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Research and discussion about Q's crumbs
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File: e1c02b43c5fc1b0⋯.jpg (493.89 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, bake.jpg)

2462bb No.1627423

Welcome To Q Research General










Board Rules (Please read the rules) >>3138

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !CbboFOtcZs

Q's "Proofs" Authenticating Q >>1552095 SEE FOR YOURSELF...

Q's Latest Posts

Sunday 06.03.2018


Tuesday 05.22.2018

>>1509322 ----------------------- Enjoy the show.

>>1508206 rt >>1508060 ---- Attacks will intensify [all sides].

>>>/patriotsfight/99 ------------ _AF1_5A_

>>1506866 rt >>1506817 ---- It’s happening.

>>1506815 rt >>1506500 ---- Avoid NSA data collection. It failed. (Re: Nellie Ohr)

>>>/patriotsfight/98 ------------ RAPID FIRE.

Monday 05.21.2018

>>1497716 ------------------------ Military OP. [Green]. General K [JFK]: RR<-WRAY->Rachel Brand(Panuccio/Pruitt)-Scheiderman. D5

Sunday 05.20.2018

>>>/patriotsfight/97 ------------ Q! Quotes Ephesians 6:10-18, – 1 Cor 13:4-13

>>>/patriotsfight/96 ------------ Those who are loudest…

>>1483388 ----------------------- We exposed the password [#91] on purpose [23]

>>1483187 ----------------------- The entire time See >>1483318

>>1483159 rt >>1483003 ---- ROT = Rotation

>>>/patriotsfight/95 ------------ US Flag

>>>/patriotsfight/94 ------------ WE ARE Q!

>>1482139 rt >>1482048 ---- TRUST the plan

>>>/patriotsfight/93 ------------ They are losing [all] control

>>>/patriotsfight/92 ------------ [6] surv [value targets]

Saturday 05.19.2018

>>>/patriotsfight/91 ------------ Now Comes The Pain

>>>/patriotsfight/90 ------------ https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/997951982467014656

>>1472746 rt >>1472647 ---- We control [utility]

>>1472647 rt >>1472580 ---- I'd watch the news that day.

>>1472525 rt >>1472472 ---- Mistake or on purpose?

>>1472440 ----------------------- (Password expose)

Previous Q Posts

Backup Q Posts (those still on the board) at >>>/comms/226

Find All Q Posts At: qmap.pub/ qanonmap.bitbucket.io/ qanon.pub

If qanonmap ever goes down, the mirrors are: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io

* Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/edit?usp=sharing

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>1538282 How To Quickly Spot A Clown >>1510286 Useful filters

Q Clock Graphic



Build A Qlock, >>1566766 , >>1586462 ClockFags update/layers all clocks, >>1591115 Blank template , >>1610688 Transparent winder

Sign the New IBOR Petition! Fight! Fight! Fight!

WWG1WGA! Do you trust POTUS? Do you trust the PLAN? "The choice is yours."

>>1427755 , >>1489251 https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/internet-bill-rights-18

Post last edited at

2462bb No.1627427


are not endorsements


>>1615526 , >>1616055 CAPTCHA Issues? Do this, >>1617105 DO THIS

>>1545457 No more bans announcement from BO

>>1616939 All maintenance completed; no shutdown June 9th (A Heartfelt Thank (You) from The Squad here at 8chan, Wizards, Magicians & Warlocks!)


>>1626598 Fenster Boarding School - Owned by Stephen Paddock

>>1626588 Mexico's Cemex under US DOJ Investigation

>>1626587 Missing Children in Short Creek

>>1627031 Q Happenings Calendar

>>1627354 Donald Trump and the Atlantic City Mafia (Multiple posts)

>>1627403 CEMEX Ownership

>>1626726 Suspicious Japanese key fobs incidents


>>1625769 Chain of Command Problem,or No?

>>1625920 57% of USAID in 2014 Went to One Company - Cemex

>>1626017 CEMEX is Massive, Developing satellite & GPS Technology Since the 1980's

>>1626121 Graphic on QCrumbs Relating to Guns, Hussein & Probable Traitor Evidence

>>1625894 Native American Indian Reservations Skirting Laws, POTUS Stated Way Back in 1993


>>1625067, >>1625024, >>1625004, >>1624934, >>1625169, >>1625603 Cemex Dig, Shady - Big Fuckery Here

>>1624960 AZ anon Tucson Site Visit & CEMEX Update


>>1624567 , >>1624664 Convert Brainpower to Combat Power

>>1624468 Cemexs' commitment to The Mondern Slavery Act (from May 18)

>>1624468 , >>1624524 The Clinton-Guistra Enterprise Partnership

>>1624368 James Woods shoots down Bill Clinton in 23 words

>>1624377 , >>1624413 The American's Creed

>>1624359 New Cemex lead: connected to a youth program in the Caribbean

>>1624329 Carlos Slim (owner of CEMEX) is also 2nd largest stockholder of the NYTimes

>>1624290 Dade Sky Dig: Update

>>1623978 HRC Senate hearing Scheduled for 2pm EST [6.11.18]

>>1624277 N. Korea brings in moderate as new defense minister

>>1624138 , >>1624256 , >>1624370 Alice in Wonderland in the Sky


>>1623889 Previous reserach on the Illuminati & Mexican Cabal (pdf)

>>1623810 Latin American Orgs Urge Cemex to End Complicity in Israeli Crimes

>>1623803 Useful twatter handle list

>>1623615 , >>1623638 Cemex fine list including 11.7m for air pollution claims

>>1623613 One of Fiona Barnett's drawings of her abuse

>>1623531 Body found burning in van at Cemex cement plant



>>1623062 Podesta; Clinton Global Initiative, CEMEX: All in one email

>>1622928 Desert Diamond Hotel and Casino (Tucson connections)

>>1621822 , >>1622030 , >>1621959 Further digging on Cargote/CF

>>1622709 The Cemex Hollywood location is at Hollywood's "Media District"

>>1622661 Syria's President Assad 'to visit North Korea'

>>1622657 Soros holds $41 million in CEMEX stock

>>1622653 LA Co, Sheriff has pedo symbol on badge (old news but new to some)

>>1622604 , >>1622665 Pedophile-related CDAN blind from today

>>1622599 Giuliani: Even if Trump had shot Comey he still couldn't be indicted

>>1622598 Tommy Robinson Protests Continue As Thousands Take To The Streets


>>1622355 Message from the TUCSON VOP ALPHA TEAM: CALL FOR HELP

>>1622349 Owner of Cemex Const. list of connected properties

>>1622332 Underground chamber found in Tuscon: video

>>1622255 Rundown of Arizona Happening

>>1622254 Research on Kinsey Institutes study on Sex regarding pedophiles

>>1621980 Arizona: Another Psychologist Shot

>>1621789 Tucson Update: VOP Alpha Co - Team Pulaski. Site Closed Down, >>1621887 Live Feed

>>1621774 Cemex, Clinton Foundation & Haiti

>>1621956 Cemex Holdings in The Philippines

>>1621962 Q's Clock Points to 6.5

>>1621936 Car used in Skripal poisoning (Russian Spy) belonged to Cemex employee

>>1621861 Cemex Haiti has had millions!

>>1621845 More on Tucson, >>1621708 Desert Diamond Hotel and Casino, >>1621286 Drainage from child-trafficker Cemex site Flows Right under Casino

>>1621822 Cargotec, an interesting global company, is located on the [CF] website

>>1621800 Connected past 'Shot' QPosts


>>1621072 Airkeks: Planefag Updates, >>1621206, >>1621331, >>1621359, >>1621456, >>1621267 GRZLY39 landed at Miramar ; >>1621287

>>1621193 LIVE: Reports of shooting at San Diego marathon

>>1621224 Cabal Tweets with concrete in them, >>1621166

>>1621238 The 4 BOOM's?

>>1621318 Q's "Gun" posts

>>1621344 More BOOM posts

>>1621364 Q clock on Q post. Start diggin ; >>1621573

>>1621509 335 Wyzard Cause of Death "Summer Complaint & Russian Shills"

>>1621565 Huge Informative post about Human Trafficking

>>1621606 Scottsdale, Arizona lawyer connected to Jonbenet Ramsey found murdered

Best Of Bread >>311157

Archive of Notables >>>/comms/225 (Batch 740~ present)

Post last edited at

2462bb No.1627430

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Q's request: KEEP DEMANDING #ReleaseTheTexts until #Unredacted release

[3] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[4] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet FASSSSSSST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Threads & Research Section

>>1254488 -- QBOARD QUESTIONS (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>1121104 -- Q QUESTIONS THREAD (post your Questions to Q here!)

>>1119245 -- TTDDTOT - Things That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread

>>143179 --- META


>>1215912 -- Letters of Gratitude II

>>311157 --- Notable Post Discussion

>>198093 --- Q memed/Newsweak/GreatAwakening

>>870846 --- The Letter Q

>>674740 --- Qanon auf Deutsch

>>1254488 -- Newfag Q&A

>>93735 ----- Side-by-Side Graphics

>>1115338 -- Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

>>1606439 -- Notable Resignations Thread


>>4356 ------ Tools and Information

>>4852 ------ Free Research Resources

>>4362 ------ Planefag Tools and Planefagging 101 >>1311848

>>4369 ------ Research Threads

>>32223 ---- Qs chess game

>>256741 --- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc.

>>1420554 -- Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #2

>>618758 --- Merkel research thread


>>810563 --- NXIVM info collection

>>885933 --- P=C

>>904395 --- The Plan

>>911014 --- Occult music and pop culture

>>957083 --- No Name Research Thread

>>1013812 - Crazy Days and Nights Dig?

>>1049327 - 666 Fifth Avenue Research Thread III

>>1286065 - FIND THE KEY dig

>>1310117 - For anons who wish to learn about self-sufficiency and for those who have information to share

>>1427755 - Battle for Internet Bill of Rights

>>1579221 - Clockwork Qrange

>>1587271 - @EyeTheSpy & @BackChannel17 thread

Graphics of All Q'S Posts

(Moved to this section as section 4 is at max cap)

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486 , >>>/comms/487 , >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488 , >>>/comms/489 , >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491 , >>>/comms/545 , >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951 , >>>/comms/952 , >>>/comms/953 , >>>/comms/987 , >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#23 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>1527495

Q Graphics all in EST

The missing Qmap in EST has been archived ----------------------------------------------- >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ----------------------------------------- >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures - >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg -------------------------------- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ------------ >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg ----------------- >>>/comms/966

2462bb No.1627431

QPosts Archives in All Formats

* Spreadsheet Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* QPosts Archive and More at qmap.pub features All Q Posts/ Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts (top tags, players, posts per month)/ All Resignations: http://www.resignation.info >>1606439

* Searchable, interactive archive with user-explanations: qanon.pub (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io)

* QMap PDF (Version > 9.2.0 [updated 5/13]) >>1403707

* Q Proofs https://qproofs.com

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Full JSON Q archive: qanon.news/Archives (~135MB/~817MB Unzipped) [Updated: 4/20/2018]

* Search by post number: http://qanon.news/posts.html for printing crumbs, sorted by timestamp

* https://commandandcontrol.center/ aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools

* Pavuk Systems Q Database: https://www.pavuk.com;user:pass = qanon:qanon

* Independent Q archive resource: irc.qclearancearchive.net > browsable versions of /thegreatawakening/ from before the purge http://irc.qclearancearchive.net/02.%20QMaps/Q%27s%20posts%20-%20CBTS%20-%208.14.0.pdf

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Merge QT - Awesome archive of Q Posts and POTUS Tweets in Chronological order: https://anonsw.github.io/qtmerge/

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Q Happenings Calendar of 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Redpill Flag / Printable Q Cards with QR Link: >>1556905

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Sealed Indictment Master: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

Backup Q Map/Graphic Set >>>/comms/283

Q Research Graphics Library


18,000+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>1115338 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

23 >>1602811 – 22 >>1485456 – 21 >>1352458 – 20 >>1232995 Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/


MasterArchivist ———————– qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist — main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) — https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https://mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Learn To Bake!

New Bakers Report To Class and/or >>>/comms/154

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

In case of inability to post images, EMBED THE VIDEO FOUND HERE: >>1505954

Post last edited at

2462bb No.1627432



Post last edited at

113e41 No.1627439

the adjustment bureau is on syfy right now. man am i a little creeped out. seen it a few times but with Q in mind it has a whole new meaning, mat damon actor. so much undertone, the fedoras,, but here is the kicker. when they first take "david", after he sees "behind the curtain", guy says i can read your mind, asks him, WHAT NUMBER ARE YOU THINKING he responds 17. wait what. then dude proceeds to explain what the adjustment bureau is. see video


too high altitude right now need to come down. seriously creeping me out. don't know what to believe

95ff6a No.1627466

File: f8bfb59ed01493d⋯.png (64.06 KB, 1382x288, 691:144, Screenshot 2018-06-04 at 4….png)


Just like the Bronfmans....

b3f571 No.1627467

A Great Mystery Revealed

"Now, concerning death, the teaching is: When the decisive decree has gone forth from the Most High that a man shall die, as the spirit leaves the body to return again to him who gave it, first of all it adores the glory of the Most High.

[79] And if it is one of those who have shown scorn and have not kept the way of the Most High, and who have despised his law, and who have hated those who fear God –

[80] such spirits shall not enter into habitations, but shall immediately wander about in torments, ever grieving and sad, in seven ways.

[81] The first way, because they have scorned the law of the Most High.

[82] The second way, because they cannot now make a good repentance that they may live.

[83] The third way, they shall see the reward laid up for those who have trusted the covenants of the Most High.

[84] The fourth way, they shall consider the torment laid up for themselves in the last days.

[85] The fifth way, they shall see how the habitations of the others are guarded by angels in profound quiet.

[86] The sixth way, they shall see how some of them will pass over into torments.

[87] The seventh way, which is worse than all the ways that have been mentioned, because they shall utterly waste away in confusion and be consumed with shame, and shall wither with fear at seeing the glory of the Most High before whom they sinned while they were alive, and before whom they are to be judged in the last times.

[88] "Now this is the order of those who have kept the ways of the Most High, when they shall be separated from their mortal body.

[89] During the time that they lived in it, they laboriously served the Most High, and withstood danger every hour, that they might keep the law of the Lawgiver perfectly.

[90] Therefore this is the teaching concerning them:

[91] First of all, they shall see with great joy the glory of him who receives them, for they shall have rest in seven orders.

[92] The first order, because they have striven with great effort to overcome the evil thought which was formed with them, that it might not lead them astray from life into death.

[93] The second order, because they see the perplexity in which the souls of the ungodly wander, and the punishment that awaits them.

[94] The third order, they see the witness which he who formed them bears concerning them, that while they were alive they kept the law which was given them in trust.

[95] The fourth order, they understand the rest which they now enjoy, being gathered into their chambers and guarded by angels in profound quiet, and the glory which awaits them in the last days.

[96] The fifth order, they rejoice that they have now escaped what is corruptible, and shall inherit what is to come; and besides they see the straits and toil from which they have been delivered, and the spacious liberty which they are to receive and enjoy in immortality.

[97] The sixth order, when it is shown to them how their face is to shine like the sun, and how they are to be made like the light of the stars, being incorruptible from then on.

[98] The seventh order, which is greater than all that have been mentioned, because they shall rejoice with boldness, and shall be confident without confusion, and shall be glad without fear, for they hasten to behold the face of him whom they served in life and from whom they are to receive their reward when glorified.

This is the order of the souls of the righteous, as henceforth is announced; and the aforesaid are the ways of torment which those who would not give heed shall suffer hereafter."

I answered and said, "Will time therefore be given to the souls, after they have been separated from the bodies, to see what you have described to me?"

He said to me, "They shall have freedom for seven days, so that during these seven days they may see the things of which you have been told, and afterwards they shall be gathered in their habitations."

The Cabal Doesn't Want You To About This

28fcf4 No.1627468

File: b6617ae97c85c89⋯.png (311.73 KB, 1536x653, 1536:653, b6617ae97c85c89b57e9fe42c1….png)

>>1627448 (last bread)


c6c4ea No.1627469

>>1627460 lb

How. Though? If we are made in His image? Isn’t he the tippy top of this org chart? So what is bigger?

93a41c No.1627470

File: 2e5b9065755f1db⋯.jpg (55.61 KB, 560x451, 560:451, 2e5b9065755f1dbfbf6a835a38….jpg)

Personal Notables From Previous Bread. These are NOT vetted nor endorsed as notables by BO, BV's, or the bakers.

>>1626598- Paddock and AZ School Connections??

>>1626612- Could this mean US Q-Team??

>>1626726-5 Eyes/Cabal In Japan??

>>1626919-Arizona is getting HOT!!

>>1626962-Cemex connection

>>1626979-Arizona Again

>>1627237- New Mosque at Denver Airport

>>1627416- Incredible Marina Graphic

Thank You for the Bread BO, may it be blessed.

13bcbf No.1627472


the dashes after the post numbers break the links.

fix and repost?

93a41c No.1627473

File: 9018fea483fc442⋯.jpg (93.26 KB, 640x640, 1:1, d4c352d0a876f00beaef2ccddc….jpg)

Straight fucked that all up. I'm rusty. KEK!!

>>1626612 -Could this mean US Q-Team??

>>1626726 -5 Eyes/Cabal In Japan??

>>1626919 -Arizona is getting HOT!!

>>1626962 -Cemex connection

>>1626979 -Arizona Again

>>1627237 -New Mosque at Denver Airport

>>1627416 -Incredible Marina Graphic

5d706b No.1627475

File: 6810529a809286f⋯.jpg (55.55 KB, 500x395, 100:79, evidence.jpg)

>>1627420 (lb)

Well, the evidence is damning.

>pic related

We should have known it was the coffeefags

Q predicted this

b2f47d No.1627476

>>1627462 (prev)

what if the Bible is wrong?

what if it's based off of even older stories?

d2ff4c No.1627477


preciate, BO.

Politicizing The FBI: How James Comey Succeeded Where Richard Nixon Failed

https:// www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-06-03/politicizing-fbi-how-james-comey-succeeded-where-richard-nixon-failed

"Comey involved the FBI in what appears to have been a plot to entrap a political opponent…"

48fdb7 No.1627478


Made in his image, but you are not God.

794be9 No.1627479

Attn: Planefags

TrumpArmy2020 on Twitter has boatloads of info but he needs help tracking Gitmo flights. I told him we’d be on it. Any help would be hugely appreciated.

It is something we all should be watching right now. Could be proofs and that makes us stronger.

https:// www.flightradar24.com/data/airports/nbw/routes

https:// global.adsbexchange.com/

f3672e No.1627480

File: 11b1df2ede42ce6⋯.png (123.64 KB, 315x225, 7:5, Untitled.png)

9e8792 No.1627481

File: 317f34f47f7083b⋯.jpg (123.06 KB, 701x631, 701:631, 1528073467098.jpg)

Meanwhile in the UK…..

b3f571 No.1627482

Can Your Loved Ones Help You On That Day

I answered and said, "If I have found favor in thy sight, show further to me, thy servant, whether on the day of judgment the righteous will be able to intercede for the ungodly or to entreat the Most High for them,

[103] fathers for sons or sons for parents, brothers for brothers, relatives for their kinsmen, or friends for those who are most dear."

