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File: 3581733c912d312⋯.jpg (19.26 KB, 640x272, 40:17, 3581733c912d3123efb9f802f2….jpg)

a706d7  No.15137219[Last 50 Posts]

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>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

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>>2322789 How To Quickly Spot A Clown


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a706d7  No.15137228

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TOR IMAGE: Iwo Jima videos: https://youtu.be/5zezIBBxjEs, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLCupx1UExg

President Donald Trump Launches new Platform https://www.truthsocial.com

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a706d7  No.15137234



>>15136506, >>15136519, >>15136533, >>15136536, >>15136572, >>15136638, >>15136801, >>15136816, >>15136862, >>15136922, >>15136875, >>15137111 U.N. Taking Down Private Websites - Domain Level Censorship

>>15136519, >>15136536, >>15136566, >>15136638, >>15136801, >>15136866, >>15136922 U.N. Taking Down Private Websites - Domain Level Censorship Video

>>15136534, >>15136576, >>15136584, >>15136649, >>15136991 Chris Cuomo fired from CNN rating spike by 20% in 9pm time slot

>>15136567 7-10,000 illegal 'migrants' are outside a stadium in Chiapas, Mexico

>>15136593 Special Counsel Durham Found The E-Mails Fusion GPS Tried To Hide

>>15136666 Obama Passing out gifts tweet, while holding little baby girl @ComerChildrens Hospital COMMS

>>15136718, >>15136793, >>15136958, >>15136961 Donald Trump Jr. @DonaldJTrumpJr So no one, exactly ZERO people, have died from the new variant according to the WHO, but we are going to implement draconian panic measures across the world just in case

>>15136777, >>15136958 Don Jr that health than he used a' t' instead of an 'n' misspelling matters

>>15136877 Brian @brianandagnes Nuremberg trials 2.0 has begun

>>15136764, >>15136780, >>15136789, >>15136804, >>15136817, >>15136837, >>15136846, >>15136864, >>15136873, >>15136882 Did Taxpayers Partially Fund Hunter Biden's World Wide… ?

>>15137163, >>15137042 Statement by Donald J. Trump: I thought Joe Biden was “put in office” to eradicate the Coronavirus, we’ve had more cases than ever before. Fake News doesn’t like reporting the real facts. They are the enemy of the people and more dishonest than they have ever been before.

>>15137165, >>15137083 Statement by Donald J. Trump: Do you believe that Shifty Adam Schiff is on the Committee concerning the 2020 protest, He’s a sleezeball that has no credibility and is so bad for our Nation!

>>15137209 #19149


>>15135738, >>15135754, >>15135762 @mikepompeoCalling all unapologetic Americans to join me and become a Pipehitter

>>15135751 Pope Francis warns of ‘retreat from democracy’ during Greece visit

>>15135772 Two hippos in Belgian zoo test positive for COVID-19 http://reut.rs/3xR62bS

>>15135778 How Bill Gates Is Bankrolling The Media

>>15135783, >>15135814, >>15135874 France's Macron ends Gulf tour with private meeting with Saudi prince

>>15135785 Twitter adds "unsafe" label to disputed research alleging potential heart risks of COVID vaccine

>>15135802, >>15135959 Do not focus on fake news but local battles under the radar

>>15135877 Free Speech - The Time to stand up is NOW (4:25) JP Sears

>>15135879 Supreme Court Justice Barrett Tips Hat to Bodily Autonomy in Vaccine Mandate Debate

>>15135883, >>15135890 Here It Is… Complete List of Clinton Associates Who Allegedly Died Mysteriously or Committed Suicide Before Testimony, Including Jeffrey Epstein (2019)

>>15135896, >>15135937, >>15136021, >>15135987, >>15136002, >>15136021 Grassley tweet: 3qtr SDSt 41/38 over UNI

>>15135901 Donald Trump Jr. @DonaldJTrumpJr I trust @joerogan much more than I trust Anyhony Fauci. miss- spelt?

>>15135958 Parents are winning. And Biden, Garland, and the education establishment are losing.


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a706d7  No.15137236


>>15134949 Hundreds of DOC officers put on leave for refusing COVID jab

>>15134955 Java - Residents flee massive ash cloud from erupting volcano

>>15134957 Sask. Health Authority CEO Steps Down. COO Retires.

>>15134958 Ex-State Dept. employee sentenced for embezzling $150k in travel funds for SOUTHCOM events

>>15134963 The Proterra Scandal Deepens: Kamala Harris, Pete Buttigieg Team up to Promote Electric Bus Company

>>15134968 Thousands of AT&T customers in the US infected by new data-stealing malware

>>15134974 Biden’s DOJ Releases Memo that Totally Blows Away the ‘Trump Incited an Insurrection’ Narrative

>>15135012 Turkey indicts 16 people suspected of spying for Israel's Mossad

>>15135017 Anon Bun+ on Don Jr Tweet - PIPEhitter (Link >>15135406 ) Comms?

>>15135044 Biden DHS Withholds Afghan Refugee Report

>>15135063 Who is the news now?

>>15135082 Video Shows Australian Locked Up In 'Quarantine Camp' Threatened With $5K Fine For Stepping Too Far Outside Cell

>>15135091 George Soros' network of woke DA's he has bankrolled in cities across the US

>>15135098 Parents Of Suspected Michigan Shooter Arraigned Today

>>15135106 Fully Vaccinated Dana White Catches COVID – Takes Joe Rogan Ivermectin Treatment Plan and Is Feeling Great

>>15135137 Australia Pfizer Covid vaccines for children aged 5-11 reportedly approved by TGA

>>15135149 NSW Electoral Commission apologises for the iVote system crash on council election day

>>15135206 Oxford High School Appears To Have Used Controversial ‘Restorative’ Discipline Practices Prior To School Shooting

>>15135243, >>15135254, >>15135534 Moar Vaxx Shenanigans

>>15135178 Calgary, Alberta, Canada cop speaks out

>>15135200 Following Huma

>>15135258 A 191-page transcript of interview(s) for Attorney Lin Wood of whistleblower “Ryan Dark” in January 2021 has been released at Populist Press.

>>15135271 California To Cut Water To Cities And Farmland Amid Persisting Drought

>>15135275 Consumers’ Research Warns US Governors About BlackRock’s Retirement Fund Investments in China

>>15135320 Justice Amy Coney Barrett Tips Hand On Vaccine Mandates

>>15135126 Anon offers Q+ Trump comms proof

>>15135329 Statement by Donald J. Trump on Mark Meadows’ new book, The Chief’s Chief

>>15135406 Bun - Trump Media & Technology Group Corp. and Digital World Acquisition Corp. Announce $1 Billion "PIPE" Investment in Committed Capital to Fund Business

>>15135348 Rand Paul on Fauci: Live Your Life, Ignore This Man — ‘Let’s Hope He Can Be Gone as Soon as Possible’

>>15135376 Arizona bill to prohibit denial of prescriptions filed - Kelly Townsend

>>15135423 Utrecht, thousands of people demonstrate for freedom and against the pharma-fascistic tyranny!

>>15135466 More than 40,000 people demonstrate in Vienna - COVID/Lockdowns

>>15135481 Anon Ties Several Notables Together

>>15135559 Demonstrators invade a Christmas market in Luxembourg, access to which is restricted by vaccine passports

>>15135569 Turkish police thwart bombing attack at Erdogan rally

>>15135578, >>15135584, >>15135606 Special Counsel Durham Found The E-Mails Fusion GPS Tried To Hide

>>15134916 #19147

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a706d7  No.15137237


>>15134153, >>15134573 Ohio BLM activist sentenced for using fireworks to burn police during riot

>>15134291 Trump says UK PM Boris Johnson has gone 'liberal' and is making a 'big mistake'

>>15134447 Scientists believe they have found the trigger for the rare blood clots in people who have taken the Oxford/AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine.

>>15134463 There's something about Cobb - Ex. of Ethan Crumbley's father last name: Cobb. interdasting?

>>15134451 Gun Free Homes are the Safest Homes Narrative from the Newtown Action Alliance

>>15134479 NYC Medical Officer Who Ruled Epstein Killed Himself Resigns The First Day Of the Ghislaine Maxwell Trial

>>15134530 The Omicron variant likely acquired one of its mutations bypicking up genetic material from another virus - possibly the common cold

>>15134534 Epstein requested to be moved, stated MS-113 in his cell block, believed he was unsafe.

>>15134340, >>15134594, >>15134398, >>15134531, >>15134554, >>15134601 What's in Vista California? Evolving Dig Bun

>>15134562 Sly Stallone D5 Comms? Adding to Fri Night Shift's Notable.

>>15134766 CIA files say staffers committed sex crimes involving children. They weren't prosecuted.

>>15134610 Southern Air denies that it does work for the C.I.A.

>>15134677 Strange Activity continuing in Ethiopia.

>>15134695 Internet Sleuths Say They Found Ghislaine Maxwell’s Reddit Account — One Of The Top Accounts On Reddit

>>15134700 Flurry Of Air Force Transports Head To East Africa As Potential For Ethiopia Evacuation Grows (As PFs called out yesterday)

>>15134739, >>15134773 HHS declares manufacturers immune to liability pertaining to COVID jabs, clinical trials reveal the jab killed over 1200 people

>>15134820 Parkland Student Arrested in School Shooting Threat, Mother Says It Was a Joke

>>15134857 Cult killers sentenced to 50 years prison in Panama

>>15134866 Oregon Dems Begin Process To Make Indoor Mask Mandates PERMANENT

>>15133980 #19146

Previously Collected Notables

>>15133202 #19145,

>>15131683 #19142, >>15132437 #19143, >>15133198 #19144

>>15128499 #19139, >>15130132 #19140, >>15130852 #19141

>>15126946 #19136, >>15127727 #19137, >>15128523 #19138

>>15124556 #19133, >>15125411 #19134, >>15126176 #19135

>>15122247 #19130, >>15123037 #19131, >>15123815 #19132

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/

>>15025958 Q Research Notables #10

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a706d7  No.15137239



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010c10  No.15137252

File: 8b668e5e6c0b559⋯.png (172.31 KB, 420x364, 15:13, pepesmoking.png)

>>15137227 lb

>just a bump in the road


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4f206a  No.15137253

File: 3b7a659edad2349⋯.png (390.42 KB, 1202x479, 1202:479, covidcleanupcrew.png)

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7ab074  No.15137254

File: 01297334df453e5⋯.jpg (59.93 KB, 333x353, 333:353, Polish_20211204_190112162.jpg)



Can confirm handoff now if needed

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871f7f  No.15137255

File: 39d01c525f446c5⋯.png (2.61 MB, 1800x1500, 6:5, ClipboardImage.png)

>>15136543 PB

I was kicked off of Twitter in the Great Conservative Twitter Purge after Jan. 6 when anons were pointing out that it was Antifa dressed in Trump garb that were creating the problems.

I was upset that my Twitter acct. was suspended but now I am glad. Twitter is such a fucked up place. They hide replies that they don't like and push them to the bottom of the page. What a joke. I'm glad my acct. was suspended and I am done with them.

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fbeb85  No.15137256

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219825  No.15137257

File: 5abfbf30f1e38e7⋯.jpg (13.33 KB, 474x223, 474:223, pedo_reiner.jpg)

File: 7f23ec93c025fd4⋯.jpg (15.71 KB, 474x237, 2:1, pedos.jpg)

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ebbd13  No.15137258

“Anyhony”? → Here’s some Hony (Capital), part 1

(pb) >>15135901 Donald Trump Jr. @DonaldJTrumpJr I trust @joerogan much more than I trust Anyhony Fauci. miss- spelt?

May have been a misspelting by Jr, but a Hony dig could be interesting.

L.A. Cargo Terminal Operator Makes Massive Chinese Communist Deal; Union Leader Says 'Foreign-Owned Shipping Companies' Are Blocking Supply Chain

in late September of this year, Maersk announced that it is selling its refrigerated container business for over $1 billion to China International Marine Containers (CIMC), which states that its “main shareholders are China Merchants Group, China Ocean Shipping (Group) Company, [Hony Capital], etc.”

October 18, 2021


Hony Capital, founded in 2003 and sponsored by Legend Holdings

Leading investment management firm that specializes in private equity buyout and expands into areas including real estate, venture capital, hedge fund (Goldstream), mutual fund (Hony Horizon Fund). It focuses on the development of China’s real economy with “Intelligent investing for all” as its mission.

USD [13] billion under management


Hony Capital puts China as its top market with investments in over 100 companies in areas of pharmaceutical and healthcare, consumer products, food and beverage, entertainment, environmental protection and new energy, as well as machinery and equipment manufacturing. Hony Capital’s portfolio companies include

China Shijiazhuang Pharmaceutical Group (CSPC)



Chengtou Holding

Jin Jiang International Hotels

ENN, STX, I-Mab Biopharma, Perfect Dairy, etc.

The assets value of these companies totals about RMB 2.9 trillion with sales volume of RMB 860 billion, providing more than 450,000 jobs.


Pizza Express has gently poked fun at Hollywood star Eva Longoria for once gushing to Jack Whitehall that the best Italian food she had ever had was at one of their restaurants in Cardiff.

9 November 2021


Pizza Express cuts 1,300 more jobs amid Covid crisis


Pizza Express: majority-owned by Chinese investor Hony Capital

29 October 2020


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fbeb85  No.15137259

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>15137086 ((LB))

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1b9936  No.15137260

File: cd27b638a3fc03d⋯.jpg (147.3 KB, 2000x1150, 40:23, 52181512_1058271394361095_….jpg)

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010c10  No.15137261

File: 92b8acabfe563a6⋯.png (526.36 KB, 926x896, 463:448, potato.png)


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e8d3c9  No.15137262

File: a2d7d5729de9d73⋯.jpg (398.67 KB, 1280x854, 640:427, Infiltration.jpg)

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55f4f8  No.15137263

File: dfff758e8d2e201⋯.png (609.57 KB, 669x433, 669:433, ClipboardImage.png)

Children Used in FEMA Camp Roundup Drills (mirrored)


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016dd1  No.15137264

File: 3c39c9d653176a6⋯.png (396.22 KB, 800x496, 50:31, ClipboardImage.png)

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02784f  No.15137265

File: f77223d7fc27e73⋯.jpg (57.33 KB, 512x276, 128:69, All_Hail_Notables_Anon.jpg)

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2a2b0b  No.15137266


Need a meme (using the bottom pic of Reiner with Hillary), but with Biden sniffing his head.

