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File: ee0bb53bf8c9b2a⋯.jpg (10.09 KB, 199x255, 199:255, 3a04485f18c9edfca2d9f65d48….jpg)

3cfdd4  No.14805549[Last 50 Posts]

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>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

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3cfdd4  No.14805552

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3cfdd4  No.14805554



>>14804789, >>14805030, >>14805416 Lawsuits seek to allow ivermectin as treatment for COVID-19

>>14804801 RINO Governor Asa Hutchinson: Trump’s Comments About “Election Fraud” a “Recipe for Disaster in 2022”

>>14804812, >>14804945, >>14805328, >>14805431, >>14805450 Hit Piece "Thousands of People Are Trying to Leave QAnon, but Getting Out Is Almost Impossible"

>>14805001 QANON Dr Rachel Bernstein, a licensed therapist in California

>>14805103 Diane Benscoter

>>14804839, >>14804944 "Freemason's sign and handshakes" (Cap 1:42) (Cap 9:12)

>>14804843 Huma Abedin

>>14804849 Fertilizer prices up 35% year over year.

>>14804881, >>14804876, >>14804950, >>14805013, >>14805475 Antifa coming out for Pfizer and lockdowns Are you paying attention yet? #GreatReset

>>14804903 Southwest Airlines Asks Court to Reject Effort to Block COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate

>>14804907 October 20th Full Moon "Hunter's Moon"

>>14804946 We're allowed to speculate anything we want about [them] because, the media continually covers for them

>>14804933, >>14805014, >>14805024 Wonder why they wouldn't take that shit down?!

>>14805089 FEMA US&R VAX MANDATE Deadline to be fully vaccinated - November 22, 2021

>>14805182 90% of hospital admissions are fully vaccinated patients…

>>14805183, >>14805217 The vaxx is alive (Cap 1:31) "For use under Emergency Use Authorization", right on the bottle.

>>14805253 Canadian government workers must not say "Let's Go Brandon", or any variation thereof, in any communication."

>>14805190, >>14805256 Covid SURGES Among Most Vaxxed Communities Says Harvard Study

>>14805270, >>14805251 Watergate Was Pedogate

>>14805285 We have to protest this soulless Cabal bitch: Kalama Harris in Nevada tomorrow

>>14805293 Wendy Rogers calling for Audits

>>14805309 "Nothing to see here. Just Federal judges trading stocks like Pfizer that are litigants in lawsuits they're presiding over."

>>14805310 First Q post decode points to the Pleiades 444:28

>>14805315 Fake News is attacking Vitamin D, eh?!?

>>14805353 Schiff says holding Bannon in criminal contempt "a way of getting people's attention"

>>14805488, >>14805497, >>14805454 EQ Mount Hood

>>14805532 #18727

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3cfdd4  No.14805555


>>14804310 Corrupt Police caught in the act, assaulting citizens every day (Cap 0:47) (Cap 0:13) (0:07)

>>14804055 16K COVID-19 Positive Migrants Released into U.S. by ICE

>>14804065, >>14804111 Government driving up prices by Breaking the supply and blaming the unvaccinated (Cap 0:37)

>>14804069 AG Garland’s Wife Worked at Heavily Classified Defense Contractor ‘E-Systems’ Then Focused on Elections Before the 2020 Election

>>14804082 The Bridge/Roy Maas Youth Alternatives blatant cabal symbolism

>>14804087 Patriot DOUBLE DOWN

>>14804089 New video seems to challenge Singer’s claim of antisemitism at German hotel

>>14804092 'Center for Health Security' posted video of 2001 'Dark Winter' exercise on their youtube channel 3 days ago

>>14804101 PF REPORTS

>>14804121 American Thinker The Great Struggle of Our Time: The Battle for Reality

>>14804129, >>14804165 Grassley tweet Combined corn this wk #cornwatch

>>14804148, >>14804366, >>14804370 AustraliaOne Party 7 Questions, 7 Answers in 1 Place

>>14804152 Jon Stewart COMMS he believes there is time, kek

>>14804175 U.S. Air Force @usairforce New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty "New START"

>>14804194 Gabby Petito’s parents slam Laundrie family, make desperate plea in interview with 60 Minutes Australia

>>14804195 4am mockingbird media Gas prices (Cap 0 :52)

>>14804196 To protect warfighters from microscopic threats, DTRA-JSTO invested in an early warning tool

>>14804349, >>14804336 Are Covid ‘Vaccines’ Giving People AIDS? Immune System Functions Are Dropping Around 5% EACH WEEK in Those Who Were Vaccinated

>>14804342, >>14804659 Bill Cassidy Trashes Trump, Says Voters Would Probably Reject a Trump 2024 White House Bid

>>14804389 Loudoun County School Board, Loudoun County School Board Standing Committees, 2021 Committee Appointments

>>14804401 FAKE NEWS Steele defends claims about dossier

>>14804464, >>14804488 New airline and other companies with no mandates 'Freedom Travel Alliance' (0:50)

>>14804519 Fran Stueber dead

>>14804534 Consult on the Australian DIGITAL PASS, Covid IQ test created, then QR..Digital ID..Social Credit

>>14804538 Like a Halloween MOVIE villain, she's resurfaced to lecture America, but Dr. @SebGorka dives into the "damning" report which could make Hillary Clinton ultimately face justice.

>>14804606 Bravo to @Delta for having the courage to say NO to the federal vaccine mandate

>>14804621 2 people shot at Genesee Valley Mall, Flint Township Police investigating

>>14804646 Julian Assange's Father On US Government's Scandalous Plan To Murder His Son: "These People Want To Destroy Julian & Destroy Wikileaks"

>>14804654 Former Republican Rep. Dan Benishek dies at 69

>>14804711 Being nice isn’t working on these crooked politicians, do you hear me now?

>>14804723 You do not have to be “nice” to the People currently trying to murder you. Keep at in Nevada

>>14804727 #18726

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3cfdd4  No.14805557


>>14803308, >>14803314, >>14803328 Witnesses Report Active Shooter at Park City Mall In Lancaster, PA

>>14803318 Three Israelis belonging to Rabbi Eliezer Berland’s Shuvu Banim sect of the Breslov hassidic community were arrested early Sunday morning for their alleged involvement in two #Jerusalem murder cases, one in 1986 and one in 1990.

>>14803346 Two #Palestinians were sentenced to death by hanging by the military court in the #Gaza Strip on Sunday on charges of collaborating with #Israel.

>>14803384 @mikepompeo: “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: ‘May those who love you be secure.’” Psalm 122:6

>>14803396 'Stones fell like rain': These settlers have terrorized Palestinian children for 17 years, and their threats and violence are only intensifying

>>14803417 Kenya, Suspected Serial Killer Beaten to Death By Angry Mob


>>14803551 YTvid. 10-16-2021; Cranes in LA Harbor Non Operational as 100+ container Ships Sit Offshore!

>>14803603 https://tora3.com/qbrief. recent 8kun vids collected and loaded

>>14803609 Fauci Says Unvaccinated Americans Could Lead to Dangers of Fifth Covid Wave

>>14803653 @SputnikInt: Chinese army newspaper urges 'people's war' against CIA infiltration

>>14803655, >>14803670 RIP Rob Skiba. Rob Skiba was a patriot and a soldier for the house of Yah, for truth and righteousness!

>>14803686 Prepping the masses for the mark… Rev. 13 / 666 / Buy and sell / Just sayin'

>>14803717 Pope Francis Compares George Floyd To Biblical ‘Good Samaritan,’ Praises BLM Rioters For Being ‘Social Poets’

>>14803733 Australia's international vaccine passports launch just in time for NSW residents to travel overseas for the first time in 18 months - here's how to apply for yours

>>14803762 At Least 9 Shot At Shriners Temple in Pine Bluff, Arkansas

>>14803790 Dailymail.co.uk: 14803836 China's real-life Squid Game: How organs are harvested from THOUSANDS every week for a 'kill to order' market - and why the world is powerless to stop it

>>14803856 BIG: An ESPN reporter, Allison Williams, just QUIT ESPN rather than getting vaccinated.

>>14803893, >>14803893 PF callsign ANON

>>14803998 #18725

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3cfdd4  No.14805558


>>14802607 Interesting linear sequence of recent shallow California Earthquakes.

>>14802694 Lets Go Brandon song #1

>>14802700 Covid SURGES Among Most Vaxxed Communities Says Harvard Study

>>14802696 New biking laws: Bikers can't display tattoos, gather in public, wear their insignias in Australia. Penalty? 1-5 years in prison.

>>14802729 The DOJ Under Merrick Garland Has Ignored President Trump’s Order to Declassify All Intelligence Related to Obamagate

>>14802738 Israel Demanding Answers After Biden Quietly Removed Sanctions On Iranian Missile Companies

>>14802744 Buttigieg Says Higher Prices and Supply Chain Crisis “Will Continue Into Next Year”

>>14802773 Senator Ron Johnson: “There’s No Point to Mandate Whatsoever – With COVID Vaccine We’ve Had 16,766 Deaths in 10 Months”

>>14802800 Amazon Caught Throwing Away Tons of Unexpired Food as US Faces Unprecedented Food Insecurity

>>14802820 Navy To Separate Unvaccinated Officers Under Same Category Used For Drug Offenders and Sexual Deviants

>>14802829 Pentagon Faces Class Action Lawsuit Over Vaccine Mandates on Military, Federal Employees and Contractors

>>14802852 Politician’s Suspected Killer Named Ali Harbi Ali, Father Worked for Somali Govt: Reports

>>14802882 ‘Trained Marxist’ BLM Co-Founder Appointed As A Los Angeles County Commissioner

>>14802890 Tyrannical Lockdown CA Gov Newsom Fights To Exempt Union That Gave His Recall Campaign $1.75 Million From His COVID Vax Mandate

>>14802904 Docs Show Fetal Organ Trafficking Horrors

>>14802922 Senior journalist identifies one of Beirut snipers as employee of US embassy

>>14802992 Horrifying revelation from FDA panelist On Approving Moderna Booster"It's More A Gut Feeling Rather Than Based On Really Truly Serious Data"

>>14802998 Republican AGs Say There Is No Federal Vaccine Mandate for Private Workers, Vow to Sue

>>14803018 Initial reports say there’s an active shooter at Park City Mall in Lancaster, Pennsylvania

>>14803093 McAdams: A Desperate Biden Administration Turns To Terrorism

>>14803102 US to Offer 'Condolence Payments' aka; BLOOD MONEY, to Relatives of 10 Civilians Killed in Drone Strike

>>14803166 SBC Exec Committee Leader Resigns Amid Division Over Sex Abuse Investigation

>>14803244 US Air Force drops new ‘bunker buster' bomb for first time

>>14802885 At sunset our Muslim friends observe Mawlid al-Nabi, Prophet Muhammad’s birthday.

>>14802951 Video shows Israeli soldiers attack the Palestinian farmers to stop them harvesting olives in Yasuf village, north of the West Bank.

>>14803024 Police said probing if sex offender rabbi linked to cold case murders

>>14803066 Israel: Ex-general Gal Hirsch expected to be indicted in coming days

>>14803152 German military planes fly over Jerusalem for 1st time since WWI in show of ties

>>14803500 #18724

Previously Collected

>>14801555 #18721/2, >>14802433 #18721,

>>14799395 #18719, >>14800534 #18720, >>14800345, #18721/1

>>14796851 #18716, >>14800471 #18717, >>100406 #18018

>>14794614 #18713, >>14795361 #18714, >>14796575 #18715

>>14794389 #18710, >>14794269 #18711, >>14793858 #18712

>>14789922 #18707, >>14793586 #18708, >>14794239 #18709

>>14787608 #18704/1, >>14788315 #18705, >>14789089 #18706

>>14786707 #18703/2, >>14786706 #18703/1, >>14787609 #18704/2

>>14784369 #18700, >>14789071 #18701, >>14785944 #18702

>>14781989 #18697, >>14782808 #18698, >>14783580 #18699

>>14780822 #18695/2, >>14780818 #18695/1, >>14781295 #18696

>>14778184 #18692, >>14778960 #18693, >>14779872 #18694

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/

>>14588182 Q Research Notables #9

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3cfdd4  No.14805559



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2992ba  No.14805575

File: 59aeb55616a22ab⋯.jpeg (134.99 KB, 750x600, 5:4, 603E6F48_47AA_45E6_9023_D….jpeg)

Hmmm 🤔

Next leg up for shib? Getting bullish vibes here..

*not financial advice

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048163  No.14805576

File: 62ef114bc15520f⋯.png (397.39 KB, 579x399, 193:133, ag8949hhg8hghghh38ghoabg38….png)







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b6d214  No.14805577

File: 7491801f417cd97⋯.gif (2.09 MB, 480x480, 1:1, E556D0CE_8E91_475C_9B32_47….gif)

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c1b39d  No.14805578

File: 743f39a805d60f3⋯.gif (4.96 MB, 800x600, 4:3, 743f39a805d60f31ffbd96566d….gif)

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ee57bf  No.14805579

Hydrogen dioxide treatment worthy of examination, comin' from above, a gift in answer of prayer this mornin'

last bread


Remember that meme about how im old school and put aside for the Yellow, more profitable option ?

What the name of the really rather large caldera under there that reaches into 4 other states anon ?

ultimately i survive because you win some, you lose some


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07f6bc  No.14805580

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Y’all see what cap’n Kirk said?

Slip up or just off his rocker?