[104] He answered me and said, "Since you have found favor in my sight, I will show you this also. The day of judgment is decisive and displays to all the seal of truth. Just as now a father does not send his son, or a son his father, or a master his servant, or a friend his dearest friend, to be ill or sleep or eat or be healed in his stead,

[105] so no one shall ever pray for another on that day, neither shall any one lay a burden on another; for then every one shall bear his own righteousness and unrighteousness."

[36(106)] I answered and said, "How then do we find that first Abraham prayed for the people of Sodom, and Moses for our fathers who sinned in the desert,

[37(107)] and Joshua after him for Israel in the days of Achan,

[38(108)] and Samuel in the days of Saul, and David for the plague, and Solomon for those in the sanctuary,

[39(109)] and Elijah for those who received the rain, and for the one who was dead, that he might live,

[40(110)] and Hezekiah for the people in the days of Sennacherib, and many others prayed for many?

[41(111)] If therefore the righteous have prayed for the ungodly now, when corruption has increased and unrighteousness has multiplied, why will it not be so then as well?"

[42(112)] He answered me and said, "This present world is not the end; the full glory does not abide in it; therefore those who were strong prayed for the weak.

[43(113)] But the day of judgment will be the end of this age and the beginning of the immortal age to come, in which corruption has passed away,

[44(114)] sinful indulgence has come to an end, unbelief has been cut off, and righteousness has increased and truth has appeared.

93a41c No.1627483


Revolution soon.

95ff6a No.1627484

File: ebb9fffcc25ba28⋯.png (68.58 KB, 1088x254, 544:127, Screenshot 2018-06-04 at 4….png)

2462bb No.1627485


Calender added to my personal MEGA folder for now. Edited changes in dough. Refresh page to check.

* Q Happenings Calendar of 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

Updated dough


Looking for a baker. Please step up.

2d2477 No.1627486


Interesting. What is this from?

467b08 No.1627487



They need guns. How can they get guns?

371be6 No.1627488


Interesting, what's this from?

41aa85 No.1627489

File: 3e2358a81cc8991⋯.png (64.11 KB, 198x341, 18:31, EyetheSpy.png)

Did someone look into this or is EyetheSpy a fag?

93a41c No.1627490

Quietest night here and on Twatter and everywhere really, since well before the election. It is amazingly peaceful outside, vibes are chill…

ce2dcc No.1627491

File: ad5a085948674fc⋯.png (522.81 KB, 1335x674, 1335:674, snkcap.png)

Bashar al-Assad to Visit North Korea: Korean State Media

Korean media says al-Assad will make a visit to Pyongyang. The Syrian leader would be the first head of state to visit Kim in North Korea since he took office in 2011.

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad said he plans to visit North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, North Korean state media reported on Sunday. This would be the first meeting between Kim and another head of state in Pyongyang.

"I am going to visit the DPRK (Democratic People's Republic of Korea) and meet Kim Jong Un," Assad said on May 30, according to North Korea state media.

The Syrian presidential office made no comment on Assad’s potential visit.

While both countries continue to face Western criticism, North Korea's Kim has taken unprecedented steps to open up diplomatic ties with his neighbors China and South Korea and is scheduled to hold a summit with U.S. President Donald Trump in Singapore on June 12.

Since taking power in 2011 Kim has not publicly met with another head of state in North Korea.

"The world welcomes the remarkable events in the Korean peninsula brought about recently by the outstanding political caliber and wise leadership of HE Kim Jong Un," Assad said, according to Korean Central News Agency (KCNA). "I am sure that he will achieve the final victory and realize the reunification of Korea without fail," continues Assad via KCNA.

More here: https://www.telesurtv.net/english/news/Bashar-al-Assad-to-Visit-North-Korea-Korean-State-Media-20180603-0021.html

b3f571 No.1627492


You cannot know the truth unless God reveals it to you.

But when he does, there is no mistaking it.

Only those who know not the revelation can ask such a question.

This is one reason the truth of FE is so important for the masses.

4b1c59 No.1627493


V for Vendetta (I'm tired to say it)

c6c4ea No.1627494


That’s just all kinds of wrong. (Kek)

13bcbf No.1627495


the UK Millitary will flip against the crown and parliament.

d1321d No.1627496

File: b96ea352308435a⋯.jpg (40.88 KB, 620x413, 620:413, john_mccain_poker.jpg)

File: a25b3769bfe0055⋯.jpg (8.78 KB, 266x190, 7:5, images.jpg)

File: a25b3769bfe0055⋯.jpg (8.78 KB, 266x190, 7:5, images.jpg)

I find it very interesting that we are digging on a cement company that has a tunnel to a Casino in the Desert right in the State where NoName is a Senator. Especially after NoName got caught playing a Poker Game in an online Casino during the hearings about Muh Terrorists in Syria. This shit just keeps going in circles!!!!

Given he has been calling for the Syrian rebels to be armed for more than 18 months, you would have thought that Senator John McCain might have been interested in what was said during the three-hour hearing of the Senate committee on foreign relations discussing the potential use of force against the Assad regime.


Now just coincidentally, the Desert Diamond Casino has an App for it's Casino's. I find all of this very odd, what if the chat in here was where they do their business dealings/trafficking/terrorisming??

Desert Diamond Casinos

JOINGO LLCEntertainment

Mature 17+Mature 17+


Aaaand of Course the Casino's are covered in FKG PEDO Graphics. Very fitting for FKG NoName.

Let's not overlook that these Casino's have locations at :

1100 W. Pima Mine Road, Sahuarita, AZ 85629

Highway 86, Milepost 55, Why, AZ 85321

9431 W. Northern Ave, Glendale, AZ 85305

7350 S. Nogales Highway, Tucson, AZ 85756

2d2477 No.1627497


That will require disclosures.

93dca5 No.1627498


We could send a boat full of rifles down the river Thames, and oh, i dunno, increase taxes on them to a point where they get angry and throw the rifles into the water…

ce4bb6 No.1627499


thats a pipe dream

c6c4ea No.1627500


Of course not. So he made others “bigger”? Or is it some understandings are beyond us?

371be6 No.1627501

File: aa48d92d6aaf6ca⋯.jpg (159.91 KB, 880x932, 220:233, BC17 PaperPlanes 5-29.jpg)


You want to hear the 4 BOOMs?

M.I.A. Paper Planes


skip to 0:58 to hear them

Julian Assange met with M.I.A. on 6/11/17. I wonder what he has planned for 6/11/18…?

93a41c No.1627502

File: 5bb21164ac647be⋯.jpg (5.91 KB, 255x128, 255:128, 9fa2a4451ad1566423158a07c0….jpg)


It's a mess. No way to get them guns. I don't think. Wouldn't THAT be the ultimate though??

Satanic British Crown steals our nation back via banking and other perverted means, then spies on Trump, even as POTUS, tried to overthrow him, He exposes that, Britain rises up, and then we go to THEIR aid, since they have already declared war on US, to free Britain of the Crown.

How about THAT??

f36743 No.1627503


>what if the Bible is wrong?

What if it's right?

93a41c No.1627504

File: 7d5f084e3161024⋯.jpg (226.52 KB, 1200x882, 200:147, Deu-WESWsAERR9S.jpg)


Ever seen a bigger pipe dream than what's actually happening right now? Ride the wave.

090654 No.1627505

File: fe2f398eb712b8a⋯.png (664.05 KB, 641x499, 641:499, cabalarejewidiots.png)

94539c No.1627506


then shits bouta get real. fallens angels n shit. then good shit

b3f571 No.1627507


It was written by the prophet Ezra in a book that the catholic church removed from the Bible about 500 years ago.

The book is called 2 Esdras or 4 Ezra.

The book of Enoch is also an intensley important book that was also removed.

They are hiding the truth from you and the world. It's time to take it back.



95ff6a No.1627508


Samson option.

467b08 No.1627509





Wouldn't that be rad if Trump used his own money to arm UK citizens, or would that not be rad?

4b1c59 No.1627510

File: 7c6ff1620e1b407⋯.jpg (101.31 KB, 600x817, 600:817, Portrait-of-an-articulated….jpg)

ce4bb6 No.1627511


I just think the idea in

>1627502 is more probable

d1321d No.1627512


Thanks for the terrific bread, great job, hope you get a replace ment baker soon!


Will you add to the dough for ## 2046?

Follow up on Five Eyes in Japan


921b71 No.1627513


Until someone can tell me the significance of these colors.. it's random nonsense.

f36743 No.1627514


I know what team I'm aligning with.

95ff6a No.1627515


just because he reveals it, doesnt mean you see it correctly…if at all.

371be6 No.1627516


Good shit. The Council of Nicea really did us dirty.

2d2477 No.1627517


That would explain why I didn't recognize it. Those are important passages, though.

2d2477 No.1627518


It's already begun.

93a41c No.1627519


"You cannot know the truth unless God reveals it to you."

Where did you get this fact at Anon??

4e81e4 No.1627520


Jews infiltrated and took over England 200 years ago. They have been cuck faggots ever since.

aeec8f No.1627521

File: c36263c38a88c08⋯.jpg (89.64 KB, 640x853, 640:853, 6f2e0dab243b500250c853ffad….jpg)

Evening/morning, faggits.

371be6 No.1627522


EyeTheSpy is good, but I don't get the colors either.

a29bb4 No.1627523

File: 24738aa638bcd4b⋯.png (56.96 KB, 600x609, 200:203, resistor_color_codes_chart.png)


maybe numbers ?


4b1c59 No.1627524

File: 047c6036b9a3493⋯.png (42.85 KB, 636x420, 53:35, SYRIA.png)

Here we go.

https:// twitter.com/VivaRevolt/status/1003374501529313280

93a41c No.1627525

File: 492fdd8789e9b55⋯.png (3.22 KB, 44x20, 11:5, Screen Shot 2018-06-04 at ….png)

We have some challenges. This is just fucking madness.

2b25db No.1627526

File: 119d9b29873b517⋯.png (385.31 KB, 626x1528, 313:764, hpv.png)


93a41c No.1627528

File: 0fb9a09f2a700f1⋯.png (89.67 KB, 793x217, 793:217, Screen Shot 2018-06-04 at ….png)


I am ALL fucked up. Never shot two air balls in a single thread before. KEK!!

2d2477 No.1627529


The people who took over England may have been Jews, but I don't think they represented their entire people. They were able to do it as a result of some kind of currency investment.

b3f571 No.1627530


It is biblical teaching and a reality which I've come to know.

4b1c59 No.1627531


At least germany infiltrated the UK 600 years ago

93a41c No.1627532


Fantastic. I was a minister for several years, and I wasn't sure where you got that. The bible is a hobby.

God Bless!!

bb0249 No.1627533


almost looks like 4 chan colors and trips

f3672e No.1627534

File: 59a7da0c5fb6a63⋯.jpg (46.62 KB, 847x369, 847:369, nanowrimo_jack_burton_Sele….jpg)


so uh you got this or do you want me to tag in?

2d2477 No.1627535


Do you have more context than that?

4e81e4 No.1627536



Yes but the terms Khazar and Cabal are used to break the noobies in slowly. The ultimate propaganda the masses have been under for last 100 years is….Jews are innocent…they didnt do nuffin.

It is a war of the mind.

But you and I know …..it is the Jews. Always has been.

371be6 No.1627537


Pansexual? FFS. The old way is best. Marry the closest woman to a 10/10 you can get, then grow old together and die. Best way.

b3f571 No.1627538


They absolutely are, you are right. Becoming familiar with these books will change your perception of reality.

And this is exactly why they have hidden them from the wrold… until now.

a29bb4 No.1627539


it's all his fault


2d2477 No.1627540


The church has done much to hide the teachings of true and real power from the people.

e04a14 No.1627541


Damn how time passes…. In high school electronics class I was told to use this mnemonic to remember resistance values…

>Black boys rape our young girls behind victory garden walls.

48fdb7 No.1627542


I believe some understandings are beyond us in this life.

Do not be disappointed when you fail to find the bottom.

Trust the plan.

b3f571 No.1627543


You were a minister and know not these scriptures? Hard to believe anon.

I'll get the chapter and verse if you'd like.

13bcbf No.1627544




Are you saying that it won't happen?

It's happened before.

Maybe it just isn't bad enough over there yet.

How bad does it have to get?

4b1c59 No.1627545

Focus in Spain.

2d2477 No.1627546


I'm saying that they will need to know why they are doing it. They need a motivation. Hence, disclosure.

93a41c No.1627548


100%!! Methodist even. Mainline.

090654 No.1627549


I get it, and I do understand.

I used to pussyfoot around, myself.

Now I just come out and say it, even in public.

The first time, I was not really thinking when I said it. I was on a checkout line. Most of the people nodded their heads in agreement. From then on, I just say the forbidden word.

a29bb4 No.1627551


make a sequential string out of the seperate codes

b3f571 No.1627552


Yes they have and it goes deeper and they have hidden more than most could possibly imagine.

The world is not what you have been tuaght.

Why do they worship saturn? What is saturn?


371be6 No.1627553


Too many different shades of blue and green to match I think, but I gotta give you an "A" for effort. That would've been fucking epic…

Maybe if you filter those colors out of a specific image… it unlocks a secret image… but what image… hmmm…

c6c4ea No.1627555


No expectations = no disappointments >>1627542

95ff6a No.1627556


not flat.

5445c7 No.1627559

>>1627476 the bible is not the old testament. that was given to jews.

if you are a Christian, your follow the new testament.

2d2477 No.1627560


One possibility would be a message in ascii. Letters are represented by two of the hex digits. They would need to be converted from that, like a cipher.

13bcbf No.1627561


^ I like the way you think.

Formally declare war because UK were part of plan to assassinate 45. Most of UK mil stands down. US Liberates UK from Crown be taking out the queen.

Uh, Checkmate?

d2ff4c No.1627564


Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 9400a1 No.175711 📁

Jan 27 2018 02:48:10 (EST)


May is neutralized.

MI6/SIS undergoing house cleaning.

Queen/monarchs seeking shelter.


These people are stupid.



48fdb7 No.1627565


God inspired the bible.

And created the universe.

To teach.

1a7059 No.1627566

File: e93f792d9b19fee⋯.png (69.38 KB, 1294x615, 1294:615, ALICE 355QS SCHEDULED FLIG….png)



4b1c59 No.1627567


They need balls for to rescue their fatherland

they did enough BS in rhodesia and Iraq.

They did that and Why not to save their country?

that is the failure of the UKMilitary/Intelligence as the mayority of Europe.

it needs that The spirit of M.Green.

fdcde2 No.1627568

File: adbbf8c74d0daea⋯.jpg (608.32 KB, 1080x2160, 1:2, Screenshot_20180604-001242.jpg)

Screen shot of an anon's post (lb) talks about ALICE. Read what it refers to and think about this whole Q trip we've been on. Hmm, ALICE sounds like it's describing the average American. Is it farfetched to believe that the Alice in "Alice and Wonderland" refers to the average American who followed the White rabbit, and by doing so, will get a glimpse of the future Wonderland? I'm high as balls and it makes some sense to me.

2462bb No.1627569

File: bcff3f477e07fba⋯.png (27.4 KB, 300x250, 6:5, chefpepe.png)


Get your ass in the kitchen, Jack.



bcfd31 No.1627571

File: 86629394bac8b8a⋯.png (150.94 KB, 300x400, 3:4, 1528066618259.png)

In prime time, Fox News destroyed its competition, with an average total audience of 2.381 million viewers, compared to MSNBC's 1.384 million and CNN's 835,000.

Among viewers 25-54, the group most coveted by advertisers, FNC shook off a challenge in recent months from MSNBC to claim a clear victory: 461,000 viewers, well ahead of MSNBC (329,000) and CNN (265,000).


b3f571 No.1627572


You could not have the new testament without the old. The new is the fulfillment of the old.

The two are one. He who rejects the truth of Jesus Christ will be judged by the law of old.

2d2477 No.1627573


David Wilcock had some interesting things to say about Saturn. Giants lived there.

fab6fe No.1627574


Based on Q's post about 'so much more', it's possible.

13bcbf No.1627575


glad we are on the same page.

aeec8f No.1627576

File: 6e0aab50eb97caf⋯.png (674.21 KB, 501x750, 167:250, 6e0aab50eb97caf491960c762d….png)


The curvature is real.

921b71 No.1627577


All of this comes from a string of hex digits posted by Assange back in… I think it was December. It clearly represents 256 bits of something, most likely a SHA-256 hash. It could also be an encryption key; but this is less likely because symmetric keys are usually passed around as passphrases and it's too short to be a reasonable modern public key for asymmetric crypto.

Interestingly, this string existed on the Internet as the title of a seemingly pointless YouTube video from long before Assange posted it. Which is damn curious. My theory is that it's a hash of a file that he wants certain people to know he has and could release if threatened. And I think the YT guy may be a spookish sort also in possession of said damaging file.

Relevant links:



13bcbf No.1627578


that's the way I read it.

4e81e4 No.1627579


I hear you. Chatting with you anons I have no patience for older Baby Boomer friends that still believe the made for TV miniseries that the Jew forced us to watch in America as I grew up. Masada. Some Holohoax shit they made us watch. On and on the Jew propaganada flows….till now I can not stand listening to some shit I know is total bullshit. Kinda lost one friend who went on and on that if I was a Jew I would do the same evil shit.

Aint nobody got time for that level of cuck faggot shit. Out the the house that nigga went.

25fd40 No.1627580

File: e77fe48bfb2a15f⋯.jpg (35.97 KB, 571x795, 571:795, sheer.jpg)

13bcbf No.1627581


Rome wasn't always called Rome you know.

was once named Saturnalia.

b3f571 No.1627582


Why does saturn look like a star from earth?

What is a wandering star?

What are stars, really?

Are they alive? Are they close? Are they angels?

Read book of Enoch and the truth shall be outlined for you.

2462bb No.1627583





That was me confirming handoff by the way. You're the man.

93a41c No.1627584

File: 64b9bc6a4365747⋯.jpeg (156.67 KB, 1440x1080, 4:3, 1528025282.jpeg)


I really think this is the way it's going. Potus isn't going to leave them hanging. And the UK has committed crimes against ALL other nations as well, and I know MbS, or Putin, doesn't have the handcuffs that POTUS does.

Can't just LET them keep the Crown while muslims reproduce and overrun the UK. It's all coming down.

What a Timeline!!

f3672e No.1627585

File: fefd7d9cc20a455⋯.jpg (23.29 KB, 500x375, 4:3, 7f85347e882f64f0599812eb34….jpg)


you got it

2d90e6 No.1627586


They were not included because they were irrelevant. The Book of Ezra and Enoch are, effectively, astrology and astronomy - documents of the celestial cycles and their timings.

