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File: d5864fabf1371e9⋯.jpg (140 KB, 900x721, 900:721, d5864fabf1371e9f1f347ed5ef….jpg)

f8d39c  No.14822216[Last 50 Posts]

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>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

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f8d39c  No.14822219

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f8d39c  No.14822221


#18749 TBC >>14821435

#18748 TBC


>>14819851 Committee meeting about Elections Utah Oct 20th 1:15PM (VID)

>>14819851 #18745 >>14818303 TBC

>>14819778 (PB) NYC to require cops, firemen and city workers to be vaxxed, they say.

>>14819927, >>14819951 BTC @ 66,666.66 (#PayingAttentionYet)

>>14819941 LIVE: Business owners testify on challenges of global supply chain issues

>>14819956 Labor Department will be free to penalize employers who do not comply with President Biden’s unconstitutional vaccine mandate.

>>14819964 LIVE: House Committee Discussing Bannon Contempt of Congress

>>14819970 LIVE: Rahm Emanuel confirmation hearing to be U.S. ambassador to Japan


>>14820009 12,000 Afghans in U.S. Now with No ID Whatsoever

>>14820168 Bannon War Room is heating up. Congress is after Bannon.

>>14820173 @US5thFleet is proud of this toy for some reason. [AI?]

>>14820195, >>14820226 Jack trolling FaceBook? [Central Intelligence Corporation]

>>14820207 RealGenFlynn Digital Soldiers Looking for Truth (Viva La Italy)

>>14820231 These people are sick. -q pretty sure

>>14820234 1776 Continental Dollar DIg

>>14820235, >>14820253 PF ping []

>>14820255 Bidet has until the 26th to declassify JFK or not. (wonder if he even knows)

>>14820259 Steve Bannon urged his followers to take over local-level GOP positions (#StartYourParades)

>>14820261, >>14820116 Moar PF

>>14820299 White House Details Plan To "Quickly" Vaccinate 28M Children Age 5-11 #SaveOurChildrem

>>14820293 White House has weighed tapping National Guard to address mounting supply chain Crisis

>>14820377 'F** Joe Biden' Chants Break Out Behind Fox Pundits Covering Astros v Red Sox #WhereIsBrandon

>>14820430 another 9:04 timestamp from the Army [904] (SoftwareFactory)

>>14820437 '20 Times Increase' of CANCER in Vaccinated Patients?

>>14820448, >>14820465 Brian laundrie FBI live at the reserve

>>14820450 Minnesota Gov. Walz Offering Vaccine Incentives for Teens

>>14820559 We went right over the precipice and into hell. (International Pronoun Day WDF?!)

>>14820563 PIDB Submits Letter to President Biden Supporting Transparency in Public Release of JFK Assassination Records (September 28, 2021)

>>14820600 #18747

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f8d39c  No.14822222


>>14819113 They are going to use the IRS to shut down any opposition to the Uniparty

>>14819137 Report: Shipping Containers from Stranded Ships Dumped in L.A. Neighborhoods

>>14819141 Fox’s Neil Cavuto off air after contracting Covid; vaccinated host heavily immunocompromised

>>14819148 FBI Raids DC Home of Oleg Deripaska


>>14819172 Nets Skip Parents Suing AG for 'Terrorism' Smear, NBC Rails Against Anti-CRT Law in TX

>>14819183 AUDIT UTAH: Patriots Organize Rally For a Full Forensic Audit At Committee Meeting WEDNESDAY AT UTAH CAPITOL!

>>14819198 Records Suggest Loudoun Sent Team Of Police To Deal With ‘Upset Parent,’ Not Alleged Rape Of Student

>>14819208 has realPOTUS created the perfect storm

>>14819210 one of Facebook‘s fact checkers about Covid disinformation is funded by Johnson and Johnson.

>>14819218 Newark schools face complaints about ‘horrible’ meals amid food, labor shortages

>>14819224 Mayor de Blasio to announce COVID-19 vaccine mandate for all city workers

>>14819199 The US Government Trying To Cover Up Their Corruption Against President Trump

>>14819239 Sumpin goin on out yonder off the East coast. Heavy helo and jet traffic.

>>14819244 LEAKED AUDIO: DOJ official on WH call says many federal worker religious exemptions on abortion testing are ‘not sincere’


>>14819304, >>14819305, >>14819577 PF

>>14819334 The Fauci/COVID-19 Dossier (210 pgs)

>>14819336 drip - FLOOD Qmapped

>>14819363 NJ gov. changes state law so nurses, other medical professionals can perform abortions

>>14819366, >>14819372, >>14819374 Caps/memes

>>14819285 Note the last side effect (Sudden Death), at least Ireland is being honest.

>>14819403 Fauci lied, people died

>>14819408, >>14819468 Any Planefags out there?

>>14819419, >>14819423 Does 10/28 = 11.11 ?

>>14819426 US army: Light discipline

>>14819439 God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.

>>14819458 America Marks 240th Anniversary of Victory That Won Our Freedom

>>14819485 Britain's Queen Elizabeth accepts medical advice to rest for a few days

>>14819489 Texas Sheriff Will Deputize Local Citizens to Fight Border Crisis, Plans to Build Fence Around County

>>14819497 ​Child Pornography Arrest Rocks House Of Representatives - 10 Felony Charges Filed

>>14819505 Vladimir Putin Orders Week-Long Paid Holiday As Covid Cases Soar In Russia

>>14819516 Netflix Normalizes Violence Against the Unvaccinated

>>14819548 CDC Dr. Rochelle Walensky says that even if kids get vaccinated (per FDA approval) schools should still have mask mandates

>>14819550 Coming up on a1 yr DELTA

>>14819529 Senate Democrats’ Bill Shifts Border Patrol Funds to Remove Border Wall

>>14819565 Remember When: Jeffrey Epstein Makes Stunning Claim During Interview With Steve Bannon

>>14819593 Judge Rejects Florida Husband's Attempt to Force Hospital to Use Ivermectin to Treat COVID

>>14819594 A revived Obama program to allow more migrants under the age of 21 to come to the U.S (DONOTCOMEHERE)

>>14819612 White House unveils plan to "quickly" vaccinate kids ages 5-11

>>14819646 New footage shows the moment Mount Aso erupted in Japan

>>14819721 Seattle firefighters and Seattle police officers that were fired for not complying with the vaccine mandate are feeding the homeless.'

>>14819761 LIVE: Nicholas Cruz Hearing

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f8d39c  No.14822223


>>14818379 original image from Gen Flynn: 95 years old Queen Elizabeth without mask in crowded room.

>>14818397, >>14818398 Cyprus. Danesco Trading. JFK. 7th Floor. Harvest. "Puppy" mill. Happy Hunting.

>>14818405 TASS: About 5,000 paratroopers go on alert in combat readiness inspection in Russia’s south

>>14818428, >>14818911 Twin explosions hit army bus in Damascus, killing over a dozen people

>>14818509, >>14818529 PF

>>14818517 Video: Masonic Diversion Tactics (Targeted Individuals)

>>14818534 TLDR Ivermectin is a anticancer ionophoric

>>14818596 Dr. Stella Immanuel: Vaccinated Must Medicate With Hydroxychloroquine, Vitamins To Survive Winter Wild Virus

>>14818616 Chinese MOFA Spokesman: #Taiwan is #China's Taiwan, it's not in America's turn to point fingers.

>>14818619 everyone should learn a few "grips" to keep 'em off their guard

>>14818628 Roots of Current COVID Plandemic & its Connections to Story of Eugenics, DNA, Life Insurance Industry & the Quest to Control Life

>>14818737 Jen Psaki just stormed out of the briefing without a mask and violated the WH mask mandate.

>>14818796 Bill Gates was told to stop 'inappropriate' emails with Microsoft employee in 2008, report says

>>14818801, >>14818831 One of the doomsday planes has stood on alert 24/7

>>14818856 Colombian former FARC guerrilla leader arrested in Mexico

>>14818969 Queen Elizabeth II cancels trip, advised to rest for a few days

>>14819012, >>14819045 German Bundesbank President Weidman resigns, cites "personal reasons"

>>14820663 #18745

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f8d39c  No.14822224


>>14817536 Thass right.. go be vaccinated over there… & don't fucking touch me now that you vaccinated either.(Cap 1:00)

>>14817548 In-N-Out Burger: ‘We Refuse to Become the Vaccination Police’

>>14817561 Dems are doing devil’s work Faith based bias (Cap 1:02)

>>14817573 Louisiana AG Jeff Landry to JP Morgan: No State Business if Your Policies Restrict 2A

>>14817582, >>14817725, >>14817686, >>14817815, >>14817683 Russia Russia Russia Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine commms

>>14817583 Australia Dan Andrews Forced To Reveal Health Advice The Victorian Government Loses Fight To Maintain Secrecy.

>>14817591 Canadian MPs subject to new House of Commons vaccine mandate

>>14817600 Biden Administration Is Holding All Shipments. Turning Away Empty Truck Drivers. It’S All About Controlling Our Food, Clothing And Other Necessities (Cap 0:15)

>>14817602, >>14817769, >>14817841, >>14817868, >>14817886, Iran Contra Cover Up Network

>>14817724, >>14818241, >>14817904, >>14816899 lb , >>14816948 lb, >>14816982 lb, >>14816964 lb, >>14817330 lb, Rachel Levine swore on a clipboard that shim be the gayest admiral ever

>>14817654 A Comparison of Official Government Reports Suggests the Fully Vaccinated Are Developing Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome

>>14817733 Mike Pompeo @mikepompeo The Biden Administration chose politics over people when they got rid of the Remain in Mexico policy

>>14817790, >>14817840 Adam Schiff Shilling January 6 Big Lie

>>14817796, >>14817839, >>14817987, >>14817991, >>14817820, >>14817933, >>14818124, >>14818148, >>14812341 pb , >>14812630 pb, >>14812672 pb, >>14812674 pb, Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine: Vindman Vindman Vindman

>>14817808 Nebraska Attorney General issues legal opinion and gives the green light for Nebraska doctors to prescribe Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19

>>14817847 Ask Eric Holder how scary Contempt of Congress is

>>14817883 Brazilian lawmakers to recommend HOMICIDE charges for President Bolsonaro over handling of Covid-19

>>14817968 Mount Aso erupts in southern Japan (Cap 1:13)

>>14818174 Election integrity is comprised of two main components.

>>14818191 These People Are Sick And Brag About It. They Want To Control Us All

>>14818193, >>14818239 #DefundTheFed

>>14818222 Facebook Inc is planning to #rebrand the company with a new name next week

>>14818224 Gen Flynn: 95 years old Queen Elizabeth without mask in crowded room.

>>14818234 Gen Flynn, I don’t like sharing things people send to me via Twitter but this is too important for you all not to view. Pfizer… (Cap 0:55)

>>14818285, >>14818299 Planefag checking in

>>14818307 #18744

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f8d39c  No.14822225


>>14816738 Australian Premier Promises to Keep Unvaccinated People Locked Out of Economy into 2022, And Warns Vaccinated Citizens They Too Will Be Locked Down if They Attempt to Avoid Booster Shots

>>14816746 Orange County Battalion Chief terminated for refusing to issue discipline to employees that were on a “non vax compliance” list given to him by his superiors

>>14816758 House committee votes on Steve Bannon contempt report 9 Aye - 0 No Bannon Motion agreed to

>>14816807 Kidnappers demand $17 million ransom for release of American and Canadian hostages in Haiti

>>14816808 Facebook Censors Jimmy's Video While Confirming It

>>14816881 Definitely not the eulogy you want to receive from the Greatest POTUS of all time on your way out, Colin Powell

>>14816887 Leaked Contracts Reveal Pfizer Used its Power to “Shift Risk and Maximize Profits” in Negotiations with Governments

>>14816899, >>14816948, >>14816982, >>14816964, >>14817330 Another Armed Services Disgrace: Dr. Levine became the first openly transgender person Levine, took the oath on a clipboard

>>14816945, >>14817286 TikTok Threatens To Censor "Let's Go Brandon" Song For "Harassment And Bullying"

>>14816994 Trumps Latest Interview With Bill O'reilly From The 18th Oct

>>14817045 Pierre Kory I am now an expert witness (pro bono) in a big lawsuit against a large pharmacy chain

>>14817136, >>14817345, >>14817225 What Are They Hiding? OSHA

>>14817172 In-N-Out Burger: ‘We Refuse to Become the Vaccination Police’

>>14817218, >>14817420 Statement by Donald J. Trump: Republican Congressman from Nebraska just got indicted, Is there no justice in our Country?

>>14817218, >>14817230, >>14817255 DECODED into all the words…

>>14817296 COUP CORRUPTION: McCabe FBI Memo Describes COUP Plot Against Trump (13:04)

>>14817304 Federal regulators are expected to authorize the mixing and matching of COVID-19 booster shots, just imagine all the horrific mutated side effects to come

>>14817365 24 attorneys general are planning to sue the Biden administration over vaccine mandates

>>14817343 2 days ahead of schedule Colin Powell

>>14817479 #18743

Previously Collected

>>14816819 #18740, >>14815909 #18741, >>14816720 #18742

>>14813516 #18737, >>14814294 #18738, >>14815038 #18739

>>14811189 #18734, >>14812078 #18735, >>14813022 #18736

>>14810129 #18731, >>14809680 #18732, >>14810371 #18733

>>14806586 #18728, >>14808393 #18729, >>14808194 #18730

>>14803998 #18725, >>14804727 #18726, >>14805532 #18727

>>14801555 #18722, >>14802433 #18723, >>14803500 #18724

>>14799395 #18719, >>14800534 #18720, >>14800345 #18721

>>14796851 #18716, >>14800471 #18717, >>14800406 #18018

>>14794614 #18713, >>14795361 #18714, >>14796575 #18715

>>14794389 #18710, >>14794269 #18711, >>14793858 #18712

>>14789922 #18707, >>14793586 #18708, >>14794239 #18709

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/

>>14588182 Q Research Notables #9

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f8d39c  No.14822227



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c90e39  No.14822228

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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1b9389  No.14822229

File: 8753dcf1b646095⋯.jpg (45.63 KB, 731x489, 731:489, mkkkdofuvnsdhfkjmds.jpg)

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0cc3d2  No.14822230

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Repost from other bread:

Joe has given us a 17 and two BOOMS so far!

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5ab4db  No.14822232

old farthead telling lies from the WAR

decades of leadership

same ole story

inbreeding tales

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ddb77c  No.14822235

Kansas GOP Senator Marshall introduces bill to halt grants going to gain of function research

"The federal government should not provide another dime in funding for viral gain-of-function research in the name of global health," said Marshall (R-Kansas)

Kansas GOP Sen. Roger Marshall is leading a group of fellow Republicans in introducing new legislation that will put a temporary hold on federal research grants that go to universities and other organizations that are conducting "risky research on potential pandemic pathogens."

The Vital Gain of Function Research Moratorium Act was written and presented in response to congressional inquiries into such research. Marshall says that the probes has revealed significant issues including federal agencies authorizing "dangerous research" with countries that may have been involved with the COVID-19 global pandemic.

Singling out Dr. Anthony Fauci, the county's top infectious disease expert, Marshall said, "For the last decade, Dr. Fauci has funded gain-of-function research on SARS viruses, and until we get to the bottom of the origins of COVID-19, the federal government should not provide another dime in funding for viral gain-of-function research in the name of global health."

