cbd No.21614942

notables bun @425er close enuff

czech em

#26473 >>21613782

>>21613881 RFK Jr. Links the Attempts on Trump’s Life to JFK’s Death

>>21614183 Johnathan Oddi (man who shot up Trump golf course in 2018) on video claiming he was P Diddy’s sex slave

>>21614338 Fed rate cut 2pm EST Market halted limit down 3:30PM

>>21614462 War Preparations Build After 9 Killed, 2700+ Wounded In Israel's Pager Attack On Hezbollah

>>21614490 Wireless technology causes infertility, cancer and DNA damage

>>21614819 The mayor of Springfield, Ohio is making millionsby replacing a third of the population of his town with Haitian immigrants

>>21614846, >>21614861, >>21614870, >>21614912 AAA - TRUMP TOWN HALL IN FLINT, MICHIGAN 17TH SEPTERMBER 2024 !!!

>>21614902 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 09/18/2024

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371ec5 No.21614944


Dear Mr. President,

If this is comms, I appreciate it.

Thank you.

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50ed0a No.21614945

File: 04210aa073c981d⋯.gif (90.52 KB,220x168,55:42,SP_popcorn2.gif)

They just seem a little moar frazzled around the edges than normal today. Pressure and time.

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371ec5 No.21614946

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f04f82 No.21614947

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Routh at 2:50

Elite US-trained Afghan soldiers want to fight for Ukraine

Hundreds, if not thousands, of U.S.-trained Afghan fighters are seeking to join Ukraine’s foreign legion, according to a key Ukrainian recruiter, applications submitted by Afghans, and an interview with two of those fighters.

But for reasons that cast a light both on Ukraine’s military strategy and its global relationships, the fighters have so far been turned away even as Russia increasingly relies on irregular forces such as foreign soldiers, including ones from Afghanistan.

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a68059 No.21614948

File: 7f8c4c8aecb6684⋯.png (621.53 KB,810x500,81:50,ClipboardImage.png)

New book written by feminist exposes who is really behind the transgender agenda

Jennifer Bilek's 'Transsexual Transgender Transhuman: Dispatches from The 11th Hour' is a compilation of her investigative journalism into 'the technological and financial motivations behind a political agenda masquerading as a human rights movement.'



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d20fbd No.21614950

File: 5562748d588fbc1⋯.mp4 (2.08 MB,360x640,9:16,a1mod1G_460sv.mp4)


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8035e8 No.21614951

File: 19b82543bfc99a9⋯.png (407.34 KB,533x680,533:680,ClipboardImage.png)


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c725b1 No.21614952

File: fbda04ddf2f7100⋯.png (2.05 MB,1280x1034,640:517,IMG_3211.png)

GM !

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a68059 No.21614953


nothing notable about this, though. >>21614769

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a261d9 No.21614954

File: 6e6fedfea32a323⋯.png (541 KB,918x521,918:521,ClipboardImage.png)


PHOENIX (KTVK/KPHO/Gray News) - The Arizona Republican Party put up billboards reading “Eat Less Kittens,” touting a false claim former President Donald Trump made about Haitian immigrants abducting and eating pets.

A dozen billboards with the slogan, which plays off Chick-fil-A’s famous ‘Eat More Chikin’ ad campaign, popped up in Phoenix after Trump’s Tuesday night debate with Vice President Kamala Harris, AZ Family reports.

During the debate, Trump drew attention to false rumors from Ohio that claim Haitian immigrants are abducting pets and eating them.

“In Springfield, they’re eating the dogs, the people that came in. They’re eating the cats. They’re eating the pets of the people that live there,” Trump said.

Harris laughed at his remarks and called them “extreme.”

The City of Springfield released a statement Wednesday about the rumors that read in part, “There have been no credible reports or specific claims of pets being harmed, injured or abused by individuals within the immigrant community.”

Despite the clarification, the billboards remain up to welcome Trump, who is scheduled to visit Arizona on Thursday and speak to supporters in Tucson.

The Arizona Chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations is among a number of groups condemning the billboards, saying they promote unsubstantiated, racist claims about Haitian immigrants.

“This kind of rhetoric is rooted in ignorance and prejudice,” said Azza Abuseif, executive director of CAIR-AZ. “One of the main reasons why there are harmful stereotypes out there, like Islamaphobia, anti-Semitism, anti-Blackness, anti immigration, is spitting out misinformation and disinformation to our communities.”

Political consultant Stan Barnes with Copper State Consulting in Phoenix said it’s not unusual for political parties on both sides to post misleading or false ads whose sole purpose is to get voters’ attention.

“It’s easy to make fun of it, but in politics, that kind of thing is sometimes the ‘thing’ that actually makes a difference,” Barnes said. “In this case, I can’t tell if it will make a positive or negative difference for Republicans, but it’s there and we’re talking about it.”

In a statement, the Arizona GOP said the ads humorously underscore the need for border security, The Associated Press reports.

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a68059 No.21614955


ghey love

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9b7e1f No.21614956

File: b7870eb8d7d7bee⋯.png (1.6 MB,1500x1500,1:1,filtered.png)

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225946 No.21614957


This asshat doesn't have a pot to piss in nor a window to throw it out of. WHO is is financing this motherfucker. Intl. flights are not cheap not to mention hotels, food etc………..Someone is financing this piece of psychopathic shit.

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965cbd No.21614958


lotz of spam to sift thru

its in

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d20fbd No.21614960

File: 1997c0698b15244⋯.png (30.38 KB,460x390,46:39,66ea8cd29dae1.png)

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8705fc No.21614961

File: ee2d391104a4edb⋯.png (209.46 KB,513x425,513:425,ClipboardImage.png)

you burn 40 calories for every 15 minutes of laughter. Play this on repeat and get anorexic


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ff16d0 No.21614962

File: 0b7685d848ce19a⋯.png (762.49 KB,1200x1704,50:71,snapshot_www_thegatewaypun….png)

Massive “ERROR” in Arizona Validates Nearly 100,000 Voter Registrations Without Verifying Citizenship — Issue Has Existed for 20 YEARS

A so-called error in the Arizona Motor Vehicle Department’s (MVD) system, which provides driver’s license information to the state’s voter registration system for citizenship verification, has caused 97,000 voter registrations to be approved without verifying citizenship.

This has apparently been happening for 20 years and was somehow not discovered until now.

This comes just days before military and overseas ballots are set to be mailed out on Thursday. Early ballots will be sent to voters across the state on October 9.

Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer announced on Tuesday that his office is suing the Secretary of State’s office after discovering a loophole in the state’s voter registration system that, Richer says, for 20 years has allowed individuals who received a driver’s license before 1996 to vote without citizenship verification.


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f5e0f6 No.21614963

File: bc3e0db3549a51a⋯.png (827.69 KB,1919x963,1919:963,ClipboardImage.png)

File: edf586a48ff8a42⋯.png (692.92 KB,1378x2633,1378:2633,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d46e107a8771978⋯.png (172.47 KB,1280x737,1280:737,ClipboardImage.png)

After delivering another load of immigrants from Ecuador to the ICE processing center in Alexandria, Louisiana last night, the crew got 12 hours off. Now they are headed for Minneapolis. A tip for tracking Global X flights on flightaware. If you input the flight number and only get old results, then you can often find the current flight plan using a tail number search instead.


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7c4749 No.21614964

File: 343b734bc175a17⋯.png (252.05 KB,559x480,559:480,pepe_bowl.png)


>This is a meme. It is satire.

I think that the movie script writers should make this a reality. That would snap even more people into awakening IMO.

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cc5c9d No.21614965

File: 4804477cb89da76⋯.png (635.45 KB,925x758,925:758,ClipboardImage.png)


the people putting it out do but not the normalfags eating it up

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50ed0a No.21614968

File: 386743a1ededd51⋯.jpg (50.26 KB,536x533,536:533,386743a1ededd513c05980780a….jpg)


>Must be the ass-clock theory

He's trying to synchronize with the time turds.

