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686273  No.14815031[Last 50 Posts]

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Tuesday 12.08.2020

>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

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686273  No.14815037


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'God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.' -SwordAnon

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686273  No.14815038



>>14814341 ANON THEORY These kids are not “ migrants” but our missing children.


>>14814360 PDJT - McCarthy RINO

>>14814361 Rachel Levine sworn in as "first openly transgender, female four-star admiral" in the U.S

>>14814370 @mikepompeo Dems want to lock you out of your child's education.

>>14814378, >>14814465, >>14814585, >>14814659 Plane carrying multiple people crashed in Waller County, Texas. The wreckage is on fire

>>14814417 GWAR! OH SHIT

>>14814284 (lb) Southwest drops plan to put unvaccinated staff on unpaid leave

>>14814474, >>14814498 Psaki Heal Comms?

>>14814511 I like her. Emerald Robinson (#Metoo o/)

>>14814516 Conservative German publishing power house Axel Springer completes purchase of US media group Politico

>>14814536 The only power they have over you is the power YOU GIVE THEM

>>14814598 Facebook paying fine to settle US suit on discrimination

>>14814605 Is AZ AG Bronovich caught up in the NoName human trafficking in Arizona?

>>14814621 Psaki Briefing Starting Up

>>14814637 Schumann Chimes in quietly

>>14814675 Arizona State Senator Wendy Rogers: “WE WANT ARRESTS MADE” – UPDATE: 146 Legislators Sign “Audit 50 States Letter”

>>14814716 Reminder Lori Lightfoot Accuses Police Union of Attempting to “Induce an Insurrection” by Not Getting Experimental Vaccine


>>14814758 DHS Begins Releasing Gas on NYC Citizens at 120 Locations in ‘Biological Attack Simulation’? (more sauce please)

>>14814712, >>14814360, >>14814439 RRRS → Royal Rife Research Society

>>14814771 Colorado Governor Says Kids Should Lie And Get COVID Vaccine Without Parents Knowing

>>14814797, >>14814815 Georgia School Has Teens 'Solve' Hunger With Cannibalism (EATING BABIES?)

>>14814835 NATO’s Cognitive Warfare – How Western Militaries Are Waging A Battle For Your Brain

>>14814886 Chicago Mayor Seen Maskless at WNBA Game, Violating Mandates

>>14814887 Code Monkey streaming live on Telegram Talking Audits, campaign, etc.

>>14814932 Travis Tritt Cancels Concerts at Venues Requiring Covid Vaccinations, Negative Tests, or Masks

>>14814927 Reminder: Loudoun County Prosecutor Who Sought to Jail Father of Girl Allegedly Raped at School (And Covered Up) Has Ties to George Soros

>>14814988 Dear Attorney General Garland: On January 19, 2021, then-President Trump issued a memorandum to declassify certain Crossfire Hurricane records for public dissemination -Charles E. Grassley

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686273  No.14815041


>>14813596 @RichardGrenell Demand IDs to vote.

>>14813615 NEW! President Trump endorses General Keith Kellogg's sweeping and powerful new book, War By Other Means

>>14813622 @mikepompeo It’s simple: we should know who is coming in and out of our country.

>>14813626 Covid Link Drop

>>14813635 Donald J. Trump "Wonderful to see Colin Powell, who made big mistakes on Iraq and famously, so-called weapons of mass destruction, be treated in death so beautifully by the Fake News Media

>>14813643 CodeMonkeyZ The stage is set.

>>14813686 Does Vaccine Affect body Odor?

>>14813694 @thehill Arkansas governor backs employer vaccine mandates

>>14813713 Sharp-eyed diver finds 900-year-old Crusader sword (comms?)

>>14813721 PF Now the Eagles are landing, and there are 3 Typhoons active.

>>14813746 @PapiTrumpo Buenos dias to everyone excepto George Soros

>>14813790, >>14813892 @cspan Confirmation hearing: Chris Magnus, Nominee to be Customs and Border Protection

>>14813811 LIVE: General David Petraeus testifies at hearing on UK's policy on Afghanistan


>>14813874 The Mountain of Data Showing How Authoritarian Democrats Have Become

>>14813927 L.A. first responders ordered to turn over personal and genetic data to China-linked company or face firing

>>14813947 (OSHA) will not enforce 29 CFR 1904's recording requirements to require employers to record worker side effects from #COVID19 vaccination

>>14813981 Pelosi on the way out?

>>14813995 #TheJusticeDept come together under 1 banner (I prefer muh Banner tyvm)

>>14814053 North Korea Tests Possible Submarine Missile, Amid Tensions

>>14814172 dc-6th cousins who took selfies in the Capitol sentenced [45] days in jail

>>14814182 WP - Lower your Expectations.


>>14814183 Russian oligarch alert?

>>14814240 Anon Opine - Q and Q+ Wants (You)

>>14814294 #18738


>>14812835 Schoolboards, city councils, county planning meetings These are the battlegrounds Where we win (#AnonsStartYourParades)

>>14812850, >>14812851, >>14812854 Ron Watkins: I am doing my best to get your voice heard nationally

>>14813092 Juan O. Savin

>>14812856, >>14812793 The stage is set

>>14812896 Now, Wacky Bill Cassidy can't walk down the street in Louisiana, a State I won by almost 20 points. He could not even be elected dog catcher today, the great people curse him.

>>14812931, >>14812932 Why the Extra L? Twice… [Ku vs Klu] Statement Regarding Today’s Deposition of President Donald J. Trump

>>14812908, >>14812895, >>14812939 Juan O' Savin

>>14812868, >>14813005 Carrie Penner

>>14813242 Ending the federal death penalty would bolster our democracy?

>>14813265 China, Russia navy ships jointly sail through Japan strait

>>14813274 @SteveBannon With information, you can be armed to take action in a world gone awry.

>>14813276 Why the Extra L? Twice - Qmap fags know (Baker calling Loretta Lynch/ anon calls Lori Lightfoot)

>>14813278 Diver Discovers 900-Year-Old Sword Dating to the Crusades

>>14813336, >>14813392 BLM co-founder Patrisse Cullors appointed as a Los Angeles County Commissioner

>>14813412 Churchill and the Presidents: John F. Kennedy – Grave and Urgent Times

>>14813516 #18737

Previously Collected

>>14811189 #18734, >>14812078 #18735, >>14813022 #18736

>>14810129 #18730, >>14809680 #18732, >>14810371 #18733

>>14806586 #18728, >>14808393 #18729, >>14808194 #18730

>>14803998 #18725, >>14804727 #18726, >>14805532 #18727

>>14801555 #18722, >>14802433 #18723, >>14803500 #18724

>>14799395 #18719, >>14800534 #18720, >>14800345 #18721

>>14796851 #18716, >>14800471 #18717, >>14800406 #18018

>>14794614 #18713, >>14795361 #18714, >>14796575 #18715

>>14794389 #18710, >>14794269 #18711, >>14793858 #18712

>>14789922 #18707, >>14793586 #18708, >>14794239 #18709

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>>14588182 Q Research Notables #9

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686273  No.14815042

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>>14352887 ————————————–——– UK #41


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Dealing with Clowns & Shills

New? Use logic and reason when evaluating posts, look beyond the content of the post(s) and evaluate intent.

>>2322789 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

=!!! LEARN TO BAKE !!!=

1. Watch >>14692975 VIDEO INSTRUCTIONS

2. Open Current Dough Link

3. Create Thread (Subject, Welcome Content, Image), Open thread and Paste Remaining Contents

4. Check Format against Current Dough

5. Request Baker for Review

Approximate baking time averages around 2-3 minutes reposting 4-5 posts.

*Quick Pic Bake Instructions & simple instructions: https://postimg.cc/gallery/t1Fqsg1/7d928321 https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

*Complete Apprentice baking instructions https://controlc.com/0cf78628

*Baker templates for formatting crumbs plus links: https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

TOR IMAGE: Iwo Jima videos: https://youtu.be/5zezIBBxjEs, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLCupx1UExg

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686273  No.14815056

File: f57cddef6b00b3d⋯.png (910 KB, 1043x677, 1043:677, 9b2d9549dc8b78ac91c94e54df….png)


#18740 https://controlc.com/0a164c03


Notetakers and e/Bakers you're up.

God's Speed to all our Patriots /\

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a96724  No.14815069

File: 94d07738f6055f2⋯.png (317.22 KB, 535x538, 535:538, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5ac1916362a3b4b⋯.png (44.19 KB, 781x383, 781:383, ClipboardImage.png)

U.S. Defense Secretary Visits Georgia, Romania, Ukraine To Coordinate The “Eastern Front”

On October 18th, US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin began his three-nation visit by landing in Georgia’s Tbilisi.

Austin also tweeted that he looked forward to meeting with his “counterparts and other senior officials” to reiterate the United States’ commitment to its allies in the region.

He is scheduled to meet with Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili and other high officials of the Black Sea nation.

From Georgia, Austin will move on to Ukraine and Romania before ending up in Brussels on October 21 to take part in a two-day NATO summit.

The Biden administration needs to pay more attention to Georgia to head off a potential tilt toward Russia as well as China, said political scientist David Kramer at Florida International University, who is a former senior US diplomat.

“There is growing concern that the government is a little too flexible to Moscow,” he said.

“Part of that is frustration with a lack of progress that they see toward integration with NATO.”

In Ukraine, Austin will meet with President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Minister of Defense Andrii Taran to reiterate Washington’s support the Kiev government.

The visit to Kiev will also serve as an opportunity for the US Defense Secretary to outline Ukraine’s defense requirements to meet its Euro-Atlantic needs.

As per the Defense Department, Austin will stress in both Georgia and Ukraine that there is an open door to NATO and encourage the nations to make the changes necessary for them to qualify for membership in the defensive alliance.

Austin is also going to recognize the nations for their support. “In terms of sacrifices, it is important to note that Georgia … was the top, per capita contributor to the Resolute Support Mission in Afghanistan, and suffered many losses from that mission,” the official said.

Austin said “no third country has a veto over NATO’s membership decisions. Ukraine, as you heard me say earlier, has a right to decide its own future foreign policy and we expect that they will be able to do that without any outside interference.”

Officials called Romania a “role-model ally,” and Austin will express America’s appreciation. “Romania … is doing just about everything that we could possibly ask of a NATO ally, so we have the opportunity to recognize that and appreciate that,” the official said.

In Romania, Austin will meet with President Klaus Iohannis and Minister of National Defense Nicolae-Ionel Ciuca.


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96705b  No.14815080

File: 120b87c302a318b⋯.png (207.83 KB, 800x1043, 800:1043, NPCtyb.png)

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a96724  No.14815081

File: 07e654501a25609⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1028x1028, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8849df864bfa678⋯.png (1.88 MB, 1280x577, 1280:577, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 75b66f12fa2aafc⋯.png (104.91 KB, 656x890, 328:445, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fda1706dac6ab5a⋯.png (329.72 KB, 958x759, 958:759, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8918465f6c8b801⋯.png (115.62 KB, 660x903, 220:301, ClipboardImage.png)

The Jewish Politician and Slave Owner Who Was the Brains of the Confederacy

Judah Benjamin was the largest Jewish slave owner in the South and a key member of Confederate President Jefferson Davis’ government. ‘This is a person who had some very impressive qualities but did sickening, horrible things,’ says biographer James Traub

There have never been any calls to topple statues of Confederate politician Judah Benjamin. But that’s probably because no statues were erected in the first place.

Benjamin occupies a murky place in American Jewish history. He was among the first Jewish U.S. senators, rose to prominence in national affairs and even featured on the Confederate two dollar bill. Yet the rebel government he served in was a proud defender of slavery – as was he.

He owned a Louisiana plantation that made him the largest Jewish owner of slaves, but public opinion in the South blamed him when the Confederate stronghold of Roanoke Island, North Carolina, fell to the Union during the American Civil War. He was also subject to much antisemitic vitriol despite being known as “the brains of the Confederacy.”

These contradictions are explored in a new book by James Traub, “Judah Benjamin: Counselor to the Confederacy.”

“This is a person who had some very impressive qualities but did sickening, horrible things. He became such a dedicated, impassioned defender of slave society,” Traub says in an interview.

The book is part of the “Jewish Lives” series published by Yale University Press. But unlike many other individuals profiled in the series, Benjamin represents a disquieting and possibly unfamiliar subject.

“We just assume Jews were liberal, progressive [and] must have been profoundly troubled by slavery,” Traub says, citing the Exodus narrative and Jewish involvement in the civil rights movement of the 20th century.


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a96724  No.14815092

France Central Bank Holds Trials For CBDCs, Initiates Blockchain-Enabled Bond Transactions


The Bank of France joined hands with more than 500 firms to test CBDC.

After the discussions at G7 Summit, the testing in France and the UK began.

The introduction of CBDCs is being viewed optimistically by prominent individuals in the private sector.

France's central bank has successfully completed a series of bond transactions on blockchain technology as part of a larger trial to integrate Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) into the traditional monetary system, Financial Times reported.

The Banque de France partnered with Belgium-based financial services provider Euroclear for implementing these transactions. Euroclear’s website did not disclose the actual monetary value of transactions.

The central bank released CBDC for government bond transactions which were tested under a system developed by IBM. More than 500 firms have taken part in the testing process that will continue for 10 months.

The testing of CBDCs involved the participants selling the government bonds and security tokens with the help of blockchain-based digital currencies the central bank supplied. The trial involves various organizations, including the public debt office of France and a consortium of firms such as BNP Paribas, Crédit Agricole CIB, HSBC and Société Générale.

Euroclear executive Isabelle Delorme said, “We have together successfully been able to measure the inherent benefits of this technology, concluding that the central bank digital currencies can settle central bank money safely and securely.”

CBDCs on a global scale

France is not the only country working on CBDCs. G-7 members have already discussed ways of adopting and issuing CBDCs.

While the UK conduct its own research into the digital currency, private individuals have formed a Digital Pound Foundation to fast-track the adoption and introduction of the digital currency.


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a96724  No.14815097

File: 78bec6b5cb475dd⋯.png (123.72 KB, 900x183, 300:61, ClipboardImage.png)

File: aec0fe1b2e143ef⋯.png (90.27 KB, 295x171, 295:171, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2388625b30de03c⋯.png (215.78 KB, 768x187, 768:187, ClipboardImage.png)

OSHA Demands Not To Know Things

Axiom: ‘In order to advance a communist ideological belief system, the rulers must *pretend* not to know things’.

Individually, in groups, or in the systems they construct, that axiom has always been true.

The Dept of Labor and OSHA standard on adverse Vaccine events:

“OSHA will not enforce 29 CFR 1904’s recording requirements to require any employers to record worker side effects from COVID-19 vaccination”

The Biden administration is forcing you to take the jab in order to work, and simultaneously the Biden administration doesn’t want the employer to tell them about workers who are injured by the jab. Simply more evidence the vaccine mandate is not about your health.


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a96724  No.14815106

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

NBA Player Who Suffered Blood Clots After Covid-19 Vaccine Said League Told Him to Stay Quiet

An NBA player who suffered from blood clots after he received the Covid-19 vaccine was told not to discuss his ordeal publicly.

Brandon Goodwin, who developed blood clots after the Covid jab, which ended his season early and compromised his career, revealed that the NBA warned him to stay quiet.

Goodwin, 26, said that shortly after he received the vaccine he fell sick and never fully recovered from it. He said that he began experiencing constant back pain and was extremely tired during games. In his team’s back-to-back games in April against the Philadelphia 76ers, he said that he felt like he couldn’t even run up and down the basketball court.

When his pain began to get worse, he decided to see a doctor and was diagnosed with having blood clots.

All of this occurred within the space of a month,

In a video posted on Twitch, Goodwin stated that he believes his blood clots were linked to the vaccine.

“I was fine until then. I was fine up until I took the vaccine, I was fine. People trying to tell you, ‘No. It’s not the vaccine.’ How do you know? You don’t know. Yes, the vaccine ended my season. One thousand percent.”