The senator also said that he firmly believes a "comprehensive global investigation on the origins of COVID-19" needs to be carried out.

Such research, albeit risky, attempts to better under the characteristic and patterns of potential dangerous pathogens to better combat outbreaks.

Marshall also argued the Defense Department has over the years provided at least $40 million in funding to the EcoHealth Alliance to conduct gain of function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, in the same China city were COVID started. That funding he argues was, for the most part, distributed with "no transparency and no accountability."

The bill is co-sponsored by nine other Republican senators including the delegation from Tennessee, Kentucky's Rand Paul, Tom Cotton, of Arkansas, Tommy Tuberville, of Alabama, and Florida's Marco Rubio.


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92283d  No.14822240

Joe is a rambling man

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26ee2e  No.14822242

File: 97825acbec840ce⋯.jpg (6.63 KB, 170x255, 2:3, 2222222b3eafeb1da79bdd03f5….jpg)


Baker grabs the deuces

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abd38c  No.14822243








ResignationAnon here.

I guess this is not the perfect place to mention this. Please forward this to the group of people who should acknowledge this:

For a few weeks i’m seeing a huge fuck-up-ery here…

- In a lot of cases posts of „old“/done threads get deleted a few hours or even days later, other posts are made inside these posts (which wont get indexed), numbers of threads don’t fit, …

- I also noticed that thread titles change afterwards (in this case it might be possible these threads are not indexed).

- …

Currently i have to interfere every day just to get everything indexed on qresear.ch - and i'm not even sure if i miss some posts… I’d rather use the time for other stuff!

I suggest:

- Lock threads which are done, so no one can add posts even if posts get deleted.

- Don’t change thread-titles 6h after the thread was created.

These easy rules would safe me a lot of time - and we would make sure EVERYTHING gets indexed!


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c90e39  No.14822247

File: 429dfcfad166529⋯.mp4 (1.57 MB, 320x320, 1:1, Biden_talking_about_brain_….mp4)

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a97899  No.14822249

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

- Rioters Walk Through Capitol Building, Statuary Hall Outside of House Chamber | MSNBC

06 Jan 2021



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9396f2  No.14822250

File: 5a8b73d8488ce31⋯.png (1.4 MB, 1215x882, 135:98, 5f9646072e7e771650988b9b63….png)

Potato's on & rambling down memory lane about life in Scranton Pa.

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2f4f94  No.14822254

File: cc02b0496f220f7⋯.png (570.75 KB, 1806x2664, 301:444, ClipboardImage.png)

In the everyday world we attach “me” to our body and to that “me” we attach multiple defined identities. Religious, racial, social, economic –

How real are those defined identities?

To some of us they're extremely real.

To others, including most of the satanist pedovore cult con artists we contend with, none of those identities are real.

Our ethnic, racial and religious identities, to the cultist’s way of thinking, are simply masks, sheep's clothing, to be worn or exchanged at convenience.

Pedovores assume and discard Catholic, Jewish, evangelical protestant, and secular humanist identities as easily as they express right wing, left wing or centrist ideological positions. These labels are meaningless to pedovores who use our treasured identities as protective camouflage for the abduction and ritual abuse of our children as well as economic depredation.

Ideologies and dogmas are cognitive malware. They make effective smokescreens.

Whatever identity mask they adopt, cult pedovores need and seek access to vulnerable children.

We have found satanist pedovore cultists running major charitable organizations, respected foundations and reputable institutions which are collectively responsible for hundreds, if not thousands, of national and international programs targeting “at risk” ie vulnerable children – all under pretext of helping.

Children's Defense Fund is a prime example of a pedovore social subversion weaponized as a charitable construct. CDF is endorsed by the biggest “stars” and executives in the entertainment business.


Most of the same people were also involved in starting the National Center for Missing and Exploited children, which gave pedovores both access to children and a heads-up early warning system because the creepy sham center for M&E children started the “Amber Alert Service” run by the evil pedovore Laura Silsby, arrested for kidnapping “orphaned” children (parents alive) in Haiti.


Pedovores are con artists, they steal your wallet and offer to help you look for it.

Similarly, when communities ask themselves, "who's going to care for our orphans?" Pedovores always have their hands up, and may style themselves Catholics Jews or evangelicals in order facilitate access.


Pedovores don't believe in national, religious or ethnic identities. cultists are identity-shifters who embed themselves in ethnic, religious or ideological communities and seek control of fund raising and identity defining structures.

Pedovore run such organizations today, and hide been hide the philanthropic reputation of do-gooder organizations.

This is information war, and that's how IW is fought


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d24db5  No.14822256

>>14822210 pb

No one is wearing masks here except fucked up normies

I noticed the only time I have been asked to wear a mask was from a black woman on three ocassions and twice from the same location and the same person, and also another time was a homosexual store manager

So my experience is that mask Karens are just from the demographics in society that have always bit shit on and had their ass kicked and they see the mask compliance issue as their soap box to get up on and get a little small beat on person power prolly the only time they ever felt in charge

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c90e39  No.14822257

File: 14733c85f3bd3f0⋯.mp4 (7.33 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Joe_Biden_hypocrite_talkin….mp4)

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ddb77c  No.14822258

FDA Approves Moderna, J&J Boosters And Releases Guidelines For "Mix And Match"

In defiance of recommendations from its own advisory panel, which said last week that the Moderna jab provides enough lasting protection to not necessitate a booster shot, the FDA has once again ignored "the science" and bowed to Biden Administration policy priorities by officially approving booster doses for the Moderna and J&J jabs.

Those jabs will now join the Pfizer vaccine, which has already received booster emergency approval from the FDA.

Furthermore, the FDA has also approved the mixing of vaccines for patients seeking booster shots, meaning somebody who originally got the Pfizer jab can get a Moderna booster and vice versa.

"Today, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration took action to expand the use of a booster dose for COVID-19 vaccines in eligible populations. The agency is amending the emergency use authorizations (EUA) for COVID-19 vaccines to allow for the use of a single booster dose…" the FDA said in a statement announcing the news.

The FDA laid out a few small ground rules for the administration of booster doses, including the timeline and other factors.

For starters, the use of a single booster dose of the Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine may be administered at least 6 months after completion of the primary series to individuals:

65 years of age and older

18 through 64 years of age at high risk of severe COVID-19

18 through 64 years of age with frequent institutional or occupational exposure toSARS-CoV-2

As for the J&J jab, the FDA said "the use of a single booster dose of the Janssen (Johnson and Johnson) COVID-19 Vaccine may be administered at least 2 months after completion of the single-dose primary regimen to individuals 18 years of age and older.

And, adding more clarity to its Pfizer booster EUA, the FDA said a single booster dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 jab "may be administered at least 6 months after completion of the primary series to individuals 18 through 64 years of age with frequent institutional or occupational exposure to SARS-CoV-2."

The news is fantastic for Moderna, which previously faced the prospect that its jab might not be approved for booster doses, resulting in a major threat to the company's bottom line. The announcement will also expand the pool of patients eligible to get the jab by many millions.

Fortunately for Big Pharma, the government has given it permission to keep the money train flowing.


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ee6600  No.14822261

File: ff6e434b44c1ee6⋯.png (130.5 KB, 542x756, 271:378, ClipboardImage.png)

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5ab4db  No.14822262

supply chain stuttering halting to a grinding halt is a sign of progressiveism

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f5ddcb  No.14822263

CNN finally comes clean about everything.

Top Kek


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8e80ef  No.14822264

File: da00c53fe0c8096⋯.png (447.18 KB, 526x524, 263:262, da00c53fe0c809652b74b3ee0b….png)

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92283d  No.14822265

File: 54235e88949d514⋯.jpeg (26.39 KB, 219x255, 73:85, 96131EE1_1A22_4E43_8F04_C….jpeg)


Thanks for your service fren.

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c90e39  No.14822266

File: e9b8e5706ab5881⋯.png (571.69 KB, 701x511, 701:511, WatchInferno.png)

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c90e39  No.14822267

File: 3a4cbf5b75e1361⋯.png (266.73 KB, 474x249, 158:83, dude.png)

File: d715b14eb153c3e⋯.png (212.4 KB, 377x521, 377:521, thatsadude.png)

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f8d39c  No.14822268

File: fa2830521f13a7d⋯.png (344.19 KB, 571x629, 571:629, 0186e358a8d9db78ae05db72b3….png)


Baker needs a little help please

#18749 TBC >>14821435=

#18748 TBC >>14820595

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1b9389  No.14822270

Biden just said his mother would tell him [stern voice], 'You're a Biden', as if he "was a DuPont or something."

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ddb77c  No.14822272

File: 03911d0c4732b96⋯.png (806.22 KB, 634x456, 317:228, ClipboardImage.png)

Dan Andrews makes his second major real estate move in three years on his Melbourne home - which is now worth FOUR TIMES what he paid for it

Dan Andrews and wife Catherine refinanced their mortgage earlier this year

The couple used Mr Andrews time recovering from back injury to shop around

Their Mulgrave house was bought in 2002 and has had two renovations

Dan Andrews has made his second major real estate move since 2018 by refinancing his mortgage yet again, with his home now worth around $1million.

The Victorian Premier spent 111 days between March and June this year recovering at his Mulgrave home after he fell on stairs getting out of the shower at a Mornington Peninsula holiday house.

While his deputy James Merlino stood in for him publicly, his recovery from a broken vertebrae and ribs and the state's response to the Covid crises were apparently not the only things on his mind.

The Andrews bought their Mulgrave property for $251,000 in 2002 and have completed two major construction projects.


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c87578  No.14822273

File: 6a73cab754b03af⋯.jpg (120.17 KB, 549x558, 61:62, IMG_4987.JPG)


Stop it! He's my forever President damn it!

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21d91b  No.14822274

Joey's going on and on, making shit up about the old days he can't remember. It's not a joke. It's the gods' truth. His nickname was ba ba blackbird, boys would beat him up, but they would bet hurt. That's not a joke. It's the gods' truth. Need that big vaudeville stage hook to appear and hook his demented ass off stage.

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5ab4db  No.14822275

switched on fox – so bad , went back to communism in disrepair msdnc

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48c1a2  No.14822276

File: 874b59674dcca68⋯.png (82.07 KB, 491x595, 491:595, TYB2.png)

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cf554f  No.14822277

File: a7210a0d55a5d5c⋯.jpg (135.71 KB, 664x998, 332:499, Laundrie_Family_Be_Like.jpg)

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2f4f94  No.14822278

File: d1f46bbfa823e07⋯.png (1.04 MB, 2265x3016, 2265:3016, ClipboardImage.png)


TY anon

service is greatly appreciated by anons

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2ae084  No.14822280


Hey there. Thanks for your efforts. Do you run qresear.ch? If so, am curious why search queries only return results from the non-US breads? Perhaps this was answered before and I missed it?


Search query: Covid


Search for: "Covid" (2793 Results)


New provider & new technology for better search results and performance.

Please let me know if you detect bad search results & report bugs: resignations@protonmail.com

8chan/8kun QResearch AUSTRALIA Posts (500)

8chan/8kun QResearch BALKAN Posts (14)

8chan/8kun QResearch CANADA Posts (500)

8chan/8kun QResearch CHINA Posts (9)

8chan/8kun QResearch FRANCE Posts (46)

8chan/8kun QResearch GERMANY Posts (500)

8chan/8kun QResearch ISRAEL Posts (5)

8chan/8kun QResearch ITALY Posts (19)

8chan/8kun QResearch JAPAN Posts (34)

8chan/8kun QResearch NETHERLANDS Posts (73)

8chan/8kun QResearch NORDIC Posts (14)

8chan/8kun QResearch NEW ZEALAND Posts (98)

8chan/8kun QResearch RUSSIA Posts (25)

8chan/8kun QResearch SCOTLAND Posts (33)

8chan/8kun QResearch SOUTH AFRICA Posts (180)

8chan/8kun QResearch UK Posts (500)

8chan/8kun QResearch Topic Alien & UFO's Posts (5)

8chan/8kun QResearch Topic Clockwork Posts (1)

Q-Posts ANSWERS (76)

Q-Posts (42)

Resignations (24)

Death Cases (5)

Human Trafficking Arrests (30)

Indictments (4)

Executive Orders (46)

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1b9389  No.14822281

Mr. Biden: People are beginning to figure out what's at stake…we're going to have a 'build back better world'.

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c90e39  No.14822282

File: c83ead04c3790ac⋯.mp4 (3.15 MB, 576x1024, 9:16, capitol_police_LETTING_EVE….mp4)

File: 1816a28e29c9fb8⋯.mp4 (10.52 MB, 854x480, 427:240, 9convert_com_Joey_Camp_202….mp4)


>Rioters Walk Through Capitol Building, Statuary Hall Outside of House Chamber

I mean there are cordons, do you think they're savages?

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0cc3d2  No.14822283


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f9870c  No.14822284

File: d3b33872d62d9a6⋯.png (422.39 KB, 850x475, 34:19, ClipboardImage.png)

"My nickname was blackbird, blablablabiblackbird, it wasn't meant as a compliment, and uh I wasn't very big but you could beat me, but I'd hurt ya ha ha ha… erm you think I'm kidding I'm not."

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bd89e9  No.14822285


Thank you, I've noticed some posts missing, and I thought only the baker can do this, but we appreciate your diligence to have an accurate record Anon.

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af0ac0  No.14822286

File: d98b52258dd5a86⋯.jpeg (180.82 KB, 964x647, 964:647, excess_demand.jpeg)


is dere any food in dere?

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cf554f  No.14822287

File: 9712400eca53690⋯.jpg (55.99 KB, 600x405, 40:27, Biden_Cannibal_Kids.jpg)

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26ee2e  No.14822288

Supply Chain implosion is a good thing. Imagine how much our carbon footprints are being reduced, and once everyone is dead it'll be ZERO!


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316105  No.14822290

File: aa0d5cd002adb9e⋯.jpeg (16.73 KB, 433x210, 433:210, OIP_44_.jpeg)

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c87578  No.14822291

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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5ab4db  No.14822293

laughable if afghanistan had not just been lost, no - tragically abandoned and left as a failure state - to this global agenda of building back better democracies

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d24db5  No.14822295


full house approve ded bitches galore

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92283d  No.14822297

Joey won every district in Scranton?

The Five had to cut away.

That was painful to watch.

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ddb77c  No.14822299

File: ce45b136abf522c⋯.png (68.22 KB, 709x860, 709:860, ClipboardImage.png)

United States v. Maxwell

Order — Document #361

District Court, S.D. New York

Docket Number: 1:20-cr-00330

Date Filed: October 20th, 2021

Uploaded: October 20th, 2021


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bbf30b  No.14822301





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cf554f  No.14822302

File: 48e1691235c112d⋯.jpg (147.23 KB, 1003x606, 1003:606, Merck_Redpill_Cute.jpg)

File: 61dcb212c4bef3b⋯.jpg (100.45 KB, 860x572, 215:143, Hunter_Pedo_Flights.jpg)

File: 14638e30f596d31⋯.jpg (106.53 KB, 930x538, 465:269, Biden_Pedo_Trafficking_.jpg)

File: f844b2b427fe1e5⋯.jpg (172.44 KB, 990x814, 45:37, Uncle_Jesse_Pure_Evil_Scho….jpg)

File: 3097f3d0204ed42⋯.jpg (176.96 KB, 726x761, 726:761, No_Crops.jpg)


It ain't like we didn't tell folks to prepare.

