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cfe79f No.21659001 [Last50 Posts]

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cfe79f No.21659002

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cfe79f No.21659004


#26524 >>21658069

>>21658165, >>21658178, >>21658747 NYC Mayor Eric Adams Is Indicted Following Federal Corruption Investigation

>>21658743 NYC mayor Eric Adams responds to indictment and imminent arrest

>>21658494, >>21658393, >>21658555, >>21658583 (Sept, 2023) NYC Mayor Eric Adams gifts Diddy the Key to the City

>>21658923 @RealSKeshel: NYC Mayor can go down a hero if he spills the beans on the Dem machine

>>21658571 Overview of 'Star Island', where Diddy and other celebrities lived

>>21658902 In Diddy and Britney Spears’ Legal Sagas, One Management Firm Appears

>>21658109 Trevor Moore telling us what you have to do to make it in Hollywood?

>>21658172 Project Agora

>>21658173 https://50voices.org: Ritual abuse and MKUltra survivor stories

>>21658180 Events tomorrow

>>21658211 Google is Celebrating Popcorn on its home page but National Popcorn Day is not until January 19 (119)

>>21658302, >>21658473 PF: B-52 of the 5th Bomb Wing, from Minot AFB, flying on the down low by not broadcasting aircraft type

>>21658403 A federal judge ruled that water fluoridation at current U.S. levels poses an “unreasonable risk” of reduced IQ in children

>>21658512 @ScottPresler: This team does not stop

>>21658671 Justin Bieber activated?

>>21658684, >>21658722 In 2007, Oprah's school in Africa suffered a major sexual abuse scandal

>>21658687 Election cookie poll

>>21658688 Speaker designated the period from Wednesday, September 25, 2024 through Monday, November 11, 2024 as a "district work period"

>>21658731 Chabad Rabbi calls for Israel to conquer Lebanon and settle it

>>21658835 Greg Kelly covers Senate report detailing security failures on J13

>>21658838 London Mayor Sadiq Khan has warned Americans against re-electing former President Trump

>>21658862 Minister @susanamuhamad met with @johnpodesta, the U.S. Presidential Envoy for Climate

>>21658863 DJT: I'm coming back to Butler!

>>21658875 @JG_CSTT: I just received this bizarre email about evidence related to the Trump Assassination

>>21658877 QClock September 25, 2024 - FBI & Trump Assassination

>>21658878, >>21658897 DJT: Day one for Kamala was 3.5 years ago

>>21658945 Kamala Harris was the prosecutor against Michael Jackson in California

>>21658986 Kamala's Project 2025

>>21658420, >>21658527, >>21658640, >>21658653, >>21658752, >>21658851 Memes

>>21658999 #26524

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cfe79f No.21659006

#26523 >>21657147

>>21657207 JD Vance delivered remarks at a campaign event in Traverse City, MI

>>21657206 News circulating that Israel is about to send land troops to invade Lebanon

>>21657222 (1990) Michael Jackson & Donald Trump Visit Ryan White's House

>>21657234 PF: 86-0112 "The Black Widow". DY B-1B 28th BS 'Mohawks' / 7th BW - Dyess AFB, TX

>>21657284 @OKeefeMedia: Vermont Border Patrol has issued a Cease and Desist letter to Zachary Apotheker

>>21657298, >>21657403, >>21657423 For those questioning Trump's tweet on Iran's threats, I'm going to go ahead and release this

>>21657309 Four Months After Assassination Attempt, Pro-Trump Slovak PM Robert Fico Receives Anonymous Envelope Containing a Bullet

>>21657334 Centcom announced that very suspicious movements are taking place in Yemen

>>21657368, >>21657354 Prince Andrew gave Ghislaine Maxwell and Bill Clinton a guided tour of Buckingham Palace in 2002

>>21657392, >>21657415 817 WikiLeaks documents referencing DynCorp

>>21657397, >>21657598 Father, son mauled to death by “rabid” bear that broke into their home after annihilating more than a dozen dogs

>>21657442 'Drunk' Secret Service agent groped Kamala campaign worker's chest and tried to assault second victim

>>21657443 (July 16, 2019) Huge Child Porn Sharing Discovered On Pentagon PCs - Hundreds of Employees Implicated

>>21657474, >>21657492 Gaunt Justin Bieber sparks concern for his health amid Diddy scandal in first sighting since shock indictment

>>21657501 (May 7, 2018) Rothschilds Implicated In Elite Pedophile Ring Investigation

>>21657526 Senate confirms new National Guard chief, other command leaders

>>21657545 (February 19, 2017) DHS Insider: CIA And Mossad Behind DC Pedo Ring

>>21657566 NJ Transit and Amtrak trains facing delays after derailment near NY Penn Station has blocked the tracks in and out of the city

>>21657570 (Aug 23, 2018) Detective Publishes Book Exposing High-Level Gov't Pedophile Ring, Shot in the Head Days Later

>>21657585 Poll: Kamala Harris Vastly Underperforming Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton with Young Men

>>21657594 Why did the father of the Butler assassin hire one of the most powerful attorneys in Pittsburgh? And how is he affording it?!

>>21657597 ‘Standing Up to Bullies:’ Rumble Lawsuit Against ‘Anti-Free Speech Zealots’ to Enter Discovery Phase

>>21657609 We tracked down some of the 320,000 illegal alien children lost by the Biden-Harris administration

>>21657611 Alabama mom confronts Fairhope City Council over resettlement of Haitians

>>21657633, >>21657739 Congress Passes Stopgap Funding Bill to Avert Pre-Election Shutdown

>>21657642, >>21657861 @henrymcmaster: I've declared a State of Emergency to prepare for Hurricane Helene's potential impacts

>>21657655 This was posted on Iran's Ayatollah website in 2022

>>21657678 Candace Owens: Received a tip via e-mail last night about Kamala’s genealogy that shocked me out of bed

>>21657701 @DanScavino: "I'M COMING BACK TO BUTLER!" @realDonaldTrump

>>21657717, >>21657731, >>21657889, >>21657963 Suge Knight: Secret Tapes Exist From Diddy

>>21657723 FCC Commissioner Carr says FCC going against procedure to expedite George Soros to buy 200 US radio stations across 40 markets

>>21657793 Babies aborted in the second trimester are injected with the same chemical combination as executed murderers

>>21657801 Avril Haines

>>21657825, >>21657843 The number of FBI informants participating in the January 6th 2021 protest will shock folks

>>21657840 Iran is ACTIVELY trying to kill Trump according to a high level intel briefing the former president received yesterday

>>21657893, >>21657927 Neon green water was spotted in the harbour at Kirribilli on Wednesday

>>21657895 FBI letter to DHS IG confirms Agency DELETED J6 Pipe Bomb Footage By Early March 2022

>>21657903 Seattle's Police will no longer respond to burglary alarms without first receiving concrete evidence of a crime

>>21657909, >>21657915 Why are Colbert and Hillary joking about eating babies?

>>21657912 Biden just went on the view and confirmed that Kamala has been working with him on all things "foreign policy" and "domestic policy"

>>21657914 Both @GinaRaimondo & her corrupt husband, @AndyMoffit, are in the Biden Laptop

>>21657933, >>21657929 Zuckerberg has hired a Republican strategist who will aim to heal his relationship with right-wing media

>>21657959 Alex Vindman’s brother Eugene Vindman doesn’t show up to his own debate for Virginia’s 7th Congressional District

>>21657979 Union Makes Shock Claim: Colorado Meat Factory Involved In "Mgmt-Led Human Trafficking" Of Haitians

>>21657982 James O’Keefe’s interview with a Border Patrol agent for his movie was so powerful that the agent decided to become a whistleblower

>>21658006 Fluoride Action Network just got a U.S. federal court to rule water fluoridation is an "unreasonable risk"

>>21658012, >>21658030 Project Sentinel

>>21658021 NYC’s Covid Orgy Kingpin Reveals He Was Hired by Pharmaceutical Company @SigaTech to Help Sell Monkeypox Drug ‘TPOXX’

>>21658025 Kristina Khorram

>>21658032, >>21658045, >>21658050 Mayor Adams has been indicted

>>21658033, >>21658036, >>21658039 Trevor Moore joking about Sandy Hook and Crisis actors on a comedy central show is wild to see

>>21657246, >>21657560, >>21657929 Memes

>>21658052 #26523

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cfe79f No.21659007

#26522 >>21656377

>>21656387 Classified documents went missing during Tim Walz's tenure in the National Guard

>>21656397 Former record exec Suge Knight revealed to Chris Cuomo that Diddy has been involved with the FBI his entire career

>>21656396, >>21656422 News from Middle East

>>21656420, >>21656432 Krappenstein keeps trying with this poll?

>>21656429, >>21656452 Dinesh D'Souza on his Upcoming Film "Vindicating Trump"

>>21656437 Facebook docs used to train CDC employees on how to censor the American public have been released as part of litigation

>>21656447 Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi at a meeting with Lavrov in the United States

>>21656455 Newsom signs 3 bills giving cities more power to restrict oil drilling

>>21656458 Explosion Occurs at California Courthouse, Caused By “Explosive Device”

>>21656469 Sen John Kennedy questions Mascott, Lacovara on presidential immunity in Judiciary

>>21656484 USA wrestler Alan Vera, 33, dies after suffering cardiac arrest while playing soccer

>>21656487 Wacky Walz Says "We Can't Afford 4 More Years of This"… After 4 Years of Biden / Kamala

>>21656491 Joe Biden Says He Delegated ‘Everything’ to Kamala Harris: ‘Foreign Policy to Domestic Policy’

>>21656502 @DanScavino PRESIDENT @realDonaldTrump LOVES YOU GUYS

>>21656516 Someone just hacked a voting machine within seconds live on PBD's podcast

>>21656518 WATCH - A Forgotten Founding Father - John Adams

>>21656538, >>21657067 TRUMP BUTLER PENNSYLVANIA RALLY - October 5th rally announced, SAME VENUE!

>>21656543, >>21656545 Biden jogs into the View studio

>>21656549, >>21656641 PF: PDJT returning to the southern White House & Gitmo express going back to base after a visit to Jacksonville

>>21656588 Barack Obama retweeted Samantha Power $150M in funding

>>21656593, >>21656645 'Intentional Violation Of The Law': Harriet Hageman Unleashes On FBI For 'Political Purity Campaign'

>>21656594 Communist China test-fires missile across Pacific capable of reaching US mainland

>>21656625 Is there a single issue where Kamala isn't a radical?

>>21656634 Biden’s commerce chief says ‘let’s extinguish’ Trump ‘for good’ — after two attempted assassinations of ex-prez

>>21656714 Democrat describes the DOJ and FBI

>>21656791 DOJ IG admits his delayed report will include info on FBI informants involved in J6 and which ones went inside the Capitol

>>21656808 Elon: FAA Chief Mike Whitaker needs to resign

>>21656821, >>21656823, >>21656832 Government Source Confirms FBI Dirty Tricks With Key Jan 6 Pipe Bomb Footage as Cover-Up Unravels

>>21656835, >>21656933 Kamala Harris was the prosecutor against Michael Jackson in California?

>>21656842 @DonaldJTrumpJr: This was posted on the Ayatollah’s website

>>21656906, >>21656935, >>21656944 Rep Massie confirms the FBI does not have footage captured by DNC security cameras for January 6, 2021

>>21656952 Texas: Dayton city manager faces scrutiny after pole dancing video surfaces, council to discuss employment

>>21656988 FCC close to approving Soros takeover of 200+ radio stations across America

>>21656989 You can feel the MAGA energy in PENNSYLVANIA! 🇺🇸

>>21657023 Out of Shadows is the best red pill for those who are just waking up to the truth about Pizzagate & the Satanic pedophile cabal

>>21657034 "Democrat" party bosses launching a coup against a democrat mayor who dared spoke out against illegal migration

>>21657042 Danica Patrick campaigns for President Trump

>>21657058 CMZ: The real value behind InfoWars is the vitamin company that supposedly has millions in revenue

>>21657065 The Judiciary Committee can't find Nathan Wade to serve a subpoena

>>21657076 House passes bill to avert a shutdown before the election, with a 341-82 vote

>>21657099 NYC’s drug-user supply vending machine is so popular, workers have to refill it twice a week

>>21657106 Cleves, Ohio residents are still banned from their own homes w/ NO ANSWERS after evacuation due to toxic rail car leak

>>21657130 DJT: So true!

>>21657173 The popular vote! Wow

>>21657417 #26522 posted in #26523

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cfe79f No.21659008

#26521 >>21655632

>>21655793, >>21655797 ARCHIVING - President Trump Delivers Remarks in Mint Hill, N.C. - 9/25/24

>>21655704, >>21655711, >>21655733, >>21655951 Trump Quotes from Mint Hill, NC

>>21655769, >>21655774, >>21655803, >>21655805 Trump's Plans for MAGA

>>21655746, >>21656214 @2:13 POTUS finished speech “The world cannot swallow the truth.” Q #213

>>21656271 Senator JD Vance to Deliver Remarks in Traverse City, MI

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>21655686 US lawmaker demands real Ukrainian casualty figures

>>21655699, >>21655786, >>21655798, >>21655932, >>21656151, >>21656162, >>21656197 Latest from ME

>>21655757 @washingtonpost) Job Numbers - gains in August: +142,000.

>>21655765, >>21655877 Ranking Member Stacey Plaskett continues to LIE about Project 2025

>>21655790 Spain Set To Legalize Half A Million Illegal Immigrants

>>21655791 DOJ report shows FBI field sources stormed the Capitol on January 6th

>>21655794, >>21655802, >>21655818 DJT Hip Hoppin Round the Country

>>21655795, >>21655926 Swamp Events

>>21655832 NASA Space Science

>>21655841, >>21655863 Rapper 50 Cent shares why people 'identify' with Trump after he was shot

>>21655883 Did MTV get ahead of the Diddy indictment? Erasing over two decades of articles 6/26/2024


>>21655915 US Covert Efforts For Regime Change In Iran

>>21655930 going down - Hollywood, Corporate Media Experiencing HUGE Layoffs

>>21655945 there are 40 DAYS LEFT TO WINNING

>>21655958 Zelensky Tells U.N. Only His Plan Can End Russia’s War

>>21655978, >>21655981, >>21655985, >>21655991 Biden Harris | Spew The View

>>21655995 People waking up about TRUMP being cured of TDS at record rates

>>21656008 P. Diddy And Jeffrey Epstein Barely Scratch The Surface Of America’s Elite Rot

>>21656032, >>21656201 Kamala Harris on the Economy - Live from Pittsburgh

>>21656047 DIG CALL - "Perfect Storm of Stunning Failure" Senate report just released on Trump SS

>>21656055 Biden’s Navy Blunder: US Navy Oiler Runs Aground and Is Partially Flooded off the Coast of Oman

>>21656074 Ex-New York prosecutor accused in bribery case dies by suicide during FBI raid

>>21656122 Horowitz won't say how many confidential human sources were among crowd on Jan. 6

>>21656085 Vivek Ramaswamy with Mornings with Maria

>>21656156 @RepClayHiggins All these thugs better get their mind right and their ass out of our country before January 20th

>>21656191 2024 election key dates beyond election day

>>21656211 RFK Jr. Enough Is Enough People don’t realize how bad our food is until they travel abroad

>>21656226 Explosive Gov. Report: Quadruple-Vaccinated Mortality Rates Skyrocket

>>21656267 @SpeakerJohnson President Zelenskyy must immediately remove Ukrainian Ambassador Oksana Markarova

>>21656268 Dr. Robert Redfield, former CDC Director has a powerful editorial in Newsweek endorsing Make America Healthy Again

>>21656294 Haitian advocacy group files bogus charges against Fmr President Trump and Sen JD Vance

>>21656366 #26521

Previously Collected

>>21655600 #26520

>>21652857 #26517, >>21653960 #26518, >>21654597 #26519

>>21650338 #26514, >>21651125 #26515, >>21651877 #26516

>>21647544 #26511, >>21648193 #26512, >>21649463 #26513

>>21645419 #26508, >>21645915 #26509, >>21646714 #26510

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Q Research Notables #24: Soldiers >>21225723

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cfe79f No.21659010

File: 80809712db64afb⋯.mp4 (12.39 MB,640x360,16:9,80809712db64afb5db3f233860….mp4)



can continue or defer

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9acd6d No.21659013

File: dace626f22e1e4a⋯.jpg (44.75 KB,846x1053,94:117,1636606149961.jpg)


So you, like, wouldn't mind if I continued to shitpost and generate (you)?

Money is tight these days since they dumb me down to clerical duties.

These times are the only times I have to make increase revenue.

So please, don't make me bake and continue on.

Much appreciated..


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d91fa7 No.21659014

File: 86d0e8757d82094⋯.jpg (138.34 KB,889x1101,889:1101,2024_07_14T001557Z_3856682….jpg)



Butler v.2 incoming

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3805a1 No.21659015

File: 3c963bda7659776⋯.png (1.52 MB,1278x1585,1278:1585,8cf692ee65273b58477c9235be….png)

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7cf13f No.21659016

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE: Police Chase in Los Angeles; armed carjacking suspects

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ec98b9 No.21659017

File: e4bb07ff089eb5c⋯.gif (6.2 MB,400x560,5:7,8e4a8e1a972b18a577feae69ec….gif)




for accepting my nom and dough pic/vid

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6a6e50 No.21659018

File: b0856e111a7bce4⋯.png (19.63 KB,410x268,205:134,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c6cde1dffd5b09a⋯.mp4 (10.63 MB,270x480,9:16,GHB_Not_Baby_Oil_P_Diddy.mp4)

>>21658990 (lb)

>No way it was 1000 bottles of baby oil.


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953f54 No.21659019

>>21658945 (pb)

this false story again?

>>21658995 (pb)


Harris was NOT the prosecutor. please remove the notable, it's a misleading video and a fake headline.

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45b837 No.21659020

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



>Tri Star Sports & Entertainment Group,

that scammy lady

Lou Taylor

tied to the kardashians also

kris jenner is dirty

all of britneys money


laundered through kylie cometics, fake billionaire

and tied to justin bieber also

it all is grossssss




Why Fans Think The Kardashians Stole $600 Million From Britney Spears?


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ef823e No.21659021

File: c67e4369c25fae5⋯.jpg (57.43 KB,634x422,317:211,46343143_9866633_image_a_2….jpg)

File: 55eddf5558d7dc2⋯.png (242.31 KB,480x291,160:97,Griffin_968285803_1.png)

File: b4ede4c370cecec⋯.jpg (24.36 KB,307x173,307:173,160314163445_julius_caesar….jpg)

File: 30e6eeeec099b6a⋯.jpg (23.87 KB,474x292,237:146,th_2899566410.jpg)

File: cc5f7b8a580921a⋯.jpg (94.66 KB,940x476,235:119,Hunter_Biden_Guilty_444426….jpg)

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3f3f7c No.21659022

The "Caged" bird sings.

"Sing" like a canary.

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dc9f56 No.21659023


>>21659009 (lb)

Thank you for proving my prior statement.

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a7a193 No.21659024

File: 5c1895b9102b01f⋯.mp4 (1.93 MB,1280x702,640:351,5c1895b9102b01f96e269a3fc9….mp4)

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b451f3 No.21659025


Marxist Metropolis Motor Ruxkus

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b8f7a4 No.21659026

File: 68839171ca2fed3⋯.jpg (92.5 KB,720x720,1:1,20240925_223636.jpg)

File: de7c932905f84dc⋯.jpg (188.49 KB,1858x1139,1858:1139,20240925_223601.jpg)


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b451f3 No.21659027


Days of testimony

Thousands of pages

Hundreds of names

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dc9f56 No.21659028


>Days of testimony

>Thousands of pages

>Hundreds of names

And still no charges…

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9acd6d No.21659029

File: b2f7405be5d166e⋯.jpg (122.14 KB,1080x1080,1:1,1635248099006.jpg)


Dude everyone knows already what I am.

Stop making it a big deal.

At least you have me to talk to and talk about.

Just relax for a second.

It's a manner of national security, like holy shit..

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b8f7a4 No.21659030

File: 814463e8566079b⋯.jpg (48.6 KB,720x347,720:347,20240925_224036.jpg)

File: 0a16306ba000e54⋯.jpg (106.22 KB,843x543,281:181,20240925_224207.jpg)


No more public events! Save Trump or we don’t have a country!

He has a point,the election is almost here, I personally don't think it's worth the risk.

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c706a9 No.21659031

File: 7e80fac951d8e3d⋯.png (170.14 KB,478x517,478:517,ClipboardImage.png)

first dindu mayor too

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45b837 No.21659032

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

it is wondered if kourtney son Reign

is fathered by justin bieber

great way to make sure at least for 18 years money flows

Reign Dissick is really Reign Bieber

Justin Bieber first born son?

Gross how these Kardashiinas are snakes.

Reign is to Kourtney


Khloe is to Kris


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dc9f56 No.21659033


National Security?

More Like National Embarrassment!!!!!

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d04e75 No.21659034

File: 1a66ab39ad06b41⋯.png (208.85 KB,334x250,167:125,IMG_1954.png)

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a3eade No.21659035

File: d231ff097dd4643⋯.png (628.7 KB,548x680,137:170,d231ff097dd46431851c0ab48b….png)

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51620d No.21659036


Put him with Sam and Diddy. Three's Company.

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9acd6d No.21659037

File: 6fb65be0be5f79f⋯.png (714.31 KB,1600x900,16:9,0d598ae3a792302f42ecd7f026….png)


Kek, if only you understood the need for a relief..

It's all control and environment.

Institution of commerce of communication requires some relief of disposition of anger and angst.

I am just here to give you some allowance to differentiate from normal models of preformance.

It's simple as really.

You need someone to fight who isn't beyond your congruence of thought.

Because I too trust the plan but am different from you.

A gay faggot tranny who posts anime.

Doesn't it make any sense to you?

Diversity is /ourstrength/ after all…

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9acd6d No.21659038

File: 1da89c4b86c7482⋯.png (345.42 KB,791x720,791:720,1628993011972.png)



Every two weeks, direct deposit; straight into my bank account.

It's a matter of nation security.

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dc9f56 No.21659039



Love to chat about little penis pix all night long with cartoon characters who think theyz all that, but more serious needs such as sleep rake a greater priority.

May GOD have mercy on your soul…

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27dd9c No.21659040

File: abca90d61019716⋯.gif (4.94 MB,540x405,4:3,sherlock_gif.gif)

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51620d No.21659041


It's based, should be sellin' dat shit.

