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File: 2ca1bdf21b2af5b⋯.png (6.67 MB, 5760x3240, 16:9, 2ca1bdf21b2af5bdc6812f9b55….png)

f0e498 No.1452232

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Board Rules (Please read the rules)


Q's New Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/

Q's Tripcode

Current Q Tripcode: Q !4pRcUA0lBE

PAST Tripcodes: !xowAT4Z3VQ , !2jsTvXXmXs [ Blacklisted see, >>>/patriotsfight/71 ]

Q's Latest Posts

Thursday 05.17.2018

>>1449911 ------------------ Messages sent.

>>1449784 ------------------ Guardian of the Pope.

>>1449636 ------------------ Space Shuttle Pic

>>1449191 ------------------ Vegas Pic

>>1448841 rt >>1448660 ----- Pallet Pics

>>1448660 rt >>1448537 ----- Pallet Pics

>>1448537 rt >>1448466 ----- We are everywhere Anon.

>>1448221 rt >>1448152 ----- Note the jackets.

>>1448152 rt >>1448140 ----- London Pics

>>1448140 ------------------ London Pics

>>>/patriotsfight/87 ------- (deleted) see: >>1447680

>>1445345 rt >>1445248 ----- , >>>/patriotsfight/64

>>1445147 rt >>1444934 ----- As We Prepare To Land

>>1444934 rt >>1444808 ----- God Bless the United States of America.

>>1444808 rt >>1444682 ----- Stay vigilant.

>>1444682 rt >>1444632 ----- There is no bigger threat to 'them' than the public being awake and thinking for themselves.


>>>/patriotsfight/85 ------- ]SESSIONS[ Reels In Huber.

>>1440925 ------------------ Trump admin to provide F&F records

Wednesday 05.16.2018

>>1439789 rt >>1439665 – Bomb disposal team.

>>1439564 rt >>1439507 – Think Pickle Factory.

>>1439411 rt >>1439389 – Impressive

>>1439283 rt >>1439204 – 100% authentic.

>>1438448 ————— Gina Haspel Career Timeline

>>1438412 rt >>1438387 – WE ARE Q!

>>>/patriotsfight/84 —- Do what is Right.

>>>/patriotsfight/83 —- End of the Witch Hunt

>>1434225 rt >>1434153 – "FREEDOM" Caucus.

>>1434153 rt >>1434062 – Today was the precursor.

>>1434041 ————— US History [ABCs]

>>1432972 rt >>1432956 – Those with an agenda to silence will fail.

>>1432958 rt >>1432955 – Follow the pen/Jim_Jordan tweet

>>1432939 rt >>1432926 – SIS.

>>1432932 ————— Follow the pen

>>1431154 ————— No Such Agency vs Clowns In America

Tuesday 05.15.2018

>>1428355 rt >>1428282 ----- [NP 8:14 “——————— Pier 39…”]

>>1427755 ------------------ Start a Storm

>>1420066 rt >>1419965 ----- Do you trust POTUS? Does POTUS trust SESSIONS to protect the lives of our brave law enforcement?

>>1419926 ------------------ Did you catch it?

>>1419720 ------------------ Autists - we thank you. Patriots - we thank you. We came here for a reason.

>>1419607 rt >>1419514 ----- What do you notice? They all drop hints they are considering future elected positions.

>>1419531 rt >>1419500 ----- They knew this day would come. EVIL everywhere. CORRUPTION everywhere. We Fight! We, The PEOPLE.

>>1419464 ------------------ Who is Richard Donoghue? Background? PAIN.

>>1416382 rt >>1416216 ----- Find the [2] NYPD detectives [187] mid 2017.

>>1416241 ------------------ ENJOY THE SHOW.

>>1415794 ------------------ #1776

Monday 05.14.2018

>>1414277 ------------------ When does a bird sing?

>>1413485 ------------------ Pain Coming.

>>1413374 rt >>1413137 ----- rt: Patriot vs Paytriot

>>1413045 rt >>1413017 ----- Repost crumb re: Rudy

>>1413017 ------------------ Who knows where the bodies are buried?

>>>/patriotsfight/82 ------- Comms understood? (deleted) see >>1411589

>>>/patriotsfight/81 ------- They are losing control of the message. (deleted)

>>>/patriotsfight/80 ------- [ATTACKS WILL ONLY INTENSIFY]

Backup Q Posts


Previous Q Posts

Find Previous Q Posts at: qmap.pub/ qanonmap.bitbucket.io/ qanon.pub


If qanonmap ever goes down, the mirrors are: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io

Archives of Q's /patriotsfight/ threads >>1313128

* Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/edit?usp=sharing

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

Read: Social Media Protocols

1. DO NOT CONFRONT accounts that are being tracked. WATCH. ARCHIVE. REPORT.

'''2. If you find an important account, ARCHIVE OFFLINE BEFORE POSTING link to 8ch

We must avoid tipping off the black hats until archiving is complete.

>>1207179 For Instagram mirroring

>>1272084 For Twitter mirroring

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>1329265 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

=Q Clock Graphic=


Post last edited at

f0e498 No.1452239


are not endorsements


Sign the petition!


Sign the petition! >>1451218


>>1451478 Sign the Petition!

>>1451528 PP Going to Lose Funding

>>1451546 Operation Dark Sky

>>1451555 Owl filename

>>1451617, >>1451697 Inside the ‘Q Group,’ the Directorate Hunting Down Edward Snowden

>>1451704, >>1451870,

>>1451765 Cargo going to Ethiopia

>>1451939 → who and what is the Vatican police force? Vatican citizens? Clowns?

>>1452020 FBI Surveillance London Peter Strzok

>>1452153, >>1452143 Reconcile these two stories


>>1450750 Air China Cargo

>>1450777, >>1450885 Anthony Weiner's trusted staff(Awans) supplied the phones

>>1450792, >>1450855, >>1450888 Owl Crumbs

>>1450979 And the crumbs bring us to a clearer picture.

>>1450880 Was Tillerson in Argentina?

>>1450922 You just tied Vegas shooter to cabal

>>1450985 Q Pics from today

>>1451060 Executive Order 11110

>>1451104 Tale of Two Apples

>>1451115 Q = Quantum

>>1451129 Swift Code / BIC (Bank Identifier Code) Details for COMMCNSHZJA

>>1451218 Battle of IBOR

>>1451310, >>1451336 Allen man busted with 58 terabytes of child porn

>>1451370 New CDAN


>>1450076, >>1450454 AMD is one of the companies on those pallets, and Q mentioned the Pope

>>1450094 Does anybody else feel that this picture is to be used to be referenced later?

>>1450146 Hole in space shuttle?

>>1450194 Judge rules that L.A. politician accused of sexually assaulting teenage girl can be named in lawsuit

>>1450251 The pictures are not important. What they prove is important.

>>1450386 Archives Updated

>>1450311, >>1450395, >>1450416, >>1450325 Space shuttle pics

>>1450521 POTUS sending a message?

>>1450595 Tied to cryptos?


>>1449372 Find the shipment

>>1449434 Is this one of the phones?

>>1449567 Pasting the deleted number of Q into duckduckgo this website is one of the 2 results.

>>1449952 NASA SpaceX X2


>>1448437 We have everything. PS - Crossfire Hurricane - Got'cha

>>1448441 Piccadilly Circus Square, London, UK

>>1448449, >>1448477 Wedding of Prince Harry on Saturday

>>1448454 Ecuadorian embassy is a five minute walk from Hyde Park

>>1448466 Those pallets were full of smart phones to be distributed members, i.e. Hillary, bill, Hussein, bremmer,etc..

>>1448505 Chuck Grassley meet with @Jack

>>1448637 $24M taxpayer dollars used by Obama DoD to spy on Trump

>>1448714, >>1448767 Anyone else watching ID: 437917 ?

>>1448873 Look how Adam Schiff spells things.

>>1448926 Laurel?!

>>1448940 AMD Embedded /Trump Tweet

>>1448967 Q Drop Decode

>>1449104 LondonFag with location


>>1447697, >>1448067 WATCH: Trump Doubles Down On Media Over MS-13 'Animals' Comment

>>1447711 Crossfire Hurricane covert operation may have started sooner than we know.

>>1447768 Deception Breach, Kaboom!

>>1447760 Q post screenshot

>>1447777 Trump administration to provide records on Obama-era gun-smuggling probe, "Fast and Furious"

>>1447842 Trump tweet on Farm Bill

>>1447874 POTUS is giving a thumbs up on the 17th (Q) stripe down on his tie

>>1447991 POTUS Schedule Update

>>1448046 White House Press Briefing

>>1448069 Eye of the Storm on Fox

>>1448070 Swift Code / BIC (Bank Identifier Code) Details for COMMCNSHZJA

>>1448071 Manafort's Former Son-In-Law Flips - Political Wire


>>1446914 Graphic of ISIS control, side-by-side format

>>1446971, >>1446991 If BHO was not legitimate POTUS - had to remove Huber first, then re-appoint for Huber to be legit?

>>1447024 Wikileaks tweet re: new CIA Director, Gina Haspel

>>1447031 Trump tweet re: new CIA Director, Gina Haspel

>>1447067, >>1447422 Assistant AG, Amanda Kramer, who signed the Order to Unseal in Weiner's case is a Human Trafficking Director

>>1447074 Federal lawsuit accuses Obama center organizers of pulling an 'institutional bait and switch'

>>1447082 Intercept Rosenstein Was Blackmailed Into Appointing Mueller

>>1447193, >>1447330, >>1447463, >>1447566 Planefag Update

>>1447208 CDAN Church Pathogen Update

>>1447383 POTUS leads and the world follows!

>>1447520 WWG1WGA

>>1447604 EU time

Best Of Bread >>311157

Archive of Notables >>>/comms/225 (Batch 740~ present)

f0e498 No.1452251

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Q's request: KEEP DEMANDING #ReleaseTheTexts until #Unredacted release

[3] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[4] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet FASSSSSSST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Threads & Research Section

>>1254488 – QBOARD QUESTIONS (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>1121104 – Q QUESTIONS THREAD (post your Questions to Q here!)

>>1119245 – TTDDTOT - Things That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread

>>143179 — META


>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>311157 — Notable Post Discussion

>>198093 — Q memed/Newsweak/GreatAwakening

>>870846 — The Letter Q

>>694579 — Hispanic Qresearch

>>674740 — Qanon auf Deutsch

>>1254488 – Newfag Q&A

>>93735 —– Side-by-Side Graphics

>>1115338 – Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

>>1147812 – Notable Resignations Thread 2/2


>>4356 —— Tools and Information

>>4852 —— Free Research Resources

>>4362 —— Planefag Tools and Planefagging 101 >>1311848

>>4369 —— Research Threads

>>1233401 - All Executive Orders

>>1241760 - Shill posters

>>1243929 - JFK Files released

>>32223 —- Qs chess game

>>256741 — Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc.

>>410413 — Q Communications re:deltas

>>489697 — Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #2

>>618758 — Merkel research thread


>>810563 — NXIVM info collection

>>885933 — P=C

>>904395 — The Plan

>>911014 — Occult music and pop culture

>>957083 — No Name Research Thread

>>1013812 - Crazy Days and Nights Dig?

>>1049327 - 666 Fifth Avenue Research Thread III

>>1143658 - Abramovic

>>1272206 - 43 Confirmed Connections workspace

>>1286065 - FIND THE KEY dig

>>1310117 - For anons who wish to learn about self-sufficiency and for those who have information to share

>>1427755 - Battle for Internet Bill of Rights

f0e498 No.1452254

Graphics of All Q'S Posts

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486 , >>>/comms/487 , >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488 , >>>/comms/489 , >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491 , >>>/comms/545 , >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951 , >>>/comms/952 , >>>/comms/953 , >>>/comms/987 , >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#22 >>>/comms/1119 , >>1450156

>>1335083 Previous GMT Graphics

Q Graphics all in EST

>>1411389 Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82

>>1303748 Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures: >>1298492 , >>1302636

>>1148124 Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg —————— >>>/comms/968

>>1147122 Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg >>>/comms/967

>>1147113 Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —- >>>/comms/966

>>1335077 Previous EST Graphics

NEW: Q's Images Posted

Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QPosts Archives in All Formats

* Spreadsheet Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* NEW QPosts Archive and More at qmap.pub features All Q Posts/ Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts (top tags, players, posts per month)/ All Resignations: qmap.pub >>1334710

* Searchable, interactive archive with user-explanations: qanon.pub (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io)

* QMap PDF (Version > 9.2.0 [updated 5/13]) >>1403707

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Full JSON Q archive: qanon.news/Archives (~135MB/~817MB Unzipped) [Updated: 4/20/2018]

'* http://''qanon.news/posts.html for printing crumbs, sorted by timestamp

* https://commandandcontrol.center/ aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools

* Pavuk Systems Q Database: https://www.pavuk.com;user:pass = qanon:qanon

* Independent Q archive resource: irc.qclearancearchive.net > browsable versions of /thegreatawakening/ from before the purge http://irc.qclearancearchive.net/02.%20QMaps/Q%27s%20posts%20-%20CBTS%20-%208.14.0.pdf

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Merge QT - Awesome archive of Q Posts and POTUS Tweets in Chronological order: https://anonsw.github.io/qtmerge/

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Redpill Flag / Printable Q Cards with QR Link: >>851957

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

Backup Q Map/Graphic Set >>>/comms/283

Q Research Graphics Library

Nearly 18,000 Memes and Infographs Searchable by Subject


Advanced Graphics

>>1115338 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

Memes: Latest Stockpiles

Memes21 >>1352458 20 >>1232995, 19 >>1144040

Meme Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/


MasterArchivist ———————– qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist — main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) — https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https://mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

Learn to Bake! Q Loves Bakers (And So Does Your Mom)

New Bakers Please Go To Cooking Class >>>/comms/154

Or read the Bakers Manual https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

f0e498 No.1452271

File: 130098d2d9d0663⋯.jpg (119.48 KB, 540x381, 180:127, _zl6p2thyskb.jpg)

Dough #1823



I realise I numbered wrong, sorry! reporting now for change

fd8aa1 No.1452285

File: f98ed21ecd25e69⋯.png (648.11 KB, 773x644, 773:644, 3db10753594e1ad57ec26a7a43….png)


Do you trust POTUS? Do you trust PLAN?

The choice is yours

Sign the Petition!


#1. We The People have the Right to complete free speech when on the Internet.

#2. We have the right and shall be guaranteed absolute privacy when online. There shall be no unauthorized monitoring, recording, or storing of our data at any time.

#3. We shall be given access to the most up to date and powerful technology available to us, with all provisions & efforts made by our elected officials to ensure that our Internet quality is always reflective of its importance to our Republic.

#4. We have the Right to NOT have our Internet throttled, prioritized, or restricted in any way.

#5. We have the Right to select and appoint a new special council to oversee these Rights, and a report on the State of The American Internet shall be submitted to POTUS by January 15th of each year.

d0e7cd No.1452286

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Sorry if this was posted already but I've been afk for a few hours. This sounds like massive news.

fd8aa1 No.1452288

File: 254a1a20885b823⋯.png (203.12 KB, 1058x632, 529:316, ibor.png)

2d2758 No.1452289

File: 61001fc990489eb⋯.png (1.37 MB, 1500x1465, 300:293, mmga.png)

thanks baker!


c5b443 No.1452290

Late to the boards today; went and watched Deadpool 2. Super fun movie. The principle villain was a pedo that ran an orphanage. I think the white hats have twisted some cabal arms in the entertainment industry to prime normies for the revelation that so many social pillars have been eaten away from the inside.

Anyway to the real point of my post. It looks like Q already answered tonight's photos were about, but I had my own idea. It went like this: Q asked what time of year they were taken. To me it seems like fall. Fall would have been election time. The photos don't mean much to us, but they probably mean everything to MI6 and Deep State assets meeting in London to plot against POTUS with the Steele Dossier and such. They would know that they were in those locations and that other photos (audio too from phones) probably place personnel there. I think that's why Q later posted message sent.

Just brainstorming since it seems to connect to what we learned about Gina Haspel. Back to lurking I go…

e59203 No.1452291


Especially after he posted a pic of Vegas.

f0e498 No.1452292

File: d8450d0f442e412⋯.jpg (109.98 KB, 540x458, 270:229, _n9z3f97kopl.jpg)


Also need a new baker, kek

40a9ec No.1452293

File: cd2cf858e478871⋯.png (834.92 KB, 966x1294, 483:647, Screenshot_20180517-220926….png)

File: cc0a42c50ec635f⋯.png (337.25 KB, 295x640, 59:128, a845c9b9945ed9abc140c20ef9….png)

What kind of shItty FBI agent takes a window seat @PS?

96e3c1 No.1452294

File: efcaee551e42a48⋯.png (545.21 KB, 744x739, 744:739, ClipboardImage.png)

781e94 No.1452295

File: b12dcaf79273ded⋯.png (172.44 KB, 450x310, 45:31, Gold Pill Q 2.png)

New Q info center


https:// mega.nz/#F!bvR2lCJB!OOP1-Dxp58XnrI7c8VSm9Q!36xGUL6Y

e4d341 No.1452296

File: e9845ba99879363⋯.jpg (66.89 KB, 629x960, 629:960, Quantum Trump.jpg)

Q = Quantum

"We are EVERYWHERE" = Quantum Superposition

"We have it ALL" = Quantum Entanglement

It's not just 5D chess!

It's 5D Technology!

Use logic

It's the only way you can "be EVERYWHERE" and "have it ALL"

The cabal just got their secure unhackable phones, and tonights drops demonstrated that they can hack ANYTHING.

Message delivered.

The only reason victory isn't instantaneous is because Q Team Alliance is insuring the best possible outcome for all.

There is a divine plan.

Trust the plan.

040d0a No.1452297


So could be a operation there?

42a037 No.1452298

File: 530f0c90dffb92a⋯.jpg (8.22 KB, 224x225, 224:225, IMG_2216.JPG)

Inside joke @Q

9df6d7 No.1452299

Jim Jordan on Fox (Shannon Bream) talking about Goodlatte's bill on immigration. JJ working to tie Farm Bill vote to Immigration to stop Dems from avoiding it.

After Q's posts I would recommend watching JJ closely.

450294 No.1452300


This is Tucker at his best. Starting to get woke, and starting to dump it on his show.

416504 No.1452301

Vegas shooting live periscope via twatter


e8dee9 No.1452303


Baker you been drinking? Me too :)

db5e82 No.1452304

PRAY for Vegas.

82c254 No.1452305


>Guardian of the Pope.


Does this refer to Bergoglio only, or to all of the Popes?

Most Catholics will admit he is different than the previous Popes (some with glee, some with frustration)... but if what you say refers to more than only him, it will be a bitter pill indeed.

162c9e No.1452306

Q- I'm dying to know. Was the Titanic actually the Olympic? Was it all just a big insurance scam along with targeted kills?

eb628a No.1452307


The building in the distance is the Trump Hotel.

The image is a Google image (see footer).

92edb7 No.1452308



da3394 No.1452309

File: 430922aeca57933⋯.jpg (375.59 KB, 1982x1328, 991:664, corsibaker.jpg)

0f8bc1 No.1452310

File: c3ad8e76d0c2223⋯.png (950.5 KB, 1329x1201, 1329:1201, Screenshot at May 17 20-12….png)

File: 0b5129b11d61f0e⋯.png (512.41 KB, 681x976, 681:976, Screenshot at May 17 20-05….png)

File: 09838bcc439606b⋯.png (398.93 KB, 677x1178, 677:1178, Screenshot at May 17 20-05….png)

File: c42d9eb73b0b96c⋯.png (341.42 KB, 683x980, 683:980, Screenshot at May 17 20-06….png)

Eric Braverman McKinsey Clinton

45b5be No.1452311


swiss guard?

e23e92 No.1452312


things are coming together as planned

ea259c No.1452313

Just when you thought we were safe….Experts fear an "explosive increase" in Ebola cases after an outbreak in Congo entered a "new phase" and spread from the countryside to a city.


