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File: a191f3eb4cbab2d⋯.png (1.61 MB,1800x1012,450:253,8kun_main.png)

878629 No.21649468 [Last50 Posts]

Welcome to Q Research General

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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e0561e No.21650123

File: c08c7322e0af62f⋯.png (161.55 KB,1200x1156,300:289,ClipboardImage.png)

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878629 No.21649470

International Q Research Threads

>>21251854 Australia #37

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>>20022853 Posting Guidelines | >>21163876 Anon Info | >>19089065, >>21163829 Baking Tools & Guidelines

NOTICE: >>21523087, >>21523128 GENERAL banners can use Trump "fight fight fight" photo new

- - - - - - - - - - - -


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>>21438634, >>21189998, >>21462480, >>21190032, >>21543513 @thejimwatkins: Is it worth keeping 8kun online?? (plus how to make bitcoin pmts via Proto)

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ANONS: Stay positive, eyes on the GOAL, not the OBSTACLES!


#26513 >>21648195

>>21648297 President Trump Helps Mom of Three Pay For Her Groceries

>>21648424 news feeds fer thought

>>21648497 Indiana judge rules prison must provide transgender surgery for inmate who killed baby

>>21648626 Traitor Shapiro - Visit highlights Pennsylvania’s manufacturing industry while Pennsylvania National Guard members train Ukrainian forces overseas

>>21648680 Florida Man Convicted of Sex Trafficking Nearly a Dozen Women and Girls

>>21648771 habennings for 9/24/2024

baker change

>>21648225, >>21648271, >>21648542, >>21648805, >>21649252, >>21649321 P Diddy Diggs

>>21648755 9:00 AM EDT 10th National Gun Violence Prevention Summit - Day 2

>>21648793 Olivia Nuzzi's 'wholesome' fling with ex-MSNBC star Keith Olbermann emerges amid RFK Jr. affair

>>21648800 LIVE: Top OceanGate official testifies at Titan submersible hearing

>>21648897, >>21648928, >>21648950, >>21648974, >>21648995, >>21649014, >>21649037, >>21649051 VP Harris, the Divine Nine, Links, Sigma Pi Phi, the Obamas and Much More

>>21648990, >>21649000, >>21649048, >>21649060, >>21649294 Ukraine’s Zelensky Used U.S. Military Assets To Campaign For Harris in Pennsylvania

>>21649041 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 09/24/2024

>>21649104 @zerohedge: NIGERIA RAISES KEY INTEREST RATE TO 27.25%

>>21649127 Q Research Notables #25: Our Time

>>21649202 EU accused of ‘blackmailing’ applicant state Georgia won’t be swayed by threats from Brussels about visa-free travel

>>21649206 10:00 AM EDT Team Trump Bus Tour in Wisconsin

>>21649247, >>21649251, >>21649255, >>21649260, >>21649262, >>21649379, >>21649382 Swamp Events Today

>>21649268 Sharyl Attkisson's interview with Trump 9/22/2024

>>21649271 UN General Assembly 2024 LIVE: Biden delivers remarks on Day 1

>>21649377, >>21649395 Bipartisan group of 4 House members advocating for constitutional amendment allowing for quick replacement of Congress members in event of mass-casualty attack

>>21648296, >>21649405 The FCC just fast-tracked George Soros' purchase of 220+ radio stations before November's election

>>21649451 Child following recommended vaccine schedule will receive up to 70 shots by the time they turn 18..these shots producing healthier kids?

>>21648609, >>21648635, >>21648780, >>21648802, >>21648808, >>21649050, >>21649105, >>21649162, >>21649237, >>21649276, >>21649282, >>21649331, >>21649335, >>21649346, >>21649432 Memes

>>21649463 #26513

#26512 >>21647556

>>21647570, >>21647638 Last big K-Mart store closes thanks to Bidenomics

>>21647573 Trump leads Cincinnati ‘cookie’ poll that has predicted every election but one since 1984: Trump 54% vs. Harris 39%

>>21647580 Kamala declaring war on white South Africans back in 1982

>>21647590, >>21647791 New Trump Tik Tok re: grocery store prices

>>21647610, >>21647627 Nashville postal worker placed on non-duty status after seen allegedly dumping mail in viral TikTok

>>21647637 Sammy Ravelo receives racist attacks from the Democrats after supporting Trump

>>21647671 Intrigue in Singapore as ex-minister prepares for rare corruption trial

>>21647691 Back in 2005, Kamala was front and center in destroying Michael Jackson

>>21647692 The plan to bankrupt America

>>21647696 Diddy dig

>>21647698, >>21647817 Researchers uncover remains of Ice Age mastodons in Peru

>>21647700, >>21647973, >>21648004 Elon Musk is programing an unbiased search engine and email service that will rival Google / anon discussion>>21647925 Musk: Google & Microsoft contribute a lot more to Dems than Repubs

>>21647705 The FBI's violent crime data from last year is very misleading

>>21647709 Seattle police will no longer respond to alarm calls unless without 'supporting evidence'

>>21647712 Ryan Routh Bail Denied After FBI Recovers Six Cell Phones and Google Search of How to Travel From Palm Beach County to Mexico

>>21647745 The NFL has rolled out what it calls a “non-partisan” NFL Votes initiative

>>21647769 Fetterman Warns [D]s that TRUMP is Far More Popular in Pennsylvania than They Think

>>21647775, >>21647816 Congress has no sessions in October

>>21647776 DJT: 9/23/24 | PENNSYLVANIA DonaldJTrump.com

>>21647777, >>21647837, >>21647915, >>21647928, >>21647959, >>21647967, >>21647968, >>21647970, >>21647977 9:40 PM Zero minute delta between Q+ and the 7777 post! Trump truthed "WORLD WAR III" exactly 77 Years 7 months 7 days from the END of WORLD WAR II; What does this mean?

>>21647798 Elon Musk met with the president of Argentina, Javier Milei in New York today

>>21647806 DJT: It takes centuries to build the unique character of each state


>>21647815 Earth to host 'mini-moon' for two months

>>21647835 Idaho man charged with threatening to kill Trump

>>21647845 DJT: When I am president, all migrant flights to Pennsylvania will STOP the moment I take the oath of office

>>21647850 US sending more troops to Middle East as latest Israel-Hezbollah fighting sparks fear of all-out war

>>21647878 Kamala's father's book is her gameplan: accumulate everyone's capital, and distribute it to her peers


>>21647900, >>21647903, >>21647904, >>21647906, >>21647910 President Trump in Indiana, PA Rally - Archive

>>21647942, >>21647950 Tropical tracker of hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico

>>21648076 Michael Jackson's video game from 1991 is about saving the children from black hats surrounded by prostitutes. Coincidence?

>>21648087, >>21648128, >>21648155, >>21648169, >>21648146 Lawmakers want to make a constitutional amendment that would allow them to replace members of congress under the guise of a “mass casualty event” – IS THIS RELATED TO DESIGNATING J6 2025 as a NATIONAL SPECIAL SECURITY EVENT?? DIG DIG DIG

>>21648082 @laralogan: Does anyone else have the sense that they are stealing as much money as they can before the election, as they prepare to run for their lives?

>>21648142, >>21648177 Former adviser for senior Democrat is arrested near his newly sold $12.5million mansion in Nantucket after being a 'fugitive of justice'

>>21648143 Feds demanded Eric Adams admin’s communications with 5 more countries as Turkey probe expands

>>21648149 Diddy…And Blackrock?

>>21648159 Palantir wins $100M U.S. contract for AI targeting military tech. Maven Smart System, likely using Elon Musk's SpaceX satellites, uses battlefield data and advanced AI algorithms to identify targets.

>>21648172 There's a Haitian militia forming right now in Springfield, Ohio. This is a real threat to the American people.


>>21648183 HUNTER Biden has secret business links to the hotshot lawyer at the center of Twitter’s battle against Meta’s new social network Threads

>>21648187 Tim Walz raised money today at the home of Alex Soros in New York

>>21647562, >>21647569, >>21647885 Memes

>>21648193 #26512

#26511 >>21646731

>>21646821 Live: President Trump Holds a Rally in Indiana, Pennsylvania - 9/23/24

>>21647114 Transcript Pt 2: Trump rally in Indiana, Pennsylvania

>>21646976, >>21647035 POTUS: 32 years… times 9, 9 times more than we had

>>21646833, >>21646959, >>21647405, >>21647420, >>21647449 Anons discuss potential UV weapon pointed at Trump?

>>21646909 Crowd at Trump Pennsylvania Rally Erupts as Kahn’s Number-One Song ‘Fighter’ Plays

>>21647070 GETTING THE POPCORN READY!!!🇺🇸🍿🍿🍿

>>21647121 DJT to return to Butler, Pennsylvania on October 5th for a rally exactly one month before Election Day

>>21647122 Sept. 28: President Donald J. Trump to Deliver Remarks in Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21646748 FEMA is denying American claims while funding the criminal illegal invasion

>>21646768, >>21646798 NGO bringing in and processing illegal aliens

>>21646780 PF: A NASA plane from Kazakhstan?

>>21646828 What Donald Trump promised a mother-of-three in a Pennsylvania grocery store as he handed her a $100 bill

>>21646898 Siga Technologies has terminated 'Dr.' Jay Varma after he was exposed for having drug fuelled orgies during pandemic

>>21646923, >>21647472 Stretchin' Gretchen tries to act young and hip

>>21646938 Janet Jackson Disavows Unauthorized ‘Apology’ for Saying Kamala Harris Is ‘Not Black’

>>21647005 Son of bin Laden associate among 7 charged with contraband possession in Texas prison

>>21647086 Chicago gangs clash with Venezuelan Tren de Aragua members: ‘Blacks against migrants’

>>21647105 Kamala never worked at McDonalds

>>21647119 Elon Musk and Giorgia Meloni chat over wine in New York today

>>21647170, >>21647259, >>21647227 Tim Walz raised money today at the home of Alex Soros in New York - 2nd meeting with him in 1 month

>>21647171, >>21647540 Trump assassination suspect wrote chilling letter months before golf course plot: 'I failed you'

>>21647210 Ashli Babbitt $30 million ‘wrongful death’ suit gets green light

>>21647220 Please Support The Watkins Project #8KUN

>>21647235 Documents Reveal Illegal Alien Who Killed Police Officer David Lee Had Long Criminal Record

>>21647242 UOCAVA (Uniformed And Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act) scheme by the Democrat Party

>>21647255 Scientists create game-changing device that can turn air pollution into salt within minutes

>>21647278 Candace Owens researched Kamala Harris’ family background

>>21647310 Luxury hotel at historic 14th century Scottish castle with links to Robert the Bruce is burnt down

>>21647410 Bill Clinton: I could go a whole year on the energy that I get from walking the halls at @ClintonGlobal

>>21647537 Tucker Carlson: Kamala ss purely a Media creation

>>21646750, >>21647044, >>21646770, >>21646788, >>21646877, >>21646999, >>21647042, >>21647081, >>21647134, >>21647245 Memes

>>21647544 #26511

Previously Collected

>>21645419 #26508, >>21645915 #26509, >>21646714 #26510

>>21642566 #26505, >>21643693 #26506, >>21644626 #26507

>>21640440 #26502, >>21641249 #26503, >>21641895 #26504

Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/

Q Research Notables #24: Soldiers >>21225723

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878629 No.21649473

File: 1afaaddec8c0983⋯.mp4 (1.45 MB,540x540,1:1,POTUS_T_Get_Popcorn.mp4)

File: e4049c80f3f7bc1⋯.png (721.6 KB,614x452,307:226,POTUS_T_Popcorn_time.png)



Thank you anons




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3b47ad No.21649478

File: 5bbed817e54f742⋯.jpg (238.19 KB,600x335,120:67,000lll.jpg)

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1fe491 No.21649481

File: 81437e5a9d9a658⋯.jpg (56.09 KB,500x500,1:1,r_orig.jpg)

You think Jay Z is updating his passport right now?

Mabe he has a place in China he can lay low in.

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0e7548 No.21649484

File: 85e4d931a60ee17⋯.webp (157.62 KB,1937x2558,1937:2558,popcorn1.webp)


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08e7ce No.21649487

File: 4e4bad34dcd800c⋯.mp4 (1.13 MB,480x852,40:71,Trump_I_m_going_to_bomb_th….mp4)

Who's more scarier???…

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77ef6e No.21649491

File: 36ee10b94b18c06⋯.png (1.69 KB,58x80,29:40,Screenshot_2024_09_14_at_1….png)



confirm handoff

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08e7ce No.21649493

File: 0d071e22f63339b⋯.mp4 (755.09 KB,406x360,203:180,What_is_going_on_at_Disney.mp4)

What in the HELL is going on at Disney???…

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e0561e No.21649494

File: e049d048ee40216⋯.png (3.2 MB,2256x1263,752:421,ClipboardImage.png)


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26aed0 No.21649499

File: 9f805180e9c2598⋯.jpg (90.5 KB,1080x360,3:1,9f805180e9c2598139b6717501….jpg)

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7a207a No.21649500

File: d099ae8f645b68a⋯.png (1010.96 KB,631x758,631:758,ClipboardImage.png)

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878629 No.21649504

File: 78a9b1bedc51866⋯.mp4 (246.02 KB,280x150,28:15,Baker_handoff_take_it_take….mp4)




TY Baker!

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8f031c No.21649505


fkkn chkkd

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cae880 No.21649506

File: 41f5baf4b04a49f⋯.jpg (33.09 KB,474x474,1:1,th_789391970.jpg)




Nice show, btw

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77ef6e No.21649511

File: b4f8c666f0dfe52⋯.jpeg (32.25 KB,320x320,1:1,b4f8c666f0dfe52e3dde0815f….jpeg)


tanx baker


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95f1c0 No.21649515

File: e7fd18a2f5261dc⋯.jpg (134.39 KB,720x1137,240:379,Brnet.jpg)

 Pinned Tweet

Mount Levnon


Sep 23

It’s always good to remember that: Palestine doesn’t exist.

Lebanon is not an Arab country.

Muslims are not Lebanese.

Jews are the rightful owners of Israel.

Maronites and Druze are the rightful owners of Lebanon.

Lebanon and Israel are in the Near East, not the Middle East.

And don’t forget to share this post to spread awareness around the globe

Don't let the narratives get you downtruth wins.

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3b47ad No.21649516

File: 3eb7db186b83057⋯.png (105.95 KB,632x394,316:197,ClipboardImage.png)

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6f1c85 No.21649520

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Hot Butter - Popcorn Song


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7b6d0c No.21649523

the fukken laggy bread is back


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95f1c0 No.21649524

File: 35e3492a8b9cace⋯.jpg (61.52 KB,597x469,597:469,Screenshot_20240920_090137….jpg)

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7dcc6c No.21649526

File: abd3381698da4e2⋯.png (152.87 KB,612x566,306:283,IMG_0157.png)


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83b62d No.21649527

File: 8eb2ae28789f3bc⋯.png (378.22 KB,566x447,566:447,SelfShockingSyndrome.png)


Don't engage, 'shocking' news. This is purposely done, to confuse, stump, stop you from living in a clear mind. Shock to the brain, causes the pause, they want, to then fill your brain with bs.

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370025 No.21649528

File: dba696052f61b78⋯.png (57.93 KB,543x453,181:151,ClipboardImage.png)

Son of would - be assassin #2 arrested on child porn charges


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00f5a5 No.21649529

File: 35f46bc8727a2a7⋯.png (2.35 MB,1365x7111,105:547,Q_Posts_Sep_24_11_posts.png)

Today in Q Post History we have 11 Deltas

September 24

There were11 Q Postson the date ofSeptember 24.

LINK - https://qalerts.app/?q=sep+24

ARCHIVE - https://archive.ph/KvpSP

Keep up the lawful fight, fight, fight, and I will, too!


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95f1c0 No.21649531

File: 1dc689f10a287da⋯.jpg (77.2 KB,527x500,527:500,e44t.jpg)

Don't eat me bro.

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ed2318 No.21649532

This has been going on far too long, and it needs to be continued. 52 days a year.

Russia, go ahead and release the torrent of truth. Let's show the world who our 'leaders' really are. Spoiler alert, we are what cattle do.

Goyim, this is not our planet. We did not evolve on this earth. This cycle can end with us.

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51561b No.21649533



is a fucking idiot.

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cae880 No.21649534

File: 74631cfefae531e⋯.jpg (464.28 KB,3200x1801,3200:1801,74686538007_tim_walz.JPG)

File: 901bdc0e31a2980⋯.gif (988.94 KB,640x360,16:9,mr_bean_mr_64537549.gif)

File: a30f13148ca5ee4⋯.gif (1.75 MB,640x362,320:181,tenor_4115674097.gif)

File: 5917e73109cee01⋯.jpg (601.26 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240905_174024….jpg)

File: 27bb3bc27df2e8a⋯.jpg (593.5 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240923_141934….jpg)

Don't wanna sound redundant, but

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8f031c No.21649535


the apple doesn't fall far from the tree when it comes to heinous degeneracy

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e0561e No.21649536



And KEK!!

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878629 No.21649537

File: 0adc1976e540322⋯.mp4 (13.9 MB,1280x720,16:9,anons_thank_you_4.mp4)

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299b9d No.21649539

File: a1bbb167553e74e⋯.png (1.23 MB,624x1117,624:1117,ClipboardImage.png)


We Gotta Get It!

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24756a No.21649540

File: 4ac56937ac24c4d⋯.png (270.72 KB,463x655,463:655,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 45a14a23bbeab97⋯.png (76.56 KB,601x578,601:578,ClipboardImage.png)

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ed2318 No.21649542




Let them continue until they can no longer back peddle. The world is awake.

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3b47ad No.21649543


oldfag on board

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6f1c85 No.21649544

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

11:00 AM EDT

LIVE: Trump Delivers Remarks on the Tax Code and Manufacturing in Savannah, GA - 9/24/24

Right Side Broadcasting Network



1:00 PM EDT

President Donald J. Trump to Deliver Remarks on the Tax Code and US Manufacturing, in Savannah, Georgia

Doors Open: 10:00 AM (US/Eastern)



1:00 PM EDT

President Trump Delivers Remarks in Savannah Georgia




1:00 PM EDT

Campaign 2024: Fmr. Pres. Trump Remarks in Georgia on the Tax Code

2024 Republican presidential nominee and former President Donald Trump delivers remarks on tax policy at a campaign event in Savannah, Georgia.


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00f5a5 No.21649545

File: 1ae3c5ae95eae50⋯.png (121.52 KB,586x614,293:307,Baby_Laughing_with_Bandage….png)

File: 9d030efcb105367⋯.jpg (21.49 KB,363x550,33:50,Pepe_Laughing.jpg)





I second both theNOTABLEand theKEK

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d09c89 No.21649546

File: fe99b79932db4a4⋯.jpg (141.66 KB,1170x1159,1170:1159,GYPp2zwWYAARHfL.jpg)

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cae880 No.21649547

File: 5cc18aa5a79d639⋯.jpg (8.01 KB,408x442,12:13,th_807748276.jpg)

File: 1c0bacb6f79c4e4⋯.jpg (35.81 KB,480x360,4:3,hqdefault_828479065.jpg)

File: 3e546f4bbee53dc⋯.jpg (11.22 KB,480x360,4:3,hq2_340043422.jpg)

File: aab1be7a33bfcfa⋯.jpg (122.51 KB,1484x835,1484:835,pbox_3222488197.jpg)

File: 29b3c6fa4f1f301⋯.jpg (106.31 KB,1080x1080,1:1,il_1080xN_5494086150_j2kg_….jpg)


Just imagine if anons were disuaded as easily as dems. They only lasted 3.5 years of nothing. 8 years is where it's at!

Waiting on you!

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83b62d No.21649548

File: a996209afb704f7⋯.png (743.69 KB,682x667,682:667,FullArmorOfGod.png)


Blessings, WB

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51561b No.21649549



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83b62d No.21649550


and for anons, to understand this, 'knowingly'.

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95f1c0 No.21649551

File: 3a7875340206b5e⋯.webp (47.77 KB,612x680,9:10,media_GXjE16_bUAA4pcV.webp)


Wouldbe still reminds anon of Trump's nek judge

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cae880 No.21649552


STFU, and have a wonderful day!

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aec8f8 No.21649554


Cnn not showing it now.

Need to find a link

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232563 No.21649555

File: 6255be995ecf060⋯.png (1014 B,65x71,65:71,ClipboardImage.png)

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a533d3 No.21649556

File: eb5d4ee8c52c9f6⋯.png (149.52 KB,478x370,239:185,ClipboardImage.png)


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d3b0f5 No.21649557

File: 99271ddf280c8f1⋯.jpeg (80.92 KB,500x500,1:1,IMG_0159.jpeg)

Why is Q research like this?

>omg! i love the polls, trump is gonna win, yay!


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48cb16 No.21649558

File: 2c59fd8411eea42⋯.jpg (1.05 MB,970x1719,970:1719,Screenshot_20240924_075913….jpg)

Still the only person to not be anonymous on all your anonymous message boards.


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aec8f8 No.21649559



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ac506d No.21649560

File: f1f05fcd0c06233⋯.gif (636.43 KB,314x240,157:120,f1f05fcd0c06233ee34a119650….gif)

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cae880 No.21649561

File: 4c91d897bf7b2ba⋯.jpg (157.08 KB,1284x1265,1284:1265,F_aITsfbEAAF58d_2387599966.jpg)

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0ccbca No.21649562

File: 8f742c641b35bf4⋯.png (710.52 KB,768x757,768:757,Screen_Shot_2024_09_24_at_….png)

Goldman's old headquarters turned into $4,000-a-month apartments


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e0561e No.21649564



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aec8f8 No.21649565



> the apple doesn't fall far from the tree when it comes to heinous degeneracy

They are both CIA

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a533d3 No.21649566

stupid fucking wetback

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f0a674 No.21649567

Join The Digital Battle: Information Warfare

>>21643590, >>21643450 Become a Digital Soldier

>>21643439 #Meme WarFare

>>21643428 Meme Warrior UI 1.3 #240904

>>21643376 Meme Cannon

>>21643566 Memes

>>21643460 Tools

>>21643466 Hashes

>>21643498 Pins

>>21643562 OP: Focus24

>>21643411 Harris Counter Talking Points

>>21643544 The Art of the Steal

Game Theory: Twitter

>>21643550, >>21643516, >>21643519, >>21643523, >>21643527, >>21643536

>>21649473 TYB!

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cae880 No.21649568

File: b46e4f423a365e3⋯.jpg (29.78 KB,474x266,237:133,th_2721917952.jpg)

File: 3e546f4bbee53dc⋯.jpg (11.22 KB,480x360,4:3,hq2_340043422.jpg)


Faux Qoph

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4fa952 No.21649569

Diddys Freak Off's AKA Black Man gangbang. I'm so fkn happy I never bought or liked any of his songs, because when a rapper came out as "Puff Daddy", the gay was in the name.

Movies expose the truth. Many are inside jokes for Hollywood people. "Tropic Thunder" TOLD the world that rappers are closet homo's.

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aec8f8 No.21649570


Senate Hearing on Trump Immunity



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8f878c No.21649571


Where's the sauce faggot?

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83b62d No.21649572

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

"Diddy Is Done" - Diddy ARRESTED On Sex Trafficking Charges, Denied Bail Over 'Freak Off' Parties

You are not God, that job is already filled. said toward the end.

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07d70e No.21649573

James Comer Demands Kamala Harris Prove She Owns A Gun By Saying ‘What Type’ She Has: ‘I Don’t Think Anyone Believes That!’

Congressman James Comer (R-KY) has demanded Kamala Harris reveal the type of firearm she owns to prove she is a gun owner.

During an interview earlier this week with Oprah Winfrey, the vice president said she was a gun owner — before claiming that if someone were to break into her house, “they’re getting shot.”

On Sunday Morning Futures with Fox News anchor Maria Bartiromo, Comer claimed Harris was flip-flopping on the issue of gun ownership due to rising crime, and questioned her claim of gun ownership.

I don’t think anyone believes that Kamala Harris is a gun owner. But if she is, she needs to tell the American people what type of gun she has. Look, this is all about crime. And when you look at the polling, Biden-Harris are getting killed in the polling with the issue of crime, which is a huge issue in the suburbs and it’s definitely an issue in urban America. So just like Kamala Harris has flipped on the issue of wanting to have a southern border wall now, when she used to say it was racist. Now she’s trying to imply that she’s scared like everyone else. So she has a gun to protect her family. I mean, this is totally counter for what Kamala Harris has said her entire political career.

Watch the clip above via Fox News.

(We also don't believe she has a brain. Of course she doesn't have a gun she's had, police and SS protection since she was DA in San Fran.)


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51561b No.21649575

File: 31974b0b9646f8f⋯.jpg (190.29 KB,510x604,255:302,20240924_090546.jpg)

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facbfb No.21649576


The number of people who are awake has been recently calculated and it is still not enough. We have to go thru another stolen election to get more of the really stupid people to awaken in the following 4 years and then in 2028 we will go back to regularly scheduled programming.

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cae880 No.21649577

Imagine being so weak that 3 years of financial hardship breaks you?

I've seen tougher suicidal trainee flunkeies with more spine

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51561b No.21649578


this is naow an opinion board.


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2308f1 No.21649579


$10. Why not free?

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e3cb65 No.21649581

File: fbc722cc4efa42a⋯.png (3.65 KB,241x104,241:104,ClipboardImage.png)


Firefox / Tor has been like this for a week. Just click the X / reload button to stop it.

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299b9d No.21649582

File: 1e9e63150b177c8⋯.png (422.23 KB,793x759,793:759,ClipboardImage.png)

Adria Sheri English filed a lawsuit against Sean 'Diddy' Combs back in July, claiming the rapper forced her into depraved sex acts at his unruly annual White Parties that continue to haunt her to this day

Adria Sheri English had filed a lawsuit against the 54-year-old hip hop magnate back in July - months before Combs was charged with federal counts of racketeering and sex trafficking.

She has now vowed to the New York Post to testify at his criminal trial, to ensure Combs is jailed for life as she comes forward about what she had to endure.

'The things that we were forced to do… haunt me to this day,' said English, who claims in both her lawsuit and a criminal complaint that the rapper pressured her to have unwanted sex with party guests and drugged her so she would be more compliant.

'I anticipate testifying in New York's Federal Court to help ensure Diddy's imprisoned for life,' she added. …


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a7057b No.21649583

There is no military coming to save you, no military to step in to stop the upcoming election steal. The military is in collapse, the leadership is woke and comped, and the majority of soldiers poorly trained and led brainwashed DEI subjects, subpar, and not up to any challenge. Voting will not get us out of this mess.

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facbfb No.21649584


I bet jews only pay $400/month

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ac506d No.21649586


chk Scamala chin

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cae880 No.21649587

File: 97d3974065ee232⋯.jpg (170.31 KB,1060x721,1060:721,Bush_Gorbachev_Malta_Summi….jpg)

File: 1717a39aead3371⋯.jpg (90.65 KB,1200x958,600:479,1200x0_2.jpg)

Conan….was wrong.

Last laugh is best.

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1eda40 No.21649588

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Bahaaaa you are an idiot.

You forgot your last name in name field…


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3db65e No.21649589

File: 87bbb24bd032574⋯.png (539.72 KB,500x554,250:277,ClipboardImage.png)

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aec8f8 No.21649590



Good meme

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4fa952 No.21649592


Correct. China will fall. Look at all the problems you highlighted. PLus, Chinese women look like men. The ultimate insult

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ab3f50 No.21649593

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE: Trump Delivers Remarks on the Tax Code and Manufacturing in Savannah, GA - 9/24/24

Right Side Broadcasting Network

1.74M subscribers

President Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, will deliver remarks outlining his plan to lower taxes for American business owners and highlight the importance of buying American made goods for our economy in Savannah, Georgia, on September 24, 2024, at 1:00 p.m. EDT.

Watch LIVE on RSBN starting at 11 a.m. ET.


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edc681 No.21649595

File: 63bddd663c9e12d⋯.png (1.11 MB,800x800,1:1,7C3A9DFE_DCFB_4C84_A43D_CB….png)

File: 553a3d3a9569cb9⋯.jpeg (54.61 KB,434x365,434:365,AA62D6CC_E4B2_4D49_83D9_D….jpeg)

File: a8c80d2a6e577fb⋯.jpeg (207.74 KB,1049x694,1049:694,IMG_0289.jpeg)

File: 271e1306f8afb04⋯.jpeg (161.58 KB,800x593,800:593,E9B636CB_2D0F_40FC_B666_2….jpeg)

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edc681 No.21649596

File: 2a95f041af3ce9d⋯.png (633.55 KB,570x555,38:37,78828927_8C92_49D2_8DCB_DB….png)

File: 0a7c6511508da8b⋯.jpeg (222.71 KB,1511x1191,1511:1191,IMG_0277.jpeg)

File: e3b845ff060bf13⋯.jpeg (26.8 KB,322x248,161:124,1A654FD0_4DE8_45B2_BED9_E….jpeg)

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516d66 No.21649597

File: 5afa287d97e910a⋯.jpeg (208.85 KB,1284x842,642:421,IMG_3619.jpeg)

File: f4955adde6ad68e⋯.jpeg (307.28 KB,1284x1122,214:187,IMG_3620.jpeg)

File: 45ce9020b984da2⋯.jpeg (143.9 KB,1284x698,642:349,IMG_3621.jpeg)

The Daily Beast

Kamala Harris Plotted to Stop Me Getting a Job, Kimberly Guilfoyle Says

Sean Craig

Mon 23 September 2024 at 8:21 AM GMT-4

Vice President Kamala Harris tried to block Kimberly Guilfoyle—the former prosecutor turned Fox News host turned MAGA beau to Donald Trump Jr.—from getting a job in the San Francisco district attorney’s office over 20 years ago, even going so far as to falsely pose as a member of the hiring committee, according to allegations in a New York Times report.

While Harris says she never suggested Guilfoyle couldn’t have a job, former District Attorney Terence Hallinan, their boss at the time, largely backed Guilfoyle’s version of events, the newspaper reported. Hallinan died in 2020.

The contested incident between the two happened around 2000, the Times said. Harris phoned up Guilfoyle—then a lawyer at the Los Angeles district attorney’s office who was in talks to come back to San Francisco, where she used to work—and, Guilfoyle alleges, told her there was no job for her.

