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File: 8421bb93913cedf⋯.png (65.24 KB,255x138,85:46,ClipboardImage.png)

cfe79f No.21659001 [View All]

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701 posts and 398 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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64e2aa No.21660135

File: bc4682d00ed2fcf⋯.png (1.29 MB,1209x713,39:23,bless.png)

God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.

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c706a9 No.21660138

File: 2acb77731b1984d⋯.png (553.42 KB,400x560,5:7,ClipboardImage.png)

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d4b89f No.21660139


>You’re retarded. Proverbs 1:6. You don’t know a damn thing.

The only thing you know, is how to use scripture as a weapon to glorify yourself. Save your lectures for your children because they are already doomed.

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dccf33 No.21660140

This is the bread that never ends.

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958465 No.21660141


>Every black woman thinks she's Aretha or Whitney and thus screams like a banshee

Aint clickin that shit nigga.

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7e5f45 No.21660142


>I grow extremely weary…


>Buffalo Fart Queen

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33b873 No.21660145


top keks

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7e5f45 No.21660147


Yes it goes on and on my friend.

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e5ed15 No.21660148

File: 7515c5f52274590⋯.png (308.79 KB,481x511,481:511,E4EE581F_8376_4B42_B64D_E7….png)

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abceb9 No.21660150


If we can do 4 years, we can do it again. The last 4 years have been a blur, what's 4 years to anons? Nothing, that's what.

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c706a9 No.21660151

File: 897f953f8127dc2⋯.png (286.46 KB,563x472,563:472,ClipboardImage.png)

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ac49bf No.21660153

File: 665e24b061500a5⋯.mp4 (179.83 KB,460x460,1:1,665e24b061500a5486b81d70b1….mp4)

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dccf33 No.21660155


ooh a maple frosted. nice.

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e5ed15 No.21660156

File: 4a0343698761cb5⋯.jpeg (321.71 KB,1219x769,1219:769,Doughnuts_Choose_Wisely_0….JPEG)

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33b873 No.21660157

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1ac9b3 No.21660161


Back at ya, Swordy.

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ac49bf No.21660163

final bun for #26524

closin time - hold yer laties tight

czech em

#26524 >>21659010

>>21659018, >>21659095, >>21659108 Was Diddy's trove of baby oil actually liquid GHB (date rape drug)?

>>21659113 Diddy's lawyer says that Diddy's large supply of baby oil is because he lives near Costco

>>21659026 Scavino: THANK YOU!!!

>>21659032 Did Kourtney Kardashian have a kid with Bieber?

>>21659047 Alex Soros: Honored to meet @aniellefranco, a trailblazer in the fight for racial justice in Brazil

>>21659061 This is who becomes New York City Mayor if Eric Adams resigns: Jumaane Williams

>>21659088 Melania Trump calls husband’s survival of two assassination attempts ‘miracles,’ describes anger over FBI raid in rare TV interview

bread ghosted

>>21659163 Flashback 2016: Why are Colbert and Hillary joking about eating babies?

>>21659187 CNBC: China offers one-time cash allowance for those in extreme poverty

>>21659191 Wikileaks: email from Hillary to Huma Abedin talking about a dinner with diane feinstein, also a meeting with Carlos Slim and David Rockafeller

>>21659213 People: Joe Biden Shares the Simple Advice He Gave Kamala Harris on How to Defeat Donald Trump

>>21659316 Popcorn is the marker?

>>21659423 Former Biden adviser Susan Rice says Harris has been an 'integral architect' of the administration's agenda

>>21659474, >>21659485 Order Out Of Chaos (Parts 1&2)

>>21659483 NEW Election Fraud thread starting >>21653522 is in the Catalog

Ghost grab

>>21659572 AwakenedOutlaw w/CAP: Everything about his affair with Fani Willis was so above board that the US Marshals currently have a manhunt underway to locate Wade.

>>21659724 ANON NEWS FEED

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e5ed15 No.21660165

File: 43c6ac57fb21173⋯.jpeg (589.31 KB,971x706,971:706,IMG_0539.jpeg)

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f7f4c4 No.21660166

File: dab620705db7bff⋯.png (112.5 KB,612x640,153:160,IMG_6610.png)

So Donnie’s big idea to save the petrodollar is higher tariffs

Let’s review shall we.

High tariffs caused WW1, they were seen as “protectionism”

The Jews used the economic chaos to pass the the income tax “amendment” and screw Americans for 100 years

Therefore, ANY tariff increase should automatically LOWER your income tax.

