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e10acb  No.14514373[Last 50 Posts]

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Tuesday 12.08.2020

>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

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e10acb  No.14514378


8Kun Owner: https://gab.com/JimWatkins

Board Owner: FastJack#1006 https://discord.gg/DG8XB4YMvz

Board Image Fix:

>>14508828, >>14509231 Java .jpg Img Fix

Reminder: Can load image off board and share link [imgur/pol...]

>>14507976 8Kun Image Viewer 0.2

>>14479294 Linux


-Step 1: Add the following C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc media.8kun.top

-Step 2: Command Prompt > ipconfig /flushdns

>>14468268, >>14471221, >>14484364, >>14490001 Jim Watkins, images will not work on 8kun until a new host is found.

>>14482607, >>14482624, >>14479266, >>14484205, >>14484264, >>14484293, >>14484328, >>14489585, >>14479294, >>14479211, >>14471509, >>14467957, >>14467635, >>14493603 Update Hosts File

Also at: https://controlc.com/4fc1629b

>>14496001 How to edit the hosts file on android

How To Edit Hosts File in Windows 10 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wA_JI-SeKXM

>>14471230, >>14471314 Alternative help for those who don't want to update hosts file


BANT: https://boards.4channel.org/bant/catalog >POTUS Research

POL: https://boards.4channel.org/pol/catalog >President Trump General

SWIM (try the deep end.) https://webchat.freenode.net/#qanonresearch


- Donald J Trump: https://www.donaldjtrump.com/ | https://www.rumble.com/c/DonaldTrump

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- Dan Scavino: https://twitter.com/DanScavino/ | https://www.facebook.com/DanScavino/

- Mike Pompeo: https://twitter.com/mikepompeo/

- Rudolph Giuliani: https://twitter.com/RudyGiuliani/ | https://www.rumble.com/c/TheRudyGiuliani

- General Flynn: https://parler.com/profile/GenFlynn/

- Sidney Powell: https://defendingtherepublic.org/

- Mike Pompeo: https://twitter.com/mikepompeo/

- Lin Wood: https://fightback.law/

- Mike Lindell: https://frankspeech.com/ | https://LindellTV.com/

- Steve Bannon: https://warroom.org/listen-live/ | https://americasvoice.news/

- Tom Fitton: https://twitter.com/TomFitton/

- Dan Bongino: https://bongino.com/

- Jeanine Pirro: https://twitter.com/JudgeJeanine

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- George News: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHuJRxaJssaumjcv9aLZ21Q

- Media: @RSBNetwork | @OANN | @Newsmax

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e10acb  No.14514380

NOTABLES Are Not Endorsements

#18360 >>14513520 TBC


>>14512762, >>14512796, >>14512801 Schwab Put Tedros at the WHO – He is Not Any More of a Doctor than Bill Gates

>>14512790 Andy Ngo: Serial Sex Offender Arrested Over Wi Spa Incident

>>14512941, >>14512941 Deep State Factions Battle - Right Before Your Eyes and summary Daniel Sheehan (1:44:39)

>>14512837, >>14512983, >>14512942 Superintendent Chris Evans sits down with Project Veritas (30:01)

>>14512901 Reminder: FAUCIgate 1.0: Everyone forgets that Dr. Fauci promoted the highly toxic AZT for HIV—kills faster than the AIDS disease

>>14513000 The Legal Principles of Bethlehem & Operation Timber Sycamore: The “Islamist Winter” Pre-Emptively Targets “Arab Life” by Hiring “Arab Barbarians”

>>14513005 js for images

>>14513018 Lin Wood Our enemy loses power when our minds are free to think. Don’t take the bait.

>>14513036 America’s Frontline Doctors Twitter censors posts and restricts access to lifesaving information

>>14513055 Kash Patel: Woke TV General Milley Has Failed Completely (1:26)

>>14513071, >>14513131 Biden Wasn’t Checking Watch, Just Making Sure There Was No Blood Left On His Hands

>>14513149, >>14513151, >>14513173, >>14513178, >>14513258, >>14513260, >>14513262 New Zealand MSM fear porn

>>14513264, >>14513266 Australian News

>>14513295 Infection By Injection (51:16) Dr. Judy Mikovits: "Vaxx Is Engineered To Cause Cancer Activated Via Covid By The Spike Protein"

>>14513390, >>14504773 pb, >>14504880 pb Biden own 10% of a Chinese lithium ion battery company whos stock has soared almost 300% since Biden was "elected"

>>14513233, >>14513453 Proof that the pandemic was planned & with purpose

>>14513435 Yes, there are tons of techniques being deployed. REMEMBER: Distractions are necessary. Disinfo is real.

>>14513514 #18359

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e10acb  No.14514382


>>14511961 President Trump bought an estate in West Palm Beach, Florida, erected a 80 foot flag pole and flew a 375 sq ft US flag on it

>>14511964 Ivermectin - the wonder drug

>>14512006 FEAR PORN China Warns US "Wrongdoings" Will Imperil Climate Cooperation

>>14512011 Pennsylvania Senator Corman Calls for Hearings Next Week on Election Fraud in Keystone State

>>14512034 CODE UPDATE Replace ur code with this updated code. you can then right click and the file will open in sys.8kun now

>>14512041 General Motors To Temporarily Halt Production Of Nearly All US Plants Due To Pandemic-Related Chip Shortage Overseas

>>14512046, >>14512051 Maricopa County Still Has Not Responded to Senate FOIA Request for Communications

>>14512055 Ruben Cortez Jr. said he wants to add the COVID-19 vaccine to the list of required school immunizations, effective immediately

>>14512061 Jim Jordan told me tonight in Iowa that Trump will announce he’s running “any day now.”

>>14512064, >>14512426 Candace Owens Denied Covid Test Due To Politics

>>14512072, >>14512096 Afghan refugees met with deplorable conditions at Fort Bliss

>>14512074 Florida MAGA Patriots Plan on Shattering World Record for LARGEST FLOTILLA EVER This Sunday with TGP’s Joe Hoft Assisting – Information Enclosed

>>14512079 Gen Flynn: We need to Audit All Elections for 2020 and expose all of their crimes, endorses Bobby Piton for senate

>>14512095 Gen Flynn: What the Church Needs to Know about Covid-19

>>14512083, >>14512150, >>14512178, >>14512529 My body my choice only applies to abortions? Psaki (1:47)

>>14512092 Sweden bans travelers from Israel

>>14512106 Iraq Army Veteran Brandon Burns Shares Root Problems In The Middle East (38:34)

>>14512109, >>14512481 Australian government plans Chinese-style 'social credit' system for social media users

>>14512336 Australia Could Force Citizens To Report Their Location On-Demand Via Government Tracking App

>>14512305 Australia Thousands of St George customers see their money vanish in a flash

>>14512110, >>14512345 Dr DEATH Fauci: 'Mu' COVID variant not an 'immediate threat' to Americans

>>14512173 Dr. DEATH Fauci says it is “likely” Americans will need to get a third dose of vaccine to be considered fully vaccinated against COVID-19

>>14512172, >>14512356 Dozens Of Thunder Ridge High School Students Walk Out Of Class For Mask Protest

>>14512213 Hans von Spakovsky: Missing Ballots in Three States Exceed Joe Biden’s Victory Margins

>>14512220 McEnany: Biden's phone call with Ghani resulted in 13 dead American soldiers (4:58)

>>14512221 Eric Trump Slams Biden Afghan Debacle, Says Americans Deserve ‘Refund’ After Billions in Gear, Aircraft Abandoned

>>14512239 ANOTHER Batch Of Moderna Vaccines Has Been Suspended

>>14512262, >>14512263 Donald Trump: All U.S. States Should Go to Paper Ballots, Same-Day in-Person Voting, Voter ID

>>14512269 Fighting to expose the truth of 2020 is a Nobel and decent endeavor

>>14512275 WEiCU (We See You) Director Tamborine Borrelli announces lawsuit for a Full Forensic Audit in WA (1:30)

>>14512279 Utah look at that Dem spike after they were stuck three elections in a row

>>14512294, >>14512438 86% of COVID-19 cases in Israel were in the fully vaccinated during the month of July

>>14512304 Kim Jarvis: 57-year-old West Virginia woman declares “I’m vaccinated but don’t know what’s in it,” dead less than 24 hours later

>>14512329 School Board Ignores Angry Voters and Passes Forced Vaccinations: Mass Walk Outs Planned

>>14512363 Iowa Man Charged in Capitol “Insurrection” Is Sent Back To Jail For Watching Mike Lindell’s Cyber Symposium

>>14512364 Dr. Michael McDowell: "The Genetic Bioweapon And The COVID-19 Vaccine" (23:53)

>>14512372 Dr. Peter McCullough: "The Vaccine Is Failing In The UK And Israel" (27:13) Use Aspirin

>>14512374, >>14512392 Pennsylvania Senator Corman Calls for Hearings Next Week on Election Fraud in Keystone State (11:53)

>>14512334, >>14512377, >>14512334, >>14512414, >>14512430 8KUN{ protected by SWIZ INTERwebs LAWS } to provide highest levels of INTERNET PROTECTION; preventing any BLACKlisting or DNSBL { by HUSSEIN's relinQuishing of the USA Inc. INTERNET Authority }

>>14512695 #18358

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e10acb  No.14514383


>>14512382 Japan's Suga to resign as prime minister

>>14512391 Dems accuse AG Brnovich of putting tax dollars at risk over political moves


>>14512415 Sailors and Marines Have 90 Days to Get Vaccinated or Face Punishment

>>14512430 Posted For Archive And Later Research - Switzerland Ties Glencore - Ivan Glasenberg owns 8.4% of Glencore

>>14512467, >>14512567 CALIFORNIA ELECTION FUCKERY ‘Security experts’ call for rigorous audit of upcoming California recall election, citing increased risk from software breach

>>14512464 ‘Tell me one thing’ the Biden administration has done successfully: Jim Jordan (3:10)

>>14512503 Chinese Man Arrested for Refusing Vaccine

>>14512536 SenFeinstein tweeted 4 hours ago the amount of tweets on this 'verified account' looks like a bot?

>>14512512 Daffney Unger, former professional wrestler, dead at 46 chronic traumatic encephalopathy?

>>14512516 Lincoln Project Co-Founder Calls Laura Loomer Anti-Semitic Slur, She Fires Back With Question About His ‘Pedophile Coworkers’

>>14512563 South Australian health authorities say they are stunned a person booked a COVID-19 vaccination appointment 40 times, blocking dozens of other people from receiving a dose

>>14512615 PDJT Endorsement of Herschel Walker Endorsement of Burt Jones

>>14512625 Boulder County reinstates indoor mask mandate effective Friday at 5 p.m.

>>14512630 South Australia residents will reportedly be forced to download a quarantine app that randomly requires picture proving they are at home

>>14512636 New York just abolished both medical and religious exemptions (which it previously had) when it passed SB 2164

>>14512658 Australian police HUNT DOWN “covid fugitives” as if they’re violent criminals

>>14512662 Grassley Tweet Final Stage of Maturity The Corn Kernels Comms

>>14512663 Red Cross Blood Donations eligibility rules

>>14512678 GOP Freedom Caucus Wants Liz Cheney And Adam Kinzinger Booted From Republican Party

>>14512696 #18358

Previously Collected

>>14510356 #18355, >>14511141 #18356, >>14511895 #18357

>>14509316 #18352, >>14509352 #18353, >>14509432 #18354

>>14506158 #18349, >>14506335 #18350, >>14507086 #18351

>>14503170 #18346, >>14504039 #18347, >>14504724 #18348

>>14500462 #18343, >>14501275 #18344, >>14501753 #18345

>>14499461 #18340, >>14499462 #18341, >>14499703 #18342

>>14495781 #18337, >>14496578 #18338, >>14497366 #18339

>>14493947 #18334, >>14494264 #18335, >>14495016 #18336

>>14491104 #18331, >>14491825 #18332, >>14492670 #18333

>>14488771 #18328, >>14489526 #18329, >>14490301 #18330

>>14488199 #18325, >>14488447 #18326, >>14488610 #18327

>>14484731 #18322, >>14484863 #18323, >>14485663 #18324

>>14482183 #18319, >>14482332 #18320, >>14483104 #18321

>>14479045 #18316, >>14479798 #18317, >>14481742 #18318

>>14485268 #18313, >>14477400 #18314, >>14478151 #18315

>>14474286 #18310, >>14475051 #18311, >>14475876 #18312

>>14471893 #18307, >>14472866 #18308, >>14473522 #18309

>>14469529 #18304, >>14470346 #18305, >>14471121 #18306

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/

>>14137057 Q Research Notables #8

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e10acb  No.14514384

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com / thetrumparchive.com

* Twitter Video Downloader: http://twittervideodownloader.com/

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* Updated All Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Module Retired - Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* Catalog of US Government Publications: https://catalog.gpo.gov/F?RN=306384688

* Webpage Archiver: http://archive.md/

* Check Criminal Cases: https://www.justice.gov/usao/find-your-united-states-attorney

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Other Dedicated Research Threads

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>>14262489 ————————————–——– France #5

>>14357399 ————————————–——– Germany #86

>>13226402 ————————————–——– Japan #2

>>13410974 ————————————–——– Mexico #3

>>13163282 ————————————–——– New Zealand #8

>>14081815 ————————————–——– South Africa #6

>>14352887 ————————————–——– UK #41


Website ————————————–——– https://www.resignation.info

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Quick Pic Bake Instructions & simple instructions: https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

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Iwo Jima videos: https://youtu.be/5zezIBBxjEs, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLCupx1UExg

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e10acb  No.14514393

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


#18361 https://controlc.com/e6e18ce5


#18361 >>14514373 TBC

#18360 >>14513520 TBC

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3a796e  No.14514395

I have worn masks about 80% of the time that I was "required" to. I have loved ones that are in fear, for me, this is not the hill to die on.

red line

But if you attempt to inject me with a foreign substance

that I have made abundantly clear that I do not want to be injected with,

I will kill you where you stand.

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10247f  No.14514414

Alice in Chains - Sludge Factory

You insult me in my home, you're forgiven this time

Things go well, your eyes dilate, you shake, and I'm high?

Look in my eyes deep and watch the clouds change with time

20 hours won't print my picture milk carton size

Carton size, carton size

Call me up congratulations ain't the real why

There's no pressure besides brilliance let's say by day 9

Endlesscorporate ignorancelets me control time

"By the way", "by the way", "by the way"

Once again you see an in, discolored skin gives you away

So afraid you kindly gurgle, out a date for me

Now the body of one soul I adore wants to die

You have always told me you'd not live past 25

I say stay long enough to repay all who cause strife

Once again you see an in, discolored skin gives you away

So afraid you kindly gurgle, out a date for me [2x]

"I bear true and an existing witness

To this barrel of monkeys.

A self proclaimed immoral success,

Perfected by each whereof

Individually deadly and equally so

And spread about the surrendered troops,

For even thousands of miles will not

Tear apart their communication, or the lack thereof.

Vultures, liars, thieves, each proclaim their innocence

In no suggestion or rhyme, your weapon is contained in

The wrecking of the keeping the desired effect.

The breaking of the spirit thwarts the whole being.

Your weapon is guilt, your weapon is guilt, your weapon is guilt.


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7c2a71  No.14514425


Live now.

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2a047a  No.14514431

File: 65264a73bceaabc⋯.jpg (13.71 KB, 250x250, 1:1, click.jpg)

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b08010  No.14514436

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Media content is not an accidental byproduct of competition for popular attention, it’s an engineered product used in peacetime to shape popular opinion, control purchasing behavior, regulate sexual morality. Currently MSM news and entertainment media are directed to immediate tactical necessities of nonlinear, ‘unrestricted’ or Information War (IW) .

“Information Poisoning” is a form of psychological attack or “psyop” that damages our cognitive capacity over time. The primary purpose of MSM media news and entertainment content is not to amuse and inform but to influence social decision making and shape purchasing behavior.

Advertising /entertainment media content suggests we buy things, adopt a fashion, get a piercing. Hate this, love that or be left out. It has normalized medical atrocities and induced a wide range of paraphilias or sexual fetishes.

Can you think of self-destructive behaviors trends promoted and propagated by MSM media since 1950?

We human beings are extremely suggestible and highly imitative; this fact is known, widely studied and exploited in engineered news and entertainment content.

Popular media content is generated for the purpose of social control, the management of consumer behavior and long term psycho-sexual demoralization of the general population.

MSM media is part of the Mockingbird social control system built by the clowns, aka CIA following the second WW. Engineered news and entertainment content is used by the clowns to guide and constrain human consciousness, to manipulate individual and group purchasing behaviors, to limit what we understand and ‘’’what we are capable of understanding.’’’

MSM media has been deliberately, ‘’’knowingly’’’used by satanist pedovores to create a distracted, obsessive hyper-sexualized consumer cargo culture.

legacy media is running 24/7 psyops targeting a naïve civilian population.


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21ea14  No.14514437

File: 3773c460e43658b⋯.jpg (175.06 KB, 1005x614, 1005:614, We_are_Q.jpg)

>>14513969 lb

>Now 'Repudiates' Association With 'Q,'

Dress-up cosplay 'QAnon' fool has forsaken Q.

Lurkers should be re-reading the crumbs to gain knowledge, not that clown's depiction.

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eb979c  No.14514441

Facebook, Google Caught Using Data, Manipulating KIDS to Get Jabbed!


Rumble — Patrick Howley broke a story this afternoon at NationalFile.com, which exposes Google and Facebook, who has used a partner to compile a report that specifically targets people to push them toward a shot (falsely referred to as a 'vaccine'), specifically using language to break through any thoughts of hesitancy.

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eb979c  No.14514442

Media: Nurses Quitting, Fear "Delta" - TRUTH: Mass Exodus Due to Vaxx Mandates!