1d3dc3 No.1452314

File: 23944acedc6e818⋯.png (2.49 MB, 591x1280, 591:1280, qvegasss.png)

File: 118b288bae52c8f⋯.png (524.7 KB, 894x644, 447:322, Screen Shot 2018-05-17 at ….png)

File: 60f41fad4208f13⋯.png (703.63 KB, 730x403, 730:403, Screen Shot 2018-05-17 at ….png)

not far off

950f14 No.1452315

Hmmm…..911 happens……Cooper is shot by police trying to serve a warrant in nov….his organization…..CAJI…….world wide organization, …we hope Seth Rich is still alive in protection somewhere…..could Coopers death have been staged, and he put in protection and the plans made for the restoration of the Republic. ….we all are Q……CAJI fits that scale

f7e089 No.1452316

File: 79cd5917bb370dc⋯.mp4 (571.7 KB, 640x360, 16:9, 3RcD3MxKOo7raBOV.mp4)

On twitter Bill Gates is trending mocking President Trump for HIV and HPV. Could it be that POTUS knows about his involvement in eugenics and that both HIV and HPV?

450294 No.1452317


I smell a combination of both. Insurance scam, and insurance policy to get the fed.

6657f5 No.1452318

>>1451718 (previous)

Holy Ghost's going stuka on Skeletor.

ec716b No.1452319

File: 32d1459bf48ebf7⋯.png (48.67 KB, 745x95, 149:19, NZ.png)

PS was in NZ April 2016.

FVEY meeting?

Hurricane Crossfire related?

e8dee9 No.1452320



96b066 No.1452321


I'm not buying it. We share a lot of DNA with primates, but we didn't simply evolve. Someone or something intervened and created us, possibly from a more advanced native primate (Neanderthal). Current primates do not share this "ancestor" with us. I don't think we were ever able to reproduce with a species more primitive than our own..

040d0a No.1452322


Q knew.

f0e498 No.1452323


Well it was 17th of May.. "Grunnlovsdagen" aka. Norwegian Constitution Day

0a02bd No.1452324

The owl symbolizes Merlin.

We all thought Arthur the King was ruler of Camelot.

But there was a power behind the throne.

Merlin was the master of the chair

Arthur followed Merlin's guidance.

This is the Khazar model where the king is the war leader

But there is another who is higher than the king

Who speaks with the gods

And who tells the king what to do

So, behind the Pope, is another

One who has no secular role in the world

The pope is merely the chief shepherd

Who tends the flocks of sheep

Who tells them where to feed

And when to come in and get fleeced

The man behind the curtain

Summons Satan every day

Speaks to him

Learns from him

And thus, gains wisdom greater than any man

Who is this Merlin?

Who hides in the shadows like the owl?

Waiting and watching

bdb10b No.1452325



#1822 has already been used…

162c9e No.1452326


This entire op is so badass to think about. Spy vs Spy. Or rather Brennen vs Flynn. Traitor<PATRIOT.

398468 No.1452327


I think you might have a twisted pair..

134648 No.1452328

From previous bread, about the dual word thing


You know how FB uses facial recognition to verify your account? it feeds them data necessary to fine tune their facial recognition software.

I think this frequency bullshit on the words (each word is played at a different frequency, some hear one frequency better than the other) is just feeding THEM more data...which will be used to tweak and fine tune their EMF mind control tech.

423d81 No.1452329


he knows, read his first post

5b8488 No.1452330

File: 4e455da0eda5850⋯.jpg (123.51 KB, 1920x809, 1920:809, 5.jpg)

e59203 No.1452331


Anything is possible. The reports I've seen so far say "hundreds or police on scene" and "numerous helos." Still haven't seen it reported yet on a single other site on twatter.

516a8d No.1452332



Isn't that the Trump photo with Mculley Culkin?

3e2908 No.1452333

Catholic Christian Anon again: it is possible to be a good Catholic Christian and a good American. All you “Christian” clowns think you can still have Jesus without His Bride.

Not possible. Jesus already died once for Her. There’s no breaking that bond. You can’t make a younger sexier Church that He will fall for. He’s God the Son, not friggin Beowulf. HE’S 100% WITHOUT SIN OR COMPROMISE. And He is still madly in love with Rome.

It stings, don’t it, you silly little school girls? You know the Catholic Church is sexier than you vanilla Protestant snooze fests will ever be.

We receive our Lord and savior into our beings every week (everyday for some) through the Eucharist. And you’ve seen the miracles… just as your losing horse (#winning for us Traditionalists) Francis saw so many years ago - you know it’s really Him (You really thought you had your horse this time. You were very wrong.

A conservative Catholic will not serve Rome before the will of the American people - give to Caesar what is Caesar’s…

You’re afraid Charlemagne will happen again.

I wouldn’t bet on it. The end prophesy does not spell worldly power for the Church again (not outside of good ol Nature anyway). I think your computers are the more likely suspects most likely to be the anti-Christ.

But you go on ahead and believe otherwise. You’ll see in time.

Nature wins.



4e6f8a No.1452334



I don't think it's all that noteworthy but it is suspicious all things considered. We knew this crap was coming when Q dropped earlier though. Let the scrambling begin.

92edb7 No.1452335


And a few blown fuses.

bdb10b No.1452336

File: 95ed328fac82091⋯.png (209.93 KB, 1262x208, 631:104, Screenshot 2018-05-18 at 1….png)

e23e92 No.1452337

giant boobs and cameltoe are what keeps us going until the show

89a60c No.1452338


Die trying dick

f0e498 No.1452339


lol yes it is, don't dig into this guys.. I just edited the photo a bit.. kek

d868d1 No.1452340

File: 168c9d9f96b243c⋯.jpg (604.26 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20180517-231002….jpg)

Anyone see this? Is it just me or was this purposely misspelled?




7da654 No.1452341

File: 6bb56d9eb520714⋯.png (414.46 KB, 963x506, 963:506, tint.PNG)

42a037 No.1452342

How come mosquitos kill more than


But firearms come in third


And we have a huge skew of the suicide numbers domestically

da3394 No.1452343


dafuQ you talkin' bout, (((faggot)))

Baker's bread is righteous and tasty…different spices maybe, but fuck you.

18bdd4 No.1452344


go to hell. satanic digits confirm.

6fbd0d No.1452345


Photos seem to be tracking the woman in blue Muslim attire.

95973d No.1452346


Waiter, small boobs and badonkadonks at table number 9, please. Thanks

92edb7 No.1452347


I think he means he wants to go to bed

162c9e No.1452348


Really fascinating to think about. I seriously hope there is a way for the truth about so many things to be revealed, bc although shocking to some, it would LITERALLY be the definition of The Great Awakening. It would be so much harder to deceive the general population again.

85d2ab No.1452349

Maybe, just maybe we should be looking for McCabe in those photos

e8dee9 No.1452350


I am trying to recruit a new baker for you man… I can work at it another hour or so if you need to go…

e3966b No.1452351

File: 75743788deddbdc⋯.jpg (135.89 KB, 795x360, 53:24, Screenshot_20180517-201308.jpg)

File: e809caa0f53f4c6⋯.jpg (401.25 KB, 838x1097, 838:1097, Screenshot_20180517-201459.jpg)


the deadly wound was that the Vatican lost control of its finances & therefore never had the opportunity to use the other bank.

So, anything pertaining to the Vatican is under the Guardianship of the Rothschild. ... Including people in the Vatican.

2f8e14 No.1452352

File: 7d7ed783ecab038⋯.jpeg (82.74 KB, 443x665, 443:665, 1f2864f251b1a18405bd1f6d7….jpeg)


Tell Bergoglio Satans Pope the Vatican will be cleansed of evil and Jesus will reign again over the flock.

349285 No.1452353


good eye.

781a20 No.1452354

Active shooter Vegas

https:// breaking911.com/developing-active-shooter-reported-at-las-vegas-shopping-mall-what-we-know/

516a8d No.1452355



398468 No.1452356


Something has definitely short circuited in that one.

9733b4 No.1452357


Ah, you did my fave meme Bakeranon. NAISE!

afb7c6 No.1452359

File: 376d92905824317⋯.png (674.74 KB, 914x824, 457:412, Screen Shot 2018-05-17 at ….png)

Spiceworld: Gary Glitter (deleted scene)

" Short 'Edit News' presentation showing how the Spice Girls' performance of 'I'm The Leader Of The Gang' was edited to remove the presence of Gary Glitter after his arrest. Note that the performance itself was longer originally, even before Glitter appears. New dialogue for the aeroplane footage was also recorded, to replace the band's exalted cries of "Leader, leader…"

A rough cut of the film was bootlegged and did the rounds at record fairs a few months before it was officially released."

https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=jYRHoQP75-g

0a779e No.1452360

File: 5792637dc1f1e7d⋯.png (41.41 KB, 812x254, 406:127, ClipboardImage.png)


This why…

423d81 No.1452361

>read his first post anon, he knows


3e2908 No.1452362


Half evil






6fdcf8 No.1452363

Not sure this has been mentioned.

Anyone notice that Kansas follows 17 people on twitter?


Also, surprising to see he's not following @realDonaldTrump.

e59203 No.1452365


It's the reports of super heavy police presence that makes it odd. Maybe just because its Vegas?

Q pic is coincidental I'm sure.

a063ff No.1452366


anons are funny

30f315 No.1452367

POTUS use of "Animals"-→Owls…the Pope's Guardians…Drug Cartels…Santa Muerte


162c9e No.1452368


And apparently Nassim….

416504 No.1452369

File: fd167cbaedd8f7e⋯.jpg (82.69 KB, 720x720, 1:1, Matthew_18-20.jpg)


No thanks…dont need the heretical doctrine and worship of Ishtar

PS…All zionists can go fuck off as well Judeo Christianity is just as heretical

42a037 No.1452370

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Holy cow

5b8488 No.1452371


>>Guardian of the Pope.


ie the hit on jfk….jfk jr……personal……ordered by the owl

db5e82 No.1452372


89a60c No.1452373


Stop trying to supplant technology for the Divine will of God. Not your AI God. Glow fag, fuck off. You will never win. Never.

605af1 No.1452374


Fantastic segment.

bdb10b No.1452375


No, but if this is "bigger than anyone can imagine", then who knows...SR might still be alive and AW might no be so dangerous.

0a02bd No.1452376


You are right

We are MORE than a primate

When our wild chimpanzee ancestors

Were out in the forest

Hunting for food

Fucking for fun

Along came a wild boar

But he was not hungry that day

He wanted a fuck

And a nice ripe chimpanzee girl

Was positioned in the right way

And so he did it

And unlike most times the boars came to fuck

This girl became pregnant

And gave birth to a curious hairless chimp

And so our story begins…

To read the REST of the story, go here:


4e6f8a No.1452377


Baker caught it at start of the thread

e8dee9 No.1452378


Baker already said trying to correct

40a9ec No.1452379

File: 2b081258c4c4774⋯.png (688.6 KB, 1080x1264, 135:158, Screenshot_20180517-221736….png)

So PS went to London more than once. According to the texts he went in August. But these pics are in winter.

4d6283 No.1452380


Brothers Grimm

the Owl


f0e498 No.1452381

File: 8a15d8b0b298b8b⋯.jpg (137.95 KB, 625x575, 25:23, 6folnzjc62c.jpg)


About that.. I've been meaning to say something. Think we can agree to disagree a bit on approach and some topics.

However I admire your dedication, you are relentless brother, kek ;)

3980e5 No.1452382

Any "resets", "10 days dark" or "events" - US/CONUS or WW?

- Asking for a curious friend.

13dcf1 No.1452383

POTUS Does Everything Right…The Right Way…. Divine Intervention …. Oh Yea… God Speed Patriots …We have Reinforcements… Oh Say Can You See…. By the Dawns Early Light…

422dab No.1452384


a picture of a Palm Tree,

and a tripcode walk into a bar.

The bartender says…

4e6f8a No.1452385

d48be4 No.1452386


I believe you are correct

6bf92c No.1452387

File: 173b2e6d943d92c⋯.jpg (105 KB, 1080x1349, 1080:1349, 1526005569362.jpg)


They are really trying to take the fun out of Vegas, aren't they? I just went there for the first time recently. DO NOT FUCK IT UP FOR ME, DEEP STATE.


516a8d No.1452388


Why fool everyone? Waste of time in research!

3bda70 No.1452389

‪ https://yournewswire.com/wikileaks-pope-benedict-deep-state/‬

The deep state took pope Benedict out and put in a corrupt pope they could blackmail and control to further their agenda. Pope is having a terrible may. THANQ WWG1WGA

d0e7cd No.1452390


Lots of normies got smacked from DiGenova tonight. I wonder how quickly Brennan will trip and fall?

ec35de No.1452391

File: 46c4a66b2f1126c⋯.jpg (131.48 KB, 513x558, 57:62, 1525673812746.jpg)

Friendly reminder that communism is an reprehensible ideology and should be obliterated from the universe.


18bdd4 No.1452392

is it just me or is this bread full of idiots?

ccc94f No.1452393


Sec Pompeo follows @POTUS

162c9e No.1452394


No effin way…

89a60c No.1452395


And take your famefagging with you you fucking greasy whore. Be gone. Gtfo

6ef753 No.1452396


I'm paying attention to the Freedom Caucus, especially since learning that members of it don't necessarily reveal their membership.

2f8e14 No.1452397

File: 44425a7f54d4494⋯.jpg (14.26 KB, 250x250, 1:1, 65264a73bceaabc6a436d7b7f0….jpg)


Holy crap you shills are retarded……

7da654 No.1452398

File: 2bc89b99b6d1db2⋯.png (7.83 KB, 255x180, 17:12, f7e428523c1159f22f67f3cf1c….png)

913377 No.1452399

File: babfd0a5a5bc2e6⋯.png (225.3 KB, 1324x998, 662:499, iemarker1.png)

File: 4ab8439c26b89da⋯.png (227.92 KB, 1320x984, 55:41, iemarker1a.png)

Reposting an update to a notable from earlier today. Anon may have been on to something here. Connections with the [E] marker as well as the [I] marker. "coincidence" with Mccarthy being on Hannity tonight

6bf92c No.1452400


That explains this:

https:// 8ch. net/qresearch/res/1449142.html#1449191

9bfb23 No.1452402


"other job back"


5b8488 No.1452403

File: fd2495f91250254⋯.jpg (76.25 KB, 666x500, 333:250, 10xsms.jpg)

a644ed No.1452404


I think he was just pissed & his fingers were flying. A legitimate typo.

da3394 No.1452405


Ah, I see that now. kek

standbybaker can go for a few

ready for handoff baker

576548 No.1452406



Confirmed….you have an IQ of 21, which to a Catholic pedo is WAY TOO OLD.

434caf No.1452407


Tracking HA?

And who said it had to be an FBI agent holding the camera?

afb7c6 No.1452408

File: 21984a91a6c79ce⋯.png (143.96 KB, 1707x625, 1707:625, Screen Shot 2018-05-17 at ….png)

6e8b5b No.1452409

File: 725eb25572eada9⋯.jpeg (182.81 KB, 1061x982, 1061:982, D01FE922-920E-4F52-A915-3….jpeg)

040d0a No.1452410


Shills everywhere..

a5ac99 No.1452411

File: 0ad8ffca2fb483d⋯.jpg (86.64 KB, 363x360, 121:120, whitey.jpg)

18bdd4 No.1452412

e59203 No.1452413

File: 9a4877c408e6a6e⋯.png (3.18 MB, 1764x1444, 441:361, ClipboardImage.png)

MSM Spin: "The event was packed full of people and bots connected to Trump campaign"

81c217 No.1452414


Q Power

Noice! >>1452298

1b1138 No.1452415


It's time for SHS to stop calling on the biggest scumbags at her Press Beatings.

It's not journalism anymore … hasn't been for a while.

They aren't even trying to hide their lies.

And they clearly don't care if they are called out either.

Fuck em. Ignore them.

320a08 No.1452416

Just finished looking at the latest Q drops from last night. When they say "we have it all", theyre not kidding.

c3c489 No.1452417

File: 680a3578bf2a02e⋯.png (2.31 MB, 1753x740, 1753:740, owls owls owls.png)

File: 7edf7f1e3427e15⋯.jpeg (9.2 KB, 196x257, 196:257, Roth and Aldobranni.jpeg)


>Fountain of the owl


>The Aldobrandini are an Italian noble family from Florence, with close ties to the Vatican. Its Roman fortunes were made when Ippolito Aldobrandini became pope under the name Pope Clement VIII. He arranged the marriage that linked the Aldobrandini with the Roman family of Pamphili. Additionally, they were also linked to marriage alliances with the Farnese (Ranuccio I, duke of Parma, had married Margherita Aldobrandini) and Borghese (since Olimpia Aldobrandini married Paolo Borghese).

9be9c5 No.1452418


things have…..changed.

89a60c No.1452419


Games over bitch

280379 No.1452420

File: 08a85e838e87961⋯.jpeg (373.79 KB, 1110x1200, 37:40, DdcZLbvWkAEepPa.jpg-large.jpeg)


Turns out Melania is an E.T. (outer or inner earth, you pick)

Barron is the reincarnation of Tesla

Trump is Merovingian

And Jared Kushner's just along for the ride, but he's pitching in with ass, cash, and grass (because nobody rides for free).

7da654 No.1452421



ec716b No.1452422

File: e60ae62f9a61edb⋯.png (412.62 KB, 1117x555, 1117:555, ClipboardImage.png)


Tis true.

806517 No.1452423

109147 No.1452424

e8dee9 No.1452425


Hopefully baker will agree to handoff - will stand by since I have been watching

afb7c6 No.1452426

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

1b1138 No.1452427

File: e5df5bc86d97aaf⋯.png (367.52 KB, 662x635, 662:635, gibgunsgonz.png)

04b8a5 No.1452428

File: fb6f8b6ea8a81f1⋯.jpg (401.16 KB, 1242x1588, 621:794, IMG.jpg)


Saw this on twatter, if you take the key and put it into the search feature on qanon.pub, it pulls up a past Q post about (them). Pic related. This indicates that the posts have embedded keys attached to each. Could it also mean there are posts that are hidden and when Q posts another key it will reveal hidden information, potentially a certain video?

f0e498 No.1452429


Handoff confirmed

Remember, next bread is #1824

Godspeed Baker

18bdd4 No.1452430




so shilly it's not even funny. I'm just sitting here watching the bread go by and looking for crumbs and it's just shill shill shill shill shill. Should filter everyone here.

2f8e14 No.1452431

File: 18a62557c23b4eb⋯.png (956.81 KB, 1000x1744, 125:218, 1524876758652.png)


Bolshevism is an ideology suited for subhuman filth.

0a779e No.1452432


Or this

"Macron, France’s youngest president at 40, will meet with chiefs of Microsoft, IBM, Uber and others in Paris on May 23 at the Elysee presidential palace. And expects the likes of Satya Nadella and Alphabet’s Eric Schmidt to make proposals on how the tech sector can have a positive impact on consumers and society, on matters like privacy, artificial intelligence and robots in the workplace."


5c3160 No.1452433

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

2 min vid: NSA vs CIA Q drop from yesterday.

ec168c No.1452434



Why is is guys "name" clickable? Where does it link to?

896041 No.1452435

File: 58e6669715a6d53⋯.png (75.08 KB, 682x256, 341:128, WRQ.PNG)

f6dc78 No.1452436

File: 07467d95d01c861⋯.png (23.79 KB, 627x405, 209:135, ClipboardImage.png)

File: be14c9559308ea1⋯.png (252.26 KB, 1214x807, 1214:807, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 005308d2a99ae8e⋯.png (116.16 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2467ff4c0579ee5⋯.png (111.52 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a88f815f4188eb5⋯.png (116.63 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

did duckduckgo 58204802B92838x-ZjA378402-12


5e647d No.1452437


I'm sure Q will answer you cuz knowing what's up with the Titanic is SOOO much more important than anything else right now. Who cares about current habbenings with the deep state cuz it's all about muh Titanic.

4d6283 No.1452438


I love you


no homo

4b74d4 No.1452439

File: 4d6f1dc33a6a69d⋯.png (1.97 MB, 1888x1576, 236:197, SageWisdom.png)

b2effa No.1452440

File: caac07a63cf4e91⋯.jpeg (846.7 KB, 1242x1776, 207:296, 99A37158-C4D8-44C1-9AA4-8….jpeg)

2eec9e No.1452441


all this noise and chatter and conversations

meanwhile in Vegas

2b37eb No.1452442


This power behind Poop Francis also gives out black eyes.

