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File: 62371bc6f24b6db⋯.jpeg (115.81 KB,600x335,120:67,iwoqr11.jpeg)

e1c34b No.21660177 [View All]

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a90dc2 No.21661319

File: 49983995bf68b7b⋯.jpg (27.94 KB,300x360,5:6,bobbyfischer.jpg)


taking the life force of other living beings to sustain your own is vampirism, is it not?

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3663c9 No.21661320

File: 653f8be1e02db70⋯.png (214.53 KB,572x460,143:115,Screenshot_from_2024_09_26….png)

File: af1e48cb8f7289e⋯.png (157.28 KB,737x646,737:646,Screenshot_from_2024_09_26….png)

File: 3e9849f3b1323f8⋯.png (18.36 KB,381x127,3:1,Screenshot_from_2024_09_26….png)

File: fe477aa76747fd4⋯.png (450.74 KB,1205x574,1205:574,Screenshot_2024_09_26_at_1….png)

File: a473199f25aec34⋯.png (415.76 KB,725x455,145:91,cornwell.png)



>Nice dig anon.


>Nice dig anon.


Ruscha Art

Art Deco

> Completed in 1932, it was one of severalArt Deco-style telecommunications buildings designed by Ralph Thomas Walker of Voorhees, Gmelin and Walker in the early 20th century. 32 Avenue of the Americas spans the entire block bounded by Walker Street, Lispenard Street, Church Street, and Avenue of the Americas (also known as Sixth Avenue).

"Pop Art"



Edward Joseph Ruscha IV is an American artistassociated with the pop art movement.He has worked in the media of painting, printmaking, drawing, photography, and film. He is also noted for creating several artist's books. Ruscha lives and works in Culver City, California. Wikipedia

Born: 1937 (age 86 years), Omaha, NE

Spouse: Danna Knego (m. 1987), Danna Knego (m. 1967–1972)

Known for: Painting, photography, printmaking, film, book art

Award: Guggenheim Fellowship (1971)

Parents: Edward Ruscha, Sr., Dorothy Ruscha

Education: Chouinard Art Institute

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bb8fd6 No.21661321

File: 13c69f8e56a3132⋯.png (1.05 MB,1662x886,831:443,01a.png)

File: d914d01834e25d4⋯.jpg (71.47 KB,736x981,736:981,3z2.jpg)

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3eba2c No.21661322

File: b5d0896fb3dc786⋯.png (1.25 MB,736x736,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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bb8fd6 No.21661323



1 2345 6789 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

Donald J. Trump



Sep 15, 2024,10:44AM


Apr 06, 2018 3:22:28 PM EDT

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 03213a No. 922237

Apr 06, 2018 3:17:40 PM EDT

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 03213a No. 922142


Pics will surface of Hussein holding AK47 in tribal attire.

One of many.

Net shut down.



Fake pic push by MSM.

Videos / backup.

Google kill.

YouTube kill.

FB kill.

Twitter kill.

Yahoo kill.

Bing kill.

Instagram kill.

Net will be paused.


On the clock.





Donald J. Trump



Sep 15, 2024, 10:44 AM


Mar 10, 2018 1:00:21 PM EST

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 88957f No. 613164

Mar 10, 2018 12:59:21 PM EST

Anonymous ID: 10998f No. 613143


In 2013, documents leaked by the former NSA contractor Edward Snowden revealed the existence of numerous surveillance programs jointly operated by the Five Eyes. The following list includes several notable examples reported in the media:

PRISM – Operated by the NSA together with the GCHQ and the ASD[53][54]

XKeyscore – Operated by the NSA with contributions from the ASD and the GCSB[55]

Tempora – Operated by the GCHQ with contributions from the NSA[56][57]

MUSCULAR – Operated by the GCHQ and the NSA[58]

STATEROOM – Operated by the ASD, CIA, CSE, GCHQ, and NSA[59]

https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Five_Eyes


Interesting, isn’t it?


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6b48ce No.21661324


Marine with a massive set of balls.

That works for me.

