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746849 No.21651880 [Last50 Posts]

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746849 No.21651883

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746849 No.21651885


#26516 >>21651131

>>21651133, >>21651225, >>21651365 Soros funded Haitian org filed several bogus charges against Trump and Vance in Springfield, Ohio

>>21651304 The lawyer for the Haitian group that filed criminal charges against Trump and Vance is a close friend of Kamala

>>21651142 Turkish President has once again compared Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu to Adolf Hitler @ UN General Assembly

>>21651149 FTX fraudster Caroline Ellison sentenced to 2 years in prison, ordered to forfeit $11 billion

>>21651147, >>21651156 Ryan Routh formally charged with attempting to assassinate Trump

>>21651165 Woman claims Sean 'Diddy' Combs and his head of security violently raped her after drugging her: lawsuit

>>21651171 Trump trolling Kamala over her lying about working at McDonalds

>>21651172 Fitness expert Jillian Michaels gets standing ovation in Congress for epic rant about America's chronic disease epidemic

>>21651177 In 2020, Crazy Days & Nights reported that Diddy beheaded a live goat in front of his guests on a yacht off the coast of France

>>21651192 Blinken ignored subpoena hearing on withdrawal from Afghanistan to attend the UN meeting instead

>>21651199 Former President Trump vows to expose and prosecute everyone involved in the alleged theft of the 2020 election

>>21651216 DoJ Searched For Anti-Haitian Incidents to Bolster Kamala’s Claims, Emails Show

>>21651223, >>21651251, >>21651398 Chemical train car leak near Cincinnati cont'd

>>21651236 Trump Dominating Sunbelt States Key To Harris Win: NYT Poll

>>21651258 School intimidating students to vote for Kamala without parental consent

>>21651267 John Solomon talking to Matt Gaetz about the 5 team trying to assassinate Trump

>>21651270 Trump will appoint a "Manufacturing Ambassador" that will travel the globe to bring businesses into the USA

>>21651273, >>21651368 Multi-day ICE operation on Nantucket Island captured four illegals for raping children and / or residents

>>21651283, >>21651499 Nancy & Paul Pelosi sold nearly $1 million of Visa, $V on July 1 - 3 months later, VISA is being sued

>>21651296 Ukraine President Zelensky Campaigns for Kamala Harris in Pennsylvania

>>21651298 Top Oncologist: Every new cancer patient is under 45, COVID vaccines induced turbo cancer tsunami coming for the young

>>21651301 New York City schools chancellor steps down amid federal bribery probe

>>21651310 Javier Milei's speech @ UN General Assembly

>>21651329 Arizona State audit confirms Trump is the duly elected President of the United States

>>21651338 El Salvador President Nayib Bukele's speech at the UN General Assembly

>>21651342, >>21651346 John Deere sent severe warning as it threatens to move production to Mexico after 187 years

>>21651362 Judge Eileen Cannon will be presiding over the case again would-be Trump assassin Ryan Routh

>>21651376 Who is the P Diddy of Nashville?

>>21651392 Measles “Outbreak” In Maine Was Vaccine-Induced All Along

>>21651399, >>21651781, >>21651595 ICYMI: Alex Soros announces his family's latest acquisition

>>21651424 Julian Assange will be in Strasbourg next week on October 1st

>>21651433 Fauci funded a $3.7 million project to poison puppies with experimental drugs, FOIA documents show – the project is still active

>>21651457 Silent majority: Most Americans, 58%, said they cannot express their private opinions publicly

>>21651472 Taylor Swift’s popularity plummets after Kamala endorsement

>>21651483 The Consumer Confidence Index plummeted 6.9 points in September to 98.7

>>21651562 The homelessness and drug problem is so bad in Minnesota that dogs are now now eating needles on the streets

>>21651565 Diddy’s Ex-Bodyguard Claims Disgraced Rapper Has Secret Tapes of Top Politicians at His ‘Freak Off’ Parties

>>21651580 Donald Trump Announces Plans to Deepen the Savannah Port in Georgia in Preparation for an Export Economic Boom

>>21651585 Congress is finally investigating ActBlue money laundering

>>21651587 Law Enforcement Group Backing Kamala Harris Exposed as a Sham (was created only a few months ago)

>>21651599 Kamala Harris Calls for Eliminating Filibuster to Codify Roe v. Wade

>>21651604 Federal Judge directs Colorado to release records that could show dead people registered to vote

>>21651610 JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon: All my super liberal friends now realize what a problem the current border is

>>21651615 Fairhope, AL is a small town of 20,000 residents - 1,000 Haitians are possibly "resettling" there

>>21651628 Massie: My amendment will require a report on the casualty and equipment losses for both sides involved in Ukraine

>>21651636, >>21651736 The abuse of local wildlife intensifies

>>21651649, >>21651669 City of Brunswick, Maine planning multi-million $ project to build brand new free apartments for illegals

>>21651653 Kamala Harris Using Soros-Funded Fake News Sites to Lie to Voters

>>21651665 Senator John Kennedy: Biden, Harris have zero foreign policy victories

>>21651680 Tucker Carlson w/ Alex Jones & Jack Posobiec: The Trump Bounty, Oprah & Diddy, and Why War Makes Kamala Happy

>>21651685 JimW: This is a prayer for Tuesday from the book titled Deliverance Prayers

>>21651686 Barack Obama’s Former Canadian Ambassador Reveals Undetectable Way To Steal The 2024 Election (UOCAVA)

>>21651690 CBS: "When we drove through those [Wisconsin] cornfields, just about every line had a Trump sign"

>>21651691, >>21651700 Kamala's response to skyrocketing cost of housing: "I can relate to renters because my mother was a renter"

>>21651706 Pennsylvania grocery store owner tells Trump his store made profit for 25yrs except for last 3 under Biden and Kamala

>>21651715 Senator Josh Hawley Blasts McKinsey’s CCP Ties, Rebukes Witness For Comparing Consulting Firms & Soybean Farmers

>>21651724 Judicial Watch: MASSIVE Update in Ashli Babbitt Wrongful Death Lawsuit

>>21651732, >>21651862 Senate Unanimously Passes Bill To Give Trump Equal Secret Service Protection To Biden

>>21651733, >>21651748 Hillary Clinton on what should be done to Trump supporters after the election: "We need to deprogram them"

>>21651738 Between 2021 and 2023, the Biden-Harris admin’s Department of Education spent over $244 million on DEI initiatives

>>21651740 FBI targets illegal game rooms, public corruption in 'sweeping operation' at multiple Houston locations

>>21651778 Sarco suicide pod is used for the first time as US woman, 64, uses the capsule to die in Swiss woodland

>>21651796 Charleroi, Pennsylvania has seen a 2,000% growth in its migrant population in the last two years

>>21651805 Bombshell transcripts: Trump urged use of troops to protect Capitol on Jan. 6

>>21651808 DOJ Says Letter by Ryan Routh Apologizing for Not Killing Trump and Offering Reward was Written Months Before Attempt

>>21651812 The United Nations just met in New York AND PASSED their ‘The Pact for the Future’

>>21651829 DJT: Cost of Kamala's inflation

>>21651841 Cardinal Dolan mocks Kamala Harris for refusing invitation to the Catholic Al Smith dinner

>>21651857 This lady was EVICTED from her home in Ohio so that Haitian Migrants could live there

>>21651162, >>21651191, >>21651222, >>21651314, >>21651378, >>21651406, >>21651725 Memes

>>21651877 #26516

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746849 No.21651888

#26515 >>21650342

>>21650352 - 3191 Capitol Hill Staffers’ Info Compromised After Using Gov’t Emails On Dating, Porn Sites

>>21650354, >>21650363, >>21650395, >>21650428, >>21650504, >>21650585, >>21650640 ME latest

>>21650358, >>21650591 Children as young at 8 are drugged and trafficked into the US by smugglers posing as their parents

>>21650367, >>21650473, >>21650474, >>21650614 Non-citizens added to states’ voter rolls = interference

>>21650373, >>21650387 USNS Big Horn Runs Aground. Navy does not have a replacement fleet oiler.

>>21650374, >>21650385 Oran Alexander Routh charged with possession of CP


>>21650389, >>21650401, >>21650415, >>21650681, >>21651110 "Haitian Bridge Alliance" has filed criminal charges against Donald Trump and J.D. Vance

>>21650396, >>21650446, >>21650524, >>21650589, >>21650601 NASA, Space Force Etc

>>21650410, >>21650797 Biden Can Barely Speak, Slurs His Words, Attacks Russia and Pushes for More War in Last UN Speech

>>21650424, >>21650618, >>21650620 Officials urge residents to leave the area of a chemical leak near Cincinnati

>>21650432, >>21650440, >>21650556 Florida Sex Trafficking Scandal Tries To Pull in Public Officials

>>21650437 WATCH Bloomberg Global Business Forum, World Bank, IMF forum

>>21650457, >>21650624, >>21650824 FCC just fast-tracked George Soros' purchase of 220+ radio stations before November's election

>>21650468, >>21650481, >>21650483, >>21650506 Ashton Kutcher, Diddy connection bun

>>21650494, >>21650564, >>21650679, >>21650715 Diddy’s trial would expose high-level officials and celebrities

>>21650495, >>21650502 20 AGs To Investigate Pediatrician Group For False Claims About Transitioning Children

>>21650499 POTUS - "It will be a renaissance It will be a golden period."

>>21650509 Illegal immigrant allegedly driving drunk, crashes car and kills police officer

>>21650540 TRUMP TRUTH - SWAMP THE VOTE https://swampthevoteusa.com/

>>21650565 JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon: "If you do not control the borders, you are going to destroy our country

>>21650588 Michigan: Illegal Pleads Guilty to Murdering Ruby Garcia Execution-Style

>>21650590, >>21650910, >>21650928 Biden Remarks & Swamp Happenings

>>21650602 Warren Jones Crazybull, 64, has been charged with threatening to kill Trump

>>21650633, >>21650678 Oran Routh, son of Ukrainian hero and Would-Be Assassin Ryan Routh, worked on the crew for Taylor Swift's tour

>>21650668 Brett Favre says he has been diagnosed with Parkinson’s

>>21650690, >>21650733 Sam Bankman-Fried and Diddy in same Jail - Caroline Ellison sentenced to two years

>>21650710 @charliekirk11 - CNN's Eva McKend just DEMOLISHED Kamala's "I'm tough on the border"

>>21650714, >>21650787 RYAN COMMS - They've raised the money needed to 'finish the job'

>>21650724, >>21650732, >>21650744 POTUS buys using CASH - BOUNTY Quicker Picker Upper

>>21650771, >>21650776, >>21650794, >>21650820, >>21650826, >>21650874, >>21650941, >>21650985 "Just Get a Reverse Mortgage to pay your skyrocketing property taxes."

>>21650828, >>21650835 barackobama It’s Banned Books Week, Join me in thanking our school and public librarians

>>21650869, >>21650897, >>21650919, >>21650940 DOJ Releases Routh $150K Trump Bounty Letter To Divert From $1M Iranian Bounty Before Butler (Slaughter Pen DIGG)

>>21650911 Alex Soros - Honored to host Governor @Tim_Walz at my home in New York City!

>>21650994 THIS ▷ This is The New Level Of Awakening ▷ The Great Awakening

>>21650366, >>21650383, >>21650527, >>21650553, >>21650583, >>21650759, >>21651089 MEMES

>>21651125 #26515

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746849 No.21651889

#26514 >>21649473

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>21649544, >>21649593, >>21649995, >>21650268 RSBN Trump Delivers Remarks on the Tax Code and Manufacturing in Savannah, GA - 9/24/24

>>21649920 @DanScavino President Trump is 🛬 in the Great State of Georgia. #TRUMP2024

>>21649978, >>21649979, >>21649983, >>21649985, >>21649993 Opening Speakers at Trump Savannah Rally

>>21650017, >>21650021, >>21650022, >>21650025, >>21650031, >>21650036, >>21650044, >>21650059, >>21650062, >>21650071, >>21650098, >>21650107, >>21650125, >>21650149, >>21650180, >>21650189, >>21650214, >>21650239 POTUS Rally Quotes

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>21649528, >>21649702, >>21649712, >>21649801, >>21650185 Oran Alexander Routh son of would - be assassin #2 Ryan Routh arrested on child porn charges

>>21649529 Today in Q Post History we have 11 Deltas

>>21649556 Trump's Rescue Mission - Savng America is the film (you) need to see

>>21649567 Digital Soldiers - Join The Digital Battle: Information Warfare

>>21649572, >>21649582, >>21649674, >>21650119 Diddy bun

>>21649597 Kamala Harris Plotted to Stop Me Getting a Job, Kimberly Guilfoyle Says

>>21649609, >>21649637, >>21649708, >>21649751, >>21649752, >>21649872, >>21649936, >>21649938, >>21649944, >>21649965, >>21650039, >>21650081, >>21650160, >>21650161, >>21650199, >>21650242 NASA

>>21649638, >>21649641 Biden, Addressing U.N., Will Argue His Vision Has ‘Produced Results’

>>21649649 Johnny Cash will receive a statue in his honor in the United States capitol

>>21649675 Gunshots fired into Democrat party office in Arizona

>>21649692, >>21649864, >>21650114, >>21650124, >>21650127, >>21650130, >>21650328 Habbenings in and of the Swamp

>>21649709, >>21649976 Only 41 DAYS TO WINNING

>>21649732 Donald Trump on Apprentice - Trolling Former Employee of Diddy "he's a good guy, IS he a good guy?"

>>21649759 Papi Trumpo Kek CRY MORE, LIBS!!!

>>21649894 SEC Chair Gary Gensler testifies before the House Financial Services Committee

>>21649766, >>21649930 Krass keeps running the same unevolving poll. Collecting something else maybe?

>>21649966 David Joseph is stepping down as Chairman/CEO of Universal Music UK after nearly 17 years

>>21650076 QClock September 23, 2024 - Q PROOF - Got Popcorn

>>21650099 Potato delivers remarks at the Global Coalition to Address Synthetic Drug Threats

>>21650151, >>21650299 FCC just fast-tracked George Soros' purchase of 220+ radio stations before November's election

>>21650206 Fugitive Aspen investor Daniel Burrell was arrested on Nantucket Friday morning

>>21650208 UOCAVA opens the door to unlimited foreign voter voting

>>21650231 Missouri v. Biden Back to Trial Court, Govt. Wants to Wholesale Censor all Social Media Posts

>>21650234 Matt GAETZ is under investigation for ethics violations

>>21650241, >>21650254 Can A President Pardon Himself?

>>21650245, >>21650250 The UN Just Adopted the “Pact for the Future” Which Lays the Foundation for a New “Global Order”

>>21650266, >>21650310 Retired NY Judge kills self at home as FBI arrive to arrest him

>>21649546, >>21649589, >>21649630, >>21649766, >>21649832, >>21649836, >>21649849, >>21650032, >>21650043, >>21650298 MEMES

>>21650338 #26514

Previously Collected

>>21647544 #26511, >>21648193 #26512, >>21649463 #26513

>>21645419 #26508, >>21645915 #26509, >>21646714 #26510

>>21642566 #26505, >>21643693 #26506, >>21644626 #26507

>>21640440 #26502, >>21641249 #26503, >>21641895 #26504

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Q Research Notables #24: Soldiers >>21225723

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746849 No.21651893

File: cea50429dbc119a⋯.mp4 (4.47 MB,1280x720,16:9,cea50429dbc119a404a915e2b7….mp4)



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f49cac No.21651898

File: e893a1e244d087b⋯.jpg (36.5 KB,872x720,109:90,e893a1e244d087bfcb6308f294….jpg)

The post just below this one is a Hoo-Ha laser technician

Ask him anything

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385063 No.21651903

File: 4219e073c7244c8⋯.gif (4.4 MB,480x480,1:1,ezgif_5_cff2b5896c.gif)

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f09bba No.21651908

File: 7aaecea17097c1c⋯.jpg (132.03 KB,466x658,233:329,7aaecea17097c1cd17a319b37a….jpg)

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5cff1b No.21651909

File: 69755afa0c4b810⋯.jpg (9.09 KB,255x207,85:69,69755afa0c4b810dda4c6062e1….jpg)

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49d4ba No.21651913

File: 4fc3c457af23e08⋯.jpg (68 KB,955x497,955:497,yatgshbdcxa.jpg)

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ce7f21 No.21651915

File: 45d27eb2ab4702c⋯.jpg (533.18 KB,1757x1784,1757:1784,1000001444.jpg)

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ce7f21 No.21651917

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

How more Talent that that dude Taylor Swift?

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60353c No.21651918

File: 1f8ec8a48ebcf8b⋯.png (1.74 MB,1651x1459,1651:1459,ClipboardImage.png)

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8d4bb5 No.21651921

File: b364bb23e9382b5⋯.gif (9.99 MB,540x570,18:19,gif.gif)

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17f7db No.21651922

File: 36ca732e18ef95e⋯.mp4 (15.82 MB,1280x720,16:9,kellymiranda.mp4)

Let's jam with these two beauties….

Kelly Clarkson and Miranda Lambert cover “Good Luck, Babe!” by Chappell Roan.

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a9bedd No.21651923


"Detectives use Zillow.com to track down RI man charged with child porn "

Sounds like someone is doing their job effectively.

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6aa7b3 No.21651926

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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bfe83d No.21651927

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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a8e8a5 No.21651928

Was Diddy a adrenochrome dealer?

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3ffc57 No.21651930

Non-Aligned Movement calls for ending Israeli aggression in occupied Palestine, Lebanon and Syria

The foreign ministers of the member countries of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) called for ending the Israeli occupation aggression against Palestine, Lebanon and Syrian territory, and urged pressure on Israel to implement relevant Security Council resolutions and fully withdraw from the occupied Syrian Golan.

This position was announced in a political declaration adopted during the ministerial meeting of the Movement, held at the United Nations headquarters in New York, under the title: “Protection of civilians in armed conflicts, position and solidarity with the Palestinian people.”

The declaration condemned all measures taken by Israel occupation to change the legal, natural and demographic status of the occupied Syrian Golan, and its continued efforts to build and expand settlements throughout the occupied Palestinian territory and in the occupied Syrian Golan.

The Foreign Ministers also called for Israel to be forced to implement the relevant Security Council resolutions and to fully withdraw from the occupied Syrian Golan to the line of June 4, 1967.

They considered the repeated Israeli attacks on Syrian territory as a clear aggression against the territory of a sovereign State, and a flagrant violation of the provisions of international law and the Charter of the United Nations.

The ministers and heads of delegations of the Non-Aligned Movement affirmed their solidarity with the Palestinian people in the face of the genocide committed by “Israel”, and expressed their support for their inalienable rights to establish their independent state with Jerusalem as its capital.

During the meeting, Syria’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Ambassador Qusay Al-Dahhak , reaffirmed Syria’s support for the brotherly peoples of Palestine and Lebanon in their confrontation the Israeli murder machine.

He stressed the need to intensify efforts to stop the repeated Israeli acts of aggression on Syrian lands and countries in the region.


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6aa7b3 No.21651931

File: 5b82ef46268f039⋯.png (16.02 KB,588x173,588:173,last.PNG)


Insider Paper


JUST IN - Biden today will deliver what will be his final speech to the U.N. General Assembly — and it's also likely to be one of his last speeches on the world stage as president - CBS

12:22 AM · Sep 24, 2024




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b57a04 No.21651932

File: 42b709f718c656c⋯.jpg (19.22 KB,684x496,171:124,543542h42345g234.JPG)


Thanks Baker!

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a74187 No.21651933

File: f33fa3cdac11b28⋯.png (1.59 MB,1154x4488,577:2244,mcmaster_drops.png)

File: fa4eaaba93fe449⋯.png (189 KB,567x431,567:431,McMaster_s_dad_murder.png)

File: 65a14a6c03db472⋯.png (560.32 KB,1240x940,62:47,mcmaster_teeth.png)

File: d89cc1206cc02b3⋯.png (28.49 KB,656x378,328:189,kristol_on_mcmaster.png)

File: 53f788139fb8df9⋯.jpg (59.88 KB,634x452,317:226,MCMASTER_LOOKING_LIKE_BREN….jpg)

H.R. McMaster's New Book Explains Why Trump Fired Him

However, McMaster’s praise for Trump’s accomplishments comes off as hypocritical because it is accompanied by constant criticism of Trump’s leadership, character, and beliefs. Much of this criticism was petty and personal.

I was surprised to read about the intense infighting between McMaster and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and Secretary of Defense James Mattis. McMaster writes about Tillerson’s astounding incompetence in conducting foreign policy and his refusal to cooperate with the NSC. He portrays Tillerson and Mattis as constantly going behind the backs of himself and Trump. McMaster said Mattis told him he was trying to ensure that “reason triumphs over impulse,” meaning Mattis viewed himself as “reason” trying to rein in “impulse”—President Trump. McMaster indicated that he mostly agreed with Tillerson and Mattis’s efforts and did not take offense to their “obstructionist and occasionally rude and petty behavior,” even though they faulted McMaster for “enabling” the president.

This incredible arrogance adds up to three cabinet members who thought the president should defer to them on foreign policy and not the man—Donald Trump—who was elected president by the American people to make national security decisions to protect their security.

McMaster begins his book with high-minded statements that his work is not partisan or about payback.

He wrote:

But I wrote this book to get past the hyper-partisanship and explain what really happened. I wrote with no political agenda; the politics of our day are pulling this country apart. And I wrote with no desire for requital. I wrote to recount what I experienced.

These claims are laughable because McMaster obviously timed the release of the book to cash in on the 2024 presidential election and the vast audience of Trump haters.


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6be153 No.21651936

File: a6cbb8e36a83d3f⋯.png (6.58 MB,2748x1780,687:445,IMG_0188.png)

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49d4ba No.21651938

The terrorist mob in New York City just honored the memory of Marcellus Williams, who was executed today by the State of Missouri, for the 1998 murder of a woman in St. Louis. He had broken into her home and stabbed her forty-three times with a butcher knife.

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d8a991 No.21651940

File: f2ccf6fdee69c64⋯.jpg (135.95 KB,557x577,557:577,NIGHT_RIDER_SHIFT_2.jpg)

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ce7f21 No.21651941

DeepFucks are fight for… ?

their lives

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765de0 No.21651942

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



latest Coppula flick

comm city

Megalopolis (film)


American film by Francis Ford Coppola

R · 2 hr 18 mins · Drama/Science Fiction

Megalopolis is a 2024 American epic science fiction drama film written, directed, and produced by Francis Ford Coppola. It features an ensemble cast including Adam Driver, Giancarlo Esposito, Nathalie Emmanuel, Aubrey Plaza, Shia LaBeouf, Jon Voight, Laurence Fishburne, Talia Shire, Jason Schwartzman, Kathryn Hunter, Grace VanderWaal, Chloe Fineman, James Remar, D. B. Sweeney, and Dustin Hoffman. Set in an imagined modern United States, it follows Cesar Catilina (Driver), a visionary architect, as he clashes with the corrupt Mayor Franklyn Cicero (Esposito) in determining how to rebuild the metropolis of New Rome after a devastating disaster. The film references the characters involved in the Catilinarian conspiracy of 63 BC, including Catiline and Cicero, in addition to Caesar.

Megalopolis was a passion project for Coppola, who wanted to make a film drawing parallels between the fall of Rome and the future of the United States by setting the events of the Catilinarian conspiracy in modern New York. He conceived the idea for the film in 1977, being inspired by the historian Sallust, and actively started developing it by assembling notes for a future script in 1983. Preparations for a film based around his initial concept came together in 1989 to be shot in Rome, but was postponed after Coppola prioritized other projects to pay his debt to Hollywood after a string of box-office disappointments. Coppola revived the project in 2001, holding table reads with prominent actors in New York. After 9/11, an event that resembled its plot and themes, the film was again abandoned. Having become disheartened working for the studio system, Coppola soon after declared his intentions to self-finance the project if it ever came to fruition.

Coppola announced his return to the film in 2019 and, two years after, sold a portion of his winery in California to spend $120 million of his own money to fund it. After a delay caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, casting was underway by 2021. The film reunited Coppola with past collaborators, including actors Esposito, Fishburne, Remar, Shire, and Sweeney, cinematographer Mihai Mălaimare Jr., second-unit director Roman Coppola, and composer Osvaldo Golijov. Principal photography took place from November 2022 to March 2023, in Georgia. Coppola adopted an experimental style that permitted improvisation during the shoot by letting actors write scenes and himself make spontaneous changes to the script. These methods proved divisive, leading to the resignation of the art department and visual effects team, among others, and raising comparisons to Coppola's history of challenging productions. Filming allegedly wrapped ahead of schedule.

Megalopolis was selected to compete for the Palme d'Or at the 77th Cannes Film Festival, where it premiered on May 16, 2024, and polarized critics. The film is scheduled to be theatrically released in the United States by Lionsgate Films on September 27.


Set in an imagined modern United States

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a8e1ed No.21651943

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I will buy you a pony if you can name 1 foreign policy victory they've had


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032f3f No.21651945

File: e85ed3bc1215ec4⋯.jpg (420.79 KB,1101x1470,367:490,GA19.jpg)


TY Baker

NightShift Activated

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1a6b88 No.21651946

File: a902947d9ff5774⋯.png (1.52 MB,1919x1079,1919:1079,ClipboardImage.png)

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5d16e8 No.21651947

File: b9aab1fa05d1b22⋯.png (93.56 KB,1263x421,3:1,1cfc97c3f5b9285b68dff45ba3….png)

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26018d No.21651948


Eldrich sckull as they say in Asgard

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a8e1ed No.21651949

File: 5ef4ac70618b6e1⋯.png (919.82 KB,786x840,131:140,ClipboardImage.png)

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6aa7b3 No.21651950

File: 99fe5174bb13983⋯.png (532.34 KB,497x471,497:471,br.PNG)


Desmond "See You in another life Brotha"

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3ffc57 No.21651951

File: 86c8dcf32917375⋯.png (513.9 KB,553x657,553:657,ClipboardImage.png)



We know the FAKE NEWS won't report this.

