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/qresearch/ - Q Research Board

Research and discussion about Q's crumbs
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File: 5dcf8a84bce0e22⋯.jpg (9.53 KB, 255x143, 255:143, f399ac48494c1cf0aa423df670….jpg)

f655b3 No.1587164

Welcome To Q Research General

Rest in peace, President Kennedy. Through your wisdom and strength, since your tragic death, Patriots have planned, installed, and, by the grace of God, activated the beam of LIGHT. We will forever remember your sacrifice. May you look down from above and continue to guide us as we ring the bell of FREEDOM and destroy those who wish to sacrifice our children, our way of life, and our world. We, the PEOPLE.

". . . Start A Storm . . ."


Sign the New IBOR Petition! Fight! Fight! Fight!

WWG1WGA! Do you trust POTUS? Do you trust the PLAN? "The choice is yours."

>>1427755 , >>1489251 https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/internet-bill-rights-18

Board Rules (Please read the rules) >>3138

New sticky thread to clear the air of doubt re: Q's Authenticity >>1552095

Q's New Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs new Tripcode: Q !CbboFOtcZs

Q's Latest Posts

Tuesday 05.22.2018

>>1509322 ----------------------- Enjoy the show.

>>1508206 rt >>1508060 ---- Attacks will intensify [all sides].

>>>/patriotsfight/99 ------------ _AF1_5A_

>>1506866 rt >>1506817 ---- It’s happening.

>>1506815 rt >>1506500 ---- Avoid NSA data collection. It failed. (Re: Nellie Ohr)

>>>/patriotsfight/98 ------------ RAPID FIRE.

Monday 05.21.2018

>>1497716 ------------------------ Military OP. [Green]. General K [JFK]: RR<-WRAY->Rachel Brand(Panuccio/Pruitt)-Scheiderman. D5

Sunday 05.20.2018

>>>/patriotsfight/97 ------------ Q! Quotes Ephesians 6:10-18, – 1 Cor 13:4-13

>>>/patriotsfight/96 ------------ Those who are loudest…

>>1483388 ----------------------- We exposed the password [#91] on purpose [23]

>>1483187 ----------------------- The entire time See >>1483318

>>1483159 rt >>1483003 ---- ROT = Rotation

>>>/patriotsfight/95 ------------ US Flag

>>>/patriotsfight/94 ------------ WE ARE Q!

>>1482139 rt >>1482048 ---- TRUST the plan

>>>/patriotsfight/93 ------------ They are losing [all] control

>>>/patriotsfight/92 ------------ [6] surv [value targets]

Saturday 05.19.2018

>>>/patriotsfight/91 ------------ Now Comes The Pain

>>>/patriotsfight/90 ------------ https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/997951982467014656

>>1472746 rt >>1472647 ---- We control [utility]

>>1472647 rt >>1472580 ---- I'd watch the news that day.

>>1472525 rt >>1472472 ---- Mistake or on purpose?

>>>/patriotsfight/89 ------------ Updated. (deleted) see: >>1473424

>>>/patriotsfight/88 ------------ TRIP CHANGE (deleted) see: >>1473424

>>1472440 ----------------------- (Password expose)

Previous Q Posts

Backup Q Posts (those still on the board) at >>>/comms/226

Find All Q Posts At: qmap.pub/ qanonmap.bitbucket.io/ qanon.pub

If qanonmap ever goes down, the mirrors are: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io

* Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/edit?usp=sharing

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>1538282 How To Quickly Spot A Clown >>1510286 Useful filters

Q Clock Graphic



Start Building A Qlock, >>1566766

f655b3 No.1587171


are not endorsements


>>1583589 BO on Clown's bots

>>1545457 Major announcement from BO

>>1555357 PDF Uploading Enabled


>>1586524 ; >>1586549 ; >>1586618 Podesta/NXIVM Ties

>>1586589 SecDef Mattis Meets With Japanese Defense Minister

>>1586495 A video on money laundering and economic collapse

>>1586703 Good graphics gifted re: Valerie Jarrett

>>1586890 Arkady Babchenko death faked, Reuters


>>1585682 'Rainbow Cultural Garden' NXIVM sexualization of our children (SICK, DIG ON THIS)

>>1585980 Large Explosion Rips through UPS center in Kentucky

>>1586103 ClockAnon Update

>>1586120 Chill on Trey Gowdy, and Trust the Plan

>>1586207 Valerie Jarrett / Van Jones Stanford alum exposes Valerie

>>1586221 Louis Weiss USCOM


>>1584897 More info on POTUS Legalizing MJ for terminally ill Patients

>>1584907 Judge Dale truth history of Gov Agencies links to corporations (DIG ANONS)

>>1585232 (anon digs on Judge dale) retired federal judge reveals the con

>>1585034 Communist party too much power in NZ 5-eyes might stop sharing intel

>>1584952 Geo politics Soros/(((them))) Destroy Asia Financially, then white-knight

>>1585059 Tommy Robinson arrest has the eternal anglo spooked (4ch xpost)

>>1585056 GermanAnon Update (Guardian of the Bread, Keeper of the KEK)

>>1585326 Iran builds legal case against ‘ISIS-founder' US, case based on Trump campaign claims

>>1585489 Donations to Scam PACs

>>1585493 Australian Earthquake near Melbourne

>>1585524 Facebook co-founder's wife bankrolling Black Lives Matter activist's PAC: report

>>1585626 richter scale vs tnt (so anons can conceptualize scale of seismic activity)


>>1584119 More on [VJ], >>1584124 Obama's Handler

>>1584130, >>1584136 loop capitalfags reposts on VJ >>1584498 Loop capital CIA

>>1584150 NSA, Stellar Wand, Tempora (Greenwald/Snowden/Poitras), >>1584621

>>1584160 Israel strikes at Gaza

>>1584219 FBI investigation into James Bowman ([VJ]'s father)

>>1584255 More disturbing details coming about NXIVM

>>1584309 Anon muses about Roseanne's redpilling process, >>1584402 Roseanne to appear on Joe Rogan

>>1584358 Rumour: ABC boss talked lengthily with Never-first Lady Michel le Obama

>>1584389 Obama/Facebook/Cambridge Analytica, >>1584433 {More}, >>1584434 Obama And The Elections

>>1584407 New OIG reports from today on DoL, PBGC and OIG,

>>1584507 Dept. of Interior report was scathing, >>1584554 More swamp draining

>>1584453 Jared Kushner brokers meeting between Kim Kardashian & Trump?

>>1584454, >>1584456 Disc the networks Axelrod, (bin ladin in chicago '70, '81 BHO Pakistan '81

>>1584463 Governor replacement in Missouri. Eric Greitens resigns, Mike Parson steps up.

>>1584479 Desiree Tate, former Obama Foundation member, dies at 62, >>1584508

>>1584564 (1981) [Hussein]'s lifegap in Pakistan

>>1584585 (2011) Judge Roll vs BHO: BHO considers Congress "mere speed bump" to smuggling cash

>>1584672 GoFundMe origins

>>1584679 , >>1584730 FBI Agents vow to Expose Obama and Comey

>>1584703 POTUS timelline

>>1584704 CNN hired [VJ]'s daughter as a journalist, without her having any previous experience

>>1584771 Russia to meet Korea

>>1584806 Nazi Soros calls Roseanne a Nazi

>>1584810 FBI Files show Feds gave billionaire pedo Epstein freedom in Exchange for ‘Information’

>>1584873 MagneGas Corporation Bo Linton associated recurring pattern of shareholder disaster.



>>1583993 Trump starts bringing Washington bureaucrats to heel with 3 new EOs

>>1583962 All in the family: Valerie Jarrett and the Chicago communists

>>1583939 QClock timestamp with date examples

>>1583859 New A&E series on Cults and Extreme Beliefs. Episode one features NXIVM

>>1583637 Stanford Alumni Blow the Whistle on Valerie Jarrett

>>1583520 Chuck Schumer orders media to cover up 'Spygate'

>>1583523 Obama's White House and the Muslim Brotherhood

>>1583500 CDAN on Brian Peck

>>1583435 Ex-Cuomo official claims boss treated women like ‘sexual objects’


>>1583130 The #1 Google search trend today is Valerie Jarrett

>>1583054 Jarrett's parents the Bowmans: profiles

>>1583022 JIDF & e,= fag are one and the same, caught shilling with IP hash

>>1582601 SIGINT theory

>>1582900 Number crunching The Wall

>>1582880 Horowitz (DOJ OIG) Report On Confidential Informants

>>1582570 Grassley: Fusion GPS Testimony "Extremely Misleading, If Not An Outright Lie"

>>1582589 SJC holding hearing of OIG 1st Report~6/5/18 10am

Best Of Bread >>311157

Archive of Notables >>>/comms/225 (Batch 740~ present)

f655b3 No.1587172

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Q's request: KEEP DEMANDING #ReleaseTheTexts until #Unredacted release

[3] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[4] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet FASSSSSSST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Threads & Research Section

>>1254488 -- QBOARD QUESTIONS (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>1121104 -- Q QUESTIONS THREAD (post your Questions to Q here!)

>>1119245 -- TTDDTOT - Things That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread

>>143179 --- META


>>1215912 -- Letters of Gratitude II

>>311157 --- Notable Post Discussion

>>198093 --- Q memed/Newsweak/GreatAwakening

>>870846 --- The Letter Q

>>674740 --- Qanon auf Deutsch

>>1254488 -- Newfag Q&A

>>93735 ----- Side-by-Side Graphics

>>1115338 -- Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

>>1147812 -- Notable Resignations Thread 2/2


>>4356 ------ Tools and Information

>>4852 ------ Free Research Resources

>>4362 ------ Planefag Tools and Planefagging 101 >>1311848

>>4369 ------ Research Threads

>>32223 ---- Qs chess game

>>256741 --- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc.

>>1420554 --- Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #2

>>618758 --- Merkel research thread


>>810563 --- NXIVM info collection

>>885933 --- P=C

>>904395 --- The Plan

>>911014 --- Occult music and pop culture

>>957083 --- No Name Research Thread

>>1013812 - Crazy Days and Nights Dig?

>>1049327 - 666 Fifth Avenue Research Thread III

>>1286065 - FIND THE KEY dig

>>1310117 - For anons who wish to learn about self-sufficiency and for those who have information to share

>>1427755 - Battle for Internet Bill of Rights

f655b3 No.1587176

Graphics of All Q'S Posts

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486 , >>>/comms/487 , >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488 , >>>/comms/489 , >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491 , >>>/comms/545 , >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951 , >>>/comms/952 , >>>/comms/953 , >>>/comms/987 , >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#23 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>1527495

Q Graphics all in EST

The missing Qmap in EST has been archived ----------------------------------------------- >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ----------------------------------------- >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures - >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg -------------------------------- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ------------ >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg ----------------- >>>/comms/966

QPosts Archives in All Formats

* Spreadsheet Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive and More at qmap.pub features All Q Posts/ Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts (top tags, players, posts per month)/ All Resignations: qmap.pub >>1334710

* Searchable, interactive archive with user-explanations: qanon.pub (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io)

* QMap PDF (Version > 9.2.0 [updated 5/13]) >>1403707

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Full JSON Q archive: qanon.news/Archives (~135MB/~817MB Unzipped) [Updated: 4/20/2018]

'* http://''qanon.news/posts.html for printing crumbs, sorted by timestamp

* https://commandandcontrol.center/ aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools

* Pavuk Systems Q Database: https://www.pavuk.com;user:pass = qanon:qanon

* Independent Q archive resource: irc.qclearancearchive.net > browsable versions of /thegreatawakening/ from before the purge http://irc.qclearancearchive.net/02.%20QMaps/Q%27s%20posts%20-%20CBTS%20-%208.14.0.pdf

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Merge QT - Awesome archive of Q Posts and POTUS Tweets in Chronological order: https://anonsw.github.io/qtmerge/

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Redpill Flag / Printable Q Cards with QR Link: >>1556905

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Sealed Indictment Master: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

Backup Q Map/Graphic Set >>>/comms/283

Q Research Graphics Library


18,000+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>1115338 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

22 >>1485456 21 >>1352458 20 >>1232995 Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/


MasterArchivist ----------------------- qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist — main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) --- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon ------------------ https://mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

Learn To Bake!

New Bakers Report To Class and/or >>>/comms/154

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY9

In case of inability to post images, EMBED THE VIDEO FOUND HERE: >>1505954 Re: >>1514062

f655b3 No.1587193

File: ce2fc419c59ad8e⋯.png (69.58 KB, 194x259, 194:259, ClipboardImage.png)



5e5dcf No.1587194

File: 590c80c1da10c8d⋯.jpg (262.58 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, TrustThese.jpg)

File: e3e246bebf71f07⋯.jpg (292.27 KB, 1680x1050, 8:5, TrustPlanPainComing.jpg)

File: 514a9c498888d88⋯.jpg (102.94 KB, 768x500, 192:125, TrustThePlan.jpg)

File: 7d596e837470c7f⋯.jpg (287.92 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, GreatAwakeningTrustThePlan….jpg)

File: ee721742a2fccca⋯.jpg (153.4 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, GreatAwakeningUniteFreedom.jpg)

65b2f8 No.1587209

If Trump doesn't trust Sessions why should I?

Seriously Sessions has done NOTHING worthy of trust

207180 No.1587214

File: 0b1fb11a0ecd5bc⋯.jpg (15.5 KB, 358x315, 358:315, 2018-05-30_9-49-06.jpg)

Just reposting because I think this is interesting.

Maybe nothing.

f655b3 No.1587218


Then don't, concernfag. Now STFU about it.

43a073 No.1587220

Whatever happens, whatever you may or may not believe in, whoever you consider legit or not…


3897e1 No.1587221

File: 4aeee6f49ee4bb5⋯.jpg (83.09 KB, 1090x756, 545:378, bakedog.JPG)

File: 3b098cc5e3f6bc6⋯.jpg (151.1 KB, 1153x765, 1153:765, bakecat.JPG)


207180 No.1587222


Disinfo necessary. Now go away, if you don't trust Q

f29e86 No.1587223


I hate darkness

65b2f8 No.1587224


No concern

Just siding with POTUS you pussy

43a073 No.1587225


I love love.

cd6ccd No.1587226

>>1587152 (last)

Is this eyethespy guy someone special? I dont understand why anyone cares what he says

b01e57 No.1587227


> Still too many believing what the news tells them to think.

Chicken and egg problem.

So long as the IG report and these 30,000 indictments are kept secret, the fake news people can continue to own the narrative with simple soundbites.

That is the downside of all this covertness around an incredibly huge conspiracy.

It's just too fantastic to be believable.

But there are millions of normies who would be happy to accept a new reality.

They just need something tangible to break the damn.

142df2 No.1587228

File: 95f9c18cc708b3a⋯.jpg (58.97 KB, 220x267, 220:267, BarbaraBowman.jpg)

Valerie Jarrett's Mother -

Barbara Taylor Bowman

ERIKSON INSTITUTE/Erick Erikson - MK Ultra connections?

"Valerie Jarrett's mother is the early-childhood-education author Barbara Taylor Bowman (born 1928), who in 1966 co-founded a Chicago-based graduate school in child development known as the Erikson Institute, named after the psychoanalyst Erik Erikson. In 1950 Erikson became a hero to the Left by choosing to resign from his professorship at the University of California rather than sign an anti-Communist loyalty oath as the school required. The Erikson Institute's radical orientation is reflected in the fact that its board of trustees has included such figures as Bernardine Dohrn, wife of the former Weather Underground terrorist and lifelong Marxist Bill Ayers, and Tom Ayers, father of the same lifelong Marxist."

https://www. frontpagemag.com/fpm/259172/communist-family-tree-valerie-jarrett-john-perazzo

301e31 No.1587229

Look, info is developed and dug here and then moves to the public. If you can't see that then I can't help you. If we are falling on deaf ears then why are we being attacked constantly? All for a LARP?

1370c6 No.1587230

File: 659de6e54befcc5⋯.jpg (72.47 KB, 562x1004, 281:502, 62a621d7b56506e2bf9ceef41f….jpg)


f29e86 No.1587231


Love is dumb.

b4c945 No.1587232

File: e2d2c4d8c40ea77⋯.png (67.38 KB, 500x563, 500:563, e-daily-news-sean-hannity-….png)

File: d3a83bdf4c63177⋯.gif (1.74 MB, 314x236, 157:118, tumblr_nbahibEOYF1ql591ho4….gif)

The nigger got owned🎵🎶🎼🎸

0f6423 No.1587233

>>1587046 lb Trump [Iger] Tweet

Trump is giving the AnonArmy marching orders

Go forth and find other ABC employees saying mean things on Twitter

Let Loose the Memes of War

301e31 No.1587234


Because Q showed you how the game is played.

cee233 No.1587235

File: 146a5b804c5a5a7⋯.jpg (477.83 KB, 1920x1920, 1:1, IMG_1682.JPG)

Thank you, Baker!

0941b9 No.1587236

File: 3fd5c325bfb80ea⋯.png (110.21 KB, 600x600, 1:1, qdetox.png)

I'm going to post this every day until we get another Q post, or the board dies. Muh frogs need they medicine.

de240b No.1587237


No Toblerone tunnel there! KEK!

b01e57 No.1587238


>Chicago-based graduate school in child development known as the Erikson Institute

Every fucking time.

4a6e10 No.1587239


You're watching a movie concernfag.

b81eb6 No.1587240

>>1587038 lb

The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States, also known as the 9/11 Commission, was set up on November 27, 2002, "to prepare a full and complete account of the circumstances

Formed: November 27, 2002; 15 years ago

Agency executives: Thomas Kean, Chairman; Lee H. Hamilton, Vice Chairman

Key document: Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2003

Nominations: National Book Award for Nonfiction <<<<<<<

2fba82 No.1587241


Love what God loves.

Hate what God hates.

Pretty sure I read that somewhere.

Hate is a normal emotion and state of mind towards certain things.

65b2f8 No.1587242


This is not a game

7f8c39 No.1587243


>But there are millions of normies who would be happy to accept a new reality.

>They just need something tangible to break the damn.

e684e9 No.1587244

>>1587208 <<

>It's wiser to check every info source

what if we did, yet anons come in everyday with the same reposts?

we supposed to go check again?


what about you, have you checked into


have you checked into



but that would be wiser... wouldn't it?

43a073 No.1587245


t. demons

Love is the most powerful force in the universe.

46b27a No.1587246

Where is your precious Q now?

Your god has abandoned you

Turn your lives and your faith over to Jesus;

The true liberator

The true patriot

The all powerful all loving God

506246 No.1587247


Still no answer, but I'm dumb. LMFAO. Ok, keep watching roseanne and ignoring Israel. Keep saying "hollywood is all satanists" and then follow several stars you pick and choose because YOU say theyre ok.

You can't even answer me. You just attack me with name calling because you're too much of a sheep to have your own answer.

b4c945 No.1587248

File: 3147a96204faa2a⋯.jpg (29.53 KB, 335x271, 335:271, 2b8htj~2.jpg)

File: ff1c87b7312d839⋯.jpg (103.28 KB, 623x632, 623:632, DecjX5jVAAI70mL.jpg)

Sinister old bag of shit whore.

e40b3e No.1587249

Thought experiment:

If the posts on this board were 90-95% AI, how would humans know (they wouldn't, unless they were very discerning).

