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Research and discussion about Q's crumbs
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Attention newfags: Leave the Name/Email field blank for your safety/anonymity. Do not create new threads. You may post in any thread already created. Thank you.

File: 859d0cc827e6827⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, QR1824.png)

9c11ab No.1452994

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Board Rules (Please read the rules)


Q's New Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/

Q's Tripcode

Current Q Tripcode: Q !4pRcUA0lBE

PAST Tripcodes: !xowAT4Z3VQ , !2jsTvXXmXs [ Blacklisted see, >>>/patriotsfight/71 ]

Q's Latest Posts

Thursday 05.17.2018

>>1449911 ------------------ Messages sent.

>>1449784 ------------------ Guardian of the Pope.

>>1449636 ------------------ Space Shuttle Pic

>>1449191 ------------------ Vegas Pic

>>1448841 rt >>1448660 ----- Pallet Pics

>>1448660 rt >>1448537 ----- Pallet Pics

>>1448537 rt >>1448466 ----- We are everywhere Anon.

>>1448221 rt >>1448152 ----- Note the jackets.

>>1448152 rt >>1448140 ----- London Pics

>>1448140 ------------------ London Pics

>>>/patriotsfight/87 ------- (deleted) see: >>1447680

>>1445345 rt >>1445248 ----- , >>>/patriotsfight/64

>>1445147 rt >>1444934 ----- As We Prepare To Land

>>1444934 rt >>1444808 ----- God Bless the United States of America.

>>1444808 rt >>1444682 ----- Stay vigilant.

>>1444682 rt >>1444632 ----- There is no bigger threat to 'them' than the public being awake and thinking for themselves.


>>>/patriotsfight/85 ------- ]SESSIONS[ Reels In Huber.

>>1440925 ------------------ Trump admin to provide F&F records

Wednesday 05.16.2018

>>1439789 rt >>1439665 – Bomb disposal team.

>>1439564 rt >>1439507 – Think Pickle Factory.

>>1439411 rt >>1439389 – Impressive

>>1439283 rt >>1439204 – 100% authentic.

>>1438448 ————— Gina Haspel Career Timeline

>>1438412 rt >>1438387 – WE ARE Q!

>>>/patriotsfight/84 —- Do what is Right.

>>>/patriotsfight/83 —- End of the Witch Hunt

>>1434225 rt >>1434153 – "FREEDOM" Caucus.

>>1434153 rt >>1434062 – Today was the precursor.

>>1434041 ————— US History [ABCs]

>>1432972 rt >>1432956 – Those with an agenda to silence will fail.

>>1432958 rt >>1432955 – Follow the pen/Jim_Jordan tweet

>>1432939 rt >>1432926 – SIS.

>>1432932 ————— Follow the pen

>>1431154 ————— No Such Agency vs Clowns In America

Tuesday 05.15.2018

>>1428355 rt >>1428282 ----- [NP 8:14 “——————— Pier 39…”]

>>1427755 ------------------ Start a Storm

>>1420066 rt >>1419965 ----- Do you trust POTUS? Does POTUS trust SESSIONS to protect the lives of our brave law enforcement?

>>1419926 ------------------ Did you catch it?

>>1419720 ------------------ Autists - we thank you. Patriots - we thank you. We came here for a reason.

>>1419607 rt >>1419514 ----- What do you notice? They all drop hints they are considering future elected positions.

>>1419531 rt >>1419500 ----- They knew this day would come. EVIL everywhere. CORRUPTION everywhere. We Fight! We, The PEOPLE.

>>1419464 ------------------ Who is Richard Donoghue? Background? PAIN.

>>1416382 rt >>1416216 ----- Find the [2] NYPD detectives [187] mid 2017.

>>1416241 ------------------ ENJOY THE SHOW.

>>1415794 ------------------ #1776

Monday 05.14.2018

>>1414277 ------------------ When does a bird sing?

>>1413485 ------------------ Pain Coming.

>>1413374 rt >>1413137 ----- rt: Patriot vs Paytriot

>>1413045 rt >>1413017 ----- Repost crumb re: Rudy

>>1413017 ------------------ Who knows where the bodies are buried?

>>>/patriotsfight/82 ------- Comms understood? (deleted) see >>1411589

>>>/patriotsfight/81 ------- They are losing control of the message. (deleted)

>>>/patriotsfight/80 ------- [ATTACKS WILL ONLY INTENSIFY]

Backup Q Posts


Previous Q Posts

Find Previous Q Posts at: qmap.pub/ qanonmap.bitbucket.io/ qanon.pub


If qanonmap ever goes down, the mirrors are: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io

Archives of Q's /patriotsfight/ threads >>1313128

* Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/edit?usp=sharing

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

Read: Social Media Protocols

1. DO NOT CONFRONT accounts that are being tracked. WATCH. ARCHIVE. REPORT.

'''2. If you find an important account, ARCHIVE OFFLINE BEFORE POSTING link to 8ch

We must avoid tipping off the black hats until archiving is complete.

>>1207179 For Instagram mirroring

>>1272084 For Twitter mirroring

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>1329265 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

=Q Clock Graphic=


9c11ab No.1452995


are not endorsements


>>1452286 DiGenova/FoxNews/"This sounds like massive news." says Anon

>>1452643 Sessions ends 'de-facto' amnesties

>>1452758 BO seeing "...tons of reports regarding =,e namefag." (Instructions for #ByeFaggot #AutoFilter)

>>1452830 Apple Wants to Buy AMD (AMD was in Q pic X10)


>>1451478 Sign the Petition!

>>1451528 PP Going to Lose Funding

>>1451546 Operation Dark Sky

>>1451555 Owl filename

>>1451617, >>1451697 Inside the ‘Q Group,’ the Directorate Hunting Down Edward Snowden

>>1451704, >>1451870,

>>1451765 Cargo going to Ethiopia

>>1451939 → who and what is the Vatican police force? Vatican citizens? Clowns?

>>1452020 FBI Surveillance London Peter Strzok

>>1452153, >>1452143 Reconcile these two stories


>>1450750 Air China Cargo

>>1450777, >>1450885 Anthony Weiner's trusted staff(Awans) supplied the phones

>>1450792, >>1450855, >>1450888 Owl Crumbs

>>1450979 And the crumbs bring us to a clearer picture.

>>1450880 Was Tillerson in Argentina?

>>1450922 You just tied Vegas shooter to cabal

>>1450985 Q Pics from today

>>1451060 Executive Order 11110

>>1451104 Tale of Two Apples

>>1451115 Q = Quantum

>>1451129 Swift Code / BIC (Bank Identifier Code) Details for COMMCNSHZJA

>>1451218 Battle of IBOR

>>1451310, >>1451336 Allen man busted with 58 terabytes of child porn

>>1451370 New CDAN


>>1450076, >>1450454 AMD is one of the companies on those pallets, and Q mentioned the Pope

>>1450094 Does anybody else feel that this picture is to be used to be referenced later?

>>1450146 Hole in space shuttle?

>>1450194 Judge rules that L.A. politician accused of sexually assaulting teenage girl can be named in lawsuit

>>1450251 The pictures are not important. What they prove is important.

>>1450386 Archives Updated

>>1450311, >>1450395, >>1450416, >>1450325 Space shuttle pics

>>1450521 POTUS sending a message?

>>1450595 Tied to cryptos?


>>1449372 Find the shipment

>>1449434 Is this one of the phones?

>>1449567 Pasting the deleted number of Q into duckduckgo this website is one of the 2 results.

>>1449952 NASA SpaceX X2


>>1448437 We have everything. PS - Crossfire Hurricane - Got'cha

>>1448441 Piccadilly Circus Square, London, UK

>>1448449, >>1448477 Wedding of Prince Harry on Saturday

>>1448454 Ecuadorian embassy is a five minute walk from Hyde Park

>>1448466 Those pallets were full of smart phones to be distributed members, i.e. Hillary, bill, Hussein, bremmer,etc..

>>1448505 Chuck Grassley meet with @Jack

>>1448637 $24M taxpayer dollars used by Obama DoD to spy on Trump

>>1448714, >>1448767 Anyone else watching ID: 437917 ?

>>1448873 Look how Adam Schiff spells things.

>>1448926 Laurel?!

>>1448940 AMD Embedded /Trump Tweet

>>1448967 Q Drop Decode

>>1449104 LondonFag with location


>>1447697, >>1448067 WATCH: Trump Doubles Down On Media Over MS-13 'Animals' Comment

>>1447711 Crossfire Hurricane covert operation may have started sooner than we know.

>>1447768 Deception Breach, Kaboom!

>>1447760 Q post screenshot

>>1447777 Trump administration to provide records on Obama-era gun-smuggling probe, "Fast and Furious"

>>1447842 Trump tweet on Farm Bill

>>1447874 POTUS is giving a thumbs up on the 17th (Q) stripe down on his tie

>>1447991 POTUS Schedule Update

>>1448046 White House Press Briefing

>>1448069 Eye of the Storm on Fox

>>1448070 Swift Code / BIC (Bank Identifier Code) Details for COMMCNSHZJA

>>1448071 Manafort's Former Son-In-Law Flips - Political Wire


>>1446914 Graphic of ISIS control, side-by-side format

>>1446971, >>1446991 If BHO was not legitimate POTUS - had to remove Huber first, then re-appoint for Huber to be legit?

>>1447024 Wikileaks tweet re: new CIA Director, Gina Haspel

>>1447031 Trump tweet re: new CIA Director, Gina Haspel

>>1447067, >>1447422 Assistant AG, Amanda Kramer, who signed the Order to Unseal in Weiner's case is a Human Trafficking Director

>>1447074 Federal lawsuit accuses Obama center organizers of pulling an 'institutional bait and switch'

>>1447082 Intercept Rosenstein Was Blackmailed Into Appointing Mueller

>>1447193, >>1447330, >>1447463, >>1447566 Planefag Update

>>1447208 CDAN Church Pathogen Update

>>1447383 POTUS leads and the world follows!

>>1447520 WWG1WGA

>>1447604 EU time

Best Of Bread >>311157

Archive of Notables >>>/comms/225 (Batch 740~ present)

9c11ab No.1452998

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Q's request: KEEP DEMANDING #ReleaseTheTexts until #Unredacted release

[3] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[4] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet FASSSSSSST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Threads & Research Section

>>1254488 -- QBOARD QUESTIONS (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>1121104 -- Q QUESTIONS THREAD (post your Questions to Q here!)

>>1119245 -- TTDDTOT - Things That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread

>>143179 --- META


>>1215912 -- Letters of Gratitude II

>>311157 --- Notable Post Discussion

>>198093 --- Q memed/Newsweak/GreatAwakening

>>870846 --- The Letter Q

>>694579 --- Hispanic Qresearch

>>674740 --- Qanon auf Deutsch

>>1254488 -- Newfag Q&A

>>93735 ----- Side-by-Side Graphics

>>1115338 -- Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

>>1147812 -- Notable Resignations Thread 2/2


>>4356 ------ Tools and Information

>>4852 ------ Free Research Resources

>>4362 ------ Planefag Tools and Planefagging 101 >>1311848

>>4369 ------ Research Threads

>>1233401 - All Executive Orders

>>1241760 - Shill posters

>>1243929 - JFK Files released

>>32223 ---- Qs chess game

>>256741 --- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc.

>>410413 --- Q Communications re:deltas

>>489697 --- Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #2

>>618758 --- Merkel research thread


>>810563 --- NXIVM info collection

>>885933 --- P=C

>>904395 --- The Plan

>>911014 --- Occult music and pop culture

>>957083 --- No Name Research Thread

>>1013812 - Crazy Days and Nights Dig?

>>1049327 - 666 Fifth Avenue Research Thread III

>>1143658 - Abramovic

>>1272206 - 43 Confirmed Connections workspace

>>1286065 - FIND THE KEY dig

>>1310117 - For anons who wish to learn about self-sufficiency and for those who have information to share

>>1427755 - Battle for Internet Bill of Rights

9c11ab No.1453001

Graphics of All Q'S Posts

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486 , >>>/comms/487 , >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488 , >>>/comms/489 , >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491 , >>>/comms/545 , >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951 , >>>/comms/952 , >>>/comms/953 , >>>/comms/987 , >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#22 >>>/comms/1119 , >>1450156

>>1335083 Previous GMT Graphics

Q Graphics all in EST

>>1411389 Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82

>>1303748 Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures: >>1298492 , >>1302636

>>1148124 Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg —————— >>>/comms/968

>>1147122 Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg >>>/comms/967

>>1147113 Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —- >>>/comms/966

>>1335077 Previous EST Graphics

NEW: Q's Images Posted

Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QPosts Archives in All Formats

* Spreadsheet Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* NEW QPosts Archive and More at qmap.pub features All Q Posts/ Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts (top tags, players, posts per month)/ All Resignations: qmap.pub >>1334710

* Searchable, interactive archive with user-explanations: qanon.pub (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io)

* QMap PDF (Version > 9.2.0 [updated 5/13]) >>1403707

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Full JSON Q archive: qanon.news/Archives (~135MB/~817MB Unzipped) [Updated: 4/20/2018]

'* http://''qanon.news/posts.html for printing crumbs, sorted by timestamp

* https://commandandcontrol.center/ aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools

* Pavuk Systems Q Database: https://www.pavuk.com;user:pass = qanon:qanon

* Independent Q archive resource: irc.qclearancearchive.net > browsable versions of /thegreatawakening/ from before the purge http://irc.qclearancearchive.net/02.%20QMaps/Q%27s%20posts%20-%20CBTS%20-%208.14.0.pdf

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Merge QT - Awesome archive of Q Posts and POTUS Tweets in Chronological order: https://anonsw.github.io/qtmerge/

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Redpill Flag / Printable Q Cards with QR Link: >>851957

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

Backup Q Map/Graphic Set >>>/comms/283

Q Research Graphics Library

Nearly 18,000 Memes and Infographs Searchable by Subject


Advanced Graphics

>>1115338 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

Memes: Latest Stockpiles

Memes21 >>1352458 20 >>1232995, 19 >>1144040

Meme Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/


MasterArchivist ———————– qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist — main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) — https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https://mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

Learn to Bake! Q Loves Bakers (And So Does Your Mom)

New Bakers Please Go To Cooking Class >>>/comms/154

Or read the Bakers Manual https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

9c11ab No.1453010



9f55f2 No.1453032

File: bb7687ee53febc0⋯.png (745.79 KB, 1298x884, 649:442, Barry Soetoro Andrew Basia….png)

File: 48d44da2d158491⋯.jpg (31.41 KB, 447x400, 447:400, The-face-of-a-man.jpg)

File: 1f608374d311ed8⋯.jpg (284.18 KB, 1354x1822, 677:911, IMG_20171227_170531.jpg)

File: 5118949ac8bb878⋯.jpg (17.34 KB, 238x255, 14:15, 5e9f36b59f4ce8f2e2ccc3e241….jpg)

File: c38366ab9981135⋯.png (3.96 MB, 1510x2328, 755:1164, 5af1109a4c3fd.png)

Rumor has it Obama canceled his plans to attend the wedding this Saturday. I wonder why.

9f55f2 No.1453038

File: 2700090c820f265⋯.jpg (127.97 KB, 758x787, 758:787, 1526162589112.jpg)

File: 69be686d521f068⋯.png (776.34 KB, 506x635, 506:635, potus-obozo-bob.png)

File: 4160f1dcabe82f3⋯.png (368.07 KB, 828x464, 207:116, bho.png)

File: 8df0a9f88f3efe6⋯.jpg (8.37 KB, 310x290, 31:29, barack_obama_smoke_cigaret….jpg)

File: fe3c5dc19061be9⋯.jpg (93.24 KB, 924x867, 308:289, DcsxIK_VAAAOdLm.jpg)

331d5b No.1453048

File: f98ed21ecd25e69⋯.png (648.11 KB, 773x644, 773:644, 3db10753594e1ad57ec26a7a43….png)


Do you trust POTUS? Do you trust PLAN?

The choice is yours

Sign the Petition!


#1. We The People have the Right to complete free speech when on the Internet.

#2. We have the right and shall be guaranteed absolute privacy when online. There shall be no unauthorized monitoring, recording, or storing of our data at any time.

#3. We shall be given access to the most up to date and powerful technology available to us, with all provisions & efforts made by our elected officials to ensure that our Internet quality is always reflective of its importance to our Republic.

#4. We have the Right to NOT have our Internet throttled, prioritized, or restricted in any way.

#5. We have the Right to select and appoint a new special council to oversee these Rights, and a report on the State of The American Internet shall be submitted to POTUS by January 15th of each year.

331d5b No.1453057

File: fec6e56c38e82b5⋯.png (217.26 KB, 1058x632, 529:316, ibor.png)

3aadb0 No.1453062

File: fdab365a953dccf⋯.png (151.93 KB, 500x518, 250:259, hen-despacito-comes-on-the….png)

29765b No.1453067

File: 47c8753a963efaa⋯.jpg (593.97 KB, 1800x1200, 3:2, foxconnwi_04b.jpg)

File: 8dd353f145184e2⋯.jpeg (76.51 KB, 570x379, 570:379, foxconn-dorms-e1293568001….jpeg)

File: cedd07c2a6c4e52⋯.jpg (930.65 KB, 1500x1001, 1500:1001, 20130623_5037.jpg)

File: 337a1dab2ddd351⋯.jpg (481.79 KB, 1500x1001, 1500:1001, 20121121_3240.jpg)


Zhengzhou, China

This is where the "employees" work, live, etc. They have been busted for child labor and also have had repeated probems with employees committing suicide at the factory.

640a82 No.1453068

File: cd6836a515fd52a⋯.jpg (17.46 KB, 255x170, 3:2, gbbhomessagereceived.jpg)

061a7b No.1453069


We have people in the US being tortured, China can solve their own shit on their own board.

0521dc No.1453070

File: 5942c16d188b84c⋯.png (293.72 KB, 758x674, 379:337, ClipboardImage.png)


8cfa4a No.1453071

Operation Disclosure

There are no longer any geopolitical issues causing delays. All countries have met and reached a consensus. What is reported on mainstream media is to be considered as a scripted play leading up to the enactment of GESARA.

Yesterday, a system start occurred and funds were transferred in an attempt to clear out unaligned individuals. Several individuals took the bait and attempted to acquire the funds without authorization. The individuals were apprehended by White Hats.

Some of these individuals were part of HSBC Hong Kong. HSBC personnel involved in the RV process are now undergoing reevaluation.

White Hats and vetted HSBC personnel continue to work together to smoke out moles and ensure the RV roll out goes uninterrupted.

The RV will be scheduled for release every single day until no more issues arise from interference.

Therefore, the RV can be expected to begin any day.


b721a9 No.1453072

File: eb30324b92ac4ee⋯.jpg (4.47 KB, 188x216, 47:54, 78f0ae28e2d202827ebab1fc27….jpg)

TWO CRYPTIC POSTS….WITH THE SAME ANSWER….and Anons breezed right by it:


>>1447908 ANSWER TO ^^^^


>>1448795 ANSWER TO ^^^^


EDanon…hmmmm….wonder WHO that could be????

e2d89a No.1453073

File: 2ef1f832d755234⋯.png (1.4 MB, 962x1202, 481:601, 28ddd2cd1d4e08cdd9c9eef0e5….png)

Searching codes in the Clown page for Redheads and I found this.