Share to make this go viral!


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a74187 No.21651952

File: b0f38c1f3e10d55⋯.png (178.74 KB,310x465,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3888e34ab58d71d⋯.png (63.54 KB,184x274,92:137,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7a574e4987c4ddb⋯.png (27.99 KB,256x144,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6551727e8e7e4a8⋯.png (4.19 MB,2630x1973,2630:1973,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 567ce910be1f9ee⋯.png (1.66 MB,1116x1303,1116:1303,ClipboardImage.png)


>nigellus nigiams, who was executed today by the State of Missouri, for the 1998 murder of a woman in St. Louis

HER NAME WAS Felicia Gayle


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6aa7b3 No.21651953

File: 3b9ff6943487c5d⋯.png (572.11 KB,593x826,593:826,af.PNG)




Rememeber When

MJ didn't give AF

About what Oprah had to say?

He knew!

Rate proposed Community Notes

10:14 AM · Sep 22, 2024




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f09bba No.21651954

File: 01fb0bda98ee712⋯.png (1.58 MB,986x1315,986:1315,6702.png)


It's a party now

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9b7329 No.21651955

File: 1a36e7dec4cbcab⋯.png (377.09 KB,766x2476,383:1238,1929.png)

File: e19c71ce8d49ecd⋯.jpg (208.64 KB,1800x1200,3:2,ESJWXP6MTNFLFPHUY7LF64ZFLM….jpg)

File: a9bc366d3277acb⋯.jpeg (9.73 KB,225x225,1:1,images_2024_09_24T203558_….jpeg)

File: 8f08f7dcbf52db3⋯.jpg (99.97 KB,1024x683,1024:683,melania_trump_marine_one_h….jpg)

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9e2ecb No.21651956

File: 92f236f63db0ba4⋯.jpg (746.46 KB,2340x1080,13:6,Screenshot_20240924_173115….jpg)

File: 4f5bd44a1d67e8e⋯.jpg (107.14 KB,1080x810,4:3,bob_hope_3_color_spanos_an….jpg)

File: 8bd80b2c757225b⋯.jpg (76.59 KB,1200x1775,48:71,1200x0_2936338040.jpg)

File: 6ccae2cf192baea⋯.jpg (360.67 KB,1280x1600,4:5,US_Senator_John_Fetterman_….jpg)

File: aab1be7a33bfcfa⋯.jpg (122.51 KB,1484x835,1484:835,pbox_3222488197.jpg)

Keep Hope Alive

You thought it was gibberish, stupid, and then dismissed it. They count on it.

Imagine that. Keeping Hope with Joy. Good thing America has the smartest free thinkers.

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1ccf4e No.21651957

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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c6405c No.21651958

File: 8961c5a2274a9c2⋯.jpg (65.69 KB,960x642,160:107,8961c5a2274a9c2810c259ee79….jpg)

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6aa7b3 No.21651959

File: 243a17327e49f31⋯.png (279.9 KB,595x639,595:639,sam.PNG)


Pepe Deluxe 🐸


RIP Sam Elliot

You're dead to me as is all of Hollywood


American Archer



Sep 23

If you are ready to have your stomach turn watch this cringe inducing Kamala campaign ad, with the voiceover by none other than Sam Elliot.

“It’s time to be a man and vote for a woman.”

12:11 AM · Sep 24, 2024





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1a6b88 No.21651960

File: a6fb0dfae6138e6⋯.png (2.18 MB,1920x1386,320:231,ClipboardImage.png)

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a74187 No.21651961

File: de2019e27caf400⋯.mp4 (10.4 MB,720x1556,180:389,archive_of_whole_trump_sho….mp4)

Failed Trump Assassin Had A List Of Everywhere Trump Would Be August To October

The man suspected by the FBI of planning to kill former Pres. Trump possessed a list that included dates from August to October of venues where Trump had appeared or was expected to be, prosecutors said in a detention filing on Monday


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40d9f1 No.21651962

File: e770b158e2ff563⋯.png (461.93 KB,625x415,125:83,ClipboardImage.png)


>Ask him anything

What's your fee for pre- and post-op women?

Do you have a problem with e. coli?

Does it work on internal scrotal hair?

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032f3f No.21651963




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ce7f21 No.21651964

Deep commie Dumbdiaper

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e2b019 No.21651965

File: aa51d28e4a78839⋯.png (107.06 KB,174x242,87:121,Point_Cannon.png)




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000000 No.21651966

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>NightShift Activated

When your enemies sing your songs, you know you've won.


Bruce Springsteen - Nightshift (Official Video)

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a775b3 No.21651967

File: 481c763739dcac1⋯.png (403.14 KB,1080x875,216:175,Screenshot_20240925_033501.png)

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2077bf No.21651968

File: 4e51fc6a52951ee⋯.mp4 (2.17 MB,576x490,288:245,nqreqbwrqhwwe.mp4)



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926dfa No.21651969

File: 01e6d53233a2eec⋯.jpg (1.87 MB,1984x1740,496:435,Eye_of_Sauren_Q.jpg)


Thank You Baker

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6aa7b3 No.21651971

File: 12d5cdaddc52579⋯.png (242.09 KB,594x645,198:215,polly.PNG)


Polly St George will never promote Crypto or NFTs


Here's your Ayahuasca guru, America!

It's Jeffrey Bronfman (yes, the same family as the bootleggers tied to Cindy McCain's dad, NXIVM cult, head of the Liberal Party of Canada, leaders of many Jewish foundations, Warner Music, etc)

haha isn't he sane looking?



Polly St George will never promote Crypto or NFTs




Replying to @FringeViews and @ed_unwa

It's Jeffrey Bronfman, not Stephen. Although Stephen may be involved in the importation business in Montreal, Canada https://vice.com/en/article/two-montreal-religious-groups-can-now-legally-import-ayahuasca/

11:46 PM · Sep 23, 2024




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1a6b88 No.21651972

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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a775b3 No.21651973

File: c4f9deefef9af8d⋯.png (490.57 KB,1080x770,108:77,Screenshot_20240925_033548.png)

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1cdaa7 No.21651975

File: 171edd2665e99d5⋯.gif (5.68 MB,480x269,480:269,Atomic_Cannon_Trump.gif)

File: f98d0ed555a2d11⋯.jpg (123.9 KB,630x945,2:3,Snap_20240919_215340.jpg)

File: 659f883b6c13425⋯.jpg (3.23 MB,4000x3000,4:3,20240828_120929.jpg)

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7dbbd3 No.21651976

File: 00e3d87883cb0c9⋯.mp4 (2.95 MB,720x1046,360:523,7k53j6534b634.mp4)



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ce7f21 No.21651977


DS DeepDiddler burn

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d8a991 No.21651978

File: f0163768f32d68b⋯.jpg (98.98 KB,318x642,53:107,PIG_SAN.jpg)

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a775b3 No.21651979

File: 7a79b119d4d5632⋯.png (864.09 KB,1080x1504,135:188,Screenshot_20240925_033802.png)

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6aa7b3 No.21651980

File: b3a277bab1f2424⋯.png (338.26 KB,596x639,596:639,od.PNG)


Dr. C IET 17




Michael Rae Khoury



Sep 23

What are the odds that Diddy's attorney Marc Agnifilo worked on the RICO case of NXIVM leader Keith Raniere, was involved w/ Harvey Weinstein AND was Darren Indyke's criminal defense attorney while he took control of Jeffrey Epstein's estate!?

Two days before Jeffrey Epstein's

Show more




9:10 PM · Sep 23, 2024




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1cdaa7 No.21651982

File: c80ad8b3067ec12⋯.jpg (6.51 MB,4000x3000,4:3,20240924_113929.jpg)

War Dogs Released….

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1a6b88 No.21651984

File: 45e3f78a8ec8e77⋯.png (468.6 KB,1085x937,1085:937,ClipboardImage.png)



The Lincoln Project

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789044 No.21651985

File: 59a00ad85cca2b1⋯.png (617.01 KB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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9e2ecb No.21651987

File: e6be0fd7a81801e⋯.jpg (389.83 KB,2340x1080,13:6,Screenshot_20240922_160305….jpg)

File: 29b3c6fa4f1f301⋯.jpg (106.31 KB,1080x1080,1:1,il_1080xN_5494086150_j2kg_….jpg)

File: 917f204818a55de⋯.png (245.24 KB,300x462,50:77,DWK18_3D_Cover_HiRes_300x4….png)


Trump's crypto burger stunt draws increased attention to bitcoin

The event marked one of the first times a former president publicly paid for a transaction in bitcoin.

Sabrina ToppaSep 20, 2024 4:15 PM EDT


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9b7329 No.21651988

File: 0b479dbfa7d6bd2⋯.gif (711.45 KB,245x245,1:1,tumblr_mrgq7xKzpS1rqx471o1….gif)

File: 2214a38bf70dc57⋯.gif (1.37 MB,500x281,500:281,eceec98119bb65ad042d102cb7….gif)

File: d539c793436a716⋯.jpg (154.37 KB,634x847,634:847,66760551_11653905_image_a_….jpg)

File: d9de05885771a7b⋯.png (869.97 KB,766x1460,383:730,344_2_.png)

File: 9e0b52d545e2d3e⋯.jpg (12.49 KB,480x360,4:3,hqdefault_8_.jpg)




Got popcorn?

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1cdaa7 No.21651989

File: cd503a19cd33f18⋯.jpg (6.29 MB,4000x3000,4:3,20240924_110557.jpg)

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a8e1ed No.21651990


It's time to be a stupid bitch and vote to be some caveman's chattel again.

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f49cac No.21651992

File: e745bb2157f5529⋯.jpg (33.09 KB,474x316,3:2,e745bb2157f55292ac0642d813….jpg)


Datefagging is a bold strategy.

If it doesn't work out for her, anon will adopt her in trade for pancakes.

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d8a991 No.21651993

File: b5bd05478e8a7e9⋯.jpg (62.61 KB,570x566,285:283,MAMOUFLAGE.jpg)

File: 94bfec4fc2f7a36⋯.jpg (60.12 KB,571x565,571:565,GRAMAUFLAGE.jpg)

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6aa7b3 No.21651995

File: 032416a2d5cd61c⋯.png (552.85 KB,588x547,588:547,oat.PNG)


New York Post


Kids as young at 8 are drugged and trafficked into the US by smugglers posing as their parents, Border Patrol warns https://trib.al/xGnrv9E


11:03 PM · Sep 23, 2024




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9e2ecb No.21651996


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a74187 No.21651997

File: 5b8abff51d2604b⋯.jpeg (416.21 KB,1640x1769,1640:1769,lebron_james_pizza_party_….jpeg)

File: 8ee877f2a89daf5⋯.jpg (66.38 KB,474x869,6:11,lebron_james_is_a_pedo.jpg)


i don't see why lebrown would be tweeting about his extreme need for pizza party otherwise

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6be153 No.21651998

File: cc74076dc1f8bb0⋯.png (24.32 KB,146x255,146:255,IMG_1944.png)

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479212 No.21651999

File: 459ca9d52a7b61f⋯.jpeg (271.5 KB,1206x1272,201:212,IMG_3629.jpeg)


Man his smile gets more satanic and sadistic than ever, is that because they tried to kill his son if he didn't go along.

No wonder Trump didn't want to be interviewed by Brett and Martha on FOx, they are both compromised

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6aa7b3 No.21652000

File: a9e4491252754e2⋯.png (10.69 KB,588x179,588:179,vs.PNG)




I find it interesting that Ryan Routh's wife worked for Victoria's Secret.

Follow the wives.

4:43 PM · Sep 23, 2024




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9b7329 No.21652001

File: 2a1fd507bb6ae0c⋯.gif (947.86 KB,360x200,9:5,2a1fd507bb6ae0c5cd043ec0ae….gif)

File: c05cc9b40e31473⋯.png (551.59 KB,766x2044,383:1022,1384.png)

File: 6190160ef957ca1⋯.jpg (9.23 KB,201x250,201:250,6190160ef957ca1aebd9eb4c69….jpg)

File: 78bde07bf8973fd⋯.png (357.05 KB,766x1678,383:839,1057_2_.png)

File: 218e543e2e5088f⋯.jpeg (323.78 KB,2048x1377,2048:1377,GYE1veBXAAABQd_.jpeg)


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ce7f21 No.21652003

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Dems and DeepFucks shouldn't go outside,


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6aa7b3 No.21652006

File: b5864483e7c7189⋯.png (174.96 KB,594x773,594:773,v.PNG)


Juanita Broaddrick


Will this really happen if Trump wins?

This is scary. Buy more guns and ammo.


James Bradley

4:49 AM · Sep 23, 2024




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3ffc57 No.21652007

File: 45cb45a89f0af18⋯.png (114.87 KB,605x569,605:569,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ba07b27a5b28151⋯.png (55.1 KB,669x321,223:107,ClipboardImage.png)

Both the Australian TGA and US FDA product information warns mpox vaccine can KILL the UNVACCINATED

Dr. Rima E. Laibow shared with Maria Zeee that the US Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”) approved monkeypox (mpox) vaccine called ACAM2000 has a package insert warning that people who receive the injection can cause death to unvaccinated people around them.

Under the heading ‘Warnings and Precautions’ and the subheading ‘Serious Complications’, the package insert states: “Death has also been reported in unvaccinated contacts accidentally infected by individuals who have been vaccinated.”

This alarming information was shared during an interview with Maria Zeee last week.

Sharing Dr. Laibow’s interview, retired Australian pharmacologist Philip Altman demonstrates that the product information issued by the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration includes the same ‘serious complication’ as the FDA. “Death has also been reported in unvaccinated contacts accidentally infected by individuals who have been vaccinated.”



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6aa7b3 No.21652010

File: 21a1233f9f2b655⋯.png (15.81 KB,591x156,197:52,rs.PNG)


Roger Stone


Where does a guy who can't make his child support payments get $150,000 to pay someone to assassinate @realDonaldTrump


5:27 AM · Sep 23, 2024




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a8e1ed No.21652011

File: d5bceb93c9e06a8⋯.png (512.93 KB,640x480,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)


The movie preview is over in 42 days. FIFY

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ce7f21 No.21652012

Commie traitor?

Stay in, forever.

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a775b3 No.21652013

File: 96ca2f34d044241⋯.png (973.98 KB,1080x829,1080:829,Screenshot_20240925_034649.png)

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1a6b88 No.21652014

File: c94079b22d79d24⋯.png (570.62 KB,684x686,342:343,ClipboardImage.png)

Caroline Ellison gets 2 years in prison over her role in FTX fraud

NEW YORK (AP) — Caroline Ellison, a former top executive in Sam Bankman-Fried ’s fallen FTX cryptocurrency empire, was sentenced to two years in prison on Tuesday after she apologized to everyone hurt by a fraud that stole billions of dollars from investors, lenders and customers.

Ellison, 29, could have faced a much tougher sentence, but both the judge and prosecutors said she deserved credit for talking extensively with federal investigators, pleading guilty and ultimately testifying against Bankman-Fried for three days at his trial last November.

U.S. District Judge Lewis A. Kaplan said Ellison’s cooperation was “very, very substantial” and “remarkable.”

But he said a prison sentence was necessary because she had participated in what might be the “greatest financial fraud ever perpetrated in this country and probably anywhere else” or at least close to it.

Ellison was ordered to report to prison Nov. 7. …


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6aa7b3 No.21652015

File: f2958268c407dd6⋯.png (250.72 KB,596x775,596:775,rom.PNG)


Juanita Broaddrick


The Dominoes are beginning to fall and it won’t be pretty.

Credit: @DisrespectedThe


The Disrespected Trucker

7:43 AM · Sep 23, 2024




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d8a991 No.21652016

File: e6445671f99f4c0⋯.jpg (224.86 KB,731x525,731:525,KEEP_EM_RUNNING.jpg)

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c6405c No.21652018

File: 0e16a9ed5f8e278⋯.png (166.72 KB,512x512,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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a775b3 No.21652019

File: 8eff5db41ca2391⋯.png (773.27 KB,1035x1014,345:338,Screenshot_20240925_033700.png)

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4eb6e8 No.21652020

>>21651919 lb


just hold on tight and make like a has been and bring muh samwich

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5d16e8 No.21652021

File: 6b8023e4543292a⋯.gif (2.45 MB,640x360,16:9,6b8023e4543292ad67818fc940….gif)

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6aa7b3 No.21652022

File: cc7c4cfd261113e⋯.png (165.32 KB,587x399,587:399,s.PNG)




BREAKING: Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway, $BRK.B, has sold an additional $863 million of Bank of America, $BAC, stock.


1:31 PM · Sep 24, 2024




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8ddb93 No.21652023

File: 730e0607a60f470⋯.png (898.1 KB,900x900,1:1,730e0607a60f470503fc82cdf7….png)

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f49cac No.21652024

File: d31972aa0435d6f⋯.png (412.28 KB,931x523,931:523,trump_assassination_attemp….png)

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405e0e No.21652025

File: a0aff224dcd4aa8⋯.png (33.55 KB,128x128,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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8ddb93 No.21652026

File: 4c0481b72b69908⋯.jpg (40.04 KB,720x481,720:481,4c0481b72b69908c3d2b5c91c1….jpg)

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ce7f21 No.21652028

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Commie pedo shitbags should prolly stay aware from.windows too

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4eb6e8 No.21652029


all in no money in the pot bingo gang bang card sequence running

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b49030 No.21652030

File: 44609f61b5a52e6⋯.png (467.01 KB,800x400,2:1,67E85EE6_47FB_4E87_96F8_EF….png)

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1a6b88 No.21652031

Rep. Anthony D’Esposito (R-NY) provided part time jobs in his congressional office to both his fiancée’s daughter and his mistress, a New York Times report reveals.

The arrangement is a possible violation of House ethics rules crafted to combat corruption in the notoriously shady world of congressional staffing.

The Times reports:

Shortly after taking the oath of office, the first-term congressman hired his longtime fiancée’s daughter to work as a special assistant in his district office, eventually bumping her salary to about $3,800 a month, payroll records show.

In April, Mr. D’Esposito added someone even closer to him to his payroll: a woman with whom he was having an affair, according to four people familiar with the relationship. The woman, Devin Faas, collected $2,000 a month for a part-time job in the same district office.


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3ffc57 No.21652032

File: be87a0e13e80f7c⋯.png (108.25 KB,731x615,731:615,ClipboardImage.png)

Justice Department Sues Visa for Monopolizing Debit Markets


Nancy Pelosi’s husband, Paul Pelosi, dumped over $500,000 worth of Visa stock just weeks before the Department of Justice slapped the financial giant with an antitrust lawsuit


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b49030 No.21652033

File: 546885e7cbfb66a⋯.jpeg (138.75 KB,1130x976,565:488,IMG_0379.jpeg)

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b49030 No.21652034

File: 253d7acf042258f⋯.png (430.38 KB,599x507,599:507,5B444BAE_8A65_4E71_BFE3_01….png)

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b49030 No.21652036

File: a5378244de1beed⋯.png (491.09 KB,440x564,110:141,EC031004_BF1D_4842_AE3F_58….png)

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f7fd5c No.21652037

File: f4b6ecddad38161⋯.jpeg (64.59 KB,1000x664,125:83,IMG_2144.jpeg)

File: 80686be87099eea⋯.jpeg (608.02 KB,7112x4619,7112:4619,IMG_2043.jpeg)

File: c0e297a52c405cb⋯.jpeg (687.61 KB,1074x962,537:481,IMG_4354.jpeg)

File: b5bcf4fecb3934f⋯.jpeg (95.56 KB,735x573,245:191,IMG_4152.jpeg)

File: 71a1a6e8483dc3e⋯.jpeg (45.13 KB,792x528,3:2,IMG_7027.jpeg)

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8ddb93 No.21652038

File: 73ca02e01d6545f⋯.jpg (61.9 KB,537x737,537:737,baby_needles_killing_them_….jpg)


Wonder if he will have to take shots?

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f09bba No.21652039

File: ca3b2b2132b88e3⋯.jpeg (125.29 KB,1080x750,36:25,1583374110.jpeg)



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b49030 No.21652041

File: 182b117e0bf1192⋯.jpeg (140.47 KB,800x533,800:533,83D53B5A_D985_4AC1_8C14_E….jpeg)

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b49030 No.21652042

File: 7f8e9566c171ed8⋯.jpeg (413.2 KB,968x656,121:82,IMG_0368.jpeg)

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f49cac No.21652043



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a775b3 No.21652045

File: 4931a835235bb61⋯.png (119.4 KB,1080x798,180:133,Screenshot_20240925_035104.png)

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6aa7b3 No.21652046

File: 4afae7f05667235⋯.png (195.86 KB,600x642,100:107,c.PNG)


🪶Native Patriot 🇺🇸


Seriously CNN???! What TF is this??

She birthed her child and left it in a toilet to die?? And SHES your champion????

I’m having a difficult time comprehending how this mother is being portrayed as a victim of any kind. No parking tickets… sure, but she let her baby drown in a TOILET





11:34 AM · Sep 24, 2024




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3ffc57 No.21652047

File: 169af85fd56e416⋯.png (89.52 KB,993x645,331:215,ClipboardImage.png)

“Operation Sonic Boom” Targeting Violent Crime in Oklahoma City Results In 50 Defendants Charged With Firearms And Drug Offenses

Law Enforcement Seize 193 Firearms, including 83 Machinegun Conversion Devices, Two 3-D Printers, and More Than 63 Kilograms of Drugs


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1a6b88 No.21652048

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Young Donald Trump in 1992: Rare Interview Unveiled



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40d9f1 No.21652049

File: 795b64cc198b2bc⋯.png (906.71 KB,978x744,163:124,795b64cc198b2bceb0164a7975….png)


Appreciate the Kek!

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ce7f21 No.21652051


Found out that tall fuckface got a "secret" place in the woods down the road a piece ,

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9b7329 No.21652053

File: 4ed1bf89e18cadc⋯.png (189.33 KB,534x533,534:533,c3dbf3952de6613050b5a77c86….png)

File: 41061ca8b52ef7d⋯.png (418.47 KB,766x1876,383:938,531.png)

File: 272166637ee9cf3⋯.png (1.98 MB,1119x1242,373:414,272166637ee9cf3201ef62e982….png)


b i n g o b i n g o & the thing

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a13e0d No.21652054


Kek, somewhere in the world, right now, it's Night Shift.

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6aa7b3 No.21652056

File: 250040c03e21a15⋯.png (345.56 KB,590x614,295:307,loops.PNG)


David J Harris Jr


WOW you must see this.

At today’s roundtable on American Health & Nutrition, Jason Karp showed the difference between Canada's Fruit Loop Cereal and America's. They're literally poisoning our children and this is exactly what RFK Jr. is talking about.


0:12 / 0:34

8:00 AM · Sep 24, 2024




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6aa7b3 No.21652059

File: 0e7421247b13bee⋯.png (183.94 KB,594x831,198:277,wh.PNG)


Wall Street Apes


American Describes What Democrat Leadership Has Done To Georgia

“What the f*ck has happened to Georgia? — When I left here and moved to Florida, this was a Republican state. It was a state where you could live. The cost of living wasn't that high. I've just moved back into a Democratic state.

— Moving back here to Georgia, I see now what a democratic state looks like. I just had to drop $906 on my tag. On my f*cking car tag

- My car insurance is $300 f*cking dollars a month

- My electricity this month with me turning off breakers in this house was $411 for one singular person

- My water bill was $110

- My rent is $1,700

— When I left Georgia, I was paying $950 for a three-bedroom home with a huge yard in Georgia. Now, I can't hardly live, and I thought I was making the right move by moving back here. This is what a fucking democratic state looks like.”

She continues on to give more and more examples. Democrats policies skyrocket the cost of everything

Last edited

5:56 AM · Sep 24, 2024




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a8e1ed No.21652060

File: 89416dac1a854bb⋯.png (623.35 KB,900x420,15:7,ClipboardImage.png)


How did he know Hillary?

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b49030 No.21652061

File: 8f71349938bc472⋯.png (394.98 KB,516x374,258:187,0833A3D8_AA33_4851_8953_70….png)

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a74187 No.21652062

File: bd8ae2de89b9b29⋯.png (45.88 KB,896x580,224:145,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 61626823cd73f6f⋯.png (427.24 KB,931x524,931:524,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6cd382952c9013c⋯.png (129.61 KB,203x307,203:307,ClipboardImage.png)

>>21651876 pb

>Frogs are turning gay.

And he turned it into a ridiculous meme of shit

It was mainstreaming before he touched it

There was a book


that covered the endocrine disrupting chemicals issue

long before he shat the issue up

NO. He shat on that issue. Reduced it from where it was.

>>21651181 pb

>Bret Baier calling Georgia for Harris.


