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File: 3581733c912d312⋯.jpg (19.26 KB, 640x272, 40:17, 3581733c912d3123efb9f802f2….jpg)

67d95b  No.14800189[Last 50 Posts]

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>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

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67d95b  No.14800193

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67d95b  No.14800194


#18720 TBC


>>14798644 Robert Durst tests positive for Covid-19 and is connected to a ventilator, his attorney says.

>>14798705 Ex-SpaceX Engineers Are Building a Cheap, Portable Nuclear Reactor

>>14798835 5.1 EQ in the North Atlantic

>>14798859 Assistant To House Sergeant At Arms Arrested On Child Pornography Charges

>>14798868 new Dan FB 6:36 est: Seems like just yesterday, people were laughing at Trump creating a sixth branch of the U.S. Armed Forces, today known as the United States Space Force. They’re not laughing anymore….

>>14798957 Damn, looks like Jayapal joined the left eye club.

>>14799056 Ghislaine Maxwell’s brother talks family in groundbreaking interview

>>14799061 CodeMonkeyZ just did a quick interview with CBS news.

>>14799075 Israeli Army Creates Secret Base to Monitor Iran's Activities

>>14799089 Two Vermont cities pass ordinance allowing illegal immigrants to vote in local elections

>>14799150 Recidivist Maritime Drug Trafficker Sentenced to 200 Months in Prison for Operating a Semi-Submersible with 4,400 pounds of Cocaine

>>14799299 Dr. Malone: Mandate Free Maui

>>14799395 #18719

#18718 TBC

#18717 TBC


>>14796234 Devin Nunes warns 'future of this country' hinges on Durham indictments

>>14796240 Double Jeopardy Claim Leads To Indefinite Hold On Retrial In Michael Avenatti Case

>>14796244 NATO'S Cognative Warfare paper (call to dig - why? - how much many USA allots vs. other nations)

>>14796248 NJ Supreme Court Rules That State Has the Burden of Proof in Child Abuse Cases

>>14796255 BOMBSHELL: Deaths Skyrocketed by 300% After COVID Vaccine – Funeral Director Blows The Whistle (anything similar in USA)

>>14796278 Project Veritas: Pfizer Scientist Admits Covid Antibodies Transfer During Pregnancy “Through the Umbilical Cord” self contained mini bun with links

>>14796354 Where's Gina Haspel? King and Spalding

>>14796391 Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich: Facebook Admits to Aiding Human Smuggling

>>14796580 Watchdog group files complaint against White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki

>>14796593 Jussie Smollett loses in court

>>14796595, >>14796611 China's energy crunch and economy

>>14796636 US Attorney Durham Looks at 2016 With ‘2020’ Vision

>>14796800, >>14796807 US Military Support for Taiwan Angers Beijing

>>14796851 #18716

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67d95b  No.14800196


>>14793915 Jab: Scientist Discovers Hatching Eggs, Parasites Birthed After Injection

>>14793975 @TimesofIsrael: ‘Holocaust was a scam’ projected on Swedish synagogue during antisemitism summit

>>14793994 udge orders Chicago’s Fraternal Order of Police President John Catanzara to stop making public comments encouraging his members to defy the city’s COVID vaccine mandates - WMAQ

>>14794001, >>14794503 What is a Magnet?

>>14794007 After over 130 movies, Michael Caine announced today that he is retiring from acting.

>>14794019 (You) Ron Watkins formally announces his run for Congress

>>14794030 Adam Kinzinger Lashes Out After Democrats Redraw His House District, Likely Ending His Congressional Career

>>14794035, >>14794164, >>14794263, >>14794425, >>14794456 PF report

>>14794157, >>14794160 Knights of Pythias

>>14794221 "Married… With Children" star Katey Sagal hospitalized after being hit by car

>>14794296 Baltimore police union tells officers to not reveal coronavirus vaccine status

>>14794324 38 Legislators From 38 States Sign “New Declaration Of Independence” – AZ State Sen. Wendy Rogers

>>14794328 Report: Hunter Biden Said Offer from Powerful Chinese Investor Had ‘Everything to Do with My Last Name’

>>14794407 Gov. Hochul announces plans to provide housing, education resources to Afghan refugees

>>14794450 “Brnovich has entered a warlike posture”

>>14794499, >>14794508 Jim Watkins, House Bill 25 was passed 76-54. The 54 gots to go.. Texas bill makes trans students play on sports teams according to birth gender

>>14794467, >>14794516, >>14794532, >>14794556, >>14794559 THE END OF BATTERIES – AND THE GRID

>>14794519 @NatSecLisa: Cheers!

>>14794614 #18713


>>14793125 Texas House passes bill that would largely bar students from playing school sports meant for members of the opposite biological sex

>>14793132 Biden Declares He ‘Likes Kids Better Than People’ Again, Says It’s Because ‘They Like Me,’ ‘Everyone Knows’

>>14793135, >>14793151, >>14793178 @KamalaHarris: Like most of you, I've seen the reports about Jussie Smollett, and I'm sad, frustrated, and disappointed.

>>14793156 New York Mayoral Candidate Eric Adams Met With Chinese Communist Party Influence Group Seeking To ‘Malignly Influence’ American Officials.

>>14793172, >>14793408 An Assistant to the Sergeant at Arms for the U.S. House of Representatives has been arrested and charged with ten felonies related to the possession of child pornography.

>>14793196 @RobertKennedyJr: Is the sabotage of air travel, high-quality healthcare, first-responder capability and other core services, by vaccine mandates, an intentional step designed to further weaken Americans’ resilience and expand authoritarian controls?

>>14793250, >>14793283 Statement DJT: McCabe´s benefits.

>>14793288 Statement DJT: A new analysis of mail-in ballots in Pima County, Arizona means the election was Rigged and Stolen from the Republican Party in 2020, and in particular, its Presidential Candidate.

>>14793290 Statement DJT: New information found from public records, documents, and votes in Arizona. It is damning and determinative! Will be discussing this today.

>>14793293 Statement DJT: ICYMI: "Inflation up 5.4% from year ago, matching 13-year high, Labor Department"

>>14793294 Statement DJT: ICYMI: "Under Biden, Democrats Are in Disarray"

>>14793351 President Trump Releases Findings from Pima County AZ – Precincts with Over 100% Turnout! “Either A New Election Should Immediately Take Place Or The Past Election Should Be Decertified”

>>14793421 Democrat NM Governor Paid Additional $87,500 To Settle Sexual Misconduct Case

>>14793858 #18712

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67d95b  No.14800197


>>14792376 I wonder if Brnovich was referring to this guy in his nunchuck video? Chuck Runbeck, father of Kevin Runbeck, Chairman of Runbeck Election Services

>>14792385 Roger Stone: Steve Bannon was coaching Jeffrey Epstein on how to handle media questions about his pedophilia and child sex trafficking. What was Epstein doing for Bannon?

>>14792418, >>14792441, >>14792418, >>14792453 >>14792586 Shhhh… Is it abnormal to see a warship there?

>>14792464, >>14792526, >>14792628 Anons, listen to this Tina Nguyen cunt claim that Codemonkey and his father Jim "posted muh Qanon drops" themselves

>>14792478, >>14792541, >>14792581, >>14792638, >>14792691, >>14792566, >>14792650, >>14793024 [They] know how this movie ends. They've known for some time. It ends with their destruction, our awakening and God does win

>>14792492, >>14792509, >>14792572, >>14792586, >>14792591, >>14792941, >>14792958 PF Reports

>>14792649 EXEC1F1st family callsign C-40B 01-0041 heading south down the coast crossing the Delaware came out of Newark NJ.

>>14792559 US Army/Snowden BRIDGE Comms

>>14792598 Hundreds march in Puerto Rico, outraged over power outages

>>14792611, >>14792768 138 Legislators from 38 States Write a Letter to the American People Calling for a 50-State Audit, Decertification Where Appropriate, and Possible Convening of the US House of Representatives

>>14792618, >>14792634, >>14792641, >>14792745, >>14793007, >>14793037, >>14793041, >>14793046, >>14793083, >>14793103, >>14793117, >>14793124 Judge refuses to dismiss Jussie Smollett criminal case

>>14792672, >>14792727 Rodney Joffe

>>14792476, >>14792675 Kevin Runbeck interview

>>14792686 Election Wizard Retweeted It’s here Covid-19 app(Cap 1:45)

>>14792781 Rubio: Biden Must Fire John Kerry for Investment in Chinese Company Linked to Uyghur Slave Labor

>>14792836 FAKE NEWS Psaki promises 'to choose my words more carefully' following Hatch Act violation complaint

>>14792854, >>14792932 Netflix fires employee for leaking that it paid Dave Chappelle $24.1M for his special

>>14792872 Assistant to US House Sergeant at Arms arrested on child porn charges

>>14792874 AG Garland’s Wife Is an Advisor Closely Linked to Brennan Center and Connected with Far-Left Groups Working to Prevent 2020 Election Audits

>>14792964 Watch-Oklahoma-Governor- This is what controlled opposition looks like

>>14792983 President Trump Releases Findings from Pima County AZ – Precincts with Over 100% Turnout! “Either A New Election Should Immediately Take Place Or The Past Election Should Be Decertified”

>>14793039 DHS Chief Alejandro Mayorkas Considers Excusing Immigration Fraud

>>14793005 Joe Biden: I’ve Spent More Time with Xi Jinping than Any Other World Leader

>>14793083 FAKE NEWS MACHINE (Cap 1:21)

>>14794269 #18711

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67d95b  No.14800199


>>14791628, >>14791831 Trump-appointed judge blocks United Airlines from suspending un-vaxxed employees without pay

>>14791631 If you read in between the lines, chances are slick Willy ain't doing too good.

>>14791632 'White Is Not Right': Walmart Training Manual For White Employees Leaked by Whistleblower

>>14791635 Philadelphia to Ban Police Stops For Minor Traffic Violations Because of 'Equity'

>>14791644 How RINO’s Cotton and McConnell Secretly Plotted Against Trump to Undermine His Election-Fraud Claims, New Book Says it All

>>14791672 Danish Citizen Who Converted To Radical Islam At A Radical Islamic Mosque In Norway

>>14791680 FAKE NEWS Second Dose of Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 Vaccine Recommended for All US Adults

>>14791704 DOJ memory holes Andrew McCabe wrongdoing

>>14791706 Devolution of COVID vaccine efficacy (Cap 2:21)

>>14791713 Corrupt Alberta Judge gives 'compelled' speech order to anti-lockdown protesters

>>14791738 Bill Cosby Hit with Another Sexual Assault Lawsuit by Former ‘The Cosby Show’ Actress

>>14791745 Was January 6 Part of the FBI’s‘Operation Cold Snap’?

>>14791773 The China National Space Administration launched the Shenzhou-13 manned spacecraft with three astronauts to the national orbital station:

>>14791791, >>14791829 Military Is Developing ‘Cognitive Warfare’ Weapons

>>14791842 Is it homicide if the Covid shot causes a miscarriage or really any vaccine for that matter?

>>14791871 Pennsylvania School Boards Association quits national group over letter calling parents 'domestic terrorists'

>>14791903 Bank of Canada Moving Ahead on Preparing a Digital Currency

>>14791921 Rep. Nancy Mace: FBI Says It Doesn’t ‘Track Acts of Violence’ by Antifa or Black Lives Matter

>>14791922 Biden admits his $3.5T plan won’t pass — free community college axed

>>14791934 Video shows Hillary Clinton leaving UCI Medical Center in Orange, California, where her husband and former Pres. Bill Clinton is hospitalized (Cap 1:04)

>>14791943 Biden Report: Climate Change Calls for ‘Realignment’ of U.S. Economy

>>14791971 Dear Christians: you know you must resist the Mark of the Beast so you better start with vaccine mandates.

>>14791981 Huma Abedin @HumaAbedin Thursday, November 4th @92Y in New York, NY with @HillaryClinton

>>14792016, >>14792019, >>14792022 There is no 'Qanon'.

>>14792040 British lawmaker David Amess dies after church stabbing in eastern England

>>14792109 Get ready for Thanksgiving travel chaos due to unvaxxed TSA workers

>>14792160, >>14792344 >>14792184 National Turkish Television Says Mutant Babies are Being Born because of the vaccine

>>14792161 Left-Wing Member Of Loudoun County School Board Announces Resignation

>>14792236, >>14789960 pb, >>14789983 pb, >>14790250 pb, >>14790324 pb, >>14790359 pb, >>14790408 pb Planefaggin cont

>>14792282 Joe Biden: “I Make Big Money Now That I’m President”

>>14794389 #18710

Previously Collected

>>14795361 #18714, >>14796575 #18715

>>14789922 #18707, >>14793586 #18708, >>14794239 #18709

>>14787608 #18704/1, >>14788315 #18705, >>14789089 #18706

>>14786707 #18703/2, >>14786706 #18703/1, >>14787609 #18704/2

>>14784369 #18700, >>14789071 #18701, >>14785944 #18702

>>14781989 #18697, >>14782808 #18698, >>14783580 #18699

>>14780822 #18695/2, >>14780818 #18695/1, >>14781295 #18696

>>14778184 #18692, >>14778960 #18693, >>14779872 #18694

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/

>>14588182 Q Research Notables #9

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67d95b  No.14800202



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97d96a  No.14800205

File: 1b301f3b3e7dae1⋯.jpeg (241.68 KB, 810x357, 270:119, 63AD302D_0F8E_45BD_9E80_5….jpeg)

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67d95b  No.14800208

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311bf0  No.14800212

I'm voting fer this bread.

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fbfda3  No.14800214

Thank you baker what a relief!


True, true, theyre even in grade school in N. CA where supposedly the “red neck Trump suuporters are”!

friend told me her sister in law, telling about Chinese teacher in her third grader, grading and signing in Chinese. He reports the teacher says how grrat it is in China! She told the Principal he shouldnt be grading in Chinese. Its an oldet couple that adopted their grandson when daughtet died, on SS so they dont have much.

These schools have to kick them to fuck out until they know they want to be free im USA, and stop hiring them as teachers. Their plan is to invade outlying areas first, i think.

Ps: I do want notables back

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67d95b  No.14800215




Baker is collecting notables from previous breads

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311bf0  No.14800218

File: a7d1ce1492e6031⋯.png (35.72 KB, 496x464, 31:29, salute.png)

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7ec651  No.14800219

File: 619ee486340e986⋯.jpg (46.12 KB, 538x364, 269:182, ZomboMeme_28092021132608.jpg)

File: 0718bf645cf6447⋯.jpg (62.78 KB, 538x540, 269:270, ZomboMeme_17092021222615.jpg)

File: 5bc2d6c1bd56604⋯.jpg (111.34 KB, 998x746, 499:373, ZomboMeme_16092021121639.jpg)

File: a3c12c118d30b7f⋯.jpg (51.56 KB, 538x496, 269:248, ZomboMeme_14092021120507.jpg)

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5cb2e1  No.14800220

File: de96811a12ef848⋯.jpg (108.26 KB, 804x604, 201:151, Screenshot_20211001_135037….jpg)

Baker baker baker

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225d30  No.14800222

File: f19dc6aba2d0387⋯.png (6.03 MB, 3489x2326, 3:2, nighthawk.png)

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f25390  No.14800224

File: 1776428043d00f6⋯.png (116.97 KB, 621x414, 3:2, 2AB84CE5_90EE_4843_AD3D_31….png)

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30afbc  No.14800225

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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5cb2e1  No.14800226

File: 196083b35f45d83⋯.jpg (83.1 KB, 697x555, 697:555, Screenshot_20210930_122556….jpg)

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25892e  No.14800227

File: 1e641c6f8127709⋯.jpg (84.84 KB, 500x887, 500:887, 5oay4t.jpg)

What if Joe rogan is the one to take cnn down?


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1e382f  No.14800229

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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67d95b  No.14800230



#18720 TBC >>14799385

#18718 TBC >>14797773

#18717 TBC >>14796957

Baker needs a little help please?

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7ec651  No.14800231

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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da83cb  No.14800234

File: 9b683e5f4e6c8af⋯.png (543.08 KB, 742x541, 742:541, apachekill.png)

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d25abb  No.14800236


which want do you want me to collect baker?

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67d95b  No.14800237

I wish drunky anon was dropping 20 second recordings tonight.

