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af559a No.21612984 [Last50 Posts]

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af559a No.21612986

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af559a No.21612987


#26471 >>21612088

>>21612141 Springfield City Manager acknowledging that they’ve heard of complaints of domestic animals being eaten back in March

>>21612188 Springfield, Ohio: Mass Immigration Drives Up Rents, Welfare Rolls, Car Crashes

>>21612851 Springfield City Council Member caught on hot mic saying “literally, I really don't give a shit about the businesses of the city”

>>21612162, >>21612833 NY Times refers to Trump assassin Ryan Routh as "crusader for causes large and small"

>>21612231 @USSF_SSC: Imagine electronic pulses in space that block signals and replace them with counterfeits

>>21612291 Scientific American makes presidential endorsement for only the second time in its 179-year history (for Kamala)

>>21612304, >>21612759, >>21612793, >>21612830 Motorola = Google

>>21612867 Turning the pagers

>>21612887, >>21612918, >>21612906, >>21612910 Why did Iran's ambassador have one of their pagers?

>>21612329 Did they arrest Diddy to seize all the blackmail he had on [them]?

>>21612353, >>21612274, >>21612938 Diddy’s Home Raids: What the Feds Founds in Sean Combs’ Homes (Is "Baby Oil" code for Adrenocrome?)

>>21612725, >>21612269 Kamala thanked Sean Combs for hosting town hall back in April 2020

>>21612907 In light of P Diddy getting arrested, it looks like Kim Kardashian may be in deep 💩 soon, too

>>21612431 Swath of East Coast beaches shut down after needles, pill bottles and tampons mysteriously washed up on shore

>>21612577 Nurse who met would-be Trump assassin Ryan Routh while in Ukraine says she realized he was a threat and reported him the Feds

>>21612661 Michigan voters erupt in cheers after Trump tells them that he will put a 200% tariff on cars made in Mexico

>>21612665 DJT: Finally everyone is agreeing that I won the Debate with Kamala

>>21612687 Jesse Watters: Biden has his fingerprints all over this (S15)

>>21612698 Adam Schiff & most members of the Congressional Black Caucus were all paid members of Epstein's "Congressional Advisory Group"

>>21612751 Elon Musk says there will be a Golden Age in America once D.O.G.E is implemented

>>21612761 Newscum goes full Gay British Meme Police Are Coming: bans memes in California

>>21612808 Ukrainian drones successfully struck a massive Russian ammunition dump

>>21612831 Seattle City Council approves SOAP, SODA zone proposals

>>21612922 Senators @ChuckGrassley and @RonJohnsonWI uncover more Biden-Kamala lawfare and election interference against Trump

>>21612929 Trump shooter used an SKS-type rifle?

>>21612113, >>21612147, >>21612261, >>21612756, >>21612938, >>21612956 Memes

>>21612977 #26471

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af559a No.21612989

#26470 >>21611306

>>21611350, >>21611421 Live: President Trump Hosts a Town Hall with Gov. Sarah Sanders in Flint, MI - 9/17/24

>>21611917 Transcript: Trump Town Hall in Flint, Michigan - 9/17/24

>>21611374 Sarah takes the stage @ 6:56 / 17

>>21611458, >>21611472 Donald Trump takes the stage @ 7:04 / 47

>>21611546 Sarah Sanders and President Trump talk about about the 1st assassination attempt

>>21611570 Trump: I'm putting a 200% tariff on cars being made in Mexico which will make them unsellable in the United States

>>21611597 Connect the dots

>>21611893 Trump: It's my ambition to get your energy bill within 12 months down 50% and interest rates are going to follow

>>21611902 President Trump just casually slipped in that the Prime Minister of India is coming to meet with him next week

>>21611410 Trump campaign rally schedule for the week

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21611414 The official TikTok account for Romania posting harvest reaping vids

>>21611434, >>21611402, >>21611890, >>21611985 Pager bombs / lithium salts / Trump said salt today

>>21611446 The Feds can’t seal DeSantis off from this case no matter how hard they try

>>21611553, >>21611627, >>21611633, >>21611701 All of these people stepped down within 24 hrs of P. Diddy arrest

>>21611642 Alina: 9th inning, full count, game face on—let’s bring it home. VOTE TRUMP!

>>21611667 O'Keefe: Both Individuals Involved in Trump Assassination Attempts Identified as ActBlue Donors

>>21611673 A trio of Democrat Senators wrote Jerome Powell begging for a three-quarter point cut

>>21611683 Biden Regime Investigates Robert Kennedy Jr. for 20-Year-Old Whale Incident After He Endorses Donald Trump for President

>>21611708 Impeachment proceedings against France's Macron pass first hurdle

>>21611721 Dozens of paedophiles who hoarded 1m sick images given ZERO days in jail, Sun investigation finds

>>21611731 Refresher: Diddy and Hillary Clinton played a HUGE role together in the 2004 Democratic National Convention

>>21611771 @SpeakerJohnson should direct Sergeant at Arms to arrest FBI Director if he refuses to provide info on assassination attempts

>>21611798 Springfield police report on August 28 records resident reporting a neighbor's cat was stolen and cut up

>>21611813 Bronx Former Attorney Pleads Guilty To Large-Scale Immigration Fraud

>>21611819 South Dakota Surgical Hospital and United Surgical Partners International Will Pay $12.7M to Resolve False Claims Act Violations

>>21611828 President Of Hair Testing Company Sentenced To 41 Months In Prison For Defrauding Over 88,000 Customers In Allergy Testing Scam

>>21611871 Lufthansa Group, Air France cancel Israel flights amid escalating tensions

>>21611882 Bobby Kennedy on his personal relationship with @realDonaldTrump

>>21611926 Some Springfield, Ohio records acquired by Judicial Watch

>>21612029 Ryan Routh spotted at Kamala's Sept. 12 rally in North Carolina

>>21612031 Tampon is now claiming that Trump will "create a new government entity that will monitor all pregnancies"

>>21612050 Chris Cuomo apologizes to Donald Trump in telephone call

>>21611482, >>21611894, >>21611895 Memes

>>21612064 #26470

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af559a No.21612992

#26469 >>21610478

>>21610496 Ukraine planning ‘inhumane’ false flag attack – Russian intelligence

>>21610551 @realDonaldTrump meets with the Martin County Sheriff’s Office Deputies who arrested Routh

>>21610562 Ghislaine Maxwell's sex trafficking conviction is upheld by Manhattan court

>>21610605, >>21610804, >>21611030 Diddy begs for bail by offering $50M - as he heads to Epstein's suicide Jail

>>21610623, >>21610700 Diddy and team Groomed Children

>>21610641 Grassley and Johnson Uncover More Biden-Harris Lawfare Election Interference Against Trump

>>21610655 Ghislaine Maxwell wants to serve sex trafficking prison sentence in UK

>>21610664 "It's Hard To Have A Republic When One Side Wants To Kill Your Presidential Candidate"

>>21610673 Blumenthal threatens "subpoena power" on Biden-Harris DHS to cooperate with the Senate's investigation on first assassination attempt

>>21610684 RealClearPolitics Average Flips Pennsylvania in Favor of Donald Trump

>>21610689 US government is running the largest child trafficking ring in history

>>21610706 Trump vows to restore SALT deduction in major fiscal reversal

>>21610719 Natalie Winters: "They Know The Only Way Trump Can Lose Is By Killing Him"

>>21610765, >>21611053 JD Vance to Deliver Remarks in Eau Claire, Wisconsin

>>21610766, >>21611076, >>21611250 President Trump Hosts a Town Hall with Gov. Sarah Sanders in Flint, MI - 9/17/24

>>21610769, >>21611153 Groceries Still Too High: Kamala Harris Undermines Her Own Economic Record

>>21610771 Millersville city attorney answers questions after raid

>>21610775, >>21610796, >>21610800, >>21610818, >>21610829 CALL TO DIGG: Kamala Harris: Thank You Diddy for hosting this Townhall last night 4-10-20

>>21610799 Matt Boyle On 2nd Assassination Attempt

>>21610813 KJP is dismissive and continues to call Trump a Threat. Again again.

>>21610815, >>21610962 Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs Hit With Sex Trafficking, Racketeering Conspiracy In Major Indictment

>>21610816 Kamala Harris says she would ask Congress to 'study reparations' if elected President

>>21610821 Kamala Harris Quadruples Down on Current Administration’s Israel Policies

>>21610831 Nassim Taleb: People Aren't Seeing The Real De-Dollarization

>>21610837, >>21610896, >>21610978, >>21610986, >>21610997 Terrorists detonate hundreds of pagers simultaneously across Lebanon killing and injuring many

>>21610894 Mike Benz On The Assassin: "This Guy Is Like The Forrest Gump Of CIA Paramilitary Activity"

>>21610920 Employee of Chinese State-Owned Defense Contractor Charged with Hacking NASA, U.S. Military

>>21610966 Oracle's Larry Ellison Hopes for AI-Powered Surveillance Hellscape to Keep Americans on ‘Best Behavior

>>21610975 There is nothing more profitable in our society today than a sick child.

>>21610989, >>21611008, >>21611019 anon bun of PB notables after 2nd assassination attempt habbened

>>21611003 Mike Davis Hammers Importance Of Transparency By Election Officials

>>21611024, >>21611025 PF Gitmo Express

>>21611004, >>21611032 Paging Mr. DIGZ - Did Israel give away a Cabal secret weapon? DIG CALL

>>21611059 Tucker Carlson, RFK Jr, and Larry Elder React to Second Trump Shooting

>>21611063 Vivek hosting a town hall in Springfield, OH at 6:30pm on Thursday

>>21611104 Kamala Intoxicated? Sauced? Crying Shame? You decide.

>>21611184, >>21611222 TRUMP TRUTH BIG LEAD!

>>21611245 Age of Rage: 26 Million Americans Believe Political Violence is Justified

>>21611297 #26469

Previously Collected

>>21609636 #26467, >>21610450 #26468-A, >>21610450 #26468-B

>>21606923 #26464, >>21607811 #26465, >>21608634 #26466

>>21606010 #26463-C, >>21605526 #26463-B, >>21605516 #26463-A

>>21603391 #26460, >>21604285 #26461, >>21605095 #26462

>>21601530 #26458, >>21602517 #26459, >>21603394 #26460

>>21599060 #26455, >>21599934 #26456, >>21600711 #26457

Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/

Q Research Notables #24: Soldiers >>21225723

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af559a No.21612996

File: 8441032f6530f7a⋯.png (471.49 KB,578x431,578:431,ClipboardImage.png)



can continue or defer

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7aec99 No.21613001

File: ecd3fcb5f248b38⋯.png (413.31 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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3f565c No.21613003

Evenin’ Nightshift

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61b63c No.21613019

File: 9601781987bb673⋯.jpg (28.8 KB,500x397,500:397,IMG_20230901_020142_433.jpg)

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273805 No.21613020

File: 8eb0008d1342b86⋯.jpeg (57.79 KB,599x599,1:1,IMG_3841.jpeg)

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7267b3 No.21613024

File: 034bfaf2b7d09a1⋯.png (159.83 KB,576x448,9:7,Screenshot_2024_09_15_1445….png)

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17d959 No.21613027

File: 1cfdc2289f5b4dd⋯.png (289.9 KB,500x395,100:79,ClipboardImage.png)

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a896a4 No.21613029

File: 39c4b34e553bcda⋯.png (23.44 KB,578x490,289:245,ClipboardImage.png)

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3c0b6e No.21613030

File: 5e77383633ca4a3⋯.png (489.46 KB,675x566,675:566,ClipboardImage.png)



==Donald J. Trump



7:26 PM • Sep 17, 2024


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7267b3 No.21613031

File: c16e626473f6823⋯.png (299.99 KB,452x463,452:463,Screenshot_2024_09_04_2203….png)

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9f5ee7 No.21613032

File: ba3353b18a15b6f⋯.png (97.97 KB,200x250,4:5,ClipboardImage.png)

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61b63c No.21613033

File: e73c6bafe39b9c6⋯.mp4 (12.51 MB,1280x960,4:3,VID_20240903_120626_233_2_….mp4)

File: 77ff6488fd23003⋯.png (653.6 KB,1080x1269,40:47,Screenshot_20240917_230208….png)

File: a6a0e87640ffe96⋯.png (848.97 KB,1080x1933,1080:1933,Screenshot_20240917_225541….png)

Call sign: 'Saucy 25

Squawk: 1030

We got a BOEING RC-135 doing some reconnaissance down and back the coast of Baja California.


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79a5bf No.21613034


How about that iPhone 18 with that new button . A NEW BUTTON!!!! and c-4 film

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4c8bc3 No.21613035

File: afc8b55a5afa9ad⋯.mp4 (416.05 KB,492x276,41:23,afc8b55a5afa9ad5df432952b6….mp4)

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9f5ee7 No.21613036

File: d90f03db1180bdb⋯.png (500.74 KB,601x680,601:680,ClipboardImage.png)

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3c0b6e No.21613037

File: 8263eeab3965fb2⋯.png (352.62 KB,598x598,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1e42d0b127151a8⋯.mp4 (1.98 MB,1280x720,16:9,RFK_Jr_reveals_that_Trump_….mp4)



RFK Jr. reveals that Trump has kept every promise he made to him, and they're actively working together behind the scenes to pick people who will take on Big Pharma and corrupt corporations

Trump is not a politician who solicits endorsements by making promises. He's a man of his word

7:57 PM · Sep 17, 2024

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5d5fa4 No.21613038

File: 5a313c9bbd6a667⋯.png (89.68 KB,225x225,1:1,Come_At_Me_Bro_Kangaroo.png)


>Don't Page Me Bro


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9f5ee7 No.21613039

File: 93ed3791d085164⋯.png (435.37 KB,680x680,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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d080c2 No.21613040

File: 840b514ac834673⋯.jpg (1.2 MB,3594x2160,599:360,840b514ac8346739d13a95d7a9….jpg)

File: 84fa1c41390016a⋯.mp4 (9.6 MB,640x360,16:9,84fa1c41390016a59f640f8069….mp4)

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3c0b6e No.21613041

File: 00748a1bdacfc16⋯.png (256.25 KB,382x478,191:239,ClipboardImage.png)



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7c904f No.21613042

File: c05c5a2bc36993c⋯.gif (93.34 KB,260x208,5:4,7uxzxr.gif)

File: d810fa83097a0b4⋯.gif (1.78 MB,360x208,45:26,gay_shift.gif)



who carries a pager these days.

this is a retarded slide

everyone now has a mobile.

electronic tracking device.

drop this shit, there are serious shit going on.


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322040 No.21613043


Share this everywhere


All pb




This story about Amber Thurman’s death from sepsis after taking the abortion pill, while heartbreaking and tragic, was not the fault of Georgia’s pro-life law.

This ProPublica article is an extreme example of biased journalism.

Editor’s Note: Read a related guest post by abortion malpractice attorney Michael Seibel on the Thurman case here.


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6878dc No.21613044

File: c88e6839d0628f2⋯.mp4 (6.57 MB,My_Movie_2.mp4)

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c2bee5 No.21613045

File: ab04ae92b2d691b⋯.mp4 (575.21 KB,1280x708,320:177,diddyoil.mp4)

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6878dc No.21613046

File: 926d41ca81218a7⋯.jpeg (514.53 KB,944x782,472:391,IMG_9700.jpeg)

File: 35e6929b114fc12⋯.mp4 (324.26 KB,Rishi_Sunak_Wanker.mp4)

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f74f9b No.21613047

File: 76030fb2e2aa7ff⋯.jpg (77.75 KB,618x431,618:431,LIGHT_EM_UP.jpg)

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e94529 No.21613048

File: 059b9c6f853b8e1⋯.jpeg (26.97 KB,224x206,112:103,images_10.jpeg)

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49779e No.21613049



no reflections

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c2bee5 No.21613050

File: fe407b7afcec07b⋯.mp4 (488.91 KB,886x492,443:246,hehastobeeliminated.mp4)

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322040 No.21613051


Live Action News

GUEST COLUMNGUEST POST: Amber Thurman could have died in a pro-abortion state like Keisha Atkins did. Here’s why.

By Michael Seibel | September 17, 2024 , 07:35pmabortion



facebook sharing button Sharetwitter sharing button Tweetemail sharing button Email

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this guest post are solely those of the guest author.

I am heartbroken upon the news of the tragic death of Amber Thurman. As an experienced malpractice attorney in the OBGYN/abortion area of practice, it turned my stomach to see ProPublica and the author of the publication using the tragedy to blame pro-life laws. To do so denies the family of Amber Thurman to a fair and just trial of what appears to be a great malpractice case against the abortion provider.

Read moar:


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9f5ee7 No.21613052

File: 0c4d45f8e117b7d⋯.png (133.93 KB,447x646,447:646,ClipboardImage.png)

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1198e9 No.21613053



>>21613028 (all PB)

>Automatic Weapons are banned.


i foolishly omitted the prefix "semi-" in my post

kinda beside the point

still a STOOPIT choice for a sniper rifle

piece of crap next to a 100 yr old mosin-nagant

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3c0b6e No.21613054

File: c2f7accf244cc68⋯.png (2.65 MB,1806x1017,602:339,ClipboardImage.png)

Springfield, Ohio. Haitian caused bus crash killing an 11 year old boy on first day of school. August 2023.


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c2bee5 No.21613055

File: b8b65173ad68843⋯.png (401.56 KB,373x481,373:481,azovst.png)


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5d5fa4 No.21613056

File: d28ae65798f6c4a⋯.jpg (135.32 KB,728x546,4:3,South_Africa_Blood_River.jpg)


>working together behind the scenes to pick people who will take on Big Pharma

I expect the another Battle of Blood River when Big Pharma comes after them/us.

I mean, we have the numbers, but [they] have the power.

After writing that, the Blood River thingy doesn't work, but you get the gist. kek

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61b63c No.21613057


That kangaroo is yoked up brUh. KeK

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d080c2 No.21613058


thought i was well off

till i realized it was all haitian dough

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17d959 No.21613059

File: c95083525acf00d⋯.png (349.33 KB,758x845,758:845,ClipboardImage.png)

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3c0b6e No.21613060

File: 52f24f09e91f816⋯.png (1.54 MB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

How Many Days Later Did All Those Pagers Explode? No Coincidences

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d080c2 No.21613061


oh no you di-ant

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a0f0ca No.21613062


>he has to be eliminated

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09fe8a No.21613063

File: 6b35dac4ea8a0d3⋯.jpg (43.31 KB,540x540,1:1,1711145957000_171116518512….jpg)

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1198e9 No.21613064


send the jews to mars

elon says he can "terraform" it


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322040 No.21613065




Garbage journalism, mis-leading, omits key info. But we have an election in days, so fuckit:


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e94529 No.21613066

File: ff15a88f8b176ff⋯.jpg (127.08 KB,596x831,596:831,Screenshot_20240917_203824….jpg)

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f74f9b No.21613067

File: 4993778ed4ebc8f⋯.jpg (98.72 KB,465x569,465:569,YUP_THE_PLAN.jpg)

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7b2bd2 No.21613068

File: d79bf0362f47e2e⋯.png (359.9 KB,796x750,398:375,Routh_for_Harris.png)

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6878dc No.21613069

File: d3a8adfbbfc8329⋯.jpeg (127.7 KB,764x955,4:5,2A73F6C6_23D3_49AB_8A71_3….jpeg)

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260e7b No.21613070

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Whoopi Goldberg Looks Straight Into The Camera And Says Dangerous Rhetoric Isn’t A ‘Both Sides’ Issue

“And also, let’s stop this thing. You know, let’s stop this both sides stuff,” Goldberg said. “Because it’s not correct. It is not both sides, it is one clear side, and you can point to many, many reports. You can point to all kinds of stuff that’s been reported. You guys have to pull it back. This is not us or them, this is you got to stop doing what you’re doing, J.D. [Vance] and what you’re doing, Mr. [Trump], because you are not helping the situation.”