Rumble — About 1/3 of nurses are expected to leave their careers due to the overreaching, unconstitutional and illegal mandates that would force them to be jabbed with a "top secret" substance that has resulted in catastrophic and UNREPORTED injury and death.

The 'media' tells you that they're leaving because they're nervous, scared or stressed out about the "Delta Variant", but what they're really scared of is the "Communist Variant".

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b64959  No.14514449

File: 91f0b875a2b88c5⋯.jpeg (1.81 MB, 4050x3192, 675:532, 28DB1327_3423_48C0_A60E_B….jpeg)

File: 8fa22d6d178fb4f⋯.png (365.47 KB, 2042x1422, 1021:711, BD0FFA59_850E_4A5B_B33A_D5….png)

>>14514386 pb

Daniel Sheehan Rulers of the Realm Playlist:




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807ede  No.14514451

File: 27ec63b6b6e0544⋯.jpg (50.16 KB, 560x700, 4:5, blonde.jpg)


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9c0d28  No.14514454

Kirby just confirmed that there are Afghan military service members among the refugees.

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9c7d42  No.14514456




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eb979c  No.14514458

obama kill list 2012.png

south china seas 09012021_2.png

Japan and Britain send msg to china 08262021.png

decertify elections Wendy Rogers.png

Grenell Voter Rolls.png

Jr Rumple 08122021 biden walking this way joe.png


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eb979c  No.14514461

More Individuals and Counties are Calling for a Forensic Audit in Wisconsin


If I'm counting correctly, it looks like about 32 counties have signed on for an audit, and about 43 counties have yet to sign on (optimistic, aren't I?) So about 40/60?



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eb979c  No.14514462


Professor David Clements Gives A HUGE Audit Update On The Pete Santilli Show – MARICOPA: “It’s Far WORSE Than Anything I Could Have Imagined. Oh,It’s TERRIBLE.”

By Jordan Conradson

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2a047a  No.14514463

AOC: "Terrorist groups like the Taliban are the result of Climate Change"

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ae73ba  No.14514464


Remington lawyers subpoena academic, attendance, disciplinary records for 5 slain students (+ employment files of educators)…iN RESPONSE: attorneys for the families of the 5 students 4 educators killed on Dec 14, 2012, asked the court on Thursday to SEAL THEIR CONFIDENTIAL records

NPR- "Gun-Maker Sued In Sandy Hook Shooting Wants The School Records Of Slain Children - Sep. 3, 2021

Lawyers for Remington Arms, the now-bankrupt gun-maker being sued by nine families of those killed in the 2012 mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., have subpoenaed the academic, attendance and disciplinary records for five slain students.

In response, attorneys for the families of the five students and four educators killed on Dec. 14, 2012, who have filed suit, asked the court on Thursday to seal their confidential records, the Connecticut Post reports.

Remington also requested employment files for the educators whose families are involved in the case, according to the Hartford Courant." (more)

"Twitter OUTRAGED At Report Remington Seeks Report Cards of Sandy Hook Shooting Victims

Andre J. Ellington 12 hrs ago"

BAKER - Anon Bun of REMINGTON GUN Subpoena from PB + new info & links

>>14514196 PB

>> Remington Subpoenas Report Cards of 5 Children Killed in Sandy Hook Shooting

>>14514298 PB

>> says they already released all the info to the gun Co. lawyer

>>14514190 PB

>>14514203 PB

>>for those who may have missed it: the FBI shows ZERO MURDERS for Newtown in 2012

TABLE 8 Link (PB)

>> https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2012/crime-in-the-u.s.-2012/tables/8tabledatadecpdf/table-8-state-cuts/table_8_offenses_known_to_law_enforcement_by_connecticut_by_city_2012.xls

>>14514291 PB

>>14514308 PB

>>14514315 PB

>>14514207 PB

>>14514219 PB

>>14514244 PB

>> Once they started attacking people for asking questions by saying the person asking for evidence was a sicko for wanting to see dead kids etc etc. That's when I started to see the pattern of using Emotion to shut people up & get others to gang up & attack ANYONE asking uncomfortable questions

>>It works! It stopped me from looking into it for a long time, because if you even hint that you thought something was weird about the whole thing, people instantly turned into different people & yell at you for even THINKING anything so terrible would be fake. Then they call you an Alex Jones follower(which, even to this day,

I have NEVER heard more than 5 words out of his mouth because he is so fucking annoying {<Kek anon ;}

Austin American-Statesman Sep. 1, 2021

"AUSTIN, Texas — The parents of two children killed in the 2012 mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary are seeking a default judgment against conspiracy theorist Alex Jones in hopes of sending their lawsuits directly to trial over how much money they're owed by Jones and his InfoWars media system.

In four lawsuits, the parents say they were defamed and suffered emotional distress after InfoWars broadcasts called the school shooting — which left 26 children and six adults dead in Newtown, Connecticut — a hoax…" (more)




…Anon has several relevant pics & graphs to add to above - but, well, you know the 'thing'

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b64959  No.14514465


Flowchart links in case people cannot see the images.



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9c7d42  No.14514467

File: 1233822e51bfdbb⋯.png (14.14 KB, 225x225, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


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9c7d42  No.14514469


what a big dumb lie to confess to indeed

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b0d49f  No.14514473


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b0d49f  No.14514474

Streamable embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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b47f20  No.14514476

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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29d834  No.14514477

File: 558b33b20afe0e2⋯.jpeg (171.98 KB, 1284x1609, 1284:1609, BFE9CABF_6193_49C6_B0B6_5….jpeg)


Rising serpent Flag of United States Retweeted

Arthur Schwartz




. Can people use your platform to post instructions on how to crash the NY Times or WaPo websites? Asking for some friends.


5:32 PM · Sep 2, 2021·Twitter

This world fucked up


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b47f20  No.14514479

>>14514460 lb glow

>>14514452 lb glow

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

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38a76d  No.14514480




Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 09/01/2018 12:42:01


National Preparedness Month is a time to focus our attention on the importance of preparing our families, homes, businesses, and communities for disasters that threaten our lives, property, and homeland. During this time, we also honor the brave men and women who selflessly respond to crises and disasters, rendering aid to those in need. These first responders, who work tirelessly to safeguard our Nation and protect our citizens, deserve our utmost gratitude and appreciation.

Over the past year, communities nationwide and across the Territories have witnessed and endured damage from multiple hurricanes, wildfires, tornadoes, floods, volcanic eruptions, and other natural disasters. The historic hurricane season of 2017 included three catastrophic storms that made landfall within a month, and was followed by a destructive series of wildfires in California. Combined, these natural disasters affected 47 million people and tens of thousands were mobilized to provide aid, comfort, and assistance. We are also especially mindful of those currently affected by ongoing wildfires in California, Oregon, and Colorado. In spite of tremendous challenges, the resilience of the American people continues to prevail.

Tragedies are somber reminders that preparedness is a shared responsibility and that it is critical to maintain readiness. All Americans can prepare for potential disasters by developing and practicing a family emergency response plan, assembling a disaster supply kit, signing up for alerts on mobile devices, setting aside emergency savings, and maintaining adequate insurance policies for their homes and businesses. The Federal Emergency Management Agency’s Ready Campaign outlines other important steps to best prepare for a major disaster.

This month, I encourage all Americans to take the opportunity to ensure they have an emergency response plan in place and ready to be properly executed. Emergencies and disasters test the resilience and strength of families, communities, and our Nation. It is impossible to avoid every challenge and threat, but we can and must prepare for them. By doing so, we can help protect our communities and save lives.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim September 2018 as National Preparedness Month. I encourage all Americans, including Federal, State, and local officials, to take action to be prepared for disaster or emergency by making and practicing their emergency response plans. Each step we take to become better prepared makes a real difference in how our families and communities will respond and persevere when faced with the unexpected.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this thirty-first day of August, in the year of our Lord two thousand eighteen, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and forty-third.


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d8e732  No.14514481

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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29d834  No.14514482


Rising serpent Flag of United States Retweeted

Jack Posobiec Flag of United States


If you argue the4th Amendment contains a right to ‘medical privacy’ then you must oppose public and private vaccine mandates

Would love to see the SCOTUS libs mental gymnastics on this one

10:42 AM · Sep 3, 2021·Twitter for iPhone


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0886de  No.14514484

So are they saying that people who HAVE parasites & is treated with Ivermec & have a reaction, it is Because they had the parasites to begin with?

I ask because there are a lot of new stories out within the past 24 hours saying how ERs are reporting a high amount of patients who took ivermec(as the press calls it, "horse dewormer paste")

Are these people suffering from this reaction? I know they would NEVER report anything to even hint that more people have parasites than they will ever admit




STROMECTOL is contraindicated in patients who are hypersensitive to any component of this product.

Warnings and Precautions

Patients treated with STROMECTOL for onchocerciasis may experience cutaneous and/or systemic reactions of varying severity (the Mazzotti reaction) and ophthalmological reactions.


The Mazzotti reaction, first described in 1948, is a symptom complex seen in patients after undergoing treatment of nematode infestation, particularly with the medication diethylcarbamazine (DEC). Mazzotti reactions can be life-threatening, and are characterized by fever, urticaria, swollen and tender lymph nodes, tachycardia, hypotension, arthralgias, oedema, and abdominal pain that occur within seven days of treatment of microfilariasis. The Mazzotti reaction correlates with intensity of infection; however, there are probably multiple infection intensity-dependent mechanisms responsible for mediating this complex reaction.[1]

The phenomenon is so common when DEC is used for the treatment of onchocerciasis that this drug is the basis of a skin patch test used to confirm that diagnosis. The drug patch is placed on the skin, and if the patient is infected with the microfilaria of O. volvulus, localized pruritus and urticaria are seen at the application site.

A case of the Mazzotti reaction has been reported after presumptive treatment of schistosomiasis and strongyloidiasis with ivermectin, praziquantel and albendazole. The patient had complete resolution of symptoms after intravenous therapy with methylprednisolone.[2]

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7c2a71  No.14514485


Glow brighter, Eunuch.

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23b971  No.14514486


They'll trot out the same old "compelling public need" and "social contract" bullshit that they always do….

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9c7d42  No.14514487

File: f06ddc8ee7227df⋯.png (108.7 KB, 506x732, 253:366, ClipboardImage.png)

gay fag caught suckin strange moist

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2a047a  No.14514488

Bidan: "…a Catholic Rabi, and a Jewish Priest"

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abc8a5  No.14514489


A chemical plant with connections to China’s military reportedly had a major explosion at around 8 a.m. on Thursday, in China’s Shangxi province.

Residents say the blast could be heard from nearly 2 miles away. Some said the ensuing shockwave shattered their windows and damaged their walls.

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9c7d42  No.14514491

File: 802f2e502f9eee9⋯.png (162.6 KB, 500x654, 250:327, QAYP5829.png)

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346924  No.14514492

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ef21c1  No.14514493

Magic mushrooms found to heal depression and PTSD in breakthrough study

After decades of America's war on drugs which all but banned research of classic psychedelic drugs, scientists say their research totally changes the approach to therapy

ByCharles Wade-PalmerReporter

11:34, 2 SEP 2021


Boy, 5, dies after eating wild mushroom just days after escaping Taliban in Afghanistan

The doctor who was treating the boys said that the six-year-old had a liver transplant but the outlook for him is unfavourable as he has shown signs of severe brain damage

ByLeigh Mcmanus

09:59, 3 SEP 2021


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29d834  No.14514494

Sam Brown


Twitter has made it nearly impossible to find my account

I’m a Purple Heart Veteran running for the US Senate in Nevada.

This seat is critical in flipping the Senate back to the GOP.

If you’re able to see this post, RT & follow me so we can overcome the continued censorship!

6:39 PM · Sep 2, 2021·Twitter for iPhone


You heard him digital warriors, do your thing and get millions to donit too

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0ac648  No.14514496

File: 2a430c81ed4bf4b⋯.jpg (133.01 KB, 782x627, 782:627, grimes.jpg)



filterd glowies

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ef21c1  No.14514498


As things go in this life it is impossible to thoroughly guard against these classes of people.

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7c2a71  No.14514499


Why wait, Eunuch. If you are going to do something to me, do it.

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29d834  No.14514500

File: 056d814fe56c220⋯.jpeg (266.48 KB, 1241x1474, 1241:1474, C0BDB29D_D9F9_4D89_9665_8….jpeg)


His face is marred by war, but he won’t stop fighting

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38a76d  No.14514501


Alice in Wonderland Comms

Alice states that being three inches tall is a wretched height, which insults the three-inch-tall Caterpillar. The Caterpillar crawls away in a huff, but not before telling Alice that eating one side of the mushroom will make her grow larger and eating the other side will make her grow smaller.


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d71f99  No.14514502


A slow, agonizing death is too good for these bastards.

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29d834  No.14514503


You dont have to announce it “glowie”

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ef21c1  No.14514504

Taliban feel 'angry and betrayed' US troops destroyed aircraft before fleeing Kabul

The US Government has been heavily criticised after leaving millions of dollars worth of sophisticated weaponry and aircraft in the hands of the terror group in Afghanistan

Included in the frightening arsenal the Taliban reportedly took from supplies from the defeated Afghan military are over two million 7.62 bullets for AK47 assault rifles valued at over a million pounds.


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a69c01  No.14514505

File: 7a5dc333388cf4b⋯.png (230.21 KB, 769x412, 769:412, 82_8000_USAF_747_and_09_00….PNG)

Not AF1 Joe in 82-8000 USAF 747 and 09-0017 USAF C-32A departed JBA to New Orleans

Joe Biden heads to Louisiana to tour devastation from Hurricane Ida


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4bb118  No.14514506

Jennifer 'pro-voting' Rubin


"Time. To. Come. Down. ON. Unvaccinated."

8:58 AM · Sep 3, 2021·Twitter Web App

Nous Defions




come get your old crone. She’s on here being a fascist psycho again.


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70c434  No.14514507


Don't Believe AMA's Hype, Membership Still Declining | MedPage Today

In 2019, only 132,133 practicing physicians were AMA members. That's 12.1% of total US doctors.

Bottom line: the AMA doesn’t speak for the vast majority of US doctors.


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d8e732  No.14514508

Fascinating to watch Kate Bouldan try to grapple with the cogitative dissonance over the vaccine.

And the confusion sets in.

Its going to get worse, Kate.

Good Luck, MF.

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cf9289  No.14514509



My Twitter still suspended (though now there is a welcome back message on my home page.) I need to accept this to see if I’m allowed to jump to the next hoop.

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e60f1e  No.14514510


>>14512941 pb

>Nixon may not have had anything to do with JFK's murder, but he formed the crew who eventually killed Kennedy,

>>14512950 pb

>And Watergate was to cover that up?

as Ike's VP, Nixon was involved with the creation of the CIA assassination squad, designated S-team. he had no involvement in JFK's assassination, but recognized the fingerprints of the CIA. Nixon tended toward paranoia and wanted to remove power from the CIA. he fired 600 (iirc) top CIA people. watergate was staged to incriminate Nixon and remove him from the WH. another assassination so soon after JFK would have raised too much suspicion. woodward and bernstein were mossad or controlled by them. one of Ford's first acts was to quietly re-hire all the CIA personnel the tricky Dick had fired.

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dd6f83  No.14514511


i can't get past her mouth.

she is one nasty witch

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9c7d42  No.14514512

File: 97354dfa041b456⋯.png (331.36 KB, 708x738, 118:123, AGCQ1690.png)


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b47f20  No.14514513


good point

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70c434  No.14514514



History of the American Medical Association and its pharmaceutical interests

In the early half of the 20th century, petrochemical giants organized a coup on the medical research facilities, hospitals and universities. The Rockefeller family sponsored research and donated sums to universities and medical schools which had drug based research. They further extended this policy to foreign universities and medical schools where research was drug based through their "International Education Board". Establishments and research which were were not drug based were refused funding and soon dissolved in favor of the lucrative pharmaceutical industry. In 1939 a "Drug Trust" alliance was formed by the Rockefeller empire and the German chemical company I.G. Farben (Bayer). After World War II, I.G. Farben was dismantled but later emerged as separate corporations within the alliance. Well known companies included General Mills, Kellogg, Nestle, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Procter and Gamble, Roche and Hoechst (Sanofi-Aventis). The Rockefeller empire, in tandem with Chase Manhattan Bank (now JP Morgan Chase), owns over half of the pharmaceutical interests in the United States. It is the largest drug manufacturing combine in the world. Since WWII, the pharmaceutical industry has steadily netted increasing profits to become the world's second largest manufacturing industry; [2], [3] after the arms industry.


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2a047a  No.14514515

Juan Williams: "To be fair, President Biden inherited an economy that was on its deathbed."

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9c7d42  No.14514516



paid money

so you could

sound tarded

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4bb118  No.14514517


I would have added Bitch.

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cf9289  No.14514518


Years in and I still have too many habitual blinders on. Would have never guessed their membership was so limited. Thx anon.

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ef21c1  No.14514519




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9c7d42  No.14514520

File: 50ca187322ee801⋯.jpg (71.37 KB, 900x704, 225:176, DQAU1363.jpg)

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3a9198  No.14514521



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38a76d  No.14514522


Well, that's not true and he knows it, so comms?

>President Biden

>on its deathbed

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4bb118  No.14514523



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29d834  No.14514524


Prayers, be safe

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e27279  No.14514525


It's been safe since 1970, now, all of a sudden, it's dangerous.

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04ea9d  No.14514526


>Bottom line: the AMA doesn’t speak for the vast majority of US doctors.

That's correct. Fauci and the MSM speak for the vast majority of doctors.

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cf9289  No.14514527


Whatever (they) have on Juan, he must just vomit whenever he looks in the mirror.