Wheat from the Chaff…

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1b9389  No.14822303

Mr. Biden: We're going to replace every single lead pipe in the nation.

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c90e39  No.14822304

File: 449f48def5e230b⋯.mp4 (3.01 MB, 854x480, 427:240, DemocracyIsCalling.mp4)

How's Afghanistan this time of year?

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9396f2  No.14822305

File: e829ea0baf6e73a⋯.png (287.73 KB, 575x503, 575:503, e829ea0baf6e73a9c1b10d0da5….png)

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5ab4db  No.14822307


millie woke ptsd army program voluntary submission for anything you're chosen for

organ doning

slave labot

pee pee drink

poo poo food

all paid for - no really - not a lie

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cae722  No.14822308

File: 8fa6f1c6f266ec8⋯.png (4.96 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 0CEE7B3C_8C83_46AA_863F_7A….png)


What was up with that “Bye Bye Blackbird” nickname thing ?


Anyone we know nicknamed that?

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3a7f4b  No.14822309

Biden calling for moar fires in teh west

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bd89e9  No.14822311

John Basham 🇺🇲 Retweeted

Dagen McDowell@dagenmcdowell

Translation: Terry is pro-union and anti-child. McAuliffe vetoed THREE school choice bills during his last stint as governor.

Randi Weingarten@rweingarten · 22h

.@TerryMcAuliffe has a proven gubernatorial record of listening to parents & helping Virginia families thrive. I know if he’s elected, he’ll continue that important work. #AFTvotes https://twitter.com/terrymcauliffe/status/1450269719878119430

7:49 AM · Oct 20, 2021·Twitter for iPhone

Who in their right mind listen to Randi Weingarten, she is evil incarnate


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afb709  No.14822312



Blackbird is the song Boss Baby's parents sing to the older kid to go to sleep.

Sleepy Joe

Blow Up Baby DJT

We know who's in control. Kek

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0cc3d2  No.14822313


You telling lies!

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a948c9  No.14822314



Same here! The only time I was hastled about a mask was from a homosexual at a thrift store and everyone turned to stare at him, not me, and they were all rolling their eyes at how he continued to yell at me to wear my mask. I just ignored and went about my shopping.

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cf554f  No.14822315

File: b41cff395e0bfd1⋯.png (1.19 MB, 1852x1432, 463:358, 1634760117213.png)


Hunter the Sooner Dildo…

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c90e39  No.14822316

File: d81dbd3d3b12425⋯.png (1.77 MB, 1080x1080, 1:1, sorosgreta.png)


>Supply Chain implosion is a good thing. Imagine how much our carbon footprints are being reduced, and once everyone is dead it'll be ZERO!

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f8d39c  No.14822318


Baker needs a little help please, can anon nominate which bread they will collect. Thank you

#18749 TBC >>14821435

#18748 TBC >>14820595

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cae722  No.14822319


Good idea!

Thanks Anon!

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0cc3d2  No.14822320

"This the Unites States of America damnit!" -Joe

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d21eea  No.14822321

File: 4e201bc1597d706⋯.png (430.28 KB, 535x627, 535:627, Screenshot_2021_10_20_at_1….png)

File: 25be6c604557d83⋯.jpg (1.36 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, FCASISkXEAYIXfc.jpg)

File: c70a9de600a34ce⋯.jpg (1.3 MB, 2000x1500, 4:3, FCASInZWUAQrmLB.jpg)

File: 050ba634ada2492⋯.jpg (3.18 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, FCASI9iXIAghlrq.jpg)

U.S. Secret Service


The #SecretServiceCyberGames have begun! Personal computer Nationwide, participants trained by the Secret Service’s National Computer Forensics Institute are competing to work a simulated cyberattack over the next few days. Good luck to everyone!


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3a7f4b  No.14822322


jest reading between the lies

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4f7dd0  No.14822323

File: 61d4da85f7cc998⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1246x2048, 623:1024, Screenshot_20211020_145203.png)

Amazon unveils contactless payment system that uses your palm


Forgot your wallet? No problem. Amazon is rolling out scanners across the country that put payment right in the palm of your hand. It's called Amazon One, a new contactless payment system.

To sign up, customers first insert a credit card, then hold their palm over a camera at the checkout counter. It scans lines, ridges, even the pattern of veins inside the hand. The whole process takes about a minute.

Customers like Liz Gonzalez in San Jose, California, say the technology could come in handy. "People like me, I'm very forgetful, always forgetting my credit card or my watch. And now, I don't need to remember to bring my palm," she laughs.

"If anyone can get this popular, it'll be Amazon," says Ian Sherr with CNET. Sherr says all signs indicate the new technology is safe and reliable.

Amazon has already rolled out the palm scanners to more than 70 locations around the country, including mobile ticketing for a concert venue in Denver and a number of Whole Foods locations. But widespread usage could be a challenge. Sherr says, "The reality is that a lot of introducing new technology is convincing people to use it. How much easier is it to use than just pulling out my credit card and paying that way?"

In a convenience-based world, it's another tool at your fingertips. Amazon has been pushing the convenience envelope for several years now, with cashier-less shops in several cities.

#Markofthebeast system?

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5ab4db  No.14822324

biden admin policies = natural world wide disaster ELE

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0cc3d2  No.14822325



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afb709  No.14822326


We just say "No thank you. We're not at risk." haha

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1b9389  No.14822327

Mr. Biden: We will take millions of automobiles off the road.

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8e80ef  No.14822328

File: d6b549d38060f82⋯.png (317.88 KB, 794x1164, 397:582, d6b549d38060f828804e8bccef….png)


Your work's much appreciated. For years already.

All I know, just as you most likely do, is that re-naming and deleting can only be done by BO & BVs, just as locking breads ….

So you see the potential problem/paradox there w/ respect to what you're asking for? … Kek!


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0cc3d2  No.14822329


Got it!

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3a7f4b  No.14822330


What are we doing?

See he doesn't have ANY CLUE what's habbening in his own house.

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e0ae32  No.14822331

File: c9276950ffb1bfb⋯.png (363.44 KB, 800x450, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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c87578  No.14822332



Gotta admit tho, dude has a special gift…

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af3162  No.14822333

File: bdda7be43186026⋯.jpg (264.6 KB, 1772x1128, 443:282, The_stage_hook.jpg)

Joe Bidan at the podium…you could almost hear the whispers….psssst….

Where is the fucking hook???…Who's got the fuckin' hook???…RED ALERT!!!

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afb709  No.14822335



Couple with FEMA tweeting about Quake preparedness and tomorrow being the shaker drill day

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f8d39c  No.14822337

File: 3a3cb750176e920⋯.png (247.85 KB, 634x525, 634:525, 6a3bec81cc4fa46bd829da831e….png)

File: bc7164abf7a842a⋯.png (245.15 KB, 628x519, 628:519, 53f97b447ea9221865d01b7600….png)

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21d91b  No.14822338

Who TF wrote this speech? Who TF ordered this speech to be written? Got to be the dumbest speech an American President has ever made. God help us. We have idiots in charge and they are doing what idiots do,

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ef4d08  No.14822340

>>14822189 (LB)

Found reference - for intelligence: 18 genomic loci implicating 343 genes and 18 biological pathways for brain volume. Haven't we heard something about "COVID will shrink your brain" from Chinese propaganda or something?

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5ab4db  No.14822341

what are we doing?





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bd89e9  No.14822343

File: bec1d3e18bdc706⋯.png (93.25 KB, 816x669, 272:223, ClipboardImage.png)

It's interesting Dr. Gupta compares an interview with Joe Rogan as walking into a lion's den, but he's glad he did it. Maybe he'll find out that not everyone is stark raving mad like MSM thinks!


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0cc3d2  No.14822345

File: a833e8f6884f724⋯.png (496.6 KB, 455x540, 91:108, ClipboardImage.png)

Baseball Biden


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d24db5  No.14822347


I used to have this thrift store that I went to

and every time I went there

some item I needed was there

some times it was even just some item I wanted

I miss that store

it was like fucking magic

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8e3262  No.14822348

is it bad that I just want to drink and pass out everyday anons?

thoughts please

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48299f  No.14822349

File: 955009e1e1f94f2⋯.png (288.42 KB, 329x480, 329:480, ClipboardImage.png)

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f9870c  No.14822350

File: 9b26fe4f09cebae⋯.png (405.05 KB, 842x473, 842:473, ClipboardImage.png)

"The point is…"

Just WTF IS the point, Joe??

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0a940f  No.14822352

File: 146946b771c5cc1⋯.jpg (114.86 KB, 900x506, 450:253, TALInorly.jpg)

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1d2646  No.14822354


This should be spread far and wide.

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3e3e52  No.14822355

File: e81b803495d0b16⋯.jpg (62.4 KB, 540x647, 540:647, looting.jpg)

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2ae084  No.14822357


If this worked, then why does every human need multiple doses of luciferase and graphene oxide poisoning? Mark of the beast is just buying and selling, I guess. Vaxxs must be about tagging and tracking.

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5ab4db  No.14822358

going on now on his pet pig project when he was five in his bathrooom tub with uncle playing rub rub with blonde hairs and a telescope

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3a7f4b  No.14822359


This is supposed to be him "projecting strength"

sadly he's coming off like the old man that never shuts up about what happened in his yesteryears

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0cc3d2  No.14822360

Oh did Yall hear that slip up

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3a7f4b  No.14822362

It's real.. I promise you.

Quick someone check to see his fingers crossed behind his back

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bd89e9  No.14822363

File: e038f7385b24542⋯.png (49.13 KB, 772x438, 386:219, ClipboardImage.png)

Just in case anyone wants to visit Scandinavian countries, no masks!


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ef4d08  No.14822364


My main takeaway is that he thinks it is okay to lie to everyone. Not a problem at all. If you have to be talked into agreeing it was lying, you think it is okay. And I do not even think he got all the way to, "Yes, we lied and it was wrong because it killed people."

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9396f2  No.14822366


He does when it comes to his mob money. [They] do the details of destroying America & tell him get out there & read this & of course you get 10% off the top of everything Joey Babee! You're the Big Guy! Mob Boss racket!

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f9870c  No.14822367

"put together put together"

Glitch in the Matrix Joe?


President who put me in charge…. let me be clear Obama.." Kek

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c90e39  No.14822368

File: c9cf133d6e23a32⋯.jpg (50.98 KB, 715x715, 1:1, CornPop.jpg)

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26ee2e  No.14822369


Motherfucker killed a Triceratops. He was right to be nervous.

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80d523  No.14822371

File: 050ba634ada2492⋯.jpg (3.18 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, file_store_25.jpg)

File: 695a0aaac83e746⋯.jpg (679.34 KB, 1080x2316, 90:193, Screenshot_20211020_145741….jpg)

File: ccfe4f0a0e13318⋯.jpg (695.74 KB, 1080x1928, 135:241, Screenshot_20211020_145704….jpg)


Going to watch a movie I see. Wonder which one


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bdf3a3  No.14822372


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4f7dd0  No.14822373

File: cbbb85f2d603337⋯.png (1.54 MB, 1143x2048, 1143:2048, Screenshot_20211020_145747.png)

Human remains, items belonging to Brian Laundrie found in Florida park, FBI says


What appears to be human remains and items belonging to Brian Laundrie, including a backpack, have been found in a nature reserve in North Port, Florida, according to FBI Special Agent in Charge Michael McPherson.

The remains were found in an area that has been underwater until recently.

The discovery comes 37 days after Laundrie, the fiancé of Gabby Petito, was reportedly last seen by his parents.

The Sarasota County Medical Examiner and a cadaver dog were called on Wednesday to a Florida park where authorities found several items belonging to Brian Laundrie, the missing fiancé of Gabby Petito.

FBI Tampa, which plans to make a statement at 4:30 p.m. ET, confirmed in a tweet that "items of interest" were found at the Carlton Reserve on Wednesday morning in connection to the search for Laundrie. An FBI evidence response team is processing the scene, the FBI said.

Laundrie's parents, Chris and Roberta Laundrie, informed the FBI and the North Port Police Department Tuesday night that they intended to come to Myakkahatchee Creek Environmental Park on Wednesday morning to search for him, family attorney Steven Bertolino said. Law enforcement met them there Wednesday morning, he said.

After a "brief search" off a trail Laundrie frequented, the family and law enforcement found "some articles" belonging to him, Bertolino said. He would not give any further information on what or how many items were found.

Bertolino said that law enforcement is now conducting a more thorough investigation of that area.

The Sarasota County Medical Examiner has been called to the scene, and Pasco County Sheriff's office said a cadaver dog and two spotters were also on site. The Sarasota County Sheriff's Office Emergency Response Team and the Lee County Sheriff's Office are also now on scene along with a mobile unit and a tent.

North Port Police declined to comment.

The discovery comes amid an exhaustive search for Laundrie that has now stretched over a month and as authorities try to piece together what happened to Petito.

The Myakkahatchee Creek Environmental Park is on 160 acres of heavily wooded land in North Port, Florida, with trails and a camping area. The park connects to the Carlton Reserve, a 25,000-acre nature reserve that has been the primary search location for investigators.

Searchers had previously used swamp buggies, divers and airboats to scour the swampy terrain, but the area has dried out recently due to clearer weather.

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af1fd8  No.14822374

File: 4f10afcec8bc483⋯.png (776.8 KB, 774x465, 258:155, bidaen.PNG)

Finally found a good comparison image.

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c90e39  No.14822375

File: e26344ebf5c54bf⋯.mp4 (7.7 MB, 640x360, 16:9, assange.mp4)

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a948c9  No.14822376


That's a good one! I'll have to use that one!

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bdf3a3  No.14822377


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1b9389  No.14822378

Biden says his grandfather died of an aneurysm at age 47. Must run in the family; he had brain surgery twice for aneurysms at age 45.

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0cc3d2  No.14822379


>President who put me in charge…. let me be clear Obama.." Kek

Yes that one!n Whoa YOOOOO!!!

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5ab4db  No.14822380


hey joe - how many environmetal jobs have you created?

how many jobs have you killed?

not a joke, how many?

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cae722  No.14822381

File: 0102c845c46dfe4⋯.jpeg (981.1 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 87F34639_3C24_4F66_AA2C_A….jpeg)



Prolly flies Pedos or sonething

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f9870c  No.14822382

File: f785cb05759c4c1⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 54.71 KB, 800x800, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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48299f  No.14822384

File: cb6ebc1120ecf89⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1000x800, 5:4, ClipboardImage.png)

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316105  No.14822385

File: 596a46d7429d06a⋯.jpg (42.77 KB, 640x536, 80:67, 51975_oh_58_kiowa_warrior_….jpg)

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bdf3a3  No.14822387


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0cc3d2  No.14822388


He is going to get in trouble for that shit.