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5cb2e1  No.14800239

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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65384b  No.14800241

File: 7e22f7061544ae3⋯.jpeg (70.59 KB, 500x354, 250:177, 6E9C5D8D_7645_4F08_B35D_5….jpeg)

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67d95b  No.14800243


Thanks, #18717 TBC >>14796957

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447f85  No.14800245

File: 3464de1adad1ec1⋯.mp4 (1.82 MB, 640x640, 1:1, 3464de1adad1ec121e6c46ca2d….mp4)

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30afbc  No.14800246

File: 1c76c193522f725⋯.png (1.2 MB, 982x1166, 491:583, ruledby.png)

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7ec651  No.14800247

File: 6a8a8a0afb43196⋯.jpg (77.37 KB, 1001x762, 1001:762, ZomboMeme_08102021144703.jpg)

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97d96a  No.14800248

File: 5f517a4fce5d146⋯.jpeg (461.92 KB, 828x628, 207:157, CC890BEA_EC87_43EB_A765_E….jpeg)

File: 9ad6948aadedec3⋯.jpeg (493.23 KB, 828x623, 828:623, 33C24285_99CF_46D9_9891_1….jpeg)

File: baa50de9335318c⋯.jpeg (466.65 KB, 828x612, 23:17, 84E0E93A_E69C_4334_9431_2….jpeg)


Madera Beach Fl today

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d25abb  No.14800249


Alright, collecting #18717


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447f85  No.14800250

File: 7a174a8341d6067⋯.mp4 (1.24 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, 7a174a8341d6067e1029965b92….mp4)

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fbfda3  No.14800251

This is my understanding of notables, we have anons here that have a full time job or business (I’m in that category). These anons dont’t have hours to go through breads posted during the day or night. Some notables may not be relevant, but many are, and are carried on research to other bread, are important info to know. So notables are not for any other reason then to let dedicated anons catch up on the momentum of the board.

Have I missed anything?

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97d96a  No.14800252

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67d95b  No.14800253

File: 647c9fa29f32a03⋯.jpg (160.94 KB, 736x735, 736:735, 647c9fa29f32a03b2201d9a3cb….jpg)

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9f8d88  No.14800254


will take 18 if not spoken for

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003fdf  No.14800255

File: 9badd0c997bcc2d⋯.png (361.06 KB, 488x985, 488:985, Tstamps.png)

>>14800146 (LB)

>It ain't right anons.

Anon wasn't kidding. Timestamps out of order.

(Need a Pacino "And Justice For All" gif)

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30afbc  No.14800256

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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5cb2e1  No.14800257

File: f97587aa6869445⋯.jpg (111.88 KB, 692x587, 692:587, Screenshot_20211003_113344….jpg)

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fbfda3  No.14800258


Blandon is asshoe!

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ec0029  No.14800259

File: 6a8dabb72e75c94⋯.jpeg (553.4 KB, 828x1334, 18:29, 2F80D5ED_308E_4120_AE8C_9….jpeg)


Someone get behind the paywall and post this article here NOW!


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f25390  No.14800260

File: 315ea068f6a8991⋯.png (452.49 KB, 640x424, 80:53, F4369989_7433_4949_A7C4_CB….png)


Plus it’s like an Anon library of relevant happenings we can easily refer back to as news unlocks the map further

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5cb2e1  No.14800262

File: ea27a46b8e0d07e⋯.jpg (61.4 KB, 907x670, 907:670, Screenshot_20211008_231838….jpg)


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67d95b  No.14800263

File: a96de3f19738170⋯.png (33.98 KB, 474x474, 1:1, ae45e8421d787c15fa5feafd51….png)


>Have I missed anything?

It doesn't matter, just collect what you think is relevant.

And post it.

That's it.

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3997c2  No.14800265

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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67d95b  No.14800266


Thanks Anon, #18718 is yours

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20012b  No.14800267

File: 2cc57259509ee53⋯.mp4 (5.78 MB, 960x540, 16:9, 2cc57259509ee53a9efd19cc0a….mp4)

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8eeb8e  No.14800268


Archive.is is your friend. Someone already archived it an hour ago


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5cb2e1  No.14800269

File: c02b5b32806c21d⋯.jpg (47.96 KB, 377x370, 377:370, Screenshot_20210914_171340….jpg)

File: d60cb0e259fd0ed⋯.jpg (45.37 KB, 367x360, 367:360, Screenshot_20210914_171342….jpg)

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ec0029  No.14800270

File: 6a8dabb72e75c94⋯.jpeg (553.4 KB, 828x1334, 18:29, 2F80D5ED_308E_4120_AE8C_9….jpeg)


Seventeen U.S. missionaries and family kidnapped in Haiti - NYT

Oct 16 (Reuters) - As many as 17 American Christian missionaries and their family members were kidnapped on Saturday by gang members in Haiti's capital of Port-au-Prince, the New York Times reported, citing security officials from the crisis-engulfed Caribbean nation.

The missionaries were abducted from a bus headed to the airport to drop off some members of the group before continuing to another destination in Haiti, the report said, citing local officials.

A surge in gang violence has displaced thousands and hampered economic activity in the poorest country in the Americas. Violence spiralled after the assassination of President Jovenel Moise in July and an earthquake in August which killed over 2,000 people.

The U.S. Embassy in Haiti did not respond to a request for comment on the kidnapping incident.


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67d95b  No.14800271


All over telegram..

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fbfda3  No.14800273


I do that, shit, are they not meaningful to others. Well, I’ll make them meaningful! And you will like it, just like eating bugs.

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5cb2e1  No.14800274


Nice potaeo

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1f3c22  No.14800276

File: 2624de135dc9536⋯.jpg (34.13 KB, 579x496, 579:496, 3nt2ddek4.jpg)

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f25390  No.14800278



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225d30  No.14800279


Also you don't have to go to the failing new york times to read a syndicated story.

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5cb2e1  No.14800280

File: f8e2b1bc3c59ac0⋯.jpg (24.49 KB, 357x357, 1:1, Screenshot_20210828_094559….jpg)

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21f8e6  No.14800281


Should I check and see if Laura Silsby-Gayler and her 1st original Red X hubby, Norman Wade Gayler are "victims"?

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fbfda3  No.14800283


Ok Instead of reading and passing it by, i’ll nominate anotable

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1e382f  No.14800284

File: c4133f33e8c68f9⋯.jpg (1.03 MB, 2944x2208, 4:3, 20211016_190253.jpg)

Good, good…

Now let the butthurtness + bitchassness flow through you.

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e57b1c  No.14800285

File: bf82166c4719f7d⋯.jpg (47.11 KB, 600x335, 120:67, ahNightshift.jpg)


Thank you, Baker!

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5cb2e1  No.14800286

File: bcb11149979698c⋯.jpg (33.62 KB, 634x351, 634:351, Screenshot_20210823_115410….jpg)

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8eeb8e  No.14800287

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You know I wish to hell he'd go away. I was watching this NASA/JPL documentary on the Cassini mission that they uploaded yesterday.

Guess who the fuck shows up at 38:30

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67853d  No.14800288

This breaking article by the Guardian details the secret life of lawyer Stella Moris and Wikileaks publisher Julian Assange, who fell in love against all odds; and hid it from the world for the safety of their children.

It is an incredibly important, intimately detailed, and eye opening read published with just a few days before the international hearing that will decide Julian's fate.

If you read one thing this year, let it be this article.



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fbfda3  No.14800289


Very good point

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67d95b  No.14800290

File: b25a9d798a57ba3⋯.png (391.09 KB, 456x985, 456:985, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7848a9a1f05f32b⋯.png (880.49 KB, 1216x1280, 19:20, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 01700403dee6827⋯.png (682.46 KB, 660x1280, 33:64, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3cf1444f5b9df0a⋯.png (531.16 KB, 972x1280, 243:320, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9a4d399b544c8d9⋯.png (161.13 KB, 1027x398, 1027:398, ClipboardImage.png)


TheStormHasArrived17, [16.10.21 08:13]


[ Album ]










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65384b  No.14800291

File: 6165c0864215ddb⋯.jpeg (203.25 KB, 1000x662, 500:331, 4CC077E2_1986_4B81_8C93_8….jpeg)

File: 2ab368b5d5dc51e⋯.jpeg (279.96 KB, 1004x1500, 251:375, 78E8710E_5D2F_44E8_9924_F….jpeg)


Ants taste sour and need more salt than grasshoppers.

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67d95b  No.14800292


That helps, a lot.



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63288b  No.14800293

File: fe7e8d5c63dc447⋯.png (670.02 KB, 645x2137, 645:2137, ClipboardImage.png)





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8eeb8e  No.14800294

File: 70475217c251625⋯.png (773.1 KB, 1425x780, 95:52, ASNASA.png)

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acc90b  No.14800295

File: 3a4d0e5c518bed3⋯.png (255.96 KB, 535x667, 535:667, Screenshot_2021_10_17_at_0….png)

The Jerusalem Post


As many as17 American Christianmissionaries and their family members were reportedly kidnapped by gang members in Haiti's capital of Port-au-Prince.

#Haiti | #Missionaries | #Kidnapping



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67d95b  No.14800296

File: 37e2678290c6dce⋯.png (491.41 KB, 697x1280, 697:1280, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b154cc95cc13272⋯.png (662.54 KB, 662x1280, 331:640, ClipboardImage.png)

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67853d  No.14800299

File: f66473b82870fc4⋯.jpg (164.66 KB, 800x800, 1:1, 91420210652.jpg)

Within years after the first British colony in North America, people of European ancestry started smoking tobacco regularly. Lung cancer remained rare until around 1927, a few years after toxic pesticides began to be sprayed on tobacco, and they switched from wrapping cigarettes with a tobacco leaf to using paper bleached with chemicals.


Nicotine is a bioactive compound in cigarettes that exerts rewarding effects by activating nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) in the central nervous system

Why would native Americans smoke tobacco for centuries, considering it to be a medicine, if it really caused lung cancer? It seems more likely that tobacco, pure organic tobacco, is a healer.

Alpha7 nicotinic receptors as novel therapeutic targets for inflammation-based diseases



In recent years the etiopathology of a number of debilitating diseases such as type 2 diabetes, arthritis, atherosclerosis, psoriasis, asthma, cystic fibrosis, sepsis, and ulcerative colitis has increasingly been linked to runaway cytokine-mediated inflammation. Cytokine-based therapeutic agents play a major role in the treatment of these diseases. However, the temporospatial changes in various cytokines are still poorly understood and attempts to date have focused on the inhibition of specific cytokines such as TNF-α. As an alternative approach, a number of preclinical studies have confirmed the therapeutic potential of targeting alpha7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor-mediated anti-inflammatory effects through modulation of proinflammatory cytokines. This "cholinergic anti-inflammatory pathway" modulates the immune system through cholinergic mechanisms that act on alpha7 receptors expressed on macrophages and immune cells. If the preclinical findings translate into human efficacy this approach could potentially provide new therapies for treating a broad array of intractable diseases and conditions with inflammatory components.

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7ad7f3  No.14800300

File: c4ff67f50f45be7⋯.png (493.17 KB, 872x626, 436:313, ClipboardImage.png)

File: de99d4ee429ad91⋯.png (168.64 KB, 313x500, 313:500, ClipboardImage.png)



something interesting below for the anons to dig.


Note: Copied first comment to video below stating that Biden is a C.I.A controlled asset and with the help of other C.I.A programs in china and around the world, the put Biden in office to get ride of trump.

of course, use discernment but Ronald Barnard stated that the world of violence and corruption is instigated by the intelligence agencies for the elites, which would make sense here !!



Bill Gates 🚨⛔

teamQ Published October 16, 2021


ExposingCorruption, 13 hours ago

Covid is looking more and more like a Deep State operation. The left uses it to violate our Constitutional rights and control the population, and Covid played a significant role in plans to steal the election.

The Covid lockdown gave leftist CIA officers the perfect set up for their election fraud. It brought Trump’s booming economy to a screeching halt and allowed leftist CIA officers to organize riots across the country for most of 2020. It also led to calls for a mail-in election.

Biden has been a CIA-controlled “asset” since 1984.

President Ford’s “Commission on CIA Activities Within the United States” documented that the CIA instigated and coordinated rioting across the United States from 1963 to 1968. Leftist CIA officers were behind the riots. My book has the details.

Leftist CIA officers organized riots across the county during most of 2020 in a desperate attempt to claim that Trump is a racist and that anti-Trump sentiment is widespread in America.

The Commission on CIA Activities also documented that the CIA intercepts U.S. mail, which is why they wanted a mail-in election.

Biden’s CIA handlers used the CIA’s covert and illegal operations inside the United States to orchestrate every aspect of the election fraud because they knew Biden had no chance of defeating Trump.

The Deep State owns Joe Biden and the Democratic Party.

Judging from what I know about the CIA, I would not be surprised if leftist CIA officers used their connections in China to create and spread the virus for the sole purpose of putting Biden into the Presidency.

Read my book and you will see that they will literally do anything to build up their control of the United States government.

I have inside knowledge of Deep State CIA officers building up control of the government for more than 60 years, and I am exposing it.

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acc90b  No.14800301

File: 950b9af4bc5356c⋯.png (186.19 KB, 535x577, 535:577, Screenshot_2021_10_17_at_0….png)


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fbfda3  No.14800302


Haiti is a shithole. I stand with my President!

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30afbc  No.14800303

File: 3ef1fec614c1349⋯.png (579.81 KB, 732x668, 183:167, letthe.png)

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67d95b  No.14800304

File: 21c8db6170ccae5⋯.png (285.81 KB, 491x560, 491:560, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 252ced8109be50d⋯.mp4 (2.07 MB, 640x352, 20:11, IMG_5008.MP4)


Midnight Rider Channel, [16.10.21 23:35]

[ Album ]

How many


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13424f  No.14800305

File: cb3d960695e54fa⋯.png (639.13 KB, 1607x1045, 1607:1045, ClipboardImage.png)

Is this what OBL was reading in his compound?

Look at the URL.


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8eeb8e  No.14800306


You're lucky if AIDs is all they have

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67d95b  No.14800307

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1e382f  No.14800309

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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fbfda3  No.14800310


I was kidding, i really, really dont want to eat bugs

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1864b5  No.14800311

File: 130a6182dc9dc7f⋯.png (303.42 KB, 517x366, 517:366, ClipboardImage.png)

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311bf0  No.14800312


Feed bugs to fish.

Eat fish.

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789be1  No.14800313

File: a7d64e74217fe71⋯.png (758.11 KB, 1024x685, 1024:685, V22_QResearch_1.png)

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311bf0  No.14800314

File: 68a98da552cf517⋯.png (395.03 KB, 600x600, 1:1, NS1.png)

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3997c2  No.14800315

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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7ec651  No.14800316

File: 422f16eb6e88ef0⋯.jpg (61.86 KB, 720x900, 4:5, ZomboMeme_24092021094436.jpg)

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ab64cf  No.14800317

File: c4ff67f50f45be7⋯.png (493.17 KB, 872x626, 436:313, ClipboardImage.png)

File: de99d4ee429ad91⋯.png (168.64 KB, 313x500, 313:500, ClipboardImage.png)



something interesting below for the anons to dig.


Note: Copied first comment to video below stating that Biden is a C.I.A controlled asset and with the help of other C.I.A programs in china and around the world, the put Biden in office to get ride of trump.

of course, use discernment but Ronald Barnard stated that the world of violence and corruption is instigated by the intelligence agencies for the elites, which would make sense here !!



Bill Gates 🚨⛔

teamQ Published October 16, 2021


ExposingCorruption, 13 hours ago

Covid is looking more and more like a Deep State operation. The left uses it to violate our Constitutional rights and control the population, and Covid played a significant role in plans to steal the election.

The Covid lockdown gave leftist CIA officers the perfect set up for their election fraud. It brought Trump’s booming economy to a screeching halt and allowed leftist CIA officers to organize riots across the country for most of 2020. It also led to calls for a mail-in election.

Biden has been a CIA-controlled “asset” since 1984.

President Ford’s “Commission on CIA Activities Within the United States” documented that the CIA instigated and coordinated rioting across the United States from 1963 to 1968. Leftist CIA officers were behind the riots. My book has the details.

Leftist CIA officers organized riots across the county during most of 2020 in a desperate attempt to claim that Trump is a racist and that anti-Trump sentiment is widespread in America.

The Commission on CIA Activities also documented that the CIA intercepts U.S. mail, which is why they wanted a mail-in election.

Biden’s CIA handlers used the CIA’s covert and illegal operations inside the United States to orchestrate every aspect of the election fraud because they knew Biden had no chance of defeating Trump.

The Deep State owns Joe Biden and the Democratic Party.

Judging from what I know about the CIA, I would not be surprised if leftist CIA officers used their connections in China to create and spread the virus for the sole purpose of putting Biden into the Presidency.

Read my book and you will see that they will literally do anything to build up their control of the United States government.

I have inside knowledge of Deep State CIA officers building up control of the government for more than 60 years, and I am exposing it.

