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dec4dc  No.14804007[Last 50 Posts]

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Tuesday 12.08.2020

>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

New? Use logic and reason when evaluating posts, look beyond the content of the post(s) and evaluate intent.

>>2322789 How To Quickly Spot A Clown


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- Melania Trump: https://twitter.com/melaniatrump/

- Donald Trump Jr: https://twitter.com/DonaldJTrumpJr/ | https://www.rumble.com/c/DonaldJTrumpJr

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- Rudolph Giuliani: https://twitter.com/RudyGiuliani/ | https://www.rumble.com/c/TheRudyGiuliani

- General Flynn: https://parler.com/profile/GenFlynn/

- Russell-Jay: Gould https://www.lastflagstanding.com/

- Sidney Powell: https://defendingtherepublic.org/

- Lin Wood: https://fightback.law/

- Mike Lindell: https://frankspeech.com/ | https://LindellTV.com/

- Steve Bannon: https://warroom.org/listen-live/ | https://americasvoice.news/

- Tom Fitton: https://twitter.com/TomFitton/

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- George News: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHuJRxaJssaumjcv9aLZ21Q

- :Russell-Jay: Gould. LastFlagStanding.com

- Jack Posobiec https://twitter.com/JackPosobiec/

- Marjorie Greene https://twitter.com/mtgreenee/

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dec4dc  No.14804011

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com / thetrumparchive.com

* Twitter Video Downloader: http://twittervideodownloader.com/

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Other Tools

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://archive.org/details/WHvisitorlogs_2010-16_date

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Updated All Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Module Retired - Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* Catalog of US Government Publications: https://catalog.gpo.gov/F?RN=306384688

* Webpage Archiver: http://archive.md/

* Check Criminal Cases: https://www.justice.gov/usao/find-your-united-states-attorney

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1. Watch >>14692975 VIDEO INSTRUCTIONS

2. Open Current Dough Link

3. Create Thread and Paste Dough Contents

4. Check Format against Dough link used

5. Request Baker for Review

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*Quick Pic Bake Instructions & simple instructions: https://postimg.cc/gallery/t1Fqsg1/7d928321 https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

*Complete Apprentice baking instructions https://controlc.com/0cf78628

*Baker templates for formatting crumbs plus links: https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

TOR IMAGE: Iwo Jima videos: https://youtu.be/5zezIBBxjEs, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLCupx1UExg

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dec4dc  No.14804015



>>14803308, >>14803314, >>14803328 Witnesses Report Active Shooter at Park City Mall In Lancaster, PA

>>14803318 Three Israelis belonging to Rabbi Eliezer Berland’s Shuvu Banim sect of the Breslov hassidic community were arrested early Sunday morning for their alleged involvement in two #Jerusalem murder cases, one in 1986 and one in 1990.

>>14803346 Two #Palestinians were sentenced to death by hanging by the military court in the #Gaza Strip on Sunday on charges of collaborating with #Israel.

>>14803384 @mikepompeo: “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: ‘May those who love you be secure.’” Psalm 122:6

>>14803396 'Stones fell like rain': These settlers have terrorized Palestinian children for 17 years, and their threats and violence are only intensifying

>>14803417 Kenya, Suspected Serial Killer Beaten to Death By Angry Mob


>>14803551 YTvid. 10-16-2021; Cranes in LA Harbor Non Operational as 100+ container Ships Sit Offshore!

>>14803603 https://tora3.com/qbrief. recent 8kun vids collected and loaded

>>14803609 Fauci Says Unvaccinated Americans Could Lead to Dangers of Fifth Covid Wave

>>14803653 @SputnikInt: Chinese army newspaper urges 'people's war' against CIA infiltration

>>14803655, >>14803670 RIP Rob Skiba. Rob Skiba was a patriot and a soldier for the house of Yah, for truth and righteousness!

>>14803686 Prepping the masses for the mark… Rev. 13 / 666 / Buy and sell / Just sayin'

>>14803717 Pope Francis Compares George Floyd To Biblical ‘Good Samaritan,’ Praises BLM Rioters For Being ‘Social Poets’

>>14803733 Australia's international vaccine passports launch just in time for NSW residents to travel overseas for the first time in 18 months - here's how to apply for yours

>>14803762 At Least 9 Shot At Shriners Temple in Pine Bluff, Arkansas

>>14803790 Dailymail.co.uk: 14803836 China's real-life Squid Game: How organs are harvested from THOUSANDS every week for a 'kill to order' market - and why the world is powerless to stop it

>>14803856 BIG: An ESPN reporter, Allison Williams, just QUIT ESPN rather than getting vaccinated.

>>14803893, >>14803893 PF callsign ANON

>>14803998 #18725

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dec4dc  No.14804016


>>14802607 Interesting linear sequence of recent shallow California Earthquakes.

>>14802694 Lets Go Brandon song #1

>>14802700 Covid SURGES Among Most Vaxxed Communities Says Harvard Study

>>14802696 New biking laws: Bikers can't display tattoos, gather in public, wear their insignias in Australia. Penalty? 1-5 years in prison.

>>14802729 The DOJ Under Merrick Garland Has Ignored President Trump’s Order to Declassify All Intelligence Related to Obamagate

>>14802738 Israel Demanding Answers After Biden Quietly Removed Sanctions On Iranian Missile Companies

>>14802744 Buttigieg Says Higher Prices and Supply Chain Crisis “Will Continue Into Next Year”

>>14802773 Senator Ron Johnson: “There’s No Point to Mandate Whatsoever – With COVID Vaccine We’ve Had 16,766 Deaths in 10 Months”

>>14802800 Amazon Caught Throwing Away Tons of Unexpired Food as US Faces Unprecedented Food Insecurity

>>14802820 Navy To Separate Unvaccinated Officers Under Same Category Used For Drug Offenders and Sexual Deviants

>>14802829 Pentagon Faces Class Action Lawsuit Over Vaccine Mandates on Military, Federal Employees and Contractors

>>14802852 Politician’s Suspected Killer Named Ali Harbi Ali, Father Worked for Somali Govt: Reports

>>14802882 ‘Trained Marxist’ BLM Co-Founder Appointed As A Los Angeles County Commissioner

>>14802890 Tyrannical Lockdown CA Gov Newsom Fights To Exempt Union That Gave His Recall Campaign $1.75 Million From His COVID Vax Mandate

>>14802904 Docs Show Fetal Organ Trafficking Horrors

>>14802922 Senior journalist identifies one of Beirut snipers as employee of US embassy

>>14802992 Horrifying revelation from FDA panelist On Approving Moderna Booster"It's More A Gut Feeling Rather Than Based On Really Truly Serious Data"

>>14802998 Republican AGs Say There Is No Federal Vaccine Mandate for Private Workers, Vow to Sue

>>14803018 Initial reports say there’s an active shooter at Park City Mall in Lancaster, Pennsylvania

>>14803093 McAdams: A Desperate Biden Administration Turns To Terrorism

>>14803102 US to Offer 'Condolence Payments' aka; BLOOD MONEY, to Relatives of 10 Civilians Killed in Drone Strike

>>14803166 SBC Exec Committee Leader Resigns Amid Division Over Sex Abuse Investigation

>>14803244 US Air Force drops new ‘bunker buster' bomb for first time

>>14802885 At sunset our Muslim friends observe Mawlid al-Nabi, Prophet Muhammad’s birthday.

>>14802951 Video shows Israeli soldiers attack the Palestinian farmers to stop them harvesting olives in Yasuf village, north of the West Bank.

>>14803024 Police said probing if sex offender rabbi linked to cold case murders

>>14803066 Israel: Ex-general Gal Hirsch expected to be indicted in coming days

>>14803152 German military planes fly over Jerusalem for 1st time since WWI in show of ties

>>14803500 #18724

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dec4dc  No.14804018


#18721/3 Clown World Edition should be renumbered to #18723

>>14801793 It’s Always Going to Haunt Me’: How the Capitol Riot Changed Lives

>>14801815 CNN Tapper interview with Jon Stewart potential…any link to video or print?

>>14801819 A mob lynched a man who confessed to killing children and sucking their blood after he escaped the police (potential for bigger things to be exposed re: missing children)

>>14801824 PF report

>>14801826 Information Warfare / Children's Defense Fund (id b09636 for more int. posts)

>>14801837, >>14802192 Maria B reporting rumor that Pelosi wants to step down after spending bill is passed, video second link

>>14801882 Los Alamos Mass Firings Covid related? (cover potentially for https://discover.lanl.gov/publications/national-security-science/2021-summer/counterintelligence)

>>14801923 ​Pentagon Faces Class Action Lawsuit Over Vaccine Mandates on Military, Federal Employees and Contractors

>>14801971 THOUSANDS of Italians Protest Government Mandated Vaccine Requirement for Work

>>14802082 Our subconscious minds are vast magnets, with the power to draw from Universal Mind unlimited knowledge, unlimited power, unlimited riches.

>>14802128 previously noteabled Sanela Diana Jenkins Link (trafficking/Europe/possibly Balkans War ties)

>>14802154 Fox Video Navarro on Bolton deep swamp revenge porn (https://qposts.online/?q=book+deal&s=keyword reminder)

>>14802206, >>14802211, >>14802215, >>14802221, >>14802223, >>14802226, >>14802236, >>14802241 The Other Foe: The U.S. Army’s Fight against Malaria in the Pacific Theater, 1942-45

>>14802237, >>14802368 Bill Clinton is released from hospital after a five-night stay to treat urological infection: Former president is escorted out of facility arm in arm by wife Hillary Clinton, why is HRC wearing the wrist band…not Patient Bill?

>>14802238 Dr. Stella Immanuel: “The Whole Pandemic Was A TROJAN HORSE For Vaccines – Fauci Is Epitome Of Evil.”

>>14802245, >>14801897 Most Active MSM authors on Q/8kun as of July 2, 2020 (wonder what it might be now)

>>14802294 previously notabled re: Haiti Kidnapping, but more eyes on new links

>>14802433 #18721/3 Clown World Edition should be renumbered to #18723

Previously Collected

>>14801555 for #18721/2,

>>14799395 #18719, >>14800534 #18720, >>14800345, #18721/1

>>14796851 #18716, >>14800471 #18717, >>100406 #18018

>>14794614 #18713, >>14795361 #18714, >>14796575 #18715

>>14794389 #18710, >>14794269 #18711, >>14793858 #18712

>>14789922 #18707, >>14793586 #18708, >>14794239 #18709

>>14787608 #18704/1, >>14788315 #18705, >>14789089 #18706

>>14786707 #18703/2, >>14786706 #18703/1, >>14787609 #18704/2

>>14784369 #18700, >>14789071 #18701, >>14785944 #18702

>>14781989 #18697, >>14782808 #18698, >>14783580 #18699

>>14780822 #18695/2, >>14780818 #18695/1, >>14781295 #18696

>>14778184 #18692, >>14778960 #18693, >>14779872 #18694

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/

>>14588182 Q Research Notables #9

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dec4dc  No.14804021



Baker seeking hand off

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519b06  No.14804043

File: 424b664fb7b76f8⋯.png (841.6 KB, 1088x1076, 272:269, ClipboardImage.png)

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2a5880  No.14804050

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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46f72c  No.14804055

16K COVID-19 Positive Migrants Released into U.S. by ICE, Says Whistleblower

More than 16,000 migrants who tested positive for COVID-19 while in Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) custody were released into the United States, according to an agency law enforcement source. The Biden administration did not mandate any of the migrants to be vaccinated before their release. The source informs Breitbart Texas that the figures only include those migrants who were tested by ICE.

The source, not authorized to speak to the media, says the migrants ranged from infants to the elderly. A Department of Homeland Security document reviewed by Breitbart Texas reports the oldest released migrants were over 85 years old. Nearly 1,300 were under the age of ten.

Nearly 12,000 of the migrants who tested positive for COVID-19 and were released into the U.S. were between 18 and 40 years of age, more than 11,800 were male, nearly 1,300 were under the age of ten, and more than 6,000 were between 20 and 29 years old.

According to the source, the releases occurred in multiple cities across the United States between January 2021 and early October.

The totals do not include the thousands of untested migrants released directly by the Border Patrol. The Border Patrol testing of migrants has been limited to unaccompanied migrant children later turned over to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).

As reported by Breitbart Texas, the Border Patrol relied on non-government organizations to test migrants after their release from detention. Many of those migrants were later released to self-quarantine at hotels within border cities.

The source says the positive tests did not factor in the decision to release. “With the pace of referrals from the Border Patrol, we tested, made the migrants aware, and released them to avoid increasing the detained population,” the source revealed. “None of the migrants received the COVID-19 vaccine, either voluntary or forced.”

The releases occurred during a record-breaking year for migrant illegal entries along the southwest border. The number of apprehensions made within the Border Patrol’s nine southwest border sectors this fiscal year was unmatched by any previous single-year total dating back to the inception of the Border Patrol in 1924.

As reported by Breitbart Texas, nearly 2 million apprehensions were made by Customs and Border Protection nationwide in FY 2021.


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2dd08b  No.14804057

File: 52262dbd2cba6eb⋯.png (759.76 KB, 1383x752, 1383:752, Screenshot_at_Oct_17_17_48….png)

File: 94b4566bf0aaf4c⋯.png (1005.41 KB, 1563x814, 1563:814, Screenshot_at_Oct_17_17_50….png)

File: 7fad3cd1e39a8d1⋯.png (1.38 MB, 1623x892, 1623:892, Screenshot_at_Oct_17_18_08….png)

Flemming lecture highlights

HIV inserts.

Vaccines don't contain what you are told they contain.


Transmissible/transferrable vaccines.

self-amplifying mRNA.

mRNA gene therapy-based vaccine shedding.

Doesn't stay at the site of injection.

Vaccine> inflammation> damage to lungs.

Vaccine altered immune response → vaccine interference.

Poor response to other vaccines.

Immune system supression.

Preexisting TCR immunity to SARS-CoV-2 in people previously having FLU or CMV but not previously exposed to SARS.

Janssen reduces getting COVID for 2 weeks.

Evolutionary pressure-selection variants, vaccinated people creating this.

Pfizer vaccine; people running the Pfizer program are getting data from another company that helps them make the vaccine (run by Muslims in Germany).

Vaccine chasing.

ADE; Baric– 3% showed ADE

Just because you can make antibodies doesn't mean it's a bloody good idea to do it.

Infection rates in the UK are higher in the fully vaccinated among all age groups.

Unvaccinated do better from beginning to end.

No mandates on PPE, on testing of any infectious disease, on vaccinations.

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2a5880  No.14804059

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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6908d2  No.14804060


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46f72c  No.14804061

Fort Drum soldier arrested on sex abuse charges

A Fort Drum soldier was arrested on sex abuse charges in Jefferson County Monday.

Dalton J. Rivers, 21, is accused of having sexual contact with a girl under the age of 11-years-oldat a residence in the town of LeRay, according to a news release from New York State Police.

Police are not releasing the age of the child to avoid identifying her, state police spokesperson Trooper Jack Keller said.

Rivers is charged with first-degree sex abuse and endangering the welfare of a child, troopers said.

He was arraigned in the town of Pamelia Court and released into the custody of Fort Drum Military Police, troopers said.


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2ac645  No.14804062

File: d96bb28003f097a⋯.mp4 (1.44 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, d96bb28003f097aebf1c2dca7b….mp4)



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519b06  No.14804063

File: 16daac351e19bdc⋯.png (3.98 MB, 5000x5000, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1922c7233fed5fe⋯.png (2.46 MB, 3195x4486, 3195:4486, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4e091ed2943b089⋯.png (311.66 KB, 828x1464, 69:122, 00a20f1ddc94fad1fc62d0483a….png)

File: 36814416bcda60a⋯.png (58.12 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, 0b418c3b929c562f76321a9f92….png)

ATTN Legacy Media shills

The satanist pedovore mind control era is over.

290 million Americans want the truth; including the truth about the gas lighting of America – MSM media complicity in C_A social subversion operations.

Entertainment company executives who think movies like NORMAL on HBO are the product of creative competition to meet audience demand will be surprised to discover that MI, POTUS and anons of QR all see it as subversive IO, a destructive psyop, one of hundreds run by MSM/legacy media against an unwitting civilian population.

Whether the public is aware, or ever becomes aware, of the harm done by MSM/legacy media content shilling, anons know, POTUS knows and MI knows.

Media companies closely associated with satanic mind control like Disney testify to the destructive nature and subversive power of cult mind warfare tactics.

Media shills and entertainment companies prepared to repent, to admit their role in social and sexual subversion and atone for decades evil must make a 180 reversal; stop destroying, start repairing and rebuilding, and begin undoing the harm they have done to civilization, the US and throughout the world.

A Turkish proverb says “No matter how far down the wrong road you have gone, turn back.”

Repairing damage for legacy media content means initiating a cross platform, all format, surge of error corrected, future positive, neural malware-free news and entertainment content, without subliminal or subsonic embeds, hypnotic induction or “side band” symbolic language technologies targeting our unconscious below the threshold of awareness.

