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File: 1b273e47921449d⋯.png (68.79 KB,255x142,255:142,ClipboardImage.png)

746849 No.21651880 [View All]

Welcome to Q Research General

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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656 posts and 546 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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febe46 No.21652838

File: 81cfac4d9b0d9a1⋯.png (176.74 KB,815x544,815:544,ClipboardImage.png)

Night-time frens. going to bed. love you fags!

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6e6035 No.21652839

File: 9ac6efd62503ef5⋯.jpeg (103.76 KB,500x667,500:667,IMG_6294.jpeg)


It’s an allegory. You literal cunt.

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582a8c No.21652840

File: 563103f18ab7d50⋯.jpg (55.79 KB,339x335,339:335,PepeWorld.jpg)

File: 8a227c6ba8884d9⋯.png (162.34 KB,417x380,417:380,8a227c6ba8884d949a7907e75a….png)

>>21650384 (pb)

>America first

Maybe another way to think about America First, is that we start FIRST with America, and then the rest of the world can be free, too.

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9ae8ea No.21652841

File: 73f079343a4c926⋯.gif (567.09 KB,500x278,250:139,000wi.gif)

Now let's take these fucking clowns and make them [hero's]!

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791053 No.21652842


yes, the ss guys played musical chairs before POTUS was shot.

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9ae8ea No.21652843

File: a325a8899e8fef7⋯.png (757.5 KB,798x880,399:440,c1.png)

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dffd3d No.21652844

File: cff9d59c1b8d042⋯.mp4 (6.43 MB,720x640,9:8,take_2_night_shift_with_qd….mp4)

some news for anons here.

if you give up your anonminity and you visit this site or donate to jim in anyway there is a record of your being here.

if you use any a.i site promoted here and you are found to be using it. it will be classed as you promoting child porn.

if you click any image here which is suspect it will be classed as you producing c.p as your cache will hold a record of it .

this place is basically a honey pot for the clowns, anyone using it who has in way had any contact with or used any recommended a.i tool to undress or download images, gifs and videos as it leave a finger print.

so make sure you do not do it.

do not donate.

click anything that is suspect.

clear your cache often

above all remain anonymous

do not use the mobile, that is a honey pot,

do not use whatapp to share stuff from here

do not use google, facebook, twitter or any other site to share anything suspicious

The laws are changing.

with these pedo's getting caught and their images, videos being shared, these are traps for the clowns to accuse you of downloading c.p

1) remain anonymous in everything you do when visiting here.

2) if you lose your anonminity you will lose your privacy and in turn lose your civil rights.

3) they will target you via clowns, their hit squads and the authorities.

many anons have been here years and know this already,

only 40 days left and this will be over.

after it is over, do not brag about what you did here or that you even visited this site.

corp o7

researching changes in law and how tech is being used to target people who are sharing the pedos like diddy and his videos, especially on X, facebook, twitter, whatsapp, instagram and other sites which the clowns made and control.

big research project,

if any anons want to chime in, pleae do so.

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5cff1b No.21652845

File: 7f7bee9b8f50f0c⋯.png (621.43 KB,885x661,885:661,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 42c8d5a3a99d33a⋯.mp4 (1.42 MB,480x270,16:9,x_com_realDonaldTrump_stat….mp4)


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9ae8ea No.21652846

File: 4ed2598683f16eb⋯.png (1.01 MB,1510x704,755:352,c2.png)

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9ae8ea No.21652847

File: 0f76567d147b4c3⋯.png (1.82 MB,1840x1152,115:72,c3.png)

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8ebe28 No.21652848

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

4th Dimension Explained By A High-School Student

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9ae8ea No.21652849

File: 7d2f31d8cdf7627⋯.png (727.02 KB,930x890,93:89,c3a.png)

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9ae8ea No.21652850

File: 2cb5743ef091812⋯.png (794.35 KB,972x974,486:487,TUCKYE1.png)

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2f5cc7 No.21652851

File: 443302bdd16d4e4⋯.png (349.29 KB,634x524,317:262,ClipboardImage.png)

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9ae8ea No.21652852

File: dccb63a9cb0f59b⋯.png (79.63 KB,870x588,145:98,twatdedkek.png)

File: 1bfbe3e1bd6a299⋯.png (636.92 KB,818x832,409:416,twittuckek1.png)

