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File: 2b78f8339aee97e⋯.png (289.63 KB,1057x608,1057:608,1e9539dfa07b89fdc7a515c37d….png)

302fc4 No.21611299 [View All]

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701 posts and 452 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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aed39c No.21612063

File: 98930be86a8a679⋯.png (679.66 KB,751x760,751:760,1463_Patriot_Seth_Rich.png)

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ed9b18 No.21612064

notables FINAL

#26470 >>21611306

>>21611350, >>21611421 Live: President Trump Hosts a Town Hall with Gov. Sarah Sanders in Flint, MI - 9/17/24

>>21611917 Transcript: Trump Town Hall in Flint, Michigan - 9/17/24

>>21611374 Sarah takes the stage @ 6:56 / 17

>>21611458, >>21611472 Donald Trump takes the stage @ 7:04 / 47

>>21611546 Sarah Sanders and President Trump talk about about the 1st assassination attempt

>>21611570 Trump: I'm putting a 200% tariff on cars being made in Mexico which will make them unsellable in the United States

>>21611597 Connect the dots

>>21611893 Trump: It's my ambition to get your energy bill within 12 months down 50% and interest rates are going to follow

>>21611902 President Trump just casually slipped in that the Prime Minister of India is coming to meet with him next week

>>21611410 Trump campaign rally schedule for the week

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21611414 The official TikTok account for Romania posting harvest reaping vids

>>21611434, >>21611402, >>21611890, >>21611985 Pager bombs / lithium salts / Trump said salt today

>>21611446 The Feds can’t seal DeSantis off from this case no matter how hard they try

>>21611553, >>21611627, >>21611633, >>21611701 All of these people stepped down within 24 hrs of P. Diddy arrest

>>21611642 Alina: 9th inning, full count, game face on—let’s bring it home. VOTE TRUMP!

>>21611667 O'Keefe: Both Individuals Involved in Trump Assassination Attempts Identified as ActBlue Donors

>>21611673 A trio of Democrat Senators wrote Jerome Powell begging for a three-quarter point cut

>>21611683 Biden Regime Investigates Robert Kennedy Jr. for 20-Year-Old Whale Incident After He Endorses Donald Trump for President

>>21611708 Impeachment proceedings against France's Macron pass first hurdle

>>21611721 Dozens of paedophiles who hoarded 1m sick images given ZERO days in jail, Sun investigation finds

>>21611731 Refresher: Diddy and Hillary Clinton played a HUGE role together in the 2004 Democratic National Convention

>>21611771 @SpeakerJohnson should direct Sergeant at Arms to arrest FBI Director if he refuses to provide info on assassination attempts

>>21611798 Springfield police report on August 28 records resident reporting a neighbor's cat was stolen and cut up

>>21611813 Bronx Former Attorney Pleads Guilty To Large-Scale Immigration Fraud

>>21611819 South Dakota Surgical Hospital and United Surgical Partners International Will Pay $12.7M to Resolve False Claims Act Violations

>>21611828 President Of Hair Testing Company Sentenced To 41 Months In Prison For Defrauding Over 88,000 Customers In Allergy Testing Scam

>>21611871 Lufthansa Group, Air France cancel Israel flights amid escalating tensions

>>21611882 Bobby Kennedy on his personal relationship with @realDonaldTrump

>>21611926 Some Springfield, Ohio records acquired by Judicial Watch

>>21612029 Ryan Routh spotted at Kamala's Sept. 12 rally in North Carolina

>>21612031 Tampon is now claiming that Trump will "create a new government entity that will monitor all pregnancies"

>>21612050 Chris Cuomo apologizes to Donald Trump in telephone call

>>21611482, >>21611894, >>21611895 Memes


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f027d2 No.21612065

File: aa300da86f3ecc9⋯.png (1.1 MB,1478x1010,739:505,Q_end_is_near.png)

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f027d2 No.21612066

File: fa0c66936291522⋯.png (74.22 KB,784x214,392:107,Jefferson_quote.png)

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fe20eb No.21612067

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cd6310 No.21612068

File: 196a66556493fc4⋯.png (297.17 KB,954x670,477:335,ClipboardImage.png)

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d87573 No.21612069

File: 6424c09114f8ea2⋯.png (190.9 KB,478x560,239:280,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a282ca42968b0d7⋯.png (225.42 KB,478x725,478:725,ClipboardImage.png)

he aint wrong

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537423 No.21612070

File: 2a2f9174ab2fc04⋯.png (221.18 KB,568x372,142:93,ClipboardImage.png)

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dfbd42 No.21612072

File: 48b1b48f5c0f4a7⋯.png (609.94 KB,1171x1080,1171:1080,5d7ac8e4b016757402bf94f3fb….png)

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f027d2 No.21612073

File: 844141b13f1e314⋯.jpg (71.25 KB,610x739,610:739,Jackson.jpg)

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fca417 No.21612074


the tech is beyond imagination

deployed for decades

ain't seen nothin' yet

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882556 No.21612076


θα έπρεπε να ξέρουμε ότι το φυστικοβούτυρο ήταν πολύ καλό για να είναι αληθινό

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f027d2 No.21612077

File: b3eb984d558bada⋯.jpg (80.75 KB,795x368,795:368,JacksonToRoths.jpg)