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0c2f81 No.21614972

File: ef19c7154cdc7fd⋯.png (162.51 KB,375x372,125:124,really.png)


>Massive “ERROR” in Arizona Validates Nearly 100,000 Voter Registrations Without Verifying Citizenship — Issue Has Existed for 20 YEARS


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22f8f9 No.21614974


shit this ties into that story that has been floating around now about Texas and misouri where the MVD of various states and dead people trying to register to vote. I bet this loop hole is in multiple states.


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f04f82 No.21614975

File: fbf677300cf3df2⋯.mp4 (1.55 MB,848x476,212:119,Democrats_have_controlled_….mp4)


>This has apparently been happening for 20 years and was somehow not discovered until now.

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a68059 No.21614976


Godspeed and TYB. Anon gets cranky - atleisk man.

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30b546 No.21614977

File: 1e207bd770c89a1⋯.png (1.04 MB,1080x934,540:467,ClipboardImage.png)

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50ed0a No.21614979

File: db113119b797f9c⋯.jpeg (8.3 KB,246x205,6:5,oG3pvUPzpyRf.jpeg)

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2b1ce2 No.21614980


do the marxist gangs and their subjugated church slaves really count as votes?

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a261d9 No.21614981

File: 6f800c258ad71ae⋯.png (57.82 KB,497x363,497:363,ClipboardImage.png)

Elon Musk


Atheism left an empty space

Secular religion took its place

But left the people in despair

Childless hedonism sans care

Maybe religion’s not so bad

To keep you from being sad

5:16 AM · Sep 18, 2024



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20b523 No.21614982

File: c0f5c9656c03d1d⋯.png (567.9 KB,710x500,71:50,Trump_won_kitty.png)

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f5e0f6 No.21614984

File: fd3cb6456145ba9⋯.png (610.27 KB,1919x964,1919:964,ClipboardImage.png)


Global X big picture.


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6757f5 No.21614985

File: 0a2aba3fbe1e0f6⋯.png (1019.74 KB,565x659,565:659,0a2aba3fbe1e0f6a2804513eac….png)


firm off hand if need to bounce

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f04f82 No.21614986


>He really had a 1000 afghan soldiers ready to serve.

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190015 No.21614987

File: 7ed47591a8b9215⋯.png (983.69 KB,750x1334,375:667,6C3DDEA3_ED87_489C_AA60_2F….png)

File: d4f73a33293e2f6⋯.png (1.29 MB,750x1334,375:667,64FA994F_4C55_4C18_B92D_88….png)

File: 7084806508e381f⋯.png (25.77 KB,690x410,69:41,D3F9861A_9718_417A_9377_E5….png)

File: f89c1404afb026e⋯.jpeg (118.57 KB,810x994,405:497,853AF44D_0FB9_44BF_A569_3….jpeg)

File: d31b37521c8efd0⋯.png (75.87 KB,690x762,115:127,DCBDB04C_BE9A_45F9_A7A6_EE….png)



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9b9eea No.21614988


J.D. Vance's old boss makes a living trashing Trump. Here is a sample of some of David Frum's Trump trashing.

David Frum

David Frum is a staff writer at The Atlantic. He is the author of 10 books, most recently Trumpocracy (2018) and Trumpocalypse (2020). In 2001 and 2002, David was a speechwriter for President George W. Bush. From 2014 to 2017, he chaired the prominent U.K. center-right think tank, Policy Exchange. He writes for The Atlantic on topics including politics, policy, art, literature, and history.


I wonder if J.D. Vance let him know Trump was golfing.

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61c43e No.21614989


>I'd like to remind anyone reading that there is plenty of room for digging. Pick up a shovel and see what can be found

I'm tired, just send out the EBS already.

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af8cad No.21614991

File: 0e2b5f3264a46ca⋯.png (441.06 KB,720x508,180:127,6198d5246255801bae4fb1ed85….png)

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22f8f9 No.21614992


does it matter which religion?

Is it better to believe a random story than not believe in the story in the first place?

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0c2f81 No.21614993

File: 7bad90808c1599d⋯.png (704.92 KB,916x724,229:181,2024_09_18_08_52_15.png)

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51aee5 No.21614995


Latino is racist innit

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4128a0 No.21614996

Question for anons:

What quantity of lies from the clown legacy media today are increases in the number of lies compared to 7 years ago, and what quantity is the people increasing their recognition of lies the last 7 years?

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f04f82 No.21614998

File: e7a1ea69e8d0822⋯.png (518.97 KB,600x847,600:847,ClipboardImage.png)


>Vance change his name so people wouldn't access his previous Journalism articles

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d20fbd No.21614999

File: 2530100d9bd21c7⋯.png (64.34 KB,665x375,133:75,93vsm2.png)

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8705fc No.21615000

File: 5a42514bb2ff6d7⋯.png (297.04 KB,592x386,296:193,ClipboardImage.png)

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34fcf2 No.21615002


>Did J D Vance change his name so people wouldn't access his previous Journalism articles

> Here he is writing for the Frumforum. David Frum was George Bush's speech writer.

>David Frum is credited for inventing the term "Axis of Evil". Interesting that there is a Q post with that phrase in it.

Here he is writing for the Frumforum. David Frum was George Bush's speech writer.

David Frum is credited for inventing the term "Axis of Evil". Interesting that there is a Q post with that phrase in it.


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a261d9 No.21615003

File: 80b7e8cf7032030⋯.mp4 (1.61 MB,480x270,16:9,BLbexEln4chycriw.mp4)

Wall Street Apes


Import The 3rd World, Become The 3rd World

“Horses missing after a barn break in — Animals found butchered about a mile away.” Butchered and eaten for food

“They’re our children, and they were abducted and killed for meat”

“This is the same thing as going into somebody’s yard, taking their dog and cooking it — Our children are heartbroken, my wife’s heartbroken”


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99f1d3 No.21615004

File: df6f8addc475f92⋯.png (321.71 KB,700x874,350:437,47025b3adbe2fb92af586747ca….png)

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8705fc No.21615006

File: 8e7c929d3994460⋯.png (152.86 KB,326x332,163:166,ClipboardImage.png)

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cc5c9d No.21615007


their ammo is in very limited supply as is their energy

to me it seems they're scraping the bottom of the barrel and there was way more chaos in the early days

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22f8f9 No.21615009

File: 8c58479dde78de7⋯.png (118.16 KB,516x640,129:160,ClipboardImage.png)

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3584e8 No.21615011

File: 5225b73d580579b⋯.png (720.85 KB,1047x536,1047:536,ray_chandler_puff_daddy.png)


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cd3707 No.21615012

File: 3eb2848af38b54b⋯.jpeg (838.73 KB,1125x1742,1125:1742,IMG_4121.jpeg)


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50ed0a No.21615013

File: f92dee6e49da601⋯.jpg (12.98 KB,255x245,51:49,popcorn_pepe2.jpg)

KEK. I like how KJP is now threatening journalists about what questions they can ask. Tyrants with nowhere to hide anymoar

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30b546 No.21615014

File: 295cc2681e2d8a8⋯.png (472.4 KB,500x728,125:182,ClipboardImage.png)


early states.

when the animals run out they will resort to haitianism norms of cannibalism.

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225946 No.21615016


And I would bet that Arizona ain't the only state. How else do these marxist democrats keep getting elected? No one amd I mean NO ONE, is voting for more of what these treasonous pieces of shit are doing to their towns, cities and states.

