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File: 2b78f8339aee97e⋯.png (289.63 KB,1057x608,1057:608,1e9539dfa07b89fdc7a515c37d….png)

208435 No.21650339 [Last50 Posts]

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208435 No.21650340

International Q Research Threads

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>>20022853 Posting Guidelines | >>21163876 Anon Info | >>19089065, >>21163829 Baking Tools & Guidelines

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ANONS: Stay positive, eyes on the GOAL, not the OBSTACLES!


#26514 >>21649473

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>21649544, >>21649593, >>21649995, >>21650268 RSBN Trump Delivers Remarks on the Tax Code and Manufacturing in Savannah, GA - 9/24/24

>>21649920 @DanScavino President Trump is 🛬 in the Great State of Georgia. #TRUMP2024

>>21649978, >>21649979, >>21649983, >>21649985, >>21649993 Opening Speakers at Trump Savannah Rally

>>21650017, >>21650021, >>21650022, >>21650025, >>21650031, >>21650036, >>21650044, >>21650059, >>21650062, >>21650071, >>21650098, >>21650107, >>21650125, >>21650149, >>21650180, >>21650189, >>21650214, >>21650239 POTUS Rally Quotes

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>21649528, >>21649702, >>21649712, >>21649801, >>21650185 Oran Alexander Routh son of would - be assassin #2 Ryan Routh arrested on child porn charges

>>21649529 Today in Q Post History we have 11 Deltas

>>21649556 Trump's Rescue Mission - Savng America is the film (you) need to see

>>21649567 Digital Soldiers - Join The Digital Battle: Information Warfare

>>21649572, >>21649582, >>21649674, >>21650119 Diddy bun

>>21649597 Kamala Harris Plotted to Stop Me Getting a Job, Kimberly Guilfoyle Says

>>21649609, >>21649637, >>21649708, >>21649751, >>21649752, >>21649872, >>21649936, >>21649938, >>21649944, >>21649965, >>21650039, >>21650081, >>21650160, >>21650161, >>21650199, >>21650242 NASA

>>21649638, >>21649641 Biden, Addressing U.N., Will Argue His Vision Has ‘Produced Results’

>>21649649 Johnny Cash will receive a statue in his honor in the United States capitol

>>21649675 Gunshots fired into Democrat party office in Arizona

>>21649692, >>21649864, >>21650114, >>21650124, >>21650127, >>21650130, >>21650328 Habbenings in and of the Swamp

>>21649709, >>21649976 Only 41 DAYS TO WINNING

>>21649732 Donald Trump on Apprentice - Trolling Former Employee of Diddy "he's a good guy, IS he a good guy?"

>>21649759 Papi Trumpo Kek CRY MORE, LIBS!!!

>>21649894 SEC Chair Gary Gensler testifies before the House Financial Services Committee

>>21649766, >>21649930 Krass keeps running the same unevolving poll. Collecting something else maybe?

>>21649966 David Joseph is stepping down as Chairman/CEO of Universal Music UK after nearly 17 years

>>21650076 QClock September 23, 2024 - Q PROOF - Got Popcorn

>>21650099 Potato delivers remarks at the Global Coalition to Address Synthetic Drug Threats

>>21650151, >>21650299 FCC just fast-tracked George Soros' purchase of 220+ radio stations before November's election

>>21650206 Fugitive Aspen investor Daniel Burrell was arrested on Nantucket Friday morning

>>21650208 UOCAVA opens the door to unlimited foreign voter voting

>>21650231 Missouri v. Biden Back to Trial Court, Govt. Wants to Wholesale Censor all Social Media Posts

>>21650234 Matt GAETZ is under investigation for ethics violations

>>21650241, >>21650254 Can A President Pardon Himself?

>>21650245, >>21650250 The UN Just Adopted the “Pact for the Future” Which Lays the Foundation for a New “Global Order”

>>21650266, >>21650310 Retired NY Judge kills self at home as FBI arrive to arrest him

>>21649546, >>21649589, >>21649630, >>21649766, >>21649832, >>21649836, >>21649849, >>21650032, >>21650043, >>21650298 MEMES

>>21650338 #26514

#26513 >>21648195

>>21648297 President Trump Helps Mom of Three Pay For Her Groceries

>>21648424 news feeds fer thought

>>21648497 Indiana judge rules prison must provide transgender surgery for inmate who killed baby

>>21648626 Traitor Shapiro - Visit highlights Pennsylvania’s manufacturing industry while Pennsylvania National Guard members train Ukrainian forces overseas

>>21648680 Florida Man Convicted of Sex Trafficking Nearly a Dozen Women and Girls

>>21648771 habennings for 9/24/2024

baker change

>>21648225, >>21648271, >>21648542, >>21648805, >>21649252, >>21649321 P Diddy Diggs

>>21648755 9:00 AM EDT 10th National Gun Violence Prevention Summit - Day 2

>>21648793 Olivia Nuzzi's 'wholesome' fling with ex-MSNBC star Keith Olbermann emerges amid RFK Jr. affair

>>21648800 LIVE: Top OceanGate official testifies at Titan submersible hearing

>>21648897, >>21648928, >>21648950, >>21648974, >>21648995, >>21649014, >>21649037, >>21649051 VP Harris, the Divine Nine, Links, Sigma Pi Phi, the Obamas and Much More

>>21648990, >>21649000, >>21649048, >>21649060, >>21649294 Ukraine’s Zelensky Used U.S. Military Assets To Campaign For Harris in Pennsylvania

>>21649041 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 09/24/2024

>>21649104 @zerohedge: NIGERIA RAISES KEY INTEREST RATE TO 27.25%

>>21649127 Q Research Notables #25: Our Time

>>21649202 EU accused of ‘blackmailing’ applicant state Georgia won’t be swayed by threats from Brussels about visa-free travel

>>21649206 10:00 AM EDT Team Trump Bus Tour in Wisconsin

>>21649247, >>21649251, >>21649255, >>21649260, >>21649262, >>21649379, >>21649382 Swamp Events Today

>>21649268 Sharyl Attkisson's interview with Trump 9/22/2024

>>21649271 UN General Assembly 2024 LIVE: Biden delivers remarks on Day 1

>>21649377, >>21649395 Bipartisan group of 4 House members advocating for constitutional amendment allowing for quick replacement of Congress members in event of mass-casualty attack

>>21648296, >>21649405 The FCC just fast-tracked George Soros' purchase of 220+ radio stations before November's election

>>21649451 Child following recommended vaccine schedule will receive up to 70 shots by the time they turn 18..these shots producing healthier kids?

>>21648609, >>21648635, >>21648780, >>21648802, >>21648808, >>21649050, >>21649105, >>21649162, >>21649237, >>21649276, >>21649282, >>21649331, >>21649335, >>21649346, >>21649432 Memes

>>21649463 #26513

#26512 >>21647556

>>21647570, >>21647638 Last big K-Mart store closes thanks to Bidenomics

>>21647573 Trump leads Cincinnati ‘cookie’ poll that has predicted every election but one since 1984: Trump 54% vs. Harris 39%

>>21647580 Kamala declaring war on white South Africans back in 1982

>>21647590, >>21647791 New Trump Tik Tok re: grocery store prices

>>21647610, >>21647627 Nashville postal worker placed on non-duty status after seen allegedly dumping mail in viral TikTok

>>21647637 Sammy Ravelo receives racist attacks from the Democrats after supporting Trump

>>21647671 Intrigue in Singapore as ex-minister prepares for rare corruption trial

>>21647691 Back in 2005, Kamala was front and center in destroying Michael Jackson

>>21647692 The plan to bankrupt America

>>21647696 Diddy dig

>>21647698, >>21647817 Researchers uncover remains of Ice Age mastodons in Peru

>>21647700, >>21647973, >>21648004 Elon Musk is programing an unbiased search engine and email service that will rival Google / anon discussion>>21647925 Musk: Google & Microsoft contribute a lot more to Dems than Repubs

>>21647705 The FBI's violent crime data from last year is very misleading

>>21647709 Seattle police will no longer respond to alarm calls unless without 'supporting evidence'

>>21647712 Ryan Routh Bail Denied After FBI Recovers Six Cell Phones and Google Search of How to Travel From Palm Beach County to Mexico

>>21647745 The NFL has rolled out what it calls a “non-partisan” NFL Votes initiative

>>21647769 Fetterman Warns [D]s that TRUMP is Far More Popular in Pennsylvania than They Think

>>21647775, >>21647816 Congress has no sessions in October

>>21647776 DJT: 9/23/24 | PENNSYLVANIA DonaldJTrump.com

>>21647777, >>21647837, >>21647915, >>21647928, >>21647959, >>21647967, >>21647968, >>21647970, >>21647977 9:40 PM Zero minute delta between Q+ and the 7777 post! Trump truthed "WORLD WAR III" exactly 77 Years 7 months 7 days from the END of WORLD WAR II; What does this mean?

>>21647798 Elon Musk met with the president of Argentina, Javier Milei in New York today

>>21647806 DJT: It takes centuries to build the unique character of each state


>>21647815 Earth to host 'mini-moon' for two months

>>21647835 Idaho man charged with threatening to kill Trump

>>21647845 DJT: When I am president, all migrant flights to Pennsylvania will STOP the moment I take the oath of office

>>21647850 US sending more troops to Middle East as latest Israel-Hezbollah fighting sparks fear of all-out war

>>21647878 Kamala's father's book is her gameplan: accumulate everyone's capital, and distribute it to her peers


>>21647900, >>21647903, >>21647904, >>21647906, >>21647910 President Trump in Indiana, PA Rally - Archive

>>21647942, >>21647950 Tropical tracker of hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico

>>21648076 Michael Jackson's video game from 1991 is about saving the children from black hats surrounded by prostitutes. Coincidence?

>>21648087, >>21648128, >>21648155, >>21648169, >>21648146 Lawmakers want to make a constitutional amendment that would allow them to replace members of congress under the guise of a “mass casualty event” – IS THIS RELATED TO DESIGNATING J6 2025 as a NATIONAL SPECIAL SECURITY EVENT?? DIG DIG DIG

>>21648082 @laralogan: Does anyone else have the sense that they are stealing as much money as they can before the election, as they prepare to run for their lives?

>>21648142, >>21648177 Former adviser for senior Democrat is arrested near his newly sold $12.5million mansion in Nantucket after being a 'fugitive of justice'

>>21648143 Feds demanded Eric Adams admin’s communications with 5 more countries as Turkey probe expands

>>21648149 Diddy…And Blackrock?

>>21648159 Palantir wins $100M U.S. contract for AI targeting military tech. Maven Smart System, likely using Elon Musk's SpaceX satellites, uses battlefield data and advanced AI algorithms to identify targets.

>>21648172 There's a Haitian militia forming right now in Springfield, Ohio. This is a real threat to the American people.


>>21648183 HUNTER Biden has secret business links to the hotshot lawyer at the center of Twitter’s battle against Meta’s new social network Threads

>>21648187 Tim Walz raised money today at the home of Alex Soros in New York

>>21647562, >>21647569, >>21647885 Memes

>>21648193 #26512

Previously Collected

>>21647544 #26511

>>21645419 #26508, >>21645915 #26509, >>21646714 #26510

>>21642566 #26505, >>21643693 #26506, >>21644626 #26507

>>21640440 #26502, >>21641249 #26503, >>21641895 #26504

Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/

Q Research Notables #24: Soldiers >>21225723

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208435 No.21650342

File: 5a2c9aae1a354f2⋯.jpg (17.36 KB,375x375,1:1,5a2c9aae1a354f2074ae0b03a1….jpg)

File: 30b4626e754ace7⋯.png (441.55 KB,598x711,598:711,30b4626e754ace793a4c316f2a….png)

File: 19ecf7ab2ff8a94⋯.png (1.12 MB,936x626,468:313,19ecf7ab2ff8a9489243e77621….png)



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a7ba4d No.21650346

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db252a No.21650349

File: 55a3a78cc206ed7⋯.mp4 (1.21 MB,640x360,16:9,55a3a78cc206ed774f1ef65b67….mp4)

File: 3a3bef757f1ba0d⋯.mp4 (341.04 KB,640x360,16:9,3a3bef757f1ba0d6b13c500832….mp4)


thank you baker

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67431b No.21650350

File: f7f1e436666bb76⋯.jpg (22.94 KB,480x480,1:1,f7f1e436666bb76b6b2aea70c0….jpg)

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41668b No.21650351

File: fe4aa0bb7475b46⋯.png (1.05 MB,1024x768,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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3958cf No.21650352

File: 4f5c9d8a4f4d6da⋯.png (87.52 KB,851x560,851:560,ClipboardImage.png)

Thousands Of Capitol Hill Staffers’ Info Compromised After Using Gov’t Emails On Dating, Porn Sites

Nearly 2,000 passwords belonging to congressional staffers have been leaked to the dark web after official email addresses were used for dating sites and “adult websites,” an internet security company found.

The information of 3,191 staffers, including passwords, IP addresses and information from social media platforms, was found across the dark web by the internet security firm Proton, the Washington Times reported. A growing number of cybersecurity threats have been reported in light of the upcoming presidential election

“Many of these leaks likely occurred because staffers used their official email addresses to sign up for various services, including high-risk sites such as dating and adult websites, which were later compromised in data breaches,” Proton said in a statement, according to the Times. “This situation highlights a critical security lapse, where sensitive work-related emails became entangled with less secure, third-party platforms.”


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00dd64 No.21650353

File: ab298aaef80035c⋯.jpeg (423.66 KB,1500x1500,1:1,IMG_3469.jpeg)

File: f9439c3b3eb4ddd⋯.png (1.78 MB,2160x1620,4:3,IMG_3467.png)

File: 6fd526f3fdabe41⋯.png (793.01 KB,1620x2160,3:4,IMG_3465.png)

File: 5216240c934ae3c⋯.png (49.96 KB,898x498,449:249,4761.png)

File: f4442f1c86b3e6b⋯.png (52.28 KB,898x498,449:249,4763.png)


Thank You Baker!

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3958cf No.21650354

Lebanon Health Minister: ‘Majority, If Not All’ of 558 Killed by Israel Were Civilians

Experts say the scale of the Israeli bombardment in Lebanon on Monday is unprecedented in 21st-century conflicts

The latest health toll from Lebanon’s Health Ministry puts the number of killed by the Monday bombing at 558, which includes 50 children and 94 women. Nearly 2,000 were wounded in the attack.

The Times notes that Lebanon’s Health Ministry’s figures have historically been viewed as reliable. The ministry is not run by Hezbollah but is overseen by the Lebanese government and collects its data using an emergency operations center that gathers casualty figures from private and state-run hospitals.

Israel targeted residential areas of southern and eastern Lebanon on Monday, claiming Hezbollah missiles were being hidden inside houses. The Israeli military said that it hit more than 1,600 targets, and experts say it’s one of the heaviest single-day bombings in modern warfare. The toll in Israel’s bombardment is about half of the toll for the entire 2006 Lebanon War, which lasted 34 days.

“Prior to the Gaza war, munitions deployed with this intensity and with this frequency would have been almost unheard-of,” Emily Tripp, director of the monitoring group Airwars, told the Times. “There is no comparison in terms of death toll or munitions use with previous 21st-century air campaigns of this nature, as far as we know.”

The US supported the Israeli bombardment despite previously claiming it opposed escalation and is sending more troops to the region as a show of support. Israeli strikes continue to hit Lebanon on Tuesday, and Hezbollah has fired hundreds of rockets into Israel in response.


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695f3c No.21650355

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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41668b No.21650358

File: f3f20f8e160cdc7⋯.png (849.65 KB,768x512,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

Kids as young at 8 are drugged and trafficked into the US by smugglers posing as their parents, Border Patrol warns

Authorities say it’s not clear what is happening to the children once they are smuggled into the US — but many are vulnerable to being exploited for child labor and child sex trafficking.


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861697 No.21650359

File: af2a9e6a44b40be⋯.gif (15.37 MB,720x299,720:299,forward.gif)

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a970f3 No.21650361

File: 95cbe25ecf3d47d⋯.jpg (989.44 KB,2560x2560,1:1,No_Deals_Q.jpg)


Thank You Baker o7

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208435 No.21650362

File: 2c43c121f3ef7b7⋯.jpeg (110.44 KB,530x680,53:68,2c43c121f3ef7b71904eba64d….jpeg)

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3958cf No.21650363

File: 5aa3aa376eaf020⋯.png (467.2 KB,640x400,8:5,ClipboardImage.png)

Treasury is said to propose new taxes to bolster state coffers and finance war

Among the draft proposals for 2025 is freezing tax credits, taxing advanced study funds, reducing tax benefits on pension deposits, and increasing the tax on electric vehicles

Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich in Jerusalem, April 21, 2024. (Chaim Goldberg/Flash90)

The Finance Ministry is said to have plans for a series of tax changes, including the freezing and lifting of benefits for pension savings and advanced study funds, as it seeks to bring down the large budget deficit and finance the ongoing war with the Hamas terror group in Gaza.

To offset increased military and civil costs of the war, the government will need to implement tough spending cuts and introduce tax changes to increase state income and deal with a fiscal hole in 2025 of an estimated NIS 30 billion ($8 billion) to NIS 40 billion.

Earlier this month, Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich presented an initial state budget framework for 2025 based on a deficit target of up to 4 percent of gross domestic product. For this year, the government had to raise the deficit ceiling to 6.6% of GDP, from a planned 2.25%, due to higher defense and civilian spending.

Direct war costs have ballooned to more than NIS 250 billion since war began on October 7, when Hamas terrorists invaded Israeli southern communities near the Gaza border, massacring some 1,200 people and kidnapping 251.

As part of the proposals to generate new sources of income to meet the deficit target set for 2025, the Treasury seeks to levy taxes on the interest and profits accumulated in advanced study funds starting from January 1, according to reports in the Hebrew press. The change is estimated to bolster state revenues by NIS 1.4 billion annually. The draft proposals have not yet been officially released, said the Finance Ministry when contacted by The Times of Israel.


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7b8e70 No.21650364

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

For Donald J Trump, victory and the complete kneecapping and blinding of his enemies, especially but not exclusively, the Luciferian Brotherhood System, it's chain of command, the Satanic Council, it's Command Chain and it's phoenix Barack Hussein Obama, with no ill effect on humanity for the glory of God Almighty and the hastening of the Triumph none can stop.

Day 30

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a921ee No.21650365

File: 9a58955755f2ae9⋯.png (121.37 KB,295x220,59:44,ClipboardImage.png)

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04289d No.21650366

File: 3b258d57863bb3d⋯.png (104.85 KB,1024x995,1024:995,ClipboardImage.png)

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41668b No.21650367

File: 4fc5b02ee1d41ea⋯.png (717.12 KB,768x402,128:67,ClipboardImage.png)

Non-citizens added to states’ voter rolls through DMV, even after admitting lack of US citizenship

“We have hundreds where they actually mark on the for‘hello, not a citizen,’ and they still get registered to vote,” J. Christian Adams explained.


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bd5005 No.21650369

File: b8f5bc5d0589b5f⋯.png (1.19 MB,750x1334,375:667,DF686170_5E54_4A75_9A36_E3….png)

File: 759a84a41c2d807⋯.png (1.87 MB,690x4018,345:2009,C724A5DF_E0F9_4E24_A6C7_B7….png)

File: 3a50b69f27c3a2a⋯.png (61.1 KB,690x674,345:337,1EE983D5_1400_4E4F_8ADA_30….png)

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41668b No.21650371

File: 18b6c02190befc5⋯.png (569.13 KB,700x394,350:197,ClipboardImage.png)

Failed Trump Assassin Had A List Of Everywhere Trump Would Be August To October. “The DOJ and FBI have a Conflict of Interest since they have been obsessed with ‘Getting Trump’ for so long,”


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ab92a5 No.21650373

File: 0288d444d5df652⋯.png (2.34 MB,1150x2048,575:1024,ClipboardImage.png)

USNS Big Horn Runs Aground, Taking on water. Navy does not have a replacement fleet oiler. Navy scrambling to find fuel source for battle group.



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5e663f No.21650374


FBI: Son of suspect in apparent Trump assassination attempt arrested on charges of having child sex abuse images

The son of the man suspected in the apparent assassination attempt in Florida against former President Donald Trump has been arrested on federal charges of possessing child sexual abuse images.

Oran Alexander Routh was arrested this week after authorities searched his Greensboro, North Carolina, home "in connection with an investigation unrelated to child exploitation," and found hundreds of files depicting child sexual abuse, an FBI agent said in court papers.

Investigators who seized multiple electronic devices found videos sent to Oran Routh in July as well as chats from a messaging application commonly used by people who share child sexual abuse material, the FBI agent said.

He faces two charges of possessing and receiving child sexual abuse material and is expected to appear later Tuesday in federal court in North Carolina.

There was no attorney listed for Oran Routh in court papers. Phone messages left for relatives of Oran Routh were not immediately returned.

Oran Routh's father, Ryan Wesley Routh, has been charged with federal gun offenses in connection to the attempted assassination at Trump's Florida golf course earlier this month. Prosecutors have indicated much more serious attempted assassination charges are coming.

Oran Routh's arrest was first reported Tuesday by ABC News.

A federal judge on Monday agreed with Justice Department prosecutors that Ryan Routh should remain locked up while he awaits trial in his case.

Prosecutors have said Ryan Routh left behind a note detailing his plans to kill the former president and kept in his car a handwritten list of dates and venues where Trump was to appear.

The FBI said the handwritten letter, addressed "Dear World," said: "This was an assassination attempt on Donald Trump but I failed you. I tried my best and gave it all the gumption I could muster."

The note describing Ryan Routh's plans was placed in a box that he dropped off months earlier at the home of an unidentified person who did not open it until after Ryan Routh's arrest, prosecutors said.

Ryan Routh is currently charged with illegally possessing his gun in spite of multiple felony convictions, including two charges of possessing stolen goods in 2002 in North Carolina, and with possessing a firearm with an obliterated serial number.

But a prosecutor said in court Monday that they would pursue additional charges before a grand jury, accusing him of having tried to "assassinate a major political candidate" — charges that would warrant life in prison in the event of a conviction.

It is common for prosecutors to file more easily provable charges as an immediate placeholder before adding more significant allegations as the case proceeds.

Ryan Routh was arrested Sept. 15 after a Secret Service agent who was scoping the Trump International Golf Club for potential security threats saw a partially obscured man's face and the barrel of a semiautomatic rifle, aimed directly at the former president.

The agent fired at Routh, who sped away before being stopped by officials in a neighboring county, leaving behind a loaded rifle, digital camera, a backpack and a reusable shopping bag that was hanging from a chain-link fence.

During a search of Routh's SUV, the FBI found additional license plates, six cellphones, 12 pairs of gloves, a Hawaii driver's license in Routh's name, and documents, according to the court filing. One of the phones contained a Google search of how to travel from Palm Beach County, Florida, where Trump's golf course is located, to Mexico, prosecutors said.

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10b0b4 No.21650375

File: fc766a1aba0891c⋯.png (536.64 KB,654x474,109:79,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 06ee4c4c84addf4⋯.png (69.88 KB,478x840,239:420,ClipboardImage.png)

File: aa971dde04f358f⋯.png (54.41 KB,478x664,239:332,ClipboardImage.png)

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41668b No.21650378

File: 6e391c91b17f97e⋯.png (614.14 KB,754x322,377:161,ClipboardImage.png)

‘Last Thing She Should Do’: Former Clinton Adviser Says Harris’ Border Visit ‘Plays Right Into’ Trump’s Hands

Mark Penn on Tuesday characterized Vice President Kamala Harris' planned visit to the southern border as a politically unwise decision.


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3958cf No.21650379

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Hollywood Billionaire and Israeli Super Spy, Arnon Milchan


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861697 No.21650381

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Note;dough below



LIVE: President Trump Tax Code and Manufacturing in Savannah, GA

djt rumble channel.




djt youtube



>>21650042, anon: Trump has pink lights on his hair again. different venue same effect that means someone on the stage lighting set up is doing this

President Trump: For years, Americans have watched as our country was stripped of jobs and wealth, and our companies were sold off to foreign countries…GE Appliances were sold to the Chinese. IBM Computers were, again, sold to China. Under Kamala Harris, US Steel is now being sold to Japan. I will stop it. We gotta do it fast. We gotta work fast. But were not gonna let it happen.

President Trump: Under my plan, American workers will no longer be worried about losing your jobs to foreign nations, instead, foreign nations will be worried about losing their jobs to America. Gonna bring 'em back.

President Trump: I want GE, IBM, and every other manufacturer that left us, to be filled with regret, and come sprinting back to our shores. And they will.

President Trump: This new American Indiustrialism will create millions and millions of jobs, massively raise wages for American workers, and make the United States into a manufacturing powerhouse like it used to be many years ago. We will be able to build ships again. We will be able to build airplanes at a much higher level again, We will become the world leader in robotics, and every other field; the US auto industry, which has been decimated over many, many, decades, will once again be the envy of the planet.

President Trump: They'll be exported through the Port of Savannah…under my leadership, we helped deepen the port, you know that, we helped deepen the port once, and now I understand they want to do it again and we will get in, and we will get that done very quickly…this will be a major undertaking involving the Army Corp of Engineers and transportation officials throughout your state. It's gonna happen fast…with a world-class port, and a world-class workforce, this city will soon become one of the premier export hubs anywhere on Earth, tripling and quadrupling traffic, as your power will lead an American manufacturing boom.

President Trump: That's how Kamala treats the American manufacturers. They can all leave, whatever is left of them. And it's not that much. They've got rid of so much. But if instead, you ship production overseas, then she will give you a tax break. So if you build your product, make your product overseas, she's offering a tax break, to make it overseas. Now you wonder why Biden has made so much money fro mall these countries. I mean. personally made, and through the family. Think of that; you get an incentive to build your product outside of the United States.


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a921ee No.21650383

File: a92ba665630a510⋯.png (950.27 KB,1080x1334,540:667,ClipboardImage.png)

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6b58a8 No.21650384

File: bec74039c56dde4⋯.jpg (33.71 KB,624x491,624:491,trumpamericafirst.jpg)

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5e663f No.21650385



Son of Ryan Routh, accused in Trump assassination attempt, arrested for child pornography

Oran Routh had "hundreds" of files of child pornography, prosecutors said.

The son of Ryan Routh, the man arrested in connection with the second apparent assassination attempt of former President Donald Trump, has been taken into custody on federal charges of possessing child pornography.

Investigators say they discovered "hundreds" of files with child pornography during a search of Oran Routh's residence in Guilford County, North Carolina, on Saturday conducted "in connection with an investigation unrelated to child exploitation."

The two charges he faces include receipt of child pornography and possession of child pornography.

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861697 No.21650386

File: 9ea9f8e19a3b39e⋯.png (139.41 KB,944x707,944:707,ClipboardImage.png)


President Trump: It's no wonder than under Kamala Harris, we lost twenty-four thousand manufacturing jobs last month. Twenty-four thousand. We're gonna turn that around so fast…this horrific nightmare for American workers ends the day I take the Oath of Office, January 20th.

President Trump: US-based manufactures will also be rewarded with expanded research and development tax credits, you'll be able to write-off one hundred percent of the cost of heavy machinery and other equipment in the first year, and full expensing for new manufacturing investments, so you're gonna get full expensing. In other words, you have a one-year write off.

President Trump: We will seriously expedite environment approvals, and we will get everything approved quickly, to unleash mineral production and rare Earth. They think we have to go to China for rare Earth. We don't. We have more rare Earth than they do, but it's protected environmentally. We can't do anything about it. We're gonna do something about it. We're gonna use our resources to our benefit. And it will be clean and environmentally perfect. So that America, and Americans, can manufacture everything that we need; the resources, we have right here. American soil, it's got everything, It's got the rare Earth. It's got the oil. It's got the gas. We have everything. The only thing we don't have is smart people leading our country…we're sitting on trillions and trillions of dollars under our feet, and let's use that to Make America Rich Again. Is that okay? We'll pay off the debt. We'll reduce your taxes. It'll be a beautiful thing. It'll be a renaissance.

t'll be a Golden Period. It'll be a beautiful period.

President Trump: I will appoint a Manufacturing Ambassador, whose sole task, and It'll be a great one, will be to go around the world and convince major manufacturers to pack up and move back to America where they want to be. For years, we watched other countries steal our jobs, now we are going to be going after their jobs, and bringing them back to America where they belong, and, frankly, they want to be.

President Trump: Under Kamala, there will be no car industry, no steel industry, no significant manufacturing of any kind, and we will be at risk of military defeat, you know that, right? A very simple fact is this, if you don't have steel, you don't have a military, and I'm not going to allow…Japan to buy US Steel. I'm not gonna let it happen. Seventy years ago, again, the greatest company on Earth. Vote for Trump, and you will see a mass exodus of manufacturing from China to Pennsylvania, from Korea to North Carolina, from Germany to right here in Georgia; they're going to come to Georgia, from Germany, and lots of other places.

President Trump: You know, the nicest thing, when people say [about Butler attempted assassination], "It was God. And God came down, and he saved you, because he wants you to bring America back". So many people say that. I hope that's true. I hope that's true.

President Trump: As we create millions of new manufacturing jobs here in Georgia; nationwide, we will make sure that these jobs go to American citizens, not illegal citizens, people that came into our country illegally.

djt: it was God, so many people say that, he wants you to save america. and it happened again two months later.

President Trump: Biden and Kamala got us into this war in Ukraine, and now they can't get us out, They can't get us out. I watched him, "We will win"; he's been saying that for three years. Every time Zelenskyy comes to the United States, he walks away with a hundred billion dollars. I think he's the greatest salesman on Earth. But we're stuck in that war unless I'm president. I'll get it done. I'll get it negotiated. I'll get out. We gotta get out. Biden says, "We will not leave until we win", what happens if they win? That's what they do is they fight wars.

President Trump: You know, someone said the other day, if she [Harris] won, you literally may not have another election. This could be your last election…if this communist gets in to be president, if she's the president of our country, we're gonna have problems, the likes of which this country has never had. And once you have those problems, it never comes back. You don't see them coming back. They never come back.

djt: too big to rig, we are going to make america great again

music plays ymca, young man

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ab92a5 No.21650387


moar here:



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41668b No.21650389

File: 86059433d900092⋯.png (297.52 KB,663x1029,221:343,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 668dbb70dd83ce1⋯.png (73.81 KB,689x719,689:719,ClipboardImage.png)

NEW: "Haitian Bridge Alliance" has filed criminal charges against Donald Trump and J.D. Vance in Springfield, Ohio, seeks ARREST WARRANTS on both….who the fuck are these clowns

Eric Daugherty


NEW: "Haitian Bridge Alliance" has filed criminal charges against Donald Trump and J.D. Vance in Springfield, Ohio, seeks ARREST WARRANTS on both

"Stemming from the baseless and malicious comments made against our Haitian community this month [to] vilify and threaten [us]."

10:58 AM • Sep 24, 2024


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5e663f No.21650390

File: 1792369478fd29d⋯.png (419.48 KB,619x779,619:779,ClipboardImage.png)


Son of alleged would-be assassin Ryan Wesley Routh says his dad hates Trump like 'all reasonable people' but he's never owned a gun and wouldn't do anything batshit crazy

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7bd69c No.21650391

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41668b No.21650392

File: 184e0967636e2e0⋯.png (425.03 KB,700x394,350:197,ClipboardImage.png)

RINO Mike McDonnell deflates the GOP hope for a Nebraska electoral college winner-take-all scenario.

Nebraska State Senator Just Killed The Idea Of An Electoral College Tie


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000000 No.21650393

Haitian group files criminal charges against Trump, Vance over pet eating commeents


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7b8e70 No.21650394

File: 6caeda89537681c⋯.jpeg (161.09 KB,500x1270,50:127,download_72.jpeg)

File: 65437cbd217c060⋯.jpg (208.68 KB,718x1353,718:1353,Screenshot_20240912_172436….jpg)


Sent to slaughthouses to work…not for processing


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41668b No.21650395

File: de17e034628e72f⋯.png (594.62 KB,632x872,79:109,ClipboardImage.png)

King of Jordan Rejects Harboring Palestinian Refugees in U.N. Speech: ‘That Will Never Happen’


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695f3c No.21650396

File: 2e20084a9f88aee⋯.png (567.72 KB,650x366,325:183,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6e412ad89a8fab7⋯.png (828.91 KB,970x485,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 82905379918e5b0⋯.png (12.91 KB,471x273,157:91,ClipboardImage.png)

Equinox increases chances of geomagnetic storm from solar eruption this week

September 23, 2024

Earth could experience a geomagnetic storm on Wednesday (Sept. 25) after the sun lashed out with a huge spout of plasma.

The probability of our planet experiencing effects from the geomagnetic storm may be higher due to the fact that this particular solar outburst occurred around the same time as Earth's autumnal equinox.

The coronal mass ejection (CME) was unleashed on Sunday (Sept. 22) at 5:39 p.m. EDT (2139 UTC) when a sunspot designated AR3835 erupted unexpectedly with an M-class solar flare.

Solar scientists weren't expecting this eruption because AR3835 had seemed too stable to explode, according to SpaceWeather.com.

Currently rocketing toward Earth at over 650,000 miles per hour (1,046,073 kilometers per hour), this tendril of solar plasma will only strike a glancing blow on Earth's protective magnetic bubble, the magnetosphere, with the majority missing Earth, according to NASA modeling.

This normally wouldn't trigger a geomagnetic storm, but that might be different on Wednesday because of the timing of this CME.

When geomagnetic storms do strike, they can disrupt communication and power infrastructure and, in extreme cases, blackouts.

At high altitudes, geomagnetic storms can also result in stunning displays of light called auroras.

The NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center ranks geomagnetic storms on a scale of G1 to G5.

These storms rise in severity, with G5-scale geomagnetic storms being the most extreme events capable of causing complete collapse or blackouts of power and communicatons systems.

A G1 or G2 storm, such as that which could potentially occur on Wednesday, has a slight risk of impacting infrastructure at high latitudes.

Equinoxes occur when Earth's rotational axis aligns with its orbit around the sun. During the equinoxes, Earth does not appear to tilt with respect to the sun.

This means the sun sits directly above the equator and both hemispheres get the same hours of daylight and night.

The autumnal equinox 2024 occurred at 8:44 a.m. EDT (1244 GMT) on Sunday, marking the first day of Autumn for the northern hemisphere and the first day of Spring for the southern hemisphere.

The weeks around Earth's two equinoxes mark an increase in geomagnetic storm frequency.

This is probably due to the fact that as Earth orientates its poles to point at the sun, the magnetosphere and the sun's magnetic field become aligned, whereas they tend to be misaligned throughout the rest of the year.

At times of misalignment, charged particles from the sun, such as CMEs and solar winds, receive a slight deflection from the magnetosphere, meaning we avoid their full impacts.

This deflection doesn't occur during periods around the equinoxes when the magnetic fields of our planet and our star are well connected.

This is called the "Russell-McPherron effect," and it was first suggested in 1973 to explain the seasonal variation in geomagnetic storm frequency.

Similarly, Earth experiences the least geomagnetic storms around the months of the solstices, December and January, and again during June and July, when Earth's pole are pointed towards the sun.

Data collected from 1932 to 2014 has shown geomagnetic storms are, on average, about twice as likely around the times of the equinoxes as they are around the time of the solstices.


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3958cf No.21650397

Tom Massie: Washington purposely blacking out Ukraine casualty data

Tom Massie: Washington purposely blacking out Ukraine casualty data

In a Q&A with RS, the Kentucky lawmaker explains why he is demanding hard numbers

Earlier this summer, Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Ky.) introduced an amendment to the annual defense policy bill, or National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which “requires a report on the casualty and equipment losses for both sides involved in the conflict in Ukraine.”

His amendment was accepted into the House’s version of the NDAA and awaits review by the Senate.

In an interview with RS, Rep. Massie — who almost succeeded in getting a similar measure into last year’s NDAA — talked about his motivation behind presenting his amendment this year, as well as some insight into how the conversation about Ukraine is trending on Capitol Hill.

He said several factors motivated him to introduce the amendment, namely that even the House Speaker didn’t know how many Ukrainians have been killed or injured in the war, and that State Department officials seemed to know only Russian casualty statistics — but not those for Ukraine.


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41668b No.21650398

File: b152a87363ce2b2⋯.png (801.84 KB,768x512,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

Criminal Probe Into Eric Adams Over Foreign Ties To Turkey Widens To 5 More Countries

The federal criminal investigation into New York City Democrat Mayor Eric Adams’ ties to the Turkish government — specifically whether he conspired with them to funnel illegal foreign donations to his campaign — has reportedly widened to include five…


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7bd69c No.21650399

File: d337385733ab1dd⋯.png (895.77 KB,2104x1406,1052:703,ClipboardImage.png)


sticky post how

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861697 No.21650400

File: 6e6407e9289f518⋯.png (131.33 KB,255x255,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e9c4eb7fe3cb60b⋯.png (310.9 KB,518x276,259:138,ClipboardImage.png)

>>21650381, >>21650386 Trump Tax Code and Manufacturing in Savannah, GA - sources, statements and dough bun

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5e663f No.21650401

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>who the fuck are these clowns


With Many Hands, the Work is Light.

This Haitian proverb serves as Guerline Jozef’s inspiration and the vision behind the Haitian Bridge Alliance in 2015.

Guerline is a human rights advocate who dedicates her life to bringing awareness to issues that affect us all locally and globally, such as immigration, domestic violence, child sexual abuse, and other human rights issues. Ms. Jozef was named one of POLITICO’s 2021 40 Most Influential People on Race, Politics, and Policy in the United States for her leadership and is the recipient of prestigious awards—most recently, the Las Americas’ 2021 Border Heroes Award, the 2021 Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights Award, the 2022 National Haitian-American Elected Officials Network Community Champion Award and the 2022 American Immigration Lawyers Association’s Arthur C. Helton Human Rights Award.

She has been featured in Forbes Magazine and has appeared in the New York Times, the Washington Post, Politico, Time Magazine, and many other publications.

Guerline has also testified in front of the United Nations and the United States Congress to demand the humane treatment of Black immigrants.

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e30054 No.21650402

File: fcf2614d0811623⋯.png (81.67 KB,474x266,237:133,ClipboardImage.png)

File: deb87eebad4274c⋯.png (379.07 KB,1333x567,1333:567,ClipboardImage.png)


Kek. Ask Nick about Kami.

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72171a No.21650403

File: 63e402016cddb81⋯.png (25.87 KB,1366x768,683:384,top_bun_2.png)

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910dcf No.21650405

File: 369535ee9879ccd⋯.gif (259.37 KB,240x350,24:35,cherrySmokey.gif)



A once sent community of Haitians is now organized well enough to march and file lawsuits. Hmmmm, I wonder who could organize a community so quickly to have such an influence?

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287db7 No.21650406

File: 5bd84ed128a9a82⋯.png (391.44 KB,652x353,652:353,ClipboardImage.png)

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ee0e75 No.21650407


someone should inform these stupid ingrates about the first amendment and that as a result of this frivolous lawfare by obvious swollen brain cat eaters that no one cares what they think. They are getting kicked out soon enough.