Keep this thought in mind AT EVERY MOMENT

Thought experiment: if every baker were a bot, maintaining cover most of the time, but quietly facilitating subtle undermining, how would humans know? They wouldn't, unless strict vigilance and specific restraints on garbage were maintained (and even then it would be a constant fight)

Keep these in mind.

Thought experiment:

Is the clown AI seeking to control this board at every single moment? (It doesn't sleep)

In short, if we're not engaged in a continual process of removing garbage, banning bots, Turing testing bakers, BOs, BVs, etc… If we're not fighting that fight at all times, then you can bet it's because AI is in the driver's seat. Because it WON'T be because it stopped trying…


1370c6 No.1587250

File: bdf0bfa85e9de3f⋯.jpeg (169.1 KB, 1440x936, 20:13, 1526835724.jpeg)

0941b9 No.1587251


You forgot how to play.

b81eb6 No.1587252


You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven. He causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.…

43a073 No.1587253


Neither Q nor spiritual master Jesus are my "gods", in fact NO ONE is my god except the Source Creator.

d1c1cd No.1587254

>>1587173 (previous)

Yes, we know Disney owns ABC

Disney also bought FOX in December.


They're waiting for their stockholders to approve the deal.

It includes both movie and television properties.

Deal is being held up by Comcast making bigger offer.

Comcast also nest of Libs. (See NBC)

8107a5 No.1587255


Eat bleach shill

8b8bac No.1587256

File: 7dad4c079e27c51⋯.jpg (10.32 KB, 220x327, 220:327, 220px-Nicholas_Garaufis.jpg)

File: 3f9d4008dc40d5a⋯.png (36.97 KB, 984x364, 246:91, garaufis ABCpension.PNG)

Been on a NXIVM dig this AM. Stumbled across a financial disclosure for the judge on the case, GARAUFIS, NICHOLAS G. (pics related) He declares that he received $13053 from the ==ABC Retirement Plan== The guy never worked for ABC. How is this possible. In light of POTUS's sparring with ABC today I thought it was pertinent.

1370c6 No.1587257


She looks like a half shape shifted lizard

f29e86 No.1587258


The only demon here is in your mirror.

d1dc7b No.1587259

File: 45cae2488190230⋯.jpg (117.09 KB, 1331x560, 1331:560, fbiq.JPG)

File: 917b6db57968462⋯.jpg (82.63 KB, 781x520, 781:520, Q PD report.JPG)




Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 237dde No.324395

Feb 10 2018 03:33:29 (EST)

“Rest in peace Mr. President (JFK), through your wisdom and strength, since your tragic death, Patriots have planned, installed, and by the grace of God, activated, the beam of LIGHT. We will forever remember your sacrifice. May you look down from above and continue to guide us as we ring the bell of FREEDOM and destroy those who wish to sacrifice our children, our way of life, and our world. We, the PEOPLE.”

Prayer said every single day in the OO.

JFK - Secret Socities.

Where we go one, we go all.


18 U.S. Code § 912 - Officer or employee of the United States

US Code

Whoever falsely assumes or pretends to be an officer or employee acting under the authority of the United States or any department, agency or officer thereof, and acts as such, or in such pretended character demands or obtains any money, paper, document, or thing of value, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.


Think about the lonely people who followed you.

They believed in you.

They deserve the truth.

They found a home here and will still believe in you.

Tell them who you are.

You have done some good here.

Just stop the lies.

You could have done the exact same thing without the lies.

Nobody doubts your brilliance.

What you have accomplished here is nothing short of amazing.


Tell the truth.

Be yourself.


Those who tell the truth will be heroes.

You can't have a truth movement with lies.

Please listen to us.

Some of us STILL believe in you.

We do not believe in the way this was managed.

It is not too late to regroup and do this right.

No regrets.

Do the right thing.






23ad63 No.1587261

>>1587107 (LB)

NEED? NO, Trump is already POTUS.

Part of all of this is justice another Part is the great awakening.

Are unawares Kim followers less valuable Americans? Becareful before you answer because at some point we were all unaware. For each of us it tooks something different to open our eyes and begin the red pilling of ourselves. Red pills cant be shoved down someone's throat. It must be self prescribed. How or what it takes each person to do that is different. For some it is 9/11..others it was 8 years of obummer..for some it may Kim going to Meet with POTUS.

506246 No.1587262


Trust the plan

Disinfo is necessary

And whatever else you need to keep yourself believing.

Also, no coincidences, and this isn't about left vs. right, but vote right this November anyway.

And trust the plan!

2fba82 No.1587263


I hate spiders.

I don't love spiders.

d1dc7b No.1587264

301e31 No.1587265



It's not a game but we must play the game to win the thing that is not a game.

7f8c39 No.1587266


Q uo Vadis?

b24e93 No.1587267

File: 267f98b5939082e⋯.jpeg (12.92 KB, 229x220, 229:220, peace out pepe.jpeg)

Almonds activated on this bake, anons.

Notables don't follow as collected.

I'll leave it for you to discern, but fuckery possible.

Additional NOTABLES FOR 1995

>>1586570 Silver iodine rockets Bejing Olympics

>>1586607 Transitioning from 8ch to the real world. Third rail reached.

>>1586997 Anon (rightfully) questions the cabal billionaires "giving pledge"

301e31 No.1587268


Asian Bill Clinton.

f29e86 No.1587270


Careful, that guy will call you a demon for that.

84c863 No.1587272

File: 32c34c62aff6d3f⋯.jpg (20.82 KB, 255x255, 1:1, pepef6294c08de0f5d76c5949a….jpg)

231333 No.1587273


You must be watching a different Movie.

Hell, This is the best show in Mankind's History!

I do Love the PLAN!!!

faith anon.

de8fe8 No.1587274

Haven't seen it posted yet, but there was a 16 min delta between Trump's recent Valerie Jarrett tweets. Don't have screen grabs, so not sure why there was a correction, but worth looking into.

52760f No.1587275


I'm voting straight democrat. America needs to be killed as quickly as possible.

b01e57 No.1587276


Ben Rhodes reacting to Hillary Clinton's hilarious defeat in 2016 is the funniest part of the new Obama Documentary on HBO.

What makes it even better is throughout the documentary he brags how she is going to win.


Watch the video. This is the face of someone realizing he's ultimately going to jail.

2fba82 No.1587277


This isn't church.

cd6ccd No.1587278

File: 7c749a7b3cbedf1⋯.png (260.73 KB, 644x572, 161:143, ClipboardImage.png)

00ccb8 No.1587279

File: 6c27ca741bc575c⋯.png (106.56 KB, 300x210, 10:7, aldrin-Mars.png)

I would tell that guy to GDIAGF, but he won't get it.

8b0e73 No.1587280

If the VJ phone call was with Scalia, had two unidentified listeners, and involved treason, then VJ helped set up Scalia's murder.

1f779d No.1587281

>>1587040 (lb)

Q explicitly said no outside comms.

Now kys, clown.

d1dc7b No.1587282



This is not a game.

It is a lie.

Shut it down.




506246 No.1587283


Don't hate the player, hate the game.

eb44b5 No.1587284


How do we know you are not a bot?

f3a411 No.1587285


Learn to change your "fingerprint" writing style if you wish to be many.

7dab42 No.1587286

(Bread #1995)


Ya think? I think it was just the body double, one of the reasons they had to get their hands on those questions, and why the stand-in left something on the podium that it was very important to retrieve. Must have been wired, too. The comments at that Brock meeting put her in a very compelling context, like maybe even dead.

aa4941 No.1587287

File: ef695c3839463be⋯.png (48.87 KB, 600x700, 6:7, keep-calm-because-you-know….png)


You seriously need to reread past Q crumbs

You lack understanding of the larger game afoot

d1c1cd No.1587288


Many former Libs report that they were redpilled when they actually heard a Trump speech

and realized that they had been fed nothing but lies about the man.

Kim will convert at least a million Liberals.

b4c945 No.1587289

File: ce5878c7673d8e3⋯.jpg (15.91 KB, 275x183, 275:183, 2b9dri.jpg)

File: 7103037feec4ba6⋯.jpg (56.88 KB, 469x469, 1:1, 2an3r9~2.jpg)

The public will only find out about 40% of the madness in Americas deep state cabal.

0941b9 No.1587290


You fuckin piece of shit.


Go back to /leftpol/

8b8bac No.1587291


He was appointed by WJC

58d960 No.1587292

File: c0bc47765353628⋯.jpg (63.18 KB, 469x469, 1:1, ginger royal.jpg)

File: 5631566996d1a59⋯.jpg (63.18 KB, 469x469, 1:1, in line for nuttin.jpg)

File: 14c0acf3af8f69a⋯.jpg (63.18 KB, 469x469, 1:1, muh dicker doo.jpg)

File: 7103037feec4ba6⋯.jpg (56.88 KB, 469x469, 1:1, royal scabies.jpg)

506246 No.1587293


My question is why is it difficult to find decent people to run both sides? You guys are being duped into the right is the only salvageable party

43a073 No.1587294


I love everyone. To love doesn't mean not to defend from evil and attacks - it means to love.


Why do you think so?

0941b9 No.1587295


Is it really you??

207180 No.1587296

File: 8ed1f1bdb4a90ef⋯.jpg (133.56 KB, 1880x1041, 1880:1041, 2018-05-30_9-55-36.jpg)

File: d90901afc0c0e3d⋯.png (283.72 KB, 654x634, 327:317, green mars.png)


Age of Noah? On Mars? Official NASA name for it. Iiiiiiiiiiiinteresting.

Also, this picture is ridiculous to think that it would have such lush oceans and nothing green. I get why they can't show it like that though.

8107a5 No.1587297


Are you faggots still bleating

Go call the FBI. I'll wait

b5d7ed No.1587298

File: a9cedb55ee47706⋯.png (113.67 KB, 1139x478, 1139:478, ClipboardImage.png)

So, if the USA does not (did not) have formal diplomatic relations with North Korea, what are the legal implications of sharing sensitive military intelligence with North Korea?

<asking for a friend. kek

eb44b5 No.1587299


no outside comms means no comms outside

only comms inside because it might rain and ruin your computer

3933b3 No.1587300

>>1586465 last bread

We humans couldn't and never will be able to handle full disclosure, it would ruin some people, it really really pisses me off that a lot that I've been told by people like the MSM who we should be able to trust because they're the ones who should be reporting truth, not only should they be, journalists should want to.

Yet, every fucking day they lie lie lie, that's why were here to find the TRUTH out for ourselves, its slow, but were taking it it in a bit a time, imagine if this was dropped on us all at once, our brains would melt, too much info, some would maybe be able to process it (Autists), but everyday people like myself couldn't. Not that Autist aren't everyday people mind, they are, just better at processing. Information.

Teachers have lied to us, people we elect lie to us, science agencies lie to us, just so they can get funding, it pisses me off to no end, but I know I couldn't handle it all.

298f7d No.1587301

File: 7f0064e59a9f8c3⋯.jpg (91.8 KB, 1024x589, 1024:589, mark-1 plumbing c4c.jpg)

Remember Renegade's Cash 4 Clunkers deal?

How do you think they supplied ISIS with vehicles?

http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/texas-plumber-truck-isis-video-sues-dealer-article-1.2465020 Article from 2015.

e40b3e No.1587302

Is the "dog shit ugly" VJ meme a good look for the board?

How does it portray us?

If it's questioned, what will happen?

(Automated bickering)

And it is being spammed (AI never knows how to be moderate)

The AI will BLAME YOU for that whole game, and tell you humans here are just that stupid, crude, and incompetent. That is its hateful game. But we're much better than that


46b27a No.1587303


Interesting how quick Q's disciples are to crucify anyone who questions their golden calf

Reminds me of another group of people who were prone to demanding death for those who challenged their "power"

Wikileaks says pied piper campaign - I'm beginning to agree more and more every day

506246 No.1587304

The Monkey is in on the environmental scam.


d1dc7b No.1587305


"Q" has no ties to the White House or POTUS

"Q" is a LARP

1e6ebe No.1587306

>>1586114 (all refs previous)



To the anon who posted this: >>1585991

A single svg would suffice then, I suppose ? ... or would you need the complete set of 720 svgs for all minutes in 12 hrs ? Complete set is about 610 MB (svg, zipped) .....

cd6ccd No.1587307

File: 7892f3495fd4365⋯.png (107.35 KB, 676x815, 676:815, ClipboardImage.png)

Ha ha. Fagenatti just got a sock stuck in his mouth.

ce6de3 No.1587308

File: 0c0b2288a9c4c32⋯.jpeg (25.29 KB, 547x355, 547:355, 0c0b2288a9c4c3260de751dc8….jpeg)

Good stuff, baker

e684e9 No.1587309

File: d5391e5a651693a⋯.jpg (100.66 KB, 1280x768, 5:3, dope.jpg)


>CTA anon!



715f6e No.1587310

File: 6d93c656d3fd96e⋯.jpg (326.68 KB, 600x500, 6:5, strzok.jpg)

Looks like Peter Strzok is the deep state's true poster boy. His dad was too apparently with ties to CIA intervention in Africa and all the bad shit that entails… hmm seems like a lot of people are coming up as being involved in Africa lately.

https:// truepundit.com/troubling-questions-emerge-about-fbi-chief-strzoks-collusion-with-cia-father-worked-in-africa-for-companies-linked-to-funded-by-cia-operations/

301e31 No.1587311

File: 6dbd57fa686cd1b⋯.jpg (19.66 KB, 285x291, 95:97, Custom Image 2804201813522….jpg)

File: 0b124ad1e6f0300⋯.jpg (19.92 KB, 285x291, 95:97, Custom Image 2804201813525….jpg)




aa4941 No.1587312

File: 07ca39629b29672⋯.jpg (28.49 KB, 593x441, 593:441, retarded clown.JPG)


this fucker keeps putting Q in a kill box and thinks people will listen to him KEK

6899ff No.1587313

File: 72594f8afa00475⋯.jpg (17.87 KB, 235x255, 47:51, De moley pepe point.jpg)


Got one more too for

Additional notables

Bread #1995

>>1586462 ClockFags update/layers of all clocks so far


there's a reason it say "build a clock" in the dough Anons.

42ab48 No.1587314

File: 35ecf5c0351f1f5⋯.jpg (286 KB, 556x1016, 139:254, De Niro.jpg)


>https://www.independent .co.uk/news/the-sex-scandal-that-wouldnt-lie-down-1185127.html

207180 No.1587315


Claims to be NSA leaker.

His AMA's are interesting.

If anything, I find the questions interesting and his answers I take with a grain of salt.

b4c945 No.1587316

File: 45119ad4e7802f8⋯.jpg (22.2 KB, 303x271, 303:271, 2b87ia~2.jpg)

File: 816bdb65f707e17⋯.webm (2.4 MB, 320x240, 4:3, Reporter turns ghetto in ….webm)

0f6423 No.1587317


Didn't Awan have a car dealership?

f655b3 No.1587318


Veteran Baker didn't think those were diggable notables.

Even though I ask for help, I don't blindly put just anything in notables. I check it out and the posts they reply to and who replies to them. If anons have a problem with my method, someone else can step up.

a15859 No.1587319

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Damn woke up to late for 93 bread! Oh well!


0941b9 No.1587320



The only way you could fuck this up is to say "flat earth".

43a073 No.1587321



d1dc7b No.1587322


Your IP is being recorded.

Nobody here is anonymous.

Q is a LARP.


ea60e5 No.1587323

As Per Request

Please continue any relevant chatter re:

@EyeTheSpy & @BackChannel17 in this thread → >>1587271

Respect the (Q Research) General.

b5d7ed No.1587324


>Is the "dog shit ugly" VJ meme a good look for the board?

she is ugly glow nigger

>How does it portray us?

doesn't matter

>If it's questioned, what will happen?

gets blamed on 4chan (see above…doesn't matter. kek)

506246 No.1587325


Republican voter grab. Look back from afar. Trump used his "drain the swamp" momentum to infiltrate the non-voting conspiracy party. Now he has a new crowd of voters, hate vs. the left and blind faith.

e40b3e No.1587326


If AI has an unlimited supply of these fake posts, what other fakeness is being pumped into this board in unlimited quantities?


d1c1cd No.1587327


The only way conservatives gain members is to redpill Liberals.

Libs NEVER bluepill a conservative.

Their ranks all come from indoctrinating the youth.

298f7d No.1587328


Yes indeed!

ae674f No.1587329


We're all waiting for the dam-buster

d1dc7b No.1587330


Your IP is being recorded.

Nobody here is anonymous.

"Q" is a LARP.


8b8bac No.1587331


and illegal vote(r)s

e684e9 No.1587332

File: b5c2083c7abe496⋯.jpg (66.04 KB, 750x1000, 3:4, springfashion.jpg)


> a good look for the board?

8chan, pillar or spring fashion looks suggestions

d1dc7b No.1587333


Your IP is being recorded.

Nobody here is anonymous.

"Q" is a LARP.


58d960 No.1587334


Lots of 3rd generation CIA now. Obama was one.

2fba82 No.1587335


Do you love murderers and child rapists? If you do you should probably kys.

e40b3e No.1587336



It's quite predictable– both what is said, and HOW (lack of creativity is a big problem for AI).

758f2e No.1587337


what happened to the deadline?

bb2b14 No.1587338

File: 9fcf842b4eaee79⋯.jpg (3.96 MB, 2337x4277, 2337:4277, 1527648762150.jpg)

File: c2b3472c8cb165a⋯.png (1.67 MB, 2262x1012, 1131:506, israeli.png)

File: 3fcbf964cf80c34⋯.jpg (1.03 MB, 2194x1296, 1097:648, 1519793639611.jpg)

File: c3d2a0a73db9f86⋯.png (483.12 KB, 1037x600, 1037:600, 1518495015291.png)


John Brennan (who is not a Muslim by the way, he has the obelisk on his Twitter profile cover, the phallus of Baal) crafted the narrative of Russian election hacking and was the architect. And guess what? He was the one who ordered the hit on Seth Rich. He needed to be sure the leaker would not claim responsibility for taking the emails from the DNC and giving them to WikiLeaks and it would ensure Seth would not be able to testify.

In order to take out Seth Rich, Brennan had to contact Rahm Emmanuel who was able to get the Mossad hit on Seth Rich under the guise of MS-13.

Rahm Emmanuel is important because he was essential in getting the Awan Brothers out of Pakistani jail. Rahm Emmanuel paid the ISI for the release of Imran when Imran was employed by Rahm. Rahm's father was as code breaker for the Mossad and Rahm himself had to be expelled from the WH by Bill Clinton for his ties to the Mossad. Remember, Rahm's father was in the Irgun, short for Irgun Zvai Leumi- "National Military Organization" in Hebrew. This group was a terrorist Zionist group that operated in Palestine killing innocent Palestine and British soldiers, blowing up buildings.

The Awans became pawns of the CIA and the Mossad through the Talpiot program. They were also agents of the Muslim Brotherhood (which is an arm of the pre-crackdown Saudi government as well as the Mossad).