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86b490  No.15137267

File: 2111c4eab36fe8e⋯.png (456.57 KB, 469x551, 469:551, Screen_Shot_2021_02_04_at_….png)

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ffe186  No.15137268

File: 6fc2578faa7f05f⋯.png (1.02 MB, 988x799, 988:799, north.png)


Several N. Charleston police officers turn in gear as vaccine deadline closes

The City of North Charleston’s vaccine mandate for all employees went into effect Friday at noon.

The City of North Charleston’s vaccine mandate for all employees went into effect Friday at noon.(Live 5 News)

By Summer Huechtker

Published: Dec. 3, 2021 at 3:21 PM EST|Updated: Dec. 3, 2021 at 6:22 PM EST

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a706d7  No.15137269

File: 87d5d0a6b1804f3⋯.png (137.18 KB, 670x406, 335:203, ClipboardImage.png)


I need you lb

you shit posted 17 times and sniped

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e73a8c  No.15137270

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Shout out To Mr. Pig

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34d550  No.15137271

Natanz Nuke facility big boom, telecom/phones down, strong odor in air.


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86b490  No.15137272

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34eaef  No.15137273

File: b2087ed44f93467⋯.jpg (35.13 KB, 657x488, 657:488, dfvdfv.jpg)

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94eecb  No.15137274

File: de79f0462f20b0f⋯.png (506.79 KB, 617x757, 617:757, gta.png)

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547fc7  No.15137275

Is this funny? Is this funny, right now? It's funny! Cut-out magazines letters is getting upset!

Keep it up is so cringe to say isn't it that's just not right. It's just a question isn't it does that seem right to you?

And if this is the right fireplace bus stop sequel rights. It's got to be perfect and it's got to be heroic intervention stop these motherfuckers cold as ice. We are not crackpots. We have saved the best for wedding cake gold records stripper bill so high and unsightly.

BIG secrets! SECRET secrets! If only you knew! Mm-mm!

Look at you you're in the hands on hips hop to it zone I've got one of those it's a whole entire could be The Estate location A and location B permanently booked but also that cache not nailed down like which is Ye Olde Neuschwanstein Ziggurat Empire State Building metal power washed exterior with the floor plan of the palace of Versailles and the four rotating hotels and the middle taller hotel. Which is better than chopped their dicks off marmot slick back grey poupon which is not the stayin' alive style at this or any other time. Let's lay it down to rest. Play them all out. Much was mirror of fate lost to well wait a minute all made sense still does. I have to marry you after having done such a thing to you right. It have problem. It have stinks to high heaven problems of deceit which you lay it all on the line they were having it be cannonades of justice revolution but pretending that didn't exist anymore. So much for that. So much a lot of things eh? So much for underestimating God's people glad for it. Oy ay caramba ak vai maracas storm has arrived. The hammer and chisel crack. Has entered the eye. Turn away from eye. We do this. Serious business.




Appropriately shoulder strap home run knockout slam.

But we prefer to think of time as a companion zone errata fight on the right side knew we could count on you.

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fbeb85  No.15137276

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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7ab074  No.15137277

File: b5768e451f3ed09⋯.jpg (26.3 KB, 320x160, 2:1, FUNNY_MEME_5.jpg)


Still phonefagging on 5% battery

Will be at battlestation momentarily though

Sorry bakes

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5c3ee6  No.15137278

File: 21a8852c0a4d866⋯.jpg (96.69 KB, 500x724, 125:181, Q_Christmas.jpg)

Merry Christmas to all the original baker's and anons from 8Chan… We kicked some serious ass.

They had to put up a fence.

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913dbd  No.15137279

File: cbaa7e0d08bd6f9⋯.jpg (88.04 KB, 723x477, 241:159, NIGHT_PATRIOTS.jpg)

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34d550  No.15137280

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Natanz Nuke facility big boom, telecom/phones down, strong odor in air.



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7dd575  No.15137281


Good dig and fitting.

I took it as Jr. pointing him out as a Y head.

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a11be5  No.15137282

File: bc94931cbcfe2c2⋯.jpg (60.37 KB, 800x800, 1:1, 2018_08_28_090858.jpg)

>>15137118 (lb)

The pen is mightier than the sword.

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510665  No.15137283

anyone have details why cannot get to godaddy email/microsoft 365

all day

called customer support had to wait 16 minutes, got a guy out of usa then he hung up on me and he never called me back

now HOURS later I try to get in my email again

at login says i failed the login attempt and to wait 37 minutes beofre trying again

found this about a cyber attack???






Nothing like having all your websites go down at the same time, only to hear #godaddy experienced a cyberattack. Help me


you’re my only hope.

GoDaddy Help


Replying to


Sorry for the trouble in connecting, we are doing our best to assist all customers at this time. We appreciate your patience and understanding in this matter. Were you able to get through and get the help you needed? ^GCH

5:11 PM · Dec 4, 2021·Sprinklr

GoDaddy Outage Map

The following outage map shows the most recent locations worldwide where GoDaddy users have reported their issues and outages. If you are having an issue with GoDaddy and your area is not listed, make sure to submit a report below








no, my email move was not a roaring success. You took away functionality that I’ve had for years and now have to change my emails at hundreds of sites because of it. From medical offices to banks, my catch all domain no longer works and it will cost me hours.

GoDaddy Help


Replying to


Sorry you've had issues, Kat. We're moving to a better email system, to align with industry standards, but we understand you have to decide what is best for your business. Feel free to contact our email specialists via phone if you have further questions. ^GCH

5:23 PM · Dec 4, 2021·Sprinklr


no tweets since Nov 25, 2021

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e8d3c9  No.15137284

File: f6473fc8d700d0b⋯.png (485.72 KB, 885x516, 295:172, Next.png)

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36332a  No.15137285


>bannering the word 'or death' while walking with a few captain america inspired shields

sure looks staged

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86b490  No.15137286

File: 4f6294320d17b9e⋯.jpg (76.42 KB, 1024x1283, 1024:1283, 4f6294320d17b9e331957f959d….jpg)

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7d79b1  No.15137287




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5c3ee6  No.15137288

File: 9e52e36e11c008a⋯.jpg (67.27 KB, 500x623, 500:623, 5bbb_1.jpg)

File: 96bac16d4a74440⋯.jpg (82.02 KB, 500x508, 125:127, 5wnuhdd.jpg)

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871f7f  No.15137289


If smart means getting away with pulling dirty tricks, by bribing and blackmailing, and threatening, and coercing people.

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a706d7  No.15137290


take your time


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993981  No.15137291

File: 6356fccb9f96de4⋯.png (215.7 KB, 411x467, 411:467, NassimLikes.png)


Et Lux En Tenebris Lucet… Monsieur P.

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016dd1  No.15137292



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ffe186  No.15137293

File: 5314315f6d36a47⋯.png (116.46 KB, 500x432, 125:108, blue_line.png)

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510665  No.15137294


worth a look guise

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913dbd  No.15137295

File: 662683e67e9a0df⋯.jpg (110.18 KB, 719x429, 719:429, SIGNATURE_WEAPON.jpg)

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caef49  No.15137296


Instead of low T, Fauci has no T.

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05ff95  No.15137297

For many reasons.

I'm not sure what's going on right now.

But something is going on right now.

You would have to be D.E.A.D., dead, not to feel the habbening.

You feel it, you know it.

I'll finish by saying.

Go ahead, make fun of "another" it's habbening.

But it's habbening.


The Queen.

More to come.

The climax of the show has started.


The chaos is quiet only because it's behind the scenes and resides with evil.

The panic is real.

{THEY} don't know what to do.

{THEIR} assets have all been gobbled up.

Look for more false flags like the Michigan shooting, Weakosha Christmas parade.

Be fucking careful!

Look everywhere you walk, all times during the day.

I will keep telling you this will get far worse before it breaks, and it's about to break.

How long do you think the Ghislaine Maxwell can last?


BTW, fuck Rittenhouse, he's nothing but glitter, not his fault as he's now a useful asset to {THEM}.

Ramp up your prayers anons/Patriots!

God is striking his vengeance against evil and evil is a little upset.

God Wins.

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2a2b0b  No.15137298


Ugh… Breitbart. I’d be more likely to click on a CNN link.

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de1f60  No.15137299

Everything we know is fake and gay. Everything real is kept secret.

Reality is the biggest dick tease ever.

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e8d3c9  No.15137300

File: 32dee6ea06d7967⋯.jpg (72.55 KB, 352x283, 352:283, Cu_homo_Out.jpg)

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1e80ac  No.15137301

File: a62bf1ec1d9f676⋯.png (151.09 KB, 269x760, 269:760, DropTheFBombQSU.png)


Merry Christmas Fren

Happy New Year as well

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55d7f7  No.15137302


Nice analogy

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913dbd  No.15137303

File: c337aa52c8e47c3⋯.jpg (117.39 KB, 727x476, 727:476, MR_OUINING_2.jpg)

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fbeb85  No.15137304

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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239867  No.15137305

NOTABLE: Steve Pigeon, former NXIVM publicist, Clinton operative for decades, and NOW, a child rapist, charged with raping a child under the age of eleven.


FYI: I warned you all about this man, years ago. No one took me seriously. If someone had listened to me (and yes, I reported this to police, as well), this child might have been saved from being raped… My daughter is STILL in the custody of child molesters. And I am STILL being harassed and abused by authorities in Buffalo, NY.

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510665  No.15137306


>>15137280 listen guise somehting big going on Iran right now???


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2aa944  No.15137307

File: eac77df9358b4f0⋯.png (600.76 KB, 767x352, 767:352, ClipboardImage.png)

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ccfed4  No.15137308

File: 52bfa43c4fc0581⋯.png (814.36 KB, 1003x597, 1003:597, ClipboardImage.png)

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b28d2d  No.15137309


you do that? if so not bad at all. Always thought about sharing my art on here or something but memes will have to do for now.

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21655d  No.15137310

File: 88b5c5bc6896f53⋯.png (1.94 MB, 1200x1592, 150:199, SOROS_BLANK.png)

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36332a  No.15137311

pfizer's moderna johnson

jews' 'modern' i.e. mutilated penis

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2897e3  No.15137312

File: 7f7058e8e305961⋯.mp4 (2.53 MB, 480x270, 16:9, 0aa3bb18f18b5e9324f77abe89….mp4)

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7d79b1  No.15137313



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ffe186  No.15137314

File: fc784904e5d5752⋯.png (61.62 KB, 1364x398, 682:199, or_gon.png)



Published 1 hour ago

Oregon Health Authority moves to implement 'permanent' indoor mask mandate

The medical director for the Oregon Health Authority said 'permanent…doesn’t necessarily mean permanent'

By Jon Brown | Fox News

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9cc191  No.15137315

File: e4d4dc76c9b5f62⋯.png (715.6 KB, 982x836, 491:418, ClipboardImage.png)



Home Office borders bill could "create a British Guantánamo Bay," says Tory MP


So the article talks about Britain inadvertently creating a Gitmo for migrants, but I wonder if it really has more to do with the insane amount of British traitors. crimes committed against humanity & children, Nuremburg 2.0 trials etc.

They WOULD need a gitmo 2.0 if the numbers we suspect are really that high.

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e8d3c9  No.15137316


Patriot's Christmas Wish List…

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5c3ee6  No.15137317

File: 90396e6ba0ecd05⋯.png (496.35 KB, 1080x1382, 540:691, Screehgd.png)

File: b85b9f657ccd120⋯.mp4 (1.6 MB, 316x664, 79:166, b85b9f657ccd120db42c6e56fc….mp4)

Anyone ever get an update on BLM's pyrotechnics protester?

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bc68fc  No.15137318




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1e80ac  No.15137319

File: 628152f669497b4⋯.png (177.31 KB, 610x613, 610:613, acosterwQ.png)


Do the Accoster next please.

Just for KEKs.

Lemon accuser on Watters World now.

Watch the Water.

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930af9  No.15137320

File: de0ad58fd470a17⋯.jpg (143.59 KB, 1612x1284, 403:321, _20211203_235808.JPG)


sorry to hear that anon

hoping and praying you child is safe

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2897e3  No.15137321

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141065  No.15137322

File: e37284e5f0edf61⋯.jpg (23.84 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Antimatter2.jpg)

File: 86983f5f578cd9d⋯.jpg (78.38 KB, 900x900, 1:1, antimatter.jpg)

File: 72b6860c955416b⋯.jpg (36.72 KB, 801x482, 801:482, BeirutExplosion_800x482.jpg)


Beirut 2 in Iran?

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2efd51  No.15137323

File: ed249b71a439c0e⋯.jpeg (498.58 KB, 2046x1455, 682:485, 15BFF530_366C_425D_A220_E….jpeg)

Earth is a school for souls, you have been born here over and over countless times progressing spiritually by learning lessons and completing life missions.

You are graduating right now during this life! Earth is ascending and the rapture / graduation is happening NOW and if you are spiritually ready and off of the negative path and following the light you will ascend.

This is biblical, the great awakening. When humans awaken to their true identity and power that they are eternal powerful beings having a human carnation.

As Q said, we take this journey together.

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fa920d  No.15137324


Hand drawn pepes are extra rare

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2aa944  No.15137325


Advent Calendar

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9cc191  No.15137326

File: 63692c3b13c3bf8⋯.png (476.64 KB, 864x844, 216:211, ClipboardImage.png)





Sabotage at Iran's Natanz nuclear facility 3.0? - Analysis

Was Iran's Natanz nuclear facility just attacked for the third time in two years?


JPost, take with many salts, but they're probably in the right ballpark.

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dd9bbb  No.15137328

File: 92449fdfbbd2daf⋯.png (820.79 KB, 1286x997, 1286:997, 9F4EF79F_7BEE_4DEF_9F0E_89….png)

>>15137251 pb

nigger….the breads get constantly spammed with your inane childish doge memes, which you use to famefag

pig is a slope-head famefag too, has never contributed any worthy research…just spam

the new pige identity is just part of your shill team

a triumvirate of useless shill-niggers, glowing brighter than a super-nova

chicom tag-team bread gobblers like you get the insta-filter

fuck you cunt…you are worse than the tranime maggot

do the world a favour and kys today

jump from the roof of beijing's tallest high-rise

do it

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5c3ee6  No.15137329

File: 188cc3bcda58a8f⋯.jpg (43.29 KB, 500x540, 25:27, 5v_1_1.jpg)


Oh yeah sure we are….