He said that the Hawks called him to tell him that his season was over, and was then told by the NBA not to discuss the matter. He said he was not allowed to continue playing because he needed to take blood thinners, when his health improved, he asked to return to play but was denied.


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b39af0  No.14815107

File: 11a646dd611ab68⋯.jpg (45 KB, 435x435, 1:1, IMG_2231.JPG)

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a96724  No.14815111

File: b6d096c96699f05⋯.png (104.48 KB, 750x908, 375:454, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 38e62bd78c7c705⋯.png (80.95 KB, 743x832, 743:832, ClipboardImage.png)

DOJ making a lo of sweet deals

Justice, Labor Departments Reach Settlements with Facebook Resolving Claims of Discrimination Against U.S. Workers and Potential Regulatory Recruitment Violations


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b39af0  No.14815114

File: 871ae8432127a5d⋯.jpg (123.67 KB, 720x720, 1:1, IMG_2717.JPG)

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b39af0  No.14815119

File: bda70eb1844d6fa⋯.jpg (118.38 KB, 640x640, 1:1, IMG_2899.JPG)

Wonder how many times Colin Powell danced around that Owl?

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79ee91  No.14815120

File: 1daac99e5f60d6a⋯.png (18.36 KB, 255x252, 85:84, a07259411ea5d5aeb50c185e71….png)

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ed6de6  No.14815121

>>14814989 (LB)

And psychologists and 888's can fuck right off, too.

That is all.

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2d81fd  No.14815122

File: e0650de12dec0f7⋯.png (997.93 KB, 1440x955, 288:191, Screenshot_2021_10_19_at_1….png)

>>14815078 pb

RANGR77KC-130 made a round trip from Shannnon-Bardufoss-Shannon.

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a96724  No.14815124

File: e38a4ea53c37892⋯.png (79.61 KB, 685x835, 137:167, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c6cc2848598696a⋯.png (84.6 KB, 681x847, 681:847, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b58e0d98ebca6c0⋯.png (16 KB, 692x361, 692:361, ClipboardImage.png)

Former Mexican Federal Police Commander Pleads Guilty to Drug-Trafficking Conspiracy

Ivan Reyes Arzate Received Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars in Bribes from a Mexico-Based Cartel


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b39af0  No.14815125

File: b9044b8e61161a6⋯.jpg (50.23 KB, 480x320, 3:2, IMG_3515.JPG)

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4eedfe  No.14815126

File: 79e602de94494f6⋯.png (57.02 KB, 311x171, 311:171, ClipboardImage.png)

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ed6de6  No.14815127


Roger, thanks–

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8a68bb  No.14815128

File: fc5c4a8906115a0⋯.png (310.27 KB, 581x437, 581:437, phillip.png)


>U.S. Defense Secretary Visits Georgia, Romania, Ukraine To Coordinate The “Eastern Front”

I'm sure he is quite learned and skilled in the Art of War

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5e3a54  No.14815130

File: 4b7b121d32953e8⋯.png (769.09 KB, 1428x1080, 119:90, 4e9786051e512ca871624bd81e….png)


Think "Prime Directive". I think it would definitely make the most sense to have a non-interventionist policy when considering intergalactic relations. Anything else would be immoral from a philosophical standpoint. Think about what's happening on this Earth, and who's behind it?

John 8:44:

"Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own, for he is a liar and the father of it."

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a96724  No.14815131

File: d2f1582a11a8062⋯.png (80.64 KB, 686x904, 343:452, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0c1730c9a7bedea⋯.png (45.93 KB, 680x638, 340:319, ClipboardImage.png)

Libyan National Pleads Guilty to $23 Million COVID-19 Relief Fraud


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45aa22  No.14815132

File: 58d36d6f1f28b17⋯.png (383.02 KB, 576x815, 576:815, Screenshots_2021_10_19_11_….png)

>>14815085 (lb)

Holy Durham Batman


Deripaska was running the Russian side of the OP. Ties into Ohr and Steele. If they got him, the rest will be being swept up soon. Still remains to be seen if they got him or just evidence. But evidence at this point is probably not necessary. Fingers crossed, they got Deripaska

Holy crap!

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5e3a54  No.14815133


Sorry. Link is (LB).

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2712f4  No.14815135


I wonder if they have poltergeists on their ships.

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36e975  No.14815136

File: 633a64c0bbee9a3⋯.png (1 MB, 748x783, 748:783, pepe_naughty6.png)

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2d81fd  No.14815137


RANGR77 outbound from Ireland left Belfast not Shannon. my bad.

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6aad26  No.14815138

File: 7c0dc6ae934e647⋯.png (209.05 KB, 640x385, 128:77, africa_iq.png)

>>14815086 LB

>I cant stand whay GA has become, only leftists work for government

>It's a big club, and you're probably not black enough to be in it

That would explain a lot…

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36e975  No.14815139

File: 0652d3dc3fca3b2⋯.png (172.82 KB, 393x400, 393:400, pepe_oooh.png)


>Holy Durham Batman

It's either this… or the [DS] is trying to setup Trump with more Russia Russia Russia.

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7ee519  No.14815140

>>14814725 lb

(PUTIN vidya)

Follow the pen?

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a96724  No.14815141

File: 0dc74d7954010e8⋯.png (352.72 KB, 610x413, 610:413, ClipboardImage.png)

San Francisco’s Health Department Closes In-N-Out Burger, Chief Legal Counsel for Burger Chain Defiant: “We refuse to become the vaccination police for any government”

According to The HighWire, In-N-Out Burger’s Chief Legal and Business Officer, Arnie Wensinger, recently announced that the San Francisco Department of Health closed the popular burger chain’s restaurant location for allegedly “not preventing the entry of customers who were not carrying proper vaccination documentation.”

Wensinger revealed how city regulators insisted that restaurant employees actively ‘demand’ that all customers show their vaccination papers before entry into the burger shack:

“After closing our restaurant, local regulators informed us that our restaurant Associates must actively intervene by demanding proof of vaccination and photo identification from every customer…barring entry for any Customers without proper documentation.”

In-N-Out Burger has over 300 locations across the western United States, with the vast majority operating in California. Defiant pushback like this from businesses could create a ripple effect in other parts of the state:


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c13836  No.14815142

>>14815035 lb

If they make it a ‘blend’ like whisky, no individual maker can be blamed for the crap taste.

If [they] blend mix-n-match all the Vaxes together, no particular manufactures can be identified as the culprit of ANY ill effects. Laundering responsibility at its finest. Quite literally the antithesis of science.

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79ee91  No.14815144

File: c46940002be2144⋯.jpg (7.25 KB, 181x181, 1:1, OIP_1_aa.jpg)

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36e975  No.14815146

File: 0cca3af597c8a05⋯.jpg (153.65 KB, 552x514, 276:257, racist.jpg)

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94408d  No.14815147

Ron Watkins [CodeMonkeyZ]

Just finished a CNN interview outside AG Brnovich's office with Ms. Kyung Lah for Anderson Cooper.

She was very nice.

She did her job and I did mine.

I invited Mr. Brnovich to join the meeting too, but he was probably too busy with his nunchucks.



Oct 19 at 14:19

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af3491  No.14815149

File: b29b6ae69132793⋯.jpg (90.13 KB, 819x1024, 819:1024, 1628419104145m.jpg)

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b39af0  No.14815151

File: c334fc943b456bf⋯.jpg (57.77 KB, 500x476, 125:119, IMG_5340.JPG)

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9018e1  No.14815152


what exactly does CM do?

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1c77f8  No.14815153

>>14815068 /lb

Look what Kamala and Psaki just did violating Fed Laws. These people will do absolutely ANYTHING it takes to stay in power.

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351bdf  No.14815154

>>14815017. PB

To anon saying my liberal sister is blackpilled:

The problem is she only reads “her trusted sources and just the headlines”, so she really doesn’t know whats going on.

Weird though,she told me her mostly silent husband reads “qanon” all the time!

I told her first of all there’s no qanon, and seond, holy shit!

I asked what does he tell you?

“He wont discuss it with me”!

I wouldnt either l, truth be told! Kek

All siblings are liberal except one, I have 8 of them! The poor bastards, they are outnumbered

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36e975  No.14815156

File: b7cdbe2db693296⋯.png (144.99 KB, 499x499, 1:1, pepe_1c.png)


Good, all major franchises and businesses should leave San Francisco and CA. When they don't have anywhere left to shop & eat, maybe the people will wake up and elect some better politicians, and fire the shitbags that they currently have.

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fd60b0  No.14815157


Fuck yes!

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37fae8  No.14815158

File: 5af0867007a987c⋯.jpg (205.11 KB, 1587x1056, 529:352, IMG_20190520_124447.jpg)



Be best anons.

Godspeed team.


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418879  No.14815160

It's going to be a long winter …. prepare accordingly

Shipping Containers That Spent Weeks Aboard Ships Stuck At Ports Now Being Dumped In Nearby Neighborhoods



‘People Are Hoarding’: Food Shortages Are The Next Supply-Chain Crunch


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b39af0  No.14815161

File: ca508fba50854d8⋯.png (308.78 KB, 412x355, 412:355, IMG_5040.PNG)


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876539  No.14815162

>>14814341 LB

Garbage, more garbage and there will be more garbage. American's becoming jobless, homeless, penniless and under tyranny, they're bringing in your replacements, that will follow blindly, do what their told.

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9018e1  No.14815163


did she and her husband get the jab? or just her

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79ee91  No.14815164

File: 1c998ce3d51d592⋯.jpg (7.61 KB, 293x172, 293:172, images.jpg)


"rail" or "well" vaXXX cocktail

its all the left over vials drained into one super booster


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0c4c10  No.14815166


Their burgers suck any way.

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094aac  No.14815167

File: d0b054173c87baa⋯.png (551.39 KB, 704x494, 352:247, ClipboardImage.png)


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36e975  No.14815168

File: 79f87b330c32c67⋯.jpg (28.64 KB, 600x337, 600:337, papers_please.jpg)

File: cf73e4b5947894a⋯.png (421.94 KB, 480x419, 480:419, papers_please.png)

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7ee519  No.14815169

File: c1aad0260ebbb0b⋯.png (46.07 KB, 448x553, 64:79, Q3231.png)

Be nice if some breaking news this after noon triggered this Qdrop shortly before 5 pm

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889bd4  No.14815170

File: f1ab2b943479a05⋯.png (488.17 KB, 647x697, 647:697, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fd2e00504c3a8dd⋯.png (75.4 KB, 333x342, 37:38, ClipboardImage.png)

>>14814989 (lb)

>Psychologists are in agreement

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fd60b0  No.14815172

File: ec24f9ab72231e4⋯.jpg (48.17 KB, 876x492, 73:41, rope1.jpg)


You can't "fire" tyrannical

cheating sociopaths..They

need the rope.

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9018e1  No.14815173

File: 6a7bb6913611aa1⋯.jpeg (144.45 KB, 600x337, 600:337, mixup.jpeg)

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f0f667  No.14815174

Tora3 embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>14814361 pb

The ugly he- she "lady?"

I get it now; boy I'm slow.

"She" gets to be in the military so "she" can order people into camps who refused injection


unreal they re injecting the children

"Revelation of the Method" from Jadorowski.. likely satanist / insider movie maker

one scene about the figure "Saturn"

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8372b4  No.14815176

Easy plz, I'm working on it …


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7ee519  No.14815177




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295959  No.14815179


>“We refuse to become the vaccination police for any government”


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22524f  No.14815181

File: 6732d73914c7873⋯.jpg (113.64 KB, 500x613, 500:613, JudahJewCivilWar.jpg)

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a96724  No.14815182

File: 6b351640113b700⋯.png (542.24 KB, 696x392, 87:49, ClipboardImage.png)

A Dozen Arrested In Human Trafficking Operation In Tennessee

MURFREESBORO, Tenn. – A two-day undercover operation aimed at addressing human trafficking in middle Tennessee, resulted in the arrest of 12 individuals accused of seeking illicit sex from minors.

The operation was conducted by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) Homeland Security Investigations (HSI), Tennessee Bureau of Investigation Human Trafficking Unit, Murfreesboro Police Department, Tennessee Human Trafficking Task Force and the office of the 16th Judicial District Attorney General.

“HSI is proud to have partnered with our state and local partners in this successful human trafficking operation involving multiple arrests,” said HSI Nashville Special Agent in Charge Jerry C. Templet, Jr. “Using our victim centered approach to these types of investigations, HSI will continue to target and investigate individuals and networks that engage in crimes that target our most vulnerable populations.”

Beginning Oct. 13, authorities placed several decoy advertisements on websites known to be linked to prostitution and commercial sex cases. The focus of the operation was to identify individuals seeking to engage in commercial sex acts with minors.

As a result of the operation, those arrested and booked into the Rutherford County Jail include:

Terrance Deshun Becton, 27, of Mason, Tennessee, charged with human trafficking for sexual servitude and simple possession/casual exchange.

Edilberto Nataren-Aguilar, 32, of Murfreesboro, Tennessee, charged with human trafficking for sexual servitude.

Colin Patrick Hamilton, 26, of Tullahoma, Tennessee, charged with human trafficking for sexual servitude.

Javier Urbina Leija, 31, of Smyrna, Tennessee, charged with human trafficking for sexual servitude.

Alasfour Abdullah Hassan, 22, of Murfreesboro, Tennessee, charged with human trafficking for sexual servitude.

John Darrell Schulze, 59, of Murfreesboro, Tennessee, charged with human trafficking for sexual servitude.

Garrett Robert Zabloudil, 41, of China Grove, North Carolina, charged with human trafficking for sexual servitude.

Edward Pope, 32, of Murfreesboro, Tennessee, charged with human trafficking for sexual servitude.

Lucas Javier Diaz-Hernandez, 23, of Murfreesboro, Tennessee, charged with human trafficking for sexual servitude.

Francisco Ruiz-Diaz, 29, of Murfreesboro, Tennessee, charged with human trafficking for sexual servitude.

Michael Lee Sovern, 20, of Smithville, Tennessee, charged with human trafficking for sexual servitude.

William DeJesus Morales-Garcia, 46, of Murfreesboro, Tennessee, charged with human trafficking for sexual servitude.


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29db2a  No.14815184

File: 0f83284e0accd00⋯.jpg (45.5 KB, 667x366, 667:366, 5rdse1c6s.jpg)

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a96724  No.14815186

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Pope Demands Silicon Valley “In the Name of God” Censor “Hate Speech,” “Conspiracy Theories”

Pope Francis thinks empowering giant corporations to silence free speech is Godly.

Pope Francis invoked God in an effort to pressure Silicon Valley giants into censoring more content, including “hate speech” and “conspiracy theories.”

Yes, really.

The Pope made the remarks during a World Meeting of Popular Movements, a shadowy organization created to promote “social justice” and fight racism with the help of religious leaders.

“In the name of God, I ask the technology giants to stop exploiting human weakness, people’s vulnerability, for the sake of profits without caring about the spread of hate speech, grooming, fake news, conspiracy theories, and political manipulation,” he stated.

Pope Francis also invoked the term “post-truth,” which was invented by establishment media organs after they began to lose their monopoly on controlling the narrative following the election of Donald Trump.

The Catholic leader apparently believes it’s Christian and Godly to empower giant corporations to shut down free speech.

This is no surprise given his previous stance on free speech in response to the slaughter of the Charlie Hebdo cartoonists, when he rhetorically sided with the terrorists who murdered them in cold blood.

As we document in the video below, which Pope Francis would surely love to see banned, the Supreme Pontiff smears his critics as performing “the work of the devil.”

In reality, his every action and position has served to further the anti-Christ globalist beast system for which he is a willing puppet.

No doubt the Pope would respond to such claims by characterizing them as “conspiracy theories” and “hate speech.”

Beginning to see how this works?


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79ee91  No.14815187

File: 6e85cb9022f20c4⋯.png (16.74 KB, 255x253, 255:253, 7b78607d172820d7dedb7c2d1d….png)


got ya!