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c2bee5 No.21613071

File: 67304222bf7d5d7⋯.mp4 (10.2 MB,1280x720,16:9,turninthepage.mp4)


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a0f0ca No.21613072

File: f56cc59cb17a4bd⋯.png (894.58 KB,750x1221,250:407,ClipboardImage.png)


Monsters confirmed by digits

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3c0b6e No.21613073

File: c8b90900f9b80bb⋯.png (53.83 KB,816x423,272:141,ClipboardImage.png)

Gavin Newsom has never heard of the 1st amendment


Maga Mickey


So will @KamalaHQ be prosecuted for their materially deceptive content?


Gavin Newsom




I just signed a bill to make this illegal in the state of California.

You can no longer knowingly distribute an ad or other election communications that contain materially deceptive content – including deepfakes. x.com/GavinNewsom/st…

8:24 PM · Sep 17, 2024


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7c904f No.21613074

File: fccac7c45233398⋯.gif (3.4 MB,588x588,1:1,kek_gif.gif)


evil dubs chek'ed

imagine these two egos.

j lo, i am jenny from the block and every man wants me.

p.diddy - i like to fuck black men and you do nothing for me, not even with baby oil.

wat a blow to the ego


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d080c2 No.21613075


yo criminal traitorous democracy going down biotch

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613797 No.21613076

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Secret Service Incompetence and Bizarre Background of Second Would-Be Trump Assassin, w/ Erik Prince


Eric Prince has a great idea about subsidizing POTUS security detail…use Tier 1 operators instead of private guys. He says the private guys will get dumped on if something happens. He's right. Tier 1 guys think like predators. Cops don't.

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cfd855 No.21613077

File: 62dffc5a0b0ce1c⋯.jpeg (37.1 KB,255x255,1:1,IMG_4269.jpeg)

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7b2bd2 No.21613078


This makes me think it was a hostage situation, the threat didn't work, so they took out a market to show they were serious.

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17d959 No.21613079

File: 4be36407ae2520e⋯.png (686.58 KB,800x800,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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426a89 No.21613080

>>21613018 LB/PB

Pffft….Had to put that shit on my hand with a bic pen. Kek

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a0f0ca No.21613081


Nobody read it to him?

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c13d4d No.21613082

File: 7acda2789597652⋯.png (27.2 KB,600x305,120:61,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 139f24183886e1d⋯.png (320.59 KB,1331x611,1331:611,ClipboardImage.png)

Kamala Harris


Thank you, @Diddy

, for hosting this town hall last night. There's a lot at stake for our communities right now and it's critical we bring to the forefront how coronavirus is perpetuating racial inequality and health disparities.


8:50 AM · Apr 10, 2020


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a18ae1 No.21613083

>>21612643 pb

But most baby oil is petroleum based and ingestion would kill you.

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09fe8a No.21613084

File: 9e56f1d6e807f19⋯.png (850.74 KB,960x678,160:113,ClipboardImage.png)

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7b2bd2 No.21613085

File: 42d5286b13c1b30⋯.png (451.57 KB,745x361,745:361,whoopie_predator.png)

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e94529 No.21613086

File: d0de3d7199620e7⋯.jpeg (46.75 KB,500x496,125:124,download_73.jpeg)

Should child traffickers, coyotes and mules feel safe in their line of work after today?

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c24287 No.21613087

File: 149fdd1292a1da8⋯.png (145.57 KB,1224x314,612:157,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 79abdce677e20e8⋯.png (53.2 KB,1846x353,1846:353,ClipboardImage.png)

>>21612329 /lb

Interesting that Universal Music Group's Wiki page was updated 3 days ago.

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260e7b No.21613088

File: 23631f6ff3c5dc9⋯.png (606.33 KB,720x794,360:397,ClipboardImage.png)

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a18ae1 No.21613089

>>21612934 pb

There are no coincidences, patriots in control.

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613797 No.21613090


can you expand this anon?

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bbaa07 No.21613091

File: b7260c6283bcce8⋯.png (1.31 MB,918x1238,459:619,ClipboardImage.png)

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6878dc No.21613092

File: 3b16092b55fb98e⋯.mp4 (8.73 MB,mematicMeme.mp4)

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d080c2 No.21613093



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61b63c No.21613094

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Israel's Mossad spy agency planted explosives inside 5,000 pagers imported by Lebanese group Hezbollah months before Tuesday's detonations, a senior Lebanese security source and another source told

11:26 PM · Sep 17, 2024 666 Views


Full article: https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/israel-planted-explosives-hezbollahs-taiwan-made-pagers-say-sources-2024-09-18/

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1470e3 No.21613095

File: dc658b4157da4f1⋯.png (1.75 MB,2151x1720,2151:1720,ClipboardImage.png)


(Wednesday Sept 17, 2024)

Fed rate cut 2pm EST

Market halted limit down 3:30PM

Screen grab this

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09fe8a No.21613096

File: 12354bf2a961ffc⋯.png (533.54 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


>baby oil

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1470e3 No.21613097




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426a89 No.21613099

File: 54b80c47edaefe2⋯.jpeg (1.64 MB,1056x1656,44:69,IMG_3080.jpeg)


Forgot pic

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e94529 No.21613100

File: a71639edb36ee52⋯.jpg (96.79 KB,644x751,644:751,Screenshot_20240703_084337….jpg)

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c24287 No.21613101

File: 915ca20f230c100⋯.png (144.67 KB,1126x745,1126:745,ClipboardImage.png)

>>21612329 /lb


Lucian Grainge

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5d5fa4 No.21613102

File: 65c1a78c2ec9860⋯.png (311.17 KB,1080x757,1080:757,ClipboardImage.png)


Trump Biden: June 27, 2024

Trump Harris: September 10, 2024

It's close, Wyatt.

That's all.

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c2bee5 No.21613103

File: afb4130f8805f92⋯.png (675.17 KB,900x600,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)


looks like romney

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9e3c9a No.21613104

File: a25e0a84908dec3⋯.jpg (65.24 KB,640x480,4:3,93ugit.jpg)

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f7203a No.21613105

>>21612939 pb

>highly explosive material PETN (pentaerythritol tetranitrate) on the batteries of the pagers

Is there any proof of this explosive? And the next question is, have they don this to phones and laptop, basically anything with a lithium battery. This might explain why so many of those batteries are causing fires throughout the world. Imagine if all those battery fires were the result of Israeli sabotage? That would be huge if true. Think of all those Tesla cars, electric bikes, and devices that caught fire, what if they are all targets of the Mossad?

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9e3c9a No.21613106


polls are garbage they legitimize fake news msm

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e46900 No.21613107

File: 2f9dd207a3e41b2⋯.png (512.74 KB,624x778,312:389,0E50C263_0D7A_4DC7_928C_69….png)


Anon had teacher who allowed one page of notes.

Used xerox to shrink 8 pages down to one.

Teacher just looked at them and smiled.

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613797 No.21613108

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Former CIA Officer Reveals Shocking Details From War Meeting With Dick Cheney | John Kiriakou


Kiriakou explains Cheney planned to invade Iran in the run up to Iraq war.

Seems relevant with all of the Iran assassination talk now.

Their plans don't change.

Kiriakou is the C_A guy who exposed the torture being done at black sites and Gitmo. He was the only one to go to jail for it when he refused to participate in it.

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7c904f No.21613109

File: 6208a97c9aac6ac⋯.png (335.96 KB,536x296,67:37,ClipboardImage.png)


big event tomorrow.

drop in interest rates coming.

maybe around .25 to .75 percent.

makes no difference,

still not get money due to finance bust and maxxed out credit.

media will pump pump pump that narrative of great economy until after the election.

if djt comes in they will pull the rug and crash the market.

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c24287 No.21613110

File: 392f569c00a8d19⋯.png (72.63 KB,1115x297,1115:297,ClipboardImage.png)

>>21612329 /lb


Clive Davis

Another music industry connection.

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17d959 No.21613111

File: f50cfc8f0d4d93d⋯.png (628.61 KB,1211x628,1211:628,DAWGSCATSMANAGER.png)

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322040 No.21613112




Read all and spread

Read moar:





All Pb below




This story about Amber Thurman

Abortion Pills, Sepsis, killed her, not abortion laws.

Media pushing stories about how great abortion pills are aided her death, no warnings shouted about sepsis death possibility.

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5d5fa4 No.21613113

File: b2c103ba6176817⋯.png (660.49 KB,782x728,391:364,ClipboardImage.png)

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e94529 No.21613114

File: c543a3a9a7f0124⋯.jpg (78.38 KB,540x866,270:433,Yi8gx3.jpg)

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6878dc No.21613115

File: f628b28bd90f1db⋯.png (762.12 KB,593x800,593:800,D38BF1AE_2FF4_4652_AC29_CA….png)

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6642d1 No.21613116


I really hope there is a cell at Gitmo with Whoopi's name on it.

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c2bee5 No.21613117


Thank you, Diddy, for hosting this town hall last night. There's a lot at stake for our communities right now and it's critical we bring to the forefront how coronavirus is perpetuating racial inequality and health disparities.


Diddy Hosts Town Hall on 'The State of Black America & Coronavirus'

In an effort to spread awareness about COVID-19, Revolt TV is presenting a two-hour-long town hall titled State of Emergency: The State of Black America & Coronavirus.

The online event, hosted by Sean "Diddy" Combs, will focus on the pandemic's impact on black communities and how the crisis has further highlighted the racial inequality and health disparities in America. In the month since COVID-19 was declared a national emergency, a number of municipalities have shared data that suggests the disease is infecting and killing African Americans at disproportionately high rates. In Michigan, African Americans make up only 15 percent of the state's population, but account for about a third of confirmed coronavirus cases and around 40 percent of virus-related deaths. The numbers are much more stark in Louisiana, where blacks make up a third of the demographic, but account for 70 percent of the state's COVID-19 deaths.

"You look at what's happening in terms of documenting longstanding health disparities (among African Americans) … asthma, 20 percent more likely to have it; high blood pressure, 40 percent more likely to have it; lupus, black women are three times more likely that white women to have it," Sen. Kamala Harris said at the beginning of the town hall. "And this disease, this coronavirus, attacks people who otherwise have health conditions. So, we've got a lot at stake."

Harris went on to say black people are far less likely to have the option of working remotely, which means they're either risking their health due to a lack of paid sick leave or they're giving up their income in order to stay home.

"There's a lot to address, a lot to talk about, a lot to fight for …" Harris continued. "We're gonna get through this, because we're all in this together. And, again, thank you to all the leaders for being a part tonight."

You can stream the town hall now via YouTube above. Tonight's broadcast will feature appearances by Meek Mill, the Rev. Al Sharpton, Big Sean, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Killer Mike, New Orleans Mayor LaToya Cantrell, Van Jones, and more.

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e3a2fc No.21613118

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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9e3c9a No.21613119


they don't believe in the amendments or the constitution

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d080c2 No.21613120

File: b9c4a53de90d557⋯.jpg (23.34 KB,401x446,401:446,b9c4a53de90d557ceb40dc2419….jpg)


Iranian Ambassador was looking at his hezbollah network pager

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2e55f5 No.21613121

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Taco flavored kisses.

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f754d8 No.21613122

File: ab24ff33296fed9⋯.png (2.65 MB,4475x2364,4475:2364,Screenshot_2024_09_17_at_8….png)


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f74f9b No.21613123

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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3c0b6e No.21613124

File: d4c1e4212a14880⋯.png (420.18 KB,638x436,319:218,ClipboardImage.png)


>Diddy Hosts Town Hall on 'The State of Black America

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e46900 No.21613125

File: d567105004239ed⋯.png (459.07 KB,505x640,101:128,D775C63C_3848_4661_9CE6_0B….png)

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c2bee5 No.21613126




Dec 16, 2002 Updated Jan 24, 2015

An armed man was arrested Monday morning after barricading himself in a business during a three-hour standoff, police said.

Ryan Routh, 36, was arrested without incident at 1 a.m. Monday at United Roofing, 1735 W. Lee St., Greensboro police said.Routh was pulled over about 10 p.m. Sunday during a traffic stop, police said. But he put his hand on a firearm and drove to United Roofing, where he remained barricaded inside, police said.

Routh was charged with carrying a concealed weapon and possession of a weapon of mass destruction, referring to a fully automatic machine gun. He was also charged with resisting, delaying and obstructing a law enforcement officer and driving while license revoked.

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bbaa07 No.21613127

File: 188638e7f167936⋯.png (594.42 KB,736x927,736:927,ClipboardImage.png)

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7c904f No.21613128

File: a43da59841b3cfb⋯.png (610.39 KB,680x382,340:191,ClipboardImage.png)


bullet trips chek'ed

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c2bee5 No.21613129

File: 31566b2e00d3cef⋯.png (51.58 KB,164x218,82:109,captain.png)


oh dang

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613797 No.21613130


Snowden is right…it is an act of terror.

I still have no sympathy for them knowing all of the Americans they have killed over the years.

I have to wonder tho…did ,ossad reveal something the cabal didn't want revealed? If they can do it to pagers, they can do it to cell phones, earbuds, pretty much any electronic. Car key fobs…the list goes on of shit we carry every day.

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6878dc No.21613131

File: f6dce69b92fba76⋯.jpeg (44.78 KB,521x353,521:353,IMG_9711.jpeg)

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f74f9b No.21613132

File: dada53a574af2da⋯.jpg (78.79 KB,481x363,481:363,ROOSTING.jpg)

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3c0b6e No.21613133





Interesting thread and work of journalism. The mayor of Springfield, Ohio is making millions by replacing a third of the population of his town with Haitian immigrants Let's take a look at such an impressive abuse of power and bag chasing..


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d4f421 No.21613134

File: b5a4ee6262e3d13⋯.jpeg (151.91 KB,300x436,75:109,52FD40E4_016F_4657_9EE3_4….jpeg)



London, November 29, 2016 – His Royal Highness, The Duke of Cambridge, today invested Sir Lucian Grainge CBE in the Order of the British Empire and Knight Bachelor. The knighthood was bestowed upon Grainge, the Chairman and CEO of Universal Music Group (UMG), for his accomplishments in the music industry and his leadership through its challenging times. The honour also acknowledges Grainge’s contribution to British business and inward investment and his development of innovative business models, technology and media partnerships which have led to an expansion of UMG’s global presence.

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3c0b6e No.21613135

File: 7c3086fb9786c6e⋯.png (245.68 KB,720x672,15:14,ClipboardImage.png)

Your vote really matters!

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92300e No.21613136

File: f32fd03706f5211⋯.png (158.89 KB,391x382,391:382,f32fd03706f5211428d8dd8bea….png)

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f74f9b No.21613137

File: b07fcd35d4b071a⋯.jpg (81.05 KB,684x203,684:203,DO_YOUR_PART.jpg)

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e94529 No.21613138


Obama did it all the time with Japanese cars.


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c2bee5 No.21613139

File: 5fd6d9cb45b7fb1⋯.png (415.93 KB,666x667,666:667,sookim.png)


>Your vote really matters!

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e3a2fc No.21613140

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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7267b3 No.21613141

File: 79eb1c7f28cc854⋯.mp4 (4.76 MB,528x398,264:199,boobyjigglyboobiesmuted.mp4)

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6b659c No.21613142

File: 17a9afb7f14f50a⋯.png (229.24 KB,474x316,3:2,IMG_1168.png)

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b4d88e No.21613143

File: 2ca2102c455d3d7⋯.png (413.98 KB,631x514,631:514,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4c44754a5ef1fe3⋯.png (361.77 KB,640x653,640:653,ClipboardImage.png)

Michaela DePrince, resilient Black ballerina whoworked with Beyoncé and Madonna, dies at 29and her adoptive mother died the same day - unaware she'd lost Michaela.

By Alexandra Del Rosario

Sept. 16, 2024 12:46 PM PT

Ballet dancer Michaela Mabinty DePrince, who defied the odds of her early childhood in war-torn Sierra Leone to become a trailblazing performer and choreographer, has died.

DePrince died Tuesday, her family said in a statement Sunday on her sister Mia DePrince’s Instagram. In a previous statement released Friday, the family said the dancer, who performed with the Dance Theater of Harlem, the Dutch National Ballet and Boston Ballet, leaves “an indelible mark on the world of ballet, and beyond.” She was 29.

A cause of death was not revealed in either statement, though Sunday’s missive shut down speculation that DePrince’s death was related to that of mother Elaine DePrince, who adopted Michaela and Mia in the 1990s. Elaine DePrince [her mother]“died during a routine procedure in preparation for a surgery”on Wednesday and did not know of her daughter’s death “at the time of her procedure,” Sunday’s statement clarified.

As news of DePrince’s death spread over the weekend, ballet and dance luminaries including trailblazing American Ballet Theater principal dancer Misty Copeland and Debbie Allen paid tribute to her….

DePrince seemingly knew no bounds onstage as she executed pieces — from ballet classics including “Don Quixote,” “Swan Lake” and “Coppélia” to George Balanchine‘s “Who Cares” and “Jewels” — with undeniable grace, strength and precision. Beyond the ballet world, DePrince brought her talents mainstream, appearing on “Dancing With the Stars” and collaborating with brands including Nike and Tommy Hilfiger.She also worked with pop divas Beyoncé, for her “Lemonade” visual album, and Madonna, who was set to adapt the dancer’s life for the screen.

DePrince was prominently featured in the ballet competition documentary “First Position,” in which she spoke of the “miracle” of her survival. “Everywhere you looked you saw someone die and it was just for no reason,” she said in the film before recalling how rebels had shot her parents.

Offstage, DePrince used her platform to raise awareness for children affected by war as an ambassador for War Child, speak about her vitiligo and her experiences as a Black dancer, and advocate for more diversity in the ballet world.

“I would like to change the way people see Black dancers,” she told the Guardian in 2012. “I just want to be a great role model for kids. I would hate to disappoint anybody.”

DePrince was born Jan. 6, 1995, in Sierra Leone amid a civil war that counted her parents among its tens of thousands of casualties. Labeled “the devil’s child” for her vitiligo at her orphanage, DePrince found hope in a magazine photo of an American ballerina in pointe shoes.

“I ripped the page out and I stuck it in my underwear because I didn’t have any place to put it,” she told the Associated Press in 2012.