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d8a991 No.21652853

File: 83279e603291c85⋯.jpg (103.17 KB,698x351,698:351,JESUS_SAVES.jpg)

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9ae8ea No.21652854

File: 14a99136c209b27⋯.png (334.4 KB,832x668,208:167,twittuckek2.png)

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9ae8ea No.21652855

File: dccb63a9cb0f59b⋯.png (79.63 KB,870x588,145:98,twatdedkek.png)

File: 1bfbe3e1bd6a299⋯.png (636.92 KB,818x832,409:416,twittuckek1.png)

File: 14a99136c209b27⋯.png (334.4 KB,832x668,208:167,twittuckek2.png)

File: 7ef3c355968dd4f⋯.png (1.67 MB,1920x1068,160:89,twittuckek10.png)

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207a6f No.21652856

File: 4cbfa9915597179⋯.png (48.77 KB,478x482,239:241,ClipboardImage.png)

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c535be No.21652857

notables FINAL

#26517 >>21651893

>>21651931 Biden today will deliver what will likely be his final speech on the world stage as president @ UN General Assembly

>>21651938, >>21651952 Mob in NYC honored killer who broke into home and stabbed a woman 43 times to death with a butcher's knife

>>21652140 Ilhan Omar: The death penalty is flawed, racist, and unjust

>>21651953, >>21651968 MJ masterclass trolling Oprah

>>21651959, >>21651972 Sam Elliot goes full Libtard

>>21651961 Failed Trump Assassin Had A List Of Everywhere Trump Would Be August To October

>>21651980 What are the odds that Diddy's attorney, Marc Agnifilo, worked on the RICO case of NXIVM leader Keith Raniere

>>21652000 Ryan Routh's wife worked for Victoria's Secret (Les Wexner)

>>21652007 Both the Australian TGA and US FDA product information warns the mpox vaccinated can kill the unvaccinated

>>21652015, >>21652445 The hollyweird dominoes are crashing

>>21652022 Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway, $BRK.B, has sold an additional $863 million of Bank of America, $BAC, stock

>>21652032 Justice Department Sues Visa for Monopolizing Debit Markets

>>21652047, >>21652142, >>21652154 Justice bun

>>21652059 American Describes What Democrat Leadership Has Done To Georgia

>>21652071 Congress just ran a drill to test run replacing lawmakers after a “mass casualty” assassination event

>>21652078, >>21652178 Ricky Schroder recalls Satanic ritual

>>21652089 @KenPaxtonTX: The City of Dallas and the State Fair of Texas cannot nullify state law by banning firearms

>>21652105 Melania Trump will visit Fox & Friends on Thursday, Sept. 26 to discuss her new book

>>21652120 It's not just Springfield, Haitians being flown to small towns nationwide

>>21652134 In January 2022, about half of Democrats supported fines, prison, and quarantine camps for the unvaccinated

>>21652173 Jeff Glor, ‘CBS Evening News’ anchor pushed out for Norah O’Donnell, fired amid Paramount bloodbath

>>21652188 FBI hiring contract Haitian Creole translators across 18 Alabama counties

>>21652216 Pro-police coffee shop owner wins $4 million in free speech suit against university officials

>>21652222 News Blast

>>21652256 @JamesOKeefeIII 's response to @SGraceClark's request for a statement

>>21652329 Ex-NYS judge, prosecutor kills himself after shootout with FBI agents who arrived to arrest him on corruption charges

>>21652365 @okeefemedia: Line in the Sand (2024) - Official Trailer | James O’Keefe, Debut Film

>>21652396 Panic: Michael Cohen says he'll change his name and leave the country if Trump wins

>>21652509 Schumer: I locked an agreement to pass the govt funding bill tomorrow without amendments, avoiding government shutdown

>>21652582, >>21652604 Trump Campaign Statement on the Ongoing Threats from the Iran Terror Regime

>>21652594 2,000 duplicate mail-in ballots were sent to voters in Wisconsin for the 2024 election

>>21652600 Trump Campaign: Kamala Harris Has ‘Blood on Her Hands’ from Migrant Crime

>>21652792, >>21652799 Scavino: For he will put his angels in charge of you, to guard you in all your ways (Psalm 91:11)