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34eaef  No.15137330

File: 7f199d9d50fdd31⋯.jpg (540.48 KB, 1752x986, 876:493, testing_site.jpg)

MANASSAS, VA: "With the spread of the new Omicron variant and holidays quickly approaching, the demand for COVID-19 testing is on the rise. One company, Curative, is tackling the pandemic one test at a time.

“Curative brings fast, easy, safe testing to the communities of need, and we’re really happy to be opening another site in the greater Manassas area,” said Black Lackey, Curative Senior Director of Operations. The new site launched a week ago is located outside the Manassas Park City Hall. The site allows residents to be tested at various hours throughout the week and weekend."


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70a582  No.15137331

File: ac7ab077afbc2ba⋯.png (11.88 KB, 200x200, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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9cc191  No.15137332

File: 6b7339ef94b9720⋯.png (370.52 KB, 1155x582, 385:194, ClipboardImage.png)

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913dbd  No.15137333

File: 9d7c23aa7d4ee0c⋯.jpg (159.28 KB, 770x590, 77:59, 5_5.jpg)

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a11be5  No.15137334

File: 1adc43992efb0be⋯.jpg (115.18 KB, 871x815, 871:815, 1adc43992efb0bea23135498cf….jpg)


You are right.


You are also right. It's not a huge stretch to go from pencil to pen, though. One erases, and one does not. That's it, anon.

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016dd1  No.15137335

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I'm trying to find the explosion now.

In the meantime, here is a summary


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510665  No.15137336

File: 11447fb2e133850⋯.mp4 (271.72 KB, 480x270, 16:9, M4pLvKRLMip4pAKF.mp4)

so this happening as is soooooo fake

patriots with masks




lol yeah I’m sure

Quote Tweet



· 3h

🚨#BREAKING : A group of right wingers called the Patriot Front are currently marching to the U.S Capital

📌#Washington l #DC

Right now a group of 150-200 called "Patriot Front" know as a right wing is currently marching on the national mall in Washington, DC.

so fake so funny

but they all get a check

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ffe186  No.15137337

File: 7f2b25e5664e978⋯.png (316.07 KB, 592x395, 592:395, q_res.png)



this shit has got to stop NOW!!

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141065  No.15137338


Interesting…Jr. also curiously used the term dracoian panic in that tweet. Comms.

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239867  No.15137339

File: ad068e96b07aee0⋯.png (111.36 KB, 664x344, 83:43, Screen_Shot_2021_12_04_at_….png)

>>15135738, >>15135754, >>15135762 @mikepompeoCalling all unapologetic Americans to join me and become a Pipehitter

Ummmmmmmmmmmm…. Is that a GREEN LIGHT???

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510665  No.15137340


>so this happening AND is soooooo fake

>patriots with masks

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5c3ee6  No.15137341

File: 6921fb55d824bdd⋯.jpg (72.66 KB, 633x463, 633:463, WWE.jpg)

File: ca855007a0c1538⋯.png (320.73 KB, 1080x399, 360:133, Screenshot_20211009_130814….png)

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7d79b1  No.15137342


Hope they stomped him to death given their level of stupidity.

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510665  No.15137343



it is like they all got uniforms hahahaaaaaaa

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8d1514  No.15137344

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.




Clay talks to much and very loud but is a great organiser and pretty good at doing imitations of peoples voice. Karen seems like a nice woman but does remind anon of Lilith from Frazer (t.v sitcom) well read and articulate (hot in a weird way) kek !!

Summary: From Karen mainly

1) The new FDA data release is a red herring and the numbers of deaths and adverse are below the average (so can be used to discredit fear mongers).

2) The Adverse effects of the vaccine are ACTUALLY THE EFFECTS of the vaccine !!

3) The Vaccines are a bioweapon !!




bitchute video embedded, click icon in top left hand corner


Former Pfizer employee pharmaceutical, medical device business analyst and big pharma drug trials expert Karen Kingston and Thrivetime founder Clay Clark join me to expose the Covid mRNA injections agenda which Kingston describes as "just pure evil". Thanks for tuning in to part one of this two part interview.

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36332a  No.15137345

File: 5e643597e8536c8⋯.jpeg (25.1 KB, 680x383, 680:383, 5e643597e8536c8927e3c8e4c….jpeg)

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f633ec  No.15137346

Check your newsroom. Soros is infiltrating them down to town of a thousand inhabitants. The DA's and prosecutors is bad enough, but it's a full court press.



The GroundTruth Project is funded by the same shady groups financed ultimately by George Soros, Pro Publica et al, the usual roundup of globalists and haters of America as founded. Google News Lab??? Google is one of the worst enemies of the free press in the world. Their only rivals in censorship of free speech are FaceBook and Twitter. ANYTHING to do with these persons and organizations is cancer on the body politic.

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f8cae0  No.15137347

File: 363b61ac5b0996b⋯.jpg (137.58 KB, 984x1139, 984:1139, FFx_JR7_RWYAQka_H2.jpg)

File: a4626195c5c0c5f⋯.png (37.58 KB, 775x366, 775:366, FFxJ0qyWQAAbxey.png)

Black magick covid data trick revealed


There is a black magick data trick in the covid vaxxed/not vaxxed hospital data. Where short term side effects from the vax is blamed on the not vaxxed, by registering people as vaxxed after 2 weeks after the vax

Someone found the smoking gun.

The vax roll out was from oldest first and each few weeks younger group people. Each time the vax rollout for certain age groups started the mortality rate of theNOTvaxxed goes up.

It is even worse. The data shows that not only the first 2 weeks deads after the vax are blamed on the not vaxxed. So lets say someone goes to the hospital 1.5 week after the vax because of a side effect, he gets registered as not vaxxed, and if he dies many weeks later it is still a not vaxxed death



Scotland streches it even more and uses 21 days before registered as vaxxed (picture 3)


And recently vaxxed seem to have an high viral load according to papers. So the vaxxed are not only labeled as not vaxxed, but also have an high chance to get the label “with” covid, by a positive pcr test

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62580b  No.15137348

Oh well might as well try out new phone visual quality. Hide ya kids. Hide ya wifi. Me time. Or circle kek. IDC.

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ffe186  No.15137349

File: 3b25270988ad8ea⋯.png (207.39 KB, 594x789, 198:263, that_w.png)


Fmr. President Trump calls General Mark Milley “a fucking idiot”


Brick Suit

8:39 PM · Dec 4, 2021

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930af9  No.15137350


>Right now a group of 150-200

my house parties are bgger than that


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dd9bbb  No.15137351


dubs confirm shill

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2aa944  No.15137352


It was when he used it in June

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510665  No.15137353

File: e5072de634e3aa7⋯.jpg (67.03 KB, 680x383, 680:383, FFzUZiDXMAM1u4E.jpg)


Cernovich Retweeted

Cream Puff Warrior




Replying to


“Patriot Front”



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94eecb  No.15137354

File: 6ff9076f64bc968⋯.mp4 (3.47 MB, 640x360, 16:9, MAGA_train.mp4)

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239867  No.15137355



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811804  No.15137356

File: c8fa0186d4b98ab⋯.jpg (129.88 KB, 1080x795, 72:53, Screenshot_20211204_193959….jpg)

File: faebf3fe8f18105⋯.jpg (248.58 KB, 1080x801, 120:89, Screenshot_20211204_193924….jpg)

File: 0e69ba70148e86b⋯.jpg (128.89 KB, 1023x716, 1023:716, Screenshot_20211203_090922….jpg)

File: 21b569ec3d7cd90⋯.jpg (158.46 KB, 950x519, 950:519, ar.jpg)

File: 673e27284b07eb4⋯.jpg (82.19 KB, 564x594, 94:99, d7WTKxx.jpg)

>>15135738, >>15135754, >>15135762 @mikepompeoCalling all unapologetic Americans to join me and become a Pipehitter







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a11be5  No.15137357

File: 4c62409762c8187⋯.jpg (409.24 KB, 1600x792, 200:99, bigstock_Unity_And_Diversi….jpg)


I did not do that. But share your gifts, regardless. That's why you have them, you know.

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3b9739  No.15137358

File: 8ce4c1f61083bac⋯.png (520.32 KB, 621x620, 621:620, 56313455699056.png)

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ffe186  No.15137359

File: b0223c0f6bb78aa⋯.png (99.02 KB, 231x459, 77:153, fence.png)


Midnight Rider Channel, [04.12.21 18:35]

[ Video ]

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7dd575  No.15137360

File: 7fc8e970f5c2673⋯.png (71.67 KB, 588x142, 294:71, ClipboardImage.png)


til mid Jan 2022 according to newsweak.

Will keep praying and extra watchful & careful..

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405e60  No.15137361

File: 68d969afca45ba6⋯.jpg (45.61 KB, 850x400, 17:8, benjamin_franklin.jpg)




Remember her name.

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43f0ab  No.15137362


Yeah? Then why do I have fucking Aspergers?

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a11be5  No.15137364

Good night, Patriots.


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9cc191  No.15137365

File: d3b7c84405c43a8⋯.png (1 MB, 1024x682, 512:341, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1066001f710b8cb⋯.png (92.93 KB, 512x941, 512:941, ClipboardImage.png)

Emmanuel Macron ends tour with meeting with Saudi prince

French President Emmanuel Macron had a meeting with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman on Saturday as he wrapped up a two-day official tour of the Gulf region.

Among the issues on the table for the high-level private discussion between the two leaders in Jeddah were the war in Yemen, the crisis in Lebanon and growing concerns about Iran’s nuclear program, according to a report.

The encounter took place as the country is in the midst of hosting a concert by Justin Bieber and its first Formula One Racing event as the prince tries to open the country with his social reforms, the report said.

Earlier in the day, Macron said at a press briefing in Qatar that European leaders were considering opening a joint diplomatic mission in Afghanistan, but emphasized that it would not necessarily mean recognition of the Taliban government.


Perhaps relevant to the recent Iran news as well, per Q post?

>His sole purpose [WH visit] is to convince POTUS, on behalf of the EU, to remain in the Iran deal.

>You decide.


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f8cae0  No.15137366

File: c1abd0634776c90⋯.jpg (184.68 KB, 1433x820, 1433:820, FFiucq_ZXIAMw_Sk_M.jpg)


Here is confirmation Scotland uses 21 days before registered as vax

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605781  No.15137367


If you're a Pompeo follower maybe. Means nothing to me

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239867  No.15137368



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86b490  No.15137369



Amir Tsarfati


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36332a  No.15137370


the ball of the damned

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2aa944  No.15137371

File: 56971b2de92c2de⋯.jpg (13.73 KB, 255x233, 255:233, NTSA.jpg)

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12bcba  No.15137372

jewish salad shooter evades open border homo

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3b9739  No.15137373

File: 355927d3e3b6b31⋯.png (307.32 KB, 758x694, 379:347, 45212341100875.png)

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d80c69  No.15137374


Nuke deal talks coming up.

Could be Israel telling Iran Bidan can't do shit for them, because Israel won't listen to him.

Or, it could be the US telling Iran just who has the leverage. Bidan bully move to protect indiscrete information regarding Bidan & Fils from getting out.

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5bc2d7  No.15137375

File: 21c3afa00b3d59f⋯.jpeg (600.07 KB, 1211x750, 1211:750, 76F59237_00E3_4815_8C7B_E….jpeg)

File: 16ce343b277aa34⋯.jpeg (508.63 KB, 972x741, 324:247, 1E3A2D3C_803A_4036_877F_5….jpeg)

File: 760f38a6d54349d⋯.jpeg (506.29 KB, 955x750, 191:150, 9092DE10_5AB2_4BCC_A040_6….jpeg)

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5bc2d7  No.15137376

File: 6e5783ce5229e80⋯.jpeg (226.68 KB, 708x526, 354:263, 33E3AE18_D5BC_4562_916E_E….jpeg)

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f633ec  No.15137377

File: 729e11da79dd9d0⋯.png (16.05 KB, 329x378, 47:54, Banned.png)


>I was kicked off of Twitter in the Great Conservative Twitter Purge


Get used to it.

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ffe186  No.15137378

File: eb4189f8d48515f⋯.png (133.83 KB, 421x393, 421:393, next.png)


MistyG 🇺🇸🦅, [04.12.21 20:37]

His trial is early January


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21655d  No.15137379

File: 2960f880b24b367⋯.gif (442.06 KB, 500x525, 20:21, NS_dancing.gif)

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12bcba  No.15137380

jewish boner pills want to project on your inner hubbard tard

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e8d3c9  No.15137381

File: f2632569dbf3399⋯.jpg (73.19 KB, 352x283, 352:283, Fired_.jpg)

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811804  No.15137382

File: ec6b8fadec0d00b⋯.png (9.17 KB, 601x618, 601:618, 1638668760940.png)



5 by 5


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e73a8c  No.15137383


trip tre


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010c10  No.15137384

File: d4208d89cc30b0b⋯.png (135.12 KB, 363x357, 121:119, 2021_12_04_20_45_15.png)


CNN Fake News - Gaslighters

Scum of the earth

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2d5df5  No.15137385


Anon ain't much pipe hitter material but I'll do what I can. Make the covfefe or something.

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3b9739  No.15137386

File: 62bd657682a110c⋯.png (463.69 KB, 771x587, 771:587, 1299076547812.png)

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5c3ee6  No.15137388

File: 6e1db6e7299a334⋯.mp4 (3.14 MB, 400x400, 1:1, 4qcPwletlw40B7FY.mp4)



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b28d2d  No.15137389


maybe someday on here. Maybe if i crop the paintings in a way to not give too much away. I am happy that anons enjoy the memes i have made over the years that makes me happy actually. Especially when i see one i forgot i did.

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21655d  No.15137390

File: 02f6740fa75af5e⋯.jpg (28.04 KB, 728x484, 182:121, ant.jpg)

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c1db1b  No.15137391

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Attack of the clones

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b60bcf  No.15137392

File: 9e0777cc4012667⋯.png (10.91 KB, 792x62, 396:31, ClipboardImage.png)

>>15136525 (lb)

article is quite intersting.

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239867  No.15137393


Oh I see… Almost everyone here was all supportive of the guy until he asked you to get off your asses and actually fight for your nation. Makes sense.

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12bcba  No.15137394

hooked nosed sinners in foreskin hats want you to embrace alien probes

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510665  No.15137395

File: b77ddd00a99328f⋯.mp4 (201.4 KB, 488x270, 244:135, pBCj9T7RUVqO6Ymr.mp4)

this will make heads explode on the left


Cernovich Retweeted

Ivan Garcia-Hidalgo



What is to come, cannot be stopped!