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f25390  No.14800318

File: 6bf2230ca1c3105⋯.jpeg (376.25 KB, 1388x833, 1388:833, CFF1396F_D59C_48B0_A257_9….jpeg)

File: aad7335b6a82a66⋯.jpeg (268.82 KB, 621x975, 207:325, 84785D8D_8B2B_4DEC_836F_D….jpeg)

Schifty Panic Tweeting


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fbfda3  No.14800319




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f25390  No.14800320

File: 8e98bb50a8bc589⋯.jpeg (21.79 KB, 255x187, 15:11, C3E28AB0_F137_4B00_B200_4….jpeg)


o7 Night qrew

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67853d  No.14800321

File: cf2cf2f068b1e1b⋯.png (624.73 KB, 600x350, 12:7, ClipboardImage.png)

==Examining the Real Egyptian History

of the Hyksos, the Hebrews and the Exodus==

By Russ Winter


Livestock were history’s first currency. Russ Winter writes:

The usual suspects took a tremendous amount of license with the story of the Hyksos, the Hebrews and the Exodus. The real story is hidden in plain sight.

There were large populations of Hebrews in Egypt during the reign of the Hyksos (1782-1570 B.C.), after the Hyksos and through to the entire Hellenic and Roman eras.

The Hyksos were characterized as “smart, pushy and rude.” Most likely, they were traders and merchants who were at first welcomed at the northeastern Egyptian city of Avaris. Their specialty was livestock. The Hyksos prospered in the Nile Delta and sent word to their friends and family to come join them. What resulted was a large population of Hyksos/Hebrews. They were eventually able to exert political control and then military power over Lower Egypt. The nation was split in two.

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5dccf1  No.14800322


>This is my understanding of notables

I always scam notables when i log on.

aren't "we the news" now?

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acc90b  No.14800323

File: a455fbed334b77d⋯.png (551.58 KB, 534x466, 267:233, Screenshot_2020_02_10_it_s….png)

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a0fc4d  No.14800325


Sauce please.

Did ya'll see darpa liking more spoopy shit on twatter?

Something's very wrong with this.

First a tweet about them using the la palma volcano to cause the tsunami and wipe out the east coast… yesterday. Then today a tweet about how they have weaponized assault insects.

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30afbc  No.14800327

File: cdb80edd11da5d7⋯.png (950.85 KB, 732x976, 3:4, covid17.png)

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1e382f  No.14800328

File: f24e837a6c3d1e1⋯.jpg (1.02 MB, 2944x2208, 4:3, 20211016_190306.jpg)


2:39 "He's on whole nother level by himself, because everybody keeps doubting his ass."

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f25390  No.14800329

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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1864b5  No.14800330




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e702a8  No.14800331



Thia is where my Head exploses

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f29b46  No.14800332

File: f0c15d3521b9daa⋯.png (10.76 MB, 5944x3269, 5944:3269, QClock_October_15_2021_Hum….png)


it goes….

yesterday's clock… Haiti & children

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1864b5  No.14800333

File: 860798df51812f4⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1000x1477, 1000:1477, ClipboardImage.png)

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fbfda3  No.14800334


Schitt is worried about survival, Anon is correct, he and his kind are panicked. They thought hunting us down, torturing us, etc. Would be the turning point. They really dont understand how much we love America and our President, DJT. They are fearful “He is getting stronger”!

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30afbc  No.14800336


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1864b5  No.14800337

File: 6fe96038480a28f⋯.png (125.84 KB, 592x408, 74:51, ClipboardImage.png)

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30afbc  No.14800338

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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67d95b  No.14800339

File: d546d97473fadda⋯.png (56.46 KB, 800x408, 100:51, d546d97473faddad3376a25c59….png)

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ab64cf  No.14800340


Synopses & Reviews


DESTROYING AMERICA lays out the most shocking information that has ever come forth on corruption in the CIA and the United States government. Read the Look Inside sample and be the judge . . . . The CIA and the United States government have been corrupted far beyond what anyone could imagine. Separate renegade CIA factions have been vying for control of the government for more than six decades . . . . Meticulously sourced and rife with documentation from beginning to end, DESTROYING AMERICA details the CIA's quest to control the government and shows how one Presidential Administration after another supported the egregious corruption in the CIA and government. It also shows how Members of Congress, both Democrats and Republicans, are intricately involved in CIA corruption, and it quickly becomes clear that CIA machinations have resulted in bipartisan corruption existing in a symbiotic relationship in the executive branch and the legislative branch . . . . When it comes to exposing the Deep State, it does not get any better than this . . . . DESTROYING AMERICA is topical and compelling. It is a shocking expos that will change the course of history in the United States. If you care about the United States of America, you owe it to yourself to read the entire "Look Inside" sample and you owe it to yourself to buy this book.


Meticulously sourced and rife with documentation from beginning to end, DESTROYING AMERICA lays out the most shocking information that has ever come forth on corruption in the CIA and the United States government. . . . It details the CIA's quest to control the government and shows how one Presidential Administration after another supported egregious corruption in the CIA and government. . . . It shows how Members of Congress, both Democrats and Republicans, are intricately involved in CIA corruption. It quickly becomes clear that CIA machinations have corrupted both the Presidency and Congress. . . . CIA officers and CIA "assets" have been targeted for the Presidency in Presidential races from 1964 to 2016, and CIA officers using "nonofficial covers" as politicians have been elected to Congress. There have been CIA officers in Congress since the 1950s. . . . Over the years, CIA officers in Congress have risen through the ranks to become some of the most powerful and influential Members of Congress. They have ranged across the political spectrum from the far left to the far right, as both groups were easy to exploit while CIA officers established themselves in government, supporting liberal and conservative causes. . . . But none of this is about politics. This is about virulently corrupt elements of the CIA destroying our Constitution and corrupting our government far beyond what anyone could imagine. It is about corruption, murder, intrigue, and assassinating our elected officials. . . . For the first time, verifiable facts prove who assassinated President Kennedy and why, and they prove that Fidel Castro was an intricate part of the plan. . . . DESTROYING AMERICA is a shocking expos that will change the course of history in the United States. When it comes to exposing the Deep State, it does not get any better than this. . . . It is time for all of America to know the truth. Buy this book and learn the truth.


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8eeb8e  No.14800341

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67853d  No.14800343

Phoenicians, Egyptians and Hyksos:

"""Prehistoric psychopathological politics, depravity, deception and dementia, still dominate our world toda"""


Do the swindles of yesteryear pertain to today’s catastrophic scams. Why does it all look so familiar?

Why do we always get the feeling that they’re hiding something from us? It is because they always have been.

In a locked down world, predators prey on the cognitively impaired masses while the world suffocates on its own fumes.

The epitaph is written. Men swindle themselves out of their own lives.

The pattern repeats until time stands still.

"""Birth of the psychopaths?"""

The corpse of America is smoldering into a bloated state of rigor mortis. Starvation, disease and official lies dominate the American future as it degenerates into premeditated, unimaginable horror. The government can no longer insist it is acting in the best interests of the people.

When the people you have been taught to trust lie to you, you know your civilization has already been destroyed. And you know you are in a prison in which your life will be in constant danger, unless you do something about it.

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67d95b  No.14800345


>>14800202 @100


>>14800270, >>14800293, >>14800268, >>14800295, >>14800290, >>14800296, >>14800304, >>14800332 Seventeen U.S. missionaries and family kidnapped in Haiti - NYT

>>14800300 Bill Gates destroying America

>>14800301 IDF Reg flag terms

>>14800318 Schifty Panic Tweeting


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1864b5  No.14800346

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63288b  No.14800347

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Original lecture published by Dr Franc Zalewski in Polish deleted after 3 days on youtube reaching around 130k views

00:00 - Dr Franc Zalewski - "The Thing" / "Coś" in Pfizer vials

14:37 - Dr Carrie Madej - Living organism found in…


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3997c2  No.14800348


'Brickies labouring makes you very fatigued'.

Fitness level?





Sleep patterns?

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ab64cf  No.14800349



continued - destroying america


KGB infiltration of the CIA was exposed in 1984. The KGB initiated a plan in which they would use the CIA to control the United States government. They enlisted CIA officers as "assets" and targeted them for political office. As a result, there have been covert CIA officers in Congress in violation of the Constitution since 1952, and covert CIA officers have been elected to the Presidency . . . . After the KGB was exposed, renegade CIA officers took up the mantle and began their own quest to control the government . . . . Over the years, CIA officers in Congress have risen through the ranks to become some of the most powerful and well-known Members of Congress. They have ranged across the political spectrum from the far left to the far right, as both groups were easy to exploit while CIA officers established themselves in government, supporting liberal and conservative causes . . . . A 1964 CIA memorandum on "Executive Action" states that beginning in 1953, the Soviet KGB's "executive action component" was assigned to "carry out 'special action tasks' such as sabotage and political murders" . . . . The memorandum goes on to say that one of the KGB's "main target areas" for "political murders" is the United States, and it states, "Soviet intelligence is doubtlessly involved in incidents that never become officially recognized as executive action, such as assassinations which are recorded as accidents" or "suicide" . . . . After the KGB was exposed, they admitted to killing thirteen Members of Congress in the space of twenty-six years from 1957 to 1983, and twelve of those deaths came by way of "accidents" and "suicides" . . . . The KGB killed Congressman Henderson Lanham in 1957 by having a train engine crash into his car in an alleged "accident" . . . . The KGB killed Congressman Charles Boyle in 1959 when they cut off his car and ran it into an elevated train pillar in an alleged "accident" . . . . They killed Congressman T. Ashton Thompson in 1965 by having a tractor-trailer run him down in an alleged "accident" . . . . They got rid of Congressman Lawrence McDonald in 1983 by having his plane "accidently" fly into Soviet airspace where it was destroyed by a Soviet missile . . . . Five years after the KGB was exposed, renegade CIA officers killed four Members of Congress in four separate "accidents" while CIA officer George H. W. Bush was President . . . . Senator John Heinz was killed when a helicopter crashed into his plane in an alleged "accident" . . . . No fewer than seven other Members of Congress were killed in plane crashes that were the result of "mechanical failure" or specific actions taken by the pilot that caused the plane to crash . . . . With renegade CIA officers following in the footsteps of their KGB progenitors, the CIA killed 16 Members of Congress with "suicides" and "accidents" in the space of 34 years from 1957 to 1991, and the CIA continued its killing campaign after President and CIA officer George H. W. Bush left office in 1993 . . . . The CIA assassinated President Kennedy, and they tried to assassinate President Reagan. They also had plans to assassinate Presidents Johnson, Nixon, Ford, and Obama . . . . Specific details of all the aforementioned "accidents," the exposure of the KGB officers, plans to assassinate United States Presidents, and the CIA's quest to control the government are contained in DESTROYING AMERICA: The CIA's Quest to Control the Government . . . . Meticulously sourced and rife with documentation from beginning to end, DESTROYING AMERICA lays out the most shocking information that has ever come forth on corruption in the CIA and the United States government. It is time for all of America to know the truth.

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1864b5  No.14800351

File: 5366222595b6626⋯.png (16.47 KB, 526x446, 263:223, ClipboardImage.png)

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882433  No.14800352

File: 1e345235802dfe7⋯.jpg (135.97 KB, 800x800, 1:1, 5732783fb7b22.jpg)

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67853d  No.14800354

File: bcf4a13e81aa9b4⋯.png (317.28 KB, 884x798, 442:399, Screenshot_20211016_133341….png)

Widely panned as a conspiracy theorist by those covering up the constant false flag crimes but possessed of an uncommon ability to ask questions most are afraid to ask, Mathis speculates that the legendary Phoenicians were the invisible power brokers behind the great empires of Persia, Greece and Egypt, much in the same way that Jewish bankers ensconced in London now manipulate most of the world’s commerce and information.

And in an astonishing compilation of 2nd century BC scholarship, Winter unveils the presence of the Hyksos — who match up genealogically with today’s international bankers — hijacking three centuries of ancient Egypt’s history before finally being dislodged by the shifting forces of time.

Both Mathis and Winter believe the real story of control of humanity has been hidden behind a constant smokescreen of cutting edge PR all this time.

Where Did All the Phoenicians Go?

By Miles Mathis


Though the usual suspects would howl at his habit of calling today’s Jews Phoenicians, the name is not only NOT outrageous; it is in fact perfectly accurate.

Phoenicians were a naval power before anyone else had one, plus they invented the alphabet that is pretty much the same one we use today, two tremendous advantages that enabled them to dominate the ancient world. Their semi monopoly on iron production put them in control of the Mediterranean around 1200 BC because everybody else possessed vastly inferior bronze weapons. The parallel today would be Jews as controllers of world currency, high technology and ultra sophisticated weaponry.

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ab64cf  No.14800355




continued - destroying america


In the early 1950s, Soviet KGB officers inside the CIA initiated a plan in which they would enlist CIA officers as "assets" and target them for political office in a quest to control the United States government . . . . There have been covert CIA officers in Congress in violation of the Constitution since 1952, and two CIA officers have been elected to the Presidency. By the time the KGB infiltration was exposed in 1984, CIA officers were entrenched in government . . . . A 1964 CIA memorandum on "Executive Action" states that beginning in 1953, the Soviet KGB's "executive action component" was assigned to "carry out 'special action tasks' such as sabotage and political murders" . . . . The memorandum goes on to say that one of the KGB's "main target areas" for "political murders" is the United States, and it states, "Soviet intelligence is doubtlessly involved in incidents that never become officially recognized as executive action, such as assassinations which are recorded as accidents" or "suicide" . . . . After the KGB was exposed, they admitted to killing thirteen Members of Congress in a twenty-six year period from 1957 to 1983, with twelve of those deaths coming by way of "accidents" or "suicides" . . . . The KGB killed Congressman Henderson Lanham by having a train engine crash into his car in an alleged "accident" in 1957 . . . . They killed Congressman T. Ashton Thompson by having a tractor-trailer run him down in an alleged "accident" in 1965 . . . . They got rid of Congressman Lawrence McDonald by having his plane "accidently" fly into Soviet airspace where it was destroyed by a Soviet missile in 1983 . . . . Five years after the KGB was exposed, renegade CIA officers followed in the footsteps of the KGB and killed four Members of Congress in four separate "accidents" while CIA officer George H. W. Bush was President . . . . In one of their killings, renegade CIA officers killed Senator John Heinz by having a helicopter crash into his plane in an alleged "accident" in 1991 . . . . The KGB officers were behind the assassination of President Kennedy, and they tried to assassinate President Reagan. They also had plans to assassinate Presidents Johnson, Nixon, and Ford . . . . After the KGB was exposed in 1984, renegade CIA officers then took up the mantle and began their own quest to control the government . . . . Besides killing four Members of Congress while Bush was President, renegade CIA officers had plans to assassinate President Obama during his first term in order to catapult Joe Biden into the Presidency . . . . Vice President Biden was privy to the plan to assassinate President Obama, and he admitted it . . . . Specific details of all the aforementioned "accidents," the exposure of the KGB officers, and plans to assassinate United States Presidents are contained in DESTROYING AMERICA: The CIA's Quest to Control the Government . . . . Meticulously sourced and rife with documentation from beginning to end, DESTROYING AMERICA lays out the most shocking information that has ever come forth on corruption in the CIA and the United States government.


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30afbc  No.14800356

File: 24ad44e405deb56⋯.png (1.39 MB, 1160x1160, 1:1, glasses.png)

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fbfda3  No.14800357


She got bit by a spike in her eye. My Aunt had a lobotomy in the early 1950’s thats what they do, put a spike into their brain over the eye, they can no longer feel emotion, but do what they are told.

My grandfather regretted what he did what the doctor told him, to his beautiful daughter.