The tender mercies of the wicked are cruel.

18bdd4 No.1452443

File: 01b151dba1ac3a4⋯.png (66.11 KB, 710x749, 710:749, 135993.PNG)

this might be something interesting. Just a random post.

e8dee9 No.1452444


Yeah, love the Bakers :) Sleep well PartyBaker

040d0a No.1452445

Really I need a new laptop…

6d9c1b No.1452446


mother nature

every monkey has a handler

afb7c6 No.1452447

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

d0e7cd No.1452448

File: 029f6461991715c⋯.jpg (41 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, deathpunish.jpg)


When I watched it I almost spit out my drink. Jumped out of my chair. DiGenovas was holding back his excitement and im glad tucker laughed out loud.

96b066 No.1452449


No way. We're smart. They're dumb. 2 dummies don't make a smartie. Maybe you're a pig-chimp, since you're so dumb that you choose to shill a board that is, like, saving the world and shit.

360b66 No.1452450

File: 5647d4d00d94ffd⋯.png (167.17 KB, 306x405, 34:45, IMG_7136.PNG)

We'll love watching you swing long time!

ec35de No.1452451

File: f9f0d7971805440⋯.jpg (114.58 KB, 750x726, 125:121, 1522291604482.jpg)


Nice find.


0c6759 No.1452452

Believe in Trump

Believe in Sessions

Believe in the Freedom Caucus

They are the ones doing the actual work.

1d3dc3 No.1452453


that old lady under the sign looks like RGB!

96e3c1 No.1452454

File: 1831e7d3b65abb2⋯.png (48.17 KB, 723x122, 723:122, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2b2d18a7d5f674d⋯.png (259.76 KB, 618x412, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

781a20 No.1452455

THE Boulevard Mall in Las Vegas has been locked down as dozens of police vehicles converge amid reports of an ‘active shooter’.

The shopping complex, on on Maryland Parkway, is surrounded by police and supporting ambulance and fire services.

Initial reports suggest the police response came after shoppers called 911 after seeing a man walking through the hallways with a rifle.

http:// www.news.com.au/world/las-vegas-mall-shooter-police-converge-on-boulevard-mall/news-story/db686bcae0e7ca9fb08db8eb8ed1261d

9df6d7 No.1452457

File: 337750e173c9a2b⋯.png (1.35 MB, 1550x1292, 775:646, Screen Shot 2018-05-17 at ….png)

Extraction/removal event in Vegas??

576548 No.1452458

File: 0988f6d989ed545⋯.jpg (10.07 KB, 220x220, 1:1, jew cartoon.jpg)


Looks like the bottom of your page got cut off….

1d3dc3 No.1452459



806517 No.1452460


>:stay at home<



>Safe comms_SAT-re_Bz985300^00


A notable earlier suggested the bracketed numbers indicated a certain timetable.

Is the post Q made to which I've linked above a warning to stay home on a certain day?

Mentions sky, which made me think of "SKY Event."

b2effa No.1452461

File: de1de6d3f405fe2⋯.jpeg (283.05 KB, 1242x1209, 414:403, 9FC7CAB2-9A94-46F7-96D6-0….jpeg)

9733b4 No.1452462

File: f007ae9a47e8eea⋯.jpg (143.67 KB, 480x540, 8:9, Baker5Star.JPG)


Thanks for your incredible work and art, Baker. You're a rock star and 5 Starer. Rest well.

4e6f8a No.1452463


Not saying it isn't related. We knew this was coming, slimy fucks are gonna start flailing, best we can do is just keep an eye out for anything of interest about it and let the police try to keep folks there safe. It sucks, they're gonna go down doing what they do best, hurting others.

a765c6 No.1452464

>>1449945 (prev)

Your analysis seems spot on, and matches well with some others:


db5e82 No.1452465


The entire Trump family has been born on Earth, just like all of us here.

Souls are a different story.

Why do we all feel, and have felt for a long long time, that something is deeply wrong with this world and it needs to be fixed?

a644ed No.1452466


Q did say to note the jackets/time of year.

Q !4pRcUA0lBE ID: 598069 No.1448221 📁

May 17 2018 17:47:09 (EST)


Note the jackets.

Time of year.


ae2048 No.1452467

File: dd8a9e1c117f2e3⋯.jpg (52.04 KB, 605x564, 605:564, False Flags.jpg)

File: ea41e8aba10e253⋯.jpg (100.4 KB, 750x709, 750:709, Formula.jpg)

File: 70c02179f21b991⋯.png (181.82 KB, 450x339, 150:113, Whitewater Files.png)

File: e263f2ab38e518f⋯.jpg (118.83 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, engine fire.jpg)

Who has the Best explanation of a False Flag?

I'm looking for the most comprehensive, concise, & clear definition/explanation as possible.

I'm trying to reach a very intelligent but highly skeptical close friend, among many others too. He's still completely asleep and doubts anything to do with "conspiracy theory". You know, kind of like he's above it all, and seems to rank it down with Jerry Springer or lower. He doesn't get much sleep & he's busy with work, kids, wife, various home projects on weekends & simply doesn't have the time to do the research. He doubted my claim that MSM news was indeed deep-state fake propaganda, the C_A was rogue & were in on perpetrating all major terror attacks and shootings in US for decades. And, since "I" was the one who brought up these conspiracy topics, my word has lost the credibility it once had.

I'm after words, memes, both, whatever works. Maybe even something that touches on 187s, or a series of memes? Something that conveys credibility & believability. Any of your help/time will be much appreciated, …and by a lot more than just me.


18bdd4 No.1452468

File: c5cd904039b4263⋯.png (10.54 KB, 566x269, 566:269, ClipboardImage.png)

here's another oooolllllddddd post.

3980e5 No.1452469


"Is that a pic of your 'Date' Palm?"

afb7c6 No.1452470

File: 932be4c420ad2a2⋯.png (261.23 KB, 371x525, 53:75, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0f8a84419c75d03⋯.png (2.09 MB, 1038x1047, 346:349, ClipboardImage.png)

56a984 No.1452471

Ok fd up guys….but was about to post photo on dig re owl/pope and sorted by recents. At 19.40 hrs I have a downloaded excel file titled "STORM is HERE" was driving back from airport at this time and not on my fagphone. When I drop in attachments below shows as pdf. Don't know what it is and cant access in root files of my phone or post anywhere else. I kinda want to post to see what it is, but no fn clue what I would attach. Anyone else??? Messages sent?

605af1 No.1452472


I'm looking for one too. Those AMD pallets have me concerned. Intel still safe?

040d0a No.1452473


Good graphic.

Just lack the Islamic ideology.

2f8e14 No.1452474

File: b493185f2c22273⋯.jpg (10.7 KB, 218x231, 218:231, b493185f2c2227332ac99ab8f6….jpg)


I didnt think parasites were worth mentioning….

13dcf1 No.1452476

DJT Does Everything Right…The Right Way…. Divine Intervention …. Oh Yea… God Speed Patriots …We have Reinforcements… Oh Say Can You See…. By the Dawns Early Light… Since The Escalator

5b8488 No.1452477


good point

1cf234 No.1452478


Jesus fucking Christ. First AJ shitting up the board now the [P]. Fuck you and fuck Rome.

5c3160 No.1452480

short video fag here. should I do a quick vid on twat/FB censorship? i feel a burn

afb7c6 No.1452481

File: 2dccdc3da9c1b21⋯.png (149.12 KB, 665x387, 665:387, Screen Shot 2018-05-17 at ….png)

https:// www.iheart.com/content/2018-04-11-20-artists-with-vegas-residencies/

40a9ec No.1452482

File: f9ce98c020e53e3⋯.png (131.6 KB, 1080x822, 180:137, Screenshot_20180517-140219….png)

da3394 No.1452483


10-4 oldbaker

rest well


162c9e No.1452484


I live for the day that the smug cunt mika is brought down.

89a60c No.1452485


You won't be able to walk down the street. You will yearn for death but be afraid to die. Either way, you are condemned to hell. Don't show your ass in here again.

6bf92c No.1452486

File: 113c74dd87263e6⋯.jpg (461.48 KB, 1920x1920, 1:1, 1526071041406.jpg)



>The gorgeous redhead brought you here, now you have to pay attention to what I say:

I had an explanation for a friend of mine that allows the TV persona "Trump" to live in his head rent free. It goes like this.

Hey dude, if you want to know what's really going on, pay 0 attention to ANY news about Trump, and pay all your attention to what's actually going on in the world. Are we at war? Is Korea at peace? How's unemployment? How's the dollar trading? Are your checks looking good since the tax break?

@POTUS is the official Presidential Twitter.

@realdonaldtrump is TV Personality "President" Trump (and, coincidentally, a place Q anons can get their occasional validation).

Get it? Think of Trump as two different people. The TV Persona "President" Trump, and the real President Trump whose demeanor we're not privy to unless you watch older interview clips of Trump from the 80s/90s. Like this one:

https://www. youtube. com/watch?v=Rksd80-FCAw

18bdd4 No.1452487

File: c45c07256ec4ee6⋯.png (46.75 KB, 852x807, 284:269, ClipboardImage.png)

30933f No.1452488


I must be a real disappointment to their Ledger. My mate has been trying to do the same thing with the exact same method for years with minimal to no results to date

434caf No.1452489


Just an idiot…

H3r.n4m3.w4s.tr4c3r@love.u is the 'link' - basically, launches your mail client. Likely just random string and the @ triggerred the mail:to

7da654 No.1452490



5b8488 No.1452491

File: 7486e69439d3c76⋯.jpg (19.72 KB, 263x288, 263:288, 8b2bb33be7d0780f7e0a88e6fb….jpg)


where you been df..er its all been sifted

afb7c6 No.1452492

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

bdb10b No.1452494


I like you're creativity, Anon. Why don't you do us all a favor and put it to good use.

2d2758 No.1452495


lol posted that earlier :)


605af1 No.1452496


DJT is the master. Nobody has a clue what the mans next move is. Everyone is guessing.

I love this administration. KEEP THEM SAFE!

b21f06 No.1452497


Foreign Surveillance London Peter Strzok

89a60c No.1452498


Scared bitch? You should be.

d67bf4 No.1452499

File: 8dd2e85d30755e0⋯.png (408.65 KB, 946x922, 473:461, Selection_157.png)

26fe33 No.1452500


We as Christians are the bride.

The Catholic church is the whore

c3c489 No.1452501

He's your friend, he's got a life. Leave him alone.

You're not helping him, all this shit is toxic.

But if you must ruin an innocent mans life:

show him the pics of Abromavic spiritcooking

with all the recognizable celebrities. Will Farrell,

Pamela anderson, lady gaga, jay z.

Then show him the podesta emails related to

spirit cooking.

you can search the images yourself. I'm going to


ea259c No.1452502


My thought as well. Muslim clothing would be a great way to travel incognito. Is it Huma? From the bus seat shot it looks like it is someone with fairly pale skin.

49e0ca No.1452503

(Bread #1821)



>Check out the Society of Jesus and the Knights of Malta…

Yes, they are the interface between Church and Tribe.

ffb0f2 No.1452504

a765c6 No.1452505

File: f56b434d282a015⋯.jpg (44.59 KB, 473x299, 473:299, Capture.JPG)


>Extraction/removal event in Vegas?

Seems like it's most related to this previous post.

< pic related

2f8e14 No.1452507

File: 1bd3e3659b10057⋯.jpg (23.08 KB, 480x660, 8:11, 1bd3e3659b10057771ce42673d….jpg)


Islam isnt really an ideology for humans.

56b85e No.1452508

File: 91ed444eb1e398f⋯.jpg (192.92 KB, 750x1100, 15:22, claymore.jpg)

18bdd4 No.1452509

File: a7caed7d1ff93af⋯.png (159.37 KB, 1591x677, 1591:677, ClipboardImage.png)

70f18f No.1452510

File: b7f79ad8f19ad99⋯.jpg (34.44 KB, 576x384, 3:2, dontpanic.jpg)

Check this out you guys. Take the Q DROP from today with the 64, and the Q Drop that was 64, (pic related) then put that together with this link. Coincidence?

http:// www.wbay.com/content/news/Soldiers-knock-on-doors-in-Dark-Sky-exercise-482842701.html

1b1138 No.1452511

File: 889316a6b58569b⋯.png (1013.83 KB, 898x540, 449:270, ClipboardImage.png)



5b8488 No.1452512


lol…..she's too drunk too make it that far…i was interesting the 2 black clothed people far right

18bdd4 No.1452513

File: d57095b557b9f1e⋯.png (11.26 KB, 666x270, 37:15, ClipboardImage.png)

162c9e No.1452514


Ya cuz Q brought it up for no reason asshole. Why don't you ask Q why he brought it up in the first place if it wasn't important to understand.

2cfe09 No.1452515


It is impossible that he does not.



280379 No.1452516

File: 255dea3480980c6⋯.png (336.86 KB, 384x500, 96:125, f850a1cfdcbbdc455a0a013438….png)


Better question, how many times have you died?

Last time it happened… did you go to a black, empty, timeless void…

And after "however long" you were reached out to and asked if you'd like to come back for one final round? This time for keeps… with a handicap…

And you said "Absolutely", right?

96e3c1 No.1452517

File: 4545ee1345b7b84⋯.png (145.01 KB, 394x147, 394:147, ClipboardImage.png)

1d3dc3 No.1452518


yournewswire is a fake news website

what are you new?

18bdd4 No.1452519

File: 14e1f009b83a3dd⋯.png (269.68 KB, 1729x390, 133:30, ClipboardImage.png)

f8b3cd No.1452520

File: 270bd5235c53be8⋯.png (305.89 KB, 550x261, 550:261, ClipboardImage.png)



Vatican Online Library…OWL

ec168c No.1452521



So if you click on hos name, and it links to your email, does he then have your email address? Just trying to understand this completely.

18bdd4 No.1452522

File: 15fc9b773256de9⋯.png (23.04 KB, 1796x322, 898:161, ClipboardImage.png)

3ea9ec No.1452523


i see you.

i don't filter you.

40a9ec No.1452524

File: 3249d03e0171f14⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1080x793, 1080:793, Screenshot_20180517-223240….png)

Why does it look like there is a barricade in the foreground near this building?

9733b4 No.1452525

File: b3d613a0e760881⋯.jpg (127.93 KB, 500x333, 500:333, b5dbb86303db32747345a465d3….jpg)


Quality. Sides, gone.

96b066 No.1452526


The cup filled with her fornications is most filthy of late. If it wouldn't involve the loss of innocent life, I'd like to see a Magnitude 10 hit the Vatican.

dfb1c2 No.1452527

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

7cff03 No.1452528

File: f46a90e0749470a⋯.png (339.14 KB, 795x470, 159:94, ClipboardImage.png)

No sure if I trust the source, but an interesting theory for further research.

“One of the more interesting scientists working in World War II for Dr Josef Mengele on the German Ebola program was a Portuguese doctor, Jose Simoes Ferreira.

His daughter, Teresa, is married to Senator John Kerry, although I am quite sure neither knew anything at all about Ferreira’s past until I blew the gaff (it’s a topic covered in Spyhunter).

I imagine the Democrats have since tightened up their selection procedure for presidential candidates – surprisingly, no one apparently thought to ask John Kerry in 2004 whether or not his father-in-law was involved in hideous medical experiments on African children in World War II on behalf of Dr Mengele.”

Dr. José Simões-Ferreira, Jr. (1910–1989) father of Teresa Heinz Kerry

4e6f8a No.1452529


I'd say so.

5b8488 No.1452530

File: 4e455da0eda5850⋯.jpg (123.51 KB, 1920x809, 1920:809, 5.jpg)


the figure far right black fur cap resembles ps

423d81 No.1452531


Hes a shill, filter him.

Been shilling all week here

db5e82 No.1452532


Respawn count: infinite

56a984 No.1452533


Found it. It was shared to my Google drive. It's the entire board archive, but I did not download or click ate request. Fucked up and odd

360b66 No.1452534

File: 7bd2ff0edd3c322⋯.jpg (66.17 KB, 438x298, 219:149, IMG_5869.JPG)

a59b31 No.1452535

File: dd9ef01593f3194⋯.png (16.74 KB, 501x299, 501:299, (88) _qresearch_ - Q Resea….png)

Just throwin' this out there:

Apparently if you're older you will hear Laurel (lower frequency) and Yanny (higher frequency) if you're younger.

What if this has been used in all kinds of transmissions and recordings? Might explain a lot of things.

We know frequency can change your mood and that was done with 440Hz over the natural 432Hz.

What if these frequencies were transmitted constantly? Sickness, disease, mental health issues.

The Canadian MSM recently reiterated that 2 in 3 people are clinically depressed. As well, 1 in 2 will get cancer. They seem pretty confident about those numbers. What's hiding on 5G?

Think as well, if two thirds of the population is considered mentally ill, how hard would it be to implement martial law?

Had to add the captcha

2b37eb No.1452536


In a heartbeat.

0c6759 No.1452537

2eec9e No.1452538

File: eb52b529b437244⋯.png (1.24 MB, 1111x777, 1111:777, Q_BiteCrumbs_20171112_Hind….png)

>>1452514 Don't mind the shutdowns. I'd much rather read theories on Titanic than more redhead conversations.

I wonder about the targeted killings: did they have assets on the boat to ensure certain targets didn't get off the boat, or manage the rescue somehow? It's also related to the Hindenburg incident

f0e498 No.1452539

Update for correct bread number

>ThanQ You

0a02bd No.1452540



The black eyes are not given

They are earned

Lower down on the pyramid

You probably do get hit with a mason's mallet

Or a stick of wood

But the Pope is very high indeed

So when he earned his black eye

He gave it to himself

In full public view


Of the art of the con

Of deceit

So everyone watching

Thought that his popemobile hit a bump

And threw him off balance

And he was unable to aim his head

Directly at the window frame

At the right angle to hit his right eye

It was an accident they say

Deception achieved

Satan is happy with this one.

18bdd4 No.1452541

File: 1a85d718833a6cb⋯.png (7.98 KB, 1062x176, 531:88, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e93be7c6f03756a⋯.png (3.41 KB, 567x106, 567:106, ClipboardImage.png)

ab4270 No.1452542

from #1821 notables >>1451115 Q = Quantum

>How can you be Everywhere simultaneously?

>Quantum Superposition

>How can you "hack" anything?

>How can you have it all?

>Quantum Entanglement

Seems so obvious. I'm surprised that no one has brought this forth before now (or me can't recall it happening).Most surprised that I hadn't.

040d0a No.1452543


But only exist Two companies for pallets


37c56a No.1452544

File: aea755ea45faf01⋯.jpg (157.49 KB, 913x631, 913:631, Screenshot_20180517-233451….jpg)

File: 497c869e0ab66b4⋯.jpg (690.39 KB, 1079x1474, 1079:1474, Screenshot_20180517-233213….jpg)

uhh anons. looks like something.

393e1c No.1452545


Troll email address. Use the regex filter that's been posted around to get rid of that faggot.

96e3c1 No.1452546

File: 1761ab31f7b7d57⋯.png (3.36 MB, 1680x1050, 8:5, ClipboardImage.png)


someone likes the gingers

20a873 No.1452547

File: fc5cfa937a05835⋯.png (109.68 KB, 455x540, 91:108, Screen Shot 2018-05-17 at ….png)

File: eae574605565bcf⋯.png (77.46 KB, 485x402, 485:402, Screen Shot 2018-05-17 at ….png)

File: 7670fbd3ec753c0⋯.png (219.85 KB, 1199x545, 11:5, Screen Shot 2018-05-17 at ….png)


CDAN pedo, Steven Marshall, is likely RELEASED by now.

He was sentenced to 90 months (7.5 years).

NO MENTION of his conviction in Wikipedia.

Look where he was living at the time of arrest...


c3c489 No.1452548

FUckiN Fail.