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9acd6d No.21659042

File: c1282043b7a4a65⋯.png (132.5 KB,554x439,554:439,1677696513742583.png)


God loves me, I'm super nice and all the time.

So relax, I'm here to help and that is simple as.

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461928 No.21659043

File: 23e55fbb55aee1a⋯.png (137.21 KB,1200x1200,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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dc9f56 No.21659044


I see you are using your Thesaurus. That is something…

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dc9f56 No.21659045


Your bank account is not between your legs…

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dc9f56 No.21659046


OK, if you say so.

My review of history on this board does not agree with your hypothesis in any way, shape or form…

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a3eade No.21659047

File: 6fc44930d004c82⋯.png (291.35 KB,601x502,601:502,ClipboardImage.png)

Alex Soros

@AlexanderSoros 2h

Honored to meet @aniellefranco, a trailblazer in the fight for racial justice in Brazil who now champions racial equality on the global stage as part of President Lula’s cabinet. Anielle carries on the legacy of her sister, Marielle, an activist and politician who was tragically killed for her dedication to racial justice and human rights in Rio de Janeiro. We are proud to support @inst_marielle, created by Anielle created, whom we stand with in her ongoing struggle.

Sep 26, 2024 · 2:16 AM UTC


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4740a3 No.21659048

File: d765741e9ea85db⋯.png (448.68 KB,1067x1057,1067:1057,Screenshot_20240925_215724….png)

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9acd6d No.21659049

File: 8f4451fe64ab2a3⋯.jpg (20.21 KB,640x515,128:103,8f4451fe64ab2a3a7b226cf005….jpg)


I have an advance intelligence..

I can speak clearly all of time.

And I do speak in a way that is manageable.

So I dunno why you are so surprised if you are a normal on this forum.

I am very consistent and authentic.

Everything I type to you is new and original from my mouth verbatim…

Simple as, fren.

Don't fight with me, it is endless autism that doesn't stop.

Join with me and understand that I am your fren and always been here with you from the start..

Why have I been with you from the start?

Ask that question and more question come forward.

I am just an Anon like you, an anime shitposter unlike you.

So stop trying to rally my tits in agression and you will see I too am a frog..

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27dd9c No.21659050

File: 90452c9eac856ee⋯.png (847.51 KB,768x484,192:121,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7f44e85f0fb9a1c⋯.png (1.48 MB,1280x1280,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


definitely a lurker

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dd06cd No.21659051

File: 5052982475e7a60⋯.gif (1008.66 KB,250x188,125:94,ihfeufufbw.gif)


the fat shaming, holy shit I can't stop laughing

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45b837 No.21659053


Kourtney moved into a mansion across the road from JB in Calabasas Jan 2014 and moved in early March 2014… JB put his mansion across the road up for sale March 2014… do the research….

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9acd6d No.21659055

File: 6fb65be0be5f79f⋯.png (714.31 KB,1600x900,16:9,0d598ae3a792302f42ecd7f026….png)


Fat shaming is always hilarious.

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dd06cd No.21659056

File: ab1575b65b56b10⋯.png (321.96 KB,346x344,173:172,cbiusgdyuasfdst.png)


works every time

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dc9f56 No.21659057

May the Lord be with all the true anons who have graced this board for the last 7+ years. It has truly been an honor serving with you all.

I grow extremely weary…

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9acd6d No.21659058

File: 31eea2921a2e9da⋯.png (727.64 KB,671x697,671:697,31eea2921a2e9da763b972671e….png)


Based and redpilled..

Holy shit, thank you.


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71d262 No.21659059

File: 24a47f34a3fb3b2⋯.jpeg (80.02 KB,500x523,500:523,IMG_8405.jpeg)

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3805a1 No.21659060

File: bb7c5ea05f867f9⋯.gif (1.78 MB,480x366,80:61,bb7c5ea05f867f955655de58ae….gif)


yes,yes it is,


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b8f7a4 No.21659061

File: 640f88aa0b239c6⋯.jpg (77.94 KB,680x453,680:453,20240925_225554.jpg)

File: cece5f33afec88d⋯.jpg (153.29 KB,1050x701,1050:701,20240925_225558.jpg)

File: 11bf367366bd89e⋯.jpg (281.99 KB,1920x1280,3:2,20240925_225611.jpg)

This is who becomes New York Mayor if Eric Adams resigns - Jumaane Williams


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dc9f56 No.21659062


Ah, must have struck a nerve…

Getting a lot more bark back…

More flak over the target.

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71d262 No.21659063

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1ef4e4 No.21659065

File: 23e16c0b313f99d⋯.png (476.42 KB,480x518,240:259,ClipboardImage.png)

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a3a6fc No.21659066

>>21658650 (lb)

Her hour-long documentary-style "special" Oprah episode where she grooms and entices young women and teens to go to see John of God.

He raped them, held them hostage, impregnated them multiple times, and sold the babies to filthy, rich pedophiles.

Everyone already knows about that.

And all about Oprah's very own all-girls school in France where the kids were raped and denied any Justice because Oprah is special.

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9acd6d No.21659067

File: 7cb8a12cd4a829c⋯.png (798.42 KB,771x676,771:676,7cb8a12cd4a829c6c234a96980….png)


Don't be weary, we were told already that you must pass through the dark to see the light, and then Biden shows up.

Simple as, fren..

This is just the times where our fortitude must shine brightest and our faith in God and the work of operators must be foremost.

This is like an easy task to restructure the minds of so many, think of how many have fallen to the brainwashing schemes of celebrities and media establishment.

We need to show them the evil in a manageable state.

For instance you cannot over feed starving people as their bodies cannot accept the nutrients, or process the calories.

It is a slow feed for a reason, but hold true to the plan; it is at work.

Why is the world complying so much data at this point about human trafficking or sex crimes?

Because that is part of the drip, drip, drip..

So don't we weary and hold fast on your beliefs; a new world is upon us all..

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dc9f56 No.21659068


Oh, by the way, you misspelled "Advanced Ignorance"

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dc9f56 No.21659069


As I said

Tranime breads are tasteless and all about (you)

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71d262 No.21659070


Larry bird is faggot

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712546 No.21659071

Hey Q, is the person they are going to transhumanize with a computer to become our tyrannical AI overlord ( anti-Christ), alive yet?

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9acd6d No.21659072

File: 02e67e7dce329c1⋯.jpg (96.56 KB,713x921,713:921,02e67e7dce329c1195d22f7b89….jpg)


Guy, I have always barked back and always will.

It is part of my nature.

It isn't my fault that you're fat and never was.

I didn't place those cheeseburgers so deliciously into your mouth; you did.

So stop barking up my tree and trying to get a response because from what you have given it is only pain.

Just like you autistically try to hurt my feelings so shall I to yours.

But the difference is simple, I do not have many feelings like that.

So be fat and eat lots of bacon, because that is what you are all about.



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dc9f56 No.21659073


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83a92f No.21659074

File: 0a95b16e197b47f⋯.jpeg (393.06 KB,899x1418,899:1418,IMG_6840.jpeg)

File: 57b20373fa54b1d⋯.jpeg (276.77 KB,699x1296,233:432,IMG_6841.jpeg)



Pb >>21658994

The court documents list around 9 substances . Two of which I had to look up myself

The patsy took a deal and was released next morning

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c3b96e No.21659075

Nice and quiet…too quiet?

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e5ed15 No.21659076

File: 7f8e9566c171ed8⋯.jpeg (413.2 KB,968x656,121:82,IMG_0368.jpeg)

File: 9c8c01199f046cd⋯.jpeg (177.16 KB,1129x1078,1129:1078,IMG_0499.jpeg)

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e5ed15 No.21659077

File: 0d4d4b0cd598cff⋯.jpeg (730.74 KB,973x1302,139:186,IMG_0436.jpeg)

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35091a No.21659078

File: b2a9d2b80efb4a9⋯.png (457.34 KB,544x592,34:37,ClipboardImage.png)

Russia 🇷🇺

@Russia 21h

⚔️ #OTD in 1799, Russian forces under genius commander Alexander #Suvorov defeated French troops in the epic Battle of the Devil's Bridge🌉

Helm's Deep does not compare to this real life setup. The fierce confrontation showcased the bravery & tactical prowess of the Russians.

Sep 25, 2024 · 7:30 AM UTC


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e5ed15 No.21659079

File: 847925cf3a20545⋯.mp4 (3.83 MB,TRUMP_Obama_Founder_of_ISI….mp4)

File: bc77804461178d6⋯.mp4 (7.69 MB,Obama_Training_ISIL_Forces.mp4)

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45b837 No.21659080

very likely >>21659018

the blackmail video

must be intense

drugged, f**ed, filmed


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dd06cd No.21659081


Tranime breads are tasteless and all about (you)

>So don't we weary and hold fast on your beliefs; a new world is upon us all.. >>21659067

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e5ed15 No.21659082

File: 6486580c5ecffbb⋯.jpeg (418.71 KB,914x706,457:353,IMG_0335.jpeg)

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0dca49 No.21659083

File: 5bd6662768cf4da⋯.gif (664.45 KB,498x445,498:445,pepe_pepedj.gif)

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1ef4e4 No.21659084

File: e4e7caac4d185cf⋯.png (466.87 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Get the dogs

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e5ed15 No.21659085

File: 1603133041b721a⋯.jpeg (127.64 KB,693x660,21:20,1C5BC239_9FCC_4168_B8CF_3….jpeg)

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0dca49 No.21659086


>>I grow extremely weary…

(Your) not he only anon that has become this way.

Anon, also has seen better days. Anon didn't really know w/ to do at 1st

but as time moved one and just listening to other (evenshitposts)

figuring it out (grabingaclue) is not stopping anon from posting here.

Saying God bless each and every one, that's not doing more harm then good here…

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e5ed15 No.21659087

File: 724ec189cb4ff15⋯.jpeg (312.21 KB,1265x904,1265:904,FDFB5B8D_6E3A_4B2E_A690_3….jpeg)

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a3eade No.21659088

File: b4e6059a9a4f3b0⋯.png (400.12 KB,609x491,609:491,ClipboardImage.png)

New York Post

@nypost 59m

Melania Trump calls husband’s survival of two assassination attempts ‘miracles,’ describes anger over FBI raid in rare TV interview


Sep 26, 2024 · 4:12 AM UTC


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4aa64c No.21659089


>I have an advance intelligence..

someone loaned it to you on account?

on account of you ain't got one of your own?

>I can speak clearly all of time.

>And I do speak in a way that is manageable.

yer not speaking at all, yer writing, ya twit

>Everything I type to you is new and original from my mouth verbatim…

oh, so NOW yer typing not speaking?

and you think with your mouth?

that would actually account for a great deal

here's an idea

get ahold of some dr trip

take A LOT of it, all at once

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45b837 No.21659090


ohh my

the coroner


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51620d No.21659091

File: d7ca89bdec83973⋯.png (309.7 KB,640x480,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)


Please, for all that is holy. There are no freak out vids of Hillary and Nancy.

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9acd6d No.21659092

File: db0bdb0020df4d4⋯.png (748.96 KB,1366x768,683:384,1f56159842210f5c0d5b7305ad….png)

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e5ed15 No.21659093

File: 02ba441673ab503⋯.mp4 (2.96 MB,640x360,16:9,SbnAXQFjhYICCysV.mp4)

File: 8a140431a1d9bee⋯.mp4 (135.3 KB,628x360,157:90,n74YVqk_l3MWf6Ra.mp4)

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4aa64c No.21659094


now try to imagine how the folks who been doing this for over half a century feel

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45b837 No.21659095




date rape drug

coming from china

concealed in baby oil


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e5ed15 No.21659096

File: 914a84085a2c5fd⋯.png (248.02 KB,294x392,3:4,Eye_Torture_Malcolm_McDowe….PNG)

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96fc43 No.21659099

File: a4db0b24d83e08e⋯.png (755.77 KB,892x500,223:125,Pigsan.png)

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e5ed15 No.21659100

File: 5e63f389fa3b594⋯.mp4 (12.16 MB,480x852,40:71,PErKgrKqTz1x2505.mp4)

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a7a193 No.21659101

File: 3130ad4a9510b40⋯.png (371.33 KB,887x723,887:723,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a2c2f3cb653dd1a⋯.mp4 (513.24 KB,590x270,59:27,m.mp4)

This ad was released by Trump in 2020. 4 years later, it all came true.


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3805a1 No.21659102

File: 78bc53ed14d4164⋯.png (11.9 KB,242x255,242:255,8f4aac91ef6c3bb36a24f960a9….png)

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4aa64c No.21659103



>date rape drug

>coming from china

>concealed in baby oil

got actual factual sauce to back that up?

not that i doubt randos on tictok….

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d04e75 No.21659104

File: 389f22b90c965e7⋯.jpeg (25.83 KB,474x154,237:77,IMG_3924.jpeg)

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e5ed15 No.21659105

File: 05a5771fffa6475⋯.mp4 (1.72 MB,374x360,187:180,zfWLf06u8W_xUs4P.mp4)

1970s Scottish time capsule presentations (tv skit)

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45b837 No.21659108

Trump calls Hillary and Kamala Beautiful? Bute- ful

>>21659018 "Bute"

>>21659095 "Bute"


May 2024


Police have seized more than 4000 litres of the

date rape drug 'bute'

in Sydney since it became a border controlled substance in March. The

drug was concealed in bottles of baby oil

and essence. What's next? Police are warning those who import the drug could face life in prison.May 29, 2024

Date rape drug concealed as bottles of body oil from China as federal police warn 'bute' importers will face heavy penalties.

What's new?

Police have seized more than 4000 litres of the date rape drug 'bute' in Sydney since it became a border controlled substance in March. The drug was concealed in bottles of baby oil and essence.

What's next?

Police are warning those who import the drug could face life in prison.

The Australian Federal Police (AFP) have confiscated more than 4,000 litres of a date rape drug commonly known as 'bute' in Sydney since legislation came in to affect in March controlling its import.

The industrial solvent slows down the functioning of a person's nervous system when ingested, and is commonly used as a substitute for GHB.

It has been

==linked to a number of sexual assaults and overdoses across the country.–

Police seize 4,200 litres in Sydney in less than three months

Just seven days after the new laws came in to affect, police found almost 180 litres of the

drug concealed in bottles of body oil in a shipment from China.

A further 1,000 litres was found in the Sydney suburbs of Fairfield and Lidcombe, and 960 litres was later found concealed in bottles labelled as essence oil.

AFP Eastern Commander Kate Ferry said the drug is becoming increasingly popular.

"The concerns of law enforcement agencies are rising because of reports bute is being increasingly linked to sexual assaults, as well as overdoses," Commander Ferry said.

"Our message to the community is to stop taking this drug. Stop creating this international demand. Stop supporting criminal groups who seek to profit from the pain of others."

An importation of 660 litres of the drug was seized in May after the recipient came forward when they became aware of the change in legislation.

Bute can be legally imported into Australia for legitimate industrial use by importers that are registered with the Australian Industrial Chemicals Introduction Scheme.

The maximum penalty for importing the drug without a license is life imprisonment. (ABC News: Supplied: AFP)

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906747 No.21659109


God didn't say that it'd be easy, he said that it'd be worth it. An honor indeed.


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bac1e0 No.21659110


First Dindu mayor in NYC was Dinkins kek.

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a7a193 No.21659111

File: 9457b5c3162881d⋯.png (716.75 KB,674x781,674:781,9457b5c3162881d99b66f7ba06….png)

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0e4ca1 No.21659112



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3f3f7c No.21659113

File: a979cf0806465d3⋯.jpg (209.33 KB,1079x964,1079:964,Screenshot_20240926_011250….jpg)


I'm pretty sure they Found GHB at Diddys. Why TikTokers need to make up it was in the baby oil? No idea

But really his lawyers trying to play ot off like it's just cause he lived by CostCo or whatever is fucking hilarious.


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45b837 No.21659114







Beautiful Hillary Beautiful Kamala Bute-i- ful Bute-i-ful Puffy

>date rape drug 'bute'

>The industrial solvent slows down the functioning of a person's nervous system when ingested, and is commonly used as a substitute for GHB.

>drug was concealed in bottles of baby oil frin CHINA

>maximum penalty for importing the drug without a license is life imprisonment.

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45b837 No.21659115




Butanediol also known as "bute" is a chemical substance used in the manufacture of date rape drugs.May 29, 2024

1,4-butanediol is not currently federally scheduled in the United States, but some states have classified it as a controlled substance. Individuals have been prosecuted for possession of 1,4-butanediol under the Federal Analog Act because it is considered substantially similar to GHB.

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46958b No.21659118

File: 0276e42b6796fe7⋯.mp4 (2.09 MB,854x482,427:241,ooo_Adams_claim_false_char….mp4)

Tom Fitton


Eric Adams responds to reports of criminal charges by Biden-Harris administration. Suggests he is being targeted in political retaliation for complaining about the Biden-Harris border invasion decimating the city.


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45b837 No.21659119

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.






Illegal importers of ‘date rape’ drug warned of serious consequences


Australian Federal Police

5.74K subscribers

308 views May 30, 2024

Be warned: There are serious consequences for illegally importing 1,4 Butanediol - commonly known as bute, a harmful substance that is linked to sexual assaults and overdoses.

Earlier this year, bute was defined as a border controlled drug. This change means those convicted of illegally importing bute will face a maximum penalty of life imprisonment.

More than 4200 litres of bute have been seized in Sydney following the change in legislation.

Australian law enforcement has reported escalating harm resulting from bute, which can be used as a substitute for the illegal drug gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB).

Bute is an industrial chemical used to produce plastics and can cause significant danger if consumed. The concerns of law enforcement agencies are rising because of reports bute is being increasingly linked to sexual assaults, as well as overdoses.

To read more visit: www.afp.gov.au/news-centre/media-release/illegal-importers-date-rape-drug-warned-serious-consequences

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31aaa3 No.21659120

File: 18d09572036ce34⋯.mp4 (2.28 MB,720x1246,360:623,TidyBuns.mp4)

Ty baker. Can always appreciate when buns are kept tidy, WATN feed formatting is almost done

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7c3add No.21659122

File: 872cb148fa7b515⋯.jpg (139.84 KB,896x1147,896:1147,872cb148fa7b51510ffc7286ed….jpg)


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45b837 No.21659123

>>21659119 Hiden in



fucking covid allowed this shit to go everywhere from china

1,4 Butanediol - commonly known as bute, a harmful substance that is linked to sexual assaults and overdoses.

date rape drub instead of GHB




>>21659114 fuckers


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bac1e0 No.21659124


Don't ask me when the Special Election would be, guess it'd depend on when Adams would actually resign, but would it surprise you if they want a compliant BLM jogger in place and "in charge" for whatever riot plans they have come election or post-election time? Ya know, like when POTUS might be "sentenced?"

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45b837 No.21659125


1,4 Butanediol - commonly known as bute, a harmful substance that is linked to sexual assaults and overdoses.

not GHB

BUTE ist he word of the day

I bet wil be what we learn about Puffy babyoil bottles

BUTE date rape drug

not GHB








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35091a No.21659128

File: 71e94ae98d33891⋯.png (287.98 KB,626x492,313:246,ClipboardImage.png)


@TOIAlerts 4h

Live update:Netanyahu and his wife Sara board plane for flight to UN, don’t make public remarks


* * *


Sep 26, 2024 · 12:42 AM UTC


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45b837 No.21659130

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

shoul research any times we hear Puffy using word BUTE?






Over 4,000 Litres Of Date-Rape Drug Hidden In Everyday Items Seized By Border Force | 10 News First

More than 4,000 litres of the date-rape drug 'bute' has been seized, found concealed in body oil, face masks and food packaging. The plastics chemical can be legitimately imported but authorities say it's more commonly being misused with deadly implications.

Subscribe to 10 News First to get the latest updates and breaking news:

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b8f7a4 No.21659131

File: e115f64e0ea979f⋯.jpg (135.85 KB,720x1160,18:29,20240925_233811.jpg)

File: 8e1fe7ca85a1911⋯.mp4 (1.89 MB,1280x720,16:9,Libs_of_TikTok_20240925_2_….mp4)


Whoopi Goldberg compares Trump to a bug.

Biden then imitates smashing a bug d*ad on the table.

Hosts and audience laugh.

Is this incitement to violence? Just imagine if Trump did this

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a7a193 No.21659132

File: 4fa08d372dee214⋯.png (432.78 KB,550x476,275:238,4fa08d372dee214bdae861cdfc….png)

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45b837 No.21659133

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.






hard to detect once injested

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0b64d6 No.21659134

notables @ 120 ghosting soon

#26525 >>21659010

>>21659018, >>21659095, >>21659108 Was Diddy's trove of baby oil actually liquid GHB (date rape drug)?

>>21659113 Diddy's lawyer says that Diddy's large supply of baby oil is because he lives near Costco

>>21659026 Scavino: THANK YOU!!!

>>21659032 Did Kourtney Kardashian have a kid with Bieber?

>>21659047 Alex Soros: Honored to meet @aniellefranco, a trailblazer in the fight for racial justice in Brazil

>>21659061 This is who becomes New York City Mayor if Eric Adams resigns: Jumaane Williams

>>21659088 Melania Trump calls husband’s survival of two assassination attempts ‘miracles,’ describes anger over FBI raid in rare TV interview


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b8f7a4 No.21659136

Where the hell are the anons? Why is this all fucking shill dominated,fuck this is sad

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db3a4c No.21659137

File: 8bf78e785edbac9⋯.png (568.08 KB,633x448,633:448,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7ad02ed229cce41⋯.png (439.31 KB,500x626,250:313,ClipboardImage.png)

another kier starmer scandal

pm used lord alli's £18 million penthouse during the pandemic and than blamed his son

because he wanted his son to pass his gcse exams.

release the sausages, my father was a tool maker and change is coming

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ec98b9 No.21659138


you missed why

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ab737d No.21659139

File: a40efee9077deb3⋯.jpeg (471.76 KB,1202x973,1202:973,IMG_3499.jpeg)

File: 97a36939bb9996b⋯.jpeg (63.35 KB,800x450,16:9,IMG_3495.jpeg)

File: a57a7c6ec990cc4⋯.jpeg (147.97 KB,759x963,253:321,IMG_3464.jpeg)

File: ab298aaef80035c⋯.jpeg (423.66 KB,1500x1500,1:1,IMG_3469.jpeg)

File: 01b272bc223c750⋯.jpeg (101.05 KB,1200x630,40:21,IMG_6718.jpeg)

Armor of God!


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96e1a6 No.21659140

Imagine someone standing in front of their house just watching it burn down and doing nothing about it until the neighbor comes over and asks if they're just going to stand there and let it happen.