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0a74de No.21661325

File: 94b2c4040f4e605⋯.png (642.98 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240926_112036.png)

File: 39708ea734fecff⋯.png (121.86 KB,766x1470,383:735,1046_4_.png)

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bb8fd6 No.21661326

File: 7b5ce5d9fa1ad9f⋯.png (422.65 KB,1357x2459,1357:2459,00nsf4a.png)

File: 44b60bb5d688ed6⋯.png (1.09 MB,687x1392,229:464,00nsf4aa.png)

File: f03915456796fd5⋯.png (386 KB,398x806,199:403,00nsf4ab.png)

File: e7f1ffaf8607d6c⋯.png (1.01 MB,1323x1101,441:367,00nsf4ac.png)

File: 38140b4765e44a9⋯.png (452.37 KB,805x828,35:36,0_Q_3914.png)





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3663c9 No.21661327



>the AT&T Long Lines Building, AT&T Building, or 32 Sixth Avenue)

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186793 No.21661328

File: 2696a1e00a5243e⋯.png (60.64 KB,715x412,715:412,AmericaFirst.png)

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74b3f4 No.21661329


I see clearly that I included the timestamp asshole

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894c48 No.21661330


Anon is not raycist but…there's a schitt ton of black folks going down in media and government. A schitt ton!

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312f00 No.21661331


>>>>oh no



>>>>oh no



>>>>oh no



>>>>oh no



>>>>oh no


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bb8fd6 No.21661332

File: 7d57b046f39ad0c⋯.gif (188.43 KB,158x156,79:78,00000HERRR.gif)




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3eba2c No.21661333

File: a974c0b0701d311⋯.png (553.45 KB,736x857,736:857,ClipboardImage.png)

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7a8698 No.21661334


Animals do the same though anon. Raccoons out here will bite the head off your chickens and suck their blood dry. Just like the coyotes will then eat those raccoons.

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bb8fd6 No.21661335

File: 486e9c3310df986⋯.png (1.45 MB,1413x763,1413:763,0000crya.png)

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776634 No.21661336


there were many in the public eye, that were meant to corral the masses, so, there's that.

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380ca5 No.21661337

File: b1bf47b5e9ecb57⋯.jpg (74.94 KB,1290x1096,645:548,20240926_182355.jpg)


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5dd8bc No.21661338




I will eat beef. You guys can eat bugs and plants.

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25f14d No.21661339

File: 15fdcd0e6a85189⋯.png (425.88 KB,762x682,381:341,ClipboardImage.png)

House GOP Says It Can't Find Nathan Wade Amid Fani Willis Probe

Updated Sep 26, 2024 at 10:59 AM EDT

The House Judiciary Committee has been unable to locate former Fulton County special prosecutor Nathan Wade since issuing a subpoena on Friday, committee spokesperson Russell Dye told Newsweek on Wednesday evening.

The committee is trying to subpoena Wade to testify, which will likely include questions about his previous personal relationship with Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis. Willis charged former President Donald Trump with allegedly seeking to interfere with the 2020 election results in Georgia, a swing state that narrowly backed President Joe Biden.

The lead prosecutor in the case, which is investigating Trump's call to Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger to "find" enough votes to tip the election in his favor and an alleged plot to submit a false slate of electors to the Electoral College, was Wade, who has since left the role. Trump has pleaded not guilty to all charges and claims it is a political witch hunt.

"The committee issued the subpoena on Friday, attempted to serve the subpoena to Nathan Wade's lawyer, who declined, and subsequently the committee tried to serve the subpoena via email through Nathan Wade himself, never heard back. As a result the committee had to use the assistance of the U.S. Marshals, who have also not been able to find Nathan Wade," Dye told Newsweek via phone Wednesday evening.

The committee spokesperson also told The Atlanta Journal-Constitution that the Republican-led committee has "served over 100 subpoenas this Congress. We have done so, for the most part, without controversy or the need to use the U.S. Marshals."He added that "Nathan Wade's evasion of service is extremely unusual and will require the Committee to spend U.S. tax dollars to locate him."

Newsweek reached out to the Fulton County District Attorney's Office for comment via email on Wednesday afternoon.

Andrew Evans, Wade's attorney, and Dye have differing views on what transpired over the past few months as the committee has tried to get Wade to testify. Evans told Newsweek in a phone interview on Wednesday that his client previously "voluntarily agreed to go up to Washington, D.C., and the Republicans canceled it."