Elaine DePrince and Charles DePrince adopted Michaela and her sister in 1999.DePrince studied at the Rock School of Dance in Pennsylvania and had competed at Youth America Grand Prix, the prestigious international ballet competition at the center of “First Position.” The ballet competition awarded DePrince with a scholarship to continue her studies at the American Ballet Theater’s Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis School.

She graduated in 2012 and joined the Dance Theater of Harlem, where she became the company’s youngest dancer to perform principal roles. In 2013, she took her career overseas to perform with the Dutch National Ballet, where she climbed the ranks from the junior company to soloist in the main troupe. She returned to the U.S. in 2022 as a soloist with Boston Ballet.

DePrince published her memoir, “Taking Flight: From War Orphan to Star Ballerina,” in 2014. She also received recognition in Time’s Inspiring Women in the World and Forbes 30 Under 30 in Arts & Culture.


Born Mabinty Bangura in Sierra Leone, DePrince was sent to an orphanage aged three, after both of her parents died in the country’s civil war. At the orphanage, she experienced mistreatment and malnourishment, she told the Associated Press in 2012.


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7b2bd2 No.21613144


Anon thinks Walz gave the go order with the "turn the page" bs. It was such an odd way to talk to your own voter base. Some threat was made to some one, those pagers where in those peoples' hands for a while. [They] could have picked any location to detonate. Anon thinks there could be more locations. All pagers should be recalled immediately. Anons should open yer phones and look for this kind of shit. This was just a demonstration. Also, was it made to look like Israel did it? Sum of All Fears.

Anon has no crystal ball(s).

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c2bee5 No.21613145

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

PDiddy: “State Of Emergency: The State of Black America & Coronavirus”

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9e3c9a No.21613146


it's who counts the votes that ultimately matters

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b07ad9 No.21613147


Help me out. Where can I find the ideal woman for moi?

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3c0b6e No.21613148



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addbae No.21613149

File: 80fbf11ea397339⋯.png (381.82 KB,680x441,680:441,shalom_pager.png)

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7b2bd2 No.21613150



BLOT: so everyone with a pager is a hostage

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c24287 No.21613152

File: 9ef1847162f6f38⋯.png (258.46 KB,1135x1131,1135:1131,ClipboardImage.png)


British 'knights' always finding themselves in strange situations.

Was Harry set up or just fall victim to the Andrew proclivity and found himself tethered to an anchor stone?

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678e0b No.21613153

File: ca6d644bf7aabd8⋯.jpg (15.03 KB,274x194,137:97,th54g5325423.JPG)

The democrat uniparty have been engaged in domestic terrorism and treason to build their treasonous democracy for the last 60+ years.

Their treason encompass politics, religions, and social life.

Everything is tainted.

Patience is a boiling pot.

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17d959 No.21613154

File: ccc5cd528f6713e⋯.jpg (61.18 KB,650x366,325:183,hastings2.jpg)

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1198e9 No.21613155

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

here's a little something for anons….

don't say i never gave you nothing

saw this guy in a club 3 or 4 lifetimes ago

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e46900 No.21613156

File: 97fa3c8dffcd450⋯.png (562.49 KB,526x785,526:785,773F0954_2240_46C3_9DFB_24….png)


Found her for you.

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0874b9 No.21613157

File: d2df5bc17a19b9b⋯.png (272.85 KB,500x725,20:29,ClipboardImage.png)

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a6610f No.21613159

File: cae8bcc886864b8⋯.jpeg (11.07 KB,216x255,72:85,6b3fa73d832f98b2b2932b853….jpeg)

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3c0b6e No.21613160

File: d6b8ae8ebb4077e⋯.png (392.34 KB,848x563,848:563,ClipboardImage.png)


>Walz gave the go order with the "have the horse inside"

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a6610f No.21613161

File: 1c50c4ee1adff8b⋯.jpg (7.75 KB,255x166,255:166,7ea928ff3da44e087a038342b2….jpg)

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addbae No.21613162

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

funny cohencidence

keefe d says combs put the hit on 2pac in greenblatt's deli


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352c82 No.21613163



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8ade29 No.21613165


This is a very important post to ponder because the ramifications could be far reaching. Is there proof of this chemical or not? Imagine a pilot, a US service member in the vicinity of explosives, or even the POTUS flying at 40k feet being vulnerable to this type of attack, if it is not n additive chemical but triangulation from ISPs which is mainly all controlled by the Israeli/Mossad. This is important to dig on and we need to get to the bottom of this for many of these types of reasons.

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6878dc No.21613166

File: 6f78e403995c956⋯.jpeg (945.72 KB,949x1293,949:1293,IMG_9713.jpeg)

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a6610f No.21613167

File: 50f5fac9705dc68⋯.jpg (14.84 KB,255x251,255:251,efe32a7d3136d2eca5bbc133de….jpg)

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f754d8 No.21613168

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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7b2bd2 No.21613169

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17d959 No.21613170

File: 5b9da0c64cb2f6f⋯.png (35.68 KB,549x244,9:4,ClipboardImage.png)

I hope people realize that it is unlikely that the Pager thing in Lebanon was actually done through Battery explosions. Battery ones tend to have a big burn and burn out, the ones in Lebanon simply went on a big boom, thats that, nothing after that, that…


The Model of the pagers that exploded in Lebanon are Gold Apollo AR-924. Apollo Electronic Paging Company is a company based in Taiwan.


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b1b6a0 No.21613171

good for nothing worthless lazy fucking humans. it'a no fucking wonder all you dumbasses are up shit creek. how fucking embarrasing do you think it is for the only human son of God to died so you fucktwits could be free only to end up right the fuck back where you were. you fucks make me sick.

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d080c2 No.21613172


will stand till challenged in court and overturned.

in the meantime can and will arrest peeps.

their lawfare package.

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c24287 No.21613173



Possibly an olive branch from his brother to keep the 'family' from experiencing further embarrassment.

A knight serves the crown.

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f74f9b No.21613174

File: bd30f766c4df826⋯.jpg (82.51 KB,447x367,447:367,4_D_WIN.jpg)

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0874b9 No.21613175

File: 495ab90afa260c0⋯.png (518.54 KB,697x791,697:791,ClipboardImage.png)


and yet you are here.

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c2bee5 No.21613176

File: cfe4912af4ed01c⋯.png (410.49 KB,1440x846,80:47,ClipboardImage.png)


Star dancer born into war grows up to inspire


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3c0b6e No.21613177

File: d52fda80728d694⋯.mp4 (2.99 MB,884x500,221:125,Fake_News_is_in_a_death_sp….mp4)

File: 1e5df24d57dfeb7⋯.png (624.67 KB,675x669,225:223,ClipboardImage.png)

Fake News is in a death spiral. BLOODBATH

Tim Young


MUST WATCH! CNN finally admits Kamala and their people have been lying about Trump's use of the word "bloodbath."

They must know Trump is winning… or else they wouldn't be suddenly fact-checking this.

6:32 PM • Sep 17, 2024


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5d5fa4 No.21613178

File: 0b5d9599e13736a⋯.png (487.68 KB,594x520,297:260,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 382fa8ceebb7763⋯.png (4.34 MB,2370x1350,79:45,ClipboardImage.png)


I don't know what to do with my hands.

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e46900 No.21613179

File: fb2e943f2ca6992⋯.png (630.94 KB,710x858,355:429,CC538AFF_4D64_4290_AE98_12….png)

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b07ad9 No.21613180

File: 6f2efd5d98249cd⋯.png (212.07 KB,612x490,306:245,ClipboardImage.png)


What's her name? She has to be smart though and know how to work her butt.

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d4f421 No.21613181

File: 390ff3945ae987a⋯.png (4.77 MB,2068x1390,1034:695,79D943E5_A52D_4672_B4EA_87….png)

File: cdb7dc93e2b1ac1⋯.png (381.94 KB,960x2079,320:693,11941AC5_D287_4773_A019_C2….png)

File: 6f56b6c425a7a87⋯.png (807.3 KB,735x663,245:221,3652629B_5A43_4ACC_90DB_C0….png)

File: eec8b3c4be6f849⋯.jpeg (1.03 MB,2161x1369,2161:1369,9949EE53_9BC2_4BDD_A8B3_3….jpeg)



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6878dc No.21613182

File: 29b603e488dc79a⋯.gif (427.32 KB,498x273,166:91,IMG_9714.gif)

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5d5fa4 No.21613183


I know that's fake because there was a partial eclipse 2night, so …

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f74f9b No.21613184

File: 37990ee0b485dd4⋯.jpg (135.06 KB,811x481,811:481,2024_PIGFOOT.jpg)

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a27402 No.21613185


Until we can answer this, I think that President Trump should have, as a precaution, a safe box to place all phones and battery operated internet connected devices such as tablets, laptops, and small computing boards.

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7267b3 No.21613186


They had to be comped during the manufacturing process, I think.

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c2bee5 No.21613187

File: 5eb1b6a80531c8c⋯.mp4 (771.29 KB,720x720,1:1,pizzasymbols.mp4)

File: bcd5d7236dc6bd0⋯.mp4 (1.56 MB,640x360,16:9,Living_in_Special_Times_th….mp4)

cause there's no more pasta

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17d959 No.21613188

File: 91f3588ab418f06⋯.png (389.05 KB,567x627,189:209,ClipboardImage.png)


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6878dc No.21613189

File: b45e44833885cf2⋯.jpeg (317.82 KB,1366x768,683:384,5F5726AA_C761_4E0B_8A4D_1….jpeg)

File: 81303a11407f957⋯.jpeg (218.91 KB,801x801,1:1,93AC86ED_7678_42F9_A005_4….jpeg)

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a27402 No.21613190



ThankQ: Sorry, left out: when on a plane.

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7b2bd2 No.21613191


a Faraday cage would work temporarily, he just can't use anything if its in the Faraday cage. OR, he could have his people go through all his electronics. They SHOULD!

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613797 No.21613192

File: e2b94633215e544⋯.jpg (94.95 KB,324x316,81:79,Xnip2024_09_17_23_53_51.jpg)


seriously…what in the holy hell IS this thing?

besides the token liberal black that is.

how many dicks does it take for someone to look like this?

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9e3c9a No.21613193


none of this is genuine introspection. this is all scripted material. the "news" is legally classified as entertainment in the U.S.A. they just play for numbers. it's like little girls who used play "tea party" it's all fake and gay.

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d4f421 No.21613194

File: 390ff3945ae987a⋯.png (4.77 MB,2068x1390,1034:695,00840648_F4DD_4E7C_9075_0E….png)

File: 4d495a267ba2cff⋯.jpeg (262.12 KB,1908x1146,318:191,15FC3DB6_3E64_438E_B8C4_C….jpeg)

File: a55d14050cb5b31⋯.jpeg (21.63 KB,300x168,25:14,D9A7C95B_2345_4CCC_89AE_A….jpeg)

File: ef7b989c9594adc⋯.jpeg (15.86 KB,284x177,284:177,6BC12B1F_425C_4CCE_A45B_F….jpeg)

File: 8d746e9e7a2264e⋯.jpeg (16.54 KB,198x254,99:127,12FAAC6F_239C_40FE_970F_D….jpeg)

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7b2bd2 No.21613195

>>21613191 (me)

as well as those in his orbit.

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d080c2 No.21613196



was the donation before

State Dept. Killary

pushed that red

Russia reset button?

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5d5fa4 No.21613197

File: c3381df9be23fdd⋯.jpg (25.79 KB,388x386,194:193,Madonna_Uggly.jpg)


>cause there's no more pasta

I regret clicking

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7267b3 No.21613198


Big Mama Hambone

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7267b3 No.21613199

File: 653bfd6ffb96319⋯.png (15.33 KB,616x658,44:47,ModonnaFat.png)

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f74f9b No.21613200

File: c48cc82c924a2b0⋯.jpg (61.26 KB,695x420,139:84,A_ZERO_BAR.jpg)

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be9656 No.21613201

File: 03aff9c45c467dc⋯.png (237.93 KB,525x525,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

these days "unfounded" indicates truth

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61b63c No.21613202

File: fc976bc50e43edf⋯.mp4 (3.25 MB,464x848,29:53,235215_828.mp4)


Michael Rapaport is usually always seething, this is what getting cocky looks like. beep beep

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a6610f No.21613203

circle the wagons

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e3a2fc No.21613204

File: eda3701f98828e7⋯.jpg (80.35 KB,526x474,263:237,kekane_powder.jpg)


>you fucks make me sick.

Good. Your limp demoralization is even weaker than usual, so that means it's working.

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6878dc No.21613205

File: e7c50f344db7424⋯.png (777.24 KB,622x800,311:400,Madonna_Only_Grans_05.PNG)

File: 5eeda9c1797e005⋯.mp4 (10.62 MB,mematicMeme.mp4)

File: cbd899f225fba4b⋯.jpeg (68.48 KB,620x487,620:487,Madonna_Muppet.JPEG)

File: 6b91c2675a0d560⋯.jpg (134.59 KB,652x800,163:200,Madonna_Only_Grans_01.jpg)

File: 52f1d9dcb5adab8⋯.jpeg (1.17 MB,2994x1497,2:1,Madonna_Satanic_Imagery_0….JPEG)

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1f220f No.21613206


Ok, that was pretty funny.

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d080c2 No.21613207



new-age carpetbaggers

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7b2bd2 No.21613208




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1470e3 No.21613209


They could lower the rate to zero tomorrow but it's still not going to convince anyone to borrow more, and that's a problem because debt creation is what they need.

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3c0b6e No.21613210

File: 7caf3428a1e1664⋯.png (53.43 KB,675x457,675:457,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f276eee5dc64a69⋯.mp4 (13.26 MB,1280x720,16:9,You_re_not_gonna_believe_t….mp4)

File: 2bd037d6a3bd0f3⋯.png (446.87 KB,816x732,68:61,ClipboardImage.png)

Elon Musk


You’re not gonna believe this, but @GavinNewsom just announced that he signed a LAW to make parody illegal, based on this video 🤣🤣

Dalton Sutton


@elonmusk @TRHLofficial @GavinNewsom This one.

8:42 PM • Sep 17, 2024


8:46 PM • Sep 17, 2024


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2a9f32 No.21613211



So if All material must pass the True test… Trump gonna crush it.

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7b2bd2 No.21613212


explain? is this about the ceiling bird?

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f74f9b No.21613213

File: 22adee99784a395⋯.jpg (107.68 KB,409x618,409:618,FORESHADOWING.jpg)

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995322 No.21613214


Agreed, because we do not know if this chemical is a real thing, was actually a one time plant. I think it was triangulation and I have good reason and actual experience that, that is the cause for example I report here a long time ago that I had my laptop burnt out at an interview and I know this was on purpose. Which makes more things potential targets than anyone realizes and we would have to safe guard more planes, ships, and other potential electronics from this type of Israeli/Mossad attacks. Think of all the US mil vehicles that crashed, homes and businesses burnt to the ground, and radiation poisonings that have occurred.

I think the best precaution for now, is to take away all Jewish control from the Internet until we see if this is the case or not.

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b47388 No.21613215

File: 62365e5b4733a59⋯.mp4 (7.59 MB,480x854,240:427,Springfield_Ohio.mp4)


Filter Bubbles

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addbae No.21613216


joking about the jew pagers

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6878dc No.21613217

File: 6365a8e80664cfc⋯.png (606.13 KB,474x680,237:340,Madonna_Only_Grans_02.PNG)

File: d97c37783723b61⋯.jpg (74.84 KB,504x800,63:100,Madonna_Only_Grans_03.JPG)

File: 3745cbb5039b300⋯.jpg (224.34 KB,1088x1882,544:941,Madonna_Freak_Face_01.JPG)

File: 4b2bb314f9f6485⋯.png (808.41 KB,647x800,647:800,Madonna_Only_Grans_04.PNG)

File: 87ade341cb5d05d⋯.mp4 (3.37 MB,562x898,281:449,Madonna_Trying_to_Dance.MP4)

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3c0b6e No.21613218


>So if All material must pass the True test… Trump gonna crush it.




.You’re not gonna believe this, but @GavinNewsom just announced that he signed a LAW to make parody illegal, based on this video 🤣🤣

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0874b9 No.21613219

File: 5c7beeb91866cb9⋯.png (748.12 KB,1396x893,1396:893,ClipboardImage.png)


Sir Lucian Grainge, right, with the singer-songwriter Taylor Swift and Scott Borchetta, the American music executive


Universal Music chief set for £105m bonus as shares jump on market debut

Callum Jones, US Business Correspondent

Tuesday September 21 2021, 10.30am BST, The Times




Sir Lucian Grainge is in line to receive a bonus worth more than £105 million after Universal Music Group’s shares rose by more than a third in its stock market debut in Amsterdam.

Shares in the world’s biggest music label jumped by 39 per cent to €25.70 from its listing price of €18.5 per share, valuing the company at almost €47 billion on the Euronext stock exchange.

The British mogul, who serves as chairman and chief executive of Universal Music, could receive what will be one of the largest corporate payouts on record within weeks as a result of the French media conglomerate Vivendi’s decision to spin off a majority stake in the company.

Vivendi, which has owned Universal Music since 2000, is paying Grainge a share of $150 million and 1 per cent of Universal Music’s equity value above $30 billion, linked to the approximately 60 per cent of equity in the company that is being released in the float.

This special transaction bonus amounts to about $144 million in total, according to a source familiar with the listing.

Grainge, 61, whose standard remuneration package totalled €50.3 million last year, including salary, bonuses and benefits, is also receiving vast payouts after investments led by Tencent, the Chinese technology group, and Bill Ackman’s Pershing Square hedge fund in the company.

Universal Music is behind some of the biggest corporate names in the music industry, including EMI, Virgin Music and Polydor. It also owns Motown and Abbey Road Studios. The group’s line-up spans Elton John and the Beatles to Stevie Wonder and Luciano Pavarotti.

Vivendi is distributing shares in Universal Music among its own investors as part of the listing, which comes after it profited from the rise of streaming services. Takeovers were mooted and Videndi turned down an $8.5 billion bid from SoftBank, the Japanese fund, for Universal Music in 2013.

Grainge, who was knighted in 2016 for services to British business, spent time in intensive care last year after contracting Covid-19. He was born in London and lives in Los Angeles.


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d080c2 No.21613220


the saying "do him in" comes to mind

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3de66e No.21613221

We dug into his wife, brother, and son, but who is Routh's father?

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7b2bd2 No.21613222


oh shit went over my head


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634b25 No.21613223


Colors colors everywhere nobody seems to notice. Control.

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17d959 No.21613224

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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c2bee5 No.21613225

File: 3a3f59f4c74cb18⋯.gif (1.46 MB,249x249,1:1,chickenstrips.gif)

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be9656 No.21613226


Dude never learns. Karma's gonna hit him with more than a snowball this time.

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d6a420 No.21613227



Gavin Newsom is Governor, part of the executive branch of government, not the Legislature, which is the only body that can make laws. Start with the Constitution, it is the Supreme Law of the Land, anything contrary is moot by Federal Law.

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7b2bd2 No.21613228

File: e77a195714af999⋯.jpeg (19.97 KB,255x245,51:49,Pepe_4panel_giggles.jpeg)

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66593f No.21613229

File: 8d590b0942dc893⋯.png (1.43 MB,1125x1116,125:124,8d590b0942dc893d23a703e74d….png)

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322040 No.21613230

That's ME!