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5d16e8 No.21652065

File: 0791f3f49e99f2d⋯.png (994.93 KB,800x800,1:1,0791f3f49e99f2d10f86ec6b84….png)

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a775b3 No.21652066

File: df295496c64c905⋯.png (64.92 KB,1080x473,1080:473,Screenshot_20240925_035451.png)

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789044 No.21652067

File: ad24a0f8e2054a9⋯.png (768.07 KB,1917x726,639:242,ClipboardImage.png)

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17f7db No.21652068

File: 9387d82f8014028⋯.mp4 (7.69 MB,576x1024,9:16,bieber_.mp4)

Let's jam with Bieber now…

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9b7329 No.21652069



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6aa7b3 No.21652071

File: 077c7d56594b2a3⋯.png (702.44 KB,601x919,601:919,un.PNG)


Died Suddenly


🚨 BREAKING: Congress just ran a drill to test run replacing lawmakers after a “mass casualty” assassination event.

A constitutional amendment is being proposed by these four congressman to make all elected officials choose 5 people who can be picked by their state’s governor if they are killed, without any vote from constituents.

Rep. Derek Kilmer (D-Wash.)

Rep. Brad Wenstrup (R-Ohio)

Rep. William Timmons (R-S.C.)

Rep. Emanuel Cleaver II (D-Mo.)

The “continuity amendment” allows Congress to be replaced overnight.

This week, the United Nations held the “Summit of the Future” where they laid out a plan for UN martial law takeover in the event of a mass casualty black swan event, which can also be a new pandemic.

The UN called for an “Emergency Platform” that would be a shadow government, overseen by unelected elite, and activated if chaos has erupted in America. The protocols would “bring together all relevant actors that can contribute to the response – including but not limited to networks of willing Member States, the United Nations system, international financial institutions, regional bodies and relevant private sector, civil society, academic and non-governmental actors,” to run “day-to-day” operations.

Among the elite in attendance was Bill Gates.

Also discussed at the event, was the takeover of 30% of the world’s land and oceans.

The rise of Global Governance is here, is this why the Diddy scandal is breaking now?


1:04 PM · Sep 24, 2024




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9e2ecb No.21652072


Sauce, ms. Thank, or it didn't happen!

Oh, togtfo

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f09bba No.21652073

File: 26aa84b8c6c1941⋯.gif (737.48 KB,500x320,25:16,download.gif)

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40d9f1 No.21652074

File: a116ad5f21000b4⋯.png (130.59 KB,299x168,299:168,ClipboardImage.png)


Oy Vey! Get in the Gefilte!

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5a2a76 No.21652076

>>21651744 PB

This is important. Aberrant (mutated) tissue cells occur in many ppl but a healthy immune system takes care of those cells and cancer does not develop. So a damaged immune system is a major problem.

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ce7f21 No.21652077

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Elite child molesters, billionaires blasting and splattering in churning diarrhetic fear

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6aa7b3 No.21652078

File: 5d1c52513e55f03⋯.png (324.03 KB,596x626,298:313,rso.PNG)


RealAF Patriot




I’ve been going through some of my older content and re-sharing what I feel is too important not to at this time.

This video contains explicit detail of a Satanic Sacrifice Ritual Ricky Schroeder was shown when he was a young kid.

11:34 AM · Sep 24, 2024




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aedf7b No.21652080

>>21651172 n Fitness expert Jillian Michaels gets standing ovation in Congress for epic rant about America's chronic disease epidemic

there seems to be a contest on to see who can become the fattest person

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407487 No.21652081

File: bf1e1bc18ba0be5⋯.png (1.06 MB,1388x848,347:212,bf1e1bc18ba0be5248e1b1a069….png)

Winning feels are intensifying

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279610 No.21652082

File: ed370657e36c132⋯.png (151.3 KB,740x740,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Ty Baker

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a775b3 No.21652083

File: 6b126e64efa28f4⋯.png (829.56 KB,1080x1153,1080:1153,Screenshot_20240925_035829.png)

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53b6d3 No.21652084


will be gud

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ad7e0e No.21652085

File: 8579d58fcc63386⋯.png (280.33 KB,720x1612,180:403,Screenshot_20240924_101316.png)

Measurement of antibodies to the SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein is routine community standard of care in the assessment of long-COVID and vaccine injury syndromes. I have noticed that the most ill patients are those who had COVID-19 early and then took one or more ill-advised COVID-19 vaccines. Recall the US FDA did not allow Pfizer or Moderna to vaccinate COVID-19 recovered patients in the registration clinical trials because they had great expected harm and no opportunity for clinical benefit. Later, three studies demonstrated that indeed vaccination after infection was a bad idea with much greater risks of serious adverse events than SARS-CoV-2 naive patients.


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53b6d3 No.21652086

File: 84a024d955dc15b⋯.jpg (98.87 KB,840x480,7:4,Best_is_yet_to_come.jpg)

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a8e1ed No.21652088

File: 30931670e9075b3⋯.png (356.11 KB,577x432,577:432,ClipboardImage.png)


"All laws that are Unconstitutional are void" includes Unconstitutional treaties. Non Servium

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6aa7b3 No.21652089

File: bdd4ed1bf41bbb7⋯.png (15.99 KB,590x176,295:88,au.PNG)


Attorney General Ken Paxton


The City of Dallas and the State Fair of Texas cannot nullify state law by banning firearms. I will challenge this decision immediately in the Texas Supreme Court.

12:48 PM · Sep 24, 2024




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9b7329 No.21652090

File: 38198bd33768cd3⋯.mp4 (2.33 MB,488x480,61:60,38198bd33768cd348f03ad1365….mp4)


do not fence me in

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c1ccb8 No.21652091

File: 08da336817e690a⋯.jpeg (29.84 KB,678x452,3:2,images_1_.jpeg)

File: 78bde07bf8973fd⋯.png (357.05 KB,766x1678,383:839,78bde07bf8973fd1cf7f09a8a2….png)

File: 39f1ef8424efe26⋯.jpeg (24.75 KB,554x554,1:1,images_26.jpeg)


Is it Dua Lipa ??

It seems strange to me all these 20 something popstars from conflict zones appearing on the music scene 20 something years post the conflict

Hopefully I'm wrong

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d8a991 No.21652092

File: a5c8c11b3b55810⋯.jpg (129.26 KB,515x544,515:544,40000_VIEW_POTUS_45_47.jpg)

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f49cac No.21652094

File: 746944a8216b992⋯.png (282.45 KB,654x498,109:83,mel_gibson_braveheart_pepe.png)




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b49030 No.21652095

File: 6486580c5ecffbb⋯.jpeg (418.71 KB,914x706,457:353,IMG_0335.jpeg)

File: 3b16092b55fb98e⋯.mp4 (8.73 MB,Don_t_Page_Me.mp4)

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5d16e8 No.21652096

File: 89f9e27019ff01a⋯.jpg (163.08 KB,720x853,720:853,KeepOnRockinMeBaby.jpg)

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aedf7b No.21652098

File: 2dcb423356c1cd8⋯.png (467.97 KB,891x812,891:812,harris_walz_butcher_t.png)



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405e0e No.21652100

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d26b40 No.21652101


Good Evening.

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b3bb07 No.21652102

File: e4e8165160a06e9⋯.png (720.03 KB,666x661,666:661,Screenshot_2024_09_24_1859….png)


They worshipped hard.

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6aa7b3 No.21652105

File: 41edfa8ead6233f⋯.png (43.61 KB,1275x444,425:148,m.PNG)


Melania Trump to sit for rare television interview


Heather Hunter

September 23, 2024 8:54 pm

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ce7f21 No.21652106

Imagine willing giving up billions just to not be the satanic piece of one has become, wanting so bad to make it all go away, wishing they where a poor guy with a little shit house and not the most technological and lethal military in human history comin down your Satanic gazilionaire DumbFuck ass

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fa8854 No.21652107

File: 3736acbacb0fe41⋯.mp4 (3.62 MB,576x1024,9:16,2nCWaGhHonIQBmQh.mp4)

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8a215c No.21652108

File: 506c54334c9c75c⋯.png (1.28 MB,1371x769,1371:769,ClipboardImage.png)

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bfe83d No.21652110

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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a74187 No.21652111

File: cabf3eba2772855⋯.png (52.55 KB,931x524,931:524,ClipboardImage.png)


heh. i like that

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a775b3 No.21652113

File: 21cacdd2dd107d4⋯.png (237.86 KB,1080x1100,54:55,Screenshot_20240925_040151.png)

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8ddb93 No.21652114

File: 3186597a2dff12b⋯.png (913.16 KB,811x788,811:788,ClipboardImage.png)

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26018d No.21652117

File: b5c01c6c40cf376⋯.jpg (87.41 KB,800x506,400:253,b5c01c6c40cf376068f08a1230….jpg)

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9e2ecb No.21652118

File: dab3164a2a5371b⋯.jpg (11.95 KB,474x266,237:133,th_1224681864.jpg)

File: 56df2be46e6fb4c⋯.jpg (17.21 KB,460x250,46:25,Jay_Z_Marina_Featured_1200….jpg)

File: 7f8e9566c171ed8⋯.jpeg (413.2 KB,968x656,121:82,7f8e9566c171ed8a051dc9aee….jpeg)






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6aa7b3 No.21652120

File: d50f05564a8d55c⋯.png (914.76 KB,1332x861,444:287,nw.PNG)


It's not just Springfield, Haitians being flown to small towns nationwide

Since fiscal 2021 through August, the majority have been apprehended at the southwest border of nearly 262,000, followed by nearly 221,000 nationwide and nearly 2,300 at the northern border, according to the data.

By Bethany Blankley | The Center Square contributor

Published: September 23, 2024 11:00pm

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aedf7b No.21652121

File: c54655a2033d21e⋯.png (918.75 KB,650x1000,13:20,ClipboardImage.png)


bru do you even pledge

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17f7db No.21652122

File: 7f2d35f30b01f9a⋯.mp4 (7.44 MB,576x682,288:341,bieber2.mp4)

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d8a991 No.21652124

File: 9968521aebf68e7⋯.jpg (153.54 KB,865x477,865:477,TRUTH_B_TOLD.jpg)

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385063 No.21652125


where can i get one of those costumes?

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9e2ecb No.21652127


Neighbor just got murdered…

OK, carry on.

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9b7329 No.21652128

File: 758456cedcfb57c⋯.mp4 (1.83 MB,720x758,360:379,758456cedcfb57c3e51a092b13….mp4)

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6aa7b3 No.21652129

File: 807388cd97deaa8⋯.png (274.48 KB,702x707,702:707,p.PNG)

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a74187 No.21652130

File: 6074c263dfae63e⋯.png (57.12 KB,931x524,931:524,ClipboardImage.png)


it's evolving

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0167a5 No.21652131

File: bc59d1a0ae67e2f⋯.png (2.25 MB,1546x1300,773:650,IMG_6592.png)


Music of the Ham Slammers…kek

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407487 No.21652133

File: 2f04668d0953bb6⋯.png (32.38 KB,858x810,143:135,66f2f9db40416.png)

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5cff1b No.21652134

File: 536d03322aa27d0⋯.png (546.8 KB,889x1411,889:1411,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3229f1ec53ba579⋯.jpg (107.24 KB,1434x1077,478:359,2.jpg)

File: e0a99ec263d47d3⋯.jpg (102.75 KB,1203x1033,1203:1033,3.jpg)

File: 7850a44a05057b4⋯.mp4 (2.75 MB,480x270,16:9,4.mp4)

In January 2022, about half of Democrats supported fines, prison, and quarantine camps for the unvaccinated.

• 55% backed FINES for refusing the vaccine.

• 59% supported permanent HOME CONFINEMENT for the unvaccinated.

• 48% backed PRISON for questioning vaccine efficacy on social media.

• 45% supported placing the unvaccinated in QUARANTINE CAMPS.

• 47% backed surveillance and TRACKING of the unvaccinated.

• 29% supported the government TAKING CHILDREN from unvaccinated parents.

The Democrat Party's corporate media labeled the unvaccinated as dangerous scum, and many Americans believed them.

So, is it really surprising that a new poll shows 28% of Democrats are rooting for President Trump’s assassination?


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405e0e No.21652135

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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c6405c No.21652136

File: a39e107f43c8120⋯.jpg (10.84 KB,229x220,229:220,smokingpepe2.jpg)


That looks exactly like Martha MacCallum.

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26018d No.21652137

File: 61e82209765374e⋯.png (787.38 KB,721x843,721:843,61e82209765374e96754258387….png)

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000000 No.21652138

Dua Lipa has spoken out against a full-page advertisement that ran in the New York Times on Saturday accusing her and models Gigi and Bella Hadid of “anti-Semitism” for their public support of anti-occupation and Free Palestine movements amid the recent violence in Gaza and East Jerusalem that left over 240 Palestinians and 12 Israelis dead. The ad, which was produced and paid for by Rabbi Shmuley Boteach’s World Values Network, featured photos of Lipa and the Hadids superimposed on an image of Hamas rockets, with large lettering stating, “Bella, Gigi and Dua, Hamas calls for a second Holocaust. CONDEMN THEM NOW.” The text in the lower portion of the ad claims that “the three mega-influencers have vilified the Jewish state” by spreading “disgusting libel.” Gigi and Bella’s father is Palestinian, and Lipa is currently dating their brother, Anwar.



>Is it Dua Lipa ??

Dua Lipa was the anti semite of the year.


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6aa7b3 No.21652140

File: 510418bcd614496⋯.jpg (22.49 KB,393x355,393:355,my_name_is_11_Copy_3_.JPG)

File: d8fe93cca99d7b4⋯.png (14.23 KB,602x221,602:221,om.PNG)




Ilhan Omar


The death penalty is flawed, racist, and unjust.

It has no place in America or anywhere else in the world.

Abolish it.

2:36 AM · Sep 24, 2024




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f09bba No.21652141

File: d8ca3c521739931⋯.jpeg (170.25 KB,1440x810,16:9,1528743111.jpeg)


Nice lead in for the normies to this sick cunt

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3ffc57 No.21652142

File: f2db2dc962226a0⋯.png (110.99 KB,994x528,497:264,ClipboardImage.png)

Former Ohio Municipal Prosecutor and Former Criminal Defendant Charged with Bribery Conspiracy


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1b23ab No.21652143

File: 685052e36b51aae⋯.jpg (225.21 KB,1300x934,650:467,white_squall_K3JJB2.jpg)


anon in the canon

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aedf7b No.21652144

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9b7329 No.21652146


child star feature

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a9bedd No.21652148

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

in this episode of Storia di Napoli

the narrator mentions a 'Tornado of Frogs' during Roman times in the forest he visits.

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9e2ecb No.21652149


Positivist would prolly just call it nonsense, the Blue kind, one might recall. Blue; nonsense; Technical terms, if you like that

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0167a5 No.21652150

File: 177c6ce9e38eb3b⋯.png (718.11 KB,710x712,355:356,IMG_6107.png)


Never let the Jews off the hook

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53b6d3 No.21652151

File: 3b0eac91ad251c5⋯.jpg (58.46 KB,500x624,125:156,goahead.jpg)

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000000 No.21652152



>Dua Lipa was the anti semite of the year.



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3ffc57 No.21652154

File: 69fbb23cb08c539⋯.png (127 KB,985x524,985:524,ClipboardImage.png)

Founder And Former CEO Of Artificial Intelligence Start-Up SKAEL Charged With Securities Fraud And Wire Fraud


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000000 No.21652155

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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bfe83d No.21652157

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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96278a No.21652159

File: cf227aa6a222bb7⋯.png (11.04 KB,214x236,107:118,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cd2d80e84dad348⋯.png (68.73 KB,225x225,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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3c0b1b No.21652162

September 24, 2024

Johnny Cash Statue Dedication at U.S. Capitol

A statue of the late singer Johnny Cash, designed by artist Kevin Kresse, is unveiled in Emancipation Hall at the U.S. Capitol. It replaces one of the Progressive Era politician James P. Clarke of Arkansas in the National Statuary Hall Collection.


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cd2315 No.21652163


Kek, Feel the Spirit and run with it, Amen.

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9e2ecb No.21652164

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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6aa7b3 No.21652166

File: 93c1a8b1580d3a8⋯.png (422.48 KB,994x643,994:643,s.PNG)



US to send $375 million in military aid to Ukraine, including medium-range cluster bombs


Updated 8:45 AM GMT-11, September 24, 2024

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fd1e18 No.21652169

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d8a991 No.21652170

File: 53fbfcbc241921f⋯.jpg (113.56 KB,454x633,454:633,ALL_INVITED.jpg)

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331f2f No.21652172

File: 26b0ba5c572df64⋯.png (542.33 KB,440x523,440:523,ewvbterterwtrew.PNG)

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6aa7b3 No.21652173

File: 509537def7dd7d6⋯.png (27.26 KB,782x246,391:123,jg.PNG)


Jeff Glor, ‘CBS Evening News’ anchor pushed out for Norah O’Donnell, fired amid Paramount bloodbath

By Alexandra Steigrad

Published Sep. 24, 2024, 3:33 p.m. ET

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1b23ab No.21652175

File: 9464b991ef32a36⋯.jpg (14.59 KB,255x243,85:81,1f56f52247a03cd6695df19223….jpg)

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7f9a53 No.21652176


This guy's an idiot AJ wanna be

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96278a No.21652177

File: fe0964e6e832d76⋯.png (298.19 KB,1024x768,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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9b7329 No.21652178

File: 332cc6b44604a15⋯.mp4 (13.4 MB,262x480,131:240,332cc6b44604a15af388cfa95c….mp4)

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fd1e18 No.21652179

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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06914f No.21652180

File: 386743a1ededd51⋯.jpg (50.26 KB,536x533,536:533,IMG_20240913_235243_990.jpg)

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407487 No.21652181

File: 7bf660f82d42e15⋯.png (79.31 KB,896x1009,896:1009,66f2e902d181a.png)

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12b882 No.21652182


Diddy, your breath smells like Dick.

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aedf7b No.21652183

Now conquers Night, whose scepter see above

All crusted with glitt’ring diamonds

Set wondrous off with yonder glowing pearl!

They silent wheel until Aurora’s crown

Of crimson slowly rises radiant.

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6aa7b3 No.21652184

File: e846aa345e5c09b⋯.png (79.07 KB,666x534,111:89,aps.PNG)


Diddy's bodyguard says there are tapes of politicians at 'freak offs' and claims rapper 'learned' from other music moguls

By Will Potter For Dailymail.Com

Published: 11:14 EDT, 24 September 2024 | Updated: 13:09 EDT, 24 September 2024

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26018d No.21652185

File: 522f9499ee47d16⋯.jpg (42.55 KB,512x384,4:3,522f9499ee47d1605a73867b75….jpg)

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c3f9f7 No.21652186

File: f2ad7ee40b5622d⋯.png (1.57 MB,1198x798,599:399,Screen_Shot_2024_09_24_at_….png)

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aedf7b No.21652187




kek. probably the funniest thing anon has read here in years.

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6aa7b3 No.21652188

File: ddf04149af3747e⋯.png (1.62 MB,1393x668,1393:668,bi.PNG)



FBI hiring contract Haitian Creole translators across 18 Alabama counties

Erica Thomas | 09.24.24

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26018d No.21652189

File: 240b2b3ca48ab58⋯.jpg (11.73 KB,240x210,8:7,Reeemoveit.jpg)

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aedf7b No.21652191



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a6cf46 No.21652192


if she knew how much that precious child was worth, in current spiritual, humanity giving monetarily speaking - it would be a fight for that child's life. THE STATE OWNS IT DEAD OR ALIVE, NOW. blood baby, its all about the blood

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286662 No.21652195


kek. The bell tolls for thee, Ilhan.

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6aa7b3 No.21652197

File: 80fac57188de566⋯.png (283.91 KB,441x692,441:692,trade.PNG)


Texas Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick calls out Kamala & Biden for “purposely and knowingly” being complicit in the child-sex trade 🔥

“We have about 300,000 children who have come here illegally… and we can tell you where we sadly think many of them are… They are being forced to have sex - 5, 6, 7 times - a day as children, or teenagers, or young women….

Kamala Harris and Joe Biden are responsible for a sex-child-trade in this country, tonight…

You have complicit, a President Joe Biden & Kamala Harris running for President, who purposely and knowingly know that children are being sex trafficked in this country.”

These people are sick!!!


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112d97 No.21652199

File: 16a72fa3f360487⋯.png (1.12 MB,878x1118,439:559,Screenshot_20240924_181552….png)

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c6405c No.21652201

File: efd19dfd9ce7ffb⋯.png (97.53 KB,427x240,427:240,ClipboardImage.png)

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6aa7b3 No.21652203

File: d6a6f74b1df1ecb⋯.png (55.78 KB,1288x512,161:64,oost.PNG)


House Republicans demand investigation on whether Zelensky visit was ‘politically motivated’ to boost Harris


Cami Mondeaux

September 24, 2024 3:00 pm

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fa8854 No.21652204

File: 8c624ff762e0da8⋯.jpg (13.24 KB,255x244,255:244,8c624ff762e0da8aefd9c579ff….jpg)

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f09bba No.21652206

File: 8eb9eb79db05a21⋯.png (917.99 KB,1080x698,540:349,20230622_201136.png)


The deniro

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286662 No.21652210


>Crooked Hillary Clinton

thought he called her "beautiful" now?

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ae57b9 No.21652211

File: cfa9dd9aa90072e⋯.jpeg (34.84 KB,193x255,193:255,cfa9dd9aa90072e7da177f6fc….jpeg)

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3ffc57 No.21652214


Next they will investigate water to see if it's wet

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6aa7b3 No.21652216

File: 947389fb78680fb⋯.png (24.57 KB,787x260,787:260,pp.PNG)

File: c1bbac31d7598e6⋯.png (23.15 KB,1237x427,1237:427,bf.PNG)


US News

Pro-police coffee shop owner wins $4 million in free speech suit against university officials

By Hannah Ray Lambert, Fox News

Published Sep. 24, 2024, 10:32 a.m. ET

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641009 No.21652217


Diddy injected, most likely, rear end administration.

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6aa7b3 No.21652222

File: b8378e62f823abf⋯.png (498.01 KB,799x595,47:35,nb.PNG)



TikTok removes Russian state media outlets RT and Sputnik

Idaho man charged with threatening to kill Trump in phone calls to Mar-a-Lago

Iranian president says he doesn't want war with Israel

Ex-NYC Covid czar fired after he admits attending banned 'private gatherings'-

- during height of pandemic

Hezbollah launches over 200 rockets into northern Israel

Israeli air strikes kill 492 people in Lebanon

Secret Service boosts protection around Donald Trump

US is sending more troops to the Middle East

Russia’s new Sarmat missile suffered ‘catastrophic failure’

Trump to rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, on Oct. 5

Trump buys popcorn

DOJ releases letter Ryan Routh wrote

Carrier USS Harry S. Truman Leaves for Deployment

U.S. lawmakers plan for possible "mass casualty" event

John 10:9

Who has a great voice?


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fa8854 No.21652223

File: 06c912a7e8fe2c8⋯.png (57.22 KB,212x212,1:1,06c912a7e8fe2c850699774ded….png)


>including Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan

October is so hot right now..

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59b066 No.21652224

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d8a991 No.21652225

File: 8830046b3b20285⋯.jpg (96.83 KB,513x379,513:379,THE_PLAN.jpg)

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5c3bd2 No.21652227


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d45004 No.21652228


I do not go shopping very often,but when I do I always grab about 3 or 4 jars of Gefilte Fish and then add one or more to the carts of others when they are not paying attention. It's hilarious to see the reactions when they reach the check out line.

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407487 No.21652229

File: b488c1e2d82e18b⋯.png (66.04 KB,896x1325,896:1325,66f2fa625f2d3.png)

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6aa7b3 No.21652231

File: 612172eea1f9b62⋯.png (108.15 KB,442x555,442:555,d.PNG)


Devolution Recap Series - Part 13 - Shadow Government


Today for the recap series I'll be going through one of the most important EO's having to do with Devolution - EO 13961… You don't want to miss this one!


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1b23ab No.21652232

……………..A lyric must descant

Upon the sense by many shared, who shun

Or stand indifferent to contrivèd shock,

The stranger of outward clime Touch not the wires

As they were verily thy taut-strung nerves.

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d8a991 No.21652234

File: 94bfec4fc2f7a36⋯.jpg (60.12 KB,571x565,571:565,GRAMAUFLAGE.jpg)

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b3bb07 No.21652235

File: 9012573f2b3379d⋯.png (964.99 KB,1492x1012,373:253,Screenshot_2024_09_24_1922….png)

The fat bastard won't endorse Kamala.


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9b7329 No.21652237


the only person I fear is Jesus.

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2ae464 No.21652238

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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b3bb07 No.21652239




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6aa7b3 No.21652241

File: bce873b5f0b23fc⋯.png (318.59 KB,438x536,219:268,e.PNG)


Frens! You do not want to miss tonight's episode of Eye Of The Storm as we will be playing our interview with General Flynn in full! We will also have all the usual comms and shenanigans, the Memer Of The Week, and moar updates on the Diddy situation! Join us this evening at 10:30pm ET on Badlands Media!


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9e2ecb No.21652242

File: 8bd80b2c757225b⋯.jpg (76.59 KB,1200x1775,48:71,1200x0_2936338040.jpg)

File: bcf6e2b7e48f116⋯.jpg (54.58 KB,929x653,929:653,BenjaminRothschild_2256078….jpg)

File: cc172b2d4c81f07⋯.jpg (208.69 KB,1000x1500,2:3,MV5BMTc3MjIxMDMzOF5BMl5Ban….jpg)

File: 084f824d71292d3⋯.jpg (142.74 KB,800x542,400:271,Ivan_the_Terrible_70402568….jpg)

File: b7aa8a10145c3cf⋯.jpg (578.28 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240818_101432….jpg)

Hope, Joy, Stormy (Awe, a mens' Scorn, ), Terrible (a terror and -easta)

Cali, Kali it's yuge!

