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File: 55c2853f4eae097⋯.jpg (33.35 KB, 1000x333, 1000:333, 55c2853f4eae097e876fddc837….jpg)

289de8  No.14806404[Last 50 Posts]

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>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

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>>2322789 How To Quickly Spot A Clown


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289de8  No.14806407

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289de8  No.14806408


18728 tbc


>>14804789, >>14805030, >>14805416 Lawsuits seek to allow ivermectin as treatment for COVID-19

>>14804801 RINO Governor Asa Hutchinson: Trump’s Comments About “Election Fraud” a “Recipe for Disaster in 2022”

>>14804812, >>14804945, >>14805328, >>14805431, >>14805450 Hit Piece "Thousands of People Are Trying to Leave QAnon, but Getting Out Is Almost Impossible"

>>14805001 QANON Dr Rachel Bernstein, a licensed therapist in California

>>14805103 Diane Benscoter

>>14804839, >>14804944 "Freemason's sign and handshakes" (Cap 1:42) (Cap 9:12)

>>14804843 Huma Abedin

>>14804849 Fertilizer prices up 35% year over year.

>>14804881, >>14804876, >>14804950, >>14805013, >>14805475 Antifa coming out for Pfizer and lockdowns Are you paying attention yet? #GreatReset

>>14804903 Southwest Airlines Asks Court to Reject Effort to Block COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate

>>14804907 October 20th Full Moon "Hunter's Moon"

>>14804946 We're allowed to speculate anything we want about [them] because, the media continually covers for them

>>14804933, >>14805014, >>14805024 Wonder why they wouldn't take that shit down?!

>>14805089 FEMA US&R VAX MANDATE Deadline to be fully vaccinated - November 22, 2021

>>14805182 90% of hospital admissions are fully vaccinated patients…

>>14805183, >>14805217 The vaxx is alive (Cap 1:31) "For use under Emergency Use Authorization", right on the bottle.

>>14805253 Canadian government workers must not say "Let's Go Brandon", or any variation thereof, in any communication."

>>14805190, >>14805256 Covid SURGES Among Most Vaxxed Communities Says Harvard Study

>>14805270, >>14805251 Watergate Was Pedogate

>>14805285 We have to protest this soulless Cabal bitch: Kalama Harris in Nevada tomorrow

>>14805293 Wendy Rogers calling for Audits

>>14805309 "Nothing to see here. Just Federal judges trading stocks like Pfizer that are litigants in lawsuits they're presiding over."

>>14805310 First Q post decode points to the Pleiades 444:28

>>14805315 Fake News is attacking Vitamin D, eh?!?

>>14805353 Schiff says holding Bannon in criminal contempt "a way of getting people's attention"

>>14805488, >>14805497, >>14805454 EQ Mount Hood

>>14805532 #18727

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289de8  No.14806409


>>14804310 Corrupt Police caught in the act, assaulting citizens every day (Cap 0:47) (Cap 0:13) (0:07)

>>14804055 16K COVID-19 Positive Migrants Released into U.S. by ICE

>>14804065, >>14804111 Government driving up prices by Breaking the supply and blaming the unvaccinated (Cap 0:37)

>>14804069 AG Garland’s Wife Worked at Heavily Classified Defense Contractor ‘E-Systems’ Then Focused on Elections Before the 2020 Election

>>14804082 The Bridge/Roy Maas Youth Alternatives blatant cabal symbolism

>>14804087 Patriot DOUBLE DOWN

>>14804089 New video seems to challenge Singer’s claim of antisemitism at German hotel

>>14804092 'Center for Health Security' posted video of 2001 'Dark Winter' exercise on their youtube channel 3 days ago

>>14804101 PF REPORTS

>>14804121 American Thinker The Great Struggle of Our Time: The Battle for Reality

>>14804129, >>14804165 Grassley tweet Combined corn this wk #cornwatch

>>14804148, >>14804366, >>14804370 AustraliaOne Party 7 Questions, 7 Answers in 1 Place

>>14804152 Jon Stewart COMMS he believes there is time, kek

>>14804175 U.S. Air Force @usairforce New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty "New START"

>>14804194 Gabby Petito’s parents slam Laundrie family, make desperate plea in interview with 60 Minutes Australia

>>14804195 4am mockingbird media Gas prices (Cap 0 :52)

>>14804196 To protect warfighters from microscopic threats, DTRA-JSTO invested in an early warning tool

>>14804349, >>14804336 Are Covid ‘Vaccines’ Giving People AIDS? Immune System Functions Are Dropping Around 5% EACH WEEK in Those Who Were Vaccinated

>>14804342, >>14804659 Bill Cassidy Trashes Trump, Says Voters Would Probably Reject a Trump 2024 White House Bid

>>14804389 Loudoun County School Board, Loudoun County School Board Standing Committees, 2021 Committee Appointments

>>14804401 FAKE NEWS Steele defends claims about dossier

>>14804464, >>14804488 New airline and other companies with no mandates 'Freedom Travel Alliance' (0:50)

>>14804519 Fran Stueber dead

>>14804534 Consult on the Australian DIGITAL PASS, Covid IQ test created, then QR..Digital ID..Social Credit

>>14804538 Like a Halloween MOVIE villain, she's resurfaced to lecture America, but Dr. @SebGorka dives into the "damning" report which could make Hillary Clinton ultimately face justice.

>>14804606 Bravo to @Delta for having the courage to say NO to the federal vaccine mandate

>>14804621 2 people shot at Genesee Valley Mall, Flint Township Police investigating

>>14804646 Julian Assange's Father On US Government's Scandalous Plan To Murder His Son: "These People Want To Destroy Julian & Destroy Wikileaks"

>>14804654 Former Republican Rep. Dan Benishek dies at 69

>>14804711 Being nice isn’t working on these crooked politicians, do you hear me now?

>>14804723 You do not have to be “nice” to the People currently trying to murder you. Keep at in Nevada

>>14804727 #18726

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289de8  No.14806410


>>14803308, >>14803314, >>14803328 Witnesses Report Active Shooter at Park City Mall In Lancaster, PA

>>14803318 Three Israelis belonging to Rabbi Eliezer Berland’s Shuvu Banim sect of the Breslov hassidic community were arrested early Sunday morning for their alleged involvement in two #Jerusalem murder cases, one in 1986 and one in 1990.

>>14803346 Two #Palestinians were sentenced to death by hanging by the military court in the #Gaza Strip on Sunday on charges of collaborating with #Israel.

>>14803384 @mikepompeo: “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: ‘May those who love you be secure.’” Psalm 122:6

>>14803396 'Stones fell like rain': These settlers have terrorized Palestinian children for 17 years, and their threats and violence are only intensifying

>>14803417 Kenya, Suspected Serial Killer Beaten to Death By Angry Mob


>>14803551 YTvid. 10-16-2021; Cranes in LA Harbor Non Operational as 100+ container Ships Sit Offshore!

>>14803603 https://tora3.com/qbrief. recent 8kun vids collected and loaded

>>14803609 Fauci Says Unvaccinated Americans Could Lead to Dangers of Fifth Covid Wave

>>14803653 @SputnikInt: Chinese army newspaper urges 'people's war' against CIA infiltration

>>14803655, >>14803670 RIP Rob Skiba. Rob Skiba was a patriot and a soldier for the house of Yah, for truth and righteousness!

>>14803686 Prepping the masses for the mark… Rev. 13 / 666 / Buy and sell / Just sayin'

>>14803717 Pope Francis Compares George Floyd To Biblical ‘Good Samaritan,’ Praises BLM Rioters For Being ‘Social Poets’

>>14803733 Australia's international vaccine passports launch just in time for NSW residents to travel overseas for the first time in 18 months - here's how to apply for yours

>>14803762 At Least 9 Shot At Shriners Temple in Pine Bluff, Arkansas

>>14803790 Dailymail.co.uk: 14803836 China's real-life Squid Game: How organs are harvested from THOUSANDS every week for a 'kill to order' market - and why the world is powerless to stop it

>>14803856 BIG: An ESPN reporter, Allison Williams, just QUIT ESPN rather than getting vaccinated.

>>14803893, >>14803893 PF callsign ANON

>>14803998 #18725

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1e2225  No.14806412

File: 0411faadc305dff⋯.png (439.55 KB, 720x509, 720:509, ClipboardImage.png)

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289de8  No.14806413


>>14802607 Interesting linear sequence of recent shallow California Earthquakes.

>>14802694 Lets Go Brandon song #1

>>14802700 Covid SURGES Among Most Vaxxed Communities Says Harvard Study

>>14802696 New biking laws: Bikers can't display tattoos, gather in public, wear their insignias in Australia. Penalty? 1-5 years in prison.

>>14802729 The DOJ Under Merrick Garland Has Ignored President Trump’s Order to Declassify All Intelligence Related to Obamagate

>>14802738 Israel Demanding Answers After Biden Quietly Removed Sanctions On Iranian Missile Companies

>>14802744 Buttigieg Says Higher Prices and Supply Chain Crisis “Will Continue Into Next Year”

>>14802773 Senator Ron Johnson: “There’s No Point to Mandate Whatsoever – With COVID Vaccine We’ve Had 16,766 Deaths in 10 Months”

>>14802800 Amazon Caught Throwing Away Tons of Unexpired Food as US Faces Unprecedented Food Insecurity

>>14802820 Navy To Separate Unvaccinated Officers Under Same Category Used For Drug Offenders and Sexual Deviants

>>14802829 Pentagon Faces Class Action Lawsuit Over Vaccine Mandates on Military, Federal Employees and Contractors

>>14802852 Politician’s Suspected Killer Named Ali Harbi Ali, Father Worked for Somali Govt: Reports

>>14802882 ‘Trained Marxist’ BLM Co-Founder Appointed As A Los Angeles County Commissioner

>>14802890 Tyrannical Lockdown CA Gov Newsom Fights To Exempt Union That Gave His Recall Campaign $1.75 Million From His COVID Vax Mandate

>>14802904 Docs Show Fetal Organ Trafficking Horrors

>>14802922 Senior journalist identifies one of Beirut snipers as employee of US embassy

>>14802992 Horrifying revelation from FDA panelist On Approving Moderna Booster"It's More A Gut Feeling Rather Than Based On Really Truly Serious Data"

>>14802998 Republican AGs Say There Is No Federal Vaccine Mandate for Private Workers, Vow to Sue

>>14803018 Initial reports say there’s an active shooter at Park City Mall in Lancaster, Pennsylvania

>>14803093 McAdams: A Desperate Biden Administration Turns To Terrorism

>>14803102 US to Offer 'Condolence Payments' aka; BLOOD MONEY, to Relatives of 10 Civilians Killed in Drone Strike

>>14803166 SBC Exec Committee Leader Resigns Amid Division Over Sex Abuse Investigation

>>14803244 US Air Force drops new ‘bunker buster' bomb for first time

>>14802885 At sunset our Muslim friends observe Mawlid al-Nabi, Prophet Muhammad’s birthday.

>>14802951 Video shows Israeli soldiers attack the Palestinian farmers to stop them harvesting olives in Yasuf village, north of the West Bank.

>>14803024 Police said probing if sex offender rabbi linked to cold case murders

>>14803066 Israel: Ex-general Gal Hirsch expected to be indicted in coming days

>>14803152 German military planes fly over Jerusalem for 1st time since WWI in show of ties

>>14803500 #18724

Previously Collected

>>14801555 #18721/2, >>14802433 #18721,

>>14799395 #18719, >>14800534 #18720, >>14800345, #18721/1

>>14796851 #18716, >>14800471 #18717, >>100406 #18018

>>14794614 #18713, >>14795361 #18714, >>14796575 #18715

>>14794389 #18710, >>14794269 #18711, >>14793858 #18712

>>14789922 #18707, >>14793586 #18708, >>14794239 #18709

>>14787608 #18704/1, >>14788315 #18705, >>14789089 #18706

>>14786707 #18703/2, >>14786706 #18703/1, >>14787609 #18704/2

>>14784369 #18700, >>14789071 #18701, >>14785944 #18702

>>14781989 #18697, >>14782808 #18698, >>14783580 #18699

>>14780822 #18695/2, >>14780818 #18695/1, >>14781295 #18696

>>14778184 #18692, >>14778960 #18693, >>14779872 #18694

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/

>>14588182 Q Research Notables #9

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289de8  No.14806416



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c31b7e  No.14806417

File: 7bde70c3ce39752⋯.jpg (36.77 KB, 960x825, 64:55, Fun_Fact_American_products….jpg)

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1e2225  No.14806418

File: 68acbd4c72671e4⋯.png (916.08 KB, 1153x626, 1153:626, ClipboardImage.png)

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1e2225  No.14806419

File: 4eb46e64578e47f⋯.png (1009.07 KB, 827x1085, 827:1085, ClipboardImage.png)

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c31b7e  No.14806420

File: 7cb5ee790602906⋯.png (109.38 KB, 648x715, 648:715, Covid_immune_depletion.png)

Uhhhhh VAX ANONS?????????????? WTF is THIS!!!…



==Latest UK PHE Vaccine Surveillance Report figures on Covid cases show that doubly vaccinated 40-70 year olds have lost 40% of their immune system capability compared to unvaccinated

people. Their immune systems are deteriorating at around 5% per week (between 2.7% and 8.7%). If this continues then 30-50 year olds will have 100% immune system degradation, zero viral

defence by Christmas and all doubly vaccinated people over 30 will have lost their immune systems by March next year.==

By a concerned reader

–The 5 PHE tables below from their excellent Vaccine Surveillance Report, separated by 4 weeks, clearly show the progressive damage that the vaccines are doing to the immune system’s

response. –

People aged 40-69 have already lost 40% of their immune system capability and are losing it progressively at 3.3% to 6.4% per week.

Weekly Decline in doubly vaccinated immune system performance compared to unvaccinated people…

More here on this study athttps://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/343846859#top

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765f9a  No.14806422

File: dd38513b8677990⋯.jpeg (173.84 KB, 1242x365, 1242:365, dd38513b86779904ad1df6063….jpeg)

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0aa762  No.14806423


yeah, and doesn't that beg the question of why are american made products also missing from store shelves?

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147773  No.14806424

File: f653efb7b884b4c⋯.png (59.36 KB, 274x350, 137:175, 352525.png)


Thanks for Baking !

I was just fumbling through the how to bake instructions, and the video is missing, on how to bake !

It seems kind of complicated…..

Anyway, o7 Baker

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289de8  No.14806427

File: 7f6259768db69bd⋯.png (138.92 KB, 950x695, 190:139, ClipboardImage.png)



BV please renumber to #18728, ty baker

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c31b7e  No.14806428

File: 4fcfe4b878052d7⋯.png (116.3 KB, 675x736, 675:736, Covid_immune_depletion_1a.png)


Uhhhhh VAX ANONS?????????????? WTF is THIS!!!…



Latest UK PHE Vaccine Surveillance Report figures on Covid cases show that doubly vaccinated 40-70 year olds have lost 40% of their immune system capability compared to unvaccinated people. Their immune systems are deteriorating at around 5% per week (between 2.7% and 8.7%). If this continues then 30-50 year olds will have 100% immune system degradation, zero viral defence by Christmas and all doubly vaccinated people over 30 will have lost their immune systems by March next year.

By a concerned reader

The 5 PHE tables below from their excellent Vaccine Surveillance Report, separated by 4 weeks, clearly show the progressive damage that the vaccines are doing to the immune system’s response.

People aged 40-69 have already lost 40% of their immune system capability and are losing it progressively at 3.3% to 6.4% per week.

Weekly Decline in doubly vaccinated immune system performance compared to unvaccinated people…

More here on this study athttps://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/343846859#top

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765f9a  No.14806429

File: abeb176c102d828⋯.jpg (270.18 KB, 1080x1426, 540:713, abeb176c102d828329cba42649….jpg)

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0aa762  No.14806430

File: 458dba0e94f9c9f⋯.jpg (240.79 KB, 863x1300, 863:1300, e7f0b2e0f1b6eaf81fc8cc4bb7….jpg)

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765f9a  No.14806431


Q Research General #18728: Nothing to see here Federal judge Pfizer Stocks Lawsuits Presiding Over E

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debf5c  No.14806432


We already had #18728

You titled it correctly.