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87bc6a No.21660168


Some people started posting in it

Not knowing what it was

and they'll continue posting in it

forever just because

This is the bread that never ends.

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8afea0 No.21660169

File: e369db95cb24380⋯.png (359.81 KB,680x487,680:487,ClipboardImage.png)

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c2ffc1 No.21660171

File: ec68578c56054e9⋯.jpeg (146.09 KB,968x867,968:867,IMG_8281.jpeg)

Mornin Anons

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9b27b9 No.21660173


Sarcasm is censored.

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9b27b9 No.21660178


Libtards don't understand sarcasm.

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e5ed15 No.21660186

File: aab83daf34989a1⋯.jpeg (101.87 KB,800x534,400:267,OCD_Women_05.JPEG)

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7381df No.21660190


>meaning what side they are trying to take this. Is it the deep state attacking or is it the so called good agents in the fbi doing their job.

That too, but most meaning will the indictments tie back to Diddy or Epstein in some way? These people, regardless of what they do, or what evil shit they sling, will ALWAYS connect back to their practices with children. So will the indictment somehow tie to or relate to the trafficking of children?

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e5ed15 No.21660192

File: 224dc00831796bc⋯.png (101.47 KB,554x405,554:405,B9F01A7B_5508_4F91_BF01_69….png)

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f7f4c4 No.21660193


All that high tech stuff gonna get a lot of young men killed

One gamma bomb and none of it will work….analog is the future

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44f438 No.21660197


"shot I mean stopped" ..slip of the snake tongue

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07ba0b No.21660199

File: 8293e2e21616757⋯.png (91.79 KB,897x736,39:32,ClipboardImage.png)

0700 update…finally

Cat2 now

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f7f4c4 No.21660201


Hopefully Atlanta gets washed away

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c91d3b No.21660202

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>You’ll start to admit it when they force your vaccination.

What am I supposed to do with this erection?

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9b27b9 No.21660204



Tribal criticism keeps getting censored.

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ac49bf No.21660205


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420a57 No.21660209


State at pics of Kamaltoe.

It’ll pass… quickly.

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71e1fb No.21660217

Tranny. >>21659047

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420a57 No.21660223


It’s because government is a scam.

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ac49bf No.21660225

File: 5c304f1c2051936⋯.png (687.43 KB,680x677,680:677,5c304f1c20519360059f47f033….png)

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ac49bf No.21660227

File: 9bdd493c6be85cc⋯.png (1.48 MB,840x786,140:131,9bdd493c6be85ccbbd7263b7cb….png)

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ac49bf No.21660229

File: 20efe6af3bbe1a0⋯.jpeg (1.72 MB,1284x1593,428:531,20efe6af3bbe1a0b8b55ed7b9….jpeg)

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dc0ff5 No.21660230


Tom McD?

Dat you?

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96fc43 No.21660236


For those of you just getting in the "operators" had come by again last night into the early hours. I find it amusing they chose last night rather than the usual Sunday night to take off the religious bait/argument hats and go for the operator thing.

I might have made one cry with >>21659419 and havng one of the BVs swinging by and deleting all the spew and I think the accomplice eventually got zapped but if you would all be so kind as to keep an eye on the current antics they expose themselves by keeping to the same scripts so easily spotted. I need to depart for awhile but if anons would like to call them out for the next few hours I'd be ever so happy

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ac49bf No.21660238

File: 72687b019827038⋯.png (302.33 KB,714x602,51:43,3b89ee3ca3f3b90390c6fe8429….png)

Morn'n Bread Just Ahead





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efd9ad No.21660243

File: 2159f3e0cdf823b⋯.png (768.75 KB,793x695,793:695,2159f3e0cdf823b17e0267cf28….png)

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efd9ad No.21660247

File: 307035846504241⋯.jpeg (534.25 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,GYYQdy2WQAAff6y_1_.jpeg)

File: b46ad73500a0e2e⋯.png (42.32 KB,766x540,383:270,502_4_.png)

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87bc6a No.21660252


>Why have I been with you from the start?


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dc0ff5 No.21660266


Way worse would be a Podesta, Kerry, & Mittens 3-way.

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1180ad No.21660270


>Sadiq Khan

Saddistic Con urges Americans to choose poorly.

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648a7f No.21660284


Dr. Kavorkian-vibes

Here, let me help

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53ffda No.21660303


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