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d4f421 No.21613231

File: 0fbc46db886f1c4⋯.jpeg (14.62 KB,276x183,92:61,3140008D_0A0F_4121_AAB7_F….jpeg)

File: eafa1824c6badd2⋯.jpeg (15.13 KB,228x221,228:221,3137DFAD_5095_41F4_AE88_C….jpeg)

File: f72657babc331fe⋯.jpeg (24.09 KB,183x275,183:275,0771D6F3_57EB_42AA_897F_3….jpeg)

File: 004bab9b21e4730⋯.jpeg (25.14 KB,259x194,259:194,A015E5D6_96A3_4D63_9968_C….jpeg)

File: b383ea1a67e3b16⋯.jpeg (17.27 KB,188x268,47:67,DDD9BBA1_B42D_49DE_B4A9_8….jpeg)

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0874b9 No.21613232

File: 72d9f2a6a041ac9⋯.mp4 (2.14 MB,576x576,1:1,shut_up.mp4)

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b47388 No.21613233


Geriatric Burningman.

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f754d8 No.21613234

File: 6b771f45398f3b7⋯.png (1.03 MB,1012x1199,92:109,Screenshot_2024_09_17_at_9….png)

File: 965043b10449012⋯.jpeg (114.28 KB,800x1200,2:3,GXusil5XcAADk4H.jpeg)


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a0f0ca No.21613235


So the movie madonna is making prolly has lies in it n they silenced bof just in case?

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5d5fa4 No.21613236

File: a171a5090c574a3⋯.jpg (105.66 KB,628x612,157:153,Point_Huh_What.jpg)

Gas/Electric bill: $76.00.

Water/Sewer: $106.00.

I no fuckin get it.

I don't even use the toidy to piss(4-gal) and I'm home all day. kek

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cd479e No.21613237

File: 4fb2cb1a2257d18⋯.mp4 (13.35 MB,720x1280,9:16,j5h74364364436.mp4)

Haven't seen this before.

no link

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2e55f5 No.21613238


That never gets old.

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b47388 No.21613239

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Filter Bubbles

Beware online "filter bubbles" | Eli Pariser

13 yrs ago

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cd8fd9 No.21613240

File: f51c3d24d8a7c51⋯.png (245.98 KB,594x501,198:167,kekkek.png)


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a6610f No.21613241

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

the right kind of eyes will sea

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d080c2 No.21613242

File: 53445bfd255c6bc⋯.png (176.98 KB,825x750,11:10,53445bfd255c6bc21b6e86cda1….png)


and asnTrump said the vote is being watched closely.

did you miss that part?

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be9656 No.21613243


fool anon once….

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322040 No.21613244



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3de66e No.21613245


Her eyebrows fell off btw.

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a0f0ca No.21613246

File: 1e689a118e25430⋯.png (75.46 KB,226x216,113:108,IMG_2681.png)



I thought he meant a car and I didn’t get it.

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096e3c No.21613247

File: e206f6549e4c078⋯.jpg (159.44 KB,800x1301,800:1301,IMG_6064.JPG)


>>>>>>>>>>>>> nigger alert

>>>>>juw+faggot = mike rothschild

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1bba7e No.21613248


Time to stick DIRECTED EVOLUTION up Pfizer, Bill Gates and Gain of Fauci's ass.

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d080c2 No.21613249


>fool anon once….

you right

shill not going to

fool me twice


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322040 No.21613250

Manifest prison keys

Crack the code


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9e3c9a No.21613251


I'll believe it when I see it. I see more schemes to allow illicit votes than I see safeguards to ensure the legal ones. I consider any region in the U.S. under Democrat control to be rigged.

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2a9f32 No.21613252


Number 2

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a6610f No.21613253





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096e3c No.21613254

File: 8d9543236d4b573⋯.jpg (161.35 KB,871x800,871:800,IMG_8383.JPG)


>>>>>>>>>>>>>> nigger alert

>>>>>>juw+faggot = mike rothschild


>>>>>>>>>>>>>> nigger alert

>>>>>>juw+faggot = mike rothschild

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7b2bd2 No.21613255

File: 638355ee9267618⋯.jpg (12.05 KB,182x255,182:255,pepe_shitposting.jpg)

good night frens. see you tomorrow.

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5d5fa4 No.21613256

File: bd71838270d3ff3⋯.mp4 (10.53 MB,720x1282,360:641,Cover_Up_Hair_Chick.mp4)


>GavinNewsom just announced that he signed a LAW to make parody illegal

It's a coverup.

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a0f0ca No.21613257


This whole father of deception thing n the sword Truth is fukken amazing. They’re disgusting. Anons neighbor is like them. It’s wild to watch liars. Disgusting. Imagine the smell.

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7267b3 No.21613258

File: 617dbea259f91cd⋯.png (77.18 KB,268x417,268:417,ClipboardImage.png)

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096e3c No.21613259

File: 47f724d2d11ab33⋯.jpg (373.89 KB,1200x1592,150:199,IMG_8584.JPG)


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> nigger alert

>>>>>>>juw+faggot = mike rothschild


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> nigger alert

>>>>>>>juw+faggot = mike rothschild

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5d5fa4 No.21613261

File: 55d13ba1a64b298⋯.jpg (60.91 KB,498x648,83:108,Hitler_Holds_Boob.jpg)


>good night frens. see you tomorrow

Gute Nacht!

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6878dc No.21613262

File: 24479eefd5e5e28⋯.jpeg (616.04 KB,1145x643,1145:643,IMG_9719.jpeg)



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ea7f8a No.21613263

File: 30bb61d5d331136⋯.png (263.06 KB,640x480,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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66593f No.21613264

File: ad10fb38aeb5479⋯.png (490.94 KB,553x778,553:778,ad10fb38aeb5479f528e02acef….png)


Look at another way, America is still winning.

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2e55f5 No.21613265



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8727ca No.21613266

File: 1a430e3b6d66ba3⋯.png (1.21 MB,1338x1080,223:180,1628875963919.png)

Hey guys..

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1bba7e No.21613267


Those were not exploding batteries - they were explosive charges - maybe packed in half the battery.

Seeing to evil forces take each other is kind of interesting.

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096e3c No.21613268

File: 2c2c57b61a8f6d8⋯.jpg (373.96 KB,800x2325,32:93,IMG_8644.JPG)


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> nigger alert

>>>>>>>>juw+faggot = mike rothschild


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> nigger alert

>>>>>>>>juw+faggot = mike rothschild

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b47388 No.21613269

File: 80dd7d358b88ca5⋯.gif (121.28 KB,320x240,4:3,80d.gif)


>13 yrs ago

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d4f421 No.21613270

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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096e3c No.21613271

File: 639e1ad8d6d05b9⋯.jpg (203.27 KB,800x1066,400:533,IMG_8166.JPG)

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096e3c No.21613272

File: 4d74a14891d76eb⋯.jpg (236.74 KB,800x1010,80:101,IMG_5714.JPG)

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7267b3 No.21613273

File: a09111ab1a88444⋯.png (42.95 KB,406x1001,58:143,ClipboardImage.png)



I've been waiting for something to Delta on today.

4 minutes to spare!


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5d5fa4 No.21613274

File: 06970d2562b9555⋯.png (568.69 KB,2070x834,345:139,ClipboardImage.png)


>Those were not exploding batteries


Lukes like wikipedoia

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b47388 No.21613275

File: f1a795cfa31c9d2⋯.png (407.68 KB,739x596,739:596,ClipboardImage.png)


Shift change?

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e3a2fc No.21613276

File: 89160cee106cdb0⋯.gif (1.5 MB,864x486,16:9,flamethrower_pepe.gif)

Easy filter for a simple little clown.

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c24287 No.21613277

File: e31d67628774f51⋯.png (47.74 KB,1447x202,1447:202,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ef0d81ec8c32ce7⋯.png (64.61 KB,1417x325,109:25,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 70bb0b40069e57e⋯.png (22.06 KB,1410x113,1410:113,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ceaae19cc3a4d3f⋯.png (61.36 KB,1437x316,1437:316,ClipboardImage.png)


Obviously this is newsweek and its reference is in 1998.

WaPo reference - so they (at least at the time) knew something fucked up was going on.

Diddy wasn't privy with the know DJT hadn't been compromised.

Also, the DailyBeast was another one that (at least at the time) knew something fucked up was going on.

Compartmentalization seems to be a theme.

But then Diddy found out…

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1bba7e No.21613278

File: 3d3eebca33317b5⋯.png (198.26 KB,598x387,598:387,ClipboardImage.png)

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096e3c No.21613279

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3de66e No.21613280


Why would Hezbollah buy those then? I'm thinking Israel trying to kill off and maim their own agents?

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a6610f No.21613281

File: 3db3ff56d0fdc07⋯.jpeg (5.82 KB,255x110,51:22,3d72e523d835affc5d52c2e9f….jpeg)

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362a99 No.21613282


Anons have posted and dug a lot on this chef, recently and over the years.


copy pasta…

▶Anonymous 06/25/18 (Mon) 21:12:23c78f1c (3) No.1905512

(Apologies if some of this has been covered. Been digging and probably missed some posts.)

Who is Jose Andres? He is the mentor of the owner of the Red Hen, DC and one of only two food related men (Alefantis is the other) listed by GQ in their 50 most powerful people in Washington, DC article. He's involved up to his hairline with all the usual suspects and all the usual places. He's super connected complete with Obama awarded Medals and considered synonymous with the Washington, DC food scene. (yikes)

He's involved in all sorts of "humanitarian" endeavors including Puerto Rico, Haiti, etc….and friends with all the elite it seems.


Chef Jose has a strange habit of serving croquetas de pollo (deep fried diced "chicken" or "ham" rolls) in RED leather shoes. (pic related)



Puerto Rico disaster "relief" comes to an end. Hmm wonder why? (pic related)

60 Minutes: Chef José Andrés Ritz Restaurant In Puerto Rico Closed



He trolled GEOTUS during the Puerto Rico disaster on behalf of that loony Mayor Carmen (now being investigated). (pic related)



He's involved with Hollywood on the research end of Hannibal the Cannibal series. Doing what? Helping identify which cuts of meat look the most human. Ewww and sketchy!

Cooking with Chef Hannibal the Cannibal



He was awarded Outstanding American by Choice Award by Obama in 2014.



He was also awarded a National Humanities Medal by Obama in September of 2016. (pic related)



Okay that's it for now. Must. Keep. Digging.


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a0f0ca No.21613283


How did he know what he was signing if he can’t read?

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8727ca No.21613284

File: e8b036486ae7ce9⋯.jpg (76.47 KB,655x720,131:144,1724231675206800.jpg)


Sorry just looking for (you), I get paid by the response.

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7267b3 No.21613285

File: 710a3296f6cc8e6⋯.png (774 B,87x36,29:12,ClipboardImage.png)

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cfd855 No.21613286

File: f2c8a70267acd3e⋯.png (62.47 KB,236x207,236:207,IMG_4267.png)

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322040 No.21613287

Just laughed. I believe you because you said you used Xerox.

Would not use term if not a seared memory. Teacher knew you were anon back then. Gave you actual in oerson Kek.


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addbae No.21613288

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ce1dfc No.21613289



Check for sub level floors for some skullduggery. Think of use cases.

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b47388 No.21613290

File: edb71906812c98d⋯.png (542.23 KB,1690x457,1690:457,ClipboardImage.png)

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cb009e No.21613291


Trump: "Hey Romney, Smile for the Camera"

Looks like he got nothing to smile about! Trapped!

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28d8c6 No.21613292

File: 5ef8e3dfb946d62⋯.png (220.83 KB,471x356,471:356,night_shift_boot_lickers.png)

File: 9e513b8380f7276⋯.png (84.12 KB,259x257,259:257,Boot_Licker_anons.png)

Evening night shift.

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096e3c No.21613293

File: 9717a2f361b33ef⋯.png (135.5 KB,769x499,769:499,ClipboardImage.png)

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2e55f5 No.21613294


I just sensed a degenerate disturbance in the force.

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096e3c No.21613295


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d080c2 No.21613296


the Gold Apollo AR-924 pager uses a Lithium battery.

can go 85 days on ansingle charge.

if batteries used were in a hard steel case, can become high explosive if a short circuit, leading to excessive heat and thermal runaway.

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a6610f No.21613297

PA pennsylvania

IN indiana


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096e3c No.21613298

https://imgflip.com/i/93uk3w >>21613295

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dc3c4b No.21613299

File: bf5f4c59eb60a16⋯.jpeg (334.6 KB,1536x880,96:55,IMG_9746.jpeg)

File: 1a8f17c4bfd56e0⋯.jpeg (100.77 KB,750x810,25:27,IMG_7663.jpeg)

File: 663548f6c83d048⋯.jpeg (177.76 KB,750x1334,375:667,IMG_2363.jpeg)

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a0f0ca No.21613300


That’s sad.

Poor thing must be starving.

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b47388 No.21613301

File: 76ba15962ec459d⋯.webp (318.58 KB,480x360,4:3,giphy.webp)

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addbae No.21613302

File: f1f6a8989cba252⋯.png (1.03 MB,1170x935,234:187,ClipboardImage.png)

“THE MASK” — Final Proof We’re All Just Watching a Movie?https://wltreport.com/2024/09/10/mask-final-proof-were-all-just-watching-movie/

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2a9f32 No.21613303

Pager Apoc does teach you one very important concept. If you do not control every aspect of manufacturing, you better know what you are getting.

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6878dc No.21613304

File: f33387ed8c53131⋯.jpeg (1.01 MB,1342x1918,671:959,IMG_9720.jpeg)

File: a91ed4ab39e3f43⋯.jpeg (291.02 KB,1130x1721,1130:1721,IMG_9721.jpeg)



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8727ca No.21613305

File: f1f8986e8538d2a⋯.png (292.71 KB,450x500,9:10,9ea2388998f964b2b82fb4b9d1….png)

Hey could someone give me a (you)?

It's only $0.60 to my bank account, direct deposit.

Thanks guys, Godspeed


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cb009e No.21613306


Shalom looks like Moloch(k)s backwards

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b47388 No.21613307

File: 4094cc0fc2918f5⋯.mp4 (1.89 MB,640x470,64:47,trek_reality_universe.mp4)

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a0f0ca No.21613308

File: 7133a3791f99e3b⋯.jpeg (27.59 KB,255x191,255:191,IMG_5603.jpeg)

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d080c2 No.21613309


hard steel battery jacket would contain the gas expansion leading to high explosive instead of a low (flame out) explosive if battery used a soft encashment.

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096e3c No.21613310

File: 2040773267f303b⋯.png (7.14 KB,800x800,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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2e55f5 No.21613311


IS RA HELL intercepted and tampered with the supply chain headed for da terrorists with a superior terrorist act of their own.

And the beat goes on.

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0e6fbf No.21613312

notables @ 285 halfway collected

#26472 >>21612996

>>21613030 DJT: THANK YOU, MICHIGAN! #MAGA2024

>>21613033 PF: We got a BOEING RC-135 doing some reconnaissance down and back the coast of Baja California

>>21613037 RFK Jr. reveals that Trump has kept every promise he made to him

>>21613050 Dan Goldman

>>21613054 Springfield, Ohio. Haitian caused bus crash killing an 11 year old boy on first day of school. August 2023

>>21613060, >>21613071 How Many Days Later Did All Those Pagers Explode?

>>21613070, >>21613125 Whoopi Goldberg Looks Straight Into The Camera And Says Dangerous Rhetoric Isn’t A ‘Both Sides’ Issue

>>21613076 Secret Service Incompetence and Bizarre Background of Second Would-Be Trump Assassin, w/ Erik Prince

>>21613087, >>21613101, >>21613134, >>21613152 Interesting that Universal Music Group's Wiki page was updated 3 days ago

>>21613102 They tried assassinating Trump a week after both presidential debates

>>21613108 Former CIA Officer Reveals Shocking Details From War Meeting With Dick Cheney

>>21613117 (April 10, 2020) Diddy Hosts Town Hall on 'The State of Black America & Coronavirus'

>>21613133 The mayor of Springfield, Ohio is making millions by replacing a third of the population of his town with Haitian immigrants

>>21613143 Michaela DePrince, resilient Black ballerina who worked with Beyoncé and Madonna, dies at 29

>>21613020, >>21613027, >>21613032, >>21613052, >>21613068, >>21613088, >>21613125 Memes


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65c761 No.21613313


What I find hard to believe about chemical explosives being put into pagers, is that by norm, devices are made as small as possible as a competitive advantage and it is hard to believe that there is enough room to put explosives of that magnitude in them, nor that even an exploding battery can cause that type of harm because these batteries take time to burn and explode.

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a6610f No.21613314

File: fd7ed33f5eac531⋯.jpeg (8.94 KB,300x168,25:14,thehorsemen.jpeg)


its better to have it and not need it, than it is to need it, and not have it!


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ea7f8a No.21613315


>Michael Rapaport is usually always seething, this is what getting cocky looks like.

Rapaport will be one of the ones who is fleeing an angry mob that's out to kill him, when they find out what the Rothschild Cult he's a part of has done to the rest of the world. ID10-T hasno cluehe's just a meat shield for the real Chosen Ones™. Karma has a way of coming full circle.

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096e3c No.21613316

File: 4de34b1bb28258a⋯.jpg (113.87 KB,1075x800,43:32,IMG_6057.JPG)

File: 3b5272f85154155⋯.jpg (101.05 KB,843x800,843:800,IMG_6275.JPG)

File: 2241e6890b6d9d2⋯.jpg (298.84 KB,800x1157,800:1157,IMG_6544.JPG)

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3c0b6e No.21613317



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b47388 No.21613318


It feels like there is more truth to that than we realize.

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0350f4 No.21613319

File: 73865937cb85bb6⋯.png (651.34 KB,1509x750,503:250,Harris_Moloch.png)

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addbae No.21613320

File: 84dfee638decee4⋯.png (26.39 KB,831x135,277:45,in_the_war_against_evil_sa….PNG)


never noticed that

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096e3c No.21613321

File: 4f17719aa417b4e⋯.jpg (379.38 KB,1200x1600,3:4,IMG_5712.JPG)


>>>>>>>>>>> nigger alert

>>>juw+faggot = mike rothschild


>>>>>>>>>>>> nigger alert

>>>>juw+faggot = mike rothschild


>>>>>>>>>>>>> nigger alert

>>>>>juw+faggot = mike rothschild


>>>>>>>>>>>>>> nigger alert

>>>>>>juw+faggot = mike rothschild


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> nigger alert

>>>>>>>juw+faggot = mike rothschild


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> nigger alert

>>>>>>>juw+faggot = mike rothschild


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> nigger alert

>>>>>>>>juw+faggot = mike rothschild


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> nigger alert

>>>>>>>>juw+faggot = mike rothschild


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> nigger alert

>>>>>>>>>juw+faggot = mike rothschild


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> nigger alert

>>>>>>>>>juw+faggot = mike rothschild

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7267b3 No.21613322

File: 0934854eba07b24⋯.mp4 (1.17 MB,360x270,4:3,electriccompany.mp4)

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096e3c No.21613323

https://imgflip.com/i/93uke2 >>21613321

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152448 No.21613324



C before D?