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bd89e9  No.14822389

File: 22adbe76ee91c3d⋯.png (236.16 KB, 743x692, 743:692, ClipboardImage.png)

Harvard pushing trashy lies and hideous science again


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cae722  No.14822390




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4c49b5  No.14822391

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Joe Rogan Kills a Triceratops - for keks

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054445  No.14822392

File: 972e7e6e545061f⋯.png (370.84 KB, 410x342, 205:171, ClipboardImage.png)

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3a7f4b  No.14822393

Better than we were before. pahlease dude ya'll can't even keep our border defended properly, you fucked up AFG on purpose, sky high inflation & empty shelves

Most of all the only good ideas you have had were the ones you stole from Trump.

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c90e39  No.14822394

File: 49a703424246cab⋯.mp4 (295.06 KB, 480x270, 16:9, Obama_3rdTermFrontMan.mp4)

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bdf3a3  No.14822395



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0cc3d2  No.14822396


What are you exactly?

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ddb77c  No.14822397

URGENT: Salmonella outbreak across 37 states caused by fresh onions; hundreds sickened, CDC says

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says fresh whole red, white, and yellow onions imported from Chihuahua, Mexico and distributed by ProSource Inc. may be contaminated with salmonella.

The CDC says the onions have been linked to at least 652 reported illnesses in 37 states with at least 129 people being hospitalized.

The onions were sold mostly to restaurants and grocery stores.

The produce was last imported on Aug. 27, but can last up to three months in storage and may still be in homes and businesses. Consumers should throw out any unmarked onions unless they can trace its origin.

Symptoms of Salmonella include:

Fever over 102 degrees and diarrhea

Diarrhea for more than three days that is not improving

Bloody diarrhea

Vomiting and not being able to keep liquids down

Signs of dehydration

Not peeing much

Dry mouth and throat

Feeling dizzy when standing up


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21d91b  No.14822398


Not only that. Everyone listening knows he's a terrible liar. Count how many times he says: It's not a joke, it's not hyperbole,

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cae722  No.14822399


Needs aDIG

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f9870c  No.14822400


Probably Jill.

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a948c9  No.14822401


Kek! I just found a thrift store like that and I love it! I found a bunch of sewing machine feet that fit perfectly for a machine I was given (for free) that was build in the 50's. It works great, but I just needed a few feet for it and I found 6 new and different feet that look brand new! I went back last week but they were closed due to renovations - I saw the workers inside. Can't wait till it's open again. I love thrift shopping!

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c90e39  No.14822402

File: 34def6821cf0719⋯.png (110.56 KB, 504x360, 7:5, ClipboardImage.png)


>you think I'm kidding I'm not

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3e3e52  No.14822403


>fell on stairs getting out of the shower

because it's normal to have a shower with stairs

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8bb00f  No.14822404

File: 63ec31b8b2cfca7⋯.png (1.32 MB, 960x960, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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cae722  No.14822405

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ddb77c  No.14822406

“IT’S UNCONSCIONABLE.” Pres. Biden Issues Scathing Statement After GOP Blocks Dems’ ‘Voting Rights’ Bill

President Joe Biden Wednesday released the following statement as Senate Republicans blocked the Democrats’ ‘voting rights reform’ bill for a second time:

The United States Senate needs to act to protect the sacred constitutional right to vote, which is under unrelenting assault by proponents of the Big Lie and Republican Governors, Secretaries of State, Attorneys-General, and state legislatures across the nation.

It is urgent. Democracy – the very soul of America – is at stake.

Today, Senate Democrats would like to start debate on the Freedom to Vote Act. Senate Democrats have worked hard to ensure this bill includes traditionally bipartisan provisions. But Senate Republicans are likely to block even debate on the bill, as they have before on previous voting rights bills. It’s unconscionable.

The right to vote – to vote freely, to vote fairly, and to have your vote counted – is fundamental. It should be simple and straightforward. Let there be a debate and let there be a vote.


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80d523  No.14822407

File: c70a9de600a34ce⋯.jpg (1.3 MB, 2000x1500, 4:3, file_store_42.jpg)

File: d324c3a2167de91⋯.jpg (362.49 KB, 1080x923, 1080:923, Screenshot_20211020_150337….jpg)


Looks like a 17 to me

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8b4e16  No.14822408

File: ecf666c8fd76a0c⋯.jpg (161.89 KB, 720x1078, 360:539, 20211020_152252.jpg)

File: 5c38b08d452a721⋯.jpg (179.88 KB, 1242x1240, 621:620, 20211020_152102.jpg)

After your Jab, they hand you a blue pill.

How fitting!😒 https://t.co/py9uX9LDoM

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3a7f4b  No.14822409


>It's not a joke, it's not hyperbole

nay this is exactly whit it & your administration is Joe is a hyperbolic JOKE being run by the corporate uni-party of shit

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c90e39  No.14822410

File: 2d0e5daaf1f8af5⋯.png (270.9 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


>After your Jab, they hand you a blue pill.


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af120e  No.14822411

Maricopa County "archived" all of their ballot info and scrubbed the servers.

The servers were subpoenaed; they were empty.

The archives where all of the fraud is in display was not subpoenaed.

Oh, and Q and Co., thanks for shaping all the internet traffic through wartorn foreign nations so that you can justify "having it all". Big ups.

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0205f3  No.14822412


I found an expired can of chinese salmon sticks.

Just what I was hoping for.

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9396f2  No.14822413

File: fa734a88743ba9c⋯.jpeg (125.57 KB, 1125x1210, 225:242, EPoAkzpVUAAn09P.jpeg)


Yes Nancy, it's a sorry state you find yourself in.

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22028c  No.14822414

>>14822175 ((LB))

Oh look mockery from the Maddow…..how novel.

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8e80ef  No.14822415

File: ab5d7bccbfe963e⋯.png (29.05 KB, 970x620, 97:62, ab5d7bccbfe963e2341b55cd6f….png)


>Count how many times he says: It's not a joke, it's not hyperbole

Thought it'd be a good idea to make a drinking game out of it. This is what habbened ….


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bd89e9  No.14822416

File: f8b0433c94e0a4c⋯.png (43.29 KB, 755x433, 755:433, ClipboardImage.png)

POTUS is loved, honored, admired and respected by 100,000,000 citizens of the US and a billion citizens of the world! (IMO)

Never ever forget or let them forget


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26ee2e  No.14822417

File: cea09a84120706c⋯.jpg (367.84 KB, 1080x1479, 360:493, Screenshot_20210410_194045….jpg)

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cbcfc0  No.14822418

File: 65270e2d7994130⋯.png (1.83 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


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af120e  No.14822419


So, real, massive cyber attack is imminent.

More good news.

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bdf3a3  No.14822420



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1a5439  No.14822421

File: 7455f792de3208e⋯.png (223.03 KB, 480x854, 240:427, Screenshot_2021_10_20_17_0….png)




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462d03  No.14822422

File: 4f7a16cc30bab78⋯.jpg (156.45 KB, 1080x796, 270:199, Screenshot_20211020_140027….jpg)

Augmented computing, AI, blockchain, the internet of everything and other emerging technologies are rapidly transforming the innovation landscape and creating business opportunities for corporations and industry.

The best companies — ones that consistently maintain an edge over their competitors — understand early the potential of new technologies, see clearly where they are going and are not afraid of investing in their potential. Doing so requires inhabiting the foggy space at the boundary between the proven and the possible, between a developing technology and its commercial applications.

We are experts of that space. For over a decade, we have helped entrepreneurs and executives make complex investment decisions, harnessing innovations before they become mainstream. To help organizations capitalize on these opportunities in key technological domains, we have launched Domain Deep Dive (D3).

Module 1: Intelligence

We use data sources, expert interviews, and research to bring into focus the key trends impacting a technology domain. We assess their time horizon — Will their impact be felt now, in a year, or in 5 years? And finally, we help organizations reconcile trends with their internal innovation demands, creating a personalized scouting strategy.

Module 2: Scouting

We systematically explore the ecosystem, screening and vetting potential partners, technology suppliers and startups. We progressively refine our search, from thousands to hundreds to a handful of targets, delivering, in the end, a shortlist of the most promising technology partners and startups that meet the deep dive’s specific requirements.

Module 3: Partnering

We act as an interface to the innovation ecosystem, engaging with target partners to drill down on their technology’s advantages, applications and potential flaws. We relentlessly and objectively validate information at the source. We do this with the confidentiality and care needed to protect our clients’ IP, insights and strategy.


Imagine all the thousands, maybe millions of Companies out there doing this kind of shit.

"Freemason Free FREE FOR ALL"

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6a45b2  No.14822423

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3a7f4b  No.14822424


>‘Voting Rights’ Bill

does the exact opposite of what its named, like every bill/law these backwards mother fuckers do.

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afb709  No.14822425

File: 5418819f117a91f⋯.png (236.17 KB, 680x727, 680:727, ClipboardImage.png)

Blackbird ->

Black Hawk?

50 minutes ago

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cae722  No.14822426


Stars are aligning it seems

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c90e39  No.14822427

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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bdf3a3  No.14822428



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bdf3a3  No.14822429



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a948c9  No.14822430

File: cdb63728b8ebd9d⋯.png (1.96 MB, 1420x823, 1420:823, ClipboardImage.png)

Wish I could ask Lindell, why the hell he puts this guy on his broadcast???

Seems he's always trying to knock down Trump and blame him for shit the demonrats do!

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b58d3c  No.14822431

File: 9efe90927fe4996⋯.png (235.73 KB, 432x334, 216:167, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d5f4ea57d94d4da⋯.png (589.85 KB, 610x458, 305:229, ClipboardImage.png)


Try the new BrandonBurger combo at every In-and-Out near you. Triple Cheese Burger, Large Fries, large chocolate shake..

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cb9000  No.14822432

Muh transitory inflation, not

Not so transitory inflation

By and large, central bankers around the world now seem to accept that high inflation will last longer than originally expected. Most still seem to expect a return to more normal rates in 2022 but the recent sharp jump in energy costs has pulled forward many investors’ view of monetary tightening. Against a backdrop of slowing economic growth, this week’s global podcast considers the tricky decisions facing the policymakers.

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9d8ee8  No.14822433

File: 88c35f9aae03948⋯.png (857.51 KB, 774x456, 129:76, zft_al.PNG)

7 schools within 10 miles of my home, ALL have cell towers within a couple hundred yards of them. A few were protested before installation with no positive results, they were installed anyway.

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0a940f  No.14822434

File: 698a34b1bdf8aa0⋯.jpg (101.81 KB, 1007x951, 1007:951, covFF.jpg)


Phhttt…hold out for fries or donuts at least

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cb9000  No.14822435

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


muh embed

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1d2646  No.14822436


Video killed the meme star.

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bdf3a3  No.14822437


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21d91b  No.14822438


Haha. That's the exact thought that popped into my mind as I was typing the post anon. o7

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3a7f4b  No.14822439


Son of a BITCH!

this is when anon doesn't like hivemind stuff.

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3e3e52  No.14822440

File: 1d7867c137f06f1⋯.jpg (86.56 KB, 600x517, 600:517, bluepill.jpg)

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bdf3a3  No.14822441



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cb9000  No.14822442


they can shove that up their ass, too

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8b4e16  No.14822443

File: 00a967d47a3eb90⋯.jpg (103.62 KB, 720x1005, 48:67, 20211020_160745.jpg)

File: 03ec6bce8f11b6a⋯.mp4 (1.91 MB, 640x800, 4:5, P7W9TOsm6VLdHhez.mp4)


Story about Trump For president in 1999 JFK Jr death issue of National enquirer

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bdf3a3  No.14822444



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2a6b8c  No.14822445

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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ae5c9e  No.14822446

File: 9b2d9549dc8b78a⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1043x677, 1043:677, Solider.png)


You First Faggot

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c90e39  No.14822447

File: 3c4115a9984cc6e⋯.png (334.61 KB, 980x177, 980:177, ClipboardImage.png)

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949bfe  No.14822448

File: 4270b2bbd49391e⋯.jpg (33.76 KB, 612x393, 204:131, 515665216_612x612.jpg)

File: b0b3acec437c4a1⋯.jpg (29.16 KB, 612x408, 3:2, 515665318_612x612.jpg)

File: c729b11164c2829⋯.jpg (28.28 KB, 612x408, 3:2, 515933798_612x612.jpg)

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bdf3a3  No.14822449



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ddb77c  No.14822450


We love you!

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0cc3d2  No.14822451

Third 17 of speech!

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ee6600  No.14822452

File: b58010d1a4a14d0⋯.png (883.06 KB, 1076x604, 269:151, ClipboardImage.png)

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0a610a  No.14822453

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird

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79bb2f  No.14822454

File: 787e088b410f4e5⋯.jpeg (181.14 KB, 750x613, 750:613, 787e088b410f4e5eeeb9eeaf5….jpeg)


more lefties need whatever is causing your meltdown, panic is fun


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cb9000  No.14822455


rogan is a high-degree node. surely Dr Sanjay couldn't have overlooked the value of that.

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bdf3a3  No.14822456



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643946  No.14822457

File: 2117d25cd911fe2⋯.png (852.95 KB, 980x736, 245:184, biz.png)

just mandate it Joe!

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bdf3a3  No.14822458



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3a7f4b  No.14822459

File: 8b89186dee4839b⋯.jpg (108.65 KB, 967x966, 967:966, happyapu.jpg)

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b58d3c  No.14822460

>>14822441 Tw@t that shit. #BrandonBurger

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3e3e52  No.14822461

File: c73256262e14ce3⋯.png (218.82 KB, 930x500, 93:50, vax67.png)

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ee6600  No.14822462

File: 146931bf82cfd2b⋯.png (448.01 KB, 500x440, 25:22, ClipboardImage.png)

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77163a  No.14822463


and yet, here you are…

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bdf3a3  No.14822464



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1d2646  No.14822465


NP has that nobody home look like HRC in the suv. These people are obviously fucked. Probable on the floor when no ones looking.

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d24db5  No.14822466


one eye bullshit

fuck them

die hard fuckers

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32a256  No.14822467

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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cb9000  No.14822468


said the NPC

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bdf3a3  No.14822469



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8b4e16  No.14822470

File: 1569eb9a956f4a7⋯.jpg (52.24 KB, 577x433, 577:433, 4hgffz.jpg)

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cae722  No.14822471

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79bb2f  No.14822472

File: e44067092c02f48⋯.jpg (45.97 KB, 662x981, 662:981, e44067092c02f4803358425603….jpg)


glad to be of service


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3a7f4b  No.14822473

Keep dangling carrots like people believe the horse shit spewing outta your face Pervy Joe

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f8d39c  No.14822474


Thank you RA, This is the perfect place to post your message about the fuckery.

I have witnessed the same issues with giant (100 to 250) posts being deleted after I've filled the bread to 751.

Don't know what's going on. But the deletions don't seem to be effecting the notables…

I'm only a baker and have no access to even make bread, someone else approves that, and then the bread appears in the catalog or index.

Only BV or Global BV or Owner can make changes.

I like your suggestion and hope that you get the changes, so you have less unnecessary work to do.

Your dedication to anons collective awakening and access to knowledge is deeply appreciated.

Thank you Bakes

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ddb77c  No.14822475

File: 5610267e710363e⋯.png (436.34 KB, 558x443, 558:443, ClipboardImage.png)

Democratic state rep accused of taking $630,000 in Covid federal funds and using some to GAMBLE

Connecticut Rep. Michael DiMassa has been arrested and accused of misusing federal funds meant for Covid-19 relief, and using some of the money on personal expenses such as gambling.