>>21652845 DJT posts Kamala vid re: deportation

>>21651946, >>21652033, >>21652113, >>21652114, >>21652229, >>21652602, >>21652608, >>21652655 Memes


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5cff1b No.21652858

File: 43ff8f3298c991f⋯.png (157.51 KB,879x806,879:806,ClipboardImage.png)


After almost four years, Border Czar Kamala Harris has decided, for political reasons, that it’s time for her to go to our broken Southern Border. What a disgrace that she waited so long, allowing millions of people to enter our Country from prisons, mental institutions, and criminal cells all over the World, not just South America, many of those coming are terrorists, and at a level never seen before! She’s trying to con the public like she did a good job at the Border when, in fact, she has destroyed the very fabric of our Nation allowing 21 Million people in from places unknown.

When Kamala is seen at the Border on Friday, she will pass Hundreds of Miles of Wall that was built by TRUMP, and it is Wall that WORKS! When she speaks, be advised that this woman has allowed more than 21 million people into our Country, totally unvetted, and from places unknown. They are now creating criminal havoc all throughout the Country. Every State is a Border State! When she speaks, I hope everybody remembers that she has caused our cities, towns, and Country itself, tremendous damage, and only I can fix it!


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9ae8ea No.21652859

File: dccb63a9cb0f59b⋯.png (79.63 KB,870x588,145:98,twatdedkek.png)

File: 1bfbe3e1bd6a299⋯.png (636.92 KB,818x832,409:416,twittuckek1.png)

File: de73c6a05acf3a6⋯.png (462.99 KB,1290x1505,6:7,e187e.png)

File: 94b55a8da757dea⋯.png (1.12 MB,1290x1505,6:7,e187g.png)

File: 87568cecfa54b95⋯.png (975.24 KB,1290x1505,6:7,e187a.png)

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c7b324 No.21652861


He had taken the vow of the nazarene, he seemed to push away from the current Jews at the time, as he was not favorable to the Phariseesand not too thrilled with the Scribes who would distort the history.

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9ae8ea No.21652867

Feds Gave Catholic Charities Almost $800 Million That Helped Shelter, Transport Biden’s Migrants into U.S. Communities August 21 2024


Who’s Really Facilitating America’s Border Crisis? Biden Isn’t Acting Alone Dec 9, 2022


Republicans accuse Catholic Charities of breaking the law in its border response December 15, 2022


Migrants depend on Catholic Charities to avoid deportation December 19, 2022


Catholic Charities Under Siege House Republicans and TX bearing down hard


Catholic Charities helping guide through Biden immigration program Jan. 26, 2023


Catholic Charities of Southeast Texas is looking at expanding immigration services May 12th 2023,


Cardinal Dolan: Catholics have a duty to care for immigrants. And the government can’t punish us for that. Timothy Michael Dolan June 28, 2023


Afghanistan to Fort Wayne: How Catholic Charities’ Immigration Services make a global impact MARCH 15, 2023


Harassing Good Samaritans Is On Brand for GOP Republican members of Congress are expanding their war on migrants to the groups that receive federal money to help provide them with food and shelter.


In targeting Catholic Charities, Republicans amplify right-wing Catholic fringe JULY 26, 2023


In targeting Catholic Charities, Republicans amplify right-wing Catholic fringe July 24, 2023


Clearing up misconceptions about Church and immigrants Why does Church minister to migrants and refugees? Here are some answers July 17, 2023


Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump Sep 24, 2024, 12:36 PM

After almost four years,Border Czar Kamala Harrishas decided, for political reasons, that it’s time for her to go to our broken Southern Border. What a disgrace that she waited so long, allowing millions of people to enter our Country from prisons, mental institutions, and criminal cells all over the World, not just South America, many of those coming areterrorists, and at a level never seen before! She’s trying to con the public like she did a good job at the Border when, in fact, she has destroyedthe very fabric of our Nationallowing 21 Million people in from places unknown….

….WhenKamala is seen at the Borderon Friday, she will pass Hundreds of Miles of Wall that was built by TRUMP, and it is Wall that WORKS! When she speaks, be advised that this woman has allowed more than 21 million people into our Country, totally unvetted, and from places unknown. They are now creating criminal havoc all throughout the Country. Every State is a Border State! When she speaks,I hope everybody remembersthat she has caused our cities, towns, and Country itself, tremendous damage, andonly I can fix it!