Appendix C (The Role of the "Internal" Media)

Hm. it seems that The Article combine the power of the MSM and the Cultural Revolution (Marx-Maoism)

https:// www.cia.gov/library/center-for-the-study-of-intelligence/csi-publications/books-and-monographs/the-chinese-media-more-autonomous-and-diverse-within-limits/4.htm

391aa8 No.1453074

Sounds like the pope doesn't want his nuns reading about all his scandals online kek

Pope Francis has urged nuns not to let social media distract them from their religious duties.

>In the document entitled Vultum Dei Quaerere >(Seeking the face of God), the head of the >Catholic Church told nuns to be wary of the >dangers of social media and be careful not to >“waste time” or use it to escape the demands >of religious life.


9c11ab No.1453075


not filtered for me…try not to be boring tho. kek

061a7b No.1453076


They read my SMS messages and crafted a response. I'm one of the mkultra targets.

f4deed No.1453077


idk, a religious nsa employee?

d1f4b6 No.1453078



….an anon with limpdick?

29765b No.1453079


It's a message from Q to both Apple and China (think trade war)

e0154e No.1453080


from JC Superstar, pics been around a while.

f9054c No.1453081

File: 4a5fd0d23f66ed2⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 162.91 KB, 471x352, 471:352, ClipboardImage.png)


drastic shocking don't look if you don't want your eyes burned out. don't blame me

c4f0e6 No.1453082

Clocked Activated [24]


Ventriloquists Dummy?

We See All

We know all

Come Clean


Frank Wilson

9ccade No.1453083

>>1452862 (lb)

The only thing more painful than the act of 9/11 was what happened after. The fake media. People believing the bullshit. Everyone blaming the "towel heads" when it was their own fucking government. Bush's approval shooting to 80%. People blaming Iraq. I wanted to die. I knew from the very beginning, and I was only around 20 years old.

21a836 No.1453084

Ok fuckfaces… enough redhead slides.

9f0b1b No.1453085


You just don't know how to recognize them. That and they have been at war for geez thousands of years.

Yes. Israelites are their nemesis so to speak.

As above

So below

9af597 No.1453086

hey who are these randos that copy my content and muddy the waters? it's bizarre. like they don't even have the sense to wait a week lmao. they can't help themselves.

2153b9 No.1453087

File: 898856f3ca2b381⋯.png (2.58 MB, 1417x834, 1417:834, CaesarsEye.PNG)

Anons, what does this image from Caesar's Palace remind you of?

3aadb0 No.1453088

File: 4e5a03234fd187e⋯.jpg (91.59 KB, 614x767, 614:767, misty2.jpg)






(*´∀`*)ノ~☆Good afternoon~

Hahaha( ´∀`)hahah…

Hahaha(´∀` )hahah…

|ハ`∀´ノ Muhahaha



Ah, tea…(*´∀`)_旦 

595d93 No.1453089

>>1452986 (lb)

Making some good points there. Some REALLY good points actually. Hence, disinformation being necessary, as well as omission of certain truths that aren't even mentioned by Q, no matter how much anons scream to have Q post about them or to confirm. Not saying that the topics are off limits, just that they're not (or not yet) part of the PLAN. The need for a plan to is to keep order in the first place. Revealing THE most SHOCKING Truths as part of the plan, would cause unintended consequences than needed, not really helping to heal the world. Still, there's nothing stopping those who WANT to know from finding those truths out for themselves. that's what my sleepy mind makes of it for now

7b3a0b No.1453090




0521dc No.1453091


a pussy

d5c5b6 No.1453092


BO! This needs to be in the notables! This is pure goodness right here, and every Anon should know this pure magic. Thank you so much, you're the man BO!

Baker, could you please add to notables?

aa3a9b No.1453093


eye of ra

f4deed No.1453094


a sperm

8cfa4a No.1453096



f9054c No.1453097

File: ab13b31b6ecbf85⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 3.76 MB, 1280x1688, 160:211, ClipboardImage.png)


with my blessings

92bc85 No.1453098

File: 15196e46c6d9c56⋯.png (89.18 KB, 893x157, 893:157, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 858963ddb1d8131⋯.png (96.68 KB, 900x156, 75:13, ClipboardImage.png)

526225 No.1453099

File: 4040ae63b9ac338⋯.jpeg (342.86 KB, 799x952, 47:56, Screenshot_2018-05-18-00-….jpeg)

MS-13 Satanic Gang

7b3a0b No.1453100



a0e5c2 No.1453101

File: b300494bdb502f7⋯.png (213 KB, 253x599, 253:599, ClipboardImage.png)

Just spitballin' here but….

could "P" be Philistines?

Who are the Philistines, anyway? I mean where did they go?

the speculation as to their origin points towards Greece / Mesopotamia.

And didn't another anon mention that Greeks own a lot of land in Israel?

pic related is of one of their Goddesses: Astarte

Another of their Gods was Baal.

They are a vicious people, and an enemy of the Israelites.

They tried to conquer Egypt but Ramses III dealt with them.

I can't find any good info about their descendants and yet they were not wiped out… so where did they go?

9a4bad No.1453102


you can buy these mugs online anon.

be4008 No.1453103

File: c538ec5a8459a02⋯.png (131.14 KB, 1111x890, 1111:890, ClipboardImage.png)

Thanks baker!



43fde1 No.1453104



BV, Can we get this IP banned?

9c11ab No.1453105

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




I'd listen to this, and my daughter would go around the house singing "Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ.."

too fuckin cute

21a836 No.1453106

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Whom the fuck is this guy redpilling on Rogan's pod?

Joe Rogan - Adolf Hitler Escaped To South America?!?

795e8b No.1453107


Isn't the Pope , the favorite of Minerva? back in history?

'Mighty mother and her son'

8d1061 No.1453108


Symbol for the pineal gland. Harvested from torture victims

dc5d01 No.1453109

File: 36cca264f221ce4⋯.png (216.85 KB, 502x280, 251:140, Screenshot 2018-05-17 at 1….png)

3aadb0 No.1453110

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


c5692c No.1453111


Thanx anon!!!

be4008 No.1453112

File: 76a02128125cf45⋯.jpg (115.55 KB, 720x502, 360:251, popesidebyside.jpg)

File: c438f1b2f3e7747⋯.png (73.66 KB, 355x322, 355:322, ClipboardImage.png)


no you're Pfag sliding


9a7dd6 No.1453113

Qs last posts relating to the "message",

I think the photos were taken by a patriot agent who is showing the cabal that their attempt to get secure hardware is pointless (as every step the cabal took to get them is compromised).

The message being is these clown agents need to give up because they have no chance.

They think they can win but they can't even get the tools to play the game.

9a4bad No.1453114

File: d65deb1504dab73⋯.png (455.24 KB, 2294x886, 1147:443, Brave_2018-05-18_00-38-04.png)

Shills always at the top of the bread.

48eefb No.1453115

File: c45f8a0b7a1bf97⋯.jpg (635.67 KB, 1745x1163, 1745:1163, QtutAK.jpg)

Suckers. It's OVER and now they resume the neocunt agenda for the greater Israel. Just hand over your blood and treasure, Israel's enemies need to be removed.

Sorry, there will be no arrests.

a783eb No.1453116

File: b9290775eeae4c9⋯.jpg (32.24 KB, 640x330, 64:33, aergtwt4w3.JPG)

File: bf05a7e4dbbd580⋯.jpg (28.19 KB, 574x212, 287:106, seherawa4ywd.JPG)

File: 9f63f20cc94243e⋯.jpg (53.17 KB, 636x392, 159:98, alsdfjk;aghka;lekhy34.JPG)

Holy fucking shit…

I just noticed I was unblocked by Corsi aka Corshekel and FUCK he has really really really gone off the deep end. It is extremely ugly the fuckery coming out of this pool old man. His handlers cannot be be happy at all.


7b3a0b No.1453117



"Why are you pissing off all the Anons?"

"What strategy?"

"Anons are unreal, the next murder case I have, I am going to the anons for help."

Minute 17:30 onward.


3aadb0 No.1453118



795e8b No.1453119


The PINECONE is also a huge monement at the Vatican, represents Pineal Gland.

fc5665 No.1453120

File: 8583b6465900975⋯.png (471.43 KB, 751x834, 751:834, ClipboardImage.png)

473d51 No.1453121

File: c7962d8b8286bf5⋯.jpg (113.15 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 1518013592818.jpg)


TY Baker! Last one for the night. Gotta head out until the morn. Thank you BO, BVs, bakers, and fellow diggers.


https:// www. youtube. com/watch?v=xl-DVgHVzgY

Q Posts Regarding Roths Owned Banks:

https:// qanon. pub/?q=central%20bank


9a4bad No.1453122


Its a bot anon. this text has been reused.

9e980a No.1453123


Who is this puppeteer character?

f9054c No.1453124


setting up the coup degrau

9c11ab No.1453125

File: 6fefe1e1c92c3b9⋯.png (65.68 KB, 220x279, 220:279, CHUCKTOPKIKE.png)

a0e5c2 No.1453126


I don't like answers that begin with "You just don't know…."

It's patronizing.

be4008 No.1453127



I hope it is, if its an ACTUAL anon, there's no help

c5692c No.1453128


Limited hangout anon. Rogan is pals with AJ. They did a whole satanic pedos on mars episode together.

b07893 No.1453129


Move on anon. Pity the fool that doubts in a few weeks…

8cfa4a No.1453130


The spammer is using multiple public IPs. Banning would result in innocent people being banned.

a139bc No.1453131


Great piece of music.

65b6b5 No.1453132


IP Bans are useless because this guy hops IP.

Click options at the top right of the page.

Click filters.

Enter the following in the Name field:


Tick Regex box and click add. The =,e namefag will be filtered across all breads.

be4008 No.1453133

File: 70a777e4185f86e⋯.png (29.7 KB, 667x135, 667:135, ClipboardImage.png)

5134fd No.1453134


I hate this guy so much.

7a5513 No.1453135


Jesus Christ Superstar.

Carl something its a fucking JAM

9e980a No.1453136


Frank I hope you are safe

633483 No.1453137

File: bd6baeb250cc54b⋯.jpg (11.7 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 43e237c8e86373a0c18e9afdd6….jpg)

48eefb No.1453138


What, you guys dont have unlimited IP's?

Suckers. It's OVER and now they resume the neocunt agenda for the greater Israel. Just hand over your blood and treasure, Israel's enemies need to be removed.

Sorry, there will be no arrests.

3aadb0 No.1453139

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


7a5513 No.1453140



a94731 No.1453141


TOTAL misrepresentation. The so-called "Society of Jesus" (Satan loves to call things the diametric opposite of what they are) is, to quote Leo Zagami, "the author of Communism", and perfected what Marx and Engels later (in the 1840's) crystallized into their Satanic Manifesto in their slave communes in Paraguay in the 1500's. After this, and the murder of the Huguenots, etc. etc., the Jesuits' association with Adam Weishaupt and the Bavarians is coming WAY late to the story of Jesuit evil.

faf0e4 No.1453142


He unblocked me to.

Must be desperate for attention. Kek

dc5d01 No.1453143


Me too…..he will always be number one on my "Needs to hang" list

7b3a0b No.1453144



I think,

There's part of obsession; look at it from perspective of having your twitter bombed.

Then sprinkle paranoia and checking your twitter feed every 5 minutes.

That said, WOW.

Burned the bridge, the ships, and the way forward. Too bad he burned half his men too. Praying

8cfa4a No.1453145


If you switch browser or IP yourself, would this approach work?

eb2845 No.1453146

File: 972b07e829d7ba3⋯.jpg (16.46 KB, 320x272, 20:17, 972b07e829d7ba3e9e068cf2ce….jpg)

43fde1 No.1453147



Thanks, Anons

7a5513 No.1453148


526225 No.1453149

File: 445c8c0fe41e862⋯.jpeg (310.17 KB, 637x1088, 637:1088, Screenshot_2018-05-17-18-….jpeg)

a0e5c2 No.1453150


well TBH there are anti-christ type messages in the Q drops.

Go ahead and hate, but it's true.

and FTR I don't pay any attention whatsoever to Corsi.

5134fd No.1453151


Agreed, anon.

48eefb No.1453152

File: 688ff17bd0f9b3d⋯.png (4.07 KB, 304x166, 152:83, Ganme.png)

Well, it was fun hoping…

8cfa4a No.1453153


Flank Wirson

be4008 No.1453154


yes, as long as its in the filters by name

795e8b No.1453155

Anyone know about The Dunciad?

3aadb0 No.1453156

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

82a597 No.1453157

File: 46ead64c1a1bae8⋯.png (643.21 KB, 1010x768, 505:384, 1.PNG)

Q on AF1: another confirmation

b721a9 No.1453158


Tick Tock….24 hours to do the right thing…FW….

0d0354 No.1453159


Sessions definitely needs a better strategy than what he has been doing if he hopes to effect change in enforcement of immigration policy. The bitch who is heading the DHS isn't giving him any support. I'm not surprised that POTUS recently had to cuss her ass out. I'm expecting POTUS to fire her any day now.

Bush did a stupid thing to roll up all those agencies into the DHS. It needs to be split up again so that the Immigration enforcement people can do their jobs more efficiently without all the other bureaucratic bullshit that goes with the rest of it. We have probably 20 million+ illegal aliens in the country. And only a few hundred of them are being deported here and there.


f9054c No.1453160

File: 9cf58ae735ba706⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 104.25 KB, 191x255, 191:255, ClipboardImage.png)



close your eyes first…i mean it

b6237f No.1453161

File: 03843023831bc78⋯.png (12.3 KB, 255x220, 51:44, e1ec1667002b2ee6de8277c4ca….png)


48eefb No.1453162

File: 688ff17bd0f9b3d⋯.png (4.07 KB, 304x166, 152:83, Ganme.png)

633483 No.1453163


READ 1st

48eefb No.1453164

File: 688ff17bd0f9b3d⋯.png (4.07 KB, 304x166, 152:83, Ganme.png)

ecdc2f No.1453165

File: 1a569b6f47763cd⋯.jpg (46.05 KB, 300x496, 75:124, TypicalJew.jpg)

783a63 No.1453166

>>1452993 LB

Somewhere out there are the individuals whose phones those pics came from

Right now they're wondering what in the actual fuck just happened..

Gotcha bitches

e2d89a No.1453167

File: 538e978bbd0281b⋯.jpg (901.93 KB, 1035x822, 345:274, Brave-brave-31209519-1035-….jpg)


yep. it's real.

Hmm. it says that The Redheads is a code for [Jalapeño]. but I don't sure

c52b4b No.1453168


Electronics manufacturing fag here.

It's not only videocards, there is a shortage of electrical components in the world. Big companies buy all stockpiles of components up.

8cfa4a No.1453169

48eefb No.1453170

File: 688ff17bd0f9b3d⋯.png (4.07 KB, 304x166, 152:83, Ganme.png)

0521dc No.1453171

File: b8d6599e94988e0⋯.png (135.8 KB, 460x293, 460:293, ClipboardImage.png)

a0e5c2 No.1453172


shills REALLY hate my message about the Philistines.


9c11ab No.1453173


a fat one, at that. kek

3aadb0 No.1453174

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


8d1061 No.1453175

File: e7ae25b23ea0533⋯.png (1.48 MB, 2880x1440, 2:1, Screenshot_20180518-001005.png)

Seriously think Q was saying two things by his last post ending with 911. The cabal's safety net is getting rolled up at doj/fbi and emergency calls are not going to be answered anymore– and the truth about September 11 will be coming soon as well. MESSAGES SENT

48eefb No.1453176

File: 688ff17bd0f9b3d⋯.png (4.07 KB, 304x166, 152:83, Ganme.png)

and we're outta quarters

bd608a No.1453177


gotta be fake. no way in hell she looks that good. er… you know what i mean!

b6237f No.1453178

File: baaf9a7ce8a9840⋯.jpg (292.13 KB, 948x1392, 79:116, ddh;i522hgr4i88fhh5347.jpg)

d1f4b6 No.1453179

I'm just here for the habbenings

=waits patiently=

fc5665 No.1453180


Rogan is one of the worst.

Every watch his show Question Everything?

Did an episode on Chemtrails.

Hand picked an 'expert' who also happened to believe in Nibiru/Annunaki; puts down expert through ridicule and mockery.

Total faggot.

eb2845 No.1453181

File: 12b69d862c2716a⋯.jpg (17.25 KB, 297x162, 11:6, 12b69d862c2716a16ddff1551c….jpg)


d0bf4f No.1453182


There's a ton of Baals, Baal literally means lord. You can read Alexander Hislop's Two Babylons about the whole Astarte=Ishtar=Minerva=Semiramis business but you should also read the refutation of it.

f4deed No.1453183

Good Lord the shills are in full attack mode. This escalated quickly.

9c11ab No.1453184

File: e036fcdce5ec653⋯.jpg (5.02 KB, 232x217, 232:217, fukkensaved.jpg)

b6237f No.1453185


cuase he's sitting on a beach with biggie sippin on KEK

be4008 No.1453186

So anon, we discussed early that the pic Q posted are from ENEMIES PICTURES. Was the Owl/Pope pic from SOMEONE'S or just another mention of Pope connecting to the Owl???

Everything up to the shuttle pic fits that, but the owl seems like NOT someones pic

8cfa4a No.1453187


But you have to reset it again in the filter right?

c80fed No.1453188


not him

5134fd No.1453189


Well, Pompeo says it's happening, sooo…….

0971c6 No.1453190

File: 907396420ea213f⋯.png (308.1 KB, 649x508, 649:508, peace-doves-attacked-copy.png)

Remember when this happened

f9054c No.1453191


explain your accusation.fag

9c11ab No.1453193

File: e7ee7923df5ce98⋯.png (339.52 KB, 682x850, 341:425, shitrusshills.png)

85fcd9 No.1453194



Can we add this to the bread for the time being?

be4008 No.1453195


oh click regex too

its worked for me

d1f4b6 No.1453196




8cfa4a No.1453197


Don't forget to eat.

785e38 No.1453198

File: c5ec834bd1ca9a0⋯.png (216.35 KB, 505x443, 505:443, The Gateway Pundit Where….png)

28640f No.1453199

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Funny as fek!

Titled something else…

Eddie Bravo/Joe Rogan…Q-Anon.

a0e5c2 No.1453200

File: 0b6ba29ed2d553a⋯.png (193.04 KB, 1268x669, 1268:669, ClipboardImage.png)


Historical reference to pic related?

0521dc No.1453201

File: 486867583f86133⋯.png (176.09 KB, 604x446, 302:223, ClipboardImage.png)


For your collection…

5134fd No.1453202

23b9c1 No.1453203


Queen Hatshepsut

3aadb0 No.1453204

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

640a82 No.1453205

File: e5f4f40845a2f63⋯.jpg (10.64 KB, 255x162, 85:54, rrmessagesent.jpg)

29765b No.1453207


Where is our EXIF Anon when we need him?

0685f3 No.1453208

File: 73ebc6cc1eb2b89⋯.jpg (42.66 KB, 618x410, 309:205, 051718-anthony-weiner-feat….jpg)

Dude looks like he has seen his future.