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3feff3 No.21615017


Release prior to cover up

Revelation of the method

Gaslighting for the new normal

Move the moral goal posts of society's norms

Release information in such a way to control the narrative and limit the damage

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965cbd No.21615018

File: b56c270817c2946⋯.png (442.26 KB,606x608,303:304,wakesncakes.png)

File: d90df3a1cba1f6a⋯.png (684.55 KB,600x450,4:3,20140828_bread_dough.png)


we be firm'd

here's latest n greatest no tables

long breddy yo

#26473 >>21613782

>>21613881 RFK Jr. Links the Attempts on Trump’s Life to JFK’s Death

>>21614183 Johnathan Oddi (man who shot up Trump golf course in 2018) on video claiming he was P Diddy’s sex slave

>>21614338 Fed rate cut 2pm EST Market halted limit down 3:30PM

>>21614462 War Preparations Build After 9 Killed, 2700+ Wounded In Israel's Pager Attack On Hezbollah

>>21614490 Wireless technology causes infertility, cancer and DNA damage

>>21614769 Point72 veteran targets $50M for Ukraine defense tech VC fund

>>21614819 The mayor of Springfield, Ohio is making millionsby replacing a third of the population of his town with Haitian immigrants

>>21614846, >>21614861, >>21614870, >>21614912 AAA - TRUMP TOWN HALL IN FLINT, MICHIGAN 17TH SEPTERMBER 2024 !!!

>>21614902 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 09/18/2024

>>21614962 Massive “ERROR” in Arizona Validates Nearly 100,000 Voter Registrations Without Verifying Citizenship — Issue Has Existed for 20 YEARS

>>21615003 Wall Street Apes w/vid: “Horses missing after a barn break in — Animals found butchered about a mile away.” Butchered and eaten for food

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d20fbd No.21615019

File: d794c7ce9d5b434⋯.png (45.36 KB,716x813,716:813,66ea8cd464ea8.png)

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b6f829 No.21615020


without sauce

gut sensors indicate a statistical inversion is occurring, ongoing and advancing in pace.

but that could all just be gas in an upset stomach combined with mental hopeium dopamine

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3584e8 No.21615022

File: 44433033e9feccf⋯.png (526.72 KB,942x585,314:195,eminem_chandler.png)


Will 'Em' be next?


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22f8f9 No.21615023



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225946 No.21615024


Who and for what anon?

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06c16e No.21615025

>>21613460 Greg Kelly: Another Secret Service failure, they won't get away withPN

Does it anyone strange the Rowe seems up be reporting to the WH? When is the last a President has got a say in how the agency works? Every time Bidan involved in the Trump prosecutions, it was always the "Trump was a danger to democracy"

Is it possible Bidan gave orders to a better job of Trump getting shots. There is no way he's telling them to ramp up security. That's the whole point.

This is a propaganda war so "if they succeed on eliminating Trump", then the WH can claim they ordered more assets.

Once again why is Rowe getting orders from Mayorkas and Bidan? Its well know they hate him and all the goals they have of destroying America, will only work (in their minds) if they can look innocent. Rowe is just a figurehead, he will be the first one out if any of their plans are successful.

It's time to Foia their asses.

BTW: OTR is a term that SS use when the President is doing something or going somewhere it should never be know. It's not announced because of potential danger. Rowe saying he shouldn't have been there is bullshit, OTR (off the record) has been adhered to all president. He and they conduct OTR all the time.

OTR does not and has never meant the President or Protectee has to ask permission, or announce it the world.

Rowe is such a fucking liar, but if he fails again he won't be there long. If he succeeds he still will be gotten rid of. What bug is up this guys ass, he seems like he think PDJT has to ask permission to play golf or anything. They asks the protectee, they don't give orders what they can or cannot do.

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6757f5 No.21615026

File: 67fc0780bfcd1b9⋯.png (377.67 KB,848x693,848:693,67fc0780bfcd1b9edb92ac96b5….png)


acked n sheitz

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a261d9 No.21615028

File: f609c0b7f17add0⋯.png (65.69 KB,679x310,679:310,ClipboardImage.png)



If the Luzerne County Board of Elections doesn’t hire more people

— & quickly rectify the THOUSANDS of unprocessed applications —

@EarlyVoteAction is prepared to sue them.

This is voter disenfranchisement.

9:02 AM · Sep 18, 2024


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6757f5 No.21615029

File: 93c8e8b8d25d37f⋯.jpg (13.17 KB,235x255,47:51,93c8e8b8d25d37f0d9bb7b15a2….jpg)



gotz em

habs smooooooovs

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dc033a No.21615031

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cc5c9d No.21615032

File: d6e4638accb3f1d⋯.png (246.4 KB,478x499,478:499,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1778cfc255bc395⋯.png (902.58 KB,810x937,810:937,ClipboardImage.png)

i dunno

+1 for creativity

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f5e0f6 No.21615033

File: dea57c6b7724d1e⋯.png (1.16 MB,1920x967,1920:967,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 42083bc22a3e0c5⋯.png (31.97 KB,640x340,32:17,ClipboardImage.png)

RATT55 up from Nevada Test Range. Radar analysis and testing platform. Likely flying with unseen aircraft (B-21 Raider?).


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965cbd No.21615035

File: 1bd0406f78abed9⋯.png (135.06 KB,508x508,1:1,1bd0406f78abed9f29120ef26d….png)

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3584e8 No.21615036

File: eae22866ec02b46⋯.png (466.51 KB,595x677,595:677,ClipboardImage.png)




>🔥🚨DEVELOPING: In 2018 a man named Jonathan Oddi who claimed he was Sean Diddy Combs ‘sex slave’shot up the inside of Trump's National Doral Golf Cluband was taken into custody by the police after opening fire. Johnathan also claimed that Rick Ross, Dj Khalid and Diddy were secretly gay.


>The indictment that was unsealed today claims Diddy would force women to have intercourse with his male ‘sex workers.’

>I wasn’t joking when I said EVERYTHING is CONNECTED.

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2b1ce2 No.21615038


you gave notice - file the lawsuit and stop waiting

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22f8f9 No.21615039


not the only one and it just further undermines the nation as a result 20 years of elections are questionable and the laws passed under them null and void under color of law.

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44a1d8 No.21615041

File: a734188b0c26ec9⋯.png (611.53 KB,607x819,607:819,tats.png)

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34fcf2 No.21615042

File: 2e5acc19a620ab6⋯.png (46.78 KB,233x129,233:129,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8f8a85fa5343f57⋯.png (365.18 KB,475x307,475:307,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2f57368a4333530⋯.png (170.04 KB,267x310,267:310,ClipboardImage.png)



>National Shrine of Our Lady

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7c4749 No.21615043

File: 56ebf9693b563fb⋯.jpeg (850.32 KB,1596x1640,399:410,cat_side_eye.jpeg)

Merrick Garland is prepared to fight DeSantis over Florida investigating that latest assassination attempt. The DOJ/FBI says this is their investigation, and that DeSantis can't investigate it at the state level, since it involves a former president.

They are scared that they won't be able to continue the coverup.

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2b1ce2 No.21615044


all roman orgy roads lead to Harris

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d20fbd No.21615046

File: a6d7b1e6e875615⋯.png (63.95 KB,526x526,1:1,a87op71_700bwp.png)

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bd4d0a No.21615050

File: bc4682d00ed2fcf⋯.png (1.29 MB,1209x713,39:23,bless.png)

God bless you and keep you grom harm, this day and fore ever.

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8bf5f2 No.21615051

File: dc07129ba8853b1⋯.png (592.75 KB,841x769,841:769,43646364.png)

Covid Clot Shot mRNA Spike Proteins Accelerating Cancer, Dementia, Crohn’s and Lyme Disease!

Back in February, US Republican Senator Ron Johnson from Wisconsin held a roundtable discussion titled ‘Federal Health Agencies and the COVID Cartel: What Are They Hiding?’. In attendance at that forum was an internal medicine specialist and medical doctor named Sabine Hazan, who conducts and supervises clinical trials for cutting-edge medical research, including that based on gastroenterology. Dr. Hazan investigates Big Pharma companies for corruption, a very daring and courageous effort to help the world realize how much fraud and insidious planning Western Medicine engages in, especially the Vaccine Industrial Complex.

Dr. Sabine Hazan discovered that Covid-19 mRNA gene therapy injections kill 90% of good gut flora called bifidobacteria, catapulting most major diseases and disorders.