She pretended to be a member of the hiring committee, which didn’t exist,” Guilfoyle told the Times. “She was threatened. Most things in life make sense—jealousy, envy.”

The Times reported that Hallinan, the DA, said Harris “forbade” him from hiring Guilfoyle despite the fact that he was her boss. He didn’t listen to her and hired Guilfoyle anyway, writing “Timing is everything!” in a note to an aide explaining her return.

“If she ever did do that, she was smart,” Stanlee Gatti, a close friend of Harris and the best man at Guilfoyle’s 2001 wedding to now California Gov. Gavin Newsom, told the Times.

While Harris is now the Democratic standard-bearer in this year’s presidential election and Guilfoyle is a MAGA zealot crisscrossing the country as one of former President Donald Trump’s most vociferous surrogates thanks to her engagement to Don Jr., the Times reported that those around the two in 2000 didn’t see their clash back then as political.

Rather, it seemed like there was some kind of “personal conflict in their social circles,” according to the Times. (“She wasn’t supportive about lifting women up,” Guilfoyle claimed, speaking to the newspaper).

They didn’t work together for long, but briefly they formed two parts of a triumvirate that was seen as the future of Democratic politics in California. Harris left the DA’s office by the end of the year and eventually mounted a successful campaign to unseat Hallinan in 2003.

Newsom, Guilfoyle’s spouse at the time, was the third member of the trio, winning the San Francisco mayor’s office that same year. “Forget ‘Kennedyesque.’ I think we need a new word—Newsomly,” wrote Rob Morse of the San Francisco Chronicle in 2001. “And Julia Roberts only wishes she was played by Kimberly in a wedding flick.”

Guilfoyle, meanwhile, became a television fixture because of her media-savvy as a prosecutor, in particular drawing attention for a sensational case where a woman was killed by a dog whose owner had ties to the Aryan Brotherhood.

She apparently wore a bulletproof vest under her evening gowns when it was reported that a hit had been put out on her, the Times reported. Network executives noticed and she became an anchor on Court TV in 2004, the start of a burgeoning career.

However, before she got the TV gig, Guilfoyle also lashed out at Harris in the Chronicle over her alleged attempt to keep her out of a job, just before she and Newsom were set to take office in 2003. “Talented women should support other talented women,” she told the newspaper.

Newsom and Guilfoyle divorced in 2006. As California governor, he is now campaigning for Harris, albeit in a scaled-back role compared to his star status on the Biden campaign. Guilfoyle, meanwhile, is a de-facto member of the Trump clan.


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aec8f8 No.21649598


Oh NO… Mark. Robinson maybe says something about Transgernders

Anyway……Democrats enact laws to mutilate genitals of kids

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2de284 No.21649599

File: 91c2f28fd8ff65d⋯.png (144.94 KB,1159x1195,1159:1195,Capture_2024_09_24_10_51_0….png)

File: 1c37ced30d5ead5⋯.png (594.84 KB,1199x1481,1199:1481,Capture_2024_09_24_11_08_0….png)

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facbfb No.21649600

File: f66394ee362fc4d⋯.png (457.4 KB,671x372,671:372,ClipboardImage.png)


>unruly annual White Parties

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cae880 No.21649601

File: 031ae64fbdebf4d⋯.gif (30.98 KB,276x200,69:50,200_s_1160170105.gif)

Karma is a bitch != jus

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edc681 No.21649603

File: 80d31b07657297a⋯.png (1.43 MB,1200x798,200:133,3727AF71_F4CA_4C51_8AA4_EF….png)

File: d750647bb9d644f⋯.jpeg (88.58 KB,517x500,517:500,3FA328C8_222A_4A16_B149_8….jpeg)

File: 90b36d6cea7df32⋯.png (528.92 KB,600x400,3:2,331AA690_E40E_48BA_8BB6_4D….png)

File: e2d02414af0489a⋯.png (4.64 MB,1890x1890,1:1,62D3534A_E00A_49F1_97FB_8D….png)

File: 6b45cc30a541635⋯.png (563.55 KB,640x672,20:21,IMG_0248.png)

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4fa952 No.21649604


Diddy's Freak Off's better have a fkn video of Kamala Harris somewhere or else this is all a distraction.

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83b62d No.21649605

you don't 'seize' baby oil, you seize baby oil bottles filled with drugs. It's a way of transport.

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97453e No.21649606

Q Team:

The eastern neighbor seems to be dismantling a bunch of PVC pipes or replacing them as they have a van with 8 ft 4 inch pvc pipes on the side of their driveway. Sounds like they have a 55 gallon barrel underground from what I hear. Please fly a drone and capture the footage. This does not sound legit and maybe what they use to spray us with chems and stuff our vents. ThankQ. ASAP would be great.

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cae880 No.21649607

Disparate data sets..

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e23083 No.21649608

File: 874624ddf241198⋯.png (1.4 MB,750x1334,375:667,A98221FD_CA92_4C36_BB7E_46….png)

File: 2e6787a84782ba0⋯.png (50.83 KB,690x630,23:21,9535D3F9_29E6_44A3_8DA4_02….png)

File: 25344b5f28f5b51⋯.jpeg (65.32 KB,680x453,680:453,AB952882_7063_401A_BBDC_B….jpeg)

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7a207a No.21649609

File: f3ded8821d8a268⋯.png (863.24 KB,860x394,430:197,ClipboardImage.png)

IBM, NASA and Oak Ridge develop a new AI foundation model for weather

September 23, 2024 08:00 AM ET

A new foundation model for climate- and weather-focused AI capabilities has been developed by IBM in partnership with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and Oak Ridge National Laboratory, the company announced Monday.

The new model is designed to process data specific to climate modeling, in order to detect and predict severe weather patterns, improve the spatial resolution of global climate simulations and improve how physical processes are represented in numerical weather and climate models.

Beyond these applications, the foundation model is also designed to be scalable for other short- and long-term weather projections.

The model is available for download on Hugging Face, an open source AI code repository.

It is part of the proprietary IBM-NASA Prithvi family of AI foundation models, a weather-specific model series whose name stems from the Sanskrit word for “Earth.”

“Advancing NASA’s Earth science for the benefit of humanity means delivering actionable science in ways that are useful to people, organizations, and communities.

The rapid changes we’re witnessing on our home planet demand this strategy to meet the urgency of the moment,” said Karen St. Germain, director of the Earth Science Division of NASA’s Science Mission Directorate, in a press release.

“The NASA foundation model will help us produce a tool that people can use: weather, seasonal, and climate projections to help inform decisions on how to prepare, respond, and mitigate.”

Trained on 40 years of Earth observation data from NASA's Modern-Era Retrospective analysis for Research and Applications, researchers say the model has a specialized architecture that keeps it adjustable for a diverse amount of global, regional and local weather modeling applications.

One study, documented in a paper unveiling the foundation model, reportedly showed its ability to accurately reconstruct global surface temperatures using a sample data set derived from just 5% original data.

There are two specific tasks the model is designed and trained to handle.

One is climate and weather downscaling, which features inferring high-resolution outputs from low-resolution inputs.

Data for these types of problems includes temperature, weather prediction and surface winds, which all have highly variable resolutions.

A model handling these data would translate it at up to twelve times the resolution quality, regardless of the resolution of the input data.

The second application, gravity wave parameterization, focuses on using existing numerical climate models and data to illustrate the atmosphere’s gravity waves.

Improved gravity wave generation will in turn improve the accuracy of input numerical weather models through better estimations of gravity wave generation and its impact.

“This space has seen the emergence of large AI models that focus on a fixed dataset and single use case — primarily forecasting,” said Juan Bernabe-Moreno, the director of IBM Research Europe and IBM's Accelerated Discovery Lead for Climate and Sustainability.

“We have designed our weather and climate foundation model to go beyond such limitations so that it can be tuned to a variety of inputs and uses.”

This collaboration moves in sync with the Biden administration’s efforts to prioritize the innovation stemming from public-private sector partnerships.


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3b47ad No.21649611

File: e7728b7437e02c6⋯.png (964.62 KB,505x647,505:647,ClipboardImage.png)



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0ffc0d No.21649612


What could possibly go wrong.

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aec8f8 No.21649613


Get your own drone and fly it.

Are you helpless or an invalid?

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4fa952 No.21649614

File: 2098eb6eb52f44b⋯.jpeg (21 KB,400x342,200:171,NeunMark.jpeg)


Nice dubs

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cae880 No.21649615

Neighbor got murdered last weekend…

How are you, today?

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03b508 No.21649616

File: 1626f0740e0f64f⋯.png (217.26 KB,445x465,89:93,Roy1.png)

File: c79e971af4434b2⋯.mp4 (7.52 MB,640x360,16:9,GEdwGriff.mp4)

File: 1b63f3aea58bd66⋯.png (1.07 MB,1454x966,727:483,GenPattWJos.png)

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edc681 No.21649618

File: a5a6ee3704fdc44⋯.jpg (272.2 KB,1331x1181,1331:1181,P_Diddler_Lube_01.jpg)

File: 7834eaa84b52278⋯.mp4 (193.81 KB,650x360,65:36,Diddler_Police_Raid_Home_1….mp4)

File: 6a3fb3d71a8ae82⋯.jpg (220.78 KB,1130x848,565:424,P_Diddler_Suicide_Watch_02.JPG)

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e23083 No.21649622

File: 564164a05e6a11f⋯.png (1.8 MB,750x1334,375:667,AB1395DB_C6EB_4F8B_9FF8_BF….png)

File: 40bbcb7f4783778⋯.png (50.39 KB,690x630,23:21,3D98594F_9DA4_4230_AD7D_5F….png)

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3db65e No.21649624

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aad366 No.21649625

File: 1466f84dd1f9ad9⋯.jpg (30.63 KB,800x400,2:1,Jussie_Smollett_Crying.jpg)


‘Sickening’ Chant Breaks Out Against Legal Immigrants At Donald Trump Rally

Story by Lee Mora

he audience at Donald Trump’s 2024 campaign rally in Indiana, Pennsylvania, on Monday erupted in applause and chanted, “Send them back,” after the former president said some immigrants — who are in America with legal immigration status — will be deported if he beats Democratic rival Kamala Harris and wins back the White House in November.

>sickening chant

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edc681 No.21649626

File: a7fd2edf465390a⋯.png (988.52 KB,793x1572,793:1572,IMG_0251.png)

File: 3ec911ff794be2b⋯.png (1.14 MB,1014x1488,169:248,IMG_0250.png)

File: df803cd25669ccc⋯.png (1.14 MB,819x1521,7:13,Diddler.PNG)

File: 5c1b3b1631008dc⋯.png (1.83 MB,1178x1582,589:791,IMG_9870.PNG)

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3db65e No.21649628

File: 4770885bc490dc4⋯.png (507.21 KB,500x586,250:293,ClipboardImage.png)

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a533d3 No.21649629


>why not free

what are you, some kind of commie or something

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edc681 No.21649630

File: 2a95f041af3ce9d⋯.png (633.55 KB,570x555,38:37,78828927_8C92_49D2_8DCB_DB….png)


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e23083 No.21649631

File: 8944287cc2154ad⋯.png (1.43 MB,750x1334,375:667,B0CA5E43_A434_4CC9_B24A_A2….png)

File: 52cb857956dcfc8⋯.png (743.44 KB,690x1662,115:277,D5F1E680_8AAC_4934_841E_37….png)

File: facee6e4bf30c34⋯.jpeg (109.42 KB,902x642,451:321,701D5FE7_E65E_4D30_8E5B_F….jpeg)

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cae880 No.21649632

File: c6cf248b768c20e⋯.jpg (428.67 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240924_081830….jpg)

File: adb119b21f55abf⋯.jpg (18.83 KB,474x355,474:355,th_3460017450.jpg)

File: 3bc6bbd2150319d⋯.jpg (20.35 KB,474x355,474:355,th_1040721712.jpg)


There Xi is! The inner [P]!

Real Q. Why did Diddy lose the P in P Diddy, if he did, did he?

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26aed0 No.21649634

File: c53dd56138974f0⋯.png (522.36 KB,680x513,680:513,c53dd56138974f09877c8af346….png)

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48cb16 No.21649635

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

If there is a spiritual hierarchy that governs earth like the Kai's do in Dragon Ball, its pretty clear to me- that hierarchy has failed miserably.

These beings will also be replaced. Post-haste.

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7a207a No.21649637

File: 786838fe83c3eae⋯.png (4.23 MB,2000x1331,2000:1331,ClipboardImage.png)

Expedition 71 Soyuz Landing

Sep 23, 2024

NASA astronaut Tracy C. Dyson is seen smiling and holding a gifted matryoshka doll outside the Soyuz MS-25 spacecraft after she landed with Roscosmos cosmonauts Oleg Kononenko and Nikolai Chub, in a remote area near the town of Zhezkazgan, Kazakhstan on Monday, Sept. 23, 2024.

Dyson is returning to Earth after logging 184 days in space as a member of Expeditions 70-71 aboard the International Space Station and Chub and Kononenko return after having spent the last 374 days in space.


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c72fea No.21649638

Biden, Addressing U.N., Will Argue His Vision Has ‘Produced Results’

As the president discusses what White House officials say are “real achievements for the American people and the world” in his final U.N. address, a world filled with crises looms outside.

Sept. 24, 2024, 5:01 a.m. ET

In February 2021, two weeks after he moved into the White House, President Biden reminded the nation’s diplomats of his promise to restore American leadership in the world. In a speech at the State Department, he summed up his election in three words: “America is back.”

On Tuesday, Mr. Biden will confront the limits of that promise when he addresses world leaders at the United Nations for his fourth and final time as president. The White House says he will make the case that his “vision for a world where countries come together to solve big problems” has “produced results, real achievements for the American people and the world” after the isolationist and chaotic Trump era alienated many global leaders.

But all around Mr. Biden, there are problems yet to be solved. In Gaza, a cease-fire between Israel and Hamas remains elusive after 11 months of fighting. The escalating volley of missiles across the Israel-Lebanon border poses the threat of a multifront war in the Middle East. The war between Russia and Ukraine is dragging deep into its third year with no end in sight.

“America’s back, all right — he can make that case — but with severe limitations on its capacity to lead,” said Aaron David Miller, a longtime Middle East peace negotiator who has advised presidents of both parties. “Biden’s administration is a cautionary tale, I think, of just how complicated and surprising the international environment is, and the limitations of American power.”


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f0a674 No.21649639

File: c2cac8b8e1eca3e⋯.png (164.54 KB,670x324,335:162,ClipboardImage.png)

Become a Digital Soldier. Start Here https://archive.is/3Pe0E

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400985 No.21649640

File: f768deaef22da97⋯.png (29.11 KB,1280x674,640:337,3s64d45f78367d65.png)

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c72fea No.21649641

Biden calls on nations to unite amid an 'inflection point in world history' in last U.N. speech

Biden spoke to the General Assembly for the first time since Hamas’ attack on Israel last year and the conflict that has ensued in Gaza, and his final time as president.

Sept. 24, 2024, 7:00 AM EDT / Updated Sept. 24, 2024, 11:20 AM EDT

By Rebecca Shabad

In his last speech as president before the United Nations General Assembly, Joe Biden called on nations Tuesday to band together amid the spiraling conflict in the Middle East, Russia’s ongoing war in Ukraine and growing global concerns about China’s influence.

"I truly believe we’re at another inflection point in world history. The choices we make today will determine our future," Biden said.

The U.S. president said that Russian President Vladimir Putin, for example, has "failed" at his goal to destroy Ukraine and destroy NATO. "But Ukraine is free," Biden said. "NATO is bigger, stronger more united than ever before, with two new members: Finland and Sweden."

He said the world cannot let up in its protection of Ukraine against Russian aggression.

Biden detailed Hamas' attack on Israel on Oct. 7, which killed 1,200 people, and included acts of sexual violence and the taking of many people into Gaza as hostages. In response, he said, innocent civilians in Gaza have experienced “hell” as Israel has sought to fight back against Hamas. The president said the U.S. has put forward a ceasefire proposal that has been endorsed by the U.N. Security Council, which he called on the parties to finalize.

"A diplomatic solution is still possible. In fact, it remains the only path to lasting security," said Biden, who also criticized the violence against innocent Palestinians in the West Bank and the need to strive for a two-state solution between Israel and Palestinians.

Biden said Gaza is "not the only conflict that deserves outrage," saying that Sudan is embroiled in a civil war in which millions of people are on the brink of famine and hundreds of thousands are already suffering from it. "The world needs to stop arming these generals," he said, adding that nations need to speak with one voice and demand that the war end.

The president spent several minutes toward the end of his speech focusing on artificial intelligence, saying that it will change our ways of life, ways of work and ways of war. Biden said countries must ensure that A.I. supports, rather than undermines, because it can "uplift and empower everyday people."

Biden finished his remarks by sharing his decision over the summer to exit the 2024 presidential race and not seek re-election. "Let us never forget, some things are more important than staying in power," he said. "It's your people that matter the most. … We are here to serve the people — not the other way around."

Biden said that "every age faces its challenges" and that he's witnessed moments of tension and uncertainty in his decades of public service, referring to the Cold War, the Vietnam War and the wars in the Middle East.


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edc681 No.21649642

File: 9c39724e183cc55⋯.png (836.47 KB,700x407,700:407,IMG_0297.png)

File: eaff8959c2eb82d⋯.mp4 (645.83 KB,480x360,4:3,Kamala_Harris_Quantum_Leap….mp4)

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f0a674 No.21649643

File: 478b335f9418b84⋯.png (149.32 KB,540x465,36:31,ClipboardImage.png)

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cae880 No.21649644


En[_] Joy

Missing D?

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ff7be5 No.21649645

File: a2f7e31174287fd⋯.png (896.47 KB,1179x2556,131:284,IMG_2773.png)

Was this in the baby oil? Poppi Bush used this shit on the kids from the Franklin orphanage

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c72fea No.21649646

President Joe Biden Addresses The United Nations General Assembly In New York

19 minutes ago

Deeandra Michel

NEW YORK, N.Y. – President Joe Biden will address the United Nations General Assembly in New York.


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c72fea No.21649647

President Biden's farewell address at the United Nations

Published: Sep. 24, 2024 at 11:04 AM EDT


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cae880 No.21649648


Lead on.

Not same

Mar 06, 2018 1:09:09 AM

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7a207a No.21649649

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

United States House of Representatives Special Events Statue Unveilng of Johnny Cash

September 24, 2024

Country music legend Johnny Cash will receive a statue in his honor in the United States capitol.

Cash was born February 26, 1932, in Kingsland, a small town roughly 60 miles south of Little Rock, Arkansas. During his lifetime, he sold 90 million records worldwide. His music spanning the genres of country, blues, rock, and gospel, Cash was inducted into Country Music Hall of Fame in 1980, and into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame in 1992. He received numerous awards, among them, 13 Grammys and 9 Country Music Association Awards. Cash died in 2003 at age 71.

The work of Little Rock sculptor Kevin Kresse, Cash’s eight-foot-tall statue depicts him with a guitar across his back and a Bible in hand.


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c72fea No.21649650

Biden notes "remarkable sweep of history" in his final United Nations address as president

By Kathryn Watson Updated on: September 24, 2024 / 11:01 AM EDT

President Biden on Tuesday delivered his final speech to the United Nations General Assembly — and one of his last speeches on the world stage as president — capping a decades-long political career that has focused heavily on foreign policy.

Mr. Biden noted the "remarkable sweep of history" he had seen in his long time in public service, saying "things can get better."

"I know, I know many look at the world today and see difficulties and react with despair," the president said. "But I do not. I won't."

The 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly, colloquially known as UNGA, has brought leaders from across the globe to New York. The themes of the president's speech encompassed many of his foreign policy themes throughout his administration — rallying the world around Ukraine, managing global competition and emphasizing the importance of sustaining the U.N. Charter. On Tuesday, the president urged world leaders to remember that "some things are more important than staying in power," emphasizing the value of "we the people" after his own decision to step aside from his reelection race.


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edc681 No.21649651

File: 1a536699a7e0510⋯.gif (339.03 KB,220x124,55:31,IMG_0298.gif)

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c72fea No.21649652

UN General Assembly High-Level Meeting on antimicrobial resistance 2024

26 September 2024 10:00 – 18:00 ET

The second High-Level Meeting on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) on 26 September 2024 will be the principal official, health-focused event during the UNGA high-level week. Without decisive action, such as that outlined in the political declaration for the meeting, AMR will cause even more global suffering, particularly in low- and middle-income countries. Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) occurs when bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites no longer respond to medicines, making people sicker and increasing the spread of infections that are difficult to treat, leading to illness and deaths. The intergovernmental negotiations for the declaration were co-facilitated by Malta and Barbados. The High-Level Meeting will be livestreamed on UN Web TV.

A livestreamed media briefing on the High-level Meeting will be held from 09.00 to 09.30 EDT on 26 September, with PM Mia Mottley of Barbados, the WHO Director-General and other Quadripartite principals.

Organized by the President of the General Assembly, a multi-stakeholder hearing on AMR took place on 15 May 2024, as part of the preparatory process for the High-level Meeting. The hearing was a key moment for stakeholders from across different sectors to contribute, ahead of intergovernmental negotiations on the political declaration. The hearing was supported by WHO, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the United Nations Environment Programme, the World Organisation for Animal Health (also known collectively as the Quadripartite organizations) and other relevant partners.

The first UN High-level Meeting on AMR took place in 2016.


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21f69c No.21649653

I heard red October coming

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f12198 No.21649654


National anthem

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c72fea No.21649655

Head Of United Nations Calls Global Situation 'Unsustainable' As Annual Meeting Of Leaders Opens

Published : 48 minutes ago

An increasing number of nations feel they should be allowed to avoid jail time entirely, and UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres is issuing warnings that impunity, inequality, and uncertainty are creating an unsustainable society.

United Nations: UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres is warning that impunity, inequality and uncertainty are creating an unsustainable world" where a growing number of countries believe they should have a get out of jail free card. We can't go on like this, he says. Guterres is speaking as the General Assembly's annual debate among presidents, prime ministers, monarchs and other leaders begins Tuesday.

Citing deepening geopolitical divisions, wars with no end in sight, climate change and nuclear and emerging weapons, he says humanity is edging towards the unimaginable a powder keg that risks engulfing the world. But, he says, the challenges we face are solvable if the international community confronts the uncertainty of unmanaged risks, the inequality that underlies injustices and grievances and the impunity that undermines international law and the UN's founding principles.


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e23083 No.21649656

File: a196516f6b4184e⋯.png (1.92 MB,750x1334,375:667,ABB903AA_ED6E_4F48_89CF_E1….png)

File: b59dcc54032518a⋯.png (103.14 KB,690x1434,115:239,A8A15213_24B1_4B4B_989F_5D….png)

File: 5664a49eb48326f⋯.png (87.49 KB,690x762,115:127,B8CB1B2F_BD78_4BDB_9697_D5….png)

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c72fea No.21649657

UN General Assembly 2024 live: Biden, Erdogan among leaders giving speeches

Published On 24 Sep 2024

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres addressed rising “impunity, inequality, and unpredictability” throughout the world with a push for 193-member states to focus on “more effective, inclusive, and networked multilateralism”.

US President Joe Biden delivered his final address to the world body on “how the world should come together” with his foreign policy legacy under the microscope as wars rage in Ukraine, Gaza and Lebanon.


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c72fea No.21649658

Biden to sell vision of global engagement in final speech to United Nations

by: Laura Kelly, The Hill Posted: Sep 24, 2024

President Biden on Tuesday will deliver his last address to the United Nations General Assembly — a speech that will seek to memorialize his legacy, inspire support for Vice President Harris, and reassure allies and vulnerable nations to count on the U.S.

Coming just six weeks before the U.S. election, Biden’s speech will serve to underscore support for his vision of global engagement compared to former President Trump’s transactional and isolationist approach, confrontation toward allies, and reverence for autocrats.

“We live in a world with many problems, with many divisions, but we have a story to tell about what we’ve done to rally the world,” a senior administration official said in a call with reporters Monday night, previewing the president’s speech.

“I think this will be an important moment to say, ‘Where do we go?’ And, ‘What are the principles in which we’re going to solve these problems?'”


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83b62d No.21649659


within the bottles, of lube, is said to be a drug that causes amnesia, as not to be able to report, the events at the parties. A hidden way to transport drugs, think 'drink pouches' etc. Can have many different kinds of drugs within.

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5303e2 No.21649660

UN agenda-ing is not "engagement", Squeaky. Just another day at Hormel.

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c72fea No.21649661

Biden addresses UN for the last time as President, says 'solution is still possible in Israel-Lebanon war'

September 24, 2024

During his speech, the US President highlighted the Middle East tensions and the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war. He urged all parties to refrain from attacking one other while maintaining full support for Ukraine against Russia.

New York: US President Joe Biden has addressed the 79th annual UN General Assembly high-level debate. During his speech, the US President highlighted the Middle East tensions and the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war. He urged all parties to refrain from attacking one other while maintaining full support for Ukraine against Russia.

With four months left in office, Biden stepped up to the green-marbled lectern at the UN Assembly with wars in Ukraine, the Gaza Strip and Sudan still raging and likely to outlast his presidency, which ends in January. He sought to calm tensions as the nearly year-long war between Israel and Palestinian militants Hamas in the besieged Gaza Strip now threatens to engulf Lebanon - where Israel targeted more than a thousand Hezbollah targets on Monday.


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cae880 No.21649662

"Think big"

Didn't know they meant in terms of geologic time, and shit.

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9bcc31 No.21649663

File: 8533225a31e64c2⋯.png (397.08 KB,964x934,482:467,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 230313b4b02f95c⋯.png (885.34 KB,696x614,348:307,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0c5c8b5e20f3032⋯.png (638.96 KB,941x808,941:808,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c4f04f9e6d03630⋯.png (870.35 KB,659x796,659:796,ClipboardImage.png)

Did Someone Wear 'Kamala Harris Mask' to Pose as Her at 2023 SOTU Speech? (Snopes KEK)

Beware of aging.

Nur Ibrahim Published Feb. 8, 2023

Harris' neck is not peeling, nor is a mask coming off to reveal someone else sitting in her place. In the below video, at various points, natural wrinkles and lines can be seen on Harris' neck as she claps and stands up:

Harris is not a reptilian creature with gills. The appearance of sagging skin around the neck is largely due to the angle of the head and the camera in some instances, and her own aging.

You can see her in photographs at different points, and her neck appears normal.

The claim appears to be an example of the "body double" conspiracy theory we have encountered before. The theory usually relies on poor-quality footage, or edited images, to claim that famous people in public are cloned or using body doubles.

In this case, the claim also relies on body shaming to pretend that more sinister forces are at play. We therefore rate this claim as "False."(Of course that's it if you live in Snopes world)


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0ccbca No.21649664

File: 2dcb423356c1cd8⋯.png (467.97 KB,891x812,891:812,harris_walz_butcher_t.png)



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afe2aa No.21649665


Leverage so he doesnt talk

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e3cb65 No.21649666

File: a9e419410962091⋯.png (1.14 MB,1000x945,200:189,ClipboardImage.png)

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c72fea No.21649667

As it meets against backdrop of Israel’s bombing of Lebanon, is UN too broken to be fixed?

As diplomats from nearly 200 member states gather in New York this week for the United Nations general assembly against the backdrop of a massive Israeli bombing campaign in southern Lebanon, a nagging question to be addressed is whether the UN is too broken to be fixed.

UN officials are facing three intractable conflicts, in the Middle East, Ukraine and Sudan. While it remains one of the most important humanitarian organisations on Earth, overseeing relief efforts for refugees, natural disaster victims and others in dire need, the UN’s principal security body appears to be powerless to intervene in some of the world’s most grinding conflicts.

Supporters say that the UN remains a key forum for conflict resolution that has prevented even worse outcomes. And its leadership has recognised the need for radical change, devoting a significant element of its Pact of the Future – an initiative of the secretary general, António Guterres, adopted after gruelling negotiations last week – to efforts to reform the security council, which controls key decisions in the UN regarding peace and security.

Supporters say UN mediation has prevented even worse outcomes, but security council is stuck in vicious circle


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2de284 No.21649668

File: c31e1de43d93fe8⋯.jpg (1.05 MB,3771x2121,1257:707,P.jpg)

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f12198 No.21649669

File: b1771a63486d517⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,49.23 KB,668x698,334:349,Answer.jpg)

File: ee3c363911c628c⋯.jpg (33.17 KB,657x718,657:718,Puzzle_.jpg)

Every section contains 1 star

every row contains 1 star

Every column contains 1 star

Answer is spoiled and upside-down.

For lurkers forced and un forced.

And the blocked (at least you didn't get runned dover)

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c72fea No.21649670

UN ‘Summit of the Future’: Palestinian PM Mohammad Mustafa Condemns Israel’s ‘Genocidal War’ in Gaza, Pleads for Urgent Action To Stop Aggression (Watch Video)

Palestine PM Mohammad Mustafa condemned Israel's "genocidal war" in Gaza at a United Nations (UN) meeting, pleading for urgent action by the international community to stop the aggression.


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9bcc31 No.21649671

File: 4faf9dfc087ac11⋯.png (1.07 MB,990x518,495:259,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 32579e451cd1def⋯.png (691.89 KB,915x479,915:479,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c4f04f9e6d03630⋯.png (870.35 KB,659x796,659:796,ClipboardImage.png)


(People have been asking what's wrong with her neck since 2020)

Kamala Harris' Health Has Been Called Into Question More Than Once


There are plenty of moments from the first 2020 presidential debate to obsess over and there will be tons more to come, both good and bad. Though if we’re being honest here, they'll be mostly cringey beyond belief. After the debate, however, vice president candidate Kamala Harris appeared on CNN for a brief interview.And instead of focusing on what she had to say about her running mate’s talking points, people were concerned with the way her neck appeared on-camera.

Kamala’s neck looked swollen on one side and even more so on the other. In fact, she seemed downright uncomfortable during the interview. This led viewers to race to Twitter to speculate about what is wrong with her and if it’s something serious. There are a lot of things to be concerned about regarding the 2020 election, and now Kamala’s health is one of them.

What's wrong with Kamala Harris' neck?

Kamala hasn't come out to address the concerns about her neck just yet, but because that’s the case, it might not be anything serious.She could have swollen lymph nodes on either side of her neck as a result of a bacterial infectionof some kind and simply didn't feel the need to worry anyone with the news if it is being properly treated. Of course, that’s just one of many possibilities and, at this time, is mere speculation.