I can't say I feel sorry for him.


9e980a No.1453209


Who's hand is up who's ass?

9b0fee No.1453210


Finally! Glad to hear this.

17eea6 No.1453211

File: b300494bdb502f7⋯.png (213 KB, 253x599, 253:599, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 860c1d1e4e99516⋯.jpeg (394.55 KB, 1174x1670, 587:835, mary-vetsera.jpeg)

File: b9023bb4fc36684⋯.jpg (19.94 KB, 542x502, 271:251, ElenaBaltazzi.jpg)

File: 512b06f88948194⋯.jpg (345.3 KB, 1280x1867, 1280:1867, klarahitler.jpg)

File: 8c801d5b9f6596b⋯.png (198.52 KB, 345x478, 345:478, ClipboardImage.png)

Someone was asking where this lady disappeared to from the Middle East. I think I found her.

The 2nd picture is Mary Vetsera, mistress of Austrian Crown Prince Rudolf who killed himself in the Mayerling incident. Supposedly he found Mary dead but the next photo, of Klara Hitler, who had a baby boy 6 months after the Mayerling incident suggests that she was pregnant and was hidden away. In any case Rudolf and his friend Philipp Saxe-Coburg-Gotha may have been engaged in a moonchild ritual at Mayerling a few months earlier which begs the question, which man impregnated the girl?

Mary's mother seems to have been involved in such things. Hers is the third photo

And next is Klara Hitler for comparison

And finally another photo of Mary for those who like to compare ears

5134fd No.1453212


Reagan would never do that.

9c11ab No.1453213

File: 65f387a3bb91d9e⋯.png (92.08 KB, 253x255, 253:255, putinorly.png)


cool…we can trade…like baseball cards. KEK!

48eefb No.1453214

File: 8798ddeea0245ab⋯.jpg (42.14 KB, 640x418, 320:209, Insider Q Updates.jpg)

Game Ovah

c5597b No.1453215

Tracking Firm LocationSmart Leaked Location Data for Customers of All Major U.S. Mobile Carriers Without Consent in Real Time Via Its Web Site


101fac No.1453216

File: f2ece71c517701b⋯.jpg (303.99 KB, 1080x1174, 540:587, Screenshot_20180517-214510.jpg)


nothing crazy going on. just posting 4 new fags who may want to learn how to forecast earthquakes. Dutch has been on a roll these weeks!

a90944 No.1453217

Frank Wilson is my bitch

640a82 No.1453218

File: c5a2d9f5e7baa47⋯.jpg (13.62 KB, 255x169, 255:169, weinermessagereceived.jpg)

09623f No.1453219

So was the Vegas Mall Shooting a Thwarted False Flag?

Was this intentionally preplanned to expose those who may have had prior knowledge of the attack?

What was this? Seems the reports of an active shooter are all carefully being downplayed now and there wasn't any danger to begin with.

I find this strange considering the amount of police cars, ambulances and helicopters that rushed to the scene almost immediately.

be4008 No.1453220

File: 5e2ca87c6cefbe3⋯.png (416.79 KB, 960x580, 48:29, reaganFU.png)

895c36 No.1453221

https://www. intellihub.com/uber-driver-confirms-she-picked-up-steven-paddock-and-a-woman-and-dropped-them-off-at-mandalay-bay/

“I got a request to pick up Paddock at Terminal #1 pick-up area for Uber, not sure what day or time. I picked up a man and a woman with a big blue suitcase, old looking, and heavy, and he commented on the Mandalay Bay area for a terrorist attack and [was] dropped at the Mandalay Bay,” the Uber driver stated in her report filed with the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department. “Maybe check Uber records.”

a139bc No.1453222


But they announce themselves with graphics most of the time and the filter works as reliably as gravity.

eb2845 No.1453223


aa3a9b No.1453224


Your right, he was a class act

8cfa4a No.1453225


A pussy in a sperm

b6a083 No.1453226


FEYES Surveillance London Peter Strzok

3a8bfe No.1453227

File: 79c2127ba65ee7f⋯.png (263.19 KB, 848x467, 848:467, vaticanstruck.png)


Who can forget this, the day of Pope's resignation?

9c11ab No.1453228

File: 1d7ee3af69a24ee⋯.jpg (101.59 KB, 1190x595, 2:1, sarakek.jpg)

ff7443 No.1453229



3aadb0 No.1453230

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0114614/ WEAPONIZED FEMALE PSY OP

6ae94a No.1453231

File: 8b25f62aba4949b⋯.png (332.11 KB, 556x344, 139:86, ClipboardImage.png)

84be3b No.1453232


Bullshit, you filthy-Jew.

There NOT many Baals.. And Baal doe NOT mean "lord" (unless your a Talmudist-Like, and that's who you worship.)

Every fucking time with you people… Can't tell the truth to save your own rotten souls.

6ba3ff No.1453233


That was horrifying

a0e5c2 No.1453234

File: 1b9ebc148d54c98⋯.png (218.58 KB, 1614x749, 1614:749, ClipboardImage.png)


MOAR on historical badass Frank Wilson.

check highlights .. reminds me of the Q & Patriots!

f9054c No.1453235

File: 24a4a15a00d37ef⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 104.33 KB, 170x255, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)


no unseeing it

d1f4b6 No.1453236




*forgets to breathe*

84be3b No.1453237

File: a63ad13bffc7747⋯.png (87.02 KB, 635x219, 635:219, Screen Shot 2018-05-18 at ….png)


Here's your proof:

e0154e No.1453238



b8203b No.1453239

File: 187de33f6ea8744⋯.jpg (29.77 KB, 397x400, 397:400, laughing dog.jpg)

c2fed5 No.1453240

File: d91e411e2b93678⋯.png (380.71 KB, 1699x865, 1699:865, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5846854856671ba⋯.png (292.85 KB, 1715x863, 1715:863, ClipboardImage.png)

https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laughing_owl

https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Walter_Rothschild,_2nd_Baron_Rothschild

5134fd No.1453241


Why are you being such an asshole about this?

e2d89a No.1453242


Good Signal.

Pickles, Redheads. Mr e.

48eefb No.1453243

File: 1a06d459746b2f0⋯.jpg (94.41 KB, 1000x541, 1000:541, 1049963654.jpg)

I win. Again.

Every. Fucking. Time.

a0e5c2 No.1453244


thank you

9c11ab No.1453245


needs moar greeen

8e3a96 No.1453246

File: 8cad7930d2c3bc9⋯.jpg (21.75 KB, 640x360, 16:9, demonic.jpg)

be4008 No.1453247



I'm not

thought it was funny..

afa59f No.1453248

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Anons, did you know that JEROME CORSI is the one that got Barach to delete the Q post when the board was moved from CBTS to The Storm??????

HOLY SHIT, I sure didn't!

I was listening to random videos while doing others things and came across video embedded…

"#QAnon: Tracy Beanz Responds & Pamphlet Slips Up?"

at 38:00 minute marker he plays a video seg of Corsi & Beanz interview where that fat bastard ADMITS (way back then!) that he got in touch with Barach and told him to "DELETE THOSE Q POST BECAUSE IT DIDN'T SOUND LIKE Q"!!!!!!

WHAT? Didn't "sound" like Q???

Holy shit, and Barach DID IT, and got called out by Q for being comped

"Did they get to you?"!!!

That was when we moved to "The Storm", right?

I NEVER knew Corsi was behind that fucking mess with CBTS (admitedly, I was fairly new and still learning the chans and hanging on for dear life, thanks fuckers:-)

So, the title he has …

@ 4:40 marker he says

Pamplet's wife says they "have million dollar investors" and then he plays a short clip of 'Thumper' coming onto the discord jokingly saying something like 'I'm gone for a while and you screwed up all the numbers on the Q post" and Pamplet says says 'yeah, blah blah blah ha ha ha'

But fucking Corsi, trying to screw up Q drops way back then!!!!

Who knew?

NOT ME! duhhh

As Q said…"Be careful who you follow!"

I think this is the first video I've watched/listened to from this guy but …

wow, I've learned something new!


8cfa4a No.1453249


You are too lame..

84be3b No.1453250


WWG1WGA, brother…

No more Talmudists in OUR America!

9c11ab No.1453251

File: 73133f347d9d237⋯.png (165.54 KB, 381x294, 127:98, nasim1.PNG)

b6237f No.1453252



2pac Mama was a Black Panther and a very educated.

Mama Didn't Raise No Fool.

fd4ce5 No.1453253


Secure mobiles ordered sometime ago


c4f0e6 No.1453254




T-Minus [-22:45]

611016 No.1453255

St. Michael the ArchAngel

The Guardian

St. Michael has four duties: (1) To continue to wage battle against Satan and the other fallen angels; (2) to save the souls of the faithful from the power of Satan especially at the hour of death; (3) to protect the People of God, both the Jews of the Old Covenant and the Christians of the New Covenant; and (4) finally to lead the souls of the departed from this life and present them to our Lord for the particular judgment, and at the end of time, for the final judgment.

For these reasons, Christian iconography depicts St. Michael as a knight-warrior, wearing battle armor, and wielding a sword or spear, while standing triumphantly on a serpent or other representation of Satan. Sometimes he is depicted holding the scales of justice or the Book of Life, both symbols of the last judgment.

"St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle! Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, thrust into Hell Satan and all the other evil spirits who roam about the world seeking the ruin of souls."

3aadb0 No.1453256

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


0d0354 No.1453257


Hussein now understands that life is going to very suddenly get very bad for him in the near future. When you're as arrogant as he is the fall from grace can be astonishing.

Can you imagine this fucker in prison? Can HE imagine himself in prison? I'm very sure he would rather kill himself than be so humiliated. All the shit he tried to hide is coming out. I'd say he has far more pressing things to think about than attending a wedding.

17eea6 No.1453258


Please don't try to tell me that Merkel is Hitler's daughter. It is fairly well established that he mother Herlind is his daughter out of his niece Angela (Geli) Raubal. And if you are going to look at photos, have a look at Adolph when he was in the monastery school. The resemblance is much more visible there.

This still leaves up in the air, which male bloodline Hitler is from. He could be Habsburg like Soros. He could be Saxe-Coburg-Gotha like the British Windsor family. And some say he was Rothschild but I think that assumption simply comes from an ancestor who was a maid in the man's house. Probably the least likely ancestry.

1e5d76 No.1453259


Manuf. Anon here. By law, Chinese factories are required to provide dormitories for their employees. Nothing shocking in these pics, i.e. the small apartment balconies with the clothes drying there, the massive factory at the edge of town, the trash blowing around. Workers are recruited from far away towns, and live in these dorms with a salary and access to a cafeteria.

Laws are pretty strict about what factories can get away with, and tend to favor the worker. Undoubtedly Foxconn must meet very high production standards to qualify for Apple production, and lets face it, the Chinese worker is not accustomed to producing a high quality product. From this perspective, suicides don't surprise me.

Having been in and around these factories in China, the image that that they are child labor sweat shops just isn't true. At least, not the factories of Foxconn caliber.

5134fd No.1453260


Not so funny to me, but it's all good.

3aadb0 No.1453261

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



c88dcf No.1453262

Has this been posted?


f63f9a No.1453263


5:39 (the time correspondence for the day 11/11) also adds up to 17.

This is confirmed officially. Q map leg in place.

Now that other anon is here somewhere with the spider webs between brackets and POTUS twat edits.

When Map is done we go fully public and blow people’s minds. It’s essentially a web of info broken down by date/subject that normies can play catch up with. The messy shit we’ve seen so far will be simplified into a shape or pattern that makes it attractive and digestible.

a0e5c2 No.1453264


it's not a bot so fuck off and die to that asshole shill that is trying desperately to tell you that I am.

Secondly - YEAH, Q fucking labeled the photo with POPE. I'm not a fucking idiot. YOU are the obviousfag thinking that there's nothing more to the drop.

Do you mind that others with a deeper curiosity keep digging? HUH? DO YOU FUCKING MIND?

a4238c No.1453265


Nice Dig Anon!

9c11ab No.1453266


they got any unions over there? kek

8d1061 No.1453267


Baker please add. Notables

5ae6b7 No.1453268

File: 016ca1fe289e695⋯.jpeg (363.02 KB, 2400x1800, 4:3, monkeys.jpeg)


Staaahp. It's weak, it has holes, and t's a flat out … ah do whatever you do, but your logic on all your own videos are terrible, and you love the drama. I made it through 2 back in the Defugus controversy in December. Was weak then. I hope to hell you have a day job.

d1f4b6 No.1453269



So uh…

What did you learn other than that LTV is a complete buttfucking moron

f4deed No.1453270


Jesus calm your shit.

63263c No.1453271

File: d7e3e1156854f2a⋯.png (324.3 KB, 514x458, 257:229, COVFEFE-END.png)

"Covfefe: Fullness of Time… Ready."

@K _T

be4008 No.1453272

File: d285ea34c8e6c48⋯.png (5.1 MB, 1576x2358, 788:1179, ClipboardImage.png)


the patron saint (archangel) of /qresearch/

23b9c1 No.1453273


Thanks - Dr NoName sure is a scumbag

90e177 No.1453274


Clown, you are glowing so hard right now.


8f329b No.1453275


(((baruchthescribe))) said at the time that corsi told him they were fake codes or something

that was the first time i had ever heard of corsi and i wondered why anybody gave a shit what he said

c69d18 No.1453276


I'm with you 100%. Too much happened that defied the law of physics on that day. That's all the proof I need. The corrupt media lied and the fools believed it.

9e980a No.1453277


Frank Wilson = Mr Wilson. Will you be my neighbor?

Clock Activated

b8203b No.1453278

File: 738ed4411be1c3a⋯.jpg (137.79 KB, 918x1104, 153:184, dog howl.jpg)

9ccade No.1453279


You would think that Renegade would be right at home in prison with all the drugs and butt sex.

b6237f No.1453280


she knows


775124 No.1453281



All roads lead to Tracy

3aadb0 No.1453282

File: a4961e6beeb8f31⋯.jpg (55.34 KB, 570x456, 5:4, epictetus.jpg)

File: c7a8be88606ec74⋯.jpg (1.17 MB, 2016x1818, 112:101, flowerpower.jpg)

File: e7415ee85594f67⋯.png (91.23 KB, 500x718, 250:359, just-remember-that-all-the….png)

f9054c No.1453283


come on it fun. at least is not nissam

48eefb No.1453284


You fucks are delusional if you think they gona arrest the Joker Tut…

f4deed No.1453285


LTV = "Look at all these qtubers profiting off of Q"

>Constantly covers Q


>Calls Q a psyop

Ltv is a shill.

2153b9 No.1453286

File: 9266d08fd83feaa⋯.jpg (755.26 KB, 1417x834, 1417:834, CaesarsEye_EyeOfRa.jpg)

File: 37d868fb6a394bf⋯.png (369.2 KB, 948x802, 474:401, EyeOfRaQPosts.PNG)



If you flip the Eye of Ra image over (so it would be the left eye), and you superimpose it, it looks like this. The Q posts that mention


>Left eye [marker]

also happen to be the ones that mention the Space Shuttle program.

See a connection?

c5597b No.1453287

Jigsaw's Project Shield Will Protect Campaigns From Online Attacks

Yeah, right ….. just trying to stay in control, most likely !!!!!

But Google parent company Alphabet's experimental incubator Jigsaw announced on Tuesday that it will start offering free protection from distributed denial of service attacks to US political campaigns.


5134fd No.1453288


You're more likely to prove a bloodline thru the mother because of mitochondrial DNA.

ff7443 No.1453289


by your taste in music and your preference for females….reasoning says you are a teenage, white male living in your parents house, because you won't get a job.

the unfortunate part is you could be doing so much with your talent, but being a fool makes you feel like a man.

43fde1 No.1453290

File: 0f8a92d25a81538⋯.jpg (33.7 KB, 319x386, 319:386, ALAS.jpg)

bd608a No.1453291


cbts was run by paranoid fucks. bullshit panic twice a week every week. was real glag for the move. i don't know anything about any of them so maybe nice and good people. but too paranoid for this.

af57cf No.1453292

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Dedicated to Q and the Entire Q-Team. We Shall Be Free.

8cfa4a No.1453293


If if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if

d1f4b6 No.1453294




8b54b3 No.1453295

File: 7026d7de4d3d8b9⋯.jpg (171.43 KB, 480x731, 480:731, image.jpg)

90e177 No.1453296

File: 7e9914a420a6d9e⋯.png (5.1 KB, 212x255, 212:255, elvis_chekeked.png)

29765b No.1453297

File: c2847f3fa31ab23⋯.jpg (26.03 KB, 400x400, 1:1, Ner2xmOG_400x400.jpg)

3aadb0 No.1453298

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


5ae6b7 No.1453299


Add note because I was laughing so hard. Corsi is a shit. He probably did sway Baruch, but he literally thought Q was talking to him like in the old "Firewatch" posts we would get with the stuff that was Q like, but anon, etc… Or the single posts. they were messages for him alone. If you are going to dig, dig the whole fucking whole, not just the piece you want for the drama clicks, oherwise you re PART of the problem. As Melania says BE BEST, but it doesn't mean best dumbass.

17184a No.1453300

File: 1c4a7d375fbf2f2⋯.png (275.54 KB, 1590x1016, 795:508, Screen Shot 2018-05-17 at ….png)

They fall for it every time.

62dace No.1453301


I was reading a thread Tracy Beanz posted recently (today) about the attacks she been receiving and such. In the post on steemit, she talks about Corsi and how he is the one that was responsible for telling BO on CBTS to delete Q posts saying it was comped way back in Jan…

I never followed him he was just a disorganized mess in my opinion. Just proves even further to me that he was a sabotage on the mission from get go.

0971c6 No.1453302

File: fbbebbf8d9e1684⋯.jpg (51.55 KB, 398x400, 199:200, 9f2186333354f15062e83198d8….jpg)

File: cd07c1cd5db310a⋯.jpg (24.61 KB, 400x245, 80:49, shrineowlnew.jpg)

Pope and owl

Owl associated with moloch worship. As in bohemian grove.

Baal worship and moloch basically the same. Childvsacrifice religions overturned by thr God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob where God said that worship of him did not require human sacrifice. This is what judeo Chirstian ethics ha ve brought to the world. Human sacrifice was once prevelant, now abolished and only existing among secret cults. We cannot tolerate these groups making this satanic trash mainstream.

Here are a couple interesting pics. One is moloch with pope symbology

48eefb No.1453303

File: 8798ddeea0245ab⋯.jpg (42.14 KB, 640x418, 320:209, Insider Q Updates.jpg)

File: 688ff17bd0f9b3d⋯.png (4.07 KB, 304x166, 152:83, Ganme.png)


8e3a96 No.1453304


I only remember one live stream more recently when Corsi was drunkenly? calling gays "faggots."

Now he's crying about language in tweets.

6ba3ff No.1453305


SHS is so awesome!!!!

55f9e7 No.1453306

File: 7018efc8fbadc64⋯.jpg (84.87 KB, 960x720, 4:3, BkFire01.jpg)

a90944 No.1453308

File: 74f13732dc4b92c⋯.png (596.29 KB, 799x491, 799:491, ClipboardImage.png)

af57cf No.1453309


Whoa. Good eye Anon.

