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File: 2b78f8339aee97e⋯.png (289.63 KB,1057x608,1057:608,1e9539dfa07b89fdc7a515c37d….png)

302fc4 No.21611299 [Last50 Posts]

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302fc4 No.21611301

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ANONS: Stay positive, eyes on the GOAL, not the OBSTACLES!


#26469 >>21610478

>>21610496 Ukraine planning ‘inhumane’ false flag attack – Russian intelligence

>>21610551 @realDonaldTrump meets with the Martin County Sheriff’s Office Deputies who arrested Routh

>>21610562 Ghislaine Maxwell's sex trafficking conviction is upheld by Manhattan court

>>21610605, >>21610804, >>21611030 Diddy begs for bail by offering $50M - as he heads to Epstein's suicide Jail

>>21610623, >>21610700 Diddy and team Groomed Children

>>21610641 Grassley and Johnson Uncover More Biden-Harris Lawfare Election Interference Against Trump

>>21610655 Ghislaine Maxwell wants to serve sex trafficking prison sentence in UK

>>21610664 "It's Hard To Have A Republic When One Side Wants To Kill Your Presidential Candidate"

>>21610673 Blumenthal threatens "subpoena power" on Biden-Harris DHS to cooperate with the Senate's investigation on first assassination attempt

>>21610684 RealClearPolitics Average Flips Pennsylvania in Favor of Donald Trump

>>21610689 US government is running the largest child trafficking ring in history

>>21610706 Trump vows to restore SALT deduction in major fiscal reversal

>>21610719 Natalie Winters: "They Know The Only Way Trump Can Lose Is By Killing Him"

>>21610765, >>21611053 JD Vance to Deliver Remarks in Eau Claire, Wisconsin

>>21610766, >>21611076, >>21611250 President Trump Hosts a Town Hall with Gov. Sarah Sanders in Flint, MI - 9/17/24

>>21610769, >>21611153 Groceries Still Too High: Kamala Harris Undermines Her Own Economic Record

>>21610771 Millersville city attorney answers questions after raid

>>21610775, >>21610796, >>21610800, >>21610818, >>21610829 CALL TO DIGG: Kamala Harris: Thank You Diddy for hosting this Townhall last night 4-10-20

>>21610799 Matt Boyle On 2nd Assassination Attempt

>>21610813 KJP is dismissive and continues to call Trump a Threat. Again again.

>>21610815, >>21610962 Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs Hit With Sex Trafficking, Racketeering Conspiracy In Major Indictment

>>21610816 Kamala Harris says she would ask Congress to 'study reparations' if elected President

>>21610821 Kamala Harris Quadruples Down on Current Administration’s Israel Policies

>>21610831 Nassim Taleb: People Aren't Seeing The Real De-Dollarization

>>21610837, >>21610896, >>21610978, >>21610986, >>21610997 Terrorists detonate hundreds of pagers simultaneously across Lebanon killing and injuring many

>>21610894 Mike Benz On The Assassin: "This Guy Is Like The Forrest Gump Of CIA Paramilitary Activity"

>>21610920 Employee of Chinese State-Owned Defense Contractor Charged with Hacking NASA, U.S. Military

>>21610966 Oracle's Larry Ellison Hopes for AI-Powered Surveillance Hellscape to Keep Americans on ‘Best Behavior

>>21610975 There is nothing more profitable in our society today than a sick child.

>>21610989, >>21611008, >>21611019 anon bun of PB notables after 2nd assassination attempt habbened

>>21611003 Mike Davis Hammers Importance Of Transparency By Election Officials

>>21611024, >>21611025 PF Gitmo Express

>>21611004, >>21611032 Paging Mr. DIGZ - Did Israel give away a Cabal secret weapon? DIG CALL

>>21611059 Tucker Carlson, RFK Jr, and Larry Elder React to Second Trump Shooting

>>21611063 Vivek hosting a town hall in Springfield, OH at 6:30pm on Thursday

>>21611104 Kamala Intoxicated? Sauced? Crying Shame? You decide.

>>21611184, >>21611222 TRUMP TRUTH BIG LEAD!

>>21611245 Age of Rage: 26 Million Americans Believe Political Violence is Justified

>>21611297 #26469

#26468-B >>21609656

>>21609932 Major companies abandon an LGBTQ+ rights report card after facing anti-diversity backlash

>>21609935 Local institutions have moved $40 billion out of Israel since start of war – report

>>21609948 Former first lady Melania Trump left her husband Donald’s namesake Midtown tower under heavy guard Tuesday

>>21609957 Loose electrical cable found on ship that caused Baltimore bridge collapse

>>21609958 Israel Kills 20 More Palestinians in the Gaza Strip

>>21609967 Ohio Gov Mike DeWine refusing to identify foreign actors who called in majority of hoax bomb threats in Springfield, Ohio

>>21609972 Israeli diplomats are lobbying (bribes/blackmail) U.S. politicians to pressure South Africa into dropping ICJ genocide case

>>21609988, >>21610015 Erik Prince on Trump Assassins Appearing in BlackRock Commercials, “The Statistical Likelihood of that Being Random Is Impossible”

>>21610081 Hillary Clinton accuses of Musk of 'threatening to rape' Taylor Swift

>>21610093 POTUS T Book:Great news — My new book, SAVE AMERICA, is a hot item!

>>21610100 Swedish politician criminally prosecuted for posting cartoon questioning the benefits of mass muslim migration

>>21610113 Ecuador to enforce 8-hour nightly blackouts amid severe drought, curfew due to security concerns

>>21610142 realDonaldTrump: Early Voting in Pennsylvania. GO VOTE. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!! DJT

>>21610151, >>21610157, >>21610176 Military Twats

>>21610174 “Under SIEGE” Second Assassination Attempt Made On Donald Trump Piers Morgan Uncensored

>>21610215 TX civic group wants judge to block Ken Paxton’s investigation into voter registration efforts

>>21610220 Former TN State Public Official, Corp Exec Charged w/Conspiracy to Obstruct Justice, Commit Perjury in Connection w/$123M State Contract

>>21610237 Black socialist activists convicted for conspiring to work as Russian agents

>>21610238 Colorado State Patrol officer shot near Aurora, CO

>>21610245 CALL TO DIGG:: CACI buys Fairfax IT firm Azure Summit Technology for $1.3 billion

>>21610248 Sean Combs Charged In Manhattan Federal Court With Sex Trafficking And Other Federal Offenses

>>21610253 John Frankman: Help ing Trump Correct DoD Vaccine Mandate

>>21610200 Planefag Reports

>>21610300 Russian corruption purge expands as two more defense officials arrested

>>21610301 Disgraced Ex-BBC Anchor Huw Edwards Handed 6-Month Suspended Prison Sentence Over Child Sex Abuse Images

>>21610305 How California’s Bar Stole $95M From Client Trust Accounts to Fund Open Borders

>>21610367, >>21610385, >>21610414 TRUMP: My attempted assassin flagged by U.S. during return from Ukraine, but Homeland refused probe

>>21610387, >>21610393, >>21610382 PANIC: CNN Worries That Trump Assassination Attempts Are Helping Him Politically. “…a way to rile up his base”

>>21610401, >>21610411 WEF Insider Warns Elite Planning 'Dirty Bomb' Terror Attack at Trump Rally

>>21610428 Microsoft and BlackRock plan $30 billion fund to invest in AI infrastructure, FT reports

>>21610441 NH Governor Signs No-Excuse Voter ID And Citizenship Law

>>21610442 Steve Cohen stops trading for hedge fund Point72, Bloomberg News reports

>>21609755, >>21609766, >>21609777, >>21609787, >>21609796, >>21609852, >>21609920, >>21610038, >>21610316 Memes

>>21610450 #26468-B

#26468-A >>21609656

>>21609702 President meets w/ Ajay Banga, President of the World Bank, to discuss Bank’s work to reduce global poverty, address global challenges

>>21609705, >>21610192 Swamp Events Today

>>21609710 The democrats are down 303,000 mail in ballots. We are only down 50,000. Excellent news

>>21609711, >>21609735, >>21609865 Gov of FL mentions Vegas shooting while discussing FED agency incompetence re Trump assassination attempts

>>21609715 NATO Chief 'Welcomes' Allies Approving Attacks On Russia With Long-Range Missiles

>>21609712, >>21609719, >>21609734, >>21609780, >>21609829, >>21609928, >>21610136 Buckwheat notes

>>21609722 Zelensky (Sicko) calls for destroying the ‘comfortable life’ of Russians

>>21609746, >>21609793, >>21609760 Iranian ambassador with his face blown off, his shirt soaked in blood

>>21609751 Two Oversight Officials Fired Hours After Pointing Out Anti-Police Bias In Chicago's Office Of Police Accountability

>>21609755, >>21609766, >>21609777, >>21609787, >>21609796, >>21609852, >>21609920 Memes

>>21609765 US threatening freedom of speech – ex-Greek envoy

>>21609772 Florida sheriff fed up with school shooting hoaxes posts boy’s mugshot to social media

>>21609774 Who Was The Alleged Assassin Working With? (Ep. 2330)

>>21609775 DAF adapting, modernizing in today’s warfighting environment

>>21609783 Olympic athlete suspended over Christian gesture

>>21609802 Hillary Clinton Clinton Calls Trump "a Danger to Our Country and World” After Assassination Attempt

>>21609808, >>21609977 Ohio sheriff urges residents to collect addresses of those with Harris yard signs

>>21609816, >>21609893, >>21609953, >>21610127 Strange UFO Sighting Reported Over Downtown Tampa Last Night

>>21609830 President Donald J. Trump CEASE & DESIST Order

>>21609835, >>21609862 Seal and Unsealed Indictments Database

>>21609840 Rally Comms. Beware The Moon. Automobile + PACKED + SALT

>>21609842 AZ Sec of State: Nearly 100,000 AZ voters incorrectly listed as providing proof of citizenship

>>21609856 Georgia (country) officially bans same-sex marriage, gender reassignment surgery, pride events, public displays of LGBTQ rainbow flag

>>21609858 Hillary Clinton Says Americans Should Be Criminally Charged and Jailed for Spreading “Misinformation”

>>21609869 Biden-Harris DHS Refused to Investigate Failed Trump Shooter After He Was Flagged by Border Agents Last Year

>>21609885 Former POTUS DJT set to visit National Shrine of Our Lady of Czestochowa in New Britain Township on Sun., 9/ 22

>>21609886 Your Automobile Insurance is up 73% — VOTE FOR TRUMP, I’LL CUT THAT NUMBER IN HALF!

>>21609911 President Trump just brought the Martin County Sheriff’s Deputies who captured would-be ass*ssin Ryan Routh to Mar-a-Lago.

>>21609917 Settler mob attacks West Bank elementary school under army protection

>>21609919 NY Times refers to Trump assassin Ryan Routh as ‘crusader for causes large and small’

>>21609924, >>21610087, >>21610107, >>21610114, >>21610302 The guy in this vid from the kamala rally looks like The shooter Routh?

>>21610450 #26468-A

#26467 >>21608682



>>21608737 No way in hell that explosion is from a "hacked pager",

>>21608757 Appear to be mini shaped charges

>>21608796 Someone sold them pagers w/some type of detonator triggered by a specific page

>>21608916 That is clearly not overheating li-ion batteries.

>>21608919 That moment

>>21608923 Those are tiny batteries in tiny pagers

>>21608924 Maybe later?

>>21609028 Hip Exlosion NSFW

>>21609030 Moar Momments

>>21609048 Nova Cell the irony

>>21609103 Spoiler Images


>>21608751 Courtroom sketch of Routh, did they beat his a**?

>>21608777 PB NOTEABLE Trump shooter "wife" is a therapist at special school district of StL County

>>21608780 12:30 PM EDT LIVE: President Trump Hosts a Town Hall with Gov. Sarah Sanders in Flint, MI - 9/17/24

>>21608790 President Donald J. Trump CEASE & DESIST: I, … am watching the Sanctity of the 2024 Presidential Election ( >>21608990 c3 d4 )

>>21609536 Trump list of more than 50 quotes from Democrats, that led to the second assassination attempt on him.

>>21609549 Kremlin weighs in on Trump ‘shooter’ suspect’s Ukraine links

>>21609213 Live now 1:30 PM EDT NPl Nominee, Senator JD Vance to Deliver Remarks in Sparta, Michigan

>>21608693, >>21609183, >>21609430, >>21609435 BARRON TRUMP JOINS X


>>21608715 Whistleblower Report Exposes Major Security Failures In First Trump Assassination Attempt

>>21608750 Georgia Parliament approves bill to ban same-sex marriage

>>21608774 OTD September 17, 1787, the delegates to the Constitutional Convention met for the last time

>>21608817 HAPPY 17 Day. BQQM DAY

>>21608843 Sean "Diddy" Combs has officially been indicted on charges of s*x trafficking and racketeering.

>>21608957 On This Day in Space! Sept. 17, 1789: Saturn's 'Death Star' moon Mimas discovered

>>21609026 Don't miss the Harvest Moon Supermoon lunar eclipse tonight! Here's what to expect

>>21609067, >>21609464 Anon Bun

>>21609134 Earth from space: Ghostly figure emerges in Greenland ice after underground lake collapses

>>21609428 Space Force awards $45 million to universities for propulsion and power research

>>21609530 The Voodoo That Jews Do?

>>21609214, >>21609567 Tren de Aragua is a transnational criminal organization fromVenezuela

>>21609024, >>21609064, >>21609213, >>21609218, >>21609268, Swampenings

>>21609636 #26467

Previously Collected

>>21606923 #26464, >>21607811 #26465, >>21608634 #26466

>>21606010 #26463-C, >>21605526 #26463-B, >>21605516 #26463-A

>>21603391 #26460, >>21604285 #26461, >>21605095 #26462

>>21601530 #26458, >>21602517 #26459, >>21603394 #26460

>>21599060 #26455, >>21599934 #26456, >>21600711 #26457

Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/

Q Research Notables #24: Soldiers >>21225723

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302fc4 No.21611306

File: 432ba45c95c6133⋯.png (329.76 KB,680x670,68:67,432ba45c95c6133f0648d840f6….png)

File: 195562899874f06⋯.png (385.27 KB,523x680,523:680,195562899874f06a1f51e4bf5b….png)

File: 5a7de5e2528daee⋯.jpg (73.02 KB,500x395,100:79,5a7de5e2528daee6238c3e087c….jpg)

Baker Seeking HandOff

next baker step up

TY Anons

Fresh Dough


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ea0e7f No.21611311

File: 50297c476420f57⋯.png (254 KB,489x514,489:514,pagers_on_haitians.png)

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8742e7 No.21611320

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Thank you Baker!!!

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88ac50 No.21611321

File: 3ded9c14b36fd3f⋯.jpg (336.82 KB,720x761,720:761,1625261887391.jpg)

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35244b No.21611322

File: 3531945f6ca72ee⋯.png (466.28 KB,677x374,677:374,ClipboardImage.png)



I95 N heading into Philadelphia, PA

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94b8b2 No.21611323

File: 01eb5bbf610b974⋯.png (60.52 KB,255x162,85:54,ClipboardImage.png)

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e1b5b7 No.21611325

bingo wild card madness

msmdncdiddy all hip hopping

a cause for malfeasance cease and desist

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404192 No.21611326

mine was aways on vibrate

when it went off

it vibrated my who sam browne

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fe20eb No.21611327

File: 91d919d1dfd6b34⋯.png (72.52 KB,569x398,569:398,ClipboardImage.png)

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983333 No.21611328

File: f78dc1523913e42⋯.jpeg (93.27 KB,680x509,680:509,IMG_3835.jpeg)

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5bc6a4 No.21611329


Give them wild turkey surprise

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cd6310 No.21611330

File: d897b41e1e5c42d⋯.png (190.24 KB,680x429,680:429,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d1378b65a5fdc6f⋯.png (754.57 KB,709x1019,709:1019,ClipboardImage.png)

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35244b No.21611331

File: 72a1ab3722f76b6⋯.png (1.92 MB,1290x967,1290:967,ClipboardImage.png)

Judge: Why should we grant you bail? Diddy: Well, I come from a middle class famil[Y]

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8de8fb No.21611333

File: f768deaef22da97⋯.png (29.11 KB,1280x674,640:337,3s64d45f78367d65.png)

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69b1af No.21611334

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


TY Baker!

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3dcd3b No.21611335

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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8742e7 No.21611336

File: e658dadd3ebda9d⋯.png (32.21 KB,1280x674,640:337,f768deaef22da979abcfb73c91….png)

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cd6310 No.21611337

File: 5d8005a27506b96⋯.png (147.6 KB,710x590,71:59,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f74f7c7f9b161e0⋯.png (9.85 KB,225x225,1:1,fakeandgay.png)

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404192 No.21611338

File: 413a4f99c7c43d5⋯.jpg (19.41 KB,480x640,3:4,420190629cbebda7a77071edea….jpg)



i had this

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94b8b2 No.21611340

File: 2f5f3f1584ef1c9⋯.png (2.53 KB,310x163,310:163,flaga7ffb193423f0a5573ceee….png)

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352d46 No.21611341

File: 93d03fc8ddfaadf⋯.png (242.22 KB,366x529,366:529,ClipboardImage.png)

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d63b6e No.21611342

Kabala repeats the line "turn the page"

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cd6310 No.21611344

File: ce0f082c9ae269e⋯.jpeg (70.56 KB,710x816,355:408,speech15.jpeg)

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35244b No.21611345

File: 776b3142b7c8903⋯.png (1.43 MB,1125x632,1125:632,ClipboardImage.png)



Hear me out

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0b6a65 No.21611346

File: b7dcf5c9e44b30e⋯.png (498.58 KB,915x726,305:242,Screenshot_2024_09_17_at_1….png)


Dylan Goetz | dgoetz@mlive.com

FLINT, MI – Three first-time voters from North Branch, each 18-year-olds, are planning to cast their votes for Donald Trump in the November general election.

Allison Weathers, Elyse Jerome and Gabby Polly were some of the youngest supporters in line to see former president Donald Trump speak on Tuesday, Sept. 17 in Flint.


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404192 No.21611347

File: 31a9a378cc8c4ae⋯.jpg (278.91 KB,826x954,413:477,2373cab4_7861_4b50_8194_32….jpg)


this one

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d2133d No.21611348

File: 013d600b8f81293⋯.jpg (50.64 KB,635x391,635:391,gghezrtjtghgf.jpg)

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88ac50 No.21611349

File: ac5334bc783e923⋯.jpg (81.53 KB,1080x584,135:73,ac5334bc783e9232b6038c93fd….jpg)

File: 03020f7208b8636⋯.png (208.83 KB,370x368,185:184,03020f7208b8636fc050c6834a….png)

File: 5dffc64ed9e6704⋯.png (471.2 KB,490x842,245:421,58064786245ff0897cda02e929….png)

Prayer Time Soon

Get ready, it's going to be Biblical

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7997ea No.21611350

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE: President Trump Hosts a Town Hall with Gov. Sarah Sanders in Flint, MI - 9/17/24


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ed9b18 No.21611351


confirm handoff

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e1b5b7 No.21611352


I was traumatized by a white supremacist in my early life who always yelled 'THIS IS MAGA COUNTRY'…, sob . . sob it still hurts

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8a04ee No.21611353

File: be86c28ab6194f4⋯.jpg (1.82 MB,1440x3120,6:13,Screenshot_20240917_142528….jpg)

File: 4ba8b2a0e9f35bc⋯.jpg (1.14 MB,1440x3120,6:13,Screenshot_20240917_142715….jpg)

Thoughts on ceramic plates (presumably body armor) inside two hanging bags on either side of the would-be shooter Routh's gun?

- where obtained?

- who knows to do this?

- formal training or movies?

"Law enforcement found the rifle, a scope, two backpacks with ceramic tile and a GoPro camera in the bushes at the scene, officials said."



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06fab1 No.21611355

File: 8af11ad356446ce⋯.png (283.45 KB,1730x1400,173:140,918.png)

Wait until you learn who has been talking to you here.

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3dcd3b No.21611356

File: 67304222bf7d5d7⋯.mp4 (10.2 MB,1280x720,16:9,turninthepage.mp4)

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aed39c No.21611357

File: aaba13da792c0a0⋯.png (1.73 MB,1440x798,240:133,MAGA_SARAH_SANDERS_PATRIOT.png)

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302fc4 No.21611358


confirmed anon

thanks for stepping up

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404192 No.21611359

File: b2ff248760a2884⋯.jpg (1.2 MB,1440x1987,1440:1987,Picsart_24_09_15_19_20_10_….jpg)


those niggers are tuff

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0b6a65 No.21611361

File: 6879d173cac81aa⋯.png (1.04 MB,1100x619,1100:619,Screenshot_2024_09_17_at_1….png)

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06fab1 No.21611362


Any shots fired yert?

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575cc9 No.21611363

Distributing pagers rigged to explode via remote trigger across a target population doesn’t sound that different from distributing mRNA shots rigged to arrest peoples hearts via remote trigger across a different population.

Sounds very similar.

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dfbd42 No.21611364

File: f35ae02d2ddcb47⋯.webp (161.95 KB,1491x2600,1491:2600,giraffe_pepe.webp)

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7718da No.21611365

File: 58b8aa20f78e052⋯.png (1.77 MB,844x1170,422:585,nryrtnybryryr.PNG)

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4117e9 No.21611366

cure cancer & do the med- beds


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f07653 No.21611367


Arab intelligence services have found out how Mossad placed explosives in pager batteries.