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fa8854 No.21652243

File: a1948d4725eebfb⋯.jpeg (71.94 KB,1280x720,16:9,a1948d4725eebfb8c293331e2….jpeg)


you're getting nervous.. i can tell

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641009 No.21652245


Diddy Vibes, it's all connected, the fall of the cabal, just before the election? hmmm

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a775b3 No.21652246

File: dd47bcd9c61875b⋯.png (592.57 KB,1080x1655,216:331,Screenshot_20240925_042352.png)

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f49cac No.21652247

File: da03a0797866719⋯.jpg (63.27 KB,808x808,1:1,da03a07978667190eae7438f7e….jpg)

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a74187 No.21652248

File: 596513e4b61c7c2⋯.mp4 (12.02 MB,854x480,427:240,_Epstein_ring_was_mossad_c….mp4)




ruh roh.

nypost not happy

MOS plants must be being fired

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60353c No.21652249


baker, this post @250


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6aa7b3 No.21652251

File: 7c0ded2b8870e7a⋯.png (404.44 KB,372x745,372:745,nbl.PNG)


Kamala is not black. That's why her accents are so bad.

@TheWashingtonPundit | Speak Truth To Power

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286662 No.21652252

File: 59be6b1510d420d⋯.jpg (13.57 KB,255x191,255:191,watching_the_world_burn.jpg)

Was just on the phone with my fully vaxxed, gynocrat MIL. MAKE IT RAIN, Q. Some of these people are really, REALLY fucking retarded!

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a8e1ed No.21652253

File: 5efb9eb3150c9b6⋯.png (281.81 KB,500x525,20:21,ClipboardImage.png)

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bfe83d No.21652255

File: 1a6cc7a4c0bcfde⋯.png (2.31 MB,1392x1161,464:387,1a6cc7a4c0bcfde1d6722ee564….png)



Thought that psyop was dead.

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e2b019 No.21652256

File: fea65c065c85a82⋯.png (83.68 KB,618x487,618:487,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0e8cf5b15cc131f⋯.png (434.72 KB,1280x913,1280:913,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f4cc822e4a18885⋯.png (278.36 KB,1280x1001,1280:1001,ClipboardImage.png)

O’Keefe Media Group (X Mirror) @okeefemedia

@JamesOKeefeIII 's response to @SGraceClark's request for a statement.

Sep 24, 2024, 7:39 PM


I was also curious. Peeps get detained all the time. I'm glad he wasn't just pulled over in a traffic stop and said he was detained just to bring attention to his big drop.

That said.

OMG!!! What did OMG find out?! OMG!!!

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9b7329 No.21652257


tell them a joke about crown of thorns and then pretend it's not foreskin. call it a resebush.

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12b882 No.21652258


Melania Trump to sit for rare television interview


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6be153 No.21652259

File: 6cb958ddaf6ca64⋯.png (461.95 KB,1024x640,8:5,IMG_2458.png)



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5dcaaf No.21652260


Faggot is copying Melania

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286662 No.21652261

File: 28c981257c3fb51⋯.png (614.97 KB,680x893,680:893,YES.png)


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a74187 No.21652262

File: 2e32c890ce509ff⋯.jpeg (175.44 KB,875x1173,875:1173,JOAN_RIVERS_WE_ALL_KNOW_M….jpeg)


>the cabal

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482914 No.21652263

>>21651665 Senator John Kennedy: Biden, Harris have zero foreign policy victoriesPN

What Kudlow and Kennedy get wrong (or are hiding) all is thiscis done by the fear factor intentionally released by Obama, and HRC. Obama wanted to change America fundamentally, but he couldn't do it completely until we would blame on it Bidan.

He started and continued the "Fear Factor" to destroy America through his 8 years, but he had to carry the image of the Black Jesus while president. He knows everyone knows its him and his masters. All the diplomacy they are doing now is exactly what he did. He is responsible.

He will not succeed, God Almighty appointed his leader, PDJT, no one that is aware, never thought Bidan could make these decisions.

So when the time comes for the final judgement comes, it will not be the order takers blamed,but the order givers, and the invisible ones that run the world into death and destruction.

Their plan will not happen, no matter how hard they try, but the trials need to show America who really did this. O will not get off the hook, the bunkers are known.

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bfe83d No.21652264

File: a6767cdde32e984⋯.jpg (69.1 KB,560x445,112:89,8zrhyl.jpg)


>We The Media


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9e2ecb No.21652266

File: c6cf248b768c20e⋯.jpg (428.67 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240924_081830….jpg)

File: adb119b21f55abf⋯.jpg (18.83 KB,474x355,474:355,th_3460017450.jpg)

File: 3bc6bbd2150319d⋯.jpg (20.35 KB,474x355,474:355,th_1040721712.jpg)

File: 4c91d897bf7b2ba⋯.jpg (157.08 KB,1284x1265,1284:1265,F_aITsfbEAAF58d_2387599966.jpg)

File: 34b29962f2b4402⋯.jpg (583.02 KB,1823x2470,1823:2470,1be1e1aa1e3a502288d3f8ded8….jpg)


Kamrad, you're type?

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b01b33 No.21652268


That's s great idea!

My Harris Teeter always starts the week with 40 jars, but were sold out mid-month. I didn't realize the attraction. Until now. . . ! Its becauseyet a faggot!

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9b7329 No.21652269



rosebud Thor's ns is an allegory the crown

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a74187 No.21652271

File: eaeadfd24b5946b⋯.png (2.18 MB,1780x995,356:199,test_your_agents_chemtrail….png)


>fully vaxxed, gynocrat MIL

do you ever wonder if these people are agents

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6aa7b3 No.21652272

File: f92736c599e3701⋯.png (277.19 KB,444x647,444:647,g.PNG)




RFK Jr. claims that the Biolabs in Ukraine are “collecting Russian DNA” to make “ethnically targeted bioweapons”.

This are the EXACT allegations Russia made to the UN, and is the main reason for Russia’s invasion!



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ade277 No.21652275

File: 288cfeb445c3025⋯.png (1.22 MB,1544x1144,193:143,AnimeFotzen.png)

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fa8854 No.21652277

File: 1f9891a6d90c807⋯.jpeg (25.32 KB,460x294,230:147,FYoMHpuX0AEd4w6.jpeg)


welcome to hell faggot

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286662 No.21652278


No she's way too fucking stupid to be an agent.

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c535be No.21652279

notables @ 285 halfway collected

#26517 >>21651893

>>21651931 Biden today will deliver what will likely be his final speech on world stage as president @ UN General Assembly

>>21651938, >>21651952 Terrorist mob in NYC honored memory of the killer who was executed in Missouri today

>>21651953, >>21651968 MJ masterclass trolling Oprah

>>21651959, >>21651972 Sam Elliot goes full Libtard

>>21651961 Failed Trump Assassin Had A List Of Everywhere Trump Would Be August To October

>>21651980 What are the odds that Diddy's attorney, Marc Agnifilo, worked on the RICO case of NXIVM leader Keith Raniere

>>21652000 Ryan Routh's wife worked for Victoria's Secret (Les Wexner)

>>21652007 Both the Australian TGA and US FDA product information warns mpox vaccinated can kill the unvaccinated

>>21652015 The hollyweird dominoes are crashing

>>21652022 Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway, $BRK.B, has sold an additional $863 million of Bank of America, $BAC, stock

>>21652032 Justice Department Sues Visa for Monopolizing Debit Markets

>>21652047 “Operation Sonic Boom” Targeting Violent Crime in Oklahoma City Results In 50 Defendants Charged With Firearms And Drug Offenses

>>21652059 American Describes What Democrat Leadership Has Done To Georgia

>>21652071 Congress just ran a drill to test run replacing lawmakers after a “mass casualty” assassination event

>>21652078, >>21652178 Ricky Schroder recalls Satanic ritual

>>21652089 @KenPaxtonTX: The City of Dallas and the State Fair of Texas cannot nullify state law by banning firearms

>>21651946, >>21652033 Memes


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febe46 No.21652281

File: 473f52eb85716e8⋯.png (267.59 KB,1331x2000,1331:2000,ClipboardImage.png)

Matt Damon is a fucking pussy.

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bfe83d No.21652283

File: 1035941708c2a6c⋯.jpeg (63.09 KB,1080x810,4:3,1035941708c2a6cd5e0173152….jpeg)


>George News

KEK! Still pushing that psyop as well?

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112d97 No.21652284

File: 1e01a06203959e3⋯.png (168.07 KB,404x617,404:617,Screenshot_20240924_182805….png)



The resolution is shit, but here is a cutout

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a74187 No.21652285


agents can seem stupid though. the people who are here to obfuscate us, stand in our way, misdirect us at key moments

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ae57b9 No.21652286

File: bcb0dd600e40440⋯.jpeg (130.45 KB,704x600,88:75,bcb0dd600e40440541c3df065….jpeg)


As a young child

I gloried in singing descant

Yet upon attaining young manhood

I became the powerful

Stentorian Tenor I am known as



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286662 No.21652287


Anon does wonder about the neighbors on both sides, though, so (you) do have a point. They are intelligent enough to want to be anon's "handlers." So this house remains private. Anon's is the "oddly private" house.

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a775b3 No.21652288

File: 0135ad7472692be⋯.png (133.85 KB,1080x1098,60:61,Screenshot_20240925_042858.png)

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9b7329 No.21652289

shake it up. this is not a morning bread .

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286662 No.21652290


agreed. MIL is not tho, she's sincerely as smart as a rock.

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641009 No.21652291


If the deep state is taken out, pre-election, many seats will be void.

If property is seized, many will have records of corruption and treason. Should be a nice glide into Nov. and post months til Jan 21st.

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ade277 No.21652293


[THEY] plan killing all the Russians?

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791053 No.21652294

File: 974d49d01d10cfd⋯.jpg (166.56 KB,622x933,2:3,bounty_hunter_truth_severe….jpg)

>>21651393 lb

It was a tip.

maybe he wants a lawsuit.

Then he can counter sue.

He was taking 100$ off the Bounty.

It's illegal for the DoJ to put out the letter about a Bounty.

That needs to be publicized.

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9366b5 No.21652295

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


He's old news

this kid ones' got the talent from childhood

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1b23ab No.21652296

P diddly….


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695fa2 No.21652297

Evenin’ Nightshift

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5dcaaf No.21652298

File: c138d3055bfe92b⋯.png (219.64 KB,800x478,400:239,c138d3055bfe92bdfe37c27744….png)

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407487 No.21652300

File: 447f2a9638cd414⋯.png (75.57 KB,700x1211,100:173,a0eK6bv_700bwp.png)

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a8e1ed No.21652301


These insider clowns all invested in the vaxx. How many did they kill for their wealth.

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a6cf46 No.21652302


how many cucks must you suck democratic black?

just one.

one vote

one vote matters

one vote allegiance


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3ffc57 No.21652304


don't be retarded

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03cf10 No.21652305


yes, yes

We know they were doing that - its in the documents from the website we all tracked.

Probably the files they burned

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5d16e8 No.21652307

File: 57de0a25842587c⋯.mp4 (7.6 MB,854x480,427:240,57de0a25842587c7c09b2abbb2….mp4)

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a66785 No.21652308


Why was (this board) chosen?

POTUS is insulated



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ade277 No.21652309


Can you seriously just shut the fuck up. You're part of the fucking problem on this board.

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a8e1ed No.21652310


Tell them they aren't semites and the Palestinians are.

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407487 No.21652311

File: 420e8b7dd17c041⋯.jpg (122.43 KB,900x686,450:343,420e8b7dd17c041725997020d6….jpg)

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06914f No.21652313

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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a74187 No.21652314

File: 0ca2d9ee01c177a⋯.png (8.2 KB,439x146,439:146,john_mcafee_no_vax.png)


someone should have just shown Scott this tweet, and said "think about it"

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9b7329 No.21652315

File: 484d26d5f939f9c⋯.mp4 (2.59 MB,640x480,4:3,484d26d5f939f9c4d638542193….mp4)


demolition hammer 12hr deuce buys 1 apple

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a775b3 No.21652317

File: fad554bd5e88331⋯.png (56.04 KB,1080x379,1080:379,Screenshot_20240925_043402.png)

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d8a991 No.21652318

File: 2ee03e8ffc1d74c⋯.jpg (153.71 KB,850x364,425:182,BIG_10_4_N_5_5.jpg)

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9366b5 No.21652320

File: 9d8e02f4c5f1a7e⋯.png (684.1 KB,775x611,775:611,ClipboardImage.png)


> Trump buys popcorn

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febe46 No.21652321

File: 418db62b12e0e69⋯.png (8.71 KB,750x375,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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1b23ab No.21652322

File: ff225dde55ea5ab⋯.jpeg (8.64 KB,255x195,17:13,1930f5eb08d460008496f51ca….jpeg)

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a8e1ed No.21652324


Prosecute this spy.

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9e2ecb No.21652327

File: 8bd80b2c757225b⋯.jpg (76.59 KB,1200x1775,48:71,1200x0_2936338040.jpg)

File: 21f0a41ab2b8e99⋯.png (370.2 KB,520x606,260:303,21f0a41ab2b8e9910ff82ed337….png)

File: 909bfba16d05e6c⋯.jpg (140.88 KB,2000x1333,2000:1333,102545109_IMG_2307_3597789….jpg)

File: 54634a9aa18d465⋯.jpg (531.84 KB,2340x1080,13:6,Screenshot_20240823_103632….jpg)

File: 406c7cb93ef0e5a⋯.jpg (20.52 KB,474x355,474:355,th_3201287726.jpg)



It was gonna be Kamrad or IkkI, Thuggies or Raj (Sikh)

Dark or Light, male OR female, OR both

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d3d523 No.21652329

File: 8cca71a631e3154⋯.webp (62.88 KB,960x1440,2:3,facebook_images_showing_s….webp)

popping in. don't know if this one's been added to the suicide list yet.

Ex-NYS judge, prosecutor kills himself after shootout with FBI agents who arrived to arrest him on corruption charges: report


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d45004 No.21652332


Ebot is back.

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6e6035 No.21652333


Why not have sauce before the yelling?

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641009 No.21652335


It was, but thanks for the add. Fresh eyes can see it.

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d8a991 No.21652336

File: befd27dfc32c595⋯.jpg (183.88 KB,803x418,73:38,PILE_ON_RWB.jpg)

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f49cac No.21652339

File: d2757fea5ce73c8⋯.jpg (148.04 KB,900x686,450:343,420e8b7dd17c041725997020d6….jpg)

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791053 No.21652341

File: 517b2a7805b7fe2⋯.mp4 (2.54 MB,480x270,16:9,globalchange_.mp4)





not sure of the dating but it's pretty certain how the coast of the Americas fits right into the coast of Europe , Africa

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a74187 No.21652343

File: b32e51cac6a5cb0⋯.png (53.45 KB,303x180,101:60,ClipboardImage.png)


>NYS judge, prosecutor kills himself after shootout with FBI agents who arrived to arrest him on corruption charges

>added to the list yet

thanks anon for volunteering to maintain the list. I know you will do a gret job.

The previous guy disappeared

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f49cac No.21652344

File: 540378d6cae4dbc⋯.png (64.41 KB,199x219,199:219,Screen_Shot_2024_09_24_at_….png)

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5d16e8 No.21652345

File: bc25b10ffc54e6e⋯.gif (1.16 MB,220x220,1:1,bc25b10ffc54e6e15ff87506e4….gif)

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a775b3 No.21652348


at the hideway


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a6cf46 No.21652349


less than migrant class so far from middle and fish don't have lawns, where do they come up with these freako weirdos

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f09bba No.21652350

File: 083b5080a9d2c31⋯.jpg (146 KB,1440x961,1440:961,083b5080a9d2c316a239d7ade4….jpg)

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1b23ab No.21652351

File: e048e4a4e6b5815⋯.png (175.43 KB,500x500,1:1,e048e4a4e6b5815fc9f2542f66….png)



size large meme anon o7

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12b882 No.21652354

File: 021ebb157af8f0a⋯.jpg (10.53 KB,255x196,255:196,BLEARYEYED.jpg)


Evenin' to you too.

It's a bit cray cray in here.

Take a shot and settle in.

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b49030 No.21652356

File: 03c28eb37e49f10⋯.jpg (38.15 KB,218x255,218:255,De_Niro_Crying_04.JPG)

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16e103 No.21652357

File: 7d57b046f39ad0c⋯.gif (188.43 KB,158x156,79:78,00000HERRR.gif)

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e485b0 No.21652358

File: 3c57a1d2f168317⋯.png (753.2 KB,741x521,741:521,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 97abda1744e5cc0⋯.mp4 (5.87 MB,1920x1080,16:9,2024_09_21_13_31_43.mp4)












Pig meme Chinese influence as portrayed on The Blacklist S7e10. Know this next time he calls (you) stoopid.

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5dcaaf No.21652359

File: 6f12adfa4aa0af5⋯.jpg (49.79 KB,542x800,271:400,d54ygh.jpg)

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9e2ecb No.21652360

File: 22a448a6e3ea200⋯.jpg (71.96 KB,474x902,237:451,th_1243678602.jpg)

File: 5cd7b9e49af9b8e⋯.jpg (22.33 KB,319x280,319:280,pr5d_3932865078.jpg)

File: b6fc23aa163a01f⋯.jpg (32.75 KB,260x318,130:159,d95e07291c14302d565809c11e….jpg)

File: 41235511f11e9b1⋯.jpg (900.96 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240902_173313….jpg)

File: b9c65da300822bf⋯.png (583.31 KB,1058x568,529:284,b9c65da300822bf1bd28de9b0b….png)


Just ask Alice..

Witch one, you ask?

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d3d523 No.21652361

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286662 No.21652362

File: 9a669ef371be223⋯.png (834.11 KB,846x960,141:160,9a669ef371be223bb7166fa56f….png)


Good evening, Fren.

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9366b5 No.21652364

File: dc4cf03f090e60b⋯.png (264.87 KB,875x572,875:572,ClipboardImage.png)

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e2b019 No.21652365

File: ae8e169db3d0e2b⋯.png (214.82 KB,563x777,563:777,ClipboardImage.png)

File: edd0694bb338033⋯.png (1.26 MB,1263x709,1263:709,ClipboardImage.png)

O’Keefe Media Group (X Mirror) @okeefemedia


Line in the Sand (2024) - Official Trailer | James O’Keefe, Debut Film

Undercover journalist James O'Keefe goes to the front lines of the migrant industrial complex using hidden cameras and raw testimonials. O'Keefe reveals the shocking reality of the U.S. border crisis like never before: Mexican freight trains, cartel tunnels, and U.S. funded child detention camps. Watch this gripping exposé of a corrupted system that demands change.

"Line in the Sand" premieres October 10th, exclusively on the Tucker Carlson Network.

Visit https://tuckercarlson.com/lineinthesand

Sep 24, 2024, 8:28 PM


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407487 No.21652366

File: 4d0ead292617d0d⋯.mp4 (1.35 MB,480x480,1:1,4d0ead292617d0d2f657785f1c….mp4)

Anons are the 1 percenters

WW meme injection wise

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791053 No.21652367

File: 974d49d01d10cfd⋯.jpg (166.56 KB,622x933,2:3,bounty_hunter_truth_severe….jpg)



old saying. " "there's many a slip 'twixt the cup and the lip,"

"Between the mixing bowl and the lips of men, many things can happen"

>>21651393 lb

It was a tip.

maybe he wants a lawsuit.

Then he can counter sue.

He was taking 100$ off the Bounty.

It's illegal for the DoJ to put out the letter about a Bounty.

That needs to be publicized.

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5d16e8 No.21652370

File: bf6429a0a83cb95⋯.jpg (153.6 KB,699x699,1:1,bf6429a0a83cb95e4844a47f25….jpg)



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000000 No.21652371


Oy vey.

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a6cf46 No.21652372



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5dcaaf No.21652374

File: a68c3f8570b0a13⋯.jpg (496.43 KB,1935x1236,645:412,Dr5.jpg)

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1b23ab No.21652376


message tu, not that he is, that is gay and retarded.

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a8e1ed No.21652378

File: 08867fa310428a6⋯.png (309.86 KB,702x395,702:395,ClipboardImage.png)


Haitian history in New Orleans..

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ade277 No.21652379

File: 02912e05b75f78d⋯.jpeg (696.43 KB,1179x1864,1179:1864,IMG_3807.jpeg)


Trump and Vance facing charges in Springfield, Ohio

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d8a991 No.21652380

File: fc126c36ce2bb0a⋯.jpg (106.79 KB,717x427,717:427,ANGRY_INCH_LARPER.jpg)





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9b7329 No.21652382

File: 80c540294d998c7⋯.mp4 (66.31 KB,232x144,29:18,images_12_.mp4)


your fucking late.2 bottle of "baby oil" & pink coke

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e485b0 No.21652383

File: 7c10947a5d736e4⋯.png (508.67 KB,1034x811,1034:811,beph1.png)

File: 0e89956cf2bd7e4⋯.png (1.28 MB,1200x675,16:9,beph.png)

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791053 No.21652385

File: cf0d777785fa4fe⋯.png (288.57 KB,1200x410,120:41,trackingevents.png)



four year delta.

Tracking events. ?

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add9c9 No.21652386

File: c6f20ba7bba2129⋯.png (18.14 KB,831x737,831:737,Q_2152_VATICAN_SATAN.png)

File: 5c4f8b62078e45b⋯.png (17.68 KB,798x890,399:445,Q_2594_VATICAN_PELL_ANIMAL….png)

File: f5634156d2f2f61⋯.png (16.42 KB,840x790,84:79,Q_3565_POPE_BIBLICAL.png)

File: 4100822c471f6cf⋯.png (168.24 KB,760x1622,380:811,Q_3709_VATICAN_FRANCE.png)

File: 285fd8140570f2d⋯.png (1.46 MB,1005x614,1005:614,Q_1951_VATICAN_GODFATHERII….png)









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dec3d0 No.21652387

what do you think p diddy and SBF talk about

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d8a991 No.21652388

File: 8489b7b1eaa427e⋯.jpg (127.78 KB,753x423,251:141,TORA_TORA_TORA.jpg)

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add9c9 No.21652389

File: 8858216fd0b7724⋯.png (1.92 MB,3020x1058,1510:529,00Q_1002_VATICAN_VIPER_NSA….png)











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dd2648 No.21652390

File: 434d6ebc8fe6e95⋯.jpg (25.3 KB,474x509,474:509,drooling_pepe.jpg)


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5dcaaf No.21652393

File: 05c4ccbf40b3f09⋯.jpg (307.04 KB,2880x2880,1:1,Nuu778.jpg)

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d3d523 No.21652396

File: 59ac568dff5b809⋯.png (359.15 KB,582x618,97:103,Screenshot_2024_09_24_2047….png)

We got another runner.

Michael Cohen: If Trump Wins I’ll Change My Name, ‘Leave the Country’


Michael Cohen, a former personal attorney for Donald Trump, said Monday on MSNBC’s “Deadline” that if former President Donald Trump wins the election, he will leave the country under a different name.

Host Nicolle Wallace said, “What do you think happens to you if he wins?”

Cohen said, “I’m out of here. I’m already working on a foreign passport with a completely different name. I don’t know how it is going to work as far as dealing with my wife and my children. I certainly don’t want them moving to where I’m looking to go.”

He added, “I don’t think you or the president of the MSNBC, General Milley, Liz Cheney are safe. How many people has he turned around and said that these are people that I intend to go after if I have the ability to? And the worst is the Supreme Court’s recent decision that gave him immunity, presidential immunity. Now he thinks it is not only can I do whatever I want, but I can’t even be prosecuted to get out of jail free card.”

Wallace asked, “So you’re out of here? Would you leave the country?”

Cohen said, “I have no choice.”

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dec3d0 No.21652397


wait p diddy is related to that guy who died in a shoot out?


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9b7329 No.21652398

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791053 No.21652399

File: 4b76a7fa6e537ea⋯.jpg (403.26 KB,1000x742,500:371,DeadDemVoters727.jpg)


I like that.

That sounds good;

"The 'election infection' cannot stop what is coming."

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0be6fb No.21652401

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ae57b9 No.21652402

File: 78f5518552c8079⋯.png (399.06 KB,454x689,454:689,BigDouche.png)


There art tymes

When equivalencies

Account for all.

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d8a991 No.21652403

File: 1208fdee6cdad81⋯.jpg (116.39 KB,495x568,495:568,SUGAR_OR_SALT.jpg)

File: 0332c9c821558e7⋯.jpg (93.62 KB,627x414,209:138,RUCKY_U.jpg)

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5dcaaf No.21652404

File: ed03ec6db72b600⋯.jpg (132.66 KB,1279x646,1279:646,Screenshot_20230324_002825….jpg)

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dec3d0 No.21652406


wonder what country he would go to

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892b2a No.21652407

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Alex Jones & Jack Posobiec: The Trump Bounty, Oprah & Diddy, and Why War Makes Kamala Happy


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a74187 No.21652410

File: f978f82d4afc0a8⋯.gif (1.86 MB,480x258,80:43,trump_i_trust_people_too_m….gif)


>“I have no choice.”

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641009 No.21652411




>four year delta.


>Tracking events. ?

(devices can be tracked, like pagers, phones, ankle monitors, one big ww sting in effect?)