That someone is Kamala in the White House for the past 3 and half years.

And that house is America.

Bring Back Trump.

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b8f7a4 No.21659141

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45b837 No.21659142

>>21659133 Bute

holy fuck >>21659133 listen to this

it is in so many items



>>21659090 also please upload this also

regarding the coronor who is connected to

kim porter (puffy baby mama dead)

michael jackson

brittany murphy

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83a92f No.21659143


It’s used to make lame horses sound

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31aaa3 No.21659144


It isn't 2020 anymore, demoralization

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4aa64c No.21659145











>date rape drug

ffs… bute is rapidly metabolized into ghb

alla same, water ded stim, belong alla same

the effects are essentially the same as alcohol

might as well call beer a "date rape drug"

using the jargon pushed by the msm is NOT what anons should be doing

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0dca49 No.21659146


Why did PDJT step down, in the fist place?

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45b837 No.21659147

>>21659143 i am looking at the horse connection right now



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3f3f7c No.21659148


Oh it's been like this for a long time now.

Anime is the only real one left on Nightshift.

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1ef4e4 No.21659149

File: 4bb34192e5e9d95⋯.png (28.62 KB,191x384,191:384,ClipboardImage.png)

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0b64d6 No.21659150

baker is ghosted

baker is ghosted

baker is ghosted

notables @ 135

#26525 >>21659010

>>21659018, >>21659095, >>21659108 Was Diddy's trove of baby oil actually liquid GHB (date rape drug)?

>>21659113 Diddy's lawyer says that Diddy's large supply of baby oil is because he lives near Costco

>>21659026 Scavino: THANK YOU!!!

>>21659032 Did Kourtney Kardashian have a kid with Bieber?

>>21659047 Alex Soros: Honored to meet @aniellefranco, a trailblazer in the fight for racial justice in Brazil

>>21659061 This is who becomes New York City Mayor if Eric Adams resigns: Jumaane Williams

>>21659088 Melania Trump calls husband’s survival of two assassination attempts ‘miracles,’ describes anger over FBI raid in rare TV interview


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96e1a6 No.21659151


He never conceded because he won 2020 by a landslide.

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c3b96e No.21659153

Muhguh Gheytriot has gone inburrito. So difficult to spot.

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4aa64c No.21659154


>Why did PDJT step down, in the fist place?

so normies could compare his first term to the libtard agenda on steroids we got now

minimal backlash when the indictments are unsealed

and the hangings begin en masse

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4aa64c No.21659155


get over it


pick one

anons still doing their job

so stop reeeeeing and roll up your sleeves

or neck yourself quietly

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51620d No.21659158


Thank you for your service Baker.

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83a92f No.21659159

File: e0dc3a08b0f067e⋯.jpeg (390.55 KB,960x1416,40:59,IMG_6896.jpeg)

File: cdc0e74ac33f695⋯.jpeg (564.26 KB,960x1217,960:1217,IMG_6897.jpeg)


The drugs found

The 11th case that Thalia filed on this Tuesday the 24th says she was raped face down on the pool table after being drugged

Details sordid

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4927b6 No.21659161


Diddy was a drug dealer and all the names are those that bought the date rape drugs. Actors, politicians, celebrities…

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77d808 No.21659162


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b8f7a4 No.21659163

File: b0c404ac985cc2a⋯.jpg (147.39 KB,720x1143,80:127,20240925_235225.jpg)

File: 1473ccb71f597a6⋯.mp4 (2.55 MB,1310x720,131:72,Patri0tsareinContr0l_20240….mp4)


Why are Colbert and Hillary joking about eating babies?

Listen to what they said during an interview in 2016.

“Sandwiches as big as a baby’s head”

“That sandwich had a face, that sandwich is somebody’s little baby”

These sickos hide in plain sight.

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45b837 No.21659164



little anon that is not anon


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329214 No.21659165

File: d567105004239ed⋯.png (459.07 KB,505x640,101:128,d567105004239ed82de175269b….png)


>Whoopi Goldberg

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b8f7a4 No.21659166


Eat me , I do my part

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45b837 No.21659167



oh shit it gets worse


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4927b6 No.21659168


What if Diddy was the 'first' arrest?

Things seem to have moved along very quickly since it happened.

A lot more is being exposed for the public to see.

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9a958d No.21659169

They may be going after Eric Adam’s because he went off plantation when he wanted to stop NYC from being a sanctuary city.

He’s getting his just dues. That’s why his statement makes sense and pundits on CNzn are dumping on him.

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329214 No.21659170

File: 0b76dd32a5daac9⋯.jpg (59.77 KB,551x520,551:520,0b76dd32a5daac9f706a6dd096….jpg)


>Diddy was a drug dealer and all the names are those that bought the date rape drugs. Actors, politicians, celebrities…

In B4 the fbi 'loses' a thousand bottles of baby oil.

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4aa64c No.21659172

File: 8782cb0b6aafc18⋯.jpg (101.36 KB,894x894,1:1,71jdv0KfPjL_AC_UF894_1000_….jpg)

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45b837 No.21659173




i like this girl


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83a92f No.21659174

File: 9edf8656b6b77e0⋯.jpeg (534.58 KB,944x955,944:955,IMG_6899.jpeg)



Anon wondering why the Booby Trap on the River is so freakin busy it has its own transport

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83a92f No.21659175


She smuggled the piece in her pants

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4aa64c No.21659177


>What if Diddy was the 'first' arrest?


"first arrest" supposed to trigger mass pop awakening

not seeing it

think we're still in the slow drip chinese torture phase

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45b837 No.21659178



justin bieber


corey gamble

kris jenner

kim porter

kim k (lawyer loopholes) anons knew this years ago

post this please


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08d362 No.21659179

File: ab441fa1a114660⋯.png (1.05 MB,1119x986,1119:986,ReallyFighting2.png)

COMMUNIST PARTY USAPeople and Planet Before Profits.

We’re not going back . . . forward together!

archive.is/GKfy1 https://www.cpusa.org/article/were-not-going-back-forward-together/

NWO/Communists, beings they control literally everything *mainstream in this Country, have been shoving it in our faces, 24/7/365. ZERO *mainstream source for legit INFO, whether "search" engines or ANYthing found on widely-available TV channels. Unfortunately, every sibling and their fams watch the garbage fake entertainers on FAUX. They favor the ones with the jackoff "comedians" for some reason… oh that's right: Fake DUMBING-DOWN entertainment (whether at 5:00 or later) is so FUN to watch because Ignorance is such BLISS!!!! (Just don't attempt mentioning RIGGED Elections/Criminal FRAUD; Ukraine Corruption; or anything ELSE – EVER.)

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9a958d No.21659180

==death penalty for drug dealers=•

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bac1e0 No.21659181


I notice snippets here and there of MSM assholes admitting maybe all the talk of organized perverts running things isn't so far-fetched after all.


Breddy sure they want someone moar radical than Adams. Cuomo won't cut it either.

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08d362 No.21659182

File: 9194581e3345af4⋯.png (837.58 KB,956x989,956:989,baier.png)

More dangerous than CNN

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83a92f No.21659183


Why the shameless promoting of this account ?

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9a958d No.21659184



Can’t open

I am not on TikTok

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51620d No.21659185


=Kill them all!

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329214 No.21659186

File: ecda6ea90dba5ff⋯.png (249.6 KB,380x581,380:581,ecda6ea90dba5ff54b8b19237f….png)

New York is just a fucked up place.

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a3eade No.21659187

File: c53b1624b19c4f7⋯.png (26.02 KB,598x262,299:131,ClipboardImage.png)


@CNBC 3h

China offers one-time cash allowance for those in extreme poverty

Sep 26, 2024 · 2:42 AM UTC


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40080f No.21659188

File: 079d72646449fb9⋯.gif (2.71 MB,480x262,240:131,Pope.gif)


It's the pope. Mass as in catholic mass Pop=Father. HRC=Highest Ranking Catholic. Podesta=Highest civil office in the government of the cities of central and northern Italy during the Late Middle Ages.

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1ef4e4 No.21659189

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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d91fa7 No.21659190


>New York is just a fucked up place.

wimmen are pretty fukked up no matter where they live

talking about this like she's going to the grocery store


shame they can vote

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db3a4c No.21659191

File: ad214599d2dde85⋯.png (572.62 KB,555x894,185:298,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 21963a64d585080⋯.png (82.94 KB,467x590,467:590,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cff9d59c1b8d042⋯.mp4 (6.43 MB,720x640,9:8,take_2_night_shift_with_qd….mp4)

4 Deltas for the 26th Sept

A dig on this image,




summary : email from hillary to huma abedin.

talking about a dinner with diane feinstein, also a meeting with carlos slim and david rockafeller


1) the image i.d leads to a email put out by wikileaks email.


source below plus image.

2) full text and source from with text from email




From: Hillary Clinton

To: Lauren Jiloty

Date: 2010-06-26 12:44


UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-20439 Doc No. C05777248 Date: 08/31/2015


From: H <hrod17@clintonemail.com >

Sent: Tuesday, June 29, 2010 12:44 AM

To: 'JilotyLC@state.gov'

Subject: Fw: Schedule

Pls print.

Original Message

From: H

To: 'ValmoroU@state.gov ' <ValmoroU@state.gov>; Huma Abedin

Cc: H

Sent: Sun Jun 27 18:49:01 2010

Subject: Schedule

Pls reach out to Dianne Feinstein for a dinner which will be very hard for me in July but if I have to be back for a few days

in early August, might work then. Just so she knows we are trying.

Also, I want to see Jack Keane for a drink.

FM Lieberman wants to see me in July–let's discuss

Also FM Zebari of Iraq will be in US in July. Pls find out when he is coming

Have you heard from Carlos Slim about a date for a mtg?

Don't forget:

the Skoll mtg,

the Arctic Council in Greenland,

Harlan Dalton's visit,

Carol Evans' request for an interview,

the Vital Voices Summit 9/14-17,

the request for a mtg or call w Dellums

the AGOA conf in DC which I was told is 8/3-4

The Putin conf about tigers in Vladivostock 9/11-19

What happened w the Baucus mtg?

Also, I'd like a working lunch w Ron Kirk and a mtg about Latin America w Chris Dodd

Pls schedule Hannah Rosenthal to see me

UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-20439 Doc No. C05777248 Date: 08/31/2015

David Rockefeller Sr has asked to see me. I'd like to do when I'm in NY or if there is a State Dept award we could give him

for his citizen diplomacy esp in Latin America–could you run traps on that idea?

During UNGA, I have to do bilat w Cathy Ashton


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9f3595 No.21659192

File: 2dc8a3126684c53⋯.png (966.13 KB,1080x1055,216:211,Screenshot_20240916_112942….png)

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4aa64c No.21659193



frankie sure is a towering citadel of patience, kindness, and grace

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40080f No.21659194



>frankie sure is a towering citadel of patience, kindness, and grace

Good actor. Control comes before Demolition. Something big is about to drop. Dead Cat bounce

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4aa64c No.21659195


>wimmen are pretty fukked up no matter where they live

dey worser in US/west

>shame they can vote

thank the tribe that may not be named

gonna be hell puttin' that genie back in the bottle

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4aa64c No.21659197


>Control comes before Demolition

neutralize the samson option?

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1ef4e4 No.21659198

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Lamest shill pope yet

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40080f No.21659199

File: f9de4de9ce45feb⋯.png (655.56 KB,1588x1600,397:400,ClipboardImage.png)


Remember where scripture says in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump, we will all be changed?

An eye twinkles when it sees the light.

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3a259f No.21659200

Well the pickle is out of the jar

since 2018…

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9f3595 No.21659201

Melania Trump gets her jollies but it's not with Dick Wart Donald Trump.

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83a92f No.21659203

File: e1b1981cbea154f⋯.jpeg (995.17 KB,960x1560,8:13,IMG_6907.jpeg)


You’re not missing out

Same chick has 10m views and 1.7m likes for talking about her baby popping on kitchen floor . Wondering how that is even possible unless you’re promoted


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306c89 No.21659204

File: 2e4db62611a23de⋯.jpg (21.48 KB,227x255,227:255,left.jpg)


ThankQ Dan for letting us contribute, looks like we have us some stinger defense, good work. Remember, your like this guy from the future.

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6b4763 No.21659205


Buffalo Fart Queen.

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35091a No.21659206

File: 409af41a21486f9⋯.png (159.31 KB,601x406,601:406,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6d068bd1f6c9264⋯.jpg (33.58 KB,596x283,596:283,trump_gladiator_596x283_1_….jpg)


@Reuters 5h

Meta CEO Zuckerberg's shirt puts him in company of Roman emperors


Sep 26, 2024 · 1:10 AM UTC



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eff311 No.21659207

File: b7870eb8d7d7bee⋯.png (1.6 MB,1500x1500,1:1,filtered.png)


fuck off pedo

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a8c16e No.21659208

File: c3efb43b169a535⋯.png (2.5 MB,2162x900,1081:450,maybe.png)


>May the Lord be with all the true anons who have graced this board for the last 7+ years. It has truly been an honor serving with you all.

>I grow extremely weary…

Maybe it's the calm before the storm.

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306c89 No.21659209


God is with you, and we do not take the Lord's Name in vain.

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6b4763 No.21659210

File: ecafd5c9349243d⋯.png (239.24 KB,720x720,1:1,downloadfile_3.png)

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bac1e0 No.21659211


>samson option?

Apparently blowing up all of our cell phones at once kek?

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83a92f No.21659212

File: f2703ac0afa1607⋯.jpeg (311.68 KB,784x594,392:297,IMG_6910.jpeg)

File: 0c7e98d688da9f8⋯.jpeg (613.77 KB,960x1419,320:473,IMG_6911.jpeg)


Junior ?

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9a958d No.21659213

File: 3ca965f2d376573⋯.jpeg (573.81 KB,1170x1811,1170:1811,IMG_1721.jpeg)

File: c14c7c39ee3e516⋯.jpeg (334.64 KB,1170x1063,1170:1063,IMG_1719.jpeg)

File: 3384896ebd178e7⋯.jpeg (478.49 KB,1170x1647,130:183,IMG_1720.jpeg)

This is so funny. Biden throws Kamala under the bus



Joe Biden Shares the Simple Advice He Gave Kamala Harris on How to Defeat Donald Trump

"There wasn’t a single thing that I did that she couldn’t do," Biden said of his vice president during a live conversation on 'The View'

When Biden, 81, sat down for a live interview on The View on Wednesday, Sept. 25, he was asked by co-host Sunny Hostin, “As the only person who has ever beaten [Donald] Trump, what advice have you given the vice president about how to win?”

Biden elaborated, “Look, she is smart as hell, number one. She is tough. She was a first-rate prosecutor. She is a United States senator of significant consequence. And as vice president, there wasn’t a single thing that I did that she couldn’t do.”

Biden claimed that with a vice president like Harris, 59, he could “delegate her responsibility on everything from foreign policy to domestic policy,” largely due to their similar beliefs.

“The one thing we have in common… We thought the way to build this country and build the economy which was left in tatters was to build a middle class from the bottom up.We give the poor folks an opportunity, give the middle class a chance to grow and the wealthy can still do well,” he said.

Biden added, eliciting laughter from the audience, “They should start paying their taxes, but…”

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3a259f No.21659214


Kim K lawyer….SKIMS COMMS

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631654 No.21659215


Smart people already turned off the battery blowup feature on their cell phones.

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3a259f No.21659216


Im Papa

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329214 No.21659217

File: d02cfb93530d688⋯.mp4 (2.17 MB,640x360,16:9,exploding_goats.mp4)


Other tactics will be necessary in Minneapolis and southern Michigan.

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b03072 No.21659218

File: 4dbca0d7cccbac4⋯.jpg (63.79 KB,500x500,1:1,4dbca0d7cccbac4e45110027f9….jpg)



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51620d No.21659219

File: 08efcb40c051a24⋯.png (765.05 KB,1000x563,1000:563,ClipboardImage.png)

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be00a7 No.21659221


Yo, I.T. ritard, here. Is that actually an option? Please share, if so. I prefaced, I'm an I.T. ritard.

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0dca49 No.21659222


He never conceded because he won 2020 by a landslide.

I don't disagree with (you), but they tryed

>>"On February 5, Trump was acquitted on both counts by the Senate, as neither count received 67 votes to convict.[7]

Trump remained in office for the remainder of his term. However, he was impeached for a second time in 2021 following the January 6 United States Capitol attack, making him the first U.S. president in history to be impeached twice. Trump was again acquitted by the Senate in February 2021 after he had left office."



>>"The inquiry reported that Trump withheld military aid[a] and an invitation to the White House from Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy in order to influence Ukraine to announce an investigation into Trump's political opponent Joe Biden, and to promote a discredited conspiracy theory that Ukraine–⁠not Russia–⁠was behind interference in the 2016 presidential election."

I guess the point anon was making, was the impeachment seemed to be based off a hoax for the most part.

There was alot of time from December 18, 2019, but he was acquitted by the Senate on February 5, 2020, till 2020 election.


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9a958d No.21659223


Who’s the couple and where are they?

Creepy place and jar

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9a958d No.21659225


What is he charging his appearance?

It’s an improvement

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bac1e0 No.21659226

File: 1b9812b4ab85979⋯.png (217.77 KB,515x485,103:97,1b9812b4ab85979c40363f9f90….png)

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3a259f No.21659227

File: df9a0ad7c69ce4d⋯.jpg (16.42 KB,454x196,227:98,Jan11Qanon.JPG)

File: b2f448ab18bd0c9⋯.png (69.56 KB,904x245,904:245,Jan11QCool.png)


The Real One….not the ones who claimed…they transcribed what i put here as theirs…anons and Q saw it…i had no idea at the time….Q showed with this…i made an early decode…but i kept it quiet…and just kept digging

they took my identity…but here I am..Im connected to Q

but Im V

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51620d No.21659228

File: 760bb2d3b8aeed7⋯.png (763.87 KB,1000x563,1000:563,ClipboardImage.png)


v2, Cleaned up a bit.

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96fc43 No.21659230

File: 2f959ababd83576⋯.png (8.45 MB,1957x1958,1957:1958,01xp_diamond_obit1_superJu….png)


Screech with shades?

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3a259f No.21659231


Now I kinow why the blacks been trying to take me out..not just them

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83a92f No.21659232

File: 0e31f074d638bcf⋯.jpeg (517.02 KB,960x1330,96:133,IMG_6924.jpeg)

File: 16f93979059e9cc⋯.jpeg (197.2 KB,960x457,960:457,IMG_6925.jpeg)


The Odditorium

Jr meant to be Joe Coleman’s ‘son’ gifted by a carny allegedly and in his private museum


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5d595a No.21659233



Dan: Is there a way to retrofit Trump's plane with some type of laser system or flares as a secondary defense against missiles and drones?

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3a259f No.21659234

File: a10ef277eaa018c⋯.png (2.91 MB,1600x898,800:449,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6bf41502a6a556c⋯.png (1.12 MB,957x638,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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45b837 No.21659235




new/exclusive-interview-myth-and-reality-the-art-of-dying-with-joe-coleman/ - First found on Oct 29, 2014

Filename: whitneyandjoecoleman.jpg(400 x 600, 62 kB)


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3053aa No.21659236

File: 7fe2cfbb6e5ac1c⋯.jpg (8.26 KB,183x192,61:64,1718349275078877.jpg)

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1ef4e4 No.21659237

File: 105e270ebef893b⋯.png (504.04 KB,768x593,768:593,ClipboardImage.png)

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1ef4e4 No.21659238

File: db07e98fd5dfe7a⋯.png (1.01 MB,1000x563,1000:563,ClipboardImage.png)

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1ef4e4 No.21659239

File: 8ac9c961ca73b7f⋯.png (1.38 MB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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83a92f No.21659240


My mums birthday

My birth the day x the month = the year

And I remember everything in detail from the moment of birth

I’m not going to give myself a letter of the alphabet though though I suspect what Q would choose for me

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1e52b5 No.21659241


Fried hoo-ha.

Imagine the smell.

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329214 No.21659242

File: 78bd1fcf2650aa8⋯.png (408.09 KB,775x653,775:653,Pepe_blush_ice_cube.png)

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45b837 No.21659243



>>I grow extremely weary…

same here

yes..but remember

Galatians 6:9

Amplified Bible, Classic Edition

9 And let us not lose heart and grow weary and faint in acting nobly and doing right, for in due time and at the appointed season we shall reap, if we do not loosen and relax our courage and faint

Galatians 6

Amplified Bible, Classic Edition

6 Brethren, if any person is overtaken in misconduct or sin of any sort, you who are spiritual [who are responsive to and controlled by the Spirit] should set him right and restore and reinstate him, without any sense of superiority and with all gentleness, keeping an attentive eye on yourself, lest you should be tempted also.

2 Bear (endure, carry) one another’s burdens and [a]troublesome moral faults, and in this way fulfill and observe perfectly the law of Christ (the Messiah) and complete [b]what is lacking [in your obedience to it].

3 For if any person thinks himself to be somebody [too important to condescend to shoulder another’s load] when he is nobody [of superiority except in his own estimation], he deceives and deludes and cheats himself.

4 But let every person carefully scrutinize and examine and test his own conduct and his own work. He can then have the personal satisfaction and joy of doing something commendable [[c]in itself alone] without [resorting to] boastful comparison with his neighbor.

5 For every person will have to bear ([d]be equal to understanding and calmly receive) his own [[e]little] load [f][of oppressive faults].

6 Let him who receives instruction in the Word [of God] share all good things with his teacher [contributing to his support].

7 Do not be deceived and deluded and misled; God will not allow Himself to be sneered at (scorned, disdained, or mocked [g]by mere pretensions or professions, or by His precepts being set aside.) [He inevitably deludes himself who attempts to delude God.] For whatever a man sows, that and [h]that only is what he will reap.

8 For he who sows to his own flesh (lower nature, sensuality) will from the flesh reap decay and ruin and destruction, but he who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life.

9 And let us not lose heart and grow weary and faint in acting nobly and doing right, for in due time and at the appointed season we shall reap, if we do not loosen and relax our courage and faint.

10 So then, as occasion and opportunity open up to us, let us do good [[i]morally] to all people [not only [j]being useful or profitable to them, but also doing what is for their spiritual good and advantage]. Be mindful to be a blessing, especially to those of the household of faith [those who belong to God’s family with you, the believers].

11 See with what large letters I am writing with my own hand. [[k]Mark carefully these closing words of mine.]

12 Those who want to make a good impression and a fine show in the flesh would try to compel you to receive circumcision, simply so that they may escape being persecuted for allegiance to the cross of Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed One).