Each battery of the exploded pager contained about 20 grams of pentaerythritol nitrate (PETN).

This high explosive is usually used in military detonators. It is similar to lithium salts used in batteries of electrical appliances. Therefore, even a thorough check by the Arabs did not find anything.

Israeli saboteurs used it in the following way: Upon a specific signal, the pagers began to short and heat up their lithium-ion batteries, but instead of burning, the battery exploded due to the PETN.

Mossad (Israeli intelligence) placed the mined batteries in the last batch of pagers that arrived in Lebanon from Taiwan (an ally of the United States).

Now the number of victims has increased to ~4,000 people. ~500 of those are critically injured.

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fb446c No.21611368


C before D

Let's see a bingo card with D names



If D isn't declassified hopefully we will know soon

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3c7fab No.21611369

File: fa7a941dda5ad42⋯.jpg (140.05 KB,888x499,888:499,68gll4.jpg)


TY, baker.

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88ac50 No.21611370

File: 2259ee0af44e592⋯.jpg (46.76 KB,861x1076,861:1076,1695409490340289.jpg)

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cd6310 No.21611371

File: a0bf0f3c631a770⋯.png (561.1 KB,680x510,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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aed39c No.21611372

File: cf84458d92d0671⋯.jpg (337.49 KB,1199x889,1199:889,Red_Blue_Hen.jpg)

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0b6a65 No.21611374

File: 1f180e2b1f42777⋯.png (959.71 KB,1210x680,121:68,Screenshot_2024_09_17_at_1….png)

Sarah takes the stage

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d63b6e No.21611375

A Russian source reports that Iran's ambassador to Lebanon has gone blind.

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4117e9 No.21611376

File: 9edd6b5501e8ad2⋯.jpeg (691.4 KB,2048x1975,2048:1975,GXtPBltWYAEydBg.jpeg)

File: 2dd889dd4dbf42f⋯.png (607.32 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240917_175143.png)

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aed39c No.21611377

File: 191238b8eae7e38⋯.png (21.5 KB,964x268,241:67,Streep_on_the_list.png)

File: 956d73dd082ee9f⋯.png (668.35 KB,936x674,468:337,streep_abromovic.png)

File: 4c5edfbf80e50a4⋯.png (331.08 KB,1215x278,1215:278,Meryl_Streep_s_Cousin_Kick….png)

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f73119 No.21611378

File: 11cdda9d6588f3a⋯.jpg (573.19 KB,1920x1190,192:119,11cdda9d6588f3acc15d04daf0….jpg)

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3c7fab No.21611379


miss dat girl

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61cb93 No.21611380

File: e48cc7eaa8cbc55⋯.png (2.04 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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cd6310 No.21611382

File: 514c8a1bf6e3f6e⋯.png (305.23 KB,640x425,128:85,ClipboardImage.png)

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aed39c No.21611383

File: c0e2756e07b9015⋯.png (281.12 KB,535x448,535:448,Acosta_d_by_Sarah_Sanders.png)

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06fab1 No.21611384


C= Cats

D= Dogs

We are on the Cats right now (don't eat the cats)

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8742e7 No.21611385

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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94b8b2 No.21611386

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


17:00 on the 17th (9-17) = 17

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d63b6e No.21611387

Unconfirmed reports Naim Qassem, Hezbollah's #2, was is among the injured.

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f07653 No.21611388




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5bc6a4 No.21611389


Did they also find the fucking box that dorito eater was presumably holding?

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9aa61a No.21611390

File: 7c0b49e308c85f2⋯.jpg (887.14 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240917_155500….jpg)

File: ea78b0cb4d69e2e⋯.jpg (489.81 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240917_155525….jpg)

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e1b5b7 No.21611391

blow the hatches - fire the torpedoes - has there ever been a moar beautiful metamorphosis. way to go Arkansas

righteous grows in beauty

evil withers in decrepit morbid vile vain defective corrupted cancerous rotted out septic shit hole

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cd6310 No.21611392

File: d6648f486e55645⋯.png (91.29 KB,618x499,618:499,ClipboardImage.png)

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69b1af No.21611393

File: fa2bee549fe881c⋯.mp4 (10.37 MB,1280x720,16:9,POTUS_Broken_System.mp4)


TY baker! o7

wrong video >>21611334


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0b6a65 No.21611394

File: 67889e596b8f000⋯.png (947.47 KB,1210x680,121:68,Screenshot_2024_09_17_at_1….png)

SHS: we're here to let you in on a little secret, God is not done with President Trump

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ed9b18 No.21611396



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aed39c No.21611397

File: 28fbe90b15877c4⋯.png (1.89 MB,1440x795,96:53,God_bless_Patriot_Sarah_Sa….png)

God bless Patriot mom Sarah Sanders, God bless President Donald J. Trump and God bless the United States of America. MAGA




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35244b No.21611398

File: e2ab86ffbe0ef54⋯.png (1.8 MB,1290x917,1290:917,ClipboardImage.png)


>Kabala repeats the line "turn the page"

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61cb93 No.21611399

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983333 No.21611400


Those have been repurposed into body armor.

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06b3a0 No.21611401

MSM news is tailored to idiots. The commercials in between to boot.

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d63b6e No.21611402


Hezbollah pager operation casualty update:

- 4,000 Hezbollah Terrorists injured.

- 400 in critical condition.

- 18 High-Ranking commanders injured.

- 500 plus lost their eyesight

- 11 Hezbollah Terrorists dead.

Numbers from Syria are not known yet. This is the biggest blow to hezbollah since it was founded

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88ac50 No.21611403

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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018183 No.21611404

File: e318917bcaa8b96⋯.png (1.53 MB,1234x694,617:347,ClipboardImage.png)


># Don't Page Me Bro!


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ab10e4 No.21611405

File: fed3ed733a67fc9⋯.jpeg (349.95 KB,751x1038,751:1038,fed3ed733a67fc9f27cc33bd6….jpeg)

File: afcab48b128ba34⋯.jpg (96.67 KB,600x487,600:487,afcab48b128ba34eee401ea541….jpg)

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41c55d No.21611406

File: 6fc54cab68c220d⋯.png (123.17 KB,557x348,557:348,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 68f0cc8d18055e2⋯.png (23.52 KB,233x134,233:134,ClipboardImage.png)


Where oh where.

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8742e7 No.21611407

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


And P = Pagers?

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302fc4 No.21611409



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bfd5b7 No.21611410

File: fbfba36fed2c253⋯.png (79.38 KB,612x897,204:299,ClipboardImage.png)


Flint, mi

Tue, September 17, 2024

07:00 pm (US/Eastern)

Get Tickets

President Donald J. Trump to Hold a Rally in Uniondale, New York


Uniondale, ny

Wed, September 18, 2024

07:00 pm (US/Eastern)

Get Tickets

President Donald J. Trump to Hold a Rally in Wilmington, NC


Wilmington, nc

Sat, September 21, 2024

02:00 pm (US/Eastern)

Get Tickets

Vice Presidential Nominee, Senator JD Vance to Deliver Remarks in Eau Claire, Wisconsin

Eau Claire, wi

Tue, September 17, 2024

04:30 pm (US/Central)

Get Tickets

Vice Presidential Nominee, Senator JD Vance to Deliver Remarks in Raleigh, NC

Raleigh, nc

Wed, September 18, 2024

03:00 pm (US/Eastern)

Get Tickets

President Donald J. Trump to Hold a Rally in Indiana, PA

Indiana, pa

Mon, September 23, 2024

07:00 pm (US/Eastern)

Get Tickets


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894156 No.21611411

File: 06d08fb8f56ca7e⋯.jpg (563.57 KB,3331x1500,3331:1500,GXtf_3FWgAIwP2b.jpg)

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d2133d No.21611412

Governor Sanders: The left has tried everything they can think of. They've tried to impeach this president. They've tried to throw him in jail. And not once, but twice, two would-be assassins have tried to take this president down. But we're here to let them in on a little secret. God is not done with President Trump. He's the toughest guy I know, and he's the fighter our country desperately needs right now.

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dfbd42 No.21611413

File: e5408e17a6659ff⋯.png (106.06 KB,361x380,19:20,ClipboardImage.png)


I'll take a 3310. Those things are indestructible.

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05a80b No.21611414

File: 95e5f6a19f90031⋯.mp4 (3.27 MB,576x1024,9:16,bagagwaa_20240917_8_new.mp4)


The official TikTok account for Romania is posting some of the sickest shit I’ve ever seen

Grim reaper comms from official Romania account

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53de9e No.21611415

File: 85f33c96e5f872b⋯.png (5.04 MB,2020x1918,1010:959,48_days_to_winning.png)

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8875c3 No.21611416

File: bc359d0108b5cc6⋯.jpg (23.84 KB,480x472,60:59,ce0a3403b0.jpg)

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3dcd3b No.21611417




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6a82f2 No.21611418

File: 721f573b0487593⋯.png (249 KB,500x445,100:89,m865nb64v34.png)

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94b8b2 No.21611419

File: df811a4a9ff3800⋯.png (371.51 KB,326x580,163:290,ClipboardImage.png)

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cd6310 No.21611420


>Numbers from Syria are not known yet. This is the biggest blow to consumber confidence since it was founded

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bfd5b7 No.21611421

LIVE: President Trump Hosts a Town Hall with Gov. Sarah Sanders in Flint, MI - 9/17/24






LIVE: President Donald Trump Town Hall in Flint, Michigan | NEWSMAX2



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06b3a0 No.21611422


The vaxxed should be very worried right now

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5bc6a4 No.21611423

File: 2816af289546d4b⋯.png (470.61 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


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d63b6e No.21611424

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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3dcd3b No.21611425


get it girl

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0b6a65 No.21611426

File: 4fdd7d2c2924f1d⋯.png (1004.95 KB,992x745,992:745,Screenshot_2024_09_17_at_1….png)

File: c99d2dae1c2b370⋯.png (1.01 MB,1200x737,1200:737,Screenshot_2024_09_17_at_1….png)

File: df9f3e7919ef58e⋯.png (599.79 KB,680x800,17:20,Screenshot_2024_09_17_at_1….png)

File: 55fc94e4bd89092⋯.png (161.09 KB,458x550,229:275,Screenshot_2024_03_10_at_1….png)

File: e9a44ab898b8efc⋯.png (12.9 KB,152x53,152:53,Screenshot_2024_09_17_at_1….png)

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cd6310 No.21611427


it's all fun until the manufactorer sues

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0ce7ef No.21611428

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


LIVE: President Trump Hosts a Town Hall with Gov. Sarah Sanders in Flint, MI - 9/17/24

President Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, will hold a Town Hall in Flint, Michigan moderated by Arkansas Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders on Tuesday, September 17, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. EDT.

RSBN will be LIVE starting at 12:30 p.m. ET.


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d63b6e No.21611429



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e1b5b7 No.21611430




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8742e7 No.21611431


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aed39c No.21611432

He's ON!

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06fab1 No.21611433


excellent thanks anon

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f07653 No.21611434

How Mossad Pulled Off A Massive Deadly Cyber Attack Against Hezbollah's Pagers

Several people are dead on the streets in Beirut after Israel hacked Hezbollah communication devices all across Lebanon, causing their batteries to explode!

Multiple injuries have so far been reported across Lebanon, including in Dahiye, Beirut, after communications devices exploded in the pockets - or in the hands - of people connected to Hezbollah in Lebanon.

Now that Comms are taken out, it is likely an Israeli invasion of Lebanon will commence within hours.

Israeli media reports that Hezbollah's entire encrypted internal communications network is down.

With Hezbollah communications now out, it seems likely to most observers that Israel will commence a full scale invasion of southern Lebanon within hours. The thinking is that Israel shut down the comms before the assault begins.

HOW IT WAS ACCOMPLISHED: Arab intelligence services have found out how Mossad placed explosives in pager batteries.

Each battery of the exploded pager contained about 20 grams of pentaerythritol nitrate (PETN).

This high explosive is usually used in military detonators. It is similar to lithium salts used in batteries of electrical appliances. Therefore, even a thorough check by the Arabs did not find anything.

Israeli saboteurs used it in the following way: Upon a specific signal, the pagers began to short and heat up their lithium-ion batteries, but instead of burning, the battery exploded due to the PETN.

Mossad (Israeli intelligence) placed the mined batteries in the last batch of pagers that arrived in Lebanon from Taiwan (an ally of the United States).

Now the number of victims has increased to ~4,000 people. ~500 of those are critically injured.

Authorities in Iran report that at least one Security Officer protecting an Iranian Ambassador, fell victim to an exploding cell phone and this has prompted Iran to begin considering if the death of Iran's President, in a helicopter crash, was actually an assassination by Israel?

One source tells me they are now looking at the cell phone of the helicopter pilot to see if his phone may have been detonated, causing the pilot to lose control and crash the Presidential Helicopter.

If Israel can use this technology against Hezbollah, it is common sense that others make seek to make use of such technology to start killing other people in other places. Perhaps officials in government? Rivals in business? Industry competitors?

What about Journalists? Has this technology already been used to silence Journalists?

This may literally mark the end of the use of cellphones by vast numbers of people.


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f494f5 No.21611435


BREAKING: Latest update from Alexis Lorenze. Her medical records and fundraiser link is in the thread. She has no insurance.

[She's super swollen and bruising 🙏 UC Irvine only gave pain meds despite being advanced lab capability hospital]

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9aa61a No.21611436

File: e19c10b7e809a86⋯.jpg (597.6 KB,2340x1080,13:6,Screenshot_20240917_160013….jpg)

File: ac7addd80ba2dec⋯.jpg (341.73 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240917_155950….jpg)

File: 4144962bce4d43f⋯.jpg (962.63 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240917_083117….jpg)

File: 04fe8b4da62a613⋯.gif (908.91 KB,640x360,16:9,waiting_bored_3388195372.gif)

File: d0c9ff0d2eacbcc⋯.jpg (507.35 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240817_000425….jpg)

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3dcd3b No.21611437

File: 1d28d1eee9252a6⋯.mp4 (581.15 KB,476x270,238:135,micro.mp4)

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ea0e7f No.21611439


Anon was so pissed when phone company stopped supporting that.

Battery lasted at least a week.

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fc2003 No.21611440

File: 759a4f29a898d17⋯.png (651.35 KB,1080x788,270:197,Screenshot_20240917_155932….png)

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ef6bec No.21611442

Why doesn't Trump seem to ever be wearing the body armor these days that was commonly evident the first go round? Weird.

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4117e9 No.21611443

File: 5b1283d62c7d83f⋯.jpg (67.29 KB,800x454,400:227,MartinXB48.jpg)

File: 5b31a16129d513c⋯.png (181.87 KB,766x1288,383:644,48_5_.png)

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6091ca No.21611444

File: c48c0873057106c⋯.png (322.49 KB,322x585,322:585,khbtta.png)

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bf4715 No.21611446

File: e03d0fe75cd5e7a⋯.png (286.44 KB,595x615,119:123,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fdb370d32e6a6c1⋯.png (257.51 KB,489x679,489:679,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 329c53755f63517⋯.png (320.1 KB,482x680,241:340,ClipboardImage.png)




Ha ha. The perp stole a car in Florida. The Feds can’t seal DeSantis off from this case no matter how hard they try.




DeSantis forced their hand. The FBI would NEVER have admitted this, if they had sole jurisdiction and could cover it up.

We need DeSantis as Attorney General!

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cd6310 No.21611447

File: cf5d32a8901d060⋯.png (291.75 KB,461x647,461:647,ClipboardImage.png)



>How Mossad Pulled Off A Massive Deadly Cyber Attack Anons

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3dcd3b No.21611448

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dfbd42 No.21611449

File: c0bb909d74f6ff1⋯.gif (160.24 KB,446x395,446:395,postingpepe2.gif)

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9cefaf No.21611450

File: 430f0c4a94804b8⋯.mp4 (1.79 MB,270x480,9:16,430f0c4a94804b88a7636c37a8….mp4)

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051b43 No.21611451

File: b359af87ad02109⋯.png (82.85 KB,234x302,117:151,ClipboardImage.png)


For the Rally Girls

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61cb93 No.21611452

File: acac444f81ddd01⋯.png (2.34 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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302fc4 No.21611453

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>ack ack ack

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06b3a0 No.21611454

File: 5a3da273f03bbe5⋯.jpeg (430.75 KB,1440x805,288:161,BE1106A2_784A_4BAE_A1EC_E….jpeg)

Does anyone, I mean a real live person, know this mental defective?

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bf4715 No.21611455

File: a0e00d3196af345⋯.png (251.03 KB,680x680,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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8742e7 No.21611456

File: 3e9e37e37ba1e4d⋯.png (37.58 KB,241x193,241:193,6e1bc623e09874f04bc6be5d03….png)

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f5299d No.21611457

File: a9299b7b7707727⋯.png (17.94 KB,445x205,89:41,Screenshot_2024_09_17_1800….png)

After two assassination attempts I think we may be only two moar weeks out from the storm. The masses are finally being awaken. They cannot unsee what they have seen. Wakey, wakey. Release the Kraken.

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0b6a65 No.21611458

File: 3dccb937860a012⋯.png (1.02 MB,1210x680,121:68,Screenshot_2024_09_17_at_1….png)

Donald Trump takes the stage

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018183 No.21611459


>turn the pa

Turn the paaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaJA

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e1b4f0 No.21611460

File: 5cdc209f0c90ce6⋯.mp4 (170.25 KB,rsYYD3FYSwn75Ymk.MOV)

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dfbd42 No.21611461


Yeah he's so destroyed that he still posts, and you accuse him of being Chinese while you're the one that displays the Chinese symbolism in your memes. It's because you're so fucking stupid is why you're not a challenge.

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cd6310 No.21611462

File: a82238bc2a9fd96⋯.png (718.1 KB,690x700,69:70,ClipboardImage.png)

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4117e9 No.21611463

File: 2e19c95c3a402ce⋯.jpeg (5.4 KB,225x225,1:1,images_2024_09_17T190548_….jpeg)

File: 5051df7036260c8⋯.jpg (72.13 KB,614x921,2:3,73770549_614.jpg)


2 boobs

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aed39c No.21611464

File: 8b6f33897801eb6⋯.png (717.37 KB,756x1020,63:85,Missed_again.png)

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d4e813 No.21611465

after watching enough political gatherings i'm convinced the speaker could come out and say…

'today i ate a snickers'

and everyone would cheer.

they'd follow up with…

'yesterday i went to 7-11 and bought a microwave lasagna'

and they'd all chant usa

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4117e9 No.21611466


ee..dumbass autocorrect

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d2133d No.21611467

God Bless Trump!

Fight! Fight! Fight!

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88ac50 No.21611468

File: 7660e266e17e47b⋯.jpg (74.46 KB,577x494,577:494,1643507731580.jpg)

File: b4fac16580e5b1f⋯.gif (103.85 KB,590x517,590:517,1643508367899.gif)

File: 6cc1af4f08700f6⋯.jpg (34.67 KB,337x337,1:1,1643507910771.jpg)


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0c751e No.21611470

File: dc4b1c3964ce47d⋯.mp4 (10.91 MB,640x360,16:9,side_of_beef.mp4)

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06b3a0 No.21611471


Kek my f’in ass off if true.

Notable if true.



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61cb93 No.21611472

File: db358ecf4718525⋯.png (872.78 KB,1170x660,39:22,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 053dc3976d73da0⋯.png (856.98 KB,1167x658,1167:658,ClipboardImage.png)

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f5299d No.21611473


Whose rug is she munchin?

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aed39c No.21611474

File: d55fe106fa35b0a⋯.png (84.94 KB,1082x108,541:54,He_loves_you_.png)

File: 0e12578f2835c92⋯.png (2.64 MB,1942x1068,971:534,He_loves_you_HE_FIGHTS_FOR….png)

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9cefaf No.21611475


>everyone would cheer

Nobody goes to Kamala rallies

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cd6310 No.21611476

File: 5df056a0fe35be5⋯.png (326.72 KB,710x1400,71:140,ClipboardImage.png)

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deff45 No.21611477

File: cf619884ff2b7e2⋯.jpg (67.85 KB,600x438,100:73,Jesus_Feeds_5000_600x438.jpg)



bless this bread

in Jesus name


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dfbd42 No.21611478

File: b24e05385f94621⋯.jpg (337.79 KB,605x900,121:180,b24e05385f94621282fd4bc1cf….jpg)

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c6a651 No.21611479


>Arab intelligence

What country again?


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894156 No.21611480

Thank God Democrats can't shoot straight.

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8b78b9 No.21611481

Was Diddy running a cult?

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94b8b2 No.21611482

File: caff5d08fa3711f⋯.jpg (127.39 KB,828x826,414:413,potusfreestyleef3516dd9.jpg)

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fc2003 No.21611483

File: 890f644c250134d⋯.png (1.2 MB,1048x807,1048:807,Screenshot_20240917_160842….png)

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c56ac8 No.21611485

oooh hes a conspiracy theorist.

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490eef No.21611486


What was the bad thing he did?

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c6a651 No.21611487


Somewhere on Parris Island a Range Master is breaking shit

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983333 No.21611488

File: f516a8e08462fbf⋯.gif (4.98 MB,512x264,64:33,IMG_3083.gif)






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c56ac8 No.21611489

the whole world is blowing up.

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4117e9 No.21611490


use a payphone dumbass..