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70c434  No.14514528


>American Medical Association

The real irony is that the AMA would be founded by the same family that gave us “snake oil salesmen.” Thats right, it was a Rockefeller who went from town to town selling “mineral oil” derived from petroleum as a “cure all” even though it was completely devoid of any therapeutic properties or life giving “minerals” for that matter. The Rockefellers have always been fraudsters, from selling snake oil to the planning of the COVID lockdowns based on their 2010 pandemic white paper called “Operation Lockstep.”


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f8dd29  No.14514530


cut in a cage

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0490bf  No.14514531

File: 61840223b2bed5f⋯.png (355.07 KB, 583x468, 583:468, his_eyes_uncovered.PNG)

PICARD: You know, we could be going about this all the wrong way. This is a very ritualistic culture based on symbol and myth. Perhaps we should try to confront them on those terms. If I could somehow incorporate myself in their ritual, then perhaps Masaka would listen to me.

Star Trek: The Next Generation Rewatch: “Masks”

Joe Menosky is the guy, you’ll recall, who wrote “Darmok,”

“Masaka is waking.”

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0490bf  No.14514532

File: dc5ca0d30390f78⋯.png (63.33 KB, 264x271, 264:271, god_wins.PNG)

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86ec57  No.14514533

> https://www.legacy.com/us/obituaries/sacbee/name/samuel-heredia-obituary?pid=157506409


August 29, 1927 - May 2, 2012

Samuel Heredia, 84, a native of Sacramento, CA passed away peacefully on Wednesday, May 2, 2012. He will be remembered for his unconditional love and devotion to his family. Samuel enjoyed baseball, taking pictures, and spending time with family. He served in the Navy, was employed by the State of California for 38 years, and was a member of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW Local 340).

Survived by his wife of 61 years, Ann Heredia;brother Fidel'John' Heredia (Doris) of Long Beach; childrenSusan Heredia (Salvador), David Heredia, and Louise Heredia-Sauseda (Wayne) of San Francisco; grandchildren Jennifer Jimenez (Brian), Sandra Akana (Theo), John Heredia (Nataliya), Serena Southards (Rob), Joseph Heredia, Richard Arriaga, Marisa Sauseda, and Alesandro Sauseda; and great-grandchildren Celeste Jimenez, Joaquin Akana, Tea Akana, Anthony Heredia, and Joseph Heredia, Jr. He was preceded in death by his parents Jesus Heredia and Carmen Ochoa, sister Armendina Brau, daughter Lora Heredia-Williams, grandchildren Salvador Arriaga, Sienna Alyse Williams, and Isabel Heredia.

He was laid to rest at St. Mary's Catholic Cemetery. Remembrances may be sent to Yolo Hospice, 1909 Galileo Court, Suite A, Davis, CA 95618.

all pb

Antifa Teacher Natomas School Board dig


>>14506263 Susan Heredia is head bitch for moar than 1000 school boards


>>14506617 Lisa Kaplan Worked for corrupt politician

>>14506592, >>14506753, >>14506762

Leland Yee politician / gun runner to the mooslims jihadis

>>14506795 Kaplan's rack

>>14506854 137 page Leland Yee indictment.


>>14508375 Ericka Harden Accused of bilking district


>>14508810, >>14508918 Heredia son killed around Spring Equinox during drug deal errrr "while jogging". ~

>>14508840 Heredia fagbook Dia De Los Muertes profile

>>14509150, >>14509188 Leland Yee accomplice was on School Board just like Yee's lackey Kaplan

>>14509188 Willie Brown knows Keith Jackson 'reasonably well'

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9c7d42  No.14514534

File: 23cc40eaabfd2a6⋯.jpg (2.87 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, IMG_6839.JPG)


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38a76d  No.14514535



Gates is the face of Rockefeller now

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dd6f83  No.14514536


Anti-Taliban group clashes with Taliban in Afghanistan's Panjshir Valley

Asher Notheis 54 mins ago

Trump Tower’s key tenants have fallen behind on rent and moved out. But Trump…

Analysis-FDA vaccine advisers face thorny question: Are COVID-19…

The Taliban and an anti-Taliban group have come to blows in a valley in northern Afghanistan as resistance forces struggle to reclaim control of the nation.

Overnight confrontations between the National Resistance Front and the Taliban in the Panjshir Valley, the last major holdout against the Taliban, began on Thursday. The clashes have been intense, with Fahim Dashti, an NRF spokesman, saying the Taliban lost 40 of their forces amid the attempts to enter Panjshir, and Ali Nazary, another NRF spokesman, said that a number of heavy equipment and weaponry belonging to the Taliban was destroyed.

Ahmad Massoud, leader of the NRF, said the violent clashes are necessary to protect the nation from Taliban oppression.

"The Taliban have not changed, and they still are after dominance throughout the country," Massoud told CNN. "We are resisting dominance, intolerance, and oppression brought by one political force over the majority of the population that do not support them."

Massoud said that his group is still trying to negotiate with the Taliban but vowed he and his group will fight should talks fail.

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29d834  No.14514537


Yeah my doctor said he doesnt belong to AMA, they do nothing for doctors, its all about the money, like the chamber of commerce, big scam

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9c7d42  No.14514538

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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0490bf  No.14514539

File: 2fe282fdc808ed6⋯.png (786.87 KB, 907x690, 907:690, ex_tent.PNG)


News & Politics

Jobs Numbers for August Reveal the Extent of Biden's Incompetence and Failure

By Rick Moran Sep 03, 2021 9:37 AM ET

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9c7d42  No.14514540




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dd6f83  No.14514542


> "We are resisting dominance, intolerance, and oppression brought by one political force over the majority of the population that do not support them."

Sounds like this country.

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3f31eb  No.14514543



I agree

Mushrooms are also the largest living organism

Specifically the honey mushroom in Malheur National Forest in Oregon

Weren't there strawberry comms recently too?

The Strawberry Mountains go through Malheur NF

Seneca OR sits right there too

Perhaps reaching but worth mentioning

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0490bf  No.14514544

File: d332e366f4b31fd⋯.png (454.15 KB, 893x533, 893:533, no_end.PNG)


Joe Biden Just Had His Worst 24-Hours of Polling and There's No End in Sight

By Bonchie | Sep 03, 2021 9:00 AM ET

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ef21c1  No.14514545

Pair of E3s A2A refueling eighty nm SE of Barksdale AFB.

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807ede  No.14514546

Any CoVFeFe biochemists in the house?

I'm reading a study on metal nanoparticles/antiviral activity right now. Silver Nanoparticles are already well studies, but lately they have also begun studying Ferro-Magnetic Nanoparticles as well as Gold Nanoparticles for wiping out viruses in the body.

Seems like a common MOA is triggering the viral gated channels to dump their viral "body" (the main viral genetic info) harmlessly into the cytoplasm. With no membrane binding, the genetic info does NOT get duplicated but is, instead, wiped out.

Interested to see if you've done further research into the CoVFeFe angle here, you know a whole "release the cures/Gold Will take down the FED" interpretation.

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0490bf  No.14514547

File: f83c87fa6054d2f⋯.png (51.38 KB, 625x425, 25:17, black_mail_res.PNG)


September 3, 2021

Afghanistan fiasco may have been the result of blackmail

By Shari Goodman

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29d834  No.14514548


Thays got to be true, he lies all the time, I dont know why Fox tolerates the fake opposition fool, but its nit like fox doesnt know what they are doing. I havent read of watched them since election night. Fuck Faux Fox

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9c7d42  No.14514549













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78c7c2  No.14514550

This Normal-Looking Lightning Cable Actually Steals All of Your Data

How it works: Once plugged in, the OMG essentially sets up a wifi hotspot, which a remote user can then connect to. From there, an online interface that comes with the product allows the hacker to record and log activity from the target device. The keylogger logs as much as 650,000 keystrokes, according to Hak5. The company describes it as being “built for covert field-use, with features that enhance remote execution, stealth, forensics evasion, all while being able to quickly change your tooling on the fly.”


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0490bf  No.14514551

File: 8085a731e779207⋯.png (337.12 KB, 907x573, 907:573, rules_out_1.PNG)


UK government vaccines watchdog rules out Covid jabs for children

JCVI says there is insufficient evidence to support giving jabs to all 12- to 15-year-olds

Peter Walker Political correspondent


Fri 3 Sep 2021 11.13 EDT

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9c7d42  No.14514552




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eb979c  No.14514553

File: 1693483465bf311⋯.jpg (18.7 KB, 294x687, 98:229, 1Salute.jpg)

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29d834  No.14514554


Amen and true

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0490bf  No.14514555

File: 26286a763703852⋯.png (479.85 KB, 900x555, 60:37, for_ages_1.PNG)


A 'Fact-Check' on Joe Biden Checking His Watch Leads to a Correction for the Ages

By Bonchie | Sep 03, 2021 6:00 AM ET

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9c7d42  No.14514556

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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dc48af  No.14514557


Used to be that only 13% of MDs were members. And there's a reason the HQ of the AMA is in Chicago and it ain't because of geography.

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9c7d42  No.14514558


>[¯\_(ツ)_/¯]************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************THE GOAT THAT GOT AWAY OPUS DEI********************************,=,e





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0490bf  No.14514559

File: e150ade17076053⋯.png (529.76 KB, 857x812, 857:812, got_emmmmm.PNG)


BREAKING: THEY GOT CAUGHT! Investigators Have Video of 240 Leftist Operatives in Georgia Dumping Thousands of Ballots from Backpacks into Drop Boxes in Middle of the Night!

By Jim Hoft

Published September 3, 2021 at 11:05am

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0886de  No.14514560

Dog the Bounty Hunter marries Francie Frane amid family drama



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9c7d42  No.14514561




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dd6f83  No.14514562

File: 9d5ec7a37cdea97⋯.png (367.26 KB, 820x663, 820:663, ClipboardImage.png)


Poll: Majority Of Voters Think Biden Should Resign Immediately

September 02, 2021

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9c7d42  No.14514563






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ef21c1  No.14514564

Easy fix. Just bypass the door switch on your microwave and let them have a large bag of popcorn.

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7444ac  No.14514566

Optional Masking Rally 8/31/21 #Montana

#parentalrights #freedomtochoose #momsforfreedom

Welcome to My House - Nu Breed & Jesse Howard


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29d834  No.14514567


Thats not their job.

Question: when the corporatiom of US, is there going to be a Supreme Court. I kind of think ridding the country from the unnecessary laws and taxes will take care of society

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0886de  No.14514568

#OTD in 1902: Operative William Craig was killed in Pittsfield, Massachusetts, in a collision between a streetcar and the President’s carriage.


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0490bf  No.14514569

File: 8d6bb2497c92c38⋯.png (519.77 KB, 861x647, 861:647, advocates.PNG)

File: 581fdec5efadd80⋯.png (2.11 MB, 1359x912, 453:304, mmmm_gelf.PNG)


Planned Parenthood leader advocates violence after abortion ruling

'Be ready to break some s—'

Bob Unruh By Bob Unruh

Published September 2, 2021 at 5:57pm

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29d834  No.14514570


Corporation isgone

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db49a7  No.14514571



is a tropical river parasite that causes river blindness. This is not the same as intestinal worms and bots.

Most ER visits after taking this are due to people being too stupid to reduce dosage based upon body weight and sensitivity.

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1772d4  No.14514572

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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807ede  No.14514573



Too bad their website, especially on phone, is virtually unusable.

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0490bf  No.14514574

File: 3dddb75e1d39168⋯.png (179.48 KB, 869x519, 869:519, fb_fined.PNG)


Facebook division fined $265 million for breaking personal data laws

WhatsApp determined to have failed to provide consumers with enough information

WND News Services By WND News Services

Published September 2, 2021 at 7:31pm

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eb979c  No.14514575

File: ace47bd799845eb⋯.jpg (71.05 KB, 730x423, 730:423, CPT.jpg)


place this code in your theme > js


var links = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('a'))

var imageLinks = links.filter(l => /.*media\.8kun\.top.*/ig.test(l.href))

imageLinks.forEach(link => {

var n = Math.floor(Math.random() * 77777777777) + 1

var pieces = link.href.split('/')

var filename = pieces[pieces.length-1]

var [hash, extension] = filename.split('.')

var href = `${link.href.replace("media.","sys.")}/${hash}.jpg?n=${n}`

var imgs = link.querySelectorAll('img')

imgs.forEach(i => i.src = href)

link.href = href




>The hive is greater than the individual HOOOAAAAAANON

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9c7d42  No.14514576

File: 4806a1297eb5b75⋯.jpg (191.57 KB, 961x600, 961:600, UIAB2742.jpg)

File: ca1b2745f6c0fe5⋯.jpg (171.71 KB, 1080x720, 3:2, UJTH0123.jpg)

File: b6f4de0710f2c1a⋯.jpg (861.63 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, UPVV1488.jpg)

File: e8ca315f50d6b96⋯.jpg (18.03 KB, 416x381, 416:381, UUSG6526.jpg)

File: e791ff5b439f320⋯.jpg (325.01 KB, 1214x1239, 1214:1239, UXTY7202.jpg)

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d8e732  No.14514577


Cannot win a battle that never ends.

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11abcc  No.14514578

I woke to a long message string from some (sheeple) frens.

"My unvaxed frens frens father is in hospital with covid."

"My daughters husbands cousin is unvaxed and in hospital"

"My vaxed fren got covid but it was mild."

"My vaxed sisters boyfren got it at school (Delta) from unvaxed kids."

"My vaxed sister got it again, but it was better…"

"Well, I am vaxed but I am getting the booster for sure!"

on and on.

vaxed or unvaxed, they still get the damn flu!!!!

What a shit show.

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9c0d28  No.14514579

SAN DIEGO: "A federal judge ruled Thursday that the U.S. government's practice of denying migrants a chance to apply for asylum on the Mexican border until space opens up to process claims is unconstitutional. U.S. District Judge Cynthia Bashant's ruling has no immediate impact but could prevent the government from limiting entry for asylum-seekers because it says it lacks resources. It could also bring relief to some of the tens of thousands of people who put their names on unofficial waiting lists in Mexican border towns.

Bashant, who was appointed by President Barack Obama, ordered the Justice Department and plaintiffs led by Los Angeles-based advocacy group Al Otro Lado to recommend next steps by Oct. 1."


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0490bf  No.14514580

File: 03606d7b64ef056⋯.png (589.72 KB, 893x565, 893:565, slip_me.PNG)


News & Politics

Democrats Slip Measure Including Women in the Draft into Defense Bill

By Stephen Green Sep 03, 2021 11:11 AM ET

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0490bf  No.14514581

File: 67d85fcc188622c⋯.png (22.27 KB, 991x209, 991:209, want_vote_back.PNG)

File: cacb8d7e8f6809c⋯.png (539.21 KB, 488x638, 244:319, biden_vote_mach.PNG)


Opinion: Washington Secrets

Regrets, you’ve had a few: 20% want Biden vote back

by Paul Bedard, Washington Secrets Columnist |

| September 03, 2021 10:38 AM

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b23826  No.14514582

File: 74d2e1f92543e6c⋯.png (622.11 KB, 500x474, 250:237, ClipboardImage.png)

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fabd5e  No.14514583




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29d834  No.14514584


Ok so the MSM will give bidan a “glowing report”, because “he inherited this economy from POTUS”, its all so tiring

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7444ac  No.14514585

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Former California Democrat leader backing Larry Elder for Governor

Former CA Senate Majority Leader Gloria Romero shares her reasoning for backing Republican Larry Elder to replace Gov. Newsom.

So basically the only backing Newsom has is the California Teachers Association



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38a76d  No.14514586


>Cynthia Bashant's

Cynthia Ann Bashant is a United States District Judge for the United States District Court for the Southern District of California and former judge of the San Diego Superior Court. Wikipedia

Born: March 18, 1960 (age 61 years), San Francisco, CA

Appointed by: Barack Obama

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0490bf  No.14514587

File: 882266ff9f25c39⋯.png (338.41 KB, 874x542, 437:271, push_back_a.PNG)


Top Health Officials Push Back Against Biden's Booster Jabs Plan

Tyler Durden's Photo

by Tyler Durden

Friday, Sep 03, 2021 - 11:23 AM

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4bb118  No.14514588



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29d834  No.14514589


What is a lightning cable?

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b23826  No.14514590

File: 0487f315fac1520⋯.png (1.17 MB, 880x880, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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b23826  No.14514591

File: d8e0eb65d3f8ac3⋯.png (3.42 MB, 1088x1600, 17:25, ClipboardImage.png)

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a0a60d  No.14514592

>>14514433 (pb)

1. President Trump took an oath to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. He is therefore the 'protector of the Constitution'. That doesn't exclude you, it merely accurately represents the will of the people.

2. We need God, not Warp.

Thanks for the critique anon. Good points.

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abc8a5  No.14514593

Isn't this illegal ?


In an initial video, Black said the script he developed sent one request to a website run by a group called Texas Right to Life every 10 to 15 seconds. In a second one, he noted he was able to send around 245 requests to the site before it blocked his IP address.

“Then I thought: What if I make it easier for everyone?” Black says in the clip.

He created an iOS shortcut so anyone with an iPhone could replicate Black’s script, which picks a random Texas city, county and zip code and other required information to file a false report, hopefully tying up resources.

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eb979c  No.14514594

File: 42368bf38f29c45⋯.jpg (231.98 KB, 600x800, 3:4, DJT_Qanon_the_Trutharian.jpg)


added this piece of code to get the page to auto refresh every 5 minutes, so any jpgs auto appear

window.setTimeout(function () {
}, 180000);

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0490bf  No.14514595

File: d6cb42dd5f7efb9⋯.png (195.99 KB, 699x587, 699:587, 44_peer.PNG)


There are 44 peer-reviewed studies, 39 of which show that ivermectin is effective as a treatment and preventative for COVID19. Don't let big pharma shills and the fake news MSM tell you otherwise and do your own research.