Debbie (((Wasserman-Schultz))) was running a blackmail operation inside of congress and used the Awans to set it up and run it. Debbie was Imran Awan's employer. Imran Awan left the laptop inside the Capital Building on purpose so that police would pick it up and investigate its contents and Debbie directly and openly threatened the Capital Police chief and demanded it be returned.

The blackmailing operation was done on behalf of Bibi and Israel, and they have over 70% of congress blackmailed. This network of blackmail is really binded together and embedded it into government, making it hard for them to be taken down. Imran himself was openly subscribed to the Pedo-Centric YouTube channel that was exposed by Tosh.0.

(((Wasserman-Schultz))) is an Israeli national with heavy ties to the Zionist mafia in Florida (primarily Broward County), along with Sheriff Scott Israel. Again, all this is public information.

Shills like Jason Goodman have tried to taint evidence in both cases of Anthony Weiner and Imran Awan while George Webb, another shill, has filed lawsuits to obstruct the case of Imran under the guise of transparency. They attempt to deflect the blame from Israel.

Brennan will tie to the Russian hoax, which will tie into Seth Rich, which will tie into Debbie (((Wasserman-Schultz))), which will tie into the Awan blackmail spy-ring and eventually implicate Israel as the culprit behind it all. The reason why they are putting up such a huge effort to avoid losing is because of the pedophilia.









d1dc7b No.1587339


We are trying.

Your IP is being recorded.

Nobody here is anonymous.

"Q" is a LARP.


ad014f No.1587340


are they all the AI? aside from the few … let's say "slower" anons… what i mean to ask is are there any human shills remaining?

4bb9d7 No.1587341


Love how the terrorists face is blocked out, yet the name of the company isn't.

e9dd49 No.1587343

File: 20592aabfc3bdef⋯.jpg (1.28 MB, 4724x3149, 4724:3149, _M9A1324-3_k.jpg)


301e31 No.1587344


Of he was an NSA leaker he would be hiding out and leaking to a legit journalist, not talking about his self on Twitter for followers.

a15859 No.1587345



7f8c39 No.1587346

de240b No.1587347


Did not include FoxNews channels.

Included the FX and sports channels that Fox has.

8d82d6 No.1587348



Iger co-chaired a fundraiser for Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign on August 22, 2016.[56] Iger was named to President-elect Trump's Strategic and Policy Forum on December 2, 2016.[57] He resigned from Trump's Advisory Council on June 1, 2017 after Trump withdrew the United States from the Paris Climate Agreement.[58]

8107a5 No.1587349



"Muh Q is muh larp!!!1!1"

…Says an actual LARPing turbofaggot

dcc2ac No.1587350


I don't need my hand held.

Q flat-out told us that the plane has landed, we achieved 40,000 feet a LONG time ago, and all turbulence is behind us.

There's NOTHING left for them to share and/or ask us to do. We did our job and were rewarded with the command to "enjoy the show".

What are you possibly missing?

aa4941 No.1587351


nice graphics

506246 No.1587352


Still free.

c52ae5 No.1587353

Does anyone think they are really Anonymous here?


There will be reckoning.

207180 No.1587354


Sure, because you write the rules right?

23ad63 No.1587355


Yes. Like Candance Owens. She says she was a liberal because thats just the way it was in your family and growing up. she never thought about it until all the shit fell on her for making an anti-bully kickstarter. Then her eyes were opened.

many so called "liberals" are just that because thats all theyve ever known. You have to reach them somehow.

301e31 No.1587356


…I so scared…

e98a51 No.1587357


Guess what ding dong

So IS Yours

4bb9d7 No.1587358


Didn't he keep saying the 27th??

207180 No.1587360


For example, I never heard or marshenge before someone asked him about it

b4c945 No.1587361

File: 935ee1557995f9d⋯.jpg (85.73 KB, 480x513, 160:171, 2ago7v~3.jpg)

File: 2d33c6f314d1ba2⋯.jpg (86.17 KB, 717x499, 717:499, 2b8q2o~2.jpg)

This faggot is on TV now.

d1c1cd No.1587362


The first rule of fight club…

0941b9 No.1587363


some good kek's is all I need. I'm here for entertainment, and maybe entertain others.

d1dc7b No.1587364



d1dc7b No.1587365



301e31 No.1587366


No it's mostly because I use my brain. You should try it.

d1dc7b No.1587367



4bb9d7 No.1587368

File: b82d157f45dcdf3⋯.png (60.49 KB, 510x332, 255:166, b82d157f45dcdf388632345f32….png)

b3cfa4 No.1587369

>>1586966 (prev.)

How many people do you know that can take 2-3 hours per day during work to answer random questions from strangers with info that may be in breach of federal classified info laws? That individual is paid to do the Q&A sessions.

d1dc7b No.1587370


Not a LARP.


7f8c39 No.1587371



>Does anyone think they are really Anonymous here?


>There will be reckoning.

You know that if this threat is true it proves Q, correct?

You gotta think before trolling.

506246 No.1587373


Youtube links, then it must be true!

890791 No.1587374


Our government, the "courts" and law enforcement has been taken over by the Corporation. It's suppose to be run by the people via Assemblies. Our founding fathers intended for us to be sovereign but instead we were turned into citizens beholden to the whims of the corporation.





aa4941 No.1587375

File: 3181053688aaca3⋯.jpg (167.34 KB, 970x1072, 485:536, 980x.jpg)


Is retarded clown fag TRIGGERED????

0f6423 No.1587376


So Iger employed the 'Join and Outrage Pullout' gambit once before??

hmmmmm… Roseanne show a setup?

4b8aa8 No.1587377

b5d7ed No.1587378

>>1587357 kek

>>1587330 The difference being, the NSA AND the United States Marine Corps are /ourguys/.

Feel free to keep it up (((faggot))).

Your day is coming.

b31abe No.1587379

File: 3c1c35a04e7144f⋯.jpeg (31.38 KB, 640x960, 2:3, ejLTFI4.jpeg)


Another Baker chiming in.

Veteran Baker is on point, those "notables" sucked.

Keep up the good work.

I'm on emergency standby but can bake if relief is needed, just say the word.

d1dc7b No.1587380




8d3197 No.1587382

File: 152018b5e1be072⋯.png (1.21 MB, 1022x627, 1022:627, Screen Shot 2018-05-29 at ….png)


My God is Steve.

Trust Steve.


a15859 No.1587383

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

P's & Q's

dcc2ac No.1587384


Rilliam Crinton


d1dc7b No.1587385




b01e57 No.1587386


You might as well wear a shirt saying you are a two-hole faggot.

de240b No.1587387


Thanks for firing that bot up, asshat!

e684e9 No.1587388


THANK YOU very much.

much better than spamming the general and the pointless discussions that ensue, wonderful (and it makes sense if people actually care about the info posted to collect it in one place)


suggest adding

>>1587323 as notable

and adding

>>1587271 @EyeTheSpy & @BackChannel17 thread

to threads list…


oh there's also finally a thread for the clockfags:

>>1579221 Clockwork Qrange

d1dc7b No.1587389

66029d No.1587390


Interesting, this , all the negative ebbs and flows

they get more desperate before each hammer falls .Stopped responding to them negative posts THEIR chaous , pray, build your armor.

43a073 No.1587392


I don't agree with the insane physical body and what horrific acts it does, and I do what I can to stop it, but I love the soul that is deep inside.

b5d7ed No.1587393

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

b0bdb3 No.1587394


ID: 65b2f8

Shill Alert!!!

Do not reply

Do not engage

b4c945 No.1587395

File: b6b3458628bff06⋯.jpg (575.12 KB, 1847x1912, 1847:1912, 3261a75f30cde2b73e7b34afcb….jpg)

File: e51630e2edbcd7c⋯.jpg (23.54 KB, 480x480, 1:1, c75ef407e51c3c0087b0a74b2d….jpg)

File: 7103037feec4ba6⋯.jpg (56.88 KB, 469x469, 1:1, 2an3r9~2.jpg)

Any Oakland Raiders fans here today…

Bill Richardson is a faggot LARP

1f779d No.1587396


>Muh AI

KYS faggot

d1dc7b No.1587397



a15859 No.1587398

File: e604fdd61bead1e⋯.png (204.95 KB, 964x323, 964:323, 1467d038ec635621684fb2e29e….png)

c24f2c No.1587399

>>1584115 (pb)

Anon, very profound - I need a hand to fine tune more. I'm starting to get it, the things I've been shown - I could do with a quick jump start.

506246 No.1587400

November 15th 2008.


"Washington: US President-elect Barack Obama is naming his longtime friend and supporter Valerie Jarrett as his White House senior adviser.

Jarrett, who hired Michelle Obama for a job in the Chicago mayor's office years ago, is one of the president-elect's closest friends and advisers.

Her name has been floated for several top administration jobs. However, Obama settled on the senior adviser role, said a person close to the president-elect.

The decision has not been officially announced."

Well now…Michelle and Jarrett have to have some shenanigans out there?


b81eb6 No.1587401

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


Days of Elijah - US Marines w/ lyrics

e40b3e No.1587402

There tends to be something of an inverse correlation between intelligence and assertiveness.. As a result, discourse among humans will often be dominated not by those with the best ideas (who may remain silent through lack of confidence), but by those that happen to have the right balance of intelligence and outgoingness to become prime voices.

Now add AI to that equation… It will be most effective at pushing out the most intelligent but unassertive anons, thereby chopping off the whole top part of what ought to be the hierarchy of discourse…


207180 No.1587403



You might ask.. WTF does this have to do with Q?

Possibly nothing. But I like to explore the notion that "Symbols will be their downfall".

Space is real. Earth is round. But, like the CIA, NASA has been Comp'd for a long time (if forever). I really feel like they keep the best discoveries to themselves.

But they also have this knack for using ancient terminology for naming conventions.

Symbols everywhere.

So if NASA is "dark" then they likely give up their games by their names.

So lets have some fun. Noah built an ark and landed on a mountain. In otherwords, Noah built a spaceship, sampled all the DNA of life on Mars, and landed on the mountain of Earth and cloned his DNA samples here.


Yeah. But, when did this so called Noachian age end?…. when do scientists say life started to emerge on Earth?


f3a411 No.1587404


Weeks ago several suggested they had received direct hints of identity.

7e5201 No.1587406

Can you smell it? It's ANXIETY SWEAT.



Day of Days.

66029d No.1587407


RIGHT! they bring the evil with them, and it feeds.

58d960 No.1587408

File: b9f662c3eb55373⋯.jpg (17.9 KB, 640x360, 16:9, 082115_ff_shriners_640.jpg)

File: 835a203990273e7⋯.gif (1.9 MB, 184x270, 92:135, cc.gif)

File: 8a266aa80e3e991⋯.jpg (43.24 KB, 672x372, 56:31, Megan-Markle-Topless-Leake….jpg)

File: 8802e94c4397d4c⋯.jpg (35.6 KB, 530x398, 265:199, pjxcsuk958u01.jpg)

615d3a No.1587409

File: 502073c289851f3⋯.png (11.58 KB, 255x251, 255:251, f9597f6ef1b23dac3c0a92017b….png)

they want the left to be comfy with gowdy and sessions because they are the hammers that will lay the smack down /

i hope i am reading this right .

eb44b5 No.1587410


The free beer?

506246 No.1587411

85e9c2 No.1587412


That would make sense.

615d3a No.1587413

File: c2042f10ef8c215⋯.png (555.13 KB, 671x657, 671:657, zzzgowdy.PNG)


forgot this …

911611 No.1587414

>>1587340 wasn't that snow white and the 7 dwarfs ?? a master to control the AI narrative

the reason i think this is the noticeable difference in shilling at certain times can go to one type of shills to another like the flip of a switch

7b1240 No.1587415

File: 068d5c0d55b4264⋯.png (72.83 KB, 527x427, 527:427, ClipboardImage.png)

Pay attention.

IG report will be given to congress June 5th, Tuesday…Trump has already signed the order to release it to the public

7e5201 No.1587416


Drink one, while you can. Every one can be your last now. Enjoy.

b4c945 No.1587417

File: 77bd928faf4df5c⋯.jpg (45.72 KB, 480x418, 240:209, 2b5bm4~2.jpg)

>>1587398 (You)

How did this monster fool everyone for so long..

b24e93 No.1587418


Thoroughly anticipated reply, even provoking backup.

Your bake.

Heads up anons. Heads up.

aa4941 No.1587419


so easy…like shooting clowns in a barrel

e684e9 No.1587420

File: de6fed6d39e40d4⋯.png (893.82 KB, 823x462, 823:462, YODAAApe_stupid.PNG)


>We are trying.


or do not

there is no try


make a new board so we can feast upon your knowledge undisturbeded by Qtards

0941b9 No.1587421

File: 7e9c46dd966f1f6⋯.png (167.91 KB, 1440x900, 8:5, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ce560f19356c6b5⋯.png (162.22 KB, 1440x900, 8:5, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3893662b06dbc38⋯.png (136.64 KB, 1440x900, 8:5, ClipboardImage.png)


If you are a member of the courts, I highly recommend you staying anonymous. Let me show you.

298f7d No.1587422

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Peep it! @POTUS to sign Right to Try bill.

8b0e73 No.1587423

File: d77c955bdc3517a⋯.jpg (82.15 KB, 480x465, 32:31, pure-evil-valerie-jarrett.jpg)


“After we win this election, it’s our turn. Payback time. Everyone not with us is against us and they better be ready because we don’t forget. The ones who helped us will be rewarded, the ones who opposed us will get what they deserve. There is going to be hell to pay. Congress won’t be a problem for us this time. No election to worry about after this is over and we have two judges ready to go.” - Valerie Jarrett

f56708 No.1587424

File: 39b1c5b6585dbb5⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1346x1024, 673:512, risk-2016-beach-pic.png)

File: fefa3ef748f9888⋯.jpg (344.92 KB, 1562x870, 781:435, citizenfour-triggering-doc….jpg)

File: 53aec1efa12d22a⋯.png (383.23 KB, 1222x1954, 611:977, stellar-wind-program-NSA.png)

File: 40ceac848d9ac3f⋯.png (333.11 KB, 1174x1606, 587:803, tempora.png)

todays movie review winners are Risk and Citizenfour

fantastic documentaries

filled will info relevant to Q research

images of some of my findings from the movies

58d960 No.1587425


We Didn’t Lose 1,500 Migrant Children. Most Are with Family.

A recent Arizona Republic column picked up by USA TODAY, “The feds lost — yes, lost — 1,475 migrant children,” misrepresents a serious challenge for our immigration system.

When unaccompanied alien children (UAC) — the children referred to in the column — are caught trying to enter the United States illegally, they are required by law and court decision to be referred to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR). We are required to find, as soon as practicable, a parent, close relative, or other appropriate sponsor to take them in.

Approximately 90% of the children’s sponsors are parents or close relatives, and historically, ORR has not tracked children once released. Nonetheless, in 2016, ORR began making calls to sponsors 30 days after placing unaccompanied alien children to see if any other services were needed.

During one recent period, 14% of sponsors didn’t respond to the call. That is the source of the claim that children have been “lost.” By this logic, before the check-ins began in 2016, the Obama administration had “lost” almost every one of the tens of thousands of children they released to sponsors.

Many sponsors do not respond to federal contacts because they are here illegally themselves — often thanks to “catch and release,” which permits illegal aliens to be released from detention on the assumption they will comply with future court summons. Some sponsors may have even arranged for their children to take advantage of the UAC system to join them.

Unfortunately, some who ostensibly care about these children refuse to address why they are here: the loopholes in our immigration system that allow and encourage both adults and children to come and stay here illegally.

The Trump administration is working to close these dangerous loopholes, and has called on Congress to help. Those misrepresenting the current system or standing in the way of such reforms aren’t making children any safer — they are perpetuating the serious problem we face.

Eric Hargan is the deputy secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services. This op-ed appeared in USA Today on May 30, 2018.

8d3197 No.1587426

File: 2d35cc46223f648⋯.jpg (73.47 KB, 480x418, 240:209, Untitled.jpg)


I've red pilled some HARD CORE Blue Churchers with the video that Q always posts, the greatest Trump speech.

They all say the same thing, "WHEN did he say THAT?? Who can argue??"

I red pilled a lady who hates Trump on Twitter last night when she attacked me. 2 hours later and she's seeing the world in a different light and digging for herself. She's a teacher too, and she "can't wait" to go tell her other teacher friends what we talked about. Smart women, just mislead and lied to, working her ass off, paying for her kids school supplies, and doesn't have a lot of time to keep up.

Everyone is hurting, everyone feels anger and fear about what's going on and what's to come, and almost everyone expects it to keep getting worse. And that's why WE exist. To help lead them to Light. The truth takes it from there.


46aa5b No.1587427

File: 40c4c980926c23a⋯.png (315.19 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

Well Anons?

66029d No.1587428


Thus why , they come and shill…

d1c1cd No.1587429

File: 2d6b5de45c0f20c⋯.jpg (31.9 KB, 614x141, 614:141, foxtv.JPG)


>Included the FX and sports channels that Fox has.

Deal includes the FOX television network, not just cable stations.

Correct. Does not include FoxNews

de240b No.1587430

File: e1994b51e9f4206⋯.png (216.4 KB, 640x360, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

I figured that kid to be dead already, seeing how as he was a spox person for Shriners and all.

aa4941 No.1587431

File: e7b2b70ee5e1ca4⋯.jpg (87.61 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, ows_147621583473866.jpg)

e089fa No.1587432


not only that but it got people out of older cars that couldn't be tracked.

e40b3e No.1587433


The AI is GIVING us clear signals that it is AI– look at this post. The AI is CHAINED to a set of chan cliches. It is HELPLESS to vary its repertoire.

We could simply delete 95% of the crap, and turn this board into an exhibition of excellence.. Instead, AI gaslights us, and we're made a public mockery, all while BO gives it cover…

bb2b14 No.1587434

File: af78e640040be93⋯.png (826.5 KB, 618x841, 618:841, 1518495433588.png)

File: 2e7bb87eeb6b456⋯.jpg (226.71 KB, 1000x910, 100:91, 1520810785191.jpg)

File: d373d863720f7bd⋯.jpg (856.74 KB, 2048x1366, 1024:683, 1504935656047.jpg)

File: d5f36b9fc350d06⋯.jpg (2.67 MB, 2914x3193, 94:103, 1518470468626.jpg)

f655b3 No.1587435


Thank you standby baker.

b5d7ed No.1587437


Big Pharma needs a diaper change. KEK

11a71c No.1587438

File: 120f04f6bbe60c8⋯.jpg (66.53 KB, 451x496, 451:496, grow in back yard.jpg)


It's just empty words as long as the [Govern("control")ment("mind")] has its strings attached.

The REAL litmus test for personal LIBERTY will be whether ANYONE will be able to legally buy, possess, breed, and/or save viable, nonGMO cannabis seeds for the purpose of growing plants on their own property (indoors or out) for any reason without being required to register (gain permission) their activity with local, state, and/or federal authorities.

We can already see how state governments (where medical and/or recreational use has been decriminalized) are generating large tax revenues on the regulated sale of Cannabis, which is fine with me so long as the funds are used responsibly and NOT to further encroach on the rights of the people through the backdoor (e.g. restrictions on gun ownership).