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45f0a7  No.14805581

File: 577f74830d40908⋯.jpg (122 KB, 1190x944, 595:472, 577f74830d40908fa94adc25ce….jpg)


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5df3fb  No.14805582

File: 990d596d7f12c47⋯.jpg (142.96 KB, 720x940, 36:47, 20211017_231544.jpg)

File: 74ed0607d2f7ac2⋯.jpg (229.82 KB, 720x1299, 240:433, 20211017_231729.jpg)



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103e1d  No.14805583

File: 95d6d8d28df375e⋯.png (639.06 KB, 667x1000, 667:1000, 43E019A2_87D4_4D95_AD15_28….png)

Thanks bakerer

Evenin’ night qrew

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aaecff  No.14805584

File: 5a1648d3a08adfd⋯.gif (624.93 KB, 446x404, 223:202, 5a1648d3a08adfd880c6e1129b….gif)

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71a2fe  No.14805585

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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70e6d4  No.14805586

You morans are idiots to think the 2.5 quake in the Mt. Hood is a fucking happening

Anyone with a brain that's actually paid attention or did research in relation to volcanoes knows that cluster quakes are fairly normal even for dormant ones.

The 2.5 is a nothingburger, and is normal for small cluster quakes, check the history of the past small quakes around Mt. Hood and you will see its really fucking normal.

Do your fucking research before fucking spazzing out about it

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6150c0  No.14805587

Top ten candidates for "Precipice/Threshold event":

10. Ayys are real.

9. Nancy Pelosi's secret lush fund exposed.

8. Hitler's Remains discovered in Paraguay.

7. "Tanis development proceeding. Acquire headpiece, Staff of Ra, Abner Ravenwood, US."

6. Atlantis discovered under Antarctica for all to see.

5. Barry Soetoro claims Kenyan citizenship.

4. Buzz Aldrin admits we didn't go to the Moon.

3. Michael Robinson gets a perp walk.

2. JFK Jr. is alive.

And the number one candidate for precipitation of The Great Awakening…

1. HRC extradition already in motion effective yesterday with several countries in case of cross border run. Passport approved to be flagged effective 10/30 @ 12:01am. Expect massive riots organized in defiance and others fleeing the US to occur. US M's will conduct the operation while NG activated. Proof check: Locate a NG member and ask if activated for duty 10/30 across most major cities.

And it goes without saying:

0. Christ returns, God Wins.

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8f3f34  No.14805588


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ee57bf  No.14805589




will happen when i move, 21/11

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5df3fb  No.14805590


90 year old see death 💀 projects on to the rest of humanity.

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511904  No.14805591

File: f8d79a5a2ad20fc⋯.png (1.37 MB, 948x804, 79:67, BatVeritas.png)

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70e6d4  No.14805592


CNN airs bullshit and then you post

Fucking faggot, kill yourself.

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05be8c  No.14805593


he's clearly talking about global warming.. f&g for being taken out of context.. almost like its just fishing for you to take shatner seriously

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6150c0  No.14805594


Precipice event *is* coming. Only question is what it will be.

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c969ac  No.14805595

File: 273fb6e59deb50e⋯.png (27.48 KB, 697x81, 697:81, ClipboardImage.png)

So anons!

Dig this..

My tax bill

Someone fucking with me?

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446903  No.14805596

>>14805550 (LB)

If they don't reach back out in a timely manner with the information I requested, I'll go back to the only channel who took me serious enough to start this movement in the first place, and if they dismissed my attorney for leaking even thogh they followed international shadow docket protocol, I'll probably have to CC some international US allies as well.

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c1b39d  No.14805597


< Goes full=spaz about it

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71a2fe  No.14805599


11 team dark side is outed and takes it in the ass on a global scale

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63c477  No.14805600

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Jason Rantz on KTTH Radio


“This is the last time you’ll hear me in a patrol car and Jay Inslee can kiss my ass.”

Washington State Trooper in Yakima, Wash. signs off after 22 years — fired by @GovInslee for being unvaccinated."


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b8dbd9  No.14805601

File: 4bf82a7d10bec2d⋯.png (50.48 KB, 606x156, 101:26, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 671315ad154a180⋯.png (534.48 KB, 606x341, 606:341, ClipboardImage.png)



>>14805564 lb

Rothschild thread, i read through that thing properly years ago, took a week with research.

it is Squid game at it highest understanding


burned into my fcuking soul, will never forget it !!

The message on this image cap seems more apt now then ever, it is like he knew !!


Overall message, protect your DNA and money is worthless to them, power and control is what the crave. also watch what you eat and drink !!

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45f0a7  No.14805602


Evergrande default next week.

CCP jumps salty with Taiwan becos they are broke and need to start some chingasos.

Boats are not getting unloaded means no dollar-denominated cash to CCP.

Moar Muh Vaxx mandate chaos= more quitting, more lawsuits.

Supply chain disruption locally means anons eating camp food with boiled water, just like hunt camp.

Who knows, but I could see it play like that.

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70e6d4  No.14805603


Oh look, its a self-important faggot thinking he's important on a research board.

No one gives a shit, do research, meme, pray, or GTFO.

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511904  No.14805604



Old man projecting his own mortality on the rest of us.

He don't know nothing.

He's just a fat old man that got a free ride into space for publicity.

Yeah, he's probably a bit libtarded; but moar likable than most; but he isn't privy to any type of "secret" plan to wipe out the population on the planet.

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103e1d  No.14805605

File: 0ccc9d1e46ab707⋯.jpeg (147.21 KB, 481x413, 481:413, 74261522_65A9_4153_AEE0_2….jpeg)


Yes, burn it and refuse to pay

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6150c0  No.14805606


That's what comes *after* the WTF threshold moment, something that can't be explained away.

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bf075d  No.14805607

Key suspect in corruption-laden development scandal detained upon return from US

A key partner in a corruption-laden urban development project involving a former aide to the ruling Democratic Party's presidential nominee was detained upon his arrival from the United States on Monday for questioning over bribery and other allegations.

Nam Wook is believed to be holding a key to resolving suspicions over how a previously unheard-of asset management firm, Hwacheon Daeyu, and its seven affiliates reaped astronomical profits from a 2015 project to develop the Daejang-dong district in Seongnam, south of Seoul, into an apartment complex.

Nam joined the city-run project as a private partner and made about [1]00.[7] billion won

Yoo has already been arrested on charges of bribe-taking and breach of trust

accusations that Gyeonggi Province Gov. Lee Jae-myung, who is now the ruling Democratic Party's candidate for next year's presidential election, was mayor of Seongnam at the time. Yoo is known as a close associate of Lee.

October 18, 2021


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1b4a66  No.14805608

File: 700d3bf1279e8e8⋯.jpeg (98.3 KB, 750x500, 3:2, 3C8818C3_3C6C_47C8_8926_5….jpeg)

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63c477  No.14805609

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Victory Boyd


"Dedicated to anyone brave enough to take a stand for freedom. This is for you."Red heart Folded hands Flag of United States


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bced5d  No.14805610

File: f166bc2856dc55d⋯.png (1.21 MB, 928x926, 464:463, 8C0504D9_1B69_477A_A1B4_1D….png)

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7c9e00  No.14805611

Why are the ruling families




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3cfdd4  No.14805612

File: 9a3b4e35aae894a⋯.jpg (179.09 KB, 974x650, 487:325, 9a3b4e35aae894affb285498ef….jpg)

File: 19c14202390e728⋯.png (2.43 MB, 1810x1072, 905:536, 947cf57a9b096e16fff903fa0e….png)

File: f7f2deef71b6d20⋯.png (959.46 KB, 850x537, 850:537, 5df425b2c77265f58538e2fa6c….png)

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446903  No.14805613


Dozens of items hundreds of defendants. It had to be this way.

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b8dbd9  No.14805614

File: d4a8d6d25d62ad3⋯.mp4 (1.16 MB, 260x256, 65:64, durham_NIGHT_SHIFT.mp4)

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4f8dd9  No.14805615


I remember P zz gate


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9bebca  No.14805616

File: 2fd02246479c998⋯.png (504.45 KB, 694x399, 694:399, ClipboardImage.png)

Mt Hood Hazard Map.


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b1ded4  No.14805617

File: 815125afba8464e⋯.jpg (44.56 KB, 666x486, 37:27, pelosisataniccult.jpg)

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45f0a7  No.14805618


Awesome pic anon. We will be celebrating like that again soon. Stay the course.

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517cde  No.14805619

File: fbd1ec703a5e16d⋯.png (38.99 KB, 973x418, 973:418, fd84ea468fc90657233fdb06a9….png)

File: be63130d92f7381⋯.png (387.8 KB, 500x801, 500:801, 38f069bba9ba4ee3097881f8fd….png)

There's something in them dates that coincidentally add up to today's timeline.

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ee57bf  No.14805620


Ayys are real

i dont have a lush fund, as i have been put aside i'm gettin' given more gold than i know what to do with, dont worry it doesn't last, Donna ends up with that

who cares


done, not atlantis the northerners

meh, he isnt real



no he isnt, even Q told you that

grow up, fake news anon, trump wanted to win, you think if she really did those things the daughters would've been besties growin' up

he has returned

the stone of destiny only flows with magic when his foot treads the World

Talisman Sabre Magic sword

Last Pope of Malachy, Malachi

the Gold & Green

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511904  No.14805621

File: 4d0db999b236ec5⋯.png (465.54 KB, 600x315, 40:21, ClipboardImage.png)


Give unto Caesar…

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71a2fe  No.14805622


>That's what comes *after


I see it more as the precipice for them

A paradigm shift for them that they can do nothing about

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c4f31b  No.14805623

File: 82663b2dccea10d⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1184x992, 37:31, Screen_Shot_2021_10_17_at_….png)

President Biden just signed legislation designating the Pulse nightclub a national memorial.

"A place of acceptance … became a place of unspeakable pain and loss, & we'll never fully recover, but we'll remember."

"May no president have to sign another monument like this."


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048163  No.14805624

File: a827bb299a21de9⋯.png (429.29 KB, 581x626, 581:626, ag8949hhg8hghghh38ghoabg38….png)

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70e6d4  No.14805625


They already probably are, it just can't be public knowledge yet because of things anons don't know… that and need to avoid more rioting.

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2db61f  No.14805626

File: fbc0402276117be⋯.png (1.45 MB, 1680x1139, 1680:1139, cmpen_rentfreebitches.png)

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c1b39d  No.14805628

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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c1b39d  No.14805629

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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511904  No.14805630

File: d0d1dd19a45a64c⋯.png (6.63 KB, 333x253, 333:253, ClipboardImage.png)

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cfd410  No.14805631


Rico case?

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446903  No.14805632

"Nobody playing the game gets a pass." I never had to play it because [they] were playing for my property. "The only way to win isto not play."

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70e6d4  No.14805633


Making a Nightclub a National Memorial and not a National Landmark?


Fuck this faggot for shitting all over Arlington for making it a National Memorial.

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c969ac  No.14805634

File: d88456c25c469ba⋯.png (87.36 KB, 654x803, 654:803, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 87e53f5b9f36b6a⋯.png (89.35 KB, 651x807, 217:269, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4b2aaef2f7ea6ce⋯.png (74.98 KB, 654x800, 327:400, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f885c900a5e8a7e⋯.png (51.01 KB, 655x458, 655:458, ClipboardImage.png)


Way ahead of ya boss…

Mailed today to Treasury, IRS, Attorney General and WhiteHouse

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f1e07f  No.14805635

File: a1095dd7f1b1302⋯.png (171.23 KB, 218x320, 109:160, ClipboardImage.png)


The government is breaching the social contract everywhere.

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3cfdd4  No.14805636

File: c27ec02f575e4f0⋯.jpeg (514.67 KB, 1800x1198, 900:599, c27ec02f575e4f015bcd36b61….jpeg)

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1b4a66  No.14805637

File: 574c6f92bbd719c⋯.jpeg (88.22 KB, 751x500, 751:500, EEDA3117_9BE6_4EBD_92AD_4….jpeg)


Can't wait!

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446903  No.14805638


After potential fraud and larceny? Probably.

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f1e07f  No.14805639

File: ee24da3dc413cfa⋯.jpg (77.08 KB, 490x245, 2:1, BillOfRights1.jpg)

File: dc1763ed723417c⋯.jpg (76.61 KB, 490x245, 2:1, BillOfRights2.jpg)

File: d28459e0eba49a7⋯.jpg (76.76 KB, 490x245, 2:1, BillOfRights3.jpg)

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f1e07f  No.14805641

File: f19227e9ca63e13⋯.jpg (77.65 KB, 490x245, 2:1, BillOfRights4.jpg)

File: c4779e5a9191664⋯.jpg (80.32 KB, 490x245, 2:1, BillOfRights5.jpg)

File: 26a9e173f748a31⋯.jpg (80.34 KB, 490x245, 2:1, BillOfRights6.jpg)

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103e1d  No.14805642

File: 0244cce782448c7⋯.jpeg (38.44 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 8BCF753C_433E_46E3_A621_D….jpeg)

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f1e07f  No.14805643

File: 8f42be7fee73ee1⋯.jpg (78.23 KB, 490x245, 2:1, BillOfRights7.jpg)

File: c082daacd83aa36⋯.jpg (75.64 KB, 490x245, 2:1, BillOfRights8.jpg)

File: 1c9be58de394a9b⋯.jpg (75.89 KB, 490x245, 2:1, BillOfRights9.jpg)

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764555  No.14805644

File: a6662d0aefe7ba6⋯.png (299.81 KB, 562x402, 281:201, bg8949hhg8hghghh38ghoabg38….png)

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78224e  No.14805645


>Hydrogen dioxide treatment worthy of examination

Is "hydrogen dioxide" going to be a thing now because I mistyped? Kek of all keks.

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bf075d  No.14805646


Most Hood earthquakes don't actually occur directly beneath the volcano's summit, but instead in one of several clusters located 2-5 km west, southwest, and southeast of the summit.