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e3a2fc No.21613325

File: 803bbdb36854346⋯.gif (9.98 MB,462x496,231:248,803bbdb36854346b0f85e331a9….gif)

Yawn. Their logic and reasoning is the equivalent of flat earth. Easy filters for smooth brained paid posters.

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a0f0ca No.21613326

File: 3621755e17e46f8⋯.mp4 (10.21 MB,1892x1080,473:270,Faggit_club_2.mp4)

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4014df No.21613327


Also remember, Trump already had plane issues mid flight. Triangulation, then targeting with either other energy weapons or over loading a subsystem with activity to burn out the electronics.

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096e3c No.21613328

File: 5995666194ed979⋯.jpg (146 KB,800x800,1:1,IMG_6108.JPG)


>https://imgflip.com/i/93uke2 >>21613321

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4014df No.21613329


7 Directions.

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8727ca No.21613330

File: dace626f22e1e4a⋯.jpg (44.75 KB,846x1053,94:117,1636606149961.jpg)


Thanks, I appreciate it.

Money is tight and I need some more for drinks.


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1bba7e No.21613331


Israel + Palestine should get a room together and leave the rest of the world to do their thing.

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7267b3 No.21613332

File: 332545c579f0793⋯.mp4 (1 MB,360x270,4:3,Winona_Bjork.mp4)


Here. Have a double on me!

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916f4e No.21613333

File: c9957a98ca6b2b0⋯.jpg (14.43 KB,260x302,130:151,gefrewqrweqreq.JPG)

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a0f0ca No.21613334


Your thoughts don’t make it true, they’re simply a reflection of )you) and what u have going on inside

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a0f0ca No.21613335

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61b63c No.21613336


TRIPS 333-

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096e3c No.21613337

File: 27094e5a0bebf34⋯.png (66.45 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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ea7f8a No.21613338

File: ef0c74c1f7fde7c⋯.png (79.32 KB,992x920,124:115,ClipboardImage.png)


This is dasting…. Did Lutnick get the Jew Call™?My Coincidence™-Sense is tingling.

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3c0b6e No.21613339






>C before D?



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a0f0ca No.21613340


That’s how your daddy talked to u n ur mammy

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b47388 No.21613341

File: c058a8bef2f4464⋯.png (271.03 KB,819x415,819:415,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f457913cdfd6d80⋯.png (516.62 KB,810x570,27:19,JIDF_JEW_ISRAEL_4.png)

File: 8b3c966ab76048c⋯.jpg (297.43 KB,1272x1023,424:341,JIDF_JEW_ISRAEL_3.jpg)

File: 718df6af0efef52⋯.png (1.38 MB,603x960,201:320,JIDF_JEW_ISRAEL_2.png)

File: 836965582abd422⋯.jpg (1.01 MB,3668x3284,917:821,JIDF_JEW_ISRAEL_1.jpg)

Following conversations here can be enlightening. It wreaks of a specific mindset.

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d080c2 No.21613343

File: 939e453b4d0f1c6⋯.jpeg (21.5 KB,480x640,3:4,939e453b4d0f1c646f5c08ec0….jpeg)

File: 384404fc0346782⋯.jpeg (41.18 KB,590x350,59:35,384404fc0346782a5084ba16a….jpeg)

File: f1eb811be75235e⋯.jpeg (50.64 KB,747x573,249:191,f1eb811be75235e9d2bc597a8….jpeg)

File: 222a2acbae257f2⋯.jpeg (39.78 KB,800x600,4:3,222a2acbae257f27e6730203d….jpeg)

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01dffd No.21613345

File: f0683929596b9d4⋯.png (106.81 KB,600x600,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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096e3c No.21613346

File: 9421acf5862c9ef⋯.png (1.55 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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a0f0ca No.21613347

File: e5a56b209cf1a11⋯.gif (334.77 KB,220x220,1:1,IMG_4508.gif)

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b47388 No.21613348



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42697c No.21613349

File: 7e97d37415b4004⋯.jpg (685 KB,2560x2560,1:1,Sweet_Dreams_Q.jpg)


Thank You Baker

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8d860c No.21613350


Global reported

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911b36 No.21613351

A Day In May


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613797 No.21613352


the most intelligent female i've ever seen

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9b09c9 No.21613353

Paging the Pages:





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66593f No.21613354

File: dd4eb7a15900e93⋯.png (149.14 KB,756x900,21:25,Salvation_Army_Shield_Logo….png)

>>21611049 (pb)

Rot (red) shield. See also Salvation Army red shield. Big donation did that. How many Rotheshields can we find if we look. Or "literally" loook.

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096e3c No.21613355

File: 5824899cac01ef6⋯.jpg (134.53 KB,1114x800,557:400,IMG_5879.JPG)

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61b63c No.21613356

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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a846da No.21613357


Declass coming …

Crimes against humanity … clinton

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2e55f5 No.21613358

File: 73148ca789ab6e0⋯.png (60.95 KB,514x485,514:485,ClipboardImage.png)

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322040 No.21613359



Remember in 80's the big deal with Tampon's killing women, Toxic Shock Syndrome. Sepsis.

Today it going to be the abortion pills. Sepsis.

Needs same dramatic coverage as back then.

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c24287 No.21613360

File: 42ea9a8008369ef⋯.png (33.03 KB,1755x85,351:17,ClipboardImage.png)

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7267b3 No.21613361


Bjork or Winona?

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63009f No.21613362

File: 772ac580c801170⋯.png (283.55 KB,568x948,142:237,ClipboardImage.png)

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63009f No.21613363

File: f21c7537ba3d035⋯.png (341.2 KB,568x568,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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5d5fa4 No.21613364

File: 979792e345a6217⋯.jpeg (8.75 KB,255x134,255:134,Cops_Are_Nazis_Flag.jpeg)


I need to see your ID, Anon.

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0e6fbf No.21613365

notables @ 340

#26472 >>21612996

>>21613030 DJT: THANK YOU, MICHIGAN! #MAGA2024

>>21613033 PF: We got a BOEING RC-135 doing some reconnaissance down and back the coast of Baja California

>>21613037 RFK Jr. reveals that Trump has kept every promise he made to him

>>21613050 Dan Goldman

>>21613054 Springfield, Ohio. Haitian caused bus crash killing an 11 year old boy on first day of school. August 2023

>>21613060, >>21613071 How Many Days Later Did All Those Pagers Explode?

>>21613070, >>21613125 Whoopi Goldberg Looks Straight Into The Camera And Says Dangerous Rhetoric Isn’t A ‘Both Sides’ Issue

>>21613076 Secret Service Incompetence and Bizarre Background of Second Would-Be Trump Assassin, w/ Erik Prince

>>21613087, >>21613101, >>21613134, >>21613152, >>21613219, >>21613231 Refresher: Lucian Grainge

>>21613102 They tried assassinating Trump a week after both presidential debates

>>21613108 Former CIA Officer Reveals Shocking Details From War Meeting With Dick Cheney

>>21613117 (April 10, 2020) Diddy Hosts Town Hall on 'The State of Black America & Coronavirus'

>>21613133 The mayor of Springfield, Ohio is making millions by replacing a third of the population of his town with Haitian immigrants

>>21613143 Michaela DePrince, resilient Black ballerina who worked with Beyoncé and Madonna, dies at 29

>>21613162 Keefe D has confessed he was hired by P Diddy for $1 million to kill Tupac

>>21613177 CNN admits Kamala and their people have been lying about Trump's use of the word bloodbath

>>21613210 Elon: @GavinNewsom just announced that he signed a LAW to make parody illegal, based on this video 🤣🤣

>>21613237, >>21613282 Connecting the dots: Ryan Routh

>>21613240 Howard Lutnick: Donald Trump is here to protect the American Worker…

>>21613296 The Gold Apollo AR-924 pager uses a Lithium battery

>>21613020, >>21613027, >>21613032, >>21613052, >>21613068, >>21613088, >>21613125 Memes


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096e3c No.21613366

File: 4202d4ab2e766c7⋯.png (8.32 KB,232x217,232:217,ClipboardImage.png)



>>https://imgflip.com/i/93uke2 >>21613321


>>https://imgflip.com/i/93uke2 >>21613321




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1f3852 No.21613367

File: 3c84ea359771fd4⋯.jpeg (416 KB,1039x1665,1039:1665,IMG_5643.jpeg)

ahhh so that’s how they knew who I was

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096e3c No.21613368

File: ee13ceedf3066cc⋯.png (75.56 KB,750x1000,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)

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b47388 No.21613370


Like soap suds in your sink to thee Is and lasting about as long.

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096e3c No.21613371

File: 50ce48473d093b6⋯.png (28.48 KB,1000x1000,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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d080c2 No.21613372

File: 59a6ba6ed840df1⋯.png (214.83 KB,502x383,502:383,59a6ba6ed840df14ec2e1e6089….png)


only took 6 years

time flies when you're habbin fun

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096e3c No.21613373

File: 0ce573941b42018⋯.png (22.54 KB,750x1000,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)

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e7bfe8 No.21613374


Google Earth …

Paint the picture?

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096e3c No.21613375

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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b47388 No.21613376


Nominating this as a NOTABLE!


Beware online "filter bubbles" | Eli Pariser 13 yrs ago

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ae4b35 No.21613377

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b47388 No.21613378

File: 6e608c2a246f497⋯.jpg (173.43 KB,1920x1200,8:5,3d_digital_design_widescre….jpg)



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5d5fa4 No.21613379

File: 1141d7c5c4b9a65⋯.png (411.85 KB,908x605,908:605,ClipboardImage.png)

Is it not ironic that his name is Trump?

History is weird.

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586c88 No.21613380


I think saturns bounces the signal off the moons surface, keeps us low frequency, trapped

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613797 No.21613381

File: 9abeec4b84a58af⋯.jpg (289.13 KB,590x623,590:623,Xnip2024_09_18_00_57_46.jpg)


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0e035e No.21613382


he did not provide it.

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8727ca No.21613383

File: 0f7fea6278d13b3⋯.jpg (218 KB,949x1003,949:1003,1635270957068.jpg)


Thank you so much!

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61b63c No.21613384

File: 46dd1df327ae0a2⋯.jpeg (19.67 KB,400x400,1:1,DpHWfDsW0AA9H5e.jpeg)


>I need to see your ID, Anon.



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096e3c No.21613385

File: 3618d3d64be9406⋯.png (1.61 MB,1023x726,31:22,ClipboardImage.png)

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63009f No.21613386

The Epoch Times







A document bluntly titled "Start Taiwan Takeover Preparations as Soon as Possible" details using a so-called shadow government to seize the island from within.

They want to "make the Taiwanese people feel that they did it themselves," explains @JoshJPhilipp.



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382939 No.21613387


Well someone told me, and elon posted a pic of saturn rising from behind moons surface

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096e3c No.21613388

File: 50226402ad51f88⋯.png (125.77 KB,245x206,245:206,ClipboardImage.png)

his own kid redacted

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613797 No.21613389

File: f34161893d0527e⋯.jpg (242.38 KB,596x647,596:647,Xnip2024_09_18_01_00_44.jpg)

File: ecc13d112726324⋯.jpg (30.84 KB,172x123,172:123,Xnip2024_09_18_01_01_00.jpg)

the wonder twins


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322040 No.21613390

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


All pb




Blood red on screen when showing


and Trump image

Everything else normal black or white writing




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b47388 No.21613391

File: bb3e809f8f57cd4⋯.png (694.86 KB,768x475,768:475,ClipboardImage.png)


Speculations abound!

We're on the outskirts of the Miilkyway in retarded Time for a reason.

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2a9f32 No.21613392


I remember back in the day, we would fight for a subpoena for every request. Now, tech companies are just fuckboy glow niggers.

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28d8c6 No.21613393

File: 0a2dc3a10360653⋯.jpg (20.07 KB,600x400,3:2,aaaa.jpg)

File: 0f3fa2e4522086b⋯.png (287.05 KB,560x548,140:137,tl.png)

File: 83d77afe96a4105⋯.webp (12.26 KB,600x600,1:1,tsm.webp)

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52dd36 No.21613394

File: bf811bb6c1d42b6⋯.jpeg (9.83 KB,188x268,47:67,wnload_88.jpeg)

Presidential candidate Donald Trump will reportedly visit the National Shrine of Our Lady of Czestochowa in New Britain Township, in Pennsylvania, a swing state, on Sunday.

Info: Levittown Now

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addbae No.21613395


that kind of thinking is why the jews keep winning

no, we should band together against shlomo, who wants us divided

the palestinians are our brothers and sisters

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a0f0ca No.21613396

File: 0635786d5f912a0⋯.mp4 (2.67 MB,RPReplay_Final1726635429.mp4)

File: 07df103bc821b3d⋯.jpeg (27.85 KB,203x249,203:249,IMG_1052.jpeg)


For a quick sec I wondered why it randomly threw in a swimming seal

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5d5fa4 No.21613397


>the wonder twins

Sometimes I just miss CircleBoobAnon.

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e3a2fc No.21613398

File: 87d9541a0337c26⋯.webm (610.31 KB,427x240,427:240,silence6.webm)


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7267b3 No.21613399

SATAN: Prince of All Impurities and His Generals Against Humanity

1. BAAL: Impure thoughts and acts (mostly recreation through fornication)

2. ASMODEUS: Homosexuality in men (feminine energy)

3. LEVIATHAN: Homosexuality in men (masculine energy)

4. LILITH: Homosexuality in women

5. BAPHOMET: Fornication with and the sacrifice of children

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45ecfe No.21613400

File: 7d791fb49235b8e⋯.jpg (11.5 KB,259x194,259:194,bh5e.jpg)

File: f006f9874e83d7c⋯.jpg (32.79 KB,428x281,428:281,questions.jpg)

bees have "5 eyes"


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d080c2 No.21613401



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afd2a1 No.21613402


Was here last night

Circled the attempted assassin’s man bewbs

Anon kek’d

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096e3c No.21613403

File: 2389b02449c94c5⋯.png (5.91 KB,197x255,197:255,ClipboardImage.png)

γαϊδουροβόλτες προς ενοικίαση

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0e6fbf No.21613404

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63009f No.21613405

File: b8c94bed8504768⋯.png (114.87 KB,568x347,568:347,ClipboardImage.png)

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096e3c No.21613406


you are mixing up gollums with succubus like always

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7267b3 No.21613407

File: d4c2015ebd19a38⋯.png (1.36 MB,640x508,160:127,ClipboardImage.png)

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63009f No.21613408

File: 295c7de7c599bdc⋯.png (140.21 KB,568x540,142:135,ClipboardImage.png)

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2a9f32 No.21613409



SEAL team 1 transport exercise.

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322040 No.21613410

She needs to get her head peeled.

Sounds like threat to jaguar wright.


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096e3c No.21613411


>SATAN: slippery polyester

>1. BAAL:gross drunk habits

>2. ASMODEUS:from a video game

>3. LEVIATHAN:abomination beast

>4. LILITH: succubus

>5. BAPHOMET: goat with a telescope in vatican rhetoricals

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63009f No.21613412

File: 79b9d49b31b8fc3⋯.png (247.16 KB,568x649,568:649,ClipboardImage.png)

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b47388 No.21613413

File: 98c8de3983c844b⋯.mp4 (273.78 KB,640x352,20:11,ALIENS_One_Thing_Where_The….mp4)

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d080c2 No.21613414


Look up Anom and lettuce know what you find

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afd2a1 No.21613415

File: 50718a68b5816d6⋯.jpeg (522.98 KB,2360x795,472:159,9688D452_7FE6_4052_8405_1….jpeg)

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096e3c No.21613416

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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63009f No.21613417

File: 92390fdef184c14⋯.png (356.93 KB,534x640,267:320,ClipboardImage.png)

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827953 No.21613418

This is a really interesting documentation..will make you angry…just sauin

Springfield, Ohio Is Under A Migration Invasion. Is Your Town Next?


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c5ac01 No.21613419


9/14 turn the page bye bye speech

9/15 Trump second assassination failed attempt

9/17 pagers explode in Lebanon

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c24287 No.21613420


What does Lotan and Leviathan have in common that certain AI haven't articulated?

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3c0b6e No.21613421

File: 3e9ecc32f0dcfe7⋯.png (149.65 KB,821x575,821:575,ClipboardImage.png)

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61b63c No.21613422



>SEAL team 1 transport exercise.

There was a lot of Blackhawks up too.

Over California and near the Ozarks.

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b47388 No.21613423

File: 7302ea66f747392⋯.png (495.42 KB,558x489,186:163,ClipboardImage.png)


Boob Distraction Alert

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262408 No.21613424

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d080c2 No.21613425


reading comprehension is a necessity

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096e3c No.21613426

File: b8860fe5994c000⋯.png (11.48 KB,225x225,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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63009f No.21613427

File: 67792f60e3efb6f⋯.png (105.53 KB,568x313,568:313,ClipboardImage.png)

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3c0b6e No.21613428

File: f513186a11f30b5⋯.png (376.97 KB,486x733,486:733,ClipboardImage.png)


>Boob Distraction Alert


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2497c1 No.21613429

File: cff35f86a988d2b⋯.png (120.31 KB,639x358,639:358,ClipboardImage.png)

notice how anti white narratives go unscathed

no kvetching

no deletion

no screams of divisionfagging

even makes notables

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2a9f32 No.21613430

File: b856e340ee89b96⋯.png (2.15 MB,328x498,164:249,ClipboardImage.png)

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9b09c9 No.21613431

File: 45ba31ac70c6273⋯.jpeg (73.64 KB,514x485,514:485,IMG_1801.jpeg)

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fdf187 No.21613432

In case you're one of the anons that need it,


Keep strong.

Keep spreading the truth.

The world needs you.

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b0895c No.21613433

File: 662e0f2a4231dfc⋯.mp4 (1.97 MB,480x852,40:71,MichaelRapaport_20240917_1….mp4)


Beep beep

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2e55f5 No.21613434

File: f13eb96a41456d8⋯.png (11.69 KB,400x400,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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613797 No.21613435

File: c1214817244d4cd⋯.jpg (306.64 KB,595x677,595:677,Xnip2024_09_18_01_15_19.jpg)

🔥🚨DEVELOPING: In 2018 a man named Jonathan Oddi who claimed he was Sean Diddy Combs ‘sex slave’shot up the inside of Trump's National Doral Golf Cluband was taken into custody by the police after opening fire. Johnathan also claimed that Rick Ross, Dj Khalid and Diddy were secretly gay.


The indictment that was unsealed today claims Diddy would force women to have intercourse with his male ‘sex workers.’

I wasn’t joking when I said EVERYTHING is CONNECTED.

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d080c2 No.21613436


hey baked



and add to



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3c0b6e No.21613437

File: 78313e9fd5b1a00⋯.mp4 (656.61 KB,848x480,53:30,_BREAKING_DRONE_ATTACK_ON_….mp4)

File: 7a512d439962fe8⋯.png (181.96 KB,675x740,135:148,ClipboardImage.png)



Six UAVs targeted a military unit in Toropets, Tver region, with three drones shot down by air defense, while the remaining drones reached their target.

