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File: e7d30118d104749⋯.png (1.09 MB,1018x575,1018:575,banner.png)

220881 No.21613777 [View All]

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a1b923 No.21615176

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

10:00 AM EDT

Oversight Hearing – Inspectors General HUD, DOT, and Amtrak

House Appropriations Committee



The Honorable Eric J. Soskin

Inspector General, Department of Transportation


The Honorable Rae Oliver Davis

Inspector General, Department of Housing and Urban Development


Mr. Kevin H. Winters

Inspector General, National Railroad Passenger Corporation (Amtrak)





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20b523 No.21615177

File: 3ecd09a5dfa1482⋯.png (375.64 KB,612x408,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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22f8f9 No.21615179


call people Judas next.

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a1b923 No.21615180

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

10:00 AM EDT

Aviation Cybersecurity Threats

Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee



Marty Reynolds, Brigadier General, USAF (Retired), Managing Director for Cybersecurity, Airlines for America


Lance Lyttle, Aviation Managing Director, Seattle-Tacoma International Airport


John Breyault, Vice President of Public Policy, Telecommunications and Fraud, National Consumers League





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f04f82 No.21615182

File: 5ab60c93e4eb64a⋯.png (265.34 KB,494x577,494:577,ClipboardImage.png)


>seek justice for abused puppies

>Oddi is has a small dog named Popo.

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a1b923 No.21615184

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

10:00 AM EDT

Dazed and Confused: Breaking Down the SEC’s Politicized Approach to Digital Assets

House Financial Services Committee



Mr. Michael Liftik

Partner, Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan LLP,


The Honorable Dan Gallagher

Chief Legal, Compliance, and Corporate Affairs Officer, Robinhood Markets, Inc.,


Mr. Teddy Fusaro

President, Bitwise Asset Management,


Ms. Jennifer Schulp

Director of Financial Regulation Studies, Center for Monetary and Financial Alternatives,


Mr. Lee Reiners

Lecturing Fellow, Duke University


H.R.5741 - Uniform Treatment of Custodial Assets Act






10:00 AM EDT

Full Committee Markup 29 Measures; General Services Administration Capital Investment and Leasing Program Resolutions; and other matters cleared for consideration

House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee




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225946 No.21615186


Keep that baby away from Anthony Fauci!!!!

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a1b923 No.21615188

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

10:00 AM EDT

The President receives the President’s Daily Brief

The White House


10:15 AM EDT

Examining VA’s Challenges with Ensuring Quality Contracted Disability Compensation Examinations

House Veterans' Affairs Committee



Mr. Ryan M. Gallucci

Director, Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States


Truth in Testimony Disclosure Form - Mr. Gallucci [PDF 282KB]

Mr. Jeffrey London

Executive Director, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs


Ms. Tara Flores

Director, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs


Ms. Elizabeth Curda

Director, Government Accountability Office





10:20 AM EDT

2024 DoD Spirit of Hope Awards Ceremony

Department of Defense


10:35 AM EDT

The Nuclear Imperative - 2024 Air, Space & Cyber Conference

Air & Space Forces Association



Under Secretary of the Air Force Melissa Dalton, Air Force Gen. Anthony J. Cotton, commander, U.S. Strategic Command, Gen. Thomas A. Bussiere, commander, Air Force Global Strike Command, and Air Force Deputy Chief of Staff for Strategic Deterrence and Integration Lt. Gen. Andrew J. Gebara participate in a panel discussion on "The Nuclear Imperative"

Department of Defense


10:45 AM EDT

House Democratic Leaders News Conference

House Democratic Caucus leaders speak to reporters about their legislative agenda.


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ff16d0 No.21615192


>Close to 1000 deletes from this bread now…


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22f8f9 No.21615194



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8bf5f2 No.21615195


Neither. Neither are good people. We should have never gotten involved in the Middle East and should never again. Let's cement that by boycotting all these damn wars they try to get us to fight over.