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03c76b  No.14806434

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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76359a  No.14806435

File: 3d6af8d7b347d23⋯.jpg (300.93 KB, 1032x630, 172:105, Show_time.jpg)

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289de8  No.14806438


Howdy, yes its funny that you seem to know about the baking vids… YOU should have just bakered cowboy.

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289de8  No.14806439



Ooops hope the BV see this.


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debf5c  No.14806441



Except for saying "Let's go Brandon". Clearly it's on par with rape and murder.

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289de8  No.14806443

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147773  No.14806444


there is already an 18728

baker is correct at 18729

Q Research General #18728: Nothing to see here Federal judge Pfizer Stocks Lawsuits Presiding Over E

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289de8  No.14806445

File: fdc3f098c929184⋯.jpg (69.01 KB, 500x513, 500:513, fdc3f098c92918418cdf3702de….jpg)


That stuff will bleach you white from the inside out…

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5da214  No.14806446

File: 8a468b932352584⋯.jpg (51.39 KB, 500x415, 100:83, 8a468b93235258462d46a357fe….jpg)

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debf5c  No.14806447

File: c197320e8285881⋯.png (2.45 KB, 400x400, 1:1, Mate_in_3.png)

White to move and checkmate in 3 moves.

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c31b7e  No.14806448

File: 2735efa08a9a524⋯.png (193.48 KB, 840x607, 840:607, 18728.PNG)


yep…you just needed to look a little bit closer…no big deal…I've jumped the gun before too…kek…

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289de8  No.14806449


nice to be right, when you see there is no bread and panic.

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edf485  No.14806451

Baker is an anti free speech communist chinese faggot

Piss off faggot baker you dropped the ball

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c31b7e  No.14806454


a very good question with a "I have no fucking clue" would be a Joe Bidan/Jen Pakasi never said answer…kek…

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289de8  No.14806456

File: 0dd90fd12b632f7⋯.jpg (12.07 KB, 255x143, 255:143, 0dd90fd12b632f755866a4efb2….jpg)



Too close for comfort,

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765f9a  No.14806457

File: ba0ca6fb3160155⋯.png (387.8 KB, 500x801, 500:801, be63130d92f73814ea02d77dff….png)

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fe2901  No.14806458

File: 80b6be983346a66⋯.jpg (268.57 KB, 640x732, 160:183, breaking_bread_o_2090645.jpg)

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5da214  No.14806459


W Rook to F7 Check

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289de8  No.14806460

File: 02692fa89fd30be⋯.png (97.27 KB, 593x264, 593:264, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3c4df1a57bf4d89⋯.png (20.59 KB, 554x189, 554:189, ClipboardImage.png)

2:50 to 3:35

out for 45 minutes?

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289de8  No.14806461

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ce0709  No.14806462

File: 4404615d6adbc66⋯.jpeg (81.61 KB, 454x634, 227:317, 4404615d6adbc663e1cb0bc98….jpeg)

HANNITY INTERVIEW: Trump says 'everybody wanted the vaccine' when he was president. Biden is the reason for the low vaccine take-up.

One in three Americans over the age of 18 remain unvaccinated, and Donald Trump says that's because of Biden.

In an interview with Fox News host Sean Hannity, the former president said that "everybody wanted the vaccine" under his government.

But now, he argues, Biden is the reason for the low vaccine take-up, despite Republicans (compared to Democrats and Independents) being the most likely to say they will never get the vaccine, according to Kaiser Family Foundation polling data.

Speaking to Sean Hannity on his talk show on 7 October, former President Trump said that, when he was in office: "There was nobody saying 'oh, gee, I don't want to take it.' Now they say that. And that's because they don't trust the Biden administration. I can think of no other reason.

"When I was there, everybody wanted it, and we were doing great. Well, the military did a fantastic job."

Trump has previously said that he is pro-vaccine and has had the shot himself, but his supporters have also booed when noting this fact


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289de8  No.14806463

File: 189f17989db6c8f⋯.png (74.15 KB, 255x235, 51:47, 10bb1102f7f605d7dbb3227486….png)

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debf5c  No.14806464


Black Rook G7 blocking Check.

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5da214  No.14806466



&: stolen

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765f9a  No.14806467

File: 5f0428b116be808⋯.png (172.21 KB, 675x499, 675:499, ce5c3b62bf157c9b.png)

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76359a  No.14806468

File: 78c7cb96c4614f4⋯.jpg (72.78 KB, 526x405, 526:405, ww.jpg)

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22a319  No.14806469

File: d11e05affe2b923⋯.jpg (305.51 KB, 990x990, 1:1, 20211018_015340.jpg)




>this is what U.S. Tax Payer money gets spent on…

in israel.

heres your ₪

これは、米国の納税者のお金が使われるものです… イスラエルで 。 これがあなたの₪です ₪

Dafür wird das Geld der US-Steuerzahler ausgegeben… in Israel. hier ist dein ₪



niggah sed fuk de do edition

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fe2901  No.14806471

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LARGE Asteroids in proximity of EARTH and they don't APPEAR to be alone!

Getting some smaller ones trailing the bigger ones https://www.amsmeteors.org/

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147773  No.14806472

File: 4d2a594c9625530⋯.png (35.34 KB, 769x269, 769:269, 242.png)


no idea what you are talking about, anon

the learn to bake video instructions webm won't play, in this link (which is part of the dough)


pic related

needs a new video / link…. or whatever

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5da214  No.14806473


W Rook takes Black Rook


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765f9a  No.14806474

File: 10b69dbf9c3f184⋯.jpg (185.23 KB, 1208x1254, 604:627, 31fb80f7267a249f.jpg)

"Worst cold ever" inbound …

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289de8  No.14806476


baarrhhhh the dough is always full of crusty bits that you spit out….

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7a6e37  No.14806477

File: b7b09c9239bde88⋯.png (142.23 KB, 442x399, 442:399, caco_shot.png)


Fuck the vax. When will it be okay to say "Let's go, Trump"?

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1e2225  No.14806479

File: 288eba2794e4598⋯.png (586.92 KB, 903x751, 903:751, ClipboardImage.png)


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1e2225  No.14806480


At Bill Gates’ military tribunal, Vice Adm. John G. Hannink (Correction: Darse E. Crandall) touched on the notion that Gates and the pharmaceutical manufactures had devised a method to insert a human tracking chip into Covid-19 vaccinations. The attached PDF is an important read, dealing with the Pfizer clot shot. Please read or download. It’s a long pdf, but worth the time to read.


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765f9a  No.14806481

File: 8486c0a815f3522⋯.png (158.87 KB, 500x477, 500:477, bc07608c9baff321.png)

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7a6e37  No.14806482


So he got rejected three times and now thinks he's really a girl?

Some people will make any excuse for failing at life.

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fe2901  No.14806485

File: 8e2713b09b1c603⋯.png (438.46 KB, 859x1024, 859:1024, system_6.png)

Klaus Schwab === Rothschild

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debf5c  No.14806486


>W Rook takes Black Rook


How can it be check-mate if Black isn't even in check? How is the W Rook on G7 check?

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147773  No.14806487



I think the dough has a few maggots in it

anyways, that training video is 404..lost on the crappy image server somewhere..

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5da214  No.14806488



your move

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765f9a  No.14806489

File: 2aa5faf3f663c6b⋯.jpeg (102.5 KB, 932x699, 4:3, ff3ab0e85bb71f13.jpeg)

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22a319  No.14806490

File: 3b81354494c5bfe⋯.jpg (85.46 KB, 900x654, 150:109, 20211018_020116.jpg)


at least they like it


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5da214  No.14806491


>>14806482. not you

>>14806486. you


>your move

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289de8  No.14806493


Tried finding you one, but the 24 hour rule and all, will grab a mp4 of it next time. Its not that hard to bake…

Just have a go next time.

Thank you anon

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d8bd9f  No.14806494

File: b1bfa11209cb4b8⋯.png (200.82 KB, 311x458, 311:458, klaus.png)


>Klaus Schwab

>Rothschild family tree

Wants to rule in a New World Order

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765f9a  No.14806495

File: 7ae4a0d68f3780f⋯.png (327.91 KB, 576x600, 24:25, 9b2c8a821c01c7fe.png)

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147773  No.14806496

File: 3f3254a46cbeee5⋯.png (205.57 KB, 398x446, 199:223, 35353.png)


Klaus should be held down and injected with 100 doses of every covid vaccine

get those parasites,nano-bots and graphene circuits into him so he can be the first fully operational mRNA transhuman

btw: did I say: Fuck you, Klaus !

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289de8  No.14806497

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289de8  No.14806498

File: 5b2cfebf154b51b⋯.jpg (29.52 KB, 476x611, 476:611, Klauss_photo_2021_08_20_00….jpg)

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5da214  No.14806499


I suck at this game but am expanding my thinking…

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289de8  No.14806500

baker collecting lb notes

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1e2225  No.14806501

File: 6325f031b3e7644⋯.jpg (171.97 KB, 692x856, 173:214, klaus.jpg)

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765f9a  No.14806502

File: d249723eaebc8a8⋯.jpeg (84.15 KB, 602x768, 301:384, 3e9c283168df95e3.jpeg)

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22a319  No.14806503

File: ba50069ca3f9fad⋯.gif (2.16 MB, 169x169, 1:1, 20211018_020459.gif)


nothing can stop what is coming

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7a6e37  No.14806505

File: 0a185af0b57117e⋯.jpg (18.45 KB, 320x240, 4:3, locutus.jpg)


We are the Borg. You will be vaxxed. Resistance is futile.

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765f9a  No.14806506

File: 49c500356974798⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1334x750, 667:375, 16fa05189fe4ee9b.png)

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22a319  No.14806508

File: 74f3249099f72e0⋯.jpg (273.6 KB, 1080x1408, 135:176, 20211018_021126.jpg)

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7a6e37  No.14806510


Hmm, that looks like a keeper. Drives the point home pretty darn well.

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793354  No.14806511

File: 2e86c1d2cd411d9⋯.mp4 (5.62 MB, 640x360, 16:9, trump_shares_important_med….mp4)

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22a319  No.14806513

File: 984cbe0a5914e35⋯.jpg (467.91 KB, 1080x1078, 540:539, 20211018_021424.jpg)


Whom do you think is doing All Of This, then?

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765f9a  No.14806514

File: 521c7f85352b92c⋯.jpg (148.19 KB, 1076x1289, 1076:1289, 8ace17994bb59e29.jpg)

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147773  No.14806515

File: 275e527f5fe1602⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 5633.png)


The Pleiadians are going to save us

I'm ready to be beamed up

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793354  No.14806517

File: a5e5b4046111249⋯.jpg (71.39 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, hangfag.jpg)

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147773  No.14806518


your responding to a bot, anon

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6818df  No.14806519




Arizona is a devil worshipping state…

Sun Devils / Cardinals


Phoenician = Cardinals

Phoenix Cardinals?

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765f9a  No.14806520

File: f40f76cef1864f9⋯.jpeg (68.28 KB, 855x691, 855:691, 698bfa6963062d82.jpeg)

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147773  No.14806521


oops, inb4 grammar kitty

you are


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7a6e37  No.14806522

It's 2021. The year of the perverts.



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ef6a44  No.14806523

File: c268524144a683f⋯.png (662.75 KB, 1052x794, 526:397, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4f9431ab10f7221⋯.png (1.35 MB, 1492x778, 746:389, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 42f94cb665e113d⋯.png (1.63 MB, 1473x739, 1473:739, ClipboardImage.png)

Huma Book Tour with 'special' guests…. check those dates…


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76359a  No.14806524

File: aa397ad14c8711a⋯.png (1.15 MB, 632x632, 1:1, ZCTqkTX.png)

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765f9a  No.14806525

File: 88777093fcf29a0⋯.jpeg (55.49 KB, 700x698, 350:349, a38f2d073098a31c.jpeg)

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03c76b  No.14806526

File: 1c2c80b76fbe6a1⋯.png (106.4 KB, 755x509, 755:509, 884_PLAY_THE_GAME_WITH_US_.png)

File: 94f2c1d8c1bb0b0⋯.png (74.04 KB, 756x432, 7:4, 885_This_is_not_a_game_Lea….png)

"Q, please tell us it's still NO DEALS!

And that this people will face JUSTICE!! Please just say YES. They will. I pray so hard every night!"


We work for you.

We listen to you.

You pushed the IBOR and immediately POTUS began to comment/take action re: social media.



> TV Time!!!"

"Everything has meaning. This is not a game. Learn to play the game." Q post #885

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22a319  No.14806527

File: 65ee23c1afb5988⋯.jpg (79.93 KB, 658x554, 329:277, 20211018_021854.jpg)


keep wsiting

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19f2d9  No.14806528


>Uhhhhh VAX ANONS?

no such thing as a pro nwo clot shot anon

only nwo demonic shills who lie and claim to be anon

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765f9a  No.14806530

File: 615e97c9ae9b9a6⋯.jpeg (60.65 KB, 948x946, 474:473, de1de553c76b4d42.jpeg)

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147773  No.14806531

File: 3da47c70da18aee⋯.png (350.51 KB, 493x355, 493:355, 24252.png)


"safe and effective"

the cute little squids in the vaccines have a 2.5mm tail, which is just the right length to transmit and receive radio transmissions in the 5G band

what a coinkydink

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22a319  No.14806534

File: 85edec5ebb4ecbb⋯.gif (84.09 KB, 500x320, 25:16, 20211018_022127.gif)

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793354  No.14806535

File: 14c3ff25b180fb6⋯.jpg (231.56 KB, 1305x1304, 1305:1304, Thatsright.jpg)

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fe2901  No.14806536

File: 1d5986348e87a93⋯.png (1.49 MB, 2048x709, 2048:709, Screenshot_20211018_011005.png)


nothing can stop what is coming

>>God could.

God is running the movie projector, taking names and in charge of this all. Pretty sure tea and cookies with the traitors and things go back to 'normal' not on the agenda.

We inherit the new world(realm, dimension) created for us.

You truly need to lurk moar, research and do some serious soul searching on your true purpose for being born.


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19f2d9  No.14806538


>God is running the movie projector

God has allowed free will unlike shitbag Joe who mandates

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289de8  No.14806540


Very pretty, ty

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765f9a  No.14806541

File: 0d7fd78c7630397⋯.jpeg (64.24 KB, 700x635, 140:127, e0b625d139ad2077.jpeg)

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793354  No.14806542

File: 95896c23d2d1192⋯.png (2.5 KB, 474x296, 237:148, ClipboardImage.png)


the only known image of the God of Israel:

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7a6e37  No.14806543

File: 8f252afeacf1750⋯.png (294.11 KB, 2102x1264, 1051:632, Screen_Shot_2021_10_18_at_….png)

Does anybody believe these numbers?

I don't. They lie in order to convince the non-vaxoids to join the Borg.

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bd58d7  No.14806545

File: 209a7876f0e2dab⋯.jpg (75.92 KB, 736x494, 368:247, OurMan.jpg)

File: 0bae77f959328c6⋯.jpg (34.09 KB, 486x511, 486:511, One_NationUnderGod.jpg)

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22a319  No.14806546

File: aea59bc81eadfe9⋯.jpg (1.04 MB, 1202x1600, 601:800, 20211018_022543.jpg)


you have a jim fetish.

<its the `stache, нuн

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19f2d9  No.14806547


experimental vax mandates that are unsafe and ineffective

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8408a4  No.14806549


Buckle up bittercup

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19f2d9  No.14806551


11 jewish followers who ran away before His death willingly died for Him after His resurrection.

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147773  No.14806552

File: 8e616fb67cce58b⋯.jpg (13.32 KB, 290x282, 145:141, 436.jpg)



>Leaded gasoline




>Lead paint, toys and plumbing


>uranium oxide







>cigarette promotion by health care providers
















>hexavalent chromium


>Corn Syrup





>titanium dioxide

>burn pits

>3m earplugs

>food dyes

















>artificial flavoring

>soi/soi beans


>Agent Orange




>Volatile Organic Compounds



>Dupont C8



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289de8  No.14806553

File: 2edb5551834cd2e⋯.png (70.08 KB, 593x526, 593:526, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1ab218b8a2ba775⋯.png (31.87 KB, 648x461, 648:461, ClipboardImage.png)



You chewed up the whole BREAD?

shit head

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765f9a  No.14806555

File: 9257bf9324db6a8⋯.jpeg (56.94 KB, 720x540, 4:3, ce572e1ebcb243f3.jpeg)

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4457d4  No.14806556

>>14806420 Deteriorating immune systems would explain how Fauci et al can so confidently predict an upcoming horrible flu season, additional 'waves' of covid and variants - they know what damage is caused by the vax and what is about to be unleashed…

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22a319  No.14806558

File: 87970f250a9f103⋯.jpg (2.71 MB, 2048x2576, 128:161, 20211018_022917.jpg)


the first lie

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565100  No.14806559

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

You can shoot someone but don't even try to hurt a gay man feelings

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19f2d9  No.14806560


meh go after the trucks that supply the local military base

they did nothing about the stolen election or unConstitutional mandates

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793354  No.14806561


Do you have footage?