>help me ruin my friends life


>no…but ok


1. Any major search engine (google, yahoo, duckduck ect)

2. Turn of "safe search"

3. Image search "SRC_IMG"

4. cry like a bitch because you realize

how prevalent this "Cheese Pizza" shit is

5. help your friend pick up the pieces of his

fractured depressed mind.

040d0a No.1452549


So The islam must be destroyed in the whole world.

dfb1c2 No.1452550

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


96b066 No.1452551


Only if you e-mail him, and it's a real e-mail addy.

3ea9ec No.1452552


(Q said no filters, btw)

note that when Q is posting, all the shill/bots go away - but that guy stays.

i think it's important, not sure how or why.

32a8e4 No.1452553

Anyone seeing this active shooter in Las Vegas?

da4582 No.1452554

File: bf6a9ec9824ff30⋯.jpg (148.99 KB, 746x960, 373:480, ssi.jpg)

7da654 No.1452555



Officers are investigating a person with a gun call at the Boulevard Mall.

No shots confirmed.

No injuries reported.

Maryland Pkwy from Desert Inn to Twain is closed.

Please avoid the area. #LVMPDnews

434caf No.1452556



What I was trying to say is I don't think it was deliberate. Just that the @ character transformed it into a hyperlink.

9645cd No.1452557


Btw anon, do you have a cap of that soft disclosure post? I used to but lost an entire folder of caps and can't locate it on qanon. pub

Thanx in advance.

2eec9e No.1452558

File: 6163a92b3e836ee⋯.png (382.09 KB, 690x775, 138:155, ACTIVE SHOOTER VEGAS.PNG)

File: 5486270870b2a52⋯.png (1.45 MB, 1764x1392, 147:116, Vegas2.png)

File: ef9eea8c0d6ffc8⋯.png (1.49 MB, 1764x1452, 147:121, Vegas3.png)

File: c4c69984c16c9f4⋯.png (378.63 KB, 964x963, 964:963, Vegas4.png)

File: 13bbf53188a5290⋯.png (1.52 MB, 1764x1452, 147:121, Vegas5.png)


>after seeing a man walking through the hallways with a rifle.

e6a087 No.1452559

WWG1WGA - just a patriotic motto?

Maybe this is reinforcing that there are no outside comms - only this board, available to all.

No inside groups.

No privileged people.

No secret societies.

37c56a No.1452561


Good call. didn't see that.

0c6759 No.1452562

18bdd4 No.1452563

File: 23004728bb85c4e⋯.png (13.66 KB, 1807x178, 1807:178, ClipboardImage.png)

On Putin.

2b37eb No.1452565


Can't coexist with cancer.

89a60c No.1452566


Ironic isn't it? Your false AI God is bringing YOU down.

8a7ce2 No.1452567

File: aa371c1da9c3fa8⋯.jpg (1.73 MB, 3840x2160, 16:9, IMG_20180517_192944[1].jpg)

Marked my calendar a couple weeks ago.

I knew that there was an event of some sort coming. I did not know what, still don't [Know].

But seeing Q sign off today spooked me just a bit.

0c6759 No.1452568


there are lots of outside comms

Q is a larp dude

360b66 No.1452569

File: feaa4b3efaee503⋯.jpg (88.75 KB, 640x951, 640:951, IMG_0308.JPG)

db5e82 No.1452570


I'm phonefagging. Someone spoonfeed us please.

040d0a No.1452571


Fake Russian!!!

37c56a No.1452572

File: b324e315c12966b⋯.jpg (132.18 KB, 1079x412, 1079:412, Screenshot_20180517-233800….jpg)




4d6283 No.1452573

18bdd4 No.1452574

File: 9cdb1b1a4e17e80⋯.png (9.51 KB, 592x219, 592:219, ClipboardImage.png)

162c9e No.1452575


Interestingly Mengele's assistant was a guy with the the last name of Epstein.

0c6759 No.1452576


q is a larp

5b8488 No.1452577


that alone should get that weird ass banned

seems like a clown operation

280379 No.1452578

File: 66718396fec3dbe⋯.jpg (97.97 KB, 810x810, 1:1, esotericarttrangles.jpg)



You've been at this a while, too, huh?

d0e7cd No.1452579

File: 6ad88976ccf171b⋯.jpg (59.89 KB, 800x533, 800:533, breannanbtfo.jpg)

>>1452286 (Brennan needs an attorney stat)


more details.


dfb1c2 No.1452580

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


040d0a No.1452581


Why the mania with the RedHeads.

The New Pickle?. kek.

a5ac99 No.1452582


This is the ONLY reason I came back to this shit hole.

Because it's not supposed to be this way.

ec35de No.1452583

File: 4b8bc10545f1d74⋯.jpg (452.64 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 1524510.jpg)

Anyone notice Sessions had a black eye today at the roundtable meeting with CA mayors?

96e3c1 No.1452584

File: ef11ee5b83765a0⋯.png (3.75 MB, 1600x1200, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

a644ed No.1452585


Guess that means you can leave now. This is Qresearch. Nothing to see here for fucktards like you.

1cf234 No.1452586


Parking lot seems awfully empty. Did the mall people all get into their cars and drive peacefully away while the people on foot ran like lemmings with cameras on?

9645cd No.1452587


Same prob. My laptop was comped around bread #725 or so. Been Phonefagging ever since. Kek!

040d0a No.1452588


The Black Sun was with Hitler..

2b37eb No.1452589


Sure. Whatever you say.

5e647d No.1452590


I'm not saying it's not important. Is it important at this point in time? I see it as "bigger fish to fry" right now in order to get control of the cabal situation. Afterwards, ALL the horrible things they've done in the past (hopefully) will come to light.

968ddf No.1452591


Scientists have shown that about 90% of the cells of the human body are microorganisms. Other living beings are comprised mostly of them too. We can't survie without them. They're everywhere.

8a7ce2 No.1452592

File: 7b73935126ef25a⋯.jpg (88.88 KB, 800x1000, 4:5, .jpg)

a5888f No.1452593


there are still malls?

I thought those were just indoor old lady jogging centers.

c3c489 No.1452594



Hell ya Anon, thanks for the sauce!


56b85e No.1452595


Las Vegas-Henderson Metro Area Live Audio Feeds

afb7c6 No.1452596

File: a9d9d26b3a9029b⋯.png (241.21 KB, 500x350, 10:7, ClipboardImage.png)

5b8488 No.1452597


26 characters

6d9c1b No.1452598

who is god?

what is god spelled backwards?

Who is the Shepard?

What does the Shepard use to fight off the Wolves?

Anons are a pack of what?

Who protects the lambs?

we the people fight fight fight

we the people = hive mind.

we decide

end game?

db5e82 No.1452599


That is for sure :)

Roseanne is jumping on the boat. Kanye too. All on their own pace. Very nice!

da4582 No.1452600

The Illuminati’s purpose is to secure the ongoing survival of the human species.


da3394 No.1452601


yeah, not gonna apologize for "hitting first". KEK!

bdb10b No.1452602


1978- protectress of poland also became the personal guardian of the pope.

Coronation as Queen and Protectress of Poland

In August 1382 the hilltop parish church was transferred to the Paulites, a hermitic order from Hungary.[7] The golden fleur-de-lis painted on the Virgin's blue veil parallel the heraldic azure, semée de lis, or of the French royal coat of arms and the most likely explanation for their presence is that the icon had been present in Hungary during the reign of either Charles I of Hungary and/or Louis the Great, the Hungarian kings of the Anjou dynasty, who probably had the fleur-de-lis of their family's coat of arms painted on the icon. This would suggest that the icon was probably originally brought to Jasna Gora by the Pauline monks from their founding monastery in Hungary.

The Black Madonna is said to have miraculously saved the monastery of Jasna Góra (English: Bright Mount) from a Swedish invasion.[5] The Siege of Jasna Góra took place in the winter of 1655 during the Second Northern War, as the Swedish invasion of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth is known. The Swedes were attempting to capture the Jasna Góra monastery in Częstochowa. Seventy monks and 180 local volunteers, mostly from the szlachta (Polish nobility), held off 4,000 Swedes for 40 days, saved their sacred icon and, according to some accounts, turned the course of the war.[7] This event led King John II Casimir Vasa to "crown" Our Lady of Częstochowa ("the Black Madonna") as Queen and Protector of Poland in the cathedral of Lwów on April 1, 1652. Prior to this event, several royal nobilities have offered crowns to the image throughout the years, replacing its iron sheet crown by gold and several jewels. In later years, various jewels were interchanged and repositioned around the image to preserve the aesthetic of the icon with the replacement of stolen crowns.[8]

c5b443 No.1452604


I don't have any idea anymore. I used to show flashes of true precognizance as a child in this lifetime, now I'm pretty much retarded. :(

41bf6c No.1452605

>>1451336 prev bread noteable

math fag here. 58tb divided by 10mb is 5.8 MILLION files, not billion. Still a lot though.

3e6d5f No.1452607

File: a20d70fe694a399⋯.gif (295.96 KB, 213x160, 213:160, tenor.gif)

bbb6da No.1452608

File: 7f928b16fa88050⋯.jpg (37.57 KB, 680x511, 680:511, overreact_immediately.jpg)


So they shut down the area without confirming that there was any reason to do so?

7bf940 No.1452609

File: 05593e0c156f1d6⋯.png (40.91 KB, 712x278, 356:139, libido dominandi e michael….png)


>Jesuits control everything maymay

You're not technically wrong, but the Society of Jesus was infiltrated and turned against it's original mission, so the "Jesuits" in the Vatican are no more Jesuits than they are Buddhists. However, they do exercise control over kind hearted, but ignorant real Jesuits, who are unaware of their black masters' diableration. The Black Church has Weaponized the church's most learned and wise, who are the biggest internal threat to their power, into puppets and mouth pieces for the cabal.

The Illuminati, the historical one from Bavaria from the period around the French Revolution, took the Jesuit doctrines and inverted them. They took the science and sacramental confession from the Jesuits, and after purging them of their religious elements, turned them into a system of intelligence gathering, spying, and informing, in which members were trained to spy on each other and inform their superiors. Bavarian secret society only last 8 years and, at best, played a very minor role in fomenting the French Revolution. However, its legacy of innovating disciplined cells to do the bidding of their masters without having the slightest inkling they are actually being ordered formed the blue print for every secret society to follow. While the real Illuminati died centuries ago, it's legacy continues on, carried by it's spiritual successors today who used it to create the widest, sickest, most depraved institutional monstrosity ever known to man.

393e1c No.1452610

Board cleaned up

Removed duplicates, reddit-tier blogposts, self-doxx, anti-Q trolls, no-substance, no reply, and botched-reply threads.

Newfags, a reminder to post within the breads already created. Do not use the form fields at the top of the page if you are not already in a bread, because that will create a new one.

8124db No.1452611

File: 9dbf6300c7273c3⋯.jpg (117.7 KB, 1300x956, 325:239, cardinal-jorge-mario-bergo….jpg)

d67bf4 No.1452612

File: 97415f9be7e8fbd⋯.png (209.28 KB, 491x347, 491:347, Selection_158.png)

162c9e No.1452613


Obviously it all connects back to the bloodlines and ruling families. So it's a starting point in some ways (in recent history) to better understand how we got here. There are obviously a lot of connections we can make on our own, but it would be nice to have some confirmation about certain events.

e86f9a No.1452614

File: 1d8aaa5f59344ca⋯.jpg (481.71 KB, 716x503, 716:503, ARG-Bariloche-RT-02.03.18.jpg)

>>1450880 #1821

>think that Tillerson was in Argentina. Do you know where?

Quelle surprise. While still SoS, RT took a day trip to Bariloche, Argentina on 02/03/08.


<pic related

--Note: RT was fired as SoS by POTUS on 03/13/18.

>>1450999 >DJT tweet on Argentina & Macri today

Of course, during his trip to Argentina, RT met w/ Pres. Macri on 02/04/18, the DAY AFTER going to Bariloche.





8b4e7e No.1452615

File: efc0c7724c5a513⋯.png (190.89 KB, 399x239, 399:239, ClipboardImage.png)

0d60aa No.1452616


There's a lot there, hard to prove though…

2d2758 No.1452617



thanks jerome, you can leave now

393e1c No.1452618

File: ed41c06939d95a4⋯.jpg (1.72 MB, 1629x11760, 543:3920, threads.jpg)


Forgot to post evidence..

37c56a No.1452619


Looks like most are in here


but I haven't heard it go off yet.

dfb1c2 No.1452620

File: 1c01c664e18d42d⋯.jpg (33.72 KB, 500x500, 1:1, happycock.jpg)

https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2543164/?ref_=adv_li_tt STORY OF A MEMEFAG AND A IPHONE ,


398468 No.1452621


That might explain John Kerry's visit to Antarctica on Election Day. He was visiting the Nazi UFO base

2eec9e No.1452622


dank you very much for the work/service/etc


f8b3cd No.1452623




Borri S.p.A.

- Dedanext S.r.l - Dedagroup S.p.A.

- Digita Vaticana Onlus

- Gladis Krieble Delmas Foundation

- Heydar Aliyev Foundation

- IAPS-Istituto di Astrofisica e

Planetologia Spaziale, Roma

- INAF-Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica

- Von Mallinckrodt Foundation

- NTT Data

- Panduit Corporatin

- Polonsky Foundation

- Samuel H. Kress Foundation

- Metis Systems

- Sanctuary of Culture Foundation

- Seret S.p.A.

- Stiftelsen Konung Gustav VI Adolfs

- Stiftelsen Marcus och Amalia Wallenbergs


- Fritz Thyssen Stiftung

- Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Numerous benefactors have generously

contributed to the financing of the important and

onerous building works in the Vatican Library, the

acquisition of new and important documents, the

restoration of manuscripts and books, the catalogu-

ing projects and other initiatives. The Vatican Library

wishes to thank the following persons and Institu-

tions explicitly:

- Alan


- Åke


- Laura


- Simona


e familiari

- Angelo


- Frank



Wa r r e n









Chiara e Giovanna




Pellicioli Lorioli

- Paolo


- Bill


- Patrizio


- Scott & Lannette



Luciana e Francesco


- Paola

Ve r o i



Volpi Fumagalli

3869b7 No.1452624

Pope John Paul II birthday tomorrow

49e0ca No.1452625

(Bread #1821)


All celebrities are groomed to serve in various roles. The fact that Whitney was so hugely famous meant she was part of the crew.

5fe78d No.1452626

File: 5201c937fe0b9aa⋯.png (53.97 KB, 1000x657, 1000:657, Atlantis Flag.png)


Whenever duty calls. Memories of Atlantis.


>Wake Up!

8b4e7e No.1452627

File: 3f652cfc38e3443⋯.png (167.29 KB, 374x259, 374:259, ClipboardImage.png)

e12097 No.1452628

File: 7c031eafbf4d073⋯.png (1.13 MB, 675x853, 675:853, Screen Shot 2018-05-17 at ….png)

I can describe my life up until now as an overwhelming sense of melancholy.

The Great Awakening, Q, POTUS, Autists and Anons have literally brought me back to know happiness. It is like nothing I have ever felt before. Surely not since childhood, as I have been lucky enough to have had a very good upbringing.

Something deep inside me always known the world was ‘off’. I have always known up is down, left is right. I was unable to reconcile the ‘reality’ as it was ‘given’ to us to my own sense of what is Right and Just. Melancholy.

I now literally walk down the street with a whopping big ass smile on my face…

I now have a purpose - I feel understood, validated, and heard. I feel like I belong to something bigger than myself, something which is Good. I have been given the greatest gift life has to offer - the privilege to serve for the higher Good. I am humbled, and I am so so grateful.

A heartfelt Thank You to Q, POTUS, White Hats, Autists, Patriots, and Anons.

WWG1WGA. Love you all (no homo).

Ok, now back to work faggots!

c3c489 No.1452629



Guess who had red hair.

guess what % Egyptian men share Tut's Dna

0a02bd No.1452631



So you are telling me that the USA and all other countries in the western world are being run by incestuous clans of con-artists who are psychopathic pedophile cannibal vampires and you can stomach that without any problem. But when I tell you that human evolved from a pig-chimpanzee hybrid, you can't stomach it? What if I said that hybridization was a common way of new species developing throughout the time life has existed on this earth. What if I said that the reason that animals can move around so much is that an ancient single celled animal-like cell was invaded by an ancient rickettsia bacteria that we now call mitochondria. Or that animals are more closely related to fungi than to plants.

You know so little about reality, it's no wonder you need to keep burning hydrocarbons to make your jalopy go.

96e3c1 No.1452632

File: 8fc060a85ec4084⋯.png (254.17 KB, 519x635, 519:635, ClipboardImage.png)

2cfe09 No.1452633


"Idiot" is one of the shillbot psych profiles.

4987e1 No.1452634


Great job. Thank you anon!

040d0a No.1452635


Don't forget that The Patagonia is very very important.

Even Besos would want a place in Argentina..

a5888f No.1452636

File: 3e15262fdc13cef⋯.png (74.3 KB, 1114x591, 1114:591, ClipboardImage.png)


393e1c No.1452637

File: 63b3b156bddf101⋯.jpg (42.73 KB, 492x663, 164:221, screenshot-sys.8ch.net-201….jpg)


Wow. Low energy shill right here.

6faf5d No.1452639


Buy Muh Book

1b1138 No.1452640

File: 12f61d4736848b2⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 622.51 KB, 1357x1816, 1357:1816, ja1.jpg)


Thanks for all you do, BO.

3869b7 No.1452641


Deep state runs deep

db5e82 No.1452642


Thanks boss

cf0c47 No.1452643

Trust Sessions

Jeff Sessions ends Obama-era ‘de facto’ court amnesty for illegal immigrants

Attorney General Jeff Sessions issued a directive to immigration judges Thursday telling them they can no longer shunt deportation cases off onto permanent wait lists and leave illegal immigrants free to roam the U.S.

Known as administrative closure, the wait list had become a favorite tactic of the Obama administration, serving to protect low-priority illegal immigrants from deportation.

Rather than pursue those cases, government attorneys would propose — and judges would grant — administrative closure by shipping more than 200,000 cases to the suspension list in what analysts said became a de facto amnesty.

Mr. Sessions, flexing his attorney general powers, ruled Thursday that the policy rested on shaky legal ground. He issued a precedent telling judges to decide the cases in front of them rather than rely on administrative closure.

“No attorney general has delegated such broad authority, and legal or policy arguments do not justify it. I therefore hold that immigration judges and the Board [of Immigration Appeals] lack this authority except where a previous regulation or settlement agreement has expressly conferred it,” Mr. Sessions said in his decision.

The ruling could, in the short term, speed up deportation decisions on the children and families that have surged into the U.S. over the past five years.


afb7c6 No.1452644

File: 0cca9c1df06c6bb⋯.png (116.16 KB, 616x899, 616:899, ClipboardImage.png)

http:// perezhilton.com/2013-05-08-the-saturdays-leaked-song-gentleman-listen#.Wv5Lmakh2S4

8b4e7e No.1452646

File: 8da9deae1f23ed6⋯.png (160.7 KB, 350x258, 175:129, ClipboardImage.png)

162c9e No.1452647


Clearly not a pressing issue. It's just a puzzle piece that would be nice to have filled in so we can connect more dots, show pattern, bloodlines, ect. We understand the "big" picture, it's the details filled in that would be awesome to know.

434caf No.1452648


And what makes 'your' jalopy go?

Don't say electricity - you can't possibly be that stupid.

da3394 No.1452649


I stand corrected, anon…I was using 10000 as my divisor. Kek!

040d0a No.1452650


Also in Eurasia/Middle east.

Not similiar to the Europeans, but it's there.

Redheads everywhere..

d7f0c2 No.1452651


>I now literally walk down the street with a whopping big ass smile on my face…

Me too Its driving everyone around me crazy, I cant understand it.

2d2758 No.1452653


lol foreal

boards been pretty comfy today

a lot of research, a lot of Q, a small bit of shilling


6bf92c No.1452654

File: e4346b75debd72c⋯.jpg (254.91 KB, 2000x1125, 16:9, 1506628812654.jpg)


Approved. I have that one, too.


Very nice. Saved.