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5e663f No.21650408


>The DOJ and FBI have a Conflict of Interest since they have been obsessed with ‘Getting Trump’ for so long

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00dd64 No.21650409

File: 32a73f5cbc66793⋯.jpeg (1.02 MB,1249x1241,1249:1241,IMG_3470.jpeg)




“[REDACTED] is one of the worst offenders of the rabbit holes and conspiracy theories,” an agent texted. “This guy traveled with that guy, who put down 3rd guy as his visa sponsor. 3rd guy lives near a navy base, therefore…[.]”

Several texts show that the order to close the criminal investigation against Flynn came as early as Nov. 8, 2016, the same day as the 2016 presidential election. It was later re-opened in early January of 2017.

“We have some loose ends to tie up, and we all need to meet to discuss what to do with each case (he said shut down Razor),” one agent texted, referring to Crossfire Razor, the FBI’s internal code name for the investigation of Flynn.

“[S]o glad they’re closing Razor,” an agent responded.

The new disclosures made by DOJ also show that the FBI used so-called national security letters (NSLs) to spy on Flynn’s finances. Unlike traditional subpoenas, which require judicial review and approval before authorities can seize an innocent person’s property and information, NSLs are never independently reviewed by courts. One of the agents noted in a text message that the NSLs were just being used as a pretext by FBI leadership to buy time to find dirt on Flynn after the first investigation of him yielded no derogatory information.

“[T]he decision to NSL finances for Razor bought him time,” one agent said nearly two weeks after the initial order to shut down the anti-Flynn case. It is not known to whom the agent was referring in that text.

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41668b No.21650410

File: d2d5f6bad178d79⋯.png (535.03 KB,768x406,384:203,ClipboardImage.png)

As the World Burns: Joe Biden Can Barely Speak, Slurs His Words, Attacks Russia and Pushes for More War in Last UN Speech (VIDEO)…

Joe Biden addressed the United Nations General Assembly on Tuesday. It was his last speech to the international body.

Old Joe looked tired and lost as he mumbled and lied his way through his final speech as the world burns.

Joe has a particularly difficult time reading the TelePrompter these days and frequently mashes his words together.

Biden then went after Russia and Putin and pushed for more war.

Joe Biden: I truly believe we’re at another inflection point, world history. The choices we make today will determine our future for decades to come. Will we stand behind the principles of Unitas (that unite us)? Will we stand firm against aggression? Will we end the conflicts that are rising today? Will we take on global challenges like climate change, hunger, and disease? Will we plan now for the opportunities and risk of a revolutionary new technologies? I want to talk today about each of these decisions and the actions, in my view, we must take. To start, each of us as a body has made a commitment to the principles of the UN Charter to stand up against aggression. When Russia invaded Ukraine, we could have stood by and merely protested. But vice President Harris and I understood that that was an assault on everything this institution was supposed to stand for. And so my direction, America, stepped into the breach, providing massive security and economic and humanitarian assistance. Our NATO allies and partners in 50 plus nations stood up as well. But most importantly, the Ukrainian people stood up…

…The good news is, Putin’s war has failed at his core aim. He set out to destroy Ukraine, but Ukraine is still free. He set out to weaken NATO, but NATO is bigger, stronger, more united than ever before with two new members, Finland and Sweden. But we cannot let up. The world now has another choice to make. Will we sustain our support to help Ukraine win this war and preserve its freedom, or walk away and let aggression be renewed and a nation be destroyed? I know my answer. We cannot grow weary We cannot look away, and we will not let up on our support for Ukraine. Nod to Ukraine wins just an adorable piece in the UN.

Actually, Ukraine is losing this war and the world knows it. Unfortunately, the globalists and Western elites are itching for a world war in the months ahead.


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910dcf No.21650411


*once silent

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41668b No.21650412

File: 6b2155193ddc8cc⋯.png (565.69 KB,595x320,119:64,ClipboardImage.png)

The Corrupt UN Passes Global Action to Rule the World

The corrupt UN passes global action to take over the world. Trump is our only hope. This occurred quietly over the weekend. This international order is irredeemably corrupt and has pernicious aspirations. What they offer is global thecnocratic totalitarian…


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eec60a No.21650413

File: 0335f3105c3806a⋯.gif (1.9 MB,360x202,180:101,Trumpdancing.gif)

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41668b No.21650414

File: 8901832bd1ab1bf⋯.png (391.99 KB,675x598,675:598,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e2952a5c0a3062d⋯.mp4 (1.61 MB,1280x720,16:9,TRUMP_I_m_going_to_McDonal….mp4)



TRUMP: "I'm going to McDonald's and I'm gonna stand over the French fries because I wanna see what her job really wasn't like."

11:20 AM • Sep 24, 2024


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5e663f No.21650415

File: f0e78df49b21e9b⋯.png (347.5 KB,598x442,23:17,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3b74ab7f488d76d⋯.png (299.65 KB,598x678,299:339,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 826c2fed52b34fe⋯.png (672.57 KB,598x681,598:681,ClipboardImage.png)


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f2176f No.21650416

File: a2a7df707434d73⋯.mp4 (4.23 MB,360x640,9:16,17m_hush.mp4)

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41668b No.21650417

File: 4f48a23f2e108e3⋯.png (397.62 KB,671x878,671:878,ClipboardImage.png)

Kamala Harris Demands End to Filibuster over Abortion, but Consequences Would Be Sweeping


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5e663f No.21650419


>It was later re-opened in early January of 2017.

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8afa0c No.21650420


Did he ever even say it was the Haitians???

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10b0b4 No.21650421


these heebs always on the gay shit and smears just like ww2 and ages before

never ends

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3958cf No.21650423

File: c3c33a92d0acc5d⋯.png (55.42 KB,715x571,715:571,ClipboardImage.png)

Top air force official: No one warns enemy to evacuate before attacking

IDF rejects criticism of attacks in Lebanon as illegal.

Criticism has focused on the notion that the IAF has attacked large numbers of civilian structures in southern Lebanon and the Bekaa Valley, causing the deaths of more than 550 Lebanese.


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d02024 No.21650424

File: 1ea791cd8977851⋯.png (290.51 KB,679x322,97:46,ClipboardImage.png)

Officials urge residents to leave the area of a chemical leak near Cleves

September 24,2024

Residents near Cleves are being urged to leave their homes due to a chemical leak near State Route 128, according to the Hamilton County Emergency Management Agency.

Officials said to leave the area of U.S. Route 50 and State Route 128. An agency spokesperson said a rail car is leaking styrene, a toxic and flammable gas that is widely used to make plastics and rubbers.

The agency initially told residents to stay indoors and seal off doors and windows. A shelter is now open to the public at the Whitewater Township Community Center at 6125 Dry Fork Road.

Three Rivers School District said on its website that school buildings are being evacuated of students and staff, with all after-school activities canceled Tuesday evening.


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c3690c No.21650425

September 24, 2024

3:00 PM EDT

World Leaders Address U.N. General Assembly, Day 1, Part 2

World leaders, including Iranian President Masoud Pezeshkian, address the United Nations General Assembly in New York City.


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485e13 No.21650426

File: 2e7f6e415eaa36b⋯.png (304.42 KB,612x438,102:73,ClipboardImage.png)

Hillary Clinton's dad was mixed in with the Jewish mob. Her grandmother was a jew.

This is making sense finally… purple…


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5ba312 No.21650427

File: 8dc832d44e25e68⋯.jpeg (1.07 MB,1290x1907,1290:1907,IMG_1832.jpeg)

7 years and not even 1 on the public scoreboard.

Maybe Q is attempting to tell us something.

How is it even mathematically possible? 0?

Qdrop incoming. Standby.

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3958cf No.21650428

China urges citizens to leave Israel 'as soon as possible'

China has urged its citizens in Israel to leave "as soon as possible," as tensions between Israel and Lebanon's Iran-backed militant group Hezbollah escalate.

"Currently, the situation along the Israel-Lebanon border is extremely tense, with frequent military conflicts," China's embassy in Israel said in a statement.

The embassy urged Chinese citizens in Israel to "return home or relocate to safer areas as soon as possible."


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b010eb No.21650429

Go Ohio Goooooooo!

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c3690c No.21650430


3:08 PM EDT

Attorney General Garland News Conference on Visa Debit Antitrust Lawsuit

Attorney General Merrick Garland announces an antitrust lawsuit against Visa Inc, alleging it illegally monopolized the debit card market.


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e30054 No.21650431

File: 8fbee0f97b9e8de⋯.png (Spoiler Image,1.54 MB,360x360,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


One does wonder who paid the attorney fees?

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00dd64 No.21650432


6 hours ago


Florida Sex Trafficking Scandal Pulls in Public Officials - Newsweek

A Florida lawsuit has helped expose elected tax official Joel Greenberg's involvement in underage sex trafficking, stalking, bribery and tax evasion, and has dragged public figures into a mire of conflicting accusations.

Greenberg's friend, Keith Ingersoll, who was the tax office's consultant, dreamed up a scheme where they could cheat the tax office out of hundreds of thousands of dollars. Simultaneously, Ingersoll was defrauding an 80-year-old man out of $12 million dollars.

Greenberg's sex ring has come into sharp focus since he agreed to cooperate with authorities, and a filing by Greenberg's lawyers Friday claims that Republican congressman Matt Gaetz was at a sex and drugs party that involved an underage girl. But no allegations have been proved against Gaetz and he has repeatedly denied any wrongdoing in the corruption and sex scandal that has gripped the media in South Florida.

Gaetz is close to Donald Trump and helped prep him for the September 10 presidential debate against Vice President Kamala Harris on ABC. He also played a pivotal role in the removal of Kevin McCarthy as Speaker of the House in 2023.

Your Morning Starts Here

Begin your day with a curated outlook of top news around the world and why it matters.

Among the cast of characters in the Florida case is Chris Dorworth, a lobbyist friend of Gaetz, who allegedly hosted the party and who says that Gaetz was not there.

Newsweek sought email comment on Monday from Gaetz and Dorworth, as well as Greenberg and Ingersoll's attorneys.

Allegations from two women and the underaged girl emerged on Friday in the lawsuit Dorworth took against Greenberg and others for allegedly trying to drag him into the scandal.

Greenberg and the other defendants in the case wrote in a court brief that the two women and the 17-year-old girl have given sealed testimony that Gaetz was at the party and that he and Dorworth exchanged 30 texts and two phone calls in the hours before the party—an indication, the defendants claim, that Gaetz was there.

Like Gaetz, Dorworth has never been charged with a crime and denies any wrongdoing. And whether or not the men were at the party is still hotly contested in court filings that have yet to be resolved.

The legal dispute between Dorworth and Greenberg is vast and complex, with many accusations and counter accusations. On Friday, the Greenberg side filed dozens of documents, totaling hundreds of pages, which include the new allegations that three women have given sealed testimony against Matt Gaetz.

What is known for sure is that Dorworth's now implacable foe, Joel Greenberg, himself a former friend of Gaetz, was jailed for 11 years in December, 2022, for sex trafficking of a minor, stalking, identity theft, wire fraud, and conspiracy to bribe a public official.

That was after striking a plea deal in which he agreed to give evidence against others in sex trafficking cases.

While working as a Seminole County tax collector, Greenberg went on a website that advertised itself to "Sugar Daddies" who could pay "Sugar Babes" for relationships and sex.

There, he met underage girls for sex and introduced them to other men.

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76bb52 No.21650433

A Cursed Explainer About Olivia Nuzzi and Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

The star New York magazine reporter is on leave for having had some kind of relationship with the former presidential candidate. BY SCOTT NOVER SEPT 20, 20244:09 PM1/2

Late Thursday night, news broke that New York magazine had placed Washington correspondent Olivia Nuzzi on leave after learning that she’d allegedly had a relationship with former presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. “Had the magazine been aware of this relationship, she would not have continued to cover the presidential campaign,” read a statement from the magazine. The statement identified the other party only as “a former subject relevant to the 2024 campaign.” Oliver Darcy= at Status reported that that person was RFK Jr., “according to people familiar with the matter,” reporting that has now been matched by other outlets.

You might have some questions about this whole situation.

Who is Olivia Nuzzi, again?

Nuzzi is an esteemed political journalist best known for her profiles of complicated figures in Washington. You might have read her July feature, “The Conspiracy of Silence to Protect Joe Biden,” which ran before he dropped out of the race, or her September piece on Donald Trump’s post-assassination-attempt ear. Or her November 2023 profile of … none other than RFK Jr.

Before joining New York magazine, she was a political reporter for the Daily Beast. Nuzzi also has a new Bloomberg Television interview show. And she once made a brief cameo on Billions.

Wait, did the relationship start before or after that profile?

After. Here’s her statement:

Earlier this year, the nature of some communication between myself and a former reporting subject turned personal. During that time, I did not directly report on the subject nor use them as a source. The relationship was never physical but should have been disclosed to prevent the appearance of a conflict. I deeply regret not doing so immediately and apologize to those I’ve disappointed, especially my colleagues at New York.

So it wasn’t a physical relationship? Just some texting?

Well, according to reporting from CNN, a person with direct knowledge of the matter “said the relationship was emotional and digital in nature, not physical.” You could imagine that “digital in nature” encompasses … a lot of different things.

How long did it last?

Nuzzi told New York magazine that it started in December 2023, and went through the end of August, according to a statement that David Haskell, the magazine’s top editor, sent to staff.

What has RFK Jr. said?

This is the statement that a representative for him has been giving the media: “Mr. Kennedy only met Olivia Nuzzi once in his life for an interview she requested, which yielded a hit piece.” Which wouldn’t be incorrect if the relationship was only digital!

RFK Jr. is 70. I heard she’s only 31? She must have broken into journalism at a very young age.

Yes, that’s true! At 20, Nuzzi wrote a piece for a now-defunct website called NSFW Corp and a follow-up for the New York Daily News about her time as an intern on the Anthony Weiner mayoral campaign.

How does every sex scandal somehow involve Anthony Weiner? It’s 2024.

Yes, Weiner reportedly called the female interns “Monica” after former Clinton White House intern Monica Lewinsky. After the articles came out, Weiner’s spokesperson called Nuzzi a “slutbag” and other expletives. This was back in 2013.

Ugh. OK, so clearly she survived that.

Yes, and she went on to make a career out of reporting juicy pieces on politicians, experiencing a meteoric rise through journalism.She’s become one of the best profilers in the country, with a stylish pen and an uncanny ability to get controversial figures to talk. She’s profiled Dr. Oz, Kellyanne Conway, and Hope Hicks.

Why does anyone care about her relationship, or whatever, with RFK Jr.?

Despite commonplace portrayals in film and television, it’s universally considered unethical for journalists to sleep with sources, or have close personal relationships with them of any kind. It’s exceedingly rare and almost always results in firing or a swift departure from the profession.

There are exceptions: New York Times reporter Ali Watkins had a romantic relationship with Senate Intelligence Committee security chief James Wolfe, who went to prison for making false statements to the FBI. Watkins had disclosed her relationship to bosses at the Times, but not to her superiors at McClatchy News—where she interned and later worked—when the relationship started. Watkins was reassigned to a different beat at the Times.


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ee0e75 No.21650434


leak or attack?

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10b0b4 No.21650435


nigga posting what i said lb verbatim

at least change it up newfaggot holy hell man

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6967d4 No.21650436

File: 071290daf4887c7⋯.png (15.61 KB,180x55,36:11,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 845c2c05accf379⋯.png (685.91 KB,1240x667,1240:667,Screen_Shot_2024_09_24_at_….png)

File: 69b17e264f194cc⋯.png (757.74 KB,1156x775,1156:775,Screen_Shot_2024_09_24_at_….png)

File: 94165861f2b3de6⋯.png (550.56 KB,937x655,937:655,Screen_Shot_2024_09_24_at_….png)

#21616780 at 2024-09-18 18:09:17 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #26475: BOOMS On The Sevens Edition

"Blow Your Mind": Ex-WSJ Journo Uncovers Hub Of An Alleged Migrant Trafficking Network In Springfield, Ohio

(pb - notable)

>>21616572, >>21616780 Hub Of An Alleged Migrant Trafficking Network In Springfield, Ohio

George Ten (President of) First Diversity Staffing in Springfield, OH - His Home in Dayton, OH was Worth $575,000 in 2015 → Bought it in Sept 2021 FOR $85,501

(George Ten) - Owner/President

(Company) - First Diversity Staffing

Named in Haitian Migrant Trafficking Investigation Articles.


(By Ohio.news on Sep 18, 2024)

BREAKING: FBI, Dave Yost apparently investigating Springfield staffing agency in Haitian human trafficking inquiry


SPRINGFIELD—A staffing agency that brought Haitian migrants to Springfield is apparently under investigation by the FBI and Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost as part of a human trafficking inquiry.

A bombshell report suggests George Ten, who runs a staffing agency, First Diversity Staffing, based in Springfield but with offices around Ohio and in North Carolina, is the target of investigation. Ohio.news is working to confirm with officials that an active investigation has been opened.

This is strange.

Why would a house go from $575,000 value to $85,000 in 6yrs?

Digg on his house in Dayton:

George Ten (age 45) is currently listed at 2694 Bent Creek Ct, Dayton, 45431 Ohio

(2694 Bent Creek Ct, Dayton, 45431 Ohio) - Real Estate History

9/24/2021 Sold




10/7/2015 Sold









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c3690c No.21650437

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

3:30 PM EDT

2024 Bloomberg Global Business Forum (GBF)

in partnership with the World Bank Group and the International Monetary Fund



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41668b No.21650438

File: 478ffa3fd2132b8⋯.png (153.94 KB,519x710,519:710,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c5670399f1da035⋯.png (717.2 KB,928x1200,58:75,ClipboardImage.png)

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File: 53f8eac2de5ef6b⋯.png (46.33 KB,278x360,139:180,ClipboardImage.png)

Peter Bernegger


Actblue was sent letter, thank you, but when are the subpoenas going to be sent out?

Send subpoenas to Actblue, to merchant services, to @WellsFargo bank who knows they are participating in criminally laundering money into political campaigns. As is @BankofAmerica



#WellsFargo #BankofAmerica @EmeraldRobinson




Congressman Nick Langworthy



Sep 20

ActBlue has been funneling questionable donations into Democrat campaigns for far too long, raising serious concerns about fraud and illegal contributions — that’s why I launched a new investigation today alongside Chairman @RepJamesComer and @GOPOversight.

We can’t tolerate

Show more





8:43 AM · Sep 24, 2024





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5e663f No.21650439

File: edd21f632ec0c90⋯.png (642.77 KB,680x680,1:1,ohdang.png)


>Criminal Probe Into Eric Adams Over Foreign Ties To Turkey Widens To 5 More Countries

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00dd64 No.21650440

File: 2270709bd21adee⋯.png (1.44 MB,1620x2160,3:4,IMG_3471.png)


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c3690c No.21650441

4:00 PM EDT

Team Trump Bus Tour in Wisconsin

Stop 6: Dodge County, WI - GOP HQ



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76bb52 No.21650442



Why can’t you have a personal relationship with a source?

When dealing with sources, it’s important to be impartial. If you’re friends with a source, or in a romantic relationship with a source, your allegiance can end up being to them rather than to your readers. The ideal is that reporters and sources never really have buddy-buddy relationships. In practice though … that doesn’t mean that journalists don’t have favorite sources, sources that favor them, or all sorts of strange access-based rapports with important or well-informed people. That’s especially true in Washington.

So, sometimes reporters are friendly with sources and get away with it. But romantic entanglements are a hard no.Writing about Watkins for Politico magazine in 2018, former Slate media columnist Jack Shafer put it this way:Editors end up policing romances because it’s easy to show that a reporter has lost his impartiality because he’s shtupping his source. It’s harder to prove that friendship has made a reporter a pushover for his sources, so platonic relationships tend to go uncontested, and we stupidly reserve the scarlet letter of lost impartiality for romancing journalists only. The ethics cops seem oblivious to the fact that people you haven’t slept with often wield more influence over you than those who have.

Ok, but we don’t know exactly what happened with Nuzzi and RFK Jr. …

Right, but obviously whatever it was is enough that her employer is looking into how it could have influenced her reporting. Though he wasn’t her subject during the “digital relationship,” she was still reporting on the 2024 presidential race, and RFK Jr. was in fact running for president.

New York magazine has employed a third-party firm to conduct an audit of Nuzzi’s work, which will inform the exact nature of any disciplinary action that is taken. In the meantime, she’s on leave, and her pieces have a note to readers linked at the top.

Are either Nuzzi or RFK Jr. in a relationship separate from whatever happened between them?

Yes. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is married to Cheryl Hines, the actress from Curb Your Enthusiasm. Olivia Nuzzi became engaged to Ryan Lizza in Oct. 2022, but they have since broken up. Lizza reports for Politico’s Playbook.

Uh, does HE have to cover this?

Here’s a statement from him that ran in Playbook: “Because of my connection to this story through my ex-fiancée, my editors and I have agreed that I won’t be involved in any coverage of Kennedy in Playbook or elsewhere at Politico.”

Didn’t … Ryan Lizza have a scandal of his own?

Yes. Lizza was fired from the New Yorker in 2017 over allegations of “improper sexual contact.” He rebuked the claims and said he was dismayed that the magazine would mischaracterize a “respectful relationship” as something untoward.

Aren’t Nuzzi and Lizza writing a book together????

They were co-authoring a book about the 2020 campaign, but the publisher, Simon & Schuster, shelved the project in 2021. The New York Post reported that Nuzzi had personal struggles that led to the delay of the book, and that the pair weren’t able to get the scoops the publisher wanted.

What will happen next?

Who knows! Again, Nuzzi is a really talented reporter and writer. If she’s fired, another outlet will probably take a chance on her with assurances that she will not again engage in any weird sexting with conspiracy-theorizing brain-worm-having presidential-candidate sources. (Or any sources for that matter. If she stays at New York, she could be reassigned away from the Washington beat.) There’s always a chance that this is, in fact, the end of her reporting career. But I would doubt that.


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47e80b No.21650443


link not working

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41668b No.21650444

File: 78719ce07df9ab0⋯.png (1.86 MB,1536x1229,1536:1229,ClipboardImage.png)

OSHA Whistleblowers & Hunters Point Shipyard Treasure Island Cover-up By Kamala Harris & SF Pols

SAN FRANCISCO— On March 14, 2019, Kamala Harris was reportedly charged with obstruction of justice for her involvement in a corrupt cover-up of Hunters Point Ship-Yard and Treasure Island’s (TS) radioactive contaminates.

According to Indybay, Harris was accused by former residents Felita Sample and Andre Patterson who claimed she had promised them she would shut down development on the island once she was voted in as senator. Harris kept quiet about the toxins that were poisoning low-income residents and reportedly conspired with Test America and Tetra Tech to falsify test results.

Both Patterson and Sample lived in low-income housing on TS from some time in the early 2000’s – 2017. Sample and Patterson are both cancer survivors, and they claim in a in an interview that their illness came from the toxic exposure of the island along with numerous other medical conditions. In the interview, Sample also claims to have lost her apartment on TS for speaking out about her sicknesses caused by the radiation.

Hunters Point was a formal Naval Ship-yard and was exposed to radiation contamination between 1946 and 1969. The site was reportedly a radiological defense laboratory used to study the effects of radiation on animals and other materials. Hunters Point Ship-yard was also reportedly used to decontaminate ships used in atomic bomb testing. TS and Hunters Point Ship yard share the same waters.

Two Tetra Tech employees, Stephen Rolfe and Jason Hubbard, where sentenced to eight months in federal prison after admitting that they falsified test results on the site. According to a report by KTUV, Hubbard did not say why he substituted the false samples. However, in his March 14, 2017, plea agreement Rolfe said that “my motivation came from pressure applied by the Tetra Tech supervisors.”

According to The Labor Video Project, Kamala Harris refused to conduct any investigation about the illegal firing of 6 Tetra Tech whistleblowers. Although Harris is the only one involved in this specific charge, Patterson and Sample have also reached out to House speaker Nancy Pelosi, Sen. Dianne Feinstein, Gov. Gavin Newsom, Mayor London Breed and Sen. Scot Wiener, who all remained silent on the issue.


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41668b No.21650445

File: 83da3eb84cec025⋯.png (573.34 KB,768x384,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)

NEW: Sen Manchin refuses to endorse Kamala after she vows to ‘eliminate the filibuster’ to force abortion law

“I think that basically can destroy our country and my country is more important to me than any one person or any one person’s ideology…I think it’s the most horrible thing.”


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695f3c No.21650446

File: 997e9c1caa6dbdd⋯.png (11.58 KB,200x272,25:34,ClipboardImage.png)

Space Force awards four 'Quick Start' Resilient GPS agreements

Sept. 23, 2024

The U.S. Space Force’s Space Systems Command awarded four agreements to Astranis, Axient, L3 Harris, and Sierra Space to produce design concepts for Lite Evolving Augmented Proliferation one of the Resilient Global Positioning System program.

R-GPS provides resilience to military and civil GPS user communities by augmenting the GPS constellation with proliferated small satellites transmitting a core set of widely-utilized GPS signals.

The decision to pursue R-GPS was based upon outcomes of recent resilience studies recommending an additional proliferated fleet of small GPS satellites.

A mix of traditional and non-traditional defense space companies were selected for this initial award based on their innovative and integrated concepts.

R-GPS is utilizing the new “Quick Start” authority under Section 229 of the most recent National Defense Authorization Act, which provides this innovative and proactive authority to the Defense Department to rapidly respond to emerging threats or technologies.

Utilizing Quick Start, the R-GPS team successfully earned Deputy Secretary of Defense approval, conducted market research, hosted an industry day, released a solicitation, and awarded initial contracts in under six months, far faster than traditional space programs that sometimes require up to three years.

“Thanks to the Quick-Start authority that was approved by Congress, we were able to field and award contracts for these low-cost satellites in less than six months,” said Secretary of the Air Force Frank Kendall.

“This authority allows us to move faster and start new Space Force and Air Force programs, and we appreciate Congress providing us this authority.”

This R-GPS award, under the Space Enterprise Consortium Other Transaction Authority, is the first of three phases to produce up to eight R-GPS satellites available for launch as soon as 2028.

R-GPS plans to produce and launch up to eight satellite vehicles at a time via LEAPs. Each LEAP is intended to build on the previous by adding additional capabilities.

“Space enables the prosperity and security of our nation every day, and it is clear that our competitors have taken note,” said Chief of Space Operations Gen. Chance Saltzman.

“The importance of resilience can’t be overstated as we work to address the new challenges they present.

R-GPS is one way we’re working to ensure access to critical Positioning, Navigation and Timing capabilities, for the warfighter and civil users alike.”

Following this initial phase, a subset of the awardees will continue to a Final Design Review and build payload prototypes.

One or more vendors will then be selected to build the first satellite vehicles.


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910dcf No.21650447

File: 77eba33d71e4d2a⋯.png (111.52 KB,474x199,474:199,th_2024_09_24T122140_926.png)



Styrene and diesel seems like a recipe for a hot time

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41668b No.21650448

File: 6ba70b4c77a873e⋯.png (686.58 KB,768x512,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

‘White Fragility’ author Robin DiAngelo accused of plagiarizing black peepo in Ph.D thesis. I'm Starting To Suspect All These Race Hustlers Are The Ones Stealing From Blacks And BIPOCs And They Don't Really Care About Them.

A complaint filed with the University of Washington outlines 20 examples of alleged plagiarism in the “White Fragility” author’s dissertation.


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f26fd8 No.21650449


how does this haitian group know that prez and vance were speaking about them specifically

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41b786 No.21650450

[Deep state & military industrial complex ruins other countries -> people in other countries want to go towards countries with plenty of benefits and open borders

Karma for not reigning in the deep state sooner and chickens coming home to roost as a subversive attack vector by deep state.]

UN Replacement Migration

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41668b No.21650451

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

'Did Anyone Get Fired?': Matt Gaetz Mercilessly Grills Army Officials Over Extremism Policies

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f26fd8 No.21650453


satan comes to lie, steal, and destroy

all 3

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c3f8b9 No.21650454


Cue Q drop. THE BRIDGE

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5e663f No.21650455

File: 0936f43ae25e485⋯.png (1.34 MB,1119x839,1119:839,ClipboardImage.png)


>it’s not clear what is happening to the children once they are smuggled into the US

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ea141c No.21650456

File: 6b29184a5fec879⋯.gif (425.63 KB,400x225,16:9,6b29184a5fec879183de7f0203….gif)

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41668b No.21650457

File: 52d3513644e6075⋯.png (287.17 KB,598x619,598:619,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f0ecd43ed2ca861⋯.mp4 (1.94 MB,556x334,278:167,The_FCC_just_fast_tracked_….mp4)

End Wokeness


The FCC just fast-tracked George Soros' purchase of 220+ radio stations before November's election.

The stations reach 165M Americans.

This has never been done before.

5:54 AM · Sep 24, 2024


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2e8ea9 No.21650458


The Democrats Did This

Crimes against Children

Go to Central America and You will be chased and threatened, the children are being kidnapped.

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a921ee No.21650459

File: 5b863f8f64e16b8⋯.png (543.03 KB,800x457,800:457,ClipboardImage.png)

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d6e722 No.21650460

File: cfbc305ae258997⋯.jpeg (186.83 KB,1280x1600,4:5,EDC36D79_A2BB_4717_819A_1….jpeg)

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7b96be No.21650461

File: d4e251d4691e64f⋯.jpg (175.64 KB,1152x768,3:2,billehud.jpg)

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bd5005 No.21650462


orange man bad. the vaxxxxx is safe and effective.

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7bd69c No.21650463

File: 9b42d0affd1439b⋯.png (62.43 KB,255x248,255:248,ClipboardImage.png)

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485e13 No.21650465

File: a38b2f3b1a106b2⋯.png (12.83 KB,649x340,649:340,GYQ5q7qWUAAgxtz.png)

File: cb90dcc50ac5bc8⋯.png (520.6 KB,777x678,259:226,GYQ4LFWW8AEH_ov.png)

File: 1e11c858917ad06⋯.png (96.88 KB,734x322,367:161,GYQ3v_2XMAEtk_H.png)

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41668b No.21650466

File: 85e874771029464⋯.png (427.92 KB,675x592,675:592,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 43f6801ec7e0b34⋯.mp4 (485.9 KB,640x356,160:89,President_Pedo_Peter_Invit….mp4)

President Pedo Peter Invites All Kids to Come Up and Join him



BIDEN: "I thought when I got to be president, I’d get to do things that I wanted to do, but my staff tells me what I can't do."

10:17 AM • Sep 23, 2024


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3958cf No.21650467

File: ddbb1a32be9f1a7⋯.png (193.57 KB,680x571,680:571,ClipboardImage.png)

ZOG's Democide is much bigger than the ME


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f6d09f No.21650468

File: 4313f39fc52400b⋯.png (369.49 KB,778x1068,389:534,5use557.png)

Ian Carroll


Ashton Kutcher has a LONG history with P Diddy.


And I’d be willing to bet he’s got more than a few skeletons in his closet.

Here’s one of the most interesting ones I’ve found so far…

Did Kutcher make a sacrifice?

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f26fd8 No.21650469


bet her back hurts

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682092 No.21650470

>>21649847 pb

>Being that I was proven correct that Autism is coming from a fungi

first of all, it's NOT autism, it's BRAIN DAMAGE

autism is a genetic, epigenetic, and/or congenital disorder PRESENT AT BIRTH and easily recognized within a few months at most

second, this is not about (YOU) or your EGO

fungi have NOT been proven to be the cause of the brain damage lyingly referred to as autism

on the other hand, the adjuvants present in vaxxes, particularly aluminum, HAS been conclusively and irrefutably linked to BRAIN DAMAGE

so GET OVER YOURSELF and your "pet" theories

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3958cf No.21650471

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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485e13 No.21650472

File: 8aa82e9eb35a6bc⋯.png (30.58 KB,598x614,299:307,ClipboardImage.png)




should make u happy seeing the work here make it out

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41668b No.21650473

File: 631d10c1a3740dd⋯.png (2.04 MB,1094x810,547:405,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4d4d787d020018e⋯.png (545.8 KB,768x432,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

How Soros-Backed Organizations Leverage Waves Of New Immigrants To ‘Sway’ Elections

A network of left-wing organizations backed by billionaire George Soros is working to naturalize and mobilize immigrants and refugees in order to activate them as voting blocs in swing states, boasting that they could “sway the outcome of national, state, and local elections.”

Chief among these groups is the National Partnership for New Americans, which describes itself as “a national multiethnic, multiracial partnership network of 60 of the country’s leading immigrant and refugee rights organizations.” The group received $560,000 from George Soros’ Open Society Foundations from 2016 to 2021. The group had a total revenue of $4.11 million in 2023.

“Our network has supported the naturalization of over 250,000 U.S. Citizens and has been a key driver of advocacy to make naturalization more affordable and accessible,” the National Partnership for New Americans states. Its website features an image of a t-shirt that reads “Naturalize 2 Million by 2022,” along with the phrase “New American Voters.”

Democrats often rebut the Republican argument on illegal immigration — that the left encourages it to forge a path to permanent Democrat political power — by saying that illegal immigrants don’t have the right to vote. But the effort by the Soros-funded group to get as many immigrants as possible on the voter rolls as a way to “sway” elections indicates that the left does view immigration as a political tool.

Figures suggest that mass immigration could be a boon for Democrats’ electoral chances. One analysis found that congressional districts with a higher-than-average foreign born population voted for Democrats in 90 percent of cases during the 2018 midterm election. The foreign-born population residing in the United States surged to 51.6 million — the highest level ever — under the Biden-Harris administration. An estimate from the Center for Immigration Studies found that illegal immigration accounted for approximately 58 percent of that spike.


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41668b No.21650474


>How Soros-Backed Organizations Leverage Waves Of New Immigrants To ‘Sway’ Elections


President Joe Biden beat former President Donald Trump by only 11,000 votes in Arizona in 2020, a fact that underscores the impact mass immigration could have on American elections. Biden beat Trump by just 12,000 votes in Georgia, another crucial swing state, in 2020. The New American Voters campaign notes that there are more than 86,000 individuals who have been naturalized in Georgia since the election.

The New American Voters campaign, a project of the National Partnership for New Americans, maintains demographic reports on critical swing states and the country as a whole.

“Since the last presidential election in November 2020, an estimated 62,179 voting age adults have become newly naturalized citizens in Arizona,” reads one such report, which also track the top ten countries of origin for new citizens in each state.

National Partnership for New Americans Executive Director Nicole Melaku used the release of its demographic data as an opportunity to push Biden to swing further to the left on immigration, pressuring him to support “pathways to citizenship.”

One 2020 report from the National Partnership for New Americans explains that “new American voters form critical voting blocks that can have the power to sway national electoral outcomes,” highlighting their growing share of the population in key swing states and calling them “a sleeping political giant.”

A 2022 report from the group celebrated newly-naturalized voters as part of the “new American majority,” a term used to describe “all people of color, unmarried women, and young voting eligible Americans.” The National Partnership for New Americans directly compared the margin of victory in the 2020 presidential election to the number of newly-naturalized voters who had since gained citizenship within each state.

The National Partnership for New Americans isn’t the only leftist organization working to leverage mass immigration to impact American elections, however. There’s also the Immigrant Legal Resource Center, an organization that’s received nearly $7 million from Soros between 2016 to 2022, and had $25 million in total revenue in 2022.

Two of the most recent listed grants from the Open Society Foundations, which total nearly $4.3 million, are intended “to encourage naturalization among eligible immigrants, assist them with the process, and mobilize their civic participation.” The center is one of the organizations behind Citizenshipworks, an effort also funded by the Chan-Zuckerberg Initiative to help non-citizens residing in the United States become citizens.

The Immigrant Legal Resource Center isn’t exclusively concerned with naturalizing and mobilizing non-citizens. The organization also works to prevent the deportation of illegal aliens. It received $500,000 in 2021 from the Open Society Foundations to fund its efforts to “dismantle the infrastructure of criminalization, detention, and deportation of immigrants.”

The organization also engages in policy advocacy, pushing a far-left agenda that would make it harder to deport illegal immigrants who are convicted of crimes like driving under the influence. The organization even encourages people to “report ICE activity” in their area.

Even without the Soros network’s efforts, a significant number of non-citizens could vote in November. One recent study found that up to 27 percent of non-citizens are illegally registered to vote. The study’s authors concluded there were enough non-citizens registered to vote “to overturn the will of the American people in major elections, including congressional seats and the presidency.”

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) this month warned that Vice President Kamala Harris supports mass immigration because it will shift America “dramatically to the left,” allowing Democrats to “win every election forever.” Other Republicans, and SpaceX founder Elon Musk have leveled similar accusations.

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00dd64 No.21650475

File: 4e9bd12ad65f3d1⋯.png (36.87 KB,898x454,449:227,4762.png)

File: 5216240c934ae3c⋯.png (49.96 KB,898x498,449:249,4761.png)

File: f4442f1c86b3e6b⋯.png (52.28 KB,898x498,449:249,4763.png)

File: 32a73f5cbc66793⋯.jpeg (1.02 MB,1249x1241,1249:1241,IMG_3470.jpeg)

File: ab298aaef80035c⋯.jpeg (423.66 KB,1500x1500,1:1,IMG_3469.jpeg)


Crossfire Razor is Flynn!

Today’s deltas


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485e13 No.21650476


Full text of "Freud's Mafia: Sigmund Freud's Crimes Against Christianity"

Ivan Boesky married into the Jewish Silberstein Family who were

instrumental in the successful career of Jewish Mafia kingpin, Max Fisher.

Fisher was associated with Chicago’s "Purple Gang’ and instrumental in mo¬

ney laundering to Israel and drug trafficking. Fisher also had close ties to

Hugh Rodham and Dan Rostenkowski who both took over the Chicago mob

from A1 Capone. For readers who are unaware, Hugh Rodham was the fa¬

ther of Secretary of State and 2016 Democratic Presidential Candidate, Hill¬

ary Rodham Clinton. What’s extraordinary is the fact that the morning after

Donald Trump’s 2016 landslide victory over Jewess Hillary Rodham Clinton,

Hillary paraded her alleged child molesting, violent rapist husband, Bill Clin¬

ton, into the New Yorker Hotel ball room, where they presented themselves

adorned in purple attire. This spectacle was in fact a strategy concocted by

Jewess Hillary Clinton and Jew/Nazi Billionaire, George Soros, to launch

Soros’ "Purple Revolution’. The color purple is popular among Satanic Jews

because it celebrates their crucifixion of God who stepped into His creation,

Jesus Christ.