Restoring the integrity of our news and entertainment media means resuming our journey toward the light, as individuals and as a species, and start of the long process undoing the harm done our minds by decades of satanic IO.


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9a1709  No.14804065

File: 2ad78015329b2b0⋯.mp4 (1.16 MB, 640x352, 20:11, Yb7q7xOESfMgqSWn.mp4)

File: 80a6dfb95169b7a⋯.jpg (108.92 KB, 720x762, 120:127, 20211017_161609.jpg)


Fix the supply chain? Get vaccinated

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24cfac  No.14804066

File: 8f06e5f53fe876f⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1974x1867, 1974:1867, 1634508360537.png)

File: 4e0d9af054cc947⋯.jpg (345.25 KB, 1425x1966, 1425:1966, _20211017_181501.JPG)

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b5b8a0  No.14804067

File: 78424fdcd3297fd⋯.jpg (506.66 KB, 1068x1275, 356:425, Pleiadian_music_stops.jpg)

>>14803467 >>14803493 >>14803497 PB

It's like Malik Obama. If they can invent personalities out of thin air, so can we. Same rules apply. The media can't call it out as fake. They have ID cards. The bullshit veneer of republic "must be maintained" (they say). Game on

Bin Laden was a fake identity. Ergo, so is his sister. Same (cough) for Obama.

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519b06  No.14804068

File: 49ef0e88d78c7f0⋯.png (914.52 KB, 2048x1467, 2048:1467, ClipboardImage.png)

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46f72c  No.14804069

File: 1ac6539e02cc8e2⋯.png (294.64 KB, 436x381, 436:381, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6beba3863326e3a⋯.png (121.36 KB, 890x767, 890:767, ClipboardImage.png)

AG Garland’s Wife Worked at Heavily Classified Defense Contractor ‘E-Systems’ Then Focused on Elections Before the 2020 Election

Attorney General Merrick Garland’s wife is heavily connected to those running the 2020 Election and attempting to prevent audits of the 2020 Election. Her prior work with defense contractor E-Systems is even more suspicious.

Crooked US Attorney General, Merrick Garland, has a son-in-law who’s pushing racist CRT around the country and likely making millions doing so. This is the same stuff that parents are fed up with and don’t want to be taught to their children.

Then we uncovered on Friday the fact that Biden’s Attorney General Merrick Garland’s wife is heavily connected with all the far-left players involved in the 2020 Election and those who attempted to stop any audits of that election.

In addition to these obvious conflicts of interest by the corrupt AG, we’ve uncovered more on the potential conflict involving his wife Lynn Garland.

According to the New York Times:

Mrs. Garland, who graduated from the Brearley School and cum laude from Harvard University, received a Master of Science degree in operations management from the Sloan School of Management at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. She is a staff assistant to the vice president in charge of operations for the Melpar division of E-Systems Inc., a defense electronics contractor in Falls Church, Va.

We now wonder what type of work Ms. Garland was involved with at E-Systems. E-Systems is a defense contractor with operations that are highly classified. 60-Minutes attempted to find out more about the company E-Systems. Steve Kroft investigated the Fortune 500 company that operates in almost total secrecy, spying on everyone from dictators to drug lords to terrorists with cutting-edge optical and listening devices in February 1995.


Now we have to ask what the US Attorney General’s wife was doing with E-Systems and what impact this has had on the Attorney General as well. AG Garland may have more conflicts of interest than we can count.


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b30bbe  No.14804071


Get vaccinated to fix the supply chain?



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b160c5  No.14804072


try a probiotic before eating

solid advice

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dec4dc  No.14804073

File: 8978576c1fff7f2⋯.png (1.96 MB, 2048x1362, 1024:681, 8978576c1fff7f2bbee9803875….png)

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09c382  No.14804074

File: abba987289d48d9⋯.jpg (37.91 KB, 666x370, 9:5, 5hmhglvycnb6.jpg)

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9fc092  No.14804075

File: 34b9bf2b9170c12⋯.png (334.07 KB, 474x316, 3:2, The_stupid_ones.png)


>Fix the supply chain? Get vaccinated

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bd33ad  No.14804076

File: d96bb28003f097a⋯.mp4 (1.44 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, d96bb28003f097aebf1c2dca7b….mp4)

This is more odd than usual. Why are his hands so stiff? Head posture is pretty rigid as well. My butts been wiped??

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24cfac  No.14804077

File: 3f04cfe1ea59991⋯.jpg (292.16 KB, 2020x1316, 505:329, _20211017_174753.JPG)

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b30bbe  No.14804078


Bidan Duplicate controlled by RealPOTUS.

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9a1709  No.14804080

File: 99949c2db9ff48d⋯.png (989.81 KB, 640x1084, 160:271, 20211017_134050.png)

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63aa08  No.14804081

File: 498a2dcb9a4ef61⋯.png (850.95 KB, 606x582, 101:97, ClipboardImage.png)

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36dfc7  No.14804082

File: a5d5ddad3ddcfbe⋯.png (585.45 KB, 1490x1257, 1490:1257, Screenshot_2021_10_17_1457….png)

File: 1453194878ad914⋯.jpg (61.18 KB, 750x530, 75:53, bridge_2_e1620069335454.jpg)

File: e262244b87a2042⋯.jpg (69.17 KB, 1024x471, 1024:471, Centro_1_e1621281107721.jpg)

(reposting from the end of last bread)

The Bridge/Roy Maas Youth Alternatives

Came across picrel letter in the Republican House Oversight letters archives:



Looked into Family Endeavors, this is from their "history" page:

>In 1976, the Bridge program, now known as Roy Maas Youth Alternatives, was opened, providing emergency shelters for adolescent and teen boys, Two years later, the program expanded to include long term housing for young boys, and after a merger with Girlsville, long-term housing for young girls. From that point on, they were known as Youth Alternatives, Inc.

This would be the part of the org that takes care of kids (which is also the function for which they received that huge, no-bid grant in the letter). Two images from their website have blatant cabal symbolism–note the little owl in second picrel, as well as the pedo swirls at the top of the tree.



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5cc449  No.14804083

File: 72787eec865f092⋯.jpg (109.3 KB, 640x761, 640:761, Bill_UTI_Sepsis.jpg)

File: ccbf2f106f309ea⋯.png (82.61 KB, 339x456, 113:152, 1634492111240.png)

File: 68b9c931601659c⋯.png (217.56 KB, 521x479, 521:479, 1634491813892.png)

File: 4fd059c5c57e42f⋯.png (904.42 KB, 1965x1045, 393:209, 1634487622269.png)

File: 1ffc17fd1a5aa33⋯.png (59.33 KB, 640x186, 320:93, 1634476266231.png)





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6908d2  No.14804084

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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9fc092  No.14804085

File: e203afcaecb5374⋯.jpg (57.48 KB, 834x522, 139:87, 8934jtj9gu8yhev78gyhyqhw4n….jpg)


> If they can invent personalities out of thin air, so can we.

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b6e808  No.14804086

File: 60d0584224498f9⋯.jpg (77.55 KB, 640x478, 320:239, 1628550405741.jpg)

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695ef7  No.14804087

Are any patriots going to this in Las Vegas?

BTW how do they make a patriot meeting and QAnon associated event. So Q = Patriots! Good they finally made the connection.


Oct. 23-25, 2021

Blake Montgomery


Updated Sep. 15, 2021 4:43PM ET

Published Sep. 15, 2021 4:40PM ET

Major Trump Donor Hosts QAnon Conference at His Vegas Hotel After Caesars Gives It the Boot

Patrick Fallon/REUTERS

A QAnon-themed conference given the boot from its original location in Las Vegas has found another, this one owned by the finance chairman of the Nevada Republican Party. The Patriot Double Down, at first set to take place at a CaesarsEntertainment property,

is now scheduled for Oct. 22-25 at the strip-adjacent Ahern Hotel, owned by major Donald Trump donor Don Ahern. The hotel’s 203 rooms are all booked, per local outlet 8 News Now. Ticket prices range from a minimum $650 to an eye-popping $3,000 per person.


Ceasars is going to regret this

The "For God & Country Patriot Double Down" event, hosted by the groupThe Patriot Voice, was slated to be held at the Caesars Entertainment Inc. Forum convention space.

Caesars Entertainment executive Kate Whiteley confirmed to the Las Vegas Review-Journal that the event, scheduled for Oct. 23-25, would no longer be held at the Caesars Forum convention space on the Las Vegas strip or any other Caesars property.

Tickets for the event, organized by Trump loyalistJohn Sabal, also known as "QAnon John," ranged from $650 to $3,000. Among those expected to speak at the convention were Michael Flynn, the former national security adviser in the Trump administration, and Jim Watkins, founder of QAnon conspiracy online forum 8kun, according to Business Insider.


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1db19a  No.14804088

File: 45400d0fc25c859⋯.png (813 KB, 851x459, 851:459, ClipboardImage.png)

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dec4dc  No.14804089

File: 2254e92fb1a8ab8⋯.jpg (79.15 KB, 1090x1040, 109:104, 0_rb_wog3tfEByvzJj.jpg)

File: 7ab821428a76239⋯.png (182.59 KB, 478x563, 478:563, Screenshot_2021_10_17_at_1….png)

The Times of Israel


New video seems to challenge singer’s claim of antisemitism at German hotel


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2a2741  No.14804090

File: abe28c279b8f2af⋯.png (478.94 KB, 770x480, 77:48, fauci_gain_function.png)

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0b49ec  No.14804091


You are correct.

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a86bf5  No.14804092

File: 64669ad54b73dd5⋯.mp4 (10.54 MB, 640x480, 4:3, dark_winter.mp4)

File: eeef86a458d783b⋯.png (443.96 KB, 1280x609, 1280:609, ClipboardImage.png)

'Center for Health Security' posted video of 2001 'Dark Winter' exercise on their youtube channel 3 days ago

same people that ran 'Event 201' and 'Clade-X'



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519b06  No.14804093

File: 3ba03ac62d8592b⋯.png (23.81 KB, 370x278, 185:139, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0240d5b70c8c139⋯.png (36.98 KB, 400x527, 400:527, ClipboardImage.png)


Dalai Lama & Sweet Sarin-ade

On March 20, 1995 there was a poison gas attack in Tokyo’s underground system that killed a number of people and injured around 5,500 further victims and shook the world public. It was a sect leader, Shoko Asahara, who gave the command. Asahara was born in 1955 as the son of a large Japanese family. As he could barely see, he had to attend a school for the blind. After finishing school he tried without success to gain admittance to Tokyo University. In the following years he became involved in Asian medicine and started to practice various yoga exercises. He married in 1978. This marriage produced six children. The first spiritual group, which he founded in 1984,was known as AUM Shinsen-no-kai, that is, “AUM — Group of the mountain ascetics”.

But Asahara was not a complete nobody for the god-king. According to the German magazine, Stern, they had met five times since 1987 (Stern 36/95, p. 126). Amazingly, weeks after the first poison gas attack, His Holiness still called the guru a “friend, although not necessarily a perfect one” (Stern 36/95, p. 126). Then a document from 1989 came to light in which the Kundun thanked the AUM sect for donations and confirmed that they “encouraged public awareness through religious and social activities” (Focus 38/95, p. 114). On January 21, 1989 Asahara had sent the sum of $100,000 to Dharamsala for the assistance of Tibetan refugees. As a kind of service in return he received an official note from the Council for religious and cultural affairs of His Holiness the Dalai Lama in which one can read: “To the best of our knowledge, AUM attempts to promote public well-being through various religious and social activities, for example through instruction in Buddhist doctrines and yoga” (Focus 38/95, p. 116–117).

As evidence for this suspicion Asahara appeals to synchronicities and miraculous signs. Like the Panchen Lama, his son was also deaf in one ear. Yet the vision which appeared to the child’s mother was even more unambiguous: “A boy flying in spurts over a snowy mountain range with his legs crossed in a full Lotus posture. A low male voice said: 'Panchen Lama'. The voice continued, 'Tibetan Buddhism is finished. I have come to rebuild it …'" (Shimatsu, I).

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1db19a  No.14804094

File: 6ac9bbc0c2e6860⋯.png (275.79 KB, 487x363, 487:363, ClipboardImage.png)

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ebe7a1  No.14804095

File: ecaeea8955d666b⋯.png (587.42 KB, 788x486, 394:243, 5334.png)

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9fc092  No.14804096


>Dalai Lama

What did he know, and when did he know it?

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8ba222  No.14804097

The traitor Fiona Hill is on cnn again. So is ex-gen. Stanley McChrystal. Still all in with their Trump hate.

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920a60  No.14804098

Can we get dat Obama pic yet?

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24cfac  No.14804099

File: 1f2657abbc15db4⋯.jpg (216.5 KB, 1985x1191, 5:3, _20211017_174425.JPG)

File: 8ac9b7a266cbe63⋯.jpg (588.88 KB, 2043x1387, 2043:1387, _20211017_174447.JPG)

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28ae78  No.14804100


and we're supposed to care, why?

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dec4dc  No.14804101

File: ff0183af62fae90⋯.png (206.94 KB, 478x564, 239:282, Screenshot_2021_10_17_at_1….png)


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65b257  No.14804102


Border Patrol said none were being tested, ever.

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f9ee6d  No.14804104

File: 16a766ce10ace2a⋯.png (32.12 KB, 1024x793, 1024:793, ClipboardImage.png)

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65b257  No.14804105


Sounds like he says his butt has been wiped.

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b160c5  No.14804106

Sounds like a very good dig for the extra skilled diggers. May God bless your digs with much success.

….that operates in almost total secrecy…

We now wonder what type of work Ms. Garland was involved with at E-Systems. E-Systems is a defense contractor with operations that are highly classified. 60-Minutes attempted to find out more about the company E-Systems. Steve Kroft investigated the Fortune 500 company that operates in almost total secrecy, spying on everyone from dictators to drug lords to terrorists with cutting-edge optical and listening devices in February 1995.

BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: AG Garland’s Wife Worked at Heavily Classified Defense Contractor ‘E-Systems’ Then Focused on Elections Before the 2020 Election


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a86bf5  No.14804107

File: 6ad771a01aa7c0a⋯.png (802.46 KB, 960x720, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)



one way to bypass age-restrictions


video has ugly pics

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a50a88  No.14804108

File: 5c28ca73d4e039b⋯.png (259.1 KB, 364x363, 364:363, Grinch_2.png)

File: bbb77a9ff5ad38f⋯.png (164.65 KB, 339x339, 1:1, Grinch_3.png)

File: b615615cdcb738c⋯.png (567.43 KB, 608x488, 76:61, Whoville_Christmas.png)

>>14803502 (LB)

"You can't hurt Christmas, Mr. Mayor, because it isn't about… the gifts or the contest or the fancy lights. That's what Cindy's been trying to tell everyone…"

- Lou Lou Who.

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77da58  No.14804109

File: 7a3c669ee647282⋯.png (248.09 KB, 948x708, 79:59, starkpoint.png)

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2dd08b  No.14804110

File: 7d65754d39d1145⋯.png (600.04 KB, 681x1195, 681:1195, Screenshot_at_Oct_17_18_33….png)

Glazov Gang: Horror – Covid ‘Vaccine’ Vials Under the Microscope


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2ac645  No.14804111

File: 17b94e6b053bb39⋯.jpg (11.63 KB, 255x154, 255:154, 8222a528c36e0c1d78fdd44ce1….jpg)


>Fort Drum soldier arrested on sex abuse charges

>A Fort Drum soldier was arrested on sex abuse charges in Jefferson County Monday.

>Dalton J. Rivers, 21, is accused of having sexual contact with a girl under the age of 11-years-oldat a residence in the town of LeRay, according to a news release from New York State Police.

>Police are not releasing the age of the child to avoid identifying her, state police spokesperson Trooper Jack Keller said.

>Rivers is charged with first-degree sex abuse and endangering the welfare of a child, troopers said.

>He was arraigned in the town of Pamelia Court and released into the custody of Fort Drum Military Police, troopers said.



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5cc449  No.14804112

File: 882e0249c134b4d⋯.png (235.44 KB, 337x504, 337:504, 1634492618924.png)

File: de2b74a3896a873⋯.png (680.74 KB, 1016x984, 127:123, 1634510001768.png)

File: 8111c47d5dc0e28⋯.png (284.4 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 1634492769535.png)

File: 47db8b03959b875⋯.png (199.27 KB, 493x507, 493:507, 1634491713734.png)

File: 6ce5f23b411f84c⋯.png (837.83 KB, 1160x1160, 1:1, 1634413389862.png)

Did Bill Fuck Kamala?

Will Hillary Write a Book About It?

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695ef7  No.14804113


What to hell is going on in these military bases, Drum and Hood seem like hells holes?

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9fc092  No.14804114

File: dd1ac0dbbbda102⋯.png (483.4 KB, 655x1055, 131:211, Screenshot_2019_11_23_Fion….png)


>and we're supposed to care, why?

Good point. What we should wonder though is WHY are they parading Fiona Hill around a lot all of a sudden. Are they trying to get in front of a story about to break?