Did you at least see it?

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ce0709  No.14806563





The Swamp runs deep.

This is not a game

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19f2d9  No.14806564


their testimonies are sufficient

you unbelief surprises no one

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793354  No.14806566


Kind of a concrete evidence guy, myself.

But, to each, his own.

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8240cc  No.14806567


<(Correction: Darse E. Crandall)

No it was Adm. Hannick…

“And did you not discuss placing what you referred to as a ‘nano-centric biometric recorder’ into vaccines—a chip, as it were, that would send biomedical data of recipients back to the vaccine manufacturers and to the NIH and to the CDC without the recipient’s knowledge?” Vice Adm. Hannink went on. “This invasion of privacy—and we are working to determine if this took place and the scope—is just another of example of Gates’ madness. We believe the Office of Military Commissions has offered enough prove to convict the accused and sentence him to death. But that decision is in your hands,” he told the 3-officer panel.

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7a6e37  No.14806568

Some people should just kill themselves instead of trying to convince the rest of us to abandon all hope. Does anybody believe these poll numbers? Like with the death vax, they try to convince you that you are in the minority. There are many reasons for not having kids. Bad weather isn't one of them.

A large American study found that some 60 per cent of 27- to 45-year-olds reported concerns about children contributing to climate change. But almost all — 97 per cent — were concerned about what would await those children in a world devastated by climate change.


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ce0709  No.14806569

It's always darkest before it gets less dark

the [C]alm before the [D]evastating Storm

Buckle up, Patriots and hold the line

think Precipice

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19f2d9  No.14806570


Their deaths are historical facts.

But again your heart is a stone.

Good luck.

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793354  No.14806571


Whose death is historical fact?

WTF are you talking about?

Who recorded this history?

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147773  No.14806572

File: de96624dfc69084⋯.png (160.93 KB, 349x349, 1:1, 535532.png)


trips checked

make sure you intercept the toilet paper truck

TP will be the new currency

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22a319  No.14806573



nancy tits calm

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7a6e37  No.14806574


How did "lobotomies" get on that list? Freudian slip?

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0d5a92  No.14806575


Rxf7+ Rg7


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227924  No.14806576

File: 027d02973217297⋯.png (643.71 KB, 966x427, 138:61, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 859eebd0ddc35dd⋯.mp4 (2.72 MB, 640x640, 1:1, 245637308_978768052672051_….mp4)


much like aei

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ce0709  No.14806577


St Peter died as a martyr, says the Catholic tradition, but I don't remember others

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19f2d9  No.14806578


the 11 followers

the ones who ran away prior to His death

but willingly died after His resurrection

pay attention or perhaps your stm

is very poor

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6394dd  No.14806579

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Flashpoint 10/17/21

Starting @14:56 have fun anons. It's about forensic audits.

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22a319  No.14806580

File: 040e354c5d43e6e⋯.gif (1.79 MB, 500x500, 1:1, 20211018_023724.gif)




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793354  No.14806581


where is this historical record?

Who recorded it?

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19f2d9  No.14806582



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debf5c  No.14806583


The Rook isn't checking the King.

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19f2d9  No.14806584


do your own research

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793354  No.14806585


Ah…the Flavian propagandist and known liar.

GL with that

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289de8  No.14806586





>>14805616 Mt Hood Hazard Map.Most Hood earthquakes don't actually occur directly beneath the volcano's summit

>>14805623 Biden just signed legislation designating the Pulse nightclub a national memorial

>>14805634, >>14805878 Anoot $upport their $ystem and what he intends to do as a remedy

>>14805808 THIS is how fucking delusional these people are–

>>14805809 How the FBI became the world’s largest distributor of child sex abuse imagery

>>14805823 Disgusting George Stephanopoulos and Dossier Publisher Chris Steele Dish on Alleged Pee-Pee Tape Knowing It was Debunked in IG Report

>>14805837 China says ‘US & Canada colluded to stir up trouble’ by sending warships through Taiwan Strait

>>14805841 Be Be STIP video Corporation by Blackwater and "HALO"

>>14805842 Global public debt hits record high of $88 TRILLION – IMF

>>14805967 Pedo symbols in kid vax VR

>>14806038 U.S. Naval Institute @NavalInstitute In 1979, USS Sam Houston fired an unarmed Mark 37 torpedo near Guam

>>14806042 Pima County Sheriff's Office investigates report of downed airplane

>>14806080 The Narrative Is Crumbling - Resist CV-1984

>>14806090 Gematrix Results For "Lets Go Brandon"

>>14806128 𝗕𝗲 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗣𝗹𝗮𝗻

>>14806167 Emiliano Sala death flight: Hotham man goes on trial

>>14806215 “It’s UNDEMOCRATIC!!” Is America Heading For Civil War?!

>>14806238, >>14806318 Trump target Bruce Ohr remembered in Oak Ridge as part of special family


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147773  No.14806587

File: 2e2acc73157c4d9⋯.jpg (89.56 KB, 500x625, 4:5, 53.jpg)


I was thinking of Joe Biden and the lobotomy word just inserted itself into the list….

Lobotomies used to be quite fashionable


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0d5a92  No.14806588


but the bishop is. its been a while since ive written chess

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22a319  No.14806589

File: e58800e65f52b3c⋯.jpg (3.62 MB, 2048x2566, 1024:1283, 20211018_023944.jpg)


all were martyred save john

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19f2d9  No.14806590


see there ya go again

good luck

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289de8  No.14806591





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ce0709  No.14806592


50 Jesus, when he had cried again with a loud voice, yielded up the ghost.

51 And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent;

52 And the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose,

53 And came out of the graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many.

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289de8  No.14806593

File: 34336a570e1193c⋯.png (79.5 KB, 847x588, 121:84, ClipboardImage.png)

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19f2d9  No.14806594


>save John

and Judas

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793354  No.14806595




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7c879c  No.14806596

File: 28cb379f4986590⋯.png (229.82 KB, 1255x646, 1255:646, Bildschirmfoto_2021_10_18_….png)

Delta Airlines pilot dies mid-flight days after vaccination: report

A flight attendant reportedly said that earlier this month a recently vaccinated pilot flying out of Los Angeles died during a commercial flight, leading the co-pilot to make an emergency landing.

Thu Oct 14, 2021 - 11:35 am EDT


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22a319  No.14806597

File: d17c1701de9fe97⋯.gif (196.9 KB, 420x561, 140:187, 20200814_234146.gif)


you asked for history

you get propaganda


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793354  No.14806598


Moving on, I at last came to a dim sort of light not far from the docks, and heard a forlorn creaking in the air; and looking up, saw a swinging sign over the door with a white painting upon it, faintly representing tall straight jet of misty spray, and these words underneath- “The Spouter Inn:- Peter Coffin.”

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ce0709  No.14806599


not one of the 11

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debf5c  No.14806600


But you are putting your Rook in front of the Bishop.


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19f2d9  No.14806601


he was one of the 12

John was in prison was he not on Patmos(sp?)

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22a319  No.14806602

File: 00303b3b74a04c8⋯.jpg (607.68 KB, 1080x1554, 180:259, 20211018_024623.jpg)


not in the club

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ce0709  No.14806603


>>>14806599 (You)


>he was one of the 12


>John was in prison was he not on Patmos(sp?)




>11 jewish followers who ran away before His death willingly died for Him after His resurrection.

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19f2d9  No.14806604


Was picked by Jesus who knew what he would do.

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76359a  No.14806605

File: 44d45731c4c675f⋯.png (1.65 MB, 1076x1522, 538:761, ClipboardImage.png)

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19f2d9  No.14806606


Went to prison did he not.

Did not run away like he did before no ?

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22a319  No.14806607

File: 28b0ca09a381de3⋯.gif (1.04 MB, 500x375, 4:3, 20211018_024925.gif)


behold the first resurrection

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0d5a92  No.14806608


yes, i see. i had to draw it out

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ce0709  No.14806609




>11 jewish followers who ran away

were they all Jewish, some of the names sound Hellenic like Philip, Thomas, Andrew

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19f2d9  No.14806610


Look in the Bible curious anon

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22a319  No.14806611

File: 6a92622449acf0c⋯.gif (5.62 MB, 500x500, 1:1, 20211018_025304.gif)


was Created by God

to do what he did

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289de8  No.14806612

File: ce99cae6a171341⋯.png (639.24 KB, 513x500, 513:500, ClipboardImage.png)




New Bakes self nob

Baker has done enough for the night.


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289de8  No.14806613


love that one…

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289de8  No.14806614

File: 3f875bd53f0e577⋯.png (108.46 KB, 300x168, 25:14, ClipboardImage.png)

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19f2d9  No.14806615


God could have easily created robots that always obeyed Him..

Well within His wheelhouse / skillset

yet He did not.

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ce0709  No.14806616

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


how did Judas die? there is two accounts if memory serves … Hannibal Lecter lectured on Judas' death

Lecter's Lecture

"Della Vigna was disgraced and blinded for his betrayal of the emperor's trust through his avarice," Dr. Lecter said, approaching his principal topic. "Dante's pilgrim found him in the seventh level of inferno, reserved for suicides. Like Judas Iscariot, he died by hanging. Judas and Pier della Vigna and Ahithophel, the ambitious counselor of Absalom, are linked in Dante by the avarice he saw in them and by their subsequent deaths by hanging."

"Avarice and hanging are linked in the ancient and the medieval mind: St. Jerome writes that Judas' very surname, Iscariot means 'money' or 'price', while Father Origen says Iscariot is derived from the Hebrew 'from suffocation' and that his name means 'Judas the Suffocated. . . "

Dr. Lecter resumed his podium voice. "Avarice and hanging, then, linked since antiquity, the image appearing again and again in art." Dr. Lecter pressed the switch in his palm and the projector came to life, throwing an image on the drop cloth covering the wall. In quick succession further images followed as he spoke:

"Here is the earliest known depiction of the Crucifixion, carved in an ivory box in Gaul about AD four hundred. It includes the death by hanging of Judas, his face upturned to the branch that suspends him. And here on a reliquary casket of Milan, fourth century, and an ivory diptych of the ninth century, Judas hanging. He's still looking up."

"In this plate from the doors of the Benevento Cathedral, we see Judas hanging with his bowels falling out as St. Luke, the physician, described him in the Acts of the Apostles. Here he hangs beset by Harpies, above him in the sky is the face of Cain-in-the-moon; and here he's depicted by your own Giotto, again with pendant viscera."

"And finally, here, from a fifteenth-century edition of the Inferno, is Pier della Vigna's body hanging from a bleeding tree. I will not belabor the obvious parallel with Judas Iscariot."

"But Dante needed no drawn illustration: It is the genius of Dante Alighieri to make Pier della Vigna, now in Hell, speak in strained hisses and coughing sibilants as though he is hanging still. Listen to him as he tells of dragging, with the other damned, his own dead body to hang upon a thorn tree:"

Surge in vermena e in pianta silvestra:

l'Arpie, pascendo poi de le sue foglie,

fanno dolore, e al dolor fenestra.

Dr. Lecter's normally white face flushes as he creates for the Studiolo the gargling, choking words of the agonal Pier della Vigna, and as he thumbs his remote control, the images of della Vigna and Judas with his bowels out alternate on the large field of hanging cloth.

Come l'altre verrem per nostre spoglie,

ma non pero ch'alcuna sen rivesta,

che non e giusto aver cio ch'om si toglie.

Qui le strascieneremo, e per la mesa,

selva saranno i nostri corpi apessi,

ciascuno al prun de l'ombra sua molesta.

"So Dante recalls, in sound the death of Judas in the death of Pier della Vigna for the same crimes of avarice and treachery. Ahithophel, Judas, your own Pier della Vigna. Avarice, hanging, self-destruction, with avarice counting as self-destruction as much as hanging. And what does the anonymous Florentine suicide say in his torment at the end of the canto? Io fei gibetto a me de le mie case. - - And I - I made my own house be my gallows."

"On the next occasion you might like to discuss Dante's son Pietro. Incredibly, he was the only one of early writers on the thirteenth canto who links Pier della Vigna and Judas. I think, too, it would be interesting to take up the matter of chewing in Dante. Count Ugolino chewing on the back of the archbishop's head, Satan with his three faces chewing Judas, Brutus and Cassius, all betrayers like Pier della Vigna."

"Thank you for your kind attention."

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289de8  No.14806617

File: 42feb065c1aa35b⋯.gif (23.98 KB, 346x209, 346:209, 42feb065c1aa35b86f57840259….gif)


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e36d48  No.14806618

New relapse of multiple sclerosis and neuromyelitis optica as a potential adverse event of AstraZeneca AZD1222 vaccination for COVID-19


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76359a  No.14806619

File: 4fad4e6a9ecf2d2⋯.png (1.67 MB, 829x1200, 829:1200, ClipboardImage.png)

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03ca84  No.14806620

File: 93387b0c9a78af8⋯.jpg (848.88 KB, 1981x1116, 1981:1116, 00n.jpg)

File: 8b76fdee5edc2eb⋯.jpg (708.68 KB, 1981x1116, 1981:1116, 04n.jpg)

File: 6f6b4717355125f⋯.jpg (916.66 KB, 2477x1396, 2477:1396, 06n.jpg)

File: cd18e34d7079100⋯.jpg (851.8 KB, 2477x1396, 2477:1396, 07n.jpg)

File: ccbd4bedd7ceed9⋯.jpg (686.99 KB, 1981x1116, 1981:1116, 05n.jpg)


Are these comms for the enemy to begin a mass death event(s)?

Saturday, Oct. 16, 2021

Post 1/2

I streamed a replay of The College Football Show with Jason Fitz and Harry Douglas. This edition of the show was broadcast an hour before the Oklahoma/TCU game on Saturday. While I was watching it, I immediately noticed possible enemy comms:

>Harry Douglas was wearing a jacket with enemy comms on it

>The ESPN football logo shown before replay clips was enemy comms

The five pics on this post have the comms from Douglas's jacket.

>"HA CULL" on the top right

>An anarchy symbol or a crown below it

>Something ("not good"?) on the left red sleeve

>Something on the white right sleeve

>Writing down both sleeves, not all of it shown

The five pics below related. I did my best to get shots of it.

In post 2/2, I'll show the direct ESPN enemy comms, since we can only do five pics per post.

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1fa0ba  No.14806621

File: ba6e6f9a3862a3a⋯.mp4 (1.52 MB, 690x512, 345:256, 2021_10_18_1_16_06.mp4)

File: 6787ec715f07a1c⋯.png (562.75 KB, 561x580, 561:580, 2021_10_18_1_12_23.png)

File: 54dce84c64d29e3⋯.mp4 (3.84 MB, 710x490, 71:49, 2021_10_18_1_15_15.mp4)

File: acbaa78bce16ccd⋯.png (317.16 KB, 631x447, 631:447, 2021_10_18_1_13_47.png)

Thousands of People Are Trying to Leave QAnon, but Getting Out Is Almost Impossible

In a Cosmo exclusive, women on both sides—the former believers and the doctors they’re turning to—show us what it takes to escape.

By Andrea Stanley and Photographs by Todd R. Forsgren

Oct 13, 2021



'''but not only that, it's a PSYOP, with creepy little videos throughout the article that are deliberately disturbing.

I posted reports on 2000 anti-Q articles for 18 mos (b4 the numbers exploded in July 2020). Never saw anything quite like this. Tavistock-like tactics using Q as a vector to promote fear and loathing.

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1fa0ba  No.14806622

File: 6787ec715f07a1c⋯.png (562.75 KB, 561x580, 561:580, 2021_10_18_1_12_23.png)

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02a275  No.14806623

File: 196083b35f45d83⋯.jpg (83.1 KB, 697x555, 697:555, Screenshot_20210930_122556….jpg)

God bless the board and ALL whom gaze apon it.