DiMassa, a Democrat, was charged on Wednesday with wire fraud. According to the FBI, DiMassa took checks from the city of West Haven meant for Covid-19 expenses, including legal work and labor for a local clinic, and deposited them into an account for a dummy company, created in January, called Compass Investment Group LLC. The funds had been received under the auspices of the federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act.

In all, over $630,000 was paid into this phoney account. Individual checks deposited by DiMassa ranged from $11,000 to more than $80,000.

Compass Investment provided no actual services, the FBI said, and DiMassa made nearly two dozen cash withdrawals from his account, using thousands to gamble at the Mohegan Sun casino, located in the state. The judge before whom he appeared on Wednesday said the defendant was currently “in treatment” for gambling issues.

DiMassa was elected to his position representing West Haven in 2016. The accusations against the Democrat come in the wake of Mayor Nancy Rossi’s recent announcement that inquiries were being made into CARES Act funds awarded to the city, after several large expenditures raised alarm. West Haven received $1.2 million in funds, according to the mayor.

DiMassa has been removed from his committee assignments, Connecticut House Speaker and Majority Leader Matt Ritter said in a public statement, adding that there were “concerns” over his Democrat colleague’s arrest, however.

“We have significant concerns about Rep. DiMassa’s arrest, but we don’t have information on the charges, or additional details. We will be monitoring this story closely to see when and if more facts emerge,” he said.


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bdf3a3  No.14822476



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af120e  No.14822477


Pull living baby out of woman who paid for abortion.

Sans anesthesia, cut out the baby's liver and kidneys.

Baby dies from having organs cut out of him/her.

Use baby's live organ transplant to make vax.

Insert into population by fiat.

Pure evil is coming to your home, and that right soon.


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26ee2e  No.14822478

File: fc42e58d5041e2b⋯.jpg (106.37 KB, 956x1020, 239:255, ZomboMeme_09082021215237.jpg)

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cb9000  No.14822479


you seem frustrated

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77163a  No.14822480


>said the NPC

nope, said the highest ranking anon

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0e28f9  No.14822481


I am Connor MacLeod of the Clan MacLeod. I was born in 1518 in the village of Glenfinnan on the shores of Loch Shiel. And I am immortal.

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913d96  No.14822482

File: a838f9a58c9e94c⋯.jpeg (27.54 KB, 700x420, 5:3, 5616.jpeg)


don't be angry

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3e3e52  No.14822483

File: 72446d46bdae680⋯.png (495.4 KB, 1007x951, 1007:951, vax32.png)

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2ae084  No.14822484


Q Team rubbing anons noses in shit. Showing they are running puppet Joe, they are behind poison shots, mandates, gas prices, supply shortages. USPHS employees must be able to write their own vaxx cards.

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32a256  No.14822485

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


not banged still

by rino

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0cc3d2  No.14822486

Let's wrap this shit up Joseph!

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22028c  No.14822487


is a sign that you have been poisoned

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4f7dd0  No.14822488

File: 793181b62ff193e⋯.png (394.86 KB, 1392x2048, 87:128, Screenshot_20211020_150849.png)


>>then why does every human need multiple doses of luciferase and graphene oxide poisoning? Mark of the beast is just buying and selling, I guess. Vaxxs must be about tagging and tracking.

We each are being tested daily.

Are we awake?

Do we live in fear?

Do put our blind faith in government or something much deeper?

How many research?

DNA of humanity, the true origin?

Why destroy the DNA of humanity?

How many believe in God?



Healing of the body comes from within?

Blind science?

How many can live in the now and realize what happens today in frequency the matrix creates for our experience in less than 28 days?

How many can adapt to change?

Taking the vax, do we 'believe' it will help or hurt us?

Thoughts and actions must match in vibration to manifest.

Who graduates to the next level platform and who has to stay?

This is much bigger than many can begin to fathom, fren. Vaxxels (vaxxed vessels) choose the experience on the planet of free will.

Not all graduate.

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ee6600  No.14822489

File: f79c3dcb60a8674⋯.png (642.75 KB, 650x503, 650:503, ClipboardImage.png)

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3a7f4b  No.14822490

File: f5146f9607bda17⋯.png (215 KB, 388x376, 97:94, lmfao.png)


A. Crazy person

B. Troll

C. Hillary

D. All of the above.

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bdf3a3  No.14822491



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bd89e9  No.14822492

File: c3ae4d519ab53c5⋯.png (787.3 KB, 860x475, 172:95, ClipboardImage.png)

The FBI Continues to Be a Vindictive, Politicized Dumpster Fire

By Bonchie | Oct 19, 2021 6:00 PM

I’m hardly breaking news here, but the FBI (and by virtue, the DOJ) continues to be a vindictive, politicized dumpster fire of an organization.

Today, the indictment of Republican Rep. Jeff Fortenberry was made public after the congressman’s wife put out a statement. Fortenberry was being previously investigated for illegal campaign contributions following a fundraiser in Los Angeles in which a foreign national gave people money to donate. That made the donations in question illegal.

In the end, there was no evidence that Fortenberry had any knowledge of what happened, yet he’s getting indicted anyway. On what grounds, you might ask? Well, you’ll be less than shocked to learn a supposed process crime lies at the center of the prosecution.

This per KLKN-TV, a local Nebraska station.

FBI agents originally contacted Fortenberry’s at their home in 2019, according to the Fortenberry press release.

“The agents said they needed his help. Jeff assumed he was one federal official helping other federal officials in the cause of justice. His instinct, as yours would be, was to help. So, he talked to them,” wrote Celeste Fortenberry.

Fortenberry plans to fight the claims brought upon him.

“I don’t know why we have been called to fight this fight. But we are fighting it, with everything we’ve got, for our family and for America,” wrote Celeste Fortenberry.

Fortenberry denies he lied to the FBI, and as of now, there are no further details about exactly what he’s being alleged to have lied about. You can bet it’s some technicality like mixing up a date or number as that has been the DOJ’s pattern when dealing with Republican officials and operatives going back to the Donald Trump era.

This should serve as another lesson in why you should never speak to the FBI under any circumstances unless compelled, and then only with a skilled lawyer present. They are not your friends, and Fortenberry’s naivete in trusting them might cost him his career. There was no reason for him to cooperate with their investigation, and he should have known they weren’t just looking for his “help.”

But what strikes me the most about this isn’t the indictment itself. Maybe Fortenberry did lie about something, even if irrelevant or small. No, what strikes me the most is the gross double-standard of justice that continues to play out at the federal level. This indictment is being announced within a week of formerly disgraced FBI official Andrew McCabe being reinstated and given his retirement. What was his ultimate punishment for lying to the FBI on multiple occasions? The answer is absolutely nothing. He was never charged and now gets to live on the taxpayer dole for the rest of his life while appearing on cable news.

There are two separate justice systems in this country, and if you are reading this, you probably aren’t in the club that gets to avoid prosecution for lying repeatedly to the FBI. It’s not just that, though.There have been numerous pieces of evidence pointing to campaign finance fraud by the likes of Ilhan Omar, including her using campaign funds to pay her husband hundreds of thousands of dollars, yet there hasn’t been a hint of an investigation. Odd, right?

Except it’s not odd at all. If you are a Republican, the FBI will find something to nail you on if you cross their path. If you are a Democrat, you get a free pass. That’s the pattern, and it’s impossible to ignore at this point.


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32a256  No.14822493

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

ebot is running "tree fiddy fo baphomet runaway" fundraiser

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4dcb9c  No.14822494

File: 3fb1e2ac4eff374⋯.jpeg (168.63 KB, 1471x1165, 1471:1165, 0BAB8E66_C372_43DD_9495_9….jpeg)

Sweets4Jabs - https://summit.news/2021/10/20/pharmacy-hands-out-blue-pill-jellybeans-to-reward-people-for-getting-vaccinated/

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bdf3a3  No.14822495

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ee6600  No.14822496

File: 98e7c68216ad5e3⋯.png (138.82 KB, 480x360, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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32a256  No.14822497

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

m00 h00 m00

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bdf3a3  No.14822498


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c630b5  No.14822499


time of the month?

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e0ae32  No.14822500

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Bitchute video embedded





How to make HCQ

Amazing information and support to fight the COVID hoax + download form to refuse COVID-19 Vaccine

Dr. Carrie Madej talks about detox from vax


Seattle Fire and Police give up boots


Woman talks about silent majority


Tracking planes on migrants


Dems flip away from Democrats


Feeding homeless


Man crying out for children


‘Great 4th quarter


MSM paid by Pfizer


Pharmacy manager quits


Truth on CNN …what?


Trump on O’Reilly


Annihilation meme


MSM narrative change talking about kids shots


Travis Tritt


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c90e39  No.14822501

File: f1e94f6b474c533⋯.png (98.98 KB, 250x350, 5:7, ClipboardImage.png)

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32a256  No.14822502

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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bdf3a3  No.14822503

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cb9000  No.14822504


he smokes out all the freepers he can't be all bad

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0e28f9  No.14822505


The face you make upon insertion.

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0a940f  No.14822506

File: 9e723c7b2ecf42d⋯.jpg (94.04 KB, 1007x951, 1007:951, tmiwFRID.jpg)


Try an Indica

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32a256  No.14822507

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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bdf3a3  No.14822508



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f9870c  No.14822509

File: 38b220e77d3b246⋯.png (607.41 KB, 485x660, 97:132, ClipboardImage.png)

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3a7f4b  No.14822510

Holy shit Joe sounds just like Bernie Sanders right now

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21d91b  No.14822511

Anon's spent much time with enemy forces. Was a scout on enemy's propaganda arm. Have to say, listening to Joey right now, not a joke, is the most boring thing scoutanon has done. Report: They done. They got nothing.

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0205f3  No.14822512

Jim, is that you?

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a7e3f2  No.14822513

Good news for vaxxers. FDA will allow them to mix & match vaccines!

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ee6600  No.14822514

File: 718a941d8b18a6d⋯.png (201.03 KB, 300x225, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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c630b5  No.14822515

File: 9fe047a3fa35141⋯.png (505.65 KB, 480x720, 2:3, pharmageddon.png)

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32a256  No.14822516

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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6a45b2  No.14822517




It's 10/20/2021, so for about (2021*365)+(12*30)+20 days, the most persecuted people of the world have been immortal. What good would killing those of us who love our neighbor really do? Or as your good friend HRC would say, 'at this point what difference does it really make?'

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bdf3a3  No.14822518



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d24db5  No.14822519


"my head has dog nuts growing out of it"

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0205f3  No.14822520


I want 1 vial of each injected directly into my nutz.

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21d91b  No.14822521


With canned applause too,

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3a7f4b  No.14822522

File: e98355a213174cd⋯.jpg (47.45 KB, 694x699, 694:699, pepecus_maximus.jpg)



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bdf3a3  No.14822523

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f9870c  No.14822524

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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8e80ef  No.14822525

File: 99057fd46c99355⋯.jpg (15.12 KB, 300x300, 1:1, 99057fd46c9935518c0c75c912….jpg)

>[bdf3a3] (23)

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ee6600  No.14822526

File: 89a8cab114fdda9⋯.png (266.66 KB, 480x360, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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22028c  No.14822527


>will allow them to mix & match

sounds very scientific

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bdf3a3  No.14822528



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62a68a  No.14822529

File: 01239098c3b8b56⋯.jpg (116.86 KB, 500x666, 250:333, jbgsyuafsays7aedso.jpg)


81 million my ass

And i want to front kick him when he whispers. And yells

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0a940f  No.14822530


Next they will license them out to Gucci or Armani

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d24db5  No.14822531


that is either Cooper or Fauci

prolly Cooper

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3e3e52  No.14822532

File: 02bcdd1b6879439⋯.png (618.5 KB, 1034x1280, 517:640, vax22.png)

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0cc3d2  No.14822533

Thank you for all the 17s, Joey! Also, thank you for helping to wake up the people!

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79bb2f  No.14822534

File: 9b07b746f59d4d7⋯.jpg (87.42 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, 928jhqoijtv0ai93uj2t09238u….jpg)

File: a9dfe976ddd534d⋯.jpg (65.56 KB, 564x800, 141:200, a9dfe976ddd534dc381a77d7e2….jpg)


Are these up to your standard?

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bdf3a3  No.14822535

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ee6600  No.14822536

File: e16240276727c13⋯.png (303.92 KB, 520x293, 520:293, ClipboardImage.png)

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21d91b  No.14822537


Please 'spoil' that pic.

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4f7dd0  No.14822538

File: 0067cb3be9d379b⋯.jpg (190.72 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, content_1.jpg)

File: e4922596b1e01b7⋯.png (295.55 KB, 600x578, 300:289, photos.png)


Will they play nicely together?

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1a5439  No.14822539

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32a256  No.14822540

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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bdf3a3  No.14822541



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9396f2  No.14822542

File: f5fc662df114370⋯.jpg (32.85 KB, 657x527, 657:527, b69cf24664562014e02f6014ba….jpg)


That's some psychological bullshit right there! [They're] sending a message to anons & patriots who know what that blue pill represents. Comms to the wiser!

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643946  No.14822543

not sure i can watch bidan for an hour, anything interesting, gonna vax us all?

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bdf3a3  No.14822544



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79bb2f  No.14822545


kek broke one of the faggots

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1b9389  No.14822546

Nobody could watch Biden without believing he is quickly deteriorating mentally.

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3a7f4b  No.14822547

File: 3af6599dd6dbad3⋯.jpg (50.7 KB, 720x734, 360:367, oh_there_will_be.jpg)

YOU just stepped in it

meme war mode activated

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0a940f  No.14822548

File: b1be7e176f58b71⋯.jpg (112.9 KB, 1007x951, 1007:951, tmiwTENT.jpg)

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dde585  No.14822549

File: 18d4e173af9d895⋯.jpg (61.92 KB, 800x494, 400:247, silverdale_bomb_squad.jpg)

Bomb squad dismantles explosive device in Silverdale


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9e2c59  No.14822550

File: bfeb38383d42aa5⋯.png (133.14 KB, 526x453, 526:453, 3014cda327f83c66d0523412f2….png)


Brandon found the board

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c791f0  No.14822551


>simulated cyberattack

No it fucking isn't.

Internet was too slow for me to work until the afternoon.

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26ee2e  No.14822552

File: b88579e6ad51f65⋯.jpg (86.29 KB, 538x796, 269:398, ZomboMeme_30082021101113.jpg)

File: 1590dabf28d6598⋯.jpg (58.27 KB, 511x655, 511:655, ZomboMeme_26072021101804.jpg)

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c1db9c  No.14822553


You might want to take a walk in nature first, and figure why you want to do, I drink but I dont pass out.