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1e382f  No.14800358

File: b6838e4bdd8bc24⋯.png (658.42 KB, 800x731, 800:731, 47f1a5445a4650faf7397a7fd1….png)

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67d95b  No.14800361

File: 55eca166206adce⋯.jpeg (227.74 KB, 1800x1198, 900:599, 55eca166206adce15e0f9dff6….jpeg)

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d80214  No.14800362

File: 38f9c07547709a5⋯.jpg (16.06 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 1.jpg)

File: 960729756525619⋯.jpg (43.75 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 2.jpg)

File: 00ef18958f302d6⋯.jpg (100.47 KB, 960x472, 120:59, 3.jpg)

File: dbffa2e2b7ae8ad⋯.png (93.32 KB, 241x313, 241:313, 4.png)


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ab64cf  No.14800363





continued - destroying america


There have been CIA officers in Congress in violation of the Constitution since 1952. Two CIA officers and two CIA "assets" have been elected to the Presidency. Specific details are in the book . . . . The plan to control the government was initiated by KGB officers inside the CIA. The KGB was exposed in 1984 but it was never made public . . . . By the time the KGB was exposed, CIA officers were entrenched in government. Renegade CIA officers then took up the mantle and began their own quest to control the government . . . . A 1964 CIA memorandum on "Executive Action" states that beginning in 1953, the KGB's "executive action component" was assigned to "carry out 'special action tasks' such as sabotage and political murders" . . . . The memorandum goes on to say that one of the KGB's "main target areas" for "political murders" is the United States, and it states, "Soviet intelligence is doubtlessly involved in incidents that never become officially recognized as executive action, such as assassinations which are recorded as accidents" or "suicide" . . . . After the KGB was exposed, they admitted to killing thirteen Members of Congress in a twenty-six year period from 1957 to 1983, with twelve of those deaths coming by way of "accidents" and "suicides" . . . . During the first eight years of the KGB's killing campaign, they killed three Members of Congress with traffic "accidents" spaced out over the years 1957, 1959, and 1965, and they killed one Member of Congress in an alleged "suicide" and one Member of Congress with an airplane "accident" . . . . In one of the three traffic "accidents," the KGB had a train engine crash into a Congressman's car . . . . In another "accident," they cut off a Congressman's car and ran it into an elevated train pillar . . . . And they killed a Congressman by running him down with a tractor-trailer . . . . After airplane "accidents" became the KGB's preferred method for killing Members of Congress in 1972, they killed five Members of Congress in four separate airplane "accidents" in less than four years. They also killed a Congressman with a shotgun in an alleged "suicide" during that time, making for a total of six Members of Congress dying by "accidents" and "suicide" in less than four years . . . . Five years after the KGB was exposed in 1984, renegade CIA officers killed four Members of Congress in four separate airplane "accidents" while CIA officer George H. W. Bush was President . . . . In one of their killings, renegade CIA officers killed Senator John Heinz by having a helicopter crash into his plane . . . . The KGB officers were behind the assassination of President Kennedy, and they tried to assassinate President Reagan. They also had plans to assassinate Presidents Johnson, Nixon, and Ford . . . . Renegade CIA officers had plans to assassinate President Obama in 2012 in order to catapult Vice President Biden into the Presidency . . . . Joe Biden admitted that he was privy to the CIA's plan to assassinate President Obama . . . . Specific details of all the aforementioned "accidents," the exposure of the KGB officers, and plans to assassinate United States Presidents are contained in "DESTROYING AMERICA: The CIA's Quest to Control the Government" . . . . Meticulously sourced and rife with documentation from beginning to end, DESTROYING AMERICA lays out the most shocking information that has ever come forth on corruption in the CIA and the United States government.


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1da886  No.14800364

If Trump won the prior elections and we all know it to be true, why are the people running for next POTUS, instead of turning things around and helping him?

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b524a2  No.14800365

File: 595e7e06cd5e20b⋯.jpeg (604.16 KB, 896x4527, 896:4527, Web_capture_16_10_2021_20….jpeg)

File: 0a72115e2dcb21e⋯.jpeg (124.22 KB, 800x480, 5:3, gtrfre.jpeg)

File: 11153dd6483e41e⋯.jpeg (199.52 KB, 800x480, 5:3, m_n.jpeg)


Bring the World Economic Forum to China— Klaus Schwab on China’s Development

By Global Times

Published: Aug 04, 2021 02:16 PM

In the summer of 2007, the World Economic Forum (WEF) came all the way from Davos, Switzerland, where its winter annual meetings are held, to Dalian, a coastal city in China. This renowned gathering of world business leaders had its first summer session in the East of the world from September 6 to 8.

In 1978, Klaus Schwab, founder and Executive Chairman of the WEF, with his keen perception and insight, predicted that huge changes would take place in China. He later recalled that he was sure that China would play a vital role on the world stage when he read about Deng Xiaoping's reform and opening-up policy in 1978. In the same year, he extended an invitation to Deng Xiaoping to the WEF. Deng didn't attend himself, but he sent a high-level delegation headed by Qian Junrui, Director of the Institute of World Economics and Politics of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, to the 1979 Annual Meeting. Three months later, Dr. Schwab visited Beijing with a European business delegation that included 20 CEOs. The two sides signed a memorandum of understanding in Beijing and established contact. From then on, China has never been absent from the Davos meetings.


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b524a2  No.14800367


In the following decades, Dr. Schwab has worked actively for closer cooperation between the WEF and China and witnessed China's journey of reform and opening-up.

Over the past four decades, the WEF has maintained good cooperation with China. Chinese leaders attended multiple forum meetings and delivered speeches. Many successful Chinese business leaders have participated in the forum and found inspiration from it.

In 2005, Dr. Schwab proposed the idea of a Summer Davos in China, in addition to the regular annual meeting in the small Swiss town of Davos. After the decision was made, he went through many cities in China and finally picked Dalian and Tianjin as the host cities. When standing in a temporary office in Dalian World Expo Center, with a picturesque view of the sea and mountains in front of him, Dr. Schwab was amazed by the great changes in China, the venues that are "bigger, bigger and bigger" than those in Davos, and the "fantastic" facilities.

With the joint efforts of China and the WEF, the first Annual Meeting of the New Champions was held in Dalian in 2007. Since then, Tianjin and Dalian would take turns to host the meeting. As Dr. Schwab said, the WEF would have two pillars: the Winter Davos and the Summer Davos. The WEF planned to make the Summer Davos a major international conference as big and influential as the Winter Davos, with a focus on internationalization, a common concern of growth companies across the world.

As the Executive Chairman of the WEF, Dr. Schwab has a keen insight into and personal experience of the changes in the world economic landscape. The rapid growth of China and other emerging economies and the increasing multipolarity in the global economy have brought him to China again and again for new inspirations and potential breakthroughs for the Forum.

Dr. Schwab said in an interview that China has kept sustained, high-speed economic growth for the past 30 years and has become one of the fastest-growing economies in the world. He said with his hands pointing upward that China has grown from a backward economy to a leading country, that instead of fixing its eyes on the West, the WEF needs to focus more on the East in order to gain impetus from China's rapid growth. According to him, after years of development, the WEF has turned to emerging economies and growth companies, and China has become one of the new champions. He believes that China is a responsible major country that can shoulder more global responsibilities.

In 2017, at the invitation of Dr. Schwab, President Xi Jinping attended the Opening Session of the WEF Annual Meeting and delivered a keynote speech entitled "Jointly Shoulder Responsibility of Our Times, Promote Global Growth." His speech sent a strong message of supporting economic globalization, receiving enthusiastic response from the international community. China's status and role in global economic governance once again became the center of attention. After President Xi's speech, Dr. Schwab came to the podium and gave passionate comments. He said that President Xi's attendance and speech were of tremendous historical significance and they filled us with confidence for the future. He said that "China would continue to be an important force in the global economy as a driving force." Quoting President Xi's ideas of "a community with a shared future for mankind" and the "Chinese Dream," Dr. Schwab said that we are living in a global, interdependent world and have a common destiny as mankind, that President Xi's speech was crucial for building an innovative, open, fair and inclusive society, and that the Chinese Dream is connected with the global dream. His conclusion that President Xi's speech "brought us some sunshine" received thunderous applause from the audience.

Dr. Schwab is deeply drawn to Chinese culture. He has sent congratulations to the Chinese people on several Spring Festivals to wish the country prosperity and the people happiness. He is also an antique collector with a sizable collection of ancient books from the 13th to the 17th century. He expressed his wish once to have an ancient Chinese book in the near future because he did not have one in his collection, even though printing is a Chinese invention.

On December 10, 2018, Dr. Schwab was awarded the China Reform Friendship Medal. After receiving the medal, he said that as China further integrates with the world, the WEF will continue to work with China to make greater contributions to building a harmonious society and a community with a shared future for mankind featuring peace, prosperity and mutual understanding.

p2 of 2

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acc90b  No.14800369

File: 2b1d78a5c18f5ef⋯.jpg (38.97 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, FB3c22eVIAQPb3l.jpg)

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7ec651  No.14800370

File: ffc9e35e7c5766d⋯.jpg (100.46 KB, 972x587, 972:587, ZomboMeme_07082021110207.jpg)

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1864b5  No.14800371

File: a4894b30b26d7b2⋯.png (1.47 MB, 2048x1365, 2048:1365, ClipboardImage.png)

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5dd14f  No.14800373

File: f8b958a6c8ceb61⋯.jpg (86.27 KB, 636x899, 636:899, Moses_with_horns_109.jpg)

File: 1fd7bcd5e8c50b1⋯.jpg (412.28 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, Moses_with_horns_092.jpg)

File: 8e344eaf917b1e2⋯.jpg (300.46 KB, 598x899, 598:899, Moses_with_horns_095.jpg)

File: cf737f81e197841⋯.jpg (131.63 KB, 899x674, 899:674, Moses_with_horns_108.jpg)

1 of 2 The exodus story has been manipulated just like the history of our present age. The followers of Set (Seth) followed the left hand path. Set was the god of the desert and chaos and took over egypt for a few hundred years before being expelled.

Read Manetho's writings from the 3rd century BCE. Read Tacitus from the 1st century BCE. The closer you get to the event the less distorted it is likely to be.

Manetho tells that when the Egyptians took measures to expel an unclean people, the Jews organize themselves around a priest whose name later turns out to be Moses. They start a regime of terror in which the Egyptian population becomes the victim of brutal violence. Indeed, these people display large-scale sacrilegious behavior by killing, roasting, and eating the Egyptian gods-that is, the sacred animals. Finally the Pharaoh succeeds in expelling them, whereupon they found their own rogue state in and around Jerusalem where they build their temple.

"Tutimaeus [0]. In his reign, for what cause I know not, a blast of God smote us; and unexpectedly, from the regions of the East, invaders of obscure race marched in confidence of victory against our land. By main force they easily overpowered the rulers of the land, they then burned our cities ruthlessly, razed to the ground the temples of the gods, and treated all the natives with a cruel hostility, massacring some and leading into slavery the wives and children of others. Finally, they appointed as king one of their number whose name was Salitis. He had his seat at Memphis, levying tribute from Upper and Lower Egypt, and leaving garrisons behind in the most advantageous positions." -Manetho

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1864b5  No.14800374

File: f3bd77234d4b41e⋯.png (343.67 KB, 687x448, 687:448, ClipboardImage.png)

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a580e3  No.14800375

File: 4537163150bd791⋯.jpg (11.22 KB, 211x186, 211:186, OIP_1_ddd.jpg)

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5dd14f  No.14800376


2 of 3

"The Jews are said to have been refugees from the island of Crete who settled in the remotest corner of Libya in the days when, according to the story, Saturn was driven from his throne by the aggression of Jupiter.note This is a deduction from the name Judaei by which they became known: the word is to be regarded as a barbarous lengthening of Idaei, the name of the people dwelling around the famous Mount Ida in Crete. A few authorities hold that in the reign of Isis the surplus population of Egypt was evacuated to neighboring lands under the leadership of Hierosolymus and Judas.note Many assure us that the Jews are descended from those Ethiopians who were driven by fear and hatred to emigrate from their home country when Cepheus was king.note There are some who say that a motley collection of landless Assyriansnote occupied a part of Egypt, and then built cities of their own, inhabiting the lands of the Hebrews and the nearer parts of Syria. Others again find a famous ancestry for the Jews in the Solymi who are mentioned with respect in the epics of Homer:note this tribe is supposed have founded Jerusalem and named it after themselves.

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1864b5  No.14800377

File: 02bcc18390c3488⋯.png (551.8 KB, 689x455, 53:35, ClipboardImage.png)

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b14756  No.14800378

File: fe5a6341f0adb55⋯.png (266.47 KB, 500x638, 250:319, DS.png)

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f29b46  No.14800379

File: c2cb83c40cecaf7⋯.png (1.28 MB, 3222x1747, 3222:1747, ClipboardImage.png)


special for you anon….one of my favorite graphics i ever had the fortune to notice:

(tweets taken from trump twitter archive)

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30afbc  No.14800380

File: e83e0e765c246c7⋯.png (1.33 MB, 886x832, 443:416, ven.png)


this video is freaky!

how did we know?

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5dd14f  No.14800381



3 of 4

[3] Most authorities, however, agree on the following account. The whole of Egypt was once plagued by a wasting disease which caused bodily disfigurement. So pharaoh Bocchorisnote went to the oracle of Hammonnote to ask for a cure, and was told to purify his kingdom by expelling the victims to other lands, as they lay under a divine curse. Thus a multitude of sufferers was rounded up, herded together, and abandoned in the wilderness. Here the exiles tearfully resigned themselves to their fate. But one of them, who was called Moses, urged his companions not to wait passively for help from god or man, for both had deserted them: they should trust to their own initiative and to whatever guidance first helped them to extricate themselves from their present plight. They agreed, and started off at random into the unknown. But exhaustion set in, chiefly through lack of water, and the level plain was already strewn with the bodies of those who had collapsed and were at their last gasp when a herd of wild asses left their pasture and made for the spade of a wooded crag. Moses followed them and was able to bring to light a number of abundant channels of water whose presence he had deduced from a grassy patch of ground. This relieved their thirst. They traveled on for six days without a break, and on the seventh they expelled the previous inhabitants of Canaan, took over their lands and in them built a holy city and temple.

[4] In order to secure the allegiance of his people in the future, Moses prescribed for them a novel religion quite different from those of the rest of mankind. Among the Jews all things are profane that we hold sacred; on the other hand they regard as permissible what seems to us immoral. In the innermost part of the Temple, they consecrated an image of the animal which had delivered them from their wandering and thirst, choosing a ram as beast of sacrifice to demonstrate, so it seems, their contempt for Hammon.note The bull is also offered up, because the Egyptians worship it as Apis.note They avoid eating pork in memory of their tribulations, as they themselves were once infected with the disease to which this creature is subject.note. They still fast frequently as an admission of the hunger they once endured so long, and to symbolize their hurried meal the bread eaten by the Jews is unleavened. We are told that the seventh day was set aside for rest because this marked the end of their toils. In course of time the seductions of idleness made them devote every seventh year to indolence as well. Others say that this is a mark of respect to Saturn, either because they owe the basic principles of their religion to the Idaei, who, we are told, were expelled in the company of Saturn and became the founders of the Jewish race, or because, among the seven stars that rule mankind, the one that describes the highest orbit and exerts the greatest influence is Saturn. A further argument is that most of the heavenly bodies complete their path and revolutions in multiples of seven.

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5dd14f  No.14800382




4 of 4

[5] Whatever their origin, these observances are sanctioned by their antiquity. The other practices of the Jews are sinister and revolting, and have entrenched themselves by their very wickedness. Wretches of the most abandoned kind who had no use for the religion of their fathers took to contributing dues and free-will offerings to swell the Jewish exchequer; and other reasons for their increasing wealth way be found in their stubborn loyalty and ready benevolence towards brother Jews. But the rest of the world they confront with the hatred reserved for enemies. They will not feed or intermarry with gentiles. Though a most lascivious people, the Jews avoid sexual intercourse with women of alien race. Among themselves nothing is barred. They have introduced the practice of circumcision to show that they are different from others. Proselytes to Jewry adopt the same practices, and the very first lesson they learn is to despise the gods, shed all feelings of patriotism, and consider parents, children and brothers as readily expendable. However, the Jews see to it that their numbers increase. It is a deadly sin to kill an unwanted child,note and they think that eternal life is granted to those who die in battle or execution - hence their eagerness to have children, and their contempt for death. Rather than cremate their dead, they prefer to bury them in imitation of the Egyptian fashion, and they have the same concern and beliefs about the world below. But their conception of heavenly things is quite different. The Egyptians worship a variety of animals and half-human, half-bestial forms, whereas the Jewish religion is a purely spiritual monotheism. They hold it to be impious to make idols of perishable materials in the likeness of man: for them, the Most High and Eternal cannot be portrayed by human hands and will never pass away. For this reason they erect no images in their cities, still less in their temples. Their kings are not so flattered, the Roman emperors not so honored. However, their priests used to perform their chants to the flute and drums, crowned with ivy, and a golden vine was discovered in the Temple; and this has led some to imagine that the god thus worshipped was Prince Liber,note, the conqueror of the East. But the two cults are diametrically opposed. Liber founded a festive and happy cult: the Jewish belief is paradoxical and degraded." - Tacitus

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311bf0  No.14800384

File: 52d84ec2561874f⋯.png (474.91 KB, 910x622, 455:311, Dajoos.png)

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56e6d0  No.14800385

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fbfda3  No.14800386


Yes we are the news now and stopScammingkekkity

Oh you meant “scan”

Kidding anon

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e33730  No.14800387

File: 28969f228414f65⋯.jpg (90.12 KB, 691x691, 1:1, geotus.jpg)

Boys it has been a long ride and my legs hurt/ My napsack is tattered and my ball sack is dirty. Whatever habbens its been a pleasure. Even if nothing habbens I will still cherish the incredible autistic memories I have from this place. Digits confirm that Clinton goes down and is executed before the end of 2022.

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c95cb1  No.14800388

File: fa8dbda67ce3bf0⋯.png (893.31 KB, 720x960, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

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a580e3  No.14800389

File: 126e17b9080d0cd⋯.png (9.48 KB, 255x227, 255:227, 610ef1d7bcfaa856f99c8767fa….png)

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fbfda3  No.14800390


So to, cocksuckerr Asshoe

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e57b1c  No.14800391

File: 3e5309927f9dc1f⋯.jpg (70.74 KB, 600x335, 120:67, SpacePepe.jpg)

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fbfda3  No.14800392


Oh thats much better, thank you!