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94b8b2 No.21611491

File: ce7ad2c4e803a17⋯.png (86.41 KB,153x265,153:265,ClipboardImage.png)

"The whole world is blowing up"


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bf4715 No.21611492

File: eb122b01ff6b274⋯.png (978.68 KB,1041x1012,1041:1012,ClipboardImage.png)

File: af4b5e4dff3eaeb⋯.png (453.59 KB,680x661,680:661,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1f47db701a4d61d⋯.png (413.9 KB,680x502,340:251,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 75ffbabb9a4a920⋯.png (387.06 KB,680x565,136:113,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7cc4d6d25de0d0c⋯.png (92.36 KB,685x425,137:85,ClipboardImage.png)


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554776 No.21611493

We’ve Got Spirit Yes We Do!

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8742e7 No.21611494

File: cd6f9f79d85a9f2⋯.png (338.17 KB,691x531,691:531,cd6f9f79d85a9f2f91df7c1f5a….png)

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9cefaf No.21611495


He is in a cult and is one of many Epsteins

Word is jayz n beyonce are worse than diddy

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bb56a7 No.21611496

File: 7c1c423f5dd9a7a⋯.jpeg (178.94 KB,2070x1092,345:182,IMG_3728.jpeg)

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fc2003 No.21611497

File: bafe0417e8d59d7⋯.png (993.68 KB,1061x1551,1061:1551,Screenshot_20240917_104909….png)





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3dcd3b No.21611498

File: 09573037e820d44⋯.png (1.54 MB,1259x839,1259:839,ClipboardImage.png)


>Was Diddy running a cult?

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9cefaf No.21611499



Elon anon like you

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dfbd42 No.21611500

File: 213c65b8e9e994e⋯.jpeg (215.32 KB,766x1024,383:512,213c65b8e9e994e0c0eee0e92….jpeg)

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35244b No.21611501

File: 94671b9d154e68c⋯.png (1.31 MB,1008x1280,63:80,ClipboardImage.png)


>the whole world is blowing up.


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e1b5b7 No.21611502


Make em shake in them panties, hell not devine nigh neigh horse semen

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bfd5b7 No.21611503


LIVE: President Trump Hosts a Town Hall with Gov. Sarah Sanders in Flint, MI - 9/17/24






LIVE: President Donald Trump Town Hall in Flint, Michigan | NEWSMAX2


Benny Johnson

Trump Speaking LIVE At Town Hall Right NOW For FIRST TIME Since New Assassination Attempt Fearless




LIVE NOW: Trump Townhall w/ Gov. Sarah Sanders, Flint Michigan | America First News & Politics | MAGA Media



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c6a651 No.21611504

File: 5cf5bef1f245d2e⋯.png (3.09 MB,2048x1354,1024:677,Hedwig.png)

His sex-change operation got botched

His guardian angel fell asleep on the watch

Now all he got is a Barbie Doll-crotch

He's got an angry inch

Six inches forward and five inches back

He's got a

He's got an angry inch

Six inches forward and five inches back

He got a

He got an angry inch

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11c1ce No.21611505


We understand this is F&G right??

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d2133d No.21611506

President Trump: If I didn't do well in 2020, I wouldn't even think about doing this. But we did phenomenally well, and bad, bad things happened; we're not going to let it happen again.

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932c05 No.21611507


Blackmail operation for "influencers".

Kept in line and made to 'endorse' x,y,z.

How many are being forced to 'support' Harris/Walz?

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9cefaf No.21611508


We’ve got Jesus, how ‘bout you?

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cd6310 No.21611509


do you?

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35244b No.21611510

File: 8285f38aa19c6d2⋯.png (2.09 MB,1436x1053,1436:1053,ClipboardImage.png)

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35244b No.21611511

File: 7f58d13315f57e0⋯.png (241.32 KB,1014x611,78:47,ClipboardImage.png)

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0b6a65 No.21611512

File: 36fbd1cebc20d96⋯.png (391.49 KB,590x350,59:35,Screenshot_2024_09_17_at_1….png)

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4117e9 No.21611513

File: f3beb3197dcbada⋯.jpeg (20.46 KB,340x340,1:1,BttpLf6CcAIHpDd.jpeg)

File: 9e0b52d545e2d3e⋯.jpg (12.49 KB,480x360,4:3,hqdefault_8_.jpg)

File: c541c609072e804⋯.jpg (47.3 KB,500x501,500:501,82k7kl.jpg)

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3dcd3b No.21611514


>How many are being forced to 'support' Harris/Walz?

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bfd5b7 No.21611515

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Awaken With JP


The 2nd Assassination Attempt - They're Desperate - LIES Ep 57



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06b3a0 No.21611516


Now I know why Lockheed Martin wants equipment electrically inspected and certified after delivery.

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aed39c No.21611517

File: 4e4b4f6c9c068a1⋯.png (2.31 MB,2298x1568,1149:784,Moments_before_the_Hezboll….png)

File: 2156847073138e1⋯.png (650.32 KB,976x548,244:137,Don_t_page_me_bro_.png)

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554776 No.21611518


Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the SPIRITual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the SPIRIT, which is the word of God.

And pray in the SPIRIT on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.

26 posts with Spirit


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f73119 No.21611519

File: b86b657d80d4e8a⋯.gif (7.16 MB,200x200,1:1,b86b657d80d4e8a69d76c835b2….gif)

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e1b5b7 No.21611520

is MI still the MOTOR CITY - or is that moar going back Kamala


strikes fear in the hearts of the enemy

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0b6a65 No.21611521

DJT: you know, only consequential Presidents get shot at

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175371 No.21611522

Trump- I'm putting a 200% tariff on vehicles manufactured outside the US and coming back in. They will be unsellable.

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0053a2 No.21611523

File: 985828b7e9564b5⋯.png (660.32 KB,1055x1055,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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8b78b9 No.21611524


10 characteristics of a cult:

>Isolating members and penalizing them for leaving

>Seeking inappropriate loyalty to their leaders

>Dishonoring the family unit

>Absolute authoritarianism without meaningful accountability.

>No tolerance for questions or critical inquiry.

>No meaningful financial disclosure regarding budget, expenses such as an independently audited financial statement.

>Unreasonable fear about the outside world, such as impending catastrophe, evil conspiracies, and persecutions.

>There is no legitimate reason to leave, former followers are always wrong in leaving, negative or even evil.

>Followers feel they can never be "good enough".

>The group/leader is always right.

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9aa61a No.21611525



"No wonder they shoot at me.'' -POTUS45

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894156 No.21611526

Now make Haitian phones explode.

For the pets.

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d2133d No.21611528

President Trump: They're owned and built by China, in Mexico [auto manufacturing plants]. A number of them going up right now, and they think they're gonna make their cars there, and they're gonna sell them across our line, and we're gonna take 'em, and we're not going to charge them tax. We're going to charge them, I'm telling you right now, I'm putting a two hundred percent tariff on, which means they are unsellable. Unsellable in the United States.

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35244b No.21611529

File: 55ecfab395aa823⋯.png (1.51 MB,733x985,733:985,ClipboardImage.png)





>>How many are being forced to 'support' Harris/Walz?

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3dcd3b No.21611530

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cd6310 No.21611532

File: 49e8820f6f24ae5⋯.png (486.2 KB,1024x682,512:341,ClipboardImage.png)

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5e2721 No.21611536

Just think…

If you filter clowns like fake pig and twat stamp anon, nothing is lost.

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e1b5b7 No.21611537

Dear Mr President can you address the unborn life, the days of legal abortion of same unborn, and final cut offs of execution of same unborn

oh and medicaid for those now suffering like American Vets, soldiers, citizens, victims, poor downtrodden everyone not immigrant…

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575cc9 No.21611538

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


In the movie the guy exploding heads was the bad guy.

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dfbd42 No.21611540

File: 46d373ab4b38bef⋯.webp (80.1 KB,1196x596,299:149,bqtfn2aa94uc1.webp)

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e1b5b7 No.21611541

why do baby killers equate Mal practice of pre-natal medical care to elected abortion of life . . .

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8a207d No.21611542



How about get rid of all these bullshit vehicle regs entirety!!! Why the hell can't I drive around in a UTV or Quad. Fuck safety. Fuck the environment. Fuck airbags and crumple zones. Fuck all that nerf bullshit. I want a diesel Toyota hilux with a snorkel or the 10k utility truck they make. Why can't I make my own jeep or VW bug from a kit and drive it. It was a fine vehicle 50 years ago!

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d2133d No.21611543

President Trump: They're one of the largest sellers now [Afghanistan], today, of military equipment in the world. Seven hundred and seventy-seven thousand rifles and guns.

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9cefaf No.21611544

File: 0bf65656b7546c5⋯.jpeg (17.04 KB,IMG_0271.jpeg)


Fukkem’up Q+!

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e1b5b7 No.21611545

kamala proposes ridding concerts and rock and roll as a bed for misinformation


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bfd5b7 No.21611546

Sarah Sanders and President Trump talk about about the 1st assingnation attempt

The crowd goes quiet, remembering what happened, then slowly erupts chanting FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT


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c5b4aa No.21611548

File: b2f9aa994161b16⋯.jpeg (132.57 KB,IMG_6289.jpeg)

In the so called great awakening, no one seems to be awakened. I see the mainstream religious trope.

I see the activism of patriotism.

I see the movements and some awareness in regards to “poison” in food and medicine itself.

But no awakening.

Jesus only lived 3 years as a Buddha.

Why does the human mind hate the higher consciousness?

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d2133d No.21611549

President Trump: If the election were a straight election, we won that election, we should have won that election, everybody knew we won the election, Putin never would have attacked.

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e1b5b7 No.21611550

how does MAGA pay for promises kept and promises made? YOU MAKE MONEY, BITCHEZ!

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8a207d No.21611551


Rayycyst. You are suppose to be offering your wife and daughter to them because Trump supports blacks

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9cefaf No.21611552

File: 0bf65656b7546c5⋯.jpeg (17.04 KB,298x169,298:169,IMG_0271.jpeg)


Fukkem’up Q+!

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bf4715 No.21611553

File: f77e65f07b5c681⋯.png (83.56 KB,412x646,206:323,ClipboardImage.png)



All of these people stepped down within 24 hrs of P. Diddy arrest.

Kevin Liles (Music Exec)

Eric Pryor (President of Fine Arts)

Johnathan Halloway (Rutgers President)

Robert B. Davis (General Manager of Martha's Vineyard)

Chris Cameron (LaCrosse Coach)

Kathy Newsham (Bay City Mayor)

LaMonica McIver (Newark City Councilman)

Allyson Green (Tisch Dean)

Craig Maladra (5th Ward Geneva)

Joseph Kerschner (Doctor)

Mike Foster (President of Nexian Travel)

Suzi Williams (Executive Director)

Romain Mazeries (CEO)

Henry Leventis (Chief Prosecutor)

Matthew Teitelbaum (MFA Director)

Darren Lehmann (Assistant Coach)

Arvind Kejriwal (Chief Minister)

Giuseppe N. Colasurdo (Doctor UTH)

~Not Damning But Peculiar

3:27 PM · Sep 17, 2024


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bf4715 No.21611554

File: f77e65f07b5c681⋯.png (83.56 KB,ClipboardImage.png)



All of these people stepped down within 24 hrs of P. Diddy arrest.

Kevin Liles (Music Exec)

Eric Pryor (President of Fine Arts)

Johnathan Halloway (Rutgers President)

Robert B. Davis (General Manager of Martha's Vineyard)

Chris Cameron (LaCrosse Coach)

Kathy Newsham (Bay City Mayor)

LaMonica McIver (Newark City Councilman)

Allyson Green (Tisch Dean)

Craig Maladra (5th Ward Geneva)

Joseph Kerschner (Doctor)

Mike Foster (President of Nexian Travel)

Suzi Williams (Executive Director)

Romain Mazeries (CEO)

Henry Leventis (Chief Prosecutor)

Matthew Teitelbaum (MFA Director)

Darren Lehmann (Assistant Coach)

Arvind Kejriwal (Chief Minister)

Giuseppe N. Colasurdo (Doctor UTH)

~Not Damning But Peculiar

3:27 PM · Sep 17, 2024


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942835 No.21611555


Agree, make airbags, self driving etc options & let consumer decide

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018183 No.21611556

File: 0565d4be5d08670⋯.png (528.86 KB,856x493,856:493,ClipboardImage.png)

LIVE: President Trump in Flint, MI

We have a governor interviewing Trump …

Not the MSM.


Donald J Trump

3.3M subscribers on TY


Sarah is lookin' good.

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e1b5b7 No.21611557

kam gives up

nice euphemism

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0053a2 No.21611558

File: 8f79f7aff51c8d3⋯.png (263.91 KB,480x478,240:239,ClipboardImage.png)

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3b3c7c No.21611559

File: 80a4d46fd7052ae⋯.png (135.54 KB,878x1206,439:603,777.png)


777000 rifles and guns

Seems on point considering exploding devices, pagers.

Think Google [new Pixel phone].

Think Apple [vs. Samsung].

Why was Blackberry destroyed?

We can guide but you must organically uncover the TRUTH.

THEY are watching.

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3da4cd No.21611560

File: 98d62538c74f9c1⋯.png (716.79 KB,569x429,569:429,capture_750_31122023_13000….png)

File: eafcc3b6a46b00d⋯.png (1.97 MB,694x988,347:494,capture_3143_09112023_2058….png)

File: dd9304b1bc06cb0⋯.png (4.47 MB,1469x1062,1469:1062,capture_2595_22022023_1919….png)

File: 2da1a2716f43edc⋯.png (1.76 MB,754x813,754:813,capture_744_12122023_18285….png)

File: 54257505f4e2910⋯.png (1.35 MB,1004x469,1004:469,_Anonymous_You_Just_now_99….png)


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3dcd3b No.21611561

File: bc194208735e6b4⋯.png (1.24 MB,1119x839,1119:839,ClipboardImage.png)

Was everyone with a pager was under live surveillance waiting for a coordinated moment to minimize collateral?

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554776 No.21611562

File: 2858075839ebdab⋯.jpeg (1.1 MB,1553x1952,1553:1952,IMG_3391.jpeg)

File: 45d7737850fe205⋯.jpeg (30.79 KB,281x180,281:180,IMG_3384.jpeg)

Happy Constitution Day!

September 17


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554776 No.21611563

File: 2858075839ebdab⋯.jpeg (1.1 MB,IMG_3391.jpeg)

File: 45d7737850fe205⋯.jpeg (30.79 KB,IMG_3384.jpeg)

Happy Constitution Day!

September 17


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4117e9 No.21611564

File: 68d44c47d45b1d2⋯.mp4 (2.79 MB,360x640,9:16,68d44c47d45b1d2b8a6ef54f92….mp4)

File: 62e43def4d67621⋯.mp4 (2.67 MB,460x258,230:129,62e43def4d6762195a67342afa….mp4)

File: 949cef68f1b2faf⋯.mp4 (7.06 MB,1920x1080,16:9,949cef68f1b2fafdb965a08863….mp4)

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8a207d No.21611565


Trips of truth… And be rid of mandatory insurance and registration and all the rest.

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bf4715 No.21611566

File: e241ae2702ee502⋯.png (38.21 KB,669x177,223:59,ClipboardImage.png)


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3dcd3b No.21611567

File: 7ea19c2b1179a44⋯.png (193.65 KB,850x999,850:999,ClipboardImage.png)


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e1b5b7 No.21611568

MI an after thought…


they're eating the cats and dawgs

you got played while watching football

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a0d1f6 No.21611569

File: bad0a413c091c0a⋯.jpeg (236.04 KB,1125x717,375:239,IMG_4101.jpeg)

File: 91ab42a744c9979⋯.png (326.57 KB,879x1114,879:1114,ClipboardImage.png)


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bfd5b7 No.21611570


PRESIDENT TRUMP: "I'm putting a 200% tariff" on cars being made in Mexico "which will make them unsellable in the United States."

"And then you wonder why I get shot at!"



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255d44 No.21611571



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894156 No.21611572

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Hezbollah's new army


I kek'd

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6c8b5a No.21611573

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

obama @ 2:10

merlin: "Yes, please"

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61cb93 No.21611574

File: 106843a97b02be5⋯.png (1.26 MB,1374x771,458:257,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 31843477aec996b⋯.png (1.36 MB,1463x822,1463:822,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9c56d654d068bde⋯.png (1.43 MB,1463x822,1463:822,ClipboardImage.png)

Longest answer in history of mankind!

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554776 No.21611575


Merry Christmas

Man I love PDJT and Team Trump!

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d87573 No.21611576

File: 4b4e25ec7ade5ce⋯.png (433.42 KB,479x533,479:533,ClipboardImage.png)

>i dont care what the goyim think, ishmael

>just tell them it was faulty batteries

>that all happened to go off at the same time

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d532bc No.21611577


YouTube, the whole ceramic tiles concept has been tested and determined quite effective but too heavy to be practical, hence why they are hanging from the fence. I don't know that they are ceramic plates per say. They might just be literal ceramic tiles from Lowes/Homeless Despot…

"Thoughts on ceramic plates (presumably body armor) inside two hanging bags on either side of the would-be shooter Routh's gun?

- where obtained?

- who knows to do this?

- formal training or movies?

"Law enforcement found the rifle, a scope, two backpacks with ceramic tile and a GoPro camera in the bushes at the scene, officials said."

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8032cf No.21611579

File: 337196fff1ad6ab⋯.png (429.93 KB,582x396,97:66,ClipboardImage.png)

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d2133d No.21611580

President Trump: Between Bagram, between; you go to ANWR, you take a look at the kind of things that we've given up, We should have that airbase, we should have that oil. We would have had a whole different country. To give up ANWR, to give up the biggest airbase, military airbase, in the world, and they left it in the dark of night, with the lights on; and they did leave the dogs behind…they left the dogs behind.

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df642b No.21611581

Sarah woulda been such a nice VP

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a0d1f6 No.21611582

File: 248ad4ba53dbe3f⋯.jpeg (889.78 KB,1125x1720,225:344,IMG_4102.jpeg)

Wow Sarah went low af


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bfd5b7 No.21611583



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cae193 No.21611584

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Lawfare against @RealDonaldTrump has ALREADY compromised the election! Great @JudicialWatch interview on DC's WMAL radio!


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a1154c No.21611585


BS chat GTP text

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ed9b18 No.21611586

notables @ 250

#26470 >>21611306

>>21611350, >>21611421 Live: President Trump Hosts a Town Hall with Gov. Sarah Sanders in Flint, MI - 9/17/24

>>21611374 Sarah takes the stage @ 6:56 / 17

>>21611458, >>21611472 Donald Trump takes the stage @ 7:04 / 47

>>21611570 Trump: I'm putting a 200% tariff on cars being made in Mexico which will make them unsellable in the United States

>>21611410 Trump rally schedule for the week

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21611414 The official TikTok account for Romania posting harvest reaping vids

>>21611434, >>21611402 Pager bombs / lithium salts / Trump said salt today

>>21611446 The Feds can’t seal DeSantis off from this case no matter how hard they try

>>21611553 All of these people stepped down within 24 hrs of P. Diddy arrest

>>21611482 Memes


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aed39c No.21611587

File: 720474afcc745e7⋯.png (2.51 MB,2874x1570,1437:785,Silence_of_the_Lambs_your_….png)

"Your anagrams are showing, Dr. Lecter."

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dfbd42 No.21611588

File: d5cf73bcc237963⋯.webm (110.99 KB,427x240,427:240,silence4.webm)


Silence, clown.

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3b3c7c No.21611589

Connecting the dots…

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5a1b85 No.21611590

Connect the dots.

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e1b5b7 No.21611591

Christmas prelude: Every time MI cheers uncontrollably a inner circle msndemon gets thrown back into the fiery pit

what do you say MI?

you want to build cars again, or go full christine king

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94b8b2 No.21611592

"Noo… That's Genius"

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d87573 No.21611593

File: f5e8bb25b0800b9⋯.png (354.57 KB,564x450,94:75,ClipboardImage.png)



fuck off and die you politically correct actual niggerfaggot with aids

go police your mom's asshole instead of my fucking speech you stupid snaggle tooth shit

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35244b No.21611594

File: 92297ba76747b35⋯.png (752.27 KB,568x501,568:501,ClipboardImage.png)





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06fab1 No.21611595


Haha and at the same time they fight to take our weapons

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dfbd42 No.21611596


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5a1b85 No.21611597

File: 841003d0ec3bd0e⋯.png (61.8 KB,1646x241,1646:241,ClipboardImage.png)

Tonight is a comms night.

Get the popcorn out.

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018183 No.21611598

File: ed05b20b61c0d9a⋯.png (210 KB,392x383,392:383,ClipboardImage.png)


>Longest answer in history of mankind!

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cafd94 No.21611599

File: be269a9e4ed7b8f⋯.jpeg (212 KB,1125x711,125:79,IMG_4103.jpeg)

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41ea6c No.21611600

File: 98842f6e806dab3⋯.jpeg (58.02 KB,624x499,624:499,98842f6e806dab33fec272576….jpeg)


Imagine paying $1,800 for the new improved apple, or android tracking device that can use baseband firmware to turn on the mike even when powered down and the battery removed.

Or go to Shenzen and buy a safed one with

From factory backdoor.

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35244b No.21611601


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3dcd3b No.21611602


>Sarah went low

Are they like straw before the wind, like chaff swept away by a storm?

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bfd5b7 No.21611603

Election Wizard 




Trump dodges bullets; Harris dodges media interviews.

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554776 No.21611604


Fun Night with PDJT!

Q and A!

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051b43 No.21611605

File: 12ab0a8589cbbba⋯.png (479.57 KB,700x394,350:197,ClipboardImage.png)

1965 AMC Rambler

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ea0e7f No.21611607


>How about get rid of all these bullshit vehicle regs entirety!!!