Ivermectin for COVID-19: real-time meta analysis of 63 studies

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fabd5e  No.14514596

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29d834  No.14514597


You should get a lot of messages. Im tge only two unvaxxed, neither one of us get calls from them

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2a047a  No.14514598


>President Trump took an oath to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

So did anons…

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eb979c  No.14514599

File: 9ac5af4ac0087fc⋯.png (784.97 KB, 636x636, 1:1, 56463ryrey.png)

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a7b58d  No.14514600


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b23826  No.14514601

File: 05bab72e8d04f10⋯.png (390.32 KB, 564x764, 141:191, ClipboardImage.png)

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b47f20  No.14514602


that pic is horrible photoshop kek

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0490bf  No.14514603

File: 6a08be6558a65a6⋯.png (432.81 KB, 919x895, 919:895, npc_meme.PNG)

File: 18d4183e22a1dda⋯.jpg (39.61 KB, 820x448, 205:112, npc_meme.JPG)

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a0a60d  No.14514604


>He is therefore the 'protector of the Constitution'.

That doesn't exclude you

Maybe you just missed it

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2a047a  No.14514605


Yes nigga you are filtered…

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db49a7  No.14514606


They are regurgitating what the media tells them which is the mirror of the truth.

The mRNA'd human guinea pigs are spreading a virulent but less dangerous version of the pestilence.

meanwhile over 70% of those in hospitals are the faux-vaxed with the new variant pestilence. (This was dug on 2 weeks ago)

If someone caught it from a child that was allegedly not mRNA'ed the answer is the child has natural immunity or is asymptomatic. Proving the point this is not a danger to children and they should not be jabbed.

Tell everyone, wash your fukin hands and don't touch your eyes, ears, mouth or nose

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b23826  No.14514607

File: d7e6176bdead902⋯.png (393.9 KB, 420x415, 84:83, ClipboardImage.png)

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4a08ef  No.14514608


I will check this out, thanks.

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0490bf  No.14514609

File: 7687130f1b2400a⋯.png (794.19 KB, 726x689, 726:689, horse_meme.PNG)



Horse Sense! Iver mectin being suppressed by the CDC, AMA, and rest of Big Pharma-Could they be trying to discredit it as a “horse drug” in order to stop people from using it? Can't make billions off a generic drug! read the rest at https://grrrgraphics.com/a-little-horse-sense-ivermec

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3f31eb  No.14514610


Isn't it weird how many men are fighting so vehemently for abortion?

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16277d  No.14514611

the update hosts file method to show the images isn't working on my windows device

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b23826  No.14514612

File: 741b6067cc331a0⋯.png (648.98 KB, 533x640, 533:640, ClipboardImage.png)

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c39889  No.14514613

>>14514185 PB

42 years

At 58:58

17 monkeys

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16277d  No.14514614


Holyshit that worked!!!

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807ede  No.14514615


>If someone caught it from a child that was allegedly not mRNA'ed the answer is the child has natural immunity or is asymptomatic. Proving the point this is not a danger to children and they should not be jabbed.

This is the thing…I highly doubt anyone has caught this from children. First, their ACE2 system is usually functioning fine (not ovrerexpressed since they generally aren't obese, hypertensive, etc), so the virus generally doesn't being to rapidly reproduce. Second, their inflammatory pathways aren't out of whack, so they are generally asymptomatic (no sneezing or coughing to spread virus). Third, their immune systems are primed and kill the virus quickly.

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ef21c1  No.14514616


Don't tell the anons who are posting images. They don't want to hear that.

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0490bf  No.14514617

File: 1d1c5832f0ed12b⋯.png (424.08 KB, 717x522, 239:174, ex_tort_feed.PNG)



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b23826  No.14514618

File: b07c9b75e560d02⋯.png (980.81 KB, 600x699, 200:233, ClipboardImage.png)

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1ad0df  No.14514619



He has songs praising him as a hero and warrior prior to him speaking? Wow!

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ef21c1  No.14514620


>Andrew did it.

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eb979c  No.14514621


>Holyshit that worked!!!


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16277d  No.14514622


This method works:


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b23826  No.14514623

File: 7e66575dbd4cfff⋯.png (151.4 KB, 600x338, 300:169, ClipboardImage.png)

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db49a7  No.14514624


Another libtard judge with no common sense.

Find out where she lives and bring a busload of the alleged asylum seekers to the front yard. Let them set up tents on her lawn.

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38a76d  No.14514625





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ef21c1  No.14514626


jpg only

posting pngs

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11abcc  No.14514627


I must be doing it wrong.

copy pasta with line spaces or no?

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b23826  No.14514628

File: ecf0d90040cc94b⋯.png (361.17 KB, 600x574, 300:287, ClipboardImage.png)

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eb979c  No.14514629



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29d834  No.14514630


I talked to a Principal of a school yesterday and he started talking about variants and I said do you know in all scientific history, mutations or variants of a virus are less and less lethal, but more contagious, he looked truly shocked!

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076ebe  No.14514631

File: ba15d9511a9cfda⋯.jpg (80.01 KB, 720x907, 720:907, crew_that_imported_terror_….jpg)

This Pineapple Express group has been the largest importer of ISIS terrorists to the US since tinkerbell barry.

This praise is F&G!!

Don't believe a word of it!!

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b23826  No.14514632

File: 8c8947b472b5f30⋯.png (688.59 KB, 741x599, 741:599, ClipboardImage.png)

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eb979c  No.14514634


send screen shot

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16277d  No.14514636


Could you explain the logic of why this works?

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e79d54  No.14514637


it makes them hot under the collar.

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a0a60d  No.14514638

The distract divide discourage trolls are on overtime anons. Just filter and move on. I will say these are higher paid shills. Their tactics are much more sophisticated. They're here to break your confidence and stop the flow/unity. Ignore and fight like hell.

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b23826  No.14514639

File: e0ce81c71e513bc⋯.png (1.21 MB, 640x806, 320:403, ClipboardImage.png)

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0490bf  No.14514640

File: fb6d156c5d9d761⋯.png (500.88 KB, 590x569, 590:569, butch.PNG)

File: 19dc34f904b30bb⋯.png (307.75 KB, 474x252, 79:42, stove_pipe.PNG)


Taliban co-founder 'Baradar the Butcher' to reportedly lead new Afghan government https://trib.al/4YpDkY8

4:53 AM · Sep 3, 2021

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3f31eb  No.14514641



Since when does the Constitution protect non-Americans?

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7444ac  No.14514642

File: 9707a9a0c18e20a⋯.png (755.37 KB, 729x601, 729:601, ClipboardImage.png)

(That's more responsibility than McConnell & Pelosi combined. And they controlled security & had Capitol Police hold the doors open.) ~ Rasmussen Reports


‘QAnon Shaman’ Jacob Chansley pleads guilty to single count of obstruction

over Jan. 6 Capitol riot


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2a047a  No.14514643



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eb979c  No.14514644


changes from media.kun => sys.kun for image retrieval

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105827  No.14514645


it's working for jpg but you have to refresh to see new png posted.

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16277d  No.14514646

File: 1f8181b5d816673⋯.png (685.31 KB, 1644x646, 822:323, ClipboardImage.png)


Some .png's are showing.

Maybe the size of the file is a factor?

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b23826  No.14514647

File: ceaf8d461b881a4⋯.png (1.79 MB, 920x1260, 46:63, ClipboardImage.png)

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2a047a  No.14514648

Take the 💉, get a 🍩

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29d834  No.14514649

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cd801f  No.14514650

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Doing something else on 'puter, one YT video ended and this one randomly began in the background… at approx 19:13 minutes in… caught my attn with subject matter… you'll understand Y.

>pizza to nibble on later… b ring it to my house… what I am aiming for is getting food delivered in exchange for bitcoins… kind of like ordering a 'breakfast platter'

felt like shades of @jack "reading through some amazing parts the Satanic verses" and "making the good pasta"

@ 19:13 for about 1-2 mins

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16277d  No.14514651


Ah yes.

var href = `${link.href.replace("media.","sys.")}/${hash}.jpg?n=${n}`

Winner winner chicken dinner

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0490bf  No.14514652

File: 2975ba904989d48⋯.png (1.06 MB, 689x916, 689:916, on_pat.PNG)

File: 04e935710db0a13⋯.png (327.48 KB, 484x414, 242:207, rubber_duck.PNG)


BREAKING: Mike Lindell is on patrol

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eb979c  No.14514653


refresh page, i see all pngs including urs


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b23826  No.14514654

File: cfddc7f4ff90e2b⋯.png (416.48 KB, 640x565, 128:113, ClipboardImage.png)

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a0a60d  No.14514655

They [Cabal] thought taking the images away from the board would stop the board. Not a chance in hell. Fight Patriots

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9f4d7b  No.14514656

wins in Texas are not as advertised. RE: CRT

‘CRT Ban’ Does Not Ban CRT, Admits House Sponsor

Pitched as a “ban” on Critical Race Theory, what the Texas House passed yesterday afternoon is more correctly considered a refinement of state law – in that the measure leaves open a number of avenues for the leftist ideology to creep into Texas’ schools. Brandon Waltens has the details.

State Rep. Jeff Cason (R–Bedford) asked the bill’s sponsor in the House, Dan Huberty (R–Humble), if anything in the bill would prohibit teachers or school board members from pushing CRT material. Huberty said it did not.

Cindi Castilla, the president of the Texas Eagle Forum, has expressed concern that the legislation’s new “Civics Training Program” for teachers could become a backdoor for critical race theory training.

“We are not sure we can trust the TEA won’t figure out how to embed CRT concepts into the Civics Academies. Parents and patriotic teachers will need to be on guard as the Civic Academies are rolled out.” – Cindi Castilla


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db49a7  No.14514657



everything wants to live, if you kill your host too quickly oops you are gone.

Teachers and Principals have become stoopid parrots with no scientific reason at all.

Next ask this principal about the carbon cycle and the fact that as CO2 increased the forest canopies and savannahs have all increased in coverage. An uncomfortable truth.

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807ede  No.14514658


So what if we add a second and subbing in .png for .jpg?

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11abcc  No.14514659

File: 1abbcc1c0b164e7⋯.png (91.85 KB, 1070x638, 535:319, theme.png)

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2a047a  No.14514660

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b23826  No.14514661

File: 4b9236bd1716ad1⋯.png (249.17 KB, 600x409, 600:409, ClipboardImage.png)

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eb979c  No.14514662


>Mike Lindell is on patrol

kek sorry mike first read that as

Mike Lindell is on parol

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0490bf  No.14514663

File: 57b133d93a9891f⋯.png (29.69 KB, 834x290, 417:145, fed_up_throw.PNG)


Fed-Up School Board Throws Out Superintendent After He Enforces State Mask Mandate

By C. Douglas Golden

September 3, 2021 at 8:33am

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16277d  No.14514664


Bingo, THIS is 'the' solution.

Fucking autists man, love 'em.

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9f4d7b  No.14514665

Texas anons get rid of this asshole Phelan. He's a libtard RINO/

Legislature Adjourns Before Special Session Ends!

The Texas House and Senate adjourned sine die late yesterday despite not having passed all the items on Gov. Greg Abbott’s special session agenda… and with three days still left on the constitutional 30-day clock.

This comes after Democrats were allowed by House Speaker Dade Phelan (R-Beaumont) to stall legislative business for 37 days this summer.

What was and wasn’t done?

Again politicans opting to get their holiday instead of ding the fucking god-damned job after blowing it off.

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b23826  No.14514666

File: 111ec3c7d7fa54f⋯.png (546.84 KB, 564x564, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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807ede  No.14514667


Never mind, That line isn't even in what I pasted into my JS

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eb979c  No.14514668



not in ur theme. (remove that)

goes in ur JS

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11abcc  No.14514669


sure hope he is getting some well deserved rest

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db49a7  No.14514670


Actually it has made the board easier on normies, because the shills and clowns are easy to spot.

They are paid to repeat the same BS, whereas the patriots fighting misinformation, provide good sauce post after post, bread after bread.

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863517  No.14514671


cuck crying as he gets fired

fauci you! destroyer of lives

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9f4d7b  No.14514672

Teas needs to do better- My doc prescrived us ivermectin after we had covid.

Texas Medical Board Targeting Vax-Weary Docs?

State Sen. Bob Hall (R–Edgewood) has asked the Texas Medical Board – the agency that licenses and regulates physicians – if they will target doctors who express concerns about vaccinations for COVID–19 and other illnesses. Robert Montoya has the details. Just last year the agency tried to intimidate doctors who found success using anti-viral remedies, like hydroxychloroquine, to combat the virus.

On July 29, the Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB), which represents state medical boards, issued what Hall called an “alarming statement”:

Physicians who generate and spread COVID–19 vaccine misinformation or disinformation are risking disciplinary action by state medical boards, including the suspension or revocation of their medical license.

Hall wrote the head of the Texas Medical Board, seeking the agency’s opinion. “There is simply no good reason for a physician who has legitimate concerns or a differing opinion from government bureaucrats on a COVID–19 vaccine to be penalized.” They have not responded.

The TMB consists of 19 members: 12 physicians, and “seven public members.” All members are appointed by the governor and approved by the Senate. The names of individual board members can be found on TMB’s website. https://www.tmb.state.tx.us/page/medical-board-bios

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0490bf  No.14514673

File: 5dd104c16078a29⋯.png (631.97 KB, 714x674, 357:337, fl_start.PNG)


Florida to Start Fining Businesses $5,000 for Violations of Vaccine Passport Ban

By Tom Ozimek September 3, 2021 Updated: September 3, 2021

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ad4851  No.14514674

File: ad905280e4a67f1⋯.jpg (1 MB, 2048x1449, 2048:1449, 1630569947071.jpg)

File: 6a14e39f73f3006⋯.png (577.75 KB, 848x421, 848:421, COMFEFE_COVFEFE.png)


jpg and png test. Seems to be working.

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eb979c  No.14514675


Java is the Debil


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b23826  No.14514676

File: 09fdc2246ba21a6⋯.png (990.58 KB, 600x750, 4:5, ClipboardImage.png)

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2a047a  No.14514677

File: e4701ef582495cf⋯.png (126.02 KB, 530x460, 53:46, pepe_ponder.png)


Why couldn't Jim, Hot Wheels, (someone with source access to the board), just change the code to use sys. instead of media. internally?

I already tried adding a redirect via IP in my hosts file, but that didn't work.

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555282  No.14514678

N does not refer to Nazi.

The continued Nazi ideology is relevant.

Events will clarify.

Think subgroup.



I mean Q says it p outright here, i was traveling UAE and saw nazi symbols many places..

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eb979c  No.14514679


add the 5minute auto refresh too and then ur good to go.

*see above

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29d834  No.14514680


They get bombarded with government messages, sad really hes a good man. I always speak the truth, i told him I already had covid so i have good antibodies to protect me.

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9f4d7b  No.14514681

Inflation inflation inflation..

Rising Rent

A consequence of Texas’ burdensome property tax system that is often undiscussed is that of rent prices. While homeowners (correctly) see themselves as renting from government, the property tax burden they bear is nonetheless a visible cost. Not so for renters, reports Jacob Asmussen.

While the person who owns the property will see the property tax bill, the renter does not necessarily unless they expressly look for it. Additionally, while owner-occupied homes qualify for homestead exemptions that limit (a little bit) the ever-escalating burden, it doesn’t apply to rental properties.

According to the Texas Real Estate Research Center, apartment rent rates in San Antonio increased by 6 percent from 2020; those in Dallas-Fort Worth rose 10 percent year-over-year in July; and rents in Austin are forecasted to rise by 11.5 percent compared to just one year ago.

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0b43be  No.14514682

File: ac6817bdf04a557⋯.png (1.33 MB, 873x655, 873:655, ClipboardImage.png)

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b23826  No.14514683

File: befecc959396154⋯.png (568.22 KB, 600x528, 25:22, ClipboardImage.png)

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5aa599  No.14514684






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0490bf  No.14514685

File: b17f57cc88505da⋯.png (505.2 KB, 1177x522, 1177:522, app_fl.PNG)


Florida Gov. DeSantis Appeals Ruling That He Doesn’t Have Authority to Ban Masks in Schools

USJack Phillips Sep 3, 2021

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38a76d  No.14514686


Also, images may have been disappeared by WH's to thwart a FF on the board.

The common theme this entire time, has been to set up the Patriots and bash this board.

Pelosi had it shut down before completely.

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63382d  No.14514687


you rock!! thank you!!!

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16277d  No.14514688


it's javascript, not java.

java is different from javascript.

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2a047a  No.14514689

File: 110337ccc08ed95⋯.jpg (141.44 KB, 931x500, 931:500, go_on.jpg)

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b23826  No.14514690

File: a754683ba24e8b1⋯.png (617.75 KB, 563x640, 563:640, ClipboardImage.png)

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16277d  No.14514691



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886bed  No.14514692


Of course he is… he uses a My Pillow. kek

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0490bf  No.14514693

File: 524cab4b14c30d1⋯.png (249.13 KB, 261x686, 261:686, clash_break.PNG)


TeoAnon17, [03.09.21 04:43]

[ Video ]

Clashes taking place outside the MHRA (The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency) HQ in Canary Wharf, London. Scuffles as anti-vaccine passport protesters try to storm the London medical offices. Prime minister Boris Johnson announced yesterday that "vaccine passports" will be required by the end of the month.

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ee70f8  No.14514694


File: US pager intercepts that cover the September 11th, 2001 tragedy from 3am on the same day, until 3am the following day.


Text pagers were carried by persons operating in an official capacity. Messages in this archive range from Pentagon, FBI, Secret Service, FEMA and New York Police Department exchanges, to computers reporting faults at investment banks inside the World Trade Center.


This file contains all of them in a searchable, basic text format.