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0be6fb No.21652412

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1b23ab No.21652413

File: ea8cba30c5f8404⋯.gif (860.21 KB,320x253,320:253,ea8cba30c5f8404b395504a80f….gif)

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b3bb07 No.21652414


>Alex Jones & Jack Posobiec

oy vey

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a74187 No.21652415

File: 7a066c8b56563d4⋯.png (336 KB,600x450,4:3,absolutely_disgusting_GROU….png)


>lex Jone

tucker does hang out with a lot of mos though.

He will eventually out himself, unfortunately I predict

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9b7329 No.21652416


the earth is flat without a bra , like a soup without a bowl. back side down. prove me wrong.

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6e6035 No.21652417

File: dfd030e65b9a9b7⋯.jpeg (613.16 KB,1385x1121,1385:1121,IMG_6387.jpeg)


Peter Chair in the Vatican.

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8c400a No.21652418


I don’t think Zelensky holds sway with Americans.

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791053 No.21652419

File: 70b8118b4e8c8a5⋯.jpg (91.13 KB,754x447,754:447,IllegalVoteForeignInterfer….jpg)



yeah right /s/

Does that count as a resignation?

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5dcaaf No.21652420

File: bcec57410990acf⋯.jpg (458.2 KB,2160x3084,180:257,Byfceoo9.jpg)

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a8e1ed No.21652421

File: 8d558951957f8d0⋯.png (383.69 KB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


This sounds like tax evasion.

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d8a991 No.21652423

File: cf11c5a81662805⋯.jpg (95.55 KB,599x606,599:606,OLD_GLORY.jpg)

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a66785 No.21652424

It's time, isn't it?

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9b7329 No.21652425


it's not tax evasion if someone steals your identity.

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c535be No.21652426

notables @ 390

#26517 >>21651893

>>21651931 Biden today will deliver what will likely be his final speech on the world stage as president @ UN General Assembly

>>21651938, >>21651952 Mob in NYC honored memory of killer who stabbed a woman 43 times to death with a butcher's knife

>>21652140 Ilhan Omar: The death penalty is flawed, racist, and unjust

>>21651953, >>21651968 MJ masterclass trolling Oprah

>>21651959, >>21651972 Sam Elliot goes full Libtard

>>21651961 Failed Trump Assassin Had A List Of Everywhere Trump Would Be August To October

>>21651980 What are the odds that Diddy's attorney, Marc Agnifilo, worked on the RICO case of NXIVM leader Keith Raniere

>>21652000 Ryan Routh's wife worked for Victoria's Secret (Les Wexner)

>>21652007 Both the Australian TGA and US FDA product information warns mpox vaccinated can kill the unvaccinated

>>21652015 The hollyweird dominoes are crashing

>>21652022 Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway, $BRK.B, has sold an additional $863 million of Bank of America, $BAC, stock

>>21652032 Justice Department Sues Visa for Monopolizing Debit Markets

>>21652047 “Operation Sonic Boom” Targeting Violent Crime in Oklahoma City Results In 50 Defendants Charged With Firearms And Drug Offenses

>>21652059 American Describes What Democrat Leadership Has Done To Georgia

>>21652071 Congress just ran a drill to test run replacing lawmakers after a “mass casualty” assassination event

>>21652078, >>21652178 Ricky Schroder recalls Satanic ritual

>>21652089 @KenPaxtonTX: The City of Dallas and the State Fair of Texas cannot nullify state law by banning firearms

>>21652105 Melania Trump will visit Fox & Friends on Thursday, Sept. 26 to discuss her new book

>>21652120 It's not just Springfield, Haitians being flown to small towns nationwide

>>21652134 In January 2022, about half of Democrats supported fines, prison, and quarantine camps for the unvaccinated

>>21652173 Jeff Glor, ‘CBS Evening News’ anchor pushed out for Norah O’Donnell, fired amid Paramount bloodbath

>>21652188 FBI hiring contract Haitian Creole translators across 18 Alabama counties

>>21652216 Pro-police coffee shop owner wins $4 million in free speech suit against university officials

>>21652222 News Blast

>>21652256 @JamesOKeefeIII 's response to @SGraceClark's request for a statement

>>21652329 Ex-NYS judge, prosecutor kills himself after shootout with FBI agents who arrived to arrest him on corruption charges

>>21652365 @okeefemedia: Line in the Sand (2024) - Official Trailer | James O’Keefe, Debut Film

>>21652396 Panic: Michael Cohen says he'll change his name and leave the country if Trump wins

>>21651946, >>21652033, >>21652113, >>21652114, >>21652229 Memes


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000000 No.21652427




God chosen people killing themselves.

What a time to be alive!

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fc3f17 No.21652428


Do [they] practice forming their eyebrows into horn shape in the mirror?

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e485b0 No.21652430


Why you got the flag upside down asshole? Distressed?

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ae57b9 No.21652431

File: c2642157f3245a2⋯.png (110.12 KB,349x262,349:262,AightDen.png)



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a74187 No.21652433

File: aec5708b8a4a38f⋯.png (132.98 KB,306x233,306:233,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 18ffa74577e3223⋯.png (677.13 KB,628x558,314:279,hanks_rabbit.png)

File: 739825a1821c449⋯.jpg (92.01 KB,1242x1258,621:629,hanks_black_eye_hot_dogs_a….jpg)

File: 42125095379a1e5⋯.png (277.81 KB,469x279,469:279,tom_hanks_caught.png)

File: 010c1886be66a65⋯.mp4 (164.46 KB,320x544,10:17,Hanks_where_the_bodies_are….mp4)


>wonder what country he would go to

uk/aus/nz are where cabal go

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e485b0 No.21652434

File: 04180d388c6d715⋯.png (431.51 KB,1242x892,621:446,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 04f83b9cf7ea867⋯.png (4.6 MB,1536x2048,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0a080ee7b80c90c⋯.png (3.67 MB,1536x2048,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)

>>21650266 past bread notable

>Retired NY Judge kills self at home as FBI arrive to arrest him.

>>21650310 past bread notable

>Rosenwasser was wanted in connection with a bribery case, in which he was accused of taking $48,000 from a man to prosecute the man’s sister and nephew, according to the Times-Union. He worked in the Orange County District Attorney’s Office at the time.

>Mout’z “Marty” Soudani paid Rosenwasser on several occasions throughout 2022 and 2023, according to private and public investigators. The FBI was handling the case against Soudani and Rosenwasser, which was brought to light by Soudani’s sister, Eman, and nephew, Martin.

There is, of course, moar to the story…

My rapist brother treated me as ‘sexual slave’ in NY for decades: lawsuit

By Carl Campanile

Published Dec. 17, 2023, 8:52 p.m. ET

A Jordanian woman who moved to New York as a teen was repeatedly raped by her brother and treated as his “sexual slave” for decades, a sickening new lawsuit claims.

Eman Soudani, 63, says her former restaurateur brother, Mout’z Soudani, 72, horrifically abused her while isolating her, denying her educational opportunities and subjecting her to “economic servitude,” according to the recently filed Manhattan federal court suit.

Mout’z “forcibly took Plaintiff’s virginity in 1977, when she was 17, just months after she first arrived in the United States from Jordan” — and she got an abortion after he impregnated her in 1989, the lawsuit alleges.

“He continued to treat her as a sexual slave for decades, until October 2022, when Plaintiff finally escaped Soudani’s domination,” court documents claim.

But the defendant says his sibling accuser is nothing but a liar.

The defendant’s lawyer pointed The Post to news of the recent guilty plea by the plaintiff’s son arising from a felony charge of embezzling more than $1.6 million from the defendant in a crypto currency scheme.

“Eman Soudani’s civil complaint is absolutely false and complete fiction,” insisted Mout’z’s lawyer, Michael Burke. “He emphatically denies each and every allegation.”

Eman’s shocking civil complaint was filed last month, under the expiring Adult Survivors Act, by lawyer Arthur Middlemiss.

In the complaint, the plaintiff said she escaped her brother’s clutches by fleeing to Colorado last year.

After she fled to Colorado, Soudani accused her of stealing more than $300,000 in cash from him, and she was charged with grand larceny in March of this year, the suit said.

But the Orange County District Attorney’s Office reduced the felony count to a misdemeanor, and the case was later dismissed by the Town of Goshen criminal court, the complaint said.

Mout’z’s lawyer, Burke, said both Eman and her son Martin fled to Colorado once Mout’z became “suspicious of the son’s fraud.

Martin Soudani, 34, was arraigned in Orange County Court on an indictment charging him with grand larceny and money laundering earlier this year for allegedly embezzling $1.62 million from Mout’z over a five-year period.

Court records show that Martin is set to be sentenced in the case early next year.

Eman’s suit seeks at least $75,000 from her brother in compensatory and punitive damages for sex abuse and unjustment enrichment and related counts.

“I’m thankful for the support of everyone who helped me escape a lifetime of unspeakable abuse. Having taken these steps I encourage those who have had similar experiences to be brave and come forward,” Eman Soudani told The Post.


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c308dd No.21652435

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

See You in September, by THE HAPPENINGS

Sure are seeing a lot this September. [P] Diddy. Epstein maybe was just the trial run. He was evil to be sure, but now normies have familiarity with an archetype.

Something about this song always stuck with me ever since 2017 and the solar eclipse.

God Bless

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f49cac No.21652436

File: b4dfd1ae6ebad6d⋯.png (256.98 KB,450x538,225:269,Screen_Shot_2024_09_24_at_….png)


Moar appropriate?

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286662 No.21652438


He can try to run, but he's going to GITMO.

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c308dd No.21652439


OG anons will remember.


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d8a991 No.21652440

File: 4d87dfb5a1809bd⋯.jpg (121.46 KB,724x509,724:509,STAND_TALL_FOR_A_CHANGE.jpg)

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8ddb93 No.21652442

File: 3a389c3a97e3940⋯.jpg (336.03 KB,788x764,197:191,3a389c3a97e3940cf8a5237739….jpg)


happens bakes, its happenin

noice notes


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a8e1ed No.21652443


$63 - 48,000 corruption charge? He must have thought they were there for something else.

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fd4d5b No.21652444

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Dems PANIC as Kamala Just LOST Michigan!!!

Muslims endorse Trump!

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96278a No.21652445

File: d48fa551ca845c6⋯.mp4 (1.67 MB,320x568,40:71,EYmWmDLQeUOp0eJJ.mp4)

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d8a991 No.21652446

File: 8d4e2b18cd7c215⋯.jpg (59.4 KB,435x269,435:269,AMERICAN_GLORY.jpg)


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c308dd No.21652449

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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a6cf46 No.21652450


dancing statesmen

u really kunt make this shit up

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1b23ab No.21652453

File: 5aabfdcf78041ab⋯.gif (9.26 MB,800x450,16:9,5aabfdcf78041abc4c0f10a5a8….gif)

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ae57b9 No.21652455

File: 010c35fae4a8f86⋯.jpg (20.05 KB,314x348,157:174,WinningIntensifies.JPG)



Roger Dat Mr. P.

Tanqs fer da Uplift

En Aeternatus.

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fd4d5b No.21652456

File: 376d467f880aea7⋯.jpg (176.27 KB,1200x648,50:27,748918531702403072_CmSvIvR….jpg)

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791053 No.21652459

File: 32604c7d1b07655⋯.jpg (137.99 KB,440x600,11:15,waroftheworlds.jpg)

vati tags me again

i take it as a compliment

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9e2ecb No.21652460

File: 92f236f63db0ba4⋯.jpg (746.46 KB,2340x1080,13:6,Screenshot_20240924_173115….jpg)

File: f6c097e18661981⋯.jpg (710.03 KB,2340x1080,13:6,Screenshot_20240827_073220….jpg)

File: ee862b345d6994a⋯.jpg (251.78 KB,2048x2048,1:1,marina_sirtis_as_counselor….jpg)

File: f9ba55e48d0bcf1⋯.jpg (420.66 KB,1920x1005,128:67,American_Advisors_Group_co….jpg)

File: 61fe1589627b6a6⋯.jpg (545.72 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240924_190009….jpg)

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febe46 No.21652461

File: c505904298b5bf2⋯.png (31.38 KB,630x396,35:22,ClipboardImage.png)


nice job baker

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6e6035 No.21652463


I heard they are selling his info wars to pay the sandy hook charge.


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fc3f17 No.21652464


The question is, will there be enough of them in office to accomplish their goals?

Diddy gonna gitcha.

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8ddb93 No.21652465

File: 01c0cacee4a56f1⋯.png (408.74 KB,888x734,444:367,ClipboardImage.png)


Michael Shellenberger sounds the alarm on global censorship



Sep 24, 2024, 9:43 PM


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8ddb93 No.21652468

This parasite Toxoplasma gondii (T.gondii) makes you more attractive so you’ll have sex and spread it, strange study says

Published Aug 4th, 2022 8:15PM EDT

Toxoplasma gondii (T.gondii) is a common parasite, one that scientists say may infect more than half the world’s population. Now, scientists also believe that T.gondii may be manipulating its hosts to make them more attractive to others. If true, it means there may be a parasite out there that makes people more attractive to fuel its spread to new hosts through sexual activity.

Parasites have always been known to influence the way their hosts behave when trying to move to a new host. T.gondii itself has been known to manipulate its hosts. Researchers previously discovered that the parasite could make infected rats attracted to the smell of urine from predator cats. This led the rats to take part in riskier behavior. As a result, the likelihood of a cat eating the rat increased dramatically.

This allowed the parasite to move on to its optimal host. Once it has reached that optimal host, though, the parasite can then reproduce sexually. What’s most terrifying about how this parasite works is that the manipulation doesn’t stop there. Instead, similar manipulations have been seen in chimpanzees, hyenas, and humans, too. If the parasite can make people more attractive, it could spread more easily.

But, there’s also another interesting aspect to this entire ordeal. Most animals tend to avoid mating with animals that seem sick in any way. As such, researchers believe some parasites may have evolved to avoid this problem. A study from 2011 suggests that T.gondii enhances how much female rats are attracted to infected male rats. And now, some believe it could do the same in humans.

Researching parasites

Evidence shows that T.gondii can manipulate rodents’ physiological characteristics and behaviors. As a result, some researchers began wondering if the same could happen in humans. It might seem far-fetched that a parasite can make people more attractive. However, there do appear to be some signs that point towards this possibility.

For one, researchers have previously found that T.gondii infections in humans do seem to influence several traits. Several studies, for example, have discovered that infections seem to correspond with heightened levels of testosterone in infected males when compared to non-infected males. Of course, that doesn’t necessarily prove anything.

So, a new study decided to put the hypothesis to the test. The first part of the study found that men with T.gondii had higher facial symmetry than non-infected males. Additionally, women infected with the parasite had lower body mass index and lower body mass. They also had higher self-perceptions of attractiveness. As such, it appears this parasite may make people more attractive to spread.

Even still, a second part of the study saw 200 subjects looking through a mass of photos of infected and uninfected people. The researchers asked the subjects to rate the photos based on their perceived attractiveness and health. Photos of individuals infected with T.gondii were consistently rated healthier and more attractive by the group.

Of course, understanding the how is another matter entirely. As New Atlas reports, researchers are continuing to look into this matter. And there are hopes that we’ll one day better understand how a parasite makes people more attractive to fuel its spread.


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a74187 No.21652471

File: 1aad57aa97e073a⋯.jpg (7.02 KB,255x201,85:67,why_are_you_gay.jpg)



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000000 No.21652472

Mike Pompeo

@mikepompeo 11h

Since October 7, Hezbollah has launched thousands of rockets aimed at Israeli civilians.

No other nation would tolerate this.

Israel's actions against Hezbollah are just and we should fully back our ally.

Sep 24, 2024 · 2:00 PM UTC




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8ddb93 No.21652473

File: 25340c034ac2ced⋯.gif (928.13 KB,498x378,83:63,bitch_bye.gif)

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b3bb07 No.21652475

File: 3e50216bea85768⋯.png (75.32 KB,882x672,21:16,1664.png)

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9b7329 No.21652476

File: 55e0a412d1b6209⋯.jpg (126.38 KB,1024x725,1024:725,Good_Will_Hunting_NEW_1024….jpg)

File: c1710be6b3101dd⋯.jpg (69.29 KB,780x438,130:73,intro_1669033667.jpg)



the piece of shit car.these two on Oprah even watched the Garth Brooks special.

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8ddb93 No.21652477

File: ab89b106adcbe2f⋯.mp4 (74.46 KB,320x242,160:121,bye_bitch.mp4)

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a66785 No.21652479

Compare reaction to the Diddy and Epstein arrests

Haiti in the news

"Wait till they find out about Haiti"

HRC arrest much more accepted now

Normies conditioned to seeing celebs arrested

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c308dd No.21652481

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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fc3f17 No.21652482


Just around them or up in some vaccinated ass?

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a74187 No.21652484

File: 0a5273bee5217b5⋯.png (827.29 KB,1184x664,148:83,connections_of_carthage_ca….png)

File: 24b4d0ce5aebf8a⋯.png (66.17 KB,592x791,592:791,nov_5th_fireworks_guy_fawk….png)

File: 47e5ded778aa53e⋯.jpg (156.05 KB,950x972,475:486,glowniggers.jpg)

File: 644c4ae33607bc3⋯.jpg (257.23 KB,1079x1918,1079:1918,Nigger_Eats_Human_Leg_On_S….jpg)

File: 5be23ad45e8affa⋯.png (72 KB,351x283,351:283,fauci_hanging_from_a_noose.png)

I'm just here to say the winning is good.

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d3d523 No.21652485


Bourne Deepdream up next in the info cycle?

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7689d4 No.21652487


If true, why do fat ugly cat lady stereotypes persist?

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286662 No.21652489

File: a52eb5ca13beed9⋯.jpg (54.19 KB,600x599,600:599,600px_We_deserve_better_ps….jpg)

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fc3f17 No.21652490


Ask that retired fblie agent hanging out with Crooks. He should have an idea.

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d3d523 No.21652491

File: c8e0af2881523f6⋯.png (570.59 KB,964x896,241:224,nixon_castro_shake.png)

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8ddb93 No.21652493


bodies are full of candida

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e224c8 No.21652494

File: d1356aaa39ba931⋯.png (321.94 KB,367x550,367:550,Screenshot_2024_09_24_at_2….png)

File: 55fc94e4bd89092⋯.png (161.09 KB,458x550,229:275,Screenshot_2024_03_10_at_1….png)

File: e67840eec646386⋯.png (11.03 KB,105x59,105:59,Screenshot_2024_09_24_at_2….png)

File: 91f8723c3c3b44f⋯.png (11.75 KB,139x55,139:55,Screenshot_2024_09_24_at_2….png)

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fc3f17 No.21652496


bullet dubs punny

It has the 1st ammendments back.

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a6cf46 No.21652497


the Haitian maneuver will get him NOW!

bECause the bibiukrainian maneuver wholesale manslaughter repaginated

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286662 No.21652499

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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a79fe6 No.21652502

File: cff2843ebb6dfb7⋯.mp4 (8.07 MB,472x680,59:85,dd5b607b432a3c5c72733761d3….mp4)

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8c400a No.21652504


Mmmmmm, yeasty.

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0be6fb No.21652505

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ae57b9 No.21652508

File: 31877f1f6dfa61f⋯.png (585.28 KB,585x585,1:1,MayTheSource.png)

Abstruse Perceptions

The very stuff

Of Truth

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000000 No.21652509

Chuck Schumer

@SenSchumer 1h

Some good news tonight:

I just locked in an agreement to pass the government funding bill tomorrow without amendments, avoiding an unnecessary government shutdown.

Families can rest assured that their lives won’t be needlessly upended due to an unnecessary shutdown.

Sep 25, 2024 · 12:24 AM UTC



>8ddb93 (10) No.21652477

Hi fam.

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8ddb93 No.21652510

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Stormy Patriot Joe



30 mins, Not Long Now


Eye of the Storm Ep. 167 - An Interview with/ General Flynn -10:30 PM ET-



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d3d523 No.21652511

File: a654e84f989a15e⋯.jpg (41.76 KB,510x498,85:83,photo_2024_09_24_14_26_11.jpg)

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a8e1ed No.21652512


Wars of aggression are war crimes, useful Mike.

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6be153 No.21652513

File: 39b9b01bac508b9⋯.png (72.49 KB,238x255,14:15,IMG_0454.png)

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286662 No.21652514

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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8c400a No.21652515





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e4e925 No.21652516


truly an evil POS

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c6405c No.21652518

File: 278462c425511e5⋯.webp (133.24 KB,1290x1011,430:337,cpink8j76rid1.webp)

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9b7329 No.21652519



every single anon he/she

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febe46 No.21652520

File: 61547b252fe79e8⋯.png (115.82 KB,880x738,440:369,ClipboardImage.png)


the hebes have nukes. they need to shit or get off the pot. we know they want us to start the shit. the american citizens are sick of getting in between israel and it's enemies…which may or may not be enemies of us. i say fuck 'em all. everyone in that other hemisphere needs to take care of their own houses. to HELL with american dollars and american blood continue to be spent from all those cowards who are too pussy to fight their own fight. fuck the world!!!

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fc3f17 No.21652522



billion and 3/4 or so now?

do they see the future?

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369764 No.21652523

File: 66f2c36fcf8d17b⋯.png (529.85 KB,1000x708,250:177,ClipboardImage.png)

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d8a991 No.21652526

File: 9d11920f076bc9a⋯.jpg (219.34 KB,829x542,829:542,GLORY_DAY.jpg)

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d3663f No.21652527

File: bcdc9680a991e96⋯.jpg (20.22 KB,255x191,255:191,00nsf2a.jpg)

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9b7329 No.21652528

File: 9646a161d710bbd⋯.mp4 (391.22 KB,720x1280,9:16,9646a161d710bbd5cf100932fe….mp4)

File: f0b7e11b6d03032⋯.mp4 (4.54 MB,640x360,16:9,f0b7e11b6d030320bc989e440c….mp4)

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d3d523 No.21652529

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Six ways from Sunday?

Sunday is almost here.

The 7th way.

Our turn.

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d3663f No.21652530

File: 16f78c5fb6e3126⋯.png (194.52 KB,1268x1022,634:511,00blood6.png)

File: fdddcf983cae36e⋯.png (511.75 KB,1242x1228,621:614,00blood5.png)

File: e6eb303d2d439d9⋯.jpg (193.58 KB,1013x1013,1:1,00blood3.jpg)

File: a4d45dc75962cbb⋯.png (613.22 KB,1924x1564,481:391,00blood.png)

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87c0bd No.21652531

did the government ever shut down and did anything happen?

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d3663f No.21652532

File: 6ebbad42d970fd9⋯.png (560.14 KB,575x454,575:454,000qqq.png)

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d3663f No.21652533

File: 7998bf1d52cf8fe⋯.png (793.84 KB,525x519,175:173,00nsf3.png)

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d3663f No.21652534

File: 9c412e298e31e8c⋯.gif (211.64 KB,220x197,220:197,000q.gif)

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d3663f No.21652535

File: d05d90c683abbb9⋯.png (405.22 KB,699x367,699:367,000d.png)

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bba9a6 No.21652536

I regret most the way I treated Maja

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fedfc7 No.21652537

File: 3b3d587e3d806a7⋯.jpg (44.4 KB,500x603,500:603,_274294735_208344701766105….jpg)

Nogs, amirite?

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8ddb93 No.21652538


ahhh, are microorganisms are classified correctly?

living in the myelin sheath.. which is made of cholesterol…

seems like most medical information that is hidden from us

mushroom cloak and dagger bullshit

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87c0bd No.21652539


why does israel have to be my ally? i don't know what they did for USA

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7228ef No.21652540


Who's .38 snub nose had a 50 round cylinder…

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8c400a No.21652541


It was still broken when it came back on.

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6e6035 No.21652542



Same thing as last time and the thousand before.

Signed a bill last minute.

Do you not know they are corrupt?

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d3663f No.21652543

File: 0dc28cd09f9d44d⋯.jpg (266.51 KB,1200x675,16:9,00nsf2.jpg)

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286662 No.21652544

File: 60d610be7acc370⋯.png (504.49 KB,1440x1698,240:283,meme_thief.png)

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87c0bd No.21652546


yeah they are always saying "oh no the government will end" then they sign it at the last second, it is all bogus

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a8e1ed No.21652548


Good, then you'll all be at the craters when Putin calls.

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7228ef No.21652549


He was just dismissing the fat cunt.

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8ddb93 No.21652551

File: f24a601985a7f67⋯.jpg (58.98 KB,950x706,475:353,see_fren_hug_frens_.jpg)


hello 'there' fam :)

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87c0bd No.21652552


these viruses are smarter than us, maybe they are hte real AI

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d8a991 No.21652554

File: 01cf690afe51c12⋯.jpg (101.73 KB,605x603,605:603,ROLLING_OVER_DEEP_STATE.jpg)

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8ddb93 No.21652555



is that a euphemism for getting old?

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fc3f17 No.21652556


cut the brake lines so he can't chicken out.

some reason i think everyone vowing to leave the county after Trump's first term will be implicated soon.

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a775b3 No.21652557

File: 3dcfa2454231042⋯.png (138.43 KB,1080x877,1080:877,Screenshot_20240925_051808.png)

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9b7329 No.21652558

File: c335a9cd5218260⋯.mp4 (807.74 KB,320x568,40:71,c335a9cd521826082afd2597e8….mp4)

File: b083ee47fef966a⋯.mp4 (7.65 MB,720x1280,9:16,b083ee47fef966aecc5a30f34d….mp4)

File: 0ef8a6df5acaa2d⋯.mp4 (72.28 KB,256x144,16:9,images_10_.mp4)

shitposting is an artform.. toilette is a flood

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ae57b9 No.21652561

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

You know…

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ff831d No.21652562


This person is a 100% grade F tool.