I think

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5dd14f  No.14800393

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733fc8  No.14800394

File: 0fb9ac8b1bab0bb⋯.jpeg (147.97 KB, 800x440, 20:11, 5CA5F281_4FA2_437A_9027_6….jpeg)

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f29b46  No.14800395

File: ee379c38b91bcf7⋯.png (3.51 MB, 2862x1612, 1431:806, ClipboardImage.png)

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882433  No.14800396

File: 10a2b7bc021cc24⋯.jpg (32.85 KB, 480x456, 20:19, 196726226408.jpg)

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fbfda3  No.14800397


Their headline isBaseless, plus its debunked

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225d30  No.14800398

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b675e1  No.14800399

Graphene oxide

Quantum dot

Magnetic discs

Chemo drugs….

Yup. It is the mark of the beast.

It will cause death and desolation.


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1e382f  No.14800400

File: 9fac06485a4512d⋯.jpg (237.2 KB, 1080x2400, 9:20, Screenshot_20211016_210549….jpg)


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5dd14f  No.14800401

File: 7106553f4ad5653⋯.jpg (180.35 KB, 1376x454, 688:227, Hyksos_egypt.jpg)



Yup it's definitely them, following their fucking donkey.

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f29b46  No.14800402


cuz the 6 guys left from the ancient death cult seem to run a lot of shit?

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1e382f  No.14800403



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a4d03c  No.14800404

File: 7ea5913e4831223⋯.jpeg (357.63 KB, 750x893, 750:893, 880ADE0E_D70F_4F76_A2E5_9….jpeg)

File: ed705952f61fdd8⋯.jpeg (555.76 KB, 750x746, 375:373, F74691B1_9493_4177_A147_D….jpeg)







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67853d  No.14800405

File: 000a52ede6c68cc⋯.png (986.9 KB, 849x608, 849:608, ClipboardImage.png)

If you are one of those who suspectP = Phoenicianthen read this series of articles

A Brief History of Spookery


Miles just published part 1 of a 4-part piece on “Ancient Spooks” up at his site. I am starting a new post devoted to discussion of this series of papers, as it seems they will be important and spark lots of discussion. I’d rather have the discussion here rather than on the main ‘Defending Miles Mathis’ thread. I might do this as new important papers or topics come up.

Here is the link to part 1.

Here is the link to part 2.

Here is the link to part 3.

Here is the link to part 4.

Here is the link to part 5.

And here is a link to Miles’ work on the issue, Where Did All the Phoenicians Go?

There is a deep and ancient link between Phoenicians, spying and secret societies

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9f8d88  No.14800406


scrape for #18718


>>14797786 The Unvaccinated Are Looking Smarter Every Week By Thomas T. Siler, M.D.

>>14797795 DJTjr Navy Vaccine Administration re: Vaccine (https://www.navy.mil/Press-Office/Press-Releases/display-pressreleases/Article/2810224/navy-sets-timeline-and-discharge-details-for-those-refusing-the-covid-19-vaccine/)

>>14797822 Evidence of Hunter & Joe Biden's Shady Conduct Continues to Pile Up, But Nobody Cares, Analyst Says

>>14797845 Terry McAuliffe Enters Packed Restaurant without a Mask Hugging People Just Days After He Called a Maskless Republican Operative “Dangerous”

>>14797955 Infamous dossier source Christopher Steele to be interviewed by George Stephanopoulos

>>14797977 Possible decode Mickey Mouse watch

>>14798079 Assistant to US House Sergeant at Arms arrested on child porn charges

>>14798297 PF report on G550 DOJ

>>14798333, >>14798407, >>14798493

Terrorism suspect being held by police over murder of Sir David Amess named Ali Harbi Ali

>>14798443 Buckingham Palace has turned green ahead of the first ever @EarthshotPrize Awards.

>>14798476 China Tests New Hypersonic Nuclear-Capable Missile That Circled Entire Globe at Low-Orbit – US Military Officials Stunned

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67d95b  No.14800407

File: 4e4d8d0a6e78ca2⋯.png (814.76 KB, 782x1280, 391:640, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a6938711a179fc0⋯.png (645.65 KB, 828x721, 828:721, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0faeb2357173e64⋯.png (169.7 KB, 478x501, 478:501, ClipboardImage.png)

StormyPatriotJoe - Channel, [16.10.21 23:58]

[ Album ]

Ever since she joined the Boot Club she’s been following our orders as needed

She gone from the furthest left to pisses off Dems.





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cc96b5  No.14800408

File: a382f59a6add9fe⋯.jpg (80.8 KB, 720x761, 720:761, 20211016_214138.jpg)

File: c30749dea927833⋯.mp4 (4.38 MB, 640x352, 20:11, lKmJtHebTAF0HWtM.mp4)


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ec0029  No.14800409

The Christian missionaries were leaving an orphanage and traveling to the airport to drop some members off when they were kidnapped by a gang in Port-au-Prince.

The Christian missionaries were leaving an orphanage and traveling to the airport to drop some members off when they were kidnapped by a gang in Port-au-Prince.

The Christian missionaries were leaving an orphanage and traveling to the airport to drop some members off when they were kidnapped by a gang in Port-au-Prince.


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15ca66  No.14800410

File: f5439de14d0ba49⋯.png (284.84 KB, 904x674, 452:337, 4s4v5e4ve4v54e5g.png)

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67d95b  No.14800411


I'd like and f'ing word with you!

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a580e3  No.14800412

File: 17c90402f25f918⋯.jpg (448.21 KB, 1920x1280, 3:2, 17c90402f25f9182fe1dc4c472….jpg)

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1e382f  No.14800413

All we want is peace, prosperity and love on Earth.

Allow it and you may be saved.

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ab64cf  No.14800414

File: c18b106e3e5b392⋯.png (472.21 KB, 500x632, 125:158, ClipboardImage.png)


hey, you up early.

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c89cc9  No.14800415

File: 8f4c22cfb1dde78⋯.png (391.54 KB, 640x360, 16:9, basedless.png)

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7ec651  No.14800416


Better watch them carefully a learn to blend in. Do you know what drowning people do to those around them?

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1e382f  No.14800417

You know whats about to happen.

Act like it.

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882433  No.14800418

File: 5c8ea811fd22fbd⋯.png (539.06 KB, 470x601, 470:601, 00119282z.png)

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2ca16d  No.14800419

File: f619ec7a4fd0eeb⋯.jpg (115.23 KB, 786x471, 262:157, Screenshot_20210806_090748….jpg)

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67d95b  No.14800421

File: d43c2b8bc705e4b⋯.png (504.78 KB, 505x701, 505:701, 04594f8e09659510c62de03d8d….png)


Brings tears to my eyes, thank you for sharing.

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e57b1c  No.14800422

File: cda0869351505e5⋯.jpg (72.22 KB, 600x335, 120:67, SpacePepe2.jpg)

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cc96b5  No.14800423

File: cb2a8b2583e735e⋯.png (1.44 MB, 1089x1082, 1089:1082, 1634413311961.png)

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a78b0c  No.14800424

Ain't nothin' ever gonna happen to stop America's nose dive…

Because everyone talks a good game, but that's it.

All dick, and no balls.

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5dd14f  No.14800425


Welcome to the fucking twilight zone. Imagine if you will, a crowed of people screaming for a mentally retarded puppet person, who's controllers want them all dead.

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67d95b  No.14800426

File: ec1b15005fce941⋯.png (322.68 KB, 526x635, 526:635, ClipboardImage.png)

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f29b46  No.14800427

File: 5bf5bbe75e66710⋯.png (192.32 KB, 600x600, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)



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7ec651  No.14800428

File: abff7706d27d68e⋯.jpg (117.12 KB, 941x559, 941:559, ZomboMeme_16102021190952.jpg)

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c89cc9  No.14800429

File: 9f496c3c98be712⋯.jpg (209.11 KB, 654x436, 3:2, p011217ps_1297.jpg)

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5dd14f  No.14800430


Crowd… retarded

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2ca16d  No.14800431

File: c017f6ac4b6b523⋯.jpg (21.93 KB, 289x370, 289:370, Screenshot_20210823_185208….jpg)

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1864b5  No.14800432

File: a8b1a97f207c1df⋯.png (606.67 KB, 953x536, 953:536, ClipboardImage.png)


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3997c2  No.14800435

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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3997c2  No.14800436

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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21f8e6  No.14800437


If one is a flaming redhead and she's with a fat fuck from Idaho Red Cross…send them to the depths via Millstone. Laura and Wade Gayler are Predators to the max.

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4b247e  No.14800438


When people realize we don't need a leader, Trump or anyone, is when we move forward.

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67d95b  No.14800439


I want the map to read this, all of it. Sometimes I think I've just got it and then… didn't.


1:2 been on my mind for 20 hours now..

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67853d  No.14800440

File: f8138b9d9a7369a⋯.png (289.21 KB, 500x300, 5:3, ClipboardImage.png)

Ancient Spooks

version: 2021-07-10


Welcome to Ancient Spooks, my website about ancient spookery & punnery! I analyze hidden puns in ancient texts, to show that rulers have always systematically deceived their subjects.

If you’re new to this, you might want to read the introduction, and then take a peek at the best-of section.

If you’re already familiar with Miles Mathis & his work, you can head right to the big sections of ancient names and symbols, where I show they’re all puns.

If you want to dive deeper into the topic, please browse the lists of tags and sections for ancient stuff that interests you personally, or use the search page.

The current version is 2021-07-10. I may publish updates once or twice a year, so you can check the updates list to see if there’s some new spooky punnery to read about.

In any case, I hope you’ll find new & useful insights here. Have fun!

It's a vast global network of aristocratic families, who occupy all positions of power, posing as commoners & celebrities. They can thus lie about everything with total impunity

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e57b1c  No.14800442


Maybe they're not going to take it anymore.

Wonder if any orphans were saved from being whisked out of the country?

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1e382f  No.14800443

Spooks are definitely spooked

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1e382f  No.14800444


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fbfda3  No.14800446


You can identify the fallen ones and Satanists by them wearing, stealing, storing and banking gold? Plus they love wearing it on their bodies? The run the global finansvual market of gold. They all work at Fort Nox. They are imitating their Egyptian alien ancestors and will be coveted in gold when the die. They dress up in weird customs of dead animals and their bodies are painted with gold. They think they are higher than God Almighty!

And on Halloween they usually dress in gold, and when they have satanic high holidays they kill and sprinkle gold on the bodies of those the kill, befire they eat them.

Thats all my guesses for now! Am i close

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f25390  No.14800447

File: e0ee0645c562d47⋯.jpeg (36.25 KB, 1100x710, 110:71, 92337FEA_2CB6_4412_BFF3_C….jpeg)

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2ca16d  No.14800448

File: 97ce2ad834e4aac⋯.jpg (83.99 KB, 520x527, 520:527, Screenshot_20210806_090501….jpg)

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67d95b  No.14800449


Like how do we find the timestamps in the drops to correlate theses? ,AAARRRGGHhhhhh

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c89cc9  No.14800450

File: e3a3db3ce73fe94⋯.png (273.1 KB, 684x381, 228:127, ClipboardImage_6_.png)

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67d95b  No.14800451

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7ec651  No.14800452

File: c3cdf07c114a51c⋯.jpg (93.86 KB, 581x800, 581:800, ZomboMeme_28032021172821.jpg)

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56e6d0  No.14800453


Something that sticks out for me is Rosemont Seneca, and Biden’s connection to the finger lakes. Hunters tattoo makes me believe there is something else. Edgar Cayce readings about Atlantis had some truth at least in some way. The true history of the human race maybe? Seneca lake is really deep, watch the water?


The family of languages to which the Potawatomi, Ottawa, and Ojibwa languages belong is intimately related to the Afro-Asiatic family of languages.i Interestingly enough, these same populations share a genetic relationship, as well. The greatest frequency of one particular genetic trait, mitochondrial haplogroup X2 (hereafter mt hap X2), among North American Indians occurs in the Ojibwa Indians (25%). And the greatest occurrence of mt hap X2 in Eurasia is among the Druze of southern Lebanon and northern Israel (11%). The purest expression of mt hap X2 in North America occurs in one particular Ojibwa subject, whose closest genetic relatives according to this marker are members of Mediterranean populations, rather than any other Indian subject found in North America! This is true in spite of the thousands of years and thousands of miles that separate them.ii

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a4d03c  No.14800455


Sorry anon going to have to steal this meme

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2ca16d  No.14800456

File: 7256a77687be32a⋯.png (61.26 KB, 240x240, 1:1, EYP6bFHXkAIPDaC.png)


There's scull fugery a pun US…

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f29b46  No.14800457

File: dce2eaff80ddc1a⋯.png (6.81 MB, 2401x1597, 2401:1597, ClipboardImage.png)

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b0d004  No.14800458


It's amusing to read the many different writing styles the same old few shills use, to try to sell the same old shit.

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f25390  No.14800459


Ra = golden skinned

Secrets of the pyramids given for all, kept by the elite, twisted against humanity.

Mirror of the Mayans, twisted into human sacrifice practiced by the Aztecs.

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ab64cf  No.14800460

File: 0066e0b194469ed⋯.png (875.5 KB, 1201x450, 1201:450, ClipboardImage.png)


i like dat meme but too much text.

have dis

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a580e3  No.14800461

File: 3a3678db3b94d44⋯.png (29.31 KB, 255x251, 255:251, 221f82e13b212fac92f7a99334….png)


Not close,

It's Fort Knox

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c89cc9  No.14800462

File: c1428e6aa099884⋯.png (290 KB, 474x606, 79:101, ClipboardImage_2_copy_2.png)

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f25390  No.14800463


Secksi meme

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1e382f  No.14800464

File: f30d78f346b4419⋯.jpg (578.92 KB, 2400x1080, 20:9, Screenshot_20211016_212123….jpg)

Q&A reschedule.


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1e382f  No.14800465


Sticking to the script?

Good luck.

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896fb7  No.14800466

File: 6226b0a7368b102⋯.jpg (29.18 KB, 351x239, 351:239, Screenshot_20210814_195047….jpg)

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ab64cf  No.14800467

File: d062faa17397f6a⋯.gif (5.93 MB, 600x401, 600:401, NIGHT_SHIFT_2.gif)

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05be29  No.14800468

File: ba773bfb088f121⋯.gif (170.14 KB, 360x346, 180:173, ba773bfb088f121b83fa2cfecb….gif)

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fbfda3  No.14800469


Brainwashed and afraid of what’s to come

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5dd14f  No.14800470

File: 0c2bb12e4d97db6⋯.png (1.25 MB, 1069x580, 1069:580, Fully_Stocked_Grocery_Stor….png)

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d25abb  No.14800471



Notables #18717


>>14797016, >>14797011, >>14797029 Anons vids on Barbara Bush. Dwarfs, dead foetus, really a man?

>>14797027, >>14797033, >>14797038, >>14797040, >>14797046, >>14797054 Vaccine Injuries

>>14797048 Biden and the First Lady Honor Fallen Heroes at the National Peace Officers’ Memorial (ytube)

>>14797060 Prescribed burn gets out of hand, prompts evacuations in California

>>14797068 Delta Air Lines ditches "divisive" #COVID19 vaccine mandate, CEO Ed Bastian announces

>>14797069, >>14797325 Baltimore & Chicago Police Union's tell officers to not comply with vax mandates

>>14797085,>>14797304 Nebr. AG ruling on IVM & HCQ: Allowing physicians to consider these early treatments

>>14797092, >>14797097, >>14797110, >>14797131, >>14797185 Dig on Beau Biden and General Ray Odierno

>>14797108 Chelsea Clinton arrives with mom Hillary to visit Bill as he spends his fifth day in hospital

>>14797129 This article examines issues related to COVID-19 inoculations for children.

>>14797288 Assistant To US House Sergeant At Arms Charged With 10 Possession Of Child Porn Felonies

>>14797293 Apple Removes Quran and Bible Apps in China at the Request of Govt Officials

>>14797296 Worth noting. Where will 'perishable freight' go?

>>14797315 Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich: Facebook Admits to Aiding Human Smuggling

>>14797319 , >>14797322, >>14797324 DOJ Press Releases. Fetanyl Distributor, Boeing 737 Max…

>>14797349 Michigan officials charge 3 women with attempted voter fraud in 2020 election

>>14797356 John Bolton blames Trump for Covid-19 deaths. Laments Afghanistan Withdrawal. Regime Change Iran.