The key component that makes up 90% of our biological seat of immunity for fighting diseases is KILLED OFF by spike proteins from mRNA jabs that travel to the gut. Anyone who got Covid vaccinated could be catapulting cancer, IBS, autism, dementia and catching Covid or the next pandemic of Bird Flu, Monkeypox, or whatever other gain-of-function lab-made virus Big Pharma releases into the wild.

Gastroenterologist Dr. Sabine Hazan tested the microbiomes of doctors who volunteered to be tested BEFORE and AFTER getting Covid vaccinated with spike protein prion creating mRNA jabs and discovered that their most important gut bacteria were wiped out within 30 days to almost non-existent. What’s worse is that bifidobacteria remained decimated for 60 days, 90 days, even up to six months.

She then tested newborn babies, whose mothers were injected before their birth with Covid jabs, and the babies had ZERO bifidobacteria (good gut flora) microbes after 90 days and they stayed at zero nine months later. Let that sink in. These newborns have next-to-zero immunity during their first year of life due to the Covid vaccine.

Dr. Hazan also explained the mystery of why babies and young children were not catching Covid, and if they did, they were not at risk of getting a severe case of it or dying. She said that bifidobacteria is present in newborns, but it’s absent in elderly people as just part of the process of ageing. See where this is heading? Covid and the jabs are part of the population reduction agenda of the globalists who funded gain-of-function and instructed scientists to create “vaccines” that did further damage to the biological seat of immunity for all humans infected and/or injected.

It took Dr. Hazan eight months to publish this research paper entitled ‘The lost microbes of Covid-19’. She also wrote about how vitamin C increases bifidobacteria. In conclusion, the loss of bifidobacteria is a catapult for humans contracting, developing and suffering from a whole host of diseases and disorders, most of which would be prevented by simply boosting good gut bacteria with probiotics, eating clean healthy food, and avoiding the deadly clot shot jabs at all costs.


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f04f82 No.21615053

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Gunman seen carrying out attack at Trump resort in Florida, dramatic video shows

October 25, 2018

During a strange interview in 2018 that included mentions of multiple conspiracy theories, shooting suspect Jonathan Oddi told investigators that he had been a slave for Sean “P. Diddy” Combs during the rapper’s relationship with Cassie. Despite Oddi’s irrational statements, some of what he had to say seems to corroborate a lawsuit Cassie filed against Diddy five years later. Law&Crime’s Jesse Weber takes a look at the wildest moments from Oddi’s interrogation and what he had to say about Combs and his entourage.

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190015 No.21615054


still dont get it, can you explain it like your talking to someone who got quadruple vaxxxed for a free donut

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7c4749 No.21615055


JB was likely abused as a minor. That's going to come out soon.

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dc033a No.21615056

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Good times


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e7fcd5 No.21615058

File: cb49fed2eed907e⋯.jpeg (25.98 KB,530x463,530:463,image000002.jpeg)


Doesn’t State authority supersede the Federal in matters occurring in said State?

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50ed0a No.21615059

File: 27de9fafcce58b8⋯.png (257.05 KB,620x641,620:641,27de9fafcce58b862db7d2f4b1….png)


Mornin', Swordy.

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4128a0 No.21615061

File: a1abc37ed172adc⋯.png (202.87 KB,466x548,233:274,ClipboardImage.png)

If for the sake of argument the only choice was Jews running the world or Muslims running the world, which would you choose?


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cc5c9d No.21615062


>inb4 this gets blamed on trump


>da true true.jpg


still currently a private citizen residing in fla

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f04f82 No.21615063

"The FBI uses hip hop to move drugs and traffic people"


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30b546 No.21615064


not swordy

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a261d9 No.21615065

File: 9212060de35348e⋯.png (360.36 KB,595x541,595:541,ClipboardImage.png)


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a68059 No.21615066


>like your talking to someone who got quadruple vaxxxed for a free donut

jelly-filled if quintupled!

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d20fbd No.21615068

File: 26b83cb56482422⋯.png (52.47 KB,700x643,700:643,a34K7Zm_700bwp.png)

First time i have seen a Harris bumper sticker. What makes the Harris bumper sticker assassin ratio quite high

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0c2f81 No.21615071

File: 2a592e25b4de24a⋯.png (1.35 MB,924x1254,14:19,swordanon.png)


Mornin' Swordanon

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50ed0a No.21615072

File: a1cf978b1066f58⋯.jpg (144.97 KB,1920x1080,16:9,GSZ1hF3WYAA9Tyc.jpg)

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b0aba9 No.21615074


3 billion POS Muzzies

Where the hell is that Neutron bomb?

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a68059 No.21615076


local human-trafficking predator, strip-club impresario-hero and porn producer joel redner is proudly flying a big Harris banner outside his "production facilities."

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2b1ce2 No.21615077


why aren't your savvy lawyers filing a very basic constitutional lviolation(s) awsuit agains slobberin guv gav newscum and the people of CA

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f04f82 No.21615078

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Obama is CIA, and was central to 9/11.

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20b523 No.21615079

File: 8c60abe42d88dc6⋯.png (646.65 KB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


>The joker is in charge

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7ac2fb No.21615080

File: c7e7a17470c4ce2⋯.png (708.62 KB,1366x768,683:384,invasionBbqEasternAirExpre….png)

File: 77c9d79abfbc4bb⋯.png (483.34 KB,1366x768,683:384,Screenshot_from_2024_09_18….png)

File: b83b53ef1857168⋯.png (462.34 KB,1366x768,683:384,Screenshot_from_2024_09_18….png)

File: a1965fbfbab59c2⋯.png (458.83 KB,1366x768,683:384,Screenshot_from_2024_09_18….png)

File: c13667430c3858f⋯.png (468.1 KB,1366x768,683:384,Screenshot_from_2024_09_18….png)


>Global X

Global X



Eastern Air Express - aka BBQ

What others we got?

BBQ en route west out of SAT


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50ed0a No.21615081


Why aren't you? FFS, don't try and hold someone to a standard that you're not willing to hold yourself to.

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a68059 No.21615084


a useful question. reusable, too.

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cc5c9d No.21615085


pretty sure he's already involved balls deep in litigation

they're using lawfare against him too

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371ec5 No.21615086



Why is baker ignoring a notable

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a68059 No.21615087


weak dodge, anon. up yer game.

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20b523 No.21615088

File: 2a11e754cd257d7⋯.png (375.2 KB,504x484,126:121,truther_2021.png)


The MSM is still claiming that his political views are unknown.

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34fcf2 No.21615089

File: 2ce0add8aa73138⋯.png (212.49 KB,788x714,394:357,ClipboardImage.png)

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30b546 No.21615091

File: c8b72e56ce75b6c⋯.png (344.31 KB,500x1237,500:1237,ClipboardImage.png)


waiting for jerome powell to put the b.i.s plan into action today.




note: Anon has been searching the annual report for important info which is shows that those who work for the B.I.S are tax exempt and above any laws around the world. The language is confusing but it does appear that those who work for this organisation are exempt from taxation from any and all earnings from the B.I.S

remuneration package aka wages.

Board members - Total 17 members and 2 from america.

Jerome Powell (federal reserve) John C. Williams (Federal bank of New York).

They get paid in Swiss Francs CHF 1,076,924 = $1,224,103.97 United States Dollar

board meeting attendance pay CHF 992,196 = $1,127,618.85 United States Dollar

Andrew Bailey (Bank of England) CHF 1,076,924 = £961,491.75 British Pound Sterling

board meeting attendance pay CHF 992,196 = £885,845.49 British Pound Sterling

Just a further note: It would be easy for the C.I.A to install board members into the board of the B.I.S. so all positions are easily installed same as every single institution which has been proved by Blackrock. All above are tax free salary, this does not include the fact that these people also get paid for being central bankers for their own countries.