It should also be noted that many of these have already been translated at a much earlier time frame into ancient languages that we then use for translation.

One should be extremely careful how much weight is placed on one word. By the same logic, the Catholic Church was founded by Peter. We don't want to go down that road.

c6c4ea No.1627587


Manson has a song titled Saturnalia

4b1c59 No.1627588


UK conspired against Trump

Canada conspired agaisnt Trump

AUS/NZ conspired against Trump

Ukraine conspired against Trump

Germany conspired against Trump

France conspired against Trump

There enough tests for a declaration of War against Europe, Oceania/Asia

bbef41 No.1627589

File: 7f90aad7ca67814⋯.jpg (2.16 MB, 3441x2101, 3441:2101, Qclock64.jpg)

here is the clock for today 6/4

4b1c59 No.1627590


We need more bakers girls of other countries Anons.

2d2477 No.1627591


The Jews are only one tribe. There were/are 12. Wherever they are, they are as much Israel as the Jews. Several tribes went up into Europe and are the modern day countries there. The Jews are trying to displace their brothers, it would seem.

95ff6a No.1627592

File: bc4d8341a0dd77b⋯.png (636.9 KB, 591x886, 591:886, ClipboardImage.png)


yea, but it's 70% water.

13bcbf No.1627593


Good thing OUR MIL is bigger than all theirs combined.

And half of them bought their shit from us and we have the remotes for it all.

0b38f7 No.1627594


>>1627140 (prev.)

April 5, 2018 drops relate to US military, Obama in China, retaliation via downed satellite, military aircraft and navy ship crashes. I would expect POTUS to tweet about China, Obama, military and/or retaliation on June 4, 2018 according to Q clock.

b3f571 No.1627595


The book of Enoch is quoted in more than one place in the Bible of today. Enoch is also a known and valid prophet.

Thus, your attempt to misdirect me and other shall fail.

Your time is short and your power weak.

d1321d No.1627596


Thank you an welcome new Baker,,, Night Baker?

aeec8f No.1627598


Stick you diversity up your ass, anon. We've had enough of that.

090654 No.1627599


I took a lot of shit from mostly family. Now days, they are seeing a little more clearly. They will whisper the word to me. KEK.

I had a few "friends" who were so brainwashed that no matter what, they will never see the truth. They have very weak minds.

I think that by normalizing the conversations, over time the "sting" wears off, and more people will speak freely. Right now, everyone is too afraid to speak out. Some for good reason. Because they jew control the money, etc., people can lose their jobs and be blacklisted.

Nice to live in such a free country, huh?

So much for free association.

2d2477 No.1627600


Yeah, if they let the Muslims overrun the place, they certainly are not fulfilling their role of protecting their country.

13bcbf No.1627601

File: 97da65d08db3026⋯.jpg (3.94 KB, 225x224, 225:224, images.jpg)



2462bb No.1627602


Baker taking over is one of the rare expert bakers.

fab6fe No.1627603


Tomorrow's (6/5) clock is much more interesting.

6e203c No.1627604

File: 3e656daffd5d811⋯.jpg (435.43 KB, 1219x702, 1219:702, SaturnC.jpg)

b2f47d No.1627605


what if I don't believe in what the bible says?

But the truth was still revealed to me?

You are a blind follower.

That lives in fear of truth.

Scared to open one's mind

to the possibility that what

you believe to be the truth,

is in fact not true.

Stories in the Bible are based of off

stories of previous cultures.

what if the bible is just a modernized

version of stories form ancient history?

13bcbf No.1627606


An active invasion by hostile forces and they are ordered to stand down.

That dam will burst sooner or later.

371be6 No.1627607


Are you sure that's not just a firmament???

25fd40 No.1627608


Thanks Baker. Wind this bitch up and let's see what she'll do then!

d1321d No.1627609

aeec8f No.1627610

File: 6b73f470a7adf42⋯.jpg (117.79 KB, 564x518, 282:259, 96705.jpg)


We're coming for the bread, boss!!

95ff6a No.1627611


Boom Guatamalan Volcano will have hoards rushing north

2d2477 No.1627612


If we do it for them, they will say they were conquered by us. They must rise up themselves.

6e203c No.1627613


What if I don't believe that 6x6 is 36?

But the truth of math was still revealed to me?

understand the failure of that statement and you shall also understand the failure of your own.

Truth cannot be changed, only perceived or hidden.

09f395 No.1627614


technically biden, obama and hillary overthrew the ukrain's government and installed their own

be2930 No.1627615

File: 8ba05166f47b0c9⋯.gif (4.01 MB, 640x480, 4:3, 8ba05166f47b0c9f2c093a0b55….gif)


CNN had less viewers watching their fake news than the population of Charlotte, NC.

f3672e No.1627616

File: 263a200e234213e⋯.gif (8.16 MB, 600x337, 600:337, cant unsee.gif)

49cd61 No.1627617

File: f4732b0b2af3479⋯.png (66.62 KB, 650x366, 325:183, Davidson re Stelter.PNG)

File: 214944a334521ef⋯.png (45.19 KB, 642x454, 321:227, Ceren to Stelter.PNG)

File: fe0ae95506399c9⋯.png (34.85 KB, 645x271, 645:271, MZHemingway re Melania 6-3….PNG)

That there are Melania Truthers in the media and other Resistance power centers is a good way to summarize how absolutely insane and incompetent Trump makes some people.

9e8792 No.1627618

File: b802bcf4e99a3b8⋯.jpg (58 KB, 460x287, 460:287, zssw.jpg)


The UK military will not flip. They serve the Queen. The UK public is a very long way away from realizing they serve a Satanic Queen. They are even farther away from figuring out the UK is the EU. There is always a tipping point. A point of no return. US citizens always believe they can win, and that is a good thing. However, there still remains that point, that end point. You can not help those who refuse to help themselves. That is why the line is Poland and the V4. (And now perhaps Italy.) In the end the UK will prevail, but it may not be in our lifetime.

4ee755 No.1627619

File: 283899534f3ad16⋯.jpg (720.41 KB, 1600x1402, 800:701, Screenshot_2018-06-04-00-5….jpg)

Trying to find data on same-sex child molestation. You would not believe how difficult it is to find those statistics. Anyway, came across this image: kids hands making the illuminati symbol.

25fd40 No.1627620


Here's a fun fact for you, the American public owns more firearms than all of the worlds major armies, COMBINED.

Let that sink in for a minute.

Our government certainly has.

13bcbf No.1627622


Mexico has a fence now (kinda shitty one but better than ours.).and a presidential election coming up.

presidente' Pimiento lost a ton of cred letting the caravan through. He wont do it again. he also needs to be on best behavior to save nafta.

aeec8f No.1627623


You can handle a "real" woman, right?




371be6 No.1627624


God, I love this country!!!

13bcbf No.1627625


the 11th may factor into that hugely

b3f571 No.1627627

Cival authorities in the state of North Carolina have just announced "a child abduction emergency"

until 7 a.m.

09f395 No.1627628


you are not doing it for anyone, Q said multiple times this is global

921b71 No.1627629


They're a lot closer to realizing it than you think.

fef715 No.1627630

File: 40afc6d79d2c1a7⋯.jpg (78.29 KB, 340x496, 85:124, HillaryHearing 11.jpg)

Originally scheduled for Tuesday, the hearing will now take place at 2 p.m. on June 11 and is open to the public.

There's that 11 again.

090654 No.1627631

File: 8b5a26fefae1643⋯.jpg (672.54 KB, 700x2200, 7:22, Largest-Standing-Army-in-t….jpg)


This will make your dick hard, or your tits perk up.

Maybe both.


b2f47d No.1627632


Now mind you not once have i said

the stories in the bible never happened.

what if it's just used to scare and

control the population into following their plan?

fab6fe No.1627633

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Deep Breath Before the Plunge.

25fd40 No.1627634

File: 42af0cbf5c5dbbf⋯.jpg (165.1 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, gadsden-flag-large.jpg)


No step on Snek, srsly.

2d2477 No.1627636


Yes, I think they are beginning to realize how screwed they are. How much longer will it take now that they are being asked to dull their kitchen knives? They won't even be able to cook their dinners!

c4fd12 No.1627637


semi-workfagging, but can't ignore the call

handoff confirmed

updated dough somewhere?

95ff6a No.1627638


se puede!

13bcbf No.1627639


If all the people actually start speaking their mind about this situation what are they going to do? ARREST THEM ALL?

c414ce No.1627640


britfag here

Many UKanons onboard.


871367 No.1627641



According to Q-Clock 5:5 is today...

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ 04/05/18 (Thu) 01:10:03 79278c No. >>902317



(Also in 61 day Timetable it could be tomorrow.)

aeec8f No.1627642


Stand back, Sarge. I think I can get both with one shot.

126c5b No.1627643


The entire royal family will be hunted down and removed from power. I like it. With that said, now would be a perfect time for… [insert prince harry meme saying 'muh dick' here.]

13bcbf No.1627645


mince and boiled potatoes again.

f3672e No.1627646

File: aa06f5b515b64aa⋯.jpg (52.71 KB, 848x366, 424:183, nanowrimo_jack_burton_Sele….jpg)


It's alright I got this one anon

2d90e6 No.1627647



Know that the question is never who I am. That is irrelevant. It is who I will have once been.

To some of us, Time is irrelevant.

The books you reference are what they are. They were not hidden out of a desire to conceal the truth, but of relevance to the story conceived for the Bible, which is intended to trace the lineage and prophecy of Jesus back to Adam and Eve.

In an era before the printing press, the astrological symbolism and descriptions within Enoch and others were considered irrelevant and ancillary to the purpose of the Bible.

If you wish to ascribe to the Bible the idea that it is supposed to contain all truth and all knowledge (or scripture by extension), then we must also include the books of Mary, Judas, Thomas, and countless other tabloid collections of the day that have made their way into archives.

You should consider, very carefully, upon what your faith is based. The world can pass away and what truths will remain?

If I replace your flat world with a round one, will your faith crumble? If I reveal aliens as your tribal deities, to include YWH, would you be cast into Nihilism?

Just what kind of God do you believe in, if not the Almighty?

93a41c No.1627648

File: 403f97c81586ede⋯.jpg (896.23 KB, 2620x4656, 655:1164, 20180604_000509 (1).jpg)

File: 19ae8155f44e87f⋯.jpg (1.02 MB, 2620x4656, 655:1164, 20180604_000441 (1).jpg)

File: 4a7bf3dcf00be0a⋯.jpg (71.13 KB, 960x868, 240:217, 4a7bf3dcf00be0a7832519c494….jpg)

File: 68d9535d77c2263⋯.jpg (1.61 MB, 2556x3441, 852:1147, Q-Truth (1).jpg)


Didn't know that. Beautiful!!

116e5e No.1627649

>>1625753 ( all old bread)






>>1625757 Reposting link from here

Admissibility of evidence - I realize that free legal advice is probably worth what you paid for it, but the link from 1625757 seems like the Arizona VOP are probably within their rights to submit their finds as evidence. Worthwhile to remember for future finds as well. See below:


bcfd31 No.1627650

File: e072ea20e78d861⋯.png (600.28 KB, 695x524, 695:524, asl;djfkljsadlkfasdf.png)

When I see FE posts

95ff6a No.1627651


nothing ever happens, until it does.

fab6fe No.1627652


Nice penmanship.

4f6ef1 No.1627653



He was using the game for comms. Spelled out by Q and in past breads. Death threats of SOTU also they were using games for comms. Thats when assassination talk happened.. in the chat section of those games.

13bcbf No.1627654


how does Meghan fit in to this? Is she cabal or double agent?

93a41c No.1627655


That's some great writing Anon. Saved.

4b1c59 No.1627656


<That is why the line is Poland and the V4. (And now perhaps Italy.)

It's Slovenia in the group. lack more countries of the South-eastern Europe, Eastern Europe, A Nordic Country and Two of Western Europe and the fight is ready.

4b1c59 No.1627657


Good Sarcasm.


You decide.

25fd40 No.1627658


Damn, you got purdy handwriting!

Mine looks like a drunk pigeon staggered through an inkblot.

95ff6a No.1627659


Bigger than anyone can imagine.

aeec8f No.1627660


Grooming for future POTUS

c414ce No.1627661


Sartre fan huh.

95ff6a No.1627662


sartre was a pedo.

bbef41 No.1627664

File: d1fec4623c6dc01⋯.png (47.54 KB, 225x360, 5:8, Screen Shot 2018-06-04 at ….png)

File: 97ebee3ebdc9207⋯.png (93.27 KB, 901x442, 53:26, Screen Shot 2018-06-04 at ….png)

File: c082b0b1ee8458a⋯.png (299.57 KB, 883x681, 883:681, Screen Shot 2018-06-04 at ….png)

File: 4646b89a9d9167d⋯.png (141.77 KB, 1127x582, 1127:582, Screen Shot 2018-06-04 at ….png)

with all this arizona and cemex talk

did anons not see these Q crumbs connect to sunday on the Q clock

c4fd12 No.1627666

File: 4da33e326571c84⋯.png (187.22 KB, 249x441, 83:147, patriot.png)


maga patriot

I will be checking in every hour or so;

bbd905 No.1627667

File: 5fdad11adc4e094⋯.png (239.1 KB, 485x465, 97:93, cmt3.png)

File: 057757dd5839a8f⋯.png (121.05 KB, 495x566, 495:566, cemt2.png)

File: 8ed3678e78fd208⋯.png (149.61 KB, 513x694, 513:694, moarcement.png)

File: 9f444946898d75c⋯.png (484.98 KB, 740x548, 185:137, cmt4.png)

Cemex –→ Is there a connection to Lafarge?







2d2477 No.1627668


Another purpose was to create a church that would control the people to Constantine's liking. Selections would have to be consistent with that purpose.

bb0249 No.1627669


I think he was lost in the pork chop express

b275ad No.1627670


When Sartre died, Simone laid on-top of his corpse for 3 hours in the morgue (supposedly)

43780e No.1627671

keep up the good work


b2f47d No.1627672

Saturn (Latin: Saturnus) was a god of agriculture, liberation, and time.

13bcbf No.1627673




This should be compiled into one post.

467b08 No.1627674


I wonder if No Name new about the cemex trafficking stuff?

f3672e No.1627675

File: c09a5f036df9a2f⋯.jpg (3.92 KB, 345x146, 345:146, images (1).jpg)


I have to find my way around with a cane now…

fab6fe No.1627676


Nicely spotted anon

Notable for baker

bbef41 No.1627677

File: bd72e90cd0628cb⋯.png (135.28 KB, 922x648, 461:324, Screen Shot 2018-06-04 at ….png)

File: 7a73a96b69b7b91⋯.png (134.83 KB, 988x649, 988:649, Screen Shot 2018-06-04 at ….png)

File: 17f5390ffb45bbb⋯.png (116.79 KB, 921x651, 307:217, Screen Shot 2018-06-04 at ….png)

File: dedc6769e8a7f72⋯.png (140.84 KB, 915x722, 915:722, Screen Shot 2018-06-04 at ….png)


and these on 12/5

92a0c3 No.1627679


Godspeed, spreading the word.

3faa09 No.1627680

Why don't we say his name?

2d2477 No.1627682


That's a relief! I would hate to think none of it could be used if they actually found something.

93a41c No.1627683

File: 99857cee18bad24⋯.png (244.4 KB, 500x643, 500:643, 1931ae38accc2.png)


Danke Anon!!

126c5b No.1627685


Meghan is a double agent, and….plot twist….so is prince harry. You see, harry has had a difficult life. People have mocked him, laughed at him, thrown things at him, and even pointed fingers at him. Nobody has ever taken him seriously…that is until now. He's had enough of people pushing him around. Harry's only crime is that he was born second. Because of that, not only was he 3rd in line growing up, now he is 6th in line behind his retarded brother's children. So, harry is going to step aside and allow the rest of the family to be taken out. As a result, he will jump from 6th place to 1st place. Harry will finally be king.

48fdb7 No.1627686


Who killed Able?

b2f47d No.1627687


But what if the New Testament

comes before the Old Testament?

c414ce No.1627688


We don't need another fucking king.

13bcbf No.1627689


years ago there were rumors he wanted to abdicate and move to canada.

fab6fe No.1627690


Had the clock started yet?

4df393 No.1627691


cool, that will be entertaining

921b71 No.1627692


He's second in line of Charles wasn't real William's father…

fab6fe No.1627693


And when does the clock run out?

3faa09 No.1627694


I know who it is, I just dont understand why we give him the harry potter treatment? Unless there's a missing point in the bible story?

48fdb7 No.1627695


layers of meaning

upon layers of meaning…

2d2477 No.1627696


Jesus taught from the Old Testament, too, even at the age of 8!

dde962 No.1627697



dca132 No.1627698

File: 5f8f1c5f2c54475⋯.png (337.6 KB, 839x770, 839:770, ClipboardImage.png)

Senate hearing scheduled for June 11 !!!


aeec8f No.1627699

File: 40657e33b5c90d1⋯.jpg (970.71 KB, 1600x2400, 2:3, wCyCl6c.jpg)


Acceptable eyebleach?

9e8792 No.1627700

File: dc42da1f3e9d6b9⋯.jpg (177.58 KB, 572x680, 143:170, 1523326756303.jpg)


>nothing ever happens, until it does.

Very true.

dde962 No.1627701


Where did you get this info? Where can I read more?

0fa4c4 No.1627702


That is a bit simplistic. The council of Nicea simply recognized the books that were considered canonical. There was disagreement over what was in and what was out. The Catholic Bible has more books than the Protestant Bible. Martin Luther thought James did did not deserve to be in the Canon. Depite this, other books, like these, have been read and studied.

I don't think the desire was to 'hide truth', but a ecclesiastical dispute over what was deemed 'inspired by God' and what was simply useful and interesting.

93a41c No.1627703

File: 2396f128d749860⋯.jpeg (66.62 KB, 474x355, 474:355, class5.jpeg)


Well thank you. It's just for you Anons. I'm a hermit. I can't draw or paint to save my life, so I think I just worked extra hard on my penmanship. I have a long way to go.

You know, they stripped penmanship out of most schools, yet as far as I have seen, penmanship and chess are the best activities for calming and balancing the hemispheres of the brain (I'm a layman, and there's a lot of fancy words) to work together better.

That and meditation.

I feel like when I see American kids with great penmanship, playing a few games of chess a day, and meditating, we're really getting somewhere. It would seem in a TOTALLY unbalanced society, training the children to balance their minds and brains would be a logical step.

If only I was Education Czar.


bb0249 No.1627705


careful with the cane……things go BOOM here kek…

and with that I leave you anons to it…good night and stay safe my friends

a29bb4 No.1627706


cos the new testament wasn't written until after Jesus died ;)

93a41c No.1627707



The best bible books are Enoch & Thomas IMO. I haven't biblefagged it up in YEARS though, and the more I can forget the better.

I KNOW enough "spiritual truth", I just need to LIVE it better.