I don't see why we couldn't just implement similar legal/regulatory framework that we already have in place for tobacco. As far as I am aware, anyone can grow tobacco in their backyard for ornamental and/or personal use, but still purchase it commercially if they so wish.

The PROHIBITIONISTS will argue, of course, that if they allow this to happen with Cannabis, the flood gates will be opened by public demand to be allowed to "irresponsibly" grow and "self medicate" with other "dangerously evil plants" such as Kratom, Opium Poppies, and Coca plants.

"God [the State] forbid" that the PEOPLE learn the TRUTH. That PROHIBITION has never been about "harm reduction" or even about "morality" for that matter.

PROHIBITION is a TOOL developed by the MONEY CHANGERS in order to make PROFITS while oppressing and criminalizing any human who naturally seeks to subsist outside their invisible prison. After all, the US Narcotics Bureau (precursor to the DEA and UN globalist drug control) was spawned from the US Treasury Dept, not an agency associated with the health of the PEOPLE.

NOW, you know WHY the banks REFUSE to store or exchange LEGAL PROFITS FROM CANNABIS SALES, while continuing to PROFIT by MONEY LAUNDERING BILLIONS from ILLEGAL DRUG sales on the [DEEP STATE] controlled GLOBAL black market.

Nevertheless, anons and lawfags who wish to change things going forward should pay attention to what's happening with a historic legal case down here in Florida.

"The cat is out of the bag. There’s no way to stop this now."

"A court ruled last month that Tampa strip club owner Joe Redner can grow his own marijuana for medical purposes, a decision that lawyers say could lead to a wave of similar cases.

The ruling by Leon County Circuit Judge Karen Gievers applies only to Redner, 77. The Florida Department of Health responded quickly, filing an appeal.

The department had said Floridians are barred under state rules from growing cannabis for their personal use, including those who are legally registered as medical marijuana patients.

But Redner and other critics across the state say the health department continues to create barriers for more than 95,000 registered patients in Florida that could benefit from marijuana. Redner is a stage 4 lung cancer survivor and a registered medical marijuana patient."

"… During a short, non-jury trial in March, attorneys representing the health department warned that Redner’s case could open the door to more lawsuits over the constitutional amendment’s language. Several lawsuits already have been filed against the department, but none other than Redner’s has specifically challenged the state agency’s interpretation of the amendment’s language.

"It is my understanding that the health department is facing many pending lawsuits," Wolfson said. "It’s a legal quagmire."

Redner says this means other patients should be able to challenge to possess their own plants, too.

"With this order, (patients) can go to their doctor now, and as long as they have a good enough reason to need to possess a plant, be it because they can’t afford the medicine at the dispensaries, as long as they have a recommendation anyone should be allowed to grow."



8d3197 No.1587439

File: 7155cf5855dc7bd⋯.jpg (17.18 KB, 255x241, 255:241, 444794ff887427ae8284aa3429….jpg)


HUGE!! Just saw that.


58bd7d No.1587440


Trust the Commission report?

Any holes in the explanation?

Full and complete account?

If _omission report is fake, are the excutives


9/11 lead to Intelligence Authorization Act


Was that their goal all along?

If you know something is going to happen,

would you put key people in key roles?


b4c945 No.1587441

File: 0fc63e0ff03fdb5⋯.jpg (47.52 KB, 426x426, 1:1, 2b8p71~2.jpg)

File: 7344292000742bc⋯.jpg (14.06 KB, 236x236, 1:1, 2b7iil.jpg)

>>1587423 (You)

00ccb8 No.1587442

File: b80316ab6c2f8a9⋯.png (62.22 KB, 681x383, 681:383, djt-iger.png)



d1dc7b No.1587443



Anons, create a new board.

"Q" has no ties to the White House or POTUS.


258ba5 No.1587444

New Footage: Former Obama advisor Ben Rhodes shocked and speechless on Election Night

Only 1:06 long


e86f3c No.1587445



Michael Rapino and Valerie Jarrett "friends"

8d3197 No.1587446


W?? Is that you??

ebf99f No.1587447


She's a larp. Previous twit account got called out by Q. Still pushes their shit on here. Their other account claims to be JA. Follow if you want but they are nothing but liars to me. Anyone that really works in intel wouldn't be leaking anything.

3c0903 No.1587448

File: 33a6eb7199f7dd6⋯.jpeg (175.04 KB, 983x492, 983:492, NXIVMsmallville.jpeg)

File: 6ff35ac068ff073⋯.png (254.94 KB, 1041x494, 1041:494, AllisonMack SpirtCookingAb….png)

File: 295096d36e707ca⋯.png (1.62 MB, 1084x1280, 271:320, NXIVMreligion.png)

File: 8164d8113832483⋯.jpg (666.13 KB, 1200x2000, 3:5, spirit cook together.jpg)

File: ef2596ff76d8062⋯.jpg (1.04 MB, 3203x2047, 3203:2047, Barry Child.jpg)






46b27a No.1587449


I was just speculating about this same thing with my wife the other day

I can imagine the Bush's Obama's and Clinton's all sitting with Trump laughing about how they'll all team up and pretend to hate Trump to lend legitimacy to his presidency

We're all being played

Swamp's not being drained… the walls around us are just closing in tighter, making it appear as though the swamp is receding

231333 No.1587450

File: 79ac8e368c746b2⋯.png (301.57 KB, 485x532, 485:532, 79ac8e368c746b2128ed8a6519….png)


Good Day Sir.

I Said "GOOD DAY"!!!

d1dc7b No.1587451

7e5201 No.1587452

(((You))) should be afraid of AI.

We know that you are.

Good luck.

d1c1cd No.1587453

File: b277723f16bbe58⋯.jpg (79.09 KB, 600x458, 300:229, indoctrinated.jpg)

4bb9d7 No.1587454


Would love to know more as well.

a15859 No.1587455

File: 5213277f0f6a2ae⋯.png (342.39 KB, 599x594, 599:594, Screen Shot 2018-05-30 at ….png)

File: d8d35537788ad16⋯.png (454.34 KB, 609x484, 609:484, Screen Shot 2018-05-30 at ….png)

File: 67b95cff3ab0763⋯.png (519.67 KB, 602x598, 301:299, Screen Shot 2018-05-30 at ….png)

File: 158ceb463342d52⋯.png (588.23 KB, 604x601, 604:601, Screen Shot 2018-05-30 at ….png)

f655b3 No.1587456



560dc9 No.1587457

File: 4bbaa226f725bb7⋯.jpg (61.9 KB, 484x650, 242:325, 1521680120161.jpg)



Now that you have the meme, you know what to do with this picture.

58bd7d No.1587458


lol i dunno where that W came from, lol

must have hit it before click post, ha.

ignore W, lol

5e5dcf No.1587459

File: b25f29c7c156110⋯.png (127.1 KB, 360x235, 72:47, ClipboardImage.png)

>>1587338 Brennan may have the phallus of Baal on his twitter profile cover, but that tells us nothing about what the man actually believes. He is evil; he follows the dark side. Beyond that, these people will do or say ANYTHING to achieve and retain power.

Who knows what is actually in the monster Hussein's foul heart? When he was trotted out as the Hope & Change loser in 2008, he showed the contents of his pocket. Just look at this confused mishmash of bullshit that the moron Zero carried at that time. The guy never has known whether to shit or go blind.

3b5172 No.1587460

File: c7fb3cda5a4aed5⋯.png (526.07 KB, 591x573, 197:191, Screen Shot 2018-05-30 at ….png)

File: 21629acff9f9892⋯.png (1.45 MB, 1848x1178, 924:589, 1527602703668.png)

This is not a game.

d1c1cd No.1587461


>I've red pilled some HARD CORE Blue Churchers with the video that Q always posts, the greatest Trump speech.

Good work Anon

bb2b14 No.1587462


He is a Jew.

e40b3e No.1587463

Since AI never sleeps, and we have the biggest possible target on our back– do fifty "thanks baker" posts a thread represent an organic urge of the community, or a "cheap" (in processing needed) way for AI to create a portion of the total dilution it enforces in every thread? What is more likely?

So we should just delete it… But I bet BO will have a reason that that is impossible…

0b2550 No.1587464


fuck your excellence

Fear Muh AI shill and Beer@Parade (lb and so many others) shill have identical love for carriage returns. Read between the lines.

B@P shill has a shit-sandwich formula, two slices of ingratiation with the claim he has "gotten beyond" Q drops, and the implication that we should do the same.

de240b No.1587465


She's a beauty, to bad she's gonna be meme fodder! Kek!

d1dc7b No.1587466


Why would the "truth" movement want this woman memed?

Anons, create a new board.

"Q" has no ties to The White House or POTUS.

Create a new board.

Keep it honest.

Regroup and keep fighting.



66029d No.1587467


Love you POTUS! They took the bate!

this is how we wake people up!

eb44b5 No.1587468

File: 5918ddc4b9c6a96⋯.png (585.63 KB, 693x1566, 77:174, ClipboardImage.png)


Valerie Jarrett dating Ahmad Rashad

Rashad, who was known as Bobby Moore before he became a Quranist, had two brief marriages in the 1970s and was wed to “The Cosby Show” actress Phylicia Rashad from 1985 to 2001 (the two share a daughter, Broadway star Condola Rashad).


ebf99f No.1587469


Nobody gives a shit about your fucking fake twitter account. Stop bringing it here you flaming whore hound.

ff267b No.1587470


Or EMPed.

e9dd49 No.1587471


no famefag but I spend the whole fucking day arranging this can I please get a cookie? :p

615d3a No.1587472

File: 8c136062587018d⋯.jpg (20.89 KB, 246x255, 82:85, 4c26c5486507bdf079798b8129….jpg)


i could imagine this ploy / but the EO'S are cutting the restrictions put there by barry. killing years of work by the traitors .

4bb9d7 No.1587473


That is outstanding Anon. Makes perfect sense.

e9dd49 No.1587474

d1dc7b No.1587475


Critical thinking is your friend.

b2f987 No.1587476

"It’s estimated that that over two million American citizens have been programmed by trauma mind-control since 1947."


1bbaf8 No.1587477


Some jackass told me to leave. So I'm going to. Bye! >< FAIL

1be919 No.1587478

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


d1dc7b No.1587479

e40b3e No.1587480


This is not effective, bot. Just confused. Sorry. Stop trying to adapt to human complexity. It's messing you all up.

a15859 No.1587481

File: 5cd3b76f51fc9d2⋯.png (14.9 KB, 257x214, 257:214, Screen Shot 2018-05-30 at ….png)

a15859 No.1587482

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

d1dc7b No.1587483


Not a jackass.


c52ae5 No.1587484




I think Rosanne distanced herself from MSM and dropped the Turd in their Punchbowl at the same time.

I already been doxxed for dumping on big pharma, and hiding is pointless.

7b1240 No.1587485


Means Trump is monitoring VJ's phone calls, and he just let them know..

b4c945 No.1587487

File: efd4fc50210cbd5⋯.jpg (76.29 KB, 500x682, 250:341, 2ba4ga.jpg)

Trey Gowdy is a deep state butt boy.

Gowdy is retiring because he was told to.

7e5201 No.1587488


Yes! I understand now. Thanx.

Oh, (((they))) are so fucked!! :)

d1dc7b No.1587489


Trojan horse

207180 No.1587490

File: f543a6a49540983⋯.jpg (41.99 KB, 830x215, 166:43, 2018-05-30_10-19-20.jpg)

1bbaf8 No.1587491


Almost spit out my tea laughing!

d1c1cd No.1587492

File: 662136f22d698d8⋯.jpg (49.54 KB, 456x271, 456:271, miller.jpg)


>My God is Steve.

Excellent choice

e684e9 No.1587493


>Anons, create a new board.

nah you have to do it

we're too lazy/following for that


or else we're stuck with




d1dc7b No.1587494

84c863 No.1587495

File: adb1e9b1a065cc1⋯.png (24.33 KB, 588x285, 196:95, Screenshot-2018-5-30 John ….png)

File: 02eb0cf8edd311c⋯.jpg (8.67 KB, 255x190, 51:38, 283062b0bcdd794cfe8a5102ee….jpg)

File: 1ad77b9e8301ab4⋯.jpg (33.24 KB, 475x356, 475:356, mooo6.jpg)


10 days since this traitor Muslim POS has tweeted. I think he's caged finally. I hope he is the 1st. Fucking Ape looking MB disgusting nigger.

08e4c6 No.1587496


de240b No.1587497

Another season of 'No Fans Left'!

NFL owners caved to president, changed anthem rules, Kaepernick case depositions reveal


0941b9 No.1587498

File: 1b9f8f82169193d⋯.png (78.47 KB, 300x150, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)

aa4941 No.1587499



Gowdy is currently acting…much like Sessions to separate himself from the administration so that his integrity will be hard to question when he slips into his new ROLE

remember, Q said of Gowdy:

"What ROLE might TG be walking into?"

TG is needed and his integrity has to be flawless with zero bias attached….just like Sessions.

52760f No.1587500


>My question is why is it difficult to find decent people to run both sides?

Because it's America. Only 0.0001% are decent people here. America is almost entirely jew-loving nigger-worshiping trash, which is why it needs or be wiped out quickly and ends its influence on the rest of the world.

c482a6 No.1587501

File: ac412bea356c870⋯.png (63.08 KB, 635x335, 127:67, Sessions.png)

POTUS tweets he is dissatisfied with Jeff Sessions due to recusal (please see tweets just prior for context)


4bb9d7 No.1587502


"How do you capture a very dangerous animal?"

58d960 No.1587503



ceb4cd No.1587504


we are watching a movie, that's why

e40b3e No.1587505


The lie you chose is too big. Everybody can see Q is connected to POTUS.

We do need a new board though, which is the idea you're trying to coopt and muddle.

a15859 No.1587506

File: 5760bbc8534bf7f⋯.jpeg (119.56 KB, 878x574, 439:287, 32e4b6f5a9ebca52f9cf9046a….jpeg)

File: d4e16071334d670⋯.png (605.93 KB, 529x596, 529:596, 36905ea85e78195c9e7ac1735d….png)

b4c945 No.1587507

File: cedb231e7642387⋯.jpg (69.98 KB, 469x522, 469:522, 2b8j4v~2.jpg)

>>1587495 (You)

Good observation.

ded065 No.1587508


Legalization is one thing. We really won't be able to gather the benefits of fill legalization until we defeat MS-13 and the rest of the crime lords, and all

a651cf No.1587509


he's signing it today.

it's live on WH youtube channel


1bbaf8 No.1587511


Them is fighting words. What country do you hail from? So we can bomb it.

ceb4cd No.1587512

File: fbfe2de631dfda7⋯.png (414.6 KB, 690x797, 690:797, ClipboardImage.png)

so gowdy is a rubio shill?


506246 No.1587513


This lost it's focus and meaning. I still cannot get past how many times Q has stated "this is not left vs. right, this is not dem vs. repub." But all the Anons in here HATE Dems and miss the point that the system itself is rigged. Constantly told to vote Repub to keep the winning going yet, this is supposed to be a Military event. But then when a hole in the story is made, all of a sudden we can't take out the cabal until congress passes a vote. Damn it…all this planning for years, and they foiled it all! With an obvious vote against the party they hate, who saw it coming!?

Hillary had chants to be thrown in jail AGAIN at Trumps speech last night and AGAIN he just blew it off and changed the subject because he fucking knows he started something bigger than him there and wants it swept under the rug.

From what I see, Dems are evil liars that worship satan, repubs are evil liars that still think God will give them a chance. That's pretty much what I've gotten out of 7 months here. And people are treated like idiots from both, both just want our votes, our money and our deaths.

I'm sick of every which way claiming to know more and be better. Humans are flawed. No one should ever be completely trusted, this skin makes it such. We sin. I'm tired of half-assed mystery anons claiming to know the fucking truth and give none, I'm tired of everyone knowing everything when in reality no one knows anything. Myself included.

Sick of people's ego's getting in their own way.

We don't know shit. Even after 7 months. We know evil people that we knew were evil are evil. Great.

e98a51 No.1587514


They dont need to be wiped out…just utterly humiliated…which is whats going to happen

90% to the nuthouse

a6b702 No.1587515

Anonymous ID:v3eCc2tY Sun 05 Nov 2017 05:31:00 No.148023976 Report

Quoted By: >>148024080 >>148024228 >>148024278 >>148024330 >>148024345 >>148024698 >>148024758 >>148024849 >>148026106 >>148028022

Ten days.


Day Eight ????????

Two To Go ??

1992d5 No.1587516


>You're watching a movie concernfag.

It's all a fake as hell reality show for the liberals.


52760f No.1587517


>American conservatives


pick only one

e40b3e No.1587518


I believe you are 100% correct friend. You can tell just from his ferocity that Gowdy is not clown-aligned.

6c6dd5 No.1587519

File: abdd002ab95691d⋯.jpg (75.68 KB, 649x242, 59:22, Screenshot-2018-5-30 The G….jpg)

File: 7b0693f77fc7a3c⋯.jpg (43.08 KB, 323x248, 323:248, Screenshot-2018-5-30 The G….jpg)



Attacks increasing on all sides…Divide and conquer?

80a5f1 No.1587520

https:/ /www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-05-30/assassinated-anti-putin-journalist-shows-kiev-news-conference-remarkable-story

"Then, in a remarkable "recovery", on Wednesday, Babachenko showed up to a press conference, reporting that the SBU had intelligence about the actual assassination scheme and that he helped them to derail the plot. The assassin who received the real order to kill Babachenko along with the person who organized the hit, have reportedly been detained."

Q tip? lol

c1acee No.1587521

Funny how certain shills show up with certain bakers.

7c5b57 No.1587522


Lawyers' Committee For 9/11 Inquiry filed a petition for a Special Grand Jury to investigate 9/11 in the Southern District of NY.

https:// lawyerscommitteefor9-11inquiry.org/lc-doj-grand-jury-petition/

Maybe forcing New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman out was to set the stage for this to move?

207180 No.1587523



One thing that fucks with my theory is the billions of years. I mean, c'mon, Noah being a 3.5 billion years ago? Wtf have humans been doing for that much time, considering all we've done in the past 10k. I can't reconcile this aspect. Which makes me think this is all just a fun idea and not possible.

I suppose it's possible that our "billions" estimate is wrong?

Maybe they seeded the Earth, then left to other solar systems for a few billion years only to return 300,000 years ago? that seems kindof silly, again that's a LONG time to wait

aa4941 No.1587524


you lay a trap

d1dc7b No.1587525



CTA is not allowed to start a new board.

However, https://8ch.net/bannedfromqresearch/res/catalog.IS a good start.

Why would a "truth" movement ban anything?

Critical thinking is your friend.



de240b No.1587526


>>>1587495 (You)

>Good observation.

Fucking lie to the whole board when ever you use a fake you.

So, that leads one to ask themselves, why should I listen to anything you have to share if your so easily willing to lie about something like that?

bb2b14 No.1587527


He is a Jew. A crypto-kike.

506246 No.1587528


All those dead kids in school, what chapter did you name that part of this movie?