>>14797365 Former Health Secretary Matt Hancock loses UN Africa job hours after celebrating the appointment online

>>14797373 US Navy outlines discharge policy for unvaccinated sailors

>>14797385 Merck is set to get $712 per treatment course for its COVID-19 pill from the U.S. government

>>14797423 Virginia Tech To Limit Football Attendance After Viral ‘F**k Joe Biden’ Chant

>>14797435 Berlin Elections to be Reviewed and Possibly Rerun Due to Voting ‘Irregularities’

>>14797527 Soros-tied group met with FBI during Russia collusion probe, hired Christopher Steele

>>14797533 Additional sexual assault accusation revealed against Shimon Peres

>>14797583, >>14797653 Russian Defense Ministry summons US military attache over Sea of Japan destroyer incident

>>14797595 WTF!? Biden’s USAID Launches $125 Million Project To Find 12,000 New Viruses.

>>14797636 Three charged in ‘highly disturbing’ child pornography cases in Martin County

>>14797637, >>14797672 5.3 EQ George Town


paste: https://controlc.com/f3538201

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a580e3  No.14800472

File: ffb1d15d79fe581⋯.gif (3.32 MB, 450x291, 150:97, 4455.gif)

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fbfda3  No.14800473


I really wonder know if thats what they have been doing to all this idiots that submit to it. They are all getting lobotomies! Easily controlled

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896fb7  No.14800474

File: cf66a5b3bbed904⋯.jpg (73.99 KB, 650x466, 325:233, Screenshot_20210806_090627….jpg)

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67d95b  No.14800475

File: 44e3d1beaef60ef⋯.png (434.97 KB, 619x839, 619:839, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0ad0dab748fe891⋯.png (171.19 KB, 657x721, 657:721, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 40fdc6db853f209⋯.png (306.72 KB, 668x361, 668:361, ClipboardImage.png)

More than 300 Black churches across VA will hear from @KamalaHarris btwn Sun. and November 2 in video message that will air during morning services as part of outreach effortaimed to boost @TerryMcAuliffe.


Here's a little message from the IRS:


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67d95b  No.14800476


Beautiful, thank you very much.


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1864b5  No.14800477

File: c9f238250a8c3a5⋯.png (371.75 KB, 679x422, 679:422, ClipboardImage.png)

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fbfda3  No.14800478


Don’t leave, take a shower or bath with epsom salt.

Fellow anons want you around

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c89cc9  No.14800479

File: aa9fc68ed5f54cb⋯.jpg (69.1 KB, 780x547, 780:547, download.jpg)

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155867  No.14800480

File: 220c36639ce55f2⋯.png (124.97 KB, 233x288, 233:288, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fe35ef4828f68bd⋯.png (83.73 KB, 160x267, 160:267, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 077700da008e02f⋯.png (129.13 KB, 240x222, 40:37, ClipboardImage.png)

File: af50bd9d62119a2⋯.png (94.97 KB, 173x289, 173:289, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4997272db8356bc⋯.png (110.19 KB, 208x352, 13:22, ClipboardImage.png)

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4b247e  No.14800481


Anon has a very strong feeling she was forced to do this….this is gonna backfire bigtime!

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d25abb  No.14800482

File: 52774330b9087a8⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1200x1800, 2:3, 52774330b9087a82d0e873fee7….png)


yw baker.

ty for baking


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896fb7  No.14800483


I'm only here for day shift.

Wait this isn't day shift?

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ab64cf  No.14800484

File: bda804c921f3b63⋯.png (300.95 KB, 464x250, 232:125, ClipboardImage.png)


dats my boy [hunter] so proud of him never giving up on drugs

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a78b0c  No.14800486


>It's amusing to read the many different writing styles the same old few shills use, to try to sell the same old shit.

Says the asshole believing some "plan" that was spewed by a talking letter of the alphabet?

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05be29  No.14800487

File: 5a1648d3a08adfd⋯.gif (624.93 KB, 446x404, 223:202, 5a1648d3a08adfd880c6e1129b….gif)

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9a5e9c  No.14800488

BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: WE GOT IT! — Col. Waldron Confirms US Has a Copy of the Election Night Data ‘Traffic and Packets’ Sent Overseas to Frankfurt!


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1864b5  No.14800490

File: 9dc8bfbb3a56091⋯.png (301.14 KB, 497x626, 497:626, ClipboardImage.png)

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9a5e9c  No.14800491


meh…NOW I looked at the date…December 2020

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d25abb  No.14800492

File: d0beacdf16728d5⋯.jpg (215.89 KB, 1024x682, 512:341, jennifer_gates_wedding_34_….jpg)

Bill Gates daughter got married today.

Say something nice.

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5dd14f  No.14800493


Red doors, hot springs, volcano worship. The distruction of Atlantis/Crete, Sodom and Gomorrah, Pompeii and Herculaneum. Obelisks and phallic worship. Moral depravity and civilizational destruction follows these people every where they go.

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ab64cf  No.14800494

File: 707a9dc6bdd21c8⋯.png (139.46 KB, 286x201, 286:201, ClipboardImage.png)


yeah you mad

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9a5e9c  No.14800495


Better her than me.

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fbfda3  No.14800497


Thought the same thing, they really are stupid to continue to do this

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7ec651  No.14800498



Compromise of the BBB has already been demonstrated. No telling what is passing into the brains of the vaxxed, but they can also damage with aggressive nasal swabbing.

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a4d03c  No.14800499

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.








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4b247e  No.14800500


The dude in red looks pissed.

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3de7f1  No.14800501

File: 5b038b4b4929a37⋯.jpeg (48.77 KB, 474x336, 79:56, 4B40554E_2B71_4A96_815F_C….jpeg)

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88dc2e  No.14800502

File: a8c8c71b3e2074d⋯.jpg (35.62 KB, 500x375, 4:3, a8c8c71b3e2074dc30fa5902d0….jpg)

Ok, it's really gettin bad in NewZealand. We have a researcher/truther friend there that was just told by one of his police friends who's a good guy. That he's on a list and they are going to pick him up.

any advice?his wife is from Spain.

https://t.me/maddogholland/22134 this is him.

It's just as bad as Australia there, maybe worse.

Please pray for him and his family.

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fbfda3  No.14800503


I said Fort Nox

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67853d  No.14800504

File: 75b01d1b852ffac⋯.png (405.72 KB, 470x352, 235:176, ClipboardImage.png)

The two pillars of the WE Forum

Are the Phoenix

And the Dragon

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d11d21  No.14800505


Watch wonder woman 84

my stars are risked because of this cunt

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9a5e9c  No.14800506


I'd say if he can he should pack up and GTFO.

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896fb7  No.14800507

File: a5109268eb4870b⋯.jpg (137.45 KB, 698x741, 698:741, Screenshot_20210806_170837….jpg)

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a78b0c  No.14800508

File: 919eccf6e3ccc8d⋯.png (1.96 MB, 1200x630, 40:21, ClipboardImage.png)


>yeah you mad

yeah…you ghey & faggot.

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5dd14f  No.14800509

File: 47f34d4b565d69d⋯.png (612.99 KB, 905x863, 905:863, Screenshot_2021_10_13_at_0….png)

File: feee2fe6a7f1808⋯.jpg (59.65 KB, 829x552, 829:552, FBlFujgXEAAPPuN.jpg)

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e57b1c  No.14800510

File: 446cd9de6f0571d⋯.jpg (53.99 KB, 600x335, 120:67, QResearch11.jpg)

File: 79b59e03bcb17f1⋯.jpg (59.63 KB, 600x335, 120:67, QResearch12.jpg)

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d11d21  No.14800511


hush now

still just my sister and i

pheonix is undies covered stars

anon is chocolate, would prefer not to add the star fish to that

n fishes


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acc90b  No.14800512

File: 86d74a481d92863⋯.png (18.01 KB, 478x223, 478:223, Screenshot_2020_07_25_Elon….png)

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9b7ef8  No.14800513

File: 539e58d4f4884bd⋯.jpg (13.12 KB, 325x307, 325:307, 539e58d4f4884bd8c66809021c….jpg)

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ab64cf  No.14800514

File: b5cb39abeb78038⋯.mp4 (427.04 KB, 188x104, 47:26, wat_the_fcuk_video.mp4)

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5dd14f  No.14800515


"It's in our DNA"

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b0d004  No.14800516


Says the guy who is not interested in dialog with someone who has to resort to building straw men.

Vocabulary and punctuation are only 2 of the strong patterns an author displays. Your cheap camo is never going to work… none of you are able to come up with an original thought, and your script writers (note the difference in the styles of your first 2 posts) aren't any better. Different day…

We're done.

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88dc2e  No.14800517

File: f3bf53ff96a999e⋯.jpg (551.87 KB, 1741x730, 1741:730, f3bf53ff96a999e6d3cf1ead5a….jpg)


This shit is really really, gettin bad.

His wife, kids & 2 elderly parents.

That's what I said, go on the lamb. Ugh

I can't believe this is happening, I'm numb.

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a37f59  No.14800518

File: f2556b8af50a5a3⋯.png (16.97 KB, 341x260, 341:260, ClipboardImage.png)


Again with the deltas! Every drop I go look for seems to have a stunning delta.


all those 3's kinda resemble this design.

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1b6d34  No.14800519


Bill Gates is dead.

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67d95b  No.14800520



Gold never decays

It is also difficult and costly to mine, hence the use of slaves to mine.

Gold also is an insulator for refined Uranium.

Gold represents the sun and eternity - that is why it is special to Egyptians - it is of high spiritual significance

Idols were covered in gold. They consider themselves idols.

The Y's do this today. There's a connection.

ORMEs? - Orbitally Rearranged Monoatomic Elements, white gold, when ingested can extend life and raise conciousness. Is that what we're talking about? http://www.halexandria.org/dward466.htm

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4b247e  No.14800521


Is this Nancy's 2 weeks as Pres?

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fbfda3  No.14800522


They are not a totally an ugly family and congrats

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d11d21  No.14800523


Don't try and justify it, there are so many of me at play at the moment i'd be amazed if anyone managed fidelity

even i dont know who i am on a regular basis

still have a thread or two to throw out there though, in my own time

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d749a2  No.14800524


Go camping somewhere remote.

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1b6d34  No.14800525


He should go to Spain ASAP

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8eeb8e  No.14800526


>his wife is from Spain.

Move to Spain

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cf8998  No.14800527


gold fever

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9a5e9c  No.14800528


I'm in the USA and for a long time we were hearing about how FEMA would come round us up and put us in camps. The idea that it's happening, even at a remove, is downright terrifying.

You kiwis don't have gun rights, am I right? Yeah, probably best thing they can do is go off grid. If they can get out of NZ they should do so.

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e671a3  No.14800529

File: 8cc8699b97485a5⋯.png (562.77 KB, 731x454, 731:454, sfdfgkkkjg.PNG)


Why does he look younger, fishy

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a4d03c  No.14800530


Facebook and Twitter will run the gulags in the USA.

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d749a2  No.14800531


I'm still waiting for an Aussie to boomerang a motherfucker .

I'd drink a cold one to that legend.

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311bf0  No.14800532

File: e0fea65315fa0bd⋯.png (509.89 KB, 1920x940, 96:47, ClipboardImage.png)

WTF is this guy headed?

XA475 GLF5 headed out into nowhere Mid Atlantic.

Course too Southerly for the Azores

Does he have the range to make East Africa?

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fbfda3  No.14800533


Golly I had one of those nasal swab tests, I havent felt tight since. I dont think I had a lobotomy, just injected with toxic stuff.

But my nose ran for months after, now I’m freaked out

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447f85  No.14800534


#18720 Notables collected.

>>14799896. >>14799434. >>14799435. Alberta's chief medical officer apologizes for causing 'confusion, fear or anger'

>>14799442. Statement by Donald J. Trump

>>14799453. Liz Harrington, Something strange happened in Pima County…

>>14799467. false narrative of me trying to avoid or evade a subpoena is a disgrace


>>14799487. Israel and US begin Arrow-4 development

>>14799501. China's real-life Squid Game: How organs are harvested from THOUSANDS

>>14799553. Why Media Freaks on Ron Watkins' Congressional Campaign

>>14799579. Ron Watkins. Just did a quick interview with CBS news.

I explained to them that President Trump is still the de facto leader of the United States.

>>14799591. Ron Watkins [CodeMonkeyZ], Tom O'Halleran voted to defund the police.

>>14799615. @haaretzcom. Israeli property developer killed in gangland-style shooting

>>14799629. Was January 6 Part of the FBI’s ‘Operation Cold Snap’?

>>14799654. Harvested Alive. http://harvestedalive.com/?page_id=351&lang=en/

>>14799677. Jerusalem_Post. A massive fire broke out in the Z Center shopping mall

>>14799849. Australia doesn't have cops, they have contractors

>>14799972. Bill Clinton ‘will be ok’ after 4th night in hospital ICU with ‘sepsis from a UTI’, brother says

>>14799981. Washington State Trooper in Yakima, Wash. signs off after 22 years — fired by @GovInslee for being unvaccinated.

>>14800023. Hunter Biden Hanged at GITMO

>>14800069. Pentagon Orders Texas Contractors to Mandate Vaccines for Employees


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1b6d34  No.14800535


It's the AS mask.

Dude under it has a fat face

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a580e3  No.14800536

File: 5871f4def32387b⋯.jpg (183 KB, 794x547, 794:547, 5871f4def32387b18c97d87d4c….jpg)


jus' checkin'

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4b247e  No.14800537


the bags and neck are a dead give away.

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f4fa98  No.14800538


They will only return them in exchange for the Clintons?

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f25390  No.14800540


Straight for the Canary Isles?

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882433  No.14800541

File: aea8ab43e4f63c2⋯.jpg (381.39 KB, 682x909, 682:909, 1615922311975.jpg)

File: 4845c717ffd180f⋯.jpg (117.01 KB, 708x455, 708:455, 1614831194417.jpg)

File: 7beaec0ca53a0d3⋯.jpg (333.39 KB, 1229x922, 1229:922, download.jpg)

Asia Minor, Asia

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67d95b  No.14800542

Previously Collected

>>14794614 #18713, >>14795361 #18714, >>14796575 #18715

>>14794389 #18710, >>14794269 #18711, >>14793858 #18712

>>14789922 #18707, >>14793586 #18708, >>14794239 #18709

>>14787608 #18704/1, >>14788315 #18705, >>14789089 #18706

>>14786707 #18703/2, >>14786706 #18703/1, >>14787609 #18704/2

>>14784369 #18700, >>14789071 #18701, >>14785944 #18702

>>14781989 #18697, >>14782808 #18698, >>14783580 #18699

>>14780822 #18695/2, >>14780818 #18695/1, >>14781295 #18696

>>14778184 #18692, >>14778960 #18693, >>14779872 #18694

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/

>>14588182 Q Research Notables #9

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d25abb  No.14800543

File: e249e98234cb823⋯.jpg (13.24 KB, 255x252, 85:84, e249e98234cb8231830d0e0ed8….jpg)





I knew you anons were nice people.

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16e2c7  No.14800544

File: adc8ae00d248479⋯.png (217.4 KB, 599x614, 599:614, cg8949hhg8hghghh38ghoabg38….png)

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3997c2  No.14800545


Swim in the ocean for a coupla hours. Get all wrinkly.

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311bf0  No.14800546


Looks most likely on that course Anon.

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9a5e9c  No.14800547


Nice and snarky, fren.

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fbfda3  No.14800548


Shit, can he leave to go to Spain. What will they do to him. Preying for your friend now, prayers up

For all anons their.

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67d95b  No.14800549


Oh wow, thank you

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fbfda3  No.14800550


I meant praying

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20e439  No.14800551


>….this is gonna backfire bigtime!

I think this falls into the, "There's no such thing as bad publicity", category.

What could happen is any uproar over the church messages spreads and introduces more people to it. Streisand effect.

All any fraudsters need to do is promote a higher name recognition/public exposure in their candidate, especially as a victim (Christian thing). They can use the increased exposure to justify any suspicious vote gain on election day, or after.

So, there may be voters who don't really know who McAuliffe is, sitting governor or not. If McAuliffe is tied in to a story that is reporting that Youngkin is trying to stop McAuliffe's name from being mentioned in churches, then McAuliffe can be programmed in to gain votes that may be accounted for as churchgoer protest votes.

Pastors will also get on board, with such things as fear-mongering about Youngkin restricting what pastors can say in their sermons.