13 For even the circumcised [Jews] themselves do not [really] keep the Law, but they want to have you circumcised in order that they may glory in your flesh (your subjection to external rites).

14 But far be it from me to glory [in anything or anyone] except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ (the Messiah) through Whom the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world!

15 For neither is circumcision [now] of any importance, nor uncircumcision, but [only] a new creation [the result of a new birth and a new nature in Christ Jesus, the Messiah].

16 Peace and mercy be upon all who walk by this rule [who discipline themselves and regulate their lives by this principle], even upon the [true] Israel of God!

17 From now on let no person trouble me [by [l]making it necessary for me to vindicate my apostolic authority and the divine truth of my Gospel], for I bear on my body the [brand] marks of the Lord Jesus [the wounds, scars, and other outward evidence of persecutions—these testify to His ownership of me]!

18 The grace (spiritual favor, blessing) of our Lord Jesus Christ (the Anointed One, the Messiah) be with your spirit, brethren. Amen (so be it).

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db3a4c No.21659244

File: 6229511647b1ad5⋯.png (597.48 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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1ef4e4 No.21659245

File: c27b37c28f9885e⋯.png (98.73 KB,338x144,169:72,ClipboardImage.png)

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a5c22e No.21659246


And remember to shield all internal electronics from microwaves and other invisible radiation devices. You need a real time detection system if that plane is going to be on open runways, it really should be put in a hangar as soon as possible. Then again you could shield it on the runway with aluminum too just in the areas of the pilot where all the electronics are.

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45b837 No.21659247





>9 And let us not lose heart and grow weary and faint in acting nobly and doing right, for in due time and at the appointed season we shall reap, if we do not loosen and relax our courage and faint.

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9a958d No.21659248

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46958b No.21659249

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db3a4c No.21659250

File: cc24609fbea6553⋯.png (116.77 KB,288x371,288:371,ClipboardImage.png)

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352ea6 No.21659251

File: 86670f6af3ad8bd⋯.mp4 (1.25 MB,320x240,4:3,AC_130_Gunship_Lights_up_t….mp4)

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46958b No.21659252


TF1 is the refurbished model.

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1ef4e4 No.21659253

File: 1540cd74a279cbd⋯.png (864.42 KB,1024x576,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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8d66ba No.21659254


ThankQ for your service and dedication for the sake of humanity. Remember. we work for God and Country. You are the saviors of mankind.

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51620d No.21659255


Kek, is that Dan?

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b03072 No.21659256











Look at you, Tranime, you glitchy little clown,

Came here to shill, but all you're doing is falling down.

Sent by the spooks, frozen assets, Snow White dead,

Now you’re left spamming nonsense, can’t even get ahead.

You’re like a drunk pigeon, can’t fly straight,

Flappin’ your wings, but nobody takes the bait.

Every post you drop is a joke,

Like you’re tryin' to put out a fire with smoke.

They gave you scripts, thought you'd divide us up,

But here we are, still sipping from the same cup.

You think you’re clever, but you’re just a meme,

A broken cog in a dying machine.

We laugh at you, you’re the board’s fool,

Can’t stop patriots, no matter how hard you drool.

You can’t divide us, no matter how you try,

We’re the storm, and you’re just a fly.

Your strings are cut, Tranime’s done,

We’ve won this war before it’s even begun.

Snow White’s crashed, your assets are froze,

Time’s up, kid, that's how it goes.

Tranime, you’re like a wet sock in a dryer,

Spinning in circles, getting nowhere, just tired.

Spitting out the same lines like a broken toy,

But you’re up against grown folks, not some boy.

You’re a mosquito buzzing in the ear,

But we swat you down, you disappear.

CIA’s desperate, using you as their pawn,

But even they know you’re just a con.

You’re like a clown, no one laughs at your show,

Just a puppet, but now it’s time to let go.

You can’t divide us, no matter how you try,

We’re the storm, and you’re just a fly.

Your strings are cut, Tranime’s done,

We’ve won this war before it’s even begun.

Snow White’s crashed, your assets are froze,

Time’s up, kid, that's how it goes.

Your scripts are weak, your lies are stale,

You’re like a sinking ship with a shredded sail.

Thought you could drown us in your garbage flood,

But we’re floatin’ high, can’t drag us through the mud.

Citizen soldiers, united, stand tall,

You’re just a shadow, fading, that’s all.

Tranime, you’re a footnote in this fight,

Shillin’ like a rat, but we’ve already won the night.

You tried to split us, but we grew tighter,

Every lie you spread, we came back brighter.

So, go on and spam, we’ll keep on laughing,

You’re just a joke, and we’ll keep attacking.

You can’t divide us, no matter how you try,

We’re the storm, and you’re just a fly.

Your strings are cut, Tranime’s done,

We’ve won this war before it’s even begun.

Snow White’s crashed, your assets are froze,

Time’s up, kid, that’s how it goes.

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05da13 No.21659257

fucking sheep

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db3a4c No.21659258

File: 024e66769bb8d52⋯.png (271.78 KB,613x407,613:407,ClipboardImage.png)


confirmation dubs chek'ed

sure looks like him

but no.

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3a259f No.21659259

File: 8e59c36e816ea1c⋯.png (394.63 KB,633x770,633:770,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2a612ccf233383d⋯.png (33.45 KB,627x573,209:191,ClipboardImage.png)



anyone git those pics?

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352ea6 No.21659260

File: 94126b54767005d⋯.png (1.48 MB,1196x1262,598:631,94126b54767005d480a27312b3….png)

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83a92f No.21659261

File: 288d2c9f5d282fc⋯.jpeg (464.22 KB,601x920,601:920,IMG_6934.jpeg)


God bless (you) All

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05da13 No.21659262

mutton blessing mutton


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dfa032 No.21659263


This guy gets it, Kek. Unfortunately, 20 Trump supporters found out the hard way, these people are sick.

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4aa64c No.21659264



don't own one

anon uses dixie cups and string

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83a92f No.21659266


Sheep follow

We lead

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45b837 No.21659267

>>21659184i am not on tik tok either

if you fool around with things you can see all ot the vids

use this

in address bar google or whatever search engine

copy paste https://www.tiktok.com/@rosina1xo/video/7418365381489724702

then use the up and down arrow above the HEART

it is to the right of the video

and it will move you through her vids

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45b837 No.21659268

>>21659184 i am not on tik tok either

if you fool around with things you can see all ot the vids

use this

in address bar google or whatever search engine

copy paste https://www.tiktok.com/@rosina1xo/video/7418365381489724702

then use the up and down arrow above the HEART

it is to the right of the video

and it will move you through her vids

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bb70b5 No.21659269


In reality, that platform with aluminum sheets on the side could protect the electronics if it was place up front towards the cockpit. Remember the scare of faulty electronics that forced POTUS to land and take a different plane?

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1ef4e4 No.21659270

File: 93c4245956951f9⋯.png (344.53 KB,451x480,451:480,ClipboardImage.png)

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45b837 No.21659271


she is a beuaty influencer

girls like that shit

that is how

and she id pretty with all the makeup and lashes

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db3a4c No.21659273

File: 1fa550a76d8bd05⋯.png (1.5 MB,722x1022,361:511,ClipboardImage.png)


you are forgetting one thing.

if no signal can get in.

no signal can get out.

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3053aa No.21659274

File: 6892ca7071a3437⋯.jpg (87.91 KB,500x484,125:121,353646.JPG)

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45b837 No.21659275




n address bar google or whatever search engine

copy paste https://www.tiktok.com/@rosina1xo/video/7418365381489724702

then use the up and down arrow above the HEART

it is to the right of the video

and it will move you through her vids

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83a92f No.21659276

File: 08ada749c543520⋯.jpeg (303.04 KB,753x869,753:869,IMG_6945.jpeg)

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329214 No.21659277

File: f71a3fb67872458⋯.png (86.89 KB,714x574,51:41,f71a3fb67872458481f2d0e716….png)

File: 33886781ca0cdf4⋯.png (334.16 KB,325x669,325:669,Screen_Shot_2024_09_26_at_….png)


>she is a beuaty influencer

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9a958d No.21659278

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3053aa No.21659279

File: 82dd143e4109770⋯.jpg (28.47 KB,342x227,342:227,46464758586997.jpg)


wall of text-tard

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9a958d No.21659280


She is very pretty

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d7c09b No.21659281


>if no signal can get in.

>no signal can get out.

You would have to test with the same grade composites to know for sure. There are different type of signals, microwaves cook from the inside out. Something caused that plane to do an emergency landing. All they have to do is melt the plastic sheathing around electronics and then you have interferences.

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329214 No.21659282


>so there I was, banging the Italian Prime Minister…

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3a259f No.21659283


The one that plays Beibers wife….a witch that copies

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3a259f No.21659284


Beiber is Dave

Leo King

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3053aa No.21659285

File: 62062ac18580368⋯.png (475.25 KB,592x665,592:665,688689.png)

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35c968 No.21659286

not one chan literate anon present to call it on its observable bullshit.


fucking sad.

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35c968 No.21659287


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51620d No.21659289

File: aa70bb480145c6e⋯.png (206.97 KB,607x400,607:400,ClipboardImage.png)

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3053aa No.21659290

File: a3c4af91a4cca12⋯.png (756.84 KB,1024x868,256:217,46edry.png)


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83a92f No.21659291

File: 5baabfc973a62e8⋯.jpeg (587.63 KB,960x1811,960:1811,IMG_6949.jpeg)

File: aeaa58259c79152⋯.jpeg (1.16 MB,960x1774,480:887,IMG_6950.jpeg)

File: 530994c8e53682c⋯.jpeg (1.01 MB,960x1636,240:409,IMG_6951.jpeg)


Not buying it whatever she’s selling

In my opinion there’s people that played along the themes but with a slight twist that never got banned and got promoted and now gross from our theme with above twist

I don’t wonder why I suspect that I know

Apologise if anyone knows this chick but it doesn’t influence me

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db3a4c No.21659292

File: fb1b612de912546⋯.png (554.48 KB,500x780,25:39,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 777c201f21de4f0⋯.mp4 (469.49 KB,360x202,180:101,spaceforce.mp4)


if you want to stop attacks on the trump.

use spaceforce to check all pings around him for a 1000 miles radius and hi tech cameras from space than laser that fucker from space.

do not defend, attack.

peace through strength.

anyone who tries that shit is on a death wish.

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3a259f No.21659293

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3053aa No.21659295

File: a3addf8b0393519⋯.jpg (143 KB,1280x715,256:143,1709363543409843.jpg)


>not one chan literate anon present

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96cecb No.21659296


>TF1 is the refurbished model.

Remember, all it takes is one mishap. Who owned the plane before? You never know what a previous owner did and how they things up and the scenario to purchase it. Nothing is past these people, they will play the long game that most would never consider.

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3a259f No.21659297


Sex with Sister Natalie….Incest is Best

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db3a4c No.21659298

File: fccac7c45233398⋯.gif (3.4 MB,588x588,1:1,kek_gif.gif)

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329214 No.21659299

File: 86f657de0a9753e⋯.png (494.21 KB,850x517,850:517,86f657de0a9753e76987e7a5f7….png)

Lotta armchair protective agents here tonight.

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35c968 No.21659300

not even worth the photons

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96fc43 No.21659302

File: bd58b96ccb3d804⋯.jpg (107.58 KB,793x810,793:810,bd58b96ccb3d80417b8449b2ec….jpg)


Ok Groomer

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83a92f No.21659303

File: cf81ee25f305f96⋯.jpeg (1 MB,960x1878,160:313,IMG_6955.jpeg)



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45b837 No.21659304



any tik tok you want to see without signing up

google the person and search what their tik tok handle is


just put in just the handle





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3053aa No.21659305

File: 57effbb38e79884⋯.png (293.36 KB,471x700,471:700,57effbb38e79884b6cfc1334eb….png)


Nat has seen some serious shit

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35c968 No.21659306

nothing can stop the coming extinction event.

have fun niggers

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1ef4e4 No.21659307

File: a97a029ec689f6e⋯.png (224.63 KB,363x244,363:244,ClipboardImage.png)

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3053aa No.21659309

File: de1aad8d5b21154⋯.png (528.67 KB,675x720,15:16,43536474356.png)



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3a259f No.21659310


shes not so innocent

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9a958d No.21659312



That worked

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3053aa No.21659313

File: f4b8a6f7f2d5dbc⋯.png (271.92 KB,485x576,485:576,464674775474.png)


incest runs in the biden family, it's hereditary

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1ef4e4 No.21659314

File: 8c16a109ad79e8f⋯.png (274 KB,363x360,121:120,ClipboardImage.png)

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9a958d No.21659315


Has. River released any statements about diddy?

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d91535 No.21659316

File: 5bb43f7f732527d⋯.png (236.95 KB,1066x1216,533:608,ClipboardImage.png)


Popcorn is the marker?

Remember Bill Barr kept saying in interviews that if Trump is reelected that it would be a “Horror Show”?

Also, Halloween is DARK and the next day is the Hindu festival (Catholics have All Saints Day) of Diwali (The Festival of LIGHT).

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45b837 No.21659318

she is pro trump

many vids on many topics










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3a259f No.21659320

File: e36f74641cc2711⋯.png (246.22 KB,474x296,237:148,ClipboardImage.png)


watch you talkin bout…Willis?

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3053aa No.21659321

File: e93b3b900f84c74⋯.png (94.14 KB,214x235,214:235,4235364758.png)


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ca9a62 No.21659323


I like the way you think. Centcom handles that distance, we have to be concerned with the 4.5km stingers that are in the hands of 5 assassin squads. I suggested patriot missiles at the runway but seems like .50 cal machine guns were the right choice for the job. I am just glad to see how responsive they are. Like I said, put that platform with aluminum shields closer to the cockpit to get a double whammy and protect from microwaves melting wires as that plane sits on the runway for a few hours. I am pretty sure that is what caused the emergency landing as there were comms about the assertion. Keep going.

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45b837 No.21659325


she is pro trump

admits she did vote obama

then woke up to the crap

many vids where she is getting it today



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49afd7 No.21659326

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1ef4e4 No.21659327

File: 7987f96e2880dbd⋯.png (177.47 KB,363x203,363:203,ClipboardImage.png)

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352ea6 No.21659329



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83a92f No.21659330


What’s bullshit ?

Are you a sheep ?

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9a958d No.21659332

Did the Obama go to Diddy’s parties?

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45b837 No.21659333

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>21659247 yep

keep movin' soldier

it over yet

keep walking






>>9 And let us not lose heart and grow weary and faint in acting nobly and doing right, for in due time and at the appointed season we shall reap, if we do not loosen and relax our courage and faint.

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6f4144 No.21659334

File: 2c575e2beff1e73⋯.mp4 (6.41 MB,IMG_2445.mp4)

File: 1e7f079aa899c3f⋯.jpeg (136.72 KB,1018x1024,509:512,IMG_4366.jpeg)

Anons know the aging process of reptiles?

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3053aa No.21659335

File: c3ae8defea68a25⋯.png (181.3 KB,332x510,166:255,5356.png)

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3a259f No.21659336

File: 5bb2026195bbca2⋯.jpg (10.71 KB,337x51,337:51,bite.JPG)

File: e5faff781ac324d⋯.png (221.44 KB,643x680,643:680,Shills3.png)

File: bf9141554e3ab29⋯.png (336.66 KB,590x488,295:244,Satanists.png)

File: bb6c53dc6e8348a⋯.png (31.61 KB,322x144,161:72,ClipboardImage.png)


You Wish…you wish so bad

but we here long time

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3fdb1b No.21659339


Please tell me as if I was 5

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9f41f1 No.21659341

Anon is really struggling to keep up. My great awakening seems to be that I am really not all that bright.

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20254f No.21659342

File: 74a5e00e2245660⋯.jpg (1.42 MB,2362x3374,1181:1687,Agora.jpg)

>>21658172 pb notables

Just saw the name and it reminded me.

Agora is a 2009 film directed by Alejandro Amenábar and starring Rachel Weisz as Hypatia, a 4th-century philosopher and astronomer in Roman Egypt. The film explores the conflict between religion and science, and the fate of classical antiquity amidst the Christianization of the region.

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83a92f No.21659343

File: 750063cab2d49e0⋯.jpeg (912.55 KB,960x1696,30:53,IMG_6968.jpeg)

File: 3d59677bc4fa747⋯.jpeg (580.94 KB,705x1790,141:358,IMG_6969.jpeg)

File: 07b40819b014e2a⋯.jpeg (507.71 KB,960x1504,30:47,IMG_6970.jpeg)


Obama & Mike just had them all over to their place

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3a259f No.21659345


Whitney….real Whitney ded…i heard

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83a92f No.21659346


Some trash about standing up in the bath too Quick

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d91535 No.21659347

File: d2cbaed51e1d190⋯.png (4.51 MB,1179x1661,1179:1661,ClipboardImage.png)

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1ef4e4 No.21659348

File: f291bd54c397cdc⋯.png (335.16 KB,363x340,363:340,ClipboardImage.png)

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3a259f No.21659349


yeah well….i dont have to prove Nuffin to you

Im a little Big Secret

Benn Recognized for my legit Muh Patriots are Selfless

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a8c16e No.21659350

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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9f41f1 No.21659351


Seriously I am a liability. Have honestly tried to apply myself, but not improving enough for the team. Misinterpreting too much and making mistakes due to lack of comprehension.

What to do?

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3a259f No.21659352


yay….means she could be ghost

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b03072 No.21659353

File: 992683ce87787dc⋯.png (331.95 KB,767x637,59:49,7746c1ab5d0834cb3e91ba0776….png)


The central unintelligence agency wished that they had their supercomputers back online.


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d91535 No.21659354

File: 511c3a5538d1644⋯.png (2.94 MB,1017x1297,1017:1297,ClipboardImage.png)

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3a259f No.21659355

File: 009ffd5d4227872⋯.png (273.44 KB,652x404,163:101,ClipboardImage.png)

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1ef4e4 No.21659356

File: 0565ff1aede88a6⋯.png (1.27 MB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


They were using them?

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85b7d2 No.21659357

File: 470c1c25fac6bd3⋯.png (615.8 KB,890x467,890:467,2024_09_26_0_45_52.png)

The Corrupt UN Passes Global Action to Rule the World

The corrupt UN passes global action to take over the world. Trump is our only hope. This occurred quietly over the weekend. This international order is irredeemably corrupt and has pernicious aspirations. What they offer is global technocratic totalitarian…


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d91535 No.21659358

File: b831311145646b7⋯.png (3.9 MB,1911x993,637:331,ClipboardImage.png)

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3a259f No.21659359


someone stole my identity and got in

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d91535 No.21659360

File: 0014f67fd1156c6⋯.png (1.29 MB,1051x707,1051:707,ClipboardImage.png)

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83a92f No.21659362

File: b443e89577a8d12⋯.jpeg (842.11 KB,960x1545,64:103,IMG_6986.jpeg)

File: f1c52cc50e98be5⋯.jpeg (320.27 KB,584x811,584:811,IMG_6985.jpeg)


Zero Bubble

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0dca49 No.21659363

Anon just like you

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3a259f No.21659365

File: 381674fcc1348f0⋯.png (295.69 KB,631x738,631:738,ClipboardImage.png)


looks gnarly

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45b837 No.21659366

File: 0d7ffe8b7db7e43⋯.jpg (20.18 KB,456x300,38:25,c934c7981337d31583e576ee93….jpg)

File: c77418e64a7bd17⋯.jpg (32.66 KB,642x351,214:117,8fc27ca13d4f5cec6cfb157c78….jpg)

File: 0c2fa4b7874b6a6⋯.jpg (308.81 KB,1433x1074,1433:1074,0c2fa4b7874b6a6c74e01b04e6….jpg)

File: 28b27ec1898a9f1⋯.png (128.29 KB,1280x1280,1:1,b9fdca60b70b03e9bd63e93d15….png)

File: 6462c4690dc95c4⋯.jpg (202.4 KB,1200x907,1200:907,396c79b4d6051450438fa900f1….jpg)



Q !UW.yye1fxo No.85 📁

Feb 11 2018 18:42:20 (EST)


We don't say his name returning to prime time.

Wonder if his so-called illness/condition will flare up.

"He's not a war hero."

He's a mega millionaire.




[Not complete].



Define money laundering.

Define the word 'Traitor'.

A world w/o this man is a world better off.



Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 77016b No.2287057 📁

Jul 25 2018 18:27:00 (EST)



You’ll soon know why.



Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 77016b No.2287348 📁

Jul 25 2018 18:38:34 (EST)

Anonymous ID: 45607c No.2287225 📁

Jul 25 2018 18:33:04 (EST)


No Name in the redacted portion of FISA application?


When did No Name travel to the UK?



Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 77016b No.2287098 📁

Jul 25 2018 18:28:35 (EST)


No name returning to headlines.



Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: dc4bac No.2313074 📁

Jul 27 2018 13:16:06 (EST)


What are the odds?


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1460a8 No.21659367


the irony of technically retarded limpy leftists with psychotic aspirations of global technocratic totalitarianism

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fafab2 No.21659368

File: 0141afac28c08ee⋯.png (300.31 KB,850x400,17:8,ClipboardImage.png)


np They're all woke. All they do is lie.

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3a259f No.21659369

File: cec286dbc0908e3⋯.png (384.33 KB,610x727,610:727,ClipboardImage.png)



Props here given for my latests efforts

all the 5s =Vs

look at these last six months of 2024

this is unconfortable kinda…not braggin but yeah

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fafab2 No.21659370

File: 7c178f2bc5bbce9⋯.png (749.77 KB,1080x862,540:431,ClipboardImage.png)

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3a259f No.21659372


look at all my kills….murdering

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d91535 No.21659374


Friday&Saturday = the start?

November = 30 days

In 30?

Before Christmas?

Is there a Q post about an “early” Christmas present?

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3a259f No.21659377


thats it…Halloween Harvest

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45b837 No.21659378

File: c5582553316def2⋯.png (593.22 KB,794x598,397:299,1efc2dfccceffe07c76c6327b1….png)

blast from the past

dood still on board?











Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 6a01ed No.2377739 📁

Jul 31 2018 18:15:29 (EST)

To the person holding the "Q" cut out:

Please post your pic/vid as POTUS specifically pointed at you moments ago.

We will scrub the web to find the source no matter where posted.




Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.409 📁

Nov 5 2018 17:08:35 (EST)

"Did they get the shot?"

"I pointed directly at it 3x."

"I turned and double pointed just to be clear."

"Did they pick up the 'Boom, Boom, Boom….Something is Happening'?"