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a261d9 No.21615199

File: f588be631e993a4⋯.png (95.59 KB,211x239,211:239,ClipboardImage.png)



For those not paying attention:

Diddy is in jail right now for human and sex trafficking. He will be in jail until his trial.

Diddy has ties to Epstein. Diddy had his hands in Haiti and even has a Haitian Voodoo Goddess tattooed on his back. Diddy has ties to the Clinton Foundation. Diddy was best buds with Obama. Diddy was a “handler” in the hip hop industry.

I wouldn’t be shocked if his handler was Epstein.

It is a RICO case that will undoubtedly ensnare many more - including some very “big” names. (Protip: I’d go ahead and cut loose any emotional ties you may possess to any celebrities/musicians).

But people like us were crazy for suggesting that a Satanic pedophile ring was running the world, right?





R. Kelly




Maxwell may not have been a big enough “name” to trigger a mass population awakening. Diddy, however? Diddy is a big enough “name”.

Picture getting clearer yet?

We’ll try to keep the “I told you so’s” to a minimum. I promise. 😁

Good chat. 👍🏻


- Conspiracy Theorists the world over.

4:19 AM · Sep 18, 2024


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20b523 No.21615201

File: e11e6f7c3201f98⋯.png (285.65 KB,515x484,515:484,pepe_panic.png)

Guise, the whole "eating the dogs", "eating the cats" story has beendebunkedby NPR.



Using dehumanizing language to describe immigrants is nothing new for former President Donald Trump or vice presidential candidate JD Vance.

The claim, which local police say is baseless, was made by far-right activists, local Republicans and neo-Nazis

"muh white supremacists"

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4128a0 No.21615204

This is who the Demokkkrats are supporting.

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4128a0 No.21615206

File: ef38ecbca5a8059⋯.png (611.09 KB,680x404,170:101,ClipboardImage.png)

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a70ddb No.21615209

File: 7f0738577b1425c⋯.png (965.77 KB,1185x466,1185:466,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4f48041628e44ba⋯.png (1.05 MB,1185x353,1185:353,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7f57215002dc17f⋯.png (803.38 KB,1106x483,158:69,ClipboardImage.png)


Man they really don't like that Jennings is telling them the truth, which is basically you condemning Trump for all of the bad things, Kamala and the democrats are really responsible for the bad things in America. Kamacackler has been there for 3-1/2 years and dems owned the WH for 12 years.

I'm still surprised they haven't Scott off. But if they do they will have a backlash, because their are probably many conservatives watching the stupid network CNN and what he says daily. He actually does a good job.

Anderson looks a little miffed.

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331e51 No.21615210

File: 72b7caa421b218c⋯.jpeg (304.31 KB,2141x871,2141:871,IMG_0042.jpeg)

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807589 No.21615211

File: e2e0f4379ce3168⋯.jpg (191.94 KB,998x1372,499:686,i_said_gm_every_morning.jpg)

Gm everyone!

Nice banner, Baker!

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cb40bf No.21615214

File: 3a5534ebe6ac6f2⋯.png (372.81 KB,1024x730,512:365,ClipboardImage.png)

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4128a0 No.21615219

File: 212e068000eb6bf⋯.png (626.77 KB,680x488,85:61,ClipboardImage.png)


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30b546 No.21615223



ello tranamie


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cb40bf No.21615227




Props on the Banner Edition

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55defd No.21615228

File: 2cc37b71c818c32⋯.png (354.36 KB,1168x800,73:50,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8a9b5d3d2829a8f⋯.png (2.47 MB,1333x2000,1333:2000,ClipboardImage.png)


birds of a feather


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47fa96 No.21615229


What about babyfist

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f04f82 No.21615231

File: b05d6ad7ccf00f2⋯.mp4 (4 MB,480x852,40:71,ava.mp4)

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30b546 No.21615232

File: d8d8f0e2ed5c1cf⋯.png (911.44 KB,623x700,89:100,ClipboardImage.png)

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34fcf2 No.21615234


>On social media, Oddi lists himself as a fitness instructor, real-estate investor and manager at Pegasus, a business dealing in minerals and gemstones. He also had a very Miami side job - about five years ago, he was a regular stripper for Dancing Bear, a South Florida website that produced videos of raucous staged parties involving women performing sex acts on male dancers.