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906aeb  No.14805647

File: 1324d3381d53f00⋯.png (560.33 KB, 671x466, 671:466, ClipboardImage.png)


>President Biden just signed legislation designating the Pulse nightclub a national memorial.

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7b7044  No.14805648

I'm dumb enough to give a woman my number after asking for hers holy fuck

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f1e07f  No.14805649

File: 7e48a97750fe021⋯.jpg (77.14 KB, 490x245, 2:1, BillOfRights10.jpg)

File: bfbb6f0541fbb60⋯.jpg (74.92 KB, 490x245, 2:1, BillOfRightsCollectAll.jpg)

File: a0512036dd81ef0⋯.jpg (48.74 KB, 577x438, 577:438, BillOfRightsCrimeScene.jpg)

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e9c1fb  No.14805650

File: 26bbc3ac5c8c71e⋯.gif (671.04 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 20211017_213450.gif)

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cfd410  No.14805651


build a map first and then connect the dots to conspiracy…

sounds like that would be a nice christmas present

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04317c  No.14805652

File: 651cd0f45fb0347⋯.gif (158.23 KB, 220x254, 110:127, 20211017_220132.gif)

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ab9a9a  No.14805653

File: 1b4d98f2d82c33b⋯.gif (73.87 KB, 530x224, 265:112, 530full_the_last_starfight….gif)

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f1e07f  No.14805654

File: 1891844951ab332⋯.jpg (74.56 KB, 1200x640, 15:8, Quotation_John_Adams_Our_C….jpg)

File: 011c77c8c7b4cf2⋯.jpg (10.27 KB, 308x164, 77:41, ALFree.jpg)

File: a8eca216aac2da3⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1024x512, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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6150c0  No.14805655


The Joe Rogan/Sanjay Gupta bitchslap that filled the "Media Casualty" event marker precedes the "Threshold"event by a couple of weeks.

The importance of the Gupta fail is not that everyone saw it – it's that the media scumbags know that everyone saw it, and it has disabused them of the self-delusion that they have ANY moral authority whatsoever. They now know that 6 of 10 people on the street think they're completely full of shit, lying, murderous scumbags.

Threshold event will be something very specific, so extreme in the "WTF?????" category, and at the same time, universally undeniable.

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f1e07f  No.14805656

File: 4365909347eb487⋯.png (618.01 KB, 540x571, 540:571, ClipboardImage.png)

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3bac48  No.14805657

File: 3e807abc6510b3d⋯.png (289.12 KB, 640x360, 16:9, FB8xBoUWUAIjpOb.png)

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cb7e7f  No.14805658

>>14804087 pb

Seems pricey for something that ought to be grassroots.

QR bandwagon paytriot event

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5f0a5c  No.14805659

File: 0ed332924f37192⋯.png (51.44 KB, 1026x192, 171:32, Screenshot_20211017_232430….png)

>>14805431, >>14805450 (lb)

Hit Piece "Thousands of People Are Trying to Leave QAnon, but Getting Out Is Almost Impossible"

Long time I've spent here, lurking at first, after I figured out how to use the sight, yeah I said that right,

I needed vision to see the 40k view this site offers.

I prayed.

I memes when I had FB,twat media. That ended 1/6 two days ahead of schedule…

Now I dig if I choose.

I contribute to the hive mind

I could never leave this movement.

It's become so much more.

Freedom from addiction

Freedom from poor choices and consequences unbearable.

Freedom from hate.

The best source of News available.

Something every time I arrive tells me, " HAVE FAITH IN HUMANITY"

dum Spiro Spero

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71a2fe  No.14805660




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45f0a7  No.14805661


Anon confesses that I have not followed the Rogan podcasts in a while. Is that one worth watching? Good comms? TIA anon.

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3cfdd4  No.14805662

File: b08d1998db6caed⋯.png (1.21 MB, 615x925, 123:185, b08d1998db6caedb3194410ea6….png)


oofff one spaz for the records?

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446903  No.14805663

On the other hand, a brave soul offered me a settlement to save everyone else the trouble. It never manifested though.

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517cde  No.14805664

Think mirror. KEK


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f3b2ee  No.14805665

File: a2a601655aba6ce⋯.jpg (690.44 KB, 1280x872, 160:109, 55.jpg)

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e9c1fb  No.14805666


kys cunt

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f1e07f  No.14805667

File: 217d59c5b6dcec9⋯.png (1.06 MB, 847x636, 847:636, ClipboardImage.png)

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6150c0  No.14805668


> no he isnt, even Q told you that

Disinformation is necessary.

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c21057  No.14805669

File: 6ec86ade6c388ce⋯.jpg (289.01 KB, 576x584, 72:73, FGAC.jpg)

truth diggers

dank meme makers

prayer placers

and the greatest taunters of shills

good times good times…..

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ee57bf  No.14805670


they rule by divine right, until he chooses to take them down they will not

Nostradamus prophecy which is proovin' to be as accurate as the biblical ones says the Winsors wont be

Charles will rule forabout six months

that is the current segue of power away from me, William and Kate will rule for about 3 years then something extraordinary is goin' to happen, Harry (against his wishes) will be King, but it will cost him his black one, Megan

anon has a definite interest in this as I would prefer Megan & Harry stay together as they love one and other & William actually wants to rule, they could ask for that to occur

Megan is my biological daughter, born before the new world mother of all births

for both their sakes i hope they can appeal to his more lenient side, he has very little respect for Love, however if you could convince him that it would inconvience me he'd probably go for the idea in a moment

Nostradamus prohecy isnt as bindin' as the biblical stuff

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04317c  No.14805671


3 of cnn's top stories on their website, are about their reporter's hurt feelings.

Mortality wounded and going down virtue signaling

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764555  No.14805672

File: 882441fc79ee7f8⋯.png (307.01 KB, 583x409, 583:409, bg8949hhg8hghghh38ghoabg38….png)

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ea3e57  No.14805673


Bravo, anon. We are all here for a reason. Hive mind working overtime.

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6150c0  No.14805674


He totally wipes the floor with Sanjay Gupta. Basically makes the chief medical officer of CNN admit they lied about ivermectin.

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3cfdd4  No.14805675

File: b6e3b7245bac9bd⋯.jpg (14.46 KB, 300x300, 1:1, b6e3b7245bac9bd57337030f84….jpg)


very cool

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511904  No.14805676


I am still waiting for the name Paul E. Coffey to appear on the scene.

I cannot find ANY pictures of Paul E. Coffey on the internet.

If anyone can find any, please post.

John Durham has only a few photos of himself on the internet, and the more that he is brought up in the media, I expect moar and moar images of John Durham will be available; however, I am unable to find any image whatsoever with Paul E. Coffey in it.

Q never mentioned Coffey.

Only Durham.

Shit, I can't even find any info on Paul E. Coffey with a web search anymore?

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45f0a7  No.14805677


Copy that. I'll watch it. Thanks brother.

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f1e07f  No.14805678

File: 0da20a5607b3dc8⋯.png (135.08 KB, 470x543, 470:543, Article1Section6.png)

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f1e07f  No.14805679

File: 10e4172b3eb26db⋯.png (702.49 KB, 540x587, 540:587, ClipboardImage.png)

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3cfdd4  No.14805680


Baker is grabbing a meal

Note takers please step up

Back in a bit, unless there is a baker giving a handy?

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b6d214  No.14805681

File: 71215ad4a097c3f⋯.png (2.68 MB, 2098x1184, 1049:592, 57278236_CAF8_4810_BC92_EF….png)


u still got it

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c1b39d  No.14805682

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Joe Rogan/Sanjay Gupta

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a3305f  No.14805683



Anon tells IR$ why he cannot $upport their $ystem and what he intends to do as a remedy.

Well done.

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2db61f  No.14805684

File: 38f3ac3d1011e89⋯.png (528.87 KB, 547x1406, 547:1406, LoudonCountyRapists1.png)


>>14804389 Loudoun County School Board, Loudoun County School Board Standing Committees, 2021 Committee Appointments

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cb7e7f  No.14805685

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>14805270, >>14805251 Watergate Was Pedogate (pb notable)

that's how Hillary secured Bill's future in politics. she stole pedogate blackmail material and got kicked off the watergate commission

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ab9a9a  No.14805686

File: e196867938fd101⋯.png (16.37 KB, 255x253, 255:253, 7294f1da364531e764dc7a8d8b….png)


CNN had a difficult time editing that one down to usable propaganda

3 hour interview.

They didn't cover much

Paratus Comitatus


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f1e07f  No.14805687

File: f57d33afbff8711⋯.png (2.06 MB, 832x1092, 16:21, ClipboardImage.png)

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92258e  No.14805688


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e64b96  No.14805689

Had a Lib. yesterday try to explain to me that Trump lost the 2020 election because he mishandled covid.

I literally just laughed out loud while he was talking.

Where to start when the brainwashing is that complete.

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70e6d4  No.14805691

File: da3b847396abdd6⋯.jpg (16.42 KB, 255x175, 51:35, plane_departure.jpg)


Nor do you have to announce you are filtering someone.

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5f0a5c  No.14805692

File: ea751e349c21643⋯.png (1.96 MB, 2160x1080, 2:1, Screenshot_20211012_010409.png)

File: 2545a3e595c6e70⋯.png (2.23 MB, 2160x1080, 2:1, Screenshot_20210831_202814.png)

File: 2545a3e595c6e70⋯.png (2.23 MB, 2160x1080, 2:1, Screenshot_20210831_202814.png)

>>14805673 WE ARE THE NEWS NOW

And for all you cyaniggers and MSM lurkers

I provide you the contacts tho blow the whistle on the deep state, and be brave, walk away from the lies and walk into the light

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5d0489  No.14805693

File: ce0cf0f9a6626c9⋯.jpeg (60.71 KB, 500x621, 500:621, ce0cf0f9a6626c93792db0723….jpeg)

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b8dbd9  No.14805694

File: e6524831a63a855⋯.png (109.74 KB, 464x250, 232:125, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8312d04c777a6ad⋯.png (518.28 KB, 514x652, 257:326, ClipboardImage.png)


that meme again,

everytime i see that meme i made takes me back to the first time, knowing that is the power we have but what they are frightened of !!

==these two are the closed things to a one image post full scope memes that get it all–

For this anon, look on the internet and see if you can findTHE FOUR RED PILLthere is a whole post i did which goes along with the second image cap !!

that is the only clue i will give as do not advertise here or dox myself to anyone !!

wrote it years ago finally posted it in 2019 approx

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b22627  No.14805695

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ee57bf  No.14805696


part of the initial selected deck


look into that anon, nothin' is coincidence, you may think a mistype, he works in mysterious ways



been there

done that

wrote a poem anout it

got published




fish did this to me this mornin', was nice, atleast the fish and birds talk to me :)

later anon

Gadget ded

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70e6d4  No.14805697


Fuck off, reported and filtered

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cfd410  No.14805698


>Paul E. Coffey


The dude involved in the Whitey Bulger case?

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78224e  No.14805699

File: 0c7f6a6e1d48593⋯.jpg (52.64 KB, 418x431, 418:431, god_will_judge.jpg)


>The best source of News available.

As much as we might bemoan the fact that this board seems to have become little more than a news aggregation site, there is no getting away from the fact that the board also has its finger on the pulse of the world.

There is no better place to keep in touch with what is worth knowing than to haunt QR every moment you can spare. Over and out.

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91a2ee  No.14805700

File: 8aef9d16be72ed8⋯.mp4 (5.74 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, BidenLift3.mp4)

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ee57bf  No.14805701

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3cfdd4  No.14805702



>>14805270, >>14805251 Watergate Was Pedogate

in the notables already

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71a2fe  No.14805703


sweaty Sanjay

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f3b2ee  No.14805704

File: e09b9ead5db26f9⋯.jpg (304.79 KB, 1783x1349, 1783:1349, gaga_marine.jpg)

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c4f31b  No.14805705

File: 13bdebf94f21dd7⋯.jpeg (24.69 KB, 474x400, 237:200, OIP.jpeg)

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3cfdd4  No.14805706

File: 57662daead6b8bd⋯.png (20.08 KB, 683x470, 683:470, 48c034fe8de5b179be739f4961….png)

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402759  No.14805707

File: 7ee43dd6f199bcf⋯.jpg (136.88 KB, 1080x731, 1080:731, on_terror_list.jpg)

File: 1e7241ea90fb487⋯.jpg (56.8 KB, 575x615, 115:123, EQbmrQjWoAgewba.jpg)

File: 5e990afc4854be8⋯.gif (4.23 MB, 720x720, 1:1, THINK_FOR_YOURSELF.gif)

File: 4b9e067ef939de0⋯.jpg (55.08 KB, 511x511, 1:1, unstoppable.jpg)

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b8dbd9  No.14805708



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04317c  No.14805709


Gupta looks like he's afraid cnn will deport him.

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df6abc  No.14805710

File: ca44415f0e3cc9c⋯.png (433.05 KB, 1745x1055, 349:211, Screenshot_2021_10_17_10_2….png)

Anons Mount an Offense Hold the Line Tell the Truth to whever will Hear It. Stop the Steal, Stop the Mark, Save the Children, Save America, Save the World. In that order.

The Name the Nobody Knows Saving he who Recieves it

No Name

The Lamb with 7 horns and 7 eyes

The Lamb with 2

The Spirit of Truth

The False Prophet

The Ark of the Covenant

The Mark of the Beast

The Seal of God

The Image of the Beast

2nd Comforter

Invisible Enemy

[Comms On]

Think Mirror

Why is a Legend useful?

Anons, you have an Advocate

Everything has Meaning

Everything has Double Meaning

Learn the Comms

No Coincidences


3301 Everywhere

The Truth would put 99 percent of people in a hospital.

Covid 19 Certificate of vaccination ID corona = 66 6 letters "crown"

God declares the end from the beginning.