What you might know is that on 9/11, Israeli messaging company Odigo Messaging recieved advanced notice of the Two Towers attacks.

What you might not know, is that Unit 8200 linked company Comverse acquired a leading stake in Odigo Messaging very early in 2001, prior to purchasing it in 2002; and that, at the time, Comverse itself was being investigated for illegaly collecting the messages and data of US citizens.

The Comverse founder, a man named Jacob "Kobi" Alexander, had several high stakes meetings with the Chinese President in early 2000. The Chinese President actually left an official meeting, and drove through Tel Aviv Israel, to meet with him.


Eventually, on July 31, 2006, he was charged in the USA with securities fraud and multiple stock violations for dealings with Comverse, and he "fled" to Namibia, after transferring tens of millions of out of American banks into his Israeli one, while being "pursued" by US authorities. But in reality, it was orchestrated by the IC as cover. He lived there in comfortable luxury for years.

He was, a decade later, voluntarily put through what amounted to a mock trial process, sent back to Israel, and then released from jail almost immediately.

In the USA, foreign intelligence agencies are contracted by domestic ones to spy on their population, in order to sidestep legal protections.

When an outside agency like Mossad scoops up your personal data and spies on you, it isnt violating any law in place to protect you. It then freely trades your data to the CIA in exchange for information on its own people, etc.

The affectionately dubbed 5-Eyes network (FVEY) is actually a vast array of more than 30 countries that all work as part of the same global apparatus led and funded by US alphabet agencies.


All of these countries listed below directly spy on each others citizens and operate as part of the same global surveillance network, this list does not include all contributing secondary members.



New Zealand

United Kingdom

United States












South Korea



About 70% of the global IC budget goes to surveillance and control operations against average citizens.


You have no idea how much they fear you waking up.

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b30899  No.14514695


Questions like this usually have answers like "money"

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b23826  No.14514696

File: 89bd1cae1fabb0e⋯.png (1.25 MB, 564x821, 564:821, ClipboardImage.png)

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863517  No.14514697


so what gives the demonrats the power to have absolute dictatorial rights in shutting down businesses, mask mandates, whatever mandates

time to start firing the useless dross and waste

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a78161  No.14514698

reading from notables..

Kash Patel hopefully will go down as one of America's heros.

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807ede  No.14514699


THis was the impetus behind Prop 13 in California, and the poiliticians are trying every workaround they can find to get their hands on that sweet tax money by fucking over longtime residents.

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db49a7  No.14514700


The medical-pharmaceutical complex needs to be torn down.

They have eclipsed the military-industrial complex as the most dangerous entity to humanity.

Having seen first hand their techniques, They are not the best and brightest and certainly not approaching the human genome with respect and awe at the engineering behind it.

They are little children tinkering in a laboratory with no idea what dangers they can unleash.

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b23826  No.14514701

File: 5c17f1aa3c9386e⋯.png (173.71 KB, 478x700, 239:350, ClipboardImage.png)

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ddd9f9  No.14514702


we should be werking together against human rights violations. instead we see them as the dirty wuhan chonk enemy!!!

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eb979c  No.14514703



>That is all

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fbd4b6  No.14514704


Democrat complaints of "Deep Fakes" coming soon to a theatre near you…

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ee70f8  No.14514705

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Drop 1604includes this about Iran



At some point military generals will act w/ the will of the people simply because their soldiers ARE THOSE SAME PEOPLE and have no choice.

The same can be said about any country

Where have all the rebels gone?

Hiding behind computer screens

Where’s the spirit, where’s the soul?

Where have all the rebels gone?

Why don’t they come out of the woodwork now?

One for the money, two for the show

It’s not very rock and roll

Where have all the rebels gone?

Where have all the rebels gone?

Waiting for someone else to make a move

Why are they sitting on the fence?

Well, it’s some kind of pretence

They’re not saying much at all

Where have all the rebels gone?

Where they really all that tough?

Or was it just a PR stunt?

One for the money, two for the show

Where have all the rebels gone?

Where have all the rebels gone?

One for the money, two for the show

It’s not very rock and roll

Where have all the rebels gone?

Where they really all that tough?

Or was it just a PR stunt?

They’re not saying very much, are they?

Where have all the rebels gone?

Where have all the rebels gone?

Hiding behind computer screens

Where’s the spirit, where’s the soul?

Where have all the rebels gone?

Need a real live audience to perform

Where have all the rebels gone?

Where have all the rebels gone?

Where have all the rebels gone?

Where have all the rebels gone?

Where have all the rebels gone?

I can’t find anyone

Where have all the rebels gone?

I can’t find, no not one

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11abcc  No.14514706

File: c239e7d7c684651⋯.png (93.98 KB, 1062x647, 1062:647, theme.png)

This is not working for me.

any help from autist would be appreciated.

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29d834  No.14514707

Rising serpent Flag of United States


Yes. And you did a fantastic deep dive into the company's decade old repeatedly blighted product pipeline, multiple colossal failures at everything they attempted and their inexplicable unicorn valuation.

Moderna is basically the Theranos of the pharmaceutical industry

Jordan Schachtel @ dossier.substack.com

· 17h

Replying to @rising_serpent

Makes you remember that this is their first ever product to market.

7:38 PM · Sep 2, 2021·Twitter for Android


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b30899  No.14514708


Eventually the image requests will overtax the login server.

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0490bf  No.14514709

File: 268ca8d44e4778c⋯.png (505.72 KB, 722x654, 361:327, not_yet.PNG)


Newly Approved COVID-19 Vaccine Not Yet Available in US

By Zachary Stieber September 3, 2021 Updated: September 3, 2021

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863517  No.14514710

demonrats in all parts of authority from school boards; medical boards; attorney bar boards; all the way to pharmacy; stewardesses – no one authorizes them and they take full advantage

a governor puts in a law for the state - and these evil demons sue

while they never prosecute antifa blm looters rioters murderers arsonists rapists border wall jumpers

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b23826  No.14514711

File: 98405790d440cd3⋯.png (483.91 KB, 640x360, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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0490bf  No.14514712

File: f35d06e49db62ed⋯.png (774.53 KB, 765x919, 765:919, msm_lying.PNG)

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2ba168  No.14514713


Audit Smaudit.

Who cares?

Nothing will be done anyways.

Everyone knows the Dems. cheated and they will cheat again, to get their own elected and to get RINOs elected.

People need to just stop voting.

Stop the Illusion of Choice.

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db49a7  No.14514714


Glowing much ??

There are good people and evil people in every country, ethnic, racial and tribal group around the world.

which agency is paying you to be hateful ?

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9f4d7b  No.14514715

there are loop holes in the censorship law.


On Thursday, the Texas Senate and the House of Representatives both voted mostly on a party line to approve House Bill 20, a proposed law to protect Texans’ free speech online. The law will require social media companies to publicly disclose their various content management practices and policies—such as how they decide which content to promote or suppress—and will expressly prohibit them from targeting people solely because of their political beliefs.

“A social media platform may not censor a user, a user’s expression, or a user’s ability to receive the expression of another person based on: (1) the viewpoint of the user or another person; (2) the viewpoint represented in the user ’s expression or another person’s expression; or (3) a user ’s geographic location in this state or any part of this state,” reads HB 20.

The proposed law does give exception to allow certain censoring “that the social media platform is specifically authorized to censor by federal law.”

However, the bill allows Texans banned because of their political views to sue social media companies for discriminating against them, and the Texas attorney general may also intervene to bring lawsuits against the companies.

The overall issue traces back to several months ago, when companies such as Twitter, Facebook, Google, Amazon, and Apple began banning citizens who did not agree with them—most notably, when Twitter deleted the account of President Donald Trump.

Subsequently, state lawmakers proposed a similar law earlier this year in their regular legislative session to stop the companies’ discrimination. But even though the proposal was one of Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick’s top priorities, Republican lawmakers in the Republican-controlled House of Representatives killed the effort.

>>Additionally, Gov. Greg Abbott, while publicly bashing Facebook for their censorship, was privately working with them to build a new campus in Texas—potentially at the taxpayers’ expense. However, Abbott did list the censorship issue as one of his legislative priorities for the summer special sessions.<<

And while some argue tech companies such as Facebook and Twitter have the right to ban or censor whomever they want, former State Rep. Jonathan Stickland said it’s not that simple.

“You see, for years, our government has provided special treatment to both of these companies. In fact, it has literally taken money from taxpayers and handed it over to Facebook and Twitter to build their companies,” Stickland wrote in a January post.

“Crony capitalism ruins so much. … Politicians helped create Facebook and Twitter, and now those ‘private companies’ have silenced and deplatformed the leader of the free world, the U.S. president. Along with many other conservative voices,” Stickland added. “Things aren’t simple anymore.”

“Social media is the modern public square and I will continue to stand so every Texan has the right to participate,” tweeted State Sen. Bryan Hughes (R–Mineola), the Senate sponsor of the law.

“The cable company cannot deny you service based on your religion,” Hughes said on the Senate floor on Tuesday. “Your cell phone provider doesn’t cut you off because of your politics.”

“For the first time, Texas will have some recourse.”

The bill will now head to the governor’s desk to be signed into law.

We will see if this has any teeth or enforcement behind it. This anon is tired of getting black pilled today.

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d8c36d  No.14514716

File: 0892ec8d6edcdda⋯.png (520.74 KB, 603x603, 1:1, 0892ec8d6edcddaaa996e9ef89….png)


Divine intervention just before the weekend, thx anon

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d71f99  No.14514717


Im not a CoVFeFe biochemist, but I stayed in a Holiday Inn Express one time….

Maybe that is the "value" of gold: ability to save a human life?

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0b43be  No.14514718


syndicate vs syndicate that was

C_A was victorious, but not unknown, hence JFK assass

Nixon just a diff syndicate

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b23826  No.14514719

File: 6d3eafd33702c22⋯.png (623.75 KB, 600x497, 600:497, ClipboardImage.png)

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0490bf  No.14514720

File: e2ee3d3323469ca⋯.png (197.7 KB, 1080x574, 540:287, tenn_action.PNG)


Election Integrity In Tennessee: Citizens Take Action

By Wendi Strauch Mahoney -September 2, 2021

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eb979c  No.14514721


whats in ur theme?

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11abcc  No.14514722

I did it!

I can see clearly now!

Thanks to all the autist on here.

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3a9198  No.14514723

How do you expose the satanist that have the normal low IQ D’s tricked?

Drop the fucking videos already McAfee

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9343f5  No.14514724


me thinks the team took down images to prevent attacks (you know which kind). Me thinks this means shit hits the fan SOON

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11abcc  No.14514725


I figured it out. Thanks so much.

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eb979c  No.14514726


also did u refresh?

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192f0b  No.14514727


How'd you get png?

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ee70f8  No.14514728

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

They thought it would stay

A secret…Planes, Plans, and Steel

Hidden in Plain Sight.

They rejoiced in sin

Sin of crushing our spirits.

They thought they could win

Oh Babylon, Fool.

Your dark sins will find you out

God said He would judge

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b23826  No.14514729

File: 0b7bd1243a1a091⋯.png (968.28 KB, 600x906, 100:151, ClipboardImage.png)

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076ebe  No.14514730

added to hosts file, flushed DNS, updated options with hover, wat else for win to show images?

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9f4d7b  No.14514731

File: f7c2fd6deb8112a⋯.jpeg (755.24 KB, 740x1050, 74:105, we_were_aold_out.jpeg)


Under the way things are going now the chinks, with the 100K plus anchorbabies will come and take over. Your job gets shipped their and the insitiute social credit scoring..oh wait that's already happened! Learn mandarin you are going to need it.

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29d834  No.14514732

The ACLU has gone full android commie! Why are they afraid of black people waking up?

Rising serpent Flag of United States


History is littered with the decaying carcasses of the horrific consequences of forcing minorities to do things under the guise of protecting them.

Unfortunately the pimply prepubescent idiots running ACLU don't read anything more than teen vogue specials on anal intercourse.

Quote Tweet



· Sep 2

Far from compromising them, vaccine mandates actually further civil liberties. They protect the most vulnerable, people with disabilities and fragile immune systems, children too young to be vaccinated, and communities of color hit hard by the disease. https://nytimes.com/2021/09/02/opinion/covid-vaccine-mandates-civil-liberties.html…

Show this thread


Up is down, right is left!

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0490bf  No.14514733

File: 44986f8992cef46⋯.png (674.13 KB, 771x763, 771:763, demanding.PNG)


Security Breach’ in California Recall Election Has Officials Demanding ‘Rigorous Audit’

September 3, 2021by Kyle Becker

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2a047a  No.14514734


>wat else for win to show images?

See → >>14514575

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20a751  No.14514735

File: 88b2066e83779c6⋯.jpg (111.72 KB, 750x500, 3:2, 1619_Indoctrination.jpg)


>Jobs Numbers for August Reveal

In August, employment increased by 40,000 in private education, declined by 21,000 in state government education

That is the nascent home-schooling trend starting to show.


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a0a60d  No.14514736

Bette Midler Sex Strike: ‘All Women Refuse to Have Sex with Men’ over Texas Abortion Law

Finally the radical left is making sense. If women keep their legs closed until they find a partner they want to marry abortions would not be needed. Thanks Bette. It's the first non 'batshit crazy' thing I've heard you say in well, forever.


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eb979c  No.14514737


idk cuz code is suppose to be calling jpg.


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b23826  No.14514738

File: fbdf5fd7d57e394⋯.png (444.55 KB, 600x600, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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29d834  No.14514739

The Babylon Bee


Democrats Refuse To Drink Water As It's Also Prescribed To Horses


Democrats Refuse To Drink Water As It's Also Prescribed To Horses


5:09 PM · Sep 2, 2021


I betcha this one comes true

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2a047a  No.14514740

File: f045254994c7151⋯.jpg (109.39 KB, 620x703, 620:703, do_not_want.jpg)


Ewww, who would want Bette?

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d71f99  No.14514741


Interested in Time Travel?

Meet here last Thursday.

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29d834  No.14514742


Wait is that a punishment?

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0490bf  No.14514743

File: b3e4d72020d4a8c⋯.png (15.28 KB, 455x176, 455:176, march_on_we_go.PNG)


Wendy Rogers, [03.09.21 04:12]

When the Arizona Audit drops, it is on the other 49 states to make sure they are doing audits. Start calling your reps and senators now. Know their names. Save their numbers in your phone. Email them. We want to #AuditAll50States. We are not going to stop until we know the truth.

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9f4d7b  No.14514744


I dont think the prostitutes oops I mean sex workers are going to stop…

Illegal and underaged sex is a demand business.

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b23826  No.14514745

File: 49c05a5c85bb87a⋯.png (1023.47 KB, 564x721, 564:721, ClipboardImage.png)

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a0a60d  No.14514746


Roll Bette in flour and find the wet spot. That's punishment, yes.

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2ba168  No.14514747

What we are suffering from in this Country, is death by 1000 stabs.

They just keep chipping away at all of our rights.

If people complain about one thing, they just move to something else for awhile, until we are worn down to useless nubs.

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192f0b  No.14514748


Ok, maybe your hosts file is different than mine?

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20a751  No.14514749

File: 3f82bfc72ba0039⋯.jpg (81.97 KB, 488x439, 488:439, full_retard_x57.jpg)



> vaccine mandates actually further civil liberties.

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b23826  No.14514750

File: f7bc856c9089dba⋯.png (321.47 KB, 615x450, 41:30, ClipboardImage.png)

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eb979c  No.14514751



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ddd9f9  No.14514752


sounds like Bette still passes her pussy around

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9c7d42  No.14514753

File: 53413ad4897ef32⋯.jpg (23.86 KB, 474x474, 1:1, BBOO5260.jpg)

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7c4421  No.14514754


Plenty of non-Asian "Americans" who are willing to vote communist, scream on tiktok, tear down statues in US parks, set fire to your neighborhoods and shoot your police in the back of the head.

It ain't got nothin to do with race, dingleberry.

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f097aa  No.14514756

Why You Should Not Use Ivermectin to Treat or Prevent COVID-19

Content current as of:


Currently available data do not show ivermectin is effective against COVID-19. Clinical trials assessing ivermectin tablets for the prevention or treatment of COVID-19 in people are ongoing.


on the webpage, these people need grammar kitty to proofread

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29d834  No.14514757


Go take a nap, go outside, breathe fresh air or stop taking money being a shill

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66d096  No.14514758


> AZ audit decomposing like a moist turd on blacktop.

> Audit 'efforts' will drag out thru 2021 or at least after 11/2/21 election cycle.

> All the new state audits are simply jerk off hopium.

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0490bf  No.14514759

File: 213dc2d676d140a⋯.png (115.76 KB, 267x664, 267:664, red_sky_vid.PNG)

File: ff34cbf68a60310⋯.jpg (21.47 KB, 322x396, 161:198, total_ree.JPG)


We The Media, [03.09.21 05:42]

[Forwarded from Pepe Lives Matter 🐸 (Pepe Lives Matter)]

[ Video ]

Footage of a "Biblical" looking California sky emerges. 👀

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e2b3ab  No.14514760


I copied and pasted in theme and no worky. Can you give a little more detail. thanks and sorry for being dumbfuckanon

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9c7d42  No.14514761



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b23826  No.14514762

File: c48f999dce4477f⋯.png (1.33 MB, 900x900, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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29d834  No.14514763


You know that is? Because tge FDA will still approve it, so that must mean its more effective against Covid than any other treatment

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2a047a  No.14514764


Not in theme. Remove it from there, and put it in the "User JS" section instead.

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0b43be  No.14514765


added at the end?

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0a845f  No.14514766


not working on linux/brave-browser

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20a751  No.14514767

File: e1f8ac9255962d5⋯.jpg (577.06 KB, 2048x1365, 2048:1365, Australia.jpg)


>What we are suffering from in this Country, is death by 1000 stabs.