The attack led to a significant fire and explosions…

7:45 PM • Sep 17, 2024


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096e3c No.21613438

“pole fancier” >>21613431

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a46e08 No.21613439

File: bc796a2088400ac⋯.mp4 (7.6 MB,1280x720,16:9,htreyweyeeeryr.mp4)



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096e3c No.21613440

“Uranian.” >>21613431

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86a661 No.21613441

File: e90be6275913ef7⋯.png (239.32 KB,625x388,625:388,nsl.PNG)

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3c0b6e No.21613442

File: 9f67622424ca95d⋯.png (274.96 KB,654x1082,327:541,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 679ee260b768053⋯.mp4 (3.05 MB,496x842,248:421,Toropets_Russia_ammunition….mp4)



The ammunition warehouse in Toropets, Tver region, in Russia has been turned into volcanic region. It is still exploding. Absolutely spectacular view and possibly the biggest single event of that kind in this war.

Source: Telegram / Sternenko

9:43 PM • Sep 17, 2024


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0e6fbf No.21613443


Added. Ghosting in like 40 min if you wanna bolster that notable further.

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b47388 No.21613444

File: 230fbd831dd4355⋯.png (18 KB,220x123,220:123,ClipboardImage.png)

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a97f7c No.21613445


>>>21611414 The official TikTok account for Romania posting harvest reaping vids

some hot influencer is going to turn that into a trademarked exercise for zoomers

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b0895c No.21613446

File: d6216d7b7f2395d⋯.jpg (69.9 KB,720x565,144:113,20240917_232011.jpg)

File: 50725a0008814d5⋯.jpg (35.35 KB,903x350,129:50,20240917_231802.jpg)



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afd2a1 No.21613447

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Authorities intercept 'suspicious' package addressed to Colorado Secretary of State's Office

>white powder

>return address to “The US traitor elimination army

Glowies doing glowie stuff


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3c0b6e No.21613448

File: c25e61ecfda1978⋯.png (2.14 MB,1080x1873,1080:1873,ClipboardImage.png)

Elon Musk: They are ACTUALLY trying to make posting memes illegal. Vote them out.


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827953 No.21613449

17 times until you ask for help…


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63009f No.21613450

File: 002a5700801e884⋯.png (56.39 KB,568x238,284:119,ClipboardImage.png)

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61b63c No.21613451

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3c0b6e No.21613452

File: 9d91bc138b67f89⋯.png (1.13 MB,768x512,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

‘The View’ hosts joke that owning lubricant ‘ain’t a crime’ after Diddy’s sex trafficking arrest

“The View” hosts had to discuss the 1,000 vials of lubricant found at Diddy’s homes.


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a10a52 No.21613453


The commie lawyers always have more power than the divine people and the constitution.

Lincoln was installed for this purpose.

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b0895c No.21613454


Communism: you make tik tik while you cut weed

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096e3c No.21613455

File: ff70a70f1827e0c⋯.png (172.63 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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72bc31 No.21613456

File: 5e5adf784bbb681⋯.jpg (104.14 KB,1080x1080,1:1,photo_2024_09_17_23_22_33.jpg)

Well thought out plan!

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c24287 No.21613457

>>21613277 (anon)


DailyBeast & WaPo are been outed [by Newsweek] as 'gravy' (specifically for their inquiry) into Diddy & POTUS Trump 'friendship' - the same as Epstein and 45.

There are some really stupid 'moranic' people putting org's on the map.

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613797 No.21613458

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e3a2fc No.21613459

File: cdf53ccfee4806e⋯.jpg (163.94 KB,1024x752,64:47,diogenes_pepe.jpg)


At this point Whoopi is just displaying her desire to be a human turd spewing propagandous diarrhea for dollars.

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0874b9 No.21613460

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Note: Anon recommends, the fed guy had to scrub his social media, rod rowe was using the old tactic and using lip service, anon posted the full press conference and the one thing anon noticed was eric prince statement, reactive protection to predator active protections. a whole different mindset, what this is showing the same as the first time trump got shot is they are purposely leaving a window open for either assets to take out trump or patseys as cover to position themselves while the real sniper does the job. huge fucking deal, fuckery afoot.

The reporting by the msm and the statements by the officials are designed to bring a sense of false complenency. if they succeed this will blow up into full blown civil war, which they thing they want. it is not a good place to go,

a old saying

do not put young men against older men who have been there and survived war zones.



Greg Kelly: Another Secret Service failure, they won't get away with it


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571630 No.21613461

File: df3900a201171aa⋯.webm (2.92 MB,720x486,40:27,df3900a201171aa8b519984d5….webm)

File: 1f048f04557e737⋯.png (662.87 KB,681x888,227:296,QResearchIvankaTrump.png)

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f754d8 No.21613462

File: d75888d4bc753ae⋯.mp4 (486.12 KB,720x1280,9:16,7HAn1q08L5gXnYMl.mp4)

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0e6fbf No.21613463


Will have to ghost in 20 can you finish the bread?

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a97f7c No.21613464

1st assassination attempt to trace the comms chain

replace removed comms chain with pre-installed adjacent infiltrators

communicate with some pre-identified dumbass to repeat in a state where mess can't be rinsed.

to be continued…

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b47388 No.21613465


Not Good!

(((They))) want Russia to attack American soil to change the narrative.

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0e6fbf No.21613466

notables @ 440

#26472 >>21612996

>>21613030 DJT: THANK YOU, MICHIGAN! #MAGA2024

>>21613033 PF: We got a BOEING RC-135 doing some reconnaissance down and back the coast of Baja California

>>21613037 RFK Jr. reveals that Trump has kept every promise he made to him

>>21613050 Dan Goldman

>>21613054 (August 2023) Springfield, Ohio: Haitian illegal caused bus crash killing an 11 year old boy on first day of school

>>21613060, >>21613071 How Many Days Later Did All Those Pagers Explode?

>>21613070, >>21613125 Whoopi Goldberg Looks Straight Into The Camera And Says Dangerous Rhetoric Isn’t A ‘Both Sides’ Issue

>>21613076 Secret Service Incompetence and Bizarre Background of Second Would-Be Trump Assassin, w/ Erik Prince

>>21613087, >>21613101, >>21613134, >>21613152, >>21613219, >>21613231 Refresher: Lucian Grainge

>>21613102 They tried assassinating Trump a week after both presidential debates

>>21613117 (April 10, 2020) Diddy Hosts Town Hall on 'The State of Black America & Coronavirus'

>>21613133 The mayor of Springfield, Ohio is making millions by replacing a third of the population of his town with Haitian immigrants

>>21613143 Michaela DePrince, resilient Black ballerina who worked with Beyoncé and Madonna, dies at 29

>>21613162 Keefe D has confessed he was hired by P Diddy for $1 million to kill Tupac

>>21613177 CNN admits Kamala and their people have been lying about Trump's use of the word bloodbath

>>21613210, >>21613448 Elon: @GavinNewsom just announced that he signed a LAW to make parody illegal, based on this video 🤣🤣

>>21613237, >>21613282 Connecting the dots: Ryan Routh

>>21613239 Google and Facebook has been painting and curating your newsfeed since at least 2011

>>21613240 Howard Lutnick: Donald Trump is here to protect the American Worker…

>>21613296, >>21613309 The Gold Apollo AR-924 pager uses a Lithium battery

>>21613399 Satan and his Generals working against humanity

>>21613435, >>21613439 Refresher: (2018) Sean Diddy Combs ‘sex slave’ shot up the inside of Trump's National Doral Golf Club

>>21613437, >>21613442 Drone attack on military unit in Russia

>>21613447 Authorities intercept 'suspicious' package addressed to Colorado Secretary of State's Office

>>21613452 ‘The View’ hosts joke that owning lubricant ‘ain’t a crime’ after Diddy’s sex trafficking arrest

>>21613460 Greg Kelly: Another Secret Service failure, they won't get away with it

>>21613020, >>21613027, >>21613032, >>21613052, >>21613068, >>21613088, >>21613125, >>21613381 Memes


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c96458 No.21613467

File: d839078f868e361⋯.mp4 (2.97 MB,1280x720,16:9,000_Russia_attack_bomb.mp4)

Thank you Baker!

sorry, let myself in the back door.

Aussie Cossack


⚠️WW3 ALERT! 🚨NATO just attacked a huge Russian ammunition depot in Toropets. The Tver region Governer Igor Rudenya has confirmed the attack but details are scarce from the Russian side.

☢️Did a small nuclear weapon explode during the attack? Russian authorities have announced a full emergency evacuation of the local population. Developing story.


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d080c2 No.21613468


fixt 4U

>>21613170, >>21613296, >>21613309 The Gold Apollo AR-924 pager uses a Lithium battery

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e3a2fc No.21613469

File: 4b85faa41220734⋯.jpg (144.57 KB,1179x862,1179:862,biblical3.jpg)

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66593f No.21613470

File: 7a22169cd904cef⋯.jpg (176 KB,1280x853,1280:853,zerored_21325_1377903868_1….jpg)

File: 5d5208a7fce17c6⋯.jpg (42.64 KB,677x559,677:559,1ad8eb9e6520297761d18cfa14….jpg)

File: ddc74b3086410f2⋯.jpg (11.78 KB,400x400,1:1,6TmU_klW_400x400.jpg)

File: eccf7acfb6a123d⋯.jpg (13.94 KB,260x280,13:14,security_company_red_blue_….jpg)

File: 0a7b78c83f707bb⋯.png (471.84 KB,3840x2160,16:9,TOP_Red_Logos_of_Car_Brand….png)

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6d4ce7 No.21613471

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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6696d2 No.21613472

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

God Bless America.

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6d4ce7 No.21613473

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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f6423b No.21613474

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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66593f No.21613475

File: 7a22169cd904cef⋯.jpg (176 KB,1280x853,1280:853,zerored_21325_1377903868.jpg)

File: c466ac0edc6c3b4⋯.jpg (9.66 KB,260x280,13:14,gold_red_shield_crown_260n….jpg)

File: 0a7b78c83f707bb⋯.png (471.84 KB,3840x2160,16:9,TOP_Red_Logos_of_Car_Brand….png)

File: 1b51cd8285cdb8b⋯.jpg (282.99 KB,2800x1600,7:4,ferrari_red_shield_flat_do….jpg)

More of those darned Rot shields

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6d4ce7 No.21613476

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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2497c1 No.21613477

File: 63d5fc120f68135⋯.png (216.91 KB,478x464,239:232,ClipboardImage.png)

File: bd45bbf249dc70f⋯.png (106.56 KB,478x759,478:759,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8298f3edf8fb631⋯.png (308.92 KB,478x668,239:334,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8eee289ef274a2d⋯.png (514.63 KB,478x785,478:785,ClipboardImage.png)


dude is off his fucking rocker

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f6423b No.21613478

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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6d4ce7 No.21613479

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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6d4ce7 No.21613480

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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6d4ce7 No.21613481

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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99ffd5 No.21613482


What is in a name?

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d080c2 No.21613483


"probably someone in her family is a numbnut.

And what I mean by that is a Boule."

Divine Nine?

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2e55f5 No.21613484


Him first.

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a317ab No.21613485

File: 2ff48068ea8b1c2⋯.png (526.63 KB,636x607,636:607,ClipboardImage.png)

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5d5fa4 No.21613486

File: ca4e3178957799f⋯.png (309.53 KB,474x266,237:133,ClipboardImage.png)



Gape - the crack of Dawn.

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2e55f5 No.21613487


>‘The View’ hosts joke that owning lubricant ‘ain’t a crime’

Says those with dried up snatches that nobody wants.

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3c0b6e No.21613488

File: df9e6a2e73208dc⋯.png (3.82 MB,1546x1800,773:900,ClipboardImage.png)


>Gape = Kaptain Kameltoe

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6d4ce7 No.21613489

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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3c0b6e No.21613490

File: c4a3f79e7ee8dd0⋯.png (2.22 MB,1628x1148,407:287,ClipboardImage.png)

This meme is now illegal in California

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2e55f5 No.21613491


Prolly a few chemical and or bio weapons in that depot. Plus the fallout from that shit is going to be pretty nasty.

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613797 No.21613492

File: c64fe9b29bbe60b⋯.jpeg (80.05 KB,680x672,85:84,GXug0UNXYAAm7KO.jpeg)

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c24287 No.21613493


Elites don't want an American election any longer.

doubleuef has jumped the shark.

natoe has secured US exit.

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5d5fa4 No.21613494

File: 5e8ec0a44194850⋯.png (13.72 KB,351x246,117:82,ClipboardImage.png)


>Rick Ross

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3c0b6e No.21613495

File: de53f4441c1f692⋯.png (237.62 KB,720x498,120:83,ClipboardImage.png)

I called this four years ago, and it’s only going to get worse

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a97f7c No.21613496

File: 170607089047764⋯.png (1.24 MB,1280x609,1280:609,ClipboardImage.png)


>>21611642 Alina: 9th inning, full count, game face on—let’s bring it home. VOTE TRUMP!


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3c0b6e No.21613497

File: 6f57113b9ec46f7⋯.mp4 (1.04 MB,1274x720,637:360,Newscum.mp4)



>This meme is now illegal in California

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4c8bc3 No.21613498

File: 65cb4492a8f647f⋯.jpg (37.75 KB,558x447,186:149,g.jpg)

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5d5fa4 No.21613499

File: da6b6984eeca04d⋯.jpg (50.03 KB,534x467,534:467,Huh_Amazing_Polly.jpg)

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0e6fbf No.21613500

baker is ghosted

baker is ghosted

baker is ghosted

notables @ 475

#26472 >>21612996

>>21613030 DJT: THANK YOU, MICHIGAN! #MAGA2024

>>21613033 PF: We got a BOEING RC-135 doing some reconnaissance down and back the coast of Baja California

>>21613037 RFK Jr. reveals that Trump has kept every promise he made to him

>>21613050 Dan Goldman

>>21613054 (August 2023) Springfield, Ohio: Haitian illegal caused bus crash killing an 11 year old boy on first day of school

>>21613060, >>21613071 How Many Days Later Did All Those Pagers Explode?

>>21613070, >>21613125 Whoopi Goldberg Looks Straight Into The Camera And Says Dangerous Rhetoric Isn’t A ‘Both Sides’ Issue

>>21613076 Secret Service Incompetence and Bizarre Background of Second Would-Be Trump Assassin, w/ Erik Prince

>>21613087, >>21613101, >>21613134, >>21613152, >>21613219, >>21613231 Refresher: Lucian Grainge

>>21613102 They tried assassinating Trump a week after both presidential debates

>>21613117 (April 10, 2020) Diddy Hosts Town Hall on 'The State of Black America & Coronavirus'

>>21613133 The mayor of Springfield, Ohio is making millions by replacing a third of the population of his town with Haitian immigrants

>>21613143 Michaela DePrince, resilient Black ballerina who worked with Beyoncé and Madonna, dies at 29

>>21613162 Keefe D has confessed he was hired by P Diddy for $1 million to kill Tupac

>>21613170, >>21613296, >>21613309 The Gold Apollo AR-924 pager uses a Lithium battery

>>21613177 CNN admits Kamala and their people have been lying about Trump's use of the word bloodbath

>>21613210, >>21613448 Elon: @GavinNewsom just announced that he signed a LAW to make parody illegal, based on this video 🤣🤣

>>21613237, >>21613282 Connecting the dots: Ryan Routh

>>21613239 Google and Facebook have been painting and curating your newsfeed since at least 2011

>>21613240 Howard Lutnick: Donald Trump is here to protect the American Worker…

>>21613399 Satan and his Generals working against humanity

>>21613435, >>21613439 (2018) Sean Diddy Comb's ‘sex slave’ shot up the inside of Trump's National Doral Golf Club

>>21613437, >>21613442 Drone attack on military unit in Russia

>>21613447 Authorities intercept 'suspicious' package addressed to Colorado Secretary of State's Office

>>21613452 ‘The View’ hosts joke that owning lubricant ‘ain’t a crime’ after Diddy’s sex trafficking arrest

>>21613460 Greg Kelly: Another Secret Service failure, they won't get away with it

>>21613020, >>21613027, >>21613032, >>21613052, >>21613068, >>21613088, >>21613125, >>21613381, >>21613488, >>21613490 Memes


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613797 No.21613501


yep. Freeway Rick Ross was a C_A asset who spread crack throughout LA.

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3c0b6e No.21613502

File: 222546b0e72136e⋯.png (635.62 KB,719x959,719:959,ClipboardImage.png)

=A Great and Talented Artist and Entertainer, Vanessa Horabuena!==


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3c0b6e No.21613503

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Cosby is Kamala's dad??

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a97f7c No.21613504

File: 0784c7008823fa9⋯.png (1.2 MB,1280x609,1280:609,ClipboardImage.png)

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d080c2 No.21613505


who's on top?

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6696d2 No.21613506


The moon in the US tonight has the same massive outer rainbow halo, with an inner halo that makes it look like the EOP.

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1d39e2 No.21613507

File: 080422e3e0af2fb⋯.png (115.91 KB,288x349,288:349,grammar_nazi_freddy.png)



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f6423b No.21613508

File: b361459b8d52e4c⋯.png (660.68 KB,1440x1920,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6837fc84ce40335⋯.png (213.2 KB,1235x1212,1235:1212,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ada30d05c5351ae⋯.png (841.72 KB,1241x1783,1241:1783,ClipboardImage.png)

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613797 No.21613509


>yep. Freeway Rick Ross was a C_A asset who spread crack throughout LA.

sorry. not the right Rick ross.

i don't know shit about rap.

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cd8fd9 No.21613510

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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d6b41f No.21613511


I am always right about these types of things. Those prisoners were arrayed in sitting positions. They did this with holocaust victims too. Everything has meaning.

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3c0b6e No.21613512

File: 222546b0e72136e⋯.png (635.62 KB,719x959,719:959,ClipboardImage.png)


A Great and Talented Artist and Entertainer, Vanessa Horabuena!


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6696d2 No.21613513

Q, the Fury is awake.

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1d39e2 No.21613514

File: 547bca17632457d⋯.png (775.34 KB,850x1025,34:41,grammar_toots.png)


Much better.

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3c0b6e No.21613515

File: af3fe3f08ef2fb5⋯.mp4 (4.18 MB,574x310,287:155,Steve_Forbes_tells_you_the….mp4)

File: 1fdfe566bf1c7d9⋯.png (395.18 KB,675x585,15:13,ClipboardImage.png)

Steve Forbes is not mincing words: "House of Horrors… Endless cotton candy from Kamala… vacuous campaign of feel good phrases… Calamitous agenda, one of the most ruinous in our history"

Insurrection Barbie


Steve Forbes tells you the truth about the awful economic policies of Kamala Harris.

8:56 PM • Sep 17, 2024


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c96458 No.21613516


So far Putin has avoided Kiev.

I'm not sure this warrants the obliteration he promised.

I guess we'll find out soon enough.

Anons guess is, his response will be surgical.

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f6423b No.21613517

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d080c2 No.21613518


accidents lead to prison now.

sure hope they know that.