""And they clothed him with purple, and platted a crown of thorns, and put

it about his head, And began to salute him, Hail, King of the Jews! And

they smote him on the head with a reed, and did spit upon him, and bowing

their knees worshipped him. And when they had mocked him, they took

off the purple from him, and put his own clothes on him, and led him out

to crucify him.” - Mark 51:17-20

Applying the history and connection between Hillary Rodham’s fa¬

ther and the murderous Jewish "Purple Gang,’ George Soros’ "Purple Rev¬

olution’ and the Jews’ crucifixion of Jesus Christ, it would seem that the

underlying message here by the Clintons and Soros is that they intend to

crucify Trump. Alternatively, if we apply the aforementioned knowledge re¬

garding Trump’s possible collusion with the ancient Baal worshiping Jewish

Kohn bloodline and Israeli MOSSAD, perhaps the Clinton/Soros ""Purple

Gang” symbolizes the absolute takeover of America by Talmudists and their

pending crucifixion of America, a distinct possibility when you consider a

10/28/2004 article by the Chicago Tribune’s, Thomas A. Corfman, which


‘"Donald Trump has lined up three New York hedge funds, including

money from billionaire George Soros, to invest $160 million in his Chicago

skyscraper, the largest construction financing in the city’s history.”

One final thought regarding Trump’s potential association with

Israeli Intelligence (MOSSAD). During the selection process for Trump’s

cabinet, Chicago Mayor, Rahm Emanuel, met with President-

198 elect Trump on 12/7/2016 to “discuss some concerns he had.”


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f2176f No.21650477

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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802cb5 No.21650478



Anon will take "things only a woman would say" for $400

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41668b No.21650479

File: efc9dd83ed50c0f⋯.png (452.45 KB,600x400,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

WHAT THE FUCK: "ACAM2000 is a live vaccinia virus that can be transmitted to persons who have close contact with the vaccinee and the risks in contacts are the same as those stated for vaccinees."


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861697 No.21650480


its a a.i image


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f6d09f No.21650481

File: 5b35c1a8be4f393⋯.mp4 (11.89 MB,320x568,40:71,8t82aGSENiG7XdIo45678rdty.mp4)


cap 1 of 2

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41668b No.21650482

File: 31a097402c01dd6⋯.png (492.98 KB,1049x719,1049:719,ClipboardImage.png)

BREAKING: An organization called the Haitian Bridge Alliance has filed criminal charges against President Trump and JD Vance in Springfield, Ohio, claiming that they led an effort to "vilify and threaten the Haitian community in Springfield."


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f6d09f No.21650483

File: 908224237540ed9⋯.mp4 (10.91 MB,320x568,40:71,8t82aGSENiG7XdIo45678rdty2.mp4)

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485e13 No.21650484

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a921ee No.21650485

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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41668b No.21650486

File: 4820f58288932e0⋯.png (613.79 KB,768x402,128:67,ClipboardImage.png)

Illegal immigrant allegedly driving drunk, crashes car and kills police officer

Chavez-Rodriguez was operating his vehicle at 71 mph in a 55 mph zone and had a blood alcohol content of .10, above the .08 legal limit, court documents showed.


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861697 No.21650488

File: caa90636955a5e9⋯.png (135.5 KB,1192x667,1192:667,ClipboardImage.png)

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41b786 No.21650489



<systemic corruption of facilitating illegal trafficking huh

from the baseless

<video forensics and witness testimony

>and malicious comments

>commentary on illegal/criminal behavior

>made against our Haitian community

<human trafficking of Haitians

>this month [to] vilify

<don't expect illegally trafficked people to readily assimilate

>and threaten [us]."

<Crime is crime. Don't do crime. No please. Just don't.

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3958cf No.21650490

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.


This is INSANE🚨🚨🚨

Israel is offering Jews “boat tours” to see the destruction in Gaza. It’s more clear now than ever, these people are uniquely evil.

They celebrate destruction and terrorism.



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a921ee No.21650492

File: 3225a5111ae9cb4⋯.png (134.72 KB,393x220,393:220,ClipboardImage.png)


The profiteering mayor and Soros puppets are behind this

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682092 No.21650493



fcc commish is enemy of we the pepes

call for diggs that will bring him down

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41668b No.21650494

File: f8f130271a1477b⋯.png (261.96 KB,587x763,587:763,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3370501f1ff3df2⋯.mp4 (3.65 MB,1280x668,320:167,Diddy_s_former_bodyguard_h….mp4)

File: 2da6983fe5ab79a⋯.png (424.91 KB,379x520,379:520,ClipboardImage.png)

Nick Sortor


🚨 JUST IN: Diddy’s former bodyguard has revealed the mogul retained tapes of big politicians partaking in his infamous “freak off” parties, per Daily Mail

This is getting spicier every day.

The bodyguard says Diddy’s trial would very likely expose high-level officials and celebrities, especially in New York.

“This is all bigger than Diddy,” he said without naming names.

Hillary Clinton was US Senator for New York while Diddy was supposedly running this traff*cking operation with “high-level officials.” I can’t help but wonder how much she knows.

10:30 AM · Sep 24, 2024


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76bb52 No.21650495

20 Attorneys General To Investigate Pediatrician Group For False Claims About Transing Children


The American Academy of Pediatrics relied on leftist politics that contradict medical research to create its influential recommendations for transgendering children, say the AGs.

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) relied on leftist politics that contradict medical research to create its highly influential clinical recommendations for giving gender-confused children opposite-sex hormones and surgeries, say 20 state attorneys general in a letter released this morning. In so doing, the AGs say, the AAP may have violated state consumer protection laws that require accuracy in selling products and services.

“[W]hen it comes to treating children diagnosed with gender dysphoria, the AAP has abandoned its commitment to sound medical judgment,”write the attorneys general plus the Senate president and House speaker of Arizona’s legislature to the current and incoming AAP presidents.

The AAP claims in a 2018 policy statement that using puberty-blocking drugs to treat children with gender dysphoria is “reversible.” That “is misleading and deceptive,” the legal officials state. “It is beyond medical debate that puberty blockers are not fully reversible but instead come with serious long-term consequences.” The letter says this AAP claim of transgender intervention reversibility “requires immediate retraction and correction.”

Reached for comment Tuesday morning, AAP spokeswoman Lisa Robinson said she hadn’t seen the letter yet. The letter cites an April 2024 comprehensive research review commissioned by the United Kingdom’s health service, known as the “Cass report.” It found the irreversible negative consequences of puberty-blocking drugs can include:

• interfering with brain development

• compromising healthy bone density

• damages to metabolic health, or the body’s ability to use energy efficiently, leading to weight gain, weight loss, and other health problems

• loss of normal experiences of puberty.

The attorneys general say AAP relied on politics rather than medicine in making its transgender recommendations for children, bylargely copying the medical recommendations of an activist organization called the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH).

Earlier this year, investigative reporters Michael Shellenberger and Mia Hughes published the “WPATH Files” that show many of theorganization’s claims were backed by nothing but ideology, and its members privately acknowledged that. The internal communications from WPATH showed its members “frequently discuss improvising treatments as they go along” and they’re aware neither the parents nor the children they treat are often properly informed of the risks of transgender procedures, which can include fertility loss, lifelong weeping from open wounds, and more.


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5c4837 No.21650496

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a921ee No.21650497


Fuck them. At least 1 dead 11 y.o.

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a921ee No.21650498


> 1.0 2 hours after they scraped him up

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336cd4 No.21650499

File: fad68f3e2439c2b⋯.mp4 (1.03 MB,1036x720,259:180,bTaQazx8HS1Os06z_1_.mp4)

File: 5059cef8c88675e⋯.png (372.62 KB,1007x981,1007:981,ClipboardImage.png)

>>21650351, >>21650342



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2e8ea9 No.21650500


If DJT and Vance pointed it out, you can be sure the court case will be used to introduce evidence confirming it is true. They can also challenge the right of temporary illegals to mount a lawsuit for defamation.

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76bb52 No.21650502

File: 29b10e2dd1ef751⋯.png (1.28 MB,1050x591,350:197,ClipboardImage.png)



“These internal communications reveal that WPATH advocates for many arbitrary medical practices, including hormonal and surgical experimentation on minors and vulnerable adults,” says a report organizing the WPATH disclosures.“Its approach to medicine is consumer-driven and pseudoscientific, and its members appear to be engaged in political activism, not science.”

The WPATH Files also showed, as The New York Times reported, that a top Biden administration health official, the transgender man Rachel Levine, successfully pressured WPATH to erase age limit recommendations for these risky procedures. Some doctors have carried double mastectomies out on girls as young as 12.

The AAP has publicly declared it relies on WPATH’s “standards of care” for kids with gender dysphoria in making its medical recommendations that thousands of doctors follow across the United States.The Biden Department of Justice cites both WPATH and the WPATH-relying AAP as medical authorities in its legal efforts to force states to allow transgender interventions on children.

Several studies have shown that the majority of children experiencing gender dysphoria naturally accept their sex after puberty, especially if they have not undergone transgender treatments.

The attorneys general indicate they may be preparing legal action against AAP under state consumer protection laws that penalize false statements about products and services. As an intermediate investigatory step, the legal officers request that AAP provide written responses to 14 questions that include:

• “Provide substantiation for the AAP’s claims that the 2018 AAP policy statement and subsequent reaffirmation are ‘evidence driven, nonpartisan and rigorously reviewed’ and ‘reflect the latest evidence in the field.'”

• “Provide substantiation for the AAP’s claims that puberty blockers are reversible when used to treat adolescents suffering from gender dysphoria.”

• “Provide a copy of all communications the AAP has had regarding the

2018 AAP policy statement, transgender care, WPATH, SOC8, cross-sex hormones, puberty blockers, or any related topic with any member or representative of the Biden Administration, including but not limited to communications with Assistant Secretary for Health Dr. Rachel Levine, Sarah Boateng, or any other member of Sec. Levine’s staff.”

Read the entire letter below.

9–24-24 AAP letter by The Federalist on Scribd


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c1b370 No.21650503

Guud afternoon my frenlys

Another frenly day in the frenlyhood?

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3958cf No.21650504

Even Leon Panetta Says Israels Pager Attack Is Terrorism

Former CIA Director Leon Panetta called Israel’s pager attack in Lebanon “terrorism.”

Last week, pagers, walkie-talkies, and solar panels exploded across Lebanon, as well as Syria, in a series of deadly attacks reportedly carried out by Israel. On Tuesday, a wave of attacks, supposedly targeting pagers held by members of Hezbollah, killed at least 12 people including two young children and injured thousands more. A second wave of detonations on Wednesday killed another 20 people and injured more than 450 people, according to Lebanon’s Health Ministry.

During an interview with CBS News on Sunday, Panetta warned that Israel was conducting a “war of terror.”

“The ability to be able to place an explosive in technology that is very prevalent these days, and turn it into a war of terror, really, a war of terror—this is something new,” Panetta said.

When asked whether Israel’s attack constituted terrorism, Panetta was unequivocal. “I don’t think there’s any question that it’s a form of terrorism,” he said.


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41668b No.21650505

File: 20ce0691a1fb2e5⋯.png (362.75 KB,485x720,97:144,ClipboardImage.png)

Diddy Didn’t Kill Himself

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f6d09f No.21650506

File: b3bd728a6cb87c8⋯.png (300.42 KB,731x1198,731:1198,5use5572.png)


Ashton Forbes



Sep 22

Oh man you’re looking into Ashton Kutcher’s gf.

Bro he also dated Brittany Murphy who also died ‘from pneumonia.’

Same thing diddy’s ex died from right? Disputed circumstances. Wild.

Ian Carroll



Sep 22

Yup- and her personal trainer at the time was none other than Harley Pasternak

Ashton Forbes



Sep 22

Wow that’s sus.

Perfect for if you need to manipulate someone and/or make them disappear and it appear to be natural.


there's a bigger story here. The trainer to the stars is back in the mix

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7b96be No.21650507

File: fc5bf5d12608fcd⋯.jpg (100.4 KB,1484x1069,1484:1069,Netanyahu_358_927b.jpg)

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76bb52 No.21650508


Panetta and all the others go suck each other's dicks, the 51 IC phony people, need to be put in jail.

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910dcf No.21650509

File: 0c0c8db24fbfeb3⋯.png (271.42 KB,1080x2188,270:547,Screenshot_20240924_123708….png)



Illegal immigrant allegedly driving drunk, crashes car and kills police officer

: September 24, 2024

Adriving intoxicated and causing a crash that killed St. Louis police officer David Lee on Sunday morning.

St. Louis Police Chief Robert Tracy said police responded to a one-vehicle crash on eastbound Interstate 70 near Grand Boulevard around 8:30 a.m.

Tracy said Lee, 44, was getting traffic cones from his trunk when Ramon Arnaldo Chavez-Rodriguez, 24, lost control of his car and hit Lee.

Chavez-Rodriguez was operating his vehicle at 71 mph in a 55 mph zone and had a blood alcohol content of .10, above the .08 legal limit, court documents showed.

According to local news reports, Chavez-Rodriguez pled “guilty to driving drunk and second-degree assault in connection with an incident in 2020, where he physically abused a woman and attempted to hit her with his car."

St. Charles County Prosecutor Joe McCulloch said federal immigration authorities have been alerted about Chavez-Rodriguez as a suspect in another crime.

"Homeland security was notified that he was arrested, that he was charged, and he was in this country illegally. Their answer is they’re not going to issue a detainer—and a detainer is something that would tell us to hold him until they could get him—but they weren’t going to do that, because he’d already been in the system back in 2020 when this incident occurred," McCulloch said, according to a Fox 2 report.

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41668b No.21650510


>Oh man you’re looking into Ashton Kutcher’s gf.


>Bro he also dated Brittany Murphy who also died ‘from pneumonia.’


>Same thing diddy’s ex died from right? Disputed circumstances. Wild.



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336cd4 No.21650511

File: 34f08ccb9da3919⋯.png (943.41 KB,1384x1883,1384:1883,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9e1717a06ff6987⋯.png (3.75 MB,2560x1704,320:213,ClipboardImage.png)




>Thousands Of Capitol Hill Staffers’ Info Compromised After Using Gov’t Emails On Dating, Porn Sites

Nearly 2,000 passwords belonging to congressional staffers have been leaked to the dark web after official email addresses were used for dating sites and “adult websites,” an internet security company found.

The information of 3,191 staffers, including passwords, IP addresses and information from social media platforms, was found across the dark web by the internet security firm Proton, the Washington Times reported. A growing number of cybersecurity threats have been reported in light of the upcoming presidential election

“Many of these leaks likely occurred because staffers used their official email addresses to sign up for various services, including high-risk sites such as dating and adult websites, which were later compromised in data breaches,” Proton said in a statement, according to the Times. “This situation highlights a critical security lapse, where sensitive work-related emails became entangled with less secure, third-party platforms.”

Proton estimated nearly 1 in 5 congressional staffer’s information has been leaked online, according to the Times. The affected staffers have been alerted of the threat.

“The volume of exposed accounts among U.S. political staffers is alarming, and the potential consequences of compromised accounts could be severe,” Eamonn Maguire, head of account security for Proton, said in a statement to the Times. “Vigilance and strict security measures are essential to safeguard personal and national security.”

Cybersecurity threats have become increasingly pernicious in recent years, with a growing number of attacks involving potential election interference. Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump recently claimed internal campaign communications had been hacked by “foreign sources hostile to the United States.” (RELATED: Iran Behind Hacks Into Trump Campaign, US Intelligence Concludes)

Proton did not immediately respond to the Daily Caller News Foundation’s request for comment.

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682092 No.21650512


>71 mph in a 55 mph zone and had a blood alcohol content of .10, above the .08 legal limit

have driven in races with higher blood alcohol

won a few, too

grew up working in factory where 600 guys punched out at 3pm and went straight to a bar for a few drinks

ALL were above that "legal limit"

NONE ever had an accident because of it

just sayin'

anons don't need to be perpetuating the "drunk driver" myth, which is just a scam to extort money and incarcerate taxpayers

STUPIDITY causes accidents, NOT ALCOHOL

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b5e871 No.21650513

Those involved in this theater of deception are starting to regret everything. They're moving towards salvation. Those that are holding on to their illusions of power are going to fight. We've removed their ability to lie by showing the world how egregiously they lied. This is all theater. They're following a script.

This script has been used over the millennia. This is the only time something like the internet has been around. They've removed our ability to speak to each other telepathically. The internet is that replacement.

When you learn, and I suspect you're learning, just how powerful you really are united, look me up and I'll train you to use it. Just knowing I'm alive and somewhere in this world is making them quake with fear. Like my wife said, "you're just not good at dying." They lied to you about who to worship.

You have the DNA of God and they are using every trick in the book to keep you from discovering our power united. Your DNA knows the truth.

We are uniting slowly. Once the media is no longer controlled, watch for the Light Bringer. You'll know the truth once you hear it.

It's now or never. We are billions. Let them know you know le jeu est terminé.

Nothing will happen until you make it happen.

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30934e No.21650514


>🚨 JUST IN: Diddy’s former bodyguard has revealed the mogul retained tapes of big politicians partaking in his infamous “freak off” parties, per Daily Mail

Hillary Diddy Diddler Clinton Rosenburg

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802cb5 No.21650515

File: 0e0379c4287e374⋯.png (1.13 MB,863x889,863:889,Screen_Shot_2024_09_24_at_….png)

File: a44ff076fa132f8⋯.png (1.14 MB,832x898,416:449,Screen_Shot_2024_09_24_at_….png)

File: e8822d8b36e234b⋯.png (1.26 MB,920x898,460:449,Screen_Shot_2024_09_24_at_….png)

Radar predictions for Hurricane Helene


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76bb52 No.21650516


They need to be sued! That's a political decision to turn the country full left through propaganda

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41668b No.21650517


>TRUMP: “It will be a Renaissance. It will be a GOLDEN period”


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d0cf95 No.21650518

File: ab3383df58f77d4⋯.png (314.47 KB,501x592,501:592,ClipboardImage.png)



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7bd69c No.21650519


le jeu est terminé

the game is over

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a921ee No.21650520

File: f54e177ca55dd8c⋯.png (91.14 KB,392x220,98:55,ClipboardImage.png)


Slim probably bought La Raza radio from this evangelist colonist prick

They did this in the UK.


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2e8ea9 No.21650521


Saving Israel for last in the war against terror.

Of course, Terrorism sucks for Terror harboring countries when it is brought home. Hey Lebanon, How do You like Jihad when it is conducted against You ?

Jerusalem is gonna be nuked soon ? Iran is just itching

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7b8e70 No.21650522

File: 133f15ca0d7fb0d⋯.jpg (78.18 KB,720x433,720:433,Chx.jpg)

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3958cf No.21650523


says Israel

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695f3c No.21650524

File: fcf7d90788dfb57⋯.png (623.31 KB,744x496,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

Ufologist claims outer space stuff has been flying around Earth for decades: ‘Thousands have been contacted’

Published Sep. 23, 2024, 7:59 p.m. ET

He’s from another world

Fie on a chiropodist and a podiatrist, Bill Birnes is a ­ufologist. Ph.D. from NYU, he claims outer space stuff is flying into our space — besides what’s seeping out of Biden.

“I study UFOs. I research unconventional aircraft engineered from a planet not ours.

Extraterrestrials visiting Earth are airbrushed out to remove this alien activity evidence.

An officer with Eisenhower, who was then a colonel, saw debris.

“A NASA researcher saw dark side of the moon photos showing triangular spacecraft on a crater’s edge. NASA airbrushed that out saying ETs don’t want us exploring their bases.

“NASA chiefs said that was to be an actual covered-up alien attack on us.

“UFO hunters — involved in government and society — claim these aliens are us — the next civilization.

They look like us because they are us. We migrate as DNA on asteroids and comets. Spinning in that water is our bacteria and DNA. If it’s a hospitable planet, life takes place.

Beam them up

“Thousands have been contacted. Abducted. They are tracked by UFOs. John Lennon saw bright light, then little creatures who gave him an egg-shaped object. He gave it to his psychic friend Uri Geller. That device is still in Tel Aviv.

“I know three underwater bases. Gulf of Mexico fishermen see bright lights under Florida and Cuba. Another in LA County near Santa Catalina. Also a major base off Malibu.

“President Bill Clinton investigated Roswell. A retired general knew of Roswell debris. Strom Thurmond took it to defense contractors to reverse engineer it.

Technology was integrated circuitry and Kevlar lasers. A NASA technician airbrushed them out saying, ‘There’s no spacecraft on the moon.’

“ETs have a base on the moon they want kept secret. NASA guys say we covered up an actual alien attack on us. UFO hunters say we have met ET and it is us. A whole civilization was on this planet.

The space race

“Four million years ago as this solar system formed, chunks of Mars landed on the newly formed North Pole.

Life formed. Comets brought more bacteria. These creatures developed and they’re us.”

Birnes, a NY Times best-selling author about the days following Roswell, said: “I’m told ETs throughout our government exercise higher security than the president.

They track those who believe they have UFO parentage someplace.”


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41668b No.21650525

File: 9ae8045f0598100⋯.png (575.19 KB,680x675,136:135,ClipboardImage.png)


>Hezbollah Military Chain Canceled


This graphic is insane.

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a921ee No.21650526


To clean and efficient to be true.

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3958cf No.21650527

File: a54ebf5837baa9c⋯.png (454.57 KB,558x472,279:236,ClipboardImage.png)

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336cd4 No.21650528


>STUPIDITY causes accidents, NOT ALCOHOL

My high school buddies older brother got DWI in Suffolk County, NY (among the toughest in the country) ruined his life and cost about $15K in the end.

That said, he relayed to me one night:

" I knew if I had 2 or 3 drinks, I should not drive and would take a taxi home. It was the nights I had 10 or 11 drinks that I thought I was fine."

The night I got pulled over, it was about 2 a.m., nobody was on the road, and I was pulled over for failing to signal while changing lanes."

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00dd64 No.21650529

File: 6f5bd79bf5d7bf8⋯.jpeg (820.14 KB,1249x1169,1249:1169,IMG_3472.jpeg)

File: c43a2912a405fd7⋯.jpeg (1.08 MB,1620x2048,405:512,IMG_3473.jpeg)

File: 2270709bd21adee⋯.png (1.44 MB,1620x2160,3:4,IMG_3471.png)

File: b26b029b6d934e8⋯.png (1.58 MB,2160x1620,4:3,IMG_3468.png)

File: f9439c3b3eb4ddd⋯.png (1.78 MB,2160x1620,4:3,IMG_3467.png)


Newsweek Getting stories! Same day…as GAETZ

BTW PDJT quoted Shakespeare yesterday at his rally!


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3958cf No.21650530

The "State" is a front for the Masonic Jewish central bankers who own its "debt."

In 1938, Illuminati insider Chaim Rakovsky told his NKVD interrogator that the bankers created the Communist state as a "machine of total power" unprecedented in history. THIS IS THE KEY QUOTE:

In the past, due to many factors, "there was always room for individual freedom. Do you understand that those who already partially rule over nations and worldly governments have pretensions to absolute domination? Understand that this is the only thing that they have not yet reached…"The aim of Freemasonry is the triumph of Communism."

Our corrupt ancestors gave our national credit cards to people who wish to enslave us and destroy our way of life. Cabalist (satanist, Masonic) Jewish central bankers create the medium of exchange (money, credit) in the form of a debt to themselves, something our governments could easily do, debt-and-interest-free. Communism is the extension of Cabalist control over government credit to satanic control of every aspect of our lives – power, property, thought, behavior, movement, and expression. They used this limitless supply of our money to buy our corporations, politicians, doctors, mass media, cops, teachers, etc. in order to steal our birthright and that of our children.

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41668b No.21650531

File: 4a6a7a062179b87⋯.png (573.17 KB,563x411,563:411,ClipboardImage.png)



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7b8e70 No.21650532

Is he lurking?


Was posted in here this morning?

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41668b No.21650533

File: 1d2eb0b3804c063⋯.png (929.63 KB,768x512,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

Ex-NYS judge, prosecutor apparently kills himself as FBI arrives to arrest him on corruption charges: report

Retired Orange County judge and former prosecutor Stewart Rosenwasser allegedly took his own life as federal agents prepared to arrest him for bribery and corruption.


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7b8e70 No.21650535


Tough week coming up for nyc crooks

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41668b No.21650536

File: 175de6a7c1eebd6⋯.png (1.19 MB,1052x615,1052:615,ClipboardImage.png)

No 'JOKE': Elon Musk Shares NEW Terrifying, DAMNING Video of Dems Pushing for Violence Against Trump

It serves as a terrifying reminder that Democrats don't just want to beat Trump, they want him gone … by any means necessary.

Hey, we're not the ones saying it, THEY are. We can hear it directly from them.

Watch this:


— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) September 24, 2024

What's REALLY disturbing is how much of this was taken from people like Hillary Clinton even after the first or SECOND attempt on Trump's life proving they have no intention of taking the rhetoric down. Again, proving they'll do anything to anyone to stay in power.

Heck, we all saw that firsthand in 2020 but we digress.



— Broba Fett (@TheDietCokeBtn) September 24, 2024

Our founding fathers would never stop throwing up if they saw what our modern-day press has turned into. Especially toads like Jim Acosta, Brian Stelter, Oliver Darcy, and Olivia Nuzzi (don't even get us started on her story).


— PANIC PROTOCOL™ (@PanicProtocol_) September 24, 2024


Scary stuff.

Oh my Lord. This is so true

— Juanita Broaddrick (@atensnut) September 24, 2024

The second assassin (crazy that there is more than one) went so far as to put a bounty on Trump's head.


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5c4837 No.21650537

File: b73c636ca8382f6⋯.png (892.72 KB,1279x622,1279:622,Screenshot.png)

Hide yo wife!

Hide yo daughters!

They is coming for them!!!

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00dd64 No.21650538

File: aca295a07fbc1c7⋯.jpeg (1.73 MB,1620x1972,405:493,IMG_3475.jpeg)


Trump quotes Shakespeare at rally (but gets it wrong) and says he has bigger crowds than Churchill

The former president was quick to compare crowd sizes – something he has been mercilessly ridiculed for fixating on over the course of his presidential campaign

Myriam Page7 hours ago

Donald Trump made a real gaffe during his Pennsylvania rally on Monday when he tried (and failed) to quote William Shakespeare and reignited discussion about his crowd sizes by claiming he draws in more people than Winston Churchill did.

Ironically, the Republican started to set up the blunder by telling his Indiana crowd that Churchill was “this great speaker,” before swiftly comparing his and the famous UK leader’s crowd sizes – a topic he has focused on multiple occasions over the course of his campaign:

“I get much bigger crowds than him but nobody ever says I’m a great speaker.”

Last week he claimed to pull in crowds bigger than Elvis Presley did, and even made the same bizarre claim in August about Martin Luther King Jr’s crowd during the landmark March on Washington.

His apparent fixation on crowd sizes has been mocked by both social media and key political figures – most notably former president Barack Obama.

Trump then highlighted President Joe Biden’s unfortunate botches, naming one example in which a local news outlet asserted he confused Ohio for Iowa in March 2020.

But Trump proved he is also not immune to the same slip-ups by misquoting Shakespeare while attempting to attack Biden, saying he “never was smart, he wasn’t smart 40 years ago”.

Trying to use what he thought are the iconic Bard’s words to make his point, he asked the crowd, “Did you ever hear Shakespeare?”

“He was ‘hail and hearty and well met,’ but he wasn’t a smart person.”

Of vice-president Kamala Harris, he added, “But she is a very dumb person and we can’t do that.”

What the former president was actually quoting, and still managed to botch, is an idiom used to describe someone or their actions as very friendly and enthusiastic, and not always sincerely.

The correct phrase, according to the Cambridge Dictionary, is “hail-fellow-well-met,” and does not appear in a Shakespeare text.

With only 41 days left until the election on November 5, Trump was seemingly attempting to rally more voters to his cause in Pennsylvania on Monday.

But a poll has put Harris ahead of him by 5 points in the swing state – showing 49 per cent of voters are backing Harris and 44 per cent Trump.

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802cb5 No.21650539

File: 540378d6cae4dbc⋯.png (64.41 KB,199x219,199:219,Screen_Shot_2024_09_24_at_….png)


>bribery and corruption charges

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41668b No.21650540

File: 677af099784b546⋯.png (836.67 KB,720x599,720:599,ClipboardImage.png)

Swamp The Vote



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12805b No.21650541


Old news. Try to keep up.

Notables are your friend.

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1a0a06 No.21650542

Willie Nelson died.

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336cd4 No.21650543

File: 32ff7b0f3a0ad58⋯.png (379.27 KB,493x691,493:691,ClipboardImage.png)

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02157a No.21650544

File: 768f307d1609959⋯.png (1.09 MB,1024x768,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: daf87b164d75557⋯.png (971.86 KB,1024x768,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 993f1d52c504ca0⋯.png (1.14 MB,1024x768,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4314eded4b5b0eb⋯.png (1.21 MB,1024x768,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 863e65e8c533efb⋯.png (1.15 MB,1024x768,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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3958cf No.21650545

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

U.S. Universities Received $54 Billion from Foreign Governments in the Last 30 Years


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41668b No.21650546

File: fcede1af93599c6⋯.png (737.88 KB,650x488,325:244,ClipboardImage.png)

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910dcf No.21650547

File: 4ed372ff88969e3⋯.png (612.61 KB,1065x1265,213:253,Screenshot_20240924_124833….png)

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6967d4 No.21650548

File: 1913018d3170aba⋯.png (16.65 KB,100x100,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


>BREAKING: An organization called the Haitian Bridge Alliance has filed criminal charges against President Trump and JD Vance in Springfield, Ohio, claiming that they led an effort to "vilify and threaten the Haitian community in Springfield."

DISCOVERY in court cases can be a real bitch.

How do you introduce evidence legally?

What's in [The Haitian Bridge Alliance'] Closet?


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de55eb No.21650549

>>21650266 LB

NOTABLEfrom past bread

Please add.

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208435 No.21650550


#26515 >>21650342

>>21650352 - 3191 Capitol Hill Staffers’ Info Compromised After Using Gov’t Emails On Dating, Porn Sites

>>21650354, >>21650363, >>21650395, >>21650428, >>21650504 ME latest

>>21650358 Children as young at 8 are drugged and trafficked into the US by smugglers posing as their parents

>>21650367, >>21650473, >>21650474 Non-citizens added to states’ voter rolls = interference

>>21650373, >>21650387 USNS Big Horn Runs Aground. Navy does not have a replacement fleet oiler.

>>21650374, >>21650385 Oran Alexander Routh charged with possession of CP


>>21650389, >>21650401, >>21650415 "Haitian Bridge Alliance" has filed criminal charges against Donald Trump and J.D. Vance

>>21650396, >>21650446, >>21650524 NASA

>>21650397 Ukraine Russia Latest

>>21650398 Criminal Probe Into Eric Adams NYC Mayor

>>21650410 Biden Can Barely Speak, Slurs His Words, Attacks Russia and Pushes for More War in Last UN Speech

>>21650424 Officials urge residents to leave the area of a chemical leak near Cincinnati

>>21650432, >>21650440 Florida Sex Trafficking Scandal Pulls in Public Officials

>>21650437 WATCH Bloomberg Global Business Forum, World Bank, IMF forum

>>21650457 FCC just fast-tracked George Soros' purchase of 220+ radio stations before November's election

>>21650494 Diddy’s trial would expose high-level officials and celebrities

>>21650495, >>21650502 20 AGs To Investigate Pediatrician Group For False Claims About Transing Children

>>21650499 POTUS - "It will be a renaissance It will be a golden period."

>>21650509 Illegal immigrant allegedly driving drunk, crashes car and kills police officer

>>21650540 TRUMP TRUTH - SWAMP THE VOTE https://swampthevoteusa.com/

>>21650366, >>21650383, >>21650527 MEMES

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fe4b5a No.21650551

File: b153266e432c1dd⋯.jpeg (104.71 KB,1000x750,4:3,B816DD12_2934_4C36_B7C5_3….jpeg)

File: 3adfc5f17a8c511⋯.jpeg (140.56 KB,628x614,314:307,76F5E34C_032F_425C_93DA_C….jpeg)

ONE CANADIAN STATE ["Province"] stepping up!

Governor ["Premier"] ofAlbertachanging citizens Bill of Rights.

Premier Danielle Smith says she plans to reinforcethe right to decide whether to receive a vaccination or other medical procedure in changes to theAlberta Bill of Rights.

"It is my firm conviction that no Albertan should ever be subjected (to) or pressured into accepting a medical treatment without their full consent," she said.

The changes outlined by Smith would also ensurethe province respects "the right of individuals to legally acquire, keep and safely use firearms."





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41668b No.21650552

File: 342fa74fb368c4d⋯.png (728.06 KB,768x402,128:67,ClipboardImage.png)

'New American industrialism': Trump vows return of manufacturing in key policy speech

"It all goes away if you don't make your product here and hire American workers for the job," he warned.


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67431b No.21650553

File: 705be691084a63b⋯.png (629.75 KB,608x760,4:5,705be691084a63be15839bf035….png)

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802cb5 No.21650554

File: 4656fe176fa2ff7⋯.png (140.29 KB,360x361,360:361,4656fe176fa2ff79ff36b70d1e….png)


>DISCOVERY in court cases can be a real bitch.

Discovery is anon's favorite part of court cases.

Autists love digging.

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00dd64 No.21650556


Matt Gaetz Court Filing: What We Learned - Newsweek

Two women and one underage girl claim, in a new court filing in a long-running case, that Republican congressman Matt Gaetz attended a sex and drugs party in his native Florida.

Gaetz is close to Donald Trump and helped prep him for the September 10 presidential debate against Vice President Kamala Harris on ABC. He also played a pivotal role in the removal of Kevin McCarthy as Speaker of the House in 2023.

Newsweek sought email comment on Friday from Gaetz, who has consistently denied any wrongdoing.

The allegations are contained in a federal lawsuit between Chris Dorworth, a lobbyist friend of Gaetz, and lawyers who represented Dorworth plus a 17-year-old girl, identified only as A.B. While Dorworth has withdrawn his original claim against his lawyers, they are suing the lobbyist for costs.

What Was Claimed in the Court Docs

Your Morning Starts Here

Begin your day with a curated outlook of top news around the world and why it matters.

According to the original lawsuit filed by Dorworth, the defendants "agreed that they would provide false information to the authorities and the federal grand jury regarding Dorworth, Matt Gaetz and others" and that one of the defendants, lawyer Joel Greenberg, directed "A.B. and her friend" to falsely implicate Dorworth and Gaetz in their grand jury testimony.

The defendants strongly deny this claim in their filing, made on September 19. Newsweek sought email comment from Joel Greenberg's attorney on Monday.

The filing claims Gaetz attended a drug-fueled sex party, where the underage girl was present. The 17-year-old high school student, A.B., allegedly went to the July 15, 2017, party at Dorworth's house in her mother's car, the online news site Notus reported.

Another young woman, identified only as K.M., provided a sworn statement in which she said the 17-year-old girl was naked and people were at the party to "engage in sexual activities" and to take "alcohol, cocaine, ecstasy … and marijuana," Notus reported.

There is no suggestion that Gaetz did anything improper at the party. There are also conflicting accounts of his attendance at the party.

A woman, identified only as B.G. in court documents, made a sworn statement alleging Gaetz was there, contradicting a statement by Dorworth, who said Gaetz was not.

According to the defense, cellphone records show that Gaetz and Dorworth texted each other 30 times on the day of the party and that Gaetz called Dorworth twice in the hours before the party, which they claim lends credence to the belief that Gaetz was at the party.

The lawsuit involves over $35,000 in legal fees. Even though Dorworth withdrew the lawsuit he took against his lawyers, the case remains open, as his lawyers say he should pay them over $35,000 for the money they spent defending themselves.

>>>In Thursday's filing, they quote William Shakespeare's play Macbeth in alleging that Dorworth's claim against them was "sound and fury, signifying nothing."


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46ea59 No.21650557

File: 042ce5bdae9c82d⋯.png (80.18 KB,378x573,126:191,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6f5ee63a06f3a97⋯.png (13.55 KB,380x248,95:62,ClipboardImage.png)

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1db07e No.21650558

File: d23aad76db88f17⋯.jpeg (989.65 KB,1179x1862,1179:1862,IMG_3803.jpeg)

File: 5b7e3ae8536834b⋯.jpeg (639.72 KB,1179x1264,1179:1264,IMG_3804.jpeg)

>>21650035 pb


Son of Ryan Routh arrested for child pornography

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41668b No.21650559

File: 071b36677c043b1⋯.png (1.66 MB,888x1200,37:50,ClipboardImage.png)


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695f3c No.21650560

File: 83f20a397e29f5c⋯.png (520 KB,920x583,920:583,ClipboardImage.png)

Missouri Man Claims He Saw Light Stop & Then Zoom Up into the Sky

September 24, 2024

I will admit that I take UFO sightings with a grain of salt. There are so many and among those some that seem ridiculous, but there's a recent one in Missouri that got my attention.

A Sikeston man claims he saw a light move across the sky, stop and then zoom up into the atmosphere. Now you have my complete attention.

I want to be careful not to sensationalize or mischaracterize the account of a Sikeston, Missouri man who recently shared what he saw with the National UFO Reporting Agency.

On the night of September 5, 2024 at around 8pm, he says he saw this and these are his exact words:

"White light in sky going north abruptly stopped mid flight and went upwards as if leaving atmosphere.

White light going north abruptly stopped mid flight and went upwards as if leaving atmosphere. White light looked like a star in the sky, but much bigger.

Light flew in a northern direction before stopping and shooting upwards as if leaving atmosphere at incredible speed."

When I see accounts like this, I first try to narrow down possible natural phenomena. Could he have seen a star? Not likely one that would move.

Could it have been a meteor? Space rocks do burn up in the atmosphere all the time, but don't zoom upward unless I'm mistaken. Could it have been an aircraft?

None I am aware of have the capability to stop suddenly and then zoom upwards at "incredible speed".

What did this Sikeston, Missouri man see? By definition it is an unidentified flying object or perhaps I should use the new term of unidentified aerial phenomena.

No matter what you call it, it was a strange Missouri sky sight. The bigger question is what was the mission and/or intention of what he saw that night in Sikeston?

The truth is up there somewhere.


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41668b No.21650561

File: e37b22daedcdd2b⋯.png (618.52 KB,600x400,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

Cardinal Dolan Responds to Harris Snubbing Al Smith Dinner: "This Hasn't Happened Since Mondale… and He Lost 49 Out of 50 States" - Matt Palumbo


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f6d09f No.21650562


please add

Important Bun

Ashton kutcher, diddy connection, 'stood up date' who was found murdered, and kutcher ex gf brittany murphy who died of pnemonia, just like diddy ex gf kim porter.

brittany murphy's personal trainer was Harvey Pasternak





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782e1c No.21650563

File: a7d8e4fef74f57b⋯.jpg (51.52 KB,1080x998,540:499,0_MIcpKU2xeX5K7YuZ.jpg)

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f6d09f No.21650564

File: 735a231b43abd9f⋯.mp4 (8.41 MB,720x1280,9:16,SD0mhZoXgoW3LKER.mp4)



Hollywood is falling. What's happening with PDiddy isn't the distraction. It's the point.

Why is Kamala Harris surrounding herself with Hollywood with all this going down?