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094aac  No.14815188


>It's either this… or the [DS] is trying to setup Trump with more Russia Russia Russia.

stirzog is on twatter…

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45aa22  No.14815190


In case anons don't remember or don't know how Deripaska ties in, look at this quote from the New Yorker:

As I wrote in my Profile of Steele, he was working on behalf of the Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska.


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351bdf  No.14815191


Both of them, his stupid cancer doctors told him he had to. Very dire cancer. He only recovered after three years when the insurance company ran out of toxic chemo to aporove and they gave him immunotherapy. They almost killed him.

All my siblings ran out to get it even though I shared a ton and finally said, just wait six months to see about any side effects. Their fear and panic was too great!

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36e975  No.14815192

File: 7ec0fe0c2b90344⋯.png (546.02 KB, 571x461, 571:461, ClipboardImage.png)

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af3491  No.14815193

File: 4d12a8cacfe0eaa⋯.png (573.63 KB, 1080x1048, 135:131, Memeto_1634647888209.png)

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b39af0  No.14815195

File: 945f5eacd36705e⋯.png (825.23 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_2723.PNG)

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094aac  No.14815196


>stirzog is on twatter…

lefty loons think this is about Moscow mitch aluminum deal for KY


about manafort mayonnaise or something…

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a96724  No.14815198

Facebook tells Arizona AG it allows messages on human smuggling

Mark Brnovich is now asking Attorney General Merrick Garland to investigate after social media giant’s revelation.

Social media giant Facebook acknowledged to Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich it allows a platform for those seeking advice on human smuggling over international borders.

Brnovich is now asking Attorney General Merrick Garland to investigate the matter, saying Facebook’s policy “undermines the rule of law.”

The California-based social media company responded July 30 to an inquiry from Brnovich, saying it uses its most stringent policies to crack down, ban and shield others from users who try to use the platform for illegal purposes that include human smuggling.

However, the letter said that the company allows people to share information on how to “enter a country illegally and or request information” on human smuggling.

“After consultation with human rights experts, we developed this policy to ensure we were prohibiting content relating to the business of human smuggling but not interfering with people’s ability to exercise their right to seek asylum, which is recognized in international law,” the statement said. “Allowing people to seek and share information related to smuggling can also help minimize the likelihood of them being exploited by human traffickers.”

In an Oct. 14 letter to Garland, Brnovich said the federal government is responsible for investigating this admission.

“Facebook’s policy of allowing posts promoting human smuggling and illegal entry into the United States to regularly reach its billions of users seriously undermines the rule of law,” Brnovich wrote.

In August, 17,000 people illegally crossed into the Yuma sector of Arizona from Mexico; 2,300% more than the same month in 2020.


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36e975  No.14815199

File: d456581b52ea1b3⋯.jpg (126.28 KB, 500x1063, 500:1063, 187_digits.jpg)

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cbf857  No.14815201

File: 7f071000e3ed5cb⋯.jpeg (584.01 KB, 1125x1969, 1125:1969, C2CF1129_6755_4BC7_B346_D….jpeg)

File: 65ca5d268b40d08⋯.jpeg (265.74 KB, 1125x722, 1125:722, 88492552_14D5_4626_8219_6….jpeg)

“And of course it’s larded in envy about coverage”


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889bd4  No.14815203

File: 53f714cdc3a3fc4⋯.png (639.46 KB, 1120x1080, 28:27, ClipboardImage.png)


Ghislaine Maxwell Asks Judge Not to Let Prosecutors Mention ‘Victims,’ ‘Minor Victims’ or Alleged ‘Rape’ by Jeffrey Epstein



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1c77f8  No.14815204

File: e583b240570243e⋯.mp4 (6.19 MB, 640x372, 160:93, Anon_created_FEMA_ROACH_MO….mp4)

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fd60b0  No.14815205


He owns their minds

rent free baby…KEK

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094aac  No.14815206

File: c4e25047bc93b00⋯.png (1.04 MB, 878x869, 878:869, 3d5dc6f6eb8f8e27408c294255….png)


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8372b4  No.14815207

File: d243624a070e246⋯.jpg (680.96 KB, 3000x4000, 3:4, IMG_20210810_204158_646.jpg)


When you get hardwired internet for the first time again after three years and your not connected (no cable, no wifi/wlan, no bluetooth) win7, 2core offline mule requests security updates …


I wonder if they are really gonna send my a technician tomorrow, I somehow made it work (lame) w/o - and there's a storm brewin here, dark and rainy.

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b39af0  No.14815208

File: a5dd26b73619be4⋯.jpg (92.68 KB, 500x489, 500:489, IMG_2934.JPG)

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36e975  No.14815209

File: a355984fc32362c⋯.jpg (88.41 KB, 600x699, 200:233, Trump_laughing.jpg)


>rent free baby

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a96724  No.14815210

Mumbai sex racket: Two minors among 4 rescued; 4 including minor’s father arrested

While one minor girl hails from Mumbai and reached the hotel with her father, the other is from Mathura in Uttar Pradesh. Both the girls are from poor families.

The Social Service Branch (SS Branch) of the Crime Branch of Mumbai Police rescued four women, including two minors aged 15 and 16 years, from a sex racket. The SS Branch also arrested four persons, including the father of one of the minors, for pimping the women.

Officials of the SS Branch had received specific information that one of the accused, Rahul Thakur Verma, 29, supplies minor girls for prostitution. He used social media platforms like Facebook and WhatsApp to contact customers.

Acting on the information, the SS Branch used a decoy customer to contact Rahul. As a part of the deal, Rahul asked for Rs 20,000 as advance and a few lakh rupees as full payment for the deal.

The decoy customer and Rahul met the women at a hotel in Goregaon (w) on October 16 around 2:20 pm. One of the minor girls arrived with her mother while the other came with her father.

Once the accused accepted the money from the decoy customer, the officials nabbed Rahul and his aides and rescued the women. The other arrested accused were identified as Jeetendra Gautam, 31, and his wife who police refused to name. The fourth accused is the father of one of the minor girls. The role of the second minor girl’s mother is under scrutiny.

While one minor girl hails from Mumbai and reached the hotel with her father, the other is from Mathura in Uttar Pradesh. Both the girls are from poor families.


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76e5fb  No.14815212

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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41b68f  No.14815213

File: a3ab4ad5834547f⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1280x800, 8:5, ClipboardImage.png)

NYT = Enemy of the People.


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9018e1  No.14815216

any anon-approved non-harma remedies for sudden but "benign" eye floaters?

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c13836  No.14815217




For simply diversion, anon often enjoyed episodes of “How It’s Made”. Anyanonelse ever notice the (regular) extremely minor and seemingly incidental errors of description made by the voiceover to the video. If it had only been a time or two, anon would never have given it two thoughts… but because it seems to occur just one or two little times in each episode… a pattern was thus noticeable to this particular ‘pedantic autist’ spidysenses.

Just me?

Kinda put in the category of either just ever sloppier careLESS editing… vs. some kind of devious sabotage of young impressionable minds watching stuff they knew nothing about, slowing eating away at their long term ability to cognate in the future if shit got important. Anon sees this everywhere nowadays… but for the longest time tried talking myself out of the idea cause it seemed such ‘conspiratorial crazy talk’.

Oh well, here we are.

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694b82  No.14815218

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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153ab0  No.14815219

File: d7d1f63c4be621c⋯.gif (2.88 MB, 422x234, 211:117, itshappening.gif)

Southern Maine planefag checking in.

Just going to have to take my word for it.

was like an airshow for a bit.

At least 2 fighter jets with an airport flyover heading West.

Few minutes later 2 transports also looked like airport flyover.

then 2 more transports landed at Portland.

Looked like C130s

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80a906  No.14815220

File: 594100bc32db9b3⋯.jpg (62.91 KB, 253x204, 253:204, dafuqPepe.JPG)


>remedies for sudden but "benign" eye floaters

Start naming them?

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351bdf  No.14815221


The weird thing is conservatives started out saying “Can you imagine of Trump or family did this”, nonone says it anymore because tyeres no punishment to the crimes they are committing or the criminals they are.

The head of the snake, the media must be destroyed in order for any progress, truth and freedom in our country.

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ed6de6  No.14815222



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76e5fb  No.14815223


unvaxxed does not mean infected

vaxxed does not mean protected

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8372b4  No.14815224

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993e95  No.14815225


>sudden but "benign" eye floaters

are they floaters or scotomas?

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a7c991  No.14815226


Northern Ohio Anon reported seeing 4-5 cargo planes earlier today. Any planefags in ze house?

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110c99  No.14815227

File: f1bb8355b45b4e5⋯.jpg (46.67 KB, 720x657, 80:73, 20211019_130455.jpg)

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af3491  No.14815229

File: 3e4d7da3839cf52⋯.jpg (5.25 KB, 312x162, 52:27, 010101.jpg)

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9a0616  No.14815230

Wow anons.. wish I could do into more detail without doxxing! Myself and other citizens and parents are showing up at school board meetings, armed with facts, not feelings and are successfully changing minds, evident by now amended school covid plans.. as now the majority are voting for relaxed/no rules.

History is unfolding and it’s amazing to be a part of it, knowing that anons have helped me find my voice. Never in a million years would I expect to be speaking into a microphone before crowds.

Thank you all. :)

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996bed  No.14815231

Pro tip: see floaters…flush, twice!

You're welcome.

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591640  No.14815232

FVck you, tard.


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36e975  No.14815233

File: d4c863c67352af9⋯.png (696.69 KB, 890x500, 89:50, baseless_schumer.png)


How [they] would respond to that statement…Kekek

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9018e1  No.14815234



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1c77f8  No.14815235


>das hogg schwinefleische


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b42f40  No.14815237


for regular old floaters, put one drop of castor oil in each eye at bedtime. also works for cataracts and dry eye. will take about a month. I've never had floaters or anything, but I'm older so I do put castor oil in my eyes a few times each week.

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153ab0  No.14815239

File: 4bda5851c1520ea⋯.png (414.96 KB, 1182x627, 394:209, Screenshot_from_2021_10_19….png)



None showed on ADSb

caught the landing transports on liveatc.net

Call sign RHODY11.

Looks like a refuel or a drop off as they're back up.

Found em.

Other planes not showing on ADSB

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1c77f8  No.14815240

File: f05ed42fcc664da⋯.png (446.07 KB, 679x679, 1:1, f05ed42fcc664da2b26d67fd6f….png)


>History is unfolding and it’s amazing to be a part of it, knowing that anons have helped me find my voice. Never in a million years would I expect to be speaking into a microphone before crowds.

>Thank you all. :)


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b42f40  No.14815241


one does not simply walk into Olive Garden

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9a0616  No.14815242


Here’s a link. Giving up coffee.. yikes!


Interesting though.. I do most of these things and still have them.

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31ad1e  No.14815244

File: 54ce44de413a760⋯.png (916.58 KB, 816x932, 204:233, Believe.PNG)


Great news, Anon!

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62598a  No.14815245


I heard Castor oil one drop in each eye at bedtime also for Cataracts.

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8372b4  No.14815246

File: a597a59f6574879⋯.jpg (1.86 MB, 3000x4000, 3:4, IMG_20210530_234323_101.jpg)

Fresh reminder 👀 :

THE TIMELINE - Donald Trump, Q and The Great Awakening - VA Patriot


You are fresh, blessed and loved


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351bdf  No.14815247


So low, so sad. No wonder friends dont understand words I say! The English language is not being taught. It was planned by government and social media

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954088  No.14815248



Come to think of it, the Socratic method technically doesn't violate the Prime Directive. OK, now a new set of gears are starting to churn.


>but he was probably too busy with his nunchucks

Audibly kek'd.


Civil disobedience. Winning hearts and minds.


>larded in envy about coverage


Now she's projecting. Poor lass.

>I'm still not convinced she isn't flipped.

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45aa22  No.14815249

File: e5cb83de984cfba⋯.jpg (97.76 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, https_cdn_cnn_com_cnnnext_….jpg)


Also don't forget Bruce Our was buddy buddy with Deripaska too.

>It is a fact that, starting in 2014 and continuing at least through at least February 2017, Christopher Steele used his relationship with DOJ’s Organized Crime expert, Bruce Ohr, to encourage ties between Oleg Deripaska and the US government. That included brokering a meeting between Ohr and Deripaska in 2015


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a96724  No.14815252

File: 3657a56fb7ea557⋯.png (127.01 KB, 712x794, 356:397, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 93a6b96fd9ff637⋯.png (45.79 KB, 702x328, 351:164, ClipboardImage.png)

Democrats Pushing Transgenderism In Schools Are Fully Responsible For Bathroom Sexual Assaults

Democrats and school administrators are tossing aside student safety to instead focus on normalizing their crazed gender ideology.

It’s a phone call every parent dreads receiving. Earlier this year, Virginia father Scott Smith was notified his 15-year-old daughter had been sexually assaulted. While that news was horrific, little did Smith know this would just be the start of a nightmarish series of events in which he would end up being cast as the villain. He can thank Democrats for enabling the whole outrageous affair.

The saga began back on May 28 at Loudoun County’s Stone Bridge High School, the sheriff’s office confirmed, where Smith was summoned by school officials. Smith told The Daily Wire he learned his daughter had allegedly been assaulted in a girls’ restroom by a boy wearing a skirt. (According to some reports, the boy identifies as “gender-fluid.”) Smith said school officials told him they intended to handle the incident in-house, instead of through the police and courts. After Smith became understandably upset at this callous and wholly improper decision not to involve law enforcement, he says school officials calls the police on him.

Fortunately, Smith was not arrested that day, but the story did not end there. A month later, he attended a Loudoun County School Board meeting to protest a proposed policy that would, among other things, allow students to access whatever restroom or locker room corresponds with their self-identified sex.

Concerned parents argued the policy would take privacy and safety from girls. LCPS Superintendent Scott Ziegler responded, “To my knowledge, we don’t have any record of assaults occurring in our restrooms.” Smith couldn’t believe his ears.

Later, a conversation between a left-leaning parent and Smith grew heated when the other parent implied Smith was lying about his daughter. This time, police did arrest him and video of the incident went viral. Overnight, Smith became the poster boy of supposedly dangerous parents. The National School Boards Association even specifically pointed to him in the now-infamous letter to the Biden administration, arguing that distraught parents ought to be seen as “domestic terrorists.”

The full truth about what had happened to Smith’s daughter did not become public until this past week: The sexual assault committed against her was no anomaly. Not only that, it was the direct result of policies promoted and advanced by Democrats who are willing to sacrifice the bodies, minds, and souls of innocent children to protect leftist gender ideology from criticism.


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7af281  No.14815253

>Dear Attorney General Garland

Lots of luck with that one

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57afd0  No.14815254


kek ., awesome.

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351bdf  No.14815255


God Bless them and make them successful

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b42f40  No.14815256


breadstick of doom

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3b046e  No.14815257


don't disagree but that is not the NYT…

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1c77f8  No.14815258

File: ff2adc13e0a7002⋯.png (27.47 KB, 827x526, 827:526, ClipboardImage.png)



I got around to it..


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22eeef  No.14815259

SCOTUS rules that DNA modified persons become property of the patent holder

People, as property, become the asset that backs the new digital currency.

IoT tracks the assets, and "manages" them for profitability…killing off unprofitable assets.

You'll always be free to go die in the gutter, but never to buy or sell property or services because we live in a Communist utopia that doesn't recognize human rights.

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9018e1  No.14815260

File: a2e0db7f03217da⋯.png (2.34 MB, 2574x1380, 429:230, vaxxx.png)

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b42f40  No.14815262

Waiting to see what comes of this from a previous bread, tomorrow is the 20th.