God bless you today.

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1fa0ba  No.14806624


God bless you as well, patriot anon.

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22a319  No.14806625

File: 375637a6d7d060c⋯.gif (907.08 KB, 20201212_092609.gif)

File: f23a3598f387bff⋯.gif (210.48 KB, 20201214_115548.gif)


you understand neither the nature of reality nor

The Sovereignty of The Most High

carry on

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8240cc  No.14806626


I'm curious, the only way I can find that post on RRN is if I follow your link…why is that???…how did you find it??? or are you MB and it would be easy for you to find it…/wink…/wink…I cleared my cache and everything…still couldn't find it without your link(also tried it with my phone)…although It is on the site, just not on the current front page…hmmm…strange…

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19f2d9  No.14806627


your opinion

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54b7e6  No.14806628

>>14804789 pb

>Lawsuits seek to allow ivermectin as treatment for COVID-19


>Critics have claimed that the drug is useless in treating the disease.

Why have I never heard of anyone mentioning muhRight To Trylaws put into place under GEOTUS? Hospitals, Ins. Co.s, Doctors, Nurses and drug companies are not held responsible for outcome. Problem solved.

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1d133e  No.14806629

File: ba38bfd63c37994⋯.png (536.41 KB, 586x480, 293:240, ClipboardImage.png)

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02a275  No.14806630

File: 67ad37445bbb821⋯.jpg (48.71 KB, 530x465, 106:93, Screenshot_20211015_075709….jpg)

Got any low to high high angent orange boosters On deck?

Can't stay awake

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03ca84  No.14806631

File: b89c7fb36f404fb⋯.jpg (645.3 KB, 2477x1396, 2477:1396, 02n.jpg)

File: 5fb5d33c6bf69aa⋯.jpg (619.29 KB, 2477x1396, 2477:1396, 03n.jpg)

File: 22ba755c3f8850e⋯.jpg (676.82 KB, 2477x1396, 2477:1396, 01n.jpg)


Are these comms for the enemy to begin a mass death event(s)?

Saturday, Oct. 16, 2021

Post 2/2

These are the potential comms from ESPN directly.

>ESPN football logo

>used during replays

>was a brown football last week

>now a football completely btfo

>now made of ash

>this can't be marketing

I can't tell if this is a reference to the La Palma volcano, or if this is a separate event. But football is usually associated with the U.S., so it may be they want mass destruction here. I leave this here for anons to disect.

As an aside… this had to be God showing me this. I don't have an ESPN subscription, and this show is listed as ESPN only. Yet it somehow started streaming for me. I guess I was meant to see and post this.

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02a275  No.14806632


There at home, schooling it up…

Pta meetings scheduled for every school every day this week, full time pta madness.

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7a6e37  No.14806633


>Why have I never heard of anyone mentioning muhRight To Trylaws put into place under GEOTUS?

They don't want you to know about that. They want you to get the vax. Period.

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22a319  No.14806634

File: 895772aa97ce7ae⋯.jpg (420.25 KB, 1480x1600, 37:40, 20211018_030512.jpg)



it is obvious

as it is endemic specieswide

you do not know Him

or you would know this


one assumes you know what you can do with

your opinion.

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ce0709  No.14806635


> Philip, Thomas, Andrew


>>>14806609 (You)


>Look in the Bible curious anon

I erred on Thomas

"Philip" The Greek name means "fond of horses." His call is recorded in John 1:43-51.

"Andrew" The Greek term means "manly." From John 1:29-42 we learn that Andrew was a disciple of John the Baptist and that he introduced his brother, Peter, to Jesus.

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8240cc  No.14806636


Isn't that like Planned Parenthood and the Democrats using bills to fund PPH only for them to donate money to fund the Democrats…

and the same for…

Democrats to spread fake news to a couple news sites and then claim the story is true because all the news sites verify it…

It's called "LOOP" something???…can't remember…but the Democrats are really good at it!!!…

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22a319  No.14806637

File: 4ebb10a8155e99d⋯.jpg (373.23 KB, 1039x1396, 1039:1396, 20211018_030710.jpg)

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fe2901  No.14806638

File: 6e861f305e5a5dc⋯.png (674.83 KB, 2048x1856, 32:29, Screenshot_20211018_014531.png)

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e36d48  No.14806639

File: d7088da8da75db2⋯.jpg (74.35 KB, 956x571, 956:571, FBU0Cv_XoAQ8CPJ.jpg)

File: db15c8a61956428⋯.png (428.31 KB, 858x538, 429:269, FBUyiUJXoAEwE6t.png)

File: e22eebfd7485e61⋯.jpg (84.51 KB, 1024x572, 256:143, FBUdsTQXMAAgmm2.jpg)

File: 9ee3a8fc21fa8ef⋯.jpg (80.36 KB, 1018x501, 1018:501, FBUbqN8WQAQI1e3.jpg)

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19f2d9  No.14806640


>it is obvious

to you perhaps

God is omnipotent. Limitless. Easy for Him to make robots that always obeyed yet He did not.

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e36d48  No.14806641

File: 69800e5276cf2c7⋯.jpg (89.47 KB, 957x551, 33:19, E_YaPpNXoBQhmjK.jpg)

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1fa0ba  No.14806642

File: d821a8eccdbe064⋯.png (190.76 KB, 1025x781, 1025:781, 2021_10_18_2_01_53.png)

File: 79dd18b5fd6eb57⋯.mp4 (8.36 MB, 278x330, 139:165, Dr_Tenpenny_4_minute_video….mp4)


This was predicted by Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, along with many other problems now emerging. Created a chart and mp4 from a four-minute overview she gave.


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22a319  No.14806643


did you know He cannot Bless without Cursing?

be wary.

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7a6e37  No.14806644


>but the Democrats are really good at it!!!

The demonrats suck at everything. They can only succeed with a bought and paid for media that lies for them. If we had a properly functioning Fourth Estate, they would be toast.

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5da214  No.14806645


The lot fell to Matthias, nothing written about him after that thou.

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fe2901  No.14806646

File: aa8c5721cb93595⋯.png (1.91 MB, 2048x1955, 2048:1955, Screenshot_20211018_013431.png)

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e18535  No.14806647

File: aee2d591976dac1⋯.jpeg (937.08 KB, 1620x1527, 540:509, 876F9F2B_4812_4E37_BBA4_4….jpeg)

File: cbfc3b7fed4c240⋯.jpeg (1.72 MB, 1620x1081, 1620:1081, 7D1BE5AA_BF70_46C2_9EF4_9….jpeg)

Afghan girl’s gruesome murder sparks investigation into possible organ harvesting ring

KABUL, Afghanistan – The chilling, cold-blooded killing of a 10-year-old Afghan girl has sparked an investigation into a possible organ harvesting or snuff filmmaking ring.

The tragic death of the girl, Henna, occurred more than a month after her family applied for Special Immigrant Visas to leave the Taliban-controlled country – but according to her grief-stricken relatives, her family has not heard back from the US government.

In the early hours of a Friday morning earlier this month – the only weekend day in Afghanistan – the girl was allegedly targeted by her neighbor to “do them a favor” and buy them bread, her relatives said. The neighbor, Mohammad, allegedly claimed to have had a heart condition and told the neighbors he did not want the women of the house roaming the streets under the Taliban’s gaze.

“The women were relentless,” the sobbing grandmother, Parveen, recalls. “They made Henna get out of bed, and that is how they got her.”

But when Henna went to deliver the bread, her family says, she was “abducted” and murdered. Five adults inside the neighboring home — suspected ringleaders Mohammad, 67, and his son Ahmad, 26, as well as three women — were arrested and remain behind bars.

The true motivation for the killing may never be known. But both her family and the Taliban suspect a broader, more sinister kidnapping ring has been unearthed. The two men of the house had already been taken in for questioning a week earlier, Taliban police say, on suspicions of child abductions and organ harvesting – and the property was under surveillance when the grim homicide took place.

Henna was apparently suffocated and the side of her neck was severed, and she sustained multiple stab wounds around her abdominal region, as evidenced by pictures of her wounds.

“They tied a scarf around her neck, and then there were at least seven or eight knives to the stomach, possibly trying to remove the organ,” said Taliban Police Commander Mawalwi Tayeb, Head of the Criminal Investigation Department.

As per Islamic custom, she was buried immediately before a proper autopsy and investigation could be conducted.

Yet Tayeb also notes that they are probing the possibility that the “mafia” could also be motivated financially by making “black films” – usually referred to in the west as snuff films – showing the brutal death, which are then disturbingly sold to twisted minds over the internet.

“These cases generally have two purposes. One is to take body parts, usually the kidneys, and the second is to make black films,” he says. “We have not seen a film so far, but it seems they were targeting her to remove body parts to sell.”

Taliban police forces believe the suspects have been kidnapping and killing people for around five years, continuously moving from province to province to avoid capture.

The organ harvesting trade has become something of an underground business in Afghanistan in recent years amid a lawless environment, rife with corruption and the majority of resources devoted to the war effort. Impoverished Afghans have also volunteered to surrender one of two kidneys for a quick financial boost, often leaving them too weak to work and deepening their financial burden.

Dr. Dil Aqa Mahboby, Kabul’s Deputy Head of the Forensic Department, is skeptical that the alleged ring has such capabilities as organ harvesting, believing it was likely a revenge murder – or a kidnapping gone wrong – as no body part was extracted.

“If a person dies, there is no part of the body that works at all. When a human dies, everything dies. If they were planning to do an organ transplant, they would have kept the child alive and cut from the center of the chest and put into cold storage,” he explains. “This could be a kidnapping for either money or because (the child) knew some secrets.”

Full article: https://nypost.com/2021/10/18/afghan-girls-murder-sparks-investigation-into-possible-organ-harvesting-ring/

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02a275  No.14806648

File: 1209a36f79f458d⋯.jpg (17.49 KB, 306x233, 306:233, Screenshot_20210814_061122….jpg)


Save OUR chilldren from the monster.

Pray hard…

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e36d48  No.14806649

File: aff163988aad622⋯.jpg (75.82 KB, 1023x534, 341:178, FBNTrHlWYAAfno2.jpg)

File: 1be578bcb53cba5⋯.jpg (79.38 KB, 1001x589, 1001:589, FBKO25sXMA8RDqS.jpg)

File: 5141f0da96e7ee0⋯.jpg (74.9 KB, 991x519, 991:519, FBKJfsOXMB0ZAv3.jpg)

File: 4f3ee349d79d3cf⋯.jpg (84.22 KB, 984x544, 123:68, FBKFuogXMAQyhic.jpg)

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22a319  No.14806650

File: ff25dd9bf9ccb7a⋯.gif (2.33 MB, 480x640, 3:4, 20211015_235901.gif)

File: 1a3fc62d2d26a22⋯.gif (10 MB, 470x352, 235:176, 20211018_031141.gif)


ok pinocchio

you Are a Real Boy

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22a319  No.14806651

He Will not



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fe2901  No.14806652

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Joe Biden delivers Anti-Tyranny speech like a TYRANT

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8240cc  No.14806653


It's a shame, I posted this forecast back in april 2020…nobody listened…it is what it is…

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8240cc  No.14806654


correction april 2021…

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02a275  No.14806655

File: 0f7642574f4100d⋯.jpg (33.3 KB, 372x228, 31:19, Screenshot_20210823_090458….jpg)

File: 0ef2c9916c50ba4⋯.jpg (15.49 KB, 315x178, 315:178, Screenshot_20210823_091643….jpg)


Last time l checked it was strong and manly ;p

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a1d09b  No.14806656

File: 2945d0c7af69b8c⋯.png (446.02 KB, 1836x1276, 459:319, 1pedoKunvax.png)

>>14805948 lb

>>14805967 lb

>>14805981 lb

>>14805989 lb

Last Bread NOTABLE

Children's VR for the Fauci Ouchi has Pedo Symbols almost exactly from the Pedo Symbol Playbook

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e36d48  No.14806657

File: 88bf19bbbdab007⋯.gif (1023.68 KB, 500x204, 125:51, external_content_duckduckg….gif)

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5da214  No.14806658


White Rook to D6 Check

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b3bcf0  No.14806659


You must go back.

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fe2901  No.14806660

File: 657bb06185eb41f⋯.png (1.3 MB, 2048x2015, 2048:2015, Screenshot_20211018_013920.png)

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7c879c  No.14806661

File: 015729ba539e690⋯.png (101.41 KB, 1277x682, 1277:682, Bildschirmfoto_2021_10_18_….png)


Website Programmer

Remote • Contract • TBD

FTA is looking for someone with an eye for design and fluency in HTML, CSS and Javascript.


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3fb5be  No.14806662


I feel like the picture of this girl is recycled and we have seen this before.

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e36d48  No.14806663

File: 44c0e5533c01d6b⋯.png (30.21 KB, 491x487, 491:487, Screenshot_at_Oct_18_05_20….png)

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4457d4  No.14806664


Lots of people listened anon…..being silent doesn't mean nobody listened.

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b3bcf0  No.14806665

File: 36b7682d61f7c2f⋯.jpg (68.8 KB, 656x522, 328:261, Screenshot_20210726_140727….jpg)


You attempts a go back, but still must go back.

Sunday school?

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ce0709  No.14806666

File: 1a9644271f3ed84⋯.jpeg (97.97 KB, 454x634, 227:317, 1a9644271f3ed8425228aeb11….jpeg)


>I posted reports on 2000 anti-Q articles for 18 mos (b4 the numbers exploded in July 2020). Never saw anything quite like this. Tavistock-like tactics using Q as a vector to promote fear and loathing.

the Second Klan (KKK 1915–) had a lot of commonalities with the "Qanon" phenomen, and there was extensive media hostility directed against the Klan

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5da214  No.14806667


Black Rook blocks… then what?

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e18535  No.14806668


Hmm, could well be. Anon spotted it on their Twitter this morning. Didn’t find anything similar in news archives with the name Henna.

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7a6e37  No.14806669


Wow, that was incoherent.

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54b7e6  No.14806670


I get that but why haven't conservatives brought it up? Seems like a perfectly reasonable thing to bring up in the national conversation/consciousness.

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1fa0ba  No.14806671


many are aware - and more will become aware

Dr. Tenpenny and others laid it all out - they reaped the wind, whirlwind is upon us

see >>14806642


yep - they want just that

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22a319  No.14806672

File: 4109c0762a258be⋯.gif (2.95 MB, 540x303, 180:101, 20200916_134911.gif)


almost every one of you are fucked

and you do not even know it

all you have is corrupt doctrine

spawned by the very evil

you purport to oppose


one is where one has been Put

it is you whom are given reason

to seek Him in Truth and in Deed


you do not even know how to begin

God is Just Love, after all…


<you will be fine, just as in your fathers day, and his fathers…

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e36d48  No.14806673

File: 0b854183a2bfbd2⋯.png (58.35 KB, 591x587, 591:587, Screenshot_at_Oct_18_05_28….png)

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ce0709  No.14806674


>>>14806635 (You)


>Last time l checked it was strong and manly ;p

think roids

An androgen (from Greek andr-, the stem of the word meaning "man") is any natural or synthetic steroid hormone that regulates the development and maintenance of male characteristics in vertebrates by binding to androgen receptors.[1]

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e18535  No.14806675


Seconded for notable

Anons have a YT link?

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d3f2fe  No.14806676

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

anon, anon

answer to your question


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d3f2fe  No.14806677

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


comes with Sadeness

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1fa0ba  No.14806678


interesting digits, anon

the KKK has ZERO in common with Q

Your comment does not speak to what i wrote

I am pointing the finger at the media, not Q

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d89b95  No.14806679

File: 85eb10838302135⋯.gif (3.42 MB, 600x450, 4:3, A6849C0A_ADDC_4378_9488_04….gif)

Morning, Frenz

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5da214  No.14806680


>"LOOP" something???


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1fa0ba  No.14806681


noice job


anyone want to take notes?