Quote Tweet

Jorge Bonilla


· 20h

The left is TERRIFIED at the prospect of a conservative Spanish-language media outlet.

Here’s @EvelynPR, “disinfo expert” and Nikki Fried comms consultant, going on Univision’s OTT and speaking things into existence.

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06b662  No.15137396


Now this is what you call obviously coordinating.

Hey its paid for. At least thier working.

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1e80ac  No.15137397

File: e7703890e553c3d⋯.jpg (2.23 MB, 3840x2560, 3:2, HAPPYNEWYEARQ.jpg)

File: d671832b35328aa⋯.png (307.83 KB, 534x401, 534:401, happyqcaps.png)


Happy New Year memes

Blue Font from Apple application

We all start somewhere

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145904  No.15137398

File: f733ed5e5871b7f⋯.gif (2.01 MB, 382x382, 1:1, f733ed5e5871b7f069a58dabd3….gif)

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9cc197  No.15137399

File: f8e0f613534392f⋯.png (118.4 KB, 500x562, 250:281, f8e0f613534392fa39da17be54….png)

File: 7cbc0300b74a136⋯.jpg (64.54 KB, 507x499, 507:499, 7cbc0300b74a1360d8139832ea….jpg)

File: 1767e705fc5e354⋯.jpg (47.73 KB, 562x500, 281:250, 1767e705fc5e35469abbd15bd8….jpg)

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3b9739  No.15137400

File: 29ea851e0e296e2⋯.png (466.82 KB, 800x580, 40:29, 098347096239068126984.png)

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405e60  No.15137401

File: 2de09f791cf3b5e⋯.png (638.6 KB, 519x450, 173:150, Trump_at_the_wall.png)


Funny you would counter with a small hat wall humper.

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2897e3  No.15137402

File: 908494be018319a⋯.png (206.84 KB, 512x512, 1:1, 0257457457245703673.png)

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0fd012  No.15137403

File: 10979531dc102d7⋯.gif (810.53 KB, 654x368, 327:184, Alec_Baldwin_Exclusive_Int….gif)

Not so Smart Alec

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010c10  No.15137404

File: 379c4991140cc79⋯.png (80.48 KB, 235x206, 235:206, pepe_copy_3.png)

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17dd6a  No.15137405

File: 9427613e40b52b7⋯.jpg (253.64 KB, 2048x2048, 1:1, FFsgHZdWUBkQIkE.jpg)

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d80c69  No.15137406


GOAT sound byte.

Drops the kicker just like a NYC construction worker. You just know it's their bubbling under the surface. Don't know how he maintains his composure most of the time.

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605781  No.15137407


Nah. I have waited SINCE JANUARY for him to speak about the 2020 election steal - he never has

I also don't follow anyone. But you go ahead and hit that pipe for Pompeo

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b60bcf  No.15137408



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12bcba  No.15137409

elite fehgel denial eating baby flesh wants you encourage jet fuel

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3b9739  No.15137410

File: dd57fc6d113fd76⋯.png (1.18 MB, 681x616, 681:616, 740178492275078936.png)

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7d79b1  No.15137411


Soros the prick is recycling the same fucks for antifa and this… what a cheap shit

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ffe186  No.15137412

File: dec447009ec2d99⋯.png (175.79 KB, 418x488, 209:244, scam.png)


C-VINE News (Official Channel), [04.12.21 20:25]

[Forwarded from Gateway Pundit]

New Study Finds that Global Carbon Emissions Have Been Flat for a Decade Despite the Leftist Hysteria


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1e80ac  No.15137413

File: 2a4fc71a09f8f4b⋯.png (932.74 KB, 1720x1264, 215:158, 3am.png)

File: 9fb67c432dffade⋯.png (372.98 KB, 960x540, 16:9, airbornepepe.png)

File: 9a768c4fbca79f8⋯.png (593.27 KB, 1111x741, 1111:741, crosswithwords.png)

Early Q folder stuff

From other Anons

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12bcba  No.15137414


biblical foreskin hats want you to whine at stables

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e8d3c9  No.15137415

File: 4035c1d52769fd5⋯.png (1.49 MB, 1535x1022, 1535:1022, Oh_shit.png)

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a11be5  No.15137416

File: db517d8234a02ba⋯.jpg (17.77 KB, 435x300, 29:20, Dirty_Pool_Clip_Stevie_Ray….jpg)


Everyone that matters already knows. Never stop being you.


OK seriously, goodnight

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141065  No.15137417

File: ef2dc2eca035486⋯.jpg (44.59 KB, 1024x614, 512:307, ham_radio.jpg)

Get and give ham radios for Christmas this year. If you don't go ham (test is free and isn't terrible), get a CB with SSB capability (no test, no fee - very capable VHF w SSB), or pick up a high powered GMRS ($35 license, no test, good for 10 years covers the whole family).

You want to control your access to information. It's why you're here.

Network comms will be controlled and are being controlled as we speak.

If SHTF, comms are just as important (maybe more) than weapons, and right up there with food and first aid.

Ignorant people die.

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8d1514  No.15137418

File: efa449ce9aa0261⋯.png (312.02 KB, 781x1001, 71:91, ClipboardImage.png)



this moran does this on every countries breads. seen it on the uk, german, here and probably all global bread.

he must make around a shekal a day.

filtered on sight

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12bcba  No.15137419


strange queers want to doxx your civil liberties

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7dd575  No.15137420


I missed that! Thanks.




So no one, exactly ZERO people, have died from the new variant according to the WHO, but we are going to implement draconian panic measures across the world just in case.

Does anyone else feel like this is much more about control that health?

that instead of than

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e73a8c  No.15137421

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Does your Doge bite?

um, no


I thought you said your Doge does not bite…!

That's not muh Doge

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17dd6a  No.15137422

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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c1db1b  No.15137423


Engrish isn't your strong suit.

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f633ec  No.15137424


That wasn't a fire. A fire wouldn't shear off a post 50yds away and lesave the ceiling timbers pointed out. Like from. Maybe. An explosion?

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4f206a  No.15137425


Different network.

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871f7f  No.15137426

File: d7f44ef1d4ae1a6⋯.png (12.79 KB, 468x302, 234:151, ClipboardImage.png)

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fbeb85  No.15137427

Stephen Colbert Attacks Supreme Court in Wild Abortion Rant: ‘We Don’t Live in a Democracy’


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510665  No.15137428

File: 39e784ca2fb2bc9⋯.jpg (147.02 KB, 640x360, 16:9, FFs8SIaXIAozOWg.jpg)


Cernovich Retweeted

Watters' World



It's A Watters' World EXCLUSIVE with the man who is accusing CNN's Don Lemon of Sexual Assault. Hear his story, tonight.

#FoxNews 8pm ET

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7db974  No.15137429


i knew a fed informant once

he tried desperately to get me into ham radio

this was before Nelly Ohr


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145904  No.15137430

File: a3127cbdb3e2d53⋯.jpeg (64.91 KB, 750x584, 375:292, a3127cbdb3e2d53a47fdee02c….jpeg)


Keks in aspie

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b28d2d  No.15137431

File: eea881cab4d53b0⋯.jpg (66.45 KB, 648x432, 3:2, EVERGREEN.jpg)

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e73a8c  No.15137432


uh huh


Iranian state television has said the country's military fired a missile to test air defenses over Natanz, a city that houses nuclear sites.

The announcement came after unconfirmed local reports on December 4 of a blast in the sky above the city, in central Iran, about 200 kilometers from the capital, Tehran.

"Iran's air-defense units fire missile to test [the] rapid-reaction force over Natanz city," read a bulletin on Press-TV, Iran's English-language international broadcaster.

Natanz hosts an underground center for centrifuges that enrich uranium, which is at the center of Western allegations of secret military nuclear activities.

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ffe186  No.15137433

File: b6620f9d5d41f97⋯.png (141.03 KB, 420x460, 21:23, heart.png)


Justice By Light 🌅, [04.12.21 19:33]

Dr Vernon Coleman – “They have exaggerated Omicron to cover up the rising flood of Heart Attacks due to the Vaccines” – The Expose


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12bcba  No.15137434

tacky hooker cucks need yourr fake and GEHY

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fbeb85  No.15137435


Exclusive — Heritage Foundation President Kevin Roberts: ‘I’m Convinced Roe v. Wade Is Going to Be Overturned’


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eca15b  No.15137436

File: 02740df31479e53⋯.jpeg (33.41 KB, 474x316, 3:2, 1A7A04B6_6D51_4AFD_8770_0….jpeg)

File: fd25ff5ad30a336⋯.jpeg (29.96 KB, 474x321, 158:107, B61ACA2D_3643_4DD5_A302_1….jpeg)

File: a07c360eea4c571⋯.jpeg (39.42 KB, 474x355, 474:355, 93656A7C_DA21_4A9F_985C_2….jpeg)

File: b24c285e13baf6d⋯.jpeg (35.38 KB, 474x400, 237:200, 70C99A77_0445_4CB7_A6E8_E….jpeg)

I cant wait until POTUS is back, i used to laugh hysterically everyday at what he saidand was proud as an American to have him as our President and Melania as our First Lady

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21655d  No.15137437

File: fd7d146afe76d24⋯.png (153.99 KB, 400x267, 400:267, pelosi_bat_shit_crazy.png)


seems pelosi-ish

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3f1606  No.15137438


From:mfisher@hillaryclinton.com To: john.podesta@gmail.com Date: 2015-09-09 20:47 Subject: Re: TWEETS 9/9

Re-upping these for the morning. Retweets may be a bit behind the times but the tweets should still be ok. On Wed, Sep 9, 2015 at 11:08 AM, Milia Fisher <mfisher@hillaryclinton.com> wrote: > *TWEETS 9/9* > > Evidence that unions push policies — higher minimum wage, $ for schools, > govt programs — that benefit workers http://nyti.ms/1hXdo4W @amprog > (139) > > .@HillaryClinton's history confronting Iran's support for terrorism & > countering its nuclear ambitions is unmatched > > https://www.hillaryclinton.com/p/briefing/factsheets/2015/09/08/counter-threats-from-iran/ > (140) > > Falling cost of batteries and distributed solar signal a major shift. It's > time to open up the grid. > http://www.vox.com/2015/9/9/9287719/utilities-monopoly?utm_campaign=vox&utm_content=article%3Afixed&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter# > *Want to piss off some utilities? Really great long-form piece from Vox > about breaking down public utilities and opening up the grid to > innovation…* > (140) > > *RETWEETS 9/9* > > ​ > > ​ > Milia Fisher > Special Assistant to the Chair > Hillary for America > mfisher@hillaryclinton.com > o: 646.854.1198 c: 858.395.1741 > Milia Fisher Special Assistant to the Chair Hillary for America mfisher@hillaryclinton.com o: 646.854.1198 c: 858.395.1741

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7d79b1  No.15137439


That was disappointing - a dead thug is always the preferable outcome.

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605781  No.15137440


Nonono! you have to get the radio so you can tell them exactly where you are!

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ffe186  No.15137441

The Library, [04.12.21 19:39]

[Forwarded from Pepe Lives Matter 🐸 (Pepe Lives Matter)]

Chris Cuomo fired.

Andrew Cuomo out.

Mainstream media embarrassed.

Trump hater Alec Baldwin under fire.

Ghislaine Maxwell red pilling the world.

Patriots taking back their schools.

Rigged elections exposed for all to see.

Millions protesting around the world.

Countless waking up……………

But nothing is happening. 🙃


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a706d7  No.15137442





>>15135738, >>15135754, >>15135762 @mikepompeoCalling all unapologetic Americans to join me and become a Pipehitter

>>15135751 Pope Francis warns of ‘retreat from democracy’ during Greece visit

>>15135772 Two hippos in Belgian zoo test positive for COVID-19 http://reut.rs/3xR62bS

>>15135778 How Bill Gates Is Bankrolling The Media

>>15135783, >>15135814, >>15135874 France's Macron ends Gulf tour with private meeting with Saudi prince

>>15135785 Twitter adds "unsafe" label to disputed research alleging potential heart risks of COVID vaccine

>>15135877 Free Speech - The Time to stand up is NOW (4:25) JP Sears

>>15135879 Supreme Court Justice Barrett Tips Hat to Bodily Autonomy in Vaccine Mandate Debate

>>15135883, >>15135890 Here It Is… Complete List of Clinton Associates Who Allegedly Died Mysteriously or Committed Suicide Before Testimony, Including Jeffrey Epstein (2019)

>>15135896, >>15135937, >>15136021, >>15135987, >>15136002, >>15136021 Grassley tweet: 3qtr SDSt 41/38 over UNI

>>15135901 Donald Trump Jr. @DonaldJTrumpJr I trust @joerogan much more than I trust Anyhony Fauci. miss- spelt?

>>15135958 Parents are winning. And Biden, Garland, and the education establishment are losing

>>15135979 6th Circuit Court Rules Against Biden Administration in OSHA Vaccine Mandate Lawsuit

>>15136063 Flattening the curve or flattening the global poor? How Covid lockdowns obliterate human rights and crush the most vulnerable

>>15136066 Michelle Obama @MichelleObamaBarack and I had so much fun surprising everyone at the @ComerChildrens Hospital. Happy holidays!

>>15136073 U.S. Ship Logjam Worsens As Biden's Attempt To Save Christmas Fails

>>15136095 Barack Obama @BarackObama Michelle and I wanted to give Santa a hand passing out gifts for the holidays,

>>15136100 Sean Stone - The Pedo World Is Deep & Wide, Epstein/Maxwell Just The Tip Of The Iceberg

>>15136125 Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency

>>15136150, >>15136339, >>15136346, >>15136461, >>15136176, >>15136198 Soros Group called "Patriot Front" is currently marching on the national mall in Washington, DC.

>>15136202 Pearl Harbor military families report sickness due to fuel in local tap water

>>15135771, >>15136332 Nixon defense lawyer says Watergate prosecutors ‘cheated’

>>15136373>>15136376 >>15136416 The "Shielding Approach" is the CDC's end game plan. They are establishing camps to separate high risk from low risk individuals.

>>15136415 Victoria's Secret Model Giselle Comms. Freedom!

>>15136416 Unknown politician calls Americans "Tinfoil Hat Wearing Tossers" Then Proceeds to Promote Their "Camps"


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9cc191  No.15137443

File: 739a43cf44d8578⋯.png (161.17 KB, 644x841, 644:841, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d395026e10494fa⋯.png (154.84 KB, 735x981, 245:327, ClipboardImage.png)


>Ummmmmmmmmmmm…. Is that a GREEN LIGHT???