>They just keep chipping away at all of our rights.

>If people complain about one thing, they just move to something else for awhile, until we are worn down to useless nubs.

What is it like in Australia?

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a1c66b  No.14514768

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0490bf  No.14514769

File: d44b3e1ab502380⋯.png (394.05 KB, 792x593, 792:593, mu_fact.PNG)


BREAKING: Evidence To Soon Be Presented To Citizens Grand Jury Of Interstate Conspiracy To Manufacture/Harvest Counterfeit Ballots For Use In 2020 Election

by CD Media StaffJuly 21, 2021

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b23826  No.14514770

File: ece3c9fc711e1ab⋯.png (984.56 KB, 800x938, 400:469, ClipboardImage.png)

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29d834  No.14514771


I went there an no one showed up, what did I do wrong? Kek

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eb979c  No.14514772


i placed at top

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e27279  No.14514773


What about trans women? I think she just insulted them.

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0490bf  No.14514774

File: 41b2cfa74924cdf⋯.png (171.52 KB, 708x378, 118:63, court_chal.PNG)


Pennsylvania Republicans challenge state’s vote-by-mail law in court 🚨⬇️


Pennsylvania Republicans challenge state's vote-by-mail law in court - Right Side Broadcasting Network (RSBN)

14 Republican state lawmakers have filed a lawsuit on Tuesday challenging Pennsylvania’s 2019 mail-in voting law, which they say is unconstitutional and must be…

Right Side Broadcasting Network (RSBN)

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2ba168  No.14514775


All of the countries where White people live.

Except for Israel. ('Cause they're not White, they're Jewish, per them)

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f097aa  No.14514776


>FDA will still approve it, so that must mean its more effective against Covid than any other treatment

exactly, EVERYONE knows Ivermectin works

Shocking Conclusions from Africa Study Expose Why Big Pharma’s Puppets are Suppressing Ivermectin Data


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64c405  No.14514777


Best Planned Parenthood is staying celibate until marrage. No one can parent a aborted child.

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b23826  No.14514778

File: f304d4b7fb61aed⋯.png (1.97 MB, 1015x1280, 203:256, ClipboardImage.png)

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e2b3ab  No.14514779


thanks worked codeanon

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7c4421  No.14514780


LOL. So much low-energy. How can you hold it all?


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0490bf  No.14514781

File: 30d2496c7218653⋯.png (47.42 KB, 715x886, 715:886, what_bband_t.PNG)


🔥 BOYCOTT Truist! This "woke" bank formed after a merger between SunTrust with BB&T. They cater to the Leftist mob by training their white employees to "cede power to people of color". Truist also shuts down conservatives' bank accounts and require employees to share their vaccination status in a "tracking tool". Learn more by clicking the link below…

👉 https://www.weboycott.net/boycott/truist

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29d834  No.14514782


Agreed, brilliant man and patriot

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0b43be  No.14514783


have put it in



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2c72e3  No.14514784


>1. President Trump took an oath to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. He is therefore the 'protector of the Constitution'. That doesn't exclude you, it merely accurately represents the will of the people.

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."


Many other PEOPLE took the same oath and failed to deliver on it.

>Oath of enlistment


>2. We need God, not Warp.

Your God may not be my God. We need PROOF that those we "elected to do the heavy lifting" are actually TRUSTWORTHY to do the heavy lifting WE (supposedly) elected them to do. That requires absolute proof through action, not God.



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0490bf  No.14514785

File: ecf16cd1102156f⋯.png (590.77 KB, 1011x661, 1011:661, commy_tool.PNG)



EXCLUSIVE: Joe Biden’s Deputy Secretary Of State Just Invested In A Firm Flagged As A ‘Tool’ Of The Chinese Communist Party.


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2f52c1  No.14514787

File: 78089dff8b92e06⋯.jpg (61.5 KB, 560x460, 28:23, Mike_Lindell.jpg)


>BREAKING: Mike Lindell is on patrol


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0490bf  No.14514788

File: 2f46b0017923c7b⋯.png (37.09 KB, 607x489, 607:489, pl_call.PNG)


Please call and email the below people to get an audit going in Wisconsin.

Quote Tweet

David Belman


· 51m

Replying to @WendyRogersAZ


Email: Sen.Kapenga@legis.wisconsin.gov

Ph: (608) 266-9174

Senator LeMahieu


Ph:(888) 295-8750

Speaker Vos:


Ph: 608-266-9171

5:46 AM · Sep 3, 2021·

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863517  No.14514789




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abc8a5  No.14514791

Jenna Griswold and friends


Secretary of State Jena Griswold, who supervises the conduct of all coordinated

elections when statewide ballot issues are on the ballot in Colorado under C.R.S. §§ 1-7.5-104

and 1-1-107(1)(a), and Heidi Jeanne Hess, a Mesa County registered elector, bring this action to

ensure that Mesa County’s upcoming election will be conducted in full compliance with the

Election Code, as well as any applicable rules promulgated and orders issued by the Secretary

there under.


Heidi Jeanne Hess is the Western Slope Field Organizer for One Colorado, coordinating the organization’s grassroots efforts, developing diverse coalitions, and bridging gaps within LGBTQ communities in Grand Junction and along the Western Slope.

Heidi is relatively new to Colorado, having moved to the Western Slope in 2009 from North Dallas, Texas. Born and raised in Omaha, Nebraska, Heidi has been actively involved in LGBTQ rights and activism since 1982.

She has a Bachelor of Science in Journalism and a Master of Arts in Communication both from the University of Nebraska-Omaha. While at university, Heidi was President of the Gay Lesbian Student Organization, served as a long-time volunteer at Nebraska AIDS Project when it was first formed, and worked to establish the first-ever LGBTQ Pride Parade in Omaha.

One Colorado is a member of the Equality Federation.


Written and endorsed by SIECUS: Sex Ed for Social Change, URGE: Unite for Reproductive & Gender Equity Advocates for Youth, Answer, Black & Pink, Equality Federation, GLSEN, the Human Rights Campaign, the National LGBTQ Task Force, and Planned Parenthood Federation of America, this report provides guidance for parents and families, youth, educators, and policymakers to:

Become advocates for LGBTQ+-inclusive sex education;

Ensure that school is a safe and accepting space for LGBTQ+ students;

Implement LGBTQ+-inclusive sex education in schools, community settings and online;

Talk to their own children and teens about sex and sexuality; and

Work to remove state-level legal and policy barriers to LGBTQ+-inclusive sex education in schools and to require inclusive programs.

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b23826  No.14514792

File: 53e2802fe368787⋯.png (780.61 KB, 640x533, 640:533, ClipboardImage.png)

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b47f20  No.14514793

Department of Justice

U.S. Attorney’s Office

Eastern District of Michigan


Friday, September 3, 2021

Progress Towards Reforming the UAW

Acting U.S. Attorney Saima S. Mohsin announced that progress has been made towards reforming the International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace, and Agricultural Workers of America (“UAW”). The UAW represents over 400,000 active members and over 580,000 retired members in more than 600 local unions across the United States.

Previously, numerous high-level officials of the UAW had been the subject of criminal prosecutions based on fraud, corruption, embezzlement, and labor law violations. These prosecutions had resulted in the criminal convictions of two UAW Presidents, Gary Jones and Dennis Williams, two UAW Vice Presidents, Joseph Ashton and Norwood Jewell, as well as seven other senior UAW officials.


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f097aa  No.14514795

Wisconsin sees increase in vaccinated COVID cases

by Breanna Leslie

September 3, 2021

Milwaukee, WI — We recently reported West Virginia saw an increase in COVID cases among its vaccinated population. However, it’s not the only state with this alarming trend. MacIver News in Wisconsin recently reported that the Department of Health Services released a report on 8/19/21 that shows case numbers increasing twice as fast in vaccinated individuals.


the"cure"is making people sick

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0490bf  No.14514796

File: 57a0fca10178315⋯.png (523.91 KB, 763x610, 763:610, staff_cry.PNG)


US hospitals hit with nurse staffing crisis amid COVID

By Associated Press

September 3, 2021 1:03pm

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ee70f8  No.14514797

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Israeli Spy Ring

Art students

Serving in military explosive ordnance units

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38a76d  No.14514798


>Refuse to Have Sex

Isn't that supporting the ban?

No sex, means no pregnancies to abort.

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80203d  No.14514800

var links = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('a'))

var imageLinks = links.filter(l => /.*media\.8kun\.top.*/ig.test(l.href))

imageLinks.forEach(link => {

var n = Math.floor(Math.random() * 77777777777) + 1

var pieces = link.href.split('/')

var filename = pieces[pieces.length-1]

var [hash, extension] = filename.split('.')

var href = `${link.href.replace("media.","sys.")}/${hash}.jpg?n=${n}`

var imgs = link.querySelectorAll('img')

imgs.forEach(i => i.src = href)

link.href = href

this code?

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fbd4b6  No.14514801


Cause they snuck in some evil shit like this over 20 years ago…


This law in DE permits the guvnuh to make mandates at will with absolutely no legislative or judicial oversight.

I tried to find an attorney to file a lawsuit against this. They all estimated 7-8 figures and 20+ years to bring any type of case - the people effectively locked out since the bulk of our legislature is D…

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346924  No.14514802


where have you been john titor,


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f47cef  No.14514803


The FDA-approved drug ivermectin inhibits the replication of SARS-CoV-2 in vitro

We report here that Ivermectin, an FDA-approved anti-parasitic previously shown to have broad-spectrum anti-viral activity in vitro, is an inhibitor of the causative virus (SARS-CoV-2), with a single addition to Vero-hSLAM cells 2 h post infection with SARS-CoV-2 able to effect ~5000-fold reduction in viral RNA at 48 h. Ivermectin therefore warrants further investigation for possible benefits in humans.


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d01e22  No.14514804

America Winning














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73cde5  No.14514805

File: 5ae375c056e4dc7⋯.jpg (279.55 KB, 1057x1044, 1057:1044, Screenshot_20210902_235051….jpg)


NOTABLENeeds more sauce

I seriously just had to to 9 captchas

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a91977  No.14514806


>You have no idea how much they fear you waking up.

100th monkey.


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76353f  No.14514807


“Herxheimer Reaction.”?


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2a047a  No.14514808

File: 49b377b178b39d6⋯.png (104.53 KB, 704x786, 352:393, do_a_post.png)


>I seriously just had to to 9 captchas

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863517  No.14514809


and yet any fauci'ng variant coming from S Africa bum fuck Egypt is immediately identiied and booster applied ..

bs supreme

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a0a60d  No.14514811


Not germane. Get to work

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863517  No.14514812


yet the demonrat nigger machine non stop suing - FL Governor over his anti mask mandates

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a0a60d  No.14514813


That's how I took it.

>Frivolous sex is something real mama bears don't do.

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2a047a  No.14514814

File: 9f74d4db6bc10c7⋯.png (189.57 KB, 398x442, 199:221, pepe_5.png)


>Why You Should Not Use Ivermectin to Treat or Prevent COVID-19

Because people would discover that it actually works and then [they] would have an even harder time promoting their poison….er….vaccine.

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2b7645  No.14514815

"You all know the election was legit and there was zero fraud you, racist!"

Read that again and ask yourself, do they actually believe what they are saying at this point. smh

I am giving odds that 90% of those even possible to wake up, have. So, what happens now?

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346924  No.14514816


NEW - Clashes broke out between protesters and police at the UK drug regulator’s London office ahead of the decision to approve or refuse#COVID19 vaccination for children.


https://media.gab.com/system/media_attachments/files/083/938/819/original/85a3f0f118a43fcc.mp4 ←link to video

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863517  No.14514817




the absolute state of this board

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2ba168  No.14514818



Keep buying lottery tickets even though the lottery is rigged.

Keep placing sports bets even though the games are rigged.

Keep voting in elections even though the elections are rigged.

Dream Land

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f097aa  No.14514819

File: d9ef00fab878b44⋯.jpg (60.29 KB, 806x450, 403:225, onBIDENSwatch.jpg)

pic test

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346924  No.14514820


Interesting that the the advisory body refused to approve vaccinating children aged 12-15 after clashes broke out between police and protesters at the UK drug regulator's London office. Coincidence???

JUST IN - UK's vaccine advisory body JCVI refuses to approve vaccinating healthy children aged 12-15 years, there is "insufficient” evidence to offer mass COVID-19 vaccination for this age group.


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29d834  No.14514821


Rising serpent Flag of United States Retweeted

Jeff Davis


In re NYC flooding, now is a good time to point out that just 6 weeks ago, the


IG did an audit of the money Congress providedafter Superstorm Sandy to fix NYC mass transit after those floods and foundless than 1/2 had been spent, 8 years later: https://oig.dot.gov/library-item/38460…

10:51 PM · Sep 1, 2021·Twitter


Follow the money! Its not even accounted for in the US

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d01e22  No.14514822

File: bec0ee93a1fd6c8⋯.jpg (129.84 KB, 609x681, 203:227, PIGARTHUR_RETURNS.jpg)

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d71f99  No.14514823



H O L Y C R A P!

7 minute video explaing the extortion by Pfizer of governments- demanding soverign assets as collateral: military bases, banks, and embassey buildings up.

Now… why would they want embassey buildings? Hhhmmmm!

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20a751  No.14514824

File: eae266ee5eaf63b⋯.jpg (39.72 KB, 500x300, 5:3, rochelle_walensky_tells_th….jpg)

Textbook lawlessness, exhibit A.

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eb979c  No.14514825



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863517  No.14514826


just like they're holding on to COVID19 EMERGENCY DISASTER RELIEF FUNDS



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38a76d  No.14514827

Trans woman hit with indecent exposure charge over Los Angeles spa incident

A transgender woman who entered the women's section of a Los Angeles spa in June has been hit with multiple felony charges of indecent exposure, reports said.

Darren Agee Merager, a 52-year-old biological male who identifies as a woman, was charged with five counts of indecent exposure on Monday by the Los Angeles Police Department relating to a June 23 incident in which Merager entered the women's section of Wi Spa, according to the Los Angeles Times.

Merager, who has not been arrested in connection to the charges, denied Wi Spa customers' accusations that Merager exposed male genitalia at the spa, claiming to be the victim of sexual harassment by transphobic women.

"Everything about the Wi Spa was a bunch of garbage and lies," Merager told the New York Post. "She never saw me naked. I was underwater with water all the way up to my chest."

On June 23, Merager entered the women's section naked at the Wi Spa and undressed in the women's section, subjecting women to the sight of male genitalia, Instagram user @cubanaangel claimed.

"There is no such thing as transgender. He has a d***, OK? He has a penis," the Instagram user said in a June 24 video documenting her account of the incident. "As a woman, I have a right to feel comfortable without a man exposing himself, OK? … It's traumatizing to see that."

Protests erupted outside the Wi Spa on July 3 and July 17, both of which resulted in violent clashes between the police and protesters and were declared unlawful by the LAPD. Dozens of people were arrested at the second protest.

Merager, who also faces six felony counts of indecent exposure over a separate locker room incident in December 2018, has two prior convictions of indecent exposure stemming from incidents in 2002 and 2003 in California. It is unclear whether Merager has an attorney or when a court appearance is expected.

The LAPD did not immediately respond to the Washington Examiner's request for comment.


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800fbd  No.14514828

Trump the greatest actor of all time (in a good way) – A hypothesis

Suppose for a moment that @StormIsUponUs wasn't exactly right.

In his superb video, "Q The Plan to Save The World," Joe says "they (NSA + Goodies) asked Trump to run," which suggests that they asked him recently.

My hypothesis… He was groomed since birth to play this role.

Suppose for a moment that this millenia-old cabal had such a tight grip on our "reality," that the few white hats "in the know" always knew the PLAN would take generations…

Part 1


Part 2


Part 3


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ad4851  No.14514829


So I'm not the only over 40 that has some of that going on. Good!

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fbd4b6  No.14514830


Been using our legal system against us from the start of this nation.

USA = 5% of the world's population yet we have 80% of the world's attorneys.

Attorneys are simply protection for [them] against the unwashed population at large. They have their own language

They charge exorbitant fees

They deny you at will

They control just about everything in the legal/judicial realm

They are the epitome of the Good 'ole Boys Network.

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b0d49f  No.14514831

What ever happened to that lady who killed her husband with aquarium cleaner?

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a0a60d  No.14514832

Just my 2 cents. Jim steered us away from images for a reason. Using the java script is very very dangerous. When I add these things up I'm going with Jim on this. I really don't need images when I have a keyboard and internet. My suggestion is don't put java script in your options and work with no images for now.

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ee70f8  No.14514833

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Remember what Q said

In Drop #4953

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b47f20  No.14514834



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eb979c  No.14514835


you are incorrect.

we are simply using sys.8kun instead of media.8kun for our image server

all is good

>carry on

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e2b3ab  No.14514836


This one is on my list already. But it is a good


Ivermectin Human Use List Updated

Nobel Prize multi use for IVM https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8383101/

More Nobel info https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/new-jersey-based-william-campbell-shares-nobel-prize-medicine-n438511

IVM for Cov2 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33278625/

IVM Science.org https://www.science.org/content/blog-post/s-up-ivermectin

IVM anti viral action https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32462282/

IVM as Ionophore https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5835698/

IVM stopping viral replication https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/04/200403115115.htm

IVM World Use C19 https://ivmstatus.com/

IVM Extremely safe https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3043740/

IVM Works when distributed https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8088823/

IVM works when administerd https://www.biznews.com/health/2021/07/29/ivermectin-treatment

IVM in India WHO white paper https://www.financialexpress.com/lifestyle/health/covid-19-states-ignore-who-recommendation-on-ivermectin-heres-what-doctor-who-wrote-white-paper-on-the-drug-has-to-say/2231596/

IVM potent inhibitor https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32251768/

IVM and Dox as anti cancer https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5835698/

IVM with Doxy for c19 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8127799/

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156ccf  No.14514837



I have 20 tubes

I will sell them for 200 dollars each for Anons horses.