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6e6035 No.21652868


Pharisee and Scribes are the new Christians.

The story is an awakening from Main Stream Religion.

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ae57b9 No.21652869

File: f773ad22d748011⋯.gif (2.2 MB,360x202,180:101,nasimformatinggif_1_.gif)


>the Cross is the Fornax constellation that the sun enters on Dec 21st every year.

Naaahhhh….Yer Rong.

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9ae8ea No.21652871

File: 4a2849264af85ef⋯.png (60.22 KB,788x928,197:232,STILLFAGGOT.png)

my hero!!

i am sooooo qanon!!!

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c535be No.21652872

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9ae8ea No.21652873

File: 94b55a8da757dea⋯.png (1.12 MB,1290x1505,6:7,e187g.png)

File: de73c6a05acf3a6⋯.png (462.99 KB,1290x1505,6:7,e187e.png)

File: cac4a2422650418⋯.png (371.64 KB,533x306,533:306,elon23.png)

File: 7142a8b7ea34c53⋯.jpg (67.34 KB,513x680,513:680,F0qFotpXoAAE54h.jpg)


arent you?

so qanon too?!

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000000 No.21652875


Based Dan is based

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9ae8ea No.21652877

File: 6ee1c1f5634ab1e⋯.png (399.53 KB,1290x1505,6:7,e187c.png)



yuge qanons amirite?

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791053 No.21652878

File: 1a9421385b0288d⋯.jpg (106.93 KB,556x341,556:341,YarosAlememblem.jpg)

File: 990119d327e01df⋯.jpg (67.34 KB,400x406,200:203,crossincircle997.jpg)

File: c0cd66ad769201d⋯.jpg (127.23 KB,525x500,21:20,crosstailside1point72.jpg)

File: faae24637436e1f⋯.jpg (60.33 KB,355x336,355:336,crosscompass.jpg)

File: 4a45ccef61aa16f⋯.jpg (129.33 KB,610x716,305:358,crossintreeadamandevecc.jpg)


Yes it's a Roman "joke"

funny funny.

original cross showed the heavens, was a map of celestial cross?

and a Tree (of knowledge)?

and the crescent Moon representing the Womb of Life?

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c7b324 No.21652879

With that I will leave Night shift in the hands of you Night owls Retards

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9ae8ea No.21652880

File: 26317cec0996ec2⋯.png (1.09 MB,1290x1505,6:7,e187.png)




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9ae8ea No.21652881

File: b1dd7142398fbe1⋯.png (164.38 KB,645x783,215:261,Q_442_ALIEN_DISTRACTION.png)




many jesus!

much wow!

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9ae8ea No.21652883

Feds Gave Catholic Charities Almost $800 Million That Helped Shelter, Transport Biden’s Migrants into U.S. Communities August 21 2024


Who’s Really Facilitating America’s Border Crisis? Biden Isn’t Acting Alone Dec 9, 2022


Republicans accuse Catholic Charities of breaking the law in its border response December 15, 2022


Migrants depend on Catholic Charities to avoid deportation December 19, 2022


Catholic Charities Under Siege House Republicans and TX bearing down hard


Catholic Charities helping guide through Biden immigration program Jan. 26, 2023


Catholic Charities of Southeast Texas is looking at expanding immigration services May 12th 2023,


Cardinal Dolan: Catholics have a duty to care for immigrants. And the government can’t punish us for that. Timothy Michael Dolan June 28, 2023


Afghanistan to Fort Wayne: How Catholic Charities’ Immigration Services make a global impact MARCH 15, 2023


Harassing Good Samaritans Is On Brand for GOP Republican members of Congress are expanding their war on migrants to the groups that receive federal money to help provide them with food and shelter.


In targeting Catholic Charities, Republicans amplify right-wing Catholic fringe JULY 26, 2023


In targeting Catholic Charities, Republicans amplify right-wing Catholic fringe July 24, 2023


Clearing up misconceptions about Church and immigrants Why does Church minister to migrants and refugees? Here are some answers July 17, 2023


Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump Sep 24, 2024, 12:36 PM

After almost four years,Border Czar Kamala Harrishas decided, for political reasons, that it’s time for her to go to our broken Southern Border. What a disgrace that she waited so long, allowing millions of people to enter our Country from prisons, mental institutions, and criminal cells all over the World, not just South America, many of those coming areterrorists, and at a level never seen before! She’s trying to con the public like she did a good job at the Border when, in fact, she has destroyedthe very fabric of our Nationallowing 21 Million people in from places unknown….