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acc90b  No.14800552

File: c864a510509e4da⋯.png (426.38 KB, 398x660, 199:330, Screenshot_2021_10_17_at_0….png)

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ddef9a  No.14800553


Effective range is about 6000nm

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a580e3  No.14800554

File: a373d71f7238378⋯.jpg (166.87 KB, 630x630, 1:1, 5844694_0.jpg)



Cruise Speed: 345 mph

Maximum Altitude: 51,000 feet (15,545 meters)

Maximum Takeoff Weight: C-37A: 90,500 pounds (41,050 Kg); C-37B: 91,000 pounds (41,277 Kg)

Range: C-37A: 6,300 miles (5,500 nautical miles) normal cruise; C-37B: 6,700 miles (5,560 nautical miles) normal cruise

Load: 12 passengers

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f29b46  No.14800555

File: e4fe3302f0c402f⋯.png (556.73 KB, 661x474, 661:474, ClipboardImage.png)


it mind boggling and frustrating….

i want those cool blue drinks on star trek and some sexy aliens in miniskirts to to dance with

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a44f9d  No.14800556

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d11d21  No.14800557



Wise anon

to be wise is to use wisdom

gold decays like anythin' just takes longer

electrum is a conductor frequency

my one totally unique characteristic between my sisters & i since childhood

my intolerance of silver and base metals meant my oldest and most precious gift, is white gold

bein' told to shake off the dust and resit my chair, to don my jewelery shows quickly how irritated i am by lesser metals, bumps, lumps and itchy hives everywhere

all turns copper then virdigris


white gold doesn't do that, yellow gold i of course had alot of, but lost that when i ran to Queensland

my one piece of jewelery, happens to be highly sentimental

S real anchor

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a4d03c  No.14800558


>Facebook and Twitter will run the gulags in the USA.

And the concentration camps ran by Facebook will have guards that are trannies, Afghans and Haitian illegal aliens that Democrats taught to hate Americans

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fbfda3  No.14800559

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2eb9da  No.14800560


Soyboys. And they'd be easy to overpower.

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a44f9d  No.14800561

File: 912cbf3584a574d⋯.png (505.7 KB, 732x516, 61:43, getthee.png)

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f29b46  No.14800562

File: 1a1faf4be36e00f⋯.png (3.55 MB, 2919x1708, 417:244, ClipboardImage.png)

QClock October 16, 2021

Weakened Military / Renegade

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447f85  No.14800563

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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311bf0  No.14800564



Hive digs and Canaries/East Africa proved to be within range.

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16e2c7  No.14800565

File: 4b4fa46fda7b7d0⋯.png (135.68 KB, 599x375, 599:375, cg8949hhg8hghghh38ghoabg38….png)

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20012b  No.14800566


Dewey decimal system. Is pretty simple.

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154eb9  No.14800567

File: a4d2c7b8a2a9d48⋯.png (502.83 KB, 1243x1340, 1243:1340, SKY_Event.png)

SKY Event

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7ec651  No.14800568


If you look at the diagram side view of the brain, by going deep into the nasal cavity you can get right up against the Amygdala, which can trigger violence/fight/flight.

Not sure what all they can do chemically, but im not letting those swabs anywhere near me.

Kill a bunch with the vaxx and turn the rest into rage zombies.

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b5eae5  No.14800569


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: a0db14 No.9734948 Jun 24 2020 17:08:51 (EST)


We're in this together.








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d749a2  No.14800571


Good post. Renegade has been popping up again lately.

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d25abb  No.14800572


Those are dope

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a580e3  No.14800573

File: 88ff05f41f4c7b7⋯.png (228.21 KB, 948x1050, 158:175, R_1_.png)


28 - 11=17 ?

Is that close?


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896fb7  No.14800574

File: 36b7682d61f7c2f⋯.jpg (68.8 KB, 656x522, 328:261, Screenshot_20210726_140727….jpg)

File: b541251857ebfee⋯.jpg (83.3 KB, 753x628, 753:628, Screenshot_20210726_144109….jpg)

File: 03216c92a244f19⋯.jpg (41.67 KB, 496x635, 496:635, Screenshot_20210726_141057….jpg)

File: f699d53b34178dd⋯.jpg (18.55 KB, 353x211, 353:211, Screenshot_20210823_110655….jpg)


Soz to here your vex.

Movies are the devils failure programing.

They should have called it wonderfull woman 81.

If you only know what l do lol.

Praying for you, that life gets better.

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65384b  No.14800575

File: a40bbddeadffa26⋯.jpeg (75.81 KB, 555x740, 3:4, 2F8C8CC4_2409_4A0C_8FA6_6….jpeg)

How do you get your cat to stop teleporting everywhere?

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16e2c7  No.14800576

File: c46ab5daea152d7⋯.png (309.48 KB, 579x405, 193:135, bg8949hhg8hghghh38ghoabg38….png)

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fbfda3  No.14800577


More prayers, can’t think of any other solution

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2eb9da  No.14800578


Oh look, a glowfag!

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2eb9da  No.14800579


Laser pointer?

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311bf0  No.14800580

File: 04958432de84541⋯.png (14.24 KB, 936x88, 117:11, ClipboardImage.png)

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16e2c7  No.14800581

File: 62ef114bc15520f⋯.png (397.39 KB, 579x399, 193:133, ag8949hhg8hghghh38ghoabg38….png)

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67d95b  No.14800582


Filtered again, every f'ing day I have to filter your shit.


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8eeb8e  No.14800583


It's a video from 2004 when the Cassini reached Saturn

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7ec651  No.14800584

File: ef7d8dae128d660⋯.jpg (25.86 KB, 600x315, 40:21, ZomboMeme_08082021184414.jpg)

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ed7f88  No.14800585

File: f2cc5a81f184b7e⋯.png (72.44 KB, 510x332, 255:166, 0dbbe0f357923b740cadbcacaf….png)

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a580e3  No.14800586

File: 5abbd43d36e1344⋯.jpg (8.45 KB, 307x164, 307:164, Arcturian44.jpg)



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16e2c7  No.14800587

File: a992b8ff6da4563⋯.png (305.92 KB, 564x402, 94:67, bg8949hhg8hghghh38ghoabg38….png)

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fbfda3  No.14800588


Its not him

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f25390  No.14800589

File: a95258cc6097fbe⋯.jpeg (19.76 KB, 255x210, 17:14, 74A72DCC_61E8_4B56_8902_8….jpeg)


Say again?

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d11d21  No.14800590




my husband called me wonderful woman for over 10 years

your wife stole that

interestin' you mention the bra, that is where she is at the moment

from liberty blood you will be born

my punishment

to be your mother


Movies are the black box of Saturn

me, the covenant, a movie is life

one dimension


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74ca31  No.14800591


Dude did I just get rick rolled by greta thumper?

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36d437  No.14800592

Word to the Chairmen, Kings and Masters. I have no name. You seek a great fortune which you will find. Although, it will not be the treasure you seek. You will see a cow on the roof of a cottonhouse.

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a580e3  No.14800593

File: 556c476ccb31d6a⋯.jpg (20.62 KB, 191x255, 191:255, 48573104e4a8dc3aa9bff8f319….jpg)

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d11d21  No.14800594


truth hurts obviously

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67853d  No.14800595

File: 1195da1da4d4075⋯.png (3.64 MB, 1200x1200, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

Assange's family…

This breaking article by the Guardian details the secret life of lawyer Stella Moris and Wikileaks publisher Julian Assange, who fell in love against all odds; and hid it from the world for the safety of their children.

It is an incredibly important, intimately detailed, and eye opening read published with just a few days before the international hearing that will decide Julian's fate.

If you read one thing this year, let it be this article.



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311bf0  No.14800596


Oh look a retroactive prediction.

Utterly useless.

We should call you Nostradamfag.

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3de7f1  No.14800598

File: bb867276111b06c⋯.jpeg (23.81 KB, 530x298, 265:149, 1155D798_770A_4841_B47A_5….jpeg)

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9db451  No.14800599

Trump is a faggot bitch for not draining the swamp.

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67d95b  No.14800601

File: 08014dd7bc0c5c8⋯.png (53.88 KB, 577x278, 577:278, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a92ac166ca4c1c8⋯.png (364.85 KB, 540x540, 1:1, a92ac166ca4c1c8a508abd0530….png)


Baker has pushed themselves to the limit. Taking a break.

New baker self confirm

Notetakers, collect notes for baker and drop them in a post, or at bare minimum call out notables.


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fbfda3  No.14800602


Nope i havent that. But do feel like shit, taking a lot if supplements. Msybe the nose running was spinal fluid. I dont even want to go to a doctor now.

Id swim in the ocean if i was close

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2eb9da  No.14800603

File: 0eb9e67c7a59a21⋯.jpg (161.03 KB, 1354x889, 1354:889, apukick.jpg)


All right, sporto, why don't you show us how it's done?

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d25abb  No.14800604


I thought she had some sort of aspergers that made her shy and not like loud noises when she was that age?

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020aa7  No.14800605

File: ce907c476c7c678⋯.png (821.48 KB, 973x557, 973:557, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 14c349a1c3d5031⋯.jpg (127.42 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, soros.jpg)

File: a121c7bad0d718e⋯.png (778.62 KB, 720x757, 720:757, ClipboardImage.png)

File: aacc2a95b4bb4d8⋯.jpg (55.12 KB, 589x715, 589:715, schiff_soon_pepe.jpg)

File: 0bc20474e46ab38⋯.png (510.65 KB, 671x452, 671:452, soon_bitch.png)

Oriental trading. Sometimes I get Chinese ads and they're not even speaking English. Then I saw an ad with an Asian guy and his Asian daughter. Then another ad came up with an Asian chick. Then it seems like all the models are black or Asian nao.

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fbfda3  No.14800606

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f29b46  No.14800607


ehhh….beats me…i'll got with "blonde"

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9db451  No.14800608


But I thought patriots were in control?

But I thought midterms were safe?

But But But I thought 2018 was going to be glorious?

But But But I thought we were supposed to trust Sessions?


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d11d21  No.14800609


simple as shit

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e57b1c  No.14800610

File: 041f73f512e954c⋯.jpg (63.45 KB, 600x335, 120:67, APepePrayer3.jpg)


Thank you.

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3403d7  No.14800611

File: ecd4c3fdb647b73⋯.png (373.31 KB, 580x377, 20:13, ag8949hhg8hghghh38ghoabg38….png)

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a580e3  No.14800612

File: 62df228e57d50f6⋯.jpg (11.68 KB, 255x219, 85:73, 96f6f10140e44a55041a22fcd2….jpg)


collected it a while back

it was or is some kind of a grid reference system

nobody was talking canary islands back then

but i thought the Q line was interesting for that location

apologies anon, things just ping me

if you move left along the "Q" reference line to 17Q, whereabouts would that be in relation to the isles?


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2eb9da  No.14800613


Just because you don't see habbenings doesn't mean there aren't any.

That duck floating oh so quietly in the water? Beneath the water it's paddling like crazy.

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f4fa98  No.14800614

File: c93ef187ecf1d4f⋯.png (2.43 MB, 1920x802, 960:401, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d36716a555c1c93⋯.png (776.47 KB, 1001x428, 1001:428, ClipboardImage.png)

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56e6d0  No.14800615


The dawning of Aquarius which maybe its all just a coincidence but a sign that is highly symbolic of the evolution of human consciousness through our ability to circulate the dual waters of love and life throughout humanity.

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67853d  No.14800616

File: aa4c479c86efa60⋯.png (254.82 KB, 364x741, 28:57, CharlemagneInGold.png)


Charlemagne ruler of the Holy Roman Emperor

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36d437  No.14800617


Gold does have a halflife, but more depressing facts indicate as space expands and the all the universe has burned its last gas, there will be nothing but darkness forever more.

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d11d21  No.14800618


You want the QR line, Queenslands rail system

release the cures !


QR code

get it

Jovian the creator there of ? mark of the … duh

anyhoo need to pee

later anon

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fbfda3  No.14800619


Don’t feed the shills

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a44f9d  No.14800620

are all the soldiers getting the vaccine or what are they up to

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55609b  No.14800621

With all this parasite talk going on recently, is there any Globohomo imagery in regards to parasites? Usually these people plaster their ideas on every single fucking wall and TV show, but I've never seen a parasite before.

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d749a2  No.14800622


Everyone sees evil busy within the world on a daily basis.

It would be foolish for us to believe the forces of good are idle.

Day in, day out - we endure.

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4b247e  No.14800623

File: 5c2ba9e02458b78⋯.png (464.41 KB, 594x559, 594:559, np.PNG)

File: ea218d616f9062b⋯.png (96.66 KB, 328x124, 82:31, petitodad.PNG)


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f29b46  No.14800625

File: 6f08d4a5d24de5b⋯.png (697.17 KB, 2448x1644, 204:137, ClipboardImage.png)


>SKY Event

see pic



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3403d7  No.14800626

File: e5c5e02fd985cd0⋯.png (243.93 KB, 587x518, 587:518, ah8949hhg8hghghh38ghoabg38….png)

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f25390  No.14800627

File: 5f66f545437dc80⋯.jpeg (21.19 KB, 229x255, 229:255, E5996D1C_8EFF_42D6_8B0D_D….jpeg)


Roger that, thanks for clarifying.

Well the Canaries are in square 28R.

Following the Q line, best guesstimate without actually spacing it out? Looks like 17 would be somewhere around dear oldHaiti.

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fbfda3  No.14800628

Good night Nightshift! Have fun and discover new stars to investigate

Love you guys, no homo here


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020aa7  No.14800629

File: 87e178f26eff543⋯.jpeg (36.71 KB, 657x527, 657:527, 6705052E_2230_456D_B981_D….jpeg)

File: c2f7cd19c541c04⋯.png (893.08 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, 643B8778_BBCD_48AA_A0EC_3F….png)

File: 3969d9d47d042fe⋯.png (464.03 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, D787289F_5B72_44A6_BDC3_BF….png)

>>14800605 (me)

Then they’re like, “The wait is finally over! Shen Yun returns.”

As if..

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d749a2  No.14800630


Makes sense.

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5171c2  No.14800631



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67853d  No.14800632



Did you try takingBenadryl?

Among other things it can dampen a cytokine storm

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896fb7  No.14800633

File: a9618cd6b240be3⋯.jpg (217.18 KB, 1204x869, 1204:869, Screenshot_20211017_000154….jpg)

File: 0eb937d65d80982⋯.jpg (117.54 KB, 1092x534, 182:89, Screenshot_20211017_000239….jpg)

File: 2027af6f08fc1e7⋯.jpg (117.68 KB, 903x518, 129:74, Screenshot_20211017_000255….jpg)


Carefull not too over indulge.

It Has been the downfall of many kings/queens in there day.

Trust me from experience, use it modestly.

Tread lighty.

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7daf81  No.14800634

File: 7065c733ed571f4⋯.png (298.64 KB, 517x366, 517:366, ClipboardImage.png)

Either she was talkin' when she shoulda' been listenin'


Somebody done told her twice.

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f25390  No.14800635


That damn color has been popping up a lot lately in comms signals.

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3403d7  No.14800636

File: a827bb299a21de9⋯.png (429.29 KB, 581x626, 581:626, ag8949hhg8hghghh38ghoabg38….png)

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f29b46  No.14800637

File: 156b1a2283d2ff3⋯.png (5.66 MB, 1504x1919, 1504:1919, ClipboardImage.png)


not specifically parasite, but that the air is poison….this review doesn't state it,but that is the premise…half way through.

p.s. – sucks.

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5171c2  No.14800638


Top. Kek.

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a580e3  No.14800640

File: 9f3f80e720c0fe0⋯.gif (865.33 KB, 315x152, 315:152, R_13_.gif)


problem is i could never find that exact reference system again so i just filed it away and forgot about it.

maybe tracking that down deserves a second look


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7daf81  No.14800641


You're talking to a bot or the subhuman equivalent of a bot.

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a580e3  No.14800643

File: 0f7b32750946b31⋯.jpeg (13.97 KB, 255x252, 85:84, 29ddff0a90119c2fd9f5ce726….jpeg)

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a44f9d  No.14800644

File: dc8df504bb05410⋯.png (1007.63 KB, 980x982, 490:491, newmovie.png)

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5171c2  No.14800645


Not like I know who's on the other side of my monitor…I'm just in a snarky mood tonight. :)

They really need to get more creative with their lame memes though.

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4b247e  No.14800646

File: f6e0ea699882e09⋯.jpg (205.78 KB, 1660x934, 830:467, 2021.jpg)


The ribbon?

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f29b46  No.14800647


ehhh you know…simple makes it easier.

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36d437  No.14800648


Welp, gold is significant as it is the skin of the gods otherwise you'd be so pretty in Pt. It's a fugasy anyway. Pindar isn't a god, and you are requesting a handle that starts with S? Thank you for serving, btw. I was too busy being a pussy I guess.

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447f85  No.14800649

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Harvested alive -10 year's investigation(organ harvesting)


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44e727  No.14800650

File: ab63a0730d2deb8⋯.png (188.73 KB, 507x399, 169:133, ag8949hhg8hghghh38ghoabg38….png)

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f25390  No.14800651


Images at the bottom


Tineye website is useful for reverse searching images

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ddef9a  No.14800652


Damn… we don't call him "Big Mike" for nothing.

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f4fa98  No.14800653

File: 6c0ea7f64f32bb0⋯.png (1.25 MB, 1080x1080, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


Ovarian cancer awareness ribbon?

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21f8e6  No.14800654


Pickled Piglosi….only one wearing it on the LEFT lapel. Figures.