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8ba222  No.14804115


That's what I heard,

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0b0f78  No.14804116

File: 5fbad2f4f48cbfe⋯.png (625.03 KB, 1000x563, 1000:563, 846674b630bd98018a70aa18f9….png)

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2ac645  No.14804117




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b160c5  No.14804118


Even worse, the Pentagon is forcing a known mRNA poison into the troops.

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b5b8a0  No.14804119



question every narrative. Most narratives are some version of "david & goliath". "It's OK for us to kill goliath of gaza because david is small and goliath is big and goliath is mean"

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9fc092  No.14804120


> Covid ‘Vaccine’ Vials Under the Microscope

Has the one with it wiggling around come out yet?

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46f72c  No.14804121

File: ff2c4dcf573ce2e⋯.png (379.75 KB, 618x843, 206:281, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d30c6a0b61bfb20⋯.png (73.81 KB, 625x829, 625:829, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a0416727fc230cc⋯.png (86.94 KB, 668x901, 668:901, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bfb2728fa8340c2⋯.png (5.75 KB, 625x101, 625:101, ClipboardImage.png)

The Great Struggle of Our Time: The Battle for Reality

With societal turbulence all around us, many people feel that we are locked in some great and portentous struggle. But because it is so pervasive and multifaced, the nature of this struggle is not readily obvious. There are many fronts on which this struggle is being fought: racial relations, education, healthcare, popular culture, financial system, and freedom of speech, among others. It is not easy to make sense of it all, especially since the battles are highly pitched and emotions are running very high.

What characterizes these battles, besides their intensity, is deep polarization. The possibility of the warring camps coming together and meeting on some common ground seems to be growing more distant by the day. There is even talk that the two sides will either come to blows, or they will each go their own way in some form of secession.

Many have observed that the contenders seem to be separated by an unbridgeable gap, and yet no one has been able to explain the nature of this gap, or what exactly it is that separates the mindsets of the opposing sides.

In our view the great struggle in the grip of which we find ourselves cuts much deeper than the immediate issues we argue over. The real fight extends beyond any particular point of public friction.

The great battle of our time is a battle about the very nature of reality. More precisely, what the two sides war over on the most fundamental level is what constitutes truth and how it should be determined.

To shed light on this dynamic, let us take one of the heated controversies of the present time. For this we choose transgenderism. This is an especially suitable example for two reasons: this issue is highly divisive and polarizing, and it delineates the opposing camps sharply and clearly.

As you may know, transgender advocates claim that biological males can become women and vice versa.

Understandably, many people find this claim rather far-fetched. For one thing, it does not feel true, given that the evidence of our senses seems to refute it. When, for example, people look at transgender “women” – i.e., biological men who say that they are women – most people immediately recognize that these are not real females. What most people see is men who pretend to be girls. This is how the human mind – in the vast majority of instances – interprets sensory input that it receives upon encountering such persons.


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47173a  No.14804122

File: 99f29705d980409⋯.jpg (67.9 KB, 1115x491, 1115:491, phonetic.JPG)

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8ba222  No.14804123


>WHY are they parading Fiona Hill around a lot all of a sudden.

Yep. And Vindmann too.

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6908d2  No.14804124


Full Name James A Rothschild

Birth Year 1974

Age 42

Associated Names


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80ef02  No.14804125

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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695ef7  No.14804126


Is that a woman, no wonder the guy looks so sad and worried all the time. Besides the point as AG of US, he’s always breaking the law and establishing nazi tactics in our country.

Thank God he never got on the SC

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77da58  No.14804127


We can give handmade gifts which will then spark the idea of community exchanges and bartering. All in the name of Love.

Brandon not allowed.

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c66afa  No.14804128

File: 5a0c94d68ea4c02⋯.png (785.36 KB, 609x750, 203:250, 5a0c94d68ea4c0287e7a463558….png)


Confirm Handoff

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2be61b  No.14804129

File: 89c02644871c64e⋯.png (454.57 KB, 599x471, 599:471, twatgrassley4.png)

Grassley twat

Combined corn this wk #cornwatch


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70ca39  No.14804130

>>14803627 PB

The Jew has taught Blacks & Browns to hate Whites, and he has taught Whites to hate themselves.

But above all else, the Jew has taught everyone to not criticize Jews, because muh Holocaust.

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896270  No.14804131


China is putting contaminates in sealed packaging.

Nothing from China should be trusted

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b160c5  No.14804132


[1Sa 17:36 KJV] 36 Thy servant slew both the lion and the bear: and this uncircumcised Philistine shall be as one of them, seeing he hath defied the armies of the living God.

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4f4824  No.14804133

File: b32ab2f00a0238d⋯.png (462.16 KB, 832x468, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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fd1b3c  No.14804134

File: 6e4a42651ba7fde⋯.jpg (106.3 KB, 683x1024, 683:1024, mask_the_poor.jpg)

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5a19a7  No.14804135

File: 16efcc8dd0f3033⋯.png (140.1 KB, 339x255, 113:85, 2021_05_05_01_29_13.png)


>Is that a woman, no wonder the guy looks so sad and worried all the time. Besides the point as AG of US, he’s always breaking the law and establishing nazi tactics in our country.

>Thank God he never got on the SC

Hive mind

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695ef7  No.14804136


He meant “my brain has been wiped”, no truer words have been spoken by this retard

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4f4824  No.14804137



QAnon Couple Are Behind 3-Day Dallas Event Billing Michael Flynn and Sidney Powell



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75a715  No.14804138

File: 4d6bd18e53c7faf⋯.jpg (176.67 KB, 1200x676, 300:169, Vaccine_and_syringes.jpg)


I'm thinking of all those years where the flu shot saved the global economy. You know, because the flu is what kills you if you make it to old age dodging heart disease, cancer, bad choices, and accidents.

So, the flu that kills millions…vax optional. The coof that kills thousands…of sick old peeps…mandatory and will save the economy.

Got it. Everybody clear? Just 15 days to flatten the shelves.

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dec4dc  No.14804139

File: d4e3319ce74c80a⋯.png (321.9 KB, 822x540, 137:90, d4e3319ce74c80aa0d4052eb00….png)




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70ca39  No.14804140


No Made in China trinket junk to exchange this year.

Now that's something to celebrate.

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b5b8a0  No.14804141


Yeah, that's the stuff. Fake shit made up to justify genocide.

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b160c5  No.14804142


>Fake shit

Your opinion.

Good luck.

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9fc092  No.14804143


>Just 15 days to flatten the shelves.

585 days, but who's counting.

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695ef7  No.14804144


Thats not the same event

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fe5aff  No.14804145

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Comedian Jon Stewart sounds a note of hope amid a divisive political landscape telling @jaketapper

, “we still have time” to save US democracy.

He adds, however, that we are seeing, "unfortunately, the messiness of democracy is oftentimes one of its greatest weak points.”


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7b48db  No.14804146

Qanoners from Arizona: Will you be supporting, either financially or with your vote, Ronald "Qanon" Watkins run for Congress?

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1db19a  No.14804147

File: 995c8d7581df0fb⋯.png (842 KB, 900x600, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)


If you go back through the evidence against Clinton when he was governor, 2 things stand out. First the development of super fly and dosing female guests with it, second the high school student one of Clinton's cronies brought to the party and turned into a coke whore.

It is not unlikely that Willy dosed Kamela and she never figured it out. Tragically that cat got out of the bag 40 years ago.

Most of what is known about brainwashing isn't sophisticated. It's manipulation by any means. Its the mass manipulation, the indoctrination by degrees reinforced by MSM hive mind, that is the big movie.

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46f72c  No.14804148

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

AustraliaOne Party 7 Questions, 7 Answers in 1 Place

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a7aba6  No.14804149


I'll be there. If this is anything like the Dallas event it will be phenomenal. They've done an incredible job putting all this together

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695ef7  No.14804150


Gang of Function

Gang of Fuck You

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c66afa  No.14804151

File: 16621e1671cf6aa⋯.png (64.43 KB, 250x250, 1:1, 268b215e629b70da9b7eebe6b0….png)




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fe5aff  No.14804152

File: a29fd4c8eb4b59d⋯.png (212.76 KB, 413x435, 413:435, ClipboardImage.png)

Comedian Jon Stewart sounds a note of hope amid a divisive political landscape telling @jaketapper, “we still have time” to save US democracy.

He adds, however, that we are seeing, "unfortunately, the messiness of democracy is oftentimes one of its greatest weak points.”


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a50a88  No.14804153


Talk to children about the true meaning of Christmas.

It's never to early to explain socialism, communism and how the two relate to the Democratic party.

Teach them young.

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47173a  No.14804154

File: 7705188bb440c86⋯.jpg (156.47 KB, 1699x891, 1699:891, ThreeFightersNS2.jpg)

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37e993  No.14804155

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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896270  No.14804156


hollar for a dollar

No further effort needed

(dollar optional)

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b160c5  No.14804157

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

[Rom 12:19 KJV] 19 Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but [rather] give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance [is] mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.

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37e993  No.14804158

File: 1a9c5e787fec47d⋯.jpg (311.95 KB, 930x956, 465:478, 1goodkek.jpg)

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b5b8a0  No.14804159


>AustraliaOne Party

I smell an operation

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77da58  No.14804161


585 days to waken the masses.

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5a19a7  No.14804162

File: c92a8c6e37bfdfb⋯.png (207.34 KB, 458x454, 229:227, aoc.png)


Cute tushy


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c66afa  No.14804163


Spoken like a true adrenochrome taking, pedophile, Nazi cannibal communist.

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dea531  No.14804164


who is that PDJT is reaching over to in the original pic?

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4208b3  No.14804165

File: c59d4e227e09428⋯.jpg (14.85 KB, 828x622, 414:311, uploads.jpg)


Hunter's full moon

October 20, 10:57a.m. ET

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a86bf5  No.14804166


sounds like comms

"we still have time"

"unfortunately, the messiness of democracy is oftentimes one of its greatest weak points"

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c66afa  No.14804167

File: fca06db6855478c⋯.png (66.33 KB, 259x259, 1:1, a5bd7bdfa8c0255f82661de102….png)

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4cbb66  No.14804168


Hunter's you say?

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9fc092  No.14804169


>585 days to waken the masses.

They are in a much deeper sleep than anon ever imagined. It's like in the movie 'Inception'.

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695ef7  No.14804170


But did you notice the vax deadline keeps on getting pushed back with the military,almost like they are waiting for something to happen

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b160c5  No.14804171


>I smell an operation

as long as they are committed to wiping out the nwo satanists in Australian govt…..good on them

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b5b8a0  No.14804172


Not in AZ, but I'd vote for Ron easy. Who here wouldn't? Ron's a great candidate. Plus he's brown, which is a great look for us. It would be awesome campaign, even if he didn't win.

Go for a district that a dem usually wins, so if the media pulls a nazi-qanon hate campaign and he loses, it's no big loss

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8c9345  No.14804173


You won't find 'Qanoners' on this board. Try Twitter and Telegram

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bb23bc  No.14804174

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Guns: The great equalizer.

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dec4dc  No.14804175

File: bfa18b71ec8fd24⋯.png (263.36 KB, 478x630, 239:315, Screenshot_2021_10_17_at_1….png)

U.S. Air Force


.@doddtra at Travis AFB, Calf., is responsible for the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty.

"New START" keeps inventory of Russian nuclear arms and facilitates Russian counterparts in keeping inventory of the U.S. per the New-START Treaty.



> but who's counting.


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584cdd  No.14804176


How many have already taken it though? I'd guess at least half have, if not a little more.

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695ef7  No.14804177


All the traitors must publicly confirm their treason, before the trials start. All I can think, because they can’t be confident Bidan admin is doing well.

Its almost like this Admin was told “hire the worst traitors of all time, we’ll take care of the rest!”

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70ca39  No.14804178


Don't criticize the Jews.

They will have you gang stalked and ruin your life.

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fd1b3c  No.14804179

File: 6c4d3066cb3a60a⋯.jpg (3.91 KB, 250x203, 250:203, dab_pepe.jpg)

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30ff92  No.14804180


They must finalize their deal with big pharma by getting those vaccines in peoples arms to ensure 30yrs more of dividends.

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b5b8a0  No.14804181


>much deeper sleep than anon ever imagined

We have actual NPCs. This is clearly programmatic

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8c54e2  No.14804182


they want voluntary as much as possible for liability reasons?

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9fc092  No.14804183


>Plus he's brown, which is a great look for us

Yeah! It worked for the Kanadian East Indian Jamaican Asian Black Kamala!

Besides, he's intelligent and loves America.

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d80905  No.14804184

File: 3824a44421a4826⋯.jpeg (261.69 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, E2MgRINWUAMjGpB.jpeg)


Fuck yeah.

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47173a  No.14804185

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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e05c0e  No.14804186


It seems no matter where you go, the answer is always 1/3rd.

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695ef7  No.14804187


Oh so that means a lot more corn being harvested for their stripping! They will not be sold as corn on the cob!

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b160c5  No.14804188


was thinking the same

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75a715  No.14804189

File: 7583395d706d32f⋯.jpg (37.05 KB, 474x383, 474:383, No_one_rules.jpg)


When he openly threatened the LEOs in that one video and was still honking a channel…that's what we call a clue.

Aussie Cossack got arrested for mocking the hypersensitive Aus popo; so threatening political violence would've resulted in arrest unless you're the honeypot Pied Piper.

If you have to sign up for newsletters or donations and give your name and address, that's another massive IQ test.

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f4cac2  No.14804190

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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37e993  No.14804191

File: 93a9fae9869d6bd⋯.jpg (191.57 KB, 640x360, 16:9, 1591675924204.jpg)

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b5b8a0  No.14804192


>voluntary as much as possible

It's like they are concerned about some kind of judgement for sure. I don't see why though. Everything that they do is akin to brainwashing. The responsibility still fully rests with them, even if there's a nominal superficial "choice" element.

We're lucky, we had years to wake up ahead of this. Some people are young and stupid, or busy, and it's not their fault they believe the TV man

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9fc092  No.14804193

File: 64977787e8f6e28⋯.png (457.17 KB, 813x490, 813:490, francisFakenews.png)

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fd1b3c  No.14804194

File: 5bff25fac787254⋯.png (606.73 KB, 920x653, 920:653, ClipboardImage.png)

WATCH: Gabby Petito’s parents slam Laundrie family, make desperate plea in interview with 60 Minutes Australia


AUSTRALIA??? this anon is missing something, lot's of Australia haps, what does it mean… Hmmm

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80ef02  No.14804195

File: ad8bc9f60f341b1⋯.mp4 (3.01 MB, 1280x674, 640:337, gas.mp4)

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dec4dc  No.14804196

File: 0a5d5dc7138f504⋯.png (164.09 KB, 478x685, 478:685, Screenshot_2021_10_17_at_1….png)

To protect warfighters from microscopic threats, DTRA-JSTO invested in an early warning tool that can detect #bioaersol hazards in near real-time.


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70ca39  No.14804197


Nothing new.

40 years ago I was an MP and had to write up a report about a guy who was sexually abusing his two step daughters. About ages 6 and 8.

There is on-post housing and any kind of domestic abuse found off post is also found on post.

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695ef7  No.14804198


I think I’ll go through my home and get rid of most shit from China, but that might mean I have an empty home.

A lot can be given to charity for Christmas gifts. No reason to buy more

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6186f3  No.14804199


>“my butt has been wiped”


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5cceb4  No.14804200

File: b778aefa9f8540c⋯.png (110.15 KB, 599x450, 599:450, ClipboardImage.png)

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9fc092  No.14804201


>AUSTRALIA??? this anon is missing something

Ikr? Australia?

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8c54e2  No.14804202

Tora3 embed. Click thumbnail to play.


soros isn't even Jewish

That's a stupid straw man

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1db19a  No.14804203


More Iron and Bamboo Curtain tax slave scamming

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d80905  No.14804204


The wheels are coming off!

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bd33ad  No.14804205

File: 1fec9570053b1b9⋯.jpg (226.06 KB, 1068x665, 1068:665, 1fec9570053b1b97dd0ebebc67….jpg)


Moonset was pretty orange & inderasting last night if one had time to see it. That last hour happens fast.

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695ef7  No.14804206


You have to go to The Daily Beast to find a Qanoners. Skidaddle now

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b5b8a0  No.14804207

File: 767ce62981cc613⋯.jpg (169.77 KB, 1122x1557, 374:519, bunghole_variant.jpg)


"speaks little" was "brainwashed" and it's not fucking right or fair.

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9fc092  No.14804208


Yes! I NEED you to tell me gas prices are back on rise!

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5a19a7  No.14804209

File: 04b761f33c393d3⋯.png (637.4 KB, 783x392, 783:392, 2021_10_17_18_59_38.png)


>Planet of the Apes

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37e993  No.14804210

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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70ca39  No.14804211


I was thinking same.

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b5b8a0  No.14804212

File: a1a1977125a6f7d⋯.png (331.3 KB, 533x300, 533:300, ClipboardImage.png)


>#bioaersol hazards

Great. Just great.