Nice post anon!!

e86f9a No.1452655


isn't Braverman supposedly running ES & Wendy Schmidt's "foundation"? Any sightings of him?

f5248d No.1452656


After a couple of tests of random data on a Q post, that Search Engine will return a second hit that also has the same corresponding hit from the first No.# shown.

To me, the No.# secondary item shown is only the search engine doing a simple "guilty by association". Nothing to see here, as the search results is not based on some secret hidden codes or keys.

96e3c1 No.1452657

File: 2b2d18a7d5f674d⋯.png (259.76 KB, 618x412, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

0a02bd No.1452658


Do any of you have a date? This is a couples-only bar.

5b8488 No.1452659

File: 2f850b1eb72249c⋯.jpg (12.14 KB, 236x167, 236:167, 23de96c2bc96958feb96ce246d….jpg)

fff563 No.1452660


I think that there are many of us anons who resonate with your sentiments. We feel we don't belong… we are homesick.

ec716b No.1452661

File: 47f7abf1668cb4c⋯.png (325.4 KB, 1183x676, 7:4, ClipboardImage.png)

File: dd1286482a40e12⋯.png (279.26 KB, 1182x648, 197:108, ClipboardImage.png)


They mean East Twain Ave obvs, but still…weird.

8b4e7e No.1452662


973d6a No.1452663

da3394 No.1452664

File: f42e1eb7d81f8c5⋯.png (25.4 KB, 606x485, 606:485, pepewww.png)

979772 No.1452665

File: 5fbcc8edf09c96c⋯.png (414.27 KB, 484x472, 121:118, Dodd.png)

4e6f8a No.1452666


You and Baker rock BO! Thanks for that and comfy bread.

2d2758 No.1452667


>>1452643 Sessions end 'de-facto' amnesties

ee9a6e No.1452668

File: f01507308a7b31f⋯.png (88.16 KB, 908x612, 227:153, ClipboardImage.png)



If the closed door meetings yesterday revealed the truth of Bennan's outright attempt to illegally alter the will of the American people's election he will face many, many severe legal hurdles. At this point he still probably believes that he is above it all and protected by the Clinton Crime Family. But guess what JB? - they will drop you like a hot potato. Think back - you know what they have done to people that they no longer need or who have became useless to them.

8b4e7e No.1452669

File: 9a62ce035063f96⋯.png (69.61 KB, 282x227, 282:227, ClipboardImage.png)

dfb1c2 No.1452670

File: 2f8b4cd430ad7d2⋯.jpeg (13.86 KB, 214x255, 214:255, derps.jpeg)



cebaa1 No.1452671

File: 0ca3b7c72c01096⋯.png (645.89 KB, 774x2210, 387:1105, selfishledger.png)

Gogle isn't even trying to hide their intentions anymore.

Does anyone doubt this was their end game the entire time?

https:// www.theverge.com/2018/5/17/17344250/google-x-selfish-ledger-video-data-privacy

db5e82 No.1452672


All is lost anon

We will never drag the horse to water now


8adab8 No.1452673

File: 8e0a792eab255f5⋯.png (971.96 KB, 295x640, 59:128, 1838f83e4c45ca4aefb517cd48….png)

File: 6f06fbfa637c28a⋯.png (1.35 MB, 1024x944, 64:59, 1.png)

File: 116334c7902bad2⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1027x927, 1027:927, 2.png)


The owl Q posted is a 'Bubo Bubo' owl, also known as a Eurasian eagle-owl.

Why is it called a 'Bubo Bubo'? Sounds like Bubonic plague right?

Read the pictures.



Who actually caused the Bubonic plague??????



Just kidding, this entire post is a joke.


94a683 No.1452674



>-LV extraction/removal of VIP, or removal of potential MASSIVE >false flag [device - nuclear/chem/bio]?

MegaAnon was refering to a MUCH larger LV false flag too, which I deducted from the old drops could have meant nuclear attack (level half of vegas).

6faf5d No.1452675

>>1452632 Selfies: the new Narcissist reflection.

6d512b No.1452676

File: 5aa1cd0c1ab60e8⋯.jpg (90.77 KB, 500x625, 4:5, 29bfrc.jpg)

File: de57bedf4b815b7⋯.jpg (97.95 KB, 500x625, 4:5, 29bg4l.jpg)

File: 1fabdf8ebce705b⋯.jpg (87.59 KB, 500x625, 4:5, 29bfww.jpg)

4303ec No.1452677

File: 168fa572605d267⋯.gif (21.66 KB, 600x1042, 300:521, ppp.gif)


afb7c6 No.1452678

File: 2fc9faa85647a94⋯.png (322.54 KB, 1702x518, 23:7, Screen Shot 2018-05-17 at ….png)

File: 29e8c1444dfa9c3⋯.png (389.97 KB, 1697x772, 1697:772, Screen Shot 2018-05-17 at ….png)

File: 1c3dab4699d5745⋯.png (197.53 KB, 1705x699, 1705:699, Screen Shot 2018-05-17 at ….png)

96e3c1 No.1452679

File: 9dfeec0946fd4bb⋯.png (764.57 KB, 544x527, 32:31, ClipboardImage.png)

a5888f No.1452680


AG Sessions revealed in March U.S. Attorney John Huber will be the ‘top federal prosecutor’ who will be investigating DOJ and FBI abuses.

Many Trump supporters are skeptical because U.S. Attorney John Huber was first appointed to his position by Barack Obama in 2015.

Inspector General Michael Horowitz informed lawmakers Wednesday on Capitol Hill his much-anticipated report on the FBI’s handling of Hillary Clinton’s email investigation has entered the final stages.

Sources are saying the report on the FBI’s 7th floor under Comey’s Directorship is absolutely damning and “worse than expected.”

2d2758 No.1452681


EAGERLY waiting on a [JB] from Q

hate that commie islamist

616e42 No.1452682

File: 868a2db23665bae⋯.jpg (24.84 KB, 250x400, 5:8, 51FbLvncGWL._AC_SY400_.jpg)

bdb10b No.1452683

File: f98e77a2555567e⋯.jpeg (95.96 KB, 500x543, 500:543, ms13.jpeg)

e4ceba No.1452684

File: 023694a6552fc1b⋯.jpg (21.17 KB, 500x511, 500:511, checkmate.jpg)

1b1138 No.1452685


Obviously new to the internet, by the looks of it.

Looks to be a high school intern working for Corsi or AJ.


162c9e No.1452686


If you are a discerning creature it's difficult to ignore the evil around the world. This is like a little light being shown so that the less discerning or just flat out asleep fags will wakeup. That's a badass timeline to experience.

ec168c No.1452687


OK - ty anon.

2d2758 No.1452689



e6a087 No.1452690


Tables turned. They are fearful, we are energized,

8b4e7e No.1452691

File: 5240af765f8c7bf⋯.png (80.6 KB, 399x171, 7:3, ClipboardImage.png)

8bf56a No.1452692

File: 06dd88d5a81f802⋯.jpg (995.59 KB, 1920x1440, 4:3, 1FBBB90C-19DB-4867-98DD-CB….jpg)




I'm not a computer fag but I understand what your talking about. I tried posting this several times months ago but kept getting banned for spam. Right click on any of Q's photos, then under image, you can scroll through a crap ton of pics from before and after each pic drop under Article ID. I got tired of trying to explain and getting banned but always thought it tied with you have more than you know. (((I))) just have no idea how to use the info!!

040d0a No.1452693


That Redhead needs her own pepe. kek.

da3394 No.1452694


>> 1452643 Sessions end 'de-facto' amnesties


this is how you call out a Notable.kek

d7f0c2 No.1452695


you titled this bread wrong….it should be Ginger Bread

31d253 No.1452696


Whoah. Look for misspellings and twat edits and time stamps and brackets. Whoah. This is the time stamp coordination with POTUS.

It’s on us when Q goes public. Gotta figure out the code.

5e647d No.1452697


I agree about the puzzle piece. It is one of too many evil acts by these bastards. Please accept my apologies for coming on too strong on my first response.

26cf4a No.1452698

File: 6497c74fa639af1⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1403x548, 1403:548, 2018-05-17_23-26-57.png)

2f8e14 No.1452699

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


> new species created when pig fucks chimp….

You dont understand a fucking thing about nature or science you fucking mongoloid.

dfb1c2 No.1452700

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



393e1c No.1452701

File: 3a13a25b8a64f1e⋯.jpg (28.88 KB, 1459x270, 1459:270, screenshot-sys.8ch.net-201….jpg)


1 more botched-reply thread.

806517 No.1452702

I know officer Familia was 1 of 2, but who was the second NYPD cop that Q refers to?

Was this second officer the one who was threatened by the DOJ/FBI as per Eric Prince?

4cedf8 No.1452703


He's just tryin' to slide under the radar.

They're willing to try anything, since nothing works.

96b066 No.1452704


I didn't say I couldn't stomach it - I just don't think it's accurate. If I found out that you were right, I would be perfectly OK with it. The nature of the physical form is not that important.

a063ff No.1452705


flood of loose associations, shills… appreciated.

56b85e No.1452706


I listened to that one for a bit but did not hear much. "North Las Vegas Police and Fire" also pretty quiet.

2baa3d No.1452707

>>1451546 (prev.)

Yup, our power was knocked out on the 15th by a freak thunderstorm, not restored until today the 17th after noon.

This is in the northeast USA.

d0e7cd No.1452708


digits confirm

Gina waterboards Brennan till he sings like a songbird.

da3394 No.1452709


n¢rdbaker is passed out

5e6a91 No.1452710

File: 66369ebb7e4da5f⋯.gif (977.63 KB, 229x176, 229:176, 8b4e500f2217ae2018973aefad….gif)


hahahahaha, you totally wrekt me, nicely done lol

162c9e No.1452711


Haven't seen or heard of him since London last year.

2352a4 No.1452712

File: e6ba23c570c42e1⋯.jpeg (153.58 KB, 734x901, 734:901, 066F2145-AD37-4317-A2DA-8….jpeg)

File: 9ec6acbedc6c426⋯.jpeg (217.16 KB, 750x848, 375:424, BD6C2D37-81DB-480D-8F92-C….jpeg)

“Nothing is a coincidence”…..

434caf No.1452713


'thumb' in the URL just indicates that it's a thumbnail (smaller) version of the image…

2cfe09 No.1452714

File: 08ced39547cefa2⋯.jpg (18.63 KB, 600x600, 1:1, take this.jpg)





Its dangerous to go alone! Take this!


d67bf4 No.1452715

360b66 No.1452716

File: 05764e99f629c88⋯.jpg (126.83 KB, 550x500, 11:10, IMG_2437.JPG)

98f53a No.1452717


Thomas Paine seems to be having trouble figuring out how many shooters there are, what weapons they're carrying, etc

He changed that Tweet quite a few times.

0a02bd No.1452718


Is that the Virgin Mary? She is the Pope's personal guardian.

bdb10b No.1452719


careful with those asians and the facial plastic surgery…your kids might turn out to be unbelievably and deceptively ugly.

e6a087 No.1452720


You realize this board is entirely about uncovering a global conspiracy… and it leads to only one place.

8adab8 No.1452721


This is a really anti-Semitic post.. you should really watch your tone when you post here. We don't tolerate division here.

8b4e7e No.1452722

File: 006e3a8d7fe7ef7⋯.png (146.5 KB, 346x229, 346:229, ClipboardImage.png)

33426b No.1452723

File: cbab8fba3fef804⋯.png (85.27 KB, 1211x643, 1211:643, ssfromQcodedrop.PNG)


This spreadsheet of sealed indictments is very interesting.

I scrolled to the bottom of the s/s - there are over 27,000 indictments. Some have been UNSEALED.

However, most of the links detailing the indictments are not accessable without a login and password.

I did find on the very last row one of the unsealed indictments was against Infraud Corp.

This indictment document linked to scribid. I went there - found Sergey Medvedev's names listed as one of many being prosecuted for gang activity and money laundering and identity theft schemes. Huge!!!

Then my whole system locked up and I had to reboot. Opened Firefox again and what do you know - it has to do an update for firefox. Right!

So, can someone verify this for me?

I managed to save a screenshot of the s/s, but not the indictment docs. They were actual court document filings.

afb7c6 No.1452724

File: 3e6f2284ce9f4cf⋯.png (173.26 KB, 628x353, 628:353, Screen Shot 2018-05-17 at ….png)

File: b2fbc24c6867e6c⋯.png (318.83 KB, 680x415, 136:83, Screen Shot 2018-05-17 at ….png)

File: 76e85cc292c8180⋯.png (261.08 KB, 1140x472, 285:118, Screen Shot 2018-05-17 at ….png)

162c9e No.1452725


No prob anon. I just want the entire truth.

30933f No.1452726


This is nothing new. Your parents prolly tried to do this with you, by bribing you with everything under the sun to get you to clean your room, get good grades, do the dishes, take out the trash…etc. etc. everyday of your life until you left home. How well did that work out for them.

e1bb51 No.1452727

File: 952161f9dfd1ec6⋯.png (194.29 KB, 387x448, 387:448, ClipboardImage.png)

PICKLE factory….?

Director and Founder

William J. PICKLE

("… head of the Secret Service Legislative Affairs Office during President Clinton’s first Administration. …")

"… TorchStone is a premier global risk mitigation and security firm, providing customized solutions to address each client need across the entire spectrum of security. …"


7da654 No.1452728

File: ca41490c876d718⋯.png (2.09 MB, 1261x721, 1261:721, Capture.PNG)

b1e350 No.1452729

>>1452065 lb


Been watching it for the past few days. Appears to be learning/reacting to posts subjects. Is also starting to reply to itself. This could be a blow if it starts to rapidly post and slide the board. Already picking up speed.

last bread was 16 posts-

15616f No.1452730


All these video posts, which pull down data from servers other than 8chan, feel like a way to mine the IP addresses of Q-interested anons.

Or maybe I'm getting too paranoid.

96e3c1 No.1452731

File: 9dbd9e47ef44986⋯.png (82.12 KB, 230x271, 230:271, ClipboardImage.png)

2d2758 No.1452732


lol its habit by now

dfb1c2 No.1452733

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻


(ノ≧∇≦)ノ ミ ┸━┸


(╯ರ ~ ರ)╯︵ ┻━┻


(ノ´・ω・)ノ ミ ┸━┸



db5e82 No.1452734

File: e3951a41db63d69⋯.jpg (54.62 KB, 746x988, 373:494, Dane5DxVMAA5Fzf.jpg)



Ahh nevermind here it is

1b677a No.1452735

File: 0a7bd49a3447634⋯.png (448.52 KB, 1646x1344, 823:672, Screen Shot 2018-05-17 at ….png)


89a60c No.1452736


Thx Anon, I can't deal w these satanists

83c7d1 No.1452737


Evolve is a loose term. You're on the right track.

040d0a No.1452738


Pickle Alpha!!!

1cf234 No.1452739


This Francis brings whole a new meaning to "Assisi"

6bf92c No.1452740

File: c00edd36c2101d6⋯.gif (3.74 MB, 360x540, 2:3, 1506193853188.gif)


As always, thank you BO!

dfb1c2 No.1452741

File: 4331cb0b2692b1e⋯.jpg (120.2 KB, 640x809, 640:809, highAF.jpg)



75d8a6 No.1452742


I don' know if Q is a LARP or not… And I really do not care that much.

To me it doesn't matter much because if the things that are posted pan out, then it was beneficial information…..

If not, then history will be the judge of it.

The real power is in the Anons… Becoming unified and demanding Justice will prove to be the key.

162c9e No.1452743


Interesting Q hasn't posted about FF's incoming. Not that he has to, it's just that it's obvious now would be a time to do something major like kill Meghan Markle or something crazy. That'd be 24/7 coverage.

8cd719 No.1452744

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





BARRY EASTMAN, Metropolitan Police Dept.

Authorities said that Barry Martin Eastman, 31, of Ellicott City died at the scene of the crash on Route 32, near Route 108 and Linden Church Road, about 8 a.m. Police said Eastman drove alone in his 2015 KIA Forte as he traveled northbound, when for unknown reasons, his car veered across the double line and hit the southbound 2014 Mack tractor-trailer.


Ever remember this video?

b2effa No.1452746

File: 4d7e0374085247f⋯.jpeg (452.06 KB, 1242x840, 207:140, C7BDF25D-D3F1-4FB1-BC1B-9….jpeg)

8b4e7e No.1452747

File: 9fba6a637c3d4c2⋯.png (106.86 KB, 386x257, 386:257, ClipboardImage.png)

2d2758 No.1452749


then why are you here?

e48ff5 No.1452750


Beta Kitten?

These people…

I wonder how crazy the military tribunals are going to be, and they declassify every single statement made in tribunal.

When Q said history books, they meant a history book for the ages.

The Great Awakening is working like a charm.

I see Q all over the internet now.



576548 No.1452751

File: c854832cadf8437⋯.jpg (19.17 KB, 318x159, 2:1, owl joos.jpg)

434caf No.1452752

what a waste of a bread…

BO just delete this one entirely and start over. :\

5c6848 No.1452753



da3394 No.1452754




89a60c No.1452755


Woowoo alert

9733b4 No.1452756

File: 99f7c9a9dcca2b3⋯.jpg (88.5 KB, 500x372, 125:93, ###.jpg)

a765c6 No.1452757


> These efforts by a nation’s leaders to deconstruct the nation they governed were, quite possibly, without precedent in human history.


393e1c No.1452758

Still seeing tons of reports regarding =,e namefag.

Click options at the top right of the page.

Click filters.

Enter the following in the Name field:


Tick Regex box and click add. The =,e namefag will be filtered across all breads. You'll never see the fucker again.

2b37eb No.1452759


Because he's lonely and he needs us.

2eec9e No.1452760


<Q hasn't posted about FF's incoming.

>Q has posted about FF's incoming.

Q !4pRcUA0lBE 05/17/18 (Thu) 14:13:19 349934 No. >>1444808


What is the common theme when bad news is about to break (against them)?

Stay vigilant.


2d2758 No.1452761


1. Q addressed the PIC not TEXT

2. I was there, the anon was being sarcastic

3. It was hilarious to see the muh alien shills go OFF on that


2352a4 No.1452762


You guessed it! a larp that has access to original photos taken in classified locations, including Air Force one

b21f06 No.1452763

File: 246659595996020⋯.png (317.15 KB, 513x291, 171:97, COVFEFE.png)

"I hear COVFEFE", says POTUS.

dfb1c2 No.1452764

File: f4ebaa240ca3335⋯.jpg (249.23 KB, 625x900, 25:36, 50da86194c833.jpg)



┻━┻ ︵ヽ(`Д´)ノ︵ ┻━┻

┻━┻ ︵ ¯\(ツ)/¯ ︵ ┻━┻

(ノTДT)ノ ┫:・’.::・┻┻:・’.::・

(ノ`⌒´)ノ ┫:・’.::・┻┻:・’.::・

(ノ*`▽´*)ノ ⌒┫ ┻ ┣ ┳


bdb10b No.1452765


up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, b, a, SELECT, start. I never play the game alone.

85866e No.1452766


Bless you BO… B.l.e.s.s. you

036938 No.1452767


that is a woman pushing a stroller.

look at the other pictures (different angles)

a5ac99 No.1452768

File: 55740eceb05bc0d⋯.gif (42.11 KB, 532x666, 266:333, bubo.gif)


everything muh jews did

423d81 No.1452769

File: 87f856d6e7e7a13⋯.png (106.43 KB, 500x522, 250:261, 87f856d6e7e7a131a0a907def7….png)

Goodnight you beautiful anons and baker/BO

d02c4a No.1452770

File: 07379435cfd0c59⋯.jpeg (117.61 KB, 685x360, 137:72, beastie-boys-licensed-to-….jpeg)

File: 97d5bf1844e7081⋯.jpg (169.11 KB, 640x633, 640:633, beastie_boys_flipped_licen….jpg)

File: a3d7ec182cff12c⋯.jpg (99.27 KB, 980x1000, 49:50, 9eff4aa32768e751963a2221e1….jpg)






42dd44 No.1452771


Interesting to note the security guard in the back? There are two groups I would never mess with. the Sikhs, and the Gurkas.

