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File: 791a190f0f342d3⋯.png (65.14 KB,255x138,85:46,ClipboardImage.png)

af559a No.21612984 [View All]

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f754d8 No.21613727


Tesla hated quantum btw

so there goes steinbart et al

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06f39a No.21613728

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

A new category emerges.

"Straight to YouTube"

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827953 No.21613729


Agreed, but WTF is with the BRINGING back salt shit mean!!

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f754d8 No.21613730

einstein was wrong, that didn't come from me, but from someone who knew, and I guess Tesla felt that way too

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3c0b6e No.21613731

File: 10c8b748d4e6ff3⋯.png (501.48 KB,599x520,599:520,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4a926bed7e9306a⋯.png (1.14 MB,891x1391,891:1391,ClipboardImage.png)


>Heads on a swivel.

The Don

John Paulson, known for his lucrative bet against subprime mortgages in 2007, said on Tuesday that he would pull all his assets out of the stock market if the Democrat nominee wins.

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f754d8 No.21613732


no more nukes world wide

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6696d2 No.21613733

File: 5e2425b465a0dcf⋯.png (1.5 MB,1052x1051,1052:1051,94e.png)

"Think of 2054."

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fdb269 No.21613734


You tell me, where is the Intellect in that?

What remains, remains to be seen.

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fdb269 No.21613735


Let's meet at Camp David.

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690648 No.21613736

Civilians injured in Ukrainian drone raid in Belgorod Region – governor

A UAV targeted a service bus transporting employees in the border settlement of Shebekino, Vyacheslav Gladkov has said

Four civilians have been injured in a Ukrainian drone attack on a bus in Russia’s Belgorod Region, Governor Vyacheslav Gladkov has said.

The raid targeted a service vehicle transporting employees in the town of Shebekino, some 5km from the Ukrainian border, Gladkov wrote in a Telegram post in the early hours of Wednesday.

Among the injured was a woman with wounds to her arms, while another was struck in her arms and feet. One man suffered shellshock and another received superficial wounds, the governor said. All of the injured are receiving the necessary treatment, he added.

Unconfirmed photos circulating on social media show what appears to be a small bus ditched on a rural road, with damage to its side section and shattered windows.


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f754d8 No.21613737


this is a testing grounds, selfishness is far worse a trait than what you consider laziness is

selfishness is the root of rape, not laziness, stupid thinking, and im simpleton, and I can even see it doesn't compute

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1d39e2 No.21613738


Can anyone recommend a decent youtube downloader for firefox?

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fdb269 No.21613739



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690648 No.21613740

File: 52ac6edd93f7e49⋯.png (165.71 KB,351x268,351:268,ClipboardImage.png)

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f754d8 No.21613741


rack em up, Dano xoxo

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d080c2 No.21613742

File: fd4b2a25ea8a64d⋯.png (670.42 KB,604x671,604:671,fd4b2a25ea8a64d7871d48aa32….png)



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827953 No.21613743


Dude…Imma fucking swim there!…kek can you call me a plane ride please?

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3b3f15 No.21613744

File: 56359107560affb⋯.png (583.91 KB,680x453,680:453,ClipboardImage.png)

was this stolt from here?

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5fcfe5 No.21613745


You are the Salt of the earth, never forget that.

If salt loses it's flavor, men will trample it in the streets.

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3b3f15 No.21613746

File: f48ff3777566926⋯.png (464.47 KB,743x545,743:545,ClipboardImage.png)

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6696d2 No.21613747


But seriously. Learn to trust God and you'll learn to live free. God Wins > You fail to trust Him, the Winner = Not Logical. Logic is trusting your own Maker to be who He informed you He is. Trust is a choice not a feeling. Feelings are liars. Passions are snares. Love is not a feeling. Affection is not a feeling. Thought always precedes an emotion. Emotions are dangerous. Trust is peace even in the storm.

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f754d8 No.21613748

In Luke 10:38-42, Martha works hard to welcome Jesus to her home. Her sister, Mary of Bethany, simply sits at his feet and listens. Both Mary and Martha serve, yet Mary understands the priority and necessity of choosing to abide with Christ.