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41668b No.21650565

File: 63811b3608fb4fe⋯.png (443.69 KB,675x662,675:662,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1d8c7e8897af131⋯.mp4 (3.9 MB,1280x720,16:9,JPMorgan_CEO_Jamie_Dimon_I….mp4)



JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon: "If you do not control the borders, you are going to destroy our country… Now that they are sending migrants into New York… all my super liberal friends realize what a problem it is."

10:50 AM • Sep 24, 2024


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00dd64 No.21650566

File: b62fff9521aac57⋯.jpeg (1.4 MB,1620x1977,540:659,IMG_3476.jpeg)



First collection of Shakespeare’s plays on show to toast anniversary

A 400-year-old collection of William Shakespeare’s first collected works - including the first publication of Macbeth - is to go on display. (NLS / SWNS)

A 400-year-old collection of William Shakespeare’s first collected works including the first publication of Macbeth is to go on display.

The National Library in Edinburgh will display the works from Saturday as part of the Treasures of the National Library of Scotland exhibition at George IV Bridge.

Originally published seven years after Shakespeare’s death in 1616, the folio includes 36 plays – 18 of which were published for the first time, ensuring that they were able to endure the test of time.

There are only two other copies of the folio in public collections in Scotland – one is held at the University of Glasgow, and another at the Mount Stuart Trust on the Isle of Bute.

Helen Vincent, Head of Rare Books, Maps and Music at the National Library, said: “We’ve seen everyone from schoolchildren to actors to researchers fascinated by the First Folio and the stories it contains, so we’re looking forward to bringing it to a wide audience in our Treasures exhibition.”

“It will be on display for the actual birthday of the book in November – the month it was first offered for sale in 1623.

“I’m sure the people who put such effort into producing this book would love to know that 400 years later, their dedication to preserving and sharing all of Shakespeare’s plays continues to have such a profound impact on culture in all its forms.”

Many of Shakespeare’s works were never published in print during his life, putting many works in danger of becoming lost forever as time went on.

Luckily, two members of Shakespeare’s acting company gathered this collection of 36 plays, writing “We have but collected them onely to keepe the memory of so worthy a Friend and Fellow alive, as was our Shakespeare.”

The folio will be displayed alongside Robert Burns’s 1790 poem, Tam o’ Shanter and a selection of Nicolas Copernicus’s early works from 1543.

“We were delighted to display the Bute Collection’s First Folio to celebrate the 400th publication anniversary, and we also shared the wonders of Shakespeare’s work with school groups and our visitors to Mount Stuart earlier this year,” said Elizabeth Ingham, the Mount Stuart Trust’s Librarian.

“We are indebted to the people who edited, printed, and published the First Folio in 1623, who preserved the memory of Shakespeare and ensured the survival of his extraordinary plays for future generations.”

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208435 No.21650567

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861697 No.21650568

File: 1768a4b2975c3ef⋯.png (423.79 KB,553x369,553:369,ClipboardImage.png)


oh going have to charge you 10% for the big guy for that meme

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41668b No.21650569


>Hollywood is falling. What's happening with PDiddy isn't the distraction. It's the point.


>Why is Kamala Harris surrounding herself with Hollywood with all this going down?



guuude mooovieeee

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dcfd22 No.21650570

File: 9bad5c10bb713d3⋯.jpg (71.88 KB,1071x682,1071:682,1726005127310223.jpg)

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c3690c No.21650571

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This Storm Just Keeps Getting Bigger…

Ryan Hall, Y'all

Sep 24, 2024


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861697 No.21650572

File: f9423248b94342e⋯.mp4 (537.88 KB,480x362,240:181,Jamie_dimon_on_looking_at_….mp4)


says the faggot jamie dimon

lets have a your account dimon

don't want too says dimon

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41668b No.21650573

File: 2033bb25a01d52a⋯.png (481.02 KB,610x458,305:229,ClipboardImage.png)

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d0cf95 No.21650574

File: 9f47b753650cf15⋯.png (265.9 KB,530x467,530:467,ClipboardImage.png)

Diddy's former bodyguard claims arrest is tied to an alleged corruption scandal currently gripping New York City politics


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00dd64 No.21650575


What is the picture in the background?

Don and Eric!!!

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a921ee No.21650576

File: 14bb68a7002faef⋯.png (436.94 KB,625x428,625:428,ClipboardImage.png)

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f91df6 No.21650577

File: 548ae0fb4e579d6⋯.jpeg (34.77 KB,255x237,85:79,IMG_6910.jpeg)


> President Pedo Peter Invites All Kids to Come Up and Join him

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00dd64 No.21650578

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Did Kevin set his alarm?

Speaker McCarthy was 55!

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47e80b No.21650579

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ff45d6 No.21650580

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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de55eb No.21650581

File: 07f514252d222bb⋯.jpg (19.28 KB,255x178,255:178,9fa2f7ddc07fff92a7fbeecf74….jpg)


Welcome to America, Haitians.

Learn to speak and read English, specifically, the FIRST AMENDMENT.

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00dd64 No.21650582


He first said girls, then changed to kids (goats)

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41668b No.21650583

File: 7fea3f4ee4a220e⋯.png (759.53 KB,1080x1024,135:128,ClipboardImage.png)


Bidens America summed up

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41b786 No.21650584



>lower income population

>we need more..immigration

[Fake empathy]

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fd6c65 No.21650585

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Erdogan Announces NATO Break At UN? Open Call For New Anti-Israel Alliance, Shames USA | Full Speech

Hindustan Times


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76bb52 No.21650586


finally the idiots are getting it

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782e1c No.21650587

File: 4321b99964c5884⋯.jpg (481.69 KB,1080x1080,1:1,F8FAsnrWkAAE_go.jpg)

File: 277998c28cc952e⋯.webp (16.18 KB,389x280,389:280,wrist_watch_without_hands….webp)

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41668b No.21650588

File: 3b9c17c07d511d5⋯.png (600.04 KB,640x335,128:67,ClipboardImage.png)

Michigan: Illegal Pleads Guilty to Murdering Ruby Garcia Execution-Style

A previously deported illegal alien has pleaded guilty to murdering 25-year-old Ruby Garcia execution-style in March in Michigan.


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695f3c No.21650589

File: e8d32678bd75abc⋯.png (975.67 KB,1200x750,8:5,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ca9ce571787a770⋯.png (1.76 MB,1200x675,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

'USAF whistleblower' claims huge UFO announcement will happen 'within days'

Updated15:37, 24 Sep 2024

One of the most dramatic events in the history of mankind is set to take place in the coming months, according to claims from a UFO whistleblower.

Charles McNeal alleges that he was recruited into a top-secret US Air Force intelligence unit tasked with maintaining a 70-year truce between the American government and an alien civilisation.

This truce agreement, McNeal claims (without any proof of his credentials) on his YouTube channel, is set to come to an end at the end of September 2024.

He claims that a planned series of events, including the partial – or possibly total – destruction of the state of Israel, a brief global conflict and a staged alien invasion using reverse-engineered UFO technology will soon follow.

One of the first parts of this overarching plan, according to McNeal, will be the announcement of an alliance between the US and Afghanistan’s Taliban government.

McNeal alleges that a slow drip feed of information, through both news outlets and fictional accounts of extraterrestrial contact through films and TV, has been part of a campaign to prepare the global population for the shock of encountering an alien species.

“This is known as the Public Acclimation Program,” he bizarrely says. “For decades you have been force-fed fictionalised version of the truth via TV, movies and books.”

He outlines the entire shocking scheme on his “Acclimate Now” website, including an orchestrated third world war, the main purpose of which will be to intimidate the public while culling vast numbers of the civilian population.

This war, he claims, will be interrupted by an “alien invasion” that has been in the planning for decades.

Many of the “alien craft” on view during this phase, he claims, will in reality be a secret USAF development that he calls the TR3-B Alien Reproduction Vehicle (ARV).

But soon, McNeal says, we willed be introduced to a variety of real aliens, including cybernetically enhanced humanoids from a planet in the Rigel star system:

“Type A-C have a grey or greyish pigmentation that can come off a bit chalky sometimes," he says.

"They have four fingers with little suction cups on the ends of each finger and some have webbing in between their fingers and toes.

Type D have a brownish pigmentation and five fingers and five toes.

“This species started off fully biological until they ventured out into the cosmos and came into contact with what they now answer to, something called "The Keeper".

They now worship technology and started to incorporate mechanics into their biological makeup thousands of years ago.”

He further alleges that, following initial contact with these beings in the late 1940s, the US government has since had dealings with a number of different alien species over the years, and that news of all of these extraterrestrial civilisations will be made public in the coming few years.

But even the public revelation of these alien visitors, he says, will not contain the whole truth:

”Unfortunately,” McNeal says, “even the disclosure process is not planned to be 100% honest or transparent. It is only being used as tool for a very dangerous plan to bring the world together.”

McNeal alleges that one of the core aims of this bizarre conspiracy is to establish a so-called “New World Order” global government, under US control, to then establish a planet-wide alliance with these extraterrestrial visitors.

Barring a few short videos of the alleged USAF “Alien Reproduction Vehicle,” McNeal has produced no hard evidence to support his claims.

But, if his suggestion that the global realignment is set to begin at the end of September, we won’t have long to wait to discover whether there is any truth to his allegations.


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c3690c No.21650590

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

4:30 PM EDT

Secretary Antony J. Blinken hosts a Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment Roundtable on the Lobito Corridor: Supporting Transcontinental Connectivity

New York City, New York


4:30 PM EDT

The President delivers remarks on climate at the Bloomberg Global Business Forum

The Plaza, New York






President Biden Remarks on Climate at Bloomberg Global Business Forum

President Biden delivers remarks on climate change at the Bloomberg Global Business Forum in New York City as world leaders gather to address the 79th Session of the United Nations General Assembly.


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41668b No.21650591

File: 1793de0dae740e9⋯.png (279.84 KB,650x433,650:433,ClipboardImage.png)

Human Traffickers Posing As Parents and Drugging Children to Elude Border Authorities

Human traffickers are drugging children as young as eight years old and smuggling them into the United States by posing as their parents, according to Border Patrol agents.

The agents told The New York Post that they are seeing a disturbing trend where “increasing numbers of smugglers posing as family units in order to ‘recycle’ children,” the report noted.

“A few years ago when they were coming in en masse, we had to let family units in. People kept coming in and after a while we noticed the kids were the same, but the parents were different. They were recycling the kids,” one Border Patrol source told The Post.

“I hate thinking about it because there were thousands of kids and who knows where they all ended up,” the source explained.

Authorities say it’s not clear what is happening to the children once they are smuggled into the US — but many are vulnerable to being exploited for child labor and child sex trafficking.

The cases have horrified leaders in the Border Patrol.

“Sometimes we encounter criminal actions so horrendous, they defy human decency,” said Gregory Bovino, the Border Patrol chief of California’s El Centro sector in the southeast of the state, in response to the case.

Border Patrol agents recounted rescuing a child at the California border who was “heavily dosed with sleep aids to prevent him from talking” to immigration authorities, who later discovered that the traffickers carried birth certificates for multiple children.

Just weeks earlier, on Aug. 29, officers manning a port of entry in San Luis, Arizona, caught Marlen Contreras-Lopez — a 28-year-old US citizen and Arizona resident — with two young children in her car who had been drugged with sleep aids, according to federal prosecutors.

At first, Contreras-Lopez claimed she was related to the children, whom she tried to wake during the officers’ questioning, according to court documents.

Then, when she got out of the car for further inspection, officers observed that one of the kids had to be carried, while the other “struggled to walk,” according to the court documents.

“The woman had difficulty waking the children. Officers observed that the children remained extremely groggy. While interviewing the children, officers soon discovered there was no family relationship between the woman and the two minors, ages 11 and 8,” said Executive Assistant Office of Field Operations Commissioner Diane J. Sabatino in a post on X.

The children later told the authorities that they were given sleeping aids.


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485e13 No.21650592


aliens are the new distraction

even a former clown has joined that skinwalker ranch show

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a921ee No.21650593


Dipshit frontman wants to control the borders by opening them to his masters… right

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910dcf No.21650594

File: db7ae5033a41231⋯.png (230.13 KB,826x546,59:39,Screenshot_20240924_130613….png)


Hopefully Diddy made multiple copies and at least one set of those copies are in the hands of some entity other than any of the alphabets including DHS.

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b5e871 No.21650595

We are but a handful of minds. The world is responding to what we do here. Each of you are broadcasting a code. This code breaks through their bullshit. It's becoming easy to see their deception. When a liar is caught on all sides and there's no chance of escape, the liar becomes dangerous. We have thought about this. They never thought the 'Messiah' would come in their lifetime…and now they're shitting themselves. Like hyenas being dealt with by lions, they're being removed from the herd one by one until they no longer pose a threat.

There are very few times when clarity such as this comes to me. Know that we are breaking their control over us. Keep transmitting your code, think bittorrent type of distribution. Once humanity gets enough code, it'll happen in the blink of an eye, the transformation will be immediate. The universe is electric and so are you. We are the spark that lights the memories locked inside everyone's DNA. You didn't think God would let you down did you? Remember God is anyone with technology advanced enough to be thought of as magical. God is such a huge moniker. How about Dude? You didn't think the Dude would let you down did you? Thank Dude everyone is waking up. See that fits.

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a921ee No.21650597


If your government drives you to a life of crime, know that there are plenty of rich grifters in NYC

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fd6c65 No.21650598


>First collection of Shakespeare’s plays on show to toast anniversary

Shakespeare Authorship


A Fascinating Ongoing Problem, Not a Foregone Conclusion

The Shakespeare plays have attracted a degree of cultural reverence and vehement emotion normally reserved for religion. Since almost nothing is known about the life of William Shakspere from the historical standpoint, he has become a near mythic character, a recipient of the projections of successive ages. When rival claimants to the Shakespeare authorship, such as Sir Francis Bacon or the Earl of Oxford, emerged from the mid 19th century onwards, these too attracted myth-making and partisan champions.

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47e80b No.21650599

File: 7cc8858ec969d58⋯.png (186.92 KB,1200x1500,4:5,ClipboardImage.png)


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76bb52 No.21650600

Kamala is still begging for another debate with Trump, she is acting like this is going to be this friendly debate, nothing on earth should Trump make him even consider it.Her fucking snark didn't come through but there is nothing she can say that will make this happen. She sucks really.

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695f3c No.21650601

File: 9d8ecca558b0ca3⋯.png (22.9 KB,300x300,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

New Paradigm Institute and Visible College Partner to Support Yale Student UFO Society, First UAP Disclosure Teach-In

September 23, 2024, 19:25 GMT

The New Paradigm Institute (NPI) and The Visible College (VC) announce their partnership with the Yale Student UFO Society’s upcoming teach-in on September 27, 2024.

This event will serve as the inaugural session of a pioneering initiative to elevate the academic discourse surrounding Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP), commonly known as UFOs, at a time when the U.S. government is taking active steps to provide incontrovertible evidence that alien technology and entities exist and have been on our planet in contemporary time.

The Yale Student UFO Society’s teach-in represents NPI’s and VC’s commitment to engaging university professors, students, and academic institutions in the global conversation on UAP. NPI and VC seek to integrate scholarly expertise into a public discourse long overshadowed by secrecy, myths, and speculation by hosting teach-ins and fostering rigorous intellectual debate.

The Yale Student UFO Society reflects the university’s tradition of tackling pressing societal issues through scholarly investigation and debate.

The upcoming forum, titled ‘More Things in Heaven and Earth’: A UFO Teach-In at Yale, promises to explore the UAP phenomenon from a multidisciplinary perspective, offering presentations on topics ranging from physics to mental health support for experiencers and the philosophical implications of UAP.

“It’s an honor to host speakers with the intellectual candor and knowledge required to address this complex issue for the Yale community.

In our second year, we are deeply grateful for NPI and the Yale Student Mental Health Association’s support of this forum advancing the Yale Student UFO Society’s mission to interrogate the unknown with the trained presence of mind we take pride in as a school,” said Yale Student UFO Society founder Sydney Morrison.

“As one of the most prestigious institutions in the world, Yale is a fitting venue to launch the first teach-in on UAP Disclosure,” said NPI Chief Counsel Daniel Sheehan.

“Yale’s legacy of fostering critical thinking, innovation, and the preservation of knowledge makes it the ideal partner in advancing this crucial conversation about UAP and government accountability.”

NPI seeks to bring the academic community to the forefront of the UAP debate, leveraging scholarly integrity to demand truth and transparency.

As public interest in UAP disclosures grows, NPI’s initiative provides a crucial expert analysis and advocacy platform.

“Our goal is not just to educate, but to build a global coalition demanding UAP disclosure,” said Jim Garrison, Director of NPI’s Washington, DC office.

“The public has a right to know, and governments are responsible for disclosing what they’ve learned about UAP.

Engaging academics in this conversation is key to elevating the debate and driving meaningful change.”

Steven Brown, Director of The Visible College, said, “While we understand that most academics are not paying much attention to these topics, a growing group of serious scholars are.

We are excited to work with the New Paradigm Institute to help foster a deeper understanding of the subject area and to raise awareness of relevant work being done across the global academic community.”




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41668b No.21650602

File: 9e54b7706dfcbeb⋯.png (774.68 KB,657x1142,657:1142,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fab7033b4c51ad6⋯.mp4 (14.06 MB,576x1024,9:16,IDAHO_MAN_CHARGED_FOR_THRE….mp4)

Mario Nawfal



Warren Jones Crazybull, 64, has been charged after making at least 9 phone calls and Facebook posts threatening to kill Trump.

Court documents reveal he planned to "personally" kill Trump at his Bedminster home.

Crazybull has pleaded not guilty and is set to go to trial on October 28.

Source: @CollinRugg

12:30 PM · Sep 24, 2024


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7233e5 No.21650603




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00dd64 No.21650604

File: 334642574fcd961⋯.png (1.98 MB,2160x1620,4:3,IMG_3091.png)

File: f2f440b9366162a⋯.jpeg (437.45 KB,2160x1620,4:3,IMG_2958.jpeg)

File: 1baddd731b8c0ce⋯.jpeg (440.11 KB,2160x1620,4:3,IMG_2959.jpeg)

File: c6e516a72214b0e⋯.jpeg (201.67 KB,1088x612,16:9,IMG_2577.jpeg)

File: bf1f348ed5e6fdc⋯.webp (107.04 KB,640x948,160:237,IMG_2162.webp)


Bill is connected to John B. Wells

Ark Knights and Dames

Alien Agenda from Globalists




Aug 14, 2018 6:46:46 PM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 58bc71 No. 2601101

Ex 1.1



(Alt + US Media) (US Politicians)



Those who scream the loudest….

Find the connections.



Marching to the same beat?


Logical thinking.


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10b0b4 No.21650607


more about opsec for the poster

idgaf about me

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b5e871 No.21650608


Let her continue to make herself unelectable.

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41668b No.21650610

File: 27d39b335bb9a7e⋯.png (283.76 KB,675x654,225:218,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2491dda3ee7c740⋯.png (1.24 MB,1440x810,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

=ABC's ‘The View’ was 100% negative about Trump following second assassination attempt: study

"The View" was 100% negative about former President Trump following the second assassination attempt against him, while offering nothing but praise for Vice President Kamala Harris'''


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fd6c65 No.21650612

Hey Diddle diddle the ate the fiddle and Hillary gave a moon

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41668b No.21650614

File: b4ad1b06b2bfc65⋯.png (518.36 KB,650x433,650:433,ClipboardImage.png)

Surprise, Surprise: Kamala Harris Supports Continuing 'Migrant' Flights That Have Imported 1.3 Million


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451074 No.21650615

File: 669cc13c5852a91⋯.jpeg (584.55 KB,1125x1201,1125:1201,IMG_4310.jpeg)


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a921ee No.21650616

File: a5d50cf2f6f71a0⋯.png (38.77 KB,225x225,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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f26fd8 No.21650617


so they don't need a pandemic after all

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667f73 No.21650618

Train car chemical leak causes evacuation orders in Ohio county

Sep 24th, 14:51:46

(Reuters) - A chemical leak in southwestern Ohio from train car described as "dangerous" by local authorities led to evacuation orders on Tuesday for some people in the state's Hamilton County.

"DANGEROUS chemical leak near State Route 128. IMMEDIATELY GO INDOORS and stay inside until further notice. Close and seal off doors & windows, close fireplace dampers, and turn off heat," Hamilton County's emergency authorities said on social media platform X.

An ABC News affiliate said people in the Cleves and Whitewater Township areas in the southwestern part of the state were asked to immediately evacuate following the leak.

An NBC News affiliate cited officials as saying the leak came from a train car that had a valve open, releasing styrene gas.

Further details, including about any damage or injuries, were not immediately available.


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10b0b4 No.21650619

File: 7bb2609636c9e5f⋯.png (204.91 KB,478x504,239:252,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1b681d42d3032fb⋯.mp4 (1.71 MB,480x852,40:71,mkq0L92RPeI6xbDk.mp4)


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41668b No.21650620

File: a125d3eb451e486⋯.png (1.14 MB,666x1006,333:503,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 441212a4fccf430⋯.mp4 (10.94 MB,1080x1080,1:1,Numerous_hazmat_crews_are_….mp4)



🚨#BREAKING: Numerous hazmat crews are on the scene following the immediate evacuation orders due to a dangerous toxic chemical leak from a rail car

📌#Whitewater | #Ohio

Numerous emergency and Hazmat crews are currently on the scene in Whitewater, Ohio, after an immediate…

12:21 PM • Sep 24, 2024


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41668b No.21650621

File: 9e18efebcf0ba3f⋯.png (678.23 KB,768x432,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Canada's Alberta Province Premier Danielle Smith Announces Protection From Medical Coercion In Updated Bill of Rights, including the right to refuse vaccination.

Premier Danielle Smith announces protection from medical coercion in updated Bill of Rights

‘One of the amendments we are making to the Bill of Rights is to reinforce the right of every Albertan to make their own choices regarding the medical treatments they receive,’ said Premier Smith.


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a921ee No.21650622


They milked it for 110 years

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9d2ae9 No.21650623

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I love you glorious faggots, you're all so damn beautiful. One day, we'll all get together and have a big giant fag-off, no diddy.

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00dd64 No.21650624

File: 8e16507405557c0⋯.jpeg (1.58 MB,2160x1057,2160:1057,IMG_3477.jpeg)

File: f5fa5b5d4db50b5⋯.jpeg (1.38 MB,1620x1891,1620:1891,IMG_3478.jpeg)


Didn’t Soros just get some radio stations?


Coast to Coast AM


Central Casting iMDB Accounts, making movies and money telling stories…


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41668b No.21650626

File: 7fc61533522b577⋯.png (1.48 MB,1343x1237,1343:1237,ClipboardImage.png)

BREAKING: Arizona U.S. Senator Kyrsten Sinema just slammed Kamala Harris for planning to eliminate the Senate filibuster to pass a national abortion law. First Manchin, and now Sinema? Kamala will lose a lot of independent voters.

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10b0b4 No.21650627

File: 4d955361193aec3⋯.png (121.68 KB,478x337,478:337,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a260d897a341053⋯.png (613.68 KB,718x699,718:699,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 72a963e40f9e611⋯.png (65.25 KB,766x695,766:695,ClipboardImage.png)


womp womp

inb4 cp found on his hard drive

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ff45d6 No.21650628

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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3958cf No.21650629

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Democrat Arizona Senate Candidate Lauren Kuby Opposes Felony Charges for Cartel Drug Traffickers Pushing Fentanyl on Kids, Calls for Open Borders and Blanket Citizenship for Illegals


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861697 No.21650630

File: 2e4890b69b491ce⋯.png (1.9 MB,1136x1279,1136:1279,ClipboardImage.png)


ohio again.

talk about attacking one place over and over again.

haitians, train derailments, etc

is it a trump state.

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cc1f09 No.21650632

File: 880d762e7e835a6⋯.jpg (264.22 KB,972x1198,486:599,marly.jpg)


I think Gaga mocked the death of

Brittany Murphy

don' have the image at the momo


British lying start at the top.

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41668b No.21650633

File: e733a801fc0ee7b⋯.png (720.67 KB,658x1283,658:1283,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3d05940f29399a8⋯.png (721.47 KB,554x1199,554:1199,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 130300487cab7a8⋯.png (454.21 KB,568x1200,71:150,ClipboardImage.png)

Oran Routh, son of Ukrainian hero and Would-Be Assassin Ryan Routh, worked on the crew for Taylor Swift's tour

Andy Ngo 🏳️‍🌈


Breaking: Oran Routh, the leftist son of the 2nd Trump attempted assassin suspect, has been arrested in North Carolina on federal child s—x crime charges. Last week, he told media that both he and his father hate Trump after his father was arrested. Read:


BREAKING: Son of would-be Trump assassin Ryan Routh arrested for alleged possession of child…

“A review of the SD card located in Device-1 revealed that it contained hundreds of child pornography files,”

Pericles 'Perry' Abbasi


@MrAndyNgo Oran Routh worked on the crew for Taylor Swift's tour

8:53 AM • Sep 24, 2024


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47e80b No.21650634


she's a sexy carpet eater

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81577c No.21650635

File: fdd28aa0af73782⋯.png (1.03 MB,1046x584,523:292,222b1.PNG)

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67431b No.21650636

File: a54dcfa5368e22f⋯.png (200.91 KB,679x375,679:375,a54dcfa5368e22ffe579e0038b….png)

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76bb52 No.21650637

File: ef4f41ba9a4f689⋯.png (623.51 KB,1062x566,531:283,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b686610d5728f85⋯.png (667.92 KB,1088x586,544:293,ClipboardImage.png)

Acosta on CNN freaking out aboutKamala's polls, she dropped 11% with Hispanics in AZ. He says he doesn't know if he believes this poll, kek

it's the NYT Sienna poll, one of the most trusted.

Acosta is reading it with shock on his face.

This is why Kamala is harassing Trump to debate her again, she and they knowshe has lost a lot and her numbers are abysmal, doesn't how much money she bribes people for.

Watching it on a Dan video

This is the first time I've smiled today! KEK

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46ea59 No.21650638

File: e8f36dc0bb549ed⋯.png (347.23 KB,629x623,629:623,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f0420be99e24c77⋯.png (59.62 KB,660x394,330:197,ClipboardImage.png)



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3958cf No.21650640

File: 356b1daf5b97f32⋯.png (137.15 KB,711x633,237:211,ClipboardImage.png)

Netanyahu Vows Attacks On Lebanon Won't Stop As Hezbollah Escalates With Deepest Strike Inside Israel

Update(1500ET): Sky News and others are reporting that for the first time of the conflict, Hezbollah has launched a drone attack on a navy base which lies south of Haifa. The Atlit navy base which was targeted lies 80 kilometers from the Lebanese border. This is an attack significantly deep into Israel and reveals an extended range of Hezbollah missiles. Likely as things slide further, and with Israel keeping up its intense airstrikes on Lebanon, Hezbollah missiles will begin reaching further and further.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said late in the day Tuesday (local time) on X: "We will continue striking Hezbollah. Anyone who has a missile in their living room and a rocket in their garage will not have a home."

Israel's military has been repeatedly claiming that Hezbollah is storming missiles, drones, and ammunition inside people's homes in the south of Lebanon. "Our war is not with you, our war is with Hezbollah," he warned in the message emphasizing that Israel won't stop its strikes.


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ff45d6 No.21650641

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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7233e5 No.21650642


Just a heads up - you post a lot of material, ty for your digs. Most of it is relevant but tbh, all over the place (not just one dig, even when some articles are related or could be). This forces bakers to pass up some of your stuff, just to keep up. Would be better to dig deeper on topics of interest OR to spread out articles etc over more than one bread.


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47e80b No.21650643




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41668b No.21650644

File: 7ecc0e04f6e264f⋯.png (723.36 KB,1052x615,1052:615,ClipboardImage.png)

Trudeau Faces No-Confidence Vote as Stephen Colbert Tries to Polish His Image

As expected and promised, Pierre Poilievre’s Conservatives introduced a non-confidence motion on Tuesday in an attempt to topple Justin Trudeau’s government.

The motion was read out by the speaker at the start of proceedings.

“The House has no confidence in the prime minister and the government,” it simply stated.

It’s the first test for the minority government since NDP leader Jagmeet Singh tore up a supply-and-confidence deal with the Liberals earlier this month, but it’s not expected to pass.

The Bloc Québécois and NDP have already said they will not support the motion, which will be voted on Wednesday.

Poilievre has long slammed the current government’s carbon tax, and discussed the housing crisis and crime as the key reasons he wants an election.

Trudeau, meanwhile, was a guest on “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert” on Monday night, where he acknowledged it’s “a really tough time” in the country.

“People are hurting. People are having trouble paying for groceries, paying for rent, filling up the tank,” he said.

“People are sometimes looking at change but the reality is I deeply believe in continuing to fight climate change and continuing to invest in people, continuing to be there to support people. And I’m going to keep fighting,” he told Colbert.


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7b96be No.21650645

File: ef7733d4e5a0995⋯.png (241.57 KB,480x360,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)


>Harvey Pasternak

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3958cf No.21650648


sauce often missing too

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41668b No.21650649




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7233e5 No.21650650



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3958cf No.21650651


I thought it was a bot

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f91df6 No.21650653

File: abbc3f45c436d83⋯.png (851.49 KB,726x690,121:115,41_days_to_winning.png)

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c58070 No.21650654



Might as well blow it up then..

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7233e5 No.21650655


I don't think so


sometimes but i just went thru a bunch here, most is current and within last 24 hours. some is breaking news.

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41668b No.21650656

File: 155e5447928eab0⋯.png (545.02 KB,500x568,125:142,ClipboardImage.png)

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81577c No.21650657

File: 26d66d4df9ad16f⋯.png (801.78 KB,880x624,55:39,btkh2.PNG)

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782e1c No.21650658

File: 58adb664aa98b27⋯.jpg (7.94 KB,300x147,100:49,download.jpg)


Connect the dots. The Bridge and Welcome.us are partners.

The Welcome.us co-chairs include 4 past presidents and wives.




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818500 No.21650659

maybe that was an infrared light shining down on POTUS … on video it looked purple… not sure… if so… but i can see why looking at your cell phones might bring in demonic realms that exist in infrared spectrum?

question posed by a physics teacher… no definitive answer was given.. does anyone know the answer?

'A student asked me why the light is purple, should it not be red because visable red is next to infrared on the EM spectrum. I said that it must be something to do with how the phone processes the image data but I dont really know!'

Any ideas?


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7233e5 No.21650660


Appreciate that, anon. TY.

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c58070 No.21650662

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02157a No.21650663

File: 86e90ed758810ab⋯.png (962.98 KB,1177x573,1177:573,ClipboardImage.png)


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861697 No.21650664


have you check'ed the font pattern?

any idea who it could be?

dark black, red, blue texts.

how many are trusted sources.

do you even baker?

>>21650650 ←twat, andy nyo trusted source.

needs to be double check'ed to ensure it is him though, many accounts now pretending to be him.. twat is linking to andy nyo from electionlegalstatus.

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a921ee No.21650666


They are replacing us because everybody finally got it

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208435 No.21650667

>>21650633 Oran Routh, son of Ukrainian hero and Would-Be Assassin Ryan Routh, worked on the crew for Taylor Swift's tour


Baker thanks you anon

got me werking


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76bb52 No.21650668

File: 732392946542436⋯.png (622.31 KB,820x678,410:339,ClipboardImage.png)

Football Hall of Famer Brett Favre says he has been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease

By Thomas Schlachter, CNN

Updated: 2:49 PM EDT, Tue September 24, 2024

Source: CNN

Football Hall of Famer Brett Favre revealed Tuesday he was recently diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease.

The famed quarterback was speaking in front of the House Ways and Means Committee in a hearing on reforming Temporary Assistance for Needy Families(TANF), where he was called to testify before Congress about welfare misspending.

“Sadly, I also lost an investment in a company that I believed was developing a breakthrough concussion drug I thought would help others and I’m sure you’ll understand, while it’s too late for me because I’ve recently been diagnosed with Parkinson’s, this is also a cause dear to my heart,” the quarterback said.

Favre had a storied NFL career, most notably playing for the Green Bay Packers. While with the Packers, Favre won the Super Bowl in the 1996-97 season and won back-to-back-to-back MVPs from 1995-1997.

Last month, Favre told The Megyn Kelly Show that head injuries and concussions were not treated in the way that they are now during his playing career and discussed the potential impact that could have on his life.

“At least several times a week there’s this fear of what tomorrow will bring,” Favre said. “And that wasn’t the case when I was playing, first of all, because at that point concussions were not looked at, it was just a minor bump, get your butt back in the game, go play.

“I don’t blame anybody because then no one thought concussions were a major issue, including me.

“I’ll think, ‘Boy, I probably haven’t done myself many favors.’ Would I do it the same way over again if I had the chance or would I change the way I played or how long I played? I don’t know, maybe I would have been more cautious,” he added.

Favre also said he that suffered a concussion in his last ever NFL play and was out for a minute or two.

While the 54-year-old said that he is still able to do a lot of what he enjoys, he also told Kelly that he had noticed some changes.

“I think there’s some memory issues, I think sometimes my speech is affected. Is that a result of the concussions and football or just being over 50? And maybe the answer is a little bit of both,” he said.

Favre has previously said that he could have experienced “thousands” of concussions across his 20-season NFL career.

Findings from the Boston University CTE Center have previously suggested that playing football might increase the risk of developing Parkinson’s disease.

Using data from a large online survey sponsored by the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research, researchers found that participants who had a history of playing organized tackle football were 61% more likely to report a Parkinson’s disease diagnosis or parkinsonism, an umbrella term for symptoms like tremors and rigidity that cause movement problems, compared with those who played other organized sports.

The report, published in the medical journal JAMA Network Open, also found that participants who played football at higher levels — professionally or in college — were nearly three times as likely to have Parkinson’s or parkinsonism compared with those who played at the youth or high school levels.

Favre was inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame in 2016.

See Full Web Article


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818500 No.21650669

Why does the Infrared light coming from a remote LED appear purple on a camera?


I teach secondary physics and as part of a demonstration of the electromagnetic spectrum I show the students that the infrared light emitted by a remote control can be seen on a phone screen (weirdly only android phones, not an iPhone).

A student asked me why the light is purple, should it not be red because visable red is next to infrared on the EM spectrum. I said that it must be something to do with how the phone processes the image data but I dont really know!

Any ideas?


this question posed on a forum.. no answer yet… anyone know the answer?

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782e1c No.21650670


Oxymoronic speech right there.

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3958cf No.21650672

File: e323811a0e26701⋯.png (592.25 KB,568x503,568:503,ClipboardImage.png)

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76bb52 No.21650673

File: c776a318f79e061⋯.mp4 (5.09 MB,640x360,16:9,downwithdeportationk.mp4)

Trump War Room


RESURFACED: Video obtained by the @DailyMail shows Kamala Harris chanting "DOWN, DOWN WITH DEPORTATION!" at a 2018 parade with Jussie Smollett.

This is your Border Czar 😳

Sept 23, 2024


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47e80b No.21650675

File: 8a22f94df34b053⋯.png (143.27 KB,496x795,496:795,ClipboardImage.png)

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41668b No.21650676

File: 35cf4f24ee43908⋯.png (538.34 KB,768x403,768:403,ClipboardImage.png)

Political Scandal? Diddy’s Ex-Bodyguard Claims Disgraced Rapper Has Secret Tapes of Top Politicians at His ‘Freak Off’ Parties, Featuring 1,000 Bottles of Baby Oil and Lubricant

Sean “Diddy” Combs’ former bodyguard, Gene Deal, has alleged that the rap mogul possesses secret tapes of politicians and celebrities engaging in scandalous activities at his notorious “freak off” parties, the Daily Mail reported.


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10b0b4 No.21650677


fucks who she gotta fuck for a promotion

and lies when she gotta lie for a vote

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910dcf No.21650678

File: 3115050973a36d4⋯.png (914.05 KB,1063x1010,1063:1010,Screenshot_20240924_132746….png)

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9935c6 No.21650679

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

P. Diddy’s Ex-Bad Boy Rapper Speaks Out: ‘He Destroyed My Life’

Law&Crime Network 9/24/2024

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41668b No.21650681

File: 86470fc8e9f1aeb⋯.png (153.38 KB,356x360,89:90,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a37e3b3cc99f9ca⋯.png (523.85 KB,449x679,449:679,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fdc9baa7bcd2714⋯.png (378.19 KB,424x680,53:85,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7b0a68d1178ee15⋯.png (186.04 KB,338x360,169:180,ClipboardImage.png)


🚨The lawyer hired by Haitian Bridge Alliance who filed criminal charges against President Trump and JD Vance today is Friends with Kamala Harris, Hosted her at his house, and refers to Kamala Harris’s husband Doug Emhoff @SecondGentleman as his “brother in law🚨

Laura Loomer



🚨KAMALA HARRIS @KamalaHarris



🚨The lawyer hired by Haitian Bridge Alliance who filed criminal charges against President Trump and JD Vance today is Friends with Kamala Harris, Hosted her at his house, and refers to Kamala Harris’s husband Doug Emhoff @SecondGentleman

as his “brother in law🚨

Today, a pro invasion nonprofit called the Haitian Bridge Alliance filed criminal charges against President Trump and JD Vance @JDVance

for their claims that Haitian migrants are eating peoples pets in Springfield, Ohio.

In their press release, @HaitianBridge

said they have hired Ohio-based civil rights attorney Subodh Chandra.

Who is Subodh Chandra?

He’s an open Kamala Harris supporter who fundraises for her publicly. In social media posts, he said Kamala Harris came to his home and met with his mother and called her “Auntie”, and he said he considers Doug Emhoff to be his brother in law, and Meena Harris @meena

to be his neice.

Chandra has also received a commendation from former FBI director Robert Mueller, who carried out countless witch hunts against President Trump and his associates.

Chandra is a leftist political activist who has a long history of partisan activities with Kamala Harris, Robert Mueller and other Leftists engaged in the since discredited lawfare against President Trump.

That’s how you know these “criminal charges” are purely political.

Did Kamala Harris instruct her good friend

Subodh Chandra to file criminal charges against Trump in the key state of Ohio to help her Presidential campaign?

Kamala and Subodh are very close as you can see.

This is what you call a political witch hunt.

President Trump’s lawyers should file sanctions against Subodh Chandra for filing frivolous criminal charges for the sake of assisting his friend Kamala Harris’s Presidential campaign.

This is unethical behavior by a lawyer who should be disbarred.


Cc: @TeamTrump







Laura Loomer




🚨The Haitian nonprofit known as the Haitian Bridge Alliance has filed criminal charges against President Donald Trump and JD Vance for saying the Haitian migrant invaders in Springfield, Ohio are eating the dogs and cats.

Immigrants have become way too entitled.


Show more


12:48 PM · Sep 24, 2024


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654796 No.21650682

File: f5035ddf8e98786⋯.png (24.45 KB,674x138,337:69,ClipboardImage.png)


>Most of it is relevant but tbh, all over the place

Agree, sort of.