Breads are flying. Go for dinner and it's catch up through huge mix of trash and treasure, that's for sure.

c4bead No.1452772

File: 7ee49b77796c48e⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1278x652, 639:326, 11118939473i68436856.png)

0a02bd No.1452773


I'll drink to that!

1bb5c8 No.1452774


What if the clowns sold the spy and phone secrets to china and xi is helping trump track them. you can see a whole city in 1 min

8b4e7e No.1452775

File: d028fb9535aa4d2⋯.png (199.5 KB, 398x227, 398:227, ClipboardImage.png)

da3394 No.1452776

1st call for notables

5e647d No.1452777


And when will you be able to prove this theory? Ever? You've done a lot of LSD in your life, haven't you?

325af1 No.1452778


Building 7's mostly unreported gravitational collapse at ~5:30 in the afternoon, with whatsername on BBC announcing its collapse whilst the building is standing behind her (and collapses 20 min later) is pretty damned hard to explain, from multiple angles.

db5e82 No.1452779


Have you by any chance read Behold a Pale Horse?

8adab8 No.1452780

1b1138 No.1452781


Fire in the hole!

85866e No.1452782


All for a Larp?



393e1c No.1452783



Wow, is that what I think it is?

1b1138 No.1452784


Welp. She wasn't wrong.

37c56a No.1452785


Goodnight!! Remember that Thursdays this busy usually indicate Friday will be huge! Sleep well!

0c6759 No.1452786


It's time for the people to wake up.

I am all for the truth.

I don't need to have someone lying in the name of getting out the truth.

the info is good to know, but it's time for the larping to stop and these bits of info to come out as the "regular" anons they are.

979772 No.1452787


The "inhuman" species.

162c9e No.1452788


Oh thanks anon. For some reason when I read that earlier I tied it to the fake news bullshit that they immediately startup. Wasn't thinking FF.

2d2758 No.1452789


>pig-chimpanzee hybrid

hahahahaha sauce or stfu dumbass

44e32a No.1452790


>I would be cautious outright dismissing it anon, sure it's farfetched if you aren't familiar.

>Consider Q has indeed quoted that we are all "re-incarnated ET's"

>Once it starts to go there, either it's absolutely legit as we believe Q is, or it's the greatest larp of all time…. there really isn't middle ground any longer.

>Q hasn't really touched it again since then.

>We will see, keep an open, loving, mind.

That is because some of us have DNA that is not from this Earth. These people have been mentioned in multiple historical documents and even what are now called myths.

How is in the Bible you have Adam and Eve and then their sons but later you also have verses about "Sons of (Elohim) God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful and they (mated) with them and thus came about great men of old, men of great renown."

I am genuinely amazed that this is one conspiracy theory that has managed to stay extremely suppressed even in the age of internet. Lot of idiots have been distracted with useful disinfo about Area 51, flat earth, crop circles and other made up crap. Chances are a real alien could have had face to face conversation with you in the past and you didn't even know it besides thinking that he was a strange chap.

8c78a7 No.1452791


Yes, This!

a765c6 No.1452792



That struck me as funny, on two levels:

1) that he would participate, and

2) that he would refuse either given choice, but come up with his own "outside the box" answer.

4ac842 No.1452793


Piccadilly Circus, looking towards the Underground station. Appears to be Christmas due to winter coats and greenery above Little Brittania.

f0e498 No.1452794

File: 7ca2b16d6ad0475⋯.jpg (126.25 KB, 398x599, 398:599, dream_oixmfl577a2.jpg)


kek, on my way to yea


Don't have to, tbh I don't even know how the whole thing started.. kek

Much love to you all, sharing this wonderful redhead since we're on the topic ;)


dfb1c2 No.1452795

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


96e3c1 No.1452796

File: 6ed0c68fd24c2a6⋯.png (212.36 KB, 279x419, 279:419, ClipboardImage.png)

ba9abf No.1452797


Thank you VERY much BO!

96b066 No.1452798


It was sunk to kill people opposed to the Federal Reserve Act. JP Morgan, Rockefeller, Rothschild. Next question.

d02c4a No.1452799

File: 98bfb37c36aa48d⋯.jpg (160.65 KB, 684x1024, 171:256, 74307753.jpg)





e8dee9 No.1452800


Please repost in the morning BO…

Way too tired to absorb now - still want to filter the stupid bitches

Thanks for all you do, deepest appreciation

2eec9e No.1452801

File: a6801905e3d87f6⋯.png (470.92 KB, 555x538, 555:538, 9dfeec0946fd4bb863c1cae866….png)

5e6a91 No.1452802


aye, it be

ac8f4e No.1452803

File: a86c5ef60b62e7e⋯.png (79.77 KB, 1332x756, 37:21, ClipboardImage.png)

8b4e7e No.1452804

File: e1d73f3fd99cfe5⋯.png (3 MB, 1600x1050, 32:21, ClipboardImage.png)

398468 No.1452806


First one looks underage Anon

7da654 No.1452807

File: 6936b598aee377d⋯.jpg (9.6 KB, 240x253, 240:253, a17bb57a.jpg)

File: c55ff6596368386⋯.png (560.87 KB, 768x762, 128:127, ebb573e309b910415b4e0bbdcd….png)

691dd8 No.1452808

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Just spitballin' here but….

could "P" be Palestine / Philistines?

ae2048 No.1452809



He's actually my brother & I'm not the nut-bag theorist like he now thinks. He's has kids (my kin) being subjected to common core indoctrination, & he doesn't believe I'm all there now. I'm serious & sincere. I want him to be aware of his enemies (not me), and want him to stop voting for those damn democrats socialists. Do you have anything helpful?

b1e350 No.1452810


you need a hug.

11f210 No.1452811

File: 2976d732d6e0b95⋯.png (402.66 KB, 1000x879, 1000:879, firefox_2018-05-17_23-58-2….png)

CIA field office in Piccadilly Circus, Q?

80ab70 No.1452812


Welcome back pornfag. Your pornfag magic has been missed.

1b1138 No.1452813


No she doesn't.

6bf92c No.1452814

File: c81ca18f4492509⋯.jpg (190.81 KB, 1280x1403, 1280:1403, 1515616836031.jpg)


OK, NOW you guys are catching on.

db5e82 No.1452815


Yes, it's a low quality b8.

11f210 No.1452816


Forgot source:


d0e7cd No.1452817



dfb1c2 No.1452818

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


d67bf4 No.1452819



Alex Jones is a larp.

8b4e7e No.1452820

File: beda68989c5760a⋯.png (106.56 KB, 300x194, 150:97, ClipboardImage.png)

279f1e No.1452821


Pharoah related?

bf3d10 No.1452822

2eec9e No.1452823


can be both, of course, but i saw it more as FF at first… but it also applies to a lot of media ploys going on right now, too

576548 No.1452824

File: fa2ef9a653dc91e⋯.jpg (22.47 KB, 259x194, 259:194, derplarp.jpg)

33426b No.1452825

File: 65a773c307d0316⋯.jpg (13.37 KB, 255x173, 255:173, eb1315deabe8294904099efb57….jpg)


Muh jooos! Where are they?


That was really excellent!!!

8124db No.1452826

File: d63a0ef1ce70688⋯.png (837.06 KB, 1032x769, 1032:769, b.png)

File: 8b2902b993c7d55⋯.png (839.9 KB, 1029x701, 1029:701, a.png)

85866e No.1452827


Q is fake Larp?

The fuck is this Bullshit ?

da4582 No.1452828

File: 6b762d9c2bdd86f⋯.jpg (139.91 KB, 648x352, 81:44, gayfrogs.jpg)

Pamphlet. Wtf. Caleb. Again. Still.

8b4e7e No.1452829

File: 4cf5546f0719d65⋯.png (741.06 KB, 736x552, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

40a9ec No.1452830

File: fc4510240301d44⋯.png (247.32 KB, 1080x1012, 270:253, Screenshot_20180517-230028….png)

Article April 8, 2018

Apple may buy out AMD


398468 No.1452831


Maybe not to another 15 yr old

da3394 No.1452832


every day, and twice on sunday. KEK!

551096 No.1452833

'When you have something to say, silence is a lie." - Jordan Peterson

96e3c1 No.1452834

File: 14035ebc6a733f3⋯.png (530.54 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

thats a real one…

852a2a No.1452835

Summoning Q. They are gone too fast!

75d8a6 No.1452836


Why am I here?

I've been here since the beginning (on half chan)…

Opinion or popularity does not determine truth, only facts do.

I want to know the truth, whatever that may prove to be.

040d0a No.1452837


Not bad.


4c154a No.1452838

File: 77792481323ba70⋯.png (373.16 KB, 851x714, 851:714, aaaaa.png)

i am digging 2 different avenues for this post from Q…this is 1…however I haven't found a "personal" connection. feedback welcome.

6bf92c No.1452839

File: 9587dba5e34701c⋯.gif (797.05 KB, 200x150, 4:3, Alex_Jones.gif)

File: aa72a1f1d34dfc4⋯.jpg (5.36 KB, 203x248, 203:248, woke.jpg)


Alex was a very special kind of LARP. Alex was actually advertising what the NWO was planning to do, to our faces, while pretending to be some sage of conservatism. He never smelled right.

Once Alex drifted from the Q narrative, and then started attacking Q, suddenly, millions of people woke right the fuck up and turned him OFF. I'm certain his viewership has completely plummeted.

6c54e0 No.1452840

Anyone catch the news on 666 5th ave?


dfb1c2 No.1452841

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

a765c6 No.1452842


> All over the Third World today, young people understand that their only hope for a decent, secure life is to get themselves into a First World country by any means possible.


e86f9a No.1452843

File: 635c6abd5de0159⋯.jpg (668.22 KB, 612x465, 204:155, ARG-Bariloche-44.jpg)

File: bcc9291f3be724f⋯.jpg (432.37 KB, 858x512, 429:256, ARG-Bariloche-42.22.jpg)

File: 0e17cc4c2f30ab8⋯.jpg (68.83 KB, 660x495, 4:3, ARG-Bariloche-38.IKE.jpg)

File: f0ce4d500b6992b⋯.jpg (132.02 KB, 840x449, 840:449, mapa_cruce_lagos_andino_Ba….jpg)



Si si, the question is que? ;~)

I'm just hella curious why all These muthafuckas go to Bariloche while in Their official capacities as US public servants…


OPTICS Bariloche, the Spring Break Spot of American Presidents

Hussein’s stop in the Argentine town is part of a long tradition.

By MANUELA TOBIAS 03/24/2016 09:53 PM EDT

Decades before the Clintons, Dwight and Mamie Eisenhower visited Bariloche, where they fished and caught the largest trout of their lives. In this photo, Argentine President Arturo Frondizi points out Mt. Tronador to President Eisenhower on Feb. 28, 1960. Before Ike, the last U.S. president to enjoy its sight was Theodore Roosevelt, who reflected on it in his 1913 account of his trip to Chile and Argentina.

Tronador, the Thunderer, is capped with vast fields of perpetual snow, from which the glaciers creep down to the valleys. It gains its name of thunderer from the tremendous roaring of the shattered ice masses when they fall.”


040d0a No.1452844


Pickle vs Redheads


551096 No.1452845

File: 126f3a208f4b735⋯.png (96.26 KB, 636x271, 636:271, Screen Shot 2018-05-18 at ….png)

da4582 No.1452846

File: a3a7182865eae99⋯.png (335.67 KB, 1624x794, 812:397, 4340068970e7142fad7c79a653….png)

6e326b No.1452847






1b1138 No.1452848



Trying to discredit this board with false pedo accusations.

You're not the first cunt to attempt this obvious shill tactic.

Go back to sucking the turds off of lil Davey's micro-dick, fucktard.

ca827d No.1452849


No it's just you. The rest of us are pretty smart. (Sorry but you really set yourself up for it kek)

ccc94f No.1452850

File: eda57c8c3b3aa41⋯.png (679.41 KB, 647x850, 647:850, DoD 5-17-18 9 pm PST.PNG)

Buddy carry.

4ac842 No.1452851


Piccadilly Circus, looking towards the Underground station. Appears to be Christmas due to winter coats and greenery above Little Brittania.

It's late.

040d0a No.1452852


Apple is searching alliance with Qualcomn.

49e0ca No.1452853


Rothschilds manage Mormon money, too.

da4582 No.1452854

File: 5142783bcfb5ecd⋯.jpg (62.5 KB, 570x834, 95:139, JFKEK.jpg)

4bf00c No.1452855

File: a5677115342ba60⋯.png (240.97 KB, 614x319, 614:319, Screenshot 2018-05-17 at 1….png)


I stopped watching

5076e5 No.1452856

The only way to establish world peace is for the United States to stop its meddling in other countries and focus on what really matters to the American people – ‘Making America Great Again.’

The cradle of civilization, the Middle East, has been a battleground which has endured countless wars in the name religion, power and interests. Today is no different. We see history repeating itself with wars provoked and fought in the name of freedom and peace. Nowadays American foreign policy reflects its allies’ interests rather than the interests of the American people. There can never be true, genuine peace in the Middle East when the United States is contributing to, rather than resolving, the underlying issues.

Behind the headlines about terrorism and slaughter, living amid the wars and revolutions which plague the region,  are millions of people trying to lead normal lives in an atmosphere of ongoing conflict. Most of those living in the Middle East have no more power to stop the violence or their oppression than we do in the United States to house our homeless or eliminate the crime in our streets.

Time and time again we see history repeating itself where, in the name of freedom and peace, wars have been provoked and fought for special interests. Through no fault of their own, the people of the Middle East find themselves caught up in the political rivalries and religious and ethnic tensions fueled by Western countries, whose constant games of tug-of-war are focused solely on their self-interests.

As Americans, we strive to be the best at all we do and we have a president in office who I am certain has the best interests of his people at heart. Yet I am certain that all actions made and taken by those appointed to his administration are not a reflection of the true wishes or values of the American people!

In a meeting that was closed to journalists this Wednesday, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo boasted about the "essential rightness" that the US has when it comes to global affairs. The State Department released excerpts of his remarks, urging demoralized US diplomats to act firmly and aggressively as they carry out the Trump administration's foreign policies, reassuring them that the US cause is just.

But how just is the US when it’s constantly contributing to the Arab-Israeli conflict, rather than creating solutions? Pompeo went on to suggest that it’s the administration’s task to preserve our civilization of human dignity, individual liberty, democracy, national sovereignty, and the rule of law, and to challenge anyone seeking to take it down. He would be right were this actually the case. Yet it’s obvious that the reality of the current events speaks for itself – that’s why he feels the need to have this conversation with his staff. No amount of entitlement can justify the killing of innocents.

There is a time and place for everything – and I disagree with the timing and way in which the Trump administration decided to move the US embassy to Jerusalem. Although any country can decide where it wants to base its embassy, nowhere in our constitution does it give us the right to dictate to another country what its capital will be. Much the same way we would never accept another country to attempting change ours. There is a difference between doing something so you are seen to do it – and doing something for the right reasons.

The opening of the US embassy in Jerusalem on the 70th anniversary of the foundation of the State of Israel or, as the Palestinians see it Nakba Day – when 700,000 Arabs fled or were expelled from their homes during the 1948 war – proved to the world the US disinterest in fostering true, genuine peaceful solutions to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

It was another slap in the face for the Palestinian people, who already harbor resentment towards the United States for their failure to hold Israel accountable for their continuous oppression of Palestinians’ right to live in peace and stability. If the American government truly wants to foster peace in the Middle East it wouldn’t be continuously choosing sides, it would remain neutral to broker a fair peace agreement.

The events witnessed in the past couple of weeks with regard to actions taken by our government are designed to prove that a promise made is a promise kept – regardless of the ramifications those promises might have. Regarding the US decision to withdraw from the Iranian nuclear deal, I feel it was a bad choice because a deal is better than a no deal. It isn’t in anyone’s interests to withdraw from a deal without first having an alternative plan in place. The decision was followed through simply to fulfill a campaign promise to reverse all policies that the Obama Administration had implemented.

75d8a6 No.1452857


How do you know those photos were from AF1?

7da654 No.1452858

040d0a No.1452859


Qatar kick out kushner?

5076e5 No.1452861

We cannot sit back and criticize the Iranians’ reactions in protest to our withdrawal from the deal when we know it was to be expected for the choices we have made. The US cannot expect others to obey orders when we ourselves disregard United Nations resolutions and International Laws, picking and choosing which rules apply to us and which rules don’t, depending on our interests and those of our supposed allies.

But what are our national interests as Americans? If it is national security and that of our ally Israel then we should be fighting terrorism alongside Russia and Bashar Assad in Syria – rather than supporting, funding and training terrorists. Our supposed allies in Saudi Arabia have proven time and time again that they are not to be trusted and will turn against us at some point as they have done countless times in the past. If it is in our national interests to be humanitarians then we should hold Saudi Arabia accountable for the genocide they are committing against the people of Yemen.

US laws are made in such a way where they either apply to some at the expense of many or are put in place to maintain control over a majority, while never questioning the decision-makers. We cannot allow ourselves as Americans to continue to be manipulated by political propaganda and media influence, which often plays to our emotions and fears. The reality is that the US has been fighting wars for decades – that aren’t even ours – to support so-called allies. That comes at a cost, not just tax dollars, but the lives of our military personnel and those innocent civilians who get caught in the crossfire. What world leaders don’t realize is that those who initiate wars and aggression are showing weakness. Our actions based on greed, self-interests and ego have gained us nothing more than chaos, uncertainty and instability – not just in the region but throughout world.

As American we need to lead by example. American foreign policy should reflect our principals as Americans. We cannot, and must not, dictate to the world what they should or should not be doing when we ourselves are not leading by example. We need to ensure that the needs of our people are being met before we go out policing the world. We cannot help others before we help ourselves. Our foreign policy should reflect what our domestic policy should be –  a policy of unity, love, peace and harmony. A policy based on the true American values of mutual respect, hard work and sacrifice.

We as Americans have great responsibility to the world to be peacemakers and that message should be of genuine peace, not that which causes division. The only way to establish world peace is for the United States to stop its meddling in other countries and focus on what really matters to the American people – and that’s ‘Making America Great Again.’

5e647d No.1452862


I know, right? And yet, the masses fell for this bullshit story. That was a controlled demolition if I ever saw one. Aluminum planes penetrating concrete and steel? We have to live among the idiots that bought this story. That's kinda scary.

d67bf4 No.1452863


>He never smelled right.

Absolutely agreed.

0a02bd No.1452864


Sorry, I'm not the kind of person who shuts up

Read all about it here


And there are many other interspecies hybrids covered on this site.

bf3d10 No.1452865




94a683 No.1452866


>Alex was a very special kind of LARP. Alex was actually advertising what the NWO was planning to do, to our faces, while pretending to be some sage of conservatism.

Never could I have said it better. AJ was pre-programming us the NWO agenda by putting it and rubbing it in our faces so much that when it happens we say well it is not SOOO bad

5076e5 No.1452867


4e6f8a No.1452868


All they do anymore is bitch about twatter swiping their followers and run ads.

da3394 No.1452869


I'd pay money to hear him say "nigger". kek

393e1c No.1452870


First 3 are redundant. You only need the last entry. If that doesn't work, try removing all entries and following my post exactly here: >>1452758


It's a comment filter for people who say "Q is a larp". It actually works.

8a87e9 No.1452871

File: 1e79acd80651197⋯.png (5.24 KB, 618x66, 103:11, Screenshot-2018-5-17 'MI5 ….png)

File: d079f2981f4ba11⋯.png (20.28 KB, 1170x185, 234:37, Public Disclosure [...].png)

If I lied about having cancer, and asked for donations. I am guilty of fraud. I will do 5-10 years depending on how many people I defrauded. Q-larp is looking at life.

Non-profits must be available for public disclosure, books records, must have public office for walk-ins. Must provide documents. Or what I call Dox-uments. Good luck folks.