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9fc092  No.14804213

File: 9fb7a97f3eedfe7⋯.png (351.1 KB, 720x459, 80:51, TV_commercials.png)

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77da58  No.14804214


It is remarkable.

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5a19a7  No.14804215

File: 11c316e4b0956c7⋯.png (66.12 KB, 250x194, 125:97, seriously.png)


They're just being good little minions following the 4am talking points.

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37e993  No.14804216

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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75a715  No.14804217


Just put a bag of donates in the back of the grocery getter and many more to follow. Shrinking my footprint…which is already pretty small, but can get a lot smaller and needs to.

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eb8aab  No.14804218

File: 22bcf4560631427⋯.jpeg (213.41 KB, 1170x630, 13:7, bidenlock.jpeg)

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9fc092  No.14804219


>That's a stupid straw man

Yes, but it's their straw man.

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b5b8a0  No.14804220


> threatening political violence would've resulted in arrest unless you're the honeypot Pied Piper

Kind of concerning that they used Trump's "America First" as the basis for this operation.

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4b9203  No.14804221

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695ef7  No.14804222

File: 9b02784701f0267⋯.png (752.89 KB, 581x614, 581:614, DCD69E68_A1F0_48CF_BD93_BB….png)


Cool, I just heard about it today. Whats the event about? I couldnt find details in the media. Don’t tell if its private.

Good luck and have fun patriot, bring pictures back. Wish I could be there but i’m nog traveling for the foreseeable future!

Here have a psychedelic Pepe, another anon posted today

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30ff92  No.14804223

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


My oh my the MSM seemed awfully adept at False Flag… er… I mean running simulations of National emergencies way back in 2002?!


BBC Reports 911, WTC 7 Collapse BEFORE it Happens

Almost like they'd done it before… huh.

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ebbc0c  No.14804224

File: 23ad0f2eedb8243⋯.png (832.98 KB, 1250x834, 625:417, lets_go_Brandon.png)

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f3be82  No.14804225





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ebbc0c  No.14804226

File: c91e3cbc0ace5bb⋯.png (1.24 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, TimeToGo.png)

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75a715  No.14804227


They're the enemy…so..

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bd33ad  No.14804228

File: f6f30d77519a081⋯.png (2.03 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, f5d2996fbfa6ce5b1d6bc99b86….png)

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bb23bc  No.14804229




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d8010f  No.14804230

File: 968e579904bd5f3⋯.jpg (126.4 KB, 1200x600, 2:1, Branding.jpg)

File: 135ced17ab581f1⋯.png (4.7 MB, 1225x1600, 49:64, ClipboardImage.png)


>Dalai Lama

Dude got around. He's to Buddhism what Mother Theresa is to Catholicism

Bunch of perverts and sex traffickers. Anon remains unconvinced "Theresa" isn't some old Jewish man.

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808507  No.14804231

i wonder

what if Q is the first arrest?

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dea531  No.14804232

File: 0fc302b59353bf7⋯.png (519.94 KB, 626x716, 313:358, Was_Were.png)


>They are in a much deeper sleep than anon ever imagined. It's like in the movie 'Inception'.


>We have actual NPCs. This is clearly programmatic

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695ef7  No.14804233


WTH is this about,Anons eyes on thid shit now

Reporting now

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47173a  No.14804234

File: 47cdcb346cd8108⋯.jpg (267.95 KB, 1396x914, 698:457, LO.jpg)

Two suspects in custody after police respond to shooting at Park City Center


A shooting at Park City Center on Sunday afternoon resulted in multiple people injured and two suspects taken into custody.

Multiple ambulances were dispatched to the mall at 142 Park City Center for gunshot wounds and trampling injuries at 2:26 p.m, according to a dispatch report.

The report states as many as six people were transported to local hospitals, two with gunshot wounds, and that two suspects were taken into custody.

Lancaster County District Attorney Heather Adams told a reporter that the injuries are non-life threatening

A video circulating on social media appears to show a woman running away screaming after what sounds like two gunshots ring out inside the mall. Three individuals were close to each other when the shots rang out, and one of them appeared to fall to the ground.

In another video, there is a heavy police presence inside the mall with a portion of the mall taped off. A large number of customers fled to the parking lot following the incident.

The mall closed for the evening and will reopen Monday morning. There is no immediate threat or danger to the public at this time, according to Lancaster police.

Lindsay Kahn, spokeswoman for Park City’s owner Chicago-based Brookfield Property Partners, gave LNP|LancasterOnline the following statement:

"We are saddened and angered by the unfortunate, isolated incident that happened in our shopping center today," she said in an email. "This is a developing investigation and we need to direct you to our partners at Lancaster PD and PA State Police. We are grateful for their swift action to contain the situation. Our highest priority right now is the well being of our guests and tenants."

Police are responding to reports of a shooting at Park City Center on Sunday, Oct. 17. Following the sound of shots being fired, a mass number of people fled to the parking lot.

Hana Ali, 57, of Lititz, said the shooting took place after a fight in front of Tabarek Al-Hana, an international food store she owns along with her sister.

Ali said an argument broke out between a group of four people just outside the store around 2 p.m. or 2:30 p.m., centered around two adult men. A scuffle took place, during which one of the men brandished a gun and began making threats to the others.

The gun was knocked from the man’s hand and the second man then mounted him and shot him, Ali said.

A second man, also part of the group, was also shot, though Ali was unsure how.

“Everything went so fast,” she said. “We were scared so we we’re hiding behind my register.”

Ali said she believed she heard five or six shots fired. One of the men appeared to have been shot in the leg and shoulder.

“I hope they are alive,” Ali said. “I hope no one dies.”

Police questioned Ali and her sister. Both were still inside the store just before 5 p.m., unsure when they would be able to leave.

Kevin Young, 68, of Lancaster, was shopping upstairs when he heard shots ring out through the mall.

“There were too many to count,” he said. “It was like a lot of firecrackers going off.”

Young saw a mass of people running throughout the mall, headed toward the exits. Some people were lying on the ground.

Young was ushered into a back room where he hid for about half an hour, he said.

Haley Miller, 24, of Hershey, was showing a customer jewelry at Reed’s Jewlers, where she works as an associate, when she heard what she thought sounded like a loud balloon pop.

When Miller looked up, she saw people running and heard more loud pops.

“It was blurry. It all just kind of happened,” she said. “Your brain kind of shuts down in that instance and you just think ‘am I going to fight or am I going to run?’”

Miller realized that the sounds were coming from a gun, and quickly began ushering customers behind counters and telling them to lay down.

“It was really loud and really disconcerting,” she said. “I didn’t know what was going on or if I was going to leave the mall, which was a pretty scary feeling.”

Miller later brought the customers and co-workers into a back room, where they stayed for about half an hour.

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bd33ad  No.14804235

File: fd292a60a74dc08⋯.png (23.1 KB, 254x255, 254:255, 8995710e5e220db77b90d758b1….png)


Only 92 million ccp. Is that more or less than a bag of rice.

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28ae78  No.14804236

File: d39cbbc7c696e1a⋯.jpg (74.86 KB, 564x740, 141:185, door.jpg)

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7d0b03  No.14804237


You mean - Tango Yankee Bravo…

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5cc449  No.14804238

File: 40691b03f10fa11⋯.png (1.38 MB, 1880x901, 1880:901, 1634511979197.png)


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37e993  No.14804239

File: 882888290282be2⋯.jpg (157.75 KB, 576x360, 8:5, Fu_Man_Xi.jpg)

File: 9939a48365b9eaf⋯.png (382.92 KB, 466x359, 466:359, Xi_Manchu.png)

File: 6eff4b21f3bbdf2⋯.jpg (354.23 KB, 465x360, 31:24, Xi_Manchu.jpg)

File: edafc3adeab9417⋯.png (236.57 KB, 466x359, 466:359, Xi_Manchu_re.png)

File: bb961bfd6069b01⋯.png (189.41 KB, 471x362, 471:362, Fauci_Flu_Manchu.png)

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d80905  No.14804240

File: 61b0c861d7a556e⋯.jpeg (120.81 KB, 1125x1099, 1125:1099, 61b0c861d7a556ee9ef318f5d….jpeg)

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5a19a7  No.14804241

File: 8b668e5e6c0b559⋯.png (172.31 KB, 420x364, 15:13, pepesmoking.png)


>Anon remains unconvinced "Theresa" isn't some old Jewish man.

Hive mind.

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37e993  No.14804242

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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6186f3  No.14804243




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5cc449  No.14804244

File: 3db162459f47e82⋯.png (1.64 MB, 2273x1167, 2273:1167, 1634511819693.png)

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dec4dc  No.14804245

File: 776be2ca1a55bfe⋯.png (10.22 KB, 589x303, 589:303, Screenshot_2021_10_17_at_2….png)



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a69cde  No.14804246


Obama is the Shadow Dictator.

Senior Executive Service which is the Deep State removed Trump and is empowering Obama.

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9fc092  No.14804247



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cc115f  No.14804248

File: 3b6e8bd4e34c62a⋯.png (321.06 KB, 467x517, 467:517, interdastdog.PNG)

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043559  No.14804249

File: 1ae00f398770350⋯.jpg (374.92 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, ceausecu_execution.jpg)


The Ceausescu's bow to your meme

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695ef7  No.14804250


Thats sounds fucking snarky and you’re answering soneone who addressed you as a QAnoner

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d80905  No.14804251

File: bb410a7475fea97⋯.png (262.8 KB, 650x381, 650:381, bb410a7475fea9794a69ca09f8….png)


Beautiful. And stolen.

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5cc449  No.14804252

File: 641e875b8920af4⋯.png (1.48 MB, 1565x1695, 313:339, 1634511159535.png)


Hive Mind….Harch! o7

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0b49ec  No.14804253


I will be fighting so he wins!

Everything else is speculation.

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53b818  No.14804254


>presses button on aerosol can

Yep, bio-aerosol detected. >>14804196

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88268a  No.14804255

File: 7dd9770b5e5ec87⋯.png (6.09 MB, 1599x1600, 1599:1600, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c92f0d031308653⋯.pdf (522.6 KB, phoenper.pdf)

Introducing theY-heads

P = Phoenicians

They have been deceiving and ruling over us for 1000s of years

Aleph the bull was the first in their alphabet

He was Lord King of the City

Or in the Punic language

Baal Malik Kort

Remember the Golden calf in the book of Exodus?

They covered their gods with a skin of GOLD

read the attached PDF

Title: Where Did All The Phoenicians Go?

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5cc449  No.14804256

File: d5fbdaaefa7e9a2⋯.png (1.25 MB, 1698x1561, 1698:1561, 1634511119511.png)

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6186f3  No.14804258


>How many

MSM sez 6.66 billion.

see: previous bread

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70ca39  No.14804259


Well, I'm not a Qanoner and I don't live in Arizona, so no and no.

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ede115  No.14804260

What is going on? Is there nothing noteworthy in the news? It is eerily quiet.

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6186f3  No.14804261


>corn on the cob

muh petrol

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80ef02  No.14804262

File: c0fe25061949791⋯.png (289.97 KB, 592x589, 592:589, cute_right.png)

File: 25629594b4df97b⋯.jpg (650.07 KB, 1512x2016, 3:4, FB2k3xsXsAgfeRQ.jpg)


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695ef7  No.14804263


Yep, the reports are always wrong, I’fd be surprised if 1/3 of our population took it. They exaggerate for the losers that want to be included

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695ef7  No.14804264


Even better

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77da58  No.14804265


poor bastards

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808507  No.14804266


Q gave us this post on dec 17 and it is #3717

and shiff is wanting to prosecute bannon…hmmm


Dec 17, 2019 5:03:45 PM EST

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 4e4d4a No. 7538263

First indictment [unseal] will trigger mass pop awakening.

FIRST ARREST will verify action and confirm future direction.

They will fight but you are ready.

Marker [9].


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4b9203  No.14804267

File: 372de59041e2e24⋯.jpg (33.98 KB, 1013x310, 1013:310, 2021_10_17_191416.jpg)


and what marker do you think has been reached?

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d11e9c  No.14804268

File: a7eecd72cce5765⋯.png (192.98 KB, 507x349, 507:349, Keystone_Q.png)

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5cc449  No.14804269

File: 793ac8b50456e43⋯.jpg (253.91 KB, 1000x750, 4:3, Phony_E_Shams.jpg)


5:5 Chekk'd

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37e993  No.14804270

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Hey bros. This.

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a69cde  No.14804272



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e13a9f  No.14804273


You have to go back

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5cc449  No.14804274

File: 8c09ce2619dbba5⋯.gif (1.71 MB, 444x250, 222:125, Aim_Small_Miss_Small_Patri….gif)

File: c40179d94197ca9⋯.gif (5.46 MB, 540x225, 12:5, Fast_Accurate.gif)

File: db4ade30167c876⋯.jpg (198.39 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, American_Patriots5.jpg)

File: 701f39a0f7d84bf⋯.gif (3.45 MB, 480x200, 12:5, Patriot_Flag_Ride.gif)

File: 4d423f77fe5661e⋯.gif (2.07 MB, 720x480, 3:2, patriot.gif)

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06c6ee  No.14804275


Marsha Mason saying "that's either a cue stick or a real man fell in here by mistake" while having the back of her skirt lifted up by the rubber bumper end of a pool stick while taking a shot playing pool the most famous line in Cinderella Liberty cannot be found on the Internet by Google, DuckDuckGo nor Bing. Even cutting it down to "cue stick or a real man" adding 'quote' and 'Cinderella Liberty' to the query.

I was a senior in H.S. when this movie came out. That line was talked about and not just by me. If any line in that movie was quotable, that was it. And I thought for sure I could find at least ONE mention of it somewhere online. I guess not.

Evidence of history being curated or my idiosyncratic sense of what should be memorable?

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37e993  No.14804276

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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75a715  No.14804277

File: 597b62eb81ed7b9⋯.jpg (407.1 KB, 1816x2154, 908:1077, Armor_Q_thin_blue.jpg)


Lady was an off-duty cop…but could've been an armed citizen ready just as well. Occupational hazard of felons should always be armed resistance.

I carry ALWAYS. Why? Because two decades in patrol in a violent big city taught me that when it goes down, it's just you.

After cleaning up after criminals most of the time, when you got to ones where the citizen dealt a little street justice, you wanted to give them a trophy or something.

I STRONGLY recommend citizens carry concealed and be proficient and fast. Not because we're violent…but because they are and we aren't volunteer victims.

Victims are unarmed, survivors are armed.

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5cc449  No.14804279

File: a0369e1e53d7dac⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1464x1811, 1464:1811, 1634511546249.png)

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2a2741  No.14804280

File: 31096d4955e171b⋯.png (318.38 KB, 960x485, 192:97, hillary_mother_teresa.png)

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5cc449  No.14804281

File: 2965ac6d8052176⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1755x1511, 1755:1511, 1634511716410.png)

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808507  No.14804283


i have no idea about the marker

i can't decode shit

so i'm just spitballing

when i saw the headline, it got me to thinking about how i see the Q make-up

bannon has become very popular - 100 mil downloads

his arrest would be a massive pop awakening - at least in US

Q never said global

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37e993  No.14804284

File: 98dc2a7cd90735b⋯.png (467.69 KB, 550x451, 50:41, 1539968474726.png)

File: ed9ed0682269dcd⋯.jpg (68.95 KB, 415x436, 415:436, 1596002823870.jpg)

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5a19a7  No.14804285

File: 5c3c46465a10ca6⋯.png (166.04 KB, 434x349, 434:349, _.png)


P = Phoenician?

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eb8aab  No.14804286


[they] plan to rise from [our] ashes

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65b257  No.14804287

File: 8d46a8d91be3b2d⋯.jpeg (184.25 KB, 828x885, 276:295, 8d46a8d91be3b2dfbc1948c7e….jpeg)


No matter how many times I watch, I hold my breath.

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695ef7  No.14804288


We are fortunate for sure

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a69cde  No.14804289


Phoenecians were Canaanites.

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37e993  No.14804290

File: 86c9673c2491544⋯.jpg (15.48 KB, 276x298, 138:149, 1234.jpg)

File: b8a9d8080a52166⋯.jpg (30.64 KB, 255x253, 255:253, b8a9d8080a521660807777132c….jpg)

File: c80c5f8fac58fb9⋯.jpeg (83.27 KB, 640x632, 80:79, c80c5f8fac58fb90d36fe4981….jpeg)

File: b951a0e1418718d⋯.png (991.45 KB, 751x485, 751:485, 1581286161489.png)

File: fc4f4bc46721c34⋯.jpg (29.93 KB, 495x362, 495:362, 1554119782121.jpg)

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70ca39  No.14804291


What is the significance of 1/3rd in Revelation?