Old men dreaming dreams, young men seeing visions

Eyes to See Ears to Hear

Canary Island

Canary in the Coal Mine

Isaiah 49:6

United Not Divided


I can't tell you. I have to show you

Never mistake my silence for inaction

The Son of Man is He with whom there is no help and is despised by the world

The Two Witnesses Torment the world, and their death are celebrated with gift giving

The Spirit of Truth is He with Whom the World cannot recieve

Nobody listened to Israels face (reputation) was marred more than any man

They say, here is Zion, nobody seeks her

to this man will I turn, because when I spoke, nobody listened.

the truth faileth.

What prophet is treasures that are hidden

We Have the Gold

We Have the Keystone

We Have the Ark 2nd Baruch 6:7-10

Isaiah 49:6

C before D

Class before Declass

Israel was in Egypt for 400 years before Moses

Mayflower landed 400 years ago in November 1620

Blessed is the Song of Moses and of the Lamb

Blessed is the Nation whose Lord is God; - Of whom they will say, Open Ye the Gates, so that the Righteous Nation which Carries the Truth may enter in

United Not Divided. WWg1 wga. The Liberty Bell. Seth Rich. The Midnight Rider, the Midnight Riders. Israel.

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764555  No.14805711

File: e5c5e02fd985cd0⋯.png (243.93 KB, 587x518, 587:518, ah8949hhg8hghghh38ghoabg38….png)

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f1e07f  No.14805712

File: d43814bd5501522⋯.png (1.78 MB, 1650x1082, 825:541, ClipboardImage.png)

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c4f31b  No.14805713

File: 4e26ff970b3b7c3⋯.jpeg (67.22 KB, 474x709, 474:709, OIP_1_.jpeg)

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e64b96  No.14805714


>President Biden

I prefer the title Phony Baloney Biden

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ee57bf  No.14805715


anon stole nothin'

push and i'll push back with the tip of my sword

straight into your obese stomach cunt :0

Have a nice day

ok later anon gaget really ded

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3cfdd4  No.14805716

File: 28406d2ff0a0cc0⋯.png (185.12 KB, 756x643, 756:643, cd5a1b68267ab9bced3656896a….png)


ID 70e6d4


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c21057  No.14805717

File: e6b676a5e65f39e⋯.jpg (154.73 KB, 1050x699, 350:233, dms.jpg)

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ab9a9a  No.14805718

File: 195a7aaeffe8691⋯.jpg (4.3 KB, 275x183, 275:183, night44.jpg)


glad you saw that

that's the overall narrative i noticed as well

how bad the reporters have it, and how dangerous their job has become

stelter beat the shit out of that ded horse


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cb7e7f  No.14805719


i know, i said as much. just confirming and adding more detail than broad speculation.

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f1e07f  No.14805720

File: cf89914ede184ee⋯.png (804.02 KB, 648x679, 648:679, ClipboardImage.png)

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cfd410  No.14805721


>>2015334 pb

Q posts Yoda speak June 30th.

Scott Schools resigns July 3rd.

Q posts article of Scott Schools.

Article mentions David Margolis (YODA FIGURE)

David Margolis dies, and Paul E. Coffey takes over as Chief of Organized Crime and Racketeering.

Paul E. Coffey is involved with Whitey Bulger prosecution.

Whitey Bulger claims he was used as a MK ULTRA test subject while in prison.



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511904  No.14805722

File: 312a269b1619438⋯.png (860.78 KB, 600x652, 150:163, ClipboardImage.png)




But I am failing at searching for his name.

Even David Margolis of the DOJ isn't coming up on a wiki search.

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ee57bf  No.14805723


The truth failed

daughter of the king of the south

me anon

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3b4488  No.14805724

File: 69d2c8ea93298f3⋯.jpg (79.94 KB, 640x853, 640:853, 7h86gk9tl4u71.jpg)

Look at this 👀

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ee57bf  No.14805725


star wars me anon

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435adf  No.14805726

File: 4b12433f135c0aa⋯.png (1.16 MB, 3700x2160, 185:108, PsakiPatty.png)

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f1e07f  No.14805728

File: 7926f5d766c98a1⋯.png (1.05 MB, 593x820, 593:820, ClipboardImage.png)

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df6abc  No.14805729


You Have More than You Know.

Save the Children. Save America. Save the World.

They Shall fear the [Name] of the Lord from the West 59:19

Keystone = Declass

Declass = End

Graduation = End

Keystone + Release = The Two Witnesses Finish their Testimony

One if by the Land Two if by the Sea

Two Olive Branches = The Branch Bride + Groom = Bridegroom Manchild Isaiah 66:7 Jeremiah 31:22 Matthew 19:5

Shot heard WW. Lightning Strike from East to West

False prophet arrives, sun rises at night, the heads of the eagles unite, two witnesses die

Dark to Light. 3 and 1/2 days dead. The False Prophet confirms his covenant with the many for one week

Nessum Dorma, 1st Resurrection Rapture, 2 witnesses return to lead 10 wise virgins by lamplight

Light to Dark Sun goes out in the middle of the day, 3 days of Darkness,

Every Dog has his Day, False Prophet bears sway for 3 years 7 months 27 days (1335 days)

God, Jesus Christ, and the Wife, leave after the Wedding. And the Lone Arm of the Lord and

the Elect return to Apocalypse Armageddon and Great Tribulation to finish saving the world,

building the Promise Land, and the Kings Highway, protecting the Remnant, and warring with

the Dragon, and the False Prophet, and the Beast. Even the Father, who shall be revealed,

but shall stay hidden by means of his Light. The Lamb. But the Greater Part of those gathered

together to receive the Beloved are turned aside after the false prophet, the Lamb with 2 horns.

Who rises out of the sea with the beast, and decieves the world, and even the elect if it were possible,

performing miracles with his fallen angels. As God did for the Prophets, and the Fathers, so will he do

for the Righteous, and the Elect, in our day. The Law will be set in our flesh, and the waters that minister

in Spirit unto the Kings and Queens will turn unto a Flame of Fire. And the Elect will Take Flight on the

Wings of Eagles. There are four Trees in Paradise, and whoever shall know them shall not taste death.

The Fig Tree, the Two Olive Trees, and the Elect plant of Righteousness planted by the 12 Apostles.

those who have part in the 1st Resurrection have Victory over the mark of the beast

It is the Name of the Lord of Spirits, in which we are Saved, that the Son of Man, and the Elect One Have

If we can redeem anyone in the places whereunto the Lord has instructed me to send them, he will add a fifth part to his estimate

which estimate I believe to be the 1/10th of the world left standing in the Remnant

0 = Hollow/Husbandman/Father


/\ = Bride and Groom/2 witnesses/2 anointed ones/Isaac and Ariel/Lion and Lamb

Ariel means Lion of God in Hebrew, Isaac the Lamb, Has the Stone, (made of 7 horns) with 7 eyes on it (Zecheriah 3:9) Are the Witnesses Isaiah 43:10

/ = Ariel Dies Isaiah 29 49:14-16 Jeremiah 31:22, Groom leaves last

/ + \ = \ BrideGroom Branch 7th Angel Ephesus Overcomer Lamb Isaac and Ariel becomes Israel Israel Isaiah 44:5

O + \ = Q

Q = Alice

75 Titles in Israel, Mercy, Glory, Little Wisdom, Zion, The Daughter of Women, the Son of Man, Jeshurun, MethuSelah, the Holy One of Israel, The Arm of the Lord, Ephesus, Immanuel Israel is called Gods first born in Exodus 4:22 and the Sealed book of Moses and in Sirach. The Day of his Mercy is not yet at and End.

2 Peter 3:8 The End of the Great Tribulation is the Beginning of the 1000 year Day of the Lord that is [at Hand]

Snow White and the 7 Dwarves

The Mystery of God shall be finished in the days of the voice of the 7th Angel,

The Voice of the Bride sais Come

The Voice of the Groom sais Come

Come out of Babylon

Symbolism will be their downfall

Israel Clothes himself in Revenge

Zion struck with incurable wound, is cured

Sum of All Fears

Outer Caste Breached

Inner Sanctuary Secure

The Kingdom of Heaven is Inside of you, and it is outside of you

Stop the Steal

We're just getting started

Watchman, Blow the Trumpet

Watchman, What of the Night

Save the Children = Save America = Save the world

12000 Horsemen, 1400 chariots x12

Many Called Few Chosen

Midnight Rider, Midnight Riders

Class before Declass

United Not Divided

They Shall Fear the [NAME] of the Lord from the West


I already know what the final exam is. I hear I have to approve 144,000 thousand tests at the last second.

I have the Ark of the Covenant. Its buried under 300,000 lbs of Gold and Silver

I have the Name nobody knows in which we are Saved engraved on my Palm

One if by the Land, Two if by the Sea. My Death Shall Bring.


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78224e  No.14805730


When do you finish it so we can see the hanging?

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7f47e6  No.14805731

File: 7f1282521a7d81d⋯.gif (676.04 KB, 640x360, 16:9, 20211017_214651.gif)



ntim atp

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cfd410  No.14805733



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f1e07f  No.14805734

File: de7e46e1cff7482⋯.png (223.7 KB, 576x576, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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3cfdd4  No.14805735

File: b6edf73d5eb8764⋯.jpg (78.92 KB, 960x458, 480:229, b6edf73d5eb87643a13e7a1d39….jpg)

File: 1aa56f816c23a87⋯.jpeg (109.62 KB, 1004x1024, 251:256, 1aa56f816c23a87f3e0e706b4….jpeg)

File: 21975c5e5ab6c9e⋯.jpg (90.12 KB, 999x781, 999:781, 21975c5e5ab6c9ebba266dbb7c….jpg)

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ab9a9a  No.14805736

File: b7f91abf2a133e9⋯.png (10.52 KB, 255x221, 15:13, 9ec205810d90b79fdd8ac28109….png)

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7f47e6  No.14805738


kys cunt

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f1e07f  No.14805739

File: b9ba24c13c9862f⋯.png (829.59 KB, 647x494, 647:494, ClipboardImage.png)

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511904  No.14805740



Paul E. Coffey took over Margolis' job, especially when Scott Schools resigned from the DOJ.

Coffey has to be old as dirt!

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c21057  No.14805741

File: 5c4447b7248d9d0⋯.jpg (130.68 KB, 1000x1080, 25:27, vintage_frame_quality_seal….jpg)

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f1e07f  No.14805742

File: 6023db49e49a4b8⋯.png (240.31 KB, 648x648, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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103e1d  No.14805743

File: 49a0907c34eae00⋯.jpeg (1.58 MB, 1620x2078, 810:1039, 5C641F35_AAC5_4EB1_83E8_8….jpeg)


Tangent pic

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04317c  No.14805744


just an excuse to say "lets go Brandon " ..heheh

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d1c879  No.14805745

File: 52c463678022353⋯.jpeg (103.14 KB, 1150x874, 25:19, BD58100E_6C46_48A5_8482_6….jpeg)

File: b885c0d66911500⋯.jpeg (133.11 KB, 992x277, 992:277, 60AE369B_94A7_4A96_9A19_2….jpeg)

A new pic from the supposed McAfee site, but tin eye show’s the first instance was found on Reddit a while ago. Woman on the right shows a translucent foot on her left side- right hand pic. I however do not remember seeing this picture.

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f1e07f  No.14805746

File: e29d9af0c673fec⋯.png (334.11 KB, 634x634, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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cfd410  No.14805747


that old bread had no images

but one of the other interesting associations with

Paul Coffee was to relate it to


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477493  No.14805748

File: 882441fc79ee7f8⋯.png (307.01 KB, 583x409, 583:409, bg8949hhg8hghghh38ghoabg38….png)

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70e6d4  No.14805749

File: be0945d291b790a⋯.gif (16.99 KB, 244x255, 244:255, somuchtext.gif)

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7f47e6  No.14805751

File: 30cb4c2a57f7731⋯.jpg (40.76 KB, 496x320, 31:20, 20211017_215250.jpg)

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f1814f  No.14805752

File: 1e3eaa3d900558a⋯.jpg (64.06 KB, 720x956, 180:239, 20211017_144045.jpg)

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3b4488  No.14805753


*KEK* let's go Brandon

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197822  No.14805754


Yes. Its old shit. McAfee shit is just old recycled shit from here and reddit to grift you for bitcoin.

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446903  No.14805755


I have it all UTNO Medical. Now I need the documents from clinicaltrials.gov and Jansen regarding me personally. May require subpoenas if they're incriminating.

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91a2ee  No.14805756


Still learning this Linux video editing program. This first clip is a bit rough but getting there. Soon I'll be able to add him falling onto the gallow platform. Still use to the adobe suite.

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04317c  No.14805757

File: 0c0140e3e33ce30⋯.jpg (120.6 KB, 679x727, 679:727, 20210918_105043.jpg)

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ab9a9a  No.14805758

File: b37a9f1e2410922⋯.gif (1.47 MB, 498x224, 249:112, boom44.gif)

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7c9e00  No.14805759


Those aren't women.

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cfd410  No.14805760


"Divide they try.

Fail they will."

taken from

"For years, Schools worked alongside another Justice Department mainstay, David Margolis, who was known as the "Yoda" of the department. When Margolis died, DOJ brass asked Schools to come back to Washington to try to fill those shoes."

"Divide they try.

Fail they will."

Everything has meaning.