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690648 No.21613749

‘No man has a vagina’: Women’s rally footage played at Moira Deeming defamation trial

Exiled MP Moira Deeming has told a court that it is completely uncontroversial to observe that women do not have penises and ‘no man has a vagina’.

Exiled MP Moira Deeming has told the Federal Court that it is completely uncontroversial to observe that women do not have penises and “no man has a vagina” – as protest leaders did at a Let Women Speak rally in Victoria she attended – on the second day of her cross-examination at a defamation trial in Melbourne.


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f754d8 No.21613750


Love is everything…. you speak like you are mad at me for breathing, damn

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6696d2 No.21613751

Remember before we knew about the hive-mind, we were all in a dark room together and didn't realize we weren't alone, and we dug and told and prayed about the truth. Then there was Light, and we saw we were many and we were one, and life was forever changed. Revival time.

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2e55f5 No.21613752

File: b8d0231bf68f293⋯.png (135.37 KB,400x264,50:33,ClipboardImage.png)

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690648 No.21613753

File: 6d81f3868f8ad64⋯.png (1.05 MB,1024x576,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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6696d2 No.21613754


Love is a choice. I don't even know you. And God made the rules the way they are for the good of all His children so what's the actual problem with anything.

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f754d8 No.21613755

God loves me, and he gave me free will

if don't trust its not Him I don't trust, its those around him, like the fallen angels, daggers in his back

the fallen angels are very envious and competitive and they copy your work, and they always gloating about their knowledge and superiority

and to that I say blah, blah blah, not important

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f754d8 No.21613756

when I reach my Destiny I will throw as many fallen angels as I can into the void

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d02bc0 No.21613757


>Get SALT back!! WTF he mean by that?

Jesus said to his disciples, "You are the Salt of the Earth" meaning preservers of the world and the sanctity of life. In those days they use to use salt to preserve foods because they did not have refrigeration; and utility companies.

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827953 No.21613758


You actually make NO SENSE coming from a loving God perspective…wtf

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d080c2 No.21613759


. ^^^^^^^^


since they make phones now where you can't remove the battery.

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f754d8 No.21613760


salt as on the side of the pyramids, written in hieroglyphics, with a couple other symbols, I think recipe how to make water

they were the original arks

we fled mars you see

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827953 No.21613761


>meaning preservers of the world and the sanctity of life

ooooo of course, how did I not see and understand that!

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6696d2 No.21613762


You will serve God or Mammon. End of story. Regardless of everything else and all boundaries dissolve. We all have the same choice, you are no different. Are you going to plow the field or are you going to look back. This is how life really is unless you're choosing to avoid reality.

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1d39e2 No.21613763


>everyone should buy a faraday case for their phones, when you want to disappear off the grid you just put it in there

It's called a used microwave.

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f754d8 No.21613764

File: 4eb29c120c8a4f0⋯.png (863.1 KB,3655x1841,3655:1841,Screenshot_2024_09_18_at_1….png)


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06f39a No.21613765



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6696d2 No.21613766


Can also make a nice one from the heavy mylar pouches doobage is sold in in places where that is legally sold.

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f754d8 No.21613767

Cease & Desist

C before D

Camp David?

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25d4ad No.21613768


In the same nasty words you could have been polite, but that is not selfish, that is being lazy because being nice, requires more effort from you.

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50e6ae No.21613769

Anons, sorry to ask, but my yt-dlp foo has failed. Kayne, god belss him, has gone full retard, I have no hope that the glowies will repost their retarded vid…


but for Christ sake, lets not let Kayne pretend to speak for the rest us us. I have followed him for years, and this guy is not all there.

TLDR I cant rip this vimeo due to TLS fingerprinting.

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827953 No.21613770


makes sense ya!

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f754d8 No.21613771


there its is, the sign of a fallen angel, condemnation, rebuke, superiority complex, blah blah blah

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3c0b6e No.21613772


>Cease & Desist

>C before D


TRUMP put them on NOTICE.

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25d4ad No.21613773


You are speaking to Job without a Job.

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f754d8 No.21613774


yes, declass?

enough is enough

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54de2d No.21613775


The angels had free will too…otherwise they would have fallen.

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bf50da No.21613776

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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