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d3f2fe  No.14806682


Not what you think anon, that 'symbolist has never been proven

is a builders version of the fibonacci spiral

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e18535  No.14806683

File: 93ce368feacb058⋯.jpeg (178.44 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, 6FF7B93B_5A7F_4B42_9777_9….jpeg)



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1d133e  No.14806684

File: 29a1b6360eec18a⋯.png (509.84 KB, 516x480, 43:40, ClipboardImage.png)

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7c879c  No.14806685

File: e893edcb24a431b⋯.png (218.1 KB, 462x270, 77:45, Bildschirmfoto_2021_10_18_….png)


Manuganu game has it too

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1fa0ba  No.14806686


understand about the fibonacci spiral but it appears to be have co-opted by ds like so many other sacred geometry symbols

we have to take back our language and our symbols but meanwhile to recognize when they are being used for other purposes

my 2cents

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7a6e37  No.14806687


>fluency in HTML, CSS and Javascript

I'll bet that there are not many who qualify. Most web designers are shitheads who only know how to WYSIWYG a web page on a third-party tool that spits out horribly inefficient code. Check how much crap gets downloaded from an average website because all they care about is advertising. Efficiency? What's that?

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d3f2fe  No.14806688


Get out of the bin

ya arent actually ded so stop hauntin' and re manifest

this is ridiculous

she cant have died you dick, she wasnt real to begin with, she is a manifest expression birthed from a requirement to escape the torure inflicted durin' Pompeos attack

there is no need for all this cock falafellin' around

just reload her program

you should be aware she is now outdated however as the shield and eye have been improved past connection merely to a single fake gem

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debf5c  No.14806689






The correct answer is Rook to A6 check.

Black plays Pawn to F6

Bishop takes Pawn on F6

Rook to G7

Rook on A6 captures rook on A8

Black can be an idiot and blunder mate right away when White plays Rook to A6, black plays his Rook on G8 to G7 so Rook on A6 captures on A8 for mate in two.

Another "COOL" mate is both white and black fuck up their first move.

Rook Takes Pawn on F7

Rook on G8 to G7 blocking

Rook F7 captures Rook on G7

Black plays Rook on A8 to A1 with a check.

White moves Rook back to G1 blocking check but also delivering checkmate.

The trick here is that when Whites Rook captures blacks rook on G7, the only move to play is Pawn H6.

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7a6e37  No.14806690


There's a lot of things the Republicans should be doing. Most of them are just as compromised as the dems and the braver ones get shut down. Right To Try isn't going to help when nobody stands up for the doctors who are being threatened with the loss of their practice for even breathing the words Ivermectin or Hydroxychloroquine.

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7a6e37  No.14806691


Top o' the mornin' to you. Now get those pesky sheep under control.

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1d133e  No.14806692

File: b4c054303b0e2cf⋯.png (645.75 KB, 1580x830, 158:83, ClipboardImage.png)

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ce0709  No.14806693


did you find that on your own or with an engine, lol

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030d06  No.14806694

File: e030d11098fb668⋯.png (111.59 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, 1200px_Gadsden_flag_svg.png)


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e18535  No.14806695

File: c886fec4b51e59d⋯.jpeg (236.58 KB, 1396x495, 1396:495, C59D5C17_EEA3_44A5_8419_7….jpeg)


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b3bcf0  No.14806696

File: 2429671148e7e16⋯.jpg (43.4 KB, 1027x583, 1027:583, Screenshot_20211015_083825….jpg)

File: f8d3f8ca8ab0543⋯.jpg (44.34 KB, 257x386, 257:386, Screenshot_20210816_220854….jpg)


Limitations are like butt holes, seems to be in high prepencity as of late.

I love, there for l happened to be loved.

One has to give love to recive love.

So, maybe going back wasn't your/your father's strong suit?

I have a heart full of LOVE ATM, so l'LL be fine!

Attemt another full go back….

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f9a91c  No.14806697


Amplification feedback loop. But if the soundboard guy isn’t paying attention, the entire PA system squeals painfully.

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030d06  No.14806698



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3750c3  No.14806699

File: b4b2c45f84b3a84⋯.png (273.54 KB, 480x960, 1:2, Screenshot_20211018_052934.png)

File: b341ad4eddab164⋯.png (124.25 KB, 480x960, 1:2, Screenshot_20211018_053643.png)

File: c78f8d88385e788⋯.png (86.11 KB, 480x960, 1:2, Screenshot_20211018_053159.png)

File: b8f82c1c24d9887⋯.png (121.98 KB, 480x960, 1:2, Screenshot_20211018_053153.png)

File: 586418ad4335e3b⋯.png (252.14 KB, 480x960, 1:2, Screenshot_20211018_054246.png)

ţigan borăt

ţigan borăt

ţigan borăt

ţigan borăt

ţigan borăt

ţigan borăt

ţigan borăt

ţigan borăt

ţigan borăt

ţigan borăt

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1d133e  No.14806700

File: c0a0287aacfeac3⋯.png (632 KB, 661x384, 661:384, ClipboardImage.png)

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b3bcf0  No.14806701

File: a9618cd6b240be3⋯.jpg (217.18 KB, 1204x869, 1204:869, Screenshot_20211017_000154….jpg)

File: 2027af6f08fc1e7⋯.jpg (117.68 KB, 903x518, 129:74, Screenshot_20211017_000255….jpg)


Heart full of love as l was indicating, anon.

Anon gets it :)

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22a319  No.14806702


tell the dead


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05b6dc  No.14806703


Morning, Ralph.

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debf5c  No.14806704

File: 405ff909a6088d6⋯.png (305.91 KB, 643x643, 1:1, Screenshot_2021_10_18_at_0….png)


On my own. I do use an Engine to make sure I am being accurate.

I'll show you a Mate in 3 puzzle that I had to use an engine.

It's black to move and Mate in 3.

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d3f2fe  No.14806705


thank you, i agree, however, as, ds, wasnt my doin' anon

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b3bcf0  No.14806706

File: c94a07183b3ef72⋯.jpg (220.15 KB, 1920x1200, 8:5, 1627954681_jpeg.jpg)


That's not a black hole. Lol

Anymore!!! ;)

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af82be  No.14806707


cause you have to survive the ventilator first. but if you do survive it, they'll just send you home with burned out lungs.

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3750c3  No.14806708

ţigan borăt

ţigan borăt

ţigan borăt

ţigan borăt

ţigan borăt

ţigan borăt

ţigan borăt

ţigan borăt

ţigan borăt

ţigan borăt

ţigan borăt

ţigan borăt

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d3f2fe  No.14806709


be nice

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20b41d  No.14806710

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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d3f2fe  No.14806711

File: e14c2b38199aade⋯.jpg (128.91 KB, 900x900, 1:1, tetras.jpg)

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af82be  No.14806712


what u mean proven? u mean a headline news confession?

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3750c3  No.14806713

File: 0e5019f79fb2573⋯.png (51.62 KB, 480x960, 1:2, Screenshot_20211018_055036.png)

File: 9f1c8053b35beb8⋯.png (50.88 KB, 480x960, 1:2, Screenshot_20211018_055113.png)

Weird, it doesn't translate "borăt" properly.

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b3bcf0  No.14806714

File: bc08e2927f7bf17⋯.jpg (14.19 KB, 163x238, 163:238, Screenshot_20211014_092400….jpg)

File: 01f42da052b8748⋯.jpg (11.12 KB, 234x215, 234:215, Screenshot_20211014_092420….jpg)

File: ec89d0f3bdcfa46⋯.jpg (68.77 KB, 662x872, 331:436, Screenshot_20210912_171351….jpg)


Ty, the dead love meh.

Oh thats why they are following you around now? init….

Changing course…

I'll resonate love instead…

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722d3c  No.14806715

File: 4fee1899dc93d0c⋯.jpg (321.58 KB, 1440x1692, 40:47, 20211018_055825.jpg)

File: 8fdbc18e79081dd⋯.jpg (402.87 KB, 1439x1019, 1439:1019, Screenshot_20211018_055650….jpg)


2011 - HAITI: Building Back Better

(Searching for sauce/link)

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efa3ed  No.14806716

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Serpent Seeds & Devil's Deeds

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030d06  No.14806717

File: e5dc97cee6cc01a⋯.png (450.1 KB, 1080x977, 1080:977, Screenshot_20211018_054854….png)

I am happy to see Jim and Ron will be with Jason Sullivan. - actual people who did the work and not just grifters like Praying Medic, in the Matrixxx, and Jordan Sather.

Waves hello

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f5eb28  No.14806718

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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af82be  No.14806719

File: 98f41e404e6a6df⋯.png (269.67 KB, 474x237, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)


master builder

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dcb176  No.14806720

File: d76d20d27f26360⋯.jpeg (19.74 KB, 212x237, 212:237, 9C8AFDC4_3A2A_4CEC_AAC3_3….jpeg)

File: 267f762a53bf32c⋯.jpeg (44.68 KB, 1200x341, 1200:341, C5C46F23_C29B_4848_AB3A_B….jpeg)

it’s not that you can’t leave, it’s just that there’s no going back.

our “cult” is bigger, better. come join us.


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5da214  No.14806721


Black Rook to F4

White King to H3 (only move)

Black Rook to H4 Check-mate

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722d3c  No.14806722



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0d5a92  No.14806723

File: 4bd7f9eb5ea4677⋯.png (46.22 KB, 800x800, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8b100d1f10cf6f8⋯.png (44.84 KB, 802x802, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f9c0440d0d00cb6⋯.png (45.38 KB, 796x802, 398:401, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 339d1e29d8f2105⋯.png (45.13 KB, 800x802, 400:401, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 655366fcc5704f8⋯.png (43.75 KB, 800x796, 200:199, ClipboardImage.png)


>Rxf7+ Rg7




had dinner

Ra6+ f6

Bxf6+ Rg7


and drew pics

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d3f2fe  No.14806724

ye cant hide me forever

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22a319  No.14806725

File: 32d0127bc7b7355⋯.gif (571.29 KB, 1080x607, 1080:607, 20210914_234753.gif)




innured to reality

you get what you deserve

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debf5c  No.14806726


When you play Rook to F4 you are blocking your Bishop. White King can take on G5.

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5da214  No.14806727

File: a58044ab3871b0d⋯.png (332.28 KB, 551x491, 551:491, 58e2ad7833e71c0d62421b49bf….png)


nvr mnd

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ab6c1a  No.14806728


>(Searching for sauce/link)


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1d133e  No.14806729

File: b582e0e096ac9f5⋯.png (1.19 MB, 1633x3142, 1633:3142, Screenshot_2021_10_18_at_1….png)

Some interesting Q poast 1 year deltas, 14 in total (#4888-#4901):


Alexandra Chalupa

Weiner Case / Crimes Against Children

Media Collusion

Mask Ineffectiveness



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e18535  No.14806731

File: efeaed0ef287617⋯.gif (476.14 KB, 500x327, 500:327, 511F4E09_CC87_49A8_89C0_F3….gif)

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7a6e37  No.14806732


Black has one other move: take the pawn. The next move will still be checkmate.

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20b41d  No.14806733

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

"Ignore the shills, we're in charge here."

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b3bcf0  No.14806734

File: bbc7c9c687abb7c⋯.jpg (53.49 KB, 393x383, 393:383, Screenshot_20211018_045800….jpg)

I think Trump just inspired meh to start painting murals again.

What a great stress reliever. Maybe l shall post something l create some day soon.


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7a6e37  No.14806735


Oops. I mean White can take the pawn.

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6a6c1a  No.14806736

If the Deep State communications are on Live TV one of the only shows “Live” is Saturday Night Live & they put it on YouTube next day broken into segments. I am not sure the exact way whether it is Gematria that decodes but we need to dig more on this!

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886b09  No.14806737


Kek My one and only Q (you)

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3750c3  No.14806738

File: e167aa8cad10f6f⋯.png (86.53 KB, 480x960, 1:2, Screenshot_20211018_060036.png)

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05b6dc  No.14806739


She's pretty.

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3d676e  No.14806740

File: 2b22ad6a9eefbe1⋯.jpeg (107.88 KB, 732x468, 61:39, 7E3F6354_7626_4ACA_8C7A_D….jpeg)

Best Title of Article, Eva

Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg Highlights The Important Challenges of Deepened Importance Becoming Increasingly Important

October 17, 2021 | Sundance | 290

No politician in history -sans Carly Fiorina- is asintellectually deficient on any policy yet resoundingly skilled at parseltongue sentence structuresas Alfred E. Newman, aka Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg.

The ability to speak in structured sentence soundbites, that mean absolutely nothing, was and is his forte.

When Barack Obama and James Clyburn were organizing the pathway for Joe Biden in the 2020 election, they reached out in March to the remaining candidates and told each of them they were going to withdraw. Each candidate was given an offer they could not refuse along with a question of what terms it would take to get them out of the race and support the avatar that was/is Joe Biden.

Having watched the Buttigieg snap-n-pop candidacy, it was obvious his terms involved getting an innocuous job that would provide him and his husband enough graft to facilitate their lifestyle. Obama and Clyburn offered Alfred E. Newman the job of Secretary of Transportation. Pete Buttigieg’s curriculum vitae included that he held a drivers license, so he gleefully exclaimed his qualifications and accepted the job.

The guy is an absolute doofus; a soy version of Greta Thunberg, who is incapable of speaking about anything that makes any sense. He is a caricature of the person who thinks they know something, so they speak in weird sentences that amount to total gibberish. WATCH:

“What I can tell you is that we are doing everything for the short term and the long term and we will work through the factors that present themselves as challenges in the terms that we encounter on everything. … The significant problems are not problem of insignificance because they are not important problems, they are significant challenges because of the importance of their significance and we are addressing them in both long and short term solutions. … This is important, not just morally but also economically, because the challenges are what we need to recognize as important maintenance issue challenges.”


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dcb176  No.14806741


Fren!!!! I will never forget this one. what a night!!!

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22a319  No.14806742


ave satanas

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886b09  No.14806743

File: 21ac2f4b648e28a⋯.png (41.36 KB, 841x229, 841:229, Q_you_no_pinchee.png)


The board was heaving

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722d3c  No.14806744


DANG ! Thank you Anon. My morning brain is running slow.

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d3f2fe  No.14806745

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af82be  No.14806746

any hardcore biblefags here?

orthodox churches?

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dcb176  No.14806747


it was an impromptu q&a/stress test right?

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030d06  No.14806748

File: 536eac8bd01a28d⋯.png (242.08 KB, 1080x2340, 6:13, Screenshot_20211018_060437.png)

File: 1aada73994dd696⋯.png (378.67 KB, 1080x2340, 6:13, Screenshot_20211018_060444.png)

File: 725a78f014e2457⋯.png (688.08 KB, 1080x2340, 6:13, Screenshot_20211018_060455.png)

File: 7e1fb4ec6d3c5f6⋯.png (622.25 KB, 1080x2340, 6:13, Screenshot_20211018_060502.png)

;) who was Q ?

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7a6e37  No.14806749


Days of glory. Now the board gets what kind of traffic? With all the fuckery with the DNS and the image server, the traffic has likely dropped by 75% or more.

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5da214  No.14806750


Blk RK to H8

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d3f2fe  No.14806751

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7a6e37  No.14806752


Q asked Ron to beef up the servers. So, yeah, it was a stress test.

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886b09  No.14806753


But, ironically, I didn't find the Q (you) until the next morning.

Check my timestamp.


If memory serves, you are correct.

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efa3ed  No.14806754

File: 381d13c3bb6ceed⋯.png (271.56 KB, 854x480, 427:240, 2021_10_18_snap_00001.png)

File: 8244abff5662342⋯.mp4 (3.22 MB, 854x480, 427:240, CERN.mp4)

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efa3ed  No.14806755

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



We don't know Jack about Jack

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3750c3  No.14806756

File: dc4c2963b1a776c⋯.png (94.24 KB, 480x960, 1:2, Screenshot_20211018_060436.png)

File: acb878e93eabff3⋯.png (99.05 KB, 480x960, 1:2, Screenshot_20211018_060516.png)

File: 8d3123d204df7b1⋯.png (117.17 KB, 480x960, 1:2, Screenshot_20211018_060555.png)

File: 67ddccf0aaab329⋯.png (117.61 KB, 480x960, 1:2, Screenshot_20211018_060933.png)

File: dd348dadaf2f306⋯.png (67.93 KB, 480x960, 1:2, Screenshot_20211018_060938.png)

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dcb176  No.14806757

File: 280731873e8bbb6⋯.jpeg (20.14 KB, 255x109, 255:109, B51112C7_C480_4A9A_B183_8….jpeg)


this is the best worldwide revolution i ever been in. fkn love u frenz

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b3bcf0  No.14806758

File: 3b1ec7e7a1102cd⋯.jpg (25.03 KB, 249x303, 83:101, Screenshot_20211018_050607….jpg)

File: 92c7c8bc1c3c0e6⋯.jpg (112.2 KB, 503x833, 503:833, Screenshot_20211018_050631….jpg)

File: 96080d9b25d9559⋯.jpg (43.99 KB, 479x296, 479:296, Screenshot_20211018_050642….jpg)


Most sad.