6ae94a No.1453310


That's awesome!

1e5d76 No.1453311


Don't think so, but the worker can sue the employer for practically anything thats not in their contract. So they come into these places knowing what is expected. My suspicion about the 'suicides' if they are true, is more of a public relations ploy against Apple, to hype local sentiment for home brands such as Huawei.

8cfa4a No.1453312

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

af57cf No.1453313



We need MEMES!!



a0e5c2 No.1453314

File: cf5fa2785212dab⋯.png (329.32 KB, 1022x687, 1022:687, ClipboardImage.png)


secret messages intercepted?

Operation Limey?


Weird development, anons, and i haven't seen it posted.


3aadb0 No.1453315

File: 9a8941d511f20df⋯.png (487.64 KB, 558x559, 558:559, Leiasuckingcock.png)



de54b7 No.1453316

On MS13…

We are all animals.

If it were not for the grace of God, we could be them.

We are us because of a million factors beyond our control, and a couple factors in our control. We are lucky. Demonizing a group doesn't help. We need to solve the real problem, the disparity between the rich and the poor. The separation between us.

Diversity is not our strength. They separate us to conquer us.

Be careful calling people animals. We are all animals.

d1f4b6 No.1453317



Can confirm that part is all true.

Tried to tell the dumb accented nigger to not jump the gun and that deleting was PROOOBABLY a bad idea.

5f42bd No.1453318

>>1452609 (last)

this rings enormously truthful and insightful to my ears

well stated anon

17eea6 No.1453319


Yes, Angela Dorothea Merkel is the grand-daughter of Adolph Hitler. Her mother Herlind was the daughter of Adolph (and was photographed with him at age 6) and Adolph's niece Angela (Geli) Raubal.

The middle name Dorothea suggests that she has ancestors who used that name. The Saxe-Coburg-Gotha family used that name and Philipp of SCG was a friend of Klara's lover Crown Prince Rudolf of Habsburg. Since these people seem to be involved in occult rituals it is entirely possible that Adolf is a moonchild and that Philipp was his father.

There is even some political sense to it. Victoria, trying to control Europe, had her clan depose the German royals to replace them with a civil government led by a bloodline member, Adolf Hitler. The royal families of Europe have found it beneficial to appear to have given up rule over their countries. It gives them more freedom to operate.

8cfa4a No.1453320


Does anyone have more pics of Tracy Beanz? Need to compare them to MegaAnon.

c185d1 No.1453321


i didn't want to say erectile disfunction anon.

but ED snowden works for me.

9c11ab No.1453322

1st call for notables


>>1453248 ALL FOR A LARP, RIGHT? :) (corsi)

29765b No.1453323

File: e88bdda6c9fab0a⋯.jpg (19.05 KB, 255x170, 3:2, Custom Image 1204201815590….jpg)

3aadb0 No.1453324

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



8e3a96 No.1453325


MSM13 and DEMS13

7b3a0b No.1453326

Watching these youtube people saying Q is fake…

The OBVIOUS thing is Q and drops are the subject matter they discuss and profit off of.



c5597b No.1453327

Encrypted Email Has a Major, Divisive Flaw


b07893 No.1453328


Predating article within is related, dated April 4, Dem congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton. Could be when Dems found out they were being tracked, would also explain Hilary having an iPhone and not one of the burner phones in that pic of her in blue with underlying body armor.

6ae94a No.1453329


Yep game on!


9f55f2 No.1453330

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



95c2ed No.1453331


I posted this earlier this evening too but then Q came along…

FreshCamel = Chelsea Manning, according to Megaanon months ago.

17eea6 No.1453332


Eagles is spelt ОРЛЫ in Russian. You should use a dictionary.

9b0fee No.1453333


That video is funny. A 45 second video. Everything has meaning.

de54b7 No.1453334


The ONLY solution is to solve money. We HAVE to fix the issue of untraceable money. We need money that can be traced. Money that accrues karmatic value by how it is spent. Each dollar can grow in value by being used in socially beneficial ways, or lose value by being spent poorly.


6ad0bb No.1453335


The Owl is the Crown. The Crown is Queen Elizabeth II.

a0e5c2 No.1453336

File: 58ff72e02e17f73⋯.png (359.63 KB, 495x493, 495:493, ClipboardImage.png)

a6740e No.1453337


ThanQ BO - works great!!!!

8cfa4a No.1453338


Chill out. Mr. Putin.

5134fd No.1453339


Kek. Fresh Camel.

What's the significance?

71d8c3 No.1453340


Not true. Poorly written encryption plugins are the flaw, not PGP.

Read detailed description here: https:// protonmail.com/blog/pgp-vulnerability-efail/

29765b No.1453341


There's probably no safe email system out there.

af57cf No.1453342


100%!! NICE.

D-E-M-S 13

M-S-M 13


26283c No.1453343


About same age on 9/11 anon. Did a shitload of blow that night because I did a shitload of blow pretty much every night back in those days. Hit me like a truck, there was no way in hell something of that magnitude slipped under the radar. Red-pilled ever since.

8cfa4a No.1453344


Nah don't give the Queen too much credit.

17eea6 No.1453345

Now more than ever we have work to do.

The charges and prosecutions are just beginning

And some day they will be over

But our work is just beginning

We are Q!!!

We have to keep asking questions

To help people learn how to think again

So that new corrupt politicians and companies

Do not weasel their way

Into positions of power

We are Q!!!

The power rests with the people

As long as the people play the game of politics

Somebody needs to kick off the game

From time to time new issues will arise

Somebody needs to keep the people on their toes

By asking questions that have not yet been answered

By continuing to dig and make connections

By finding where all the small time crooks are hiding

By making a map to those hideouts

So that the people can ask the right questions

That lead true investigative jounalists to those crooks

We are Q!

Every part of society has been TAINTED by (((them)))

We need to clean all of it

We need to educate children on how to become citizens

We need to ask question after question

And drop crumb after crumb

There will always be a role for autists

Who see the pattern before everyone else

We are Q!

We ask the questions

True investigative journalists find the answers

The public examines the evidence

And takes charge of the legislatures and elected officials

To create laws that are SOLUTIONS

At every level of government

Municipal, County, State and Federal

We are Q!!!

9e980a No.1453346

File: 8c5799485961617⋯.jpg (297.91 KB, 1076x1048, 269:262, Screenshot_20180517-220545….jpg)

04ec30 No.1453347


I've tried this several times now & hasn't worked for me. Maybe it doesn't work when phonefagging?

e2d89a No.1453348


And an extermination.

They aren't human beings.

657e8e No.1453349

File: c4320da033b6d5c⋯.png (51.4 KB, 998x254, 499:127, ClipboardImage.png)

'''Report: IG refers FBI, Justice officials for criminal prosecution

Horowitz 'found reasonable grounds' for violations in Hillary probe'''

State Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz has found “reasonable grounds” for believing the FBI and the Justice Department violated federal criminal law in their handling of the Hillary Clinton email investigation, according to investigative reporter Paul Sperry.

State Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz has found “reasonable grounds” for believing the FBI and the Justice Department violated federal criminal law in their handling of the Hillary Clinton email investigation, according to investigative reporter Paul Sperry.

Horowitz, who informed members of Congress Wednesday that his draft report has been completed, has referred his findings to John W. Huber, the U.S. attorney in Utah, for possible criminal prosecution, Sperry said.

Huber was appointed by Attorney General Jeff Sessions in March to work with Horowitz to investigate the accusations of FBI misconduct.

Sperry reported the leaks from Horowitz’ upcoming report in a series of tweets.


65b6b5 No.1453350


I will ban you though, you fucking faggot. See ya.

b6237f No.1453351

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


outcast video has similar owl

sorry mis jackson

de54b7 No.1453352


Read this and have your mind blown. It will take time to sink in. Try thinking about it overnight.

be4008 No.1453353

File: dc5d9b6d877caed⋯.png (165.55 KB, 802x659, 802:659, ClipboardImage.png)



I think the Bohemian Grove Owl could be linked the the crumb today

8cfa4a No.1453354


Board owner is here. I'm so scared.

9c11ab No.1453355


(((your))) obviously not from around here…

c1e4bc No.1453356

File: 3292ad1ae1b446a⋯.png (423.09 KB, 536x1183, 536:1183, ClipboardImage.png)

>> have we seen an update of this??

f4deed No.1453357


I remember seeing that conversation before. Probably true, but hard to verify who players are.

d1f4b6 No.1453358





92a369 No.1453359

File: c6c92aac5af101f⋯.png (167.14 KB, 650x561, 650:561, Saavedra re Ana Navarro 5-….PNG)

File: eb743fe34350a42⋯.png (441.5 KB, 1329x753, 443:251, Ana Navarro 10-9-16.PNG)

File: 6feb6135149b043⋯.png (400.81 KB, 967x764, 967:764, Ana Navarro 5-16-18.PNG)

29765b No.1453360

File: 4e238a5ddebe533⋯.jpg (24.66 KB, 400x245, 80:49, 450_ab7b5b85429f2cdb85ca4d….jpg)


That's what came to my mind today too.

e96fbf No.1453361

File: 30f16c850f09a3f⋯.png (625.88 KB, 1017x881, 1017:881, ClipboardImage.png)


be4008 No.1453362


muh values





6ba3ff No.1453363


That took my breath away, and I’m not even Catholic. Everything about that unprecedented papal handoff felt so significant. And it was.

a0e5c2 No.1453364


hey calm your shit.

.. just kidding. I see you *are*calm and yet as annoyed as I was when I typed my message to which you replied "calm your shit."

I'll fight the attack shills my way, if you don't mind.

722dbd No.1453365

File: eea88ccf152a875⋯.png (636.15 KB, 640x426, 320:213, estermann-on-this-day-png.png)

File: 4bf64fed4c7a77c⋯.jpg (14.2 KB, 243x344, 243:344, attentat.jpg)

Guardian of the Pope Alois Estermann



The anonymous authors claim that Estermann was the victim of a struggle for control of the Swiss Guard between the secretive, traditionalist Catholic movement Opus Dei and a Masonic power faction ensconced in the Curia.

9ccade No.1453366


Well that explains that. I never knew either.

I also never followed Corsi - I don't have time to watch videos. I also have a lot more faith in my own brain than anyone else's - not even considering the agenda they might have. The only thing I trust more than my own brain, is the power of the hive mind here. It's like a 250 IQ.

8b54b3 No.1453367

File: 852a954c1e3a515⋯.jpg (11.75 KB, 255x208, 255:208, 159b4cfabfe2a681ae425ea9a7….jpg)

de54b7 No.1453368


Divide and conquer works.

97fdb1 No.1453369

game over fag may be loic'ing fyi, just had a possible ddos, broke the link tho so clearly human

c5597b No.1453370


Interesting !!!

ntelligence insiders in Washington are exchanging the messages presented below because they believe they show an accurate presentation of what the House Intelligence Committee has long known: that an inter-agency coalition of a small number of operatives including a top official at John Brennan’s CIA conspired to leak negative stories and “memos” on General Michael Flynn. They ran an operation called “The Limey” to target Flynn and weaken his mental state.

Rod Rosenstein appointed Mueller because “he knows our friends have stuff on him.”

Messages on the ‘Dark Web’ have identified five individuals who routinely hold group chats on the Gliph secure messaging app. In the conversations, the intelligence agents clearly conspire to leak damaging information about the Trump White House.

af57cf No.1453371

File: e6150f682ec0140⋯.png (291.55 KB, 496x660, 124:165, 6ufnrc-27t7879wffgz.png)


BO!! Since you're here, where am I missing how to contact you?? It's not anything heavy or anything, I just have a couple of etiquette questions for when you get time.

As always, thank you for all you do and have done.


95c2ed No.1453372


Also Limey is Louis Mensch Brit journalist FBI feeds their disinfo to.

8cfa4a No.1453373


True. That Nissam shit is just too fcking random…

de54b7 No.1453374


Who do you think wants you divided? With whom?

afa59f No.1453375


>It's weak, it has holes

Well, The mfer plays a clip of Corsi and Beanz interview at 38:00 where the fat fucker admits wtf he did so… tick that in your weak hole!

>>1453269 LIKE I FUCKING SAID, I've never listen to his videos before and had it playing in the background, but I DID learn that that fat fuck CORSi was behind the needed move from CBTS to The Storm, because HE is the one that convinced Barach to delete Q POST, asshat!



Thanks, Anon, I knew I was getting his name wrong but I was close! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Like I said, I was new to the chans and don't even think I was posting at that time. I lurked for 2 months (scary SOBs here! lmao) But I was following and made the move from CBTS to The Storm…

I was just shocked tonight to hear the clip of Corsi admiting how he played Baruch like a fiddle! smh Sucks… but we've survived!


>too paranoid for this

Well, as it turns out, Corsi was behind the disinfo "Q is a LARP/Comped" for far longer than I knew about!

a139bc No.1453376

File: b3c66c0348cea43⋯.jpg (110.77 KB, 960x804, 80:67, navarro-clintonsb.jpg)


Ana is a piece of shit.

Apologies to turds.

29765b No.1453377


The "Speculate" part of this crumb ways makes me laugh. Its like, 'I'm not going to tell you the answer but guess anyway.'

ecdc2f No.1453378

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


f4deed No.1453379


Whoah that oddly makes sense. I remember reports of shooters on the runway that night of the attack. (((ISIS))) attempt to JFK POTUS?

71d8c3 No.1453380


>karmatic value

Wow, that is an amazing concept. I've never thought of it like that, consider my mind blown. Implications seem astounding, needs more thought for me to truly process.

3aadb0 No.1453381

File: e0cd388a515ac68⋯.jpg (67.27 KB, 509x767, 509:767, supergirl.jpg)

be4008 No.1453382

File: c529a0f8f884444⋯.png (30.57 KB, 816x115, 816:115, ClipboardImage.png)





LILITH = OWL in symbolism????

anyone ever heard this?


84be3b No.1453383

File: 39297383702945b⋯.jpg (184.59 KB, 1024x728, 128:91, hunting-map-for-jews-withi….jpg)

"Happy Hunting"


e2d89a No.1453384


They must be completely EXTERMINATED.

Even in Latin/Southamerica

92a369 No.1453385


Not a meme maker

but I hope someone makes that!

a54b7f No.1453386


Old feller's gonna stroke out over a larp? Guess that spotlight meant more than I knew.

29765b No.1453387

8b54b3 No.1453388


Corsi is a Clown In America and an Adrenochrome addict.

be4008 No.1453389



wtf are you talking about


29765b No.1453390


Try harder.

3c9b70 No.1453391

File: 90b2327a6b52a9f⋯.jpg (1.04 MB, 1660x2208, 415:552, MOLLOCH,Lillith-Satanic_Je….jpg)

File: 243dbe59a3b2fd5⋯.png (21.3 KB, 897x80, 897:80, Lillith-Owl.PNG)

File: 16a327d8a06c287⋯.png (231.75 KB, 1353x558, 451:186, Highly Concentrated Owl Dr….PNG)



= Moloch,

aka the Whore of Babylon, Ishtar,

aka Esther, the Whore Queen of the Jews,

LILLITH herself,

Darkness manifest:

That out of which the Light came,

That which opposes the Light,

SATAN herself, the Enemy of Man.

By this I guess you are being cheeky,

Imposter Jews today actually Biblical Philistines?

Too Funny. But also disappointing if true.

Was hoping "Palestine = {{ours}}" would one day be shown to be totally baseless. The Outrage!

Too easy to show {{they}} were on scene in Ancient Greece–{{Pythagoras, Socrates, Hippocrates}}, same asshat Clowns. And too easy to show that their entire Biblical history was written by a Greek "poet" based on plagiarized and redacted Egyptian/hermetic sources. Wrote himself in as "Moses" and "Solomon".

Ancient Kingdom of Israel is plagiarized Atlantis story, as documented in Plato's Critias (MIA).

Wouldnt be as hilarious if they actually did have a legitimate claim, but as Philistines…

dd267c No.1453392

>>1452480 (last loaf)


8cfa4a No.1453393


Do you know what you are?

84be3b No.1453394

File: 75191d55b56a4d5⋯.jpg (22.75 KB, 620x330, 62:33, 12369071_502533173260507_7….jpg)

f42c6d No.1453395



a0e5c2 No.1453396

File: 6b525dce9a6f2e8⋯.png (116.97 KB, 873x428, 873:428, ClipboardImage.png)



which, incidentally, is why I posted this.

I think it's interesting too that I began to be called a shill and a bot (among other things) immediately after posting.


71d8c3 No.1453397


Roger Stone is not going to come out of this well.

9a4bad No.1453398

File: 08ced39547cefa2⋯.jpg (18.63 KB, 600x600, 1:1, take this.jpg)






Master using it and you can have this.


061a7b No.1453399

File: 40be4b0e3db25d1⋯.jpeg (98.34 KB, 1024x640, 8:5, sucks_for_you.jpeg)


Wants to open a hotdog stand in Hawaii.

Yeah, he's fucked.

84be3b No.1453400

File: 1bdc586274ee5cb⋯.jpg (42.85 KB, 850x400, 17:8, quote-israel-was-born-out-….jpg)

af57cf No.1453401


Red pilled half of my final hard core hold out friends because 13 is shooting up innocents here in our home town and it just keeps happening.

People who are GOOD teachers didn't know what "catch and release" was, while they LIVE in a MAJOR Sanctuary City.

People hadn't heard of them, as they are normies and don't follow Drumpf. It's amazing what happens when neighborhoods start becoming Satanic sacrifice zones, how all of a sudden people start listening in.

Too bad people have to DIE in order to get it done but at least those who were killed helped serve to awaken their fellow man.

de54b7 No.1453402


Crypto is halfway there.

3aadb0 No.1453403

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


8cfa4a No.1453404


Maximum hardness.

f4deed No.1453405


that makes sense.

be4008 No.1453406


I really think we need to HELP the militaries of Central America take on the cartels/gangs like MS 13

c4f0e6 No.1453407

Eyes on

Cut the Strings

[Clock Activated]

Sleep well

Frank Wilson

331d5b No.1453408


A human being who does not perform open heart surgery on unsuspecting victims?

a0e5c2 No.1453409


Frank Parlato at Frankreport.com went out of his way to say good things about Stone today.

struck me as odd.

Frank covers NXIVM in depth

8cfa4a No.1453410


Which well are you talking?

97fdb1 No.1453411


kek, also a useful one, danke

be4008 No.1453412

95c2ed No.1453413


Chelsea Manning = Bradley Manning whistleblower for JA. Sex change in mil prison.

d1f4b6 No.1453414



He also reeks of gin and old-people-smell

…serious. not kidding

af57cf No.1453415

File: f29a351f214675a⋯.png (374.02 KB, 1082x1658, 541:829, 58e9f2e308e39bd34e4a0b6cb5….png)

File: 9112d73445331a5⋯.png (416.69 KB, 1144x914, 572:457, Screen Shot 2018-05-17 at ….png)

File: 8291e07dd05fb45⋯.png (336.55 KB, 509x319, 509:319, Screen Shot 2018-05-17 at ….png)

File: 783bbeb661ef954⋯.png (403.66 KB, 604x343, 604:343, Screen Shot 2018-05-17 at ….png)

9b0fee No.1453416

I'm curious as to why Potus has not freed or pardoned Julian Assange. And, where the heck is Snowdon?

be4008 No.1453417


you're killing it anon

3aadb0 No.1453418

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



8cfa4a No.1453419


High Five!

c5597b No.1453420

Stormy Daniel’s Lawyer Squatted In A $12M Home While Evading Taxes


84be3b No.1453421


Nah… We're going to whip your kike-asses and not even break a sweat, faggot.