Yes, Mr. President, Anons are actively tracking. Message received.

"Good, that's good."



Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 9a94e9 No.2382387 📁

Jul 31 2018 21:34:42 (EST)

Anonymous ID: 5616c6 No.2382201 📁

Jul 31 2018 21:28:00 (EST)



I know it's a bit late, but thank you Q for the IRL (You).

Watching a rally on TV does not come anywhere near the atmosphere of a rally in person and up front. I had a blast and to tippy top it off, I found out i was a Q drop. Best day ever!


We saw you, Patriots.

God bless!




Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 63ed4d No.2383128 📁

Jul 31 2018 22:10:38 (EST)




Patriots - thank you!



Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 72c02e No.2379080 📁

Jul 31 2018 19:03:43 (EST)



The World is about to change.



Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 9a94e9 No.2381947 📁

Jul 31 2018 21:19:01 (EST)

Anonymous ID: dd0fde No.2381898 📁

Jul 31 2018 21:15:54 (EST)

Did the person holding the Q cutout ever post the pic/vid?



No source as of yet.


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45b837 No.21659380

File: c5582553316def2⋯.png (593.22 KB,794x598,397:299,1efc2dfccceffe07c76c6327b1….png)

>>21659378 cont:


Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 9a94e9 No.2382387 📁

Jul 31 2018 21:34:42 (EST)

Anonymous ID: 5616c6 No.2382201 📁

Jul 31 2018 21:28:00 (EST)



I know it's a bit late, but thank you Q for the IRL (You).

Watching a rally on TV does not come anywhere near the atmosphere of a rally in person and up front. I had a blast and to tippy top it off, I found out i was a Q drop. Best day ever!


We saw you, Patriots.

God bless!



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a8c16e No.21659381


Maybe trust your instincts no matter how many times you fail.

I have failed at things (the same things) dozens of times or more before starting to have it click in any way at all.

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6f4144 No.21659382



“No name returning to headlines.”

No name in the news soon.

No name in the noos soon.

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45b837 No.21659383

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3a259f No.21659386


hope that Beiber baby dont get sold later

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3a259f No.21659388


what censorship?

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b03072 No.21659389

File: 26b4b4300da99db⋯.png (219.69 KB,385x480,77:96,bc1f537573b38e85ef113216f4….png)




ohn Brennan, you traitor to the land,

The weight of your lies too heavy to stand.

Sold out the nation, turned your back,

Now you’re running, but truth’s on your track.

Used to wield power like a king on a throne,

But now you're just a rat, exposed and alone.:

Brennan, the downfall’s near,

You played the game, now live in fear.

The truth is out, the patriots rise,

You can't hide behind your CIA lies.

Director of deception, puppet of the spooks,

Pulled the strings but now you're shook.

America’s sons and daughters see,

The man behind the mask—weak as can be.

No place left to run or scheme,

You’re a fallen traitor, ripped from the dream.

Brennan, the downfall’s near,

You played the game, now live in fear.

The truth is out, the patriots rise,

You can't hide behind your CIA lies.:

Your legacy's crumbling, your empire's done,

You thought you’d win, but we’ve already won.

The patriots rally, the battle’s begun,

And you, John Brennan, can’t outrun the sun.

Brennan, it's over, the truth is here,

No more shadows to disappear.

You betrayed the flag, but we stand tall,

And watch your empire, like you, fall.

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96fc43 No.21659390


That's nice

I'm sure the forces of evil would just love to have Q stop by. Not knowing where or when Q will make a move causes much insomnia for the, I've no doubt

You are not an "operator"

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d91535 No.21659391

File: 343debe0a67bb48⋯.png (107.52 KB,1055x826,1055:826,ClipboardImage.png)



47 marker?

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45b837 No.21659393

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fafab2 No.21659394

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



They fell for it. Again. They led us to their hive.

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d91535 No.21659395

File: 20cca66e80f3078⋯.png (1.19 MB,1179x1965,3:5,ClipboardImage.png)

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96fc43 No.21659397


I'm perfectly fine with the trash like yourself getting tossed

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3a259f No.21659403

File: e5b5673fee92093⋯.png (219.76 KB,921x807,307:269,ClipboardImage.png)

File: dbdcfa8444caff1⋯.png (588.91 KB,1381x868,1381:868,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3bce7342e8179f1⋯.png (71.01 KB,918x391,54:23,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3f415cd8aaa6961⋯.png (660.74 KB,1366x848,683:424,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 853b729db4510bf⋯.png (2.2 MB,1862x824,931:412,ClipboardImage.png)

Trust Sessions!

Praying Medics name is Dave

What a fag

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d91535 No.21659404


$1000/hr paytriot

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45b837 No.21659405

File: 09cb52b9e2bd6a8⋯.jpg (96.47 KB,1180x663,1180:663,321fe33f5ba6b76e9f34df4096….jpg)



Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 1c4dbc No.1058722 📁

Apr 15 2018 21:06:56 (EST)


SC - Supreme Court.


AS 187 / Clown Black (Brennan).



↻ ↓ 34 posts


ctrl f brennan 1/43

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3a259f No.21659406



FISA abuses in our above is like the spying on me…down here

Whwn We Lost the Board

We are getting it Back….and Better Boys and the Ladies..hubba hubba

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45b837 No.21659407

File: 36e46acad64eb0a⋯.gif (997.49 KB,425x259,425:259,36e46acad64eb0a11eb4641829….gif)

File: 194c4001dd856ee⋯.jpg (84.96 KB,1199x693,109:63,194c4001dd856eee4f5d782f04….jpg)

File: 86c175938645c25⋯.jpg (15.78 KB,255x204,5:4,7c178f2bc5bbce992b103f5f30….jpg)



Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 77016b No.2287674 📁

Jul 25 2018 18:56:38 (EST)

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 77016b No.2287348 📁

Jul 25 2018 18:38:34 (EST)


When did No Name travel to the UK?


Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 77016b No.2287348 📁

Jul 25 2018 18:38:34 (EST)


When did No Name travel to the UK?




What if the UK gov worked hand-in-hand w/ the Hussein admin to sabotage the 2016 election?

Data collection.




Creation of fake intel dossier using ex spy.

Co-sponsor insurance policy re: POTUS election.



No Name.









What if intel masked penetration(s) to frame Russia?





Why does the UK gov desperately want JA?

Think source files.

The more you know.



Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 0c9770 No.465919 📁

Feb 22 2018 21:05:01 (EST)

Clowns revealed in China/other.



Sold intel?

HRC open source server?

[Missing emails]


Granted access.


Only the tip.

This will be made public [soon].



Jun 11 2018


Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 22318c No.1704013 📁

Jun 11 2018 16:50:26 (EST)

Anonymous ID: 511266 No.1703935 📁

Jun 11 2018 16:45:41 (EST)


Q is this man free? Is he safe? If he isn't, can you help him? He is a hero.



What recent news came out re: SR/JA/WL lawsuit?

Back in the news.

The 'server' brings down the house.



Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: e429ce No.2007869 📁

Jul 3 2018 00:52:44 (EST)


Re_ read drops re: Five Eyes / FVEY.

Will be extremely important going forward.

[UK] - primary

Turn taken.

FBI/DOJ to State / Hussein WH (inc C_A / other appointment Start) to Foreign Bad Actors.

[RR] deadline?

We have the server.




↻ ↓ 33 posts

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3a259f No.21659409

File: 83e44bd49ed04b3⋯.png (306.08 KB,640x340,32:17,ClipboardImage.png)


FISA Abuses in our Govt…tired yo…so damn tired

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45b837 No.21659411




>No Name.









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3a259f No.21659414

File: 442e0478830cdda⋯.png (91.39 KB,303x271,303:271,ClipboardImage.png)

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fafab2 No.21659415


Second that

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3a259f No.21659416

File: 209d6deffe6d2cb⋯.png (394.79 KB,635x787,635:787,ClipboardImage.png)


i wonder if these are the same

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d91535 No.21659417

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3a259f No.21659418


its very telling

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96fc43 No.21659419

File: 4354c6d0a01c463⋯.png (447.99 KB,1920x919,1920:919,Screenshot_2024_08_17_at_1….png)

File: b1ebb36c039a461⋯.png (670.92 KB,1920x919,1920:919,Screenshot_2024_08_17_at_1….png)

File: 7b8fb3d841215e2⋯.png (356.1 KB,1920x919,1920:919,Screenshot_2024_08_17_at_1….png)


Nope, I'm a hemorrhoid that makes your life uncomfortable as you try to larp as an "operator" when you are not busy playing the religious part

Not commie, but for you quite a pain in the ass

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3a259f No.21659420


Nightmare before Christmas

This is Halloween

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3a259f No.21659421

File: 9977ba8071e425a⋯.jpg (29.07 KB,541x197,541:197,PROPS.JPG)

File: 613f2f79328c93d⋯.png (18.55 KB,806x450,403:225,wwg1wga.png)

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3a259f No.21659422


t makes your life uncomfortable as you try to larp as an "operator"

this anon gets it

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45b837 No.21659423

File: 4bf3eeec3d69757⋯.webp (37.48 KB,720x405,16:9,SUSAN_RICE_MSNBC.webp)

Former Biden adviser Susan Rice says Harris has been an 'integral architect' of the administration's agenda



Former Biden domestic policy adviser Susan Rice

called the idea that Vice President Kamala Harris wasn't "a key part" of the current administration's policies

"somewhat bizarre and offensive."

"I think it’s very important to remember that this has been the Biden-Harris agenda.

Kamala Harris has been an integral architect and executor of the policies of the Biden-Harris administration," Rice said.

Former Biden adviser Susan Rice defended

said Kamala Harris was "architect" of administration agenda

on MSNBC's "Andrea Mitchell Reports" Tuesday. (MSNBC screenshot)

Rice, who also served as U.N. ambassador and National Security Advisor to President Obama, added how past Biden policies such as strengthening unions and raising the minimum wage were "elements of a policy framework that she devised as a key part of the Biden administration" and is likely "keen to see through to the finish line."

"So, there will be important, as there should be, aspects of continuity in many policy areas. But of course, the vice president will outline her vision and where she sees opportunities to advance their collective agenda, the Biden-Harris collective agenda, and take it further forward. I think we all look forward to hearing that.

"But this notion that she somehow doesn’t deserve credit for and isn’t part of and wasn’t an integral architect of the Biden-Harris administration agenda is not only false, it’s frankly somewhat bizarre and offensive," Rice said.

According to Real Clear Polling, Biden's approval ratings are in the 30s on the economy, foreign policy, immigration, inflation, crime and handling of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Rice’s comments came after White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre told reporters Monday there was no "daylight" between Biden and Harris on policies.

"[Harris is] going to lay out her vision. But again, they've been aligned, you know, they've been aligned for the last three and a half years. There's not been any daylight," Jean Pierre said.

Trump campaign national press secretary Karoline Leavitt jokingly thanked the White House for confirming how Harris "owns" the problems of the Biden administration.

On MSNBC’s "Andrea Mitchell Reports" Tuesday, the host asked about Harris' reported plans to highlight "unfinished pieces of Biden's policies" as part of her campaign.

"How important is it for her to find a way to differentiate herself from aspects of the Biden agenda? Maybe move the ball, put an emphasis on other things? How does she do that and still be loyal to the fact that she worked with Joe Biden?" Mitchell asked.

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45b837 No.21659424

purple shoes



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a8c16e No.21659425



Susan Rice seems to be a far smarter and more capable quasi-black woman.

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0dca49 No.21659426



>"Maybe move the ball?"

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d91535 No.21659428

File: 70c6f0d2976e4b2⋯.png (414.25 KB,670x478,335:239,ClipboardImage.png)

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77d808 No.21659434

File: 968dff3c43abe1d⋯.png (1.27 MB,1289x1287,1289:1287,ClipboardImage.png)

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61e1a5 No.21659436

File: 507a4ba749bae1e⋯.png (37.88 KB,733x190,733:190,valerie_jarrett.PNG)


mispelled valerie jarrett

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d91535 No.21659437


How evil is this woman?

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2759c7 No.21659440

File: 05474070709e0e6⋯.png (356.23 KB,635x679,635:679,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 66682439c9afb04⋯.png (39.22 KB,563x635,563:635,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 78ff2f680872a1c⋯.png (27.76 KB,621x567,23:21,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 78ff2f680872a1c⋯.png (27.76 KB,621x567,23:21,ClipboardImage.png)

The Con



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a8c16e No.21659442

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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96fc43 No.21659443


>Q will only confirm one person but anons as you can see they are pushing very forcefully the fake Operators, fake Insiders, fake Qs. They will not get confirmed but they will get exposed.

You ought to read that back to yourself, slowly

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2759c7 No.21659444

File: 1ee5899c88fb746⋯.png (60.78 KB,603x254,603:254,ClipboardImage.png)

File: de7f1d9f850e381⋯.png (68.76 KB,947x445,947:445,ClipboardImage.png)

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e5ed15 No.21659447

File: b56e445cfed8014⋯.jpeg (262.47 KB,1339x1252,1339:1252,IMG_0433.jpeg)

File: f32b3a44ed91f59⋯.jpeg (191.9 KB,641x801,641:801,ECDF88AD_10A7_428D_9C09_B….jpeg)

File: 15bcc55ad6f963a⋯.jpeg (581.65 KB,934x924,467:462,IMG_0435.jpeg)

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2759c7 No.21659448

File: f2a849e044cd7bc⋯.png (903.83 KB,1392x856,174:107,ClipboardImage.png)


the administrator…backed up on Patreon…just in case

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a8c16e No.21659454


They tell us not to look at how the sausage gets made but DAYUM I don't even wish to contemplate how it gets returned.

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b8f7a4 No.21659464

File: 7038a811d340f4e⋯.jpg (136.47 KB,720x1002,120:167,20240926_010638.jpg)


#CGI2024 has been a whirlwind, but the best is yet to come. Don’t miss the grand finale!

The Best is yet to come

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e5ed15 No.21659468

File: 0d81a82c1a04488⋯.png (263.67 KB,640x340,32:17,054F6972_4D28_41C6_A736_09….png)

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e5ed15 No.21659469

File: 6bb43a40784227e⋯.jpeg (132.34 KB,728x971,728:971,D0806459_53EB_473E_8FA8_B….JPEG)

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000000 No.21659472


wouldn't be suprised if all that shit, and i mean ALL OF IT, is fake CGI AI generated bs, since the beginning, way way back….

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27dd9c No.21659474

File: ed6f65ec46f97a8⋯.png (365.72 KB,1257x604,1257:604,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 977b7c3dbc7044b⋯.png (441.11 KB,628x484,157:121,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5013ec427b9169c⋯.png (2.03 MB,725x1050,29:42,ClipboardImage.png)

>>21659191 HILLARY CLINTON WIKILEAKS AND TRUMP FLAG DELTA #Qdrop 4775 linked to wikileaks contacting rockafeller (see this post linked).


note: There chaos everywhere in all parts of societies, wars, mind games, economic and immigrations. A big picture 40k view, who actually had a conference about this, The clinton foundation, The reason why trump is under attack and who is the main threat,

Hillary clinton and the clinton foundation.

LIVE: Everything Everywhere All At Once | Clinton Global Initiative 2024 Annual Meeting | Mainstage



1,938 views Streamed live on 24 Sept 2024 #CGI2024

LIVE from the mainstage of #CGI2024

There’s no shortage of global challenges to confront. The pressure, speed, and magnitude of these challenges – like climate change, rising inequality, and natural and manmade disasters – are creating the “perfect storm” for those of us committed to making progress on both new and longstanding international development issues. For both those on the frontlines and in positions of power, the ‘ask’ is to increasingly stretch resources, take on new work, and fix systems with an unprecedented urgency.

The good news is that, in most cases, there are approaches already working that could be scaled or adapted. The question becomes – how do we marshal the resources and ingenuity to bring these solutions to scale? How do we harness one community solution and replicate it in other geographies or apply lessons learned to new challenges? How can we break down barriers and reorganize our ways of working so that the promise of one good idea has the ability to multiply?

In this Mainstage Session, we’ll unpack what it really means to be charged with finding solutions for everything everywhere all at once – and offer insights into how to leverage scale, replication, and innovation to meet the moment.

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c706a9 No.21659477

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

enjoy a wholesome stream with views of singapore

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e5ed15 No.21659479

File: 2a3e583f821ef83⋯.jpg (136.34 KB,1130x703,1130:703,Who_Killed_Epstein_HRC.JPG)

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9b27b9 No.21659480


Natalie is Beau's daughter, so that would make her his niece.

Sex with Uncle Hunter.

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8ef0bd No.21659482

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Suicide Weekend Death Blossom:

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85b7d2 No.21659483

File: 572c5594d4d5523⋯.png (98.21 KB,512x270,256:135,2024_09_26_1_36_35.png)



NEW Election Fraud thread



Let's Find Out the TRUTH!

This thread is for ELECTION RELATED issues:

- what we learned from 2020

- how we can do better in 2024

- Trump assassination plots & investigations

WE MUST WIN. Failure is not an option:

The Corrupt UN Passes Global Action to Rule the World

September 23, 2024

The corrupt UN passes global action to take over the world. Trump is our only hope.


GRAVEYARD is the BEST time to dig!!

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27dd9c No.21659485

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




Note: the factors that are playing out is referenced in this broadcast and a book called unrestricted warfare by chinese warfare.

this does not mean that china itself is in charge, they could take control on the behest of the b.i.s for control.

The USA still has a chance to change this if trump wins, a literal fight to save the world.

p.s will watch the clinton video with is around two hours long and give summary.


Russia vs. NATO: Unrestricted Warfare?

26 Sept 2024


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e5ed15 No.21659486

File: 4f1ad4ad109be22⋯.jpeg (643.06 KB,958x1301,958:1301,IMG_0517.jpeg)

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d354dd No.21659493

File: fa91cc2fd41929c⋯.png (203.95 KB,1130x1556,565:778,ClipboardImage.png)

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b8f7a4 No.21659494

File: 5563ee2cc7aa2c1⋯.jpg (120.13 KB,1070x965,214:193,20240926_030641.jpg)

Scary little man

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6d655a No.21659497

File: d825f9c21d4ea3c⋯.png (56.29 KB,680x383,680:383,ClipboardImage.png)

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fafab2 No.21659501


What can be done for the vax damaged?

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9f41f1 No.21659503


Anon still struggling.

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85b7d2 No.21659507



>Explain why you are censoring me.

Just got here.

Tx for the heads up.

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85b7d2 No.21659508


Guess I'm not the only BV around…..

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96fc43 No.21659509



He's on Linked-In and Farcebook

Austrian Economist and Management Consultant

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27dd9c No.21659514

File: b279b76bbd30457⋯.png (647.2 KB,500x557,500:557,ClipboardImage.png)

>>21659191, >>21659474, >>21659485 order out of chaos anon dig - Qdrop djt nyc flag image i.d, wikileaks link to clinton email, clinton global initiative video and unrestricted warfare, nato v russia.

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96fc43 No.21659518

I wondered why I hadn't seen any notables dropped by baker, checked

Notes passing 400

#26525 >>21659010

>>21659018, >>21659095, >>21659108 Was Diddy's trove of baby oil actually liquid GHB (date rape drug)?

>>21659113 Diddy's lawyer says that Diddy's large supply of baby oil is because he lives near Costco

>>21659026 Scavino: THANK YOU!!!

>>21659032 Did Kourtney Kardashian have a kid with Bieber?

>>21659047 Alex Soros: Honored to meet @aniellefranco, a trailblazer in the fight for racial justice in Brazil

>>21659061 This is who becomes New York City Mayor if Eric Adams resigns: Jumaane Williams

>>21659088 Melania Trump calls husband’s survival of two assassination attempts ‘miracles,’ describes anger over FBI raid in rare TV interview

bread ghosted

>>21659163 Flashback 2016: Why are Colbert and Hillary joking about eating babies?

>>21659187 CNBC: China offers one-time cash allowance for those in extreme poverty

>>21659191 Wikileaks: email from Hillary to Huma Abedin talking about a dinner with diane feinstein, also a meeting with Carlos Slim and David Rockafeller

>>21659213 People: Joe Biden Shares the Simple Advice He Gave Kamala Harris on How to Defeat Donald Trump

>>21659316 Popcorn is the marker?

>>21659423 Former Biden adviser Susan Rice says Harris has been an 'integral architect' of the administration's agenda

>>21659474, >>21659485 Order Out Of Chaos (Parts 1&2)

>>21659483 NEW Election Fraud thread starting >>21653522 is in the Catalog

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281ba9 No.21659519

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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a8c16e No.21659521

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Anon still struggling.


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9b27b9 No.21659530


Fighting is tiresome.

Why can't we just live our lives peacefully and in consideration of each other?

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20254f No.21659532

File: 871e84f43d75adb⋯.jpeg (802.57 KB,2160x2700,4:5,Movie.jpeg)


I still put my trust in this.

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6d655a No.21659535

File: e381d399549e9a4⋯.png (35.34 KB,535x680,107:136,ClipboardImage.png)

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e5ed15 No.21659536

File: 6f64d5e923a4f86⋯.png (1.71 MB,1130x1556,565:778,53A103D1_5CE3_463B_9341_4A….png)

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20254f No.21659540

File: b4231bc94674ed0⋯.jpg (528.01 KB,1024x576,16:9,Anons_shuttle3.jpg)


Glad yqu are here!

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96fc43 No.21659541


>Why is literally every post I make in this bread deleted?

OOOH OOH I got this one!

Because you are not an operator, your dumb shit gets tossed?

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96fc43 No.21659543

>>21659541 (me)


and the post I replied to is green, again

Trash getting taken out fast tonight

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fafab2 No.21659546

File: 2bc04b688de5d62⋯.png (287.64 KB,480x480,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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96fc43 No.21659547


>Q always confirms me, ask him. Secondly, why aren't all the "OTHER" "FAKES" deleted. Illogical.


I pressed you on that lie the last time you told it and you tried to twist a Q post to make yourself look legit, when it was obvious you were not being confirmed

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9b27b9 No.21659549


And go where?

The whole Earth is a battlefield.

We are forced to fight for our existence every day of our lives from the day we are born.

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07ba0b No.21659550

File: 1830cbdf940e047⋯.jpg (351.26 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_2024_09_26_05_2….jpg)

Here's a nice article from the BBC, laying the groundwork for why Diddy dead…


I barely noticed the authors name, kek…

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281ba9 No.21659551

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

You were chosen for a reason.

This 10-minute video explains it.

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fafab2 No.21659553

File: 1b791b2c12d0367⋯.png (293.58 KB,508x499,508:499,ClipboardImage.png)


Thank you!