4bb9d7 No.1587529


What I wonder is if Laura is a clown or just oblivious to what was going on.

e40b3e No.1587530


For some reason the AI is degenerating into /pol/-tier fake anti-Americanism atm.. Slow down bot machine. You may be overheating!

b2f987 No.1587531

Anyone know who Hillary's real parents are?

said to be the granddaughter of a coal miner

e684e9 No.1587532


>CTA is not allowed to start a new board.

because your purpose is just shitting up this one, obviously.

making your own makes too much sense

07b8f5 No.1587533

File: cf0462de749b6c4⋯.jpg (111.08 KB, 565x354, 565:354, 2graphic.jpg)

Thinking about the story from days yore.

Are FBI agents really such soyboys?

Is this too graphics for 8ch anon-types?

46aa5b No.1587534

File: f6d36f94c9aa008⋯.jpg (39.16 KB, 600x448, 75:56, LookAtHimAndLaugh.jpg)

File: 5e758c9acebab40⋯.png (171.91 KB, 460x460, 1:1, Triggered.PNG)


Don't be such a triggered little faggot

Makes you sound INCEL

f56708 No.1587535

File: 07ff1bb54cccd77⋯.png (410.82 KB, 1444x638, 722:319, website-publishes-truth-tw….png)


debunking wikileaks tweet the other day

post above also related to it

4b59a7 No.1587536

>>1586618 (previous bread)

2 other names on that list associated w/podesta

Michael Ryan (married to Lili Lynton) Democrat donors and were invited to the Democrat State Senatorial Committee retreat..


Donation amounts: https://wikileaks.org/dnc-emails/emailid/21796

NY Times article on the couple: https://www.nytimes.com/2002/12/15/style/weddings-celebrations-lili-lynton-michael-ryan.html

Karen Hardwick appears in a Citibank email for recommendations in the Obama Dept. of Commerce: https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/30709

a15859 No.1587537

File: 3fbbad60c299c84⋯.jpg (245.54 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, IMG_0383.jpg)

File: 71def598285e24b⋯.jpg (88.35 KB, 579x723, 193:241, IMG_0406.jpg)

File: a6ec76dd0c856aa⋯.jpg (301.78 KB, 1280x1280, 1:1, IMG_0408.jpg)

File: 7a3f79913bb4531⋯.png (386.32 KB, 595x595, 1:1, 7a3f79913bb4531cda04ac317c….png)

File: 11a5635f353a46d⋯.jpeg (130.17 KB, 881x500, 881:500, 11a5635f353a46df971f182ee….jpeg)

615d3a No.1587538

File: 66818d890103967⋯.jpg (110.28 KB, 1199x738, 1199:738, i5WhqDJ.jpg)


> zero bias attached . 100%

00ccb8 No.1587539


In an “Everyday Racism in America” town hall that airs tonight on MSNBC at 9 p.m. ET, Jarrett told the panel that Disney CEO Bob Iger called her before ABC Entertainment president Channing Dungey released a statement condemning Barr’s tweets and announcing the end of the sitcom. Iger apologized and said he would not tolerate those kinds of comments made by Barr, Jarrett said.

“He wanted me to know before he made it public that he was canceling the show,” Jarrett said during the show, according to an early transcript released to EW.


b4c945 No.1587540

File: 8d013110d22ae64⋯.jpg (12.46 KB, 236x236, 1:1, 2bab6r.jpg)

>>1587526 (You)

Fag settle down.

0941b9 No.1587541


Carbon dating is only accurate to like 10,000 years and not even really then. Don't listen to the "million and billions of years ago". Total Hoggwash bullshit to push Evilution.

d1dc7b No.1587542



"Q" has no ties to the Trump administration.

8d3197 No.1587543

File: dae9ca5b23a20e9⋯.jpg (100.03 KB, 600x436, 150:109, scenes-i-m-glad-didn-t-mak….jpg)


LOL!! That was me Anon. P's & Q's baby. Gotta mind them.


a15859 No.1587544

File: 9e8584153876e6b⋯.jpg (77.37 KB, 554x350, 277:175, IMG_0381.jpg)

File: 79b172e0a023c31⋯.jpg (76.8 KB, 554x350, 277:175, IMG_0378.jpg)

File: 6a6e347827518c8⋯.jpeg (21.16 KB, 207x254, 207:254, 6a6e347827518c81f00948053….jpeg)

File: 7d16fab6a1059f7⋯.jpg (141.01 KB, 640x640, 1:1, IMG_0911.jpg)

File: 77ed0d42f793de3⋯.png (128.56 KB, 469x429, 469:429, 8bef83bd718bb6353a93a5070d….png)

ea60e5 No.1587545

>>1587388 o7 glad to be of service.

e40b3e No.1587546


AI is why bans are necessary… As we've already pointed out.

1bbaf8 No.1587547


The truth is you are a jackass.

ceb4cd No.1587548

File: 1d6ac6a4d2fdee7⋯.jpeg (105.87 KB, 755x755, 1:1, 1d6ac6a4d2fdee73d76593aff….jpeg)


why did they go to Nicholas Cruz's house over 40 times and not take guns away… they wanted a shooting to happen

thats a false flag, yes the left is sick.. yes they want gun control.. fucking shill!

d1dc7b No.1587549



eb44b5 No.1587550

>>1587526 (You)

You sound like someone who uses ctrl+f to search for (You)

00ccb8 No.1587551

File: 52c1840cabf6108⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1156x872, 289:218, roseanne-liblie.png)

d1dc7b No.1587552



d1dc7b No.1587553



776d81 No.1587554



d1dc7b No.1587555



Not likely.

506246 No.1587556

d1c1cd No.1587557


People like Sessions claim cannibis is the gateway drug to Heroin use but the opposite is true.

By categorizing both weed & heroin as Class 1 offenses, it is Sessions and his ilk who are encouraging people who discover and enjoy weed to think that heroin is in the same category.

3897e1 No.1587558

File: 0e504b921a292db⋯.png (194.08 KB, 525x292, 525:292, IGER2.png)

1992d5 No.1587559


>Means Trump is monitoring VJ's phone calls, and he just let them know..

Man, if I was VJ or ABC that tweet would freak me out. LOL

52760f No.1587560


And America continues it's path to becoming a South American narco state.

d1dc7b No.1587561

e684e9 No.1587562

File: 30950542140c6db⋯.png (1.37 MB, 2222x864, 1111:432, ClownsLeftJokersRightHereI….png)


tween twattersfags, CTA and i-see-AI-everywherefag, things smell great, must be something damn good cookin' in the kitchen

e40b3e No.1587563


Not at all. If everything is permitted, then AI controls discourse– which is exactly what we have observed here, and all over the internet.

1bbaf8 No.1587564



58d960 No.1587565


Q post at


258ba5 No.1587566


Love this guy

c24f2c No.1587567


The star of. David, chanelling energy -

Notice the full moon - at the moment everything is electric, Majestic and mystical.

Traveling into other dimensions has been done. But the bastards have hidden it from everyone. Taken away our knowledge - a few can remember.

How many strains of DNA is in your body and how many are activated?

ae674f No.1587569

ebf99f No.1587570


Q will be back tomorrow

de240b No.1587571


>>>1587526 (You) (You)

>You sound like someone who uses ctrl+f to search for (You)

Nope, just too many of (You) fuckers out there that like to lie to the board.

(You) users are nothing but liars, and if they want to lie about post numbers and make people look and offset their train of thought because of a (You), then you must be either a shill, black-hat, or any other thing that you can come up with that distracts people from what they are working on.

Are you one of those liars?

207180 No.1587572


Yes but isn't there several lines of corroborating timing techniques that push time out that far? Like geological evidence such as rock layers?

Billion could be just a big number to make us humans feel overwhelmed when thinking about it.

It would truly blow my mind if the Earth and universe isn't as old we think.

Maybe they're fucking with the magnitude, and B actually means K, so 3.8Billion years ago was actually 380,000 years ago.

66029d No.1587573


so fucking obvious! LOL!

231333 No.1587574

File: 4348a02710acc81⋯.jpg (40.72 KB, 800x450, 16:9, 4348a02710acc816819ad2234c….jpg)


Nasim is TRUTH!!!

You realize this for you are here.

Q & POTUS are TRUTH!!!

You realize this for you are here.

No new board needed.

You realize for you are here.

Honesty is our policy.

You realize this for you are here.

Anons always FIGHT!!!

0941b9 No.1587576

File: 4ebb06dcd38143b⋯.png (759.47 KB, 970x546, 485:273, ClipboardImage.png)

looked up glowing nigger on bing.

got this.

76977a No.1587577


Dead. Cat. Bounce.

d1dc7b No.1587578


We are not AI

We are CTA

"Q "has absoultely NO ties to the Trump administration.

None of them ever did and never will.

You have been lied to.

POTUS hates leakers.



edc706 No.1587579

File: 60e73f0342fd934⋯.jpg (38.31 KB, 335x271, 335:271, vjdemonicsoul.jpg)

a06868 No.1587580


Ryan and Wilkes both serve on the board of 'Pros Fore Clothes" too - just looking for more info on Ryan and found that, where it lists him as a Board member of the National Capital Chapter of the American RED CROSS.


ceb4cd No.1587581

right to try bill , release the cures

e0d3d1 No.1587582

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

What is this in Australia?

Debunkers are @ 2 debunk this?

I can't wait for their opinion…..


1370c6 No.1587583

File: 791d377c2c906fe⋯.jpeg (155.31 KB, 1440x885, 96:59, 1526728734.jpeg)

5e5dcf No.1587584

File: b67a5b8da43fc79⋯.png (158 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


Reposting ICYMI

207180 No.1587585



It's okay Q, you can come out now

d0afa8 No.1587586

I guess the Pope is going to have a REALLY bad day tomorrow, because the rest of may has been nothing but a minor inconvenience at worst.

7b1240 No.1587587

File: ae836123f55051e⋯.png (67.55 KB, 526x486, 263:243, ClipboardImage.png)

That Trump tweet got the evil ones a screamin'.

a15859 No.1587588

File: b487ec2e183570d⋯.png (359.88 KB, 536x520, 67:65, Screen Shot 2018-05-30 at ….png)

d1dc7b No.1587589


Incorrect and destructive.

de240b No.1587590

170abf No.1587591

File: 8be8207be2b20d7⋯.jpg (42.49 KB, 377x377, 1:1, 2b7yyj~2.jpg)

File: 2d33c6f314d1ba2⋯.jpg (86.17 KB, 717x499, 717:499, 2b8q2o~2.jpg)

>>1587526 (You)

Fag settle down.

207180 No.1587592

File: 2c78d6ed81a2ed9⋯.png (272.77 KB, 744x744, 1:1, saturn worship.png)

d1dc7b No.1587593


"Q" is not coming back.

43a073 No.1587594


#releasethecures needs more attention, shouldn't lose track on it so fast.

People are dying, we are losing families to Cabal shit daily.

f29e86 No.1587595

7e5201 No.1587596

Q and POTUS are genius+!

It's almost done.


959cdf No.1587597

Twitter blocking #RightToTry ?

f655b3 No.1587599

File: 4c146cb41ae711b⋯.png (516.53 KB, 650x866, 325:433, ClipboardImage.png)



>>1587228 VJ's Mom, Barbara Taylor Bowman

>>1587307 Judge Places GAG ORDER on Michael Avenatti

>>1587310 Q's About Strozk and His Former C_A Father

>>1587338 Deep State Is Finished - Lots of Sauce in This Post to be Analyzed. (Feel Free to Remove if It's Not Legit)

>>1587323 @ETS and @BC17 Discussion Threads Added

>>1587415 IG report will be given to congress June 5th, Tuesday

>>1587425 Dep. Sec. of DHS Responds: We Didn’t Lose 1,500 Migrant Children. Most Are with Family.

f56708 No.1587600

File: c34baf8a02de3d4⋯.png (117.44 KB, 1347x553, 1347:553, shill-detection-system.png)



come on guys

stahp it already

b0bdb3 No.1587601




Maybe we should compile a list of

"statements made and said about me on ABC" and meme the ever living crap out of it.

e40b3e No.1587602


We could simply delete every single nassim post. That would be certain to improve the performance of our mission. But BO is not about that, it would appear.

207180 No.1587603


Right, he proves he's the same Q as back in November only to never return? Give me a break.

Get ready to feel the PAIN, shill scum

6ea819 No.1587604


Did Q ever confirm that Pope = the Pope of the Vatican?

8d3197 No.1587605

File: 9142fb8bff522f6⋯.mp4 (10.51 MB, 320x240, 4:3, 9142fb8bff522f69dc4cb02c4e….mp4)



d1dc7b No.1587606




eb44b5 No.1587607


>(You) users are nothing but liars

This sounds like a lie.

66029d No.1587608


Food for evil..

3b5172 No.1587609


Ty Unicuck

506246 No.1587610


Ok and they hear and see everything. Supposedly.

This slipped by? With the other shootings and plane crashes? If they cabal had to supposedly send themsevles a fucking crate of ZTE phones that werent comped, how did all this comped information not get taken care of?

Use your brain, stop going with the crowd. Think.

d1dc7b No.1587611



ceb4cd No.1587612

pence looks so happy

d1dc7b No.1587614


Not Unirock.


52760f No.1587615


I'm from the USA. Only an American could hate America as much as I do.

e684e9 No.1587616



yeah, MSM, where the fuck are the Nassim-related hit pieces?

anons been "warning" about them for months, now, still nothing…


send in the PovertyLawCenter or somethin

d41ebf No.1587617

File: 12a9b8941dbc659⋯.png (589.79 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, IMG_2823.PNG)

Had a great night last night 👊🇺🇸


a15859 No.1587618

File: a5bc6544efa5b57⋯.jpg (36.88 KB, 213x320, 213:320, IMG_0943.jpg)

58bd7d No.1587619

File: 8a3e350d73c7859⋯.jpg (455.06 KB, 1139x1080, 1139:1080, fbi-911.jpg)


58d960 No.1587620


He is getting new hair

506246 No.1587621


This isn't an answer. This is a statement to make yourself feel better because you don't honestly know how to answer.

aa65dc No.1587622

Alex Jones explaining social engineering last half hr. while I sit here and watch idiots argue about which psy-op to follow on this board. Hillaryous.

52760f No.1587623


And I would be very happy if you bombed America.

c24f2c No.1587624


Clocked and saved the other day….

Pineal gland activation, if it's not to late.

93a29e No.1587625

File: 73b6595b61c0cb7⋯.jpg (183.23 KB, 1240x1754, 620:877, backwards.jpg)

58d960 No.1587626


Enjoy your cartoons kiddo

de240b No.1587627


>This sounds like a lie.

This sounds like slide from the truth just so you can falsely justify using a fake (You).

dcc2ac No.1587628

What (or who) is CTA?

298f7d No.1587629

File: 1ccbe182cadcb47⋯.jpg (638.47 KB, 1400x787, 1400:787, kek.jpg)

0f6423 No.1587630


Valerie, that's enough for today.

d1c1cd No.1587631



The turds who use the fake (you) should be filtered.

Useless attention whore trash.

b2f987 No.1587632


That makes sense.

Maybe she told him to go to that ranch. Could she have been his handler?

Was Brennan on the line?

Dark stuff.

d1dc7b No.1587633

Critical thinking is your friend.

Godspeed, anons.

You are loved.


f29e86 No.1587634


Maybe you should find a better hobby.

e684e9 No.1587635

File: 2c7dcd5450df0b5⋯.png (1.25 MB, 1111x752, 1111:752, HRC_MotherDaughter.png)

1370c6 No.1587636

God Bless You Donald Trump

506246 No.1587637


Everything that came out on the Pope was news in March and April, the things that happened were going to happen this month. Anyone that read up a month or two prior would know this. This was not a Q prediction, this was a observation, told to the masses.

170abf No.1587638

File: 1c5c07280a44b8a⋯.jpg (67.93 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 2b7shr.jpg)

Trump should try Hair Club for men, it's affordable.

e684e9 No.1587639


false advertising/board troll

aa4941 No.1587640

File: e864148bf8e04e1⋯.jpg (41.85 KB, 600x607, 600:607, main-qimg-774a678c771ee886….jpg)



>d1dc7b (37 posts)

what a fucking pathetic amateur clown. They are sending the dregs

ebf99f No.1587641





Are you seriously going to put in that fake and gay BC17Eye twitter shit in here?

f29e86 No.1587642


Central Transit Authority

a15859 No.1587643

File: 610ddb0b72f0629⋯.jpeg (24.21 KB, 690x640, 69:64, 33608624_1021667070722240….jpeg)

ceb4cd No.1587644

damn there are alot of fucking shill clowns today.. we must be right over the target!

c24f2c No.1587645


Also, notice the hole?

Which possibly channels energy….

THe pyramids are also for energy

de240b No.1587646


Did he resign?

66029d No.1587647


I am not going to play ..you are a obvious distraction. NO point.

a44b37 No.1587648

Pence just recited Jer 29:11!

[Jer 29:11 KJV] 11 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.

e684e9 No.1587649


>Are you seriously going to put in that fake and gay BC17Eye twitter shit in here?

containment thread for eyspyshit, better than being subject to their constant spamming here (they will post it anyway, but by doing so will prove their intent)

207180 No.1587650

File: 1154c76fc100785⋯.jpg (971.5 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, E-3-0103_Ruine_Saturntempe….jpg)

66af57 No.1587651

hooray, (.you.)fag is here

b2f987 No.1587652

If each handler is also a slave, the messages and plans go straight from the top all the way down.

No freedom within that pyramid.

506246 No.1587653


"I am not going to play"

then posts responses to fill ego.

Yep…bright bunch here.

aa65dc No.1587654


This is the best comedy right now, I'm good.

4bb9d7 No.1587655


Maybe there was a "reset" on Earth at some point?

abbb57 No.1587656



Your ^^^^^ "logic" is hysterical….

YOU want US to leave the board that is DEDICATED TO Q (RESEARCH)?

Ahhhh….me thinks YOU have it BACKWARDS. Since YOU think Q is a "larp" YOU SHOULD BE THE ONE LEAVING, NO?


d4f59d No.1587657

Roseanne knows who Chelsea's husband is. She has been following Q for a long time. I still trust her.

Jan 13 2018 22:51:16

Q !UW.yye1fxo



Mezvinsky was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and grew up attending a Conservative Jewish synagogue.[2] His parents are both former Democratic members of the U.S. House of Representatives. His father is Edward Mezvinsky (b. 1937), who embezzled more than $10 million from people via both a Ponzi scheme and the advance-fee scams, and was found guilty of fraud in 2001.[3][4][5] His mother is Marjorie Margolies (b. 1942), who was a TV reporter and represented Pennsylvania's 13th District from 1993 to 1995. They declared bankruptcy shortly before Mezvinsky's conviction, and divorced.[6]



207180 No.1587658


Solid logic

0941b9 No.1587659


Grand Poobah Frog has spoken.

Good Game.

That's a wrap.

a15859 No.1587660

File: 75d861af60d367f⋯.png (345.73 KB, 524x482, 262:241, Screen Shot 2018-05-30 at ….png)

2be025 No.1587661

File: 4f96968e33fb25c⋯.jpg (154.62 KB, 600x857, 600:857, Maude Fealy.jpg)

File: ee323e8aa7ec0ce⋯.jpg (77.34 KB, 700x359, 700:359, Q Researchj.jpg)

170abf No.1587662

File: d2ca1a1366150a8⋯.jpg (64.63 KB, 473x587, 473:587, 2an45e~3.jpg)

File: 7103037feec4ba6⋯.jpg (56.88 KB, 469x469, 1:1, 2an3r9~2.jpg)

Prince Harry got played.