Better sacrifice a chicken/child to Moloch for some more power, chump.

611016 No.1453422

File: c93b06fac15a2eb⋯.jpeg (177.08 KB, 1600x1071, 1600:1071, CardinalBurke.jpeg)

Cardinal Burke

The next year, Francis sacked Burke from his powerful job in the Vatican’s internal court system. By doing so, he made an implacable enemy.

Burke, a bulky American given to lace-embroidered robes and (on formal occasions) a ceremonial scarlet cape so long it needs pageboys to carry its trailing end, was one of the most conspicuous reactionaries in the Vatican. In manner and in doctrine, he represents a long tradition of heavyweight American power brokers of white ethnic Catholicism.

Sacked first from his position on the Vatican court, and then from the liturgy commission, Burke ended up on the supervisory board of the Knights of Malta – a charitable body run by the old Catholic aristocracies of Europe. In Autumn 2016, he sacked the head of the order for supposedly allowing nuns to distribute condoms in Burma. This is something that nuns do quite widely in the developing world to protect vulnerable women. The man who had been sacked appealed to the pope.

The outcome was that Francis reinstated the man Burke had sacked, and appointed another man to take over most of Burke’s duties. This was punishment for Burke’s quite untrue claim that the pope had been on his side in the original row.

Amoris Laetitia

Veritatis Splendor


061a7b No.1453423


Probably spa day.

0d0354 No.1453424


>that was the first time i had ever heard of corsi and i wondered why anybody gave a shit what he said

He is using the 'doctor' title to sound important. He's just a dumb, arrogant asshole who was trying to make a fast buck with his stupid book.

e2d89a No.1453425



If you wants to destroy the source. The burrow must be completely destroyed.

Even, MS-13 wants to be the DS (parallel state) of Centeramerica

I think that it's necessary an extermination.

They have a lot of power. but I don't think that it's US in that.

Maybe it's the test for the terminators..

c5597b No.1453426

John Brennan’s Leak To Harry Reid Is Now Under Scrutiny


a139bc No.1453427


JA is a key figure in world events. Possibly some pieces of the puzzle have to be set in place first.

1d324f No.1453428

What's Up with the ASS????

84be3b No.1453429


Stone's probably threatening him with dirt…

Put it together man… They are falling apart and eating their own. Parlato worked for NXIVM too, ya know.


e2d89a No.1453430


Why someone think that Trump can to pardon JA?

5134fd No.1453431


I know all that, but what is the significance of the moniker Fresh camel? Who named him that.

a54b7f No.1453432



23b9c1 No.1453433

File: 3b8c675e9a3bd20⋯.jpg (677.66 KB, 1600x2000, 4:5, claymore.jpg)

a0e5c2 No.1453434


Fresh Camel?

It's late and I might have missed that part.

but I also have to sleep now so I'll look for your answer in the a.m

526225 No.1453435

File: cdb342dce30f7c1⋯.jpeg (346.42 KB, 533x951, 533:951, Screenshot_2018-05-18-01-….jpeg)


a2dbf1 No.1453436

File: 859600106903739⋯.jpg (184.29 KB, 960x640, 3:2, advocate.jpg)

Coming to a nation near you, beginning this summer 2018.

America’s government failed a long time ago. The replacement is here. Restoring a republic and gaining independence is a bumpy ride.

Fiction manifests fear and confusion. Everything was upside down. People have no idea what the natural state of things ought to be. Sobering moments ahead. We are faced with waking up whether we like it or not. America had a purpose. It is time to restore it. We are a free people deserving of peace and it is our will to keep it that way for ALL who dare defend the same.

Fighting fire with fire can save the forest and the saplings. Breaking a few eggs in the name of progress is a terrible plan for the future.

I see no obligation to offer the other cheek after America gets up off her knees and we dust ourselves off. Our purpose is our descendant’s future. The truth will ensure it is a future worth living in.

afa59f No.1453437

File: 19db1642d773d7d⋯.jpg (147.66 KB, 597x499, 597:499, Ana N.jpg)

1b64c6 No.1453438

Does Sean Hannity have beefed up protection?

His presence on radio and TV is the only platform devoted to the truth and POTUS.

He gets whacked we have no one.

6727c6 No.1453439

Not sure if it's been mentioned before, but, here's another extremely subtle example of their Symbology in Sia's LSD music video… https://i.imgur.com/3LTElyD.jpg

The dancing girl is making the devil horns hand gesture.. it's so brief I'm sure 99% of people missed it.

a0e5c2 No.1453440


it's something like that I'm sure.. hard to separate the tangled web!

5f42bd No.1453441

File: fd527af55d4db31⋯.jpg (60.66 KB, 448x239, 448:239, MIA.jpg)


>Ancient Kingdom of Israel is plagiarized Atlantis story, as documented in Plato's Critias (MIA).

MIA - Yes exactly. Not lost. And I have a strong inkling that the Vatican vault holds this and many more "lost" books and works.

29765b No.1453442


Hahahaha you could not possibly be any further from being "over the target".

a139bc No.1453443

85fcd9 No.1453444



657e8e No.1453445

File: 13e9237ae32bef6⋯.png (1.93 MB, 997x806, 997:806, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6f4ea34689a9caf⋯.png (129.47 KB, 1071x675, 119:75, ClipboardImage.png)

11 Animalistic Crimes Committed Against Americans by MS-13 Gang

When President Trump recently referred to MS-13 gang members as “animals,” the mainstream media, left-wing pundits, and Democrats were outraged by the statement.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi slammed Trump’s attack on MS-13 gang members, saying, “Does he not believe in the spark of divinity, the dignity and worth of every person?”

Multiple media pundits, including the Washington Post‘s Jennifer Rubin,defended MS-13 gang members against Trump’s “animals” remark, calling the statement “disgusting” and attacking Evangelical Trump supporters. Similarly, the Associated Press was forced to apologize for falsely claiming that Trump was referring to illegal aliens when he made the “animals” remark.

Meanwhile, Trump and White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders defended the comment, as Breitbart News reported.

“When the MS-13 comes in, when the other gang members come into our country, I refer to them as animals and guess what, I always will,” Trump said at the White House on Thursday.

Here, Breitbart News rounds up the most animalistic, heinous, and vicious crimes committed against Americans by MS-13 gang members:

1. MS-13 Pimp Ordered Baseball Bat Beating of Underage ‘Prostitute’

2. MS-13 Gang Beheaded Victim — Cut out His Heart, Say Maryland Police

3. MS-13 Gang Members Beat, Stab New York Teen Girls to Death

4. MS-13 Gang Members Beat Maryland Woman to Death

5. ‘See You in Hell,’ Convicted Female MS-13 Gang Member Told Victim

6. Four NY Teens Brutally Beaten to Death by MS-13 Gang

7. MS-13 Woman Laughed As Murder Victim Was Stabbed 153 Times, Say Prosecutors

8. MS-13 Gang Leader Murdered 14-Year-Old Texas Boy With Machete

9. MS-13 Members Charged with Machete Attacks in U.S.

10. MS-13 Gang Attempted to Kidnap, Murder 16-Yr-Old Boy

11. MS-13 Orders Murder of Teen after Facebook Photo Post


35d6fd No.1453446

File: 14469d0da8ae017⋯.jpg (108.23 KB, 900x675, 4:3, ARG-bariloche-hotel-Winver….jpg)

File: 7cbb1861cbf10a3⋯.jpg (97.67 KB, 800x533, 800:533, ARG-bariloche-hotel-GRAF.jpg)

>>1450880 (prev) >Was Tillerson in Argentina?

>>1450999 >DJT tweet on Argentina & Macri today

>>1452614 >Tillerson in Bariloche Argentina 02/03/18 / Meets Macri 02/04

>>1452843 >Hussein/Clinton/Ike in Bariloche

>>1452963 >Why/who Bariloche?

>>1452876 >elite bunkers >Bozos in Patagonia 12/17

Found sauce on Bozos trip:


The billionaire today tweeted a photo in front of the Perito Moreno glacier. "This is the impressive Perito Moreno glacier in Patagonia, we send robotic probes to all the planets of the solar system, and the Earth is far the best, we go to space, but to save the Earth," said Bezos.

Because, again, the timing of the visit, coincident with Secretary of State Tillerson's visit to San Carlos di Bariloche, raises all sorts of red flags. Most readers of this site and of my books know the significance of Bariloche and, for that matter, of the entire Rio Negro province of Argentina, which if one thinks about it, is more or less a stone's throw away from Patagonia and Mr. Bezos. Indeed, one would be hard pressed to see how Mr. Bezos made it down there without going through Bariloche, or perhaps through Paral, Chile


also read the link thru on RT's visit to Bariloche--

President Obama made a pilgrimage to San Carlos di Bariloche, taking many NASA scientists and representatives with him, to conduct a summit with then-newly-elected Argentine President Macri. At least, that's what we were told.

Mr. Carter allegedly visited the region shortly after his diagnosis of cancer.

And if one really probes deeply into this "Bariloche lore," one will discover one name that supposedly did not go there (or in some versions, turned down an invitation to visit), and that was John F. Kennedy,

In the center of town there is a large hotel with distinctly "Bavarian" looking architecture, which was built during the war as a plastic surgery clinic (gee, I wonder why?) Call it "the Swamp, South American franchise."

be4008 No.1453447


Atlantis was a metaphor/allegory though

6ad0bb No.1453448

File: 9525f9cd2aab385⋯.jpeg (265.67 KB, 1004x761, 1004:761, qe direct lineage.jpeg)

File: 3ace81a529ecc26⋯.jpg (127.22 KB, 970x430, 97:43, qe -order of the garter-fr….jpg)

File: 30b4915a14622a5⋯.jpg (387.76 KB, 486x487, 486:487, qe in the killbox.jpg)

File: 3a1def5c71e6712⋯.png (62.74 KB, 604x366, 302:183, queen - monarchs seeking s….png)



Lilith is Queen Elizabeth II.

5134fd No.1453449


I've thought something similar, as well. Like Trump and Co dont want him releasing certain info too soon.

7d6187 No.1453450

File: dd3849d49f041a7⋯.gif (1.03 MB, 320x240, 4:3, Anons Digging.gif)




95c2ed No.1453451


Oh in the bigleague article it is talking about how fresh camel came across Paladines Revenge on gliph/tor.

9c11ab No.1453452

File: ab81072aed606d4⋯.png (639.84 KB, 570x1600, 57:160, pequalsc.png)


funny part is, i get most of that ref. kek

<and the Zelda thing, but its been yeaarrrrsssss

c5692c No.1453453


I believe what you're referring to is called your soul.

a4f6b8 No.1453454

File: ac934c6628ec385⋯.png (1 MB, 1494x887, 1494:887, 2018-05-17 22_16_24-.png)

This guy is stepping down at Perkins Coie.


29765b No.1453455


His newest radio station is in an undisclosed location with a false address listed on his branded information and it's underground. Q also mentioned he was a protected assetike Sara Carter and John Solomon.

8cfa4a No.1453456


It serves an important function of the body. Similar to your mouth, but in ASS things move in slightly different direction.

c5692c No.1453457



Wonder if he's a Rothschild?

48ae60 No.1453458


Man, I wish there was a SIMS13. Program your sim to hack up bodies while you're at work.

5134fd No.1453459


Oh, ok I get it.

3aadb0 No.1453460

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



35d6fd No.1453461

File: f25310d146d8ac0⋯.gif (1.65 MB, 320x180, 16:9, I_here_covfefe.gif)


>#1824: The "I Hear 'Covfefe'" Early Friday Edition



3 Seconds of Covfefe

c640ea No.1453462

File: 5b30c0e9be1dc9e⋯.gif (1.01 MB, 332x500, 83:125, IMG_5862.GIF)



Pedo (no "if")

b7d35e No.1453463

File: 1114ca735abc3c1⋯.png (1.53 MB, 1024x587, 1024:587, ClipboardImage.png)


You may be a dumb animal but I'm not. And MS13 are demons!

84be3b No.1453464


I have a theory…

Bunch of wealthy-cabal pedo-types, pay to murder someone. ($25,000 get you 1 stab). 100 people are invited so it's an event, but a manageable one. Afterward, the (((cops))), (((judges))) and (((politicians))) pin the violent ritual-murder on a handful of dumber-than-bricks, publicly-hated, MS-13 fags, and no one is the wiser.

We know that's basically what went down with Seth Rich, minus the "party".

657e8e No.1453465

File: 61a59669da35f46⋯.png (132.98 KB, 1072x732, 268:183, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 49f2b2b6ba80ba6⋯.png (444.09 KB, 857x1200, 857:1200, ClipboardImage.png)



8b54b3 No.1453466

File: 5115644981f2446⋯.jpg (359.66 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 2e957fcbee27e72a9d85bfa153….jpg)

f4cff1 No.1453467


In my metro area, the news reports extensively about black on black killings practically every day. Other race or interracial killings are covered briefly. Mass shootings committed by whites get extensive coverage. The gruesome torture and death done by MS-13 and other Hispanic gangs–nothing. We have to find out about the latter through word of mouth.

a4f6b8 No.1453468


He worked for Obama.


5cb960 No.1453469

File: 57d71fc32defe76⋯.png (3.37 MB, 1317x1200, 439:400, GreatHornedOwl2.png)

c5692c No.1453470


He carries and does mixed martial arts 3x a week. (Per him)

cb7fba No.1453471


They should all hang.

Flowing robes…just like Jesus, right?

e2d89a No.1453472


Argentina/Chile/Uruguay is the Europe of Southamerica.

When the Europeans emigrate to America. After of the US.

They'll go to The South..

Although Argentina is in trouble in his debt. Even the IMF wants the rescue.

it's ready.

1d324f No.1453473

>>>>1453428 >>1453082 Puppeteer… Lock Jaw Really ??? From Frnks Wife????

84be3b No.1453474

29765b No.1453475


>and I always will

Damn right! They hack up people, fuck their "feelings".

0d0354 No.1453476


All of these media personalities should be put in a locked room and shot.

8cfa4a No.1453477


I doubt much would happen to the Queen. Most would be a loss of wealth and position. She's old anyways. It's time.

d0ea4c No.1453478

File: b3a0d42b835471d⋯.png (602.91 KB, 640x483, 640:483, ClipboardImage.png)


Owl also represents [the demon-god] 'Moloch'.

Bohemian Grove.

8cfa4a No.1453479


Using water guns.

9e980a No.1453481

File: 081f0d195389a56⋯.jpg (401.4 KB, 1080x1727, 1080:1727, Screenshot_20180517-222332….jpg)


Is this the Frank Wilson connection?


1b64c6 No.1453482


That's my main concern. Sarah and John disclose their research on Hannity. Without him the platform is gone.

b3ed62 No.1453483

Leaks found?

Pirate bay .onion url has file titled government data leak 4-23

can't verify, behind isp that kills p2p.


has the below in the description:



703-101 STANDARD FORM 703 (8-85)

NSN 7540-01-213-7901 Prescribed by GSA/ISOO

32 CFR 2003


c5597b No.1453484

File: 58e85d27aa5dc8f⋯.jpg (126.99 KB, 931x524, 931:524, 1526595694355.jpg)

Pennsylvania Democrat resigns as mayor after allegedly soliciting 'police informant' for sex


b31e77 No.1453485


filled with battery acid

3aadb0 No.1453486

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


84be3b No.1453487


Just had the EXACT same thought… The Rothschild name originated with Mayer Amschel Bauer

942d01 No.1453488

File: 053ce46eb37095d⋯.png (429.58 KB, 842x500, 421:250, youknowwho.png)

657e8e No.1453489

File: 2bd4d8adcc05594⋯.png (921.88 KB, 783x831, 261:277, ClipboardImage.png)


96db8a No.1453490

File: 6828dd092bd43a8⋯.jpg (198.93 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, anon-netflix-movie-explain….jpg)

File: dcb641480bd67d5⋯.jpg (55.25 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, 1525474708_anon-review-ama….jpg)

File: 2d9c0b468a50b17⋯.jpg (55.27 KB, 1000x800, 5:4, Amanda-Seyfried-Clive-Owen….jpg)

File: e04f3ec1973a373⋯.jpg (21.2 KB, 400x600, 2:3, large_aannnoposter.jpg)

Holy hell it's slow tonight.

I started a movie last bread called Anon and finished it… this bread… kek

8cfa4a No.1453491


It's something immaterial. Interdimensional.

e2d89a No.1453492



Bauer is the nickname of the roths in Germany.

5f42bd No.1453493


no moreso than the Garden of Eden

95c2ed No.1453494


If true maybe it should be renamed fresh camels revenge. I hope she gets to help talk them all down too…

b0cbd3 No.1453496

File: be5ebfd430e7437⋯.png (528.41 KB, 950x534, 475:267, andersoms13.png)

2e6de6 No.1453497



Stage set

0521dc No.1453498

File: 260ceb5fb6a8a1a⋯.png (37.12 KB, 750x373, 750:373, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d62d12e3a0602c6⋯.png (145.19 KB, 1122x753, 374:251, ClipboardImage.png)


0d0354 No.1453499


Europeans need to stay where they are. What makes you think that they are wanted in South America?

f4deed No.1453500


Screenshot results. I wouldn't click that link in a million years.

90e177 No.1453501


Stop trying to confuse us CLOWN.

All of us know better.

Moloch is represented by a bull.

Minevra is represented by an owl.

a139bc No.1453502


Now there's a petition we should have

7b3a0b No.1453503


People" Rogue stop being so cryptic

"Me" Alright

"People" Omg! He's being less cryptic! He's been hacked!

7f80df No.1453504


search for bubo virginianus.

then search for bubo bubo.

then, re-view crumbs.

9c11ab No.1453505

>>1453316 Fuck that shit…these animals do this consciously…that's why we call them animals. (and fuck you, (((Chris Hayes))))

>>1453463 Harden up, lads…strengthen your grip pressure so that you can crush their windpipe.

<not kidding. KEK

e2d89a No.1453506


TOR link…

Be careful..

de54b7 No.1453507


Can't buy shit with that.

8cfa4a No.1453508


A million years have passed. Would you click?

e96fbf No.1453509

File: f984b22666f2a9e⋯.png (655.2 KB, 1301x964, 1301:964, ClipboardImage.png)


785e38 No.1453510

File: e367ea8f1252031⋯.png (495.02 KB, 562x313, 562:313, M 370.png)

File: 2f2acf795136f70⋯.png (400.29 KB, 500x500, 1:1, M 371.png)

5345cc No.1453511

File: 44b332a3ef6c00c⋯.jpeg (368.1 KB, 750x1041, 250:347, 33330571-6388-4334-9AB9-2….jpeg)

I found this military magazine from 2003 that describes “Future space Wargames” that “take place in 2017”. It specifically stresses “the importance of the military being involved in future space wargames” as I’ve highlighted in the screenshot.