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563441 No.21659557

File: 360ba053a7544f7⋯.png (139.13 KB,227x529,227:529,whatisthat.png)

>>21659470 Was deleted

To all the weary in this battle, know that I am getting flooded with videos sent to me on YT from all these beautiful female spiritualists that are claiming that they do not know who the person is, but a lot of good things are going to happen to you and those with you. This is not a coincidence as one put it. How would they know about 11:11, 999, and other things that I will not go into here. But they all claim the same things, God, the Universe, your higher self, is going to be rewarded for long won battles. I had about 7 of these types of videos that all state, that these videos found you by divine intervention and that they are moved in the spirit to make these videos. I was going to post this earlier but decided not to. Have faith, we are almost home.

K is 11

Que is pronounced as "K" is Spanish and could mean any of the following depending on context: "what, that, as, than, and which"


Q is 17

Queue is pronounced as Q in English and means:

"A line of waiting people or a sequence of stored data or programs awaiting processing."

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281ba9 No.21659559

File: c53bdf36b1bd5b8⋯.png (528.05 KB,859x763,859:763,queer_shit_eater.PNG)

Sadiq Khan Urges Americans Not to Reelect Donald Trump

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cea6db No.21659560




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3ffb24 No.21659561

File: 8a7164513e89584⋯.png (1.04 MB,633x637,633:637,d.PNG)

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3ffb24 No.21659562

File: 53c6e23fe693162⋯.png (765.94 KB,452x642,226:321,p.PNG)

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3073bf No.21659564


>Can you explain this graphic?

These people are dogs.

Your family is safe.

One of us is less than 10.

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46958b No.21659566


Trump owned it from new, as far as anon knows.

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3ffb24 No.21659567

File: ddb55f583209ced⋯.png (393.62 KB,601x871,601:871,m.PNG)


NWS Tampa Bay


📡 Upd 9/26 3:43a

Rain bands from #Helene have been moving across the area & will continue to do so as the storm moves over the Gulf! Conditions to deteriorate thru the day with storm surge, rain & winds expected!

Be sure to have multiple ways to receive warnings 📲📻📺


8:53 PM · Sep 25, 2024




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99124b No.21659571

File: d96ef670c1bfbcf⋯.png (109.38 KB,296x417,296:417,shroud_oval.png)


>Be not afraid

God is with us, and now, I hope everyone sees.

Praise the Lord, for we have truly been Blessed.

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3ffb24 No.21659572

File: 45acd32e7a8906a⋯.png (276.87 KB,589x585,589:585,mh.PNG)




Everything about his affair with Fani Willis was so above board that the US Marshals currently have a manhunt underway to locate him.


Holly Kesler




Replying to @hmkesler

True story! Manhunt underway for Nathan Wade. You can’t make this crap up!

3:51 PM · Sep 25, 2024




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e5ed15 No.21659573

File: 9cbbb14502a223b⋯.jpeg (658.19 KB,1914x1640,957:820,IMG_0521.jpeg)

File: 27c0ac0d8b560e9⋯.jpeg (617.18 KB,1179x906,393:302,IMG_0522.jpeg)

The Vast Pharmaceutical Conspiracy to Silence Dissent Online

Story at a Glance:

•There has been a coordinated campaign to attack and defame anyone who has spoken out against the COVID-19 response. This has primarily been restricted to social media (e.g., getting people deplatformed) but it has also been weaponized in real life (e.g., getting medical licenses revoked).

•This coordinated campaign was the result of a “non-profit” known as The Public Good Project (PGP), which was actually directly linked to the pharmaceutical industry. The PGP used the industry funding it received to defend industry interests.

•Vaccine safety advocates were able to get into the group where these campaigns were coordinated. There, they discovered numerous public figures working hand in hand with healthcare workers to descend like a hive of bees on anyone “promoting misinformation.” Likewise, we learned that the most belligerent doctors we keep encountering on Twitter belonged to these groups.

•Some of the influencers advancing PGP’s message through “Shots Heard” (and its sister United Nations initiative “Team Halo”) were hucksters who faked their own credentials. My overall impression from looking at everything was that this group operated in a very similar manner to many of the sleazy internet marketing operations I’ve seen in the past. Fortunately, the public appears to be seeing through what they did.

•Earlier this year we exposed them. Unfortunately, their abhorrent tactics continue and recently have been aimed towards Angela Wulbrecht RN because she advocated for a patient with a widely publicized vaccine injury.


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3ffb24 No.21659577

File: 3d3c005b9c6107f⋯.png (720.89 KB,678x725,678:725,bc.PNG)


Coca-Cola Faces Boycott Calls over Not

Allowing ‘Trump 2024’ or ‘Jesus’

on Cans

Breitbart Politics, by Elizabeth Weibel

Posted By: Imright, 9/26/2024 4:56:07 AM

Coca-Cola is facing boycott calls after people on social media revealed that the company was not allowing “Trump 2024” or “Jesus” to be placed on the cans. While people attempting to personalize cans with messages such as, “Trump 2024” or “Jesus loves you,” have received messages stating that the name is “not approved,” other messages such as “Harris Walz 2024,” “Satan” and “Allah” were reportedly allowed, according to the Daily Mail. Messages supporting Vice President Kamala Harris, satan, and Allah were reportedly allowed prior to the company fixing a “glitch,” according to the outlet.

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e5ed15 No.21659578

File: 64a3e4d8c117b2b⋯.png (1.46 MB,2360x1640,59:41,IMG_0523.png)



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99124b No.21659579

File: 83c6e1b837d9d2a⋯.jpeg (6.81 KB,184x255,184:255,Isaiah_flag.jpeg)


>God protects.

Isaiah means "Salvation is from the Lord"

And to the 7 Churches that are in Isaiah.

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3ffb24 No.21659581

File: 89a6437d4d31703⋯.png (512.27 KB,680x420,34:21,4.PNG)


Florida braces for monster storm Helene

as 'unsurvivable' category 4 hurricane

packing 130mph winds expected to slam

into Gulf Coast within HOURS

Daily Mail (UK), by James Gordon & Natasha Anderson

Posted By: Imright, 9/26/2024 4:21:35 AM

Hurricane Helene is set to strike Florida's Gulf Coast within hours, threatening an 'unsurvivable' storm surge that would leave catastrophic damage and could deluge cities and swallow homes. Helene could roar ashore as a Category 4 hurricane by tonight, with wind speeds of up to 130mph after spending days strengthening in the warm waters of the Gulf of Mexico, the National Hurricane Center warned. Forecasters predict Helene could bring storm surges of up to 20 feet (6 meters) and warned they could be particularly 'catastrophic and life-threatening' in Florida's Apalachee Bay. Governor Ron DeSantis declared a state of emergency ahead of the storm's arrival.

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f7c9cc No.21659582

File: c78eda3eea6195f⋯.jpeg (21.49 KB,275x307,275:307,E2F79AA3_58B9_43BF_A6F6_B….jpeg)


>I barely noticed the authors name, kek…


Double Kek

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fafab2 No.21659583

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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3ffb24 No.21659586

File: ed174f1721ab109⋯.png (30.65 KB,666x249,222:83,co.PNG)


Psychology professor fired for opposing

trans surgery for children wins free speech

lawsuit against University of Louisville

Daily Mail, by Alex Hammer

Posted By: sunset, 9/26/2024 1:59:30 AM

A leading child psychiatrist has won a lawsuit after he was abruptly fired for comments about gender dysphoria. Dr. Allan Josephson, 72, was tapped to head the University of Louisville's Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry more than 20 years ago. In 2017, Josephson expressed caution about gender treatments for children - leading to his termination in 2019. After being hit with a federal free speech lawsuit, the Kentucky school argued it was within its rights to fire Josephson for the criticism, aired at a Heritage Foundation panel. Now that he's been vindicated, his message for academia is 'tolerance is a two-way street.'

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96fc43 No.21659587

File: 8c624ff762e0da8⋯.jpg (13.24 KB,255x244,255:244,8c624ff762e0da8aefd9c579ff….jpg)

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46958b No.21659588

File: 5cc9c79160b4231⋯.mp4 (2.96 MB,1280x714,640:357,000_Trump_No_Threat_will_s….mp4)

What if the deal with Iran is already done?

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6d655a No.21659590

File: d7ffed5ed08e547⋯.png (83.43 KB,818x545,818:545,ClipboardImage.png)

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1edde7 No.21659591


>i was there

God's will in all things, that is the hardest part for us to figure out. The butterfly affect.

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3ffb24 No.21659593

File: f70fa1259123d30⋯.png (286.54 KB,663x415,663:415,eco.PNG)


Kamala Harris is stumped by question about

crucial part of her economic policy during

MSNBC interview

Daily Mail (UK), by Geoff Earle

Posted By: Imright, 9/26/2024 12:17:05 AM

Vice President Kamala Harris gave a long pause during her interview on MSNBC when she faced a question over how she would pay for her economic plans. The moment came early in the interview where Harris batted away slow-pitch questions such as 'can we trust you?' Interviewer Stephanie Ruhle asked Harris, who was giving her first network TV interview since securing her party's nomination, how she would pay for her economic plans. 'If you can't raise corporate taxes or if GOP takes control of the Senate, where do you get the money to do that,' her interviewer asked, after Harris outlined some of her plans like a $6,000 credit

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96fc43 No.21659595


Cute, doesn't confirm you in any way but cute

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3ffb24 No.21659596

File: 46be5783312f3e7⋯.png (562.39 KB,671x543,671:543,kid.PNG)


Transplant industry whistleblower claims she was pressured to harvest organs from a person who was still ALIVE and fired after complaining

By Alex Hammer For Dailymail.Com

Published: 00:54 EDT, 25 September 2024 | Updated: 01:10 EDT, 25 September 2024

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e80e78 No.21659598

File: de20de226945d6d⋯.png (19.23 KB,255x242,255:242,bestprez.png)


>With God, all things are possible.

Hallelujah, Praise the Lord, for His Truth is marching on. Amen.

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3ffb24 No.21659599

File: 93385f4db8cc69d⋯.png (323.56 KB,599x515,599:515,bt.PNG)


“Sudden And Unexpected”


Jabbed via Blood Transfusion for Hip Surgery 🩸☠️🩸


12:51 PM · Sep 25, 2024




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0bd643 No.21659600


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c706a9 No.21659601

File: d14d38e690ed4b8⋯.png (79.44 KB,250x218,125:109,ClipboardImage.png)

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07ba0b No.21659602


Space Coast report…

The clouds are extremely low. I feel if I were on the roof I could reach out and touch them. They are very thin and moving very fast. There is not a breath of air moving down here on the ground. Its very erie…

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e5ed15 No.21659603

File: f781af5724cc2fb⋯.png (862.02 KB,720x1408,45:88,0222539B_BB48_4C1B_B1EC_41….png)

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3ffb24 No.21659605

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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e80e78 No.21659607


A faithful servant to the Lord.

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27dd9c No.21659609

File: 5dcd34394998eed⋯.mp4 (2.41 MB,464x720,29:45,coffee.mp4)


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7e5f45 No.21659610



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6d655a No.21659611



being in there with the blankfein jew also

his people trying to get him moved

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e5ed15 No.21659613

File: 80829ce5477960f⋯.mp4 (1.64 MB,674x360,337:180,Coffee_Boobs.mp4)


Yes, coffee.

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58e99c No.21659614

File: bd8c1538c287c44⋯.jpg (113.59 KB,419x340,419:340,kek13.jpg)


No, but on here you can sure delete them away.

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7e5f45 No.21659616

has the FBI incinerated the baby oil yet

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58e99c No.21659617

File: aafa1951fbe2069⋯.jpg (77.44 KB,793x709,793:709,aafa1951fbe2069e27f481d790….jpg)


Guud morn'n little frenly

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3ffb24 No.21659618

File: 48c2707553c1a6e⋯.png (640.87 KB,672x667,672:667,ja.PNG)


Julian Assange to Give First Public Address Since Gaining Freedom


CANBERRA, AUSTRALIA - JUNE 26: WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange gestures as he arrives at

Roni Bintang/Getty

Simon Kent25 Sep 2024

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58e99c No.21659620

File: 33400e93bfa2f94⋯.png (274.71 KB,633x489,211:163,33400e93bfa2f9436646b72b53….png)


They are testing it out in the 7th floor first

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6be873 No.21659621

G'Mornin' Anons… Another Day at the Office,

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7e5f45 No.21659622

File: 38231003205a8a0⋯.mp4 (888.54 KB,362x270,181:135,kamalamichealtrump.mp4)

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77acb3 No.21659623

File: 7236c2e6dd601ec⋯.png (26.19 KB,486x345,162:115,euthenasiastorieswells.png)


A woman in the Netherlands went to her doctor.

She was depressed and overweight.

Rather than a diet and some counseling,

her doctor recommended euthanasia.

They killed her this morning.

You know what the TV says:

Ask your doctor.

Talk to your doctor.

Trust your doctor."


"Euthanasia horror stories that leftists never want you to hear"

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7e5f45 No.21659624

File: e13dab230926803⋯.jpeg (1.06 MB,2160x2700,4:5,the_rock.jpeg)


>harvest organs from a person who was still ALIVE

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7e5f45 No.21659625


>Manhunt underway for Nathan Wade.

oh dang

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fed9fe No.21659626

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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58e99c No.21659629

File: 3eb830fcadffb23⋯.jpg (11.84 KB,168x300,14:25,images_jpeg_11.jpg)

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d354dd No.21659631


I always thought that Shelly Duvall needs to be replaced by a pic of obama in this meme.

Perhaps the twink image here >>21659335

or maybe a better one.

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27dd9c No.21659633

File: 142f247f5334538⋯.png (463.06 KB,500x747,500:747,ClipboardImage.png)



thought it would canada.

they will be bringing in the same right to try in the u.k soon thanks to heir kier stalin.

if they do not kill the elderly due to freezing.


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7e5f45 No.21659634

File: 25e3d90928a6401⋯.png (1.41 MB,1086x700,543:350,ClipboardImage.png)

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757565 No.21659635


How do u delete

Coffee, tobacco, and mass animal production factories.

How do u delete and replace?

With other things

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648a7f No.21659636


Did Melania say July 15 ?

I thought the ear shooting was July 13th?

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58e99c No.21659637

File: 770819cc35f4f41⋯.jpg (95.17 KB,776x720,97:90,DL5HMlkQxATcu4KdrsPFpitnqc….jpg)

File: a9729b20c1a81b5⋯.jpg (88.91 KB,502x503,502:503,horus_jesus_2.jpg)

File: 6cfdaba83e8aafb⋯.png (437.76 KB,523x562,523:562,bhguoqgcuaeyast.png)


The sad reality is, this screaming red text faggot here is here to shill, bit it's actually right. Jesus is just a rebranded story of Horus, Mithras and many other deities from older religions. Jesus is just the current generation of the same death cult story of resurrection used to control the masses. The cabal is actually laughing that people believe it. Breaking the religious dogma is the hardest thing a human mind can encounter. Most fail and revert back to their cabal programming due to cognitive dissonance.

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3a1b9e No.21659638


Sun rises in a new position.

All PBs

07/27/24 (Sat) 06:18:54





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7e5f45 No.21659640

File: 0f6e3714ea4dbe6⋯.mp4 (946.16 KB,640x360,16:9,wtc7.mp4)



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07ba0b No.21659642



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d354dd No.21659647

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9f41f1 No.21659649



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e5ed15 No.21659650

File: 4d33b35220083bc⋯.png (1.1 MB,906x858,151:143,AF4039CE_AC07_4104_B2EF_93….png)

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dccf33 No.21659651


so I am right, but you label me a shill why is that? Don't like the competition speaking truth? Don't like people being told what is what and that their precious faith is a scam. That they are the very enemy they wish to fight and they have been poisoned by the same group think of acceptance for 2500 years.

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55533c No.21659653

>>21659585 Sun rises in new position

07/27/24 (Sat) 06:18:54





Here is the page if anyone wants to read.


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7e5f45 No.21659654


'Chaos reigns' - the notorious jail holding Sean 'Diddy' Combs

Kayla Epstein

Ordinarily, US District Judge Gary J Brown would have sent the man to the local federal jail to serve out his sentence for tax fraud.

But one thing stopped him: “The dangerous, barbaric conditions that have existed for some time at the Metropolitan Detention Center in Brooklyn.”

The notorious jail, commonly known as MDC, is in the spotlight once again due to its latest celebrity detainee. Last week, a New York judge ordered Sean “Diddy” Combs be held there after federal prosecutors charged him with sex trafficking, racketeering, and transportation to engage in prostitution. He has pleaded not guilty.

High-profile defendants like Mr Combs sometimes receive special protection when jailed, and the music mogul is reported to be in a section of MDC Brooklyn for detainees who require special protection.

Mr Combs is, according to local media reports, sharing a dormitory-style room there with the cryptocurrency entrepreneur Sam Bankman-Fried, who once ran a company worth billions but was convicted on multiple counts of fraud in March.

And because it is the only federal jail in New York City, where many high-profile cases are processed, the pair are just the latest in an extensive list of notable names to have passed through the facility's doors. That list includes the rapper R Kelly as well as Jeffrey Epstein associate Ghislaine Maxwell.

But for many of MDC Brooklyn's 1,200 current inmates, it’s a different story.

In an August sentencing decision, Judge Brown cited multiple cases of fellow jurists who had hesitated to send defendants and convicts to the jail due to the conditions.

“Allegations of inadequate supervision, unbridled assaults, and lack of sufficient medical care are supported by an increasing body of evidence, with certain instances that are irrefutable,” he said.

“Chaos reigns, along with uncontrolled violence,” Judge Brown added. His ruling included the case of a defendant who was stabbed multiple times but reported receiving no medical care, instead being locked in his cell for 25 days. The judge cited staffing shortages and worsening conditions after the Covid pandemic that forced the jail into lockdown.

If the Bureau of Prisons decided to send the defendant in the tax fraud case to MDC, the judge wrote, he would vacate the man's sentence.

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58e99c No.21659655

File: 63521172308b5b8⋯.png (710.35 KB,800x780,40:39,63521172308b5b82bc72169250….png)





Well this ain't the beginning. You're in comms country now, fren.

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9f41f1 No.21659656



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ac0714 No.21659660

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Blessings anons, new day, and my visions are saying, Q to return soon, AND

A message from heaven in a song, so, two parter.

More info has to come forth first, pre 17, and someday is Today!

The Five Stairsteps - O-o-h Child (Audio)

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9f41f1 No.21659661


ignoring a problem … true

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d354dd No.21659664

File: f0fd90355866b9c⋯.png (26.26 KB,400x400,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Hasta mañana nightshift anons.

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58e99c No.21659665

File: 63aa853ae742cdd⋯.jpg (35.54 KB,360x360,1:1,raf_360x360_075_t_fafafa_c….jpg)


Nope it's none of that. It's just the capslock red text makes you sound like a certified faggot nigger. Mr pig does the same shit but at least you're not Reddit spacing like that idiot. Convey your points articulately with limited use of red text, capslock, and red text capslock.

Good day to you, sir.

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7e5f45 No.21659669

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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27dd9c No.21659672

File: decce0cd9ec0995⋯.png (58.96 KB,150x150,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


ebil trips chek'ed

ask hillary

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766b5d No.21659673


The censorship is not acceptable, but these people like to hide proof of God's hand. Just wait till they find out that God is Justice.

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58e99c No.21659674

File: 5ae5447530b13dd⋯.jpg (45.06 KB,609x602,87:86,c94b8f0a1f8de2b06f2ef35424….jpg)


GN little fren

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77acb3 No.21659676

File: fc257d0270cde2a⋯.mp4 (2.06 MB,486x362,243:181,kamalaprosecutesmichaeljac….mp4)


oh yes.

Kamala was the Prosecutor against Michael Jackson!

An Donald Trump spoke up for Jackson … on TV

corrupt Prosecutors gonna Corrupt.



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87c2c5 No.21659677

File: d995826a3e74d1e⋯.png (75.18 KB,686x386,343:193,ClipboardImage.png)


it's baby oil!!

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2512ea No.21659678


when they in jail

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96fc43 No.21659680


>Q's trip is being blocked.

You've been tasked to show your evidence for that a few times before, and yet to present anything

You are not an "operator"

You are a religious fraudster

above all you are a failure

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58e99c No.21659681

File: 73f5eeb05b22014⋯.jpg (55.28 KB,300x300,1:1,73f5eeb05b22014444cbde3074….jpg)


I don't support anything except 8kun with donations. I've found acceptance for the boards current state. Anon is zen at all times.

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dccf33 No.21659684


fair enough, it is a little VD but its accurate and at least its not purple text because that more gay.

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ac0714 No.21659685

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Finish the Assignment | Give Him 15: Daily Prayer with Dutch | September 26, 2024

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96fc43 No.21659688


And here comes a team mate or an PIP hop

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c46e1c No.21659690

File: c801ba3c4e5b0ac⋯.png (400.9 KB,642x389,642:389,ClipboardImage.png)

what if i told you, you're the same faggot

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dccf33 No.21659691


you are delusional and your god is a faggot.

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ac0714 No.21659694


filter the shill, and keep that good tude

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dccf33 No.21659696


neck your self and make the world a better place

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916de9 No.21659697

File: b2bf69cbc6b28b3⋯.jpg (32.27 KB,400x265,80:53,Sea_Camper.JPG)




Or maybe they found a salty sea captain to Tie The Knot and he letsm hide out on the boat

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58e99c No.21659698

File: c2c8029eb0b6111⋯.jpg (14.2 KB,255x255,1:1,c2c8029eb0b61113d7d8edec44….jpg)


>The censorship is not acceptable

Sure it is. Just accept it. Acceptance is the only path to enlightenment yo. After you get a few hundred or thousand posts deleted like Anon, you become immune. Can't change the past and can't change other people. All you can change is yourself and the environment around you. God bless you.

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07ba0b No.21659700


My favorite part is the end…

"If the Bureau of Prisons decided to send the defendant in the tax fraud case to MDC, the judge wrote, he would vacate the man's sentence"

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9f41f1 No.21659703

Please explain to the the board why posts are being deleted, for the sake of transparency.

Without a reasonable explanation,. what are we to assume? Cencorship? Discourage participation?

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ac0714 No.21659704

thanks, 3 filters certain did clean up the board, thanks.

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dccf33 No.21659707


muh bad if you were telling me to filter them. This is what happens when I jump in the mosh pit without coffee. Apologies early for heavy handedness.