8:7 The first [angel's trumpet] sounded, … and a third of the earth was burned up, and a third of the trees were burned up, and all the green grass was burned up. 8 The second angel sounded, … and a third of the sea became blood, 9 and a third of the creatures which were in the sea and had life, died; and a third of the ships were destroyed. 10 The third angel sounded, and a great star fell from heaven, burning like a torch, and it fell on a third of the rivers and on the springs of waters. 11 The name of the star is called Wormwood; and a third of the waters became wormwood, and many men died from the waters, because they were made bitter. 12 The fourth angel sounded, and a third of the sun and a third of the moon and a third of the stars were struck, so that a third of them would be darkened and the day would not shine for a third of it, and the night in the same way.

9:15 And the four angels, who had been prepared for the hour and day and month and year, were released, so that they would kill a third of mankind. 18 A third of mankind was killed by these three plagues, by the fire and the smoke and the brimstone which proceeded out of their mouths.

12:4 And [the dragon's] tail swept away a third of the stars of heaven and threw them to the earth.


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37e993  No.14804292

File: 0244cce782448c7⋯.jpeg (38.44 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 0244cce782448c7aded067815….jpeg)


me too bro

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695ef7  No.14804293


Sad really

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6186f3  No.14804294




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ebe7a1  No.14804295

File: d83314b4ee70b76⋯.jpg (12.54 KB, 250x250, 1:1, etet.jpg)


>read the attached PDF

I don't want the covid coof, thanks but no thanks

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ab863b  No.14804296

FEMA USAR mandates vaccine for all system members participating in any federal US&R (Urban Search & Rescue) deployment as well as all meetings and training subsidized by FEMA.

Deadline to be fully vaccinated - November 22, 2021

Not that it matters much for Americans being that the biden admin will simply summon the IDF to respond just like down there in Miami.

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cc4c9d  No.14804297

File: ae176dc11393144⋯.png (632.05 KB, 1439x960, 1439:960, 2021_10_17_15_48_33_Greens….png)

File: 8fab08d03c63619⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1441x957, 131:87, 2021_10_17_15_49_13_Greens….png)

File: dc1aad830d67199⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1441x948, 1441:948, 2021_10_17_15_51_09_Greens….png)

Who remembers the show M.A.N.T.I.S. from way back in 1994?


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ab863b  No.14804298

File: 5fa74243b584552⋯.pdf (275.81 KB, FILE_6467.pdf)


Forgot to load FEMA document.

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9fc092  No.14804299

File: 58dcefe41de5690⋯.png (52.82 KB, 640x555, 128:111, pepeTyson.png)


>what if Q is the first arrest?

Then the Alphabet becomes:


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2a2741  No.14804300

File: d8561ec87f93ff8⋯.png (370.88 KB, 795x480, 53:32, point.png)

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d80905  No.14804301

File: 2a6f670d5103ea8⋯.png (9.09 KB, 254x255, 254:255, 73b8ff30ba0e34ab5c7685d6a0….png)

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ab863b  No.14804302



Also forgot to load link, sorry anons.


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ebe7a1  No.14804304

File: 6abb97e8f80b2db⋯.png (357.2 KB, 570x416, 285:208, e34.png)


you go first

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5cceb4  No.14804305

File: 82aa210e70971d3⋯.png (43.66 KB, 657x651, 219:217, 82aa210e70971d3aa4264f8e70….png)

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f4cac2  No.14804306

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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2a2741  No.14804307

File: c0a0287aacfeac3⋯.png (632 KB, 661x384, 661:384, ClipboardImage.png)

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31a611  No.14804308


Easy narrative for the MSM to blow up the peep'sasses:

Empty shelves because people were fired/quit rather than get vaccine. Selfish, thinking about themselves rather than the country. Ruined Christmas. No toys. Keeping families apart (Fauci Christmas gatherings for family only).

Actual causes of supply chain issues are too complicatef for soundbite news. That means the MSM narrative, which sounds good, can't be debunked in a manner peep's will listen to.

Pelosi can't deliver. Got a margin call. My guess is Clinton donors need to see their returns or get a refund. Squad is fucking up the $Trillions bill in order to take out Pelosi and get to power. If Pelosi quits now, squad wins and money gets funneled to their sponsors.

Best way out for Pelosi is to promise squad the leadership if they let Pelosi pay off her debts, otherwise no one will get anything. Good news is Pelosi is gone, but squad will force more $ bills to reward their donors. Pelosi "wins" because she's not at the rudder when the ship hits the iceberg.

Country is fucked either way. Creditors are just picking at the carcass.

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dec4dc  No.14804309

File: cbe397af57f8f11⋯.png (453 KB, 686x290, 343:145, Screenshot_2021_10_17_at_2….png)

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37e993  No.14804310

File: 51f38553fc35622⋯.jpg (370.55 KB, 1200x975, 16:13, _vxhill_.jpg)

File: e921aeaa7e521fc⋯.jpg (337.33 KB, 624x673, 624:673, 157098392602745.jpg)

File: 1b8a06d89e1191c⋯.webm (2.8 MB, 502x720, 251:360, entrie_police_force_beats….webm)

File: c6cbc31228d4f92⋯.webm (1.96 MB, 720x1122, 120:187, Cop_hits_press_with_shiel….webm)

File: 00e567549303afb⋯.webm (484.82 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Bodycam_Greenville_deputy….webm)


Cool pic man. I actually no ave guns. I back 2nd amendment though and friends that are all like, When the shit goes down, we got you covered little buddy!

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2c63b4  No.14804311

File: c010f363eb630b0⋯.png (781.41 KB, 884x798, 442:399, tyran.png)

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4b9203  No.14804312

File: 58a0caa0dab8835⋯.jpg (53.25 KB, 1279x586, 1279:586, 2021_10_17_192413.jpg)

D before C

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d80905  No.14804314

File: 555f9dca84ee929⋯.png (12.23 KB, 253x255, 253:255, 086e12968f14ce8fc263a7c102….png)


>you go first

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ebe7a1  No.14804315

File: f31c86d1ff36dd2⋯.png (805.36 KB, 760x1239, 760:1239, 5336.png)


Nancy probably snorts her cocaine up her backhole now that her nose is worn out

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4b9203  No.14804316


declassified before capture.

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7b48db  No.14804317

File: e92e713f4bcbf62⋯.jpg (114.55 KB, 984x740, 246:185, ZomboMeme_17102020150931.jpg)

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c66afa  No.14804318


Q was acquitted

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80d938  No.14804319

File: b76fd2b707f9516⋯.jpg (14.24 KB, 300x273, 100:91, az_punisher.jpg)

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c8f588  No.14804320

File: ac7a5b1adcf300e⋯.png (716.33 KB, 962x724, 481:362, dab_israel.png)

All white people should convert to Judaism. Then whenever you are mistreated or oppressed, just rightfully claim that you're experiencing anti-semitic attacks. One of two things will happen:

A) Your problems will disappear as the media, government, and other Jews rush to your aid,

B) The system will implode

Hardly seems possible for the outcome to be worse than what's happening now.

Become a Jew Today.

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65b257  No.14804321

File: 38ad846b92834ed⋯.jpg (29.42 KB, 287x226, 287:226, 38ad846b92834edd147592e1e4….jpg)

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2c63b4  No.14804322

File: 00d637892f4e023⋯.png (580.63 KB, 880x662, 440:331, anomaly.png)

anyone know what is going on in normie heads or why they are like that?

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ebe7a1  No.14804323

File: aeaab84d8de2ce3⋯.png (445.4 KB, 666x500, 333:250, 35366.png)


superspreader chelsea

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37e993  No.14804324

File: c63894b5d4f20c0⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1086x485, 1086:485, le111r3.png)

File: 8e3fdbc2ae626d4⋯.png (297.46 KB, 343x384, 343:384, 73740ac11.png)

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37e993  No.14804325

File: 1e121b95db93e12⋯.png (538.71 KB, 587x769, 587:769, 604a8270026562381d97111d0b….png)

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c66afa  No.14804326

File: 7bf9a6c3fa69f7a⋯.png (74.6 KB, 209x242, 19:22, 1155d5d9adae89c90fba9072ca….png)

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80ef02  No.14804327

File: 0e6a24000eb36ce⋯.png (197.33 KB, 250x600, 5:12, eek.png)

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ef6244  No.14804328

File: 9fd4cc7215c163c⋯.png (8.72 KB, 255x137, 255:137, 3e64e368f650f5ce10098c0dee….png)

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592b06  No.14804329

File: 994a161547eb562⋯.png (51.17 KB, 987x375, 329:125, loudon_co_prosecutor.PNG)


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c66afa  No.14804330


make a post, with it all together

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70ca39  No.14804331


It must first be noted that the Revelation is divided into 3 parts;

Revelation 1:19 KJV

Write the things which thou hast seen, and the things which are, and the things which shall be hereafter;

The first part is the things which the Lord Jesus had already shown him, the second is the things that were and the third part is the things which will be.

where the one third part comes in has mainly to do with the things that were, which in the main cover the Angelic rebellion in Heaven and the ejection of Satan and the rebellious Angels from Heaven.

The Scripture tells us that a third part of the Angels in Heaven revolted with Lucifer.

Rev 12:3 and 4 KJV

3 And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads.

4 And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born.

>stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born.

This reminds me of the Blind Item CDAN about Cardi B

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c66afa  No.14804332


>>14804021 @300


>>14804055 16K COVID-19 Positive Migrants Released into U.S. by ICE

>>14804065, >>14804111 Government driving up prices by Breaking the supply and blaming the unvaccinated (Cap 0:37)

>>14804069 AG Garland’s Wife Worked at Heavily Classified Defense Contractor ‘E-Systems’ Then Focused on Elections Before the 2020 Election

>>14804082 The Bridge/Roy Maas Youth Alternatives blatant cabal symbolism

>>14804087 Patriot DOUBLE DOWN

>>14804089 New video seems to challenge Singer’s claim of antisemitism at German hotel

>>14804092 'Center for Health Security' posted video of 2001 'Dark Winter' exercise on their youtube channel 3 days ago

>>14804101 PF REPORTS

>>14804121 American Thinker The Great Struggle of Our Time: The Battle for Reality

>>14804129, >>14804165 Grassley tweet Combined corn this wk #cornwatch

>>14804148 AustraliaOne Party 7 Questions, 7 Answers in 1 Place

>>14804152 Jon Stewart COMMS he believes there is time, kek

>>14804175 U.S. Air Force @usairforce New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty "New START"

>>14804194 Gabby Petito’s parents slam Laundrie family, make desperate plea in interview with 60 Minutes Australia

>>14804195 4am mockingbird media Gas prices (Cap 0 :52)

>>14804196 To protect warfighters from microscopic threats, DTRA-JSTO invested in an early warning tool


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283e2f  No.14804333


Adeyemo is yet another person in a position of power, who was not born in the United States, and is attempting to destroy the country. He was born in Nigeria.

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37e993  No.14804334

File: 97045db799b3921⋯.jpg (34.47 KB, 317x332, 317:332, 2ca4c07b5fdab5dac6e51bc381….jpg)

File: 9d1115bfb17d2f0⋯.jpg (113.1 KB, 643x424, 643:424, 160289104672.jpg)


They look the same right? That night we were on that bread, it was prety funny. They are all, like, in the same club man, i'm tellin you anons…preaching to the choir I know.

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ebe7a1  No.14804335


No, don't tell me that Rothschild was porking Hillary as well as Web Hubbell ?

Maybe it was a threesome

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592b06  No.14804336

File: 807b66e479a2efa⋯.png (605.55 KB, 768x603, 256:201, vax_aids_1.PNG)

File: 4bea83bd5ba9eca⋯.png (66.76 KB, 596x208, 149:52, vax_aids_2.PNG)


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2c63b4  No.14804337

is career police officers resigning over an unnecessary vaccine part of the plan?

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043559  No.14804338

File: acffb25d60740c2⋯.jpg (142.77 KB, 1200x902, 600:451, caltrek.jpg)


>Fix the supply chain? Get vaccinated

And I thought you couldn't beat "You have to pass the bill to find out what's in it" from Crazy Aunt Nan

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695ef7  No.14804339


Anon posted a picture if her as a gypsey the other night, I wish I kept it.

Anon of youre here tonight please post again with sauce of mother theresa as youth

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003ad9  No.14804340


Seems like “both” is the correct answer

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2c63b4  No.14804341

File: 8f2df0ed4bb03de⋯.png (700.32 KB, 1009x1023, 1009:1023, vaccinepolice.png)

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46f72c  No.14804342

File: efd221f4b685f3f⋯.png (372.8 KB, 572x635, 572:635, ClipboardImage.png)

RINO Senator Bill Cassidy Trashes Trump, Says Voters Would Probably Reject a Trump 2024 White House Bid

Insufferable RINO Senator Bill Cassidy (LA) trashed Trump in an interview with Axios’ Mike Allen Sunday evening.

Recall, Cassidy was one of the 7 turncoat senators to vote to convict Trump in the second impeachment against President Trump.

The Louisiana GOP censured Cassidy over his sham impeachment vote.

When asked about being censured, Cassidy smugly said he “slept very well” that night.

Cassidy said voters would probably reject Trump in a 2024 bid for the White House and asserted he would not be voting for him.

“Trump is the first president in the Republican side at least to lose the House, the Senate and the presidency in four years. Elections are about winning,” Cassidy said.

Not one word about rampant Democrat voter fraud in 2020.


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f4cac2  No.14804343

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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808507  No.14804344


well, then

now that makes sense, doesn't it?

that was a future message


i'd forgotten about that!

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d80905  No.14804345

File: 11236bad7b008a6⋯.png (6.51 KB, 255x173, 255:173, e2de6b6b0908d838bf638b203d….png)

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2c63b4  No.14804346

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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c8f588  No.14804347


>Qanoners from Arizona:

There is no such thing as a "qanoner" except when your brownhole is faggot

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37e993  No.14804348

File: a54f3a4bdb36393⋯.png (291.68 KB, 653x551, 653:551, 784c527fd82c801c384f38c2fe….png)


I thought I had the meme on Hillary's dad being with Al Capone. I can't finds it. Is anybody on that knows whats i'm talking about. I think that has a lot to do with it kek.

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c66afa  No.14804349


The latest data from the United Kingdom’s PHE Vaccine Surveillance Report suggests that people who have been “fully vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) are losing about five percent of their immune systems per week.

Doubly injected people between the ages of 40 and 70 have already lost about 40 percent of the immune system capacity from the moment they get injected. They then progressively lose more of it over time, with peak immune system loss for many expected to arrive by Christmas.

“If this continues then 30-50 year-olds will have 100% immune system degradation, zero viral defence by Christmas and all doubly vaccinated people over 30 will have lost their immune systems by March next year,” reports The Exposé.

There is no denying, based on the data, that fully vaccinated people now suffer from what appears to be acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, more popularly known as AIDS. Their immune systems are fading away, which many have been warning would be the case.

“People aged 40-69 have already lost 40% of their immune system capability and are losing it progressively at 3.3% to 6.4% per week,” The Exposé says.

Interestingly, the worst-off demographic is people aged 40-49, who are suffering total immune system loss in about nine weeks. The best-off group is younger people aged 18-29, who tend to last around 44 weeks.

Elderly people over the age of 80 last about 20 weeks, while the 50-59 age category only gets about 15 weeks. The other remaining age groups last anywhere from 12 to 25 weeks.

“Everybody over 30 will have lost 100% of their entire immune capability (for viruses and certain cancers) within 6 months,” warns The Exposé.

Freedom Phone 3

“30-50 year-olds will have lost it by Christmas. These people will then effectively have full blown acquired immunodeficiency syndrome and destroy the NHS (National Health Service).”

Getting a “booster” shot will only speed up the death process

It is not just that the jabs do not provide the claimed amount of protection against the Fauci Flu. The fact of the matter is that they provide no protection at all in the long term and actually destroy a person’s immune system.

“Pfizer originally claimed a 95% efficiency for their vaccine (calculated as in the last column above). The figures above indicate that their figures may well have been correct immediately after vaccination (the younger age groups have had the vaccine for the shortest time),” The Exposé explains.

“But the figures above also show that the vaccines do NOT merely lose efficiency over time down to zero efficiency, they progressively damage the immune system until a negative efficiency is realised. They presently leave anybody over 30 in a worse position than they were before vaccination.”

People who take the Biden “Booster” shots will only accelerate this process by adding even more immune-destroying chemicals to their bodies. The downward spiral will move even faster, in other words, the more shots a person gets.

“If we do nothing about this, it will only get much worse than we ever could have imagined,” wrote one Exposé commenter. “I, for one, appreciate all who have stood against and continue to stand against this tyranny.”

“The spike protein hijacks your mitochondria … forever,” wrote another. “Mitochondria is the heart of your immune system. Essentially, it takes over your immune system. The spike proteins are the bioweapons. Your own immune system becomes a deadly weapon. This is HIV on steroids.”

Others echoed these same sentiments, noting that it is painfully obvious what the agenda is. How anyone could argue with a straight face that this is all for “public health” remains a mystery.

The latest news about the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccine” genocide can be found at ChemicalViolence.com.