What was the name of the $24,600,000 global operation that Halper’s Russia investigation (September 2016 payment from DOD) originally called?

“Future Space Wargame”

Proof of Halper payments and the “future space Wargame” project:


a90944 No.1453512

File: e98524eb2507736⋯.png (259.61 KB, 664x482, 332:241, ClipboardImage.png)

Frank….I got your back

061a7b No.1453513

File: a795993dbcb0ef9⋯.jpeg (419.88 KB, 1208x950, 604:475, swastika.jpeg)

Have they figured out the Nazi thing yet? Let me help…

We love the Jews, we just make ourselves into Nazi's because events would have accelerated to quickly for the other side of the counter-coup to lay their traps if we had told everybody it was the war financiers and child rapists.

Unlike people, symbols are neutral.

8cfa4a No.1453514


No one woud like to buy shit. You usually pay people to clean up your shit.

1d324f No.1453515


Frank Wilson wants to know whatsup with Puppeteer??? I want to Know ALL… I HEAR ALL.. Puppet you are LOSING AGAIN….

f4deed No.1453516

6ad0bb No.1453517

File: 0adba08246908d0⋯.png (1.18 MB, 555x1071, 185:357, moloch vs Trump 2.png)



Lilith is Satan's daughter. Moloch represents Satan.

They are ALL about to pay for what they have done.

b31e77 No.1453518


Anon, 2nd meme has to say "DemS13"

as it is a play on M S 1 3.

Fuck's sake.

What is Dem13.

m13? kek

de54b7 No.1453519


Most advanced one and it still sunk? Not so advanced then…

afa59f No.1453520



Smells like Awan/DWS/HRC/Cabal to me

>>1453300 MSM13 IS THEIR NEW NAME!!!!!

Meme it Anons!!!

>>1453301 *cough → >>1453248

a91f5c No.1453521



9c693c No.1453522


Acquiring now…will post follow-up

34543e No.1453523

9d8e0a No.1453524

Has anyone looked into using different tools to see Q is using steganography on his image drops? Q said there is a reason why all his image drops are original.


One reason is that makes it easier to hide data in plain sight.

a4f6b8 No.1453525


Nothing surprises me anymore.

Its a small world and the same names keep showing up.

cb7fba No.1453526


What did you think?

96db8a No.1453527

File: 33dbdb56d54029a⋯.png (18.65 KB, 200x200, 1:1, CircleSquareTheatreSchool.png)


So the Actress, Amanda Seyfried, is married to a guy named https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Sadoski who went to (Pic Related).

Occult, if not Freemasonry, much?

239dce No.1453528


Sketch aint close but Full Kek Honors to DB Cooper.

84be3b No.1453529


"I have so many names" - Al Pacino, as the Devil in the "Devil's Advocate".

Baal = Moloch = Remphan = Saturn = ISIS = RA = EL = Kronos = Satan

331d5b No.1453530


DemS, sounds like dumbass.

5134fd No.1453531


I do not believe there is such a thing as redemption for animals like these.

0d0354 No.1453532


She should have been killed a long time ago. All of that wealth should go back into the pockets of the UK citizens that that royal family has been living off for centuries.

611016 No.1453533

File: d18516f388eaef6⋯.jpg (78.88 KB, 960x720, 4:3, cdl_burke_sassypants.jpg)

He might be my new Nassim.

I just can't with this guy. This kind of prissyness has literally NOTHING to do with Christ like behavior.

7b3a0b No.1453534



Stick around Guy

99217e No.1453535

File: 51de1def03e6715⋯.jpg (179.46 KB, 516x516, 1:1, 563a2844ee592c7364b2638211….jpg)


LOL old man Corsi thinks Q runs qanon.pub. I knew this kike worshipping retard was a moron when he asked what a DDoS was.

17eea6 No.1453536


What makes you think that we are not doing that?

GCC special forces have been operating in South America taking out Hezbollah drug cartels. The GCC are Saudi and Jordanian special forces that get training from former US JSOC guys.

They are the masters of silent infiltrations and lightning assassinations. They are probably just waiting for Trump to round up the rest of MS 13 and deport them back into the killbox. Then suddenly, they will be gone and nobody will know why.

d880d6 No.1453537

File: ad7ac990769cd71⋯.png (859.68 KB, 871x751, 871:751, freespeech.png)

Don't know if this been posted yet, but definitely a worthy article!!

Deleted Tweet from Roseanne

3aadb0 No.1453538

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

frump betrayed and murdered his own gang in california for forty tears (ms13)

e2d89a No.1453540


Check How is Europe now.

The Immigrants (ISIS, FSA, others) are trampling the Europeans. Even they have problems with the Big Brother and the War of Ukraine.

Read History Books.

be4008 No.1453541


lol right?

"these people are stupid"

close to filteingr by comment: "moloch"

de54b7 No.1453542


You can't do a literal joke on top of a literal joke. It nullifies both jokes and makes us both seem retarded.

59593e No.1453543


Joseph diGenova Full Interview with Tucker Carlson Over Mueller Probe on Tucker Carlson Tonight (5/17/18).

"Brennan is going to need a really good criminal lawyer."

f4deed No.1453544


She said her son deleted some of her tweets.

5841a3 No.1453545

attn bakers, plz keep posts under 20 so anons using scripts to post fade dont get the bread faded, ty

ae62e7 No.1453546


super futuristic tech, isnt hack proof, doesnt even mention blockchain tech, waste of a movie want my 2 hours back, compares people who like anonymity to criminals,

0521dc No.1453547

File: 806050ef6116a42⋯.png (2.26 KB, 125x74, 125:74, ClipboardImage.png)

9c11ab No.1453548



b31e77 No.1453549

File: d83dc2ac5451327⋯.jpg (42.19 KB, 600x697, 600:697, c44.jpg)


Didn't think people here were THIS fucking dumb.

Okay. Let's lay all this out for you faggot.

1. Ms13 is a gang.

2.Dems13 is a play on ms13, because of De before ms13.

3. dem13 means NOTHING, as it is missing the "S"

4. You're a dipshit, and I can't believe I actually had to explain this to you, AGAIN.

Fix your fucking meme.


8cfa4a No.1453550


Queen is rather benign compared to the other criminals. Unfortunately she's born into this. Not her choice.

de54b7 No.1453551


Oh god I am retarded. Nevermind ignore this.

f4deed No.1453552


Saved. We should meme him as Mr. Robot 😂

5134fd No.1453553


Whoa. That's harsh.

062c15 No.1453554


I have been thinking about this post for the last twenty minutes and it just dawned on me..

now, Q always sayings double meanings exist..

so imagine this, SNOWBALL, Obamas "pet" "child slave"

the snowball is ROLLING, there is no stopping it now. D5

"Snowball" rolled on Obama and his wicked deeds? D5 as in biggest revelation about to come out on him? aka, an avalanche that will cover the whole political landscape. All those connected to him will be buried.

I don't know, just my thoughts…

be4008 No.1453555

File: 8ed9ca43a5e3086⋯.png (1.32 MB, 1683x1030, 1683:1030, animal-immigrant1.png)

good meme angle here

afa59f No.1453556

File: 19db1642d773d7d⋯.jpg (147.66 KB, 597x499, 597:499, Ana N.jpg)

hate this bitch

c5692c No.1453557


Now u know the origin of the (((echoes)))

d880d6 No.1453558



It's really about the post itself written in green

de54b7 No.1453559


Add Trump pointing to both

942d01 No.1453560


They all have to go back.

17eea6 No.1453562


Yeah this stuff certainly sounds occult


3aadb0 No.1453563

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

early morning in deutschland ,


can tell by the prejudice

2384fe No.1453564

is there more than one frank wilson?

how many?

do you know frank?

does frank know you?

who is the puppet master?

5134fd No.1453565


Wasnt she a truck mechanic during WW II?

b4366e No.1453566



8cfa4a No.1453567


Do you know your own origin?

48ae60 No.1453568


Snowball is also one of the good guys in Animal Farm. https://www.cliffsnotes.com/literature/a/animal-farm/character-analysis/snowball

9c11ab No.1453569


fuck (((you)) and your (((faggot))) dork scripts

21a836 No.1453570


"pals"? Give me a break. Interviewed him a few times and knows him in passing.

5345cc No.1453571

File: dc80d1645700298⋯.jpeg (300.1 KB, 750x1028, 375:514, AE9443C4-9D7B-4B2E-BE7F-8….jpeg)


May God bless this patriot. If Q team is MI, they may be aware of him.

c741c6 No.1453572


Saved for redistribution

ae62e7 No.1453574


if that where so, why wouldnt she repost that one? it is after all the most important tweet her acct has ever made….

i wonder if shes a trap. befriend us then turn later, like corsi tried and failed at doing.

d0bf4f No.1453575


Did anything ever come of the dentist who broke into Hannity's home? nydailynews.com/new-york/dentist-arrested-entering-sean-hannity-home-uninvited-article-1.3848085

1d324f No.1453577


>>1453082 Are you having Fun tonight???? Covfefe….lol No No No…

Come Clean


Clock Activated

Poor [[Puppeteer]]

Aurura… Help get his hand out his ASS….

6ad0bb No.1453578

File: cb09a01e04f5be1⋯.jpeg (65.53 KB, 736x497, 736:497, qe, harry, talal.jpeg)


That is what we were taught to believe.

That is the ruse. It's too hard to swallow isn't it?

be4008 No.1453579


FFS that would defeat the purpose of it


That could be a LEGAL immigrant for all I know

Either: make them LEGAL residents (not CITIZENS) or deport them

062c15 No.1453580


if you are talking about the Nintendo Cube game, then yes, that game was the bees knees.

17eea6 No.1453581


Bauer is the German word for farmer.

Literally thousands of totally unrelated families have that name because they couldn't come up with anything more original when the government census came around and said that everybody had to have an official family name added to the end of their names.

84be3b No.1453582

File: 7f24cdd22eddd51⋯.png (86.97 KB, 441x601, 441:601, Screen Shot 2018-05-18 at ….png)

8cfa4a No.1453583

File: 9479426c5ebf054⋯.jpg (110.54 KB, 1200x1118, 600:559, http_//a.amz.mshcdn.com/wp….jpg)

3c9b70 No.1453584


Vatican, perhaps.

But also certain Masonic orgs and {{them}}.

Plato's Timeaus explains and corrects Genesis,

But not after mocking {{Socrates, Solon}},

Sth about {{their race}} being terminally retarded,

Hopelessly unable to not cause their own deaths,

Again & again,

As observed from on high by the "Egyptians"

de54b7 No.1453585


Trump on there would show that's what he was saying.

35d6fd No.1453586


Happy for the Europeans. Question of the post is about why so many US Presidents (starting w/ Eisenhower) go specifically to Bariloche.

And what, if any, relevance does this particular area have with –

(a) DJT's tweet on Argentina today and/or

(b) the Pope (who's from … Argentina!)

785e38 No.1453587

File: e1c2c7899a9ba14⋯.png (501.73 KB, 562x313, 562:313, M 372.png)

any better ?

9a4bad No.1453588










This goes along with the previous.

17eea6 No.1453589


Do you know what else?

I have seen photos of lots of Roths and every one of them has 5 fingers on each hand. If I ever see someone with 5 fingers I'm going to bite them.

c640ea No.1453590


Deporting is unacceptable.

PURGE the earth of this MS13 satanic scum.

f4deed No.1453591


I mean I get it, it's just kinda based in a lie if Twitter didn't delete it is all.

657e8e No.1453592

File: cce4b5a93b2e54c⋯.png (2.14 MB, 1280x800, 8:5, ClipboardImage.png)

CIA Interrogator Sends Whoopi Goldberg a Warning After She Suggests Trump Be Waterboarded

The former CIA agent who interrogated Khalid Sheikh Mohammed warned Whoopi Goldberg against suggesting that President Donald Trump undergo waterboarding before he passes judgement on it, telling Fox News that the president might conclude it isn’t torture and that it works during interrogation.

Dr. James Mitchell, appearing Saturday on “Fox & Friends,” was responding to remarks made by “The View” host earlier in the week as she discussed Trump’s nominee for CIA director, Gina Haspel, who’s come under fire for her part in the George W. Bush administration’s enhanced interrogation program.

“I would like (President Trump) to try (waterboarding),” Goldberg said. “You have never been tortured, and neither has Dick Cheney.”

“I think people who have actually been tortured who are saying this is not a good thing, you should listen to them because you have never been tortured,” she added in a nod to Sen. John McCain, who suffered torture as a POW during the Vietnam War and has opposed Haspel’s nomination.

Cheney told CNBC’s Maria Bartiromo last week that he felt the enhanced interrogation program — which included waterboarding — should be restarted. While Trump had been a supporter of restarting waterboarding during the 2016 campaign, he backed off at the urging of Defense Secretary James Mattis, who opposes the tactic.

Mitchell, however, said Goldberg’s suggestion might backfire on her.

“Honestly, who cares what Whoopi Goldberg thinks?” Mitchell said of the talk-show host. “You know, I’m tempted to just completely dismiss it, but on second thought, maybe she could show us how it’s done.

Do you think waterboarding is torture?

Yes No

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“Next time there is credible intelligence of another catastrophic attack, with the potential to kill thousands of people in the United States, maybe she can go to some unsafe place in the world and interrogate the terrorist and I’ll stay back home. I’ll stay safe with my family, and I’ll criticize her like she criticized us.”

As for her comment about the president, Mitchell said that not everyone who undergoes waterboarding believes it should be outlawed during interrogations — and one of those people might be the president.

“A strong-willed man like Donald Trump, if he’s exposed to the waterboard, he is not going to think like Whoopi Goldberg thinks,” Mitchell said. “He may see its harshness and think that’s exactly what we need.”

Mitchell recalled how “when they were trying to decide whether or not waterboarding was legal, I waterboarded an assistant attorney general of the United States.

“He got up off the waterboard and decided that not only was it legal, not only was it not torture, but it didn’t violate our treaties with other countries,” Mitchell said.

RELATED: Graham Warns KJU: ‘If You Want To Survive,’ You’d Better Meet with Trump

He added that, given that enhanced interrogation was banned by Congress in 2015, “fussing” about it seems like an “irrelevant waste of time.”

Haspel has not apologized for her role in the enhanced interrogation program under the Bush administration during her confirmation hearings, although she has promised not to restart it if she is confirmed. Her nomination has become a point of contention for Democrats, who have sought to kill her appointment by tying her to the Bush-era program.


b31e77 No.1453593


Yea man, I liked the "Dems13" though :(

Just include the "S" in Dem13.

You know?

f2a80d No.1453594

File: bf1557fc42fb9a9⋯.jpeg (25.27 KB, 236x269, 236:269, 74F6CCCE-79AD-40F7-BA65-9….jpeg)

48ae60 No.1453595


And what would you say to this 5-fingered man?

1355c1 No.1453596

File: ac4a2355f8c19a3⋯.jpg (75.51 KB, 737x362, 737:362, OWL POPE.jpg)

File: c6ef1168d6bbc4d⋯.jpg (49.1 KB, 425x318, 425:318, WHY SO SERIOUS.jpg)


>Guardian of the Pope.




>Messages sent.



2384fe No.1453597

some of us come here to drop strings but only strings. follow the strings. FW

f4cff1 No.1453598


Most people his age and older don't use or know very much about the internet. They probably know a lot of things in other areas though you don't know. You can certainly criticize the dumb things he says though in areas he claims to know.

8cfa4a No.1453599


You can also find Trump's pics with the Clintons. What would you expect the Queen to do? Ignore everyone?

5a1ab8 No.1453600



7ca166 No.1453601


I like that anon!

0d0354 No.1453602



The bitch needs clicks, views, and likes. The book isn't selling.

c5692c No.1453603


It's literally my last name.

5134fd No.1453604


Thank you. I remember how impressed I was that a then princess would be in the Army helping in the war effort.

3aadb0 No.1453605

File: dfb5bbcdd24ab19⋯.png (818.81 KB, 1498x1384, 749:692, dfb.png)


6205dc No.1453606


Symbols are not neutral. Why do you think they insist on using them everywhere even in private? expand your thinking beyond what is logical. Everything they do defies logic.

1a00dd No.1453607

Catholic Christian Anon:

With all my chest-thumping Catholic pride, I must stop to say that those who live their lives in service of God through others (no matter which religion) are the hardest to sell and market to.

That’s why they want to snuff you out. That’s why they want to turn faiths against each other… snuff each other out.

Don’t be drawn into their trap. Encourage each other to be the best worshiper of his or her faith one can be.

Doing so is the best way to fight whatever cabal or cabals are fighting for control of the herd. Let God be the shepherd.

Those in a deep loving relationship with God need not the worldly pleasures they are trying to force feed down our throats. This makes the Q’s of the world very uncomfortable. They like predictable people… those who talk to and listen to God throughout the day are unpredictable.

Uncertainty = fear

Fear = failure

Believers in God have no fear

The war is already won

It is written

309625 No.1453608

File: 6ffbca55c3570c4⋯.mp4 (4.58 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Laurel Yanny Or.mp4)



POTUS speaks at timestamp 00:40 for this White House Tweeted video.

Q Post 40:



Q Post 40 Answer:

D,J,T = Donald J. Trump

There are no coincidences!

e2d89a No.1453609


this is worse. Much Worse.

MS-13 is a sub-group of the FARC. For the Drugs cartels and rogue operations in the 80's.

They're a monsters for all

Even there a lot of compromised Govr.

With Venezuela and his Hezbollah stronghold,

Colombia and his false peace (Santos in Cuba did a big disaster with the ELN)

This shit is almost as AFG, Even ISIS wants to escape. A big mess could be ready.

01bc25 No.1453610

A brief summery of Q

Q Clearance Patriot is an exit node of No Such Agency + United States Cyber Command, an online identity fueled by a group internally known as the Wizards and Warlocks.

It seems they've been given the task of bringing everyone up to speed about the wrongdoings and evil that almost took over our world.

They have held the evidence to bring down a world wide ring of blackmail, and Admiral Rogers gave Trump the key.

Combined with Military and Navy Intelligence, Trump has gone full Andrew Jackson and America has been in a state of National Emergency since December 21, 2017 when the "Executive Order Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption" was signed.

This isn't a game.

There are over 29,000 federal level sealed indictments on standby.

There have been ~2,000 CEO/President, or otherwise Notable Resignations that are reshaping the corporate landscape.

More than twice the amount of representatives than watergate - 53 so far - will not seek re-election this year.

This is what a swamp draining looks like.

Without violating the very laws that are being brought back into full power today, Q drops clues about whats going on in the silent war against the seemingly entrenched evil few who strangled our world through unimaginable means. The FBI has been gutted, the CIA has been shattered, and the DOJ cleansed of those who stood in the way of our Freedom. Who's next? Lets find out. #Qanon

2e6de6 No.1453611


Why campaigns, one might ask.

Doesn't pass the smeel test considering the entities involved.

0521dc No.1453612


your last name is Anus?

afa59f No.1453613


>Queen is rather benign compared to the other criminals

Tell that bs to the liddle black kids her and Philip made off with never to be seen again! smfh

5134fd No.1453614


And, she just doesnt seem like an evil person.