A couple of people speculated on Twitter that Kamala’s swollen neck is the result of a thyroid issue. Others claim that there’s nothing wrong with her neck at all and it just appeared swollen because of the way her hair was styled. Whatever the case may be, Kamala herself hasn't publicly confirmed or denied any serious underlying health issue.

Kamala Harris could have a goiter.

Another more official possible cause for Kamala’s swollen neck is that it's a goiter. Like one user on Twitter said regarding the issue being related to Kamala’s thyroid, a goiter is an enlargement of the thyroid gland. Although they are mostly painless, goiters can still cause issues with swallowing and even breathing.

A common symptom of a goiter is swelling at the base of the neck, not unlike the swelling Kamala seemed to have during her CNN interview. Luckily, something as simple as taking an anti-inflammatory medication can help treat a goiter, depending on how serious it is. In some cases, surgery is necessary, but since Kamala hasn't even said she has a goiter, it might not be that serious if that even is the case.


She is part of the Lizard family that Pelosi created

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268cdd No.21649672

File: 3d97e4644e52e5a⋯.gif (698.3 KB,256x209,256:209,3d97e4644e52e5a7f6ade42707….gif)

Guud morning, frens

It's a bit early in the day for popcorn isn't it?

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cae880 No.21649673

File: 290c36e5e3e3417⋯.jpg (563.07 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240805_234007….jpg)

File: c3eb4cb34ff57ed⋯.jpg (145.42 KB,1406x611,1406:611,MV5BYmUyZjlkNzYtODBkYS00M2….jpg)

File: 9642319eb9407a4⋯.jpg (10.93 KB,474x262,237:131,th_303786638.jpg)

File: 497d891ff6e02d7⋯.jpg (19.73 KB,474x386,237:193,th_4058644498.jpg)

Nothing means get your ass kicked and do nothing, "we" got this


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a67f0e No.21649674


A delay from the scheduled6 p.m. tipoff created tension in and around the event, allowing time for the unruly crowd to build outside. Tragedy broke out when the crowd outside managed to break through the exterior doors leading to the gym; the surge of people rushing down the stairs toward locked doors that only opened inward created a pile of humans with nowhere to go as the weight on top of them increased.

Ninepeople died — the same initial number as the Astroworld tragedy before 9-year-old Ezra Blount succumbed to his injuries after falling in a coma. The deceased ranged in age from 17 to 28; 29 others were injured.

Hon. Louis C. Benza of the Court of Claims decided that Diddy, Heavy D and the New York State were equally responsible for the tragedy.


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370025 No.21649675

File: e16959a906fd990⋯.png (496.71 KB,1101x801,367:267,ClipboardImage.png)

Gunshots fired into Democrat party office


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c72fea No.21649676

Socialist Alliance condemns Australia’s abstention on UN motion to end to Zionist occupation of Palestine

Peter Boyle September 24, 2024

By abstaining on the latest United Nations General Assembly resolution against Israel’s occupation of Palestine, the Australian government has failed the Palestinian people, international law and the support for peace and justice in the world, Socialist Alliance national co-convenor Sam Wainwright told Green Left.

The resolution, adopted on September 18 by an overwhelming majority demanded that Israel completely end its unlawful presence in the Occupied Palestinian Territories within a year.

One hundred and twenty four nations voted in favour, with 14 against and 43 abstentions.

The resolution called upon all member states to refrain from recognising Israel’s presence in the Territory as lawful and ensure they do not provide aid or assistance to maintaining the situation created by the occupation.

This includes taking measures to prevent their nationals, companies and entities under their jurisdiction from engaging in activities that support or sustain Israel’s occupation.

The resolution also called on nations to stop importing products from Israeli settlements and to halt the transfer of arms, munitions and related equipment to Israel where there are reasonable grounds to suspect they may be used in the Occupied Palestinian Territories.

It also called for sanctions, such as travel bans and asset freezes, against individuals and entities involved in maintaining Israel’s unlawful presence in the Occupied Territories and ensuring that those engaged in these activities (including settlers) face legal and financial consequences.

“There won’t be any steps towards justice in the Middle East unless there is pressure put on Israel,” Wainwright said. “Australia’s refusal to support the latest UN resolution, which simply support the findings of the International Court of Justice [ICJ] means, in practice, it is supporting Israel continuing to do what it is doing.”

“The fundamental position of the Australian government is to support Israel. An example of that is the $917 million deal with Elbit Systems … only weeks after the ICJ found that there was a plausible case of genocide against Israel.

“Every state in the world has an obligation to stop that [genocide].”

Wainwright said Australia’s position “is partly the fruit of the AUKUS deal which has bound it more tightly to the US.

“It was heartening that a number of Western countries voted for the UN resolution.

“Not just Ireland, which you would expect, but also Norway, Finland, Belgium, France, Spain, Portugal, Iceland and, in our region, New Zealand and Japan.

“So it wasn’t only the Global South that voted in favour.

“The public pressure against Israel’s horrendous genocide … means that Israel is more isolated than ever.

“But Australia, Canada, Britain and the US are still not prepared to put any pressure on Israel to stop its genocide in Gaza.

“The Australian government has failed the Palestinian people, failed international law and failed [to support] peace and justice in the world at this critical point,” Wainwright said.


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370025 No.21649677

>>21649665 didn't this same thing happen to the Vegas shooter's brother?

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f12198 No.21649678


They should hold it on the 7th.

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5303e2 No.21649679


That building wouldn't have been hurt if they'd just put some decent signage as targets up outside….

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c72fea No.21649680

Iran urges UN to act against Israel's actions

20 Sep 2024

Iran's UN Ambassador Amir Saeid Iravani called on the Security Council to condemn Israel and take action to stop its harmful activities in the region, News.Az reports citing IRNA .

"The Islamic Republic of Iran strongly condemns these horrific attacks and calls on the Security Council to condemn Israel and take decisive action to end its malicious activities in the region. We will address this internationally wrongful act in the Council meeting scheduled for this afternoon," Iravani said in a statement addressing the United Nations Security Council on “The situation in the Middle East: (Syria)” on Friday.


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6f1c85 No.21649681

This item was produced or created on September 24, 1789.

An Act to Establish the Federal Courts of the United States

Other title: Judiciary Act of 1789


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c72fea No.21649682

UN panel condemns Israel for violating global Child Rights Treaty amid Gaza conflict

A UN report accuses Israel of severe violations of child rights in Gaza, citing alarming numbers of deaths, displacements, and injuries. The panel calls for urgent action, while Israel denies legal obligations under the treaty.

September 20, 2024


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6cbc91 No.21649683

File: 41fc74d958983cb⋯.png (704.96 KB,960x960,1:1,2024_09_24_11_36_06.png)


>Biden addresses UN for the last time

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2de284 No.21649684


Agreed most likely.

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cae880 No.21649685

File: 2d702ae94b667f2⋯.gif (1.89 MB,320x240,4:3,dAB6gG_3011648029.gif)

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3b47ad No.21649686


or so he does

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f12198 No.21649687

File: 00f9b53317f35de⋯.jpg (80.54 KB,548x640,137:160,Screenshot_20240920_154903….jpg)


Yea so?

Harris on the loose.

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a67f0e No.21649688

File: 93aa49d2cb36cae⋯.png (8.86 KB,392x195,392:195,Q3599.png)


forgot Qdrop

Six o'clock can be dangerous

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268cdd No.21649689

File: 9f20de5acf4ec6b⋯.jpg (139.84 KB,750x1000,3:4,flat_750x_075_f_pad_750x10….jpg)


Probably a Democrat who did it. They are the party of shootings

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478d36 No.21649690

File: a18cad6a1e470fe⋯.png (757.87 KB,1648x1492,412:373,smokingpepe21.png)


Ain't that a shame.

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ab3f50 No.21649691

File: 58b8aa20f78e052⋯.png (1.77 MB,844x1170,422:585,nryrtnybryryr.PNG)

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6f1c85 No.21649692

12:00 PM EDT

Noon Report – Recruiting & Marketing for the U.S. Army

The Association of the United States Army (AUSA)



Army Maj. Gen. Johnny K. Davis, commanding general, U.S. Army Recruiting Command; and Brig. Gen. Antoinette R. Gant, chief, Army Enterprise Marketing Office, speak at noon EDT at an Association of the U.S. Army Noon Report webinar. Register at ausa.org.

Department of Defense


September 24, 2024

12:00 PM EDT

Service to the Flag Award Luncheon - 2024 Women in Defense National Conference

National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA)



Chief Digital and Artificial Intelligence Officer Dr. Radha Plumb speaks at noon

Department of Defense


September 24, 2024

12:00 PM EDT

U.S. House of Representatives: House Session

The House will consider a rule for several bills being debated this week including legislation to provide government funding past the September 30th deadline until December 20th to avert a shutdown.


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cae880 No.21649693

Held off making plans to do NOTHING?

And wanted?

When do the clowns emerge?

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c72fea No.21649694

Fourteen countries oppose UN resolution to end Israel's occupation of Palestine

A total of 124 states voted for Israel to withdraw forces and cease settlement activity in the occupied West Bank

Apart from the US, Argentina, Hungary and Paraguay also voted against the resolution. Other opposers were: Oceania's Palau, Micronesia, Nauru, Fiji, Tonga, Tuvalu and Papua New Guinea, East Africa's Malawi and Europe's Czechia.

Notably, South America's Argentina has had a long-standing pro-Palestine policy, which it broke off from in a May vote on recognising Palestinian as a state, before designating Hamas a terrorist group two months later.

Argentina's President Javier Milei had been aligning his country closer with Israel and the US in recent months, even visiting Jerusalem in February and making more public his religious views after converting to Judaism three years ago.

Hungary's position on Israel remained unchanged. It has long been a supporter and ally of Israel, and is the only EU member state to not have called on Israel to stop its incursion into Rafah in May, in the continuing war in Gaza, as part of a joint declaration among other EU member states.

More than 41,200 Palestinians have been killed in Israel's war in Gaza, and 95,550 were wounded with at least 10,000 more missing and believed to be under rubble.

Paraguay has strong trade ties with Israel but a complicated relationship with it.

In 2018, President Horacio Cartes said he would relocate his country's embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem – effectively recognising the city as Israel's capital, following the footsteps of Donald Trump, who made the same controversial move.

Paraguay's decision was eventually reversed under new president Mario Abdo Benitez and the embassy was moved back to Tel Aviv, prompting anger from Israel, which closed its embassy in Paraguay.

Six years later, Paraguay’s current President Santiago Peña expressed his support for Israel, saying he will move his embassy to Jerusalem and in turn attended the inauguration of Israel's embassy in the capital Asuncion on Wednesday – the day of the UN vote – where his envoy voted against the resolution to show further support to Israel.

Ahead of the vote, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman said the kingdom condemns "the crimes of the Israeli occupation authority against the Palestinian people". The Crown Prince said the kingdom will not establish diplomatic ties with Israel without an independent Palestinian state with east Jerusalem as its capital.


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6f1c85 No.21649695

September 24, 2024

12:30 PM EDT

Team Trump Bus Tour in Wisconsin

Stop 5: Outagamie County, WI - GOP HQ



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5303e2 No.21649696

File: aebdec7fc7d49da⋯.gif (1.47 MB,480x270,16:9,Squeaky_Talkin_To_Hisself.gif)

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c72fea No.21649697

UN backs Palestinian arms embargo call against Israel

The resolution includes a six-month timeline for withdrawal from "Palestinian territories"; Israeli ambassador Danny Danon: "This is a shameful decision that backs the Palestinian Authority's diplomatic terrorism."

Published on 09-18-2024


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cae880 No.21649698


Really. Wanted…

Wtf is you're problem?

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c72fea No.21649699

UN says Israeli strike on Gaza school killed six of its staff

12 September 2024


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a67f0e No.21649700


What would you speculate was in the baby oil bottles?

Something that reacted when placed on the skin?

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268cdd No.21649701

File: c4e6d9850f94135⋯.jpg (14.63 KB,229x220,229:220,c4e6d9850f94135bb1836511af….jpg)


Hey buddy you got a permit for that meme and filename? Its copyrighted and trademarked you know.

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afe2aa No.21649702

File: ee02fd9ec70a1c1⋯.png (47.22 KB,631x239,631:239,ClipboardImage.png)







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f12198 No.21649703

Trump should agree to discussions about a debate if she does a drug test and breathalyzer

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5f2351 No.21649704


you haven't proven that you're not stealing someone's identity and posting as them

Date/Timestamp/Bread Number or you're still fake and gay

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cae880 No.21649705

File: 2d702ae94b667f2⋯.gif (1.89 MB,320x240,4:3,dAB6gG_3011648029.gif)

Government sponsored drug kits! Entitled! See you… whenever!

Drinking is for kids.

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3b47ad No.21649706


Ed Buck liked meth in his men

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aec8f8 No.21649707

File: 5d7fd9ad13e3e45⋯.jpeg (869.39 KB,1170x2337,390:779,IMG_1678.jpeg)

File: 7f78402fae4698b⋯.png (1.21 MB,1170x2532,195:422,IMG_1679.png)

File: fabc5f692e1e7bb⋯.png (230.77 KB,1170x2532,195:422,IMG_1680.png)




Garth Brooks is the P Diddy of country music! What’s says you

Chris Gaines is a one-off fictional rock persona created as a movie character for Garth Brooks to explore musical styles far removed from his success as a country singer.

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7a207a No.21649708

File: 5b6d592813823c3⋯.png (3.3 MB,2000x1334,1000:667,ClipboardImage.png)

US, Republic of Korea Sign Statement to Advance Aerospace Cooperation

Sep 23, 2024

NASA and the Republic of Korea’s newly created Korea AeroSpace Administration (KASA) signed a joint statement of intent Thursday affirming their interest to advance cooperation in space exploration, science, and aeronautics.

The signing took place at NASA Headquarters in Washington during the KASA’s first visit since its creation in May 2024.

“Building on years of work together both on Earth and in space, we are proud to significantly grow our partnership with the Republic of Korea and its new space agency,” said NASA Administrator Bill Nelson.

“We look forward to the discoveries and innovation that our two nations will accomplish in this exciting time for space exploration.”

The countries will discuss potential cooperation in a range of areas including NASA’s Moon to Mars Architecture, space life sciences and medical operations, lunar surface science, utilization of Korea’s deep space antenna, future commercial low Earth orbit activities, and other fields of science such as heliophysics.

The statement also acknowledges a shared commitment to the Artemis Accords, to which the Republic of Korea was an early signatory.

NASA, in coordination with the U.S. Department of State and seven other founding member nations, established the Artemis Accords in 2020, reinforcing the commitment by signatory nations to the Registration Convention, the Rescue and Return Agreement, as well as best practices and norms of responsible behavior, including the public release of scientific data.

“The signing of the joint statement marks a pivotal moment in opening a new chapter for the Republic of Korea-U.S. aerospace alliance.

It presents a vital opportunity for Korea to emerge as a responsible space-faring nation, and also for humanity to pursue scientific discoveries and pioneer the future,” said KASA Administrator Youngbin Yoon.

“The Korea AeroSpace Administration will continue to collaborate globally for sustainable space activities and strengthen Korea’s role on the international space stage.”

In attendance at the ceremony were top officials from the Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI) and the Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (KASI).

The organizations worked with NASA to share data from the Korea Pathfinder Lunar Orbiter and leverage the agency’s Deep Space Network.

The U.S. and the Republic of Korea have built and placed satellites in orbit that can track air pollution in North America and Asia and making that data and knowledge available to the world.

NASA’s recently launched TEMPO (Tropospheric Emissions: Monitoring of Pollution) mission, and KARI’s GEMS (Geostationary Environment Monitoring Spectrometer), are improving life on Earth by revolutionizing the way scientists observe air quality from space, solving Earth’s greatest challenges.


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6cbc91 No.21649709

File: bc47dcd0bfc65a7⋯.png (895.58 KB,730x692,365:346,41_days_to_winning_2.png)

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83b62d No.21649710


They will turn on each other, truth causes paranoia


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5f2351 No.21649711


we'll that's a motive if I ever saw one

When Trump returns the punishment for Pedophiles is Death

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5303e2 No.21649712

File: 20f6beba2bc8c8b⋯.png (405.49 KB,1290x1390,129:139,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7bc0ec3ab6da06b⋯.png (467.74 KB,1290x1163,1290:1163,ClipboardImage.png)


Greg Price


🚨BREAKING: The son of President Trump’s attempted assassin was just arrested for child pornography


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e0561e No.21649714

John Kennedy from Louisiana just referred to the Potato as "former President Biden".

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f12198 No.21649716


It would explain garth brook's hatred of Trump

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056567 No.21649718

File: b1de522e601ed26⋯.png (44.63 KB,840x454,420:227,ClipboardImage.png)


>I heard red October coming

It was a reference to the Bolshevik Revolution, Anon.

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83b62d No.21649719

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


rat vs rat

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5f2351 No.21649720


[R][R]'s son will come out as ABC before his sentencing

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edc681 No.21649721

File: 810114b7c76ac5a⋯.jpeg (239.54 KB,1130x1597,1130:1597,IMG_0300.jpeg)



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9bcc31 No.21649722

File: 26da9e253bae3f6⋯.png (508.51 KB,700x540,35:27,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ef7f1ae687b9e0c⋯.png (287.4 KB,1080x1138,540:569,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d76ea984a402ef3⋯.png (215.43 KB,975x1063,975:1063,ClipboardImage.png)

File: bc28865fcb09bef⋯.png (274.71 KB,1020x1098,170:183,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c703e7846fb0c71⋯.png (932.32 KB,1170x620,117:62,ClipboardImage.png)

>>21649671Even Redditt got involvedwith, "what's wrong with Kamabla's face and neck."

Go to TheBidenshitshow

r/TheBidenshitshow•2 yr. ago

What's up with Kamala Harris' neck during Joe Biden's state of the union speech?

(Gotta admit those comments are funny!)


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370025 No.21649724

File: 87f9b041656442b⋯.png (171.26 KB,513x821,513:821,ClipboardImage.png)

NYC corruption saga is growing


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a67f0e No.21649726


And stripped of all jewelry prior to the debate.

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41ac96 No.21649727


#26514 >>21649473

>>21649528, >>21649702, >>21649712 Son of would - be assassin #2 Ryan Routh arrested on child porn charges

>>21649529 Today in Q Post History we have 11 Deltas

>>21649544, >>21649593 RSBN Trump Delivers Remarks on the Tax Code and Manufacturing in Savannah, GA - 9/24/24

>>21649556 Trump's Rescue Mission - Savng America is the film (you) need to see

>>21649567 Digital Soldiers - Join The Digital Battle: Information Warfare

>>21649572, >>21649582, >>21649674 Diddy bun

>>21649597 Kamala Harris Plotted to Stop Me Getting a Job, Kimberly Guilfoyle Says

>>21649609, >>21649637, >>21649708 NASA

>>21649638, >>21649641 Biden, Addressing U.N., Will Argue His Vision Has ‘Produced Results’

>>21649649 Johnny Cash will receive a statue in his honor in the United States capitol

>>21649675 Gunshots fired into Democrat party office in Arizona

>>21649692 Habbenings in and of the Swamp

>>21649709 Only 41 DAYS TO WINNING

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83b62d No.21649728

a new sterilized baby oil bottle, not filled, can be filled with anything, the question is, who filled it with drugs?

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f12198 No.21649730


Stashing cp on a device of someone they want

Is a ploy of theirs

So watch your presumptions and carry on. Bumpy road.

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aec8f8 No.21649731

File: 60257e825841696⋯.jpeg (1.28 MB,1170x2325,78:155,IMG_1681.jpeg)

File: 24c6bc5c55be09c⋯.jpeg (823.1 KB,1170x2325,78:155,IMG_1682.jpeg)

File: bd07fbfedeb24b4⋯.jpeg (1.53 MB,1170x2394,65:133,IMG_1683.jpeg)


The Garth Brooks serial killer rumors remind me of the Cary Grant gay rumors, or any other Hollywood rumor which turns out to be true



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e0e784 No.21649732

File: f72308e2ab2d3c8⋯.mp4 (2.87 MB,576x1024,9:16,Donald_Trump_heaped_praise….mp4)

Donald Trump heaped praise on Diddy drawing a chilling reply from female Apprentice contestant

An Apprentice contestant's response to Donald Trump's ultra-flattering remarks about Diddy revealed yet another ignored clue about the rapper's wrongdoings.

Pop singer Aubrey O'Day, 40, appeared on The Apprentice in 2012 - four years after working under Sean 'Diddy' Combs as a member of music group Danity Kane.

Donald Trump recently joined the growing list of celebrities tied up in the Diddy scandal after an unflattering clip from an episode of The Apprentice resurfaced.

In the clip, O'Day became visibly uncomfortable after Trump said: 'I love Diddy. You know, he's a good friend of mine, he's a good guy. Is he a good guy?'

'I don't want to answer that question,' O'Day immediately responded.


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e0561e No.21649733


she's been wearing a neck scarf in the last week or so.

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aec8f8 No.21649735


I didn’t know he did, but it would explain it.

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f12198 No.21649736


Kabala: this apron counts as mickydee

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478d36 No.21649737

File: fbab547c77a5895⋯.jpeg (81.23 KB,1080x1026,20:19,RphMqIEuhrU8.jpeg)


>Hey buddy you got a permit for that meme and filename? Its copyrighted and trademarked you know.

Silence, Simple Legion. Funny how you're the one trying to make a scene about copyrights and trademarks when you're the one trying to imitate everything other than the meme about one person. Your'e just admitting to everyone you prefer my style of posting to your own and you're trying to emulate that.

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c067fe No.21649738


Typical communist. When it comes to her she supports her 2nd Amendment rights. When it comes to everyone else in society, she wants to disarm the rest of the nation.

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5303e2 No.21649739


Or 10/7, now….

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6f874e No.21649740


High crime area?

Office acting as a backstop for a drive by shooting?

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83b62d No.21649741


thick necklaces began to cover adam's apples in the black and white films, as well as shoulder pads, hiding manly shoulders.

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afe2aa No.21649742


over 63k? Moar here

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50257c No.21649745


go to 1:03 video

Misgendering is against the code of contucked.

This guy is a rockstar!

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c067fe No.21649747


Tell him to shut up already.

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7a207a No.21649751

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Celebrating 10 Years at Mars with NASA’s MAVEN Mission

Sep 23, 2024

A decade ago, on Sept. 21, 2014, NASA’s MAVEN (Mars Atmospheric and Volatile EvolutioN) spacecraft entered orbit around Mars, beginning its ongoing exploration of the Red Planet’s upper atmosphere.

The mission has produced a wealth of data about how Mars’ atmosphere responds to the Sun and solar wind, and how these interactions can explain the loss of the Martian atmosphere to space.

Today, MAVEN continues to make exciting new discoveries about the Red Planet that increase our understanding of how atmospheric evolution affected Mars’ climate and the previous presence of liquid water on its surface, potentially determining its prior habitability.

“It is an incredibly exciting time for the MAVEN team as we celebrate 10 years of Martian science and see the tremendous impact this mission has had on the field,” said Shannon Curry, the principal investigator of MAVEN and a researcher at the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics at the University of Colorado Boulder.

“We also look forward to the future discoveries MAVEN will bring.”

In celebration of this mission milestone, we recap some of the most significant scientific results of this unique and long-lasting Mars aeronomy mission.

Extreme atmospheric erosion

One of MAVEN’s first big results was discovering that the erosion of Mars’ atmosphere increases significantly during solar storms.

The team studied how the solar wind — a stream of charged particles continually streaming from the Sun — and solar storms continually strip away Mars’ atmosphere, and how this process played a key role in altering the Martian climate from a potentially habitable planet to today’s cold, arid planet.

Sputtering to space

To better understand how Mars lost much of its atmosphere, MAVEN measured isotopes of argon gas in the upper Martian atmosphere. Argon is a noble gas, meaning it rarely reacts with other constituents in the Martian atmosphere.

The only way it can be removed is by atmospheric sputtering — a process where ions crash into the Martian atmosphere at high enough speeds that they knock gas molecules out of the atmosphere.

When the MAVEN team analyzed argon isotopes in the upper atmosphere, they were able to estimate that roughly 65% of the argon originally present had been lost through sputtering over the planet’s history.

A new type of aurora

MAVEN has discovered several types of auroras that flare up when energetic particles plunge into the atmosphere, bombarding gases and making them glow.

The MAVEN team showed that protons, rather than electrons, create auroras at Mars.

On Earth, proton auroras only occur in very small regions near the poles, whereas at Mars they can happen everywhere.

Martian dust storm

In 2018, a runaway series of dust storms created a dust cloud so large that it enveloped the planet.

The MAVEN team studied how this “global” dust storm affected Mars’ upper atmosphere to understand how these events affect how the escape of water to space.

It confirmed that heating from dust storms can loft water molecules far higher into the atmosphere than usual, leading to a sudden surge in water lost to space.

Map of Martian winds

MAVEN researchers created the first map of wind circulation in the upper atmosphere of Mars.

The new map is helping scientists better understand the Martian climate, including how terrain on the planet’s surface is disturbing high-altitude wind currents.

The results provide insight into how the dynamics of the upper Martian atmosphere have influenced the Red Planet’s climate evolution in the past and present.


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7a207a No.21649752


Twisted tail

Mars has an invisible magnetic “tail” that is twisted by its interaction with the solar wind.

Although models predicted that magnetic reconnection causes Mars’ magnetotail to twist, it wasn’t until MAVEN arrived that scientists could confirm that the predictions were correct.

The process that creates the twisted tail could also allow some of Mars’ already thin atmosphere to escape to space.

Mapping electric currents

Researchers used MAVEN data to create a map of electric current systems in the Martian atmosphere.

These form when solar wind ions and electrons smash into the planet’s induced magnetic field, causing the particles to flow apart.

The resulting electric currents, which drape around the planet, play a fundamental role in the atmospheric loss that transformed Mars from a world that could have supported life to an inhospitable desert.

Disappearing solar wind

MAVEN recently observed the unexpected “disappearance” of the solar wind. This was caused by a type of solar event so powerful that it created a void in its wake as it traveled across the solar system.

MAVEN’s measurements showed that when it reached Mars, the solar wind density dropped significantly.

This disappearance of the solar wind allowed the Martian atmosphere and magnetosphere to balloon out by thousands of kilometers.

Ultraviolet views of the Red Planet

MAVEN captured stunning views of Mars in two ultraviolet images taken at different points along the Red Planet’s orbit around the Sun.

By viewing the planet in ultraviolet wavelengths, scientists gain insight into the Martian atmosphere and view surface features in remarkable ways.

Mars’ response to solar storms

In May 2024, a series of solar events triggered a torrent of energetic particles that quickly traveled to Mars.

Many of NASA’s Mars missions, including MAVEN, observed this celestial event and captured images of glowing auroras over the planet.


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ff7be5 No.21649755



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edc681 No.21649757

File: 810114b7c76ac5a⋯.jpeg (239.54 KB,1130x1597,1130:1597,IMG_0300.jpeg)

File: 79b4928261a3538⋯.jpeg (516.64 KB,837x979,837:979,IMG_0301.jpeg)

File: ca6e83455b055bd⋯.png (5.13 MB,2076x2208,173:184,Trump_Ear_Shot_01.PNG)

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26aed0 No.21649759

File: 26135ed81a21d2e⋯.png (759.9 KB,877x689,877:689,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1385215a37e6f4d⋯.mp4 (309.11 KB,480x270,16:9,CRY_MORE_LIBS.mp4)



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3b47ad No.21649760


tightens those muscles


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79a311 No.21649762


Devil's Breath


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056567 No.21649763


>Or 10/7

On November 6 and 7, 1917 (or October 24 and 25 on the Julian calendar, which is why the event is often referred to as the October Revolution), leftist revolutionaries led by Bolshevik Party leader Vladimir Lenin launched a nearly bloodless coup d’état against the Duma’s provisional government.


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f12198 No.21649766

File: c17116e9668abbf⋯.jpg (80.91 KB,720x712,90:89,Screenshot_20240907_143654….jpg)

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000000 No.21649767

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Trump literally disclosess that thee USA is in control of wars that happen around of the world(which is why Trump did not have the USA engaging in conflicts during his tenure).

In the video attached, from last night's rally in Pennsylvania, at the 2:29:45 mark, Trump says, "They [countries] would call me up to ask if they couldgo to war with some other country". In responde Trump would say, "If you do that, we're going to put big, big taxes all over your country".

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e0e784 No.21649768

File: f0fefc7a6153277⋯.png (498.88 KB,884x590,442:295,3_pixels_.png)



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a0b1f3 No.21649769

/ Slash /// retard ///// shill // back /

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478d36 No.21649771

File: 3de900d90b5097c⋯.png (349.31 KB,604x715,604:715,3de900d90b5097c1c3e264d403….png)

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c067fe No.21649774


The ONLY problems we have is with these war mongering idiots in power today. The same assholes who open up our borders allowing our own nation to be invaded by violent gangs and terrorists. There will be no unity until their regime ENDS.

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ac506d No.21649775



The year 2049

kid: Daddy, what's a democrat?

Dad: Quite frankly, son, I don't know. Go look it up.

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79a311 No.21649781

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Devil's Breath

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edc681 No.21649783

File: 29dcb52efe2e143⋯.jpeg (71.31 KB,1080x1039,1080:1039,IMG_0302.jpeg)

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e0561e No.21649784

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Cruz is kicking ass in this hearing.

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f12198 No.21649786

File: b670815739a4b67⋯.jpg (112.49 KB,686x764,343:382,Screenshot_20240729_092751….jpg)

Imagine the stories the sober guy could tell.

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3db65e No.21649787


possessing Child Porn

Who filmed it?

Who produced it"

Who distributed it?

Who is participating in it?

Who procured the child?

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edc681 No.21649789

File: c6dde2c2b80d5a8⋯.jpeg (196.55 KB,1255x1158,1255:1158,IMG_0303.jpeg)



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59a5df No.21649793

File: 94126b54767005d⋯.png (1.48 MB,1196x1262,598:631,94126b54767005d480a27312b3….png)

File: 863d3bf933a577c⋯.png (88.24 KB,1304x622,652:311,09a4e83ac6a9d1d914d9679867….png)

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aec8f8 No.21649794


Appears Garth has a split personality

Was he an M K victim?