1d3dc3 No.1452872

File: d477196eec9236e⋯.jpg (699.68 KB, 1282x1250, 641:625, Qsectestdelta6.jpg)

File: 2da862aa7851bb5⋯.png (100.68 KB, 618x420, 103:70, Screen Shot 2018-05-18 at ….png)

File: c48d01a2c2f0277⋯.png (66.97 KB, 624x300, 52:25, Screen Shot 2018-05-18 at ….png)

odd that trump had two posts with lou barletta in it yesterday at the same time

when a tweet with barletta has been used to confirm a test in the past

i think we missed something yesterday with those tweets

a5ac99 No.1452873

File: dff940b6f590d69⋯.png (120.74 KB, 650x481, 50:37, ClipboardImage.png)


He comes from a family of glowing clown niggers.

I don't know why anyone ever trusted him?

2d2758 No.1452874


no way foreal?

doing it now lol

THANK YOU ANON! ( >>1452714 )

didn't understand it!

dfb1c2 No.1452875

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

040d0a No.1452876

File: 84eca9924a17dbc⋯.jpg (85.05 KB, 570x530, 57:53, patagonia-map.jpg)


Andinia plan.

The Cabal wants to escape to the Patagonia and create a New country.

8b4e7e No.1452877

File: 9dbcb4ca0ed2b2a⋯.png (418.52 KB, 640x606, 320:303, ClipboardImage.png)


e86f9a No.1452878



How odd…maybe Georgie was right all along…

da3394 No.1452879

last call for notables


>>1452643 Sessions ends 'de-facto' amnesties

>>1452758 BO seeing "…tons of reports regarding =,e namefag." #ByeFaggot #AutoFilter

143ef0 No.1452881

Guardians of the pope

May 14, 2018

32 New Swiss Guards Take Oath of Loyalty in Traditional Vatican Ceremony

http:// www.ncregister.com/blog/bergamin/32-new-swiss-guards-a-personal-reflection

40a9ec No.1452882


Saudi has a good relationship with Kushner but Qatar does not get along with SA.

e09a63 No.1452883


This book will uncover the Jesuits' agenda

Read Here: http://www.granddesignexposed.com/pdf/ROEpdf.pdf

89a60c No.1452884


Very fine indeed.

040d0a No.1452885


And with Commies in Iraq.

d67bf4 No.1452886


Thanks BO.

Have to try it.

Q is a larp.

4e6f8a No.1452887

File: 71429d590830a97⋯.jpg (860.64 KB, 2500x1723, 2500:1723, 1517211885486.jpg)


So this is what peace feels like… Much obliged BO.

da3394 No.1452888


Top. Motherfucking. Kek.

cec0e7 No.1452889



Denida Zinxhiria


Partner/Director of European Affairs at AMD VENTURE CAPITAL INVESTMENTS

3d6b69 No.1452890


Lilith, Ishtar, Inanna.

The names change but the symbology remains the same. Crescent moon with star, owl among other things.

0c819b No.1452891


Pig always squeal when they are stuck. Billy boy sure is a pig.

551096 No.1452892


In Palestine, the Jews took control of all communications-networks and imposed a curfew on Palestinians. They then broadcast porn on all channels 24/7 for months on end. By pushing pornography on Palestinians they were able to negatively influence their culture, which in turn negatively influenced their politics.

The book, "Libido Dominandi" explains all of this in a unmistakably authentic-detail.

In other words… Take your goddamn Jew-porn back to your shithole, Israel, you subversive-kike.

dfb1c2 No.1452893

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


f8b3cd No.1452894

File: db7512a53e56a0b⋯.png (493.1 KB, 598x515, 598:515, ClipboardImage.png)

Any idea what shield is on the top right of this map of the Vatican?

96e3c1 No.1452895

File: 7d1023e80e0ac75⋯.png (135.42 KB, 376x143, 376:143, ClipboardImage.png)

dbf8d5 No.1452896


AND while you LUST over her, She has long been tortured, raped, and killed..

Have a great look at what we are fighting…

Shallow fucks …. AWAKE YET… ?? DON'T THINK SO

619959 No.1452897


There was a Robert Mueller that was a Deputy Director at NSA? In the Q Group? Is this the same Robert Mueller?

8b4e7e No.1452898

File: 58b7dce923f7b1b⋯.png (236.64 KB, 474x266, 237:133, ClipboardImage.png)

dfb1c2 No.1452899


d67bf4 No.1452900


Derp. Just realized what you said.

Filter action…

b2eaac No.1452901

Pumpkin patches


5076e5 No.1452902

Emmanuel Macron has been a busy man. While he has a unique vision for France’s global role, his vision is falling on deaf ears.

At the end of April, French President Macron received a standing ovation from the US Congress. At around the same time, he also had a phone call with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani who informed Macron the Iranian nuclear deal was “not negotiable.”

Approximately one week prior, he received similar treatment from the European Parliament as he did in Washington. Then, he went to Australia and the wider Pacific region, to try his hand at building a new Pacific relationship aimed at confronting China’s expanding influence.

But what has he achieved in doing so? And why is it that, despite all of his attempts to build a close relationship with the United States, France and America’s relationship is actually at an all-time low?

Despite the disturbing physical closeness of Trump and Macron, the blunt truth is that the two of them were pretty much diametrically opposed on almost every major issue at their meeting in April. Take Macron’s position on the Iran nuclear deal, also known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), for example. While addressing the United States Congress in English, Macron insisted that the JCPOA be preserved, while at the same time hinting that there could be tweaks or complementary agreements to address the concerns of the Trump administration.

Apparently, Trump was having none of it. Now, of course, we all know how that story ended, with the complete sabotage of what was widely regarded as a workable agreement which saw heavy compliance from the West’s Iranian counterparts.

In fact, Macron’s entire speech at the time was a complete criticism of everything Donald J. Trump stands for. In other words, Trump and Macron can kiss and hug as much as they like, but nothing can actually change the reality of the Trump administration’s foreign policy agenda.

Now, France’s foreign minister warned that Macron was prepared to “respond” to US moves in the Middle East, following the recent violence in Gaza by the Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) (but also most likely in reference to the threat of sanctions against European companies that would violate America’s stance on the JCPOA).

Macron also reportedly phoned up Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to condemn the recent violence in Gaza, which saw more than 60 Palestinians massacred and 2,700 injured. While such a move is somewhat commendable from the French president, it appears that his strategy of attempting to please as many people as possible will only serve to isolate France in the not-too-distant future. You can’t realistically be everyone’s ally at the same time, particularly when you consider the hostility that many of the players involved have towards each other.

To put it bluntly, all of this showmanship, while pretty to watch for those people who are in that way neo-liberally inclined, is almost completely redundant. Writing in the Financial Times, Gideon Rachman explained that “to lead you have to have followers – or at least close allies…This matters because there is a limit to what the leader of a middle-sized European power can do on his own.”

4cedf8 No.1452903


This is what passes for clever at clown college, apparently.

33426b No.1452904


She looks familiar somehow. Died in 67 I'm guessing from date at top, but there's no article date. Means they were alive during JFK assassination. Were they involved somehow?

Was it part of an investigation? Or some group of docs related to an investigation?

4bf00c No.1452905


I always wondered if he was a limited hangout and some agenda but I thought he was funny and was actually right about a lot of things.

I knew something was up when he flipped out on Trump and this shit bashing Q while promoting that Zackfag was the last straw

44e32a No.1452906



96e3c1 No.1452907

File: 53cdab8083fc074⋯.png (622.52 KB, 564x564, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

one more because i care

da3394 No.1452908

File: d6145ba8079691c⋯.jpeg (49.34 KB, 640x640, 1:1, golddigger.jpeg)


she could prolly kick yer ass, even in her weakened state. Kek

134648 No.1452909


No, it is not a stupid idea. Thanks for volunteering to start it. When an idea hits you like that, you have seen it in your head and the need for it. So you already have a beginning. You are the best person for the job.

040d0a No.1452910


Qatar still keep ties with the Muslim Brotherhood.

Also Turkey

62a8bd No.1452911


That's the best picture I've ever seen of John Brennan.

Photo Credits: Q

551096 No.1452912


Have you tried shooting him?

5076e5 No.1452913

As Rachman summarized in one paragraph: “By contrast, Mr Macron — for all his charm — is finding it hard to persuade others to follow his lead. Following his departure from Washington, Mr Trump called his French counterpart a ‘wonderful guy’. But for all the quirky, dandruff-plucking bonhomie between the two presidents, there is little evidence that Mr Macron was able to shift Mr Trump on anything substantive.”

Perhaps the growing rift between the US and France is partly why France jumped on board the “Assad has used chemical weapons” bandwagon with more keenness than any other major player, participating in what was an illegal assault on Syria’s sovereignty approximately a month ago. While this attack made major headlines at the time, France was also upping the ante on its troop presence inside the country, yet again another illegal move (this illegal invasion did not receive anywhere near as much media coverage). In fact, it was Macron who took credit for Trump’s decision to renege on his word to pull US troops out of Syria completely.

This is just speculation, but it seems as though the international void that has arisen by the uncertainty and unreliability of the Trump administration has left a gaping wound that Macron has decided to pounce upon. However, he knows that France cannot realistically pull off such a feat on its own.

Right now, Macron has signaled he wants to strengthen the EU as an entity by pursuing a pan-European campaign for the 2019 European Parliament election. However, while Macron’s vision for the world is more in line with that of the rest of Europe than Trump’s America, he has still struggled to even pull Germany on board, which is essentially the powerhouse in Europe. There is always the United Kingdom, but the future of Brexit puts this relationship increasingly at odds as well.

In his bid to travel the entire globe and build a new global vision, Macron also proposed a new Australia-France-India axis to confront China’s rising role in the Pacific. Foreign policy experts have already raised doubts that France could pull off such an alliance, given the notable distance from Paris to the Pacific. And that’s even before one considers that the special collectivity of France, New Caledonia, will be voting for its independence in a referendum on November 4, 2018.

Perhaps Macron’s problem is that he is trying to do too much in too short a space of time. The Brookings Institute notes that Macron once claimed his movement to be neither on the left or the right, while still avoiding the term “centrist,” before stating that it was actually on both the right and the left. This signals an unusual attempt to claim to represent everyone’s interests in both the domestic and international sphere at any given time; one that is ultimately doomed to fail miserably.

Furthermore, Macron’s purported internationalism is not playing too well at home either. On this past Sunday, thousands of people protested in Paris under the banner ‘One year is enough’ to mark the president’s one year anniversary as leader. Approximately one week prior, tens of thousands marched again through the French capital under a sarcastic slogan ‘Fête à Macron’ (Party for Macron), following another demonstration that took place on May 1.

While he focuses on improving France’s standing in the international arena somewhat dismally, the French people are not too thrilled by his domestic policies. "What we want specifically is to resist, show him our anger, show him that there are some French people who did not vote for him, do not agree with what he is trying to do and will resist in so far as we can," reportedly said Sylvie Brissonneau, who took part in the May 5 protest. 

None of this bodes too well for Macron’s vision for France nationally or internationally. As Rachman astutely concluded: “The danger for Mr Macron is that he could be a leader who is out of tune with the times. At home, he is a liberal economic reformer, at a time when ‘neoliberalism’ has never been less fashionable. He is a pro-European at a time of mounting Euroscepticism across the EU. He is a globalist and an internationalist at a time when protectionism and nationalism are on the march.”

Macron’s vision and its impending doom can be best summarized by the tree planted by Macron at the White House in April, that mysteriously disappeared not long after, having been placed in quarantine as it had been brought into the US from overseas – think of it like Trump’s travel ban overriding Macron’s agenda, but for trees.


5e6a91 No.1452914


oooh, shit thanks, had no clue

852a2a No.1452915


Does this work if you change browser?

134648 No.1452916

126cfe No.1452917


Pride goeth before the fall…just sayin

2d2758 No.1452918



>>1452830 Apple Wants to Buy AMD (AMD was in Q pic X10)

96e3c1 No.1452919


hey how about this:

eat shit you fucking pedo prick stop sniffing the underoos

812861 No.1452920


That's funny right there!

945ef1 No.1452921


AJ was cashing in on the interregnum. Lots of limited term options when the shitshow of NWO can be dress rehearsed over and over again.

d0e7cd No.1452922

a063ff No.1452923

Tolerate bigotry, careless statements.

Tolerate Everyone and everything is a larp

Tolerate bad humor; sick humor…

Some of this shit is CP; questionably close.

Not welcome. Filtered.

dfb1c2 No.1452924

File: 170f33ae67fb810⋯.jpg (97.04 KB, 614x768, 307:384, leeeloo.jpg)


afb7c6 No.1452925

File: d737679ce994774⋯.png (476.48 KB, 895x795, 179:159, Screen Shot 2018-05-17 at ….png)

File: b9ebd844a619093⋯.png (397.05 KB, 1708x811, 1708:811, Screen Shot 2018-05-17 at ….png)

File: c5d6019ee84724f⋯.png (317.81 KB, 1703x482, 1703:482, Screen Shot 2018-05-17 at ….png)

File: 9d2ff31f8ad34ea⋯.png (351.04 KB, 1709x777, 1709:777, Screen Shot 2018-05-17 at ….png)

File: 65e1cf66985f716⋯.png (331.92 KB, 1704x572, 426:143, Screen Shot 2018-05-17 at ….png)

Gary Glitter declares bankruptcy in 1977

Tenerife crash [Pan Am Flight 1736 from LAX to JFK] (March 27, 1977)

Garuda Indonesia Flight 152 (September 26, 1997)

Gary Glitter arrested for child porn (November 19, 1997)

a765c6 No.1452926


> a comment filter

It works, thanks BO

(escaping the Kleene closure in regexes is a tricky case for novices)

2baa3d No.1452927


OK, sounds interesting. Any sauce you can recommend?

62a8bd No.1452928


All he has to do is change his name and none of this works

95c186 No.1452929

File: 6c2ca40ffbda971⋯.jpg (195.38 KB, 657x1318, 657:1318, ty baker.jpg)

File: e7057f775c058f6⋯.jpg (106.84 KB, 768x960, 4:5, thx baker.jpg)

db5e82 No.1452930

File: 9fde6e5b17ac068⋯.jpg (144.29 KB, 953x538, 953:538, pyle_hartmann.jpg)




7eeb6d No.1452931


it's a papal coat of arms, what year is the map from? check who was pope and what his coat of arms was and that will be it, personally i think it looks like the coat of arms of John Paul II

398468 No.1452933


How is that the Pedo? He's not the one posting that shit

ffb0f2 No.1452934

File: 4adc3958d80b7a9⋯.png (174.06 KB, 320x316, 80:79, Accenture-Nellie-Ohr.png)


She kind of looks like Nellie Ohr.

393e1c No.1452935


He's just a dedicated spammer larping as a bot. He sleeps/takes breaks for 6+ hours a day. No reason for a spam bot to do that.

040d0a No.1452936

Why The Bot did Finland?

1b1138 No.1452937

File: ac713ac65dc0fd2⋯.png (845.73 KB, 900x911, 900:911, pepetweekmerkle.png)

040d0a No.1452938

Why the Bot said Finland?

dfb1c2 No.1452939

File: ff0f7a76643d710⋯.jpg (70.09 KB, 545x767, 545:767, honoka.jpg)

2d2758 No.1452940



I'm gonna filter ALL DAY anon

ab4270 No.1452941

File: 77a09cf2f1c82c4⋯.png (15.28 KB, 782x126, 391:63, ClipboardImage.png)


Maybe it's just me. yet the post Q replied to mentioned WorldWide(MASS) suffering. I'm just not too sure that anything about incarnated ETs would cause WW suffering. 60% black ops, not for public consumption so that people still get up & go to work & school tomorrow. All of this would be in vain if America or some other productive nation got some bad news & shut down day-to-day operations, many would die if that occurred. No, the good value life. As well as a person's choice to know or not to know. The choice to know, will always be theirs, just as our choice to know is always ours, hence, we're here. Anyway, Q let the anon have his religion while reenforcing the importance of the post re: NO 100% disclosure. About how those representing the US past may have harmed other nations to the point of them wanting to go to war with the US. Or, what other nations may have done to the US, which will be handled via 60% tinted operations (enter Gina Haspel & Sec. Pompeo).

6e326b No.1452942




Who, me or dat nibba caleb

134648 No.1452943



You know how FB uses facial recognition to verify your account? it feeds them data.

I think this frequency bullshit on the words (each word is played at a different frequency, some hear one frequency better than the other) is just feeding THEM more data...which will be used to tweak and fine tune their EMF mind control tech.

2cfe09 No.1452944


making them as I go.

for some reason It wont let me properly do case insensitive ones, so they look wierd.

2d2758 No.1452945


oh BO the filter worked so well that it filtered your comment saying it lol

1cf234 No.1452946


occasionally poetic.

92edb7 No.1452947



040d0a No.1452948


Yep, The Redheads are the new pickle.

If Pickle is the C_A

Which is the code for Redhead?

da3394 No.1452949



Alex "I'm Jewish" Jones…say 'nigger'…just once. kek

9dac31 No.1452950


Communications Over Various Feeds Electronically for Engagement Act


852a2a No.1452951


She's not that attractive..

a7845a No.1452952

File: c4347df68bec68c⋯.jpg (18.61 KB, 300x225, 4:3, whitehorsejudgement.jpg)


In persecutione extrema S.R.E. sedebit Petrus Romanus, qui pascet oves in multis tribulationibus: quibus transactis civitas septicollis diruetur, & Judex tremêdus judicabit populum suum. Finis.

393e1c No.1452953


You've still done an amazing job so far. Great work dude!

968ddf No.1452954


Don't know how anyone can listen to AJ. He's far too hyper and preaches gloom and doom all the time. As far as I can tell, he's never tried to organize his followers to try to do something to reverse things.

dfb1c2 No.1452955

File: 9cf1b14718934b0⋯.jpg (69.97 KB, 688x767, 688:767, misty3.jpg)

(ಸ ‿ ಸ) ( ಸ ‿ ಸ ) (ಸ﹃ಸ) (ಸ⊱,​ಸ) (ಸ◞౪◟ಸ) (ಸ_◞ಸ) ᕦ(ಸ_ಸ)ᕤ (˵ ಸ u ಸ˵) ಇ(ಸ‿ಸ)ಇ ೭(ಸ ‿ ಸ)೨ (ง ಸ‿ ಸ)ง (ಽ ಸ ʖ ಸ)ಽ ლ(ಸ益ಸლ) ლ(ಸ_ಸლ) Σ(ಸ‿ಸ) ヽ༼ಸ‿ಸ༽ノ (☞ ಸ‿ಸ)☞ ( ಸ‿ಸ) ( ಸ‿ಸ)━☆゚.*・。゚ (ಸ_ಸ)━☆゚.*・。゚


da3394 No.1452956


>he's never tried to organize his followers to try to do something to reverse things.

He does the exact opposite, actually…

945ef1 No.1452957


Whatcha gonna do, when most people’s conception of the scientifically possible has been formed and nurtured by Unholywood?

da6b98 No.1452958

File: e7ae25b23ea0533⋯.png (1.48 MB, 2880x1440, 2:1, Screenshot_20180518-001005.png)

The original clock master – Q said "messages sent" on the thread that ended with 911. Cabal gonna be calling for da police to save them but they are no longer there– all in Gitmo soon so the call to 911 will go unanswered– truly a joke in yo town

96e3c1 No.1452959

File: 3bf50ba4b011461⋯.png (66.9 KB, 255x170, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)


what shit? a pretty picture of a beautiful woman. You out of your faggot mind…

maybe you'll enjoy this more

50a863 No.1452960



1e862b No.1452961

File: aa54d61b284f4ef⋯.png (388.12 KB, 600x444, 50:37, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 555d99df6dfbcf9⋯.png (284.33 KB, 503x424, 503:424, ClipboardImage.png)


BREAKING: Reports of Active Shooter at Las Vegas Mall


An active shooter situation is being reported at a popular Las Vegas mall.

There is heavy police presence and the mall is on lockdown according to initial social media reports.

KTNV Las Vegas:

There is a heavy police presence at Boulevard Mall. There are reports of an active shooter. Police are reportedly checking each business inside of the mall.

The Daily Mail is reporting witnesses are claiming the gunman is wearing a mask:

Police have swarmed Las Vegas‘ Boulevard Mall after reports of a possible active shooter.