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9366b5 No.21652566

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

like time travel, some things never get old

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87c0bd No.21652568

File: 093c785eba226e8⋯.png (1.31 MB,978x960,163:160,lib1.png)

File: 5d99e539eaa5115⋯.png (5.06 MB,2518x1678,1259:839,sbf2.png)

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c535be No.21652569

notables @ 500

#26517 >>21651893

>>21651931 Biden today will deliver what will likely be his final speech on the world stage as president @ UN General Assembly

>>21651938, >>21651952 Mob in NYC honored killer who broke into home and stabbed a woman 43 times to death with a butcher's knife

>>21652140 Ilhan Omar: The death penalty is flawed, racist, and unjust

>>21651953, >>21651968 MJ masterclass trolling Oprah

>>21651959, >>21651972 Sam Elliot goes full Libtard

>>21651961 Failed Trump Assassin Had A List Of Everywhere Trump Would Be August To October

>>21651980 What are the odds that Diddy's attorney, Marc Agnifilo, worked on the RICO case of NXIVM leader Keith Raniere

>>21652000 Ryan Routh's wife worked for Victoria's Secret (Les Wexner)

>>21652007 Both the Australian TGA and US FDA product information warns the mpox vaccinated can kill the unvaccinated

>>21652015, >>21652445 The hollyweird dominoes are crashing

>>21652022 Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway, $BRK.B, has sold an additional $863 million of Bank of America, $BAC, stock

>>21652032 Justice Department Sues Visa for Monopolizing Debit Markets

>>21652047, >>21652142, >>21652154 Justice bun

>>21652059 American Describes What Democrat Leadership Has Done To Georgia

>>21652071 Congress just ran a drill to test run replacing lawmakers after a “mass casualty” assassination event

>>21652078, >>21652178 Ricky Schroder recalls Satanic ritual

>>21652089 @KenPaxtonTX: The City of Dallas and the State Fair of Texas cannot nullify state law by banning firearms

>>21652105 Melania Trump will visit Fox & Friends on Thursday, Sept. 26 to discuss her new book

>>21652120 It's not just Springfield, Haitians being flown to small towns nationwide

>>21652134 In January 2022, about half of Democrats supported fines, prison, and quarantine camps for the unvaccinated

>>21652173 Jeff Glor, ‘CBS Evening News’ anchor pushed out for Norah O’Donnell, fired amid Paramount bloodbath

>>21652188 FBI hiring contract Haitian Creole translators across 18 Alabama counties

>>21652216 Pro-police coffee shop owner wins $4 million in free speech suit against university officials

>>21652222 News Blast

>>21652256 @JamesOKeefeIII 's response to @SGraceClark's request for a statement

>>21652329 Ex-NYS judge, prosecutor kills himself after shootout with FBI agents who arrived to arrest him on corruption charges

>>21652365 @okeefemedia: Line in the Sand (2024) - Official Trailer | James O’Keefe, Debut Film

>>21652396 Panic: Michael Cohen says he'll change his name and leave the country if Trump wins

>>21652509 Schumer: I locked an agreement to pass the govt funding bill tomorrow without amendments, avoiding government shutdown

>>21651946, >>21652033, >>21652113, >>21652114, >>21652229 Memes


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8ddb93 No.21652570


>ahhh, are microorganisms are classified correctly?

* ahhh, are microorganisms classified correctly, are there more types that have been deliberately hidden? if there are omnivores, herbivores and carnivore animals… what other type of microscopic eaters are there? are there some that only eat toxins?

yeah, interdastin


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ff831d No.21652573

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369764 No.21652574

File: 60dc3e43682598d⋯.png (577.47 KB,1200x675,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


Here's the original.

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8ddb93 No.21652575

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c1bde1 No.21652578

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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d39fe2 No.21652580

File: 161f4a07e7f6792⋯.jpg (209.85 KB,737x488,737:488,TruthCannon.jpg)


>Cannon Edition

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8c400a No.21652581


Some eat baby oil.

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1a6b88 No.21652582

File: e2f3d09111a0e3a⋯.png (99.97 KB,657x732,219:244,ClipboardImage.png)

September 24, 2024

Trump Campaign Statement on the Ongoing Threats from the Iran Terror Regime

"President Trump was briefed earlier today by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence regarding real and specific threats from Iran to assassinate him in an effort to destabilize and sow chaos in the United States.

"Intelligence officials have identified that these continued and coordinated attacks have heightened in the past few months, and law enforcement officials across all agencies are working to ensure President Trump is protected and the election is free from interference.

"Make no mistake, the terror regime in Iran loves the weakness of Kamala Harris, and is terrified of the strength and resolve of President Trump. He will let nothing stop him or get in his way to fight for the American people and to Make America Great Again." - Steven Cheung, Trump Campaign Communications Director


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385063 No.21652583

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Gavin Newsom Parody


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8ddb93 No.21652584

File: cc399b197a2a616⋯.jpg (121.25 KB,500x500,1:1,stab_the_eye_.jpg)


mmm well if they are missing one to begin with… is that a bad thing?

[they] did it to themselves

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9b7329 No.21652585

File: 3333c836ccf0cee⋯.jpg (529.18 KB,3504x3504,1:1,636044806629977616_XXX_RNC….jpg)

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a66785 No.21652586

The Overton window is moving right and getting larger.

Make sure you keep up with it

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d8a991 No.21652587

File: d637937c91b38df⋯.jpg (116.27 KB,655x425,131:85,WILLIE_PETER.jpg)

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9366b5 No.21652588

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

We are at the Cusp of a New Beginning or Total Chaos

The choice will knock on every doorstep

We are in the time of the choosing

None shall be spared

From the Choice.

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60353c No.21652589


really noice


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8ddb93 No.21652590

File: a4a6dd3724037e4⋯.png (1.43 MB,1170x877,1170:877,eat_sleep_shit.png)


you are half right

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892b2a No.21652591

File: 091ea9eb38e2106⋯.jpeg (144.31 KB,819x1242,91:138,Ben_jews.jpeg)


Listening to Tucker's opening monologue I was reminded of this Ben Franklin quote…

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d3d523 No.21652593

Craig Sawyer/Tim Ballard what is to come?

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03cf10 No.21652594

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.



BREAKING: Wisconsin U.S. Congressman Tom Tiffany is calling for an investigation after election officials in Madison, Wisconsin "accidentally" mailed over 2,000 duplicate mail-in ballots to voters in the city for the 2024 election

“Voters deserve clear answers regarding the full scope of this blunder, how the city plans to restore public confidence in its ability to accurately administer the election, and assurances that those responsible are held accountable,”

"There needs to be an independent investigation now, not after the election."

At first, the city said the error only occurred in one ward, but according to Rep. Tiffany, it's up to 10 wards now. This means the number of duplicates sent is much higher. THIS IS BOILING MY BLOOD!


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791053 No.21652595

File: e8dfc3546d2dd1d⋯.jpg (309.45 KB,900x599,900:599,ascension_church_foros_cri….jpg)



There's a Church at Crimea called "Ascension"

Allegedly the place King Jesus the Savior was born


At the birthplace of the authentic King Savior

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a66785 No.21652596


The Great Sorting

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8ddb93 No.21652597

File: 59de0f34952c82f⋯.png (165.48 KB,882x840,21:20,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3977f555b29f7f8⋯.png (562.26 KB,835x1229,835:1229,ClipboardImage.png)




Biden’s DNI briefed Trump on alleged Iranian attempts to assassinate him.

Color me skeptical. The intelligence community never release anything unless it benefits them.

Sounds like they are attempting to blame Iran for CIA/Democrat attempts to assassinate Trump.

They would never willingly release this intelligence to Trump. They want him dead. My guess is, they are seeking to deceive the public, and blaming Iran to prevent the masses from connecting the dots and blaming the Dems/CIA. This is not to say I support Iran, but this reeks of classic CIA subterfuge.

And given that the intelligence community never tell us the truth about anything, I strongly doubt they abruptly grew some integrity.

Not buying it.


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1a6b88 No.21652600

File: 821db9a1581384b⋯.png (87.58 KB,677x725,677:725,ClipboardImage.png)

September 24, 2024

Open Borders Have Tragic Consequences — And Blood Is On Kamala’s Hands

No eleventh hour visit by Kamala Harris to the southern border this week — her first in 1,187 days and the clearest indication yet of her humiliating desperation — can mask the unbearable devastation she has unleashed on innocent Americans.

It's a con job. Kamala opened the door to tens of millions of unvetted illegals from the worst parts of the world and imported violent criminals, terrorists, and gang members who have stolen Americans' jobs, housing, and sense of security.

Over just the past two weeks alone:

Grand Rapids, Michigan: A Mexican national — who was deported during the Trump administration, then returned under Kamala — pled guilty to brutally murdering his girlfriend and dumping her body along a highway.

Dormont, Pennsylvania: An illegal alien — who illegally crossed back into the country after being previously deported — was arrested in a fatal hit-and-run that claimed the life of a 23-year-old man.

Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin: An illegal alien and member of the brutal Venezuelan Tren de Aragua gang was arrested on multiple charges of sexual abuse, child abuse, and disorderly conduct.

Rome, Georgia: An illegal alien from Mexico — who had previously been deported at least four times over the past decade — was arrested in a head-on drunk driving crash that critically injured a one-year-old child and killed both parents.

St. Louis, Missouri: An illegal alien — who already had a lengthy criminal record — was arrested in a drunk driving crash that killed St. Louis Metropolitan Police Officer David Lee, an 18-year department veteran who leaves behind a wife and two kids.

Boston, Massachusetts: An illegal alien from Haiti — who was released into the country by the Harris-Biden administration in 2022 — was arrested for sexually assaulting a woman.

San Antonio, Texas: An illegal alien — released into the country by the Harris-Biden administration in 2022 — was arrested in connection to gang-related weapons trafficking.

Rochester, New York: An illegal alien — wanted for murder in the Dominican Republic — was charged in a horrific quadruple murder, including two kids, after he started their house on fire.

Little Rock, Arkansas: An illegal alien from Honduras, who was deported under President Trump, then recently re-entered the country, was arrested in a fatal drunk driving crash that killed a 48-year-old infant respiratory therapist.

Joplin, Missouri: Two Honduran illegal alien brothers robbed a man, shot him in the head, and stole his car to buy drugs across state lines — as the pair was on the run for committing a series of other heinous crimes.

Nantucket, Massachusetts: An illegal alien from El Salvador — previously released on bail in sanctuary city Boston — was arrested for 11 sex crimes, including rape, indecent assault, and battery on a child under 14-years-old.

Things will be so much worse if Kamala is elected in November. She coddles illegals by backing an end to deportations, mass amnesty, sanctuary cities, abolishing ICE, decriminalizing illegal border crossings, free health care for illegals, and so much more.

President Trump, meanwhile, will carry out the largest deportation operation in American history as he seeks to rid the country of the violent criminals, gang members, and terrorists who have flooded in.

Kamala won't be able to escape accountability for the disaster she's created — we won't let her.


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407487 No.21652602

File: 7b7a4a23b2681c4⋯.png (712.59 KB,630x680,63:68,7b7a4a23b2681c476138634ce7….png)

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bcca3f No.21652603


some may truly want a flamin' butthole?

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8ddb93 No.21652604

File: 0ebf0015d114334⋯.png (230.38 KB,1246x928,623:464,ClipboardImage.png)

Trump briefed on 'real and specific' assassination threats from Iran

"Intelligence officials have identified that these continued and coordinated attacks have heightened in the past few months," the campaign communications director said.

Published: September 24, 2024 9:44pm

Updated: September 24, 2024 10:04pm

Former President Donald Trump's campaign announced on Tuesday night that he has been briefed by American intelligence officials about "real and specific" threats against him from Iran.

"President Trump was briefed earlier today by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence regarding real and specific threats from Iran to assassinate him in an effort to destabilize and sow chaos in the United States," Trump Campaign Communications Director Steven Cheung stated.

"Intelligence officials have identified that these continued and coordinated attacks have heightened in the past few months, and law enforcement officials across all agencies are working to ensure President Trump is protected and the election is free from interference," Cheung continued.

The information comes the same day that Ryan Wesley Routh was charged with attempted assassination. The man allegedly targeted Trump on a Florida golf course, although no shots were fired. Trump was also shot at a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, earlier in the summer.

The release also comes after after Iranian hackers targeted into Trump's campaign emails and stole information this summer that they tried to leak to the United States media. They also tried to share the information with the Biden and Harris campaigns.

The new threats are an escalation from the hacks, which the intelligence community previously claimed were an effort to sow division and interfere in the United States presidential election.

The warnings also come on the same day that Iranian President Masoud Pezeshkian appeared in front of the United Nations' General Assembly in New York.


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8c400a No.21652605


Is that where the “Holy Hand-grenade” is now preserved?

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1a6b88 No.21652606

File: aed53490e26eb69⋯.png (392.94 KB,666x1039,666:1039,ClipboardImage.png)

Trump Campaign: Kamala Harris Has ‘Blood on Her Hands’ from Migrant Crime

Vice President Kamala Harris has “blood on her hands” caused by the increase in migrant crime in the United States, according to the Trump campaign.

In a press release issued Tuesday by the Trump campaign, Harris was criticized for failing to visit the “southern border this week.”



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a9bedd No.21652607



you mean 'psy-optically'

such BS needs to be called out.

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8ddb93 No.21652608

File: 030c68584945570⋯.png (1.04 MB,743x861,743:861,ClipboardImage.png)

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d8a991 No.21652610

File: ad523a332d24b91⋯.jpg (134.53 KB,845x629,845:629,FRAG_OUT.jpg)

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02b06e No.21652611

File: 14665fbb8e30121⋯.jpg (309.43 KB,1083x1200,361:400,20240923_033528.jpg)

File: 71d44dc6fce2e61⋯.png (356.97 KB,523x479,523:479,71d44dc6fce2e6144506132094….png)

File: e5d0d26d41d9563⋯.png (1.52 MB,1398x834,233:139,e5d0d26d41d9563c914f2554b0….png)

File: d53c852f0881945⋯.jpg (162.88 KB,1096x1376,137:172,20240921_201448.jpg)

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c6405c No.21652612

File: 68ee9c08d0b8b08⋯.webm (1.3 MB,427x240,427:240,yep54.webm)

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bcca3f No.21652613


on a mission

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8ddb93 No.21652616

File: 9652ee095cefffe⋯.png (543.47 KB,1200x1200,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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d8a991 No.21652617

File: 5211a61fa8f16dc⋯.jpg (156.07 KB,690x495,46:33,MISSION_FROM_GOD.jpg)

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000000 No.21652618


@BRICSinfo 1h

JUST IN: 🇺🇸 🇮🇷 US intelligence briefs Donald Trump regarding "real and specific threats from Iran to assassinate him in an effort to destabilize and sow chaos in the United States."

Sep 25, 2024 · 12:37 AM UTC




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385063 No.21652620

File: 428a5aaf5bf5692⋯.png (756.78 KB,1115x334,1115:334,ClipboardImage.png)

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407487 No.21652623

File: 7a753cb8b9018bf⋯.png (100.83 KB,700x1517,700:1517,ae9Mm4b_700bwp.png)

Anon been there and done that, same result

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ae57b9 No.21652625

File: 6c7a341aa0e849a⋯.jpg (112.87 KB,1920x1281,640:427,Respect.jpg)

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e1e3bb No.21652627


Are they telling us they are going to blow up congress?

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9b7329 No.21652630


this board was created for 1 reason

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ae57b9 No.21652632

File: fad47618339400a⋯.png (411.79 KB,680x621,680:621,TrumpFire.png)

Coming to a Tangent

Proximally you

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7aed8a No.21652633

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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bfb4a3 No.21652634

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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369764 No.21652636

File: a9e419410962091⋯.png (1.14 MB,1000x945,200:189,ClipboardImage.png)

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d8a991 No.21652637

File: 0f0ce5c999e7407⋯.jpg (136.26 KB,690x485,138:97,A_DECREE_FROM_NO_COUNTS.jpg)

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791053 No.21652638

File: 2c1e293188ff86c⋯.jpg (122.62 KB,640x455,128:91,sebastopol_now_sevastopol_….jpg)



But it's near or in Sebastipol, so I assume its an extreme military strategic location.

So I wouldn't be surprised that the Satanists or hater atheists. would want to bomb it.

Their blood boils when they consider Christians. It's really uncanny.

This is why they fight about it though.

Russians and European royalty know.

Palestine is mis-dirction.

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9b7329 No.21652639

File: 0478d6a14043bcb⋯.png (693.98 KB,766x1598,383:799,3900_8_.png)

File: ca722895b64a941⋯.jpeg (8.55 KB,182x276,91:138,images_2024_09_22T130550_….jpeg)

File: 207c761322aa9e3⋯.jpeg (65.05 KB,683x455,683:455,GYB1JI4XsAAcmOY.jpeg)

File: 2690b338d994639⋯.jpeg (104.34 KB,683x455,683:455,GYB1JI4XkAAGTYA.jpeg)

File: 6e8d5574d6e9ee6⋯.png (572.96 KB,607x1008,607:1008,6e8d5574d6e9ee6ca492f1af4c….png)


gas on the fire

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ae57b9 No.21652642

File: 0b611388680563c⋯.jpg (175.61 KB,1180x842,590:421,0b611388680563c39a47c7af7f….jpg)

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2f5cc7 No.21652645


la la la, I love Jesus music chants

no thanks

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9b7329 No.21652646


notice the bald beaver

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f1eb18 No.21652650


>"Intelligence officials

Kek! On first glance I read that asIntolerance Officials.

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286662 No.21652651




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ae57b9 No.21652653

File: ac463a99c7ce7f7⋯.png (69.78 KB,300x300,1:1,wtfester.png)

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a8e1ed No.21652655

File: 4eba572bb07c889⋯.png (426.72 KB,640x751,640:751,ClipboardImage.png)

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e485b0 No.21652656

File: 64491e0ee186ae4⋯.png (150.35 KB,429x413,429:413,ClipboardImage.png)


>Are they telling us they are going to blow up congress?

They are telling us they are in a state of panic. And they are not happy with the current way their replacements would be selected. So, in a desperate attempt to exert some measure of control from beyond the grave, they are seeking the ability to name "heirs" to their public office. It won't happen. But boy howdy does it sure make a statement as to their strategy and thinking. Constitution be damned. They should be laughed out of town. Then laughed out of the country altogether.

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286662 No.21652661

File: 0bc5a200361f6f3⋯.gif (293.6 KB,498x401,498:401,groovin.gif)

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bba9a6 No.21652662

Dear God

I pray that your plan for me involves me finding happiness with my soulmate, and that a soulmate is out there somewhere waiting to connect with me. Someone who comprehends my view of the world and makes me feel safe and sound in their arms. Someone who brings smiles, laughter and joy and a daily dose of pure magic. I pray that life still has that experience in store for me. Amen.

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c535be No.21652665

notables @ 600

#26517 >>21651893

>>21651931 Biden today will deliver what will likely be his final speech on the world stage as president @ UN General Assembly

>>21651938, >>21651952 Mob in NYC honored killer who broke into home and stabbed a woman 43 times to death with a butcher's knife

>>21652140 Ilhan Omar: The death penalty is flawed, racist, and unjust

>>21651953, >>21651968 MJ masterclass trolling Oprah

>>21651959, >>21651972 Sam Elliot goes full Libtard

>>21651961 Failed Trump Assassin Had A List Of Everywhere Trump Would Be August To October

>>21651980 What are the odds that Diddy's attorney, Marc Agnifilo, worked on the RICO case of NXIVM leader Keith Raniere

>>21652000 Ryan Routh's wife worked for Victoria's Secret (Les Wexner)

>>21652007 Both the Australian TGA and US FDA product information warns the mpox vaccinated can kill the unvaccinated

>>21652015, >>21652445 The hollyweird dominoes are crashing

>>21652022 Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway, $BRK.B, has sold an additional $863 million of Bank of America, $BAC, stock

>>21652032 Justice Department Sues Visa for Monopolizing Debit Markets

>>21652047, >>21652142, >>21652154 Justice bun

>>21652059 American Describes What Democrat Leadership Has Done To Georgia

>>21652071 Congress just ran a drill to test run replacing lawmakers after a “mass casualty” assassination event

>>21652078, >>21652178 Ricky Schroder recalls Satanic ritual

>>21652089 @KenPaxtonTX: The City of Dallas and the State Fair of Texas cannot nullify state law by banning firearms

>>21652105 Melania Trump will visit Fox & Friends on Thursday, Sept. 26 to discuss her new book

>>21652120 It's not just Springfield, Haitians being flown to small towns nationwide

>>21652134 In January 2022, about half of Democrats supported fines, prison, and quarantine camps for the unvaccinated

>>21652173 Jeff Glor, ‘CBS Evening News’ anchor pushed out for Norah O’Donnell, fired amid Paramount bloodbath

>>21652188 FBI hiring contract Haitian Creole translators across 18 Alabama counties

>>21652216 Pro-police coffee shop owner wins $4 million in free speech suit against university officials

>>21652222 News Blast

>>21652256 @JamesOKeefeIII 's response to @SGraceClark's request for a statement

>>21652329 Ex-NYS judge, prosecutor kills himself after shootout with FBI agents who arrived to arrest him on corruption charges

>>21652365 @okeefemedia: Line in the Sand (2024) - Official Trailer | James O’Keefe, Debut Film

>>21652396 Panic: Michael Cohen says he'll change his name and leave the country if Trump wins

>>21652509 Schumer: I locked an agreement to pass the govt funding bill tomorrow without amendments, avoiding government shutdown

>>21652582, >>21652604 Trump Campaign Statement on the Ongoing Threats from the Iran Terror Regime

>>21652594 2,000 duplicate mail-in ballots were sent to voters in Wisconsin for the 2024 election

>>21652600 Trump Campaign: Kamala Harris Has ‘Blood on Her Hands’ from Migrant Crime

>>21651946, >>21652033, >>21652113, >>21652114, >>21652229, >>21652602, >>21652608, >>21652655 Memes


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dda4b8 No.21652667


Sorry, anon. All you get is my ex-wife.


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5d16e8 No.21652671

File: 2af17d7756dc400⋯.mp4 (1.13 MB,1276x720,319:180,2af17d7756dc4000090b18b0ae….mp4)

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ae57b9 No.21652672

File: cf5a0c5e024c035⋯.png (572.08 KB,525x485,105:97,cf5a0c5e024c035ecea56c0ba3….png)


>what a time to be alive!

the ups the downs

the round the rounds

…dizzying yet much needed.

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9b7329 No.21652674

File: 10ee52ab32f5320⋯.jpeg (126.8 KB,825x960,55:64,10ee52ab32f532078fe5aa44e….jpeg)


fucking a bag of onions. sometimes the dream is still there

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bcca3f No.21652675

File: 666341432b12e79⋯.png (264.21 KB,500x388,125:97,ClipboardImage.png)

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6e6035 No.21652677

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1cdaa7 No.21652679

File: 2f9271690630228⋯.jpg (74.24 KB,719x465,719:465,Deepstate_Wet_Dream.jpg)

File: 0f1495a8bd714db⋯.jpg (97.27 KB,768x516,64:43,Say_My_Name_Bitch.jpg)

File: ad8879cd6515e81⋯.jpg (79.15 KB,544x805,544:805,Donut_Blowjob_Jill_Bill_Re….jpg)

File: a723eb73a305d04⋯.jpg (62.04 KB,612x407,612:407,Three_Faggot_Queers.jpg)

File: fee7f7a19a6b543⋯.jpg (185.02 KB,960x712,120:89,Obama_Bear_Piss_Sippin.jpg)

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e20d67 No.21652680

File: 7d57b046f39ad0c⋯.gif (188.43 KB,158x156,79:78,00000HERRR.gif)


3 hours ago

I see Tucker in my feed- I add to my list of things to watch.

I see Alex Jones- I drop everything I’m doing and watch IMMEDIATELY!

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d8a991 No.21652681

File: 057d24d686898d4⋯.jpg (132.01 KB,767x539,767:539,DOWN_SHE_GOES.jpg)

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8d4bb5 No.21652682

File: 10454aa1920ce1a⋯.gif (1.52 MB,655x444,655:444,pepe_ups.gif)

nothing but shills spammers and the clown admin circle jerking each other.

anon is here to start trouble


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8ddb93 No.21652683


i cant tolerate the fuckery much longer

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03cf10 No.21652685

File: 99acca6d48e1b7a⋯.png (434.75 KB,680x408,5:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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8ddb93 No.21652687

File: 6d707861fd6ad00⋯.jpg (13.95 KB,238x255,14:15,6d707861fd6ad00c0e65dd6335….jpg)

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286662 No.21652688

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1cdaa7 No.21652691

File: aefb728c975b594⋯.jpg (89.08 KB,952x600,119:75,Aint_Seent_No_Kamala_Harri….jpg)

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1cdaa7 No.21652693

File: 1d8bede4666f157⋯.jpg (138.98 KB,1000x750,4:3,Every_Presidential_Assassi….jpg)

File: 748bc26318b3ea5⋯.jpg (129.37 KB,768x1024,3:4,Nigger_Gonn_Nigg.jpg)

File: 20354d1279ec69a⋯.jpg (89.13 KB,768x512,3:2,2nd_Assassination_CIA_Fail.jpg)

File: 2c2101c5a956917⋯.jpg (121.99 KB,1024x684,256:171,CIA_Faggot_Assassination.jpg)

File: 7f215f4cf4965c9⋯.jpg (41.41 KB,551x310,551:310,Lesbo_Trump_Kek.jpg)

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c7b324 No.21652697

File: 3223ee10ec5fc46⋯.png (1.79 MB,1024x1024,1:1,1727006436253.png)

File: f99561819ef69a9⋯.png (1.51 MB,1024x1024,1:1,1727007718106.png)

File: c8eed68350d4763⋯.png (973.89 KB,1024x1024,1:1,1727030586826.png)

File: 16fb1ef91bba88a⋯.png (1.08 MB,1024x1024,1:1,1727030595909.png)

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9e2ecb No.21652699

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

They missed but the analogy is literally death by +/- 1000 cuts

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ae57b9 No.21652700

File: 6237a096a204bf4⋯.jpg (59.8 KB,500x625,4:5,KEK_compels_you.jpg)

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60353c No.21652702


Baker, this post @568


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286662 No.21652703


Anon, as in the words of my grandmother, "every pot has a lid." You will find your soulmate. Timing is everything.