Not just vehicle.

Regulations have been used to drive up the price of everything in order to increase GDP. Medicine, vehicles, shower heads, electrical outlets, food, etc.

The regulatory state is part of the deep state.

Agree with you on vehicles, tho.

Would love to be able to buy one without a single computer in it.

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e1b5b7 No.21611608


nice ride in best of times

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f73119 No.21611609

File: a99522a1951107a⋯.mp4 (336.07 KB,320x320,1:1,a99522a1951107afc1a01a4848….mp4)

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bf4715 No.21611610

File: 2dbd484a67df67d⋯.png (350.07 KB,589x529,589:529,ClipboardImage.png)


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2473bb No.21611611

File: 22d9fcc6211e7f7⋯.png (1.06 MB,840x1322,420:661,Did_Something.png)

Wow Ezra! 👀.


Some people did something.

11:18 AM · Sep 17, 2024


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cae193 No.21611612

File: ae6e4e665859606⋯.png (237.48 KB,470x265,94:53,ClipboardImage.png)

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d87573 No.21611613

File: 9ac8f61f5e2884b⋯.png (17.81 KB,636x172,159:43,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f257b7880c8dad8⋯.png (18.88 KB,601x120,601:120,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 399f5ddaa2c82f5⋯.png (98.49 KB,601x769,601:769,ClipboardImage.png)


actual clowns have actual fucking offices set up in tel aviv

but don't say nothin' bout that

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cafd94 No.21611614

File: 2c5d07b8d3f6351⋯.jpeg (188.07 KB,1125x641,1125:641,IMG_4104.jpeg)

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3dcd3b No.21611615

17 How often is the lamp of the wicked put out?

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e1b5b7 No.21611616


not working on anything but more empty platitudes

mocking and scoffing gnashing assassinating evil minded evil thinking hate for humanity

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9aa61a No.21611617

File: 6609512936adf71⋯.jpg (861.17 KB,2340x1080,13:6,Screenshot_20240917_161145….jpg)

File: e3d93c05312a24b⋯.jpg (273.71 KB,1280x1024,5:4,tough2_4072924887.jpg)

File: 59f6c735491d136⋯.jpg (151.11 KB,1280x960,4:3,9693052_1955_nash_rambler_….jpg)

Turn the pager, bro



Rambler is an automobile brand name that was first used by the Thomas B. Jeffery Company between 1900 and 1914. Charles W. Nash bought Jeffery in 1916, and Nash Motors reintroduced the name to the automobile marketplace from 1950 through 1954. The "Rambler" trademark registration for use on automobiles and parts was issued on 9 March 1954 for Nash-Kelvinator. Nash merged with the Hudson Motor Car Company to form American Motors Corporation in 1954. The Rambler line of cars continued through the 1969 model year in the United States and 1983 in international markets. Rambler cars were often nicknamed the"Kenosha Cadillac"after the original location and their most significant place of manufacture in the city of Kenosha, Wisconsin. Wikipedia

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e1b5b7 No.21611618

losing our ass

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3b3c7c No.21611619

File: 1801f96bb0a0a8f⋯.mp4 (3.03 MB,1280x720,16:9,000_It_ll_start_getting_co….mp4)

The planets getting cooler now.

Right, again…

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186555 No.21611620


Really lamo

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94b8b2 No.21611621

File: 6f9c41f0db603fa⋯.png (26.78 KB,374x579,374:579,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a92ab08c4414841⋯.png (332.92 KB,374x1097,374:1097,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fa023983dcb264a⋯.png (18.92 KB,374x361,374:361,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 778dc9012c50ecc⋯.png (3.98 MB,1694x4096,847:2048,graphic4722.png)



79 or 81

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dfbd42 No.21611622

File: 1d67de50915ff10⋯.jpg (422.02 KB,900x506,450:253,afcb8b4fbc431dd0cdeadfce49….jpg)

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94b8b2 No.21611623

"It will change the whole Planet"

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d87573 No.21611624

you've glowed since you made your first fucking post

but good thing you'll never get it due to one simple thing and it's something you're incapable of not being because your agenda doesn't allow you to not be

and that's you being offended

you're offended over shitposts, memes, and words

you may as well be a liberal

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35244b No.21611625

File: a78ee048092ffcf⋯.png (1.02 MB,700x467,700:467,ClipboardImage.png)


>All of these people stepped down within 24 hrs of P. Diddy arrest.

This is a photo of P. Diddy's $40 Million Dollar Mansion in Sanctuary City Beverley Hills California– looks like a great place to put ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS.

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822900 No.21611626

File: 237a1050a9656fd⋯.jpeg (860.29 KB,1125x1780,225:356,IMG_4105.jpeg)


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932c05 No.21611627


Kevin Liles (Music Exec)


Eric Pryor (President of Fine Arts)


Johnathan Halloway (Rutgers President)


Kathy Newsham (Bay City Mayor)


LaMonica McIver (Newark City Councilman)


Any anon want to dig in from the bottom of the list?

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894156 No.21611628

Nukes end where they began.

Worldwide disarmament underway.

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94b8b2 No.21611629


people with kids

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577806 No.21611630


It’s a great letter!

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3b3c7c No.21611631

In 24 hours we can change the trading of the whole world.

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e1b5b7 No.21611632

chYna virus = Hannibal Lecter

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0b6a65 No.21611633

File: 55fc94e4bd89092⋯.png (161.09 KB,458x550,229:275,Screenshot_2024_03_10_at_1….png)

File: a9ffe2f8862ad7f⋯.png (11.42 KB,203x36,203:36,Screenshot_2024_09_17_at_1….png)


Kathy Newsham (Bay City Mayor)


madonna is fr bay city michigan


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554776 No.21611634

File: 0c936981fa3a730⋯.jpeg (1.41 MB,1620x2065,324:413,IMG_1875.jpeg)

File: 1e3417fadb3bc95⋯.jpeg (1.43 MB,1620x2120,81:106,IMG_1561.jpeg)

File: 5e249e552c27bfa⋯.jpeg (660.36 KB,750x1059,250:353,IMG_5419.jpeg)

File: 217b7aba2927bcb⋯.jpeg (1.07 MB,1170x2334,195:389,IMG_6929.jpeg)

File: 20c06acf27fb192⋯.mp4 (6.43 MB,352x640,11:20,v09044g40000c26sfgb7rulchh….mp4)


Michael Flynn, Russia and a Grand Scheme to Build Nuclear Power Plants in Saudi Arabia and the Arab World

Jeff SteinJun 09, 2017 at 7:00 AM EDT


Flynn speaks at a U.S. Institute of Peace conference on January 10. Reuters


National Security Correspondent

Updated | By the time Michael Flynn was fired as President Donald Trump's national security adviser in February, he had made a lot of bad decisions. One was taking money from the Russians (and failing to disclose it); another was taking money under the table from the Turks. But an overlooked line in his financial disclosure form, which he was forced to amend to detail those foreign payments, reveals he was also involved in one of the most audacious—and some say harebrained—schemes in recent memory: a plan to build scores of U.S. nuclear power plants in the Middle East. As a safety measure.

In 2015 and 2016, according to his filing, Flynn was an adviser to X-Co Dynamics Inc./Iron Bridge Group, which at first glance looks like just another Pentagon consultancy that ex-military officers use to fatten their wallets. Its chairman and CEO was retired Admiral Michael Hewitt; another retired admiral, Frank "Skip" Bowman, who oversaw the Navy's nuclear programs, was an adviser. Other top guns associated with it were former National Security Agency boss Keith Alexander and retired Marine Corps General James "Hoss" Cartwright, a former vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff whose stellar career was marred when he was prosecuted last year for lying to the FBI during a leak investigation.

In June 2015, knowledgeable sources tell Newsweek, Flynn flew to Egypt and Israel on behalf of X-Co/Iron Bridge. His mission: to gauge attitudes in Cairo and Jerusalem toward a plan for a joint U.S.-Russian (and Saudi-financed) program to get control over the Arab world's rush to acquire nuclear power. At the core of their concern was a fear that states in the volatile Middle East would have inadequate security for the plants and safeguards for their radioactive waste—the stuff of nuclear bombs.

But no less a concern for Flynn and his partners was the moribund U.S. nuclear industry, which was losing out to Russian and even South Korean contractors in the region. Or, as Stuart Solomon, a top executive along with Hewitt at his new venture, IP3 (International Peace, Power and Prosperity), put it in a recent speech to industry executives, "We find ourselves…standing on the sidelines and watching the competition pass us by."

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983333 No.21611636


I sceent a movie teaching me to love the bomb.

Everything will be alright.

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df642b No.21611637

POTUS: "It didn't come France, I like to call it the china virus, …. what the hell does covid mean?"

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4117e9 No.21611638

File: 2e892e1f607b03b⋯.jpg (165.82 KB,864x1390,432:695,canada_geese_and_main_buil….jpg)

File: 9b7ffd74e018557⋯.png (222.68 KB,766x1954,383:977,777_2_.png)

File: 2236e500ab95509⋯.png (407.3 KB,766x3450,383:1725,778_2_.png)

File: 60887df99242a2e⋯.png (409.75 KB,766x3494,383:1747,779_3_.png)

File: cf62cb4ddb8b6f8⋯.jpeg (10.25 KB,275x183,275:183,images_2024_09_17T193039_….jpeg)



fuck duck goose not even the cats and dogs are safe. blackberry technology

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5a1b85 No.21611639

Major Chess Players


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894156 No.21611640

File: a9a96e08f5310ad⋯.png (12.37 KB,491x153,491:153,Capture.PNG)

Its constitution day Don’t let the day pass by w/out honoring USA’s founding document/history #realhistorychannel


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cae193 No.21611641

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I posted this yesterday

Secret Service Director Makes Cryptic Reference To Coming 'Geopolitical Event, Kinetic Conflict' That Could Endanger US Leaders

What did the Secret Service chief mean by the below comments?

Ronald Rowe Jr., the Secret Service's acting director, when giving a briefing Monday from West Palm Beach, described the challenges of protecting Trump and lessons learned going forward. While critics have pointed out the glaring failures that would allow two near-miss assassination attempts on the former president and Republican nominee carried out a mere two months apart, he defended his agency, saying it had put in place the "highest levels of protection" as directed by Biden, which consisted of "counter sniper team elements" and "local tactical assets."

The Acting Secret Service Director then said: "There could be another geopolitical event that could put the United States into a kinetic conflict or some other- uh- some other issue, that may result in additional responsibilities and protectees of the Secret Service."

The comment raised eyebrows among pundits who wondered if this means the Secret Service is expecting more such violent attacks on Trump or other high-profile American political leaders. He spoke of the recent assassination attempts as highlighting the need for a 'paradigm shift'. With conflict now growing even hotter in Gaza, Lebanon, the broader Mideast region, and in Ukraine-Russia… was Director Rowe signaling there's likely more such assassination attempts to come? Does he have intelligence which suggests so? Or was he just speculating? Watch below:


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018183 No.21611642

File: cc07b4911f9c1c9⋯.png (1.31 MB,738x1391,738:1391,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6ccfe95ddc3914c⋯.png (364.83 KB,417x799,417:799,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c036ef7dd4b853d⋯.png (231.05 KB,408x375,136:125,Pepe_Sweat.png)

@AlinaHabba · 45m

9th inning, full count, game face on—let’s bring it home. VOTE TRUMP!

Sep 17, 2024, 5:47 PM


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bf4715 No.21611643

this is the way



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df642b No.21611644

POTUS: "Putin .. you are watching the major chess players"

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35244b No.21611645


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894156 No.21611646

File: 33156189d4b2a8b⋯.png (174.43 KB,473x1008,473:1008,qaggdropimage1928.png)


On the clock.

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df642b No.21611647

POTUS: "Elon Musk… hes a really wonderful wonderful guy"

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d532bc No.21611648


Kamala is an excellent role model if you want your daughter to grow up an ignorant lying whore. I have a daughter, she's voting for Trump because she's not stupid.

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cd6310 No.21611649

File: 832ff00ab510f97⋯.png (204.91 KB,710x621,710:621,ClipboardImage.png)

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e8aad0 No.21611650



Folks had one when anon was child. If I remember right it had push buttons on the dash for tranny.

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43e36d No.21611651

File: a15af8511a90d4b⋯.jpg (53.79 KB,1024x734,512:367,a15af8511a90d4bc78031986c6….jpg)


Yep! That´s what he said! Did he say in one hour or one night, too? Di I hear that?

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5a1b85 No.21611652

I hope he says MEOW tonight

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df642b No.21611653

POTUS: "We are going to have a Reciprocal Trade Act … if they charge us 100%, we charge them 100%"

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554776 No.21611654

File: e2ab2af88342038⋯.jpeg (34.49 KB,211x148,211:148,IMG_3265.jpeg)

File: 78e6b9286b25bc3⋯.jpeg (68.47 KB,602x333,602:333,IMG_3036.jpeg)

File: c652f789107557b⋯.png (1.41 MB,1620x2160,3:4,IMG_2911.png)

File: 69aedf59faa50e7⋯.png (373.59 KB,1620x2160,3:4,IMG_2912.png)


Map of the square and stationary earth : four hundred passages in the Bible that condemn the Globe Theory, or the Flying Earth, and none sustain it ; this map is the Bible map of the world


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8742e7 No.21611655

File: e56ccb8e03199dc⋯.gif (2.43 MB,289x216,289:216,ezgif_com_crop.gif)


Hubba hubba!

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df642b No.21611656

POTUS: "Trump Reciprocal Trade Act, we can leave the Trump off, "

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3dcd3b No.21611657

Did Huawei bring down Nortel?

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94b8b2 No.21611658

File: 29edc287329d033⋯.png (1.44 KB,113x48,113:48,ClipboardImage.png)




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5a1b85 No.21611659


In 24 hours he will have it done

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f494f5 No.21611660


[Florida and/or California anons can you please dig on help for her]


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d2133d No.21611661

Question: What do you see as the major threats to the future of Michigan manufacturing, autoworking jobs, and what will you do to eliminate those threats?

President Trump: The local problem is that you have countries stealing your business. Mexico is a very big one. Mexico, this year, we have a deficit with Mexico of two hundred and fifty billion dollars…we're losing our ass to Mexico. China, you don't even have to talk about. We have over a trillion dollars this year. I was charging them numbers that were unbelievable, and now he's totally given up the coast. And we're gonna lose a trillion dollars in deficits to China. That's not sustainable. We're gonna turn it all around, and we're gonna do it through taxation and tariffs. It will be done in twenty-four hours, and it will change the whole planet…literally, in a period of twenty-four hours, we can change the whole trading of the whole world. They've taken advantage of our country for years.

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bfd5b7 No.21611662

File: e88376b1941e728⋯.png (209.05 KB,720x873,80:97,common_sense_1526fba91fd32….png)

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eb9365 No.21611663

File: 70b7881701cf81e⋯.jpeg (689.46 KB,1125x637,1125:637,IMG_4106.jpeg)


It’s also your birthday, Sir! Happy Birthday! Hope it’s been wonderful!

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df642b No.21611664

POTUS: "We are going to be having free trade again"

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782b45 No.21611665

File: 0ba34d47e17c1ef⋯.jpg (93.75 KB,483x619,483:619,WIN_BAKER.jpg)

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d87573 No.21611666

File: 5a85f5b5b48d66f⋯.png (246.26 KB,564x500,141:125,ClipboardImage.png)


>breaker breaker one nine

>you get offended and seek to silence

>i do not

>that's how i know im better than you



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bf4715 No.21611667

File: d081039005885a8⋯.mp4 (2.5 MB,480x270,16:9,g3bvrwonFFraA1f_.mp4)

James O'Keefe


REVEALED: Both Individuals Involved in Trump Assassination Attempts Identified as ActBlue Donors

Thomas Matthew Crooks, the man who fired at Donald Trump in Pennsylvania, and Ryan Wesley Routh, who made an apparent assassination attempt against Trump in Florida, have both been identified as ActBlue donors.

On July 13, 2024, Thomas Matthew Crooks led an open fire on Donald Trump in an attempt to assassinate him at a Trump Rally in Butler, Pennsylvania. Despite being a registered Republican, Crooks donated $15 to ActBlue in 2021, according to the Federal Election Commision (FEC) website.

On September 15, 2024, Ryan Wesley Routh was caught with a rifle at Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach. He was soon after apprehended by authorities. Routh’s connections also extend to ActBlue, where he has donated a total of roughly $140 since 2018, according to FEC data.

Since 2004, ActBlue has amassed over $15 billion, with disturbing patterns in donation records—elderly individuals’ names and addresses are frequently used without their knowledge, raising serious concerns about the integrity of the organization.

This information was brought to light in part by a lead from @dittletv, who highlighted Ryan Wesley Routh's history as an ActBlue donor.


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923e4d No.21611668


Don't get me wrong, she's pretty hot.

But shouldn't she be, you know like… lawyering? Rather than attention whoring for simps on X?

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df642b No.21611669

POTUS: "You are going to have plants built at a level you haven't seen in 50 years"

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dfbd42 No.21611670

File: c6abe8e8833b5e7⋯.jpg (54.9 KB,339x335,339:335,c6abe8e8833b5e71f1e1403ab8….jpg)

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4117e9 No.21611671


dreams about this

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894156 No.21611672

File: e6ba5854d231429⋯.jpeg (12.32 KB,480x270,16:9,RWkWnCrbLBBSCJSNdfL3_17_5….jpeg)

Love Trump town halls.

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cae193 No.21611673

File: adb84c9a0207c03⋯.png (66.76 KB,716x478,358:239,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 122a3b1159f41e2⋯.png (95.48 KB,626x596,313:298,ClipboardImage.png)

Election Interference? Elizabeth Warren Urges Fed To Cut Rates By 75bps…

A trio of Democrat Senators wrote Jerome Powell begging for a three-quarter point cut.


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5a1b85 No.21611674

Close the border and Drill Baby Drill

That will bring down the prices

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df642b No.21611675

POTUS: "Drill baby, drill"

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3dcd3b No.21611676

File: e0716022769c2c1⋯.png (73.17 KB,596x632,149:158,ClipboardImage.png)


>you are watching the major chess players

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df642b No.21611677

POTUS: "Nice people. I like this crowd, you're smart people"

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fd6226 No.21611678

What if Mike dewine is balls deep in human trafficking in Springfield Ohio.

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d2133d No.21611679

President Trump: Day One we're doing two things, closing the border, and drill, baby, drill.

Standing Ovation!

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4117e9 No.21611680


big fucking deal. huge. Nortel networks origins is…

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3dcd3b No.21611681

File: b8b65173ad68843⋯.png (401.56 KB,373x481,373:481,azovst.png)

Was Routh medicated?

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983333 No.21611682


Did Trump really say that?

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cae193 No.21611683

Biden Regime Investigates Robert Kennedy Jr. for 20-Year-Old Whale Incident After He Endorses Donald Trump for President

Kennedy Jr. for allegedly decapitating a dead whale carcass and transporting it home two decades ago.

On Saturday, Kennedy said at a campaign event in Arizona he received a letter from the National Marine Fisheries Services, an organization that falls underneath NOAA, informing him he was under investigation for an incident he said occurred 20 years ago in which he collected a dead whale specimen.

"It is long standing NOAA practice not to comment on open investigations," the spokesperson said.

The story resurfaced shortly after he suspended his presidential campaign last month after a 2012 interview with Kennedy's daughter Kathleen "Kick" Kennedy published in Town & Country Magazine was recirculated on social media. In the interview, Kennedy's daughter recalls her father using a chainsaw to cut off the head of a dead whale carcass on the beach near their Cape Cod family home and driving the whale's head back to New York.

Following the story gaining attention on social media, the Center for Biological Diversity Action Fund called for NOAA to investigate Kennedy over the incident, arguing his actions could have jeopardized scientific research.

Kennedy said Saturday he wrote a letter to NOAA in response to being informed he is under investigation, accusing the group of killing marine wildlife with "giant offshore wind farms off the East Coast."

A spokesperson for NOAA confirmed to CNN on Monday that Kennedy is under investigation for the incident.


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d87573 No.21611684


yea by mediaphetamine

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4117e9 No.21611685


why not Tesla's shit? & drill do both..

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94b8b2 No.21611686


>lawyering? Rather than attention whoring for simps on X?

both are equally unattractive.

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3dcd3b No.21611687

File: 6b485a5e1383497⋯.jpg (47.69 KB,634x355,634:355,cloth.jpg)


>Nortel networks origins is…

It was founded in Montreal, Quebec in 1895 as the Northern Electric and Manufacturing Company. Until an antitrust settlement in 1949, Northern Electric was owned mostly by Bell Canada and the Western Electric Company of the Bell System, producing large volumes of telecommunications equipment based on licensed Western Electric designs.

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df642b No.21611688

POTUS: "the average drug dealer kills 500 people in their lifetime"

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d1b194 No.21611689

File: ec1b003bc245637⋯.png (167.03 KB,447x282,149:94,IMG_0100.png)

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06fab1 No.21611690


>Drill Baby Drill


Maybe the advanced tech they have kept from us will be released in a few hundred years when there is no oil to make money from.

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923e4d No.21611691


True, the former is however useful

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35244b No.21611692

File: 3ce88b5b54b6ef0⋯.png (502.42 KB,570x680,57:68,ClipboardImage.png)


>"The whole world is blowing up"

What happened to him?

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8032cf No.21611693

File: e03e7299a7cf569⋯.png (9.06 KB,1654x71,1654:71,ClipboardImage.png)


Ooooo, don't fuck with "scientific research".