Evans said the agreed upon date was July 11, the same day Trump was originally set to be sentenced in New York on 34 felony counts of falsifying business records. He suggested the date was moved for political reasons to be closer to the election. Dye told Newsweek on Wednesday evening that the committee "offered July 11, and the Wade camp did not accept that date," adding that anything suggesting that the committee "canceled anything in July is false." Dye said their communications were facilitated via email.

House Judiciary Chair Representative Jim Jordan's letter accompanying the subpoena said that Evans postponed and then canceled Wade's voluntary transcribed interview scheduled for September 18. Evans confirmed to Newsweekit was because of concerns expressed by former Governor Roy Barnes, who is representing Willis. Evans also told Newsweek that the committee previously sent Wade "a written request, not a compelled request, to produce six categories of documents."

"We produced everything that we have," Evans said, such as invoices, which fell into two categories, and "objected to the other ones." He noted that the committee "did not say anything about the objected ones [categories], which shows how hollow this whole thing is."

When asked if the committee didn't object to the missing categories and why, Dye said, "This is exactly why we need Nathan Wade to testify under oath before the committee.It's one thing to say that, but another thing to say that under oath and under penalty of perjury. We would love to have him come in and tell us that." The attorney reiterated that "Wade is not part of the District Attorney's office, he doesn't have access to the office and information anymore." He questioned what the committee could be trying to get out of Wade, saying, "It's unclear what else [Wade] could add."

On Thursday, the committee is likely unable to conduct a hearing without Wade, with Evans saying, "There's zero precedent for having an empty-chair hearing for someone that has no notice of the deposition at all," adding that "this is political theater that is improv—playing with the rules."

The House Judiciary GOP posted on X, formerly Twitter, on Wednesday afternoon: "Where's Nathan Wade?" and Jordan posted the Atlanta Journal-Constitution article on X with the same caption. Georgia Republican Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene has called for Willis to be arrested following her failure to adhere to a subpoena in Georgia's State Senate.


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bb8fd6 No.21661340

File: 41dc5ce6fff3d29⋯.png (2.14 MB,2826x1526,1413:763,0000cryb.png)



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776634 No.21661342

File: b4c3ed80a11253a⋯.png (216.25 KB,357x357,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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5dd8bc No.21661343


You only eat rocks?

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6f74eb No.21661345


Hey Jd…no

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380ca5 No.21661346


Are you a vegetarian.

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186793 No.21661347

File: f32d0272a4302fb⋯.png (53.99 KB,505x494,505:494,Look.png)

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7a8698 No.21661349


>8kun server in muh Russia!


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894c48 No.21661350


Indeed..I heard a black woman say their people in powerful positions are keeping the rest of them 'picking cotton'. Cut to the quick!

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776634 No.21661351


Hmmm, thoughts of being taken in, for protection, in order to blow a whistle come to mind.

I'm sure he understands, if not, it won't be long before capture, and probably not pretty

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37ad2a No.21661352

File: ceef49398ced273⋯.png (924.8 KB,1080x720,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

Chinese Financial Executives Resign in Droves Amid Heightened Scrutiny

The resignation list includes senior executives such as chairmen and presidents of banks, insurance companies, and securities dealers.


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380ca5 No.21661353

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a90dc2 No.21661356

File: 071a157a8ea2a42⋯.png (212.58 KB,326x236,163:118,ClipboardImage.png)


that's true…they don't know of a better way.

you do know.

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83a845 No.21661357


Baker Ghosting at top

Next Baker Step Up


#26526 >>21660191

>>21660431 Boatfaggin

>>21660254 Kash believes Biden is going to step down in return for family pardons.

>>21660297 Appeals Court Hears Arguments Over Trump's $454M Civil Fraud Judgment

>>21660302, >>21660406, >>21660410, >>21660413, >>21660421, >>21660691, >>21660701, >>21661026, >>21661030 Swamp Habbenins

>>21660314 Wisconsin Mayor Takes Matters Into His Own Hands: Says He Did Nothing Wrong After Using Dolly to Remove Ballot Drop Box Outside City Hall

>>21660344 The conditions for Russia’s transition to the use of nuclear weapons are also clearly defined

>>21660389 ICYMI: China launches ICBM into Pacific

>>21660399, >>21660590 9:00 AM EDT Former first lady Melania Trump will sit down with Fox News host Ainsley Earhardt in a rare televised interview in advance of her book release.