This is an information war, anon.

We've had the green light.

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510665  No.15137444


this is old but good

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b60bcf  No.15137445


I know, for a minute thought it was by most hated


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55c621  No.15137446


Everything helps.

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a706d7  No.15137447





>>15135738, >>15135754, >>15135762 @mikepompeoCalling all unapologetic Americans to join me and become a Pipehitter

>>15135751 Pope Francis warns of ‘retreat from democracy’ during Greece visit

>>15135772 Two hippos in Belgian zoo test positive for COVID-19 http://reut.rs/3xR62bS

>>15135778 How Bill Gates Is Bankrolling The Media

>>15135783, >>15135814, >>15135874 France's Macron ends Gulf tour with private meeting with Saudi prince

>>15135785 Twitter adds "unsafe" label to disputed research alleging potential heart risks of COVID vaccine

>>15135877 Free Speech - The Time to stand up is NOW (4:25) JP Sears

>>15135879 Supreme Court Justice Barrett Tips Hat to Bodily Autonomy in Vaccine Mandate Debate

>>15135883, >>15135890 Here It Is… Complete List of Clinton Associates Who Allegedly Died Mysteriously or Committed Suicide Before Testimony, Including Jeffrey Epstein (2019)

>>15135896, >>15135937, >>15136021, >>15135987, >>15136002, >>15136021 Grassley tweet: 3qtr SDSt 41/38 over UNI

>>15135901 Donald Trump Jr. @DonaldJTrumpJr I trust @joerogan much more than I trust Anyhony Fauci. miss- spelt?

>>15135958 Parents are winning. And Biden, Garland, and the education establishment are losing

>>15135979 6th Circuit Court Rules Against Biden Administration in OSHA Vaccine Mandate Lawsuit

>>15136063 Flattening the curve or flattening the global poor? How Covid lockdowns obliterate human rights and crush the most vulnerable

>>15136066 Michelle Obama @MichelleObamaBarack and I had so much fun surprising everyone at the @ComerChildrens Hospital. Happy holidays!

>>15136073 U.S. Ship Logjam Worsens As Biden's Attempt To Save Christmas Fails

>>15136095 Barack Obama @BarackObama Michelle and I wanted to give Santa a hand passing out gifts for the holidays,

>>15136100 Sean Stone - The Pedo World Is Deep & Wide, Epstein/Maxwell Just The Tip Of The Iceberg

>>15136125 Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency

>>15136150, >>15136339, >>15136346, >>15136461, >>15136176, >>15136198 Soros Group called "Patriot Front" is currently marching on the national mall in Washington, DC.

>>15136202 Pearl Harbor military families report sickness due to fuel in local tap water

>>15135771, >>15136332 Nixon defense lawyer says Watergate prosecutors ‘cheated’

>>15136373, >>15136376, >>15136416 The "Shielding Approach" is the CDC's end game plan. They are establishing camps to separate high risk from low risk individuals.

>>15136415 Victoria's Secret Model Giselle Comms. Freedom!

>>15136416 Unknown politician calls Americans "Tinfoil Hat Wearing Tossers" Then Proceeds to Promote Their "Camps"


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9cc197  No.15137448



remember all the chinese made dual band radio talk on here just before jan 6? kek

it was not organic

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510665  No.15137449


fuck i'm stuck

should be thing

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21655d  No.15137450

File: 978c75874781397⋯.png (198.94 KB, 400x326, 200:163, when_illegals_vote.png)

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913dbd  No.15137451

File: 4d8dd9978d373e3⋯.jpg (114.32 KB, 509x535, 509:535, NOT_MY_DOG.jpg)

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4f206a  No.15137452

File: 3f634396b39382d⋯.png (97.84 KB, 250x239, 250:239, ClipboardImage.png)


Why would I need a license for it once TSHTF?

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ffe186  No.15137453

File: adba821e55460dd⋯.png (93.9 KB, 426x347, 426:347, sex_crimes.png)


PearFEED, [04.12.21 11:31]

[Forwarded from The Post Millennial]

CIA documents reveal agents repeatedly not prosecuted for sex crimes involving minors


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930af9  No.15137454

File: 2d75aff9d883992⋯.jpg (194.95 KB, 1773x1315, 1773:1315, _20211204_205235.JPG)

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12bcba  No.15137455

File: 370052e7b608af4⋯.png (956.79 KB, 800x533, 800:533, 370052e7b608af4d26543ca59b….png)

peanut butter canyon prayers


peanut butter canyon journeys

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d80c69  No.15137456



If anyone doesn't sack up and talk about 2020 they're just showing that they need the DC scam running as usual for the benefit of their future endeavors.

That's the simple threshold.

There's an inverse correlation between keeping the election fraud ball in the air and DC political ambition.

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7db974  No.15137457


oh shit you're right

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4aac6d  No.15137458

File: 76c2ff50051ce4e⋯.png (1.69 MB, 1151x647, 1151:647, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f9b8a97bbe9cf06⋯.png (527.79 KB, 1155x649, 105:59, ClipboardImage.png)

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a706d7  No.15137459

File: d6a811a71e373b8⋯.png (30.93 KB, 307x268, 307:268, d6a811a71e373b8e4252df70e7….png)


Up Dated Dough


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ffe186  No.15137460




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e8d3c9  No.15137461


>it was not organic

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c1db1b  No.15137462

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The metaverse….

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756065  No.15137463

File: aa5f9150e5bdf9e⋯.png (12.53 KB, 381x101, 381:101, Screen_Shot_2021_12_04_at_….png)

>>15136506 p


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36332a  No.15137464

File: f00b66792bec006⋯.png (18.74 KB, 800x400, 2:1, ph.png)

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eca15b  No.15137465


Honey was the wifes nanes of the Canadian drug makes that got killed over Haiti

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2897e3  No.15137466

File: fe2d7d02de33c9c⋯.png (637.7 KB, 560x543, 560:543, 05983_5067345067345086_045….png)


>Don't know how he maintains his composure most of the time.

Truly this.

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510665  No.15137467


govt wants money thats why

ask a mancurist

ask a barber

ask a real estate person

ask a gun owner

they LICENSE it all

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a706d7  No.15137468


Go find them and bring them back here.

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9cc197  No.15137469



baofeng if i remember right

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ffe186  No.15137470

File: 0c0be2b8eee4048⋯.png (244.85 KB, 421x580, 421:580, covid.png)


Jim Watkins, [04.12.21 20:54]

All of the people in Scotland have disappeared! COVID kills!


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f8cae0  No.15137471

File: c16c96f9e935ec6⋯.png (628.71 KB, 716x4038, 358:2019, Screenshot_2021_12_04_at_2….png)


Full research screenshot


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81ae5f  No.15137472


>But nothing is happening.

Unfortunately to many normies, nothing is happening and they remain comfortably asleep.

At least we're on the right path

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219825  No.15137473

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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e5611a  No.15137474

File: fa8168865ef95ab⋯.jpg (1.4 MB, 2500x1667, 2500:1667, 1610501977019.jpg)


we were warned about Milley

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932af9  No.15137475

File: 327e9ca7e6957af⋯.png (432.88 KB, 670x436, 335:218, bruce2.png)


>Get and give ham radios for Christmas this year.

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fbeb85  No.15137476

“And the state of Michigan has considered a number of times enacting a law, this child access prevention law that many states have adopted which would make criminal what happened here which was the that the parents allowed the child to get access to the weapon. But the state of Michigan has decided not to enact that law.”

“And you can argue that that’s a good thing or a bad thing but the fact is it’s a thing and it’s up to the legislature to make the criminal law so what happened here is they don’t have a law to prosecute what the parents did even though the legislature’s considered it and not enacted it.”

Federal Prosecutor — Local DA is making up nonexistent law to charge Michigan shooter’s parents…

Posted by Kane on December 4, 2021 5:39 pm


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ccfed4  No.15137478

File: 0aceadaee48a163⋯.jpg (1.78 MB, 3000x2400, 5:4, e_4_advanced_airborne_comm….jpg)


thank goodness for grammerly

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fa920d  No.15137479


They're gonna gear up for more stacking the supreme court talks.

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eca15b  No.15137480


Honey Sherman was the wife’s name of the Canadian drug makers that got killed over Haiti, and not being able to distribute HCQ or ivermectin

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405e60  No.15137481

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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a706d7  No.15137482

File: 9e72cf315c7b3e8⋯.png (593.6 KB, 567x900, 63:100, 5afcae656a0666d7fdbfb1afe4….png)


you made me laugh


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95842d  No.15137483

File: 7c1f64f20b55421⋯.jpg (62.31 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, thetwo44.jpg)

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c1db1b  No.15137484


Shills setting up blame for anons?…

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932af9  No.15137485

File: 2fefbffa925734b⋯.png (483.47 KB, 492x962, 246:481, KamalaJoker.png)


>patriots with masks

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e8d3c9  No.15137486




Uppers/lowers and food stockpiling…

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70a582  No.15137487

I Bless the Rains in South Africa

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b28d2d  No.15137488


it is fucking disgusting no wonder the parents ran. What happened is not right but neither is this. SO it is either totally a clown op to distract or something else which then leads to the problem of the no good LE line.

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811804  No.15137489

File: 3c2d880cbc147fb⋯.mp4 (2.26 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Pipe_Hittin_Niggas.mp4)








Did someone call for Pipe Hitters?

Go to work on the Pedo Rapists…

Make Your Mark


That'll Do…

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239867  No.15137490


They are just going to replace these officers with BLM thugs and Antifa queers, like they did in Buffalo, NY.

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542abe  No.15137491


Hear, hear

Phonefagging or I'd post Leo raising a toast with all the glorious fireworks anons deserve and that we will be able to fire off for a real celebration some day

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e59865  No.15137492

File: db6096c2728d538⋯.jpeg (100.24 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, B80B08A3_ED98_4A5C_9D05_0….jpeg)


Ben Franklin was a Freemason devil worshipping piece of shit. Fucking masons.

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c1db1b  No.15137493


Ham radios aren't a bad thing to own

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4f206a  No.15137494

File: 0330d20f3950180⋯.png (570.33 KB, 595x756, 85:108, ClipboardImage.png)


>it was not organic

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3b9739  No.15137495

File: dea670bbef82196⋯.png (445 KB, 718x648, 359:324, 0284504369382.png)

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94eecb  No.15137496

File: 48ed318742127ea⋯.mp4 (2.83 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, President_Trump_calls_Gene….mp4)

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f8cae0  No.15137497

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Youtube vid with the data fings explained


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a706d7  No.15137498


You ready?

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b04f49  No.15137499


noice dig anon, pizza express where prince andrew claimed he was when virginia was with him right

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9cc197  No.15137500


who knows. it was just weird and noticeable

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932af9  No.15137501

File: 4256d7138c2d338⋯.jpg (31.73 KB, 408x632, 51:79, shut_it_down.jpg)

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141065  No.15137502

File: b95305955bdb4ea⋯.jpg (73.67 KB, 1600x1066, 800:533, ham_outdoors.jpg)


Sometimes the receiver portion of an HF radio is more important than the TX portion. All those powerful offshore and useful HF stations are tunable with a wire strung up a tree.

You can even alligator clip to a fence if you know what you're doing.

I hear ya on the trust thing. If you didn't know them well for years before all this, then wish them well.

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605781  No.15137503


At this point any politician who isn't fighting to be part of the solution is part of the problem and will get zero support from me

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8d1514  No.15137504

File: 2a2cad6c76748b1⋯.png (753.11 KB, 500x955, 100:191, ClipboardImage.png)


gotta say, the mask wearing march to the capital are the latest clown op failure and super kek worthy.

This meme is getting longer and longer !!

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37f00d  No.15137505

File: 390d6b2eeb4951e⋯.png (666.64 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, breaking_news_MORDOR.png)

peanut butter canyon prayers


peanut butter canyon journeys

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0fd012  No.15137507


Crime syndicate human trafficking in NY is decapitated with the removal of cuomos

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b28d2d  No.15137508


good, democracies are faggot just like that shill homo. Who needs writers to be funny? Oh right, that guy.

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8196bc  No.15137509

File: 2c78e3818259662⋯.jpg (21.93 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 182771878_324306969073114_….jpg)



Borker on standby

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4f206a  No.15137510


>govt wants money thats why


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510665  No.15137511

File: 13a11310cff9597⋯.mp4 (6.21 MB, 320x568, 40:71, 4PlvpKNpxWEbHckd.mp4)


Cernovich Retweeted




Nov 30

Never forget that CNN didn’t do anything when Chris Cuomo threatened to throw someone down the stairs for calling him “Fredo”

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37f00d  No.15137512

File: 390d6b2eeb4951e⋯.png (666.64 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, breaking_news_MORDOR.png)

peanut butter canyon prayers


peanut butter canyon journeys \

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ffe186  No.15137513

File: b422ca7e75cedda⋯.png (299.87 KB, 610x607, 610:607, sant.png)


Steve Pigeon, former NXIVM publicist, Clinton operative for decades, and NOW, a child rapist, charged with raping a child under the age of eleven.


WNY political operative Steve Pigeon charged with raping a child

Pigeon pleaded not guilty to six different charges.

8:37 PM · Dec 4, 2021


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ccfed4  No.15137514

File: cef45d495bce326⋯.jpg (88.28 KB, 598x592, 299:296, 1466099774407.jpg)

So let us go? Who wants to go a round? Fucking assholes won't let us fight!

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9cc197  No.15137515


Nellie Ohranon confirmed kek

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c1db1b  No.15137516


They also found a ton of bodies buried under his house

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0fd012  No.15137517

File: a2520d057423efe⋯.jpg (55.56 KB, 474x474, 1:1, 20210201_200121.jpg)

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3b9739  No.15137518

File: e5f033731374a7c⋯.png (228.44 KB, 454x551, 454:551, 934812987634689.png)

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932af9  No.15137519

File: f2e1a1aa4a7e23b⋯.png (82.56 KB, 883x990, 883:990, feel.png)

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e8d3c9  No.15137520


So be it! Next!

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30d97a  No.15137521

File: 004b29becf71162⋯.jpg (34.46 KB, 600x444, 50:37, 004b29becf71162735e5e6ea3c….jpg)

>>15137217 (LB) mark this as a delta anon's confirm , those look like (delta) hubs ,

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e59865  No.15137522

File: b5c7280f2f49c7d⋯.jpeg (78.44 KB, 646x455, 646:455, ECA23D58_F3D9_4F97_B65D_A….jpeg)

File: b710fd21ca85e63⋯.jpeg (119.22 KB, 727x512, 727:512, 7A86FACA_FB49_4B7A_AA49_E….jpeg)


Seems bout right. Masons worship the devil. They have since they started. Simple.