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592acb No.21615237

File: e09db67521972a3⋯.jpg (86.08 KB,800x534,400:267,ZomboMeme_17092024095034.jpg)

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22f8f9 No.21615238


I am so glad that the government funded media was there to tell me in a fair and un biased way what to think.

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f04f82 No.21615240

File: 032a35b4ac0f93a⋯.png (1.5 MB,688x1050,344:525,ClipboardImage.png)



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371ec5 No.21615242

File: f588be631e993a4⋯.png (95.59 KB,211x239,211:239,f588be631e993a48939f5e87df….png)

File: 87aca6dd549f4de⋯.jpg (879.12 KB,688x1050,344:525,Czestochowska.jpg)

P Diddy Back Tattoo is Black Madonna and Child, Trump to Visit Shrine of the Black Madonna



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6757f5 No.21615243

Last CallBakerin in 5 min

#26473 >>21613782

>>21615033, >>21615080 PF updates

>>21613881 RFK Jr. Links the Attempts on Trump’s Life to JFK’s Death

>>21614183 Johnathan Oddi (man who shot up Trump golf course in 2018) on video claiming he was P Diddy’s sex slave

>>21614338 Fed rate cut 2pm EST Market halted limit down 3:30PM

>>21614462 War Preparations Build After 9 Killed, 2700+ Wounded In Israel's Pager Attack On Hezbollah

>>21614490 Wireless technology causes infertility, cancer and DNA damage

>>21614769 Point72 veteran targets $50M for Ukraine defense tech VC fund

>>21614819 The mayor of Springfield, Ohio is making millionsby replacing a third of the population of his town with Haitian immigrants

>>21614846, >>21614861, >>21614870, >>21614912 AAA - TRUMP TOWN HALL IN FLINT, MICHIGAN 17TH SEPTERMBER 2024 !!!

>>21614902 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 09/18/2024

>>21614962 Massive “ERROR” in Arizona Validates Nearly 100,000 Voter Registrations Without Verifying Citizenship — Issue Has Existed for 20 YEARS

>>21615003 Wall Street Apes w/vid: “Horses missing after a barn break in — Animals found butchered about a mile away.” Butchered and eaten for food

>>21615051 Dr. Sabine Hazan discovered that Covid-19 mRNA gene therapy injections kill 90% of good gut flora called bifidobacteria, catapulting most major diseases and disorders.


>>21615127 South Africa native Jonathan Oddi got into a firefight and chase with police while ranting about Donald Trump, Barack Obama - and bizarrely, rap mogul P. Diddy

>>21615146, >>21615162 That time Bill and Hillary Clinton went to a voodoo ceremony in Haiti

>>21615164 War Room Morning Edition

>>21615165 Moar PDiddy

>>21615168, >>21615170, >>21615171, >>21615173, >>21615176, >>21615180, >>21615184, >>21615188 Swamp Habbenins

>>21615169 NASA


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4128a0 No.21615247

File: 9c54e49ce049ee5⋯.png (301.96 KB,592x531,592:531,ClipboardImage.png)

Stage set. Foreign (hostile) agency(ies) control the US legacy media


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371ec5 No.21615248



Unless you're a freemason, you should include this

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a70ddb No.21615253

File: a037669cf51425f⋯.mp4 (1.42 MB,646x360,323:180,TRUMPBAGDADI_VS_OBAMAT.mp4)


here's the video

Defiant L’s


Obama announcing the death of bin Laden vs. Trump announcing the death of al-Baghdadi will forever be one of the funniest videos on the internet.

4:06 PM · Sep 17, 2024



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20b523 No.21615254

File: 5d97cf2f9811924⋯.png (134.87 KB,500x333,500:333,pepe_china.png)



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20b523 No.21615258


The fake laugh track was annoying, so I stopped it pretty early on. They should have left that out.