Need some digs on his history

Garth Brooks =. Chris Gaines

Christian Gains?

Why that name?

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ac506d No.21649799

File: 8becba8f1392e65⋯.png (562.54 KB,640x672,20:21,6b45cc30a541635f0c8a7211e2….png)

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edc681 No.21649801

File: 1b48b5a76845d71⋯.jpeg (824.23 KB,1308x1406,654:703,IMG_0304.jpeg)

File: be0224526a0a927⋯.jpeg (88.43 KB,624x780,4:5,IMG_0305.jpeg)



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3db65e No.21649803


The Cheesy Popcorn is better.

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e0561e No.21649807

File: d66559ce20bf8f6⋯.png (62.25 KB,512x640,4:5,ClipboardImage.png)

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edc681 No.21649811

File: 8f35f81938072ee⋯.png (3.18 MB,1640x2360,41:59,IMG_0306.png)


Son of suspect in second attempted assassination of Trump arrested on child pornography charges


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e0e784 No.21649812







anon is probably mixing up MC Hammer and Puff Daddy, they are not the same

if you want to say Trump does not love Puff, you could say "think mirror"

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e0e784 No.21649816



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59a5df No.21649817

File: 63f76a49fe70224⋯.gif (316.07 KB,220x164,55:41,63f76a49fe70224ac147197d40….gif)

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edc681 No.21649818

File: 6a6511b33c1ed7b⋯.jpeg (1.11 MB,1414x1640,707:820,IMG_0307.jpeg)


Son of Ryan Routh, accused in Trump assassination attempt, arrested for child pornography

Oran Routh had "hundreds" of files of child pornography, prosecutors said.


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a0b1f3 No.21649819

File: 95ca206795a4382⋯.png (118.37 KB,362x355,362:355,IMG_0424.png)


/ Go /// Team //// Fedboi /

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943f34 No.21649820

I cannot wait till there is evidence of chemical saboteurs, because I am asserting that this is a wide spread DS tactic that is cutting the lives short of hundreds if not millions of human lives in the US alone; and probably more pets. I can even see it down my block at the first house on the block where one person's lawn is pristine and then their neighbor's lawn has an angled dead spot going across it that if you look, seems to be chemicals carried by the wind from the pristine neighbor's sprinklers. It is burned more towards the good lawn and slowly feathers out down towards the street on a 45 degree angle, getting in wider and less tainted. This is actually a world wide problem, and the number one cause of all illnesses, diseases, and deaths worldwide.

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c067fe No.21649821


I like melted butter and fresh chopped garlic with my popcorn. Don't knock it until you give it a try sometime.

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2f5eab No.21649822

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Kennedy TDS ad is full of keks…


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9bcc31 No.21649826


Now I know why she waves her hands around, all the time, she is distracting from anyone looking at her neck and face.

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f12198 No.21649827


He and his wife did a live lockdown special from their home. And he took swipes at Trump.

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9bcc31 No.21649830


yes many were saying that.I'm just surprised she has lips and teeth left with all the bj's she's done in her life.

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6f1c85 No.21649832

File: b70cb6828abbc13⋯.jpg (81.49 KB,446x657,446:657,tax_slave.jpg)

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f12198 No.21649833


Longhaired freaky people.


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e0e784 No.21649834


where is the original or is there any?

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edc681 No.21649835

File: 5e63f389fa3b594⋯.mp4 (12.16 MB,480x852,40:71,PErKgrKqTz1x2505.mp4)


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6f1c85 No.21649836

File: b69a3bc0c9d782b⋯.png (229.62 KB,1069x1200,1069:1200,taxation_is_theft_christma….png)

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e3cb65 No.21649837

File: 108194cc0ec120e⋯.png (380.39 KB,400x788,100:197,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 13106403f0ab673⋯.png (77.64 KB,238x229,238:229,ClipboardImage.png)

Her neck is Alive!

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6f1c85 No.21649838

File: ecfa329d9ba7a74⋯.jpg (195.44 KB,882x606,147:101,Trumps_remarks_tax_reform.jpg)

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ed2318 No.21649840

Start the arresting from the bottom up. He's not a political opponent anymore and neither is his family. It's time for Karma to drive the steamroller.

Something Messiahish this way comes.

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3db65e No.21649841

File: a11fc579a1bf2b0⋯.png (144.85 KB,240x323,240:323,ClipboardImage.png)


Is that why women wore clothes with those padded shoulders in the 1980s?

I know some women who would cut those things off of their clothes and throw them away.

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1f2a69 No.21649842

File: 9539eb90270c26f⋯.jpg (43.31 KB,474x680,237:340,9539eb90270c26fd996a34ac5b….jpg)

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f12198 No.21649844


Trump said antiesemites deserve the death penalty

Kabala said turn the page

And kablewy whent the pagers.

Several thousand ded in 1 instant

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ac506d No.21649845



bullet dubs

Getting down to just criminals supporting the left now.

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6f1c85 No.21649846

File: b299c8e99b9ee94⋯.png (385.44 KB,809x792,809:792,TrumpSignedTaxCut.png)

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33c38d No.21649847


Being that I was proven correct that Autism is coming from a fungi, think about the people who have been targeted. Most likely those same people have also been attacked by radiation too, because they use radiation not only as a catalyst and agitator, but also for the regular damage that it does, such as destroying the flora in the stomach which leads to diabetes because when sugar cannot be digested the pancreas has to produce more insulin. When chemicals like cyanide destroy living tissue it make the blood thicker because the body keeps most of it from going into the internal organs to be expelled out of the nails. This causes the blood to thicken and make the semi permeable membrane of the pancreas unable to permeate insulin into the bloodstream thereby causing targeted individuals to seek artificial insulin shots at a hefty price. These are their murder tactics, diabetes kills 130k in the US alone. Not to mention that radiation can also destroy internal organs like the kidneys or thyroid. I am always, always, always, 100% correct in my assertions due to logical reasoning about these things and their attributes, conditions, and environmental's associated with such. These people are beyond evil but genocidal maniacs. We need to see the cross section of what types of people get it the most, because I guarantee you there is a pattern there. Knowingly.

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8f73d8 No.21649848


Suck a dick shill

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c7a5f0 No.21649849

File: 35f3ba2e7794e9c⋯.jpg (54.38 KB,229x750,229:750,ZomboMeme_18092024104704.jpg)

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81f0f8 No.21649850

Ah you tiny bloodthirsty pedos, afraid to put your own asses on the line:

Please tell us all who in the US government, or any Western government or institution for that matter, would be able to broker any sort of peace, with any other sovereign country great or small, when the rest of the World that still knows a man from a woman can see that only LIARS and PSYCHOPATHS run Western Governments and Institutions.

Painting yourselves into a corner there. But don't let my insignificant observations stop you now. You think you know what you're doing. So, go for it.

Every 6000 years, the Sun unleashes a solar flare that carves canyons into the Earth's crust. This somehow seems to coincide with the magnetic excursion of the poles weakening the Earth's magnetic field. Must be Math.

Every 12,000 years, the Sun also micronovas due to even bigger Math that Man is barely able to comprehend.

So, how big is Math anyway?

God's will in all things. Please do not disregard the Sun.

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edc681 No.21649851

File: b16661d4f18e4ea⋯.jpeg (30.13 KB,400x213,400:213,IMG_0308.jpeg)

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0bfa6d No.21649852

/lb >>21648497 Indiana judge rules prison must provide transgender surgery for inmate who killed baby

I kind of don't disagree that we should chop his dick off…

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3db65e No.21649853


Black & White Masonic colors.

Did the amount of success directly correlate to the number of times a person allowed themselves to be violated?

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425d70 No.21649854

Mass pager explosion

Large Israeli airstrike

Springfield shenanigans

Diddy connections exposed

DOJ releases bounty on POTUS

POTUS getting popcorn

The movie is getting good


God bless all anons, operators, POTUS and the First family. The stage has many props on it

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1f2a69 No.21649855

File: e79d1b911158a38⋯.gif (404.91 KB,200x200,1:1,Boom.gif)


>And kablewy whent the pagers.

>Several thousand ded in 1 instant

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edc681 No.21649856

File: d8cfde87bf7d372⋯.jpg (257.57 KB,1194x959,1194:959,Fetty_Neck_19.jpg)



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e81502 No.21649858

File: 49e95cdd0bd267b⋯.png (32.54 KB,580x454,290:227,2301.png)

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3db65e No.21649859

File: 8f15aadbeacf919⋯.png (617.97 KB,500x525,20:21,ClipboardImage.png)

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83b62d No.21649860

File: 86a49b3a60efbbd⋯.png (235.66 KB,357x357,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


yes, who dictates fashion?

when wearing a dress, they enhance the hips/ass, wearing pants, not so much, easier to see the narrow hips.

Why did Kim K, get ass enhancements?

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c067fe No.21649861


But….how is more war in the Middle East a good thing anon? One of the main reason I will vote for DJT is to get the US *OUT* of all these neo-con endless wars and start focusing on fixing our own problems here at home.

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3e8cf9 No.21649862

File: 8a6fd0e61914101⋯.png (1.08 MB,690x3604,345:1802,8AB8061F_3DD3_4980_B096_35….png)

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8f878c No.21649863


Only balls on that chin

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6f1c85 No.21649864

12:30 PM EDT

Press Conference: International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) Secretary General Jagan Chapagain on the protection of humanitarian workers - International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) Secretary General Jagan Chapagain will host a hybrid press briefing on the protection of humanitarian workers.

United Nations


September 24, 2024

12:30 PM EDT

9th Annual National Convening on Military and Veteran Caregiving - Online

Elizabeth Dole Foundation



September 24, 2024

12:30 PM EDT

Women in Intellectual Property, Tech, and Leadership

United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)



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f12198 No.21649865

File: 6c07ddbdcbd09f0⋯.jpg (274.92 KB,720x1560,6:13,Screenshot_20240711_192537….jpg)

Biden: "Hezbollah joined the war without any provocation from Israel. A diplomatic solution is still possible before everything spirals out of control. It's the only path to security and stability in the region."

At the UN

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3db65e No.21649866


Should say 95% Kamala, just like they did for Killery.

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e0561e No.21649867

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Boss about to speak in Savannah.

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c067fe No.21649868


Much of the world is rightfully rejecting the craziness and corruption of the modern West, which is good news for humanity. We really cannot do anything about the sun or what it does though. But its good to always be prepared.

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ac506d No.21649869


They have to tell us what they did.

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785f04 No.21649870

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The Labour Gift Scandal Could See Heads Roll

With the correct use of English

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83b62d No.21649871

If, the lube, baby oil bottles were filled with drugs, the question is who filled it?

Are the companies complicit, a drug company?

Things to ponder.

And not just baby oil bottles, think anything, to transport drugs over the boarder.

Most assets have private jets, those in the know are protected.

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7a207a No.21649872

File: f6f92ca31881f48⋯.png (660.78 KB,800x534,400:267,ClipboardImage.png)

Northrop Grumman Completes Hybrid SATCOM Demonstration, Connecting to Commercial Space Internet


Northrop Grumman Corporation (NYSE: NOC) successfully completed its first over-the-air demonstration of a hybrid satellite communications (SATCOM) solution, providing seamless connection with Viasat and a commercial proliferated low Earth orbit (PLEO) communications provider.

The demonstration validated resilient, uninterrupted connectivity while rapidly switching between constellations and orbits.

As a prime systems integrator, Northrop Grumman’s hybrid SATCOM solution enhances communication for pilots and operators between space, air and ground.

This capability increases mission effectiveness by making it exceedingly difficult for adversarial threats to disrupt U.S. communications across multiple orbits, providers and frequency bands.

Demonstrated for the Air Force Research Laboratory, this technology is an integral part of the Defense Experimentation Using Commercial Space Internet program, also known as Global Lightning.


Steven Conn, director of advanced communications and signals intelligence, Northrop Grumman: “Northrop Grumman is responding to the U.S. Air Force’s need for rapid deployment of resilient communications to develop and field the technologies required by our warfighters to meet today’s challenging missions.

This successful test, leveraging a diverse team of commercial and defense SATCOM providers, is critical for the pace of maturity on the Global Lightning program and the ability to begin flight testing in the near future.”


The Northrop Grumman hybrid SATCOM terminal is capable of hosting nine modems with network routing, security and encryption for mission networks.

The terminal alternates among the modems if network failures occur to maintain resilient connectivity for the user.

The demonstration proved communications diversity with a connection to a commercial PLEO communications provider at Ku frequencies in low-Earth orbit and Viasat at Ka frequencies through its ViaSat-3 F1 satellite in geosynchronous orbit.

The hybrid SATCOM terminal includes a Northrop Grumman radio outfitted with an antenna provided by GetSat.

Northrop Grumman is a leading global aerospace and defense technology company.

Our pioneering solutions equip our customers with the capabilities they need to connect and protect the world, and push the boundaries of human exploration across the universe.

Driven by a shared purpose to solve our customers’ toughest problems, our employees define possible every day.


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299df4 No.21649874

My guess is, 30 days out

Around Oct 5

Q will start posting again to maximize support and turnout for PDJT

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9bcc31 No.21649875

File: 5837c0064dffb2a⋯.png (858.71 KB,570x938,285:469,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 171eb7e7861a99a⋯.png (69.23 KB,848x258,424:129,ClipboardImage.png)


What Is Wrong With Kamala Harris Neck? Surgery Details – Is She Okay Now? Health Update

Published on18 January 2022 AUTHOR



What Is Wrong With Kamala Harris Neck? Some folks were concerned about Kamala Harris’ neck scar. Is it true that she had surgery?

Harris is the 49th and current Vice President of the United States of America, and she was installed in January 2021 as the first female Vice President. She is the highest-ranking female official in the United States’ history.

Kamala Harris is a Democratic Party member who served as California’s Attorney General from 2011 to 2017. From 2017 until 2021, she served as a senator representing the state of California.

Kamala Harris Neck Scar And Surgery Details Revealed

Kamala Harris’s neck had a scar and looked swollen on one side during her appearance on CNN. She seemed quite uncomfortable during the interview, which led viewers to speculate about her health and what is wrong with her.

Harris has not come out to the public and addressed the issues regarding her neck scar as it might not be very serious. The politician might have swollen lymph nodes or some bacterial infection that does not require much attention, reports Distractify.

Some people on Twitter believe that her neck issues are a result of thyroid, whereas others claim that nothing is wrong with her neck, and it appeared different because of her hairstyle.

People believe that one of the causes for her neck scar might be goiter.Whatever the case is, Kamala is yet to publicly address the concerns. It is unclear if the scar is a result of some surgery.

What Is Wrong With Kamala Harris Neck?

Kamala Harris’s neck had a visible lump on her neck during an appearance on ABC talk show, The View. People were concerned for the vice President’s health.

Some people think her neck looks weird due to the bad lighting.

One Twitter user asked her to get her health checked. Her neck on the left could be a growth, and she asked Kamala to get her thyroid checked as it is sometimes a sign of thyroid cancer.

Kamala Harris Health Update: Is She Okay?

• Kamala Harris’s health has been questioned by the public more than once. Last year herdeparture from Singapore got delayed due to consternating health incident in Vietnam, reports Financial Times.

Kamala Harris’s trip delayed by ‘anomalous health incident’ in Hanoi(Title from Financial Times, I don’t have a subscription)

Kamala suffered Havana syndrome, and its symptoms include ear pain, headaches, nausea, and insomnia in 2021.(Who ever heard about this?)

Harris seems to be okay and in good health as of now. She is yet to reveal any further details about concerns regarding her health.

Last Updated on January 18, 2022 by 247 News Around The World


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a7269c No.21649876

File: 6deb752b8fac1b7⋯.png (2.5 MB,345x498,115:166,ClipboardImage.png)


>the team

Kek. Which team? The ones running the space ship we're on or the team fighting the space ship team?

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9bcc31 No.21649877


is Kamala hiding her own sickness and problems with her brain and speech? Or is she just a retard?

Kamala is another Joe Bidan and we didn't know it.

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ab3f50 No.21649878

File: bb6568329ce66e2⋯.png (50.36 KB,500x500,1:1,bb6568329ce66e23a31d335edc….png)


>Mass pager explosion

>Large Israeli airstrike

>Springfield shenanigans

>Diddy connections exposed

>DOJ releases bounty on POTUS

>POTUS getting popcorn

>The movie is getting good


>God bless all anons, operators, POTUS and the First family. The stage has many props on it

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00935a No.21649879

Ok, I’m of a different sort.

Now thinking about the deagle figures 2025.

Pre planned op obviously.

Now what if the batteries on the pages etc, which purportedly contained some for of things to make it go “boom”. What if it’s a wider op?

Is there anyway you can check if your phone contains an explosive device?

Trust no one and see for yourself.

Askin for a fren.

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c067fe No.21649880


Throat cancer surgery, instead of a voice box, but what exactly gave her that throat cancer….?????

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3b47ad No.21649881

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9bcc31 No.21649883


OK, I've had enough fun, but I was really surprised there were so many articles up sayings "what is wrong with her neck?"

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79a311 No.21649884

File: f888555c8319b3c⋯.mp4 (468.89 KB,1896x1080,79:45,stopworrying.mp4)

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f12198 No.21649885


Prolly has bad knees too.

Poor dear. 🙄

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033045 No.21649886

File: 7bbb5ed3d84df2b⋯.jpg (114.2 KB,1080x1396,270:349,Screenshot_20240924_112913….jpg)

File: 251d7ec35112695⋯.jpg (858.45 KB,1079x1527,1079:1527,Screenshot_20240924_112857….jpg)

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9bcc31 No.21649888


Maybe her bj's were on someone that smoked a ton, or he smoked during the session?

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e0561e No.21649889

File: bc8c00938e26a29⋯.png (7.9 KB,634x358,317:179,ClipboardImage.png)


Big Willie

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370025 No.21649890

File: 3a2cd5c75a3e942⋯.png (329.06 KB,536x836,134:209,ClipboardImage.png)

crazy leftist plotting assassinations


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83b62d No.21649891


they are just walking talking tarded robots, to protect those actually running the show.

Think chinese food restaurants hiding back room prostitution, coffee cafes, running gambling in back rooms, any store front, back room, drug selling.

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9bcc31 No.21649892


Kek there are so many things we can say and they might be all true. Thx

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e48311 No.21649894

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE: SEC Chair Gary Gensler testifies before the House Financial Services Committee — 9/24/24

CNBC Television


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aad366 No.21649895

File: 208c3d91786a79e⋯.png (637.78 KB,474x720,79:120,ClipboardImage.png)

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7f7cb4 No.21649896


>Being that I was proven correct that Autism is coming from a fungi

As we can also see, 20 Trump supporters had severe eye problems. It was said to be coming from radiation from a UV Light which is plausible but more likely chemicals and radiation is used as a catalyst to agitate or colonize any bio-agents. We are starting to see this combination to be a factual tactic that yet has to be proven beyond a reasonable doubt; but I can assure you, it is there. Once we catch one of these local saboteurs in the act, then we will have definitive proof, and can investigate their premises in it's entirety.

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eb892e No.21649897



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00935a No.21649898


Project. 2015, thought it was 2025.

Then again ain’t a lib, I ain’t a dem

I am anon

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9a2a76 No.21649900

File: ee956f939909b9c⋯.png (48.25 KB,734x283,734:283,Screenshot_2024_09_24_at_1….png)

The son of alleged would-be Trump assassin Ryan Wesley Routh was arrested Tuesday morning on child pornography charges after the feds found hundreds of sick images when they searched his phone following his dad’s arrest.

Oran Routh is accused in a North Carolina federal court of receiving and posessing child porn – a fact which the feds discovered on Sept. 21 when they were searching his Greensboro home in connection to a separate investigation, according to a criminal complaint.

Oran is the son of Ryan Routh, who is accused of trying to kill former President Donald Trump while he was golfing at his club in West Palm Beach, Florida on Sept. 15.

Oran is the son of Ryan Wesley Routh who is accused of trying to kill former President Donald Trump while he was golfing at his club on Sept. 15.


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c067fe No.21649901


I'm assuming it has something to do with oral sex, some kind of STD that caused her throat cancer. This tends to happen to female pornographers later in life…. and well, whores in general too.

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ac506d No.21649902

File: 0baba6932dcf97a⋯.png (181.96 KB,400x418,200:209,0baba6932dcf97abb96f6e64d0….png)


Did he do that knowing what her response would be like?

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e24841 No.21649903

That was fun, thanks! I found three possible solutions, but all came from the initial star position of 1st section, 2nd row, 3rd column.


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aad366 No.21649904

File: fe2905067325a5a⋯.jpg (14.08 KB,520x245,104:49,Al_Goldstein.jpg)

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9bcc31 No.21649905


if they were a robot, they would look a lot better,or the skinsuit never fit her in the first place. I saw a Dr. Who show where aliens camefrom a warring race and they came in and took the skin of all the leaders of a town.

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3e8cf9 No.21649906

File: 13e179ad6e0cd13⋯.png (568.48 KB,750x1334,375:667,CDEDC125_ACD3_49BB_90E4_76….png)

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5303e2 No.21649907


Anyone ask Sharyl about this development?

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d70334 No.21649908

File: 3ef05772ecc4846⋯.jpeg (92.69 KB,1200x675,16:9,3605BEC6_F60E_4123_986C_C….jpeg)

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e48311 No.21649909

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Happening Now: Trump campaigns in Georgia with focus on tax code

The Hill


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9bcc31 No.21649910


yes very possible.

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b42160 No.21649911

File: b7a7229c3c038d4⋯.png (22.98 KB,500x375,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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83b62d No.21649912


Trump's m.o. to bring them into the spotlight, to then be exposed, but can't be traced back.

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5303e2 No.21649914


HPV infection?

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9bcc31 No.21649915


yikes creepy looking but good

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9a2a76 No.21649916

File: 474ee53127ae7e1⋯.png (848.62 KB,800x600,4:3,Screenshot_2024_09_24_at_1….png)

File: bc22acf4b72df2e⋯.png (1.21 MB,1280x720,16:9,Screenshot_2024_09_24_at_1….png)

File: 55fc94e4bd89092⋯.png (161.09 KB,458x550,229:275,Screenshot_2024_03_10_at_1….png)

File: 148443be292a74a⋯.png (10.54 KB,110x58,55:29,Screenshot_2024_09_24_at_1….png)

File: f597279e1eae856⋯.png (12.09 KB,132x56,33:14,Screenshot_2024_09_24_at_1….png)


shawn carter=jay z

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e0561e No.21649917


can you post the link to that film?

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83b62d No.21649918


this is the exposure portion of the movie…exaggerations aid in red pilling.

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2f354a No.21649919


take a drive across several counties on smaller back roads

count trump signs and kamala signs

take popcorn with you

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26aed0 No.21649920

File: 54b8bdc6b9f4dec⋯.png (752.66 KB,894x690,149:115,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f6d5b09ba13ca39⋯.mp4 (425.75 KB,480x270,16:9,GA.mp4)


President Trump is🛬in the Great State of Georgia. #TRUMP2024


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d70334 No.21649921

File: f60fac6e4e530d7⋯.jpeg (106.94 KB,1200x678,200:113,C7424A92_106E_4E10_A600_3….jpeg)

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820e13 No.21649922

Canada is an Occupied Country with the Parliaments, Legislatures, City Halls, Courthouses, Lawyers Offices, Banks all under Roman Catholic Control. Every Member of the BAR that is Roman Catholic is an Agent of the Occupying Government and Eliminating all Canadians with Biochemical Weapons contrary to the Law of War Manual.

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00f5a5 No.21649923

File: df568be566ece1d⋯.png (1.32 MB,900x777,300:259,Trump_Handing_Out_Popcorn.png)

File: 1afaaddec8c0983⋯.mp4 (1.45 MB,540x540,1:1,Trump_Popcorn_We_Gotta_Get….mp4)



Judicial corruption is an epidemic, all over the country, but I hear it's been under an intensive nation-wide criminal investigation, and the public will learn all about it in the very near future.

I was doing to buy moar popcorn but President Trump's been giving away to us patriots, so I'm all set..

Got the popcorn.

Lots of popcorn.

Stay tuned.


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9bcc31 No.21649924


Sounds like a wholesome family trained by the CIA

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8f878c No.21649925

File: 430051091e1248f⋯.png (934.15 KB,1080x721,1080:721,Screenshot_20240924_093640….png)

File: 1b3272b55b8b10f⋯.png (206.4 KB,426x585,142:195,Screenshot_20240924_092354….png)

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ab3f50 No.21649926

File: dee9db15b6f302e⋯.png (348.01 KB,654x651,218:217,745n345j346543.PNG)

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a7269c No.21649927



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8f878c No.21649928

File: dbe083746288349⋯.png (930.8 KB,716x1119,716:1119,Screenshot_20240924_093040….png)

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7f7cb4 No.21649929


One dead give away of chemical saboteurs is they need to test the wind direction in order not to expose themselves and their family's health. They will almost always rely not only on checking weather reports frequently, please monitor these sites, but will have real time indicators on their property that they can easily verify wind direction such as little windmills, balloons and party streamers long after any parties, and weather vanes somewhere visible instead of just their chimineas. Their attacks are usually for brief moments of powerful bursts or long duration slow releases. Another sign is that they will run their sprinklers in an area a few times or manually hose off those areas. They think we are stupid because we are trusting and our naiveness and oblivion leads to our demise over time. This is a long term attack for the most part because the body is like a cup. Once it overflows, or fails, then the damage is exponential to the source.

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9bcc31 No.21649930


This guy should give up,unless he's running these poles to identify Trump supporters and turn the info over to FBI and DHS, be careful interacting with him. he's collecting data in the event Trump is cheated again.

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0ccbca No.21649931

malone shilling that exploding pagers are real

Dr. Malone: Israeli exploding pager attack introduces a new phase of warfare

Israel’s use of explosive personal devices represents an evolution in warfare, with the consequence of causing widespread fear as consumers and travelers face unprecedented security challenges.


muh psy-ops

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ac506d No.21649932


loving the tax savings

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79a311 No.21649933

File: 52d657cf9d00016⋯.gif (4.43 MB,480x270,16:9,tickle.gif)


>health incident in Vietnam

agent orange

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9a2a76 No.21649934

File: a6f8d7e30d70a06⋯.png (1.15 MB,675x918,25:34,Screenshot_2024_09_24_at_1….png)

File: fd22747f816b2e0⋯.png (956.69 KB,610x918,305:459,Screenshot_2024_09_24_at_1….png)

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edc681 No.21649935

File: 5a909fb9b1ec765⋯.png (375.09 KB,516x374,258:187,BA81807F_17D6_4E9E_AE35_AB….PNG)

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7a207a No.21649936

File: aa8078d8fccf62c⋯.png (1.24 MB,1200x729,400:243,ClipboardImage.png)



Low gravity conditions in space cause heart damage


The low gravity conditions of space may cause significant damage to heart tissue, according to a new study.

Cardiac tissues exposed to a low-gravity environment showed signs of mitochondrial impairment and oxidative stress, which are key features of heart failure.

For the investigation, experts at Johns Hopkins University arranged for 48 human bioengineered heart tissue samples to spend 30 days aboard the International Space Station.

Heart tissue in a low-gravity environment

Upon analysis, the experts observed that the low-gravity environment weakened the heart tissues and disrupted their normal rhythmic beats compared to control samples kept on Earth.

According to the scientists, the heart tissues “really don’t fare well in space.”

Over time, the tissues on the space station beat with only about half the strength of their Earth-bound counterparts.

Impacts of long-duration spaceflight

“With current plans for manned missions to Mars and beyond, the need to better understand, prevent, and counteract the harmful effects of long-duration spaceflight on the body is becoming increasingly important,” noted the study authors.

Previous research has shown that astronauts returning to Earth often experience age-related conditions such as reduced heart muscle function and arrhythmias (irregular heartbeats), some of which dissipate after their return.

However, scientists have been seeking ways to study these effects at a cellular and molecular level in order to develop strategies to keep astronauts safe on long-duration space flights, explained project leader Professor Deok-Ho Kim.

Bioengineered heart tissues

The project used heart muscle cells (cardiomyocytes) derived from human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) – a process developed by Jonathan Tsui, a former PhD student in Kim’s lab at the University of Washington.

Tsui later continued the space biology research with Professor Kim at Johns Hopkins University.

The bioengineered heart tissues were placed in a miniaturized tissue chip that mimicked the environment of an adult human heart.

The tissue chip was designed to string the cells between two posts, allowing the researchers to collect data on how the tissues contracted.

Sending heart tissues to space

To send the cardiac tissues aboard the SpaceX CRS-20 mission, which launched in March 2020, Tsui personally hand-carried the tissue chambers to Florida, where he cared for them for a month at the Kennedy Space Center.

Once aboard the space station, real-time data was collected every 30 minutes for 10 seconds, measuring the strength of the tissue contractions, known as twitch forces, and detecting any irregular beating patterns.

Astronaut Jessica Meir helped maintain the experiment by changing the liquid nutrients surrounding the tissues weekly and preserving samples at specific intervals for later gene and imaging analysis.

Protecting the viability of the tissues

On Earth, a second set of heart tissues (developed the same way) was housed in identical chambers to serve as a control.

When the space-bound tissue chambers returned to Earth, Tsui resumed collecting data from the tissues.

“An incredible amount of cutting-edge technology in the areas of stem cell and tissue engineering, biosensors and bioelectronics, and microfabrication went into ensuring the viability of these tissues in space,” said Professor Kim, whose team developed the tissue chip used for this project and future studies.

Devin Mair, a former PhD student in Kim’s lab and now a postdoctoral fellow at Johns Hopkins, analyzed the tissues’ ability to contract.


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eb892e No.21649937


Kamala runs poles.

Ed is running a poll.


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7a207a No.21649938


Weakened tissues and potential heart disease

The heart muscle tissues in space not only lost strength but also developed irregular beating patterns, known as arrhythmias – disruptions that could potentially lead to heart failure.

Typically, the time between one beat and the next is about one second, but in the space-bound tissues, this time increased nearly fivefold.

However, when the tissues were returned to Earth, their beating rhythm gradually returned to near-normal levels.

The researchers also discovered that sarcomeres – the protein bundles in muscle cells that facilitate contraction – became shorter and more disordered in the space-bound tissues, a hallmark of heart disease.

Additionally, the mitochondria, which are responsible for producing energy in cells, became larger, rounder, and lost their characteristic folds, further indicating impaired energy production.