Pursuant to host country agreements or legislation, BIS staff members are generally

exempt from income tax on Bank salaries and allowances that would otherwise

be levied by the relevant host countries. However, they remain subject to tax levied

in the host countries on income from sources other than the Bank, as well as other

taxes (eg wealth or property tax). The exemption from national taxation reflects a

well established international practice for international organisations.


Board remuneration

The AGM approves the

remuneration of members of the

Board of Directors, with adjustments

taking place at regular intervals. The total

fixed annual remuneration paid to the Board was

CHF 1,076,924 as of 1 April 2023. Board members also

receive an attendance fee for each Board meeting in

which they participate. Assuming that the full Board

is represented in all Board meetings, the annual total

of these attendance fees for financial year 2022/23

amounts to CHF 992,196.

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a68059 No.21615092

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035b31 No.21615093

File: 50604325afabc78⋯.png (85.39 KB,500x715,100:143,ClipboardImage.png)

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22f8f9 No.21615095


it is still an alleged assassination attempt.

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50ed0a No.21615096


It's not a dodge, clown. Hold yourself to the same standard you try holding others to and see how far you get with what you want in life. Go on, try it.

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4128a0 No.21615097

File: cf1a4a6239d5d00⋯.png (696.42 KB,640x640,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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a68059 No.21615099



cnn won't report it until they lose.

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331e51 No.21615100

File: c1d40bdeec9ec72⋯.jpeg (161.35 KB,1229x1140,1229:1140,IMG_0040.jpeg)

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a68059 No.21615101


it's a dodge. pipe down.

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50ed0a No.21615102


Silence, Parakeet.

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a68059 No.21615105

File: e7ba1071966723d⋯.png (65.15 KB,720x501,240:167,Screen_Shot_2024_09_18_at_….png)

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6757f5 No.21615106


because it's not clean news

you tainted with echos of VD would be muh guess


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50ed0a No.21615107

"Why don't you?"

"Because: this."

"Ah hyuk hyuk. You dodged. You dodged."

The logic of a fucking child.

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b0aba9 No.21615108


Fuck Star link….one gig fiber optic is way cheap now

We don’t need dipshits “satellite internet” polluting the nite sky

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225946 No.21615112



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371ec5 No.21615113

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a68059 No.21615115

File: ddb3ec003562deb⋯.png (275.04 KB,577x376,577:376,starlink_net.png)


o yes you do.

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b0aba9 No.21615117

File: aa556194349fc81⋯.jpeg (712.11 KB,1328x1342,664:671,IMG_6555.jpeg)

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cc5c9d No.21615118

File: a64e4a0c769911d⋯.png (99.42 KB,634x768,317:384,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 251bffc49aa4391⋯.png (17 KB,601x121,601:121,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 35bd96c6fe3d635⋯.png (15.87 KB,601x120,601:120,ClipboardImage.png)


the faa is currently fucking with him

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50ed0a No.21615121

When they play dumb, that's usually a good tell too. "Who's that? Never heard of him." KEK!

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0c2f81 No.21615122

File: 2f1c47f5618bdf1⋯.png (428.19 KB,894x644,447:322,2024_09_18_09_41_36.png)


Pentagon's honeycombish architecture

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a68059 No.21615123

File: 255cfd7285ffc73⋯.png (5.74 KB,318x51,106:17,define_projection.png)

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d8b7c6 No.21615124

File: 4cbf7438edce8b6⋯.png (61.67 KB,890x728,445:364,ClipboardImage.png)

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34fcf2 No.21615126

File: ca7587644d90886⋯.png (828.67 KB,905x763,905:763,ClipboardImage.png)


it's the only way they can control us all

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f04f82 No.21615127

File: 6085bb12ea8e45d⋯.png (619.64 KB,600x1067,600:1067,ClipboardImage.png)


Less than a year ago, South Africa native Jonathan Oddi proudly posed behind a backdrop of an American flag, touting his new citizenship. "God bless the USA finally an American!" he wrote on Instagram.

On Friday morning, he unfurled the American flag inside the South Florida hotel owned by the nation's president, then got into a firefight and chase with police while ranting about Donald Trump, Barack Obama - and bizarrely, rap mogul P. Diddy, according to law enforcement.

Investigators late Friday were still trying to unravel the motivations of Oddi, a 42-year-old fitness junkie and businessman who appeared to become unhinged while attacking the Trump National Doral Miami resort.

Oddi suffered police gunshots to the legs, and faces charges of attempted murder. Agents raided his nearby apartment to recover phones, electronics and other evidence that might reveal what led to the bizarre incident.

On social media, Oddi lists himself as a fitness instructor, real-estate investor and manager at Pegasus, a business dealing in minerals and gemstones. He also had a very Miami side job - about five years ago, he was a regular stripper for Dancing Bear, a South Florida website that produced videos of raucous staged parties involving women performing sex acts on male dancers.

"He was pretty laid back," said one former dancer who performed alongside him. "He was a pretty decent guy. No real signs of anger management."

Oddi lived a few miles away at a rental complex, 8100 NW 53rd St. He was born in South Africa and is of Italian heritage.

Oddi used to be married to a South Florida lawyer, but the couple divorced amicably in 2014. He had a girlfriend who was out of the country during the attack, sources told the Miami Herald.

His numerous online public postings provide few clues to his motive and offer mixed political leanings.

On Instagram, he posted a meme from Turning Point USA, a right-wing conservative group. The meme contrasts a U.S. soldier with NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick, who knelt during the national anthem to protest police brutality.

"colín worries he doesn't have a nfl career and kneels for popularity," Oddi wrote in his Oct. 26 Instagram post.

A look at his private Instagram account reveals scores of posts, most of them screenshots of news stories. Among them, accounts of singer Chris Brown being accused of rape, federal authorities pushing the death penalty for opioid dealers, and the downfall of movie mogul Harvey Weinstein.

His other posts tout cashews as a natural anti-depressant, seek justice for abused puppies, and quote from figures such as rapper Notorious B.I.G. and Confucius.

He fawns over first lady Melania Trump: "#flotus rocks! She sets the example of mannerism. She counters Trumps aggressiveness," he wrote in one post showing Melania Trump smiling in the White House.

Another post shows a Time magazine cover depicting Trump for a story about his troubles with porn star Stormy Daniels. "Reality is harsh," Oddi wrote.

And in another post, Oddi blasts the United States for "giving $10.4 million every day" to Israel. "They have free healthcare and college. but we don't because we can't afford it!"

Oddi's record show no arrests in Miami-Dade County.

Longtime friend Luis David Gonzalez was on his way to Oddi's home with eggs and coffee when he learned of the shooting. He and Oddi worked out together every day at the LA Fitness in Doral. Gonzalez said Oddi is a dancer who has a small dog named Popo.

"I just wanted to see if he was doing fine," Gonzalez said. "I'm surprised and confused … I knew him 10 years. He's a good person. I'm very surprised he did this."

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50ed0a No.21615128

File: 1f4036da8070e55⋯.jpeg (379.97 KB,1912x2765,1912:2765,NaS5WoSnYKsr.jpeg)

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8bf5f2 No.21615129


They rely entirely on lies.

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a68059 No.21615131


we've found the mole!

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225946 No.21615133


The enitre history of the Democrat Party right, fucking there.

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d8b7c6 No.21615134

File: 188b47c07c099e8⋯.png (1.72 MB,1200x1200,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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8bf5f2 No.21615136


I too, notice most news I post goes completely ignored. VERY SUSPICIOUS!

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a68059 No.21615137


muh aliterations

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a68059 No.21615141


carves up fetuses and sells their parts

carves up born people and sells their parts

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50ed0a No.21615142

File: 22614df452e20d9⋯.png (229.66 KB,651x519,217:173,SP_pepe_sip2.png)


>They rely entirely on lies.

And the fake consensus required to support those lies. It really is just a big fake house of cards that needs constant reinforcement with repetition of message in the media to cement it in the minds of the people.