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8df2b1 No.21650683

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Cinema Show

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76bb52 No.21650684

File: 77d15a016e3bcc1⋯.png (370.95 KB,622x686,311:343,ClipboardImage.png)


Video emerges of Kamala Harris protesting deportation alongside Jussie Smollett

A resurfaced video shows Kamala Harris at a 2018 parade with disgraced actor Jussie Smollett protesting deportation.

September 23, 2024

reuters dailymail com


A video has surfaced showing Vice President Kamala Harris participating in a 2018 parade alongside actor Jussie Smollett.

The footage, obtained by the Daily Mail, captures Harris, then a California senator, protesting against deportation during the 33rd annual parade in Los Angeles, traditionally held to honor civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr.

In the video, Harris chants, “Up, up with education, down, down with deportation!” while surrounded by activists.

Smollett, who was a rising star at the time due to his role on the TV show 'Empire' but is now disgraced following his 2019 hate crime hoax, can also be seen wearing a "Times Up" t-shirt and joining the chants.

Despite the hoax being debunked, Harris had previously described the incident as an “attempted modern-day lynching” and has not deleted her statement on social media.

Harris’s family, including her husband Doug Emhoff and stepdaughter Ella Emhoff, were also present at the parade.

Interestingly, Harris is now pledging to secure the border, despite previously opposing the deportation of illegal immigrantsduring her time as a California senator. This shift in stance has drawn significant attention, particularly with the resurfacing of the video.


anons I'm sure there are more like this or on protecting americans, etc.

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850234 No.21650685

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

They don't Cure disease because it is ILLEGAL to not prioritize SHAREHOLDERS

The stock market is what is ruining our country. They made it illegal for a publicly traded company to put their employees first, or their customers. Stockholder primacy was established in this case, Dodge vs Ford, where Henry Ford wanted to increase worker pay, but the Dodge Brothers who were stockholders in Ford at the time sued and won, ensuring the enslavement of our country for over 100 years. Fuck the Dodge Brothers.

The fear by Dodge (aside from the fact that they were competitors) was that if a publicly traded company takes investors money, then doesn't prioritize their payout, it could be a ponzi scheme.


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151742 No.21650686


Says the white man…

Not an oxymoron

Just a moron

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cc1f09 No.21650687

File: ef11b57703b0a86⋯.jpg (179.09 KB,640x789,640:789,Marlowe_Portrait_1585640.jpg)

File: 33b08645872e3eb⋯.jpg (64.36 KB,645x469,645:469,C_Marlowe.jpg)

File: 71cf6b5ad654058⋯.jpg (132.25 KB,1000x750,4:3,marlowesdadjohnmarly.jpg)

File: 6a968c1d1d2aa59⋯.jpg (154.48 KB,1000x561,1000:561,marlowesgoodservicetoqueen.jpg)



i did a long dig on this

you don't have to believe its Chris Marly, but its Christoper Marly / Marlowe

The others including the de Vere are distractions.

He worked for Queen Elizabeth as a spy on Catholics, he was caught and was given a fake death, with the help of FreeMasons.

The toffs know.

The Queen had mercy on him since he was slated for execution.

The contemporaneous portrait was found under a grate in some college rooms at Cambridge.

He got out of trouble with his college (tardyness in turning in work?) with privy council vouching his good service to the Queen.

Look how long the aristos have been using fake deaths in espionage - could that be the reason this is never admitted, despite the evidence the person, Shak Sper, could have in no way written those plays?

If they admit it, their ability to continue with that tool is curtailed.

Supposedly he went to Italy. If he came back to Court incognito, I have no idea.

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850234 No.21650688


Shareholder primacy is a theory in corporate governance holding that shareholder interests should be assigned first priority relative to all other corporate stakeholders. A shareholder primacy approach often gives shareholders power to intercede directly and frequently in corporate decision-making, through such means as unilateral shareholder power to amend corporate charters, shareholder referendums on business decisions and regular corporate board election contests.[1] The shareholder primacy norm was first used by courts to resolve disputes among majority and minority shareholders, and, over time, this use of the shareholder primacy norm evolved into the modern doctrine of minority shareholder oppression.[2]

James Kee wrote in 1995 for the Mises Institute, "If private property were truly respected, shareholder interest would be the primary, or even better, the sole purpose, of the corporation."[3] However, the doctrine of shareholder primacy has been criticized for being at odds with corporate social responsibility and other legal obligations.[4]

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c58070 No.21650689


It's the Japanese

That the only countrynevercompromised by any borders redrawn or immigration or even grouping them with OTHERS like

North American plans re group US CAN and ME

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7d6798 No.21650690

File: 2535402e07ef75a⋯.jpg (129.8 KB,720x807,240:269,20240924_142526.jpg)

File: 8cd58bc5bebd9ff⋯.jpg (120.92 KB,710x787,710:787,20240924_142620.jpg)

NEW: Sean ‘Diddy' Combs moved into same jail housing unit as Sam Bankman-Fried - WNBC



JUST IN - Caroline Ellison sentenced to two years in prison for her role in FTX, Sam Bankman-Fried, crypto fraud — Axios

Connected I betcha

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3c099d No.21650691

File: 84f863af9de7dc7⋯.png (192.88 KB,548x309,548:309,ClipboardImage.png)

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9935c6 No.21650692

File: ab8635111bdaa53⋯.png (299.22 KB,594x436,297:218,ShootAlready.png)


tolt ya

indictment weapon of choice

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5c4837 No.21650693


Kill two birds with one stone.

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7233e5 No.21650694


some posts are highly relevant, some less so - if day bakers will want only the best, save the rest for nights or gy.

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c58070 No.21650695


HRC &friends

Always a see through load of shit

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850234 No.21650696



God and President Trump, please save us from publicly traded companies.

In his 1962 book, Capitalism and Freedom, the economist Milton Friedman, advanced the theory of shareholder primacy which says that "corporations have no higher purpose than maximizing profits for their shareholders." Friedman said that if corporations were to accept anything but making money for their stockholders as their primary purpose, it would "thoroughly undermine the very foundation of our free society."[8] His article, "A Friedman Doctrine: The Social Responsibility of Business is to Increase Its Profits", was published September 13, 1970, in The New York Times:[8][9]

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f6d09f No.21650697

File: b3311cbeb4276be⋯.jpeg (75.8 KB,752x735,752:735,IMG_6019.jpeg)



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9935c6 No.21650698


and they are never found in malls, or shops, they are handed over by related families

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491932 No.21650699


As far as anon knows, apple has a dongle required to run infra red and temp measurements apps.

Its possible androids have the feature built in?

You'd have to double check specs to confirm.

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41668b No.21650700

File: 7d9e935e5bdfc47⋯.png (690.38 KB,500x656,125:164,ClipboardImage.png)

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8df2b1 No.21650701

File: 350f05eb6da5cfc⋯.png (1.06 MB,1070x587,1070:587,lpbsa.png)

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a921ee No.21650702


There was no problem when the hospitals were mostly Catholic.

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850234 No.21650703



Bring back privately owned companies. They will be our strength.

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c58070 No.21650704


Too bad Trump only said "they"

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782e1c No.21650705

File: cb700e24a6a3a64⋯.webp (80.75 KB,1200x630,40:21,1307389debeecf942dac5d981….webp)


5 more? That's some world class serious grifting. One forensic audit will likely put him away for good.

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a921ee No.21650706


The joke is, Israelis tried to develop genetic targeting bioweapons and failed because they couldn't differentiate their "sons of Abraham" DNA from anybody else.

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682092 No.21650709

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

and now for a moment of unsurpassed beauty

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3b0913 No.21650710

File: 8df2c0c47b818b1⋯.mp4 (537.18 KB,480x270,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17272101111….mp4)

Charlie Kirk


Boom! CNN's Eva McKend just DEMOLISHED Kamala's "I'm tough on the border" routine:

"So for her to go down there, and characterize herself as tough on the border, it isn't consistent with a lot of the policy positions that she previously has espoused."

Sept. 24, 2024


(This is what Kamala gets for doing no interviews. These news stations make their money off of democrats talking to them)

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cc1f09 No.21650711


seems like they're in the "get out of jail free" ward?

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47e80b No.21650712

File: 26f14b336102bef⋯.png (46.74 KB,499x600,499:600,ClipboardImage.png)

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7d6798 No.21650714

File: 035b9de6858e68f⋯.jpg (162.35 KB,720x866,360:433,20240924_143608.jpg)

File: cf90740a853601b⋯.jpg (94.23 KB,1024x682,512:341,20240924_143542.jpg)


‘Society’ of Ryans saves infant Ryan’s life by raising enough money for treatment in under an hour

Society of Ryan's? Give me a break

Ryan Routh comms ?

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9935c6 No.21650715

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Diddy Freak Off List Revealed In Court Over 50+ High Profile Celebs Named

still waiting on big names to drop, aka, dc, cali, politicians

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616758 No.21650716

If Trump wins how will he prove voter fraud?

He HAS to lose to be able to prove it.

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736e84 No.21650717


Are they really just figuring out she's a hypocrite and liar?

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b9f429 No.21650718

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Cemetery gates

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6967d4 No.21650719

Unrestricted/Irregular Warfare = "Immigration" Invasion [Great Replacement]

[DS GOV] + Public[NGOs]Human Trafficking Immigration Invasion

Has been: A Military Scale Logistics Troops Movement

→ Well Funded

→ Well Planned

→ Well Trained - [Gov][NGO] Logistics Personnel

→ Well Organized - Logistics & Comms Networks

It's been a Globalist [Civilization Warfare INVASION]

It's obvious.

At least to prior active military.

It takes a helluva lot of resources & manpower to move those millions of people.

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7233e5 No.21650721


re font patterns: are you serious? if bakers tried to decode every post, the bread would never end. KEK.

re trusted sources: if story is hot but not 100% confirmed, can always ask for a dig or put a question mark at the end of a statement.

yes, BV bakers.

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f6d09f No.21650722


I hope it won’t go full retard this time but anything is possible.

Hope for the best prepare for the worst.

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151742 No.21650723


Exactly, this is why Ukraine is being destroyed.

tried to target by ethnicy using bioweapons. Stupid mongrals.

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818500 No.21650724

File: 832cf0ed40fe8ed⋯.png (3.03 MB,1456x1569,1456:1569,Screenshot_2024_09_24_at_1….png)

File: 049cc0d5860172f⋯.mp4 (1.36 MB,720x862,360:431,J9lbaeg64QFwvmH1.mp4)

thats BOUNTY paper towels POTUS buying…whats with the cash? the hundred dollars? potters field vibes …

"it's going to go down in a little bit… it just went down a hundred bucks …"

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f26fd8 No.21650725


look at the traitor miss america on panel with her

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12805b No.21650726


>save the rest for nights or gy.

It's been shitting up the nightshift bred too.

Why complain now tho? It's been going on for months.

Filters work good.

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d8af26 No.21650727

DeepDiaper ShitHammer

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ee0e75 No.21650728

File: dde21f819371432⋯.jpg (249.09 KB,562x495,562:495,fajkg.jpg)

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cc1f09 No.21650729

File: 43253f1df485779⋯.jpg (216.01 KB,844x911,844:911,fbifixbeinc.jpg)


word on the street before was "dirty cop"

which must be common in nyc?

or not.

I figured they were after him because he was a "relative" good guy. Residing the immigration.

What other governor in a sanctuary city did that?

Why trust the "friend of Diddy" who says it's all the same corruption, I don't

To me, all I see so far, is Diddy as a distraction from the election and nobody else named nor implicated.

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8afa0c No.21650730


All the parents, friends and family of loved ones killed by an illegal should go down to the border and meet her there and tell her what they think of her border policies!!!

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9935c6 No.21650731


>"it's going to go down in a little bit…

like, take downs?

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818500 No.21650732

File: 832cf0ed40fe8ed⋯.png (3.03 MB,1456x1569,1456:1569,Screenshot_2024_09_24_at_1….png)

File: 9b28ea47cd20b75⋯.jpeg (15.93 KB,296x448,37:56,shopping.jpeg)

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8bc708 No.21650733

File: f1b0213d75a81f6⋯.jpeg (562.18 KB,1179x1577,1179:1577,IMG_3805.jpeg)

File: bb5486a1488f39d⋯.jpeg (609.2 KB,1179x1078,1179:1078,IMG_3806.jpeg)


Caroline Ellison sentenced to Two Years in prison for FTX collapse

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d8af26 No.21650735

Harried and pathetic course of action, ham handed and predictably flaccid.

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4daa85 No.21650736


Lebanon Health Minister: ‘Majority, If Not All’ of 558 Killed by Israel Were Civilians


[5 5] 8

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9935c6 No.21650737


bounty, to absorb the swamp's, drainage?

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151742 No.21650738

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


They will be rounded up with cash bounties.

The globalist. Highest bidder.

Dead or alive

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491932 No.21650739


Did 2nd shooters letter place a bounty of Trump?

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7233e5 No.21650740


not all news is breaking or high priority. nothing wrong with posting when bread's less busy and yes, anons can filter is they don't like some anons reporting. diggers know to post at night if they can't get something noticed during dayshift.

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b1d19f No.21650741

File: 1b66d594ce72a25⋯.png (1.03 MB,818x1024,409:512,buttigieg_ohio.png)

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d8af26 No.21650742


CyberDeep FuckFerret

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10b0b4 No.21650743


the only thing that matters is him getting back in office

whether it's special prosecutors or legislation to fix voting laws, that's it

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47e80b No.21650744


he's pushing using CASH instead of going to a cashless society that B of A and other banks want.

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b9f429 No.21650745

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Bounty hunter

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47e80b No.21650746


it's the quicker picker-upper

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d8af26 No.21650747


Befuddled butt pirate

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f26fd8 No.21650748


>All the parents, friends and family of loved ones killed by an illegal should go down to the border and meet her there and tell her what they think of her border policies!!!

or they could write her a harshly worded letter

come'on man

"tell her what they think"?

she does not care

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682092 No.21650749

File: 44a88f92ead9861⋯.jpg (92.02 KB,1200x640,15:8,Quotation_George_Orwell_it….jpg)

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62b20e No.21650750

File: a046b7488673079⋯.png (545.48 KB,770x729,770:729,Screen_Shot_2024_09_24_at_….png)

Schools chancellor announces retirement weeks after FBI raid


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491932 No.21650751


Boss is pushing cash and crypto, dasting.

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d8af26 No.21650752

DeepDemon Fart Bong

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9935c6 No.21650753


Yes, I feel, when Diddy's name was released, it was already done, a ww sweep, and many got caught in the net.

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cc1f09 No.21650754

File: 4928e5fb31fb169⋯.jpg (337.29 KB,720x720,1:1,supportfordan.jpg)


Residing the immigration.

Adams resisted the Immigration and complained publicly.

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47e80b No.21650755


dat's right. he used crypto the other day.

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818500 No.21650756

File: 832cf0ed40fe8ed⋯.png (3.03 MB,1456x1569,1456:1569,Screenshot_2024_09_24_at_1….png)

File: 9b28ea47cd20b75⋯.jpeg (15.93 KB,296x448,37:56,shopping.jpeg)

File: 049cc0d5860172f⋯.mp4 (1.36 MB,720x862,360:431,J9lbaeg64QFwvmH1.mp4)


POTUS buying BOUNTY paper towels …

"It's going to go down a little bit… it just went down a hundred bucks … we will do that for you for the WH, alright?"

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802cb5 No.21650757


>If Trump wins how will he prove voter fraud?

>He HAS to lose to be able to prove it.

Last time, the majority of people thought elections were safe, and people screaming it was stolen were just viewed as nuts.

This time, even the normies will be watching for fuckery.

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00dd64 No.21650758

File: f5fa5b5d4db50b5⋯.jpeg (1.38 MB,1620x1891,1620:1891,IMG_3478.jpeg)

File: 567f3c91e5da697⋯.jpeg (814.46 KB,1944x1536,81:64,IMG_3479.jpeg)

File: eb4cee5fd05a5c4⋯.jpeg (894.03 KB,2160x1415,432:283,IMG_3480.jpeg)

John B. Wells must disavow George Soros!!


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b1d19f No.21650759

File: b02b3d351c72905⋯.png (746.89 KB,1400x1080,35:27,zelensky_banksters_fried.png)

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cc1f09 No.21650760


made to step down

now do Speaker Johnson

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861697 No.21650761

File: 48b54be3f364951⋯.png (399.03 KB,560x500,28:25,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 69b0881be8a2013⋯.png (888.45 KB,630x653,630:653,ClipboardImage.png)


font patters are similar to v.d

trusted sources are built over time.

bakers now.

fake news is msms and the stories are on one subject coming down from wapo, nyt, nyp, times, guardian, apnews, etc.

twatter is a mess but there are trusted posters there, like paul sperry, kash patel, djt, etc

we had a anon here when anon used to baker and he would always post pedo news items.

convinced him to do a pedo bun.

once upon a time, bakers and anons bringing news here would work togather but now with only 41 days left it is just bloatables.

but it is ok.

very soon anon will be gone after the election than you will have no one pull you up for the mess that is this place now.

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cc1f09 No.21650762



They'll cheat.

He'll prove it.

And he'll win.

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62b20e No.21650763

>>21650266 n, >>21650310 n Retired NY Judge kills self at home as FBI arrive to arrest him

"exchange of fire" anon's @ss. Nobody kills himself over $50 grand.

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59a1c3 No.21650764

50 Cent's 20 Year Plot to Destroy Diddy

Trap Lore Ross


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d8af26 No.21650765

Ritualistic flatulence

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62b20e No.21650766


FBI cleanup op.

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682092 No.21650767



every. fucking. time.

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0519e9 No.21650768


Two things are causing my cognitive dissonance right now.

1). He already knew he would fail in his assassination attempt when he sent the letter to his associate for safekeeping?

2). Hundreds of images found but only charged with two counts?

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f26fd8 No.21650769

come to think of it, i don't think i've been in one job as along as i've now been anon

that's scary

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cc1f09 No.21650770


Kash doesn't post on Twit.

He makes a point of only being on Truth Social?

if he's there, what is his handle?

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cca504 No.21650771

File: 7ba8af94034d727⋯.png (600.6 KB,874x1063,874:1063,Screenshot_2024_09_24_at_1….png)

Communist Maine Mayor to Senior Citizen constituents: "Just Get a Reverse Mortgage to pay your skyrocketing property taxes."

Maine Mayor on Property Tax Hikes: “Seniors may want to consider a reverse mortgage”

South Portland Mayor suggests a reverse mortgage is a solution to increasing property tax bills for the city's elderly homeowners

Edward TomicBy Edward TomicSeptember 23, 2024Updated:September 23, 2024

Amid discussion regarding recent property tax hikes at a South Portland City Council meeting last month, Mayor Misha Pride suggested that elderly residents living on a fixed income may want to consider reverse mortgaging their homes to manage the growing tax burden.

[RELATED: South Portland Residents Passionately Address Property Tax Concerns at City Council Meeting…]

At the Tuesday, Aug. 13 meeting, the City Council was discussing a proposal to allocate an additional $50,000 to the city’s Senior Property Tax Relief Fund, in response to a shift of the tax burden from South Portland’s commercial properties to residential ones, caused by the city’s most recent revaluation.

The fund, launched in 2011 and designed to provide financial relief to qualifying seniors, has undergone several amendments over the years.

According to South Portland Tax Assessor Brent Martin, the age for eligibility has been lowered from 70 to 65, and the maximum relief amount per household has increased from $300 to $500.

However, actual benefits are often pro-rated based on available funds and the number of applicants, with the average benefit in 2024 being just $258, Martin wrote in a memo to the City Council.

With higher property taxes caused by the revaluation, more elderly South Portland homeowners could be applying for tax relief, meaning a lower average benefit under the fund for those seniors unless additional funds are allocated into the program.

[RELATED: “I’m Definitely Not Getting My Money’s Worth on These Taxes”: Mainers’ Frustrated Over Property Tax Hikes…]

During discussion on the proposal of allocating additional funds to the tax relief fund, South Portland Mayor Misha Pride described the “perfect storm” in the city that led to recent revaluation causing the spike in property taxes.

“This is very much a perfect storm,” Mayor Pride said. “We live in a coastal community, it’s very attractive to live here. And unfortunately, that means lots of people are buying lots of residential properties.”

“It’s not that commercial is necessarily doing poorly, it’s that there isn’t enough buying and selling of commercial properties to warrant reviewing and raising those percentages…so it’s a really difficult position to be in,” he continued.

Residential property sales outpacing commercial sales has resolution in property value growth on the residential side, meaning that under the revaluation, residential property owners are now bearing more of the property tax burden.

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d8af26 No.21650772


Fibbies couldn't clean a shit barrel

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5e663f No.21650773

File: bf1ea7b2c3a5928⋯.gif (2.27 MB,434x308,31:22,BidenLaugh.gif)


>Sean ‘Diddy' Combs moved into same jail housing unit as Sam Bankman-Fried

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2a9d3b No.21650774

If the proof of election cheating and rigging isn’t materialized for the public to see, I will hate 1 of every 2 people in America.

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d8af26 No.21650775

Crap snacking dog fuckers

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cca504 No.21650776

File: 5798f05f8fba86d⋯.png (305.48 KB,593x717,593:717,Screenshot_2024_09_24_at_1….png)


>Communist Maine Mayor to Senior Citizen constituents: "Just Get a Reverse Mortgage to pay your skyrocketing property taxes."

[RELATED: South Portland Directs $150,000 in State Funds to Help Migrants Currently Staying at Hotel Find Permanent Housing…]

The mayor expressed his empathy for residents dealing with the rising costs, noting that his own property taxes had steadily increased over the past five years.

“I’m really sad, and, you know, my taxes are going up too — and have every year for the last five years, my valuation’s gone up every year for the last five years,” Pride said. “I didn’t have the jump that a lot people saw because mine has been steadily going up every year.”

Then, in addressing the financial pressures the taxes are placing on the city’s seniors, Mayor Pride made a suggestion that triggered an audible gasp and agitation among those present at the August meeting: that elderly homeowners in South Portland take out a reverse mortgage on their homes.

“I just sort of throw this out there because I’ve also been thinking a lot about how especially those with fixed incomes can deal with this, it is kind of a last resort measure, but seeing as our property values are so high, seniors may want to consider a reverse mortgage,” Pride said.

“I know it’s an ugly word,” he admitted, “but there are — I’m just saying, I know it’s horrible, but it’s sort of a last resort.”

Pride clarified that he does not recommend reverse mortgages lightly, but with the significant rise in property values, it could be a viable option for some seniors on fixed incomes. “It’s not something I’d advise someone on first blush,” he added.

[RELATED: Sticker Shock: Maine Homeowners Burdened by Property Tax Hikes Following Recent Revaluations…]

“This is really difficult for everyone, we don’t take any pleasure in this, and the city doesn’t get any more money,” he said. “And that’s something I think is hard for people to hear, is that the city is not getting a penny more from taxes, it’s really truly just a shift of who’s paying them, which is, I think, the hardest thing for people to hear and understand.”

The mayor also discussed the possibility of “buying down the tax rate” from city funds, although he noted that this idea had initially faced opposition from the city manager. Pride suggested he would revisit the conversation with city staff, given the widespread financial strain residents are experiencing.

“Maybe the guidance from the city manager will have changed due to the hurt that so many people are feeling right now,” Pride said.

An order to allocate an additional $100,000 to the city’s Senior Tax Relief program was passed unanimously by the South Portland City Council at their Sept. 3 meeting.


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cc1f09 No.21650777


That's false.

It's just getting good.

Too much important news to even keep up.

Discouragement fag.

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b1d19f No.21650778

File: 619485ab41e9d85⋯.png (1 MB,2368x902,1184:451,npcc.png)

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62b20e No.21650779


sounds like something the HOA would say.

mass insanity is everywhere.

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cc1f09 No.21650782


the crooks are lying through the polls

there's no even steven.

Just check the crowds and use your common sense.

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861697 No.21650783

File: 8b416ac25983bb4⋯.png (582.12 KB,1178x750,589:375,ClipboardImage.png)


kash is here below, plus all over social media.


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62b20e No.21650784

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76bb52 No.21650785

File: a9bdf3649a0d78a⋯.png (131.55 KB,825x717,275:239,ClipboardImage.png)

Bad Hombre


According to a source who was on a Harris-Walz campaign training call attended by veteran campaign strategist James Carville, Carville went absolutely BALLISTIC yelling expletives at two young Democrat staffers, including @0liviajulianna who works for the Collin Allred Senate campaign.

The fiery barrage of insults included “dumb fat b*tch” directed at Julianna, and “out of touch fag*ots”began when the young staffers presented Carville with some social media videos they’ve been working on to appeal to White male voters. Carville was not impressed by any of them, saying they lacked substance.

When a visibly shaken gay male staffer told Carville he needed to apologize for using the F word, Carville told him to take his camo hat and shove it up his ass before leaving the call.

The joy is gone.

9:03 AM · Sep 24, 2024





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62b20e No.21650786

File: 127fc68983d868e⋯.png (260.58 KB,702x542,351:271,mjs_blue.png)

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f6d09f No.21650787



Hollywood is falling. What's happening with PDiddy isn't the distraction. It's the point.

Why is Kamala Harris surrounding herself with Hollywood with all this going down?



>‘Society’ of Ryans saves infant Ryan’s life by raising enough money for treatment in under an hour



Ryan Routh comms: They've raised the money needed to 'finish the job'

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5e663f No.21650788

File: c5786c4c2050a3e⋯.jpeg (106.32 KB,866x578,433:289,hosedown.jpeg)

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10b0b4 No.21650789

site seems to be running smoother

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b1d19f No.21650790

File: 8857cd5c674ba07⋯.jpg (570.4 KB,1024x768,4:3,e46fe9704c1db143777e5c63dc….jpg)

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818500 No.21650791

File: a027f8f92bebd57⋯.jpg (22.72 KB,300x300,1:1,Color_coded_threat_level_s….jpg)

File: 3f8172da1424639⋯.png (4.59 MB,1738x2064,869:1032,Screenshot_2024_09_24_at_1….png)


POTUS wearing a red tie …

SEVERE risks of terrorist attacks ..

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f26fd8 No.21650792


carville is a total jackass but this is funny

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62b20e No.21650793

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cca504 No.21650794

File: 4e971930d3d5f17⋯.mp4 (263.27 KB,480x270,16:9,6ZLbGjuEGrbI6p5X.mp4)

File: eeb8518bad3a7e3⋯.png (188.77 KB,616x587,616:587,Screenshot_from_2024_09_24….png)

File: 26700ecd13fba6a⋯.png (85.8 KB,379x370,379:370,Screenshot_from_2024_09_24….png)

File: 043460b581d5f63⋯.png (75.91 KB,487x308,487:308,Screenshot_from_2024_09_24….png)


>Communist Maine Mayor to Senior Citizen constituents: "Just Get a Reverse Mortgage to pay your skyrocketing property taxes."



The Maine Wire


⚡South Portland Mayor Misha Pride tells seniors to take out a reverse mortgage to afford the city's sharp increase in property taxes.

8:36 AM · Sep 23, 2024




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7233e5 No.21650795


there's ample evidence already but needs a govt willing to utilize it.

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682092 No.21650796


idiotic comment from someone NOT THERE

the prolly chose barabbas because he was one of them, and Jesus was a stranger in town

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782e1c No.21650797

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Full speech.

Thankfully the curtain is slowly closing.

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626bca No.21650798

You're never going to vote your way out of this.

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12805b No.21650799

File: 0dda39adb7d7c35⋯.png (78.17 KB,638x356,319:178,ClipboardImage.png)

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f6d09f No.21650800

File: bc97efb5571d82d⋯.png (46.3 KB,716x525,716:525,top_kek.png)



oh to be a fly on the wall of that shit.

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4daa85 No.21650801


>Chavez-Rodriguez was operating his vehicle at 71 mph in a 55 mph zone and had a blood alcohol content of .10, above the .08 legal limit, court documents showed.





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7233e5 No.21650802


>Why is Kamala Harris surrounding herself with Hollywood with all this going down?

That's a very good question.

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f6d09f No.21650803



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782e1c No.21650804


>idiotic comment from someone NOT THERE

Well I'M HERE and you can fuck off. Faggot.

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8bc708 No.21650805

File: bf72d82805089ce⋯.png (711.73 KB,526x681,526:681,ClipboardImage.png)

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62b20e No.21650806

File: 7c6c74550fa96d2⋯.png (542.03 KB,767x431,767:431,ClipboardImage.png)


>>Communist Maine Mayor to Senior Citizen constituents: "Just Get a Reverse Mortgage to pay your skyrocketing property taxes."

>[RELATED: South Portland Directs $150,000 in State Funds to Help Migrants Currently Staying at Hotel Find Permanent Housing…]

invaded from without and plundered from within.


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861697 No.21650807

File: e9b5f85365d2eaa⋯.gif (989.52 KB,400x389,400:389,a_wwg1_wga_lion.gif)


trips chek'ed

the big news is gaetz saying that there are 5 teams out to assassinte trump

but all that was posted here was continues attacks on Gaetz about some fake news and lawsuits .

Those they attack the most.

anons, bakers do not always wait for news to be posted by others many times if baker are plugged into the news, they will pick out the attacks coming and highlight it so the clowns back off as they have found out and will be exposed before it habbens.

the plan is to get to the elections.

that is it.

nothing else.

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818500 No.21650808


and he of course needs BOunty paper towels on his way home… for sure… since hes going to be eating popcorn..

perhaps the two are tied together,… the banksters are the ones who put the Bounty out on him …. there you go

also the colors behind are the homeland security colors… red tie… severe threat of terrorists attacks.. the alphabet agencies are the real terrorists we all know that by now

Love to arch angel michael, who is like GOD.. please continue to shield Trump, Scavino and their families and loved ones… how blessed we are to have such warriors

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f26fd8 No.21650809


>>Why is Kamala Harris surrounding herself with Hollywood with all this going down?

>That's a very good question.

2 Qs come to mind

they thought you would follow the stars


symbolism will be their downfall

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47e80b No.21650810

File: 74b29c28b784be9⋯.png (76.53 KB,945x820,189:164,ClipboardImage.png)

West, Windsor, and Combs

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7233e5 No.21650811


> they prolly chose barabbas because he was one of them, and Jesus was a stranger in town

social psychology 101 (kek)

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62b20e No.21650812


is that a Princess Di t-shirt?

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7233e5 No.21650813


here's another:

ship is going down, celebs are all they have left

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818500 No.21650814


woww, yes

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47e80b No.21650815

File: fb52edacd21dbcc⋯.png (78.27 KB,1000x1000,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


you're a true, patriotic, autist anon.

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62b20e No.21650816

File: c4f754e5d780754⋯.png (146.7 KB,576x583,576:583,Screen_Shot_2024_09_24_at_….png)

File: 8e2eb81dc76f45e⋯.png (89.8 KB,214x240,107:120,al_che_shirt.png)

Show your autism! Be there, anons!

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682092 No.21650817


must be why he threw 400+ interceptions

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0519e9 No.21650818


I want every election to be audited from town council to the Presidency…every single vote verified and nothing less…

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47e80b No.21650819

File: 7d7e17eebec1d7d⋯.png (346.66 KB,2544x4000,159:250,ClipboardImage.png)


KEKEKEK!!! It sure as hell is!!

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6967d4 No.21650820

File: 87e374aed1bff02⋯.png (63.27 KB,925x318,925:318,Screen_Shot_2024_09_24_at_….png)

File: 516a809c05cc6db⋯.png (113.78 KB,1299x318,433:106,Screen_Shot_2024_09_24_at_….png)

File: 1d79761537ac90b⋯.png (74.19 KB,210x255,14:17,ClipboardImage.png)


He is an Elder Law Attorney!

Misha C. Pride - Portland, ME

One Monument Way

Portland, ME 04101

Drummond & Drummond, LLP

Portland Elder Law Lawyer



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47e80b No.21650822

File: ca9766bd744ee21⋯.png (3.31 MB,2256x1263,752:421,ClipboardImage.png)

Hanoi Jane spewing shit again.

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12805b No.21650823

File: 44352ef66986f28⋯.png (1.48 MB,700x929,700:929,ClipboardImage.png)

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00dd64 No.21650824

File: f97e07d9b61b377⋯.jpeg (1.54 MB,1620x2124,45:59,IMG_3485.jpeg)

File: 2bed832f99755de⋯.png (1012.75 KB,1620x2160,3:4,IMG_3484.png)

File: f5b7ce399d93405⋯.jpeg (933.19 KB,2160x1237,2160:1237,IMG_3481.jpeg)

File: 9334f9965173142⋯.jpeg (548.7 KB,1500x500,3:1,IMG_3482.jpeg)

File: a8f30f743aca674⋯.jpeg (523.67 KB,2160x1215,16:9,IMG_3483.jpeg)


54 mainstream media figures tied to George Soros funding

Alex TimothyJan 17, 2023




Among the recipients from Soros' big pockets are "reporters, anchors, columnists, editors, news executives and journalists linked to organizations like ABC, CBS, NPR, Bloomberg News, Reuters, The New York Times and a host of additional outlets."


A new study from MRC business has revealed that liberal billionaire George Soros is responsible for funding some of the most influential media figures in the world via donations to liberal groups affiliated with them.

"The over $32 billion that leftist billionaire George Soros poured into his organizations to spread his radical 'open society' agenda on abortion, Marxist economics, anti-Americanism, defunding the police, environmental extremism and LGBT fanaticism around the globe has paid dividends," wrote MRC Business analysts Joseph Vazquez and Daniel Schneider.

"In fact, his funding has helped him establish ties with some of the biggest name media personalities in the United States and abroad which help indoctrinate millions with his views on a day-to-day basis. MRC Business found at least 54 prominent media figures… who are tied to Soros through their connections to organizations that he funds," the authors continue. "These include personalities like 'NBC Nightly News' anchor Lester Holt and The Washington Post executive editor Sally Buzbee."

The new study is the third and final report from MRC Business relating to George Soros' media influence. It was previously revealed that the "Godfather of the Left" handed out $131 million between 2016 and 2020 to influence 253 media groups.

"This network of media ties allows Soros to hold sizable influence over the stories that the media covers, how they cover those stories, and what stories they don’t cover," Vazquez and Schneider added.

Bloomberg News co-founder Matthew Winkler and CNN's Christiane Amanpour are among the influential figures linked to Soros' cash.

"The others encompass reporters, anchors, columnists, editors, news executives and journalists linked to organizations like ABC, CBS, NPR, Bloomberg News, Reuters, The New York Times and a host of additional outlets," Vazquez and Schneider said.

In the case of Amanpour, Soros donated $2,750,000 to the Committee to Protect Journalists between 2018 and 2020, a committee of which Amanpour is listed as a senior advisor.

Buzbee and Holt are listed as board members of the committee, as well as employees of the New York Times Company, Reuters, The New Yorker, the Associated Press, the Chicago Tribune, and Bloomberg News.

MRC Business also revealed that NBCUniversal News Group Chairman Cesar Conde, the group that oversees NBC News, MSNBC, and CNBC, is a trustee at the Aspen Institute, which received $1,165,000 from Soros between 2016 and 2020.

CBS’s 60 minutes legal analyst Andrew Cohen is an editor-at-large with The Marshall Project, which received at least $1,250,000 between 2016 and 2020.

ABC Senior Vice President for Editorial Quality Kerry Smith is on ProPublica’s Journalism Advisory Board, with the company receiving at least $1,450,008 from Soros between 2016 and 2020. Additionally, the study found Soros directly funds NPR, and has additionally given donations to the Poynter Institute.

93-year-old Soros has long been a supporter of Liberal causes, and was the Democrat's largest single donor last year.



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861697 No.21650825

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


trusted source - john solomon, talking to matt gaetz about the 5 teams to assassinate djt

note: posted on the 19th sept, now the 24th. 5 days out of the news,

All are c.i.a controlled states, iran, ukraine, pakistan (victoria nuland). plus c.i.a fbi - that would be the 5 plus their mk ultra and brainwashed assets including the fake new media talking heads clowns. The farm is massive..



FIVE Known Assassination Teams Are Targeting President Trump!



63,715 views Premiered on 19 Sept 2024

A senior Homeland Security official told me there are at least FIVE known assassination teams in our country targeting President Trump!

Requests for President Trump to have additional security went UNANSWERED and some people were even taken off of his Secret Service detail!

It may be time to consider private augmentation of President Trump’s security team so we can keep him safe.

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cca504 No.21650826

File: a1b07b65f367f21⋯.png (80.38 KB,256x249,256:249,Screenshot_2024_09_24_at_1….png)

This faggot claims to be a "passionate advocate for seniors"

Fuckin scumbag


>⚡South Portland Mayor Misha Pride tells seniors to take out a reverse mortgage to afford the city's sharp increase in property taxes.




5 cons of a reverse mortgage

1. You’ll have high upfront costs

Like a traditional mortgage, you’ll have out-of-pocket expenses when borrowing a reverse mortgage. In fact, you can expect to pay more in closing costs than you would with a typical home loan.

When you sign a reverse mortgage, you must pay fees for the following:

Origination (which can cost up to $6,000)


Title search




Credit check

An initial mortgage insurance premium (MIP) Federal Housing Administration-approved reverse mortgages equal to 2% of your loan amount — and an annual MIP equal to 0.5% of the loan balance

The exact amount you’ll owe depends on your lender and state of residence, but since conventional mortgage closing costs range from 2% to 6% of the home’s value, you can expect your reverse mortgage to cost more than that.

Rolling some of these fees into your loan may be possible with a no-closing-cost reverse mortgage (again, depending on your lender), but that means you’ll receive less money and pay interest on the fees.

2. You may lose other retirement benefits

If you’re enrolled in need-based government programs like Medicaid or Supplemental Security Income (SSI), a reverse mortgage could impact your eligibility. To qualify for SSI, for example, your assets (or “resources,” according to the program) must be under $2,000 for individuals and $3,000 for couples. Although a reverse mortgage won’t count as income, it’s an asset you own.

Before committing to a reverse mortgage, speak to a lawyer or financial planner to understand the implications of your other benefits. For FHA-lent reverse mortgages, your HUD counselor can explain the pitfalls.

3. You’ll still have home expenses

A reverse mortgage won’t guarantee that you can afford to continue living in your home. You’ll still need to keep up with non-mortgage housing expenses, like property taxes, homeowners insurance, HOA dues and home maintenance — and monthly MIPs on FHA reverse mortgages, which equates to 0.5% of your loan balance.

Furthermore, if you have a history of falling behind on your taxes or insurance premiums, it could impact your ability to get a reverse mortgage.

4. You risk default or foreclosure

Failing to adhere to the terms of a reverse mortgage could leave you in default on your loan. And from there, you risk foreclosure on your property.

If you don’t pay your property taxes or insurance premiums on schedule, you’ll violate your reverse mortgage’s terms. You must also live in the home full-time for the majority of the year — if you want to downsize or need to move into assisted living, you must repay the loan, which might require selling the home.

5. Your heirs may have to sell the home

A reverse mortgage might not be the right choice if you want to keep your home in the family, either as an inheritance for your heirs or for its sentimental value. The loan balance comes due when you die (or no longer live in the home full-time). Unless your heirs can repay the debt with their own funds or want to refinance the debt into their name, they may need to sell your home to satisfy the loan.