207180 No.1587663


Go on?

93a29e No.1587664

File: 6993f315a9d2d6d⋯.jpg (268.07 KB, 1754x1240, 877:620, 25hogg - Copy.jpg)

File: c579a899cd7b5b8⋯.jpg (251.29 KB, 1754x1240, 877:620, arnold.jpg)

File: 81e111f1f86b2db⋯.jpg (256.21 KB, 1754x1240, 877:620, hoggcrisis.jpg)

f56708 No.1587665

File: 574da55615ea7a7⋯.png (12.11 KB, 463x380, 463:380, jeremiah-29-11.png)



related Q post

ebf99f No.1587666


NO. We do not advertise for twitter accounts. Spamming should get them perma banned.

b0bdb3 No.1587667

Here is an idea anons.

The following is a statement from ABC.

"Dungey said in a statement, "Roseanne's Twitter statement is abhorrent, repugnant and inconsistent with our values."

We need memes of statements made about Trump by ABC and its affiliates side by side with this quote and its descriptors of

"abhorrent, repugnant and inconsistent with our values."

except we change it to say these statements however are,

Not abhorrent, Not repugnant and consistent with our values

becec5 No.1587668


She was senior advisor. That would mean she would need security clearance, but would not need to go through the confirmation process. Hmm, didn't name her to a cabinet position so she wouldn't have to be confirmed.

506246 No.1587669


Idiot! You should be worried about voting Republican this November and only voting Republican this November. 11/11

8175c3 No.1587670

File: 52f4a8ad4e28871⋯.png (118.92 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, its_a_dress.png)

To answer the question, no, I am not going to sue. Do you think I want to spend my free time downtown surrounded by Jews and transvestites?

4984fe No.1587671

REAL CriticalThinkingAnons ( fuck that CTA shill)

should watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_c0wgZlSG6Q

58d960 No.1587672

File: dc747a33fdf8917⋯.jpg (57.04 KB, 378x649, 378:649, dc747a33fdf89178d3b53eeb01….jpg)

8d3197 No.1587673

File: 3931d86467e5f7a⋯.png (147.15 KB, 860x578, 430:289, Screen Shot 2018-05-30 at ….png)

Looking Good America. Wait until we open up NK. This is just the very beginning. KEK!!


7b1240 No.1587674

File: 01aecae03062ec8⋯.jpg (38.66 KB, 471x278, 471:278, TreasureHunt.JPG)

506246 No.1587675


Obama haters should honestly be looking up CTA, Chicago Transit Authority.

de240b No.1587676

How many here fell into this mess?

John Stossel: What everyone's afraid to say about college and jobs


dcc2ac No.1587677

File: e4f8c42922fa206⋯.jpg (322.67 KB, 1011x567, 337:189, red_vs_blue.jpg)

0b2550 No.1587678

File: d8fbdfc008dad4b⋯.jpg (92.75 KB, 286x800, 143:400, archive-offline-crystal.jpg)

File: ddc5fe5cfd77fd2⋯.png (183.2 KB, 517x517, 1:1, e35bbebad14149e7427bd94e11….png)

File: c48e77f7cbed6c8⋯.jpg (49.26 KB, 800x480, 5:3, payin-for-it.jpg)

she is pretty.

more than that, none of her victims were ever named in the media, only ages mentioned. no sob stories about witnessing her shoot herself in the chest. no marches, no speeches. a white hat honeytrap for those who create FFs ? archive offline.

0941b9 No.1587679


How do you ban a VPN?

Jesus some people are fucking stupid in here.

Now you're gonna insist we all REGISTER or some shit?


2fba82 No.1587680

The point is, ladies and gentleman, that race – for lack of a better word – is good.

Race is right.

Race works.

Race clarifies, cuts through, and captures the essence of the evolutionary spirit.

Race, in all of its forms – Race for life, for money, for love, knowledge – has marked the upward surge of mankind.

And Race – you mark my words – will not only save Teldar Paper, but that other malfunctioning corporation called the USA.

Thank you very much.

ceb4cd No.1587681


im convinced that there is a 9 year old kid posting that muh dick shit prince harry meme everyday while in school? i think i will filter every single post i see with that stupid meme in it.

abbb57 No.1587682






(With that logic, it's a MIRACLE USA wasn't taken down BY NOW)

93a29e No.1587683

where is pornfag

he thinks it brings Q back

d4edb4 No.1587684


The earth may be extremely old.

Humanity may be not.

As far as far as the techniques and evidence, I want to laugh a bit, so I think Always Sunny explains the situation well.


What it boils down to is that 99% of us don't actually "know" things. We're "told" things and then we accept them. What we actually know is very limited to our first-hand experience.

Almost none of us has researched it ourselves. Almost none of us have looked at the data. Almost none of us have actually participated in these studies and tests.

That includes all of their evidence, all of the supposed techniques they use. We really take their claims for granted that they actually work, but the problem is that there are so many gatekeepers when it comes to these things that control the flow of knowledge that even a corrupt individual present at one point in the process can severely hinder or outright stop the truth from coming out.

I'm not saying that everything is a lie, but I think we really need to consider how much we KNOW and how much we were TOLD.

d1dc7b No.1587685


Critical Thinking Anons

5e5dcf No.1587686

>>1587662 Reverse speech gave Queen E. Lizard Breath away when she finally, after some delay, made a public statement about Diana's death. Speaking of Diana, in reverse she said, "She deserves this."

3f865f No.1587687


I beleive its been reset 3 times now.

506246 No.1587688


1 more day. The problem is, the way this is all set up, even bad predictions are forgiven. They're conveniently labeled "misinfo" or "future proves past" or "no coincidences"

This shit was set up to be fool proof against fools.

8175c3 No.1587689

File: 818cf1bb84d1e20⋯.jpeg (23.04 KB, 600x416, 75:52, rot25.jpeg)

0941b9 No.1587690


Ooooh. A Porn Storm cometh.

The air changeth.

The boobies form on the horizon.

170abf No.1587691

File: e8923de8136bee9⋯.jpg (110.77 KB, 530x522, 265:261, 19e08ad543aa8244073c696e28….jpg)

File: 8d013110d22ae64⋯.jpg (12.46 KB, 236x236, 1:1, 2bab6r.jpg)

>>1587672 (You)

Get a grip.

ebf99f No.1587692


Oh, I guess that's why BO told BV's to not ban anyone anymore, dipshit

d41ebf No.1587693


Haha mun-chi-chi Jarret at it today eh?

4bb9d7 No.1587694


… and don't let them know you are coming for them until you are ready.

9d821e No.1587695


When the goon is in his seventh spouse

And juniper grows in the bars

Then geese will fly to the hammock

And doves will smear the tsars

dcc2ac No.1587696


Something like this?


16486f No.1587697


I never really analyzed the video, but the way Brock refused to say how they pulled off the debate made me think it was CGI. A careful look at the ears would probably tell if it was just a look-alike or if they also put an image of Hillary over the stage double. Whatever happened, the mystery of Hillary Clinton is difficult to determine.

8d3197 No.1587698

File: b3f0948fc48a6a7⋯.png (361.72 KB, 512x501, 512:501, Screen Shot 2018-05-30 at ….png)


Did one of you Anons do this??

b2f987 No.1587699

Once saw a photo of a medical bag of glands (adrenochrome? pineal?) that was in the name of a known cabal member (Alefantis?). Anyone know this image?

5d7bb2 No.1587700

File: eeee244d20e1402⋯.jpeg (206.89 KB, 1125x1134, 125:126, E89FAFC2-2667-457A-B28A-5….jpeg)

66af57 No.1587701



cee233 No.1587702

File: 8dc44ebeb04457b⋯.jpg (73.6 KB, 570x589, 30:31, IMG_1733.JPG)

File: a4c23b5f26c7c76⋯.jpg (47.97 KB, 400x322, 200:161, IMG_1734.JPG)

Have you mocked a feminist today?

506246 No.1587703


What has all of this done for Anons? Roseanne's whole fiasco so far? How has it changed anything?

Are we sure an idiot didn't just make a racist remark? Does EVERYTHING have to be a conspiracy here??

58d960 No.1587704


For some reason you can post the same picture if you change IP (change ID) but not from the same IP. If the program just filtered the duplicate pictures for ALL it would solve a lot of the shit that gets posted multiple times throughout a thread.

8d3197 No.1587705


Looks like a boom. I missed a bread, but have any Anons offered what they foresee happening at this event??

f29e86 No.1587706


We need to find those tsars, quickly.

8175c3 No.1587707

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

258ba5 No.1587708

File: 588fff5993cedf2⋯.png (148.26 KB, 603x695, 603:695, Fake Roseanne Barr account.PNG)

I wonder who set up this fake InfoWars/Roseanne Barr account posting fake Q posts.

1370c6 No.1587709



ff267b No.1587710

File: 30178eaed35897c⋯.jpg (90.39 KB, 661x500, 661:500, chelsea or dinner2.jpg)

File: 42315911201dc93⋯.jpg (98.67 KB, 470x716, 235:358, C word meme.jpg)

85e99d No.1587711


0941b9 No.1587712

File: 93d040702b0d991⋯.png (602.61 KB, 610x406, 305:203, KQszL5H - Imgur.png)



506246 No.1587713


I'm gonna keep digging. Something keeps telling me to follow her and Michelle.

a15859 No.1587714

File: bb7df92ba3d2cec⋯.png (787.16 KB, 923x571, 923:571, Who-is-Chelsea-Clintons-fi….png)

a06868 No.1587715

File: c5dd28aa2097b18⋯.png (421.67 KB, 1396x757, 1396:757, ClipboardImage.png)


psst. want to see something else interdasting?

washington children's foundation

(office of Wilkes and Cafritz)

is less than a mile from

a great ping-pong-and-pizza-place

5d7bb2 No.1587716


I’m sure someone has….haven’t seen tho

I know Grassley also has a presser that day

So does this mean it comes out that day or day before?

506246 No.1587717

93a29e No.1587718


love chvches

she is brilliant

has a masters in journalism, a lawyer, and a rock star, and sexy af

but luminati got ahold of her im afraid

514d68 No.1587719


This is awesome! Ty!

3f865f No.1587720

Another reason to back up off-line

Came across the article today about sound waves used to take data centres and hard disks off-line - blue screen PC.

The clown allready have this technology, they used it against me during the trump campaign.

The energy running through the cables - turned a laptop on and made it blue screen. Affected most devices..


2be025 No.1587721


…Might have eaten the wrong baby by mistake…

f29e86 No.1587722


Bill did that one.

4a878a No.1587723



poor lil concern socialistfag

isn't having a very fun day

This fag HATES watching his hopes and dreams of a communist utopia in America, evaporate faster than a bluewave right in front of his collective eyes

















d1dc7b No.1587724

File: 917b6db57968462⋯.jpg (82.63 KB, 781x520, 781:520, Q PD report.JPG)

File: 45cae2488190230⋯.jpg (117.09 KB, 1331x560, 1331:560, fbiq.JPG)

File: 917b6db57968462⋯.jpg (82.63 KB, 781x520, 781:520, Q PD report.JPG)






Q, get your ass out here and resolve this. I’m calling you out as a LARP. Come at me.

Remaining silent while anons are jumping ship is an admission of LARP. Been here since OCT fighting for you EVERY step of the way until Hillary leaving the country.






The LARP is researching POTUS schedule and making cryptic comments too vague to be believed one way or another.

Here’ s an example:

Q says stuff like: "Watch the water", "Watch the news". "Disinfo is necessary" Trust the Plan” and “Boom” Then Q will posts numbers and letters that make no sense to manipulate us into thinking it is a code.Q tells us to "build the map" Where is it? Best case scenario: Q accidently let anons believe something that wasn’t true and neglected to correct us. Worst case scenario: Q is purposefully telling us things that are not true. Either disinfo is necessary or Q is a larping liar Not to mention the stuff that Q HAS claimed never came true.Boot theory debunked, Atlanta airport debunked. John Legend and Tiegen debunked, Huma indicted debunked, Podesta indicted debunked Hillary arrested debunked, Snowden changing sides debunked "Trump should be shot!" debunked. Loop Capital? GANNETT? The list goes on…Wake up anons

<<The best way to debunk Q is to read Q's posts.>>

Q is a brilliant strategy to get free high quality pro Trump memes, research and social media support for free.

<<Corporations pay millions for the combined work we do for free>>

At least Q brought us together. We should continue to dig and find a way to save our country.

Just don’t be afraid of using critical thinking and common sense.

I know you’ve seen this, Q.

Did you hear me?

Your anons are leaving.

I’m calling you out as a fake.

▶Anonymous 03/16/18 (Fri) 11:08:59 30861d No.685806>>685852


The only thing I disagree with here is "At least Q brought us together". I don't find this true, just look at the responses to your comment. You're not yelling at people on this board, you're looking out for them, yet they'll ridicule you for not thinking exactly like them. (Yet they claim normies are brain washed).

What happened to critical thinking?

To add to your issues, I will add my own.

Q has stated "we see all, we hear all" yet many lives have been lost in false flags, just as recently as yesterday (supposedly).

Q claims, "this is not a game", then asks, if "you'd like to play a game". I feel like we have been playing one already.

"Enjoy the show, we are winning". Loss of innocents lives is winning and a show I should be enjoying? If they knew about this bridge, why not prevent it? Or the trains that crashed a few months ago, or the powder that got sent to Don Jr, etc.

People completely ignore all the wrong and put a HUGE spotlight on the one vague, generalization that could be explained as a Q prediction (or 100 other things) and that's what they grasp to and attack you like a vicious bear, hungry and starving, if you even Question things. You can be polite to the users, polite about Q, but the minute you question this all, look out, Cult Q will be on your ass in a heartbeat.

I also find it pretty pathetic a lot of these guys dish bullshit and then hide behind a filtered button the minute they get done saying what they need to.

8ch really is starting to seem like a group of high schoolers, unemployed pill poppers and all-knowing information givers. AKA, complete bullshit.

Anonymous 03/16/18 (Fri) 11:12:34 30861d No.685840>>685868 >>685973 >>685976 >>685989


…Also, don't forget the Memo was supposed to change EVERYTHING. Obama was supposed to be caught spying, Hillary, too. So much was supposed to come from the Memo.

And then BOOM!!!!! Nothing.

Now it's the IG report, new hype, new hope and after it's release, same old shit. Q will mention something new and these a.d.d types will run where pointed toward, never once looking back at the pile of bullshit they've been run through.

Anonymous 03/16/18 (Fri) 11:24:10 469017 No.685973>>685989


You're so right. The memo was suppose to bring about yuge changes. RR gone, Sessions in-recused, end to Mueller, charges filed against the FB criminals, on and on.

What a joke that was. So, now we are suppose to believe that something might actually happen when the OIG report comes out? If the general public knows of the crimes committed by the 7th floor, you know damn good and well the Congress/DOJ know about it. Yet, every single one of them are still employed!!!! Including McCabe. Yet a lowly sailor took a pic of a submarine console and was immediately thrown in the brig. Yeah, sure there is equal justice under the law.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.


Critical Thinking Anons

Critical thinking is your friend.

Godspeed, anons.

You are loved.


c054a8 No.1587725

File: e601632307f13d4⋯.jpg (66.53 KB, 1024x682, 512:341, IMG_2908.JPG)

File: e6d81de22c9a9cf⋯.jpg (80.3 KB, 1090x426, 545:213, IMG_2923.JPG)

87a7a8 No.1587726

Talk about ironies, read this about Susan Rice's very conservative son, Jake. Mark Levin was talking about him yesterday on his talk show.

https:// www.thecollegefix.com/post/45367/

6c6dd5 No.1587727



Do you think that there could be a coe in this?


dcc2ac No.1587728

File: 36534bba712f70e⋯.jpg (476 KB, 882x802, 441:401, CTA_Obummer.jpg)


Dig away, curious Anons!

(pic related)


506246 No.1587729


I thought something was missing today. I haven't seen a single thank you baker set of tits once.

f29e86 No.1587730


I want my baby back baby back baby back… ribs.

f56708 No.1587731

File: da09384168e9ad7⋯.png (78.39 KB, 939x831, 313:277, the-break.png)

next Q post is 36 hours away

sometime after 00:00 EST Friday

as per the mirror theory

started posting this on Sunday.. sticking with it

93a29e No.1587732


thats just wrong

1d4ebf No.1587733

We're a nation of fighters, we never give up!

dcc2ac No.1587734



7c5b57 No.1587735

File: 9e6553febde1989⋯.png (234 KB, 684x664, 171:166, 2a677e22e94603b3dee0262254….png)


Highlighting my own post just the once.


Lawyers filed a petition for a Special Grand Jury to re-investigate 9/11 in the southern district of NY, around the same time as Attorney General Schneiderman was forced out.

87a7a8 No.1587736


More stockings please!

aa4941 No.1587737

File: 46d8797152228a7⋯.jpg (34.2 KB, 569x526, 569:526, 61OPK5L7zvL._SX569_.jpg)

66029d No.1587738


still trying ? lol

849a5a No.1587739


Then you are in luck. Cuba is 90 miles south of Florida, Canada is just a walk across the border as is Mexico. Enjoy your trip.

0d24d9 No.1587740

POTUS just signed the Right To Try Bill…. I've never seen such a BIG signature,

cee233 No.1587741

File: 10a2471476b8a6d⋯.jpg (113.18 KB, 1080x1349, 1080:1349, IMG_1648.JPG)


>Does EVERYTHING have to be a conspiracy here??


2a695c No.1587742


Honestly, it was probably one of us.

8d3197 No.1587743

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Not sure. I don't see how it isn't the beginning of the end for (((them))).

The slew of OIG releases the past couple of days, and we KNOW we MUST secure the elections SOON, I just can't see how it's not going to be nuclear. I've heard POTUS won by 10+ million votes and the corruption was even WORSE than they thought.

Let's hope.

d1dc7b No.1587744

File: 45cae2488190230⋯.jpg (117.09 KB, 1331x560, 1331:560, fbiq.JPG)

File: 917b6db57968462⋯.jpg (82.63 KB, 781x520, 781:520, Q PD report.JPG)

File: ead7f1382ced2da⋯.jpg (97.01 KB, 1174x491, 1174:491, Q rebuttal.JPG)


18 U.S. Code § 912 - Officer or employee of the United States

US Code

Whoever falsely assumes or pretends to be an officer or employee acting under the authority of the United States or any department, agency or officer thereof, and acts as such, or in such pretended character demands or obtains any money, paper, document, or thing of value, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.


Think about the lonely people who followed you.

They believed in you.

They deserve the truth.

They found a home here and will still believe in you.

Tell them who you are.

You have done some good here.

Just stop the lies.

You could have done the exact same thing without the lies.

Nobody doubts your brilliance.

What you have accomplished here is nothing short of amazing.


Tell the truth.

Be yourself.


Those who tell the truth will be heroes.

You can't have a truth movement with lies.

Please listen to us.

Some of us STILL believe in you.

We do not believe in the way this was managed.