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968595 No.21652707

how about free apartments and food for veterans, instead of illegals?

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000000 No.21652708


@FBI 11h

Director Wray took center stage at the annual Society of Former Special Agents of the #FBI conference in Fort Worth, Texas, delivering a keynote address that underscored the Bureau’s commitment to fostering connections within the FBI family through innovative outreach programs.

Sep 24, 2024 ·3:02PM UTC

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1cdaa7 No.21652709

File: 6282a4f2703e901⋯.png (1.1 MB,1441x809,1441:809,1727147375046.png)

File: cc035522662beda⋯.png (1.4 MB,1336x873,1336:873,1727147426838.png)

File: 75c2618b47a26ff⋯.png (1.68 MB,1323x882,3:2,1727063026027.png)

File: a6a303f4772b861⋯.png (1.71 MB,1490x782,745:391,1727062917200.png)

File: 208fa755814f164⋯.png (1.42 MB,1491x782,1491:782,1727062768100.png)

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e4e925 No.21652712

File: 86e020024edb3b3⋯.png (314 KB,452x815,452:815,smoking_loser.png)

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c7b324 No.21652714

File: 2b5a000817456fe⋯.png (1.35 MB,1024x1024,1:1,1727207911031.png)

File: fdeb38316ef470c⋯.png (1.26 MB,1024x1024,1:1,1727218434276.png)

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bcca3f No.21652716


Austin, TX count?

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d26b40 No.21652719


I wish for the same thing despite currently being in a relationship where I feel under appreciated and where I have to put all the emotional effort into the relationship to keep the connection alive.

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e4e925 No.21652721

File: 86e020024edb3b3⋯.png (314 KB,452x815,452:815,smoking_loser.png)

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bba9a6 No.21652724


Thank you for the encouragement, Anon. I wish my mind weren‘t so preoccupied with romance.

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a8e1ed No.21652725

File: acde78aa1e7fb02⋯.png (757.98 KB,888x499,888:499,ClipboardImage.png)


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e478c1 No.21652726

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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9e2ecb No.21652730

File: c6cf248b768c20e⋯.jpg (428.67 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240924_081830….jpg)

File: adb119b21f55abf⋯.jpg (18.83 KB,474x355,474:355,th_3460017450.jpg)

File: 3bc6bbd2150319d⋯.jpg (20.35 KB,474x355,474:355,th_1040721712.jpg)

File: 151a3a8e3d205df⋯.jpg (246.86 KB,1019x1500,1019:1500,91IJF8lHjDL_SL1500_1171118….jpg)

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d8a991 No.21652734

File: ca9d40ea4d5c7a9⋯.jpg (80.94 KB,611x468,47:36,TO_THE_CORE.jpg)

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286662 No.21652735


kek you will probably find your soulmate at the Freedom Party!

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9b7329 No.21652736

File: 2cb15d0fddff13d⋯.jpg (20.75 KB,322x320,161:160,fb3dc30ece9c56bbea5d0cf374….jpg)

File: c692ebd4c3a01a7⋯.jpg (185.65 KB,1164x1411,1164:1411,xasia78bm3jb1.jpg)

File: 62d0bc7da86c6d7⋯.jpeg (10.12 KB,213x237,71:79,images_2024_09_11T215113_….jpeg)

File: 2131dabeb2e5055⋯.png (289.05 KB,478x523,478:523,2131dabeb2e505541b7063d852….png)

File: bdf193b4abe9d62⋯.png (1.08 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ShoesofPeace.png)

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791053 No.21652738

File: 6e92d4be8858e18⋯.jpg (87.57 KB,609x593,609:593,nightshift2.jpg)


Sure, but underestimate the importance of a great teacher and healer.

It's your choice to know or not.


I feel like "tracking events" is what we are doing.



know according to research on the authentic historical chronology.

it's mathematical statistical historical via of many extent chronologies.


evidence anatoly fomenko and his research group.

hundreds of books (in Russian) in that field

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9e2ecb No.21652740

Tooth pain disappears when the tooth does.

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968595 No.21652742

m4xr3s bot is the OG of Ai… he been here since way back

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8d4bb5 No.21652744



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a9b329 No.21652746

File: f55302898f77855⋯.png (86.62 KB,666x666,1:1,9e2a.png)


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544dec No.21652747

File: 7ec8033d0575414⋯.jpeg (143.56 KB,1126x650,563:325,IMG_3630.jpeg)

25 Sep, 2024 02:46

America must get out of Ukraine – Trump

The US risks getting stuck in another forever war, the former president has argued

The United States needs a clear exit strategy for the conflict in Ukraine, former President Donald Trump told a campaign rally, insisting that neither current US leader Joe Biden nor his Democratic rival Kamala Harris has any such plan.

“Biden and Kamala got us into this war in Ukraine, and now they can't get us out. They can't get us out,”Trump told the crowd in Savannah, Georgia, on Tuesday, reiterating his promise to end the conflict as soon as he is reelected.

“I think that we're stuck in that war unless I'm president.I'll get it done. I'll negotiate; I’ll get us out. We gotta get out. Biden says, ‘We will not leave until we win,’” Trump argued.

“What happens if the Russians win?That’s what they do – they fight wars. As someone told me the other day, they beat Hitler; they beat Napoleon.That’s what they do. They fight. And it’s not pleasant,”Trump said.

At another campaign rally on Monday, the Republican claimed thatZelensky wants his rival to win “so badly” because, as long as Democrats remain in power, the Ukrainian leader walks away with $60 billion every time he comes to the US.

Zelensky is currently in the US, where he is expected to meet with President Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, and members of Congress to present them with his “victory plan,”which, rather than involving talks, revolves around somehow forcing Moscow into submission.

Ukrainian officials also claimed that Zelensky had planned to see Trump;however, a Trump campaign official told AP that no such meeting has been scheduled yet.

DuringZelensky’s stay, the US intends to announce another $375 million batch of military aid to Ukraine, AP reported on Tuesday evening citing anonymous sources in Washington. The package would include missiles for HIMARS launchers, cluster bombs for Ukrainian fighter jets and other ammunition, which will come out of the US military stockpiles.

By the Pentagon’s account, the US has provided Ukraine over $56 billion in direct military aid since February 2022. In April, the US approved a $61 billion military aid package for Kiev after months of opposition by some Republicans.Ukrainian officials are concerned that Trump could cut the steady flow of US military aid.

(Russia is starting to understand Trump.)


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791053 No.21652749


Paging Charles Fort?

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a9b329 No.21652750

File: 41dc5ce6fff3d29⋯.png (2.14 MB,2826x1526,1413:763,0000cryb.png)


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8ddb93 No.21652752

File: a185237b197b945⋯.jpg (6.1 KB,244x207,244:207,jesus_fucking_christ_i_can….jpg)


your gods sound like self centered narcissistic pricks, they left us in this hell hole

demanding this, demanding that

they can go kill themselves

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791053 No.21652753

File: 6ec0bbda1deb2b6⋯.jpg (34.8 KB,500x282,250:141,allofthemwitches.jpg)


America Winning.

Haters still on your tail

They just seeth.

Pretty sad.

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d8a991 No.21652754

File: 8c41493e3fcd5e0⋯.jpg (76.23 KB,582x596,291:298,U_ALWAYS_SAY_THAT.jpg)

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791053 No.21652756



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c7b324 No.21652757

File: c4afc30877895a2⋯.png (1.28 MB,1024x1024,1:1,1727218424761.png)

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bba9a6 No.21652758


That‘s the feeling I‘ve had all these years. But I‘ve grown weary hoping I am feeling the correct things. I have started to accept that maybe I have been living in unwarranted optimism, and that there will not be any big twist to these years of pain.

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a9b329 No.21652759

File: 23c4b3979c4c367⋯.gif (605.37 KB,400x217,400:217,00000muhherder3.gif)


3 hours ago

I have been listening to Alex for 10 years and he knows what’s coming he is a journalist, detective and he tells it like it is. Love you Alex. Love Tucker thank you for all you do. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇨🇦🇺🇸🇨🇦🇺🇸🇨🇦🇺🇸🇨🇦🇺🇸🇨🇦🇺🇸🇨🇦🇺🇸

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c7b324 No.21652761

File: 4db00639d7a1f61⋯.png (431.17 KB,474x720,79:120,208c3d91786a79e60d8ad1c02e….png)

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d8a991 No.21652762

File: 8aa8884057e2343⋯.jpg (89.66 KB,680x528,85:66,ANON_COUNTER_FIRE.jpg)




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ae57b9 No.21652763

File: 872ac502f53868b⋯.jpg (46.18 KB,888x444,2:1,DrainIt_.jpg)

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a9b329 No.21652764

File: bee5b49c35e616c⋯.gif (1.02 MB,400x217,400:217,00000muhherder4.gif)


47 minutes ago

Anybody else cry watching this? My heart fills with pride to be on the side of these men.

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8ddb93 No.21652765

File: f9763054913d8d1⋯.mp4 (7.96 MB,1280x874,640:437,elon_musk_go_fuck_yourself….mp4)


you can go fuck your self too.

threatening live humans with imaginary beliefs

you're an idiot

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2f5cc7 No.21652766


And while you're at it, chop your dick off and let your wife eat it on a hotdog bun.

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8ddb93 No.21652767


best wishes

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a9b329 No.21652768

File: b3e94060dc87b25⋯.png (1.91 MB,4236x2452,1059:613,ajz.png)

File: cb7cdf53c836ce8⋯.png (540.59 KB,751x1940,751:1940,aj_1865A.png)


3 hours ago

Drove from North Carolina to see this live on Monday and I love Tucker!! We need more truth tellers that aren’t afraid to help the country. Tucker and Alex, thank you

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9e2ecb No.21652771

File: 09503e8c6ec4f2e⋯.jpg (26.98 KB,474x266,237:133,th_766332944.jpg)

File: 6eb7707961f2ac1⋯.jpg (106.53 KB,768x512,3:2,senator_ted_cruz_374739742….jpg)

File: 80d6cd977f47277⋯.jpg (72.64 KB,474x795,158:265,th_2945626030.jpg)

File: bf5939b4f202857⋯.jpg (297.49 KB,1200x1500,4:5,20190711_131830_Chuck_Schu….jpg)

Who came first?

Pope Paul III

Article Talk




"Paul III" redirects here. For the patriarch of Constantinople, see Patriarch Paul III of Constantinople.

Pope Paul III (Latin: Paulus III; Italian: Paolo III; 29 February 1468 – 10 November 1549), born Alessandro Farnese, was head of the Catholic Church and ruler of the Papal States from 13 October 1534 to his death, in November 1549.

Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci[b] (15 April 1452 – 2 May 1519) was an Italian polymath of the High Renaissance who was active as a painter, draughtsman, engineer, scientist, theorist, sculptor, and architect.[3] While his fame initially rested on his achievements as a painter, he has also become known for his notebooks, in which he made drawings and notes on a variety of subjects, including anatomy, astronomy, botany, cartography, painting, and palaeontology. Leonardo is widely regarded to have been a genius who epitomised the Renaissance humanist ideal,[4] and his collective works comprise a contribution to later generations of artists matched only by that of his younger contemporary Michelangelo.[3][4]

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02b06e No.21652772



[Wish you the best anon]

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a9b329 No.21652773

File: c1a25b9ac3bfa94⋯.png (274.67 KB,588x1358,42:97,AJ2089.png)


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91a467 No.21652775

File: 416fae0845dd1d5⋯.jpg (303.27 KB,1080x1930,108:193,Screenshot_20240924_200423….jpg)



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a9b329 No.21652777

File: 1ef2f8adfb229c9⋯.jpg (182.54 KB,1315x1332,1315:1332,1ef2f8adfb229c9a07fb184f01….jpg)


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e2181a No.21652778


This is incredibly interesting…not so sure it means what you think it means….

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a8e1ed No.21652779

File: 2c9d2d39588803f⋯.png (424.38 KB,500x629,500:629,ClipboardImage.png)


We already have a continuity plan. It is constitutional and doesn't involve Morlochs from the UN-

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a9b329 No.21652781

File: 89c5c0228abc5af⋯.png (687.76 KB,568x767,568:767,1aprayaz1.png)


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9e2ecb No.21652782


Nobody wants to hear your conversations with God. Get a room.

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a9b329 No.21652783

File: bd6a8ae97ff9070⋯.png (323.41 KB,417x655,417:655,praymotherfuckerspraykek3.png)


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bcca3f No.21652784



But one of the most troubling aspects of this controversy is that a massive flood occurred at Babi Yar in 1961 — which displaced millions of tons of dirt and debris from the site. Given that the human body has 206 bones — each of the 100,000 victims buried at Babi Yar would have disinterred upwards of 20 million bones, turning the immediate vicinity into a virtual bone yard.

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2f5cc7 No.21652785


Didn't 0bama already do the Hope & Change thing?

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9b7329 No.21652787



tough situation. God bless you and her

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bcca3f No.21652790


He hoped for change and got it…

thanks to the ignorance of the "American Voter"

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8ddb93 No.21652792

File: 0f7a502b0e0e10d⋯.png (196.93 KB,582x780,97:130,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fc22ebf651dda79⋯.png (5.04 MB,3840x2160,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Dan Scavino


Sep 24, 2024, 10:55 PM


Arthur C. Clarke: 'Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.'

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c6405c No.21652793

File: 4f095fd96e1be35⋯.jpg (375.26 KB,960x1280,3:4,pepe_house.jpg)

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9b7329 No.21652794


salt of the world

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9ae8ea No.21652795

File: f475681a56bd16d⋯.png (676.72 KB,1764x2300,441:575,014.png)


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979ac8 No.21652798

File: 1e27e7d78a273d8⋯.jpeg (121.06 KB,1126x628,563:314,IMG_3631.jpeg)

24 Sep, 2024 19:56

Zelensky ‘greatest salesman in history’ – Trump

Every time the Ukrainian leader comes to the US he walks away with $60 billion, according to the former president

Vladimir Zelensky wants Kamala Harris to win the election “so badly,” former US President Donald Trump told a campaign rally in Pennsylvania on Tuesday.

The comment comes after the Ukrainian leader cast doubt on the Republican candidate’s claims that he could promptly end the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

Trump has insisted that he would tell Russian President Vladimir Putin and Zelensky to “make a deal” to end the hostilities.

“I think Zelensky is the greatest salesman in history. Every time he comes into the country, he walks away with $60 billion,”Trump told his supporters.

In April, the US approved a $61 billion military aid package for Kiev after months of opposition by some Republicans. Ukrainian officials are reportedly concerned that Trump could cut US military aid.

“He wants [Harris] to win this election so badly, but I would do differently – I will work out peace,” Trump added.

Zelensky called Trump’s claims into question in an interview published in The New Yorker magazine on Sunday.

“My feeling is that Trump doesn’t really know how to stop the war, even if he might think he knows how. With this war, oftentimes, the deeper you look at it the less you understand,”he said. (Zelensky will find out how "knowing" Trump is, his puny insults are nothing. Time travelers are not predictable.)

The Ukrainian leader is currently in the US, where he is expected to meet with President Joe Biden, members of Congress, Kamala Harris and Donald Trump, to present them with his ‘victory plan.’

While the details of it are not clear,Zelensky told ABC News that his plan is aimed at “the strengthening of Ukraine” and its army to “push [Russian President Vladimir] Putin to stop the war.”(Zelensky doesn't understand Putin, nor does he understand Trump.)

The end of the conflict between Moscow and Kiev could be closer than one might think, according to Zelensky.

“That is why we are asking our friends, our allies, to strengthen us. It is very important,” he added.

Trump has said that he will “probably” meet Zelensky during his visit but no date has been scheduled.

(Zelensky is the biggest con man in all of history, but remember, he has all the dirt on the compromised Admin and politicians, so they can't say No.)


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8ddb93 No.21652799

File: 7db4408898969c3⋯.png (312.25 KB,706x742,353:371,ClipboardImage.png)

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d8a991 No.21652800

File: 4c79a6578d501fb⋯.jpg (128.96 KB,700x500,7:5,GOD_BLESS_USA.jpg)

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c7b324 No.21652801

Why is it, in every painting or drawing of Jesus Christ, he is never wearing a cross?

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9ae8ea No.21652802

File: 14249b05897d17e⋯.png (283.63 KB,852x708,71:59,10_21_2023.png)


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2f5cc7 No.21652803


nah, 0bama was a shoo-in. He didn't win any elections. Those elections were rigged, just like 2020 was rigged, and the elections for Geo. W. were rigged.

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bcca3f No.21652806


the Chicago Machine

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9ae8ea No.21652807

File: 71ddb13dc791047⋯.png (956.69 KB,1629x954,181:106,000001x.png)


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c80233 No.21652808

File: 4d5c9fed4034daa⋯.mp4 (6.63 MB,576x1024,9:16,YtZJRk08p_LORAhd_1_.mp4)


seems this was deleted.


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2f5cc7 No.21652809



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d8a991 No.21652810

File: 814f453848c3e0e⋯.jpg (170.14 KB,865x498,865:498,TOSS_IT_IN.jpg)

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9ae8ea No.21652811



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8ddb93 No.21652812



You sound emotionally needy.

Frankly you are ugly.

What do you have to offer?


filturd for ugliness

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582a8c No.21652813

File: b8041017bc0d697⋯.jpg (78.83 KB,339x335,339:335,DailyDose.jpg)

File: 809bb9586357449⋯.jpg (68.61 KB,600x335,120:67,DeadVoters_blank.jpg)

File: de148e2c88cf2da⋯.jpg (80.72 KB,339x335,339:335,REDPILL.jpg)


Thank you, Baker!

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9ae8ea No.21652814

File: 7d57b046f39ad0c⋯.gif (188.43 KB,158x156,79:78,00000HERRR.gif)



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9b7329 No.21652815


sword shit. master carpenter. wooden handles.

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9ae8ea No.21652816

File: ceefc1ec9abbbe4⋯.png (264.66 KB,1195x410,239:82,000ca.png)


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9ae8ea No.21652817

File: fd93d1b725f4683⋯.png (380.35 KB,502x472,251:236,0000000000.png)




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c6405c No.21652818

File: 12c7c55279d4275⋯.png (507.08 KB,612x617,612:617,pepe_surf2.png)

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9ae8ea No.21652819

File: 74504f6b39b02bf⋯.gif (9.41 MB,540x300,9:5,00000muhherder10.gif)



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9ae8ea No.21652820

File: 7d57b046f39ad0c⋯.gif (188.43 KB,158x156,79:78,00000HERRR.gif)

almost as if they haven't read the drops but thats just stupid!

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dda4b8 No.21652821

File: 561ff246f592b4c⋯.jpeg (464.72 KB,1038x1543,1038:1543,07D33914_F450_464C_8848_E….jpeg)

Gold, silver, steel, and copper are pushing up tonight.

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6e6035 No.21652822


Because the Cross is the Fornax constellation that the sun enters on Dec 21st every year.


The fornix is the conduit by which the neurotransmitter acetylcholine – which is crucial for memory encoding – is sent from the medial septum/Diagonal band of Broca to the hippocampus.[7] In addition, the GABA-producing neurons in the septal nuclei generate theta rhythms which are transmitted through the fornix to the hippocampus.[8][9] In the absence of these external modulators, the hippocampus is radically dysfunctional. In addition, the fornix transmits mnemonic information from the hippocampus to deep brain structures, which potentially allows us to use stored memories to guide us to rewarding people, places, and sources of sustenance.

You do not know what you are reading.

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c535be No.21652823

notables @ 690

#26517 >>21651893

>>21651931 Biden today will deliver what will likely be his final speech on the world stage as president @ UN General Assembly

>>21651938, >>21651952 Mob in NYC honored killer who broke into home and stabbed a woman 43 times to death with a butcher's knife

>>21652140 Ilhan Omar: The death penalty is flawed, racist, and unjust

>>21651953, >>21651968 MJ masterclass trolling Oprah

>>21651959, >>21651972 Sam Elliot goes full Libtard

>>21651961 Failed Trump Assassin Had A List Of Everywhere Trump Would Be August To October

>>21651980 What are the odds that Diddy's attorney, Marc Agnifilo, worked on the RICO case of NXIVM leader Keith Raniere

>>21652000 Ryan Routh's wife worked for Victoria's Secret (Les Wexner)

>>21652007 Both the Australian TGA and US FDA product information warns the mpox vaccinated can kill the unvaccinated

>>21652015, >>21652445 The hollyweird dominoes are crashing

>>21652022 Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway, $BRK.B, has sold an additional $863 million of Bank of America, $BAC, stock

>>21652032 Justice Department Sues Visa for Monopolizing Debit Markets

>>21652047, >>21652142, >>21652154 Justice bun

>>21652059 American Describes What Democrat Leadership Has Done To Georgia

>>21652071 Congress just ran a drill to test run replacing lawmakers after a “mass casualty” assassination event

>>21652078, >>21652178 Ricky Schroder recalls Satanic ritual

>>21652089 @KenPaxtonTX: The City of Dallas and the State Fair of Texas cannot nullify state law by banning firearms

>>21652105 Melania Trump will visit Fox & Friends on Thursday, Sept. 26 to discuss her new book

>>21652120 It's not just Springfield, Haitians being flown to small towns nationwide

>>21652134 In January 2022, about half of Democrats supported fines, prison, and quarantine camps for the unvaccinated

>>21652173 Jeff Glor, ‘CBS Evening News’ anchor pushed out for Norah O’Donnell, fired amid Paramount bloodbath

>>21652188 FBI hiring contract Haitian Creole translators across 18 Alabama counties

>>21652216 Pro-police coffee shop owner wins $4 million in free speech suit against university officials

>>21652222 News Blast

>>21652256 @JamesOKeefeIII 's response to @SGraceClark's request for a statement

>>21652329 Ex-NYS judge, prosecutor kills himself after shootout with FBI agents who arrived to arrest him on corruption charges

>>21652365 @okeefemedia: Line in the Sand (2024) - Official Trailer | James O’Keefe, Debut Film

>>21652396 Panic: Michael Cohen says he'll change his name and leave the country if Trump wins

>>21652509 Schumer: I locked an agreement to pass the govt funding bill tomorrow without amendments, avoiding government shutdown

>>21652582, >>21652604 Trump Campaign Statement on the Ongoing Threats from the Iran Terror Regime

>>21652594 2,000 duplicate mail-in ballots were sent to voters in Wisconsin for the 2024 election

>>21652600 Trump Campaign: Kamala Harris Has ‘Blood on Her Hands’ from Migrant Crime

>>21652792, >>21652799 Scavino: For he will put his angels in charge of you, to guard you in all your ways (Psalm 91:11)

>>21651946, >>21652033, >>21652113, >>21652114, >>21652229, >>21652602, >>21652608, >>21652655 Memes


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9ae8ea No.21652824

File: efdd9d9637ba1aa⋯.png (624.8 KB,1730x786,865:393,000b.png)

and not believing… I mean… whew!!!!

i cannot accept that level of stupid, sorry

does not compute

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9b7329 No.21652825


kek definitely not AI

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9ae8ea No.21652826


deeply entrenched makes way moar sense doesnt it?

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c80233 No.21652827

File: 71446629ed01516⋯.png (1.73 MB,844x900,211:225,ClipboardImage.png)

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9ae8ea No.21652828

File: 8b8054b72af8f23⋯.png (372.25 KB,847x606,847:606,000secrets2.png)


deeply entrenched makes much more sense

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8ebe28 No.21652830



Still stuck in the 3rd dimension I see.

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6e6035 No.21652831



Truth is whatever came first.

You didn’t make the brain. You don’t get to say how it’s suppose to function.

Considering the number one problem is mental ability in the planet.

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791053 No.21652832

File: e8e88953bc93be2⋯.jpg (1.64 MB,1631x1132,1631:1132,Tridentinum.jpg)


it was a faked death?

Mark version does say he lived, in the Geneva Bible edition.

most of the books were cut out at the TRIDENTIUM, Council of Trent.



"funny" Pig is funny. That proves mental health.

Haters have no sense of humor.

That's why they fail at meme-ry.

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16f732 No.21652833


Thank you Dan

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9ae8ea No.21652834

File: 7d57b046f39ad0c⋯.gif (188.43 KB,158x156,79:78,00000HERRR.gif)

deeply entrenched with no way out

sorry, Sir!

but thats what night shift is going with!