Pls Do not insinuate decapataing myself.

My sword = staying in the sheath for now.

I suggest you do the same (peace threw strength)

I have a heart full of LOVE remember.

l could go for some pumkinpie doe, mmm pumpkin pie…

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d3f2fe  No.14806759


hush now, now you'll give away my secrets

scapula, rosary

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1d133e  No.14806760

File: dccd2c9343076c1⋯.png (630.04 KB, 489x480, 163:160, ClipboardImage.png)

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886b09  No.14806761


I suspect it also has a lot to do with morans who don't understand the plan and jumped ship after the election.

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d3f2fe  No.14806762


Admiral Rogers 31/08

Jack O Lantern

Peter Peter Pumpkin eater

had a wife &

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ce0709  No.14806763




>>Rxf7+ Rg7





Rxf7+ still wins anyway

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d3f2fe  No.14806764



think titanic, or the union

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3750c3  No.14806765

File: 7b8567cb0353e9c⋯.png (101.73 KB, 480x960, 1:2, Screenshot_20211018_061748.png)

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20b41d  No.14806766

File: abcb3b77cd83c39⋯.png (143.72 KB, 1200x600, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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7a6e37  No.14806767

File: 4efab61b8dfde62⋯.jpg (81.94 KB, 880x630, 88:63, hi_there.jpg)


Cheers, fren.

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d3f2fe  No.14806768

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62dc5a  No.14806769

Need David Hogg memes. TY in advance.

Fuck captcha. We ain't sending nuke codes.

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0451d1  No.14806770

Afghan girl’s gruesome murder sparks investigation into possible organ harvesting ring

The chilling, cold-blooded killing of a 10-year-old Afghan girl has sparked an investigation into a possible organ harvesting or snuff filmmaking ring.

they are probing the possibility that the “mafia” could also be motivated financially by making “black films” – usually referred to in the west as snuff films – showing the brutal death, which are then disturbingly sold to twisted minds over the internet.

October 18, 2021


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efa3ed  No.14806771

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Witches (2) Pabst Blue Ribbon


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7a6e37  No.14806772


>Need David Hogg memes.

Why? Nobody cares about that fame monger anymore.

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41e5cc  No.14806773

File: 0c33af09e201445⋯.png (213.76 KB, 449x437, 449:437, ClipboardImage.png)



monday morning blues, feeling it this morning, arrrgh, hope the cabal are too feeling it too, lots of demonstrations with the same result.

suppose it does not effect them as much as those who are poor or whose stress is mounting cause they are giving up their jobs


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d3f2fe  No.14806774


continue that line of filth and i will smite you into a million shards of shit stained cumsoaked theivin' glass

do i make myself clear ?

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ce0709  No.14806775


Donald as POTUS & BOSS Twitterer would have beat Bidan as POTUS and Donald out off twitter, now it seems many anons have taken up anti vaxx obsession as a substitute activity which is not as fun and appealing as cheering for POTUS owning the Libs

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d3f2fe  No.14806776


M, ill key whey for the NYPost

into the box for them

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3750c3  No.14806777


Is there a problem?

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33c2b9  No.14806778


>“What I can tell you is that we are doing everything for the short term and the long term and we will work through the factors that present themselves as challenges in the terms that we encounter on everything. … The significant problems are not problem of insignificance because they are not important problems, they are significant challenges because of the importance of their significance and we are addressing them in both long and short term solutions. … This is important, not just morally but also economically, because the challenges are what we need to recognize as important maintenance issue challenges.”

Not about to go into the recording to confirm if he said exactly that or not… makes no difference anymore to this anon if it’s verbatim or simply making fun if Buttgigs lacks of substance anyway.

What anon can anecdotally confirm, is that the comment is EXACTLY the same in emptiness as the federal workers this anon tried to ‘communicate’ with several years ago. They did in fact speak EXACTLY like this… absolute nothingness, on the phone, in person, and even in their “draft” reports (interestingly, they NEVER finalized any written positions, as if a magical trick).

Once, while trying to have a heartfelt aside, outside of earshot from either his coworkers and mine… i politely paused him mid sentence-of-nothingness, and with extreme politeness pointed out that he was speaking in a very strange way that did not actually communicate anything. My comment was intentionally provocative with intent to get some, ANY, rise out of the guy and hear what he might sound like with a little ‘reality’…


He looked me in the eye for just a glance… and went right back to talking nothingness, as if i hadn’t said a word.

Do these people learn this somehow/somewhere… or is it OJT or something?????????????

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d89b95  No.14806779

File: 624ed9f93e6d443⋯.jpeg (58.67 KB, 513x446, 513:446, DA5264D3_4CF1_4B7C_9072_A….jpeg)

Something strange yet subtle is happening. Sanjay Gupta admits to Rogan that CNN lied And that IVM for people is fine and works.

Jon Stewart says the media should stop blaming Trump for everything. And Joy Ried does a piece admitting that MSDNC was wrong about packed college football stadiums being super spreader events.

Wonder what’s up.

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c18a5d  No.14806780

File: 4f74033f022d088⋯.jpg (310.01 KB, 1080x1001, 1080:1001, 20201017_081145.jpg)

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05b6dc  No.14806781


You have a bigger version of pic, anon?

Small format National Bank Notes and Federal Reserve Bank Notes are the most interesting currency ever produced by the BEP… Extremely relevant to the present situation.

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1d133e  No.14806782

File: d5cde64200dfcac⋯.png (553.81 KB, 591x591, 1:1, cuomo_hogg.png)

File: 8f79a2fb9c492f7⋯.png (445.53 KB, 673x480, 673:480, moi_pillow_david_hogg.png)

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e9aaa9  No.14806783

How to get enormously wealthy & powerful and have control over 99.9% of other people:

Be willing to:

Lie, cheat, steal, deceive, murder, bribe, blackmail, sabotage, do every dirty trick it takes.

And then join The Club of other people who are willing to do the same.

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05b6dc  No.14806784


They're looking to plea down to life without parole for crimes against humanity.

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113b42  No.14806785

File: 80eaeee66c84136⋯.webm (2.73 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 80eaeee66c84136df9d75ad0e….webm)


>Some people should just kill themselves instead of trying to convince the rest of us to abandon all hope.

Fashionable nihilism is a cancer. A co-worker told me they just didn't really care about politics at all, then got really upset with me for suggesting that they should leave it up to people who do care if they felt that way.

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d3f2fe  No.14806786


anon is not Henry

unless the Princess Leah type

you are reasonatin' to John whodrank from that cup while restin' on the Kingswood

also an expression of my other sister born on 24/05 , Empire day

Emma also drank from this cup which is why she is here manifestin' with the ralph and glow worm

i am to bear my sisters sins

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3750c3  No.14806787


Poetic. It means nothing.

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9456be  No.14806788


>then got really upset with me

So the bastard does care.

What a hypocrite

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e9aaa9  No.14806789

File: cd2a945c8a1bd01⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


Welcome to The Club.

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41e5cc  No.14806790


that is a pretty detailed and gruesome report from the nyp, how have they managed to get so much detail about this case and the people involved from afghanistan when there is nothing coming out about the people still left their who I.D and bio metric data were handed over to the tabilan.

i am not saying i do not believe it, but i am saying how?

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e9aaa9  No.14806791

File: 19abeceefa6553d⋯.png (10.79 MB, 2400x1800, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


Welcome to The Club.

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33c2b9  No.14806792


Careful, he might need to go on maternity leave again.

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debf5c  No.14806793

File: 7bba1402f3e7408⋯.png (42.51 KB, 1080x1096, 135:137, Tricky_Mate_in_2.png)

White to move and Checkmate in 2 moves.

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7a6e37  No.14806794


I suggest you look at who they are trying to blame for the killing. It is unlikely that the declared culprits are the actual culprits. Somebody may be trying to get ahead of the narrative.

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722d3c  No.14806795



>>jumped ship

That seems almost impossible. Even when I try to take a break for a much needed recharge, I'm still engaged. I can't help it. How can anyone, who's truly in this fight, jump ship?

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d3f2fe  No.14806796

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Does when you manifest as a gay man to a straight woman

Mandy would be more open to that obviously as she manifested here as Jon

but leaves you unfulfilled and you're such a romantic, dream for your appropriate match

this video is a reflection of my sister Melissa and John (Mandy)

Hivemind sent that through when i activated her, they change though as my current actions modify the original

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7a6e37  No.14806797


That is an odd sort of game that you're playing there.

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f5eb28  No.14806798


2 knight's

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33c2b9  No.14806799


Recipe for extinction-level mutual-suicide pact.

Basically, what the so-called “Intelligence Community” seems to think is a good idea for “National Security”.

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20b41d  No.14806800

File: 799bf1c71d3d099⋯.png (543.54 KB, 786x541, 786:541, ClipboardImage.png)

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e9aaa9  No.14806801


Is this to detract from what the CCP in China is actually doing?

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debf5c  No.14806802


>That is an odd sort of game that you're playing there.

The first move for white is EXTREMELY ODD but makes perfect sense.


Ya. Either Knight works. But that's the second move. First the first move.

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f5eb28  No.14806803

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d3f2fe  No.14806804


im quite normal actually

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0d5a92  No.14806805


Nb6+ Bxb6


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5da214  No.14806806

>>14806727. me

what anon said. >>14806732

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8b465e  No.14806807


Never go full Brandon!

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3fd524  No.14806808

Hi Aus fags!

I just got word from a close friend that Aboriginal kids (12 years old and up) from the Tweed Heads (Northern NSW area) area are being rounded up tomorrow and taken to a "cultural centre" and given the vaccine tomorrow!

Please keep your kids away from school tomorrow!

Please have these kids in your hearts and pray for them.

Please pass this information onto anyone you know out there who has kids in this area.

There is NO Parental authorisation required! The schools are working with the police!

A nurse whistleblower just sent this message out to me, she is very concerned about this.

THIS IS NOT A HOAX! This is real genocide!

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efa3ed  No.14806809

File: 48efe02dc0703ec⋯.mp4 (8.63 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Ebola_is_realsies.mp4)


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d3f2fe  No.14806810

later anon

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41e5cc  No.14806811


>As per Islamic custom, she was buried immediately before a proper autopsy and investigation could be conducted.

not true

>which are then disturbingly sold to twisted minds over the internet.

of course the nyp (Murdoch owned) does not spin narratives, but seems very suspect, elites, Chinese (squid game) or was she killed because the neighbours were abusing her

very suspicious story all round, moar questions then answers?

will the normies see through this or will they buy it hook line and sinker as usual?


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722d3c  No.14806813

Damn, October is flying by.

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5da214  No.14806814


E8 to C7

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debf5c  No.14806815


Bishop can capture both knights.

Look at it from this perspective.

Black cannot move his King.

The only two other pieces black can move is his Pawn and his Bishop.

How do you force him to move his bishop without moving your knights?

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5da214  No.14806816



>E8 to C7

Blk Bishop takes Knight at C7

Wht Knight to b6 check-mate

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25da4b  No.14806817

File: 7af1957694dbcd9⋯.gif (1.42 MB, 340x184, 85:46, ralph1.gif)


>Morning, Frenz

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3750c3  No.14806818

File: 2b40ce6c5b6bf2c⋯.png (161.54 KB, 480x960, 1:2, Screenshot_20211018_065422.png)

So everything is a lie… I didn't even add this to my topics.

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a21c52  No.14806819

File: 0c12d994d01ad29⋯.jpg (128.41 KB, 609x923, 609:923, Screenshot_20210727_214956….jpg)

File: 41a1e79c358f7b7⋯.jpg (99.87 KB, 606x772, 303:386, Screenshot_20210726_130135….jpg)


Soz 1stMATE w/ the blood line (currently clotted)

these type of fail crafts dun work no mo.

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5da214  No.14806820

File: 7f02693fef4c904⋯.jpg (38.92 KB, 445x345, 89:69, Screen_Shot_2021_10_18_at_….jpg)

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3750c3  No.14806821

File: 21a3809214f218c⋯.png (164.61 KB, 480x960, 1:2, Screenshot_20211018_064553.png)

What's going on with my phone? Why did it type things in without my knowledge?

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e9aaa9  No.14806822


I guess God knows stuff that we don't know.

If we knew everything that God knows, then we'd be God.

Eating the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of Good & Evil did not make us God, it made us like God. The Devil didn't actually lie, he just deceived.

Misery loves company.

Adam & Eve were in a Sanctuary.

But that Sanctuary was located in a hostile world that was already filled with evil.

Once they understood evil, they were kicked out of the Sanctuary and forced to live in the Evil world that surrounded it.

We now know evil when we see it.

But what can we actually do about it?

Why did Cain kill Abel? Jealousy?

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7a6e37  No.14806823

File: 04597e2a0f6701a⋯.jpg (722.59 KB, 1076x1510, 538:755, happy_halloween.jpg)


Goblin Day rapidly approaches.

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3750c3  No.14806824

File: a26b65934a767e4⋯.png (102.57 KB, 480x960, 1:2, Screenshot_20211018_065924.png)

This topic as well.

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7a6e37  No.14806825


The Ghost in the Machine.

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5da214  No.14806826



>>E8 to C7

White bishop takes black bishop… pretty much done

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8b465e  No.14806827

File: 5a31dffe51a12ec⋯.jpg (35 KB, 632x395, 8:5, 5quu45.jpg)

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7c879c  No.14806828

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


reposting for newfags

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f5eb28  No.14806829


… or the bb legs it. Either either.

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722d3c  No.14806830



10 days until Q's 4th birthday / anniversary.


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c79885  No.14806831

File: fabae16d88b0a48⋯.jpg (171.14 KB, 726x761, 726:761, Surge_BS.jpg)

File: 68b9c931601659c⋯.png (217.56 KB, 521x479, 521:479, 1634491813892.png)

File: 4bc140b2341c28d⋯.png (351.81 KB, 508x491, 508:491, ei_1634492431630_removebg_….png)

IF: Covid is "Surging"…

AND: None of the testing works…

THEN: Are the Hospitals Overflowing again?

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a21c52  No.14806832

File: 241f25d2ea218d2⋯.jpg (84.48 KB, 584x552, 73:69, Screenshot_20210802_141828….jpg)

File: 6e39c6bb6a714c8⋯.jpg (67.47 KB, 651x326, 651:326, Screenshot_20210806_083906….jpg)

File: 6420d4c5b495773⋯.jpg (55.59 KB, 613x323, 613:323, Screenshot_20210806_083926….jpg)

File: 6e2e08ecc9e1b7f⋯.jpg (131.25 KB, 1200x1329, 400:443, Screenshot_20210806_083956….jpg)

File: 178dc98106d11e5⋯.jpg (125.48 KB, 829x1238, 829:1238, Screenshot_20211017_173953….jpg)

The blood just won't wash off under those fingers.

Tick tock goes the clock, in the belly of the crock….


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3750c3  No.14806833

File: 873184dafab4838⋯.png (77.72 KB, 480x960, 1:2, Screenshot_20211018_070313.png)

I've never had a conversation with this user either.

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c79885  No.14806834

File: d267dd1f6985097⋯.jpg (88.77 KB, 724x554, 362:277, Worthless_Faggots.jpg)

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46ba4e  No.14806835

File: 81b7f7f507c0a2d⋯.jpeg (448.12 KB, 828x991, 828:991, B736E075_F520_4556_8662_F….jpeg)

https://defiantamerica.com/forget-freedom-of-speech-canadian-government-bans-employees-from-saying-lets-go-brandonphoto/ Forget Freedom Of Speech – Canadian Government Bans Employees From Saying “Let’s Go Brandon”(Photo)

By Kellyanne Richardson - October 18, 2021 0 Comments

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196899  No.14806836

Anyone else Gen X live almost their whole life without even realizing they have autism, just kind of thinking it was some sort of intelligence differential that made things disjointed?