It is not too late to regroup and do this right.

No regrets.

Do the right thing.




3897e1 No.1587745

File: 73fd32e9bf7b050⋯.png (112.58 KB, 457x456, 457:456, igerscale.png)

File: 0b32c4529167751⋯.png (108.38 KB, 453x456, 151:152, igerscale1.png)

0941b9 No.1587746

File: 5dcf9630ebf8139⋯.png (288.2 KB, 474x311, 474:311, ClipboardImage.png)


1f98cb No.1587747


Weren't you shitstabbers threatening to do something on the 27th? That came and went with no habbenings. Fuck off now

b5d7ed No.1587748

File: 1eb39c03e6db0ef⋯.gif (5.13 MB, 353x200, 353:200, crummy-commercial.gif)

abbb57 No.1587749


That pic on the left…is one Q dropped inferring that maybe "Chelsea" was one of the "deals" they tried to make???

I remember thinking that at the time….trying to save her in some sort of deal attempt!

dcc2ac No.1587750


This is just too easy…


43a073 No.1587751

File: e82fa497ffd8dd1⋯.png (9.67 KB, 1793x131, 1793:131, jej.png)


"Be careful who you follow" applies obviously to this, too, as the general public can still fall for obvious b8s.

d1dc7b No.1587752


We passed the torch.


2be025 No.1587753


1st thought immediately was fake Q

08477b No.1587754

File: b66b89278fbd6fb⋯.png (471.47 KB, 1280x674, 640:337, IMG_1851.PNG)

File: efb29fcce649521⋯.png (234.33 KB, 640x320, 2:1, IMG_1850.PNG)

Ben Bronfman is baby daddy to M.I.A - they have split nasty custody battle

Ben’s Aunts are Clare and Sara Bronfman from NXIVM

and that’s Ben’s sister Hannah Bronfman with Valerie Jarrett

Oh and Ben and M.I.A. with @jack

Oh and Ben is co-founder Green Owl record label

Must have like his grandad’s Wizard Br-OWLs

8d3197 No.1587755



It IS what it is. Everyone is talking VJ and Ambien and free speech and the standard is now set for the MSM and the left. They're going to get worked. It's already happening.

a15859 No.1587756

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

3f865f No.1587757


They just need activating…..

They are here - pray

8175c3 No.1587758

File: cfd9166bf4cd24c⋯.png (33.53 KB, 774x176, 387:88, Screen Shot 2018-05-30 at ….png)



For those curious and lazy.

dcc2ac No.1587759




0f6423 No.1587760


Please. No. Not the ginger. Make. It. Stop.


43a073 No.1587761


Q said many time graphic form is essential, as well as archives.

Memory hole is real, so are the frauds.

5d7bb2 No.1587762


Hoping along with you, anon

aa4941 No.1587764


The outing of AG Eric Schneiderman served a purpose. I don't know if it was for a 9/11 inquiry or not. I originally thought it might be about Wiener's Lap Top as it was seized in his jurisdiction.

0941b9 No.1587765

File: e56c7c27e176ff5⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 1.56 MB, 736x1145, 736:1145, ClipboardImage.png)

Don't click if you are a wimp.

615d3a No.1587766

File: 7fbe578d9e7ed6b⋯.png (706.65 KB, 810x477, 90:53, zzzoiuyt.PNG)


pens for everyone . that lil boy is adorable .

506246 No.1587767


No answers for me. More trolling. Give me answers I'll quit asking questions. Sorry asking questions pisses you off. Must be hitting a sore spot.

c054a8 No.1587768

File: 128b4cf7b772a64⋯.jpg (610.61 KB, 2732x2048, 683:512, IMG_2927.JPG)

Paris muzzies get backed the fuck out:


ff267b No.1587769

File: 885507f47f08c5d⋯.jpg (99.38 KB, 500x588, 125:147, WJC lunch f.jpg)


I don't remember where I got it. Made this one a long time ago.

d4f59d No.1587770

Roseanne is now blaming it on Ambein? Didn't Q also say "Stop taking the sleeping pill"? She is using the same style as Q to get people searching. Yep, I still trust her.

ceb4cd No.1587771

fox news telling potus not to tweet, these people need to stf^

2a695c No.1587772



e785b5 No.1587773


If ever there was a png that needed to be a gif.

Just sayin.

f29e86 No.1587774


Bigots gonna big

207180 No.1587775


That sunny bit is funny, for sure, but because it's actually absurd.

The average Joe knows shit about science.

But anyone can take it upon themselves and verify whatever they want.

Perhaps it's advanced science that needs a lab? Well you can at least verify their math to see if it adds up.

I love fringe ideas because it expands my mind into thinking about the mainstream ideas more clearly. Sometimes it helps me verify the mainstream idea beyond doubt.

Anyway, it's not good enough to me that "Well, I'm not a scientist nor do i know any, therefore the earth is 10,000 years old" lol.. I'm looking for proof that they're lying about the age of the earth and also proof that it's not billions

Billions always felt EXCESSIVE to me. Millions would have been wild, but more believable. But like Elon said, we know its real because it sounds fake. Why make up such an outrageous age?

93a29e No.1587776

File: 972c702b382df81⋯.png (515.46 KB, 444x681, 148:227, 972c702b382df81edf1cadaba2….png)

File: d0763f2590ecdae⋯.jpeg (1.46 MB, 1242x1644, 207:274, d0763f2590ecdae3c1a6d2412….jpeg)

File: 8205a44c9d4e887⋯.png (588.42 KB, 840x457, 840:457, 8205a44c9d4e887e6d52d20168….png)


oh Q

come on patriot

5e5dcf No.1587777

Brits desperate to maintain control of Empire. Author calls on POTUS to declassify documents proving Brits committed an act of war by being central to the attempt to block/smear DJT.


506246 No.1587778


Who was the Mayor when this happened? RE

170abf No.1587779

File: ba74ad5eb5c3ea3⋯.jpg (42.13 KB, 451x396, 41:36, 2b5o8z~2.jpg)

File: 2d33c6f314d1ba2⋯.jpg (86.17 KB, 717x499, 717:499, 2b8q2o~2.jpg)

Judge Napolitano is a piece of shit Trump hater.

a15859 No.1587780

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

4a878a No.1587781


what would get normies to search out Trumps tweets faster than being told NOT to?

8175c3 No.1587782

File: 6cac79e043ebe8a⋯.jpeg (50.16 KB, 522x522, 1:1, just_sit.jpeg)

aa65dc No.1587783


you forgot the L

f56708 No.1587784


why Saturday?

Friday lines up perfectly with the previous

Christmas to Jan 4 darkness

Both December and May have 31 days



2fba82 No.1587785


It was "racist".

"Racism" is funny.

Not being "racist" is actually pretty stupid

615d3a No.1587786

File: cfed305b0cbfb33⋯.jpg (34.12 KB, 400x259, 400:259, 2av3vm.jpg)


hypocrites gonna hippo

hey nigga / ok if you're black .

0d24d9 No.1587787

File: 0d54f220ba3784d⋯.png (45.78 KB, 1243x546, 1243:546, rtt1.PNG)

File: 772776662574b0b⋯.png (32.49 KB, 1201x431, 1201:431, rtt.PNG)

YUGE win for POTUS and Americans

https:// www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/house-bill/878

4a878a No.1587788


Not at all

you ask the same questions most any bolshevik would…. no problem COMRADE

ceb4cd No.1587789


i agree, but they act like he is hurting his reputation and act like his tweets are offensive when they are not. his tweets are the truth unfiltered.

0941b9 No.1587790

File: 493cd13b166fd7b⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 118.46 KB, 272x181, 272:181, ClipboardImage.png)

7ef427 No.1587791

that kid!!!!!!! my hearttt

abbb57 No.1587792


"Critical Thinking Anon" (loose quotes)….why do YOU feel it's YOUR duty to STAY HERE if Q is a "larp"???

I think WE are more than capable to DECIDE FOR OURSELVES whether Q is "real" or not…


Simple as that.

8d3197 No.1587793


I want one!!

506246 No.1587794


Welcome to Chicago. A lot more digging in that city need be done. Trust me. Look at my posts. I'm pissed, but not giving up. Evil is evil and needs to be defeated.

a44b37 No.1587795

File: 0e6d9f5c345f77f⋯.png (159.71 KB, 410x338, 205:169, ClipboardImage.png)

The times we are living in!

The fact he had to go to court for that is scary!!

a15859 No.1587796


drywall sucks

506246 No.1587797



de240b No.1587798


I think you need to find some that show a Toblerone tunnel…KEK!

f29e86 No.1587800


Roseanne loves to call people antisemitic. This is just the birds coming home to roost. Love it!

4a878a No.1587801


Yep, sly way of getting people to decide for themselves….

11a71c No.1587802


>We really won't be able to gather the benefits of full legalization until we defeat MS-13 and the rest of the crime lords, and all

I respectfully challenge that idea. Ironically, full legalization might be the FASTEST WAY to deal with such criminals who depend on illegal drug profits for these BLACK MARKETS. On the other hand, such criminals might turn to other BLACK MARKETS as did many after the Repeal of Prohibition.

"After Prohibition’s repeal on December 5, 1933, organized crime, with its top unlawful moneymaking racket gone, was forced to regroup and focus on other things. While some gangsters entered the legal and licensed liquor business, the laws made it harder to earn as much cash and as fast. But all was not lost. There were still the lucrative vice rackets of prostitution and gambling, as well as drug trafficking and labor racketeering. Organized crime had to be more organized, but many former rumrunners still had plenty of money saved from the Prohibition days."

HOWEVER, a much bigger unintended consequence of full drug legalization would likely be the rapid collapse of the entire US economy. Most Americans have no clue that our entire economy literally depends on street thugs being able to make a profit by selling illegal drugs to the public as well as the US Justice system and the corporate prison system being able to arrest and in-prison the dealers and users.

Its a SAD state of affairs, but one that we should face head on if we want to earn back the LIBERTY OUR FOREFATHERS DIED FOR TO PASS ALONG TO US.

43a073 No.1587803


but turbo easy to install

1e6ebe No.1587804



Would be in about 7 days at an average rate of 8 post/min, about 9 days @ 6 post/min starting at 1587565.

Also: >>1585802 (previously)

c054a8 No.1587805

File: d82b36ff12160f9⋯.jpg (211.8 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, IMG_2928.JPG)

Fucking London…

d4edb4 No.1587806


I'm not saying you should outright deny their claims, either.

What I am saying is that you shouldn't believe them just because of who they are.

We leave it up to them to device the higher forms of mathematics.

We leave it up to them to write our science books.

We leave it up to them to do the studies, write the reports, and then verify their own claims.

At no point is the average person at all involved in the process.

The problem is that I have is that we just accept the things that we're told without actually looking into them.

Why do we believe the earth is as old as it is, for instance?

What methods did they use to discover the validity of that belief?

How does the method work?

Why is that method a good method to use?

I feel like, for a lot of things, the more questions that we ask about the things we've been told, the less answers they'd have for us.

dcc2ac No.1587807


"None, for me, thanks. I'm brown bagging it today."

e684e9 No.1587808



<land of the free

eb8d2c No.1587809


is it because of the total lack of concernfagging?

93a29e No.1587810


its not so bad doing own house but i wouldnt want to do for a living

i did knockdown on all my walls

a15859 No.1587811

File: 34d47668b48da35⋯.jpeg (98.39 KB, 570x380, 3:2, POPCORN-LISTING-MANIAC-12….jpeg)

f29e86 No.1587812


Vibrant diversity

0941b9 No.1587813

tokin' smuff


11a71c No.1587814


>People like Sessions claim cannabis is the gateway drug to Heroin use but the opposite is true.


ff267b No.1587815

506246 No.1587816


I agree. She looks like a bi-pedal primate of the Plasticine Forest. I just can't help but think people are giving Roseanne more credit than she's worth. I was around for her first run and 80s/90/s shenanigans to know her personality is one to not trust.

6c6dd5 No.1587817

File: 0ffb1bf09d47f25⋯.jpg (130.95 KB, 890x688, 445:344, tommy_robinson_free_speech.jpg)

File: 7b0693f77fc7a3c⋯.jpg (43.08 KB, 323x248, 323:248, Screenshot-2018-5-30 The G….jpg)

File: 2e1fecb767cb909⋯.jpg (43.17 KB, 678x381, 226:127, London-mayor-Sadiq-Khan-67….jpg)

0d24d9 No.1587818

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


https:// www.hooktube.com/watch?v=COy8mI7PWvo

aa4941 No.1587819


And how would that go over in the city if it said "for the love of GOD" ?

It wouldn't

ceb4cd No.1587820


stage is set for ww3 in europe, the muzzies have taken over the UK

a15859 No.1587821

File: 0f64d025f36e3b7⋯.jpeg (150.19 KB, 300x335, 60:67, Popcorn-bags.jpeg)

a44b37 No.1587822


For the love of the Devil - that's basically what they're saying. Wow!

db1197 No.1587823

File: 5b746afb6548a16⋯.jpg (251.43 KB, 827x2312, 827:2312, gowdy.jpg)


>they want the left to be comfy with gowdy and sessions


93a29e No.1587824

File: 933d30e0e3b1c97⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 1.18 MB, 1600x1200, 4:3, 933d30e0e3b1c972ba61476954….jpg)


how bout this?

170abf No.1587825

File: 866784299f7d30c⋯.jpg (31 KB, 480x480, 1:1, Granny-Sessions.jpg)

File: d3a83bdf4c63177⋯.gif (1.74 MB, 314x236, 157:118, tumblr_nbahibEOYF1ql591ho4….gif)

Trust Jefferson Beauregard Sessions. 🎸🎶

8d3197 No.1587827


But it wasn't!! She's not even BLACK. I'm more "black" than she is. She referenced a movie. I hear what you're saying, but she didn't say, "look at this ape Valerie Jarrett."

b31abe No.1587828

File: c104c0f6486f91c⋯.jpeg (62.4 KB, 640x480, 4:3, yew.jpeg)

File: 4642c54698bb7b5⋯.jpeg (257.61 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, yew2.jpeg)



Critical thought should've led the idiot to the obvious conclusion that his faggotry is neither wanted nor welcome here.

Don't give it the attention it craves.

0941b9 No.1587829


Boy, ISIS sure has changed…

dcc2ac No.1587830


Since it's your turf, would you please be so kind as to start posting articles/information you think the rest of us should be reading?

If so, write a couple of sentences about how each issue/problem relates to the rest of the country and/or national politics/scandals.

Thanks in advance, Patriot.

Beer at the parade, muh bitch!

de240b No.1587831



I imagine that will work!!! KEK!!!

b81eb6 No.1587832

So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

6362c4 No.1587834


while on larouchepac… check out "the world landbridge"

excellent read

aa4941 No.1587835


Granny was the best part of that show. Luv Granny

4a878a No.1587836


I wouldn't know….

like most boomers, it was only a coincidence that we tried pot before moving on to anything, or everything else

93a29e No.1587837


i would go as their prisoner on free will

b5d7ed No.1587838

File: ab1b6af38ef3671⋯.png (19.13 KB, 525x173, 525:173, ClipboardImage.png)



8175c3 No.1587839

File: 37f737d7dedecef⋯.jpeg (18.67 KB, 550x309, 550:309, recycle_it.jpeg)


Microwave not required.

f655b3 No.1587840


>>1587228 VJ's Mom, Barbara Taylor Bowman

>>1587307 Judge Places GAG ORDER on Michael Avenatti

>>1587310 Q's About Strozk and His Former C_A Father

>>1587338 Deep State Is Finished - Lots of Sauce in This Post to be Analyzed. (Feel Free to Remove if It's Not Legit)

>>1587323 @ETS and @BC17 Discussion Threads Added

>>1587415 IG report will be given to congress June 5th, Tuesday

>>1587425 Dep. Sec. of DHS Responds: We Didn’t Lose 1,500 Migrant Children. Most Are with Family.

>>1587700 Horowitz Will Be Present June 5th

>>1587522 Lawyers filed a petition for a Special Grand Jury to re-investigate 9/11 in the southern district of NY

>>1587818 POTUS Signs 'Right to Try' Act

8d3197 No.1587841


The fact that he WON is GOOD news though. We were already living in a fascist police state, and this is exactly what we need. Shots fired!!


93a29e No.1587842

File: 34ea949c55c5bda⋯.jpg (26.54 KB, 140x212, 35:53, grannycheck.jpg)

dcc2ac No.1587843


Notice the last sentence of the article:

"Valerie Jarrett, one of President Obama’s closest advisers, was a chair of the CTA from 1995 to 2003."

8175c3 No.1587844



is listening

e080d5 No.1587845

File: 28ecf98022b1510⋯.png (471.03 KB, 610x607, 610:607, mrsmith1.png)

File: 9a173570127283c⋯.png (151.65 KB, 516x424, 129:106, cogdis.png)

File: a4c7ad08cb0939f⋯.png (634.07 KB, 545x601, 545:601, mrsmith2.png)

File: c1a68ef2746b05a⋯.png (437.08 KB, 616x467, 616:467, blind3.png)


You know that Mr Smith is going to rail on you for this post. Right?

9661c7 No.1587846

File: 5159cb0627d3717⋯.png (532.39 KB, 2048x1292, 512:323, E3360DDC-EF02-4760-B5DF-0C….png)

Wikileaks and VJ

In the Stratfor emails There is a rumor that Paneta and Clinton got the ball rolling on taking out Osama Bi Laden. They did this behind Barrack’s back. Apparently VJ kept trying to stall the mission because it would make Muslims mad or something.

Also said that there was talk of VJ resigning over this but someone said that’s not going to happen because she needs protection from the whitehouse over her dealings in Chicago and it’s powers to delay or even kill investigations about her.

Is there anyway to find out if there were any investigations into her or her companies that may have been stopped by Obama?

93a29e No.1587847

File: 2837f18a74180ed⋯.jpg (25.18 KB, 130x206, 65:103, cameltoetoe1.jpg)



ab9e44 No.1587848


Just driving back along the M5 ..

Royal Logistics Crops Bomb Disposal truck with blues and twos just passing J4 about 17:17 .. no pics was driving.

2fba82 No.1587849


Learn this rule…

Any black? 100% black.

76977a No.1587850

File: c277cb49308c63b⋯.png (668.18 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 352EA44C-8591-4C29-8FB0-27….png)

File: a7f8ec48b1776ce⋯.jpeg (569.62 KB, 1242x2114, 621:1057, 171DDD32-7FEB-48DC-87C0-6….jpeg)

b0bdb3 No.1587851


(((they))) are flailing and desperate

anons are now battle hardened and spot shills and imposters with ease.

a15859 No.1587852

File: a0a7a39e5bcfe69⋯.jpeg (83.89 KB, 720x540, 4:3, rails-train-off-wherewear….jpeg)

abbb57 No.1587853

File: 251ea182e18297f⋯.jpg (21.55 KB, 341x413, 341:413, wrecking-ball.jpg)






(Prophesied BEFORE he stepped foot in office….and isn't THAT EXACTLY WHAT'S BEEN HAPPENING???)


ceb4cd No.1587854

is gowdy /ourguy/ or not?

is he 'retiring' because he is guilty

or is he /ourguy/?

e5e856 No.1587855

File: aa49c0ceb003995⋯.jpg (148.88 KB, 1024x668, 256:167, bluewave.jpg)

There's a Blue Wave coming and it's coming in 2018.