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9396f2  No.14822554

File: 408c3acbe899495⋯.jpg (11.69 KB, 241x209, 241:209, 408c3acbe8994956053078f715….jpg)

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62362c  No.14822555

File: cc4aa77e74ca39b⋯.jpg (107.85 KB, 1006x690, 503:345, email1.JPG)

File: ad5ba6e57279807⋯.jpg (96.81 KB, 1066x680, 533:340, email_2.JPG)

look what I got in the mail. dumbasses,

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f49786  No.14822556

File: 81c32df0e0e326d⋯.png (300.05 KB, 1028x958, 514:479, 99754f41540acf4a8f4c86f20c….png)

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4b619b  No.14822557

File: e20211729babb7a⋯.jpg (147.82 KB, 720x900, 4:5, 1634754374636.jpg)

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ee6600  No.14822558

File: f47a63fcaf76518⋯.png (72.17 KB, 300x200, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)



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d24db5  No.14822559


don't be meme lazy

screw on some fat nads

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ddb77c  No.14822560

File: a12c05da29da5ed⋯.png (295.92 KB, 562x572, 281:286, ClipboardImage.png)

Biden Tells Debunked Story About Amtrak Worker For the FOURTH Time, Claims he “Commuted Every Single Day for 36 Years as Vice President”

Joe Biden once again told the debunked story about the Amtrak worker named Angelo Negri who used to grab his cheek.

Joe Biden’s motorcade was booed as he arrived in Scranton, Pennsylvania on his way to promote his “Build Back Better” agenda ta the Electric City Trolley Museum.

Biden’s speech went downhill as soon as he veered off script.

Joe Biden repeated the debunked story about the Amtrak worker named who used to grab his cheek.

“He goes Joey Babyyyyy what are you — and I thought the Secret Service was going to shoot him. I said, no, no, no, no he’s good! True story!” Biden exclaimed.

This is one of Biden’s favorite lies.

Joe Biden also claimed he “commuted every single day for 36 years as Vice President of the United States…”

The media will never hold Biden accountable for his lies and they will never talk about his obvious cognitive decline.


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3a7f4b  No.14822561

File: fafb1d19b672910⋯.png (126.07 KB, 280x328, 35:41, uhhhhhhhhhh.png)

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32a256  No.14822562

File: 8836194fa767c81⋯.jpg (128.51 KB, 976x1200, 61:75, 27c3fc7785d54d35c13abf4a93….jpg)

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8e80ef  No.14822563

File: 7093ae48e6a2012⋯.gif (4.17 MB, 244x215, 244:215, 7093ae48e6a20123439c9db3d4….gif)


>is it bad that I just want to drink and pass out everyday anons?

sorry to say but tbh,

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643946  No.14822564

File: f8a260d2439c4ab⋯.png (867.96 KB, 982x738, 491:369, vaxem.png)

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2a6b8c  No.14822565

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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c1db9c  No.14822566


Great now I have to look up another word, is it something to do with dinosaurs? Kek

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26ee2e  No.14822567


Next they're gonna issue Vaxxemon for each brand. Can you collect them all?

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d21eea  No.14822568

File: 31d62197cc4ff65⋯.jpg (67.98 KB, 1024x718, 512:359, FCGMRRfWYAQW9L1.jpg)

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c630b5  No.14822569


now they can get an extra tattoo for their stupidity.

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3a7f4b  No.14822570

File: f8cacef80367e5d⋯.jpg (36.1 KB, 477x380, 477:380, 4pas54.jpg)


But he's totally being honest about all the other things he said right?

uh huh.

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5add22  No.14822571

File: 610340418f34342⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1476x440, 369:110, Screenshot_2021_10_20_at_1….png)

File: 31ceb56bf53778f⋯.png (798.15 KB, 1124x633, 1124:633, mystikspiralncswic.png)

…Schumann resonance seems steady.

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c791f0  No.14822572

File: c35e89aebecb94c⋯.jpg (10.32 KB, 259x194, 259:194, images.jpg)


Just what we need. People stealing other people's hands.

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f9870c  No.14822573

File: 063f053ee6cbb94⋯.png (241.59 KB, 847x476, 121:68, ClipboardImage.png)

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dde585  No.14822574

File: 34209020f21c1fd⋯.mp4 (12.67 MB, 640x480, 4:3, papa_kills_babies.mp4)

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22028c  No.14822575


satanic gibberish

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ddb77c  No.14822576

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Megyn Kelly Says Son’s School Told Third Grade Boys About Taking Puberty Blockers So They Can Have Genitals ‘Chopped Off’

Megyn Kelly said her son’s school told third grade boys about how they could “take a pill to prevent puberty” so they can later have genitals “chopped off.”

“Okay, so they unleashed a three-week experimental transgender education program on our boys,” Kelly shared during “The Megyn Kelly Show” podcast Tuesday with her guest Ramona Bessinger, a middle school teacher in Providence, Rhode Island. Bessinger said she’s faced retaliation from her district after she called out her school over race-based and transgender projects. She argued it was eroding “parental rights.”

Kelly said she wasn’t told about the program before and only found out about it after going to a parent-teacher night at the school when one of the parents stood up and revealed what he said happened in his son’s class.

It starts at 56:53.


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8b4e16  No.14822577

File: 539450fcd7a1340⋯.jpg (119.29 KB, 749x928, 749:928, 20211020_162854.jpg)

File: 357b40559cacf71⋯.mp4 (1.11 MB, 720x720, 1:1, P5QTnJcLW0VppRTx.mp4)

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c1db9c  No.14822578

File: 9cd1a374e9eb902⋯.jpeg (23.64 KB, 220x167, 220:167, B060FB4D_59EB_486A_B998_8….jpeg)


For anyone wondering

Triceratops is an extinct genus of herbivorous chasmosaurine ceratopsid dinosaur that first appeared during the late Maastrichtian stage of the Late Cretaceous period, about 68 million years ago in what is now North America. It is one of the last-known non-avian dinosaur genera, and became extinct in the Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event 66 million years ago. The name Triceratops, which literally means 'three-horned face', is derived from the Greek words trí- (τρί-) meaning 'three', kéras (κέρας) meaning 'horn', and ṓps (ὤψ) meaning 'face'.


Great now I >>14822369

have to look up another word, is it something to do with dinosaurs? Kek


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100e45  No.14822579

File: 21bad5593cae83a⋯.mp4 (5.07 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Space_Jews_Dave_Chappelle_….mp4)

>>>14818428, >>14818911 pb

>Twin explosions hit army bus in Damascus, killing over a dozen people

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0a610a  No.14822580

File: 10a5940af6fc53c⋯.jpg (132.26 KB, 1600x1167, 1600:1167, depositphotos_234214808_st….jpg)

Pierre S. duPont, duPont V, Direct descendant of the 5th generation of DuPont family, Managing Partner of Dupont Family Office, attends the 2018 T-EDGE Conference & Awards in Beijing, China, 14 December 2018. As a global platform for innovators around the world to meet and exchange annually, T-EDGE has won much attention from thought leaders in science, business and media. It has become an important link that connects global leading forces to China. During the conference, over 100 leading innovators from abroad and China will exchange thoughts with over 1,000 industry leaders.


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45ca7e  No.14822581

Glenn Youngkin(Va) is acting like the election is "free and fair" with no possibly of fraud…boy, is he mistaken…I feel sorry for him…

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48299f  No.14822582


Now that's trusting the science.

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21d91b  No.14822583


Yes, it is very bad. Do you have a reason?

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d21eea  No.14822584

File: 4c5b012cf5cf284⋯.png (255.87 KB, 535x680, 107:136, Screenshot_2021_10_20_at_1….png)

The Jerusalem Post


A US #Navy facility in #Maryland that houses the famed Walter Reed National Military Medical Center was given the "all clear" on Wednesday after being locked down for several hours due to a #bomb threat.


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316105  No.14822585

File: 25fe12b70b40fd2⋯.gif (1.08 MB, 498x278, 249:139, archer_dr_krieger.gif)

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9396f2  No.14822586


Evil POS! He's in it for the money. you know he's getting his 10% for pushing the poison.

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3a7f4b  No.14822587


apparently they still think labeling whatever they don't like as "white supremacy" is still working

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ee6600  No.14822588

File: 47bfe0413081acb⋯.png (154.38 KB, 396x247, 396:247, ClipboardImage.png)

Listen, you stupid faggots. There is a lot…I am saying A LOT of fucking graphic and pornographic images that I could be posting…but I am choosing NOT TO!

So, for some faggot to ask me to "spoiler" an image that has been posted multiple times of two children that are CLEARLY pretending to be performing a Satanic ritual is really annoying.

I am a Satanist.

Yes. I admit.



But yes, I do believe that Satan is the TRUE GOD and that GOD is indeed EVIL and not GOOD.

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100e45  No.14822589


why shill posts a nigger faggot with a "kek"

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21d91b  No.14822590


How do you know he is mistaken? Sauce it.

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643946  No.14822591

File: 61ecc3c2a61f0b2⋯.png (1.32 MB, 972x1280, 243:320, mix.png)

trust the science, or whatever!

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1d2646  No.14822592


"We can't find Afghanistan on da map. Where the fuckarewe."

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c630b5  No.14822593

File: 20f189dfb721f25⋯.jpg (77.79 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, 211011181750_blue_origin_w….jpg)

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9396f2  No.14822594

File: dca71196b13e1c2⋯.jpg (12.14 KB, 255x246, 85:82, 3bf120e8f378f5ba1ee3027ecd….jpg)

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3a7f4b  No.14822595


Why does it dress like a little girl?

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22028c  No.14822596

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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ddb77c  No.14822597

File: 3f9a2c6a6a8dbfa⋯.png (502.76 KB, 523x651, 523:651, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1048ee911b9b117⋯.png (36.64 KB, 981x256, 981:256, ClipboardImage.png)

Former CDC Director Says Over 40% Of Recent Maryland COVID Deaths Were Vaxxed

"In the last six to 8 weeks, more than 40% of people who died in Maryland were fully vaccinated," said the former CDC director.

In an apparent challenge to the repeated claim that controversial COVID-19 vaccines may not make you less likely to contract the virus, but will make you less likely to become critically ill, former CDC director Robert Redfield revealed that over 40% of COVID-19 deaths in Maryland have been vaccinated.

Redfield, who previously oversaw the CDC during the Trump administration and now serves as nominally Republican Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan’s senior advisor on COVID-19, made the claims during an appearance on Fox News earlier this week.

“A lot of times people may feel it’s a rare event that fully vaccinated people die,” said Redfield. “I happen to be the senior advisor to Governor Hogan in the state of Maryland. In the last six to 8 weeks, more than 40% of people who died in Maryland were fully vaccinated,” Redfield said while discussing the death of former Secretary of State Colin Powell. As Town Hall notes, the Maryland Department of Health claims 65.7 percent of adults in the state are fully vaccinated.

Powell, who served under President George W. Bush, died of COVID-19 despite being fully vaccinated against the virus. Like many who die of COVID-19, Powell also had a severe comorbidity: blood cancer.


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cb60d2  No.14822598

File: 79e602de94494f6⋯.png (57.02 KB, 311x171, 311:171, ClipboardImage.png)

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d24db5  No.14822599


Yo bitch you made a wrong turn

best back the fuck out

while you can

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c630b5  No.14822600


trying to blend to kidnap children better.

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79bb2f  No.14822601

File: c950ab82f0eedfe⋯.png (348.41 KB, 752x407, 752:407, 4b5f9a6eabe9d07d56bf993190….png)

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4dcb9c  No.14822602

File: ce31a31e1b66adf⋯.jpeg (317.01 KB, 1150x664, 575:332, D62FE598_68F0_4B96_A6F4_4….jpeg)

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1d2646  No.14822603


The Club. They want it all. Money addicts, Drug addicts and Fuck addicts.

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48299f  No.14822604

File: ba38bfd63c37994⋯.png (536.41 KB, 586x480, 293:240, ClipboardImage.png)

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21d91b  No.14822606


That, by itself, seals our depravity.

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ee6600  No.14822607

File: 8906bccb6cce4b6⋯.png (131.71 KB, 224x182, 16:13, ClipboardImage.png)

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d21eea  No.14822608

File: 67adf25bf5ace61⋯.jpg (66.86 KB, 1024x734, 512:367, FCGMRSBUYAE0RP_.jpg)


Why not?

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22028c  No.14822609


power addicts

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be46d3  No.14822610


The best FEMA camp is the one you are already in.

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f8d39c  No.14822611

File: a95f85cb7d138e9⋯.png (1.52 MB, 750x920, 75:92, 228e1cc15cc7885bf7ece8985b….png)

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45ca7e  No.14822612

File: 52c80ba8a5debbe⋯.jpg (46.33 KB, 403x403, 1:1, boy_i_say_boy.jpg)


kek…I can see you just got here, what happened, did you misclick on a website and landed here by mistake…I say, I say, pay attention boy…I'll say it slow so you can understand…the e l e c t i o n s h a s b e e n r i g g e d f o r a l o n g t i m e. . .

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ee6600  No.14822613

File: c4308076573701f⋯.png (689.04 KB, 526x619, 526:619, ClipboardImage.png)

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16449c  No.14822614

File: 03519622f2289c9⋯.png (89.17 KB, 325x296, 325:296, ClipboardImage.png)

holy crypto jewpta gupta!

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0a940f  No.14822615

File: d0e035c1976a9fc⋯.jpg (128.94 KB, 1024x716, 256:179, FWEET.jpg)

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2ae084  No.14822616


So, I should disregard the fact that when I previously trusted God and science, I nonetheless became vaccine injured, and should now trust that I won't become further vaccine injured or killed by the known toxins in the vaccines?

Hahahahahahahaha. Operation Trust 2.0 Fool me once…

Vaccines are recently invented poisons to profit the medical

-industrial complex at the expense of the comman man. None of this is "God's will". Man is behind every step of it. Globa'alists, elites, 1%ers, dictators, greedy thieves and murderers created this vaxx, and the plan to re-enslave all humanity with it.

If you think this is for the benefit of mankind, then I pity you. Q is nothing more than a continuation of the evil that has been heaped on man since the jews invented the bible.

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eb3843  No.14822617

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


3 Women Kidnapping Toddler In Dallas

>676 views Oct 20, 2021

Garland investigators are asking for the public’s help finding two of three women who kidnapped a toddler who was almost 2 years old, ripping him from his mother's arm as she fought to hold on to him.




2 hours ago

What in the set it off is going on here?!

Trish Hamilton

Trish Hamilton

2 hours ago

Garbage Humans

Too Sweet Gameplays

Too Sweet Gameplays

3 hours ago (edited)

Romeisha Giving Queen Latifa Set It Off Vibes




3 hours ago

These people are worthless to society

Hell's Gates

Hell's Gates

4 hours ago

C0lor me sh0cked

West Coast

West Coast

4 hours ago

Wow, just despicable.




5 hours ago

Capital punishment

Sweetie Squad 4Lyfe

Sweetie Squad 4Lyfe

5 hours ago

The usual suspects with the unusual names.


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b13ba5  No.14822618

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


#m00h00m00 #$care$ #$hekel$

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f8d39c  No.14822619


What are you listening to?

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643946  No.14822620


some bidan speech

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b13ba5  No.14822621

File: a790c81ffe8d009⋯.jpg (10.47 KB, 206x206, 1:1, 334260_104269029718340_302….jpg)

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8b4e16  No.14822622

File: 38d91e8769091f4⋯.jpg (124.52 KB, 720x1182, 120:197, 20211020_163718.jpg)

File: 4af4ac6eb677e06⋯.jpg (203.47 KB, 628x627, 628:627, 20211020_163608.jpg)


Facebook recently filed a trademark for a new logo that appears to be a seeing eye made up of “666”s.

Cool, cool. Nothing to see here.

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0cc3d2  No.14822623


Yes that too!