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6757f5 No.21615264


repost nb


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50ed0a No.21615266

File: bbcd8c23856a8d4⋯.png (173.11 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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6757f5 No.21615270


#26473 >>21613782

>>21615033, >>21615080 PF updates

>>21613881 RFK Jr. Links the Attempts on Trump’s Life to JFK’s Death

>>21614183 Johnathan Oddi (man who shot up Trump golf course in 2018) on video claiming he was P Diddy’s sex slave

>>21614338 Fed rate cut 2pm EST Market halted limit down 3:30PM

>>21614462 War Preparations Build After 9 Killed, 2700+ Wounded In Israel's Pager Attack On Hezbollah

>>21614490 Wireless technology causes infertility, cancer and DNA damage

>>21614769 Point72 veteran targets $50M for Ukraine defense tech VC fund

>>21614819 The mayor of Springfield, Ohio is making millionsby replacing a third of the population of his town with Haitian immigrants

>>21614846, >>21614861, >>21614870, >>21614912 AAA - TRUMP TOWN HALL IN FLINT, MICHIGAN 17TH SEPTERMBER 2024 !!!

>>21614902 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 09/18/2024

>>21614962 Massive “ERROR” in Arizona Validates Nearly 100,000 Voter Registrations Without Verifying Citizenship — Issue Has Existed for 20 YEARS

>>21615003 Wall Street Apes w/vid: “Horses missing after a barn break in — Animals found butchered about a mile away.” Butchered and eaten for food

>>21615051 Dr. Sabine Hazan discovered that Covid-19 mRNA gene therapy injections kill 90% of good gut flora called bifidobacteria, catapulting most major diseases and disorders.


>>21615127 South Africa native Jonathan Oddi got into a firefight and chase with police while ranting about Donald Trump, Barack Obama - and bizarrely, rap mogul P. Diddy

>>21615146, >>21615162 That time Bill and Hillary Clinton went to a voodoo ceremony in Haiti

>>21615164 War Room Morning Edition

>>21615165 Moar PDiddy

>>21615168, >>21615170, >>21615171, >>21615173, >>21615176, >>21615180, >>21615184, >>21615188 Swamp Habbenins

>>21615169 NASA

>>21615247 @JDVance Stage set. Foreign (hostile) agency(ies) control the US legacy media


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371ec5 No.21615271


Will do, thank you

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cb40bf No.21615278

File: 756709f3faf222b⋯.png (285.76 KB,632x767,632:767,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f276eee5dc64a69⋯.mp4 (13.26 MB,1280x720,16:9,0eYjaYd9P51055Gb.mp4)


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4128a0 No.21615285

File: a76d2eca6443be4⋯.png (396.02 KB,609x680,609:680,ClipboardImage.png)

Do you really believe Cuckerberg's apology wa sincere?

Meta is currently rigging their AI to help Harris win the election.

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d20fbd No.21615286

File: 6650bbec61ed63f⋯.mp4 (900.97 KB,406x720,203:360,66ea8cf369f0a.mp4)

Learn Polish

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617bb0 No.21615287

Is your phone a BOMB?

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50ed0a No.21615289

File: c4618e89f5a619d⋯.webm (421.17 KB,427x240,427:240,inbound.webm)

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c3b2d5 No.21615294

Airbags are like the pagers. Everyone is driving around in a remotely controlled bomb. Programming could monitor speed and lateral G forces to deploy when a wreck would be certain.

The Takotna bags were a little too good and had to be replaced.

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9a21e8 No.21615295


Yea Alice bit a head off

So did Ozzy


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85962c No.21615297

File: 5015bc64e3f2e97⋯.jpg (444.15 KB,1080x1634,540:817,Screenshot_20240918_070424….jpg)

Buy American!!!

Trump’s proposed tariffs, which are taxes on imported goods, would cost Americans thousands of dollars per year.


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6757f5 No.21615298





migrate, locked, cleaned

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