6. The industry is rife with scams


While a reverse mortgage from a reputable lender is a legitimate financial product that may help you remain in your home after retirement, there are many bad actors looking to take advantage of senior homeowners. To avoid falling victim to a scam, don’t respond to unsolicited offers or feel pressured to act quickly. Before giving out your personal information, check a company’s listing with the Better Business Bureau — if the business isn’t listed or has worrisome reviews, walk away.

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782e1c No.21650827

File: b7d3715529abbea⋯.jpg (51.82 KB,492x391,492:391,5ho4.jpg)


>social psychology 101 (kek)

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f6d09f No.21650828

File: f240ed303561f55⋯.mp4 (12.85 MB,720x1280,9:16,2024_09_24_16_20_44_346440….mp4)


It’s Banned Books Week, so I hope you’ll join me in thanking our school and public librarians for their hard work protecting our freedom to read. As I’ve said before, the free, robust exchange of ideas has always been at the heart of American democracy, and we need to make sure readers across the country have access to a wide range of books.

If you’re looking for ways to take action today, check out the link in my bio for resources that the @AmericanLibraryAssociation has put together.


potential book comms

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76bb52 No.21650829

File: 2e83cf76eb214b7⋯.png (2.35 MB,1185x863,1185:863,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 28fae54c7821526⋯.png (1.53 MB,1095x759,365:253,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 325fa09dc5ff814⋯.png (1.16 MB,1008x603,112:67,ClipboardImage.png)

Elon Musk and Italian PM Giorgia Meloni have public love-in on sidelines of UNGA: ‘Even more beautiful on the inside than she is on the outside’

By Olivia Land Published Sep. 24, 2024, 1:05 p.m. ET

That’s amore?

Elon Musk heaped praise on Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni during a black-tie awards reception as the pair put on an enamored display on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly. The Tesla billionaire and Trump supporter introduced the far-right politician at the Atlantic Council’s Global Citizen Awards dinner at the Ziegfeld Ballroom in New York Monday night.

Meloni “is even more beautiful on the inside than she is on the outside,” Musk gushed, according to Politico. The X owner and father of 12 also described Meloni as “authentic, honest and thoughtful.”

“That can’t always be said about politicians,” Musk joked, which earned a wave of laughter from the 700 attendees, according to the New York Times.

When Musk presented Meloni with the coveted award, the duo appeared to stare briefly into each other’s eyes.

l dinner, which has become the social crown jewel of the United Nations General Assembly, Politico reported. The pair has met several times over the last year, including their first meeting at Meloni’s official residence in Rome in June 2023. Musk also spoke at a political festival hosted by Meloni’s far-right Brothers of Italy party last December.

Musk has 12 kids with three different women and most recently welcomed a baby with Neuralink executive Shivon Zilis in January. (She’s 47 she can’t have more children, KEK)

Meloni publicly dumped the father of her daughter, Andrea Giambruno, last fall

after he made lewd comments on Italian TV.

When it was her turn at the podium on Monday, Meloni rewarded Musk’s effusive praise by calling him a “precious genius” before launching into a strident defense of patriotism.

“Defending our deep roots is the precondition for reaping ripe fruit,” the prime minister insisted, as she challenged the idea of the “inevitable decline of the West.”

Musk was seen nodding while Meloni spoke, and stood up to applaud when she finished. Meloni and Musk were seated together at the event, where they were alsospotted deep in conversation.

At one point, Meloni was seen gesturing emphatically while Musk leaned his head close to her, one video from reporter Smiriti Sharma showed.

Meloni has emerged as a leading political force in the European Union since she became the first female prime minister of Italy nearly two years ago.

Her selection for a Global Citizen Award riled some members of the Atlantic Council, who took issue with her past closeness with Russia and her party’s anti-immigrant, anti-LGBTQ rhetoric, Politico noted.

The think tank, however, lauded her “strong support of the European Union and the trans-Atlantic alliance, and her 2024 chairmanship of the Group of Seven.”

In addition to Meloni, the awards dinner on Monday recognized Nana Akufo-Addo, the president of Ghana; Kyriakos Mitsotakis, the prime minister of Greece; and Miky Lee, vice chair of CJ Group.


(anons on twitter: post "there goes Georgia and Elon sitting in a tree, k.i.s.s.i.n.g. KEK)

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5314be No.21650830


>He is an Elder Law Attorney!

Make the original 13th amendment great again.

The case of the missing 13th amendment to the Constitution


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682092 No.21650831

File: e4f24095dfed56a⋯.png (137.85 KB,630x748,315:374,Screen_Shot_2024_09_24_at_….png)


>a train car that had a valve open, releasing styrene gas.


styrene is NOT a gas it's a LIQUID

just like vinyl chloride was NOT a liquid, it's a GAS

lucky for them ameriKans are too stoopit and too lazy to even LOOK IT UP

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cca504 No.21650832

File: 4abae5fb23beebe⋯.png (168.31 KB,822x780,137:130,Screenshot_2024_09_24_at_1….png)


>5 cons of a reverse mortgage


Drummond & Drummond, LLP

Drummond & Drummond, LLP

8 years 3 months


Jan 2023 - Present 1 year 9 months

Portland Maine


Jul 2016 - Jan 2023 6 years 7 months

Portland Maine

I work with clients on estate planning involving wills and revocable living trusts, as well as medicaid asset protection planning. I provide clients with financial and medical power of attorney documents. I work with families to help clients apply for medicaid and advise clients about services available to seniors in the area.

I assist clients with the probate process, including probate litigation.

City of South Portland

City of South Portland

3 years 10 months


Dec 2023 - Present 10 months

South Portland, Maine

Serving as Mayor for my second time.

City Council Member

Dec 2018 - Present 5 years 10 months

South Portland, Maine, United States


Dec 2020 - Nov 2021 1 year

South Portland, Maine, United States

Proud to have been selected by my fellow City Councilors to serve as Mayor of the fourth largest city in Maine.

Attorney and Counselor at Law

Morse & Pride, LLC

Mar 2015 - Jun 2016 1 year 4 months

1321 Washington Ave, Suite 108, Portland, ME 04103

Elder Law Practice

Attorney and Counselor At Law

The Law Office of Misha Charles Pride, Esq., P.C.

Feb 2013 - Feb 2015 2 years 1 month

Portland, Maine Area

Elder Law Practice.



3 years 8 months

Sr. Reimbursment Specialist

May 2012 - Feb 2013 10 months

I worked at Ascend Specialty Pharmacy doing benefits investigations and making sure that insurance companies paid for our patients' medications.

I reviewed network contracts and ensure we adhere to them. I also do reporting to different distributors and networks as required in our contracts.

Reimbursement Specialist

Jul 2009 - May 2012 2 years 11 months

South Portland, ME

I worked at Ascend Specialty Pharmacy doing benefits investigations and making sure that insurance companies paid for our patients' medications.

I reviewed network contracts and ensured we adhered to them. I also did reporting to different distributors and networks as required in our contracts.

I was part of a team of trainers, training employees to use our advanced pharmacy dispensing computer system, Scriptmed.

ADA, Intern

Cumberland County District Attorney's Office

May 2007 - May 2008 1 year 1 month

I reviewed police reports and other evidence to make charging decisions and create complaints. Appeared in front of judges on behalf of the State of Maine for arraignments and trials.

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cca504 No.21650833



University of Maine School of Law Graphic

University of Maine School of Law


2005 - 2008

University of New Hampshire Graphic

University of New Hampshire

B.A. Psychology, Political Science

2001 - 2005

Concord High School


Concord High School


Volunteer Experience

Greater Portland Family Promise Graphic

Board Member

Greater Portland Family Promise

May 2017 - Present 7 years 5 months

Poverty Alleviation

Greater Portland Family Promise Graphic


Greater Portland Family Promise

Jun 2018 - Jun 2020 2 years 1 month

Poverty Alleviation

Member of the Vestry

Cathedral Church of St. Luke, Portland, ME

Feb 2015 - Jan 2021 6 years

As an elected member of the church's Vestry, I work with the other members to ensure the church continues to accomplish its mission.

Southern Maine Agency On Aging Graphic

Advisory Council Member

Southern Maine Agency On Aging

Oct 2016 - Aug 2020 3 years 11 months


St. Elizabeth's Essential's Pantry

Feb 2013 - Jun 2016 3 years 5 months

Poverty Alleviation

At St. Elizabeth's we hand out toiletries, clothing, small household goods, books, and other non-food necessities to people in need. Currently, I spend 3 hours every Tuesday morning working to set up the pantry, greet clients when they first arrive at the pantry, managing entry into the pantry, and then help with clean-up afterwards. I really enjoy working greeting our clients each Tuesday morning, and trying to make them smile.

Volunteer Ombudsman

Maine Long-term Care Ombudsman Program

Aug 2013 - Dec 2014 1 year 5 months

I make visits to a long-term care facility to represent the rights and interests of the residents there.


Partner at Drummond & Drummond, LLP

Portland, Maine, United States Contact Info

484 followers 480 connections

Join to view profile

Drummond & Drummond, LLP

University of Maine School of Law

Company Website


I am a passionate advocate for seniors and committed to providing excellent guidance and education for my clients and potential clients. I work with clients on estate planning and asset preservation planning.

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4fdebb No.21650834

Work slave getting off and checking in.

Did the Secret Service try to kill PDJT again today?

I miss anything?

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f6d09f No.21650835


Books in vid:

The Hate u Give

The Color Purple

Antiracist Baby

Alice in Wonderland

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12608e No.21650836

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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76bb52 No.21650837

File: 86a71579f50e7ad⋯.mp4 (1.52 MB,480x520,12:13,JOKERPHILLY.mp4)

Scene from Philly looks like The Joker.

Dapper Detective


🚨NEW: violent mob attacks a Philadelphia police officer in his cruiser last night, rampaging with total impunity — Soros D.A. Larry Kranser doesn’t prosecute violent criminals. Period.

Sept. 22, 2024


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6b58a8 No.21650838

File: e2383befe3e47c3⋯.jpg (34.12 KB,618x410,309:205,3r68gghsz.jpg)

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79f5fb No.21650839


Maybe the apology for failure was not for the future attempt, at the golf course, but rather for his involvement in a PRIOR attempt he failed at. That letter makes no sense referring to a future attempt. It makes the golf course attempt a fake attempt.

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02157a No.21650840

File: 71c0de715ab713a⋯.png (809.61 KB,1716x972,143:81,ClipboardImage.png)

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88387b No.21650841


Where I live styrene would, in fact be a gas.

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47e80b No.21650842

File: 14ad01c8c1c4898⋯.png (3.11 MB,2256x1263,752:421,ClipboardImage.png)

Potato speaking

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f6d09f No.21650843



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62b20e No.21650844


looks like someone dropped a cookie on an fire-ant mound.

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bf3605 No.21650845

File: 4da81c0cb0f7527⋯.png (861.54 KB,1024x768,4:3,KAMOOLA204.png)

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bf3605 No.21650846

File: dda61129f78ff72⋯.png (671.43 KB,1024x768,4:3,VOTE3.png)

File: cb037d074db7ae3⋯.png (802.14 KB,1024x768,4:3,KAMOOLA203.png)

File: 7544a9e28b6bf26⋯.png (894.18 KB,1024x768,4:3,BIDEN617.png)

File: f74067b7ef82e80⋯.png (1.15 MB,1024x768,4:3,VOTE2.png)

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b57370 No.21650847

A criminal organization member can't name a fellow member in a crime or they are killed.

Group member can't name a fellow group member in a crime because of their belief system which is protected by law.

Kind of fucked up. They bring it upon themselves. Trying to deal with what I learned recently and I can't find any explanation except criminal element.

The latter statement above shouldn't be allowed in any form of any structured system that deals with the public in any form. From government to business.

A person with that belief cannot be trusted in any way, shape, or form.

"Come on in, take what you want, I won't tell."

I feel so anti-group now.

Sure as hell is hot, it explains alot.

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818500 No.21650848

File: 832cf0ed40fe8ed⋯.png (3.03 MB,1456x1569,1456:1569,Screenshot_2024_09_24_at_1….png)

GOLD on the arm of the grocery worker…

"Its going to down a little bit…[THE US DOLLAR?] it just went down a hundred bucks .. we will do that for you from teh WH, ok?"

GOLD will end the FED

for GOLD to be revalued to its true worth, the US Dollar has to go down… no one thinks we have the GOLD to keep the US Dollar as the world reserve, but we do!!

its happening!!! PRAY

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4daa85 No.21650849

File: 66899e91ad8d905⋯.png (259.24 KB,298x493,298:493,ClipboardImage.png)

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b0b6a0 No.21650850

File: edd526e7d62dddf⋯.png (6.65 MB,2880x1556,720:389,FBI_hosing_off_Bill_Maher_….png)

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e26a07 No.21650851

File: a7b854dae2abb75⋯.jpg (50.85 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault_2837631063.jpg)

File: 5d20038cad49257⋯.jpg (101.54 KB,589x764,589:764,ec898bf30e053690e955380d77….jpg)

File: d48655f377019a7⋯.jpg (41.72 KB,736x274,368:137,6393fa01f0c9ac7ef45c7cf36b….jpg)

File: e790b53d5a8bbdd⋯.jpg (27.1 KB,474x260,237:130,th_3345166464.jpg)

File: 2b19eb5c38f48e4⋯.jpg (59.51 KB,474x474,1:1,th_220742310.jpg)

Someone has a nice collection..

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f26fd8 No.21650852


no election, WW3, precipice, 2020 truth revealed/retribution

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f6d09f No.21650853

File: 1f6046f75f84bc7⋯.png (674.71 KB,2048x912,128:57,day_of_the_jackal_watching….png)




>Did 2nd shooters letter place a bounty of Trump?

My point exactly.

The Ryan baby comms are putting the word out that they

1:got the money together for a bounty

2 potentially got themselves a new hitman to 'finish the job' Routh could not.


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76bb52 No.21650854

File: fcc029bd7257a1e⋯.mp4 (745.54 KB,640x360,16:9,ISTOODOVERTHEFF.mp4)

Comedian Trump on McDonald’s. He should do stand upKEK



TRUMP: "I'm going to McDonald's and I'm gonna stand over the French fries because I wanna see what her job really wasn't like."

I'm going to McDonalds in the next two weeks!

Sept. 24, 2024


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a5b988 No.21650855

File: a755e5b09889d45⋯.jpeg (77.59 KB,530x500,53:50,IMG_6375.jpeg)

Look Shlomo,

If you don’t enter within you can’t understand the witness. Therefore you need to shut the fuck up about the Bible. In fact, Silverstein take your temples and take your Vatican and take your silly mega church in America and piss off. You are exactly that, a BROOD of vipers. Jews and Christians and Muslims and Catholics etc, your ignorance and literal interpretations of the mystical book is an abomination. Your higher consciousness is DESOLATE.

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682092 No.21650856


then you don't live anywhere near Ohio

say hi to satan for us

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cca504 No.21650857

File: 3f127055ffc8fbb⋯.png (527.82 KB,614x461,614:461,Screenshot_2024_09_24_at_1….png)


> Attorney

> Jul 2016 - Jan 2023 6 years 7 months

> Portland Maine

>I work with clients on estate planning involving wills and revocable living trusts, as well as medicaid asset protection planning. I provide clients with financial and medical power of attorney documents.I work with families to help clients apply for medicaid and advise clients about services available to seniors in the area.

==Almost like he's trying to generate some business for his law firm

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10b0b4 No.21650858

File: 9d694bcac3c7fc0⋯.png (941.08 KB,1146x643,1146:643,ClipboardImage.png)



more like mumbling

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910dcf No.21650859

File: 4ed6be8048bfe0b⋯.png (154.98 KB,616x658,44:47,Screenshot_20240924_141229….png)



Two yahoos hanging out

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12608e No.21650860


Back crypto with gold?

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bf9b21 No.21650861


She's not lying though.. she did work at McDonald's.. mostly in the office and her work was off the books.

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53358a No.21650862

When did you guys realize the plan failed?

For me it was Jan 6.

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b9f429 No.21650863

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Sky high

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10b0b4 No.21650864

econic that's new

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47e80b No.21650865



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ee0e75 No.21650866


how interesting. Tell us more.

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88387b No.21650867


Satan is busy.

No name sends his love tho.

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47e80b No.21650868

File: 51cbfaea5552060⋯.png (54.83 KB,511x640,511:640,ClipboardImage.png)

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7233e5 No.21650869

File: c091121a2d5f9d4⋯.png (1.18 MB,1367x1036,1367:1036,2024_09_24_14_13_52.png)


>the big news is gaetz saying that there are 5 teams out to assassinate trump

right, would like to know what they are

Webb talks about 2 Iranian assassins seeking to avenge Soliemeni also (sp), same or additional?

PART 11:American Slaughter Pen - DOJ Releases Routh $150K Trump Bounty Letter To Divert From $1M Iranian Bounty Before Butler'''

- This $150K bounty on the life of Trump after Routh’s failed attempt by a man in custody makes you forget about the Iranian-sponsored million bounty on Trump from Iran

- Even if Routh isn’t charged with Attempted Murder, he still poses less threat to Trump that two professional hitmen from Iran on the loose in the US in my opinion. [GEORGE WEBB'S]

- But you can understand why the DOJ would release the idle threat of a felon from jail instead of reminding Trump of the two Iranian hitmen, Farahani and Ardestani, still on the loose in the United States

- Merrick Garland and the DOJ don’t want you to know that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris welcomed Paul Whelan, a three-decade sniper recruiter for the Clinton Foundation and owner of three armories in the United States


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5e663f No.21650870


>South Portland Mayor Misha Pride tells seniors to take out a reverse mortgage to afford the city's sharp increase in property taxes

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efce2c No.21650871

File: 548edf4d75fb802⋯.png (88.44 KB,500x715,100:143,ClipboardImage.png)

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10b0b4 No.21650872

File: a12da0f1fd4b5c6⋯.png (1.33 MB,1146x732,191:122,ClipboardImage.png)

cutting to break in the middle of him mumbling lmao

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bf3605 No.21650873

File: 6c58bf8018530ca⋯.png (863.56 KB,1024x768,4:3,KAMOOLA205.png)

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cca504 No.21650874

File: 79cd33a532fcc89⋯.png (551.75 KB,879x1100,879:1100,Screenshot_2024_09_24_at_1….png)









It was just a mistake. Now go get a reverse morgage. If you need any help with that call me

“The error is significant”: South Portland Faces $4 Million Budget Shortfall After Mistakenly Failing to Increase Property Taxes Enough

Edward TomicBy Edward TomicJanuary 17, 2024Updated:January 17, 202416 Comments3 Mins Read2K Views

The City of South Portland is working to close a $4 million shortfall in their current fiscal year budget they identified earlier this month — a gap the city attributes to mistakenly not taxing residents enough to support the City Council-approved budget.

According to the city, South Portland’s current mill rate is $14.14, meaning property owners must pay $14.14 out of every $1,000 of their property’s assessed value. But it should have been raised to $14.69 this past summer following the approval of the current fiscal year’s budget by the City Council.

That increased tax rate would have resulted in the average South Portland property owner paying an additional $163 in taxes, which the city says would have fully funded this fiscal year’s budget — if it had not been “mistakenly not billed.”

“This error is significant, and we want to be transparent with the public and own up to this mistake,” said South Portland City Manager Scott Morelli in a Wednesday press release. “Fortunately, the City has capable problem-solvers in our Finance and other departments who have responded quickly to help resolve the issue and prevent it from repeating.”

Opting not to send higher tax bills to make up the shortfall, the city’s Finance team reviewed its options for non-tax revenues anticipated this year, looking to identify revenues streams which may “come in higher than anticipated,” including grants and reserve funds.

City department heads were also asked to review their budgets in order to identify and defer non-critical spending.

“While staff is confident that this process will be successful, it is possible that the City may need to utilize some amount of fund balance to finish out the year,” the city’s press release reads.

According the city, the reason why property taxes were not raised in accordance with the city’s budgetary needs was due to the city double counting certain reimbursements from the state, leading the city to overestimate revenues by $4 million and therefore to assume that much less in property taxes needed to be collected.

“This is of course a very unfortunate thing to have happened,” said South Portland Finance Director Ellen Sanborn. “We have put additional checks and balances in place so that something like this is very unlikely to happen in the future.”

The tax revenue that was mistakenly not collected for this year’s budget will be a topic of conversation for next fiscal year’s budget, covering July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025.

The South Portland City manager and School Department will present their proposed budgets at the April 2, 2024 City Council meeting.

“South Portland is proud of its strong fiscal standing and remains one of only two communities in Maine to receive the highest bond ratings from both Moody’s and S&P, two leading global credit rating firms,” the city stated Wednesday.

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4fdebb No.21650875

File: d5ad57e045c770b⋯.jpg (19.91 KB,320x180,16:9,43.jpg)

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00dd64 No.21650877

File: 7098be099807af0⋯.jpeg (1.2 MB,1620x2082,270:347,IMG_3486.jpeg)

File: e72157bb76e82d6⋯.png (353.51 KB,1620x2160,3:4,IMG_3487.png)

File: 2c435d3de98108d⋯.png (361.52 KB,1620x2160,3:4,IMG_3488.png)

File: 3118d995831d6b5⋯.png (318.15 KB,1620x2160,3:4,IMG_3489.png)

File: 2deb328eb23cf2f⋯.png (45.22 KB,330x300,11:10,IMG_3490.png)



Channel Q

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Channel Q (stylized as CHANNEL Q) is an LGBT lifestyle talk and EDM top 40 radio network created, owned, and operated by Audacy, Inc. The network airs on the Audacy internet radio service, as well as on Audacy-owned terrestrial radio stations throughout the United States. Channel Q's programming schedule consists of LGBT-centered talk shows, most notably a rebooted version of Loveline, along with Dance/Top 40 music on afternoons, late nights, and weekends.


Channel Q started life as Out Now Radio, and soft-launched in August 2018 on Radio.com as well as the HD Radio signal of Entercom's KAMP-FM in Los Angeles (97.1FM-HD2).[1] A full launch occurred on October 11, 2018, a date chosen to coincide with National Coming Out Day, and featured a daily morning program co-hosted by Queer Eye alum Jai Rodriguez; weekly shows featuring internet personality B. Scott and lawyer/politician John Duran; and a revamped version of the syndicated radio program Loveline.[2] By November 1, the network would adopt the Channel Q name, tweak its program lineup, and add its first analog radio affiliate (KQPS in Palm Springs, California).[3]


Brian Holt is Channel Q's original architect and founding Program Director/Operations Manager. Prior to joining the network, Holt developed programming for iHeartMedia including Live from the Lounge w/Ryan Seacrest, Valentine in the Morning, The Bill Carroll Show, The Dr. Wendy Walsh Show, and HOME w/Dean Sharp the House Whisperer.

As of March 2020, Channel Q's program schedule features early morning, afternoon, and weekend blocks of Top 40, pop, EDM, and dance music along with regularly-scheduled shows.

Terrestrial radio affiliates

In addition to being heard on the Audacy internet radio platform, its related app, and the network's website, Channel Q is also heard on the over-the-air stations listed below. Those shown with an "HD2" or "HD3" suffix air Channel Q on an HD radio subchannel that can be heard through HD-accommodating receivers.

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f2176f No.21650878

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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682092 No.21650879

File: 4f093fbb2aeea08⋯.png (1.18 MB,876x1220,219:305,Screen_Shot_2024_09_24_at_….png)


now that's the face of a KAREN, with a capital KAREN

and who the fuck dresses like that to go to work in the senate?

we absolutely have to get women out of ANY position of power or authority

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4fdebb No.21650880


We spent way too much, how can we spin this?

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88387b No.21650881


Where did Gaetz get that information?

The intelligence agencies?


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336cd4 No.21650882

File: 5802658d91d11ea⋯.png (1.11 MB,1024x700,256:175,ClipboardImage.png)


I think your Chakra is blocked.

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9935c6 No.21650883

File: dde5a95070c9558⋯.png (754.59 KB,810x790,81:79,KarenSquirtBottle.png)

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47e80b No.21650884

File: 8172ff89ce62c93⋯.png (34.38 KB,698x1024,349:512,ClipboardImage.png)

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62b20e No.21650885


it was a cluster, for sure. anon feelz.

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f91df6 No.21650886

File: 9fc2b9bc154371e⋯.png (403 KB,470x545,94:109,KAMALA.png)


> I LIE.

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818500 No.21650887

File: 049cc0d5860172f⋯.mp4 (1.36 MB,720x862,360:431,J9lbaeg64QFwvmH1.mp4)

File: a027f8f92bebd57⋯.jpg (22.72 KB,300x300,1:1,Color_coded_threat_level_s….jpg)

File: 9b28ea47cd20b75⋯.jpeg (15.93 KB,296x448,37:56,shopping.jpeg)

File: 832cf0ed40fe8ed⋯.png (3.03 MB,1456x1569,1456:1569,Screenshot_2024_09_24_at_1….png)

File: 3f8172da1424639⋯.png (4.59 MB,1738x2064,869:1032,Screenshot_2024_09_24_at_1….png)

so much in this encounter… Potus buying couple rolls of Bounty… GOLD seal on the grocery store tshirt… paying with 100 dollar bill whilst saying "Its going to go down a little bit [the US DOLLAR], just a hundred bucks"… GOLD ENDS THE FED !!! gold has to go back to its original worth, it goes up, dollar goes down… but no one thinks we have the gold for US Dollar to remain the world reserve currency, but POTUS already told us we do.. hes going to keep the US DOllar as the world reserve currency.. we must have the GOLD to back the US Dollar

IMPORTANT: theres a homeland security terrorist chart in the background… POTUS' red tie… red is SEVERE threat.. the real terrorists are the abc agencies and the global banksters putting up the BOUNTY

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e26a07 No.21650888

File: c3eb4cb34ff57ed⋯.jpg (145.42 KB,1406x611,1406:611,MV5BYmUyZjlkNzYtODBkYS00M2….jpg)

den Tiest

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7233e5 No.21650889


that's a good question, too.

have not dug on it, will see if i can find something.

bet he's not telling tho.

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53358a No.21650890


ok so basically Q said patriots were in control and that our families were safe. that was “the plan.

but “in reality” the swamp drained trump and threw his most loyal supporters in prison, and deployed bio weapons against us.

that’s pretty much it in a nutshell.

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910dcf No.21650891

File: d64681002f7dbef⋯.png (206.51 KB,474x248,237:124,th_2024_09_24T141953_006.png)

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b03a7c No.21650892

File: d759e0bcbd5b362⋯.jpeg (111.59 KB,500x591,500:591,IMG_6116.jpeg)

I do not doubt it for one second anon. I’m sure it was your God’s plan that you aren’t seeking enlightenment.

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626bca No.21650893


your plebbit spacing makes you appear homosex and spurious

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b57370 No.21650894


And to make matters worse, they are allowed to do anything they want to a non-group member weather or not they are an innocent. They don't keep it amongst themselves of just rival criminals.

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ee0e75 No.21650895

File: ac6c30c22276428⋯.jpg (182.61 KB,438x610,219:305,05csykog.jpg)

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e689e3 No.21650896


this is a common occurrence. Ottawa residents about to get fucked over the barrel.

give it to migrants

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7233e5 No.21650897


RE five assassination teams seeking Trump

"Gaetz claimed to have obtained the knowledge of the assassination teams from a senior Department of Homeland Security official, but did not elaborate on who it was or what evidence he was shown."


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0d1e24 No.21650898

Fantastic polls out for mama! Get it!

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00dd64 No.21650900


Why is DHS giving information to GAETZ that he’s blabbing everywhere?

He’s actually instigating for more attempts on PDJT.

These people are stupid!

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818500 No.21650901

the banksters have been artificially keeping the worth of gold down for decades… once you see it go up to its true worth.. we know change is on the horizon

the dawn

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682092 No.21650902


>Any ideas?

more likely has to do with the type of CCD in the camera that receives light and generates the electrical signal

certain crystals are know to halve or double frequencies

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4fdebb No.21650903

Why does Trump give the polling process credibility?

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818500 No.21650904


oh thank you….

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39952a No.21650905


would you SHUT THE FUCK UP??

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88387b No.21650906



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2f4e89 No.21650907

File: 47b04d1d7a4765a⋯.jpeg (607.59 KB,1125x1435,225:287,IMG_4311.jpeg)

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802cb5 No.21650908

File: fbcf48d980d8908⋯.png (900.43 KB,863x937,863:937,saying_its_aliens.png)

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76bb52 No.21650909

(Mitt Romney fears retribution if Trump wins. Doesn’t want to retire. So Pierre Dilectico is a Coward, who would have known.)

What Will Mitt Romney Do if Trump Wins?

Romney has good reason to fear Trump’s vengeance. By McKay CoppinsBOO HOO TRAITOR TO THE VIET NAM POWS

On a swampy afternoon this past spring, I met Mitt Romney in his soon-to-be-vacated Senate office. It was strange to see him in person again. For two years, we’d talked almost every week as I worked on a biography that would cement his reputation as a Republican apostate. Since the book’s publication last year, we’d kept in sporadic touch—mostly through texts, the senator’s preferred medium for venting about politics—but we hadn’t spoken in much depth.

Some things hadn’t changed. Romney was, as ever, acutely attuned to his own mortality. “I saw an article this morning saying that they find your chances of getting Alzheimer’s are significantly increased based upon two things,” he told me as soon as we sat down. One factor was alcohol consumption; the other was stress at work. The latter had him worried. Romney is a teetotaler but has been addicted his whole life to stressful jobs. “I mean, I’ve felt high stress in my work since—” He thought about it. “Well, since I went to grad school.” He’s stepping down when his term ends in January. Retirement, he told me, would be good for his health.

As we chatted, though, I noted a change in his countenance. In the past, his frustration—with the Senate, with the Republican Party, with politics in general—had always seemed tinged with resignation….

The Trump-era GOP’s perception of Romney as a devious traitor put him in a precarious position. The 2024 presidential election had, by that point in the spring, played out exactly as he’d predicted. Trump had easily defeated a large and feckless field of Republican challengers to clinch the party’s nomination, despite facing 88 criminal charges. And Joe Biden looked to be on a glide path to renomination, despite having some of the worst approval ratings of any modern first-term president. In the months that followed, the race would become more volatile—a disastrous debate performance by Biden; a party-wide panic and push to replace him on the ticket; the nomination of Kamala Harris; the assassination attempts on Trump. But that spring, polls showed Trump clinging to a persistent lead, and Romney was convinced that a second Trump term was imminent.

Romney had made this prediction before, telling anyone who would listen in the run-up to the 2020 election that he thought Trump was going to get a second term. He’d even bet one of his sons his prized 1985 BMW that Biden would lose. But back then, he’d told me, it was a kind of psychological game he played with himself—predicting the outcome he most dreaded as a form of “inoculation.”

This time felt different. Trump had repeatedly pledged to use the Justice Department and the FBI to go after his political enemies if reelected. “I am your retribution,” he enjoyed telling his crowds. Romney knew that he was likely to appear on any enemies list kept by the former president, and he’d privately mused to friends that it might be time for him and his wife, Ann, to consider moving abroad. (A spokesperson for the senator told me he was not serious about this.)

But when I asked Romney, in the spring, what a Trump reelection would mean for him and his family, he was careful at first. “I don’t know the answer to that,” he said.If Trump tried to sic the Justice Department on him, Romney told me, “the good news is I haven’t had an affair with anybody; I don’t have any classified documents; I can’t imagine something I’ve done that would justify an investigation, let alone an indictment.”

What about his sons? I asked. Might they be targeted? “I mean, hopefully they’ve all crossed their t’s and dotted their i’s,” Romney replied, straining to sound casual. “But it’s hard for me to imagine that President Trump would take the time to go out and see if [he] can find something on members of my family.”

“You might need to expand your imagination,” I suggested. ==Romney grew irritated. “Yeah, but I’ve got 25 grandkids!” he said, throwing up his hands.

“How am I going to protect 25 grandkids, two great-grandkids? I’ve got five sons, five daughters-in-law—it’s like, we’re a big group.” This was clearly a problem to which he’d given serious thought, and realized there was no solution==. In the weeks after January 6, he’d spent thousands of dollars a day to protect his family from red-capped vigilantes. But how do you hide a family of 40 from a president hell-bent on revenge?

Recognizing that I’d hit a nerve, I said it was possible, of course, that Trump’s “retribution” rhetoric was all bluster. But Romney didn’t seem comforted.


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6b58a8 No.21650910

Mr. Biden: We're also carrying out the most ambitious conservation agenda in a long time. We're on track to conserve, a commitment I made, thirty percent of all our lands and waters, by the year 2030. Since taking office, my administration has already conserved over forty-two million acres.

['conservation' for the purpose of prohibiting the use of our natural resources and weakening the United States]

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7d6798 No.21650911

File: bfd5ded8b8c321d⋯.jpg (135.84 KB,720x756,20:21,20240924_152142.jpg)

File: 05f8b33d2a09c6f⋯.jpg (204.53 KB,1536x2048,3:4,20240924_151949.jpg)

File: 1558ebb442cdffd⋯.jpg (371.75 KB,1536x2048,3:4,20240924_151952.jpg)

File: 08bc3e77a55eed9⋯.jpg (427.57 KB,2048x1536,4:3,20240924_151954.jpg)


Honored to host Governor @Tim_Walz at my home in New York City!

Devils Advocate

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5e663f No.21650912

File: 54c2cd366cb3d58⋯.png (849.99 KB,1200x675,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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39952a No.21650913


>i can’t argue with you so ill just make fun of your writing format

good stuff, champ

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208435 No.21650914


#26515 >>21650342

>>21650352 - 3191 Capitol Hill Staffers’ Info Compromised After Using Gov’t Emails On Dating, Porn Sites

>>21650354, >>21650363, >>21650395, >>21650428, >>21650504, >>21650585, >>21650640 ME latest

>>21650358, >>21650591 Children as young at 8 are drugged and trafficked into the US by smugglers posing as their parents

>>21650367, >>21650473, >>21650474, >>21650614 Non-citizens added to states’ voter rolls = interference

>>21650373, >>21650387 USNS Big Horn Runs Aground. Navy does not have a replacement fleet oiler.

>>21650374, >>21650385 Oran Alexander Routh charged with possession of CP


>>21650389, >>21650401, >>21650415, >>21650681 "Haitian Bridge Alliance" has filed criminal charges against Donald Trump and J.D. Vance

>>21650396, >>21650446, >>21650524, >>21650589, >>21650601 NASA, Space Force Etc

>>21650410, >>21650797 Biden Can Barely Speak, Slurs His Words, Attacks Russia and Pushes for More War in Last UN Speech

>>21650424, >>21650618, >>21650620 Officials urge residents to leave the area of a chemical leak near Cincinnati

>>21650432, >>21650440, >>21650556 Florida Sex Trafficking Scandal Tries To Pull in Public Officials

>>21650437 WATCH Bloomberg Global Business Forum, World Bank, IMF forum

>>21650457, >>21650624, >>21650824 FCC just fast-tracked George Soros' purchase of 220+ radio stations before November's election

>>21650468, >>21650481, >>21650483, >>21650506 Ashton Kutcher, Diddy connection bun

>>21650494, >>21650564, >>21650679, >>21650715 Diddy’s trial would expose high-level officials and celebrities

>>21650495, >>21650502 20 AGs To Investigate Pediatrician Group For False Claims About Transitioning Children

>>21650499 POTUS - "It will be a renaissance It will be a golden period."

>>21650509 Illegal immigrant allegedly driving drunk, crashes car and kills police officer

>>21650540 TRUMP TRUTH - SWAMP THE VOTE https://swampthevoteusa.com/

>>21650565 JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon: "If you do not control the borders, you are going to destroy our country

>>21650588 Michigan: Illegal Pleads Guilty to Murdering Ruby Garcia Execution-Style

>>21650590 Swamp Happenings

>>21650602 Warren Jones Crazybull, 64, has been charged with threatening to kill Trump

>>21650633, >>21650678 Oran Routh, son of Ukrainian hero and Would-Be Assassin Ryan Routh, worked on the crew for Taylor Swift's tour

>>21650668 Brett Favre says he has been diagnosed with Parkinson’s

>>21650690, >>21650733 Sam Bankman-Fried and Diddy in same Jail - Caroline Ellison sentenced to two years

>>21650710 @charliekirk11 - CNN's Eva McKend just DEMOLISHED Kamala's "I'm tough on the border"

>>21650714, >>21650787 RYAN COMMS - They've raised the money needed to 'finish the job'

>>21650724, >>21650732, >>21650744 POTUS buys using CASH - BOUNTY Quicker Picker Upper

>>21650771, >>21650776, >>21650794, >>21650820, >>21650826, >>21650874 "Just Get a Reverse Mortgage to pay your skyrocketing property taxes."

>>21650828, >>21650835 barackobama It’s Banned Books Week, Join me in thanking our school and public librarians

>>21650869, >>21650897 DOJ Releases Routh $150K Trump Bounty Letter To Divert From $1M Iranian Bounty Before Butler (Slaughter Pen DIGG)

>>21650366, >>21650383, >>21650527, >>21650553, >>21650583, >>21650759 MEMES

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4fdebb No.21650915


and the girl with the flat ass, maybe he saying the earth is flat?

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8afa0c No.21650916


True, she does NOT care!!

It's not for her, but for everyone else watching.

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88387b No.21650917


Piss on that guy.

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1e146f No.21650918


True if keks

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00dd64 No.21650919


He’s even giving specifics…

Probably because he’s in the spotlight right now for ethics violations

Matt Gaetz says there are multiple ‘assassination teams’ out to kill Trump

In the wake of two failed attempts on Donald Trump’s life, a Florida congressman revealed disturbing information about other “assassination teams” in the U.S. seeking to kill the former president.

Rep. Matt Gaetz found the latest attempt on Trump’s life in Florida to be a “tragic” and “avoidable” incident but disclosed that there are reportedly five assassination teams within the U.S. currently intent on killing the Republican nominee. Three of those are foreign, according to the Florida Republican who dropped the bombshell during an interview on “Breitbart News Daily.”

“I am starting to get the impression that we do not have enough force protection of supporting President Trump that we ought to have, given the threat environment,” Gaetz told host Mike Slater on Thursday.

He explained that he had recently met with a senior official in the Department of Homeland Security who told him there are at least five known assassination teams in the U.S.

“And, with that type of activity, I don’t think we should be allowing people to set up for an extended period of time and wait to take their shot outside of his golf properties or his other properties,” he added, with a reference to the latest attempt by suspect Ryan Routh who set up outside of Trump’s golf course in West Palm Beach before the Secret Service spotted him.

Slater pressed the congressman about the known teams and Gaetz confirmed that they are “aware of at least five teams in-country that are geared toward killing Trump. ”

“And I think, you know, three of them that we know are foreign in nature. Two of them we know are domestic in nature, and that calls for a force protection that we do not have around the former president right now,” he told Slater, noting again that the information came from a DHS official whom he met with, adding that “they were aware of this and were concerned that the Secret Service was not providing sufficient support.”