0fa4c4 No.1627708


the 'truth' of FE. LOL. That was 'revealed' to you, was it?

Science has a better claim to reality than your revelations. FE is a total delusion.

2d2477 No.1627709


Book of Ezra, apparently. Part of the apocrypha.

0fa4c4 No.1627710


The romans infiltrated the UK 1800 years ago.

1ef3b5 No.1627711

no one appreciates BO enough, get some sleep bra

f3672e No.1627712

File: 5fa9edf2767a881⋯.jpg (6.19 KB, 480x360, 4:3, hqdefault.jpg)


ouch bad trips anon

bbd905 No.1627713


anonbro, science is a religion, their priests are science-thumpers

abab8f No.1627714


Be afraid she's been thinking about the kids again

Hillary Clinton

‏Verified account @HillaryClinton

Jun 1

If you’re like me, there’s nothing worse than feeling helpless. So on this National Day of Action for Children (supported by groups from @ACLU to @WomenBelong to @UnitedWeDream to @MomsRising, @DomesticWorkers), visit https://www.familiesbelongtogether.org to see what you can do to help.

Hillary Clinton

Verified account @HillaryClinton

Jun 1

There is no more important test of our country than the way we treat the most vulnerable among us, especially children. We cannot turn away from what’s happening on our watch - we have to act.

2d2477 No.1627715


The Bible wasn't even a single book until the Council of Nicea.

bb0249 No.1627716


think mirror…999..so much better to look at instead

0fa4c4 No.1627717


you are cancer.

Jews are just fine, for the most part. Lots of Good Jews around. Let's start with Jesus.

c4fd12 No.1627718

File: c361b94f483fb63⋯.png (1022.03 KB, 935x935, 1:1, c361b94f483fb63696d6e50227….png)


Pretty sure BO lives on -4 hours sleep a night and bread alone..

93a41c No.1627719

File: 2b23c50929fa43f⋯.png (12.95 KB, 255x233, 255:233, cunt.png)


No more kings. Enough is enough. Sell all the crowns holdings and distribute the wealth to her subjects.

Fuck. "Kings". It's like we still live in the dark ages. In fact…We do.


f3f49c No.1627720



Notice all the dreary / miserable / decadent /degenerate "art," literature, entertainment?

It's pretty much guaranteed that anyone or anything from low to high culture that isn't Mom and appie pie and that's been promoted / glorified, has been / is / will continue to be somewhere on the filth continuum.

abab8f No.1627721


Correct and they picked and chose to fit their own narrative on what was in the final

bbef41 No.1627722

File: 7cb2adb305ea5ab⋯.jpg (2.75 MB, 3727x2671, 3727:2671, Qclocksunday64.jpg)


here i whipped one up

Qclock for sunday

lots of ties to arizona shenanigans

dd3b23 No.1627723

Things took a turn for the worse for me personally, had to take a little step back since it's all been weighing on my mind, I come back and there's a legit pedo compound being taken down and citizen-investigated in Tucson, AZ.

Holy shit am I proud of all of you. Give 'em hell, glorious faggots. Za wolność naszą i waszą. Blow this whole thing wide open.

921b71 No.1627724

You notice that the flatearthers and muhjoo shills seem quieter than usual this bread? THATS CUZ THEY ARE NiCAEA/BIBLE-BOOK TROLLING! They've found something that really really works well.

fab6fe No.1627725


Let's hunt some spies.

1ef3b5 No.1627726


lol agreed. hes a bad as motherfucker!

bbd905 No.1627727


what i wonder is why noone picks up on Cemex (concrete) and Lafarge (concrete)


93dca5 No.1627728

File: a8766f2c454bdac⋯.jpg (60.02 KB, 244x634, 122:317, Masterbaker.jpg)


So, you're sayin' he's a… master baker?

467b08 No.1627729

Is David Wilcock Q? Could you imagine?

3faa09 No.1627730

Do they have to dig up bodies in Godfather 3? Never seen that one

aeec8f No.1627731


Don't make me break out the food porn folder again.

89d181 No.1627732

I only watch FOX and not seeing ANY coverage of this thing in AZ with the sex ring and the stand off!

bbd905 No.1627733


u have a lower than average intelligence and a bigger than average mouth

467b08 No.1627734

File: 31fc66504e98330⋯.png (206.63 KB, 500x372, 125:93, hey.png)

0fa4c4 No.1627735


The OT is a shadow of the things to come, the NT points to Christ as the fulfillment.

Example: Matt 1:1 says that Jesus is the Jewish Messiah. But to understand what that means, and the context for that statement, you need to read the OT.

090654 No.1627736

File: b6c98591406639d⋯.png (720.12 KB, 640x480, 4:3, feelinghelpless.png)

abab8f No.1627738


That look of "we are so fucked right now"

0fa4c4 No.1627739


two moons are better than one.

2d2477 No.1627740


The Vatican kinda f*cked us all over by watering down what they taught us about spirituality. They wanted to keep all the knowledge and power for themselves. Gotta wonder what will happen after the Vatican falls, as it appears is happening now. I've heard that there is some amazing stuff in their library.

e04a14 No.1627741

File: 03fa8b166da7a9d⋯.jpg (93.61 KB, 900x579, 300:193, Vlad-Kek.jpg)

f3672e No.1627742

File: 129d5b1d47b0aac⋯.jpg (430.25 KB, 1920x815, 384:163, ca0311a51d0d9851d79382330e….jpg)


I'm a "master baker" if you know what I mean kek

04f814 No.1627743


God I hope so, it's about time, they need a new King.

3c2204 No.1627744

Morning Anons.

My key is being delivered in one hour.

10.30 GMT.

Peace respect, will post after the event,

Peace out to all..

Stay safe.

b275ad No.1627745


It's the same trick as where the mafia cliche comes from.

Cement is a spongeable commodity. Who's to say how much cement is needed for a construction job?

That and trafficking, transporting and body disposal.

d6b237 No.1627746


Wishful thinking…and I dig it

b2f47d No.1627747


but since when has one needed to believe in the

Bible, for one to have the truth revealed to them?

090654 No.1627748



Her face says it all.

So does Bill's.

52e140 No.1627749


Or, as Augustine of Hippo put it: "The New is in the old concealed; the Old is in the New revealed.“

93a41c No.1627750

File: 96e008938d00397⋯.png (557.78 KB, 860x505, 172:101, QAnon_history_in_the_makin….png)


God speed Anon.

6f3685 No.1627751

File: f4c33080067a1e9⋯.jpg (131.64 KB, 600x450, 4:3, wat_card_by_jedistuff4mc-d….jpg)

09f395 No.1627752


NO and NO

c4fd12 No.1627753

File: 37f232828f494b4⋯.jpg (79.19 KB, 736x552, 4:3, woodshed.jpg)


Curious how this is going to work out, GMT-fag

bbd905 No.1627754


Yes, from what i have been able to see in short research Lafarge is one of the "hubs" for da bad guys. it's transnational of course and clintons are involved

c4fd12 No.1627755

File: 43411ae1a3037a2⋯.png (826.36 KB, 900x900, 1:1, 43411ae1a3037a2072ab642ba4….png)

c6c4ea No.1627756

Your key?


116e5e No.1627757






Tucson VOP efforts wrap-up. Done for the night. Good night or good morning, as the case may be.



bbef41 No.1627758




Q told us all this would happen

and he even predicted the dates

look at the clock for sunday!!!

0fa4c4 No.1627759


The fucking idiots who believe that Jews are the source of all evil, the controllers of the world, the masterminds of the deep state are ridiculous. Overall, Jews have been a great blessing to the development of mankind. These folks 'prolly live in their parents basement and read books on area 51 and collect welfare checks.

Meanwhile, others are out fighting the real battles against the real enemies of mankind, like Islamic extremism and corruption of justice.

fab7f7 No.1627760

File: bbd5291dc0da86d⋯.png (578.88 KB, 586x433, 586:433, punch5.PNG)

9a73bc No.1627761

File: be60fb2318d0677⋯.mp4 (5.56 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, You wanna be safe.mp4)


Big if true. New Q post ostensibly proved Q clock as factual.

467b08 No.1627762

File: 423298d4e158b27⋯.jpg (67.11 KB, 600x400, 3:2, lose.jpg)

bbd905 No.1627763



50dfe2 No.1627764


*drops a shekel to watch you scamper*

13bcbf No.1627765

File: c0bc7232e1d6c57⋯.jpg (1.61 MB, 1882x3665, 1882:3665, ev1-3.JPG)



Legality of evidence convo from older bread.


0fa4c4 No.1627767


you are totally correct. These books were used, but not considered at the same level as the canonical literature.

b275ad No.1627768

File: afaf37a25b28c4f⋯.jpg (121.2 KB, 755x500, 151:100, IMG_9639.JPG)

090654 No.1627769

File: 11094a025778e5d⋯.gif (1.51 MB, 320x180, 16:9, 11094a025778e5ddb8c55059c1….gif)


Blessing? No.

Misfortune? Yes.

2d2477 No.1627770


Yeah, I can just see some of those other "enemies" saying, "You go ahead and keep thinking that." Meanwhile, they work their own plots.

5e769b No.1627772

File: 6191ab7a80fec49⋯.jpg (463.25 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20180604-013756….jpg)



733436 No.1627773


Maybe this? Global consciousness project. Was posted earlier.

e04a14 No.1627774

File: a3ec5026fcf0b10⋯.jpg (217.62 KB, 1647x748, 1647:748, HearMeWhine.jpg)

43780e No.1627775


cool story after the hall of cost

f3672e No.1627776

File: ed3e830c14021af⋯.jpg (150.74 KB, 658x370, 329:185, 9cf56a301f828faf924f522d15….jpg)


>>1627589 Current Q clock?

>>1627722 more Q clock?

>>1627765 remember evidentiary chain of custody faggots

>>1627772 NK top generals fired

921b71 No.1627777


Q really needs address the Q-clock and it legitimacy. This is getting out of hand.

f3672e No.1627778

File: f733f2e9efad6a8⋯.jpg (17.93 KB, 350x260, 35:26, jack6.jpg)

File: 77572e2b45a9196⋯.gif (618.59 KB, 720x780, 12:13, f31fcb4e73604b48d0c7c05de2….gif)



922447 No.1627779


It is in your hands.

0fa4c4 No.1627780

File: adf5ec6f8cb5f5a⋯.jpg (8.48 KB, 183x275, 183:275, gungirl1.jpg)


thanks to the new and the old


prolly all in the airport

93dca5 No.1627781

File: 03ffd27bb884bb7⋯.png (97.03 KB, 1095x402, 365:134, Screenshot-2018-6-4 Global….png)


Nah, GCP colors are different..

Was thinking it'd be great if we had a cadre of Synesthesians, maybe it would make sense to one of them.. a colored melody or somesuch.

bbef41 No.1627782


what is left to prove?

all we talked about all day is arizona, cemex, and trafficking

look at the fucking clock… the two days that line up are 4/4 and 12/5

look at the crumbs from those days

it couldn't be more clear

2d2477 No.1627783


If the clock proves true from here on out, then the next question is, how does Q know? Is it truly a movie with someone in the wings saying, "OK, get out there. You're on now!" Or does he really have a time machine?

bcfd31 No.1627784

File: 549f09eaa248b16⋯.png (208.71 KB, 216x349, 216:349, hfghgfh7xg7.PNG)

"In 1960 roughly 1 black child in 5 was born out of wedlock the rest were born into families with a mom and a dad living together.

Today (1991) 30 years later nearly 70% of black children are born out of wedlock.

Somewhere along the lines someone exterminated the black family. That is what welfare has done. The KKK on their best day could not have come up with something so wonderfully effective at hurting people.

It was done by Lyndon Johnson and the great society and its promulgated by the congressional black caucus…they have destroyed a sub culture."


Starts at 22:40

Tom Clancy Interview 1991

0fa4c4 No.1627785


When I was an officer in the Canadian forces, I had to swear an oath to 'her majesty… and her heirs…" Total BS. Enough of that!

48fdb7 No.1627786

2462bb No.1627787



Dude, you get to watch him master bake just for you guys tonight. Enjoy.

93dca5 No.1627788


Someone's gotta have the graphic that shows how Q confirmed the clock..

aeec8f No.1627789


Notable, baker?



090654 No.1627790

File: df9fdcc06097c0d⋯.png (253.39 KB, 500x522, 250:261, 6gorillian.png)

3c2204 No.1627791


I'm not sure, but stay safe.

Will post later after event.

Peace out brothers….

13bcbf No.1627792


not according to the red cross' numbers from back in the day.

f3f49c No.1627793


That should help promote unity.

2d2477 No.1627794


I'm beginning to think the key is to something other than a flat or a car.

f3672e No.1627795

File: 9d67e540c2f7903⋯.jpg (91.88 KB, 600x249, 200:83, big trouble15.jpg)


predictive modeling based of vast and deep data sets is my guess

3c2204 No.1627796

File: 55f9a5dc239175b⋯.jpeg (1.08 MB, 1936x1936, 1:1, image.jpeg)

93a41c No.1627797


He's a traitor but he's also got other family members who served honorably (I guess) so they don't say his name. I think.

f3672e No.1627800

File: 4d448ca2c63a7a0⋯.jpg (55.87 KB, 845x367, 845:367, nanowrimo_jack_burton_Sele….jpg)

b2f47d No.1627801



not sure i get it all.

but i get some of it!

No coincidences right?

b275ad No.1627802

>>1627597 (ob)

>>1627644 (ob)

So K9 units should arrive on scene pretty soon?

922447 No.1627803



It's easy to see from above.

How does a 2D character appear to a 3D one?

How does 3/4D appear to someone of 5th or higher?

Look inside yourself.

Do not be frightened.

Love yourself and others, differences aside.

You have more than you know.

0fa4c4 No.1627804


The 'church' existed before Constantine. In fact, many churches existed before the roman catholic church, including the Eastern churches (Armenia was the first Christian nation), Armenian, Coptic, Indian and Arabic. Not to mention the early Jewish followers of Jesus who formed churches.

aeec8f No.1627805


It was just wrong, but fun.

(not sorry)

14066f No.1627806


bla bla bla bla bla

ce4bb6 No.1627807


the event?

0fa4c4 No.1627808


It doesn't. Sheesh

43ee66 No.1627809

File: 8060456c4285923⋯.png (1.1 MB, 2846x1467, 2846:1467, Screenshot 2018-06-04 01.3….png)

File: 54b256712180821⋯.png (687.57 KB, 1988x1476, 497:369, Screenshot 2018-06-04 01.4….png)

File: ef0460f91ee4d3d⋯.png (473.72 KB, 2024x1485, 184:135, Screenshot 2018-06-04 01.3….png)

File: 7f4df97b27fed1d⋯.png (644.16 KB, 2051x1410, 2051:1410, Screenshot 2018-06-04 01.4….png)

File: 30e59db12620953⋯.png (578.01 KB, 2807x1470, 401:210, Screenshot 2018-06-04 01.3….png)

Researching Fenster School (which is closed) came across this website that documents abuses at boarding/private/foster/troubled youth schools across America. Some of the stories are f'in crazy! Lots o pedo shit going on with the school employees.


2d2477 No.1627810


But they didn't have a Bible. And they tended to be hunted and the members killed. Creating the Bible and the official church that went with it changed that.

257c22 No.1627811

Have we discussed where is the First Lady? Is she having an unannounced vacation?

49cd61 No.1627812

File: 31811c2106764b0⋯.png (15.2 KB, 457x316, 457:316, Q re Alice.PNG)

File: 833637a3c9acfbf⋯.png (10.72 KB, 789x63, 263:21, HC in Wonderland 1.PNG)

File: 2655e0a4fae5034⋯.png (27.7 KB, 804x169, 804:169, HC in Wonderland 2.PNG)

File: a54985d76a6fce9⋯.png (27.94 KB, 786x171, 262:57, HC in Wonderland 3.PNG)

File: bbd2b4ec850ce60⋯.png (26.61 KB, 789x154, 789:154, HC in Wonderland 4.PNG)

Q regarding Alice


48fdb7 No.1627813


Are co-incidences possible?

3c2204 No.1627814



The start….

922447 No.1627815


Look past preconcieved notions. That is the way of this board, is it not?

Why try to shame an opinion you do not share, I wonder?

I love you regardless.

090654 No.1627817

File: 354574eb1b2abbb⋯.png (444.49 KB, 4401x3112, 4401:3112, 354574eb1b2abbbba9336f4a8a….png)


The jews claim that the Red Cross was covering for Hitler. KEK.

They will lie about anything and everything.

bbef41 No.1627818

File: aa2c4ed3a7d2f4c⋯.png (59.47 KB, 581x242, 581:242, Screen Shot 2018-06-04 at ….png)

it's a gun

f3672e No.1627819

File: 8cfcb4242577e8d⋯.jpg (38.76 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault.jpg)


I'm on the fence about it myself. playing prediction rarely works out for us but its really worth exploring

bbd905 No.1627820

File: 8483bb1ad3133f4⋯.png (328.83 KB, 580x321, 580:321, ky.png)


an encryption key is a key

7ad8a7 No.1627821


The colors are html code. IS posted a long sequence of letters numbers everyone though was key to dropped file. She the spy says it color code.

257c22 No.1627822


What kind of sick fan club inserts Hillary into Alice in Wonderland? I mean that's just weird, its like some bizarre fan fiction

bbef41 No.1627823

File: 2e83c543203c366⋯.png (1.03 MB, 837x634, 837:634, Screen Shot 2018-06-04 at ….png)

File: 8d1dd596b07e22a⋯.png (193.17 KB, 581x322, 83:46, Screen Shot 2018-06-04 at ….png)

from alice in wonderland

be2930 No.1627824


None of our business schlomo

ee9d35 No.1627825

File: e6d3b4ab8592424⋯.jpg (2.11 MB, 3000x2412, 250:201, Carlos-Slim-High-Quality-W….jpg)

Re: POTUS tweets from yesterday.


'C S'

Was he refering to 'Carlos Slim'?

3c2204 No.1627826



Think more than encryption.

We made that up.

7ad8a7 No.1627827


JA sorry it auto corrected

13bcbf No.1627828


really? the roths red cross was covering for hitler so the roths could get a ethno state?

wat? Jews must be in great shape to do those gymnastics.

09f395 No.1627829


FBI anon (from before Q) also said that they know holocoust is a lie. But you don't need any confirmation from outside sources, you just need to use the brain to know that.

FBIanon Thread 1 and 2 https:// pastebin.com/hgW5q5Kx

03cd34 No.1627830


Storm the fucking armories, and start fighting!!!

56c86c No.1627831


The clock, That clock,,, here in lies the riddle….

Q has been talking about the clock since December.


Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 82d434 No.121559 📁

Dec 18 2017 23:58:04 (EST)


Clock started - 10 days.



And in January….


Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: c9daa0 No.7958 📁

Jan 6 2018 15:52:55 (EST)




Think clock.

Wind the clock w/ all markers.