▶Anonymous 10/13/21 (Wed) 00:37:53 9aed0c (64) No.14776629

File (hide): 316d0d0bb8d5625⋯.png (80.61 KB, 465x925, 93:185, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

NeverGiveUpFreedom, [13.10.21 00:42]

[In reply to Jim Watkins]

Friend of mine just sent me this now:

I've just rec'd this from a friend who's a nurse @ Sunnybrook Hospital, Toronto:

DISTRIBUTE TO EVERYONE who does not want to be "vaccinated". All vaccines will no longer be justified from 20.10.2021: verified information. The European Union has approved (https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/fr/ip_21_3299) 5 therapies that will be available in all hospitals in the Member States for the treatment of Covid. These therapies have been approved by a decree of the European Council (European Parliament) and will be in force from 1/10, so they will be distributed little by little around 20/10. Vaccines were approved on a “temporary experimental basis”. But since the decree will oblige to prescribe these 5 new drugs, the use of the vaccine will cease. So we understand why all the states said "between September it is necessary that …". They already knew everything. You have to have patience. Do not accept any blackmail. Be patient. Now that ivermectin has been re-approved, there is no need for a vaccine. Great news. The Pasteur Institute recognizes the effectiveness of Ivermectin. One intake could eradicate all SARS covid-19 genetic material in some people. Read and share well.

The good news: Ivermectin is now scientifically recognized as an effective drug, in the prophylaxis and treatment of Covid-19 by researchers at the Pasteur Institute in France. The results of their studies were published in the journal EMBO Molecular Medicine on July 12, 2021, so that’s recently. Analysis of the results of other research published in the American Journal of Therapeutics strongly calls, with supporting evidence, to bridge the guidelines of health agencies and include Ivermectin as a standard of care. Macron's government knew about it …

Be good and don’t hesitate to cheer up people who don’t want to get vaccinated




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7af281  No.14815263


Maggie you mean like when you guys gloat over anyone who's not vaxxed gets the wuhan and/or passes away from it?

I don't hear you gloating over all the ones that have succumbed to the vaxx which is a hell of a lot more than people who aren't vaxxed.

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45aa22  No.14815265


>Bruce Our

Bruce Ohr. Damn spell check

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b39af0  No.14815266

File: 741a2ac5a577fc9⋯.png (331.4 KB, 1015x518, 145:74, IMG_3318.PNG)

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1427e0  No.14815267

File: 6f8049f9273e39c⋯.png (105.72 KB, 425x273, 425:273, ClipboardImage.png)







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2d81fd  No.14815268

File: 31ec0a3c418f44f⋯.png (1.42 MB, 1440x955, 288:191, Screenshot_2021_10_19_at_2….png)


RHODY c/s Rhode Island ANG.

C-5M with an odd Q in callsignRQDD16out of Westover ARB Mass.

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f1a707  No.14815269


Don’t know but would like to know. Had lots of floaties ever since I took the house paste a month ago.

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e5b24b  No.14815271

>>14814341 (lb)


>These kids are not “ migrants” but our missing children.

These kids are somebody's missing children. If anon's theory is not true then US gov't is either (a) the criminal taking non-American kids, in which case where are their family's crying for the cameras? or (b) the beacon of freedom that parents are willing to risk their child's life in order to get them here, which makes for hypnotizing emotional drama for the mockingbirds. I'll take anon's theory over the drama.

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f2e2f9  No.14815272

Bitcoin to 85k

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5be6d1  No.14815273


>no punishment to the crimes they are committing

Only plebs get judged and convicted.

Only way to equal shit up is to not provide Courthouses for tyrants to control the Citizenry.

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1c77f8  No.14815274


A silent thought I had yesterday when watching Castaway with my elderly (very active) father.

The Red Hand on the Wilson scene, I wanted to tell him what that actually meant and bit my tongue.


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591640  No.14815275

File: f0e83bfb9372439⋯.jpg (371 KB, 1670x2560, 167:256, google_the_txt.jpg)

Breaking News (next week): If you're not taking the vaxx, you will not go to heaven!!!!!!!!!!!

Get the vaxx, to protect meeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!

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af3491  No.14815276

File: 54c3aa94d3d9f0d⋯.jpg (52.16 KB, 322x314, 161:157, 20210628_065323.jpg)


>house paste

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5be6d1  No.14815278

Fuck defunding the cops.

Unprovide the Courthouse.

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351bdf  No.14815279


I read an article that said theres very few real climate scientists and they are all bought and paid for, so its like 300 scientists WW say this

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b42f40  No.14815280


You gotta make sure you are eliminating regularly via your bowels or the parasites will just move around in your body, in your case to your eyes

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094aac  No.14815281

File: 3756b0c6e08e895⋯.png (268.48 KB, 673x621, 673:621, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3756b0c6e08e895⋯.png (268.48 KB, 673x621, 673:621, ClipboardImage.png)

Two Year Delta

Durham's Trail Leading to SSCI – Ali Watkins Never Slept With James Wolfe – It Was a Cover Story….

October 20, 2019 | Sundance | 468 Comments

With media reporting that U.S. Attorney John Durham has expanded the timeline and scope of his investigation into U.S. government and intelligence community activity during the 2016 election, there’s an interesting quote from NBC:

…”Justice Department officials have said that Durham has found something significant, and that critics should be careful.”…

In those March 2017 text message you can see Senator Warner attempting to set up covert “no paper trail” communication with dossier author Christopher Steele. Adam Waldman represented Chris Steele and Steele’s employer, Oleg Deripaska.


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cbf857  No.14815284

File: 61060a55f9dfa43⋯.png (1.69 MB, 1000x750, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

Not on Telegram, but hope you see this here!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, LIN! Hope it's a Fun Day!

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96705b  No.14815285

File: e36d35934e4a039⋯.png (404.49 KB, 464x464, 1:1, parasites.png)

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351bdf  No.14815286


Maggie has a crush on Trump

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fc0292  No.14815288

OHSA doesn't wanna log / record any shit about adverse vaccine reactions…

Are adverse reactions to the COVID-19 vaccine recordable on the OSHA recordkeeping log?

DOL and OSHA, as well as other federal agencies, are working diligently to encourage COVID-19 vaccinations. OSHA does not wish to have any appearance of discouraging workers from receiving COVID-19 vaccination, and also does not wish to disincentivize employers' vaccination efforts. As a result, OSHA will not enforce 29 CFR 1904's recording requirements to require any employers to record worker side effects from COVID-19 vaccination at least through May 2022. We will reevaluate the agency’s position at that time to determine the best course of action moving forward.



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591640  No.14815289


>Get the vaxx, to protect meeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!

<not going to GITMO

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c003e2  No.14815290


if the FBI "got him" it would be to protect him

Protective custody

Keep him from testifying

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1c77f8  No.14815291


frazzle drip

Hillary Huma horror clip.

Wiener's laptop insurance /Folder

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79ee91  No.14815292


Odd one

RODD16. makes sense

RQDD16. Wouldn't want to keep saying that c/s on a x-country.




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153ab0  No.14815293

File: 6aa0f6c8a03cc1b⋯.png (420.87 KB, 727x525, 727:525, rQdd16.png)


>RHODY c/s Rhode Island ANG.

looks like it. They descending on approach to Rhode Island

Noticed the random Q call sign too

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9018e1  No.14815294

File: c28ae6d1662c0bc⋯.jpg (383.7 KB, 720x642, 120:107, conssent.jpg)

we need to start over

THE ORIGINAL CONSTITUTION of the United States proposed for ratification by the Federal Convention of 1787 lacked any explicit reference to freedom of speech or of the press. According to the Federalist Framers of the Constitution, explicit provisions for such freedoms as speech and the press were unnecessary, since the Constitution granted only certain narrow powers to Congress. They argued that by including a Bill of Rights, which seemed to imply such a Bill was necessary, the Constitution might taken as implying that the Congress had more power than it did. Despite this argument, the absence of a Bill of Rights was incredibly unpopular and nearly cost it its ratification. Only by promising to introduce a Bill of Rights as amendments were the Federalist authors of the document able to persuade key states to adopt it, and North Carolina did not ratify it until after the Bill of Rights was actually added. https://jackmillercenter.org/cd-resources/the-original-constitution/

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c003e2  No.14815295


no, I think her handler is her husband.

She's MK


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12734b  No.14815298

4 Years since Q first posted. How close are we to the precipice?

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351bdf  No.14815300


Take a high quality deep sea fish oil daily, and castor oil works

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2fdf8f  No.14815301

File: 46dfa2f48bfb314⋯.png (607.21 KB, 1002x666, 167:111, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b6ce86bf5b0ddc7⋯.png (493.61 KB, 1207x654, 1207:654, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 594a17d57d1cc59⋯.png (674.82 KB, 973x647, 973:647, ClipboardImage.png)


Not same anon, but also Northern (NE) Ohio and just had a C130 fly over me, CALLSIGN AAAAA and when I looked for route anomalies, "OTIS" popped out.

Reminded anon of a C30J that flew over house 2 days ago named OTIS47 out of Grand Rapids, MI.

The ELEVATOR becomes the hunted.

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2d81fd  No.14815302


Makes me wonder sometimes if the crews are dyslexic or whether it is deliberate.

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993e95  No.14815303

File: 5a09519a702a9fc⋯.png (86.26 KB, 1058x734, 529:367, flux_health_floaters.png)


anon has wondered whether what anon used to reverse "irreversible" scarring and pain syndrome would work on floaters.

A couple of people have reported that it did work for them

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00ad2e  No.14815305

File: fdf662cf06989bc⋯.png (46.33 KB, 598x567, 598:567, Screenshot_2021_10_19_at_1….png)

File: bdc51dd0b4235e8⋯.jpg (30.65 KB, 400x400, 1:1, _7RfWfto_400x400.jpg)

The White House


Today, Dr. Rachel Levine was sworn in as the first 4-star female officer in the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps, and the first transgender 4-star officer in U.S. history in any of the eight U.S. uniformed services.

We are proud to serve alongside her.


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1c77f8  No.14815306

File: 7d2fd58a90ccf58⋯.png (14.33 KB, 1672x209, 8:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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1427e0  No.14815308

File: 69b9903eeda025d⋯.png (599 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9776d49d5feb88f⋯.png (409.25 KB, 563x290, 563:290, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 34a2f75478138a0⋯.png (688.78 KB, 677x355, 677:355, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2effe0d29d7789e⋯.png (646.08 KB, 678x358, 339:179, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2259e26117701f0⋯.png (596.97 KB, 677x353, 677:353, ClipboardImage.png)

New DARPA challenge for Autonomous Vehicles to Navigate in Darkness and Underground



They don’t want human drivers to pull out the bodies




supported by




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fc0292  No.14815310


Two weeks!

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a96724  No.14815311

File: 6b058a92e615594⋯.png (25.84 KB, 882x369, 98:41, ClipboardImage.png)

1000s Of California Parents Join In Statewide Walkout Against Vaccine Mandate For Students

Thousands of California parents, students, and teachers on Monday participated in a statewide walkout to protest Gov. Gavin Newsom’s decision to mandate COVID-19 vaccinations for all students in both public and private schools.

Newsom, a Democrat, earlier this month announced the vaccine mandate for schoolchildren in grades 7 through 12 once the vaccines have received full approval by the Federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA), making California the first state to implement such requirements.

So far, the FDA has only granted emergency authorization for anyone aged 12 to 15. Newsom’s latest vaccine requirement is expected to take effect in January 2022 or the start of the 2022 school year.

Crowds of Californians opposed to the measures swarmed the steps of the California Capitol, carrying signs that read “My body, my choice,” and “My children won’t be a science experiment to make you feel safe.”

Many parents statewide pulled their children from school to participate in the rallies, in hopes their absences from class would send a message to state officials.

One Sacramento mother, Kendall Ramer, 32, told the Associated Press that she pulled her two children out of elementary school to attend a rally, adding that she and her husband plan to shift to homeschooling once Newsom’s vaccine mandate comes into effect.

“Everybody should be able to make their own choice for what’s good for them,” she said.

Los Angeles Unified School District employee Hovik Saponghian told SkyFOX that schoolchildren shouldn’t be forced to “take something without all the data.”

“I’m here protesting the mandate because we don’t believe that we should take it religiously, ethically or morally,” said Saponghian.

Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) parent Rima Mkhitran told the news outlet that she was participating in the rally because “we want our children and our teachers to have a choice.”

“As a parent, I think I have the right with other parents to stand up for our children,” she said.

“I don’t want to get the vaccine for my child because they are too young. There are no studies showing the long-term effects. We should wait for a couple of years,” added LAUSD parent Nara Vardaresyan.



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bdde78  No.14815312

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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6d1984  No.14815313



the absolute fucking state of the united states

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c003e2  No.14815314


maybe it's easier for them to arrest a "fuurriner" rather an USA crook, He has less protection state side

And FBI can play the "big hero" role. Like they always do

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d687c7  No.14815315

File: 1ddb66e6b43f8e5⋯.png (672.7 KB, 1096x1202, 548:601, ClipboardImage.png)

>>14814360 lb

please explain how you get RINO McCarthy out of this statement by Trump?

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c13836  No.14815317

File: 7f52228e4c3347d⋯.jpeg (19.24 KB, 200x163, 200:163, C2E4EA87_0279_4A2E_95FA_A….jpeg)

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2fdf8f  No.14815318


*OTIS$3, not 47

Today's also flew over Scranton, PA after "Otis" areas.

Joe's elevator doesn't go all the way to the top floor. We know. Expensive way to explain the obvious it seems. Kek.

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d0f6f1  No.14815319

File: 4610d6e3e3936e9⋯.png (299.51 KB, 333x500, 333:500, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e824e06fda3e2d0⋯.png (674.95 KB, 680x463, 680:463, ClipboardImage.png)

Active Measures — inside the history of disinformation

As election meddling thrives, Thomas Rid shows how political subterfuge is nothing new


* * * * *

Active Measures: The Secret History of Disinformation and Political Warfare


This revelatory and dramatic history of disinformation traces the rise of secret organized deception operations from the interwar period to contemporary internet troll farms

We live in the age of disinformation–of organized deception. Spy agencies pour vast resources into hacking, leaking, and forging data, often with the goal of weakening the very foundation of liberal democracy: trust in facts. Thomas Rid, a renowned expert on technology and national security, was one of the first to sound the alarm. More than four months before the 2016 election, he warned that Russian military intelligence was "carefully planning and timing a high-stakes political campaign to disrupt the democratic process. But as crafty as such so-called active measures have become, they are not new.

* * * * *

Zach Vorhies, The Face Of An Active Measure


Zach Vorhies, the self-proclaimed Google whistleblower, has become the toast of conservative media and polite society. Since opportunistically ending his gig with YouTube, he’s been on a whirlwind tour with back-to-back interviews, pressing flesh and kissing babies. Somehow, he has managed to find time in his busy schedule to co-write a book entitled: “A Story of Big Tech Censorship and Bias and the Fight to Save Our Country and magically secure a distribution deal with Simon & Schuster.

I work in the AI software space and so I naturally got excited when I heard that Vorhies published some internal Google documents that proport to describe the innerworkings of their search AI. But alas, my excitement about getting freebees was short lived. Unlike real leaks like Vault 7, Vorhies delivered a nothing burger. His secret cache of internal Google documents shows evidence of fabrication and lacks any real technical value.

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a7c991  No.14815321

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50252d  No.14815322

How can they manipulate the mass? They have to use something on them all…

Mental Gender

Chapter XIV

While at first there seems to be only an “I” existing, a more careful and closer examination reveals the fact that there exists an “I” and a “Me.” These mental twins differ in their characteristics and nature, and an examination of their nature and the phenomena arising from the same will throw much light upon many of the problems of mental influence.

The majority of persons really employ the Masculine Principle but little, and are content to live according to the thoughts and ideas instilled into the “Me” from the “I” of other minds.

The strong men and women of the world invariably manifest the Masculine Principle of Will, and their strength depends materially upon this fact. Instead of living upon the impressions made upon their minds by others, they dominate their own minds by their Will, obtaining the kind of mental images desired, and moreover dominate the minds of others likewise, in the same manner. Look at the strong people, how they manage to implant their seed-thoughts in the minds of the masses of the people, thus causing the latter to think thoughts in accordance with the desires and wills of the strong individuals. This is why the masses of people are such sheeplike creatures, never originating an idea of their own, nor using their own powers of mental activity.