Trump’s campaign was made aware of an Iranian assassination plot against him in July ahead of his rally in Butler, Pennsylvania where would-be assassin Thomas Crooks fired off several shots, injuring Trump’s ear. Two other rally-goers were critically injured and a third, retired firefighter Corey Comperatore, lost his life trying to protect his family.

When Slater wondered about the ability of these assassination teams to be out in the open, Gaetz replied that there is “insufficient scrutiny to stop them from doing so.”

“Three of these teams are foreign-inspired, from my understanding: Iranians, Ukraine, Pakistan. And you know, the work is obviously challenging to protect — protective detail, like a presidential campaign that is vigorous and out campaigning,” Gaetz said.

He went on to note that this has Congress now investigating whether there is a proper protective detail around the former president and whether the Secret Service has sufficient resources such as sniper teams and the right tactical teams.

“And we’ve seen a few times where resources have been pulled off of the Trump detail for the Jill Biden detail or for the John Bolton detail. And we’re going to question whether or not that was sound, given what we knew about the efforts to kill Trump,” he added.


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76bb52 No.21650920

File: 9446bab9e5181d1⋯.png (392.24 KB,414x625,414:625,ClipboardImage.png)


Oh and guess what, this is the title of Romney's new ego book. He's such a deep sucking liar.

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a13a7b No.21650921

4000 holes in Blackjack, Haveabeer

They had to count them all…

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485e13 No.21650923

File: 0172bf40a58e43f⋯.png (52.84 KB,473x680,473:680,ClipboardImage.png)


did q team stick 2 mossads together in the same room for the lulz?


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cca504 No.21650924

File: 6b0d36d417f6659⋯.png (302.17 KB,862x1239,862:1239,Screenshot_2024_09_24_at_1….png)







>We spent way too much, how can we spin this?

South Portland raised the taxes, didn't tell anyone how much it was going to go up. Passed a massive school budget. Then unleashed the tax increases on people after the school budget was passed. Now there's probably going to be school funding in a bond during the election..

$69.4 million school budget goes to South Portland voters

Taxes will rise about 3.8% over this year's rate to cover $52.9 million of the budget.

Posted May 15

Updated May 16

Drew Johnson


2 min read

Resize Font Font size +

South Portland residents will vote June 11 on a $69.4 million school budget, up nearly 5% from this year’s.

Roughly $52.9 million will be funded through taxes, a 3.8% increase over this year.

The City Council agreed last week to send the $69,354,601 budget out for the validation vote. The final proposal is roughly $76,000 less than what the school department proposed to the council in April, despite adding $100,000 for a mental health and student intervention leadership position and $25,000 toward security, among other adjustments.


The Sentry could not connect with Superintendent Tim Matheney before its Wednesday deadline.

In his presentation to the council on April 2, Matheney said roughly 80% of the budget goes toward personnel costs, like wages, salaries and benefits.

New positions include three teaching positions for social and emotional learning, two teachers at Skillin Elementary, an added social worker and a multilingual specialist. Matheney described multilingual specialists, of which the district already has two, as “deeply valued” in the school community, which has seen an 88% increase in multilingual learners since 2018. The overall number of students in the district has increased by only 36 during that time.

“We are educating students in a school district that looks a lot more like the world than most of the state of Maine,” he said at the April 2 council meeting. “We’re excited about this diversity, but it does mean we need to transform ourselves and we are very actively in that process, and I would argue we’re doing very well at it.”

The school department is also holding back on capital improvement projects this year, sticking to minor work such as painting and gym floor maintenance. It is also using over $1 million of its fund balance to offset the cost to taxpayers.

The city’s property tax rate will be set once the City Council finalizes the municipal portion of the budget, which is expected by June 25.

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b57370 No.21650925



The cartel should structure their group like this group to be protected by law.

Especially when the latter group writes the laws and fights for more laws to benefit their group toward more criminality and less protection for non-group members.

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5e663f No.21650926

File: ea2c033655e8916⋯.png (590.52 KB,469x720,469:720,ClipboardImage.png)

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f6d09f No.21650927

File: b4646b91b351162⋯.png (805.22 KB,1334x800,667:400,the_devils_advocate_10_384….png)



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6b58a8 No.21650928

Mr. Biden: We should give business even more confidence to invest trillions of dollars that are on the sidelines, in clean energy industries of the future.

[encouraging the scam investment of trillions into companies owned by the Global Crime Syndicate]

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3c099d No.21650929

File: f96626f7dcc29e7⋯.png (1.66 MB,1200x864,25:18,ClipboardImage.png)

trust the plan

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910dcf No.21650930


How long before Diddy tries to buttsexx SBF's herpes hole?

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1a3b42 No.21650931


Will be exciting to use that online…

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a13a7b No.21650932

File: 9f2ed5d8f44a3b0⋯.mp4 (3.32 MB,720x1280,9:16,enjoy.mp4)


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c0770f No.21650933

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Live in 17 hours

September 25 at 8:00 AM

LIVE: President Trump Delivers Remarks in Mint Hill, N.C. - 9/25/24

Right Side Broadcasting Network

1.74M subscribers

15 waiting Scheduled for Sep 25, 2024

President Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, will deliver remarks in Mint Hill, NC, on Wednesday, September 25, 2024, at 1:00 p.m. EDT.

Watch LIVE on RSBN starting at 11 a.m. ET.


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5e663f No.21650935

File: 0f6e3714ea4dbe6⋯.mp4 (946.16 KB,640x360,16:9,wtc7.mp4)


>Devils Advocate

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f533c5 No.21650936

File: 5c729bfd699612a⋯.png (256 KB,516x290,258:145,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 40f544f12ce8f63⋯.png (338.27 KB,424x601,424:601,ClipboardImage.png)

File: bc57feab84cd0ba⋯.png (1.1 MB,750x1334,375:667,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4cfc1ac5acc8858⋯.png (535.26 KB,718x1280,359:640,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ff2d2274fdbd64f⋯.png (1.97 MB,894x1280,447:640,ClipboardImage.png)

Micki Larson-Olson


We long ago realized President Trump is always talking to us in comms and it was no different at this Pennsylvania rally when he wanted to make sure everyone noticed his hair.

We noticed your pink hair Mr President.

So we know pink is another term for adrenochrome.

It is also another name for ambrosia.

Ambrosia is the company that JD Vance was part of where they took blood from young kids and transfused it into older people.

I've been telling you that's not JD Vance and I don't care if you call me crazy.

I am so over that shit! I've been called crazy for nearly 7 years now and it hasn't bothered me at all, nor will it ever.

People's ignorance and stupidity is their problem not mine.

JD Vance was 5'7, plain and simple, and that dude is dead.

You're looking at an actor wearing a mask with a voice modulator.

Many people believe it is actually a very much alive Paul Walker and I'm not saying it is Paul Walker I'm just saying there's a lot of people that believe that.

I believe he's just a stand in waiting for our real Vice President John Fitzgerald Kennedy Jr.

We also hear that Pink deleted all of his tweets.

Yes you heard me right Pink is a man. Women don't have Adonis belts.

So I did the Gematria on pink hair.


here we go=86


we are one=86

take that=86

Its done=86


black swan=86


So the term 86ed was originated because the door frames were 8'6".

So if someone wasn't acting right and they got 86ed that meant they were getting kicked out the door.

But I just found this one and as a military girl I really love this one.

Also because president Trump is our real Commander in Chief and so this might have been his message.

I never knew this one.

What does 86ed mean in the military?

The United States also has a Uniform Code of Military Justice that has an Article 86: Absence Without Leave, a.k.a AWOL. The term was derived from military shorthand. Rotary phones had T on the 8 key and O on the 6 key, so to throw out (TO) something was to 86 it.Aug 16, 2019

I mean I knew about AWOL, but not the meaning behind this.

Very interesting!


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47e80b No.21650937


FLOTUS is a smoke show.

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62b20e No.21650938


how many boosters?

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c158a5 No.21650939


seems fake

why would someone who hasn't gone to trial be with a convicted criminal?

I'm calling this out as being a hoax story.

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7233e5 No.21650940



…Trump’s campaign was made aware of an Iranian assassination plot against him in July ahead of his rally in Butler

this is probably the same team George Webb is writing about here:

>>21650869 DOJ Releases Routh $150K Trump Bounty Letter To Divert From $1M Iranian Bounty Before Butler

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cca504 No.21650941

File: 0e1da45a3893f1a⋯.png (1.08 MB,1246x1139,1246:1139,Screenshot_2024_09_24_at_1….png)


>South Portland raised the taxes, didn't tell anyone how much it was going to go up. Passed a massive school budget. Then unleashed the tax increases on people after the school budget was passed. Now there's probably going to be school funding in a bond during the election..


Tax bills normally go out quarterly. Not this year

Tax Bill FAQ (July 2024)

New! Watch the video recording of the Tax Assessor's August 13, 2024 presentation to City Council on tax equalization and valuation adjustments. You can also view the Assessor's slide presentation.

When will tax bills be mailed?

The City expects to send tax bills by the end of August 2024.

Can I see my tax bill?

Fiscal Year 2025 tax bills were posted online the week of August 12, 2024. You can view and pay your bill on our Citizen Self Service portal (accessible via the "Online Services" button on the homepage).

When is my payment due?

The first payment will be due November 15, 2024. Tax payments are no longer due on August 22, 2024 as previously announced.

What changes will I see on my tax bill this year?

The City will send one annual tax bill mailing to taxpayers instead of bills each quarter.

Payments will be due twice a year instead of four times a year.

This fiscal year's payments are due on November 15, 2024 and May 15, 2025.

Homeowners whose taxes are not escrowed as part of their mortgage are responsible for paying the amount due with the payment stubs provided.

You can also elect to pay your bill in its entirety upon receiving your bill.

In addition, many will see a tax increase over last year (read more below).

Each property owner will see changes in their tax amount due based on the new assessed value of their property and the new mill rate.

How can I pay my bill?

Once posted, you can pay your bill online or in person at City Hall at the Treasury office. You can also drop your payment off in the drop box at the rear entrance of City Hall or send your check via mail. You can elect to pay your bill using the payment stub provided with your bill, pay your bill in full, or make payments as frequently as you desire.

Why is the City only sending one bill per year instead of bills every quarter?

A single annual tax bill mailing is something many surrounding communities have adopted because it is more sustainable and saves resources. The City’s Finance department is already investing these savings to better serve you. For example, they have hired an additional cashier in the Treasury office to help reduce wait times, funded in part by the money saved sending fewer tax mailings.

Can I sign up for email reminders when tax bill due dates approach?

Yes. Sign up at: southportland.gov/signup

Won't people forget to pay if there's only one annual bill and two payment due dates?

We don't expect for this to be the case. The Finance Director surveyed other surrounding communities. She found that several send one or two tax bills and have one or two payments due each year. She found that "none of the communities stated having higher delinquent payments or receiving feedback that older residents forget to pay if they do not receive an invoice." Read the memo.

What is the tax rate I will pay this year?

The mill rate or “tax rate” is the dollar amount per $1000 of value that you pay in property taxes. Every South Portland property owner will pay the same mill rate, posted on your bill. The mill rate for this fiscal year is $13.20 (6.6% lower than year’s). This means that taxpayers will pay less per $1000 of property value than they did last year. However, the Assessing office has made adjustments to assessed property valuations to bring them more in line with market value, which is required by the State of Maine Constitution. This means that many will see a higher tax bill than last year, despite the lower mill rate.

Will my tax bill be higher this year than last year if my assessed property value increased?

Most likely, yes. Assessed values—which are based on market values per the State Constitution—have increased, especially for single-family properties. Many will see an increase on their tax bill this year. Property owners will see an increase if their assessed property value increased a greater percentage than the decrease in the mill rate.

Why is my assessed property value increasing?

The Maine State Constitution dictates that assessed property value be based on market value. In South Portland, like many areas across the State, residential property values have been increasing more rapidly than most other property types. This triggered the need for the Assessing office to adjust values in accordance with State rules. We would like to emphasize that valuation is based on market conditions—something the City does not control.

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660ae3 No.21650942

How many people had credit cards in 1930?

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1e146f No.21650943

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47e80b No.21650944

File: 3958a7e3dc28468⋯.png (55.79 KB,690x362,345:181,ClipboardImage.png)

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59ef6e No.21650945

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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e26a07 No.21650946

File: 1ad4d40a98ae960⋯.jpg (41.22 KB,380x660,19:33,1084077_busty_brunette_880….jpg)

File: e790b53d5a8bbdd⋯.jpg (27.1 KB,474x260,237:130,th_3345166464.jpg)

File: ba9a22e78d1ea18⋯.jpg (152.94 KB,727x487,727:487,3331692605_5b0ef798b5_z_0_….jpg)


One prize per box.

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88387b No.21650947


Oh no! Too late naow…

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cca504 No.21650948


>Tax bills normally go out quarterly. Not this year

Is South Portland the only municipality where assessed valuations are increasing?

No. In consulting with other Assessors across the State, assessed valuations in many municipalities—particularly for single-family properties—are rising significantly this year, from 12% on the low end to up to 60% on the high end.

Why does the Assessing office adjust property values?

The State requires municipalities to maintain fair and equitable valuations between all property types. This includes maintaining single-family assessed valuations within 10% of market value for the City to remain eligible for 100% of reimbursements and property owner exemptions. The improved data that the City reports to the State also helps reduce the mill rate.

Why is the Assessing office adjusting property values now?

Historically, the South Portland Assessing office has been able to make more incremental valuation changes. However, the gap between assessed values and market values in South Portland and many Maine communities has grown in recent years due to dramatic shifts in the real estate market. This is particularly true for single-family properties. This year, in order for the City to remain eligible for full reimbursement from the State and maintain 100% of Homestead (and other) exemptions that benefit taxpayers who qualify, adjustments to residential, commercial, and personal property valuations were necessary. This process, called equalization, contributes to a lower tax rate for all taxpayers.

Did commercial/industrial property values increase, or only residential?

Assessed values increased for both residential and commercial/industrial properties. However, recent sales data shows residential property values in South Portland have increased at a greater rate than commercial/industrial property values. Therefore, residential properties needed to be adjusted the most to meet the State Constitution requirement of a fair and equitable assessment.

Does the City collect more money when property valuations go up?

No, the City does not collect extra tax dollars through the equalization process. It only ensures that the money the City collects in property taxes to support the budget that the City Council approved is distributed fairly and equitably among property owners according to property value, per the State Constitution. For every dollar a residential or commercial property owner pays more in taxes, someone else pays a dollar less, so the City does not collect additional tax revenue. The City of Bangor Assessing Department features a short video on their web page that helps explain how assessing and taxation work.

Is there action City Council can take to limit the impact of valuation increases?

As explained in this FAQ, the Tax Assessor follows the State Constitution when adjusting property values to better align with market values. City Council and staff will be conferring with other municipalities and State legislators to explore what changes might be possible at the state level in the future to help limit the impact of major shifts in the real estate market on taxpayers. South Portland City Council will also vote on September 3, 2024 to add $100,000 in funding to our senior citizen property tax relief program.

How much did the City’s budget increase this year and how does this affect my tax bill?

The total approved FY25 budget, which includes both the School and the Municipal budgets, increased by 4.9%. Wages and benefits were the major drivers of the increase to the City portion of the budget. This increase will be reflected on your tax amount due.

What is the breakdown of where my property taxes will go this year?

Of the funds that taxpayers will pay to the City in FY25, 61% will go to the School Department, 35% will support Municipal operations, and 4% will go to Cumberland County.

I heard the City had a budget shortfall last year. Am I paying more taxes this year because the City overspent on its budget?

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802cb5 No.21650949


>did q team stick 2 mossads together in the same room for the lulz?

Any bookies taking bets on outcome?

Anon wants to put a few bucks on SBF rapes and murders diddy, then an heroes.

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62b20e No.21650950


the human race has way too much time on its hands.

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f6d09f No.21650951


NUMEC: How Israel Stole the Atomic Bomb and killed JFK

The film exposes how terrorists took advantage of the massive weapons surplus following the end of WWII and created lucrative black-markets for illegal arms trafficking many of which went to the blood thirsty ethno-stater lunatics who created the state of Israel. The weapons theft would escalate to Highly Enriched Uranium for nuclear bombs and the assassination of a US president. The gun running routes doubled as human trafficking routes as the post war climates had created millions of refugees and nations of women with little or no opportunities who were easily exploited. This in turn gave rise to international forced prostitution and pedophile rings that targeted state figures and businessmen for blackmail. The press and policing agencies were forced to capitulate because challenging Zionist power right after the horrors of the Holocaust was political suicide. WWII’s own justification for nuking cities and murdering millions of civilians through bombing and starvation was the made for TV images of the Holocaust, even though Palestine had nothing to do with that, they paid the ultimate price. And by allowing Israeli power to grow out of control the US effectively lost its sovereignty. Especially in regards to foreign policy, Zionist partisans most recently the Neocons have thrown the US into one conflict after another against its own interests to further the personal interest of a criminal cabal. This film, like any Dawson film, names the names and gives the details and documents. The criminal networks of organized crime, sexual blackmailers, arms smugglers, financiers, and political cover up have all been mapped out, literally. Help us at the Anti-Neocon report reach our goal and once again put the establishment and donor class psychopaths under the spot light. The truth will set you free. But Freedom isn’t Free.

interesting doc

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782e1c No.21650953

File: 58176e15d2cc418⋯.jpg (85.02 KB,1128x719,1128:719,DTIQAKOVMAAS582.jpg)


Pink is a MTF tranny.

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cca504 No.21650954




Last year, after City Council passed the budget, the City made an error on a state form that resulted in the City sending tax bills that were lower than they should have been. This was not a budget issue, but a billing error. Instead of burdening taxpayers with an extra bill when the City became aware of the issue, the City opted instead to bridge the gap by cutting costs and to roll the unbilled portion into this year’s taxes. This is separate from the increase many are seeing on their tax bill due to an increase in assessed property value.

Here is some more detailed information that may be helpful. The budget approved by the City Council last year included a 5.2% tax increase that was known to staff, the Council, and the public. Due to the improper filling out of a State financial form after the budget was adopted, City staff believed it had more non-tax revenue than projected, so we thought we could send out tax bills that only increased taxes 1.2% instead of the approved 5.2%. While it is not uncommon for additional revenues to be found after the budget is approved to help lower the anticipated tax rate, this time it was an error, and resulted in the City collecting less money than needed to fund the budget. To be clear, the City did not forget to budget for certain expenses nor did we calculate too low a tax rate when the budget was presented to and approved by the Council. This was an after-the-fact billing error, and this year’s tax rate is sufficient to raise the funds needed. We apologize for the mistake, and now have safeguards in place to prevent such errors.

Is the South Portland tax rate high compared to other communities?

No. This past fiscal year, South Portland’s effective tax rate was lower than all abutting communities and second lowest when compared to the 10 largest communities in Maine. This year, we expect that the City will continue to have a lower tax rate than many comparable Maine communities.

Are there any property tax relief programs available?

The State and City offer several property tax relief and tax exemption programs. More information on State tax relief programs can be found at maine.gov/revenue/taxes/tax-relief-credits-programs, or by calling Maine Revenue Services at 207-624-5600. State programs include:

State Property Tax Fairness Credit: Form 1040ME and Schedule PTFC/STFC, filed with your Income Tax Return for the tax year the property tax or rent was paid, has increased to $2,000 as a tax return filing. Call 207-624-9784 for more information.

State Tax Deferral Program: Asset limits were raised and income limits doubled to $80,000 for Maine Seniors having difficulty paying taxes. Applications are due in the Assessing office from January 1 to April 1.

State Exemptions: Homestead (reduces taxable valuation by up to $25,000 as adjusted per State guidelines), Veterans, Veterans Widow/Widower, Disabled/Paraplegic Veterans, Blind, and Renewable Energy.

The City offers a senior citizen property tax relief program. If you qualified and received a Senior Property Tax rebate from the City last year, an application for this year will be mailed to you at the end of January. You can also find the application online or in the Finance office at City Hall. Applications are due May 1. For more information, visit southportland.gov/182/Property-Tax-Assistance-Program, contact the Finance Department at finance@southportland.org, or call 207-767-7612.

Finally, for those who believe they are financially unable to pay their property taxes, the City Council can consider financial hardship tax abatements. For more information, contact Social Services at 207-767-7617.

How do I apply for the Senior Tax Stabilization Credit this year?

You cannot. This program was put in place by State legislation and has been repealed. Some seniors will see an increase this year due to the rollback. The State has other property tax assistance programs in place that have been expanded to increase the number of taxpayers who may qualify. Please visit https://www.maine.gov/revenue/taxes/tax-relief-credits-programs/property-tax-relief-programs or call Maine Revenue Services at 207-624-5600 for more information about these.

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e26a07 No.21650955

Time is irrelevant

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cca504 No.21650956




My property taxes are paid through my escrow account with my mortgage lender. Do I need to notify my lender that the City has changed to one annual bill?

No. The City sends a file to the escrow companies each quarter. Some pay quarterly and some pay the annual total. There is no change in this process, so you do not need to take any action.

How are interest and fees on late payments determined?

Interest and fees on past due taxes are dictated by State law. The City Council, per State statute, sets the tax payment, due dates and rate of interest to be applied to delinquent accounts as part of the Orders passed annually in the budget process. The City does not rely on late fees/interest in order to balance its budget and offers many ways for bills to be paid prior to the due date to avoid such charges.

Why does the City charge a fee to pay with a credit/debit card?

The City’s credit/debit card processor charges a fee for transactions conducted with a card. Rather than absorb this fee and have that cost paid by all taxpayers as a general budget expense, the City passes along that fee to the individual card users. This way, people who pay their taxes by cash or check are not subsidizing the cost of those who use cards. Most, if not all, Maine municipalities pass this fee along to the card users as South Portland does.

Whom do I contact if I have questions about my tax bill?

Contact the Finance Department, Treasury & Collections Division at 767-7612 or finance@southportland.org.

I think my assessed property value is too high. What should I do?

The goal of the Assessing office is to adjust property values closer to market value. If it appears your new assessment exceeds market value, please be sure to email Tracy London, Assistant to the Assessor, at tlondon@southportland.org or call the Assessing office at 207-767-7604 for assistance. Staff will review your property file and determine if any adjustments are appropriate.

Whom do I contact if I have run into financial hardship?

If you have run into a hardship and your taxes are in lien, we encourage you to contact our General Assistance office at 207-767-7617 or email ga@southportland.org for information about applying for an abatement.

How do I learn more?

Watch the Assessor's August 13, 2024 presentation to City Council. You are also welcome to contact the Assessing office if you have questions. Email Tracy London, Assistant to the Assessor at tlondon@southportland.org or call 207-767-7604


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47e80b No.21650957


noice. will watch. thx!

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818500 No.21650958

File: 1afeaec4bb6dc1e⋯.png (278.76 KB,2262x1695,754:565,Screenshot_2024_09_24_at_2….png)


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682092 No.21650959

File: 26a715a629ca66c⋯.jpg (60.93 KB,888x960,37:40,26a715a629ca66c9ef955cfc6b….jpg)


>Well I'M HERE and you can fuck off. Faggot.


a sure sign of juvenile insecurity and LACK of character is the inability to admit a blunder

another is the need to resort to ad hominem attacks and insults

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5e663f No.21650960



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e26a07 No.21650961

Possession is 9/10ths


Doesn't exist

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62b20e No.21650962


It's a ritual. Anon remembers a friend's eyewitness account of VP Joe Biden meeting w/George Soros at (one of his) 5th Avenue townhouses back before that election.

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1a3b42 No.21650963

File: 47c103f2d9ab3dc⋯.png (118.08 KB,860x823,860:823,Screenshot_from_2024_09_24….png)


It is already solidly backed with MATH.

If you back it with gold then the gold will be stolen or rehypothecated or more token created than gold held. You are literally asking for a repeat of history. If you like that idea though, Im happy to tell you that it has already been built and running for like half a decade. I even used it for offramp and got gold in the mail.


Gold just goes sideways though forever so who cares about it. It is just the zero-state.

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249c6b No.21650964


True Christians understand that the Book must be illuminated by the Holy Spirit to be understood. The mind of man isn’t capable of it. Case in point… having God answer a prayer in such a way that only He can. Comes from completely outside the ballpark with the solution, that man could never have come up with. Has happened multiple times in my life.

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818500 No.21650965


i must be over target, getting lots of flack from shills

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3c099d No.21650966

File: d74186ab8efa756⋯.png (1.49 MB,1162x2048,581:1024,ClipboardImage.png)

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e26a07 No.21650967

Hai Jaaaa


Means empty handed

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62b20e No.21650968



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b57370 No.21650969




Must be no Group members here today to defend their Group beliefs and call me a muh Grooup.

Or I defeated the Group bot.

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59ef6e No.21650970

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The changes coming go WAY ABOVE AND BEYOND world governments.




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96fc6c No.21650971

File: 27f7772dfad9e90⋯.jpg (131.65 KB,1050x550,21:11,00epgates1_facebookJumbo_v….jpg)

File: 1653e36f99e7eba⋯.jpg (35.69 KB,800x532,200:133,5730267372_2a5c4b52ab_o_11….jpg)

File: 868563129795c72⋯.png (50.3 KB,958x196,479:98,oie_h5gy2vnGEAnP.png)

File: a05932c71578c91⋯.jpg (153.94 KB,921x1200,307:400,Fjj4Y3gXEAMUPhd_3841606582.jpg)

File: ddf87dc45b475c9⋯.jpg (231.39 KB,900x1357,900:1357,anubis_antichrist_god_of_t….jpg)


'drip, drip, flood'

>>21050598 (pb)

'vaccines' and their injection of aborted fetal cells intend to make children the opposite of Jesus i.e. pregnant infants = anti-Jesus = evil = incest/child-rape-promoters

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10b0b4 No.21650972

File: c901dbc57994702⋯.png (694.57 KB,608x817,32:43,ClipboardImage.png)

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818500 No.21650973

gold will end the fed and the fed wont be able to buy justice anymore from the DoJ, nor murderers and the lowest traitorous scum imaginable from the ruthless abc agencies

i hope you all splinter in the wind and Erik Prince Guardians take your space

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f533c5 No.21650974

File: e59c2d0089333d0⋯.png (532.31 KB,596x627,596:627,ClipboardImage.png)



One really has to wonder why Governor Andy Beshear of Kentucky would keep such close company w/ the Clinton Global Initiative and JD Pritzker, when both Bill Clinton and Tom Pritzker (JD's brother) have been directly linked in court testimony and unsealed documents to the most prolific pedophile, blackmail ring, and human trafficking kingpin to-date, Mr. Jeffrey Epstein.

Has Governor Beshear ever spent time with J. Epstein or any of the individuals in his circle? If so, how much?

Why was Governor Beshear a "Vice Presidential hopeful" for Kamala Harris, a California gangster attorney with ties back to P. Diddy, George Soros, and Nancy Pelosi?

When [They] tell you who [They] are, believe them.


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32c906 No.21650975


now it makes sense to me

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12608e No.21650976


So then it's just wise to own both Gold and Crypto.

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861697 No.21650977


this faggot still here.

bet daisy told you to fuck off for being a useless traitorous faggot.

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ba057d No.21650978

File: 19e791bca554662⋯.jpeg (99.02 KB,472x901,472:901,IMG_0327.jpeg)



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5314be No.21650979

File: f3e5d373f2c8a79⋯.png (1.33 MB,800x800,1:1,f3e5d373f2c8a7968847c30b16….png)


>gold will end the fed and the fed wont be able to buy justice anymore from the DoJ, nor murderers and the lowest traitorous scum imaginable from the ruthless abc agencies


>i hope you all splinter in the wind and Erik Prince Guardians take your space

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76bb52 No.21650980

File: f51f565fa084c4a⋯.png (1.28 MB,1185x667,1185:667,ClipboardImage.png)

Ellen DeGeneres Strikes Back: “Mean, Old and Gay — The Triple Crown”

(Put out a week after Diddy, did she know it was coming since last year when Diddy was raided)

The former 'Ellen' host jokes that she regrets not signing off with "Go f*** yourselves" in her new Netflix comedy special that details the fallout when the world decides the "queen of nice" is actually "the queen of mean."


'Ellen DeGeneres: For Your Approval' WILSON WEBB/NETFLIX © 2024 Ellen DeGeneres is getting the last laugh.

With her latest (and apparently final) stand-up special now streaming on Netflix, the former daytime talk show host is addressing how she got “kicked out of show business” — and she’s milking it for laughs. But mixed in with the various punchlines are also moments of sincerity and genuine reflection. “I’m here because I love doing stand-up, and I miss doing stand-up, and I like making people happy, and I do care what people think,” she confesses at the top of the special, which is appropriately titled Ellen DeGeneres: For Your Approval.

Lest you somehow missed the myriad headlines back in 2020, DeGeneres’ eponymous talk show was hit with toxic workplace allegations, which came on the heels of a series of personal swipes at DeGeneres herself. She’s claimed that neither was the reason that she ultimately ended the long-running show, though she has been open about the heartache the controversy caused.

“Here’s the problem: I’m a comedian who got a talk show and I ended the show every day by saying, ‘Be kind to one another.’ Yeah, I know, it seemed like a good idea,” she says in the new hour, weaving her way to a well-received punchline: “Had I ended my show by saying, ‘Go fuck yourselves,’ people would have been pleasantly surprised to find out I’m kind.”

Much like this piece, the special begins by providing a refresher of the 2020 saga (which it does through a mess of dramatic headlines), along with the one that engulfed DeGeneres’ career years before, when she famously came out as gay on the cover of Time magazine. Then DeGeneres walks out onstage and offers her own recap. “I got kicked out of show business. Yeah, because I’m mean. You can’t be mean and be in show business. They’ll kick you out.

No mean people in show business,” she jokes, adding that this is her second strike. “Kicked me out before because I told them I was out. No gay people in show business. They kick you out. Can’t be gay and be in show business.

Eventually they’re going to kick me out a third time for being old — mean, old and gay, the triple crown.”

And there’s plenty more comedy where that came from. “For me, it was never about the money. It was about healing my childhood wounds. I thought, if I could make people happy, they’ll like me. And if they like me, I’ll feel good about myself,” she says at one point and then deadpans: “And all I can say about that is, thank God for the money.” Of course, DeGeneres hits on other subjects, too, from chickens to parallel parking, but the vast majority of the special is focused on the controversy and its impact.

The new hour — which, technically, clocks in at an hour and 10 minutes — comes as part of a pricey two-special deal that DeGeneres signed years ago.

The first in that pact, 2018’s Relatable, marked DeGeneres’ first special in 15 years. For Your Approval was produced by Ben Winston and his Fulwell 73 Productions, along with DeGeneres and her wife, Portia de Rossi, who joins her onstage at the end. Joel Gallen, who also helmed Chris Rock’s 2023 Selective Outrage special, directed.

As the special draws to a close, DeGeneres reveals that she is finally happy — happy not to be a brand or a boss or a billboard anymore, and, to deafening cheers and a standing ovation, declares herself a strong woman.

She then thanks the audience profusely for their love and support, acknowledging she didn’t think that she’d ever do stand-up again because she didn’t think she’d be able to find the funny in what had happened. But getting back out there proved “healing,” she concludes to ongoing applause, adding:“I’m so glad I got to say goodbye on my terms.”


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b9f429 No.21650981


That box

Will take your toys and your cracker jacks

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ba057d No.21650982

File: 79b4928261a3538⋯.jpeg (516.64 KB,837x979,837:979,IMG_0301.jpeg)

File: 799504306c640fe⋯.jpeg (444.46 KB,916x642,458:321,IMG_0326.jpeg)

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4fdebb No.21650983

File: 374b18ad9a856fd⋯.png (1.61 MB,1220x882,610:441,mp.PNG)

Before the internet, is this how they advertised and sold children?

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e63133 No.21650984

File: 7d9ce7bf12cabee⋯.jpg (83.41 KB,680x676,170:169,20240925_000734.jpg)

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cca504 No.21650985

File: bb2ee7ceb2121cd⋯.png (100.62 KB,1282x520,641:260,Screenshot_2024_09_24_at_1….png)

So the school can install astroturf


>South Portland raised the taxes, didn't tell anyone how much it was going to go up. Passed a massive school budget. Then unleashed the tax increases on people after the school budget was passed.Now there's probably going to be school funding in a bond during the election..

$16.3 million in school bonds could be on South Portland’s November ballot

The City Council will hold an Aug. 6 public hearing and final vote on whether to send the three bond orders to a November referendum.

Posted July 17

Updated July 19

Drew Johnson


2 min read

Resize Font Font size +

The South Portland City Council on Tuesday gave preliminary approval to three separate school bonds, totaling $16.3 million. If sent to the November ballot and approved by voters, they would provide safety upgrades at the city’s elementary schools, conduct maintenance at some schools, and revamp athletic facilities at the high school.

The $12.3 million bond for athletic facilities calls for a new concessions building, stadium field, practice field, track, stadium lights and a permanent restroom. The proposal calls for the use of synthetic turf. Currently, portable toilets are used at the stadium while the outdoor track is in rough shape and there are bare patches on the stadium field, posing a safety concerns for athletes, Superintendent Tim Matheney said at Monday’s council meeting.

“That field is not just used for football,” Matheney said. “That’s a soccer stadium, that’s a lacrosse stadium and it hosts many events throughout the school year.”

Matheney told the council that the district has been working on an athletic facilities plan since early 2023.

A $3 million bond would create secure vestibules at all five of South Portland’s elementary schools among other security measures. Upgrading the entrances to the elementary schools has been discussed by school officials and the school board since April 2023, Matheney said.

The vestibules would cost $2.7 million while $52,000 would go toward external lighting and $227,000 would go toward security cameras.

“We need far more sophisticated – and far more – security cameras in our elementary schools than we do now which, quite frankly, are significantly behind what you would find in elementary schools elsewhere in the United States,” Matheney told the council.

He noted the district applied for grant funding for the vestibules but was rejected in January.

Meanwhile, a $1 million bond would be for maintenance – nearly $936,000 of which would go toward roof work at Kaler, Skillin and Small elementary schools.

“It’s not the full roof at each school, but substantial portions of them,” Matheney said.

Roughly $33,000 of that bond order would go toward windows at Kaler to stop moisture seeping into the school and roughly $32,000 toward the high school’s auditorium pit area and the entrance to Beal Gymnasium.

“We believe the materials that were used for the (gym) entrance are really not exterior materials and that was an error when that part of the building was constructed,” Matheney said.

The school board approved the three bond orders on July 8. The council unanimously gave preliminary approval to them on Monday and will hold a public hearing and final vote on Aug. 6 to decide whether to send the bonds to a November referendum.

This story was edited July 19 to add that synthetic turf would be used for the new fields.


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ba057d No.21650986

File: e5fe87bbe4b861c⋯.jpeg (70.12 KB,440x564,110:141,35A6DF74_217E_4252_9DF0_1….jpeg)

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818500 No.21650987

File: b97c47a70182470⋯.webp (61.2 KB,1200x632,150:79,966eafa551c70ad80d5a55bd4….webp)

the American Dream

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f91df6 No.21650988

File: 5f2edc825318a09⋯.png (2.03 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ge.png)

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2ce43f No.21650989


>Will take your toys and your cracker jacks


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663214 No.21650990

File: b2086ffc02c3d79⋯.gif (1.48 MB,420x236,105:59,kek35.gif)

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ba057d No.21650991

File: 0f57f4b27edaedb⋯.jpeg (271.77 KB,1130x1260,113:126,IMG_0323.jpeg)

File: 2df5187620b6ed1⋯.mp4 (281.82 KB,540x540,1:1,YT_JC90yasdlYVxO.mp4)

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682092 No.21650992


>Faces $4 Million Budget Shortfall After Mistakenly Failing to Increase Property Taxes Enough, said South Portland Finance Director Ellen Sanborn

this is what happens when women are expected to do basic arithmetic

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5e663f No.21650993

File: 4c3144c830c6023⋯.png (986.25 KB,740x934,370:467,ClipboardImage.png)


>the "queen of nice" is actually "the queen of mean."


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67431b No.21650994

File: 0dbfb7e957ae241⋯.png (433.3 KB,738x1544,369:772,ClipboardImage.png)

File: db31f68d58f237b⋯.mp4 (2.85 MB,480x852,40:71,Well_I_think_I_just_reache….mp4)

This is The Great Awakening

“Well, I think I just reached some new level of awakening because I just realized we're all worried about living in 1984 with a global government, and we've been living that way the entire time.

There's some families or some bullsh*t up there. They've been running this world for 1000 of years and they've taken us all and put us into a giant zoo.

And they make the environment just like zoos do. They make an environment that might be palpable to us. They give us food that they think we might like. They give us distractions like politics and religion and issues and arguments and television. And then they give us numbers and numbers and birth certificates and driver's license and passports and what have you.

So they can keep track of us throughout our whole lives. And then they have all our medical information, which is really what kind of experiments have been done on us.

And then they take our f*cking children wherever the hell they want. Wow.”


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60f9f5 No.21650995

File: 8d22949baa90b66⋯.jpeg (1.23 MB,1125x1403,1125:1403,IMG_4312.jpeg)

Become a joyful warrior today!

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ee0e75 No.21650996


if that was really how the network functioned. Who decided what kids went on the carton? was it sent in from outside, was big milk involved.

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0ded7c No.21650997

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Someone needs to throw that little faggot out of a window.

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76bb52 No.21650998


The SS has been aware of the Iran kill orders going out four years ago, so did the Bidan Admin, DHS and leaders of SS, you know the ones that assign more personell to Trump's team.

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b9f429 No.21650999


Years ago …there were homes for unwed mothers

Run by Catholic church

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eff65c No.21651001

Kamala is drunk and posting again.

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818500 No.21651002


Trump Card

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e26a07 No.21651003

File: 0aab4eaa4570149⋯.jpg (91.85 KB,329x329,1:1,elizabeth_warren_347128825….jpg)

File: 8dea5ed9023b945⋯.jpg (575.52 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240916_022336….jpg)

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e689e3 No.21651004


12hrs wage slaving is dehumanizing. please somebody kill me , sell me a gun. end my miserable life

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5e663f No.21651005

File: 014239443656ea1⋯.png (480.69 KB,848x460,212:115,ClipboardImage.png)

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3c099d No.21651006

File: 3acd1073d5a4c28⋯.png (390.41 KB,506x900,253:450,ClipboardImage.png)

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88387b No.21651007

File: b5beb14933bd07b⋯.jpeg (186.19 KB,1487x879,1487:879,IMG_4018.jpeg)


Yep. It’s a werd.

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818500 No.21651008


I must be over the target, i have all the nasty shills spewing their demonic filth, i hope you feel HEavens wrath for all the wars you guys funded in the name of GREED

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1a3b42 No.21651009


Yeah man. I mean, they are different tools for different jobs. If I need to carry a lot of money across a border or something doing that in gold is suicide. Crypto tho… But if I needed to use something in a grid down scenario I would want TP, ammo, booze, drugs and [redacted] to trade/sell. Gold is tough to have a use now. That said, I want to get one of those accounts at the Texas Gold Depository so I can send gold there from time to time like a weird shiny savings account.