Future proves past.



Question is, Is this the clock???

Anons were swearing that this cock prooved that Q would post on 6/1, Others said it proved Q would wait till 6/5, still others, 6/11.

Didn't see one clockfag say Q would post on 6/3.

Many other Anons screamed and bitched and thre was much gnashing of teeth about "IGNORE THE CLOCKFAGS!!!" (usually a sign anons are on track)…

Q has reffrenced the clock, many times….

Question is, Is this clock any way near correct???

(this anon wants to believe)

090654 No.1627832

File: 1582946da501e81⋯.png (84.18 KB, 500x610, 50:61, 1582946da501e81b72e3b35e90….png)

0fa4c4 No.1627833


It is not a single book.

It is more correct to say Nicea formalized that which was already considered Canon- but that did not stop the debate about what is in and what is out. This was not even the main focus of the council- rather it was called by Constantine to discuss the nature of Christ- his Deity vrs his humanity.

921b71 No.1627834

0fa4c4 No.1627835


here here. It will happen.

f3672e No.1627836


asking Q for clarity doesn't cost you anything but a few keystrokes

2d2477 No.1627837


What if all humans thought of themselves as deities?

“Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, who, being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God.” (Philippians 2:5–6)

f3f49c No.1627838


Daddy was deeply involved in the cover-up of the attack on the USS Liberty.

0fa4c4 No.1627839


or maybe there is only one or two of each, and they need to help mom take out the garbage and clean the house.

3c2204 No.1627840

30 mins till appointment,

Please Anons.

Prey for me.

This has to be real - this is our destiny.

Don't think you will get msg in 30 mins. I will post when I'm done with my meeting.

A few hours of spiritual enlightenment..


2d2477 No.1627841



922447 No.1627842


Good luck to you, Anon.

<3 Light be with you. <3

b275ad No.1627843


Are you off to spy on a cult or something?

49cd61 No.1627844


Q thought it important enough to read



13bcbf No.1627845


are you meeting with (((them))) or /ourguys/ or unknown?

257c22 No.1627846


Anon don't do mushrooms for enlightenment that's just silly

bbef41 No.1627847

File: 71852d879837a2b⋯.jpg (2.82 MB, 2882x2694, 1441:1347, qclock531proofsconf.jpg)


it perfectly matched up with everything we talked about on sunday

then the other day it was supposed to match up with freedom day and [d]ay [of] [d]ays

and it did

trump even put a pic up on facebook and instagram with FREEDOM in big red letters

plus the Dept OF Defense had the dday post

it matches up perfectly everytime

3c2204 No.1627848



Thank and ……

bbd905 No.1627849


key to meeting

3c2204 No.1627850

dc4df6 No.1627851


To be fair, this is kind of the purpose of the council.

Remember, there was no print button or email. Monks and scribes of many sorts dedicated their lives to transcribing books by hand. Because of the difference in proliferation, many churches in one region literally had a different set of scripture from others - as in, not even one shared book of what would become the Bible.

The council's purpose was to form a unified set from which to lay the foundation for an organized Church body. It is easy to view this, in hindsight of the modern era, as being a ploy to censor and constrain, and certainly there would be such efforts, I don't think the people of that time were setting out with sinister intentions. Rather, they were being extremely practical in their efforts to hold the Church together as an entity.

The apocrypha are a strange world to wander into. While I would like to see more people venture into them and challenge their understanding of their faith - I also wish people would do more than read the headline or actually read into the scriptures passed out like candy to see what is actually said.

Much is said about what the Bible says… Far less is actually spoken from it.

d2ff4c No.1627852


"The Good Times For Illegals Is Over, Get Ready To Pack Your Bags": Italy's New Interior Minister Promises Mass Deportations


"Italy's new interior minister Matteo Salvini said in a Saturday rally that "the good times for illegals is over - get ready to pack your bags," adding "Countries need to start doing their job and no more smugglers should be docking in Italian ports," a not-so veiled jab at NGOs organizing rescues at sea. Salvini, the leader of the conservative League party, assumed his role as Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior on Friday. He is currently on the road to rally support for his party's candidates in the south of Italy, attending a Sunday rally in Sicily - a prime destination for most of the hundreds of thousands of migrants which have poured into Italy in recent years, mostly from Libya. "

VIVA ITALIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


257c22 No.1627853


Has anyone bought it and posted it?

0fa4c4 No.1627854


I think that the control was not via the decision as to what was in the NT or not, but rather the use of Latin in the mass and liturgy. Thus only the priest could read, understand and interpret the Bible for the people. This was one reason why Martin Luther wanted to print copies of the bible in German, and distribute it (along with literacy programs) to everyone. BTW, the Eastern churches did not use latin- one of the reasons for the great schism between east and western churches.

257c22 No.1627855


Haha I guessed it.

b2f47d No.1627856


Where We Go 1 We Go All!

13bcbf No.1627857


Turks, UN and the EU better not try to mess with Italy taking care of their business.

d2ff4c No.1627858


Stay strong, polish anon. If it's family - do know it can be harmful to bring this into family life. We are relatively in the dark, so speaking openly like this is just going to put a strain on family life.

If job is the issue, some of us can give you pointers.

Let us know, Patriot.

dbcbea No.1627859

File: 82aa1ae9d22cb3d⋯.jpg (464.51 KB, 1280x873, 1280:873, darwin shh1.jpg)

56c86c No.1627860


That was the point.

2d2477 No.1627861


Latin wasn't the issue. Most people were illiterate until relatively recently.

0fa4c4 No.1627862


my hat is better than your hat

0fa4c4 No.1627863

File: 70f44b4ea3439d3⋯.jpg (109.42 KB, 742x1024, 371:512, the cat.jpg)


this hat:

090654 No.1627864


Soros and the other jews that orchestrate the migration are a worse threat.

871367 No.1627865



All the evangelical judeo-christian zionist scum get arrested and being put under investigation. In the UK, as well as in US (Tucson).

All the clowns are getting rounded up. They try to make us think here they are the good guys. Idiots.

0fa4c4 No.1627866


damnit, how did that happen?

dbcbea No.1627867



One is not exclusive over the other. Both are true.

48fdb7 No.1627868

These are the secret sayings that the living Jesus spoke and Didymos Judas Thomas recorded.

1. And he said, "Whoever discovers the interpretation of these sayings will not taste death."

2. Jesus said, "Those who seek should not stop seeking until they find. When they find, they will be disturbed. When they are disturbed, they will marvel, and will reign over all. [And after they have reigned they will rest.]"

3. Jesus said, "If your leaders say to you, 'Look, the (Father's) kingdom is in the sky,' then the birds of the sky will precede you. If they say to you, 'It is in the sea,' then the fish will precede you. Rather, the (Father's) kingdom is within you and it is outside you.

When you know yourselves, then you will be known, and you will understand that you are children of the living Father. But if you do not know yourselves, then you live in poverty, and you are the poverty."

4. Jesus said, "The person old in days won't hesitate to ask a little child seven days old about the place of life, and that person will live.

For many of the first will be last, and will become a single one."

5. Jesus said, "Know what is in front of your face, and what is hidden from you will be disclosed to you.

For there is nothing hidden that will not be revealed. [And there is nothing buried that will not be raised.]"

6. His disciples asked him and said to him, "Do you want us to fast? How should we pray? Should we give to charity? What diet should we observe?"

Jesus said, "Don't lie, and don't do what you hate, because all things are disclosed before heaven. After all, there is nothing hidden that will not be revealed, and there is nothing covered up that will remain undisclosed."

257c22 No.1627869






Anon is just doing some third eye exploration with drugs, that's all. No spoopy meeting with the cabal

5e769b No.1627870


Too much pun for me.

56c86c No.1627871


any hat is better than that hat…. A shaven head is better than that hat. (even on a whit chick)

13bcbf No.1627872


Not for long and he doesn't directly have an army. and soon he won't have the power to threaten economically.

bbd905 No.1627873


you never know what you encounter out there in the astral ;)

b275ad No.1627874



remember anons, the bad trip starts BEFORE you drop.

5741b2 No.1627875


I had to look this up. In the book it is "a letter inviting the Duchess to play croquet with the Queen". Now makes me wonder if I have to take a day and power through the book and see if the characters and events in Q's movie match up with the book.

f3672e No.1627876

File: ea233b7800f2bed⋯.jpg (19.86 KB, 720x304, 45:19, Big Trouble in Little Chin….jpg)



dubs witnessed


>>1627491 ASSAD to visit NK

>>1627589 Current Q clock?

>>1627722 more Q clock?

>>1627765 remember evidentiary chain of custody faggots

>>1627772 NK top generals fired

>>1627777 Qneeds to adress the Q clock Quads confirm

>>1627812 "fun" excerpts from the hillary in wonderland rag

bbd905 No.1627877

b2f47d No.1627878

File: e7f9092fe278e3c⋯.jpg (40.17 KB, 720x720, 1:1, fuck u nicorn.jpg)

2d2477 No.1627880


And you know that how?

090654 No.1627881


He buys armies, elections, boats, people, children, etc. He has plenty of money, and until he is dead, he will continue to be a threat to all nations.

3c2204 No.1627882



Totally (((our guys))) ignore the drugs shill

Love and peace.

d2ff4c No.1627883


May I humbly self promote this encouraging article:


>sandniggers and shitskin invaders BTFO

>Italy's New Interior Minister Promises Mass Deportations

090654 No.1627884

File: 13c857de922b3c9⋯.jpg (80 KB, 1180x885, 4:3, 13c857de922b3c903d8d37adcc….jpg)

5e769b No.1627885



Can you check other pictures in that book, do we have other matches in the press? Alice is a favorite Q reference (I know you know that).

f3672e No.1627886

File: f57717a79669ab7⋯.jpg (31.01 KB, 852x362, 426:181, nanowrimo_jack_burton_Sele….jpg)


You got it Wang!

13bcbf No.1627887



I can see why that had to be left out of the bible.

Churches and religion are the PAYtriots of faith.

Faith is free. I don't need a church.

ee9d35 No.1627888

File: ecb6e224f0f417a⋯.jpg (40.71 KB, 611x210, 611:210, Screenshot-2018-6-4 Zero H….jpg)


The [MSM] are already spinning this 'SOFT COUP' as victory against corruption.

What they are not saying, is that it was a [SOROS] financed operation and the people of Spain have had their democratic elected party removed without their consent.


c4fd12 No.1627890

File: 432aff1402254d2⋯.jpg (46.54 KB, 750x556, 375:278, 432aff1402254d2a7983ff6659….jpg)


Let this be the starting point of cleaning the Migrant parasites.

Somali's are the fucking worst: bunch of parasites!

3c2204 No.1627891


41a596 No.1627892

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Report: Trump is going after Carlos Slim

Published on Oct 14, 2016

13bcbf No.1627893



]Human rights[


f3672e No.1627894

File: f6291afd03c57e8⋯.gif (479.74 KB, 500x224, 125:56, crazy.gif)

2d2477 No.1627895


Oh, that's funny! My inclination, though, is to leave that topic alone. I certainly would not want to do anything detrimental to that process.

f2df98 No.1627896


Ready and holding Light….

090654 No.1627897


They never want to touch the infiltration angle. The goy here, might start to ask questions about our past elections, etc.

bbef41 No.1627898


just something i lifted from someone else

i don't have the book

d2ff4c No.1627899

File: b93288da20adcbc⋯.png (267.22 KB, 800x820, 40:41, youhavetogoback.png)



>June 2018

>still trying to make this a 'thing'

(((bitch))) needs to change its script, and fast.

5741b2 No.1627900


Wasn't the anon with the book. I just looked online for a summary of the chapter posted. I don't know what version that came from.

959e71 No.1627901

File: b8e2534d544d20a⋯.jpg (48.78 KB, 539x568, 539:568, wat.jpg)

Device manufacturers + fb app = your data, your friends' data, and their friends' data.

1 person with 300 "friends" turned into data from 295,000 people. Much worse than we thought. DARK TO LIGHT


3c2204 No.1627903



Off line in 10

090654 No.1627904


Having the executive order is great.

I would love to see it in action.

Hopefully soon.

d2ff4c No.1627905

File: e7b2f6e0d1c3269⋯.jpg (19.58 KB, 255x255, 1:1, kikebehindthepost.jpg)


Pic related for 921b71.

3c2204 No.1627907


Just awoke bitch..

f3672e No.1627908

File: 8974ff6a9fa0aca⋯.gif (133.16 KB, 685x329, 685:329, Jack-and-Wang.gif)


more like you mk ultraed yourself harder than the clowns ever could have hoped.

257c22 No.1627909


Wow you really are on drugs.

dbcbea No.1627910

File: 18827ca71781dd6⋯.jpeg (203.41 KB, 696x607, 696:607, glowing earth orb.jpeg)

bbd905 No.1627911

>u have a lower than average intelligence and a bigger than average mouth


confirmed, go do some research and improve your thinking anon

09f395 No.1627912


Right back at you :)

3c2204 No.1627913


Used to be yeh, been clean for years.

Not go and Fk yourself.

257c22 No.1627914


Glowing white ball = flat earth

Late night shills are best shills

13bcbf No.1627915


with that he can make it illegal for any one else to even transact with a person on the list and their funds can be seized too.

I makes it like a huge set of dominoes.

And the people that are pulling evil shit basically become toxic no matter how much wealth they have.

ee9d35 No.1627916


CS= Carlos Slim

5741b2 No.1627917

Found the book. Free on Amazon, but can probably find from another source. https://www.amazon.com/Alices-Adventures-Wonderland-Wisehouse-Classics-ebook/dp/B01BM4XKSQ/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1528104040&sr=8-2&keywords=alice+in+wonderland+book

3c2204 No.1627918


The connected light is hopefully coming.

Star of David.

Stay safe my freind…

Peace out.

0fa4c4 No.1627919


don't be silly. Of course they had a Bible. Pretty much the same text as we do.

bbef41 No.1627920

File: c04802ead0716a5⋯.jpg (154.33 KB, 850x931, 850:931, qclockconfirmed.jpg)


Q's post did confirm the clock

look at the Q post timestamp

ba245c No.1627921

>>1627910 OMG dusted of the flatheads again…desperate

dbcbea No.1627922

File: 0efb7123c5fcde0⋯.jpg (340.51 KB, 816x949, 816:949, chicago1.jpg)

4e81e4 No.1627923


You fail to understand the power of video of your countries leaders performing Satanic child sacrifice. You think people don't take these videos around on top secret missions of recruitment for the world wide coup that MI is running? If you don't understand imagine a young child being skinned alive and slowly dying.

These videos are real. They are what the Cabal used as ultimate blackmail and fear tactics on their members. The ultimate blackmail has a weakness….it is at the same time the ultimate wake up call and it has the tendency to sober up someone who might be hesitant.

We got this.

All we have to do is keep laying down the cards. But you dont want to corner the rats with no excape…their ultimate life drive is survival. Because they have bought into the lie they only have one life and they believe there is nothing but darkness at the end of the journey. They are wrong. They have been lied to. These people will always look for the exit ramp if they see even a glimpse of a chance to live. So you destroy their power in stages…always fooling them that they will live.

But they wont.

257c22 No.1627924


Well good luck with whatever you're doing. If it's initiation into any cult you're probably not going to be allowed to talk about it and they will probably hypnotize you. Rosacrusians and theosophy do that sort of thing. It's actually standard operating procedure with a lot of cults.

f3672e No.1627925

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

2d2477 No.1627926


Not until the Council of Nicea created it. Until then, each of those books in your Bible was literally a separate book or scroll.

13bcbf No.1627927


I knew a morman guy that actually believed that shit.

He also thought he could make girls orgasm by kissing them a certain way on the mouth.

He just stopped showing up to work one day.

Weird cat.

3c2204 No.1627928


You are here and listening.

13bcbf No.1627929


and MLM pyramid schemes

bbd905 No.1627930


well, i'm curious

93a41c No.1627931

File: 0e5360ce1030856⋯.png (38.36 KB, 592x133, 592:133, Screen Shot 2018-06-04 at ….png)

Is Bibi playing ball to avoid the rope??

3c2204 No.1627932

Wish me luck.

indigo children unite.

I'm done for a while.

Peace out.

0fa4c4 No.1627933


you are wrong. Read more.

2d2477 No.1627935


You need to do some research. I actually am right about this one.

090654 No.1627936


Actually, anon is completely correct. All of the books that make up the bible were individual books.

Take your own advice. Read moar.

f2df98 No.1627938

Any anons want to do some REALLY heavy lifting with me…?

Take time to pray for our enemies .

Hold Light in the darkest places.

Know the Truth…



257c22 No.1627939


I dunno. See I don't like this whole concept of "Against Iran" It's like saying "Russia hacks"

Applying pressure on who in Iran? The mullahs or someone else? Who is causing problems for israel in Iran? Does he think the international community is going to want to put pressure on Iran? It's all too vague

ba9d16 No.1627940


Wrong. Lurk Moar.

0fa4c4 No.1627941


of course they were individual books. But the council of Nicea did not create that canon- it recognized the already existing authority of those books, which were in circulation as a body.

e7b49d No.1627942

File: dee0aa8811442f2⋯.png (332.5 KB, 960x323, 960:323, saaturn757545728882.png)

Symbolism will be their downfall….

b2f47d No.1627943


but what if it was translated incorrectly?

a44611 No.1627944


Ok. It's been over an hour. Update?

8b1e04 No.1627945


I must admit that i'll bite now.

- Qs timestamp yesterday.

- The drops from 04/04.

- The habbenings in Arizona.

I can't help myself, but everything seems to fit quite well.

ee9d35 No.1627946

File: 5dc6036b34fff6a⋯.jpg (73.51 KB, 653x245, 653:245, Screenshot-2018-6-4 The Go….jpg)


Do we have ANY Power to STOP this Fucker?



03cd34 No.1627947


I'm so sick of seeing his face.

He looks like the most untrustworthy individual in the universe.

0fa4c4 No.1627948


I got an MDiv and can use the original languages. Of course they were individual works, but bound together as Canon BEFORE Nicea- for the most part. See comment to the above.

257c22 No.1627949


Whats the point of voting if you have another vote later saying "are you sure"

dbcbea No.1627950


They were seperate because of the lack of printing abilities.

Each one was an original hand written document copied from others.

Since the eye witnesses of these biblical times and events had no other way of

documenting their experiences this in no way has bearing on authenticity.

Of course the bible comes from scrolls. That's how they wrote back in those days.

c4fd12 No.1627951

File: 71543f9702608d5⋯.png (340.21 KB, 729x385, 729:385, 71543f9702608d5beaed658f55….png)

File: acdb398a4d07b04⋯.jpg (249.97 KB, 474x671, 474:671, acdb398a4d07b043f1368337a0….jpg)


Good luck, friend.

f2df98 No.1627952


Using HIS voting machines….!?

03cd34 No.1627954


Because (((they))) never thought the public would actually vote to leave. All their polls showed it was impossible.

Sound familiar?