I feel like someone should have told me 40 years ago and maybe I could have done things differently and maybe found a tiny shred of happiness.

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46ba4e  No.14806837

File: 44e922fe2e465b4⋯.jpeg (497.49 KB, 828x1339, 828:1339, 2B9C02B9_A9D8_4688_A2B7_0….jpeg)

https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/10/15/former-cbp-official-marsha-blackburn-podcast-biden-complicit-cartels-human-trafficking/ Exclusive — Former CBP Official on Marsha Blackburn Podcast: Biden ‘Complicit’ in Cartels’ Human Trafficking

Acting Commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Protection Mark Morgan, right, with Department of Homeland Security Acting Secretary Chad Wolf, speaks during a news conference to address the situation in Portland, Ore., in relation to protests Tuesday, July 21, 2020, in Washington. (AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta)AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta

SEAN MORAN15 Oct 202155

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33c2b9  No.14806838


Took a drive through parkinglot this morning surrounding main county hospital here in northern Virginia (been checking every few months for the last year and a half).

Fucking ghost town.

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b1287c  No.14806839


THE cytokine STORM is coming.

The vaccinated are at risk. The purebloods should avoid close contact with the injected.

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46ba4e  No.14806840

File: 4c37f610c9f5739⋯.jpeg (861.62 KB, 828x1456, 207:364, 6C5455BF_B208_4D96_9B8D_1….jpeg)

https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/10/virginia-tech-restrict-selfish-inappropriate-embarrassing-student-behavior-football-games-fck-joe-biden-chants-break-across-country/ Virginia Tech to Restrict ‘Selfish, Inappropriate, and Embarrassing Student Behavior’ at Football Games after “F*ck Joe Biden” Chants Break Out Across the Country

By Cristina Laila

Published October 17, 2021 at 8:42pm


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6aee73  No.14806841

File: 797c0b92e39e904⋯.png (395.79 KB, 700x471, 700:471, Was_that_A_Cat.png)

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6f874b  No.14806842


good luck. all it will do is make it louder and more frequent. Until Joe Biden is executed for his war crimes. No one will rest.

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46ba4e  No.14806843

File: 47e436d487a1522⋯.jpeg (735.85 KB, 828x1399, 828:1399, 45AD3536_E413_48C4_9B83_5….jpeg)

https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/10/biden-pentagon-face-massive-class-action-lawsuit-vaccine-mandate-federal-employees-military-members/ Biden, Pentagon Face Massive Class-Action Lawsuit Over Vaccine Mandate on Federal Employees and Military Members

By Julian Conradson

Published October 17, 2021 at 6:30pm


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722d3c  No.14806844


Ditto. Alwas packed emergency room parking lot in N. Austin hospital has been one of the busiest I've ever seen in the past. Not even close now. NO ONE is going to the hospital. People are petrified.

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46ba4e  No.14806845

File: 78b7b806c2127c9⋯.jpeg (183.11 KB, 828x557, 828:557, 31F16E5C_796A_44D6_8554_F….jpeg)

https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2021/10/is_aspirin_the_new_horse_dewormer.html October 18, 2021

Is Aspirin the New Horse Dewormer?

By Brian C.Joondeph, MD

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7a6e37  No.14806846


>NO ONE is going to the hospital. People are petrified.

As they should be. The hospitals have become homicide zones.

Stay home and heal yourself, if you can.

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e9aaa9  No.14806847


Question: How can we give AIDS to half of the world's population?

Answer: Pretend there is a pandemic and put it into the vaccine.

Ever since the start of AIDS, we were all warned that we could get it from a needle stick.

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46ba4e  No.14806848

File: 399141911e557bc⋯.jpeg (419.33 KB, 828x1088, 207:272, 5FE591D6_4EA9_4E87_B250_F….jpeg)

https://spectator.org/election-fraud-is-alive-and-well-in-2021/ Election Fraud Is Alive and Well in 2021

We’re told vote fraud is a myth but the Democrats didn’t get the memo.


October 17, 2021, 10:53 PM

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33c2b9  No.14806849


Two years ago, could hear ambulances responding to something several times a week. Maybe heard three this entire past year.

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46ba4e  No.14806850

File: e796d7456386ff7⋯.jpeg (668.45 KB, 828x1493, 828:1493, 6F5FDAA0_A104_41C3_80E7_E….jpeg)

https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/10/breaking-exclusive-ag-garlands-wife-worked-heavily-classified-defense-contractor-e-systems-jumped-election-systems-2020-election/ BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: AG Garland’s Wife Worked at Heavily Classified Defense Contractor ‘E-Systems’ Then Focused on Elections Before the 2020 Election

By Joe Hoft

Published October 17, 2021 at 4:35pm


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7c879c  No.14806851


>Ever since the start of AIDS, we were all warned that we could get it from a needle stick.


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7a6e37  No.14806852


The article gets it all wrong. The aspirin is not for Covid. It is for the blood clotting from the vaxxes.

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6c8481  No.14806853


Nf7 BXn

nb6 checkmate.>>14806793

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722d3c  No.14806854


There's no way in hell I'd go to the ER. We stocked up on antibiotics, supplements & first aid supplies yrs ago. Our antibiotics are about to expire, so we need restock.

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196899  No.14806855

File: 97650fb1f151145⋯.jpg (729.04 KB, 1080x2044, 270:511, Screenshot_20211018_071954….jpg)


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46ba4e  No.14806856

File: 694a08166e3d640⋯.jpeg (445.73 KB, 828x1007, 828:1007, 4C7561AE_79E5_4A27_B359_3….jpeg)

https://hotair.com/jazz-shaw/2021/10/17/under-the-taliban-families-in-debt-are-selling-off-their-children-n422999 Under the Taliban, families in debt are selling off their children

JAZZ SHAW Oct 17, 2021 8:01 PM ET

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e9aaa9  No.14806857


> ‘Selfish, Inappropriate, and Embarrassing Student Behavior’

But it would be free speech if they were shouting Fuck the Police, or Fuck Trump.

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b1287c  No.14806858

File: f7bab7005b1ad6f⋯.png (14.98 KB, 814x354, 407:177, No_Australia_Is_Not_Actual….png)

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3750c3  No.14806859

File: 9e876244029b6b1⋯.png (95.3 KB, 480x960, 1:2, Screenshot_20211018_072032.png)

And now my account got "banned" or "blocked" or "restricted" because apparently everything is fake and a lie.

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46ba4e  No.14806860

File: dc3d9b86da1da89⋯.jpeg (367.56 KB, 558x1060, 279:530, 87924FE9_A572_4F3F_95CA_B….jpeg)

https://mobile.twitter.com/peteremcc/status/1449846302955556865 Canadian government workers must not say "Let's Go Brandon", or any variation thereof, in any communication.




4:14 PM · Oct 17, 2021·Twitter Web App

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c79885  No.14806861

File: 3097f3d0204ed42⋯.jpg (176.96 KB, 726x761, 726:761, No_Crops.jpg)



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41cf9a  No.14806862


Can I have a slice with not so much rat in it?

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6f874b  No.14806863


can they say Let's Go Trudeau, clap clap.

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d10df9  No.14806864

Can some anon post the link to class action attorneys against the vaccine mandate. It might be on a Sidney Powell website, but I can't find it.

Thanks anons.

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196899  No.14806865

File: 360b815ad3e9b3c⋯.jpg (507.74 KB, 1008x1319, 1008:1319, Screenshot_20211018_072338….jpg)

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6aee73  No.14806866

File: cbe59a655dab2f0⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Let_go_Brandon.png)

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6c8481  No.14806867


Oh shit.

Sorry meant to say… oh use shit.

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46ba4e  No.14806868

File: 0fb654172dba2dd⋯.jpeg (547.71 KB, 828x1136, 207:284, 9EC575EB_64B6_4488_8C38_9….jpeg)

https://mobile.twitter.com/atensnut/status/1449948557750984705 Please watch this. Absolutely disgusting. Great work, Ben.

Quote Tweet

Ben Bergquam - Real America’s Voice (RAV-TV) News

· 10h

Turning illegal ID’s in to Border Patrol in Del Rio, Texas. These are the ID’s that illegals drop in Mexico because they’ve been trained by Democrat activist groups who are helping support this invasion simply to enrich themselves and the cartels.


Embedded video



11:00 PM · Oct 17, 2021·

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7a6e37  No.14806869

File: d42a76cbf3280dc⋯.jpg (46.34 KB, 812x960, 203:240, supermaam.jpg)


It's SuperMa'am.

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722d3c  No.14806870

File: ed1985e27cb678b⋯.jpg (338.9 KB, 1439x1501, 1439:1501, Screenshot_20211018_072923….jpg)

File: dc3e070e11ac4bf⋯.jpg (184.12 KB, 1439x617, 1439:617, Screenshot_20211018_072942….jpg)

File: 8e6ea676b44b1fb⋯.jpg (233.06 KB, 1439x1365, 1439:1365, Screenshot_20211018_073031….jpg)

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73815d  No.14806871

File: ec35d94de352564⋯.jpg (36.66 KB, 512x341, 512:341, rats.jpg)

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886b09  No.14806872


Anon is on the same page.

It is only recently that anon realised that many of anon's idiosyncratic OCD behavioural traits fall on the autism spectrum.

From birth, anon has questioned everything and rejected all that did not form a coherent and cogent pattern

Anon has always needed to see the big picture and how everything connects.

Anon sees patterns and connections that normies are oblivious to.

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46ba4e  No.14806873

File: 0fb654172dba2dd⋯.jpeg (547.71 KB, 828x1136, 207:284, 024E0CC6_DDFD_4A45_ACC8_A….jpeg)

Please watch this. Absolutely disgusting. Great work, Ben.

Quote Tweet

Ben Bergquam - Real America’s Voice (RAV-TV) News

· 10h

Turning illegal ID’s in to Border Patrol in Del Rio, Texas. These are the ID’s that illegals drop in Mexico because they’ve been trained by Democrat activist groups who are helping support this invasion simply to enrich themselves and the cartels.


Embedded video



11:00 PM · Oct 17, 2021· https://mobile.twitter.com/atensnut/status/1449948557750984705

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7a6e37  No.14806874


>everything is fake and a lie.

Including you. Kys.

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6aee73  No.14806875


engineering a famine

they want you dead

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41cf9a  No.14806876


That's the kek I was looking for :D

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c79885  No.14806877

File: b32b8f7c412b48e⋯.jpg (51.58 KB, 640x360, 16:9, ZomboMeme_18102021062659.jpg)

File: dcd1b72e4eb74d5⋯.jpg (121.39 KB, 940x705, 4:3, ZomboMeme_18102021062728.jpg)

File: 5f3379df6abe18a⋯.jpg (166.63 KB, 864x648, 4:3, ZomboMeme_18102021062750.jpg)

File: fa03ec99a734fc3⋯.jpg (151.94 KB, 992x744, 4:3, ZomboMeme_18102021062814.jpg)

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7da24d  No.14806878

File: 594100bc32db9b3⋯.jpg (62.91 KB, 253x204, 253:204, dafuqPepe.JPG)


I guess that sucks for any politician actually named Brandon. Kek

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efa3ed  No.14806879

File: 4f58ed6b37b2ad6⋯.mp4 (8.24 MB, 640x360, 16:9, cap.mp4)




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41cf9a  No.14806880


Sorry, I meant


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7a6e37  No.14806881


Put Brandon along with Karen on the endangered list.

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16676d  No.14806882


>>14805967 Pb

Anon, would you provide the link to the site of this video for those of us who can’t see mp4 here? Ty

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909827  No.14806883



Please don't chose a predetermined label for yourself, it feels good to belong to a group but

it will only limit you.

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722d3c  No.14806884


Funny u mention this. I was walking my dogs last week & heard an ambulance in the distance. Remember thinking, "That's a sound I haven't heard in a very long time."

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46ba4e  No.14806885

File: ac8d880948133e0⋯.jpeg (256.46 KB, 828x1060, 207:265, C406C554_9DB2_47D9_A85F_1….jpeg)

Thousands of People Are Trying to Leave QAnon, but Getting Out Is Almost Impossible

In a Cosmo exclusive, women on both sides—the former believers and the doctors they’re turning to—show us what it takes to escape.

by ANDREA STANLEY and PHOTOGRAPHS BY TODD R. FORSGREN. https://www.cosmopolitan.com/lifestyle/a37696261/leaving-recovering-from-q-anon/

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41cf9a  No.14806887


City dwelling anon hears them every day, nearest hospital only a mile away, ambulance station is half that.

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c79885  No.14806888

File: 4d8f92c7fe3aef4⋯.jpg (48.78 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Lets_Go_Justin.jpg)

File: 4dcab24fb301740⋯.jpg (166.4 KB, 864x648, 4:3, ZomboMeme_18102021063117.jpg)

File: b4fc82387ad1b55⋯.jpg (45.53 KB, 650x400, 13:8, ZomboMeme_18102021062958.jpg)

File: 9d67fedcd6fb646⋯.jpg (72.45 KB, 976x549, 16:9, ZomboMeme_18102021062937.jpg)

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46ba4e  No.14806889

File: fb6dc32e5701d47⋯.jpeg (689.96 KB, 828x1295, 828:1295, 286FF1B1_7C9E_4E9B_B7F4_7….jpeg)

https://mobile.twitter.com/Patriotism1788/status/1449887220681302017 Seattle officers make a unsubtle statement day before officers get fired over the vaccine mandate Fire




6:57 PM · Oct 17, 2021

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41cf9a  No.14806890


Chekd and kekd.

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b93eb1  No.14806891

File: 789e025e31a8d0f⋯.png (471.54 KB, 522x379, 522:379, ClipboardImage.png)

California’s Environmental Laws and a Precedent-Setting Court Decision Is Causing the Container Shipping Crisis

There is a trucking crisis at California’s ports, the Port of Los Angeles (POLA) and the Port of Long Beach (POLB), that is causing the bottleneck in supply chains because all semi tractors have to be current with new California emissions standards, or they may not operated in the state. As a consequence, that means trucks cannot be older than 3 years if they are to pick up or deliver containers at those ports. This issue especially affected fleet trucks at the ports. In addition, a court settlement, dated October 16, 2020, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced settlements with three interstate trucking companies for violating the California Air Resources Board’s federally enforceable emissions restrictions on diesel trucks to filter particulate matter (PM) and nitrogen oxides (NOx). Virtually all private owner operator trucks and half of the fleet trucks that are used for moving containers across the nation have been shut out. Big businesses in the private sector, including Amazon, Walmart, UPS, FedEx, Samsung, Home Depot and Target, were aware of this problem years ago and quietly diverted shipments of their goods to other ports, to avoid the ire of environmentalists.

(link for whole article)


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efa3ed  No.14806892



It's waman, not people.

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7da24d  No.14806893



Once you know you cannot un-know.

<I wonder who this QAnon guy is though?

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46ba4e  No.14806894

File: 0fefb527d4c1322⋯.jpeg (750.33 KB, 798x1216, 21:32, 7273C11A_10C0_4DAD_BFAF_E….jpeg)

https://t.me/RealGenFlynn/986 https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2021/10/17/sunday-talks-lee-smith-autocratic-scrutiny-begins-right-here-at-home

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6f874b  No.14806895


trips confirm positive message. kek

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7a6e37  No.14806896


>Getting Out Is Almost Impossible

All they have to do is hang up the damn cellphone.

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f57c3f  No.14806897


G'Mornin' Sam… Another Day at the Office.

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ac42fe  No.14806898

File: 8ce4c1f61083bac⋯.png (520.32 KB, 621x620, 621:620, 56313455699056.png)

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516949  No.14806899

File: f7f63652ab85e5f⋯.jpg (260.42 KB, 611x989, 611:989, TheBeginningIsNear.jpg)



IP addresses prove the head of UC Global was contacting the Eastern District of Virginia directly, while also spying on Julian Assange illegally at the behest of the CIA.

This means the CIA ordered a spying operation that was funneling material directly into the Court handling Assange's case, while simultaneously plotting to murder Assange.

They bugged the embassy, spied on conversations with his lawyers; and provided that directly to the US Government in violation of a multitude of international and domestic laws.

This is not only disgusting, but it is highly, HIGHLY illegal, and directly connects the CIA to the DOJ and EDVA in a criminal conspiracy that spanned multiple countries.

The Assange hearing will take place on the 27th and 28th of this month.