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aaecff  No.14805761

File: 887436bfa850ab2⋯.jpeg (36.69 KB, 720x773, 720:773, Jedi_Clampett.jpeg)

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5d0489  No.14805762

File: 2b9315a9c7de153⋯.jpg (43.56 KB, 540x960, 9:16, 10916219972f6f7f3ca501dd05….jpg)

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2ce039  No.14805763

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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f1e07f  No.14805764

File: bc1d773c19c42f2⋯.png (796.59 KB, 640x642, 320:321, ClipboardImage.png)

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b8dbd9  No.14805765

File: 0b670202b408070⋯.png (411.76 KB, 1043x494, 1043:494, ClipboardImage.png)


not sure but a quick search brings this up,



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91a2ee  No.14805766



Correction before gammar nazi shows up: I'm still used to the adobe suite.

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446903  No.14805767

File: 92928d89f4f97ec⋯.jpg (33.67 KB, 535x490, 107:98, Drop_a_Live_Grenade_When_K….jpg)

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c4f31b  No.14805768

File: bb168e14b228b92⋯.gif (40.34 KB, 400x202, 200:101, aaaaorlandoseqquideomar_th….gif)


102 people killed and wounded, that’s real remarkable and super human stuff for a lone wolf nut gun man in a third rate night club with an Occupancy rating: 150 at 2:03 in the morning. I guess the officer is really laughing at us. If we fall for this, we will fall for anything. There are an abundant of excellent sources in the alterative press and on YouTube that demonstrate very clearly that the Orlando Homophobic Massacre was a major FALSE FLAG operation to primarily advance the global ILLUMINATI Gay Agenda, and take guns out of the hands of the masses.

It seems certain that the Orlando incident was an engineered, staged Gladio-style, inside-job false-flag attack. [1] “The Orlando shooter, Mr Omar Mateen, was employed by the US subsidiary of G4S, which is Her Majesty’s government contractor that runs prisons, checks criminal records, supplies security for government ministers – and, most importantly, works hand-in-hand with other security contractors, many of whom are owned by parent corporations in ISRAEL. Mr Omar Mateen worked for G4S for almost ten years in a trusted position, a stone’s throw from the G4S U.S. offices. G4S has run security contracts for the government of Israel, and, as Wackenhut/G4S Ltd., has also had sensitive security contracts in Pakistan, which is the nation that provided support and bank transfers to the 911 attackers… G4S is one of the world’s top security contractors, with access to police, prison and governmental security buildings – including premises visited by Secret Intelligence employees and their affiliated organizations such as GCHQ, the FBI and MOSSAD. “[2]

Mateen’s father, Seddique Mir Mateen, hosted a show on Payame Afghan TV. Payame TV is funded by Voice of America. It is a special creature of the CIA, and Pakistani Inter-Services Intelligence. He is a creature of the CIA, and U.S. military intelligence. He is a frequent visitor on capital hill, and at the U.S. State Department. His son, Omar, was a multi-generational intelligence asset blood sacrificed to the ILLUMINATI and CIA at an early impressionate age.[3] For Omar, the signs and symbols of an emotionally disturbed trauma based ritually sexually abused child clearly manifested itself as early as 7 years old, the classic age to create a true CIA/MK ULTRA Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) individual.[4] By the 3rd grade, Omar was “verbally abusive, rude, aggressive, and much talk about violence and SEX.”[5]


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b6d214  No.14805769

File: 5d00e18d3ca01c6⋯.jpeg (225.71 KB, 1350x1800, 3:4, 8B8D11CD_65AF_495C_BD45_4….jpeg)


the crew that talks to Q

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70e6d4  No.14805770


Canadians on here, if you are in the Canadian Public Service, just replace Brandon with another name like Brent, Bradley…etc.

It will shut those shitbags up fast.

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477493  No.14805771

File: c46ab5daea152d7⋯.png (309.48 KB, 579x405, 193:135, bg8949hhg8hghghh38ghoabg38….png)

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b8dbd9  No.14805772

File: 26bbfae4b8f8f03⋯.png (153.68 KB, 283x272, 283:272, ClipboardImage.png)


dubs chek'ed and all I.D: 764555 TRIPS

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70e6d4  No.14805773


Fuck you and your McAfee shit.

Kill yourself

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7f47e6  No.14805775

File: c694eca1bb15f9a⋯.gif (95.9 KB, 405x227, 405:227, 20211017_215740.gif)

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71a2fe  No.14805776



Let's go Justin

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197822  No.14805777


yeah. too bad it was a shill, eh?

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f1e07f  No.14805778

File: 4e67863b42caeea⋯.gif (824.37 KB, 500x209, 500:209, dominoes.gif)

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511904  No.14805779

File: 7dbf80982f6d6a9⋯.png (14.38 KB, 768x156, 64:13, ClipboardImage.png)



On June 3, Paul E. Coffey, the head of the Organized Crime and Racketeering Section of the Department of Justice, gave a sworn statement admitting that Bulger had been an FBI informant. Coffey stated that since Bulger was accused of "leading a criminal enterprise" while working as an informant and was also now a fugitive, he had "forfeited any reasonable expectation" that his identity would be protected.


And David Margolis for the DOJ cannot be found on Wikipedia anymore?

They described him as "Yoda" and it also spoke about Paul E. Coffey taken over the role as Chief over RICO.

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45f0a7  No.14805780


>Let's go Justin

Notable!. Winner!

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f1e07f  No.14805781

File: f1754577485ca3d⋯.gif (1.81 MB, 316x178, 158:89, factorial.gif)

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b8dbd9  No.14805782

File: 10d7075db142c46⋯.png (586.26 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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78224e  No.14805783

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to hang Joe Biden. The future of the world depends on you, Jim.

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f3b2ee  No.14805784

File: 0ebc463751172d4⋯.jpg (65.97 KB, 800x598, 400:299, right.jpg)

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9bebca  No.14805785

Seems like the ol' Ring of Fire is getting a little antsy. A ton of activity all around except for the Antarctic area, which I would suspect is not as closely monitored..

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88a3ef  No.14805786

File: 1feb827a882fadd⋯.gif (633.16 KB, 540x405, 4:3, volvo_850.gif)

Which race of anons is my favorite?

All of them.

We are not divided by race. Black anons make great patriots. White anons make great patriots. Brown anons make great patriots. All different races and classes and cultures can be patriotic anons. As long as we all agree that the wealthy elite have been fucking over the planet and all its people forLONG ENOUGH.

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9bebca  No.14805787

File: bad69136247f7f8⋯.png (515.13 KB, 1920x939, 640:313, ClipboardImage.png)


Have a pic to go with that.

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d1c879  No.14805788


Will do o7.

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7f47e6  No.14805789


till he/they/it pussied

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c21057  No.14805790


you gave me epilepsy

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07f6bc  No.14805791

File: bf22b35fb17c5cb⋯.jpeg (71.8 KB, 960x540, 16:9, F8FA78A7_3437_40B4_AB72_0….jpeg)


Trip 7’s

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b6d214  No.14805792

File: 689dc3d6452893f⋯.jpeg (34.76 KB, 500x333, 500:333, F84537CB_29F5_425B_AA53_0….jpeg)


will Q post again?

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7f47e6  No.14805793

File: d4c35480bc52ede⋯.jpg (84.07 KB, 750x942, 125:157, 20211017_220214.jpg)

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7f47e6  No.14805794


most likely

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cfd410  No.14805795

File: 92b4297c6da3ac5⋯.jpg (71.22 KB, 789x649, 789:649, 9190ab7d57915f90133f9acb61….jpg)


>Paul E. Coffey

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78224e  No.14805796


>Let's go Justin

Kek. In the not too distant future "let's go" will officially become a swear word.

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402759  No.14805797

File: cd675b886e82b6f⋯.gif (2.27 MB, 389x279, 389:279, zissgkldfghf.gif)



there must have been a significant use of the phrase for them to have specifically mentioned it.

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1762a9  No.14805799


this was interesting

>OP, why do we(at least I) keep seeing the eye in pyramid? I see it a lot, like as a painting in a movie scene. Why? I guess it is a message to the viewers subconsciousness? What is the significance? Nothing is conincidence, right? Is it relevant to "the next big thing"?

>Quoting: Anonymous Coward 18824743

Hello Mr. Turkey and Welcome!

I must say that you ask a question, at least in a roundabout way, which has some significance.

The all seeing eye DOES relate to the subconscious. What most, if not all have missed is the astounding fact that the subconscious is actually ALIEN to the human host.

I've given up on the Socratic method with the lump-heads on this forum, so presumably this is CLEAR and straight-forwarded enough for even the dimmest wit to understand.

Humans everywhere are anxiously awaiting the so-called ALIENS…never once stopping to consider they arrived long ago and inhabit the original humans inhabiting this planet.

This has NOTHING to do with everything I have explained previously of bloodlines et al…these are very separate and distinct fields of study.

The subconscious controls the human, and the subconscious is an ALIEN presence in humans. Not hard to go back and estimate when all THIS took place!

Laughing out Loud!!

What humans "know" via the conscious brain is analogus to that of other dumb beasts…cow, oxen, horse…those are your intellectual equals!

Laughing out Loud!

You are possessed and your meat-eating is thinly veiled blood sacrifice! Chew on that for awhile!

So you can see that your many so-called illusions of dominion of the earth are far from true. You can also see that you might want to stop with the blood sacrifice which nourishes your parasites.

"They" hate light and certain kinds of energy which come from a plant based diet. One can influence the parasite by changing the condition of the host!

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511904  No.14805800

File: 8fc4dc4f22e1f17⋯.png (3.52 KB, 247x80, 247:80, ClipboardImage.png)



Was "Joe Coffey" a nickname for Paul?

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7f47e6  No.14805801



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477493  No.14805802

File: d91e2a2c0e1627b⋯.png (307.65 KB, 580x402, 290:201, bg8949hhg8hghghh38ghoabg38….png)

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4191e1  No.14805803

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446903  No.14805804

File: 493ff927cb19f0d⋯.png (130.39 KB, 480x854, 240:427, Screenshot_2021_10_17_23_0….png)


>Squid game

UT @ORNL has the KRAKEN.


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9cd23e  No.14805805

Any anons have crazy warning dreams about the vax being the mark of the beast?

That if you take it, you forfeit your soul?

I have had them and at least 3 other people thati can tell….

Any discernment on this?

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cfd410  No.14805806


Joe Coffey appears to be an NYPD cop

apparently with reputation for being tough as nails and slapping cuffs on Gotti 2x

if one in same with Paul…unk

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77b510  No.14805807

File: 940ef68a3a4d3ae⋯.png (630.07 KB, 1618x1614, 809:807, Sunset_Girl_Water_Q_Dark_C….png)

File: 7d6adb0c132910e⋯.png (1.6 MB, 944x820, 236:205, Soldier_Watching2_Q.png)

File: bfdafa2f8c09403⋯.png (766.22 KB, 900x500, 9:5, Soldiers_Forced_Enrty_Nigh….png)

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63c477  No.14805808

File: 2cc60338bcb0192⋯.png (919.57 KB, 1000x657, 1000:657, ClipboardImage.png)

THIS is how fucking delusional these people are–


"It’s funny how ignorant Americans never ask folks from the Soviet Union what they thought about breadlines. In my experience, there’s a lot of nostalgia for the sense of community they fostered. The bread shortages themselves were nbd"

"nostalgia" ffs sfh

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dd232e  No.14805809


How the FBI became the world’s largest distributor of child sex abuse imagery



Investigation of FBI’s Child Pornography Operations Sparks Controversy Over Internet Privacy

Defense attorneys and some legal scholars suggest that he FBI committed more serious crimes than those they’ve arrested.


New York Times Censors Norway Pedophile Ring Story


Operation Dark Room


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bced5d  No.14805810




No one.


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7f47e6  No.14805811

File: be1eae437b06107⋯.png (272.53 KB, 1446x815, 1446:815, 20211017_220718.png)



you think about your mother with that mind?

you should have been swallowed.

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adee4d  No.14805812


Watched a home improvement show at his house awhile back. He collected mill stones! >>14805580

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b22627  No.14805813


Yes. Soulscalped.

Someone trying to warn you anon.

Pay close attention.

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9bebca  No.14805814

File: 5f02231533d2b1d⋯.png (186.76 KB, 512x384, 4:3, RaccoonNS.png)

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f3b2ee  No.14805815


"bread magazines"?

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cfd410  No.14805816


while mentioning Whitey, let's not forget his nephew…William.


Rosemont Seneca joined forces in doing business in China with another politically connected consultancy called the Thornton Group. The Massachusetts-based firm is headed by James Bulger, the nephew of the notorious mob hitman James “Whitey” Bulger. Whitey was the leader of the Winter Hill Gang, part of the South Boston mafia. Under indictment for 19 murders, he disappeared. He was later arrested, tried, and convicted.

James Bulger’s father, Whitey’s younger brother, Billy Bulger, serves on the board of directors of the Thornton Group. He was the longtime leader of the Massachusetts state Senate and, with their long overlap by state and by party, a political ally of Massachusetts Senator John Kerry.

Less than a year after opening Rosemont Seneca’s doors, Hunter Biden and Devon Archer were in China, having secured access at the highest levels. Thornton Group’s account of the meeting on their Chinese-language website was telling: Chinese executives “extended their warm welcome” to the “Thornton Group, with its US partner Rosemont Seneca chairman Hunter Biden (second son of the now Vice President Joe Biden).”

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82a24a  No.14805817

File: 92dc75f562c16ef⋯.jpeg (112.25 KB, 600x450, 4:3, 2BEAF56A_00CE_4CDA_8503_D….jpeg)

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511904  No.14805818

File: 5722008582d97eb⋯.png (587.21 KB, 796x598, 398:299, ClipboardImage.png)




Big Paul is the gangster boss that John Gotti put a hit on and killed.

Joe Coffey is a NYPD Detective who was after the Irish Mafia.


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5f0a5c  No.14805819

File: 6fb11c2b86796a1⋯.jpg (63.36 KB, 1125x858, 375:286, IMG_20201217_204930.jpg)


>format :shill_drive


>>14805707 it serious

>>14805802 oh it's fuggin habbening fren, believe it see above. Why expend ammunition?