>>21660424 9:30 AM EDT The Ongoing Investigation of the Butler, Pennsylvania Security Failure

>>21660589, >>21661194, >>21661211, >>21661275 Federal authorities raid Eric Adams’ mayoral residence. SEALED INDICTMENT to be unsealed

>>21660556 Melania Trump calls husband’s survival of two assassination attempts ‘miracles’

>>21660570, >>21660578 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 09/26/2024

>>21660672, >>21660683 LIVE | Gov. DeSantis provides update on Hurricane Helene

>>21660724, >>21660745 Supermodel Naomi Campbell's charity 'Fashion For Relief' is money stealing operation

>>21660792 Colorado governor hopes Trump "behaves" himself while visiting Aurora

>>21660818 As DA Kamala Harris Pushed for ALL Handguns to be Confiscated

>>21660868, >>21660860, >>21660903, >>21660950, >>21660975, >>21661164 LIVE: Task Force hearing on attempted assassination of President Trump

>>21660862 "Arm Yourself" - Persecuted Former FBI Specialist Urges Americans To Stock Up On Food And Prepare For Hardship

>>21660864 Dems don't even believe their own poll numbers are correct.

>>21660896, >>21660980, >>21661021, >>21661084, >>21661251, >>21661297 NASA Space Related

>>21660935, >>21660969 TPUSA voter registration drive today at ASU. There is hope for GenZ

>>21660990 Kamala's latest interview she rambled, never answered questions directly, said the American Dream is gone

>>21661042, >>21661239, >>21661288 body language - soros pointing to the NYC sky line tampons hands and almost bowing

>>21661048 TRUMP on X - 23 second campaign ad

>>21661090 The Trump campaign released a video highlighting “Grandpa Trump”

>>21661125, >>21661153 Clay Higgins under attack ack ack

>>21661131 The 10 Headlines the Media Didn’t Report Today

>>21661156 Former AG Barr 'dumbfounded' at DOJ’s decision to release letter of Trump would-be assassin

>>21661170 Sen. Warren Probes Defense Groups' Opposition to 'Right to Repair'

>>21661339 House GOP Says It Can't Find Nathan Wade Amid Fani Willis Probe

>>21661352 Chinese Financial Executives Resign in Droves Amid Heightened Scrutiny

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7a8698 No.21661359


Vegetarians don't yet realize that many animals also eat other animals to survive. It is nature.

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37ad2a No.21661362


arise, kill and eat, moran

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a90dc2 No.21661364

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312f00 No.21661366

File: ac76c3ebadff73c⋯.jpg (108.11 KB,957x1238,957:1238,IMG_2112.JPG)







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37ad2a No.21661367


tyb - a sniping mensch, this baker.

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83a845 No.21661369

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380ca5 No.21661370


i like seafood is delicious

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3eba2c No.21661374

File: 3a28885fa811ff9⋯.png (615.99 KB,736x736,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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83a845 No.21661375

File: 63e402016cddb81⋯.png (25.87 KB,1366x768,683:384,63e402016cddb810df48080fa0….png)

File: 703abdd3fbdee18⋯.png (574.04 KB,709x772,709:772,703abdd3fbdee1815f5ed3767a….png)

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7a8698 No.21661379


I prefer a balanced diet myself. I like my veggies, fruit, grains and nuts just like I like my milk, eggs, meat and cheese. Balanced diets are the healthiest.

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894c48 No.21661384


luv the stach

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83a845 No.21661388

File: e75fd0c813f9697⋯.jpeg (202.44 KB,1440x1150,144:115,e75fd0c813f96976a90fcd2c7….jpeg)

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bbdcd9 No.21661391


dis nigga be crazy

did they check fani's condo?

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634227 No.21661394

File: 21204a4b632d04b⋯.png (311.82 KB,480x480,1:1,cogwarefare.png)

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634227 No.21661398

File: ba2cb51d848f756⋯.png (2.51 MB,1024x1280,4:5,ClipboardImage.png)

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634227 No.21661400

File: afc367668a69f6a⋯.png (225.59 KB,499x666,499:666,ClipboardImage.png)

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