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5a1b85 No.21611694


Trump has been dropping hints about hydrogen power.

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d87573 No.21611695

File: bc1b0656a6508b5⋯.mp4 (1.08 MB,480x852,40:71,ygc8mfObqoH7AFNN.mp4)


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894156 No.21611696

When will these retarded lefties finally understand?

They lost already.

When does the panic set in?

They should be running now.

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94b8b2 No.21611698

File: dfe89f0cca0adb7⋯.png (76.36 KB,177x247,177:247,ClipboardImage.png)

I could watch this Dude all day.

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0053a2 No.21611699

File: 693269f1bbf07ec⋯.png (703.92 KB,1024x475,1024:475,ClipboardImage.png)

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df642b No.21611700

POTUS: "I wouldn't be here right now if I hadn't look over … my all time favorite chart, … its always on my left, its always at the end of the speech,.. for some reason it was at the beginning of the speech.. I bolted like a deer, hunters say a deer bolts right before a shot '

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932c05 No.21611701


Allyson Green (Tisch Dean)


Mike Foster (President of Nexian Travel)


Henry Leventis (Chief Prosecutor)


Anon wasn't able to determine gravy for other names listed.

Resignations don't amount to anything other than interesting

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ed9b18 No.21611702

notables @ 370

#26470 >>21611306

>>21611350, >>21611421 Live: President Trump Hosts a Town Hall with Gov. Sarah Sanders in Flint, MI - 9/17/24

>>21611374 Sarah takes the stage @ 6:56 / 17

>>21611458, >>21611472 Donald Trump takes the stage @ 7:04 / 47

>>21611570 Trump: I'm putting a 200% tariff on cars being made in Mexico which will make them unsellable in the United States

>>21611597 Connect the dots

>>21611410 Trump campaign rally schedule for the week

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21611414 The official TikTok account for Romania posting harvest reaping vids

>>21611434, >>21611402 Pager bombs / lithium salts / Trump said salt today

>>21611446 The Feds can’t seal DeSantis off from this case no matter how hard they try

>>21611553, >>21611627, >>21611633 All of these people stepped down within 24 hrs of P. Diddy arrest

>>21611642 Alina: 9th inning, full count, game face on—let’s bring it home. VOTE TRUMP!

>>21611667 O'Keefe: Both Individuals Involved in Trump Assassination Attempts Identified as ActBlue Donors

>>21611673 A trio of Democrat Senators wrote Jerome Powell begging for a three-quarter point cut

>>21611683 Biden Regime Investigates Robert Kennedy Jr. for 20-Year-Old Whale Incident After He Endorses Donald Trump for President

>>21611482 Memes


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bfd5b7 No.21611703


That is a small property for $40 million


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5a1b85 No.21611704


trying to remember his question.

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94b8b2 No.21611705


I genuinely love her

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4117e9 No.21611706

File: 2ff596b5a630206⋯.jpg (213.76 KB,1780x910,178:91,die_hard_vent_mcclane.jpg)


no the vents are clean as fuck. fuckin' paki

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43e36d No.21611707

File: 6773da8d29f70aa⋯.jpg (376.22 KB,1130x1451,1130:1451,signalflags.jpg)

Blue, yellow, red?

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cae193 No.21611708

Impeachment proceedings against France's Macron pass first hurdle

The bureau of France's National Assembly has validated an impeachment procedure brought by hard-left MPs against President Emmanuel Macron. It's an unprecedented move in France, but it is highly unlikely the head of state will fall.

The procedure was launched by MPs from the hard-left France Unbowed (LFI) party – the largest group within the leftist NFP alliance.

The result of Tuesday's vote came as little surprise, since NFP holds 12 seats in the bureau – the assembly's highest collegiate authority.

NFP won the most votes in snap parliamentary elections in July, though it failed to secure an outright majority.

LFI has accused Macron of carrying out an "anti-democratic coup" after he ruled out choosing its pick for prime minister, naming veteran conservative politician Michel Barnier instead.

A petition, signed by more than 300,000 people, refers to Macron's "unprecedented authoritarian drift … in the system of representative democracy".


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352d46 No.21611709

File: 4cb99d9ef05f0b9⋯.png (44.66 KB,932x107,932:107,ClipboardImage.png)

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61cb93 No.21611710

File: 8ffa39287fd5504⋯.png (1.47 MB,1374x771,458:257,ClipboardImage.png)

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5a1b85 No.21611711


The chart that saved his life, shows he left office in Apr 2020.

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782b45 No.21611712

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3dcd3b No.21611713


you sound retarded


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4117e9 No.21611714


no lowballers.

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94b8b2 No.21611715

File: 1c95a753b08097a⋯.png (6.18 KB,640x72,80:9,EM2018_11_14_Elon_Musk_Say….png)

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df642b No.21611716

POTUS: While im on the subject, a few days ago we had an incident, I have to say the SS did a helluva job…. they saw the barrel of the gun… AK47.. this guy ran, … a woman, not a man, women are smarter than man, I hate to say it… our great First Lady is very happy now, … who would do this… so you now have a man running, he dropped the gun, running… a woman driving in a car, she saw a man running, she followed him, she felt like he was trouble, she started taking pictures of his license plate … think of it… who would do that?… not for good or bad, not from strength or heroism, she saw something in this guy that was bad …"

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dd277d No.21611717

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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df642b No.21611718

POTUS: I hope im going to meet her, she takes a picture of a plate and she sends picture of the plate to the sheriffs office,… they got him, high speed chase….

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61cb93 No.21611719

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d87573 No.21611720

File: bf4e5b546a03b46⋯.png (12.17 KB,478x142,239:71,ClipboardImage.png)


she's not too shabby

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cae193 No.21611721

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Dozens of paedophiles who hoarded 1m sick images given ZERO days in jail, Sun investigation finds

EXPERTS have blasted the “ludicrous” decision to let Huw Edwards dodge jail and raised concerns over “two tier justice” in the courts.

The veteran presenter, 63, avoided jail yesterday at Westminster Magistrates’ Court and was given a six month suspended sentence for two years.


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df642b No.21611722

POTUS: This woman was unbelievable … she was really amazing, amazing job…

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018183 No.21611723

File: 1941e1c5153d89c⋯.png (466.96 KB,768x506,384:253,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1941e1c5153d89c⋯.png (466.96 KB,768x506,384:253,ClipboardImage.png)

Trump: I see people running all the time, you know, fuck.


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cd6310 No.21611724

File: 957201029414069⋯.png (616.82 KB,710x664,355:332,ClipboardImage.png)

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06fab1 No.21611725

POTUS we want Drill baby Drill

We want oil so your donors can make billions more.

We do not want or deserve the advanced technology the cabal we have been fighting has suppressed from us.

We didn't fight hard enough, we deserve Drill baby Drill for a few hundred years until the oil runs out.

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4117e9 No.21611726

File: c425c808bf94167⋯.mp4 (14.3 MB,1280x720,16:9,c425c808bf941670162298034b….mp4)

File: 4a3e2ddaba5bcc2⋯.mp4 (923.15 KB,320x488,40:61,4a3e2ddaba5bcc2f03ccdc5909….mp4)

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b34ccc No.21611727

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5a1b85 No.21611728

File: e8cb27708a98d78⋯.png (1.09 MB,1374x771,458:257,ClipboardImage.png)

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df642b No.21611729

Sarah: there's a couple take aways… the women in America LOVE Donald Trump .. we wanted to do our part… GOD is not finished with you and HE has big plans…

(everyone stands up and claps for that)

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cd6310 No.21611730

File: 468821f3948e36a⋯.png (261.34 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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35244b No.21611731

File: 5c02bcc7a833e0a⋯.png (734.9 KB,675x817,675:817,ClipboardImage.png)

Another Clinton Sex Scandal

Nick Sortor


🚨 NEVER FORGET: Diddy and Hillary Clinton played a HUGE role together in the 2004 Democratic National Convention

I’m sure this comes as a shock to nobody.

How do the Clintons ALWAYS end up knee deep in this stuff?

First with Epstein, now with Diddy? No wonder Hillary is now…

9:24 AM • Sep 17, 2024

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0b6a65 No.21611732

SHS to DJT: God is not finished with you and He has big plans

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8742e7 No.21611733

File: 994a3952275ffff⋯.png (163.72 KB,499x321,499:321,994a3952275ffff250f7d275e6….png)


>amazing job

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43e36d No.21611734

File: 27c9e8ae5d182a2⋯.png (11.8 KB,378x359,378:359,May_Macron_Merkel.png)


First May, then Merkel, now?

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2c5377 No.21611735

Will Peter Ducey just ask Kamala if she is an alcoholic?

And if she kackles and acts insulted, he should then ask how much she drinks a day, a week

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df642b No.21611736

POTUS: "They say (the new cars) are gonna be hydrogen…. they say they have a small problem, sometimes they blow up"

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782b45 No.21611737

File: 745b3e15d7fcc84⋯.jpg (160.89 KB,891x496,891:496,RALLY_HIGHWAY.jpg)

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cd6310 No.21611738

File: e86283aa90ebad2⋯.png (249.12 KB,355x410,71:82,ClipboardImage.png)

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df642b No.21611740

POTUS: "Who is the host? … Sarah Huckabee Sanders …. this was more fun than a rally today"

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61cb93 No.21611741

File: 8d7e5cbd01534c4⋯.png (1.52 MB,1463x822,1463:822,ClipboardImage.png)

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2c5377 No.21611742


> Impeachment proceedings against France's Macron pass first hurdle


Is he being impeached for being an imposter and lying about his er…wifie?

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cae193 No.21611743

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782b45 No.21611744

File: 655d138acd51847⋯.jpg (141.51 KB,834x460,417:230,LITTLE_HALF_INCH_PUPPET.jpg)


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3dcd3b No.21611745

File: edd21f632ec0c90⋯.png (642.77 KB,680x680,1:1,ohdang.png)


>sometimes they blow up

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2c5377 No.21611746

SHS looks great.

It would not surprise me if she is the first woman president of the US

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b34ccc No.21611747

File: 577aad78de43c93⋯.png (653.16 KB,932x663,932:663,laugh_popcorn.png)

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df642b No.21611748

Sarah: we are going to take another question from the audience, maybe the hardest job is being a mom, because the gov making everything harder

POTUS: "Hello Barbara, hello back there"

Barbar: "Thank you for taking our question, im a mom of three and grandmother of 7, three great grands, im a reg nurse, … I know the cost of running a household, how are you going to bring down the cost?"

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80dffc No.21611749

File: f34990699ad0565⋯.png (74.28 KB,304x342,8:9,smearingcatsmeow.png)

allegedly nature lovers and protectors smearing Cat now.

Imagine the hypocrisy.


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35244b No.21611750

File: 5c02bcc7a833e0a⋯.png (734.9 KB,675x817,675:817,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 286aac692d89433⋯.mp4 (10.14 MB,992x720,62:45,NEVER_FORGET_Diddy_and_Hil….mp4)

Another Clinton Sex Scandal

Nick Sortor


🚨 NEVER FORGET: Diddy and Hillary Clinton played a HUGE role together in the 2004 Democratic National Convention

I’m sure this comes as a shock to nobody.

How do the Clintons ALWAYS end up knee deep in this stuff?

First with Epstein, now with Diddy? No wonder Hillary is now…

9:24 AM • Sep 17, 2024


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bfd5b7 No.21611751


Can you consider your position and proximity to greatness ]PDJT[, with the dignity it commands?

I've lost respect and trust that you can do the job, when you're over the top tone of voice which comes off as desperate and NOT in control. And when you pull this kind of shit.

Grow the fuck up.

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5a1b85 No.21611752

will get your energy bill down 50%

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018183 No.21611753

File: aa51d28e4a78839⋯.png (107.06 KB,174x242,87:121,Point_Cannon.png)


>"They say (the new cars) are gonna be hydrogen…. they say they have a small problem, sometimes they blow up"

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df642b No.21611754

POTUS: "It is my ambition to get your energy bills down 50 percent in the first year, interest rates are going to follow"

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0b6a65 No.21611755

File: 9a4a18ac1e3c35a⋯.png (1.51 MB,1468x918,734:459,Screenshot_2024_09_17_at_1….png)

File: 25b291af6f33ab3⋯.png (412.31 KB,594x396,3:2,Screenshot_2024_09_17_at_1….png)


barbara walters, the woman who created the show The View…

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2c5377 No.21611756


Is that the insurance caveman/woman?

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d2133d No.21611758

Question: How are you going to bring down the cost of food and groceries?

President Trump: It's my ambition to get your energy bill, within twelve months, down fifty percent. If I can do that, we've done a hell of a job. Five-0. Not fifteen. Fifty. Interest rates are going to follow.

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2c5377 No.21611759


When is that Haiti black kids trafficked news going to drop?

Should not it be before the election?

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b88def No.21611760

File: 3c693e85f843faa⋯.jpg (19.88 KB,320x320,1:1,th_4136389088.jpg)

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5a1b85 No.21611761

Why did that SS guy move behind Trump?

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f59f9a No.21611762

File: 54af0b971d831f3⋯.png (279.81 KB,500x635,100:127,ClipboardImage.png)

How about Oct 30, Hillary impersonator gets arrested?

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3dcd3b No.21611763

File: 5ebe83718ff7447⋯.png (230.08 KB,510x353,510:353,joy.png)

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df642b No.21611764

POTUS: "We gotta work with our farmers, they are being absolutely decimated… id not know if you remember, I love the farmers, … I have this gorgeous room with a gorgeous table that seats about 35 people…. we are going to get you a most beautiful subsidy, … they answered.. we don't want a subsidy, we just want a level playing field… he didn't want anything, he just wanted to compete fairly… sometimes the worst countries are so called allies"

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53de9e No.21611766

File: ae64338d161ad85⋯.png (370.73 KB,488x367,488:367,hezbollah_beeper_attack.png)

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94b8b2 No.21611767

File: efb0e8fb20040cb⋯.png (118.43 KB,227x262,227:262,ClipboardImage.png)

"Ay yi yi"

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7afe74 No.21611768

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2c5377 No.21611769

File: ba9a01b451d5670⋯.jpeg (313.03 KB,622x943,622:943,IMG_1542.jpeg)


What is Big Mike doing at Trump rally?

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bfd5b7 No.21611770

File: 30b72c388307e2e⋯.mp4 (3.47 MB,1280x720,16:9,Trump_take_the_waters_of_t….mp4)

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35244b No.21611771

File: a200bf3af7e5d38⋯.png (529.54 KB,896x1200,56:75,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 62f859190c9bda0⋯.png (314.48 KB,670x1093,670:1093,ClipboardImage.png)

“House @SpeakerJohnson should direct the Sergeant at Arms to arrest FBI Director Wray if he refuses to provide information on the assassination attempts on former President Donald Trump.”


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df642b No.21611773

POTUS: "Interest rates, energy, and common sense, … we are the party of common sense"

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894156 No.21611774

File: 6cd156c2a3a6e03⋯.jpg (63.08 KB,438x900,73:150,GXtmAdrXcAATusR.jpg)

Plus we have a lunar eclipse tonight.

What a great day.

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aed39c No.21611775

"Drug Climbers"

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df642b No.21611776

POTUS: "The only things that don't get obsolete are walls and wheels"

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bfd2d5 No.21611777


CO2 is not a greenhouse gas, Plants need CO2. Stop being a faggot. while ramp manufacturing back up with new tooling for new technologies, we need cheap energy and food.

Drill Baby Drill

Grow Baby Grow

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cd6310 No.21611778

File: e710ab36fcccbe2⋯.png (72.59 KB,304x342,8:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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d87573 No.21611779


why are faggots so obsessed with wanting a female president simply because "first"

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9aa61a No.21611780

File: 8c79e385b6ba29e⋯.jpg (802.33 KB,2340x1080,13:6,Screenshot_20240917_164222….jpg)

File: d4568248544461f⋯.jpg (96.02 KB,780x439,780:439,170119175801_sarah_mike_hu….jpg)

https://www.newsweek.com › kids-guide-trumps-greatest-first-term-achievements-hawked-fox-1686614

'Kids Guide' to 'Trump's Greatest First-Term Achievements' Hawked on …

Fox News advertised a "Kids Guide" to former President Donald Trump's first-term accomplishments. Above, Trump speaks before boarding Air Force One in Maryland on January 20, 2021.

https://www.msn.com › en-us › news › politics › what-the-kids-guide-to-president-trump-does-not-tell-your-children › ar-BB1pBuLo

What the 'Kids Guide to President Trump' does not tell your children

Don't let them. Help your kids learn how President Trump is the right choice in 2024 with this free guide," reads one such ad most heavily targeting people in the 35- to 44-year-old

Where's Mike Huckabee's "Children's Guide to President Trump …

In this segment from our 2024 Presidential Debate coverage, our hosts from Late Night Green and Harlem Reporter dive into a lighter but frustrating topic: th…

https://www.msn.com › en-us ›

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3dcd3b No.21611782

A few years ago, Israel placed explosives in small (7 cm) electrical connectors with electrical sockets that Iran had purchased on the international market for its missiles. These connectors were common, inexpensive components, worth only $10, with no economic justification for domestic production.

The modifications by mossad turned these connectors into a mechanical triggers capable of detonating missiles and causing massive destruction at a preprogrammed time. However, Iran detected the sabotage in time and played a strategic game until they identified and disintegrated entire Mossad team involved in the international market with their local suppliers.

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1253fd No.21611783

Trump tells the story of how Karen saved the world, kek.

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dd277d No.21611784

File: cccefd4c71ca194⋯.jpg (58.86 KB,783x713,783:713,yawn.JPG)

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894156 No.21611785


Trips of truth

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df642b No.21611786

POTUS: We ahd a thing known as remain in Mexico… I think Tiajuana was the fast growing city"

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2c5377 No.21611787


I am not obsessed. I don’t care if we ever have a woman president.

But, what guy has more experience than she, and more conservative?

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8032cf No.21611788

File: 4eb230ec2fec522⋯.png (825.96 KB,720x753,240:251,ClipboardImage.png)

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782b45 No.21611789

File: a5c8c11b3b55810⋯.jpg (129.26 KB,515x544,515:544,40000_VIEW_POTUS_45_47.jpg)


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3dcd3b No.21611790

Sergei Shoigu arrived in Iran on an unannounced visit. He carried a confidential message from Putin

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df642b No.21611791

POTUS: "I believe the border is of the greatest interest … when you look at what is happening in Aurora, what's happening in Ohio,…."

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2c5377 No.21611792



Ha ha ha ha ha

Did Trump just answer your question?

Women are smarter than man.

What man is better at governing than she?

RDS maybe,..but i don’t trust him.

SHS has proven to be loyal so far.

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8e42fb No.21611793


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c2ba05 No.21611794


Is the Didd's allowed visitation rights, oh and ear rings in in detainment or after custody?

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df642b No.21611795

POTUS: "You won't have a car industry left, we are going to have electric car, but 7 percent, … the battery charge isn't there yet… they don't go far away, they don't work in cold or heat… Elon is going to figure it out, … he gave us a great endorsement… he's solving the problem.. he's got to send up a rocket to bring back the two people in space"

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cd6310 No.21611796

File: 8b89f11b5fbd641⋯.png (734.37 KB,640x1043,640:1043,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 242e74e37989d8e⋯.png (769.26 KB,1029x1277,1029:1277,slipperyslopecocksout.png)

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04f122 No.21611797

File: 89b61cf52913b4f⋯.png (6.29 MB,4000x3300,40:33,zzz1qclock_vanilla_1_3x3JU….png)

:15 (Yesterday)


P Diddy

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35244b No.21611798

File: 1b46bd573e6faf5⋯.png (337.25 KB,711x790,9:10,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 770a88d6f423f7e⋯.png (1.73 MB,800x800,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8e35a1351af4c54⋯.png (63.66 KB,360x283,360:283,ClipboardImage.png)

REAKING: Springfield police report on August 28 records resident reporting a neighbor's cat was stolen and cut up.


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2c5377 No.21611799

Where was the car parked?

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4117e9 No.21611800

fuckin' cats


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439f18 No.21611801


I expect 100% cloud cover here.

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d2133d No.21611802

President Trump: [Harris] wants to terminate the Trump Tax Cut. Just that, is going to lift up your taxes by forty-four percent.

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983333 No.21611803


Where he left it?

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cd6310 No.21611805

File: 52d9a0288e46933⋯.png (665.72 KB,670x1024,335:512,ClipboardImage.png)

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5a3f15 No.21611806

Does anyone else wish Q would just post some cryptic P diddy Epstein McAfee bullshit - i mean why not taunt just a little bit

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2c5377 No.21611807

Sarah knows how to suck up to Donald

She is brilliant!


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4117e9 No.21611808

File: e1a14a77d7176b6⋯.jpeg (7 KB,261x193,261:193,images_2024_09_17T195742_….jpeg)


brianeis all fucked up. correction

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2c5377 No.21611809



Parked on a highway and nobody noticed?