Inflammation and oxidative damage

Finally, Mair, along with assistant research professor Eun Hyun Ahn, and PhD student Zhipeng Dong, analyzed gene activity in the tissues.

The heart tissues that had spent time in space showed increased expression of genes associated with inflammation and oxidative damage, both of which are common markers of heart disease and are consistently observed in post-flight health checks of astronauts.

Shielding the heart from damage in space

Professor Kim’s team sent a second batch of 3D-engineered heart tissues to the space station in 2023 to screen for drugs that might protect the cells from the harmful effects of low gravity.

This ongoing research may lead to therapies that not only help astronauts maintain heart function during spaceflight but could also benefit people on Earth as they age.

The team is also continuing to refine their “tissue on a chip” system while exploring the effects of radiation on heart tissues at the NASA Space Radiation Laboratory.

The space station orbits within the Earth’s magnetic field, which shields its occupants from most space radiation, but further research is needed to understand the impact of cosmic radiation on astronauts’ cardiovascular health during longer missions outside this protective zone.


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567b7d No.21649939


Your logical assumption based off the reality that his polls aren't improving, IMHO makes your specific observation, potentiallyNOTABLE

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5f2351 No.21649941

File: 28319571bfca27e⋯.png (1.27 MB,987x687,329:229,ClipboardImage.png)

Ba'al & Ashtaroth Worshipers' are spreading their Religion across the Realm

Be Strong in the Benevolent Lord God Almighty

It's your Nobel & Divine Duty To Reject Evil

(you) are more than you have

More than (you) Know

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83f22a No.21649942


>Cardiac tissues exposed to a low-gravity environment showed signs of mitochondrial impairment and oxidative stress, which are key features of heart failure.


>For the investigation, experts at Johns Hopkins University arranged for 48 human bioengineered heart tissue samples to spend 30 days aboard the International Space Station.

Did they ever rule out the Vaxxine?

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9bcc31 No.21649943


I love the fact that these people are probably dems pollsters, and they are telling CNN this, but they are really trying to sound the alarms because polls keep on lying about it.Van Jones was obviously trying to not show ANY reaction, it was hard but he did it.

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2f354a No.21649944

File: 8fcd658dc425298⋯.jpg (47.04 KB,520x661,520:661,canaria_strip.jpg)

File: a834f725353e9e9⋯.jpg (54.5 KB,520x565,104:113,chile_strip.jpg)



The week has barely begun, and Comet Tsuchinshan-ATLAS (C/2023 A3) has already tripled in brightness. "The change of the comet compared to yesterday has been exponential," reports Frank A. Rodriguez, who saw the comet today just before sunrise over Gran Canaria island.

"This is a one-second exposure at ISO 1000," he says. "Despite the brightness of the dawn sky, I was able to see the comet using averted vision."

The view is about to improve. Every day this week, the comet will climb higher in the morning sky, peaking in altitude between Sept. 26th and 29th. For some observers, the comet will be as high as 16 degrees above the horizon, well clear of the brightest twilight. An altitude chart prepared by Nick James of the British Astronomical Association can help you plan your observation; locations in the tropics and near the equator are favored.

This morning in Chile, Yuri Beletsky worried that low clouds would block his view. "We got really lucky when the comet suddenly appeared just above the cloud deck," he says.

"This is a stack of five 15 second exposures from my Nikon D810a camera," he says. "The view was spectacular."

Clearly, Comet Tsuchinshan-ATLAS is living up to the hype. Later this week the comet will pass by the sun near the orbit of Mercury where it will receive a brightening dose of solar heat. Then it will proceed toward Earth for a close encounter (0.47 AU) and possible daytime apparition during the second week of October.

Ready to take your own photo? Experienced observers say the comet is now about as bright as a star of magnitude +3.5, which makes it an easy target for cameras and telescopes. Set your alarm for dawn and point your optics here.


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0bfa6d No.21649945


>The things that we were forced to do…

and you stuck around with diddy for a decade…

I'm not taking the bait on all these "innocent" diddy groupies. fuck that.

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79a311 No.21649946

File: 62bf4a63c15004f⋯.mp4 (865.18 KB,640x360,16:9,sheisnotdoingwell.mp4)

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ac506d No.21649947


and scramblers to prevent "voice of god" tech

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9bcc31 No.21649948


that's kind of creepy, made up a new person

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83b62d No.21649949



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e0561e No.21649950

File: 2112dc256c85c7e⋯.png (73.98 KB,526x912,263:456,ClipboardImage.png)

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9a2a76 No.21649951

File: 8390c1629fe4d20⋯.png (715.95 KB,688x848,43:53,Screenshot_2024_08_09_at_2….png)

File: 7ae50408552ba1f⋯.png (574.18 KB,576x768,3:4,Screenshot_2024_08_17_at_1….png)

File: 7ae50408552ba1f⋯.png (574.18 KB,576x768,3:4,Screenshot_2024_08_17_at_1….png)

File: 7ae50408552ba1f⋯.png (574.18 KB,576x768,3:4,Screenshot_2024_08_17_at_1….png)

File: 8390c1629fe4d20⋯.png (715.95 KB,688x848,43:53,Screenshot_2024_08_09_at_2….png)

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a7269c No.21649952


>This guy

and his brother are tied to (possibly) Kiddie Pr0n sites. Theyfor sureare tied to pornography sites. They're Kosher™ agents, Anon. Their sole purpose is to keep the mind controlled on the Democrat Plantation.

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567b7d No.21649953


Yikes, can't see past those vapor deposition trails… Who said, no straight lines in nature?

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3db65e No.21649954


Sounds like Midazolam.

Able to speak, able to move around, able to obey directions, just not able to remember any of it.

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478d36 No.21649955

File: a86f7fe06364983⋯.png (740.6 KB,600x916,150:229,bigpopcornpepe.png)

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5f2351 No.21649956

(you) have a Voice that Resonates within the Listener

A Gift from God bestowed upon you for these days

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9f358e No.21649957

File: a47028e2f8db808⋯.png (725.14 KB,1022x1083,1022:1083,ClipboardImage.png)

Dayton & Springfield Ohio - Haitians and → Dayton, OH = Vampires?

Is Dayton home to ‘the largest coven of vampires’? Netflix documentary explores idea

(Dayton Daily News - Aug 12, 2024)


An upcoming Netflix documentary titled “Vampires of Gem City” will explore the notion that Dayton has been home “to the largest coven of vampires outside of New Orleans,” according to What’s on Netflix.

The logline for the documentary reads:

“For the last 30 years, Dayton, Ohio, has been home to the largest coven of vampires outside of New Orleans. When a man goes missing in the goth nightclub they use as their headquarters, the case goes cold until a police officer comes forward in 2008 with a story.”

The logline references the disappearance of 26-year-old George Phillip Gall, best known as Phil or Phillip, who went missing October 1994 in Dayton. In 2008, a police officer told the Dayton Daily News he believed Gall had been involved in a “ritual.” He also claimed the bar Gall was seen near, Asylum, which was on South Main Street, was a secret meeting place for vampires. The state declared Gall dead in 2002.

“The story was that Gall was supposed to have been involved in an occult ritual in the upper floors of the bar and then was beheaded, and that head was sold as a relic for the occultist involved,” police officer David Williams told this news outlet at the time.


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79a311 No.21649958

File: 7bcdbad91b5c353⋯.mp4 (10.19 MB,640x360,16:9,pasternak.mp4)

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83b62d No.21649959


Wide legs, not hips

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a67f0e No.21649960


Adams apple removed.

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9a2a76 No.21649961

File: c162b22fc62f86c⋯.png (1.23 MB,1200x800,3:2,Screenshot_2024_09_24_at_1….png)

File: 2858abe95de917a⋯.png (2.24 MB,1370x918,685:459,Screenshot_2024_09_24_at_1….png)

File: 95880d7187bb6ea⋯.png (965.73 KB,1200x630,40:21,Screenshot_2024_09_24_at_1….png)


if true seems all these pedophiles just love tay tay

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0ffc0d No.21649962



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edc681 No.21649963

File: 05dd6606d7ae08c⋯.jpg (111.56 KB,562x613,562:613,HRC_Chloe_Eww_Cameltoe.jpg)

File: d584e692a581848⋯.jpg (272.22 KB,1449x720,161:80,CamelToe.jpg)

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edc681 No.21649964

File: d19588fc2f78ed6⋯.jpeg (580.23 KB,964x651,964:651,IMG_0313.jpeg)

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7a207a No.21649965

File: ab354ae5b926f71⋯.png (892.76 KB,1040x783,1040:783,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 32db561ad476f57⋯.png (419.31 KB,1589x1510,1589:1510,ClipboardImage.png)

House passes NASA authorization bill

September 24, 2024

The House passed a new NASA authorization bill Sept. 23 that would largely keep the agency on course in its human spaceflight and science programs while directing it to prepare several reports.

The House passed the NASA Reauthorization Act of 2024, H.R. 8958, on a 366–21 vote.

That far exceeded the two-thirds threshold for approval required under suspension of the rules, the legislative procedure used to take up the bill.

In remarks on the House floor, Rep. Frank Lucas (R-Okla.), chair of the House Science Committee, called the bill essential to keep NASA on track to return humans to the moon through the Artemis campaign ahead of Chinese lunar exploration efforts.

“America’s role as a space leader cannot be taken for granted,” he said.

“The next nation to land on the lunar surface will play a key role in guiding the norms and practices that may govern lunar and space exploration for decades to come.

We cannot cede U.S. leadership at this time.”

He argued that the bill provides NASA with “thoughtful, strategic direction across NASA’s mission areas” that go beyond Artemis to human spaceflight in low Earth orbit, science programs and technology development.

The bill, introduced in July, would make few major changes in those efforts. Instead, it formally authorizes several existing NASA initiatives, like the commercial development of spacesuits for Artemis and the International Space Station, a deorbit vehicle for the ISS, the Commercial Low Earth Orbit Destinations program to support work on commercial station that will succeed the ISS and the ongoing Commercial Lunar Payload Services program.

The bill also directs a wide range of reports from NASA, on topics ranging from non-NASA demand for the Space Launch System and potential “alternative approaches” to current Human Landing System lunar lander projects to a summary of recent studies NASA has done on servicing and reboosting the Hubble Space Telescope.

No members spoke on the House floor against the bill.

“While not perfect, this is a good bill that builds on the NASA Authorization Act of 2022 that was enacted as part of the CHIPS and Science Act,” said Rep. Valerie Foushee (D-N.C.) during the brief debate on the bill, urging members to vote for it.

The bill now goes to the Senate, although it was not clear if senators would seek to pass it or advance a separate NASA authorization bill.

“I hope that the other chamber will seize this opportunity to take up this important piece of legislation before the end of this year so that NASA will have the certainty that it needs to carry out the bold activities that we’ve tasked it with,” said Rep. Brian Babin (R-Texas), chair of the House Science Committee’s space subcommittee, on the House floor.

The House also passed on a voice vote H.R. 6219, the Accessing Satellite Data to Enable New Discoveries Act (ASCEND) Act.

The bill formally authorizes NASA’s ongoing Commercial Smallsat Data Acquisition Program, where the agency buys commercial satellite imagery and other data for use in scientific research.




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5303e2 No.21649966

File: 45f3a11e463004f⋯.png (36.04 KB,240x159,80:53,ClipboardImage.png)

Anyone keepin' a list of these turds?

Shadow of Ezra


David Joseph is stepping down as Chairman/CEO of Universal Music UK after nearly 17 years leading the company.

The veteran executive is leaving the music industry to pursue studies in religion and theology.

He also gave a "special thank you" to Universal Music's global chairman/CEO, Lucian Grainge.

Lucian Grainge had his name dismissed from a lawsuit in May of this year that claimed he "aided and abetted" Sean "Diddy" Combs.


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9a2a76 No.21649967


keep posting these, you're only keeping it in the spotlight for your friends to be exposed

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5f2351 No.21649969

File: 19ecf7ab2ff8a94⋯.png (1.12 MB,936x626,468:313,ClipboardImage.png)

Speak Truth in the age of Deception

For your Voice Travels Further than many others

(you) have more power than some would like you to have

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a67f0e No.21649970

File: a9528968403cdb0⋯.gif (17.1 KB,200x232,25:29,RETARD.gif)


Horrid Engrish.

Must be a retard.

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0bfa6d No.21649971

File: b05f9030c132c1e⋯.png (214.94 KB,1600x1000,8:5,ClipboardImage.png)



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ac506d No.21649972



This in the baby oil bottles at freaks place?

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0bfa6d No.21649973


>The veteran executive is leaving the music industry to pursue studies in religion and theology.


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a7269c No.21649974


She's trying to nab some shekels off the Diddler, so she can cash out and go into hiding.

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5303e2 No.21649975

File: 3e80df8acf0ef91⋯.mp4 (1019.62 KB,480x270,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17271486561….mp4)

Shadow of Ezra


Comedian Eddie Griffin made a bold claim that Diddy is a "dead man walking" and won’t survive past September, predicting that record label execs and BlackRock will take him out.

Griffin also mentioned that Russell Simmons fled the country in desperation, escaping to an unknown island, while Jay-Z has recently been off the radar.

He added that Diddy's assets and property are set to be seized.


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0b6595 No.21649976

File: cdd85b6c14f84cf⋯.png (90.36 KB,514x499,514:499,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 103890c25ac6192⋯.gif (3.9 MB,400x372,100:93,1_tic_toc.gif)

File: e9b5f85365d2eaa⋯.gif (989.52 KB,400x389,400:389,a_wwg1_wga_lion.gif)



not long now - delta


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2f354a No.21649977


for the past 2-3 days, if i have QRG open in a tab, it's slowing down ALL the other tabs i have open to 56k modem levels

the instant that i close the QRG tab, everything else goes back to normal

doubt my ISP is throttling my bandwidth, but i guess anything is possible

also, the status bar of the browser shows the QRG page never finishes loading, even tho it appears to be complete

i have to click the icon and manually stop the page loading

WTAF?? ideas?

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6f1c85 No.21649978

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

FULL SPEECH: John Knox Porter Jr. Speaks in Savannah, GA - 9/24/24



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6f1c85 No.21649979

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

FULL SPEECH: Marjorie Taylor Greene Speaks in Savannah, GA - 9/24/24



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83b62d No.21649980


which begs to ask, who's behind her, attempting to recoup money

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9a2a76 No.21649981

File: f241bb7b25df9f8⋯.png (14.61 KB,611x98,611:98,Screenshot_2024_09_24_at_1….png)

File: e9edc0d4e571e70⋯.png (171.02 KB,300x300,1:1,Screenshot_2024_09_24_at_1….png)

File: 813729d92b9cf43⋯.png (619.73 KB,615x585,41:39,Screenshot_2024_09_24_at_1….png)

File: 3e3a89fdf76e61d⋯.png (618.67 KB,787x637,787:637,Screenshot_2024_09_24_at_1….png)




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2f354a No.21649982


>Is Dayton home to ‘the largest coven of vampires’?

IDK about that, but it's home to Wright-Patterson and hangar 18

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6f1c85 No.21649983

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

FULL SPEECH: Buddy Carter Speaks in Savannah, GA - 9/24/24



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a67f0e No.21649984

File: 74e1cb4b06c5150⋯.jpeg (13.23 KB,204x255,4:5,365863e66c9fd1f24c655fff8….jpeg)


Do tell.

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6f1c85 No.21649985

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

FULL SPEECH: David Perdue Speaks in Savannah, GA - 9/24/24



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3754fc No.21649986


don't a lot of Ukrainian cabal types live in Ohio?

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8f878c No.21649987

File: e2538664def4d54⋯.png (668.48 KB,1028x922,514:461,Screenshot_20240924_095851….png)


The Asylum was a happenin' place back then. Don't recall seeing vampires though.

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a533d3 No.21649988

File: 1200d6b6d9194d3⋯.png (258.64 KB,478x633,478:633,ClipboardImage.png)

this is a lot bigger problem than voting will solve

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83b62d No.21649989


when the board is attacked, it slows all other windows open

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5f2351 No.21649990

File: 59f7b700678289a⋯.png (339.18 KB,696x440,87:55,ClipboardImage.png)

Follow the Path God has laid before (you)

Become that in which the World Needs the most

& Be the Force for Good, Love, Joy, Peace & Confidence

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eeaf63 No.21649992

File: 8b3e738be12135f⋯.jpg (521.24 KB,1080x1501,1080:1501,Screenshot_20240924_100040….jpg)

Chris Reykdal supports state income tax as a possible "creative" solution.


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6f1c85 No.21649993

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

FULL SPEECH: John Knox Porter Jr. Speaks in Savannah, GA - 9/24/24



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299df4 No.21649994

Polls are

Fake and gay.

Polls help Make the sheep accept the steal

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e0561e No.21649995

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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6f1c85 No.21649996

File: d15b273a25ae837⋯.png (299.63 KB,591x681,197:227,favorite_poem.png)

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5f2351 No.21649997


God Wins

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30c871 No.21649998



when i run QR on my i7 16gb ram in chromium it runs like a champ

when i run QR on my arm64 4gb ram in firefox its shit

might be your setup

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a533d3 No.21649999

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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26aed0 No.21650000

File: af227efd4067070⋯.jpg (38.42 KB,640x420,32:21,af227efd4067070794aa09c8c8….jpg)

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a67f0e No.21650001

Trump has pink lights on his hair again.

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478d36 No.21650002

File: d6abd619c7ca7ab⋯.png (818.36 KB,924x693,4:3,d6abd619c7ca7abe5ed5d3e794….png)

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11c82f No.21650003

File: 09cfbe18f9119cd⋯.png (175.73 KB,1589x813,1589:813,ClipboardImage.png)


same here. sucks balls, and hairy ones

from what ublock says (pic relates) probably a coding error is my guess.

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ac506d No.21650004



>Did the amount of success directly correlate to the number of times a person allowed themselves to be violated?

Let's hope we find out at the trials.

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692c7f No.21650005


ty anon!

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83b62d No.21650006

File: 1ca13e49fb5914c⋯.png (29.12 KB,301x567,43:81,ClipboardImage.png)

we move from the masonic crap on sale on ebay to now, the UN.

They need money bad!

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e24841 No.21650008

Thanks for posting, Patriot!



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c59546 No.21650009

Obama's Paternal mother is Indonesian.

Stanley Ann Dunham was his handler.

C_A Grandparents.

Manipulated Photos.

White mother needed for the votes.

Processed not nurtured.


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37c765 No.21650010

File: 6795bb11a059cc8⋯.png (260.97 KB,540x270,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)

It's comforting to know that my govt. health care is looking out for us useless eaters…

Flu, COVID-19, RSV — are you protected?

Each year, millions of people get sick from serious illnesses like flu, COVID-19 and RSV. Vaccines are your best protection — and they're covered by Medicare.

If you're 65 or older, it's especially important to stay up to date on your vaccines:

People 65 or older should get an updated 2024–2025 COVID-19 vaccine. If you've recently had COVID-19, you can wait 3 months to get a COVID-19 vaccine.

For better protection against flu, the CDC recommends people 65 or older get one of the higher-dose flu vaccines, if available.

The CDC recommends the RSV vaccine for people ages 60–74 who are at increased risk, and for everyone 75 or older.

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9a2a76 No.21650011

File: e08b16229335630⋯.png (122.59 KB,320x180,16:9,Screenshot_2024_09_24_at_1….png)

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eb892e No.21650012


So more masonic crap for sale.

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edc681 No.21650013

File: e5fe87bbe4b861c⋯.jpeg (70.12 KB,440x564,110:141,35A6DF74_217E_4252_9DF0_1….jpeg)

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6f1c85 No.21650014

File: c3cc7aeae0ae3bc⋯.jpg (3.97 KB,255x212,255:212,trump_halloween_point.jpg)

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e24841 No.21650015

"The good ol' USA!" - President Donald J. Trump

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a67f0e No.21650016

Trump-Your only worry will be which job to take. There will be plenty of them.

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60b064 No.21650017

President Trump: For years, Americans have watched as our country was stripped of jobs and wealth, and our companies were sold off to foreign countries…GE Appliances were sold to the Chinese. IBM Computers were, again, sold to China. Under Kamala Harris, US Steel is now being sold to Japan. I will stop it. We gotta do it fast. We gotta work fast. But were not gonna let it happen.

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ac506d No.21650018


AI speaks out.

Freaknik Orgy Parties Revealed

According to historical accounts and documentary reviews, Freaknik, an annual Atlanta-based Spring Break festival, gained a reputation in the 1990s for scandalous behavior, including public sex, nudity, and sexual activities. Attendees have shared stories of witnessing these behaviors, with one describing it as “insane, the things I saw.”

Documentary Insights

The Hulu documentary “Freaknik: The Wildest Party Never Told” explores the festival’s transformation from a celebration of Black joy to an event marred by violence toward women and sexual abuse. The film provides a critical look at the cultural and historical context surrounding Freaknik, highlighting the complex and multifaceted nature of the event.

Photographic Evidence

Photos from Freaknik events in the 1990s, such as those taken during Freaknik 96, capture the festival’s vibrant atmosphere and, in some cases, its more controversial aspects. These images depict public displays of affection, nudity, and sexual activity, further solidifying Freaknik’s reputation as a hotbed for scandalous behavior.

Key Takeaways

Freaknik was known for its scandalous behavior, including public sex, nudity, and sexual activities.

The festival’s transformation from a celebration of Black joy to an event marked by violence and abuse is documented in “Freaknik: The Wildest Party Never Told.”

Photographic evidence from the 1990s reinforces Freaknik’s reputation for controversy and excess.


Puff Daddy's Freaknik Event

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83b62d No.21650019


pretty much ebay days of buying are over, got good vintage stuff, but alas, you buy now, told it's not available, then wait for refunds. And now the masonic crap is all over it.

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478d36 No.21650020

File: a87097a4132d9f8⋯.jpg (60.21 KB,800x574,400:287,fuckyeah3.jpg)

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60b064 No.21650021

President Trump: Under my plan, American workers will no longer be worried about losing your jobs to foreign nations, instead, foreign nations will be worried about losing their jobs to America. Gonna bring 'em back.

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60b064 No.21650022

President Trump: I want GE, IBM, and every other manufacturer that left us, to be filled with regret, and come sprinting back to our shores. And they will.

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0b6595 No.21650023

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Note; will collect statements and link below later.


LIVE: President Trump in Savannah, GA

djt rumble channel.




djt youtube



President Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, will deliver remarks outlining his plan to lower taxes for American business owners and highlight the importance of buying American made goods for our economy in Savannah, Georgia, on September 24, 2024, at 1:00 p.m. EDT.

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ac506d No.21650024


AI speaks the rest of the story

Puff Daddy's Freaknik Event

Puff Daddy, a renowned rapper and entrepreneur, has an indirect connection to Freaknik, a legendary spring break party that originated in the 1990s. Freaknik was a celebratory event started by African American college students, particularly from historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs), in Atlanta, Georgia.

Documentary and Recent References

In 2024, a documentary titled “Freaknik: The Wildest Party Never Told” was released, highlighting the rise and fall of this influential street party. Although Puff Daddy is not directly associated with the original Freaknik events, his music and legacy have been linked to the party’s cultural significance.

Recent Controversy

In September 2024, a fake photo of Kamala Harris, the US Vice President, was shared by Donald Trump, allegedly showing her attending one of Puff Daddy’s “Freak Off” parties. This doctored image sparked backlash, with critics accusing Trump of spreading false information.

Mass Appeal and Drink Champs Partnership

In 2019, Mass Appeal, a media company, announced a podcast partnership with Endeavor, featuring Drink Champs, a popular podcast hosted by N.O.R.E. and DJ EFN. As part of this deal, they released an audio documentary about Freaknik, re-launching Juan Ep with Peter Rosenberg and Chipha Sounds. This partnership also brought together NAS, JAY Z, and PUFF DADDY, marking a historic collaboration in hip-hop.


While Puff Daddy was not directly involved with the original Freaknik events, his connection to the party’s cultural significance and recent references in documentaries and controversies demonstrate his indirect influence. The 2019 partnership between Mass Appeal, Drink Champs, and Puff Daddy’s associates further solidified his ties to the legacy of Freaknik.

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60b064 No.21650025

President Trump: We will take in hundreds of billions of dollars into our Treasury [through tariffs], and use that money to benefit the American citizens, and it will not cause inflation, by the way,

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a67f0e No.21650026


>In September 2024, a fake photo of Kamala Harris, the US Vice President, was shared by Donald Trump, allegedly showing her attending one of Puff Daddy’s “Freak Off” parties.

What pic is that?

Does someone have it?

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60634b No.21650027

File: bb4bd062b3cd1d5⋯.png (299.3 KB,1380x480,23:8,ClipboardImage.png)

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6f1c85 No.21650028

File: a3e8bb81bc87f40⋯.jpg (22.58 KB,542x540,271:270,meme_stolen.jpg)

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e0561e No.21650029


You got it. Add Frank Marshall Davis and don't forget the Indonesian Subud cult his Mom was part of.

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60b064 No.21650031

President Trump: This new American Indiustrialism will create millions and millions of jobs, massively raise wages for American workers, and make the United States into a manufacturing powerhouse like it used to be many years ago. We will be able to build ships again. We will be able to build airplanes at a much higher level again, We will become the world leader in robotics, and every other field; the US auto industry, which has been decimated over many, many, decades, will once again be the envy of the planet.

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eb892e No.21650032

File: 53c5ec77fb05009⋯.jpeg (16.46 KB,255x227,255:227,aliensvspredators.jpeg)


Can't wait.

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478d36 No.21650033

File: 5ed09daa6722a40⋯.png (473.38 KB,640x640,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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60634b No.21650034

File: d9d75904f5cd4f2⋯.png (297.9 KB,580x540,29:27,ClipboardImage.png)

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954970 No.21650035

File: d23aad76db88f17⋯.jpeg (989.65 KB,1179x1862,1179:1862,IMG_3803.jpeg)


Son of Ryan Routh (Trump Assassination Suspect) arrested for Child Pornography

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60b064 No.21650036

President Trump: I will bring automobile manufacturing back to the highest level in the history of our country. It used to be; we were the only place, and then they just got chipped away, chipped away, mostly by China and Japan, and all of a sudden we were down more than fifty-five percent from where we were years ago. But it will be like it was fifty years ago, and these jobs will come roaring back…billions of people around the globe will soon be buying products proudly stamped, Made In The USA.

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d0649d No.21650037

File: 5d081a961c59c4f⋯.png (4.67 KB,300x168,25:14,IMG_3456.png)

File: 18037274249971d⋯.jpeg (31.88 KB,275x183,275:183,IMG_3455.jpeg)


Legacy Business Need to Come Back to America!

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7a207a No.21650039

File: 85e0f04e4d43e37⋯.png (624.94 KB,1200x628,300:157,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e0fdf83699099f8⋯.png (188.06 KB,792x733,792:733,ClipboardImage.png)

IARPA’s William Benard Shares Insights on AI, Data & Space

September 24, 2024

As the Intelligence Community continues to push modernization, organizations, including the Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity, are working towards making more innovative investments in future capabilities and partnerships.

During a keynote address at the Potomac Officers Club’s 2024 Intel Summit, Dr. William Benard, the director of IARPA’s Office of Collections Research, spoke on how the agency’s key initiatives and program designs contribute to developing new technologies throughout the intelligence community.

Benard began his address by reintroducing IARPA’s alignment with the 2023 National Intelligence Strategy. The strategy sets six goals to advance the IC’s capabilities to prepare for threats in a time of “intensifying strategic competition” worldwide.

“Competition is fundamentally premised on emerging technology,” Benard emphasized.

Goal four of the strategy — to diversify, expand and strengthen partnerships — was a critical sentiment to start Bernard’s keynote.

“We have to work with others, and you’ll see in large language models that data sets are now transnational. In the U.S., they cannot produce enough data to feed the next generation of large language models.

We have to work with our partners. We have to federate in order to have control and access to technologies at these extreme global scales,” Benard said.

Benard also gave an overview of the Office of Collections Research. The OCR has strategic and tactical values, including manufacturing autonomy, microelectronics, space systems and quantum services.

In particular, Benard drove home the urgency behind OCR’s recent strategic developments with the agency’s space systems and environment programs, especially in light of the rising threat of space debris.

“So the two key programs we have there are looking at space and environment, looking at debris, trying to track things between one millimeter and 10 millimeters.

Currently, we track things greater than 10 millimeters. Things that are smaller than that currently are not possible,” Benard stated.

“[With] something in that one to 10-millimeter range, the average velocity is over 20,000 miles per hour in geo orbit. What does that mean?

It means that’s an incredible amount of energy, equivalent to something like a hand grenade,” he added. “So even though it’s really small, that hits your space platform, you’re having a really bad day.”

With the recent surge in the implementation of artificial intelligence worldwide, Benard also said the nation could expect another “AI winter” — a period of reduced interest and research in the capability.

Benard closed his remarks by noting that instead of focusing on quantity in the development of large language models, the IC should shift its focus to data.

“That’s really where the intelligence community has an opportunity,” Benard said.

“It’s getting that high quality data, high fidelity, well-tagged and multidimensional data sets, which I think is really going to be the future.”


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a533d3 No.21650040

File: 860665513fbc3d2⋯.png (21.59 KB,478x229,478:229,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d527d367131c5ea⋯.png (178.52 KB,478x673,478:673,ClipboardImage.png)

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0b6595 No.21650042

File: 8a335d73d98010f⋯.png (822.63 KB,1200x700,12:7,ClipboardImage.png)


rewound to the start.

he seems ok in himself.

but yest, there that light is making his hair look pink again.


optics are terrible.

different venue same effect

that means someone on the stage lighting set up is doing this

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81a7a1 No.21650043

File: 14a8b70997b56ad⋯.png (215.22 KB,356x386,178:193,14a8b70997b56ad04674d47c55….png)

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60b064 No.21650044

President Trump: They'll be exported through the Port of Savannah…under my leadership, we helped deepen the port, you know that, we helped deepen the port once, and now I understand they want to do it again and we will get in, and we will get that done very quickly…this will be a major undertaking involving the Army Corp of Engineers and transportation officials throughout your state. It's gonna happen fast…with a world-class port, and a world-class workforce, this city will soon become one of the premier export hubs anywhere on Earth, tripling and quadrupling traffic, as your power will lead an American manufacturing boom.