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affa9b  No.14822624


>Pic related

Magic sword over DIA?

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8e80ef  No.14822625

File: 8d21efe9cba4402⋯.png (259.9 KB, 401x596, 401:596, 8d21efe9cba4402e14d05d2319….png)


Welp, sounds to me like you took all this "up is down" and "left is right" thing a little bit too far.

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62a68a  No.14822626

File: 719857bb724ce65⋯.jpg (31.07 KB, 640x480, 4:3, goopfsccc6.jpg)

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f9870c  No.14822627

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b13ba5  No.14822628

File: 5011de77721b0eb⋯.png (743.63 KB, 600x800, 3:4, c314010ca460e13616919ddf8a….png)



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643946  No.14822629

File: 19f037527243838⋯.png (357.03 KB, 704x614, 352:307, chrom.png)

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c90e39  No.14822630

File: edd9e26010212cd⋯.png (237.8 KB, 519x724, 519:724, handtattoo.png)

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48c1a2  No.14822631

File: 2edb154c243c872⋯.png (378.23 KB, 1019x432, 1019:432, ClipboardImage.png)

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21d91b  No.14822632


And I say your opinions are shit. And have been shit for a long time.

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50eedc  No.14822633

File: e41f9cc3a844da1⋯.png (574.08 KB, 500x667, 500:667, ClipboardImage.png)

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c90e39  No.14822634

File: 06fdba302088d72⋯.mp4 (1.53 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 6_6_6_Joe_Biden_says_it_do….mp4)

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b13ba5  No.14822635

File: 89aef9965ef9baa⋯.jpg (44.48 KB, 681x1024, 681:1024, e357a88c1ca0d937928782bd7c….jpg)

File: 2044b1dc1560a42⋯.jpg (103.62 KB, 900x900, 1:1, EQ6Xs3fXYAA5Oh3.jpg)

File: c73839336d229fe⋯.png (1.46 MB, 1164x1500, 97:125, f1f0f5e67d633d65f4fa5e9a6b….png)

monster says tree fiddy

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22028c  No.14822636


FB team darkside….gtfo kek

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501ee5  No.14822637


We love you.

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9d8ee8  No.14822638

File: 8cfee015160f5ff⋯.png (128.94 KB, 322x416, 161:208, vfx.PNG)

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eb3843  No.14822639

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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be46d3  No.14822640


Silver about to explode?

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50eedc  No.14822641

File: a5d69f00e875514⋯.png (673.86 KB, 945x630, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

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643946  No.14822642

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ee6600  No.14822643

File: 7b48c21ab079970⋯.png (635.35 KB, 440x693, 40:63, ClipboardImage.png)

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b13ba5  No.14822644

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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4dcb9c  No.14822645

File: a89ecd7e83466f7⋯.jpeg (197.87 KB, 1200x795, 80:53, DF6C89FA_C11B_48F5_87B1_C….jpeg)

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48c1a2  No.14822646



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22028c  No.14822647


love ya

live a happy and prosperous life

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b13ba5  No.14822648

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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3db824  No.14822649

File: 21e39b1991a5682⋯.jpeg (152.97 KB, 710x793, 710:793, DDF1B96B_D771_4470_961E_9….jpeg)

Joe won Pennsylvania?

Not a fucking chance.

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b13ba5  No.14822650

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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1d2646  No.14822651


Of course. How'd I leave that out. They have a weakness though. Small in numbers.

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21d91b  No.14822652


That's Fiona Hill.

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48c1a2  No.14822653

Praying Medic, [20.10.21 18:21]

[Forwarded from Techno_Fog]

[ Photo ]

New details on the scope of John Durham's investigation -

He has provided Michael Sussmann w/ 81K pages of documents.

These are from "grand jury subpoenas" issued to 15 people/entities/orgs - including Fusion GPS and likely the DNC.

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b13ba5  No.14822654

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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8b4e16  No.14822655

File: c5989040402744d⋯.jpg (181.5 KB, 720x1181, 720:1181, 20211020_164251.jpg)


New details on the scope of John Durham's investigation -

He has provided Michael Sussmann w/ 81K pages of documents.

These are from "grand jury subpoenas" issued to 15 people/entities/orgs - including Fusion GPS and likely the DNC. 👀

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357e7c  No.14822656




> our

Fake & def Gay

this was out long before 4 stars and does not look like admiral hemaam

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79bb2f  No.14822657

File: e098aa6c9755962⋯.jpg (190.65 KB, 1125x1227, 375:409, 9cbb8280ec76a59b7c17e02ae9….jpg)

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5add22  No.14822658

File: 2be03ee1dbc20d6⋯.png (176.23 KB, 512x340, 128:85, plasmadischarge.png)

File: d82c11a1dfb5d59⋯.jpg (14.48 KB, 238x300, 119:150, The_Electric_Universe_Dr_I….jpg)


…Seen't this, before. The same flaunting of occult knowledge, in regards to a once co-linear solar system alignment. All roads lead to Rome Saturn.

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b13ba5  No.14822659

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

donut parkin syrup suckin moose jockey free medical shotgun cannibas gehy marriage helathcare

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50eedc  No.14822660

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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c630b5  No.14822661

File: 94f7e342bee45e3⋯.png (205.6 KB, 576x432, 4:3, dayofthevaxxd.png)

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8b4e16  No.14822662

File: 3f232568fe88bd5⋯.jpg (91.06 KB, 763x711, 763:711, 20211020_164336.jpg)


There is more to be produced to Sussmann:

Grand jury testimony from multiple witnesses

Notes re: Sussmann's meeting w/ CIA

The FBI's Alfa Bank "case file"


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d24db5  No.14822663


is that the Sanjay Gupta as a victim of child trafficking

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b13ba5  No.14822664

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>donut parkin syrup suckin moose jockey free medical shotgun cannibas gehy marriage helathcare

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22028c  No.14822665



Trump was (and still is) powerful due to his wealth yet they could not entrap him like the others.

Was Trump suckered into running for POTUS a yet another trap for him (that failed of course) ……..hmmmm

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91bff3  No.14822666

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cb9000  No.14822667


think Deadheads:

"I'm on Moderna 6."

"Oh, I'm on Pfizer 4, from the Parsippany Plant."

"Remember. Pfizer 3? Whoa that shit was good!"


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b13ba5  No.14822668

File: c930c5ca0eec599⋯.jpg (104.82 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 8e14uy2wz2u71.jpg)





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1d2646  No.14822669

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



"I know you're hearting. I get it".

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22028c  No.14822670

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ae5c9e  No.14822671

File: db98ce027f7db8c⋯.jpg (44.35 KB, 736x695, 736:695, 1395253_10201294870628422_….jpg)

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566d94  No.14822672


So this is Amazons version of Apple's Face ID? Just need Google to create something that scans the whole body in order to use the covid vaccine passport and we're fully covered….

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ca7019  No.14822673

File: 61d8d1cd6798d6f⋯.jpg (127.38 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, SR_71_Night_Shift_3.jpg)

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b13ba5  No.14822674

File: 56703c08292e8d1⋯.jpg (155.38 KB, 640x640, 1:1, ppp97q6sgs661.jpg)

File: 43614e9e3ba0337⋯.jpg (19.5 KB, 639x426, 3:2, qqa7ok.jpg)

File: a31211e8af402e5⋯.jpg (167.4 KB, 1556x577, 1556:577, Yair_Soros_2_e150520180396….jpg)

gib monster tree fiddy

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cf554f  No.14822675

File: 21d90af63ddac32⋯.png (1.2 MB, 1633x1624, 1633:1624, 1634517799090.png)

File: bcf62312d90e3a0⋯.png (847.74 KB, 1676x1583, 1676:1583, 1634519516933.png)

File: bde06e3e21140c2⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1418x1870, 709:935, 1634511661630.png)

File: 0d509c7d07b487d⋯.png (2.23 MB, 1673x1585, 1673:1585, 1634511618612.png)

File: 2965ac6d8052176⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1755x1511, 1755:1511, 1634511716410.png)

>>14820437 '20 Times Increase' of CANCER in Vaccinated Patients?

So in all practical terms the U.S. Government has committed genocide on U.S. Citizens by injecting them with HIV or a synthetic equivalent of it…

Pretty sure I screamedRISE OR DIEfrom the rooftops and 18 twitter accounts during the Spring/Summer of 2020, but here we are. Everybody sitting around mouth breathing catching flies with idiots asking "How far away are the stars…?" Tracking satellites out in their yards… Mouths agape…

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21d91b  No.14822676


Speaking of which, what percentage of broadcasters on all television programs have been victimized as young children? I'm guessing 80%

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4b9ee4  No.14822677


probably because they are running out people who will take the vax but not be counted as vaxed for 2 weeks after the second shot to count as unvaxed.

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affa9b  No.14822678

File: b8462ae33755294⋯.png (642.55 KB, 955x960, 191:192, fuckyourvaccine.png)

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c87578  No.14822679


Phonefagging & don't have my full arsenal of meme but…….


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b32e01  No.14822680


Look at all of that violence? Look, flags! Flags, I tell you! Not just flags! American flags!

The hypocrisy! The talking heads never once said "mostly peaceful". Anon gets the feeling that they expected violence and didn't get it. They really don't seem to understand Patriots.

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79bb2f  No.14822681

File: c9b6dff67538f75⋯.jpg (8.45 KB, 259x194, 259:194, t0982u3vt09gjsofi2j3i095qu….jpg)

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b13ba5  No.14822682

File: d2117bb93d3ca1c⋯.png (325.86 KB, 658x500, 329:250, h12kt8qp6vl71.png)






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e0ae32  No.14822683

File: 0e5f594fb861084⋯.png (769.32 KB, 780x438, 130:73, ClipboardImage.png)


dubs chek'ed

you have come to the right place.

take a seat and explain yourself.

do you jerk off a lot to your mother.

are you a depraved motherfucker

was you abused by uncle joe

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cb9313  No.14822684

File: 7662cbc71f52422⋯.jpg (141.88 KB, 726x1000, 363:500, gvacc.jpg)

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501ee5  No.14822685



Like the symbol on police body cams.

Wouldn't it be funny if those still recorded when they were turned off?

Satan falls like lightning.

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48299f  No.14822686

File: 61e9a0b5702fde1⋯.png (677.71 KB, 686x480, 343:240, ClipboardImage.png)

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1a5439  No.14822687

File: a3390e4c5081464⋯.gif (2.84 MB, 498x266, 249:133, movies_robin_hood_men_in_t….gif)

File: 9d6ab1915497cb0⋯.gif (123.75 KB, 400x226, 200:113, bef2aff6_0997_44f6_b5d3_93….gif)


You can if most in attendance were extras on abc payroll.

"You are watching a movie."

Those you believe stole the election did, but Trump lost as well.

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f8d39c  No.14822688

File: f6d16d7c3bfe359⋯.png (159.84 KB, 470x313, 470:313, 104f582e5ba9d83101d802c1a4….png)

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48c1a2  No.14822689

File: 71fd20f5595b43c⋯.png (792.18 KB, 900x473, 900:473, ClipboardImage.png)

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2a6b8c  No.14822690


I'm thinking of bringing out a range of DS Giney Wash. Very mild exfoliator and the feelings of dirty start to wane immediately with excellent results expected within two weeks! Tough on stains and grime. Currently in the final stages of development.

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cb9000  No.14822691


is that what attention whores have in common?

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b13ba5  No.14822692






both m00h00m00$know rhetoricals

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3a7f4b  No.14822693

File: 52a9aec05398498⋯.jpg (119.62 KB, 628x627, 628:627, facegooglebook.jpg)

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3db824  No.14822694


Biden crowd today sounded like a couple dozen polite clappers. They never showed them.

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22028c  No.14822695


>is that what attention whores have in common?

a good question for AOC

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b13ba5  No.14822696

File: 13bc48101a72ebc⋯.png (203.5 KB, 384x384, 1:1, c5f43cd50bbb243a44928dd36e….png)

File: 8969b04b259f77d⋯.jpg (118.1 KB, 640x737, 640:737, th70x6tlz2u71.jpg)

"arf arf arf peanut butter micheal moore canooduh nambla bacon"

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8e80ef  No.14822697

File: 5b4769da44f3c89⋯.png (38.59 KB, 300x114, 50:19, 5b4769da44f3c89ddd756428b8….png)

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cb9313  No.14822698

File: d94b38e1cd4f0a0⋯.jpg (437.82 KB, 800x452, 200:113, Constitution2.jpg)

File: 6e45c2c7d083a64⋯.png (571 KB, 629x680, 37:40, songboom.png)

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b13ba5  No.14822699

File: 0b9c40b89088dc2⋯.jpg (192.78 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 4oyyl4syqxr71.jpg)

shit gibbons real

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4f7dd0  No.14822700

File: 6495cff862c627d⋯.png (92.9 KB, 500x403, 500:403, stock_market_crashes_1929_….png)

File: e9d78271210f869⋯.png (143.45 KB, 400x358, 200:179, uploads.png)

October 29, 1929

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ef4d08  No.14822701


Maybe (spitballing) died of exposure. Parents knew where he was because they took him food early on. But then LE started watching them 24/7 and they could not any longer. Then he was on his own. They finally got worried after a month and took LE right out there only to find a body.

Or he had let them know where he was going, then ended up killing himself.

Or his dad killed him out there, but this seems least likely scenario to me.

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34b833  No.14822702


Tell Cavuto Trump said he should take HCQ. Quints confirm.

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b13ba5  No.14822703

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>shit gibbons real

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d24db5  No.14822704


what is the threshold for attention whore crossing

is it post count

or sticky posts

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1d2646  No.14822705

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Works on stains?

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93ebeb  No.14822706


I guess this is discovery related. Evidence Durham has against Sussman.

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bdd6ec  No.14822707


This anon may be a shill but ppl who believe what he posted R real and believe what he said. The have their own church and calendar and are in their millions, but most like to hide.



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c4ee61  No.14822708

File: 3897d352b237ebb⋯.jpeg (315.14 KB, 763x791, 109:113, 1f17904d87edc6c95717949a2….jpeg)



In-n-Out introduces the Brandonburger, enough protein to satisfy the hungriest pedo hunter.

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b13ba5  No.14822709

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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45ca7e  No.14822710


I'm betting you voted for Bidan didn't you…go ahead admit, we all know you did…

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4f7dd0  No.14822711


Be interesting on autopsy, exposure, guilt, the mind can be friend or foe.

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34b833  No.14822712


>>>14819224 Mayor de Blasio to announce COVID-19 vaccine mandate for all city workers

I'm all for shrinking govt, including police. 2A all the way.

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8e51ea  No.14822713

File: f6ddce4510b0fb4⋯.png (619.02 KB, 980x534, 490:267, doub.png)

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affa9b  No.14822714

File: 7910f8b64d1906c⋯.png (65.52 KB, 270x270, 1:1, iwillcutyoutoo.png)




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b13ba5  No.14822715

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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45ca7e  No.14822716


I sure in the hell hope not, I have a horse named "Silver"…

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9396f2  No.14822717

Anon, I'm sorry this happened to you. I wish & pray to God that you will not be in tortuous mental pain the rest of your life. Satan is not your road. Satan is not your life. Satan is not your burden to bear. You were a little child. You had no control or power over them. You can break free, I promise…you can break free. I'm sorry for putting a gun to your head.