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670ac4 No.21612078

File: 4d3aa90495b5e71⋯.jpg (198.7 KB,596x647,596:647,4d3aa90495b5e71c54cec7dfa4….jpg)

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f027d2 No.21612081

File: f7307c3f07f0238⋯.png (280.77 KB,620x470,62:47,Happening_OBIwan.png)

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f027d2 No.21612084

File: 71a2831ba847ae0⋯.jpg (66.8 KB,697x791,697:791,71a2831ba847ae03fbdca4ad19….jpg)

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cd6310 No.21612085

File: 685324d62d1a213⋯.png (342.48 KB,660x635,132:127,ClipboardImage.png)

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f027d2 No.21612086

File: 47bb4169b0938e6⋯.jpg (56.25 KB,850x588,425:294,47bb4169b0938e69e55a6095b4….jpg)

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018183 No.21612087

File: a152eea00bccad7⋯.jpg (32.1 KB,702x399,234:133,This_Pepe.jpg)


>just tip of iceberg regarding israeli technology

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f027d2 No.21612089

File: 33d69f80c6f3c52⋯.jpg (59.93 KB,700x425,28:17,33d69f80c6f3c52ba862e92836….jpg)

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f027d2 No.21612090

File: 5d5b49952e9bfac⋯.jpg (89.27 KB,1122x1058,561:529,5d5b49952e9bfac5a991a2ba83….jpg)

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670ac4 No.21612091



oh that's the other one

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df90e2 No.21612092

File: d06e14297cac310⋯.png (572.67 KB,800x704,25:22,fatrick_for_harris.png)

File: fc06722f620a3b4⋯.png (835.13 KB,800x800,1:1,fc06722f620a3b4fe7b6e5a020….png)

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0b6a65 No.21612093


yes, these entities need to back off if they know what's good for them

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ed9b18 No.21612094

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f027d2 No.21612095

File: 90071c5af911aba⋯.jpg (60.98 KB,736x736,1:1,_1111.jpg)

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06b3a0 No.21612096


Is there a place I can sign up to be the first one to shit on DS?

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f027d2 No.21612097

File: 9caaaef865f83e8⋯.jpg (81.51 KB,650x923,50:71,GoBackReddit.jpg)

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f027d2 No.21612098

File: 49fa651e9060977⋯.jpg (160.68 KB,1024x593,1024:593,F1CE77C3_CEA9_47A7_9B11_EC….jpg)

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f027d2 No.21612099

File: 8fe00362eb27b6e⋯.jpg (472.01 KB,968x1324,242:331,D68985E5_1B3E_4149_9023_64….jpg)

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4117e9 No.21612100



release the horse paste..

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882556 No.21612101


Η χώρα μας σίγουρα σπαταλά πολλά παντελόνια για όλα αυτά

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782b45 No.21612103

File: 451510307745ff0⋯.jpg (140.11 KB,687x474,229:158,TAN_POLISH_TODAY.jpg)


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f027d2 No.21612104

File: c9bb2f4130054d0⋯.jpg (538.76 KB,2732x2048,683:512,beyondblueyonder.jpg)

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bfd5b7 No.21612106


just call it a mandala moment

i swear scalise died in a car accident 6 years ago

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f027d2 No.21612108

File: 6e18cb1d4324bfb⋯.jpg (309.63 KB,1350x1800,3:4,b.jpg)

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f027d2 No.21612110

File: 3d6513f8a7bb579⋯.jpg (263.65 KB,1600x900,16:9,1510891937454.jpg)

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f027d2 No.21612111

File: ef1ba0b81cec32a⋯.png (104.83 KB,1200x1200,1:1,1511217581277.png)

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04f122 No.21612112

File: 65887e74820c3d1⋯.png (9.6 MB,3700x5000,37:50,D5expandusarmySOTUUkFlag22….png)



5 Democrat Governors

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fca417 No.21612116

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>yes, these entities need to back off if they know what's good for them


>Is there a place I can sign up to be the first one to shit on DS?

there's a waiting list

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aed39c No.21612117

File: 3755a057f1a3603⋯.png (5.47 MB,2728x1574,1364:787,Trump_Skates_North_Korea_w….png)

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2f9779 No.21612118

File: f45323f81632bcd⋯.png (814.43 KB,710x816,355:408,ClipboardImage.png)


laughed so hard then realized that it was nearly ruined

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d2133d No.21612120

NYPD clashing with black lives matter terrorists protesting…numerous people arrested.

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f027d2 No.21612121

File: 79f8325df92d241⋯.gif (2.45 MB,500x497,500:497,DealWithIt.gif)

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f027d2 No.21612126

File: 345fbf287dd009d⋯.gif (425.16 KB,484x727,484:727,Climate_change_scam.gif)

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f027d2 No.21612129

File: 4b629b9efc39255⋯.jpg (189.95 KB,800x670,80:67,Feels_good_nigga.jpg)

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f027d2 No.21612130

File: 60a905397e05869⋯.jpg (64.73 KB,500x477,500:477,pepepee.jpg)

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680a1b No.21612132


too bad they haven't advanced morally and murder people without cause.

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06b3a0 No.21612133


Total death to IDF?

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f027d2 No.21612134

File: ba1b69e5dea1776⋯.jpg (153.72 KB,500x435,100:87,Pepe_farm_remembers.jpg)

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