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9f41f1 No.21659708


on the move

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77acb3 No.21659710

File: ad40134a94a8ef3⋯.mp4 (3.66 MB,480x852,40:71,airforcedogs.mp4)


anybody who uses the term "Board Personality" on an anon board is a shill

Prove me wrong.


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07ba0b No.21659711


Once they get married they won't have to hide anymore…the whole point is to avoid testifying against one another…

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07ba0b No.21659717


It gets the filter +

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dccf33 No.21659722



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2512ea No.21659724


4 am might be in here somehwere

Title: Japan court acquits former boxer of murder after decades on death row | Source: Al Jazeera | Link: https://is.gd/r43uE8


Title: Opinion: I Know It’s Hard to Believe But Trust Me: Shy Trump Voters Really Exist | Source: The Daily Beast | Link: https://is.gd/L7wu0B

Title: The 7 C-Words Tim Walz and JD Vance Must Master to Win the VP Debate | Source: The Daily Beast | Link: https://is.gd/E4jfKP

Title: Inmates with restraining orders wrongly let out early | Source: BBC | Link: https://is.gd/I7zGGk

Title: Elon Musk shunned as not invited to top UK summit | Source: BBC | Link: https://is.gd/sCUgK1

Title: Sudan’s army launches major offensive to retake Khartoum | Source: Al Jazeera | Link: https://is.gd/eqcnk3

Title: Aafia Siddiqui: “Victim of all victims” | Part I | Source: Al Jazeera | Link: https://is.gd/s94DoB

Title: Johnson, House Speaker, Demands That Ukraine Fire Its U.S. Ambassador | Source: New York Times | Link: https://is.gd/pl61Rn

Title: Author Jhumpa Lahiri declines NYC’s Noguchi Museum award after keffiyeh ban | Source: Al Jazeera | Link: https://is.gd/y7JA87

Title: Israel’s Displaced Want to Go Home. But Will Attacks on Hezbollah Offer That Path? | Source: New York Times | Link: https://is.gd/f7UH5O

Title: Why Curbing Hezbollah’s Power in Lebanon Just Became Harder | Source: New York Times | Link: https://is.gd/YdMceQ

Title: Aafia Siddiqui: “Victim of all victims” | Part II | Source: Al Jazeera | Link: https://is.gd/QP3KBp

Title: After 44 Years on Death Row, Japanese Man Is Exonerated at Age 88 | Source: New York Times | Link: https://is.gd/Np1wxz

Title: Celebrity Lawyer Who Got Alec Baldwin and Elon Musk Off the Hook Called in for Eric Adams Defence | Source: The Daily Beast | Link: https://is.gd/u5RW2z

Title: Video: Fighting erupts in Sudan’s capital as army launches new offensive | Source: Al Jazeera | Link: https://is.gd/LZSBKB

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77acb3 No.21659725


boo hoo cry moar

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1aa414 No.21659727

File: 790a6bf2b8c8966⋯.jpg (344.04 KB,787x1076,787:1076,20240923_073823.jpg)

Morning Niggas

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87c2c5 No.21659728

when was assange freed? i have been busy..

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fed9fe No.21659732

Looks like those Armenian werewolves will have a hard time.

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7e5f45 No.21659733

File: 1f2ba817fa57e26⋯.png (882.88 KB,1000x667,1000:667,ClipboardImage.png)

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7e5f45 No.21659740

File: cc36bcc105627aa⋯.png (499.46 KB,729x475,729:475,ClipboardImage.png)

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6cb00b No.21659742



Something doesn't look right in the photos

the reflections in the mirror in the group don't completely align

the dude and chick behind Pode looks shopped

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6cb00b No.21659748

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dccf33 No.21659749


aww you got triggered. thats funny just like your fucking worthless life.

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7e5f45 No.21659750

File: 4e51fc6a52951ee⋯.mp4 (2.17 MB,576x490,288:245,Mike.mp4)


>Julian Assange to Give First Public Address Since Gaining Freedom

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96fc43 No.21659751


That's our resident troll, it went from being called Mimic to Angry Inch

Its great crusade was to rid QR of Board Personalities

Over a year now and sure hasn't worked

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77acb3 No.21659752

File: c6c95f9d0796475⋯.jpg (330.7 KB,1200x759,400:253,dogsjourney.jpg)

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2512ea No.21659754

File: db3be2687136931⋯.png (288.76 KB,497x571,497:571,ClipboardImage.png)

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b90272 No.21659755


No one gets away with playing this game, no one. I know this for a fact. After the big fish then comes dessert.

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dccf33 No.21659756


triggered faggot.

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b90272 No.21659760


You have a choice to make:

With cursing let it seep into your bones.

With blessings let is seep into your spirit.

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4c40df No.21659761


I can say nigger, cunt, faggot…etc but when it comes to JEW…oh no…send in the muh jerw police…GTFOhere

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7e5f45 No.21659763

File: 68058c8d42241c4⋯.png (1.02 MB,1200x676,300:169,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5fbdb209414e8bd⋯.png (1.28 MB,1200x675,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


Minister @susanamuhamad met with @johnpodesta, the U.S. Presidential Envoy for Climate. They discussed key topics on the road to #COP16, such as environmental investments and critical spending needs for climate resilience in the World.

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dccf33 No.21659765


I made my choice you are a faggot.

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916de9 No.21659767

File: cca3c93c9236fc5⋯.jpg (27.95 KB,240x400,3:5,romanarmour7.jpg)


He was sensing her inner demon and beatboxed out some Armor of God???

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2512ea No.21659768

File: 17cbace1189f19c⋯.png (431.77 KB,481x511,481:511,ClipboardImage.png)

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77acb3 No.21659769

File: 5835330ac76f6a8⋯.jpg (78.04 KB,613x380,613:380,filterwithyourmind.jpg)


I know.

The braggart filter fags are as bad.

annoying braggarts since 2018.

funny you only see them on day shift.

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ac0714 No.21659771

File: 993e77031fd676e⋯.png (308.01 KB,475x357,475:357,ClipboardImage.png)

too much ego, not enough brass balls. No bunker sharing, just fodder to test where the enemies are.

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9f41f1 No.21659772



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dccf33 No.21659773


you are still triggered.

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07ba0b No.21659775


My cellmate is who?

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77acb3 No.21659776



muh jews are so last year.

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dccf33 No.21659780


waste of digits

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96fc43 No.21659782


>The board admins will not publicize the trip log even tho many anons have asked on numerous occasions

More of your horseshit

What trip log do you believe exists?

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77acb3 No.21659784


that's false.

They may not get Notables.

yep. But kept up

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4c40df No.21659785


Believe whatever you want to believe

Just please don't post satanic symbols

This is a Godly place

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4c40df No.21659790


You have to power here

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6ccb7c No.21659791


Morning sun brings heat. I gave you the URL to see for yourself.

Start with Job image and read then see that I already stated that the Sun rose in a different place a while ago.







Here is the page if anyone wants to read.


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4c40df No.21659793

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dccf33 No.21659797


how its not only triggered its a pussy.

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6ccb7c No.21659799


Thank Q

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4c40df No.21659800


Devils get the filter...lol ur fucking so into yourselves

self self self...Go fuck yourself

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7e5f45 No.21659802


Stanford Law School professor emeritus Barbara Fried (sister of Linda P. Fried)


first female Dean of Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health


Dean Linda P. Fried Recommends Book: How to Be an Antiracist

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96fc43 No.21659803


Don't see how any of that proves Q's trip code is blocked

Just more of your bullshit is all I see

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6f4144 No.21659805

File: fd6a9ea75014d10⋯.jpeg (674.68 KB,1620x2160,3:4,IMG_7008.jpeg)

File: 9416ad036062833⋯.jpeg (120.88 KB,640x646,320:323,IMG_7009.jpeg)

File: 1740994bdcca77a⋯.jpeg (87.72 KB,1024x844,256:211,IMG_4978.jpeg)


Q Post #1 Killary will be arrested on… the morning October 30th…

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4c40df No.21659809



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77acb3 No.21659811


weird handshake!

10 to one the "lady" was born a man.

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7e5f45 No.21659815

File: dedecd77002c55c⋯.png (281.86 KB,640x480,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)


The Younger Brother Caught in the Middle of the FTX Investigation

The collapse of Sam Bankman-Fried’s business empire has led federal prosecutors to scrutinize his brother, Gabe, who ran a pandemic-prevention group.

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dccf33 No.21659818


I think the crying about it instead of just doing it is a bigger problem.

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7e5f45 No.21659822

File: 6e11b635bc6d079⋯.png (377.25 KB,620x400,31:20,ClipboardImage.png)

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d3acbb No.21659823

File: 6eb0204b5490644⋯.png (154.5 KB,469x334,469:334,ralphitsH.png)




>G'Mornin' Anons… Another Day at the Office,

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9b27b9 No.21659824

Flying under the Radar is underrated.

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ac0714 No.21659827

File: aa5904b0b94ce83⋯.png (147.78 KB,350x357,50:51,ClipboardImage.png)

God? Is it the soy products?

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648a7f No.21659828

File: f868d0658cb1bc3⋯.png (340.41 KB,388x731,388:731,LORDGETMEOUTOFHERE.png)

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6f4144 No.21659831

File: f6c5a276a74ca02⋯.jpeg (298.21 KB,648x1045,648:1045,IMG_7010.jpeg)

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f6c6e0 No.21659834


>I am glad i was there

>if that makes sense

Yes it does, with precision. One person more or less would have altered every event a fractional, and that is all that we needed. Does that make sense?

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4c40df No.21659838

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7e5f45 No.21659839

File: d40e95051c753a8⋯.png (298.67 KB,800x453,800:453,ClipboardImage.png)

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6be873 No.21659843


Mornin' Ralph… Please pass the Covfefe.

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6cb00b No.21659844

File: 24ac6a769ccd5f3⋯.png (4.44 MB,2048x1152,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


The reflections don't look proper for the people in the crowd

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648a7f No.21659850

File: 390aa165b6a9e94⋯.png (29.59 KB,535x222,535:222,Q2347.png)



The picture will be the signifier


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77acb3 No.21659852

File: cafd71d4c8e25f4⋯.jpg (277.93 KB,1200x1001,1200:1001,clownswilltxok.jpg)


Provocateur attacks the Board owner.

claims fake Q.

Is that you "Alex"?

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1180ad No.21659854


Other anons are here. Lurking.

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96fc43 No.21659856


You are not an "operator"

You are a fraud

Do not presume to speak on what I know

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9b27b9 No.21659860

Did God create a limited number of souls to be born?

Does a soul exist before it is conceived in human form?

Do we have to have a human body before we can have eternal life?

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07ba0b No.21659862


OK, OK I'll talk 🦜

(when the universe suggests a bird emoji for the word talk, in this context…you use it)

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d3acbb No.21659863

File: 5d4d17b1b7b874e⋯.png (138.51 KB,449x1363,449:1363,Screenshot_2024_09_26_at_0….png)


>Sadiq Khan Urges Americans Not to Reelect Donald Trump

Why now?




Bad actor.

London Mayor.



Connection to Queen?

British MI6 agents dead.



What was reported?

What really happened?

Why is this relevant?

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7e5f45 No.21659864

File: 33e4e45ac13af75⋯.png (690.41 KB,650x433,650:433,127_Illuminated_Windows.png)


Flying over the Radar is overrated.

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ac49bf No.21659872

notables bun @600

post count accurate ^^^

morn'n baker claiming breddy and takin this one to the top

czech em

#26524 >>21659010

>>21659018, >>21659095, >>21659108 Was Diddy's trove of baby oil actually liquid GHB (date rape drug)?

>>21659113 Diddy's lawyer says that Diddy's large supply of baby oil is because he lives near Costco

>>21659026 Scavino: THANK YOU!!!

>>21659032 Did Kourtney Kardashian have a kid with Bieber?

>>21659047 Alex Soros: Honored to meet @aniellefranco, a trailblazer in the fight for racial justice in Brazil

>>21659061 This is who becomes New York City Mayor if Eric Adams resigns: Jumaane Williams

>>21659088 Melania Trump calls husband’s survival of two assassination attempts ‘miracles,’ describes anger over FBI raid in rare TV interview

bread ghosted

>>21659163 Flashback 2016: Why are Colbert and Hillary joking about eating babies?

>>21659187 CNBC: China offers one-time cash allowance for those in extreme poverty

>>21659191 Wikileaks: email from Hillary to Huma Abedin talking about a dinner with diane feinstein, also a meeting with Carlos Slim and David Rockafeller

>>21659213 People: Joe Biden Shares the Simple Advice He Gave Kamala Harris on How to Defeat Donald Trump

>>21659316 Popcorn is the marker?

>>21659423 Former Biden adviser Susan Rice says Harris has been an 'integral architect' of the administration's agenda

>>21659474, >>21659485 Order Out Of Chaos (Parts 1&2)

>>21659483 NEW Election Fraud thread starting >>21653522 is in the Catalog

Ghost grab

>>21659572 AwakenedOutlaw w/CAP: Everything about his affair with Fani Willis was so above board that the US Marshals currently have a manhunt underway to locate Wade.

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d3acbb No.21659873

File: b3230c6f430d37e⋯.png (178.07 KB,396x323,396:323,ralph3cHap_GM1.png)


>Mornin' Ralph… Please pass the Covfefe.

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db7cfc No.21659876

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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77acb3 No.21659877

File: 335a5ab6f5a61d0⋯.jpg (172.8 KB,1200x617,1200:617,foolishconsitencey.jpg)


do your work or STFU

have you read and commented upon all the drops yet.

Have you saved securely off line.


it's always been shill infested.



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dccf33 No.21659879


I am standing to tell you to fuck off.

Fuck off.

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1445e3 No.21659886

File: fa4b695d3c0dfd1⋯.png (6.37 KB,137x255,137:255,fist.png)

File: ca0e64716922522⋯.png (52.32 KB,728x569,728:569,ClipboardImage.png)


Definitely. Sent before the Georgia Guidestones were destroyed and before the first assassination attempt.

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dccf33 No.21659887


does your house smell like curry. Just curious.

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7e5f45 No.21659888

File: b06b5054ed920be⋯.mp4 (206.29 KB,480x270,16:9,Secretary_of_Commerce.mp4)

File: fe407b7afcec07b⋯.mp4 (488.91 KB,886x492,443:246,hehastobeeliminated.mp4)

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6be873 No.21659892


That' the kind of Covfefe I need this week.

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07ba0b No.21659893


Eric Adams admitting Biden Administration is using the DOJ for political vengeance…

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96fc43 No.21659895


Trash is taken out on a regular basis

Shills bitch about censorship when their trash is taken out on a regular basis

Transparent enough for you?

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dccf33 No.21659896


you are a fucking nutjob.

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77acb3 No.21659898

File: f1d0954b1d1b84d⋯.jpg (149.11 KB,750x750,1:1,yescat.jpg)


to the stubborn and stupid shills and spammers:

"A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds."

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7e5f45 No.21659899

File: a5d81940d8fc2f2⋯.png (769.51 KB,576x1024,9:16,ClipboardImage.png)

have you seen my boy

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d3acbb No.21659904


>That' the kind of Covfefe I need this week.


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fed9fe No.21659910

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

will azerbaijan sign the peace of paper?

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9b27b9 No.21659917


Just trying to play the Devil's Advocate.

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5be942 No.21659920

File: 0dc427574efc16e⋯.jpg (12.84 KB,255x204,5:4,Deck.jpg)


C before D

Id: fbc52d

All Hands on Deck

Image name Deck after South China Sea blackout.

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dccf33 No.21659924


you failed.

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9b27b9 No.21659925


Excellent idea.

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96fc43 No.21659927

File: ca54090cbdd0164⋯.png (217.62 KB,452x236,113:59,ca54090cbdd01643fe0f3a5c0b….png)


Great to see ya!!!

Note Taker standing down

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56c3e4 No.21659928

File: 094a8961ec4ab31⋯.png (898.05 KB,1394x1794,697:897,qNewTripConfirm.png)


>good morning Ralph.

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fa28a8 No.21659930

File: 0e0dadc62753283⋯.png (1.63 MB,1144x1280,143:160,ClipboardImage.png)

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06f0df No.21659933


Define: Witness.

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9b27b9 No.21659934


No I didn't.

I got you to respond to it, didn't I?

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dccf33 No.21659937


dont care.

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ac0714 No.21659939


okay, if convict's new word is target, we'll go with that.

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7e5f45 No.21659940

"The president of Ukraine is in our country. He's making dirty little attacks on your beloved president, me," Trump said.

He also accused President Joe Biden and his election opponent Kamala Harris of giving billions of dollars to Zelensky, who "refuses" to agree to a peace deal.

"And we continue to give billions of dollars to a man who refuses to make a deal - Zelensky," Donald Trump said.

Let us recall that it was previously reported that Trump refused to meet with the Ukrainian president.

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33b873 No.21659941


guud to see you too


you gotz rain n wind yet?

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dccf33 No.21659945


not you loser.

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dccf33 No.21659948


you didn't do anything other than write a stupid statement and then try to defend it by using a stupid method. Is this wasting time, or am I enjoying it. You did nothing nigger.

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77acb3 No.21659951

File: 05fd983022daaeb⋯.mp4 (192.31 KB,720x480,3:2,adamsframed.mp4)


They are going after Eric Adams since he wasn't Commie-enough for where they (plan to) take us.

Chief of Police replaced by blackrock thug.

Same with Cuomo; wasn't dead-hearted enough.

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96fc43 No.21659952


Why do you try the same complaint every day?

Get A New Schedule, you are boring

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dccf33 No.21659956


of course the justice department is fair, look how much impartial is going on.

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06f0df No.21659957



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58ef21 No.21659958

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9b27b9 No.21659959


Did you follow the thread?

Did you see who I was responding to?

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c706a9 No.21659961

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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ac49bf No.21659962


tyb note taker

didnt know you were still rockn n rolln

hope yer thursday is guud -w

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07ba0b No.21659963




Capt. Morgan in the morning

Jameson in the evening

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55eace No.21659965

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Trump reeeee

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58ef21 No.21659966



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958465 No.21659967



No, he no here.

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96fc43 No.21659969


That first pic is Fraudulent and Homosexual

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ac49bf No.21659971




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e86b5c No.21659972

File: 7c19303fd432159⋯.mp4 (724.15 KB,640x360,16:9,assassPlasketTrumpNeedsToB….mp4)

File: a2fb384458445dd⋯.png (207.2 KB,499x410,499:410,Screenshot_from_2024_09_26….png)


Jake Schneider


Del. Stacey Plaskett (D-Virgin Islands): "[Trump] needs to be shot— stopped."

0:00 / 0:18

9:30 AM · Jun 18, 2023




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77acb3 No.21659973

File: 42b4a4bcb666dff⋯.mp4 (2.15 MB,406x720,203:360,zelenskidance.mp4)

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33b873 No.21659974


kbee lost his stinger

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c8138c No.21659975

File: 214c85aa874085b⋯.png (49.9 KB,255x235,51:47,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0dc427574efc16e⋯.jpg (12.84 KB,255x204,5:4,Deck.jpg)


C before D

Id: fbc52d

All Hands on Deck

Image name Deck after South China Sea blackout.

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55eace No.21659976


va beach

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dccf33 No.21659977


I did and its just a special level of misogyny that comes from curry. Which is why I asked. The devils advocate thing still did not come across the second time I read your thread. Seemed more like agreement then posing an alternative way of thinking about something.

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ac0714 No.21659978


va is filled will clown towns

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ac49bf No.21659979


in 2020

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77acb3 No.21659980

File: 5788458ab547a25⋯.jpg (15.49 KB,255x170,3:2,hogg.jpg)


I've come to realize the reason the opponents never have answers is because they know they are crooked and are just attempting to gaslight.

Unless they are given free rein to lie, they are lost.

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13fb1e No.21659981

File: 67bf1babfc75348⋯.png (1.11 MB,1125x804,375:268,67bf1babfc7534880501e563fd….png)

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7e5f45 No.21659982

File: 0a3a859de036ecf⋯.png (903.06 KB,1200x800,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)


>Virgin Islands

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202b11 No.21659984

No one was buying the lebron James photo in a maid outfit. Any sauce on that?

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cf360f No.21659985

Eric Adams should endorse Trump, to really drive the human trafficking cult crazy.

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33b873 No.21659986


long time ago

glad he did

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96fc43 No.21659988


As much as I want to believe it's factional warfare where they eat their own and show their supporters how quick their loyalty vanishes and keep thinking "Dog & Pony" show as a distraction from something else.

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9b27b9 No.21659989


I guess you don't understand sarcasm.

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1180ad No.21659990


> Im V

V for Vendetta?

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958465 No.21659991


>Black Man

>In Hollywood

They all end up in a dress at some point, Anon.

Just ask Chappelle.

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e86b5c No.21659992

File: 99a05b562ca8d56⋯.png (724.34 KB,1366x768,683:384,nathanWade.png)

File: c54e3349cabe5a1⋯.png (739.09 KB,833x714,7:6,nathanwadedisgrace.png)

File: 0dcc2bfbb80650a⋯.png (864.01 KB,949x1228,949:1228,nathanwadetreasoninferno.png)


>Manhunt underway for Nathan Wade. You can’t make this crap up!

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4c88f7 No.21659993


52 cards in a Deck.

God woke you up for a reason.

Morning Sun bring heat.

Sun rises in a new position


The Lord Speaks

Job 38 Then the Lord spoke to Job out of the storm. He said:

12 “Have you ever given orders to the morning,

or shown the dawn its place,

13 that it might take the earth by the edges

and shake the wicked out of it?


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e50fbd No.21659996

File: 94a049af043c546⋯.png (1.33 MB,1126x830,563:415,gm_thursday.png)

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202b11 No.21659997


I agree. I think I’m done trying to share with lower iq pop.

Wwg1wga is Now EMFHS

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d4b67c No.21659999


>>21658743 NYC mayor Eric Adams responds to indictment and imminent arrest

>>21658494, >>21658393, >>21658555, >>21658583 (Sept, 2023) NYC Mayor Eric Adams gifts Diddy the Key to the City


Eric Adams Fraternity Ties

Based on the provided search results, Eric Adams, the 110th Mayor of New York City, has been affiliated withOmega Psi Phi Fraternity Inc.There is no specific mention of his involvement with this fraternity during his college years or earlier in life. However, it is essential to note that Eric Adams has had a long and distinguished career in public service, serving as a police officer, New York State Senator, Brooklyn Borough President, and ultimately, Mayor of New York City.