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f3b9e7  No.14822718

Anon just struck a theory about the vax..

The joke always spoken is microchips to track people. Normies say it's already on the phones. Anons theorize many grim scenarios.

Perhaps it really is for location tracking.. perhaps they know… in whatever way they connect with a future time space, that something is coming that will knock out the grid and overall microchip process completely. Back to 0.

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b13ba5  No.14822719

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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8e80ef  No.14822720

File: 6fcc054bc3a09ab⋯.png (483.09 KB, 880x460, 44:23, ClipboardImage.png)


>the Brandonburger

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26ee2e  No.14822721

File: a54a6f036264776⋯.jpg (164.77 KB, 861x861, 1:1, ZomboMeme_20102021185643.jpg)

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50eedc  No.14822722


Hussein's Bidan 3 XOs are going to sink them all.

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b13ba5  No.14822723

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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98a85a  No.14822724

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

6 Year Old Clip Of Jen Psaki HOT MIC Moment Exposes Who She Really Is!!

Oct 20, 2021

Liberal Hivemind

802K subscribers


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c5775c  No.14822725

File: 366fd63115b2e3a⋯.jpeg (549.49 KB, 828x1030, 414:515, F9415022_3CBA_43AC_AD5B_6….jpeg)

https://mobile.twitter.com/Patriotism1788/status/1450912576100044801 This is absolutely EPIC!

Romanian government has closed all vaccine centres because 70% of the citizens won’t get the jab. Coercion did not work.

Embedded video



2:51 PM · Oct 20, 2021·Twitter for iPad

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21d91b  No.14822726


>is that what all attention whores have in common?

NO! There are attention whores who are most likely psychopaths. Then we have television anchors (news, late night, etc.), you know, that's who we are talking about here. What % do of then do you think are victims of child abuse? (btw: it's the elite psychopaths who do the abusing and take control).

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bc7d2e  No.14822727


you ever considered that you are possessed?

interesting blog if yours…


Jesus loves you by the way….

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b13ba5  No.14822728

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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cb60d2  No.14822729

File: 66121c255bace75⋯.png (1.07 MB, 959x633, 959:633, ClipboardImage.png)

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50eedc  No.14822730

Everybody who approved Garland is implicated by Garland.

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c4ee61  No.14822731

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


was thinking same

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bdf3a3  No.14822732


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2db464  No.14822733

File: 694ad47defe420e⋯.png (708.85 KB, 634x425, 634:425, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 036bcd9ad75713f⋯.png (707.44 KB, 634x439, 634:439, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 905b80b0ff193de⋯.png (620.94 KB, 634x422, 317:211, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0f0aab64e22d929⋯.png (592.58 KB, 634x422, 317:211, ClipboardImage.png)

>>14819148 (pb) FBI Raids DC home of Oleg Deripaska

Deripaska "claps back":

"Deripaska mocked investigators, apparently believing there was little relevant information to be found.

'One has to ask: was a shitload of Putin's money found yesterday in these abandoned houses?

'Did they manage to snack on the sour jam from the pantries and a couple of bottles of vodka stolen in the best traditions of the Bolsheviks during the search?'

He added, 'P.S. I'm fed up with the unfunny a**holes…'"

Oct 20, 2020

"Oligarch Oleg Deripaska slams 'stupid Americans' for raiding his DC and NYC mansions in furious statement: Putin ally claims FBI search is linked to US establishment insisting that Russia meddled in 2016 presidential election

Deripaska is an oil tycoon with close ties to Russia's President Vladimir Putin

His spokesperson said Deripaska doesn't own either of the homes searched

But Deripaska said on Wednesday that both homes were 'abandoned'

He mocked investigators, asking if they found anything but 'sour jam' and vodka

Deripaska also went on a tangent criticizing US foreign and domestic policy

The Washington, DC residence is reportedly worth around $15 million and is called Haft Mansion, the other home is in Manhattan's wealthy West Village area

Deripaska was implicated in a 2020 Senate report as having aided Russia's efforts to interfere in the 2016 US election, working closely with Paul Manafort

In 2018 the Treasury Department accused Deripaska of ordering the murder of a fellow businessman, and blacklisted him as well as other Putin allies"

Russian oil tycoon Oleg Deripaska tore into the FBI and 'utter stupidity' of the American government in a lengthy statement on Wednesday, a day after homes linked to him in New York and Washington were raided by the agency.

A spokesman for Deripaska said the searches stemmed from sanctions imposed on him in 2018 and that the homes belonged to his relatives.

But on Wednesday Deripaska indicated both pieces of luxury real estate were 'abandoned.'

'I cannot help but marvel at the utter stupidity of a part of the American establishment… as they persist in spinning this story about the supposedly colossal role of Russians in the 2016 US presidential election,' Deripaska said.

'It's time to face the obvious: Trump didn't win on his own, of course!'

But he said it was Washington, DC's own fault for alienating Americans so they voted for an 'operetta character' like Trump.

'He had help from those dumb asses in Washington who had so fed up with their electorate that they were ready to vote for anybody (even an operetta character, but not the bribe-ridden members of the Clinton clan),' he said.

'It is convenient to feed your electorate (brought up on Hollywood movies about horrible Russians) with all sorts of bulls**t for another 10 years.'

This is a long article, sauce attached. Note the George Conway pic, standing outside with camera in hand.

==RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA -if it first you don't succeed try try and try AGAIN they will..There are a lot more pictures and video at the site includes the West Village raid too.


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f8d39c  No.14822734


>>14822227 @500


>>14822235 Kansas GOP Senator Marshall introduces bill to halt grants going to gain of function research

>>14822243 ResignationAnon here

>>14822249, >>14822282 Rioters Walk Through Capitol Building, Statuary Hall Outside of House Chamber | MSNBC

>>14822258 FDA Approves Moderna, J&J Boosters And Releases Guidelines For "Mix And Match"

>>14822299 United States v. Maxwell Order — Document #361 District Court, S.D. New York Docket Number: 1:20-cr-00330

>>14822321 U.S. Secret Service @SecretService The #SecretServiceCyberGames have begun

>>14822323 #Markofthebeast system? Amazon unveils contactless payment system that uses your palm

>>14822363 Sweden, Norway and Denmark no longer use face masks

>>14822373 Human remains, items belonging to Brian Laundrie found in Florida park

>>14822397 Salmonella outbreak across 37 states caused by fresh onions; hundreds sickened, CDC says

>>14822381 Blackbirdair.Com CALL FOR DIGG

>>14822406 “IT’S UNCONSCIONABLE.” Pres. Biden Issues Scathing Statement After GOP Blocks Dems’ ‘Voting Rights’ Bill

>>14822408 After your Jab, they hand you a blue pill

>>14822443 Story about Trump For president in 1999 JFK Jr death issue of National enquirer (Cap 0:20)

>>14822475 Connecticut Rep. Michael DiMassa has been arrested and accused of misusing federal funds meant for Covid-19 relief $630,000

>>14822492 The FBI Continues to Be a Vindictive, Politicized Dumpster Fire

>>14822500 Democrats Are "Hit(Ting) The Road Jack

>>14822560 Biden Tells Debunked Story About Amtrak Worker For the FOURTH Time, Claims he “Commuted Every Single Day for 36 Years as Vice President”

>>14822584 The Jerusalem Post @Jerusalem_Post A US #Navy facility in #Maryland

>>14822597 Former CDC Director Says Over 40% Of Recent Maryland COVID Deaths Were Vaxxed

>>14822622, >>14822626, >>14822693, >>14822685 Facebook recently filed a trademark for a new logo that appears to be a seeing eye made up of “666”s.

>>14822576 Megyn Kelly Says Son’s School Told Third Grade Boys About Taking Puberty Blockers So They Can Have Genitals ‘Chopped Off’

>>14822655, >>14822662 New details on the scope of John Durham's investigation - He has provided Michael Sussmann w/ 81K pages of documents.

>>14822725 Romanian government has closed all vaccine centers because 70% of the citizens won’t get the jab. Coercion did not work.


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c5775c  No.14822735

File: 366fd63115b2e3a⋯.jpeg (549.49 KB, 828x1030, 414:515, 14A650DB_312D_49EF_9B82_9….jpeg)

This is absolutely EPIC!

Romanian government has closed all vaccine centres because 70% of the citizens won’t get the jab. Coercion did not work.

Embedded video



2:51 PM · Oct 20, 2021·Twitter for iPad


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94df4d  No.14822736


#18748 scrape

>>14820723 BO/HRC intercomms

>>14820724 Confusion And Mismanagement Reign In Biden White House As More Than 40 Groups Demand Meetings Over Proposed COVID Vaccine Mandate

>>14820738 CDC Director Walensky Says All Children Should be Forced to Wear Face Masks in School

>>14820750 White House Details Plan To "Quickly" Vaccinate 28 Million Children Age 5-11

>>14820795 Trump Organization Facing New Criminal Investigation by Trump-Hating Democrat District Attorney in Westchester County, NY

>>14820801 DC AG adds Zuckerberg as defendant in Facebook privacy lawsuit, claims he was ‘personally involved’ in Cambridge Analytica debacle

>>14820811 Wretched Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer Vetoes Two Election Bills Attempting to Make Elections Legit

>>14820817 Missing Persons Have Now Been Found Murdered Hunting Brian Laundrie

>>14820822 Protesters claim Italian authorities tampered with ‘live webcam’ to show empty square instead of huge anti-vaccine-passport rally

>>14820841 UK govt must crack down on apps promoting extremism, Labour leader Starmer says, taking special aim at Telegram

>>14820843 Manchin May Leave Democratic Party, Tells Associates Of 'Exit Plan': Report ZeroHedge

>>14820870 Ghislaine Maxwell doesn’t want accusers being called ‘victims’ at trial

>>14820886 Lancet COVID Origins Investigator Wins $1 Million Chinese Prize For Claiming Virus Developed Naturally. (wtf?)

>>14820893 CIA operated top-secret Kabul airport "Glory Gate'

>>14820902 Gates Foundation to Fund $120 Million of Oral COVID-19 Drug for Poor Nations

>>14821005 Five U.S. Senators Tell Zuckerberg that Facebook Can’t Be Trusted and to Back Off His Crypto Plans

>>14821030 Biden’s EPA Faces Lawsuit for Illegally Stacking Science Advisory panels

>>14821071 Cheney: Bannon's actions suggest Trump was involved in Capitol riot planning

>>14821264 Saudi Arabia Arrests 21, Mainly Public Officials, for Corruption

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a948c9  No.14822737


>He has provided Michael Sussmann w/ 81K pages of documents.

Why? I thought Sussmann was indicted. Why provide him with 81k pgs of docs?????

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b13ba5  No.14822738

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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4dcb9c  No.14822739

File: f7122d91649da79⋯.jpeg (205.66 KB, 1200x799, 1200:799, E9D9AEBC_34FF_4369_B71B_2….jpeg)


Suppository Booster for COVID

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bdf3a3  No.14822740



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4d9387  No.14822741

titty sprinkles.

that is all.

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22028c  No.14822742


>he joke always spoken is microchips

no microchip

blood test will tell if someone has been vaxxed

blood test has been proposed for vax passport

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50eedc  No.14822743

File: 2481d1d6e3a9c9a⋯.png (665.98 KB, 495x647, 495:647, ClipboardImage.png)

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b13ba5  No.14822744

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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c5775c  No.14822745

File: 366fd63115b2e3a⋯.jpeg (549.49 KB, 828x1030, 414:515, 031EDA85_2852_4C4A_9286_E….jpeg)


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c630b5  No.14822746



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357e7c  No.14822747

File: 73122b128c3f95c⋯.mp4 (1.24 MB, 640x480, 4:3, bidan.mp4)



>Finally found a good comparison image.

lots of comparisons here

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0a940f  No.14822748

File: 1ae00f398770350⋯.jpg (374.92 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, ceausecu_execution.jpg)


Well done, Romania

The Ceausescus bow in respect

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b13ba5  No.14822749

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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e0ae32  No.14822750

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.


bitchute video embedded




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b13ba5  No.14822751

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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bdf3a3  No.14822752



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48299f  No.14822753



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1d2646  No.14822754


Trump suckered? Please. If by chance he was suckered he would have figured that out in years 1-4. Was he suckered by many around him. Of course. It's the swamp.

No one gets the US Presidency without powerful backing forces. So what you need to figure out is who that is. Because they're still there. And working 24x7x365.

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f9870c  No.14822755


>Romanian government has closed all vaccine centres

"The centres have not been closed permanently. The activity was temporarily stopped and will be resumed with the increase of Romanians' adherence to vaccination against Covid-19," the official told AFP on September 3, 2021.


KEK - so if Romanians don't increase their adherence to vaccination, they'll stay closed.

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357e7c  No.14822756


thats the way law works

you provide the defense with the evidence against you

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b13ba5  No.14822757

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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79bb2f  No.14822758

File: c24129c3890a24e⋯.jpg (56.27 KB, 480x320, 3:2, i09g24ujhb0i8g3tj0hjt03wsu….jpg)

File: 9d19ab2ab9c0eb6⋯.jpg (95.92 KB, 960x960, 1:1, jgmyhb9840suyt098s4u3y09iu….jpg)

File: ce445fc75f0c630⋯.png (210.03 KB, 624x524, 156:131, 9f06c3d18606dbaea19cd10cec….png)

File: 5dad636704704da⋯.jpeg (685.97 KB, 1948x1201, 1948:1201, 5dad636704704da0a4f053ebd….jpeg)


have another dose of the good stuff

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ac69fa  No.14822759

>White House Details Plan To "Quickly" Vaccinate 28M Children Age 5-11


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1743ae  No.14822760

File: e08a724f86ce1c1⋯.png (397.49 KB, 624x469, 624:469, SB_flying_dog.png)

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affa9b  No.14822761





Nice palindrome ID.

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f8d39c  No.14822762

File: 423e93d19a88d56⋯.png (928.54 KB, 1057x863, 1057:863, ClipboardImage.png)

LIVE now


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d91d0f  No.14822763

File: e579b922a3fa7b8⋯.jpeg (531.33 KB, 1170x1261, 90:97, 9C03D7ED_684F_4666_B26B_B….jpeg)

Guess where manufacturing of Comirnaty??



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6add15  No.14822764


>>>14819778 (PB) NYC to require cops, firemen and city workers to be vaxxed, they say.

Why is that asshhole Deblasio allowed to do anything when he's only got 2 weeks before he's out?

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8e80ef  No.14822765

File: 35eebd31d94ac77⋯.png (380.63 KB, 1000x710, 100:71, ClipboardImage.png)


Bulgaria to follow?


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98a85a  No.14822766



was Mccabe the Assistant Director of the FBI?

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2ae084  No.14822768


Romania learned from their time as a Communist country. Apparently America will have to live under Communism for 50-100 years before a generation will come along that manages to throw it off. Unfortunately, humanity will likely be destroyed by AI worshipping transhumans before then thanks to Q and Trump.

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1a5439  No.14822769


Also, not the leader of Ill.

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9396f2  No.14822770

File: bf3396a521eb976⋯.jpg (52.19 KB, 500x531, 500:531, bf3396a521eb9766cd9796544b….jpg)

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b13ba5  No.14822771

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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