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6f1c85 No.21650045

Astronauts, capsule for SpaceX's Crew-9 mission arrive at Florida launch site (photos)


published 22 hours ago

Crew-9 is scheduled to launch on Thursday (Sept. 26).


NHC issuing advisories for the Atlantic on TS Helene

US Dept of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Hurricane Center


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958ce7 No.21650046

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478d36 No.21650049

File: c84d6b852ed6764⋯.png (269.05 KB,1062x686,531:343,ClipboardImage.png)

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81a7a1 No.21650052


Notable. Holy fk

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eb892e No.21650053


Globalists don't need passports.

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41ac96 No.21650054

@500 or so

#26514 >>21649473

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>21649544, >>21649593, >>21649995 RSBN Trump Delivers Remarks on the Tax Code and Manufacturing in Savannah, GA - 9/24/24

>>21649920 @DanScavino President Trump is 🛬 in the Great State of Georgia. #TRUMP2024

>>21649978, >>21649979, >>21649983, >>21649985, >>21649993 Opening Speakers at Trump Savannah Rally

>>21650017, >>21650021, >>21650022, >>21650025, >>21650031 Trump's Rally Quotes

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>21649528, >>21649702, >>21649712, >>21649801 Oran Alexander Routh son of would - be assassin #2 Ryan Routh arrested on child porn charges

>>21649529 Today in Q Post History we have 11 Deltas

>>21649556 Trump's Rescue Mission - Savng America is the film (you) need to see

>>21649567 Digital Soldiers - Join The Digital Battle: Information Warfare

>>21649572, >>21649582, >>21649674 Diddy bun

>>21649597 Kamala Harris Plotted to Stop Me Getting a Job, Kimberly Guilfoyle Says

>>21649609, >>21649637, >>21649708, >>21649751, >>21649752, >>21649872, >>21649936, >>21649938, >>21649944, >>21649965, >>21650039 NASA

>>21649638, >>21649641 Biden, Addressing U.N., Will Argue His Vision Has ‘Produced Results’

>>21649649 Johnny Cash will receive a statue in his honor in the United States capitol

>>21649675 Gunshots fired into Democrat party office in Arizona

>>21649692, >>21649864 Habbenings in and of the Swamp

>>21649709, >>21649976 Only 41 DAYS TO WINNING

>>21649732 Donald Trump on Apprentice - Trolling Former Employee of Diddy "he's a good guy, IS he a good guy?"

>>21649759 Papi Trumpo Kek CRY MORE, LIBS!!!

>>21649894 SEC Chair Gary Gensler testifies before the House Financial Services Committee

>>21649766, >>21649930 Krass keeps running the same unevolving poll. Collecting something else maybe?

>>21649966 David Joseph is stepping down as Chairman/CEO of Universal Music UK after nearly 17 years

>>21649546, >>21649589, >>21649630, >>21649766, >>21649832, >>21649836, >>21649849, >>21650032, >>21650043, >>21650036, >>21650044 MEMES

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0b6595 No.21650055

File: 38c6a254cb39d6a⋯.png (54.6 KB,230x200,23:20,ClipboardImage.png)


so the hitman was from the hollyweird pedo clowns.

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8f878c No.21650056

Anybody have the Taylor Swift creature pic handy? The one where she has ten foot arms and legs

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958ce7 No.21650057

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478d36 No.21650058

File: f5f1e328120a038⋯.jpg (64.1 KB,960x960,1:1,swifty.jpg)

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60b064 No.21650059

President Trump: That's how Kamala treats the American manufacturers. They can all leave, whatever is left of them. And it's not that much. They've got rid of so much. But if instead, you ship production overseas, then she will give you a tax break. So if you build your product, make your product overseas, she's offering a tax break, to make it overseas. Now you wonder why Biden has made so much money fro mall these countries. I mean. personally made, and through the family. Think of that; you get an incentive to build your product outside of the United States.

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958ce7 No.21650060


Did he screw his son?

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374d9c No.21650061

LIVE: Trump Delivers Remarks on the Tax Code and Manufacturing in Savannah, GA - 9/24/24



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60b064 No.21650062

President Trump: It's no wonder than under Kamala Harris, we lost twenty-four thousand manufacturing jobs last month. Twenty-four thousand. We're gonna turn that around so fast…this horrific nightmare for American workers ends the day I take the Oath of Office, January 20th.

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8f878c No.21650063

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edc681 No.21650064

File: c9cd9e900847636⋯.jpeg (221.53 KB,1269x552,423:184,IMG_0320.jpeg)

File: 809a5bdfcc08f63⋯.jpeg (516.06 KB,1307x1396,1307:1396,IMG_0321.jpeg)

File: 085f8c17ddaf68c⋯.mp4 (24.83 KB,424x286,212:143,HRC_Twitchy_Sideeye.mp4)


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3e8cf9 No.21650065


if you only knew how bad it really is. in a new subdivision, probably 200 homes. all haitians & pajeets. seen a few Haitians moving furniture between 2 units. it makes no sense at all

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0d3a5f No.21650066

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478d36 No.21650067

File: 9b417c0a89011aa⋯.png (1.76 MB,960x956,240:239,ClipboardImage.png)

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744756 No.21650069

File: 390b82581755bf0⋯.png (360.03 KB,422x470,211:235,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c428f6de75381e9⋯.png (440.08 KB,671x473,61:43,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a776d9824aa5560⋯.png (513.32 KB,737x475,737:475,ClipboardImage.png)

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958ce7 No.21650070

File: 3a3bef757f1ba0d⋯.mp4 (341.04 KB,640x360,16:9,kamalahitler.mp4)

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60b064 No.21650071

President Trump: US-based manufactures will also be rewarded with expanded research and development tax credits, you'll be able to write-off one hundred percent of the cost of heavy machinery and other equipment in the first year, and full expensing for new manufacturing investments, so you're gonna get full expensing. In other words, you have a one-year write off.

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744756 No.21650072

File: 8a34a68110ffdcd⋯.png (275.76 KB,425x474,425:474,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 764557dbe5ec218⋯.png (507.07 KB,790x478,395:239,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 878db00003b6301⋯.png (345.76 KB,469x468,469:468,ClipboardImage.png)

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b85910 No.21650073

File: 1c767590415599c⋯.jpg (15.13 KB,249x255,83:85,3a853c75bd89f854f59992eb54….jpg)

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0d3a5f No.21650074


Somehow I feel like Democrats will find a way to manipulate that amendment for their advantage in some way. They are devious, so devious like that.

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e0561e No.21650075

File: 92963fdbcad70a6⋯.png (113.86 KB,640x376,80:47,ClipboardImage.png)



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266df5 No.21650076

File: 7b5493ae5b45005⋯.png (3.97 MB,3132x2423,3132:2423,QClock_September_23_2024_Q….png)

QClock September 23, 2024 - Q PROOF - Got Popcorn

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f599eb No.21650077

I’m glad we had inflation. Put these poor people who do labor in check. The higher ups like management and people who don’t do low or for a high salary, we get sick or stupid poor people. Gross.

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8f878c No.21650079

File: b73f9c83e542957⋯.png (886.74 KB,1013x1055,1013:1055,Screenshot_20240924_103606….png)

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958ce7 No.21650080

File: 84807fe2846f186⋯.mp4 (356.13 KB,720x720,1:1,piglositwitch.mp4)

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7a207a No.21650081

File: 6ad08e693457fce⋯.png (430.4 KB,650x366,325:183,ClipboardImage.png)

SpaceX fishes Starship Super Heavy booster out of the sea

September 24, 2024

SpaceX has pulled some pieces of its Starship megarocket from the sea.

On Sunday evening (Sept. 22), SpaceX founder and CEO Elon Musk posted on X a photo of dripping and damaged rocket hardware being lifted out of the ocean.

The mangled metal is part of the first-stage booster that flew on the most recent Starship test flight, Musk said.

"Like the ruins of a futuristic, long-dead civilization," he wrote in another post a few hours later.

SpaceX is developing Starship to get people and payloads to the moon, Mars and beyond.

The vehicle consists of two stainless-steel elements — a huge first-stage booster called Super Heavy and a 165-foot-tall (50 meters) upper-stage spacecraft called Starship, or just Ship.

Both of these stages are designed to be fully and rapidly reusable, and both are powered by SpaceX's powerful new Raptor engines — 33 for Super Heavy and six for Ship.

Starship, which stands 400 feet tall (122 meters) tall when fully stacked, has flown four test flights to date, all of them from SpaceX's Starbase site in South Texas.

These missions lifted off in April and November of 2023 and March and June of this year.

The Super Heavy piece featured in the newly posted photo is from the June liftoff, which SpaceX declared a complete success.

Ship reached orbital velocity, and both it and Super Heavy survived their descent through Earth's atmosphere, hitting the waves intact — Ship in the Indian Ocean and Super Heavy in the Gulf of Mexico.

But those splashdowns did some damage, as the newly posted photo shows.

The hunk of Super Heavy featured in the image sports 14 Raptors; it's unclear if SpaceX collected the other 19 as well, or if those engines are still resting on the ocean floor.

It's also unclear why SpaceX went to the trouble of salvaging the hardware from the sea; Musk did not provide a reason in his X posts.

"Some SpaceX watchers are speculating it could be after the booster's engines as part of its research to glean additional knowledge or simply to ensure they don't fall into the hands of rival companies or other countries," Brandon Lingle of the San Antonio Express-News wrote in an article published on Sunday.

That piece told the story of a group of independent filmmakers who heard about the Super Heavy recovery operation in the Gulf and chartered a boat to observe it.

SpaceX is gearing up to launch Starship's fifth test flight.

The company says that it's been ready to fly since early August, but it likely won't get approval from the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) until late November.

The FAA says it needs more time to assess the launch's potential environmental impact and to review modifications to the Starship vehicle and flight plan that SpaceX made after Flight 4.


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ac506d No.21650083


so to look back, we can see ahead for the most part.

tatic sounds familiar. ; )

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3b47ad No.21650084

File: 133ceb4356ec0f3⋯.jpeg (1.52 MB,1212x2096,303:524,trumppopcorn.jpeg)


tyvm clocks

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3e8cf9 No.21650085

File: 7e31aafb55edb3d⋯.png (1.92 MB,750x1334,375:667,11116657_87E7_4E64_B540_C8….png)

File: 2a77a6def54e083⋯.png (103.26 KB,690x982,345:491,23DD8E26_DE86_4D0B_951D_AA….png)

File: 2ab46a349bb368d⋯.jpeg (625.98 KB,2048x1363,2048:1363,AEC4D60E_9AC4_4206_8B1C_D….jpeg)

File: 1c1a1f9304002b7⋯.gif (268.6 KB,220x167,220:167,01637C20_FA8F_4377_808E_48….gif)

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a533d3 No.21650086


was wondering when the hopium dealer would show up

2 more weeks and soon

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3db65e No.21650087


Canadian intelligence?

Pasternak is Mossad, Israeli Intelligence.

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744756 No.21650088

File: 167723e378343cd⋯.png (396.74 KB,471x472,471:472,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d78e3e4cc21d52c⋯.png (364.68 KB,809x433,809:433,ClipboardImage.png)

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a533d3 No.21650089

File: 226267cbe0dcf55⋯.png (171.27 KB,227x343,227:343,ClipboardImage.png)

>it will be golden

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afe2aa No.21650090


this bullshit again

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ac506d No.21650091

File: 18c38b075653dfc⋯.jpg (72.6 KB,1235x942,1235:942,Screenshot_20240924_123856….jpg)




deamon looking to escape

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ff3a8a No.21650092

Ridiculous and vacuous piece of shit alphabet traitor

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3e8cf9 No.21650093

File: 7413038201b46fa⋯.png (1.26 MB,750x1334,375:667,027849D7_14E7_45CB_9ECB_5C….png)

File: 10b9c87ab126ce6⋯.png (459.44 KB,690x2830,69:283,51CDE7DC_5D63_416E_98EC_60….png)

File: d974252fac3fbf1⋯.png (64.01 KB,690x630,23:21,EDF3711A_43B6_4046_8840_B3….png)

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f599eb No.21650094


This is a very White Collar place. Lost if pencil pushers and inherited wealth.

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0b6595 No.21650096

File: 48b54be3f364951⋯.png (399.03 KB,560x500,28:25,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8bf78e785edbac9⋯.png (568.08 KB,633x448,633:448,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d6e4acc2a0461da⋯.png (525.18 KB,595x445,119:89,ClipboardImage.png)


it will literally will be

two moar weeks soon.

going to have to find other memes soon

mean while in the u.k

oh the horror.

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c7a5f0 No.21650097

Baby oil>Crisco

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60b064 No.21650098

President Trump: We will seriously expedite environment approvals, and we will get everything approved quickly, to unleash mineral production and rare Earth. They think we have to go to China for rare Earth. We don't. We have more rare Earth than they do, but it's protected environmentally. We can't do anything about it. We're gonna do something about it. We're gonna use our resources to our benefit. And it will be clean and environmentally perfect. So that America, and Americans, can manufacture everything that we need; the resources, we have right here. American soil, it's got everything, It's got the rare Earth. It's got the oil. It's got the gas. We have everything. The only thing we don't have is smart people leading our country…we're sitting on trillions and trillions of dollars under our feet, and let's use that to Make America Rich Again. Is that okay? We'll pay off the debt. We'll reduce your taxes. It'll be a beautiful thing. It'll be a renaissance. It'll be a Golden Period. It'll be a beautiful period.

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6f1c85 No.21650099

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

1:45 PM EDT

The President delivers remarks at the Global Coalition to Address Synthetic Drug Threats

InterContinental Barclay, New York





President Biden Remarks on Synthetic Drug Threats

President Biden delivers remarks to the Global Coalition to Address Synthetic Drug Threats as world leaders gather in New York to address the 79th Session of the U.N. General Assembly.


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3db65e No.21650100


Deep Throat Surgery?

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ff3a8a No.21650101

Half assed shit spy

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9de08e No.21650103

File: f801970906bb8aa⋯.jpg (137.88 KB,900x675,4:3,GBWetlkacAEN6uW.jpg)

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30c871 No.21650104

File: 55a3a78cc206ed7⋯.mp4 (1.21 MB,640x360,16:9,55a3a78cc206ed774f1ef65b67….mp4)

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3e8cf9 No.21650105

File: 93a2bacdd6d613b⋯.png (1.61 MB,750x1334,375:667,ADF909D2_C0D3_4EC3_91D6_77….png)

File: 314c0eb22f696f0⋯.png (24.34 KB,690x498,115:83,0C29601B_9B2A_434C_987F_A7….png)

File: 2e0e507f565a0ab⋯.png (38.81 KB,690x542,345:271,2A2E0A67_F8E0_42C1_BC18_98….png)

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afe2aa No.21650106

File: 8aa82e9eb35a6bc⋯.png (30.58 KB,598x614,299:307,ClipboardImage.png)

Hillary is a Jew

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60b064 No.21650107

President Trump: I will appoint a Manufacturing Ambassador, whose sole task, and It'll be a great one, will be to go around the world and convince major manufacturers to pack up and move back to America where they want to be. For years, we watched other countries steal our jobs, now we are going to be going after their jobs, and bringing them back to America where they belong, and, frankly, they want to be.

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8f878c No.21650108

File: bfb7edbf8bb33ca⋯.png (481.13 KB,1049x840,1049:840,Screenshot_20240923_154724….png)

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d7b300 No.21650109

File: da7ed2f567252d3⋯.png (219.84 KB,420x558,70:93,ClipboardImage.png)

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3e8cf9 No.21650110


you showed up for a reason

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ff3a8a No.21650111

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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5d5cee No.21650112

File: 3fd8e5d0684cf82⋯.jpg (149.7 KB,658x867,658:867,G83.jpg)

Zero missiles coming from gaza

Sinwar can't come to the phone.

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f599eb No.21650113


Such a low IQ non researched meme.

Kill yourself.

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6f1c85 No.21650114

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

2:00 PM EDT

An Outage Strikes: Assessing the Global Impact of CrowdStrike’s Faulty Software Update

House Homeland Security Committee



Mr. Adam Meyers

Senior Vice President, Counter Adversary Operations, CrowdStrike






CrowdStrike Executive Testifies on Global Outage

CrowdStrike’s senior vice president for operations testifies on the global outage of its software update in July 2024, which left 8.5 million Microsoft Windows devices offline.


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9de08e No.21650115


Infiltration queen. Bannon loves her.

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0b6595 No.21650116

djt: 1 year right off.

best depreciation plan for business's

frees up cash to invest and grow business.

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f599eb No.21650117


You will never know the truth.

Go back to work. Unless you’re a Democrat then you won’t, will you?

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958ce7 No.21650118



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e5bb8d No.21650119

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Trevor Moore called it 10 years ago


"Remember when Trevor Moore made a song about a child star being used and abused by the music industry? And remember when the video had a kid who looked exactly like Bieber? Did all of Hollywood know Beebs was getting butt raped by Diddy? They must have. Also Trevor didn't kill himself."

>thread on 4chan: https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/482703709

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f599eb No.21650120


How can all those cities in the news who personal property taxes go up vote for Harris? Do they not understand taxes?

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bbb27a No.21650121

Smurfette was a ho

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a533d3 No.21650122


explains why her daddy was a mobster

the purple gang was a notorious jewish mafia back in the bootlegging days

would explain why she likes purple so much

well that and she considers herself as royalty

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6f1c85 No.21650124

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

2:00 PM EDT

Tracking Progress: Examining the Department of Defense’s Financial Management Practices

House Oversight and Accountability Committee



Tom Steffens

Senior Assistant to the Comptroller

U.S. Department of Defense


Brett A. Mansfield

Deputy Inspector General for Audit

U.S. Department of Defense Office of the Inspector General


Asif Khan


Financial Management Assurance

U.S. Government Accountability Office





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60b064 No.21650125

President Trump: Under Kamala, there will be no car industry, no steel industry, no significant manufacturing of any kind, and we will be at risk of military defeat, you know that, right? A very simple fact is this, if you don't have steel, you don't have a military, and I'm not going to allow…Japan to buy US Steel. I'm not gonna let it happen. Seventy years ago, again, the greatest company on Earth. Vote for Trump, and you will see a mass exodus of manufacturing from China to Pennsylvania, from Korea to North Carolina, from Germany to right here in Georgia; they're going to come to Georgia, from Germany, and lots of other places.

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7b6d0c No.21650126


>assassin #2

pretty fukked up world when we gotta start #ering the assassins

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6f1c85 No.21650127

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

September 24, 2024

2:00 PM EDT

Russia’s Shadow War on NATO

Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (U.S. Helsinki Commission)



Mr. Erkki Tori, National Security Advisor to the Prime Minister of Estonia


Dr. Benjamin L. Schmitt, Senior Fellow, Department of Physics and Astronomy and Kleinman Center for Energy Policy, University of Pennsylvania


Mr. Michael Weiss, Investigative Journalist & Author





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e5bb8d No.21650128

File: a666c2b4d51446a⋯.png (7.35 KB,267x148,267:148,ClipboardImage.png)

almost like "if you only knew how bad things really are" look


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6f1c85 No.21650130

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

September 24, 2024

2:30 PM EDT

Research Festival Workshop: RNA-based Gene Editing Tool for Next Generation Gene Therapy by GenScript

National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services


September 24, 2024

2:30 PM EDT

VA Accountability: What has Happened to Hampton?

House Veterans' Affairs Committee



Mr. Paul S. Crews

Veterans Integrated Services Network 6 Director, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs


Mr. Frederick Kotler, MD

Interim Medical Inspector, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, Office of the Medical Inspector


Mr. Walt C. Dannenberg

Acting Executive Director, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, VA Hampton Health Care


Dr. Jennifer Baptiste

Deputy Assistant Inspector General for Healthcare Inspections, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, Office of Inspector General





September 24, 2024

2:30 PM EDT

To Receive a Closed Briefing on Certain Intelligence Matters

Senate Intelligence (Select) Committee



September 24, 2024

2:45 PM EDT

Security Council Media Stakeout

United Nations


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0b6595 No.21650132

File: d429192ad07228f⋯.png (2.34 MB,998x1142,499:571,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d54daa9306fb5c5⋯.gif (3.59 MB,540x540,1:1,neo_night_shift.gif)


most people think law is complicated. just lying and corruption.

accounts is like another language, mainly subsections and definitions.

but the maths is simple.

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3e8cf9 No.21650133

File: dd49ce4e268e32d⋯.png (1.62 MB,750x1334,375:667,2FA6F7B7_8CF4_4503_A60F_2B….png)

File: 665aeacab07d3e4⋯.png (32.96 KB,690x454,345:227,9F4F66E3_504A_41CB_AC05_3C….png)

File: 280eb0ddf6ece5c⋯.jpeg (631.58 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,E271BF18_6B45_4ED2_A54C_2….jpeg)

5 palm trees >>21649969

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9de08e No.21650134

File: 78da90f21633d3f⋯.jpg (26.34 KB,330x412,165:206,Kamala_Harris_Vice_Preside….jpg)


Most of Diddy's crimes occurred in California.

KH was DA?

32nd Attorney General of California

In office

January 3, 2011 – January 3, 2017

Governor Jerry Brown

Preceded by Jerry Brown

Succeeded by Xavier Becerra

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0d3a5f No.21650135

Can someone explain to me how to make text that light green color – ya know like when you're quoting a previous post?

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e5bb8d No.21650136

File: 8cd7da26ea6773f⋯.png (55 KB,275x183,275:183,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1568eadce2a1238⋯.png (46.76 KB,300x168,25:14,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 57e68a02b5c1797⋯.png (45.76 KB,299x168,299:168,ClipboardImage.png)


>▶Oran Routh

>troubled history?

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3b47ad No.21650137




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0d3a5f No.21650138


How did you make the link text the light green color?

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6f1c85 No.21650139


>Can someone explain to me how to make text that light green color – ya know like when you're quoting a previous post?

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a67f0e No.21650140


ONE: >

Place one right arrow in front of the line of info you want highlighted.

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0d3a5f No.21650141


Say again? Sorry <green?>

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e5bb8d No.21650142


>>21650138 this is the way

> gives you green

< gives you pink

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0d3a5f No.21650143

>Like this?

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f599eb No.21650144


So if they raise the value of the home and your taxes go up, this is the fault of who?

That’s unrealistic gains taxes.

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0d3a5f No.21650145

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d7b300 No.21650146

It was GOD that brought Trump to save us.

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a67f0e No.21650147

File: 023bdb64198aed1⋯.png (352.48 KB,585x484,585:484,formattext.png)

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6f874e No.21650148


The title of that video is an inversion, it should say NATO's Shadow War on Russia

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60b064 No.21650149

President Trump: You know, the nicest thing, when people say [about Butler attempted assassination], "It was God. And God came down, and he saved you, because he wants you to bring America back". So many people say that. I hope that's true. I hope that's true.

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f599eb No.21650150

File: 59db206846a7759⋯.jpeg (736.51 KB,1125x2436,375:812,IMG_6380.jpeg)



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5d5cee No.21650151

File: 80e7669f45e4396⋯.jpg (96.91 KB,720x675,16:15,Screenshot_20240924_135312….jpg)


The FCC just fast-tracked George Soros' purchase of 220+ radio stations before November's election.

The stations reach 165M Americans.

This has never been done before.

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7b6d0c No.21650152

Has POTUS done a rally in FL yet? In 2020 he did many.

It's a good sign if he doesn't feel the need to go there.

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f599eb No.21650153

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0b6595 No.21650154


unrealised tax

increase demand (immigration)

price goes up

tax the equity on a yearly basis as the demand goes up.

before you know it, you cannot afford the tax.

so you have to get loans, and before you know, you have to sell

who buys it. hedgefunds and blackrock and than they rent it to the migrants and charge the taxpayer to house them.

evil beyond..

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edc681 No.21650156

File: 0a9cd72aad4097b⋯.jpeg (131.24 KB,718x800,359:400,B505CAC9_813C_4927_96DE_A….JPEG)

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c7a5f0 No.21650157

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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8f878c No.21650158

File: 4ea4072c56212cd⋯.jpeg (549.86 KB,976x944,61:59,4ea4072c56212cd83f47c1814….jpeg)

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edc681 No.21650159

File: 900ccf65af2af81⋯.jpg (131.72 KB,784x656,49:41,D34D2A24_1569_405C_82DF_F2….jpg)

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7a207a No.21650160

File: 67d3af2f97ea034⋯.png (553.56 KB,650x366,325:183,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 41fc750238bcc98⋯.png (636.03 KB,600x400,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)


Scientists have found evidence of past extreme solar storms. Their return could be disastrous for our technology-based societies

September 24, 2024

In September 1859, the same year that Darwin published On the Origin of Species, telegraph systems across Europe and North America stopped working and started sparking, leading to fires in some cases.

Just hours before, researchers had observed the first ever confirmed solar flare – an intense burst of radiation emitted from the Sun.

It was a warning something big was about to hit our planet. Most of the northern and southern skies lit up with brilliant auroras (northern and southern lights) signalling that a massive solar storm was underway.

This storm, later named the Carrington event, was one of the strongest in documented history.

However, in a recent article in Nature, we have shown that in the not-so-distant past, the Earth was battered by much more extreme solar storms.

Evidence of these storms has come, in particular, from analysing levels of radioactive carbon – known as radiocarbon, or carbon-14 – in tree rings.

Solar storms cause disturbances in the Earth’s magnetic shield, or magnetosphere.

One frequent way they are caused is by coronal mass ejections – outpourings of charged particles from the Sun – that make their way to Earth and penetrate the magnetosphere.

Extreme solar storms could spell disaster for our highly technological society because they have the potential to damage satellites and bring down communications networks and global electricity grids..

The strength of some past extreme solar storms detected in tree rings suggest they would have played havoc with our technological infrastructure on a scale never seen before.

One extreme solar storm known to have occurred in AD774, for example, would have dwarfed the Carrington event.

Measuring radiocarbon

Radiocarbon, or carbon dating, has been widely used for decades to age objects that were once alive, such as bone, wood and leather.

When plants and animals die, the radiocarbon inside them decays at a predictable rate.

So by measuring how much radiocarbon is left in an object such as bone, scientists can estimate how long ago the organism died.

However, in the last decade, scientists have discovered that extreme solar storms can affect the amount of radiocarbon absorbed into living organisms such as trees.

This provides researchers with the opportunity to search for extreme solar events not recorded by the history books and to precisely date them.

The amount of radiocarbon in the atmosphere varies over time, which can make radiocarbon dating give misleading ages.

There have therefore been extensive efforts over the years to “calibrate” the radiocarbon record to make it more accurate.

This means relating it to other material of known age. These might be trees which can be dated through their growth rings, or stalagmites and corals which have been dated using other methods.

When combined with the science of determining ages from tree rings (dendrochronology), the radiocarbon signature of an extreme solar storm can provide a reference point to the exact year.

This could help make radiocarbon dating even more accurate.

By reviewing the available evidence for these extreme solar storms we can now try to figure out how often these events occur.

The evidence tells us many things about the global carbon cycle, ocean and atmospheric circulation (how heat is redistributed over the Earth’s surface), and the workings of the Sun.


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7a207a No.21650161


Solar storms change radiocarbon in trees

In 2012, a team led by Fusa Miyake, at Nagoya University in Japan, discovered that extreme solar storms could produce abrupt changes in the radiocarbon concentrations found within tree rings.

Before this, radiocarbon production rates were not thought to vary substantially over short time periods and so annual measurements of past radiocarbon were unlikely to be of particular interest.

They identified the massive spike in radiocarbon production in the atmosphere associated with the AD774 extreme storm.

Other extreme events have since been confirmed to have occurred in AD993, 660BC, 5259BC and 7176BC.

The most extreme solar storm we have detected in the radiocarbon record took place around 14,370 years ago, towards the end of the last ice age.

We do not yet know if these events are simply larger-scale versions of regular solar storms – so-called “Black Swan” events – or if they are caused by distinct physical phenomena.

As more extreme solar storms are identified from the radiocarbon record, they will add to our knowledge of physical processes occurring in our parent star.

One of the biggest threats from a large solar storm is its potential to instantly kill the entire satellite fleet (except for those low-altitude satellites that are permanently protected by the geomagnetic field), as well as to bring down power grids. Being able to forecast these events and give advance warning to grid operators is vital.

In coming years, the radiocarbon record could well reveal more extreme solar storms.

The scientific community is racing to analyse old trees from different regions of the world with the goal of strengthening existing evidence and discovering new extreme solar storms of the past.

Enhancing our understanding of these extreme events is not only important for precise radiocarbon dating but also for understanding processes happening on the Sun and on our own planet.

It can also assist us in preparing for the next extreme solar storm. We can’t yet forecast when it will happen, but new insights into the past tell us that there will be one sooner or later.


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5d5cee No.21650162


Obummer's shadow war

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edc681 No.21650163

File: 94edb7b87985b42⋯.png (2.95 MB,1600x1600,1:1,Fulton_County_04_Alicia_Pi….PNG)

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9de08e No.21650164


>Lucian Grainge had his name dismissed from a lawsuit in May of this year that claimed he "aided and abetted" Sean "Diddy" Combs.

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9bcc31 No.21650165

File: 14d4ca30a29639e⋯.png (1.02 MB,598x923,46:71,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6fc3c8f9806da9a⋯.png (147.8 KB,626x360,313:180,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 52f2a7aade7067a⋯.png (1.09 MB,633x926,633:926,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cd73fb9b70f9c8a⋯.png (552.97 KB,684x498,114:83,ClipboardImage.png)

>>21648793 Olivia Nuzzi's 'wholesome' fling with ex-MSNBC star Keith Olbermann emerges amid RFK Jr. affairPN

Olivia Nuzzi's 'wholesome' fling with ex-MSNBC star Keith Olbermann emerges amid RFK Jr. affair

(Typical CIA/IC hit job, they are working on behalf of powerful corporations ie Pharma, Agra, Chemicals and others to try and destroy his opportunity to be in Trump’s Admin. All of this is very obvious. Inserting the insane Olbermann confirms their plans.)

By STEPHEN M. LEPORE FOR and UPDATED: 08:25 EDT, 24 September 20241/2

(==Daily Mail is owned by the Murdochs, and they would do anything to prevent Trump from getting elected again, or getting quality Admin to fulfill his promises. This whole article is gossip without any facts)

Olivia Nuzzi had a fling with former MSNBC and ESPN star Keith Olbermann over a decade before her 'emotional and digital' affair with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Olbermann admitted to their relationship on social media Tuesday after he claimed a reporter was set to publish details of their affair after Nuzzi was placed on leave for her tryst with Kennedy. 'We didn't do much to keep it quiet,' Olbermann said of the relationship, which took place when the ex-SportsCenter anchor was 55 and Nuzzi just 21. 'I just assumed nobody cared. Certainly it has nothing to do with the RFK stuff.