Day one will be the prosecution.

Day two will be the defense.


On day two, the 28th, expect the CIA to be brought into a VERY bright light.

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ad7fe4  No.14806900

The Greatest Story Never Told: Adolf Hitler


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886b09  No.14806901

File: 0bbab6c462d0061⋯.png (176.64 KB, 500x566, 250:283, pepe_feelsgreatman_.png)


>Please don't chose a predetermined label for yourself, it feels good to belong to a group but

>it will only limit you.

Wise words, but you are preaching to the choir here.

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f57c3f  No.14806902


'Mornin' Ralph… Pass the covfefe, will ya?

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16676d  No.14806903

File: 553722608df20b1⋯.jpeg (63.08 KB, 900x601, 900:601, CDC978C0_50E2_4616_B8C8_5….jpeg)

File: 04ba7d2885538e4⋯.jpeg (62.33 KB, 900x601, 900:601, 765D297E_E478_44C1_99A5_0….jpeg)

File: dd557f90b0a7a3c⋯.jpeg (41.81 KB, 679x454, 679:454, 3AAC00F1_26B7_4E31_8C35_3….jpeg)

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b1287c  No.14806904


The enemy within.

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73815d  No.14806905

File: 1e25ea1ff09027e⋯.jpg (64.75 KB, 900x881, 900:881, finkle.jpg)

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ad7fe4  No.14806906

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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1d133e  No.14806907

File: a37be1144512db2⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1426x754, 713:377, ClipboardImage.png)


New Zealand’s Lockdown Prime Minister Throws In the Towel

Finally, and seemingly to the surprise of the public health officials who advised her to go down this primrose path in the first place, she is throwing in the towel on her ambitious COVID-19 agenda. In early October, with new cases at a plateau for weeks, she finally admitted that “For this [Delta variant] outbreak, it’s clear that long periods of heavy restrictions [have] not got us to zero cases.”



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e9aaa9  No.14806909


"Climate change" doesn't seem to be stopping the celebs. from having kids. The celebs are popping out kids left and right. They must be "special" or "elite" or something.

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46ba4e  No.14806911

File: 41311b247040804⋯.jpeg (542.71 KB, 828x1006, 414:503, 00AF2369_F371_4DAE_8911_C….jpeg)

https://t.me/KanekoaTheGreat/2145 COVID Censorship is a Manifestation of Fear, explains Peter McCullough, MD, MPH


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b93eb1  No.14806912


Cleaner link:


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6d94cc  No.14806913

File: 2edb6d18881b629⋯.jpeg (234.36 KB, 828x792, 23:22, 26AF9F36_64A9_4812_8DB2_3….jpeg)

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722d3c  No.14806914


Last time I was in an ER was Dec '19, NYE. Spouseanon tested negative for flu, but ended up w/ double pneumonia. They were packed w/ homeless & non-english speaking people. People on gurneys, in hallways, isles, packed in every spare space available. One muslim man became irrate when a nurse needed the wife to remove her hijab to check for a head injury. I don't know how that nurse reminded so damn calm.

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73815d  No.14806915

File: da0b507b93fc4eb⋯.jpg (33.7 KB, 720x540, 4:3, vlcsnap_2014_11_07_12h03m5….jpg)


>"Climate change" doesn't seem to be stopping the celebs. from having kids

They assume 50% get sacrificed to Moloch in their calculations

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46ba4e  No.14806916

File: d069fd07df56249⋯.jpeg (257.52 KB, 828x953, 828:953, CA12F430_7935_4D2B_AF7A_5….jpeg)

https://theexpose.uk/2021/08/29/the-trusted-news-initiative-a-bbc-led-organisation-censoring-public-health-experts-who-oppose-the-official-narrative-on-covid-19/ The Trusted News Initiative – A BBC led organisation censoring Public Health experts who oppose the official narrative on Covid-19

BY THE EXPOSÉ ON AUGUST 29, 2021 • ( 36 COMMENTS ) https://t.me/KanekoaTheGreat/2143

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de175d  No.14806917

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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7a6e37  No.14806918


I suppose this is winning. They can't keep this up because even the most rabid Covid believer is starting to understand that this isn't about a virus.

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46ba4e  No.14806919

File: 733c6d55d4af9ad⋯.jpeg (202.61 KB, 828x1039, 828:1039, A2A56B7F_2956_48F3_8900_0….jpeg)

https://t.me/KanekoaTheGreat/2142 Powerful: The Narrative Is Crumbling. Resist COVID-1984.

A call to action from a series of experts and professionals from around the world.

Featuring: Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Ryan Cole, Dr. Kary Mullis, Dr. Michael Yeadon, Dr. Dan Erickson, Dr. Scott Jensen, Dr. Byram Bridle, Dr. Stella Immanuel, Dr. Andrew Kaufman, Prof. Martin Kulldorff, Prof. Sunetra Gupta, Prof. Jay Bhattacharya, and Robert Kennedy Jr.

Peaceful mass non-compliance is the only way.



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e9aaa9  No.14806920


The homeless use the ER as a homeless shelter. They can't be turned away.

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324fcf  No.14806921

The people are not waking up

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21f989  No.14806922


Let's Go Trudeau!

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46ba4e  No.14806923

File: b65089c5698eb34⋯.jpeg (716.65 KB, 828x1066, 414:533, 494F311B_9AA5_45CC_9C82_D….jpeg)

https://mobile.twitter.com/RWMaloneMD/status/1449531174074781699?t=qFM9myMkRClfEPqDzhkgEw&s=19 Free Maui

Save Dr. Lorrin Pang

Let's go Brandon.

So say thousands.


7:22 PM · Oct 16, 2021·Twitter Web App

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b1287c  No.14806924


Jesuit KINO Border Initiative.


You best start believing on a Counter-Reformation because you're in one.

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e9aaa9  No.14806925


Maybe we need to make more noise to wake them up.

Like shouting Fuck Joe Biden!

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96b1e1  No.14806926

Anonymous 10/17/21 (Sun) 16:37:00c66afa No.14804349

>>14804336 (PB)

The latest data from the United Kingdom’s PHE Vaccine Surveillance Report suggests that people who have been “fully vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) are losing about five percent of their immune systems per week.

Doubly injected people between the ages of 40 and 70 have already lost about 40 percent of the immune system capacity from the moment they get injected. They then progressively lose more of it over time, with peak immune system loss for many expected to arrive by Christmas.

“If this continues then 30-50 year-olds will have 100% immune system degradation, zero viral defence by Christmas and all doubly vaccinated people over 30 will have lost their immune systems by March next year,” reports The Exposé.

There is no denying, based on the data, that fully vaccinated people now suffer from what appears to be acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, more popularly known as AIDS. Their immune systems are fading away, which many have been warning would be the case.

“People aged 40-69 have already lost 40% of their immune system capability and are losing it progressively at 3.3% to 6.4% per week,” The Exposé says.

Interestingly, the worst-off demographic is people aged 40-49, who are suffering total immune system loss in about nine weeks. The best-off group is younger people aged 18-29, who tend to last around 44 weeks

Elderly people over the age of 80 last about 20 weeks, while the 50-59 age category only gets about 15 weeks. The other remaining age groups last anywhere from 12 to 25 weeks.

“Everybody over 30 will have lost 100% of their entire immune capability (for viruses and certain cancers) within 6 months,” warns The Exposé.

Freedom Phone 3

“30-50 year-olds will have lost it by Christmas. These people will then effectively have full blown acquired immunodeficiency syndrome and destroy the NHS (National Health Service).”

Getting a “booster” shot will only speed up the death process

It is not just that the jabs do not provide the claimed amount of protection against the Fauci Flu. The fact of the matter is that they provide no protection at all in the long term and actually destroy a person’s immune system.

“Pfizer originally claimed a 95% efficiency for their vaccine (calculated as in the last column above). The figures above indicate that their figures may well have been correct immediately after vaccination (the younger age groups have had the vaccine for the shortest time),” The Exposé explains.

“But the figures above also show that the vaccines do NOT merely lose efficiency over time down to zero efficiency, they progressively damage the immune system until a negative efficiency is realised. They presently leave anybody over 30 in a worse position than they were before vaccination.”

People who take the Biden “Booster” shots will only accelerate this process by adding even more immune-destroying chemicals to their bodies. The downward spiral will move even faster, in other words, the more shots a person gets.

“If we do nothing about this, it will only get much worse than we ever could have imagined,” wrote one Exposé commenter. “I, for one, appreciate all who have stood against and continue to stand against this tyranny.”

“The spike protein hijacks your mitochondria … forever,” wrote another. “Mitochondria is the heart of your immune system. Essentially, it takes over your immune system. The spike proteins are the bioweapons. Your own immune system becomes a deadly weapon. This is HIV on steroids.”

Others echoed these same sentiments, noting that it is painfully obvious what the agenda is. How anyone could argue with a straight face that this is all for “public health” remains a mystery.

The latest news about the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccine” genocide can be found at ChemicalViolence.com.

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1e86eb  No.14806927


the gen x thing is real, we are those that straddle the time before computors and yes, the ocd uncooperative behaviour stems from having a mind that was free to explore with a somewhat healthy outlook and freedoms which are being eroded

Take no nonsense from people and being independent of thought and finances.

years ago i understood inflation that wat is $10 will be worth yesterday will be worth less in the future, and lived my life at the time instead of working for a happier retirement, enjoyed my youth right up to over 40 years and beyond with gradually being more responsible as i got older.

To be honest, the way i carried on, i never thought i would make it to 40 yet over 50 now and beyond

no regrets !!

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21f989  No.14806928

File: 28ee2bb4eeb78d2⋯.png (837.59 KB, 800x800, 1:1, Towelie_Wait_wut.png)


>New Zealand’s Lockdown Prime Minister Throws In the Towel

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46ba4e  No.14806929

File: 046343231dc8506⋯.jpeg (676.87 KB, 769x1615, 769:1615, F7F49517_15CE_416C_A264_B….jpeg)


👉🏻 In Nice, in the south of France, the demonstration against the vaccine passport has escalated.

📌 The demonstrators invaded the main train station of the city and blocked the tracks to denounce the fact that trains are inaccessible to non-vaccinated people,

🔗 Source : Ouest France (MSM)

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722d3c  No.14806930


The first homeless guy we saw was clearly having withdrawals. They had him in a wheelchair, sitting 3 ft from us, just on the other side of a curtain, vomiting everywhere. He couldn't even hold his head up. You could tell because the vomit was dripping off the sides of the wheels, meaning he was vomiting in his lap.

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3d676e  No.14806931

File: 3606fbf72905686⋯.png (498.63 KB, 800x482, 400:241, C5F46FC8_467C_402C_95F6_89….png)

For anyone that hasnt watch Mike Flynn on Tucker, it was extremely educational and he points out how big of a threat Chyna is and goes into great detail. His understanding of military strategy is really expansive.Trump has to come back now, we have no time left to defeat the enemy

I also saw when it’s proved Chyna was actively involved in the last election, there are many, many congressmen, senators and leaders if states that will be charged with treason. The number one country that had to defeat Trump was and still is Chyna! They will be defeated.

Watch of you have time:


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ac42fe  No.14806932

File: b9be7b515626b93⋯.png (306.17 KB, 758x694, 379:347, 66237830987612.png)

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4457d4  No.14806933

File: 2ce3ff8fe28b092⋯.png (215.58 KB, 1907x842, 1907:842, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 88e984fd25fb110⋯.png (297.14 KB, 1907x842, 1907:842, ClipboardImage.png)


From the GP article: "Mrs. Garland, who graduated from the Brearley School and cum laude from Harvard University, received a Master of Science degree in operations management from the Sloan School of Management at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. She is a staff assistant to the vice president in charge of operations for the Melpar division of E-Systems Inc., a defense electronics contractor in Falls Church, Va.

From the archived 1994 WaPo article: " ''If Big Brother ever took control of the United States, E-Systems Inc. would surely be its prime contractor. Consider:

* E-Systems designs spy satellite gear that can snap photographs of automobile license plates from space and capture electronic communications, from phone calls to rocket telemetry.''

…But the firm's closets also contain some classified skeletons. Critics say in some ways the company is almost indistinguishable from the CIA because it operates so secretly, lacks accountability and is loaded with retirees from the CIA and other intelligence agencies. E-Systems' critics say it has lied in legal proceedings to protect its interests. {Details, Page A10.}"


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46ba4e  No.14806934

File: 8dcdb5f50589ef7⋯.jpeg (572.28 KB, 807x1391, 807:1391, 97222F5D_F00F_4E06_A4E3_8….jpeg)



👉🏻 Video of the day : Yellow Vests and Anti-Green-Pass protesters opening highway for free.


📌 More context on the protest here :

https://t.me/GalliaDaily/3024 https://t.me/GalliaDaily/3422

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46ba4e  No.14806935

File: 3263ad5738f414b⋯.jpeg (504.32 KB, 791x837, 791:837, 9AB9E1F0_8B6B_418C_ABD0_B….jpeg)

https://t.me/JamesWoodsReal/4100 Absolutely!


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7a6e37  No.14806936


Imagine an underclass of people, jobless and locked out of society, who literally have nothing better to do than to protest their oppression. You thought that the druggies and hobos were a problem? Now you've got a bigger problem and it won't go away until medical apartheid is lifted.

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722d3c  No.14806937


Perfect summary of this GenXAnon !! Identical in every way. It's a thing. I didn't even have my first cell phone until I was 32. Remembering my life before everything went to shit is what keeps me fighting for a better future.

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cef1b6  No.14806938

File: a86a35532b8bd99⋯.png (394.38 KB, 680x586, 340:293, pastor_pawlowski.PNG)

A Polish-Canadian pastor jailed for conducting church services in Calgary, Alberta, in violation of COVID-19 restrictions is now saying he won’t comply with a judge’s order that he repeats what amounts to establishment views of medical experts regarding the virus.

Pastor Artur Pawlowski was handed the order by Court of Queen’s Bench Justice Adam Germain and was also given 18 months of probation during sentencing on Friday, Fox News reported.

“The ruling is the latest development in Alberta’s ongoing legal battle against Pawlowski, who faced a civil contempt charge for holding church services in violation of a court order forbidding organizing, promoting or attending an ‘illegal public gathering,'” the network noted.

“He faced another contempt charge for repeatedly ejecting armed officials attempting to inspect his sanctuary for COVID-19 compliance, for which he first drew international attention,” Fox News added.

In his order, Germain, who also expressed contempt for Pawlowski’s airing of his grievances during appearances in the United States, specified what he expected of the pastor.

“Pastor Pawlowski oozes hubris, while relishing in his notoriety,” he noted in his ruling, adding that would not follow prosecutors’ lead in leveling jail time for Pawlowski because serving the 21-day sentence “would be a slap on the wrist that will make him a martyr.”

“The final term of his probation order will be that when he is exercising his right of free speech and speaking against [Alberta Health Services] Health Orders and AHS health recommendations, in a public gathering or public forum (including electronic social media), he must indicate in his communications the following,” the judge wrote, going on to add a script for Pawlowski to read and follow even during his sermons.

“I am also aware that the views I am expressing to you on this occasion may not be views held by the majority of medical experts in Alberta. While I may disagree with them, I am obliged to inform you that the majority of medical experts favour social distancing, mask-wearing, and avoiding large crowds to reduce the spread of COVID-19,” the script says.

“Most medical experts also support participation in a vaccination program unless for a valid religious or medical reason you cannot be vaccinated. Vaccinations have been shown statistically to save lives and to reduce the severity of COVID-19 symptoms,” it adds.

In a follow-up interview with Fox News, Pawlowski bashed the judge and his sanction, which he describes as “unconstitutional,” “illegal,” and akin to “compelled speech like in China and North Korea.”


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46ba4e  No.14806939

File: 53e0b534c4aa695⋯.jpeg (857 KB, 828x1216, 207:304, D9EC671E_8B02_4DE3_B7BE_E….jpeg)

https://t.me/SidneyPowell/2229 This.

Just this.

Powerful image from a high school in Crystal Lake School District in Illinois.

Each pair of shoes is from a person quitting because of vaccine mandates and weekly testing.

Each person wrote a note explaining why they quit.

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21f989  No.14806940

File: 9f8ffcae29d5974⋯.jpg (143.59 KB, 1284x722, 642:361, Circleback.jpg)