Ambulances, and police vehicles were seen blaring their sirens and surrounding the building as armed officers reportedly guarded the entrance to Sears.

Social media users have claimed a masked man holding a gun is at the shopping mall north of Buffalo.

Police have not confirmed the reports, but parts of the mall are on lockdown and the parking lot is being cleared out, KTNV reported.

Nearby streets are also being locked down by police, and all entrances to the mall are being closed.

Helicopters can be heard flying above the mall.


551096 No.1452962


THIS… Every one of them are a threat to our way of life. They are all military-trained and steeped in deception.

ALL OF THEM are SAYANIM. Any one of these kikes can be "activated" for service, at any time, at any age, to achieve any of Mossad's needs.

These are essentially foreign-military "sleeper-cells", living right here amongst us. How can that sit right with anyone?

Then you have the TALMUDISTS… Many of these families have been practicing murderous-rituals that would make you vomit, right here in America, since the 1700's. And I'm talking thousands of Jewish-families. But, don't take my word for it… Hear it from (((them))) themselves. Ever seen this?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dA3tJD3oyUo

Sleep well now! ;)

e86f9a No.1452963

File: f17e95b722f53e9⋯.jpg (98.35 KB, 950x414, 475:207, MAP-WW-SouthernHemi.jpg)


Right. and/or NZ. very similar latitudes.

ok, so why there & who's in/around Bariloche right now?

cf0c47 No.1452964


Washington Post And Other Media Companies Have A Suspicious Russian Connection

A dozen major American media and Internet outlets hired a Russian company called EastBanc Technologies to help with IT and web services, according to a Daily Caller News Foundation investigation. The companies include The Washington Post, Time, Newsweek, Slate, Facebook, AOL, Comcast and U.S. News & World Report.

Former U.S. intelligence officers slammed the media companies for hypocrisy in retaining a Russian firm while criticizing others who have even tangential ties to Russians. They also considered their decision to trust their web back-end to a foreign-based company naive.

“This clearly is a hypocrisy issue,” retired Col. James Waurishuk, a former deputy director for intelligence at the U.S. Central Command and a senior national security analyst with the National Security Counsel under President George H.W. Bush, told TheDCNF. “All of the media companies have reported Trump and the Russian collusion story that all things Russians are bad. So why are they doing business with a Russian company?”


6e326b No.1452965


Hah. We'll have jonesie screeching it before this is all said and done

8202f5 No.1452966


and immediately it didn't happen again

providing the hybrid with dozens of mates to not choose from

…makes since

just like they can cross inseminate animals today and get hundreds of varieties of hybrid nothing

DNA doesn't permit a single cross species animal insemination

Same kind of animal often works - zonkey, liger, tigon, mule etc but they're from the same animal kind ie feline, equestrian.

Read moar Napoleon

040d0a No.1452967



d67bf4 No.1452968

File: 42ecec21ecaeb18⋯.jpg (55.83 KB, 736x635, 736:635, b4b8e99c71b29ccc49fd09ed2b….jpg)


>He's just a dedicated spammer larping as a bot.

Smells right to me.

My best guess is that it's Ron Perlman.

852a2a No.1452969


Then he has failed miserably in achieving that purpose..

551096 No.1452970


Here's the broken-link (my bad): https://www. youtube.com/watch?v=dA3tJD3oyUo

40a9ec No.1452971

BO/BV, IDK if you guys are doing something different or Q or our board watchers at NSA are doing something different but it's been super comfy the last few days. A few of the regular shills but super comfy otherwise. Keep up the good work.

4c154a No.1452972

Donald Trump Demands Vatican Release Jesus’ ‘Birth Certificate’

March 16, 2015 by R. Hobbus J.D.

NEW YORK, NY. – While speaking to potential donors during a black tie fund-raising event in New York City this weekend, billionaire entrepreneur and potential presidential candidate Donald Trump called on Pope Francis and the Vatican to release proof of Jesus’ birth and ethnicity.

“I’m not saying Jesus didn’t exist. That’s not what I’m saying. I’m saying the Vatican ought to put to rest any speculation as to Jesus’ ethnicity,” Trump said, adding, “Being Semitic doesn’t automatically make you a Jew. Semites are also Arab, they are Assyrian, they are Muslim.”

The real estate magnate said he plans to travel to Vatican City later this month to meet personally with Pope Francis and “set the record straight.”

This is my 2nd dig on Q's guardina of pope drop - I'm looking at the word "personally"

d1fc23 No.1452973

File: dffaf1a990e10b2⋯.png (6.57 MB, 4415x2242, 4415:2242, picsQ18-5.png)

WHY is it all about filter this and that ?

Research the f….Qposts !

Do we already know what's up with the pics?

da4582 No.1452974


I don't think whatever attacks you guys are having are coming from here. Your commentators really paint everyone over here in a bad light.

Unicuck is a reject.

2d2758 No.1452975






e458fa No.1452976

Guardian of the Pope:

"Although many would think the Vatican is protected by a token force of spear-slinging cosplayers, this is not the case. Although the Vatican does not like to discuss it, many plain-clothed officers are nearby the Pope when he is moving about. This especially includes when he travels abroad. These Swiss Guard officers pack the best weaponry available, namely tricked-out Heckler & Koch MP7 personal defense weapon (PDW) that fires armor piercing small caliber rifle rounds. This weapon is extremely popular with elite units ranging from SEAL Team Six to presidential protection units around the globe. It is also compact enough to be packed in an underarm-sling that can be concealed underneath a sport coat."


398468 No.1452977


Still doesn't explain why you called the other Anon a Pedo..

dfb1c2 No.1452978

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

4c154a No.1452979


forgot the sauce…realnewsrightnow.com/2015/03/donald-trump-demands-vatican-release-jesus-birth-certificate/

040d0a No.1452980



In Antarctica there a lot of them

it's the plan together with Astana.

d0e7cd No.1452981

Scoop: Gina Haspel Knows About Brennan and Comey’s Russia/Trump Setup


Shes knows everything. She has the proof. Is Haspel the punisher?

dfb1c2 No.1452982

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


6ebd11 No.1452983


Remember, psychopaths always project.

49e0ca No.1452984


On the face of it, I would agree with you, but there are some signals that there's more going on behind the scenes than we've been made aware of. Anything that happens or that is said has to be weighed against how the MSM could twist it. The fake reality that the world is plugged into is very hard to dismantle, to even challenge. Some, even when faced with an irrefutable truth, will ignore their cognitive dissonance and hold on to their brainwashing.

There many things that trouble me, but I'm still going to wait and see how this drama plays out.

134648 No.1452985


I have always been waiting. Preparing. I didnt know what for, until oh…around october of last year…

96b066 No.1452986


Maybe WW mass suffering is what would've happened if the cabal found out certain things about the Plan too early on, and they were able retaliate while they were still too powerful.

Or, if the 99% in the Hospital comment refers to information that is too hard to handle, part of that could be the truth about CERN being some kind of stargate to Hell. That would freak some people out in a big way. There was a huge spike in exorcism requests since CERN was opened. That's open source.

96e3c1 No.1452987

File: 0708dda7c957da6⋯.png (265.55 KB, 446x297, 446:297, ClipboardImage.png)


and BHO secured GWB legacy,

066f7a No.1452988

File: c45f8a0b7a1bf97⋯.jpg (635.67 KB, 1745x1163, 1745:1163, QtutAK.jpg)



a063ff No.1452989


look at notables and previous bread @ China/Apple

Apple moving Icloud keys to China…

Top ones are 'Field Surveillance'

I believe Operators in field; some say photos extracted from phones off people in area…

review notables and previous bread.

56b85e No.1452990


> "North Las Vegas Police and Fire"

cop on scanner feed above said that SWAT was "doing another sweep" & about 5 min later said Tact 12 channel could "be released"

fe3c02 No.1452991

File: 8556feca9b8a2d0⋯.jpg (2.57 MB, 4046x2163, 578:309, IMG_20180518_094450_01.jpg)

This fake news is finally getting circulated in my part of the world.

349285 No.1452992


(prev. bread)


did Q send messages, thanking the autists and now this is the end of Q posting here?

936eab No.1452993

File: 986106415154787⋯.jpg (402.41 KB, 951x1548, 317:516, phones-secure-lmao.jpg)

a7845a No.1452996

File: bf4881a8abebf10⋯.jpg (6.43 KB, 275x183, 275:183, canons.jpg)

Tonight's movie theme seems to be cia movies

Anyone else seem to see patterns across the networks and movie channels?

4acb42 No.1452997

File: f5ce8c49b99d7c0⋯.png (13.37 KB, 751x100, 751:100, whos-thinking-of-leaving.png)

File: 98d0c34c885440a⋯.png (368.68 KB, 615x412, 615:412, Francis.png)


072dd0 No.1452999

File: 1a3b7b1a28c8d41⋯.jpg (68.55 KB, 400x521, 400:521, 0000BLANKmadmaxine.jpg)

File: c9b4e0d1f49b142⋯.jpg (86.68 KB, 400x521, 400:521, 0000MAGAmadmaxineKEK.jpg)

File: 0fefe2f77ff46c8⋯.jpg (96.42 KB, 400x521, 400:521, funkychicken.jpg)


Here's to you BO

And bakers

And all.

7e01cc No.1453000




Clicking this text next to PLAYADUES' name takes you here:


450294 No.1453002



>>1452547 Is Steven Marshall CDAN PEDO? Likely RELEASED by now.

2f8e14 No.1453003

File: 5ed8f7076cd21f7⋯.png (993.27 KB, 1153x1193, 1153:1193, 1e232ttt23t5tdfbfdb5156261….png)


Judging by the low IQ caliber of posts it could be any liberal retard. My money is on Willith tha Menath.

593285 No.1453004

▶Q !4pRcUA0lBE 05/16/18 (Wed) 23:19:21 7d06df No.1439283


Stage is set.

066f7a No.1453005

File: c45f8a0b7a1bf97⋯.jpg (635.67 KB, 1745x1163, 1745:1163, QtutAK.jpg)


Yep, that's it. I cant help but think that Jones and Corsi had something to do with Que's decision to split…

2baa3d No.1453006


Yeah but that other man, Obama, spent 8 years destroying 2 centuries of work of the American people.

96e3c1 No.1453007

File: afd25b3534b5434⋯.png (133.47 KB, 255x191, 255:191, ClipboardImage.png)


just a straight up insult. did you see how he characterized me in regard to a very tasteful post. Of all the flesh posted here he chose that pic to come unglued on…just smackin back

2cfe09 No.1453008


great……. now I can't see him….

ff6feb No.1453009

75d8a6 No.1453011

File: a1e0e98b5307ed7⋯.png (230.57 KB, 729x972, 3:4, coffee-cigar.png)

You've started to believe… The things they say of you.

You really do believe… This talk of God is true.

And all the good you've done… Will soon get swept away.

You've begun to matter more… Than the things you say.

Listen Jesus I don't like what I see.

All I ask is that you listen to me.

And remember, I've been your right hand man all along.

You have set them all on fire.

They think they've found the new Messiah.

And they'll hurt you when they find they're wrong.

All your followers are blind… Too much Heaven on their Minds.

It was beautiful, but now it's sour…

e458fa No.1453012


Guardian of the Pope (cont.)

"For the Pope’s recent and very high-security visit to the U.S., Dr. Domenico Giani, the Inspector General of the Vatican police and security, led the team. He is also Pope Francis’s personal bodyguard. He is usually seen off the front fender of the Pope Mobile during transits."


afb7c6 No.1453013

File: c79f8cdc225cd3d⋯.png (175.22 KB, 1001x809, 1001:809, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0cd1c83e1651138⋯.png (259.28 KB, 481x767, 37:59, ClipboardImage.png)

Milli Vanilli's Rob Pilatus found dead April 2, 1998

https:// www.washingtonpost.com/archive/local/1998/04/06/rob-pilatus-32-dies/7cbaa8cc-551c-4431-ac12-be956bf650d6/?utm_term=.683107ca6c22

Judge Dismisses Jones v. Clinton Lawsuit April 2, 1998

https:// www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/politics/special/clinton/stories/jones040298.htm

5e6a91 No.1453014


because we view terrible shit 24/7. Posting occasional beautiful people is like a reminder of what we're fighting for. Killing that will probably lead to higher burnout and people going literally just nuts.

But, that's the goal of shills, yeah?

6ebd11 No.1453015


I subscribe to the fact that nothing wakes up a dead, brainwash sheeple like a RUDE awakening. Forget the great awakening. You're not going to have any great awakening to talk about until you give them a RUDE awakening period!

f08caf No.1453016

File: 4981a0fbe45be77⋯.jpg (283.94 KB, 1440x2004, 120:167, _20180518_001207.JPG)

File: b8a01868284dd81⋯.jpg (280.1 KB, 1440x2004, 120:167, IMG_20180518_001300.jpg)

File: 01e2003a086410e⋯.jpg (294.49 KB, 1440x2004, 120:167, IMG_20180518_001411.jpg)

File: cb85652586a299c⋯.png (1.79 MB, 2560x1440, 16:9, Screenshot_20180518-001443.png)


hard to tell what they are

b2effa No.1453017

QUITO (Reuters) - The president of Ecuador, Lenin Moreno, ordered the withdrawal on Thursday of additional security assigned to the Ecuadorian embassy in London, where WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has remained for almost six years.

The Australian took refuge in the small diplomatic headquarters in 2012 to avoid sexual abuse charges in Sweden. He rejects the charges and prosecutors have abandoned their investigation.

However, British authorities are still seeking his arrest.



2d2758 No.1453018


search for "Board Owner"

it only filters the POST not ID

96b066 No.1453019


No, it sounded like Q was sending messages to the enemy (pictures), and that the sequence of messages was over. Now he is awaiting a response I imagine.

d03e0d No.1453020

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



9645cd No.1453021


Why would Q tag a post tagging his own post simply to tag his own post? What kind of retarded shit is that?

96e3c1 No.1453022

File: f6dd911083d81e9⋯.jpg (634.68 KB, 1460x1469, 1460:1469, madmaxine1.jpg)

2d2758 No.1453023


look near the top right corner: AMD

Advanced Mirco Devices

Something with comps/chips

5e647d No.1453024


Your parents never loved you, did they? They would've raise you better if they did, right? You're angry about that, aren't you? You never will mature and adjust, will you? You have acclimated to being sad and pathetic, haven't you? You have no courage to challenge yourself to become better, have you? You know you're meaningless, don't you? And yet, you go on with your worthless life. Interesting sociopathy, to say the least.

066f7a No.1453025

How long will you "trust sessions" after Qew stops posting

d1fc23 No.1453026


I did…

tx for update!

Field surveillance/people's phones/tracking something?

It's England !! bit of a hype there tommorow!

8202f5 No.1453027


The Daily Mail is reporting witnesses are claiming the gunman is wearing a mask

Parkland shooter wore a mask according to the teacher.

Where's that kids alleged gear at anyway?

I want to see it and I want to see him try it on for size.

Anyone actually believes it fits him?

349285 No.1453028



equestrian is the person who rides a horse or equine

d67bf4 No.1453029


I would not place money against you.

Definitely a never-trumper TDS wingnut.

072dd0 No.1453030




6e326b No.1453031




Theyre saying its coming from here???

Guess theyre used to that string of memes directed at me.

Surprised any of them would even say that.

They all know it's PunyCock.

ee9a6e No.1453033

Just some history: "Dingy" Harry Reid wrote the initial letter to Comey to request an investigation into POTUS.

Dingy Harry, the "paragon or virtue" who enriched himself at the expense of the American People (remember all his shady land deals in NV). There might be more corrupt politicians than HR, but I cannot think of any. The DNC are a den of thieves and liars.


2baa3d No.1453034


I don't see nor remember that Q post. But a lot of stuff got removed in one or 2 batches today before I could read most of it.

5076e5 No.1453035


Agree. Well said.

2d2758 No.1453036


to reenforce the post that the anon posted with a new post


066f7a No.1453037

sad, we wont get the Obammy pics…

We wont get the HRC tape

NO one, absolutely NO ONE goes to jail

All for a LARP I am concern fagged and depressed out

2cfe09 No.1453039


yes, I know that much

040d0a No.1453040

Searching codes for Redheads and I found this.

Appendix C (The Role of the "Internal" Media)

https:// www.cia.gov/library/center-for-the-study-of-intelligence/csi-publications/books-and-monographs/the-chinese-media-more-autonomous-and-diverse-within-limits/4.htm

d7f0c2 No.1453041

da3394 No.1453042

File: c41fe8327d1cc98⋯.jpg (12.66 KB, 255x160, 51:32, pepe-baking.jpg)




fresh bread

fresh bread

eat shit, (((shills)))


4acb42 No.1453043

File: b13fab142ed5e4c⋯.png (816.29 KB, 832x499, 832:499, young_waters.png)

691dd8 No.1453044

File: b300494bdb502f7⋯.png (213 KB, 253x599, 253:599, ClipboardImage.png)

Just spitballin' here but….

could "P" be Palestine / Philistines?

pic related is of one of their Gods: Astarte

Another of their Gods was Baal.

Enemy of the Israelites.

No one knows where they came from and I can't find any good info about their descendants and yet they were not wiped out.

They are also NOT modern day Palestinians.

The lack of history on these people makes me think they don't want to be found.

6ebd11 No.1453045


God bless ye baker

f08caf No.1453046


spot on anon

ae2048 No.1453047

So Which Is It, Yanny Or Laurel?

Personally, I couldn't give a crap what some faggot clown(s) want to argue about. More likely, it's another attempt to make us think we can't trust what we hear now. Just like that fake Obama video insulting Trump not long ago, trying to tell us we can't believe everything we see. They're just trying to deflect the bad news soon to come out. I'm not buying that high/low frequency BS.

d03e0d No.1453049

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


349285 No.1453050


ok, thanks

7da654 No.1453051

File: 9625578eb36f93f⋯.gif (130.61 KB, 385x364, 55:52, download.gif)

ac8f4e No.1453052


You can add filtered to that, faggot

4e6f8a No.1453053


This right here though for real. I've personally slept for lovely two hours in the past few days, grinding digs needs doing though. We can always go deeper.

2d2758 No.1453054

593285 No.1453055


▶Q !4pRcUA0lBE 05/16/18 (Wed) 23:19:21 7d06df No.1439283>>1439290 >>1439291 >>1439292 >>1439295 >>1439296 >>1439298 >>1439299 >>1439306 >>1439308 >>1439309 >>1439314 >>1439316 >>1439317 >>1439319 >>1439322 >>1439323 >>1439325 >>1439328 >>1439335 >>1439336 >>1439338 >>1439340 >>1439342 >>1439343 >>1439344 >>1439348 >>1439352 >>1439363 >>1439365 >>1439367 >>1439374 >>1439377 >>1439380 >>1439383 >>1439400 >>1439404 >>1439412 >>1439414 >>1439416 >>1439417 >>1439419 >>1439427 >>1439428 >>1439429 >>1439439 >>1439443 >>1439446 >>1439450 >>1439455 >>1439486 >>1439508 >>1439512 >>1439545 >>1439599 >>1439697 >>1439711 >>1439773 >>1439815 >>1439859 >>1439936


100% authentic.


691dd8 No.1453056

37c56a No.1453058

File: 22e443e4ff81515⋯.jpg (82.33 KB, 1079x463, 1079:463, Screenshot_20180518-003005….jpg)


Laptops, AMD makes parts for.


066f7a No.1453059

Damn I cant believe it's over, whatta run!

59d858 No.1453060

File: e3e072ce25cdbc2⋯.jpg (60.48 KB, 763x771, 763:771, retard.jpg)

96e3c1 No.1453061

File: 4a5fd0d23f66ed2⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 162.91 KB, 471x352, 471:352, ClipboardImage.png)


drastic shocking don't look if you don't want your eyes burned out. dont blame me

8202f5 No.1453063


Damn… thank you, what a dumbass that's what I meant to say

Stupid… GAWSH

2baa3d No.1453064


ok yeah I read that one.

2d2758 No.1453065


the anon meant this one: >>1453004

THIS one isn't legit

691dd8 No.1453066


you didn't think about it for more than 5 seconds, which tells me a lot

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