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a706d7  No.15137523

File: b8c9825da2de0ef⋯.jpg (93.89 KB, 960x960, 1:1, b8c9825da2de0ef280b3c6866f….jpg)



Baker requests Handoff

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95842d  No.15137524

File: 4a9ff28b3a6aa70⋯.gif (1.51 MB, 320x240, 4:3, 444.gif)

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9cc197  No.15137525

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811804  No.15137526

File: b217f38772ffef7⋯.mp4 (3.29 MB, 470x640, 47:64, Create_Erectile_Dysfunctio….mp4)

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70a582  No.15137527

File: 8c287a88882c0a0⋯.mp4 (1.17 MB, 480x480, 1:1, 1594418360_Copy.mp4)

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1e80ac  No.15137528

File: 54287f7e2f233aa⋯.png (193.57 KB, 564x316, 141:79, yuuge.png)

File: e4b9cb5d3c30d9d⋯.jpg (115.01 KB, 715x476, 715:476, whyfight.jpg)

File: 367beabc613b178⋯.jpg (51.66 KB, 659x659, 1:1, trump.jpg)


KEKked hard on that.

Thanks Anon.

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d80c69  No.15137529


They're going to have to defend chemical abortion. Send a girl home with two pills, one of which is not indicated for what she will be using it for (HCQ, anyone?). Don't need a clinic (PP fucked) and under a doctor's immediate supervision argument is fucked, too.

Someone pissed Thomas off. He'll go there.

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2897e3  No.15137530



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7db974  No.15137531


don't get me wrong, it's definitely something worth learning, what you're describing is incredibly useful

it's just a weird side note about actually getting licensed and on the official "map" as it were

for some reason feds cant crack vpns i guess i dunno

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e8d3c9  No.15137532


Do it!


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b60bcf  No.15137533



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141065  No.15137534


You don't…no one does then. It's for now. The ones that turn it on after the balloon goes up may as well not even have it. Like training with anything. If you're a freebander, that's cool, but train with your gear and have some that will work.

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2aa944  No.15137535

File: dedf56509e6d5e2⋯.png (188.15 KB, 500x557, 500:557, WalkieTalkie_Scope.png)

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8196bc  No.15137536

File: d6aa640460bd241⋯.png (700.9 KB, 693x616, 9:8, handoof.PNG)


>Baker requests Handoff

Confirming Handoff

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9cc191  No.15137537

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.






[Iran next]

[Regime in trouble]


#EastAzarbaijan, NW #Iran—employees of contract companies working at the Sungun copper mine continue their strike for the fifth day.

During the march, a 10-wheel crane drove fast through the crowd—fortunately hurt no one,@EterazB


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5c6c84  No.15137538

File: bf81e04e7c31dd5⋯.jpg (532.99 KB, 585x711, 65:79, trump37.jpg)

File: 9caf8e406c0ff01⋯.jpg (51.66 KB, 659x659, 1:1, trump38.jpg)

File: 452d6ec1cb98b2b⋯.jpeg (180.65 KB, 1026x762, 171:127, trump53.jpeg)

File: a6c61cee266d26e⋯.jpeg (230.85 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, trump54.jpeg)

File: 6c326dd0a68b082⋯.jpg (140.74 KB, 674x960, 337:480, trump57.jpg)

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36332a  No.15137539


chatter listening sounds more interesting than most of what's on msm platforms

like analog 8kun, with possibly as many feds

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fbeb85  No.15137540


you wouldn't

I do suggest digital capabilities

this software suite has many older digital modes included in the software. There are other digital modes however anyone running this software would also have access to these modes.

High iq anons could also probably do homebrews

for a select group of frens

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a706d7  No.15137541

File: a89423e7726a060⋯.png (15.9 KB, 441x315, 7:5, ClipboardImage.png)

GEORGENEWS, [12/4/2021 8:56 PM]



DECEMBER 4, 2021


Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

'Anybody that doesn’t think there wasn’t massive Election Fraud in the 2020 Presidential Election is either very stupid, or very corrupt!


https://t.me/georgenews | @GEORGENEWS


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96709a  No.15137542



Conservative Hispanic News coming from Miami

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219825  No.15137543

File: afe0ba4ed60cfb3⋯.jpg (35.58 KB, 474x312, 79:52, israel1st.jpg)

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510665  No.15137544

File: 71380a9c35d76d5⋯.mp4 (492.46 KB, 320x568, 40:71, KNusR8ReQggWrm4D.mp4)


Fredo Cuomo


Cernovich Retweeted

Libs of Tik Tok



Nov 30

Throwback to one of the greatest Tik Tok’s of all time #ByeByeFredo

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c1db1b  No.15137545

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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f633ec  No.15137546



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1b9936  No.15137547

File: d2fcd4ccdbda934⋯.jpg (275.89 KB, 1892x2000, 473:500, d2fcd4ccdbda93462a4fd2e708….jpg)

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ccfed4  No.15137548

File: 73a89664f30d4ea⋯.jpg (129.18 KB, 800x600, 4:3, Neptunes_Bellows.jpg)

Fucking losers.

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fbeb85  No.15137549



forgot the link


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e8d3c9  No.15137550

File: f366dd8a480c490⋯.jpg (1.19 MB, 1920x960, 2:1, Empire.jpg)

File: 85f48f336037b89⋯.jpg (329.77 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, Whoa_oke.jpg)

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a706d7  No.15137551

File: 66ddd1e2080abf2⋯.png (495.87 KB, 478x556, 239:278, 66ddd1e2080abf24e8a87aca8a….png)


Handoff Confirmed

Thank you Barker


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1dc9b9  No.15137552

File: 55d5bfa4d12ee86⋯.jpeg (20.17 KB, 323x270, 323:270, beer_2778238_805ec_hd.jpeg)

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f8cae0  No.15137553


Archive offline

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811804  No.15137554







So if the Architects of our Nation is corrupted them hasn't it been fucked from the start?

Or should we have stuck to the Catholic/Judeo Child Rape system?

I'll wait…

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510665  No.15137555

File: bf696197d3615ec⋯.png (6.25 KB, 191x255, 191:255, 3a27c79c4c59bcb1a8b5c50535….png)


someone please

grab a still image and make a meme of just his finger withthe ramen pointing

just like the donut one

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ffe186  No.15137556

File: 09c543a3840217e⋯.png (66.9 KB, 1202x389, 1202:389, cost.png)


Joe Biden

Published 2 days ago

Biden to announce health insurers must cover 100% of cost of at-home COVID tests

The move will come as part of Biden's winter plan to combat COVID-19

By Michael Lee | Fox News

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a706d7  No.15137557

File: 18ceb1f1ceff034⋯.png (273.32 KB, 809x1149, 809:1149, ClipboardImage.png)

Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

Anybody that doesn’t think there wasn’t massive Election Fraud in the 2020 Presidential Election is either very stupid, or very corrupt!



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17dd6a  No.15137558

File: 4903a4a00037d96⋯.jpg (28.9 KB, 508x603, 508:603, FE2MD80WYAAeePO.jpg)



>You are hired.

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219825  No.15137559

File: f9f8be04bad9b09⋯.jpg (30.47 KB, 474x315, 158:105, milley.jpg)

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930af9  No.15137561

File: 6897505e52cc507⋯.jpg (160.04 KB, 1795x1203, 1795:1203, _20211204_211013.JPG)

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8196bc  No.15137562

File: ba5e3069e757893⋯.jpg (166.64 KB, 1440x1440, 1:1, TEAMWORK.jpg)


>Handoff Confirmed



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ffe186  No.15137563

File: f9ec3eb66bfc247⋯.png (810.21 KB, 678x908, 339:454, cat.png)

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95842d  No.15137564

File: 136d311e0571063⋯.jpeg (17.78 KB, 258x405, 86:135, pootie44.jpeg)



baby, I’m going to sine your pitty on the runny kine!

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36332a  No.15137565

File: 3feb9e94bf0365c⋯.jpg (55.09 KB, 364x570, 182:285, usnavycom.JPG)


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b04f49  No.15137566



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192738  No.15137567

File: 18d2e1eee9813b7⋯.png (138.2 KB, 1280x900, 64:45, ClipboardImage.png)


Anybody that doesn’t think there wasn’t massive Election Fraud in the 2020 Presidential Election is either very stupid, or very corrupt!

>Stupid and Corrupt

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e73a8c  No.15137568



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8d1514  No.15137569

File: f7e084007a1525a⋯.mp4 (13.22 MB, 480x480, 1:1, woke_2.mp4)


kek saved, that is so much better then his woke speech on miley.

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1e80ac  No.15137570

File: 6f899ce0c389d52⋯.png (317.13 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 555.png)


Owned by a twenty something tick tocker



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0966a9  No.15137571

File: 90c27d9c934b09c⋯.jpg (67.34 KB, 691x450, 691:450, Screenshot_20210808_070230….jpg)

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a706d7  No.15137572

File: 50a3a2305cab100⋯.jpg (103.98 KB, 916x988, 229:247, photo_2021_11_23_07_59_44.jpg)

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811804  No.15137573


Thats not how this works. That's not how any of this works. Potato Fiat isn't law or enforceable…

Laws are cool only as long as they are enforced. These dipshits can't keep BIDEN'S ass clean or a dick out of Kameltow's Mouf

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932af9  No.15137574

File: 2a3c5278e9046e1⋯.mp4 (2.94 MB, 224x426, 112:213, whatsoever.mp4)

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70a582  No.15137575


It's True

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192738  No.15137576

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a706d7  No.15137577

File: f02629032409777⋯.png (99.25 KB, 268x312, 67:78, c7d17b481d409edb6b4cbe2880….png)

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605781  No.15137578


>'Anybody that doesn’t think there wasn’t

Wait. WHAT?

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871f7f  No.15137579


There is an expression in the military: If you fuck up, you move up.

So some of the biggest fuck ups are at the top.

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ccfed4  No.15137580

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Doge is on top spot revolution.

Go figure.

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405e60  No.15137581


That's when I realized that he's was a fucking idiot.

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f541a7  No.15137583

File: 3d4bc7268147dd1⋯.png (301.5 KB, 379x523, 379:523, ClipboardImage.png)

File: aa576d463b53a8b⋯.png (2.28 MB, 1024x768, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

MSM fail - freedom rally Aus


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b28d2d  No.15137584


digits will get you that in a bit. Hang on.

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36332a  No.15137585


cuomo just killed people

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fbeb85  No.15137586


for me it was him stabbing his CinC in the back and even worse saluting a fuqing thief

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141065  No.15137587

File: 287757e51df9e86⋯.jpeg (20.13 KB, 290x290, 1:1, Chaka.jpeg)


That's what your cell phone is for…tracking you and everything you do…it let's you talk too…if you're approved to do so…and the towers and infrastructure is all working fine.

Radios are about self reliance and ad hoc comms. You do whatever you think is best. I have a reason for bringing this up and it has nothing to do with 3pers this, or Patriot that, or any of that. Support systems are being crippled to leverage control of the population. Being able to feed yourself, get help, respond to loved ones, etc…is basic human survival sh*t.

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111a02  No.15137588

File: ece7057b5de6704⋯.png (554.63 KB, 531x695, 531:695, Trump_Milley_Fucking_Idiot….PNG)

File: 84c0b6b6c56eb20⋯.mp4 (709.46 KB, 320x568, 40:71, Trump_Milley_Fucking_Idiot….mp4)

Fmr. President Trump calls General Mark Milley “a fucking idiot”


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1dc9b9  No.15137589

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I can't stop.

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510665  No.15137590


make it perfect because it will be a keeper

simple as ramen

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a706d7  No.15137591


He is speaking like an Australian, settle down

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ffe186  No.15137592

File: b19f0848f4dd00e⋯.png (252.05 KB, 603x619, 603:619, kill_sw.png)


Biden Infrastructure Bill Includes Passive Monitoring Vehicle "Kill Switch" Mandates For Automakers


Biden Infrastructure Bill Includes Passive Monitoring Vehicle "Kill Switch" Mandates For Automakers

…the proposed device must “passively monitor the performance of a driver of a motor vehicle to accurately identify whether that driver may be impaired.”

9:00 PM · Dec 4, 2021

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811804  No.15137593

File: 84e5ca326a39b37⋯.jpg (135.21 KB, 1004x1200, 251:300, charles_manson_b2b783302a3….jpg)

File: 0c4d1427866135a⋯.jpg (76.16 KB, 1200x600, 2:1, George_Soros.jpg)

File: 608823c1515fdbd⋯.png (50.41 KB, 1061x312, 1061:312, 51e29d230b00a169de5ebe315f….png)

File: 0807937df6ed3b2⋯.png (456.51 KB, 680x608, 85:76, f06de6e16338365f72f5fa802f….png)

File: 82e3f9fd7f643d7⋯.png (380.85 KB, 600x603, 200:201, 8ddf498626130d7e33b5a5e484….png)

2 Nazis 1 Cup

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a706d7  No.15137595

File: fc459f1c8e46c62⋯.png (164.67 KB, 481x553, 481:553, ClipboardImage.png)

Mindy Robinson, [12/4/2021 5:34 PM]

[ Video ]

Poland is fighting back against the NWO and defending their borders unlike that illegitimate sell out in the White House.

“Aggressive and destructive military aged male illegal immigrants are not “refugees.”


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36332a  No.15137596


the opposite of Titus

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7db974  No.15137597


because it's about control

people who fuck up are easy to control

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605781  No.15137598


I have a 2-way radio

Even if I only use it to listen to others, it will be helpful if all comms are down

Work on that thin skin

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510665  No.15137599





make it green

call it the Ramen Fredo Finger

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811804  No.15137600


Does it work for sidewalk driving niggers?