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103e1d  No.14805820

File: a7de5fe7ffe7085⋯.jpeg (27.21 KB, 235x215, 47:43, 1A65091A_3A74_4457_AADC_A….jpeg)

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b6d214  No.14805821


just how weaponized was that commie government bread?

bread is a weapon

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f3b2ee  No.14805822

File: 17e54e1cb192a75⋯.jpg (96.46 KB, 659x522, 659:522, nscat.jpg)

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dd232e  No.14805823

File: b9a12a8b59c8a6f⋯.png (355.02 KB, 600x255, 40:17, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d8f992a9c5fa2c8⋯.png (429.36 KB, 875x810, 175:162, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0637482c4714ec1⋯.png (453.88 KB, 820x679, 820:679, ClipboardImage.png)

Disgusting George Stephanopoulos and Dossier Publisher Chris Steele Dish on Alleged Pee-Pee Tape Knowing It was Debunked in IG Report

The controversial writer of the infamous Donald Trump dossier, Christopher Steele, sat down with ABC News reporter George Stephanopoulos where he discussed what he knew was true and what wasn’t.

The Steele dossier was used by the Comey-Wray FBI that they knew was complete garbage was used to spy on Donald Trump, his family, his campaign, his administration.

In January 2017 the Trump-Russia dossier was first published on Buzzfeed.

This bogus document was used by the FBI to spy on Trump officials.

It was a complete fabrication.

According to the document, as reported at The Gateway Pundit back in January 2017 when it was first published…

Trump partook in “golden showers” in Russia with prostitutes on a bed Obama once slept on… Russia then blackmailed Trump, not by asking for money or influence in his business deals, but by forcing him to run for president against all odds and win?

Here is the story that the CIA and idiots in the FAKE NEWS Media pushed in their coup against President Trump.

Let’s recount:

(Image from the leaked report)

** Obama has a meeting in Russia.

** Trump flies to Russia, finds out the hotel room Obama stayed in, and books it.

** Trump finds at least two hookers and invites them to Obama’s former hotel suite.

** Trump instructs the hookers to PISS ON THE BED because he hates Obama so much.

** Little did Trump know Putin had the entire room outfitted with video cameras.

** The Russian government now has video proof of Trump watching hookers PISS on a bed.

** Russian government tells Trump they will release the video if he does not run for president.

** Trump runs for president and against all odds and WINS the White House.

And no one questioned this report at the time? And the FBI ran with it?

Back in December 2019 the Inspector General report revealed, as we predicted, the Trump hooker golden shower story was completely made up in a bar over beers.

The Stasi FBI ran with it to destroy Trump anyway.


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477493  No.14805824

File: dd29235d7ee560e⋯.png (313.9 KB, 584x408, 73:51, bg8949hhg8hghghh38ghoabg38….png)

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71a2fe  No.14805825

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fdabae  No.14805826

File: 86d83d6a42b3c9c⋯.png (485.45 KB, 449x519, 449:519, ClipboardImage.png)

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197822  No.14805827


If you take it knowingly, you cannot be forgiven.

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fd0895  No.14805828


ID 3cfdd4


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745b53  No.14805829


>>>14804812, >>14804945, >>14805328, >>14805431, >>14805450 Hit Piece "Thousands of People Are Trying to Leave QAnon, but Getting Out Is Almost Impossible"

Jim Jones = Jim Watkins? kek

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a3305f  No.14805830


I believe that those that took it are already dead. Their minds have been taken over and you are watching a digital mockery of their former self.

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71a2fe  No.14805831


>Any discernment on this?

This is very definitive

[Rom 8:38-39 KJV] 38 For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, 39 Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

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cb7e7f  No.14805832


that could be taken in a couple of ways.

1. the screams sound like humans

2. the screams sound like humans that i've seen killed before.

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1762a9  No.14805833


can you not follow along the discussion you absolute mouth breathing clown?

those aren't my words mother fucker

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2ce039  No.14805834

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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5f0a5c  No.14805835

File: 1b39ccd67a4dde0⋯.jpg (35.39 KB, 553x351, 553:351, IMG_20210108_123339.jpg)

File: 7bdd0cb4fa32cc5⋯.jpg (39.08 KB, 1242x758, 621:379, IMG_20210126_144432.jpg)

File: f9f4485699cd36f⋯.jpg (121.21 KB, 1069x1069, 1:1, IMG_20210105_130611.jpg)

>>14805824 you're so easy, glow less cock sucker

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31e89d  No.14805836

File: 55978bd98c80f5a⋯.png (2 MB, 1280x1280, 1:1, 1628989574.png)


It would seem that if we are in the transition period between the end of one age and the beginning of another, there needs to be a "harvest" or separation.

To do this is a truly fair way, is free will not a crucial parameter?

An asteroid strike would be difficult to use to separate people by their free will choices.

A "vaxxine", however …

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dd232e  No.14805837

China says ‘US & Canada colluded to stir up trouble’ by sending warships through Taiwan Strait

The Chinese military has blasted the US and Canada for sending their warships through the Taiwan Strait, claiming such stunts jeopardize regional stability, after Beijing itself staged beach war drills in a nearby province.

American Arleigh Burke-class guided missile destroyer USS Dewey and Canadian frigate HMCS Winnipeg both sailed through the waterway that separates Taiwan from mainland China last week, triggering a blistering response from the People's Liberation Army's Eastern Theatre Command.

The United States and Canada colluded to provoke and stir up trouble… seriously

Chinese forces “always maintain a high level of alert and resolutely counter all threats and provocations,” Beijing’s military stated.

The Pentagon meanwhile insisted that “Dewey's and Winnipeg's transit through the Taiwan Strait demonstrates the commitment of the United States and our allies and partners to a free and open Indo-Pacific.”

Beijing considers Taiwan to be a part of its territory under its ‘One China’ policy and does not recognize its autonomy. Amid the escalating war of words, the Chinese military posted a video last week of its troops practicing beach landings, assault drills and building beachheads, conducted in the southern part of Fujian province right across the straits from Taiwan. In response, a military official in Taipei vowed that the island “will meet the enemy full on” in case of conflict.


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f1814f  No.14805838

File: c5a2954e438fcc9⋯.jpg (72.19 KB, 851x567, 851:567, 20210128_005608.jpg)

When will we see this charade come to an end?

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477493  No.14805839

File: d91e2a2c0e1627b⋯.png (307.65 KB, 580x402, 290:201, bg8949hhg8hghghh38ghoabg38….png)

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4191e1  No.14805840

File: 14bb2a2a8e6face⋯.gif (87.1 KB, 800x533, 800:533, 14bb2a2a8e6face2ef6b0293fb….gif)

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446903  No.14805841

File: 0f3400a844ce35d⋯.png (193.4 KB, 480x854, 240:427, Screenshot_2021_10_17_08_1….png)

File: 493ff927cb19f0d⋯.png (130.39 KB, 480x854, 240:427, Screenshot_2021_10_17_23_0….png)


>Squid game>Hunger Games?

Be BeSTIPvideo Corporation by Blackwater and "HALO"


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dd232e  No.14805842

Global public debt hits record high of $88 TRILLION – IMF

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) said on Wednesday that global government debt is estimated at 97.8% of the world’s gross domestic product in 2021.

That is 0.8 percentage points lower than a year before but still at record-high levels as a result of the massive fiscal responses to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Globally, public debt now amounts to $88 trillion, according to the IMF, but is expected to decline by about 1 percentage point of the world’s GDP per year in 2021 and 2022 before stabilizing at about 97% of GDP.

In the coming years debt is “expected to remain persistently higher than the levels projected before the pandemic – in advanced economies it is projected to be almost 20 percentage points higher through 2026,” the IMF said in its report.

According to its preliminary estimates, global debt issued by governments, nonfinancial corporations, and households in 2020 reached $226 trillion, up $27 trillion from 2019. That is the largest increase on record, and far exceeds the $20 trillion cumulative debt gain seen over the two years of the global financial crisis in 2008-2009.

Advanced economies and China accounted for more than 90% of the accumulation of worldwide debt in 2020, while remaining emerging markets and low-income developing countries accounted for only around 7%, said the report.

The IMF also estimates that 65 to 75 million more people will fall into poverty by the end of 2021 than would have been the case without the pandemic.


On behalf of the people IMF you can go fuck yourself

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7c9e00  No.14805843


A Christian nurse I work with says her Pastor says it's a "precursor" to the mark.

This audio by a Greek orthodox Monk?priest says that a demon told him there will be 7 jabs.


Spoopy AF.

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91a2ee  No.14805844


There's still 30% of population that approves how he's doing things. I'm guessing it needs to get to at least 80-90% of the population that get fed up.

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b8dbd9  No.14805845



Believe it, i read through all that, and think the bible is the keystone, the numbers and the script match and used as a cypher on Q drops,

Do not be dismayed but tone it back a bit !!

years and years ago i had a dream where the only people who survived the mark of the beast where the aborigines who knew the land and the ways of old, plus some in the remote tribes of the amazon !!

those looking for escape ending up looking for them to help as all else failed and the authorites was hunting everyone !!!

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517cde  No.14805846

File: 46bd0804120df0a⋯.mp4 (1.37 MB, 540x540, 1:1, 46bd0804120df0a93db699d563….mp4)

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c1b39d  No.14805847


>Look at this 👀. >>14805629

Control your contracts Canadian.

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6bb568  No.14805848

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f1814f  No.14805849

File: 6d520ef3bb51552⋯.jpg (126.9 KB, 1222x1357, 1222:1357, 20211017_133232.jpg)

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cfd410  No.14805850


one of those times when anon thinks comms


t’s no secret that Rudy Giuliani long ago torched his street cred, let alone any respectability that the man once possessed, but now it looks like he’s about to be enrolled in Donald Trump’s Coffee Boy 101 class.Trump is distancing himself from Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman, arrested on campaign finance violations while attempting to flee the country, claiming that he doesn’t know them from Adam, but maybe Rudy does, ask Rudy. Historically, Trump distancing himself from someone like this is the first step to a Coffee Boy legacy.

is use of Coffee Boy a broadcast that Paul E. Coffey is on the hunt? A warning?

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7f47e6  No.14805851

File: 23b3fe0c7ffa427⋯.gif (106.75 KB, 683x512, 683:512, 20211017_221629.gif)

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402759  No.14805852

File: cce4e221455b4c2⋯.png (341.68 KB, 372x548, 93:137, cce4e221455b4c2ae32d0d93e2….png)

File: 91aa72d9f7ee3e5⋯.png (629.03 KB, 1000x530, 100:53, 91aa72d9f7ee3e5c449d1da7ae….png)

File: f3e51fd7f0234e7⋯.jpg (7.72 KB, 474x316, 3:2, DnlZDT_XgAAa2L0.jpg)

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511904  No.14805853


You will not.

We are slaves to the state.

You and your children and grandchildren and grandchildren's children.

We lost.

Learn to live in a teepee and grow gardens.

Get ready to give it all up.

The whole shabang.

No cars.

No airplanes.

No modern society.

It all has to go.

Learn to ride horse and be kind to animals.


That's the key.

Forget all else.

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103e1d  No.14805854

Hmm Dan just removed his pinned tweet

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b9a758  No.14805856

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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78224e  No.14805857


>When will we see this charade come to an end?

In March 2021, Donald Trump will seize the throne.

But, seriously, date fagging is pointless. The Plan is hidden from us.

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cb7e7f  No.14805858


same ole story

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477493  No.14805859

File: ecd4c3fdb647b73⋯.png (373.31 KB, 580x377, 20:13, ag8949hhg8hghghh38ghoabg38….png)

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78224e  No.14805860


>There's still 30% of population that approves how he's doing things.

Only if you believe the polls. Has he done one thing right? Just one?

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df6abc  No.14805861


dude thats brutal

Daughter of Women given into the hand of king the north though she stand not beside him neither is for him over here

Brutal, like having all of your bones broken.

They feel better than b4 when God fixes them

but some wounds and incurable, and are


it is written that this one was stricken for the sins of his people.

And if it happens to one man it happens to them all

Hot in the Kitchen

Golden Sensor

Furnace of Affliction

Tried for Silver, and Gold

Let the Lowly Rejoice that he is Exalted

For the Least is the Greatest

and God chose the Most Abased

Were Minin for Hearts of Gold on Freedom Trail a Lonesome Road bro

Its always darkest before the dawn

Jesus Christ said, You Will Find the Advantage you are looking for

Not by power nor by Might, but by My Spirit

Love Conquers All and Covereth All Sins

There is an Advantage of Purity over Impurity like there is an Advantage of A man over his Shadow. Let not darkness into your heart, less ye be consumed in darkness. Let light into your heart, and become that light.

Do not do what you hate. For from the Heart come forth the troubles of

Life. Wherewithall a man sins is he punished. Reproofs of Instruction are

the Way of Life, and the Law is Light. Those who Love God and those who

Fear him will do his Commandments. Love God o Ye his Saints, Live

Righteously. Uproot Evil. The Fear of the Lord is the First Step to Wisdom

and it is to Hate Evil, Arrogance and Pride. God Loves all who dwell with

Wisdom, and the Perfection of Wisdom is to think on her being. The Law

of Wisdom, also called the Law of the Mother. Wisdom who hath Children,

and dwells in the Light of the World.

But I'm saying to much. Daniel. The writing on the wall…

Anon, in Weakness our Strength is Perfected. I've wondered

about the queen of the south and what happened to her.

That parallel verse about the dotn was a crucifixion

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9cd23e  No.14805862




Here is the thing. The third person who shared her warning about the v said in her dream she knew she was dead. She asked for prayer but knew it will do no good. She couldn't come back from that.