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96705b  No.14815323


And by "her" we clearly mean "it."

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c003e2  No.14815324

File: 02fef05d4233f8e⋯.png (354.79 KB, 337x468, 337:468, zuckerghislain4.png)


I thought I heard Flynn say we shouldn't be waiting for something.

But Flynn also didn't come right out about the stolen election, either

Only Mike Lindell and Lyn Wood came out right away for the President and the Constitution.

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3b046e  No.14815325


Consider why Sanfran Nan would want 'Capitol police' set up around the Country… maybe in the FBI the ability to sweep certain things under the rug is no longer available as the rug has been taken to the cleaners?

possible the two are related

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2d81fd  No.14815326


Hard for human drivers to drive blacked out with no lights in zero light visibility conditions.

They tend to crash into things.

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351bdf  No.14815327



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094aac  No.14815328

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Tom Cotton questioning Christopher Wray

3,081 views Feb 16, 2018


cotton asks fay wray about Deripaska

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af3491  No.14815329

File: 00fda02dbd8bdeb⋯.jpeg (195.86 KB, 1080x759, 360:253, 1587829532.jpeg)


When did we enter hell

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9442f8  No.14815331


>But Flynn also didn't come right out about the stolen election, either

yes, he did


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993e95  No.14815332

File: 5a09519a702a9fc⋯.png (86.26 KB, 1058x734, 529:367, flux_health_floaters.png)


how are you getting (you)?

anon hasn't gotten (you) to show since the DNS fuckery began.

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79ee91  No.14815335

File: 0cff1e5455a1ec7⋯.jpg (477.41 KB, 620x610, 62:61, 0cff1e5455a1ec7e47f8344000….jpg)



"U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Tests Positive for COVID-19"



somebody filed that c/s before takeoff

we filed our own overseas

a callsign mistake oconus can shutdown an entire mission when overflying multiple nations

pretty particular about our callsigns


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c13836  No.14815336


[they] brought Hell to us… and We are slow to notice.

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00ad2e  No.14815337

File: e8bb0b56061dc24⋯.png (258.45 KB, 535x655, 107:131, Screenshot_2021_10_19_at_1….png)

File: a27b4f4e1464186⋯.png (493.49 KB, 535x677, 535:677, Screenshot_2021_10_13_at_1….png)

File: bdc51dd0b4235e8⋯.jpg (30.65 KB, 400x400, 1:1, _7RfWfto_400x400.jpg)

File: 1fc884612b42217⋯.jpg (201.39 KB, 800x534, 400:267, FBl9BXlWQAAiFej.jpg)

File: 4004f68621c92a9⋯.jpg (637.03 KB, 800x1000, 4:5, FBl9C_kWUAE5ZF7.jpg)

Define Handler


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1a2d23  No.14815339

File: 20230e0dc432431⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1091x659, 1091:659, tranny_suck_dick.png)


Top fucking kek

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b39af0  No.14815341


Right after WWII

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b42f40  No.14815342


Also: make sure you are using blue blocking glasses or filters when viewing screens, especially at night when there is no natural light from windows. The LED exposure has been found to interrupt your eyes usual maintenance functions

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094aac  No.14815343


> first 4-star female officer

Chick-With-A-Dick Is Not A Female

Chick-With-A-Dick That Loses His Dick Is Not A Female

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d0f6f1  No.14815344

File: f64b9b7cfdf6e2c⋯.jpg (61.01 KB, 811x598, 811:598, Blackrock1.jpg)

File: cfb6d8bd2f9e21a⋯.jpg (100.34 KB, 760x1221, 760:1221, blackrock2.jpg)

Blackrock is not your friend…

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1c77f8  No.14815345

File: 980f7f5738a6596⋯.mp4 (201.71 KB, 640x270, 64:27, Negative.mp4)

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b7eba3  No.14815346

Holy Fuck. After hearing about the fucking Witch Hunt & the Steele Dossier for 5 fucking years & just listening to last night's Tucker show, I swear, punching myself in the face repeatedly would produce better results for our country.

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3292ed  No.14815347

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



his was my fears, after the death of David Amess, the complete shut down of any criticism of mps in the uk, never let a crisis go to waste, someone who was known to the authorities under terrorist watch who murdered the mp, no one believes that this could not have been prevented, The uk now will go the same way as australia!!


The Elephant in the Room!

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094aac  No.14815348


>Bruce Ohr

Bruce H Oar

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a96724  No.14815349

File: 8c04cd8fd3de923⋯.png (49.25 KB, 710x855, 142:171, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 96377727ec5e687⋯.png (47.55 KB, 668x864, 167:216, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9c615caac20cf86⋯.png (47.68 KB, 661x858, 661:858, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b3d0e08c9b354ba⋯.png (43.9 KB, 662x861, 662:861, ClipboardImage.png)

United States v. Maxwell

Letter — Document #358

District Court, S.D. New York

Docket Number: 1:20-cr-00330

Date Filed: October 18th, 2021

Uploaded: October 18th, 2021


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dc6274  No.14815350


>Socratic method

Q's questions and riddles have nothing to do with the Socratic method.

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7e4bb5  No.14815351


Trump knows the book is yet to be closed on Powell.

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1c77f8  No.14815352


Wins internet


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1a2d23  No.14815354


Just wait till they announce the first 4 star furry general.

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d45f83  No.14815355

File: 247a332853a6a17⋯.jpeg (950.86 KB, 1242x1716, 207:286, C90DD81B_2840_4743_B486_A….jpeg)

File: 4cf18f67af1be8f⋯.jpeg (421.37 KB, 1242x1272, 207:212, 55798EC5_BF09_4E2B_BE2E_D….jpeg)

New Dan our man Facebook post

Firewall For Freedom


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64fd41  No.14815356

File: 2b45cf51aa6d1dd⋯.gif (475.25 KB, 500x281, 500:281, MilitaryStrategy.gif)


>U.S. Defense Secretary Visits Georgia, Romania, Ukraine To Coordinate The “Eastern Front”


>I'm sure he is quite learned and skilled in the Art of War

Yeah, he's a regular von Clausewitz.

Hey Eastern Europe, you can 'trust this guy to have your backs. Afghanistan .>cough< Afghanistan.

Good luck, predominantly White Eastern Europe. You're going to need it.

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12734b  No.14815357


Perhaps, it is possible that America is actually lost. Had a good run I guess.

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9a0616  No.14815359


Please scroll up and read my previous post. Think local.

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12734b  No.14815362


Ok. But seriously, America is lost.

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c0242c  No.14815363

File: 4ab8dbef87d9210⋯.png (675.94 KB, 1024x551, 1024:551, pdential2.png)


If these dirty Communist tools reported on 1/10th of the crimes committed, perhaps people (such as the now-estranged loyal faux "news" watcher relative) would cease referring to Our President as "Mussolini" and "stupid".

These Communist tools need to hang/meet firing squad right alongside of the treasonous, murderous crud they protect so loyally.

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96705b  No.14815365


holy shit holy shit holy shit

the bad meme guy actually made a good meme.

I'm recording this in my personal diary.

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00ad2e  No.14815366

File: be997f2bc8d16a3⋯.png (377.49 KB, 478x708, 239:354, Screenshot_2021_10_19_at_1….png)

File: fc544ae91a6a2d1⋯.jpg (74.94 KB, 600x340, 30:17, FCEWJUyWYAYo7bX.jpg)

File: 1da40723a669aca⋯.jpg (112.65 KB, 620x420, 31:21, FCEWIzBWQA47BkV.jpg)

File: db1e913a0cea77c⋯.jpg (1.32 MB, 3150x2111, 3150:2111, FCEWHcMX0As2JP_.jpg)

#OTD in 1812 Horse racing Napoleon's army left Moscow.

European castle What did not burn was plundered. The Kremlin was booby-trapped and prepped for destruction.

Flag of Russia Napoleon was shocked by the resistance, described it as "madness".

Not only we won Flexed biceps but Moscow was back in shape in no time!


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4b5632  No.14815367

File: adef8430922b789⋯.jpeg (50.44 KB, 354x230, 177:115, 043256C6_B060_4B77_999D_9….jpeg)




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c13836  No.14815368

File: 48069d4506b1251⋯.jpeg (1.77 MB, 2482x1536, 1241:768, 8C91DAB3_7CA1_4875_B9B6_F….jpeg)

File: bb96225a0232814⋯.jpeg (65.71 KB, 492x428, 123:107, 0AA9EB2E_EFC6_476E_8752_8….jpeg)

File: 48caa4f04e0bdc7⋯.png (150.99 KB, 640x480, 4:3, C9627A6F_D325_4343_A35C_1E….png)


Not the kinda win anon is looking for.

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094aac  No.14815369

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Mark Warner wants to meet with Christopher Steele


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1c77f8  No.14815370


kekitty kek kek

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1a2d23  No.14815371

File: 9aaeb434fff3cb1⋯.png (112.61 KB, 475x315, 95:63, despairfagging.png)

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3749f7  No.14815372


Even if this is remotely true, USA about 6 months behind. I already called it earlier, but this winter's going to be really tough for USA. Many will succumb to the vax mandate, some won't. Prices for fuels and food will skyrocket, and hospitals are going to be (seemingly, but not really) overrun with people that are vaccinated, suffering from ailments, and being forced a COVID protocol as treatment that will have many of them permanently injured or worse. While this is going on, forced COVID passports everywhere to see if they can get the compliance they desperately need. If that doesn't work, then it'll be down to the "last straw" of force.

Folks need to "hunker down" and be ready. Pray, help your fellow man/woman out, and be there for each other.

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45aa22  No.14815373

File: 34dd8565bd38f54⋯.jpeg (25.49 KB, 350x317, 350:317, 34dd8565bd38f54ed50ab5c5d….jpeg)


Top kek.

He's out of his mind. In a good way of course. Absolute mad man.

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3749f7  No.14815374

File: 42cccce008527b6⋯.jpg (11.33 KB, 225x225, 1:1, K_Keep_Me_Posted.jpg)

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a96724  No.14815375

File: 1cc4d5154f0b152⋯.png (644.47 KB, 720x405, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 83b38fe59f7beeb⋯.png (48.6 KB, 695x466, 695:466, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9adf36f40cd7d47⋯.png (93.86 KB, 687x801, 229:267, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 14dc10fdd4e5024⋯.png (210.39 KB, 703x633, 703:633, ClipboardImage.png)

SA public servant Ian Schapel took advantage of children's poverty to exploit them sexually, court hears

A retired senior public servant of 45 years preyed on the economic disadvantage of young children in the Philippines, forcing them to perform sex acts for him online — or starve — an Adelaide court has heard.

Key points:

Ian Schapel arranged to engage in sexual activity with children online

His lawyer said he was lonely and isolated

The court heard police had wanted to seize his house as it was "an instrument of the offending"

Ian Ralph Schapel – who was a senior HR manager with the South Australian Department of Premier and Cabinet — has pleaded guilty to 50 offences, including 41 counts of engaging in sexual activity with a child outside of Australia, using a carriage service to access child exploitation material and possessing child exploitation material.

The 67-year-old engaged in 74 occasions of sexual activity with at least 13 children in the Philippines over platforms including Skype and WhatsApp.

The female victims were aged between three and nine years old.

Schapel also had more than 52,000 images and videos of child exploitation material in his possession.

Commonwealth prosecutor Krista Breckweg said Schapel took advantage of families in the Philippines and paid a "paltry" amount of $30 on average for a live recording.

"He preyed on the economic vulnerability of the facilitators and the children, acknowledging that the communication was usually initiated by the adult women who contacted him asking for money to buy food or medicine," Ms Breckweg told the court.

"The chat logs that accompanied established that the offender was directing the facilitators as to what he wanted the children do.

"The offender chose the Philippines where he could easily and readily access young girls for sex given their dire economic circumstances and the absence of efficient law enforcement aimed at protecting children from sexual abuse."

She said if the facilitator – or parent – of the child victim did not meet his requests, he would threaten them including saying "you starve now".


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2d81fd  No.14815376

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Texas plane crash

Left engine has considerably more fire damage than the right engine.

Might be due to the post crash fire but might also indicate that the left engine failed during take-off.

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79ee91  No.14815377


lost does not equal over

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3292ed  No.14815378

File: c5ea720e77de317⋯.png (1.4 MB, 872x848, 109:106, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 74528012632e676⋯.png (725.61 KB, 649x648, 649:648, ClipboardImage.png)



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1c77f8  No.14815379


Learn a new word every day! :)

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00ad2e  No.14815380

File: daa798cf8c22e07⋯.png (386.44 KB, 567x480, 189:160, cd9b603212f04a69d012f0fa98….png)

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f84d4c  No.14815381

File: 4e49672b2896ca1⋯.png (317.03 KB, 640x360, 16:9, mbv21fe8f1ec20e431483e2a55….png)


> but he was probably too busy with his nunchucks.


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1a2d23  No.14815382

File: e54f70435df236c⋯.jpg (299.91 KB, 644x446, 322:223, moar_text.jpg)


>the bad meme guy actually made a good meme.


I am not that fucking loser.

But I suspect Pig may be.

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12734b  No.14815383


There's a lot more evidence for the destruction of America then there is against. Look around, there's no coming back.

The youth are lost. That means there is no future.

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110c99  No.14815384

File: 59ae1720dd2287c⋯.jpg (192.13 KB, 720x856, 90:107, 20211019_134157.jpg)


Facebook admits to letting users share information on human smuggling

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3749f7  No.14815385

File: 288ef3a3f7ff28d⋯.png (490.9 KB, 692x628, 173:157, The_Sky_King_Sunglasses.png)


>pretty particular about our callsigns

Mmm Hmm.

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9a0616  No.14815386


Self reliance should always be part of one’s arsenal. Prepping has earned a bad rap for various reasons, but it’s common sense to want to stock up to be able to provide for your family during low times.. no matter what they should be. My mantra is learn a new skill/prep daily.. been harping on this for months in the hope anons would take heed.. no matter what happens. :)

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64fd41  No.14815388

File: 1ed9d9692f30805⋯.jpg (164.29 KB, 945x642, 315:214, keksgiven.jpg)


>We are proud to serve alongside her.

FOUR STARS. It earned every one of them…Bravo!

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4b5632  No.14815389

File: dd6c646afec7bf3⋯.jpeg (360.1 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, D3A68A88_B27F_462C_8BDB_6….jpeg)

File: 691a3f6f5ec38ab⋯.jpeg (128.91 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, 0D57E448_9847_4C91_952E_8….jpeg)

File: d044602bc38a0fb⋯.jpeg (155.13 KB, 878x519, 878:519, 9AE0BBA0_AD72_4BFF_8BFF_5….jpeg)


DARPA’s Lifelog program was renamed Facebook after Congress told them to disband project.

That’s what Facebook is nothing more than that. No need to jazz it up.


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96705b  No.14815390

File: f730fc5ec4804e0⋯.jpg (43.89 KB, 700x512, 175:128, bow.jpg)


My apologies.

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f619c7  No.14815391


Hey genius, read Revelation 11:3-12 and remember Q's markers.

America will be unified 11.11

We may be lying "dead" while idiots like you gloat and try to demoralize, but we will STAND.

"Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty."

Enjoy what's coming.

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1a2d23  No.14815393


>There's a lot more evidence for the destruction of America then there is against

And you were happy with America had become?

It has been destroyed for decades and from the ashes a new world will be reborn!

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e31190  No.14815394

File: 1ef9c1be2306429⋯.jpg (45.49 KB, 511x288, 511:288, Halloween_barg_bag_pumpkin….JPG)

File: 80fd7d4f5906bb4⋯.jpg (185.73 KB, 965x1200, 193:240, Halloween_goodies.jpg)

File: 505b9894588fca9⋯.jpg (264.08 KB, 1199x1200, 1199:1200, Happy_Halloween.jpg)

File: a61fa5ceb4ddcf2⋯.jpg (108.31 KB, 719x713, 719:713, Halloween_candy.jpg)

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d687c7  No.14815395

File: 3e4bcd1fa8af3fd⋯.png (117.37 KB, 590x644, 295:322, ClipboardImage.png)



what about 'chances'?