257c22 No.1627955


Yeah good idea for a meme

"George Soros wants you to vote again.. this time with HIS machines"

13bcbf No.1627956




Is it getting bad enough for the average UK subject yet?

dbcbea No.1627957

File: 65e538741e3c0d5⋯.jpg (255.62 KB, 682x778, 341:389, no molecules.jpg)

File: a2727abe902f6d1⋯.jpg (193.71 KB, 631x623, 631:623, no sound.jpg)

File: 91dd172f60f1917⋯.jpg (383.48 KB, 1140x670, 114:67, Impossible Hubble.jpg)




0fa4c4 No.1627958


What was the original language of the NT? Greek. Are we comfortable in saying we know what the greek texts say? Yes, in 99% of the case. Everything else is a translation of the greek- with different levels of accuracy. The first english bible, BTW, was a translation of the Latin translation of the greek. This is the King James bible. Newer translations are much better (Like New International Version)

090654 No.1627959


Do you know what the word "canon" means?

You should demand your money back.

dbcbea No.1627960


And lastly, boom.


922447 No.1627963


We are with you.

Walk in LOVE

0fa4c4 No.1627964


The first real bible (book) was Codex Sinaiticus, handwritten in Greek, dating from before the Nicean Council (by maybe a few years)

b2f47d No.1627966


anything is possible, is it not?

257c22 No.1627967

File: 973a0e8b182c2c9⋯.gif (1.5 MB, 2051x1077, 2051:1077, toronto.gif)

0fa4c4 No.1627968


Yawn. It mean authoritative.

48fdb7 No.1627969


Anything for who?

ee9d35 No.1627970

File: c043156713865a2⋯.png (261.4 KB, 640x272, 40:17, vlcsnap-2016-05-24-21h34m3….png)


This is what the 'average' UK subject looks like now.

Do you think they would even know what's happening?

b275ad No.1627971

File: 543fe73e261aadd⋯.jpeg (551.88 KB, 1000x562, 500:281, IMG_33226DA81B13-1.jpeg)

883093 No.1627973


So if Qs next post doesn't fit with timestamp, its wrong ?

03cd34 No.1627976


You don't need EVERYBODY to win…

Only a 1/3 of colonials supported the American Revolution.

You just need enough people with some guts to stand and fight, then more will join.

257c22 No.1627977



the clock doesnt have enough match ups to be legit, IMO and the matches it does make are too vague.

Sorry, I'd like it to be real too

6f3685 No.1627979


the flat earthers have been debunked in these qresearch breads dozens of times, also there have been many times they exposed themselves as shills. BO has confirmed this many times by posting us their ip hash posting history.

FE is confirmed a shill slide tactic, they have been trying it atleast since January. as always with shills just dont respond to them it just distracts/slides and fills up the bread

883093 No.1627980


IF brexit doesn't happen the uk will be pist off.

They will be city riots.

8b1e04 No.1627981

File: afdd38497f0a591⋯.png (246.31 KB, 505x562, 505:562, netshutdown.png)


Just saying that i'll start to take the clock more serious than before. Till yesterday it was just a shiny slide/larp for me.

And IF the clock is right tomorrow may become interesting.

Dont get me wrong. As long a Q doesnt legitimate the clock i am still sceptical.

b275ad No.1627983


Interdasting, originally 3% were assumed to have fought in the revolution, but now the number is closer to 25%


03cd34 No.1627984

My issue with the clock theory is this, it's impossible for Q's plans to stay consistent over time. Nothing EVER goes according to plan in war. We're fighting other living, thinking human beings. They can, and do, fight us back.

4e81e4 No.1627985


Research Constantine and what he did and thought.

He used Christianity. He was a fraud.

4961a3 No.1627986


i was thinking about this

what if passwords are presented as colours?


instead of me sending you a password i send you a coulour swatch which then gives you the password keys related to those colours

If JA was 187, wikileaks could release the colours and everyone would get the passwords

bbef41 No.1627987


so it matching up with day of days and freedom was just an anomaly

get the fuck outta here

883093 No.1627988



I will believe it moar , but Q said ,BUILD THE MAP.

I'm still not believing the clock.

Time will tell anon.

b2f47d No.1627989


really flat earth?

maybe there's an energy dome around earth

because Earth is under quarantine. you ever

think of that?

ba9d16 No.1627990



Q never told us to build a clock. He referred to a clock when he explained theres a relation between DJT tweets and posts on 8 ch. It was in his post on jan. 7th this year.

4961a3 No.1627992

File: 8aa1519a0007ab5⋯.png (290.73 KB, 470x300, 47:30, ClipboardImage.png)


In a Heartbeat

d987c2 No.1627993


They are trying to flee

No fly zones enforced

No Outbound craft allowed

No Deals

bcfd31 No.1627994



It has no relevance here

03cd34 No.1627995


He did say to "wind the clock", but that could've meant any number of things…

bbef41 No.1627997

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


start at 3:20

13bcbf No.1627998



looks like you got a welfare problem.

ba9d16 No.1627999


Q never told us to build a clock. He referred to a clock when he explained theres a relation between DJT tweets and posts on 8 ch. It was in his post on jan. 7th this year.

2cef27 No.1628001

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Absolute Proof of Q

Here is a better picture

Q74 Firetruck and video

go to 19:40

4e81e4 No.1628002


Jesus is saying we are all one. You dont need a church at all. God is in you and in me. We dont die at all. We are alive to learn and make free will choices. Everyone can know right in wrong by instinct. The Cabal knows right and wrong. But they intentionally chose wrong for rewards in this life. Usually for meaningless things like pieces of paper or trinkets.

If you follow the Golden rule…..your pretty much set.

f3672e No.1628005

File: fa8d800e9df7628⋯.jpg (4.05 KB, 304x166, 152:83, jack burton you sure about….jpg)


logo is famefaggotry and cancer

48fdb7 No.1628006


I believe there's a commandment somewhere that states something along the lines of:

"Thou shalt learn the difference between your and you're lest the gates of heaven be closed before you're countenance".

2cef27 No.1628007

File: 43392b16069c6dd⋯.jpg (118.63 KB, 1193x674, 1193:674, Smaller Absolute proof of ….jpg)

>>1628001I don't know why the picture also didn't post. Here it is.

13bcbf No.1628008


the question is seriously "Is it bad enough yet?"

257c22 No.1628009

File: e9d10c6fe05eefd⋯.png (151.9 KB, 436x564, 109:141, time.png)


Yep. Time stamps are important. Not building clocks


Like I said sorry your pet theory doesn't play out. Time to reject it and move on

bbef41 No.1628010


not my logo

i just swiped that version so i didn't have to make one

090654 No.1628011


It still makes you wrong.

Get your money back.

b275ad No.1628012

Anons, since it's only us night crew here now, I'd like to ask a question.

Have any of you been told you were intravenously given dopamine while you were a baby to help promote feeding?

I have two scars, one on my wrist, one on my ankle from these tubes (they were going to put one in my head if those didn't work).

Has anyone heard of or experienced this?

b2f47d No.1628013

File: c96ae682717b668⋯.jpg (71.15 KB, 640x628, 160:157, 1517212722575.jpg)

13bcbf No.1628014


He co-opted a popular movement so he could expand his power.

Uh, does that sound familiar to the modern world?

03cd34 No.1628015


Well, they can't be critical of the monsters that are literally raping and murdering their fellow citizens, for fear of imprisonment.

I'd say it's pretty damn bad…

257c22 No.1628017


That's rough anon but you made it here and you're capable of questioning things. I've never heard of this but chances are it's happened to many others

bbef41 No.1628019

File: 0cd2032b935307e⋯.png (58.32 KB, 235x280, 47:56, Screen Shot 2018-06-04 at ….png)

File: 002cda9bc636200⋯.png (120.31 KB, 907x590, 907:590, Screen Shot 2018-06-04 at ….png)

File: f3ac02217378968⋯.png (144.86 KB, 624x705, 208:235, Screen Shot 2018-06-04 at ….png)

File: 65844e38876a821⋯.png (382.61 KB, 507x589, 507:589, Screen Shot 2018-06-04 at ….png)


suck my dick

if you are calling these just a coincidence then you're either blind or being deliberately obtuse

5/31 and 1/31 on the same minute of the clock


right there fucking confirmed on 5/31

from a 1/31 Q drop

eat my shit

03cd34 No.1628020



I believe the story goes that he prayed for a sign, and saw a cross in the sky just before battle…

I'm sure he was a fraud, but God will use bad people for his own purposes.

4e81e4 No.1628021


I read a wise man said he pitied the people who think there is only one way to spell a word. LOL.

4961a3 No.1628022


not far off

i think if the Muslim stuff comes out. all hell will break loose

and it will get messy quick!

13bcbf No.1628023




They cant Jail everybody.

alinsky their asses and overwhelm the system.

Make them play by their rules till it breaks them.

Have people show up in masses to "turn themselves in" for hate speech. Don't bring ID. Make it a bureaucratic nightmare.

f3672e No.1628024

File: 342bb0d6fc9d894⋯.jpg (41.57 KB, 812x347, 812:347, 2011-10-29-jackburton.jpg)


someones triggered

d4bc92 No.1628025

File: 0c5c7e5824b1cbb⋯.png (253.14 KB, 835x1098, 835:1098, 2018-06-04_06-04-46.png)


1 Esdras and 2 Esdras?

One search came up with this.


c7763a No.1628026


Revelations 2:9 and 3:9 buddy.

257c22 No.1628027


What about the other 59 minutes?

13bcbf No.1628028


still a lot of days on the calendar

b520e5 No.1628029

Cemex! Remember all the tweets by pope and BHO that had the word CONCRETE everytime! We kept digging trying to find meaning. Is THIS the connection?

0e0c91 No.1628031

File: 069fc64a48479fd⋯.png (26.83 KB, 700x334, 350:167, ClipboardImage.png)



Putin Says He Shares Trump's Concern Over Possible Arms Race


03cd34 No.1628032


I agree, but getting people to organize is hard. Men and women with guts are a dying breed.

bbef41 No.1628033


fucking all day yesterday was about arizona

look at the connected dates for Q drops

are you kidding me?

read them


f3672e No.1628034

File: cb289358b772a07⋯.gif (351.46 KB, 500x219, 500:219, 2its all in the reflexes.gif)


>>1627491 ASSAD to visit NK

>>1627589 Current Q clock?

>>1627722 more Q clock?

>>1627765 remember evidentiary chain of custody faggots

>>1627772 NK top generals fired

>>1627777 Qneeds to adress the Q clock Quads confirm

>>1627812 "fun" excerpts from the hillary in wonderland rag

>>1627852 Italy's New Interior Minister Promises Mass Deportations

>>1628031 Putin Says He Shares Trump's Concern Over Possible Arms Race

b520e5 No.1628035


We're here. We're just sneaky;)

0e0c91 No.1628036

File: 7f1b62c3422d10e⋯.png (685.21 KB, 1010x545, 202:109, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0c1596d5809baf4⋯.png (218.44 KB, 687x659, 687:659, ClipboardImage.png)


0e0c91 No.1628037


The White House Is Planning a Trump-Putin Summit

A year and a half into his presidency the Donald "let's get along with Russia" Trump still has to dear organize a real meeting with Putin


257c22 No.1628038



So 7 months of Q research and we have two confirmations of posts with vague coincedences out of 1440 total Q drops.

A broken clock is right twice a day

03cd34 No.1628039


Lol, it'll happen, once someone lights the fuse, the whole barrel will explode!

13bcbf No.1628040


Get them nostalgic and sentimental.

Speak to their emotions.

I think the topic that gets them in the 'feels' is just around the corner.

Be ready.

b5d0af No.1628041


For us, that’s true but Q may have access to The Looking Glass Project device. Or an accurate predictive linguistic program.

13bcbf No.1628042



that is what you sound like.

287008 No.1628043

File: e9281bf37de9cd2⋯.png (1.42 MB, 894x894, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

b2f47d No.1628044


For anyone.

48fdb7 No.1628046


On this earth?

008aa7 No.1628047


by entering this site you are agreeing to trust the plan.

ba9d16 No.1628048


Triggered much?

Q never told us to build a clock. He referred to a clock when he explained theres a relation between DJT tweets and posts on 8 ch. It was in his post on jan. 7th this year.

bab272 No.1628049


The Catholic Church was not created by Peter!

Put down your crack pipe and read the real history of the harlot church.

b520e5 No.1628051

Have we found connection between CEMEX-POPE-BHO?

4bdc06 No.1628052

File: 6d23101ebda17c8⋯.jpg (236.96 KB, 1058x499, 1058:499, 9abe58603072315d1d8dc2b857….jpg)


I don't know why, but that little curl looks eerily like a beak, with feathers below? Just maybe.

0e0c91 No.1628053


Read the full map, research and all posts then tell us how we haven't just unlocked the truth, re-written and documented our actual history, that's US Anon's with a little help from Q.

Well I suppose that's not much!

257c22 No.1628054


>you sound like a baby

I dunno, the clock defenders are the ones who seem to be doing all the crying once someone dares question it


>get the fuck outta here


>suck my dick

257c22 No.1628055



Guys I wasn't questioning Q posts, i was questioning using the clock as a key

03cd34 No.1628056


Stupid thought that popped into my head…

13bcbf No.1628057

File: 064a1c69514e43f⋯.png (515.57 KB, 1785x650, 357:130, ClipboardImage.png)


Carlos Slim is a catholic.

090654 No.1628058


Peter didn't create the catholic church.

Catholic means "universal."

Jesus, your M.Div is a complete failure.

Constantine created the Church (as we know it), because the "Christians" did not make good slaves.

b2f47d No.1628059


I know.

they misunderstood.

Truth shall set you free!

03cd34 No.1628060

>>1628056 (me)

"watch the water"

it takes water to use cement…

Pope and holy water…

IDK about BHO.

30f11c No.1628061


That too, but they were instructed to wave the asylum seekers through without examination.

257c22 No.1628063


lol nice investigating, Maybe Carlos Slim is the real power behind the pope. They're both catholic after all. Hell my neighbor is catholic and his front step is made from cement. and his name starts with P… Hey I think I know who P is.

b2f47d No.1628064

File: 4739e94ba8255a7⋯.jpg (8 KB, 185x251, 185:251, 1426642649965.jpg)

871367 No.1628065

Clowns hate the Q-Clock.

B/c time is running out for them.

Timespiral speeding up towards the End.





13bcbf No.1628066

File: eca4af62cf72902⋯.png (419.88 KB, 2140x1688, 535:422, ClipboardImage.png)

Why are you being such a pain in the ass?

bbef41 No.1628067

File: a255d16da7ced12⋯.png (145.23 KB, 336x547, 336:547, Screen Shot 2018-06-04 at ….png)

File: d6704c6d0942559⋯.png (131.56 KB, 777x650, 777:650, Screen Shot 2018-06-04 at ….png)

File: 812e3ef5b4861d0⋯.png (61.33 KB, 913x238, 913:238, Screen Shot 2018-06-04 at ….png)

File: 5997f96d119daf6⋯.png (50.96 KB, 431x302, 431:302, Screen Shot 2018-06-04 at ….png)


theres a fucking million confirmations

yesterday q posts at 15:58

yesterday was :58 on the qclock

q has posted one other time at 15:58


the other time Q posted ENOUGH IS ENOUGH

was on 4/4

which is

:58 on the Q clock

there are dozens of examples doofus

ba9d16 No.1628068


Yep, sounds like clock shilling to me.

Nobody said, build a clock. These anons are a little cuckoo if you ask me.

090654 No.1628069


It's what we do.

0e0c91 No.1628070

File: d1ab598716adcd7⋯.png (335.08 KB, 690x808, 345:404, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 87cc91e2096afb6⋯.png (633.72 KB, 759x419, 759:419, ClipboardImage.png)



Russia’s key role in bringing North and South Korea together (Video)

Alexander Mercouris in London (E4): Why Lavrov went to North Korea to meet with Kim.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov met with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un in Pyongyang this past Thursday.

Lavrov’s visit comes as Pyongyang, Seoul and Washington are preparing a historic meeting between US President Donald Trump and North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un on June 12th.

Russia’s role in brokering the summit between the US and North Korea has been played down, but make no mistake, Russia has (and is developing) key security, energy and infrastructure project on the Korean peninsula.

Alexander Mercouris in London (E4) explains why Lavrov went to North Korea to meet with Kim.


0fa4c4 No.1628071


catholic church = universal church

Catholic Church = Roman Catholic

Constantine created neither.

you directed the MDiv comment to the wrong guy. Whatever.

13bcbf No.1628072


nobody asked you.

b520e5 No.1628073


Theres a connection: bothe POPE & BHO kept tweeting and using the word CONCRETE over and over. We didnt know why. Theres something to this!

13bcbf No.1628074


that's what i though.

48fdb7 No.1628075

what difference does it make

if the Q clock's real or fake?

we already know the time…

883093 No.1628077


So if Q posts and it doesn't line up today , are you wrong ?

Or is Q wrong ?

090654 No.1628078


Constantine didn't create it?

That should come as news to the Pope.

You may want to email him with that information.

I am sure he will find it fascinating.

2d7c93 No.1628079


Christendom would be much different today if they it had been allowed to study books like Enoch and 4 Ezra.

bbef41 No.1628080


line up with what?

you can't use the clock to predict when Q will post

the clock verifies the past

9d5c7b No.1628082

cemex management team…….

Ignacio Madridejos

President, CEMEX USA

Dr. Hugo Bolio

Executive Vice President, Cement Operations and Technology

German Carmona

Vice President, Business Services Organization

Frank Craddock

Executive Vice President, Commercial and Public Affairs

Robert Cutter

Executive Vice President, Continuous Improvement

Joel Galassini

Regional President, Texas & New Mexico Region

Mike Egan

Executive Vice President and General Counsel

Kirk Light

Regional President, Florida & Carolinas Region

Guillermo Martinez

Executive Vice President, Human Resources and Communications

Trpimir Renić

Executive Vice President of Strategic Planning

Marc Tyson

Regional President, Mid-South Region

Matthew Wild

Executive Vice President, Logistics

Eric Wittmann

Regional President, West Region

883093 No.1628083


Aka ( what ever fits your narrative)

And telling people to eat shit makes you look about 12,

Just saying.

090654 No.1628084

Here's some news for you faggots.

Before it was called "Christianity" it was called the way or the way of the heart.

Guess which symbol they used before the cross.

It was the pentagram.

Learn the history of your religion, people.

7f443a No.1628085


It's always right there. Concrete = Cemex work?

2f5e3c No.1628086


what if the Easter Bunny is real?

what if Santa Claus was real?

what if organized religion was that greatest psyop ever to keep dimwitted fools like you enslaved?

ba9d16 No.1628088


And this is supposed to tell us what exactly?

Fake analysis.

9d5c7b No.1628089

13 of them…….>>1628082

4961a3 No.1628090


Executive Vice President and General Counsel

Kirk Light

Darkness into LIGHT?

f3672e No.1628091

File: d038f9a3330776a⋯.png (408.51 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, vlcsnap-2013-08-21-19h56m0….png)


>>1627491 ASSAD to visit NK

>>1627589 Current Q clock?