Amazon and Ebay are no longer selling.

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20a751  No.14514838

File: f5d8f7ba3bbe832⋯.jpg (90.55 KB, 679x512, 679:512, Don_Lemon_bleach.jpg)


>What ever happened to that lady who killed her husband with aquarium cleaner?

The incident that Don Lemon used to exploit denigrating Hydroxychloroquine? Dunno.

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a0a60d  No.14514839


Just my 2 cents. I'm staying away from images. Jim has been around the track a few times and I trust him.

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1ad0df  No.14514840


They need to be reported as well.

Do a global report for making threats of violence.

Then filter them, but you don't have to announce it. That just gives them more attention.

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b0d49f  No.14514841


>The incident that Don Lemon used to exploit denigrating Hydroxychloroquine?

Was Hydroxychloroquine the aquarium cleaner?

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eb979c  No.14514842


well, go ask jim what he thinks about us hacking his system

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0490bf  No.14514843

File: a09cd80fa05f383⋯.png (191.14 KB, 318x702, 53:117, shit_for_sail.PNG)


We The Media, [03.09.21 06:18]

[ Photo ]

The fact checkers are doubling down on the laughable effort to provide Joe Biden cover for REPEATEDLY looking at his watch during the Dignified Transfer ceremony.

This amazing ratio, however, tells the true story. 😂

People ain't buying the cr*p they're selling.

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985c48  No.14514844


Ist's because they can geht pregnant now.

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45055b  No.14514845


That's right maclin

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f097aa  No.14514846


99.7% survival rate + natural immunity = no thanks

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b0d49f  No.14514847


A man has died and his wife is under critical care after the couple, both in their 60s, ingested chloroquine phosphate, an additive commonly used at aquariums to clean fish tanks. Within thirty minutes of ingestion, the couple experienced immediate effects requiring admittance to a nearby Banner Health hospital.

Most patients who become infected with COVID-19 will only require symptomatic care and self-isolation to prevent the risk of infecting others. Check first with a primary care physician. The routine use of specific treatments, including medications described as ‘anti-COVID-19’, is not recommended for non-hospitalized patients, including the anti-malarial drug chloroquine.

“We are strongly urging the medical community to not prescribe this medication to any non-hospitalized patients,” said Dr. Brooks.

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a0a60d  No.14514848


I'll just filter instead. Obviously not anon

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0ac648  No.14514849

File: b66f02b3a0ea078⋯.jpg (229.82 KB, 582x585, 194:195, louke.jpg)


during dayshift the only fun is to filter orcs and announce it

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0490bf  No.14514850

File: e74e46d010f9160⋯.png (66.56 KB, 450x789, 150:263, art_list.PNG)


TPV Reports 🇺🇸🚨, [03.09.21 06:18]

[Forwarded from We The Media (IET)]


Nobel Prize multi use for IVERMECTIN

https: (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8383101/)// (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8383101/)www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8383101/ (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8383101/)


https: (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33278625/)// (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33278625/)pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33278625/ (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33278625/)

IVERMECTIN Science.org

https: (https://www.science.org/content/blog-post/s-up-ivermectin)// (https://www.science.org/content/blog-post/s-up-ivermectin)www.science.org/content/blog-post/s-up-ivermectin (https://www.science.org/content/blog-post/s-up-ivermectin)

IVERMECTIN anti viral action

https: (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32462282/)// (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32462282/)pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32462282/ (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32462282/)

IVERMECTIN as Ionophore

https: (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5835698/)// (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5835698/)www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5835698/ (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5835698/)

IVERMECTIN stopping viral replication

https: (https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/04/200403115115.htm)// (https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/04/200403115115.htm)www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/04/200403115115.htm (https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/04/200403115115.htm)


https: (https://ivmstatus.com/)// (https://ivmstatus.com/)Ivermectinstatus.com/ (https://ivmstatus.com/)

IVERMECTIN Extremely safe

https: (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3043740/)// (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3043740/)www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3043740/ (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3043740/)

IVERMECTIN Works when distributed

https: (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8088823/)// (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8088823/)www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8088823/ (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8088823/)

IVERMECTIN works when administerd

https: (https://www.biznews.com/health/2021/07/29/ivermectin-treatment)// (https://www.biznews.com/health/2021/07/29/ivermectin-treatment)www.biznews.com/health/2021/07/29/ivermectin-treatment (https://www.biznews.com/health/2021/07/29/ivermectin-treatment)

IVERMECTIN in India WHO white paper

https: (https://www.financialexpress.com/lifestyle/health/covid-19-states-ignore-who-recommendation-on-ivermectin-heres-what-doctor-who-wrote-white-paper-on-the-drug-has-to-say/2231596/)// (https://www.financialexpress.com/lifestyle/health/covid-19-states-ignore-who-recommendation-on-ivermectin-heres-what-doctor-who-wrote-white-paper-on-the-drug-has-to-say/2231596/)www.financialexpress.com/lifestyle/health/covid-19-states-ignore-who-recommendation-on-ivermectin-heres-what-doctor-who-wrote-white-paper-on-the-drug-has-to-say/2231596/ (https://www.financialexpress.com/lifestyle/health/covid-19-states-ignore-who-recommendation-on-ivermectin-heres-what-doctor-who-wrote-white-paper-on-the-drug-has-to-say/2231596/)

DHS reports IVERMECTIN has ability to reduce viral shedding… BTFO


Show this to your Moron doctors also who aren't prescribing Ivermectin bc muh Fraudci and muh CDC said its bad…

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64c405  No.14514851


That Jew definitely has ulterior motives with that statement as 'not having sex is a punishment for men to try and try and turn them all into rapists because there is nothing else in life but sex' bullshit.

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73cde5  No.14514852

File: 7b7f87c2675166a⋯.jpeg (401.46 KB, 1512x2016, 3:4, E_XvwrzWEAEnBBp.jpeg)



He's out duck hunting in what appears to be an Amphibious Vehicle with is shot gun & decoys.



Go YouTube:


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ee70f8  No.14514853



Do you think they might have some early videos that did NOT show an airplane when the building exploded?

On Thursday, September 9, the Internet Archive will host an online webinar: Reflecting on 9/11: Twenty Years of Archived TV News. As we look back at a pivotal moment, learn from scholars, journalists, archivists, and data scientists about the importance of archived television for gaining insights into our evolving understanding of history and society.

The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, have profoundly shaped public policy, narratives, and attitudes over the past two decades. As events unfolded on TV screens around the world, media coverage shaped the social, cultural and political consequences of the tragedy—although TV footage is not a medium traditionally prioritized for preservation. Join us as we explore the impact of 9/11, the importance of archiving broadcast media, and the complexities of recording history as it unfolds.

Participants will include the Internet Archive, The American Archive of Public Broadcasting, and The Vanderbilt Television News Archive. Speakers will include Roger Macdonald (Founder, Internet Archive’s TV News Archive), Jim Duran (Director, Vanderbilt Television News Archives), Karen Cariani (David O. Ives Executive Director, GBH Archives and GBH Project Director, American Archive of Public Broadcasting), Kalev Leetaru (Founder, Global Database of Events, Language and Tone Project), and Philip Bump (Washington Post national correspondent who focuses largely on the numbers behind politics).

Please register in advance to participate in this free webinar. You can also browse our 9/11 Television News Archive or explore a collection of resources related to 9/11.

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3a9198  No.14514854

[They] have been secretly running the world since the pyramids of Egypt.

The invisible enemy

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e2b3ab  No.14514855


They dont want to have tranny babies with lib bitches.

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20a751  No.14514856


>Was Hydroxychloroquine the aquarium cleaner?

No, it was a chemical that sounded similar.

An Ichthyologist could tell you moar.

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eb979c  No.14514857


>I'll just filter instead

probably best

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f43914  No.14514858


>Using the java script is very very dangerous

the JS being used is justa fix for the media servers to show images

it's not coded in any way that diverts anything to another site or other nefarious actions

if there were some other site address or something in the coding then yes it would be foolish

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4a08ef  No.14514859


That thing is rad

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f4396c  No.14514860


September 3, 2021

A COVID testing facility in Colorado reveals the con behind the panic

By Andrea Widburg


As for the vaccination, it's pretty clear that it's useless against the delta variant. Thankfully, the delta variant isn't that severe (as is often the case as viruses mutate their way through communities). In addition, if you're like Joe Rogan and have access to ivermectin, you may do just fine.

All in all, the brilliant Candace Owens took what a leftist intended as a monumental, principled stand against "bad" people and turned it around to reveal the terrible hypocrisy and cruelty lurking behind everything that leftists are doing.

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156ccf  No.14514862


>Attorneys are simply protection for [them]

I think I'm one of [them] when it comes to legal matters. I've gotten away with shit that normal people would serve years for. I've had a judge give me a slap on the wrist misdemeanor for something that I should have gotten 5yrs and another court throw out a case that could have landed me much longer. I learned my lesson and counted my blessings, haven't fucked up in well over a decade, but I've always wondered if there is some kind of list that certain of us get put on?

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e2b3ab  No.14514863


Cool this guy used my list. Love seeing work and memes in the world!!!

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abc8a5  No.14514864

File: 44349ffa3c31f3e⋯.png (635.22 KB, 755x585, 151:117, real_news.PNG)

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b47f20  No.14514865

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20a751  No.14514866


>I'll just filter instead.

Why, when you can have the BV do it for you?

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1ad0df  No.14514867


I agree!

I tried using it and it didn't work anyway.

I think Jim and team are trying to save this board from being attacked during this time.

Whatever they were planning, it involved posting pics of something or posting "manifestos" like they tried before. Something to frame a FF against us.

Since that didn't work because pics got taken down, now they're here posting threats of violence.

If you see any posts of threats of violence:




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29d834  No.14514868


I think I checked on Ivermection on pubmed, anc theres like 9005 studies on it since the 1940s, but Ive seen a lot more than that. See below most all of the studies say ots effective for covid 19, now you know why the FDA wont approve it

9,005 results

Select search result to email or save


Ivermectin - Old Drug, New Tricks?

Laing R, et al. Trends Parasitol. 2017. PMID: 28285851 Free PMC article. Review.

Ivermectin is one of the most important drugs in veterinary and human medicine for the control of parasitic infection and was the joi …

274 results

Use COVID-19 filters from PubMed Clinical Queries to refine your search




More filters

See more SARS-CoV-2 literature, sequence, and clinical content from NCBI

Select search result to email or save


A COVID-19 prophylaxis? Lower incidence associated with prophylactic administration of ivermectin.

Hellwig MD, et al. Int J Antimicrob Agents. 2021. PMID: 33259913 Free PMC article.

Such a treatment would be particularly valuable if it could be used as a prophylactic against SARS-CoV-2 (severe …

Cite Share


Hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin: A synergistic combination for COVID-19 chemoprophylaxis and treatment?

Patrì A, et al. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2020. PMID: 32283237 Free PMC article. No abstract available.

Cite Share


Ivermectin to prevent hospitalizations in patients with COVID-19 (IVERCOR-COVID19): a structured summary of a study protocol for a randomized controlled trial.

Vallejos J, et al. Trials. 2020. PMID: 33234158 Free PMC article. Clinical Trial.

EXCLUSION CRITERIA: (1) pregnant or breastfeeding women; (2) known allergy to ivermectin or some of the components of iverm …

Cite Share


Ivermectin, a new candidate therapeutic against SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19.

Sharun K, et al. Ann Clin Microbiol Antimicrob. 2020. PMID: 32473642 Free PMC article. No abstract available.

Cite Share


Ivermectin in COVID-19: What do we know?

Pandey S, et al. Diabetes Metab Syndr. 2020. PMID: 33032231 Free PMC article. Review. No abstract available.

Cite Share


Ivermectin: a systematic review from antiviral effects to COVID-19 complementary regimen

Heidary F, et al. J Antibiot (Tokyo). 2020. PMID: 32533071 Free PMC article.

Several studies reported antiviral effects of ivermectin on RNA viruses such as Zika, dengue, yellow fever, West Nile, Hendra, Newcas …

Cite Share


Ivermectin and COVID-19: A report in Antiviral Research, widespread interest, an FDA warning, two letters to the editor and the authors' responses.

Bray M, et al. Antiviral Res. 2020. PMID: 32330482 Free PMC article. No abstract available.

Cite Share


Ivermectin in COVID-19. Argumentun ad ignorantiam?

Carlosama-Rosero Y. Rev Clin Esp (Barc). 2020. PMID: 32616298 Free PMC article. No abstract available.

Cite Share


Potential use of hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin and azithromycin drugs in fighting COVID-19: trends, scope and relevance.

Choudhary R, et al. New Microbes New Infect. 2020. PMID: 32322397 Free PMC article. Review.

Alarming situation has been caused due to the emergence of COVID-19 infection around the world. There is an urgency of develop …

Cite Share


Ivermectin, antiviral properties and COVID-19: a possible new mechanism of action.

Rizzo E. Naunyn Schmiedebergs Arch Pharmacol. 2020. PMID: 32462282 Free PMC article.

Ivermectin is an antiparasitic drug that has shown also an effective pharmacological activity towards various infective agents, inclu …

Cite Share


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0490bf  No.14514869

File: f8d409948b6c40e⋯.png (189.39 KB, 371x554, 371:554, bing_fired.PNG)


Midnight Rider Channel, [03.09.21 06:05]

[ Video ]

I remember when nurses got parades and fly overs

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45055b  No.14514870


Another possibility is that messages embedded within images could have gotten to the point of shut it all down…..maybe a few never got the message and their messages were discovered

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a0a60d  No.14514871


>foot in door

I don't use java from anonymous sources today, nor will I use them tomorrow. Anons practice safe posting and stay away from java unless you know exactly what it does and how.

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eb979c  No.14514872

File: b135572a481ca40⋯.png (51.85 KB, 785x156, 785:156, Screenshot_2021_09_03_Q_Re….png)



>filter orcs and announce it

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9f4d7b  No.14514873


texas has no state income tax. Licensing fees, user fees, and property taxes and local sales taxes are super high and very variable

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20a751  No.14514874

File: bb9f62472742b70⋯.png (113.55 KB, 323x408, 19:24, Pepe_he_s_right.png)


>if there were some other site address or something in the coding then yes it would be foolish

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156ccf  No.14514875


>99.7% survival rate + natural immunity = no thanks

but what about your horses?

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7ab6af  No.14514876


>why did Nixon literally call it 'hanky-panky'

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2a047a  No.14514877

File: 253f684b0cfe391⋯.png (568.28 KB, 746x720, 373:360, pepe_you_mad.png)

TFW some shills are upset that anons found a work-around for the images…

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a0a60d  No.14514878



>Report any threats of violence immediately and filter

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d5c209  No.14514879

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

the tale of two dogs

"Inside of me there are two dogs. One of the dogs is mean and evil.

The other dog is good. The mean dog fights the good dog, all of the

time." When asked which dog wins, he reflected for a moment and

replied "The one I feed the most."

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d7200d  No.14514880


But wait, there is more.png

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7ab6af  No.14514881


>never thought I'd miss her

she big

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807ede  No.14514882


Property Taxes = Tax money. Artificially inflating (through various convoluted methods) property values increases property taxes = more tax money.

In the 70s, people were losing their houses due to property values soaring and taxes going up accordingly, many of whom had houses paid off but then had their houses seized for unpaid taxes that had skyrocketed.

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0490bf  No.14514883

File: acf44d6cfe11da7⋯.png (263.29 KB, 451x440, 41:40, had_to_say_it.PNG)


Enoch's News Blast, [03.09.21 05:55]

[Forwarded from Mindy Robinson]

[ Video ]

Despite a super majority of voters, parents, and teachers being against forced vaccinations, the corrupt board members of Clark County Nevada passed it through anyway. Our “elected” officials are all corrupt and taking orders from somewhere else.

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20a751  No.14514884

File: 154d15597c9f67d⋯.jpg (35.09 KB, 600x450, 4:3, choose_carefully.jpg)


>the tale of two dogs

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e2b3ab  No.14514885



Agreed. That list I did is being widely spread. Hate to call it viral…kek SO its going covid.

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9c7d42  No.14514886

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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7ab6af  No.14514887


>is a sham claims cheesehead

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f43914  No.14514888

Isn't Jim in a gag order currently?

which means by turning the images off he is following the order, doesn't matter what anons do, he is not responsible.

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eb979c  No.14514889








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d01e22  No.14514890

File: 9819aa9233d9eba⋯.jpg (123.76 KB, 803x525, 803:525, GOOD_SERVICE.jpg)



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3f31eb  No.14514891


>Clinical trials assessing ivermectin tablets for the prevention or treatment of COVID-19 in people are ongoing

Clinical trials assessing the vaccines for the prevention or treatment of COVID-19 in people are also ongoing

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7ab6af  No.14514892



display bodies req'd

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0490bf  No.14514893

File: cdcad607341540e⋯.png (98.38 KB, 449x554, 449:554, ny_bank.PNG)


Disclose.tv, [03.09.21 06:23]

JUST IN - New York Fed suspends its GDP tracking model as U.S. economic growth craters.



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9c7d42  No.14514894

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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38a76d  No.14514895


Agree fully

Q mentioned this

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9f4d7b  No.14514896


Notable- hopefully that shift doesnt include lefttard marxist indocrinators

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2ba168  No.14514897


Property tax is such a scam. Where I live, half of it goes to pay for the corrupt Socialist Public School System, that squanders the money. Schools are money pits, and they are always crying for more money. They all have a bunch of overpaid administrators.

The rug needs to be pulled out from under the Socialist Public School System and the corrupt union that calls itself the NEA (Nat'l Education Assoc.)