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20b523 No.21615143

File: b90d588afc21f5c⋯.png (159.37 KB,2190x930,73:31,ClipboardImage.png)


>AI-fueled surveillance system can ensure 'citizens' (us not them) will be on their best behavior.

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3feff3 No.21615145


The Great Awakening cannot be stopped

So they try and co-opt it.

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05bb26 No.21615146

File: 66166ff9a719d92⋯.png (589.89 KB,610x1287,610:1287,1_1.png)

File: 9b3f323d8ea52b8⋯.png (645.05 KB,460x1032,115:258,1_2.png)

File: 47f5d173ecdea26⋯.png (283.94 KB,462x522,77:87,1_3.png)

File: b6107d60632ab3f⋯.png (879.18 KB,592x1291,592:1291,1_4.png)

File: 0b852f1d96c3fcc⋯.png (686.57 KB,522x1306,261:653,1_5.png)

Because new eyes are finding their way to this board, it seems like a good time for a reminder, with sauce.


That time Bill and Hillary Clinton went to a voodoo ceremony in Haiti

The takeaway from this information, in Anon's mind, is that the Clintons imported a belief system into the White House, and it may still be there.

Washington Post - That time Bill and Hillary Clinton went to avoodoo ceremony in Haiti

March 20,2015


"After several minutes of rhythmic dancing to pounding drums, the spirits arrived, seizing a woman and a man. The man proceeded to rub a burning torch all over his body and walk on hot coals without being burned. The woman, in a frenzy, screamed repeatedly, then

grabbed a live chicken and bit its head off. Then the spirits left and those who had been possessed fell to the ground."

SCOTT - Signs of the Times - Bill and Hillary Clinton delved deeply into Haitian voodoo and black magic ceremonies

29 Apr 2018


Corey's Digs - Clintons’ Haitian Black Magic Secret

April 29, 2018


The Washington Standard - Clintons’ Haitian Black Magic Secret

December 26, 2018


Some of the information above is quoted from the Haiti Observateur. Here are a couple of more recent Observateur issues (inPDFformat) about Clinton.

HAITI OBSERVATEUR - Clinton in Haiti

2 mars 2022

Page 10, 11 and 14 (11 and 14 are in English)


HAITI OBSERVATEUR - Clinton in Haiti

13 - 20 mars 2024

Clinton on page 11 in English.


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6f2b25 No.21615155

File: 562cd5ac2c08b82⋯.jpeg (16.19 KB,281x414,281:414,pepespaceforce.jpeg)

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c09fcd No.21615156

the School System is 100,000 Times worse than the church on it's worst day

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a1b923 No.21615157

File: 13f9de908ca5d97⋯.jpg (140.4 KB,1241x1217,1241:1217,home_air_filter.jpg)

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05bb26 No.21615162

File: 27fa321a3b1ff05⋯.png (994.84 KB,631x1262,1:2,2_1.png)

File: 5365b314030a481⋯.png (1.01 MB,631x1349,631:1349,2_2.png)

File: 123c1cab7b2cad1⋯.png (518.35 KB,631x611,631:611,2_3.png)



That time Bill and Hillary Clinton went to a voodoo ceremony in Haiti

Exposing Satanism and Witchcraft - Hillary Clinton’s Witchcraft Part 7


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a1b923 No.21615164

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

10:00 AM EDT

War Room Morning Edition

Real America's Voice


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14bae7 No.21615165

File: ea2d5763fc35de9⋯.webp (53.41 KB,1152x1536,3:4,diddy_sean_combs_adopted_….webp)

File: c771c7195b210f7⋯.webp (135.82 KB,1536x1374,256:229,ava_baroni_jessi_combs_se….webp)

Page Six


(PHOTO caption) A video of Sean “Diddy” Combs introducing his adopted daughter, Ava Baroni (far left), has resurfaced.

(PHOTO caption 2) In the video, Baroni claimed she was “on the streets” before “Papa Combs decided that he was going to be a caring man.”

Video of Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs with ‘adopted’ daughter Ava Baroni resurfaces after feds raid his homes

By Tamantha Ryan

Published March 26, 2024, 3:22 p.m. ET


A video of Sean “Diddy” Combs introducing his “adopted” daughter, Ava Baroni, has resurfaced a day after two of his homes were raided for sex trafficking.

In a clip from 2020 posted on TikTok Tuesday, the Bad Boy Records founder is seen asking Baroni to introduce herself to his Instagram followers during a Live session.

“My name’s Ava. I’m a Scorpio,” the teen began before Combs interrupted her and told her to say her last name. “Ava Combs Baroni.”

The billionaire hop-hop mogul, 54, then claimed that he had “adopted” the “white child.”


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a1b923 No.21615168

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

10:00 AM EDT

House Republican Leaders News Conference

House Speaker Johnson (R-LA) and other House Republican leaders speak with reporters about their legislative agenda.


10:00 AM EDT

U.S. Senate: Senate Session

The Senate will continue debate on more of President Biden’s U.S. District Court nominations.


10:00 AM EDT

U.S. House of Representatives: Morning Hour

The House will vote on a six-month continuing resolution, temporarily funding government past the September 30th deadline to March 28, 2025 to avert a shutdown. The bill was pulled from the House floor last week due to a lack of support.


10:00 AM EDT

“A Country Without Borders: How the Biden-Harris Open Borders Policies Have Undermined Our Safety and Security”

House Homeland Security Committee



Mr. Aaron Heitke

Private Citizen, Former Chief Patrol Agent, San Diego Sector, U.S. Border Patrol


The Honorable Jim Desmond

County Supervisor D5, San Diego County, California


Ms. Patricia Morin

Private Citizen,


The Honorable David Hathaway

Sheriff, Santa Cruz County, Arizona






House Homeland Security Committee Hearing on Border Policies

The House Homeland Security Committee holds a hearing on the Biden administration’s border policies.


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e52957 No.21615169

File: 140c2f2076ceb32⋯.png (814.06 KB,1080x719,1080:719,ClipboardImage.png)

NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

September 18, 2024

The Mermaid Nebula Supernova Remnant

New stars are born from the remnants of dead stars. The gaseous remnant of the gravitational collapse and subsequent death of a very massive star in our Milky Way created the G296.5+10.0 supernova remnant, of which the featured Mermaid Nebula is part. Also known as the Betta Fish Nebula, the Mermaid Nebula makes up part of an unusual subclass of supernova remnants that are two-sided and nearly circular. Originally discovered in X-rays, the filamentary nebula is a frequently studied source also in radio and gamma-ray light. The blue color visible here originates from doubly ionized oxygen (OIII), while the deep red is emitted by hydrogen gas. The nebula's mermaid-like shape has proven to be useful for measurements of the interstellar magnetic field.


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a1b923 No.21615170

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

10:00 AM EDT

Oversight of Homeland Security Investigations

House Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime and Federal Government Surveillance



Katrina Berger, Executive Associate Director, Homeland Security Investigations





10:00 AM EDT

Examining the Biden-Harris Attacks on Tipped Workers

House Education and the Workforce Committee



Mr. Tom Boucher

Owner, Great NH Restaurants, Inc.


Mr. Paul DeCamp

Member, Epstein, Becker & Green, P.C.


Ms. Saru Jayaraman

President, One Fair Wage


Ms. Simone Barron

Co-Founder, Full-Service Workers Alliance





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a1b923 No.21615171

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

10:00 AM EDT

Great Power Competition in the Indo-Pacific

House Foreign Affairs Committee



The Honorable Kurt Campbell

Deputy Secretary of State

U.S. Department of State






10:00 AM EDT

Deputy Secretary Kurt M. Campbell testifies before the House Foreign Affairs Committee on the “Great Power Competition in the Indo-Pacific”

Capitol Hill


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a1b923 No.21615173

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

10:00 AM EDT

Holding the SBA Accountable: Testimony from Small Business Administrator Guzman

House Small Business Committee



The Honorable Isabella Casillas Guzman


Small Business Administration






Small Business Administration Admin. Testifies in Oversight Hearing

Small Business Administration Administrator Isabel Guzman testifies on oversight of her agency before the House Small Business Committee.