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911b36 No.21613519

Anonymous 15 minutes ago Id: d27732 (1) [Preview] No. 145310

Q_ Cool, Clear Water [Posts 1261-1274] [720p]

53 mb

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5d5fa4 No.21613520

File: d5094c45d25af7a⋯.png (2.22 MB,1243x826,1243:826,ClipboardImage.png)

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613797 No.21613521

File: 569861fe9b3de41⋯.jpg (161.83 KB,594x500,297:250,Xnip2024_09_18_02_00_37.jpg)

Why would Gov. Ron Desantis appoint Trump-hating David Kerner , Executive Director of Fla DMV to investigate the 2nd assassination attempt on President Trump


Eyes On anons!!!

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613797 No.21613522

File: 000f3123e79fa59⋯.jpg (100.35 KB,500x500,1:1,tumblr_krp8fiNCmm1qzexpio1….jpg)


Gen X remembers

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b8d6e4 No.21613523


DMV, eh?

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827953 No.21613524


oh my fucking gosh

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d080c2 No.21613525


they call those ones criminals

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8a00ab No.21613526

I hope everything in DC dies.

Everything's a lie.

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f754d8 No.21613527

I have a dog and a couple kitties and a big orange cat I call big kitty that likes be outside at night, not my cat but sleeps inside my house during the day

I just was out about 11pm here, and throwing some trash in the bin and I saw big kitty, and I bent down to pet him and his eyes were deep orange, almost red!

he didn't act any different and before going in the house I turned around to look at him to make sure of what I saw and his eyes were still that deep color like when in twilight movie the vampires eyes turn reddish gold,

I dunno, doesn't help about the Harvest moon

I was told there'd be a reaping, like biblical, and to make sure my house was in order

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6696d2 No.21613528

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

They aren't ready for us.

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f6423b No.21613529

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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9b09c9 No.21613530

File: 97791fd0652ea37⋯.jpeg (24.6 KB,241x209,241:209,IMG_1802.jpeg)

What’s next? Golf club him?

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827953 No.21613531


How did you get into my head|! kek Good thing I am a master at counter intelligence…

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a97f7c No.21613532


>JD Vance to Deliver Remarks in Eau Claire, Wisconsin


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6d4ce7 No.21613533

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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cd8fd9 No.21613534

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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6d4ce7 No.21613535

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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827953 No.21613536


Take a deep breath, realize this is all the illusion THEY want you to experience…nothing more…embrace our world

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d080c2 No.21613537


Must have high school diploma or GED?

Oh wait…

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6d4ce7 No.21613538

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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f754d8 No.21613539


this is shadows of the real world

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a97f7c No.21613540

File: 3a21ee9235ac4a0⋯.png (475.77 KB,668x499,668:499,ClipboardImage.png)

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6d4ce7 No.21613541

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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f754d8 No.21613542

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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827953 No.21613543


I've read about that…and kinda experienced it….It's a hard thing to manouver

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3c0b6e No.21613544

File: 6ffd0e38343e0d4⋯.png (2.48 MB,1846x1786,923:893,ClipboardImage.png)




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6696d2 No.21613545

File: df4fc9e721c1b4a⋯.png (155.22 KB,450x281,450:281,1629.png)

Dreaming a new dream now. Nobody escapes.

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3c0b6e No.21613546

File: de9afea4d05ce2b⋯.png (713.4 KB,667x863,667:863,ClipboardImage.png)

The PANIC is off the charts now

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3c0b6e No.21613547

File: 0f2f13a3690dc48⋯.png (409.77 KB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


>accidents lead to prison now.


>sure hope they know that.

Kamala for PRISON 2024

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827953 No.21613548


>Dreaming a new dream now. Nobody escapes.

fuk you demon. I will live free!

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827953 No.21613549


THAT is a manifestation I can emulate!

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3c0b6e No.21613550

File: 1e0f14293ae9ce5⋯.png (2.19 MB,926x1200,463:600,ClipboardImage.png)

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6696d2 No.21613551


You are not free. You don't even recognize 1-liner Q drops. Think, Slave.

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f754d8 No.21613552

File: 46cab97b1d01645⋯.jpg (65.89 KB,520x347,520:347,alaska_strip.jpg)

>>21613477HE STORM IS OVER: Earth's magnetic field is still reverberating from a CME impact on Sept. 16th. However, the severe (G4-class) geomagnetic storm it caused is over. During the storm, auroras swept across the United States as far south as Missouri, Colorado and Arizona. Aurora alerts: SMS Text

"Just after 11 pm. on Sept. 16th, brilliant aurora bands played their song over a calm lake near Cantwell, Alaska," says photographer Todd Salat.

space weather.com

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3c0b6e No.21613553

File: e67b3cf55bcad0b⋯.png (1.45 MB,832x1216,13:19,ClipboardImage.png)




Save America

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827953 No.21613554


because Q said so? Who's the slave…I'll give you a minute to realize…

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18b004 No.21613555

File: 023443909287bf1⋯.gif (5.74 MB,384x384,1:1,023443909287bf1e03ea130ff5….gif)


>You are not free

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6d4ce7 No.21613556

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Clown >>21613544 World

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6696d2 No.21613557

The Darkness always rages against The Light.

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2a9f32 No.21613558



Looking like we are hitting the FAFO phase.

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f754d8 No.21613559


the screen is a black mirror

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2a9f32 No.21613560


That is a nuke. Low yield but a nuke for sure.

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1d39e2 No.21613561

File: b4c233f92511f23⋯.png (221.08 KB,437x341,437:341,b4c233f92511f23ccec03c82d5….png)

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aa4c17 No.21613562


ThankQ Patriot, Godspeed.

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3c0b6e No.21613563

File: 41650786e626d5b⋯.png (94.56 KB,816x584,102:73,ClipboardImage.png)

Tomorrow gonna be lit!

Donald J. Trump Posts From His Truth Social


Nassau Coliseum, on Long Island, will be a really big deal tomorrow. It will be PACKED with Patriots! We have a real chance of winning, for the first time in many decades, New York. Hundreds of thousands of Migrants, Crime at record levels, Terrorists pouring in, Inflation eating your hearts out - WHAT THE HELL DO YOU HAVE TO LOSE? VOTE FOR TRUMP! I will turn it around, get SALT back, lower your Taxes, and so much more. I’ll work with the Democrat Governor and Mayor, and make sure the funding is there to bring New York State back to levels it hasn’t seen for 50 years. People are fleeing, maybe we’ll get them to “flee back!” See you at Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum on Wednesday at 7 P.M. EST! https://event.donaldjtrump.com/events/president-donald-j-trump-to-hold-a-rally-in-uniondale-new-york

Donald Trump Truth Social 01:50 PM EST 09/17/24 @realDonaldTrump

4:51 PM · Sep 17, 2024


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827953 No.21613564

I heard this in my thoughts that President Trump does not want us fighting among ourselves! He needs us strong and viable and ready to STAND STRONG.

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f754d8 No.21613565

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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665d59 No.21613566


Thank God for the good people on our side. I keep explaining to my wife, we have the best people in the world on our side, the intelligence, and sheer precision is going to baffle the world when they move. Only anons can see this, but soon the whole world will know. We stayed low because they are that good and strong, and that is what is hard for all of us to imagine at times.

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f754d8 No.21613567


whatever she saw was in her head …

in the age of wifi, can you not see how everything is frequencies?

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cfd855 No.21613568

File: c5cfed45570fc46⋯.jpeg (61.54 KB,237x252,79:84,IMG_4160.jpeg)

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c96458 No.21613569

File: 0f1a0a4b21a1c04⋯.png (336.1 KB,554x680,277:340,ClipboardImage.png)


That's the old model, they've gone retro now.

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911b36 No.21613570

Q_ London Calling [Posts 1415-1432] [720p][39.48.00]



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84ff14 No.21613571



Why the DMV, Department of Motor Vehicles?

Remember, FDR in NYC is a drive as in drive by, right Comey?

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f754d8 No.21613572

fear, not hate, is the opposite of love

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827953 No.21613573


Thing is, there is NO REASON to battle anyone!

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a97f7c No.21613574

File: 73c683148b0aa5a⋯.png (390.11 KB,544x367,544:367,ClipboardImage.png)

>Mike Benz On The Assassin: "This Guy Is Like The Forrest Gump Of CIA Paramilitary Activity"

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f754d8 No.21613575

fear causes hate

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6696d2 No.21613576


Faith is the opposite of Fear.

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068a13 No.21613577


Clear water is a revival.

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81a894 No.21613578


Everyone with a pager




Electronic refrigerator

Ring doorbell

Charger blocs


Gaming console


Novelty led light

Traffic cam

Trail cam


Power bank

Portable drive


Train switcher

Alarm clock

A chip is a chip is a chip

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6d4ce7 No.21613579

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

🌈 Its >>21613544 Time 🌕

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1d39e2 No.21613580


>fear causes hate

Hate is a symptom of fear

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6696d2 No.21613581

File: 1c6e6d826b0a20b⋯.png (71.49 KB,640x400,8:5,possibilities.png)


>Thank God.

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1bba7e No.21613582

File: d0f3a90cde29493⋯.png (497.39 KB,903x1200,301:400,ClipboardImage.png)

DeSantis still playing DIRTY GAMES AGAINST TRUMP

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2a9f32 No.21613583

File: f2af7b52d5ae7f4⋯.png (65.39 KB,566x441,566:441,ClipboardImage.png)

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721326 No.21613584


your terms are acceptable

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827953 No.21613585

We have awards of intelligence, people who can cure hunger and thirst and benefit societies everywhere…yet we choose to annihilate countries…for what?

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cb02e5 No.21613586

Don’t page me

Don’t call me either

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273805 No.21613587

It’d be funny if Hamas & Hezbollah killed half of all Mossad.

A Spy vs. Spy MAD magazine dark humor funny.

I know I would laugh and laugh and laugh some more.

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827953 No.21613588


answer me

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3a7bc1 No.21613589


Just make the faraday cage big enough to fit you too. A faraday room would be easy. I’m sure the WH already has one.

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827953 No.21613590


>It’d be funny

How could that be funny|! EVER

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f754d8 No.21613591

File: 11347b5c0537510⋯.png (59.36 KB,1191x304,1191:304,Screenshot_2024_09_17_at_1….png)


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c96458 No.21613592


Optics: You don't want to appear bias toward Trump, then finding can't be disputed.

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f754d8 No.21613593


I think its magic when a seed is placed into the earth .. that's not technology, its magic

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1bba7e No.21613594


WEF Lib Marxists should be put on an asteroid hurtling towards Jupiter or the Sun.

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273805 No.21613595


How’s it funny laughing right now about war casualties?

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6696d2 No.21613596

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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f754d8 No.21613597

if I put my cell phone in my faraday case, is that good enough? if I break the glass its useless, I don't carry it around much except at work, and I can leave it behind when im at work, no biggie

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f754d8 No.21613598

everyone should buy a faraday case for their phones, when you want to disappear off the grid you just put it in there

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1bba7e No.21613599



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a97f7c No.21613600

File: d4ec794926b4574⋯.png (579.39 KB,785x500,157:100,ClipboardImage.png)


>Clear water is a revival.

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1d39e2 No.21613601

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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6696d2 No.21613602


Spirit Cooking Fool

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827953 No.21613603


It's called germination…such as when semen is implanted into a fertile women who will spawn a human child…did you even do school?

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1bba7e No.21613604

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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f754d8 No.21613605


its magic, its not technology

ivf is technology

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f754d8 No.21613606

I think Elon is great but he channel Ahriman, and science is not the way, its hubris

we were better off as gatherers, farming actually increases famines as no one remembers how to live off the land anymore, its true

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827953 No.21613607


oh ur all just fucking with me tonight, pretending ur so stupid!

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f754d8 No.21613608

love is magic

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6696d2 No.21613609

Remember when that guy doxxed Abortion Burger reddit/voat mod, on /voat? Crisis actor, prostitute in a bikini playing violin on the streetcorner?

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f754d8 No.21613610


im simple

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be2cb7 No.21613611

File: 6a5fce8afda9eb8⋯.jpg (77.48 KB,700x433,700:433,vitruvian_man.jpg)


President Trump: You are the SALT of the earth.

Mission Forward. Good Times. Amen.

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000000 No.21613612

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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1bba7e No.21613613


Magic is fooling people.

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d080c2 No.21613614

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a97f7c No.21613615


Pray for the zoomers, they are the future.

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be2cb7 No.21613616


We Stand at the Ready!

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6d4ce7 No.21613617

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

👪 >>21613581 👪

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6696d2 No.21613618


What would liberal tears be without us. When He said it, God already knew this future would be our present. God invented trolling.

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827953 No.21613619


simple…huh. me thinks you have an agenda to fuck shit up tonight!

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f754d8 No.21613620


Strategic Arms Limitation Talks


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000000 No.21613621


We serve at the pleasure of the President.

Ready AF.

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f754d8 No.21613622


cuz I disagree w/elon? I agree with him on some things, and others I don't so what?

im not Ashley st Clair for sure

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f754d8 No.21613623


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d080c2 No.21613624


I always thought Cosby was starting to speak out and supported conservative values, then women started to open their mouths.

Could he be a Stormy Daniels/E. Jean Carroll victim like Trump?

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5b01e5 No.21613625


>Thing is, there is NO REASON to battle anyone!

In a perfect world, correct. But first we must deal with the lazy, which is the cause of greed, which is the cause of hardships, which is the cause of violence, which is the cause of war, which is the cause of genocide.

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f754d8 No.21613626


magik is fooling people

technology is faking up Gods design

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cfd855 No.21613627

File: d42d778351536c5⋯.jpeg (732.5 KB,1284x1267,1284:1267,IMG_4305.jpeg)

File: 782a2a18eea093d⋯.jpeg (1.06 MB,1284x1270,642:635,IMG_4306.jpeg)

File: f5e353a11720d04⋯.jpeg (1.06 MB,1284x1273,1284:1273,IMG_4307.jpeg)

Q just want to say thank you for everything

Amazing to be a part in all of this

An insufficient part but a tiny sliver nonetheless

Godbless you and Q+

One of my favs by far

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827953 No.21613628



This is getting weird…but I like it

ViVa President Trump!

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f754d8 No.21613629


stupid autofill, never lets me swear

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f754d8 No.21613630


greed comes from lust for power

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6696d2 No.21613631

File: bab404e3ddb9a16⋯.png (4.42 MB,1920x1080,16:9,hive_mind.png)

Phl 2:2

"Fulfil ye my joy, that ye be likeminded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind."

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3c0b6e No.21613632

File: 86c2a468d69349e⋯.png (655.76 KB,768x432,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Our first MAHA mission, get this shit out of car seats.

99% Of Car Seats Contain Cancer-Causing Chemicals, Says New Study

Driving comes with plenty of risks, but it seems even your seats are out to get you.


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827953 No.21613633


greed hardships violence violence genocide

THESE are all FEAR

NOTHING good comes from this!

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f754d8 No.21613634


you can see Q at The End

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3c0b6e No.21613635

File: 1e0f14293ae9ce5⋯.png (2.19 MB,926x1200,463:600,ClipboardImage.png)

Report: Kamala Harris Seeks Interviews with Hosts Who Do Not Ask Follow-Up Questions

Kamala Harris wants to only sit for interviews with hosts who "tend not to ask" follow-up questions, the New York Times reported Tuesday.


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5b01e5 No.21613636


Yes, coming down on a sunny day with clear skies. I have even seen it rain at night with clear skies in a 3 foot circle with 13 to 17 inch rain drops, with no moon yet moonlight shining down in that circle out of nowhere, yet left the ground completely dry. The Ladder. The River.

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721326 No.21613637


kek, anon is done participating in that particular ritual mockery

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5b01e5 No.21613638


Correct but Triangulation requires some type of GPS or ack from an IP.

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6d4ce7 No.21613639

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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a97f7c No.21613640

File: e2c25ef3540b078⋯.png (2.95 MB,1100x1856,275:464,ClipboardImage.png)

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5b01e5 No.21613641


Amen. We are so Blessed to be living in such times as this, where we can witness miracles during our darkest days.

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6696d2 No.21613642

File: a5f2f17db6336f6⋯.png (479.78 KB,630x660,21:22,shadilay.png)


The dankest of the dank. It's what we all wanted and God wills it. We voted for Pedro and it's Happening. All glory to God.

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5b01e5 No.21613643


Everything is a technology to a technician, technically speaking that is.

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827953 No.21613644


Amen, anon I stand with you. In awe and trepidation.

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f754d8 No.21613645

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

if we embrace communism as a country, then bloodbath

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5b01e5 No.21613646


Correct, it is called spirit at it's core.

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f754d8 No.21613647


aura mazda, not Ahriman fan here

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f754d8 No.21613648


yes, that's a much better word for it

to me technology is made by man, which is great, but it has to be made with some humility or else it will be like Tower of Babel

I wish I lived in simpler times

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827953 No.21613649



wouldn't exist without God…so…where does your wonder come from?

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d080c2 No.21613650


To entrap him if he decides to do a cover-up.

The real trials will be Nuremberg 2.0.

Keep kicking that bush to see what falls out.

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5b01e5 No.21613651


>greed comes from lust for power

On the surface it seems so, but when you think about it, greedy people are that way because they are too lazy to acquire that power any other way. The end result for them with that power is to be lazy and get everyone to do what they want with the absolute least amount of effort on their part.

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f754d8 No.21613652

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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2e55f5 No.21613653

File: 554ac9c63fdc0b3⋯.png (43.14 KB,960x628,240:157,ClipboardImage.png)


Imagine the smell when tranime is in the seat.

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827953 No.21613654


>least amount of effort on their part


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5b01e5 No.21613655


It all stems from laziness. Think about it. Name the crime?

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bf50da No.21613656

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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f754d8 No.21613657


I politely disagree,

what is laziness anyway? sitting still? enjoying a beautiful picnic under a tree? we are supposed to be altering the environment constantly? I don't want to go to Mars, esp since that's where we came from when we made that planet a wasteland

I want the Kingdom of GOD restored here, and there will two earths soon, one to destruction, the other to renewal, and I have to be of the right frequency by then, so im praying a lot of the day, is that laziness?

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3c0b6e No.21613658



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f754d8 No.21613659


you sound like a good slave

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f754d8 No.21613660

we only need to work 24 hours a week or so, the rest is working for the elites to build their underground bunkers to escape what's coming which they Kant

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5b01e5 No.21613661


Thought that was you, Genius. You want to make a real fortune, put some of that intellect in a bottle. I'll send an S.O.S to you.

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827953 No.21613662


RAPE…because one cannot connect

STEAL because one cannot contribute

MURDER because one cannot conform

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b0895c No.21613663

File: a0c948d1230cdf5⋯.png (14.39 KB,246x255,82:85,44dfc925f6e0ef726bbfe8f6a1….png)

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f754d8 No.21613664

one small critique of Elon,

he doesn't change much

he doesnt evolve which he's always talking about evolution blah blah blah

but he's very stubborn and stuck in his ways

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5b01e5 No.21613665


Do you remember this?

God's will in all things, that is the hard part for us to figure out.

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3c0b6e No.21613666

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Reminder: Obama ate dogs.