….WhenKamala is seen at the Borderon Friday, she will pass Hundreds of Miles of Wall that was built by TRUMP, and it is Wall that WORKS! When she speaks, be advised that this woman has allowed more than 21 million people into our Country, totally unvetted, and from places unknown. They are now creating criminal havoc all throughout the Country. Every State is a Border State! When she speaks,I hope everybody remembersthat she has caused our cities, towns, and Country itself, tremendous damage, andonly I can fix it!


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a8e1ed No.21652885

File: d3f3b748667b43c⋯.png (661.77 KB,530x676,265:338,ClipboardImage.png)



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791053 No.21652886

File: fae71d8c45cef36⋯.jpg (301.77 KB,900x933,300:311,kingjesusG.jpg)

File: 36c622159483f2f⋯.jpg (576.71 KB,1267x1600,1267:1600,kingjesus.jpg)

File: 4903c58124ecc9e⋯.jpg (100.9 KB,550x1202,275:601,crosstreez2_061.jpg)


he is.


"Maltese Cross"

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9e2ecb No.21652887

File: 4464741edb72cf8⋯.jpg (25.18 KB,474x355,474:355,th_1881576734.jpg)




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9ae8ea No.21652888

File: 8c2fc730be8ea51⋯.jpg (89.22 KB,954x1000,477:500,8c2fc730be8ea51224ce54ec1b….jpg)

File: 711765ace9b077d⋯.png (485.64 KB,708x1120,177:280,upd2.png)

File: 7142a8b7ea34c53⋯.jpg (67.34 KB,513x680,513:680,F0qFotpXoAAE54h.jpg)

File: 90952eaec8e7f10⋯.png (677.62 KB,1000x982,500:491,EMPREPORT1.png)

Feds Gave Catholic Charities Almost $800 Million That Helped Shelter, Transport Biden’s Migrants into U.S. Communities August 21 2024


Who’s Really Facilitating America’s Border Crisis? Biden Isn’t Acting Alone Dec 9, 2022


Republicans accuse Catholic Charities of breaking the law in its border response December 15, 2022


Migrants depend on Catholic Charities to avoid deportation December 19, 2022


Catholic Charities Under Siege House Republicans and TX bearing down hard


Catholic Charities helping guide through Biden immigration program Jan. 26, 2023


Catholic Charities of Southeast Texas is looking at expanding immigration services May 12th 2023,


Cardinal Dolan: Catholics have a duty to care for immigrants. And the government can’t punish us for that. Timothy Michael Dolan June 28, 2023


Afghanistan to Fort Wayne: How Catholic Charities’ Immigration Services make a global impact MARCH 15, 2023


Harassing Good Samaritans Is On Brand for GOP Republican members of Congress are expanding their war on migrants to the groups that receive federal money to help provide them with food and shelter.


In targeting Catholic Charities, Republicans amplify right-wing Catholic fringe JULY 26, 2023


In targeting Catholic Charities, Republicans amplify right-wing Catholic fringe July 24, 2023


Clearing up misconceptions about Church and immigrants Why does Church minister to migrants and refugees? Here are some answers July 17, 2023


Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump Sep 24, 2024, 12:36 PM

After almost four years,Border Czar Kamala Harrishas decided, for political reasons, that it’s time for her to go to our broken Southern Border. What a disgrace that she waited so long, allowing millions of people to enter our Country from prisons, mental institutions, and criminal cells all over the World, not just South America, many of those coming areterrorists, and at a level never seen before! She’s trying to con the public like she did a good job at the Border when, in fact, she has destroyedthe very fabric of our Nationallowing 21 Million people in from places unknown….

….WhenKamala is seen at the Borderon Friday, she will pass Hundreds of Miles of Wall that was built by TRUMP, and it is Wall that WORKS! When she speaks, be advised that this woman has allowed more than 21 million people into our Country, totally unvetted, and from places unknown. They are now creating criminal havoc all throughout the Country. Every State is a Border State! When she speaks,I hope everybody remembersthat she has caused our cities, towns, and Country itself, tremendous damage, andonly I can fix it!