Jesus warned us multiple times ;

See that noone deceives you.

My people perish for lack of knowledge

Those who try to save their lives will lose them

… So they could deceive if possible even the elect….

Revelation 17 or 18

If you take the mark. You burn in hell forever with the rest of the fallen ones

Every one of these dreams were vivid and absolutely horrifying.

As if you were standing in the future at the moment of forefeit and felt the hopelessness and horrifying unchangeable finality of that end.

It stirs your soul to the core!


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4191e1  No.14805863

File: 46a4a2192851863⋯.gif (142.18 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 46a4a2192851863410dba9ec8a….gif)

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91a2ee  No.14805864

File: d160207824cb30d⋯.png (320.5 KB, 542x648, 271:324, BidenBlackcollegeCut.png)

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511904  No.14805865

File: 89a0ea1e3534a1f⋯.png (244.35 KB, 773x906, 773:906, ClipboardImage.png)

Poland had a 4.2 EQ today.

Is that common for Poland?

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b647e3  No.14805866

>>14804366 (pb)

Typo - (within answer to last question) - "Bill Heffernan".

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bced5d  No.14805867




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91a2ee  No.14805868


>Has he done one thing right? Just one?

Stole an election

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31e89d  No.14805869

File: e0e80353ec38c9a⋯.jpeg (20.99 KB, 336x336, 1:1, R_371c8199739934d60f594c4….jpeg)

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477493  No.14805870

File: f4d8c762565279c⋯.png (307.63 KB, 562x404, 281:202, bg8949hhg8hghghh38ghoabg38….png)

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b8dbd9  No.14805871

File: 956d62a04018c3e⋯.png (553.31 KB, 606x384, 101:64, ClipboardImage.png)


trips chek'ed and dubs on I;D: 197822, Yeah i know, hate it, it is like OCD, am compled to post on certain numbers, worse some days. kek

still i see it as a plus as it i use it and call it attention to detail

comes in handy especially here and other places.

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7f47e6  No.14805872

File: 100913cba69c34b⋯.gif (732.93 KB, 256x192, 4:3, 20211017_222135.gif)



human tendency towards nostalgia for a nonexistent idealized past

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4191e1  No.14805873

File: d7db3e6a7c27fd0⋯.jpg (179.01 KB, 565x750, 113:150, d7db3e6a7c27fd0e9ef660f8a1….jpg)


Baker is out

New Baker self confirm

Thank you anons

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88a3ef  No.14805874

File: cc99f3dfd5d4ebf⋯.jpg (142.14 KB, 604x638, 302:319, TRUTH_IS_COMING.jpg)

(You) have the power to strike clear notes of Truth from the Golden Heart of Wisdom.

Read, interpret, understand.

The veil of ignorance is parted by the blade of reason sheathed within the scabbard of your mind.

Draw and strike.

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f1e07f  No.14805875

File: a8588e4c8c1ce97⋯.png (1.1 MB, 960x704, 15:11, ClipboardImage.png)

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fdabae  No.14805876

File: 3ad5779bf83d9a7⋯.png (695.53 KB, 680x602, 340:301, ClipboardImage.png)

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c4f31b  No.14805877

RE: The 9th Circle: Child Sex/Sacrifice Cult Initiation

“Stories about child sex and pornography first became public knowledge in 1989, following the collapse of the Franklin Credit Union. That is not when the allegations started, however. Indeed, given the political flavor of the subsequent investigations, it would be easy to dismiss claims that George Bush had been involved. He was by then a very public figure….”


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c969ac  No.14805878

File: 466823dfa1bec5f⋯.png (81.38 KB, 656x809, 656:809, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9279f5d5c3d5cbc⋯.png (91.38 KB, 653x806, 653:806, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ebfcc588da58d20⋯.png (61.52 KB, 656x541, 656:541, ClipboardImage.png)


Hitting up the state too…

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402759  No.14805879

File: f8be1d0646aa278⋯.jpg (25.92 KB, 500x360, 25:18, 9206da012304fee1f6695a5e89….jpg)

File: abe0e1fefcda36d⋯.gif (832.15 KB, 252x188, 63:47, abe0e1fefcda36db61c564ba6b….gif)


"Trump is distancing himself from Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman"

Is? He always did.

LOL. Who are you…. Brennan? Only he could be this LAME.

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f1e07f  No.14805880

File: 482a95cd71b4eef⋯.png (955.97 KB, 900x797, 900:797, ClipboardImage.png)

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197822  No.14805881


There is an exception to this;

You can take it without knowing the consequences and be forgiven; assuming you ask for forgiveness and your heart is not already hardened against it.

33And when they were come to the place, which is called Calvary, there they crucified him, and the malefactors, one on the right hand, and the other on the left. 34Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do. And they parted his raiment, and cast lots. 35And the people stood beholding. And the rulers also with them derided him, saying, He saved others; let him save himself, if he be Christ, the chosen of God. 36And the soldiers also mocked him, coming to him, and offering him vinegar, 37And saying, If thou be the king of the Jews, save thyself. 38And a superscription also was written over him in letters of Greek, and Latin, and Hebrew, THIS IS THE KING OF THE JEWS.

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103e1d  No.14805882

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d58836  No.14805883


Would agree it’s a pretty creepy thing to say.

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7c9e00  No.14805884


GFY doomfag.

I'll hunt and kill as many REDACTED as possible before I "give it all up".

Fuck the deep state and fuck their globalist puppet masters.

If China rolls on US, every REDACTED in this country will be hunted down and killed.

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511904  No.14805885


>Who else is Jeffrey Epstein?

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b9c6ac  No.14805886


I have a "friend" who just had back surgery. Has been antivaxx from the start of this. Swears he hasn't taken it, but doesn't know if they might have jabbed him against his will while he was under. He is no longer there. Different person last 3 mos. Perhaps spinal surgery alone did that, but I suspect he was jabbed. Why he would agree to non-essential spinal surgery after witnessing the medical profession's fuckery over the last year is beyond me.

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477493  No.14805887

File: b7cec23b98dbd43⋯.png (255.94 KB, 579x502, 579:502, ag8949hhg8hghghh38ghoabg38….png)

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511904  No.14805888

File: b68dde82cbdbdcf⋯.png (1.71 MB, 1058x1200, 529:600, 3bewbsprojct2.png)

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745b53  No.14805889


Ask her to txt you on the spot. If she won't, forget it.

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f1e07f  No.14805890

File: 6a8a8008e320a25⋯.png (637.35 KB, 699x338, 699:338, ClipboardImage.png)

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7f47e6  No.14805891

File: 19dd6535bd16ed5⋯.gif (2.03 MB, 375x500, 3:4, 20211017_222504.gif)

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745b53  No.14805892


The British like to assure that they are free. After 1200 years of monarchy ffs.

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9cd23e  No.14805893

>>14805843. He forewarned us.

We are without excuse.




Here is the thing. The third person who shared her warning about the v said in her dream she knew she was dead. She asked for prayer but knew it will do no good. She couldn't come back from that.

Jesus warned us multiple times ;

See that noone deceives you.

My people perish for lack of knowledge

Those who try to save their lives will lose them

… So they could deceive if possible even the elect….

Revelation 17 or 18

If you take the mark. You burn in hell forever with the rest of the fallen ones

Every one of these dreams were vivid and absolutely horrifying.

As if you were standing in the future at the moment of>>14805843

forefeit and felt the hopelessness and horrifying unchangeable finality of that end.

It stirs your soul to the core!


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f1e07f  No.14805894

File: e02d4515a5ad736⋯.png (116.12 KB, 640x401, 640:401, ClipboardImage.png)

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f1e07f  No.14805895

File: d532707194dc448⋯.png (895.63 KB, 800x600, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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c4f31b  No.14805896

File: f3702451c9e1caa⋯.jpeg (198.94 KB, 683x1024, 683:1024, Broad_Museum_Black_Tie_In….jpeg)


GTFO with that shit

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b21cc1  No.14805897

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

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Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

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1762a9  No.14805898

fucking retarded faggot

that's what i thought

move along to other posts while feigning some sort of competency


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df6abc  No.14805899


I have the next book in the bible with about 100 pages of instructions written using a specific KJV

bible as the key to Thomas J Beales Cipher

meaning that the entire book is written from

verses and partial verses of the KJV Bible

and is the 67th book in it, like 400 yeras ago

a guy said Ignorance of the Scriptures is

ignorance of Christ. Esgettit.

On the first page it sais that Moses divided the Treasure as Israels portion from the years that they warred up unto the Lord, and that I Am to Bless

them wherewithall the Lord has blessed me, out of my floors, and my walls,

and my Winepress. Which are filled with treasure.

Its all congruent with the 1st part of the cipher cracked using the deceleration of independence, letter corresponding to number.

Dream though. Nother Long Story.. I'd like to hear about yours in detail but I've had a dream about it as well

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7fe59d  No.14805900

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

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Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

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cb7e7f  No.14805901


>He forewarned us.

maybe they just playing out the script to fuck with ur head and trap critical thinking

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511904  No.14805902

File: 6bcb0ddba41054d⋯.png (661.58 KB, 1082x852, 541:426, LorettaLynch_Comey.png)

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cfd410  No.14805903


and while clowns and media and what not are distracted by what Rudy G is doing and incorporating into the news cycle

there goes Paul E. Coffey to do his thing

Panic in DC

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91a2ee  No.14805904

File: 6f5dd62ea39ebc7⋯.png (432.29 KB, 858x571, 858:571, BidenGivesKamalaFinger.png)

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745b53  No.14805905


I won't even talk to libtards anymore. They're just useless.

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f1e07f  No.14805906

File: f5acd08e27373f7⋯.png (73.97 KB, 767x1039, 767:1039, ClipboardImage.png)

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3edd9c  No.14805908

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

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Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

cb7e7f  No.14805909


it's sunday night. only dedicated anons and shills here. wonder what u are

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f1e07f  No.14805910


They will be receptive after they reap the pain they have sowed.

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9f58a9  No.14805911

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

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Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

402759  No.14805912

File: 3f136041b7be532⋯.jpg (40.61 KB, 350x272, 175:136, maybe_you_should_cry_about….jpg)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

40139a  No.14805913

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

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Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

36701a  No.14805914

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

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Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

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Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

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cfd410  No.14805915


scratch William, he be the dad to

James Bulger

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88a3ef  No.14805916

File: 8bd5b98c7f3ab55⋯.png (5.2 KB, 212x238, 106:119, reason.png)

File: a0418356211409c⋯.jpg (146.66 KB, 1070x1058, 535:529, we_see_you.jpg)

Enemies of reason invest considerable effort to divide, destroy, and demoralize in this space.

They return day after day, bread after bread, week after week, to repost the same tired, demoralizing "memes", and will even go to the effort to switch IP addresses multiple times per breadsometimes even after each individual postto avoid being filtered.

Ask yourself why it's worth their effort. What motivates their actions. Use logic and reason and question what would motivate someone to invest this much time on trying to interrupt what we do here.

We see you.

At least, long enough to laugh, ignore you, and move on. ;)

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fdabae  No.14805917

File: 3b1f66f212d8b04⋯.png (106.82 KB, 300x483, 100:161, 8beaf1747602f509fcc1276e19….png)


All Kikes Look Alike

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f1e07f  No.14805918

File: d1a50779876d7a7⋯.png (146.41 KB, 300x255, 20:17, ClipboardImage.png)

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7c9e00  No.14805919


Thank You, Anon!

This guy >>14805876 is why we can't have nice things.

>>14805876, please commit suicide.

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2e5785  No.14805920

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

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Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

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45f0a7  No.14805921

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c969ac  No.14805922








I have come to this board for about 3 years to contribute to the discussion, get updated on the latest digs and investigate our public entities to disclose potential corruption in our government. This is meant to be a good thing.

Most times this board is both enlightening and entertaining, however, it has become more prevalent to be attacked by arrogant lunatics who barely know how to wipe their nose, let alone raise a family, pay bills, be outstanding citizens and help their community. These attacks are personal in nature, are meant to be degrading and are meant to to achieve a negative response. This smells of those who have been well trained in communist government skill sets. These board contributors only assault and insult and provide nothing to the overall discussion. We call these losers "shills". If you are one - stop. Consider what you are actually accomplishing by your actions…

Shills do nothing to me and shills do nothing for me, ergo, they are worthless to society as a whole. The only value on Earth is human labor which is directed toward the creation of a useful product or the offering of a service to others. Shills perform neither of these, therefore, they can be deemed, worthless. Shills only show their immaturity, their ignorance, their arrogance and their lack of education in the real ways of life. Most humans who behave in this manner are probably of an age that is barely beyond the diaper stage of life. Should they actually be of a more advanced age, they probably had adults in their upbringing who were not that far out of diapers themselves and were incapable of training their offspring on the importance of social skills, thus, the resulting offspring is nothing but a pile of flesh that is useless to society as a whole. They offer no "value".

I am an American citizen. I was taught to be a productive and helpful citizen amongst my peers. The more productive one is, the greater the earnings potential. There is no limit to the potential which stimulates legions of people to arrive on America's shores to have an opportunity to be free and live a happy and fruitful life. Most of the folks who arrive here come from societies made up of "shills" who simply do nothing for society but "keep it down" under a system of oppression so that the rulers of the oppressive system have an easier time of citizen control.

As I mentioned earlier. If you are a shill - stop. Consider your life. Do you want to be of value to the greater society or are your goals to simply be a zero? If the latter, I will warn you that your time on this Earth will be very limited. Humanity has seen a taste of freedom, understands human value, encourages human participation in society and will ultimately reject the "shills" and toss them to the curbside. You are a dying breed even though you feel you have "control". Control is an illusion and will soon evaporate right before your eyes. Do yourself a favor. Don't be a shill.