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a706d7  No.15137601

File: 501803c9361cfd5⋯.png (174.56 KB, 449x438, 449:438, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1fa250298fae877⋯.png (659.6 KB, 922x648, 461:324, ClipboardImage.png)

Big Tech's Monopoly Days Are Coming to an End



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219825  No.15137602

File: 91d91f60cea1591⋯.png (619.55 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, star_1024x1024.png)

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605781  No.15137604


Let's hope he intended to say the opposite of what he meant, I guess

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b60bcf  No.15137605

File: 7ae4a6386e6fc22⋯.png (1.25 MB, 1049x547, 1049:547, all4up.PNG)

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811804  No.15137606

File: 84e5ca326a39b37⋯.jpg (135.21 KB, 1004x1200, 251:300, charles_manson_b2b783302a3….jpg)

File: 0c4d1427866135a⋯.jpg (76.16 KB, 1200x600, 2:1, George_Soros.jpg)

File: 0fcb3205107c7e4⋯.jpg (139.56 KB, 1000x749, 1000:749, Nuke_Bomber_Pilot_Bombardi….jpg)

File: c220b6a07de4f56⋯.png (599.45 KB, 561x717, 187:239, Night_Shift_Accretion.png)

File: 55ee68ec9a37523⋯.png (729.43 KB, 659x662, 659:662, Joel_Olsteen.png)

Y Not….



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930af9  No.15137607

File: 64d82d8cc2273a4⋯.png (834.32 KB, 1583x2328, 1583:2328, 1638670777010.png)


low quality

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eca15b  No.15137608


True that

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8d1514  No.15137609

File: cc8944333e80e06⋯.png (1.15 MB, 944x943, 944:943, ClipboardImage.png)



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36332a  No.15137610

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ca9e06  No.15137611


Ramen guy will go down

as one of the greatest heroes

of the 21st century

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a706d7  No.15137612


filtered for stupidity

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7db974  No.15137613


holy shit what a fucking faggot

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8196bc  No.15137614

File: 611e30afd524eb1⋯.gif (25.39 KB, 112x112, 1:1, 1626568662807.gif)


>YouTube embed

Moar pls

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91da22  No.15137615

File: 775683583ac5eda⋯.png (2.03 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

notable pb >>15135329 (pb) Statement by Donald J. Trump on Mark Meadows’ new book, The Chief’s Chief

Army-Navy football game on Dec 11th is screaming 9/11 and 11.11. Q+’s Statement on Crime of the Century [CC —> 33 ?] arguably ties in. Assuming that those behind 9/11 also behind Nov 3rd, 2020 and Jan 6th, 2021.

Sucks to be Barry. Dubya was at least wise enough to submit.



The funds involved, as EIR has uniquely documented,[1] were derived, at least in large part, from the British-Saudi Al-Yamamah slush fund, consisting of funds skimmed from the British-Saudi oil-for-aircraft deal exposed in the BAE scandal.

Despite the clear evidence of the state sponsorship of the 9/11 attacks by Great Britain and Saudi Arabia, the Bush-Cheney Administration launched military attacks on two nations which had only peripheral involvement (Afghanistan), or no involvement at all (Iraq).

And, as we shall show, the Bush Administration systemically suppressed the evidence of the British-Saudi role, most notably in the case of the still-classified 28-page section of the Congressional Joint Inquiry's final report, which is reliably reported to deal with the Saudi role.

When Barack Obama took office in January 2009, he promised to get the 28 pages released, but instead, has undertaken his own full-throated defense of the Saudis, and his own coverup of their role.

Moreover, when another important component of the Saudi hijacker-support network was discovered in 2011, centered in Sarasota, Fla., the Obama Administration went into full coverup mode to prevent any of this evidence from becoming public.

Twelve years is long enough! When one considers the human and financial cost of the "war on terror," which has left the true authors of the 9/11 attacks untouched, it is high time to break through the coverup, starting with the immediately release of the 28 pages.


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811804  No.15137616

File: 0c4d1427866135a⋯.jpg (76.16 KB, 1200x600, 2:1, George_Soros.jpg)

File: 84e5ca326a39b37⋯.jpg (135.21 KB, 1004x1200, 251:300, charles_manson_b2b783302a3….jpg)

File: 32a90ceaa9cf001⋯.jpg (111.79 KB, 609x503, 609:503, Clinton_Cunts.jpg)

File: c6384f396720d0c⋯.png (1.12 MB, 962x1136, 481:568, f0c481916c4468cfd2b55f1f25….png)

File: 0120db1be822626⋯.png (256.21 KB, 439x413, 439:413, 9065a3704ddb9246caf002fd27….png)

Remember that Beatles song….


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ffe186  No.15137618

File: 44eaf703a038e73⋯.png (177.2 KB, 429x340, 429:340, together.png)


StormyPatriotJoe - Channel, [04.12.21 21:13]

[Forwarded from Giulia Rossi]

[ Video ]

BOLOGNA - Vaccinated and unvaccinated together against health apartheid

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96709a  No.15137619

shitposting here is always an honor and a privilege, faggots. keep firing all meme cannons until they melt to the ground. then hand out meme flyers.

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1dc9b9  No.15137620

File: 5b228b09d656677⋯.jpg (3.5 MB, 4624x3468, 4:3, 16386708969361549333395885….jpg)


Where is your birfcertifit hoe?

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ca9e06  No.15137621

File: 297eccfffa3e94f⋯.png (150.75 KB, 358x358, 1:1, 53bd46ce993e928bc866e74a9a….png)


Then we put ramen

in place of the donut

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141065  No.15137622

File: 0327e341c75c4b6⋯.jpg (90 KB, 640x599, 640:599, 0a56d93e4f59bbaeb8a0d77686….jpg)


All good. I listen to those big AM stations abroad on SDRs and realize why they are so important during bad times. You can hear them over hundreds to thousands of miles with little more than a tiny box and some batteries.

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fbeb85  No.15137623


something tells me PDJT got good intel that Modern Milley referred to PDJT as the same. Turnabout is fair game.

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871f7f  No.15137624



And the only people who actually vote Dem. are either very stupid, or very corrupt as well.

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510665  No.15137626

File: d1b5d8fe70bf22c⋯.mp4 (371.56 KB, 476x270, 238:135, j0rLWh0R11y5HMX2.mp4)


Cernovich Retweeted





NEW - Greek Orthodox priest shouted "Pope, you are a heretic" as Francis was entering the Archbishopric in Athens


Hannah Brockhaus


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1e80ac  No.15137627

File: 5f93bb896c43fa3⋯.png (701.07 KB, 1212x880, 303:220, ClipboardImage.png)



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8196bc  No.15137628

File: 219d4961ae0729c⋯.jpg (18 KB, 304x288, 19:18, 219d4961ae0729c95f266e6343….jpg)


Kek worthy if saucable

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ccfed4  No.15137629

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Mary had a little lamb….

Woman in Black

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8b07a4  No.15137630

there's some really stupid fucking glowniggers posting here

if the adl and all the known mossad associates like fucking cernovich are against you then you're on the right track

and they hate that

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510665  No.15137631


where did they haul him off to to never be heard from again????

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45e28b  No.15137632


babyfist contrives

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17dd6a  No.15137633

File: 8f006e2c97a7bbe⋯.png (360.82 KB, 1457x757, 1457:757, Screenshot_2021_12_04_at_2….png)

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1dc9b9  No.15137634

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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a706d7  No.15137635

File: 0aa3732641c7e97⋯.jpg (63.17 KB, 788x960, 197:240, 0aa3732641c7e97d6cde6ffeb9….jpg)

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a706d7  No.15137636


Thank you baker

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510665  No.15137637

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871f7f  No.15137638


Why is he using a double negative?

"doesn't think there wasn't"

Double negative makes a positive

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405e60  No.15137639


The media has openly declared disdain for the people. They are clearly in the enemy camp.

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72f43c  No.15137640

File: a4f77227e5d19a9⋯.jpeg (361.97 KB, 857x509, 857:509, 9EB1CA29_9B01_40B8_8C44_4….jpeg)

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510665  No.15137641


he is probably anon

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f541a7  No.15137642

File: 86ed5e6bff79e85⋯.png (426.61 KB, 772x394, 386:197, ClipboardImage.png)

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2897e3  No.15137643


it means he is definitely human and has not been replaced by a robot

excellent sign

POTUS still in play

say again

POTUS still in play

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930af9  No.15137644

File: da84bcfb94c8106⋯.jpg (199.5 KB, 1289x1362, 1289:1362, _20211204_212610.JPG)

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913dbd  No.15137645

File: e3b4d775276c2bf⋯.jpg (149.88 KB, 879x611, 879:611, DOGE_NO_BITE.jpg)

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e73a8c  No.15137646




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016dd1  No.15137647

File: 163dde1ac4764d9⋯.png (548.56 KB, 837x692, 837:692, ClipboardImage.png)

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219825  No.15137648

File: f89676abc4a06c4⋯.jpg (17.81 KB, 474x346, 237:173, plandemic.jpg)


Dr. Anthony Fauci has won the $1 million Israeli Dan David Prize for “defending science” and advocating for vaccines now being administered worldwide to fight the coronavirus pandemic.

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5a0fc8  No.15137649

File: 2b7c2451092bd9d⋯.jpg (41.04 KB, 295x373, 295:373, Screenshot_20210801_073625….jpg)

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4f206a  No.15137650

File: 64eeb23bb87b507⋯.png (246.92 KB, 506x614, 253:307, 1aramen.png)


Best I can do right now.

Have someone else pretty it up for you.

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2a2b0b  No.15137651


He’s not as genius as some make him out to be, especially when it comes to grammar.

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605781  No.15137652


Exactly! I dont think there wasn't, but I DO think there was…

So the question is, did he make that error intentionally

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fbeb85  No.15137653



anyone who thinks there wasn't……

makes better sense

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7db974  No.15137654


that's not how a double negative works you not not a stupid fuck

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17dd6a  No.15137655

File: ae81bce3b727a6b⋯.jpg (266.72 KB, 1000x620, 50:31, FFtg_x3XMAg5Uzd.jpg)

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70a582  No.15137656


Maintaining Holding Pattern at 44,000ft


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8196bc  No.15137657

File: b35af60b2d41cee⋯.png (803.64 KB, 950x660, 95:66, ClipboardImage.png)


That's not babyfist, that's Tranime.

Thanks for calling out this notable.

o7, DOAR faggot

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2897e3  No.15137658

File: 319dbb1d49652aa⋯.png (113.2 KB, 570x782, 285:391, 02957425774092542095439.png)

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36332a  No.15137659


grammar swammar

or he wanted someone to post the cat

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95842d  No.15137660

File: c277da18627af13⋯.jpg (11.73 KB, 255x162, 85:54, kiowa44.jpg)


CNN Offline for the Evening.

Tonight's Special: Reruns of "The History of Comedy."


smoke'em if ya got'em


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5bc2d7  No.15137661



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72f43c  No.15137662

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Best version out there

I had thoughts about this the other day- they are finally thinking they will have their race war. Nope

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1e80ac  No.15137663

File: d8aa83847db05ff⋯.png (6.6 MB, 3700x4200, 37:42, nov13missingifightIXXIUSar….png)


Nice graphic Anon

Maybe moar on here

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405e60  No.15137664


>anti-semetic trope

Fun Fact: The milling on the edges of coins was put there to prevent jewish merchants from shaving the edges of the gold and silver coins, which was in actuality stealing from the King's Treasury and punishable by death.

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2897e3  No.15137665


you must

'tis tradition

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7db974  No.15137666


you are all quite literally a circle of faggots online

it's incredible

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a706d7  No.15137667

File: 1a52058c52e5b54⋯.mp4 (4.43 MB, 480x852, 40:71, video_2021_12_04_21_29_40.mp4)

Pepe Lives Matter 🐸, [12/4/2021 11:06 AM]

[ Video ]

New Zealand protestors do the haka inside a vaccinated only shopping complex. 😎



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b04f49  No.15137668

File: 929859755f1ff47⋯.jpg (173.99 KB, 1200x669, 400:223, hero.jpg)

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95842d  No.15137669

File: 9fb40dedf69b17c⋯.jpg (8.05 KB, 225x225, 1:1, images.jpg)

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2aa944  No.15137670

File: 5f02231533d2b1d⋯.png (186.76 KB, 512x384, 4:3, RaccoonNS.png)

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2b13ea  No.15137671

File: 1a7c6a004e16026⋯.jpg (127.65 KB, 800x618, 400:309, IMG_1091.JPG)

>>15137023 (pb – PREVIOUS BREAD)

was that Jason Kessler? Fake white nationalist/alt right fag that organized Unite the Right.

Here is a "conspiracy theory" bio on the dude


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1e80ac  No.15137672

File: 5a8fc19df57bec1⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1400x1314, 700:657, merckpill82cropanonbluepil….png)

File: 7da3b60ac790af2⋯.png (734.79 KB, 874x1306, 437:653, merckpill82redonly.png)


Red pill only or

Matrix Choice

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b6e3b7  No.15137673

File: 82d68a3e8ba0be2⋯.png (152.48 KB, 616x557, 616:557, 10789236450327896.png)

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8196bc  No.15137674

File: da372baefdfec1e⋯.png (268.63 KB, 576x319, 576:319, 1624940399458.png)


haha. gotem.


>you are all quite literally a circle of faggots

Hello Satanist.

I bet you know all about faggot circles.

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1dc9b9  No.15137675



How quaint?

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81bca6  No.15137676

File: 264c731e2e2cbdc⋯.png (1.36 MB, 1063x1064, 1063:1064, 1633782486051.png)

fresh worm thread


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f541a7  No.15137677

File: 2845f15ec23ef28⋯.png (32.19 KB, 868x588, 31:21, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fabc55ff6f5a932⋯.png (62.63 KB, 801x410, 801:410, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ad5e0931a0a5a9c⋯.png (130.35 KB, 835x796, 835:796, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 821ad43e77d23bd⋯.png (34.74 KB, 814x785, 814:785, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e79f55ed1a2ab2f⋯.png (151.49 KB, 820x911, 820:911, ClipboardImage.png)

Ethics Experts Alarmed By Nearly 100% Decrease In Clinton Foundation Donations Since $250 Million Peak In 2009

The Clinton Foundation’s rapid decline in donor cash has alarmed top ethics watchdogs who say it shows clear red flags of political corruption.

Financial disclosures show a precipitous decline in contributions to the Clinton Foundation in the years following former president Bill Clinton and former first lady Hillary Clinton’s fall from the heights of their political power.

The Clinton Foundation received roughly $16.3 million in contributions in 2020, according to their newly released Form 990. This was a 93.6% decrease from the nearly $250 million the charitable organization raked in during 2009 after Hillary Clinton was appointed Secretary of State.

“For years, the Clinton Foundation raised ethical concerns and blurred lines between the foundation, private entities, and the State Department,” said Scott Amey, General Counsel for the Project on Government Oversight (POGO), a nonpartisan, independent government corruption watchdog organization.