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9ae8ea No.21652889

File: 2f34c2356451605⋯.png (534.13 KB,708x1603,708:1603,ohfucknoq4.png)


Feds Gave Catholic Charities Almost $800 Million That Helped Shelter, Transport Biden’s Migrants into U.S. Communities August 21 2024


Who’s Really Facilitating America’s Border Crisis? Biden Isn’t Acting Alone Dec 9, 2022


Republicans accuse Catholic Charities of breaking the law in its border response December 15, 2022


Migrants depend on Catholic Charities to avoid deportation December 19, 2022


Catholic Charities Under Siege House Republicans and TX bearing down hard


Catholic Charities helping guide through Biden immigration program Jan. 26, 2023


Catholic Charities of Southeast Texas is looking at expanding immigration services May 12th 2023,


Cardinal Dolan: Catholics have a duty to care for immigrants. And the government can’t punish us for that. Timothy Michael Dolan June 28, 2023


Afghanistan to Fort Wayne: How Catholic Charities’ Immigration Services make a global impact MARCH 15, 2023


Harassing Good Samaritans Is On Brand for GOP Republican members of Congress are expanding their war on migrants to the groups that receive federal money to help provide them with food and shelter.


In targeting Catholic Charities, Republicans amplify right-wing Catholic fringe JULY 26, 2023


In targeting Catholic Charities, Republicans amplify right-wing Catholic fringe July 24, 2023


Clearing up misconceptions about Church and immigrants Why does Church minister to migrants and refugees? Here are some answers July 17, 2023


Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump Sep 24, 2024, 12:36 PM

After almost four years,Border Czar Kamala Harrishas decided, for political reasons, that it’s time for her to go to our broken Southern Border. What a disgrace that she waited so long, allowing millions of people to enter our Country from prisons, mental institutions, and criminal cells all over the World, not just South America, many of those coming areterrorists, and at a level never seen before! She’s trying to con the public like she did a good job at the Border when, in fact, she has destroyedthe very fabric of our Nationallowing 21 Million people in from places unknown….

….WhenKamala is seen at the Borderon Friday, she will pass Hundreds of Miles of Wall that was built by TRUMP, and it is Wall that WORKS! When she speaks, be advised that this woman has allowed more than 21 million people into our Country, totally unvetted, and from places unknown. They are now creating criminal havoc all throughout the Country. Every State is a Border State! When she speaks,I hope everybody remembersthat she has caused our cities, towns, and Country itself, tremendous damage, andonly I can fix it!


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9ae8ea No.21652891

we pick our poison don't "we"?

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9ae8ea No.21652892


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9ae8ea No.21652896

File: e05bfe2135cc86a⋯.png (92.2 KB,428x924,107:231,Q_442_ELON_KEK.png)

odd how most shit doesnt get tied into the drops as if!




many jesus!!!


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9ae8ea No.21652898







the list is longgggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg

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9ae8ea No.21652900

you dont even begin to tell the normies

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9ae8ea No.21652901

you suck that bad…


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9ae8ea No.21652902

File: 8a85ea1cb9f24e6⋯.jpg (8.02 KB,184x184,1:1,22532.jpg)

because you huntin wabbits!!!!


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9ae8ea No.21652903

File: 13f67f7559ad79a⋯.jpg (25.43 KB,360x240,3:2,240_F_564420072_EvMqVGASX7….jpg)

you widdle wabbit hunter's you!

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9e2ecb No.21652905

File: 3bdb7d69fb39a60⋯.jpg (117.21 KB,1200x800,3:2,ted_cruz7_3904541165.jpg)

File: 475f09924f8464f⋯.jpg (231.18 KB,1313x1600,1313:1600,Serbian_performance_artist….jpg)

File: 286640dad8235c3⋯.webp (490.97 KB,1140x1140,1:1,Leonardo_Da_Vinci_1140x11….webp)

File: 36c33acd2bda623⋯.jpg (158.76 KB,675x1200,9:16,Uimq_mP3_pb6cBTw_222243396….jpg)

File: ab4595896403b87⋯.jpg (33.25 KB,768x439,768:439,pressler_840x480_768x439_2….jpg)

The artists

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