The former Countdown star revealed more details this morning on his podcast, highlighting that the couple lived together.

'We had dogs, and tattoos and rings, and like all relationships it was very nice at the start, then things happened, we worked on it and it ended,' he said. 'One day I said "I think we've exhausted this", I changed my mind, then like the next day she left, so I guess that makes it a tie,' he added.

Olbermann went on to say that nearly all of the relationship was 'surprisingly mundane' and that it is unrelated to the RFK story except 'in the broadest possible sense. 'I mean, I'm sure she's not a completely different person than she was when we dated, but, maybe?'He mentioned Nuzzi 'did some weird things during the three, three-and-a-half years this lasted' but added 'I'm sure I did too. 'She played around at one point with how to pronounce her last name, what sounded best professionally, and her parents were not the best role models' but claimed they did a '180 on me' after he went to their house for Christmas every year.

He said Nuzzi, however, would often 'miss the mark on the consequences of her actions that nobody around her would have said anything except "how could you not know that?"The former ESPN star added that nothing he knew about her then or now suggests 'Olivia would have kept sending a guy nude photos unless he wanted them'. He and Nuzzi have not spoken since the break up, but saidhe can't defend any of her journalistic choices.

The New York Post contacted Olbermann for comment about the affair and he said that he had not spoken to Nuzzi in a decade but again, assumed everyone already knew.

'That's online. It's public knowledge, I keep my personal relationships close to the vest,' Olbermann said. The dalliance with Olbermann would have taken placewhile Nuzzi was interning with now-disgraced New York Congressman Anthony Weiner.

Fox News hostLaura Ingraham and MSNBC star Katy Tur - criticized both Nuzzi and RFK Jr. on social media when the affair broke. He claimed Kennedy's attempts to investigate Nuzzi are reprehensible, though he made no bones about how he felt what she did was wrong….(Laura always has to stick her nose in something, annoying)

'This psychopath and serial woman chaser @Robert KennedyJr is talking about having @Olivianuzzi ARRESTED? I excuse none of her conduct but the dynamic just changed here.' Olbermann continued: 'F* him. He's an utterly irresponsible pile of s*. You participate in these sexts and they become a problem, you call her boss. Faster than 10 months later.' He said the scandal has now evolved from dealing with Nuzzi's actions to figuring out 'how RFK Jr. needs to be controlled and punished.'

On Monday, Kennedy appeared at an event on Capitol Hill and posed for photos with prominent Republican lawmakers. Ahead of the Monday event, GOP Rep. Thomas Massie shared a picture with Kennedy, noting that they had dined together Sunday night. Fellow Republicans, Sen. Ted Cruz and Rep. Chip Roy, also shared snaps with Kennedy, while Sen. Ron Johnson had him appear on a panel discussion entitled: 'American Health and Nutrition: A Second Opinion.'


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3db65e No.21650166


Kamala works for the Communists who want to squash the Middle Class.

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e5bb8d No.21650167

File: 30e72dc5aeb1d8d⋯.png (249.43 KB,764x492,191:123,ClipboardImage.png)

cheers, anon, you're welcome >>21650145

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266df5 No.21650168

File: bffca2808323018⋯.png (1.41 MB,675x900,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)


>tyvm clocks

Tenks Fren!



made me think of Anime Baker.



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ff3a8a No.21650169

Subterranean shitsalad

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266df5 No.21650170

File: 5156e58e15e2502⋯.png (1.38 MB,1242x1533,414:511,ClipboardImage.png)

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266df5 No.21650171

File: bff392b4b2424be⋯.gif (1.4 MB,500x281,500:281,1493340724316_1_.gif)

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f2c35d No.21650172

File: 1b7c33f5202dc5a⋯.jpg (142.39 KB,2121x1414,3:2,GettyImages_683930274_5be0….jpg)


Lookup ancient Egypt, Tanis.

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49034c No.21650173

File: 053042f23cbbe44⋯.jpeg (968.6 KB,1125x1917,125:213,IMG_4307.jpeg)


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e5bb8d No.21650174

File: 81594e6be1a423e⋯.png (15.16 KB,253x254,253:254,ClipboardImage.png)

wizards and warlocks engaged


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0b6595 No.21650175

File: 993104fa90a1360⋯.png (310.98 KB,663x632,663:632,ClipboardImage.png)

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062c6c No.21650176

Russia Issues Rare Blanket Condemnation Of Israeli Offensive In Lebanon

She began the statement by reviewing that starting Monday "the Israeli leadership announced that the IDF had launched an offensive operation, dubbed ‘Northern Arrows,’ aimed at undermining the military infrastructure of the Hezbollah movement." At this point Israel has mounted three major missile strikes on Beirut, specifically the southern suburbs.

"Hezbollah, in turn, intensified its rocket attacks on military facilities in Israel," she continued. However, Israel would disagree with the Kremlin spokeswoman's assessment, as it has pointed to rocket attacks on Israeli civilian towns and settlements, which have also resulted in the indefinite evacuation of at least 80,000 people since last year.

Zakharova then stressed, "We strongly condemn the large-scale military attacks against Lebanon. We would especially like to emphasize our principled position on the inadmissibility of indiscriminate attacks that target civilians."

She urged that the international community must press both sides to halt the "spiral of violence" before the situation "gets out of control".

"We must do everything possible to prevent the Middle East from plunging into a full-scale armed conflict, the devastating consequences of which will inevitably affect everyone - both in the region and beyond," the diplomat said. "We proceed from the fact that the security of any state in the region should not be ensured at the expense of others," she said.


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370025 No.21650177

File: bef7f13ebf02a25⋯.png (157.22 KB,535x640,107:128,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a8d3d104c8d9a41⋯.png (90.28 KB,689x719,689:719,ClipboardImage.png)

some Haitian non profit makes a weird attempt to get an arrest warrant against Trump and Vance.

They just skip the whole police investigation and warrant enforcement authority and crown themselves authorized.

Today is a weird day for news, I'm going back to bed and starting over


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b42160 No.21650178

File: a0bd640b9d63d95⋯.png (188.69 KB,1920x816,40:17,ClipboardImage.png)

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3db65e No.21650179


The Egyptians were Oriental?

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a67f0e No.21650180

File: f4ccfa702f8bbed⋯.png (26.63 KB,454x388,227:194,Q15.png)

trump- Kamala CHANGED15policys…..

Trump mentioned the number 15 at least 3 times so far.

Pay attention.

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41ac96 No.21650181


#26514 >>21649473

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>21649544, >>21649593, >>21649995 RSBN Trump Delivers Remarks on the Tax Code and Manufacturing in Savannah, GA - 9/24/24

>>21649920 @DanScavino President Trump is 🛬 in the Great State of Georgia. #TRUMP2024

>>21649978, >>21649979, >>21649983, >>21649985, >>21649993 Opening Speakers at Trump Savannah Rally

>>21650017, >>21650021, >>21650022, >>21650025, >>21650031, >>21650036, >>21650044, >>21650059, >>21650062, >>21650071, >>21650098, >>21650107, >>21650125, >>21650149, POTUS Rally Quotes

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>21649528, >>21649702, >>21649712, >>21649801 Oran Alexander Routh son of would - be assassin #2 Ryan Routh arrested on child porn charges

>>21649529 Today in Q Post History we have 11 Deltas

>>21649556 Trump's Rescue Mission - Savng America is the film (you) need to see

>>21649567 Digital Soldiers - Join The Digital Battle: Information Warfare

>>21649572, >>21649582, >>21649674, >>21650119 Diddy bun

>>21649597 Kamala Harris Plotted to Stop Me Getting a Job, Kimberly Guilfoyle Says

>>21649609, >>21649637, >>21649708, >>21649751, >>21649752, >>21649872, >>21649936, >>21649938, >>21649944, >>21649965, >>21650039, >>21650081, >>21650160, >>21650161 NASA

>>21649638, >>21649641 Biden, Addressing U.N., Will Argue His Vision Has ‘Produced Results’

>>21649649 Johnny Cash will receive a statue in his honor in the United States capitol

>>21649675 Gunshots fired into Democrat party office in Arizona

>>21649692, >>21649864, >>21650114, >>21650124, >>21650127, >>21650130 Habbenings in and of the Swamp

>>21649709, >>21649976 Only 41 DAYS TO WINNING

>>21649732 Donald Trump on Apprentice - Trolling Former Employee of Diddy "he's a good guy, IS he a good guy?"

>>21649759 Papi Trumpo Kek CRY MORE, LIBS!!!

>>21649894 SEC Chair Gary Gensler testifies before the House Financial Services Committee

>>21649766, >>21649930 Krass keeps running the same unevolving poll. Collecting something else maybe?

>>21649966 David Joseph is stepping down as Chairman/CEO of Universal Music UK after nearly 17 years

>>21650076 QClock September 23, 2024 - Q PROOF - Got Popcorn

>>21650099 Potato delivers remarks at the Global Coalition to Address Synthetic Drug Threats

>>21650151 FCC just fast-tracked George Soros' purchase of 220+ radio stations before November's election

>>21649546, >>21649589, >>21649630, >>21649766, >>21649832, >>21649836, >>21649849, >>21650032, >>21650043, MEMES

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8f031c No.21650182

some still don't understand "You are watching a movie" and therefore do not "[e]njoy the show." Although it is spectacular and extraordinary, we are watching a game play out which has already been won. May God support the righteous to swift victory over their enemies and ease their suffering, whoever and wherever they are. Amen.

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49034c No.21650183

File: 529c662fc7a14d0⋯.jpeg (850.41 KB,1125x1812,375:604,IMG_4308.jpeg)


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d83bb4 No.21650184

File: 469ad4a18dec12c⋯.gif (2.29 MB,380x380,1:1,wheel_perfect_timing.gif)

File: 469ad4a18dec12c⋯.gif (2.29 MB,380x380,1:1,wheel_perfect_timing.gif)

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5303e2 No.21650185

File: d8959c45a02b0fd⋯.png (316.34 KB,1178x1091,1178:1091,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1fdbe574e8349dc⋯.png (1.41 MB,1301x1368,1301:1368,ClipboardImage.png)

ThunderB🇺🇸🇮🇱 Avenge Them


Oh yeah. Forgot about the Vegas shooters brother

Confirms my belief that CP is charged when you need someone to STFU


Shadow of Ezra




How many coincidences are you allowed to believe in?


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6cef92 No.21650186


Because we know it's pure bullshit

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ff3a8a No.21650187

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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3e8cf9 No.21650188

File: cee2c03e99c9a8a⋯.png (1.41 MB,750x1334,375:667,0DAD5D61_A17A_4D75_B5F7_8D….png)

File: c924c5166c2a9b2⋯.png (188.24 KB,690x2316,115:386,E91400ED_4B0D_421E_97FC_E7….png)

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60b064 No.21650189

President Trump: As we create millions of new manufacturing jobs here in Georgia; nationwide, we will make sure that these jobs go to American citizens, not illegal citizens, people that came into our country illegally.

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6f874e No.21650190


That popcorn is UTZ brand.

UTZ - Universal Time Zone?

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0b6595 No.21650191

djt: thanking god, maybe someone up there likes me.

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52d457 No.21650192


>Confirms my belief that CP is charged when you need someone to STFU


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f599eb No.21650193


Four Years Wasted.

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57e06c No.21650194

File: cf6e2387442f082⋯.jpg (45.82 KB,611x389,611:389,cf6e2387442f082ae7a6970fd5….jpg)

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d0649d No.21650195

Again… ICE/Police… they have their serial numbers!

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0842ee No.21650196


dead eyes.

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d0649d No.21650197


Q Clock Confirmation again!

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062c6c No.21650198

Son of Would-Be Trump Assassin Ryan Routh Arrested For Child Pornography

Investigators say they discovered "hundreds" of files with child pornography during a search of Oran Routh's residence in Guilford County, North Carolina, on Saturday conducted "in connection with an investigation unrelated to child exploitation."

The two charges he faces include receipt of child pornography and possession of child pornography.


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7a207a No.21650199

File: 273afbdd4646274⋯.png (624 KB,970x546,485:273,ClipboardImage.png)

China launches 10 satellites on 2 rockets less than 6 hours apart

September 23, 2024

China launched separate sets of Earth-observation and "Internet of Things" satellites into orbit on Friday (Sept. 20) on two different missions.

The action began at 12:11 a.m EDT (0411 GMT, or 12:11 p.m. Beijing time) on Friday, when a Long March 2D rocket lifted off from Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center in northern China.

Insulation tiles fell away from the rocket's payload fairing as it climbed into cloudy skies above the spaceport.

Aboard were six remote-sensing satellites for Changguang Satellite Technology (CGST), a commercial spinoff from the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

The Jilin-1 Kuanfu (wideband) 02B satellites numbers 1-6 add to CGST's Jilin-1 commercial remote-sensing constellation, which is planned to consist of 300 satellites when completed, and provide high-resolution imagery.

The company was founded in 2014 and has already launched more than 100 satellites.

U.S. Space Force space domain tracking picked up objects associated with the launch in near-circular, 339 by 330-mile (545 by 531 kilometers) near-polar orbits.

This choice of orbit, common for Earth observation and remote sensing, allows the satellites to image the same spots on the planet at the same time of day repeatedly.

China's second launch of the day took place just under six hours later.

A Kuaizhou 1A solid rocket launched at 5:43 a.m. EDT (0943 GMT, or 5:43 p.m. Beijing time) from Xichang Satellite Launch Center in the country's southwest, according to Expace, the commercial launch provider affiliated with the state-owned defense giant CASIC.

Aboard were four Tianqi satellites, numbered 29-32, for Guodian Gaoke, a Chinese commercial satellite operator.

The satellites provide low-bandwidth communication to connect Internet of Things (IoT) devices in remote or hard-to-reach locations.

The U.S. Space Force tracked the satellites from the launch in 529 by 523-mile-altitude (852 by 842 km) orbits inclined by 45 degrees.

Guodian Gaoke — full name Beijing Guodian Hi-Tech Technology Co., Ltd. — aims to build a 38-satellite constellation.

The satellites serve the agriculture, logistics and transportation fields, providing real-time data collection and monitoring, which can improve operational efficiency in remote areas.

The rocket was sponsored by the children's nutrition brand Inne, according to Expace. The launches were China's 42nd and 43rd of the year.


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d0649d No.21650200

10% cap on credit cards interest rate

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3b47ad No.21650202


baker this post now @584

took out ebo to finish rally


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f599eb No.21650203


He resigned?

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e24841 No.21650204

File: d6b1e1119bcf1e2⋯.png (2.56 MB,1234x1240,617:620,Bill_Maher_s_red_paint_.png)

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f599eb No.21650205


Good maybe people who charge Temu will go get a job.

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5303e2 No.21650206

File: 467b828818bba21⋯.png (4.12 MB,1564x2048,391:512,ClipboardImage.png)

You have to have been soooo stupid to require ankle hobbles on an island.

Nantucket Current @ACKCurrent

UPDATE: After spending the night at the @NantucketPolice lockup last Friday, Aspen investor Daniel Burrell was released on bail on Saturday, we're told. Despite his history with alleged fraud and bad checks, the judge allowed Burrell to write a check for his $10,000 bail…


Nantucket Current



Sep 22


Fugitive Aspen investor Daniel Burrell was arrested on Nantucket Friday morning on a warrant out of Las Vegas, where he allegedly wrote a bad check to a casino for $1.5 million, just one day after his island mansion was sold at a foreclosure. https://nantucketcurrent.com/news/fugitive-aspen-investor-arrested-on-nantucket-after-his-island-estate-sold-at-foreclosure-auction


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41ac96 No.21650207

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062c6c No.21650208

File: c3293554628fba9⋯.png (229.95 KB,768x402,128:67,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c89d0fa5c3e44e5⋯.png (431.16 KB,768x793,768:793,ClipboardImage.png)

Barack Obama’s Former Canadian Ambassador Reveals Zoom Call With Hollywood Celebrities and Social Media Influencers To Discuss Undetectable Way To Steal The 2024 Election

UOCAVA opens the door to unlimited foreign voter voting.

Here are a few additional details about UOCAVA voters who register to vote on the FAVP or Federal Voting Assistance Program application (a federal government website) or the Democrat-funded website VoteFromAbroad.org:

Applicants may choose any state or address they wish to vote in.

No one verifies that these registrants ever lived at the address they list or that they have any connection to that state.

Voters in most states receive and return their ballots via email, making chain of custody impossible for election inpsectors.


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266df5 No.21650209

File: 6b8e5fdc46e3e13⋯.png (148.31 KB,1324x992,331:248,ClipboardImage.png)


>UTZ - Universal Time Zone?


could be a comment to Israeli leadership…

Popcorn & UTZ



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d0649d No.21650210

82 in a bathing suit! 😂

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f599eb No.21650211

I worked at McDonald’s when I was a teenager on the weekend.

I fucking hate democrats and corrupt wealthy fucks.

Heads. Roll.

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0b6595 No.21650212

File: 726a9a9ea6f3807⋯.png (1.81 MB,960x856,120:107,ClipboardImage.png)

djt: it was God, so many people say that, he wants you to save america. and it happened again two months later.

djt believes.


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965e3f No.21650213


Love you Joseph!

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60b064 No.21650214

President Trump: Biden and Kamala got us into this war in Ukraine, and now they can't get us out, They can't get us out. I watched him, "We will win"; he's been saying that for three years. Every time Zelenskyy comes to the United States, he walks away with a hundred billion dollars. I think he's the greatest salesman on Earth. But we're stuck in that war unless I'm president. I'll get it done. I'll get it negotiated. I'll get out. We gotta get out. Biden says, "We will not leave until we win", what happens if they win? That's what they do is they fight wars.

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478d36 No.21650215

File: cf5424df13b1aa9⋯.webm (349.22 KB,427x240,427:240,_.webm)

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9bcc31 No.21650216

File: f43da46106926a0⋯.png (1 MB,670x863,670:863,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 49807d0c5b25120⋯.png (913.1 KB,600x786,100:131,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c1877a5e2bba5b7⋯.png (894.66 KB,560x894,280:447,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 26e87695690f1dc⋯.png (1.35 MB,748x940,187:235,ClipboardImage.png)



Jessica Read Kraus, who writes the popular House Inhabit Substack, wrote Saturday that Kennedy is exploring his legal options after Nuzzi allegedly 'bombarded him with increasingly pornographic photos and videos.' Kraus, who has generally covered Kennedy in a positive manner, wrote that Nuzzi would prod her for information about the now-former presidential candidate. 'There was an undercurrent of fascination that went beyond journalistic intrigue, bordering on obsession,' she wrote. Nuzzi's 'constant desire for updates, coupled with the tone of her inquiries, made it clear she wasn't merely reporting:She was weaving some kind of fantasy.' 'I could sense her emotional investment growing. In that shift, the gossip centered less on politics and more on tracking and dissecting his every move,' Kraus said. (Really weird picture of Kraus…just weird.)

She reported thatthose in Kennedy's orbit believe Nuzzi was trying to 'set him up.'Nuzzi, Kraus reported, made a 'flirtatious remark during a phone conversation,'which led the independent candidate to block the prominent journalist. In turn, Nuzzi reached out to Kennedy via email to have him unblock her number 'but later that night, she sent him a provocative picture, prompting him to block her again,' Kraus' account said.Security expert Gavin de Becker is investigating the situationto see if Kennedy can file a civil suit against Nuzzi, Kraus reported.'This has nothing to do with romance,' de Becker told Kraus. 'He was being chased by porn.'

The Daily Beast reported Sunday that the sexting scandal came to light due to Kennedy boasting to friends that he had intimate photos of Nuzzi - and word made it back to New York's editor-in-chief David Haskell. Nuzzi hasn't responded to outreach from DailyMail.com.sourcesclose to Nuzzi, however, while not denying the tension between the two, told the New York Post she was not trying to hunt him down. 'It's absolutely untrue that she was the aggressor, but both parties were aware of how high pressure and high risk the circumstances were and for that reason their communication was very on and off,' thesourcesaid. Nuzzi's editor-in-chief David Haskell then confronted Nuzzi about the affair 5:30pm on September 13 at the magazine's office in Manhattan, insiders told The Daily Beast, adding how Haskell had also told Nuzzi that he had been informed by asourceabout Kennedy bragging about his 'romantic' relationship with her as well. He mentioned the nude photos specifically, thesourcesaid, citing howNuzzi had initially denied the relationship to her boss. But after being confronted, she allegedly came clean, thesourcesaid - as it's been revealed her engagement to Politico reporter Ryan Lizza has been called off.

Kennedy'salleged braggingcame as he remains married to star Cheryl Hines. He announced a suspension to his campaign August 23, and on Thursday denied ever meeting Nuzzi - aside from for a November profile piece.'Mr. Kennedy only met Olivia Nuzzi once in his life for an interview she requested, which yielded a hit piece,' a Kennedy spokesperson told CNN Thursday, as reports of the pair's alleged relationship swirled. Asourcefamiliar with the matter told the Beast Saturday that the two had met multiple times, but also maintainedthe pair's relationship never got physical. Haskell, meanwhile, put the Forbes' 30 Under 30 alum on leave, with his magazine issuing a statement online Thursday acknowledging the situation.

Acknowledging the relationship as well, it read: 'Recently our Washington Correspondent Olivia Nuzzi acknowledged to the magazine's editors thatshe had engaged in a personal relationship with a former subject relevant to the 2024 campaign.'

The statement asserted the relationship was occurring 'while [Nuzzi] was reporting on the campaign, a violation of the magazine's standards around conflicts of interest and disclosures. 'Had the magazine been aware of this relationship, she would not have continued to cover the presidential campaign,' it continued. 'An internal review of her published work has found no inaccuracies nor evidence of bias.' (Bullshit)

The bulletin, issued just before reports of the sexts began to circulate, concluded with the revelation the staffer who has had stints at both the Daily Beast and the Daily News was currently on leave from the magazine.'[T]he magazine is conducting a more thorough third-party review,' it added. 'We regret this violation of our readers' trust.' As indicated, Nuzzi reportedly met Kennedy Jr - the son of slain Attorney General Robert F Kennedy Sr - when doing a profile on him for a New York magazine piece published this past November.

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d0649d No.21650217

File: 4e9bd12ad65f3d1⋯.png (36.87 KB,898x454,449:227,4762.png)


Take him OUT!


Sep 24, 2020 5:47:53 PM EDT

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 6e789c No. 10773932


Not long now.


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266df5 No.21650218


i have an old clock that ties GHWB, 0blowhole and other on that WashPo headline….

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5303e2 No.21650219


Oh this gets SOOO Much better!!

Fugitive Aspen Investor Arrested On Nantucket After His Island Estate Sold At Foreclosure Auction


"Burrell, who previously owned a Zeelander yacht that was often spotted Nantucket Harbor, is a friend of and served as senior advisor to former U.S. Senator and Secretary of State John Kerry during his presidential campaign in 2004. He once described Kerry as "an incredible mentor." Burrell also served in former US President Bill Clinton's administration as a member of its Domestic Policy Council from 2000-2001."


"Burrell was formerly the CEO of Rosemont Realty from 2009-2013, a Santa Fe-based commercial real estate firm that oversaw 173 office buildings in 25 states. Burrell raised $575 million to expand the firm in 2013 according to the Santa Fe New Mexican. The firm had ties to President Joe Biden’s first son Hunter Biden, who served on Rosemont's advisory board - and in an October 2022 article in the New York Post."


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e69929 No.21650220

File: ccb4e242158c23a⋯.jpg (15.15 KB,243x255,81:85,1fdbe574e8349dca50ff3d348d….jpg)

File: a9e5cf1ae44d1c1⋯.jpg (7.67 KB,274x184,137:92,images.jpg)

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c7a5f0 No.21650221

Trump bringing up Oprah.

Raid that bitch's properties. Now.

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bbb27a No.21650222



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965e3f No.21650223

File: 8486c74c7d1c5a9⋯.jpeg (728.01 KB,1125x1349,1125:1349,IMG_4309.jpeg)


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d0649d No.21650224

PDJT just said “She’s going to be President”

They have to put her in so she can Pardon every one before Jan. 20, 2025!!!!

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0b6595 No.21650225

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

matt Gaetz said there are hit team out there trying to kill trump.

iran, ukarine and pakistan (all c.i.a strongholds)

C.i.a and F.b.i ..


5 Trump Assassination Teams


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9de08e No.21650226


It's an MP4 not a meme. Jump for Trump. Faggot.

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e24841 No.21650227

File: e2341fd64b3d734⋯.png (924.92 KB,1326x1060,663:530,dumber_ander_dumbiest.png)

File: d0fb562bcf7e5e3⋯.png (1.65 MB,1524x1218,254:203,huh_.png)

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a67f0e No.21650228


Well why Bidan just do it now, then?

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f09f9d No.21650229

Help us solve an issue? When was the first time you realized Oprah was crooked and corrupt I can't remember it just kind of happened over time does anyone able to pinpoint on it?

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8f878c No.21650230

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062c6c No.21650231

File: b58c75f4fc4a81a⋯.png (110.77 KB,801x616,801:616,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 87f68be1aa2b9d7⋯.png (106.33 KB,802x631,802:631,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f5ea2751a1c171c⋯.png (100.19 KB,808x539,808:539,ClipboardImage.png)

Missouri v. Biden Back to Trial Court, Govt. Wants to Wholesale Censor all Social Media Posts and Misquotes SCOTUS to use Barrett Decision to Dismiss Case

The Supreme Court’s decision has now pushed the case to resume action at the trial court level, where the government is now claiming that the Court’s decision about standing for a preliminary injunction, should instead dismiss the case entirely.

A preliminary injunction is a court order that conduct cease while a case is working its way through the courts. The litigants asked for, and originally received, a preliminary injunction to stop the government from continuing to suppress free speech on social media while the case was being litigated.

The Supreme Court issued a horrible opinion this past July authored by Justice Amy Coney Barrett that allowed the government to continue suppressing free speech while the case continued at the trial court level. The Gateway Pundit then discovered that one of Coney-Barrett’s clerks was connected to the anti-free speech entities, colleges, and donors at issue in the litigation in a significant conflict of interest.


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f599eb No.21650232


What fucking lefty. Stfu

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f5da05 No.21650233

File: a9d9eb2213e3f4f⋯.jpg (1.8 MB,2560x2560,1:1,Comfy_Rainy_Day_Q.jpg)


Thank You Baker

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d0649d No.21650234

File: 6fd526f3fdabe41⋯.png (793.01 KB,1620x2160,3:4,IMG_3465.png)


Matt GAETZ is under investigation for ethics violations! His buddy is in jail for the same crimes he is accused of.


Statement Regarding the Matter of Representative Matt Gaetz

Jun 18, 2024 Press Release

Pursuant to Committee Rule 7, the Committee on Ethics (Committee) determined to release the following statement:

On April 9, 2021, the Committee announced it had initiated a review into allegations that Representative Matt Gaetz may have engaged in sexual misconduct and/or illicit drug use, shared inappropriate images or videos on the House floor, misused state identification records, converted campaign funds to personal use, and/or accepted a bribe, improper gratuity, or impermissible gift, in violation of House Rules, laws, or other standards of conduct. The Committee deferred its consideration of the matter in response to a request from the Department of Justice (DOJ). In May 2023, the Committee reauthorized its investigation after DOJ withdrew its deferral request.

There has been a significant and unusual amount of public reporting on the Committee’s activities this Congress. Much of that reporting has been inaccurate. The Committee’s investigations are conducted confidentially, but the Committee’s confidentiality rules do not prohibit witnesses from disclosing information about the Committee’s requests or conversations with Committee investigators. The Committee is confident in the integrity of its process.

Representative Gaetz has categorically denied all of the allegations before the Committee. Notwithstanding the difficulty in obtaining relevant information from Representative Gaetz and others, the Committee has spoken with more than a dozen witnesses, issued 25 subpoenas, and reviewed thousands of pages of documents in this matter. Based on its review to date, the Committee has determined that certain of the allegations merit continued review. During the course of its investigation, the Committee has also identified additional allegations that merit review.

Accordingly, the Committee is reviewing allegations pursuant to Committee Rules 14(a)(3) and 18(a) that Representative Gaetz may have: engaged in sexual misconduct and illicit drug use, accepted improper gifts, dispensed special privileges and favors to individuals with whom he had a personal relationship, and sought to obstruct government investigations of his conduct. The Committee will take no further action at this time on the allegations that he may have shared inappropriate images or videos on the House floor, misused state identification records, converted campaign funds to personal use, and/or accepted a bribe or improper gratuity.

The Committee notes that the mere fact of an investigation into these allegations does not itself indicate that any violation has occurred. No other public comment will be made on this matter except in accordance with Committee rules.


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3e8cf9 No.21650235


75 days after the election fuck this shit.

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8f878c No.21650237

File: d51148eca76d2ca⋯.png (132.82 KB,474x400,237:200,th_2024_09_24T112259_513.png)

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0b6595 No.21650238


the feds are panicking.

not surprised.


the process is the punishment.

tick tock

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60b064 No.21650239

President Trump: You know, someone said the other day, if she [Harris] won, you literally may not have another election. This could be your last election…if this communist gets in to be president, if she's the president of our country, we're gonna have problems, the likes of which this country has never had. And once you have those problems, it never comes back. You don't see them coming back. They never come back.

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a533d3 No.21650240

File: 1724b3f59331594⋯.png (13.93 KB,396x214,198:107,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 82410eafc8bc6e2⋯.png (48.84 KB,396x762,66:127,ClipboardImage.png)

>fantasy land


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d0649d No.21650241

File: a6acf226b8ca836⋯.jpeg (1.45 MB,1620x1847,1620:1847,IMG_3466.jpeg)


Finally, there are questions about whether a president may theoretically pardon himself. There is no court precedent on that exact question. The Department of Justice's prevailing view, however, appears to be no.