Hillary twat yesterday…..


Maggie….'given the chance, …..Trump….

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351bdf  No.14815396


You really need a Snickers bar or three!

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d1577c  No.14815397

File: d1419870a0e0502⋯.png (534.12 KB, 562x418, 281:209, fjg.PNG)

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1a2d23  No.14815398

File: 6153591c85d6041⋯.png (310.05 KB, 600x400, 3:2, tiririca_divulga_removebg_….png)


All good fren, but you should have known better.

That retard is incapable of creating a good meme.

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2d81fd  No.14815399


Bunch of chancers.

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9f3c97  No.14815401


Close your eyes and swish em back and forth like ur shaking up a snow globe. (Side to side or up down.)

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1c77f8  No.14815402

File: f1eb2e9d0724a55⋯.png (278.54 KB, 1186x660, 593:330, ClipboardImage.png)

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96705b  No.14815403


>That retard is incapable of creating a good meme.

No shit. He seems to go out of his way to avoid doing so.

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64fd41  No.14815404

File: 059d9649c2c0af3⋯.png (283.6 KB, 400x491, 400:491, Snickers_M_I_C_.png)


>You really need a Snickers bar or three!

He'll like this.

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9a0616  No.14815405


>The youth are lost.

Some are, yes, but I believe most are not. You’d be surprised how many “trad” young women there are, and real regular young men, marrying and starting families. I have no fear, I really don’t. Doesn’t mean we should rest on our laurels.. I believe conversely,

we’re just getting started

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76e5fb  No.14815406


more accurately dude with tits is not a female

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d687c7  No.14815407



why does Maggie think that Trump needs to be given the 'chance' to be gracious?

Does she control his environment?

or could it be that Powell did a NoName and he be executed……and they thought Trump should be gracious in his 'winning'

I don't get her thinking Trump was given the 'chance'

how arrogant is that?

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351bdf  No.14815408

File: e419b0d26b21fbb⋯.jpeg (341.15 KB, 1241x1664, 1241:1664, 91D3802D_B14C_467A_A350_C….jpeg)


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45aa22  No.14815409


So of I'm understanding this correctly, yesterday it was not in the Navy, and today it was made a 4 star admiral?

Please tell me I'm wrong.

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889bd4  No.14815410


>In August, 17,000 people illegally crossed into the Yuma sector of Arizona from Mexico; 2,300% more than the same month in 2020.




>United States v. Maxwell

>Letter — Document #358

>District Court, S.D. New York

Hopefully judge tells her no again.

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517f2b  No.14815411



16 = 4x4 → 44

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7af281  No.14815413


When it serves on the front line of battle, then talk to us about that thing.

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d1577c  No.14815414

File: 0ac72184f0b9c9e⋯.png (835.57 KB, 1082x579, 1082:579, thyhkfcs.PNG)

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f84d4c  No.14815415

File: c567e78105adb88⋯.png (92.39 KB, 1349x654, 1349:654, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c4368386d97824f⋯.png (487.85 KB, 517x330, 47:30, maam1922ad7a81a22c63b6c485….png)






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64fd41  No.14815416

File: 96cf843d6de29cb⋯.mp4 (449.34 KB, 480x280, 12:7, Killery_We_Are_ALL_Going_T….mp4)

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00ad2e  No.14815417

File: f4bb648ea8e6b65⋯.png (427.25 KB, Screenshot_2021_10_19_at_1….png)

New York Post


EXCLUSIVE: Kanye West dons bizarre mask for second Michael Cohen meeting https://trib.al/U51Bkph



Clown world.

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351bdf  No.14815418

File: 43660a28808b7fb⋯.jpeg (493.19 KB, 1240x2121, 1240:2121, AECAE5B3_D223_489C_9B88_1….jpeg)

Social Injustice Warriers Are Demented Freaks


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d1577c  No.14815419

File: 7be6ba3d8e01ee1⋯.png (229.08 KB, 306x471, 102:157, gyfgmi38.PNG)

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76e5fb  No.14815420


> that America is actually lost.

easy to see patriots are not in control on many levels

the crooks are indeed running the show

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3749f7  No.14815421

File: 95a61a76a2fb0d9⋯.jpeg (235.88 KB, 1280x1923, 1280:1923, 95a61a76a2fb0d94ecc8c227d….jpeg)



>Look around, there's no coming back.

Then why are you here?

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79ee91  No.14815422

File: 2b12e77c41b9a2c⋯.jpg (8.58 KB, 255x128, 255:128, 4cb6097a07ea32fd0f9b0fb8a5….jpg)


OCT 21st, 2000ET

Anderson Cooper Moderates Town Hall with Joe Potato

The forum will be open to the American public for questions, "live"

guess that's the next big show

tomorrow must be a DONSA


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41f332  No.14815424

File: 669744a210f72b3⋯.png (844.25 KB, 1149x655, 1149:655, 669744a210f72b33934240106e….png)


what an embarrassment


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00ad2e  No.14815425

File: f4bb648ea8e6b65⋯.png (427.25 KB, 478x539, 478:539, Screenshot_2021_10_19_at_1….png)

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d1577c  No.14815426

File: ff8642cc89b9792⋯.png (179.42 KB, 522x602, 261:301, fygy.png)

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397cd1  No.14815427

File: 1bb4f4d9bd887e2⋯.mp4 (3.4 MB, 480x480, 1:1, merica.mp4)

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6d1984  No.14815428

File: b3fe1b0c35d7f73⋯.png (160.52 KB, 1732x485, 1732:485, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 82bdc31c201c004⋯.png (310.45 KB, 1719x523, 1719:523, ClipboardImage.png)

Deripaska is a friend of Nathaniel Rothschild, a major investor in both Glencore and United Company RUSAL. Together Deripaska and Rothschild hosted George Osborne and Peter Mandelson on Deripaska's yacht in Corfu in the summer of 2008.

Rothschild has been linked to the son of former Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, Saif al-Islam Gaddafi.

In February 2012 he lost his libel case with the Daily Mail who had accused him of being a "puppet master" in reporting about his foreign trips with Peter Mandelson.

From 1985 to 1990, Mandelson served as Labour's Director of Communications. He was one of the first to whom the term 'spin doctor' was applied and gained the nickname 'the Prince of Darkness' because of his 'ruthlessness' and 'media savvy'.

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d687c7  No.14815429

File: 8f0a123004b4293⋯.png (360.06 KB, 605x700, 121:140, ClipboardImage.png)


>what about 'chances'?

This week is your last chance to join Louise Penny and me on the virtual tour for our new thriller, "State Of Terror.”


We're going to finish out with some of our favorite booksellers, including the folks from my hometown shop in Chappaqua.

Come on down! https://smarturl.it/StateofTerror

2:09 PM · Oct 18, 2021

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b9f784  No.14815430


Ok that’s just gross:puke:

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abc2e0  No.14815431

File: 64e0c5f2513253c⋯.jpg (61.74 KB, 1057x592, 1057:592, AdmiralRachie.JPG)

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79ee91  No.14815432

File: dd6d4a8ee6709aa⋯.png (14.73 KB, 174x255, 58:85, 259a2ed102ce4738d301885ec7….png)

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94408d  No.14815434

File: 9517d1d960946e1⋯.png (466.57 KB, 583x1042, 583:1042, york.png)

File: c524fb93e261f2b⋯.png (11.37 KB, 273x162, 91:54, 904.png)

File: 8fd6634099e5df1⋯.jpg (83.77 KB, 680x680, 1:1, FCEGhU2XEAESRC_.jpg)

U.S. Army


The #SiegeofYorktown proved to be the decisive engagement of the American Revolution.

The British surrender forecast the end of British rule in the colonies and the birth of a new nation—the #UnitedStatesofAmerica.

#ArmyHistory | #ArmyHeritage

9:04 AM · Oct 19, 2021·Sprinklr


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3749f7  No.14815437

File: 81e058eefbeb743⋯.gif (4.28 MB, 240x182, 120:91, eating_popcorn.gif)


>Me reacting to anons reacting to the movie.

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f84d4c  No.14815438

File: 9f7e44591699cbf⋯.png (99.31 KB, 642x1104, 107:184, ClipboardImage.png)





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d1577c  No.14815439

File: 25891652690c9ab⋯.png (594.54 KB, 731x575, 731:575, ftfngjw7a.png)

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cbf857  No.14815440

File: 06bd643de628202⋯.png (13.65 KB, 411x202, 411:202, Screen_Shot_10_19_21_at_03….PNG)

President Biden


United States government official

The COVID-19 plan I laid out in September is working.

We’re headed in the right direction.

But we have critical work to do — and we can’t let up.

3:34 PM · Oct 19, 2021·The White House


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64fd41  No.14815441


Most rapid affirmative action advancement in history.

Zero to 4 stars in 60 seconds.

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79ee91  No.14815442


one of potatoes school visits was Yorktown Elementary

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4a468b  No.14815443

File: d839ecbd526e16b⋯.jpeg (257.38 KB, 2360x1350, 236:135, 61DA97D0_3177_4DDF_9890_B….jpeg)

Follow the COVID Money for Schools -

Schools are masking our children because they are being paid to do so! … https://youtu.be/vm9pIypet0M via @YouTube

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41f332  No.14815444

File: 93d2c569383acfc⋯.jpg (10.01 KB, 255x177, 85:59, pepe_says_hmmm.jpg)


>go out of his way

glow-worm-ish behavior ?

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00ad2e  No.14815445

File: 9230b882f081fae⋯.png (15.05 KB, 811x456, 811:456, Screenshot_2021_10_19_at_1….png)




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8fa6de  No.14815446

File: f4b4af5e9af286c⋯.png (771.03 KB, 1027x663, 79:51, ClipboardImage.png)

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cbf857  No.14815447


Haha! I be doing the same.

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d687c7  No.14815448


this is really a worthless twat.

it says nothing new.

so what's its purpose?

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5be6d1  No.14815450

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I think it's kinda neat.

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591640  No.14815451

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

you know?

I use to like it in here….

-sorry for the moran intro sh!t-

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9d6db3  No.14815453


7 Letter Words


6 Letter Words






5 Letter Words











4 Letter Words




















3 Letter Words

























2 Letter Words













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76e5fb  No.14815455


Oh look the thief has his finger on the pulse.

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cbf857  No.14815456


He repeats a lot of his bullshit. He will reach about 10 Build Back Better Agenda tweets before day's end.

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41f332  No.14815458


Tranny Tyranny. They are beyond reproach. If you criticized them you are a transphobe.

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64fd41  No.14815459


>The COVID-19 plan I laid out in September is working.

His he openly communicating with his handlers?

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517f2b  No.14815460

File: c5323be5aa0f370⋯.png (587.77 KB, 662x744, 331:372, ClipboardImage.png)


going afta DUMBs?


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96705b  No.14815461

File: 911de1bdbd5e610⋯.jpg (10.52 KB, 309x270, 103:90, Piter.jpg)


trips confirm he glows.

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1c77f8  No.14815462


>Think "Prime Directive". I think it would definitely make the most sense to have a non-interventionist policy when considering intergalactic relations.

Quite the Noodle Wrapper!

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f619c7  No.14815463


Interesting… Hillary tweeting this is your last chance to join made me think of the the "Join or 404" flag with the cut up snake posted here all the time.

A warning?

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591640  No.14815465


But when I look @ and see how disgusting this world became.

Then I see you, with human contracts, that were criminals in charge, So I decided, b/c my family ut is not for crimes, like you, to fvcking come and live a sh!t life, so we can have a reason TO DESTROY YOU!!!!!!

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b7eba3  No.14815466



These Army comms are already in Notables

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12734b  No.14815467


Just to let you know that you should get right with God, and face reality head on. Things are gonna get ugly, better not to count on some magical turn around.

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abc2e0  No.14815468

File: e4f9b15ab6955d3⋯.jpg (83.61 KB, 735x695, 147:139, TWRL.JPG)

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22eeef  No.14815470

File: 4c7476e461731af⋯.mp4 (1.41 MB, 576x1024, 9:16, a23d7ebbc112aa99ba72ad9f5a….mp4)

The horror movie you are watching is proudly sponsored by Pfizer.

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6b79f6  No.14815471


Take out General Colin Powell (required for tweet) and you have:



Barak Obama, Associated Press???

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1c77f8  No.14815472

File: a0cdfa94c3c3ad4⋯.mp4 (1.75 MB, 640x458, 320:229, kek.mp4)

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d687c7  No.14815473

File: f6c9a988750a4c3⋯.png (78.54 KB, 552x687, 184:229, ClipboardImage.png)


Occupy Democrats


BREAKING: Chuck Schumer confirms that the Senate WILL vote on the Freedom to Vote Act tomorrow. This might be the LAST chancefor us to pass federal voting rights legislation. Call your Senators at 202-499-6085 and demand they pass the Freedom to Vote Act! #DontMuteOurVote

1:28 PM · Oct 19, 2021·

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59785f  No.14815474


Let's not forget "Rachel" moved "her" mother out of a nursing home right before covid.

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351bdf  No.14815475

File: 63c2b1c90359c5d⋯.jpeg (199.53 KB, 1241x1549, 1241:1549, F48DC095_DD7F_4133_B39A_3….jpeg)

Shit this is funny, pilots around the world saying Brandon, “lets go Brandon, hey Brandon, etc. If anyone can post video please do



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b7eba3  No.14815476




>>14814732 (lb)


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8fa6de  No.14815478

File: 4e3e0c7081f1493⋯.png (15.65 KB, 798x210, 19:5, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d4d86082f734ac6⋯.png (26.19 KB, 798x210, 19:5, ClipboardImage.png)




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591640  No.14815479


So you better leave!!!!!


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5359b3  No.14815480

File: bfea20242a918d3⋯.jpeg (509.97 KB, 743x1403, 743:1403, E1EBC645_53C3_46EB_A8EB_0….jpeg)


Just finished a CNN interview outside AG Brnovich's office with Ms. Kyung Lah for Anderson Cooper.

She was very nice.

She did her job and I did mine.

I invited Mr. Brnovich to join the meeting too, but he was probably too busy with his nunchucks.

The fight for freedom is not easy and we must go behind enemy lines to take the fight to them.

As the next representative for AZ District 1, I promise you that I will always fight for whats right.

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f84d4c  No.14815481

File: c2c29687b7738df⋯.jpg (931.88 KB, 1480x1771, 1480:1771, tranny3938984168.jpg)


>If you criticized them you are a transphobe.

I am a proud transphobe. I also would like to kick this wannabe bitch right smack in his dick and nuts.

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41f332  No.14815483


an obscene, abject lack of talent like that cannot be "on accident" as the kids say nowadays …is "by purpose" the opposite of that now?

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967acd  No.14815484

File: a3501bbf77b2daf⋯.png (674.87 KB, 715x736, 715:736, IMG_901.png)

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967acd  No.14815485

File: df7f5f865afbe4c⋯.png (846.33 KB, 504x896, 9:16, Img_506.png)

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f84d4c  No.14815486


fuck you

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967acd  No.14815487

File: 48c56820f9d8ab2⋯.png (737.31 KB, 715x736, 715:736, IMG_913.png)

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967acd  No.14815489

File: 2376ada35fb55c6⋯.png (827.69 KB, 504x896, 9:16, Img_500.png)

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b7eba3  No.14815490

File: 4c5bb634df76cc7⋯.mp4 (227.27 KB, 468x352, 117:88, pJmoc_VFiftQiffp.mp4)



Heres the video

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f84d4c  No.14815491

File: f5badbf9d83fde2⋯.png (6.4 KB, 256x76, 64:19, ClipboardImage.png)



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00ad2e  No.14815492

File: c9c617d8be0826c⋯.png (385.25 KB, 478x539, 478:539, Screenshot_2021_10_19_at_1….png)

New York Post


Large cat escapes cage in suburb near Detroit https://trib.al/UICvsmT


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d687c7  No.14815493


>Just finished a CNN interview outside AG Brnovich's office with Ms. Kyung Lah for Anderson Cooper.