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896fb7  No.14800655

File: bd0a10e0fee6616⋯.gif (11.97 MB, 220x165, 4:3, bd0a10e0fee661651d0facb9f5….gif)


Tread can be used to mend.

Forget not whom you are and the priceless, timeless beauty you have created in 3d and beyond.

No wine before its time precious anon.

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bf9afa  No.14800656

>>14800490 but is it true or not?

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f29b46  No.14800657

File: 6573127348a3969⋯.png (3.19 MB, 1200x1200, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)



Notable ????

they went to hard on her and she's a fuckin' wreck?

Honestly, never thought of her as that high in the food chain, she's an complete idiot, but, so is Bernie Sanders….

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ddef9a  No.14800658


More like "Panic Disorder" awareness

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17bc00  No.14800659


This story is weird. Am not biting because it was a young lady and don’t want to do that but seriously? This faggotry makes it smell worse

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f25390  No.14800660

File: 310f12a0849ef8c⋯.jpeg (1.62 MB, 1427x1618, 1427:1618, B7FD3E2E_B5AC_4B4B_BD58_7….jpeg)


Sorry yeah, the ribbon and bracelet. Forget where all it’s been showing up, but remember a handful of dog comms had turquoise leashes. Schifty had one for example.

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44e727  No.14800661

File: a6662d0aefe7ba6⋯.png (299.81 KB, 562x402, 281:201, bg8949hhg8hghghh38ghoabg38….png)

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4b247e  No.14800662


ya, for the 20th anniversary of 911

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5171c2  No.14800663


Maybe they're trying to invoke protection?


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f29b46  No.14800664

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You made my night.

Q created a Mandelbrot set with anons/the public.

very fitting post.


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44e727  No.14800665

File: 56cab186809914d⋯.png (482.98 KB, 576x496, 36:31, ag8949hhg8hghghh38ghoabg38….png)

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67853d  No.14800666


So are Google images

And Yandex images

And Bing images

All four sites have different databases and different search features

NONE of them are complete

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44e727  No.14800667

File: f4d8c762565279c⋯.png (307.63 KB, 562x404, 281:202, bg8949hhg8hghghh38ghoabg38….png)

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44e727  No.14800668

File: f4d8c762565279c⋯.png (307.63 KB, 562x404, 281:202, bg8949hhg8hghghh38ghoabg38….png)

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155867  No.14800669

File: fb1b39e02f6d28a⋯.png (525.91 KB, 752x342, 376:171, ClipboardImage.png)


not a she


it's a hoax

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17bc00  No.14800670


Anons will only be “nice” when this war is over. Until then… fuck you. Kek

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103667  No.14800671

File: 9fb0c5c0096ab2a⋯.png (465.05 KB, 635x485, 127:97, 64.png)

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e13e0c  No.14800672

File: fc902868550ba3c⋯.png (605.69 KB, 1080x759, 360:253, Screenshot_20211016_173655….png)

The Biden's shoeshine pedophilia… won't end well.

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725a27  No.14800673

File: b7cec23b98dbd43⋯.png (255.94 KB, 579x502, 579:502, ag8949hhg8hghghh38ghoabg38….png)

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2f88db  No.14800674

File: 9235c162e714c1b⋯.png (67.49 KB, 249x250, 249:250, save_me_jesus.png)



Didn't think it was possible for her to get any uglier, but she did it.

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4b247e  No.14800675


thank you, by the lengths the media went on this, i was not aware it was a hoax….mind blown.

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447f85  No.14800676

File: 68ee26e84d340e4⋯.jpeg (32.7 KB, 539x368, 539:368, 68ee26e84d340e4e8c73afa71….jpeg)

>>14799501 (LB)



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f4fa98  No.14800678

File: 6b827c1bd4eb7ea⋯.png (438.95 KB, 501x359, 501:359, ClipboardImage.png)


It moved around on her face

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103667  No.14800680

File: 499554284cddfd2⋯.mp4 (118.87 KB, 444x360, 37:30, chYna.mp4)

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6451df  No.14800681


The age of Aquarius finally gives the fish Pisces it's freedom from the church authority. They can't stop the procession of ages nor can they stop the progression of the universe. They will try but they can not stop what is coming. That's why they are forecasting doom and gloom to distract from the coming golden age. They cannot partake in the future because darkness can not prevent the coming light. Light is energy and therefore a causative force, darkness is the absence of motion, energy and light. Darkness can not exist in the presence of light and is therefore is just a passing phase.

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2f88db  No.14800682

File: 45ad5acd1477dda⋯.png (120.52 KB, 338x270, 169:135, sad_pepe.png)


>The Biden's shoeshine pedophilia… won't end well.

Imagine what PedoJoe must have done in his lifetime?

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725a27  No.14800683

File: fe412070cf2c45d⋯.png (381.03 KB, 524x605, 524:605, ag8949hhg8hghghh38ghoabg38….png)

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a580e3  No.14800684




clarify please

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36d437  No.14800685

File: bcf1722de8a51fc⋯.jpg (100.32 KB, 750x505, 150:101, Donald_Trump_Looking_at_Ki….jpg)

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103667  No.14800686

File: 88cd9c9e17185fb⋯.png (197.6 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, v.png)


it's where the Vril parasite enters the brain via the eye socket

she is part of the club, now

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ddef9a  No.14800687

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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f25390  No.14800688


Sexual assault, interesting. Considering all of the MK monarch symbolism anons dug up a few weeks ago.

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4b247e  No.14800689


had to have been fukking bad bad

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725a27  No.14800690

File: bf631804c03feee⋯.png (435.53 KB, 585x584, 585:584, ag8949hhg8hghghh38ghoabg38….png)

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6451df  No.14800691

File: 6e1fcbefddfc402⋯.mp4 (442.5 KB, 640x360, 16:9, rhjmRd1cfBqIF7yE.mp4)

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1864b5  No.14800692

File: 244a65eb5ea5062⋯.png (348.48 KB, 402x763, 402:763, ClipboardImage.png)


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103667  No.14800693

File: 47ad9a7726178cf⋯.png (124.74 KB, 475x315, 95:63, b5356.png)



despair/demoralisation shill


your shit doesn't work on anons

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725a27  No.14800694

File: 882441fc79ee7f8⋯.png (307.01 KB, 583x409, 583:409, bg8949hhg8hghghh38ghoabg38….png)

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b5eae5  No.14800695


Brown for colon cancer?

Black for narcolepsy?

they think they're funny.

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14aebe  No.14800696

File: 7017948fdca70db⋯.png (295.43 KB, 850x400, 17:8, ClipboardImage.png)

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a775b4  No.14800697

DJT failed.

Yet we're winning.

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7854df  No.14800698


Dafuq is he ranting about? Not that fluent in idiotspeak.

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155867  No.14800699

File: ade74d74ee4d21f⋯.png (545.72 KB, 515x342, 515:342, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7b29153aa6225e6⋯.png (176.13 KB, 261x342, 29:38, ClipboardImage.png)


> by the lengths the media went on this

that is the first clue

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ddef9a  No.14800700

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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d25abb  No.14800701

File: 45a4cea262d2468⋯.mp4 (2.61 MB, 720x720, 1:1, ZYKMPxb1szI0jN3n.mp4)




>It moved around on her face

It's the video they posted that's fucked up. Here's a clip from the same interview with better resolution. No black eye.


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d6cf75  No.14800702


Wait a few weeks before the news blows about what the IRS is doing to evangelical churches they consider to be on the right

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725a27  No.14800703

File: a6662d0aefe7ba6⋯.png (299.81 KB, 562x402, 281:201, bg8949hhg8hghghh38ghoabg38….png)

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103667  No.14800704

File: 1a8672ed538bc90⋯.mp4 (1.97 MB, 480x270, 16:9, 4r.mp4)

File: f145bb7a9bfb79f⋯.png (649.96 KB, 1155x848, 1155:848, 5r.png)



sexually assaulting 8 yr olds for a start

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f25390  No.14800705


Notable Correction

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a775b4  No.14800706


Crafty Adobe Premiere work. Her right eye is still ginormous.

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05be29  No.14800707

File: 1c2cd1ce5986ba0⋯.jpg (49.7 KB, 502x497, 502:497, Fuck_joe_biden.jpg)

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6451df  No.14800708

File: 719c5c758a8df9b⋯.mp4 (488.55 KB, 640x352, 20:11, VQu5RSHruipw0wIo.mp4)

File: 0c697c943130a9a⋯.jpg (115.95 KB, 1078x975, 1078:975, FBrcycuWYAcnWe3.jpg)

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3de7f1  No.14800709

File: a28ae7187cffd05⋯.jpeg (187.6 KB, 1079x925, 1079:925, 1B66E533_C8C4_4D5A_927E_2….jpeg)

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f25390  No.14800710

File: cfc839603a7f4e0⋯.jpeg (323.81 KB, 662x801, 662:801, C19D300C_3F2A_4C6D_B45C_F….jpeg)

File: 8bbcb14b9bcaa50⋯.jpeg (1.3 MB, 1399x2160, 1399:2160, 00D2F091_5CE6_4964_8E36_2….jpeg)

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a775b4  No.14800711

File: d92e1d25430e735⋯.jpg (58.21 KB, 700x466, 350:233, SM_popeye.jpg)

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acc90b  No.14800712

File: 6d5571ce5724051⋯.png (259.56 KB, 478x539, 478:539, Screenshot_2021_10_17_at_0….png)

New York Post


NYC investigations chief Margaret Garnett resigns amid scathing de Blasio report


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14aebe  No.14800713

File: 95d66f8702d0175⋯.png (146.2 KB, 1000x764, 250:191, ClipboardImage.png)

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a4d03c  No.14800714


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c89cc9  No.14800715

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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a4d03c  No.14800716


Who is X? Is that after Q?

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103667  No.14800717

File: f58393d322952fa⋯.jpg (105.95 KB, 497x775, 497:775, 536g.jpg)

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0fc7dd  No.14800718


The sad part is, a lot of them don't care…ends justify the means.

I'd take the mean tweets over the systematic destruction of my country any day!

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725a27  No.14800719

File: 5a9a7614ffe28ab⋯.png (556.85 KB, 578x618, 289:309, ag8949hhg8hghghh38ghoabg38….png)

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05be29  No.14800721

File: dba42777ca8cf90⋯.jpg (74.27 KB, 768x432, 16:9, Let_s_go_brandon_with_Bob.jpg)

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0fc7dd  No.14800722


Remember how nutty Nancy was talking about Trump being dragged out by the military?

It would be absolutely HILARIOUS if it were to happen to Biden.

Boomerang indeed.

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103667  No.14800723





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36d437  No.14800724


Psalm 118:22 (King James Version) The stone the builders rejected has become the capstone; : Psalm 118:22 (21st Century King James) The stone which the builders refused has become the head stone of the corner.

Never forget. He died for your sins.

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896fb7  No.14800725

File: 66e984af5ab37c7⋯.jpg (64.84 KB, 669x564, 223:188, Screenshot_20210917_143315….jpg)


Ez, just rising vibes bc/ that's what l need also daily too. Pray for US pls, much appreciated :)

They have Fractals and mandelbrot in New Zealand? Lol

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a775b4  No.14800726


Haven't been on 8Chan for a while.

What's habbenin' in two weeks?

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1da886  No.14800727

File: 8db0bdd26c824d3⋯.mp4 (2.5 MB, 640x356, 160:89, 7NR7Ho8feaFKF5us.mp4)

File: 2b74d1eed1da11d⋯.mp4 (1.99 MB, 640x356, 160:89, rxjJ18UzhFZ94RJi.mp4)

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0fc7dd  No.14800729



These faggots somehow get the idea that Q said two weeks or something….

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acc90b  No.14800730

File: d377e99bac894d4⋯.png (7.56 KB, 478x228, 239:114, Screenshot_2021_10_17_at_0….png)


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a580e3  No.14800731


this is gonna be good


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c89cc9  No.14800733

File: a0467b01df3e636⋯.jpg (197.78 KB, 520x680, 13:17, nothings_habbening.jpg)

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003fdf  No.14800734


Here are18717 Notables CollectedHope they're OK, not too bloatable and not F'd up: TY, baker

>>14797011 (Vid 11:07) Creepy babs bush talking about giants, wizards, dwarfs, the colour purple and alice walker

>>14797044 Alice Walker - a twist on the nobility elites colour

>>14797060 Prescribed burn gets out of hand, prompts evacuations in California

>>14797068 Delta Air Lines ditches "divisive" #COVID19 vaccine mandate, CEO Ed Bastian announces

>>14797069 Baltimore Police Union Fights Back – Tells Officers Not To Reveal Vaccine Status

>>14797085 Frontline Covid-19 Critical Care -Nebr. AG ruling on IVM & HCQ:

“Allowing physicians to consider these early treatments will free them to evaluate additional tools that could save lives, keep patients out of hospitals, & provide relief for our already strained healthcare system.”

>>14797086 Reminder that Big Mike is a man, baby! (Vid)

>>14797110 General who awarded Beau bidan the Legion of Merit dies at 67 y/o.

>>14797108 UK Commie propaganda rag has pics of The Crooked posse arriving at hospital to see Slick Willi The Rapist

>>14797129 article examines issues related to COVID-19 inoculations for children

>>14797134 (Per twatter) No restaurants open in C Terminal in Denver airport because of owner's jab mandate; No workers showed up. Owner immediately reversed it.

>>14797171 Anon shares tips/insight on ordering Ivermectin and HCQ online

>>14797253 Providence, R.I. Subway worker Films Himself Walking through Food, Drinking from Bottles for Sale, Putting Tomato Slices on Toilet Rim…

>>14797288 Assistant To US House Sergeant At Arms Charged With 10 Possession Of Child Porn Felonies

>>14797315 AZ, A.G. Brnovich sez Fakebook Admits to Aiding Human Smuggling

>>14797548 Trump campaign and Republicans duped scores of donors into unwittingly making recurring payments

*Note: We need to dig on "WinRed" and other "GOP" money-grubbing fraudster "PACS" who use POTUS' coattails to rake in $$

>>14797636 Stuart, Fl.: Three charged in ‘highly disturbing’ child pornography cases in Martin County

Was gonna make a JabDeath bun, but couldn't confirm the covidblog site's deaths as the site cites NO links to sauces; This one, however, has VID of the sick NBAer speaking:

>>14797054 NBA Update: Andrew Wiggins caves to social pressure, Brandon Goodwin suffers post-injection blood clots, while Kyrie Irving, et al. stand their ground.

>>14797011 (Vid 11:07) Creepy babs bush talking about giants, wizards, dwarfs, the colour purple and alice walker

>>14797044 Alice Walker - a twist on the nobility elites colour

>>14797060 Prescribed burn gets out of hand, prompts evacuations in California

>>14797068 Delta Air Lines ditches "divisive" #COVID19 vaccine mandate, CEO Ed Bastian announces

>>14797069 Baltimore Police Union Fights Back – Tells Officers Not To Reveal Vaccine Status

>>14797085 Frontline Covid-19 Critical Care -Nebr. AG ruling on IVM & HCQ:

“Allowing physicians to consider these early treatments will free them to evaluate additional tools that could save lives, keep patients out of hospitals, & provide relief for our already strained healthcare system.”

>>14797086 Reminder that Big Mike is a man, baby! (Vid)

>>14797110 General who awarded Beau bidan the Legion of Merit dies at 67 y/o.

>>14797108 UK Commie propaganda rag has pics of The Crooked posse arriving at hospital to see Slick Willi The Rapist

>>14797129 article examines issues related to COVID-19 inoculations for children


>>14797134 No restaurants open in C Terminal in Denver airport because of owner's jab mandate; No workers showed up. Owner immediately reversed it.

>>14797171 Anon shares tips/insight on ordering Ivermectin and HCQ online

>>14797253 Providence, R.I. Subway worker Films Himself Walking through Food, Drinking from Bottles for Sale, Putting Tomato Slices on Toilet Rim Before Making Sandwiches

>>14797288 Assistant To US House Sergeant At Arms Charged With 10 Possession Of Child Porn Felonies

>>14797315 AZ, A.G. Brnovich sez Fakebook Admits to Aiding Human Smuggling

>>14797548 Trump campaign and Republicans duped scores of donors into unwittingly making recurring payments

We need to dig on "WinRed" and other "GOP" money-grubbing fraudsters who use POTUS' coattails to rake in $$

>>14797636 Stuart, Fl.: Three charged in ‘highly disturbing’ child pornography cases in Martin County

Was gonna make a JabDeath bun, but couldn't confirm the covidblog site's deaths as the site cites NO links to sauces; This one, however, has VID of the sick NBAer speaking:

>>14797054 NBA Update: Andrew Wiggins caves to social pressure, Brandon Goodwin suffers post-injection blood clots, while Kyrie Irving, et al. stand their ground.

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