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7a207a No.21650242

File: af7d469493c3938⋯.png (175.57 KB,650x365,130:73,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8b8e90406d0a178⋯.png (393.37 KB,970x706,485:353,ClipboardImage.png)

NASA’s Perseverance Mars rover is enroute to conduct 1st crater rim study at 'Dox Castle'

September 23, 2024

NASA's Perseverance Mars rover will soon encounter rare rubble dumped on the Red Planet by an ancient asteroid impact, kicking off a new phase of science observations as the rover continues its arduous trek to the western edge of Jezero Crater.

Scientists working on the mission announced last week that Perseverance is enroute to Dox Castle, a patch of Jezero Crater whose rocks may have been dumped by the asteroid impact that carved the crater out.

Jezero Crater is a dried ancient lakebed that Perseverance has been studying since 2021, searching for signs of ancient microbial life.

Searing heat from the asteroid strike that created this crater may have invigorated fluids that circulated through fractures in the area.

The process would have been similar to how particle-laden fluids ooze out of hydrothermal vents rooted on seafloors here on Earth.

And, importantly, signatures of any life that formed in and around those vents may still be preserved in the region's rocks, scientists think.

Dox Castle also sits between what’s known as the “Margin Unit” that lines the inside of the crater rim and the rim itself, offering scientists a rare opportunity to study ancient, asteroid-impacted rocks strewn in the transitioning region and piece together the Red Planet’s layered history.

"Dox Castle will be our first chance to do rim science," Margaret Deahn, a Ph.D. candidate at Indiana's Purdue University who is involved with mapping the rover's ongoing journey to the crater rim, wrote in a recent news release.

"With the Perseverance rover we have the potential to explore some of the oldest exposed rocks on the planet."

The rover began its months-long climb to the crater rim in mid-August as part of a bonus trek after fulfilling its original science goals.

The ongoing journey is an effort to study a vastly different, and much older, region than what Perseverance has been exploring so far.

The rover will also collect samples to fill its remaining 13 sample tubes — specimens that will hopefully be brought back to Earth someday if and when NASA’s Mars Sample Return mission reaches fruition.

The rover has already dropped a backup of previously collected samples on the Jezero crater floor, where they await pickup by the ambitious program whose troubled architecture and budget is still being ironed out by NASA and the European Space Agency.

Perseverance is now following a route planned by its team of scientists and engineers, who were astonished there was even a viable route toward Dox Castle the rover could drive along.

While its path was crafted based on orbital images, the rover is relying on its automatic navigation system to keep it safe as it maneuvers unseen hurdles on 23-degree rocky slopes and gains a total of 1,000 feet (300 meters) — its most challenging ascent yet.

The system, named AutoNav appears to have kept the rover from drifting even as its view got increasingly hazy after a local dust storm struck late last month.

Scientists hope the Martian skies clear up soon, because they expect spectacular views of the crater floor and Jezero delta and equally insightful science when Perseverance completes its ascent.

"Our rover is in excellent condition, and the team is raring to see what's on the roof of this place," Art Thompson said in an earlier statement.


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062c6c No.21650243

File: 93a8172a59cce2e⋯.png (306.5 KB,802x561,802:561,ClipboardImage.png)

Clowns wrote the letter

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b42160 No.21650244


october surprise ready to engage

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b74db4 No.21650245

File: c57384a6f4d1bcc⋯.png (866.68 KB,768x384,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)


The UN Just Adopted the “Pact for the Future” Which Lays the Foundation for a New “Global Order”

While everyone was distracted, the global elite got exactly what they wanted. The UN adopted the “Pact


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0b6595 No.21650246

File: f1cbbc78ce4d95d⋯.png (270.38 KB,843x500,843:500,ClipboardImage.png)


so dumb.

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744756 No.21650247

File: 0b92af84e630d45⋯.png (323.98 KB,844x467,844:467,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9ccf7ff42872b3b⋯.png (685.46 KB,836x471,836:471,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8c77bcad251df50⋯.png (540.31 KB,832x472,104:59,ClipboardImage.png)

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77bb84 No.21650248

Son of suspected would-be Trump assassin arrested on child porn charges


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328821 No.21650249

always blasting YMCA

what does this mean Anons?

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b74db4 No.21650250

File: ff04690f238731a⋯.png (843.76 KB,768x471,256:157,ClipboardImage.png)

The UN Adopts The “Pact For The Future” Which Lays The Foundation For A New Global Order. "We cannot create a future fit for our grandchildren with a system built by our grandparents. A powerful fusion of innovation, data, digital, foresight & behavioral science skills & culture. Quintet of Change."

Instead, the headlines urged us to just keep focusing on Kamala Harris and Donald Trump.


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062c6c No.21650251

‘Peace’ has become a swear word – Hungarian FM

Those calling for diplomatic solutions are being stigmatized, attacked and criticized, Peter Szijjarto has said

Humanity could be faced with two “sad” scenarios if tensions keep mounting: the outbreak of a Third World War or the world again being divided into blocs, he warned.

The question now is whether such outcomes could be avoided and “whether the global pro-peace majority can ensure that the word ‘peace’ is not used as a swear word in international politics,” the foreign minister stressed.

"European politicians usually argue in favor of diplomacy and peaceful solutions to certain wars if they are far away from Europe, but nowadays, unfortunately, a war is going on in Europe, and those who argue in favor of peace are immediately stigmatized, attacked and criticized,” he said.


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0b6595 No.21650252


don't give up

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0d60aa No.21650253

File: f2ba23c17fdd3a3⋯.jpg (240.03 KB,640x800,4:5,8akfmxwjf7f81.jpg)

gay fag pierces inflated berlinur viel

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e24841 No.21650254

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Trump explaining the time Hillary asked him to pardon her…


>Can the President Pardon Himself?

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3e8cf9 No.21650255


trolling someone

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9de08e No.21650256

File: fac08da1574312f⋯.mp4 (438.47 KB,640x352,20:11,ssstwitter_com_17272024700….mp4)

Trump speech in NC.

plus, plus, plus, that's what I say.

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3e8cf9 No.21650257


functional alcoholic, fuck thought today was the day.

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41ac96 No.21650258

last call


#26514 >>21649473

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>21649544, >>21649593, >>21649995 RSBN Trump Delivers Remarks on the Tax Code and Manufacturing in Savannah, GA - 9/24/24

>>21649920 @DanScavino President Trump is 🛬 in the Great State of Georgia. #TRUMP2024

>>21649978, >>21649979, >>21649983, >>21649985, >>21649993 Opening Speakers at Trump Savannah Rally

>>21650017, >>21650021, >>21650022, >>21650025, >>21650031, >>21650036, >>21650044, >>21650059, >>21650062, >>21650071, >>21650098, >>21650107, >>21650125, >>21650149, >>21650180, >>21650189, >>21650214, >>21650239 POTUS Rally Quotes

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>21649528, >>21649702, >>21649712, >>21649801, >>21650185 Oran Alexander Routh son of would - be assassin #2 Ryan Routh arrested on child porn charges

>>21649529 Today in Q Post History we have 11 Deltas

>>21649556 Trump's Rescue Mission - Savng America is the film (you) need to see

>>21649567 Digital Soldiers - Join The Digital Battle: Information Warfare

>>21649572, >>21649582, >>21649674, >>21650119 Diddy bun

>>21649597 Kamala Harris Plotted to Stop Me Getting a Job, Kimberly Guilfoyle Says

>>21649609, >>21649637, >>21649708, >>21649751, >>21649752, >>21649872, >>21649936, >>21649938, >>21649944, >>21649965, >>21650039, >>21650081, >>21650160, >>21650161, >>21650199, >>21650242 NASA

>>21649638, >>21649641 Biden, Addressing U.N., Will Argue His Vision Has ‘Produced Results’

>>21649649 Johnny Cash will receive a statue in his honor in the United States capitol

>>21649675 Gunshots fired into Democrat party office in Arizona

>>21649692, >>21649864, >>21650114, >>21650124, >>21650127, >>21650130 Habbenings in and of the Swamp

>>21649709, >>21649976 Only 41 DAYS TO WINNING

>>21649732 Donald Trump on Apprentice - Trolling Former Employee of Diddy "he's a good guy, IS he a good guy?"

>>21649759 Papi Trumpo Kek CRY MORE, LIBS!!!

>>21649894 SEC Chair Gary Gensler testifies before the House Financial Services Committee

>>21649766, >>21649930 Krass keeps running the same unevolving poll. Collecting something else maybe?

>>21649966 David Joseph is stepping down as Chairman/CEO of Universal Music UK after nearly 17 years

>>21650076 QClock September 23, 2024 - Q PROOF - Got Popcorn

>>21650099 Potato delivers remarks at the Global Coalition to Address Synthetic Drug Threats

>>21650151 FCC just fast-tracked George Soros' purchase of 220+ radio stations before November's election

>>21650206 Fugitive Aspen investor Daniel Burrell was arrested on Nantucket Friday morning

>>21650208 UOCAVA opens the door to unlimited foreign voter voting

>>21650231 Missouri v. Biden Back to Trial Court, Govt. Wants to Wholesale Censor all Social Media Posts

>>21650234 Matt GAETZ is under investigation for ethics violations

>>21650241, >>21650254 Can A President Pardon Himself?

>>21650245, >>21650250 The UN Just Adopted the “Pact for the Future” Which Lays the Foundation for a New “Global Order”

>>21649546, >>21649589, >>21649630, >>21649766, >>21649832, >>21649836, >>21649849, >>21650032, >>21650043, MEMES

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ff3a8a No.21650259

Stupid and repugnant idiot cunt

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3b47ad No.21650260


very nice notes baker


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f55f7a No.21650261

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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00f5a5 No.21650262


I shall.

Thank you.


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6f1c85 No.21650263

Ransom, homeschool, and drive-by commentary

September 24, 2024 . 1:31 PM 10 min read

Hey everybody,

Today is the Feast of Our Lady of Mercy, and you’re reading The Tuesday Pillar Post.

If you’re not familiar with today’s feast, you should know that it was until the post-conciliar known as the Feast of Our Lady of Ransom — and it commemorated the Mercedarian order, which was founded in the 1200s to ransom Christian captives held by kidnappers in North Africa.

See, it was a pretty common occurrence in medieval southern Europe that Christians would be kidnapped by pirates or mercenaries during skirmishes between Christian Spanish forces and the Moor states of North Africa.


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744756 No.21650264

File: 5c2aa81145ff256⋯.png (381.48 KB,456x458,228:229,ClipboardImage.png)

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d0649d No.21650265


It’s not lawfare, Auntie Nancy Pelosi heald off this particular investigation to protect GAETZ!

Why is Joel serving 11 years and GaETZ is not?


Previous reports have revealed details of ex-politician and Gaetz friend Joel Greenberg’s confession letter that was never made public, which described how Gaetz would allegedly pay him to arrange several sexual encounters with young women — including a 17-year-old girl. Greenberg is serving an 11-year prison sentence for a list of charges, including fraud and sex trafficking with a child.

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9de08e No.21650266

Retired NY Judge kills self at home as FBI arrive to arrest him.

ByAaron Katersky, ABC News WABC logo

Tuesday, September 24, 2024 1:47PM

CAMPBELL HALL, New York – A former prosecutor and retired judge in Orange County, NY killed himself Tuesday as the FBI arrived at his home to arrest him.

Authorities arrived at Stewart Rosenwasser's home in Campbell Hall to arrest him as part of a corruption case, law enforcement sources told ABC News.

Rosenwasser had been under investigation for taking bribes.

It appears there was an exchange of gunfire at the suspect's home, according to the FBI, which the following statement:

"The FBI is reviewing an agent-involved shooting that occurred earlier this morning in Campbell Hall, NY. The FBI takes all shooting incidents involving our agents seriously. In accordance with FBI policy, the shooting incident is under review by the FBI's Inspection Division. As this is an ongoing matter, we have no further details to provide."


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266df5 No.21650267

File: a58fff442b5f8f0⋯.png (2.62 MB,996x1328,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)

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f1b8d6 No.21650268

File: b2727fafccb63f8⋯.mp4 (1.41 MB,1366x768,683:384,1.mp4)

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5303e2 No.21650269


Circular Lawfare

Round and round we go, time to relitigate the litigation

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266df5 No.21650270


i've never seen a paisley pool toy before.

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062c6c No.21650271

File: 0a36796387f5094⋯.png (653.68 KB,770x645,154:129,ClipboardImage.png)

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0b6595 No.21650272

File: 9a30ba8d1f92d95⋯.mp4 (7.18 MB,406x720,203:360,the_storm.mp4)


guess what.

don't care.

wanna explain diddy now.





clowns, pedophilia, adrenochrome, pizzagate.

child sacrifice.


fuck of with this shit.

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654375 No.21650273

Ah sheeeeit.

Anon just got back home and missed the Trump rally!

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ff3a8a No.21650274

Dollar Store fuck sled

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9de08e No.21650275

File: 3695b8a086748e7⋯.jpg (8.22 KB,225x225,1:1,images.jpg)


Go back to Mac Donald's where you belong.

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f1b8d6 No.21650276

File: 0335f3105c3806a⋯.gif (1.9 MB,360x202,180:101,Trumpdancing.gif)

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a533d3 No.21650277

File: 204930b5e5f3f7f⋯.png (73.63 KB,499x813,499:813,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 683a5cf4177c504⋯.png (74.06 KB,543x861,181:287,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 19dee640492fd51⋯.png (34.75 KB,471x458,471:458,ClipboardImage.png)


Y = Y-heads


M=13 C=3 A=1 13+3+1=17

potus is saying q and the boys finna fuck the cult up at the end of the movie

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c87c04 No.21650278


I told you she’s going to be President. It’s so obvious to me.

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744756 No.21650279

File: 7667fdc6bcce821⋯.jpg (6.93 KB,234x216,13:12,potus_frog_chin.jpg)

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01d9d5 No.21650280

File: 87286c81afc7ebd⋯.png (191.88 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


What did the FBI want all that baby oil for?

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d3b0f5 No.21650281

Is there a reason you guys are so gay?

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01d9d5 No.21650283

File: c2681d8138d1eb3⋯.png (718.62 KB,768x961,768:961,ClipboardImage.png)

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c87c04 No.21650284

Trump signed up for 4 years and then 4 years of grift and lies about eket

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f55f7a No.21650285


Exactly, it's game over for your gay cult of freemasons.

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b74db4 No.21650286

File: 279cabb703eaf57⋯.png (4.79 MB,1748x1908,437:477,ClipboardImage.png)

The Failed Assassins Pedo Kid Looks Exactly How You Thought He Would

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3b47ad No.21650287

File: e00e62e6a389d67⋯.png (94.99 KB,500x711,500:711,ClipboardImage.png)

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e0561e No.21650288

File: 4396027127763ba⋯.png (3.48 MB,2256x1263,752:421,ClipboardImage.png)

WHOA!!! This is a good one. Diddy and other defendant raped this girl and distributed the videos of it.

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3b47ad No.21650289

File: 801b026c2862f3d⋯.png (466.38 KB,779x436,779:436,ClipboardImage.png)

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48cb16 No.21650290


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3b47ad No.21650291

File: 5c5703d6031c5f8⋯.png (793.5 KB,1180x842,590:421,ClipboardImage.png)

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3e8cf9 No.21650292


clothes on the floor adult or child

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01d9d5 No.21650293



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744756 No.21650294

File: de7f91781bdc895⋯.jpg (69.82 KB,1073x530,1073:530,TopKun_the_need_for_truth.jpg)

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3b47ad No.21650295

File: fce0eed94ff02ba⋯.png (704.28 KB,692x924,173:231,ClipboardImage.png)

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0b6595 No.21650296

File: 9fad9475c3b5101⋯.mp4 (122.07 KB,260x210,26:21,8hrc1c.mp4)

File: 399e5aaea544a16⋯.mp4 (9.86 MB,580x354,290:177,fight_video.mp4)

File: 56fb2483d8ba926⋯.gif (4.3 MB,498x280,249:140,flag_eagle.gif)


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c7a5f0 No.21650297

File: f18280a3e31c1b1⋯.jpg (87.03 KB,600x600,1:1,ZomboMeme_24092024023406.jpg)

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3b47ad No.21650298

File: 30b4626e754ace7⋯.png (441.55 KB,598x711,598:711,ClipboardImage.png)

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edc681 No.21650299

File: 321ecc65151f745⋯.jpeg (985.4 KB,1334x1760,667:880,IMG_0324.jpeg)



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b74db4 No.21650300

File: d5daaf53b7034ff⋯.png (696.17 KB,589x780,589:780,ClipboardImage.png)

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edc681 No.21650301

File: 2df5187620b6ed1⋯.mp4 (281.82 KB,540x540,1:1,YT_JC90yasdlYVxO.mp4)

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3b47ad No.21650302

File: 3cda82c88d00a22⋯.png (2.11 MB,1273x806,1273:806,ClipboardImage.png)

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5adb93 No.21650303


if vaginal puss was a person

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3b47ad No.21650304

File: 887be038c551c1c⋯.png (993.84 KB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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01d9d5 No.21650305

File: b77771fae516348⋯.png (155.89 KB,1486x624,743:312,ClipboardImage.png)

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b74db4 No.21650306



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f65d7a No.21650307


[Pacts don't override sovereignty]

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3b47ad No.21650308

File: 51760e8b78faeb5⋯.mp4 (4.03 MB,720x1280,9:16,trumpmusk.mp4)

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edc681 No.21650309

File: 799504306c640fe⋯.jpeg (444.46 KB,916x642,458:321,IMG_0326.jpeg)

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01d9d5 No.21650310


Rosenwasser was wanted in connection with a bribery case, in which he was accused of taking $48,000 from a man to prosecute the man’s sister and nephew, according to the Times-Union. He worked in the Orange County District Attorney’s Office at the time.

Mout’z “Marty” Soudani paid Rosenwasser on several occasions throughout 2022 and 2023, according to private and public investigators. The FBI was handling the case against Soudani and Rosenwasser, which was brought to light by Soudani’s sister, Eman, and nephew, Martin.

“This case may present the most blatant example of prosecutorial corruption and fraud in the annals of New York case law,” Eman and Martin Soudani claimed, according to the Times-Union.

Mout’z Soudani accused his sister and nephew of stealing $1.9 million from him in October 2022. Martin Soudani eventually pleaded guilty to swiping $1.6 million from his uncle and served two months in prison. The charges against Eman Soudani were dropped.


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f65d7a No.21650311


[Not every country has the 4th ammendment]

Including us… ~1999.

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5303e2 No.21650312

Juanita Broaddrick


Retired Judge Stewart Rosenwasser kills self at Campbell Hall, Orange County home as FBI arrive to arrest him -



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3b47ad No.21650313

File: 5a2c9aae1a354f2⋯.png (17.36 KB,375x375,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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527b6e No.21650314


is nice

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062c6c No.21650315

File: 961de050f3ae9c5⋯.png (57.56 KB,599x652,599:652,ClipboardImage.png)

Pfizer-Made Depo-Provera Tied to Elevated Risk of Certain Brain Cancers

Turns out Pfizer owns the female body.

A study published recently by top medical journal, the British Medical Journal shows that a popular birth control drug marketed to women known as “Depo,” has been shown to be associated with elevated risk of brain tumor called intracranial meningioma.

Pfizer, the manufacturer of Depo-Provera, has had to publicly disclose numerous problems with the drug, including its association with the following:


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b74db4 No.21650316


>Retired Judge Stewart Rosenwasser kills self at Campbell Hall, Orange County home as FBI arrive to arrest him -

CAMPBELL HALL, New York (WABC) – A former prosecutor and retired judge in Orange County, NY killed himself Tuesday as the FBI arrived at his home to arrest him.

Authorities arrived at Stewart Rosenwasser's home in Campbell Hall to arrest him as part of a corruption case, law enforcement sources told ABC News.

Rosenwasser had been under investigation for taking bribes.

It appears there was an exchange of gunfire at the suspect's home, according to the FBI, which the following statement:

"The FBI is reviewing an agent-involved shooting that occurred earlier this morning in Campbell Hall, NY. The FBI takes all shooting incidents involving our agents seriously. In accordance with FBI policy, the shooting incident is under review by the FBI's Inspection Division. As this is an ongoing matter, we have no further details to provide."

Rosenwasser has been charged with abusing the authority of his job at the Orange County DA's office by accepting $63,000 in bribe payments to investigate and prosecute two individuals who are related to the man who allegedly paid the bribes, Mout'z Soudani.


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374d9c No.21650317


Oh goody!

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e24841 No.21650318

File: 7752a25a34add0e⋯.jpeg (168.19 KB,596x1613,596:1613,4005_Star_Wars_chat.jpeg)

File: 552e995a1d7c60a⋯.png (70.08 KB,829x297,829:297,3602_Rebellion_or_Empire_.png)

File: 5fe1e5747b65b41⋯.png (152.95 KB,795x751,795:751,4000_comms_starwars_com_Re….png)

File: 8085e1a05753a75⋯.png (632.75 KB,1179x762,393:254,4004_Anons_Impressive_most….png)

File: 2cdbe56ad91bb89⋯.png (426.15 KB,1222x767,94:59,4005_S_comms_Just_like_you….png)

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527b6e No.21650319


took sum bribes, eh.

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b74db4 No.21650320

File: df902308072ed5e⋯.png (909.54 KB,650x714,325:357,ClipboardImage.png)




>Oh goody!

Scam Likely!

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062c6c No.21650321

File: 33c2a192bbfd4ca⋯.png (404.72 KB,720x515,144:103,ClipboardImage.png)

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8ff510 No.21650322

We already won… This is the deprogramming phase…

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266df5 No.21650323

File: 99b4ff003463990⋯.png (704.3 KB,600x597,200:199,ClipboardImage.png)

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266df5 No.21650324

File: 247efe306177786⋯.png (387.08 KB,450x601,450:601,ClipboardImage.png)

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01d9d5 No.21650325


[They] don't want this attention on their treason.

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79a311 No.21650326

File: fbf908214b44f8f⋯.png (3.89 MB,1200x1614,200:269,rapino.png)

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b74db4 No.21650327

File: 61556f5a3027a6d⋯.png (821.97 KB,526x577,526:577,ClipboardImage.png)


>We already won… This is the deprogramming phase…

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6f1c85 No.21650328

3:00 PM EDT

Maintenance of peace and security of Ukraine - Security Council, 9729th meeting - Maintenance of peace and security of Ukraine.

United Nations



3:00 PM EDT

Secretary Antony J. Blinken participates in a UN Security Council Ministerial Meeting on Ukraine

New York City, New York




3:00 PM EDT

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky Addresses U.N. Security Council

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky addresses the U.N. Security Council in New York City amid his country’s ongoing war with Russia.


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b74db4 No.21650329

File: 0f3e3c431d28cef⋯.png (1.89 MB,1000x1236,250:309,ClipboardImage.png)


>took sum bribes, eh.

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3e8cf9 No.21650330

File: dc79379a8fa279e⋯.png (1.19 MB,750x1334,375:667,16DEE274_908D_4791_A7B6_80….png)

File: 1bfe926a676ac7f⋯.png (52.1 KB,690x674,345:337,D638FDA8_8257_4A74_BE0A_DC….png)

File: ea2ef7aa45001a5⋯.png (640.16 KB,690x1674,115:279,0CC56E8B_EFDB_4227_94E9_DD….png)

File: d78dc60dda6c070⋯.png (71.59 KB,690x806,345:403,1D16B951_7CCA_4145_9653_0F….png)

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d0649d No.21650331

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


In two late-night Venmo transactions in May 2018, Rep. Matt Gaetz sent his friend, the accused sex trafficker Joel Greenberg, $900. The next morning, over the course of eight minutes, Greenberg used the same app to send three young women varying sums of money. In total, the transactions amounted to $900.

The memo field for the first of Gaetz’s transactions to Greenberg was titled “Test.” In the second, the Florida GOP congressman wrote “hit up ___.” But instead of a blank, Gaetz wrote a nickname for one of the recipients. (The Daily Beast is not sharing that nickname because the teenager had only turned 18 less than six months before.) When Greenberg then made his Venmo payments to these three young women, he described the money as being for “Tuition,” “School,” and “School.”

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3db65e No.21650332


I'd like to see the Perverts go back into their closets. But then we wouldn't be able to identify them and keep our kids away from them.

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8ff510 No.21650333


I need some sauce on that.


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e0561e No.21650334


if he's guilty, lock him up.

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3e8cf9 No.21650335

File: b8f5bc5d0589b5f⋯.png (1.19 MB,750x1334,375:667,E7AD8D56_10AA_44F7_AA25_26….png)

File: 3a50b69f27c3a2a⋯.png (61.1 KB,690x674,345:337,BC416D96_4709_47B5_9832_7D….png)

File: 759a84a41c2d807⋯.png (1.87 MB,690x4018,345:2009,6701BC36_F530_4AD8_A718_71….png)

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01d9d5 No.21650336

File: ab975cd9867538c⋯.png (85.17 KB,284x177,284:177,ClipboardImage.png)

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60634b No.21650337


how did sticky

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41ac96 No.21650338

File: e1c458ef7630a84⋯.png (315.52 KB,550x330,5:3,Screenshot_2024_06_18_at_2….png)

File: 58f2b6e437f8c11⋯.png (292.43 KB,565x560,113:112,58f2b6e437f8c11e6e6746834a….png)



#26514 >>21649473

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>21649544, >>21649593, >>21649995, >>21650268 RSBN Trump Delivers Remarks on the Tax Code and Manufacturing in Savannah, GA - 9/24/24

>>21649920 @DanScavino President Trump is 🛬 in the Great State of Georgia. #TRUMP2024

>>21649978, >>21649979, >>21649983, >>21649985, >>21649993 Opening Speakers at Trump Savannah Rally

>>21650017, >>21650021, >>21650022, >>21650025, >>21650031, >>21650036, >>21650044, >>21650059, >>21650062, >>21650071, >>21650098, >>21650107, >>21650125, >>21650149, >>21650180, >>21650189, >>21650214, >>21650239 POTUS Rally Quotes

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>21649528, >>21649702, >>21649712, >>21649801, >>21650185 Oran Alexander Routh son of would - be assassin #2 Ryan Routh arrested on child porn charges

>>21649529 Today in Q Post History we have 11 Deltas

>>21649556 Trump's Rescue Mission - Savng America is the film (you) need to see

>>21649567 Digital Soldiers - Join The Digital Battle: Information Warfare

>>21649572, >>21649582, >>21649674, >>21650119 Diddy bun

>>21649597 Kamala Harris Plotted to Stop Me Getting a Job, Kimberly Guilfoyle Says

>>21649609, >>21649637, >>21649708, >>21649751, >>21649752, >>21649872, >>21649936, >>21649938, >>21649944, >>21649965, >>21650039, >>21650081, >>21650160, >>21650161, >>21650199, >>21650242 NASA

>>21649638, >>21649641 Biden, Addressing U.N., Will Argue His Vision Has ‘Produced Results’

>>21649649 Johnny Cash will receive a statue in his honor in the United States capitol

>>21649675 Gunshots fired into Democrat party office in Arizona

>>21649692, >>21649864, >>21650114, >>21650124, >>21650127, >>21650130, >>21650328 Habbenings in and of the Swamp

>>21649709, >>21649976 Only 41 DAYS TO WINNING

>>21649732 Donald Trump on Apprentice - Trolling Former Employee of Diddy "he's a good guy, IS he a good guy?"

>>21649759 Papi Trumpo Kek CRY MORE, LIBS!!!

>>21649894 SEC Chair Gary Gensler testifies before the House Financial Services Committee

>>21649766, >>21649930 Krass keeps running the same unevolving poll. Collecting something else maybe?

>>21649966 David Joseph is stepping down as Chairman/CEO of Universal Music UK after nearly 17 years

>>21650076 QClock September 23, 2024 - Q PROOF - Got Popcorn

>>21650099 Potato delivers remarks at the Global Coalition to Address Synthetic Drug Threats

>>21650151, >>21650299 FCC just fast-tracked George Soros' purchase of 220+ radio stations before November's election

>>21650206 Fugitive Aspen investor Daniel Burrell was arrested on Nantucket Friday morning

>>21650208 UOCAVA opens the door to unlimited foreign voter voting

>>21650231 Missouri v. Biden Back to Trial Court, Govt. Wants to Wholesale Censor all Social Media Posts

>>21650234 Matt GAETZ is under investigation for ethics violations

>>21650241, >>21650254 Can A President Pardon Himself?

>>21650245, >>21650250 The UN Just Adopted the “Pact for the Future” Which Lays the Foundation for a New “Global Order”

>>21650266, >>21650310 Retired NY Judge kills self at home as FBI arrive to arrest him

>>21649546, >>21649589, >>21649630, >>21649766, >>21649832, >>21649836, >>21649849, >>21650032, >>21650043, >>21650298 MEMES

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60634b No.21650341

File: e4c93a104b5d228⋯.png (20.62 KB,672x102,112:17,ClipboardImage.png)

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e5bb8d No.21650343

File: ba49198fafd6cb8⋯.png (774.51 KB,1248x936,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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79a311 No.21650344

File: bcf2e0a7d22464a⋯.png (908.14 KB,941x723,941:723,huma.png)

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60634b No.21650345


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3db65e No.21650347


So the Left is attacking the Right and in doing so are incriminating themselves.

Is that the movie?

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41ac96 No.21650348

File: e7d949779edd6f5⋯.jpg (6.02 KB,240x240,1:1,e7d949779edd6f51284980fb41….jpg)

File: 52d2ac9fad05aee⋯.jpg (9.87 KB,255x168,85:56,52d2ac9fad05aeece27f4b2176….jpg)

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266df5 No.21650356

File: 5af5017463537ea⋯.png (165.16 KB,1992x1249,1992:1249,ClipboardImage.png)



i wonder what that's about…?

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f65d7a No.21650357


>p Diddy


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79a311 No.21650360


therefore, Canadian intelligence is Mossad, Israeli Intelligence.

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41ac96 No.21650368

File: 3dae6110780fef6⋯.png (1.51 MB,1398x734,699:367,3dae6110780fef6c78b9ad7b58….png)

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41ac96 No.21650370

File: ef68f788c60b1b2⋯.jpg (293.82 KB,800x800,1:1,SA.jpg)

File: bf7832eff40e09c⋯.png (1.3 MB,891x786,297:262,Screenshot_2024_07_22_at_1….png)

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60634b No.21650376


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534626 No.21650377

File: a9d11c9c0bcf1d1⋯.png (687.75 KB,888x499,888:499,ClipboardImage.png)

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3b47ad No.21650380


migrate, locked

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