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File: 806ecaeaaf7d3a2⋯.jpg (137.19 KB,600x335,120:67,000jjj.jpg)

3ac74b No.21615280 [View All]

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8ce49e No.21616201



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6e5b04 No.21616202

File: e4bc66db7eda178⋯.png (23.16 KB,518x210,37:15,ClipboardImage.png)

Smartphones, Intercoms, Crypto Devices, Tickers, Smart Watches, Solar Panels, and even some Household Appliances within the Homes of Hezbollah Members across the Country had Exploded.


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9155e4 No.21616203

Someone posted a 4chan post that said there would be an event at the Rally today.

Bomb squad and police have found a bomb.

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b2a5fa No.21616204


9/11 was a LIVE EXERCISE across all depts in the Military & Federal Govt. It was cover, plausible deniability, and strategic planning.

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cc6ca3 No.21616205

File: d8d8f0e2ed5c1cf⋯.png (911.44 KB,623x700,89:100,ClipboardImage.png)

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bc4b11 No.21616206

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>21613881 pb

People have forgotten just how screwed up the Kennedy's where and that they made enemies everywhere. Maybe Trump is the same, but don't know if the Kennedy's are great company.

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d7eef9 No.21616207

File: f69ae7bcb803bbe⋯.gif (530.88 KB,620x341,20:11,uhhh.gif)


>Bomb squad and police have found a bomb.

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47d81d No.21616209

File: 97797626052fccd⋯.jpg (12.5 KB,255x236,255:236,Shits_on_fire_yo.jpg)

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3ac74b No.21616211


#26474 >>21615290

>>21615934, >>21615952 BOOMS: President Trump Holds a Rally in Uniondale, New York - 9/18/24 7:00 PM EDT

>>21615524, >>21615571,>>21615812, >>21615873, >>21615915, >>21615933 BOOMS: Cops 'find explosives' in car near Trump rally on Long Island /debunked as training???

>>21615511, >>21615636, >>21615913, >>21615923 BOOMS: Hezbollah hand-held radios detonate across Lebanon/solar energy systems?

>>21615709, >>21615583, >>21615670, >>21615698, >>21615709, >>21615749, >>21615903 [Oversight of Homeland Security Investigation hearing] Assass Attempt

- - - - - - - -

>>21615617 PF updates

>>21615341, >>21615393, >>21615406 NYT reported that the pagers, AR-924 model, were ordered from Taiwanese manufacturer Gold Apollo/Hungary

>>21615343 Melania breaks her silence on her nude modeling career as she prepares to bare all in bombshell memoir

>>21615347 New clown 4am talking point just dropped. "Voter ID is transphobic."

>>21615431 Tracking Elephants Across Namibia

>>21615445, >>21615452, >>21615455, >>21616157 P Diddy's Back Tattoo of the Black Madonna, Trump says he is going to visit Shrine of the Black Madonna

>>21615462 Attorney Ben Meiselas on Repping Colin Kaepernick, Interning for Diddy and Hillary Clinton

>>21615483 Foreign hackers could target election litigation, federal judge warns

>>21615505 Intuitive Machines Stock Soars on New NASA Contract.

>>21615509 @GovRonDeSantis Tonight I joined Jesse Watters to discuss Florida's investigation of the attempted assassination of Donald Trump.

>>21615510 A Mississippi Confederate monument covered for four years is moved

>>21615548 TODAY'S Q DELTAS

>>21615570 Moar Springfield Cat Killing

>>21615602 Happy Birthday, @CIA

>>21615608, >>21615650, >>21615703, >>21615827, >>21615830, >>21615650, >>21615889, >>21615964, >>21615965, >>21616048, >>21616175 NASA/Space/Science

>>21615660 Real Estate Loan Officer Pierce Burton Started Looking Into Gavin Newsom, This Is Going To Blow You Away

>>21615724, >>21615893, >>21615896, >>21615979, >>21616014, >>21616142 Swamp Habenins

>>21615859 "House Democrats are committed to putting politics over people" For the Keks!

>>21615895, >>21616042 The Charlie Kirk Show

>>21615972 Far LEFT Americans Convicted in Russian Influence Scheme

>>21616009 Tucker Carlson is Dumping Zyn Over Its Kamala Harris Donations, Will Launch Own Nicotine Brand ‘Alp.’

>>21616039 ICYMI: Trump speaks about latest assassination attempt | The NEWSMAX Daily (09/17/24)

>>21616076 SpaceX Galileo L13 Mission

>>21616081 Billionaire Investor Found Dead in Washington Lake. Daniel Reiner

>>21616084 Entire board of 23 and Me resigns


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a23929 No.21616212


isn't that an old story?

guy works for the head-dicks and he

sends other guy off to die because he loves other-guys girl (or boy) friend.

Kind of an old story, gee, who was the first one that we read about who did that?

who later repented, so . . .

but that did seem curious to me: how would they know if someone had the device who was a mole in the organization, or spies for other nations?