>>1627722 more Q clock?

>>1627765 remember evidentiary chain of custody faggots

>>1627772 NK top generals fired

>>1627777 Qneeds to adress the Q clock Quads confirm

>>1627812 "fun" excerpts from the hillary in wonderland rag

>>1627852 Italy's New Interior Minister Promises Mass Deportations

>>1628031 Putin Says He Shares Trump's Concern Over Possible Arms Race

>>1628082 cemex management team

0fa4c4 No.1628092


last post. The edict of Milan (313) did not create the church. Constantine wanted to reorganize the church, and perhaps even control it- or use it for his purposes, but he did not create the Catholic Church, whose doctrines existed 200 or so years earlier.

Believe what you want.

bab272 No.1628094


No sauce then this is an empty statement and very misleading.

b5d0af No.1628095


Doctors give dopamine to preemies with hypotension. It’s half life is only 2 minutes so it doesn’t stay in the body for long; that’s why there was a line. My uneducated guess is that either you were premature or not healthy at birth. Or maybe used off-label for you. In infants, they put lines wherever they can that won’t get dislodged. Head IVs are common, or at least, they were.

0fa4c4 No.1628096


you seem to think there is a monolithic church under some central control whose leaders decided to keep special knowledge from the people.

Wrong on every count.

bbef41 No.1628098

File: a01467607e4d5e8⋯.png (65.08 KB, 911x229, 911:229, Screen Shot 2018-06-04 at ….png)


you're a fucking idiot

13bcbf No.1628099


where is "Fernando Gonzalez-Olivieri"

0fa4c4 No.1628100


before it was called Christianity, it was simply called 'the way'. The symbol was the fish.

13bcbf No.1628101

File: 0a77fab75819611⋯.png (103.8 KB, 740x580, 37:29, ClipboardImage.png)


where is "Fernando Gonzalez-Olivieri"


1a2ed4 No.1628102

File: e3031a59dbafb0b⋯.jpg (48.68 KB, 737x485, 737:485, comped.jpg)


Hi Rabbi

b275ad No.1628103


I had a coarctation of the aorta.

I'm just wondering if they still do this because i'm pretty sure theres some massive side effects.

Where the idea was they were supposed to create a reward to feed, but what they actually ended up doing was creating a reward for pain, stress, and hunger…

0fa4c4 No.1628104


wrong religion. pastor & chaplain.

b2f47d No.1628105


I don't know, you tell me!

13bcbf No.1628106


can ya slide this guy in with the rest of the management team >>1628101

Thanks Baker!

090654 No.1628107


There were many churches for hundreds of years before Constantine. And, you are correct that (in that sense) the church existed as many churches.

However, as you point out, Constantine "reorganized" the "church" (which were many) to wrest control over the many churches and bring them under his rule, which he did.

1a2ed4 No.1628109


evangelical - well atleast you think you're doing right

090654 No.1628110


http:/ /www.templestudy.com/2008/02/04/the-ancient-pentagram-a-christian-symbol/

There are many connections between the pentagram and Christianity. Before the cross, it was a preferred emblem to adorn the jewelry and amulets of early Christians (followed by an ‘x’ or a phoenix). The pentagram was associated with the five wounds of Christ, and because it could be drawn in one continuous movement of the pen, the Alpha and the Omega as one.

b2f47d No.1628111


Most are to scared to think out side the "box"

they just follow blindly

257c22 No.1628112

File: ec81c61da218dce⋯.png (65.92 KB, 975x509, 975:509, time2.png)


I still think Q was referring to using simple graphics with time stamps to prove drops came before events, because normies aren't going to be able or willing to decypher anything too complicated

cfb0cf No.1628113

Calling Rusty the Cat. Come in, Rusty. Standing by.

3630fb No.1628114

File: 7a950ddad6a04d2⋯.png (261.02 KB, 526x372, 263:186, rg27.PNG)

bcfd31 No.1628115

File: 628f9805b4602c0⋯.jpg (292.5 KB, 666x1000, 333:500, MV5BOTk2OTFlYmQtYzVkNy00Zj….jpg)



sounds like Q was saying to make memes based on drops

7f443a No.1628116


Looks like a slide…. but if not, here's my one post.

1. Even nature testifies to God's existence. And if it testifies about God, there is nothing that can be lost that cannot be found.

2. The entirety of the Bible can be summed up in 2 acts- Love the Lord (your) God with all your heart, mind, and soul; Love your neighbor as yourself.

3. EVERYTHING of importance is repetitive in type/concept. Archtypes.

4. Christ is key. All things prior point forward to Christ and all things post point back to the pinnacle of the world's salvation.

But shills will be shills. And as predicted, their efforts will be intensified as light is being exposed.

b5d0af No.1628117


I’m sorry you had to go through that. I’m not in the medical field so I don’t know if they still use it. From the research I did, it’s used for critically ill infants. Maybe if they didn’t use it, you wouldn’t be here today.

9ad76b No.1628119

Looking at Thomas Wictor's analysis and I'm now extra convinced sure this is worldwide thing to defeat the Cabal being run out of the EU, UK, Iran and old admin of the US.

The cabal is fucking toast.

Enjoy the show.

Our friends are going after the LEADERSHIP and freeing up our people's.

There will be many life sentences and executions.

cfb0cf No.1628120


>there is nothing that can be lost that cannot be found.

You didn't factor in my keys.

b275ad No.1628121


Thanks, not whining, just wondering if anyone here had a similar experience.

b520e5 No.1628122

File: d642fc639f9bbd0⋯.png (224.01 KB, 640x412, 160:103, FzxQv33-61VaFkr-qWj0qxer9i….png)


Found it! POPE -CONCRETE: old digs

090654 No.1628123

File: 9a198f67cff1e5d⋯.jpg (63.95 KB, 300x417, 100:139, sercejezusa.jpg)

←- The Way (of the heart.)

Good night, ignorant faggots.

9d5c7b No.1628125


CEMEX is a global building materials company that provides high quality products and reliable service to customers and communities throughout the Americas, Europe, Africa, the Middle East, and Asia. We produce, distribute, and sell cement, ready-mix concrete, aggregates, and related building materials in more than 50 countries, and we maintain trade relationships in close to 100 nations.

CEMEX’s U.S. network includes 11 cement plants, more than 50 strategically located distribution terminals, 50 aggregate quarries and nearly 270 ready-mix concrete plants. CEMEX USA was named the EPA Energy Star Partner of the Year for 2009 and 2010.



CEMEX is founded

With the opening of the Cementos Hidalgo plant in northern Mexico.


CEMEX’s annual production

Capacity reaches 124,000 tons, a nearly fourfold increase from 1906.


CEMEX lists on the Mexican stock exchange and becomes Mexico’s market leader with the acquisition of Cementos Guadalajara.


For the first timeCEMEX’s annual sales exceed 6.7 million tons of cement and clinker, and the annual sales of three cement plants–Monterrey, Guadalajara and Torréon–each surpass 1 million tons.


Through co-investmentswith North American cement companies, CEMEX consolidates its export program.


CEMEX expands its operations by acquiring Balcones, a cement plant in the USA.


CEMEX launchesits alternative fuels strategy and begins converting its plants to enable them to use petroleum coke.


CEMEX formally establishes

its ecoefficiency program, the cornerstone of its sustainable development strategy.


CEMEX listson the New York Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol “CX”.


CEMEX becomesNorth Americas largest cement producer with the acquisition of the US-based Southdown.


The company launchesits CEMEX Way initiative to identify, incorporate and execute standardized best practices throughout the organization.


Standard & Poor’s upgrades

CEMEX’s credit rating to investment grade.


CEMEX doublesits size with the acquisition of RMC, adding 20 mainly European markets.


CEMEX initiatesthe integration of Rinker.

so, its still in operation but hasnt done ANYTHING in 11 years? hmmmm…….

cfb0cf No.1628127


Alternatively, the Evangelists are the shills, unable to comprehend or respect anybody else not buying into their simplistic, juvenile religion. Can you participate in discussions without leaning on the crutch of religion? Are you capable of telling somebody the time of day without dragging YOUR religious be-LIE-fs into it?

d4bc92 No.1628128

File: caa3477a0f891da⋯.png (3.42 MB, 1588x1495, 1588:1495, 2018-06-04_06-28-48 copy.png)


Red shoes?

257c22 No.1628130


Yes it looks like a key to secret communications, nothing to do with actual concrete companies.

1a2ed4 No.1628131

File: 94dcc18a3cadc0c⋯.png (380.31 KB, 474x476, 237:238, ClipboardImage.png)


Good night, know it all faggot.

f46e82 No.1628132

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ben Shapiro /// Joe Rogan

SundaySpecial /// Jun 3, 2018

9d5c7b No.1628133

nice work >>1628122

cfb0cf No.1628134


Always behind the times in here. We did all this at midnight.




9f0f02 No.1628135


I love watching the internal angst non Catholics have over loving the bible but secretly struggling with the fact that it was eucharist eating, Virgin Mary loving, pope loving men who compilied the bible in the first place out of the hundreds of other writings ascribed to the apostles. Let's have our cake and eat it too!!!

b520e5 No.1628136


Ur not a critical thinker…either that of u arent one of us….i cu

4961a3 No.1628137

CEMEX S.A.B. de C.V., (NYSE: CX) announced today that it will sign an agreement with the United Nations Foundation to join its Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves, a public-private partnership that seeks to save lives, protect the environment and improve the quality of life of local communities, by creating a thriving global market for clean and efficient household cooking solutions.

The Alliance, initiative launched in 2010 by former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, seeks to foster the adoption of clean cookstoves and fuels in 100 million households globally by 2020.

cfb0cf No.1628138


Next up? Kurds! Okay curds? What-EVER.

b2f47d No.1628139


Cat got your tongue?

f3f49c No.1628140

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I've only seen this clip from the movie because it came up somewhere as part of the subject at hand. The acting is brilliant, but I'm not partial to this kind of thing, and I've wondered if the subject is an inside joke.

Do you know what "nemesis" means?


I've included a video clip comment as food for thought.

93a41c No.1628141

File: 500106f2ffd8db6⋯.png (49 KB, 586x224, 293:112, Screen Shot 2018-06-04 at ….png)


4961a3 No.1628142

File: bb5830578e0b89e⋯.png (40.91 KB, 641x663, 641:663, ClipboardImage.png)

48fdb7 No.1628143


Would you like all the answers laid out for you in a pdf?

4bdc06 No.1628144

File: ee949f84e03dc0f⋯.jpg (315.52 KB, 1193x674, 1193:674, 43392b16069c6dd55988fcce92….jpg)



No coincidences

f3f49c No.1628145

File: 26899def7caf31b⋯.jpg (6.63 KB, 641x106, 641:106, DRKPigFarmComment.jpg)


Messed up, hope the comment comes through this time.

4961a3 No.1628146


CEMEX Presents Donation to Bush-Clinton Katrina Fund

Houston, TX - December 14, 2005

Gilberto Perez, President of CEMEX in the United States, presented an early holiday gift to the Bush-Clinton Katrina Fund Tuesday. Perez delivered a check for nearly $570,000 to former President George Herbert Walker Bush on behalf of CEMEX Inc., the nation's largest producer of cement, concrete and concrete products.

The donation is the result of CEMEX employees' tremendous response to the company's matching gifts program. As part of the plan to contribute to Hurricane Katrina relief efforts, CEMEX matched, two-to-one, all employee contributions made by Sept. 30. For employees whose gifts equaled or exceeded 1 percent of their respective salaries, the company increased the match to three-to-one.

Perez praised employees for their charitable response to the tragedy. "It is our great pleasure to come together as a company to help those who have suffered so much throughout this ordeal," Perez said. "CEMEX is proud of our employees and their selfless generosity."

Perez was joined Tuesday at the former president's Houston office by Rick Shapiro, Executive Vice President, Public Affairs, and Susana Duarte, Vice President, Communications and Community Relations. After receiving the check, Bush called CEMEX's gift "tremendously generous."

The Bush-Clinton Katrina Fund was established in September following Hurricane Katrina and is co-chaired by former President Bush and former President Bill Clinton. Nearly 60,000 donors around the world have contributed to the fund, which will provide grants to assist in recovery needs in the affected areas. The former presidents recently announced the first beneficiaries of grants.

fe8b06 No.1628147


The rifles could be hand-delivered by Boston Dynamic Big Dog bots, in the shape of bulldogs.

Or US Special Forces.

Or Amazon drones with Winston faces. Possibilities mulitiply.

883093 No.1628148

Kim j un

Fired top three generals.

Sky news.

93a41c No.1628149

9c743c No.1628150

What is an "e bake"?

008aa7 No.1628151



mom more meatloaf!!!

883093 No.1628153



008aa7 No.1628154


emergency bake.

no hand off.

lacks updated notables.

just a way to keep the flow going until a vet baker arrives.

b2f47d No.1628155



that would save us all some time.

48fdb7 No.1628156


Would it?

4961a3 No.1628157

I've been too busy drinking water to reply??

From: Sidney Blumenthal <

Sent: Friday, January 4, 2013 10:13 PM


Subject: Re: H: HIGHLY IMPORTANT! Comprehensive Intel Report on Libya. And drink 8 glasses

of water. Sid

Hillary: Really happy to hear from you and that you are actually in "good spirits," fairly unusual instance of accurate reporting. Have a good last lap of a very long marathon. Then when you can, looking forward to talking. I'm here for the duration, just communing with Honest Abe. S Original Message From: H <HDR22 • clintonemail.com >

To: 'sbwhoeop <sbwhoeop

Sent: Fri, Jan 4, 2013 8:19 pm

Subject: Re: H: HIGHLY IMPORTANT! Comprehensive Intel Report on Libya. And drink 8 glasses of water. Sid

I've been too busy drinking water to reply, but want to thank you and Jackie for your good wishes during these past weeks. I'm happy to report that I'm on the mend and plan to be back at work next week for the final lap. Hope you're off to a happy and HEALTHY new year. Looking forward to catching up, H From: Sidney Blumenthal [mailto

Sent:Friday, January 04, 2013 1L23 AM Eastern standard Time

To: H

Subject: H: HIGHLY IMPORTANT! Comprehensive Intel Report on Libya. And drink 8 glasses of water. Sid

CONFIDENTIAL January 4, 2013 For: Hillary From: Sid

9c743c No.1628158


The 'e' prefix if commonly used for an electronically-generated version of something that is normally or previously organically-based, such as 'mail' vs. 'email'.

ccea0b No.1628160


The difference between heaven and hell.

008aa7 No.1628161


the comment box is at tweeter.

under 8chan comment box.

Help make the chans better.

9c743c No.1628162

80ff97 No.1628164

File: 657591c10c8774e⋯.jpg (45.06 KB, 536x428, 134:107, ucla tuition.JPG)


Not true Bernie…most likely the CRIMINAL would be from outside California…a NON-RESIDENT…KEK


13eae7 No.1628165

File: f8933c8628dc0cf⋯.jpeg (15.47 KB, 218x232, 109:116, image.jpeg)

File: ebd9c075aa50eb0⋯.jpeg (251.54 KB, 2048x869, 2048:869, image.jpeg)

File: b8a05fe2d4bb304⋯.png (101.22 KB, 235x302, 235:302, image.png)

File: 02a070fa3e51a1c⋯.jpeg (53.99 KB, 500x620, 25:31, image.jpeg)

File: 32dc803b9488f60⋯.png (402.09 KB, 595x422, 595:422, image.png)


Someone's penis infiltrated your mouth yesterday.

I call this 'muh joo' Monday.

b2f47d No.1628166


Why would it not?

48fdb7 No.1628167


Why are you here?

bab272 No.1628168


Or the IRA could just dig up all their weapons and explosives and use old channels they had to bring them in the first place.

1a2ed4 No.1628169


How about trusting the undertaker at a masonic cemetary?

f7be0f No.1628170

File: 7d969597b5ea7ea⋯.jpg (22.43 KB, 400x400, 1:1, daleGribbleSmiling.jpg)


Yep, 'ol Jack Burton sure is a 'master baker'

9c743c No.1628172


>a vet baker

Do we vet the bakers?

e02bc5 No.1628173

File: 0cb572b54051ac5⋯.jpg (63.11 KB, 720x885, 48:59, Dale Gribble.jpg)


You are.


Dale gribble knows!

bcfd31 No.1628174

File: f1dff1d9fb13661⋯.jpg (67.24 KB, 841x509, 841:509, gsdfgdfg7.jpg)

I'm with her. #resist

the will of the American people

68f79d No.1628175

Test 3 - Clear

Test 4 - Clear


Proceed w/PN



4961a3 No.1628176

File: 8c7a73686745f4c⋯.png (232.22 KB, 662x697, 662:697, ClipboardImage.png)

3a0ba0 No.1628178

File: de40f2a2b921d93⋯.png (57.62 KB, 700x311, 700:311, ClipboardImage.png)


I wouldn't waste my time.

Sidenote: It seems almost as if the clock is working as a quantum marker for us. I think Q wanted us to build it instead of Q providing the markers so we are directing our own collective destiny with Q as the teacher rather than Q as a leader. This means the clock can't be wrong as we are deciding our own markers. –Just a theory.


ccea0b No.1628179

File: 38f3a3128e3607e⋯.png (105.49 KB, 611x720, 611:720, ClipboardImage.png)


Here is the context that it was posted in, along with a reply by an unusual visitor. I posted it yesterday and was labeled a clown and a shill.

4961a3 No.1628180

File: e35e584c0e1882b⋯.png (578.09 KB, 815x670, 163:134, ClipboardImage.png)


b2f47d No.1628181


To keep tabs

and the truth

41b80f No.1628182

This trash shouldn't be notable. It's unsourced, and comes from some copy pasta shit off the internet. Lot of disinfo going on.


48fdb7 No.1628183


Keep searching Anon :)

67d08c No.1628184


The Spanish had to vote twice in 2015, because they didn't seem to know how to vote "right". And even then it was a small miracle how they got PP's minority government.

After years and years, finally they got a judge to put PP's friends in jail for corruption and money laundering. So that seems really good.

A good start. I know there is corruption everywhere there, but starting with these Francoists sounds good.

4961a3 No.1628185

File: f00737cb0e03b95⋯.png (585.33 KB, 689x630, 689:630, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cebbfea034d41f5⋯.png (586.03 KB, 680x592, 85:74, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2cd8252d373a999⋯.png (630.91 KB, 665x585, 133:117, ClipboardImage.png)

looks like a clean out

just the UK to follow

5b173e No.1628186

File: 81881155d7910b9⋯.png (179.42 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Soros.png)

This Italian, Stefano Feltri used +++ twice in a tweet about Soros.

It could just be chance.

Pic related.