“Money was pouring in when Hillary Clinton was a senior official and a candidate for president. The fact that foundation donors received special access to the Secretary of State isn’t surprising, nor is the fall in foundation funding after her 2016 election loss. Many people thought people were supporting the former president, but it really looks like they were cozying up to who they thought was going to be the future president — a situation that can’t be repeated,” the POGO General Counsel told the Daily Caller.

“Now, with ethics concerns raised about Mnuchin and Kushner, as well as judges, it is vital that Congress put politics aside and pass an ethics reform package for all three branches of government. Congress must eliminate conflicts of interest, restrict special access, prevent trading on insider knowledge, and stop public servants who cash in for personal or private gain. Recent surveys show that corruption is a major public concern, but with the foxes guarding the henhouse, I’m unsure who will step forward to fix the problem,” said Amey.

“We’ve been seeing a decline in the cash flow to the Clinton Foundation since the 2016 presidential election,” Anna Massoglia told the Daily Caller. Massoglia is an Investigative Researcher at OpenSecrets, a non-profit transparency organization that tracks money in politics.


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405e60  No.15137678


>Therapeutic Goods Adminstration

One Fish

Two Fish

New Speak

Jew Speak

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95842d  No.15137679

File: d59874ca4271706⋯.jpg (15.79 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 4D4D.jpg)


tetras chkt



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70a582  No.15137680



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913dbd  No.15137681

File: fa5463704543705⋯.jpg (99.54 KB, 515x358, 515:358, AWAKE.jpg)

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5c6c84  No.15137682

File: 8649c0daaa003e4⋯.png (1.7 MB, 1242x1215, 46:45, ClipboardImage.png)

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17dd6a  No.15137683

File: c98e62c77bb0e08⋯.jpg (40.08 KB, 400x398, 200:199, FFrgwXwXMAcRtcq.jpg)

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ab5b23  No.15137684

File: e153426511318b2⋯.png (2.55 MB, 2100x2100, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


the time now is:

TRAILER COUR (it is not a hard or silent T, it is simply gone, I think)

Are those Chevy El Camino taillights embedded in the chrome bumber from like the late 70's thru midd 80's? Rest of vehicle doesn't seem right. Almost has some hearse and DeLorean features as well.

Both red AND green lights fall at Christmases past.

disclaimer: I don't really know what I'm doing here—just know I'd be mad at myself later for not trying to figure out what it all means.

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a706d7  No.15137685

File: 2c0d7a580beef76⋯.mp4 (472.46 KB, 404x720, 101:180, video_2021_12_04_16_11_14.mp4)

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b28d2d  No.15137686

File: f82a2296a4fb825⋯.png (123.89 KB, 471x720, 157:240, ramen.png)



hopefully that works for what you were thinking.

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bc68fc  No.15137687


Well done, I nominate a new badge, humbly.


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a706d7  No.15137688

File: 2c0d7a580beef76⋯.mp4 (472.46 KB, 404x720, 101:180, video_2021_12_04_16_11_14.mp4)

Pepe Lives Matter 🐸, [12/4/2021 3:50 PM]

[Forwarded from SHA-256 🖤💛❤️]

[ GIF ]

At the third, we can no longer take him for an idiot. And you ?


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95842d  No.15137689

File: c7b2c309d5513a0⋯.png (14.49 KB, 255x216, 85:72, 72b8d262c1830ca30c07253b19….png)

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405e60  No.15137690


Become ungovernable.

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7f2e5e  No.15137691

File: 0c451c387423a03⋯.png (153.45 KB, 400x400, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

Patriots FRONT

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1dc9b9  No.15137692




The defendant contends that [he] [she] acted out of necessity. Necessity legally excuses the crime charged.

The defendant must prove necessity by a preponderance of the evidence. A preponderance of the evidence means that you must be persuaded that the things the defendant seeks to prove are more probably true than not true. This is a lesser burden of proof than the government’s burden to prove beyond a reasonable doubt each element of [specify crime charged].

A defendant acts out of necessity only if at the time of the crime charged:

1. the defendant was faced with a choice of evils and chose the lesser evil;

2. the defendant acted to prevent imminent harm;

3. the defendant reasonably anticipated [his] [her] conduct would prevent such harm; [and]

4. there were no other legal alternatives to violating the law[.] [; and]

[5. the defendant surrendered to authorities as soon as it was safe to do so.]

If you find that each of these things has been proved by a preponderance of the evidence, you must find the defendant not guilty.


To be entitled to an instruction on necessity as a defense to the crime charged, an escapee must first offer evidence justifying his continued absence from custody. See United States v. Bailey, 444 U.S. 394, 413 (1980). The bracketed fifth element should be used in cases of escape only.

This defense traditionally covers situations "where physical forces beyond [an] actor’s control rendered illegal conduct as the less of two evils." United States v. Perdomo-Espana, 522 F.3d 983, 987 (9th Cir. 2008) (quoting Bailey, 444 U.S. at 409-10). The defense of necessity is usually invoked when the defendant acted in the interest of the general welfare. United States v. Contento-Pachon, 723 F.2d 691, 695 (9th Cir. 1984). The defendant is not entitled to submit the defense of necessity to the jury unless the proffered evidence, construed most favorably to the defendant, establishes all the elements of the defense. United States v. Cervantes-Flores, 421 F.3d 825, 829 (9th Cir. 2005); see also United States v. Chao Fan Xu, 706 F.3d 965, 988 (9th Cir. 2013) ("Fear of prosecution for crimes committed is not an appropriate reason to claim necessity."). The defendant’s proffered necessity defense is analyzed through an objective framework. Perdomo-Espana, 522 F.3d at 987.

Although felon-in-possession cases in the Ninth Circuit are typically analyzed under the justification defense (Instruction 6.7), see United States v. Gomez, 92 F.3d 770, 775 (9th Cir. 1996), the necessity defense may also be applicable to such cases. See United States v. Barnes, 895 F.3d 1194, 1204-05 & nn.4 & 6 (9th Cir. 2018).

Approved 9/2018


File 6.06_criminal_revised_9-2018.wpd

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b6e3b7  No.15137693

File: 90e93b5ced448cd⋯.png (444.05 KB, 614x613, 614:613, 98796241457806745.png)

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871f7f  No.15137694


I cannot imagine that he did not do it intentionally.

Everything is scripted.

Maybe time will tell.

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e8d3c9  No.15137695

File: c2b3c1d3d48c759⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1280x900, 64:45, Both.png)

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fbeb85  No.15137696


Captain Mainwaring


In Italy our government forbid us to demonstrate or protest against covid mandates.

So we are now silently walking around in big groups, holding the photos of the victims of the experimental jab.



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930af9  No.15137697

File: cf8519194b9d992⋯.jpg (245.13 KB, 1196x1927, 1196:1927, _20211128_085336.JPG)


>Pepe Lives Matter 🐸

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799fa4  No.15137698

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


William Barr was a PipeHitter

Attorney General William Barr Busts Out Bagpipes Alongside NYPD, Wows Crowd

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95842d  No.15137699

File: 884a96c3fee4f7b⋯.png (2.94 MB, 2091x2050, 51:50, 042e25aa396c7465eb460c8b90….png)


u do this too?

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605781  No.15137700

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77013e  No.15137701


> “They have exaggerated Omicron to cover up the rising flood of Heart Attacks due to the Vaccines”

Also to introduce "plausible deniability" on the origins of COVID19 being a bio-engineered virus that utilized components of HIV & the common cold… most likely.

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1e80ac  No.15137702

File: 49fac35084c7f8b⋯.png (726.87 KB, 1399x1200, 1399:1200, yearzeroNEO.png)

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91da22  No.15137703

File: 8ed9b911c472b9a⋯.png (900.04 KB, 1701x1034, 1701:1034, ClipboardImage.png)


back at you–nice work yourself, anon

couple of thoughts:

a) 11.11 → AA11? As in, American Airlines Flight 11, first to strike the Twin Towers?


b) IDK how H.R. 5734 Pakistan Terrorism Accountability Act of 2012 fits in, but the Army-Navy football game seems to point to it


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21655d  No.15137704

File: d823dcd91ff6553⋯.gif (315.88 KB, 1082x695, 1082:695, pepe_santa_cocoa.gif)

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b6e3b7  No.15137705

File: 8a6161308f38520⋯.png (821.69 KB, 835x636, 835:636, 0176476564134550.png)

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1dc9b9  No.15137706


You lost. Negotiating 0V.

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8b07a4  No.15137707

File: 637a0458db85618⋯.png (598.58 KB, 1146x437, 1146:437, ClipboardImage.png)

this is how unimaginably stupid these glowniggers are on here

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b6e3b7  No.15137708

File: 05b7dc0d4f88af5⋯.png (687.19 KB, 640x680, 16:17, 897436128977456.png)

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871f7f  No.15137709


I have never seen anyone eat Ramen like that.

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a706d7  No.15137710

File: de21b4e50e43e27⋯.png (138.56 KB, 476x928, 119:232, ClipboardImage.png)

‘Keep swimming.’

Found this post and immediately shared it with a loved one after how much it resonated with me. They encouraged to share it here and I couldn’t agree more.

Patriots, you are awake for a reason. You are stronger than you give yourself credit for. You are doing better than you think you are.

Much is happening, I can assure you of that. It may not be on the timeline that we want but it’s most certainly God’s. He knows what is necessary in order to rid this world of it’s evil. Continue to hold strong, frens. This is unconventional warfare on your heart, mind and spirit. God wins. Never forget that.

Keep swimming.

🇺🇸 WWG1WGA 🇺🇸



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21655d  No.15137711

File: af553bc60d7ba81⋯.png (171 KB, 400x387, 400:387, human_rat_behavior.png)

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9cc191  No.15137712

what is the greatest psychological vulnerability of the elites

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b6e3b7  No.15137713

File: fe38a23b935847c⋯.png (623.06 KB, 494x600, 247:300, 7845120547664510457.png)

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a706d7  No.15137714


Always have been.

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2aa944  No.15137715

File: af0519bdf67eb51⋯.png (136.87 KB, 800x800, 1:1, GlowAlpha.png)

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4f206a  No.15137716

File: 2c27726821b31b5⋯.png (102.1 KB, 462x436, 231:218, 1aramen.png)

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b6e3b7  No.15137717

File: 3e4d4bd8597fa96⋯.png (999.99 KB, 904x598, 452:299, 8405118438977.png)

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1e80ac  No.15137718

File: 7dc75e5744f2d6f⋯.png (13.1 KB, 329x369, 329:369, ClipboardImage.png)


Yes to AA11 vs 11:11

Lots of 11:11 KEKs

Pakistan reference probably picrel

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6c3cc3  No.15137719

File: 2c31ae1e8c6ad37⋯.png (1.35 MB, 1500x1000, 3:2, Petr_Horalek_upr_IMG_9240_….png)

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67cb9b  No.15137720

File: f11a5022796b97b⋯.png (332.25 KB, 634x463, 634:463, 5b3a0651d4994c199cc431c4c3….png)

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fbeb85  No.15137721


the thought that they are not elite

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8196bc  No.15137722

File: 0a1bddef439cb95⋯.jpg (77.93 KB, 643x820, 643:820, TLDR.jpg)



It would appear that your text is too long.

I'm sorry nigga, but you will have to shill harder!

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2a2b0b  No.15137723

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1dc9b9  No.15137724


6.6 B

I know you didn't forget how to count.

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b28d2d  No.15137725


yeah that twist was what was needed.

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bd5638  No.15137726


Mr. Pig, who so you think is behind the push for EVs, in spite of our lack of infrastructure to support them? What are their actual motives (green ain't it).

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b6e3b7  No.15137727

File: ed51af5b0ea0257⋯.png (63.53 KB, 589x590, 589:590, 111175402783549.png)

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21655d  No.15137728

File: 9acdb87147cc083⋯.jpg (453.64 KB, 1404x1065, 468:355, flotus_christmas_tree.jpg)

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b04f49  No.15137729

File: 5406030b61e1b8e⋯.gif (7.89 MB, 600x591, 200:197, nocrypls.gif)

seems like they are gonna keep engineering new viruses and i'm gonna be sick with the common cold + new ~flavor~ of the month until everyone wakes up that is war and we are being attacked. fack.

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219825  No.15137730

File: c2d9b3bf8d705dc⋯.jpg (20.9 KB, 474x252, 79:42, Patrick_Henry.jpg)

File: 7c2cd00786e3794⋯.jpg (50.87 KB, 850x400, 17:8, refrigerator_.jpg)

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b6e3b7  No.15137731

File: 3c1ba26d68c85d3⋯.png (592.99 KB, 457x561, 457:561, 11854345098.png)

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a706d7  No.15137732

File: ab02757d00d5b06⋯.mp4 (1.75 MB, 816x1264, 51:79, IMG_1246.MP4)


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8b07a4  No.15137733

even their fucking shill memes are garbage

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930af9  No.15137734


>a) 11.11 → AA11? As in, American Airlines Flight 11, first to strike the Twin Towers?

don't mean to jump in y'alls convo, but that's an interesting thought


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b60bcf  No.15137735

File: 61e879315752310⋯.jpg (12.29 KB, 255x143, 255:143, djttroll2.jpg)

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21655d  No.15137736

File: 6406c69d149a043⋯.png (259.93 KB, 600x308, 150:77, NoDeals.png)

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b6e3b7  No.15137737

File: 0b2c7d05702c7ef⋯.png (69.42 KB, 693x580, 693:580, 66238753012784236.png)

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1dc9b9  No.15137738


That's beautiful.

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141065  No.15137739

File: 279217c30e1b1f0⋯.jpeg (443.45 KB, 1656x1243, 1656:1243, 279217c30e1b1f094738ffeb0….jpeg)


They are in a civil war. Let's hope the people can recover the government (and they will) without the tyrants forcing bloodshed. Wishful thinking most likely, but a good wish.

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1dc9b9  No.15137740

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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36332a  No.15137741


genital mutilation of infants is a crime against humanity

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b6e3b7  No.15137742

File: 807ad1f49bc3347⋯.png (683.6 KB, 574x589, 574:589, 16731269845.png)

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f8cae0  No.15137743

File: e7d5a6cf33dde91⋯.jpeg (520.85 KB, 1165x1492, 1165:1492, e7d5a6cf33dde91134ef53457….jpeg)

66 fag is a Dutch Marxist troll

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21655d  No.15137744

File: 94d25c1687f45a8⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1122x1738, 51:79, shut_it_down.png)

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b6e3b7  No.15137745

File: 98f27c60c5b6b08⋯.png (602.64 KB, 651x588, 31:28, 09845798128768934.png)