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8ce49e No.21616214

File: d63829e3d8cd447⋯.gif (1.99 MB,320x180,16:9,IMG_9759.gif)

File: e57890a8a191da7⋯.gif (1.74 MB,500x257,500:257,IMG_9758.gif)


What next?

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bb966f No.21616216


Puff is a German word for Bordelle.

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a85f76 No.21616218

File: a0c2aa9b0e259f3⋯.mp4 (252.06 KB,480x270,16:9,joyfulwarrior.mp4)


>Pure joy.

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fad142 No.21616219

File: b231f3b8cf778cf⋯.png (2.43 MB,1200x948,100:79,ClipboardImage.png)

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70c38b No.21616220

File: dcbead7076d6a37⋯.png (74.39 KB,511x488,511:488,ClipboardImage.png)

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0b630d No.21616222

File: 32937faf9fbf592⋯.png (19.59 KB,374x518,187:259,ClipboardImage.png)



tomorrow delta

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a438c9 No.21616223



Posting endless vids with NO CONTEXT WHATSOEVER, looks like a bread-slide.

Post context, or be filtered.

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a23929 No.21616224


how does one get the job title 'billionaire investor'?

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b4200b No.21616225

If you ask Q to confirm Less than 10, he will. NOT AT THE RALLY!!!

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fefc10 No.21616226

>>21614981 pb

All religions stem from Christianity not the other way around. This was due to the greed of man. You have to discover the truth, because the Truth is looking for you.

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5b18dd No.21616227


Perimeter at rally check point found Blue Barrel by K9 with bomb.

Reports are out.

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3ac74b No.21616228

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a438c9 No.21616229


Good question, where to I sign up?

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be09bc No.21616231


>but the OP itself is fuckin' genius.

No, it's not. It's a terrorist attack by the sole Jewish state in the world - a state made up of individuals who claim ultimate victimhood™ status above all others due to muh Lolocaust™ and muh Terrorism attacks™ against Israel. Kek. We're about to see the definitive "The Jew cries in pain as he strikes you"™ in the immediate future. Israel gavezero fucksabout non-combatants on both these [OPORDS].

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7a3b30 No.21616232

Media claims hoax bomb threat at Trump Rally.

Hoax Bomb threats up 1,000%

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6ec5e4 No.21616239

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ae3a18 No.21616242



never had FB, Twitler, X, Insta, Tikotok, Telegram and the likes of it


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fad142 No.21616244

File: 1e2e9e92e7bf06e⋯.png (1.08 MB,1232x702,616:351,ClipboardImage.png)

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590806 No.21616246

File: eaee93feeba6853⋯.png (106.65 KB,690x982,345:491,AC349995_C875_40F2_BB7C_77….png)


Right on Q

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590806 No.21616253

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590806 No.21616269

File: b7260c6283bcce8⋯.png (1.31 MB,918x1238,459:619,0D609C95_9608_47DD_AC7B_EC….png)

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be09bc No.21616275


>All religions stem from Christianity not the other way around.

That's incorrect, Anon. Judaism was first, followed by Christianity and then Islam. Judaism was, itself, branched off Zoroastrianism, or so they claim. All three of the Abrahamic Religions™ were created to destroy one another, by what we now know as the Rothschild Cult. They're all inherently evil, due to the original source. Notallof the people who practice these 3 religious ideologies are evil. You can find good people in all three, but don't think for one second that either of these groups isn't working to become Top Dog™ by utterly destroying the others. It's literally written to do so in their scriptures.

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590806 No.21616276


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590806 No.21616279


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f619c5 No.21616280

File: e00ed41ed02df53⋯.jpeg (241.16 KB,1280x720,16:9,e00ed41ed02df533ffc89c9e6….jpeg)

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590806 No.21616285

clean fill

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f619c5 No.21616287

File: ddd59b058f469e5⋯.png (10.24 KB,132x255,44:85,ddd59b058f469e541a7e8ee379….png)

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590806 No.21616288

moar fill

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590806 No.21616291


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f619c5 No.21616293

File: 2bd83a18083440f⋯.gif (1.53 MB,1447x964,1447:964,2bd83a18083440f47195b8cbb9….gif)

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590806 No.21616297

almost filled

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f619c5 No.21616300

File: f953b22630a9e69⋯.png (9.08 MB,3376x4096,211:256,f953b22630a9e69bfdeb4c121a….png)

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ae3a18 No.21616306

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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f619c5 No.21616307

File: 0ec1ad76ec0a3b8⋯.mp4 (3.32 MB,480x270,16:9,hold_on_I_m_coming.mp4)

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fefc10 No.21616329


ThankQ to this board for being proactive, we are making them better at being proactive. It is better to have 100 false positives then 1 positive; logical thinking. Another thing that I stated, base on Comey's comms, is that FDR in NYC is a drive, so we should also be proactive in looking for drive by shootings today. Eyes On Patriots, Godspeed.