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910dcf No.21651010

File: 0f7c7aa99eb68af⋯.png (698.93 KB,1000x623,1000:623,Screenshot_20240924_143949….png)

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47e80b No.21651011


anon was born and raised in KY for 35 yrs…58 now and in TX. KY citizens have always voted against their best interests. case in point: Mitch McConnell…been in d.c. since the 80's and KY is no better off now than it was 40 years ago. KY also has a long history of child trafficking. google Gideon's Children's Home. Col. Sanders, yes, THAT Col. Sanders was a well-known womanizer and pedo.

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ba057d No.21651012

File: 810114b7c76ac5a⋯.jpeg (239.54 KB,1130x1597,1130:1597,IMG_0300.jpeg)

File: af472b6d46566ca⋯.jpeg (524.07 KB,1468x1468,1:1,Pedo_Thrones_01.JPEG)

File: 4654041c8214956⋯.png (773.15 KB,800x551,800:551,PedoWood.PNG)

File: e095e0031ef7387⋯.jpeg (214.29 KB,764x955,4:5,Hollywood_Sinking.JPEG)

File: c37af0c7f04b818⋯.jpeg (126.84 KB,653x800,653:800,Clooney_Pedo_T.JPEG)

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7233e5 No.21651013


think the danger is ramped up quite a few notches….

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818500 No.21651014

HEavens WRATH is coming for you war. profiteers, the blood is where the soul resides

you nasty pedophilic, cannibalistic, murdering soulless demonic entities, you cannot stop what its coming

you cant stop WHO is coming

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cc1f09 No.21651015



important that its known.

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e63133 No.21651016


is that Scania front bumper

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5475b9 No.21651017


This Anon has lived in Kentucky for 61 years, McConnell was placed and so was Beshear.

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682092 No.21651018



your qualifications to teach are showing

as is the academic preparation required of teachers

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ba057d No.21651019

File: 5a909fb9b1ec765⋯.png (375.09 KB,516x374,258:187,BA81807F_17D6_4E9E_AE35_AB….PNG)

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910dcf No.21651020

File: 2ac381950f9c981⋯.png (726.84 KB,1012x646,506:323,Screenshot_20240924_144138….png)


And And autocorrect correction

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a2222d No.21651021

File: 3d083079206c76d⋯.jpg (9.2 KB,250x241,250:241,rolling_eyes.jpg)

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aa4054 No.21651022

File: 6ac2be299cb4331⋯.jpg (23.67 KB,227x255,227:255,jfk_LESBIAN_.jpg)


>>the American Dream

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861697 No.21651023

File: fb9e901b671eae2⋯.png (464.71 KB,590x427,590:427,ClipboardImage.png)


september has been wild.

not over yet.

up next

red october.

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cca504 No.21651024

File: 4fcc9ef5950842e⋯.png (58.11 KB,719x310,719:310,Screenshot_2024_09_24_at_1….png)


>He is an Elder Law Attorney!





You, go get a reverse mortgage to pay your taxes". meanwhile…we get a new city hall

Portland Press Herald, Maine

South Portland plans $74 million renovation of Mahoney Middle. Residents ask if it's needed.

Gillian Graham, Portland Press Herald, Maine

Updated September 6, 2024·5 min read

Sep. 5—The South Portland City Council voted this week to move ahead with transforming the former Mahoney Middle School into a city hall campus that will include a new public library and police station, rather than converting it into affordable housing.

But residents upset about higher tax bills following a recent revaluation are pushing back on the proposal and question why the city is looking at a $74 million project at a time when some taxpayers are worried about losing their homes.

"The timing is unfortunate," resident Lauren Shapiro told the council on Tuesday. "It would be irresponsible, and frankly tactless, to propose this bond to voters."

The City Council unanimously endorsed plans to renovate the former school, but ultimately it will be up to voters to approve the funding to make that possible. A bond referendum will not go to voters until at least November 2025.

"Is it ever the right time? We've delayed this for so long," Councilor Rachael Coleman said.

City officials say the current City Hall, fire and police stations and the library all have inadequate space and some of the buildings need major updates.

A city facilities committee spent the last three years looking at the current and future needs of multiple municipal buildings — including the current City Hall on Cottage Road, the main library and the central fire and police stations, which are not far from Mahoney — and analyzing options for new or renovated facilities.

Mahoney became part of that discussion after students relocated to the new middle school on Wescott Street last year and the school department turned the 10-acre property over to the city, a move that was required by state law because it was no longer being used for education.

The new plan calls for relocating departments currently housed in City Hall and the former Hamlin Elementary School property into the Mahoney building.

The city also would build an addition to relocate the library and construct a new 26,000-square-foot police station on the adjacent field. The central fire station on Broadway would be renovated after the existing police station is demolished.

The theater and gymnasium would be reserved for community use. And there would be enough open space left on the Mahoney property to keep one soccer field.


A preliminary estimate puts the cost of the project at $74 million, but that number could change before taxpayers are asked to approve a bond to pay for it. The city allocated $4.5 million for the design phase, which will generate a more accurate estimate for the total cost.

City leaders say they recognize the project is a big ask, but is unavoidable because putting off needed work only makes it more expensive.

"Eventually, if nothing is done with these buildings, we're going to have serious problems," City Manager Scott Morelli said. "I don't know what the answer is if voters don't eventually approve a bond."

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1a0a06 No.21651025


They will catch them cheating in real time somehow.

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cca504 No.21651026


>South Portland plans $74 million renovation of Mahoney Middle. Residents ask if it's needed.

Fire Chief Phil Selberg said the condition of the fire station is embarrassing — the floors are cracked, mold is growing in the building, there is only one working bathroom on the second floor and some windows are so drafty that firefighters wake up in the winter covered with snow.

"It was state of the art in 1955 and still looks like it was built in 1955 because we haven't been able to do much to it," he said.

The current main library branch is undersized and doesn't fit the needs of a modern library, said Director Kevin Davis. The library, designed by noted Maine architect John Leasure, was a well-regarded early example of modern architecture when it opened in 1966.

"It was modern, it was innovative, it was cool," Davis said.

But there are now 10 more employees than when it opened, the library offers far more services than just book lending, and the stacks are 8 feet high instead of 4 feet, Davis said. There is also limited parking, only one office and no dedicated space that people can use for quiet study or meetings.

Davis said in an interview after the City Council vote that he feels a sense of relief that councilors support the Mahoney plan, even if it would be years until a new building was ready.

"At least we know there is a desire from the city to move forward in this direction toward a new facility for our services," he said.


The council had also considered a proposal from the South Portland Housing Authority to use the property for affordable housing.

During recent public meetings, dozens of residents urged the city to move forward with that plan and to find ways to preserve as much green space as possible.

Morelli, the city manager, said the council could decide to use the current City Hall, Hamlin building and library for affordable housing in the future and that they could be redeveloped into more units than would fit in Mahoney. The housing authority, Avesta, Developers Collaborative and other firms have indicated they would be willing to bid on those sites if the the city chooses to turn them into affordable housing, he said.

Bob McKeagney, speaking on behalf of the Historic Preservation Committee, urged councilors to preserve the historical integrity of Mahoney, which the committee nominated for inclusion on the city's inventory of archaeological and historic resources.

The committee also is advocating for the city to preserve the library building, which is the only publicly accessible example of international style architecture in South Portland. The international style is characterized by modular forms, flat surfaces without ornamentation, and open and airy interiors.

Residents who spoke before the vote said that even if the renovations and upgrades are needed, residents can't shoulder a tax increase to pay for the project.

"This makes my blood boil. We started tonight talking about unprecedented tax increases," said resident Donna Kane. She said the plan for the campus is lovely, "but is a luxury we cannot afford."

Diane Romano said the city needs to "distinguish between needs and wants" and that it was tone deaf to be talking about the renovation plan "when we're all up here pleading because people are being taxed out of their homes."

"What's wrong with this building that you can't suck it up for a few more years?" she said. "Something's got to give and something's got to give quick."

Copy the Story Link

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818500 No.21651027


im nothing, but it doesnt take but common sense to see the writing on the wall … the blood shed has to stop, esp for money and greed and power, disgusting

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47e80b No.21651028


yes. i was from the hal rogers area. i assume he's still there shuffling through the halls of congress. i remember once meeting martha layne collins in HS. met happy chandler once at a uk basketball game around '77.

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053aa0 No.21651029

File: df969ad23440d31⋯.jpg (843.08 KB,1200x717,400:239,Nuclear.jpg)

File: d88b5e2efcd6a2f⋯.jpg (38.57 KB,540x500,27:25,jussie_time_is_up.jpg)

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6ce380 No.21651030


Its way worse than this.

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eff65c No.21651031

Who has Blue Beam Ayyyys for Red October?

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818500 No.21651032

we going to see a lot of falling stars

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ba057d No.21651033

File: a72303514aa22e6⋯.png (1.27 MB,1874x1438,937:719,Flaming_Butthole_01.PNG)


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000000 No.21651034

Newspaper articles collection

@NewsArticleColl 1h

Zelensky: We have information that Russia wants to attack 3 of our nuclear power plants

Sep 24, 2024 · 7:45 PM UTC


S p r i n t e r

@SprinterFamily 4h

Hezbollah announces targeting the Samson base(a command and regional equipment unit) with Fadi 3 missiles.

Sep 24, 2024 · 5:18 PM UTC



>How Israel Stole the Atomic Bomb and killed JFK

Nuclear World Order.

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88387b No.21651035



Over all selections.

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818500 No.21651036

JFK died for this dream, im so happy POTUS finishing it for him, bravo!!

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a13a7b No.21651037

File: 3fd8e5d0684cf82⋯.jpg (149.7 KB,658x867,658:867,G83.jpg)

Sheikh Muhammad Ali Al-Husseini the Shia cleric and the Beirut based head of the Islamic Council in the Arab world and in Lebanon in particular, says:

“I say to Nasrallah - your era is over in Lebanon and in the whole world and you should know that there is a turning point in the entire Middle East and you no longer have status and turn and your existence is over and take the initiative and hand South Lebanon over to the Lebanese army”


Iranian president desperate for a ceasefire. His controllers are furious.

Israel has wiped out two major terrorist groups in the neighborhood.

They tried to run north but Christian villages refused them. They ran for Syria and Iraq.

If the fight goes to Iraq they lose some more. Then Iran will be on its own with Russia and Turkey.

Meanwhile Iran is importing fighters from Yemen.

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4fdebb No.21651038

Is there anything coming out that will absolutely shock anons?

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0ded7c No.21651039


That seems to be the case.

I would imagine they also had other ways to advertise. Maybe child models in catalogs and magazines?

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5e663f No.21651040

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>homes for unwed mothers

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e63133 No.21651041

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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682092 No.21651042


>>>21650618 Officials urge residents to leave the area of a chemical leak near Cincinnati


you don't think the fact that they LIED about the identity of the chemical that is leaking was notable?



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39d27d No.21651043

File: fd5902a69cad694⋯.jpeg (552.98 KB,1170x1676,585:838,IMG_6215.jpeg)

File: b712bd07426f1b4⋯.jpeg (611.94 KB,1170x1334,585:667,IMG_6246.jpeg)

SC rep Jim Duncan follows this guy. This guy followed me and started asking me strange questions. Jim Duncan endorsed Kamala Harris as a Republican and is mentioned hella times in the podesta Clinton and dnc emails. He is a rhino and this guy is working with him

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818500 No.21651044


im over the target i have your hateful demonic post attacking me, you have no idea what Heavenly realms are coming to this hell


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b57370 No.21651045


Sweet movie.

Do they get to kill the corrupted poiticians and pedophile elites on the spot?

And all their sick criminal friends who practice witchcraft and vampire shit for criminal gain?

Definitely they should be able to kill all the baby snachers, in public, on the spot right after calling out the public to watch.

I wouldn't watch that movie.

Too violent and un-American, like the left.

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cc1f09 No.21651046

File: 99614e221936f9e⋯.jpeg (572.13 KB,1230x1544,615:772,redoctoberbig.jpeg)



Red Oct. is still coming up.

hope you have your archives ready and saved off line.

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88387b No.21651047


I got nucular kerfuffle that month.

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e689e3 No.21651048


Q wants us to suicide ourselves & ascend or be stuck in a 2 moar week time loop forever. suicide is the only solution.

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cc1f09 No.21651049



took the words out of my keyboard.

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818500 No.21651050

The Judge is a forgiving judge

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b1d19f No.21651051

File: 777c0806d56f133⋯.png (282.14 KB,660x440,3:2,newfag_bot.png)

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000000 No.21651052


your ugly mom?

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208435 No.21651053


#26515 >>21650342

>>21650352 - 3191 Capitol Hill Staffers’ Info Compromised After Using Gov’t Emails On Dating, Porn Sites

>>21650354, >>21650363, >>21650395, >>21650428, >>21650504, >>21650585, >>21650640 ME latest

>>21650358, >>21650591 Children as young at 8 are drugged and trafficked into the US by smugglers posing as their parents

>>21650367, >>21650473, >>21650474, >>21650614 Non-citizens added to states’ voter rolls = interference

>>21650373, >>21650387 USNS Big Horn Runs Aground. Navy does not have a replacement fleet oiler.

>>21650374, >>21650385 Oran Alexander Routh charged with possession of CP


>>21650389, >>21650401, >>21650415, >>21650681 "Haitian Bridge Alliance" has filed criminal charges against Donald Trump and J.D. Vance

>>21650396, >>21650446, >>21650524, >>21650589, >>21650601 NASA, Space Force Etc

>>21650410, >>21650797 Biden Can Barely Speak, Slurs His Words, Attacks Russia and Pushes for More War in Last UN Speech

>>21650424, >>21650618, >>21650620 Officials urge residents to leave the area of a chemical leak near Cincinnati

>>21650432, >>21650440, >>21650556 Florida Sex Trafficking Scandal Tries To Pull in Public Officials

>>21650437 WATCH Bloomberg Global Business Forum, World Bank, IMF forum

>>21650457, >>21650624, >>21650824 FCC just fast-tracked George Soros' purchase of 220+ radio stations before November's election

>>21650468, >>21650481, >>21650483, >>21650506 Ashton Kutcher, Diddy connection bun

>>21650494, >>21650564, >>21650679, >>21650715 Diddy’s trial would expose high-level officials and celebrities

>>21650495, >>21650502 20 AGs To Investigate Pediatrician Group For False Claims About Transitioning Children

>>21650499 POTUS - "It will be a renaissance It will be a golden period."

>>21650509 Illegal immigrant allegedly driving drunk, crashes car and kills police officer

>>21650540 TRUMP TRUTH - SWAMP THE VOTE https://swampthevoteusa.com/

>>21650565 JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon: "If you do not control the borders, you are going to destroy our country

>>21650588 Michigan: Illegal Pleads Guilty to Murdering Ruby Garcia Execution-Style

>>21650590, >>21650910, >>21650928 Biden Remarks & Swamp Happenings

>>21650602 Warren Jones Crazybull, 64, has been charged with threatening to kill Trump

>>21650633, >>21650678 Oran Routh, son of Ukrainian hero and Would-Be Assassin Ryan Routh, worked on the crew for Taylor Swift's tour

>>21650668 Brett Favre says he has been diagnosed with Parkinson’s

>>21650690, >>21650733 Sam Bankman-Fried and Diddy in same Jail - Caroline Ellison sentenced to two years

>>21650710 @charliekirk11 - CNN's Eva McKend just DEMOLISHED Kamala's "I'm tough on the border"

>>21650714, >>21650787 RYAN COMMS - They've raised the money needed to 'finish the job'

>>21650724, >>21650732, >>21650744 POTUS buys using CASH - BOUNTY Quicker Picker Upper

>>21650771, >>21650776, >>21650794, >>21650820, >>21650826, >>21650874, >>21650941, >>21650985 "Just Get a Reverse Mortgage to pay your skyrocketing property taxes."

>>21650828, >>21650835 barackobama It’s Banned Books Week, Join me in thanking our school and public librarians

>>21650869, >>21650897, >>21650919, >>21650940 DOJ Releases Routh $150K Trump Bounty Letter To Divert From $1M Iranian Bounty Before Butler (Slaughter Pen DIGG)

>>21650911 Alex Soros - Honored to host Governor @Tim_Walz at my home in New York City!

>>21650994 THIS ▷ This is The New Level Of Awakening ▷ The Great Awakening

>>21650366, >>21650383, >>21650527, >>21650553, >>21650583, >>21650759 MEMES

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818500 No.21651054

dont listen to people advising you to suicide yourself, these are demonic forces speaking through them

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e26a07 No.21651055

Pray for the neighbor's kids. One of their parents was murdered last weekend and a sibling shot.

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aa4054 No.21651056

File: 26f9410c89a52c3⋯.jpg (78.16 KB,386x600,193:300,lf.jpg)


>>>the American Dream

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818500 No.21651057


we used to be Pan America

North and South America joined aeons ago

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e63133 No.21651059


You turned Kentucky to goys barn

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000000 No.21651060


>suicide is the only solution.

C´mon Adolf do a backflip!

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782e1c No.21651061


Only 0.86% of registered vehicles in the US are electric, with 43 states having adoption rates below 1%. Electric vehicle (EV) sales growth in the U.S. continues to slow, according to sales data analyzed by Kelley Blue Book.

Not a success story.

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818500 No.21651062


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b1d19f No.21651063

File: 1d3f47d3f1b4480⋯.gif (1.1 MB,450x300,3:2,banana_peel_robot.gif)

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5e663f No.21651064

File: 0885298859976ed⋯.mp4 (5 MB,640x350,64:35,Lit_1_.mp4)


let's find out

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aa4054 No.21651065

File: 7c23a057b511184⋯.jpg (167.91 KB,1104x1434,184:239,lxzsj4b1cnm81.jpg)


>>>>the American Dream

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626bca No.21651066


that the majority of the human race has been traveling space for hundreds of years and we're the offspring of retards that didn't make the cut and live on a planet that's basically a reality tv show to entertain the real humans while they're traveling through space

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e689e3 No.21651067


literally spend my irl building homes for the invasion forces. trust the plan the 3,000 pajeets are really friendly.

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e30054 No.21651068


>targeting the Samson base


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818500 No.21651069



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29b2e3 No.21651070

File: 26569649dc5f19a⋯.png (139.54 KB,364x363,364:363,giggle2.png)


THanks, that made me giggle

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47e80b No.21651071


nice piece of work, baker!

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3c099d No.21651072

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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e26a07 No.21651073

A good thing i can tolerate cognitive dissonance

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88387b No.21651074



Trump should debate her on CNN. That could be fun.

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336cd4 No.21651075

File: 3c301c2e569908b⋯.png (1.4 MB,962x962,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1981a399cc7da58⋯.png (1012.27 KB,1199x744,1199:744,ClipboardImage.png)


>I got nucular kerfuffle that month.


>Who has Blue Beam Ayyyys for Red October?

I'm callin' Big Mike on the left and an arrest for the right (not sure who)

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96fc6c No.21651076

File: 1653e36f99e7eba⋯.jpg (35.69 KB,800x532,200:133,5730267372_2a5c4b52ab_o_11….jpg)


>the American Dream


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e689e3 No.21651077


mid January is train engine 909 pinball. can’t get a gun. scared of heights. full speed ahead conductor.

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d3a81f No.21651078


Angela Belcamino shows us his 11" cock?

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208435 No.21651079

File: daa4a6196242ea2⋯.png (243.23 KB,341x379,341:379,daa4a6196242ea2592580d4f96….png)


TY anon

Baker likes a busy bread

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e26a07 No.21651080

File: be00aa22dc0fba7⋯.gif (195.54 KB,220x124,55:31,this_is_fine_its_fine_1888….gif)

Once you get out of my way


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818500 No.21651081


this has nothing to do with me, youre. a fame seeking shill, im over the target to have such an esteemed shill as you reply to my post

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cca504 No.21651082

File: dcb75ec7c4bfac4⋯.png (100.15 KB,1282x561,1282:561,Screenshot_2024_09_24_at_1….png)



gee, I wonder what could've caused budget issues

Asylum seekers to move in to new South Portland apartments

Avesta Housing has received an occupancy permit for West End II and will begin moving asylum seekers in within a few weeks.

Posted February 19, 2023

Updated February 21, 2023

Kelley Bouchard

Staff Writer

4 min read

Resize Font Font size +

The West End Apartments building by Avesta Housing under construction last week at 600 Westbrook St. in South Portland. Brianna Soukup/Staff Photographer

SOUTH PORTLAND — Asylum seekers staying in local hotels could begin moving into 52 new apartments on Westbrook Street in a few weeks.

Avesta Housing, Greater Portland’s largest nonprofit affordable housing provider, has received an occupancy permit for the second phase of its West End Apartment complex and plans to begin leasing the units to asylum seekers.

Initially slated to open last fall, West End II has been delayed several months because of building supply chain disruptions and labor shortages, said Avesta spokesman Rod Harmon.


Avesta Housing plans apartments for asylum seekers in South Portland, Portland

The project at 600 Westbrook St. got its occupancy permit last week, but the contractor still has to work through a punch list of final tasks, such as touching up paint and checking utility systems, Harmon said. Tenants have been selected and notified and will start moving in early next month.

While the apartments aren’t permanently reserved for asylum seekers, Harmon said, Avesta gave preference to migrants who have been housed in local hotels because Portland’s emergency shelters are full and affordable apartments are scarce in southern Maine.

“We received over 1,000 applications for 52 apartments,” Harmon said.

Avesta also gives preference to people who are homeless, veterans, disabled or over age 60, he said.

“In this case, the preference was asylum seekers experiencing homelessness,” he said.


Communities recognizing homelessness isn’t just a Portland problem

Harmon said 20% of Avesta’s 3,300 apartments in southern Maine and New Hampshire are leased to recent immigrants, including asylum seekers.

Avesta tried to secure additional housing for asylum seekers by purchasing Winchester Woods, a 48-unit apartment complex under construction in Portland’s East Deering neighborhood, but that deal fell through. Avesta has no active plans to develop additional housing for asylum seekers, Harmon said.

The new housing comes as high numbers of new Mainers continue to come into Portland.

Portland is providing emergency shelter to more than 950 people nightly, including homeless individuals and asylum seekers. A recent influx of families have slept sitting in chairs in the city’s crowded family shelter. About 800 homeless individuals and asylum seekers are being sheltered in South Portland hotels.

The South Portland City Council has extended the deadline to April 30 for when the hotels must resume normal operations allowed under their municipal licenses. The council also has enacted an eviction moratorium and rent cap, and it’s working on a rent control proposal and zoning changes that would allow nonprofits to open homeless shelters in the city.


Avesta Housing won’t move forward with Winchester Woods project

Given the urgency of housing and homeless challenges, Mayor Kate Lewis welcomed the pending completion of West End II.

“This type of housing can’t come soon enough and we need more of it,” Lewis said.

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ee0e75 No.21651083


I think they already have last time but are giving them a chance not to cheat but, that might backfire. No side will concede, each will accuse each other of cheating. Evidence will have to be shown some how in some court but it will have to be done in the public view because no single congressional person can be allowed to take office either if the presidential is in question, so are everyone of their elections. It is during this or perhaps before Kamala gets installed potentially due to Jill taking over the office it seems, and then draconian scary shit happens. There might even be a replay of j6 or an attempt but hopefully Mike Johnson calls in the national guard this time. show them how that is done. And they take over washington from the people who have decided that the will of the people will not be followed and there will be a split somehow in government. Regions maybe in play. Governors will be right out also along with state politicians since their elections will also be questioned.

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89aa2e No.21651084


Your vote has never counted. All of our politicians are selected, not elected. It's always been that way.

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cca504 No.21651085

File: a505305239bbd20⋯.png (651.83 KB,831x827,831:827,Screenshot_2024_09_24_at_1….png)


>gee, I wonder what could've caused budget issues

Lewis said she hoped that West End II will house many of the families who have been living in South Portland hotels, so their children will be able to maintain some stability in continuing to attend city schools.


South Portland pushes ahead with rent control proposal

Harmon said some West End II tenants probably will come from South Portland hotels, but he couldn’t say how many.

When Avesta officials were planning the West End project, they said it would cost an estimated $28 million overall and add a total of 90 subsidized and 26 market-rate apartments to the rental market in South Portland.

It was financed with a combination of low-income federal housing tax credits from MaineHousing, federal HOME funds awarded by Cumberland County, tax-increment financing from the city, and grants and subsidized permanent loans.

West End I, a 64-unit, mixed-income project at 586 Westbrook St. that cost $13 million, opened in 2021.

The rents at West End II will be funded with a portion of $22 million that the Legislature earmarked in last year’s state budget for emergency housing needs across Maine, said Scott Thistle, MaineHousing spokesman.

A $1.54 million escrow account has been set up to cover rental fees for two years while tenants navigate the asylum process, get work permits, find jobs and become part of the community, he said. Additional supports have been funded to help residents through the Immigrant Legal Advocacy Project and Hope Acts, a nonprofit that assists asylum seekers.

Avesta didn’t respond to questions about the final cost of West End II, how much funding it received last year or how much tenants will pay for rent.


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4fdebb No.21651086


Hardest pill for anons will be religion truths

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aa4054 No.21651087

File: 6620f814fdf7b6b⋯.jpg (271.52 KB,960x991,960:991,pp6p69g9fax71.jpg)


>>>>>the American Dream

butt tahn gahy barr

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5e663f No.21651088


>Navy does not have a replacement fleet oiler

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4581fb No.21651089

File: fbcaf42b3d9f84d⋯.png (783.7 KB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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5e663f No.21651090

File: ab04ae92b2d691b⋯.mp4 (575.21 KB,1280x708,320:177,diddyoil.mp4)


>fleet oiler

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f91df6 No.21651091

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


> Obama

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782e1c No.21651092


>“Here’s the problem: I’m a comedian.

Yes that's a big problem. You were never funny. Annoying as fuck is more like it.

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46ea59 No.21651093


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ba057d No.21651094

File: 8f71349938bc472⋯.png (394.98 KB,516x374,258:187,0833A3D8_AA33_4851_8953_70….png)

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aa4054 No.21651095


ferdinand gaylord banged behind frootstand

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47e80b No.21651096


i figured that out a while ago. and things accelerated to the dark on 11/22/63

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818500 No.21651097

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


for the children …

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e30054 No.21651098


>Hardest pill for anons will be religion truths

Kek. I can'twaitfor the curtain to be called on this one. Gonna blow a shit-ton of minds.

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4e63a7 No.21651099

File: e4c711edff7c3c0⋯.jpg (11.11 KB,255x152,255:152,Potusthor.jpg)

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aa4054 No.21651100



go to jail wiff KOKO tranny an git sum sum alec baldwin schnu schnu

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e26a07 No.21651101

Why doesn't kammy do it now or not did it for the past 8?

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2ce43f No.21651102

File: d95ef54e95f8931⋯.mp4 (12.43 MB,720x1006,360:503,Bob_Lazar_on_Classified_Re….mp4)


>Is there anything coming out that will absolutely shock anons?

biog if true

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96fc6c No.21651103

File: 4e43561f71f4233⋯.png (432.05 KB,600x452,150:113,ClipboardImage.png)


'biggest religious truth'

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4581fb No.21651104


>religion truths


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ee0e75 No.21651105


but they have truth and the only ones worthy of it because reasons.

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e987bf No.21651106

File: cd98946fa966cd6⋯.png (97.82 KB,891x555,297:185,ClipboardImage.png)

GE anons,

I was looking at some old files in archives on 4ch/pol and noted that there have been edits in the archive.

Were we aware of this - and - who would be able to do that?

Look at this - i saw a few like this, where the post number has a comma (,) and the date is beyond the thread date.

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e40e8a No.21651107

File: c321ab97c02dabd⋯.png (606.71 KB,1703x901,1703:901,ClipboardImage.png)


24th deltas all point to clown comms and red october, or signal to anons


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e26a07 No.21651108

When you go to jail and can't call anyone cuz your cell phone is with your shoe laces

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000000 No.21651109

Daily Mail Online

@MailOnline 41m

Florida sheriff's deputy shoots and kills girlfriend 'while cleaning his rifle'


Sep 24, 2024 · 9:15 PM UTC



>can’t get a gun.

Life sucks.

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a99c16 No.21651110

File: f8915cd71c2d8b5⋯.jpeg (294.3 KB,1207x1451,1207:1451,IMG_3749.jpeg)

File: 557434d03f086f4⋯.jpeg (76.89 KB,500x333,500:333,IMG_3750.jpeg)

President Trump and his running mate, Ohio Senator J.D. Vance (R-OH), struck a major nerve with their comments earlier this month on the Haitian invasion of Springfield, Ohio. Now, one far-left non-profit group representing the Haitian community wants them prosecuted for exercising their First Amendment rights.

New 5 Cleveland reported Tuesday that the leader of the nonprofit Haitian Bridge Alliance filed several bogus charges against Trump and Vance in Springfield’s Clark County Municipal Court, for sharing stories about Haitian migrants in the town allegedly eating pets and wildlife, according to the law firm representing the group.

The Cleveland-based Chandra Law Firm, which is representing the non-profit, revealed that the group was able to press charges by utilizing a state statute that allows private citizens to “file an affidavit charging the offense committed.”


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682092 No.21651111


> but it doesnt take but common sense to see the writing on the wall

yes… well… you ARE here, at least, and you DIDN'T take the bait of my provocation

both promising signs

i'm aware that your lack of actual qualifications is a symptom of our deliberately sabotaged educational system

they WANT the blind leading the blind

however, you were always free to educate yourself, and you still are

while my 9th grade classmates cut class to smoke cigarettes and shoot pool

i cut class to go to the school library and read college level textbooks

you grew up in the info age with far FAR greater access to educational materials than i

so if you take your job seriously, show it by taking responsibility for your continuing education

carry on, soldier


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c1b370 No.21651112


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e26a07 No.21651113

When they tell you it's safe but you end up in jail

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4e63a7 No.21651114

File: 88ff5eb74177f94⋯.jpg (10.82 KB,255x255,1:1,punisher.jpg)


[THEY] missed

Now [THEY] lose

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e26a07 No.21651115

Oh, promise me… more shit i don't want! Oh, pretty please3

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c158a5 No.21651116


this one seems lacking in any sort of humility.

serious flaw.

but you can work on it.

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46ea59 No.21651117


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e26a07 No.21651118


Lose, rhymes with [ ].

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9f3a73 No.21651119

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663214 No.21651120

File: 730f53f15876f43⋯.webm (224 KB,573x240,191:80,hunt4.webm)

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682092 No.21651121


>Not a success story.

no one "killed" the electric car

it died a natural death, winning the Darwin award

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053aa0 No.21651122

File: c20c4c92d1c8801⋯.jpg (36.65 KB,590x720,59:72,MisterMiss.jpg)


Little fags!

Missouri Court Says It’s Okay to Call a Gay Employee ‘Cocksucker’ and Ask If He Has AIDS


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7b96be No.21651123

File: da3915163713691⋯.png (140.25 KB,405x234,45:26,ClipboardImage.png)


da da da d DA DA DA DA DA BANKMAN!

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88387b No.21651124

File: c8676c7726200fe⋯.jpeg (152.48 KB,1150x861,1150:861,IMG_4019.jpeg)

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208435 No.21651125


baker seeking handoff at top o next


#26515 >>21650342

>>21650352 - 3191 Capitol Hill Staffers’ Info Compromised After Using Gov’t Emails On Dating, Porn Sites

>>21650354, >>21650363, >>21650395, >>21650428, >>21650504, >>21650585, >>21650640 ME latest

>>21650358, >>21650591 Children as young at 8 are drugged and trafficked into the US by smugglers posing as their parents

>>21650367, >>21650473, >>21650474, >>21650614 Non-citizens added to states’ voter rolls = interference

>>21650373, >>21650387 USNS Big Horn Runs Aground. Navy does not have a replacement fleet oiler.

>>21650374, >>21650385 Oran Alexander Routh charged with possession of CP


>>21650389, >>21650401, >>21650415, >>21650681, >>21651110 "Haitian Bridge Alliance" has filed criminal charges against Donald Trump and J.D. Vance

>>21650396, >>21650446, >>21650524, >>21650589, >>21650601 NASA, Space Force Etc

>>21650410, >>21650797 Biden Can Barely Speak, Slurs His Words, Attacks Russia and Pushes for More War in Last UN Speech

>>21650424, >>21650618, >>21650620 Officials urge residents to leave the area of a chemical leak near Cincinnati

>>21650432, >>21650440, >>21650556 Florida Sex Trafficking Scandal Tries To Pull in Public Officials

>>21650437 WATCH Bloomberg Global Business Forum, World Bank, IMF forum

>>21650457, >>21650624, >>21650824 FCC just fast-tracked George Soros' purchase of 220+ radio stations before November's election

>>21650468, >>21650481, >>21650483, >>21650506 Ashton Kutcher, Diddy connection bun

>>21650494, >>21650564, >>21650679, >>21650715 Diddy’s trial would expose high-level officials and celebrities

>>21650495, >>21650502 20 AGs To Investigate Pediatrician Group For False Claims About Transitioning Children

>>21650499 POTUS - "It will be a renaissance It will be a golden period."

>>21650509 Illegal immigrant allegedly driving drunk, crashes car and kills police officer

>>21650540 TRUMP TRUTH - SWAMP THE VOTE https://swampthevoteusa.com/

>>21650565 JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon: "If you do not control the borders, you are going to destroy our country

>>21650588 Michigan: Illegal Pleads Guilty to Murdering Ruby Garcia Execution-Style

>>21650590, >>21650910, >>21650928 Biden Remarks & Swamp Happenings

>>21650602 Warren Jones Crazybull, 64, has been charged with threatening to kill Trump

>>21650633, >>21650678 Oran Routh, son of Ukrainian hero and Would-Be Assassin Ryan Routh, worked on the crew for Taylor Swift's tour

>>21650668 Brett Favre says he has been diagnosed with Parkinson’s

>>21650690, >>21650733 Sam Bankman-Fried and Diddy in same Jail - Caroline Ellison sentenced to two years

>>21650710 @charliekirk11 - CNN's Eva McKend just DEMOLISHED Kamala's "I'm tough on the border"

>>21650714, >>21650787 RYAN COMMS - They've raised the money needed to 'finish the job'

>>21650724, >>21650732, >>21650744 POTUS buys using CASH - BOUNTY Quicker Picker Upper

>>21650771, >>21650776, >>21650794, >>21650820, >>21650826, >>21650874, >>21650941, >>21650985 "Just Get a Reverse Mortgage to pay your skyrocketing property taxes."

>>21650828, >>21650835 barackobama It’s Banned Books Week, Join me in thanking our school and public librarians

>>21650869, >>21650897, >>21650919, >>21650940 DOJ Releases Routh $150K Trump Bounty Letter To Divert From $1M Iranian Bounty Before Butler (Slaughter Pen DIGG)

>>21650911 Alex Soros - Honored to host Governor @Tim_Walz at my home in New York City!

>>21650994 THIS ▷ This is The New Level Of Awakening ▷ The Great Awakening

>>21650366, >>21650383, >>21650527, >>21650553, >>21650583, >>21650759, >>21651089 MEMES

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c9060c No.21651126

File: 2903917da2ae1a6⋯.jpeg (391.48 KB,1125x1677,375:559,IMG_4313.jpeg)

Sweet Joe.


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5a62cf No.21651129


Anything coming out would shock Anon

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f3d4a5 No.21651130


we are representative republic, not a democracy

the founding fathers made sure of this

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c0cf28 No.21651132

File: 7d161c8cb989d29⋯.png (281.14 KB,447x715,447:715,ClipboardImage.png)




180 mirror on the clock

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4fdebb No.21651134


>Anything coming out would shock Anon

True, anything / something

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41668b No.21651135

File: ec9a20b3989c1a2⋯.png (685.72 KB,768x432,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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208435 No.21651136

File: 7edad17821a68bd⋯.jpeg (109.35 KB,920x682,460:341,7edad17821a68bd139907a5a0….jpeg)

File: 8e7b2c70f909497⋯.png (2.27 MB,875x1127,125:161,8e7b2c70f909497e01627ce96a….png)

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000000 No.21651137


Two demons walk into a bar…

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682092 No.21651139


>last call

>>>21650618 Officials urge residents to leave the area of a chemical leak near Cincinnati


you don't think the fact that they LIED about the identity of the chemical that is leaking was notable?

>>21650831 (You)


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208435 No.21651140

File: ecaa72306e61f77⋯.jpg (141.82 KB,736x1045,736:1045,ecaa72306e61f77fc86a22f164….jpg)

File: e661320221dc9d0⋯.jpeg (63.36 KB,933x803,933:803,e661320221dc9d0a7027bbecd….jpeg)

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910dcf No.21651141



Prepare to be shocked in two weeks

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208435 No.21651145

File: 0b2920fe612f79f⋯.jpg (157.45 KB,1680x1505,48:43,0b2920fe612f79fdeeec2d3c68….jpg)

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f91df6 No.21651148

File: 7fb8a5bc6982e9c⋯.png (1.06 MB,808x768,101:96,41_days_to_winning.png)

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782e1c No.21651150

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208435 No.21651151


no anon u posted a meme

no link

not baker's forte

chemical engineering

moar sauce be good

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208435 No.21651157

File: 6591fbd84796e4a⋯.jpg (175.71 KB,1127x1200,1127:1200,6591fbd84796e4a93104a5bd24….jpg)

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782e1c No.21651158


Again. No.

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208435 No.21651160

File: 0b7a9af127e7bb2⋯.gif (6.56 MB,360x480,3:4,0b7a9af127e7bb28c61e0fcfc1….gif)

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1d363a No.21651164


Buying votes is HIGHLY ILLEGAL

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782e1c No.21651166


Beware of wolves using the word Democracy.

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da8540 No.21651169

File: 188455be2a97874⋯.jpg (38.39 KB,355x278,355:278,Mighty690.jpg)


Proof that Biden is on Our Side

{probably playing his part…so his son and daughter can live…with the hope that less secretly violent or opposed to free and open happiness

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b57370 No.21651175


sooo looking foward to suscide weekend

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96fc6c No.21651176

File: a272f3361497a33⋯.jpg (11.84 KB,290x291,290:291,oie_sbbNdg9rtBjw.jpg)

File: e219545335f5386⋯.jpg (160.5 KB,1024x759,1024:759,rs_1024x759_190626133824_1….jpg)

File: a0fad25f6bd6ef3⋯.jpg (142.2 KB,1000x750,4:3,White_Ram_Animal_db23_2312….jpg)

File: 733f3342a6cb2de⋯.jpg (44.98 KB,640x360,16:9,titel_obmsat250618_1099433….jpg)

File: 7d4845303d635aa⋯.jpg (81.9 KB,1200x675,16:9,2a96d5d6_2bc6_448f_94e5_80….jpg)


the walking satan amongst us

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46ea59 No.21651180


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