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e7fcd5 No.21615175

File: bdd4baa80770fda⋯.jpeg (63.39 KB,537x678,179:226,image000002.jpeg)

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a1b923 No.21615176

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

10:00 AM EDT

Oversight Hearing – Inspectors General HUD, DOT, and Amtrak

House Appropriations Committee



The Honorable Eric J. Soskin

Inspector General, Department of Transportation


The Honorable Rae Oliver Davis

Inspector General, Department of Housing and Urban Development


Mr. Kevin H. Winters

Inspector General, National Railroad Passenger Corporation (Amtrak)





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20b523 No.21615177

File: 3ecd09a5dfa1482⋯.png (375.64 KB,612x408,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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22f8f9 No.21615179


call people Judas next.

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a1b923 No.21615180

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

10:00 AM EDT

Aviation Cybersecurity Threats

Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee



Marty Reynolds, Brigadier General, USAF (Retired), Managing Director for Cybersecurity, Airlines for America


Lance Lyttle, Aviation Managing Director, Seattle-Tacoma International Airport


John Breyault, Vice President of Public Policy, Telecommunications and Fraud, National Consumers League





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f04f82 No.21615182

File: 5ab60c93e4eb64a⋯.png (265.34 KB,494x577,494:577,ClipboardImage.png)


>seek justice for abused puppies

>Oddi is has a small dog named Popo.

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a1b923 No.21615184

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

10:00 AM EDT

Dazed and Confused: Breaking Down the SEC’s Politicized Approach to Digital Assets

House Financial Services Committee



Mr. Michael Liftik

Partner, Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan LLP,


The Honorable Dan Gallagher

Chief Legal, Compliance, and Corporate Affairs Officer, Robinhood Markets, Inc.,


Mr. Teddy Fusaro

President, Bitwise Asset Management,


Ms. Jennifer Schulp

Director of Financial Regulation Studies, Center for Monetary and Financial Alternatives,


Mr. Lee Reiners

Lecturing Fellow, Duke University


H.R.5741 - Uniform Treatment of Custodial Assets Act






10:00 AM EDT

Full Committee Markup 29 Measures; General Services Administration Capital Investment and Leasing Program Resolutions; and other matters cleared for consideration

House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee




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225946 No.21615186


Keep that baby away from Anthony Fauci!!!!

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a1b923 No.21615188

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

10:00 AM EDT

The President receives the President’s Daily Brief

The White House


10:15 AM EDT

Examining VA’s Challenges with Ensuring Quality Contracted Disability Compensation Examinations

House Veterans' Affairs Committee



Mr. Ryan M. Gallucci

Director, Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States


Truth in Testimony Disclosure Form - Mr. Gallucci [PDF 282KB]

Mr. Jeffrey London

Executive Director, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs


Ms. Tara Flores

Director, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs


Ms. Elizabeth Curda

Director, Government Accountability Office





10:20 AM EDT

2024 DoD Spirit of Hope Awards Ceremony

Department of Defense


10:35 AM EDT

The Nuclear Imperative - 2024 Air, Space & Cyber Conference

Air & Space Forces Association



Under Secretary of the Air Force Melissa Dalton, Air Force Gen. Anthony J. Cotton, commander, U.S. Strategic Command, Gen. Thomas A. Bussiere, commander, Air Force Global Strike Command, and Air Force Deputy Chief of Staff for Strategic Deterrence and Integration Lt. Gen. Andrew J. Gebara participate in a panel discussion on "The Nuclear Imperative"

Department of Defense


10:45 AM EDT

House Democratic Leaders News Conference

House Democratic Caucus leaders speak to reporters about their legislative agenda.


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ff16d0 No.21615192


>Close to 1000 deletes from this bread now…


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22f8f9 No.21615194



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8bf5f2 No.21615195


Neither. Neither are good people. We should have never gotten involved in the Middle East and should never again. Let's cement that by boycotting all these damn wars they try to get us to fight over.

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a261d9 No.21615199

File: f588be631e993a4⋯.png (95.59 KB,211x239,211:239,ClipboardImage.png)



For those not paying attention:

Diddy is in jail right now for human and sex trafficking. He will be in jail until his trial.

Diddy has ties to Epstein. Diddy had his hands in Haiti and even has a Haitian Voodoo Goddess tattooed on his back. Diddy has ties to the Clinton Foundation. Diddy was best buds with Obama. Diddy was a “handler” in the hip hop industry.

I wouldn’t be shocked if his handler was Epstein.

It is a RICO case that will undoubtedly ensnare many more - including some very “big” names. (Protip: I’d go ahead and cut loose any emotional ties you may possess to any celebrities/musicians).

But people like us were crazy for suggesting that a Satanic pedophile ring was running the world, right?





R. Kelly




Maxwell may not have been a big enough “name” to trigger a mass population awakening. Diddy, however? Diddy is a big enough “name”.

Picture getting clearer yet?

We’ll try to keep the “I told you so’s” to a minimum. I promise. 😁

Good chat. 👍🏻


- Conspiracy Theorists the world over.

4:19 AM · Sep 18, 2024


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20b523 No.21615201

File: e11e6f7c3201f98⋯.png (285.65 KB,515x484,515:484,pepe_panic.png)

Guise, the whole "eating the dogs", "eating the cats" story has beendebunkedby NPR.



Using dehumanizing language to describe immigrants is nothing new for former President Donald Trump or vice presidential candidate JD Vance.

The claim, which local police say is baseless, was made by far-right activists, local Republicans and neo-Nazis

"muh white supremacists"

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4128a0 No.21615204

This is who the Demokkkrats are supporting.

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4128a0 No.21615206

File: ef38ecbca5a8059⋯.png (611.09 KB,680x404,170:101,ClipboardImage.png)

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a70ddb No.21615209

File: 7f0738577b1425c⋯.png (965.77 KB,1185x466,1185:466,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4f48041628e44ba⋯.png (1.05 MB,1185x353,1185:353,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7f57215002dc17f⋯.png (803.38 KB,1106x483,158:69,ClipboardImage.png)


Man they really don't like that Jennings is telling them the truth, which is basically you condemning Trump for all of the bad things, Kamala and the democrats are really responsible for the bad things in America. Kamacackler has been there for 3-1/2 years and dems owned the WH for 12 years.

I'm still surprised they haven't Scott off. But if they do they will have a backlash, because their are probably many conservatives watching the stupid network CNN and what he says daily. He actually does a good job.

Anderson looks a little miffed.

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331e51 No.21615210

File: 72b7caa421b218c⋯.jpeg (304.31 KB,2141x871,2141:871,IMG_0042.jpeg)

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807589 No.21615211

File: e2e0f4379ce3168⋯.jpg (191.94 KB,998x1372,499:686,i_said_gm_every_morning.jpg)

Gm everyone!

Nice banner, Baker!

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cb40bf No.21615214

File: 3a5534ebe6ac6f2⋯.png (372.81 KB,1024x730,512:365,ClipboardImage.png)

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4128a0 No.21615219

File: 212e068000eb6bf⋯.png (626.77 KB,680x488,85:61,ClipboardImage.png)


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30b546 No.21615223



ello tranamie


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cb40bf No.21615227




Props on the Banner Edition

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55defd No.21615228

File: 2cc37b71c818c32⋯.png (354.36 KB,1168x800,73:50,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8a9b5d3d2829a8f⋯.png (2.47 MB,1333x2000,1333:2000,ClipboardImage.png)


birds of a feather


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47fa96 No.21615229


What about babyfist

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f04f82 No.21615231

File: b05d6ad7ccf00f2⋯.mp4 (4 MB,480x852,40:71,ava.mp4)

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30b546 No.21615232

File: d8d8f0e2ed5c1cf⋯.png (911.44 KB,623x700,89:100,ClipboardImage.png)

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34fcf2 No.21615234


>On social media, Oddi lists himself as a fitness instructor, real-estate investor and manager at Pegasus, a business dealing in minerals and gemstones. He also had a very Miami side job - about five years ago, he was a regular stripper for Dancing Bear, a South Florida website that produced videos of raucous staged parties involving women performing sex acts on male dancers.