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fefc10 No.21616342


>Time to send in the military is getting closer and closer.

At least to protect Trump, he is being attacked by a small army.

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47d81d No.21616344

File: 3e2b045b2034019⋯.jpeg (48.99 KB,718x637,718:637,3e2b045b2034019d7b87916c5….jpeg)

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3ac74b No.21616346

File: 25eec316849579b⋯.png (298.11 KB,638x995,638:995,1cac788da7fc07ed703c1e5534….png)

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84f1a9 No.21617014

File: 9def8dfc91885fb⋯.png (583.98 KB,1245x1533,415:511,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 29ab48866e45926⋯.png (311.5 KB,1215x1231,1215:1231,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 213fb3db8339d6c⋯.png (571.44 KB,1050x1694,75:121,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d8593b187465e76⋯.png (113.93 KB,1200x686,600:343,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d067ada2d5ccecd⋯.png (5.13 MB,2875x1625,23:13,ClipboardImage.png)


Favorable Ratings of Harris, Trump Remain Under 50%


• Independents rate Trump better than Harris, 44% vs. 35%

• Walz, Vance each viewed favorably by about four in 10 U.S. adults

• Biden’s approval rating dips to 39% after last month’s 43% reading

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Nearly identical percentages of U.S. adults rate Donald Trump (46%) and Kamala Harris (44%) favorably in Gallup’s latest Sept. 3-15 poll, during which the candidates debated for the first time. Both candidates, however, have higher unfavorable than favorable ratings. Trump’s unfavorable rating is seven percentage points higher than his favorable score, and Harris’ is 10 points higher.

Harris’ bump in favorability after her unexpected nomination as the Democratic presidential nominee has moderated somewhat, while Trump’s favorability is up five points since last month, returning to the level he was at in June.

Despite the overall negative tilt in favorability, both candidates enjoy nearly unanimous positive ratings from their own party faithful and negligible positivity from the opposing party. While majorities of independents view Trump and Harris unfavorably, the former president holds a favorability edge over the current vice president with the group – 44% vs. 35%, respectively.

Presidential Candidates’ Favorability Below 50% for Third Consecutive Cycle

In the six consecutive presidential cycles starting in 1992, at least one of the candidates, and often both, received positive ratings from a majority of Americans in September of the election year and up until the election. However, since 2016 when Trump and Hillary Clinton were the least favorably viewed presidential candidates in the history of Gallup polling less than half of U.S. adults have rated the candidates positively in the summer and fall of the election year.

Trump is currently viewed better than he was at a similar point in the 2020 and 2016 campaigns, while Harris’ positive rating is on par with Biden’s in 2020 and well above Clinton’s in 2016. Beyond Trump, Clinton and Biden, only George H.W. Bush in 1992 and Mitt Romney in 2012 earned a favorable score of less than 50%.

Vice Presidential Candidates Still Unknown to About One in Five Americans

The vice presidential candidates’ favorable ratings are not yet as concrete as their running mates’ are. About one in five U.S. adults do not yet have an opinion of Democratic Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz (19%) or Republican Ohio U.S. Sen. JD Vance (17%). While Vance’s unfavorable rating (47%) outpaces his favorable rating (36%), Walz is viewed favorably (41%) and unfavorably (40%) by roughly equal shares of Americans.

Both vice presidential candidates receive largely favorable scores from their party base – 79% of Democrats rate Walz positively, and 74% of Republicans have a favorable view of Vance. Independents have a more favorable opinion of Walz (37%) than Vance (30%), and this group is the most likely to say they have not yet formed an opinion of the presidential candidates’ running mates.

The overall favorable ratings for Walz and Vance are in line with those of other vice presidential candidates at a similar point in the campaign since 2012. Prior to 2012, favorable ratings of the presidential running mates in August or early September were generally higher, with at least one of the candidates garnering majority-level favorability.

Job Approval Ratings of Harris and Biden Down Slightly

The vice president’s current job approval rating matches her favorable rating, with 44% of Americans saying they approve. Last month, her approval rating was 47%. Harris’ current approval rating is 95% among Democrats, 38% among independents and 2% among Republicans.

After giving up his bid for the presidency in July, President Joe Biden enjoyed a boost in his approval rating to 43% last month – which has slipped to 39%, not far from the 36% taken in the weeks leading up to his announcement that he would not seek reelection.

Democrats’ rating of Biden is 85%, independents’ is 31% and Republicans’ is 3%.

Bottom Line

Both presidential candidates continue to be viewed unfavorably by majorities of Americans. Should those evaluations hold through the end of the campaign, it would mark the third consecutive presidential campaign in which neither candidate garnered majority-level favorable ratings from the public. In most cases since 1992, when one of the presidential candidates was viewed significantly more favorably than the other, the higher-rated candidate won. The current similarity between Trump’s and Harris’ favorable ratings may be a sign of a tight race.


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154d6b No.21617185

such fun

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