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5b01e5 No.21613667


The Intellect.

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f754d8 No.21613668


ahura mazda

yes its me, not ahura, just me, and yes im a simpleton, and I work hard when I need money and shelter and the rest of the time Im on here or outside in my garden

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d080c2 No.21613669

File: 89dfb44a3568cd5⋯.jpg (37.27 KB,500x500,1:1,89dfb44a3568cd5f1ad106cd1f….jpg)


oh shit

oh shit

come at me bitch


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3c0b6e No.21613670

File: a8c534ca1ed493b⋯.png (856.8 KB,1052x615,1052:615,ClipboardImage.png)

MSNBC: Kamala Must LIE about Being a Liberal and Pretend to Be a Moderate, Just Like Tampon Walz Did…….Oops: MSNBC said the quiet part out loud.

Oops: MSNBC said the quiet part out loud.

Hayes Brown, an MSNBC writer and editor, wrote a new column today, entitled “What to make of Kamala Harris’ move to the center.” It’s an eye-opening observation and/or admission from the Democratic Party’s base. As you likely suspect, the Radical Left views the 2024 presidential election differently than Team MAGA: It’s not about making America great again, but tricking Americans into voting for a candidate who’s out of step with the voters’ ethos, goals, fears, and priorities.

And the role model for Kamala Harris’s trickery? None other than Tim Walz.

“[Kamala’s] attention is now fully on barnstorming the purple areas of swing states,” Brown wrote, “focused less on appeasing the progressive base of the party than on winning over whichever voters are still making up their minds about how to vote in November — or if at all. The result has been a campaign that’s burning through the fuel the base provided when she became the nominee.”

Alas, the only way to attract the middle, it seems, is to forego the wackier, more controversial positions of the Radical Left. In Brown’s mind, it’s a risky tradeoff.

“The goal is to convert that [progressive] energy into enough moderate votes to eke out a win against former President Donald Trump,” Brown noted. “In the process, she has steadily shed the stances she took when vying against 19 other candidates to court the progressive left in 2019.”

In a kind, nonjudgmental way, Brown pointed out that Harris has switched positions more often than an OnlyFans model.

If it were a Republican who abandoned key policy positions overnight, then to MSNBC, this would surely be emblematic of a dishonest, Machiavellian, racist politician who’ll say and do anything to get elected, of course. But since it’s a Democrat, well, it’s just par for the course. Just another day at the office!

When in Rome, ya know.


"What to make of Kamala Harris’ move to the center" link:


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f754d8 No.21613671



Steinbeck, east of eden, which is where we are

timshel was GODs greatest gift to us, the freedom of choice, free will, to embrace sin or overcome it


myself, I think its a sin to alter too much of GODs garden

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827953 No.21613672


That God gifted you with… such a gift is not to be squandered, or neglected. USE it wisely. SEE the wonders this life has to offer.

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6d4ce7 No.21613673

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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5b01e5 No.21613674


>what is laziness anyway? sitting still?

No, taking short cuts, OSPF, Open Shortest Path First. Name the crime?

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f754d8 No.21613675

everyone here for the bread

the sacrament

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5b01e5 No.21613676


What is your destiny?

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f754d8 No.21613677


taking short cuts? ohhhh of course we gotta give it an acronym, you're a woman aren't you, is this that Karli Bonne or something? a gatekeeper to Q? I pissed you off when I said I saw Q at the end of the rainbow?

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827953 No.21613678


Ima here for the conversation kek

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b0895c No.21613679

File: 12b33732386aa12⋯.mp4 (1.78 MB,720x1280,9:16,Jack_Jewell_20240918_1_new.mp4)


From playing an elf to endorsing child transition - it’s not a good look Will Ferrell.

Will Ferrel and his weird tranny friend support mutilation of children

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f754d8 No.21613680


The Spear

no escaping that for me

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3c0b6e No.21613681

File: 21a41dbe10320a9⋯.png (722.37 KB,768x512,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

No, Ohio Haitians are not legal…….Insistence that the Haitians are there legally is simply untrue.

No, Ohio Haitians are not legal

Interesting how hard Kamala and Joe supported vicious race hoaxes, like the Jussie Smollet fiasco, yet they paid no political price for it. Certainly, the media was happy to cover for them.Yet, Trump and Vance have rightfully highlighted the…


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d080c2 No.21613682


. ^^^^^^^^^^^

it a shill

it'll never get it


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7d52af No.21613683


>RAPE…because one cannot connect

>STEAL because one cannot contribute

>MURDER because one cannot conform

Rape, a short cut to winning over a relationship

Steal, a short cut to getting something without earning it or asking for help

Murder To remove an obstacle to something by removing that life that is causing it.

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3c0b6e No.21613684

File: f3f06d3776fb544⋯.png (2.29 MB,1087x1060,1087:1060,ClipboardImage.png)


Remain focused

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a66a58 No.21613685


TY, anon

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c96458 No.21613686

Are we ghosts in the machine here too?

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d080c2 No.21613687


as in tatical nuke?

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827953 No.21613688


Superior analogy!

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2a9f32 No.21613689


All sin is maliciously interfering with the destiny of someone else.

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e06423 No.21613690


Amen, to least of my breathen…

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f754d8 No.21613691


this sounds like Powers and Principalities

GOD is our Father

we are his beloved children whom some of the fallen angels were very very pissed off at how much he loves us in spite of our imperfection

but would you want to take away your children's right to hate you or love your or fear you? would you want them to be forced to love you? NO

And our Father in Heaven is way better than us, so there you go

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827953 No.21613692


pff Ima focus on beating your ass!

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6d4ce7 No.21613693

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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827953 No.21613694

sheesh…where'd every one go?

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720b93 No.21613695


The Intellect is the best way to find God, and the source of the Intellect.

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f754d8 No.21613696


well that's what bread is, communing with like minds, the spirit is there when there are people gathered in spirit of Good

Last Supper, good company and good food, I think that's all it ever was ..

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3c0b6e No.21613697

File: 6dbbc04f48fc574⋯.png (1.49 MB,828x1216,207:304,ClipboardImage.png)




>I heard this in my thoughts that President Trump does not want us fighting among ourselves! He needs us strong and viable and ready to STAND STRONG.

MANA: Make America Normal Again

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f754d8 No.21613698


actually, intellect can get it in the way, simplicity of heart is best

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b3ade2 No.21613699


Wrong, OSPF is from routing and path finding. Now go find your path. Just remember the costs.

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7a28fc No.21613700


Then that is where we will find you. Amen?

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3c0b6e No.21613701

File: 16a8ea386eee212⋯.png (266.18 KB,400x249,400:249,ClipboardImage.png)


shut up big mike

REFRESHER: It's Not Just Haitian Migrants - Barack Obama Ate Dog, Too

A resurfaced video of former President Barack Obama shows the 44th president admitting he ate dog meat as a child.


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f754d8 No.21613702


you and your acronyms, that tells me all I need to know

lose yourself, your desires, be willing to sacrifice everything, your life even, in the name of love of fellow man

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827953 No.21613703




I think I need a meet up with you guys…wanna go camping with me! kek!!!!

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c5dbbe No.21613704



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4681df No.21613705


Stay Puft Dark

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c5dbbe No.21613706


ThankQ, a solution provider always looks for the root cause. Now when we think of the problems of the world, we can address them from their root causes, which is one cause.

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690648 No.21613707

File: e0b426369034148⋯.png (209 KB,710x377,710:377,ClipboardImage.png)

Everyday something has happened since round 2 failed!

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d080c2 No.21613708

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Meet the FOAB.

Father Of All Bombs.


I doubt they would keep even tatical nukes with regular munitions.

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3c0b6e No.21613709

File: 4e5f6457ef55431⋯.png (426.34 KB,480x467,480:467,ClipboardImage.png)


>sheesh…where'd every one go?

Everyone busy trying to figure why she won't awnser the question

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c5dbbe No.21613710


>All sin is maliciously interfering with the destiny of someone else.

Not in all cases.

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f754d8 No.21613711


I don't think ill be raptured, I think I will have to endure the tribulations and at times will wish I was dead, but want to help reestablish Camelot

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827953 No.21613712


…and that one cause is…

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3c0b6e No.21613713

File: c90a5ea9eb48d0d⋯.png (2.08 MB,960x1121,960:1121,ClipboardImage.png)


>round 2 failed!

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827953 No.21613714



Not this bitch…common!

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d080c2 No.21613715


Heads on a swivel.

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6696d2 No.21613716

File: cd9617542440b59⋯.png (316.15 KB,400x225,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


Only the One has it, the one and only Creator has Life in Himself unlike literally all else.


But the breath of life is magic and only God has it. The Deep Magic. They can't recreate because there is only one who Creates. The closest they have is manifestation. But God also is above them in this, and when people pray and hope and trust in what they know is true (God's promises), and do this as one collective, those things manifest in the worst ways for the 4-6%. Prayers are the most advanced and effective (of and for all time) directed energy weapons in existence.


The thing you think is missing from this 'time' is the very thing you will find in this time. It's why we're all here, now.

Anons were born to do these things, created to do these things in the power of God's spirit. The other side does things in the power of their spirits, but God created all things, so they can logically never prevail. They're living in a delusion created by Satan. The hive-mind is calling the wilderness dwellers to come over to the promised land because we've seen it, the land that flows with keks and popcorn, with true freedom because it's based on truth itself. Anons are the biggest sleeper cell of this age, awake.

People prayed, God sent Q+/Q for the end, after many great Patriots who told the truth regardless of who was with or against them. It's the beginning of the end and it gets more obvious every day. But the end is only doomsday for the 4-6% (unless they repent, it's not like they're robots, they have free will but they are buried by the delusion). Q is the first horseman. Q+ is his crown.



All of this has happened before multiple times, this is the last time it's happening. God gave us these Timelines and we all know we were born to fight this Fight and win it, to the literal end of Time. "We're closer than you think." God wins and none of us would have it any other way except to Fight the Final Battle, for the truth, for actual reality. For the world to be free.


Amen. Both sides can show signs and wonders and do but the real miracle, people waking up. Dig Meme Pray.

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f754d8 No.21613717

Revelation 21:1 says, "Then I saw 'a new heaven and a new earth,' for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea." This verse suggests a transformation or replacement of the current heaven and earth rather than there being two simultaneous versions.

from Grok

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af7b47 No.21613718


The disciples asked Jesus about how would they know when God's Kingdom comes, and Jesus called them a wicked evil generation, they ask for a sign and no sign will be given.

That is a partial equation. Start taking signs, then try to understand what the messages were and the results that are and could have been. Amen?

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3c0b6e No.21613719

File: ea76270e3463598⋯.png (511 KB,500x455,100:91,ClipboardImage.png)


>ugly bitch


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af7b47 No.21613720


>actually, intellect can get it in the way

Then it is not intellect

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827953 No.21613721


Get SALT back!! WTF he mean by that?

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d080c2 No.21613722






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f754d8 No.21613723


I just want to see Camelot reestablished here on Earth and I feel Trump and his children and anyone they bring into their camp are going to do this over a period of many years

abundance, magic, good will

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bf50da No.21613724

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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f754d8 No.21613725

Strategic Arms Limitation Talks I believe



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690648 No.21613726

File: b9d3b6062271d79⋯.png (391.32 KB,701x646,701:646,ClipboardImage.png)

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f754d8 No.21613727


Tesla hated quantum btw

so there goes steinbart et al

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06f39a No.21613728

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

A new category emerges.

"Straight to YouTube"

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827953 No.21613729


Agreed, but WTF is with the BRINGING back salt shit mean!!

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f754d8 No.21613730

einstein was wrong, that didn't come from me, but from someone who knew, and I guess Tesla felt that way too

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3c0b6e No.21613731

File: 10c8b748d4e6ff3⋯.png (501.48 KB,599x520,599:520,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4a926bed7e9306a⋯.png (1.14 MB,891x1391,891:1391,ClipboardImage.png)


>Heads on a swivel.

The Don

John Paulson, known for his lucrative bet against subprime mortgages in 2007, said on Tuesday that he would pull all his assets out of the stock market if the Democrat nominee wins.

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f754d8 No.21613732


no more nukes world wide

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6696d2 No.21613733

File: 5e2425b465a0dcf⋯.png (1.5 MB,1052x1051,1052:1051,94e.png)

"Think of 2054."

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fdb269 No.21613734


You tell me, where is the Intellect in that?

What remains, remains to be seen.

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fdb269 No.21613735


Let's meet at Camp David.

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690648 No.21613736

Civilians injured in Ukrainian drone raid in Belgorod Region – governor

A UAV targeted a service bus transporting employees in the border settlement of Shebekino, Vyacheslav Gladkov has said

Four civilians have been injured in a Ukrainian drone attack on a bus in Russia’s Belgorod Region, Governor Vyacheslav Gladkov has said.

The raid targeted a service vehicle transporting employees in the town of Shebekino, some 5km from the Ukrainian border, Gladkov wrote in a Telegram post in the early hours of Wednesday.

Among the injured was a woman with wounds to her arms, while another was struck in her arms and feet. One man suffered shellshock and another received superficial wounds, the governor said. All of the injured are receiving the necessary treatment, he added.

Unconfirmed photos circulating on social media show what appears to be a small bus ditched on a rural road, with damage to its side section and shattered windows.


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f754d8 No.21613737


this is a testing grounds, selfishness is far worse a trait than what you consider laziness is

selfishness is the root of rape, not laziness, stupid thinking, and im simpleton, and I can even see it doesn't compute

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1d39e2 No.21613738


Can anyone recommend a decent youtube downloader for firefox?

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fdb269 No.21613739



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690648 No.21613740

File: 52ac6edd93f7e49⋯.png (165.71 KB,351x268,351:268,ClipboardImage.png)

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f754d8 No.21613741


rack em up, Dano xoxo

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d080c2 No.21613742

File: fd4b2a25ea8a64d⋯.png (670.42 KB,604x671,604:671,fd4b2a25ea8a64d7871d48aa32….png)



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827953 No.21613743


Dude…Imma fucking swim there!…kek can you call me a plane ride please?

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3b3f15 No.21613744

File: 56359107560affb⋯.png (583.91 KB,680x453,680:453,ClipboardImage.png)

was this stolt from here?

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5fcfe5 No.21613745


You are the Salt of the earth, never forget that.

If salt loses it's flavor, men will trample it in the streets.

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3b3f15 No.21613746

File: f48ff3777566926⋯.png (464.47 KB,743x545,743:545,ClipboardImage.png)

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6696d2 No.21613747


But seriously. Learn to trust God and you'll learn to live free. God Wins > You fail to trust Him, the Winner = Not Logical. Logic is trusting your own Maker to be who He informed you He is. Trust is a choice not a feeling. Feelings are liars. Passions are snares. Love is not a feeling. Affection is not a feeling. Thought always precedes an emotion. Emotions are dangerous. Trust is peace even in the storm.

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f754d8 No.21613748

In Luke 10:38-42, Martha works hard to welcome Jesus to her home. Her sister, Mary of Bethany, simply sits at his feet and listens. Both Mary and Martha serve, yet Mary understands the priority and necessity of choosing to abide with Christ.

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690648 No.21613749

‘No man has a vagina’: Women’s rally footage played at Moira Deeming defamation trial

Exiled MP Moira Deeming has told a court that it is completely uncontroversial to observe that women do not have penises and ‘no man has a vagina’.

Exiled MP Moira Deeming has told the Federal Court that it is completely uncontroversial to observe that women do not have penises and “no man has a vagina” – as protest leaders did at a Let Women Speak rally in Victoria she attended – on the second day of her cross-examination at a defamation trial in Melbourne.


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f754d8 No.21613750


Love is everything…. you speak like you are mad at me for breathing, damn

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6696d2 No.21613751

Remember before we knew about the hive-mind, we were all in a dark room together and didn't realize we weren't alone, and we dug and told and prayed about the truth. Then there was Light, and we saw we were many and we were one, and life was forever changed. Revival time.

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2e55f5 No.21613752

File: b8d0231bf68f293⋯.png (135.37 KB,400x264,50:33,ClipboardImage.png)

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690648 No.21613753

File: 6d81f3868f8ad64⋯.png (1.05 MB,1024x576,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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6696d2 No.21613754


Love is a choice. I don't even know you. And God made the rules the way they are for the good of all His children so what's the actual problem with anything.

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f754d8 No.21613755

God loves me, and he gave me free will

if don't trust its not Him I don't trust, its those around him, like the fallen angels, daggers in his back

the fallen angels are very envious and competitive and they copy your work, and they always gloating about their knowledge and superiority

and to that I say blah, blah blah, not important

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f754d8 No.21613756

when I reach my Destiny I will throw as many fallen angels as I can into the void

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d02bc0 No.21613757


>Get SALT back!! WTF he mean by that?

Jesus said to his disciples, "You are the Salt of the Earth" meaning preservers of the world and the sanctity of life. In those days they use to use salt to preserve foods because they did not have refrigeration; and utility companies.

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827953 No.21613758


You actually make NO SENSE coming from a loving God perspective…wtf

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d080c2 No.21613759


. ^^^^^^^^


since they make phones now where you can't remove the battery.

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f754d8 No.21613760


salt as on the side of the pyramids, written in hieroglyphics, with a couple other symbols, I think recipe how to make water

they were the original arks

we fled mars you see

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827953 No.21613761


>meaning preservers of the world and the sanctity of life

ooooo of course, how did I not see and understand that!

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6696d2 No.21613762


You will serve God or Mammon. End of story. Regardless of everything else and all boundaries dissolve. We all have the same choice, you are no different. Are you going to plow the field or are you going to look back. This is how life really is unless you're choosing to avoid reality.

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1d39e2 No.21613763


>everyone should buy a faraday case for their phones, when you want to disappear off the grid you just put it in there

It's called a used microwave.

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f754d8 No.21613764

File: 4eb29c120c8a4f0⋯.png (863.1 KB,3655x1841,3655:1841,Screenshot_2024_09_18_at_1….png)


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06f39a No.21613765



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6696d2 No.21613766


Can also make a nice one from the heavy mylar pouches doobage is sold in in places where that is legally sold.

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f754d8 No.21613767

Cease & Desist

C before D

Camp David?

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25d4ad No.21613768


In the same nasty words you could have been polite, but that is not selfish, that is being lazy because being nice, requires more effort from you.

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50e6ae No.21613769

Anons, sorry to ask, but my yt-dlp foo has failed. Kayne, god belss him, has gone full retard, I have no hope that the glowies will repost their retarded vid…


but for Christ sake, lets not let Kayne pretend to speak for the rest us us. I have followed him for years, and this guy is not all there.

TLDR I cant rip this vimeo due to TLS fingerprinting.

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827953 No.21613770


makes sense ya!

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f754d8 No.21613771


there its is, the sign of a fallen angel, condemnation, rebuke, superiority complex, blah blah blah

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3c0b6e No.21613772


>Cease & Desist

>C before D


TRUMP put them on NOTICE.

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25d4ad No.21613773


You are speaking to Job without a Job.

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f754d8 No.21613774


yes, declass?

enough is enough

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54de2d No.21613775


The angels had free will too…otherwise they would have fallen.

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bf50da No.21613776

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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