Ron….when is your interviewing airing? tonight?…A/C 322?

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967acd  No.14815494

File: 821931af92e3742⋯.png (663.96 KB, 715x736, 715:736, IMG_911.png)

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d687c7  No.14815497




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1c77f8  No.14815498

File: a0cdfa94c3c3ad4⋯.mp4 (1.75 MB, 640x458, 320:229, kek.mp4)

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41f332  No.14815499


Dick was always a mama's boy

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db73db  No.14815500

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Let's embed for the keks

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64fd41  No.14815501


"Military is the only way" ?

Is anon missing something here?

Going to go with a tranny shitshot coercion attack angle on U.S. Citizens?

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94408d  No.14815502

File: e303bcefa8e1498⋯.png (35.53 KB, 255x155, 51:31, Pepe_Tard_Jail.png)



a bit under the weather today

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e44d1a  No.14815503

File: 876e6567dfd9d39⋯.jpg (51.42 KB, 610x574, 305:287, Caprice_Cringe_Warning.JPG)


>get right with God

>better not to count on some magical turn around

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351bdf  No.14815504


Thank you, the most kekkity thing I’ve seen or heard today

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967acd  No.14815505

File: 4f225d0ee8c7349⋯.png (639.22 KB, 504x896, 9:16, Img_509.png)

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12734b  No.14815506


They will make him look like an idiot. Just watch.

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ce0d09  No.14815507


i wonder who wrote it?

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a7c991  No.14815508

File: 8654eaf1421d042⋯.png (22.62 KB, 452x278, 226:139, ClipboardImage.png)


How about this fags…

Decidedly = Winner of the 1962 Kentucky Derby

Q1962 Relevant to the HRC server sweet stakes give away?

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76e5fb  No.14815510


>The horror movie you are watching

More like a documentary detailing the evils of man.

Nothing new under the Sun.

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967acd  No.14815511

File: 9b1c98541569f90⋯.png (577.75 KB, 715x736, 715:736, IMG_920.png)

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3b26a5  No.14815512

File: a9ed5a2579d8fd2⋯.jpg (129.41 KB, 544x561, 32:33, NOT_COLUMBO.jpg)

File: de854aa758a5647⋯.jpg (102.46 KB, 644x446, 322:223, LOVE_WINS.jpg)

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889bd4  No.14815513

File: 953f86b11b504e7⋯.png (32.84 KB, 760x574, 380:287, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 556bf21096dd571⋯.png (25.98 KB, 743x539, 743:539, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 84c03dc8fe963ef⋯.png (710.06 KB, 1112x575, 1112:575, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 97db01749d934e8⋯.png (448.28 KB, 675x340, 135:68, ClipboardImage.png)

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5be6d1  No.14815514



So despite every countries differences and disagreements, do you think that there is an understanding that if any legit ufo footage or alien capture is gathered, that information is expected to be shared immediately amongst leadership figures around the world?

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41f332  No.14815515

File: e1364e9e3ee4fe5⋯.jpg (48.61 KB, 550x421, 550:421, monkey_orchid33.jpg)


she was very nice?1? hahaha ok

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cbf857  No.14815516


I wonder too!

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6d8983  No.14815517



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64fd41  No.14815519


>She did her job

editing out shit to make you look bad

>and I did mine.

Sun Tzu tactics and strategies know she is going to.

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e44d1a  No.14815520

File: 19dceb8f4d93603⋯.jpg (20.06 KB, 300x237, 100:79, red_heart.JPG)


There you be! Happy afternoon to ya.

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9d6db3  No.14815521



Illinois School Board BTFO

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12734b  No.14815522


How dare you manipulate Revelation to try to make it fit your own meanings.

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0c4c10  No.14815523


Spelled him wrong.

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889bd4  No.14815525

File: 39d5a483a75f2b4⋯.png (26.59 KB, 437x637, 437:637, ClipboardImage.png)

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f1ca61  No.14815527

File: d07189fab28b734⋯.mp4 (2.82 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 8DHFibuzxUD9AA7a.mp4)

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17dc5c  No.14815528

File: 9cb155fc5df22fe⋯.png (304.44 KB, 500x539, 500:539, jews15.png)


looking for lizards?

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dcc170  No.14815529


Lol….Brnovich nunchuck video.


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967acd  No.14815530

File: 2b504f2c1d6a109⋯.png (556.68 KB, 504x896, 9:16, Img_512.png)

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1c77f8  No.14815531

File: e2c2fb2462d65ce⋯.png (288.98 KB, 588x442, 294:221, ClipboardImage.png)


Makes Pepe feelz good.

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5359b3  No.14815532

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Guessing A360




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94408d  No.14815533


It became an admiral in the United States Public Health Service.

The USPHS Commissioned Corps


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17dc5c  No.14815534

File: f0b4f3de310bff2⋯.png (615.84 KB, 823x588, 823:588, ClipboardImage.png)

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45aa22  No.14815535

File: 10f07aef6999442⋯.png (1.37 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, c4fccdef_Rachel_Levine_bei….png)

Naturally, it didn't use a Bible for it's swearing in ceremony

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a7c991  No.14815536

File: 96545b71b45c300⋯.png (183.98 KB, 585x532, 585:532, ClipboardImage.png)


Interesting note about CHANCE anchors.

Checkout the clinton coat of arms

SPES means Hope in latin

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26a2ea  No.14815538

File: 6c3a7a306e13dcc⋯.jpeg (268.41 KB, 750x607, 750:607, 760B40AE_5CD7_47A4_AD76_D….jpeg)


“BlackRock has hired 84 former government officials, regulators and central bankers worldwide. With $6.3 trillion in assets and $18 trillion under BlackRock's Aladdin risk management software system BlackRock controls the entire financial world and frankly the destiny of humankind”

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b49ec1  No.14815539

File: 09e62589d02afac⋯.png (227.19 KB, 900x598, 450:299, consensus_cartoon.png)


Where have you been faggot?

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694b82  No.14815540


In their sick minds, this is moving ahead nicely; they are all superstars and heroes. That is until the toilet is flushed—then what. Swirly time, baby.

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76e5fb  No.14815541


It will most likely now write a law that only dudes with tits can replace it.

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5359b3  No.14815542

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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591640  No.14815543


and you, human sh!t criminals…..scared by those in antarctica that can fly fast from pole to pole, and decided to sell your soul….

You'll see me, that in one second will be here, and a 0.0000000000000000001 mil sec, will be at the end of the solar system.

So, I kind of indulgence of your stvpidity, but pain to the innocense haveNONE. So, Get ready, B/C I will not this amazing planet, to be destroyed, for a 10% of you.


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669d5d  No.14815544

File: 25620e8044cb87c⋯.jpg (663.53 KB, 1168x1542, 584:771, Xnip2021_10_19_16_11_22.jpg)


Peter Strzok on the Ruski raid today…



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f84d4c  No.14815545

File: 4e0a4734fb7c0c1⋯.png (3.69 MB, 1871x1544, 1871:1544, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 379cf7192f1a4f9⋯.png (254.25 KB, 367x287, 367:287, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0f76ea41e7c9493⋯.png (5.87 KB, 300x180, 5:3, ClipboardImage.png)



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94408d  No.14815546

File: 708e10066f65c4e⋯.jpg (261.72 KB, 962x1144, 37:44, kekkek.jpg)

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76e5fb  No.14815547

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31ad1e  No.14815548

File: 19e19d00eaef2ba⋯.png (17.14 KB, 557x224, 557:224, 259.PNG)

File: e0f347c8045fdb4⋯.png (19.05 KB, 560x282, 280:141, 525.PNG)

File: 1369b76c17f85c3⋯.png (87 KB, 564x544, 141:136, 2304.PNG)

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41f332  No.14815549

File: 6d7623aa0d0feb0⋯.jpg (20.26 KB, 255x244, 255:244, Pepe_flipping_the_fuck_out.jpg)


>BlackRock controls the entire financial world and frankly the destiny of humankind”

ain't that just fantastic?

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b49ec1  No.14815550

File: b150edf6a6f83f6⋯.png (719.14 KB, 742x841, 742:841, real.png)

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669d5d  No.14815551


drama much???

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41f332  No.14815552

File: fadf2dd8cb9701b⋯.jpeg (12.02 KB, 248x255, 248:255, 19c33cb8269cffc442523ff4a….jpeg)

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9db6e0  No.14815553


has Nancy lost here marbles? she is telling everyone Blackrock controls the world?

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b208b9  No.14815554


This is why the interviewee should record it too.

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b49ec1  No.14815555


"Rear" admiral

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9442f8  No.14815556

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5359b3  No.14815557



Meant to tag you.

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4b5632  No.14815558

File: 3854b5ff934a853⋯.jpeg (1.94 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 46FE024B_8917_4748_A139_A….jpeg)


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41f332  No.14815560

File: 5df6ebe4dc05032⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1080x762, 180:127, dfb0a1637406d18c5b10abe022….png)


loud and clear, brother…loud and clear

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b49ec1  No.14815561

File: 21c69b21fe6bc71⋯.jpg (25.96 KB, 430x299, 430:299, oh_boy.jpg)

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76e5fb  No.14815562


Indicates probable cause there is evidence of a crime there now………kek did the moron just say the the FBI most likely just planted evidence at the scene of the so called crime ?

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8372b4  No.14815563

File: a597a59f6574879⋯.jpg (1.86 MB, 3000x4000, 3:4, a597a59f6574879d0604b1d570….jpg)

First test post from LM on Netbook,

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591640  No.14815564




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351bdf  No.14815566


Me too!

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64fd41  No.14815567

File: 35bfb4b245ed3d2⋯.png (39.07 KB, 647x889, 647:889, Radio_Pepe.png)


Lima Golf Bravo

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1c77f8  No.14815568


They've taken America, a symbol of Freedom to the world and made us the laughing stock in record time.

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591640  No.14815569



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c1cb9b  No.14815570

File: bd8b5d2dceefa05⋯.jpg (30.32 KB, 1022x475, 1022:475, bg.jpg)


you will never see the image the same way again

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5359b3  No.14815571


Maybe why it was streamed on Telegram…

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694b82  No.14815573


Pointing out the obvious, which is that her side has all these alleged assets. Going to be stripped by EO. But in the meantime, low IQ Nan visits Frankie and blows about ruling the world. Attention Traitor Nan: you wanted us all dead, but failed. We're still here, and we know. Whaddaya think about that, demon face?

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75b6ce  No.14815575

File: cb9706f167c5af7⋯.png (915.16 KB, 1297x573, 1297:573, philippines_coordinates_ma….png)

File: ed32c1c1d75cbb0⋯.png (509.09 KB, 901x513, 901:513, ron_hirohito.png)

File: fca52aeffa3e0de⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1346x641, 1346:641, wotanism_codemonkeyZ_Anus.png)

File: eefd02b4131a97c⋯.png (1.43 MB, 1366x580, 683:290, Screen_Shot_2021_10_07_at_….png)

File: 43a50b91e3d13c9⋯.png (15.62 KB, 537x253, 537:253, Screenshot_2021_10_19_at_1….png)





"8chan, also called 8kun, is an imageboard website that has been linked to white supremacism, neo-Nazism, the alt-right, racism, and antisemitism, hate crimes, and multiple mass shootings.[12][13][14] It was home to the proponents of the Gamergate controversy beginning in 2014,[15][16] and in 2018 became a central part of the QAnon conspiracy theory when "Q", the anonymous figure claiming to be a high-level government official with Q clearance, began exclusively using 8chan to post their messages.[17][18][19][20]

In 2014, after seeing an Al Jazeera America documentary about 8chan creator Fredrick Brennan, Watkins told his father, Jim Watkins, about Brennan.[18][1] The imageboard had recently taken off in popularity after it was adopted by proponents of the Gamergate controversy, and Brennan was having trouble keeping up with server costs.[15][16] The elder Watkins contacted Brennan to offer a partnership, and in 2014, Brennan moved to Manila in the Philippines to work for him."

-->and this…

Personal life

After high school, Watkins moved to China.[2]atkins lived with his father in Manila in the Philippines in the 2010s.[18][8] As of January 2021, Watkins was living in Japan.[46]

there are only ∆eltas 4Rong!


05-Nov-2017 4:17:35 PM PSTAnonymous4ch/pol

14.5995° N, 120.9842° E




tic toc, lil traitor

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ef83e5  No.14815576


"Freedom to Vote" to Cryin' Chuck Schumer really means freedom to cheat.

Democrats can't win free and fair elections.

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996bed  No.14815578

File: 389df69c3dfd442⋯.jpg (268.52 KB, 1170x614, 585:307, FurryRear.jpg)

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967acd  No.14815579

File: 56dc50fdf2a37a5⋯.png (517.63 KB, 715x736, 715:736, IMG_918.png)

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41f332  No.14815580

File: beee6d70f3a43a8⋯.jpeg (18.58 KB, 244x255, 244:255, bd45dd0b3ae370b069730e92f….jpeg)


gotsta be a movie, right?

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74d7bf  No.14815581


a couple things I have noticed about pharma ads on F&F in the mornings….

when rambling on about side effects, almost all of them no mention "tell your dr. if you have a parasitical infection"

also, HIV has been around for decades and past few months I have been seeing HIV meds advertised. For many many years, not a peep and now nearly every morning.

Theories out there about the rona being a parasite, and that HIV is in the vax(es).

Things that make you go hmmmm

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8372b4  No.14815582


This was too easy, now I am confused …

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ef83e5  No.14815583

File: 42341383b5b8502⋯.png (939.67 KB, 1050x1374, 175:229, BO_Dplaybook.PNG)


>has been linked to

kek, Anons know the Democrat Playbook.

That's how this supposed 'link' is created in the first place.

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1c77f8  No.14815585


>you will never see the image the same way again

When I see a woman.. They have me always asking if that is a real woman now. Scary times!

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45aa22  No.14815586


Interesting. Found this as well.

>The PHSCC is a uniformed service of the U.S. government, just like the military. In fact, its members are eligible for all the same benefits as active-duty military and veterans. They are also subject to the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ).


They don't fall under DoD though. They're U.S. Public Health Service. This is less egregious the more I learn about it. I thought it was military.

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351bdf  No.14815587


I never got that statement so clearly as the day I laid eyes on what I thought was a beached whale sea creature!

You will never be a woman

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081365  No.14815588

File: 415bba0a8589a5c⋯.jpg (82.4 KB, 500x715, 100:143, 5pslim.jpg)

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2fdf8f  No.14815589

File: 1ae1bf01f056a70⋯.png (2.37 MB, 1126x1408, 563:704, ClipboardImage.png)



19:00 is 7

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7ee519  No.14815590

File: cb13ee7d8d6014a⋯.png (20.41 KB, 452x394, 226:197, Q1534.png)


Timestamp 3:34 = 1534

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a3011f  No.14815591

File: f9f62d28eceb854⋯.png (708.82 KB, 526x538, 263:269, ClipboardImage.png)


I have long suspected that HIV is at the center of this, since it involves Fraudci

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36e975  No.14815592

File: 290c00325c8d1f9⋯.png (265.22 KB, 612x408, 3:2, merick_garland_domestic_te….png)

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351bdf  No.14815593


Its a twitter name reporting on Nancy, not Nancy, you might need some water. Kek

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967acd  No.14815594

File: 1a81a87af4b3120⋯.png (532.01 KB, 504x896, 9:16, Img_510.png)

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ef83e5  No.14815595



If the mere posting of "white supremacism, neo-Nazism, the alt-right, racism, and antisemitism, hate crimes, and multiple mass shootings" creates such "links", then Lifelog/Facebook, and Twitter, and 4chan, are all identically 'linked'.

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9a0616  No.14815596


Gender dysphoria.

Every time I see this person associated with the term health, I chuckle at the irony. Mental health falls under health.