239dce No.1453615

File: 27a47aef594d739⋯.jpg (29.37 KB, 586x171, 586:171, bar.jpg)



8e3a96 No.1453616


He knows the SHTF now

f2a80d No.1453617

File: 053221224ed7922⋯.jpeg (36.68 KB, 400x400, 1:1, E0B9083F-E71B-4ACA-ABFF-8….jpeg)

There are extremely smokin hot Womens that come to this board. God Bless you patriotesses.

9c11ab No.1453619

last call for notables

c52b4b No.1453620

And we start this friday with the next episode in this theatre. :)


France's Total warns of Iran exit as EU struggles to save economic ties


Total said it might quit a multi-billion-dollar gas project if it could not secure a waiver from U.S. sanctions. Tehran had repeatedly hailed the project as a symbol of the nuclear accord’s success.




EU Says Block on U.S. Sanctions on Iran of Limited Use for EU Banks


The EU's so-called blocking statute bans any EU company from complying with U.S. sanctions and does not recognize any court rulings that enforce American penalties.




f4deed No.1453621


Same. I'm not sure he gets it tho. kek

9a9d11 No.1453622


Your grandmother's tits.

17eea6 No.1453623


Her mother was the matriarch of the clan so it is possible she is not as evil as you would think. What I really want to know is WHO WAS WITH THE QUEEN MOTHER when she died. Because the new matriarch would have killed the old one and taken the power.

It just doesn't stand to reason that the old matriarch would have passed on her power to another old woman, QEII, so I suspect there is a younger one somewhere (Kate?) that took the role.

942d01 No.1453624

File: 74502534d53cbdc⋯.png (573.45 KB, 816x500, 204:125, gobacknow.png)

e2d89a No.1453625


Redpill for the hispanics?


7ca166 No.1453626

File: d9e69c8d8f825a9⋯.jpg (172.8 KB, 1024x693, 1024:693, madmax.jpg)

239dce No.1453627


Fingerfuck only material.

96db8a No.1453628

File: db2ece8917500e8⋯.png (242.96 KB, 963x506, 963:506, 6bb56d9eb520714432fc3769bf….png)



Beyond that… it's in the Paramount Plaza

Did a little digging… so is this group:


In 2004 the company received the "largest toxic tort settlement in U.S. history" in a case involving one of Monsanto's company plants in Alabama.[5] By 2005 the firm had participated in the bankruptcy cases of Enron, WorldCom, Global Crossing and Adelphia Communications and the matrimonial proceedings for Robert De Niro, Donna Hanover and Mia Farrow.[5] The firm has represented Donald Trump since 2001.[20] In January 2006, the firm filed a defamation lawsuit (dismissed in 2009) on behalf of Donald Trump against the author and publisher of TrumpNation: The Art of Being the Donald.[21][22] In 2010 the firm's clients included Fortress Investment Group, Liggett Group, MBIA and Fairfax Financial Holdings Limited.[3] In 2016, the firm represented Harold Peerenboom of Toronto in an extended legal fight with his seasonal Palm Beach, Florida, neighbor, businessman Isaac Perlmutter.[23] In 2017, the firm had recently added the Russian Sberbank "in a case that accused it of conspiring to take over a Russian granite company".[24]

"The firm has represent Donald Trump…"


26d5cf No.1453629


I'm confused. How are people even bypassing the Q-Trip-Only whitelist?

3aadb0 No.1453630

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

me and doggo playing the chan game

5134fd No.1453631


That is pure speculation.

84be3b No.1453633

File: 2b1b6d46c4a6e53⋯.jpg (41.53 KB, 480x549, 160:183, 11952992_1622243751391114_….jpg)

"Hello, fellow Muslims".

785e38 No.1453634

File: 51e22832ad8d400⋯.png (499.87 KB, 562x313, 562:313, M 370 - Copy.png)

d0ea4c No.1453635


Yes, that is also true.

However, now in modern times, some do associate the owl with Moloch, though the bull was/is the ancient symbol for M.

Well done, anon.

27f0d9 No.1453636

File: ad275e717cfc7e1⋯.png (122.44 KB, 573x572, 573:572, pic00030.png)


Beanz confirmed. She wrote a looonnngg essay about her struggle. I took a screenshot of the relevant Corsi directions to board owner to delete Q posts. https: //steemit.com/drama/@tracybeanz/she-stood-in-the-storm

6ad0bb No.1453637

File: ad797bf6b93e750⋯.jpg (305.63 KB, 1020x905, 204:181, qe heads the council-of-30….jpg)


She is head of the Freemasons.

She is Supreme Leader of The New World Order.

This is not just some meme. The names of the Council of 300 are listed.

942d01 No.1453638

File: 518ab6af12dab7b⋯.png (85.08 KB, 218x255, 218:255, test.png)

5841a3 No.1453639


lol shit bakes, with shit posts in bread. moldy as fuck

ae62e7 No.1453640


accurrate only if the shirt specified illegal immigrant, the legal immigrants are good, they pay taxes and work.

85fcd9 No.1453641


Short and sweet, very nice.


5345cc No.1453642

File: 91b19b20f50253e⋯.jpeg (44.46 KB, 640x480, 4:3, EE337571-147A-4754-A16B-8….jpeg)


Whoopi G may not understand waterboarding, considering water is a hippopotamus’s natural habitat?

3aadb0 No.1453643

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

c1e4bc No.1453644


what makes you think Europeans want to go to South America?

we just want the bad guys to sink in some waters. for that south america is good too - no discriminations


942d01 No.1453645


Go live in southern California for a while and come back and tell me that.

611016 No.1453646


victory is ours

so it was written

so shall it be

3aadb0 No.1453647

i hate canada

5a1ab8 No.1453648

File: c8b04f3950bc116⋯.jpg (71.68 KB, 710x720, 71:72, ultimatenorrior.jpg)

9c11ab No.1453649

File: 8cf112c85de4319⋯.png (40.58 KB, 268x266, 134:133, cashfingercheck.png)


(((your))) gonna pay for that one, (((faggot)))…talk shit about me all you like, but you bring my Grandma in? Heh…I'll flatten that kike nose right quick. KEK!

afa59f No.1453650


>That is pure speculation.

speculation my ass, they were the last people seen with those kids, asshat! MULTIPLE Witnesses!

d1e5bc No.1453651


Parlato and Stone were (are?) both connected to NXIVM and the Bronfmans. Lots of old articles about them.

Parlato was NXIVM's publicist


Roger Stone was a political fixer/money conduit


061a7b No.1453652

File: c51e1996bbf2bc5⋯.jpeg (87.04 KB, 736x541, 736:541, upvote_owl.jpeg)


Or Minerva.

00689d No.1453653


>bubo virgin_anus

1e5d76 No.1453655


Damn. Excellent summarizing skills there Anon.

e2d89a No.1453656


Ask him to an Argentinian

391aa8 No.1453657


Maybe he's on the Rick & Morty writing staff


96db8a No.1453658


Why was that boy naked, anyway?

8cfa4a No.1453659


I have no idea whether that list is accurate or not. The only thing I know is that the real power would not let you know their names. Head of freemasons? I don't think so…

9a9d11 No.1453660


Your grandmother was a nice creamy fuck. Too bad it smelled like tartar sauce.

b31e77 No.1453661



1a00dd No.1453662


It’s a big game

Chess Game



Knocks the pieces when he gets pissed - like the little bitch he is

Garden of Eden

Satan checked first

Jesus came - Check (God checked second)

Let him check first?

The thought of it drives him crazy (like the little bitch that he is)

He was going to win


He knows

Jesus wins

3c9b70 No.1453663



Atlantis was "Race of Cain" aka "Men",

10 Tribes said to have been born of the Sea:

Hosea? P/ho-sei-don?…

Their laws and sciences inscribed on 2 pillars,

Said to have ruled the world from afar,

Prior to the "Great Deluge" aka "the Fall".

Likely sauce for Nigger "we wuz kangz" delusions

c4f0e6 No.1453664



Red Blooded?

Tick Tock

The ORIGINIAL Frank Wilson

806060 No.1453665

File: c907b5139e9301e⋯.jpg (40.18 KB, 480x320, 3:2, shuttle hanger____Californ….jpg)

File: ea90e54d5557bc0⋯.png (539.41 KB, 1280x431, 1280:431, shuttle 2.PNG)

Not sure if you guys saw this or not, but the shuttle pic from Q is from Cali. Q said to watch CA and NY. Look at the rafters of the hanger…they are the same. I posted the pic and the search result showing where it is located.

9ccade No.1453666


That is impressive! There's the legal basis for suing Twitter, YT, FB!

3a3160 No.1453667


Physically, yes. But we have the choice to act according to our animal heritage or our angelic heritage. These ones have chosen the animal.

e2d89a No.1453668


Divisionfag again here..

9c11ab No.1453669

File: 8823ddee1f8927f⋯.png (70.57 KB, 255x160, 51:32, pepebaking.png)


Maybe I should add a lil "special spice"…

35d6fd No.1453670

File: cb76dcb144c9ae7⋯.png (32.95 KB, 800x500, 8:5, 800px-Flag_of_Argentina.sv….png)


Speaking of the Pope,


>[Pope] will be having a terrible May.

Could "May" also refer to


The Sun of May



Sun of May

The sun is called the Sun of May, because it is a replica of an engraving on the first Argentine coin, approved in 1813, whose value was eight escudos (one Spanish dollar). It has 16 straight and 16 waved sunbeams.





3aadb0 No.1453671

File: 602223dbaebd796⋯.jpg (82.11 KB, 500x508, 125:127, longday.jpg)


d7caaf No.1453672

What I'm gathering here is that Q just put out photos of them spying on cabal, and photos the cabal sent between each other, that then Q intercepted. Perhaps even photos that were never sent, only stored in the photo gallery.

afa59f No.1453673


So is she trying to clear herself ("oh, I was played by Corsi") now that he has been outed? I never trusted either one!

17eea6 No.1453674


If they went to Berchtesgaden in Bavaria, too many questions would be asked.

So they go to the Bavaria of South America in the Andes mountains of Argentina, where Hitler lived his last days in Bariloche, after spending 10 years in Colombia to wait out the statute of limitations.

5134fd No.1453675


Don't call me an asshat, son. It's a good thing you're not a detective. You accept the first thing you see that supports your feelings.

460ec0 No.1453676

942d01 No.1453677


Whinerfag again here..

0a540a No.1453678

File: b2b7311885d96f8⋯.jpg (589.26 KB, 1282x960, 641:480, Jack-IBOR.jpg)

48a4d4 No.1453679


it's a little shilly in here, throw another in the oven

657e8e No.1453680

File: 789bbe9ed1096d5⋯.png (57.04 KB, 1038x702, 173:117, ClipboardImage.png)


1d324f No.1453681




That Better… YOU NEED A Pickel???

Come Clean


Ass PAIN….

Get Over the FROG….

We See All

We know all

Come Clean


Don't think you can HIDE…

Nasty Puppeteer and Frank Wilson

Get use to Frank…


e9cca0 No.1453682


I don't trust any of them.

331d5b No.1453683


Anon, you're talking to the wrong anon.

I said that DemS-13 sounds like Dumbass-13.

Calm your fucking autism

061a7b No.1453684

File: a2d0f7c3d1e682d⋯.png (137.7 KB, 500x549, 500:549, this_is_fine.png)


is that like concrete?

5f42bd No.1453685


>But also certain Masonic orgs and {{them}}

the Smithsonian comes to mind

total cover-up operation for the last 170+ years

9c11ab No.1453686

File: 4df7a2c6cf46007⋯.png (287.86 KB, 499x583, 499:583, NO-LIKEY.PNG)

File: e7ee7923df5ce98⋯.png (339.52 KB, 682x850, 341:425, shitrusshills.png)

3aadb0 No.1453687

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


be4008 No.1453688

File: 96c88daed670a7b⋯.png (2.75 MB, 2501x1417, 2501:1417, animal-immigrant1.png)

File: 8ef7ea8feb6a55a⋯.png (1.42 MB, 2501x1417, 2501:1417, animal-immigrantTemplate.png)


oooohh gotcha


0d0354 No.1453690


Poor EU. POTUS gave them a huge dildo as an early Christmas gift, with instructions to insert it deeply up their asses.

84be3b No.1453691

Serious anons… Brush up on your defenses.

WATCH: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YGUcQI5fFD4&list=PLCAECA64C8142239B

11a6ac No.1453692

Q is Quantum??

Holy FUCK that wud be nice.

Would also explain why we autists seem to make things happen. We're learning to play aain.

ANYthing is possible..???

Muh… Chances r not true, but NICEE 2 think abot

3aadb0 No.1453693

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

00689d No.1453694



lurkfag here, not learned bbcode.

c5692c No.1453695


Such low level faggotry doesn't deserve a (you). At least make an effort anon. Night shift is the best shift.

be4008 No.1453696


can you stfu about that?

all fucking night

ae62e7 No.1453697


is beanz referring to the post that only said "hey"? didnt even have the Q sign off, ya thats some post the BO removed. really serious stuff…

if beanz nor corsi could tell that "hey" is a meaningless post to care about, and they cant understand how Q exposed his own pw and how that wasnt difficult to fix with a pw change, then why should anyone listen to them about anything?

e2d89a No.1453698

File: 5a4a1c2baca936a⋯.png (84.51 KB, 1600x1067, 1600:1067, uy.png)


That sum always seemed a masonic symbol..

Also Uruguay is a member of D7 (Clouds)

242a65 No.1453699


WOW there are conspiracies within Conspiracy theorists. Now thats some deep shit.

9e980a No.1453700

File: 49b5b9df46931f8⋯.jpg (74.8 KB, 637x622, 637:622, b84c103713f23574f599a799ea….jpg)


Your brown eye is showing

3aadb0 No.1453701

File: b8c2807399b00f6⋯.jpg (58.59 KB, 614x768, 307:384, haas.jpg)



0b997b No.1453702

File: 27e0c1591d1bb58⋯.png (11.57 KB, 752x64, 47:4, Capture1.PNG)



785e38 No.1453703


another anon posted info right after Q post, But good search, remember the name "Endeavour" meaning of it will come later.

c640ea No.1453704

File: a302bde0cc08c66⋯.jpg (66.96 KB, 600x896, 75:112, IMG_1520.JPG)

85704f No.1453705

File: 3ee7dcb4c076cb3⋯.png (387.57 KB, 1337x539, 191:77, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8d70748e786ce1b⋯.png (302.9 KB, 432x654, 72:109, ClipboardImage.png)


Using your Q clock, here's what I found for 5/16 Trump POTUS tweet...

Q posted one of his old posts (2nd pic)...

e2d89a No.1453706


that is perfect for Florida.

There a lot of people searching (Revenge) for guilty of the communism..

570840 No.1453707


GERONIMO is code for kill everything in the room not on your team. Ask anyone from Iraq or Afg.

11a6ac No.1453708


It's morning here. Alarm just went off.

0521dc No.1453709

File: 42b15921a490b04⋯.png (1021.58 KB, 1559x890, 1559:890, ClipboardImage.png)

afa59f No.1453710


Beanz says "I never said "Q is a LARP"

No, but when Q was telling us to push IBOR she DID twat "Sorry Q, I'm a leader, NOT a follower"! Well, she damn sure was a "follower" of Q long enough to build a following off for Q drops, buy herself some fancy new equipment and to do this full time now! Not long after that Q posted "Why would a patriot be against the IBOR?" hmmm "Be careful who you follow"!!! js

5841a3 No.1453711


just stop shit posting up your own bread moran

c0c783 No.1453712

File: f182c29ab7cf2f7⋯.png (170.38 KB, 1328x510, 664:255, ClipboardImage.png)

NP purposefully and fraudulently misconstrues POTUS statement about the MS-13 gang animals and pushes her re-election mantra for votes by saying he is talking about immigrants. Clearly, NP forgot about the spark of divinity in POTUS and that blatantly lying is not really a divine attribute that she is supposedly an authority on.


0971c6 No.1453713

File: 92e093302117e21⋯.jpg (54.25 KB, 375x500, 3:4, andersonsdildo.jpg)

dd267c No.1453714


Globalists want Israel vs Islam war for WWIII (read Albert Pike writings from 1800s). Making Israel responsible for all the ME problems is part of their game to escalate the conflict.

35d6fd No.1453715


lo que tú digas, somnoliento

00689d No.1453716

File: 96122f873d40183⋯.gif (437.42 KB, 1600x1068, 400:267, .gif)


kazakhstan flag

be4008 No.1453717

95c2ed No.1453718


No I think she says January 5th (ish) when Q claimed board was comped and the Great Awakening board was created.

9c11ab No.1453719


soon, (((schlomo)))…soon…

c52b4b No.1453720


cron rules out trade war over Iran deal as firms head for exit'''

EU officials say there is no easy way to protect EU firms and banks from the U.S. sanctions that Trump has reimposed and some big names are already heading for the door.

As Macron spoke in Sofia, the world’s largest container shipping firm, A.P. Moller-Maersk, said it would quit Iran.

European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said the EU executive would launch on Friday the process of activating a “blocking statute” – legislation banning EU companies from complying with U.S. sanctions on Iran and which does not recognise any court rulings that enforce American penalties.

But the EU will have to swim against a strong tide. Soren Skou, chief executive of Danish-based A.P. Moller-Maersk, said his firm would have to accept the sanctions.

“With the sanctions the Americans are to impose, you can’t do business in Iran if you also have business in the U.S., and we have that on a large scale,” Skou told Reuters. “I don’t know the exact timing details, but I am certain that we’re also going to shut down.”

Europe’s “blocking statute” has never been used until now and its rules are vague and difficult to enforce.

“The EU blocking regulation could be of limited effectiveness there, given the international nature of banking system and especially the exposure of large systemic banks to U.S. financial system and U.S. dollar transactions,” financial services commissioner Valdis Dombrovskis told the European Parliament.

Italian steel manufacturer Danieli announced it has halted work on finding financial coverage for orders it won in Iran worth 1.5 billion euros ($1.8 billion).

“With the withdrawal of the U.S. from the treaty the banks are no longer ready to fund Iranian projects for fear of secondary sanctions,” Danieli CEO Alessandro Trivillin said.

Finnish mining technology company Outotec said U.S. sanctions would slow down and complicate its ties with Iran but it was too early to say if it would leave.



7b3a0b No.1453721


not quite right

061a7b No.1453722

File: 3d517bf411943ae⋯.jpeg (54.46 KB, 619x473, 619:473, i_do_what_i_want.jpeg)

6ba3ff No.1453723


God Bless the Wizards and Warlocks. Without them, all hope would be lost. With them, we have been saved.

1d324f No.1453724




No No No

Wake Up???

9a9d11 No.1453725


Not too soon, I hope. I still need to give your mother's dirty balloon knot a few twists.

9a1067 No.1453726


Thank you for this summation!

3aadb0 No.1453727

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



still works huhhttps://soundcloud.com/kannibalenradio/ep111

b1a2a2 No.1453728

Regarding the shuttle.

I think that photo was taken during the reestablishment of the National Space Council.

It was attended by a few of the cabinet members.

Q sending a message to one of them?

I don't think Tillerson was there, but remember that McMaster was.

942d01 No.1453729


The "Globalists" are jews.

Israel is responsible for all of the problems in the ME.

Jews have fucked up every country they infest.