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df642b No.21611810

Sarah: we have time for one more question …

Willie: Good evening President Trump, Im a local contractor, ive lived here my whole life, and ill tell you, … what are you going to do about taxes…

POTUS: Kamala is going to cancel Trump tax cuts… there's no estate tax tax.. but she's got one thing that's incredible, an unrealized capital gains tax… it will drive everyone out of business… the only one making money is appraisers and accountants"

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e1b5b7 No.21611811

I'd be cheering on every single economic proposal

just say every time I talk about a policy - it means more cars!


too much kY moonshine

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df642b No.21611812

POTUS: "You have to understand a lot of these people are international … they will leave our country, they will leave all those jobs that weve3 created, she's going to be raising your taxes 60, 70 percent"

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cae193 No.21611813

File: f481e0c8d51a654⋯.png (129.58 KB,1022x543,1022:543,ClipboardImage.png)

Bronx Former Attorney Pleads Guilty To Large-Scale Immigration Fraud


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ab10e4 No.21611814


LGBTQ = mentally ill = disabled from procreation

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3dcd3b No.21611815



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df642b No.21611816

POTUS: Mark my words… if a tragedy happens, and we don't win… we won't be making anything in our country anymore…

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782b45 No.21611817

File: 8f1ac44689fc0cf⋯.jpg (128.44 KB,727x517,727:517,GET_RIGHT_BACK.jpg)

File: 780044e9175b127⋯.jpg (71.82 KB,578x400,289:200,PICK_UP_THE_PAGE.jpg)



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439f18 No.21611818

Soooo… When does Iran strike back?

Will they glass "Israel" or turn it into a desert parking lot?

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cae193 No.21611819

File: 3f508faaa22be7b⋯.png (134.17 KB,979x559,979:559,ClipboardImage.png)

South Dakota Surgical Hospital and United Surgical Partners International Agree to Pay More Than $12.7 Million to Resolve Alleged False Claims Act Violations


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d2133d No.21611820

President Trump: If a tragedy happens, and we don't win, there will be zero car jobs, manufacturing jobs. It'll all be out of here. And that includes South Carolina, and that includes other places that are competitors of yours. You won't be making cars here anymore. You won't be making anything in our country anymore.

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01cd7a No.21611821

File: b97d74479f4185d⋯.pdf (10.7 MB,Protecting_American_Taxpay….pdf)

File: e93ed56b7a919d7⋯.jpeg (1.27 MB,1136x1506,568:753,IMG_9489.jpeg)


Protect Trump

Tax Cuts

Here’s the PDF

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7d06e6 No.21611822


if an intelligence agency figured they could compromise the battery of these devices, they'd have to find a guaranteed way that the enemy were in possession of them. i don't believe that these were just "mass sold to the public" in hopes that hezballah grabbed a few.

further, if they were savvy enough to spike the batteries, surely they were savvy enough to back door a command into the chipset so that specific paged strings were the trigger… not just "some random signal"

no, the coordinated timing suggests to me that these were either engineered by hezballah intentionally (whether known or not by their mules) and they were hacked (or an inside job) or sabotaged by hezballah's supplier.

the attacker would either need to target specific numbers, or send the command over a common pushing channel.

my money would be on a hacked inside job. the precision and timing is incredible.

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4117e9 No.21611823

File: b30187248181b57⋯.png (70.51 KB,766x628,383:314,747_4_.png)

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df642b No.21611824

POTUS: "But if I say, however if you build your plant in Michigan , we are going to have more fun in Michigan, they going from paying 100 percent tariff to nothing, … this will be like taking candy from a baby… im going to give you the credit"

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bfd5b7 No.21611825

File: 4d4c5545dd3e9ca⋯.png (164.68 KB,857x537,857:537,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a451d9586c5b7fb⋯.png (560.52 KB,1244x890,622:445,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a451d9586c5b7fb⋯.png (560.52 KB,1244x890,622:445,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 201c3a0f944b58f⋯.png (238.08 KB,1232x837,1232:837,ClipboardImage.png)

Kash Patel


Simple math, how much more do you and your family pay in taxes per year, under the Harris regime? Maybe your @realDonaldTrump will help you with some basic math. One click tables below:


Kamala Harris Will Raise Your Taxes

IRS data shows the Trump Tax Cuts helped America’s Middle class – but Kamala Harris voted against them. See how this will impact you >>>

Sep 17, 2024, 7:58 PM


Kamala Harris voted against the Trump Tax Cuts and will let them expire if she's elected.

Democrats in Washington don't care about you – they will work together with Kamala Harris to make sure you pay more taxes and have less money in your pocket. According to the Tax Foundation, if the Trump Tax Cuts expire, most taxpayers will see a notable tax increase.

We must say no to Kamala Harris and her anti-American policies! Select your state below to see how you will be affected.


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cd6310 No.21611826

File: 3a20586f37902a0⋯.png (1.06 MB,638x771,638:771,PULLIT2.png)

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782b45 No.21611827

File: d268bc1854ea37c⋯.jpg (51.48 KB,670x347,670:347,MI_WINNING.jpg)

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cae193 No.21611828

File: c7c84266f7fab59⋯.png (135.72 KB,1002x583,1002:583,ClipboardImage.png)

President Of Hair Testing Company Sentenced To 41 Months In Prison For Defrauding Over 88,000 Customers In Allergy Testing Scam


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dbd0d9 No.21611829

File: 89db32eef488a59⋯.png (455.63 KB,1813x1800,1813:1800,_WeAreQBW.png)


Thank You Baker o7

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df642b No.21611830

Sarah: Its going to be even better the second time around… I know you are going to win Michigan… the future of my kids, our kids depends on whether Donald Trump goes back into the WH"

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e1b5b7 No.21611831

penndems making PA looking stupid right now

the Chasity belt is all rusted up

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439f18 No.21611832


Taxpayer is a human resource term.

How about people, or citizens.

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9273cf No.21611833

I love you.

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00bc22 No.21611834


Yeah whatever I don't trust or believe in your bullshit any longer.

I lost all faith and that was told.

It got annoying as fuck.

It got boring, rralizo g all the bullshit,

It became even worse realizing how pathetic the game is,

And how pathetic u and your blind mice are.

U promise shit and don't show shit.

It has been useless, reading your bullshit wisdom.

Fucking annoying as shit

At least I know I shared multiple times it wasn't working and I was losing faith.

Whatever now.

I'm used to feeling miserable

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7d06e6 No.21611835


(looks suspiciously at company phone)

think any of the survivors are going to be willing to carry another org-sourced device again?

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df642b No.21611836

POTUS: Thank you Sarah, thank you very much… thank you everybody"

YMCA plays

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06b3a0 No.21611837


Personally, I can’t wait until this happens.

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cd6310 No.21611838

File: 776578680a4756b⋯.png (444.4 KB,502x600,251:300,ClipboardImage.png)

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8b25de No.21611839



Can't find it, but recall a Playboy cartoon: man holding telephone, woman with hand near her crotch, caption is her screaming, "PAGE ME AGAIN! PAGE ME AGAIN!!!"

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c9ce96 No.21611840

[picks head up, opens eyes]



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c6a651 No.21611841


Homeless veterans would take care of the place

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00bc22 No.21611843


I'm gonna go hang your gay ass picture.

But hey.

"It was all a dream, … Hanging pictures on my wall."

Again, u just have people running around being your demented bitches.

Love, sure????


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018183 No.21611844

File: 0ec4039ec862cb8⋯.png (196.14 KB,462x381,154:127,ClipboardImage.png)


>Sarah: Its going to be even better the second time around

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a7c7b9 No.21611845

File: 52746455c4d174b⋯.jpg (86.75 KB,805x737,805:737,American_violence_required.jpg)

People so easily forget. You won't take your country back without it.

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3dcd3b No.21611846

The Model of the pagers that exploded in Lebanon are Gold Apollo AR-924. Apollo Electronic Paging Company is a company based in Taiwan.

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cae193 No.21611847

File: 98e5dd154356475⋯.png (97.87 KB,739x596,739:596,ClipboardImage.png)

Former D.C. Special Police Officer Charged with Federal Civil Rights Offense for Using Excessive Force and with Obstruction of Justice


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df642b No.21611848



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8742e7 No.21611849

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fca417 No.21611850


they've been chemtrailing all day

moon looks like a Circus Peanut

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cd6310 No.21611851

File: 334e916df40bd09⋯.png (93.35 KB,430x350,43:35,ClipboardImage.png)

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e1b5b7 No.21611852


Stellar performance

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06b3a0 No.21611853


Nancy was there

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df642b No.21611854


it will, im a believer

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3dcd3b No.21611855

Zelensky then said that Poland was blowing up the Volyn tragedy for domestic political reasons and should not raise the issue. Sikorski called for the exhumation of the victims for a dignified reburial.

It should be noted that Sikorski recently threatened Ukraine with “tougher measures” if it does not “find a solution” to the Volyn tragedy.

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d87573 No.21611856



they're quick to emotion and more likely to put feelings over policy and the tough decisions

study some history what happens when women rule

for every 1 you can find there's 1,000 capable men who get looked over

but stronk wahmenz feminismz n shit

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680a1b No.21611857


how many 'ruling women' were actually men who transitioned?

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2c5377 No.21611858


After Trump administered a career-ending thrashing against Biden on the debate stage in thefirst presidential debate on June 27, 2024, he was nearly assassinated while speaking at a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, about two weeks later on July 13.When this failed, Joe Biden dropped out of the presidential election eight days later on July 21, leaving many questions.

On September 10, Trump faced off against Kamala Harris in a rigged debate and still overcame her, despite extreme bias, conflict of interest, and possible cheating from ABC moderators Linsey Davis and David Muir and the Harris campaign. Now, just five days later, as the debate is under heavy scrutiny and investigation by members of Congress, we have another attempt on President Trump’s life.


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4117e9 No.21611859


do not take a piss yet

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932c05 No.21611860


>How about people, or citizens.

Not all people/citizens pay federal income tax.

Would be fascinating if they did. Becomes the best way to for the citizen to demand less spending by government.

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3dcd3b No.21611861

"He started shooting at the barrel, started shooting into the bushes. All he saw was the barrel. Based on that, he started shooting, ran toward the target and shot a lot, that is, those were the shots that we heard. That second one (apparently, the suspect in the assassination attempt - Ed.) was never able to shoot," Trump said.

Police later said the shooter was 500 yards from Trump but did not see him.

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cd6310 No.21611862

File: 5ea8db3cb4e66f7⋯.gif (219.51 KB,576x698,288:349,zelinsky.gif)

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c9ce96 No.21611863

File: 7e95a2cc4358938⋯.gif (1.02 MB,360x198,20:11,7e95a2cc43589388575970d6db….gif)

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9273cf No.21611864


What comms are these?

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3dcd3b No.21611865


Nemanju Majdov: "15 days ago I received a notice from the World Judo Federation about a five-month suspension for violating religious codes. More precisely, for crossing myself when entering a fight at the Olympic Games. I am banned from participating in all tournaments, training camps and practices.

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439f18 No.21611866


Special police?

Is that like Special Olympics and Special Ed.?

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d87573 No.21611867


pretty sure they didn't have gender reassignment surgeries back in ancient times

eunuchs they had but they were like the court jesters for entertainment

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2c5377 No.21611868


Are you kidding me?

Have you read the Bible and about all the cold hearted, conniving women who outsmarted kings, and other men?

A smart woman can outsmart most men.

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df642b No.21611869

File: 14e4fd83bd8f859⋯.jpg (934.42 KB,2880x2160,4:3,Circled_wagons.jpg)



now it seems obvious, thank you

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cd6310 No.21611870


gun shots speak louder than radios

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cae193 No.21611871

Lufthansa Group, Air France cancel Israel flights amid escalating tensions

German aviation group announces cancellation of all flights to and from Ben Gurion Airport through Thursday, French flag carrier cancels 2 flights scheduled for Wednesday amid fears of regional conflagration after thousands of Hezbollah pagers explode

French airline Air France announced on Tuesday it canceled all its flights to and from Tel Aviv scheduled for Wednesday, citing the potential for escalating violence in the region. The cancellations affect two flights, one in each direction.


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3dcd3b No.21611872

The Ukrainian Armed Forces confirmed that Root, who attempted to assassinate Trump, contacted them, offering recruits.

A Foreign Legion spokesman confirmed to CNN that Ruth had contacted them several times.

Alexander Shaguri, an officer at the Foreign Affairs Coordination Department of the Ground Forces Command, told CNN by phone that “the best way to describe his messages is delusional ideas.”

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0b6a65 No.21611873

File: cf39d4d42ce7675⋯.png (601.61 KB,729x811,729:811,Screenshot_2024_09_17_at_2….png)

after the uproar about haitians eating cats in ohio, cabal/deep state now turning against cats


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680a1b No.21611875


don't be so sure.

PS: they might not have had surgery, and maybe kept it secret that they were actually a man . . .

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04f122 No.21611876

File: 84228869f297a82⋯.png (11.07 MB,5500x4700,55:47,JAESBM365MMdtwideBIN1027ja….png)

National Pet Day


9/11 Shared marker

News unlocks the map

They are eating the pets

On the QClock

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2b6c52 No.21611877

File: 62db97693739367⋯.jpeg (325.64 KB,1125x966,375:322,IMG_4109.jpeg)

File: db7e474f2872388⋯.jpeg (362.15 KB,1125x1035,25:23,IMG_4108.jpeg)

File: 8addb676506e688⋯.jpeg (393.97 KB,1125x1045,225:209,IMG_4107.jpeg)

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58141a No.21611878

Harris Walz 24

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782b45 No.21611879

File: d18e31e9c9ca128⋯.jpg (97.77 KB,511x580,511:580,CANNED_WINNING.jpg)


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df642b No.21611880

File: ec7bdba88fb0ee5⋯.webp (43.79 KB,1000x397,1000:397,Spaceballs_2_.webp)


winnebago wagons in space …

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a1154c No.21611881

File: 20b3addb632f81d⋯.png (34.79 KB,616x680,77:85,66e9c460200ce.png)

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bfd5b7 No.21611882

File: 9d5b4a18d5aa4ee⋯.png (354.36 KB,846x741,282:247,ClipboardImage.png)

Citizen Free Press


Bobby Kennedy on his personal relationship with @realDonaldTrump


Sep 17, 2024, 8:03 PM


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58141a No.21611883

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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894156 No.21611884

File: 0c7d9c95d8f4451⋯.jpg (62.35 KB,749x948,749:948,IMG_20240917_201402_999.jpg)

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04f122 No.21611885

File: 17ec067e17ab9c8⋯.png (7.34 MB,3700x3200,37:32,rigforredxbreadsCWM.png)


Start of Constitution Week


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4117e9 No.21611886


the strange part is the attention the cat gets. the last slide.

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06b3a0 No.21611887


Only when government gives women the right to vote.

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439f18 No.21611888


Is this real?

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df642b No.21611889

File: e4f9ae57d971a95⋯.jpg (116.41 KB,417x323,417:323,Ezekiel_s_vision.jpg)

walls and wheels ….

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018183 No.21611890

File: 513aa3506f966cd⋯.png (231.75 KB,416x816,26:51,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a41c89ea364823d⋯.png (53.92 KB,604x588,151:147,ClipboardImage.png)


REPORT: Israel apparently intercepted the pagers from Taiwan that detonated in the pockets of thousands of Hezbollah fighters before they reached Lebanon.

According to the New York Times, Israel tampered with the devices that Hezbollah ordered.

They reportedly placed two ounces of explosive material next to the battery in each pager.

"A switch was also embedded that could be triggered remotely to detonate the explosives," the Times reported.

Hezbollah fighters received a message at 3:30 p.m. Lebanon time that looked like it was coming from Hezbollah’s leadership.

When the message came through, there was a brief pause, presumably so the fighters would raise the pagers toward their face, before they detonated.

Over 2,800 people were injured and 9 people were k*lled.

6:33 PM · Sep 17, 2024


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0b6a65 No.21611891


such pissy virtue signalers

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58141a No.21611892

File: 52b3ac94a76b571⋯.png (1.58 MB,1786x998,893:499,vooo.png)

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bfd5b7 No.21611893

Team Trump


PRESIDENT TRUMP: "It's my ambition to get your energy bill within 12 months down 50% and interest rates are going to follow."


Sep 17, 2024, 8:05 PM


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ea0e7f No.21611894

File: 69e1f09f94e970a⋯.png (609.74 KB,2619x1307,2619:1307,69e1f09f94e970a821b522d85d….png)


They're making the childless cat ladiesreeeeeeee, so they'll get even crazier and turn even moar undecided centrists toward Trump.

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0b6a65 No.21611895

File: c82f1302ae9ad9b⋯.png (968.74 KB,732x895,732:895,Screenshot_2024_08_17_at_1….png)

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32dd44 No.21611896

File: e0bd960e362b041⋯.png (551.55 KB,793x825,793:825,Maga_Pussy.png)

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df642b No.21611897

File: 009a21b2059f519⋯.png (587.31 KB,1920x2203,1920:2203,Ophanim_Ophannin_Throne_wh….png)


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06b3a0 No.21611898


The curse of 1920

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680a1b No.21611899


the eclipse starts in less than a half-an-hour.

It's just a partial eclipse, it's not a full one but it ought to be interesting anyway.

maximum eclipse will just cut a little piece out of view and that happens at 10:44 PM Eastern

ought to be easy to see unless there are clouds.

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554776 No.21611900

File: d6c32d566c1c773⋯.png (159.11 KB,1440x1694,720:847,IMG_9538.png)

File: a783921ec47fe8e⋯.jpeg (30.16 KB,212x238,106:119,IMG_9537.jpeg)


Establishing Comms confirmed

Common Sense

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3dcd3b No.21611901

File: 9496e1b9c13398c⋯.png (2.15 MB,1408x792,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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bfd5b7 No.21611902

File: 55c292ef338fd24⋯.png (466.1 KB,878x834,439:417,ClipboardImage.png)



President Trump just casually slipped in that the Prime Minister of India is coming to meet with him next week 

Since when do these world leaders (and not just some random small country, we’re talking freaking INDIA!) meet with a presidential candidate?

It could be something going on behind the scenes, or it could simply be that they respect Trump and know he is coming back.

But one thing is certain - they do not respect Kamala or Joe.



Sep 17, 2024, 8:04 PM


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8e42fb No.21611903




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b05fa5 No.21611904

File: 79d0f113731577a⋯.png (636.88 KB,500x615,100:123,ClipboardImage.png)

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b55174 No.21611905


Kamala doesn't have a child because she is a he.

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4117e9 No.21611906

File: 3a06c4f138f3eb4⋯.webm (1.68 MB,480x848,30:53,3a06c4f138f3eb4084a69f4a4….webm)

File: c01e428881b178f⋯.mp4 (13.01 MB,720x900,4:5,c01e428881b178f1e1c17b54d6….mp4)

File: e3a05499ba8de97⋯.mp4 (933.44 KB,1280x720,16:9,e3a05499ba8de97d45fca32aa2….mp4)


1 month into 2024

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9aa61a No.21611907

File: 690bb9aba20fba0⋯.jpg (293.53 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240917_171653….jpg)


Nov 05, 2018 6:14:18 PM EST





Will you answer the call?

Your Country needs you!


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3424a5 No.21611908


It’s almost like they are trying to intentionally lose the election.

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0b6a65 No.21611909

File: e8348562e43c3e3⋯.png (420.49 KB,600x444,50:37,Screenshot_2024_09_17_at_2….png)

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11e11b No.21611910

File: acb66faa5945062⋯.gif (2.86 MB,260x109,260:109,93u049.gif)

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fca417 No.21611911


9/17 is 7/17

359 days since Emergency Alert System test on October 4, 2023

359 = 70th prime

>Constitution Week

Daniel's 70th week



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ea0e7f No.21611912

File: d9259d577d4776a⋯.png (1.07 MB,1024x1024,1:1,d9259d577d4776ad73d2662c91….png)


>and interest rates are going to follow

Message from Trump that interest rate drops will take longer than a year?

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a1154c No.21611913

File: 3e529145aa0f9fd⋯.jpg (667.61 KB,1268x1093,1268:1093,3e529145aa0f9fdc640bfe9de7….jpg)


Henlo high IQ anon

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3f6d59 No.21611914


That’s the only strategy I see. Sarah wants the first female President.

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018183 No.21611915

File: 6973f0abb05a465⋯.png (206.27 KB,490x326,245:163,Moon_Bevis_Butthead.png)

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2c5377 No.21611916

That was a fun town hall rally

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ed9b18 No.21611917

Transcript: Trump Town Hall in Flint, Michigan - 9/17/24


Governor Sanders: The left has tried everything they can think of. They've tried to impeach this president. They've tried to throw him in jail. And not once, but twice, two would-be assassins have tried to take this president down. But we're here to let them in on a little secret. God is not done with President Trump. He's the toughest guy I know, and he's the fighter our country desperately needs right now.


President Trump: If I didn't do well in 2020, I wouldn't even think about doing this. But we did phenomenally well, and bad, bad things happened; we're not going to let it happen again.


DJT: You know, only consequential Presidents get shot at.


President Trump: They're owned and built by China, in Mexico [auto manufacturing plants]. A number of them going up right now, and they think they're gonna make their cars there, and they're gonna sell them across our line, and we're gonna take 'em, and we're not going to charge them tax. We're going to charge them, I'm telling you right now, I'm putting a two hundred percent tariff on, which means they are unsellable. Unsellable in the United States.


President Trump: They're one of the largest sellers now [Afghanistan], today, of military equipment in the world. Seven hundred and seventy-seven thousand rifles and guns.


President Trump: If the election were a straight election, we won that election, we should have won that election, everybody knew we won the election, Putin never would have attacked.


President Trump: Between Bagram, between; you go to ANWR, you take a look at the kind of things that we've given up, We should have that airbase, we should have that oil. We would have had a whole different country. To give up ANWR, to give up the biggest airbase, military airbase, in the world, and they left it in the dark of night, with the lights on; and they did leave the dogs behind…they left the dogs behind.