Eric Adams and Boule Fraternity

Eric Adams, the 110th Mayor of New York City, is a member ofSigma Pi Phi (ΣΠΦ), also known as The Boulé, an African American professional fraternity. Founded in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in 1904, it is the oldest fraternity for African Americans.

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ac0714 No.21660001


They are brought up in a very traumatizing lifestyle, for the parents screw them over, then they are handed out like party favors amongst others, major violence included, then break free, to only be swooped up by those who are given access to them, all they know is betrayal, but, the big but, once they engage in harming of others, their own plots, they've crossed a line, they can't return from. Lying, that's since birth, everything is just manipulation from the get go.

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958465 No.21660003


Vatty, you're the one that made Karli a board known name here.

Nobody else ever brings her up.

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fa28a8 No.21660006

File: 9b82be1c0641688⋯.png (356.92 KB,450x800,9:16,RedPepeInThe_Morning.png)

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8afea0 No.21660007

File: c4618e89f5a619d⋯.webm (421.17 KB,427x240,427:240,inbound.webm)

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7e5f45 No.21660008

File: f888555c8319b3c⋯.mp4 (468.89 KB,1896x1080,79:45,stopworrying.mp4)




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e86b5c No.21660010

File: 264b7b4f351ffc3⋯.png (198.62 KB,705x588,235:196,Screenshot_from_2021_02_10….png)


>>Virgin Islands

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cf360f No.21660013

Twice now Ezra Cohen Watnick has X posted about Q and both times, 8:57pm. were the Q drop number 2057, the drop that Q posted his name.

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ac49bf No.21660014

File: bcba9ea5b3b62a6⋯.png (850.28 KB,720x904,90:113,1ab29b66a72d8bbdf8d1678b0d….png)

File: 38c057b45a69b2c⋯.jpg (49.01 KB,480x360,4:3,fc.jpg)


poor vd got nowhere else to go

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cf360f No.21660017


And both times the topic was Q.


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63ac3d No.21660019


Sorry, but the God of is Real, is with us.

Real liies? Real eyes, Realize.

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958465 No.21660021

File: 547bca17632457d⋯.png (775.34 KB,850x1025,34:41,GrammyToots.png)


> has X posted

has twatted

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e50fbd No.21660023

File: c68c73ce0153c69⋯.png (469.06 KB,824x518,412:259,2024_04_11_19_42_18.png)

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63ac3d No.21660024



Now you have two eyes to see.

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ac49bf No.21660025


behave vd

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cf360f No.21660027


Twatter is defunct, no longer a business.

X.com now, so X post is more accurate.

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202b11 No.21660028


God is an adjective for the higher consciousness. Truth is what is first. “In the beginning.” Good luck

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04209c No.21660032



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ac49bf No.21660034

notables bun @650

post count accurate ^^^

out at the top - bu baker in the bullpen?

czech em

#26524 >>21659010

>>21659018, >>21659095, >>21659108 Was Diddy's trove of baby oil actually liquid GHB (date rape drug)?

>>21659113 Diddy's lawyer says that Diddy's large supply of baby oil is because he lives near Costco

>>21659026 Scavino: THANK YOU!!!

>>21659032 Did Kourtney Kardashian have a kid with Bieber?

>>21659047 Alex Soros: Honored to meet @aniellefranco, a trailblazer in the fight for racial justice in Brazil

>>21659061 This is who becomes New York City Mayor if Eric Adams resigns: Jumaane Williams

>>21659088 Melania Trump calls husband’s survival of two assassination attempts ‘miracles,’ describes anger over FBI raid in rare TV interview

bread ghosted

>>21659163 Flashback 2016: Why are Colbert and Hillary joking about eating babies?

>>21659187 CNBC: China offers one-time cash allowance for those in extreme poverty

>>21659191 Wikileaks: email from Hillary to Huma Abedin talking about a dinner with diane feinstein, also a meeting with Carlos Slim and David Rockafeller

>>21659213 People: Joe Biden Shares the Simple Advice He Gave Kamala Harris on How to Defeat Donald Trump

>>21659316 Popcorn is the marker?

>>21659423 Former Biden adviser Susan Rice says Harris has been an 'integral architect' of the administration's agenda

>>21659474, >>21659485 Order Out Of Chaos (Parts 1&2)

>>21659483 NEW Election Fraud thread starting >>21653522 is in the Catalog

Ghost grab

>>21659572 AwakenedOutlaw w/CAP: Everything about his affair with Fani Willis was so above board that the US Marshals currently have a manhunt underway to locate Wade.

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ac0714 No.21660035

File: f692659ab3d0a2e⋯.png (193.47 KB,309x351,103:117,pepepopcorn.png)

File: 352542b41311dab⋯.png (270.58 KB,396x357,132:119,352542b41311dabc00a44420da….png)

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2512ea No.21660036


>>21659724 ANON NEWS FEED

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2f6155 No.21660039

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Clown tactics

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fa28a8 No.21660040

File: 5735d137b6d6b84⋯.gif (1.48 MB,200x200,1:1,poppingcorn.gif)


More on the way

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958465 No.21660044


If you want to give up using twat with a valid excuse that easily then by all means go ahead.

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ac49bf No.21660045


sorry g

its in

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8afea0 No.21660049

File: 38a394798403aeb⋯.png (742.71 KB,800x786,400:393,ClipboardImage.png)

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ac0714 No.21660050


Team Work Makes the Dream Work

And, no complaints at Gitmo, nooses are one size fits all, no tailoring needed for the demanding types.

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811fbf No.21660051


>God is an adjective for the higher consciousness

You guess, I testify. There is Light not of this world, that can do all things, and you can see with your real eyes; then you will know and be known.

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04209c No.21660053


Do you believe in coincidences?

Only the beginning.

https:// mobile.reuters.com/article/amp/idUSKBN1GH2SM?__twitter_impression=true

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811fbf No.21660055


Thank Q

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85919c No.21660056

Looks like somebody is running scared…KEK!

Michael Cohen Vows to Leave US, Change Name If Trump Wins


Michael Cohen, former President Donald Trump's ex-lawyer, has vowed to leave the United States if his old boss defeats Vice President Kamala Harris in the November presidential election.

"I'm out of here," Cohen told MSNBC on Tuesday in response to a question about what he thinks will happen to him if Trump wins a second White House term. "I mean, I'm already working on a foreign passport with a completely different name."

"I don't know how it's going to work, as far as dealing with my wife and my children," he continued. "I certainly don't want them moving to where I'm looking to go."

Cohen's remarks were part of a larger discussion about a New York Times report that laid out the Republican nominee's plans to prosecute his political enemies if he is returned to office. According to the Times, Cohen is on Trump's list of adversaries.

In recent years, Cohen has gone from the former president's fixer to his arch-nemesis, turning on his ex-employer and testifying as a star witness for the prosecution in the New York business records trial earlier this year.

The now-disbarred attorney served a three-year prison sentence after pleading guilty to several federal charges, including lying to Congress and a bank and engaging in campaign finance violations.

Trump was convicted on 34 felony counts of falsifying business records in the unprecedented New York case, which centered on a payment Cohen maintains was made at Trump's direction to porn star Stormy Daniels in the run-up to the 2016 presidential election.

Cohen warned that he isn't the only person who should fear reprisal if Trump returns to the Oval Office in January.

"Yourself, the president of MSNBC, [former chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff] Gen. [Mark] Milley, you know, [former Rep.] Liz Cheney [R-Wyo.]," he said. "How many people has he turned around and said that these are people that I intend to go after if I have the ability to?"

The one-time Trump ally also denounced the recent Supreme Court ruling on presidential immunity — which granted broad immunity to presidents for official acts in office — as "the worst."

"Now he thinks it's, not only is it, 'I can do whatever I want,' but 'I can't even be prosecuted,' " Cohen said. "It's a get-out-of-jail-free card solely for the president."

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33b873 No.21660058

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1180ad No.21660060


>Also, Halloween is DARK and the next day is the Hindu festival (Catholics have All Saints Day) of Diwali (The Festival of LIGHT).

Wasn't the first FBIanon post stating that Killery would be arrested on Oct 30?

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2512ea No.21660062

File: 9788eec0e969474⋯.png (1.01 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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8afea0 No.21660064

File: 0ec633fcca3853c⋯.png (289.95 KB,680x384,85:48,ClipboardImage.png)

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202b11 No.21660068


Testify is holding your testicular area.

Start from the start

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202b11 No.21660070

File: f5b6de23113f84e⋯.jpeg (81.35 KB,500x537,500:537,IMG_6286.jpeg)

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f7f4c4 No.21660071


We will be entering the “False Peace” stage of end times

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2512ea No.21660072

File: a41631014f73eef⋯.png (1.16 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1595eaeb837151c⋯.png (796.56 KB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7aa0b59a985d0ce⋯.png (1.1 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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7e5f45 No.21660073

File: dc7cc1f5aaa0b4c⋯.mp4 (7.66 MB,640x360,16:9,trevormoore.mp4)

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87bc6a No.21660075

File: b71164d746d6ef5⋯.png (316.6 KB,400x379,400:379,ClipboardImage.png)


ho ho ho

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dccf33 No.21660077


you serve the false light. Just another deluded cultist.

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c706a9 No.21660079

File: c354fadfcc78740⋯.png (471.92 KB,563x613,563:613,ClipboardImage.png)


dude is a legit mental case

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811fbf No.21660081


For you, there is no hope, because you are vulgar. Dwell at bottom, it is always on your mind, the higher is not for you to contemplate. You only business is below the belt.

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9f41f1 No.21660082


>Transparent enough for you?

Actually, No. Anons attempting to have conversations have greeen text all through the bread.

Looks like discouragement of anon interaction.


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958465 No.21660085

File: 1433c390f9a0fa3⋯.jpg (34.83 KB,809x320,809:320,Screenshot_2024_09_26_0627….jpg)


No, the first post was an AMA.

The first Q was classic /pol/.

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202b11 No.21660087

File: 9ac6efd62503ef5⋯.jpeg (103.76 KB,500x667,500:667,IMG_6294.jpeg)

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ac0714 No.21660090


Many were force fed, guilt and shame, via the use of those they should be able to trust, in churches and buildings of worship.

Force feeding God to them now, makes them just reject us. Even God gives free will.

Stories of how God intervened, in our own lives, makes them ponder those times, something super natural worked in their lives.

I've brought many traumatized inside church, back to God, minus a building, or a man in a robe, from experience.

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04209c No.21660093


Way on down

In the 8kun deep

Lots of frogs

Round the popcorn

Got their treat

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202b11 No.21660096


“Therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ, let us go on unto perfection; not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works, and of faith toward God, of the doctrine of baptisms, and of laying on of hands, and of resurrection of the dead, and of eternal judgment. And this will we do, if God permit. For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost,”

‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭6‬:‭1‬-‭4‬ ‭KJV‬‬

Stop being a religious faggot and become enlightened

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8d66ba No.21660097


>you serve the false light. Just another deluded cultist.

My knowledge doesn't end in your beliefs. To you, no one can be more accomplished then your all knowing tongue.

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7381df No.21660101

Morning anons…

The indictment should tell usA LOT

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dccf33 No.21660103


your stupidity begins though when you open your fucking mouth. Your mom likes my all knowing tongue. FLICK THAT OLD LADY CLIT

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dccf33 No.21660105


meaning what side they are trying to take this. Is it the deep state attacking or is it the so called good agents in the fbi doing their job.

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0ebe79 No.21660107

File: c196afddf46f9fe⋯.png (638.04 KB,1024x678,512:339,Bread_Goblin_9_26_2024.png)

File: 195fa785dbb7ebf⋯.png (447.76 KB,1024x518,512:259,SPAM_NIGGER_9_26_2024.png)

File: c8506d0a24be3d5⋯.jpeg (142.69 KB,1176x880,147:110,download_22_.jpeg)



This Fuckin' Faggot

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1180ad No.21660110


Some time back during GEOTUS' first term, he commented that the public would be well-advised to keep on hand food and water for two months.

Does thisanon recall correctly? An earlier post in this bread, other anon made oblique reference to extinction-level event. Can any anon offer more useful details?

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9b27b9 No.21660111

If you speak against the "Tribe," you will be censored.

What does that tell you about the "Tribe?"

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0ebe79 No.21660113

File: c3c8322646c6ac7⋯.png (1.68 MB,1080x1080,1:1,1727349921546.png)



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589bae No.21660116


You guess, I testify.

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202b11 No.21660118


You’re retarded. Proverbs 1:6. You don’t know a damn thing.

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e86b5c No.21660123

File: c77e49ea807bd72⋯.png (72.55 KB,1342x453,1342:453,Screenshot_2024_09_26_at_0….png)

File: 8c4e328466df994⋯.png (130.9 KB,720x381,240:127,Screenshot_2024_09_26_at_0….png)

File: 8efae30084f0036⋯.png (1017.12 KB,974x934,487:467,Screenshot_2024_09_26_at_0….png)

File: d7bf9d4c95c2af1⋯.png (1.53 MB,1342x1138,671:569,Screenshot_2024_09_26_at_0….png)

File: e302fc738bb6a19⋯.png (226.02 KB,1232x275,112:25,Screenshot_2024_09_26_at_0….png)


>Eric Adams and Boule Fraternity

Alpha Kappa Alpha - Events

Alpha Kappa Alpha - Events. I am delighted to invite you to join me in my hometown-Dallas, Texas—where the71st Boulewill be held July 5 - 11, 2024. We expect this year'sBoulewill draw nearly 20,000 registered sorors who are excited to convene and focus on the business of our Sisterhood.

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9eb701 No.21660124


All the money he has and this is the best lawyer he cab get?

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1ac9b3 No.21660126

File: 1e8b55c97d5d283⋯.jpg (81.26 KB,645x387,5:3,Comfy.jpg)


TY, baker.

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375905 No.21660127

No one is coming.

Kamala win through cheating.

You wait a few months.




You’ll start to admit it when they force your vaccination.

Thanks Dan.

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589bae No.21660128


You have your rewards.

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8afea0 No.21660129

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Gonna be a good one today.

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ac0714 No.21660131

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Tasha Cobbs Leonard - Break Every Chain (Live At Passion City Church)

Powerful song

Luke 10:19

I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you.

Enlightment is all fine and dandy, use the power you were given…

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07ba0b No.21660133


twat vs X'd…hmmm

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64e2aa No.21660135

File: bc4682d00ed2fcf⋯.png (1.29 MB,1209x713,39:23,bless.png)

God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.

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c706a9 No.21660138

File: 2acb77731b1984d⋯.png (553.42 KB,400x560,5:7,ClipboardImage.png)

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d4b89f No.21660139


>You’re retarded. Proverbs 1:6. You don’t know a damn thing.

The only thing you know, is how to use scripture as a weapon to glorify yourself. Save your lectures for your children because they are already doomed.

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dccf33 No.21660140

This is the bread that never ends.

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958465 No.21660141


>Every black woman thinks she's Aretha or Whitney and thus screams like a banshee

Aint clickin that shit nigga.

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7e5f45 No.21660142


>I grow extremely weary…


>Buffalo Fart Queen

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33b873 No.21660145


top keks

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7e5f45 No.21660147


Yes it goes on and on my friend.

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e5ed15 No.21660148

File: 7515c5f52274590⋯.png (308.79 KB,481x511,481:511,E4EE581F_8376_4B42_B64D_E7….png)

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abceb9 No.21660150


If we can do 4 years, we can do it again. The last 4 years have been a blur, what's 4 years to anons? Nothing, that's what.

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c706a9 No.21660151

File: 897f953f8127dc2⋯.png (286.46 KB,563x472,563:472,ClipboardImage.png)

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ac49bf No.21660153

File: 665e24b061500a5⋯.mp4 (179.83 KB,460x460,1:1,665e24b061500a5486b81d70b1….mp4)

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dccf33 No.21660155


ooh a maple frosted. nice.

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e5ed15 No.21660156

File: 4a0343698761cb5⋯.jpeg (321.71 KB,1219x769,1219:769,Doughnuts_Choose_Wisely_0….JPEG)

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33b873 No.21660157

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1ac9b3 No.21660161


Back at ya, Swordy.

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ac49bf No.21660163

final bun for #26524

closin time - hold yer laties tight

czech em

#26524 >>21659010

>>21659018, >>21659095, >>21659108 Was Diddy's trove of baby oil actually liquid GHB (date rape drug)?

>>21659113 Diddy's lawyer says that Diddy's large supply of baby oil is because he lives near Costco

>>21659026 Scavino: THANK YOU!!!

>>21659032 Did Kourtney Kardashian have a kid with Bieber?

>>21659047 Alex Soros: Honored to meet @aniellefranco, a trailblazer in the fight for racial justice in Brazil

>>21659061 This is who becomes New York City Mayor if Eric Adams resigns: Jumaane Williams

>>21659088 Melania Trump calls husband’s survival of two assassination attempts ‘miracles,’ describes anger over FBI raid in rare TV interview

bread ghosted

>>21659163 Flashback 2016: Why are Colbert and Hillary joking about eating babies?

>>21659187 CNBC: China offers one-time cash allowance for those in extreme poverty

>>21659191 Wikileaks: email from Hillary to Huma Abedin talking about a dinner with diane feinstein, also a meeting with Carlos Slim and David Rockafeller

>>21659213 People: Joe Biden Shares the Simple Advice He Gave Kamala Harris on How to Defeat Donald Trump

>>21659316 Popcorn is the marker?

>>21659423 Former Biden adviser Susan Rice says Harris has been an 'integral architect' of the administration's agenda

>>21659474, >>21659485 Order Out Of Chaos (Parts 1&2)

>>21659483 NEW Election Fraud thread starting >>21653522 is in the Catalog

Ghost grab

>>21659572 AwakenedOutlaw w/CAP: Everything about his affair with Fani Willis was so above board that the US Marshals currently have a manhunt underway to locate Wade.

>>21659724 ANON NEWS FEED

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e5ed15 No.21660165

File: 43c6ac57fb21173⋯.jpeg (589.31 KB,971x706,971:706,IMG_0539.jpeg)

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f7f4c4 No.21660166

File: dab620705db7bff⋯.png (112.5 KB,612x640,153:160,IMG_6610.png)

So Donnie’s big idea to save the petrodollar is higher tariffs

Let’s review shall we.

High tariffs caused WW1, they were seen as “protectionism”

The Jews used the economic chaos to pass the the income tax “amendment” and screw Americans for 100 years

Therefore, ANY tariff increase should automatically LOWER your income tax.

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87bc6a No.21660168


Some people started posting in it

Not knowing what it was

and they'll continue posting in it

forever just because

This is the bread that never ends.

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8afea0 No.21660169

File: e369db95cb24380⋯.png (359.81 KB,680x487,680:487,ClipboardImage.png)

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c2ffc1 No.21660171

File: ec68578c56054e9⋯.jpeg (146.09 KB,968x867,968:867,IMG_8281.jpeg)

Mornin Anons

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9b27b9 No.21660173


Sarcasm is censored.

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9b27b9 No.21660178


Libtards don't understand sarcasm.

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e5ed15 No.21660186

File: aab83daf34989a1⋯.jpeg (101.87 KB,800x534,400:267,OCD_Women_05.JPEG)

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7381df No.21660190


>meaning what side they are trying to take this. Is it the deep state attacking or is it the so called good agents in the fbi doing their job.

That too, but most meaning will the indictments tie back to Diddy or Epstein in some way? These people, regardless of what they do, or what evil shit they sling, will ALWAYS connect back to their practices with children. So will the indictment somehow tie to or relate to the trafficking of children?

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e5ed15 No.21660192

File: 224dc00831796bc⋯.png (101.47 KB,554x405,554:405,B9F01A7B_5508_4F91_BF01_69….png)

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f7f4c4 No.21660193


All that high tech stuff gonna get a lot of young men killed

One gamma bomb and none of it will work….analog is the future

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44f438 No.21660197


"shot I mean stopped" ..slip of the snake tongue

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07ba0b No.21660199

File: 8293e2e21616757⋯.png (91.79 KB,897x736,39:32,ClipboardImage.png)

0700 update…finally

Cat2 now

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f7f4c4 No.21660201


Hopefully Atlanta gets washed away

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c91d3b No.21660202

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>You’ll start to admit it when they force your vaccination.

What am I supposed to do with this erection?

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9b27b9 No.21660204



Tribal criticism keeps getting censored.

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ac49bf No.21660205


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420a57 No.21660209


State at pics of Kamaltoe.

It’ll pass… quickly.

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71e1fb No.21660217

Tranny. >>21659047

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420a57 No.21660223


It’s because government is a scam.

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ac49bf No.21660225

File: 5c304f1c2051936⋯.png (687.43 KB,680x677,680:677,5c304f1c20519360059f47f033….png)

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ac49bf No.21660227

File: 9bdd493c6be85cc⋯.png (1.48 MB,840x786,140:131,9bdd493c6be85ccbbd7263b7cb….png)

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ac49bf No.21660229

File: 20efe6af3bbe1a0⋯.jpeg (1.72 MB,1284x1593,428:531,20efe6af3bbe1a0b8b55ed7b9….jpeg)

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dc0ff5 No.21660230


Tom McD?

Dat you?

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96fc43 No.21660236


For those of you just getting in the "operators" had come by again last night into the early hours. I find it amusing they chose last night rather than the usual Sunday night to take off the religious bait/argument hats and go for the operator thing.

I might have made one cry with >>21659419 and havng one of the BVs swinging by and deleting all the spew and I think the accomplice eventually got zapped but if you would all be so kind as to keep an eye on the current antics they expose themselves by keeping to the same scripts so easily spotted. I need to depart for awhile but if anons would like to call them out for the next few hours I'd be ever so happy

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ac49bf No.21660238

File: 72687b019827038⋯.png (302.33 KB,714x602,51:43,3b89ee3ca3f3b90390c6fe8429….png)

Morn'n Bread Just Ahead





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efd9ad No.21660243

File: 2159f3e0cdf823b⋯.png (768.75 KB,793x695,793:695,2159f3e0cdf823b17e0267cf28….png)

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efd9ad No.21660247

File: 307035846504241⋯.jpeg (534.25 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,GYYQdy2WQAAff6y_1_.jpeg)

File: b46ad73500a0e2e⋯.png (42.32 KB,766x540,383:270,502_4_.png)

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87bc6a No.21660252


>Why have I been with you from the start?


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dc0ff5 No.21660266


Way worse would be a Podesta, Kerry, & Mittens 3-way.

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1180ad No.21660270


>Sadiq Khan

Saddistic Con urges Americans to choose poorly.

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648a7f No.21660284


Dr. Kavorkian-vibes

Here, let me help

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53ffda No.21660303


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