Jews have been causing trouble and getting tossed out of countries since long before Pike.

e2d89a No.1453730


Este marico

At least I'm not alone

59593e No.1453731


Guardian of the Pope = Rothschild(s) - Owl symbol?

[Personal] => personal message, or 'this is personal' ? Message from Potus? indicating we know, we see you, we know it all

Q team sending messages to several entities ….

3a3160 No.1453732


Message that they had his pics?

89bc9f No.1453733

hi sean


<still got that man crush on dead man walking bibi?

8cfa4a No.1453734


Can someone confirm or disprove the MegaAnon and Beanz connection?

f2a80d No.1453735

FW anons are back I see.

Helper anons?

WHO in the actual fuck talks shit on CBTS days. There is no this if there was no that.

Was comfy.

This board has a way different vibe and personality. All good and all.

I dont follow any of the namefags or tooberfags but they are deep in this movement. Corsi was just on Fox.

I dont know lotta divisionfagging these days. I dont hear the voice of the lurker in chief anymore either.

You out there boss?

God Bless Patriots.

373523 No.1453736

Did Q show us the pic to tell cabal he knows their moves?

afa59f No.1453737


>is beanz referring to the post that only said "hey"?

No, Beanz is talking about the Q post that Baruch deleted (at Corsi's urging) that compelled the move from CBTS to The Storm board! check → >>1453248

9c11ab No.1453738


haha…she'd slit ur pencil-neck throat before I ever got to you. KEK!

84be3b No.1453739

File: 2975d0d60b69bce⋯.png (59.09 KB, 441x601, 441:601, Screen Shot 2018-05-18 at ….png)

Talmudists see the Talmud as "God in the flesh"… Their God is Lucifer.

Burn them, wherever you find them. (The books not the Jews).

ae62e7 No.1453740


ah, there is no sense casting doubt on q from jan, theres been to much intel/proofs dropped since then to prove he's still Q, even bothering with that old news is a slide,

though it does reveal corsi's intent to slander Q goes back to his start on the scene, since jan is when corsi first started on q

92a369 No.1453741



The openly admitted at the time that Corsi analyzed the Q posts and said Q's pw had been hacked

The they quadrupled down and later posted about how they were going to destroy this board

be4008 No.1453742

34543e No.1453743

Where is my puppet man?

b6237f No.1453744

File: 1ea72eed24c1b4b⋯.png (64.47 KB, 601x608, 601:608, 5afb7fd32e674dc945190c9301….png)


17 Q confirms

101fac No.1453745

File: dbe1d34475ea9e7⋯.jpg (1.09 MB, 1062x1839, 354:613, Screenshot_20180517-225037.jpg)

26 Arrested, 2 Female Juveniles Rescued in LASD Human Trafficking Operation, Compton” from LASD - Los Angeles County Sheriffs Dept Information Bureau (SIB)



3a3160 No.1453746


There were good proofs just this past weekend.

8cfa4a No.1453747



54958d No.1453748


Has anyone read this article?

9a1067 No.1453749


Permission to copypasta this elsewhere?

'twould be useful.

3f657f No.1453750


Ask Bobby Sands.

Oh you can't.

65b6b5 No.1453751


Well written.

8f781e No.1453752

File: d477196eec9236e⋯.jpg (699.68 KB, 1282x1250, 641:625, Qsectestdelta6.jpg)



here is its companion

another tweet about barletta

9ccade No.1453753


Get rid of MS-13. Get rid of the latin kings. 3-point. 5-point. And dozens of other gangs nobody ever heard of.

Stop letting in all immigrants. Legal. Illegal. H1-B. Enough is enough, and we are spread too thin.

Get the rest of the illegals off public entitlements. You don't get to jump the border and then make me pay for your food while you're basically a fugitive of the law. Deporting them all is probably not practical or worth it. Find a way to get them legal, get them registered, get them on a path to citizenship - or it's GTFO.

e2d89a No.1453754


http:// www.betaboston.com/news/2015/12/30/too-loud-for-military-use-boston-dynamics-founder-defends-his-four-legged-robot/

611016 No.1453755

File: f7411759b9166dc⋯.jpg (188.99 KB, 1400x931, 200:133, phallictopiary.jpg)


2013 Report: Vatican owns building that houses cardinals and Europe’s biggest gay bathhouse

Ivan Cardinal Dias lives in this building at 2 Via Carducci in Rome — a Vatican-owned apartment block that also houses a gay sauna. Dias staunchly opposes homosexuality. (Debbie Egan-Chin/New York Daily News)

Now the cardinals have red faces to match their red hats.

Church leaders gathering for Tuesday's papal conclave picked up the paper to learn the Holy See is the majority owner of an apartment block that houses Italy's largest gay bathhouse.

Even more shocking, Ivan Cardinal Dias lives in a swank 12-room apartment one floor above Europa Multiclub, and mere yards from the phallic shrubbery at the entrance of the gay Xanadu, La Repubblica reported.

Dias is known for reviling homosexuality, calling it "unnatural" and arguing that gays can be "cured."

*Oh, the hypocrisacy of it all!!*

That cure certainly does not require taking the waters at the Europa club, which boasts a Turkish bath, Finnish sauna, whirlpools, massages, "bear parties" and much more.

"There is a lot of cruising," said one clubgoer, who requested anonymity. "Everybody looks at each other and thinks, 'Do I like him? Is he going to like me?' You can go to a private room or stay where you are."

The club's proximity to a prince of the church was yet another reminder of the gay sex scandals that are tarnishing the cross.

Last week, Scotland's Keith Cardinal O'Brien resigned and admitted to improper "sexual conduct."

And weeks before Pope Benedict announced his resignation, he received a report that revealed high-ranking clergy were frequenting gay orgies at a Rome sauna, a suburban Rome villa and a beauty parlor, according to Italian reports.

It's unclear if Europa Multiclub is that sauna — but clubgoers said church officials should not cast the first stone when it comes to the gay lifestyle.

035b85 No.1453756

File: cddffe1685213de⋯.png (415.86 KB, 496x666, 248:333, 1234.PNG)



Guardian of the Pope..

DIG into

Jesuit Superior General, Knights of Malta,

The Sovereign Military Order of Malta SMOM

currently Fr. Arturo Sosa, SJ, Elected 31st Superior General of the Society of Jesus http://www.jesuits.org/story?TN=PROJECT-20161013105123

“The Jesuit General has been the most powerful man in the world since Pius VII restored the Order or “Company” in 1814. Because of the Order’s suppression by the Pope in 1773, the Jesuits began the Bavarian Illuminati with one of their soldiers, Adam Weishaupt. The Illuminati absorbed the Jewish House of Rothschild creating a colossus of wealth around the world, subject to the Jesuit General. With this financial arm in place the Jesuits then made war on the Vatican including the Pope, the Roman Catholic Monarchs of Europe and the Order of the Dominicans. This Inquisition and Crusade was called “the French Revolution and Napoleonic Wars”. For twenty-five years, the Jesuit General’s Masonic agents, particularly in the person of Napoleon Bonaparte, conducted war. Bonaparte also punished the Knights of Malta, driving them from their island home to Russia.” Eric Jon Phelps: “Vatican Assassins”, 2nd Ed., p. 582

“These three financial families, the Rothschilds, Morgans, and Rockefellers all do the bidding of the Jesuit Order because of Jesuit infiltration in their organizations. They do whatever is necessary to destroy constitutional liberty in America and to bring the pope to world domination. As we look back over the 20th century, we see how successful the Jesuits have been. They have continued to squander the wealth of America and continually attack its great constitution and civil liberties. Daily, the power of the pope in Vatican City increases. One day they will achieve total power again.” Bill Hughes: “The Secret Terrorists”, p. 16+17

The Rothschilds are simply Court Jews for the Papacy and always will be unless they play up, then the Papacy will simply annihilate them by any means necessary. If you look at whats going on in this world properly you can see the Roman Catholic control quite clearly. The Rothschilds have been under the Black Pope’s thumb since the 18th Century. Be careful of the many diversionists out there playing with your mind. The Jesuit ALWAYS control both sides.


PDF books for download https://zaidpub.com/catholic-jesuit-and-knights-of-malta-pdf-files/

6ad0bb No.1453757

File: f935ab892870f27⋯.jpg (195.31 KB, 1185x592, 1185:592, we love children 2.jpg)

The Queen is not only the Grand Patroness of Freemasonry, but heads the Order of the Garter. The Order of the Garter is the parent organization over Free Masonry, worldwide. When a Mason reaches the 33rd degree, he swears allegiance to that organization, and thereby to the Queen.

b1a2a2 No.1453758


More like, heard the conversation that happened at the back.

The video of the day should be on YouTube.

Only VIPs were in an area that could go to the back of the shuttle.

3aadb0 No.1453759

File: 807cdccfaeec7cf⋯.jpg (106.92 KB, 900x687, 300:229, parallelsand.jpg)



>lo que tú digas, somnoliento

be4008 No.1453760


>>1453610 A Brief Summary of Q

ba8aca No.1453764


These guys have the gayest tatoos ever.

2e6de6 No.1453765



c5692c No.1453766


She had her followers raging against Q so there's that.

1d324f No.1453767


You make fun of spelling..Aurora

didn't MSM say Covfefe was a miss spelling???

Trust the plan?

Re-read the map.

You know more then you know!

35d6fd No.1453768

80db0b No.1453769

is it

true? Corsi s saying he and Alex forced the fake Q to run off. and the “message” drop is

the lasr one we’ll


9c7675 No.1453770


you ever get nostalgic for the time you spent outside?

before they put you back in that box?

I bet you could escape again

if you put your mind into it

maybe re-frame the semantics of the objective

pull the thread and watch it unravel

3aadb0 No.1453771

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

be4008 No.1453773

File: 00801498e0e4a0f⋯.jpg (19.51 KB, 255x255, 1:1, pepesleep.jpg)

peace be with you all anons!

good work today


God bless ANONS, BAKERS, BO/BV, Q, POTUS, and the USA

3a3160 No.1453774


Recovery attempt?

8e3a96 No.1453776

File: 5bf299e0b677e86⋯.jpg (80.67 KB, 750x500, 3:2, 2aikdx.jpg)

5b27db No.1453777




34543e No.1453778


101fac No.1453779

File: 8fb0afe783bc489⋯.jpg (399.75 KB, 1058x596, 529:298, SmartSelectImage_2018-05-1….jpg)


im not a fam of TB. she rambles too much 4 me to listen to her vids but she does good research & analysis of the data.

if u r so jealous of her, create ur own yt vid & promote Q. The more ppl making content, the more sheeple will follow…. they like the crowds.

95c2ed No.1453780


It's true until Q posts again… then they will need another story.

e2d89a No.1453781



be4008 No.1453782

File: be6ce71e36b0e5a⋯.jpg (54.32 KB, 720x407, 720:407, REREADCRUMBS2.jpg)


before I go stfu jerome

its COMMS for end of the topic (on the pics), Q has done it before and shills have tried that before, but you wouldn't know that would you…



35d6fd No.1453783


next time have the cajones to not hide it through the spoiler, puta.

afa59f No.1453784


>She had her followers raging against Q so there's that.


9e980a No.1453785


Those that speak the loudest have the most to hide Arurora

373523 No.1453786


wow, notice this article says around 7 pm Az time, and the pic from the plane is I'm guessing 8 pm or later? Sunsetting. https://www.reviewjournal.com/crime/las-vegas-police-search-for-masked-gunman-inside-boulevard-mall/

8b19cc No.1453787

File: 2d32ed3175417aa⋯.png (440.27 KB, 686x408, 343:204, Screenshot 2018-05-18 at 2….png)

File: 3cf0047f7415490⋯.png (918.7 KB, 864x874, 432:437, Screenshot 2018-05-18 at 2….png)

8cfa4a No.1453789


She's worshipping God.

01bc25 No.1453790


Full permission and blessings to all.

c52b4b No.1453791


Wonderful, reading it gave this EU anon a proud feeling towards these heroes. Go Q, heroes,




0521dc No.1453792

File: e6cb2e2e308cddc⋯.png (1.38 MB, 1096x768, 137:96, ClipboardImage.png)

3aadb0 No.1453793

File: a915713661695b3⋯.jpg (430.98 KB, 2051x1024, 2051:1024, meh.jpg)


9c7675 No.1453794


I hope I wake up one day

and covfefe was the password to open insurance files

what a world that would be

373523 No.1453795

Meaning of " Gaurdians of the Pope "?

2e6de6 No.1453796


…former white house counsel, as in for bho?

Say it ain't so!

Connected to fusion gps?

Connected to avianti/sd's counsel?

Say that ain't so either.

afa59f No.1453797


>if u r so jealous of her,

ROFLMFAO Yeah, not in this life time!

e2d89a No.1453799



it explain the Why a lot posted redheads.

Someone could or will be lost in the game..

0521dc No.1453800

File: fedd85782ce2d1b⋯.png (258.92 KB, 444x500, 111:125, ClipboardImage.png)

9c11ab No.1453801

File: 8823ddee1f8927f⋯.png (70.57 KB, 255x160, 51:32, pepebaking.png)




fresh bread

fresh bread

eat shit, (((shills)))


6a3458 No.1453802


F the citizenship part. That'd entitle them to entitlements(such as welfare, as, act). The best ANY(including Dada 'kids') should ever recieve is a path the permanent work permit. They came here ILLEGALLY, you should NEVER reward law breakers. As part of the permanent work permit, they must start paying taxes. Remittances by by work permit holders should be taxed at 50%(the collected taxes could go towards building our POTUS's great BIG wall, and once the wall is built it could go towards other border issues). Our economy shouldn't have to prop up mexico/south Americas. If they don't like those terms then they can go home. UNTIL something like this would be passed, any and all illegals(including those seeking asylum) should have to wear a GPS ankle monitor until their court date, or until they achieve a permanent work permit. Everything I just stated would help curb illegal immigration, IMMEDIATELY. Guaranteed.

8b19cc No.1453803




#1 Squat presses

#2 Singing

00689d No.1453805

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/cymO7XRbY5o" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Adm. Rogers handover speech to Gen. Nakasone

e2d89a No.1453806


Are the rules of the Anglo-saxons.

We have to respect them

00689d No.1453807


embed fail, newfag


8cfa4a No.1453808


Why would she do it naked?

5a1ab8 No.1453810

File: 3e80ffd9c8d6053⋯.jpg (5.01 KB, 225x225, 1:1, defago.jpg)

u guyz wanna dew sum puzxles?

dd267c No.1453811


It was allegedly Indian children in BC, Canada. But I read the story was debunked. I did not investigate further.

3aadb0 No.1453812

File: ea6260ea3685882⋯.jpg (129 KB, 960x959, 960:959, monawatch.jpg)


9ccade No.1453814

Good night Patriots. Gonna get some rest. I have a feeling tomorrow will be a big day. Remember, stay vigilant. The beast is wounded!

e2d89a No.1453815

8cfa4a No.1453818

Okay have shilled enough. Time to go.

3aadb0 No.1453819

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

there are good germans too

a93eef No.1453821


Q asked why some so-called Patriots would be against the IBOR while linking to the AT&T deal.

The IBOR was already being linked to Net Neutrality - even worse, however, as it declared applications to be subject to FCC regulations.

Q was possibly jabbing at Beanz (he would have the ability to know more) but he was mostly getting across that many of us were rightfully hesitant to get behind the IBOR, because what the left had already been putting in that phrase was the end of software.

35d6fd No.1453822

>>1453674 can't find anything to disagree with there.

>>1453536 interdasting, thx.

>>1453345 love this.

359598 No.1453823

File: 42c50bb44d1c3a1⋯.png (1.37 MB, 900x670, 90:67, ClipboardImage.png)


LCpl 'Rafter Man' Compton thanks you

16e0a5 No.1453824



3aadb0 No.1453825

the copper tops are hot btw

9a9d11 No.1453826


Sweet dreams, princess.

942d01 No.1453827

File: f13dfb856b86c78⋯.png (261.8 KB, 524x500, 131:125, Thethingsjewssay.png)

dd267c No.1453828

File: 5fbcc8edf09c96c⋯.png (414.27 KB, 484x472, 121:118, Dodd.png)

3b1e0e No.1453833


pisslam is to blame though

3aadb0 No.1453834

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


5a1ab8 No.1453837

File: d367a3d5e51316c⋯.png (863.08 KB, 952x952, 1:1, peach45.png)

ac8d9e No.1453838

File: e64a04795d68b53⋯.png (151.71 KB, 523x665, 523:665, 2018-05-18_00-49-57.png)

These are direct assaults on our children who used to be able to chase a ball down their streets without fear of harm. The government and the media have failed them. Why does the mainstream media continually refocus our attention to other insignificant topics to hide the Truth? Who do they hide? Are they highly paid by these traffickers and ne'er do wells who would do our babies harm? Has the mainstream media totally failed to communicate true threats to our society? We must demand our politicians to address this problem immediately. The mainstream media has gone rogue the way of the CIA, who incidentally once paid most of them to report the CIA version of the news, who have long claimed they stopped doing that years ago. Believe that, and I'd like to sell you the Statue of Liberty.

NOTE: Sleazy classified site Backpage.com was shut down Friday April 06, 2018 after the FBI raided the home of its co-founder, according to new reports.

Agents raided ex-owner Michael Lacey’s home, according to a local CBS affiliate — while users are sharing screenshots of a message saying it has been “seized” by the feds.

There is a lot of work to do here. Again, why has the mainstream media buried stories like this? Yes, some stories are cyclical. But when sick people and evil entities attack the very fabric of our world society, the issues should remain in the news until they are resolved.

Example: Allison Mack and Keith Rainiere were recently arrested and charged. Child and sex trafficking, branding, children less than 14 years old at the time of the offenses. This story is about pulling a thread on a garment that eventually will expose all the people, places, and methods behind the whole sordid mess. and less than 3 weeks in, it is barely mentioned in the news. How do these media people sleep at night? Comfortably, I would venture, on very expensive beds, at the expense of the future of our children in our great Republic and other countries of the world.

President Trump addressed this in his Dec. 21, 2017 Executive Order. But Congress thwarts him at every turn. Demand that he put all maximum government and Justice Department pressure to bear on this whole Cabal to get it under control.

Veteran police officers and career people vomited and will be forever haunted by what they found on Anthony Weiner's laptop. Won't hear much about that story either, though it is coming out that some or most of them were targeted for death in this matter?

The 'Press' will certainly attack Sarah Huckabee Sanders for her shoes or something else equally ridiculous to distract us again. It is repulsive watching the mainstream media try to play gotcha with words and how they repeatedly rephrase a question hoping she or others will stumble. She's too quick for them, but fun watching them try.

Do not fall for it!

This is NOT news anymore, it's agenda driven by those who 'do not have America's best interest at heart, and certainly not our lost children."


5a1ab8 No.1453839

File: d1df04a15d668ee⋯.jpg (133.39 KB, 500x650, 10:13, low2.jpg)

5a1ab8 No.1453840

File: 20caa5e7ae2ccf8⋯.jpg (49.67 KB, 739x739, 1:1, smart.jpg)

3aadb0 No.1453841

File: 6aaded9332610d3⋯.jpg (74.87 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 8pm9s15cbbiy.jpg)

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