POTUS: Putin .. you are watching the major chess players.


POTUS: Elon Musk… hes a really wonderful wonderful guy.


POTUS: We are going to have a Reciprocal Trade Act … if they charge us 100%, we charge them 100%.


Question: What do you see as the major threats to the future of Michigan manufacturing, autoworking jobs, and what will you do to eliminate those threats?

President Trump: The local problem is that you have countries stealing your business. Mexico is a very big one. Mexico, this year, we have a deficit with Mexico of two hundred and fifty billion dollars…we're losing our ass to Mexico. China, you don't even have to talk about. We have over a trillion dollars this year. I was charging them numbers that were unbelievable, and now he's totally given up the coast. And we're gonna lose a trillion dollars in deficits to China. That's not sustainable. We're gonna turn it all around, and we're gonna do it through taxation and tariffs. It will be done in twenty-four hours, and it will change the whole planet…literally, in a period of twenty-four hours, we can change the whole trading of the whole world. They've taken advantage of our country for years.


POTUS: We are going to be having free trade again .


POTUS: You are going to have plants built at a level you haven't seen in 50 years.


President Trump: Day One we're doing two things, closing the border, and drill, baby, drill.

[Standing Ovation!]


POTUS: the average drug dealer kills 500 people in their lifetime.


POTUS: I wouldn't be here right now if I hadn't look over … my all time favorite chart, … its always on my left, its always at the end of the speech,.. for some reason it was at the beginning of the speech.. I bolted like a deer, hunters say a deer bolts right before a shot.


POTUS: While im on the subject, a few days ago we had an incident, I have to say the SS did a helluva job…. they saw the barrel of the gun… AK47.. this guy ran, … a woman, not a man, women are smarter than man, I hate to say it… our great First Lady is very happy now, … who would do this… so you now have a man running, he dropped the gun, running… a woman driving in a car, she saw a man running, she followed him, she felt like he was trouble, she started taking pictures of his license plate … think of it… who would do that?… not for good or bad, not from strength or heroism, she saw something in this guy that was bad …


POTUS: I hope im going to meet her, she takes a picture of a plate and she sends picture of the plate to the sheriffs office,… they got him, high speed chase….


Sarah: There's a couple take aways… the women in America LOVE Donald Trump .. we wanted to do our part… GOD is not finished with you and HE has big plans…


POTUS: They say (the new cars) are gonna be hydrogen…. they say they have a small problem, sometimes they blow up.


Sarah: We are going to take another question from the audience, maybe the hardest job is being a mom, because the gov making everything harder.

POTUS: Hello Barbara, hello back there.

Barbar: Thank you for taking our question, im a mom of three and grandmother of 7, three great grands, im a reg nurse, … I know the cost of running a household, how are you going to bring down the cost?


POTUS: It is my ambition to get your energy bills down 50 percent in the first year, interest rates are going to follow.


Question: How are you going to bring down the cost of food and groceries?

President Trump: It's my ambition to get your energy bill, within twelve months, down fifty percent. If I can do that, we've done a hell of a job. Five-0. Not fifteen. Fifty. Interest rates are going to follow.


POTUS: We gotta work with our farmers, they are being absolutely decimated… id not know if you remember, I love the farmers, … I have this gorgeous room with a gorgeous table that seats about 35 people…. we are going to get you a most beautiful subsidy, … they answered.. we don't want a subsidy, we just want a level playing field… he didn't want anything, he just wanted to compete fairly… sometimes the worst countries are so called allies.


POTUS: The only things that don't get obsolete are walls and wheels.


POTUS: You won't have a car industry left, we are going to have electric car, but 7 percent, … the battery charge isn't there yet… they don't go far away, they don't work in cold or heat… Elon is going to figure it out, … he gave us a great endorsement… he's solving the problem.. he's got to send up a rocket to bring back the two people in space.


President Trump: [Harris] wants to terminate the Trump Tax Cut. Just that, is going to lift up your taxes by forty-four percent.


Sarah: We have time for one more question …

Willie: Good evening President Trump, Im a local contractor, ive lived here my whole life, and ill tell you, … what are you going to do about taxes…

POTUS: Kamala is going to cancel Trump tax cuts… there's no estate tax tax.. but she's got one thing that's incredible, an unrealized capital gains tax… it will drive everyone out of business… the only one making money is appraisers and accountants.


POTUS: You have to understand a lot of these people are international … they will leave our country, they will leave all those jobs that weve3 created, she's going to be raising your taxes 60, 70 percent.


POTUS: Mark my words… if a tragedy happens, and we don't win… we won't be making anything in our country anymore…


President Trump: If a tragedy happens, and we don't win, there will be zero car jobs, manufacturing jobs. It'll all be out of here. And that includes South Carolina, and that includes other places that are competitors of yours. You won't be making cars here anymore. You won't be making anything in our country anymore.


POTUS: But if I say, however if you build your plant in Michigan , we are going to have more fun in Michigan, they going from paying 100 percent tariff to nothing, … this will be like taking candy from a baby… im going to give you the credit.


Sarah: Its going to be even better the second time around… I know you are going to win Michigan… the future of my kids, our kids depends on whether Donald Trump goes back into the WH.


POTUS: Thank you Sarah, thank you very much… thank you everybody.

[YMCA plays]

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e1b5b7 No.21611918


living the HillDawg KamCat dream

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04f122 No.21611919

File: 0f7a6e040a55f45⋯.png (6.96 MB,4100x2400,41:24,qclock_vanillaMoonphotojus….png)


Got Popcorn?

Original :14/:44 KEKS (first 9/17)

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a8b73a No.21611920


Dubs and dat ass

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782b45 No.21611921

File: ec7c9408cfcb526⋯.jpg (188.12 KB,1615x331,1615:331,ANGRY_INCH_100_PERCENT_COM….jpg)






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fca417 No.21611922


>Hezbollah fighters received a message at 3:30 p.m.


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352d46 No.21611923

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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5a3f15 No.21611924

File: fad1daa1bb3e3d5⋯.png (287.67 KB,601x515,601:515,ClipboardImage.png)


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ed9b18 No.21611925

notables @ 580

#26470 >>21611306

>>21611350, >>21611421 Live: President Trump Hosts a Town Hall with Gov. Sarah Sanders in Flint, MI - 9/17/24

>>21611917 Transcript: Trump Town Hall in Flint, Michigan - 9/17/24

>>21611374 Sarah takes the stage @ 6:56 / 17

>>21611458, >>21611472 Donald Trump takes the stage @ 7:04 / 47

>>21611546 Sarah Sanders and President Trump talk about about the 1st assassination attempt

>>21611570 Trump: I'm putting a 200% tariff on cars being made in Mexico which will make them unsellable in the United States

>>21611597 Connect the dots

>>21611893 Trump: It's my ambition to get your energy bill within 12 months down 50% and interest rates are going to follow

>>21611902 President Trump just casually slipped in that the Prime Minister of India is coming to meet with him next week

>>21611410 Trump campaign rally schedule for the week

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21611414 The official TikTok account for Romania posting harvest reaping vids

>>21611434, >>21611402, >>21611890 Pager bombs / lithium salts / Trump said salt today

>>21611446 The Feds can’t seal DeSantis off from this case no matter how hard they try

>>21611553, >>21611627, >>21611633, >>21611701 All of these people stepped down within 24 hrs of P. Diddy arrest

>>21611642 Alina: 9th inning, full count, game face on—let’s bring it home. VOTE TRUMP!

>>21611667 O'Keefe: Both Individuals Involved in Trump Assassination Attempts Identified as ActBlue Donors

>>21611673 A trio of Democrat Senators wrote Jerome Powell begging for a three-quarter point cut

>>21611683 Biden Regime Investigates Robert Kennedy Jr. for 20-Year-Old Whale Incident After He Endorses Donald Trump for President

>>21611708 Impeachment proceedings against France's Macron pass first hurdle

>>21611721 Dozens of paedophiles who hoarded 1m sick images given ZERO days in jail, Sun investigation finds

>>21611731 Refresher: Diddy and Hillary Clinton played a HUGE role together in the 2004 Democratic National Convention

>>21611771 @SpeakerJohnson should direct Sergeant at Arms to arrest FBI Director if he refuses to provide info on assassination attempts

>>21611798 Springfield police report on August 28 records resident reporting a neighbor's cat was stolen and cut up

>>21611813 Bronx Former Attorney Pleads Guilty To Large-Scale Immigration Fraud

>>21611819 South Dakota Surgical Hospital and United Surgical Partners International Will Pay $12.7M to Resolve False Claims Act Violations

>>21611828 President Of Hair Testing Company Sentenced To 41 Months In Prison For Defrauding Over 88,000 Customers In Allergy Testing Scam

>>21611871 Lufthansa Group, Air France cancel Israel flights amid escalating tensions

>>21611882 Bobby Kennedy on his personal relationship with @realDonaldTrump

>>21611482, >>21611894, >>21611895 Memes


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bfd5b7 No.21611926

File: 554a987709cb9b9⋯.png (446 KB,1231x928,1231:928,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 87d317e04b24e4a⋯.png (113.76 KB,1177x925,1177:925,ClipboardImage.png)

File: be301c7a61e23e9⋯.png (132.41 KB,851x816,851:816,ClipboardImage.png)

Judicial Watch


BREAKING NEWS: @JudicialWatch obtained a document through a public records request to the Springfield, Ohio Police Department as part of a new, comprehensive investigation into the Biden-Harris Haitian migrant crisis.

Read the full document here:



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670ac4 No.21611927

File: 4b5d9f8fab25d59⋯.png (287.98 KB,1388x806,694:403,fjhi5suyohjik.png)


pic possibly related

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ca0b68 No.21611928

File: 66a2e7e4a0ea1fd⋯.jpg (73.06 KB,960x720,4:3,66a2e7e4a0ea1fdad65f433082….jpg)

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537423 No.21611929

File: fb51f15f9dade36⋯.png (325.61 KB,540x540,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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2c5377 No.21611931

How much comms does Musk pick up with his satellites that we don not know about?

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06b3a0 No.21611932


November is going to be Glorious.


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3dcd3b No.21611933

File: 9bceb1d80260651⋯.png (19.27 KB,548x227,548:227,ClipboardImage.png)


>Hezbollah fighters received a message at 3:30 p.m. Lebanon time



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9aa61a No.21611934

File: 8e1267459e53bb8⋯.jpg (614.8 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240917_160907….jpg)

File: 06a4236aa78884d⋯.jpg (64.94 KB,1024x576,16:9,Chaos_Intensifies_as_Secon….jpg)

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782b45 No.21611935

File: c48aab1486ce3b0⋯.jpg (92.5 KB,616x406,44:29,HALF_PINT.jpg)


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aed39c No.21611936

Walls and Wheels…

Where We Go One, Wheels Go Wall

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bfd2d5 No.21611937


Queen Elizabeth I

Henry's sickly daughter died, replaced with a slight boy. Elizabeth wore the ruffled collars to hide "her" adams apple. Died childless and confirmed the crown passes to James son of Mary her half sister.

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bfd5b7 No.21611938


no, interest rate will fall by 50 as well as energy

the time frame was both, within 12 months

filturd for annoying me with low iq and wrong questions

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06b3a0 No.21611939


Only half.

They only work pointed one way.

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554776 No.21611940

File: 6cade958f85eead⋯.webp (166.7 KB,2000x1126,1000:563,IMG_2464.webp)


Can hardly wait!

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50298d No.21611941

File: 8f2c41487d04e8a⋯.png (1003.49 KB,898x713,898:713,ClipboardImage.png)

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537423 No.21611942

File: 79b7b9505aa6dc2⋯.png (554.67 KB,680x489,680:489,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 00c204eda53afc4⋯.png (403.99 KB,680x441,680:441,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2f9caf2ab515768⋯.png (450.26 KB,680x531,680:531,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 47c449488cece2c⋯.png (238.88 KB,600x450,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0718e76debdb016⋯.png (392.86 KB,680x680,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

NUT FREE ZONE: Here's Some of the Most EXPLODINGLY Funny Pager Memes Following Hezbollah Pager Explosions

Sam J.

Sam J.


1:00 PM on September 17, 2024


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8e42fb No.21611943


Would he be able to actively pick up signals of those who are using let's ATT towers for cell coms?

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b55174 No.21611944

File: 41bc829697b0d99⋯.png (818.07 KB,876x649,876:649,Screenshot_2024_09_17_1823….png)

Guess I'm out of the loop. When did pagers start being a thing again?

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8032cf No.21611945

File: 8ebd5edf7b48553⋯.png (293.56 KB,468x492,39:41,ClipboardImage.png)

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3dcd3b No.21611946

File: fc5ca22a395d5b7⋯.mp4 (5.68 MB,720x720,1:1,ROEliedAboutBeingRaped.mp4)

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d87573 No.21611948


how do you think nations get physically conquered

a strong nation needs a strong male figurehead, funny you bring up the bible as it mentions this and a woman's place is the home taking care of the family and being submissive to the man, the head of the house

having a woman leader shows the rest of the world submissiveness

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58141a No.21611949

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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3dcd3b No.21611950

File: fe407b7afcec07b⋯.mp4 (488.91 KB,886x492,443:246,hehastobeeliminated.mp4)

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782b45 No.21611951

File: 8ef6e3c9a23d685⋯.jpg (122 KB,671x480,671:480,AINT_BUYING_IT.jpg)


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537423 No.21611952

White House Pushes for Collaboration With Big Tech on “Safe” AI


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aed39c No.21611953

File: aee4c80141143d8⋯.png (986.42 KB,978x756,163:126,Where_We_Go_One_Wheels_Go_….png)

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fe20eb No.21611954



>9 people were k*lled.


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9aa61a No.21611955

File: 78ed52a317cfb10⋯.jpg (15.36 KB,474x271,474:271,th_3366118784.jpg)

File: 0b1237e4bfa9540⋯.jpg (861.74 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240916_022427….jpg)

File: 30a28012a8c5598⋯.png (19.41 KB,270x270,1:1,66126ed8c72514eb.png)

File: ded2f63da681b8c⋯.jpg (25.83 KB,474x474,1:1,th_1831815958.jpg)

File: a9490e66b661c32⋯.jpg (19.49 KB,400x400,1:1,9798200735815_2968737738.jpg)

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4117e9 No.21611956

File: 788ef59fe34e918⋯.jpeg (8.84 KB,300x168,25:14,images_2024_09_17T202332_….jpeg)

File: bb73aa97a25c7d4⋯.jpeg (7.9 KB,306x164,153:82,images_2024_09_17T202412_….jpeg)

File: 570cd97fefd8a3b⋯.gif (802.68 KB,220x124,55:31,jeb_bush_funeral.gif)

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c9ce96 No.21611957

File: ab399b3b780eab7⋯.jpg (7.27 KB,300x168,25:14,images.jpg)

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3dcd3b No.21611958

File: 920ac0c1a979844⋯.png (1.44 MB,1280x720,16:9,glassman.png)

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554776 No.21611959

File: 5ad123064c649fa⋯.webp (9.68 KB,600x360,5:3,IMG_9356.webp)

File: 23ec8aaa8fcb34a⋯.png (4.61 KB,376x133,376:133,IMG_9355.png)

File: 13f5e1e25f1989c⋯.mp4 (2.18 MB,RPReplay_Final1719270498.mp4)

File: a58cc892a0c3c8c⋯.png (104.68 KB,1500x541,1500:541,IMG_9254.png)

File: 5aafd4c59b42b4d⋯.jpeg (118.42 KB,600x800,3:4,IMG_9252.jpeg)


John B Wells dropped Radios

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882556 No.21611960

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

#2 sings bout wanting to be #1

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cae193 No.21611961

File: 7c6584deaf0a615⋯.png (18.76 KB,565x160,113:32,ClipboardImage.png)

Israel's attack has a kingsman vibe

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04f122 No.21611962

File: 52895e17b728eaf⋯.png (5.25 MB,5000x5000,1:1,zclockjogn316DS.png)


Grassley is a clockfag

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06b3a0 No.21611963


Some Anon put no more chemtrails in the pager text.

This is what it’s all about.

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fca417 No.21611964

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





destroyed by hippie powers


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537423 No.21611965

File: f36dff38f7a953b⋯.png (331.59 KB,568x335,568:335,ClipboardImage.png)

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c9ce96 No.21611967

File: 011b73e3643adee⋯.jpg (29.7 KB,279x402,93:134,movieposter.jpg)


one of us

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4117e9 No.21611968

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3dcd3b No.21611969

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>lunar eclipse

30 minutes to livestream

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537423 No.21611970

File: 1ae44707747b596⋯.png (246.54 KB,568x504,71:63,ClipboardImage.png)

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2c5377 No.21611971



She has issues

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58141a No.21611972


u2 get off my ipod

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782b45 No.21611973

File: 99d0c12db19b42b⋯.jpg (98.37 KB,430x571,430:571,CAT_TOY_BELL.jpg)


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aed39c No.21611974

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

"Ring me up" - the PAGER song


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983333 No.21611975

File: 91fe92c486011d8⋯.jpeg (50.18 KB,738x352,369:176,IMG_3838.jpeg)


Love the church scene moast.

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d2133d No.21611976

"If you want us to play around with you [police], we will burn every fucking thing down."

-black lives matter terrorist inciting crowd to violence in New York City

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2c5377 No.21611977


There is a time for everything under the sun.

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c9ce96 No.21611979

File: ccac5f0695e634b⋯.webp (62.72 KB,641x344,641:344,Lonestarr.webp)

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b55174 No.21611980


Dubs confirm be careful who you follow.

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537423 No.21611981

File: 04c0e146fa654da⋯.png (325.88 KB,568x700,142:175,ClipboardImage.png)

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3dcd3b No.21611982

File: 116892d57cc885d⋯.png (782.97 KB,751x1024,751:1024,ClipboardImage.png)



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84b95c No.21611983

File: 4e73eb04bc12b2d⋯.png (172.87 KB,388x722,194:361,ClipboardImage.png)


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04f122 No.21611984

File: 667e57f9d356a53⋯.png (9.06 MB,3700x4000,37:40,TIGER58.png)



Wrong Clock

Here? (maybe)

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0b6a65 No.21611985

File: 2f7e4072069069f⋯.png (108.56 KB,478x790,239:395,Screenshot_2024_09_17_at_2….png)



Additional info on the operation:

Sky News Arabic quotes an Israeli military source:

- The Mossad placed explosives inside the batteries of the communication devices and detonated them by remotely increasing the battery temperature.

- They used PETN, a stable explosive, instead of other types of explosives for this operation.

- PETN is one of the most powerful explosives known in the world. It is sensitive to heat and friction, which may explain the explosion mechanism.

- The explosive material was inserted before the devices reached Hezbollah.

- Hezbollah’s supply chain was infiltrated.

- Al Jazeera adds further details: 20 grams of explosives were placed in each device, and Hezbollah began using them 5 months ago.

Obviously, we don’t really know what went down, but here is the first reporting. https://x.com/osint613/statu

2:32 PM · Sep 17, 2024





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537423 No.21611986

File: aceaba90ac04067⋯.png (366.98 KB,568x562,284:281,ClipboardImage.png)

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202d4a No.21611987

Don’t forget about Surfside.>>21611446

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a8b73a No.21611988


Seek help

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175371 No.21611989

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00bc22 No.21611990


I'm glad some achieved their dream.

Hey, some of you gave me the best times of my life.

I send this in case u have volunteers which I doubt.

But anyway.

Things got worse, and I no longer believe in your plan, your method, approach, or anything.

Fucking stupid ass plan, ended up almost hating my ancestors;

Go figure,

May u be well Pete.

God forgive you for what u did to me

Rainmond too

God forgive you all.

I'm done.

Like said just share in case there really are volunteers.

I'm out and gonna try to do whatever, understanding you'll keep sabotaging me, as well now it seems, you've always done,

Rain mond

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3dcd3b No.21611991



his wife a therapist?

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782b45 No.21611992

File: f22e65c29820566⋯.jpg (76.58 KB,571x569,571:569,GOOD_AMERICAN_TRIBUTE.jpg)

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2c5377 No.21611993

Every time Trump debates this year/election, he gets shot at.

Should he debate again?

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537423 No.21611994

File: 96663f0b693fb3d⋯.png (255.45 KB,568x499,568:499,ClipboardImage.png)

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11e11b No.21611995

File: 1724a7687887cec⋯.png (856.42 KB,750x500,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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882556 No.21611996

File: b496a47997eb8aa⋯.jpg (166.37 KB,800x1033,800:1033,IMG_4699.JPG)


globorobohomo jingojango gahyfartpride an salad bar

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537423 No.21611997

File: 72143ef90085157⋯.png (200.68 KB,568x658,284:329,ClipboardImage.png)

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782b45 No.21611998

File: ad523a332d24b91⋯.jpg (134.53 KB,845x629,845:629,FRAG_OUT.jpg)

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537423 No.21612000

File: 69d6d7b293cdfd6⋯.png (235.05 KB,568x569,568:569,ClipboardImage.png)

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06b3a0 No.21612001


How long until normies figure out the vax is a ticking time bomb?

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04f122 No.21612002

File: a86693005d12830⋯.png (10.89 MB,3500x4500,7:9,jan152022HAMMERJUSTICEdjtj….png)


Nope. Giving up. Grassley was on this one.



Oct 4

The Shot Heard Round The World (Baseball)


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3dcd3b No.21612003

File: 59fd04d4279dc30⋯.png (2.05 MB,1335x839,1335:839,ClipboardImage.png)


lots of yellow

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0b6a65 No.21612004


fortunately i am not vaxxed

what are you implying, though?