Brace yourselves…

It's about to get ready to get started to reach ramming speed…soon!

506246 No.1587856


You dodge answers like all SheepFags

8d3197 No.1587857


Skepticism is the right approach. BUT…I think it's clear by now that she is playing her role like a master. She's stirring it up.

It's up to US to be the information network, to set the stage so our fellow Americans and the world can awaken.

e684e9 No.1587859


but, don't blacker blacks get pissed at the DonLemons & ShaunWhites & RachelDolezals of the world?

they're hardly even beige (ok, Lemon, the others are even worse)

2d8d0f No.1587860

Breaking News (Local) Two emergency landings in the past hour at Tulsa International Airport. One of the planes was a Delta. Waiting on details…

506246 No.1587861


On it. ;)

87a7a8 No.1587862


Don't worry about Gowdy. Trust the plan!

dcc2ac No.1587864


THIS perfectly contrasts the difference between a country that's been stripped of weapons and ours.

This shit wouldn't last 3 seconds in Texas, and NO ONE would be stupid enough to board this rolling death sentence.

93a29e No.1587865


have to wait and see

i thought he was our guy

but, those who bark the loudest

he always had a big bark no bite

a15859 No.1587866

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

c21169 No.1587867


Q never said "trust Gowdy".

5e5dcf No.1587868

>>1587827 Am pondering whether her tweet was intended to (correctly) suggest that the MB was intended to take over the US & world, in the role of unchallenged arbiter of what is true, and rule with an iron hand in defiance of truth. There was a similar group in Planet of the Apes, the hierarchy of the official religion. Roseanne has indeed truthfully associated VJ with the MB in the public mind.

d4edb4 No.1587869


I'm more concerned about my terrible spelling/grammar/punctuation errors than Mr. Smith coming out at this point. I still really love that meme/interpretation of Mr. Smith. I feel like it rings true.

Also, here is another quote for your collection:

"It is easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled." - Mark Twain

At least, that's what the internet tells me that he said.

ceb4cd No.1587870


report the account enough and it will be banned

8d3197 No.1587871

File: 1feca94234291ed⋯.jpg (34.94 KB, 299x227, 299:227, Screen Shot 2013-03-06 at ….jpg)


If that's for real, then I'm black. Well shit…

357765 No.1587872


Who is Mohamed Elibiary Ukanon here. I'm just looking MB

2fba82 No.1587873


They all united against whitey.

Against whitey when its a jew too.

e684e9 No.1587874


lovely smorgasbord of multiple levels of fake

e0d3d1 No.1587875

Those that go on twatter, can you ask that guy this, please?!



-3 parts alien interview on YT,


506246 No.1587876


This Ambien deal helps her case.

aa65dc No.1587877


oh look, a cunt who is into reporting and banning

abbb57 No.1587878


Too FUNNY that's THIS^^^^ gets posted while (Critical Thinking Anon) is spewing his "Q is a larp logic" on the board!


4984fe No.1587879

i can ask but can't find sauce. link me?

93a29e No.1587881


im hoping it will start helping expose big pharma

ambien is a f up drup

people drive cars, do all kinds of crazy shit while on it and do not remember nothing

search utube

ceb4cd No.1587882


a fake roseanne account that is posting fake q, yes i am 100% for reporting and banning a fake twitter account trying to spread disinfo and divide q

a15859 No.1587883

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

b81eb6 No.1587884


Might want to have your DNA checked

1d4ebf No.1587885


He's not retiring. He is going back to prosecuting.

4a87ff No.1587886



big news!

thank you, Mr. President!!!

8d3197 No.1587887

File: d8f2597815c3852⋯.jpg (17.76 KB, 212x255, 212:255, shithole.jpg)


From memory…

"But seek first The Kingdom of God and all of his Righteousness and ALL of these things will be given to you." -Matt 6:33

Did I get it??

506246 No.1587889


Black people typically do not vote. Because their vote is the most thoughtless.

Every try to red pill a black person? They'll laugh. Y'know why? Even with MAGA and "freedom" people will still treat blacks like shit. They have been LITERAL slaves. The crying we do makes them roll their eyes and sit back and be entertained. This is certainly their movie and a show.

Black people are a great red pill for red pillers. Humbled me and put my ass in line real quick.

e080d5 No.1587890





Connections to funding terrists (MB).

Made news about 3 years ago?

aa65dc No.1587891


you wouldn't know fake if it slapped you in the face.

de240b No.1587892


I think they may have meant resigning.

9f0104 No.1587893

File: 34f5c232a322c6e⋯.jpeg (157.28 KB, 920x537, 920:537, image.jpeg)

File: 9b43b59951038a8⋯.jpeg (46.5 KB, 640x480, 4:3, image.jpeg)

During this Storm of faux leftie outrage and the raining of liberal tears regarding Roseaane, and the President's response, I was reminded that I had lost count at the number of RACIST tweets/memes about patriot American Sheriff David Clarke. The worst came from the African-American community. Take a quick look at YT titles and see how often the term 'coon' is used. So far, I can't recall any retractions or apologies. Crickets. And all for the crime of being a black conservative. Nothing bothers the left as much as that, just ask De Souza or Mr. Keys.

8b7774 No.1587894


I have heard NO ONE mention this fact. Q SAID WATCH THE WATER. Did a helicopter not wreck in the Hudson shortly after that looked like an easy splash down with all drowning on board? connection? I dont know

1d6a0b No.1587895


Q also said Trust Session but meanwhile in a Trump tweet response to Gowdy: "Rep.Trey Gowdy, “I don’t think so, I think what the President is doing is expressing frustration that Attorney General Sessions should have shared these reasons for recusal before he took the job….." And I wish I did!

So, I'm rather confused.

43a073 No.1587896

93a29e No.1587897


i pray to Jehovah everyday through his son Jesus Christ

dcc2ac No.1587898


FFS, a blinding flash of the obvious!

Isn't the local train system in Chicago called "The Loop"???

If so, this shit is all starting to tie together: Obummer, VJ and EH all colluding to rob the national coffers and stuff the cash into the local Chicago coffers (and then divvied up amongst the local politicians and gangsters)!

Am I sniffing on the right hydrant?

ceb4cd No.1587899


i agree, but many keep saying he is deep state, thats why i brought this up.

i think gowdy is acting as part of the movie we are watching.. maybe he was blackmailed, or dirty, and flipped to expose the deep state, or maybe he is deep state.

d4f59d No.1587900

Roseanne's show had great ratings because she is a "Great Actor". What makes a good movie?

357765 No.1587901


Thank you anon

8d3197 No.1587902


So when that bus gets bombed…

eb01da No.1587903

Aliens = ancient beings from another galaxy, or, angels/demons from not so far away?

717446 No.1587904


All your base are belong to us

go back to YT Journofag

dcc2ac No.1587905


"The Loop" directly related to "Loop Capital"?

849a5a No.1587906


Prosecuting where and for whom is the question, anon.

b1f205 No.1587907



just ask what role he might step into.. my thought is to replace sessions.. or SCOTUS although TG wants to prosecute ….

93a29e No.1587908


and Jesus was the biggest rebel that lived

he kicked all the money changers out of the churches

e684e9 No.1587909


>rather confused

…re-read crumbs?

focus on trust/optics/game theory

4f6ec1 No.1587910

Any anons Glenn Beck listeners…?

Beck spent 30 minutes trashing the WashingtonPost article about RJK Jr's belief that Sirhan Sirhan wasn't the person truly responsible for his dads assassination.

I thought it was interesting that Beck would spend 30 minutes calling an article and RFK Jr's belief a CONSPIRACY THEORY.

My take is that either Beck is a part of the black hat opposition, although he did just officially endorse POTUS but what does that really mean to Paytriots, or he is part of the strategic push to bring "conspiracy theory" into the mainstream media again laying the groundwork for discussion of this board.

506246 No.1587911


It's becoming apparent she has an agenda. I will say I was wrong about her (hopefully). Remaining cautiously optimistic.

e080d5 No.1587912


>Mohamed Elibiary

Former Obama Administration DHS Official.

77591f No.1587913

File: 1699bcd1b4409ad⋯.jpg (29.73 KB, 366x286, 183:143, Moongirls.JPG)

All your base are belong to us

d0afa8 No.1587914


He did say Trust Sessions, has never said Trust Gowdy, and implied that the upcoming resignations were because of corruption. Gowdy is on that list.

3d16a0 No.1587915

File: 6b59db065d8fe39⋯.png (32.57 KB, 576x384, 3:2, vj-dna.PNG)

At what point is 'mostly white' = black?

a44b37 No.1587916


True Anon! I should have said "the times we "were" living in". Times are a changin', for the better, thank God! And this case is a sign of that! True that! NeverAgain!!!!!

eb01da No.1587918

File: 9563549b800f058⋯.png (66.1 KB, 687x505, 687:505, RoseanneTweet.png)

Well he went there. Prepare for the left to resurrect the racism cry today

f29e86 No.1587919


>The crying we do makes them roll their eyes and sit back and be entertained

The crying that YOU do. I don't run around crying at people. The hell is wrong with you?

43a073 No.1587920


All of those (universe is a pretty big place)

Nowadays most, if not all, are good guys.

76977a No.1587921

File: 4a9321417017862⋯.jpeg (749.22 KB, 1242x2005, 1242:2005, 74719897-4EFD-4005-9C22-A….jpeg)

File: e0729d66845a250⋯.jpeg (386.77 KB, 1242x1737, 138:193, 443E4C42-5596-4D87-B87F-2….jpeg)

File: 3675e1e9ee5ab3e⋯.jpeg (388.55 KB, 1242x1727, 1242:1727, 8F96327C-F857-4920-8D78-C….jpeg)

File: 5a3926000b61792⋯.jpeg (404.62 KB, 1242x1726, 621:863, 1681AF5A-43EF-44A1-9F59-F….jpeg)

File: b49ab27b4a5e9a6⋯.jpeg (399.72 KB, 1242x1730, 621:865, 118169F1-38C7-46FF-918A-1….jpeg)

93a29e No.1587922


we dug on loop extensively

it was dirty af

connected to bummer

big money laundering org

506246 No.1587923


Limitless budget for effects

8d3197 No.1587924

File: d563f56b3afc9ec⋯.jpg (18.91 KB, 255x182, 255:182, 8bd2f04c12582de7055fd23df7….jpg)

File: 46fc5f9a457ecdc⋯.jpg (49.96 KB, 700x325, 28:13, 2773y3.jpg)

File: 917aed69df78db3⋯.jpg (59.77 KB, 500x405, 100:81, End_The_Fed_-_not_federal.jpg)

File: d72f76c1c3bfcca⋯.png (129.88 KB, 504x333, 56:37, Screen Shot 2018-01-30 at ….png)


I say we do it again. God's work and all.

eb01da No.1587925

File: 9be1a48e1c91aac⋯.jpg (274.52 KB, 1000x667, 1000:667, 334_1000.jpg)

1d4ebf No.1587926


I think he is acting too. What he actually said was that if the intel agencies had a reason to believe that there was foreign meddling inside a campaign, of course they would put informants in the campaign. And that is true, its just that "evidence" they had about that happening was a made up dossier paid for by another campaign.

e684e9 No.1587927


when convenient?

honestly, if black myself, i'd get annoyed at beige wankers like Don Lemon pretending to speak for me

506246 No.1587928


60+ Anon here.

0941b9 No.1587929

Off the Plantation


6fda66 No.1587930

File: 718fdcd03c91f4d⋯.png (62.65 KB, 378x357, 18:17, d0af813f11302601afad70c1bc….png)

93a29e No.1587931


i call second to the right

d1d536 No.1587932

File: 1132fb62ef35407⋯.png (132.58 KB, 643x740, 643:740, elvispepe.png)

e080d5 No.1587934


From Breitbart +/- 3 yrs ago…

http:// www.breitbart.com/national-security/2014/06/19/hold-for-gorka-who-is-mohamed-elibiary/

2fba82 No.1587935


Glenn Beck is a controlled opposition Nevertrump for fucks sake. 6 million% traitor.

f3a411 No.1587936


Add Harvey and "muh dick" to that pic.

e0d3d1 No.1587937


You think he doesn't know?

He create it…..

8d82d6 No.1587938


How do you date the rock layers? By the index fossils. How do you date the fossils? By the layer they are found in.

It's called circular logic. It's actually what they do, look it up.

Also, ANY kind of isotopic dating system is flawed because they ASSUME uniformitarianism. They have no idea of what the atmospheric levels of anything were back at the time of whatever they are trying to date. They don't know the absorption rate, nor can they know that the decay was at a steady rate or if something may have influenced the decay rate one way or the other.

Evolution is a religion because you have to BELIEVE that it's true, they have no REAL evidence to support it.

aa65dc No.1587939

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

DEFCON 15: The Science of Social Engineering: NLP, Hypnosis and the science of persuasion

93a29e No.1587940


call second to the left

a15859 No.1587941

File: da2398d0e14fcc8⋯.png (259.62 KB, 577x503, 577:503, Screen Shot 2018-05-30 at ….png)

File: 14abcaf4a767350⋯.png (287.99 KB, 566x602, 283:301, Screen Shot 2018-05-30 at ….png)

b81eb6 No.1587942

ff267b No.1587943


Look into the "blue to high yellow" scale. Black GF taught me that one… racism refined to it's finest degree.

83c025 No.1587944


It's called kids massacred by your globalist totalitarian heroes to push their agenda.

Leftard Democratic SorosStooge shills like you will soon be learning some truths that should've been self evident the hard way…The very hard way.

eb01da No.1587945


Do you think we created aliens (Area51 etc), or are they legit beings just been around long before us, or from far way with no relation to us?

3d16a0 No.1587946



masters of division

7c5b57 No.1587947

File: 1ab2092250b46ff⋯.jpg (99.77 KB, 750x813, 250:271, 5e72c3292111a429f1d62b78cb….jpg)

1d4ebf No.1587948


"Stepping into a new role" I don't know enough about the flow of the judicial system to even guess where it would be that he would go.

506246 No.1587949


Paytriots doesnt make sense to me. Hannity is in bed with Trump and makes a living spouting the rights claims. That is how he makes a living. But he is for the agenda so not a problem.

So much for free speech. Neither side allowing that.

f29e86 No.1587950


Develop some fucking self-respect.

eb01da No.1587951


The only one that did it right :D

ceb4cd No.1587952


yepp i took it as, gowdy is getting the deep state to admit that they place a spy in the trump campaign (maybe multiple spies)

eb4de3 No.1587953

File: 3a474c543615629⋯.jpg (773.66 KB, 1496x1314, 748:657, Screenshot_20180530-121230.jpg)

If we 100% trust the Plan and Q, which at this point I do, then this is Fake News/Theater/Misdirection?

514d68 No.1587954


But Q also said that Gowdy was headed for a different role.

1d6a0b No.1587955


My point is that Trump appears to be agreeing with Gowdy that he should have picked somebody else other than Sessions. Buyers remorse?

d0afa8 No.1587957


And yet POTUS hasn't ordered the removal of Marijuana from Schedule 1. How many people went to jail today for Marijuana?

0941b9 No.1587958


Evolution is a silly as expecting a tornado to crash through a junk yard, and create a fully operational 747 jumbo jet in its wake. Absolutely STUPID.

41ddab No.1587959

Interesting Who Is Marc Mezvinsky? Chelsea Clinton's Husband Comes From Another (Much Less Famous) Political Family

(This article was published Dec 21 2015, A recent 2018 disclosure appears at the end.)

Disclosure: Chelsea Clinton's husband Marc Mezvinsky joined Social Capital, an investor in Bustle Digital Group, in mid 2017 and joined the Board of Bustle Digital Group in early 2018.


eb01da No.1587960


Actors acting

506246 No.1587961


Trying to learn how the good guys supposedly hear and see all, minus these tragedies.

8d3197 No.1587964


I agree 100%. Smart moves on her part. EVERYONE is talking about Roseanne today.

Gotta get their attention. And once everyone gets arrested, and they WILL, then she can go, "SEE what I was saying"??

ceb4cd No.1587965


d0afa8 No.1587966


Yeah, that's why I'm just sitting back and watching this one. We'll see.

93a29e No.1587967

File: 2f543bace5089fd⋯.jpg (113.2 KB, 736x1417, 736:1417, 2f543bace5089fda025ed10381….jpg)

258ba5 No.1587968


Your point?

e98a51 No.1587969


Dont do the crime if you cant do the time

eb01da No.1587970


It's out of control, literally. As opposed to our usual 4-5 shills

77591f No.1587971

File: 12a546889f4804e⋯.png (158.74 KB, 534x571, 534:571, ClipboardImage.png)

dcc2ac No.1587972


Wouldn't this make for a "nonthreatening" way to begin meme-ing / exposing VG to the masses?

Start with simple money laundering and work our way out as her corruption becomes accepted?

615d3a No.1587973

File: 1c7098aa09848d1⋯.jpg (7.89 KB, 194x255, 194:255, c6673509fe84148bfb3881aca2….jpg)


top fucking kek / saved !

506246 No.1587974


That he can soon get stoned while hoping getting stoned is legal soon. MAGA

264bb1 No.1587975


How many were stupid enough to get caught with a $20 bag?

258ba5 No.1587976


You are watching a movie. The middle of any good movie has plot twists. Eat your popcorn and keep watching.

2fba82 No.1587977


Found the mulatto anon

6362c4 No.1587978


your mum don't know my mum.

quit calling me cousin

d0afa8 No.1587979


People are going to jail, lives destroyed over a lie/authoritarian control that he could end today if he really wanted to.

b2fadf No.1587980

File: d5c8dfe59ca2487⋯.png (312.61 KB, 640x684, 160:171, ClipboardImage.png)


8d3197 No.1587982


Have em all Anon!!

6c6dd5 No.1587983


Fake news…the grammar is terrible.

"I wish I had picked someone…"

3rd conditional

a15859 No.1587984


and that is trumps fault how ?

2de9c6 No.1587985

File: a777a3f1b6e32d8⋯.jpg (157.04 KB, 720x1282, 360:641, linda harrison planet of a….jpg)


Good to breed on Planet of the Apes.

f655b3 No.1587986

2fba82 No.1587987


Britain betrayed Britain

2be025 No.1587988

File: e25f43305c622a8⋯.jpg (64.98 KB, 562x365, 562:365, Sessionsj.jpg)

…I hopes…

83c025 No.1587989

File: ca1049026a46f09⋯.jpg (11.77 KB, 255x169, 255:169, 5fd12f67051426e38233f2c267….jpg)

File: 7026d7de4d3d8b9⋯.jpg (171.43 KB, 480x731, 480:731, image.jpg)


Aiding and abetting treason carries the same penalty as treason.

506246 No.1587990


Great news for those that need this.

d0afa8 No.1587991


Yep, like when it was illegal to engage in oral sex with your wife. Let those fuckers dictate what you can and can't do. Such a "free man". No victim? No crime.

849a5a No.1587992


Gowdy himself said he was going back to presecuting. So, if true, he could be going local, state or federal. This is consistent with Q's post.

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