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4cbb66  No.14804350

File: b00220e71992ac5⋯.png (26.36 KB, 547x885, 547:885, ClipboardImage.png)


I strongly believe P does not equal Phoenicians.

That makes no sense in the context of post 1000.

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06c6ee  No.14804351

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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aeec75  No.14804352



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63aa08  No.14804353

File: 48716d72d94f24d⋯.png (1.56 MB, 1400x701, 1400:701, ClipboardImage.png)

They love to advertise their actions

when will order 66 be enacted against the patriots?

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75a715  No.14804354

File: c76b9cfc6e6dd3c⋯.jpg (100.18 KB, 969x803, 969:803, bullwhip.jpg)


Cool. Just to be clear, videos like the ones you've put up piss off the good cops far more than anyone else. It's like showing dirty TV preachers to the 99.9% good ones.

I get it, but I also used to investigate police misconduct and felt like the way to keep a good force, is to deal swiftly and decisively with the bad ones. I can tell you, that the VAST majority are the finest people you will ever meet…and a tiny handful I'd like to bullwhip all the way to a prison cell.

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e05c0e  No.14804355


Be more interested in what the Master is.

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65b257  No.14804356

File: ff3372196010d85⋯.jpeg (10.62 KB, 255x191, 255:191, ff3372196010d85ad61869e39….jpeg)


What a damn surprise!

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37e993  No.14804357

File: 06e3dff627b4f13⋯.webm (1.87 MB, 320x240, 4:3, STCpt_Kirk.webm)

File: 7b73d611db27347⋯.webm (680.33 KB, 480x272, 30:17, CptKirk.webm)

File: e87210caad24fd1⋯.gif (3.9 MB, 343x229, 343:229, 1607316475200.gif)


Coo anon, I hadn't seen that one yet. Saved.

I made this a while cak. I need to do a uptaded version with sound. I trade you for the steal.

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c8f588  No.14804358

File: 11da386cf589aeb⋯.jpg (61.45 KB, 460x570, 46:57, kkkomfy.jpg)

I apologize for this extremely offensive meme. I don't hate black people. There are lots of based black people and I'd be glad to call any of them my friend.

The meme is just highly offensive and that makes me laugh and that makes me happy. Stay salty bitches.

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5cc449  No.14804359

File: 6e29d66c55cfe1a⋯.jpg (24.51 KB, 696x433, 696:433, Glory_Jesus.jpg)

File: 4280174e9599631⋯.png (85.44 KB, 675x369, 75:41, Light_of_Truth_Clear_HQ.png)

File: ad3e7a4efdc3615⋯.png (365.12 KB, 673x743, 673:743, Arch_of_God_s_Kingdom_Forg….png)

File: 6d9f55572b10595⋯.jpg (110.62 KB, 801x845, 801:845, Arch_of_God_s_Kingdom_w_Lo….jpg)

File: 022849781fb007b⋯.png (226.58 KB, 498x501, 166:167, Lord_Jesus.png)




Multiple Meanings Exist…

Particularly with the Keystone…

Jesus was the Cornerstone the Builders rejected. He was made the Keystone. In scripture.

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dec4dc  No.14804360

File: 7ff7cdccce28de5⋯.png (322.81 KB, 478x563, 478:563, Screenshot_2021_10_17_at_2….png)

File: 40b9fd0e0d30f1f⋯.png (321.67 KB, 478x584, 239:292, Screenshot_2021_10_17_at_2….png)

File: 83299231c42749b⋯.jpg (62.51 KB, 680x614, 340:307, FBtkr77XMBQS6Xq.jpg)



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88268a  No.14804361

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



They want to burn everything down after 500 years

And rebuild from the ashes in a New Renaissance

Its a long term plan

V for Vendetta is part of it

V as in 5 as in 500

Like Winston Churchill and his V sign

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592b06  No.14804362

File: db97f6590ee17c2⋯.png (101.74 KB, 361x419, 361:419, klaus_schwab_your_balls_wi….PNG)

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ef6244  No.14804363

File: f7accfd4167bd0c⋯.png (766.09 KB, 1280x714, 640:357, R_2_.png)

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4cbb66  No.14804364


Really? Then why call them phoenicians instead of canaanites then?

Is this all a bunch of intellectual contortionism intended to lead right back to 'it's the jews'.

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ebe7a1  No.14804365

File: 18b3646ba53b050⋯.jpg (76.22 KB, 757x1054, 757:1054, 535.jpg)


HIV/AIDS in the vaccines ?

Ask Fauci….he was part of that "epidemic" back in the 1980's

Of course it has AIDS/HIV in it

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fe5aff  No.14804366



Q: Do you intend to return to the 1901 constitution and make any changes by referendum?

BOSSI: From the very beginning we've understood that our constitution has only been lawfully amended eight times and yet if you buy a copy of the constitution today the green bound one not the red brown one you'll find out there are many unconstitutional amendments have been made by various parliaments, so we know that we have an unconstitutional Parliament and definitely will be going back to the 1901 with its eight lawful amendments. But, having said that, what people have to understand is that it's not just a matter of going back, it's about going back and making sure that we are governed in accordance with the will of the people. So, as you quite rightly asked in the question any Amendments. As was said by one of the founding fathers, “the pen lies firmly in the hand of the people,” so we're going back and Amendments can only come through referendum."

Q: Will you swear an oath to the queen of Australia?

BOSSI: Absolutely not, the queen of Australia is a legal fiction. We'll be swearing to queen Elizabeth II. There isn't successors until that changes by referendum. If it does change, no we're going to go back exactly the way it was intended in 1901.

Q: Will we be trading one oligarchy for another oligarchy?

BOSSI: Absolutely not. The power is in the hands of the people. Our party is arranged that way that the membership actually run the party. We've got the policies set so we get people on board who agree with the policies, but you the members of the party, get to decide and hire and fire your representatives, your state presidents, your branch presidents, your federal president. The power is in your hands and that's what we intend to do for Australia. We're going to make sure that the Australian people control the Parliament… [L]et me just explain this one the concept of recall elections is common in the United States and Switzerland and other countries but not in Australia and so we're stuck with a representative that makes all sorts of promises, gets elected, and for three years ignores the people, then comes back and makes more promises. We're going to change that when we have an AustraliaOne government and we will ensure that recall elections are lawfully inserted into the electoral act so at any point during the electoral cycle, if the members of that electorate, the electors, decide that the member that they elected at the last election is failing in his or her duties to them, if sufficient electors decide, they can sack them midterm. The beauty of that means that instead of being responsive to the electors once every three years during elections, your local MP is responsive to you 24/7/365; and, you know if we had that now for example, Dan Andrews could be sacked, Gladys Berejiklian could be sacked, all the Premiers around the country could be sacked because they're not doing what the people want. So, no it's not one oligarchy for another, it’s definitely in the hands, the power of the people.

Q: Will you withdraw from the WHO World Health Organization, the UN, United Nations and the Paris Accord?

BOSSI: And every other globalist organization an agreement that is not in our best interests we are a sovereign nation and of course we'll have agreements for sensible things like air traffic control rules and you know practical stuff but no this is this is a sovereign nation we'll make decisions for ourselves by ourselves, and the world can go to hell if they want to but it's got nothing to do with us, we are out.

Q: Will you release the sealed investigation naming 28 high profile pedophiles?

BOSSI: Well not only the 28 VIP pedophiles that were established under the Howard government in 2005 and raised by Bill Heffner in 2015, but there's also in South Australia, the Mulligan inquiry put out an 80-year suppression order on your pedophiles and these are only two that we know about. There could be dozens and dozens and dozens and the short answer to this question is yes, we'll be revealing the pedophiles because we'll find out once we crack that nutm you'll find a lot of the the corruption and the graft and the unconstitutional and unlawful actions will evaporate and this is going to affect the polity, the bureaucracy, the judiciary, the

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ef6244  No.14804367

File: 81a8a4e9624426a⋯.jpg (7.08 KB, 299x168, 299:168, ham44.jpg)

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c66afa  No.14804368


ANY ANON got the decode from cENTRO on q was acquitted?

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d80905  No.14804369

File: f857aea5bbb9d72⋯.jpeg (13.54 KB, 255x197, 255:197, 02df3cf38551f74179d022577….jpeg)


>The meme is just highly offensive


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fe5aff  No.14804370


Part 2

military, you name it. This is going to be horrifying to most Australians but we have to do it to save the kids.

Q: Do you support legislation that indemnified UN troops from committing violence against the Australian people?

BOSSI: Absolutely not. When this first came out, we went on the record a long time ago, many many many months ago and I explained in detail why it was not only egregious and wrong and immoral but it was unnecessary. It was completely unnecessary because in defense procedures and processes, we have to allow foreign troops to operate in this country but under extremely strict guidelines and certainly not a blanket immunity from bad actions. So, no we don't need them; we don't want them, and I've lived and worked with the troops overseas and police forces overseas and I can tell you they are not nice people. These people are just armed thugs, rapists, and murderers. That's all they are and they have no place here and we've been on the record for at least 18 months saying this is very very bad.

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f4cac2  No.14804371

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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c8f588  No.14804372

File: 6dd5d1eebcc41b0⋯.png (156.94 KB, 320x307, 320:307, tyrone_father.png)

File: c47b9fd33d6ae26⋯.jpg (18.72 KB, 320x449, 320:449, wash_hands.jpg)

To my fellow black anons, don't like the anti-black jokes hurt your feelings. Don't let them get to you. Learn to laugh at it. Rise above the things they say about you. You are better, you are not a nigger. When people make fun of niggers, they aren't making fun of you. Join in the fun, make fun of niggers. The black niggers, the white niggers, chinese niggers, red blue and green niggers. Everyone hates niggers.You can too.

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4bf004  No.14804373

if it's all about the money and the jews are the ones who came up with usury then yea, it's pretty much the jews

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0efc65  No.14804374

Home sick in bed last 24 hours(and issues, not Covid!) …haven’t been online .

A friend texts me that the Sheriffs Dept in his county caught on fire.



Nothing suspicious about that at all.

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70ca39  No.14804375


This makes sense.

The Pharisees were the Fake Jews of Jesus' day and they epitome of hypocrisy.

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ebe7a1  No.14804376

File: 7e58be2489ee130⋯.jpg (795.84 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, 353.jpg)


You won't have balls in Klaus's brave new world

You'll be a transhuman slave-machine with no gender…. or you'll be dead

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46f72c  No.14804377

the FEDERAL reserve, ROTHSCHILD (Bank of England) & VATICAN BANKing CARTELS

15 min history lesson


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043559  No.14804378

File: 81c8558d291a840⋯.jpg (84.71 KB, 800x596, 200:149, DIHUHNT.jpg)

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d80905  No.14804379

File: c61067f25b11879⋯.jpeg (783.56 KB, 2340x1907, 2340:1907, download.jpeg)


Fake and gay.

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9135bc  No.14804380

File: 7b58c4ac7658d84⋯.png (248.91 KB, 590x300, 59:30, ClipboardImage.png)

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53b818  No.14804381


Patriots have no skin color, but you glow nigger, glow.

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65b257  No.14804382

Bongino needs to take a chill pill every now & then. He screams every damn day to the point I turn him down to almost mute on muh radio. Don't he know [they] love him freaking out & screaming every day?


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dec4dc  No.14804383

File: 2d142fa346bd6a0⋯.png (226.11 KB, 257x358, 257:358, Screenshot_2021_10_17_at_2….png)


Oh irony.

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2a2741  No.14804384

File: dccd2c9343076c1⋯.png (630.04 KB, 489x480, 163:160, ClipboardImage.png)

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cc4c9d  No.14804385


This is precisely the kind of division shit you learn to ignore until it's invisible one day. Shills are here to disrupt and upset you. Learn to aidkido that energy by just letting it go on by.

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b4a985  No.14804386

File: d16a6c5c6fce8ef⋯.mp4 (14.01 MB, 632x360, 79:45, IgnoreRonPaul.mp4)


Watched him once, just once, and that's because this clip (VID 4:01) was in a Documentary explaining how all of MSM is Propaganda, beginning with the CFR.

That documentary is here: Media Manipulation, propaganda

(58:04) https://youtu.be/OWhfKXPoSsM

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c8f588  No.14804387

File: ca5efc3482e3c46⋯.jpg (287.62 KB, 1440x1080, 4:3, AMERICA_Legally.jpg)

To my mexican and central and south American anon brothers and sisters: come here legally, then we can be friends. If yo ass jumped the fence then you can't kick it with me. I don't wanna hear yo excuses for one minute. Go get yo paperwork in order first THEN talk about coming to the USA. Check out this mamacita with fuckin eagles and explosions blowing up against her background. Dat hoe is a fuckin AMERICAN now. Ya'll tryna creep in here and act like no one notices, smdh fuck outta here with that shit go back to grillin beans where the fuck u came from and come back when u got some papers motherfucker

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eb8aab  No.14804388

File: a316a912a3e4ce6⋯.jpg (292.72 KB, 1280x985, 256:197, patton.jpg)

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2440e0  No.14804389

File: 120c54117aa5017⋯.png (127.27 KB, 812x631, 812:631, 1.png)

File: be5e4fb76a7b2ce⋯.png (315.26 KB, 819x640, 819:640, 2.png)

File: ddcdba95b7cbd10⋯.png (129.07 KB, 785x649, 785:649, 3.png)

File: 12bb30ff63b18c3⋯.png (78.7 KB, 596x631, 596:631, 4.png)

File: f92afd084ebcca8⋯.pdf (141.7 KB, 596x631, 596:631, 2021_LOUDOUN_COUNTY_SCHOOL….pdf)

Loudoun County School Board

Brenda Sheridan

Atoosa Reaser

Denise Corbo

Harris Mahedavi

Ian Serotkin

Andrew Hoyler

John Beatty

Jeff Morse

Beth Barts


Loudoun County School Board Standing Committees


PDF - 2021 Committee Appointments


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37e993  No.14804390

File: ab9e1c186681dc1⋯.jpg (171.82 KB, 626x690, 313:345, 15709839201015.jpg)


>videos like the ones you've put up piss off the good cops far more than anyone else.

Oh sorry bro. I din'tmy intentions weren't to piss off cops, I just showing they fight fight back. And they good guys. IDK. Sorry to i guess show what some would be negastive optics, but IDK It makes me feel like thay know, like they have been under heavy duty pressure plus they families careers on line.

It was a thing of morale boost for us. I try to clean up my posts a lot since I post here. I forget the sfw good people that like to come here and get turned off by negative stuff.

If you look at my pass psots in the bread, I'm trying to be uh, good morale. IDK, i'm not perfect but. I firgured people would have been like, "fuck yeah!"

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d8010f  No.14804391

File: 515cf3b49732f6b⋯.mp4 (4.1 MB, 854x480, 427:240, Mother_Teresa_speaking_her….mp4)

File: 7be79f87d42145b⋯.jpg (12.95 KB, 480x360, 4:3, Mother_Theresa_Albanian_Gy….jpg)


>Mother Theresa, Albanian Gypsy

(not that anon but found this)

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37e993  No.14804392

File: 1d095c78c64187e⋯.png (894.69 KB, 946x534, 473:267, 1590798914552.png)

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80ef02  No.14804393

File: 8b8aae36c2fc133⋯.jpg (124.3 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, death_on_wheels.jpg)

File: b7c8d6179bce6bf⋯.png (531.55 KB, 800x589, 800:589, Killer_Klowns_From_OUter_S….png)

Phoenix offering $100 gift cards to get vaccinated in their COVID-19 testing vans



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65b257  No.14804394

File: 822157dccdc7640⋯.png (83.47 KB, 251x237, 251:237, 822157dccdc76404907cc3fe8f….png)

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aeec75  No.14804395

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ce1c55  No.14804396

File: 317ec4a3a33b8ee⋯.jpeg (525.45 KB, 783x837, 29:31, 317ec4a3a33b8eec8d1733890….jpeg)

After following Q and this movement it’s hard to leave this place after almost 4yrs. I’m not saying I’m leaving I’m saying I can’t leave until this season in our lives finishes playing out. After the stolen 2020 election the real fight began. We’ve found out who the 300 are in Gideon’s army are when the Storm is upon us tweet didn’t come. When we found out Just how corrupt the our own justice system was and the feeling of betrayal that came from within Trumps own administration. He found out who some of the Judas’ were and then after his Presidency was stole he found out that there was still people within his organization that didn’t have Americans best interests at heart only their own. We will soon come to the 1 yr. anniversary of Q’s last post and quite frankly I’m actually glad. I know that the only way that we the people will ever regain control again is because God is going to do something so incredible and unusual that nobody will be able to deny it. I think that’s why the mend won’t be for everyone. There’s a lot of intelligent anons who are patriots and I wonder will you except it when it happens. I pray that we all come to the knowledge of Gods wonderful love for humanity that none would perish except for the ones bound for destruction. God will have his justice because he’s the only one who can judge us. I regret some of my posts in the past and I’m turning the page on my past failures. From now on I am only going to post what the Holy Spirit inspires me to write. I chose to be Un-offended.