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680a1b No.21612005


maybe if they got a text telling them that?

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ba437e No.21612006


>according to the New York Times

So the C-A is saying that the pagers were intercepted. Trying to dodge the issue that they have the tech to turn all devices into explosives? And target people at will? en mass?

I'm going with the earlier anon that Israel just outed a cabal weapon.

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537423 No.21612007

File: 8ea5e98affe3380⋯.png (114.82 KB,568x459,568:459,ClipboardImage.png)

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c9ce96 No.21612008

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58141a No.21612009

everyone has covid again and no one cares it's weaker and just a cold

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782b45 No.21612010

File: d5c76724cdd13ae⋯.jpg (136.94 KB,717x511,717:511,LEARNING_MOMENT.jpg)


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bfd5b7 No.21612011

File: ef091646457d8e0⋯.jpg (105.62 KB,960x960,1:1,ef091646457d8e07f258bb58c6….jpg)


In my opinion, that woman is an a grade tart.

Would like to see her clean up her act.

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4a8ae3 No.21612012

File: e11035fa388a400⋯.jpg (241.06 KB,1280x720,16:9,Farscape5.jpg)

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537423 No.21612013

File: 082911ec6f8f3e8⋯.png (612.97 KB,1152x1145,1152:1145,ClipboardImage.png)

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882556 No.21612014


achen nuts and blow

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ea0e7f No.21612015


>everyone has covid again and no one cares it's weaker and just a cold

Dems did what they always do.

Change the meaning of a word to make it evil and scary.

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202d4a No.21612016

Kamala is a dude >>21611582

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537423 No.21612017

File: 4c855c332281ae6⋯.png (443.35 KB,568x922,284:461,ClipboardImage.png)


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882556 No.21612019


>Kamal is a dud

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aceeab No.21612020

File: 3f9a77573546dbd⋯.jpeg (77.8 KB,1080x530,108:53,1549511021.jpeg)

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3dcd3b No.21612021

File: 567d53415ab8e6e⋯.png (667.47 KB,736x731,736:731,ClipboardImage.png)


>Israel just outed a cabal weapon.

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537423 No.21612022

File: 5a5c67d7a6f968c⋯.png (85.3 KB,568x265,568:265,ClipboardImage.png)

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782b45 No.21612023

File: 98c5106a5884f4d⋯.jpg (152.28 KB,837x459,31:17,DELETE_COUNTDOWN.jpg)


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cd6310 No.21612024

File: c812c7e1ffa6b9b⋯.png (247.88 KB,607x444,607:444,TESLAS.png)

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d87573 No.21612025


someone reported that once

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3dcd3b No.21612026


>Five-0. Not fifteen. Fifty.

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84b95c No.21612027

File: d1a8bc85d6d7ce6⋯.png (14.75 KB,446x222,223:111,ClipboardImage.png)

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044aa1 No.21612028


Kamala is the nigga on the couch with Barry

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537423 No.21612029

File: 20576ffcc5c397a⋯.png (172.32 KB,568x323,568:323,ClipboardImage.png)

Eric Dondero







Breaking… internet sleuths have dug through footage and spotted Trump assassin Ryan Routh at a Kamala Harris rally Sept. 12 in North Carolina. He is wearing the exact same shirt he wore when he tried to kill Trump on Sunday.


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35244b No.21612031

File: e3ea3f3e8b657ce⋯.mp4 (534.36 KB,720x406,360:203,TAMPON_is_now_claiming_tha….mp4)

File: e58b8177a0e8a58⋯.png (571.32 KB,675x637,675:637,ClipboardImage.png)

So [they] can keep stealing & killing babies'


TAMPON is now claiming that Trump will "create a new government entity that will monitor all pregnancies."

Who actually believes this garbage?

4:10 PM • Sep 17, 2024


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3dcd3b No.21612032

File: 55d98d34e6d7775⋯.png (1.45 MB,712x882,356:441,stars.png)





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983333 No.21612033

File: 52ee426ae615fee⋯.gif (467.2 KB,356x272,89:68,IMG_3815.gif)


Probably never took it off that whole time.

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782b45 No.21612034

File: 780044e9175b127⋯.jpg (71.82 KB,578x400,289:200,PICK_UP_THE_PAGE.jpg)




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c6a651 No.21612035


The rantings of the vaxxinated

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84b95c No.21612036

File: b1131328f35f622⋯.png (49.83 KB,442x778,221:389,ClipboardImage.png)


tesla cars exploding

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537423 No.21612037

File: 274e2126253c12b⋯.png (474.27 KB,568x635,568:635,ClipboardImage.png)

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882556 No.21612039

==ACHTUNG SCHWuchtiger Neger-Hintern-Saft

diddy diddeler diddeling beliebur berlinur wuz gefangen mit hobamamoo==

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882556 No.21612040


>ACHTUNG SCHWuchtiger Neger-Hintern-Saft

>diddy diddeler diddeling beliebur berlinur wuz gefangen mit hobamamoo

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df90e2 No.21612041


Not until after they die. Unless CNN does it.

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932c05 No.21612042


So DJT is in government?

Conspiracy much, Walz?

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aed39c No.21612043

File: 18ba51756847405⋯.png (4.68 MB,2880x1800,8:5,Trump_s_Golden_High_Top_Sn….png)

Everything Trump touches turns to gold.

God bless GetTrumpSneakers, God bless President Donald J. Trump and God bless the United States of America. MAGA


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aceeab No.21612044

File: a6d38b18d5330d1⋯.png (1.98 MB,2048x906,1024:453,20240721_172247.png)


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537423 No.21612045

File: 7e9dcfed46a81af⋯.png (150.19 KB,568x568,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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2cbb32 No.21612046

File: 41d3ddb7ca09ab1⋯.jpg (677.75 KB,1100x1471,1100:1471,GA12.jpg)





NightShift is Activated

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ed9b18 No.21612048

notables @ 690

#26470 >>21611306

>>21611350, >>21611421 Live: President Trump Hosts a Town Hall with Gov. Sarah Sanders in Flint, MI - 9/17/24

>>21611917 Transcript: Trump Town Hall in Flint, Michigan - 9/17/24

>>21611374 Sarah takes the stage @ 6:56 / 17

>>21611458, >>21611472 Donald Trump takes the stage @ 7:04 / 47

>>21611546 Sarah Sanders and President Trump talk about about the 1st assassination attempt

>>21611570 Trump: I'm putting a 200% tariff on cars being made in Mexico which will make them unsellable in the United States

>>21611597 Connect the dots

>>21611893 Trump: It's my ambition to get your energy bill within 12 months down 50% and interest rates are going to follow

>>21611902 President Trump just casually slipped in that the Prime Minister of India is coming to meet with him next week

>>21611410 Trump campaign rally schedule for the week

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21611414 The official TikTok account for Romania posting harvest reaping vids

>>21611434, >>21611402, >>21611890, >>21611985 Pager bombs / lithium salts / Trump said salt today

>>21611446 The Feds can’t seal DeSantis off from this case no matter how hard they try

>>21611553, >>21611627, >>21611633, >>21611701 All of these people stepped down within 24 hrs of P. Diddy arrest

>>21611642 Alina: 9th inning, full count, game face on—let’s bring it home. VOTE TRUMP!

>>21611667 O'Keefe: Both Individuals Involved in Trump Assassination Attempts Identified as ActBlue Donors

>>21611673 A trio of Democrat Senators wrote Jerome Powell begging for a three-quarter point cut

>>21611683 Biden Regime Investigates Robert Kennedy Jr. for 20-Year-Old Whale Incident After He Endorses Donald Trump for President

>>21611708 Impeachment proceedings against France's Macron pass first hurdle

>>21611721 Dozens of paedophiles who hoarded 1m sick images given ZERO days in jail, Sun investigation finds

>>21611731 Refresher: Diddy and Hillary Clinton played a HUGE role together in the 2004 Democratic National Convention

>>21611771 @SpeakerJohnson should direct Sergeant at Arms to arrest FBI Director if he refuses to provide info on assassination attempts

>>21611798 Springfield police report on August 28 records resident reporting a neighbor's cat was stolen and cut up

>>21611813 Bronx Former Attorney Pleads Guilty To Large-Scale Immigration Fraud

>>21611819 South Dakota Surgical Hospital and United Surgical Partners International Will Pay $12.7M to Resolve False Claims Act Violations

>>21611828 President Of Hair Testing Company Sentenced To 41 Months In Prison For Defrauding Over 88,000 Customers In Allergy Testing Scam

>>21611871 Lufthansa Group, Air France cancel Israel flights amid escalating tensions

>>21611882 Bobby Kennedy on his personal relationship with @realDonaldTrump

>>21611926 Some Springfield, Ohio records acquired by Judicial Watch

>>21612029 Ryan Routh spotted at Kamala's Sept. 12 rally in North Carolina

>>21612031 Tampon is now claiming that Trump will "create a new government entity that will monitor all pregnancies"

>>21611482, >>21611894, >>21611895 Memes


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882556 No.21612049






diddy diddeler diddeling beliebur berlinur wuz gefangen mit hobamamoo >>21612040

>ACHTUNG SCHWuchtiger Neger-Hintern-Saft

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bfd5b7 No.21612050

File: 341778a3fbdcc0a⋯.png (431.78 KB,861x662,861:662,ClipboardImage.png)


Citizen Free Press


Chris Cuomo apologizes to Donald Trump in telephone call


Sep 17, 2024, 12:56 PM


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f027d2 No.21612051

File: b2da1024d66881c⋯.jpg (125.68 KB,780x780,1:1,Seth_Rich_flag_costume.jpg)

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fca417 No.21612052

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Trying to dodge the issue that they have the tech to turn all devices into explosives?

>And target people at will? en mass?

>I'm going with the earlier anon that Israel just outed a cabal weapon.




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f027d2 No.21612054

File: 6e3c781c3a7ae4e⋯.png (229.82 KB,467x307,467:307,6e3c781c3a7ae4ef61bf8c71e8….png)

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aed39c No.21612056

File: 831bf2bef4bf28e⋯.png (1.74 MB,2860x1496,65:34,Gold_Golf_Shoes_SOLD_OUT_t….png)

>Everything Trump touches turns to gold.

>God bless GetTrumpSneakers, God bless President Donald J. Trump and God bless the United States of America. MAGA



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782b45 No.21612057

File: 382586a695466da⋯.jpg (61.58 KB,362x492,181:246,BROKEN_BOARD.jpg)




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f027d2 No.21612058

File: 8c47ab24994e241⋯.jpg (1.14 MB,1151x648,1151:648,Nuremberg_2.jpg)

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882556 No.21612059







>diddy diddeler diddeling beliebur berlinur wuz gefangen mit hobamamoo >>21612040 (You)

>>ACHTUNG SCHWuchtiger Neger-Hintern-Saft

ausgefallener französischer Furz-Leck-Fetischismus, Mode, eingecremt für die Hose, LEEKY, LEEKY

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f027d2 No.21612060

File: 3f3d486edf82170⋯.jpg (66.12 KB,401x560,401:560,IMG_4769.JPG)

File: edb2039cb4d861c⋯.jpg (90.39 KB,401x560,401:560,IMG_4716_2_.JPG)

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f027d2 No.21612061

File: 7bb47c5d67913b3⋯.jpg (46.98 KB,599x561,599:561,Q_trolling_universe.jpg)

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0b6a65 No.21612062


just tip of iceberg regarding israeli technology

they are very advanced, most advanced in some areas

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aed39c No.21612063

File: 98930be86a8a679⋯.png (679.66 KB,751x760,751:760,1463_Patriot_Seth_Rich.png)

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ed9b18 No.21612064

notables FINAL

#26470 >>21611306

>>21611350, >>21611421 Live: President Trump Hosts a Town Hall with Gov. Sarah Sanders in Flint, MI - 9/17/24

>>21611917 Transcript: Trump Town Hall in Flint, Michigan - 9/17/24

>>21611374 Sarah takes the stage @ 6:56 / 17

>>21611458, >>21611472 Donald Trump takes the stage @ 7:04 / 47

>>21611546 Sarah Sanders and President Trump talk about about the 1st assassination attempt

>>21611570 Trump: I'm putting a 200% tariff on cars being made in Mexico which will make them unsellable in the United States

>>21611597 Connect the dots

>>21611893 Trump: It's my ambition to get your energy bill within 12 months down 50% and interest rates are going to follow

>>21611902 President Trump just casually slipped in that the Prime Minister of India is coming to meet with him next week

>>21611410 Trump campaign rally schedule for the week

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21611414 The official TikTok account for Romania posting harvest reaping vids

>>21611434, >>21611402, >>21611890, >>21611985 Pager bombs / lithium salts / Trump said salt today

>>21611446 The Feds can’t seal DeSantis off from this case no matter how hard they try

>>21611553, >>21611627, >>21611633, >>21611701 All of these people stepped down within 24 hrs of P. Diddy arrest

>>21611642 Alina: 9th inning, full count, game face on—let’s bring it home. VOTE TRUMP!

>>21611667 O'Keefe: Both Individuals Involved in Trump Assassination Attempts Identified as ActBlue Donors

>>21611673 A trio of Democrat Senators wrote Jerome Powell begging for a three-quarter point cut

>>21611683 Biden Regime Investigates Robert Kennedy Jr. for 20-Year-Old Whale Incident After He Endorses Donald Trump for President

>>21611708 Impeachment proceedings against France's Macron pass first hurdle

>>21611721 Dozens of paedophiles who hoarded 1m sick images given ZERO days in jail, Sun investigation finds

>>21611731 Refresher: Diddy and Hillary Clinton played a HUGE role together in the 2004 Democratic National Convention

>>21611771 @SpeakerJohnson should direct Sergeant at Arms to arrest FBI Director if he refuses to provide info on assassination attempts

>>21611798 Springfield police report on August 28 records resident reporting a neighbor's cat was stolen and cut up

>>21611813 Bronx Former Attorney Pleads Guilty To Large-Scale Immigration Fraud

>>21611819 South Dakota Surgical Hospital and United Surgical Partners International Will Pay $12.7M to Resolve False Claims Act Violations

>>21611828 President Of Hair Testing Company Sentenced To 41 Months In Prison For Defrauding Over 88,000 Customers In Allergy Testing Scam

>>21611871 Lufthansa Group, Air France cancel Israel flights amid escalating tensions

>>21611882 Bobby Kennedy on his personal relationship with @realDonaldTrump

>>21611926 Some Springfield, Ohio records acquired by Judicial Watch

>>21612029 Ryan Routh spotted at Kamala's Sept. 12 rally in North Carolina

>>21612031 Tampon is now claiming that Trump will "create a new government entity that will monitor all pregnancies"

>>21612050 Chris Cuomo apologizes to Donald Trump in telephone call

>>21611482, >>21611894, >>21611895 Memes


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f027d2 No.21612065

File: aa300da86f3ecc9⋯.png (1.1 MB,1478x1010,739:505,Q_end_is_near.png)

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f027d2 No.21612066

File: fa0c66936291522⋯.png (74.22 KB,784x214,392:107,Jefferson_quote.png)

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fe20eb No.21612067

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cd6310 No.21612068

File: 196a66556493fc4⋯.png (297.17 KB,954x670,477:335,ClipboardImage.png)

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d87573 No.21612069

File: 6424c09114f8ea2⋯.png (190.9 KB,478x560,239:280,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a282ca42968b0d7⋯.png (225.42 KB,478x725,478:725,ClipboardImage.png)

he aint wrong

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537423 No.21612070

File: 2a2f9174ab2fc04⋯.png (221.18 KB,568x372,142:93,ClipboardImage.png)

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dfbd42 No.21612072

File: 48b1b48f5c0f4a7⋯.png (609.94 KB,1171x1080,1171:1080,5d7ac8e4b016757402bf94f3fb….png)

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f027d2 No.21612073

File: 844141b13f1e314⋯.jpg (71.25 KB,610x739,610:739,Jackson.jpg)

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fca417 No.21612074


the tech is beyond imagination

deployed for decades

ain't seen nothin' yet

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882556 No.21612076


θα έπρεπε να ξέρουμε ότι το φυστικοβούτυρο ήταν πολύ καλό για να είναι αληθινό

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f027d2 No.21612077

File: b3eb984d558bada⋯.jpg (80.75 KB,795x368,795:368,JacksonToRoths.jpg)

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670ac4 No.21612078

File: 4d3aa90495b5e71⋯.jpg (198.7 KB,596x647,596:647,4d3aa90495b5e71c54cec7dfa4….jpg)

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f027d2 No.21612081

File: f7307c3f07f0238⋯.png (280.77 KB,620x470,62:47,Happening_OBIwan.png)

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f027d2 No.21612084

File: 71a2831ba847ae0⋯.jpg (66.8 KB,697x791,697:791,71a2831ba847ae03fbdca4ad19….jpg)

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cd6310 No.21612085

File: 685324d62d1a213⋯.png (342.48 KB,660x635,132:127,ClipboardImage.png)

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f027d2 No.21612086

File: 47bb4169b0938e6⋯.jpg (56.25 KB,850x588,425:294,47bb4169b0938e69e55a6095b4….jpg)

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018183 No.21612087

File: a152eea00bccad7⋯.jpg (32.1 KB,702x399,234:133,This_Pepe.jpg)


>just tip of iceberg regarding israeli technology

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f027d2 No.21612089

File: 33d69f80c6f3c52⋯.jpg (59.93 KB,700x425,28:17,33d69f80c6f3c52ba862e92836….jpg)

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f027d2 No.21612090

File: 5d5b49952e9bfac⋯.jpg (89.27 KB,1122x1058,561:529,5d5b49952e9bfac5a991a2ba83….jpg)

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670ac4 No.21612091



oh that's the other one

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df90e2 No.21612092

File: d06e14297cac310⋯.png (572.67 KB,800x704,25:22,fatrick_for_harris.png)

File: fc06722f620a3b4⋯.png (835.13 KB,800x800,1:1,fc06722f620a3b4fe7b6e5a020….png)

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0b6a65 No.21612093


yes, these entities need to back off if they know what's good for them

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ed9b18 No.21612094

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f027d2 No.21612095

File: 90071c5af911aba⋯.jpg (60.98 KB,736x736,1:1,_1111.jpg)

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06b3a0 No.21612096


Is there a place I can sign up to be the first one to shit on DS?

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f027d2 No.21612097

File: 9caaaef865f83e8⋯.jpg (81.51 KB,650x923,50:71,GoBackReddit.jpg)

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f027d2 No.21612098

File: 49fa651e9060977⋯.jpg (160.68 KB,1024x593,1024:593,F1CE77C3_CEA9_47A7_9B11_EC….jpg)

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f027d2 No.21612099

File: 8fe00362eb27b6e⋯.jpg (472.01 KB,968x1324,242:331,D68985E5_1B3E_4149_9023_64….jpg)

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4117e9 No.21612100



release the horse paste..

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882556 No.21612101


Η χώρα μας σίγουρα σπαταλά πολλά παντελόνια για όλα αυτά

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782b45 No.21612103

File: 451510307745ff0⋯.jpg (140.11 KB,687x474,229:158,TAN_POLISH_TODAY.jpg)


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f027d2 No.21612104

File: c9bb2f4130054d0⋯.jpg (538.76 KB,2732x2048,683:512,beyondblueyonder.jpg)

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bfd5b7 No.21612106


just call it a mandala moment

i swear scalise died in a car accident 6 years ago

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f027d2 No.21612108

File: 6e18cb1d4324bfb⋯.jpg (309.63 KB,1350x1800,3:4,b.jpg)

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f027d2 No.21612110

File: 3d6513f8a7bb579⋯.jpg (263.65 KB,1600x900,16:9,1510891937454.jpg)

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f027d2 No.21612111

File: ef1ba0b81cec32a⋯.png (104.83 KB,1200x1200,1:1,1511217581277.png)

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04f122 No.21612112

File: 65887e74820c3d1⋯.png (9.6 MB,3700x5000,37:50,D5expandusarmySOTUUkFlag22….png)



5 Democrat Governors

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fca417 No.21612116

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>yes, these entities need to back off if they know what's good for them


>Is there a place I can sign up to be the first one to shit on DS?

there's a waiting list

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aed39c No.21612117

File: 3755a057f1a3603⋯.png (5.47 MB,2728x1574,1364:787,Trump_Skates_North_Korea_w….png)

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2f9779 No.21612118

File: f45323f81632bcd⋯.png (814.43 KB,710x816,355:408,ClipboardImage.png)


laughed so hard then realized that it was nearly ruined

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d2133d No.21612120

NYPD clashing with black lives matter terrorists protesting…numerous people arrested.

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f027d2 No.21612121

File: 79f8325df92d241⋯.gif (2.45 MB,500x497,500:497,DealWithIt.gif)

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f027d2 No.21612126

File: 345fbf287dd009d⋯.gif (425.16 KB,484x727,484:727,Climate_change_scam.gif)

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f027d2 No.21612129

File: 4b629b9efc39255⋯.jpg (189.95 KB,800x670,80:67,Feels_good_nigga.jpg)

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f027d2 No.21612130

File: 60a905397e05869⋯.jpg (64.73 KB,500x477,500:477,pepepee.jpg)

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680a1b No.21612132


too bad they haven't advanced morally and murder people without cause.

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06b3a0 No.21612133


Total death to IDF?

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f027d2 No.21612134

File: ba1b69e5dea1776⋯.jpg (153.72 KB,500x435,100:87,Pepe_farm_remembers.jpg)

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