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20a751  No.14514898

File: 8c1633b2667cfb8⋯.jpg (88.08 KB, 640x517, 640:517, eaglememe.jpg)


>Isn't Jim in a gag order currently?


>which means by turning the images off he is following the order, doesn't matter what anons do, he is not responsible

for illegal memes? kek.

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9c7d42  No.14514899

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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f4396c  No.14514900


A Look At Scientific Evidence Suggesting Face Masks Damage Your Health

Scientists have found significant impaired thinking or concentration after only 100 minutes of mask use, correlating significantly with reduced blood oxygen levels in the test subjects.

As mask mandates and habits return across the United States, clear and convincing scientific data from before and after 2020 suggest masking has negative health consequences that outweighs its utility.

Earlier this year, a group of German doctors and biomedical scientists looked at the available data on the negative health effects of face masks, published both before and during the COVID-19 outbreak, as catalogued in the U.S. federal government’s biomedical database, PubMed. They found significant evidence of “relevant, undesired medical, organ and organ system-related phenomena accompanied by wearing masks,” with “clear, scientifically recorded adverse effects for the mask wearer.”


Violations of Informed Consent

The Food and Drug Administration defines and regulates face masks as medical devices when used for protection against COVID-19. A year and a half into the pandemic, significant medical information that face masks may pose serious health and safety risks is now available.

Certainly, medical information promoting the safety and utility of wearing face masks is also available (mostly limited to studies on wear times of an hour or less), but doctors must provide patients with all significant medical information. Instead, information about the negative health effects of face masking is mostly limited to medical literature. The public remains uninformed, its consent overruled by mandates.

Given the known health risks of masking, the courts should apply the doctrine of informed consent to mask mandate challenges. Other ways to fight against masking in court, like product liability lawsuits against mask manufacturers, should also be considered by enterprising libertarian lawyers. May a thousand class actions bloom, and may we all get the right to breathe free.

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ec299c  No.14514901


>but I've always wondered if there is some kind of list that certain of us get put on?

No shirt!

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7ab6af  No.14514902


>4th Amendment

this took too damn long

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4806a3  No.14514903

File: 1f10a9377d031ac⋯.gif (2.65 MB, 320x240, 4:3, 1f10a9377d031acf889fa89702….gif)


.gif check

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f097aa  No.14514904


see what you did there

assessing ivermectin assessing the vaccines

have a "Trump won" meme


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0490bf  No.14514905

File: 01f0c992dcf0e0f⋯.png (668.51 KB, 717x679, 717:679, axis.PNG)


China Forms ‘New Axis of Collaborators’ With Pakistan and Taliban, Former US Commissioner Says

By Frank Fang and Jan Jekielek September 3, 2021 Updated: September 3, 2021

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156ccf  No.14514906



is NASA a total scam, Anons?

~1 billion dollars a day cost to taxpayers

WTF have we gotten out of muh space stuff?

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2a047a  No.14514907


.gif files work, and animate without clicking…

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f097aa  No.14514908

File: c9c7bb91f6629c3⋯.jpg (247.17 KB, 2019x1027, 2019:1027, _20210822_202613.JPG)

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7ab6af  No.14514909


Nurmemeburg Code

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192f0b  No.14514910

File: f333c42c670aa63⋯.mp4 (14.07 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Anons_thank_you_3.mp4)

>>14514575 Thank you anon!





I updated my hosts file to include; sys.8kun.top 8kun.top media.8kun.top media.8kun.top media.8kun.top media.8kun.top media.8kun.top media.8kun.top sys.8kun.top 8kunsys 8kun.top 8kuntop nerv.8kun.top 8kunnerve softserve.8kun.top 8kunserve media.8kun.top softserve.8kun.top softserve.8kun.top 8kun.top sys.8kun.top media.8kun.top softserve.8kun.top 8kun.top media.8kun.top softserve.8kun.top 8kun.top softserve.8kun.top softserve.8kun.top softserve.8kun.top

Also, I added this code >>14514575 to User JS in options on this page in place of the one I put in yesterday without the .jpg?

Holy Q Batman, now I can see both jpg and png.

I took this out, >>14514594 which I had added a short while ago, at the end of the other code here >>14514575 cuz it kept refreshing and it took me three tries to write this. kek. Plus, now I don't seem to need it atm.

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eb979c  No.14514911

File: 981a0b452c28712⋯.mp4 (730.6 KB, 244x480, 61:120, UK_Police_make_a_COVID_Hea….mp4)


vid check

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0490bf  No.14514912

File: 343a34ee3a23654⋯.png (24.52 KB, 591x205, 591:205, cali_students.PNG)

File: 5254784c524edd0⋯.png (475.81 KB, 964x966, 482:483, newsome.PNG)


Why is Gavin Newsom begging Joe Biden to come campaign for him when California students remain trapped in Afghanistan?

5:31 AM · Sep 3, 2021

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9c7d42  No.14514914





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f43914  No.14514915


>for illegal memes? kek.

thinking more with the AZ audit or something

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20a751  No.14514916

File: ae6eb6074b058f2⋯.jpg (36.34 KB, 480x600, 4:5, 122430363_2693684600962411….jpg)

File: 6f2b5c524cd5233⋯.jpg (63.53 KB, 600x595, 120:119, 6f2b5c524cd523317caf739a54….jpg)


>A Look At Scientific Evidence Suggesting Face Masks Damage Your Health

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99ddca  No.14514917


Use JPG not PNG so I can see yours.

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1ad0df  No.14514918

File: 2eff75aaa2d511a⋯.png (460.09 KB, 782x632, 391:316, ClipboardImage.png)



I know we can't see pics now, but this is for posterity! Kek!

So many memes can be made of this!

I'd put stumbling joe back there along with legs in the air harris!!!

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2f52c1  No.14514920

File: b94ff8221372fad⋯.jpg (89.69 KB, 973x673, 973:673, Ivermectin.jpg)


>A COVID testing facility in Colorado reveals the con behind the panic

Poison Americans w/vax, save Immigrants w/Ivermectin–


"How long has CDC has been recommending “horse dewormer” for immigrants to the US? (to treat for nematodes)"


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d71f99  No.14514921



Wait it out like the rest of us.

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29d834  No.14514922


She over values herself and liberal women, good men will not be rapists, but radical women wants them to be. This is s sick world anons. Ps: it didnt work the last time they tried to do this, they are running out iof ammo, because their arguments are seriously retarded!

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f4396c  No.14514923


Border Officials Seize Counterfeit FBI Badges From China.

September 3, 2021 Natalie Winters

U.S. Customs and Border Protection officials have seized several counterfeit Federal Bureau of Investigation and Drug Enforcement Administration badges shipped from China.

As an agency press release notes, “officers at the Chicago International Mail Branch (IMF) recently seized several packages all arriving from China that contained counterfeit Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) badges.”

In the following week, Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officials busted additional shipments containing over two dozen counterfeit DEA badges.

“These counterfeit badges could have led to disastrous consequences if our officers had not found them,” said LaFonda Sutton-Burke, Director of Chicago CBP’s Field Operations. “Criminal organizations could have used these badges for their illicit activity under the guise of federal agents. Our CBP officers were able to identify these very realistic counterfeits and stop them from reaching their destinations.”

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192f0b  No.14514924


Mp4 still not working tho.

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9c0d28  No.14514925

Mayorkas: DHS has deployed nearly 400 employees from CBP, Coast Guard, TSA, and other agencies, to assist in the [Afghan refugee] vetting process. We have shipped hundreds of biometric screening machines to the transit countries.

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f4396c  No.14514926


>Use JPG not PNG so I can see yours.

For me jpg, png and gifs work fine.

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d8e732  No.14514927


Not an Anon here.

What is a Theme and where and how do you add

this code?

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29d834  No.14514928


Wow if that was the goal, they dont know us, if I want to see a pepe i go in my picture catalog. It does cheer me up

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ec299c  No.14514929


What about cautions of (deadly, if need be) self defense for all the violence and deadly bottlenecks towards death, being coerced and forced upon We people by rotten fucking government?

Can We find, do We need, is there a better way. to help people distinguish between these two very different descriptions of “threat” vs. hopefully helpful caution?

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0490bf  No.14514930

File: 2f3158a933948ab⋯.png (158.86 KB, 599x650, 599:650, lib_work.PNG)

File: 37e5228bc7f9856⋯.png (393.1 KB, 595x374, 35:22, more_know.PNG)


If you’re a parent and have the resources, pull your kids from public schools. https://americanmind.org/memo/get-your-kids-out-of-public-school/

Quote Tweet

Libs of Tik Tok


· Sep 1

Activist teacher shows off book collection she uses to indoctrinate 3rd grade students

Show this thread

12:30 AM · Sep 3, 2021

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20a751  No.14514931

File: 706700d1f1bde9a⋯.jpg (435.79 KB, 1600x1080, 40:27, Gladiator_trump_Fraud_Viti….jpg)


>>for illegal memes? kek.

>thinking more with the AZ audit or something

Like this one? So nasty, so ban-able….

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d01e22  No.14514932

File: 03af6a582d6a87e⋯.jpg (217.24 KB, 822x608, 411:304, FORWARD.jpg)

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a0a60d  No.14514934

>use our java script

Don't let other anons drive you. Jim turned off images for a reason and circumventing it is causing risk when you circumvent the risk mitigation.

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2a047a  No.14514935


Top right corner of browser click "options"

left side of popup "User JS"

paste in script



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346924  No.14514936

























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7ab6af  No.14514938


>painfully sharp dig on Buell-buddies

ebot too mean

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99ddca  No.14514939


Post the user js you're using please.

I've noticed there are a few flavors of it now.

Perhaps the one I currently have doesn't do PNG.

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0490bf  No.14514940

File: ffa85ac8a604930⋯.png (1.16 MB, 994x635, 994:635, drain_the_swamp_meme.PNG)

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4806a3  No.14514941


nope… comes up & spins

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29d834  No.14514942


Yes and its satanic

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2ba168  No.14514943


Their logic (or lack thereof) is circular. They are always chasing their own tails.

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f43914  No.14514944



it's really the only conclusion I can come up with logically of why he would have a gag order

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7ab6af  No.14514945


ur hurtan mee

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9f6d00  No.14514946

“The CDC is Now Listing Vaccinated COVID-19 Deaths as Unvaccinated Deaths if They Die Within 14 Days of the Vaccine” – Dr. Simone Gold

This surprises no one. The CDC is again bastardizing results of COVID and now vaccine statistics.

Our medical community is officially corrupt.

Last year we reported that only 6% of all Coronavirus deaths were related to COVID itself. Handfuls of fake factcheckers claimed we were wrong.

We were later proven correct by the CDC itself.

Now the CDC is monkeying with numbers and measurements related to COVID again. According to the CDC, any individual deaths who die from the COVID vaccine are not considered deaths related to the COVID vaccine if they die within 14 days of taking the vaccine.

If anyone trusts the CDC after all they have done with measurements related to COVID and the vaccines, they are foolish.


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0490bf  No.14514947

File: ca621305b7e74a1⋯.png (113.11 KB, 449x722, 449:722, in_work_place.PNG)


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9c0d28  No.14514948

Mayorkas: Our goal is to move the vulnerable Afghan Nationals out of military bases, and have them resettle successfully in the community, as swiftly, and safely, as possible

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0490bf  No.14514949


The Library, [03.09.21 06:25]

BREAKING: Following my reporting on American Express Corporation's race reeducation program, former employee Brian Netzel has initiated a lawsuit against the company, alleging that he was fired for voicing opposition to critical race theory in the workplace.

Game on, @piv4law. https://t.co/yxp9yrHKsz

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d8e732  No.14514950



That little piece of info is useful.

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d71f99  No.14514952


>less than 1/2 had been spent, 8 years later: https://oig.dot.gov/library-item/38460…

>10:51 PM · Sep 1, 2021·Twitter

More importantly, where did the "released or requested" funds go?

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64c405  No.14514953


A pen that writes upside down.

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129e77  No.14514954

File: 2bbfd8583f926ae⋯.png (4.29 MB, 3503x1764, 3503:1764, ClipboardImage.png)

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29d834  No.14514955


So they are not going to announce the demise of the economy for Bidan?

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eb979c  No.14514956


slow to load?

but right click open, can play

and when u save, make sure to change ending to mp4 or whatever

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433cac  No.14514957



updated ivermectin human list

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d8e732  No.14514958




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9f6d00  No.14514959

Another FBI Manufactured and Funded Operation in the Works? Fake News Media Warns “Extremists” May Attend Sept 18 Rally in DC

In October 2020, the FBI announced during a press conference that it thwarted a plot by a so-called “right-wing militia” to kidnap and kill Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer and overthrow the state government.

We now know the FBI used at least 12 informants (with only 6 defendants) in the Michigan Whitmer kidnapping case and hatched the plot. And we know that the FBI told at least one informant to lie to frame the defendants in the case.

The FBI informants-agents actually helped hatch the kidnapping plot which means there would be no conspiracy case without the FBI. The FBI even paid for it.

One FBI informant organized all the meetings early on and paid for hotel rooms and food to entice the patsies.

It is illegal for FBI informants to hatch plots and encourage violence — but the FBI is a lawless organization today under Director Chris Wray.

On January 6th we also know the FBI was running informants and operatives in the crowd that day.

And now intelligence agencies are warning that “extremists” may attend the September 18th rally in support of the Jan. 6 political prisoners in Washington DC.

The FBI must be back to their old tricks.

What a corrupt organization.

** If you are planning on attending the Sept. 18th rally in Washington DC — FILM ANYTHING SUSPICIOUS. Make Sure you have your phone and camera ready and confront anyone acting suspiciously.


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156ccf  No.14514960

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2f52c1  No.14514961


>wat else for win to show images?

go to options


User JS



var links = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('a'))

var imageLinks = links.filter(l => /.*media\.8kun\.top.*/ig.test(l.href))

imageLinks.forEach(link => {

var n = Math.floor(Math.random() * 77777777777) + 1

var href = `${link.href.replaceAll("media.","sys.")}?n=${n}`

var imgs = link.querySelectorAll('img')

imgs.forEach(i => i.src = href)

link.href = href



Without any spaces from what's already there and click


Works for JPG images but you have to refresh often– gl

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2b7645  No.14514962

File: 80a61c3f54698f8⋯.mp4 (1.12 MB, 498x480, 83:80, There_s_a_lot_of_bad_thing….mp4)

9.3.21: The FINAL STAGE! The moms and dads are FIGHTING for their CHILDREN! Hold the LINE! Pray!

"There's a lot of Bad Things Coming!"

This New AWK has my blood pressure up.



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20a751  No.14514963

File: afd835f9530f887⋯.png (343.43 KB, 500x500, 1:1, real_fraud_vitiates.png)


>it's really the only conclusion I can come up with logically of why he would have a gag order

Why not Two gagging masks?

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3f31eb  No.14514964

Remington subpoenas school records of children and adults killed in Sandy Hook mass shooting

Remington, the gunmaker being sued by several families of Sandy Hook victims for wrongful death, has issued a subpoena to get the academic, attendance and discipline records of five first-grade students who were killed during the 2012 mass shooting. The gunmaker also issued a subpoena for the employment files of four educators who were killed.

The subpoena pertaining to the five deceased students specifically requested "application and admission paperwork, attendance records, transcripts, report cards [and] disciplinary records," according to court documents.

"The records cannot possibly excuse Remington's egregious marketing conduct, or be of any assistance in estimating the catastrophic damages in this case," the plaintiffs' attorney Joshua Koskoff said in a statement to CBS News. "The only relevant part of their attendance records is that they were at their desks on December 14, 2012."


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f9b52c  No.14514965

Are we still on the twitter server in NYC,

or did we go back to darpa server in Switzerland?

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99ddca  No.14514966




For example when I go to another tab and try to get this Anon's PNG to load it comes back with a 404.


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29d834  No.14514967


Money laudering, politicians grabbed it. Chris Christie first subject to investigate. When he hugged O, everyone knew-anyone that was smart

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ec299c  No.14514968

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f097aa  No.14514969


>agencies, to assist in the [Afghan refugee] vetting process


>have them resettle successfully in the community, as swiftly, and safely, as possible

what could go wrong?

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f43914  No.14514970

File: ca227fa3b5738da⋯.png (342.6 KB, 820x678, 410:339, ClipboardImage.png)



but going through his gab if it where because of the audits then he would've deleted his gabs

so who fucking knows what's going on

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d71f99  No.14514971


Sounds like a story I heard about 18 months ago.

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d01e22  No.14514972

File: d27f9f6925cb238⋯.jpg (174.69 KB, 794x554, 397:277, HEDGE_HOG.jpg)



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807ede  No.14514973


At this point I don't even care if someone flashes a real or fake FBI badge. The response is "Go Fuck Yourself, get a warrant."

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f4396c  No.14514974



var links = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('a'))

var imageLinks = links.filter(l => /.*media\.8kun\.top.*/ig.test(l.href))

imageLinks.forEach(link => {

var n = Math.floor(Math.random() * 77777777777) + 1

var pieces = link.href.split('/')

var filename = pieces[pieces.length-1]

var [hash, extension] = filename.split('.')

var href = `${link.href.replace("media.","sys.")}/${hash}.jpg?n=${n}`

var imgs = link.querySelectorAll('img')

imgs.forEach(i => i.src = href)

link.href = href



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0490bf  No.14514975

File: cb083c925232a5b⋯.png (542.29 KB, 902x599, 902:599, prevent_able.PNG)

File: 6440d703718afb8⋯.jpg (193.74 KB, 1291x834, 1291:834, fire_s.JPG)



California Wildfire Devastation Was Entirely Preventable Through Proper Land Management

The apocalyptic wildfires wreaking havoc across California on an annual basis are entirely preventable.

By Tristan Justice


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9f6d00  No.14514976