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c8f588  No.14804397

File: 9e4da20c875c03e⋯.jpeg (344.49 KB, 1951x2000, 1951:2000, only_power.jpeg)


>This is precisely the kind of division shit you learn to ignore until it's invisible one day. Shills are here to disrupt and upset you. Learn to aidkido that energy by just letting it go on by.

Its very important to separate the difference between good people and caricatures that are used to paint a whole race as bad people. Sometimes those stereotypes have some truth to it for some percentage of people. But you have to know the difference. You can't be talkin bout something wrong with all white people, all black people, all chinese people, all jewish people, all mexican people. It's a difference for each and every person, there's based people in every race. We gotta come together for who we are not divide apart from WHAT we are.

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c02277  No.14804398



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88268a  No.14804399


P = C

Phoenician = Cardinals

In other words the Cardinals in the Holy See are all phoenicians

The Pope is the chair meaning that he speaks for the group

But all of them serve the Master

As in Masonic Grand Master

Read up on how masonic lodge leadership works. I suspect M is the head of SMOM

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5e8bf3  No.14804400

File: a7b0bda84a28361⋯.jpg (32.99 KB, 910x512, 455:256, u892u89gqjujij092quj0i23jq….jpg)

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dec4dc  No.14804401

File: cc59fcd1fa2325a⋯.png (359.22 KB, 478x539, 478:539, Screenshot_2021_10_17_at_2….png)

New York Post


Steele defends explosive claims about Russian collusion from his dossier


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80ef02  No.14804402

9 Going on from that place, he went into their synagogue, 10 and a man with a shriveled hand was there. Looking for a reason to bring charges against Jesus, they asked him, “Is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath?”

11 He said to them, “If any of you has a sheep and it falls into a pit on the Sabbath, will you not take hold of it and lift it out? 12 How much more valuable is a person than a sheep! Therefore it is lawful to do good on the Sabbath.”

13 Then he said to the man, “Stretch out your hand.” So he stretched it out and it was completely restored, just as sound as the other. 14 But the Pharisees went out and plotted how they might kill Jesus.


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37e993  No.14804403

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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b709bf  No.14804404

File: b062816d47dcc72⋯.jpg (70.95 KB, 900x563, 900:563, b062816d47dcc72ad31ac148a1….jpg)

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c8f588  No.14804405

File: 08fa4c5645539b7⋯.jpg (46.95 KB, 686x342, 343:171, aus_here_to_shitpost.jpg)


>Patriots have no skin color, but you glow nigger, glow.

The glow niggers don't be posting shit like this on here. They blend in and convince you with half truths to believe some useless shit. Or to be scared to use your actual power. To make you tired and depressed. To make you doubt that it's any point in doing what you do. Don't fall for that shit. And don't let them scare you away with memes or gore or CP or any damn other thing.

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70ca39  No.14804406


All of the corrupt organizations are being wiped.

Only the corrupt individuals will remain employed when they are all dismantled.

That way the non-corrupt will have already moved on into other positions in society.

Can't get rid of the old, corrupt system, without having a new system in place.

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5bd282  No.14804407


Save it for the courts AH!

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9135bc  No.14804408

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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808507  No.14804409


inspirational words, anon

i, for one, have been here for almost 4 years too, guess feb will be my anniversary

i, too, am a patriot who is ready for God's justice, and i've prayed for His Will, not my own, and for me to understand it, even though i probably won't

your post helps me to know that i'm not alone

this has been one of the hardest mental gynmastics that i've ever experienced


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f4cac2  No.14804410

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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30c27e  No.14804411


I remember thinking this was graphically amazing back in the day.

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c8f588  No.14804412

File: 5ec38a5360c7331⋯.webm (2.17 MB, 368x640, 23:40, shampoo.webm)


>videos like the ones you've put up piss off the good cops far more than anyone else. It's like showing dirty TV preachers to the 99.9% good ones.

If you're more mad that he posted these videos than you are that they exist then you are a big part of the problem. Real talk

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ebe7a1  No.14804413

File: a987c1238042752⋯.jpg (57.09 KB, 590x547, 590:547, Hugh_Rodham_with_Hillary_a….jpg)


Hillary part of a mob family, why am I not surprised ?

This corruption shit goes deep, and way back for decades

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75a715  No.14804414

File: e243d9837dc4644⋯.png (1.52 MB, 1560x1080, 13:9, 4d9d750152e17f73448e16124f….png)


You're fine. There's an element in here that sows anarchy however and works to undermine the institutions that make ours a great society.

I'm kekking, because if you go back over my posts, you'll see that I'm hard on bad cops and supportive of good ones…as it should be.

Don't tolerate bad policing…or bad prosecution…or bad executive governance.

It's all good, Anon. This is a big assed rope we're all pulling on and every hand on our side is power.

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4cbb66  No.14804415


You must be in danger of tearing your tendons with that kind of stretching Anon.

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8c54e2  No.14804416

File: 73277caf0980010⋯.jpeg (61.41 KB, 470x494, 235:247, b754ae7a3b3b176e2ab5fe323….jpeg)

File: e5821ba445ed7ea⋯.jpeg (27.31 KB, 455x286, 35:22, b789330911c9dc6916fe4632f….jpeg)

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31a611  No.14804417


Seems like Defund the Police bullshit stopped being an MSM talking point after Bidan was put in.

That would suggest that the Bidan gang needs some sort of social order, i.e., they are afraid of no social order.

Follows in this scenario that police leaving, and supply line breakdown is designed by forces against Bidan.

Paragraph 11.3 of the DOD Law of War manual refers to duty of an occupying force to maintain social order. Have to look at the possibility that anything designed to break down social order under the Bidan regime is designed sabotage.

Bidan, to me, doesn't look like he has a handle on anything at this point. He's getting hit blindly from all directions. Buttigieg on parental leave is absolute bullshit in the current situation. Planned hit, IMO. Ridiculous photos of Buttigieg surfacing while people are being robbed of their Christmas. Bidan group ain't that dumb. It's enemy action.

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e91612  No.14804418

File: c914256afc2d193⋯.jpg (20.23 KB, 255x173, 255:173, 003c238dc16d2710eb23a5697f….jpg)

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695ef7  No.14804419


Thanks thats it, anons looking for mother Theresa’s origin, see herec

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9135bc  No.14804420

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Michael Salla - Exopolitics

Oct 17, 2021

Update on Earth Alliance meetings on Ganymede with Intergalactic Confederation



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695ef7  No.14804421


He has no idea of hiw determined we are, he just revealed how stupid our senators are. They must live in a bubble

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ede115  No.14804422


If these videos are fake, the balls on those guys to perpetrate a con to that level. Serious commitment

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37e993  No.14804423

File: c62c4223950745c⋯.jpg (35.42 KB, 227x220, 227:220, 1155902470750.jpg)


HAHA! That's one the funniest webm's around.

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204551  No.14804424

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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a586d6  No.14804425

File: 47ee13133d28d04⋯.jpg (372.94 KB, 1067x891, 97:81, Screenshot_20211018_125336….jpg)

File: 4f258fc89871fd9⋯.jpg (307.11 KB, 1061x763, 1061:763, Screenshot_20211018_125349….jpg)

File: caf4be2aa9ade5e⋯.jpg (304.49 KB, 1075x771, 1075:771, Screenshot_20211018_125402….jpg)

Well Q

From where i am the plan is shit!

Great job!

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e91612  No.14804426

File: eb07552a9bb6388⋯.jpeg (79.24 KB, 750x500, 3:2, nixon_thanx.jpeg)

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c38892  No.14804427

File: cb54d1ce5020931⋯.jpg (94.12 KB, 500x715, 100:143, 5c8ico.jpg)

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8c54e2  No.14804428

File: 5143b863978f7bf⋯.png (689.82 KB, 1017x514, 1017:514, 2a4d6bc3c33abf2519bf6bc13b….png)


since I believe in re incarnation I don't need to expect hoopla, pie in the sky to descend.

God is good to us, regardless.

God brings Justice regardless

Still Waiting.

We gotta defeat the mainstream news

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80ef02  No.14804429

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

A lot of 1 year delta Q posts today


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218e0e  No.14804430



You can’t attack the message so you attack anons. That isn’t very nice. There once was a “guy named Q” was so gosh darn smart anons did know what to do!

He dropped some crumbs,

Anons dig-meme-pray,

Still digging to this day,

Will wrap-it-up with a Durham Indictment on Monday of all days! Bill’s little charade pushed things back off schedule.

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887097  No.14804431


From your lips to gods ear anon.

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e91612  No.14804432

File: 5cbb0ae3b4d4eec⋯.jpg (73.94 KB, 530x664, 265:332, 5cbb0ae3b4d4eec0a424e0a7d9….jpg)

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a69cde  No.14804433


Why is it called "Israel" and not Canaan or Judah? To disguise.

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37e993  No.14804434


Yeah bro i know. I mean, I din't know until recently too when the meme was posted. I know I saved it, but dam, I can'ts find it now.. Fuck i'm typing with one hand right now. Mess up my hand in the morning, fingers. Smash it long story. Work.

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75a715  No.14804435


First off, great vid… secondly, I'm not mad that the vids are posted…reread my post. I said that those types of vids piss off the good cops more than anyone else. Not because they're shown…they need to be; but because it destroys years of hard work by thousands of other very fine people because some sociopath gets off on using force inappropriately.

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e05c0e  No.14804436


I'm sure these guys legitimately get connected by Galactic Federations.

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d80905  No.14804437

File: e5a32775f687f44⋯.jpeg (41.88 KB, 500x605, 100:121, download_1_.jpeg)


Or he's playing his role. Hard to know for sure.

Even Kinzinger. Not sure if he's being forced to play a role or not. I know Marc Elias hates his guts - that's a good sign.

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a9d507  No.14804438


Not really a meme

but an ancient Hustler

cartoon….back when

he believed in free speech

Before Larrys

mind rotted away

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c8f588  No.14804439


>You can’t attack the message so you attack anons.

We are not "qanoners" that term was made up by the legacy national media. We are just anons. We research Q. We reject the term "qanoners"

Your brownhole is faggot.

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3436ed  No.14804440

File: d1ef00c8c3d6ec4⋯.png (268.2 KB, ClipboardImage.png)


Are You A Psychopath?

take the evaluation & see!

Give yourself

0 if it does not apply at all

1 point if there is a partial match

2 points if there is a reasonably good match

TOP SCORE 40 points!!!

Aileen Wuornos got 32/40

Paul Bernardo got 35/40

Ted Bundy got 39/40

Good Luck

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88268a  No.14804441


Phoenicians were much more widespread than just Canaan

They mined copper in upstate Michigan

And tin in Britain

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695ef7  No.14804442


Thank you for your input, its hard to tell these days

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c8f588  No.14804443


>Before Larrys

>mind rotted away

Yeah kuru is really rough stuff, he shouldn't have gotten into satanic pedovore cannibalism.

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35fed8  No.14804444

File: 140766e17d493c8⋯.jpeg (8.43 KB, 255x146, 255:146, f439fcb811b351becce252ffb….jpeg)

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37e993  No.14804445

File: 8b176e0fcd84ea5⋯.jpg (89.79 KB, 820x500, 41:25, 8b176e0fcd84ea5bcd26b3d17d….jpg)

File: 737e10cfb50a661⋯.png (1.32 MB, 1080x1091, 1080:1091, eb26a7e12bd614dfb386b49ad1….png)


Frens o7

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c66afa  No.14804446


How does this make you feel? Made the notables, suck it.

You do the crime and we will expose your criminals police ways.

Police are Criminals

>>14804310 Corrupt Police Officers caught in the act, doing what they always do assaulting and bashing innocent citizens (Cap 0:47) (Cap 0:13) (0:07)

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978bb9  No.14804447


Spouseanon bought an electric wok a few years ago. I said get another and put it in the pantry cuz that shit won't last. It fritzed out in 2 years and we are on the second. Still using the GE electric skillet in-laws got for wedding gift in 1958.

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c66afa  No.14804448


>>14804021 @400


>>14804055 16K COVID-19 Positive Migrants Released into U.S. by ICE

>>14804065, >>14804111 Government driving up prices by Breaking the supply and blaming the unvaccinated (Cap 0:37)

>>14804069 AG Garland’s Wife Worked at Heavily Classified Defense Contractor ‘E-Systems’ Then Focused on Elections Before the 2020 Election

>>14804082 The Bridge/Roy Maas Youth Alternatives blatant cabal symbolism

>>14804087 Patriot DOUBLE DOWN

>>14804089 New video seems to challenge Singer’s claim of antisemitism at German hotel

>>14804092 'Center for Health Security' posted video of 2001 'Dark Winter' exercise on their youtube channel 3 days ago

>>14804101 PF REPORTS

>>14804121 American Thinker The Great Struggle of Our Time: The Battle for Reality

>>14804129, >>14804165 Grassley tweet Combined corn this wk #cornwatch

>>14804148, >>14804366, >>14804370 AustraliaOne Party 7 Questions, 7 Answers in 1 Place

>>14804152 Jon Stewart COMMS he believes there is time, kek

>>14804175 U.S. Air Force @usairforce New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty "New START"

>>14804194 Gabby Petito’s parents slam Laundrie family, make desperate plea in interview with 60 Minutes Australia

>>14804195 4am mockingbird media Gas prices (Cap 0 :52)

>>14804196 To protect warfighters from microscopic threats, DTRA-JSTO invested in an early warning tool

>>14804349, >>14804336 Are Covid ‘Vaccines’ Giving People AIDS? Immune System Functions Are Dropping Around 5% EACH WEEK in Those Who Were Vaccinated

>>14804342 Bill Cassidy Trashes Trump, Says Voters Would Probably Reject a Trump 2024 White House Bid

>>14804389 Loudoun County School Board, Loudoun County School Board Standing Committees, 2021 Committee Appointments

>>14804401 FAKE NEWS Steele defends claims about dossier

>>14804310 Corrupt Police Officers caught in the act, doing what they always do assaulting and bashing innocent citizens (Cap 0:47) (Cap 0:13) (0:07)


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974a0d  No.14804449


Because it's Totally REAL GUIZE!

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4cbb66  No.14804450


I'm sure they were plotting to overcome the threat posed by spotty little bigots on unpopular internet message boards when they came up with that plan Anon.

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c8f588  No.14804451

File: b017d358e7c6048⋯.jpg (39.01 KB, 450x479, 450:479, creepy_childrens_book_10.jpg)


>TOP SCORE 40 points!!!

>Aileen Wuornos got 32/40

>Paul Bernardo got 35/40

>Ted Bundy got 39/40

>Good Luck

Uhhh anon I got a 72\40, did I do something wrong?

…Or something right…?

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8c54e2  No.14804452

File: 36336d2b4ae7b0b⋯.jpg (122.81 KB, 1025x450, 41:18, hubbellhubbard.jpg)


Chelsea' s Roth look comes from mother's side



was Dad

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3436ed  No.14804453

File: 1cb0168eedd0c50⋯.png (528.78 KB, 888x745, 888:745, ClipboardImage.png)

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c66afa  No.14804454


just give the the covid shot, make it last…

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6186f3  No.14804455




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3fd073  No.14804456

The Deep State is really pushing for children to get "vaccinated" (killed) now. Ads and commercials everywhere. Anons, tell as many people as possible not to take the killer vaccines. Tell as many parents as possible not to give it to their kids. Children's lives are at stake.

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218e0e  No.14804457


Amen anon!

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37e993  No.14804458

File: fe0597761035892⋯.jpg (114.28 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Capone.jpg)


I got the quotes. I post them every now then. That dude in pic has Capones lips. Can you see the resemblance?

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d80905  No.14804459

File: 6cda23e200dec6d⋯.jpeg (80.97 KB, 1000x500, 2:1, 5qt9on.jpeg)

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ebe7a1  No.14804460


I had a look for the Rodham/Capone meme on the web just now but can't find it

probably been memory holed like so much other stuff

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e13a9f  No.14804461


Just when I thought that faggot couldn't get any uglier

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a69cde  No.14804462


Christians would never have supported New Canaan or the recreation of Judah/Edom, the ones who executed Christ. Zionism has been a plan in the works for a very long time. A plan to achieve world control through religious manipulation and deceit.

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75a715  No.14804463


Anytime. I'm here everyday, but usually more anon because the old job just draws out the impulsive juveniles otherwise.

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bb23bc  No.14804464

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

New airline and other companies with no mandates.




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fd1b3c  No.14804465


Is Gabby Petino (little talker) a warning or comms for OZ. And laundy (the cleaner) not able to activate?

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88268a  No.14804466


Parsees were Zoroastrian fire worshippers

Google this

Butterbee donme

And learn about how they were connected to the Phoenicians

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37e993  No.14804467


>note for the grammar nazis

I meant *Capone's.

Thank you for making me more literate. But I posted it before the correction. Can't delete or edit posts here.

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70ca39  No.14804468


Electronic today are crap. Made to be thrown away after a few years.