Article too.

https:// www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-06-03/war-erupts-between-italys-government-and-soros-you-profited-death-hundreds-people

9c743c No.1628187


At first glance, it looks like an overdone imitation of Q style, and hence, likely some sort of intentional distraction. Probably AI as well.

9c743c No.1628188



Would it be something to try?

b2f47d No.1628189


Be nice to know where to look!

1a2ed4 No.1628190


Seems like another twatter LARPer, only slightly less retarded than the previous evolutions. Probably better off in its own thread. Outside comms and famefags get flamed pretty fast in here.

abe0a3 No.1628191


Either Get On Board with the Clock, or STFU and move on.

It poses no harm at all for others to indulge in/explore the clock theory.

No one is forcing you to be onboard with it/believe in it/expound on it's virtues.

Q said Unity Not Division. Take up THAT mantra.

44075b No.1628192


sorry Q; just like things perfect; my bad

13eae7 No.1628193

File: c236811ac0713dd⋯.jpeg (73.99 KB, 589x441, 589:441, image.jpeg)

File: 5ca16446febaac9⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1115x629, 1115:629, image.png)

File: 1bc5ba87bcfc91a⋯.jpeg (102.81 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, image.jpeg)

File: 3e6981ca6a57170⋯.jpeg (30.79 KB, 285x291, 95:97, image.jpeg)

File: da98f9ea0062ebc⋯.jpeg (38.43 KB, 480x255, 32:17, image.jpeg)


Give it up homo. I'm sick of your muh joo obsessive slide. Stop sucking big fat dicks and give it a rest!

abe0a3 No.1628194

ccea0b No.1628195


Idk, but he posted the BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM right before Q did. He has insisted, multiple times, that he is not Q and that Q does not have private comms. He really doesn't act/post like AI. Like I said, idk. I gather evidence from a lot of different sources. I realize that Q only posts here.

3b9f0a No.1628197

File: 35d77f8156649d4⋯.png (626.39 KB, 758x441, 758:441, beavis2.png)


Russia, Russia, Russia


Deep State filthy scum

cannot handle losing it all.

Like petulant children.

They whine and cry and lie.

Tantrums. Fits.

Their time is over.

Now comes punishment.

Pain. Justice.

Watch how they squirm.

Enjoy the show.

It's Time.

9c743c No.1628198


Fair enough. Being vigilant can lead to over-filtering. If he anticipated the booms, that is certainly valid evidence.

48fdb7 No.1628200


You are already on the path.

9c743c No.1628201


In fairness, many are guilty of very serious crimes, so their reactions aren't so much petulance as true desperation.

4961a3 No.1628202

File: 9b4c9999fa53190⋯.png (290.68 KB, 422x495, 422:495, ClipboardImage.png)

133427 No.1628203

Fuck, gotta go workfag. Keep the faith, fellow frogs. Blow the roof offa this thing.

80ff97 No.1628204



287a99 No.1628207


Is that Bill Clinton or a body double? The tip of his nose is too big. Also, heard his voice and it sounded too gravely.

23b162 No.1628208


Are Indonesians black?

966dd1 No.1628209


ETS won't bother telling you he also claimed to have been shot yesterday in AZ. When he heard the person shot was dead, he changed his story and deleted the tweet.

It's fake.

922447 No.1628210


Names are Power

9c743c No.1628212


Fair enough. Being vigilant against over-vigilance can lead to under-vigilance.

Highly complex and vexed information-war environment we are in.

112372 No.1628213


Babylon Mystery Religion is my red pill.

Bible Truth by Oliver Green was next in 1983

922447 No.1628214

Post last edited at

b8139c No.1628215

File: 421093fd33ee34c⋯.png (897.54 KB, 1915x1006, 1915:1006, Screen Shot 2018-06-04 at ….png)

Most ever recorded in a 24 hr. period.


b275ad No.1628216

File: cce34ce167a79d0⋯.jpeg (1.51 MB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_CC0461FB5DC5-1.jpeg)

File: fd7e10de2ea33d4⋯.png (295.88 KB, 499x738, 499:738, Screen Shot 2018-06-04 at ….png)

Has anyone cross referenced i-19 search zone with the strava heatmap?


I'm not sure where they're searching atm.

f9212c No.1628217


Said the serial photofamefag

ba9d16 No.1628218


So tell me, what are the virtues then?

b8139c No.1628219




bcfd31 No.1628220

POTUS is awake

This is my 500th. Day in Office and we have accomplished a lot - many believe more than any President in his first 500 days. Massive Tax & Regulation Cuts, Military & Vets, Lower Crime & Illegal Immigration, Stronger Borders, Judgeships, Best Economy & Jobs EVER, and much more…

4:35 AM - 4 Jun 2018

b8139c No.1628221


TOGTFO is the cardinal anon virtue.

9ad76b No.1628222


You are officially geniusanon.

f9fde6 No.1628223

File: c395dd013247422⋯.jpg (74.81 KB, 648x365, 648:365, do-you-remember-the-tianan….jpg)

On This Day…

June 4, 1989: Hundreds are killed as democracy withers in Beijing's Tiananmen Square

3b21cb No.1628224


Bernie money changer bare minimum

b8139c No.1628225




197390 No.1628227

File: b7f2153041fe013⋯.jpg (83.3 KB, 1000x667, 1000:667, church-of-the-holy-sepulch….jpg)

File: 240fa7766c2a342⋯.jpg (62.4 KB, 387x387, 1:1, pantheon.jpg)

Constantine's Church

5fae39 No.1628229


The UK military swear allegiance to the crown!

30f11c No.1628230

Hallo, here is a german patriot:

Our migrant problem has been deliberately created for years.

Christoph Hörstel, an insider, he has worked as a coach for ISAF executives of the Bundeswehr, at ARD as a journalist abroad and as a government advisor, among others, and writes: "For decades, German administrations have given German passports preference to selected criminals among migrants. Chancellor Merkel apparently also fired the migration weapon on Germany with the intention of smuggling numerous threats in the shadow of unsuspecting economic refugees: police informants now estimate this figure at 100,000."

souce https://xn–christoph-hrstel-wwb. de/

the next predicate:

https:// youtu.be/cn7K4KqZRqI

In this video he says the following:

That as an example in the Munich district administration 2 gentlemen have been busy for years and day with nothing else than handing out passports to drug dealers and other criminals. That's what this is about, this is our administration. This Federal Government of Merkel has managed to bring one hundred thousand trained dangers, i.e. head-down hunters, house warriors, murderers to Germany. With all the other unsuspecting economic migrants or immigrants. That's it. This was only a cover operation, these immigrants marginalize our administration and disturb the peace in Germany in different ways. But the real operation behind it is to bring such endangers to Germany.

(Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator)

a78a96 No.1628233

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Dear beloved anunnaki who created us humans, and what a crazy creation you made!

Sorry to be so mysterious to you, is not my intention as we get to know each other, i sure it will ALL work out.

Much love to you.

Bowie wrote this after seeing the 1968 Stanley Kubrick movie 2001: A Space Odyssey. "Space Oddity" is a play on the phrase "Space Odyssey," although the title does not appear in the lyrics. The song tells the story of Major Tom, a fictional astronaut who cuts off communication with Earth and floats into space.

It was a doddle to do, to be honest. I loved the song

In a 2003 interview with Performing Songwriter magazine, Bowie explained: "In England, it was always presumed that it was written about the space landing, because it kind of came to prominence around the same time. But it actually wasn't. It was written because of going to see the film 2001, which I found amazing. I was out of my gourd anyway, I was very stoned when I went to see it, several times, and it was really a revelation to me. It got the song flowing. It was picked up by the British television, and used as the background music for the landing itself. I'm sure they really weren't listening to the lyric at all (laughs). It wasn't a pleasant thing to juxtapose against a moon landing. Of course, I was overjoyed that they did. Obviously, some BBC official said, 'Oh, right then, that space song, Major Tom, blah blah blah, that'll be great.' 'Um, but he gets stranded in space, sir.' Nobody had the heart to tell the producer that."

f9fde6 No.1628234


Please God make this happen!

466ae1 No.1628235


Take out Charles.

f9fde6 No.1628237


Their allegiance is null and void. The Queen is a traitor and an imposter.

9c743c No.1628238


It would be like 1688 all over again.

2ef17a No.1628240

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Maybe something like this?

b9f2e5 No.1628241



How many shekels are they paying you schlomo?

People are waking up. You can't stop that. You will lose this fight, because your entire existence is fabricated on lies and deceptions. Darkness to light.

466ae1 No.1628242

Well I guess Antifa has declared war.

Activist mob storms Patriot Prayer rally, battles cops with fireworks, weapons


b2f47d No.1628243


well now, that's no vary helpful

considering i'm exploring multiple

paths at the same time.

287a99 No.1628244

Antifa Mob Hurls Rocks, Bottles at Prayer Protesters – Massive Brawl Breaks Out in Portland



9f7c2d No.1628245

File: 21e3a9f334f705c⋯.png (42.31 KB, 785x260, 157:52, ClipboardImage.png)

>>1627403 CEMEX Ownership (from notables)

I'm pretty sure we've established this in the past but Slim ties to HRC.

ba9d16 No.1628246


I trust Q. But I still havent heard why that clock is added value for any of us.

2ef17a No.1628248


Ahh shit it’s a FE vid. My bad kek. Still, MAP/Clock could be something like this.

3b21cb No.1628250


Cultural/generational suicide.

f9fde6 No.1628251


If Antifa have been declared a domestic terrorist organisation is it not legal for armed citizens to shoot them on sight?

4cab05 No.1628252

File: d57765421277400⋯.png (57.03 KB, 640x400, 8:5, DZ0EgfTWAAAiGQh.png)

keep up the great work boys, i enjoy what you do here, big league.

198b1d No.1628253


Isn't this the spot to insert that pic of Wallace, Bush and Clinton having a beer?

3767f2 No.1628256


sounds like a carbon copy of charlottesville

db3315 No.1628257


> I posted it yesterday and was labeled a clown and a shill.


3767f2 No.1628258

File: c567c1371d7fdc5⋯.png (423.49 KB, 639x573, 213:191, clinton_bush_wallace.png)


mountain dew

9ad76b No.1628260


No, it is not, or Obama would have declared conservatives terrorists.

409d34 No.1628261

Morning anons…

Hivites anyone?

"They claim they descend directly from the garden of Eden through Cain’s line, &that Cain’s parents were actually Lilith (the female 1/2 of God in Talmudic tradition) &a demon she made (aka the serpent or the devil). #Hivites #Phoenicia #FollowTheWhiteRabbit#Welcome2Wonderland

Cain was the first murderer, and one of the #Hivite mantras is “Murder is death, death is murder” meaning that none of them die a natural death, everyone in the cult is murdered, because they aim to overturn & corrupt everything that is “natural” #PhoeniciaisFalling

Later in the line of Cain, we reach Joseph in Genesis (of the technicolor dreamvcoat fame, not the step father of Jesus). Jospeph marries a woman named Asenath who is a Hivite priestess, described in Apocryphal texts as a “pagan” who undergoes a “ritual” with bee hive elements

This is to ‘convert’ Asenath from her #Hivite pagan occultist pedo rapist human sacrificing heritage so that she can marry Joseph. She and Joseph end up ruling over the Isrealites during the exile in Ancient Egypt. #Hivites #Phoenicia #FollowTheWhiteRabbit#Welcome2Wonderland

They give birth to a son, Ephraim, and later in this line comes Noah and his wife Naomi of the Ark fame. This is how the #Hivite culture married into State rule (Egypt) & found it’s way into the modern era after the great flood (through the #Hivite priestess Naomi) #Phoenicia"


3b21cb No.1628262


2A exists for a reason. Eyes peeled like a banana peeps WWG1WGA

466ae1 No.1628263

Police in Paris clear out additional migrant camps in city


409d34 No.1628264

Also…quick thought…for star seeds about..

#seedteam ?

d4bc92 No.1628265

File: d6fa17bb6e27c27⋯.png (1.17 MB, 1278x677, 1278:677, 2018-06-04_07-35-56.png)

It was only a few months ago, but this story was so powerful it is now resurfacing.


This simple “eye roll” so frightened the powers in China that they couldn't shut it down and censor it fast enough.

It spread so fast that people started making spoofs on it.

Millions and millions of people saw it.

Pray she will be ok.


There is nothing so powerful as truth, and often nothing so strange.

Daniel Webster

48fdb7 No.1628266


Jesus [said], "One who seeks will find, and for [one who knocks] it will be opened."


3767f2 No.1628267


Any idea how they relate to Ham, Cush, Nimrod?

9ad76b No.1628268


We trust the plan.

Is Hillary had been elected, there would have been a coup. And a huge body count to go with it.

The MO here is to minimise the collateral bodycount.

That is why the leaks have been limited and used to our advantage against black hats.

WE will win.

Even in the worst case scenario, they lose and are lynched and there are pockets of chaos. That is in the worse case scenario now.

966dd1 No.1628269


Absolutely. Now more than ever we have to be vigilant against those who are not here for our movement. BC17/ETS are one and the same and have been famefagging since mid April. BC17 is still claiming to be JA, lol. I need to go back and find the posts where they claimed ETS was shot. Calling them out usually stops their shilling for a few hours.

4cab05 No.1628271


Hillary was never going to be allowed into the white house as potus, ever.

c81e71 No.1628272

File: ffc95ae2081fd8d⋯.jpg (74.33 KB, 1000x600, 5:3, biden.jpg)

File: 1c5cb9f5bcfb533⋯.jpg (80.67 KB, 960x672, 10:7, muel.jpg)

File: 16f94b881fdd175⋯.png (196 KB, 1600x1150, 32:23, laugh.png)


Supernatural Justice League Councils


Impressive lack of citation and sanity^^^^^^^

e5aea8 No.1628273

Just a thought, if AZ situation is extremely important, then Q would comment one way or the other. If its a bait, so we stay away. If its the key to getting cabal down, he may advise how to proceed. If Q is not commenting, maybe its not that important? Just sayn

9ad76b No.1628274

In the worse case scenario there is cessation of social media, the EBS comes on and ther is martial law for a few days.

In the planned for scenario, they are shamed, brought to justice and are routed in the election.

9ad76b No.1628275


No. Never.

Take her vote rigging away and she lost massively.

966dd1 No.1628276


I still think the worst case scenario is the "sum of all fears". Doesn't seem like the UK is ready to play ball yet.

9c743c No.1628277


Are there other areas of vigilance we are neglecting? Another anon mentioned vet bakers. Maybe we can vet bakers, to cut down on crap?

4cab05 No.1628278

File: 8401313c4a64708⋯.jpg (144.51 KB, 344x541, 344:541, BC GB BHO traitors.jpg)

ec27fc No.1628279

File: 7ac9c7f638ad21f⋯.png (722.47 KB, 1000x1141, 1000:1141, spiritualpepe.png)


i'm all ears..

a3e6bb No.1628280

File: 1699bcd1b4409ad⋯.jpg (29.73 KB, 366x286, 183:143, Moongirls.JPG)


I'd like to contribute to the END of this thread.

f3672e No.1628282

File: 6470c9ffea06e66⋯.jpg (45.92 KB, 500x422, 250:211, jack-burton-has-to-abandon….jpg)



966dd1 No.1628286


Personally, I don't worry too much about bakers. Shill bakers are soon outer. BO/BV can undo any damage done.

It's hard enough to get good bakers. Making it more difficult by "vetting" is not the way to go, IMHO

9ad76b No.1628287



It has been demonstrated and shown to those that could try that their power has been neutralised.

They are defeated and only buying time now to minmise the impact on their resources, secrets and families.

George Soros will be dead soon.

Clintons (all three) will be dead soon.

Blair and his lot will be dead soon (death penality in the US as enemy combatatns)

409d34 No.1628288


We need a hash..proposing #seedteam :-) Back to Q

4cab05 No.1628289

File: 559953770502508⋯.png (1008.49 KB, 1048x869, 1048:869, hillary in her own feces.png)


e02bc5 No.1628290


Love your work Master Baker kek

966dd1 No.1628291


Oh and the term vet bakers means veteran bakers or experienced bakers. So, BO/BV can really step away. New bakers need the guidance of BO/BV

3cebf1 No.1628292


God Bless Our Military

197390 No.1628293

File: e6a71ea75b35ef7⋯.jpg (106.26 KB, 540x960, 9:16, map.jpg)

File: dc562f523daa106⋯.png (649.97 KB, 457x528, 457:528, heat.png)

bcfd31 No.1628295

File: 952d35ac457e120⋯.png (420.75 KB, 436x554, 218:277, Screen Shot 2018-06-03 at ….png)

4cab05 No.1628297

File: 8cfacce4bec1457⋯.jpg (51.82 KB, 750x562, 375:281, JUST.jpg)

c81e71 No.1628298

File: e07d1e01ff57be5⋯.png (156.37 KB, 375x266, 375:266, acehole.png)

b275ad No.1628299


I couldn't find any heat signatures there either. Doesn't look like the traffickers were strava app users, oh well. Worth a shot.

43bb87 No.1628300

File: 83913c2d4bc3281⋯.png (230.94 KB, 1116x986, 558:493, Screen Shot 2018-06-04 at ….png)

File: 69eab4625bbaf6e⋯.png (144.66 KB, 478x702, 239:351, Screen Shot 2018-06-04 at ….png)

Now that Cemex is getting a lot of attention down there, why not make a connection to the northern lands?

Up in the native reserves, cut off from most people, are tons of natives.

Where these natives are, tons of kids go missing.

Either their parents sell, they leave, kidnapped etc.


There is a huge mine up by one of the reserves, it's called Voiseys Bay.

Wonder what all these mines do, and I wonder if they can connect tunnels.

I know there are tunnels running from northern Labrador down to the border of CAN/USA as I've been in some of them.

The original base there, Happy Valley Goose Bay, has tons of underground tunnels - all made by the Germans I believe.

These are abandoned now, and troops on the base are not allowed in - however - I was there not too long ago whilst this Q Group has become active.

These are sophisticated tunnels, fully loaded.

Hell I even found Saunas in some of them.

Next; Moving inland down thru NB (New Brunswick) many have been told off by local authorities.

Mostly RCMP, I'm assuming, is the worst in reference of corruption.

Add to that the 50,000 border agents trained specifically in Human Trafficking, and we got ourselves a pretty clear picture.

Now with that Halifax anon, and the Trudeau meet on the base.

Those trains were used, long long ago.

I would say roughly 20 years now, for a kid show.

Let the kids tour the train, holiday celebrations, but my my my, haven't seen them in a long, long time.

We are coming close to this lid popping off folks, I hope everyone archived offline.

c81e71 No.1628301

File: 85eac015f7024c4⋯.png (242.7 KB, 972x395, 972:395, AF1.png)

c81e71 No.1628302

File: e9e3bda5a567a41⋯.jpg (26.02 KB, 288x300, 24:25, clownsInAF.jpg)

4cab05 No.1628303

File: b6b71cfa29211db⋯.jpeg (8.02 KB, 316x197, 316:197, hillary is a literal demo….jpeg)


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