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c7b324 No.21652835


And ye you still have not answered the question. He never wore one, had he been hung on one he would have not worn it, nor would he want you to either.

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9e2ecb No.21652836

File: 6ab62e13ffd839b⋯.jpg (54.66 KB,840x472,105:59,pope_paul_vi_960x540_vatic….jpg)

File: 8c9c15010dc7a41⋯.jpg (1.77 MB,2500x3339,2500:3339,npg_80_115_gw_det_sm_30714….jpg)

File: 07c9762e7414a41⋯.jpg (767.45 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240924_201319….jpg)

File: 52282db22288ca6⋯.jpg (588.13 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240924_201554….jpg)

Got any of those government druggie kits? afaf

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2f5cc7 No.21652837


a better question would be, why isn't he wearing a Star of David. He was Jewish after all. Or at least why isn't he wearing a yarmulke? Or even traditional Jewish clothing with the little strings hanging down from his shirt and the box on his forehead and all that. And the pipe curl sideburns.

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febe46 No.21652838

File: 81cfac4d9b0d9a1⋯.png (176.74 KB,815x544,815:544,ClipboardImage.png)

Night-time frens. going to bed. love you fags!

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6e6035 No.21652839

File: 9ac6efd62503ef5⋯.jpeg (103.76 KB,500x667,500:667,IMG_6294.jpeg)


It’s an allegory. You literal cunt.

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582a8c No.21652840

File: 563103f18ab7d50⋯.jpg (55.79 KB,339x335,339:335,PepeWorld.jpg)

File: 8a227c6ba8884d9⋯.png (162.34 KB,417x380,417:380,8a227c6ba8884d949a7907e75a….png)

>>21650384 (pb)

>America first

Maybe another way to think about America First, is that we start FIRST with America, and then the rest of the world can be free, too.

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9ae8ea No.21652841

File: 73f079343a4c926⋯.gif (567.09 KB,500x278,250:139,000wi.gif)

Now let's take these fucking clowns and make them [hero's]!

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791053 No.21652842


yes, the ss guys played musical chairs before POTUS was shot.

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9ae8ea No.21652843

File: a325a8899e8fef7⋯.png (757.5 KB,798x880,399:440,c1.png)

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dffd3d No.21652844

File: cff9d59c1b8d042⋯.mp4 (6.43 MB,720x640,9:8,take_2_night_shift_with_qd….mp4)

some news for anons here.

if you give up your anonminity and you visit this site or donate to jim in anyway there is a record of your being here.

if you use any a.i site promoted here and you are found to be using it. it will be classed as you promoting child porn.

if you click any image here which is suspect it will be classed as you producing c.p as your cache will hold a record of it .

this place is basically a honey pot for the clowns, anyone using it who has in way had any contact with or used any recommended a.i tool to undress or download images, gifs and videos as it leave a finger print.

so make sure you do not do it.

do not donate.

click anything that is suspect.

clear your cache often

above all remain anonymous

do not use the mobile, that is a honey pot,

do not use whatapp to share stuff from here

do not use google, facebook, twitter or any other site to share anything suspicious

The laws are changing.

with these pedo's getting caught and their images, videos being shared, these are traps for the clowns to accuse you of downloading c.p

1) remain anonymous in everything you do when visiting here.

2) if you lose your anonminity you will lose your privacy and in turn lose your civil rights.

3) they will target you via clowns, their hit squads and the authorities.

many anons have been here years and know this already,

only 40 days left and this will be over.

after it is over, do not brag about what you did here or that you even visited this site.

corp o7

researching changes in law and how tech is being used to target people who are sharing the pedos like diddy and his videos, especially on X, facebook, twitter, whatsapp, instagram and other sites which the clowns made and control.

big research project,

if any anons want to chime in, pleae do so.

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5cff1b No.21652845

File: 7f7bee9b8f50f0c⋯.png (621.43 KB,885x661,885:661,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 42c8d5a3a99d33a⋯.mp4 (1.42 MB,480x270,16:9,x_com_realDonaldTrump_stat….mp4)


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9ae8ea No.21652846

File: 4ed2598683f16eb⋯.png (1.01 MB,1510x704,755:352,c2.png)

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9ae8ea No.21652847

File: 0f76567d147b4c3⋯.png (1.82 MB,1840x1152,115:72,c3.png)

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8ebe28 No.21652848

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

4th Dimension Explained By A High-School Student

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9ae8ea No.21652849

File: 7d2f31d8cdf7627⋯.png (727.02 KB,930x890,93:89,c3a.png)

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9ae8ea No.21652850

File: 2cb5743ef091812⋯.png (794.35 KB,972x974,486:487,TUCKYE1.png)

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2f5cc7 No.21652851

File: 443302bdd16d4e4⋯.png (349.29 KB,634x524,317:262,ClipboardImage.png)

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9ae8ea No.21652852

File: dccb63a9cb0f59b⋯.png (79.63 KB,870x588,145:98,twatdedkek.png)

File: 1bfbe3e1bd6a299⋯.png (636.92 KB,818x832,409:416,twittuckek1.png)

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d8a991 No.21652853

File: 83279e603291c85⋯.jpg (103.17 KB,698x351,698:351,JESUS_SAVES.jpg)

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9ae8ea No.21652854

File: 14a99136c209b27⋯.png (334.4 KB,832x668,208:167,twittuckek2.png)

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9ae8ea No.21652855

File: dccb63a9cb0f59b⋯.png (79.63 KB,870x588,145:98,twatdedkek.png)

File: 1bfbe3e1bd6a299⋯.png (636.92 KB,818x832,409:416,twittuckek1.png)

File: 14a99136c209b27⋯.png (334.4 KB,832x668,208:167,twittuckek2.png)

File: 7ef3c355968dd4f⋯.png (1.67 MB,1920x1068,160:89,twittuckek10.png)

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207a6f No.21652856

File: 4cbfa9915597179⋯.png (48.77 KB,478x482,239:241,ClipboardImage.png)

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c535be No.21652857

notables FINAL

#26517 >>21651893

>>21651931 Biden today will deliver what will likely be his final speech on the world stage as president @ UN General Assembly

>>21651938, >>21651952 Mob in NYC honored killer who broke into home and stabbed a woman 43 times to death with a butcher's knife

>>21652140 Ilhan Omar: The death penalty is flawed, racist, and unjust

>>21651953, >>21651968 MJ masterclass trolling Oprah

>>21651959, >>21651972 Sam Elliot goes full Libtard

>>21651961 Failed Trump Assassin Had A List Of Everywhere Trump Would Be August To October

>>21651980 What are the odds that Diddy's attorney, Marc Agnifilo, worked on the RICO case of NXIVM leader Keith Raniere

>>21652000 Ryan Routh's wife worked for Victoria's Secret (Les Wexner)

>>21652007 Both the Australian TGA and US FDA product information warns the mpox vaccinated can kill the unvaccinated

>>21652015, >>21652445 The hollyweird dominoes are crashing

>>21652022 Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway, $BRK.B, has sold an additional $863 million of Bank of America, $BAC, stock

>>21652032 Justice Department Sues Visa for Monopolizing Debit Markets

>>21652047, >>21652142, >>21652154 Justice bun

>>21652059 American Describes What Democrat Leadership Has Done To Georgia

>>21652071 Congress just ran a drill to test run replacing lawmakers after a “mass casualty” assassination event

>>21652078, >>21652178 Ricky Schroder recalls Satanic ritual

>>21652089 @KenPaxtonTX: The City of Dallas and the State Fair of Texas cannot nullify state law by banning firearms

>>21652105 Melania Trump will visit Fox & Friends on Thursday, Sept. 26 to discuss her new book

>>21652120 It's not just Springfield, Haitians being flown to small towns nationwide

>>21652134 In January 2022, about half of Democrats supported fines, prison, and quarantine camps for the unvaccinated

>>21652173 Jeff Glor, ‘CBS Evening News’ anchor pushed out for Norah O’Donnell, fired amid Paramount bloodbath

>>21652188 FBI hiring contract Haitian Creole translators across 18 Alabama counties

>>21652216 Pro-police coffee shop owner wins $4 million in free speech suit against university officials

>>21652222 News Blast

>>21652256 @JamesOKeefeIII 's response to @SGraceClark's request for a statement

>>21652329 Ex-NYS judge, prosecutor kills himself after shootout with FBI agents who arrived to arrest him on corruption charges

>>21652365 @okeefemedia: Line in the Sand (2024) - Official Trailer | James O’Keefe, Debut Film

>>21652396 Panic: Michael Cohen says he'll change his name and leave the country if Trump wins

>>21652509 Schumer: I locked an agreement to pass the govt funding bill tomorrow without amendments, avoiding government shutdown

>>21652582, >>21652604 Trump Campaign Statement on the Ongoing Threats from the Iran Terror Regime

>>21652594 2,000 duplicate mail-in ballots were sent to voters in Wisconsin for the 2024 election

>>21652600 Trump Campaign: Kamala Harris Has ‘Blood on Her Hands’ from Migrant Crime

>>21652792, >>21652799 Scavino: For he will put his angels in charge of you, to guard you in all your ways (Psalm 91:11)

>>21652845 DJT posts Kamala vid re: deportation

>>21651946, >>21652033, >>21652113, >>21652114, >>21652229, >>21652602, >>21652608, >>21652655 Memes


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5cff1b No.21652858

File: 43ff8f3298c991f⋯.png (157.51 KB,879x806,879:806,ClipboardImage.png)


After almost four years, Border Czar Kamala Harris has decided, for political reasons, that it’s time for her to go to our broken Southern Border. What a disgrace that she waited so long, allowing millions of people to enter our Country from prisons, mental institutions, and criminal cells all over the World, not just South America, many of those coming are terrorists, and at a level never seen before! She’s trying to con the public like she did a good job at the Border when, in fact, she has destroyed the very fabric of our Nation allowing 21 Million people in from places unknown.

When Kamala is seen at the Border on Friday, she will pass Hundreds of Miles of Wall that was built by TRUMP, and it is Wall that WORKS! When she speaks, be advised that this woman has allowed more than 21 million people into our Country, totally unvetted, and from places unknown. They are now creating criminal havoc all throughout the Country. Every State is a Border State! When she speaks, I hope everybody remembers that she has caused our cities, towns, and Country itself, tremendous damage, and only I can fix it!


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9ae8ea No.21652859

File: dccb63a9cb0f59b⋯.png (79.63 KB,870x588,145:98,twatdedkek.png)

File: 1bfbe3e1bd6a299⋯.png (636.92 KB,818x832,409:416,twittuckek1.png)

File: de73c6a05acf3a6⋯.png (462.99 KB,1290x1505,6:7,e187e.png)

File: 94b55a8da757dea⋯.png (1.12 MB,1290x1505,6:7,e187g.png)

File: 87568cecfa54b95⋯.png (975.24 KB,1290x1505,6:7,e187a.png)

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c7b324 No.21652861


He had taken the vow of the nazarene, he seemed to push away from the current Jews at the time, as he was not favorable to the Phariseesand not too thrilled with the Scribes who would distort the history.

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9ae8ea No.21652867

Feds Gave Catholic Charities Almost $800 Million That Helped Shelter, Transport Biden’s Migrants into U.S. Communities August 21 2024


Who’s Really Facilitating America’s Border Crisis? Biden Isn’t Acting Alone Dec 9, 2022


Republicans accuse Catholic Charities of breaking the law in its border response December 15, 2022


Migrants depend on Catholic Charities to avoid deportation December 19, 2022


Catholic Charities Under Siege House Republicans and TX bearing down hard


Catholic Charities helping guide through Biden immigration program Jan. 26, 2023


Catholic Charities of Southeast Texas is looking at expanding immigration services May 12th 2023,


Cardinal Dolan: Catholics have a duty to care for immigrants. And the government can’t punish us for that. Timothy Michael Dolan June 28, 2023


Afghanistan to Fort Wayne: How Catholic Charities’ Immigration Services make a global impact MARCH 15, 2023


Harassing Good Samaritans Is On Brand for GOP Republican members of Congress are expanding their war on migrants to the groups that receive federal money to help provide them with food and shelter.


In targeting Catholic Charities, Republicans amplify right-wing Catholic fringe JULY 26, 2023


In targeting Catholic Charities, Republicans amplify right-wing Catholic fringe July 24, 2023


Clearing up misconceptions about Church and immigrants Why does Church minister to migrants and refugees? Here are some answers July 17, 2023


Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump Sep 24, 2024, 12:36 PM

After almost four years,Border Czar Kamala Harrishas decided, for political reasons, that it’s time for her to go to our broken Southern Border. What a disgrace that she waited so long, allowing millions of people to enter our Country from prisons, mental institutions, and criminal cells all over the World, not just South America, many of those coming areterrorists, and at a level never seen before! She’s trying to con the public like she did a good job at the Border when, in fact, she has destroyedthe very fabric of our Nationallowing 21 Million people in from places unknown….

….WhenKamala is seen at the Borderon Friday, she will pass Hundreds of Miles of Wall that was built by TRUMP, and it is Wall that WORKS! When she speaks, be advised that this woman has allowed more than 21 million people into our Country, totally unvetted, and from places unknown. They are now creating criminal havoc all throughout the Country. Every State is a Border State! When she speaks,I hope everybody remembersthat she has caused our cities, towns, and Country itself, tremendous damage, andonly I can fix it!


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6e6035 No.21652868


Pharisee and Scribes are the new Christians.

The story is an awakening from Main Stream Religion.

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ae57b9 No.21652869

File: f773ad22d748011⋯.gif (2.2 MB,360x202,180:101,nasimformatinggif_1_.gif)


>the Cross is the Fornax constellation that the sun enters on Dec 21st every year.

Naaahhhh….Yer Rong.

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9ae8ea No.21652871

File: 4a2849264af85ef⋯.png (60.22 KB,788x928,197:232,STILLFAGGOT.png)

my hero!!

i am sooooo qanon!!!

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c535be No.21652872

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9ae8ea No.21652873

File: 94b55a8da757dea⋯.png (1.12 MB,1290x1505,6:7,e187g.png)

File: de73c6a05acf3a6⋯.png (462.99 KB,1290x1505,6:7,e187e.png)

File: cac4a2422650418⋯.png (371.64 KB,533x306,533:306,elon23.png)

File: 7142a8b7ea34c53⋯.jpg (67.34 KB,513x680,513:680,F0qFotpXoAAE54h.jpg)


arent you?

so qanon too?!

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000000 No.21652875


Based Dan is based

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9ae8ea No.21652877

File: 6ee1c1f5634ab1e⋯.png (399.53 KB,1290x1505,6:7,e187c.png)



yuge qanons amirite?

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791053 No.21652878

File: 1a9421385b0288d⋯.jpg (106.93 KB,556x341,556:341,YarosAlememblem.jpg)

File: 990119d327e01df⋯.jpg (67.34 KB,400x406,200:203,crossincircle997.jpg)

File: c0cd66ad769201d⋯.jpg (127.23 KB,525x500,21:20,crosstailside1point72.jpg)

File: faae24637436e1f⋯.jpg (60.33 KB,355x336,355:336,crosscompass.jpg)

File: 4a45ccef61aa16f⋯.jpg (129.33 KB,610x716,305:358,crossintreeadamandevecc.jpg)


Yes it's a Roman "joke"

funny funny.

original cross showed the heavens, was a map of celestial cross?

and a Tree (of knowledge)?

and the crescent Moon representing the Womb of Life?

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c7b324 No.21652879

With that I will leave Night shift in the hands of you Night owls Retards

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9ae8ea No.21652880

File: 26317cec0996ec2⋯.png (1.09 MB,1290x1505,6:7,e187.png)




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9ae8ea No.21652881

File: b1dd7142398fbe1⋯.png (164.38 KB,645x783,215:261,Q_442_ALIEN_DISTRACTION.png)




many jesus!

much wow!

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9ae8ea No.21652883

Feds Gave Catholic Charities Almost $800 Million That Helped Shelter, Transport Biden’s Migrants into U.S. Communities August 21 2024


Who’s Really Facilitating America’s Border Crisis? Biden Isn’t Acting Alone Dec 9, 2022


Republicans accuse Catholic Charities of breaking the law in its border response December 15, 2022


Migrants depend on Catholic Charities to avoid deportation December 19, 2022


Catholic Charities Under Siege House Republicans and TX bearing down hard


Catholic Charities helping guide through Biden immigration program Jan. 26, 2023


Catholic Charities of Southeast Texas is looking at expanding immigration services May 12th 2023,


Cardinal Dolan: Catholics have a duty to care for immigrants. And the government can’t punish us for that. Timothy Michael Dolan June 28, 2023


Afghanistan to Fort Wayne: How Catholic Charities’ Immigration Services make a global impact MARCH 15, 2023


Harassing Good Samaritans Is On Brand for GOP Republican members of Congress are expanding their war on migrants to the groups that receive federal money to help provide them with food and shelter.


In targeting Catholic Charities, Republicans amplify right-wing Catholic fringe JULY 26, 2023


In targeting Catholic Charities, Republicans amplify right-wing Catholic fringe July 24, 2023


Clearing up misconceptions about Church and immigrants Why does Church minister to migrants and refugees? Here are some answers July 17, 2023


Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump Sep 24, 2024, 12:36 PM

After almost four years,Border Czar Kamala Harrishas decided, for political reasons, that it’s time for her to go to our broken Southern Border. What a disgrace that she waited so long, allowing millions of people to enter our Country from prisons, mental institutions, and criminal cells all over the World, not just South America, many of those coming areterrorists, and at a level never seen before! She’s trying to con the public like she did a good job at the Border when, in fact, she has destroyedthe very fabric of our Nationallowing 21 Million people in from places unknown….

….WhenKamala is seen at the Borderon Friday, she will pass Hundreds of Miles of Wall that was built by TRUMP, and it is Wall that WORKS! When she speaks, be advised that this woman has allowed more than 21 million people into our Country, totally unvetted, and from places unknown. They are now creating criminal havoc all throughout the Country. Every State is a Border State! When she speaks,I hope everybody remembersthat she has caused our cities, towns, and Country itself, tremendous damage, andonly I can fix it!


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a8e1ed No.21652885

File: d3f3b748667b43c⋯.png (661.77 KB,530x676,265:338,ClipboardImage.png)



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791053 No.21652886

File: fae71d8c45cef36⋯.jpg (301.77 KB,900x933,300:311,kingjesusG.jpg)

File: 36c622159483f2f⋯.jpg (576.71 KB,1267x1600,1267:1600,kingjesus.jpg)

File: 4903c58124ecc9e⋯.jpg (100.9 KB,550x1202,275:601,crosstreez2_061.jpg)


he is.


"Maltese Cross"

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9e2ecb No.21652887

File: 4464741edb72cf8⋯.jpg (25.18 KB,474x355,474:355,th_1881576734.jpg)




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9ae8ea No.21652888

File: 8c2fc730be8ea51⋯.jpg (89.22 KB,954x1000,477:500,8c2fc730be8ea51224ce54ec1b….jpg)

File: 711765ace9b077d⋯.png (485.64 KB,708x1120,177:280,upd2.png)

File: 7142a8b7ea34c53⋯.jpg (67.34 KB,513x680,513:680,F0qFotpXoAAE54h.jpg)

File: 90952eaec8e7f10⋯.png (677.62 KB,1000x982,500:491,EMPREPORT1.png)

Feds Gave Catholic Charities Almost $800 Million That Helped Shelter, Transport Biden’s Migrants into U.S. Communities August 21 2024


Who’s Really Facilitating America’s Border Crisis? Biden Isn’t Acting Alone Dec 9, 2022


Republicans accuse Catholic Charities of breaking the law in its border response December 15, 2022


Migrants depend on Catholic Charities to avoid deportation December 19, 2022


Catholic Charities Under Siege House Republicans and TX bearing down hard


Catholic Charities helping guide through Biden immigration program Jan. 26, 2023


Catholic Charities of Southeast Texas is looking at expanding immigration services May 12th 2023,


Cardinal Dolan: Catholics have a duty to care for immigrants. And the government can’t punish us for that. Timothy Michael Dolan June 28, 2023


Afghanistan to Fort Wayne: How Catholic Charities’ Immigration Services make a global impact MARCH 15, 2023


Harassing Good Samaritans Is On Brand for GOP Republican members of Congress are expanding their war on migrants to the groups that receive federal money to help provide them with food and shelter.


In targeting Catholic Charities, Republicans amplify right-wing Catholic fringe JULY 26, 2023


In targeting Catholic Charities, Republicans amplify right-wing Catholic fringe July 24, 2023


Clearing up misconceptions about Church and immigrants Why does Church minister to migrants and refugees? Here are some answers July 17, 2023


Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump Sep 24, 2024, 12:36 PM

After almost four years,Border Czar Kamala Harrishas decided, for political reasons, that it’s time for her to go to our broken Southern Border. What a disgrace that she waited so long, allowing millions of people to enter our Country from prisons, mental institutions, and criminal cells all over the World, not just South America, many of those coming areterrorists, and at a level never seen before! She’s trying to con the public like she did a good job at the Border when, in fact, she has destroyedthe very fabric of our Nationallowing 21 Million people in from places unknown….

….WhenKamala is seen at the Borderon Friday, she will pass Hundreds of Miles of Wall that was built by TRUMP, and it is Wall that WORKS! When she speaks, be advised that this woman has allowed more than 21 million people into our Country, totally unvetted, and from places unknown. They are now creating criminal havoc all throughout the Country. Every State is a Border State! When she speaks,I hope everybody remembersthat she has caused our cities, towns, and Country itself, tremendous damage, andonly I can fix it!


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9ae8ea No.21652889

File: 2f34c2356451605⋯.png (534.13 KB,708x1603,708:1603,ohfucknoq4.png)


Feds Gave Catholic Charities Almost $800 Million That Helped Shelter, Transport Biden’s Migrants into U.S. Communities August 21 2024


Who’s Really Facilitating America’s Border Crisis? Biden Isn’t Acting Alone Dec 9, 2022


Republicans accuse Catholic Charities of breaking the law in its border response December 15, 2022


Migrants depend on Catholic Charities to avoid deportation December 19, 2022


Catholic Charities Under Siege House Republicans and TX bearing down hard


Catholic Charities helping guide through Biden immigration program Jan. 26, 2023


Catholic Charities of Southeast Texas is looking at expanding immigration services May 12th 2023,


Cardinal Dolan: Catholics have a duty to care for immigrants. And the government can’t punish us for that. Timothy Michael Dolan June 28, 2023


Afghanistan to Fort Wayne: How Catholic Charities’ Immigration Services make a global impact MARCH 15, 2023


Harassing Good Samaritans Is On Brand for GOP Republican members of Congress are expanding their war on migrants to the groups that receive federal money to help provide them with food and shelter.


In targeting Catholic Charities, Republicans amplify right-wing Catholic fringe JULY 26, 2023


In targeting Catholic Charities, Republicans amplify right-wing Catholic fringe July 24, 2023


Clearing up misconceptions about Church and immigrants Why does Church minister to migrants and refugees? Here are some answers July 17, 2023


Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump Sep 24, 2024, 12:36 PM

After almost four years,Border Czar Kamala Harrishas decided, for political reasons, that it’s time for her to go to our broken Southern Border. What a disgrace that she waited so long, allowing millions of people to enter our Country from prisons, mental institutions, and criminal cells all over the World, not just South America, many of those coming areterrorists, and at a level never seen before! She’s trying to con the public like she did a good job at the Border when, in fact, she has destroyedthe very fabric of our Nationallowing 21 Million people in from places unknown….

….WhenKamala is seen at the Borderon Friday, she will pass Hundreds of Miles of Wall that was built by TRUMP, and it is Wall that WORKS! When she speaks, be advised that this woman has allowed more than 21 million people into our Country, totally unvetted, and from places unknown. They are now creating criminal havoc all throughout the Country. Every State is a Border State! When she speaks,I hope everybody remembersthat she has caused our cities, towns, and Country itself, tremendous damage, andonly I can fix it!


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9ae8ea No.21652891

we pick our poison don't "we"?

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9ae8ea No.21652892


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9ae8ea No.21652896

File: e05bfe2135cc86a⋯.png (92.2 KB,428x924,107:231,Q_442_ELON_KEK.png)

odd how most shit doesnt get tied into the drops as if!




many jesus!!!


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9ae8ea No.21652898







the list is longgggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg

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9ae8ea No.21652900

you dont even begin to tell the normies

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9ae8ea No.21652901

you suck that bad…


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9ae8ea No.21652902

File: 8a85ea1cb9f24e6⋯.jpg (8.02 KB,184x184,1:1,22532.jpg)

because you huntin wabbits!!!!


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9ae8ea No.21652903

File: 13f67f7559ad79a⋯.jpg (25.43 KB,360x240,3:2,240_F_564420072_EvMqVGASX7….jpg)

you widdle wabbit hunter's you!

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9e2ecb No.21652905

File: 3bdb7d69fb39a60⋯.jpg (117.21 KB,1200x800,3:2,ted_cruz7_3904541165.jpg)

File: 475f09924f8464f⋯.jpg (231.18 KB,1313x1600,1313:1600,Serbian_performance_artist….jpg)

File: 286640dad8235c3⋯.webp (490.97 KB,1140x1140,1:1,Leonardo_Da_Vinci_1140x11….webp)

File: 36c33acd2bda623⋯.jpg (158.76 KB,675x1200,9:16,Uimq_mP3_pb6cBTw_222243396….jpg)

File: ab4595896403b87⋯.jpg (33.25 KB,768x439,768:439,pressler_840x480_768x439_2….jpg)

The artists

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