I have gone thru many toasters but have an old one in my camper that used to belong to spouse anon's grandma and it still works great. My guess it that it was made in the 1970s or so.

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37e993  No.14804469

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

90's night

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f3be82  No.14804471


Christopher Steele didn't write anything in the dossier. Steele was used to wash the dossier's information from rumors into an "intelligence" product.

Steele is protected by MI6 and the Cabal.

Steele is protected because, while stationed in France, he assisted in the assassination of Princes Diana at the request of the Crown.

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d8010f  No.14804472

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Mother Theresa, gypsies tramps and thieves

Christopher Hitchens did some outstanding work on her.

1994 Hell's Angel

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ebe7a1  No.14804473

File: 9052dcf4258e863⋯.png (578.75 KB, 640x906, 320:453, 5353.png)


I can't believe parents signing their kids up as test subjects….

It's the $$$$$ I suppose

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8c54e2  No.14804474

File: 95c0a15e5caad5f⋯.png (371.62 KB, 889x448, 127:64, clintonfamily2.png)


HRC doesn't resemble her alleged Dad or alleged brother.

She looks like her MOM

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997e51  No.14804475


Parasees is the english phonetics of an arabic word meaning: Persians.

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043559  No.14804476

File: e7fdcf4ec23a19e⋯.jpg (140.44 KB, 1024x716, 256:179, dag.jpg)


>Steele defends explosive claims about Russian collusion from his dossier

Durham must be filling pants for them to pull this bullshit media circus

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75a715  No.14804477


Should I feel scolded? For someone else's bad actions?

You're right, some police are criminals. Some preachers are sinners. Some pendantic anons are insufferable little pussies. What's your point?

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6c9393  No.14804478


Just try to imagine this: how ugly are the people we never see? They use the most presentable ones for their public face. The real string pullers stay hidden. They must look awful.

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d80905  No.14804479

File: b6c6b0db73bf089⋯.jpeg (110.35 KB, 1080x1091, 1080:1091, b6c6b0db73bf0897067462e37….jpeg)


Two is one and one is none.

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043559  No.14804480

File: e6f242ea183552c⋯.jpg (49.75 KB, 505x494, 505:494, cuomoCHILI.jpg)

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c1ea78  No.14804481

Not sure if reported on yet, earlier today there was also a shooting in Genesee Valley Mall here in Michigan

Noticing the other shootings in PA and Arkansas reported on today, not sure if the shooting in Genesee has been reported on yet.

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8c54e2  No.14804482


Damage done by the shot

"Make no mistake, America is being permanently dismantled like a cow in a meat packing plant

Heard frequently: "They cannot replace all these professionals with third worlders"

I have seen this comment going around, as if it was a self evident truth that will save us.

This reality will not save us.

The people behind the jab have no intention whatsoever of EVER replacing 30,000 pilots that walk out, 600,000 medical workers that walk out or ANYONE ELSE including the military that walks out because this is the end of America, they are dismantling the country. No, these people will not be replaced and they are never going to work again.

Worse, when the people behind the jab create the next wave of emergencies, the pilots that DO get the jab will be crashing frequently creating even more chaos and the medical workers that got it are going to be stroking out and screwing up left and right in a system that has been totally set up to fail. Soldiers who were jabbed will be on the low end of the intellect to begin with, who will crack under pressure rather than think rationally like the talent that had the picture well enough to walk out - and they will be further diminished beyond their already previously lower intellect. China is going to pummel America into the ground. It is all by design.

The shot is the greatest weapon ever wielded. Nothing in history has done so much damage. It is not only the deaths and maimings of those jabbed, the damage is so much worse than a pile of deaths and maimings because it has hit the top intellectual backbone of the United States harder than any attack on the country ever has just by causing such massive walk outs. Those who hate America, including Pelosi, Soros, Biden and more - the "elite" are absolutely thrilled by the rampant destruction their mandates are causing. They knew it would happen and as an act of hatred against America, they did it on purpose.

If you wanted to destroy America's military, what better way could there possibly be than to cause a mass walk out of the top 40 percent of the armed forces while the rest of them get a shot that kills and maims a lot of them while it diminishes the rest? No battle, - no entire war has damaged the American military as badly as this shot and the mandate. The military has been annihilated ON PURPOSE.

What attack on ANY country has been so serious it took out 600,000 nurses and doctors? The jab and the mandate did. That's the final number, with 40,000 lost in New York state alone. How much worse could an attack have possibly been?

People had better wake up and smell the coffee. "They can't do that because" does not cut it when if their only objective is to cause the collapse of the nation, there could not possibly be a better play.

America's pilots, engineers, front line medical, emergency response, shipping and everything else critical is being de-platformed right now, and every last thing these people worked for is going straight to the shredder, never to be returned to. It is so far past the time to shoot the bastards causing it that it might be too late already, what good is it going to do to "take the country back" when all of the top people have already been wiped out and probably buried behind a camp? That's the objective, if it was not, then explain why the top is getting taken down first."

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bb23bc  No.14804483


Ah, the wonderful hitchslap. I miss that man.

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f3f06b  No.14804484


lesson one- do not pull a weapon to talk.

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a586d6  No.14804485

File: 8cc29935fa34dfa⋯.png (139.83 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


And nothing ever happens…

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974a0d  No.14804486


They know that if anything terrible happens to the children that affects the parents(ie. Death duh, anything that requires forever hands on assistance), THEN people will have no choice but to escalate things. They were testing to see how far they could push things, now I guess they are ready to push it over the edge

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ebe7a1  No.14804487


Chelsea had extensive plastic surgery, but she still resembles a horse

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c66afa  No.14804488

File: 681a773767b5497⋯.png (389.43 KB, 1051x965, 1051:965, ClipboardImage.png)

>>14804464 New airline and other companies with no mandates Freedom Travel Alliance



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8c54e2  No.14804489


Police have to get the injection too, right?

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e6346b  No.14804490

File: 1ad3f9269a56f15⋯.jpg (218.68 KB, 818x472, 409:236, 1ad3f9269a56f152d758d98194….jpg)



OG Night Shift

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c8f588  No.14804491


>Just try to imagine this: how ugly are the people we never see? They use the most presentable ones for their public face. The real string pullers stay hidden. They must look awful.

Think of all those paintings of the Habsburgs and other royals from way back when–look how fucking ugly they are in the paintings. That's the best the artist could do when being paid lots of money to make flattering paintings of them. Even on pain of death - "make it good or we'll fucking boil you."

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35fed8  No.14804492

File: 5a3cc4da7abdfa7⋯.jpg (9.57 KB, 255x195, 17:13, 63dbfcf20bc81f735835c33716….jpg)


watch it, buster

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7b48db  No.14804493


You've heard of Munchausen by Proxy? This is Narcissism by Proxy.

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5cc449  No.14804494


I am a Retired Federal Law Enforcement Officer with a specialty in Counterterrorism and Special Operations. Can we not talk about such things on a "Free Speech" board? Your fears blind you.

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a586d6  No.14804495


This message was approved by Trump

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4f33ce  No.14804496

File: 8fa423dff74c4bc⋯.png (397.6 KB, 364x439, 364:439, ClipboardImage.png)

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d80905  No.14804497

File: 1ea713664a079ed⋯.png (124.65 KB, 732x880, 183:220, Screen_Shot_2021_10_10_at_….png)


>but she still resembles a horse

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4cbb66  No.14804498


How about congress and staffers.

Oh and since the CDC are government employees they all have to too.

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c8f588  No.14804499

File: 03e4b5c0a50cd03⋯.png (5.61 KB, 269x214, 269:214, night_shift_ascii.PNG)

File: aae33f121000182⋯.jpg (856.69 KB, 1080x803, 1080:803, night_trump.jpg)

File: 60f67eb014d440b⋯.jpg (116.67 KB, 675x675, 1:1, nights2.jpg)


>Night Shift

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c1ea78  No.14804500


> one post wonder

> fear mongering

kill yourself faggot

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65b257  No.14804501

File: 3547e25e1132dd4⋯.jpg (100.23 KB, 976x549, 16:9, _88777134_031976768_1.jpg)


baby trafficker gonna traffic

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997e51  No.14804502


>Why is it called "Israel" and not Canaan or Judah? To disguise.

isis, ra, el

goddess, god, god

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35fed8  No.14804503


this was meant for you


now it isn't funny anymore …argh!

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c66afa  No.14804504

File: 34c36fb41e907c7⋯.jpg (55.65 KB, 699x500, 699:500, 34c36fb41e907c7f0ca3483808….jpg)


you watch your self


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6ded37  No.14804505

File: f47b5d41c023759⋯.jpeg (64.7 KB, 436x400, 109:100, 11733DC1_2A69_482F_94F5_4….jpeg)

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bb23bc  No.14804506

File: 69f17c9f0569ef4⋯.gif (361.87 KB, 500x375, 4:3, 7DYw.gif)



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05b07c  No.14804507


I remember last year they were mailing out free gadgets to people through amazon. All made in china crap. My sister in law kept getting stuff. She was a little suspicious about it and I told her, not to use it, it could be contaminated with covid. Although some of the products were electronics that had listening devices - spying on your entire household! She unplugged them and put them away.

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d80905  No.14804508

File: 4f9ff9b916ac3a1⋯.jpg (39.03 KB, 598x608, 299:304, 4f9ff9b916ac3a164873631ea5….jpg)


>but she still resembles a horse

I posted the same shit nigga. Hivemind, bitch.

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37e993  No.14804509

File: a12d1e3cc199bb0⋯.jpg (59.11 KB, 736x378, 368:189, 991031041812f8370ec.jpg)

File: b80142ece588b78⋯.jpg (116.1 KB, 1235x832, 95:64, 1582342142749.jpg)

File: 1724a7de2ca873f⋯.jpg (109.32 KB, 597x525, 199:175, 1595140197120.jpg)

File: db34c1fa75ab34b⋯.jpg (154.2 KB, 960x688, 60:43, db34c1fa75ab34bc7fcf36905a….jpg)


I will keep searching anon. I got shit load hillary. It's an abyss of a folder if you know what I mean kek…..FOUND IT!

I iwll make a cropped up version now. Give me a sec guys.

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695ef7  No.14804510


So true, and a cycle of resolution and Judgement is coming, and justice of it will be from God’s hands. I’ve had a feeling of peace for a couple of days I havent had for quite a while.

Thank God We have a band of anons to be with during this time.


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e6346b  No.14804511

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Take a Ride - Don Felder, Heavy Metal

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70ca39  No.14804512


I might consider flying again if there are no mask or vaccine mandates.

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fd1b3c  No.14804513

File: 9d7aab7171d9f3b⋯.png (929.43 KB, 1024x545, 1024:545, ClipboardImage.png)

Gabby Petino's parents….

Anons notice anything that perhaps does not add up?

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7b48db  No.14804514

File: c0d4b3147d6dec6⋯.jpg (528.36 KB, 1076x1082, 538:541, Screenshot_20211017_201440….jpg)

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c8f588  No.14804515

File: 5430c47676bbcf4⋯.jpg (38.24 KB, 500x464, 125:116, Chelsea_1.jpg)

File: 91765a703acb662⋯.jpg (47.68 KB, 357x420, 17:20, chelsea_kuru.jpg)

File: 21ed06bc9b502d3⋯.png (499.52 KB, 574x766, 287:383, chelsea_traf.png)


>now it isn't funny anymore …argh!

It's okay anon, I got your joke even though you fucked it all up. It was funny to me!

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d80905  No.14804516

File: d190ef7cfe269f4⋯.png (2.37 MB, 1658x1382, 829:691, Screen_Shot_2020_11_14_at_….png)

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9135bc  No.14804517

File: 2f66c98c4730a76⋯.png (619.32 KB, 612x612, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)



It will all come out in the wash.

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f3f06b  No.14804518

>>14803767 (pb)

are these people supposed to be his relatives? if not why is this relevant?

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283e2f  No.14804519

File: edea737855f594f⋯.jpg (43.59 KB, 426x605, 426:605, uasydcasdfa.jpg)

Not only is everyone on the KISS tour 'vaccinated', but they also have a 'COVID Safety Protocol Officer', who enforces CDC guidelines on everyone.

Paul Stanley


"My dear friend, buddy and guitar tech for 20 years, Fran Stueber died yesterday suddenly of Covid. Both on and offstage I depended on him for so much. My family loved him as did I. He was so proud of his wife and 3 boys as they were of him. I’m numb."


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c1ea78  No.14804520


> Muh police are criminals

They are not faggot

There are bad apples that need to lose their jobs and put in prison, not all cops are bad.

Fucking faggot.

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9135bc  No.14804521


What happened to his teal ribbon from last night?

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5cc449  No.14804522

File: 4a5f230fb58a05b⋯.png (172.16 KB, 427x584, 427:584, ei_1634492206181_removebg_….png)

File: ae108576692163f⋯.png (176.17 KB, 600x300, 2:1, ei_1634491324371_removebg_….png)

File: e8c8649beb604f7⋯.png (332.93 KB, 428x582, 214:291, ei_1634490939308_removebg_….png)

File: 9162ca2d38df5e8⋯.png (196.98 KB, 640x352, 20:11, ei_1634490789836_removebg_….png)

File: cfdf3501f288586⋯.png (170.09 KB, 667x374, 667:374, ei_1634490564694_removebg_….png)


When we turned into their torpedo it fucked them up. They're good at strategic planning but not operational or tactical…

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c8f588  No.14804523

File: fa441307d172801⋯.jpg (49.62 KB, 426x463, 426:463, chelsea_pieplate.jpg)


>I posted the same shit nigga. Hivemind, bitch.


She's pretty

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3f67c3  No.14804525

File: 128cf2d36817b15⋯.jpeg (689.91 KB, 2160x2700, 4:5, 0A113E24_E6F8_4176_81C5_5….jpeg)

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88268a  No.14804526


Persia was an empire with diverse languages and peoples

Pharisee was Hebrew slang for the zoroastrian fire worshippers

Who happened to come from Persia

These people are still called Parsee and mostly live in India

They were involved on building Hong Kong and British Shanghai

Two Parsee families were on the original board of directors of HSBC

The Hong Kong-Shanghai Banking Corporation

The world is much bigger than ancient Judea and modern Israel

Much much bigger

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4252bc  No.14804527


she ugly and he looks like an agent"?

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2dd08b  No.14804528

Ladies on OCP's be extra careful of getting vaccinated with spike therapy.

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70ca39  No.14804529


>Diseased, Corrupt Temple

DC Temple

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ebe7a1  No.14804530

File: 8b0ca7aefd9bdc6⋯.png (383.56 KB, 626x414, 313:207, 35353.png)


>now it isn't funny anymore …argh!

Chelsea and horse comparisons will always be funny…the ride never ends

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6ded37  No.14804531

File: 6bd25ab78f549f7⋯.jpeg (62.69 KB, 608x610, 304:305, 733E63A6_945F_4E7A_845B_4….jpeg)


You have the manners of a goat.

Coarsening of discourse ends when fuckers like you grow up.

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9135bc  No.14804532


Turn-key locks and single-pane windows, welcome to Urth

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fd1b3c  No.14804533

File: 6d4c25c24005d81⋯.png (258.49 KB, 840x1051, 840:1051, pepe.png)

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c66afa  No.14804534

File: eb0d365bcb67564⋯.png (391.42 KB, 849x1280, 849:1280, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 28c36c0ca8671b2⋯.png (546.1 KB, 935x1280, 187:256, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3b0c81d62095630⋯.png (421.81 KB, 740x1280, 37:64, ClipboardImage.png)

Aussie Cossack #TheBoikovReport

17.10.21 06:37

AUSTRALIA - we have until

5pm on 27Oct21

=Aussies - this is URGENT -

We've been distracted!

WE ARE NOW AT PHASE THREE of this public consultation process!

We must get to work on this.

The whole covid system was built in order to create the vax


Every AustraIian that you know needs to see this and


Please read through it carefully - start creating conversations in your groups about it, and support each other to go through this and to put best efforts into participating in this call for 'having your say' (the respectful responses are those that will be listened to)

The link


Please share - in particular - bring this to attention of group owners across platforms. If the screenshots won't transfer, just copy & paste text (or screenshot it)

We need to treat this as an emergency - IT IS

Covid IQ test created, then QR..Digital ID..Social Credit





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bd33ad  No.14804535


SS In Kognito.

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997e51  No.14804536


noice, corrected… letter kitty should have slapped me in tard jail.

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c8f588  No.14804537

File: bfe23dbfb0359f1⋯.jpg (28.3 KB, 720x478, 360:239, trheb.jpg)


>Chelsea and horse comparisons will always be funny…the ride never ends

Ends? It hasn't even begun.

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d80905  No.14804538

File: 0a8eaedba670a92⋯.png (772.68 KB, 1214x888, 607:444, Screen_Shot_2021_10_17_at_….png)

Like a Halloween MOVIE villain, she's resurfaced to lecture America, but Dr. @SebGorka dives into the "damning" report which could make Hillary Clinton ultimately face justice.


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c66afa  No.14804539

File: f5a45b0