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592acb No.21615237

File: e09db67521972a3⋯.jpg (86.08 KB,800x534,400:267,ZomboMeme_17092024095034.jpg)

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22f8f9 No.21615238


I am so glad that the government funded media was there to tell me in a fair and un biased way what to think.

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f04f82 No.21615240

File: 032a35b4ac0f93a⋯.png (1.5 MB,688x1050,344:525,ClipboardImage.png)



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371ec5 No.21615242

File: f588be631e993a4⋯.png (95.59 KB,211x239,211:239,f588be631e993a48939f5e87df….png)

File: 87aca6dd549f4de⋯.jpg (879.12 KB,688x1050,344:525,Czestochowska.jpg)

P Diddy Back Tattoo is Black Madonna and Child, Trump to Visit Shrine of the Black Madonna



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6757f5 No.21615243

Last CallBakerin in 5 min

#26473 >>21613782

>>21615033, >>21615080 PF updates

>>21613881 RFK Jr. Links the Attempts on Trump’s Life to JFK’s Death

>>21614183 Johnathan Oddi (man who shot up Trump golf course in 2018) on video claiming he was P Diddy’s sex slave

>>21614338 Fed rate cut 2pm EST Market halted limit down 3:30PM

>>21614462 War Preparations Build After 9 Killed, 2700+ Wounded In Israel's Pager Attack On Hezbollah

>>21614490 Wireless technology causes infertility, cancer and DNA damage

>>21614769 Point72 veteran targets $50M for Ukraine defense tech VC fund

>>21614819 The mayor of Springfield, Ohio is making millionsby replacing a third of the population of his town with Haitian immigrants

>>21614846, >>21614861, >>21614870, >>21614912 AAA - TRUMP TOWN HALL IN FLINT, MICHIGAN 17TH SEPTERMBER 2024 !!!

>>21614902 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 09/18/2024

>>21614962 Massive “ERROR” in Arizona Validates Nearly 100,000 Voter Registrations Without Verifying Citizenship — Issue Has Existed for 20 YEARS

>>21615003 Wall Street Apes w/vid: “Horses missing after a barn break in — Animals found butchered about a mile away.” Butchered and eaten for food

>>21615051 Dr. Sabine Hazan discovered that Covid-19 mRNA gene therapy injections kill 90% of good gut flora called bifidobacteria, catapulting most major diseases and disorders.


>>21615127 South Africa native Jonathan Oddi got into a firefight and chase with police while ranting about Donald Trump, Barack Obama - and bizarrely, rap mogul P. Diddy

>>21615146, >>21615162 That time Bill and Hillary Clinton went to a voodoo ceremony in Haiti

>>21615164 War Room Morning Edition

>>21615165 Moar PDiddy

>>21615168, >>21615170, >>21615171, >>21615173, >>21615176, >>21615180, >>21615184, >>21615188 Swamp Habbenins

>>21615169 NASA


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4128a0 No.21615247

File: 9c54e49ce049ee5⋯.png (301.96 KB,592x531,592:531,ClipboardImage.png)

Stage set. Foreign (hostile) agency(ies) control the US legacy media


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371ec5 No.21615248



Unless you're a freemason, you should include this

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a70ddb No.21615253

File: a037669cf51425f⋯.mp4 (1.42 MB,646x360,323:180,TRUMPBAGDADI_VS_OBAMAT.mp4)


here's the video

Defiant L’s


Obama announcing the death of bin Laden vs. Trump announcing the death of al-Baghdadi will forever be one of the funniest videos on the internet.

4:06 PM · Sep 17, 2024



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20b523 No.21615254

File: 5d97cf2f9811924⋯.png (134.87 KB,500x333,500:333,pepe_china.png)



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20b523 No.21615258


The fake laugh track was annoying, so I stopped it pretty early on. They should have left that out.

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6757f5 No.21615264


repost nb


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50ed0a No.21615266

File: bbcd8c23856a8d4⋯.png (173.11 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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6757f5 No.21615270


#26473 >>21613782

>>21615033, >>21615080 PF updates

>>21613881 RFK Jr. Links the Attempts on Trump’s Life to JFK’s Death

>>21614183 Johnathan Oddi (man who shot up Trump golf course in 2018) on video claiming he was P Diddy’s sex slave

>>21614338 Fed rate cut 2pm EST Market halted limit down 3:30PM

>>21614462 War Preparations Build After 9 Killed, 2700+ Wounded In Israel's Pager Attack On Hezbollah

>>21614490 Wireless technology causes infertility, cancer and DNA damage

>>21614769 Point72 veteran targets $50M for Ukraine defense tech VC fund

>>21614819 The mayor of Springfield, Ohio is making millionsby replacing a third of the population of his town with Haitian immigrants

>>21614846, >>21614861, >>21614870, >>21614912 AAA - TRUMP TOWN HALL IN FLINT, MICHIGAN 17TH SEPTERMBER 2024 !!!

>>21614902 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 09/18/2024

>>21614962 Massive “ERROR” in Arizona Validates Nearly 100,000 Voter Registrations Without Verifying Citizenship — Issue Has Existed for 20 YEARS

>>21615003 Wall Street Apes w/vid: “Horses missing after a barn break in — Animals found butchered about a mile away.” Butchered and eaten for food

>>21615051 Dr. Sabine Hazan discovered that Covid-19 mRNA gene therapy injections kill 90% of good gut flora called bifidobacteria, catapulting most major diseases and disorders.


>>21615127 South Africa native Jonathan Oddi got into a firefight and chase with police while ranting about Donald Trump, Barack Obama - and bizarrely, rap mogul P. Diddy

>>21615146, >>21615162 That time Bill and Hillary Clinton went to a voodoo ceremony in Haiti

>>21615164 War Room Morning Edition

>>21615165 Moar PDiddy

>>21615168, >>21615170, >>21615171, >>21615173, >>21615176, >>21615180, >>21615184, >>21615188 Swamp Habbenins

>>21615169 NASA

>>21615247 @JDVance Stage set. Foreign (hostile) agency(ies) control the US legacy media


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371ec5 No.21615271


Will do, thank you

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cb40bf No.21615278

File: 756709f3faf222b⋯.png (285.76 KB,632x767,632:767,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f276eee5dc64a69⋯.mp4 (13.26 MB,1280x720,16:9,0eYjaYd9P51055Gb.mp4)


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4128a0 No.21615285

File: a76d2eca6443be4⋯.png (396.02 KB,609x680,609:680,ClipboardImage.png)

Do you really believe Cuckerberg's apology wa sincere?

Meta is currently rigging their AI to help Harris win the election.

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d20fbd No.21615286

File: 6650bbec61ed63f⋯.mp4 (900.97 KB,406x720,203:360,66ea8cf369f0a.mp4)

Learn Polish

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617bb0 No.21615287

Is your phone a BOMB?

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50ed0a No.21615289

File: c4618e89f5a619d⋯.webm (421.17 KB,427x240,427:240,inbound.webm)

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c3b2d5 No.21615294

Airbags are like the pagers. Everyone is driving around in a remotely controlled bomb. Programming could monitor speed and lateral G forces to deploy when a wreck would be certain.

The Takotna bags were a little too good and had to be replaced.

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9a21e8 No.21615295


Yea Alice bit a head off

So did Ozzy


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85962c No.21615297

File: 5015bc64e3f2e97⋯.jpg (444.15 KB,1080x1634,540:817,Screenshot_20240918_070424….jpg)

Buy American!!!

Trump’s proposed tariffs, which are taxes on imported goods, would cost Americans thousands of dollars per year.


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6757f5 No.21615298





migrate, locked, cleaned

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