“ Gender dysphoria is a diagnosis listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), a manual published by the American Psychiatric Association to diagnose mental conditions. ”

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9442f8  No.14815597

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64fd41  No.14815598

File: cbb2adcaa551f1e⋯.jpg (96.47 KB, 750x713, 750:713, cbb2adcaa551f1e22618af8415….jpg)

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c1cb9b  No.14815599


true story

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ef83e5  No.14815600


Why do you think Trump put Fauci on center stage from day 1 to begin with?


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889bd4  No.14815601


Looks like a rooster and makes me think of "Rusty".

Seeing a lot of references to Rust the last couple of weeks.

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74d7bf  No.14815602


ffs why would the Public Health Service have rankings? Or be uniformed? so fucking tarded

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110c99  No.14815603

File: 27e82629aacd58b⋯.mp4 (690.54 KB, 540x360, 3:2, Hunter_im_too_sexy_Kamalas….mp4)

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b9eda9  No.14815604

File: c959e500505ba59⋯.jpg (145.43 KB, 675x562, 675:562, 20211010_205627.jpg)

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f619c7  No.14815606

File: a5b9e6fdd7576fa⋯.png (33.03 KB, 789x294, 263:98, ClipboardImage.png)


It's called Truth. You should seek Truth.

Who are you to deny Truth because you expect something else?

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00ad2e  No.14815607

File: 0ea57fb22f57353⋯.png (189.43 KB, 503x225, 503:225, Screenshot_2021_10_19_at_1….png)

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967acd  No.14815608

File: fb00e82d52bc4e3⋯.png (648.92 KB, 715x736, 715:736, IMG_914.png)

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7ee519  No.14815609


GHJizz is free?

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36e975  No.14815610


So we obey [them]…. KEK

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2d81fd  No.14815611

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Texas plane crash

Analysis of crash.

Plane owed by J Alan Kent property developer.

J. Alan Kent has engendered the trust of civic and business leaders across America by identifying undeveloped tracts of land and turning them into vibrant residential communities. With uncanny precision, his team at J. Alan Kent Development has predicted the expansion of major metropolitan as well as resort areas.


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1c77f8  No.14815612

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Like this dude!

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db73db  No.14815613



Blog with sauce over deripaska history

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36e975  No.14815614



>Small Plane

Pick only one…

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f84d4c  No.14815615

File: bac73b8c8336aa2⋯.png (151.01 KB, 250x245, 50:49, ClipboardImage.png)

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a7c991  No.14815616


3 is the best #

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22eeef  No.14815617


The FDA licensing approval for Comirnaty was also signed by a USPHS Admiral.

Public Health is a Nazi moniker for genocide.

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4b5632  No.14815618

File: 74f069e01b4d57d⋯.jpeg (2.28 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, F6773D16_6FA6_4E4D_AF8F_6….jpeg)


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f84d4c  No.14815619

File: bbcb3c31ea412e6⋯.png (1.41 MB, 1242x1622, 621:811, ClipboardImage.png)

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110c99  No.14815620

File: 34fb4628972a083⋯.png (308.58 KB, 625x377, 625:377, FB9Em_PWUAAUqQL.png)

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b208b9  No.14815621

File: a76ee984a93fb98⋯.jpeg (61.49 KB, 609x500, 609:500, facebook22.jpeg)

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36e975  No.14815622

File: 05902f0c48f7962⋯.gif (8.11 MB, 800x450, 16:9, night_shift.gif)

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f84d4c  No.14815623

File: d3d596331108d25⋯.png (49.63 KB, 320x180, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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12734b  No.14815624


The truth of the Kingdom is everlasting life in Jesus Christ, not some earthly plan to turn the shit pile of America around. Get your head on straight.

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36e975  No.14815625

File: 75716f3a121aa00⋯.jpg (116.26 KB, 500x395, 100:79, obama_hotdog.jpg)

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7ee519  No.14815626


Be a damn shame if all those assets got seized!

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1a2d23  No.14815627


>Is anon missing something here?

Yes, everything.

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682c18  No.14815628


All religions are control mechanisms.

The Great Awakening.

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351bdf  No.14815629



Me too, I question everything. Like is this a sidewalk I’m walking on, or a snake? Kek

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79ee91  No.14815630

File: a845d2658a3adca⋯.gif (724.7 KB, 400x225, 16:9, sideeyes44.gif)


little girl to the left


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ddfabf  No.14815631

Is the NYC subway gas attack by DHS possibly being done to flush black hats out of the tunnels?

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1c77f8  No.14815632

File: 32006c8b79adf1f⋯.mp4 (7.84 MB, 640x342, 320:171, _Archive_Offline_.mp4)



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967acd  No.14815633

File: d96248c6fea8cc3⋯.png (661.84 KB, 504x896, 9:16, Img_508.png)

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d6b98c  No.14815634

Damn. Paid $2.86.9/gal. for gasoline 10 days ago. Last Monday it went to $299.9 Yesterday and this morning it was $3.09.9. This afternoon it's $319.9.

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9018e1  No.14815635

File: 22d74d8502da885⋯.jpg (1.17 MB, 3500x2333, 3500:2333, obamahold.jpg)

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12734b  No.14815636


Well no shit. But relationship with the creator of the universe and his son Jesus is not religion.

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8a68bb  No.14815637

File: 27783f5c93fe052⋯.jpg (375.75 KB, 2538x1360, 1269:680, 27783f5c93fe0529fb2f6190d5….jpg)

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f84d4c  No.14815638

File: d40145e3711d8b2⋯.png (1.96 MB, 1024x982, 512:491, ClipboardImage.png)

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351bdf  No.14815639

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db73db  No.14815640

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Because dub dub

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36e975  No.14815641

File: 4bcc4fe40a80b59⋯.png (125.06 KB, 300x185, 60:37, ClipboardImage.png)

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75b6ce  No.14815642

File: 7ca358488f24494⋯.png (80.95 KB, 1251x485, 1251:485, Screenshot_2021_10_19_at_1….png)

File: e9b1aed1b17c14a⋯.png (259.94 KB, 1014x712, 507:356, Screenshot_2021_10_19_at_1….png)

File: 805f3e71d88c9db⋯.png (464.86 KB, 686x652, 343:326, Screen_Shot_2021_10_15_at_….png)

File: f1e0d60a2298872⋯.png (538.31 KB, 962x409, 962:409, Screen_Shot_2021_10_19_at_….png)

File: 99ab0d3405628e8⋯.png (458.54 KB, 570x553, 570:553, Screen_Shot_2021_08_25_at_….png)

hey, RONG, got these ∆eltas, fucking traitor

got the mic and you aren't correcting the record. Agenda, much?


Q = 17

Q = 19


17-Oct-2020 9:36:26 AM PDTQ !!Hs1Jq13jV68kun/qresearch11118631

Archived links:



There is 'Q'. 1

There are 'Anons'. 2

There is no 'Qanon'. 3

Media labeling as 'Qanon' is a method [deliberate] to combine [attach] 'Q' to comments _theories _suggestions _statements [and ACTIONS] made by 2.



Not all 'Anons' are authentic [injected].

You are correct, CJ.

Retweet @ 17:17 had meaning. [mathematical probability _17:17 [day after]?]

Do you believe it was a coincidence surgical removal of You Tube accounts occurred same day as 'Hunter' drop?

Welcome to the Digital Battlefield.


saboteur |ˌsabəˈtər|


a person who engages in sabotage.


1920s: from French, from the verb saboter (see sabotage) .


29-Sep-2020 9:43:18 AM PDTQ !!Hs1Jq13jV68kun/qresearch10835883



Those who scream the loudest…


After high school, Watkins moved to China.[2]atkins lived with his father in Manila in the Philippines in the 2010s.[

trick or treat, silly rabbit

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1a2d23  No.14815643

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Coulda at least have embedded it, faggot.

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a7c991  No.14815644


It's bigger than Jesus Christ though he's here too



Spirituality is the key. Be ONE with ALL

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8836c8  No.14815645


probably super close to the precipice

dark winter is right around the corner

but but but but

the best is yet to come

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351bdf  No.14815646


He’ll/she will try to update it

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591640  No.14815647


After I will win this sh!t against worms, that decided that are something special, w/ your help, b/c you're stoopid anyway.

The one leads the others w/ sacrifice. to give hope and trust in honesty, love and respect for others.AND YOU, MY LOVELY FATHER=!!!

You that will remain, b/c we'll clean it up for you,be very carefullI will not punish your entire family, likle this scum, to feed your pain, I will just kill you.

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682c18  No.14815648



A rehashed character from older religions.

Created by the Roman Catholic church as a new figure to base their mechanism of control.

The Great Awakening.

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1427e0  No.14815649

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

🔥🔥🔥It begins and ends in Dallas.💥💥💥

Janine: Negative 48 said he will be in Dallas November 2nd for it all to be revealed to the world.

As of midnight on the 2nd, the world will go back to the Julian calendar. The date will go back to October 20th. We will have two Halloweens.

JFK Sr., Jackie, JFK Jr. will be reintroduced to the world. JFK Sr will be shown to the world on 11-2 at the grassy knoll.

JFK Sr. will travel around for 7 days (telling people and informing the world what's been going on) - "A WEEK TO REMEMBER, AND THEN WILL PASS."

JFK Sr will transfer power to Donald Trump and JFK Jr will be Trump's Vice-President.

"Time for us crazy people to be vindicated."

Juan O Savin said he will reveal himself in Las Vegas.


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889bd4  No.14815650

File: 35f8e470138aec3⋯.png (402.65 KB, 466x309, 466:309, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b5211c96f909674⋯.png (985.89 KB, 1089x775, 1089:775, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b51f0f366cbeeec⋯.png (148.83 KB, 342x342, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


Hope and Chains

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8a68bb  No.14815651

File: ff91c1675a175f8⋯.jpeg (78.68 KB, 614x319, 614:319, rightwingfamily.jpeg)

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8836c8  No.14815652


>bigger than Jesus Christ

okey dokey

u do u

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6d1984  No.14815653


elites having their wars with each other while the plebs suffer the consequences

a tale as old as time itself

the war for electric and lithium or fossil fuels and oil

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f84d4c  No.14815654

File: 38fdb479066bc1b⋯.png (1.92 MB, 959x968, 959:968, ClipboardImage.png)

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1c77f8  No.14815655


If our knees bent the other way, what would a chair look like..

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f619c7  No.14815656


You have no clue what you're talking about.

Again… remember the markers 11.3, 11.6, and America will be unified 11.11?

>Revelation 11:3-12.

>"3 And I will appoint my two witnesses, and they will prophesy for 1,260 days, clothed in sackcloth.” 4 They are “the two olive trees” and the two lampstands, and “they stand before the Lord of the earth.” 5 If anyone tries to harm them, fire comes from their mouths and devours their enemies. This is how anyone who wants to harm them must die. 6 They have power to shut up the heavens so that it will not rain during the time they are prophesying; and they have power to turn the waters into blood and to strike the earth with every kind of plague as often as they want.

>7 Now when they have finished their testimony, the beast that comes up from the Abyss will attack them, and overpower and kill them. 8 Their bodies will lie in the public square of the great city—which is figuratively called Sodom and Egypt—where also their Lord was crucified. 9 For three and a half days some from every people, tribe, language and nation will gaze on their bodies and refuse them burial. 10 The inhabitants of the earth will gloat over them and will celebrate by sending each other gifts, because these two prophets had tormented those who live on the earth.

>11 But after the three and a half days the breath of life from God entered them, and they stood on their feet, and terror struck those who saw them. 12 Then they heard a loud voice from heaven saying to them, “Come up here.” And they went up to heaven in a cloud, while their enemies looked on.

How's this plague going for you? What does it mean to turn the water to blood? Revelation 17:15 tells you what the water stands for.

The Witnesses go to heaven in a cloud.

>"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Acts 1:8

Like Q said… Power to the People.

>After He had said this, they watched as He was taken up, and a cloud hid Him from their sight. - Acts 1:9

>“Men of Galilee,” they said, “why do you stand here looking into the sky? This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven.” Acts 1:11

Jesus returns the way He left, hidden in a cloud, but don't look to the sky!

What are WE posting on?

The breath of LIFE enters the witnesses.

Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the LIFE.

"And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will overthrow with the BREATH of his mouth and destroy by the splendor of his coming." - 2 Thessalonians 2:8

The one who claims to be Christs substitute.

>“My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one— I in them and you in me—so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me." - John 17:20-23

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a7c991  No.14815657


well said but heaven forbid if you mention Christ Consciousness the biblefags will get you for being a New Age Fag

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b208b9  No.14815658

File: ed1818fc0665569⋯.png (820.97 KB, 881x655, 881:655, levine2.png)

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517f2b  No.14815659

File: 934ceba6dbd2aff⋯.png (1.38 MB, 1766x1059, 1766:1059, ClipboardImage.png)

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f84d4c  No.14815660

File: 2b4096866e44fbd⋯.webm (1.99 MB, 782x440, 391:220, GIF675380773.webm)


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2a6195  No.14815661


Hmm, much like as predicted by 2025 on deagel.com

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7ee519  No.14815662


Man Spread

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9018e1  No.14815663

File: 9290d60e454aa74⋯.png (553.72 KB, 596x523, 596:523, maga2020.png)

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9a0616  No.14815664


Pardon my French, but that’s a carnival freak show.

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ef83e5  No.14815665


Cabal infiltration of the military didn't start with this person you stupid moron.

It's now all under a microscope thanks to Q.

You idiots really have no clue what is happening do you.

You dumb fucks are nothing but a bunch of narcissists failing to grasp the difference between learning something for the first time, and something as already happening. You conceited retards constantly equivocate your own personal 'perception' with something as having been created for the first time.

Read philosophy and educate yourselves.

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a96724  No.14815666

File: c5a1a58036387ad⋯.png (29.39 KB, 561x212, 561:212, ClipboardImage.png)

Fully Vaccinated DHS Chief Mayorkas Tests Positive For Covid – Days After Attending Event with Joe Biden

Fully vaccinated DHS Chief Alejandro Mayorkas tested positive for Covid-19 on Tuesday.

Mayorkas had to cancel a planned trip to Colombia because of his Covid infection.

“Secretary Mayorkas tested positive this morning for the COVID-19 virus after taking a test as part of routine pre-travel protocols. Secretary Mayorkas is experiencing only mild congestion; he is fully vaccinated and will isolate and work at home per CDC protocols and medical advice. Contact tracing is underway,” Espinosa said in a statement.

Mayorkas was with Joe Biden on Saturday at the 40th Annual National Peace Officers’ Memorial Service.

Joe and Jill Biden stood next to Mayorkas during the service at the US Capitol this weekend.


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2d81fd  No.14815667


>small plane

where do you get small plane from?

The owner builds homes/houses not small homebuilt planes.

J. Alan Kent, a native Houstonian, has dedicated over 30 years to improve lives in the Houston area. Kent has become the largest landowner and developer in northwest Harris County. Now, J. Alan Kent development reaches the southeastern United States from the Gulf Coast to the Atlantic.

J. Alan Kent is a patron of the Houston Children’s Museum and has contributed to the Texas Children’s Hospital, The Boys and Girls Home, and Houston Children’s charities. Motivated by his need to serve, Alan Kent is making bold moves for America’s future on the strength of his dreams, his vision, and his sense of goodwill to others.


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993e95  No.14815668

File: 5a09519a702a9fc⋯.png (86.26 KB, 1058x734, 529:367, flux_health_floaters.png)

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b208b9  No.14815669

File: d5472a515134bcf⋯.jpg (83.65 KB, 566x500, 283:250, pepe24.jpg)

File: f17f585c41fa905⋯.jpg (78.23 KB, 691x701, 691:701, pepe31.jpg)

File: 679a7fa34cc954a⋯.jpeg (555.17 KB, 796x874, 398:437, pepe32.jpeg)

File: 82e2afcf3c49b0a⋯.jpg (101.8 KB, 649x507, 649:507, pepe33.jpg)