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6b60c5  No.14805923

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

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Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

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45f0a7  No.14805924


My dog asked me to exterminate you. I do not need big technology to do that. FAFO.

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df6abc  No.14805925


thats a 200 year old cipher

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fdabae  No.14805926

File: 4658ea174b50f62⋯.png (1.42 MB, 768x1092, 64:91, ClipboardImage.png)

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60b38a  No.14805927

Banned again.

guess I should leave for good this time.

can someone show me the door?

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402759  No.14805928


Paul E. Coffey

So… Who is he?

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c1b39d  No.14805929


You took the jab… amirite?

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7a4b30  No.14805930


Rogan seems less oblivious to the fuckery but still hasn't connected enough dots, seems close to actually realizing shit though

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f3b2ee  No.14805931


which tweet?

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df6abc  No.14805932





Nothing Can Stop Whats Coming.

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103e1d  No.14805933

File: c7970b4de95f7e0⋯.png (315.04 KB, 728x576, 91:72, 8248F1F3_34F9_4E03_9485_81….png)

File: ce48ed6a0819961⋯.gif (30.66 KB, 500x492, 125:123, 4108EA6B_8B6D_4667_B361_C1….gif)

File: 40483eaf0d3a176⋯.jpeg (17.29 KB, 241x209, 241:209, 07AE80C9_1826_48CC_AB3F_3….jpeg)

File: 70ac769903f6d2e⋯.jpeg (42.01 KB, 600x630, 20:21, B5327D0D_7B85_4CFE_BF3D_C….jpeg)

Purpy-shill says we’re trash :(

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b8dbd9  No.14805934


dubs chek'ed

Again, ocd compells me to answer.

He stated that the masons are tasked to follow the book of revelations and make occurrence's happen in line so religious people would think it is biblical !!

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78224e  No.14805935


>Ask yourself why it's worth their effort. What motivates their actions.

I find it hard to imagine any average person being so pissed at us, for whatever reason, that it would be worth the time to annoy us by trashing the breads.

It has to be paid assassins.

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fdabae  No.14805936

File: 654fc1016719f95⋯.png (309.34 KB, 464x462, 232:231, ClipboardImage.png)



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c4f31b  No.14805937

File: 519bb0ba10908b9⋯.gif (47.44 KB, 415x202, 415:202, aaaaorlandocybeletemple_th….gif)

File: 7a96df1556f0d22⋯.gif (124.82 KB, 377x400, 377:400, aaaaorlandochildscarifice1….gif)



Cybele represents the “she had fallen from the sky as a stone“, and the name Pessinus may indeed mean something like “castle where the fall has taken place“.[22] The infamous temple, Cybele’s Matreum, on the Palatine (Vatican) Hill in Rome was officially established after 204 B.C. when the Roman embassy brought from Pessinus, Turkey the Gallae, Corybantes, and pointed black stone (meteorite fragment) which represented the goddess.[23] Cybele’s Matreum was deliberately built over a system of ancient underground catacombs and chambers.[24] The Temple was formally dedicated by Praetor M Iunius Brutus on April 10, 191 BC, celebrated as the birthday festival of the Ancient Earth Goddess, closing the week of the Megalensian Games held annually in Her honor.[25]

Under Cybele’s Matreum, Catacombs & Human Sacrifices




Use tineye.com on all suspect images before posting Anons!

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45f0a7  No.14805938


I am going to watch the ivermectin portion tomorrow night. Meanwhile, I am hunting a cunt shill that needs to be unbuttoned.

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197822  No.14805939

File: ab79d7584863a6e⋯.jpg (290.75 KB, 827x1390, 827:1390, external_content_duckduckg….jpg)

File: 2c566309060a60a⋯.jpg (113.85 KB, 560x747, 560:747, bjw.jpg)


False. Try again.

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745b53  No.14805940


I tend to agree with Dr. Immanuel on this subject. Sterilization.


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103e1d  No.14805941


Tard-anon doesn’t remember, despite seeing it 5 mins before Dan took it down. It might have been the Reagan speech one.

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511904  No.14805942


Paul E. Coffey took over as Chief of RICO Division at the DOJ, after David Margolis' death and Scott Schools resignation.

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02dbc7  No.14805943

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

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Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

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7a4b30  No.14805944

File: b8eb8cae3b3fe9f⋯.jpg (11.68 KB, 197x255, 197:255, b8eb8cae3b3fe9fa67f3c14621….jpg)


happy hunting o7

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aaecff  No.14805945

File: 5878c8330aa9027⋯.jpg (61.61 KB, 533x468, 41:36, Let_s_go_Dustin.jpg)

For Canadian anons

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324039  No.14805947

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

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Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

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4530e2  No.14805948

File: 5c4ccf05101a173⋯.webm (2.49 MB, 538x300, 269:150, 1634519653651.webm)

Do you anons see what I see?

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60b38a  No.14805949


He's related to J. Ava

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2ce039  No.14805950

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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fb89cf  No.14805951

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

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Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

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Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

f1e07f  No.14805952

File: 0593f99fc73887f⋯.png (217.31 KB, 400x558, 200:279, ClipboardImage.png)

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cb7e7f  No.14805953


not oblivious.

1. overload of info to come to correct conclusions

2. knows but won't admit for financial/professional reasons

3. or gatekeeper

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45f0a7  No.14805954


Are you scared? Why do you IP hop ? Are you scared of defending your base? Or is your base easily belong to me? Why do you run little duck? Are you scared of getting hunted down and pwned?

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197822  No.14805955


This an act of unforgivable evil.

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88a3ef  No.14805956

File: 7e7c58fc87887a7⋯.jpg (450.04 KB, 973x892, 973:892, podesta_skippy.jpg)


>It has to be paid assassins.

Likely pizza-related ones.

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7f47e6  No.14805957

File: 65e8b4f1dc92d41⋯.gif (261.09 KB, 551x551, 1:1, 20211017_223802.gif)

but it is that retarded assed piece of shit you call a mind.



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a0abe8  No.14805958

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

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Q is trash and so are you

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Q is trash and so are you

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Q is trash and so are you

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Q is trash and so are you

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Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

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Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b900ef  No.14805959

File: 8b5390163e68429⋯.jpeg (105.32 KB, 500x610, 50:61, E8C07A37_DA96_49D9_941B_4….jpeg)

What's going on that the shills are [trying to] distract from?

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98e274  No.14805960

>>14803733 pb

>Australia's international vaccine passports launch just in time for NSW residents to travel overseas for the first time in 18 months - here's how to apply for yours

they're never going to let the unvaxed leave. god this is such hell for them.

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511904  No.14805961


Must be all the Coffey talk!


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f1e07f  No.14805962

File: bd6890eb438e329⋯.png (255.5 KB, 384x348, 32:29, ClipboardImage.png)

I like Killary's purple ribbon shill. So obvious even my jury can understand shills.

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402759  No.14805963


Whoa. Okay, thanks!

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c4f31b  No.14805964

File: f3f71e5cd94b9cd⋯.jpeg (113.78 KB, 960x960, 1:1, 0e3addcb91cdfcf83a320d9fd….jpeg)

File: e2924d6bee42dd3⋯.png (826.14 KB, 651x813, 217:271, R_1_.png)

Women worshippers were organized into secret sororities. The current U.S. Attorney General, Loretta Lynch, is a devout member of the Delta Sigma Theta Sorority. It is a secret society whose patron goddess is the Roman Goddess of Wisdom, Minerva.[37] The bottom line is that Minerva (Zizimene) is the Latin representative of Cybele.[38]

[Delta Sigma Theta]

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f3b2ee  No.14805965

File: e3d743e69886ea2⋯.jpg (37.33 KB, 600x400, 3:2, feud.jpg)

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4530e2  No.14805967

File: 18875519aab8080⋯.jpg (74.48 KB, 1024x442, 512:221, 1634519632410m.jpg)

>>14805948 (me)

Eyes to see

What the others see not

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9cd23e  No.14805968



Sterilization= desolation





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88a3ef  No.14805969

File: ff711d418f1a9a0⋯.jpeg (388.27 KB, 1440x1311, 480:437, angry_lion.jpeg)

File: 79ded030ea895cb⋯.jpeg (73.98 KB, 720x862, 360:431, epstein_book.jpeg)

They try to distract you, waste your time and energy, demoralize you, and fill up the bread with bullshit.

Don't gratify them with responses. Focus on the subjects they're trying to prevent you from discussing. Laugh and move on. Their desperation is pathetic to you.

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1762a9  No.14805970


the bitter pill in there that most won't swallow is that the average person is to blame for the reason why the system is so fubar and they simply took advantage of knowing the human condition and by how people are going to react to any given scenario

there are a bunch of "middlemen" who exploit the human condition as well to keep the suffering ongoing

crazy thread for sure


oh, the little faggot aei, still being a complete fucking faggot and refusing to admit when they're wrong in their general assessment by commenting on my OP in a reactive manner without gathering the facts of the conversation, which is in and of itself nigger tier fashion.

congrats, you just played yourself.

now go on larping about the nephilim again.

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98e274  No.14805971


matrix v0.1.

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745b53  No.14805972



These fucktards can lose their businesses and nearly die from vaccines and they still think that the Creepy Admin et al are "keeping them safe." Libtards are really useless.

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7ea8d6  No.14805973

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

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Q is trash and so are you

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Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

fb0201  No.14805975

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

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Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

103e1d  No.14805976

File: 2452ee7574708a0⋯.png (887.43 KB, 630x829, 630:829, E53AE644_A897_47C9_9266_35….png)

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f1e07f  No.14805977

File: 02f15e619a2bb0e⋯.png (997.21 KB, 860x484, 215:121, ClipboardImage.png)

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f3b2ee  No.14805978

File: f845c560ab2db6d⋯.png (109.22 KB, 460x507, 460:507, world_dogs.png)

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78224e  No.14805979


>Focus on the subjects they're trying to prevent you from discussing.

The nuclear bomb myth comes to mind. That always seems to get a rise.

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bc1f16  No.14805980

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

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Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

cb7e7f  No.14805981



pedo symbols in kid vax VR

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1de042  No.14805982

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

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Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d58836  No.14805983


Election audits

Rona lies

Space Force

Space Force1

Free energy


Could go on for days

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197822  No.14805984

File: c19e5e3938d5753⋯.jpg (968.11 KB, 1200x1013, 1200:1013, external_content_duckduckg….jpg)



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

72bd6a  No.14805985

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

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Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

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Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

Q is trash and so are you

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60b38a  No.14805986

Hillary called us deplorables.

The media calls us stupid.

The D call us insurrections.

The DOJ call us domestic terrorists.

And some shill comes here and calls us trash and thinks that bothers us?

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f1e07f  No.14805987

File: 9593a0577bff598⋯.png (183.36 KB, 600x600, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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ab9a9a  No.14805988

File: 0cb9f1e70d76f9e⋯.jpg (11.92 KB, 175x255, 35:51, 04afba8c6ffca3d825cb50cc07….jpg)

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f3b2ee  No.14805989

File: ae13bade6d4cd60⋯.jpg (41.88 KB, 400x400, 1:1, fight_evil.jpg)



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3a37aa  No.14805990

File: 47097f9cfca2eed⋯.png (40.27 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, Checkmate_in4.png)

White to move and checkmate in 4.

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78224e  No.14805991


>And some shill comes here and calls us trash and thinks that bothers us?

They have no idea who they are dealing with.

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324039  No.14805992





































































































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cb7e7f  No.14805993


i wish it was just an IQ thing, but it's not.

it's more of a trust the system, people are generally good, can't be that evil, someone would stop it, naivete. poor bastards.

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98e274  No.14805994


Where Revelation talks about "Pharmakeia" (wrongly translated "witchcraft"), is that in the same general area as the mark of the beast stuff?

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45f0a7  No.14805995


Move white queen now.

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7f47e6  No.14805996

File: f2d55d5446c9c36⋯.gif (5.98 MB, 640x640, 1:1, 20200823_211039.gif)

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7ea8d6  No.14805997





































































































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78224e  No.14805998


Aarggggh! Another chess puzzle. Damn you, anon, you are such a temptress, kek.

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745b53  No.14805999


Mostly brainwashed tv addicts. Useless.

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7784fa  No.14806000

How to make JAR BABIES

Using technology available since the early 1950s'

Using the same techniques as used commercially for animals

Either blatocyst/biopsy

Or blastomere splitting

Clone some female embryos

Implant in surrogate mothers using trafficked girls

Harvest the babies and onspect for flaws

A damaged one cab be kept for use as a breeder

Or sold for sacrifice

Deliver to foster families for the usual conditioning

For a life as a sex kitten

After puberty collect the girls and impregnate with semen from the chosen male specimen

Over multiple generations breed for ambiguous brown ethnicity so the child can become middle eastern or hispanic or …

After birth the breeder can be finished using Monarch programming to prevent disclosure.

Suicide boobytraps are implanted for this

The children will likely go into preplanned roles and will be given to foster families for raising and conditioning

Thr breeders are used agan as many times as needed

One female should be able to produce 15+ children from the same chosen male.

Assuming a cloning yield of 8 identical breeders (3 divisions)

That would provide a yield of up to 120 offspring for the chosen male

Cloning can also be done sarting from adult human cells.

This is harder

To get a yield of one healthy clone suitable for organ harvesting

You need to create several clones

Flaws are frequent so choose the best child and dispose of the rest

If your goal is MK Ultra subjects the technique is the same just make a lot more copies to get larger yields.

Preferably get source cells from proven men such as US Navy SEALs or Delta Force operators.

You can clone female fighters as well

To provide companions for men in deep cover operations

These women should be sterilised shortly after birth

All three types of clones are in production

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4d3f9e  No.14806001


Wayback machine it.

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021a97  No.14806002